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Slightly Insane Anarchists 005

Written By:Red Mage [#005]
This file, no matter what the contents of it is, is strictly
for informative purposes only, so you will be ready. I would
not suggest you try anything in here, unless you are willing
to pay the consequences. If anything occurs to you, in no way
is the writer of this file, or SiA in any factor responsible.
Remember this disclaimer as you read through the file, Enjoy.
First you'll need a pipe about 1 1/2 inches thick, a empty co2
cartridge and a whole lot of match heads. First take hammer and bash one end.
Of the pipe down so it's sealed. Next drill a hole in that side of the pipe.
Now take the co2 cartridge and drill through that little hole in it. Make sure
co2 cartridge is empty or it will explode in your face. Now take a whole bunch
of match heads and stuff it into the cartridge. Take a fuse and put it into
It sticks out of the hole. Put the cartridge in the pipe now so the fuse part
is pointing toward the sealed end of the pipe. Take some pliers and pull the
the fuse through the hole of the pipe. Now you are ready to fire this baby.
Hold it so the recoil won't slam into you and fire it away.