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Silicon Times Report Issue 1227

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


Silicon Times Report

The Original Independent OnLine Magazine"
(Since 1987)

July 05, 1996 No. 1227

Silicon Times Report International OnLine Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

STR Electronic Publishing Inc.
A subsidiary of
STR Worldwide CompNews Inc.

R.F. Mariano, Editor
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07/05/96 STR 1227 The Original Independent OnLine Magazine!

- CPU Industry Report - Adaptec News - Corel News
- DM II Walk-Thru - IBM Exec Joins Apple - MS; FREE MAC SW
- Zip Drive Rebates - Dvorak Support News - COREL vs M-SOFT
- HDTV STRATEGY - People Talking - JagNotes


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From the Editor's Desk...

Its the Fourth of July weekend and its going full blast.. From coast to
coast. So. this week's editorial is a real shorty. Enjoy the long weekend!

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STReport Staff Editors
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STReport Headline News


Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Compiled by: Dana P. Jacobson

Feds to Appeal 'Decency' Case

As expected, the U.S. Justice Department says it has decided to appeal to the
Supreme Court that landmark ruling earlier this month that struck down key
parts of a new federal law barring alleged indecency on computer networks.
Most of computerdom has expected the appeal ever since June 12 when a special
three-judge federal panel in Philadelphia blocked enforcement of the
Communications Decency Act on the grounds it violated constitutional free-
speech rights.

The Reuter News Service reports Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick has
informed Sen. James Exon (D- Nebraska) that the notice of appeal will be
filed on or before the July 2 deadline. Justice Department spokesman Carl
Stern told the wire service Gorelick's letter to Exon, a chief sponsor of the
law, had been sent earlier this week. The measure, signed into law by
President Clinton in February, bars the distribution to minors of indecent
or "patently offensive" materials over computer networks.

"The law allows for quick appeals directly to the Supreme Court once a three-
judge panel rules," Reuters says. "When the court in Philadelphia issued its
decision, Justice Department lawyers immediately started reviewing a high
court appeal." The wire service notes the high court will not be able to get
to the case until the justices return to the bench in October after their
summer recess, adding a decision is unlikely before early 1997.

Gore Launches National 'NetDay'

Assisted by volunteers from three dozen states, Vice President Al Gore
yesterday launched a national "NetDay" campaign, following California's one-
day blitz earlier this year to wire 4,000 classrooms in that state for the
Internet. In Washington, education writer Deb Riechmann of The Associated
Press reports more than 400 volunteers applauded when Gore repeated the
Clinton administration's desire that schools and libraries get free -- not
just discounted -- access to the Net.

"After California's NetDay in March, grassroots efforts began in other states
to organize what Gore calls 'electronic barn raisings,'" Riechmann says.
"NetDays are scheduled in October at least 35 states." On NetDays, wire is
installed to link a central point inside a school building to a few
classrooms and a library or computer lab. "With these wires in place," AP
observes, "the schools can move forward to raise money to buy computers,
software and figure out the best way to link the school building to the

New telecommunications law entitles schools, libraries and other groups to
discounted rates for communications services, but Gore, Education Secretary
Richard Riley and several lawmakers want a board of state and federal
regulators to provide schools and libraries with a package of free services,
such as email, access to the Net and video conferencing. They say they also
want the board to make a list of other services that schools and libraries
could get at discounted rates, or as education supporters call them, "E

Web Search Engines Merge

For $18 million, Excite Inc. is set to buy McKinley Group Inc. in what is
thought to be the first consolidation of major Internet search engine
companies. Excite's Web site and McKinley's Magellan receive about 4 million
hits a day. Reporting from Mountain View, California, The Associated Press
commented the deal also is "the most visible sign to date that there isn't
enough of a market to sustain the nearly dozen large-scale electronic
directories of information on the Internet's World Wide Web."

The wire service notes that rivals Lycos and Infoseek also get about 4
million daily requests each, while Yahoo, a service that sorts Web sites
into a catalog-like structure, gets 6 million visits a day. (As reported
earlier this month, Yahoo has arranged to connect its users to the Alta Vista
search engine of Digital Equipment Corp. as a secondary source of
information. While Yahoo acts as a catalog where producers of information on
the Web must register to be listed, Alta Vista is an automated program that
takes a much broader view of the Web but does not sort out information.)

Richard Redding, Excite's acting chief financial officer, told AP, "This deal
lets us take the service to the No. 2 position in terms of market share. Our
goal is to be the No. 1 company." He added Excite has not yet decided whether
the Excite (accessible at Web address and Magellan
( will remain separate.

AP says Excite will buy privately-held McKinley, based in Sausalito,
California, by issuing 1.2 million shares of stock. The wire service also
comments that Magellan -- started by Christine and Isabel Maxwell, daughters
of the late British publisher Robert Maxwell -- was the first site to publish
reviews and ratings of Web sites, but "was late in selling ads; other
companies began last fall while it started in February.

G7 Page Shows Global Inequity

The World Wide Web ultimately may touch all the world equally, but the
cyberspace link to this week's G7 conference in the French city of Lyon is
illustrating that for now, some countries are more equal than others. In
other words, as writer Tom Heneghan of the Reuter News Service notes in a
report from Lyon, the world's richest countries "can see to their chagrin
that some are more global than others."

This year's Group of Seven (G7) summit has its own Internet pages to keep
computerists around the globe up to date "with what the exclusive rich men's
club does and decides this weekend," Heneghan comments. The page (which you
can reach at web address offers "more than your
average nerd will want to know about the annual summits, offers links to all
seven participants and promises to publish summit documents when they
appear," Heneghan says.

"But," he adds, "it takes only a few minutes' surfing among the pages of the
member states -- the United States, France, Japan, Germany, Britain, Italy
and Canada -- to see that some are definitely more Net-wise than others."
For instance, France and the U.S. have come up with lively pages offering
official communiques, background on the agenda issues, statements from
government officials and photos and maps showing the main sights of the host
city Lyon. Also, Japan has a colorful page with tips on how to see a kimono
exhibit, the Firemen of Edo acrobats or hear traditional drummers in Lyon
during the three-day summit. "By contrast," Reuters notes, "Germany,
Britain and Italy have made little or no effort to put their positions out in
user-friendly form."

Net Addresses on the Selling Block

Internet standards makers embarked on a "grand experiment" at the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) meeting this week in Montreal to determine if
Internet addresses should be bought, sold, bartered or otherwise transferred
on the open market, according to CMP's Network Computing. "Currently users
pay an annual fee for domain names that readily identify Web sites," writes
Christine Hudgins- Bonafield, Network Computing's business and trends editor
and author of the article, "but the actual network addresses behind those
domain names are essentially free. Users pay only a nominal administrative

The explosion in Internet usage has led to these latest developments. "While
the IETF has traditionally been reluctant to dabble in policy decisions, like
that of establishing charges for addresses, supporters see it as the only
way to sustain Internet growth," notes Hudgins-Bonafield. "The goal is to
determine whether a free market in addresses will conserve the finite pool
of addresses available through existing Internet technology."

According to the Network Computing article, many of the details of the
proposal must still be worked out and some details -- such as a proposal
that Internet service providers supplement a free market in addresses by
charging their own fees to advertise unaggregated addresses that strain
today's routing technology -- are meant only as suggestions. The IETF has no
power to force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to initiate such fees.
However, representatives of at least one ISP, Sprint, present for the
discussion appeared enthusiastic about the overall proposal.

"The IETF has no enforcement power," says Yakov Rekhter, of Cisco, "but
financial incentives could become a significant factor to motivate behavior
that benefits the Internet as a whole." Rekhter says he plans to "clean up"
the Internet draft proposal to make it an informational request for comments,
and he expects the experiment to begin sometime this year. The draft
presents a framework for financial incentives for address aggregation and
address allocation. The Network Computing article on the IETF meeting is
available on Network Computing's Web site at

Application Software Sales Rise

The Software Publishers Association reports that sales of personal computer
application software in North America reached $2.4 billion in the first
quarter of 1996, a 12.3 percent increase from the first quarter of 1995.
Unit sales increased by 27 percent over 1995's first quarter. The SPA notes
that the Windows 95/Windows NT application market has grown to $340.2
million. The largest categories within the field are system utilities that
smooth installation, languages and development tools and basic productivity

Windows 3.x application sales fell 5 percent but remain by far the largest
single platform, says the trade group. According to the SPA, all DOS
categories, with the exception of games, home education and personal
information managers (PIMs), declined significantly. For the Macintosh
platform, database shipments were extremely strong -- up 210 percent -- with
desktop publishing programs up 89 percent.

For several categories showing declines, it appears that buyers are holding
off on purchases until they can evaluate unreleased 32-bit products, says
the SPA, which notes that previous experience shows that once the new
products are out sales in the category will boom. "It's a healthy sign for
the software industry when 13 out of 16 categories report positive revenue
growth in the first quarter," says Ken Wasch, the SPA's president.

Intel to Ship Flash Memory

Flash memory cards based on Miniature Card specifications now are being
shipped to worldwide customers by chipmaker Intel Corp. According to the
Reuter News Service, the Intel Series 100 Flash Memory Miniature Cards are
available in two- and four-megabyte densities. The two-megabyte cards are
priced at $39 and the four-megabyte cards at $69.

"Earlier this year," the wire service notes, "the world's major electronics
makers, including Intel and Sharp Corp., agreed to promote Miniature Card
specifications as the industry standard. Flash memory-based cards using
Miniature card specifications allow data exchange with Microsoft's MS-DOS and
Windows 95-based computers and systems." Intel did not provide details on
shipment volume or any sales targets, Reuters adds.

Iomega Unveils Zip Drive Rebates

Iomega Corp. today announced a limited-time rebate program for its Zip drive
and 100MB Zip disks. From July 1 through Sept. 15, customers purchasing an
Iomega Zip drive at the estimated street price of $199.95 will be eligible
for a $50 mail-in rebate. Customers will also be eligible to receive a $20
mail-in rebate when they purchase 10 Iomega Zip disks at the estimated
street price of $149.95.

Additionally, for customers who purchase a Zip drive and 10 Zip disks, Iomega
is offering a free Zip drive carrying case and two Zip caddies, each of
which can organize up to six disks. Both purchases must be made
at the same time. "The Zip drive is gaining acceptance as the new high
capacity, high-performance personal storage standard for multimedia
computing in today's digital age," says Andy Grolnick, Zip product line
manager for Roy, Utah-based Iomega.

"This rebate program takes the value of Zip products to a completely new
level, making them even more affordable for today's storage hungry personal
computer consumers." Iomega has shipped over two million Zip drives since
its introduction last year, making it one of the computer industry's fastest-
selling personal storage products.

Microsoft Offers Free Mac Software

Microsoft Corp. has announced a free software product for Macintosh users.
The Microsoft Empowerment Pack for the Mac provides users with tools that
are designed to enhance their presence on the Internet, increase their
computer's performance and improve their system's memory. The product
includes Microsoft Internet Explorer version 2.0 for the Macintosh, a World
Wide Web browser; Internet Assistant 2.0 for Microsoft Word for Macintosh,
which allows users to turn their Word documents into Web pages; Internet
Assistant for Microsoft Excel for Macintosh, which lets users create and
share spreadsheets online; Microsoft Word 6.0.1a Update for Macintosh, which
improves performance and stability; the System 7.5 Update 2.0 and System
7.5.3 Revision 2 from Apple Computer Inc.; and a $69 8MB memory upgrade offer
from Kingston Technology Corp.

"The Microsoft Empowerment Pack for the Mac is part of our ongoing effort to
bring our customers new, powerful technology that improves their overall
experience with the Office applications," says Dave Meltzer, group product
manager for Macintosh applications at Microsoft. "The tools in The Microsoft
Empowerment Pack improve performance and make it possible to bring the
Internet to the desktop with easy-to-use, familiar Microsoft programs that
our customers are comfortable with."

Registered users of Microsoft Office 4.2 for Macintosh, Microsoft Word 6.x
for Macintosh, Microsoft Excel 5.x for Macintosh and Microsoft PowerPoint
4.x for Macintosh will receive free Microsoft Empowerment Packs by mail in
early July. Users of Microsoft Office 3.0 applications who registered after
April 1993 will receive a mail-in card for the software. All other customers
can download the software from the MicrosoftWorld Wide Web site at Users can also order the software on 3.5-
inch disks by calling 800-469-6520 in the U.S.

Borland President/CEO Resigns

Gary A. Wetsel has resigned as president/CEO of Borland International Inc.
Chairman William F. Miller will serve as acting CEO until a replacement is
appointed. Reporting from Borland's Scotts Valley, Calif., headquarters,
The Associated Press says no reason for Wetsel's resignation was disclosed,
adding, though, that Borland also expects to lose 53 cents to 56 cents a
share in its fiscal first quarter.

"In late May," notes the wire service, "the company projected an operating
loss for the quarter due to slower sales of its desktop software and a major
business reorganization. Sales of the Delphi Desktop, an entry-level version
of its high-performance, visual development tool, have been lower than
expected." As reported, Philippe Kahn, the French programmer who started
Borland in 1983, resigned as chairman at the beginning of the year. "In
recent months," AP observes, "the company has slashed its staff by more than
a third and scaled back its operations to concentrate on products for
software developers."

Ex-IBM Exec Joins Apple

Apple Computer Inc. today announced that it has named Ellen Hancock, a 28-
year IBM veteran, executive vice president of research and development and
chief technology officer. Hancock will report to Gilbert F. Amelio, Apple's
chairman and CEO. She will assume her new posts on July 8. Hancock will be
responsible for driving Apple's technology vision, technology alliances, the
development of technology platforms and standards and Apple's research
activities. She will oversee the AppleSoft division, the Apple Research
Laboratories, the AppleNet division and the Apple Reliability and Quality
Assurance group.

"Ellen Hancock's expertise in leading-edge technologies and software
development -- from visionary assessment to successful implementation -- as
well as her strong leadership qualities, will keep Apple at the forefront of
technology innovation and key industry trends," says Amelio. "We are proud
to have Ellen Hancock lead the many talented and leading edge Apple
technologists and scientists."

"I am excited to join Apple as chief technology officer," says Hancock.
"Apple has always pushed the envelope of technology innovation, and I look
forward to being a part of Apple's future." Hancock joins Apple after a
relatively short stint as executive vice president and chief operating
officer at National Semiconductor, where her focus areas included
technology, applications and product development.
Prior to joining National Semiconductor, Hancock held various staff and line
executive positions at IBM. She was elected an IBM vice president in
September 1985 and a senior vice president in November 1992. Hancock was
also senior vice president and group executive, responsible for IBM's
Networking Hardware division, Networking Software Division and Software
Solutions division. She was also a member of the IBM Corporate Executive
Committee and the IBM Worldwide Management Council.

Study Finds Mac Sales Dropping

Macintosh computer sales reportedly fell steeply in April and May, just as
Apple Computer Inc. was launching a major turnaround effort. That is the
finding of a widely watched survey by market research firm Computer
Intelligence, which reports revenue from sales of Apple computers dropped
30.6 percent in April and 32.6 percent in May, compared with year-ago levels.
This comes after sales rose in single-digit percentage terms for the first
three months of the year.

Reporting from Palo Alto, California, the Reuter News Service says sales by
unit volume fell slightly less steeply, "an indicator of continued pricing
pressure on the beleaguered Cupertino, California-based computer company,
with year-to-year unit sales falling 28.9 percent in April and 27.2 percent
in May." CI Analyst Matt Sargent said, "This tears at the heart of their
core competency. It means continued weakness. The downward spiral has not
stopped -- it's not clear when it does."

Reuters notes the researchers' ScoreBoard sales tracking service is based on
monthly sales data collected from 1,100 outlets, so it does not count sales
into the distribution channel. This could be significant, Sargent
acknowledges, since a major portion of Apple's record $740 million second
fiscal quarter loss was related to writing down inventories of unsold
computers and computer parts, and Apple could still have generated sales as
dealers and retailers rebuilt inventory.

Still, Reuters says, the survey results indicate not only a weak third
quarter, "but also a further embarrassment for Apple at a time when is
struggling to turn around its business."

Dell Claims Second Spot

Citing new research data from International Data Corp., Austin, Texas,
computer maker Dell Computer Corp. says it has surpassed IBM and Hewlett-
Packard Co. in desktop sales to become the second largest PC manufacturer in
revenue to the U.S. corporate market. The Reuter News Service quotes Dell
officials as saying it now ranks second only to Compaq Computer Corp. in
sales to the corporate PC market, with 13 percent market share among U.S.
medium and large businesses. Dell also says its "business-centered strategy"
has driven a growth rate twice the industry's average over the past 20
quarters, and Dell has added 15 Fortune 500 companies to its customer list
since January.

Telecommuting Help for Atlanta

With approximately two million visitors expected in Atlanta during the
Olympics, many Atlanta-area employees will be forced to work from their
homes. To help ease the burden, Symantec Corp. and U.S. Robotics today
announced Operation Telecommute '96, a unique service that aims to allow
Atlanta-based employees to work at home as easily as if they were at their
downtown office.

The companies, in association with the Metro Atlanta Telecommuting Advisory
Council (MATAC), will make available up to 500 specialized Telecommuter
Relief Kits, containing free communications software and special offers on
modem hardware, to Atlanta-based companies adversely affected by the Olympics
crush. International visitors will create a short-term commuting emergency
for most companies here in Atlanta," says Frank Boyd, MATAC's president.
"This initiative not only provides a quick solution for those that are forced
to look at teleworking as an alternative but also serves as an excellent
introduction to the technology, connectivity and services that can sustain a
long-term work-from-anywhere strategy for any company."

Valued at more than $300 at retail, each kit includes Symantec's pcANYWHERE
remote access and WinFax PRO fax communications software. Also provided is a
$20 rebate from U.S. Robotics on the purchase of a Sportster V.34 Faxmodem,
Sportster Voice V.34 Faxmodem or Sportster V.34 Winmodem for Windows.
Companies or individuals operating in the downtown Atlanta area are invited
to call 800-249-8313 ext. 7221 to qualify for their free Relief Kit. There is
a limit of five kits per company.

Dvorak Support STR Focus


(updated July 2, 1996)

NavCIS 1.75, and all subsequent versions of NavCIS, will communicate with
CompuServe via the CompuServe Host-Micro Interface (HMI). HMI allows us to
communicate with CompuServe in a much more controlled and efficient manner.
The end result will be a NavCIS that is much more stable while on-line, and
much less susceptible to changes in the CompuServe host software.

In order to support the new way of doing things in HMI, we had to make some
changes in the way we present data to CompuServe. We have also had to deal
with changes in the way CompuServe presents data to us. It became apparent
early on in the conversion process that we would have to make some changes to
the format of the NavCIS database files. Since we were committed to making
changes, we also decided that this was a good time to fix a few design
problems in the layout of the NavCIS database files.

The purpose of this document is to give you, our 3rd-party developers, a peek
at what changed between version 1.62 and 1.75. Keep an eye on the 3rd Party
Developers section <Library 13> in the Dvorak forum for any updated

The first, and most obvious change is that all of the file names were
changed. We did this to avoid the possibility of mixing old data files with
new data files (the formats of some are not compatible). A conversion
utility was included in the 1.75 (and later) installation process to
translate the old data files to the new names and formats. The conversion
utility will be automatically run by the installation program, so the name
changes should be transparent to the end users. The utility (called
IMPORTER.EXE) is a separate program, and it will remain in the NAVCIS
directory in case it is needed. The following table outlines the name

Old Name New Name

CONFIG.* none -- merged into HNAVCIS.INI
USERS.* none -- now stored in CIS.INI

As of version 1.75, NavCIS will store all configuration information in
standard Windows .ini files. Following is a table mapping the old
CONFIG.DBF field to it's new location:

Old Field New Location

MAX_BAUD CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
PORT CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
SPECIAL none -- was not being used.
IRQ CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
BASE CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
INIT1 CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
INIT2 CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
PREFIX CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
SUFFIX CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
NUMBER CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)

NAME CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
TITLE HNAVCIS.INI, [Global], Title=
ADDR1 HNAVCIS.INI, [Global], Address1=
ADDR2 HNAVCIS.INI, [Global], Address2=
CITY HNAVCIS.INI, [Global], City=
STATE HNAVCIS.INI, [Global], State=
COUNTRY HNAVCIS.INI, [Global], Country=
GET_FORUMS HNAVCIS.INI, [Global], GetForums=
GET_PHONE none -- was not being used.
AREACODE none -- was not being used.
SYS_INFO HNAVCIS.INI, [Global], SysInfo=

PURGE_DAYS HNAVCIS.INI, [Forum Defaults], PurgeDays=
AGE none -- was not being used.
SCAN_HDR HNAVCIS.INI, [Forum Defaults], ScanHeaders=
READ_WAIT HNAVCIS.INI, [Forum Defaults], ReadWaiting=
SCAN_LIB HNAVCIS.INI, [Forum Defaults], ScanLibraries=
SCAN_WAIT HNAVCIS.INI, [Forum Defaults], ScanWait=
OUTBOX HNAVCIS.INI, [Forum Defaults], SaveOutgoing=
FSYS_MSG HNAVCIS.INI, [Forum Defaults], GetSystemMsgs=

LINTNUM HNAVCIS.INI, [Internal Storage], LastInternal=
LSESSION HNAVCIS.INI, [Internal Storage], LastSession=
LADDR HNAVCIS.INI, [Internal Storage], LastAddress=
LGROUP HNAVCIS.INI, [Internal Storage], LastGroup=

ICON_SET HNAVCIS.INI, [Miscellaneous], IconSet=
SORT HNAVCIS.INI, [Miscellaneous], IconSort=
SPLIT HNAVCIS.INI, [Miscellaneous], IconSplit=
DETECT HNAVCIS.INI, [Miscellaneous], CrashDetect=
DUMMY1 CIS.INI (maintained by HMI toolkit)
DUMMY2 HNAVCIS.INI, [Miscellaneous], Flags1=
PACK HNAVCIS.INI, [Miscellaneous], PackCycle=
DUMMY4 HNAVCIS.INI, [Miscellaneous], Flags2=
VERSION HNAVCIS.INI, [Miscellaneous], IndexVersion=

STOCK_CNT HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], StockMessageCount=
STOCK_NEW HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], StockNewCount=
STOCK_HN HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], StockHasNew=
STOCK_HA HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], StockHasAny=
WEATH_CNT HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], WeatherMessageCount=
WEATH_NEW HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], WeatherNewCount=
WEATH_HN HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], WeatherHasNew=
WEATH_HA HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], WeatherHasAny=
FF_CNT HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], FFMessageCount=
FF_NEW HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], FFNewCount=
FF_HN HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], FFHasNew=
FF_HA HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], FFHasAny=
FF_HC HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], FFHasCatalog=
FF_MARK HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], FFMarkedCount=
FF_CAT HNAVCIS.INI, [Special Forums], FFCatalogCount=

All information pertaining to user ID's and user passwords is now stored in
CIS.INI, which is maintained by the HMI toolkit. NOTE: Information about
the contents of the CIS.INI is "CompuServe Proprietary Information" and
therefore cannot be described here. CompuServe requests that 3rd-party
applications do not modify CIS.INI except via the mechanisms provided in the
CompuServe Connection Toolkit (CCT).

No change other than filename (now HFORUM.DBF)

The name of this file has changed to HCATALOG.DBF. The following fields have
been changed:

FILE_LEN - Widened to 10 digits
CAT_NUM - New field (see FSTRUC.WRI)
TEXT_BUF - End of paragraph marker has been changed from a
NULL (0) to a carriage return.

The name of this file has changed to HRECV.DBF. The following fields have
been changed:

ú End of paragraph marker has been changed from a NULL (0) to a carriage
return. Also, fonted messages will now have a !^NavFont line stored at the
end of the message in this field.
ú IS_NAVCIS - This field is no longer used.
ú NAV_CODES - This field is no longer used. Font information is now
stored as part of the message text (see above)

No change other than filename (now HHEADERS.DBF)

No change other than filename (now HWATCH.DBF)

The name of this file has changed to HADDRESS.DBF. The following fields have
been changed:

USER_ID - Widened to 100 characters.

No change other than filename (now HGROUP.DBF)

No change other than filename (now HLINK.DBF)


The name of this file has changed to HACTIONS.DBF. The following fields have
been changed:

MSG_TEXT - End of paragraph marker has been changed from a
NULL (0) to a carriage return. Also, fonted
messages will now have a !^NavFont line stored
at the end of the message in this field.
IS_NAVCIS - This field is no longer used.
NAV_CODES - This field is no longer used. Font information is
now stored as part of the message text (see above)

Sort keys changed for the catalog database. (see FSTRUC.WRI for details)


Wincode is a Windows 3.1x program (compatible with Windows 95) which converts
8-bit BINARY (EXE, COM, GIF, TIF, JPG, DOC, XLS, ZIP, etc.) files to 7-bit
ASCII (Text) files (and vice versa). This allows binary files to be sent via
Internet e-mail (i.e., to an e-mail address containing "@") which can only
send ASCII text files. Wincode currently supports UUE, MIME (also known as
Base 64), BOO, USR, XXE, BTOA and BINHEX (sometimes used with Macintosh
computers) formats. UUE and MIME are the two most frequently used with MIME
becoming the more popular of the two. Binary files you want to send to
someone must first be encoded in one of these standards and binary files you
receive via Internet e-mail must be decoded before you can use them.

Many e-mail packages automatically handle the encoding/decoding whenever the
user attaches a binary file to an outgoing message or when they receive a
message containing an encoded file. Unfortunately, NavCIS and WinCIM have not
implemented this capability yet. Therefore, you need to manually encode
binary files you want to send to Internet e-mail and decode ones you receive.

If you are sending the file to another CompuServe user, you don't have to
worry about any of this stuff. Just drag the File Upload icon over to the
Mail icon, specify the CompuServe ID number and Browse for the file you want
to send which places the file name on the Subject line (which you should
leave alone). However, if you want to send the file to someone outside of
CompuServe via Internet e-mail, read on...

When you first setup Wincode, in the Encode preferences, make sure you
specify "single file" and a maximum output file size of 2,000,000 characters
since CompuServe can handle e-mail messages up to 2MB in size. Setting a
smaller size will result in Wincode splitting up the file into multiple
sequentially numbered output files. In the Encode preferences, you can
specify whether you want Wincode to put the resulting encoded file (the ASCII
text file you will be sending) in the default directory, prompt you for the
directory you want to use, or always use a specific directory you specify. In
the Decode preferences, you can specify whether Wincode should put the
resulting decoded file (the binary file someone sent you) in the default
directory, prompt you each time where you want to put it or use a specific
directory. Make sure the Decode Code Type is set to Auto Detect. You can
leave all other options at their factory defaults.

Before you encode a file for transmission, you'll need to determine what
format (almost always either UUE or MIME) the recipient is set up to handle.
If they are using Lotus CC:MAIL it will be UUE format. The on-line services
America Online and the Microsoft Network, and the e-mail packages Eudora and
Microsoft Exchange all use MIME.

In Wincode, you select the Encode operation and select the format you will
use (this will either be shown on the file selection dialog box or press the
Options button, depending on which version you are using). Then tell it the
name of the binary file you want to send and Wincode will convert it to ASCII
text and save it to the directory you specify, changing the extension to UUE
or B64 (for MIME). In NavCIS, drag the File Upload icon over to the Mail icon
and fill in the e-mail address, select Browse and locate the encoded file
(which will place the file name on the Subject line which you should leave
alone) and then make sure to check the ASCII check box.

Since NavCIS and WinCIM do not allow a text message to be combined with an
encoded file, you will probably want to send a separate message to the same
person telling them they will receive a message titled "xxxxxxx.UUE" or
"xxxxxx.B64" and what they should do with it. If they are not using a mail
reader that handles file attachments/automatic decoding, they will have to
have a program such as Wincode at their end to put the file back to its
binary form.

ABOUT ZIP FILES: To reduce transmission time, you can compress the source
binary file (e.g., .GIF, .TIF, .JPG, etc.) BEFORE you encode it (note that
encoding will INCREASE the size of the file by 20-30%). You can use a
standalone ZIP utility (like the popular WinZIP) or, in the latest versions
of Wincode, use the setup options to have Wincode automatically ZIP files
prior to encoding (requires PKWare's PKZIP 2.0x). Note that the person at the
receiving end will end up with a ZIP file after the e-mail message is decoded
and they'll have to have a ZIP utility to decompress it before using it.

People that send you a binary file through Internet mail probably are using
an e-mail package that supports automatic encoding and file attachments.
They'll just hit the "Attach" button and specify the file they want to send.
If they don't have automatic encoding, they'll have to use a program like
Wincode at their end to convert the binary file to ASCII text so that it will
be able to go out via Internet mail.

When you receive the e-mail message in NavCIS, if it happens to be a small
message, you will be able to read the top part (which may contain a note from
the sender) and further down the message will be a BEGIN or PART BOUNDRY
statement followed by a file name and a bunch of text characters that looks
like a lot of garbage. This is the encoded file and you should select
File/Save As and save it as a .TXT file. However, it is more likely that you
will get a message in your In-tray that the e-mail message was too big and
NavCIS saved it as MSGxxxxx.TXT in your \NAVCIS\DATA directory. You should
open this file in a text editor to look at the top part in case the sender
included a note on the front end, perhaps telling you what to do with the

In Wincode, you select the Decode operation and specify the .TXT file as the
input file. Wincode will automatically determine the type (MIME, UUE or
other), convert the file back to binary and save it under its original name
in the directory you specify for decoded files. You can then open the file
with its native application.

On occasion (particularly MIME-encoded messages coming from America Online),
Wincode will not be able to correctly guess the format and you may get a
"Nothing to Decode" error message. If this happens, change the Auto Detect
option to Base 64 (MIME conformant). This option is shown in the file dialog
box or press the Options button, depending on which version of Wincode you
are using.

ABOUT ZIP FILES: To save transmission time, the sender may have used a ZIP
utility to compress the file prior to sending it. If, after decoding, you end
up with a .ZIP file, you will have to process this through a ZIP utility
(such as WinZIP) to decompress it before using it. In the latest versions of
Wincode, you can set it up to automatically unZIP such files (requires
PKWare's PKZIP 2.0x).

A SMALL WORD OF CAUTION: If the decoded file turns out to be an EXE/COM
executable program or a Microsoft Word DOC/DOT file, it could be carrying a
virus that could be installed on your system when you execute the program or
open the document. It is a good idea to process these kinds of files through
a virus scanner (e.g., McAfee Virus Scan [GO VIRUSF]) first. If you are using
Microsoft Word, you may want to install Microsoft's Word virus protection [GO
MSWORD, file: MVTOOL10.EXE]). In the latest versions of Wincode, in the
configuration options you can set it up to automatically virus scan all the
files you receive and decode (you must have a virus scanner program

One of the nicest features of Wincode is that it integrates nicely with
NavCIS. Using the "hook" feature, you can setup Wincode so that it appears as
a menu item in NavCIS. In the Wincode Hook App configuration, put the name
that NavCIS shows on its title bar (e.g., NavCIS v 1.76) in the Application
Name field. Specify the path to the application (e.g.,
C:\NAVHMI\WNAVCIS.EXE). Select the Hide Windoe and Auto-Hook options. Leave
all other options at their defaults. Now, instead of starting NavCIS, just
start Wincode. It will launch NavCIS for you, put a new Wincode menu item in
the NavCIS menu bar and then disappear. You'll now be able to encode/decode
directly from within NavCIS without having to start separate programs! (If
you start NavCIS instead of starting Wincode first there will not be a
Wincode menu item in NavCIS, so just get in the habit of starting Wincode
instead of NavCIS.)


1. - Full featured Windows 3.1 program (compatible with WFWG 3.11 and
Windows 95)
2. - Easy access ButtonBar for hassle-free operation
3. - Drag and Drop support (use for batch en/de-coding -> Wincode also
allows multi-file selection from File Open dialogs)
4. - SMART decoding (handles single files, multi-part files, can determine
what is encoded or not, etc.)
5. - Fully configurable
6. - EMBL UUcode compatible
7. - Supports UU, XX or User defined En/Decoding
8. - Supports Base64 (MIME conformant) En/Decoding
9. - Supports BINHEX Decoding
10. * Supports BINHEX Encoding
11. * Supports BOO En/Decoding
12. * Supports BTOA En/Decoding
13. - Supports En/Decoding to/from the Clipboard
14. - Supports automatic CODE TYPE detection (just use Auto Detect)
15. * Supports automatic ZIP/UNZIP (requires PKWare's ZIP/UNZIP 2.0x)
16. * Supports automatic virus scanning (requires separate virus program)
17. - Application menu hooking option to integrate Wincode's menu
18. * Powerful scripting language can be used to "program" Wincode (includes
new automatic "Repair" damaged files option)
19. - Includes INSTALL program for upgrades
20. - Includes UNINSTALL program for removal
21. - Integrated file-sorting companion program (separate executable for
easier upgrading) which handles MANY types of file header formats
22. * Integrated Winsock compatible e-mail/post daemon (separate executable
for easier upgrading) to allow for automatic e-mailing and posting of encoded
documents (see Requirements)
23. - Multimedia support
24. - It's ALL FREE...

Items above marked with "*" are only supported in the new beta version (see

Wincode is distributed as FREEWARE. A complete help file is available for $10
US, but you will probably not need it if you read the README files and/or the
short on-line help file. Details about ordering the complete help file can be
found in the Help menu.


Wincode is not the only program that handles UUE/MIME encoding/decoding.
Several other Shareware and commercial programs are available. Island Soft's
DECODESW.EXE is another popular one that has built-in graphic file viewing
but does not have the "hook" feature. These programs and additional help
concerning encoding/decoding can be found on CompuServe's Internet New Users
forum (GO INETNEW) and Internet Resources forum (GO INETRESOURCES). Searching
on keywords "UUE" and/or "MIME" will get you started.


Wincode 2.6.1 is the latest production version. Forum: WINSHARE, Library 5 -
Network/Remote Access, Filename: WNCODE.ZIP. Wincode 2.7.2 is the latest
beta version (08MAY96). Forum: INETRESOURCES, Library 4, Filename:
WC272B16.ZIP. This version will expire on September 10, 1996 because the
final production version will be released before that date and will ensure
that you are not using an outdated version. I am currently using this version
and have not run into any bugs or stability problems.

The most up-to-date information can be obtained by sending a blank e-mail
message to:

Additional information and perhaps later versions of the program may be found
on the Web at: (yes, there are two
/snappy's in the address)

You can also use anonymous FTP to access: and look in the /users/snappy/

I hope this detailed information (most of it copied from Wincode's README
file) is of help.
Gary Brenkman (not associated with Wincode, Dvorak, Island Soft; just trying
to help out)

Special Notice!! STR Infofile File format Requirements for

File Format for STReport

All articles submitted to STReport for publication must be sent in the
following format. Please use the format requested. Any files received that
do not conform will not be used. The article must be in an importable word
processor format for Word 7.0.. The margins are .05" left and 1.0" Monospaced
fonts are not to be used. Please use proportional fonting only and at eleven

ú No Indenting on any paragraphs!!
ú No underlining!
ú Column Format shall be achieved through the use of tabs only. Do NOT
use the space bar.
ú No ASCII "ART"!!
ú There is no limits as to size, articles may be split into two if lengthy
ú Actual Artwork should be in GIF, PCX, JPG, TIF, BMP, WMF file formats
ú Artwork (pictures, graphs, charts, etc.)should be sent along with the
article separately
ú Please use a single font only in an article. TTF CG Times 12pt. is
preferred. (VERY Strong Hint)

If there are any questions please use either E-Mail or call.

On another note. the ASCII version of STReport is fast approaching the
"end of the line" As the major Online Services move away from ASCII.. So
shall STReport. All in the name of progress and improved readability. The
amount of reader mail expressing a preference for our Adobe PDF enhanced
issue is running approximately 15 to 1 over the ASCII edition. Besides,
STReport will not be caught in the old, worn out "downward compatibility
dodge" we must move forward. However, if the ASCII readership remains as
high, rest assured. ASCII will stay. Right now, since STReport is offered on
a number of closed major corporate networks as "required" Monday Morning
reading.. Our ascii readers have nothing to worry themselves about.

Many grateful thanks in advance for your enthusiastic co-operation and input.

Ralph F. Mariano, Editor
STReport International Online Magazine

For Immediate Release

Adaptec Purchases Corelr CD Creator

MILPITAS, California - June 26, 1996 - Adaptec, Inc. and Corel
Corporation announced an agreement today providing for the sale of Corel's
popular Corelr CD Creator software program and PD optical recording
technology to Adaptec in a $12 million (US) cash transaction. All versions
(including localized versions) of Corel CD Creator, the leading software
for compact disk recordable (CD-R) drives, will be included in the deal.
Adaptec publishes Easy-CD Pror Software, the leading choice of CD-R
peripheral OEMs. "High function and performance I/O software is a major
strategic business for Adaptec; and optical recording technology, the key
to CD-R and DVD, will play a big part in that effort," said S. Sundaresh,
Adaptec vice president and general manager of the Personal I/O business
unit. "We will support customers of both products," continued Sundaresh.
"CD-R is poised to move into the mainstream. With this new technology,
we're in an even better position to deliver the software solutions the new
market demands."

"Our strategic vision is to move forward in pursuing our interests in the
field of productivity application software and the vast opportunities
presented by the Java-based operating system. This transaction fits in
with that vision," said Dr. Michael Cowpland, president and chief executive
officer of Corel Corporation. "We are confident Adaptec will continue to
provide the very best in 32-bit CD authoring to our loyal customer base."
The acquisition will be accounted for under the purchase method of
accounting. Adaptec will evaluate the allocation of the purchase price to
the assets acquired, which may include in-process technology that will be
written off, and goodwill, which will be amortized over the benefit period.

Adaptec provides bandwidth management technologies for organizations
building the global information infrastructure. Its high performance I/O,
connectivity, and network products are incorporated into the systems and
products of major computer and peripheral manufacturers. Founded in 1981
and headquartered in Milpitas, California, Adaptec (NASDAQ:ADPT) employs
2500 people worldwide in design, manufacturing, sales, service and
distribution. Adaptec's home page is

Corel Corporation
Incorporated in 1985, Corel Corporation is recognized internationally as an
award-winning developer and marketer of productivity applications, graphics
and multimedia software. Corel's product line includes CorelDRAWT, the
Corelr WordPerfectr Suite, Corelr Office Professional, CorelVIDEOT and over
30 multimedia software titles. Corel's products run on most operating
systems, including: Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, MS-DOS, OpenVMS and OS/2 and
are consistently rated among the strongest in the industry. The company ships
its products in over 17 languages through a network of more than 160
distributors in 70 countries worldwide. Corel is traded on the Toronto Stock
Exchange (symbol: COS) and the NASDAQ--National Market System (symbol:
COSFF). For more information visit Corel's home page on the Internet at Adaptec and Easy-CD Pro are registered trademarks of
Adaptec, Inc. Corel and WordPerfect are registered trademarks of Corel
Corporation or Corel Corporation Limited. CorelDRAW, CorelVIDEO, Corel
VENTURA and Corel Click & Create are trademarks of Corel Corporation.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and
other countries under license. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple
Computer, Inc. used under license. All products mentioned are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.

EDUPAGE STR Focus Keeping the users informed


Cable TV Decision: Community-Access Channels Left Free
56-Bit Encryption Is Vulnerable, Says Zimmermann
More "Net Days" On The Way
Australian Cable Company Has It All
Pentium Pro Servers Invade RISC Market
He/She Salaries In Information Technology
White Pine Teams With Digital On CU-See-Me
Sub-Global Villages
Satellite Phone System For Africa
"Oral History" Of The Internet
Outlook Murky For Taxing Cybersales
FCC Chief Opposes Internet Phone Regulation
HDTV Strategy
Cable Ruling May Be Two-Sided
Harmony Precedes Copland
Internet Search Co. Excite Buys Rival
Sizing Up Computer Monitors
Last-Generation Leader With Next-Generation Ideas
Tell All Your Friends
TCI-Telesat Plan Opposed By Clinton Administration
Hancock Chosen As Apple's New Chief Technology Officer
IBM Consent Decree Ended
"Shrink-Wrap" Licenses Okayed By Court
Digital Cuts Jobs
Gore Endorses E-Rates
Search Engine Market To Expand
Corel Vs. Microsoft
German PC Retailer Seeks Protection From Creditors
Web Profits Unlikely Till 2000
Online Journal Hosts Discussion On Peer Review
Net Conversation: The Future Or The Past?

Striking down parts of a Federal law intended to protect children from
"patently offensive" programming on cable television, the U.S. Supreme
Court ruled that cable TV operators may ban such programming on commercial
television but must not place the restriction on community-access channels
used by local governments and community groups. Some legal analysts, arguing
that the Internet is analogous to community- access cable TV, think this
decision means that the Court will find the Communications Decency Act
unconstitutional, when it comes to consider it in the next term. (New York
Times 29 Jun 96 p1)

Philip Zimmermann, creator of Pretty Good Privacy encryption software,
testified before a Senate subcommittee that, based on a 1993 presentation by
Michael Wiener of Northern Telecom, it would be possible to build a machine
for $1 million that could crack a message encrypted with the Data Encryption
Standard and a 56-bit key in an average of 3.5 hours. A more powerful
machine, costing about $10 million, could do it in 21 minutes, and a $100
million machine could bring the time down to two minutes. Zimmermann's
testimony contradicted a recent statement by U.S. Attorney General Janet
Reno that even with a "top of the line supercomputer, decoding a 56-bit key
would take over a year and the evidence would be long gone." At issue is
whether the U.S. should permit the general-license export of 56-bit
encryption products. (BNA Daily Report for Executives 27 Jun 96 A5)

In the wake of California's NetDay, a one-day blitz to wire 4,000 classrooms
for the Internet, 35 other states have announced plans for their own NetDays
this fall. Mississippi, Connecticut, North Carolina and Maine are among the
states involved in planning their schools' participation. In support of
bringing the Information Superhighway to all classrooms, Vice President Gore
is advocating free -- not merely discounted -- Internet access for schools
and libraries. (Tampa Tribune 30 Jun 96 A16)

Optus Vision, the partly owned cable subsidiary of Australia's No. 2 long-
distance company, is now able to offer television, telephone and high-speed
data services through a single network -- long the goal of the U.S. cable
industry. "The U.S. has taken longer than everybody thought," says a
Motorola general manager, who notes that U.S. cable operators have delayed
their all-in-one systems because of the daunting task of upgrading older
plant and equipment to provide telephony and two-way data links. Optus was
able to build its network from scratch. (Wall Street Journal 28 Jun 96 B4)

Intel's Pentium Pro microprocessor is fueling an invasion of the higher end
server market, as Compaq, Dell and other computer makers try their hand at
low-cost, high-performance servers. On the lower end of the market, where
desktop computer makers have already made great inroads, Compaq's 200-
megahertz, single- processor Pentium Pro server with 64 megabytes of memory
goes for $11,900, compared with Digital's $16,000 32-bit, 266-megahertz
server with 64 megabytes of memory. Compaq's top-of-the-line Pentium Pro
server is priced at $200,000, still cheaper than Digital's RISC (reduced
instruction set computer) servers that go for $250,000 and up. "The price-
performance ratio is a lot better with the new Pentium Pro," says an analyst
for Technology Business Research. "All of a sudden, the RISC makers are
saying, `We've got to reduce prices.'" (Investor's Business Daily 1 Jul 96

Corel CEO Mike Cowpland says a Canadian government bidding process for
millions of dollars in software is rigged in favor of Microsoft, and that
government officials canceled a $1.75-million WordPerfect order even though
it was chosen as the best product in departmental comparisons. (Ottawa Sun
28 Jun 96 p5)

Computerworld reports a 1995 survey of information systems professionals
showing that the IS population was 70% male and 30% female, with men's
salaries ranging from less than $45,000 (29%), $45-55,000 (30%), and more

$55,000 (41%), compared to a distribution for women's salaries: less
than $45,000 (62%), $45- 55,000 (25%), and more than $55,000 (13%).
(Computerworld 24 Jun 96 p84)

In a move to make White Pine Software's CU-See-Me desktop videoconferencing
software more "platform neutral," the company has announced that its new 3.0
version, available later this year, will be compatible with Digital
Equipment Corp.'s Windows NT-based Alpha Server. The new version also will
work with other videoconferencing technologies, such as 'Net Meeting. White
Pine's president sees CU-See-Me eventually becoming as "seamless" a
communications format as telephony. (Broadcasting & Cable 24 Jun 96 p61)

German sociologist Nils Zurawski says the Internet could spawn a plethora of
smaller global villages that could actually isolate communities rather
create than the global village with a homogenized culture that proponents
envision; at the INET '96 conference he discussed the risk that the Internet
communities will focus inward rather than interact with other communities.
(Montreal Gazette 28 Jun 96 D7)

Harlem businessman Percy Sutton has created a venture called AfriCom
Telecommunications Ltd, to build a $650 million satellite-based system for
providing phone service throughout Africa via handheld wireless phones.
Although "there are a lot of wealthy people in Africa," Sutton says that "in
many places in Africa you have to wait seven hours to make a telephone call
at a postal telegraph office. Our system would allow entrepreneurs all
across the continent to open their own telephone businesses." (Atlanta
Journal-Constitution 30 Jun 96 H2)

Journalist David Bennahum has taken on the task of oral history archivist of
the Internet, through his "Community Memory" list. His goal is to collect
first-hand accounts by early users, and to document the origin of terms such
as "hypertext" and "hackers." To put your two cents' worth in, send a
message to, and in the body of the message type: subscribe
cpsr-history your name. (Chronicle of Higher Education 28 Jun 96 A14)
Bennahum will also be appearing in the next issue of Educom Review, writing
on a different subject.

A study released last week by KPMG Peat Marwick details "the frustrations of
corporate America as it tries to cope with the murky environment created by
applying old tax laws to new ways of doing business," says a partner with
the firm. "Taxation of electronic commerce varies from state to state, so
determining what's taxable and who is responsible for paying those taxes
ecomes very complex." Some of the companies interviewed for the study said
they might consider moving their electronic sales off-shore to escape the
reach of state and local taxes. (St. Petersburg Times 1 Jul 96 p12)

Noting that "we shouldn't be looking for ways to subject new technologies to
old rules," Federal Communications Commission chairman Reed Hundt indicated
his opposition to Internet telephony regulation at the INET '96 conference
in Montreal last week. "Instead, we should be trying to fix the old rules so
that if those new technologies really are better, they will flourish in the
marketplace." Acknowledging complaints by phone companies that Internet
service providers are not paying their fair share for network upkeep, Hundt
said, "I don't know what the full answer is to this problem. But I'm
inclined to believe our best guidance is to let technology, competition and
access reform make the problem go away." (BNA Daily Report for Executives 1
Jul 96 A20)

FCC chairman Reed Hundt says that broadcasters seeking a second, digital
channel for high-definition television thought they would "get the spectrum
first and think about how to use it later. But in order to get these
licenses, you should have to serve the public in a specific, quantifiable,
measurable, reliable, guaranteeable way." Hundt wants broadcasters to
devote at least 5% of airtime on the new channels to such public-interest
programming as children's educational TV or free time for political
candidates. In addition, he wants to auction off UHF channels 60-69 for
purposes such as cellular-phone use. The president of the National
Association of Broadcasters charges that Mr. Hundt "is attempting to impose
his social agenda." (New York Times 1 Jul 96 C1)

A Supreme Court ruling that struck down parts of a 1992 law prohibiting"
indecent" programming on cable television channels leased to local groups or
set aside for the public may have unintended consequences for the Internet.
The ruling "tastes sweet at first," says Harvard professor Laurence Tribe,
"but it turns out to be a sugar-coated poison pill for the First Amendment."
At issue is Justice Breyer's carefully worded opinion, which emphasized the
government's interest in shielding children from inappropriate adult
programming and explicitly rejected a categorical endorsement of free speech
in programming content. (Wall Street Journal 1 Jul 96 B1)

Apple's major revision of its five-year-old System 7 Macintosh operating
software, code-named Copland, isn't scheduled to ship until late 1997, but
Mac owners will have the opportunity to do a mini-upgrade this year via a
new version called Harmony. Harmony will incorporate improved networking and
Internet tools, as well as some Copland features. (Business Week 8 Jul 96

Excite Co. will acquire McKinley Group, which operates the Magellan Online
Guide, for $10 million in stock. The move is a first step toward the
consolidation of the large-scale electronic directory market that many
industry analysts have predicted. Electronic directories typically generate
their revenues through advertising on their sites, and analysts have
suggested that the market of a dozen or so companies is too large for the
available ad dollars. Excite and Magellan combined receive about 4 million
hits a day, compared with Yahoo!, hich receives 6 million visits a day. Two
other rivals, Lycos and Infoseek, each generate about 4 million hits
daily. (Investor's Business Daily 1 Jul 96 A7)

The July issue of Consumer Reports points out that the actual image displayed
by a computer monitor is about an inch less than its nominal size (an
example was the NEC MultiSync XV17+ whose active viewing area measured only
15.3 inches diagonally), thanks to the fact that monitors, unlike TV sets,
aren't covered by a federal rule governing the way screen sizes can be
advertised. The publication suggests taking a tape measure with you when
you shop, and after testing a multitude of 15- and 17-inch screens, the group
concludes: "A 15- inch monitor is the best choice for a new computer unless
the work you do (or your eyesight) requires a large image or more
information on the screen at once; then, a 17-incher may make the most
sense." (Consumer Reports Jul 96 p30)

Gordon Bell, one of the primary developers of the minicomputer industry
during his 23 years at Digital Equipment, is now at Microsoft working on his
idea for "scalable network and platform computing" which he predicts "will
totally change the industry by the year 2002" by giving a single desktop
computer the power of a mainframe. Discarding the notion that computing is
a game reserved for the young, Nathan Myhrvold, who recruited the 62-year
Bell to Microsoft, says: "One thing that is very valuable in computing but
very rare is having a sense of the past. Technology moves so rapidly and
most of the people are very young. There are a tremendous number of lessons
from the past that are lost on people because they don't have the depth of
experience." (New York Times 1 Jul 96 C5)

Please tell all your friends that we have NOT discontinued Edupage.
Unfortunately, many people were recently inadvertantly dropped from the
list, perhaps including your friends (especially if they seem irritable and
disoriented). This is no time for you to be smug just because you're getting
Edupage and they're not. Be kind. Tell your friends that they should simply

Citing the fact that Canada has not yet opened its skies to U.S. satellite
companies, four government agencies have asked the FCC to withhold a ruling
on whether the Colorado-based cable giant Tele-Communications Inc. should be
allowed to beam its direct-broadcast TV satellite service via the Canadian
satellite launched by Telesat Canada Inc. TCI's defeat on this issue would
be a victory for the joint venture direct satellite service being developed
in the U.S. by MCI and News Corporation. (New York Times 4 Jul 96 C4)

Apple chief executive Gil Amelio has chosen Ellen Hancock to be Apple's
executive vice president and chief technology officer. Hancock spent 28
years with IBM, and was a senior vice president in 1992, responsible for the
division making computer networking hardware and software, when she left the
company following a management reorganization. Amelio first recruited her
to National Semiconductor last September, before he moved from CEO of
National to CEO of Apple. Hancock said of her new appointment: ''I have
brought products to market before, so I know how to focus on what you need
to do." (San Jose Mercury News Center 4 Jul 96)

IBM has reached an agreement with the Justice Department to end a consent
decree imposed in 1956, phasing out the remaining provisions covering IBM's
mainframe and mid-range computer businesses over the next five years. Other
restrictions, which forced IBM to ship computers to customers in the order in
which they were received, were ended immediately. "As these provisions fall
away we are going to be able to compete in a way we are unable to compete in
today," says IBM's general counsel. Other consent decree restrictions were
lifted several months ago in previous negotiations. (Wall Street Journal 3
Jul 96 B4)

The validity of the "shrink-wrap" licenses that many software publishers rely
on for copyright protection was bolstered by a recent appellate court ruling
in Chicago. Last month, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a
lower court's finding that shrink-wrap agreements were unenforceable.
Plaintiffs in the case, ProCD vs. Zeidenberg et al., charged the defendants
with distributing the software program via the Internet. The defendants had
argued that they couldn't be held to the license terms because they'd had no
chance to negotiate or object to parts of the agreement. They also said the
license agreement should be printed on the outside of the box, where it could
be read before purchasing. The latest ruling found this suggestion to be an
onerous burden, but did say the box must have a notice saying there's a
licensing agreement inside, and that buyers should be able to return the
software if they don't agree to the license once they read it. (Investor's
Business Daily 3 Jul 96 A5)

Digital Equipment Corporation chief executive Robert Palmer has forced out
his No. 2 executive and announced that the company's latest quarterly
results would be well below expectations. Digital will cut 7,000 jobs
within the next 12 months. (New York Times 3 Jul 96 C1)

Vice President Al Gore, at a recent NetDay conference in Washington, called
on the Federal Communications Commission, state regulators, parents, school
administrators and others to work together to make the E-rate -- free or
steeply discounted rates for schools and libraries -- a reality. Gore said
that he believes the E-rate could be implemented "in a way that promotes
education, while protecting ratepayers, that spreads the benefits and the
burdens in an equitable manner, and that empowers communities to use the new
technologies and services in the best way that they see fit to use them."
He emphasized the Clinton administration's commitment to ensuring that
services offered under such a plan would meet "recognized educational
objectives, including the need for adequate bandwidth," and that all
competing telecommunications entities have access to technology-neutral
universal service fund subsidies. (BNA Daily Report for Executives 2 Jul 96

Forrester Research says that Internet search engine suppliers such as Yahoo!
and AltaVista will move into the database and database warehouse markets by
1997, providing competition for traditional database systems that, in
contrast to such newer search engines, cannot locate information in
unstructured documents. (Computer Industry Daily 5 Jul 96)

The Canadian government admitted that it gave Microsoft a multi-million
dollar contract over Corel even though its software met all the requirements
and was cheaper. A government spokeswoman said Corel's "point of non-
compliance" was that its software did not work with files from Microsoft's
PowerPoint 4.0. Corel insists its software works, but that the government
staff had been working with older versions. (Ottawa Sun 4 July 96 p2)

Escom, the German company that is one of Europe's largest PC retailers, is
seeking protection from its creditors (similar to Chapter 11 protection in
the U.S,), following significant trading losses and losses caused by a stock
write-down. Aggressive expansion into new markets such as the U.K. had
caused storage and supply problems. (Financial Times 4 Jul 96)

Most companies banking on selling their content over the Web won't see a
profit until the year 2000, predicts Forrester Research, which says the
typical site, such as an electronic newsletter or magazine, will lose $3.9
million beyond the initial investment before they start making money.
"Content providers who joined the Web gold rush find themselves tumbling
down a long, dark mine shaft. It will be at least four years before they see
a return on their investments," says the report's author. (Investor's
Business Daily 3 Jul 96 A5)

In response to an item in Edupage which reported that a group of scientists
had dismissed "electronic challenges to the tradition of peer review for
scientific publications," the online journal RhetNet has initiated
conversations on the subject of peer review and the issue of quality in
scholarly publication in particular.

Paul Saffo of the Institute for the Future says that the Web will evolve into
"the hottest salon venue on the planet. We're not going to surf in
cyberspace, we're going to hang out on it" -- conversing with other people.
But Washington attorney Stewart Baker, who specializes in online law, says
the "free-wheeling, anything-goes attitude" now found on the Net "will
comprise a smaller and smaller percentage of what goes on the Web... People
get tired of hearing other folks rant, and they want more organized
entertainment." (Washington Post 4 Jul 96)

Edupage is written by John Gehl ( & Suzanne Douglas
Voice: 404-371-1853, Fax: 404-371-8057.

Technical support is provided by the Office of Information Technology,
University of North Carolina.

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Educom -- Transforming Education Through Information Technology

Kids Computing Corner
Frank Sereno, Editor

Dungeon Master 2: Legend of Skullkeep

Short Walkthrough

1: Choose your Champions. After you've picked your team (two fighters, a
wizard and a priest is the best combo-ninjas aren't necessary), climb the
ladder and yank the Sun Crest off the wall to find a bunch of nice items,
particularly the Money Box and Magic Map. Go into each Champion's inventory
and throw his or her Coins and Gem into the Box to free up inventory slots.
2: Explore the Sun Clan Village
3: Find the Clan Key Pieces
4: Unlock the door to the Castle and go up to Level 5
5: Explore Level 5 of the Castle
6: Explore levels 7 and 8 to activate the furnace.
7: Explore the Imp area to gather the Tech Armor and go up to Level 4.
8: Explore Level 4 of the Castles and start the pumps.
9: Explore Level 3 of the Castle and turn on the boiler.
10: Explore Levels 2 and 1 of the Castle and activate the Void Door.
11: Defeat Dragoth

Detailed Walkthrough

Level 1: Castle Skullkeep's Roof

With the multitude of Archer Guards up here, this area ia a great place to
build up your statistics by battling
the guard.

Level 2: Castle Skullkeep's Top (5th) Floor

ú Skull and Onyx Keys You can't take both the Skull and Onyx Keys out of
the alcove without getting trapped by the circle on the ground (called a Bio-
Magnet). If you're trapped, the only way to get free is to throw one of the
Keys back into the alcove. If your throw misses the mark, walk toward the
Key and the Magnet pulls it close enough for you to pick up and throw again.
Take the Onyx Key first and use it to open the locked door to the east. Walk
south to the switch and lower the ladder. Climb down to Level 3 (the 4th
floor) and walk north to the ladder back up to Level 2. Now take the Onyx Key
out of the lock and exchange it for the Skull Key.

ú Electric Beams Running through the beams is a matter of timing. Watch
the beams closely and wait for a gap to appear, then walk from east to west
through the beams while staying in the gap. You can turn off the beams with
the switch once you get through them safely.

ú Monitors There are four monitors in the north hall, showing the status
of the four components- pumps, boiler, furnace and water valves- that need to
be activated before you can enter the Boid and take on Dragoth. The four
components activate the electric beam in the room with the Power Crystal.

ú Reflector Room At one point on this level, you're seemingly trapped in a
room with two reflectors, two torches, and a table. Turn and face the
reflector to the east and cast several Fireball (FUL BRO) spells. The
Fireballs bounce off south to the second reflector and smash into the table.
Destroy the table and you can push the torch out of the way and get to the

ú Power Crystal The large stone in the middle of this level is the Power
Crystal, and it's the key to opening the Void Door. The crystal needs to be
charged up with magical energy before the Void Door can be opened. To do
this, you have to turn on the electric beam while also blasting the Crystal
with both Fireball launchers. Use the reflectors from the Reflcetor Room and
position them over the circles on the ground to aim Fireballs at the Crystal.

Level 3: Castle Skullkeep's 4th Floor

ú Battering Rams There's no dexterity requirement for any of your
Champions, but if a Champion is carrying too much (indicated by a yellow or
red weight total on the inventory screen), or if a Champion is injured
(indicated by bandaged wounds on the inventory screen), the party is slowed
down enough to make getting past the rams quite difficult indeed. Here's one
path through the rams: Start by running down the east wall, which has only a
single ram, where the west wall has two. Now turn west and run through the
two rams. Walk south and east to the wall, then turn south and run through
the last two rams. The timing is such that if you move into a square exactly
as the head of the ram is withdrawing to the innermost position, you can make
it through the square.

Tables The tables in the northwest corner of the level are a simple puzzle
that can by solved with brute force (hacking and chopping up the tables) or
by sliding them around to create a path. It's possible to maneuver the tables
so that you cna pass through without destroying a one.

ú Reflector Practice To get across the pits, you need to position the
reflectors so that the Fireball launcher in the middle of the room hits
itself with its own fireball. This causes the pits to close. First, position
the reflectors on your side of the room. Push them into the corners of the
room, aimed inward. (Click on the side of a reflector to aim it left or
right.) Now use the three switches to position the reflectors on the north
side of the pits. Use the left switch twice and the right switch four times.
Walk onto the plate to set off a Fireball. After the Fireball bounces off
the reflector in front of the launcher, use the middle switch twice. Wait
for the Fireball to whack the launcher and close the pits.

ú Moving Teleporters There's a room with teleporters that home in on your
position as soon as you enter. The items in the room's alcoves are minor, so
you don't need to go for them if don't want to.

ú Plate and Pits There are three ways to press the plate surrounded by
1. Method #1: Use the minion map and mark a square on one side of the
plate. Walk to the other side of the plate and activate the Carry/Fetch
Minion. Destroy the Minion as it flies over the plate. The object that the
Minion was carrying drops onto the plate and opens the door.
2. Method#2: Use the Scout Map and create a Scout Minion. Position the
Scout over the plate and throw an item at it. The item drops into the plate.
3. Method#3: Throw an item onto the plate. This is tricky, since so that
the item you throw lands on the plate and dosen't fall through one of the

Level 4: Castle Skullkeep's 3rd Floor

ú Flying Chest Move toward the chest and drive it into the room at the
north end of the level, with three Fireball launcers and three plates to
trigger them. Use the launchers to shoot the Chest and knock it out of the

ú Door and Switches Most of the switches don't open a door the first time
you throw them, but the second, which is understandably confusing. Here's
the order in which to hit the switches, starting with the switch next to the
Scout Map. Throw the switch down and up. Walk west one square. Throw the
switch up. Walk west one square. Throw the switch down and up. Walk west one
quare. Throw the switch down and up. Walk south one square. Throw the
switch on the south wall up. Throw the switch on the east wall down and up.

ú Barrels Smash these open with weapons or spells to find items inside.
One of the barrels has a Kalan Gauntlet inside, while another has a Vacuum

Level 5: Castle Skullkeep's 2nd Floor

ú Void Portals The blue portals that look sort of like black holes are
Void Portals, and Dragoth's Minions use them to travel from the void to the
world of Skullkeep. Use the Open Door (ZO) spell to close the Portals for a
short while.

ú Rope in a wall Pull the rope to ring a bell and summon one of the Dark
Vexirks to open the locked gate for you. The Vexirks won't attack you until
you annoy them by taking an item from oneof the alcoves and dropping an item
into the Vexirk Vat.

ú YA Key You need to use the YA Key twice on this level to open doors, but
the Key gets stuck in the first lock. Press the button next to the keyhole
to eject the YA key into a pit that drops down to Level 7. Now what? Go
down the ladder to the south and around the corner to Level 6. Go west to
find a furnace being guarded by an evil Minion. Destroy the Minion and
create one or two Guard Minions nearby to guard the furnace. You'll soon be
teleporting several monsters into this area to get the furnace burning, and
they can't get to the furnace when an evil Minion is in front of it. (You
should return here every so often to make sure that the evil Minion hasn't
returned.) Walk back to the east and then go south. Grab the Fighter (FUL
BRO KU) Potions in the alcove as you turn the corner. Fill in at least one
of the pits by pushing a boulder into it or by casting the Push (OH KATH KU)
spell. Walk across the pit and walk east through the passage to find a
hidden passage into the Thicket. Return to the cavern and go north to the
one-way ladder. Now climb down the ladder to drop into Level 7.

ú Vexirk Vat There are three things you can do with the Vat: create a
Serpent Staff, create Blue Steele and recharge the Numenstaff. To make the
Serpent Staff, put one Staff and one Mana Blosson into the Vat. To make Blue
Steele, put a Gold Coin, Meteor Metal, Red Gem and Spirit Cap into the Vat.
To recharge the Numenstaff, just dip it into the Vat. You can recharge it as
many times as you need.

ú Locked door south of Vat There are three ways to open the door.
1. Method#1: Use a Carry/Fetch Minion to drop an object onto the plate and
run through the door when it opens up.
2. Method#2: Position a Scout Minion underneath the door and run through it
while Scout takes damage.
3. Method#3: Take the boulder from the Vexirk area and throw it so that it
lands on the plate and opens the door.

ú Boiler To turn off the boiler, you need to turn on the water valves and
fire valves on Level 3, the pumps on Level 4 and the furnace on Level 6.
Turn the switch to the up position.

ú Techeye Traps Use a Magic Map and press the ROS button to see
illusionary walls (which appear as yellow walls). Go through the walls to
find cover plates. Remove the plates and remove the Techeyes inside to
disarm the traps. There are four Techeyes in all. Getting to the fourth
Techeye is tricky. Go into the illusionary wall in the room with the plate
and locked door and face east. Press the button in the wall to open the wall
behind the fourth Techeye.

Level 6: Thicket, Tomb and Castles Skullkeep's Ground Floor

ú Wolves and Bone The wolves like to play fetch. Throw the bone away from
you and nearby wolves run to grab it. Once you take the bone out of the
hedge, the wolves also become somewhat friendlier- but not friendly enough to
stop attacking completely. You can also use the bone to retrieve the gold
coins on the opposite side of each pit in the area. Walk up to the edge of a
pit and throw the bone across. Wait for a wolf to jump across the pit and
grab the bones and coins. When the wolf brings the bone back to you, it also
drops the coins.

ú Black X The large black X on the ground is a teleport square, and it's
meant to provide a quick and easy way of returning to the Sun Clan Village
without having to walk there from the far corners of the Thicket. By using a
Techshield's teleport function while standing on any teleport square, the
part transports itself to the square in the Village. There are also several
teleport squares in the Castles.

ú Water Fountain Look inside this for a few coins.

ú Graveyard Once the Graveyard gate closes behind you, it can't be opened
again until you approach it from the east side. To do that, you need to go
southeast from the Graveyard to the Tomb, and then north back into the heart
of the Thicket.

ú Tomb's East Door Search behind the Tapestry in the south area of the
Tomb to find the OH Key, which opens the east door of the Tomb.

ú Tomb's South Door Search along the south wall near west entrance of the
Tomb to find a boulder and a concealed button. Press the button to reveal a
hidden alcove with the FUL Key, which opens the south door of the Tomb.

ú Mummies The only way to kill the mummies is with the Fireball (FUL IR)

ú Fourth Clan Key Piece The piece of the Key is placed on a table that
rotates the key away from you whenever you get close. Place any type of coin
or gem on the table (use a copper to save money) and a ghostly merchant
appears to rotate the Key Piece to your side.

Level 7: Cavern

Drutan The large, hairy beast who keeps shoving you into the pits is Dru-Tan,
and he's tough to kill. Go through the east gate in Dru-Tan's area (the gate
next to the switch in the wall) and lure Dru-Tan into following you. This
can be difficult, since Dru-Tan has the habit of shooting poison clouds at
you instead of following you inside. Once he enters the corridor, walk west
onto the plate to trigger the spike wall and start it moving. Run west to
the end of the corridor. Press the button hidden in the dark hole in the
wall to open the gate. Go through the gate and press the button to close it
behind you. Dru-Tan is now trapped in the corridor and gets squished to death
by the spike wall. At least, he gets squished most of the time. It's a rare
occurrence, but Dru-Tan sometimes gets so angry that he attacks the spike
wall and destroys it before it crushes him.

Level 8: Cavern

ú Cave-In Room Use your weapons to hack through the rubble. It takes a
lot of swings, but the rubble gradually disappears as you keep swinging.
Don't use attack spells to blast through the rubble or you'll fry yourself.

Level 9: Void

ú Dragoth
Here's a complete roundup of Dragoth-related information to help you kill him
in the final battle.
1. You can't enter Dragoth's Door, and he can't enter the Void Door. The
only place where you and Dragoth can encounter each other is the Void.
2. Dragoth is always regenerating health at a moderate pace. When he
retreats through Dragoth's Door, he uses Health (VI) Potions to bring himself
back to full health..
3. The number of health points Dragoth recovers depends on how long you're
away from the Void. For every ten seconds your party sleeps, Dragoth recovers
from five to eight health points.
4. Attack Minions are helpful against Dragoth, but Guard Minions are more
predictable (since they stay in one place) and therefore more useful. Note
that Dragoth can always create one more of his evil Minions than your total
number of Attack and Guard Minions in the Void, so there's no way to
overwhelm him with Minions.
5. The Reflector (ZO BRO ROS) spell is extremely useful in the Void. (The
Techshield can also generate short duration Reflector spells.) Cast a
Reflector spell and stand in the Reflector to keep your party safe from
Dragoth's Minions. The Minions destroy themselves with their own magic while
trying to shoot you.
6. The best weapons against Dragoth are the high-end swords and axes like
the Blue Steele and Vorax. The Numenstaff is useful against the Minions,
but Dragoth is too fast and too good at casting Reflector for it to be useful
against him.
7. So what are Dragoth's weaknesses? He's somewhat vulnerable to
Fireballs, but he's particularly susceptible to poison, especially the
Poison Foe (DES VEN) spell. The ideal way to fight him is to create several
Guard Minions, stand in the same square as one of the guards and cast
Reflector spells to protect them (and you). Whenever Dragoth lines up to
attack you, he receives a barrage from the Guard Minions and doesn't have
much time to attack you.

Links 386/Pro Grows up! STR Infofile


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Unlimited screen resolutions means that LINKS LS can match any monitor's
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Two stunning Hawaiian courses have been selected to inaugurate LINKS LS as
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30 frames per second).

Camera Windows are user selectable, user sizable and are capable of
displaying views from any of following cameras:

ú Top View Camera-This is an overhead 'Blimp View' showing the current
hole, ball flight, and the aiming marker. The user can position the aiming
marker or 'drop' from the top view.
ú Side view Camera-This is 'Side Blimp View' from a lower elevation and
shows the current hole, ball flight, and aiming marker. The user can also
position the aiming marker or drop in the side view.
ú Green View Camera-This camera is positioned beyond the green, about 40
feet off the ground, looking back towards the tee box. This view shows the
player animation, ball flight, and aiming marker. The user can also position
the aiming marker or drop in the green view.
ú Chat View for network and modem play.
ú Custom Views-You can position the camera almost anywhere you choose to
watch your shots like never before.
ú Profile View Camera-This camera shows an elevation profile from the ball
to the pin and displays appropriate elevation and distance information.

In addition to being displayed in the normal full screen view, the aiming
marker is also displayed by the top View, Side View, Green View and Custom
View cameras and can be repositioned by clicking in any of these camera

All the Super VGA LINKS Championship Courses will be capable of being
converted to the NEW LINKS LS course format.

The sound library editor allows you to use any standard wave (.wav) file and
add your own sounds to most of the events in the game. For instance if you
want a Bronx cheer assigned to a bogey, you can have it.

Sounds like waves crashing and dogs barking have a specific spatial position
on the course. As the player approaches these locations the sounds get
louder. As the player turns left or right, the sounds pan across the
stereo mix and seem to come from a certain direction.

To insure full Windows 95 compatibility, we have developed the LINKS LS
Sentry. The Sentry is a windows application that runs along side LINKS LS
and performs several important functions:

ú Uses Windows 95's Auto Play to launch SETUP.EXE & install LINKS LS
ú Creates a LINKS LS folder on your Windows 95 desktop
ú Checks to see if other programs that can interfere with LINKS LS are
running and allows you to selectively close them
ú Maintains critical communications with Windows 95 to insure that any
shutdown of LINKS LS is fully recoverable
ú Minimum of 16 MB of memory required for play under Windows 95

Your computer must be at least a 486 DX2 66 MHz CPU. (Not compatible with
NexGen or other CPU's without math co-processor.) It must have 12MB of RAM
(16MB to run in a window in Windows 95), 30 MB of free hard drive space
(estimated), 2X (double speed) CD-ROM drive (MPC Level 2 compliant). Your
video card must have at least 1 MB of video ram (dram, vram or wram). The
VESA bios must be VESA 2.0 compliant, capable of displaying 800 x 600
resolution with 32K colors. VESA does not refer to your BUS type. A PCI
video card still must have a VESA bios to be VESA compliant. To get any
sound you must have at least an 8-bit sound card. A mouse is required.

Pentium 90 MHz CPU or faster, 16+ MB RAM, 4x (quad speed) or higher CD-ROM, 2
MB Local Bus video (optimum resolution 1600 x 1200 resolution in 65,000
colors requires 4 MB RAM on video card), 200 MB hard drive space, 16 bit
industry standard compatible sound card, and a mouse.

STReport's "Partners in Progress" Advertising Program

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Atari: Jaguar/Computer Section
Dana Jacobson, Editor

From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

I anticipated that this week's segment was going to be quite short. The 4th
of July holiday made this week "shorter" and tougher to meet. But, since the
weather was horrible on Thursday, I was able to dig into more Atari "history"
for some interesting tidbits. The next couple of weeks will also be short,
possibly, as it's vacation time and I really need to get away and "do stuff".
I'll be playing it by ear...

It's been interesting going back through past issues of STReport. Seeing
history unfold and then seeing the results, in hindsight, has been an
eye¦opener. The staff changes here at STReport, the content, the debates,
the flames, the joy, and especially the Atari userbase was massive compared
to what exists today.

Let's take a look at yesteryear and see what the "headlines" were on this
date in 1991 and 1992. From Issues 727 and 827:


Good evening, and welcome to DELPHI's ST Advantage. Tonight we're
pleased to have Jim Allen, of Fast Technologies, as our guest for a Formal
Conference. For those of you who don't about Jim, he is the creator of the
T16 accelerator board, which makes your ST run at about twice the speed it
used to before you installed the T16. And he is busy working on two newer,
faster accelerators, the T20, an even faster version of the T16, and a 68030
board, that uses Motorola's 68030 chip to replace the stock 68000 chip.
(There is a great deal more involved, but Jim can talk about that.)

And, the announcement that all Atari users in the eastern half of the country
longed to hear:

WAACE/FALL'91 STR SHOW NEWS "The Premier East Coast Show!"

Blast Off With AtariFest WAACE '91

East Coast Atari fans will get their best chance for a look at all that is
new in the world of Atari on Saturday and Sunday October 12th and 13th.
The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts will hold the 8th edition of
their WAACE AtariFest at the Sheraton Reston Hotel and Conference Center in
Reston, VA.



By Lloyd Pulley

There's been a lot of discussion recently on CIS as to whether Neochrome .09
and Neochrome 2.x are in public domain/shareware as both have been found
floating around the nations BBSes.

What's Neochrome 2.x? It's a program that the British Magazine 'ST USER'
recently distributed on their cover disk. This is a 'hacked' version of
Neochrome 1.0 and is more commonly called Neochrome Master. According to the
information supplied by the person who modified it, he did it with permission
from Atari. Users of Neochrome Master are either supposed to send shareware
payments to him or directly to Dave Staugus (the original programmer from

[Editor's note: We all learned that this 2.x version is/was illegal]

We all know that there's been no "love" lost over the years between STReport
and Atari. Notably, much of the focus was between STReport Publisher Ralph
Mariano and Atari's Bob Brodie. In Issue 827, we find yetanother of the
topics that brought the two "together" in debate:

From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Atari's future is something to seriously ponder these days. One can't help
but wonder if, with the advent of the new machines.. ie., The Falcon,
Sparrow or whatever; "will the new products have the right 'send-off'?
STReport's entire staff wants to see Atari enjoy a monumental success in the
release of its new machines. This is the beginnings of Atari's NEW ERA.
The Falcon and its successors show all the promise we've desired in machines
from Atari for quite some time.

Atari's Director of Communications, Bob Brodie continues "demanding" that
users on _CIS_ use EMAIL to tell him they "love" him, sadly, the entire
scenario is fast becoming the _joke_ of the year. Head Sysop Ron Luks'
made his desires known, (shown elsewhere in this issue), that users on CIS
respond both in email and in public for all to see, as it is happening on
most other services. What is wrong with conducting an information gathering
poll in public for all to see? After all, the results are bound to "touch"
all of us. On top of which we find officious appearing statements being
presented by the "Director of Communications" that arenot in the least
complimentary to any of the parties concerned.

For example, Brodie _claims_ in his editorial published this week; "At this
point, I'm sorry to report that the response on CompuServe has been
pathetic...far and away the lowest number of respondents on any network."

Any number of users who frequent all the services, just as Brodie does, will
find the above statement difficult to believe. Many observers seem to find
the response on CompuServe is more than likely comparable to that on GEnie
with Delphi close behind. As for the private hobby networks, the reaction is
mainly having little or, as in most cases, no response either way. Director
Brodie's recent actions appear to be an embarrassment which all Atarians must
unfairly to bear. Perhaps it's time for the Director to spend more time
communicating about the new products and less time with the obvious
"obsession". The major online services such as, GEnie, Compuserve and
Delphi along with the hobby networks and the loyal Atari users who subscribe
to these services deserve Atari's support on the major services of their
choice, not that users must make a pilgrimage and "go to Atari." Without a
doubt, the loyal Atarians, worldwide, deserve much better treatment than

[Editor's note: The above item was in reference to an online "petition" from
Brodie asking users of the major online services where he/Atari should focus
its attention with regard to online participation. Additionally, he
requested that respondents use ecmail. Early response, according to Brodie,
was GEnie was the uncontested leader in the poll; and, that the CompuServe
feedback was "pathetic". Ironically, it was eventually GEnie that
pathetically didn't renew Atari's official presence and CompuServe became the
uncontested official online site for Atari.

Even more ironic is that upon a recent visit to GEnie's Atari Roundtables, I
noted that the welcome banner _still_ promotes itself as the official online
resource for Atari. I still wonder why I've kept my GEnie accountopen for
all of these years...]

More Atari show announcements of yesteryear:

Blue Ridge Fest! STR SHOW NEWS Summer Fun with Atari


Press Release - July 2, 1992


The Blue Ridge Atari Computer Enthusiasts (BRACE) and Computer Studio invite
you to participate in the third annual Blue Ridge AtariFest on Saturday,
July 18, 1992. The show will take place in the Courtyard Shop area of
Westgate Shopping Center in Asheville, North Carolina (Home of Computer




HARTFORD, Conn. (July 3, 1992)

THE CLOCK IS the EarlyBird

Pre-Registration Discount offer for Connecticut AtariFest '92 (CAF '92) (up
to $2 off per person on tickets) expires in a few days. All forms must be
mailed with a check or money order by midnight July 9. See the library for a
copy for the form. THAT'S A GUIDE TO THE LINKS, NOT THE LYNX... Computer
programmer-turned-publisher Brian Harvey will be among the guests
demonstrating special talents at the Hartford area show. Harvey, who ecently
published 'Golf in Connecticut,' a guide to public golf courses throughout
the Nutmeg State, will examine the rewards and pitfalls of self-publishing.
The avid golfer boasted few desktop publishing (DTP) skills before
undertaking this project, but produced a data-rich booklet that is very
strong on graphics. B. Dalton, Waldenbooks and Barnes & Noble are among the
retail chains distributing the regional guide for Harvey, who brought it to
life on his trusty Atari ST using Calamus, dBMAN and other off-the-shelf


WE'RE ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOU' When Atari Explorer Online hyped the scheduled
CAF '92 dinner dance (Saturday, August 15) in a recent issue former AEO
editors John Jainschigg and Peter Donoso (also professional musicians; Donoso
is CAF '92 music coordinator), who plan to perform in the unique Atari 'jam
session' elaborated:

"Yeah, man .. since the release of our album, 'Welcome to the (Not Just a
Game) Machine,' last year, we feel like we've lost touch with the small club
and user-group show audience," said Jainschigg. "So we thought it would be a
good idea to rediscover our roots, do a small tour of Atari shows in the
Bridgeport area, and like ... party until everybody's ears bleed."

Mr. Donoso concurred: "People hear Atari music systems in the hands of really
competent, famous musicians, all the time." He said. "We think it's
important, however, for audiences to realize that Atari computers, plus very
large amplifiers, can even make essentially talent-free, chopless blighters
like ourselves sound good! It's remarkable what an algorithmic composer, a
decent sequencer, plus lots and lots of wattage can do!"

Brian Gockley, organizer of the AtariFest, was quoted as saying: "All I
wanted was a little dancing. That's all. There's nothing to do, at night, at
these AtariFests. So I asked them, and now, all of a sudden, they've got a
truck, and an entourage, and I've got security problems, and they're
demanding backstage, full-service catering and a suite at the hotel. I don't
know what's going to happen. I ... I'm not responsible. No further comment.
The article precipitated various anti-computerist slurs on electronic
message boards: 'Atarians, Dancing? You should come just to watch!'
Computer "Nerds" dancing? Hope you have lots of accident insurance,' they
said. To which we reply: Hey, why do you think we moved the show to Hartford?
IN THE WORKS Organizers are feverishly working to assemble show activities
for all members of the Atari community.

And, that year also marked a highlight for Atari users who ran bulletin
boards under MichTron BBS software. Most other Atari BBS programs supported
some form of networking. Until now, MichTron did not. Here we saw the birth
of MNET, written by Jeff Wells. MNET was fun while it lasted, but the lack
of an MBBS upgrade led to many faithful flocking to other software.

In what eventually became the end of another era for Atari magazines:


Atari Explorer magazine will enjoy the expert leadership and guidance of John
B. Jainschigg for at least one more issue. Jainschigg, acclaimed for having
brought Atari Explorer to "a cut above" from almost certain extinction, was
recently reported to have left the position of Editor. This announcement,
when received throughout the Atari community, generated shock waves, world
wide, almost immediately. Hopefully, Atari will see the error of its ways
and make every possible effort to keep Jainschigg at the helm of Explorer.
News of Jainschigg's temporary return to Explorer, was followed shortly
thereafter with News that Tina Brown editor of Vanity Fair, was drafted to be
Editor of the world famous New Yorker Magazine.

Until next time...

Jaguar Section

- Well, It Is the 4th of July Holiday...

From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!

About the only thing good about this time of year are the thoughts of
vacations for most folks, myself included. It's always been a quiet time of
year for computing and gaming news, but this time of year, this year, is
deafeningly quiet. Atari has done very little since the Christmas of 1995
with regard to new games appearing. The major news, although little has been
said about it publicly, is the waiting game to learn whether or not the SEC
will approve the merger plans of Atari and JTS. Sources within Atari have
said that there will likely be very little Jaguar activity until the merger
plans have been finalized.. the focus is on those plans.

In the meantime, some of the "recent" Jaguar games are in the hands of
reviewers and promised to be reviewed in the next couple of weeks. Until
then, or other news arises, we'll have a short Jaguar section this week.

Most of the online activity has been devoted to a relatively few topics. One
topic of interest is the campaign going on in the Jaguar forums of the
Usenet petitioning Telegames to publish a number of games that have been
sitting dormant, but completed. The latest petition that I have seen has
almost 200 "signatures". Who knows what success this petition will have, but
it certainly cannot hurt to make your vote known. If you're interested, drop
an email to: "".

Until next time...

Jaguar Cheats, & Hints STR InfoFile - Solving Those Riddles!

Defender 2000 Cheats!

(Thanks to CIS' Larry Tipton)

Here are THREE Defender 2000 codes for your gaming pleasure. :)

ú Plazma Pong:
ú Enter "Nolan" in any high score table to get an extra game

ú Flossie's Revenge:
ú Enter "Ovine" in Defender Plus high score table. Start Defender Plus by
pressing A (instead of B).

ú Warp Enable:
ú Enter "Beest" in Defender 2000 high score table. During Defender 2000,
press 3 to warp to the next level, and press 6 to warp to the bonus round.


Start off any video, then hold 4 + 7 + 8 (L, Z, Y on Pro Controller) then
press 'B'. This will automatically solve the video for you.

Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr!

ABC to the VCS

A New Book by Leonard Herman

"ABC to the VCS" by Leonard Herman. 154 pages. Published by Rolenta Press,
1996. Available through Rolenta Press, Leonard Herman's
book "Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of Home Videogames," is well known as
arguably the most comprehensive and informative look into the history of home
videogames, from its infancy to the present. His latest effort, "The ABC to
the VCS," is a directory of software that focuses specifically on the king of
the classic home videogame consoles, the Atari VCS (2600). Mr. Herman
appears to have successfully catalogued and categorized almost all of the
games in the NTSC 2600 library. Each chapter denotes a theme/genre with a
listing of the games that fits the theme, along with a capsule

summary of
each title. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Mr. Herman and his
qualifications, he has been involved with the 2600 since the time of its
original release. He wrote several articles for Electronic Games and
Videogaming and Computergaming Illustrated and was in attendance at the
Consumer Electronics Shows and the Toy Fair during the heyday of the 2600. As
a result, he has had first hand experience in play-testing several games that
were never released and are not known to be in the hands of ANY collector
even to this day!

Currently, Leonard is involved in Videotopia, the traveling museum exhibit
that just recently kicked off its nationwide tour in Pittsburgh, PA. Perhaps
the most compelling aspect of his book (in addition to the fact that
virtually every single 2600 game is summarized), is the fact that reviews of
games such as Rush Hour by CommaVid, Snowplow by Sunrise, and the Impossible
Game by Telesys, have capsule summaries! Yes, he was fortunate enough to play
finished versions of a handful of games that are not known to be in the hands
of ANY collector. Classic gaming enthusiasts who get warm and fuzzy over the
mention of the Atari VCS 2600 will want to include this book in their home
library. It is the definitive reference source for 2600 lovers. I urge
everyone who shares in this love-affair with the Atari 2600 to support
Leonard Herman's efforts and to contact him about purchasing his book.
Congratulations, Leonard, on a job well done!

ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe

compiled by
Joe Mirando
CIS ID: 73637,2262

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. Well, It's Fourth of July evening and, much
to the consternation of the editor, I haven't handed in my column yet. I've
done it again... Too much food, too much exercise with my nieces and
nephews, and too much sun. So I'm sore both inside and out (at least I
avoided my father's trademark clam cocktail... <yuck!>).

Yes, this is a time to take stock of our country and, more importantly, of
ourselves. I'm one of those folks who believes that it's not the destination
as much as the journey that makes us what we are. Are we the greatest
nation in the world because we started out with the aim of becoming the
greatest? No. We are what we are because our forefathers had to struggle
to simply be free. Heck, up until the first world war we worried about
getting our butts kicked by any nation that wanted to take the time to do so.
I suppose we've all heard someone, be it a gym coach, teacher, or parent,
say "pressure makes diamonds", and I suppose it's true. Our country had to
not only struggle for respect, but for its continued existence. That is what
has made us, as well as many other countries past and present, great.

The problem is that, once the struggle is over, we get lazy. We begin to see
advancement and continued glory not as a goal, but as a birthright. We
become willing to "take" nobility and privilege rather than earn it.

The same lesson can be seen throughout history. Do some quick reading about
any of the empires that have come and gone. They attained greatness and
then slowly, sometimes painfully, faded away in the face of a newer,
hungrier, more motivated force. The same can be said of modern day
businesses. New businesses start, grow, do well, then begin to whither and
struggle to keep the status quo in the face of a newer, smarter, more savvy

But here's the rub: There is no status quo! Each and every day is a new
start. Each and every challenge is important. You can't simply say "Hey, I
DESERVE this! I'm IBM!" or at least not for long. Sooner or later,
someone's going to say, "Oh yeah? What have you done lately?" Okay, okay,
I'll get to the point. Each and every one of us must constantly learn and
grow. Without that, we begin to loose ground... the ground that we, and
those who have gone before us, worked so hard to gain. It can't be retained
by force like locking a possession away in a vault, but only by constantly
reaching farther, working harder, and learning more than what we need to
simply exist.

Blockbuster movies using the holiday name aside, we've got a heck of a lot to
be thankful for. I hope that the family of the late Harry Chapin won't get
mad for using a line from one of his songs, but it's always been one of my
favorites and it fits this line of thoughts well:

...first time I've understood.
It's got to be the going,
Not the getting there that's good.
That's a thought for keeping if I could,
It's got to be the going,
Not the getting there that's good.

Let's take a little journey of our own now through the hints, tips, tricks,
and info available every week right here on CompuServe.

From the Atari Computing Forums

When asked if CompuServe has any plans to offer SLIP internet access (which
is what at least one of the browsers available for the Atari ST requires)
The Big Kahuna himself, Chief Sysop Ron Luks, posts:

"I have not heard of any plans to offer SLIP access. The rest of the world
is upgrading to PPP."

Our old friend and STReport Editor Emeritus, Lloyd E. Pulley, posts:

"It's time to show my ignorance. What are SLIP and PPP, and what difference
does it make to the average net user?"

No one has answered yet but, in a nutshell, SLIP stands for Serial Line
Internet Protocol. It is an old protocol that provides no error checking
and no compression. Needless to say, these things are preferable if not
necessary using today's high throughput equipment. PPP stands for Point-to-
Point Protocol. It provides
both compression and error correction.

Our Atari Section Editor, Dana Jacobson, in asking John Trautschold of
Missionware Software about using HSMODEM, a serial port "fix" program for
the ST series of computers, gets this answer from John:

"With Flash II you need no external serial port program to operate at speeds
higher than 9600..."

I take the opportunity to ask John:

"Is that also true of a MegaSTE using a 28.8 modem with a 57600 connection to
the modem? I noticed some dropped characters without a patch prg, so I
added HSMODEM GE and they went away. Could the "dropped characters" problem
be more speed-related than buffer-related? I'm running at 16 MHz, but I'm
also using Geneva/Neo4 which does slow the system down a bit. Other than
that (and the fact that using a type-ahead buffer with vidtex messes up the
screen), everything here is cool."

John replies:

"That's true of any Atari computer and Flash II. We handle any port problems
on any computer using any version of TOS automatically! <big smile> I've
tested F2 on a 8 MHz Stacy running 14.4 and have never experienced any
dropped character. F2 creates a big enough buffer so that shouldn't be a
problem. However, handshaking between the modem and the computer *must* be
set correctly."

See that folks, I just freed up about 65 Kbytes just because John and company
did an outstanding job and because I took the time to ask the question. I
then take the time to ask about my latest acquisition:

"I've just gotten a new USR Sportster 288 modem and was wondering if anyone
here had recommendations as to optimum settings for use here on CIS. The
modem works fine for the most part. My only problem so far is that the
modem doesn't want to hang up after I terminate the call. It hangs up just
fine on the other two services, although I access both of them from
SprintNet and I access CIS through its own network.

I'm getting great through-put with uploads and downloads, and no transmission
errors at all. I'm using Flash II v2.23 on my MSTE's Modem2 port. Any
advice, tips, tricks, etc, would be appreciated."

Mark Kelling tells me:

"The modem NOT hanging up is apparently a common problem on CIS with USR
modems at 28.8 speed. Why it does that, no one knows. This topic was hot in
the MacCIM forum not long ago. Solution was to use the old '+++' ATH combo
or just yank the line out of the wall. (That was the advice one person
actually reported getting from a telephone support person!!) If Flash 2
supports DTR line control, toggle that from Flash and the modem _should_
disconnect without waiting for CIS to drop the line.

If you ask CIS customer service they will insist that you log in without data
compression or error correction on and that will fix the problem. Don't
believe them! I use CIS as my Internet PPP gateway for my Mac. With CIS'
own login settings for my modem, I _never_ saw anything higher than 9000
baud. Since turning on compression, I regularly see throughput on text at
27.0. And this is on a 14.4 modem!

I log into other services through SprintNet as well and notice that the hang-
up is nearly instant when requested, compared to a minimum of one minute
using an unaltered copy of MacCIM. (I edited the disconnect script to use
the three '+' ATH route instead of the wait for CIS to drop connection

You may also want to ask in the USR Modem area here on CIS (GO MODEMV). They
should be able to set you up if all else fails."

I tell Mark:

"Thanks for the info. On the plus side, I think that this is the first modem
I've ever had that I didn't have to fiddle with to find a profile that would
work with all three of the services I use. As long as it's an established,
documented problem, I'll just write a macro with the "+++...ATH" string in
it. I'm quite impressed with the Sportster so far... except for the fact
that it has those old-fashioned DIP switches, it's hot stuff. And to tell
the truth, I prefer hardware switches to software switches. Well, I've gotta
get logged off, I'll just yank the cord out of the wall now! <very big

While we're on the subject of modems, Jack Hughes asks:

"What is the secret word to get the modem profile (at least I think that is
the correct term) to display on the screen? I have done it in the past but
haven't been able to get it now."

Our own Atari Section Editor, Dana Jacobson, tells Jack:

"While in Terminal mode, type AT&V to print to screen your modem

Cathy Gorbunoff asks for help for a friend:

"I have an AtariST 1 MB Ram, hard disk, color monitor that I am giving to a
friend. How should I tell him to connect to CompuServe? Is it possible for
him to get to the Internet with it?"

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells Cathy:

"I think it should be possible via telnet to get into CompuServe. Assuming
you have a CompuServe account. I assume it would be easier with a direct
connection to CompuServe rather than via Internet. The only he needs is a
external modem (make sure it is not the Rockwell Protocol types) v.32bis and
v.34 are the good. For terminal software I like Flash 2 myself but there are
others available as well."

Cathy tells Albert:

"Wow! Thanks so much for such a prompt reply. I will relay this information
to my friend. I was just happy to find a home for it."

Sysop Bob Retelle adds:

"As Albert indicated, your friend only needs a standard EXTERNAL modem and
standard 25 pin modem cable to use the Atari ST with CompuServe. There is
no need for any special software like WINCIM, any normal Atari ST
telecommunications program will work. As for Internet access, the software
available for the ST limits the usefulness of the computer at the moment.

You can use TELNET from CompuServe to log into remote systems on the Internet
(although that is normally of limited usefulness), and you can access the
UseNet "newsgroups" from CompuServe too. Unfortunately there is no "World
Wide Web" software that will work with an Atari and CompuServe, although
there are reports that people are working on solutions for that."

That is, in fact, true. There are at least a few individuals looking at the
possibility of putting out a commercial version of an HTML (HyperText Markup
Language... don't you just LOVE all these initials? <grin>) browser for the
Atari ST series of computers. Only time will tell if it is worth their
efforts... I certainly hope so.

Well folks, that's about all for this week. Tune in again next time, same
time, same station, and be ready to listen to what they are saying when...



"Some people's idea of free speech is,
they are free to say anything they like.
but if anyone dares say anything back,
that is an absolute outrage..."

. Winston Churchill

STReport International OnLine Magazine

[S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport

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