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Silicon Times Report Issue 1202
Silicon Times Report
The Original Independent OnLine Magazine"
(Since 1987)
January 12, 1996 No.1202
Silicon Times Report International OnLine Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155
STR Electronic Publishing Inc.
A subsidiary of
STR Worldwide CompNews Inc.
R.F. Mariano, Editor
Featured in ITCNet's ITC_STREPORT Echo
Voice: 1-904-268-3815 10am-4pm EST
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01/12/96 STR 1202 The Original Independent OnLine Magazine!
- CPU Industry Report - Low Cost Items! - Corel 6 Update
- MS Layoff Coming? - Chip Sales UP 40% - Internet Hangover?
- More Pentium Power - Compu-Toys - Internet Studio
- SONY PSX Cheats - People Talking - Jaguar NewsBits
Execs EXIT Struggling Apple!
Canada A Hotbed For Crackers
Apple Loss Higher Than Anticipated!
STReport International OnLine Magazine
Featuring Weekly
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to
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From the Editor's Desk...
The Internet is bustin' loose.. The Games coming down the pipeline are
as plentiful and dandelions in a summer field. But. most important of all
are the herds of new and updated applications for Windows 95/NT. Before all
the "cry babies" get started about "being picked on" for their using the
wrong operating system or, being on the wrong platform, this editorial is
for informational purposes only and does not reflect or allude to any
persons, places or situations both now or perhaps in the afterlife! <g>
It never ceases to amaze me that no sooner does an issue come out in which
the wonders of being part of a supported and thriving platform are made
mention of, almost immediately the accusations of putting down those who are
not on this platform begin to fly.
The computing community is growing in leaps and bounds. We now have
.Intel Pentium 166's (that's FAST!) and higher, Itel Triton II Chipsets,
Sync Burst Pipeline Cache on all Motherboards, EDO or Regular RAM, 8x CD-ROM
drives, inexpensive hard disks, etc., the choices are "multitudinous"! I
might add, it keeps getting better all the time. As a result, most every
facet of this platform's vitality is alive with innovation and positive
growth. The wonders that are "just around the corner" in the areas of both
sound and video are going to astound everyone. The downside is slight.
Slight even for those who have yet to migrate to this platform. Many
manufacturers and consultants realize the anxiety and intimidation involved
in making the move. Steps are being taken to ease the transition phase.
Software, Experience, Learning Curves and Cost are the seriously
intimidating factors All can be, in one way or another, easily overcome.
All that's required is a tiny bit of courage and a minimal investment. The
staggering prices are no longer there for entry participants. Of course,
with some relatively careful planning ahead, one can enter this platform
pretty much prepared for the future at a minimum of initial expense.
Beginning next week, there will be a series of articles detailing the
advantages of making the change, how to go about it and most of all, the
pitfalls to avoid. Hopefully, in this series of articles we can plot a
course together and make the move painless and at the same time, cost
effective. Don't miss the series. "Changing Platforms Painlessly".
Of Special Note:
STReport is now ready to offer much more in the way of serving the Networks,
Online Services and Internet's vast, fast growing site list and userbase.
We now have our very own WEB/NewsGroup/FTP Site and although its in its
early stages of construction, do stop by and have a look see. Since We've
received numerous requests to receive STReport from a wide variety of
Internet addressees, we were compelled to put together an Internet
distribution/mailing list for those who wished to receive STReport on a
regular basis, the file is ZIPPED, then UUENCODED. Unfortunately, we've
also received a number of opinions that the UUENCODING was a real pain to
deal with. So, as of October 01,1995, you'll be able to download STReport
directly from our very own SERVER & WEB Site. While there, be sure to join
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to be used for at least the next eight weeks. Each of our readers will have
by then, received their information packet about how they may upgrade their
personal STR News Services.
STReport's managing editors
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STReport Headline News
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World
Compiled by: Dana P. Jacobson
Online is Lifeline for Blizzard '96 While some scoff at the notion of
Many victims of the infamous low-cost gadgets that use TV and
Blizzard of 1996 are at home and at the phone to let people find online
their computers -- giving and often data on the Internet and elsewhere,
requesting advice and help. The the idea got broad support among
record-setting snowstorm has closed computer executives at the Consumer
major avenues of transportation on Electronics Show this weekend in
the East Coast from airports to Las Vegas. Business writer Evan
highways, transforming city streets Ramstad of the Associated Press
into icy expanses more fit for reports several companies soon will
skiers than drivers. As has often begin selling network access
been the case in other emergencies, devices that cost $200 to $500, an
CompuServe members are coming idea that has been promoted for
together through the online months by companies such as Sun
community to ease isolation and Microsystems Inc. and Oracle Corp.
offer solace to others. Weather Ramstad notes some PC makers and
Channel Forum member Sandy Rice analysts have scorned the idea that
writes, "I'm from Louisville and people will want something less
got 17 inches of snow. The roads than a full-featured system that
are too dangerous to go out but I starts at around $1,500.
need food. My son is out of school. Nonetheless, some major players --
Until a salt truck comes I'm stuck including Compaq Computer Corp.,
in my subdivision. Should I try to Packard Bell Electronics Inc. and
get out or stay in my house?" Acer America Inc. -- all told the
Dave Hall, answering from "under 20 wire service their developers were
inches on Long Island," writes, playing with different, less costly
"I'd have to recommend risking designs focused on network access.
it...cabin fever is no fun, but For instance, Paul Chapple, a
running out of food and supplies spokesman for Philips Electronics
isn't you have Inc., said his employer is
neighbors who have four wheel developing a $400 phone to connect
capability? Best not to get to the World Wide Web through an
depressed about it, and give it a online service that will reformat
try! Be careful, and be safe." data on a small screen. "The
Brian Foy says, "All the airports executives said they realize PCs
are closed as well as New York City won't ever reach as many households
being under a "Snow Emergency". As as TVs and telephones," Ramstad
long as everyone stays safe, I love writes, "but that something will be
the snow. We got around two feet of needed to let everyone reach the
the white fluffy stuff. Pull out information available in
those sleds and snow shoes." cyberspace." Ramstad cited several
By typing GO BLIZZARD, CompuServe devices introduced at CES:
members can connect to the Weather ú The $500 Pippin cyber-CD
Crisis Menu, listing "Blizzard News player, designed by Apple Computer
Clips," The Weather Channel Forum Inc. and made first by Japan's
and the CompuServe Weather area. Bandai Co. Ltd. It will go on sale
The Weather Channel Forum topics in Japan in April and the United
include conferences with States this summer. Other
forecasters and on-air manufacturers also are expected to
meteorologists, library files and make Pippin, which connects to a TV
message sections. To share your like a video game machine. It can
personal experiences of the storm, play video games, music CDs, send
GO TWCFORUM, Message Section 6, and receive email, and use Netscape
"Snow and Ice Center," "I'm trapped software to browse the World Wide
in the Blizz," "Weekend snowstorm - Web.
- NY," "Buried," and related ú The $200 Telesmart 4000 by US
threads.! Order and Colonial Data
Low-Cost Net Devices Coming Soon
Technologies Inc., that will be Tandem Computers Inc. From the
adopted to receive email in a few company's Cupertino, California,
months. United Press International reports
ú A $300 box from ViewCall Pieper, who has served as
America, a unit of Colorocs president/CEO of Tandem's UB
Information Technologies Inc., that Networks subsidiary since 1993, is
attaches to the TV and provides pledging to focus the company on
World Wide Web access. "open" system products designed to
ú A modem and service from interconnect with a variety of
Catapult Entertainment Inc. that different brands. Pieper
allows Sega or Nintendo video games previously was president/CEO of
to be played across phone lines. AT&T's UNIX Systems Laboratories
When players are done with a and is credited with turning around
session of NBA Jam, they can check the unit from significant losses to
their Internet email. profits in less than a year and
Zip Drive Gets Portable Power Pack moving the UNIX system into a
Iomega Corp. has unveiled a strong commercial market position
portable power pack for its Zip based on open-systems standards.
drive. The company, based in Roy, Said Pieper, "Most of our
Utah, says the rechargeable power technologies have always been
pack will be targeted at people who brought to market with closed,
want use the Zip drive in remote proprietary technology. We're going
locations. When recharging the to take advantage of more
battery, users can plug the power opportunities to get our technology
pack directly into a wall socket, to market." He said Tandem also
alleviating the need for additional will seek to expand its
chargers or power cords. partnerships with other high-tech
With an estimated average run-time companies in order to broaden its
of approximately two hours, the product line and lower its prices.
power pack weighs less than eight Treybig remains on Tandem's board
ounces and is about the size of a of directors and will assist Pieper
deck of cards. Iomega's Zip drive in the transition. Pieper will join
uses 100MB disks to provide up to the board and Tandem's board will
70 times the capacity of add several new members in the
traditional floppy disks with hard coming months with the goal of
disk-like performance. The unit is bringing in additional experience
available in parallel port and SCSI from the computer industry.
versions for about $200. The disks Sun Sets Up Separate Java Unit
sell for $15 each. Sun Microsystems Inc. has spun off
"Many of our customers carry the a separate unit to handle Java, the
Zip drive between work and home, or evolving programming language it
are using it on the road with a developed for the Internet. To head
notebook computer," says Andy the new division, Sun has chosen
Grolnick, Iomega's Zip product line Alan Baratz, formerly president/CEO
manager. "The new Zip power pack of Delphi Internet Services Corp.
gives these mobile professionals a Sun President/Chairman/CEO Scott
new level of portability, allowing McNealy told United Press
them to use their Zip drive International, "We're privileged to
anywhere." The power pack is have someone of Alan's stature and
expected to ship this spring for background leading this
under $50. organization. His 15 years'
Roel Pieper Named Tandem CEO experience in high-technology
Replacing company founder James engineering and executive
Treybig after 22 years, 39-year-old management is just what we need to
Roel Pieper has been named CEO of grow this critical aspect of our
Before assuming the leadership of
Delphi, Baratz held senior
management positions with IBM in "The sales and orders results for
New York, culminating in being the first nine months of 1995 point
named IBM director of strategic to another full year of record
development. Of Java, UPI improvement for U.S.-based
comments, "Since its introduction technology companies," says William
last year, Java has emerged as a T. Archey, president and CEO, of
budding standard for developing the Washington- based trade group.
Internet and World Wide Web Windows Newsletter Debuts on Web
content. It has been successful in IDG Newsletter Corp. says it has
large part, industry trackers said, launched the first World Wide Web-
because it is not tied to any based newsletter for Windows
particular operating system or professionals. The Boston-based
microprocessor." company says its Winsurfer
McNealy added, "Java has publication will aim to provide
revolutionized programming for the readers with tips and techniques
Internet and other complex they can use to get the most from
networks. Creating an Windows 95 and Windows NT.
infrastructure around this A sample issue of the monthly
revolutionary technology will help publication can be viewed at
us get the power of Java to every A 12-
software developer for the public month subscription is priced at
Internet and corporate intranets, $49.00.
and develop Java as the Internet IBM Had Most U.S. Patents in 1995
programming standard." IBM Corp. was awarded the most U.S.
Analysts seem pleased with Sun's patents for the third straight
move, saying creation of a separate year, receiving a record 1,383
division shows just how bullish Sun patents from the U.S. Patent and
has become about Java's future. Trademark Office in 1995 -- 27
Philip Rueppel of Alex. Brown and percent more than any other
Sons told the wire service, company. The previous record was
"Essentially, this indicates that 1,298 U.S. patents, set by IBM in
Sun sees the vitality of Java as a 1994. IBM also led with 1,087
long-term solution and by patents in 1993, the first year
separating it, they can make a play since 1985 that a company based in
at making Java self-sustaining. the U.S. received the most U.S.
They want to capitalize on the patents.
momentum Java has gained." Trailing IBM in the top 10 for
U.S. Electronics Sales Set Record 1995, according to IFI/Plenum Data
New figures from the American Corp., were Canon KK, which had
Electronics Association show that 1,088 patents, Motorola (1,012),
worldwide sales of U.S.-produced NEC (1,005) Mitsubishi Denki Ltd.
electronics products and services (971), Toshiba (970), Hitachi Ltd.
increased 17.4 percent to a record (909), Matsushita (852), Eastman
$334.7 million in the first nine Kodak (772) and General Electric
months of 1995 compared with $285 (757).
billion the same 1994 period. The IBM patents were almost
Orders for electronics products and exclusively in the field of
services also set a record in the information processing. "We are
first three quarters of 1995, pleased with the ranking and will
rising 19.2 percent to $339.0 continue to work hard to bring
billion from $284.5 billion in the these innovations to market
year-earlier period. quickly," says Marshall Phelps,
Third quarter sales increased 17.1 Jr., vice president of intellectual
percent to $115.1 billion from property and licensing services for
$98.3 billion in the year-ago IBM. "IBM continues to invest in
period. Orders rose 18.0 percent to key technological areas like
$114.8 billion from $97.3 billion.
software, networking, data storage associate dean of the Wiesenthal
and microelectronics -- as our center, based in Los Angeles, says
patent portfolio for 1995 attests." the some 250 U.S.-based hate groups
CD-ROM Lists Trademarks now "have a magnificent marketing
Business owners looking to technology dumped in their laps."
trademark a new product can now He adds, "They are able to dress up
take advantage of a CD-ROM that's their message in a way that looks
designed to offer low-cost security ... presentable."
against trademark infringement. Notes Webster, "The Wiesenthal
The Trademark Checker contains the Center's request is part of a
fully searchable text of all U.S. growing debate over whether
federal trademarks -- registered Internet service providers should
and pending, live and dead -- be viewed as publishers responsible
dating back to 1884. "You'll still for what moves on their networks,
need a trademark attorney to or carriers who simply provide
process the application and do a access to a service without
thorough search of state and common monitoring what is communicated."
law databases. However, with the While the Wiesenthal Center argues
Trademark Checker you can do most the services are publishers who
of the work yourself and save have a civic responsibility not to
thousands of dollars in legal fees promote bigotry, Godwin says
by screening out names already Internet providers should be
taken," says Peter Tracy, president treated like bookstores, which
of East Haven, Connecticut-based exercise some control when they
MicroPatent, which publishes the decide to specialize in science
software. The CD-ROM can also be fiction instead of mysteries, but
used by publishers, advertising are not expected to read every book
agencies, publicists and others who and be held responsible for the
need to check for trademarked books' contents.
words. The Trademark Checker sells More Execs Leave Struggling Apple
for $199. Additional information is More top executives have left
available on MicroPatent's World struggling Apple Computer Inc.
Wide Web home page: Barbara Krause, the computer maker's vice president of corporate
Group Wants Ban of Net Hate Sites communications, and one of the
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a company's highest ranking women
leading Jewish human rights group, executives, has resigned. Keith
has began sending hundreds of Fox, vice president of the home
letters to Internet access division, has also left the firm.
providers asking them to refuse to The San Francisco Chronicle reports
carry messages that "promote that three other high-ranking Apple
racism, anti-Semitism, mayhem and executives are leaving: Jim Groff,
violence." The effort has drawn vice president of education
fire from civil libertarians and marketing; Peter Friedman, vice
access providers, who argue public president and general manager of
debate is the way to defeat hate. online services; and Don
Mike Godwin, staff counsel for the Strickland, vice president of
Electronic Frontier Foundation, business and government sales.
told Associated Press writer According to the newspaper, Apple
Katharine Webster the Internet plans to announce company-wide
allows users to "show the whole layoffs after Jan. 17, when the
world what's wrong about what the company will release first quarter
hate speakers are saying." And results that could include a loss.
CompuServe spokesman William Giles Apple hasn't commented on the
told the wire service, "The correct report.
place to try and put pressure is on Microsoft Layoffs Coming?
the people who create the content, Word around Washington state is
not the person who provides accessthat Microsoft Corp. is planning to
lay off some employees. Quoting
from a report in the Seattle Post-
Intelligencer newspaper,
Computergram International this
morning noted rumors of impending
cutbacks have been circulating in
Microsoft's Redmond, Washington,
headquarters for more than a month.
"Adding to the uncertainty," says
the newsletter, "are lower-than-
expected retail sales of Windows 95
and a refocusing of the company's
software development efforts to try
to get aboard the rampant
to it." Rabbi Abraham Cooper,
Corel Updates STR Focus
CorelDRAW 6.0 Build 169
Significant Fixes & Features
CorelDRAW Module
User Interface
ú the Layers roll-up would crash when using some 16-bit mouse TSRs under
ú ToolTips for the Node Edit roll-up will now display when the roll-up
has focus
File I/O
ú inability to reopen a file saved as vers. 5. Format in vers. 5.0
ú inability to open some files saved to 5.0 format which contained
bitmaps, when reopening in 6.0
ú AI export improved when exporting text objects
ú no 22-byte 'placeable' header is created on WMF portion of EPS export -
IPF generated when importing large EPS file with WMF headers
ú New feature: the CMX format can now be opened and saved directly within
ú Guidelines/Rulers/Grids
ú the moving of slanted guidelines by grabbing with the cursor - snapping
to slanted guidelines
ú Feet weren't marked on the ruler correctly when using Imperial
measurement units
ú several Grid Frequency problems with the grid was set to Meters, Feet,
Miles or Km's
ú files from previous versions which contained text with line spacing set
to points was opening with inflated values in Version 6.0. These files will
now open to line spacing at 100% of character height.
Drawing/Editing/Attribute Tools
ú Auto Reduce numeric on Shape Tool Properties was set to .00002. This
is now .004.
ú some imported B&W bitmaps were coming in with 256 color palettes - they
wouldn't accept outline or fill assignment
Special Effects
ú couldn't Contour a long string of text
ú unable to edit PowerClips on pages other than Page 1
ú Fit Text to Path roll-up would become unavailable if the roll-up was
ú Hairline outlines on plotters were drawn as thicker polycurves - non-PS
copies were being reset following each job
ú 2-sided printing was sometimes not stopping at 50% to allow for paper
Corel PHOTO-PAINT 6.0 Build 169 Significant Fixes Editing Operations
ú Attempting to do a Cut or Copy twice would cause an IPF.
ú Attempting to delete 3 or more Objects at once would cause a lock-up. -
Attempting to Undo List 16/256 color images after Clr Adj/Transform Effect,
cause an IPF.
ú Pen, Eraser and Color Replacer strokes were not working for Stroke
Mask. Effects
ú Attempting to apply a Displacement Map or Canvas in the Effects would
not work.
ú Selecting F1 (default .acl to Help) when Effect list is displayed would
cause an IPF.
File I/O
ú Attempting to open TIFF files with Alpha channels would not work.
ú Attempting to Save a Read Only image would cause an immediate shut-
down. File Management
ú Attempting to suspend printing using the Task Progress Manager would
cause an IPF.
OLE Operations
ú Attempting to select DRAW app during Resample in Paint when doing an
OLE In-Place Edit would cause an IPF.
ú Running a script with no file open would cause an IPF.
User Interface
ú Custom Color Palette would not be maintained; Palette would go back to
Corel PRESENTS 6.0 Build 169 Significant Fixes New Features:
ú Import Corel SHOW 5 files
ú Paragraph options dialog now available to adjust bullet, indent and tab
ú New improvements under Win NT: Runtime Player is now available - Fancy
coloured bullets now available in the Layout library
ú Import .txt files to CHART data sheet UI/Performance
ú Tooltips available within Libraries dialog for Layouts
ú Speed has been increased in the Libraries and in slide sorter.
ú Generate Slide in Advance option has been added to allow slides to pre-
load while running presentation - benefit seen in particular with complex
ú Default set to Autoscan data in CHART data sheet when plotting chart,
with option to manually select a data range
ú Enhanced file compression in Runtime Player format File I/O
ú Editing a DRAW .cmx file no longer causes an error when returning to
ú Importing files with layered objects now fixed
ú Imported Actors and Props (.mlb files) have been fixed Text
ú Header/Footer page numbers now appear correctly throughout presentation
- Font size list box now updated when resizing artistic text on a slide
ú Edit, Undo Fit Text to Path fixed
ú With Artistic tool selected, changing selection to text frame on slide
now correctly updates to the Paragraph tool
ú Moving bullets in Outline view to different slides will not unlink from
Master Slide Layout view
ú Changing font attributes in Outline view now correctly unlinking from
the Master Slide Layout
ú Removing bullets in Master Slide view now maintains indent spacing -
Templates are now linked to the Master Slide Layout
ú Frame attribute information for OLE objects now accessible after
saving, closing and re-opening files
ú Transitions on 3D objects, preview of transitions on grouped objects,
text effects now working correctly
ú Text effects using pause at paragraph options now working correctly -
Imported .avi files now display thumbnail
ú Wave editor under NT has been fixed
January, 1996
Summit96: A Whole New Twist for the Annual Ventura Conference
SAN JOSE, CA -- The seventh annual conference for Ventura users, Summit96,
is scheduled for the week
of April 22-26, 1996, at the Red Lion Hotel in San Jose, CA, and this year's
event will reflect the many
sweeping changes that are crossing the electronic publishing landscape.
As in the six previous years, the Summit will offer high-quality seminars
and presentations across three full
days, with specific tracks for users of different interests and levels of
experience. Hosted by Rick Altman,
the Summit will feature the most notable authors and publishing specialists,
including Daniel Will-Harris,
Carol Lovelady, Foster Coburn, Byron Canfield, and David Satz. As always,
the Summit Help Center will
be open all day for free drop-in technical support.
Furthermore, the 1996 event will take on a greatly expanded role from
previous years--similar to a mini-
Seybold conference just for Corel users. With two days of optional seminars
and workshops, registrants
can pick and choose the topics they want to learn about, enroute to building
their own personal conference.
Among the highlights during that week:
Rick Altman's eight-city West Coast seminar series makes a stop at the
Summit on April 22-23. The
complete agenda for this highly-acclaimed two-day seminar is available at Registration
for these seminars is $279 alone, or just $175 if added to the main
For the most comprehensive overviews on today's hot publishing topics, these
$99 half-day seminars are
the perfect complement to the main event, or excellent appetizers all by
themselves. At the Summit, you'll
find courses on the following topics:
- An Introduction to Ventura
- In Step with Windows 95, Part I and II - Exploring the Internet -
PhotoPaint WOW, Part I and II
- A First Look at CorelXara
The Crash Courses take place on Monday and Tuesday, April 22-23, before the
main event on Wednesday.
It's no secret that Ventura 6 intends to be a major player in paperless
publishing, with built-in support for
HTML, SGML, and Adobe Acrobat. Whether you have been surfing the Web for
years or have been
waiting for the right time to dive in, you'll find all the answers in San
Jose this April. The Summit will
feature an entire track of seminars from Wednesday through Friday dedicated
to Internet publishing, Web
page design, HTML development, portable documentation, effective on-line
communication, and much
Registration for the three-day Ventura conference is $525 for regular
registration and $495 if you sign up
by March 18. This price covers all of the seminars and workshops, access to
the Help Center, breakfasts
and lunches on all three days, numerous social events, and eligibility to
take a dip in our huge prize pool.
The optional seminars on Monday and Tuesday can be added to your Summit
experience or taken on their
own. In any case, the Red Lion is holding rooms for Summit registrants at
$109 for single occupancy and
$129 for double occupancy, and you can reach the hotel at (408) 453-4000.
Whether you publish on paper or on ether, whether you are a Ventura veteran,
a Ventura neophyte, a
CorelDRAW user, or just looking to break into the world of electronic design
and publishing, you can't do
better than Summit96, the Annual Conference for Ventura Users and Electronic
You can reach host Rick Altman the following ways: PHONE: 408-252-5448
FAX: 408-252-5451
EMAIL: or CIS 72341,1714
You can receive an immediate brochure on the Summit by calling the
Conference fax hotline at 408-252-
5586, or by visiting
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All articles submitted to STReport for publication must be sent in the
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On another note. the ASCII version of STReport is fast approaching the
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amount of reader mail expressing a preference for our Adobe PDF enhanced
issue is running approximately 15 to 1 over the ASCII edition. Besides,
STReport will not be caught in the old, worn out "downward compatibility
dodge" we must move forward.
Many grateful thanks in advance for your enthusiastic co-operation.
Ralph F. Mariano, Editor
STReport International Online Magazine
MS Internet Studio STR Focus
Microsoft INTERNET STUDIO Visual Publishing System
Microsoft Internet Studio (formerly code-named "Blackbird") is the easy way
to create, publish, and manage a new generation of interactive sites for the
World Wide Web. Internet Studio lets you easily create multimedia Web pages
that incorporate stylized hypertext documents, rich graphics, real-time
sound, and animations. All of this can be done within Internet Studio's drag
and drop layout environment eliminating the need for any programming or HTML
coding. Internet Studio allows you to work with familiar tools, and
incorporate content from any OLE-enabled application such as Microsoft
Office and hundreds of other third party applications. Internet Studio is
also fully extensible via OLE controls and a published SDK.
Product Features:
ú Internet Studio allows designers to easily create rich, multimedia
pages by dragging and dropping pictures, text, sounds, and other media to
layout their designs. The model is very much like Aldus Page Maker or
Microsoft Publisher: Internet Studio provides a full frame-based layout
environment where no programming or HTML coding is necessary.
ú The Internet Studio system automatically manages content making it easy
to create sites with constantly changing information. Internet Studio
dynamically generates and maintains hyperlinks so there are no "dead" links.
The design environment supports "one button" publishing to easily place new
content on the server.
ú Since Internet Studio separates design from content and uses common OLE-
based design elements with a persistent cache, users get high performance
for rich multimedia pages on-line.
ú Internet Studio is also fully extensible. Designers can use their
favorite content editing tools (such as Microsoft Office, Adobe PhotoShop,
Corel Draw, and Macromedia Director). Since Internet Studio is based on open
OLE controls, third-party software developers can create their own unique
design elements for use within Internet Studio.
When will Internet Studio be available? How do I get Internet Studio?
A developer release of the Internet Studio design tool has been in beta test
since July, 1995. A beta for publishing on the World Wide Web will be
available in Q1, 1996. Version 1.0 of Internet Studio for publishing on the
Web will be released in 1996.
What Platforms does Internet Studio support?
Internet Studio pages can be viewed by any Web browser on any platform.
How does Internet Studio compare to HTML?
Internet Studio 1.0 outputs HTML, so standard Web browsers on any platform
can display Internet Studio content. In addition, Microsoft is proposing,
through the Internet Engineering Task Force, additional open extensions to
the HTML standards that provide users with a richer interactive experience.
Both Internet Studio and Microsoft Internet Explorer will support these and
other approved extensions to HTML, thereby providing users with an
interactive Web experience. Microsoft will also provide a free,
downloadable, viewer application that will enable the current version of
existing browsers (such as the Netscape Navigator and Spyglass) on Windows
95 and Windows NT to view Internet Studio sites including the full range of
new HTML capabilities. But even if a customer does not have a browser that
supports all of the HTML extensions, sites developed with Internet Studio
are fully "downlevel" compatible, so that these customers can still see the
Does a user need an Internet Studio browser or viewer to view Internet
Studio sites on the World Wide Web?
No, Internet Studio pages can be viewed by any standard Web browser on any
How does Internet Studio compare to SUN's Java?
Internet Studio and Java are very different. Java is a programming language
while Internet Studio is an online publishing system. Java is designed for
programmers while Internet Studio is designed for online publishers. As a
publishing system, Internet Studio includes open scripting capabilities, but
also includes a frame-based layout environment, hypertext authoring, content
management, one-button publishing, and extensible third-party design
components (based on OLE). While Microsoft will include VBA and C++
scripting capabilities directly with Internet Studio, other programming
languages, like JAVA, can be plugged in based on the open scripting
Can I create custom processing scripts in Internet Studio?
Yes. Information on creating Internet Studio extensible actions is provided
with the Internet Studio Technical Reference. These actions are
automatically added to the Internet Studio action dialog so that non-
programmers can easily integrate custom scripts into their pages. Internet
Studio scripting can be done in C++ and Visual Basic for Applications, as
well as other scripting languages based on Internet Studio's open scripting
Will Internet Studio include Visual Basicr Scripting?
Yes. Visual Basic will be incorporated as an integrated scripting language
for Internet Studio 1.0.
How much does Internet Studio cost? How will I buy Internet Studio?
Packaging and pricing have not been announced.
Does Internet Studio include content authoring tools?
Internet Studio works with existing Microsoft and third-party content
authoring tools. For instance, graphics, sound, and other multimedia content
can be authored in third-party tools (such as Microsoft Office, Adobe
Photoshop, Macromedia Freehand, etc.), then integrated within Internet
Studio pages using the Internet Studio designer. Internet Studio supports
most popular graphic formats, including BMP, TGA, TIF, PCX, WMF, GIF, DIB,
and JPG. Also, any application supporting the OLE document standard can be
used to author Internet Studio content (for instance, Microsoft Excel charts
and tables, CorelDraw illustrations, etc.) can be embedded in Internet
Studio pages and published online. Internet Studio also includes Internet
Assistant for Microsoft Word for easily authoring hypermedia documents with
links and graphics.
Does Internet Studio support VRML?
Yes. Microsoft has announced that Intervista is providing enhanced VRML
capabilities for Internet Studio. Microsoft has also licensed 3D editing
software from Calagari to include with Internet Studio allowing designers to
create rich 3D worlds published online. Finally, programmers can create
sophisticated 3D animations within Internet Studio titles using Windows 95
based technologies such as Reality Labs and OpenGL 3D APIs.
Does Internet Studio support Macromedia Shockwave?
Yes. Macromedia demonstrated an OLE Control for delivering and viewing
Shockwave for Director movies within Internet Studio pages at their recent
User's Conference.
Does Internet Studio support Adobe Acrobat?
Yes. Internet Studio pages will be able to take full advantage of content
stored as Acrobat PDF files. Adobe has announced an Acrobat control for
Internet Studio that enables Acrobat files to be used directly within
Internet Studio pages.
Can I create Electronic Eforms in Internet Studio?
Yes. Microsoft will supply a set of Internet Studio Eform controls that
allow content providers to create rich MAPI-based Eforms without any
programming. Internet Studio will also support all standard HTML forms.
Does Internet Studio support secure transactions?
Yes. Internet Studio sites will support Secure Transaction Technology (STT)
for financial transactions, and SSL and PCT for secure communications across
the Internet.
What about security when downloading OLE components?
There will be security measures for downloading OLE components that are part
of Internet Studio pages. Companies will be able to certify their OLE
components and code scripts so consumers can choose to only download
components supplied by clearly identified, known companies (based on digital
Can I use Internet Studio to develop CD-ROM titles?
Yes. While Internet Studio is optimized for developing online interactive
pages, content providers can publish standalone Internet Studio applications
to CD-ROM.
Can I use Internet Studio to develop applications for Interactive TV?
Microsoft has announced no plans for Interactive TV and Internet Studio.
Microsoft is committed, however, to ensuring that content providers'
investment in content creation and content authoring tools follows a logical
progression from narrow-bandwidth media to higher-bandwidth media.
c1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft Visual Basic
and Windows are registered trademarks and MSN and Windows NT are trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation. All other products or tradenames mentioned herein
are the property of their respective owners. The information contained in
this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the
issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must
respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a
commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the
accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This
document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES,
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Apple/Mac Section
John Deegan, Editor
EDUPAGE STR Focus Keeping the users informed
CompuServe's Can Of Worms
New Supercomputing Competition
Two Phone Companies Want ISDN Rate
AT&T Lured To The Web
More Pentium Power
Boosting Internet Bandwidth
Canada's National Education Network
Satellite Provides Remote Links
Online Shopper Demographics
Net Spreadsheets
Barons Of Bytes Among Canada's
Court Rejects Challenge To Indecent
Broadcast Laws
Court Hears Lotus, Borland Case
Blizzard Strains Online Resources
Chip Sales Up 40%
64-Bit Chips Set To Overtake 32-Bit
DSVD Modems -- Poor Man's ISDN?
IRS, FBI Eye Internet With
Students In Cyberspace
Bell Canada Fights Back
Microsoft's "Simply Interactive"
Human Rights Group Wants Ban On
Internet Hangover?
CompuServe's Motives Questioned
Oracle Plans To Ship First Internet
PC In March
Cell Phone Rates On Their Way Down
Smart Phone
NCR Retakes Its Maiden Name
Internet Provider Takes On Phone
Canada A Hotbed For Crackers
Dole Criticism Of Telecom Bill
Perot Systems Links With Swiss Bank
Apple Loss Higher Than Anticipated
Resume Buzz Words For '96
CompuServe's CAN OF WORMS which is increasingly popular with
After cutting off subscribers' computer users connecting to the
access to more than 200 electronic Internet. The two companies have
bulletin boards that feature adult found that average subscribers use
material last week, CompuServe now the service 47 hours a month, or
is trying to find a technical way more than three times what had been
to block only German subscribers, anticipated when the companies set
whose government originally had the current rates. Industry
lodged the complaint against the analysts are questioning the wisdom
commercial online provider. of raising ISDN rates at a time
Industry executives are pointing when cable companies are beginning
out that this would set a bad to provide low-cost high-speed
precedent, possibly encouraging digital phone service and access to
other governments to make their own computer networks. (New York Times
demands regarding content 5 Jan 96 C2)
restrictions. Every country will AT&T LURED TO THE WEB
now jump in and say we don't want AT&T is abandoning the proprietary
any antigovernment propaganda. system it spent $50 million on a
Every country in the world will year ago in favor of moving its
push its own local hot button," business-oriented online service
says a University of Pennsylvania directly to the Internet. The AT&T
professor. (WSJournal 5 Jan 95 B2) Business Network will open its site
NEW SUPERCOMPUTING COMPETITION on the World Wide Web in mid- 1996.
The National Science Foundation is "We believe that some people will
planning a new competitive process want to buy just plain Internet
for allocating funds to access," says the president of AT&T
supercomputer centers, beginning New Media Services. "Others will
in 1998, after funding for the four want something more -- they'll want
currently supported supercomputing to buy that access along with
centers expires. The four centers meaningful content." AT&T's
-- located at Cornell University, current Interchange system offers
the University of California at San information from CNN, McGraw Hill's
Diego, the University of Illinois Standard & Poor's Rating Group and
at Urbana-Champaign, and a Dow Jones & Co. (Wall Street
collaborative effort between the Journal 5 Jan 95 B2)
University of Pittsburgh and MORE PENTIUM POWER
Carnegie Mellon University -- share Intel has two new super-speedy
about $65 million a year in Pentiums for use in home and small
government funds. The new program office desktop computers -- running
will encourage consortial at 150- megahertz and 166-
arrangements among companies, state megahertz, respectively. Officials
governments, universities and other at IBM, Dell Computer and Hewlett-
federal agencies. "It's an attempt Packard all said their companies
to draw more of the resources of would be building computers using
the country into the program," the new chips, and Advanced Logic
says NSF's assistant director. The Research says it has a 150-
program solicitation can be found megahertz machine for sale now
at: starting at $2,195 and a 166 model
for $2,495. (Investor's Business
< Daily 5 Jan 95 A12)
rogSol.html> (Chronicle of Higher BOOSTING INTERNET BANDWIDTH
Education 5 Jan 95 A23) Internet service provider iStar
TWO PHONE COMPANIES WANT ISDN RATE beefed up the capacity of its
INCREASES network with new links between
Pacific Bell and U S West are Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and the
seeking to more than double the American portion of the Internet
rates they charge for ISDN service, and increased its Internet
bandwidth 28 times. (Toronto RICHEST
Financial Post 5 Jan 96 p39) Pioneers on the information highway
CANADA'S NATIONAL EDUCATION NETWORK have been ranked as among the
A $500,000 pilot project will richest people in Canada. Ted
evaluate a proposed National Rogers of cable giant Rogers
Education Network that will bring Communications came in fifth with a
together Canada's commercial personal fortune of $1.4-billion.
training schools, universities, (Ottawa Sun 5 Jan 96 p4)
colleges, non-profit schools and COURT REJECTS CHALLENGE TO INDECENT
school boards. (Ottawa Citizen 5 BROADCAST LAWS
Jan 96 A1) The Supreme Court has rejected,
SATELLITE PROVIDES REMOTE LINKS without comment, a constitutional
Ottawa-based TMI Communications saw challenge to a 1992 federal law
its $500-million MSAT satellite that bans indecent radio and TV
investment start to pay off: the programming during daytime and
world's most powerful satellite "primetime" evening hours. The
will provide voice and data Federal Communications Commission
transmission service throughout defines indecency as "language that
Canada, the US, Mexico, the depicts or describes, in terms
Caribbean and Latin America to patently offensive as measured by
millions of people in remote areas, contemporary community standards
including Canadians who live in the for the broadcast medium, sexual or
85% of the country outside the excretory activities or organs."
reach of cellular phone systems. The appellate court judgment, now
This mobility comes at a price, upheld by the Supreme Court, ruled
however, since handsets with that the law served the
antenna cost between $5,000 and government's interest in
$6,000 and calls are $2.50 per "supporting parental supervision
minute (Ottawa Citizen 4 Jan 96 C5) of what children see and hear on
ONLINE SHOPPER DEMOGRAPHICS the public airwaves." One of the
"It's mostly young, male nerds... unsuccessful appeals argued that
techno-weenies. The buying the law would restrict American TV
population on the Net is and radio audiences "to watching
essentially social misfits. People and hearing only programming fit
who are comfortable in public will for children." (New York Times 9
go to a store," says Seymour Jan 96 A5)
Merrin, head of a technical COURT HEARS LOTUS, BORLAND CASE
research firm, who estimates that The Supreme Court heard arguments
online shopping ultimately could by Lotus's lawyer that Borland
represent 6% to 8% of all mail- International Inc. violated Lotus
order sales. (Investor's Business Development Corp.'s copyright on
Daily 8 Jan 96 A10) its Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet
NET SPREADSHEETS commands by using all 469 of them
Formula One/Net, in Borland's former Quattro
at:< >, software. "The expression is in
offers Web surfers using Netscape a deciding what words to use," he
way of viewing and manipulating told the court. Borland's lawyer
spreadsheets embedded on Web pages. disputed the claims, however,
For example, a site might allow saying that the software allowed
investors to make online "what if" users to choose between Borland-
comparisons of different investment designed commands or Lotus
strategies based on financial data commands, because so many already
which it provides to those visiting were familiar with the Lotus
the site. (Computerworld 26 Dec software. "Whatever word Lotus
95/2 Jan 96 p68) used to operate its system, that
BARONS OF BYTES AMONG CANADA'S word is not copyrightable," he
said. Lotus is seeking more than
$100 million in damages for
copyright violation. (Investor's experts emphasize the need to
Business Daily 9 Jan 96 A28) expand the horizon beyond 64:
BLIZZARD STRAINS ONLINE RESOURCES "Today's move toward 64-bit file
There's no such thing as a snow day systems and 64-bit processing are
anymore for many knowledge workers, just stages in the evolution of
and the stress placed on telephone information technology. It is
and online services yesterday important to recognize this and not
proved it. UUNet's president develop solutions for 64-bit that
estimated that high-speed business are not sufficient for 128-bit and
use of the Internet was down by as beyond." (Information Week 1 Jan
much as 15% yesterday, while dial- 96 p39)
up home users' rose 60%. America DSVD MODEMS -- POOR MAN'S ISDN?
Online reported a 60% increase from Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data
normal levels, and AT&T said long- modems can deliver some of the bang
distance calls were up 35% of ISDN modems without having to
yesterday morning, with a 15% shell out the bucks. The modems
increase in conference calls allow simultaneous transmission of
during the day. Nynex said the voice and data to the same person
number of residential calls was up equipped with the same kind of
60% and Bell Atlantic reported DSVD modem. Although the
their residential call load had stipulations are restrictive, it
nearly doubled. (Wall Street could conceivably allow you to
Journal 9 Jan 95 B1) receive technical support from a
CHIP SALES UP 40% help desk while staying in voice
Revenue from sales of contact with them, or allow you to
semiconductors rose 40% last year, work on documents simultaneously
to $154.7 billion, according to with a long-distance co-worker
preliminary results compiled for a without the added expense of a
new study by Dataquest. North second phone line. International
American chip makers' lead over Data Corp. predicts as many as 35%
Japanese competitors narrowed to of the 19 million modems sold in
0.3%, down from 1.2% last year -- 1996 will be DSVD devices, selling
with North American suppliers for around $300. "DSVD will be the
claiming 39.8% of the market to next major modem advance throughout
Japan's 39.5%. Dataquest predicts the world," says a manager for
healthy sales in the future, fueled MultiTech Systems Inc., which
by global demand for PCs and manufactures the modems.
corporate networks, and estimates (Investor's Business Daily 8 Jan 96
chip sales will top $300 billion A10)
by the year 2000. (Wall Street IRS, FBI EYE INTERNET WITH
Journal 9 Jan 95 B2) SUSPICION
64-BIT CHIPS SET TO OVERTAKE 32-BIT The Clinton administration's
COUSINS reluctance to ease up on export
If you think you're on top of controls for encryption software
things because you just switched stems in part from pressure from
over to a 32-bit system, think U.S. law enforcement agencies, and
again -- 64-bit chips are expected the owner of a New York-based
to be the norm by the year 2000. software company sees heavy
Driving the change is the need for lobbying behind the government's
speed to run graphics-intensive desire to regulate content on the
computing applications and heavy- Internet: "I think the Internal
duty databases. So far, Digital Revenue Service and the FBI are
Equipment Corp. is one of the few watching this one very carefully.
64-bit chip suppliers with its own They wouldn't mind seeing the
64-bit operating system -- a must government set a precedent for
for taking full advantage of the 64- deciding what can and cannot go on
bit architecture. But industry the Internet." The IRS fears that
easy access to cheap and
sophisticated encryption software
will make income and sales tax Engineering conference in April.
evasion too easy, and the FBI (New York Times 8 Jan 1996 C2)
worries about criminal and HUMAN RIGHTS GROUP WANTS BAN ON
terrorist plots hatched in CYBERHATE
cyberspace, but some observers say The Simon Wiesenthal Center is
government control tactics are too asking university presidents,
little, too late. A Hudson Internet access providers,
Institute economist says, commercial online services such as
"Electronic money gets really AOL, CompuServe, Prodigy and MSN to
interesting when you realize how make a voluntary pledge to refuse
impossible it is to put national service to any individual or group
walls around it, mandate the use of that wants to use the Net to
national currencies, or require promote racism, anti-Semitism,
that transactions go through mayhem and violence. A spokesman
banks... The country will have no for the Center, a well- known
practical choice but to rely more Jewish human rights group, says
than ever on voluntary tax that the Internet gives people
compliance. That means tax rates "incredible power to promote
will have to be kept as low as violence, threaten women,
possible on people and on denigrate minorities, promote
businesses." (Investor's Business homophobia, and conspire against
Daily 9 Jan 96 B1) democracy." Some civil liberties
STUDENTS IN CYBERSPACE organizations are characterizing
Officials in Ontario's Ministry of the Wiesenthal Center's proposal as
Education are developing plans to censorship and the director of the
introduce credit courses that would Institute for Historical Review,
be available through a computer which challenges the existence of
network for high school students. the Holocaust, calls the proposal
Students in rural centers and "outrageous and hypocritical."
adults trying to complete high (New York Times 10 Jan 96 A1)
school through correspondence INTERNET HANGOVER?
programs could see courses online A senior VP at International Data
by this fall. (Toronto Globe & Corp. predicts widespread consumer
Mail 9 Jan 96 A3) disillusion with the Internet: "We
BELL CANADA FIGHTS BACK also believe the Internet and
Bell Canada criticized independent World Wide Web phenomenon will go
Internet service providers for from an intoxication stage to a
making "entirely untrue" statements hangover stage during the next two
alleging that the phone company's years. About 20% of the large
marketing teams are sending firms will jump off the Web because
potential customers to BellSygma, the consumer demographics are not
which operates the company's developing quickly enough. But
Sympatico Internet service.(Toronto just as those 30 to 35 companies
Star 9 Jan B3) jump off, another 175 will hop on.
MICROSOFT'S "SIMPLY INTERACTIVE" The growth in online subscribers
PLANS will continue to be very strong,
With a new development program but there will be underlying high
called "The Simply Interactive PC turnover rates as users who are
for 1997," Microsoft hopes to work underwhelmed by content on the Web
closely with hardware cancel and turn on their TVs."
manufacturers to make the PC a (Investor's Business Daily 10 Jan
consumer-friendly "appliance" that 96 A6)
will "turn the PC into the best CompuServe's MOTIVES QUESTIONED
platform for entertainment, CompuServe's recent action to shut
Internet access and down subscriber access to 200
communications." The plan will be newsgroups carrying sexual content
presented at the Windows Hardware was motivated more by U.S.
politics than German objections, growing at about 28% a year, and
apparently. Reports that the sales of educational and reference
action was in response to Bavarian software grew by 142% last year,
government complaints are false -- according to IDC/Link Inc. Not to
the incident was sparked by an be left out, Packard Bell expects
inquiry from a district attorney in to launch its family-oriented add-
Munich regarding the ons, dubbed Packard Bell
groups. Leaders of all four parties Interactive, and rumor has it IBM
in the Bundestag have spoken out and Microsoft also are developing
against any legislation to regulate child-sized hardware and software
the Internet and agree that this year. (Business Week 15 Jan
existing criminal law in Germany is 96 p38)
sufficient to handle any potential CELL PHONE RATES ON THEIR WAY DOWN
legal misconduct. It's rumored Cellular phone rates, which have
that, rather than reacting to remained high for years in the face
German authorities, CompuServe's of enormous consumer growth, may
restrictions were enacted in finally be responding to
response to legislation pending in competitive pressures and beginning
Congress against "indecent" digital to drop. Subscriber growth rates
content in an effort to bolster are slowing down, and wireless wars
CompuServe's reputation as a have ignited in New York, Chicago
morally responsible online service and Washington, DC. Figures for
provider. (STERN Infomat 03/96) the largest 15 carriers in the U.S.
ORACLE PLANS TO SHIP FIRST INTERNET show a 12% growth rate in 1995,
PC IN MARCH down from 63% the previous year.
Oracle Corp. is putting the And the advent of personal
finishing touches on its first communications services may push
Internet PC, which it says will prices down even further, possibly
ship in March, and is working with another 10% to 40% according to an
Acorn Computer Group on a second analyst at EDS Management
version. The new device will meet Consulting Services. (Wall Street
the $500 price goal, but will come Journal 11 Jan 96 B1)
without a monitor. Instead, SMART PHONE
consumers will use cables to hook Colonial Data Technologies'
it up to their television sets or Telesmart 4000 phone incorporates
PCs. The manufacturing cost, the ability to send e-mail over the
according to Oracle's VP of network Internet, pay bills and bank
computing, is under $200 -- $100 electronically, type and send text
for four megabytes of RAM, $30 for messages directly to pagers, shop
an ARM 7500 microprocessor, and from electronic catalogs, and
the rest for the keyboard, mouse manage calls via a full range of
and network connections. (Wall Caller ID services. The device
Street Journal 11 Jan 96 B2) includes a graphic display screen,
COMPU-TOYS magnetic card reader, alphanumeric
One of the widely awaited products keypad, v.22 modem and processor,
debuting at the recent consumer and is priced at $289.99.
electronics show was the new line (Newspage Business Wire 8 Jan 96)
of brightly colored and over-sized NCR RETAKES ITS MAIDEN NAME
computer attachments built for kids NCR, which became AT&T Global
by Compaq Computer in league with Information Systems when AT&T
Fisher-Price Inc. The first fruits acquired it in a hostile takeover
of the partnership are a $150 in 1991, will become known again
Wonder Tools Cruiser -- a driving as NCR, now that the current AT&T
toy that steers a toddler through a reorganization is spinning it off
computer game -- and a $130 as a separate company. The
keyboard scaled to fit a small company, whose initials originally
child's hands. The team may hit it stood for National Cash Register,
big this year -- shipments of
electronic learning toys are
will return to focusing on the Systor, which is SBC's information
manufacture of computer systems technology subsidiary. (Financial
for retailers, banks, and large Times 10 Jan 96 p14)
companies. (New York Times 11 Jan APPLE LOSS HIGHER THAN ANTICIPATED
96 C5) Although Apple had already
INTERNET PROVIDER TAKES ON PHONE projected losses for its fiscal
COMPANY first quarter, which ended December
Canada's largest Internet service 29th, the actual figure for the
provider iStar is challenging the loss turns out to be about twice
phone companies head-on by offering what analysts had expected ($68
private networks to businesses million), putting more pressure on
communicating on the Internet. Apple CEO Michael Spindler. (New
Secure*net, known in the industry York Times 11 Jan 96 C1)
as a virtual private network allows
companies to transmit data to RESUME BUZZ WORDS FOR '96
remote offices over lines dedicated Employers of information systems
to one client for a fraction of the experts in 1996 will be looking for
cost many companies pay for leasing people who know the Internet,
transmission lines from phone client-server computing or
companies. (Ottawa Citizen 11 Jan networking, according to hiring
96 C6) executives. "IS organizations are
CANADA: HOTBED FOR CRACKERS looking for people experienced in
Security consultants say computer working with the Internet,
hackers have breached a leading particularly regarding security
American satellite TV direct-to- issues and building firewalls,"
home company's security system to says the CEO of a Santa Monica,
steal programming for decoding Calif. consulting firm. In the
signals. (Toronto Financial Post client-server area, expertise in
11 Jan 96 p3) C++, Visual Basic and Forte
DOLE CRITICISM OF TELECOM BILL programming is in demand, as well
Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole as front-end graphical user
says there need to be changes in interfaces, relational databases
the telecommunications bill and help-desk support. Programmers
recently negotiated by a House- who otherwise would be in the
Senate conference committee, $50,000 to $60,000 salary category
because the proposed legislation might see an extra $10,000 to
would contain a provision he says $20,000 tacked on for these
would provide "corporate welfare" skills, say some recruiting
to TV broadcasters by allowing them experts. (Information Week 1 Jan
to use, without charge, a portion 96 p64)
of radio spectrum for digital
services such as high-definition TV
and interactive TV. The Federal
Communication Commission has
indicated that the spectrum at
issue could be worth $40 billion on
the open market. (New York Times
11 Jan 96 C4)
Perot Systems and Swiss Bank
Corporation will jointly develop
and market financial industry
related information technology
products and services, and Perot
Systems will buy a 40% stake in
Edupage is written by John Gehl ( & Suzanne Douglas
Voice: 404-371-1853, Fax: 404-371-8057.
Technical support is provided by the Office of Information Technology,
University of North Carolina.
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EDUCOM UPDATE is our twice-a-month electronic summary of organizational news
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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE The CAUSE organization's annual conference
on information technology in higher education is scheduled for the end of
this month in New Orleans. The conference will bring together
administrators, academicians and other managers of information resources.
For full conference information check out < >
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Educom -- Transforming Education Through Information Technology
Kids Computing Corner
Frank Sereno, Editor
The Kids' Computing Corner
edited by Frank Sereno
Last week I started a contest to win free software from Brighter Child
Software and American Education Publishing. Here are the contest rules:
I have two software packages, and I will give away one each to two lucky
readers. The packages are Muppet Reading & Phonics and Muppet Reading &
Phonics II. Both programs require on IBM compatibles: a minimum 386 CPU,
Windows 3.1 or greater, 4 MB RAM and a CD-ROM drive; for Macintosh: 256
colors, System 7, 4MB RAM and a CD-ROM drive. Each sells for around $25.
Here are the rules:
1. Send an e-mail to me at this address -
2. In the body of the letter, simply write Muppet Contest Entry and
include your real name. I will send an e-mail to acknowledge all received
3. If you do not have access to Internet e-mail, entries can be mailed to
Frank Sereno, 528 West Ave., Morris, IL 60450 Entries via U.S. Mail will
NOT receive an acknowledgment due to Postal efficiency and my poor bank
4. All entries must be dated by 11:59 p.m. on January 31, 1996
5. Only one entry per household, please
6. Employees or staff of STR Publishing, American Education Publishing and
Tebay Communications are not eligible
7. The first name chosen will receive his choice of the programs and
second name will get the remaining program
8. Taxes, if any, will be the responsibility of the winners. Shipping
will be paid by STR Publishing (ME!)
9. Winners will be notified by e-mail or regular mail and will also be
announced in this column
I would like to thank American Education Publishing, Brighter Child Software
and Tebay Communications for providing the software for this contest. Both
programs were reviewed in 1995 and received good marks. The software is
very easy for younger children to run and very entertaining. Children of
all ages love the Muppets!
Rumpelstiltskin's Labyrinth of the Lost
Windows 95 CD-ROM
for all ages
MSRP $49.95
TerraGlyph Interactive Studios
1375 Remington Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Program Requirements
CPU: 486/33
OS: Windows 95
Video: 640 x 480, 256 colors
HDISK: 100k
CD-ROM: Double-speed
Misc.: Sound card, mouse
Fairy tales have fascinated children for hundreds of years. As adults, we
hold fond memories of being told these stories by our grandparents and
parents when we were young, and now we retell these classic tales of good
versus evil to our own youngsters. TerraGlyph has provided another way that
we can share these stories. Rumpelstiltskin's Labyrinth of the Lost combine
beautiful computer animation, enthralling music and intriguing game play to
teach the story of the poor miller's daughter and the impish man who could
spin gold from straw.
The game starts with a beautifully animated opening sequence which tells the
story of the miller's untrue boasts of his daughter's spinning abilities
and the consequences she will face if she cannot turn a roomful of straw
into gold. These animated sequences can be skipped in later gaming sessions
by clicking the left mouse button.
Once the daughter has been left alone with her impossible task,
Rumpelstiltskin appears. He offers to spin the straw into gold, but only if
the daughter can find a treasure in the labyrinth. You must guide her
through this maze, searching the eight oracles for the three golden orbs
which can be traded for the treasure. You can choose from several game
options. The game can be easy or hard with the hard version requiring the
collection keys which correspond to the colors of the oracles. The other
option is whether to have the oracle ask questions to permit opening the
oracles. If you answer incorrectly, another questioned is asked. Answering
the second question wrong causes the oracle to lower back into the floor and
you must leave the room and come back before you can try again. If you
cannot find the orbs and return the treasure to Rumpelstiltskin, then the
miller's daughter loses her life.
On the third night, Rumpelstiltskin not only requires his prize from the
labyrinth, but also her first born child. Feeling she has little to lose
because she doubts if she can succeed, she agrees to his contract. If you
are successful in the labyrinth, the miller's daughter marries the king and
in one year she will have a son. The imp returns and demands the child, but
the queen refuses. He offers her a deal. If she can go to the labyrinth
and learn his name, then he will not take her child.
Rumpelstiltskin's Labyrinth of the Lost provides a wonderful adventure for
the young and young-at-heart. The graphics are appealing. The animations
are equal to those of the best animated cartoons. The voice
characterizations are bravura performances. The music is fantastic. Each
song sets the appropriate mood for that scene. The songs of the miller's
daughter are exceptionally poignant and beautiful.
The interface is a point and click design which is very simple and elegant.
The cursor changes shape to indicate the available options in each screen.
A white slanted cursor over an object indicates that an action is related to
that object. In various scenes, this cursor will start brief animations
such as mice running through a doorway. In the labyrinth, this cursor will
open the oracles when the left mouse button is pressed. Straight white
arrows which point left, right, up or down are exit cursors and are used to
exit a scene in the direction of the area. Moving the cursor to the lower
left corner of the screen enables the orb cursor. Clicking now will start
the options menu in which players can choose game options, read on-line help
or save a game in progress.
Rumpelstiltskin offers several gaming options which will keep the game
challenging and entertaining through several plays. This game is especially
fun if you play it along with your children. You can take turns answering
the oracle questions and mapping the maze. This activity can really bring a
family together.
Educational content is lacking. The oracle questions do provide
intellectual stimuli, but these questions are not suitable for younger
children due to their difficulty. The program would be much improved if the
player could choose the types of questions and grade level difficulty. For
example, if a ten-year-old child wished to study spelling, he could pick
"Spelling" and "Grade 4" from the option menu. But since the questions have
random difficulty and topic, Rumpelstiltskin gets a low score for
educational value.
By list price, this title is moderately priced. It does not have a
moneyback guarantee, but it does have a ninety-day warranty against
defective media. Rumpelstiltskin provides for many hours of family fun and
encourages interest in the classic Grimm's fairy tales. If you are looking
for something that is beautiful, mesmerizing and uplifting, then
Rumpelstiltskin's Labyrinth of the Lost is the program for you.
Graphics . . . . . . . . . 9.5
Sound . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0
Interface . . . . . . . . . 9.0
Play Value . . . . . . . . 8.5
Educational Value . . . 6.5
Bang for the Buck . . . 8.5
Average . . . . . . . . . . 8.67
That's all for this week. Be sure to enter the Muppet Software contest.
And I thank you for reading!
Sony Playstation Titles List STR Spotlight
Title Publisher Gameplay/Style
1. 3D Lemmings Psygnosis
2. A-Train IV Maxis Strategy
3. Agile Warrior Virgin Flight
4. Air Combat Namco Flight
5. Alien Virus Vic Tokai Adventure
6. Bases Loaded '96: Doubleheader Jaleco
7. Battle Arena Toshinden SCEA Combat
8. Blazing Dragons Crystal Dynamics Combat
9. Brain Dead 13 ReadySoft Action
10. Criticom Vic Tokai Action
11. Cybersled Namco
Futuristic Strategy Combat
12. Cyberspeed Mindscape Futuristic
13. D Acclaim Action RPG
14. Dark Stalkers Capcom Action
15. Defcon 5 Data East 3D
16. Descent Interplay
17. Destruction Derby Psygnosis
Demolition Racing
18. Discworld Psygnosis
19. Doom Williams 3D Adventure
20. ESPN Extreme Games SCEA Racing
21. FIFA Soccer Electronic Arts Sports
22. GeomCube American Technos Puzzle
23. Gex Crystal Dynamics Platform
24. High Octane Electronic Arts Futuristic
25. Incredible Toons Capcom Platform
26. Jumping Flash! SCEA Action
27. Jupiter Strike Acclaim Flying
28. Kileak: The DNA Imperative SCEA 3D
29. King's Field ASCII 3D
30. Krazy Ivan Sony Interactive Studios
31. Loaded Interplay
32. Mortal Kombat III SCEA Combat
33. NBA In the Zone Konami Sports
34. NBA Jam Acclaim Sports
35. NFL Full Contact Konami Sports
36. NFL Gameday SCEA Sports
37. NHL FaceOff SCEA Sports
38. NHL Hockey Electronic Arts Sports
39. Novastorm SCEA Sports
40. Off World Interceptor Crystal Dynamics Racing
41. PGA Tour Electronic Arts Sports
42. Panzer General SSI
43. Philosoma SCEA Action
44. Powerserve 3D Tennis Ocean Sports
45. Primal Rage Time Warner Action
46. Quarterback Club Acclaim Sports
47. Rayman Ubi Soft Platform
48. Resident Evil Capcom Action
49. Revolution X Acclaim Action
50. Ridge Racer Namco Racing
51. Road Rash Electronic Arts
Futuristic Racing
52. Shell Shock US Gold Action
53. Shock Wave Electronic Arts Futuristic
Flight Simulator
54. Space Griffon Atlus Software 3D
55. Starblade Alpha Namco Action
56. Street Fighter the Movie Acclaim Combat
57. Tekken Namco
58. The Hive Trimark Action
59. The Raiden Project SCEA Shooter
60. The Raven Project Mindscape
61. Theme Park Electronic Arts Strategy
62. Total Eclipse Crystal Dynamics Action
63. Twisted Metal SCEA Driving
64. Viewpoint Electronic Arts Flying
65. WWF Wrestlemania Acclaim Sports
66. WarHawk SCEA Flight
67. Warhammer Mindscape Action
68. Wing Commander 3 Electronic Arts Futuristic
Flight Simulator
69. WipeOut Psygnosis Futuristic
70. X-Com Microprose Strategy
71. Zoop Viacom Puzzle
Playstation Hints, Cheats and Secrets
All buttons are designated by the names below. They will appear throughout
the FAQ as these symbols.
LEFT 2 (L2) RIGHT 2 (R2)
LEFT 1 (L1) RIGHT 1 (R1)
BU U FU /\
\ | /
\ | / [] O or ()
/ | \
/ | \ X
Assault Rigs
This code is not confirmed, although very likely true. Also this code may
only work on European PS.
Codes are entered during the game, not when it is paused..
ú ALL WEAPONS L,R,L,L,R,L,R,R,U,D,U,U,D,U,D,D On the screen it says
"Max Weapons added... oh yes"
ú INVINCIBILITY L,X,L,X,L,L,X,R,X,R,X,X On the screen it says
"Invincible ! Yes, indeedy"
ú LEVEL 42 PASSWORD (),X,/\,(),/\,[]
Level Codes for Criticom
ú DAYTON sier eter
ú DELARA phan king
ú DEMONICA gone worl
ú EXENE sphe wing
ú GORM cham marv
ú SID odth batm
ú SONORK play chro
ú YENJI spid star
Destruction Derby
Enter these codes instead of your name for some goodies.
ú !DAMAGE! Makes your car invincible
ú nPLAYERS Select number of cars (Only on Practice)
ú REFLECT! Hidden track: Ruined Monastery
DOOM (Custom PSX Edition)
Level Passwords:
1 Hangar: WLHYHCPWWW 31 Entryway:
2 Plant: PFX7ZN3NNN 32 Underhalls:
3 Toxin Refinery: WLHYHCPVVV 33 Gantlet:
4 Command Control: PF7XZ3NMMM 34 The Focus:
5 Phobos Lab: P7XFZ3NMMM 35 The Waste Tunnels:
6 Central Processing: PL1RY81LLL 36 The Crusher:
7 Computer Station: LWHYHPCPPP 37 Dead Simple:
8 Phobos Anomaly: PFX7ZN3TTT 38 Tricks & Traps:
9 Deimos Anomaly: WLHYHCP000 39 The Pit:
10 Containment Area: PFX7ZN3SSS 40 Refeuling Base:
11 Refinery: WLHYHCPZZZ 41 'O' of Destruction:
12 Deimos Lab: PFX7ZN3RRR 42 The Factory:
13 Command Center: WLHYHCP222 43 Downtown:
14 Halls of the Damned: PFX7ZN3QQQ 44 Suburbs:
15 Spawning Vats: WLHYHCP111 45 Tenements:
16 Hell Gate: PFX7ZN3FFF 46 The Courtyard:
17 Hell Keep: WLHYHCP444 47 The Citadel:
18 Pandemonium: PFX7ZN3DDD 48 Nirvana:
19 House of Pain: WLHYHCP333 49 The Catacombs:
20 Unholy Cathedral: PF7XZ3NCCC 50 Barrels o' Fun:
21 Mt. Erebus: LWHYHPCDDD 51 Bloodfalls:
22 Limbo: PL1RY81BBB 52 The Abandoned Mines:
23 Tower of Babel: WLHYHPC555 53 Monster Condo:
24 Hell Beneath: PFX7ZN3KKK 54 Redemption Denied:
25 Perfect Hatred: WLHYHCP888 Secret Levels:
26 Sever of the Wicked: PFX7ZN3JJJ 1 Fortress of Mystery:
27 Unruly Evil: WLHYHCP777 2 Military Base:
28 Unto the Cruel: PFX7ZN3HHH 3 The Marshes:
29 Twilight Descends: WLHYHCP!!! 4 The Mansion:
30 Threshold of Pain: PFX7ZN3GGG 5 Club DOOM:
Cheat Codes: All cheat codes are entered while the game is paused. They are
combinations of buttons and d-pad buttons. If you do not get the code,
unpause and pause again and try it again. Most messages will appear on the
bottom of the screen.
ú LEVEL SELECT: R,L,R2,R1,/\,L1,(),X Lets you choose a
level to warp to right after you enter the code.
ú ALL POWERFUL MODE: D,L2,[],R1,R,L1,L,() GOD Mode or
Degreelessness Mode You become invincible.
ú LOTS OF GOODIES: X,/\,L1,U,D,R2,L,L Gives you all weapons,
ammo for them, all keys for current level, etc.
ú MAP ALL LINES: /\,/\,L2,R2,L2,R2,R1,[] Maps all walls and
boundaries for the current stage.
ú MAP ALL THINGS: /\,/\,L2,R2,L2,R2,R1,() Maps all objects as
blue triangles including enemies, items, weapons etc
ú X-RAY VISION: L1,R2,L2,R1,R,/\,X,R This one utilizes
the PSX hardware's "see-through" effect for you to be able to see through 1
layer of wall or sprite. No message appears at the bottom of the viewing
window for this one.
ESPN Extreme Games
At the "Choose Settings" screen, go to "Exhibition" and then choose
"Continue Season". When asked to choose your memory card, choose "No".
Now enter the password:
This will give you a good character with $5030 in cash, all the good
vehicles, first place in the season, many season points, and first place in
the first 2 races.
ú Start a game, pause it, select options, and enter a code. You will hear
a "click." Exit the options menu, and go back to menu with Resume Game as a
ú Press []. You will get a secret options menu. Gray choices require
another code..
ú Use Left/Right on control pad to change settings.
ú Invisible Walls X,X,X,/\,[],[],[],/\
ú Curve Ball /\,[],X,/\,X,X
ú Super Power /\,[],/\,/\,/\,/\,/\,/\,/\,/\,
ú Super Goalie [],[],[],[],[],/\,/\,/\,/\,/\,
ú Super Offense [],[],[],[],[],/\,X
ú Super Defense /\,/\,/\,/\,/\,X,/\
ú Shootout [],/\,[],X,[],/\
ú Stupid Team [],/\,X,[],/\,X
ú After entering the following codes (using the same method to enter the
above codes), go back to the Main Menu (you must quit your game) and select
OPTIONS to see new choices found at the bottom.
ú Formal (tuxedos) [],/\,X,[],/\,/\,X,/\
ú Federation [],/\,X,[],/\,/\,X,X Data and Spock
ú Dynamic Duo [],/\,X,[],/\,/\,/\,[] Batman and Robin
ú Default Color Pallete [],/\,X,[],/\,/\,/\,X
ú Invisible [],/\,X,[],/\,/\,X,[] just hair,
shorts, shoes,
ú Oktoberfest [],/\,X,[],/\,/\,/\,/\
ú Dream Team [],[],/\,/\,X,X,[],[]
ú EA Custom Teams [],/\,X,[],/\,/\,[],[]
ú Crazyball : X,[],/\,X,X,/\,[],X
ú Ammo
1. Pause the game
2. Hold L1 and L2 for 10seconds
3. Still holding L1 and L2, hit D, R, (), L, R, (). Then hit X to use
4. Note: the game could glitch if you go over 15,000)
ú Health
1. Pause the game
2. Hold L1 and L2 for 10seconds.....
3. Still holding L1 and L2, hit R, R, L, D, D, U, and /\ and ().
4. Health will become an option. Hit X every time health is low!!!
5. This code is not easy to do, keep trying. If the code is used right
after you die, but before you are on your next life you will be able to move
around as the spot on the floor. This is useless since you can not shoot at
anything or be killed, but it is weird!
Mortal Kombat III
ú Ultimate Kombat Kode at the Copyright Screen: 360 clockwise circle
(d,b,u,f) Then it says enter the Ultimate Kombat Kode. Unlocks Smoke
Hit each button this number of times:
ú L1=0
ú R1=1
ú CIRCLE=U+1 (Hold Up while hitting once)
ú X=6
Enter these codes after the Prepare for Kombat screen:
ú Extended Menu #1 Hit X, R1, R2 - You will hear a Cymbal and you know
you entered it right. Go to the Kombat Kube and hit UP, you will get a ?,
hit a button. This is gives you options like: SMOKE ON/OFF or FATALITY
ú Extended Menu #2 Hit X, (), /\, R1, R1, R2, R2, R1, R1. Shao Kahn will
say "You'll never win". Then hit Up at the Kombat Kube and you'll get the ?
menu with two more options: 1 HIT KILLS and 1 ROUND BATTLES
Hold L1 and R1 while entering these initials and birthdates.
ú Adrock ADR APR 6
ú Eric "Air-Dog" Samulski AIR JAN 21
ú Benny BEN SEP 20
ú Boo-Boo THI NOV 1
ú Larry Bird LAR JAN 15
ú Carol "Blaze" Blazekowski BLZ JAN 14
ú Brutah GOW JUL 17
ú John Carlton CAL MAR 25
ú Catling CAT JAN 2
ú Prince Charles CHA MAY 4
ú Asif "Chow-Chow" Chaudhri CHD MAY 5
ú Bill Clinton BIL JUN 3
ú Hillary Clinton HIL NOV 6
ú Crunch WOL MAR 7
ú Sal Divita DIV JUL 3
ú Facime DEL OCT 19
ú D. Falcus DAZ AUG 6
ú Jason Falcus JAS NOV 16
ú Fumungus GUN JAN 11
ú Tony Goskie GOS JAN 6
ú Gordon GOR JUL 3
ú Gorilla APE APR 2
ú Gray ROB FEB 23
ú Heavy D HEA JAN 9
ú Neil Hill ZIG APR 7
ú Thomas Higgins TOM FEB 19
ú Hodgeson HOG DEC 31
ú Hugo HOR JUN 12
ú Hutchinson BAR APR 9
ú Jax JAX MAR 1
ú Jazzy Jeff JAZ OCT 9
ú Kabuki KUB APR 14
ú Chris Kirby CHR DEC 18
ú Shawn Liptak LIP JAN 14
ú McHugh BAA JUL 12
ú Magic Hair STH DEC 8
ú Max LIZ AUG 7
ú Mike D M D JUL 1
ú Jay Moon JAY AUG 24
ú Moore MOE JUN 8
ú Mike "Mad Mike" Muskett MUS DEC 24
ú Snake Palmer SNK JUN 15
ú Pistol WAN JUN 10
ú Renaldo REN FEB 4
ú Jamie Rivett REV JUL 6
ú Sequoia SAW APR 10
ú Shelly SHY JUN 8
ú Will "Fresh Prince" Smith FRS FEB 2
ú Frank Thomas FNK JAN 8
ú Tunnicliff SAT MAY 7
ú Mark Turmell TUR JAN 31
ú Weasel DAN JAN 2
ú Completed Season: FIN JAN 1
ú Final Game of Season END Jan 1
Enter these codes at the "Tonight's Matchup" VS screen...
ú Baby Mode: [],() five times
ú Big Head Mode: [],X,(),/\ 5 times-
ú Huge Mode: /\,X 5 times-
ú Mammoth Head Mode: [],/\,(),X 5 times-
ú Manpower: R,R,L,R,X,X,R
ú Powerup Defense: R,U,D,R,D,U
ú Powerup Dunks: L,R,X,(),(),X
ú Powerup Fire: D,R,R,(),/\,L
ú Powerup 3PTS: U,D,L,R,L,D,U
ú Quick Hands: L,L,L,L,(),R
ú Shot Clock Display: U,U,D,D,/\
ú High Arc Shots: U,D,U,D,R,U,(),(),(),(),D
ú 1 Hit KO (1 opp): U,U,U,U,L,L,L,L,(),()
ú 1 Hit KO (2 opp): U,U,U,U,L,L,L,L,(),X
Extended Roster: At the Selection screen, hold Select and spin pad 720
degrees counter-clockwise.
Off-World Interceptor
To max your cash, go to buy a Vivisector, then:
From the Options screen enter:
[],X,(),[],X,(),[],X,(),[],X,(),[],X,(),[],X,O, L1
[] X O (six times), then L1 You will hear a sound if done correctly.
Ridge Racer
ú Bonus Cars: Beat Galaga when the game is loading
ú Black Car: Beat the Time Trial Extra Course
ú Extra Courses: Win all races
ú Mirror Mode: At the beginning of the race, turn around and run into the
wall past the starting point.
Twisted Metal
Level Passwords:
ú Warehouse - (),/\,[],(),()
ú Freeway - X,[],[],O,/\
ú Park - X,/\,[],O,[]
ú Cyburbia - X,[],/\,/\,/\
ú Rooftop - [],/\,X,O,X
ú Fight for your life [],/\,0,[],[]
ú *Helicopter View (),(),/\,X, space Enter this code before
entering a level code. This view only works on Arena, Rooftop and Fight for
your life. While playing press DOWN+START a few times until you get the
helicopter view
ú Infinite Weapons /\,Space,[],(),()
ú Invincibility [],/\,X,Space,()
ú Weird /\,X,/\,/\,()
ú Minion /\,X,(),[],/\
**Note: a double space means nothing is entered there
[],[],O,[],X,[],/\ = Preview Epilog Text
/\, ,O,[],/\,X,X,[] = Check Special Upgrades Text
O,O,O, ,X,/\,X,X = Warhawk A-La Mode (Infinate Weapons, Invincible)
/\,/\,O,/\,[],/\,/\,X = Infinate Weapons (Non-Invincible)
[],O,[],[],/\,X,/\,/\ = Thor Mode (9999 Flash-Bombs)
X,O,O,[],X,/\,O,/\ = Kali Mode (Super Swarmers, Ultra-Lockons)
/\,X, ,O,O,X,/\,[] = Preview Movies
/\,X,/\,[],[],[],X,/\ = Face to Face with Kreel
/\,X,[],/\,O,[],X,X = Kreel's Door is Open
/\,X,[],O,/\,X,/\,[] = Above 3rd Force Field
/\,X,/\,/\,/\,X,O,/\ = Above 2nd Force Field
/\,X,X,[],O,[],O,X = Above 1st Force Field
/\,X,/\,[],O,X,O,O, = Stormland
/\,O,O,/\,/\,X,[],/\ = In with the Gatekeeper
/\,O,O,[],/\,O,O,X = West Gauntlet Boss
/\,O,X,/\,O,X,/\,[] = East Gauntlet Boss
/\,O,/\,O,/\,X,[],[] = Gauntlet Level
[],[],X,O,/\,O,[],/\ = Volcano Boss is Active
[],/\,X,X,X,/\,O,[] = Volcano Level
X,[],/\,O,X,/\,[],[] = Airship Rear Hanger Open
X,O,/\,/\,O,O,O,X = Post Transformation Airship
X,/\,X,[],[],/\,[],/\ = Airship Level
O,O,O,[],/\,/\,[],/\ = Approaching Uma
O,[],/\,[],/\,/\,/\,[] = In Canyon with Crystal
O,/\,X,[],O,O,/\,/\ = In Canyon with Belle
O,[],O,[],X,O,O,/\ = In Canyon with Amber
O,/\,/\,X,O,O,[],O = Canyon Level
/\,O,X,/\,O,O,X,[] = Desert All But Done
/\,[],X,/\,O,[],O,X, = Pyramid Has Risen
/\,[],X,/\,X,X,[],[] = Desert Level
ú Access Rapiier class: Highlight 'one player' Hold L2,R2,L, Start and
Select. Then press X
ú To access FireStar (the secret hidden track) Highlight 'one player'
Hold L1,R1,Right, Start, Square and Circle. Press X Firestar should be at
the bottom of the track list.
ú Turbo Start Is achieved by having the red rev bar on the second line
from the end when the announcer says 'go'. best way is to press accelerate
as the orange light comes on (possibly slightly different depending on the
vehicle) or in the middle of the announcer saying 'one'.
WWF Wrestlemania
Select Screen Codes:
ú Random Select: Hold UP and press START.
ú COMBO Meter Auto-Fillup: Hold L1+R2 and press [], X, O, /\ "COMBO"
should appear under the picture on your side.
Atari Interactive
software/Jaguar/Computer Section
Dana Jacobson, Editor
From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"
I do have to apologize (again) for the dismal content of this week's
Atari computing section. It's not all my fault mother nature had a major
role to play, as well! The weather here in New England, and much of the
east coast has been horrendous the past few weeks; and this week was/is no
different. My chronic back problems have worsened due to the amounts of
shoveling being done (over and over again!); and sitting in one spot for any
length of time only makes it worse while the back stiffens up. And, there's
another storm coming and due to arrive by the time you read this issue!
Ahhh, to be young again and really be able to appreciate this weather rather
than have to figure out where to put all of this stuff! Oh well, it's nice
to look at, for awhile...
Consequently, my Falcon CD-ROM article didn't get finished this week.
About all I can muster is an editorial winter lament. I really hate
excuses! But, it does give me the opportunity to talk to you, the readers
of STReport, and see if I can drum up some literary support. As I'm sure
I've mentioned a number of times in the past, we're always looking for
original articles related to Atari computing being contributed for
publication in these pages. In the past few months, I've noticed a lot of
knowledgeable people posting information on the online services, as well as
the UseNet Atari newsgroups. You're everywhere. Why not consolidate your
information, expertise, and enjoyment of Atari computing by contributing an
article now and then in a publication that would carry it to a worldwide
distribution? Everyone would be able to appreciate your contributions,
rather than a limited readership that may miss out because a message header
on the UseNet may be misleading and people skip reading your
message/article? Think about it, jot down your ideas, and drop me a line in
e-mail about it. Just write me at: "" and we'll get the ball
rolling. There are still a number of worthwhile topics and
software/hardware making its way to Atari users that we'd all benefit from
learning more about. You can help make this happen; I'd like to hear from
In the meantime, if you're on the east coast of the U.S., get stocked
up with food and other necessities. Get the blankets out, warm up the Atari
computer and stay busy (and warm!). And I'll be trying to figure out how
and where to remove the snow from the past two storms and also this new one
rapidly poor back will never forgive me!
Until next time...
Jaguar Section
1. IG Online Expands to Print!
2. Games! And More!
From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!
The news of Atari's new Atari Interactive division has brought with it
a new level of "what's going to happen to the Jaguar" rumors. A lot of
speculation has been bandied about with regard to this news. Is Atari
expanding? Is Atari abandoning the Jaguar to focus on PC-game development?
Is the end near for Atari altogether? Will Jaguar games be abandoned and re-
focused on the PC? You name it, it's likely that the thought has occurred.
My take on all of this is that Atari is looking for the means to
survive, and prepare itself in case the Jaguar falters as much as the public
already feels that it has. Atari can't limit itself to one product. PC-
gaming will never be a bad move with the growing number of PCs making into
households these days. If Atari creates good conversions of their classics,
mixed with some great originals, they should be able to do well. Yes, I
said "should". I said the same thing when the Jaguar arrived. As we all
know, having great hardware and software does not automatically equate to
Who knows what kind of sales Atari had over the holidays? I don't
know, but the first quarter financial reports should give us a pretty good
idea. Did the price drop to $99 help? Did it generate a LOT of sales? I
wish that I had an answer. Atari's Ted Hoff announces 20 titles for 1996.
A conservative number, to be sure, but realistic. However, those 20 titles
are all names that we've seen before, on lists that are at least a year old.
These are not what one would consider "new" games, but ones we're already
aware of that haven't appeared yet either due to delays or lack of focus.
Yes, the games are coming, as we all hoped. They're even coming in
bunches. Finally, we have some choices and an ironic situation for many in
that we have to choose what to buy and wait a bit before we have more
disposable cash to buy that second or third game that we wanted to buy when
it first appeared, but couldn't! Will it last? Will we see NEW titles
being considered for 1996, or even 1997? Third-party games? New
developers? At this point, I really don't know. I think we'll know by the
time the second quarter financial reports are out, if not sooner. I won't
make any predictions.
Until next time...
Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's coming
Current Available Titles
J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $19.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $29.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/Crescent Galaxy $19.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $39.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $29.95 id/Atari Corp.
JA100 Brutal Sports FootBall $69.95 Telegames
J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Rebellion/Atari
J9029 Doom $69.99 id/Atari Corp.
J9036 Dragon: Bruce Lee $29.99 Atari Corp.
J9003 Club Drive $29.99 Atari Corp.
J9007 Checkered Flag $19.99 Atari Corp.
J9012 Kasumi Ninja $29.99 Atari Corp.
J9042 Zool 2 $19.99 Atari Corp
J9020 Bubsy $19.99 Atari Corp
J9026 Iron Soldier $29.99 Atari Corp
J9060 Val D'Isere Skiing $39.99 Atari Corp.
Cannon Fodder $49.99 Virgin/C-West
Syndicate $69.99 Ocean
Troy Aikman Football $69.99 Williams
Theme Park $69.99 Ocean
Sensible Soccer Telegames
Double Dragon V $59.99 Williams
J9009E Hover Strike $39.99 Atari Corp.
J0144E Pinball Fantasies $59.99 C-West
J9052E Super Burnout $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9070 White Men Can't Jump $49.99 Atari Corp.
Flashback $59.99 U.S. Gold
J9078E VidGrid (CD) Atari Corp
J9016E Blue Lightning (CD) $59.99 Atari Corp
J9040 Flip-Out $49.99 Atari Corp
J9082 Ultra Vortek $69.99 Atari Corp
C3669T Rayman $69.99 Ubi Soft
Power Drive Rally $69.99 TWI
J9101 Pitfall $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9086E Hover Strike CD $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9031E Highlander I (CD) $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9061E Ruiner Pinball $59.99 Atari Corp.
Dragon's Lair $69.99 Readysoft
J9097E Missile Command 3D $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9091E Atari Karts $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9044E Supercross 3D $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9106E Fever Pitch Soccer $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9043E I-War $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9069 Myst (CD) $59.99 Atari Corp.
Primal Rage $69.99 Time Warner
Battlemorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9055 Baldies $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9089 NBA Jam TE $69.99 Atari Corp.
Zoop $49.99 Atari Corp.
Available Soon
Defender 2000 TBA Atari Corp.
Fight For Life TBA Atari Corp.
...Mutant Penguins $59.99 Atari Corp.
World Tour Racing TBA Atari Corp
Breakout 2000 $49.99 Atari Corp.
Max Force $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9021 Brett Hull Hockey $69.99 Atari Corp.
Hardware and Peripherals
J8001 Jaguar (no cart) $99.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95
CatBox $69.95 ICD
J8800 Jaguar CD-ROM $149.99 Atari Corp.
J8908 JagLink Interface $29.95 Atari Corp.
J8910 Team Tap 4-Player Adapter) $29.95 Atari Corp.
J8907 Jaguar ProController $29.95 Atari Corp.
J8911 Memory Track $29.95 Atari Corp.
J8909 Tempest 2000: The Soundtrack $12.99 Atari Corp.
Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile - The Latest Gaming News!
New Print Games Magazine: 200,000.
Announcement! Throughout the last year,
From: Jeremy B Horwitz Intelligent Gamer Online has
<> received
Before I post this industry-wide acclaim for its
announcement, let me say thank you accurate, comprehensive and up-to-
to some very special people. the-minute coverage of new video
Intelligent Gamer Online has been game products. "We knew that IG
lucky enough to have the greatest Online was special when we saw it,"
readers in the world -- citizens of explains Steve Harris, president of
the Net and online services who Sendai, "and we know that these
have been exceptionally kind to guys will make a great addition to
those of us at IG Online as we've Sendai's winning team."
spent the last year working to The Intelligent Gamer Online
bring information to the masses. service has been the subject of
Because you've been so good to us, rave
we're making this announcement to articles in several magazines,
our friends in the online world where it has been deemed "well-
before the business wires get wind designed and informative,"
of the news. Needless to say, we're "arguably the most reliable" and
very happy to offer the online "unrivalled." Named both "Cool Site
world the chance to get involved in of the Day" and "Cool Place of the
something of this magnitude. We're Day," Intelligent Gamer Online is
about to embark upon a new read worldwide and has been used as
adventure, and we're asking for an information source by printed
your support and advice in these magazines from the United States,
very exciting times. If you have Europe, Australia and Asia.
any suggestions or questions once "We realize that there are many
you've read this announcement, video game magazines on the market
please address them to me. already," comments Joe Funk,
- Jer Horwitz Sendai's Editorial Director, "but
SPECIAL ADVANCE ANNOUNCEMENT: Intelligent Gamer's content is
Sendai Signs to Bring Intelligent unique. On the Internet, hard-core
Gamer Online to Newsstands gamers trust IG, people in the
Chicago, Illinois -- January 5, industry quote IG, and parents rely
1996 -- In an exclusive on IG for advice on which games to
arrangement, Sendai Media Group choose for their kids. There will
announced today that it has signed definitely be room in the
with Intelligent Gamer Online's Jer marketplace for a product of this
Horwitz and Anthony Shubert to quality."
bring the Internet's leading "We're thrilled to be working with
supplier of game-related Sendai on this new venture," says
information onto newsstands. Jer Horwitz, who will become Editor-
Beginning with the March issue, in-Chief of FUSION/Intelligent
Sendai's FUSION magazine will Gamer. "We've worked very hard to
become FUSION/Intelligent Gamer, win the trust and respect of our
providing game players with the readers and the industry at large,
first word on the next generation and we've succeeded. This agreement
of gaming. Editorial content will will bring Intelligent Gamer's high
focus on insider news and standards to a much wider
information, lengthy hands-on audience."
reviews of upcoming game products, The new magazine's Editor at Large,
and hard-hitting interviews with Anthony Shubert, notes that "when
the developers and executives who we were just starting out, one
are shaping the video game and CD- magazine's editor told us that
ROM landscapes. The first issue of
the new magazine will have a
projected distribution in excess of
'Intelligent Gamer' was an Times' Managing Editor in the front-
oxymoron, and that's just the page story. "Rather, the 'simply'
attitude we've proved outdated. in Simply Interactive is intended
nded by so many new titles to emphasize Microsoft's highly
and new types of hardware, today's ambitious plan to clean up, or
gamer is a careful consumer first unify, much of the software
and foremost, and that's the surrounding its Windows 95 and
audience we reach." Windows NT operating systems."
The Sendai Media Group produces "Simply Interactive PC is a theme
magazines targeting the male youth that is guiding our investment in
market that range from ELECTRONIC Windows, to deliver more
GAMING MONTHLY, the leading interactivity," said Carl Stork, a
magazine covering the exploding director of Microsoft's personal
world of electronic entertainment, systems division. However, he noted
and CINESCAPE, which provides that Microsoft has not formally
coverage of action and science discussed the technology.
fiction film and TV productions. "Anything we do until we say it
Sendai's publications are read by publicly is highly speculative," he
more than 35 million people said. "We reserve the right to
annually world wide. change our mind."
Intelligent Gamer Online can be According to Microsoft documents
found on the Internet's World Wide obtained by Electronic Engineering
Web at Times, the Simply Interactive PC
and will be a collection of open, specifications including a new
and in the video games forums of family of 32-bit Windows drivers
leading commercial online services. bringing advanced multimedia
Microsoft Quietly Develops The capabilities to an x86-based
"Simply Interactive PC," system, rather than a product from
According To An "Exclusive Report" Microsoft. However, the company
In Cmp's Electronic Engineering has trademarked the "Simply
Times Interactive PC" name and may be
MANHASSET, N.Y. -- An exclusive planning to license a logo that
article in the January 8 issue of would appear on each system sold,
CMP's Electronic Engineering Times in a manner similar to the widely
reveals that Microsoft Corp. used "Windows-compatible" and
(Nasdaq-NNM: MSFT) is working on an "Intel Inside" stickers.
ambitious strategy to create the In a side-bar to the article, Wolfe
"Simply Interactive PC." According notes that Microsoft's Simply
to company documents obtained by Interactive PC would drive Windows
Electronic Engineering Times, the 95 from its current design,
Simply Interactive PC would be a consisting of a mix of 16-and 32-
streamlined Windows-based bit software, to a new, all-32-bit
information appliance envisioned as code base scheduled for release
"the best platform for next year.
entertainment, Internet access and Although the streamlined Win32
communications." And, sources close driver model (WDM) now in
to the effort believe it has the development will run under the
potential to steal the spotlight current version of Windows NT,
from the $500 Internet- access Microsoft would have to
PCsomething that's been the subject significantly modify much of the
of heated industry design activity underlying technology in Windows 95
in recent months. to support the WDMs. "Currently,
"Despite its name, the PC Microsoft Windows 95 is heavily geared toward
envisions is not a simple, stripped- Visual Basic-type drivers known as
down platform," writes Alexander VxDs," writes Wolfe. "To handle
Wolfe, electronic Engineering WDMs, Microsoft will have to
jettison all of the 16-bit code in
Windows 95 and convert it to a leading game makers to give users a
fully 32-bit operating system." taste of the power, ease and
According to a presentation excitement of gaming under the
prepared by Stork for delivery at a Microsoft(R) Windows 95 operating
recent design preview and obtained system. The CD features 39
by Electronic Engineering Times, playable trial-version games and
Microsoft "will continue to offer demonstrations developed
two complementary versions of specifically for Windows 95 and
Windows for the foreseeable offers a state-of-the-art,
future." But as Wolfe notes, "after interactive 3-D graphical
1998, the two OS's could begin to interface.
resemble each other in all but Games developed for Windows 95,
name." including all the titles on the
Electronic Engineering Times, Games for Windows 95 CD, take
published by CMP, is the leading advantage of AutoPlay technology,
publication covering the high tech which makes installation of games
OEM industry. The well-respected on Windows 95 as easy as inserting
weekly is the only source that a CD into a computer. New games
delivers news of both business and designed for Windows 95 exploit the
technology to the engineering operating system's power and
community and technical/corporate features to surpass MS-DOS(R)
management at U.S. OEM operating system-based games and
organizations. CMP Publications, deliver fast, high-resolution
Inc. is the only provider of high- graphics, high-fidelity sound,
tech publishing, marketing and great multiplayer connectivity and
information services to reach the digitally precise, responsive
entire spectrum of the high- joystick control -- all without
technology market. Through its installation hassles. Only games
unique market position, CMP reaches designed specifically for Windows
the builders of technology with 95 offers this combination of great
Electronic Engineering Times, game performance and ease of
Electronic Buyers' News, and OEM installation.
Magazine; the sellers of technology "Finally, users don't need to worry
with Computer Reseller News, about installing new games on their
Computer Reseller News/Germany, PCs," said Brad Silverberg, senior
Computer Retail Week, and vice president of the personal
VARBusiness; and the users of systems division at Microsoft.
technology with InformationWeek, "Windows 95 offers users everything
Interactive Age Digital, that an MS-DOS-based or game-
CommunicationsWeek, machine game does, plus automatic
CommunicationsWeek International, installation, a broad spectrum of
Informatiques Magazine, Network titles, unparalleled quality of
Computing, WINDOWS Magazine, HomePC game play, and access to advanced
and NetGuide. All of these technology such as multiplayer
publications and a series of gaming. The Games for Windows 95
innovative news services are CD is a great way for anyone
available on the World Wide Web interested in gaming to try hot new
through CMP's TechWeb(TM) titles and experience the benefits
(, the that Windows 95 offers as a leading
online technology source. game platform."
Microsoft Games For Windows 95 CD Thirty-Nine Windows 95-Based Games
Coming Soon To Retail Outlets Featured
LAS VEGAS -- Microsoft Corp. today The Games for Windows 95 CD offers
announced that the Games for users hours of exciting game play,
Windows(R) 95 CD is scheduled to be featuring the hottest games
available at retail outlets Jan. developed for Windows 95. The CD
15, 1996, priced at approximately includes fully playable samples of
$9.95. Microsoft has allied with the following titles:
ú Al Unser Jr. Arcade Racing 1995. Leading game manufacturers
(Mindscape Inc.) joined Microsoft in launching
ú Arcade America (7th Level) Windows 95 as a game platform in a
ú Atari 2600 Action Pack special industry event on Oct. 30,
(Activision Inc.) 1995.
ú Battle Beast (7th Level) Leading third-party developers
ú Beavis and Butthead in Virtual worked aggressively to deliver new
Stupidity (Viacom New Media) Windows 95-based game titles in
ú Commodore 64 15-Pack time for the holiday season and are
(Activision) committed to Windows 95 as the
ú DogZ (PF. Magic) platform of choice for new games in
ú DOOM for Windows 95 (id 1996.
Software) "Our first original Windows 95-
ú Double Switch (Digital based title, Full Tilt! Pinball, is
Pictures) selling very well, as is the native
ú Endorfun (Time Warner Windows 95-based version of SimCity
Interactive Inc.) 2000," said Robin Harper, vice
ú Full Tilt! Pinball (Maxis) president of marketing at Maxis.
ú Fury3 (Microsoft) "Since consumers have exhibited
ú Havoc (Reality Bytes) such enthusiasm for both new games
ú The Hive (Trimark Interactive) and adaptations of existing games
ú Ice & Fire (Zombie) on Windows 95, all future Maxis
ú Locus (Zombie) entertainment software will be
ú MechWarrior 2 (Activision) developed for this platform."
ú Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Windows 95 offers features that
(Activision) make it the platform of choice for
ú Pressure Drop (Starhill gaming, including AutoPlay for
Productions) automatic game installation; the
ú Return Fire (Time Warner) new DirectX APIs for enhanced
ú Shanghai: Great Moments graphics, sound, joystick control
(Activision) and multi-player connectivity; and
ú SU-27 Flanker (Strategic Plug and Play to simplify hardware
Simulations Inc.) setup.
ú TriTryst (Virgin Interactive "Windows 95 is the showcase for
Entertainment) unparalleled game play through
ú Under Pressure (Starhill faster, enhanced graphics and
Productions) increased sound capabilities," said
ú Zork: Nemisis (Activision) Bobby Kotick, chairman and CEO of
Also included are demonstrations of Activision Inc. "Whether running
13 other game titles for Windows an action, adventure or mystery
95. title, Windows 95 maximizes the
Windows 95 Is the PC Platform of potential to bring consumers the
Choice for the Game Industry most cutting-edge gaming experience
The game industry strongly supports available."
Windows 95. Forty of the game "The tidal wave of new titles for
industry's leading companies are Windows 95 and the release of the
shipping more than 75 games and Games for Windows 95 CD are the
accessories specifically designed latest evidence of the gaming
to exploit the power and features industry's shift to Windows 95 as
of Windows 95. Commercial the primary PC platform for game
availability of game titles and the play," said Tim Bajarin, president
Games for Windows 95 CD are the of Creative Strategies Research.
latest steps in the game industry's "By the 1996 holiday season, I
move to Windows 95. Microsoft expect that most new game titles
announced enhanced gaming support will be designed specifically to
in Windows 95 at the Computer Game take advantage of the impressive
Developers Conference in April 1995 gaming capabilities of Windows 95."
and delivered the final Windows 95
Game Development Kit in September
System Requirements
To play the Games for Windows 95
CD, users need a Windows 95-
compatible PC, 8 MB of memory and a
compatible sound card. A
compatible joystick is optional.
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq:
MSFT) is the worldwide leader in
software for personal computers.
The company offers a wide range of
products and services for business
and personal use, each designed
with the mission of making it
easier and more enjoyable for
people to take advantage of the
full power of personal computing
every day.
NOTE: Microsoft, Windows and MS-
DOS are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corp. in the United
States and/or other countries. All
other trademarks and registered
trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.
Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile - Current Developer Lists & Titles
Game Title Date Game Type MSRP Publisher
Air Cars TBA Racing/Combat $59.99 MidNite Ent.
Alien vs. Predator NOW Role Play/Adventure $69.99 Atari
Assault 2Q/96 Action/Combat $59.99
MidNite Ent.
Atari Karts NOW Driving $59.99 Atari
Attack Mutant Penguins 2/96 Arcade $59.99 Atari
Baldies (CD) NOW Action/Sim $59.99 Atari
Battlemorph (CD) NOW Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Battlesphere TBA Space/Combat TBD 4-Play
Battlestar TBA Space/Combat TBD ?
Battle Wheels TBA Racing/Combat TBD Beyond
Blue Lightning (CD) NOW Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Braindead 13 (CD) TBA Action/Adventure TBD
Breakout 2000 6/96 Puzzle $49.99 Atari
Brett Hull NHL Hockey 2/96 Sports $69.99 Atari
Brett Hull Hockey (CD) 4/96 Sports $69.99 Atari
Brutal Sports Football NOW Sports/Combat $69.99
Bubsy NOW Action/Adventure $19.99 Atari
Cannon Fodder NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Virgin
Chas. Barkley Basketball 1Q/96 Sports $59.99 Atari
Checkered Flag NOW Racing $19.99 Atari
Club Drive NOW Racing $29.99 Atari
Commander Blood(CD) 2/96 RPG $69.99 Atari
Cybermorph NOW Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Dactyl Joust TBA Action TBD Atari
Dante (CD) 6/96 Action TBD Atari
Defender 2000 2/96 Arcade $59.99 Atari
Doom NOW Action/Combat $69.99 Atari
Double Dragon V NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Williams
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story NOW Combat $29.99 Atari
Dragon's Lair (CD) NOW Adventure $69.99 ReadySoft
Dragon's Lair 2(CD) TBA Adventure TBD ReadySoft
Dungeon Depths 2Q/96 Action/Adventure $59.99 MidNite
Evolution: Dino Dudes NOW Puzzle/Adventure $19.99 Atari
Fever Pitch Soccer NOW Sports $59.99 Atari
Fight For Life 2/96 Combat TBD Atari
Flashback NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 US Gold
Flip-Out NOW Puzzle $49.99 Atari
Formula 1 (CD) 1Q/96 Racing TBD Atari
Highlander I (CD) NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Highlander II (CD) 3/96 Action/Adventure TBD Atari
Highlander III (CD) 5/96 Action/Adventure TBD
Horrorscope TBA Combat TBD V Reel
Hover Strike NOW Action/Combat $39.99 Atari
Hover Strike CD NOW Action/Combat $59.99 Atari
Hyper Force TBA ? TBD Comp. West
Iron Soldier NOW Action/Strategy $29.99 Atari
Iron Soldier II (CD) 4/96 Action/Strategy $59.99
I-War (a.k.a. Netwar) NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Kasumi Ninja NOW Combat $29.99 Atari
Magic Carpet (CD) 11/96 Action/RPG TBD Atari
Max Force (CD) 1Q/96 Action $59.99 Atari
Missile Command 3D NOW Action/Arcade $59.99 Atari
Mortal Kombat 3 9/96 Fighting TBD Atari
Myst (CD) NOW Interactive Novel $59.99 Atari
NBA Jam T.E. NOW Sports $69.99 Atari
Phase Zero 9/96 Action/Arcade $59.99 Atari
Pinball Fantasies NOW Arcade $59.95 Comp. West
Pitfall/Mayan Adv. NOW Arcade $59.99 Activision
Power Drive Rally NOW Driving $69.99 TWI
Primal Rage (CD) NOW Fighting $69.99 TWI
Raiden NOW Action/Adventure $29.99 Atari
Rayman NOW Action/Adventure $69.99 Ubi Soft
Rise of the Robots(CD) TBA Action/Arcade TBD TWI
Robinson's Requiem 2/96 Adventure $59.99 Atari
Rocky Horror (CD) 10/96 Adventure TBD Atari
Ruiner Pinball NOW Arcade $59.99 Atari
Sensible Soccer NOW Sports
Sky Hammer (CD) 8/96 Flying/Action TBD Atari
Soccer Kid TBA Sports TBD Ocean
Soul Star (CD) 5/96 Action/Sci-Fi TBD Atari
Space Ace (CD) TBA Space/Combat TBD ReadySoft
Super Burnout NOW Racing $59.99 Atari
Supercross 3D NOW Sports $59.99 Atari
Syndicate NOW Simulation $69.99 Ocean
Tempest 2000 NOW Action/Adventure $39.99 Atari
Theme Park NOW Simulation $69.99 Ocean
Trevor McFur NOW Action/Adventure $19.99 Atari
Troy Aikman Football NOW Sports $69.99
Ultimate Brain Games TBA Puzzle TBD
Ultra Vortek NOW Action/Adventure $69.99 Beyond
Val D'Isere Skiing NOW Sports $39.99 Atari
VidGrid (CD) NOW Puzzle/Music ---
Wayne Gretzky (CD) 2/96 Sports TBD TWI
White Men Can't Jump
(w/Team Tap) NOW Sports $49.99
Wolfenstein 3D NOW Combat/Action $29.99 Atari
World Tour Racing 3/96 Sports TBD Atari
Zero 5 7/96 Space/Combat TBD Atari
Zool2 NOW Action/Adventure $19.99 Atari
Zoop NOW Puzzle $49.99 Viacom
[Editor's note: Titles, scheduled release dates, and prices are verified
from Atari - all subject to change]
ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!
On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando
Here we are friends, the second week of 1996. And in the span of two
weeks, we in the Northeast, face our third winter storm. It reminds me of
Reginald Vel whatever-his-name-is from Diehard singing: Oh the weather
outside is frightful... da da da da da delightful... Yep, you guessed it...
I've got cabin fever. I hate the snow. I hate the cold. I hate just about
everything. And I hate the fact that I hate it. Well, that's okay. As
long as I've got a modem and a phone line I'm happy. And, if present
developments are any indication, I'll be able to log on to CompuServe with
my ST for a long time. There is now some real grass-roots interest in
getting a HMI-enabled program for the ST. Let's take a look.
From the Atari Computing Forum.
On the subject of the number of pages. This doesn't mean you have
colors "needed" to access to _look_ at 'em. ;-) Especially
CompuServe using CIM or a HMI if your program is an off-line
navigator I post: browser."
"...I believe that many of the
"colors" in an HMI-type of program Ben at TOC Oz. posts:
could use the built-in patterns in "Regarding telecommunications
monochrome mode... It might not packages for CIS : I recently spoke
look like the Windows version, but to someone who is very capable of
it would be something for those who writing such a package. They
wanted it." often look into these forums, to
judge the salability of their
Sysop Bob Retelle replies: efforts. The context of our
"Heh... I remember playing midimaze conversation was : They want to
in monochrome... it used the know how many C-LAB Falcons are
internal fill patterns to indicate going to be bought, so that the
the different colors, and was it project will be viable, and I want
ever a pain..! to know how many up to date, high
quality products are available to
(Pattie Rayl tried to use it first my C-LAB Falcon customers.
and couldn't figure out if she was
supposed to be shooting the YOU CAN NOT HAVE ONE WITHOUT THE
"slants" or the "stripes"... they OTHER !!!!! The Falcon is HERE NOW
finally gave me the mono monitor .... where's the purchasers,
because I'd just shoot everyone, where's the peripherals ... ?, They
and it didn't matter what pattern are out there, ... they just have
they were..!) to be brought together !
You're probably right though.. in If any one else says that they
this application, I'll bet it would either have to swap platforms or
work just fine." die with their STs, I will start
believing you are stupid, and
I reply to Bob: can't be helped as you don't want
to be....any of you Celtic/Anglo
"I remember playing midimaze in types should know the story of the
mono as well... you sure had to use dog and the thistle ! You're only
your imagination. whining because your either lazy,
or stupid, or both ! (that's the
>You're probably right though.. context of the dog/thistle story)
in this application, I'll bet it Put your money where your mouth is
would work just fine. < ! contact the C-LAB dealer in your
country ! C-LAB are only shipping
No one would ever mistake it for small numbers, because the average
VGA, but as long as it lets us user is not being switched on to
"see" what's on CIS, I'll be it's superior multi media
happy... for a while. <g>" abilities. C-LAB Falcons motto is
"power without price", and it is
Mark Kelling adds: indeed just that !
"As for color in CIM: hey, it
just brightens up the icons, nearly Just ask Alberto Sanchez how fast
everything is still just text Apex Multimedia is, if you don't
online anyway. believe me ! Everything has to
start somewhere, don't complain
If the new online areas are any ... show interest ! then more and
indication though, the future will more Falcons will start shipping,
be in photo realistic shades. Most which will encourage more
of the new areas save splashy, developers, which will encourage
Internet Web looking welcome pages. more users, which will mean more
The Mall, Money Mag., Internet Q&A, Falcons etc.
are just some of the many -- and
word is that Forums are next in Everyone who inquires at my office,
line to get full color welcome is also interested in using
telecommunications of some sort. available for Macs and PCs. The
With each new enquiry, is the money you save using MacNAV in a
possibility of another customer for year alone will more than pay for a
CIS. the logic is obvious.(if not PowerBook. My Compuserve bills
read above). For those who dropped **DRAMATICALLY** the minute
experience financial difficulty, C- I switched over. I wound up saving
LAB have provided upgrade path to hundreds of dollars. The Falcon is
the Mark X, which has obvious wonderful for many things...but
benefits for both customer and here on is to
developer, bringing O/S's, laugh. Use the right tool for the
hardware, and bug fixes, to a job."
standard, which means that
developers, and customers will have Carl Barron tells Ben:
more confidence in the platform ! "I have a 18 meg TT, CD-ROM,
500+megs of working hard drives and
Renewed interest in the platform soon a graphics card, so why would
will trickle down to more interest I want a 'new' falcon? That is
in some sort of ST compatibility, an interesting question. If I need
which will benefit those who a falcon to navigate CIS on an
simply can't afford a Falcon, ... Atari m680x0, I see no future in
consider ZERO-X by SoundPool, if it the program. For a reasonable
finds itself on a Falcon it will price I would by this program, if
use the DSP, otherwise it won't ! it ran at least on my TT. I no
It doesn't bomb and tell you to go longer believe in supply side
away. Also consider many owners economics, or the trickle down
who have both an ST, and a theory."
Falcon... (As STs don't die ;-),
some form of compatibility is Michel Vanhamme tells Carl:
necessary. If instead of the Falcon "I agree. While I am not a great
it was a Mac, or clone, this programmer, I cannot see why
wouldn't be the case ! and the STs someone would need a specific
and ST support would be set on the machine to be able to run a CIS
long and narrow path of attrition, front end. Of course, there _are_
till they are only found in some obvious hardware requirements:
museums ! a minimal resolution (640*400 or
480), some colors (16 - I've tried
This message is being written on a it on a PC and it works) if you
C-LAB Falcon Mark II 14/811. So want the CIS icons and all that, a
somebody has one !, and I live on hard drive, some RAM. All this
an island in the middle of the means at least two unmodified
ocean, far away from America, or machines would do the job: TTs and
Europe ! How did it get here ? How Falcons. There are also some people
did I know they were available ? who have put graphics cards in
How could I afford to buy one ? How their STs so that should work too.
come you can read this message ?
But, IMHO, that would leave a lot
If you can answer these questions, of people out still, who would only
then I'll stop thinking you are be able to run at a suitable
stupid, or lazy !" resolution in mono. I see only one
solution to that: suppression of
Frank Heller tells Ben: the graphics, but I don't know if
"Zero-X is manufactured by Copson navigation would be possible
Data. SoundPool distributes it to without graphics. Anyway, all the
certain areas of the World. And above _only_ applies to an
I...uh...have a C-LAB Falcon...but 'AtariCim'... No need for the
I don't communicate on the service colors for a navigator. Tapcis is a
with it. For that, I use a Mac 520c DOS navigator, hasn't one icon or
PowerBook. I gave up a L O N G image in its display, and will
time ago trying to find a decent become HMI compliant nevertheless.
front end for the Atari to
communicate here. Nothing made for Bottom of the line: I don't see why
the Atari compares to the stuff only a Falcon would be capable to
run a CIS front-end. Just my two stuff is not loaded while online.
cents, A full CIM will require at least
640x480x16, 2-4megs of ram to run
Michel (I _have_ a Falcon BTW ;-)" at all. Sound, who needs much
Mark Kelling tells Michel:
"CIS _wants_ you to use a CIM-type Michel Vanhamme adds his thoughts:
program with all the pretty "I think that would be the
graphics! Just think, every time a approximate hardware requirements.
forum (or for now areas like Mall I suppose even 2 meg RAM would be
and Newsstand) change their sufficient if very well
Greeting graphic you - the users - programmed, since 4 meg on this
spend valuable time waiting for borrowed PC under Windows here do
those pretty pictures to arrive the job, if you get my drift..."
through your modem. I am happy to
see that some Navigator type Steven Van Rossen posts:
programs will make the move to "I am new to the HMI discussion,
HMI, this means we won't be locked but it all sounds very interesting.
in to using only whatever CIM I do develop programs for the Atari
software CIS determines is "best" and I still intend to do. As far as
for us. :-) (Like that other I can deduce from all available
service heavily advertised on TV) information, it won't be that easy
to develop an AtariCim (or
Since there is a DOS navigator set whatever) but I think it is worth
to go HMI, there is absolutely _no the try. Why deprive us Atarians
reason_ why there can't be one for from one of the world's best online
Atari systems. Heck, you could services.
write one for an Atari 400 if CIS
would just release a specs sheet I am willing to give developing
listing what HMI expects to see AtariCim a try, but not alone. So
when you communicate. I do know here is what I propose:
for a fact that all text sent back 1. Since everybody is willing to
and forth in Mail and Forum invest in it, why don't we invest
Messages is compressed and placed in it by contributing all in some
into B transfer protocol packets. way. This means: user developed
The decompressing for view of these software. This means that
packets does take some horsepower interested developers can co-
on the part of your computer, so a develop, other people can design
CIM type program may be beyond the icons or write help files, others
capabilities of a slow CPU. Still, can beta-test along with the
you could make an off-line developers. I am sure every one of
navigator where the actual time us has a skill to contribute. Hey,
factor is not that important. (The if on the Internet they could
software could download your mail write Linux, why couldn't we make
and messages and then logoff and AtariCim?
expand everything for you to view 2. If there is enough interest
and reply to later!) for a joint effort, I am willing to
manage the project (in my
Sorry to carry on so! I'll step off professional life, I do the same)
my soapbox now ;-)" and do large chunks of the
Carl Barron adds: 3. If this project goes on, we'll
"I think a navigator, is possible have to convince Compuserve that
fairly easily with 4megs and a hd this project will succeed (as they
at any 80 col. resolution. If it expect every HMI application to
is going to ignore stuff, it can market Compuserve). This will be
return received ok without checking the thorough part I suppose.
it, as it is tossing it anyway,
etc. Just speculating. But a Bottom line, please if you are
navigator similar to quikcis interested in this proposal, reply
should be doable on perhaps a 2 meg to this message... So - just to
st. especially if the off-line give an impression of what we all
need - here are some skills I
already identified:
1. Legal advice. If anyone of you
is a laws specialist, grab your
chance. We need to check how this
project should be legally
organized; Copyright CIS, ownership
of user developed sources
2. Developers. For myself I can
offer GEM experience and
application experience. I know C. I
do have a GEM library with full
source control to make color
buttons, windowed dialogs and all
good stuff we need. I know Windows
API. I have a PC which can be
helpful comparing the 'AtariCim' to
existing PC applications. But it is
too much too do it all alone.
Unless we're willing to wait to the
year 2000 :-). Input is welcome on
Compuserve B protocol (Jim?) and
3. People who are experts in icon
drawing and which have access to
WinCIM. The application would need
its own version of icons both in
color and monochrome.
4. Graphics experts: let us
dither these HMI color images to
good looking monochrome images for
those with monochrome screens. Who
has such routines...
I'm convinced if we line up we can
find enough competence under the
Atarians to build together our
If you have any ideas, impressions, or suggestions, write to Mr. Van
Rossen at and let him know what you think.
That's it for this week. Tune in again for the next installment, same
time, same station, and be ready to listen to what they are saying when...
Almost a year later... and
Newt is STILL a Beaut!!
When are the people going to realize Newt and his buddies really do have a
"CONTRACT" on the USA not with or for the Country.
Will the "Washington Big Whigs" ever LEARN to Represent the People
instead of Resenting them?? Not likely!
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