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Silicon Times Report Issue 1122

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.
A subsidiary of
STR Worldwide CompNews Inc.

June 02, 1995 No. 1122

Silicon Times Report
International OnLine Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano, Editor

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> 06/02/95 STR 1122 "The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine!"
- CPU Industry Report - THUMBS+PLUS 2.1d - ULTRA EDIT 32bit
- EPSON Goody List - EIDE Explained - 2.1gb IDE FAST HD
- Portfolio News - Origin Web Site - WUGNET CDRom!!
- Cannon Fodder - People Talking - Jaguar NewsBits

-* WIN'95 ONTIME FOR AUG 24th *-
-* FCC to STEP IN?? *-

STReport International OnLine Magazine
The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine
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> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Its Friday already! Long weekends are great but they sure make the
week go by far too quickly. There really is not much happening except for
the Internet and Windows'95. Since we all know the firm ship date for
Win'95 is August 24th, the best thing to do now is encourage your favorite
software publisher to get those 32 bit updates out the door. By my
observations, there may be a number of these major houses literally caught
napping. There is simply no excuse for any of these software houses not
to be "Johnny on the spot" ready with the updates for similar release
dates as Win'95. Everyone is aware there has been more than half a
million Win'95 users for quite some time now. Its a safe bet they've been
asking for the new 32bit drivers, patches and updates. August 24th is
going to show the users just who, in the software world, really has their
act together.

Internet!! World Wide Web!! FTP sites, T1 lines, and ISDN all new
terms for some to pick up on but for others, its the signaling of the
beginning of the end of an era. The Online Services are never going to be
the same. Guaranteed those services with progressive leadership are going
to amaze the users while others who have been stoically plodding along are
simply going to fade from view. In a short time, we'll see monthly flat
rates become the order of the day both for access and for baud rates. The
days of escalating rates for speed are almost gone at this time. The
monthly fee will become the only charge users will see. No more hourly
rates. The big three, possibly four, will eventually be the only real
online services left to talk about. The others will be gone. They are
dead now and simply don't know it.

One major stumbling block the major online services are tripping all
over is their software. So far, the software out there is conservatively
rated by STReport to be in a range of "ok to bad". Of the services either
offering or requiring the use of their software, none can boast of having
really trouble free software. CompuServe however, does have the best
running and most reliable available with the "CIM" offerings. The worst
of the lot comes from Genie. Their "FE" has to be the best example out of
what not to have your software do. They call the version in circulation a
"beta" version it should be called a pre-alpha version. It terrible.
Running a super hot second to Genie's software is Prodigy's excuse for
Windows software. The only software that allows the user's system to take
full advantage of high speed modems and high speed CPU's is CompuServe's
it allows the user to set their lock baud at 155200 while offering the
user 14.4 and 28.8 connections. Running hot on the heels of CIS is AOL.
Their big problem is file transfers "going to sleep". In time they'll
either be top stuff or gone. The shake out has already begun.

To sum it all up, CompuServe is, by far, the best value, the best
performer and without a doubt, offers the most to users of every age.
Then comes AOL, the "teenage" network, its so organized that one often
feels the need to put one's hand up to gain permission to log-off! <g> AOL
is a fine service for the younger set. Prodigy and Genie we'll leave
alone. They have enough on their plates at this time anyway. Delphi!!
Here is a sleeping Giant. Watch Delphi closely over the next six months.
You are going to amazed at what can be accomplished. Delphi may very well
wind up being the biggest of them all in no time flat. Why you ask??
Delphi has a good understanding of the Internet and is going to build
itself completely around that concept. All the surviving services will
eventually become fancy gateways to the "Net". What will be interesting
is to see which one offers what to be the "King of the Hill". All this
can only be a super benefit to the users. This time, the users will win
..big time.


Of Special Note:


STReport is now ready to offer much more in the way of serving the
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userbase. We now have our very own WEB/NewsGroup/FTP Site and although
its in its early stages of construction, do stop by and have a look see.
Since We've received numerous requests to receive STReport from a wide
variety of Internet addressees, we were compelled to put together an
Internet distribution/mailing list for those who wished to receive
STReport on a regular basis, the file is ZIPPED, then UUENCODED.
Unfortunately, we've also received a number of opinions that the
UUENCODING was a real pain to deal with. So, as of May 12,1995, you'll
be able to download STReport directly from our very own WEB Site. While
there, be sure to join our STR list. In any case, our mailing list will
continue to be used for at least the next eight weeks. At that time,
however, it will be discontinued. Each of our readers will have by then,
received their information packet about how they may upgrade their
personal STR News Services.



Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

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---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
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STReport, with its policy of not accepting any paid advertising, has over
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Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #22

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

>> Win95 Net Feature Scrutinized <<

A feature in Microsoft Corp.'s upcoming Windows 95 software that
allows users to register electronically instead of mailed post card is
coming under scrutiny because of its capability to report what other
programs also are on a customer's computer.

Microsoft designed the function, known as Registration Wizard, to
encourage more people to register their purchase of Windows. Like many
companies, Microsoft uses data from registrations to figure out its
customer base and promote other products.

Recently a trade magazine erroneously reported the registration process
automatically scanned whole networks of computers to determine software
usage, a report that provoked a barrage of complaints about Microsoft on
the Internet and online services.

However Microsoft executives as saying the feature gathers information
only from the computer on which Windows 95 is used and reports it to the
company only at the customer's option.

Mike Conte, product manager for Windows 95, said, "It was an
unfortunate article that was written and then it hit the Internet and took
on a life of its own." Describing the Registration Wizard as a market
research device, he added, "If a customer has a funny feeling about it,
they can choose not to send the information."

He said Microsoft will use electronic registration for the first time
with Windows 95, which is due to go on sale in August.

Sources say, "Its process includes a step in which the form looks at
the personal computer's hard drive and makes a list of programs it
contains, whether they are made by Microsoft or not. At three points in
the registration process, including the moment after the software check
is listed, the program asks the customer whether that information should
be sent or not to Microsoft."

>> Claris Cuts MacWrite Pro Price <<

Claris Corp. has cut the price of its MacWrite Pro 1.5 word processor
to $49.

The company says the pricing change is designed to make MacWrite Pro
a more attractive product for entry-level Macintosh and Power Macintosh

The software provides style sheets, one-step table creation, floating
tool palettes, variable columns and numerous other features. It supports
System 7.5, including PowerTalk, QuickTime video playback, Apple Script
and Apple Events.

Users of MacWrite II and competing word processors can upgrade for
$39. MacWrite Pro 1.0 customers can upgrade for $29.

>> Xerox to Offer Compaq Service <<

Compaq Computer Corp. says it has authorized Xerox Corp. to perform
warranty service on its products within the U.S.

The move makes the company a fully accredited Compaq Third Party
Maintainer. Xerox will serve as a provider of on-site warranty service
as dispatched by Compaq.

Xerox is a major service organization, with more than 11,000 service
engineers in the U.S. and 25,000 worldwide. The company has over 200
U.S. service sites.

>> June Launch Seen for IBM PowerPC <<

A computer industry newspaper is reporting IBM next month will launch
its first PC based on the PowerPC microprocessor that it co-developed
with Apple Computer Inc. and Motorola Inc.

Computer Reseller News, a weekly that follows personal computer
wholesalers and distributors, says IBM isn't very likely to achieve high
volume shipments for the new machines until later this year.

The newspaper said IBM plans to unveil the machines, which include
desktop and laptop versions, on June 19, one day before the PC Expo
computer convention in New York. Word is prices will start at about
$3,000 for a multimedia desktop computer with videoconferencing and
speech-recognition capabilities.

>> Compaq Cuts Server Prices <<

Compaq Computer Corp has announced price reductions of up to 16% on
its ProSignia 300 server line.

The ProSignia 300 5/90 Model 1050, configured with a 1.05GB Fast-
SCSI-2 hard disk, 16MB of RAM, built-in 32-bit Ethernet support, a 256KB
secondary cache and a CD-ROM drive now costs $3,999.

The ProSignia 300 5/75 Model 1050, configured with a 1.05GB Fast-
SCSI-2 hard disk, 16MB of RAM, built-in 32-bit Ethernet support, a 256KB
secondary cache and a CD-ROM drive is now priced at $3,549.

>> Firms Plan Steinbeck CD-ROMs <<

Book publisher Penguin USA and multimedia specialist Byron Preiss
Multimedia Co. Inc. say they have agreed to co-publish a series of CD-
ROM titles based on books with electronic rights controlled by Penguin.

The companies note that the first titles will be based on Penguin
books by and about author John Steinbeck. Penguin currently publishes
all of Steinbeck's major works as well as a major biography of Steinbeck
by Jackson Benson.

The first CD-ROM title will be "Of Mice and Men", which is scheduled
to ship in September. The disc will be followed by two titles for young
adults, will be "The Pearl" and "The Red Pony." No prices have been

>> ABC Sports CD-ROMs Planned <<

Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. and software publisher Spectrum HoloByte
Inc. say they have established a joint venture to develop and produce
CD-ROM and video game software carrying the ABC Sports label.

Each company will hold a 50% interest in the venture. Financial terms
weren't disclosed.

The companies note that the games produced by the venture will use
the ABC Sports trademark as well as the Monday Night Football and Wide
World of Sports names. The companies expect to develop five products in
the first two years, including football and auto racing titles.

>> New Notebooks Roll Out This Week <<

New notebook computers from Dell Computer Corp., Toshiba America, AST
Research Inc. and others are expected this week, all built around a new
mobile version of Intel Corp.'s Pentium chip.

Dell officials said their firm will introduce nine new models of its
Latitude notebook computers, including the Latitude XPi, based on the
new 75MHz and the 90MHz mobile Pentium processors, which consume less
power. The XPi has a launch price of $2,999 and $3,399, with a one-year

The new Latitude XPi notebooks also have 10.4-inch color screens,
standard 8MB of memory, a 340MB hard drive which can be upgraded to a
1.2 gigabyte drive and weigh about 6.2 pounds.

Dell also is introducing new models based on Intel's 486DX4
processor, called the Latitude XP, with a 75 or 100 megahertz processor.
They have an introduction price of $2,799 and $2,999, respectively, with
8MB of memory standard, a 10.4-inch color screen, a 340MB hard drive,
upgradable to 1.2 gigabytes and one year warranty under the special
introduction price.

Meanwhile, Toshiba America is expected to unveil a new model of its
Protege notebook computer, based on the new Intel chip. A Toshiba
spokeswoman said the company will introduce a new model, called the
Protege 610CT, based on the 90MHz version of the new mobile Pentium

The new version of Toshiba's Portege subnotebook, a class of PCs also
known as ultraportable because of their light weight, contains a 720MB
hard drive and a 9.5-inch screen, up from 8.5-inches in previous models.
It will cost about $4,500.

And AST Research officials said the company will introduce one model
that has an innovative pipe for dispersing the heat generated by the
advanced microprocessor without the need for a battery-draining fan.

All three companies also have new accessories for attaching the
notebook computers to monitors and keyboard for office use.

>> Sony Cuts Game Unit Prices <<

In Tokyo, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. says it is slashing a
third from the domestic price of its new PlayStation game machine, a
move officials expect will mean the company will capture another two
million home video game players.

Sony said it has sold a million of its 32-bit PlayStation game
machines since the product was launched in December. Its new model SCPH-
3000 is to hit the Japanese market on July 21 and "we expect PlayStation
sales to reach a goal of three million within a year," said a

By the end of this month, 44 software titles for the PlayStation
machine will be on sale and Sony says there will be 200 by the end of
the year. Sony said it now has 5,500 retail outlets in Japan selling its
game players. Sony said the price cut on its PlayStation was made
possible by paring down factory costs.

>> High-Capacity Hard Disk Set <<

Seagate Technology is planning to ship the industry's highest-
capacity, ATA/IDE- interface hard disk.

The 2.1GB Medalist 2140 is designed to work with advanced business
and multimedia applications. The company will also offer the 1.6GB
Medalist 1640.

Both drives feature an average 10ms seek time, a 16.6MB per second
Fast ATA-2 interface and a 256K multi- segmented cache. The units also
provide an average sustained data transfer rate of more than 3.5MB per
second, and are capable of burst data transfers of up to 16.6MB per
second. Built-in power management technology allows the drives to have a
low-idle power consumption of 3.5 watts, which will allow system
manufacturers to meet Energy Star power efficiency specifications.

Volume production of both drives is scheduled to begin this summer.
No prices have been announced.

>> HP Joins New Notebook Race <<

Joining the race for the lead in the newest field of notebook
computers, Hewlett-Packard Co. has announced a range of OmniBook 5000
notebook PCs designed around Intel Corp.'s new 90MHz Pentium processor
for mobile computers.

Company officials are quoted as saying the new systems will ship in
the third quarter of this year and that pricing will be available most
likely in July.

The new notebooks also include L2 cache and full PCI (Peripheral
Component Interconnect) bus architecture to achieve performance levels
typically seen in desktop systems. The PCI architecture enables high-
speed video performance with clear display images and smooth, full-
motion video.

As noted Intel's new Pentium chip consumes less power than Pentiums
used in desktop computers, making it ideal, designers say, for mobile

>> Drive Makers See Calmer Times <<

Now that it is avoiding a penchant for pricing wars that once led to
notorious boom-bust cycles, the disk drive industry may be heading for a
smoother future.

That's the prediction of Barron's financial journal, which notes the
industry -- including Conner Peripherals Inc., Maxtor Corp., Quantum
Corp. Seagate Technology Inc. and Western Digital Corp. -- is
benefitting from consumers' "bottomless appetite" for bigger and better
disk drives.

Reporter Howard R. Gold writes that demand for multimedia computers,
this summer's debut of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 95 operating system and
other factors are driving demand for ever greater disk drive capacities
in PCs.

>> I-Net Users Are Reluctant Shoppers <<

Fewer than 25% of Internet users are willing to make an online credit
card purchase, according to a recent survey conducted by Dataquest Inc.

Although more than 60% of the survey respondents consider security to
be an important concern, the lack of online safeguards plays only a
small role in the relatively small interest in online shopping, notes
the market research company.

"The key factors behind the growth of electronic shopping are
developing compelling applications and producing scenarios that focus on
the consumer rather than the merchant," comments Allen Weiner, principal
analyst of Dataquest's Online Strategies program. "Applications need to
provide convenience as well as a pleasurable shopping experience to be
successful with the consumer; simply providing a different way of doing
the same old thing will not lead to success in this market."

>> FCC Might Regulate Online Speech <<

The new draft of a bill under consideration in Congress proposes to
bring in the Federal Communications Commission as a regulator of
allegedly indecent speech online.

Communications Daily reports this week the changes have been proposed
in language of the measure (S-652) sponsored by Sen. J.J. Exon (D-
Ne.braska.) which, notes the newsletter, "further attempts to limit
exposure of children to indecent material, while providing new defenses
for online operators."

However, it adds, civil liberties groups allege "the attempt at
compromise falls short."

CD says the new draft is aimed at information providers who transmit
or make available "any indecent comment, request, suggestion, proposal,
image or other communications to any person under 18 years of age."

"Additional language," says the newsletter, "would provide new
defenses for online providers, including that they didn't have
'editorial control' over (the) material; however, (the) provision
wouldn't apply to (a) provider that gave up editorial control with (the)
knowledge that (the) company with control intended to violate (the)

The proposal also would allow the FCC to prescribe by regulation
procedures or reasonable steps to prevent transmission of indecent

Says the new draft, "Such steps and FCC procedures may include
enabling the user to restrict or prevent access to communications
described in this section."

Reacting, Jill Lesser of People for the American Way told the
newsletter civil liberties groups "are still not satisfied," saying
there have been talks to try to replace Exon's language with a bill
proposed by Sen Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vermont) calling for study of online
obscenity. However, CD says, Exon hasn't agreed to withdraw his wording.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Administration says the new wording in the
proposal hadn't changed its position as outlined in letter to Leahy in
May that said the Exon bill could pose hazards for law enforcement in
addition to harm to civil liberties.

The American Civil Liberties Union contends in a statement that the
draft's new language "in its existing or revised form, violates both
free speech and privacy rights," adding, "The Exon amendment cannot be
'fixed.' It must be rejected."

>> Judge Rules Prodigy Accountable <<

New York state Judge Stuart L. Ain has ruled Prodigy is responsible
for the content of its subscribers' electronic messages, apparently
stripping the online service of a major defense in a current libel suit.

Ain's 15-page opinion in the case of a multimillion dollar suit
against Prodigy says the company can be held liable because it functions
more as a publisher than as a passive conduit of information.

It's felt that the decision gives the go-ahead to a suit filed by the
investment banking firm Stratton Oakmont Inc. last November against
Prodigy. Stratton contends Prodigy is liable for a message posted by a
subscriber last October accusing the investment firm of criminal

Sources say, "The case is being closely watched by the online
information industry, which contends that it can't be responsible for
what its subscribers post on its bulletin boards any more than a
bookstore or newsstand can be liable for what they make publicly
available. The online industry contends that, like a bookstore or
library, it exercises no control over the content of its subscribers'

Generally, Ain took no issue with that argument, writing in his
opinion, "Computer bulletin boards should generally be regarded in the
same context as bookstores, libraries and network affiliates."
However, he said, Prodigy is different, because as far back as 1990 it
marketed itself as a superior service precisely because of its editorial

The judge's ruling cited an article by Geoffrey Moore, Prodigy's
director of market programs and communications, which said, "We make no
apology for pursuing a value system that reflects the culture of the
millions of American families we aspire to serve. Certainly no
responsible newspaper does less."

Also, the judge observed, Prodigy has promulgated "content
guidelines" for its postings, used a program to screen all bulletin-
board messages for offensive language before posting and appointed a
group of "board leaders" to enforce the guidelines.

So, Judge Ain wrote, "It is Prodigy's own policies, technology and
staffing decisions which have altered the scenario and mandated a
finding that it is a publisher. Prodigy's conscious choice, to gain the
benefits of editorial control, has opened it up to a greater liability
than CompuServe and other computer networks that make no such choice."

The CompuServe case to which Ain referred is the only prior libel
case involving online services. There, a 1991 decision limited a defamed
party's ability to sue for libel.

Prodigy has argued in the current case that the volume of its daily
postings -- some 60,000 messages -- made monitoring each one impossible.

The company claimed that it abandoned its early marketing claim in
1992, long before the disputed Money Talk postings last October and that
its board leaders don't function as editors. But the judge ruled that
the company didn't provide any 'documentation or detailed explanation of
such a change' and rejected the argument.


> Enhanced-IDE STR FOCUS!

A discussion on:

Enhanced-IDE Hard Disk Drives

If the hard disk drive that you are considering purchasing or installing
is an IDE, Enhanced-IDE or AT drive that exceeds 528MB and your ZEOS
computer does not have a PCI bus, I would suggest that you read this

There are several ways that you can install an Enhanced-IDE hard disk
drive into your computer. Each method has its advantages and
disadvantages. I will attempt to provide an overview of each process and
discuss some of the pros and cons of each method. It is your computer and
the ultimate decision on which route to go is yours. All that this
document is intended to do is give you enough information to make that

We will be considering four different options.

Choice 1:

You may want to consider using a product like Disk Manager from On-Track.
Disk Manager is a software product. It installs as a device driver that
installs in your CONFIG.SYS file and acts as a "translator" allowing the
operating system to talk to the hard disk drive. It works well with DOS
and Windows but has the drawbacks typical to any TSR or device driver, it
uses memory and it is possible that you will find an incompatible
application. A more serious drawback is that this method may not work
with alternate operating systems like OS/2, NT or Linux. Another drawback
is that this method will not allow the use of some of the enhancements
(like faster transfer rates).

Choice 2:
Using an Enhanced-IDE controller with its own BIOS. This method requires
the use of a slot. Virtually all of the Enhanced-IDE controllers that I
have seen have been VLB devices. If you do not have a VLB slot available,
using this method may not be possible. This method does offer several
major advantages though. This is a true Enhanced-IDE interface and all
of the enhancements are available:

The four features of Enhanced IDE:
ú High Capacity Addressing of ATA Hard Drives
ú Fast Data Transfer Rates for ATA Hard Drives
ú Dual ATA Host Adapters

Another major benefit of using this method is that it should work properly
across all operating platforms, including: OS/2, NT and Linux. Of course,
you will want to check with the publisher or vendor the operating system
to be sure that IDE driver support is available.

If you decide to go this route I would urge you to purchase the hardware
from a vendor that offers a thirty day money back guarantee and a one year
warranty. This is hardware and you will want to be sure that it works
properly and continues to work properly.

ZEOS does not sell these controllers and has not tested or certified them
for use. Be sure to discuss the functionality of the card with the
vendor. ZEOS makes no representation regarding the functionality of these

Choice 3:
This choice is included mainly for discussion. There are third party
BIOS' available that promise Enhanced-IDE or large drive compatibility.
These third party BIOS' may not allow you access to some of the enhanced
features found on your ZEOS computer. While you gain the ability to put
the hard drive directly into the drive table you may loose other features.

Choice 4:
The final choice is to use a SCSI hard disk drive rather than an Enhanced-
IDE drive. SCSI drives are every bit as fast and as large as Enhanced-IDE
drives. Many ZEOS computers have offered a optional SCSI interface on the
motherboard (meaning that a slot is not required). The SCSI interface can
also be used for other internal and external accessories like tape back-up
units, CD-ROM drives, plotters, scanners and more.

If you are considering future upgrades to your computer and have made the
decision to stick with the current computer for a while longer, the SCSI
interface offers the greatest degree of expandability and using chip that
you just plug into the motherboard makes it inexpensive, fast, and easy to

There you have it. You now have the information necessary to make an
informed decision on how you want to upgrade your computer's hard disk

Editor s Note:
While the information contained herein is direct at those who own a
ZEOS Computer, the information is solid info for just about anybody with a
desire to learn.


> Epson Supplies and Accessories STR InfoFile

EPSON Accessories Inc.
Epson Accessories and Supplies Catalog for Epson Printers/Scanners
Call: 800-873-7766 Effective: May 95 Fax: 310-782-4401
Product Product Compatible List Sale
Code Description Printer Models Price Price

For highest quality and darkest printing
7764 Film Ribbon Cartridge
LQ-860, LQ-2550 $22.00
7768 Film Ribbon Cartridge - Narrow carriage
LQ-200/500/510/570/570+ $12.00
LQ-850/870, L-1000,
7769 Film Ribbon Cartridge - Narrow carriage
LQ-950 $15.00 $12.00
7770 Film Ribbon Cartridge - Wide carriage
LQ-1000/1010/1050/1070, $19.00
LQ-1070+, LQ-1170, L-750,

8750 Ribbon Cartridge Narrow carriage
MX-70/80, MX-80F/T, $6.00
RX-80/80+, RX80F/T
FX-80/85/86e, FX-850,
FX-870,JX-80, LX-300,800
LX-810, APEX-80, T-1000
8755 Ribbon Cartridge - Wide carriage
MX-100, RX-100, FX-100, $9.00 $7.25
FX-185/286/286e, FX-1050,
T-750, AP-2500
8762L Ribbon Cartridge - Narrow carriage
LX-80/86/90, $9.00
Homewriter 10
8763 Ribbon Cartridge EX-800, EX-1000 $7.50 $6.25
8766 Ribbon Cartridge DFX-5000/5000+/8000 $33.00 $26.50
8767 Replacement Ribbon Cartridge for 8766
DFX-5000/5000+/8000 $24.00
AP-80-1 Ribbon Cartridge AP-80 (not an Apex) $8.95 $2.80
CR-94010 Ribbon Cartridge CR-420/420i $12.95 $12.60
HOOCR-BB Ribbon Cartridge(5 pak) HX-20, HX-40 $17.50 $14.00
S015047 Ribbon Cartridge AP-2250 $9.75 $7.95

7753 Ribbon Cartridge - Narrow carriage
LQ-200/500/510/570/570+ $7.00 $5.50
LQ-800/850/870, L-1000,
AP-3000, AP-4000, AP-5000
7754 Ribbon Cartridge - Wide carriage
LQ-1000/1010/1050/1070 $10.00 $8.00
LQ-1170, L-750, AP-4500
7762L Ribbon Cartridge - Wide carriage
LQ-2500, LQ-2550, LQ-860 $11.00 $8.75
7767 Ribbon Cartridge - Wide carriage LQ-950 $14.00
8753 Ribbon Cartridge LQ-1500 $10.00 $8.00
S015032 Ribbon Cartridge AP-3250 $9.95 $8.00
S015060 Ribbon Cartridge AP-3260 $9.95 $7.95

To Order - Call Toll-Free 1-800-873-7766
Product Product Compatible List Sale
Code Description Printer Models Price Price
7753-R Red Ribbon Cartridge
LQ-200, LQ-500/510/570/570+ $8.99ea. 3 for
LQ-800/850/870, L-1000, $24.90
7753-G Green Ribbon Cartridge same as above $8.99ea. 3 for
7753-B Blue Ribbon Cartridge same as above $8.99ea. $24.90
Mix or match ribbon colors

S015032-R Red Fabric Ribbon Cartridge AP-3250 $9.95ea. 3 for
S015032-G Green Fabric Ribbon Cartridge AP-3250 $9.95ea. $27.00
S015032-B Blue Fabric Ribbon Cartridge AP-3250 $9.95ea
Mix or match ribbon colors

8764 Ribbon Cartridge - Color EX-800* EX-1000* $19.00
7763 Ribbon Cartridge - Color LQ-2550/2500* $28.00 $27.40
8759 Ribbon Cartridge - Color JX-80 $15.95 $9.95
S015061 Ribbon Cartridge - Color AP-3260* $24.95 $20.90
S015073 Ribbon Cartridge - Color LX-300* $24.95 $21.10
S015077 Ribbon Cartridge - Color LQ-300* $25.00 $24.30
*These printer models require a color option kit

8391E-A Color Option Kit LQ-2550 $59.00
C832011 Color Upgrade Kit AP-3260 $49.00 $43.90
C832081 Color Option Kit LX-300 $49.00
C832111 Color Option Kit LQ-300 $49.00 $42.30
**Color ribbon is included in all kits**

7346-A Dual Bin - 150 sheets per bin
FX-850, LQ-850 enhanced $125.00 $100.00
7343G-A Dual Bin LQ-2550 $529.00
8331 Single Bin - 80 sheets
FX-80/FX-80+, FX-85 - enhanced $19.95
8333 Single Bin, 60 sheets
FX-100/FX-100+/185/286 $49.95
8335 Single Bin SQ-2000 $49.95
8338G-A Single Bin, 75 sheets
Homewriter-10, LX-80/86/90 $19.95 $18.00
8338V Single Bin, 75 sheets
LX-80/86/90, Homewriter-10 $9.95 $10.95
8342 Single Bin, 60 sheets EX-800 $149.95 $99.95
8343 Single Bin, 60 sheets EX-1000, LQ-2500 $129.95 $75.00
8346 Dual Bin, 60 sheets per bin EX-1000, LQ-2500 $179.95 $99.00
8347 Single Bin, 60 sheets LQ-800, FX-86e $69.95 $49.00
8348 Single Bin, 60 sheets
LQ-1000, FX-286e, T-750, L-750 $149.95 $59.00
C806121 Single Bin, 150 sheets
LX-810, LQ-510, AP-2000/4000 $149.00 $131.40
C806271 150 sheets or 25 envelopes LQ-860 $240.00 $195.00
C806281 Dual Bin, 150 sheets per bin LQ-860 $349.00 $280.00
C806371 Single Bin, 50 sheets
LQ-570/570+/870, AP-5000 $73.00 $65.70
AP-5000+, FX-870
C806381 High Capacity, 150 sheets or 25 envelopes
LQ-570/570+/870,AP-5000 $192.00 $170.80
AP-5000+, FX-870
C806391 50 sheets LQ-1070/1170, FX-1170 $102.00 $90.50
C806401 High Capacity, 150 sheets or 25 envelopes
FX-1170, LQ-1070/1070+/1170 $240.00 $211.50
C814021 Front Sheet Guide FX-870 $12.00
C814031 Front Sheet Guide FX-1170 $15.00

To Order, Call Toll-Free 1-800-873-7766
Product Product Compatible List Sale
Code Description Printer Models Price Price
7302L-A Tractor Unit DX-35 $69.95 $29.00
7303W Tractor Unit LQ-800 $59.95 $29.00
7304W Tractor Unit LQ-1000 $69.95 $29.00
7314G-A Pull Tractor LQ-2550 $99.00 $86.30
8304V Tractor Unit LX-80/86/90,
Homewriter-10 $19.95 $11.00
8307-A Pull Tractor Unit EX-800 $59.00 $39.00
8309G-A Pull Tractor Unit DFX-5000/5000+/8000 $149.00 $131.50
C800161 Pull Tractor Unit LQ-860 $73.00 $59.00
C800171 Push Tractor Unit EPI-4000 $149.00 $49.00
C800191 Pull Tractor Unit
LQ-570, LQ-570+, AP-5000, AP-5000+ $64.00 $56.50
C800201 Push/Pull Tractor Unit LQ-870, FX-870 $69.00 $60.40
C800211 Push/Pull Tractor Unit LQ-1170 $86.00 $76.00
C800221 Pull Tractor Unit
LQ-1070, LQ-1070+, AP-5500 $77.00 $68.70
C800262 Push Tractor Unit
AP-2250, AP3250, AP-3260 $49.00 $43.20
C800301 Push/Pull Tractor Unit LX-300 $69.00 $65.10
C800311 Pull Tractor Unit EPSON Stylus 1000 $90.00 $87.30

7695A IBM 5152 Identity Module
LQ-800, LQ-1000 $89.95 $69.95
7696A ESC/P EPSON Identity Module
LQ-800, LQ-1000 $89.95 $69.95
7400A Courier 10/12 Font Module
LQ-500/510/800/810/850/950 $29.95
LQ-1000/1050, L-1000
7401A Prestige 10/12 Font Module
LQ-500/510/800/810/850/950 $29.95
LQ-1000/1050, L-1000
7402A Script 10/12 Font Module same as above $29.95
7404A Sans Serif 10/12 Font Module
LQ-800, LQ-1000 enhanced $29.95
7407-A LQ Multi-Font Module
LQ-510/850/950/1050/2550 $99.00 $59.95
L-1000, AP-4000/4500
7407-P LQ-Multi-Font Module
LQ-510/1010, L-1000, AP-4000 $29.95

To Order, Call Toll-Free 1-800-873-7766
Product Product Compatible List Sale
Code Description Printer Models Price Price

S051011 Imaging Cartridge AL-1000, AL-1500 $179.00 $159.00
S051023 Imaging Cartridge AL-1100, AL-1400 $145.00 $118.80
S051016 Imaging Cartridge AL-1600 $245.00 $166.70

EPL-6000, ActionLaser, ActionLaser Plus
IBS301 Drum Unit/Charger Unit $165.00 $132.60
IBS300 Replacememt Toner Cartridge $29.00 $23.00
HGM45-02001 Ozone Filter $9.76

S051009 Long-Life Imaging Cartridge $299.00 $241.30
S091001 Ozone Filter $20.00 $17.60

ActionLaser II
S050002 Replacement Toner Cartridge
(Ozone filter included) $180.00 $156.20
S051005 Photoconductor Unit $235.00 $202.60

C812311 Face-Up Paper Tray $15.00 $13.50
C812301 Lower Paper Tray (250 sheets) $219.00 $192.20
C823301 FAX Interface Board Type B $399.00 $383.90
512KBMEM 0.5MB Memory Chip Kit for Epson Board $69.00 $43.10
2MBMEM 2.0MB Memory Chip Kit $199.00 $163.90
C823241 Ethernet Interface Board, Type B $499.00
C832021 EPSONScript Level 2 with 35 PS fonts $299.00 $284.60
MACLP2 EPSONTalk Postscript Level 2-Macintosh $399.00 $349.00

C812311 Face-Up Paper Tray $15.00 $13.50
C812301 Lower Paper Tray (250 sheets) $219.00 $192.20
C823301 FAX Interface Board, Type B $399.00 $383.90
512KBMEM 0.5MB Memory Chip Kit for Epson Board $69.00 $43.10
2MBMEM 2MB Memory Chip Kit $199.00 $163.90
C823241 Ethernet Interface Board, Type B $499.00
C832021 EPSONScript Level 2 with 35 PS fonts $299.00 $284.60
MACLP2 EPSONTalk Postscipt Level 2-Macintosh $399.00 $384.00

C823301 FAX Interface Board, Type B $399.00 $383.90
C832091 EPSONScript Postscript Level 2 $329.00 $299.00
MACLP3 EPSONTalk Postscript Level 2 Interface $399.00 $359.00
C812301 Lower Paper Tray - 250 sheets $219.00 $192.20
C812311 Face-Up Paper Tray $15.00 $13.50
C823071 32KB Serial Interface Boad, Type B $152.00 $121.00
C832091 EPSONScript Level 2 Board $329.00 $328.70
C823101 32KB Parellel Interface, Type B $152.00 $121.00
C823241 Ethernet Interface Board $499.00
C823141 Coax Interface, Type B $699.00 $559.00
C823151 Twinax Interface, Type B $669.00 $535.00
C823301 FAX Interface Board, Type B $399.00 $383.90

EPL-6000, EPL-7000/7500
E-65 65-In-1 Font Cartridge $169.00 $159.00

IBS100 FX Identity Cartridge $229.00 $183.20
HGM45-01001 Cleaning Pad (replacement part) $10.40
HGMAK-06901 Basket - AK (replacement part) $20.64
HGMBK-00410 Paper Cassette Tray EPL-6000 $59.65
HGMBK-03910 Paper Tray (replacement part) $22.77
KEP-2000-LP 2MB Kingston Memory Expansion Board $399.00 $239.00
KEP-2002-LP 2MB Chip Kit EPL-6000 $185.00 $169.00

512KBMEM 0.5MB Memory Chip Kit for Epson Board $69.00 $43.10

C812231 Legal Size Paper Tray - 250 sheets $79.00 $69.00
C823301 FAX Interface Board, Type B $399.00 $383.90
C812271 Face-Up Output Tray - 50 sheets $35.00 $32.00
C812281 Lower Paper Tray $399.00 $325.00
C822061 Zero KB Memory Expansion Board $65.00 $59.80
2MBMEM 2MB Memory Chip Kit $199.00 $163.90
512KBMEM 0.5MB Memory Chip Kit $69.00 $43.10
KEP-7005 0.5 Memory Chip for Kingston Board $90.00
C823241 Ethernet Interface Board, Type B $499.00

IBS100 FX Identity Cartridge $229.00 $183.20
HGMAK-06901 Basket, AK (replacement part) $20.64

ActionLaser, ActionLaser Plus
E-65 65-In-1 Font Cartridge $169.00 $159.00
HGMBK-00414 Paper Cassette Tray $59.65
HGMBK-02910 Paper Tray (replacement part) $22.77
KEP-2000-LP 2MB Kingston Memory Expansion Board $399.00 $239.00
KEP-2002-LP 2MB Chip Kit $185.00 $169.00

ActionLaser II
C812131 Legal Size Paper Tray $79.00 $70.80
C822061 Zero KB Memory Expansion Board $65.00 $59.80
C823301 FAX Interface Board, Type B $399.00 $383.90
KEP-ALII-2 2.0MB Memory Expansion Board $211.50
2MBMEM 2.0MB Memory Chip Kit $199.00 $163.90
512KBMEM 0.5MB Memory Chip Kit for Epson Board $69.00 $43.10
KEP7005 0.5MB Memory Chip for Kingston Board $90.00

To Order, Call Toll-Free 1-800-873-7766
Product Product Compatible List Sale
Code Description Printer Models Price Price
7750 Ink Cartridge SQ-2000 $54.95 $44.00
7760 Ink Cartridge SQ-2500 $24.95 $20.00
8761 Ink Injector HS-80 $12.95
S020002 Ink Cartridge - Black SQ-850, SQ-2550 $39.95 $19.95
S020003 Ink Cartridge - Black EPI-4000 $35.00 $28.00
S020025 Ink Cartridge - Black
EPSON Stylus 400/800/800+ $17.50 $15.95
EPSON Stylus 1000

S020031 Ink Cartridge - Black EPSON Stylus 300 $24.95 $19.95
S020034 Ink Cartridge - Black EPSON Stylus COLOR $17.00 $15.00
S020036 Ink Cartridge - Color EPSON Stylus COLOR $35.00 $30.00

S041028 360 dpi Paper (200 sheets) $21.00 $19.00
S041029 720 dpi Paper (200 sheets) $25.00 $22.00
S041030 Transparency Film (50 sheets) $55.00
S041032 Media Starter Kit - 20 sheets 360 & 720
dpi paper and 5 transparency film sheets $18.00 $16.00
S041033 High Quality Glossy Paper (30 sheets) $65.00 $60.00
STYPAK Economy Pack - 1 black ink cartridge, $95.00 $79.00
1 color ink cartridge, 400 sheets of
720 dpi coated paper.

To Order, Call Toll-Free 1-800-873-7766
Product Product Compatible List Sale
Code Description Printer Models Price Price
8502 Heavy Duty Printer Stand + $10 UPS chg.
DFX-5000/5000+/8000 $250.00 $218.30
8503 Desk-Side Printer Stand
AP-2250, AP-3250 $39.00 $37.90
BT-80 Std. 80-Col. Desktop Printer Stand
Universal $23.99
BTG-80 Std. 80-Col. Desktop Stand for
Continuous Greenbar Paper Universal $27.95

NTG-1 For 80 or 132 Col. Front, Rear or
Bottom Feed Printers. Solid Steel
with casters - Universal $59.99

ODD-1 Holds 2 Printers any size with
lower forms input tray Universal $99.00

DBL-18 Holds 2 printers, fax machine or
scanner and printer. Top platform
adjusts upward from 12-inches to
16-inches in height to allow expanded
area for lower printer. Top platform
measures 18-inches wide by 18-inches
deep. Lower platform is 14-inches by
16-inches wide. Universal $97.50

LDT 6-Bin Wood Printer Stand supports
printer with storage space for paper
& envelopes 20x20 wide by 9-1/2 deep.
Paper trays measure 3 high by 9-1/2
deep. Universal $64.95

To Order, Call Toll-Free 1-800-873-7766
Product Product Compatible List Sale
Code Description Printer Models Price Price
7149 Serial Board with 32K Buffer
LQ-1500, SQ-2000 $129.00 $119.95

8143 Serial Board, No Buffer, Type A
LQ-2550, DFX-8000 $64.00 $55.30
LX-810, JX-80, EX-800/1000,
T-750, FX-100/100+/185/850,
LQ-500/510/1010, LQ-800/1000
LQ-850/1050, LQ-950

C823021 Serial Board with 32K Buffer
RX-80/80+/100/100+, LX-80/86 $139.00 $120.30
HI-80, JX-80, FX-80/80+/100/
FX-1050, FX-870/1170,
DFX-5000/5000+/8000, EX-800
EX-1000, L1-500/510/800/850
AP-5000+, EPI-4000

C823051 Serial Board No Buffer, Type B
RS-232D or Current Loop
LQ-570/570+/870/1070/1170 $88.00 $75.90
AP-5000/5000+/5500, EPL-8000
ActionLaser II,

C823071 Serial Board with 32K Buffer, Type B
RS232D, RS-422A or Current Loop I/F
FX-870/1170, LQ-570/570+ $152.00 $133.70
EPL-8000, ActionLaser II

C823032 Parallel Board with 32K Buffer
RX-80/80+/10-/100+, LX-80/86 $152.00 $133.70
LX-800/810,HI-80, JX-80
FX-800/80+/85/86e, FX-100+
EX-800/1000, LQ-200/500/510,
LQ-1050/1070+, LQ-2500/2550
AP-5500+, EPI-4000

C832101 Parallel Board with 32K Buffer, Type B
FX-870/1170: LQ-570/570+/1070 $152.00 $133.70
LQ-1070+, LQ-870/1170,
DFX-5000/5000+, EPL-8000
ActionLaser II,
ActionLaser 1000/1500/1600

C823141 Coax Board, Type B connectivity
to IBM 3270 series
FX-870/1170, LQ-570/570+ $699.00 $615.30
LQ-1070+, LQ-870/1170,

DFX-5000+, ActionLaser II,
AL-1000/1500/1600, EPL-8000

C823151 Twinax Board, Type B connectivity
to AS/400 or System 3X
FX-870/1170, LQ-570/570+ $699.00 $588.50
LQ-1070/1070+, LQ-870/1170
DFX-5000+, ActionLaser II,
ActionLaser 1000/1500/1600,
EPL-8000, EPSON Stylus 1000

I-O8310 Twinax I/F Card for Type A Epson
printers connectivity to AS/400
or System 3X
LX-800/810, EX-800/1000 $695.00 $556.00
DFX-5000/5000+/8000, LQ-500
L-1000, LQ-2500/2550

I-O9310 Coax I/F Card for Type A Epson
printers connectivity to AS/400
or System 3X
LX-800/810, EX-800/1000, $735.00 $588.00
DFX-5000/8000: LQ-500/510
L-1000, LQ-2500/2550

C832021 EPSONScript Level 2 with 35
PostScript compatible fonts
ActionLaser 1000/1500 $299.00 $284.60

C832091 EPSONScript Level 2 with 35
PostScript compatible fonts
ActionLaser-1600 $299.00

C832121 EPSONTalk I/F Board EPSON Stylus COLOR $149.00
(requires LocalTalk Cable)

C823241 Ethernet I/F Board, Type B Adds
Novell Netware connectivity to
printers and allows an Epson
printer to be shared among all
network users without a dedicated PC.
DFX-5000+, ActionLaser II $499.00

C823301 FAX Interface Board, Type B
Allows EPSON laser printers to be
used as a stand-alone FAX machine.
Includes Delrina WinFax Lite 4.0
EPL-8000, ActionLaser II $399.00 $383.90

MACLQ EPSONTalk for LQ-70 series includes
LocalTalk I/F Board. Require
LocalTalk cable.
LQ-570/570+/1070/1070+ $229.00 $219.00
LQ-870/1170, AP-5000/5000+

MACLP2 EPSONTalk for Macintosh users.
Includes LocalTalk I/F. Requires
min. 2MB printer RAM and LocalTalk
cable. ActionLaser 1000/1500 $399.00 $384.00

MACLP3 EPSONTalk for ActionLaser-1600
Includes RISC-based PostScript
Level 2 compatible emulation.
Requires LocalTalk cable.
ActionLaser 1600 $399.00 $395.00

ESMAC Macintosh Interface Kit
for Epson Scanners
ES-300c, ES-600c, ES-800c (SCSI) $399.00 $359.00

To Order, Call Toll-Free 1-800-873-7766
Product Product Compatible List Sale
Code Description Printer Models Price Price
C1-9E-A Parallel PC, 36-Pin to DB-25 shielded
Universal $29.00 $26.80
8239 Serial Apple IIc, 6-Pin Din/DB
LQ series, EX series printers $29.00 $24.00
8293 Serial Apple IIe, 6-Pin Din/DB
LQ-series, EX series printers $29.00 $24.00
8297 Serial, IBM 6-Pin Din to DB-25
LQ series, EX series printers $29.00 $24.00
CA070 Serial, IBM AT, 6-Pin to DB-9
LQ series, EX series printers $29.00 $24.00
F2L044-10 Serial cable, EQ/AT to 25 Pin Universal $19.00 $12.50
F2V024-06 Macintosh to ImageWriter II 6-ft
Mini-din 8 to Male EPSON Stylus COLOR $6.95
F2V024-10 Macintosh to ImageWriter II 10-ft cable
Mini-din 8 to Male EPSON Stylus COLOR $10.95

I-OMINI Mini Centronic Shared Cable for Type A
Interface Boards DFX, LQ-2550 $60.00

F2A034-10 Parallel Right Angle PC to Printer
Cable 10-feet Universal $39.95 $29.95

Sand color with rainbow stripe
DPE81 Printer Dust Cover LQ-850 $13.95
DPE82 Printer Dust Cover LQ-1070 $16.95
DPE83 Printer Dust Cover LQ-1170 $16.95
UPN35 Printer Dust Cover LQ-570 $12.55
DPE77 Printer Dust Cover
ActionLaser 1000/1500/1600 $24.95
DPE75 Printer Dust Cover
EPL-7000/7500 -covers tray $24.95
DPE79 Printer Dust Cover ActionLaser II $24.95
DPE87 Printer Dust Cover EPSON Stylus COLOR $13.95
DSA20 Scanner Dust Cover ES-300c $13.95
DSH14 Scanner Dust Cover ES-800c $13.95

SLP-WINSW Smart Label Printer Software Upgrade:
Smart-Label Printer Plus only $49.95
DOS to Windows (SLP-Plus only)
SLP1000P-WIN Smart Label Printer Plus:
Smart Label Printer Plus $159.00
SLP1000-MAC Smart Label Printer Plus:
Macintosh Smart Label
Printer Plus $149.95
SLP2000-WNDS Smart Label Printer Pro:
DOS/Windows Smart Label
Printer Pro $229.00
SLP2RL Std. White Labels: 130 per roll,
2 rolls/pak Smart Label Printer Plus $8.88
SLP-2RL-CL Clear Labels: 130 per roll,
2 rolls per pack
Smart Label Printer Plus $13.99
SLP-SRL Shipping Labels, 220 per roll,
1 roll per pak
Smart Label Printer Pro $14.99
SLP-DRL Disk Labels for 3.5,
220 per roll, 1 roll/pak
Smart Label Printer Pro $15.99

System requirements: PC with serial port DOS 2.1 or later,
512KB RAM available. Macintosh: Mac-Plus or later.
System 6.0.3 or later. Printer or modem port.

To Order, Call Toll-Free 1-800-873-7766
Product Product Compatible List Sale
Code Description Scanner Models Price Price
ESMAC Macintosh Interface Kit
ES-300c. ES-600c SCSI $399.00 $359.00
B808012 Bi-directional Parallel I/F Board
for the PC ES-300c/800c/600c Parallel $169.00 $139.00
B808081 Bi-directional Parallel I/F Board
ES-600c $49.00
B808091 SCSI Interface Board ES-600c $110.99
B813011 Automatic Document Feeder
ES-600c/800c/1200c $499.00 $449.00
B860011 Direct Print Cable PC Scanning System $94.00 $75.00
B813061 Transparency Unit for 35mm slides
ES-600c*, ES-800c*, ES-1200c $799.00 $699.00
*Must have a ROM upgrade and be
installed by an Authorized
Epson Service Center
SCANTASTIC Plug-In-Module: Adobe PhotoShop for
Macintosh ES-300c/600c SCSI/800c $69.00 $55.00

Call for availability and price:
Printer, Scanner & Plotter User Manuals
Replacement Dot Print Heads
User-Installable Parts - i.e Printer Knobs
Toll-Free: 1-800-873-7766
Monday - Friday 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pacific Time

EPSON is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. All products
mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be
trademarks of their respective companies. Prices, product descriptions
are subject to change without notice. EPSON Accessories is not liable for
damage due to omissions or typographical errors. Inventory of some items
is limited to supply on hand. Epson Accessories, Inc. is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Epson America, Inc.

Use of Customer Names are held in strict confidence
by Epson Accessories, Inc.
Customer names are not sold or rented.


> UltraEdit 32 STR InfoFile


UltraEdit-32 is a Windows(TM) disk based text or HEX editor taking full
advantage of the multiple document interface (MDI). It is designed to
allow simple editing of any text or binary file. UltraEdit-32 allows up to
255 files to be open at one time.

Standard Features:

- Disk based text editing - No limit on file size, minimum RAM used
even for multi-megabyte files
- Multiple files open and displayed at the same time
- Column mode editing!!!, Insert columns/ delete/cut/add sequential
- Insert file into an existing document at cursor position
- Drag and Drop support from the file manager
- Insert and overstrike modes for editing (Unlike many other Windows
text editors)
- Multi-level undo and redo
- UltraEdit-32 is Windows 3.x CUA compliant
- Find and Replace - Also allows selection of text between caret and
find target when shift key is pressed
- Goto Line Number
- Font Selection for display and printer. (Supports all fonts
installed including TRUE-TYPE fonts)
- Print support with headers, footers, margins and page breaks.
- Automatic Line Indentation
- Tab Settings
- Word Wrap Support
- Hexadecimal Editor - Allows editing of any binary file
- HEX Cut, Copy and Paste support
- HEX Insert and Delete of characters
- HEX Find, Replace and Replace All
- Bookmarks - Unlimited number of Bookmarks
- Multiple Windows of the same file
- Comprehensive macro support, including saving and loading
- Context Sensitive Help
- Automatic backup file generated with (.BAK) extension in the
directory of the original file
- UltraEdit-32 retains its screen position each time it is used
- Line & column number display (line number display may be disabled)
- Pop-up menus with right mouse button.
- Text conversion to lower or upper case and capitalization.
- Line fixup for lines without CR/LF combination.
- Convert Word Wrap to CR/LF's allowing word wrap to be written to
file with hard returns
- Convert CR/LF's to Word Wrap (removes CR/LF's from file)
- More ...

- UltraEdit-32 accepts a command line input and so can be used to
replace NOTEPAD or other editors that are called up from a file manager by
clicking on a file.

-------- Registration --------

You are limited to 45 Days of use for an unregistered version.

UltraEdit-32 is a shareware program. If you find it useful and continue to
use it you are obligated to register it with the author by sending $30.00
(Ohio Residents add $1.65 Sales Tax) to:

Ian D. Mead
8209 Chestnut Hill Ct.
West Chester, OH 45069 USA

-------- Compuserve Registration ---------

UltraEdit-32 may also be registered online on compuserve by typing GO
SWREG and following instructions for registering using ID 4017.

This will entitle you to an authorization code, the latest registered
version, and technical support.

For CompuServe registrations, a newer version is not sent out if the
latest version is available on CompuServe.

-------- E-Mail Address --------

CompuServe: 71613, 2654

This program may be freely distributed provided it is unmodified, no
charge is made, and all of the following files are included:

1) READ.ME - This File
2) UEDIT32.EXE - The Executable File
3) UEDIT32.HLP - The UltraEdit-32 help file

// History
V1.32a - Created from UltraEdit v1.32 for Windows. (Also formerly
known as EditPro, MEDIT)
V1.32b - Added save all command to file menu.
V1.32c - Added HEX cut, copy and paste. Fixed GPF after closing
first empty document and then selecting file from most
recent list. Added space between header/footer and main
body of text. Fixed problem with opening long files with '
' characters in the file name - can no longer select
multiple files from the open dialog - now have to open each
file with a separate command.
v1.32d - Fix to HEX paste
v1.33 - Added CTRL+Backspace to delete preceding word.
Find/Replace now uses ^t to find tabs and ^p to find
newline (CR/LF). Added dialog to allow selection of a
column number at which to wrap the text when coverting wrap
to hard returns.
v1.33a - Added support for characters a,o,and u with umlauts and A,
O, and U with umlauts (i.e. äöüÄÖÜ) and ß. Fixed possible
GPF with paste. When switching from or to HEX mode,
maintain cursor position. Fix text selection on reverse
find in HEX mode.
v2.00 - Add Column editing!! Enhance selection features in HEX
mode, add "^s", "^c" syntax for macro find/replace of
selected text and clipboard contents. Switch to/from hex
mode and cursor position is maintained. Macros now support
next/previous window. Other minor enhancements and fixes.
v2.01 - Added column insert/delete/cut. Added sequentail number
insertion for each row. Added multi-level undo.
v2.01a - Fixed reverse find. Fixed word wrap problem where a single
space between words may appear on the beginning of the line
after the wrap.
v2.01b - Added "Tool Tips" for the toolbar. Added 3D dialogs for
systems with CTL3D32.DLL
v2.10 - Added "Find In Files", Select Line, Select All,
Configurable file types, other configurable options, and
bug fixes. The toolbar may now be dragged from one
position to another.

Editor s Note;
For what only seems like a day or two ago, when actually it was an
easy year ago, this program was first featured in STReport. Since that
time, many text editors have come and gone... this one simply keeps
getting better and better with every update. The support has been
outstanding, the development updates have kept the program totally in pace
with the industry updates and growth. What more can be said?? This
editor does the job and is well supported. We highly reccommend Uedit32
to anyone wanting a truly powerful replacement to the Windows notepad,
wordpad etc.. You cannot go wrong with Ultra Edit.

Windows is a registered Trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


> THUMBS PLUS!!! STR InfoFile Great Stuff!! Top of the Line.


2.0d (Shareware) - 2.1 (Registered)

Announcing ThumbsPlus version 2.1, the only effective, elegant and
inexpensive way to locate and organize your graphic files. You will be
amazed by this sleek, fast, efficient graphics browser and organizer.

Version 2.1 is available ONLY to registered users; the current revision
available as shareware is 2.0d. Features available only in the registered
version are marked with a "!" below.

o Fast and accurate thumbnail generation -- by individual file, directory
or entire disk. Disk & directory scans can be done in the background,
allowing you to continue working.

o Support for many image, font, multi-media and clip-art formats, both
raster and vector, including:

!.AVI Video for Windows !.MOV QTime for Windows
.BMF Corel Gallery clip-art .PAT * Corel pattern files
.BMP,.DIB Windows or OS/2 bitmaps .PCD Kodak PhotoCD
.CDR * CorelDRAW! .PCX,.PCC Zsoft PC Paintbrush
.CEL AutoDesk Animator cel files .PSD Adobe Photoshop 2.5
.CGM Computer Graphics Metafiles .RAS,.SUN Sun Raster files
.CMX * Corel Presentation Exchange .RAW Raw Grayscale
.CPT Corel PhotoPaint .RLE Compressed Win Bmps
.EPS * Encapsulated Postscript .TGA,.WIN Tga TrueVision(TM)
.GEM GEM Metafiles .TIF Tagged Image Format
.GIF CompuServe GIFs .TTF TrueType fonts
.ICO Windows Icon files .WAV Sound files
.IFF,.LBM Amiga Images, Deluxe Paint .WMF Windows metafiles
.IMG GEM Images .WPG WPerfect (v1 & v2)
.JPG JPEG (JFIF) files
.MND Mandelbrot for Windows

* Only the preview image is accessibly directly for those types marked
with a (*). The complete image may be available if an OLE server for the
type is loaded on your system.

! TWAIN scanner support for scanning images directly into ThumbsPlus.

o Using Aldus Rev1 graphic filters, which Thumbs+Plus can automatically
locate on your hard disk, you may be able to handle the following
formats (and others)

.DRW Micrographx Designer/Draw .PIC Lotus 1-2-3 Pictures
.DXF AutoCAD (2-D) files .PLT AutoCAD Plot files
.HGL HP Graphics Language .WPG DrawPerfect graphic
.PCT Macintosh PICT files

o Using OLE, Thumbs+Plus can thumbnail and view any file for which an
OLE server is present on your system. Some possible types include:

.CDR CorelDRAW! files .DS4 Micrografx Designer
.DOC Word for Windows document .PPT Power Point presents
.GRA Microsoft Graph .PUB Microsoft Publisher

o Multiple graphic viewing windows with file save (BMP, GIF, JPG, TGA,
PCX, TIF, WMF), print, copy, paste, crop, auto-crop, convert metafiles
to bitmaps and more.

o On-the-fly gamma correction and quick dithering of 24-bit images for
8-bit (256-color) displays.

o Zoom-in (2x - 9x), stretch to fit, and stretch to fit width. Metafiles
may also be zoomed.

o Enhanced solid color metafile viewing with 8-bit (256-color) drivers,
which eliminates that ugly dithering which Windows does by default.

o Image editing and conversion capabilities:
- Color adjustment (contrast, gamma, brightness, RGB)
- Color depth (bi-level, 4 to 256-color, grayscale, truecolor) with
several palette selections, dithering options and preview.
- Rotate and re-size with interpolation (anti-aliasing), with preview.
- Miscellaneous: Invert, flip vertical, flip horizontal, auto-crop,
swap red and blue.
- Edit or add comments to supported types (TIF, GIF, JPEG).
- Batch (unattended, background) mode to edit and convert multiple
files, while still using your computer for other tasks.
! Digital image filtering (blur, sharpen, edge detect, emboss, etc.)
! Image histograms and histogram equalization

o For saving JPEG files, Thumbs+Plus provides a "loss preview" so you
can see an indication of the difference between the original and the
compressed file. (Requires 16 or 24 bit display.)

o Install and remove TrueType fonts quickly and easily -- while looking
at them. It also shows which fonts are currently installed (by font
name), and will show the font character set.

o Support for drag-and-drop from File Manager to view, drag-and-drop to
other applications (like File Manager), and DDE support for using
Thumbs+Plus to view files (or open Thumbs+Plus databases) from File

o File management capabilities, including drag-and-drop for file
organization, a color-coded directory tree for quickly locating
directories with graphics, directory creation and file renaming,
copying, deleting and moving.

o Off-line (removable) device support, for cataloging floppies, CD-ROMs
or other removable media. The thumbnails are available even when the
disk is not online -- and Thumbs+Plus can even label disks.

o Complete or partial catalog printing, with scaleable thumbnails, file
captions (if desired), and user layout control.

o User-specified editors let you pick the editor of your choice -- by
file type, or use the File Manager association.

o "Automatic Clipboard Save" provides the ability to automatically save
clipboard contents to disk files. Thumbs+Plus saves each time the
clipboard changes.

- Select format (BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TGA).
- Clipboard metafiles can be saved as .WMF or converted to a raster
- Specify the desired path and file name prefix.
- Useful for screen or window capture too (using PrintScreen and
- Unobtrusive -- you don't have to activate the program for each

o A built-in Windows Wallpaper hanger (centered or tiled) for any
supported file type, and a customizable full-screen slide show.

o A toolbar and keyboard shortcuts for common functions.

o Extensive on-line help and customization of many aspects of the

o Automatic (or manual, by directory tree or disk) removal of "orphaned"
thumbnails (thumbnails for files which were moved or deleted from
another program).

o Customization of the file list, so that it can include the date and
time or size of the files, and for sorting by date, size, extension or

o Selection of files to display, or files to select, by file name mask.

o Export selected thumbnails to Windows bitmap files.

Thumbs+Plus is distributed as shareware and may be evaluated free of
charge for up to thirty days. If you continue to use Thumbs+Plus after
the thirty days have elapsed, you must register. The price for an
individual license is US $50. Site and corporate licenses are available.
Further information about licensing and ordering is available in the
on-line help file.

To obtain Thumbs+Plus version 2.0d:
CompuServe: THMPLS.EXE in GRAPHSUP forum, library 3 (GIF viewers)
THMPLS.EXE in DTPFORUM, library 6 (PC DTP Utilites)
THMPLS.EXE in WPUSER forum, Library 16
THMPLS.EXE in WINFUN forum, library 9 (Graphics Utilities)
Also available in other forums.
America Online: THMPLS.EXE in the Windows area
Internet: cerious/thmpls.exe via anonymous ftp from

Installation is simplicity itself: Just run the program and it will set up
and configure itself automatically.




WUGNET, the independent advocacy group for Microsoft Windows 95, is
producing a CDROM of 32 BIT, full featured, fully functional, timed out
working models , and beta versions of upcoming commercial applications,
shareware utilities and games for Windows 95. This CD is designed to let
you take an early peek at the power of Windows 95. This CDROM will contain
only 32 bit versions of software specifically designed to take advantage
of the new features of Windows 95 including: Long File Names, OLE, and
Windows 95 interface.

If you are a Windows Preview Program tester you will appreciate this great
collection of 32 bit applications.

To order this CD please fill out the order form located at the end of this
file and email to Or FAX to (610) 565-7106

"The Windows 95 preview participants and beta testers are PC experts
and decision-makers. Consequently, it's essential to have them test drive
the new 32-bit software that takes full advantage of Windows 95. I'm
delighted that they can evaluate the Windows 95 versions of my "Astronomy
Lab" and "Vault" programs thanks to the WUGNET Windows 95 Sampler CD."

"As a software developer, it's important to get my programs out to
the folks that can use and recommend them. Until the WUGNET Windows 95
Sampler CD, there were limited opportunities for distributing 32-bit
Windows 95 programs to the users that could run them."

Eric Bergman-Terrell -- Personal MicroCosms / Pocketsized Software

"I welcome the opportunity to put a Beta version of my latest program
on the WUGNET Sampler CD-ROM. The contacts I make through WUGNET are
exactly the right kind of user to get valuable feedback from regarding
early versions of my software products. And my participation allows me to
demonstrate to my customer base my commitment to Win32, OLE-2 and Windows
95 as software platforms for mainstream personal computers."

Henry Black P.E., a Professional Engineer of Half Moon Bay

Partial Listing as of May 15, 1995
Company: ARIS
Product: ARIS EDIT 2.0 BETA 2
ARIS EDIT is a powerful text editor for Windows 95,
Windows NT 3.5 or Windows 3.x with Win32s 1.2 or higher. Its main
features include almost unlimited file size, maximum line length of 32k,
no line number limitation, drag and
drop support for text and files, syntax coloring for C/C++ files,
configurable tools menu, help file scanner, various conversion routines,
printing and print preview and much
much more. This version of ARIS EDIT is a beta version and will time out
on March 1st 1996.

Company: American Megatrends, Inc.
Product: AMIDiag'95
AMIDiag'95 is the latest version of the award winning
AMIDiag Advanced Diagnostics software package. The new
version is designed specifically for Windows 95. It
includes both system configuration information and
diagnostics. The final release will also include an
uninstall utility, a system cleanup utility, a tune-up tune- up utility,
and an application troubleshooter.

Company: Attachmate
Product: EXTRA! Personal Client 6.0
A Multi Host Connectivity product that communicates with
IBM Servers, Mainframes, UNIX & VAX, and Internet services

Company: Barry Press
Product: The Barry Press Utilities - Windows Shareware
This is the initial, beta release of the 32-bit Windows 95 version of the
Barry Press Utilities. Included in the shareware version (registration
still $20, with updates on Internet and CompuServe at no cost for
registered users) are a simple monthly calendar, a drag-and-drop ASCII
file printer (also capable of spooling spooling Postscript files to a
Postscript printer), an icon for printer orientation control, an ASCII
file comparison program, a shell extension to add a command line option
to the Explorer (like the old File.Run), a digital clock, and a random
multimedia file player. Registered users also receive the Windows 95
version of DLLMan, a tool to show the dynamic link libraries used by
programs or the programs using a dynamic link library.

Company: Canyon Software
Product: Drag And Zip for Windows 95.
Drag And Zip is allows you to create, manage and unzip
files under Windows 95.

Company: Canyon Software
Product: Drag And File for Windows 95
Drag And File is a very powerful file manager for Window

Company: Digital Directory Assistance,Inc
Product: PhoneDisc for Windows 95
Telephone Directory on CD-ROM

Company: FTP Software, Inc.
Product: InterDrive 95

Company: FreeMail Inc.
Product: FreeMail
Founded in 1994, FreeMail, Inc. is the creator of FreeMail, the
self-replicating e-mail system that does not require a network and uses
regular telephone lines. With an installed base in the thousands, and
with new FreeMail 'Children' being constantly distributed, FreeMail is one
of the fastest growing personal e-mail systems for Windows and Macintosh
users. Windows 95 version.

Product: Robodun
If you need a post-dial terminal window to connect to your provider using
Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking, you need RoboDun. RoboDun automates the
login process with user written scripts for the connection, and can handle
PPP and SLIP with IP detection and placement. Version 0.61 adds
CompuServe PPP support and on-the-fly script disabling/enabling.

Product: Systips

Tooltips system items, such the close button, sizing
buttons, caption bars and more

Company: H&M Systems Software, Inc. -- Argos Gameware Division
Product: ArtApart
ArtApart - the true multimedia jigsaw puzzle set for Windows from Argos
Gameware. It lets players reassemble wonderful color pictures from as few
or as many pieces as they wish, and one will never lose a piece. Optional
sound effects, animation and game table variations accompany the action as
players slide the interlocking 3D pieces into place. ArtApart is even
better than the real thing: Puzzles can be saved and restored any time,
without losing one's place.

Company: Hamilton Laboratories
Product: Hamilton C shell(tm)
Hamilton C shell recreates the original UNIX C shell and utilities, adding
numerous enhancements. Over 130 commands, utilities and built-in functions
including alias, cat, chmod, cls, cp, cron, cut, diff, dirs, dskread,
dskwrite, du, eval, fgrep, grep, hashstat, head, history, kill, more, mt,
mv, popd, printf, ps, pushd, rm, sed, sleep, split, strings, tabs, tail,
tar (supports tape drives), tee, time, touch, tr, uniq, vol, wc,whereis
and xd. Designed from scratch. Carefully follows all Windows NT and
Windows 95 conventions. Fanatical quality. Hamilton C shell comes with a
270 page manual split evenly between tutorial and reference material.

Company: IPSwitch
Product: TCP/IP

Company: KIDASA Software, Inc.
Product: Milestones, Etc. 4.5
Milestones, Etc. 4.5 Summary
Milestones, Etc. 4.5 is an easy and flexible project scheduling tool. It
makes Gantt charts, Line-of-Balance charts, milestone schedules and more.
It's packed with powerful features like outlining and "SmartColumns," but
still supports easy click and drag scheduling. Compatible with MS Project
(reads and writes Project MPX files). Supports OLE 2.0 as a server,
enabling you to link or embed your Milestones, Etc. schedules in other
Windows applications.

Company: KIDASA Software, Inc.
Product: Milestones, Simplicity 1.0
Milestones Simplicity 1.0 Summary
Milestones Simplicity 1.0 is an easy to use Windows project scheduling
tool used for producing presentation quality Gantt charts and other types
of schedules in minutes! Project schedules can be created from scratch
using Milestones Simplicity's flexible formatting options and easy
click-and drag scheduling. A variety of templates are available to make
first schedules easy.

Product: wINSTALL
Winstall Is An Automatic Installation Utility For MS-DOS, Windows, And
Windows NT.
wINSTALL, by Knowledge Dynamics Corporation, is a generalized
installation program that makes professional, easy-to-use installations
easy both for you and your customers. It's easy for you to use because
it's flexible and powerful, and designed to make installation-building
easy. It's easy for your customers to use because it provides them with a
native Windows application that makes installation of your product a snap.
wINSTALL is a ready-to-run installation program that is configured to
install a given product by a ASCII text file called a "script file".
This script file defines your product name, version, default output
drive, subdirectory, and most other dialog that occurs between our
install program and your customers. You also may prompt your customers
for partial installation information (such as for optional help files
or an option tutorial) within the script file. wINSTALL

Product: SnapShot/32
Allows one to capture any part of a Windows 95 or Windows
NT desktop. Picture can be printed or saved as a BMP or GIF

Company: LEAD Technologies
Product: imaging and compression technology
Windows 95 LEADTOOLS 5 (Windows 3.x, WIN32, Windows NT, Windows 95)
Complete imaging software development tool to integrate bitonal, grayscale
and color images into application. Includes functions which compress
(JPEG, CMP, CCITT & more), read, write, convert, color reduction, process
(resize, rotate, flip, invert, reverse, transpose, crop, sharpen, blur,
edge & line detection, mosaic, hue & saturation, histogram equalize,
grayscale, halftone despeckle, and more) print, and scan (TWAIN),
all standard formats. One display/print function to scroll/zoom, dither to
device capability or scale-to-gray when resizing bitonal images.

Company: Micrografx
Product: Picture Publisher
Description: Powerful Graphic image editor

Company: Nico Mak Computing, Inc.
Product: WinZip - "Bringing the convenience of Windows to
WinZip 5.6a Brings the convenience of Windows to Zipping w/built-in
support for popular INTERNET file formats: ZIP, TAR, gzip, and Unix
compress. PKZIP is not needed for basic ZIP operations Windows 95
features include long filename support Recent Magazine quotes include:
"Cadillac of unzippers", PC Magazine "Should be a part of any Windows/NT
user's toolkit" - Windows Sources 10/94 "Easy to use" InfoWorld 4/18/94
Winner: Windows Magazine's 1993 WIN100 Award "Best Utility" 1994 Shareware
Industry Awards

Company: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Product: WebSite Description:

WebSite is an elegant, easy solution for Windows NT 3.5 (Intel)and Windows
95 users who want to start publishing on the Internet. It is a 32-bit
World Wide Web server that combines the power and flexibility of a Unix
server with the ease of use of a Windows application. Its intuitive
graphical interface is a natural for Windows users. It provides a
tree-like display of all the documents and links on your server, with a
simple solution for finding and fixing broken links. You can run a desktop
application like Excel or Visual Basic from within a Web document on
WebSite. Its access authentication lets you control which users have
access to different parts of your Web server. A cool WebSite t-shirt
comes free with each WebSite.

Company: Jeff Parker
Product: Alarm 1.6a

Company: Personal MicroCosms
Product: Astronomy Lab 2 for Windows 95 and NT
Astronomy Lab 2 is an astronomy prediction, graphing, and simulation

Company: Personal Training Systems
Product: Peter Norton Presents Windows 95 Made Easy Tutorial
Peter Norton Presents Windows 95 Made Easy Tutorial from Personal Training

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Astronomy Clock 2 for Windows 95 and NT
Astronomy Clock 2 displays the current time in local mean mean time,
universal time, local sidereal time, and greenwich sidereal time format.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Hangman 2 for Windows 95 and NT
Hangman 2 is the hangman word game, with graphics.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Telephone Puzzle 2 for Windows 95 and NT
Telephone Puzzle 2 displays words as telephone numbers.
It's up to you to determine that 2662587466 represents the word

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Windows 95 and NT Screen Saver Pack
The Windows 95 and NT Screen Saver Pack includes 7 screen
screen savers.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Bomb Squad 2 for Windows 95 and NT
The object of Bomb Squad 2 is to defuse a time bomb by guessing its secret
code Software

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Vault for Windows 95 and NT
Vault stores your notes as an outline.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Bog 2 for Windows 95 and NT
Bog 2 is a word game similar to Boggle.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: RCALC 2 for Windows 95 and NT
RCALC 2 is an RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Puzzle-8 2
Puzzle-8 2 is a computerized version of the well-known 8- tile puzzle.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Talking Clock 2 for Windows 95 and NT
Talking Clock 2 displays the current time and optionally announces the
time every 15 minutes using a sound card.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Stereograms 2 for Windows 95 and NT
Stereograms 2 converts monochrome bitmap files to random-dot stereograms.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: FracView 2 for Windows 95 and NT
FracView 2 plots the Mandelbrot Set and allows the user to zoom into
regions of interest.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: MIDI JukeBox 2 for Windows 95 and NT
MIDI JukeBox 2 plays multiple MIDI and/or .WAV files either once or in a
continuous loop.

Company: Pocket-Sized Software
Product: Stopwatch 2 for Windows 95 and NT
Stopwatch 2 is a clock/stopwatch utility.

Product: PaiGow
PaiGow is a card game played in Las Vegas You are dealt 7 cards and must
split those up into two poker hands. One hand contains five cards and the
other hand two. To win. the hand with five cards must be a higher poker
hand than the two cards, your five cards must beat the dealers five cards,
and your two cards must beat the dealer also. If one of your hands loses
and the other wins, it's a push.

Company: Software Builders International
Product: NETZIP for Windows
Sophisticated file compression software. NetZIP allows you to drag and
drop files to be compressed. NetZIP also uses the Windows multiple
document interface so that you can open more than one ZIP file for

Company: Stirling Technologies, Inc.
Product: DemoSHIELD
Stirling Technologies, Inc. announces DemoSHIELD version for Windows 95.
The new version is a 32 bit application which conforms to all Windows 95
installation and interface guidelines. Currently, DemoSHIELD users are
using DemoSHIELD to create fully interactive, live, high impact demos and
tutorials and cue-card systems for many Windows applications. Far from a
warmed-over 16 bit DemoSHIELD, DemoSHIELD for Windows 95 includes new and
improved features like screen capture, mouse movement simulation and an
enhanced timeline editor to take advantage of the capabilities built into
Windows 95.

The current release of DemoSHIELD is the only demo toolkit that can
actually control an application LIVE. With DemoSHIELD, the audience can
actually interact with the demo or tutorial, live. This is not a
simulation or a slide show, this is real, live application control. Of
course, DemoSHIELD can show simulations also with screen shots or AVI
files captured from popular capture programs. According to Stirling
Technologies' Marketing Manager, Russ McNeilly, "Create a software demo
now, create a tutorial or a cue card system tomorrow.

DemoSHIELD is the complete package for all the demos and tutorials you
want to create now and for Windows 95."

Company: TCT ThunderBYTE Corporation
Product: ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus Utilities for Windows 95
Introducing ThunderBYTE - the UNKNOWN Virus killer!
ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus (TBAV) utilities represents the next generation of
anti-virus detection and cleaning software against known and unknown
computer viruses -- complete with 5 different security levels to help
protect against viruses: signature and heuristic based scanning
technology, generic decryptionusing real-code emulation, integrity
checking plus active monitoring.

Company: Traveling Software
Product: LapLink for Windows
LapLink for Windows solves Windows 95-to-Windows 3.1 connection problems
for help desk staff, mobile users, and telecommuters. It provides reliable
integrated remote control and file transfer capabilities over modems and
IPX networks, in addition to its well-known cable file transfer
capabilities. New SpeedSync technology makes file updates up to 8 times

Company: Wall Data, Inc
Product: 3270 Connectivity

Company: Webster's Lexxicon Publishing Corp.
Product: Steve Dossick's RabbitHelp (R)
Steve Dossick's RabbitHelp (R) is a Windows Add-On Help System for
Microsoft Word, Excel, WordPerfect, and Lotus 1-2- 3. Product Features;
Seamless "Plug-In" to Word, WordPerfect, Excel and Lotus main menus.

Company: Wilson WindowWare
Product: Windows 32 bit Batch Language
Winbatch/32, the 32 bit Batch language for windows.

*Participant List generated as of May 15, 1995. WUGNET reserves the right
to change this list prior to publication date. Commercial and shareware
applications will continue to be accepted until June 15, 1995.

Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a registered trademark
of Microsoft Corporation. Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. WUGNET is a registered trademark of WUGNET Publications Inc.
All other registered trademarks and trademarks are property of their
respective companies.

New and exciting additions to this CDROM will continue to be added until
June 15, 1995 at which time the code will be frozen.

How much does it Cost?

Prices in US Dollars
$29.95 +$4 shipping/handling in the US/Canada
$37.95 +$7 shipping/handling overseas

For bulk orders contact 800 WIN USER
When will it arrive? Early July.

How can I order this CD?
Fill out the form below and MAIL/FAX OR EMAIL to:
cis: 76702,1356
TEL:(800) 946-8737
TEL:(610) 565-1861
FAX: (610) 565-7106

--------------CLIP AND MAIL/FAX/OR EMAIL ---------------------

Email address:
Credit Card No:
Expiration Date:
Name on Card:
# of CD's ordered:
# of additional CD's needed:
Total amount to charge to your credit card:

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N


For a limited time only; If you wish to have a FREE sample printout sent
to you that demonstrates FARGO Primera & Primera Pro SUPERIOR QUALITY
600dpi 24 bit Photo Realistic Color Output, please send a Self Addressed
Stamped Envelope [SASE] (business sized envelope please) to:

STReport's Fargo Printout Offer
P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32205-6155

Folks, the FARGO Primera Pro has GOT to be the best yet. Its far superior
to the newest of Color Laser Printers selling for more than three times as
much. Its said that ONE Picture is worth a thousand words. Send for this
sample now. Guaranteed you will be amazed at the superb quality. (please,
allow at least a one week turn-around)

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N

___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/_____
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

John Deegan, Editor (Temp)

> ORIGIN's Website STR InfoFile


(AUSTIN, TX)_ORIGIN Systems' new home page on the World-Wide Web is
already generating approximately 18,000 "hits" or accesses per day, and
plans are already in the works to add exciting enhancements to this
popular attraction. Currently, ORIGIN's home page includes a number of
features focusing on its diverse, cutting-edge product line, such as:

ù ORIGIN's Product Catalog, which contains product
descriptions, the latest screen shots, hint book
information, system requirements and information
on prior releases

ù Demo Area, which will soon include demos for all
upcoming games, and currently includes demos of
Wings of Glory and System Shock.

ù Technical Support, providing an FTP link to
troubleshooting assistance and direct e-mail
to Product Support and Disk Exchange.

ù Company Profile, offering current information on ORIGIN
as well as company history.

These areas include multimedia features, such as audio (MIDI and WAV
files), digitized photographs, quicktime movies, and other devices for
giving ORIGIN customers a peek into its new products and the inner
workings of the company that creates them.

One hot new area to look out for is the Point of ORIGIN/Wireless_a living
multimedia newsletter that will provide continuous news and information to
gamers and also offer a forum for viewers' feedback in its "Letters to the
Editor" and "Op/Ed" columns. Readers will get the very latest information
on ship dates and be able to ask about their favorite games, read about
the game developers, and even see quicktime movies of products under
development. Also included in the newsletter will be contests on ORIGIN
trivia, puzzles to solve_even a cartoon section!

Another exciting new development will be a link between the ORIGIN page
and Electronic Arts Direct Sales. Viewers will be able to order games
directly from the web site, and will even be able to take advantage of
special deals not available in retail stores.

For diehard ORIGIN fans, a special section on ORIGIN history "Museum of
the Inane" will contain memorabilia like the famous "napkin contract,"
concept art from the Commander series, and some of the first RPG's created
by Richard Garriott. There will even be an electronic scrapbook of fun
photos from ORIGIN's past. And soon, viewers will also be able to send in
their product registrations electronically and also participate in surveys
and contests.

Enhancements to established areas of ORIGIN's home page will build new
features into the already existing framework of each section. In response
to customers' requests, the Technical Support area will expand
considerably to include Save Games and "Super-characters," patches and new
executables, and utility programs. This and many other changes being
planned will hopefully ensure that the very best and latest information
and support is available to customers literally 24 hours a day; 7 days a

David Swofford
Eileen McKeon Butt
ORIGIN Media Relations

ORIGIN, We create worlds and Ultima are registered trademarks of ORIGIN
Systems, Inc. Wings of Glory and System Shock are trademarks of ORIGIN
Systems, Inc. Electronic Arts is a registered trademark of Electronic
Arts. All other products and trademarks are property of their respective

ORIGIN Systems develops and publishes state-of-the-art entertainment
software. To date, the company has released more than 45 titles, including
the award-winning Ultimar and Commander series of games. ORIGIN is based
in Austin, Texas, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Electronic Arts


Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

I love short work weeks! What a terrific past Memorial Day
weekend! Deadlines get closer, unfortunately...but we'll make it in
time, as you're seeing.

This has been an interesting week. Lots of sunshine and heat (yes
Joe, it IS the humidity, not the heat!), and lots of interesting news
items. We even have some rare, but new, Portfolio news from across
the pond. New CD news, a new book for Atari users, and more.

I'm going to keep it short this week - the weather's fine, so
finish reading this week's issue and then go out and enjoy the

Until next time...


Delphi's Atari Advantage!


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STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 11.21)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.


> Atari A to Z! STR InfoFile! - Using Atari Computers, by the Book!

The Atari A to Z
by Mark S Baines

Jargon, terminology and acronyms are the staple diet of any
professional, technologist and hobbyist. The world of computing is no
exception and to the uninitiated home or small business user,
magazines, manuals and books can be very daunting. Written by someone
who understands these frustrations and needs, The Atari A to Z is an
encyclopaedia of modern computer terminology specifically pertaining
to Atari computers.

Whether you play games on an ST, run your business on a TT or
write music on a Falcon, this book is aimed at helping you get to grips
with magazines and books that are more perplexing than enlightening.
In it, you will find definitions, explanations, mini-articles, tables
and lists to help you gain a better understanding of your Atari
computer. The material in this book was written with all Atari users
in mind. There are simple definitions for the uninitiated and technical
data for the experienced. You take what you want, when you want it.

The Book

The Atari A to Z is produced in A5 format, 340 pages long and
contained in a quality ring folder for convenience. It contains 2,238
entries, 101 tables and 128,000 words. There are five appendices -
Addresses, Book List, Connectors, Extensions, Atari ASCII set, ANSI
Character Set.

Firstly, this is a comprehensive general computing dictionary,
there being entries for all the common terms and acronyms found in
modern day computing. Like any computer user, Atari users require help
with terms not specific to their particular machine. They should be
able to find what they want here.

Secondly, there are entries of Atari-related terms and acronyms
which cover all the Atari computers and consoles. There are expanded
explanations and essays, tables and lists which together form a
comprehensive inventory of material that The Atari Compendium left out
and not found elsewhere. The table of System Variables is more
accurate than that in The Atari Compendium. There is a list of
Exception Vectors, Atari Cookies and their meanings, Memory Maps for
all Atari computers (and more accurate than that in The Atari
Compendium), a full Breakdown of the DESKTOP.INF and NEWDESK.INF files
(not found in ANY other publication), Errors Messages and Bombs, Pin
Connections of all the ports on all the machines, Technical
Specifications of the whole Atari range, a Breakdown of the TOS
Versions and the differences between them, an explanation of GDOS,
MultiTOS, the VT52 emulator and codes, all the main chips, viruses, a
light-hearted look at computer laws, a list of common file extenders
and their meanings, a list of contact addresses, a bibliography...
this is just a little taster of some of the important aspects of this
book. The Atari A to Z is thorough!

The Author

Mark S Baines is a highly experienced computer user having bought
his first computer in 1982, been on the communications networks since
1983 and the Internet since 1993. Holding Bachelor and Masters degrees,
he was once a secondary school teacher of Biology, Computer Studies
and Information Technology, a network manager and school administrator.
Mark left the profession after twelve years to move to his beloved
Highlands to pursue a more benign lifestyle. He currently runs Linnhe
Computing, carrying out training, consultancy, freelance writing,
journalism, export and anything else that takes his fancy! Mark has
written regular columns and other articles in various magazines for
several years, including more recently ST Applications, ST Review and
Atari World.


The book is only available from:

Linnhe Computing
Linnhe, Shore Street
Inver, by Tain
IV20 1SF

Price UK
The cost is a very reasonable 12.50 including postage and package.
Payment is by Cash, Cheques (drawn on UK banks only) and Postal Orders
only. Cheques must be made out to "Mark S Baines".

Including postage - total 14.10

US and Canada
Including postage - total 17.00

Including postage - total 18.10

PLEASE NOTE: Only UK cash, cheques and postal orders (available in
Canada and Australia) are accepted. DO NOT send anything else! Ask
your bank about the *cheapest* way to send UK money to the UK for just
send cash safely wrapped to avoid detection.

Special Offer:
If you add an extra 5.00 I will send you the latest version of
PROFILE 2 - the best and most thorough system analyser for all Ataris
- a full and modern GEM interface and Falcon, MultiTOS, MagiC and
Geneva compatible. This program is shareware and your registration key
will be included together with other Linnhe Computing software.

Slainte mhath

* Mark S Baines * FidoNet: 2:254/ *
* * NeST: 90:102/107.0@nest.ftn *
* Inver, Scotland * TurboNet: 100:101/12.10@turbonet.ftn *
* 01862 871624 * AtariNet: 51:502/0.10@atarinet.ft *


> Atari CD-Rom! STR NewsFile! - Atari CD Master Announced!

Announcing Atari CD Master by Homa Systems

Homa Systems House has just finished work on a series of front ends for
some popular IBM Windows CD ROMS that are part of the all new Atari CD
Master package.

The front ends have the following features: - easy user interface,
fully multi-tasking in a window - pictures are viewable on 2, 16, and
256 color modes, including graphics cards and the Falcon - Powerful
search features, with "narrow down" option. On TIME almanac, you can
search the whole CD for a particular key word(s) - Up to 4 text windows
open, with one picture window - Save, print, ....

1- Time Almanac of 1990's has all the issues of Time Magazine from
1989 to May 4, 1994, The CIA World Fact Book, Time charts and pictures,
Man of the Year and much more.

2- UFO (I or II): This is an exciting CD with over 1,300 articles, many
of them with amazing graphics describing REAL UFO events from
prehistoric times to the present. Seeing is believing.

3- Space Missions: This CD contains over 1,600 articles, with over 700
astounding pictures on all the space missions from all over the world
(USSR, USA, CHINA, England,and more)

4- Audio CD Master, v4, which is the ultimate Audio CD player on the
Atari computers. Version 4 has lots of new features/enhancements.

Atari CD MASTER will have new CD's added to it periodically, for a
nominal update fee. Pricing is as follows:

ATARI CD MASTER, 4 pack for only...... 39.95 US$

ATARI CD MASTER 4 pack plus the Time Almanac CD and UFO CD... 69.95 US$

Upgrade to ATARI CD MASTER for Audio CD Master(v3) owners.... 25.00 US$
With Time Almanac CD and UFO CD...... 55.00 US$

Upgrades can be done by sending your disk directly to Homa Systems
House or through It's All Relative Software.

Both Homa Systems House and It's All Relative can also supply the CD's
to use with Atari CD Master individually. Time Almanac of the 90's
and UFO CD are available for 15.00 US$ each. The price of Space
Missions will be announced.
At Homa Systems House, we are dedicated to bring you quality software
and hardware. If you want to be on our mailing list, please send your
name and address to us.

Homa Systems House P.O.BOX 52127 OTTAWA, ON K1N 5S0 CANADA
TEL: (613) 722-0901 FAX: (613) 722-9061

It's All Relative, 2233 Keeven Lane, Florissant MO 63031 USA
TEL: (314) 831-9482
CIS: 70357,2312
Delphi: GREG

Ask for ATARI CD MASTER at your favorite Atari dealer.


> Portfolio News! STR InfoFile! - Internet Newsletter Debuts!

* *
* P O R T F O L I O N E W S *
* *
* Internet newsletter for *
* Atari Portfolio users and fans *
* *
No 1 April 7, 1995
* Portfolio in the Czech Republic

There is a PF club that provides user services instead of Atari Corp.
or dealers who are dead in this country.

252 45 posta ZVOLE
tel: +42 2 99 61 894

* What is new for Portfolio?
- PortWalk - tape recorder interface
Enables to save and load files onto any tape recorder cassettes. It is
very handy, and unlike 8-bit era of "tape recording", this interface
is very reliable thanks to error detecting code.

Atari cards are very expansive - the RAM card we developed uses one
Low-Low Power chip and CR 2025 lithium battery (plus some diodes).
The assumed life expectancy of the battery at least 2 years.

- 25 pin parallel interface
As there are big problems with Atari dealers in Europe, we decided
to produce 25 pin Centronics (Parallel) Interface. It is a bit
smaller than original interface and consumes twice less energy.

- FolioDrive - 3,5" floppy disk unit with included parallel
interface and battery pack

It was specially developed for Portfolio and enables to read and write
1.44 MB PC diskettes. No cables more needed. You can run files directly
from the diskette.
* In February we have finished a graphic version of Portfolio

This means that Portfolio can display any character using direct
access to the LCD driver. Thus Portfolio can be used in countries
with extended alphabet (e.g. in Czech Republic). We used similar
routines to those used in PGC and PGX format. The resident
program runs even under ROM applications.

* There is a PC program that enables to work with Portfolio .TXT
and .ADR files in the same way as on PF.

* Genuine leather case with a battery pocket
Protects Portfolio against dust and other "evils". One built-in
pocket for identity card or passport, another pocket
for 3 AA batteries. Full handwork.

* Things under development:

- Upgrade your PF to 512 KB RAM!!
We are going to upgrade Portfolios to 512 KB of system RAM

- 60*10 character display
Another aim of ours is to make Portfolio display 60*8 characters using
8*4 pixel fonts. This will mean that user will see more of the whole
screen if running PC files.

We hope to implement other graphic features:
* blinking
* inversion
Portfolio thus will become more PC alike.
There were already some attempts to make soft running in 60*8 mode,
but the new driver will be working constantly with all files.

* What we want:

- We are looking for Portfolio users in POLAND, HUNGARY, RUSSIA.
We want to offer them the new BIOS with their characters.

- We are looking for any Portfolio activities in the world.

- We plan to develop following peripherals, provided there are
enough Portfolio users to be interested in them and to buy them:
* new version of FolioDrive 3.5 inch FDD unit
with parallel interface, battery pack
+ internal 128 KB memory chip to serve as CASH and B: disk.
* FAX-MODEM module to send and receive fax, modem messages every where
in the world
* cordless, radio-wave based interface to connect PF to PC
* 512 KB or 768 KB SRAM module to serve as a data storage medium
* Interface for PCMCIA cards

* What we are looking for:
- any PF fans that want to join us
- any PF users who are able to develop new soft
- information about: Re:Port, Portfolio Connection Newsletter, etc.
- any kind of emotional, mental and other support
- any dealer that is willing to go on with
PF stuff and wants to sell our products

* How to get the described things
We hope that TOAD COMPUTERS will distribute
all our products in the USA and Canada.
Please support our efforts in promoting Portfolio
and send them your request for PF and products
Their e-mail:
Otherwise send e-mail to us:

Special greetings to:
Don Messerli - for his soft and graphics
BJ Gleason - for PBASIC and tons of other things
S. Spoelstra - for his BASIC, and others
Tomas Dusek - Go on developing the hardware!
Martin & Milan Hrdlicka - the authors of new graphic BIOS



Jaguar's Edge Announces Editors!
AEO E3 Video! Sony Announces
Playstation Price Cut! Feedback!
And much more!

> From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!

While the last month or so has seen a dearth of new games for the
Jaguar, it appears that this is about to change shortly. According to
Computer West's Peter Curry, the first shipment of Pinball Fantasies
has arrived and will be available next Friday, the 9th. This is one
game to grab. I'm holding off with our review until next week to
coincide with the game's release.

It's come to my attention that Super Burnout has gone into
production within the last day or so, so expect that one in mid-July.
June is slated for a few games, but expect quite a few titles to hit
the streets in July - to be followed by the JagCD and CD titles in
August. It's starting to look like we'll have a hot summer for new
games! And, we'll be here to keep you posted on the latest news!

The new magazine, The Jaguar's Edge, has just announced its
editorial staff. My counterpart at AEO, Travis Guy, has accepted the
position as news editor. Congratulations to this new editorial staff;
we're all looking forward to seeing the premier issue of the first
Jaguar hardcopy magazine to hit the streets. Speaking of AEO, I
understand that their E3 video is just about to ship. If you're
interested in seeing some of the games that you've been hearing about
lately from E3, check this video out.

We're trying to get re-focused with our game reviews. A number of
recent games are in various degrees of completion, so we should start
to see them very shortly. Unlike some hardcopy magazines, we want to
be sure that we do a thorough job of reviewing these games to give you
an in-depth report (insert sly grin here!).

Well, let's get to the fun and we'll see you all back here next

Until next time...


> Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out.

Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $49.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/
Crescent Galaxy $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $69.95 id/Atari Corp.
JA100 Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95 Telegames
J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Rebellion/Atari Corp.
J9029 Doom $69.99 id/Atari Corp.
J9036 Dragon: Bruce Lee $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9003 Club Drive $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9007 Checkered Flag $69.99 Atari Corp.
J9012 Kasumi Ninja $69.99 Atari Corp.
J9042 Zool 2 $59.99 Atari Corp
J9020 Bubsy $49.99 Atari Corp
J9026 Iron Soldier $59.99 Atari Corp
J9060 Val D'Isere Skiing $59.99 Atari Corp.
Cannon Fodder $69.99 Virgin
Syndicate $69.99 Ocean
Troy Aikman Ftball $69.99 Williams
Theme Park $69.99 Ocean
Sensible Soccer Telegames
Double Dragon V $59.99 Williams
J9009E Hover Strike $59.99 Atari Corp.

Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Pinball Fantasies $ 59.95 Computer West
Super Burnout TBD Atari
Air Cars TBD MidNite Entertainment
Fight For Life TBD Atari
Flashback TBD U.S. Gold
Power Drive Rally TBD TWI
Rayman TBD UBI Soft
Ultra Vortex TBD Atari
White Men Can't Jump TBD Atari
Jaguar CD-ROM $149.99 Atari

Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

J8001 Jaguar (complete) $189.99 Atari Corp.
J8001 Jaguar (no cart) $159.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95
CatBox $69.95 ICD


> Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile - The Latest Gaming News!



'The Jaguar's Edge' Announces Editorial Staff

SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 27, 1995 -- Less than two weeks after the
announcement of the world's only gaming magazine devoted to the Atari
Jaguar, "The Jaguar's Edge" named its editorial staff today. "I am
proud to introduce an experienced editorial staff that will make our
magazine the leader in Jaguar news and information," said John Marcotte,
publisher and managing editor of "The Jaguar's Edge".

Assuming the position of news editor, will be Travis Guy. Atari
fans will recognize Mr. Guy as current editor of "Atari Explorer
Online", and a leader in the world of Atari publishing for over a
decade. Using his extensive industry connections, Mr. Guy will keep
readers informed of important news and events that impact the Jaguar

Taking on the role of features editor is Pat Solomon. Mr.
Solomon is currently developing a computer column for the "Des Moines
Register", and was the managing editor of the alternative newspaper,
"The Pundit". Under his direction, readers can look forward to
in-depth interviews with developers and Atari personnel, strategy
guides to their favorite games, and much more!

Retaining his position as managing editor is John Marcotte. Mr.
Marcotte was the editor of "The Catalyst", and currently writes
freelance for various publications. "I am excited to work with two
professionals like Travis and Pat," said Mr. Marcotte. "I know that
with their help we will achieve our goal of being the number one source
for Jaguar news and information."

Atari and Jaguar are trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari

-/- Sony Cuts Game Unit Prices -/-

In Tokyo, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. says it is slashing a
third from the domestic price of its new PlayStation game machine, a
move officials expect will mean the company will capture another two
million home video game players.

Sony told the Reuter News Service it has sold a million of its 32-bit
PlayStation game machines since the product was launched in December.
Its new model SCPH-3000 is to hit the Japanese market on July 21 and "we
expect PlayStation sales to reach a goal of three million within a year,"
said a spokeswoman.

"By the end of this month, 44 software titles for the PlayStation
machine will be on sale," Reuters says "and Sony says there will be 200
by the end of the year. Sony said it now has 5,500 retail outlets in
Japan selling its game players. Sony said the price cut on its
PlayStation was made possible by paring down factory costs."

Reuters adds competitors Sega Enterprises Ltd. and Matsushita
Electric Industrial Co Ltd., which also have 32-bit game players on the
market, "are likely to feel pressure from Sony's price cut."


> Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile - Current Developer Lists & Titles

Game Title Date Game Type MSRP Publisher
Air Cars 7/95 Racing/Combat $59.99 MidNite Ent.
Alien vs Predator NOW Role Play/Adventure $69.99 Atari
Alien vs Predator CD 2/96 Role Play/Adventure TBD Atari
Arena Football 8/95 Sports TBD V Reel
Assault 2Q/95 Action/Combat $59.99 MidNite Ent.
Atari Kart 9/95 TBD TBD Atari
Att. of Mut. Penguins 10/95 Arcade TBD Atari
Baldies (CD) 8/95 Action/Simulation TBD Atari
Batman Forever (CD) 4/96 Action/Adventure TBD Atari
Battlemorph (CD) 8/95 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Battlesphere 9/95 Space/Combat TBD 4-Play
Battle Wheels 2Q/95 Racing/Combat TBD Beyond Games
Black ICE/White Noise 12/95 Action/Adventure TBD Atari
Blue Lightning (CD) 8/95 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Braindead 13 (CD) 10/95 Action/Adventure TBD ReadySoft
Brett Hull Hockey (CD) 11/95 Sports TBD Atari
Brutal Sports Football NOW Sports/Combat $69.99 Telegames
Bubsy NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Cannon Fodder NOW Action/Adventure $69.99 Virgin
Chas Barkley Basketball 9/95 Sports TBD Atari
Checkered Flag NOW Racing $69.99 Atari
Club Drive NOW Racing $59.99 Atari
Commando (CD) 11/95 Action (3D) TBD Atari
Creature Shock (CD) 8/95 Adventure/Sci-Fi TBD Atari/Virgin
Cybermorph NOW Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Dactyl Joust 11/95 Action TBD Atari
Dante (CD) 6/96 Action TBD Atari
Deathwatch 12/95 Arcade TBD Atari
Defender 2000 (CD) 10/95 Arcade TBD Atari
Demolition Man (CD) 8/95 Action/Combat $59.99 Atari
Doom NOW Action/Combat $69.99 Atari
Double Dragon V NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Williams
Dragon:Bruce Lee Story NOW Combat $59.99 Atari
Dragon's Lair (CD) 8/95 Adventure TBD Ready Soft
Dragon's Lair 2 (CD) 10/95 Adventure TBD ReadySoft
Dreadnought (CD) 2Q/95 Adventure TBD Atari
Dune Racer (CD) 1/96 Racing TBD Atari
Dungeon Depths 2Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 MidNite Ent.
Evolution: Dino Dudes NOW Puzzle/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Fight For Life 7/95 Combat TBD Atari
Flashback 7/95 Action/Adventure TBD US Gold
Flip-Out 8/95 Puzzle TBD Atari
Formula Racing (CD) 11/95 Racing TBD Atari
Frank Thomas Baseball 4/96 Sports TBD Atari
Hardball Baseball 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Highlander I (CD) 8/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Highlander II (CD) 10/95 Action/Adventure TBD Atari
Highlander III (CD) 11/95 Action/Adventure TBD Atari
Horrorscope 2Q/95 Combat TBD V Reel
Hover Strike NOW Action/Combat $59.99 Atari
Hover Strike CD 9/95 Action/Combat TBD Atari
Hover Hunter 9/95 Action/Arcade TBD Atari
Ironman/Exoman 4/96 Action TBD Atari
Iron Soldier NOW Action/Strategy $59.99 Atari
Iron Soldier II (CD) 1/96 Action/Strategy TBD Atari
Jack Nicklaus Golf(CD) 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Kasumi Ninja NOW Combat $69.99 Atari
Magic Carpet (CD) 12/95 Action/RPG TBD Atari
Max Force 9/95 Action TBD Atari
Mind-ripper (CD) 2/96 Adventure TBD Atari
Mortal Kombat 3 4/96 Fighting TBD Atari
Myst (CD) 8/95 Interactive Novel TBD Atari
NBA Jam T.E. 12/95 Sports TBD Atari
Pinball Fantasies 6/95 Arcade $59.95 Comp. West
Pitfall 8/95 Arcade TBD Activision
Power Drive Rally 7/95 Driving TBD TWI
Primal Rage (CD) 11/95 Fighting TBD TWI
Rage Rally 2Q/95 Racing TBD Atari
Raiden NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Rayman 7/95 Action/Adventure TBD UBI Soft
Rise of the Robots (CD) 8/95 Action/Arcade TBD TWI
Robinson's Requiem (CD) 8/95 Adventure TBD Atari
Ruiner Pinball 8/95 Arcade TBD Atari
Sensible Soccer NOW Sports Telegames
Sky Hammer (CD) 10/95 Flying/Action TBD Atari
Soccer Kid 2Q/95 Sports TBD Ocean
Soul Star (CD) 9/95 Action/Sci-Fi TBD Atari
Space Ace (CD) 8/95 Space/Combat TBD ReadySoft
Space War 9/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Starlight BowlaRama CD 10/95 Simulation/Sports TBD Atari
Star Raiders 2Q/95 Space Simulation TBD Atari
Super Burnout 6/95 Racing TBD Atari
Supercross 3D 9/95 Sports TBD Atari
Syndicate NOW Simulation $69.99 Ocean
Tempest 2000 NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Thea Relm Fighters (CD)10/95 Action/Fighting TBD Atari
Theme Park NOW Simulation $69.99 Ocean
Tiny Toon Adventures 2Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Trevor McFur NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Troy Aikman NFL Ftball NOW Sports $69.99 Williams
Ultimate Brain Games 2Q/95 Puzzle TBD Telegames
Ultra Vortex 7/95 Action/Adventure $69.99 Beyond Games
Val D'Isere Skiing... NOW Sports $59.99 Atari
Varuna's Forces (CD) 11/95 Action/Adventure TBD Atari
VidGrid (CD) 8/95 Puzzle/Music Video TBD Atari
Wayne Gretzky NHL (CD) 11/95 Sports TBD TWI
White Men Can't Jump 7/95 Sports TBD TriMark
Wolfenstein 3D NOW Combat/Action $59.99 Atari
Zool2 NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari

[Editor's note: Titles, scheduled release dates, and prices are
verified from Atari - all subject to change]


> Jaguar Easter Eggs/Cheats/Hints STR InfoFile - Solving Those Riddles!

Games Cheats in Atari Web Pages

I just wanted to announce that the Atari Web pages now has a new section
included. This section covers tips, cheats, and solutions for games on
all Atari formats. Currently the cheats are split into Computer, Jaguar
and Lynx categories, but if I get any cheats for other Atari consoles,
or for the 8 Bit Atari I may divide the sections further. This is a new
addition to my pages and is fairly empty. Over the next couple of weeks
I've got several additions to make. If however you have any tips,
cheats, or solutions for games on any Atari format please contact me
with them and try to make it clear what system the cheats are for.
I hope you all enjoy this section and I look forward to your response.

Mark Stephen Smith :

Atari Web Pages :


> Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr!

CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas

The videos from Atari Explorer Online will be shipping soon according
to Travis Guy, publisher of Atari Explorer Online.

There are two videos. The first one focuses on the Jaguar and and the
Atari booth at the recent Electronics Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los
Angeles. This 3-day event has become the industry's largest show of
its kind in the U.S. and is open only to members of the press and the
industry. The second tape offers an overview of the entire show with
less emphasis of the Atari booth and what's new for the Jaguar.

Travis has forwarded to me the contents of the Jaguar/Atari booth
tape. I thought I'd share it with all of you. By the way, there are
copies still available if you have not yet placed your order. For
information on ordering send E-Mail to:

AEO at E3 video Contents
---- -------------------- ------- ---------------------
0:28 Opening Credits 52:25 Ultra Vortex
0:35 Cool Jaguar Logo 6 button controller
0:54 E3 Billboards/exts 56:50 SkyHammer
1:45 New Commercial 59:09 Power Drive Rally
2:16 Atari Booth 1:00:55 Ruiner
2:43 Rayman 1:03:29 4 Play Interview
5:23 Soulstar 1:08:28 Battlesphere
7:15 Atari Booth 1:11:45 ICD/Tom Harker
7:29 Dean Fox Interview 1:14:32 Kasumi Ninja Spot
11:45 Jaguar VR 1:14:53 Thea Real Fighter/CD
12:39 Virtuality Interview 1:15:19 The TRF Actors
17:31 White Men Can't Jump 1:15:32 Thea Realm Fighters
20:20 Doom Commercial 1:16:49 Blue Lightening
20:52 Aircars 1:19:23 Primal Rage
23:11 Shut Up and Jam 1:20:34 Teacher Spot
24:24 Francois Bertrand 1:21:05 Hyper Force
24:31 Fight For Life 1:23:04 C-West Interview
28:11 Nerf Max Force 1:25:05 Creature Shock
29:40 MYST 1:27:12 Brett Hull Hockey
31:04 Tempest 2000 Spot 1:30:43 Vid Grid
31:35 Jeff Minter Interview 1:31:47 Alien v Predator Spot
37:29 Defender 2000 1:32:19 CD?
41:39 Baldies 1:32:45 Battlemorph
42:48 Iron Soldier Spot 1:35:47 Deathmatch
43:05 Varuna's Forces 1:37:50 Hyper Image Interview
46:17 Pinball Fantasies 1:47:40 Hover Hunter
48:34 Flip Out 1:50:05 Lap Cat Pro Joystick
50:01 Beyond Games Interview 1:51:45 VLM/End Credits


> STR Mail Call "...a place for the readers to be heard"

STReport's MailBag


Messages * NOT EDITED * for content

Feedback from the Internet mailing list and STReport WWW page:

> Thanks for your interest in STReport! We'd be happy to add you
>to our weekly mailing list - look for your first issue to arrive in
>your mailing list on Friday evening, or Saturday morning.

Great. Also just wanted to drop you a line to tell you I enjoy reading
the Atari news you put together each week for STR. I was an ST user for
over 6 years but had to conform to the PC world, but I still like to
keep tabs on the Atari and wish that it would become a contender once
again. I also work in the research department for Microplay Video Game
Stores head office (over 100 stores now, mostly in Canada but over a
dozen in the US with 300 planned for this year through out the USA) and
find all the jag info you provide a great asset.

Best wishes for '95...


I just wanted to tell your staff to keep up the excellent work they
have been doing! I look forward to reading the latest issue each
weekend, and the mag is incredibly well done. I usually mostly pay
attention to the Atari/Jaguar section which is the greatest source of
Jaguar information ANYWHERE; even beating AEO and the Jaguar Journal.
One question, though. Whatever happened to the rest of the Kasumi
Ninja codes from Atari? Once again, thank you for being one of the
greatest publications out there.

-Matthew G. Kaplan

P.S. The Edgar Allen Poe with a Computer poem was HILARIOUS.
Excuse any spelling errors in this letter, as I am in a rush.

Hukt un fonix workt furr mee!

[Editor's note: We just happen to have an assortment of Kasumi Ninja
codes that you might be interested in seeing! I'll see what we can do
to provide these soon, along with a number of other, as yet,
unpublished codes - I have been remiss in that department lately.]

Hello Everybody,
Just to let you know I've just downloaded ST1121 from your Web page for
the first time. I've been down loading your newsletter since my Delphi
days, which was about a year ago. I since have joined a local provider
to the Internet and have been on the 'Emailing List'. It was fun
getting the Reports but at first a little confusing to get it so it was
readable; decoding & unzipping. The Web page makes it so much easier.
I enjoy your up to the minute news and your editorials. Good luck in
the future.


> Cannon Fodder STR Review

STReport Jaguar Game Review: Cannon Fodder

-= Available Now =-
Developed by: Sensible Software
Published by: Virgin
Sugg. Retail Price: $59.95
Ease of Play: Average/Intermediate

by Marty Mankins

War is never pretty. The destroying of lives all in the name of survival
is something that a lot of us have a hard time dealing with. But, in a
simulated format, it can be interesting and challenging. In fact, all of
your hatred for war can be vented in anger with such a simulator. And
what better vehicle than a game like Cannon Fodder. This war game is one
tough challenge once you get playing and you find that you will not mind
shooting the bad guys in the name of saving all of your recruits.

For such an intricate game, Cannon Fodder is surprisingly easy to play.
It does a few games to get the hand of the movements, as it's not as
simple as moving your men around with the cursor pad. What you do is move
the pointer to where you want to move your men and then press 'C'. To
fire, point the cursor in the direction of where the bullets need to go
and press 'B'. Once you start moving your men you cannot stop the
operation, but you can change their course. So this means if you wanted
to go shorter but told your men to go further, just move the pointer to
the new location and hit 'C'. If you have access to grenades or bazooka
guns, then you need to press and hold 'B' and then hit 'C'. You can tell
if you have these extra firepower devices by looking in the upper left
hand corner.

You have 24 missions to complete to win the overall war. In these
missions, there may be multiple phases, which add extra levels of
difficulty to the whole process. Your goal in most missions is to wipe
out the enemy and their buildings. Once this is done, you will move past
the phase and/or mission. At the end of each mission, you will get a
chance to gain more recruits. Each mission and phase, you get so many men
to fight your battle. Sometimes it's 2 or 3, sometimes you get 4 or 5.
Being able to survive with at least one soldier at the end of the phase
and completing your assignment, will move you to the next phase or
mission. If you lost some men during a phase, you will get more, as long
as you have enough recruits to pull from. Once you are out of recruits,
the game is over. You can save your game at the end of each mission, so
for those times when you don't have the time to play, you can come back to
it later (giving you time to think of ways to finish the next mission).

As mentioned above, game play is very easy. It's much easier than other
games which seemed easy to play, but became harder the longer you played.
Saying that game play is easy is not the same as saying the game is easy
to play. This is one tough game, giving you hours of frustration and
satisfaction in attempting to wipe out the enemy. The longer you play,
the better you get at using the controls. But, when you are surrounded by
enemies, you need to really take care in moving your men out of the way
(from grenades, bullets or bazooka rounds) and using your own firepower
to take them out. Turning corners takes practice when an enemy is on the
other side, as does moving around to avoid getting hit, as mentioned

Each mission is based on a certain part of the war zone. You have
jungles, icy terrain and various other outdoors conditions that may help
or hinder your fight. You can go through water, but you cannot fire your
guns until you are close to land again. The enemy has the same
limitations (thank goodness). The ability to fire at men in the water
also applies to both parties. Another disadvantage about being in the
water is that you move slower than you do on land, so cross at a point
where the width of the water is not so wide. Sometimes you don't have
that option, so do the best you can to get in and out of the wet stuff.

In icy conditions, you don't have the traction at the edges of the cliffs,
so be careful not to go down until you have taken care of the enemies.
There is always a way to get back up, but it may not be the closest route.
Another hazard to avoid in the quicksand. You won't get out too easily,
so you must move around it. To see a map of your phase to complete, you
press '0' on the keypad. This helps you plan out your attacks, but don't
stay in there too long, as the enemy can fire at you without you looking.

As noted in my rating below, the controls were my least favorite, even
though they were easy to learn. It adds just a bit more complexity than
one would expect. Perhaps this is due to the guns and positioning, but it
is a bit bothersome. The graphics needed to be a bit tighter. For a game
that is supposed to be 64-bit, I found it was somewhere between 16 and
32-bit. Being able to save a game while in pause mode would have been

Cannon Fodder is one game that is very entertaining and providing hours of
play. It will take some time before a lot of us gamers are going to beat
all 24 missions (maybe some have already, but I am not aware of anyone).
As for the ratings I gave, the graphics were good, but could have been a
bit tighter for the smaller characters. Sound was ok, but nothing
spectacular. The overall game control was good, and it's not that hard to
learn, but I prefer moving the men around without the extra button
pushing. The manual provided good information, but could have had more
info. And the entertainment value is very good, making it just difficult
enough to keep playing.

Graphics: 7.0
Sound FX/Music: 6.0
Control: 6.5
Manual: 7.0
Entertainment: 7.5
Reviewer's Overall: 7.0


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. Yep, it's that time of the week
again. I've got to tell you that things are slowing down in the Atari
world... I hope that it's only because lots of folks are like me and just
can't seem to find the time to do all the things that they want to do...
yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my... well, you get the idea.

Luckily, there are still lots of things to talk about right here on
CompuServe, so let's take a look...

From the Atari Productivity Forums

On the subject of MagiCMAC, the Atari ST emulator for the Apple
Macintosh, Richard Brown tells us that...

"MagiCMac is available from:

Toad Computers
556 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd.
Severna Park, MD 21146-3818
Toll Free: 800-448-8623

I received my copy from Toad this past week. To be frank, it is the
best thing to ever hit the Atari scene! My company's programming
department is already at work on MagiCMac specific utilities and new
programs that will put MagiCMac and the Atari OS back on the map. The
main thing you notice about MagiCMac is that it points out with
extraordinary clarity what a pathetic state the Mac OS is in: if you
feel the "need for speed," you'll run your Mac AS AN ATARI forever! We
are not talking subtle speed increases, folks. Basic disk operations
are up to HUNDREDS of times faster than the Mac's sorry attempt in
several important areas.

The multitasking is for REAL. The speed, on a PowerBook 145B (ONLY a
25Mhz 68030) is TWO TIMES faster than a stock Atari TT030, which, due
the streamlined Atari OS, "feels" VERY Macintosh "PPC-ish." With the
forthcoming NVDI acceleration for MagiCMac, it should prove even more
amazing. Tests on the PowerBook 540 to be performed shortly. The basic
"FEEL" of MagiCMac is about 10-15x the speed of ANYTHING Mac.

PageStream flies. That's Write (a programmable, PostScript printing WP
that kills all Mac WP's for speed) also flies. LDW Power, a Lotus
compatible spreadsheet, works perfecto. Marcel, yet another WP, ditto.
Scribe... ditto. Calamus DTP...ditto. etc. ad infinitum.

For the Mac prgs that Atari CANNOT emulate, remember, you can
SIMULTANEOUSLY multitask in BOTH operating systems. This means, you
leave the PhotoShop work to the Mac, but use the files in PGS or
Calamus on the Atari for SPEED. Both the Mac and the MagiCMac (Atari
side) can read each other's files, with the exception that MagiC Mac
can read MORE formats: Atari, IBM, AND Mac (the Mac reads only IBM and
Mac formats).

I have tested Syquest external drives, CD-ROM external drives and
internal Mac hard drives with 100% success. Windows CD? No Problem. Mac
CD? No problem. Atari CD? No problem. Ditto for Mac, IBM, and Atari
(all standard format only) floppies. That's right,the Atari is happy
with all the OS formats.

For slower Macs (all 68030's and most 68040's), the molasses in winter
feel is banished with MagiCMac. Pathetic performance is banished. SPEED

One problem, the inappropriate keyboard map of MagiCMac regarding
PowerBook use, has been solved by my programmer (who is now whipping up
a full blown, mouse-based keyboard editor for MagiCMac) and the file
you need (MAGICKEY.ZIP) is right here in the ACC/Setup library! Full
explanatory README included in the archive.


Dante Viotti posts:

"I have an Atari 1040ST Computer with a Tandy external 2400 bps Modem.
CompuServe is offering 3 hours per month access to Internet free. From
what I understand the software they offer to access Internet is for
IBM, MacIntosh or a hybrid of both. They also adivise me to use a 9600
baud rate. Will you please advise me how I can access the Internet
using the Atari hardware and Tandy modem described above."

The Big Kahuna himself, Head Sysop Ron Luks, tells Dante:

"You can access only the Internet News Groups with that hardware. AT
2400 baud, even those will be painfully slow. The exciting part of the
Internet that everyone is talking about (with the graphics and newest
material) is called the World Wide Web (WWW). Unfortunately, 2400 baud
is way too slow (you need at LEAST 9600 baud access, and 28,800 baud is
preferred) and you need a computer that has software called a Web
Browser. There is no Web browser for the Atari (That I'm aware of) and
I know for a fact that CompuServe will not be writing any."

Carl Barron tells Ron:

"Your remarks about baud rate and web viewing are right on the mark.
There alledgedly is a lynx viewer under development for the atari
line. Not by CIS, and since the internet here is so CIM-ONLY, it will
not help atari users use CIS as an internet connection."

Michel Vanhamme tells Carl that that is...

"Not true anymore. Since CIS provides PPP connection to the Internet,
one can use any software that offers PPP. But, as far as the Atari is
concerned, the only software I know of is NOS, which doesn't offer WWW
(yet), is text only, is a pain to configure and quite
user-unfriendly... But it does FTP, Telnet, Usenet etc. without
problems. I use it regularly here on CIS, and so do others (or is
Christian the only other one? <g>).

I've seen, in other forums, users of other platforms stick to their
favorite (non-CIM) software to do WWW as well."

Our own Editor-in-Chief, Ralph Mariano, adds his experiences to the mix:

"Hold on a moment... CIS Internet access is PPP not CIM-ONLY. If one
calls the CISnet number, and hits it with the right DNS address, its
PURE PPP. That's Internet at its fullest with absolutely no leanings
toward CIM wares in any way whatsoever. CompuServe has gone the extra
mile in providing REAL Internet access. From my desktop, I use a
plain vanilla dialer that's part of the desktop, a hand written script
in RoBoDun, a script handler, that sends my Compuserve ID and password
and immediately calls the PPP mode and into the Internet I go. I do
not use any CIM at all. Once I'm logged in and connected to the PPP
node, I then boot Netscape32 1.1n and it handshakes in on the TCP/IP
stack and away I go to the WEB or any where else I care to go or do.
Including full FTP activities. No CIM-WAREs anywhere."

Sysop Ron Luks clarifies:

"CIS has a PPP connection, so you can use any software you like to
connect to the WWW via a local CompuServe node."

Carl Barron tells Ron, Ralph and Mike:

"OK now to find some PPP software. NOS is a start but there must be
PPP at, etc. Will look shortly. Lynx is being ported,
that I have heard from fairly reliable sources. I am glad that
CIM-ONLY is not true!!!!"

Steve Royall asks for help:

"My brother uses an Atari system for music composition and games. I
was wondering if there was any way for me to download files from the
libraries onto my 386 PC and enable him to use them?"

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells Steve:

"No problem at all. Format a 720K disk on your PC and download files
to your PC and then use the flopyy to move files between both systems."

Sysop bob Retelle tells Steve:

"Just to expand a little on Albert's answer...

The ST and PC share almost exactly the same floppy disk format, so you
can download files to your PC from CompuServe, then transfer them to
your brother's ST using a 3.5" floppy disk.

The only problem is that the ST will not read a 1.44 Meg High Density
diskette, so you have to format the disk as 720K. (You don't actually
have to dig up a true low density disk.. you can format a 1.44 Meg disk
as 720K and it will work.)

For the best compatibility, it's best to format the disk on the PC."

Glenn ??? posts:

"My son just got a Mac and we need to convert many ST Writer files to
MacWrite. Could someone point me in the right direction. I'd be most
grateful as I have no idea how to do this. (I assume it is "do able")"

Albert Dayes tells Glenn:

"The latter versions of ST Writer (version 4.8) can save files in
ascii format. The easiest way would be to format a 720K floppy on the
MAC using the Apple File Exchange (to make an MS-DOS compatible) and
then copy the ST Writer files to it. The ST Writer files would be
saved to ascii first of course."

In response to a question about Branch Always' GEMulator, an ST emulator
for PCs, Sysop Bob Retelle posts:

"The info I've got on the new GEMulator 4.0 software indicates that it
does indeed now support MIDI...

Among other interesting thing are support for multiple serial ports and
printers, direct access to ALL hard drive partitions from ST
applications (so you can load say, clip art, from a PC partition into
an ST application, and manipulate PC files and directories with the ST
GEM desktop.), CD-ROM support, higher resolutions, and ability to work
with compressed PC hard drive volumes like Stacker and DoubleSpace.

Joysticks and sound boards are supported too...

Sounds pretty good..!"

Peter Joseph tells Bob:

"That does sound good. Of course, the one remaining unanswered
question (and probably the most disheartening) was regarding support
for the SLM804. MIDI's important too; although I have a kick-a@# GM
sound card in the PC, I already have some kick-a@# MIDI software for
the ST. I don't know, though. Gemulator or not, I'm not sure if I
could really give my ST up for adoption at this point; we've been
through so much together. BTW, what's the price for the Gemulator 4.0
these days and where can it be purchased? :-)"

P.S. Come to think of it, even support for the SLM isn't all -that-
important. If I got a Gemulator, I'd probably be dumping the SLM
anyway, in favor of a newer (read- supported) laser or deskjet."

Hal Joseph tells Peter:

"Over the years I've owned 15 or 20 ST's. (My wife says I have a soft
spot in my head for Atari's) When I moved on to PC's and Mac's I kept
one ST'e for MIDI. Both the PC and Mac midi files just don't sound as
good. The timing isn't as good. You can record one track, play it back
while you record another one and the software on both machines makes
the tracks sound mechanical. My guess is only Atari has the midi ports
on the mother board and has the interupts set high enough to make true
bidirectional midi possible. The other machines use serial cards that
just don't transmit and receive at exactly the same time. I don't know
for sure so don't anybody start a flame war. But files i create on my
ST sound better when later played on the clone or Mac. Any ideas

Jean-Paul Paquette tells us that he's...

"...pulling my ST 520 out of the closet and selling my PC. The ST
keeps on telling me that there are 0 bytes in 0 files when I go to open
the A and B drive. I have 3 questions that I would like to ask about

1. Where can I find a service manual for the ST and parts if needed?

2. What is the best deal in multimeters (since I want to do electronic
stuff anyway)?

3. Does this problem usually have something to do with a chip in the
ST or is it the drive? I think I had this problem before and
they replaced a chip in the ST that controlled the drive.

I would greatly appreciate anyone who could anwser these questions or
direct me to a place near western Ma. where I could find parts and

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Jean-Paul:

"It's possible the chips on your 520's motherboard will need to be
"reseated" in their sockets... after a long period of storage there
may be oxidation on the pins, or the chips may have actually loosened
in the sockets.

If you open up the case and remove the metal RF shield under the
keyboard, you'll be able to press the socketed chips down into their
sockets. Use a firm pressure, but be gentle. You should hear a
"crunch" as the chips seat firmly down into the socket.

Do this with all the chips in sockets.. there should be six relatively
large chips along the lefthand edge of the board (the TOS ROMs), and a
few scattered across the middle section of the board. The square ones
in the middle (the MMU and GLUE chips) will probably have a metal clip
holding them down.. be especially gentle with these, but press them
firmly down in the middle.

There is one more chip under the small metal RF shielded box on the
right side of the motherboard (the video shifter chip) which you can
reseat after popping the top off the metal box.

The actual floppy disk controller chip is usually soldered down to the
board, but if you've already had it replaced it may be in a socket
along the top lefthand edge of the motherboard.

Inspect the floppy drive connector on the motherboard to be sure it
hasn't become loose on the board, and check all the cables for bent

As for parts and service, you can contact Toad Computers in Maryland
at: (800)-448-8623 (unfortunately I don't know of any active Atari
dealers in Mass.), or call Best Electronics for a copy of their Atari
parts catalog at: (408)-243-6950.

We use Fluke multimeters at work, but they're pretty expensive.. I
recently bought a pretty nice auto-ranging digital multimeter at Radio
Shack that wasn't too bad.. about $49 I think... (saved me from buying
a new stove..! Turned out it was one side of the circuit breaker that
was bad, and the new meter found it in 10 seconds..)"

Robert Bell tells us:

"I am having a problem with Michtron BBS 3.0. I just bought it a
month ago a ago. It is on my hard drive. I can get the maintenance
program to run. I then run the BBS, press the F1 key. i get through
all the questions to the zip code. The program waits a minute or two.
Part of the time I get a message "Sorry, I don't have room on the disk
to save you". I get this message even though there is over 10 meg in
the partition the program is saved. I then get two bombs , the last
line is "Today is" and the computer locks. Can you help me?"

Our Atari Section Editor, Dana (Unka Dana) Jacobson, asks Robert:

"Are you sure that you have the system files configured to a partition
that has plenty of space? MBBS is a solid program and doesn't come up
with those kinds of error messages unless there's a reason. I've been
running MBBS for 8+ years!!

Have you tried to create an account for yourself via the Maintenance
program itself? There is a section with the Maintenance program to
configure and save the system files. You may have left that as the
default, which is likely the drive A or C partition."

Udo Heinold asks:

"Is it possible to exchange data between atari portfolio and apple
macintosh via parallel interface... especially an apple IIe."

Lars Aschenbach tells Udo:

"[Look in] the Lib's. There many programms to exchange between PoFo and

Marty Mankins tells Udo:

"You will need to get a serial interface and a program called XTerm 2.
Then on the Macintosh, you will need a terminal emulation program. You
then connect directly and can transfer files to and from the

Well folks, that's about it. Tune in again next week, same time, same
station, and be ready to listen to what they are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote" A true "Sign of the Times"
""""""""""""""""" FAMOUS LAST WORDS


A user in the distance is heard saying....


..Names withheld to protect the guilty! <g>

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