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Silicon Times Report Issue 1127

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Published in 
Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.
A subsidiary of
STR Worldwide CompNews Inc.

July 07, 1995 No. 1127

Silicon Times Report
International OnLine Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano, Editor

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> 07/07/95 STR 1127 "The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine!"
- CPU INDUSTRY REPORT - Fed Hackers UP - MS PLUS! Viewed
- Smith Corona Files - $70M on Win95 So Far - Mitnick CHG'ed +
- Busby Review - MS & Kipling - Yahoo sells Ads
- Super BurnOut Review - People Talking - Jaguar NewsBits


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> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Thankfully, we're in what we hope are the final stages of listening
to the smart remarks of those users who already know the handwriting is on
the wall as far as Windows'95 is concerned. Around the world, users
anxiously await the arrival of Win'95 on their local or mail order
dealer's shelves. Of course, right along with Win'95 .. Microsoft Plus!
Will be there too! Look for our article on Microsoft Plus in this week's

I've been amazed at the quality of Win'95 & Plus and with the
responsiveness of the powers that be. Without gushing all over the place
at my pleasure with Win'95 & Plus... I'd say that Plus 300 is in the same
bracket at 950 R2 is. Truly, this powerhouse combo has put the _FUN_
back into computing.

Win'95 & Microsoft Plus! are definitely going straight to top and
will dominate when it hits the open market. I can't wait to see the
"warpos" and "macnuggets" banging their heads against the "InfoWorld
Wailing Wall". <g>

Many "learned industry observers" griped, complained and grew ulcers
over Bill Gates' successes and Microsoft's earning Millions with Windows &
WFWG 3.xx ....

Can you imagine, just for a moment, the _apoplectic frenzy_ the same
fools will be consumed in when Win'95 & Microsoft Plus! hit the market and
proceed to earn Billions in a few short weeks while breaking every sales
record possible??

For me ...It'll be an exquisite pleasure to observe. Its definitely
"in the cards."


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Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #27

Compiled by: Dana P. Jacobson
(Lloyd's on Vacation)

******* General Computer News *******

Boca Research to Buy Hayes

Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc., which literally set -- and
repeatedly went to court to fiercely guard -- the standards for PC
modem communications, is to be purchased by Boca Research Inc.

The Dow Jones news service reports from Boca Raton, Florida, the
agreement, outlined in Boca's letter of intent, includes financing to
allow Hayes to complete its reorganization plan and pay all creditor
claims at 100 percent with interest.

"Under the plan, Boca Research would swap 1,685,000 Boca common
shares for all Hayes stock," the wire service says. "Hayes shareholders
will also receive the right to certain contingent payments based on
future earnings of the merged company."

Boca officials says the firm expects to close the transaction in
90 days, pending due diligence review, a definitive agreement and
completion of debt financing. The acquisition also requires Bankruptcy
Court approval of Hayes' reorganization plan.

In the transaction, Hayes Chairman/President Dennis C. Hayes becomes
the combined companies' largest shareholder and will serve as director
and vice chairman. Boca President/CEO Tony Zalenski retains both posts
at the newly formed company.

As reported earlier, Georgia-based Hayes Microcomputer filed for
Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last year.

Zalenski told the Reuter News Service the combination of the
companies "will present a formidable presence in the marketplace,"
adding, "I am exceedingly pleased to welcome the industry standard name,
Hayes, to join with us. We feel there will be explosive synergy between
our two companies. Boca's strong financial position ... will be
dramatically fueled by Hayes' name-brand recognition."

NEC to Buy Stake in Packard Bell

In Tokyo, officials with NEC Corp. say the company will pay $170
million for a 19.99 percent stake in leading U.S. PC maker Packard Bell
Electronics Inc.

The French Agence France-Press International News Service quotes
NEC as saying the transaction, to be completed next month, will strengthen
its strategic tie-up with the company.

AFP notes NEC has been supplying CD-ROM and memory chips to the
company for some time, with Packard Bell supplying NEC with navigation

"Combined shipments of personal computers of NEC and Packard Bell
is expected to total 7.3 million units in 1995," the wire service reports.
"One of the major shareholders of Packard Bell is the Bull group of
France, which has an extensive capital and technological link with NEC."


Delrina Corporation (NASDAQ:DENAF and TSE:DC) announced they have signed a
definitive agreement to combine in a deal with an estimated value of
US$415 million to Delrina shareholders. By joining forces, the two
companies will combine their individual resources to take full advantage
of the rapidly growing communications market.

"Delrina has superb technology in key areas of communications, including
Internet access, fax and telephony. In the next year the rapid integration
of computers and telephones will create opportunities to apply Delrina's
technology," said Gordon E. Eubanks, president and CEO of Symantec.
"Incorporating Delrina's industry-leading technology with our leading
communications products, like Norton pcANYWHERE and ACT!, and taking
advantage of the synergy between our Enterprise Developer 4GL language and
Delrina's forms business, will give our customers a complete solution for
managing, sending and receiving information."

Delrina Corporation is the industry leader in PC communications and
electronic forms software products. The company's flagship product,
WinFax, has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide since its
introduction in 1990. The company has also sold more than 800,000 copies
of its electronic forms software since 1988.

"Together, Delrina and Symantec will become a major competitor in the
communications arena," said Dennis Bennie, chairman and CEO of Delrina.
"Symantec Corporation's international sales and marketing strengths and
its knowledge of enterprise and remote technology, combined with our
expertise in integrating data, forms, messaging and voice technology will
help customers more quickly realize the productivity benefits of
communications and computer integration."

All three senior executives at Delrina's Toronto headquarters-Chairman and
CEO Dennis Bennie, President Mark Skapinker and Chief Technology Officer
Bert Amato-will remain with Symantec in management roles. Messrs. Bennie
and Skapinker will also join the Symantec board of directors. Delrina's
fourth co-founder, Lou Ryan, will play a pivotal role in integrating the
Delrina worldwide sales organization with Symantec. Delrina Corporation
will maintain its operations in Toronto and retain its strong presence
within the Canadian market.

"This merger plays a major role in establishing Toronto as a center for
the combined company's software development efforts," said Mark Skapinker,
president of Delrina Corporation. "We are excited to join forces with a
company that has a proven track record and the critical mass necessary to
expand our market presence. Together, we are ideally positioned to
capitalize on the communications convergence being fueled by Microsoft's
soon to be released Windows 95."

Delrina expects to report sales for the year ended June 30, 1995, of
approximately Cdn$133 million, up from Cdn$101 million for fiscal 1994. As
expected, however, Delrina has experienced some slowing in demand for its
Windows 3.1 products in anticipation of its Windows 95 products, which are
expected to ship in the September or December quarter. Based on a
preliminary review, Delrina expects that sales for the fourth quarter
ended June 30, 1995, will be approximately Cdn$27 million (down from
Cdn$31.8 million for the same period last year). Reflecting these sales,
the company expects to incur an operating loss for the fourth quarter in
excess of Cdn$0.20 per share, including foreign exchange losses.

Under the terms of the transaction, Delrina shareholders will exchange
each of their Delrina common shares for 0.61 of a share of a newly-created
class of exchangeable shares of Delrina. Each exchangeable share may be
exchanged at any time up to seven years after closing into one share of
Symantec common stock. It is expected that the transaction will qualify
as a pooling of interests for U.S. accounting purposes and will enable
Delrina shareholders to defer taxation until they elect to exchange their
Delrina exchangeable shares for Symantec common stock. It is also expected
that the Delrina exchangeable shares will not be considered foreign
property for certain Canadian institutional shareholders. Symantec will
ultimately issue a total of approximately 15 million shares of common
stock in this transaction.

Subject to regulatory, shareholder and Ontario court approvals, including
review under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act, the Investment Canada Act and the
Competition Act (Canada), it is anticipated that the transaction will be
completed in November, 1995. Symantec expects to incur merger-related
expenses of $25 to $30 million associated with this transaction in the
December quarter.

Delrina Corporation designs, develops, markets and supports innovative PC
software products and services in the fax, data and voice communications,
electronic forms and consumer software markets. Founded in 1988, the
company is recognized as the world leader in PC fax and electronic forms

Symantec Corporation develops, markets and supports a complete line of
application and system software products designed to enhance individual
and workgroup productivity as well as manage networked computing
environments. The company provides a broad line of software for the
desktop and the enterprise including the Norton family of products,
networked productivity applications, and software languages for
development in businesses. The company is headquartered in Cupertino, CA,
and sells its software worldwide.

Last Typewriter Maker Quits

The last American company to manufacture typewriters has filed for
bankruptcy protection, saying personal computers have eroded demand for
its products.

In New Canaan, Conn., Smith Corona Corp. filed for reorganization
under Chapter XI of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, freeing it from the threat
of creditors' suits while its reworks its finances. According to The
Associated Press, the company is expected to ask the court for orders to
allow it to continue normal business operation. AP says Smith Corona's
sales volume dropped in recent months after competitor Brother Industries
Ltd. cut prices on many of its models.

Smith Corona, which was unable to match those prices in some cases,
also said recently it will cut 26 percent of its work force -- about 750
jobs worldwide -- as part of a restructuring. The cuts, to be completed
over the next year, will save the firm about $21 million a year after
1996, it said.

"During the last year, Smith Corona has been selling off non-core
businesses to focus on its typewriter and personal word processor
businesses," AP says. "In its filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in
Wilmington, Del., Smith Corona listed assets of $207.9 million and
liabilities of $198.8 million. It listed 17 subsidiaries, none of which
were part of the bankruptcy filing."

EDRIVE Features Pocahontas Month

It's POCAHONTAS Month on the Entertainment Drive's multimedia
offering online. The popular movie continues to generate admiration
and controversy, and CompuServe members can connect with the excitement
by accessing EMEDIA, EMOVIES, Entertainment Drive Forum and Youth
Entertainment Drive Forum.

Youth Entertainment Drive member Laura Fealk notes, "I loved the
movie but the end is all wrong. John Smith is supposed to stay with
Pocahontas and the medicine man is supposed to fix him up and then they
are both supposed to live happily ever after!"

James Small of Youth Entertainment Drive says, "She spent all her
time before John Smith came goofing off and swimming and stuff, so why
did her 'place' suddenly become so important?"

Entertainment Drive's Gordon Meyer says, "I lack the information
to gauge how accurate the film was in depicting the life styles and
customs of the Native Americans in that region, but I can tell you that
it FELT very respectful and about as far from racist as anything I have
seen in such a mainstream movie."

CompuServe members are invited by EDRIVE to GO POCAHONTAS for the
latest information on the Disney film. QuickTime scenes are viewable
with Mac and Windows, and are available in Entertainment Drive's EMEDIA
and EMOVIE areas. GO VIEWER to watch QuickTime movies. The Movie Viewer
may be downloaded from EDRIVE. Production notes and photographs can be
obtained in the EDRIVE Forum by accessing Lib. 8, "Disney/Pocahontas."
To join the forum discussions, GO YDRIVE, Section 6, "Disney/Pocahontas,"
"Pocahontas," "Read this everyone," and GO EFORUM, Section 8,
"Disney/Pocahontas," "Pocahontas: the Premiere," and related threads.

Radius Taps IBM for Mac Clones

Radius Inc. says it has signed IBM Corp. to manufacture its line
of Macintosh-compatible computers. Radius, based in Sunnyvale,
California, says it selected IBM following an exhaustive search that began
after the company completed a Mac OS licensing agreement with Apple
Computer Inc. last December. The company notes that its objective is to
work with a supplier capable of delivering high-quality, highly reliable
production volumes of Macintosh-compatible systems.

"IBM's state-of-the-art manufacturing plant is a perfect match for
the quality goals and volume objectives we've set for the production of
our Mac OS-based systems," says Matthew Medeiros, vice president of
operations at Radius. "IBM's commitment to and investment in the research
and development of manufacturing technology and desktop-level computer
innovations is unparalleled. This relationship further enables Radius to
deliver Mac- OS based systems and leverage our strong brand with the
right combination of pricing, performance and reliability."

Radius notes that IBM offers established distribution centers in a
number of worldwide locations, including the Pacific Rim and Europe.
Production of Radius' Mac clones at IBM's Charlotte, North Carolina
plant is expected to begin immediately. The site, which opened in 1979,
is a high-capacity facility that's designed to allow volume production
with stringent quality and reliability standards.

Yahoo to Carry Advertisements

Operators of Yahoo, the popular search engine for locating specific
portions of the Internet's World Wide Web, have decided to add
advertising to subsidize costs. Reporting from Mountain View, California,
The Associated Press says the resource guide, created by two Stanford
graduate students, plans to redesign its home page to include space for
advertisers. The Yahoo service is accessed about 250,000 times a day by
computer owners who are looking for information on the Web.

"Sponsors will pay $20,000 a month for online ads that will rotate
daily during a three-month trial period," AP says, quoting Marketing
Director Tim Brady as saying Yahoo will audit their effectiveness. The
wire service says Yahoo has been working with CKS Interactive, a Silicon
Valley design firm, on the idea.

"Several newspapers have incorporated advertising into their
electronic services," says AP, "and Freemark Communications of Cambridge,
Massachusetts, plans to begin offering a free e-mail service this fall,
underwritten by advertising boxes on the user's screen."

Attacks on Federal Computers Double

Government officials say digital assaults on the Pentagon's global
computer networks have soared. The Wall Street Journal this morning
quotes authorities as saying there are now about two attacks reported each
day. "This is more than double the rate of 255 a year in 1994," the
Journal says, "and it has prompted a Pentagon effort to shore up its
cyberspace defenses."

Artisoft Simplifies Server Line

Artisoft Inc. says it has streamlined and cut prices on its
LANtastic Dedicated Server software. The product line now consists of a
LANtastic Dedicated Server 1.1 package for two to 10 users, priced at
$649; LANtastic Dedicated Server add-on licenses for 5, 10, 25 and 50
users, beginning at $339 for a five-user version; and an upgrade from
CorStream server 1.0 to LANtastic Dedicated Server 1.1 at $299.

"We've reduced the number of package options for our LANtastic
Dedicated Server family from 15 to six, while continuing to offer the
same scalable, high performance solution for growing LANtastic 6.0 and
Power Suite networks," says Bill Peterson, Artisoft's vice president of
worldwide marketing. "We believe the simplified server family will be
easier for our distributors and reseller partners to stock and for
Artisoft to produce and maintain. Artisoft is based in Tucson, Arizona.

Micron Launches Mfg. Complex

Chip maker Micron Technology Inc. has broken ground on its new
manufacturing complex north of Lehi, Utah. The Boise, Idaho-based company
will begin the project with the construction of an 8-inch wafer
fabrication facility. It expects initial wafer production to begin in
about a year. "Micron Construction is using fast track construction to
build the Lehi complex, so we have a very aggressive schedule in place,"
says Steve Appleton, president and CEO of Micron Technology.

The company says initial hiring for the 3,500-member workforce will
begin within the next six months. Micron estimates that it will hire
25 percent of the employees in the first year after construction begins,
another 50 percent in the second year and another 25 percent in the
following two years.

AST-Samsung Deal Approved

Stockholders and the Korean government have approved a plan for
AST Research Inc. to sell 40 percent of itself to Korean electronics
giant Samsung for $377 million. The deal, due to close this month, marks
the first major overseas investment in a leading U.S. PC producer.

Reporting from AST's Irvine, Calif., headquarters, United Press
International says Samsung will gain significant management control over
AST in return for its planned investment, "including the right to fire
top executives and veto major deals if AST fails to meet sales and profit

Adds the wire service, "Samsung is also providing AST with $250
million in working capital and helping to make a $75 million payment due
to Tandy Corp. in July 1996."

As noted, AST, the nation's sixth largest PC maker, began
encountering serious cash problems last year due to brutal discounting
by rivals and product delays. Samsung announced the deal Feb. 28. AST had
been looking for new investment after its profits were battered in price
wars and delays.

Publisher Taps Ex-Apple Exec

Cupertino, California-based software publisher Business Objects has
appointed former Apple Computer Inc. executive Albert A. Eisenstat to
its board of directors.

Most recently, Eisenstat was Apple's executive vice president for
corporate development and legal affairs, as well as a member of the
board of directors and corporate secretary. Eisenstat, 64, left the
computer maker in a messy dispute that involved age discrimination
charges and a lawsuit.

"Business Objects has been growing at a rapid pace, in terms of
technology innovation, revenues and overall stature," says Bernard
Liautaud, Business Objects' president, CEO and chairman. "Albert
Eisenstat brings to our board the critical combination of computer
industry experience and pragmatic business judgment. He will be a
tremendous asset in providing the counsel we need as we continue to
progress in this rapidly changing industry."

$70M Spent on Windows 95 So Far

Microsoft Corp. has spent $70 million so far in promoting its
Windows 95 operating system, due for Aug. 24 release, and analysts say
the total eventually will reach $150 million to $200 million.

In addition, other software companies, PC makers, wholesalers and
retailers are expected to jointly spend at least another $200 million.

"The legacy of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 95 may ultimately be in
marketing rather than technology," comments business writer George
Tibbits of The Associated Press, adding that Win95 is "easily ... the
most heavily-pitched computer product."

But, Tibbits observes, "Fearful the expectations they have set are
likely to outweigh the technical performance of Windows 95, Microsoft's
executives have started to back-pedal a bit."

He quotes Microsoft Vice President Brad Silverberg, the man
responsible for the product, as saying, "It's clear that the hype factor
for Windows 95 got out of hand. It's not a floor wax, it's not a dessert
topping," he said (recalling an old "Saturday Night Live" joke), "it's
just Windows."

AP points out that articles in trade magazines as far back as
summer 1993 contained details about features of Windows 95 and the first
glimpse of the program's look and style came in a trade magazine's cover
story more than a year ago, prompting marketing consultant Al Ries of
Great Neck, N.Y., to comment, "This is a product that's been marketed by
press release."

Says Tibbits, "Through February and most of March, Microsoft issued
a press release each day about a PC maker that planned to install
Windows 95 into its future machines."


> Frankie's Corner! STR Feature

I.M. Meen

CD-ROM for IBM compatible computers
for ages nine and up
MRSP not available from:

Simon and Schuster Interactive
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Tech Support: 1-800-983-5333

Program Requirements

CPU: 486/25
RAM: 4 megs
Video: 256 color VGA
Hdisk: 500k
CD-ROM: Double-speed
OS: MS-DOS 5.0 or greater
Misc: Sound card, mouse

The Kids' Computing Corner

by Frank Sereno

Remember those "Certs" ads years ago? Were they a candy mint or a breath
mint? Or maybe you remember the "Miller Lite" commercials? Does it taste
great or is it less filling? The real contention of those ad campaigns
was that the products were both. "I.M. Meen" presents the proposition
that a first-person perspective fighting game can be a spine-tingling
challenge and an excellent educational program as well. In this scribe's
opinion, "I.M. Meen" comes up a bit short.

Librarian I.M. Meen has created a magical book which captures children
within a 3-D labyrinth. The player's task is to free the children by
correcting the spelling and grammatical errors in Meen's scrolls. Gnorris
the Gnome will provide hints and the player can consult "Writewell's Book
of Better Grammar" for further assistance.

Simon and Schuster claims that "I.M. Meen" replaces the violence of most
games with humor. To find the scrolls, the player must explore the
corridors and defeat any creature he encounters. This can be done by
punching the foe or using any number of magic items against him.
Admittedly, no blood or corpses are shown, but this is still violence.
The creatures simply disappear and no explanation is given as to their
fate. It would have been funny if they had been turned into harmless
creatures, such as chickens.

The game seems fairly challenging. The maze is filled with evil
creatures, puzzles, hidden rooms and magic items. The scrolling is smooth
and quick on a machine with the necessary horsepower. Control can be done
with either the mouse or the keyboard and it is very responsive. The maze
has thirty-six levels so completing the game will take many hours. The
game has three difficulty levels but there doesn't seem too much
difference from easiest to hardest. If your child is already playing Doom
and similar games, he may find "Meen" to be uninteresting due to the lack
of bloody effects.

Graphics are good. The shading really sets a dark and dangerous
atmosphere. Occasionally, Gnorris and I.M. Meen will have short cartoon
animations. The monsters do become pixellized (lose definition and look
like small, associated blocks) as they get nearer, but that has been a
problem in most video games. The sound portion of the program is quite
excellent. "I.M. Meen" uses many digitized sound effects, has appropriate
dungeon music and the voice characterizations are done well.

The interface is fairly complex point-and-click, but it is easy to use
after some practice. Players must remember the functions of the left and
right mouse buttons in the game. Most of the screen is reserved for the
action window which presents the player's first person perspective of the
gaming environment. A smaller window shows a player portrait which
indicates the character's health. Nine small windows will contain any
items the player has placed in his backpack. A compass icon shows the
direction the player is facing.

One bad thing about "I.M. Meen" is that it is very resource hungry and it
is very particular about how the computer memory is allocated. Usually it
will require the user to create a boot disk. The installation program
does provide the convenient option of creating the boot disk for you.
This feature automatically transfers your autoexec.bat and config.sys
files to the diskette and edits them so the program will run properly.

The Action Bar consists of three icons. The AutoMap icon can be activated
to show a map of the current dungeon level. Areas which have yet to be
explored will be shown as black. The Hand icon is used to choose items
from the backpack or to gather magic items in the mazes. The final icon
is the Game Options icon. The player can start a new game, load a past
game, save the current game, adjust sound levels, return to the current
game or quit. Saving the game often is highly recommended.

The area in which "I.M. Meen" falls short is on educational value. The
grammar and spelling lessons provided are good, but these simply are too
few. Another problem is that if a player is not very good at the game, he
cannot keep his character alive long enough to find the scrolls and learn
the lessons. One suggestion I have is that the player could heal his
character by solving similar problems. This way he would learn more
lessons and could play longer.


Graphics ........... 8.0
Sounds ............. 9.0
Interface .......... 8.0
Play Value ......... 7.5
Educational Value .. 6.0
Bang for the Buck .. 7.0
Average ............ 7.58


Microsoft to Release Rudyard Kipling Story

Microsoft recently representatives attended the recent American Library
Association in Chicago and presented the company's multimedia version of
Rudyard Kipling's classic fable "How the Leopard Got His Spots." In
association with Rabbit Ears Productions, this will be the first in a
series of CD-ROM storybooks for children.

The program will feature the narration of famed actor Danny Glover and
music by the Ladysmith Black Mambazo a capella ensemble. The program is
designed for children ages six to ten and will feature animations,
graphics, music, sound effects and interactive games. Brightly colored
illustrations of African wildlife, people and terrain will give children a
rich playground of exploration and learning. Audio and animated word
definitions will help children increase their reading and vocabulary skills.

Interactive games have been included to assist learning about African
culture and animal life. Mancala is an African stone game. Children will
learn about camouflage in Paint the Forest. Musical Matching is a game of
rearranging music segments into the correct order. The final game is
P.J.'s Puzzle which consists of jigsaw puzzles made from graphics from the

"How the Leopard Got His Spots" is scheduled for an August release with a
suggested retail price of $34.95. The program will require an IBM
compatible computer with a 486SX-33 running Windows 3.1, a CD-ROM drive
and an SVGA display.


Sanctuary Woods Announces New Multimedia Titles

Sanctuary Woods has announced its intentions to produce CD-ROM titles for
both the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn. The first product will be the
"Enhanced Director's Cut Version of the Journeyman Project" and it should
be available in Winter 1995.

Coming soon to PCs and Macs, "Buried in Time" will allow game players to
enjoy virtual time travel. The game consists of three CD-ROMs featuring
thousands of rendered graphics, professional actors captured in full-
motion video and dozens of puzzles. This sequel to "The Journeyman
Project" even includes on-line assistance as an artificial intelligence
named Arthur.

Scheduled for Winter 1995, "Orion Burger" is a humorous, fully animated
cartoon adventure game. Players must solve many bizarre intelligence
tests to prevent space aliens from making mankind the next special in the
restaurants of their home world. This game is aimed at teens and adults
and will be available for IBM compatibles with DOS 5.0 or greater.

Shipping for Fall 1995, "Lion" will be the second release in Sanctuary
Woods' Predator Series. Similar in structure to the award-winning "Wolf,"
players will now live the virtual life of an African lion. This CD-ROM
simulation for PCs and Macs includes 3-D graphics, realistic gameplay and
an interactive safari. Estimated retail price is placed at $49.95.

Coming soon to a Macintosh or IBM compatible near you is "The Riddle of
Master Lu." This first-person adventure is set in 1936 and features
Robert Ripley of Ripley's Believe It or Not. His life may have been the
inspiration behind "Indiana Jones." The player must help Ripley find the
Emperor's Seal to prevent disastrous consequences. This CD-ROM program
features live actors and numerous mind-boggling puzzles.

And on to children's software!

"Travelrama USA Deluxe" is available now in Macintosh and Windows CD-ROM
formats. It is an electronic boardgame allowing one to four players ages
seven and up to learn about geography while traversing the United States.
The program allows players to participate at different difficulty levels
as they attempt to locate postcards by visiting specified locations.
"Travelrama USA Deluxe" has an estimate retail price of $29.95.

Franklin the turtle promises to bring high quality reading fun to children
ages four to seven in "Franklin's Reading World." Children explore the
ten linked scenes of Franklin's world, finding his friends while doing
entertaining learning activities. Words are sorted into three levels
based on length so children can play at an appropriate skill level. Each
screen contains "Word Builder," "Sentence Builder" and "Memory Game"
activities which use colorful graphics, animations, sound and music to
teach word recognition, spelling and reading comprehension skills. The
program will be available in Fall 1995 in both Macintosh and Windows CD-
ROM formats with a price of $39.95. A smaller version of the program will
be available on floppy disk at $29.95 and will be entitled "Franklin's
Reading Games."

Sanctuary Woods also announces sequels to their popular "Math Ace" and
"Word City" educational titles. "Math Ace Grand Prix" and "Word City
Grand Prix" feature customizable content and rendered graphics while
encouraging children ages eight to fourteen to learn fundamental math and
language skills. Players will build a race track by earning sections of
track in arcade-style learning games. Then they will race for the
checkered flag while solving math or language problems. Available for
both Macintosh and Windows, the programs will be offered in both diskette
and CD-ROM versions for the estimated selling price of $39.95. A Champ
add-on diskette is available as an option.

"Bit-Bot's Math Voyage" is the improved and simplified version of the
award-winning "Math Ace Jr." Children ages five to eight will play math
activities to win fish and earn money to buy treasures for their
aquariums. Important math concepts such as addition, subtraction and
multiplication are taught in an entertaining undersea environment.
Improvements over "Math Ace Jr." include faster performance in the Windows
version, a simpler user interface and written help sections for parents
and teachers. "Bit-Bot's Math Voyage" is available in both diskette and
CD-ROM versions for both Macintosh and Windows with a suggested retail
price of $39.95.

All of Sanctuary Woods' many software products are available through
computer and software stores, plus discounters and major distributors.
These products can also be purchased directly from Sanctuary Woods. For
more information, call Sanctuary Woods at 415-286-6100.


> MS PLUS! STR Spotlight Win'95's Powerful Sidekick



by R. F. Mariano

For the last year, the flow of CDRoms to our office has been almost
constant from MS. The reason; Win'95 and MS Plus! Beta versions arriving
to put through their paces. The beta program instituted by Microsoft has
been intuitive and far reaching. By all known standards, the Win'95/Plus!
Beta programs have set the true standard for all serious beta programs of
the future. The Win'95/Plus! beta program has had the luxury of being on
more machines of every description in the shortest amount of time of any
previous program ever beta tested.

The result? Easy, the purchasing user will receive the most
thoroughly tested software effort the world's computing platforms have
ever seen before. Most other companies have in the past beat their users
to death with patches, fixes and minor updates between one major revision
t another. Microsoft has, at last, changed all that wheel spinning
aggravation. Or, at least set the correct example of how it should be

Below, we present some of the very important features of Microsoft
Plus! Windows 95 and MS Plus! Has to be the most pleasing and equally
efficient OS available at this time for the individual user, the SOHO site
and the onsite installation of businesses. If you use Windows of any
sort. Its a given you'll be right at home with the POWERFUL combination
of Win'95/Plus!..


Windows 95 represents the culmination of hundreds of man years of
effort at Microsoft to build the next generation PC operating system.
Within the narrow hardware constraints of a 386DX processor with only 4
Mbytes of memory, Windows 95 delivers advanced features like Plug and
Play, multimedia support pre-emptive multitasking, unprecedented
ease-of-use and an advanced shell.

In parallel to the development of Windows 95, the Personal Systems
Division has developed several additional technologies that take advantage
of the high speed hardware that is becoming common today. These features
will be delivered in a companion product to Windows 95, called Microsoft
Plus!. Microsoft Plus! requires a 486 or Pentium based PC running Windows
95 with at least 8M of memory.

Microsoft Plus! uses the power of 486 and Pentium PC's running
Windows 95 to:

Improve the Look of Your Desktop
Microsoft Plus! has several new features to improve the look of your
Windows desktop:

* Custom desktop themes, complete with their own color schemes,
sounds, wallpaper, animated mouse pointers, and more.

* The ability to customize the standard desktop icons (My Computer,
Network Neighborhood, and Recycle Bin).

* Full-window drag, which enables you to see the contents of a window
as you move or resize it.

* Font smoothing, which eliminates the jagged edges on large screen

* Wallpaper stretching, which resizes your wallpaper to fit the screen.

* Run better, by performing system maintenance tasks automatically, and
by increasing the amount of free disk space.

* Surf the Internet. The Internet Jumpstart Kit included in Microsoft
Plus! makes it easy for any Windows 95 user to get onto the Internet,
with one-button sign-up via the Microsoft Network as well as support
for existing Internet service providers. It includes the Microsoft
Internet Explorer, a powerful World Wide Web browser that fully
integrates the Internet into Windows 95.

Microsoft Plus! will be available at the same time as Windows 95, and will
sell for less than $50.

Microsoft Plus! focuses on two key areas to make PC's run better:

System maintenance and disk space
For most of the last decade, disk maintenance tools like disk
defragmenters, surface scanners, and repair tools have been common place.
Yet these programs are commonly used by only the most knowledgeable PC
users. Most customers are aware that they need to maintain their PC's,
but few do because the tools are time consuming to use, and typically they
require some amount of technical expertise to use effectively. The
Microsoft Plus! System Agent is an intelligent agent that runs these tools
at appropriate times to automatically maintain the customers PC.

Real time disk compression products have also been available since
the early 1990's. These products increase usable disk space by
transparently compressing data as it is written to the disk, and then
transparently decompressing the data as the user requires it. Although
popular with some customers, a common complaint about real time
compression products is the impact it can have on system performance.
Microsoft Plus! includes new compression which performs better than ever
before, and achieves unmatched levels of compression.

Self Maintaining
The key to making PC's self maintaining with Microsoft Plus! is a
utility called the System Agent. The System Agent is a program scheduler
which is also capable of detecting user idle time on the PC. When
Microsoft Plus! is installed, the System Agent is automatically configured
to run maintenance tools like Scandisk & the disk defragmenter when you're
not using the system. You can eat lunch, while your PC maintains itself
and if you should return from lunch early, simply touch the keyboard or
move the mouse to make the system agent put away whatever activity it is
currently working on until the PC is free again. You can also use the
system agent to schedule other programs to run at preset times or whenever
you aren't using your PC. For instance, you can tell the system agent to
run the Windows 95 backup every day between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM if the PC
isn't being used.

Scheduling system maintenance activities with the System Agent
During installation, Microsoft Plus! configures the System Agent
automatically to run the most common system maintenance tasks you might
need. Plus! automatically configures the System Agent to run Scandisk,
Disk Defragmenter, and a low disk space notification. If you choose to
install DriveSpace 3 compression, the compression agent is also configured

You can determine what programs the System Agent is currently
configured to run on your PC by double-clicking the System Agent icon on
the taskbar in Windows 95. This will show all of your configured
programs, plus the schedule times, and when the program last ran and
whether or not it ran successfully.

Introducing Plus! Disk Compression
Microsoft Plus! provides several enhancements to Windows 95 disk

* DriveSpace 3, an updated version of Windows 95 DriveSpace, with
new advanced settings that let you adjust the balance between speed
and disk space. DriveSpace 3 format stores compressed data even
more effectively than Windows 95 DriveSpace.

* Compression Agent, a new program that compacts individual files on
a DriveSpace 3 drive even more tightly. By default, System Agent is
configured to run Compression Agent nightly to compact your files
for maximum disk space without sacrificing system speed.

* Support for compressed drives up to 2 GB (2048 MB) in size.
(Previously, the size of a compressed drive was limited to 512 MB.)

Compressing a Drive
Disk compression works by storing data more efficiently, so that your
drive can contain more data than it otherwise could. After you compress
a drive, it appears to be larger, so that it contains more free space. For
example, after you compress a 200MB drive, it might appear to be a
460MB drive with 260MB of additional free space.

If you have not yet compressed your drive, Microsoft Plus! makes it
easier than ever to do.

Upgrading a Compressed Drive
If your drive is already compressed using DriveSpace or DoubleSpace,
you can upgrade it to DriveSpace 3, the new Microsoft Plus!
compression format. Upgrading your drive typically creates even more
disk space and also allows you to use other Microsoft Plus! compression
features on that drive. DriveSpace 3 supports compressed drives up to 2
GB in size, so if your compressed drive was constrained by
DriveSpace's former maximum size of 512 MB, you should definitely
upgrade to DriveSpace 3 format.

Balancing Disk Space and Speed
When you use DriveSpace 3 to compress or upgrade your drives, it
prompts you to choose the balance you want between free disk space and
speed. Then, it configures your disk-compression settings accordingly.

If you want to change your disk-compression settings later, you can
use the Fine-Tuning Plus! Compression wizard in Help, which provides step-
by-step instructions for:

* Configuring your disk-compression settings so that your system is as
fast as possible.

* Freeing as much space as possible on your hard disk, even if it slows
the system down a little.

* Fine-tuning your compression settings for a balance between speed
and disk-space.

More About Plus! Compression
Microsoft Plus! provides two disk-compression tools, DriveSpace 3 and
Compression Agent, that work together to provide as much free space as
possible without slowing down your computer.

Although DriveSpace 3 and Compression Agent are both compression
programs, there are many significant differences between the two.

DriveSpace 3
Makes entire drive appear larger. Runs "invisibly" all the time.

Compresses a file whenever you save that file.

Saves files in standard compression, HiPack compression (see box), or no

Compression Agent
* Makes individual files use less space.

* Runs when started by System Agent (typically, when you aren't using
your computer). You can also run Compression Agent yourself.

* Compresses files only when Compression Agent is running.

* Saves files using HiPack or UltraPack compression; can also
uncompress files.

When you compress or upgrade your drive using DriveSpace 3, you can
configure your system for maximum speed, maximum space, or a balance
between the two. DriveSpace and Compression Agent work together as

* DriveSpace runs all the time to provide access to your compressed
drive and the files it contains. Whenever you save a file,
DriveSpace automatically saves it using standard or HiPack
compression. However, when configured for maximum speed, DriveSpace
saves files in uncompressed form.

* Each night, System Agent runs Compression Agent to compact your
files even more. By default, Compression Agent compacts less
frequently used files by using UltraPack compression; it compacts
other files by using HiPack compression.

When Compression Agent runs nightly, you start each day with a
freshly recompressed drive containing highly compressed files. As you work
on files, DriveSpace saves them by using standard or HiPack compression
(or uncompressed, depending on your configuration). So, if you change a
file that was tightly compacted by Compression Agent, that file may be
saved in a less highly compressed form. As a result, your drive may be
slightly less compressed at the end of the day than it was at the
beginning. The next time Compression Agent runs, it recompresses your
files to regain as much disk space as possible.

To take full advantage of Compression Agent, leave your
computer on as much as possible (preferably 24 hours a day) so that
Compression Agent can recompress your files while you aren't using
your computer.

Microsoft Plus! Internet Tools
Microsoft Plus! provides many useful Internet features, including:

* Easy signup using the Internet setup wizard.

* The Internet Explorer, which you can use to browse the World Wide
Web and other parts of the Internet.

* The ability to put shortcuts to your favorite Internet locations on
your Windows desktop.

* Internet Mail client, which enables you to receive Internet mail even
if you aren't using The Microsoft Network.

* One month of free Internet use from The Microsoft Network.

* The Microsoft Network version 1.05 (an enhancement to version 1.0,
included with Windows 95).

Internet Basics
The Internet is a rich and varied source of online information from
all over the world. It includes reference material, news, and social
commentary ranging from scholarly to fun. For example, you can find
up to the minute stock quotes; an article on current medical research;
and possibly, full-color images of someone's pet iguana, updated every 60
seconds via a video camera in its terrarium.

To get to information on the Internet, you need:
* An account with an Internet access provider. A company that
provides access to some or all types of Internet information.
Microsoft Plus! Setup runs the Internet setup wizard to help you get
started with the Internet. You can either sign up for an account with
The Microsoft Network, or use your own Internet access provider.

* A Modem.

* A program that downloads (retrieves) the information you want from
the Internet For most types of information, you can use Internet
Explorer. To read and send electronic mail, you can use Microsoft

System Agent Aware Applications
The System Agent can launch any Windows or MS-DOS based program,
without requiring any modification to the program being scheduled.
However, there are things Independent Software Vendors (ISVS) can do in
their applications to add value for customers using those programs in
conjunction with System Agent. Programs that have been modified to
exploit System Agent are referred to as "SAGE aware"'.

System Agent aware programs have the following characteristics:
* They show up in the drop down list box in System Agent's "Schedule a
new program" dialog;

* They behave well when run in unattended mode; for example, system
agent aware programs don't generally ask for input from a user when
they are run. ISV's can design their software so that it is able to
determine if it is being run by the system agent.

* They can optionally provide a Settings dialog that System Agent can
display to allow users to specify a set (or multiple sets) of
preferences/parameters to be used when the program is run by System
Agent. All of the default tasks which included in Microsoft Plus!
provide this dialog.

* They may optionally define a set of exit codes and a corresponding
set of strings that System Agent will record in its log (and display
in the "Last Result" field of the system agent user interface), so
that users have a record of whether the program ran successfully and
what its final result was.

In addition, System Agent exposes an API that applications can use to
directly manipulate SAGE's data base of scheduled programs. Using this
API, applications can add themselves to SAGE's queue without requiring the
user to manually schedule the program using System Agent's user interface.
The System Agent also exposes APIs that applications can use to detect if
System Agent is running, and to suspend System Agent so that it will not
start up any programs until the application says so (or until the system
is restarted).

Scheduling Windows 95 Backup with System Agent
Many people make daily backups of crucial data on their systems. The
System Agent can schedule the Windows 95 B

ackup program to perform an
unattended daily backup of your data, and monthly full backups. The steps
to accomplish this are as follows:

1. Start the Windows 95 Backup Applet, and load the Full System
Backup. set file.
2. Under the Backup/Settings/Drag and Drop, uncheck the 'Confirm
operation before beginning option. This option will allow the
backup program to run unattended.
3. For the full backup make any other changes you want, such as
"Format tape if needed", or "Quit upon completion". Then save
these changes.
4. Then create a differential backup set by changing the "Full" to
"Differential" setting in the Settings/Options/Backup Tab. Save
this one as your Daily Backup set file.
5. Exit Backup
6. Bring up System Agent and Schedule a new operation.
7. Browse for the command line for Backup.exe, then add the rest of
the line or type the following exactly (quotes included) changing
the path information to fit:

"C:\Program Files\Accessories\Backup.exe" "C:\Program
Files\Accessories\file set name.set"

8. Do this for both the full and daily backups taking care to
schedule them at different times even though the full will be
only once or twice a month. HINT: Allow yourself time for
daily to complete before the full starts.

Advanced Data Compression (DriveSpace 3 & Compression Agent)
Microsoft Plus! ships with advanced data compression. There are
three parts to this new data compression:

1. A new compressed volume file format (called DriveSpace 3
format). This new format provides two customer benefits: larger
compressed volumes (up to 2 Gigabytes, vs. 512M with DriveSpace
or DoubleSpace) and reduced file storage overhead.

2. DriveSpace 3: DriveSpace 3 is a new compression program for real
time data compression. With DriveSpace 3 customers can choose
to increase compression levels, or increase PC performance,
depending on the settings they select for data compression.

3. The Compression Agent: The Compression Agent is a utility which
can be used to improve data compression levels by compressing
data when the PC is not being used. As configured by DriveSpace
3, the System Agent runs the Compression Agent automatically to
super-compress files while the customer isn't using the PC.

Both DriveSpace 3 and the Compression Agent support multiple types of
data compression on DriveSpace 3 volumes. These different types of
compression are as follows:

STANDARD = the same compression offered by Windows 95 DriveSpace today

HIGH PACK = higher compression ratio than Standard Compression
slower to write compressed data than Standard, but identical
or faster speed when reading compressed data

ULTRA PACK = achieves exceptional compression ratios - both reads and
writes slower than Standard or High Pack compression. Good
choice for compressing infrequently used data.

The combination of DriveSpace 3 and the Compression Agent give great
flexibility in choosing how and when data will be compressed. For
instance, for maximum performance, you can choose to not compress data at
all while you are working, and have all of the compression performed
"after hours" by the Compression Agent.

DriveSpace 3 format
DriveSpace 3 format, the new compressed volume file format, saves
customers space by reducing file system overhead. The savings can be very
substantial depending on the kind of data being saved on the hard disk,
and the size of the disk itself. Customers may recover as much as 200
Megabytes of disk space, for instance, on a I Gigabyte disk drive.

DriveSpace 3 also supports compressed volumes up to 2 Gigabytes in
size, vs the 512 Megabyte volumes which were supported in previous
versions of DoubleSpace and DriveSpace.

How does it work?
CVF3 achieves its results from two fundamental changes in the
compressed volume format from previous formats.

The first change is the use of 32k clusters on the disk, as opposed
to the 8k clusters used in DriveSpace used in Win'95 and DOS 6.22. One
benefit of quadrupling the cluster size is that it is now possible to
quadruple the amount of data stored on the disk to 2 Gigabytes (since the
FAT file system allows a maximum of 65,536 clusters per disk partition.

Uncompressed FAT drives over 1 gigabyte in size use 32k clusters.
The FAT file system always uses at lesst one whole cluster to store a
file, no matter what the size of the file is. That means, on a system
with 32k clusters, that storing a 1 byte file wastes 32,766 bytes of
storage space on that disk. The wasted space is sometimes called Cluster
Slop. When compression is installed, a minimum of 512 bytes (instead of
32k) is required to store a file. Thus, the same file which takes 32k to
store on an uncompressed drive takes only 512 bytes to store on a
compressed drive, even if the actual data is not actually being compressed
when it is saved (eg it can be saved to the compressed volume file w/o
being compressed). This is called Reduced Cluster Overhead. It can
result in substantial disk space savings. For example, 64 Win'95
shortcuts (which are typically 300 to 400 bytes in size) take 2,097,088
bytes (2mb) of storage space on a normal 1.2 gb FAT drive, but just 32,767
bytes (32k) on a CVF3 system. Thus resulting in an amazing savings of
2,064,321 bytes. (2mb)

NEXT WEEK... The conclusion of this series and the start of our full
Windows 95 overview/review.




Compiled by Jerry Ellis

The following is a list of Smileys that I am familiar with and their
definitions. As with any definition there are different meanings in
different localities and settings. The basic Smiley, :-) may just mean
"Have a nice day!" for example. If readers have other Smileys or
different definitions please send them email so I can add them to the
file. This font is the Windows Times New Roman and some Smileys will look
different using other fonts. Note the [shift backslash] displays as a
solid vertical line. Older computers displayed this character with a
small space in the center (the eyes are closed). This file is saved using
Windows Write word processor included with MS Windows.

:-) I'm just kidding
(-: I'm just kidding (and left handed)
:-( I'm sad (or I didn t like that last statement)
:-< I'm seriously pained
:-C I'm really bummed
;-) I'm winking (accompanies a flirtatious remark)
:-I I'm indifferent (cap i, this is better than a frown, but not as good as a
Happy Smiley)
:-> I just made a sarcastic remark (sharper than a :-))
>:-> I just made a very devilish remark
:-7 I just made a wry remark
:'( I'm crying
:'-) I'm so happy I'm crying
:-D I'm laughing
|=) I'm tired but happy (this font shows as a solid line, shift backslash)
:-# My lips are sealed
:-& I'm tongue tied
:-J I'm speaking tongue in cheek
%-) I ve been staring at a computer screen too long
B-) I'm cool
:*) I'm drunk
#-( I'm hungover
8-) I'm wearing sunglasses
:-~( I have a cold
:-P I'm sticking out my tongue
:-)~ I'm drooling
:-0 I'm yelling (typing in caps is also considered yelling and maybe rude)
|I I'm asleep (shift backslash and cap.i)
|^o I'm snoring (shift backslash, sm. oh)
:-/ I'm baffled
:c I'm pouting
:-@ I'm screaming
:-! I'm whispering
:-Q I'm a smoker
:-? I'm a pipe smoker
:-}) I'm wearing a moustache
=|:-) I'm wearing a top hat
*<:-) I'm Santa Clause
+-(:-) I'm the Pope
5:-) Elvis
7:^] Ronald Reagan
&;^} Bill Clinton
C|:-= Charlie Chaplin
d:-) Baseball player
:-[ Vampire
:-E Vampire in need of orthodontia
<:-I Dunce (cap i)
K:-) Propeller head (nerd)
:8) Piggy
3:-o Cow
:=8 Babboon
0-) Cyclops
[ ] Hugs...
:* ...and kisses

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N


For a limited time only; If you wish to have a FREE sample printout sent
to you that demonstrates FARGO Primera & Primera Pro SUPERIOR QUALITY
600dpi 24 bit Photo Realistic Color Output, please send a Self Addressed
Stamped Envelope [SASE] (business sized envelope please) to:

STReport's Fargo Printout Offer
P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32205-6155

Folks, the FARGO Primera Pro has GOT to be the best yet. Its far superior
to the newest of Color Laser Printers selling for more than three times as
much. Its said that ONE Picture is worth a thousand words. Send for this
sample now. Guaranteed you will be amazed at the superb quality. (please,
allow at least a one week turn-around)

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N

___ ___ _____ _______
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/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/_____
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

John Deegan, Editor (Temp)

> STR InfoFile


BERKELEY, CA, June 13, 1995 -- Access Softek today announced the immediate
release of an essential new tool for EPS and PostScript users. EPS Import,
Search, and Preview imports native PostScript files directly into Windows
applications. For the first time ever, PostScript files can be displayed
on screen -- in full-color -- from within programs like Microsoft Word and
Adobe PageMaker. Still more important, those files can be now printed
from any standard Windows printer.

PostScript is the industry standard file format for desktop publishing.
But the complexity of the file format has meant that users are often
working blind. Since Windows applications do not directly support the
format, what is seen on screen is, at best, a rough approximation of their
image in the form of a grainy bitmap. More often, programs display only a
grayed-out box where the image should be. And using PostScript has been
costly, requiring either a high-end PostScript printer or buying printing
services from a service bureau.

EPS Import, Search and Preview solves these problems for PostScript users.
Users can then import and, view in full color, EPS and PostScript files in
their favorite Windows applications.

The EPS import filter also includes EPS Search and Preview, a valuable
utility that allows a user to rapidly search a local or network disk for
any EPS or PostScript file based on their own search parameters.

EPS Import, Search, and Preview retails for $199.95. It is currently
available for a special launch price of only $99.95. The program works
with any EPS 1 or PostScript file and is compatible with Microsoft Word,
Adobe PageMaker, Claris Works, Microsoft PowerPoint, WordStar for Windows
and Lotus AmiPro.

Access Softek is the world leader in graphic filter technology and is a
key supplier to many of the major software companies including Microsoft,
Corel, Adobe and Claris.

Access Softek Press Release
CONTACT: Alastair Dodwell
Access Softek (510) 848-0606

CDR Import Search and Preview is a trademark of Access Softek. All other
product names are trademarks of their respective holders.


Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Well, vacation #1, this summer, is winding down. It's been a
great couple of weeks, though. The weather, unlike last year at about
this time, was splendid. It was hot only a few days; most days were
around 65-75 with a nice sea breeze to keep it very comfortable.
Sitting outside, drinking a few cold ones, reading a good book...

Oh, sorry - you don't want to hear about that stuff! This is a
computer mag, not a 'What I did on my summer vacation' report!

Still waiting for that elusive Falcon to show up at my door. I'd
like to thank everyone who responded to pre-Falcon set-up questions;
they were all very informative. I'm really looking forward to this new
machine. Can you tell I'm not good at waiting?

Interesting news this week. Every time I see posts about CD-
related items, I want to run right out and grab a CD-player for my
machine. Items such as those mentioned in the announcement by It's All
Relative, below, sound incredible. A CD has to be one of my top two
next purchases! I've also heard from a number of people who have
purchased the Suzy B's/Toad Computers double-CD set, and are raving
about it! I want this one too! Who said there's nothing new coming
out to use on Atari computers?

Well, since I am officially on vacation, I'm not going to make
this week's editorial long (I've got a couple of bottles of 'Red Dog'
waiting, and a cool spot out on the front porch!). So, let's get to
the news and information for another week.

Until next time...


>SARA CD-ROM Software! STR InfoFile! - 'Search And Retrieval Atari'

She's very small but LLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Well, if you haven't seen LLLLLLLLLL
SARA, maybe you've seen LLLLLLLLL
some of these popular DOS LLLLLLLL
& Windows (shudder) CDs: LLLLLLL

=============== The Wayzata World Fact Book 1992?
=============== Software Toolworks Reference Library v2.0.0?
=============== Audubon's Mammals?
=============== Audubon's Birds?
=============== The Powerhouse Art History Encyclopedia?
=============== Sherlock Holmes on Disc?
=============== Shakespeare on Disc?
=============== CD-ROM Deluxe Toolworks Reference Library?
=============== 1992 Time Man of the Year?
=============== 1993 Total Baseball?
=============== 1994 Total Baseball?
=============== The Family Doctor?
=============== Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia v6?
=============== Martin & Porter's Video Movie Guide?

(with a CD-ROM drive of course)? No?



............and nothing on the Atari platform can touch it for
ease of access to information-based CDs

A - Finally a Reference Library on your
B - Finally a World Almanac on your
C - Finally the Classics on your
D - Finally an Encyclopedia on your

Pictures, Text, Printing, Research, Literature,
Art, History, Geography, School (sigh), World
Events, Dictionary, Thesaurus, Quotations, Reference,
Sports, Science, Entertainment .... and more!

PH: (314)831-9482 GEnie: GREG

SARA is now available from a *lot* of ATARI DEALERS! Call your
favorite Dealer or Mail Order store to find out!



_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/
_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_// _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_//
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/ _/_/ _/_/
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/
_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/

===================== SEARCH AND RETRIEVAL ATARI ======================
============ CD-ROM ACCESS FOR ATARI USERS NOW! ============

-O- If you've got ExtenDOS
-O- If you've got a CD-ROM drive
-O- If you've got an Atari computer
-O- If you've got a hard drive

........ then SARA is for you!

SARA programs replace the Search and Retrieval engines found on a
whole host of DOS/Windows CDs. Right now, Atari users can look at the
files on a rather large pile of Clipart, Image, Photo CD, Music and
Font CDs right from the GEM desktop . . . but when it comes to
looking at information on Multimedia CDs (Encyclopedias,
Factbooks, Movie Guides, Cookbooks, and many, many others), we're
all stuck. The main reasons of course, are that the file
structures cannot be read by TOS, or the information is coded into
huge data index files!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SARA solves the problem! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Different SARA programs access the following CDs:

SARA 5-Pack (5 SARAs on one disk!) ............$69 Cdn/$59 US
-O- The Software Toolworks Reference Library 1992 Edition
-O- The Wayzata World Factbook 1992 Edition
-O- 1992 Time Man of the Year
-O- The Powerhouse Art History Encyclopedia
-O- Parenting - Pre-natal to Pre-school
-O- Sherlock Holmes on Disc
-O- Shakespeare on Disc
-O- Audubon's Mammals
-O- Audubon's Birds
-O- 1994 Total Baseball
-O- 1993 Total Baseball
-O- The Family Doctor

SARA for Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia .......$59 Cdn/$49 US
-O- Grolier's Version 6 Multimedia Encyclopedia

SARA for Video Movie Guide .....................$49 Cdn/$39 US
-O- Martin & Porter's Video Movie Guide

coming soon .......

SARA for Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook,
Wine Guide,
Gardening Handbook!

oooooooooooooo SARA gives Atari users access to CD-ROM information
oooooooooooooo that was previously reserved for PC and MAC users -
oooooooooooooo WE'VE always had to look towards printed media for the
oooooooooooooo same information . . . but no more! SARA lets us read,
oooooooooooooo search, and otherwise access a whole new world of
oooooooooooooo information. And if you own a TT or a Falcon or
oooooooooooooo even an STe, accessing CDs like SARA Grolier's will
oooooooooooooo give you a genuine Multimedia experience - with
oooooooooooooo Sounds, Music, Graphics, Maps, Pictures, Portraits!!
oooooooooooooo The SARA 5-Pack along with the Software Toolworks
oooooooooooooo Reference Library, Wayzata & 1994 Total Baseball
oooooooooooooo CDs, are an education and entertainment
oooooooooooooo combination that is hard to beat on *ANY* platform!!
oooooooooooooo SARA for Video Movie Guide will entertain and
oooooooooooooo delight you for hours on end too . . . and still
oooooooooooooo remain an indispensable guide to movies on video
oooooooooooooo and TV!

|||||||| SARA programs are available (along with CDs!), from *ALL*
|||||||| fine Atari dealers - call your dealer now. If you're
|||||||| not sure where your nearest dealer is, and you want to
|||||||| join the CD revolution - call Greg or Randall Kopchak at
|||||||| IT'S ALL RELATIVE 314-831-9482 or Howard Carson at
|||||||| ABC SOLUTIONS 416-752-2744


For best results, SARA requires a TT or Falcon with 4 megabytes of
RAM and a hard drive, running in 640x480x16 color resolution.
Other combinations, including some graphics cards, also work
well. STe or better is required for sound. TOS revisions below
2.06, resolutions below ST High (640x400x2) and multi-tasking are
not specifically supported.
SARA is a Trademark of Proton Research. SARA =Copyright 1995 Peter
Zalesak, Howard E. Carson and Proton Research

> Dallas Atari Show Update! STR NewsFile! - AUNT Expo News!


The Atari Users of North Texas (AUNT) presents the D/FW Exchange
Underground Computer Exposition (DEUCE). The show will be held in
Dallas this October in conjunction with the monthly DFW XChange
Corporation "Super Saturday" activities at the beautiful Dallas Infomart.
Show date is Saturday, October 7th. The exposition, along with the Super
Saturday activities, is free and open to the general public. The one day
exposition will begin at 8:30 AM and run until 4:00 PM. Both a Friday
evening pre-show get together and a post show get together are also
being planned.

October is a great time to visit the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. For
one thing we probably have better weather in October than most of the
rest of the world. The DFW Xchange Corporation "Super Saturday"
activities are a monthly computer extravaganza where thousands of
computer enthusiast get together, share their computer interests and
enjoy some of the best computer and high-tech electronic buys in Texas.

This October will be special for us Atarians because many of our finest
developers and dealers will be participating in the activities.

The Dallas Infomart facility - a replica of the famous 1895 World Fair
Crystal Palace - is located in the heart of the Dallas Market District.
The facility is leased by the DFW Xchange Corporation each month to
provide a community service to all computer users in the Metroplex area.

The Atari Users of North Texas is one of many participating user groups
that help support this community service by sharing our Atari computer
interests, general computer expertise and providing user assistance to
our local Atarians and the interested general public.

Vendors currently planning on participating include; It's All Relative,
Systems for Tomorrow, chroMagic, Crawly Crypt Corporation, Oregon
Research, Dave Munsie, DMJ Software and Branch Always Software.
Vendors interested in participating can contact:

David Acklam
(214) 242-9655
GEnie ...... D.ACKLAM
Internet ....


> German FREEDOM 1.14! STR InfoFile! - Multitasking File Selector Out!

From the Usenet's comp.sys.atari.announce area:

From: Kolja Koischwitz <>

Program: Freedom
Version: 1.14
Date: 28.06.1995
Type: Multitasking-Fileselektor
State: Shareware
Costs: 30 DM
Authors: Kolja Koischwitz (
Christian Krueger (
Hardware: >=1MB, Hard disk!
Memory: needs 170kB
Changes: - Own copy/move actions (in background!) via Clipboard
and drag & drop
- new Filetype concept (Typenames, -priorities und -colors)
- New: full non-module *Multi*-file-selection even with
programs like Pure C!!
- finally crash-free under SingleTOS
- Trappers are running under MagiCMac from Auto-Folder
- many further bug fixes
Archives: FRDM114D.LZH (Deutsh)
FRDM114E.LZH (english, with little delay)
(pub/atari/incoming or pub/atari/Utils/Disk)

PS: From 6. July to end of July we both are not accessible. If you want
to register, then do it now, if you don't want to wait a month for the

> STR NewsPlus

In the.. "Whatever Happened to the; 'Dog is Man's Best Friend' Dept."

-/- Dog Bytes; Man Is Sentenced -/-

In Switzerland, a 24-year-old man has been handed a suspended
90-day jail sentence following his conviction for abandoning his dog
in a forest after it chewed up his computer.

According to the French Agence France-Press International News
Service, the unidentified man said during his trial that Desiree, his
Appenzeller, chewed his computer in November. Furious at the damage,
he tied the animal to a tree in a forest north of La Chaux-De-Fonds in
northwest Switzerland.

Charles Guggisberg, head of the Animal Protection Society which
took in the pet told the daily Le Matin newspaper Desiree was discovered
by walkers several days later "in agony, completely dehydrated and
overcome with cold," adding, "It is still affected by the trauma of its
ordeal and we have had to put it in a shelter."

The AFP says the Animal Protection Society has announced it will
protest the leniency of the sentence.

-/- Kevin Mitnick Gets Plea Bargain? -/-

Computer invader Kevin Mitnick, scheduled to go on trial July 10
on fraud charges, reportedly has reached a plea bargain with federal

In Raleigh, North Carolina, The News & Observer, citing a copy of
the plea bargain it obtained, reported this morning the deal would
throw out all but one of 23 charges the 31-year-old Mitnick faces and
calls for no more than an 8-month prison sentence on the remaining

The Associated Press reports no comments from both William
Delahoyde, an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of North
Carolina, and John Dusenbury, Mitnick's public defender.

As reported, Mitnick several years ago pleaded guilty to breaking
into Digital Equipment Corp. computers. At that time, he struck a plea
agreement with California prosecutors in which he served one year in
prison and promised to get treatment for an addiction to computers.
However, he went on the lam in 1992 before completing the treatment,
eluding authorities for more than two years.

Last Feb. 15, authorities arrived at Mitnick's apartment in North
Raleigh, tracked down after he broke into the San Francisco system, The
Well, and began reading users' e-mail. He also broke into the system of
security specialist Tsutomu Shimomura, who then cancelled a vacation to
help federal agents track him down. Mitnick has been held in North
Carolina jails since his arrest.

The newspaper says that according to the copy of the plea
agreement signed last week, Mitnick, who was indicted by a grand jury
on 23 counts of computer fraud, admits possessing 15 telephone numbers
he cloned so he could burrow into computer systems.

"The remaining 22 charges would be dismissed, but he could face
prosecution in other districts, most likely in California on the
probation violations," AP reports.

-/- Mitnick May Face Further Charges -/-

Attorneys confirm California computer invader Kevin Mitnick has
agreed to a plea bargain that would allow him to serve eight months in
prison in exchange for a guilty plea to one of 23 charges.

However, prosecutors in Raleigh, North Carolina, where the 31-year
old Mitnick was arrested earlier this year told United Press
International the suspect may face additional charges elsewhere.

"He has not been indicted here on computer fraud," Assistant U.S.
Attorney John Bowler told the wire service. "Other jurisdictions remain
interested in him."

As reported, government and industry sources allege Mitnick is
responsible for millions of dollars in damage to computer systems and
software nationwide.

California defense attorney John Yzurdiaga confirmed Mitnick has
agreed to plead guilty to a single count of possessing stolen phone

"The 23 charges he faced in North Carolina involved only the
cellular phone fraud Mitnick is alleged to have committed during the
few weeks he was in the Raleigh area before his capture," UPI says. "In
California, Mitnick could face charges stemming from probation

(After serving a year in prison for previous hacking-related
crimes, Mitnick agreed to enter a counseling program to help him curb
his illegal computer compulsions. However, he fled before he finished
treatment and just before the FBI tried to question him about still more
hacking allegations.)

UPI says there also could be additional charges in California,
Colorado or Seattle, where Mitnick was believed to have stayed while
running from authorities.

Said Yzurdiaga, "There have been ongoing discussions with the U.S.
Attorney's office" in Los Angeles.

As reported earlier, Mitnick was scheduled to go on trial July 10
on fraud charges.

-/- Dole Sides With Microsoft -/-

Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole has termed "overzealous" the U.S.
Justice Department antitrust division's conduct in its current
investigation of Microsoft Corp.'s proposed Microsoft Network online

In remarks read into Wednesday's Congressional Record and
distributed to reporters last night by a public relations firm
representing Microsoft, the Kansas Republican said:

"A company develops a new product. A product consumers want. But
now the government steps in and is in effect attempting to dictate the
terms on which that product can be marketed and sold. Pinch me, but I
thought we were still in America."

Business writer Rob Wells of The Associated Press quotes a Dole
spokesman as saying he couldn't elaborate on the senator's remarks.

As reported earlier, Microsoft this week struck back at the Justice
Department probe in a broad attack to try to quash a government subpoena
related to its proposed online service. At issue is Microsoft's plan to
link the service with its new Windows 95 software, set for release next

AP says Dole used the case to highlight a broader issue, expressing
concern about some members of Congress wanting to give the Justice
Department too much power to enforce telecommunications laws under a
recently passed reform bill to reform the telephone and cable industries.

Said Dole, "Antitrust standards are not only sufficient, but it
seems to me that the current Department of Justice is overzealous in its
use of these statutes."

Citing reports the department is seeking all documents from
Microsoft concerning "the future of computers and computer technology,"
Dole said, "If this report is accurate, DOJ is out of control."

In response to the senator's criticism, Anne K. Bingaman, assistant
attorney general for antitrust, issued a statement saying, "Antitrust
enforcement is based on the law and facts, and is always required that
we do investigations with objectivity and confidentiality. We will
continue to meet those high standards."

Meanwhile, Wells says Microsoft appeared pleased by the majority
leader's support. Microsoft spokesman Greg Shaw commented, "We have said
all along that we don't understand how a new entrant creating new choices
for the customer with improved technology and lower prices should be the
subject of a Department of Justice investigation."

-/- Microsoft Confirms Backup Plan -/-

While a Justice Department victory is far from assured, court
documents confirm Microsoft Corp. has contingency plans to cope with
any order to separate its proposed online computer service from its
Windows 95 to avoid delay of its Aug. 24 release date.

Writing in The Wall Street Journal this morning, reporter Don Clark
quotes a top Microsoft executive as confirming his employer is
considering how to remove software for using the Microsoft Network from
Windows 95 if the Justice Department seeks and wins an injunction
barring the bundling of the two products.

Said Vice President Brad Silverberg, in charge of Windows 95
development, "We would be naive not to think through the possibilities.
If Justice were to tell us to remove the code or modify the product in
some way, we would have to consider how we would do that and see what
impact that would have."

Noting Microsoft's contingency plans were reported Friday by
InfoWorld magazine in a synopsis of an article scheduled to appear in
today's issue, Clark quotes Silverberg as saying the company has no
plans to voluntarily remove the software for the so-called online

Such a voluntary removal has been urged by some outside observers,
says Clark, "to ward off any Justice Department action on the matter,
nor is it considering any plan to ship the operating system with
software from competing on-line services, he said."

As noted, online competitors complain Microsoft Network's links to
Windows 95 give the company illegal advantages in the market for online
services. As reported, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole jumped into the
fray last weekend, calling the Justice Department probe "overzealous."

-/- Microsoft Net Rivals Fear Costs -/-

Online businesses positioned to compete with Microsoft Corp. say
the software giant's planned Microsoft Network could force them to boost
payments to computer makers to include their access software on new PCs.
Online competitors want the Justice Department to force Microsoft
to offer its access software separate from its new Windows 95 operating
system due to launch Aug. 24. Failing that, they say, Microsoft should
be required to offer their online services on an equal basis with its
own online system.

As noted, Justice Department investigators are conducting an
antitrust investigation on Microsoft's marketing plans for Windows 95,
which, as now configured, has Microsoft Network built in. Speaking with
Sara Hansard of the Knight-Ridder Financial News Service, CompuServe
general counsel Kent Stuckey said computer makers are making "demands for
significant payments" to include CompuServe access software.

He is quoted by the wire service as saying manufacturers such as
IBM, Compaq Computer Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co. and Packard Bell
Electronics Inc. all have started asking for significantly more money
from CompuServe since Microsoft announced its marketing plans for
Windows 95.

"Many, many millions of dollars" are involved, Stuckey said,
adding he believes other online services also are being asked to pay
more to equipment manufacturers to have their access software included
on new machines.

Because computer makers are paying Microsoft for its Windows 95
operating system, "Microsoft is being paid" for its online service,
Stuckey said, which will give Microsoft economic and marketing
advantages over other online competitors.

Meanwhile, America Online attorney Simon Lazarus told the wire
service Microsoft will be able to position its access software to give
it a big marketing advantage over other online services. He thinks that
within the next several years that may allow Microsoft to dominate the
online service market.



Super Burnout Peels Out! CATnips!
Minter/Defender 2000 Update!
'Game Informer' Goofs! Bubsy Review!
More Hover Strike Codes! And more!

> From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!

Super Burnout has been getting quite a bit of online reaction
lately, as the game starts to reach the dealers. It's been noted that
there are still a number of people trying to find this latest game,
however. We've got a "first impressions" report from STReport staffer,
Craig Harris.

Atari's Don Thomas is still at it, cranking out those CATnips
reports; and we've got the latest one for you here (missed last week's
issue by nanoseconds!). We'd like to express our appreciation for all
of the online and behind-the-scenes work that Don and other Atari
personnel have been doing for quite some time now. It's terrific how
they go that extra step to keep in touch with the userbase.

There's not a lot of new information for you this week, probably
due to the short holiday week and summer vacations. However, we do
have two CatBox reviews almost ready (should be in next week's issue)
and a number of game reviews in various stages of completion. We
should have a review of 'Bubsy' this week, and Theme Park, Syndicate,
and a few others coming in the next few issues. And, July and August
should be good months for new games also, so stay tuned!

Until next time...


> Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out.

Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $29.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $29.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/
Crescent Galaxy $29.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $69.95 id/Atari Corp.
JA100 Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95 Telegames
J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Rebellion/Atari Corp.
J9029 Doom $69.99 id/Atari Corp.
J9036 Dragon: Bruce Lee $39.99 Atari Corp.
J9003 Club Drive $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9007 Checkered Flag $39.99 Atari Corp.
J9012 Kasumi Ninja $69.99 Atari Corp.
J9042 Zool 2 $59.99 Atari Corp
J9020 Bubsy $49.99 Atari Corp
J9026 Iron Soldier $59.99 Atari Corp
J9060 Val D'Isere Skiing $59.99 Atari Corp.
Cannon Fodder $69.99 Virgin/C-West
Syndicate $69.99 Ocean
Troy Aikman Ftball $69.99 Williams
Theme Park $69.99 Ocean
Sensible Soccer Telegames
Double Dragon V $59.99 Williams
J9009E Hover Strike $59.99 Atari Corp.
J0144E Pinball Fantasies $59.99 C-West
J9052E Super Burnout $59.99 Atari

Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Air Cars TBD MidNite Entertainment
Fight For Life TBD Atari
Flashback TBD U.S. Gold
Power Drive Rally TBD TWI
Rayman TBD UBI Soft
Ultra Vortek TBD Atari
White Men Can't Jump TBD Atari
Jaguar CD-ROM $149.99 Atari

Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J8001 Jaguar (complete) $189.99 Atari Corp.
J8001 Jaguar (no cart) $159.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95
CatBox $69.95 ICD


> Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile - The Latest Gaming News!

CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Patricia Kerr
Dorf & Stanton Communications Inc., Los Angeles
310/479-4997 or 800/444-6663

For Immediate Release


SUNNYVALE -- July 5, 1995 -- Earlier this morning Atari Corporation
released "Super Burnout", a fast-action cartridge title for the 64-bit
Jaguar system. In this crash- and-burn arcade-style game, motorcycle
players compete head-to-head with friends, computer generated racers,
or against the clock.

"Super Burnout" has 60 frame-per-second break-neck action graphics and
intense realism of motorcycle racing. Players criss cross the globe
to compete on the most intense tracks in the world. All eight racetrack
locations feature awesome scenery and the hottest music soundtracks.

The key to a player's driving success is to choose a custom sports bike
that provides them with the winning edge. "Super Burnout" offers
numerous motorcycles for players to choose from, each with individual
style and powerful driving capabilities. The two-player "versus mode"
applies split-screen details, which allows competitors to view their
racing progress all the way to the checkered flag.

"'Super Burnout' is a great addition to our library of software titles,"
said Ted Hoff, president of Atari Corp.'s North American Operations.
"It is a fine example of the high-quality, competitively priced software
we continue to bring to our Jaguar 64 consumers."

"Super Burnout" players can race day or night and choose the number of
laps in one of four racing modes. "Super Burnout", rated KA (appropriate
for kids through adults), is available for sale now for $59.99
(suggested retail price).

Additional Atari Jaguar summer releases will include: "Ultra Vortek",
"White Men Can't Jump", "FlipOut!" and "Rayman". These are just a few
of the many great titles for the Atari Jaguar library, which will
approach 100 titles by the end of 1995.

For over 20 years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers with
high-quality, value priced entertainment. Atari Corporation markets
Jaguar, the only American-made, advanced 64-bit entertainment system.
Atari Corporation is located in Sunnyvale, CA.

"Super Burnout" (c) 1995, Atari Corporation, Virtual Xperience and Shen
Technologies SARL. All Rights Reserved. "Super Burnout", Atari logo
and Jaguar are all trademarks of Atari Corporation. Virtual Xperience,
The Virtual Xperience logo and Shen Technologies SARL are the trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
owning companies.

Onliners note: A .GIF file is provided with this release if obtained
in .ZIP form. To obtain an archived version of this document, see the
download areas of the Jaguar sections of GEnie or CompuServe. Copies
are also available by calling CATscan BBS at 209/239-1552.

### END OF FILE ###

-/- Buried in Time Game Ships -/-

Sanctuary Woods Multimedia says it has begun shipping PC and
Macintosh versions of Buried in Time, its new time- travel CD-ROM
adventure game. Shipment of initial orders for the Mac version were
completed in June, says the company, which is based in San Mateo,
California. A partial shipment of initial orders for the PC version began
in late June, with the majority of orders expected to be delivered to
retailers in the first weeks of July.

Buried in Time takes its players on a chase through history. Users
can explore seven interactive worlds and five different time periods,
ranging from a March 8, 1204, exploration of Richard the Lion Hearted's
castle to Leonardo da Vinci's private laboratory on December 1, 1488 to
a Mayan temple in 1050 A.D. The game sells for $59.95.


> STR Overview



From CompuServe/STReport member, Craig Harris

Just received a copy of Super Burnout...Been playing it since 4:00 EST.
Just thought I'd post my first impressions on this slick racer. Feel
free to comment, especially Atari-folk <g>

Now, no game is perfect, and this isn't an exception. These issues are
small, but not in the least minor:

1) It records the best average lap time and best lap time for each
track. However, it lists them as "Best Average Time" and "Best Time."
It would be more self-explanatory if it were "Best Average Lap" and
"Best Lap." Besides, it saves one character! <g> Very confusing.

2) When playing a two player game (Versus Mode), it's just you and your
bud. No one else. No where in the documentation does it say that it's
just you and your pal on an open the fact that when you
select the Versus Mode in the options screen, you can STILL select the
difficulty of the drones (computer opponents). The DRONE DIFFICULTY
option should be greyed out when Versus Mode is selected. Very
disappointed that you cant have enemy drones in two player, too.

3) You can't restart the current track in the middle of a race (as in
most racing games). I can understand not giving this option in
Championship Mode, but why not in any of the practice or Versus modes?
The only way to restart a race is to completely reset the system
(* and #)...very roundabout.

Being a veteran game-tester, I'm shocked that these issues weren't
covered...if I were beta-testing this title, I would have kicked and
screamed to get these issues resolved.

Here are some other negative comments, mostly design-related that no
beta-tester could convince a producer to fix. Trust me, I know. <g>

4) Sound F/X aren't in stereo. It would be VERY cool to hear
motorcycles passing on the appropriate side, or the crowd cheering in
one ear as you pass them.

5) Versus mode's viewing area is very confining. Basically, the
programmer brought the camera lower to the ground, and cut out most of
the scenery to fit two viewing windows. This limits the view
BIGTIME...mainly because you're trying to view the race THROUGH your
persona, not over him as in a regular one-player mode. I would have
suggested that the viewing windows be scaled back a bit, making the
road, scenery, and racer smaller than normal (keeping the background
the same side, as to not tax the system as much) so the race could be
played almost as well as in one player modes. However, this might tax
the system, and not get the same silky-smooth framerate it currently I'm not sure if the trade-off would be worth it.

6) Why the heck is the arena announcer announcing when you get a record
time and fast time? I think a more subtle "pit-crewish" voice would be
more appropriate than the massive, echoey voice of the race announcer.
Have him announce how many laps are left, sure...but leave the time
announcements to someone on your side. <g>

7) Championship Mode is kinda boring...It just feels like your playing
a track after track with no point, until after the final track they
give you the score. Why can't the scores be tallied BETWEEN tracks? And
why can't the drones be named in Championship? At least you can get
personal with someone named "Josh Smits" rather than "that blue drone."

Ok, negative mode off.

I really like the smooth flowing race track (although the groove should
look more like a groove than a blatantly painted dark-grey strip).
There are enough options and tracks to make the gameplay fresh for a
couple weeks of regular play.

I've had some really spectacular crashes (motorcycle-kinds, not
bug-related) that I'm not sure the designers intended. For example, I
was leading the pack, when out of the blue one rams me in the back, We
both go flying, then the rest of the pack follows, flying over *their*
handlebars. Really cool.

Though I can't recommend the game to everyone, this is an almost
must-have for video racing fans.

(Now, what are these "Stellar X" adverts on the side of the road,
hmmm? <g>)



> STReport Jaguar Game Review - "Busby"

-= Available Now =-
Developed by: Imagitec Design, Inc.
Published by: Atari
Sugg. Retail Price: $49.95
Ease of Play: Average/Intermediate
by Marty Mankins
with special guest Reviewer Tiffany Mankins (age: 3.5 yrs old)

There are many words to describe video games. Fun, challenging,
exciting, tough, stupid and many others, just to name a few. One of
the terms I haven't heard for a while is "cute", which is how my
daughter described Busby, the "Mario-like" game for the Jaguar. Busby
is cute. He's a bobcat that is in search of putting fairy tales back
together (or tearing them apart, if you tell the story from the game
play). Busby is a cute game. There is no getting around this. But
while it may seem cute, it really isn't that easy, except when Tiffany,
my 3.5 yr old daughter comes to play. Let me let her tell the story
in her own words. When it's her turn to say something, I'll start out
the comment with a T: When it's my turn again, I'll start the text
with a M: Simple enough? Well, maybe simpler than Busby. Let's tell
the story.


T: The bobcat is funny. He jumps on the screen. And once he jumps, he
goes into the air. Sometimes he will get a ball and gets to keep it.
Busby likes to jump on other things like a black card and a bunny

M: The action is good and Tiffany has already explained that Busby
moves around trying to get the balls in the air and on the ground. The
different characters that are similar from Alice In Wonderland are hard
to get by until you've played the game a few times. Once you know to
jump on top of the flamingos, rabbits, snakes and Tweedle-Dee and
Tweedle-Dum (avoiding their red balloons in the process), you can make
it all the way to the Mad Hatter. Get past him and his showering of
Busby killing substance, and you get to move onto the next level, which
is Busby and the Beanstalk. After this is Busby and the Arabian
Nights, followed by Water Busby and finally coming to Busby and Gretel.
All of these levels are filled with various enemies like those found in
Busby in Wonderland, with the same level of difficulty. Now maybe it's
just me, playing a "cute" game, being an adult. But I had a hard time
getting past a lot of areas. Somehow, I thought that Tiffany would
have it even harder. But not the case.

T: I beat daddy getting to see the Mad Hatter. I had to start over a
lot, but daddy took a long time to kill the Mad Hatter. I liked to get
the balls and jump up to get Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum. I fell in
the water a lot, but Busby can't swim. I like to swim in my pool, but
I don't get hurt. Busby needs to jump over the water. Then a big
cat's head sticks his tongue out gets me so I have to start over.
It's silly when Busby goes real fast and bumps his head on a rock.

M: Each game is timed. You get 10 minutes to finish that level. If
you run out of time, then you die and have to start over. You get
10 lives, which is unheard of in video games, unless you have been
playing a long time and have racked up numerous lives. Speaking of
lives, find the t-shirts that show a number "1" on them. These give
you extra lives. Also, the large exclamation points will let you go
back to that point in the game when you get killed. So your next Busby
life will start at that point. This is good because you don't want to
start all the way from the beginning. Several exclamation points are
scattered throughout the levels, so you get chances to stay at that
point when you die.

T: The music is fun. When I don't play the game, I like to dance
around to the music. When I play the game, I like to hear the music.
Busby likes the flamingos, but to jump on them and make smoke. Busby
likes to scoot on his feet when he goes fast. It makes him stop fast.

M: For obvious reasons, this game is good if you like a small
challenge. For those people who are so hardened by the mass number of
games and challenges come easy to them, Busby may bore them. I had a
friend come over and he went through several of the levels after just
a a couple hours of play. I have logged somewhere around 20 hours and
can get to the end of Busby and the Beanstalk before losing my last
Busby. I have not been able to find codes to get to the next levels
(each time you finish a level, you get a code for the next level so
you can start where you left off.

T: When daddy plays Busby, he gets mad when the bunny and the flamingos
get him. I tell daddy that Bubsy is ok and not to get mad at him. I
don't like it when the bee (wasp) gets me. If he were real and got me,
it would hurt. Busby makes a funny face when the bee (wasp) gets him
and then I have to go get him again.

M: The game play is a little slow at times, most likely geared towards
kids like my daughter. I found the slowness bothered me when I was
trying to complete a level, having to worry about running into a bad
guy or missing a ball or one of the other point items.

Graphics: 6.0
Sound FX/Music: 6.0
Control: 6.5
Manual: 5.5
Entertainment: 6.5
Reviewer's Overall: 6.5


As you have read from our review, Busby is fun. Busby is not all that
easy. And Busby is cute. This is the closest the Jaguar has gotten to
a "Mario-like" game, and will most likely be the closest until we see
the likes of the much-delayed Tiny Toons game (remember the one that
was talked about when the Jaguar was first released?).

As far as ratings go, the graphics were good, but could have been a bit
better. The sound and music was good, but like the graphics, could
have been better. Game control got slightly better results, but still
is not all that easy to control at times, especially when jumping and
trying not to "wobble" off when space is at it's minimum. The manual
shows most of the characters and has some good information, but there
could have been more. The entertainment value is actually quite good.
Nothing stellar, but fun to play and keeps you coming back for more.
Overall, Busby is a game that you may not want to pay more than $30
for, but if you are wanting a good game that the whole family can play
without worrying about getting bored or seeing blood, this is a keeper.


> Jaguar Easter Eggs/Cheats/Hints STR InfoFile - Solving Those Riddles!

In last week's issue, we promised you more tips for Hover Strike.
Below, you'll find the necessary codes to get to the secret bonus

Hover Strike Secret Bonus Missions

Enter these codes at the mission select screen to play the bonus
missions. There is one bonus mission for each of the first five
levels. After the code has been entered on the appropriate level,
scroll through the missions until you come to the bonus selection. It
is distinctively designed with a picture of the Hover Strike
development team standing in front of the landscape artwork.

The code for the first Bonus mission will only work on Level One. At
Level One, press 2+3+6+UP simultaneously.

The code for the second Bonus mission will only work on Level Two. At
Level Two, press 2+6+7+8+DOWN simultaneously.

The code for the third Bonus mission will only work on Level Three. At
Level 3, press 3+5+6+RIGHT simultaneously.

The code for the fourth Bonus mission works only on Level Four. At
Level 4, press 2+5+8+UP simultaneously.

The code for the fifth Bonus mission works only on Level Five. At
Level 5, press 3+4+6+7+DOWN simultaneously.


> Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr!

Atari Corrects "Game Informer" Magazine in 'Letter to the Editor'

June 29, 1995

Mr. Andrew McNamara
Game Informer Magazine
10120 West 76th Street
Eden Praire, MN 55344

Dear Mr. McNamara,

I received the latest issue (July) of Game Informer Magazine. As a
reader, I say "thanks" for the extensive E3 coverage and photographs.
I honestly feel you offer your readers a terrific publication. Since my
focus at Atari Corporation is in the area of customer service, I always
enjoy reading the reader feedback columns in the popular gaming
magazines. I find that your magazine treats and handles most of your
gamer inquiries real well.

In the July issue on page 5, however, I take exception with the way you
answered Mr. Brad Yach of Neillsville, Wisconsin. He asked about Jaguar
technology. Your reply was that the Jaguar is "a multiprocessor design
that utilizes a 64-bit bus and not a 64-bit CPU". You caution the gamer
not to get upset "because the Jaguar's $159 price tag reflects this
design and makes it not such a bad deal".

The Jaguar meets or exceeds every accepted definition of the term
"64-bit". It has a 64-bit highway AND it has multiple 64-bit
processors. You are correct that it is a multi-processor system. There
are processors that handle smaller housekeeping tasks that

are not
64-bit, but the power is there for developers to enjoy. For more
information, I have no doubt we could arrange an interview with the
system designer, Mr. John Mathieson. For your convenience, I have
attached a copy of "How Many Bits is Jaguar?" which was handed out to
the press on June 20th.

Personally, I don't think the fact that other gaming magazines publish
70 to 140 or more pages than you do each month have much to do with
the quality of your publication. The fewer pages have no impact on your
right to be described as a quality glossy-stock print publication. Then
again, maybe Game Informer Magazine isn't such a bad deal because the
cover price is only $3.95. <g>


Donald A. Thomas, Jr.
Director, Customer Service, Atari Corporation

CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.07.05)

For those in the States, I hope you had a pleasant Holiday yesterday.
I know a lot of you probably enjoyed outdoor things, I enjoyed a major
computer upgrade. As a result, I hope everyone will benefit. My first
project is to answer to everyone looking for a scanned image of Mr. Ted
Hoff. The file: HOFF.ZIP has been uploaded to CompuServe and GEnie and
should show up soon if the SysOps have not cleared it yet. The
description of the file is as follows:

*** Hoff President of Atari N. American Operations ***
This archive (ZIP'd file) includes the Atari Press Release
of June 26, 1995 PLUS a .GIF file of Mr. Hoff. The scanned
image is 15,391 bytes on disk. It is a 185x270 gray scale
image at 300 dpi. This photo may be appended to online
publications or reproduced by other means for purposes
which are complimentary to Atari and/or the 64-bit Jaguar.

Since this is a binary file, I cannot simply add it to CATnips and
send it through the Internet. So here's how to get a copy. A copy
exists NOW on CATscan (209/239-1552). Anyone can dial CATscan 24 hours
a day and grab this file. If you do, please re-post it in areas of the
online communities for others to enjoy. I have also uploaded the file
to CompuServe and GEnie. Please feel free to grab the file from these
online services and re-post them as you wish in support of Atari and the
Atari Jaguar.

*Please* do not request this file in E-Mail from me. I've made
arrangements to post it everywhere I can. If you don't find it on a
particular service, feel free to get it from CATscan and post it there
for others.

The image is for online viewing. Please contact the PR agency listed
with the press release to obtain a glossy if you wish to have a copy
for the hard media.

### END OF FILE ###

Sb: Defender 2K Update 6/95
Fm: Larry Tipton 74127,601
To: All

I picked this up from Minter's temp WWW page


Larry Tipton

D2K Thangs for June

June 24: Ructions

Well, a lot of stuff has happened... some of it either good or bad
depending on your point of view, some of it irritating, but a lot of it
good, never fear.

First off, if you've been reading r.g.v.a. at all you'll probably know
about it already: we are now back off CD and onto a cartridge format
again. This means that you can kiss goodbye the redbook audio and the
FMV intros and cutscenes and the interview with Uncle Eugene (although
I could still do that as text, of course)... The good news is that it
probably won't affect the gameplay too much; all that's really going to
be cut is some bells-and-whistles. Fear not 'coz there are still going
to be plenty of levels and cool new stuff in 2000 - I may do a few more
algorithmically-generated backdrops for levels than I would have done if
I'd had a dookieload <Ed> of space on the silver disk, but what the hey,
I like that stuff anyway.

As regards the audio, you can still count on that being excellent, after
all it *is* still gonna be by the same guys as did T2K's audio, and the
cart size is likely to be considerably larger, so don't worry, it'll be
top. Of course one side effect of all this is that we now already have
an audio-CD of the D2K music, which will be made available much like
the T2K CD. Also, I now have audio hooks linking the CD tracks to the
game levels, so I'll lleave them in so that if you've got the CDROM, you
can use the cart in conjunction with it and you'll get your redbook
audio. I'm thinking of putting in a little edit screen which will
allow you to use the tracks from *any* CD, so that you could set up the
game to play with NIN or Floyd or whatever else you want. I think that'd
be kinda cool.

Ruction no. 2 is that my artist has up and resigned from Atari right in
the middle of the project, which as you can imagine is a bit of a
pisser. We're looking around for new art talent at the moment, should
be sorted in a couple of days hopefully. It's not as bleak as it seems,
'coz we have all the art finished for Classic and Plus, and the new
guys can start fresh on 2000. One great thing that my artist gave me
before he left was the finished version of the Robot Camel - it's

So, what's actually happening with the game? Well, 2K is fleshing out
a lot more, the tile generator looks like it's going to work well with
the game, I have six layers of parallax going at the moment, and an
absolute dookieload <Ed> of objects in gamespace, and another dookieload
<Ed> of projectiles and the resultant collision detect logic going, and
yeah, it keeps that magic 60frames. The 2K equivalents of the main
Defender enemies are in there - it was real easy to put them in with my
new game engine, the control logic is probably about 1/10 of the size of
the equivalent stuff in Plus. The Pods are particularly nice, as the
Swarmers are now carried externally, orbiting around the Pod like
electrons around an atom. You snuff the Pod and they all fly off and
come after you. There'll be different kinds of Swarmers too in 2K, and
as they're external you'll be able to see just what trouble each Pod
holds before you open it, and hopefully be ready for the resultant
hassles! It'll be kinda cool to have Pods with a mixed load of

Humanoids play a lot more of an active role in 2K. For a start they
are going to be a lot more detailed, as with the vertically-scrolling
play area, I can have all the game objects about twice as big as their
Classic and Plus equivalents. The Humanoids jump gleefully and wave
when you rescue them. Best of all, each successive Humanoid you collect
dangles down in a chain under your ship, which looks really cool when
you've got a lot of them up there. I intend to have different kinds of
Humanoids too - at the moment the idea is that you'll have 'civilian'
Humanoids, who will be like your classic Humanoid and passive; then
'soldier' Humanoids, who you'll want to pick up, as each one will carry
a weapon which augments your firepower. Get a nice big chain of Soldiers
and you'll be nicely beweaponed! A third Humanoid possibility is the
'General' Humanoid, who will be armed like a Soldier but also smart, so
he'll aim and fire at enemies independently. I may even give him the
ability to 'command' any Soldier Humanoids you have and direct their
fire, so you'll have quite a bit of AI on board.

As you know, I like to put nasty stuff in my games to take you by
surprise, so how's this for an idea: the decoy Humanoid. What will
happen is that occasionally a Lander will extrude a dummy Humanoid and
go through the motions of abducting it. You will diligently streak to
the scene of the crime, blow away the Lander and zoom to the rescue,
failing to notice that the Humanoid in question looks *slightly* wrong.
The moment you catch him, he'll begin *eating* his way up your chain of
dangling refugees, killing as he goes; if you fail to dislodge him
before he reaches your ship, it's dangling cloth window coverings....

Keeping your Humanoids alive will be a top priority for all you
thumb-twitching space heroes. You see, whenever a Humanoid dies, he
doesn't just disappear: he leaves behind a tombstone. These will be
collidable, so they'll be a pain and obstruct clear flight near to the
ground. Worst of all, should you lose *all* your Humanoids, and go to
Hell, the tombstones will spew nasty ship-seeking ghosts whenever you're
around. Hell's gonna be a bad place. Be sure and pack your asbestos

Right, that's it for this time. I'm just about recovered from a
particularly good party last night at the gaff of a couple of the Atari
testers - I got absolutely hammered and had a splendid time. You know
it's a good party when the cops show up.


(:-) - Night after night, going round and round my brain, this dream is
/ driving me insaaaaaaane...

Sb: #Hot Info!
Fm: Simon Grierson 100407,2075


More snippets of information coming from Intelligent Gamers Online - here

"Virtua Fighter 3, Jaguar on the Net, Jag2, PortaJag,
Microsoft Expansion, the Talking Moose, Bye CES!,
Hasbro VR, 3DO Routines and Parodius Deluxe Pack!

Virtua Fighter 3 has been the subject of quite a few rumors already,
but quite a few of them (namely those describing the game as a 3DO
M2-compatible title) have been patently false.

Actually, we're told by a source at Sega, VF3 will use a new arcade
hardware configuration (perhaps titled Sega's "Model 3") which can
juggle somewhere over 750,000 high-resolution texture-mapped polygons
per second and features a new 3-D audio processor amongst other neat
new features. The developer? Not 3DO. The board has been in the works
by both Sega and Lockheed Martin (the company resulting from the merger
of Model 2-contributor Martin Marietta and Lockheed Aerospace), and as
you might expect from a machine with over twice the horsepower of its
predecessor Virtua Fighter 2 machines, the fighting and driving games
will have even more incredible 3-D realism and the ability to port
nearly unchanged (without polygon count reduction) models from Silicon
graphics workstations.

People in the know are saying that one company's efforts for the Jaguar
"might be [Atari's] saving grace," as word has leaked out that the
Jaguar is set to become the first game console with full Internet
navigation abilities. Software is apparently in the works to allow the
Jag -- using some as-yet-unspecified peripherals -- to act as a full
terminal for Usenet, World Wide Web, and E-Mail navigation, which leads
us to believe (and not without cause, we're told) that the Jaguar would
have to have a keyboard and perhaps a mouse, not to forget a modem,
storage device and a printer.

"How would Atari be able to release all of those peripherals?" one might
ask. IG Online has heard that they won't need to release them. Draw your
own conclusions, but this rumor is set to become fact within less than
two months. (Just to mention it, the 19.2K Baud Phylon voice-data modem
planned for the Jaguar is still intended for release, but apparently
there are technical Jag to Modem interface problems keeping it from
release.) Atari may suddenly find itself with an offensive weapon
against Apple's recently delayed (to post-1995) $500 Pippin -- Net
access for under $400.

Another Atari rumor with solid developer confirmation is Midsummer,"
Atari's ballyhooed Jaguar 2 hardware specification which offers coders
three key assets over the current Jaguar: a machine designed around
programmers' requests for a C (programming language)-friendly
environment rather than an Assembly environment, including full C/C++
coding tools; a supercharged architecture which will allegedly elevate
the machine to "four times the speed of the PlayStation," though such
words are always ambiguous; and finally, larger memory caches to
substantially aid in multitasking. We call this "rumor" rather than"
fact" for two contradicting reasons which had to be resolved somehow:
first, Atari discussed Midsummer at a recent shareholders' meeting,
which now appears to be Atari's version of the CES, and second, when
we attempted to contact Atari to confirm these details and learn more
about the project, we were told that no further information was
forthcoming at this time. (In other words, we should have probably
purchased Atari stock if we wanted to hear about the machine.) Atari
also discussed their new consolidated, low power consumption (3.3V)
Jaguar 1 chipset, code-named Tornado, which developers have been
telling us for weeks will very likely be the basis of a lower-cost
Jaguar machine and a portable Jaguar game system. All of this assumes
that money rolls in to finance such endeavors.

Mascots. Sega has Sonic. Nintendo has Mario and Donkey Kong. Get ready
for the appearance of a few bizarre icons on home game screens. Rumored:
Sega has been attempting since E3 to get some game company to include
their print advertisement Sinead O'Saturn character (well, that's not
really her name -- Sinatra might call her "the bald broad") in a cameo
game appearance. Also rumored: Sony is going to start putting their
demonic Hamarido Max (aka Polygon Man, 3-D Man) talking head into game
software, and Apple is thinking of putting -- get this -- the Talking
Moose into their Pippin console products. The Talking Moose was the
quintessential id-1980s Apple icon, a product of the creative juices
which have stopped flowing within the increasingly corporate Apple
environment: you turned him on, and he appeared in a tiny window at
random to disturb you as you worked or failed to work. Using primitive
but effective voice synthesis technology, the Moose had a large
programmable library of phrases and actually spoke through the
Macintosh's built-in speaker: "get back to work!" and "I'd like a
Pizza..." (dictating a list of ingredients), among other classic words.
Let's just hope that if the rumor is true, he doesn't go the way of
Bullwinkle and start hopping on platforms...

CES exodus: Nintendo has already pulled the plug on the Consumer
Electronics Show (see our current Nintendo 6/95 update story) and
multiple other companies may well follow them out the door. Details
are sketchy, but rumor has it that the other prominent names in the
industry will be canning their plans to attend future CES events, in
favor of Infotainment World's entertainment-only events.


In our review of Sega's Saturn hardware, we said the following:

"whereas the PlayStation... creates its backgrounds like the 3DO...from

A 3DO developer (name withheld by request) clarified and corrected our
sentence by saying:

On the 3DO, you can have a full-screen, 24-bit background (scrolling
in either X or Y, or both), and you can have this for less than *10*
CPU-cycles (to give you an idea of how small this is, just one multiply
is usually around 17 CPU-cycles). This technique is called VDL-scrolling,
and is really cool! The 3DO still has to do the sprite-based routine
for the rest of the parallax levels, though, like the PSX and unlike
the Saturn. It's super-fast, and really a clean routine; it wasn't even
known really until around the first of the year, around when one of the
guys in Developer Services wrote the routines.

In our E3 report on Sega's Saturn software lineup, we reported:

"Parodius - It's been a long wait, but this wacky side-scrolling shooter
is finally coming to the US (after an unsuccessful attempt by Konami to
impress the public with the SNES version). It is said that the Saturn
is good at doing 2-D games, and the Saturn Parodius did look better
than the Playstation one with more layers of parallax."

Julian Eggebrecht, a game developer with Factor 5 in Cologne, Germany,
mailed us with the following detailed correction regarding the parallax,
and the rest of his comments were also worth printing:

"I have both versions as imports from Japan at home and one thing which
is sure - the Saturn version doesn t have more layers of parallax. I
think I can compare both packages pretty competently to the original
arcade games, since I own both arcade boards as well.

"First of all, it is annoying to read in [a certain printed game
magazine] all the time that Parodius Deluxe Pack contains a conversion
of the SNES version and the new 32-bit Parodius. This is total nonsense.
Parodius 1 (named Parodius Da!) came out in the Japanese and European
arcades in 1990. It was a parody of the Gradius series and became
Konami's most successful shoot 'em up ever. In 1991, a very good but
two-level-shorter conversion came out as an 8 MBit cartridge for the
PC Engine. Parodius on that platform is technically one of the best PC
Engine games ever and is almost as playable as the original arcade. In
1992, the SNES conversion came out and it is almost better than the
arcade: It contains two levels MORE and it really has less slowdown than
the PCB board. To this day this is the best shoot 'em up (technically
and playability-wise) on the SNES. Sadly, this version only came out
in Japan and Europe.

"In early 1994, Konami released Parodius 2 (Gokujyu Parodius) in the
arcades. The game was in Hi-Res (512 x 240) and contained fantastic new
ideas and improvements on the Parodius theme.

"The main attraction of PSX and Saturn Parodius Deluxe Pack is
definitely Gokuyu Parodius. On both machines it is presented in its
original hi-res format - on the PSX with little black bars on the sides
due to the home consoles slightly different resolutions and on the
Saturn either with black bars or opened up on the sides with more
playing area. Both versions replicate the arcade's three playfields
(or parallax layers) perfectly - the Saturn by using three of its five
playfields and the PSX doing it 'by hand' with the Blitter-chip. Both
versions contain all monstrous effects, bosses etc. - you won't
recognize any differences in the graphics since both use the original,
unaltered graphics of the arcade. The main difference is the slowdown:
Since the Saturn can use real playfields for the backgrounds, all
blitter-power goes into the gigantic masses of sprites on-screen - even
in very crowded moments with hundreds of enemies and bullets there is
no sign of slowdown.

"Knowing the hardware of the PSX, it is absolutely remarkable what
Konami achieved: three playfields and the loads of sprites are a worst
case situation - Raiden Project almost never parallaxes and Gunner's
Heaven also doesn't - in this light Gokuyu Parodius performs miracles.
Sadly, however, miracles are not enough and all too often there is
slowdown and other graphical glitches which show that the PSX simply
can't cope with this amount of players and action. The game still
remains very good, but in this case the Saturn shows it's muscles - it
slows down even less than the arcade!

"As a bonus track, both versions contain the complete first Parodius
game - not a conversion from the SNES (thus it's missing the two
additional SNES/SFC levels) but direct ports from the arcade.
Interestingly, the PSX recreates the 320 x 240 low-res screen of the
arcade, whereas the Saturn remains in Gokuyu Parodius 512 x 240
hi-res - either with BIG black bars on the sides or widened up
considerably (and questionably). Aside from these differences, both
versions are perfect replicas of the arcade without slowdown.

"Both Deluxe Packs use the saving features of the machines for
High-Scores and settings. The Saturn doesn't have decent auto-fire
(like the arcade boards) and really needs good trigger fingers (or a
joystick). The music is stored data-reduced on the CD and is streamed
in real-time during play (straight CD audio wasn't possible, because
the length of all music is far more than 70 minutes) -- basically both
are the same, but the mixes are a little bit different. Sound
effects - they pack more punch on the PSX, but the Saturn contains
more. The Saturn sound FX reveal one big problem of the Saturn sound:
512 KByte uncompressed memory is not enough and 8-bit samples had to
be used. This problem will probably hit many Saturn games (Daytona also
is an example). On the PSX 512 KByte compressed (about M2Bytes
uncompressed) are enough for 16-bit samples and leave room for lots of

"This about sums it up - regardless what machine you own, you have to
try Parodius Deluxe Pack if you like shooters. On the technical side
the comparison shows nicely the much talked about 2D capabilities of
the Saturn - but it also shows that the PSX is good enough in 2D (with
a few problems) to present most current action games adequately."

[Intelligent Gamer Online vigilantly corrects published errors of
substance within our magazine To request a correction, please E-mail with appropriate factual references.]

I'll post this in each section too, just in case anybody misses
these messages!



> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. Jeez, this summer heat is getting to me
(shut up, Dana ;-). All I can think of is going into an air conditioned
room with a computer and modem and enough time to log onto my favorite
online service.

I'm going to take a moment here to tell you about my abject
disappointment in "The Way Things Are"...

As many of you may know, the Special Olympics World Games are being held
right now as I type this in New Haven, Connecticut (that's the home of
Yale University, by the way). The Special Olympics is an organization
founded by Eunice Shriver to benefit those with disabilities. I can
tell you folks, there are VERY few organizations as worthy of interest as
this one. The work they do is nothing short of miraculous. This year's
World Games is billed as "The biggest sporting event in the world in
1995". Special Olympians from all over the world are at this moment
doing their best with the gifts that God has given them, and showing the
rest of us that, no matter what, you can excel.

You've never seen a look of joy and accomplishment like that of a
handicapped person in the midst of competition. These are folks that the
rest of us have pretty much written off. They include weight-lifters,
gymnasts, golfers, swimmers, basketball, baseball and soccer players,
and many other sports that I can't keep up with. They are simply amazing
in their committment, discipline, and intensity. They deserve our utmost
respect and admiration.

Okay, now for the "down-side". Along with the estimated 1.5 MILLION
people that have traveled to my home state (Connecticut is _home_ to
about 3.25 million people), have come many opportunities. Large
companies have seen a chance to support a worthy cause while placing
their name and logo in prominent places. Meanwhile local vendors, after
spending hard-earned money for city permits, found that they were to be
relegated to the much less traveled areas of the city while McDonalds
and other "Mega Companies" hawk their wares and images as "companies
that care". Perhaps the Special Olympics should have been expanded to
include the "Public-Relations Challenged". Let's face it, these big
companies are telling us "look at what nice guys we are! We're donating
lots of money so that these people can, umm... do whatever it is that
they do. Oh, by the way, would you like to buy a headband with our logo
on it? How about a hamburger?"

The other disheartening event was the news-for-cash stance taken by the
Special Olympics Committee. They are not allowing local television
stations to show more than two minutes of any event on news broadcasts,
and have given preferential access to one station over the others in
exchange for a donation.

Granted the Special Olympics relies heavily on donations to do its work,
and with the decidedly "trickle-down" flavor of the current Congress and
Senate it won't get any easier but, c'mon guys, let's remember that the
news about this event should be available to all, as should be the spirit
that brings all of these fine folks here. As the ancient Greeks may have
said: Let the games begin.

One last note: Ramesh Mali of Nepal, a Special Olympian has just been
reported missing after swimming at a Connecticut state
beach. He is feared drowned. Say a prayer for him if
you are so inclined. Thank you.

Well, let's get to the purpose of this column... those online olympians
who go the extra mile for us every week.

From the Atari Computing Forums

Rob Rasmussen asks:

"What do I need to capture color pictures on my Falcon from my
camcorder? I want to have it take a "snapshot" of what the camcorder is
focused on, and view it on my monitor and save it as a picture file.
The camcorder only has one output that goes to a TV or VCR. Both my TV
and VCR have S-video outputs. In fact it would be cool to also capture
frames from TV or a video tape. Freeze Frame or Pause on my VCR looks
kind of cloudy usually - is it possible to capture a good quality
picture from live action on the TV? I have heard of gen-lock but don't
know much about it. Hopefully it won't be complicated to do this."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Rob:

"You'll need what's known as a "video capture board" to import frames
from a video source to your computer.

I don't know if they work on the Falcon or not, but I have a product
for my ST that's called "Color ComputerEyes", which plugs into the
cartridge slot, and has an RCA jack on it to connect to a video source.

I've used it with both live video cameras and VCRs as the source, with
varying success.

As you noted, the Freeze Frame function on VCRs usually doesn't
produce an absolutely steady image. The reason for this is that the
tape is held in one spot while the head scans it over and over. The
slight physical movement of the tape results in variations in the
picture from scan to scan. Normally this doesn't matter if you're just
viewing the TV screen to see where the football is in a disputed play,
(or checking out the cheerleaders.. :) but it can cause problems for
a computer scanning the same frame.

With my ComputerEyes, the movement of the tape can cause vertical
streaking as the computer scans the image several times and averages
the scans.

At one time, premium VCRs used "digital freeze frame", which
essentially captured the frame into RAM in the VCR, and the image was
displayed from that memory. This resulted in an absolutely rock-steady
display, but unfortunately this method is not used today (at all, as
far as I've been able to determine).

It's possible that with faster computers on other platforms that the
scanning speed has been increased to the point where this is no longer
a problem. I don't know for sure, as I've never checked out a video
capture board for my IBM systems.

At any rate, yes it's possible to get scans from video input sources,
but they are never as good as scans from hard copy scanners (which scan
in actual photographs).

Another problem is that I don't know if ComputerEyes is still in
business, or if an Atari version of their products is still available.
You might try asking if anyone with an Atari Color ComputerEyes is
interested in selling their unit, and whether anyone has used one with
a Falcon..."

Jerry Coppess adds:

"The Cartridge slot on the Falcon is different from the ST(e)and
Spectrum 512 picture are dissapointing after you are used to Falcon

Digital Vision(ComputerEyes) is still active in one of the Graphics
forums. Months ago I did a keyword search with Atari and found nothing.

Oregon Research(Atariven) has a VideoMaster Falcon board. It will
capture quarter screen monochrome images at up to 30 frames per
second,greyscale stills from any video scource with a "still" or
"pause" function (resolution ?) and color stills at any Falcon
resolution from a camera/camcorder thru 3 different optical filters.

Hmm after rereading their flyer. It is possible to do full color stills
from any video scource automatically with the ColorMaster add on board.
but it doesn't say specifically "still" like it does with the

They have a special on them now. $120 for VMaster Falcon audio/video
digitizer and $80 for the ColorMaster.

I lost Robs message so I'm putting this info here so he can read it."

Rob tells Bob and Jerry:

"I can see how computerEyes, scanning a video frame several times
while the freeze is actually flickering a little could cause a fuzzy
looking "sample." What about a camcorder plugged into a VCR, where you
can focus on a still object? Seems like that would be a lot sharper.
Actually my JVC camcorder doesn't give the clearest picture either
sometimes when it can't decide which object it should be focusing on.
Maybe I should check out Photography 101 :) Now, if I only had a decent
still camera, I could have pictures put on photo CD, which would seem
better than scanning. I have done color scanning with Migraph's
ColorKit, and I wanted to compare the results with video scans like
possibly the one Charles mentioned. Plus I want to do 3D objects too,
as well as pictures. Another fun area to get into...oh boy!

Yes I remember those digital VCRs they used to make. You could freeze
the frame while the tape was still going, and draw on it as I remember.
It does seem like a better system, at least for that. Wonder why they

Sysop Bob tells Rob:

"The output from a video camera or camcorder is a LOT sharper than a
freezeframe on a VCR... as long as the subject and camera don't move
during the digitization process, there isn't any "jitter" like you get
from holding the tape still.

I guess the reason VCR manufacturers stopped using the digital still
process is that the "analog" recording hardware in VCRs finally
improved enough to give a pretty good looking freeze frame by
themselves... back when digital stills were popular the hardware wasn't
as well perfected as it is now, and the current still frame setups are
good enough for most "live viewing" of stills. Unfortunately they're
still not good enough for computer imaging though.

For "high end" graphics work you can get "frame buffer" devices that do
essentially the same thing as the digital still frame.. that is, it
captures a video frame into RAM and lets you display the frame from
memory, but that's getting a bit on the expensive side.

I bought a used Sony black and white miniature video camera from a
place that had been doing digital robotic vision hardware (these
cameras were mounted on the robot arms so the computer could tell what
it was picking up) that I used pretty successfully for a short time to
digitize black and white artwork for DTP. The introduction of
inexpensive "hand scanners" made that setup obsolete overnight though..
the scanners are FAR better for that kind of thing than digitizing
images from a video camera.

It's a lot of fun to play with though..!"

Charles Cartwright adds:

"I have seen adverts for a Falcon specific video digitiser from Titan
Designs. It appears to have a digital frame store on board so poor
freeze frame on the VCR should not be a problem. I use Vidi ST from
Rombo on my STe which can capture grey scale pictures 'on the fly' but
requires perfect freeze frame on the VCR to get colour as it captures
the R, G and B parts separately then combines them afterwards."

Rob tells Charles:

"I have looked for info on the Titan video digitizer - do you know who
sells it in the US? I'm curious to find how it is connected to the
Falcon and what else is involved. Sometimes if recorded at SP and slow
tracking is adjusted, I can get a fair paused picture on my VCR, other
times a lot of snow."

Yat Siu of Lexicor Software tells Rob:

"The he Titan Designs board is available via Lexicor in the U.S.A. it
is called "Expose" and needs Apex Media Morphing and Animation software
for the falcon with DSP support.

Expose can digitize real time multiple frames as well, if you have any
questions on that board please ask us in atariven sec.9"

Charles tells Rob:

"As you can see from Yat's message, Lexicor handle Titan's digitiser
in the US.

I am surprised to hear that digital frame stores are no longer
available on VCRs. Alternatively, multi-head VCRs give almost as good a
freeze frame as the digital ones."

Frederic Scotti asks about finding fonts for his favorite document

"I am looking for somes vectorfonts for the Atari WP called Papyrus.
In case someone could tell me how, where how much... (etc...) to get
them FTP sites would be great!"

Dan Parrish tells Frederic:

"Try contacting Toad Computers at E-Mail address:, or
check try "". That last address should get
you product information, prices ets. I believe there is a cd-rom out
that has a lot of Bitstream's Speedo fonts but I can't recall any
details. I would think there should be someplace on Compuserve or the
internet where Bitstream fonts have been uploaded. Another idea is to
contact the guys in England who wrote Papyrus. I have recently jumped
over from using SpeedoGDOS to using NVDI3 wiut any problems as far
using the Speedo fonts."

Hal Dougherty asks for help:

"I'm looking for the dealers name and phone number that was in
Ashville, NC. I was a customer a long time ago (only 3 or 4 years
ago...) and I need to contact him. Any help would be appreciated."

A slew of people answer:

"I think you're talking about Sheldon Winick of Computer Studio...

It's the Computer Studio. The dealer's name is Sheldon Winick. Phone
number is: (704)251-0201 [toll free orders - 800-253-0201]..."

Sheldon is good people, as are everyone associated with Computer STudio.
Give 'em a call.

Bill Hoffmeyer tells us that he...

"Just moved, lost manuals and half lost but, I have saved two STs for
my two just starting to college children. Both thought "format" meant
"layout" in the process of learing how a word processor works on Atari.
Now, both Word Processors are blank disks. We have no Atari modem. I
am using PC modem here."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells Bill:

"You can download STWriter v4.8 from the library it is a freeware word
processor on the Atari ST. It includes documentation within the file.

You can download any of the files from the library to use on the ST.
Just format a 720K floppy disk on the PC and then copy the files to it.
After that one can use that disk to move files back and forth between
the PC and the Atari ST.

Any external hayes compatible modem will work with the Atari ST also.
You can download freeware/shareware telecommunications software for the
ST as well."

Michel Vanhamme asks...

"A question to MagicMac users/knowledgeables : How much RAM do you
need to work comforta comfortably?"

Richard Brown tells Michel:

"Depending upon how monstrous you make your System and Finder, you can
get by on 8 megs, as I do nicely on a little PowerBook 145B. Basically,
with 8 megs, you render your Mac side useless, but due to the huge
speed increases involved, you won't care. One word of caution: on
programs without an autosave feature, remember to manually save your
work often -- although MagiCMac itself is quite stable (at least as, or
MORE stable than the System and Finder) - it is, after all, a PROGRAM
running on a Mac, and as such, it subject to the Mac's own unkind
tendency to crash without warning. (I'm about to trade in a brand new
PowerMac 9500 because no amount of bug spray seems to make it work! It
is crash city on this waste of silicon, which doesn't take into account
that my PowerBook under MagiCMac is FASTER than the 9500 on all desktop

Bill Roberts posts:

"I have a 386 SX, and am curious as to whether I can install TOS on
this computer and then run all my Atari software. I now have an Atari
1040St, but would like to use just one computer.

If this can be done, how would I do it?"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Bill:

"You can't run TOS and ST programs directly on an PC because the
fundamental CPU chips are very different between the two systems.

However... there IS an "emulator" product that effectively translates
the Atari software into codes the PC can understand and run.

It's called GEMulator, and is available from Atari dealers, or
directly from the producer, Branch Always Software. We should have
some information available in our software library here, just BROwse
using the keyword: GEMULATOR.

The emulator consists of a new board you install in your PC that
contains the Atari TOS ROM chips, and a software program you run on the
PC to translate the Atari programs.

I've bought one for my PC, although I still haven't had time to put it
into the computer. Others here have used it and have been pretty happy
with how it works.

One thing though.. the speed of the ST programs depends directly on
the speed of the PC running the emulator. On a 386, you'd find that
nearly everything would run slower than it would on a "real" ST. A 486
is the recommended system to run the GEMulator on. A Pentium based
system can run ST programs several times faster than normal..!"

Mike Mortilla asks:
"Has anyone else here been successful in using MagiC multitasking?
I've bought the prog and installed it but can't for the life of me
figure out the set-up. Is it me or is it overly cryptic?

I've all but given up and before I make the disks into coasters, I
thought I'd throw out the question..."

Chris Roth asks Mike:

"On what machine are you running MagiC? Which version? I haven't had
any problems back in my MegaST days. Now I still sit and wait for the
Falcon version to be released.

As I remember, installation was totally easy and w/o any problems. I
hope you run it from a hard disk?"

Mike tells Chris:

"I'm running it on an STfm, 4 megs w/88 meg hd (TOS 1.4). It runs ok
but seems to crash every program I use. I've disabled everything, put
the old AUTO programs in the appropriate folder, etc., but it doesn't
seem to be working."

Chris asks Mike:

"Which programs are these? I know there are plenty of MIDI software
pieces that are not programmed very clean. All other major programs in
newer versions are rather compatable, to my knowledge. In fact, I
didn't experience problems except proggies like Cubase, Synthworks,

For programs that ain't so multitasking comatable (you often can see
these programs destroy the screen) there's a possibility to run these
in single mode. It did work for me quite perfectly."

Mike tells Chris:

"Actually, I can't seem to be able to run PageStream, WordPerfect and
Interlink! These are pretty solid programs. I haven't even tried my
MIDI stuff!

Anyway, I don't think I'll ever buy anything made overseas again! No
support in the USA is really a drag! I haven't even sent in the
warranty card!

Se la vie'... er... I mean, ...such is life!"

Our own Atari Section Editor, Dana Jacobson asks:

"I just happened to look through the Toad Computers ad in the latest
issue of ST Informer. Something that caught my eye was a Falcon hard
drive cable, apparently used to connect an external HD to the Falcon.

I may be overly concerned. I just recently purchased a Falcon (hasn't
arrived yet). I bought a model without an internal hard drive since I
already have an assortment of external drives that I'm currently using
with my ST. My question is can I just plug them in to the Falcon in
the same manner as I'm currently using or do I need that specific
cable? If I need that cable, is it proprietary or can I pick up one
anywhere? I'm hoping that the reply will be that I need that cable only
if I have an internal IDE drive and wish to daisy-chain external drives
which are not IDE, but I thought that I had better ask before I get
frustrated later and not know why!"

Greg Kopchak tells Dana:

"The Falcon has a mini-SCSI connector on it. Just tell your dealer you
want to connect a SCSI devise to a Sun workstation and you'll have the
right cable.

We got a good deal on one from Toad."

Frank Heller tells Dana and Greg:

"It's called a SCSI-2 to SCSI cable."

Jerry Coppess adds:

"Yes you have to use the cable to attach external drives to the Falcon
The SCSI-2 cable(from Toad) on my Falcon(TOS4.04) is a 50 pin
centronics at the drive end and a 50 pin male at the computer. The
computer connector looks like a DB connector but has spring loaded
levers that hold the connector in, instead of screws. And it is small
for a 50pin connector. The drawing in the Falcon book shows what looks
like a mini-centronics connector so yours may be different. I saw a
SCSI-2 cable($30) yesterday at CompUSA but did not look to see what
kind of connectors it had.

You can only have one IDE drive in the Falcon. It is set up as a SCSI
unit (13 I think). Their is no way, designed into the Falcon, to have
an external IDE drive."

Dana tells Jerry:

"Thanks for the info. I bought a Falcon with no hard drive in it; and
the ones that I want to connect are all non-IDE. I guess I'll have to
wait until I have the Falcon in my hands before knowing which special
cable I'll need for it. As long as I can get one almost anywhere, I
feel a lot better about it. Thanks again!"

Frank Heller tells Dana:

"I feel I must tell you that you will have to get ICD's "ICD SCSI HD
Utilities" package. The Falcon will not format or partition an external
SCSI drive without an internal drive present, without the use of
ICDBOOT. ICD has a section in the ATARIVEN forum. The package can be
obtained from Toad Computers 1-800-448-8623

You will drive yourself nuts without it. Ask Tom Harker some questions
about this in the ICD section."

Dana asks Frank:

"Are these the same as the ICD Pro utilities, or something altogether
different? I do have ICD Pro. My external drives that I'm using now
on my ST are [obviously] already formatted/partitioned.

Another question. Someone on the Usenet mentioned to me that I'd have
to remove the host adaptor(s) of my existing drives and get a Link 2.
Does that sound right? I have four drives and an ICD tape unit
attached to my ST right now. Two have host adaptors in them and
connected via DMA cables; the other two are connected via SCSI cables.

Thanks for your reply - I'm learning a lot which should help once I
have this machine in front of me (expecting it to arrive any day

Frank tells Dana:

"...same as the ICD Pro utilities...

Yep, one and the same.

The two SCSI units should work just fine. If the other units were SCSI
units that were modified for ST use...I would just remove what you
added to make them "talk" to the ST DMA bus. Just make sure you have
different ID's set up for each unit.

I would actually start with one of the "SCSI only" drives you have,
and turn that into the Boot Drive for the Falcon...and then add the
rest after that. It should be a fairly safe route. If the HD's are
already formatted & partitioned, you may want to merely repartition the
Boot Drive for convenience."

Well folks, the column has gotten longer than I had anticipated. Tune
in again next week, same time, same station, and be prepared to listen
to what they are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote" A wonderful "Better Way"


- Unknown

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