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Silicon Times Report Issue 1222
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Silicon Times Report
The Original Independent OnLine Magazine"
(Since 1987)
May 31, 1996 No. 1222
Silicon Times Report International OnLine Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
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STR Electronic Publishing Inc.
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R.F. Mariano, Editor
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05/31/96 STR 1222 The Original Independent OnLine Magazine!
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From the Editor's Desk...
Memorial Day was a glorious weekend. maybe we should be on four day work
weeks altogether? Ten hours a day four days a week sounds pretty good to
me. After all, I'm at it from about half past six in the morning to about
the same in the evening. The thirty two bit version of Word Perfect is
shipping from the fine hands of Corel. Within the next few weeks we'll have
a full review for you.
Times are definitely changing, the computer memory gouge of a year ago
is disappearing and the prices of Pentiums and Pentium Pro chips are becoming
more sensible with every passing week. If the goals of a computer in every
home is ever to be reached it has to be sensibly priced. This business of
there being cost efficient "dumb terminals" available with people paying a
fee to a centralized data and file base is an outrage and in my humble
opinion, nothing more than a dodge put together by the control freaks in
Washington DC. Of course its thrice removed, but still reeks of that type of
Comdex is right around the corner. Stay tuned we'll have all the latest
for you.
Of Special Note:
STReport is now ready to offer much more in the way of serving the Networks,
Online Services and Internet's vast, fast growing site list and userbase. We
now have our very own WEB/NewsGroup/FTP Site and although its in its early
stages of construction, do stop by and have a look see. Since We've received
numerous requests to receive STReport from a wide variety of Internet
addressees, we were compelled to put together an Internet
distribution/mailing list for those who wished to receive STReport on a
regular basis, the file is ZIPPED, then UUENCODED. Unfortunately, we've also
received a number of opinions that the UUENCODING was a real pain to deal
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directly from our very own SERVER & WEB Site. While there, be sure to join
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STReport Headline News
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World
Compiled by: Dana P. Jacobson
White House Eyes Net Security
A White House draft proposal would ask Internet users to give the government
the digital "keys" to their computers in exchange for more security when
doing business online. "The plan would help ensure secure online
communication, which is essential if the Internet is to become a commercial
marketplace," commentsAssociated Press writer Elizabeth Weise.
At the heart of the plan is a call for development of an encryption system to
let individuals, companies and universities alike transact business online
through a security "protected by an unbreakable code," Weise says. "In
return, however," she notes, "the government wants possession of the
encryption 'keys' that are necessary to decipher the code. Otherwise, it
fears terrorists and other criminals might use such codes without fear of
getting caught. The encryption keys would be available to law enforcement
authorities, who could obtain them via a warrant in the same way they now
can tap telephones." Ah, and there's the rub.
Some are saying the online community simply won't give up that kind of
control, while others contend a central "bank" of key codes would become the
ultimate target for computer vandals, "like a big bull's-eye," said Marc
Rotenberg of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in New York. With the
release of the draft policy paper by the Office of Management and Budget on
Tuesday, the Clinton administration hopes to roduce within six months a
report on how to move forward with the security plan.
As Weise notes, the best online security method yet devised is a mathematical
system called public key cryptography. (In public key systems, a
mathematical process generates two related "keys" for each individual -- one
public, one secret. A message encrypted with one key can only be decrypted
with the other.) The White House proposal contends that to enjoy such
security, users would have to place their private keys in a depository
accessible to the government. Law enforcement authorities would then be able
to read a user's encrypted messages and documents.
"Up until now," AP observes, "the government has restricted the sale of these
codes to the United States for reasons of national security. The government
fears such codes could be used against American military or government
operations. To end the restrictions, the White House proposal calls for inter-
government agreements in which foreign countries would keep copies of their
citizens' keys and the United States would keep copies of Americans' keys."
Weise notes governments would be able to access keys in other countries
during investigations by making requests similar to today's extradition
Study Asks Encryption Reg Change
A new study commissioned by Congress suggests the United States should relax
-- but not eliminate -- export controls on data-scrambling encryption
technologies. Reporting for the Dow Jones news service, writer Scott Ritter
notes the 18-month study says the government would be wise to promote
widespread use of technologies designed to thwart computer vandals and
electronic eavesdroppers.
As noted, U.S. companies currently are barred from exporting strong
encryption software, a policy the computer industry says could cost it
billions of dollars in losses to foreign competitors. The research,
conducted by a committee of the National Research Council at the request of
Congress, was paid for by the Department of Defense and the Commerce
Committee Chairman Kenneth Dam, professor of American and foreign law at the
University of Chicago, told the wire service, "Our committee's broad
conclusion is that the wider use of cryptology will support personal privacy,
U.S. business, law enforcement and national security interests, even though
information-gathering for law enforcement and national security purposes may
become more difficult. Thus, we believe that federal policies should promote
rather than discourage the use of cryptography."
As reported, earlier this month Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., introduced
legislation to lift export restrictions on the technology, a measure that
has support from GOP presidential candidate Robert Dole and Commerce
Committee Chairman Larry Pressler, R-S.D. "Meantime," notes Ritter, "the
White House has offered a couple of different approaches to end the
restrictions, including a so-called 'Clipper Chip,' which would put the code-
breaking key in the government's hands. Another proposal would give the key
to an electronic escrow agent; the government would have to obtain a search
warrant to get the key. Neither proposal has been embraced by the computer
Agent Says Net Increases Threats
The Internet -- and the access it gives people to the White House - has added
to the investigations of the U.S. Secret Service, the agency that watches
out for threats against the president, according to at least one agent.
Reporting from Sioux City, Iowa, The Associated Press quotes Special Agent
Kevin Greba as saying, "With companies online and the way things are today,
anybody can send a message to the White House. This has become a problem for
AP says Secret Service agents interviewed students at a Sioux City middle
school last week as part of an investigation into a computer message a
student sent to the president. In charge of the agency's office in Omaha,
Nebraska, Greba said agents have determined the student's message was not a
real threat, adding his agency investigates all incidents to determine
whether or not they pose a real danger. Greba said the Omaha office alone
investigates cases involving computer messages every month or two.
Online Threat May Lead to Charges
A Texas college student may be extradited to California to face charges for
allegedly threatening a state senator over the Internet. Sacramento,
California, officials have charged 19-year-old Jose Saavedra with making "a
terrorist threat" against California Sen. Tim Leslie in messages he sent to
environmental and political discussion groups berating the senator's support
of a failed March ballot measure removing specialprotection for mountain
According to United Press International, "One of the messages read, 'I think
it would be great if (Leslie) were hunted down and skinned and mounted for
our viewing pleasure.'" The wire service says Saavedra was arrested earlier
this month in El Paso, Texas, and spent 16 days in county jail before being
released on bond this week. His attorney said they will fight the
extradition proceedings.
UPI reports that if Sacramento officials are successful in bringing Saavedra,
a University of Texas at El Paso freshman, to trial in California, he could
face up to three years in prison and fines up to $5,000. Meanwhile, Sen.
Leslie, who describes himself as an "Internet junkie," told reporters he is
concerned such messages will prompt others to take similar actions,
especially since the Internet is read by millions of people around the
world. "What's so sinister about using the Internet," he said, "is now
everyone is privy to it. People all over America are discussing my death
The wire service reports some have said Saavedra did not mean the message as
a threat and simply used inappropriate language, but Sen. Leslie disagrees.
"It's a lesson people on the Internet need to learn," he said."There are
limits. And if they cross those limits, they'll be arrested, jailed and
brought to trial."
Computers at War a Concern
More than 120 governments are developing techniques for crippling enemy
defenses by disrupting computers in wartime, U.S. senators have been told.
And congressional investigators say computer vandals have demonstrated the
threat by stealing secrets from Air Force air combat laboratory computers two
years ago and now are trying to get into U.S. military computers about
250,000 times a year.
Speaking before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations earlier
this week, director Jack Brock of the congressional General Accounting
Office said, "Terrorists and other adversaries now have the ability to
launch untraceable attacks from anywhere in the world. They could infect
critical systems with sophisticated computer viruses, potentially causing
them to malfunction," he said.
Asked if the 120 countries believed to be working on the war techniques were
primarily advanced industrial nations, Brock said the National Security
Agency knew who they were but that the information is classified. Also Brock
testified that a 16-year-old British boy and another computer intruder who
was never caught stole order messages from the Air Force's Rome Laboratory
in New York that commanders would send to pilots in air battle operations.
The invaders "also took control of the Air Force computers, using them to
obtain information from NATO headquarters and South Korea's Atomic Research
Institute," Reuters reports. The vandals could have created an
international incident, the senators were told, if it had been North Korea's
nuclear institute that was involved because Pyongyang would have believed the
U.S. Air Force was sneaking into its computers.
Brock also said GAO investigators found many U.S. Defense Department programs
for detecting attacks on computers were poor, training was inadequate and
attacks were often not reported even when detected.
BBS Sysop Gets Another Sentence
California computer bulletin board system owner Robert Alan Thomas, convicted
of distributing pornography after images were downloaded in Tennessee, now
has been sentenced to more time in Utah, where a judge rejected claims of
double jeopardy. Reporting from Salt Lake City, Utah, The Associated Press
says the 40-year-old Milpitas, California, man was sentenced to 26 months in
federal prison and fined $50,000. The sentence will be served concurrently
with his prison term in Tennessee.
Says AP, "The Utah authorities said they acted on a citizen's tip before
downloading 16 images from the same computer system of naked and semi-naked
minors that a Memphis postal inspector used to build a case against Thomas in
Tennessee." Thomas' attorneys argued the second prosecution amounted to
being tried twice for the same offense, adding the criminal charges should
focus solely on the board's operation, not on each time a customer logs on.
However, U.S. District Judge Bruce Jenkins rejected the argument, and Thomas
pleaded guilty to one count of supplying child-pornography to undercover
officers in exchange for 15 others being dismissed. Said Judge Jenkins,
"While it was the same bulletin board, it was different events. Different
events, different consequences."
Thomas and his wife, Carleen, are serving 32-month prison sentences for their
convictions last year in a much-publicized Tennessee case involving images
of men and women engaging in sex acts with animals. As noted, the case is
believed to be one of the first in which the prosecution took place in the
locale where the materials were received, rather than where they originated.
AP says none of the images in the Utah case depicted sexual acts, but,
according to federal prosecutor Richard Lambert, all were accompanied
bygraphic and explicit descriptions making it clear they were intended as
"Free-speech advocates," notes AP, "said the precedent threatens to replace
the Supreme Court's longstanding 'local community standards' test for
pornography with a new 'anything offensive to anyone anywhere' standard that
could hobble the rapidly growing Internet." Meanwhile, Thomas attorney Tom
Nolan told the wire service the double jeopardy issue likely will be raised
in an appeal to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.
As reported, the 6th Circuit in Cincinnati already ruled against the
Thomases, upholding their Tennessee convictions in January. "That ruling,"
AP reports, "said every individual community can judge for itself
theobscenity of material downloaded from computer bulletin boards - no matter
where that board is based."
Software Safeguards Net Graphics
Maximized Software Inc., an Irvine, California, software publisher, says it
has come up a software module that protects copyrighted graphics from
Internet piracy. The company's SiteShield product takes a "look but don't
touch" approach, says Ken Spreitzer, Maximized's president. The software
allows webmasters to identify target pages or images for protection against
downloading to a user's disk.
"Our product addresses the commercial basis for Internet Web sites, as
opposed to public domain material," says Spreitzer. "This encompasses high-
profile images such as Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny, original Web- page
graphics and catalogs of artists and photographers, to name a few examples.
SiteShield is plug-in module for Web server software from companies such as
Netscape, Microsoft and The Apache Organization. Maximized Software was
founded by Spreitzer in 1992. Before establishing Maximized, Spreitzer
achieved industry fame as author of the original Uninstaller for Windows, a
program that automatically removes applications from Windows PCs.
Kodak, Microsoft Team on System
A new imaging technology designed to rastically speed up the editing and
transmission of pictures by computer reportedly is in the works in a deal
between Eastman Kodak Co. and Microsoft Corp. Writing in The Wall Street
Journal this morning, reporter Wendy Bounds says, "With the new technology, a
file format that lets computers interpret data that make up images, users
can manipulate and send images between computers via the Internet and other
She notes what while similar technology already exists and Kodak is a late-
comer to the game, "existing formats are often considered slow and
cumbersome for the average consumer." Says the paper, "Kodak therefore will
aim its technology and marketing muscle at these consumers -- such as real-
estate agents, advertisers, even the average picture-taker -- who are
frustrated by the delays that now exist in working with images on computer."
The new technology, called "Nifty," aims to save time, writes Bounds, "by
applying preliminary changes to only the low-resolution version of the
picture, as opposed to the more complicated high-resolution version, which
takes up more memory. Once the picture has been completely modified, whose
changes are then applied to the high-resolution final version. The Journal
looks for Microsoft to announce a software application to usethe format,
noting that Microsoft chief Bill Gates, through his closely owned Corbis
Corp., recently has acquired or licensed the rights to a great number of
still-image archives including the New York-based Bettmann Archive and
Philadelphia Museum of Art, which one day could be used with the Nifty
technology. Hewlett-Packard Co. also is expected to support Nifty.
MCI, Microsoft Team Online
MCI Communications Corp. and Microsoft Corp. said today they are working
together to create standards- based audio and document conferencing services
over the Internet through Microsoft's new NetMeeting communications and
collaboration software. In a joint statement, they said NetMeeting will make
audio and document conferencing via the Internet "as easy as a phone call,
and workgroup collaboration as effective as being in the same room."
The software promises to enable more than two people to share any existing
Windows operating system-based application across the Internet or corporate
LAN, enabling them to review and edit documents. Also, says the statement,
NetMeeting's "whiteboard" and "chat" capabilities will enable Web users "to
conduct meetings withillustrations, text and comments, and ultimately with
the enhancement of value-added video and audio in the same application."
Cable Modem Market Set to Soar
Internet surfers seeking faster ways to access information will fuel the
cable modem market, with unit shipments expected to grow 92 percent this
ear, according to new research from Dataquest Inc. The modem market is
heating up as new technologies make higher-speed alternatives to analog
modems a reality, says Dataquest. Cable modem vendors, teamed with cable
operators, have a real opportunity to penetrate the consumer base of the
remote LAN and Internet access market, adds the market research firm, based
in San Jose, California.
"However, ISDN is taking off, and XDSL is around the corner," says Lisa
Pelgrim, industry analyst in Dataquest's telecommunications group. "XDSL
runs on existing telephone lines and will be a real competition for cable.
The most compelling reason to use a cable modem is speed, but speed alone
won't be enough to win the battle. Cable companies should take advantage if
their unique situation of being a content provider and offer innovative new
services in adition to basic Internet access."
Dataquest forecasts that the cable modem market will reach 25,000 units in
1996, and will grow 220 percent in 1997 when unit shipments are expected to
reach 80,000 units.
Oracle Loses Top NC Executive
Just as it is preparing to launch its new Network Computer, Oracle Corp. has
lost the top executive and the chief technologist behind the new device.
The departure of Andrew Laursen, vice president of Oracle's network
computing division, comes only days after Oracle announced that the product
is ready. Laursen is leaving to join a San Francisco area start-up company
called Unwired Planet Inc., which reportedly is working on wireless Internet
A source close to the situation told the Reuter News Service that Laursen was
approached by UnWired months ago. Laursen's office at Oracle said he is on
vacation until next Thursday, but confirmed his resignation. Laursen has
been in charge of developing the NC, an under-$500 stripped-down computer
whose main function would be surfing the Internet.
As reported earlier, Oracle recently announced endorsement from scores of
company of the NC standards. Oracle plans to license software technology it
developed for making these machines to hardware makers. Oracle has said it
already had 2 million orders from telephone companies.
"The same day," notes Reuters, "Oracle announced the creation of a separate
subsidiary Network Computer Inc. but it did not name Laursen as its chief.
Instead Jerry Baker, a senior vice president, was named its
Apple Unveils New Mac Performa
Apple Computer, Inc. has unveiled the latest and fastest member of its home
computer line. The new Macintosh Performa 6320CD sports a 120MHz 603e
PowerPC microprocessor, 16MB of RAM and a 1.2GB hard drive. Other features
include an AppleCD 600i 4-speed CD-ROM drive, a 28.8K bps internal modem, 16-
bit stereo sound and an integrated TV/video system that allows users to
connect to external video sources and capture images as well as view
television programming.
"The Performa 6320CD is designed with the sophisticated home user in mind,"
says Didier Diaz, director of product marketing for Apple's Performa line.
"These customers typically have children running multimedia- rich education
and entertainment titles and they may work out of their home, or bring work
home, and thus have demanding productivity and communications needs. They
want their computer to be powerful, versatile and provide lasting value." A
total of 16 preinstalled software titles and 15 CD-ROM titles are bundled
with the system. The Performa 6320CD is priced at $2,599.
Wireless Net Access Test Begins
Testing has begun in Washington on the first Internet-access product
delivered by a wireless television company, says CAI Wireless Systems Inc.
The company notes that the new service uses high-speed wireless modems that
are capable of rapidly downloading to customers' computers full-motion video,
audio and data at speeds almost seven times faster than the fastest
telephone-based modems at costs that are competitive with other commercial
Internet access providers.
CAI plans to develop similar systems in its other markets throughout the
northeastern U.S. The wireless Internet service sends information to
terminals at a rate of 10M bps, nearly seven times the rate of today's
fastest T1 telephone lines, which transfer data at 1.5M bps. By year's end,
CAI expects the data transfer rate to nearly triple, reaching 27M bps, as
wireless modem technology advances. The system's return path receives
information from customers through traditional telephone lines.
CAI's service utilizes multichannel multipoint distribution system (MMDS)
technology, which transmits microwave signals over the 2GHz radio band. CAI
says MMDS allows superior signal transmission with fewer disruptions than
other wireless technologies transmitted at higher frequencies, which are more
susceptible to obstructions such as foliage and environmental concerns such
as rain.
"Our Internet access service is lightning-fast," says John J. Prisco, CAI's
president. "Anyone frustrated with the agonizing delays associated with
surfing the Internet using telephony-based providers will be amazed with our
product. And because it is wireless, it has the potential to quickly reach a
much larger customer base, particularly in outlying areas where traditional
cable has yet to be installed, at much more affordable installation costs."
CAI, based in Albany, New York, operates six analog-based wireless cable
systems in Albany; New York; Rochester, New York; Philadelphia; Washington;
and Norfolk/Virginia Beach, Virginia. CAI also has a portfolio of wireless
cable channel rights in eight additional markets, including Long Island, New
York; Buffalo, New York; Syracuse, New York; Providence, Rhode Island;
Hartford, Connecticut; Boston; Baltimore; and Pittsburgh.
HP Announces School Grants
Hewlett-Packard Co. says it has awarded $540,000 in grants to six U.S.
elementary school districts to help them improve how they teach science.
Each school district will receive $30,000 annually for up to three years to
develop "hands-on" science programs in which students learn by conducting
experiments and studies, rather than just by reading textbooks and listening
to lectures.
The school districts are Sunnyvale Elementary, Sunnyvale, California;
Cheyenne Mountain/Lewis-Palmer, Colorado Springs, and Weld County, LaSalle,
Colorado; Meridian, Idaho; Lawrence, Massachusetts; and Arlington
Independent, Arlington, Texas. All of the districts are near an HP sales or
production operation. A local HP scientist or engineer will help each
district implement its program.
Nearly 40 school districts in eight states, serving more than 170,000
students, have received grants worth more than a total of $3.1 million since
HP began its Hands-On Science Program in 1992. The program was developed with
help from the National Science Resources Center, a Washington, D.C.- based
organization sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution and the National
Academy of Sciences to improve the teaching of science and math in the
nation's schools.
Study: Consumers Want Integration
Consumers are looking forward to the benefits of home automation and
integrated consumer electronics products, finds a new survey issued by the
Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association (CEMA). Energy conservation,
entertainment and cost savings are all important considerations to the
survey's participants. Most participants showed interest in a variety of
integrated systems using the PC, telephone, TV or other electronic product to
control or monitor the home network. Half of the people surveyed are aware of
home systems technology and would like to connect their telephone answering
machine, PC, electronic home
security system and home stereo to an integrated system.
A large group, more than 70 percent, indicated they would want the system to
include connection to their TV and VCR. Roughly 60 percent indicated
interest in purchasing products with the capability to tie in to a home
system. Convenience in entertainment was the top issue with many of those
surveyed. Fifty-two percent said they would be interested in being able to
watch a rented movie on any TV in the house from a single VCR; 61
percent said they would like to be able to watch cable or satellite TV on any
TV in the house. Thirty-one percent indicated that the main function of an
integrated system in their home would be entertainment.
"The study shows consumers are interested in -- and willing to pay for -- the
integration of electronics in their homes," says John Galante, the CEMA's
director of integrated home systems. "They want the increased convenience,
energy conservation, security and just plain fun and excitement that results
from tieing the products together." The nationwide study consisted of a
telephone survey of 850 consumers.
Gates Sees PC Prices at $500
Bill Gates predicts the price of personal computers eventually will fall to
around $500, but that the machines will provide far more power than the so-
called network computer being touted for exclusive online computing.
Speaking in Boston at a Harvard University conference on the Internet, the
Microsoft Corp. CEO said the computer industry is divided over whether the
PC will be replaced by the network computer, which will perform many of the
same functions as a PC but with less hardware by using the Internet.
Reporter Michael Ellis of the Reuter News Service quotes Gates as saying he
thinks technology is advancing to the point where the price of PCs could
fall to around $500, about the same price envisioned by many proponents of
the network computer, including Oracle Corp. and Sun Microsystems Inc. Says
Gates, "I think PCs will get less expensive. They've got to get down to, say,
even $500.
The market to date has opted for more power at the same price. As the
absolute power gets to a certain level ... then eventually the marketplace
will move a lot of that innovation into lower prices." He added the debate
over PCs versus network computers will be better defined once network
computers finally become commercially available. "There's going to be a key
milestone to come, though, which is when they actually make one," he said to
laughter. "At that point, we'll be able to look at it and say, well, what did
they take away."
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Beta Now Available
ú Provides Superset of Today's Popular Web Browser Functionality;
ú Leaps Ahead With Next-Generation Platform for Active Web Content via
ActiveX Technologies
REDMOND, Wash. - May 29, 1996 - Microsoft Corp. today announced the
immediate, worldwide availability of Microsoftr Internet Explorer version 3.0
beta software, the next generation of its popular World Wide Web browser and
the first to support ActiveXT technologies. For users, Microsoft Internet
Explorer 3.0 provides a dynamic browsing experience for viewing content
created in Java, JavaScript, NetscapeT Plug-ins and HTML extensions as well
as content created with ActiveX technologies and HTML 3.2 extensions. For
developers and webmasters, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 introduces a
comprehensive, next-generation architecture for creating active Web content,
bringing Internet capabilities beyond the browser to applications and
operating systems. The software is available now for no charge (other than
the cost of downloading) over the Internet at the Microsoft Web site, .
"Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 is a step ahead of the pack," said Brad
Chase, general manager in the Internet platform and tools division at
Microsoft Corp. "It is the first and only Web browser that gives people
choices about how they surf the Net. With a single click of the mouse, they
can download Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 free of charge and access
cutting-edge Internet content for the ultimate Web experience."
Next Generation in Active Content Best Viewed
With Microsoft Internet Explorer
The new open architecture in Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 supports the
full use of programmable, active Internet content and applications.
ú ActiveX controls. With ActiveX, developers can build Internet
applications by writing ActiveX controls that users can download from the
Internet and run in Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0. ActiveX controls create
unlimited possibilities for what users can do on the Internet. These cross-
platform software components include the thousands of existing ActiveX
controls (formerly OLE controls), Java Applets and new ActiveX controls,
such as the ActiveMovieT API.
ú ActiveX Documents. Users can open richly formatted documents, such as a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, directly in the browser. They can use the power
of the application to view and edit the data directly.
ú ActiveX Script. With native support for Visual Basicr Script and
JavaScript, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 provides the most comprehensive
and language-independent script capabilities. Microsoft Internet Explorer can
be extended to support additional scripting languages such as REXX, CGI and
PERL. Web page designers can plug any scripting language into their HTML code
to create interactive pages that link together ActiveX controls, Java Applets
and other software components.
ú Java Applets. In the next beta release, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
will ship with Java Virtual Machine, which includes the Microsoft Just-In-
Time Java compiler. Thus, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 will provide a very
fast way to run Java applications. Additionally, Java application classes are
exposed as ActiveX controls under Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, allowing
Java applications to talk to other Java applications, ActiveX controls and
operating system features such as multimedia audio and video elements.
ú HTML enhancements. Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 provides the broadest
support of any browser for HTML standards, including HTML 3.2. This support
includes that for borderless and floating frames, style sheets and tables. By
embracing and extending HTML 3.2, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 offers
unprecedented ease of use and flexibility for developers, and legibility for
ú Integrated multimedia support. Web pages come alive with Microsoft
Internet Explorer 3.0 through built-in multimedia support and ActiveX
multimedia controls, including ActiveMovie, providing playback of popular
video and audio formats on the Internet. Support is enabled for efficient
playback of MPEG audio and video, .AVI files, QuickTimer, AU, .WAV, MIDI and
AIFF formats.
Developers can use ActiveX technologies to add rich functionality for many
types of applications, including interactive multimedia elements, vertical
market solutions and more.
"ActiveX technology is our choice for providing online commerce controls to
our customers," said Gerry Bakker, president of CDI. "Microsoft Internet
Explorer 3.0 provides access to the rich content that ActiveX makes
Exciting New Communication, Collaboration and Personalization Capabilities
In addition to enabling next-generation Web content, Microsoft Internet
Explorer 3.0 also provides users with a host of new features for an easier-to-
use and more personalized Internet experience:
ú NetMeeting conferencing software. Microsoft NetMeeting, also announced
today, offers next-generation communication and collaboration features.
NetMeeting makes voice and data communications over the Internet as easy as a
phone call, and real-time workgroup collaboration as effective as being in
the same room. NetMeeting offers multiuser application sharing and whiteboard
and chat capabilities. Because it supports international standards, two or
more people can participate in real-time interactive conferences even when
separated by countries or continents.
ú Internet Mail and News. Microsoft Internet Mail and News, a small, easy-
to-use, lightweight e-mail client and news reader, is targeted toward
customers looking for a simple way to communicate using SMTP and/or POP e-
mail and NNTP news. Based on its support for international character sets,
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 is the only Web browser that enables people
to read Web pages composed in other languages.
ú Secure conversation and commerce. Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 is the
first browser to support the safe downloading of code and controls, providing
"shrink wrap" for the Internet. With support for SSL2/3, PCT 1.0 and client
and server authentication, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 provides the
widest set of technologies for keeping conversations private. Microsoft
Internet Explorer 3.0 will also add support for the secure electronic
transactions (SET) specification, enabling secure commerce as soon as the
specification is released.
ú Customizable home page and administration kit. Microsoft Internet
Explorer 3.0 offers a range of ways to customize Internet viewing, including
custom organization of the toolbar, favorites folder and home page. For
example, users can set their home page to download favorite stock quotes,
news, movie times and more so that the information they want is available the
moment they log on. The Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit
(IEAK), also announced today, is a new tool that allows corporate information
service managers, Internet service providers and Internet content providers
to create customized versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer for distribution
to their customers and end users.
ú Content Advisor. This release also marks the first implementation of a
Platform for Internet Content Selection-compliant (PICS) rating system.
Microsoft Corp. and the Recreational Software Advisory Council (RSAC) joined
efforts to build technology to advance parental control over Internet access
and content. Together, RSAC's rating system adapted for the Internet (RSACi)
and the Microsoft Content Advisor feature make it possible for parents and
others to set access to Web sites based on industry-standard ratings of their
content. Microsoft and RSAC worked with industry leaders to develop a
solution based on the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C's) Platform for
Internet Content Selection. For more information on available parental
control software solutions, visit
"The Recreational Software Advisory Council teamed with Microsoft to develop
a solution that lets consumers decide, based on their beliefs, what material
is appropriate for themselves and their children," said Stephen Balkam,
executive director of RSAC. "The RSACi system enables parents to set levels
of nudity, sex, language and violence, and to effectively screen out
offensive material."
Microsoft Introduces Internet Explorer Administration Kit;
Cross-Platform Solution Lets Corporations, ISPs, Others
Easily Customize Web Browsers
Microsoft IEAK to Be Distributed Without Charge to 700 ISPs Licensing
Microsoft Internet Explorer; Also Available at No Charge to Corporate
Customers, ISPs, ICPs
REDMOND, Wash. - May 29, 1996 - Microsoft Corp. today announced the
Microsoftr Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK), a new tool for the
popular Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser that allows corporate
information service managers, Internet service providers (ISPs) and Internet
content providers (ICPs) to create customized versions of Microsoft Internet
Explorer for distribution to their customers and end users. The Microsoft
IEAK is another of the extensive suite of offerings available with Microsoft
Internet Explorer. Other components recently announced include Microsoft
Internet Mail and News, and Microsoft NetMeeting Internet conferencing
The company will distribute the kit without charge to the more than 700 ISPs
who licensed Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0. Microsoft has also made it
available at no charge to all other qualified ISPs, ICPs and corporate
customers; it can be downloaded at The cross-
platform solution supports the creation of master diskette and CD-ROM
versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer for the Windowsr 95, Windows NTr
Workstation and Windows 3.1 operating systems and is scheduled to be expanded
within 60 days to support diskette and CD-ROM distribution for Appler
Macintoshr platforms. The CD-ROM version also includes the no-charge Internet
Assistants for Microsoft Office applications for Windows 95.
"With the Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit, corporate IS
managers, ISPs and ICPs can customize Microsoft Internet Explorer to meet the
need of their audience," said Brad Chase, general manager in the Internet
platform and tools division at Microsoft. "This is a great tool for companies
to use to point customers and users to informative sites on the Web or the
corporate intranet that they may not have known about."
By stepping through an easy-to-use software wizard, Microsoft IEAK users can
easily customize the Microsoft Internet Explorer start page, home page and
favorites folder to reflect the specific needs of their organization and end
users. ISPs are given the option of participating in a second level of
customization, which allows them to co-brand Microsoft Internet Explorer with
their company logo in the animated flag section of the browser and add their
company name to the title bar.
"The Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit makes a great product
even better for our customers by allowing us to preset Microsoft Internet
Explorer so customers have easier access to valuable information," said Mark
Chestnut, vice president of sales and marketing at Northwest Nexus. "We will
be adding interesting local sites to the favorites menu, which is a feature
our customers love."
The Microsoft IEAK Wizard also walks ISPs through the process of creating
customized end-user sign-up programs that they can freely distribute to users
in more than 10 languages. Microsoft is the only company that offers Web
browser distribution at no charge and with a high level of customization.
"Asia On-Line is the fastest growing online service in Asia, and we need to
serve customers in different countries," said Tom C.K. Yuen, chairman of Asia
Communications Global, the parent company of Asia On-Line. "The combination
of customization features and unparalleled international support makes
Microsoft Internet Explorer a perfect browser for our needs."
This release of the IEAK adds an additional component for distributors and
administrators to include as part of their offerings - the beta version of
Microsoft Internet Mail and News. Microsoft Internet Mail and News is a
small, lightweight e-mail client and news reader targeted toward customers
looking for a simple way to communicate using SMTP/POP e-mail and NNTP news.
The IEAK allows for the customization and automatic setup of these services
by allowing administrators to preconfigure the names of servers before
distributing the software.
Corporate IS managers can use the Microsoft IEAK to preset the Microsoft
Internet Explorer start page and search page to servers on their corporate
intranets. Various departments in the company can have their servers added to
the favorites folder. When Microsoft Internet Explorer is then distributed
throughout the company, users have easy access to all the corporate
ICPs, software developers, Web publishers, PC manufacturers and consumers are
all accelerating their adoption of Microsoft Internet Explorer, making it the
world's fastest-growing Web browser as well as the only Web browser localized
and available in 23 major languages and for all major Windows and Macintosh
More than 8,000 developers have already created Web sites optimized for
Microsoft Internet Explorer, and that number continues to climb by 350 sites
each week. Many of the leading PC manufacturers - more than 80 - ship
Microsoft Internet Explorer preinstalled in their Windows 95-based PCs.
(STReport's WEBSite is optimized for Internet Explorer 3.0)
Microsoft NetMeeting Conferencing Software Provides
Easy Voice, Data Internet Communications; Available on the Web Now
Standards-Based, Multiuser Software Enables Easy, Effective Workgroup
More Than 20 Leading Companies Delivering Interoperable Products
REDMOND, Wash. - May 29, 1996 - Microsoft Corp. today announced that its
NetMeetingT communications and collaboration software, in conjunction with
the Microsoftr Internet Explorer version 3.0 beta software, is available
today worldwide to download at no charge (other than the cost of download
time) from the World Wide Web. NetMeeting is the Internet's first real-time
communications client that includes support for international conferencing
standards and provides true multiuser application-sharing and data-
conferencing capabilities. NetMeeting makes voice and data communications
over the Internet as easy as a phone call and workgroup collaboration as
effective as all participants being in the same room. NetMeeting is another
element of the suite of offerings available with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
"Talking and working together in real time will clearly be the next big thing
on the Web," said Brad Chase, general mananger in the Internet platform and
tools division at Microsoft. "Microsoft NetMeeting supports application
sharing and conferences among more than two people, and international
standards for the broadest possible interoperability. It literally is as easy
as making a phone call."
Application Sharing and Multiuser Capabilities Set NetMeeting Apart
Unlike other Internet conferencing software, the application-sharing
capabilities in NetMeeting allow two or more people to simultaneously share
virtually any existing Windowsr operating system-based application across the
Internet, a corporate LAN or the public telephone network, enabling business
professionals and their clients around the world to review and edit documents
without leaving their offices. Any participant in a conference can remotely
view and control shared applications, enabling remote presentations,
telecommuting or Web-based customer service. NetMeeting's whiteboard, chat,
file transfer and shared-clipboard features allow groups of people to conduct
meetings, share information, and jointly annotate diagrams, text and comments
in a shared workspace.
NetMeeting supports international standards, allowing two or more people to
participate in real-time, interactive conferences even when separated by
NetMeeting's Internet telephone capabilities allow point-to-point voice
conversations anywhere in the world for the cost of an Internet connection.
The User Location Service (ULS) provides a mechanism for users of NetMeeting
to locate other people on the Internet, even if their Internet addresses
change. A sample of the ULS can be found at
"Audio and data conferencing enables our design centers to collaborate on new
product designs, which increases productivity and speeds the release of new
products," said Roy Arild, a design and characterization engineer at Cypress
Semiconductor. "Support for international standards is a critical
prerequisite to make conferencing an integral communications tool."
Unmatched Support for Standards to Spur Interoperable Web Conferencing
Microsoft NetMeeting is the first software shipped on the Web to support
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standards for multiuser data
conferencing, facilitating a truly interoperable multivendor Internet
conferencing world, including multipoint servers, videoconferencing systems,
secure firewalls, room conferencing systems, interactive whiteboards and
other third-party products. NetMeeting currently supports open, international
standards from both the ITU and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
The ITU T.120 data conferencing standard enables real-time multiuser
collaboration and file transfer over the Internet, intranet or telephone
network. NetMeeting also supports the Realtime Protocol (RTP) from the IETF,
used to transmit and synchronize real-time streams over the Internet.
"Apple is committed to supporting international standards, including T.120
and H.323, for conferencing and collaboration over the Internet," said Carlos
Montalvo, director of the Interactive Media Group at Apple Computer Inc. "Our
support for these standards is a key element of our strategy for ensuring a
robust environment for conferencing and collaboration over the Internet
between Macintoshr and Windows-based platforms."
Industry Building Products Interoperable With NetMeeting
NetMeeting is based on the ActiveXT technologies conferencing platform,
announced in March at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference -
Building Internet Solutions, with support from over 120 companies. Developers
can easily add conferencing capabilities to their products using a software
development kit that is also available on the Web.
"The Internet continues to grow by leaps and bounds, both in the number of
users and the availability of new applications such as the Microsoft
NetMeeting Internet conferencing software," said Philip Knell, president and
general manager of networkMCI Conferencing. "MCI plans to deliver multipoint
Internet conferencing services compatible with NetMeeting."
More than 20 companies are today announcing shipping or planned delivery of
conferencing products and services that are compatible with NetMeeting (see
attached list).
Microsoft NetMeeting is available now along with the beta version of
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, and can be downloaded without charge from
the Microsoft Web site at
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in
software for personal computers. The company offers a wide range of products
and services for business and personal use, each designed with the mission of
making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full
power of personal computing every day. Microsoft, NetMeeting, ActiveX,
ActiveMovie and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks
of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries. Netscape is
a trademark of Netscape Communications Corp. QuickTime is a registered
trademark of Apple Computer Inc. ObjectShare.120 is a trademark of VTEL Corp.
LiveShare, LiveLAN and Live100 are trademarks of PictureTel Corp. ProShare is
a trademark of Intel Corp. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple
Computer Inc.
For online product information:
Microsoft Internet Explorer Web page:
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STR Editor's Mail Call "...a place for the readers to be heard"
Editor's MailBag
Messages * NOT EDITED * for content
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 13:48:58 EST
Subject: Yessir I'm voting for Dole!!
Message-ID: <>
X-Mailer: Juno 1.00
X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 22-23,30-31,36-38
From: (Ron E Quinn)
In reference to your editorial in the April 5, 1996 issue of the Silicon
Times Report: I disagree with your assessment that just because we know
Clinton after 3 yrs. in office, we should keep him. That makes absolutely no
sense. The devil himself could be the president, but I wouldn't want to keep
him just because we know how evil he is. You said you would vote for Dole
if he had a running mate that was strong on Human Rights, so that leads me
to think that you are pro-life. If not, then you should be because the
ultimate loss of Human Rights is murder, and that's what is being done every
time an abortion is performed. Anyone that doesn't think that abortion is
murder is sadly mistaken. I get tired of hearing women advocates say that
they don't want the government controlling them. I am all for individual
rights, and I think the government has it's fingers in many things that it
shouldn't. A bumper sticker I once saw says it all "I am for the rights of
all women, including the unborn". I was totally shocked when Clinton was
elected as president. It is truly embarrassing to me. It says a lot for
the morales of our society that we could elect a man to our highest office
that cheated on his wife for several years. Yes, I know he is human and
should be given a second chance because we all make mistakes. But the
problem with that thinking is that he should be a model for the rest of us.
Our children should be able to look up to him and say "I want to be just like
him". If one of my kids said that, I would be inclined to wash their mouths
out with soap! Yes, I agree that Dole should pick his running mate
carefully. I just hope he doesn't jump on the band wagon and select Colin
Powell. Powell is for two issues I disagree with, pro abortion and
affirmative action. Yes, I said affirmative action. I am against all forms
of discrimination, including that one. We can't atone for the past, and I
never owned a slave, and what makes you think that just because I am white,
that my ancestors weren't slaves or persecuted in other ways.
Anyway, after straying from the point. I just want to clarify that we should
not vote for Clinton just because he is an evil that we have learned to live
with. Look at what Dole stands for, and if you can't go for him, look at
the other candidates, or write in your own, but l
et's not settle for Clinton.
Ron Quinn
As for voting for Clinton because he's "an evil we've learned to live
with" is a pretty broad intrpretation of what was said. But then, that's the
nature of the beast. What was meant, if not stated clearly enough was
simple. we know how Clinton operates and that's all it was meant to say. We
know he is not a sap for big business, Big Tobacco and every other BIG Dollar
making conglomerate as Bob Dole is. Also it meant to say watch out for the
Dole ticket as we still have no idea who his running mate will be. With Dole
in his seventies. odds are weare actually voting the running mate in as the
"next president". Do we "need' another "do nothing but pardon Nixon" Gerald
Ford?? I think not. Do we need another "gouge the little guy" Republican
like Ronnie ("I had nothing to do with Iran-Contra") Reagan? Again, I think
not. I must admit Clinton is nothing to write home about but up to this
point. he's our best bet for the little guys in this country and the health
of the nation. He isn't supporting the Tobacco giants (aka "Cancer
Merchants") like Robert Dole is.
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 09:43:46 GMT+8
Subject: Silicon Times Report.
Priority: normal
X-mailer: Pegasus Mail v3.22
Just wanted to tell U that the Silicon Times Report is a GREAT report. I'm
on the mailing list and I read every article. But one thing that REALLY
irritates me. Why don't U just send the WHOLE article thru the mailing
listserver ? It's a little big, but U can spread it into 2 mails. Having to
uudecode it, then PKUNZIPing it into a dir and then reading it is VERY
troublesome. It will be a lot easier if I just read the mail !
Hope U listen to my suggestion.
We're looking into modifying the method of sending out STReport at this
time. We should arrive at a solution very soon. Thank you for reading our
humble offering.
Apple/Mac Section
John Deegan, Editor
Apple Computer, Inc.
Press Release
Apple Announces Developer Release of MkLinux, Linux for Power Macintosh
Leading User-Supported Version of UNIX to be Available to Power Macintosh
WWDC, SAN JOSE. California--May 17, 1996--Apple Computer, Inc. announced
today that it is making available the Developer Release 1 CD of MkLinux.
Linux is a freely distributable version of UNIX. Apple, in conjunction with
the Open Software Foundation (OSF), has ported Linux to support a variety of
Power Macintosh products. MkLinux (Microkernel Linux) operates on the OSF
Mach Microkernel which will be running natively on the PowerPC
The Developer Release 1 CD is being distributed free to attendees at the
Linux session at Apple's World Wide Developer's Conference, being held in
San Jose this week. The Developer's Release 1 available this week will allow
software developers to use a pre-release version of the product, and provide
feedback to Apple for the final version.
In addition, Apple has authorized Prime Time Freeware ( to
publish Apple's reference release of MkLinux for the Power Macintosh. Prime
Time Freeware, a publisher of freely redistributable software for technical
and professional markets, has scheduled the release of "MkLinux: Mach/Linux
for the Power Macintosh" for September 1996. The product, retailing for U.S.
$50, will contain an installable version of MkLinux, source code, and
extensive documentation on Linux, Mach, MkLinux, and the Power Macintosh.
"Apple is supporting Linux as part of an overall effort to embrace more open
industry standards, particularly those popular in the Internet community,"
said Ike Nassi, vice president of Apple system software technologies. "This
software will be particularly popular with Mac users in higher education and
the scientific research communities."
With Linux, a student will have an extremely low-cost, yet high-performance
PowerPC-based UNIX system for personal use. Advanced research that requires
UNIX applications will now be possible on an engineer's personal Macintosh.
MkLinux for Power Macintosh adds a new UNIX alternative for PowerPC systems
to existing products such as AIX from IBM and MachTen from Tenon
Intersystems. This gives Macintosh users a range of options from a free,
user-supported UNIX implementation up to commercial, mission critical
solutions for large enterprises.
In keeping with the spirit of the Linux community, Apple is making the source
code for Developer Release 1 freely available on the Apple MkLinux web site
at This includes source code to the Mach
microkernel and the required Macintosh platform driver support. Developers
interested in MkLinux should check this web site for further information and
Price and Availability
The MkLinux for Power Macintosh Developer Release 1 CD will be distributed
free to attendees of the Linux session at Apple's World Wide Developer
Conference this week. The CDs will also be available from Prime Time Freeware
for U.S. $10 each. The reference release, "MkLinux: Mach/Linux for the Power
Macintosh", is scheduled for publication in September 1996 at a suggested
retail price of U.S. $50. Snapshots of MkLinux, along with updates, patches,
and late-breaking news, will be available on
Developers who cannot attend the Linux session at WWDC can obtain a Developer
Release 1 CD from Prime Time Freeware at (408) 433-9662, fax (408) 433-0727,
email: or web site at
Apple Computer, Inc., a recognized innovator in the information industry and
leader in multimedia technologies, creates powerful solutions based on easy-
to-use personal computers, servers, peripherals, software, personal digital
assistants and Internet content. Headquartered in Cupertino, California,
Apple develops, manufactures, licenses and markets solutions, products,
technologies and services for business, education, consumer, entertainment,
scientific and engineering and government customers in more than 140
Press Contacts: Julia Carey Apple Computer, Inc. (408) 974-4455 email:
Sandra Livinghouse Burson-Marsteller for Apple Computer, Inc. (408) 974-1109
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you are interested in receiving Apple press releases by
fax call 1-800-AAPL-FAX (1- 800-227-5329) and enter your PIN number. If you
do not have a PIN number, please call the Public Relations Hotline at (408)
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text "subscribe [your full name]" in the body of the message.
Customer Information Contact: If you are considering the purchase of an Apple
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1-800-462-4396 in the U.S. or 1-800-263-3394 in Canada. If you do not have a
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Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are registered trademarks and Mac is a
trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. registered in the USA and other countries.
All other brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of their
respective holders, and are hereby acknowledged. PowerPC and the PowerPC logo
are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, used under
license therefrom.
EDUPAGE STR Focus Keeping the users informed
Clipper 3 On The Drawing Board
Brokerages Announce Internet Plans
Online Banking Company A Hit On Wall
Apple Pushes QuickTime Standard
CERT For A Fee
Flat PC Screens Head For The Desktop
Compaq, Thomson To Build PC-TV
Northern Telecom Phones Get
Info-Highway Development In Canada
Prodigy Goes Global
Apple Pares Down
Philips Sees Green In Lasers
Hughes Dishes Up Data
PacTel Offers Internet Access
DSVD Modems That Talk To Each Other
Public Access Network In Peru
Programming Will Become Like
Web Magazine Suspends Publication
Africa, Technology, And Growth
Intel Video-Phone Technology For
Home PC
NCSA Hopes Habanero's Hot
Speedier Imaging From Kodak
Who's Minding The (Data) Store?
Wireless Cable Internet Access
Yahoo! Caves In On P&G Web Deal
Cable Modem Sales To Go Up, Up, Up
More Java Buzz
Who Will Teach The Teachers?
Can The Network Handle The Network
Cyberbooths For Walk-Up E-Mail
Microsoft's Browser Gets New
Bugs Bunny Caught In Trade Dispute
Interactive Week reports that the Clinton administration hasn't given up on
its plans to force technology companies to include some kind of electronic
key for decoding encrypted communications in their products. As in previous
Clipper proposals, the key would be stored with a third party, and law
enforcement officials need a court's permission to obtain it. The sweetener
in the current proposal, is that in exchange for approving the Clipper chip,
the administration would eliminate all limits on exporting U.S. encryption
technology. (Investor's Business Daily 22 May 96 A6)
Three of the largest financial services companies plan to spend about $1.5
billion this year to increase their presence on the Internet and upgrade
their electronic offerings. Charles Schwab & Co., Fidelity Investments and
Merrill Lynch & Co. each will use a different approach to incorporating the
Internet into their business plans. Charles Schwab says 20% of its business
already comes from electronic stock and mutual fund orders. Schwab will
expand that to include electronic payment capability, and predicts online
orders will "represent 30 to 40 percent of order entry in the next four to
five years." Merrill Lynch plans to offer online investment information as
well as access to banking services, stock quotes and account statements. "We
see our professionals as the ultimate search engines," says the company's
executive VP. Fidelity will spend much of its money on new technology and
computer systems. (St. Petersburg Times 23 May 96 E6)
The stock of the Security First Network Bank, which offers banking services
via the Internet, more than doubled on is first day of trading. One analyst
explained the excitement by saying that "some investors believe this
represents the future of banking." (Atlanta Journal-Constitution 24 May 96
As part of its revival, Apple Computer is hoping others will adopt some of
its technology products as standards. The reasons are obvious: "If your
standards get adopted, then others don't," says a Dataquest analyst.
Apple's candidates are QuickTime, Cyberdog and OpenDoc, but industry
observers are placing their bets on QuickTime, software used to blend sound,
video and other elements of multimedia programs. "I think it's pretty much
a slam-dunk," says an editor of a Macintosh research service. "Quicktime is
already an industry standard in multimedia authoring. And as the Internet
infrastructure develops, you'll see more and more rich content on the Web --
animation, sound and video. QuickTime is an engine that can be used to
synchronize these different media streams." (Investor's Business Daily 22
May 96 A6)
The Computer Emergency Response Team at Carnegie Mellon University has begun
offering its computer security services to subscribers who pay $25,000 a
year. The CERT Affiliates Program will respond to break- ins, and provide
training and consulting on computer system security. About 30 companies have
signed up so far, and CERT says it will continue to provide free but limited
incident response services to non-subscribers. Information Week 20 May 96
Liquid crystal display screens currently cost about five times that of a
similarly-sized cathode ray tube screen, but that should be changing over
the next couple of years, say LCD makers. Next year, major LCD vendors
expect to halve the difference, bringing prices down to two-and-a-half times
that of CRTs. Analysts say when the difference comes down to that point,
the desktop replacement market could really take off. "CRT replacement is
inevitable, it's just that in the near term there are a lot of hurdles," says
an analyst at Stanford Resources. "The place where it makes the most sense
are with large-screen LCDs." NEC recently unveiled a 20-inch high-resolution
LCD screen with wide-angle viewing designed as a "CRT-killer" according to a
NEC engineer. (Investor's Business Daily 23 May 96 A8)
Enterprising entrepreneurs are hoarding and leasing toll-free 888 numbers,
and the Federal Communications Commission is contemplating new rules to
crack down on the practice. Third-party number brokers applied for and got
numbers such as MAC-WEEK, WE ARE GM, etc. and now are pressuring the
companies' whose names they've appropriated for thousands of dollars up
front, plus royalties, to use the numbers. "It was suddenly like the Wild
West -- brokers went crazy," says a Washington attorney representing some of
the companies. One holder of 600 desirable numbers says, "We've had some
companies tell us this is foul play, blackmail, extortion. But my attitude
is, You want the number? Come and get it." (Business Week 27 May 96 p42)
Sun Microsystems is claiming industry support for its Simple Key Management
for Internet Protocol (SKIP) encryption and key management system for
allowing secure distribution of applets over private and public networks.
(Computer Industry Daily 24 May 96)
Compaq Computer and Thomson Consumer Electronics are teaming up to produce
devices that combine the functions of PCs and televisions, and plan to have
their first products out in a year or so. Compaq is the biggest PC seller,
and Thomson is the largest U.S. maker of TV sets. "What we have is two big
companies smelling a market and trying to figure out how to reach it," says
the president of a New York technology research firm. "Digital electronics
is moving very rapidly into the consumer space and it's very clear there
will be TV-PCs or PC-TVs in many forms. What's less clear is who will sell
them and where will they go in the house. There's a lot of market research
to be done." (Investor's Business Daily 23 May 96 A3)
Northern Telecom plans to incorporate Sun Microsystems' Java microprocessors
and software in a new class of inexpensive "smart" telephones designed to
double as Internet appliances. The move makes Northern Telecom the first
telephone manufacturer to license Java chips for its products. The chips
will be used in its wired PowerTouch phones and its wireless digital phones,
and customer trials should start next year. (Wall Street Journal 23 May 96
A Canadian government report called "Building the Information Society" urges
development of secure systems for buying and selling, transferring money and
protecting personal data, and outlines a plan for cooperation between public
and private sectors in order to accelerate the conversion to electronic
< > (, 23 May 96)
Prodigy's new owners, International Wireless and a group of Prodigy
executives, are planning to make the online service multilingual beginning
later this year. The first step will be a Spanish-language service that will
use content from Grupo Carso, a major shareholder in International Wireless.
An Asian service will also be operational by the end of the year and an
African version will soon follow, according to International wireless, which
already owns an online service in Africa. (Broadcasting & Cable 20 May 96
Apple CEO Gil Amelio has announced plans to trim the number of different
Macintosh models to about 40, which will help cut manufacturing costs and
consumer decision-making time. Says one user: "Any action to make it
easier for the buyer is great. There are too many choices, and that leads to
confusion." By year's end, every Mac shipped will include 12 Mb of DRAM for
better handling of graphics on the Web, and the company says all new systems
will feature more hardware and software extensions for easier Net
connections. (Information Week 20 May 96 p77)
Philips Electronics has figured out a way to use green lasers instead of red
to read data from a laser disk. Their shorter wavelength allows the green
lasers to read and write denser information, but in order to be practical
Philips has to solve their longevity problem. They need to last 10,000 hours
to be useful, and right now, they only last about four. (Business Week 27
May 96 p97)
An arrangement between Microsoft and Hughes's DirecTV will allow PC users to
tap into TV signals via Hughes's 18-inch dish antennas. Some newer PCs will
be equipped with receivers that decode the satellite signal, in much the
same way a set-top box does. The companies say in addition to DirecTV's 175
channels, they plan to offer interactive data services, such as the ability
to download sports statistics, selected Web pages, multimedia magazines and
information that complements TV shows. (Popular Science June 96 p47)
San Francisco-based regional phone company Pacific Telesis will offers its
customers Internet access at a range of prices topped at $19.95 a month for
unlimited usage. The company has engineered its network to deal with a high
volume of Internet traffic and has established 24-hour customer service
assistance staffed by Internet specialists. (Wall Street Journal 28 May 96
Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data modems (DSVD) can send voice and data
simultaneously over the same phone line, but the problem up to now has been
that the devices couldn't "talk" with DSVD modems made by a different
vendor. The International Telecommunication Union is planning to change all
that, and last month approved a new DSVD protocol to solve the
communications problem. DSVD modem makers are now looking at ways to
retrofit older devices already out in the workplace so that they'll conform
to the new standard. (Investor's Business Daily 28 May 96 A10)
The Peruvian Scientific Network, begun five years ago with seed money from
the United Nations Development Fund and now reaching 22,000 subscribers, is
the only cooperative network in Latin America that offers public use of
computers and is not financed by a government. A Peruvian political analyst
says that "the Peruvian network is the first to capture the true spirit of
the Internet and cyberspace because is provides access to everyone even if
you don't have a computer. It answers that troubling question about access
to new technology and whether the average person will be left out of the
technological revolution." For $15 a month the network offers public
access to the Internet along with a bank of computers and classes on network
navigation. (New York Times 27 May 96 p23)
Former Dataquest analyst Paul Cubbage predicts that "software will look more
like publishing. There's a huge well-spring of people who are willing to
develop software -- they just don't want to get into marketing and starting
a company. The Internet will be like cable TV: a huge monster that eats up
interactive content." (The Economist 25 May 96)
The Web Review < >, an online magazine targeted at
Web professionals such as site builders and administrators, has stopped
publication because advertising revenues are not covering costs. The
publisher indicated, however, that the publication would return in June if
5,000 readers would pay $19.95 for a six-month subscription, or $3.33 a
month, and pleaded: "Remember: You are voting on the future of the Web and
what you will find there. Web Review is not alone in having these problems."
(New York Times 28 May 96 C2)
Sub-Saharan Africa remains the least-connected place on earth, with almost
nothing in the way of phone lines, personal computers and Internet
connections. There is an average of one phone line for every 217 people, and
72 percent of the population lives in rural areas where, in some places like
Chad, that statistic becomes one phone for every 800 people. Computers are
almost nonexistent. A program director at the National Research Council
says: ''You find in Africa a total lack of computer culture. There are no
spare parts. There are no magazines. There's no PC World you can subscribe
to.'' And Larry Irving, head of the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration says: ''It's the same thing as not having a port
in the 1600s, or a railroad in the 1900s. So if your economy isn't
developing now, and you don't have access to the basic infrastructure of the
information highway, you won't grow.'' (San Jose Mercury News Mercury Center
27 May 96)
Intel says that hundreds of thousands of personal computers with video-phone
capabilities will be sold this year and millions more soon thereafter.
Using Pentium chips and compression software, the systems could transmit and
receive video and audio information simultaneously over standard phone lines,
with images at 4 to 12 frames a second. (New York Times 30 May 96 C2)
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of
Illinois, birthplace of the Mosaic Web browser, has developed another Web
application that it hopes will take the Web one step further - into
collaboration. Habanero -- named for the hottest chili pepper around -- will
allow users in different locations to access a Web site and perform real-
time group activities, such as editing or developing a spreadsheet. NCSA
will distribute the software free, just as it did with Mosaic, in the hope
that others will use the program to design their own collaborative
applications. (Wall Street Journal 30 May 96 B4)
Eastman Kodak has been working with Microsoft to develop a new imaging
technology called Nifty, designed to dramatically speed up the process of
editing and transmitting pictures via computer. The Nifty product enters a
crowded playing field, with other industry-accepted formats already
available, but observers think the company's partnership with Microsoft,
which will market a software application for Nifty, will be a big help in
garnering market share. The product works by applying editing changes
initially to a low resolution version of the high resolution photo. Once
all the editing has been done, the changes are made to the high-resolution
final version. (Wall Street Journal 29 May 96 B5)
Two online services are offering data archiving services, making it easier
for PC users to back up their files on a regular basis. McAfee Associates'
Personal Vault offers storage of up to 10 megabytes of data for $10 a month
using McAfee's $49 WebStor software. Subscribers can access the data an
unlimited number of times. Connected's DataSafe plans to charge $14.95 a
month to store 50 megabytes of material, and will also offer archival CD-
ROMs for $24.95 each. (Investor's Business Daily 29 May 96 A6)
CAI Wireless Systems, with the backing of Bell Atlantic and Nynex, is looking
to wireless cable technology to offer subscribers Internet access. The
company, which has a pilot program underway in the Washington, DC area,
plans to make the service commercially available in one or two markets by
late fall. CAI says its technology allows users to download data, audio and
video at rates seven times faster than most phone-based systems, but
skeptics point out that wireless cable systems require direct "line of sight"
access to customers' homes, which is often difficult to achieve in areas
with lots of hills, trees or buildings. (Wall Street Journal 30 May 96 B11)
Proctor & Gamble recently joined the madding crowd of companies advertising
on the World Wide Web, but it cut a better deal than most when it told
Yahoo! it would pay only when a user actually used its ad to click to P&G's
own Web site. Most companies pay based on the number of "eyes" that view
their ad, similar to the way TV and print advertising is priced. "People
think Yahoo! has put a stake in the heart of the industry," by agreeing to
P&G's terms, says a VP at Lycos, which turned P&G down. WebTrack Information
Services says only about 1% to 2% of Web ads are compelling enough for
viewers to want to investigate further. (Business Week 3 Jun 96 p44)
The research firm Dataquest expects high-speed cable modem sales to increase
by almost double from 1995's 13,000 shipments to 25,000 shipments in 1996,
with shipment levels predicted to reach 80,000 in 1997 and 900,000 by 2000.
(USA Today 29 May 96 1B)
Sun Microsystems announced several enhancements to its Java programming
software, including JavaOS, a Java-based operating system that can run on
pagers, telephones and other communications devices, and a technology called
JavaBeans, which will allow people to write applets from reusable parts that
will work with other applications programs. (Wall Street Journal 30 May 96
A consortium of education groups wants to recruit 100,000 computer-
knowledgeable teachers, each of whom would be willing to volunteer time this
summer mentoring five other teachers on how to use technology in the
classroom. < > (USA Today 30 May 96 1A)
With new companies every week enthusiastically endorsing the NC (network
computer) concept, some critics are cautioning the idea may not pan out.
First, there are the consumers: Gartner Group predicts that "the vast
majority of PC users will stick with PCs." And then there's the network
itself: "The concept of the network computer means you are putting a very
large burden on a very thin pipe," says a Gartner analyst. Some folks think
it's just another high-tech hype job: "The network computer is the logical
extension of Internet hype -- hype and mind share that is totally out of
whack with the value that it represents," says the director of managed data
services for CompuServe. (Investor's Business Daily 29 May 96 A6)
The San Diego-based software company Atcom/Info has developed public access
cyberbooths where travelers can log on to read their e-mail or surf the Web
in airports, hotels, convention centers, or other public spaces. A user
would enter credit card information to use e-mail systems such as AOL or
Netcom, at fees ranging from $3 for 7 minutes to $20 for an hour. (New York
Times 29 May 96 C5)
Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser is getting a new look. New
versions will include groupware software called NetMeeting, which allows PCs
in various locations to simultaneously work on the same applications program
for collaborative editing. In addition, will be capable of facilitating
audioconferencing over the Internet, a feature recently announced by
Netscape in its Navigator software. (Wall Street Journal 29 May 96 B5)
Explorer will also recognize the Recreational Software Advisory Council's
(RSAC) Web ratings that will allow parents to block Web sites rated as
having a high degree of violence, nudity, sex or objectionable language.
(USA Today 29 May 96 1D)
The wascally wabbit and his Looney Tunes friends have fallen victim to the
brewing China-U.S. trade war over software and film piracy. China's Central
Television, the country's main government-owned network, was scheduled to
start showing vintage pre-1950s cartoons, dubbed into Mandarin, beginning
Saturday, International Children's Day. Until a decision by the United
States on trade sanctions, the series and all other US-imported programs will
be banned from CCTV airwaves. (Toronto Globe & Mail 30 May 96 A10)
Edupage is written by John Gehl ( & Suzanne Douglas
Voice: 404-371-1853, Fax: 404-371-8057.
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Educom -- Transforming Education Through Information Technology
Kids Computing Corner
Frank Sereno, Editor
The Kids' Computing Corner
Computer news and software reviews
from a parent's point of view
In the News
Apple Announces Macintosh Performa 6320CD
Fastest Home Mac Yet
Apple has just announced the availability of the fastest Macintosh in the
Performa line-up. The 6320CD features a 120 MHz 603e PowerPC microprocessor,
16 MB of RAM, 1.2 gigabyte hard drive, quad-speed CD-ROM drive, v.34 modem
and a huge software bundle.
The software bundle includes productivity, educational and entertainment
titles including ClarisWorks, Quicken Special Edition, The American Heritage
Dictionary and Descent. This bundle will aid, inform and entertain new Mac
users for many years.
The complete system sells for $2599 and includes a 15" monitor, keyboard and
mouse, and System 7.5.3 preloaded. You can receive more information via fax
by calling 1-800-462-4396 in the U.S. or 1-800-263-3394 in Canada. U.S.
customers can call 1-800-538-9696 to locate their nearest Apple authorized
reseller. You can also visit Apple's Website at
Gryphon Software Signs New Licensing Agreements
San Diego's Gryphon Software has just signed licensing and publishing
agreements with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Comics. They
will use their proprietary technology to create new children's CD-ROM
software products.
The new titles will be based on characters from the animated television shows
"The Adventures of Batman and Robin" and "Superman." These Activity Centers
will feature puzzles, spelling and memory games. The Batman title will be
release during 1996 while the Superman program will be available in the first
half of 1997. Both programs will be available on hybrid-format CD-ROM's for
both Windows and Macintosh.
Microsoft Brings Online Learning to the Web
Microsoft is now making online training courses available via the World Wide
Web. The Microsoft Online Institute (MOLI) is available at Seven courses on Microsoft products are already
being taught. The online classes offer many features. Classes can be taken
whenever convenient. Online instructors are always available for real-time
online assistance. All classes are reasonably priced and browsing the
Website is free.
Pixar Announces Toy Story Reaches 100,000 Sales
In only 3 weeks of distribution, Pixar's first CD-ROM title, Disney's
Animated StoryBook, Toy Story, has sold more than 100,000 copies. This
program is the first to bring full-screen motion picture quality animation to
home computers. Based upon the Toy Story movie, the game allows children of
all ages to interact with Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the other toys in an
exciting storybook filled with games, puzzles and surprises. It is certainly
a hit in my house!
Powerhouse Entertainment Announces New Licensing Deal
The Little Golden Books series will soon be springing to life on home
computers on interactive CD-ROM storybooks. Among the featured titles are
The Sailor Dog, Right's Animal Farm, The House That Had Enough, The
Adventures of Goat, The Little Red Caboose and The Magic Paintbox. The
programs will feature reading exercises and fun activities. Powerhouse
Entertainment has been noted for its entertainment titles and this is its
first foray into educational programming.
Broderbund Releases $-saving Bundles
Broderbund Software has recently announced six new software bundles. Each is
guaranteed to educate and entertain your child. These bundles include many
award-winning titles. All bundles are Macintosh and Windows compatible.
The first bundle is the Learning Advantage Library 1. It is designed for
children ages 3 to 7 and includes four complete programs. The Playroom
introduces children to letters, numbers, phonics and time concepts. James
Discovers Math reinforces number recognition while introducing new concepts
such as measurement, estimation, sorting and shape recognition. It is filled
with video sing-alongs and fun activities. Carmen Sandiego Junior Detective
helps children develop memory and logic skills while exploring world
geography and sociology. Kid Pix Studio is an easy to use paint program that
allows young children to create beautiful art and stories. Suggested retail
price is $79.95.
The Learning Advantage Library 2 features four programs designed for children
ages 8 to 12. Logical Journey of the Zoombinis builds math and logic skills
as children solve interactive puzzles to lead the cute and lovable Zoombinis
to freedom. The Amazing Writing Machine helps youngster to write cohesively
and creatively by providing useful tools and encouraging writing in different
formats. Reading Galaxy builds reading comprehension and problem solving
skills as children are asked to answer questions based upon passages
excerpted from thirty children's literature classics. Finally, children will
learn more about U.S. geography by pursuing Carmen Sandiego and her gang in
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? Suggested retail price is $79.95 on
this package also.
For ages 9 and up, Broderbund is offering the Carmen Advantage Library. This
bundle includes Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Where in the USA is
Carmen Sandiego? and PC Globe Maps 'n' Facts. Children will learn about
world and American geography through these three titles. The Carmen Sandiego
titles also offer great gameplay and encourage logical thinking and deductive
reasoning. Two printed almanacs are included for solving hints in the
Sandiego games. The suggested retail price is again $79.95.
But that's not all that Broderbund is offering in summertime values. They
are also offering the Creative Advantage Library. This bundle consists of
only two titles, Kid Pix Studio and The Amazing Writing Machine. Kid Pix
Studio is an award-winning paint program that uses painting, animation, sound
and more so children can produce multimedia creations. The Amazing Writing
Machine encourages children to write in five different forms: story, letter,
journal, essay and poem. This bundle also carries a suggested price of
The final two bundles feature animated storybooks from Living Books. Each
Three for Me Library contains three complete storybooks that will help
children ages three to five to learn reading and vocabulary. Volume 1
contains Sheila Rae-The Brave, Just Grandma and Me and Little Monster at
School. Volume 2 contains The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight, Tortoise and
the Hare and Harry and the Haunted House. Each volume has a suggested retail
price of $59.95.
Frank's note:
Look in this section for upcoming reviews of James Discovers Math, Logical
Journey of the Zoombinis and Math Workshop. I am currently doing research on
these titles and I am very favorably impressed with all three. Full reviews
of all three titles should be done in the next two weeks.
Our Times
Dual-format CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh
ages 10 and up
Vicarious, Inc.
Three Lagoon Drive
Suite 300
Redwood City, CA 94065
Program Requirements
IBM Macintosh
OS: Windows 3.1, Windows 95 OS: System 7.1
CPU: 486 CPU: 68030
HD Space: 3 MB HD Space: 3 MB
Memory: 4 MB Memory: 4 MB
Graphics: 640 by 480 with 256 colors Graphics: 256
colors, 13" monitor
CD-ROM: Double-speed recommended CD-ROM: Double-speed
Audio: 8-bit Windows compatible sound card
Other: printer, mouse Other:
reviewed by Frank Sereno
Our Times is a multimedia encyclopedia of the Twentieth Century. It combines
over 52,000 articles, more than 2,500 images, numerous video segments and 120
minutes of narration into an entertaining history experience. Our Times is a
rich, intricately woven tapestry of life over the last ninety-seven years.
It is based upon the best-selling book, Our Times Illustrated History from
Turner Publishing.
The first feature of the program that I noticed was the deep bass voice of
James Earl Jones, the award-winning actor. His narration is a musical,
rolling thunder of depth and emotion. His voice is inspiring and intriguing,
a real listening pleasure.
The program features an easy-to-use point-and-click interface. You can click
on a decade graphic to journey to that particular decade or you can pick a
year on the timeline. Each decade features a video tour narrated by Jones, a
text essay and a selection of graphs and charts that show the important
trends of that decade. Each year has text with graphics devoted to various
topics including international news, science and technology, politics and
science and more. The text is laced with hypertext links to related
Our Times includes the complete text of the Columbia Encyclopedia. The
program has a great, quick search engine that can find related articles both
in the Our Times features and in the Columbia Encyclopedia section. Articles
can be bookmarked for later reading. The text and images can be exported for
use in word processors or they can be printed.
Our Times is an eclectic mix of prose and images. Many authors contributed
articles and essays so the writings are in many styles. This keeps the text
from becoming monotonous and boring. The program is a great research tool,
but even more it is very enjoyable to use. You can just browse it, jumping
from link to link at your whim. You'll be learning new facts much of the
time, but it won't be a labor. It's almost like surfing the best of the Web
without waiting for images and text to download. All in all, Our Times is an
entertaining and informative program on modern history that will be a welcome
addition to most home software libraries.
Portable Computers Section
Marty Mankins, Editor
Zenographics STR Focus
Zenographics SuperPrint 4.0
New Features
True 32-bit printing architecture. All the real printing work is done in
fully-preemptive multitasking Win32 modules, which means you'll be able to
work comfortably doing other things while your printer prints!
A completely new SuperQueue offers direct graphics file printing, print
preview, more control over print job processing, helpful job status
information (including job logging), and enhanced, bi-directional network
SuperQueue filters provide drag and drop printing capabilities: you can now
drag and drop a JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PostScript, BMP or SMF file and print
without the originating application. (See sample files for drag & drop
printing below.)
PostScript Level 2 support is available for your non-PostScript printer by
using either the ZScript PostScript language filter or by Masquerade-
generated drivers.
The Bitmap SuperDriver now generates JPEG and GIF files in addition to BMP,
Targa, TIFF, and DCX.
Automatic adjustments provide for the best image printing: for 8-bit
grayscale and 24-bit color images, SuperQueue image filters can perform
automatic adjustment of contrast and lightness. For many natural images,
these adjustments provide a dramatic visual result!
New models have been added to the Canon BJ (BubbleJet) SuperDriver, DeskJet
SuperDriver, Epson Stylus and LaserJet SuperDriver.
Adjust dot gain and hue values: We've included a useful testing procedure for
making dot gain and hue value adjustments. It consists of a test file for dot
gain, a test file for hue matching, and a Write file that explains how to use
them. The instruction file is located on the CD ROM in \UTILS\COLORFIX.WRI.
High End SuperDrivers
High End SuperDrivers (SuperDrivers for specialty devices such as film
recorders, plotters, dye-sublimation printers, etc.) for Windows 95 and
Windows NT will be developed soon after the release of Standard SuperPrint
4.0. Information on the availability of specific printer drivers will be
posted on our World Wide Web site:, The Microsoft
Network, go word: zeno, and our CompuServe Forum, GO ZENO.
To install a high end SuperDriver, begin by installing SuperPrint from the CD
ROM. When presented with the add printer window with the list of printers to
install, click Have Disk and insert the high end diskette.
Contrast Settings
SuperDrivers in SuperPrint 3.1 had typical default Contrast settings of 15%
to enhance image printing -- a one-size-fits-all approach that also caused
the loss of very light and very dark tones in other graphics. The new
SuperQueue's automatic contrast enhancements find the right contrast for each
image, so SuperPrint 4.0 defaults SuperDriver Contrast to zero to restore
very light and dark tones. If you print images from applications other than
SuperQueue, and the SuperPrint 4.0 image quality appears "flat" compared to
SuperPrint 3.1, try setting Image / Contrast to 15%.
Sample Files for Drag & Drop Printing
If you would like to try out the new drag & drop printing feature of
SuperPrint 4.0, we have provided sample files for you on the CD. The files
are located in the SAMPLES directory organized by file format. For example
you will find JPEG files in the SAMPLES\JPEG, GIF files in the SAMPLES\GIF
directory. Simply drag & drop one of them onto the appropriate SuperQueue
printer window. Print times should be remarkably quick. There is a very
large bitmap called GOODFACE.BMP in SAMPLES\BIG that is 18 MB: 2048x3072
pixels in full 24-bit color. While this file will print quickly using the
BMP filter, most imaging applications will handle it very slowly.
For CD-ROM users, we have also included "Artpack," a library of over 1,000
clip art images in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format. These files can be
imported into many word processing and desktop publishing applications. If
you have installed SuperQueue's ZScript filter, you can also view these
drawings and copy-and-paste them using the Windows clipboard to other
applications. More complete documentation can be found in
Development of "High End" SuperPrint 4.0
"High End" SuperDrivers for Windows 95 and Windows NT will be developed soon
after the release of Standard SuperPrint 4.0. Information on the
availability of specific drivers will be posted on our World Wide Web site:, The Microsoft Network, go word: zeno, and our CompuServe
Forum, GO ZENO.
Viewing & Printing the Documentation
The SuperPrint 4.0 manual is provided on disk in Microsoft Word 6 format. If
you don't have Word 6, Word Viewer can be installed from the CD to view and
print the documentation. On the CD, the file is \SP40\SP40.doc. On the
Documentation diskette, the file is SP40.DOC. Word Viewer may be downloaded
from Microsoft's World Wide Web site (
If you decide to print the SuperPrint manual, we suggest that you try
printing it "duplex," that is, using both sides of the paper. If your printer
does not have a duplexing feature, this can be accomplished as follows (this
procedure assumes a printer that outputs documents face down):
With the document loaded into Word or Word Viewer, first determine if the
total number of pages is even or odd. (This can be seen in the status bar at
the bottom of the window or by choosing File/Summary Info./Statistics.)
ú Choose Print from the File menu.
ú Make sure Page Range is All.
ú From the Print: drop-down list box at the bottom of the dialog choose
Odd pages.
ú Set any other options as needed, then click OK.
ú When printing of the odd numbered pages is complete, take the entire
output and place it back in the paper tray. Make sure the paper feeds so that
the unprinted side will receive the new pages and the top edges of the
printed (odd) side and new (even) side will correspond.
ú If the total page count is an odd number, remove the top sheet (this
should be the last page of the index).
ú Choose Print from the File menu.
ú Make sure Page Range is All.
ú From the Print: drop-down list box at the bottom of the dialog choose
Even pages.
ú Click the Options. button.
ú From the Print tab, choose Reverse Print Order and click OK.
ú Click OK from the Print dialog.
For printers that deliver output face-up, Reverse Print Order should be on
for both odd and even printing, and you should print the even pages first. If
the document is an odd number of pages long, you'll need to add a blank page
to the top of the stack before printing the odd pages.
Special Notice!! STR Infofile File format Requirements for
File Format for STReport
All articles submitted to STReport for publication must be sent in the
following format. Please use the format requested. Any files received that
do not conform will not be used. The article must be in an importable word
processor format for Word 7.0.. The margins are .05" left and 1.0" Monospaced
fonts are not to be used. Please use proportional fonting only and at eleven
ú No Indenting on any paragraphs!!
ú No underlining!
ú Column Format shall be achieved through the use of tabs only. Do NOT
use the space bar.
ú No ASCII "ART"!!
ú There is no limits as to size, articles may be split into two if lengthy
ú Actual Artwork should be in GIF, PCX, JPG, TIF, BMP, WMF file formats
ú Artwork (pictures, graphs, charts, etc.)should be sent along with the
article separately
ú Please use a single font only in an article. TTF CG Times 12pt. is
preferred. (VERY Strong Hint)
If there are any questions please use either E-Mail or call. On another
note. the ASCII version of STReport is fast approaching the "end of the line"
As the major Online Services move away from ASCII.. So shall STReport. All
in the name of progress and improved readability. The amount of reader mail
expressing a preference for our Adobe PDF enhanced issue is running
approximately 15 to 1 over the ASCII edition. Besides, STReport will not be
caught in the old, worn out "downward compatibility dodge" we must move
forward. However, if the ASCII readership remains as high, rest assured.
ASCII will stay. Right now, since STReport is offered on a number of closed
major corporate networks as "required" Monday Morning reading.. Our ascii
readers have nothing to worry themselves about. Many grateful thanks in
advance for your enthusiastic co-operation and input.
Ralph F. Mariano, Editor
Atari: Jaguar/Computer Section
Dana Jacobson, Editor
From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"
It's been a rotten week! No, not the weather ª it was a terrific long
holiday weekend. I was still a little under the weather, but I didn't let
that stop me from enjoying it. What was rotten was returning to work for a
hectic short week. And, to top it all off, it was horrendous for "working"
on this week's column and finding myself stumped for articles and information
this week!
It's been "slow" on more than one occasion over the years, but nothing seemed
to gel this week. Blame it on the traditional "rites of spring and summer"
with the Memorial Day weekend and things are historically slow at this time
of year; or blame it on the passage of time having a really significant
impact on news ª it doesn't matter and it doesn't make it any easier...
A few weeks ago, I re-printed a letter from one of our readers who requested
a listing of dealers. I agreed that such a listing would be a significant
item for our readers. I've been working on that list and will provide it in
this issue. However, I was hoping that I'd have a more complete list by this
time.. I don't. I will print what I have up to now, but will promise to
keep updating it and put out a more complete list in a future issue. I've
also included the two North American hard copy magazines and addresses, etc.
for those of you who are looking for additional news sources: ST Informer and
Current Notes.
Also in my travels, I've seen a number of requests for information from
people trying to figure out what "sense code" and other error messages mean.
From my archives, I've dug out this listing which has been printed a number
of times over the years, but seems appropriate to re-print again.
Normally, the Atari section of STReport would include a section on Atari
computing and another for Atari gaming with the Jaguar. This week's Jaguar
section will be omitted for the simple reason that there's nothing new to
report. Reviews are still in various stages of completion, regretfully, as
well. As I mentioned above, it's been a really bad week. The only gaming
news that's even remotely connected to Atari is a news item about Nolan
Bushnell and his latest project. That article will appear this week as I
realize that many of you like to keep up with news of Atari's "creator".
Until next time...
(Editor Note.)
Due to weird formatting the dealer listing was totally corrupted when
received. Perhaps we can get a copy of the full listing in plain ascii
without tabs and other atari specific text commands embedded in the file.
Hard Drive Sense Codes
00 No sense No error occurred or error clear before
01 No Index/Sector No index or sector signal found during
read, write or format
02 No Seek No Seek complete signal missing
03 Write fault Drive detected failure which dis-allows
Write protect is detected during a write
04 Drive not ready
06 No track 0 Track 0 not found
10 ID CRC error ID field could not be recovered by retry
11 Uncorrectable Data Error Data field error could not be recovered by
retry or correction
12 ID address mark Missing ID address mark
not found
14 Record not found Logical block ID not on accessed tracks,
but no ID CRC error
15 Seek error Could not seek to track with correct ID
16-17 Not assigned
18 Data check in NO See send diagnostic command
retry mode
19 ECC error during See verify command
1A Interweave error Interweave variable is greater than the
number of sectors per track.
1B Not assigned
1C Unformatted or bad Format failed, no valid format on drive
format in Drive
1D-1F,22,26 Not assigned
20 Illegal Command Command code is invalid or not implemented
21 Illegal Block Block address outside address space by
Logical unit
23 Volume overflow Illegal block address after first block
24 Bad Argument Reserved bit not zeroed or invalid
25 Invalid logical Logical unit greater then 1 addressed unit
28 Cartridge changed A disk cartridge was installed since
the last time a command was
2C Error count overflow Posted when error count exceeds specified
Note: ICD does not use defect list for low level formatting....
$01 No index/sector signal.
$02 No seek complete.
$03 Write Fault. The operation was terminated with an unrecovered
error condition probably caused by a flaw in the media. This
indicates that there is a problem, probably a bad sector.
$04 Drive Not Ready.
$05 Drive Not Selected.
$06 No Track Zero Found.
$10 ID or CRC Error.
$11 Unrecovered read error of data blocks.
$12 No address mark found in ID field.
$13 No address mark found in data field.
$14 No record found.
$15 Seek positioning error.
$17 Recovered read data with controller/drive READ retries.
$18 Recovered read data with controller/drive error correction code.
$19 Defect list error.
$1A Parameter overrun.
$1C Primary defect list not found.
$1E Recovered ID with controller/drive ECG.
$20 Invalid command operation.
$21 Illegal logical block address (LBA). Address greater than the LBA
returned by the read capacity data with PMI bit not set in CDB.
$22 Illegal function for device type.
$24 Illegal field in CDB.
$25 Invalid logical unit number (LUN).
$26 Invalid field in parameter list.
$27 Write protected.
$29 Power on or reset or bus device reset occurred.
$2A Mode select parameters changed.
$30 Incompatible cartridge.
$31 Medium format corrupted.
$32 No defect spare sector available.
$40 RAM failure.
$44 Internal controller error.
$45 Select/reselect failed.
$46 Unsuccessful soft reset.
$49 Inappropriate/illegal message.
Pong Pioneer Joins Net Startup
A New York-based Internet startup hopes a video game pioneer will help it
make a big splash in cyber-entertainment. Aristo International Corp. says
Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari Corp., has joined the company to direct
strategic planning and spearhead its drive into Internet-enabled
Bushnell, whose Pong launched the video game business, now intends to
transform the game industry with a new generation of products.
"Multiplayer, networked games and experiences represent the next wave in
entertainment," says Bushnell. "Aristo will not merely introduce new titles,
but entirely new concepts in entertainment." The company's first products
are scheduled for release this year. "Nolan's vision is nothing short of a
second revolution in digital entertainment," says Mouli Cohen, president and
CEO of Aristo. Aristo International designs and develops networked,
multiplayer experiences for both pay-per-play venues and at-home use. The
company is headquartered in New York City and has operations in Foster City,
California and Sterling, Virginia.
ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!
On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando
Hidi ho friends and neighbors. Summer isn't really here yet, but already I
can see its effect in the forum and libraries here on CompuServe. Yes,
things are getting a bit sluggish and some are wondering if it's more than
simply the allure of summer fun. Could it be that the Atari platform is
finally breathing its last? I don't think so. There are plenty of folks
like myself that realize that our computers are no longer state-of-the-art
and that there are faster, more powerful computers out there, but we realize
that ours do everything we need them to for now and that it would be foolish
not to use them until they won't do something that we need them to do.
As long as we are comfortable with what we've got, the community will live
on. It may get smaller... heck, it WILL get smaller... but I've made so
many good friends at computer shows and through the three online services
over the years and now from folks over the Internet, that they are as
important to me as the things that I use my computer for.
So let the world of Techno-Lemmings run at full tilt toward the cliff of
never-ending advancement for advancement's sake. I'll sit here very
comfortably, thank you very much, among my friends and my tried- and-true
Atari. Now let's take a look at some of the news, hints, tips, and info
available every week right here on CompuServe.
From the Atari Computing Forums
Rob Rasmussen asks for e-mail help:
"I need some info on how to send a scanned pic in email to another user on
Cis who uses a PC/Windows. Actually I use VideoMaster to capture color
stills, and they look best in my Falcon's True Color mode when I save them
as TIF. Does an average PC (whatever that is) need anything special to view
the true color TIF? I sent to one user who is helping me test this, and he
said the TIF, which looks great on my screen, was a big black rectangle on
his PC screen. I also conve
rted the TIF to GIF and it looks ok but it looses
a lot in the dither down to 256 colors, and it makes the size of the image
shrink. When I send the pic TEST.TIF or GIF in email I upload it as a binary
file, but when the pc user gets it, it is named *.* and he has to rename it.
Any way it can retain the filename I gave it?"
Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells Rob:
"You might try a different file format other than TIF like Targa or something
similar and see if that works better."
Mark Kelling adds:
"The current best format for sending pictures for Windows machines is JPG.
Hopefully there is an ST product which can produce that in full color -- GEM
View will, right? Let your friend know that if he views the received file
(reguardless of the format) in WinCIM, some video modes produce black screens
even if the picture is viewable by other viewer programs!"
Rob tells Mark:
"...I wasn't sure if JPG supported true color, I know that like Gif, many
JPGs like in forum libraries on cis have 256 colors, unless they have the
millions of colors but I am just seeing them with the fewer colors. I talked
to a friend who does have a 24 bit graphics board on his pc who will help me
test this. I'm still curious if changing video modes on the pc is necessary
- maybe the card takes care of that? For instance, could you be viewing a
true color pic on a pc while running WinCim? I'm used to running certain
programs in different rez depending on what its for on the Atari, so I just
wondered if a PC would be similar in that way."
Andreas Rosenberg adds:
"True-Color capabilities are more the problem of the graphics driver and the
operating system. Most VGA cards now have at least 1MB that allow
resolutions upto 640x480 with 24bit true color. With 2MB you can get upto
800x600 and with 4MB 1024x768. With Windows95 you can change the resolution
without quitting applications as long as the number of colors remains the
same. Usually PC users hate to change the resolution, because this requires
to change the video driver and many programs that store resolution dependent
data (cached bitmaps, window positions) reset such information.
When sending graphic files to someone using a different computer platform
it's important that both use a program that's able to deal with the used
format. JPEG, GIF, TIF, BMP are widely used graphics format's. All except
GIF allow true color. JPEG however uses lossy compression algorythms and
works best with photographic pictures."
Sysop Bob Retelle tells Rob:
"The other answers to your question really only relate to changing the
default graphics resolution on a PC... that is, the resolution your desktop
will be in when you boot the system. Graphics viewing programs can change
the resolution "on the fly" so you can view a picture in a different
resolution than your default resolution, then change it back when you're done
seeing the picture. Also, realize that there is some confusion in terms
here. Atari considers the 65,000 color mode of the Falcon to be "true
color", while the rest of the world calls that mode "high color." They
consider "true color" to be the 16,000,000 color mode.
As I mentioned in another reply, a good PC graphics viewing program like
COMPUSHOW.EXE can take care of displaying pictures in almost any esolution,
as long as your hardware (video card, video memory, and monitor) can display
those resolutions."
Trevor Milner posts:
"I was a devout Atari ST owner until a short while ago, when I upgraded to a
PC. I still own a lot of ST Games and I am particularly interested in
continuing programming in STOS which I have become accustomed to and grown
to like. Is there any way that I can use my old ST games on my new PC? If
not is there an IBM Compatible version of STOS available?"
Mark Kelling tells Trevor:
"You can get the Atari emulator card for the PC called GEMULATOR. It puts a
real live ST into your PC. Compatability is very good since the card uses
actual ST ROM chips. You can contact Toad Computers since they sell it
(sorrt I don't have a number handy, but you can reach them via Internet at"
When Fred Heath asks about changing the icons on his stock desktop, Simon
Churchill tells him:
"The Icon's of TOS 1.2 are fixed, to have changable icon's you require a
version of TOS either 2.06 or above. However there are other desktop's
about, some are commercial and multi task other's are public domain and
you use at your own risk.
I know of the following desktop's or completely new system TOS compatable
desktop's which are better and may have icon abilities:
ú Thing
ú Teradesk
ú Neo Desk
ú MulitTOS (MiNT)
ú TOS 2.06 ROM Upgrade, a good choice.
ú TOS 3.05 (Disk version, very rare unless you know were to get it)
ú Magic, a new one to the Atari fold.
ú Geneva, not the location but a cooperative multi-tasking system.
Some of the above are free from PD libraries, other's are ROM's or dated
system's available as second hand, the last are the latest and commercial,
however with system's getting bigger and better then a suitable machine is
needed to make use of them.
If your're out to have a look then check out 'a' for starter's, but best for
now would be 'b', it is very good. If there's nothing in the forum
libraries let me know and I'll upload a suitable version."
Kris Gasteiger tells Fred and Simon:
"I sort of remember a shareware Icon loader/editor for the earlier TOS
versions. I recall playing with it on my ST under TOS 1.0, and TOS 1.4. It
may be here in the archives. Regardless, I'll search my collection of ancient
(circa 1986) shareware stuff, and upload the thing if I find it."
Simon tells Kris:
"WOW! 1986 Man, back to the good old day's. That was when the ST and STM
were about, the STFM was a while away then!! Look hard, I'd be interested
for my TOS 1.02, the icon's are boring."
Kris replies:
"Hey Simon, I'm searching... '86 sure was the "good ol' days" for Atari. I
got my 520 ST for Christmas that year. I even still use it, though mostly
for games since I fried its (external) hard disk while trying to install the
whole shebang in a pc case. The replacement hard disk is connected to the
Falcon I bought a couple of years ago (my main computer). I did a quick
check of the CIS forum libs, there are icon files for a STart magazine icon
loader, but not the loader itself. Antic publishing holds the copywrite to
the program, so under current CIS rules, I can't upload THAT program. I do
recall a shareware equivilant...
I've checked over 100 disks in my archives with no luck... They're not
catologed... I'll keep checking... If I don't find it by next week, one of
the replacement desktops will do much more anyway and is probably worth the
cost. I prefer my machine stock for some odd reason.<G>"
On the Jaguar scene, John Moreno asks about using an "ST" monitor with his
game console:
"Does anyone know what the resolution on the Atari SC1224 monitors is? I'm
thinking of getting one for my Jag and wanted to know if it was worth it."
Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells John:
"I believe the SC1224 is 320x200 x16 colors and 640x200 by 4 colors."
Tom Harker of ICD tells Albert and John:
"Analog RGB moniotrs don't have small color limitations. Most should be able
to handle 16.7million colors since they are analog. The color limitations
are on the ST computer end. The old digital RGBi monitors were usually
limited to 16 colors."
Sysop Bob Retelle adds:
"From all reports, the SC1224 is an *excellent* choice for the Jaguar. As
Tom mentioned, it should be able to handle all the color the Jag can throw
at it, and it's picture is sharp enough to give you excellent detail. At
the price Don Thomas is asking, it would be a steal for a Jaguar! The only
possible drawback I can think of is its small screen size, but if you're the
only one watching the screen, that might not be a big deal."
Do you remember a while back when there was some discussion about a "grass-
roots" campaign to develop a CIM type navigator for the Atari line of
computers? Well, it turns out that CompuServe has decided to adapt their
service to HTML, the same language that is used on the World Wide Web. What
this means is that in order to use all of CompuServe's cool options, you
won't need to ask CompuServe for permission to develop
a special application. All you'll need is a Web Browser like NetScape,
Mosaic, or Internet Explorer for the PC, or CAB, Chimera, or Oasis for the
ST. This is good news... as long as one of the Atari Browsers reaches a
reasonable level of usability and compatibility with the current and future
HTML standard.
Mark Kelling posts:
"Well, I guess everyone on the team has received the note from Steven about
CIS' reponse to the request to let our team develop an HMI CIM type product
for the ST. We were turned down in case you haven't heard, and told to
concentrate on Web Browser development for the ST. This was quite disturbing
to me, thinking that CompuServe had pulled the plug without even giving us a
chance. Seeing a nearly simultaneous announcement that the Apple Newton CIM
product had been released seemed like a slap in the face. This CIM for the
Newton seemed like _exactly_ the product we were on the path to developing --
a cross between an automated browser (like QuickCIS) and the full CIM
package and offering the best of both.
Well, I saw the announcement today about the "new" CompuServe approach to
doing business which they have code named "RED DOG" (hmmm, maybe after a
hard night drinking? ;-) ) and my misgivings are gone! This new system will
allow full and totally unrestricted access to every nook and crany of
CompuServe using your trusty Web Browser. No more HMI, no more B Protocal,
no more CIM. If you can browse the 'Net, you can access Compuserve! All to
be in place by Christmas time. With a properly configured browser, this
should be fantastic. And it means one less application cluttering up my hard
drive! Now, that part about developing the browser makes sense.
The bottom line for us Atari users is that we, now more than ever, need to
get CAB/STik whipped into shape and supporting full Netscape HTML 3.0
functionality and a PPP connection. This _can_ be done. Let's all throw
our efforts behind CAB/STik and by Christmas we won't have to feel left out
of the latest and greatest developments in the world of CompuServe."
The Big Kahuna himself, Chief Sysop Ron Luks, tells Mark:
"I appreciate your enthusiasm and agree that RED DOG is better news for Atari
owners than an Atari CIM, but I need to correct some overly optimistic
statements you made. First of all, RED DOG projects (Internet/HTML
applications) will begin appearing by year end. That does not in any way
mean the existing information service will all be converted to HTML by year
end. Far from it.
Secondly, there has been NO information that the Forums will be converted to
HTML. In fact, there's a lot of doubt about that aspect. ASCII access to
forums will remain longer than previously anticipated, though, which is a
good thing for Atari owners...
Herb Kahn's statements WERE exactly as you quoted. I shouldn't have said you
were wrong-- I should have said HErb Kahn was wrong. [sorry, grin]
And yes, Mr Kahn's press release was incorrect and misleading to say the
least. The fact of the matter is that the full service will NOT, repeat,
will NOT be available under HTML by year end. This is more than just saying
CIS will probably miss the target date (like most software misses target
dates). This isnt even the plan as announced by every other spokesman for
To be honest, I'll be surprised if even a "significant" part of the service
is available in HTML by year end. Some parts, yes-- most parts, very, very
unlikely-- ALL parts- no way in hell. As for forums, the problem is that
there is no equally capable, off the shelf solution available under
Internet/HTML technology TODAY. If such software does not exist, what are
the odds CIS can have it written in less than a year and a half? REmember,
this is the company that couldnt port their HMI forums from DEC mainframes to
NT servers in 3 1/2 years of trying hard......
The bottom line is that good things are coming but Mr Kahns press release did
a disservice to everyone else involved in supporting this service."
Mark tells Ron:
"That's OK. I should know by now that in the world of computers and
software, hype is king! Promise the impossible, delay the inevitable, and
finally release something that isn't quite what was originally announced.
But, it doesn't hurt to hope, does it? ;-)
Anyway, all of CIS _is_ already available through the Internet (technically).
You can Telnet in from any 'Net provider which offers that option and access
any ASCII area you can normally reach when you log in to the regular CIS
phone node. If you have a Telnet Tool on your System 7.5 Mac you can even
use MacCIM through the Telnet connection to access the HMI locations too!
BTW, it's great to have Netscape, AOL and CIS all running and active at the
same time through the Telnet links. Not very useful, but it impresses those
PC types who can't make the same thing happen on their Pentium machines! ;-)"
I jump in and tell Mark:
"I'm glad that I'm not the only one that found the recommendation odd. I had
heard nothing about HTML development for CIS, and didn't immediately connect
HTML with CIS.
I'm quite hopeful about CAB/STik in general. The amount of development that
the authors have put into these applications is impressive (even more
because it's not a commercial product). I'm also looking into OASIS because
it is supposed to provide PPP right now. I haven't had time to take a
serious look at it yet but, at this point, ANY Browser is a godsend for us.
The problem is that without a healthy (read "large") userbase, we may have to
wait for quite a while each time a new feature is added to either CIS or
HTML itself... remember waiting to get CIS B+? Zmodem? BTW, your "P.S."
doesn't throw me one little bit! I'll bet you get a great big check every
time you post anything positive! <very big grin> As soon as I have a
chance to check out OASIS or hear anything from anyone else, I'll post it
Mark misunderstands my point about zmodem and tells me:
"I'm still waiting for Zmodem on CIS, unless they snuck it in without telling
me! ;-)
The OASIS product sounds interesting. Where can I grab a copy? What info do
you have it?
One good thing about the HTML conversion (or parallel evolution) of CIS is
that it would seem to be a rather straightforward move. Also, we Atari
users wouldn't be the only group benefiting from Browser access. Mac and PC
users would be at the top of the list to benefit from the change. We can
jump on the bandwagon with them. The cash expended by CIS on constantly
updating and improving the CIM product is quite a large amount. Why not let
Netscape and the other Browser retailers spend all that cash instead?"
I tell Mark:
"I'm still waiting for ZModem on CIS as well... but I was refering to the
early telecom programs for the ST in general and not the ST/CIS interface in
particular. I'll upload the latest version of Oasis after I've gone through
the documentation. I'm not accustomed to having a prg before someone
uploads it here to CIS. I want to see if there is some sort of prohibition
against uploading it to commercial services...
It's unlikely, but possible.
I fully agree about CIS allowing the use of HTML for access. It will indeed
free up a good deal of their resources. They'll still have to set things up
in HTML format, but that's gotta be easier than designing, de- bugging,
distributing, and supporting their own proprietary access program. My only
worry (well, not my _only_ worry) is that we'll be constantly two or three
upgrades behind what CIS has to offer."
Well folks, that's about it for this week. Tune in again next time, same
time, same station, and be ready to listen to what they are saying when...
"Men are very confident people. My husband is so confident that when he
watches sports on television, he thinks that if he concentrates he can help
his team. If the team is in trouble, he coaches the players from our
living room, and if they're really in trouble, I have to get off the phone
in case they call him."
Gilda Radner
STReport International OnLine Magazine
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