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Silicon Times Report Issue 1048

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

November 25, 1994 No. 1048

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 1-904-783-3319 10am-4pm EST

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> 11/25/94 STR 1048 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- Adobe Intros CDROM - Frankie's Corner - Telix Review
- ZEOS INTERNATIONAL - Fargo Primera Pro - Windows-95
- TIPTAP Lite - People Talking - COMDEX ISSUE


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
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"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

This week's issue, on the heels of the "great Thanksgiving dinner",
has been helped along by all the news and goodies coming out of Comdex
Fall'94. The show ended last week but the wonderment and revelations will
continue for some time to come. Zeos information has been included in
this week's issue because of the high volume of reader letters asking for
more info about their products and prices. STReport's recommendation for
the ZEOS Pantera Pentium is simple and to the point. This is the machine
of choice. If you are in the market, don't hesitate when thinking of the

I must admit I still feel somewhat "overfed"... so let's get on with
the issue while I still have the energy.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday.


Of Special Note:
STReport will be branching out further to Internet's userbase in the
very near future. We've received numerous requests to receive STReport
from a wide variety of Internet addresses. As a result, we're putting
together an Internet distribution/mailing list for those who wish to
receive STReport on a regular basis, and we'll UUENCODE each issue and
mail it to you.

If you're interested in being added to our mailing list, please, send
your requests to either "" or, RMARIANO@DELPHI.COM. Look
for mailings to begin by October first. We are also considering a number
of Internet ftp sites in which to post our issues for as well. Whatever
we can do to make STReport available to you. we'll try it!



Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles J. Deegan D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Michael Arthur John Deegan Brad Martin
John Szczepanik Paul Guillot Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy Jeff Kovach
Marty Mankins Carl Prehn Paul Charchian

Contributing Correspondents:
Dominick J. Fontana Norman Boucher Clemens Chin
Eric Jerue Ron Deal Mike Barnwell
Ed Westhusing Glenwood Drake Vernon W.Smith
Bruno Puglia Paul Haris Kevin Miller
Craig Harris Allen Chang Tim Holt
Patrick Hudlow

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
America Online..................STReport

STReport, with its policy of not accepting any paid advertising, has over
the years developed the reputation of "saying it like it really is". When
it comes to our editorials, product evaluations, reviews and over-views,
we shall always keep our readers interests first and foremost. With the
user in mind, STReport further pledges to maintain the reader confidence
that has been developed over the years and to continue "living up to
such". All we ask is that our readers make certain the manufacturers,
publishers etc., know exactly where the information about their products
appeared. In closing, we shall arduously endeavor to meet and further
develop the high standards of straight forwardness our readers have come
to expect in each and every issue.

The Staff & Editors




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #48

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.


******* General Computer News *******

** Atari's Jaguar Enters Japanese Retail Markets **

Japanese consumers are seeing the first appearance of the Atari
Jaguar 64-bit video game system at Toys "R" Us stores and other selected
retail outlets. Atari says Mumin Corporation of Tokyo is in charge of
distribution and sales throughout Japan.

Also learned was that Atari plans to introduce four new games this
week and still another five during the month of December in the US.
These new titles are all designed for the Jaguar system and should be
available wherever the system is sold worldwide. The new games are
priced from $49 to $69.

After debuting the system in New York and San Francisco during the
holiday season of 1993, Atari says its 64-bit game system is now
available in Europe, Canada, and the US.

** Kensington Intros Thinking Mouse **

Kensington has announced Thinking Mouse, the newest member of the
company's family of input devices for Macintosh, and IBM PC, PS/2 and

According to company spokesperson, Sarah Sherwood, the Thinking Mouse
offers "powerful, yet easy-to-use programmable" mouse software and
"innovative hardware for superior comfort and control."

The capable software and ergonomic hardware work together to allow
users to customize feature sets for each installed application including
acceleration, user-defined pop-up menus, and time-saving button func-
tions. Other software features include "Brilliant Cursor," which gives
users the ability to instantly jump to any pre-defined "hotspot" on the
screen and back.

Three versions of Thinking Mouse are being offered: the estimated
street price for the Macintosh version is $99.95; the serial and PS/2
and compatible version is $89.95; and the bus version is $119.95.

The Thinking Mouse is "guaranteed compatible" with Windows 3.1, MS-
DOS 3.x or later, OS/2 2.x, and Macintosh System 6.0.7 or later, inc-
luding System 7.5 and Macintosh on Power PC. All input devices include
Kensington's Satisfaction Guarantee, including a five-year product
warranty with toll-free technical support and a 90-day "no risk trial."

** HP Intros Advanced 8-Port Ethernet Hub **

Hewlett-Packard Company, a leading supplier of stackable hubs, has
introduced the HP AdvanceStack 10Base-T Hub-8U (upgradable). The company
says it is the first eight-port Ethernet hub capable of upgrading to
advanced management capabilities.

According to Gary McAnally, general manager of HP's Roseville Cali-
fornia Networks Division, at a suggested list price of $299, HP's new
offering is lower than most of the unmanaged hubs currently available.
McAnally added it is also the only eight-port Ethernet hub that offers
users a path to advanced SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
management functionality.

The HP AdvanceStack 10Base-T Hub-8U is backed by HP's limited
lifetime warranty and is expected to be available in December.

** Dataflight Software Offers Windows Database Management **

Dataflight Software has announced its Concordance version 5.40 for
Windows, a full text search and retrieval database manager for both
single users and enterprise-wide office environments. Concordance is
also available in DOS and OS/2 versions which offer advanced text search
and retrieval database management.

Users may search a database using any words, phrases or combinations
which appear in the database. The new version supports fuzzy logic,
which enables searching techniques that locate keywords even when they
are mis-spelled or mis-typed. Group searches and wild card searches also
offer increase the range of search capability.

Concordance v5.40 for Windows requires a 386 or faster processor,
Windows 3.1 or higher, at least 8 megabytes (MB) of RAM, and a hard
disk. Due to be shipped by December 1, Concordance v5.40 for Windows is
priced at $995 for single users and $4,000 for the network version.

** Prodigy Enhances E-Mail Services, Offers Focus Groups **

Prodigy has announced a number of E-Mail enhancements which include a
spelling-checker, a larger address book, increased message and subject
line space, and off-line composition in a users word processor. Also,
Prodigy has announced its Focus Group program for marketers, researc-
hers, and businesses.

Prodigy has also redesigned its format for messages and subject
lines, so as to increase the amount of writing space by 35%. The new
Address Book now allows users to include up to 50 Internet addresses and
50 Prodigy addresses. Members are also allowed to create nicknames in
the address book instead of having to deal with large and unwieldy
Internet addresses.

** Computer Peripherals Intros 28.8 Kbps Modems **

Computer Peripherals Inc. (CPI) is expected to soon start shipping
its first 28.8 Kbps modems for IBM and compatible computers.

CPI's 28.8 Kbps modem line, called ViVa, is built around the Rockwell
RC288ACi chipset and transfers data at 28.8 Kbps, sends and receives fax
transmissions at 14.4 Kbps and is fully equipped for voice

According to CPI, the PCMCIA version of the ViVa 28.8 Kbps modem will
have a street price of $299 and the external version should carry an
expected street price of $335, when all three units become available in
January, 1995.

** Sony's $999 17-Inch Monitor **

Sony has introduced the 17sf, the first 17-inch Sony monitor list
priced at less than $1,000. The new 17sf is geared to the SOHO (small
office/home office) market as well as "corporate America".

According to Sony, the 17sf has all the same specs of the current
15sf, except that it offers a 17-inch tube. Maximum resolution on the
new 17sf is 1280 by 1024. The 'sf' monitors introduce a three-year
warranty on parts and labor, in contrast to the one-year warranty of the
earlier CPD line. The new 'sf' products also provide a two-year CRT
(cathode ray tube) warranty.

Sony's new 17se is shipping now for a suggested list price of $999,
which includes software and an adapter for a Windows-based PC. The 17se
is also Macintosh-compatible, but a Mac adapter and software are priced
at an additional $18.95.

It is expected tha the street pricing on the new 17-inch Sony
Trinitron monitor to be in the $849 to $899 range.

** Quarterdeck Readies "Gamerunner" DOS Utility **

Quarterdeck Office Systems has announced plans to ship Gamerunner, a
utility suite for PC DOS games users that uses Quarterdeck's memory
management utilities to make games run faster, and more efficiently
within the PC's memory confines.

According to QuarterDeck, the three utilities in the package will
obtain more memory, speed up both disk access and memory management, and
even allow a game player to "cheat" on the game using various "peeks"
and "pokes."

Gamerunner will ship worldwide later this year. The package is the
first in a series of utilities designed specifically for DOS games, and
includes QEMM (Quarterdeck's Expanded Memory Manager) for Games 7, the
HyperDisk Speed Set from HyperWare and AXIS, the games cheater, from
Baseline Publishing.

** Alfa Offers Video Adapters, Software **

Alfa Inc., has unveiled two products aimed at the desktop videocon-
ferencing and video capture markets. Both work with fiber distributed
data interface (FDDI) local area networks.

The AlfaVision Motion-JPEG is a videoconferencing package, including
both hardware and videoconferencing software. Also available is the
AlfaMotion MPEG video playback card, for full-screen video playback. The
products rely on the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and Motion
Picture Experts Group (MPEG) video standards.

The AlfaMotion MPEG card plays back full-screen video at 30 frames
per second with resolutions as high as 1,024 by 768 with 64,000 colors,
according to the vendor. It also provides 16-bit stereo audio.

The MPEG card is available now at a list price of $395. The Motion
JPEG package will be available in January, Alfa said, with prices from
$1,795 to $2,095.

** Novell Announces New Licensing For NetWare **

Novell Inc. has announced a new licensing program it says will let
users more closely match their NetWare license purchases with their user
requirements. The company also announced a new sales and technical
training program for Novell distributors and resellers.

Novell says the program will go into effect with the release of
Novell NetWare version 4.1. The new release is scheduled to ship in

** Cyrix Reveals 586 Chip Details **

Cyrix Corp. has revealed details about its first M1 architecture
product, a 586 microprocessor that is both superscalar and super-
pipelined. The company says the chip is targeted to be fastest x86 CPU
(central processor unit) for personal computers.

The chip includes a 64-bit data bus and a single 64-bit enhanced x87-
compatible floating point pipeline. The on-chip floating point unit
(FPU) uses a four-instruction queue and four independent 64-bit write

Cyrix said its first 586 M1-based chip will be produced in a 296-pin
SPGA (scattered pin grid array) package, the same used by the Intel
P54C. According to Cyrix, the M1 and P54C pinouts are similar enough
that motherboards can be designed to accept either part with a minimal
number of jumpers. The company said the only pinout differences are test
and debug features not used by most system designs.

The first 586 chips will be sampled in the fourth quarter and
production quantities are scheduled for early 1995.

** Carnegie-Mellon Univ Blocks Internet Porn **

Students can no longer use Carnegie-Mellon University's computers to
retrieve pictures via the Internet containing questionable sexual con-
tent. The university has blocked access to certain sources of pictures
it considers pornographic.

In a move that has provoked complaints of censorship and infringement
of academic freedom, Carnegie-Mellon imposed the restrictions after
seeing the results of research on online pornography by a research
associate, Martin Rimm.

Rimm, who is studying pornography in cyberspace, used Carnegie-
Mellon's computers to collect more than 900,000 pictures, ranging from
nudes to bestiality. He also determined that the pictures had been
called up by computer users over the Internet more than six million

** Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Electronic Dictionary **

Available for either the Windows or Macintosh platforms, Merriam-
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Electronic Edition, was previewed
during the recent Comdex in Las Vegas. The dictionary has 160,000
entries and multiple searching capabilities.

In addition to the general vocabulary, this edition includes more
than 6,000 biographical entries, 9,000 geographical entries, 3,000
abbreviations, and 600 foreign words and phrases.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Electronic Edition, is
expected sometime in December on floppy disks for either platform at a
suggested retail price of $69.95. A compatible Thesaurus will also be
available on disk for $49.95. Both the dictionary and the Thesaurus are
on a CD for both platforms with a price of $79.95.

The dictionary takes 17 megabytes of hard disk space if a user
installs the entire body of the application. Users with the CD version
may opt to install only the index and code on the hard disk or run the
entire application from the CD.

** All-In-One Fax/Printer/Copier With Fax Board **

Lanier Worldwide Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Harris Corp., has
introduced a piece of office equipment that combines a plain paper fax,
laser printer, copier, and a PC fax board.

The Lanier 5010 MFD can send or receive a fax, and print or make
copies simultaneously. The machine can produce 10 copies per minute at
300 dpi and can copy onto paper, transparencies or cardstock. It uses a
vacuum fluorescent print head the company says provides laser-quality
output, but has fewer moving parts.

The printing function of the 5010 MFD includes PCL5 emulation and 68
built-in fonts. Lanier said it can also download the Truetype fonts that
are part of Microsoft Windows.

The Lanier 5010 MFD has a suggested retail price of $3,895. That
includes the drum which is rated at about 30,000 pages, a 30,000 page
developer, and a toner cartridge that should produce 3,000 to 4,000

** Apple MS-DOS/Windows System & Card For Power Macs **

Apple Computer Inc. has announced the Power Macintosh 6100 DOS
Compatible System and DOS Compatibility Card for Power Macintosh 6100
and Macintosh Performa 6100 Series. The interface card is being offered
as a stand-alone or bundled hardware "solution" for supporting MS-DOS
and Windows. The latter also reportedly adds full multimedia capability
under MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows.

In fact, if the user also plugs in a second monitor, Macintosh and PC
applications can be simultaneously displayed.

The card and system are expected to be available early first quarter,

** AOL/Apple/Medior Launch "2Market" Shopping Service **

America Online Inc., Apple Computer Inc., and Medior Inc. have formed
a new on-line and CD-ROM interactive shopping service, named 2Market.
AOL says 2Market will accelerate the convergence of on-line service with
multimedia publishing, and provide a medium for purchase transactions.

Consumers will be able to search for products on 2Market by name and
category, the firm said, and then place orders by telephone through a
toll-free number, by modem, or by fax.

** Humongous Ships Putt-Putt/Fatty Bear CD-ROM **

Humongous Entertainment says it is now shipping its Putt-Putt and
Fatty Bear's Activity Pack on CD-ROM. The software is a collection of
games of skill and interactive learning activities for children ages
three to eight.

The pack includes Reversi, Tic Tac Toe, and On Ramps and Off Ramps,
which is a game similar to Snakes and Ladders. The young users can also
improve their memory skills or sharpen their reasoning ability with the
other puzzles and games in the program. Four levels of difficulty can be

The company says the Activity Pack has an estimated street price of
$19.99. In addition to the four new games, the program incorporates the
eleven activities that ship in the previously released Fatty Bear's Fun
Pack and Putt-Putt's Fun Pack.

The Activity Pack runs on Apple Computer Inc.'s Macintosh platform,
as well as on Windows-based personal computers.

** Exabyte Enters PC Backup Device Market **

Exabyte Corp. has entered the personal computer backup device market
with the introduction of a quarter-inch mini-cartridge tape system that
uses a floppy drive interface.

The EXB-1500 Quarter-inch Cartridge Tape Subsystem supports both the
QIC-3010 and the QIC-3020 recording standards and uses DC2000 tapes. In
the 3010 mode the EXB-1500 can store up to 340 megabytes (MB) of data,
while the maximum capacity in the 3020 mode is 680MB. Both those can be
doubled through the use of data compression software.

Exabyte says the EXB-1500 is scheduled to ship in the first quarter
of 1995 with a suggested retail price of $399. The company manufactures
other quarter-inch tape drives with capacities of two and four gigabytes

** Randy McNally Intros TripMaker For Windows **

According to Rand McNally, trip planning can be as much fun as the
trip itself. To make the chore easier, the venerable map publisher has
released TripMaker for Windows on CD-ROM.

TripMaker for Windows includes more than 640,000 miles of roadways,
125,000 cities and towns, and thousands of recreational activities and
attractions. The software provides detailed driving instructions and can
print maps to take with you. The itinerary the program produces is
cross-referenced to the appropriate page numbers in the Rand McNally
Road Atlas.

TripMaker has a suggested retail price of $79, and Rand McNally says
it expects the street price will be about $49. The company provides
free, unlimited technical support for TripMaker, although the phone call
is not toll-free. Rand McNally also supports TripMaker on Compuserve.

** Computer Industry Almanac 1994-95 Shipping **

The 1994-1995 Computer Industry Almanac (CIA), an annual reference
book in its seventh edition for and about the computer marketplace, has
started shipping.

This 800-page book is authored/edited by Dr. Egil Juliussen and Karen
Petska-Juliussen. According to its authors, it includes hundreds of
thousands of facts and statistics summarizing the microcomputer

The 1994-95 Computer Industry Almanac is $50 for softcover, $60 for
hardcover, and $60 for CD-ROM. It is available directly from the authors
and bookstores.

** Shapeware Intros Visio Technical 3.0 **

Shapeware Corp. has announced Visio Technical 3.0, a "drag and drop"
drawing package that gives the user access to computer-aided drawings
(CAD) without learning the complexities of CAD. Users can also create
their own technical drawings.

Visio Technical is not a CAD program itself, instead, it converts the
DWG file format used by AutoCAD and lets the user modify the drawing
using Shapeware's Smartshape technology, which includes a number of
clip-art images.

According to Shapeware, the typical user is not a full-time CAD de-
signer but his or her job requires them to develop and modify technical
drawings. Shapeware says Visio Technical makes that easy and cuts the
learning curve too. "They can bypass three to six months of unnecessary
and excessive CAD training to accomplish the type of work they do."

Visio Technical has built-in support for Microsoft Mail and Lotus
Notes which allows you to send your drawings using one of those

Visio Technical 3.0 for Windows, scheduled for shipment in early
December, will have a suggested retail price of $349. The company
estimates the street price to be about $100 less.

** Two-Way Voice Calls Over The Internet **

A Toronto, Ontario firm named microWonders Inc. is promoting a free
Windows program that provides two-way voice communications over Internet
connections. Named the Internet Global Phone (IGP), the program will run
on any PC equipped with a SoundBlaster compatible sound card, speakers,
and a microphone, the firm says.

IGP uses voice compression technology developed at the Technical
University of Berlin and made freely available over the Internet. The
compression technology, called GSM, makes real-time voice connections
practical over any common modem-based Internet connection from 14.4
kilobits-per-second (Kbps) up. It also works over ISDN (integrated
services digital network)-based or LAN (local area network)-based
connections, the firm says.

IGP requires a 386/20 or faster Multimedia PC-compliant PC containing
a SoundBlaster or compatible sound board with microphone and speakers,
four megabytes (MB) of memory or more, and Microsoft Windows 3.1 or
later. Use with a 14.4 Kbps or 28.8 Kbps analog modem requires Internet
access by SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) or PPP (Point to Point
Protocol). TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet protocol)
access by ISDN or LAN also may be used.

IGP source code can be downloaded from the DDJ Forum on CompuServe or
via anonymous FTP from Internet at site ( in the
/pub/ddj directory. It is also downloadable from DDJ's BBS at 415-358-

The software implementation can be obtained via anonymous FTP from
Internet site ftp.cs.tu- in the /pub/local/kbs/tubmik/gsm/
directory, or by electronic-mail at

** American Small Business Computers Ships $79 CAD **

American Small Business Computers debuted its DesignCAD 3-D for
Windows three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) program, and
Instant Engineer Windows-based $79 CAD program at Comdex last week. The
provider of CAD programs delivers Windows, DOS, and Mac CAD

The company also brought its EconoCAD, which sells for $19.95, to
Comdex. This application was designed for someone who was really afraid
of CAD or was unsure of the level of investment they could make.

Instant Engineer will soon be followed by Instant Architect and
Instant Estimator to extend the "Instant" series of products. The
company says these two new products will be priced in the same $79 range
as Instant Engineer.

** Adobe Intros Consumer CD-ROMs **

Adobe Systems Inc. has announced its first entries into the consumer
CD-ROM software market. The company has introduced deluxe versions of
Adobe HomePublisher 2.0 Deluxe CD and SuperPaint 3.5 Deluxe CD, both
with an estimated street price of $69, and the dual consumer graphics
programs bundle of Adobe Paint & Publish Deluxe CD, with an estimated
street price of $99.

The programs are being offered through Adobe's consumer products
group (formerly the Aldus Consumer Division). All products are expected
to be available by early December.

** Black Box On-Line Internet Service **

Black Box Corporation has launched its Black Box Catalog on the
Internet. The firm says its new Internet shopping service, named Black
Box On-Line, will enhance the famous high-tech catalog with direct on-
line product information and support.

The firm's catalog concentrates on computer and communications
connectivity products, with products ranging from printer cables to
local area and wide area network devices like print spoolers, modems,
multiplexers, and protocol conversion products.

While the catalog is not yet complete with new products are being
added almost on a daily basis, the firm hopes to finish populating the
service with all current US products by January 1. International
versions of the catalog, in native languages, will be added after that.
The firm operates in more than 50 nations.

Internet subscribers can access Black Box On-Line at

** Orchid FM Board **

Orchid Technologies introduced its SoundDrive 16EZ and SoundDrive
16+SCSI boards to COMDEX attendees, saying it is the first time users
have had the opportunity to take advantage of FM synthesis at an
affordable price.

The new SoundDrive 16 series provides true 16-bit, high fidelity
audio and is bundled with QuikVoice, Talking Utilities and TalkWorks.
The card is designed to provide users with higher audio performance than
standard 16-bit cards, but with an affordable price. Orchid has a series
of WaveBooster wavetable upgrade daughterboards for more advanced users.

SoundDrive 16EZ sells for $139 and SoundDrive 16+SCSI is priced at
$179. The WaveBooster daughterboards are priced from $129 to $219 and
all are available through standard retailers at this time.

For more professional users, Orchid introduced A/WS, the software and
chip enhancement which incorporates new algorithmic advances on its
SoundWave Pro series. Designed for multimedia, gaming and entertainment
developers, this card offers a means for listening to both FM and
wavetable synthesis, as well as a combination of these and other forms
of synthesis.


> Frankie's Corner STR Feature The Kids' Computing Corner


by Frank Sereno

The Wanderoos Go Exploring, dual format CD-rom for Windows and Mac by;

Optical Data Interactive
30 Technology Drive
Warren, New Jersey 07059
phone 800-887-0022

IBM Requirements: Mac Requirements:
CPU: 386 or better CPU: Mac LC or better
Graphics: 256 color VGA Graphics: 256 color video
Hard Disk: 1 to 8 megs Hard Disk: 1 to 8 megs
Ram: 4 megs Ram: 4 meg
OS: Windows 3.0 or higher OS: System 7.0 or higher
CD-rom: Yes CD-rom: Yes
Sound: Sound card recommended

"The Wanderoos Go Exploring" is one of Optical Data's Kinderventures
series of programs. The program comes on a dual-format CD-rom for Windows
and Macintosh computers. "Wanderoos" is hosted by two friendly twins,
Pocket and Tails. A plush hand puppet of a wanderoo and a storybook is
included with the program.

The program begins with a short introduction by Pocket and Tails which can
be skipped by pressing any key or clicking the mouse. The main screen is
a map showing many areas to explore. In the treehouse, your child will
choose from different faces, hair, eyes and coveralls to make his own

The schoolhouse has activities to teach children counting, colors, shapes
and the alphabet. The colors, shapes and alphabet activities use video
shown on a small monitor with forward and reverse buttons to cycle through
the lessons. The object being shown will be written on the blackboard and
pronounced aloud. The counting game involves counting Wanderoos on a
basketball court and clicking on the correct number. For a nice surprise,
click on the basketball hoop!

The campfire is the icon for playing the child's multimedia scrapbook
which he will compile while playing wanderoo tag. By using the camera
icon, he can collect movies and still pictures while viewing them on the
"Magic Mirror." He can even add text to the scrapbook and print it.

The billboard begins the wanderoo tag portion of the program. This game
has three levels of difficulty. The object is to find the six hiding
wanderoos down the six paths of information. These paths are Air and
Water, Going Places, People, Plants, Animals and the World. Each wanderoo
wears a colored jumpsuit which matches his path.

While searching for the wanderoos, the child can learn many facts from
"The Magic Mirror." The mirror displays pictures and QuickTime videos
related to the subject of the path. The mirror has five control buttons.
An arrow button will show the next picture, and the camera button will
take a picture for the multimedia album. The wanderoo button will "zap"
the player back to the water fountain which is at the center of the six
paths. The button with "Aa" on it will cause a text to be shown and read
aloud. Finally, a speaker button will play some sounds related to the
current topic.

Capturing the wanderoos is very easy. The child explores the various
areas of the paths until the wanderoo jumps onto the scene to a drum solo.
The child simply places the cursor over the hopping wanderoo and clicks.
The captured wanderoo will then be shown at the top of the screen.

Once a wanderoo is captured, the child must earn some popcorn to prevent
him from running away. At various points along the paths, one can see
popcorn billboards. A mouse click on these billboards will take the child
to a learning game. Five games are available matching numbers, pictures,
sounds, letters and video. These games have three levels of difficulty.
The program will automatically move the child to higher difficulty levels
as he progresses or you can set the levels in the options menu.

The graphics in "The Wanderoos Go Exploring" are colorful and amusing.
The still pictures and QuickTime videos are small in size and grainy in
detail but that is the current state of the art. The animations are done
well except that characters which talk do not have their lips synched to
the sound track.

The sounds are excellent. The program is filled with bright little bits
of music and even includes four songs. All narrations are enunciated well
and easily understood. The voice actors speaking for the wanderoos did a
very good job of emoting. Plenty of sound effects are sprinkled
throughout the program.

The program uses a point and click interface. It is fairly intuitive but
audible help is available in all sections of the program by clicking on
the question mark which is prominently placed on the top of the screen.
The menus are hidden and are accessed by pressing alt-m. The manual is
very thorough and contains a short troubleshooting guide.

"Wanderoos" is a fun game to play and my children have enjoyed it
immensely. The vibrant colors and cheerful music kept them rapt at the
monitor. Capturing the wanderoos is easy but entertaining.

This program contains much information but it is questionable whether the
child will pay much attention to the movies, pictures and stories in his
quest for the wanderoos. Some information will be assimilated but perhaps
the child should be required to view more pictures and movies before he
can capture a wanderoo. The learning games in the schoolhouse are good
but there is little interaction for the child except the counting game.
The other games merely involve showing the letters or colors on the screen
instead of having the child choose a particular item to answer a question.

Bang for the Buck is good. This program sells for about $30. Children
will be entertained for many hours while learning general information
about plants, people, etc.


Graphics ........... 8.5
Sounds ............. 9.0
Interface .......... 8.5
Play Value ......... 9.0
Educational Value .. 7.5
Bang for the Buck .. 8.5
Average ............ 8.5


Thinkin' Things Collection 1 on CD-rom, separate DOS and Mac versions by;
P.O. Box 3218
Redmond, WA 98073-3218
phone 206-556-8484

IBM Requirements: Mac Requirements:
CPU: 386-25 or better CPU: Color Mac or higher
Graphics: 256 color VGA Graphics: 16 colors, 256 preferred
Hard Disk: 600K Hard Disk: none
Ram: 560k, 2 megs XMS Ram: 4 meg, 5 with Sys 7.5
OS: MS-DOS 3.1 or later OS: System 6.0.1 or later
CD-rom: Yes CD-rom: Yes
Sound: Sound card recommended
Optional: microphone and touchwindow input are supported on IBM and Mac

The CD-rom version is indentical to the floppy disk version, only now you
can save seven megs of hard drive space and play from the CD-rom.
Thinkin' Things Collection 1 is excellent for developing the creative
thought processes in children ages four to eight. TT1 on floppy disk was
reviewed in issue 1035 of STR which was published August 26, 1994.
Refer to that issue for more details. A brief summary follows:

TT1 offers children six activities which will encourage creativity and
develop thinking skills. Two activities feature music to teach children
instrument sounds, pitch and music theory by repeating patterns found in
songs. The Fripple Shop game will help children develop logic,
observation skills and learning to follow instructions by completing
customer orders. Feathered Friends is a game in which the child assembles
birds to complete a pattern. This activity develops visual
discrimination, pattern recognition and completion, and assembling a whole
object from parts. The final two activities feature BLOX. One activity
features varied geometric shapes and the other features spheres. These
activities develop spatial awareness, creativity and experimentation by
allowing the child to use the objects to make intriguing designs from his
own imagination.

TT1 features colorful graphics which are supplemented with many amusing
animations. The program is filled with lively music, enthusiastic voice
tracks and great sound effects. All the sounds are clear and audible.
The interface is point and click. Most activities are explained upon
starting but instructions cannot be accessed after that point. The manual
is superb with instructions for all activities, suggestions for
reinforcing the lessons with activities away from the computer and a
thorough troubleshooting guide. Play value is very good as the activities
are very entertaining. As the child outgrows the simpler activities, he
can move to the BLOX games. Educational value is outstanding. TT1 is an
excellent value retailing for around $35 at discounters.

But wait! That isn't all! Through the holidays, Edmark is including
KidDesk Family Edition as a free bonus. KidDesk Family Edition was
reviewed in STR1019 on May 6, 1994. KidDesk FE runs in Windows to provide
a graphical user interface for your child while provided security for your
computer. Your child can run his programs and cannot go to the Windows
Program or File Managers.

But that isn't all that KidDesk FE provides. It has its own notepad for
writing reminders to yourself. It has a mail system that allows the
posting of messages from one family member to another. KidDesk FE also
has a voice mail system so audible reminders can be sent to your loved
ones. Desktop accessories have indicators to notify people if they have
messages or voice mail waiting. The program also includes individual 13-
month calendars and address databases for each user of KidDesk FE.
KidDesk FE can be customized for each family member.

Another great feature of KidDesk FE is that it can run DOS programs from
Windows. When properly configured, it will exit Windows and start the DOS
program, then restart Windows when you quit that program. This will end
the headache of having to remember every time you run a program whether it
runs in DOS or Windows.

You can find this combination package for as little as $35. Thinkin'
Things Collection 1 is an excellent product and well worth the money. The
addition of KidDesk Family Edition makes this an extraordinary value. If
you already have KidDesk Family Edition, then give the included copy to a
friend. The KidDesk package can be registered separately from TT1CD.

(for TT1 CD only)

Graphics ........... 8.0
Sounds ............. 9.5
Interface .......... 8.5
Play Value ......... 8.5
Educational Value .. 9.5
Bang for the Buck .. 9.0
Average ............ 8.83


Wallobee Jack in "The Lost Lionardo" dual format CD-rom for Windows/Mac
WordPerfect MainStreet
1555 N. Technology Way
Orem, UT 84057-2399
phone 800-451-5151

IBM Requirements Mac Requirements
CPU: 486SX or higher CPU: Color Mac or higher
Graphics: 256-color VGA Graphics: 256 colors
Hard disk: 1 meg Hard disk: 0 k
Ram: 4 megs Ram: 2.5 megs
OS: Windows 3.1 OS: System 7.0
CD-rom: Double-speed CD-rom: Double-speed
Sound: MPC compatible sound card

Wallobee Jack in "The Lost Lionardo" is an interactive cartoon experience
filled with lush graphics, animated surprises, outrageous accents and
puzzles. WordPerfect claims this program is suitable for "ages 4&up."

The object of the game is to solve visual and audio puzzles to aid our two
heroes, Wallobee Jack (an Australian kangaroo with a native accent) and
Francesca Felini (an American cat), to scurry about the French countryside
and find a lost painting of Lionardo DaVinci. You must also find hidden
surprises to impede the progress of Wallobee Jack's nemesis, Dagon (a
feisty crocodile). Also trying to foil our heroes are Felix De
LaVictoire, a French descendant of Lionardo, and his two henchmen, Theo
and Ruffus.

The interface is quite simple. When the player has nothing to do, the
cursor will be an arrow. If Wallobee and Francesca need help solving a
puzzle to get a clue, the cursor becomes a hand which the player uses to
touch objects on the screen. When Dagon comes on the screen, the cursor
becomes a magnifying lens which should be moved around the screen to find
a hotspot. When the cursor is over the hotspot for that scene, it will
turn into an Acme bomb. Clicking the cursor will trigger an animated
sequence which foils Dagon in his quest for clues.

The game has two playing levels. It has a randomizing feature so the game
will be different every time it is played. The puzzles don't have much
educational value as they involve repeating a pattern or finding an object
which is different from the rest of the group. This should help develop
logic skills but sometimes the object is very difficult to discern.

The graphics are really beautiful. In some scenes, Wallobee and the other
characters are superimposed over digitized backdrops. In others, the
entire scene was painted on a computer. The colors are bright and
vibrant. The program uses the full screen, not just a tiny window. The
sound effects are excellent. The music creates a wonderful French
atmosphere. The voice acting is done well but occasionally a thick accent
will make it difficult to understand a character.

The interface is extremely simple and easy to use. I think it's too easy.
There is no apparent way to pause gameplay or to save your progress and
quit until later. Another problem is that the cursors are too small on a
14-inch monitor. It is difficult to see the magnifying glass being
changed into an acme bomb when trying to rapidly move the mouse to find a
hotspot. I would also like to see the option of removing the time limits
so that younger children can play. Very few children under seven or eight
years of age can probably play this game well although younger children do
enjoy watching others play. Some puzzles are not adequately explained and
no help function is available. Another feature of this game is that each
time you fail to solve a puzzle, you must start at the beginning again.
That can be very trying if you have nearly completed the game and then
make a small mistake.

This game also suffers some very politically incorrect scripting. Felix
De LaVictoire is constantly verbally abusing his henchmen. He calls them
"stupid slobs" and compares them to "fat American hamburger-eating pigs."
I might mention that this program is produced by French-Canadians. Other
little digs at American culture include references to Dave Coulier and
America's Funniest People, and Richard Simmons. This stuff can be
shrugged off since it isn't aimed directly at the player and it is a bit
humorous. On the other hand, Dagon the bad crocodile directly insults the
player, calling him a loser, saying that his life is pathetic. Younger
children may find this very objectionable. My children wondered why the
villains were "so mean."

The game seems to be based on some theories of cartoons and humor from Jay
Ward and his beloved "Bullwinkle Show." Rocket J. Squirrel, Bullwinkle
Moose, and even the villains Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, alluded to
the viewer. In "The Lost Lionardo," Wallobee, Francesca and Dagon all
speak directly to the person at the computer. Also, the humor in this
program works on two levels. Jokes are included that only an adult will
fully understand but most of us can appreciate the humor directed at the
younger audience. For example, the sign outside the Louvre reading "We
got tons of really expensive old stuff" isn't going to mean much to a
child who cannot read.

Because of the randomization factor, this game will get many plays before
children completely tire of it. This program is similar to the Carmen
SanDiego series but it does lack the progression of skill ratings that
SanDiego uses to encourage children to continue playing. The action in
"The Lost Lionardo" is quite humorous and engaging if you aren't offended
by uncouth actions of the villains.

This is not an education package, but more for entertainment. The program
sells for around $30 to $35. It can be fun for your younger children if
you play it with them. Children over seven can play this game by
themselves. I think this would be a fun program for someone to play who
is just getting started with computers. Novell/WordPerfect offers a 90-
day money back guarantee so you can take this product home and try it. If
you don't like it, you can return it to the point of purchase with all
packaging and receipts for a complete refund.


Graphics ............. 9.0
Sounds ............... 8.5
Interface ............ 7.0
Play Value ........... 8.0
Educational Value .... N/A
Bang for the Buck .... 7.5
Average .............. 8.0


IVI Publishing, the publisher of the Mayo Family Clinic CD-rom, has
released four new CD-rom products in Windows and Macintosh formats for

Two of these titles are in association with Time-Life for Children Books.
The first is "What Is a Bellybutton?" and it is adapted from the book of
the same name. The program uses question-and-answer activities along with
thirteen interactive games to teach the names of body parts, nutrition,
health care and more. This CD-rom can answer many "Why?" questions that
youngsters ask.

The second title is "Welcome to Bodyland" and it is based on the book,
"Our Bodies." "Bodyland" uses animations, sound effects and fourteen
original songs to guide children ages five to eleven on a tour of the
human body. Children will learn many fascinating biology facts and can
even test their knowledge in a 90-question quiz.

IVI also has released two programs based on the participation of Mayo
Clinic physicians and specialists. "AnnaTommy" is game of exploring the
interior of the human body. Take a ride in a special craft similar to
"Fantastic Voyage." This program teaches biology, anatomy and logic to
children ages eight and older. Anna and Tommy aid the child in navigating
through the human body, correcting malfunctioning body systems and organs
along the way. The program includes fun arcade games to simulate real-
life activities. Twenty-eight multi-level games must be won to conclude
the voyage.

The final title is "Safety Monkey." This program is aimed at children
ages three to eight. Help Safety Monkey correct potential safety hazards
in through fifteen environments. Children learn the correct procedures
for handling a fire, riding a bicycle and even what to do with the toilet
seat. Children will learn how to deal with telephone calls and strangers.
Songs in the program reinforce the safety lessons which are learned.

These four IVI programs will sell for around $35. Look for reviews of all
these programs in the coming weeks.


I have received evaluation copies of the following WordPerfect MainStreet
Children's programs:

Read with Me 1 & 2 is a Windows program for children ages three to seven.
Reading 1 teaches shapes, letters, colors and numbers to younger children
while Reading 2 teaches word-building concepts and emphasizes the link
between letters and sounds.

Write with Me is another Windows program. It is a word processor for
children ages four to ten. Children can create their own cards, signs,
letters and books while learning the alphabet, word recognition and
developing writing skills. Children will also use various word processing
features such as fonts, graphics, cutting, pasting, saving, deleting and

Mental Math is a DOS program aimed at children ages six to fourteen.
Children learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction,
decimal and percent problems while playing seven arcade games.

Memphis Math is a Windows program for children ages eight to fourteen.
Children solve faction, decimal and percent problems while enjoying the
adventure of exploring ancient Egyptian tombs and collecting artifacts.

Look for upcoming reviews of these products as well. Also in the review
cue are Sanctuary Woods' Word Stuff and Adventures in Math. Edmark's
Sammy's Science House, Bailey's Book House and Imagination Express are to
be reviewed as well.

It appears that I have much work ahead of me. I hereby am seeking
associate reviewers and writers. Send samples of your writing, preferably
on children's software, to me at the addresses listed at the end of this
article. If you have reviewed something recently which has not been
examined in "The Kids' Computing Corner," send it along and perhaps it
will be published. Articles should be in either ASCII or Windows Write
format. If you make the grade, we will work out details on what
evaluation software programs you would review for this magazine.
All writers who are published will be credited with a byline.

To apply for writing assignments or to make comments, suggestions or just
say hi, contact me via these addresses:

FidoNET: Frank Sereno at 1:2235/10
U.S. Mail: 528 West Ave.
Morris, IL 60450-1768

As always, I thank you for reading!


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Pentium Extras
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486 Extras
* RAM expandable to 128MB.
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Package #1
486SX-33 ....................$1445
486DX-33 ....................$1545
486DX2-66 ....................$1595
DX4-100 ....................$1945

* 214MB local bus IDE hard drive with 32K cache
* 3.5" 1.44MB floppy disk drive
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* ZEOS 14" 1024 x 768 non-interlaced SVGA color monitor, .28mm dot pitch
* Six-bay desktop case with two cooling fans
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Package #2
486SX-33 ....................$1745
486DX-33 ....................$1845
486DX2-66 ....................$1895
DX4-100 ....................$2245

* 528MB local bus IDE hard drive with 256K cache
* 2X CD-ROM drive, 1.44MB floppy drive.
* 64-bit Windows-accelerated PCI local bus SVGA graphics card with
* ZEOS 14" 1024 x 768 non-interlaced SVGA color monitor, .28mm dot pitch
* Six-bay desktop case with two cooling fans
* MS-DOS 6.2, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Microsoft Mouse
Save $73 by getting these features as a package!

Package #3
486SX-33 ....................$2245
486DX-33 ....................$2145
486DX2-66 ....................$2445
DX4-100 ....................$2745

* 16MB RAM
* 720MB local bus IDE hard drive with 128K cache
* 2X CD-ROM drive, 1.44MB floppy drive.
* 64-bit Windows-accelerated PCI local bus SVGA graphics card with
* ZEOS 15" 1024 x 768 non-interlaced SVGA color monitor, .28mm dot pitch
* Six-bay desktop case with two cooling fans
* MS-DOS 6.2, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Microsoft Mouse
* Choice of Lotus Windows Application
Save $256 by getting these features as a package!

Package #4
486SX-33 ....................$2745
486DX-33 ....................$2845
486DX2-66 ....................$2895
DX4-100 ....................$3245

* 24MB RAM
* 1GB local bus IDE hard drive with 256K cache
* 2X CD-ROM drive, 1.44MB floppy drive
* 64-bit Windows-accelerated PCI local bus SVGA graphics card with
* ZEOS 15" 1024 x 768 non-interlaced SVGA color monitor, .28mm dot pitch
* Six-bay desktop case with two cooling fans
* MS-DOS 6.2, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Microsoft Mouse
* Choice of Lotus Windows application
Save $308 by getting these features as a package!

More processors available. Call today for details.

Favorite Options:

Hard Drive Upgrades
* 214MB to 528MB HDD ................................................$95
* 528MB to 1GB ......................................................$295

* System Memory .....................................................Call
* 128K System Cache (486, DX4 only) .................................$49
* 256K System Cache .................................................$98
* 512K System Cache (Pentium only) ..................................$349

Disk Controllers
* Adaptec 6360 SCSI Controller Chip ( For on-board SCSI ) ...........$49

Video Upgrades
* 1 to 2MB Video RAM Upgrade ........................................$59
* Diamond Stealth 64/PCI Video Card with 2MB VRAM
Fastest 64-bit accelerated video ..................................$249

* Upgrade from a 14" to a 15" Monitor
(ZEOS SVGA NI, 1024 x 768, flat screen) ..........................$95
* Upgrade from a 15" to a 17" Monitor
(ZEOS SVGA NI, 1280 x 1024, flat screen) .........................$395
* Internal 14.4/14.4 Send/Receive Fax Modem .........................$129
* Front Drive Bay PCMCIA SwapBox
(Installs into 3.5" drive bay.) ..................................$159
* Colorado 250MB internal tape backup
(80 to 250MB. Includes backup software) ..........................$159
* CD-ROM Internal Drive
(Double speed, MPC2 compliant.) ..................................$149
* 16-Bit Sound Card
(Sound Blaster and Adlib compatible.) ............................$99
* Stereo speakers ...................................................$29
* 10-Bay Vertical Case Upgrade ......................................$95

* 300W Power Supply Upgrade .........................................$50

* Microsoft Windows NT
(32-bit operating system for client-server computing.) ...........$329
* Lotus SmartSuite bundle upgrade
(Five Windows applications in one box! For packages 3 and 4) ....$299

For more options, see ACCESSORIES

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There's more. Along with a ZEOS designed motherboard, the Pantera Server
features a PCI Local Bus SCSI Controller supporting up to seven SCSI
devices. Also running on the PCI Local Bus, and optional PCI Ethernet LAN
card for the fastest LAN throughput and response times possible.

If you forsee a need to expand later, there's no need to worry now.
Highly upgradable, the Pantera Server includes ten drive bays (7 free);
three PCI and five ISA slots; and Flash BIOS.

And, your ZEOS Pantera Server is 100% compatible with all major network
operating systems on the market.

Standard With ZEOS Pantera Server:
* Genuine Intel Pentium processor. ZIF socket for easy upgrading.
* 256K SRAM cache.
* RAM expandable to 192MB on the motherboard.
* 64-bit PCI local bus SVGA color graphics card with 1MB RAM,
(16.7 million colors) upgradable to 2MB.
* Two high-speed serial ports and one enhanced parallel port
on the motherboard.
* Eight expansion slots, three PCI and five ISA.
* 32-bit PCI local bus SCSI controller card.
* Flash BIOS for easy upgradability.
* Ten-bay vertical case with two cooling fans.
* 200 watt power supply with built-in surge suppressor. Switchable
between 115/230V.
* ZEOS 101-key space-saving keyboard.
* FCC Certified Class B; UL Listed.
* Complete ZEOS Customer Satisfaction Package.

Package 1

* 16MB RAM, 256K SRAM cache
* High-speed 1GB SCSI hard drive
* 2X CD-ROM drive and 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive
* 64-bit Windows-accelerated PCI local bus SVGA graphics card with
* PCI SCSI controller card
* ZEOS 14" 1024 x 768 non-interlaced SVGA color monitor, .28mm
dot pitch
* MS-DOS 6.2, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Microsoft Mouse

Package 2

* 24MB RAM, 256K SRAM cache
* High-speed 2GB SCSI hard drive
* 2X CD-ROM drive and 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive
* 64-bit Windows-accelerated PCI local bus SVGA graphics card with
* PCI SCSI controller card
* ZEOS 14" 1024 x 768 non-interlaced SVGA color monitor, .28mm
dot pitch
* MS-DOS 6.2, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Microsoft Mouse

Favorite Options:

Hard Drive Upgrade
* 1GB to 2GB ........................................................$680

* System Memory .....................................................Call

* Upgrade from 256K System Cache to 512K System Cache ...............$249

* 96/48/24 Send/Receive Fax Modem ...................................$49
* Internal 14.4/14.4 Send/Receive Fax Modem .........................$129

* ZNYX EtherAction 32
(32-bit PCI Ethernet LAN adapter. Includes 10Base5, 10Base2, and
10BaseT connections.) ...........................................$199
* Intel TokenExpress 16/4
(Both UTP and STP connections.) ..................................$479

* Upgrade from a 14" to a 15" Monitor
(ZEOS SVGA NI, 1024 x 768, flat screen) ..........................$95
* HP 35480 Internal Tape Backup
(1.3-8GB, includes tape backup software.)........................$1495

Software: (Colorado backup software for DOS/Windows) .............$49
* NEC 3X CD-ROM Internal Drive Upgrade
(Multisession, MPC Compliant [1&2] CD-ROM.) ......................$349

* 300W Power Supply Upgrade .........................................$50

* Microsoft Windows NT
(32-bit operating system for client-server computing.) ...........$329

Your Nodes

ZEOS Ambra computers are not just another line of systems. They're the
ultimate nodes or ideal home office computers. Why ultimate and ideal?
What's new? On-board VESA local bus video, larger system cache, larger
hard drives and now the option of a 486SX, 486DX, or 486DX2
microprocessor. Even better, our prices are now lower than ever!

Some things don't change -- and don't need to. We include the same quality
ZEOS components and many choice extras. Standard are an upgradeable CPU,
128K SRAM cache for faster access, enough bays to add a 5.25" floppy,
CD-ROM, and tape backup, and five expansion slots -- two on the VESA local
bus. All this in a space-saving slimline case.

It's a little powerhouse that's great for word processing or intense
spreadsheets. Whether it's plugged into your network or plugging away at
the home office, ZEOS Ambra computers are the sensible systems that won't
cramp your style or take a bite out of your wallet.

Standard with every ZEOS LiteLine AMBRA:
* Genuine Intel 486 microprocessor.
* Intel's Pentium OverDrive upgrade socket.
* 128K SRAM cache.
* Two serial ports, one parallel port and one mouse port integrated.
* Five expansion slots: two VESA local bus and three 16-bit ISA.
* Small footprint case with four bays.
* System speed selectable through the keyboard.
* 200 watt power supply, switchable between 115/230V.
* ZEOS 101-key space-saving keyboard.
* Password feature built-in ROM for security.
* EPA Energy Star Compliant.
* FCC Certified Class B; UL listed.
* ZEOS Customer Satisfaction Package.

Package #1
486SX-33 ....................$1195
486DX-33 ....................$1295
486DX2-50 ....................$1295
486DX2-66 ....................$1345

* 214MB IDE hard drive, 32K cache
* 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive
* VESA local bus SVGA color video
* ZEOS 14" 1024 x 768 NI SVGA color monitor, .28mm dot pitch
* MS-DOS 6.2 w/Enhanced Tools, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Microsoft

Package #2
486SX-33 ....................$1395
486DX-33 ....................$1495
486DX2-50 ....................$1495
486DX2-66 ....................$1545

* 340MB IDE hard drive, 128K cache
* 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive
* VESA local bus SVGA color video
* ZEOS 14" 1024 x 768 NI SVGA color monitor, .28mm dot pitch
* MS-DOS 6.2 w/Enhanced Tools, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Microsoft

Favorite Options:

Hard Drive Upgrade
* 214MB to 340MB Upgrade ...........................................$50

Video Upgrade
* 512K to 1MB Video RAM Upgrade .....................................$49

* 96/48/24 Send/Receive Fax Modem ...................................$49

Floppy Disk Drives
* 5.25" 1.2M Floppy Disk Drive ......................................$69
* Dual 1.2MB/1.44MB Floppy Disk Drive Upgrade .......................$98

* Diskless Workstation
(Package #1 without hard drive, floppy disk drives and software)
486SX-33 diskless workstation ...................................$995
486DX-33 diskless workstation...................................$1095
486DX-50 diskless workstation...................................$1095
486DX-66 diskless workstation...................................$1145
* Intel EtherExpress 16
(AUI and 10BT) ...................................................$119
* Intel EtherExpress 16
(AUI and Coax) ...................................................$119
* Intel TokenExpress 16/4
(UTP and STP) ....................................................$479
* Ethernet Boot PROM
(Specify Novell or Microsoft LAN Manager 2.0.) ...................$39
* Token Ring Boot PROM
(Programmable for either Novell, Microsoft LAN Manager, IBM
LAN Server or PC LAN.) ..........................................$79

* Upgrade from a 14" to a 15" Monitor
(ZEOS SVGA NI, 1024 x 768, flat screen) ..........................$95
* Colorado 250MB Internal Tape Backup
(80 to 250MB includes backup software.) ..........................$159
* Complete Multimedia Package
(2X CD-ROM, 16-bit sound card, stereo speakers.) .................$299

The Ultimate Subnotebook -- ZEOS Meridian 400


Now available with your choice of screens -- active matrix color, passive
matrix color or monochrome display.


For super-fast notebook computing, the Meridian 400 is available with
Intel's DX4-100 microprocessor.


The Meridian 400 features two type II PCMCIA slots for fax/modem, network
cards, sound cards, and more.


The Meridian 400 is molded with a special carbon-fiber material that cuts
weight and improves durability.


Finally, a color subnotebook that's powerful enough to take anywhere.
Travel around the world or to the highest peak. At 3.9 pounds, the
ZEOS Meridian 400 is the perfect companion and the ultimate subnotebook!

To meet your needs completely, we offer you power, speed and memory
choices -- genuine Intel 486SX-33, 486DX2-50 or DX4-100 microprocessors; 4
or 8MB RAM user upgradable to 20MB; and IDE hard drive from 175MB to

The Meridian 400 also offers you screen choices -- a 7.8" diagonal passive
matrix color screen, a 7.8" diagonal active matrix color screen or an 8.2"
diagonal monochrome display.

You also get the latest and hottest features: high speed local bus video
for super-fast video performance; two type II PCMCIA slots for fax/modem,
network, SCSI and sound cards; and a comfortable 84-key keyboard with
inverted "T" arrow keys and an integrated TruePoint(TM) pointing device.

With the Meridian 400, there's no need to worry about traveling. Built
for the road, the tough case is molded with a special carbon-fiber
material that cuts weight and improves durability.

With the ZEOS Meridian Subnotebook's light weight, super power, awesome
performance, and technologically-advanced features, you'll be able to keep
in touch with the office, organize your calendar, and work on priority
documents -- wherever you are.

Standard With Every ZEOS Meridian 400C
* Intel 486SX-33, 486DX2-50 or DX4-100 microprocessor.
* 8K (DX4: 16K) internal system cache.
* RAM expandable to 20MB.
* IDE hard drive upgradable to 350MB.
* 2 PCMCIA slots, Type II
* High-speed local bus video with 1MB video RAM.
* 400C Display: 640 x 480 STN color VGA backlit LCD, 7.8"
diagonal up to 256 colors.
* Simultaneously supports an external SVGA color monitor
at resolutions up to 1024 x 768.
* 84-key keyboard with embedded numeric keypad and 12
dedicated function keys, inverted "T".
* Eraser-shaped integrated TruePoint(TM) pointing device.
* Replaceable and rechargeable NiMH battery.
* Serial port, enhanced parallel port, keyboard or PS/2 mouse
port, external VGA video port, and external floppy drive
* Full power management features include Low Power mode and
programmable Standby features.
* AC-DC adapter with full range from AC110-240V to DC
* 7.8" x 10.2" x 1.7"; 3.9lbs.
* EPA Energy Star compliant.
* FCC Certified Class B; UL Listed.
* Complete ZEOS Customer Satisfaction Package.

Package #1
486SX-33 ...........................$1995
DX4-100 ...........................$2495

* 175MB IDE hard drive
* MS-DOS 6.2

Package #2
486SX-33 ...........................$2295
DX4-100 ...........................$2795

* 260MB IDE hard drive
* External 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive
* Custom carrying case
* MS-DOS 6.2
* Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
* Lotus Organizer
Save $72 by getting these features as a package!

Package #3
486SX-33 ...........................$2595
DX4-100 ...........................$3095

* 350MB IDE hard drive
* External 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive
* Custom carrying case
* Extra battery
* MS-DOS 6.2
* Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
* Lotus Organizer
Save $212 by getting these features as a package!

Favorite Options

* Monochrome Display Option -- from 400C to 400
(640 x 480 VGA backlit LCD display, 8.2" diagonal.)..............-$300
* Active Matrix Display Upgrade -- from 400C to 400A
(640 x 480 VGA color backlit LCD display, 7.8" diagonal
up to 256 colors.) ..............................................$700

Hard Drive Upgrades
* 175MB to 260MB ....................................................$95
* 260MB to 350MB ....................................................$145
* 175MB to 350MB ....................................................$240

Memory Upgrades
* 4MB to 8MB ........................................................$196
* 8MB to 20MB .......................................................$999
* 4MB to 20MB.......................................................$1195

* Modems
PCMCIA 24/96 Data/Fax Modem with Internal DAA ....................$149
PCMCIA 14.4/14.4 Data/Fax Modem with Internal DAA ................$199
* Networking
PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter
(The only card on the market with phantom network binding.)
10 Base T (Twisted Pair) ........................................$139
10 Base 2 (Coax) ................................................$169
* PCMCIA Bus Toaster SCSI Adapter
(with Corel SCSI 2.0 software.) ..................................$199
* PCMCIA 16-Bit Stereo Sound Card
(with Microsoft's Sound System 2.0.) .............................$279

* Front Drive Bay PCMCIA SwapBox
(Easily share peripherals between platforms. Installs into
3.5" drive bay.) ................................................$159
* Rear Access PCMCIA SwapBox
(Easily share peripherals between platforms. Installs into
rear access socket.) ............................................$99

Floppy Disk Drive
* External 3.5" 1.44MB Floppy Disk Drive (9 oz.) ....................$99

* 14" SVGA Color Monitor
(For simultaneous display -- great for presentations!
With notebook purchase.) ........................................$295
* 101-Key External Keyboard .......................................$49.95
* External Numeric Keypad ...........................................$79
* Microsoft PS/2 Mouse ..............................................$79
* Special Package Price: 14" SVGA Color Monitor, Keyboard,
and Mouse (with notebook purchase) ................................$349
* Custom Nylon Carrying Case ........................................$79
* Custom Leather Carrying Case ......................................$178

* Extra battery .....................................................$99
* Extra AC Adapter ..................................................$69
* DC-AC Adapter
(Run your system in your car, boat, or other vehicle.) ...........$59
* Telemax surge suppressor ..........................................$69

* Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 .............................$99
* WinLynx
(For file transfer.) .............................................$99

The Highest Point In Notebook Commputing -- ZEOS Meridian 800.


With a generous 10.3" diagonal dual-scan color display, the Meridian 800C
is the perfect notebook for presentations and desktop computing.


For super-fast notebook computing, the Meridian 800C is available with
Intel's DX4-100 microprocessor.


The Meridian 800C features two Type II or one Type III PCMCIA slots for
fax/modem, network cards, sound cards, hard drives, and more.


With the ZEOS Meridian 800's removable hard drive, it's easy to upgrade
your system to a larger capacity, archive your documents, and keep your
data secure.


Moving around your screen is a breeze with TruePoint(TM); the
conveniently located, easy-to-use, integrated pointing device.


At last, desktop power to go. Work at home, in the office or on a plane.
At 6.3 pounds, the Meridian 800C is light enough to travel anywhere yet
it's large enough to use for presentations and regular desktop computing.
You get the best of both worlds!

What makes the Meridian 800C so ideal? Durable sturdy construction that
will travel anywhere, incredible power and performance that will take you
to new heights, and more options than a road map. We start with your
choice of processors -- a genuine Intel 486SX-33, 486DX2-50 or DX4-100.
You also get the option of 4 or 8MB of memory user upgradable to 20MB, and
removable hard drives from 175MB to 350MB.

For your viewing pleasure, the Meridian 800C screen is a whopping 10.3" on
the diagonal and employs dual-scan technology for a crisp, vibrant display
that's comparable to that of a color desktop monitor. The Meridian 800
also includes high speed local bus video for super-fast video performance;
one type III or two type II PCMCIA slots for fax/modem, network, SCSI,
hard drive and sound cards; an internal 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive; an
ergonomic palm rest; and an 84-key keyboard with inverted "T" arrow keys
and an integrated TruePoint(TM) pointing device.

With the ZEOS Meridian 800C color notebook, the choices are endless and
the power is unearthly. It's the answer to all your portable needs.

Standard With ZEOS Meridian 800C
* Intel 486SX-33, 486DX2-50 or DX4-100 microprocessor.
* 8K (DX4: 16K) internal system cache.
* RAM expandable to 20MB.
* Removable IDE hard drive upgradable to 350MB.
* PCMCIA slots: 2 Type II or 1 Type III.
* High-speed local bus video with 1MB video RAM.
* Display: 640 x 480 STN color VGA backlit LCD, 10.3" diagonal,
up to 256 colors.
* Simultaneously supports an external SVGA color monitor
at resolutions up to 1024 x 768.
* 84-key keyboard with embedded numeric keypad and 12
dedicated function keys, inverted "T".
* Eraser-shaped integrated TruePoint(TM) pointing device.
* Replaceable and rechargeable NiMH battery.
* Serial port, enhanced parallel port, keyboard or PS/2 mouse
port, external VGA video port, and external floppy drive
* Full power management features include Low Power mode and
programmable Standby features.
* AC-DC adapter with full range from AC110-240V to DC
* 8.9" x 11.7" X 1.9"; 6.3lbs.
* EPA Energy Star compliant.
* FCC Certified Class B; UL Listed.

Package #1
486SX-33 ...........................$2295
DX4-100 ...........................$2795

* 175MB IDE hard drive
* Internal 3.5" 1.44MB floppy disk drive
* MS-DOS 6.2

Package #2
486SX-33 ...........................$2495
DX4-100 ...........................$2995

* 260MB IDE hard drive
* Internal 3.5" 1.44MB floppy disk drive
* Custom carrying case
* MS-DOS 6.2
* Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
* Lotus Organizer
Save $73 by getting these features as a package!

Package #3
486SX-33 ...........................$2795
DX4-100 ...........................$3295

* 350MB IDE hard drive
* Internal 3.5" 1.44MB floppy disk drive
* Custom carrying case
* Extra battery
* MS-DOS 6.2
* Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
* Lotus Organizer
Save $213 by getting these features as a package!

Favorite Options
Hard Drive Upgrades
* 175MB to 260MB ....................................................$95
* 260MB to 350MB ....................................................$145
* 175MB to 350MB ....................................................$240

Memory Upgrades
* 4MB to 8MB ........................................................$196
* 8MB to 20MB .......................................................$999
* 4MB to 20MB ......................................................$1195

* Modems
PCMCIA 24/96 Data/Fax Modem with Internal DAA ....................$149
PCMCIA 14.4/14.4 Data/Fax Modem with Internal DAA ................$199
* Networking
PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter
(The only card on the market with phantom network binding.)
10 Base T (Twisted Pair) ........................................$139
10 Base 2 (Coax) ................................................$169
* PCMCIA Bus Toaster SCSI Adapter
(with Corel SCSI 2.0 software.) ..................................$199
* PCMCIA Hard Drives
PCMCIA 105MB Hard Drive ..........................................$395
PCMCIA 170MB Hard Drive ..........................................$495
* PCMCIA 16-Bit Stereo Sound Card
(with Microsoft's Sound System 2.0.) .............................$279

* Front Drive Bay PCMCIA SwapBox
(Easily share peripherals between platforms. Installs into
3.5" drive bay.) ................................................$159
* Rear Access PCMCIA SwapBox
(Easily share peripherals between platforms. Installs into
rear access socket.) ............................................$99

* 14" SVGA Color Monitor
(For simultaneous display -- great for presentations!
With notebook purchase.) ........................................$295
* 101-Key External Keyboard .......................................$49.95
* External Numeric Keypad ...........................................$79
* Microsoft PS/2 Mouse ..............................................$79
* Special Package Price: 14" SVGA Color Monitor, Keyboard,
and Mouse (with notebook purchase) ................................$349
* Custom Nylon Carrying Case ........................................$79
* Custom Leather Carrying Case ......................................$178

* Extra battery .....................................................$99
* Extra AC Adapter ..................................................$69
* DC-AC Adapter
(Run your system in your car, boat, or other vehicle.) ...........$59
* Telemax surge suppressor ..........................................$69

* Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 .............................$99
* WinLynx
(For file transfer.) .............................................$99

A Traveler's Dream At An Ideal Fare...

What a dream! The ZEOS Contenda subnotebook is small enough to tuck away
in your briefcase and so light you'll forget you have it. With a starting
price of just $995, it's the perfect traveling companion.

This very affordable subnotebook is available with your choice of Intel
processors -- 386SL or 486SL -- running at 25MHz. And the Contenda's
processor extends your battery life significantly -- because it's
intelligent enough to power-down the memory, disks and fax modem when
they're not in use.

The Contenda's a pleasure to use with features such as a high-resolution
backlit screen that's crisp and vibrant. A built-in trackball so you
won't have to tote a mouse around. And with 80MB or 120MB hard drives,
memory up to 10MB and weight of less than four pounds, it's one powerful,
portable Windows workhorse!

Standard With Every Contenda:
* 25MHz 386SL or 486SL Intel microprocessor.
* RAM expandable to 8MB(486SL), 10MB(386SL).
* 486SL: IDE hard drive up to 120MB.
* Display: 640 x 480 VGA backlit, .23mm dot pitch, 7.4" diagonal.
* 256K (386SL) or 512K (486SL) video RAM.
* Supports simultaneous display with external monitor.
* Replaceable and rechargeable NiMH battery.
* 80-key keyboard and embedded numeric keypad, built-in trackball.
* Serial, parallel, external video port, and ports for optional
internal fax/modem and external floppy drive.
* 486SL version includes 3.3v technology, PI local bus, built-in
math coprocessor, high-speed floppy drive controller.
* AC-DC adapter with full range from AC110 - 240V to DC.
* Power management features.
* Password feature built into ROM.
* 9.7" x 6.1"; 3.9 lbs.
* EPA Energy Star Compliant.
* FCC Certified Class B; UL listed.
* Complete ZEOS Customer Satisfaction Package.

Package #1
386SL Contenda .....................$995
486SL Contenda .....................$1195
* 80MB IDE hard drive

Package #2
386SL Contenda .....................$1295
486SL Contenda .....................$1495
* 80MB IDE hard drive
* External 3.5" floppy disk drive
* MS-DOS 6.2
* Microsoft Windows for workgroups 3.11
* Lotus Organizer
Save up to $96 by getting these features as a package!

Package #3
386SL Contenda ....................$1595
486SL Contenda ....................$1795
* 4MB RAM (386SL)
8MB RAM (486SL)
* 80MB IDE hard drive (386SL)
120MB IDE hard drive (486SL)
* External 3.5" 1.44MB floppy disk drive
* Internal fax modem
* Extra battery
* Custom carrying case
* MS-DOS 6.2
* Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
* Lotus Organizer
Save up to $217 by getting these features as a package!

Favorite Options

Hard Drive Upgrade
* 120MB Hard Drive Upgrade
(486SL only) .....................................................$95

Memory Upgrades
* 386SL: 2MB to 4MB ................................................$99
* 386SL: 4MB to 10MB ...............................................$396
* 386SL: 2MB to 10MB ...............................................$495
* 486SL: 4MB to 8MB ................................................$198

* Internal 9600 Send Fax 2400 Data Modem ............................$49
* External Pocket 14.4 Send/Receive Fax Modem .......................$269

Floppy Disk Drives
* External 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive ...................................$99

* External Xircom Ethernet Adapter
(Specify 10BT or Coax) ...........................................$349

* 14" SVGA Color Monitor
(For simultaneous display.) ......................................$295
* Genovation Parallel Port Keyboard
(Full size 101-key keyboard.) ....................................$129
* External Numeric Keypad ...........................................$79
* Microsoft Serial Mouse ............................................$79
* Custom Nylon Carrying Case ........................................$79
* Custom Leather Carrying Case ......................................$178

* Extra Battery .....................................................$99
* External Charging Stand ...........................................$79
* Extra AC Adapter ..................................................$69
* DC-DC Adapter .....................................................$49
* Telemax Surge Suppressor ..........................................$69

* WinLynx
(For file transfer.) .............................................$99



Flexible Options To Custom Design Your ZEOS System.

ZEOS offers you money-saving packages (many ready to ship the same day
you order) or the option to custom build a system to your exact computing
needs. For the greatest flexibility, choose from the numerous accessories
and upgrades below and on the following pages. We make it easy to design
your own system -- just follow these five steps:

1. Start with any of ZEOS system package listed in this catalog.

2. Add features using the charts below or the options listed. New
options are added regularly. If you don't see exactly what you want,
be sure to call ZEOS for a more extensive list.

3. Upgrade prices are shown where indicated. If you wish to purchase an
item on its own, or have a question about volume purchases, give us a
call. We welcome the opportunity to put together a quote.

4. When you're ready to order, simply call us toll-free at 800-423-5891
or you can fax your order to 612-362-1205. A ZEOS Systems Consultant
will call to confirm your order, configuration and price.

5. Please remember, to get upgrades at the price shown, orders should be
placed at the time of system purchase.

P.S. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Call 800-423-5891 to confirm prices before ordering.

IDE Hard Drive Upgrades
(Example: If the hard drive in your base system is a 214MB hard
drive, use the 214MB column for determining your upgrade cost.)

Price as
Upgrade From >: 214MB 340MB 528MB 720MB 2nd drive
Upgrade To \/:

214MB, 16ms
Seagate ST3243A x x x x $245

340MB, 12ms
ProDrive 340 $50 x x x $295

528MB, 12ms
Seagate ST5660A $95 $45 x x $340

720MB, 12ms
Western Digital
WDAC2700 $230 $180 $135 x $475

1GB, 12ms
Seagate ST31220A $390 $340 $295 $160 $635

SCSI Hard Drive Upgrades
(Requires SCSI host controller.)

Price as
Upgrade From >: 214MB 340MB 528MB 720MB 2nd drive
Upgrade To \/:

245MB, 12ms
Seagate ST3283N $125 $75 x x $370

452MB, 12ms
Seagate ST3550N $245 $195 $150 x $490

1.0GB, 10ms
Quantum Prodrive
1050s $545 $495 $450 $315 $190

2GB, 13ms
Seagate ST42100N $1225 $1175 $1130 $995 $1470

Upgrade Upgrade
from 14" From 15"
* ZEOS 15" Color SVGA .............................$95 ---
SVGA color monitor, 1024 x 768, refresh up
to 72MHz, .28mm dot pitch, Flat screen,
Energy Star compliant.
* NEC XE15 15" Color SVGA .........................$390 $295
SVGA Multiscan color monitor, 1024 x 768,
refresh up to 76MHz, .28mm dot pitch, Flat
screen, with OptiClear(TM), MPR II, Nutek,
Energy Star Compliant
* ZEOS 17" Color SVGA .............................$490 $395
SVGA Multiscan color monitor, 1280 x 1024,
refresh up to 72MHz, .27mm dot pitch, Flat
screen, MPR II, Energy Star Compliant
* NEC XE17 17" Color SVGA .........................$890 $795
SVGA Multiscan color monitor, 1024 x 768,
refresh up to 76MHz, .28mm dot pitch, Flat
screen with Opticlear(TM), MPR II, Nutek,
Energy Star Compliant
* NEC 5FGp 17" ....................................$990 $895
Professional series SVGA Multiscan color
monitor, 1280 x 1024, refresh up to 76MHz,
.28mm dot pitch, Flat screen with Opticlear,
MPR II with Intelligent Power Management
* NEC 6FGp 21" ...................................$1890 $1795
Professional series SVGA Multiscan color
monitor, 1280 x 1024, refresh up to 76MHz,
.28mm dot pitch, Flat screen with Opticlear,
MPR II with Intelligent Power Management


Panasonic KX-P4410 ...................................................$599
(300 dpi laser printer, 5ppm, 28 resident fonts, 512K RAM standard
HP Laserjet IIP compatible.)
Drum replacement kit ...........................................$99
Toner cartridge replacement kit ................................$39
Developer replacement kit .....................................$149
Extra paper cassette; holds letter and legal ...................$49
Additional 2nd cassette holder. Feeds paper directly to
printer; includes paper cassette .............................$169
RAM expansion up to 4.5MB

Panasonic KXP4440
(300 dpi laser printer, 10ppm, 28 resident fonts, 8 scalable fonts,
1MB RAM standard, Panasonic Satin Print(tm) technology, 2 paper
cassettes, HP Laserjet III compatible.)
Drum replacement kit ...........................................$99
Toner cartridge replacement kit ................................$39
Developer replacement kit .....................................$149
Extra paper cassette; holds letter and legal ...................$49
RAM expansion up to 5MB

Panasonic KX-P2123 ...................................................$269
(24 pin dot matrix printer, 192cps draft, 11.7" carriage, three
paper paths.)
Black replacement ribbon .......................................$15
Color upgrade kit ..............................................$59
Color replacement ribbon .......................................$19

Panasonic KX-P2124 ...................................................$339
(24 pin dot matrix printer, 320cps draft, 11.7" carriage, paper parking,
push/pull tractor.)
Black replacement ribbon .......................................$15
Color upgrade kit ..............................................$59
Color replacement ribbon .......................................$19

Panasonic KX-P1624 .........i.........................................$429
(24 pin dot matrix printer, 240cps draft, 15" carriage, multiple
paper feeds.)
Black replacement ribbon .......................................$15

Canon BJ10sx .........................................................$279
(360dpi bubble jet, 110cps at 10cpi,3.7lbs)
Battery ........................................................$49
Sheet feeder ...................................................$79

* Diamond Stealth 64/PCI with 2MB VRAM Upgrade
(For the fastest video solution, choose the Stealth
VRAM for your Pantera. 16.7 million colors up to
800 x 600; 256 colors up to 1280 x 1024.) .......................$249
* Diamond Stealth 64/PCI with 4MB VRAM Upgrade
(Gain greater resolutions and more colors with an
additional 2MB of memory. 16.7 million colors up
to 1152 x 864; 65K colors up to 1280 x 1024.) ...................$418

(Diminish glare and increase your screen visibility.)
* 15" Monitor Screen
(For NEC XE monitor.) ............................................$79
* 17" Monitor Screen
(For NEC XE monitor.) ............................................$119

* Adaptec 6360 SCSI Controller Chip
(Expand your Pantera's connectivity with on-board
SCSI. Includes drivers.) .......................................$49
* Adaptec 1542CF SCSI Controller Card
(A bus mastering Fast SCSI-2 controller for increased
performance. Great for networks! For Pantera systems.
Includes drivers.) ..............................................$239
* Adaptec 2940 PCI 32-Bit SCSI Controller Card
(For super-fast performance, add a FAST SCSI-2 PCI
controller card to your Pantera system. Ideal for
demanding desktop and server applications. Includes
DOS/Windows drivers.) ...........................................$269
(For non-DOS and Windows operations including OS/2
and Novell.) ...................................................$79
(Perfect for high-speed, SCSI-bus peripherals. Includes
Advanced SCSI Programming Interface -- ASPI -- manager
and Corel SCSI 2.0 software.) ...................................$199

* Front Drive Bay PCMCIA SwapBox
(Full PCMCIA compatibility for desktops. Easily share
peripherals between platforms. Installs into 3.5" drive
bay.) ...........................................................$159
* Rear Access PCMCIA SwapBox
(Full PCMCIA compatibility for desktops. Easily share
peripherals between platforms. Installs into rear access
socket.) ........................................................$99

(Add additional floppy drives to Pantera and Ambra packages, or
convert two drives into the space of one with our dual floppy
* 5.25" 1.2MB DS/HD Floppy Disk Drive ...............................$69
* 3.5" 1.44MB DS/HD Floppy Disk Drive ...............................$69
* Dual 1.2MB/1.44MB Floppy Disk Drive Upgrade .......................$98

* Colorado 250MB internal
(80 to 250MB [with compression], includes tape backup
software.) ......................................................$159
* HP 35480 Internal
(1.3-8GB, requires SCSI controller, includes tape backup
software.) .....................................................$1495
Colorado backup software for DOS/Windows .........................$49

* Please call for prices.

(Increase your system performance with cache memory. Or upgrade
your existing system.)
* 128K System Cache
(For Pantera 486.) ...............................................$49
* 256K System Cache
(For Pantera 486 or Pantera Pentium.) ............................$98
* 512K System Cache
(For Pantera Pentium.) ...........................................$349

(Increase your system performance! Run more programs! By
increasing your system memory, you can add larger drive caches
or add capacity for multitasking enviornments. Call for
current memory prices.)

(Fax a memo, call a bulletin board, or accesss your system
off-site. Your choice of speeds.)
* 2400 bps Internal Modem with 9600 bps Send Fax/4800 bps
Receive Fax .......................................................$49
* 14,400 bps Internal V.32 bis Modem with 14,400 bps
Send/Receive Fax .................................................$129
* PCMCIA 24/96 Data/Fax Modem .......................................$149
* PCMCIA 14.4/14.4 Data/Fax Modem ...................................$199

(For desktop, vertical and notebook systems. Match your network:
either Ethernet or Token Ring in a variety of connection standards.)
* ZNYX EtherAction 32
(32-bit PCI Ethernet LAN adapter. Includes 10Base5,
10Base2, and 10BaseT connections.) ..............................$199
* Intel EtherExpress 16
(Specify either AUI and 10BT or AUI and Coax connections.) .......$119
* Intel TokenExpress 16/4
(Both UTP and STP connections.) ...................................$479
* Intel Ethernet Media Filter
(Connects an AUI connection to 10BT.) .............................$129

(Hooking up your Meridian notebook to a network is a snap with
these credit card-sized adapters.)
* PCMCIA 10 Base T (Twisted Pair) ...................................$139
* PCMCIA 10 Base 2 (Coax) ...........................................$169

* Ten-bay Vertical Case Upgrade
(Upgrade your Pantera desktop system to a vertical case. Gain
4 additional bays. Includes two cooling fans and a 200 watt
power supply.) ..................................................$95
* Heavy Duty Vertical Stand
(Provides support for your desktop in a vertical position.
Not for use with CD-ROM equipped systems.) ......................$39

* 2X CD-ROM Internal Drive
(A double speed multi-session, MPC2 compliant CD-ROM.
Operates at 350 KB/sec and 250ms. ) .............................$149
* NEC 3X CD-ROM Internal Drive
(A triple speed multi-session, MPC2 compliant (level 1 & 2)
CD-ROM. Operates at 450 KB/sec. and 200ms. Requires SCSI
controller.) ....................................................$449
* Complete Mulimedia Package
(Double-speed, multisession, MPC2 compliant CD-ROM,
16bit/48KHz sound card [Sound Blaster and Ad Lib
compatible] and high-powered Altec Lansing AS3
stero speakers.) ................................................$249
* 16 bit sound card
(16 bit/48Khz sound card is Sound Blaster and Adlib
compatible.) ....................................................$99
* PCMCIA 16-Bit Stereo Sound Card
(Record and playback 16-bit stereo sound, rates up to
44.1KHz. Includes Microsoft's Stereo Sound System 2.0.) ........$279
* Stereo Speakers
(Amplified stereo speakers. For use with CD-ROMs and
sound card.) ....................................................$29
* Altec Lansing AS3 Stereo Speakers
(High-powered satellite speakers include 30 watts
power amp, bass subwoofer and magnetic shielding.
Frequency response from 40Hz to 20KHz.) .........................$179
* Logitech Audioman
(Business audio with built-in speaker and microphone.) ...........$149
* Stereo Headphones
(Lightweight stereo headset for all your multimedia
applications.) ..................................................$29
* Microphone
(Annotate your documents or slide shows with voice!) .............$19

* ZEOS Enhanced 101-Key Keyboard
(Standard on Pantera and Ambra systems. A space-saving
keyboard with the function keys located above the QWERTY
keys.) ........................................................$49.95
* ZEOS F12 Enhanced 101-Key Keyboard
(Can be exchanged for the standard keyboard above. A
space-saving keyboard with the function keys located left
of the QWERTY keys.) ..........................................$49.95
* Maxi-Switch Programmable Keyboard Upgrade
(Upgrade your keyboard to include programmable repeat
rate and key mapping. Also capable of assigning key
sequences/macros to any key.) ...................................$50
* Logitech Trackman Portable
(Attach to a portable system, clip on to the side of your
desktop keyboard, or use as a stand-alone trackball.) ...........$69
* Microsoft 2-button Serial Mouse
(Ergonomically designed for greater comfort.) ....................$69
* Microsoft PS/2 Mouse ..............................................$79
* Logitech Hi-Res 3-button Serial Mouse
(If your software requires a three button mouse, then
this mouse is for you.) ..i......................................$99

* I/O Controller Card
(Add this card for additional I/O ports. Includes 2
serial, 1 parallel, and 1 game port.) ...........................$29

* 300 watt Power Supply Upgrade
(For the power-hungry system! Desktop or vertical case.) ........$50
* 600 watt UPS External
(Running a network server or other critical system?
Don't let a power failure stop your operations.) ................$449
* DC-AC Converter
(Run your notebook in your car, boat, or other vehicle.) .........$59

(Protect your data from power surges and tansients!)
* Max 6
(Six power outlets.) .............................................$69
* Telemax 4
(Four power outlets and one fax/modem outlet.) ...................$99

* Cable Extension Set
(Want your monitor and keyboard in a more convenient
place? Includes extension cables for your keyboard,
monitor, and power supply.) .....................................$29
* PS/2 Keyboard Adapter Cable
(Converts a standard keyboard connector to a PS/2 type
for use with our notebook products.) ............................$15

(Upgrade your existing ZEOS 486 Pantera system by replacing its
* 486SX-33 ..........................................................$149
* 486DX-33 ..........................................................$249
* 486DX2-50 .........................................................$249
* 486DX2-66 .........................................................$299

(If you wish to purchase your Pantera or Ambra system with no
hard drive, monitor and/or keyboard, start with Package #1
and delete the applicable items.)
* Delete 214MB HDD ................................................ -$150
* Delete CD-ROM Drive ............................................. -$100
* Delete Floppy Disk Drive ........................................ -$50
* Delete 14" Color SVGA Monitor .................................. -$200
* Delete 15" Color SVGA Monitor ................................... -$250
* Delete Graphics Card ............................................ -$100
* Delete Keyboard ................................................. -$25

* ZEOS Pantera systems can also be purchased without a microprocessor.

Call for prices.


Most desktop systems include DOS 6.2 with Enhanced Tools, Windows for
Workgroups 3.11, and your choice of Lotus Windows application: Ami Pro,
Freelance, Approach, Improv, Organizer or 1-2-3 for Windows.

* Microsoft DOS 6.2 with Enhanced Tools
(Includes enhanced utilities such as backup and virus
protection software.) ...........................................$99
* Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
(Includes built-in fax and scheduling software along
with offering better performance, greater ease of use
and increased networking capabilities.) .........................$99
* Microsoft Windows NT
(A 32-bit, high-performance operating system for client-
server computing. Compatible with DOS, Windows 3.1 and
character based OS/2 1.x applications. Requires 12MB
RAM, 75MB free HDD space and a CD-ROM drive.) ...................$329
* Lotus SmartSuite Bundle
(Five Windows applications: Lotus 1-2-3, Ami Pro, Approach,
Freelance, Organizer.) ..........................................$349
* Lotus SmartSuite Bundle Upgrade
(Lotus 1-2-3, Ami Pro, Approach, Freelance, Organizer.
Must be purchased within 30-days of system. Applies to
PCs that receive one free Lotus application.) ...................$299
* Winlynx
(Transfer files from system to system through the serial or
parallel ports.) ................................................$99

CD-ROM Business Bundles
* Bundle 1 - Home Office ............................................$89
Business Library
(The ultimate business bookshelf. Twelve complete
reference books on CD-ROM.)
PhoneDisc USA Business
(Easy access to 9.5 million US businesses with reverse
1993 TIME Almanac
(The most comprehensive news and current events reference
source on CD-ROM.)
* Bundle 2 - Home Office ............................................$129
Business Library
PhoneDisc USA Business
1993 Time Almanac
(Includes Bundle 1 Home Office CD-ROMs)
Graphic Photos
(InPrint Art Library Volume 2 contains 101 photos in TIFF file
format. Can be imported into Multimedia Presentations Pack.)
Multimedia Presentation Pack
(Contains Macromedia Action!, a multimedia authoring tool for
creating on-screen presentations with motion and sound.)
Sound Effects Library
(Over 300 sound effects in 8 and 16-bit resolutions, a sound
studio mixing panel, MIDI player, CD player, and wave
recorder/player. Can be imported into Multimedia Presentation

CD-ROM Home/Rec Bundles
* Bundle 3 - Home Recreation ........................................$89
Guiness Disc of Records
(Facts, figures, clips and stats are brought to life. Over
2,000 new and updated records.)
Chessmaster 3000
(Interactive chess game includes a variety of skill levels,
brain teasers, explanation of moves, hints, and more.)
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing!
(Touch typing made easy with lessons, drills and games. Also
includes 10-key instruction.)
World Atlas
(Contains hundreds of detailed references, ocean floor relief
and statistical maps.)
US Atlas
(Detailed relief and statistical maps of each of the states,
counties and cities on CD-ROM.)
* Bundle 4 - Home Recreation ........................................$129
Guiness Disc of Records
Chessmaster 3000
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
World Atlas
US Atlas
(Includes Bundle 3 Home Recreation CD-ROMS.)
The Animals!
(See and hear over 200 exotic mammals, birds and reptiles
in over 60 minutes of video clips.)
New Grolier Encyclopedia 6.0
(Contains 21 volumes of Grolier's Academic American Encyclopedia
on a single CD-ROM -- plus pictures, maps, animation, videos,
Multimedia Maps, Knowledge Explorer essays, and sounds.)

* SPECIAL OFFER - Purchase Bundles 2 & 4 for only $199. Save $1000 off
Suggested Retail Price.


Service And Reliability That Wins Awards

ZEOS gives you the best service and support in the business. No company
has won more "PC Magazine" Reader's Choice for Service & Reliability
awards than ZEOS -- six in all!

Award-Winning Reputation

Eleven times "PC Magazine" Editor's Choice and thirteen times "PC World's"
Best Buy. ZEOS has also twice won "Computer Shopper" readers' #1 Best
Buy, "Windows Sources" Expert's pick, "Info World's" Buyer's Assurance
Award, "PC/Computing" BEST, and "Windows Magazine's" WIN 100 award.

Exceptional Quality

UL Listing on the entire system - not just the power supply. FCC Class B
Certification. Plus features like two cooling fans and built-in surge
suppression that ensure longer system life.

Important Extras

Such as free Windows applications from Lotus. Most desktop systems
include DOS 6.2 with Enhanced Tools, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, and your
choice of either Ami Pro, Freelance, Approach, Improv, Organizer, or 1-2-3
for Windows.

Toll-Free Tech Support At Any Hour

For quick and accurate answers to all your technical questions, call
toll-free -- 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Additional Support

* FactFax: For our automated Technical Support fax service, call
800-845-2341 and select the information you need.
* PRODIGY: Type "ZEOS" as your jump word.
* Plus our own free Bulletin Board Service for immediate updates and more
at (612) 362-1219.

More Ways to Pay

In addition to offering affordable business leasing terms, we also accept
MasterCard, VISA, Discover, and American Express, plus purchase orders,
COD, cashiers checks, money orders or cash in advance.

Warranties and Guarantees

All ZEOS systems come with a One Year Limited Warranty and a 30-Day
Money-Back Guarantee. All desktops and verticals also include an Express
Parts Replacement Policy. If you're not abso

lutely satisfied with your new
system, return it to us for a full refund of the purchase price. No
questions asked. And for only $99, you can extend warranty to three years.

On-Site Service

Optional on-site service for desktop and vertical systems is available for
only $59 the first year. On-site service for second and third years
available at additional cost. Options can be purchased during the first 30
days you own your new system.

Fast, Reliable Delivery Via Federal Express

This chart shows what it will cost to ship your complete system. The
costs shown for shipping a desktop and vertical system include monitor,
keyboard and software. Call for shipping charges if a printer is included
in your purchase.
Desktop Vertical
Notebook System System
Second Day Air $35 $75 $95
Next Day Air (A.M.) $49 $129 $149
APO/FPO (Via US Mail) $55 $100 Not available
Foreign Shipments Call Call Call
Ground shipping is available to Minnesota addresses only.


It's true. With our special Computers Now program, our most popular
packages can be shipped the same day you call.

It's As Easy As:

1. Choose the ZEOS system package you want.
2. Call ZEOS at 800-423-5891. For same-day shipping, place your order
before 1 p.m. Central Time, Monday - Friday and verify the package you
want is a Computers Now package.
3. Upon credit approval, we'll ship your system the same day you order.

Our Guarantee To You:

If we accept your order for immediate shipment and fail to ship your
system under the conditions outlined, we will ship it at our expense as
soon as it is ready.

Need A Bigger Monitor?

We can upgrade your Computers Now! desktop or vertical system with a
larger monitor -- and still ship it the same day you order!

Just A Few Rules:

Orders must be for ZEOS Computers Now configurations. Since we
continuously update the list of configurations, please call to confirm
your system is on the list. This offer is good as long as prebuilt
systems remain in stock.Other ZEOS systems and custom configurations take
slightly longer - about a week. All orderes are subject to credit
approval. Monitor upgrades available as long as monitors remain in stock.
Orders must be received by 1 p.m. Central Time, Monday - Friday.




by Patrick Hudlow

This program was tested on a 386 25mhz computer with 4megs of memory
and a Supra 14.4 faxmodem and Windows 3.11 for WorkGroups. To start out I
found that the installation program was quite painless and pretty
straight-forward. Once the program was installed you have to go through
all the normal procedures for setting up a telecommunications program. The
program did come with pre-configured init strings for many types of modems
which made it quite easy to configure without having to hunt for the
correct init string for the type of modem you are using. The screen is
configured so that all the commands you need are within sight. Telix does
this by using tool bars at the top of the screen labeling the different
command groups. Below the tool bar you have your Flash keys. These are
macro or scripts you can launch while running Telix. You can put your
password, name and any other macro you need in a flash key and when you
need it just click on the correct Icon and presto! You can also use flash
keys to launch other programs while running Telix like your off line mail
reader or any other program.

The program also supports many types of terminal emulation. Telix for
Windows has a script file compiler which is built into Telix so you can
compile and edit scripts while still in Telix. You can also edit multiple
scripts on the screen at the same time. Moving right along to the dialing
menu, each bulletin board is well laid out with options for different
emulations and keyboard layouts. It also comes with a list of several
different popular bbs program types so you can select which bbs program
you are calling to. You can also configure each emulation type. You can
chose the size of the text window, size of text, font type, scroll back
buffer size and color. You can also choose different screen writes for the
type of video card you have.

In summary the program does flow quite well but, it is still buggy. I
did experience a lot of program crashes while using Telix that caused it
to abort to Windows. With the terminal emulations I found many problems
with Ripscripts. I called and tested this emulation at The TeleGraphics
bbs which is the support bbs for Ripscripts. Even with the newest patch
file for Telix It still has problems with screen color fills over writing
or coloring 3-D letters thus getting the screen completly filled with the
color that was meant for inside the letters or vice versa. On the other
hand, Telix is very user Friendly and has help files on every menu that
you choose so if you do need help it's right there. If you do have
problems with Telix that the help file does not cover the staff at the
support bbs are very willing to help with any questions you might have. So
check this program out today! You can download a shareware version on most
local bbs's or you can call The Telix support bbs at (919)-481-9399 and
download it directly. Now The Ratings.....

Ease of Use ... 8

Graphics ... 6 (because of Ripscripts)

All around use ... 8

Most for your Money ... 7


> Windows95 STR InfoFile


The Beta-2 release of Windows 95 represents fixes and enhancements as
well as further refinement of the feature set and functionality to be
offered in the final retail product. The information in this section is
designed to give a quick overview of some of the changes made between
Beta-1 and the delivery of Beta-2.

This is not an exhaustive list of the new features or changes present
in the Beta-2 release, but is intended to provide a quick overview of some
of the key enhancements since Beta-1. A more extensive list is available
on the WinNews servers in the file called DM7NEW.ZIP.

Windows 95 User Interface
* Recycle Bin to recover deleted files
* Multilevel undo for file operations like delete, move, copy, or rename
* Undo for window management operations performed on the Taskbar
* New visual design for the start button, it's bigger with a nice bitmap
as the menu background (users can toggle between the larger menu view
and a smaller icon view)
* Guided tour to help both new users and Windows 3.1 users learn the
Windows 95 user interface
* Integrated "Windows 3.1 help" system to aid Windows 3.1 users in
operating in Windows 95
* Quick viewer enhancements to improve speed and support additional
* Version and type information will be shown as a property sheet for
each file shipped as part of Windows 95, making it easy for users to
see the version of system files they have and confirm they have the
latest revision
* Document file summary properties shown via a standard system property
page, allowing users to see the same summary properties they see in
Microsoft Word for Windows, for example, without having to open the
* Fonts folder is integrated into the shell as a folder, and is
accessible from My Computer
* Application install wizard to guide users through the process of
installing both Windows and MS-DOS- based applications.

MS-DOS-based Application Support
* Ability to have custom config.sys and autoexec.bat files per session
with quick reboot for single MS-DOS application mode. This is a very nice
solutionto running those cranky MS-DOS games that insist on having their
own configuration files.

* MS-DOS application information associated with links so you can have
multiple links to a single MS-DOS executable, each with it's own specific
settings for that program. For example, a link to to run it
in a window, and a second one to have it run full screen.

* Simplified property sheet UI for configuring options for running
MS-DOS-based applications.

* File system compatibility mode, which can be set in setup. Disables
long file names and other new file system features, plus uses old boot
file names to support old disk utilities. Designed for 100% file
system compatibility.

Windows Core
* Vastly improved Device Contexts (DCs) resource limit, raising it from
the current limit of around 150 to around 4000. This will allow users to
run many more large resource hungry applications under Windows 95 than on
Windows 3.1.

* Image Color Matching work integrated. Profiles for the most popular
color printers provided.

File System
* Complete protect mode DriveSpace/DoubleSpace integration. VXD and real
mode compression drivers support both DoubleSpace and DriveSpace.
GUI-based DriveSpace utility to make settings, compress in place, etc.

* Device configurability in the System Control Panel UI; cache write
behind control, fixed/removable media settings, use real mode drivers or
not, polling versus interrupt driven, reserve letter for removable drives,

* Support for a swapfile on compressed volume. User won't have to worry
about changing various host volume sizes to accommodate the swapfile. The
swapfile just sits on the compressed volume and grows and shrinks as

* Support for AutoPlay included. If a CD-ROM is autoplay-enabled, just
put it in your CD-ROM drive and it will run automatically. If the desktop
is showing, AutoPlay will open a window to show the contents of your CD
automatically when you stick in a CD)

* Volume control. A new volume control appears on the Taskbar, making it
easy to turn the sound up or down.

* New, simpler, UI for Multimedia control panel.

* CD Player application included. The new CD Player makes it easy and
enjoyable to play audio CDs in your CD ROM drive. You can even create and
save custom play lists, so you can skip over songs you don't like)

* Improved joystick driver. The new joystick driver requires less
attention from the CPU (leaving more cycles for your game!) and provides
more accurate and responsive user control -- so you'll hit what you aim at
more often.

* CDFS Performance enhancements: Since Beta-1, improvements in the CD
File System have boosted streaming efficiency while decreasing the CPU
overhead for reading from the CD-ROM drive. This means that you can use
the CPU to decompress bigger, faster digital video than before.

* 32-bit codecs: Indeo and Cinepak have both provided 32-bit versions of
their codecs, which ship in Beta-2.

* 32-bit digital video capture subsystems. The digital video capture
subsystems are now fully 32-bit in Beta-2. When used in combination with
a 32-bit codec, this offers dramatically improved digital video capture
performance. We are seeing throughput increases of 30% or greater. This
means you can capture bigger, faster, better looking digital video without
upgrading anything but the software.

* Full-screen digital video. When you play a 640x480 digital video file,
Windows 95 now automatically removes the window border in order to play it

* TrueSpeech voice compression. Beta-2 includes this new codec for very
efficient compression of voice data.

* Support for the new Sony/Phillips "CD+" format (using stamped
multisession technology) built into Windows 95.


> TIPTAP LITE STR InfoFile "Every now and then something real nice..
"""""""""""""""""""""""" this comes along"

TipTap Lite 1.1

"Kids will love it! Highly recommended for pre-primary and primary
--Sheila Rogers
Editor of Latitudes and Director of the Alternative Therapy Network

TipTap Lite: a multimedia interface designed to teach typing skills,
phonics, word and sentence configurations, and allow for handwriting
practice. The user receives a combination of auditory, visual and tactile
reinforcement. This is known as a multi-sensory approach to learning and
is beneficial for all students, regardless of individual learning styles.

Through beautiful and colorful animations, illustrations, creative sound-
effects, systematic repetition, and reinforcement of correct responses,
youngsters happily engage in an exciting, computer interface learning

Phonics: Using studio quality, 8-bit human voice wave data, words are
pronounced phonetically as the letters making up the sounds are emphasized
on the screen.

Typing: With the on screen, color coded, animated keyboard and visual
representation of the hands, typing skills are easily increased.

Printing: TipTap comes with two unique TrueType fonts. One for handwriting
practice and the other is a drawing from the current lesson. Pages are
formated with lines allowing children to create their own illustrated
spelling books for practice, and serves as a visible record of their
accomplishments. High quality output is achieved even on dot-matrix

User's Word List: Users can create their own lists of words for typing,
printing and if available, Monologue for Windows output. The interface is
kept so simple the user only has to type in the words, TipTap takes care
of all the rest. The list is automatically kept in a database file
compatible with dBase, FoxPro and Clipper so advanced users can import and
export word lists to and from other programs.

Animations: Lessons include a full motion animation with sounds and/or
midi music to emphasize a word being taught. The most up to-date version
of Windows graphics (WinG) is used. This library for Microsoft is included
in all versions of TipTap.

Multimedia: What TipTap accomplishes could not be replaced by using a
book. Beyond the regular animation, many other parts are animated as well
with an accompaniment of sounds and midi music. However the program has
been designed so as not to distract from the lessons being taught.

Options: TipTap allows the user to configure the program to their level
and the way they work.

Positive Feedback Only: This program does not generate auditory or visual
responses when the wrong key is pressed. Rather than emphasize incorrect
responses, the program waits for the proper key to be selected. TipTap
also has the ability to accept a space bar input in place of the proper
key. This is referred to as Letter Assistance. This avoids frustration and
allows the user to proceed at his or her own pace. The lessons are
designed to be brief; repetition is encouraged for reinforcement of

Spoken Voice: As part of the tutorial, professionally recorded 8-bit human
voice wave data is used to phonetically pronounce and speak the focus word
of the lesson. The sentence part of the lesson is also vocalized as each
word is animated so the user can read along. Monologue for Windows is
later used separately for similar words in the lessons and words from the
user's word list database.

Online Help: TipTap has a complete context-sensitive help file that offers
thorough explanations, tips, cross-referenced materials and other
information about the program.

Installation Utility: Like any other professional program, TipTap comes
with a full installation utility that installs all the files including
WinG. It also creates a group with icons in the program manager. The user
is only responsible for telling the utility where to install the program.

Minimum Requirements:
Intel 386-based (or higher) PC
4Mb of extended memory
Minimum 3Mb harddrive disk space
Windows 3.1 or later, 100% compatible version
VGA 640x480 display with a 256 color palette
8-bit sound system for both midi and wave data
(Included) Microsoft WinG 1.0 Windows Graphics Software Library
Dot-matrix, Laser or PostScript printer to print the lessons
(Optional) Monologue for Windows.

Pricing and Ordering:
Shareware: Only $19.95 plus $5.00 Shipping

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> GATEWAY 2000 NEWS STR Spotlight


Irish Prime Minister lauds Gateway 2000 growth in Dublin

DUBLIN, IRELAND, November 2, 1994 Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynolds,
speaking at the one-year anniversary of Gateway 2000 (Nasdaq: GATE) in
Dublin, called the direct marketing PC giant one of Ireland's tremendous
success stories. The Prime Minister joined other Irish officials in
saluting Gateway 2000 at a celebration in Dublin marking the company's
first year of business in Europe.

Gateway 2000 chairman, president and CEO Ted Waitt applauded the
Prime Minister and his government for the strong pro-growth stance Ireland
has demonstrated in attracting companies like Gateway 2000 to their

I would like to acknowledge the tremendous commitment the Prime
Minister has made to bring more business to Ireland, said Waitt. He is to
be commended for the aggressive stance his government has taken in
economic development issues. Gateway 2000 is proud to be a part of this
exciting corporate community.

Prime Minister Reynolds alluded to Gateway 2000's success in the
United States and his hope that those records would be duplicated in
Ireland. Everywhere Gateway 2000 goes, they quickly exceed their original
goals of both business and job projections. We anticipate their track
record in Ireland will match the one they've made in the States, Reynolds

The company also announced that it has more than 450 employees now
based in Dublin, a target the company had not anticipated reaching until
1996. Included in that number are English, French and German-speaking
employees handling the company's customers in its three major European
markets. Worldwide, Gateway 2000 now employs more than 4,500 people. Its
corporate headquarters and United States manufacturing plant are located
in North Sioux City, South Dakota. The company also has customer support
and sales centers located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Kansas City,

Accompanying the growth in employment in Ireland is a 40,000
square-foot expansion of the company's Dublin facility.


Gateway 2000 Liberty brings large-screen color to lightweight notebooks
Direct-market leader announces 4.2-pound PC with 10.4-inch display, IR

NORTH SIOUX CITY, S.D., November 11, 1994 Gateway 2000 Inc. today
announced the Liberty, a lightweight, full-featured notebook PC featuring
a 10.4-inch color screen, an ergonomically-designed keyboard with palm
rest, a removable hard drive, infrared connectivity and a choice of Intel
processors, including a 100MHz DX4 and a 50MHz DX2. The Liberty is a
completely new addition to the company's portable PC product offering.
Beginning November 29, customers can call (800) 846-5227 to order. Gateway
will begin shipping the Liberty in late December.

Specific pricing and configurations, including preloaded software and
available accessories, will be announced November 29.

"The Liberty is the first four-pound notebook with a color screen
larger than 10 inches," said Bob Burnett, director of portable product
marketing for Gateway 2000. "We named it Liberty because it gives people
on the go the freedom to work wherever they are without compromising what
they can accomplish. Liberty is a full-featured notebook incorporating the
advanced technology and features that our customers told us would be great
to have in a lightweight notebook."

The advanced technology makes possible features such as built-in
infrared capabilities for easy connectivity to desktop systems, efficient
power management for extended battery life, support for up to 24MB RAM,
and removable, upgradeable hard drives with capacities from 340MB to

"We listened carefully to what our customers told us they'd love to
see in our next portable products," added Ted Waitt, chairman and CEO of
Gateway 2000. "They told us they wanted a large color screen, a
comfortable keyboard, exceptional performance with long battery life, easy
file transfer capabilities and a large hard drive, all in a compact,
lightweight notebook. We've done all that and more in the Liberty."

The Liberty weighs only 4.2 pounds, including its nickel-metal
hydride battery pack. The case measures 10 inches by 8 inches by 1.6
inches, making it one of the most compact full-featured notebook Pcs on
the market.

An ergonomically-designed keyboard incorporates a wide, comfortable
palm rest and Gateway's proven EZ Point pointing stick, with two large
cursor control buttons conveniently located on the palm rest. Flip-out
feet let the user tilt the Liberty if desired.

The removable hard drive gives users extra data security and the
flexibility to swap drives among different units or upgrade at a later
date. An optional external floppy drive connects to the Liberty through
the parallel port. For easy file transfer, the Liberty incorporates a
built-in infrared transmitter/receiver on the back of the unit that allows
for communication with an infrared receptor connected to the serial port
of a desktop PC. The Liberty is designed to IRDA specifications. Two
Liberty note books can communicate with one another via the infrared link
at throughput up to 115.2 kilobaud.

Battery life using real-world application benchmarks is
conservatively estimated at between three and four hours. The Liberty
comes with a nickel-metal hydride battery pack and will support a lithium
ion battery when that option becomes available early next year. The
battery can be quick-charged externally or internally, operating or idle.
Charging monitors built into the battery packs and a graphical
representation on the unit provide a visible "gas gauge," giving the user
a reliable indication of how much battery life remains.

The Liberty provides one PCMCIA Type III or two PCMCIA Type II slots
for add-in cards such as modems and network cards, plus a serial port, a
parallel port, a PS/2-style port for keyboard or mouse and a VGA port for
an external monitor. The user can hit a "hot key" to select either the
built-in dual-scan passive matrix color display, the external VGA port or
simultaneous display. When attached to an external monitor, the Liberty
can support resolutions as high as 1024 by 768 by 256 colors.

The company also plans to introduce an extension to its popular
ColorBook family in the first quarter of 1995.

All Gateway 2000 portable systems include access to technical support
via a tollfree telephone number that connects directly to a support group
dedicated to portable products. Portables also come with a 30-day
money-back guarantee, one year warranty and membership in the Gateway 2000
electronic bulletin board system. Gateway 2000 maintains user forums on
many popular online service systems, including America OnLine, CompuServe,
DELPHI, GEnie, Internet, Prodigy and Spaceworks.

About Gateway 2000
Gateway 2000, a Fortune 500 company founded in 1985, currently sells more
PC-compatible systems through the direct market channel in the United
States than any other PC manufacturer. A recent report from Dataquest Inc.
said that Gateway 2000 is also the top United States market supplier of
systems based on Intel's Pentium processor. Gateway 2000 is listed on the
Nasdaq market as GATE. Gateway 2000 is a registered trademark, and
ColorBook and EZ Point are trademarks of Gateway 2000, Inc. Intel is a
registered trademark of Intel Corp. Dataquest is a registered trademark
of Dun & Bradstreet. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corp. Other products mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.


> PERFORM WIN STR InfoFile Delrina's PerForm For Windows 3.0


Delrina Announces Cure for Hatred of Business Forms

PerForm For Windows 3.0 Enables Individuals and Small Businesses
without Any Forms Design Experience to Create and Use Better Business
Forms Quickly and Easily

Delrina Corporation (NASDAQ:DENAF, TSE:DC), the world's leader in PC forms
software, today announced PerForm For Windows<tm> 3.0, a new forms
package that lets users create and use, "intelligent,"
professional-looking, business forms quickly and easily. PerForm for
Windows is aimed at individual users in small businesses, home
offices, and the corporate environment where forms are designed,
filled in and printed as a necessary requirement of doing business.
The task of creating and using forms is made quick and easy in
PerForm for Windows through four key innovations in the product:

1) PerForm includes Delrina Experts<tm> (like Microsoft Wizards<tm>),
which create "intelligent," professional-looking, and usable forms
automatically for the user.

2) PerForm has extensive on-line "help demonstrations" that quickly
teach the user how to apply and use its powerful set of design tools.

3) PerForm allows users to move beyond designing forms for printing,
allowing them to enter and retain data direct in their forms, without
any database understanding or experience.

4) PerForm includes all the latest in usability advancements such as
ToolTips, dialogs using Tabs, and "tear away" tool bars that are also
completely customizable.

Although a forms product is the best tool for creating and using
electronic forms, packages such as Delrina's own FormFlow product,
have evolved to meet high-end, workgroup/workflow, enterprise
requirements, and may be too sophisticated for an individual's or
small business user's needs. As a result, users have resorted to
using their word processor, spreadsheet, desktop publishing package,
drawing program or other non-forms software to create and use common
business forms. While such packages can be used for forms, such
packages fall short in forms design flexibility, ease-of-use, and the
ability to retain, sort, manage and print forms data. PerForm for
Windows has been designed to meet the needs of individual users for a
powerful forms tool that is quick and easy to use, enabling them to
create forms such as invoices, inter office memos, time sheets, and
the myriad of rogue forms used in business today.

Automatic Forms Creation
One of the biggest hurdles users have in creating a form for use is
knowing where to start. A user has to have a good idea of what the
form and its function will be before they put cursor to screen.
PerForm includes DelrinaExperts, which allows the user to quickly
create a new usable form, customized for his particular needs, based
on the answers to a few simple questions. The user selects from
various design styles and form components and is given previews of
the final result. The user does not have to learn how to use any of
PerForm's powerful tools, to get started, the form is automatically
created for him. DelrinaExperts go beyond predesigned forms or
templates because even predesigned forms require some modification --
like adding the user's own logo and address on the form header or
building a tax calculation with the right values for their area --
which means the user would have to learn the program to get started
using forms. PerForm includes DelrinaExperts for over 30 forms
categories from invoices to inter office memos.

Kevin Lee, a PerForm beta tester with Regan Agency Inc., an insurance
agency in Babylon, NY, agrees, "Delrina Experts are terrific, by
making the design of forms the easiest I've seen. PerForm guides you
nicely through the process of producing high quality, usable business

"How Do I...?" Help Demos
PerForm for Windows includes a new way to find help about the objects
that make up a form and how to use its powerful design tools. Under
the Help menu, users will find an item entitled Parts of a Form,
which displays a sample invoice form with underlying help
demonstrations linked to all the components that make up the form.
For example, the user can click on the SubTotal field (which sums a
column of numbers), and get a visual demonstration of how the field
is created and the calculation is built. The "How Do I ....?" help
demos teach the user how to employ PerForm's powerful design tools,
which include boxes, lines, circles, text boxes, fillable fields and
tables, over 60 different spreadsheet-like functions and
calculations, and the ability to import images from 10 different
industry standard graphic formats. PerForm also includes an Object
Library, so users can store and reuse any form object (like a
telephone field that automatically formats the number with
parentheses around the area code and inserts the dash) in other

Databases with Programming
PerForm lets users fill in their forms on the computer and save the
data (or information) they enter on the form for later search and
retrieval. Unlike other forms products, PerForm does not create an
external database, but retains the information a user enters directly
within the form, stored as multiple records. Users can do simple or
compound (i.e. multi-field) searches for specific information without
having to learn complex search rules or procedures. Users can print
all the forms (i.e. records) or only those identified by the search
criteria. For instance, a user can enter all the invoices for his
business and then with one simple command, print the completed
invoices for mailing. PerForm provides all the benefits of true
databasing, but eliminates the need for the user to understand and
deal with external databases. The program does allow the data to be
exported to an ASCII or dBase file for use in other applications. In
addition, PerForm directly supports Delrina WinFax, so users can
directly fax forms with the current data directly from within

"Anyone who has tried to use products like Word or Excel to design a
form have been frustrated by the lack of forms creation tools and the
difficulty in storing information for re-use" added Eric Stevens,
Forms Marketing Manager at Delrina. "PerForm delivers professional
looking forms within minutes of installing the program, with the
ability to re-use forms data with other applications."

Usability Advancements
PerForm for Windows includes all the latest in usability
advancements. It has ToolTips, which are helpful messages that
automatically pop up when the user places their mouse cursor over a
tool or command button. Further, all of the configuration options
for a form object (such as a fillable field) are organized in Tab
dialogs, enabling the user to quickly move through various dialogs
without having to hunt for a particular function through several
nested layers or menus. Finally, PerForm allows the user to
completely customize their design and filling environments by
relocating the tool bars anywhere on the screen and changing any of
the buttons on the tool bars.

"This new offering further strengthens our position as the leader in
the electronic forms market," said Mark Skapinker Delrina President.
"Delrina already markets FormFlow which provides sophisticated forms
creation and workflow routing tools for enterprises. PerForm for
Windows is focused completely at the broad range of individual users
who need a quick and easy way to design and fill in forms."

Market Opportunity
Among PerForm's target market is the small business user. "There are
over 20 million small businesses in the U.S., and seventy percent of
these businesses are one-person operations," said Raymond Boggs,
director of Small Business/SOHO Research, at BIS Strategic Decisions,
in Norwell, MA. "Many could benefit from Delrina's entry level,
print-on-demand' forms solution." According market research
conducted by BIS, the entry level segment of the electronic forms
market is expected to grow 300%, reaching U.S. $160 million by 1996.

System Requirements, Pricing and Availability
PerForm for Windows requires Microsoft Windows 3.1, 4 megabytes of
RAM, and 6 megabytes of hard disk storage. The retail price is $129
($174.99 Cdn) and will be available before December 1994 in computer
retail and office supply stores. The package also includes a $20
($25 Cdn) rebate for customers currently using any other software
product, such as a word processor or spreadsheet, to create forms.

Founded in June 1988, Delrina Corporation is a high-profile Canadian
success story and ranked among the fastest growing software companies in
North America. Delrina's revenues have more than doubled each year,
during the last two years, achieving annual revenues of Cdn $102 million
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1994. Delrina develops, markets and
supports PC-based software products and services for the fax and data
communications, electronic forms processing and consumer software markets.
The Company employs more than 550 people with headquarters in Toronto,
Canada, and offices in San Jose, CA; Washington, DC; Kirkland, WA; the
U.K.; France; and Germany. Delrina can be contacted at 1-800-268-6082.

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N


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So, whether you're into downloading software, reading bulletin boards, or
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GEnie Information Services copyright (C) 1994 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


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Adobe Systems Announces Product Realignment


Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for Windows Now Available
New Version Comes with Deluxe CD-ROM, Bonus Content, Adobe Type On Call
and Adobe Acrobat Reader

Mountain View, Calif. (November 11, 1994) (NASDAQ: ADBE)DAdobe Systems
Incorporated today announced the availability of Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for
Windows, a significant upgrade that adds new and enhanced composition,
editing and production features to the industry-leading image processing
software. The new version also takes advantage of the latest operating
system advances, including full 32-bit support under Microsoftr Windows
3.1 and symmetric multiprocessing under Windows NTt version 3.5.

"When Adobe Photoshop 3.0 became available for Windows, there was a loud
applause among those users. Before Adobe Photoshop, Windows users didn't
have this kind of power with any other software program," said Matt Keefe,
president of TX Unlimited, a San Francisco-based firm specializing in
image editing and manipulation. "The new enhancements to version 3.0 such
as Layers, is going to make a huge difference in the flexibility of our
compositing. Plus, features like the Filter Factory plug-in allows us to
create customized 'signature' effects for our corporate and advertising

Significant new features of Adobe Photoshop 3.0 include support for
multiple layers and new color correction tools. Multiple layers support
allows users to manipulate elements of an image on separate layers, much
as they would use separate sheets of acetate when using manual techniques.
Users can also attach a Layer Mask to any layer, allowing them to apply
effects and vary the opacity of a layer without destroying the original
layer data.

New color correction tools improve the process of achieving color fidelity
when adjusting images for CMYK output. Selective Color Correction lets
users specify precisely the amount of ink in a given color plate, saving
time and money on unusable film. The Replace Color feature lets users
create masks based on specific colors and allows color correction by
adjusting hue, saturation and brightness values. CMYK Preview provides a
"soft proofing" capability for previewing work in CMYK without first
converting the image. Gamut Warning highlights any areas in an image that
are out of CMYK gamut. The new Sponge tool allows users to saturate or
desaturate color areas to bring them into gamut for correct color
separation output.

The improved user interface provides many enhancements, including
redesigned floating palettes, a new Commands palette and a new drag and
drop feature, giving users more control over their workspace. For example,
redesigned floating palettes can be combined and arranged in any order,
and the new Commands palette lets users create custom command buttons for
quick access to the most frequently performed tasks. To save time when
using filters, users can preview the effect of a filter before actually
applying it to the image. The new drag-and-drop feature lets users quickly
copy and paste images between documents or layers without using menu

Other new features in Adobe Photoshop Version 3.0 include the Lighting
Effects filter for applying a variety of lighting effects to an image via
multiple light sources, with a range of colors, intensities and angles;
the Dust & Scratches plug-in for removing dust and scratches from scanned
images to facilitate retouching and photo restoration, and the Filter
Factory plug-in for creating and naming new Adobe Photoshop plug-ins. The
new IPTC caption support lets users add file information to an image such
as the photographer's name, date and location the photograph was taken,
photo caption and other information required by the worldwide IPTC
newspaper standard.

Adobe Photoshop 3.0 comes standard with application software on floppy
diskettes as well as on the Deluxe CD-ROM, which also includes Adobet
Acrobatt Reader, user tutorials, stock photography, sample third-party
plug-ins and a digital art show. A second CD-ROM includes Adobe Type On

Version 3.0 offers identical features and interoperability for the Windows
and Appler Macintosh platforms. The Macintosh version of the Adobe
Photoshop 3.0 program was released last month and runs native on the
high-performance Power Macintosh computers.

Price and Availability
Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for Windows is available immediately from Adobe
Authorized Resellers. The suggested retail price is $895 and includes both
CD-ROM and floppy diskette media. Registered owners of any previous full
version of the Adobe Photoshop program may purchase a Version 3.0
upgrade directly from Adobe for $149. Anyone purchasing Adobe Photoshop
version 2.5 after June 15, 1994, will receive a free upgrade to version
3.0. Customers with Adobe Photoshop LE may upPage grade to the full
version of Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for $199. For more information, customers
should contact Adobe at 1-800-833-6687.

PhotoStyler Upgrades
Adobe will be offering upgrades from PhotoStylert for the Windows
environment to Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for Windows for $199. The company
announced this week that it will discontinue the retail version of
PhotoStyler due to product line overlap.

When PhotoStyler customers upgrade to Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for Windows
directly from Adobe, they will receive a free copy of Classroom in a Bookt
training guide, a hands-on tutorial CD/workbook. The upgrade applies to
all PhotoStyler customers, including PhotoStyler Special Edition (SE)
owners. All registered PhotoStyler users will automatically receive
upgrade information by mail. Users who have not registered their product
should contact Adobe at 1-800-521-1976 to register and upgrade.

Additionally, customers who purchased a full retail version of PhotoStyler
after September 1, 1994, and have a dated proof of purchase, will receive
a free upgrade to Adobe Photoshop 3.0 by calling Adobe at 1-800-521-1976.

PhotoStyler Special Edition customers who received their product through
an Adobe OEM can upgrade to Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for $199. Adobe plans to
continue technical support for all PhotoStyler and PhotoStyler Special
Edition customers. To inquire about the upgrades, customers should
contact Adobe at 1-800-521-1976.

System Requirements
Minimum system requirements for the Adobe Photoshop 3.0 Windows version
include an Intel i386t, i486t or Pentiumt processor, DOS 5.0, Windows 3.1
or Windows NT version 3.5, 10 megabytes of RAM (16 megabytes of RAM for
Windows NT), at least 20 megabytes of free disk space, a color VGA display
adapter and compatible color monitor, and a mouse or other pointing
device. For optimal performance, recommendations include a Pentium
processor, DOS 6.1 or greater, Windows 3.1 or Windows NT version 3.5, 16
or more megabytes of RAM (32 megabytes of RAM for Windows NT), at least 50
megabytes of free disk space, a color display adapter and compatible color
monitor, mouse or other pointing device and acceleration products bearing
the "Adobe Charged" logo.

Mountain View, Calif. (November 9, 1994) (NASDAQ:ADBE) D Adobe Systems
Incorporated today announced a realignment within the image editing and
video editing product lines. With the merger with Aldus Corporation
successfully completed, the company is consolidating the two product lines
in order to eliminate overlap and provide better product development and
technical support for customers.

Effective immediately, Adobe will discontinue the retail version of
PhotoStylert for the Windowst environment and offer current users an
upgrade to the market-leading Adobe Photoshopt 3.0 for Windows
desktop-image processor for $199.

However, Adobe plans to continue providing Photo-Styler Special Edition
(SE) via OEM partners. The company also announced that Hitchcockt, a video
editing tool previously distributed by Aldus, will be discontinued.

"We believe that by consolidating these product lines our customers
ultimately win," said Dave Pratt, senior vice president and general
manager for Adobe's Application Products Division. "It would be virtually
impossible to successfully develop and market two products in the same
markets. In addition, we can offer superior support and bring more timely
revisions to market if we focus our energies and continue building
innovative technologies across platforms."

Upgrading to Adobe Photoshop
When PhotoStyler customers upgrade directly from Adobe, they will receive
a copy of Adobe Photoshop 3.0 and a free copy of Classroom in a Book
training guide, a hands-on tutorial CD/workbook. The upgrade applies to
all PhotoStyler customers, including PhotoStyler Special Edition (SE)
owners. All registered PhotoStyler users will automatically receive
upgrade information by mail. Users who have not registered their product
should contact Adobe at 1-800-521-1976 to register and upgrade.

Additionally, customers who purchased a full retail version of PhotoStyler
after September 1, 1994, and have a dated proof of purchase, will receive
a free upgrade to Adobe Photoshop 3.0 by calling Adobe at 1-800-521-1976.

Special Edition customers who received the product after September 1,
1994, through an Adobe OEM can upgrade to Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for $199.
Adobe plans to continue technical support for all PhotoStyler and Special
Edition customers. To inquire about the upgrades, customers should
contact Adobe at 1-800-521-1976.

"We value our PhotoStyler customers and want to make sure we provide a
good growth path with great value," said John Kunze, vice president for
Adobe's Graphics Products Group. "With Adobe's broad product offering and
Adobe Photoshop software's market leadership and extensive cross-platform
support, we believe moving over to the Adobe family is the right choice
for PhotoStyler users."

"I've used PhotoStyler since its beginning, but Adobe Photoshop offers a
number of features that were not available in PhotoStyler," said Lee
Wojnar, of Wojnar Photography, Inc., a leading photographic and digital
imaging studio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "We've already begun working
with some of our images in Adobe Photoshop and are impressed with the
color balancing, anti-aliasing and layering capabilities. We didn't
realize the limitations of PhotoStyler until we started using Adobe

Dynamic Media Products Converging
As part of this product line consolidation, Adobe is also discontinuing
Hitchcock. Previously developed by CoSA, a subsidiary of Aldus, Hitchcock
software is a nonlinear off-line editing tool for video professionals that
runs on the Macintosh Hitchcock offered functionality similar to the Adobe
Premieret 4.0 desktop digital video editing program. A popular program for
both the Windows and Macintosh platforms, Adobe Premiere allows users to
create high-quality digital movies by combining film and video footage,
audio, animation and still images from other applications.

Registered Hitchcock customers who purchased a retail version of the
product will be compensated through the choice of several Adobe products,
including Adobe Premiere. Adobe will continue supporting Hitchcock
customers through February 1995. To receive their Adobe product, Hitchcock
customers should contact Adobe at 1-800-521-1976.

Adobe Systems Incorporated, founded in 1982, is headquartered in Mountain
View, California. Adobe develops, markets and supports computer software
products and technologies that enable users to create, display, print and
communicate electronic documents. The company licenses its technology to
major computer, printing and publishing suppliers, and markets a line of
application software and type products for authoring visually rich
documents. Additionally, the company markets a line of powerful, yet easy
to use, products for home and small business users. Adobe has subsidiaries
in Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim serving a worldwide network of dealers
and distributors. Adobe recently completed a merger with Aldus
Corporation, and Adobe's 1993 revenue on a combined basis was
approximately $520 million. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Classroom in
a Book, Hitchcock and PhotoStyler are trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated or its subsidiaries, which may be registered in certain
jurisdictions. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

For Immediate Release
For more information:
LaVon Peck
415 962.2730 Fax 415 962.0850


> Word Perfect NewsWire STR InfoFile


Multiple Testing Vendor Strategy To Expand Global Services
for CNE, CNA, CNI Candidates

PROVO, UTAH -- November 21, 1994 -- In continuing to build "The
Billion-User Infrastructure" key to Novell President, CEO and Chair Bob
Frankenberg's vision of network user growth by the year 2000, the
Education Division of Novell Inc. has announced a new multiple vendor
strategy to administer tests for its industry-leading certification

In Novell#s 1995 second fiscal quarter, certification candidates will
be serviced worldwide by either Drake Training and Technologies
(DT&T) or Sylvan Learning Systems.

As of February 1, candidates for the Certified Novell Engineer (CNE),
Certified Novell Administrator (CNA) and Certified Novell Instructor (CNI)
programs will be able to take their certification examinations at 280
Sylvan Centers around the world. This adds to Novell Education's
worldwide testing infrastructure of 600-plus Drake Authorized Testing
Centers (DATCs).

"Driving pervasive computing through quality education products and
programs is the mission of Novell Education," said Carolyn G. Rose, Vice
President and General Manager of Novell Education. "Providing the very
best service to our student customers in all aspects of learning is
essential to that mission. By extending testing options, Novell Education
is enhancing our already strong testing infrastructure, and is providing
student customers with even greater flexibility of location and schedule
for their certification exams."

Freedom of choice impacts not only Novell Education certification
candidates, but also "The Source" for networking and network
applications training--the 1,300 Novell Authorized Education Centers
(NAECs) around the globe. The current testing model consists only of
DATCs, many of whom are also NAECs. With the Sylvan testing option,
NAECs who are not also DATCs will have a "neutral" testing location to
refer their customers to, instead of to another NAEC/DATC.

"The network of DATCs that Drake has assembled is impressive, and
we laud not only Drake but our NAEC partners who aggressively
pioneered the testing infrastructure that is servicing not only Novell
certification candidates, but those of other vendors," noted Rose. "To
bring the industry to the next level, to truly build the billion-user
infrastructure, we need to provide multiple testing solutions, and broader
global coverage."

According to Rose, Sylvan's existing and planned international
presence made them a natural choice for a testing partner. In addition to
Sylvan's current 240 Centers, the company has plans to add an
additional 40 international centers by the end of the 1994 calendar year.
"We are committed to servicing the needs of Novell certification
candidates around the globe," said Chris Hoehn-Saric, Sylvan's Chairman
and CEO. "Sylvan is enthusiastically partnering with Novell Education to
pursue new markets."

In addition to Sylvan's global scope and commitment, Novell Education
was impressed with Sylvan's expertise and experience as a certification
testing partner, and the high level of standardization and security
offered. Along with carrying the end-user certification examinations for
the former WordPerfect, Sylvan is the exclusive computerized test
delivery system for other organizations, including the prestigious
Educational Testing Service (ETS). ETS's well-known examinations
include the National Teachers Examination (PRAXIS) and GRE (Graduate
Record Examination).

To maintain consistency with the industry-leading testing procedure
developed by Novell's staff psychometrician (testing expert), the Novell
tests delivered by Sylvan and by Drake will be the same, have a similar
look and feel, and identical performance on a test in either a Drake or
Sylvan facility will produce the same score.

Test Availability
Sylvan's testing facilities are scheduled to begin offering Novell
CNE, CNA, and CNI examinations February 1. DT&T's network of DATCs will
be the sole provider for those examinations until that time. Emphasizing
convenience and security to the testing candidate, Sylvan Technology
Centers are open Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.

For more information regarding Novell certification programs, Novell
Authorized training solutions, NAECs or testing programs, call
800-233-EDUC (North America) or 801-429-5508 (Outside North America).
Certification candidates can also contact their local NAEC for information
regarding testing options.

Certification Perspective

Novell pioneered certification programs for the information
technology (IT) industry. The company's CNE program has more than 48,000
certified professionals. There are 30,000-plus CNAs, and 3,000 CNIs. CNE
is the global standard for servicing and supporting networking; CNA is the
global standard for administering networking and network applications;
and CNI is the global standard for teaching networking and network

The business of Novell Inc., is connecting people to other people
and the information they need, enabling them to act on it anytime, any
place. Novell is the world's leading network software provider. The
company's products provide the distributed infrastructure, network
services, advanced network access and network applications required
to make networked information and pervasive computing an integral part
of everyone's daily life.

Press Contact:
Jennifer J. Johnson
Novell, Inc.



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Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

>> BURP! <<

It happens every year; I vow that I'm not going to eat too much
but I never seem to be satisfied with just a little Thanksgiving fare!
As usual, I'm feeling like most of you probably do (or did), bloated.
I hope that you all had an enjoyable holiday with family and friends.
It's a great time of the year.

We as Atari users have a lot to be grateful for, still. We're
fortunate that there are still some dealers and developers who feel
that Atari users are still worth their efforts. Granted, the support
base isn't what we'd all like it to be; but we should be grateful for
what we have.

Let's hope that we can all sit back and consider what this holiday
season really signifies, from Thanksgiving to New Years Day. It's truly
one of the most enjoyable times of the year.

Until next time...

Delphi's Atari Advantage!


* = New on list

The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
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STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 10.47)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.


> Crawly Crypt CD Offer Extended! STR InfoFile! - More CD ROM News!


Announcing The

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// / //\____// / //\___// / // / // / // / // / \__//\__\/
////////\ // / // / // / // / //////////// / ////////\ // /
\______\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \__________\/ \______\/ \\/

////////\ ////////\ //\ //\ ////////\ /////////\
//\_____\/ //\____/ / // / // / //\____/ / \__//\__\/
// / //////// / ///////// / //////// / // /
// / //\____// / \__//\__\/ //\_____\/ // /
////////\ // / // / // / // / // /
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Collection CD ROM
for Atari TOS Computers - Volume 1

A collection of files on CD ROM obtained from The Crawly Crypt BBS

The Crawly Crypt Collection is the CD ROM with a difference. The CCC is
PACKED FULL of uncompressed public domain, freeware, and shareware
software. Most programs run right from the CD! Unlike other Atari
CD ROMs, The Crawly Crypt Collection does *NOT* contain duplicate
compressed versions or other fillers.

The Crawly Crypt Collection *IS* a treasure chest of software for your
Atari ST. It also contains over 50 megabytes of STe/TT software and over
120 megabytes of Falcon030 specific software. The CD is in industry
standard ISO 9660 format and is readable by any Atari or IBM compatible
CDROM reader that accepts ISO 9660 discs.

* SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE: $29.99 (good until November 15, 1994) *
(After November 15, 1994 the price will be $39.99)

Shipping & Handling to North America: $FREE

Elsewhere: $5.00

Note: Dealer inquiries welcome!

The Crawly Crypt Collection Volume 1 is also available from your local
Atari dealer! Call and order your copy today!

For a complete list of all files on the CD, call the Crawly Crypt BBS
today and download the file CRAWLYCD.ZIP. File Requests (FREQs) are also
welcomed 24 hours a day! You can also place your COD or credit card
(Mastercard or Visa) order for the CD on the BBS. Log on and ask the
Sysop for details!

The Crawly Crypt Corp is pleased to announce it is extending the
special introductory offer on the Crawly Crypt Collection Volume 1
CD ROM until December 15, 1994. Orders postmarked by that date will be
able to purchase the CD for only $29.99 (US) and receive FREE shipping.
After December 15, 1994 the price goes up to $39.99 (US) + $3.00

The Crawly Crypt Corporation is also pleased to announce its discount
program for public domain/shareware authors.

Simply stated, any pd/shareware author who submits their most recent
pd/shareware offerings to the Crawly Crypt Corp for inclusion on a future
Crawly Crypt CD ROM will receive a $15 (US) discount towards the purchase
of the Crawly Crypt Collection Volume 1 (when purchased direct from the
Crawly Crypt Corp). This discount is in ADDITION to any other "special
offer" that may be in effect at the time.

Since the Crawly Crypt Volume 1 is on sale for $29.99 through December 15,
1994 - any pd/shareware author can obtain it for only $14.99 if they order
before the Dec. 15 deadline!!!!

NOTICE: The deadline for submitting programs for inclusion on the Crawly
Crypt Collection Volume 2 is fast approaching. December 20,
1994 is the cut-off date for new submissions. We hope to have
The Crawly Crypt Collection Volume 2 released in early 1995! If
you have a file you want on the next Crawly Crypt Collection,
SEND IT IN NOW! PD/Shareware authors may send their files
direct to the Crawly Crypt BBS or via mail to the Crawly Crypt

To order please send a check or money orders (US Funds Please) to:

The Crawly Crypt Corporation
P.O. Box 23
Webb City, MO 64870
United States

Please allow 3-5 weeks for delivery - sorry no CODs.

The Crawly Crypt BBS
Located in Joplin, Missouri USA
Using US Robotics Dual Standard Modems
With Speeds up to 16.8 HST/21.6 V.32ter/28.8 VFC/28.8 V.34
BBS Phone: +1-417-624-1887
* available 24 hours a day *


> MiNT 1.12 Available! STR InfoFile! - Binary & Source Files Released!

MiNT 1.12 is now available in both source and binary form
From: Eric R. Smith <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 1994 21:36:17 GMT

Version 1.12 of the MiNT multitasking program is now available in both
source and binary forms. This release is primarily intended for
programmers who are already familiar with MiNT, or for MultiTOS users
who wish to upgrade their existing MultiTOS installation. The license
under which MiNT 1.12 is being distributed encourages redistribution,
and I hope that some more "user-friendly" packages (such as the
MiNTos Unix work-alike) will soon be available. MiNT 1.12 may also
be distributed with commercial products, provided that the licensing
terms in the "copying" file accompanying MiNT are adhered to.

The files (available from,,, and other Atari archive sites) are:

mint112b.zoo MiNT binaries
mint112s.zoo MiNT source code
mint112d.zoo MiNT documentation

Eric R. Smith


> NEAR*US Update! STR NewsFile! - Northeast User Group Network Re-Forms!

Received the following letter from J.C. Mordosky, VP of the Lehigh
Valley Atari Users Group, about an upcoming Long Island meeting open to
all Atari computer users (8- and 16-bit). Unfortunately, the date (Dec. 3)
conflicts with one day of Toad's two-day Winter Festival in Maryland, but
for Northeasterners (particularly those in the metro NY area) who can't
attend that great show, this might prove interesting [or you could make a
special point to participate the 2nd day of the MD event, Dec. 4 -- Please
don't shoot me, Dave & Jennifer; I'm only the messenger.] I offered to
post it for JC, the following invitation is his:

Jonathan C. Mordosky
Lehigh Valley Atari Users Group
P.O. Box 796
Whitehall, PA 18052-0796

November 19, 1994

Dear Fellow Atarians,
Can one person walk around the world? Such a task would be monumental
and would likely take 2 to 4 years. However if at one time; 24,902 people
each walked only one mile, the equivalent task could be completed in about
15 minutes! The longest journey can be accomplished one step at a time.
If the journey is stopped for any reason, beginning again is the only way
to reach those goals.

On September 9, 1989, Bob Brodie made a good will journey from Atari
Corporation in Sunnyvale, California to Murry Hill, New Jersey. His
purpose was to address local user groups from throughout the Northeastern
United States. It was from this meeting, that the idea of a regional Atari
user support group was formed.

The idea became a reality on February 17, 1990. Approximately 23
officers representing 8 Atari user groups from throughout the Mid-Atlantic
States and Germany, met at the Bell Labs Research Center in New Jersey.
On this day, the North East Atari Regional - User Support group (NEAR*US)
was born.

The idea grew. Officers were elected, committees formed, friendships
made, BBS systems networked, newsletters and library disks exchanged, and
goals clarified. About 36 user groups from Canada, Connecticut, Germany,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode
Island eventually joined in supporting NEAR*US. Unfortunately, it has been
several years since a NEAR*US meeting has taken place. The greatest of
intentions have faltered.

Representatives from several states have once again decided to
resume the journey of NEAR*US. We will be invading the Long Island Atari
User Group meeting on December 3rd. (Don't worry, the natives are
friendly.) We will be having an "unofficial" NEAR*US meeting following
the monthly LIAUG meeting. We hope to evaluate our goals and plan for an
official meeting in a few months.

This meeting is open to all. We would like to especially invite
representatives from Atari user groups and the SysOps of all non-pirate
Atari BBS systems. Expanding NEAR*US to non-user group BBS systems and
enthusiastic individuals will be considered. We are looking for the
feedback of suggestions, ideas, wants and needs.

What really is NEAR*US? First of all, NEAR*US was formed as an
association of 8/16/32 bit Atari computer user groups, banded together
for our mutual needs and support. It is non-profit and self-funded. We
are not affiliated with Atari Corporation, its subsidiaries or any
commercial enterprise. We do not support piracy either directly or
implied, or the use of computers for any illegal activity.

The "original" NEAR*US goals included a network of co-operation and
exchange between user group officers, BBS systems, newsletters, disk
libraries and possible joint regional Atari computer shows.

The main support NEAR*US can provide is through increased
communication. Communication of ideas that work, can increase our user
group membership and BBS participation. It can increase the appreciation
of our computers and provide much needed resources for every individual,
BBS or group involved. It can foster friendships and mutually beneficial
relationships among programmers, developers, SysOps, and individuals. It
can connect Atari users with needed sources of information, software,
hardware, books and magazines.

We will be meeting in New York, after the monthly Long Island Atari
User Group meeting on December 3, 1994. It will be held in the community
room of the Nesconset branch of the Smithtown Library on Long Island. The
meetings start at 12 noon and should last about 4 hours.

Pat Mulvey, LIAUG president has graciously offered to arrange
transportation for anyone wishing to use the Bridgeport Ferry. Please
call (516) 221-2964 and leave a message to take advantage of this
service. He can also be reached through The New Nest BBS at (516)

The idea of invading the Long Island Atari User Group meeting on
December 3rd started as a personal trip, about three weeks ago. I would
like to personally apologize for such short notice. It is coming together
quickly. There wasn't any big plot. It just started happening!

On December 3rd & 4th, Toad Computers is having their Holiday
Festival '94. The conflict with this great event and the "unofficial"
NEAR*US meeting was also not planned. I am sorry for putting anyone in
the position of making a choice between the two. If you choose the Toad
Holiday Festival, enjoy. It sounds like lots of fun to me too.

If you contact me via the address at the beginning of this letter
or my GEnie address, I will personally keep you informed of the meeting
results and on the status of NEAR*US. Please provide your US Mail and/or
a GEnie address. We are looking forward to meeting you.


Jonathan C. Mordosky
LVAUG Vice President



About our host:
Located in New York, The Long Island Atari User Group (LIAUG) is the
oldest Atari user group on Long Island. They support all Atari computer
products including the 8-bit and ST line of computers.

Monthly meetings are held at the Nesconset branch of the Smithtown
Public Library on the first Saturday of the month. Meetings are open to
all those interested at no charge. They start at 12:00 p.m. in the
community room in the back of the library. Demonstrations of 8-bit and
ST hardware and software are regularly featured.

Membership in LIAUG has several benefits. Members receive a fine
monthly newsletter, The LIAUG Lighthouse. They also receive full access
to The New Nest BBS, with its' many messages bases and file sigs. The New
Nest networks several message bases with other BBSes in the US, Canada,
and Europe. Membership dues are $25 per year.

How do I get to the NEAR*US/LIAUG Meeting?

Below are routes from two major highways on Long Island. These
highways are easily found on New York maps. If you need further
transportation or route information, please call (516) 221-2964 and
leave a message.

If you are planning on using the Bridgeport ferry and need
transportation to and from the meeting, call the above phone number.
Pat Mulvey, LIAUG president will get back to you with arrangements.

Directions from Interstate 495, the Long Island Expressway:

Take exit 58 North (Old Nicholls Rd.), continue north for
approximately two miles and make a left (west) turn onto Smithtown Blvd.
(There's a bank and a plumbing supply house at this corner.) Continue
west for 1 1/2 miles to the Nesconset Plaza on the right hand side of the
road. The library is located in the west end of the plaza.

Directions from the Northern State Parkway:

Take the Northern State Parkway to the end where it continues east
as Veterans Memorial/Nesconset Highway (routes 347/454). Go east
approximately two miles and take the left fork (347). Continue for
another three miles to Terry Road (Watermill Inn). Make a right turn
onto Terry Road and take the left fork (approximately 3/4 mile), onto
Smithtown Blvd. The library will be in the Nesconset Plaza on the left
hand side approximately 1 mile from the fork.

Can I stay overnight?

The LIAUG will be happy to provide the name and phone numbers of
hotels in the area. There are several hotels close to the meeting site
in the $50 per night and under range.

We encourage you to pass this file on provided it remains unaltered
in content or completeness. Atari and ST are trademarks of Atari
Corporation and are not affiliated with LIAUG, LVAUG or NEAR*US.

> STR NewsWire! - From the Various News Services

-/- Prodigy Note Writer Unknown -/-

Another wrinkle has developed in the recent libel suit filed against
Prodigy: the court still can't determine who actually wrote the note that
prompted securities firm Stratton Oakmont to file the $200 million suit
against the IBM/Sears online service.

Writing in The Washington Post this morning, reporter Jerry Knight
says that at the heart of the suit is an online note that said, "This is
fraud, fraud, fraud and criminal!!!" in describing a recent stock
offering promoted by Long Island, New York, securities firm Stratton
Oakmont that paid a $2.5 million penalty for securities law violation
earlier this year.

The message was signed online by one David Lusby of Key West, Florida.
However, says Knight, Prodigy subscriber David Lusby of Key West has
sworn under oath that he didn't write the message that carried his name
and Prodigy ID. Also another Prodigy subscriber named David Lusby (who
lives in Severna Park, Maryland, and has a different ID) said he didn't
write it either.

Says Knight, "The Florida Lusby is a former Prodigy employee who told
Stratton's lawyer Friday he managed a group of software testers who had
passwords to get into many in-house accounts that were listed in his

As reported earlier, Prodigy's lawyers promised to try to track down
the source of the offending message. Washington lawyer Robert Charles of
Weil Gotshal & Manges tells the Post the identity of the person could
complicate Prodigy's defense, adding, "If a hacker got onto their system,
it raises a new question about whether somehow Prodigy should have
prevented that from happening."

Charles also says Prodigy could have a problem on another front,
because of its practice of editing public bulletin board messages. No one
has ever won a libel suit against a computer information service. As
noted earlier, CompuServe successfully fended off a libel suit over one of
its bulletin boards using what is known as the common carrier defense
(that online services are no different than a phone company or a library,
not responsible for every word that goes over the wires or through the

Writes Knight, "CompuServe said it was neither the author nor editor
of the offending message and had no control over it, but Charles said
Prodigy may not be able to use that argument. That's because Prodigy
edits its bulletin boards. ... Prodigy looks for obscene language and
sends back to their writers any message that contains four-letter words.
After a lawsuit by the Anti-Defamation League, Prodigy also screens for
anti-Semitic slurs."

Stratton Oakmont attorney Jacob Zamansky argues that since Prodigy
has the capability to screen messages, he has asked the service to block
any derogatory messages about his client.

"So far, Prodigy has refused," the Post reports, "but Zamansky said
he may seek a court order to protect his client."

-/- Stones' Internet Debut a Yawner -/-

The Rolling Stones now can claim cyberspace among the worlds the
band has conquered, though listeners say the group's debut on the Internet
last night was less than satisfying.

As reported here, the Stones announced earlier this month they would
become the first group to broadcast a concert live over the global

Susan Moran of the Reuter News Service reported this morning, "Mick
Jagger, himself an 'info-freak' according to Rolling Stones spokesman Ted
Micohis, offered the first five songs from the band's show at Dallas'
Cotton Bowl stadium to anyone with access to high-powered workstations
equipped with software to receive video and audio over the Internet."

But sending is one thing; receiving is something else. As Moran
notes, "Engineers and software designers can readily appreciate the
technological feat of such a 'multicast' -- cyberspeak for broadcast --
but for average rock fans and others who are simply technologically
challenged, the 20 minutes of Stones on cyberstages was hardly riveting.
At an Internet viewing site here, about 30 employees and affiliates of the
computer maker Sun Microsystems Inc. gathered in front of a large screen
to watch Jagger and his band members gyrate at the speed of about eight
frames per second and sing barely decipherable tunes."

Reacting, Eric Schmidt, chief technology officer at Sun, told Moran,
"I went to the Stones concert and let me tell you, watching it at eight
frames per second is hardly like seeing them live or at 30 frames a
second (on the TV), but I think people who look at it will understand
that they're seeing only the beginning."

John Graham, a chief engineer at Sun who worked through much of the
night to connect Sun's computer systems to the Internet, added, "Three or
four years from now, it'll look and sound better (in digital form) than
on broadcast television."

Moran commented that renditions of the five songs -- "Not Fade Away",
"Tumbling Dice", "You Got Me Rocking", "Shattered" and "Rocks Off" --
sounded "like skyrises being demolished. But Jagger's British accent
came through."

She adds that while the Stones can claim the credit as the first band
to broadcast a live concert on the Internet, a Seattle, Washington, band
called Sky Cries Mary beat the Brits by a few days in performing over the
vast network in a one-hour studio-based session.



Dragon Released! Jaguar in Japan!
New Jaguar Demo Video! ATC Earnings!
Tempest 2000 CD Soundtrack!
Kasumi Ninja Characters! AvP Sellout!
Val D'Isere Notes! Iron Soldier!
And More!!

> From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!

Well, it's certainly starting to feel like the beginnings of a
holiday season. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story and Doom have started to
appear on the shelves. And, Brutal Sports Football has been re-
released and is currently available again - all problems resolved, as
I've heard. More are on the way folks, the party is about to happen!

Since it's a holiday, I'm not going to editorialize about the ups
or downs of the rumored "a lot of games, limited quantities"
possibility. I see some benefits, and some down sides to either
scenario. As end users, we'll likely have something to say about this
no matter how Atari handles the situation. I'll leave this topic for
another issue.

We've got a lot of ground to cover this week. There are numerous
announcements appearing in this week's issue, including a brief report
of Atari's 3rd quarter earnings, the Jaguar being released in Japan,
AvP sold out, an Iron Soldier exclusive on Compuserve, a new Atari
video, and lots more!

We're going to be busy in the next few weeks with reviews of
upcoming games, as they arrive. We'll also keep you informed as we
learn of new titles hitting the streets.

We're also still looking to increase our Jaguar staff. We've been
getting some responses so far and we're busy sifting through them. If
you're interested in joining us, please drop me a line at

Also, our "name the first 20 Jaguar games released" contest is
going strong. Don't be left out in the cold, and get your entry in
soon - the contest ends in less than a month!

So, sit back, relax, and have another helping of turkey and the
rest of the left-over fixings!! And while you're at it, enjoy yet
another issue of your favorite - published every week! - Jaguar
support magazine - a recommended read by Atari!

Until next time...


> Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out.

Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $49.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/
Crescent Galaxy $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $69.95 id/Atari Corp.
JA100 Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95 Telegames
J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Rebellion/Atari Corp.
J9036 Dragon: Bruce Lee $59.99 Atari
Doom $69.99 id/Atari

Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


CatBox $49.95 ICD
CatBox + $69.95 ICD
J9007 Checkered Flag $69.99 Atari
Club Drive $59.99 Atari
Theme Park TBD Ocean
Syndicate TBD Ocean
Troy Aikman Football$69.99 Williams
Sensible Soccer
J9012 Kasumi Ninja $69.99 Atari
Cannon Fodder TBD Virgin
Hover Strike $59.99 Atari
Iron Soldier $59.99 Atari
J9042 Zool 2 $59.99 Atari

Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J8001 Jaguar (complete) $249.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95


> Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile - The Latest Gaming News!

PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuter) - Atari Corp., which last week acknowledged
that delays in getting software titles to market hurt the company's
third-quarter earnings, said the problem has been rectified and now
expects to have about 20 titles out by Christmas.

"It's absolutely not a problem now. You'll see lots and lots of
software titles coming out soon," President Sam Tramiel told Reuters
in an interview at the game maker's headquarters.

Last Tuesday Tramiel said in a statement that Atari will report a
loss of about $3.9 million in its third quarter.

That compares with a larger $17.6 million loss in the 1993 quarter.
He said the loss in the recent quarter was "a result of delays in
software releases as well as expenses related to promotional activity"
related to the company's Jaguar player.

Atari will soon formally report its quarterly results. He said Atari,
which lost $48.9 million, or 85 cents per share, last year, "will not have
big profits in 1995."

Asked if he expects the company to return to profits next year after
two years of losses, Tramiel said, "I can't predict when we'll make a
profit but we are very close to it already."

"Our key target is getting Jaguar more established in the
marketplace," he said. "We'll be pumping all we can back into marketing
and establishing Jaguar."

With a recent $40 million investment from rival Sega Enterprises Ltd
for a 7.4-percent equity stake, on top of Sega's $90 million dollar
payment to Atari in a lawsuit settlement, Tramiel said Atari is equipped
to succeed.

Time Warner Inc., which is using Jaguar in its forthcoming
interactive television trial in Orlando, Fla., owns another 25 percent
of Atari. Tramiel said Atari is on track to sell some 200,000 Jaguars on
about 30 titles by year-end.

Atari just released "Alien Vs. Predator" last month and plans to
release five new titles,including the popular "Doom."

Analysts say Jaguar, the only 64-bit system on the market, offers
better sound, resolution and faster speed than the predominant 16-bit
machines made by Nintendo Co. Ltd and Sega, and 3DO Co.'s 32-bit

"But software drives sales -- period," said Charles Lemonides, an
analyst at Gruntal & Co. "It doesn't matter how good the hardware is if
you don't have good software."

He said Atari will be clearly in the game if it can roll out 10 to
15 new games quickly and keep titles flowing in.

Contact: Laury Scott/Ron Beltramo David Harrah
Atari Edelman Public Relations
408/745-8852 415/968-4033

For Immediate Release

SUNNYVALE, CA (November 21, 1994) -- Atari Corporation today announced
that the Atari Jaguar, the world's only 64-bit video game system, will
now be available at all 25 Toys "R" Us stores and other selected stores
in Japan. Mumin Corporation of Tokyo, Japan, will handle distribution and
sales. Japanese consumers will be able test-drive the Atari Jaguar
Interactive Multimedia System at special demonstration kiosks in Toys
"R" Us stores.

"The Japanese are very serious about their video game systems, and they
will choose the system with the best graphics and most sophisticated
playing environment," said Sam Tramiel, CEO of Atari Corporation. "We
think that if they are given the chance to compare, Japanese gamers will
choose Atari Jaguar."

The launch in Japan marks another significant milestone in building
distribution for the Atari Jaguar system. Introduced in October of last
year, the Jaguar was only available in New York and San Francisco during
last year's important holiday shopping season. Today, the Jaguar is
available throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and, now, Japan.

"We have the best game system in the business, hit games like Alien Vs.
Predator and the soon-to-be-released Doom, and we are expanding our
distribution," Tramiel added. "The momentum for Jaguar is building every

Since its release in November 1993, Atari's Jaguar game system has been
named the industry's "Best New Game System" (Video Games Magazine), "Best
New Hardware System" (Game Informer) and "1993 Technical Achievement of
the Year" (DieHard GameFan).

Atari Corporation markets interactive multimedia entertainment systems,
including Jaguar, the world's only 64-bit game system, and the only video
game system manufactured in the United States.

# # #

Contact: Ron Beltramo David Harrah
Atari Edelman Public Relations
408/745-8852 415/968-4033

For Immediate Release


SUNNYVALE, CA (November 22, 1994) -- Atari Corporation today announced
that initial production of its new Alien Vs. Predator game, launched
October 21st in stores around the world, has nearly sold-out. Atari is
working with suppliers to rush additional quantities to stores in
anticipation of increasing pre-Christmas demand for the game. Alien Vs.
Predator utilizes the sophisticated graphics and power available from the
64-bit Atari Jaguar.

"In less than three weeks, over 50% of our installed base purchased Alien
Vs. Predator," said Sam Tramiel, CEO of Atari Corporation. "This is the
most enthusiastic reception we've ever seen for a game and is indicative
of what a truly great game Alien Vs. Predator really is. We have also seen
a strong increase in sales for the Jaguar system coinciding with the
release of this game and the launch of our expanded advertising program."

Atari's new Alien Vs. Predator for the 64-bit Jaguar system provides such
realistic graphics and life-like digitized sound effects that it creates
a compelling, first-person perspective. Gamers can choose to be the
Predator, Alien or Colonial Marine as they battle through the Predator
ship, the Marine Training Base or the Alien ship, enjoying hours of
entertainment. Alien Vs. Predator is licensed from Twentieth Century Fox
and is based on the films of the same names.

Key game reviewers have been effusive in their praise for Alien Vs.
Predator . Paul Anderson of Game Informer Magazine stated: "I was
overwhelmed with the cutting edge graphics and the innovative game play
of AVP --no question it's the best Jaguar game to-date."

"Alien Vs. Predator is the best 3-D action game that I have ever
played -- the graphics and game play are second to none," wrote Dave
Halverson, editor-in-chief of DieHard GameFan. "If you own a Jaguar, you
must own this game, and if you don't own a Jag, it's time to get one.
More games are on the way!"

Atari plans to release more startlingly realistic games. Games scheduled
for late November release include Club Drive, Dragon: the Bruce Lee Story
and Doom.. December releases include Iron Soldier, Val D'Isere Skiing,
Kasumi Ninja, Zool II and Bubsy.

Since its release in November 1993, Atari's Jaguar game system has been
named the industry's "Best New Game System" (Video Games Magazine), "Best
New Hardware System" (Game Informer) and "1993 Technical Achievement of
the Year" (DieHard GameFan).

Atari Corporation markets interactive multimedia entertainment systems,
including Jaguar, the world's only 64-bit game system, and the only video
game system manufactured in the United States.

# # #

> Compuserve Atari Gaming Forum Exclusive! - Iron Soldier Video Clip!

A Thanksgiving day present from Atari Corp.
Available exclusively on The Atari Gaming Forum.

By special arrangement with Atari Corp., the Atari Gaming Forum staff
has obtained permission to convert the preview of IRON SOLDIER for the
Jaguar from the Atari demo video tape for display (in QuickTime Format)
on your PC or Mac computer.

Before downloading this video clip, please keep some significant
limitations in mind:

1) The clip is meant to be a quick peek at the game, IRON SOLDIER.
However, the 30 second clip will be limited by the resolution of
your PC system and the speed of your CPU as well as inherent
limitations in the QuickTime video display program. As a result,
what you see on your PC will not be the same high quality as what
you will see on your Jaguar system. Video resolution, game play
and character motion will be better on the Jaguar.

2) To view the clip (only on a Mac or PC) you need the QuickTime
movie viewer. This can be downloaded for the PC from the EDRIVE
area (GO VIEWER) or from the MACDEV Forum. It can be viewed with
ver 1.0 or 2.0 of the QuickTime program.

3) This clip was created from the Atari demo tape for the Jaguar.
If there is interest, we will generate more video samples from the
tape as well as exclusive new previews. HOWEVER-- we need your

4) The clips are in self-extracting file formats for the PC and the
Mac. You must double click on the file to extract it and then
play the .MOV file on your system.

5) This is a *big* download. It will take approx. 30 minutes at
14.4kbps, longer at slower speeds. Be sure your PC or Mac system
can view these clips before downloading. These pics are NOT
viewable on an Atari computer.

6) The clip supports a sound card. You won't get audio output on a
PC without a sound card.

Having issued all the above warnings, we have to say we're excited for
the chance to make this first clip available to our members. This clip
is available exclusively on the Atari Gaming forum on CompuServe through
Sunday, December 11, 1994 by arrangement with Atari Corp. After that
time, it may be circulated to other BBS systems as long as this file
is attached in its complete forum.

This clip remains the copyrighted property of Atari Corp. and may
not be retransmitted or used for any commercial purposes without the
express written consent of Atari Corp.

The video clip translation of the tape clip was done by the staff of
the Atari Gaming Forum on CompuServe.

Please post your comments and let us know if you'd like to see more
of these video clips.

Address your messages to:

Sysop*Ron Luks

p.s.-- Please stop by your local Atari Jaguar dealer and ask to see the
full demo tape. If you don't have an Atari dealer near you, contact
Don Thomas of Atari Corp. at CompuServe Email address 75300,1267 for
information about obtaining a copy of the tape.


> Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile - Current Developer Lists & Titles

Game Title Date Game Type MSRP Publisher
Air Cars 12/94 Racing $59.99 Midnight Ent.
Alien vs Predator NOW Role Play/Adventure $69.99 Atari
Arena Football 1Q/95 Sports TBD V Reel
Assault 1Q/95 Action/Combat $59.99 Midnight Ent.
Barkley Basketball 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Battlemorph 12/94 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Battle Wheels 1Q/95 Racing/Combat TBD Beyond Games
Blue Lightning (CD) 12/94 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Brett Hull Hockey (CD) 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Brutal Sports Football NOW Sports/Combat $69.99 Telegames
Bubsy 12/94 Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Burnout 1Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Cannon Fodder 11/94 Action/Adventure TBD Virgin
Checkered Flag 11/94 Racing $69.99 Atari
Club Drive 11/94 Racing $59.99 Atari
Creature Shock (CD) 1Q/95 Adventure/Sci-Fi TBD Atari/Virgin
Cybermorph NOW Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Dactyl Joust 2Q/95 Action TBD Atari
Demolition Man 1/95 Action/Combat $59.99 Atari
Doom NOW Action/Combat $69.99 Atari
Double Dragon V 12/94 Action/Adventure $59.99 Williams
Dragon:Bruce Lee Story NOW Combat $59.99 Atari
Dragon Lair (CD) 1Q/95 Adventure TBD Ready Soft
Dreadnought (CD) 2Q/95 Adventure TBD Atari
Dungeon Depths 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Midnight Ent.
Evolution: Dino Dudes NOW Puzzle/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Flashback 12/94 Action/Adventure TBD US Gold
Fight For Life 1Q/95 Combat TBD Atari
Hardball Baseball 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Highlander (CD) 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Horrorscope 1Q/95 Combat TBD V Reel
Hover Strike 11/94 Action/Combat $59.99 Atari
Iron Soldier 11/94 Action/Strategy $59.99 Atari
Jack Nicklaus Golf(CD) 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Kasumi Ninja 11/94 Combat $69.99 Atari
Rage Rally 1Q/95 Racing TBD Atari
Raiden NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Rayman 12/94 Action/Adventure TBD UBI Soft
Robinson Requiem 1Q/95 Adventure TBD Atari
Soccer Kid 1Q/95 Sports TBD Ocean
Space War 12/94 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Star Raiders 1Q/95 Space Simulation TBD Atari
Syndicate 11/94 Simulation TBD Ocean
Tempest 2000 NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Theme Park 11/94 Simulation TBD Ocean
Tiny Toon Adventures 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Trevor McFur NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Troy Aikman NFL Ftball 12/94 Sports $69.99 Williams
Ultimate Brain Games 12/94 Puzzle TBD Telegames
Ultra Vortex 12/94 Action/Adventure $69.99 Beyond Games
Val D'Isere Skiing... 12/94 Sports $59.99 Atari
White Men Can't Jump 1Q/95 Sports TBD TriMark
Wolfenstein 3D NOW Combat/Action $59.99 Atari
Zool2 11/94 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari

[Editor's note: Titles, scheduled release dates, and prices are
verified from Atari and Edelman Public Relations - all subject to

>Jaguar Easter Eggs/Cheats/Hints STR InfoFile - Solving Those Riddles!

AvP Codes; don't ask us.
From: "Rebellion Developeme" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 09:39:35 GMT (Page 1 of 1)

We've been getting a lot of mail asking us to give out AvP codes --
basically, we can't do that. Atari want to control the release of secrets
in their games until Atari are ready to hand them out; so we can't tell
you anything until /they/ want us to do so, or to do so themselves.

Sorry about that -- it's under their control, not ours.

-- dan @ Rebellion

[Editor's Note: We've recently received a HUGE batch of Jaguar game
hints and playing tips for current and upcoming games! We're
continuing to sort these out in such a way as to make them available to
you in a manner to help provide you with helpful information. In order
that we don't spoil your gaming enjoyment, we will not publish these
"tip sheets" en mass! If you're looking for specific tips, please
drop us a letter in E-Mail (address mail to and we will
do our best to send you a quick reply!]


> Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr!

One of the nation's most active and supportive areas online can be found
in Compuserve's Atari Gaming Forums. It's here that we have found a
number of informative messages and tips regarding the Jaguar. Credit
is to be given to the respective message authors.

Regarding first glances of Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story:

#: 60769 S15/Jaguar General
23-Nov-94 04:04:31
Sb: #60698-#Dragon Has Arrived.
Fm: Steven Bernhard 74134,2022
To: Steve Watkins 74241,3001 (X)


"Specifics, please. Backgrounds-what do they look like? Plot.
Character development(ie, gaining moves/weapons). Manual-good/sucko.
How many characters? MOST IMPORTANTLY-player control."

In the graphics department, backgrounds are the strong point for this
game. However, in my opinion nothing that could'nt be done on SNES.
There's some parallax scrolling but again nothing ground breaking.

There is 5 different modes in which to play. 1)One player in which you
(Bruce Lee) fight the CPU and follow the films story line. 2)Two
player story line in which 2 people play simultaneously against the
CPU. 3)One player battle against the CPU with no story line. 4)Two
player battle is just head to head competition with a friend and no
story line. 5)Two player Vrs CPU battle is you and a friend playing
against the CPU without the story line.

In the battle modes you are able to choose the best of how many fights.
That is 3,4,5, or 6 trophies.

In the story modes you earn points for every successful attack and
bonus points for impressive play. Chi, Bruce's inner strength, is
gained by performing successful attacks and lost for unsuccessful
ones. Chi can also be gained by hitting the opponent first, collecting
items, etc. Chi enables energy to be replaced but it needs to be at
maximum for this to occur. It's displayed by a horizontal bar at the
top of the screen. Also, when you boost the Chi meter you will be
able to have two new modes of combat, fighter and nunchaku. In fighter
mode you have the following moves. 1)Ultra fast punch. 2)Ultra fast
kick. 3)Somersault. 4)Ultra fast jumping kick. 5)Ultra fast flying
kick. In Nunchaku mode: 1)Stab Attack. 2)Swing Attack. 3)Swapping
hands. 4)Neck tie.

There's 10 stages in the game. 1)Honk Kong 2)Gussie Yang's Kitchen
3)Seattle 4)Oakland 5)Hong Kong 6)Bruce's Kwoon 7)Long Beach Stadium
8)Thailand 9)Hong Kong(yes again) 10)The Graveyard

I think the manual is adequate. It goes into pretty good detail. It's
pretty thick but that's because it's in three different languages. All
in all not bad.

I think the controls are quite good. Response is good and it seems to
be fairly easy to do the moves. Note, fighting games are definitely
not my genre so for me to be able to control the character is, I think,
an indication of good controls.

After limited playing time here's what I think. The battles last too
long. My hands start to cramp up. The difficulty level is pretty high
even on the easy level. (Again I'm not a fighter fan) The fun factor
for me is low so far. This game probably would have been rated average
for the SNES if that high. This is my main disappointment with the
game. We should all expect much more on the 64 bit Jag. When
prospective Jaguar owners see this game they will probably wonder is
the Jag really 64 bits. Virgin is just lucky that right now Jaguar
owners are hungry for some new software because if they had more
competition I'm sure many Dragon's would remain on the shelves. Well,
I hope I've done a pretty good job of answering your questions.

Gameware Express

#: 60751 S15/Jaguar General
22-Nov-94 22:32:48
Sb: #*Dragon* Mini-Review
Fm: Joe C./VidGam 74431,2506
To: All

OK - here's the deal with Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story. Basically it's
like a *small* combination of Street Fighter and Streets of Rage. There
are options like 1-player Story (set up like the movie, starting in the
catering hall, then moving onto the kitchen in San Francisco, etc..),
1 player Battle (let's you select the scene as you fight 5 rounds each
against other fighters), and two player battle (two-player mode against
each other). There are difficulty and speed settings as well (Manic
being the highest speed). The backgrounds are pretty nice, and there are
a few scrolling layers on particular scenes (some impressive, others
not). The characters are what probably lowered the scores - they look better than your average fighters in a SNES game. The music
is excellent, and the sound effects are ok...adequate, but nothing earth
shattering. Bruce starts off with a set amount of moves, and under his
life bar is a second bar representing CHI. As you fight, your CHI bar
starts to fill, and once it hits a certain point, the word FIGHTER
appears and suddenly Bruce gains around 4 or 5 deadly moves; when CHI
bar reaches the max, Bruce gets awarded with Nunchucks (<-sorry 'bout
the misspell - I'm rushing this one out). If you lose all of your
fighters (I believe you start with 3), the scenery changes to dark
shades of blue, as Bruce has to face his demon (remember that giant
thingy from the movie?). I'm not sure how this part works -but if you at
least stand up to this guy long enough - you're put back into the game
at the level you got your butt kicked on (I imagine you eventually work
yourself up to this character for a fight to the finish at the end of
the game). My initial reactions when I popped this game on were - geez,
this doesn't look next-generation to me- but after a few of us played it
a bit - we found ourselves going back for one more try (quite a few
times) as it is quite hard. I can see why GameFan gave it low scores,
but because I expected a disaster (like Shadow on 3DO), I was actually
surprised. OK, again - don't expect some revolutionary special effects
like you did in Tempest, or fireballs coming from Bruce Lee (he's not
Ryu <g), but as a fighting game, it's really not all that bad.
Personally I like it better than Brutal Sports Football, Raiden, Crescent
Galaxy, and Dino Dudes (at least from this perspective). A few customers
popped by to check it out - they played it for 2 minutes, got whipped,
then said "this game really does suck", as they kept asking if they can
give it another shot. When they got to the second level (fighting the
two cooks), their reaction started to change a bit. I'm not giving this
the green light.. recommending you run out and buy it - but it's
certainly not terrible!

Joe "C".

Fm: Ted Tahquechi-Atari 72662,1314

<<Kasumi Ninja Characters>>

Hi!! Here is the list:

Senzo: The oldest of the two ninja brothers. Habaki: The youngest of
the ninja Brothers Alaric: King of the Goths Pakawa: Comanche Warrior
Chagi: Kickboxer Angus: Scotsman Brawler Thundra: Amazon queen. Danja:
Gang Leader Gyaku: Evil Ninja

Hope this helps...

||| Ted T. Atari Corp.
/ | \ Riding the 64 Bit Wave...

CATnips.... Jaguar notes from Don Thomas

Atari has a brand new VHS preview tape and it's better than ever! Over
30 Jaguar titles have been captured on video tape and just in time for
the Holidays. This tape has been meticulously produced under the
direction of Mr. Greg LaBrec using state-of-the-art direct-to-tape
equipment and techniques. The action sequences selected were provided
by the game producers or the guidance of the third party developers.
Okay, okay... forget the hype... it's a darn cool tape and it has a
cool plastic box and label too.

This new edition updates the previously released software preview videos
with exciting captures to show off last minute changes to games that are
now in production. There are incredible sequences featuring action games
such as Iron Soldier and high-resolution fantasy games such as Rayman by
ubi Soft.

Although this tape has been developed primarily for the use of Jaguar
retailers, I have twisted Marketing's arm and they (actually he) has
finally allowed me to sell copies to our faithful online Jaguar fans.
I told him how everyone wants to see what has been taking so long. I
mentioned that gamers want a good preview of things they are being asked
to spend $50 to $70 on. I assured him people want an update of what has
been going on in the past few months since CES. Now he's convinced and
I have to sell more than three tapes fast or he'll never believe me
again. <g>

Want more info? Here's the video menu...

2:34 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story LATE NOVEMBER
4:00 Checkered Flag EARLY DECEMBER
5:45 Iron Soldier MID DECEMBER
8:57 Kasumi Ninja LATE DECEMBER
10:25 Club Drive LATE NOVEMBER
12:27 Alien Vs. Predator AVAILABLE NOW
15:34 Ultra Vortex (Beyond Games) DECEMBER
17:06 Val D'Isere Skiing and Snowboarding EARLY DECEMBER
20:05 Double Dragon V (Williams) DECEMBER
21:30 Flashback (US Gold) DECEMBER
22:49 Brutal Sports Football (Telegames) DECEMBER
23:50 Sensible Soccer (Telegames)
25:03 TEMPEST 2000 SPOT
25:34 Tempest 2000 AVAILABLE NOW
26:58 Wolfenstein 3d AVAILABLE NOW
28:06 Cybermorph AVAILABLE NOW
29:20 Raiden AVAILABLE NOW
30:32 Evolution: Dino Dudes AVAILABLE NOW
31:35 Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy AVAILABLE NOW
32:50 Syndicate (Ocean) DECEMBER
33:47 Theme Park (Ocean) DECEMBER
34:35 Air Cars (Midnight) DECEMBER
35:39 Troy Aikman NFL Football (Williams) DECEMBER
36:34 Cannon Fodder (Virgin) DECEMBER
37:43 Dragon's Lair (Readysoft)
38:31 Hover Strike
39:20 Fight For Life
40:00 Burn Out
40:43 Rayman (ubi Soft) DECEMBER
41:52 VLM (Virtual Light Machine) DECEMBER

Okay, okay... here's the deal. The cost is $8.95 plus $4.95 shipping and
handling. That's a total of $13.90 ($14.64 in California) ($15.90 in
Canada). Mastercard, Visa and money orders accepted (Checks and money
orders should be made payable to Atari Corporation. NOT IN MY NAME! <g>.
I can ship to any location in North America including U.S. and Canada.
To order, send your order to:

Atari Corporation, P.O. Box 61657, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1657

OR contact me via Internet or on Compuserve:

OR send me private E-Mail (to the SysOp) on:

CATscan BBS ........ 209-239-1552

or fax your request to:

Atari Customer Service Fax ..... 408-745-2088

Personally, I'm going to have my tape signed by Greg LaBrec. If you want
him to sign your copy, let me know and I'll see if I can catch him in a
good mood for you! <g>

I also have Alien Vs. Predator posters remaining. There is one for each
shipping and handling fee of $4.95 ($6.95 in Canada). These are
cinema-size posters and I've already heard back from gamers who have
had theirs laminated, mounted and framed.

By the way, you can help a LOT even if you don't want to order the tape
or request a poster by passing this offer electronically to another
Forum, Roundtable or BBS or make a hard copy and give to friends. Thanks!

CATnips ..... Jaguar hot news from Don Thomas

Tempest 2000(tm) The Soundtrack shipping soon!

Ever since the release of Tempest 2000 (the extraordinary 64-bit Jaguar
update to one of the most phenomenal video games of all time), gamers
have been pleading for an audio disc of the outstanding music soundtrack.
At the summer Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago, Atari announced that
such a compact disc was planned and I am pleased to report that I have
seen one of the first ones off the "press" arrive in our offices today.
The disc features 12 selections as follows:

1. Thermal Resolution 3:59
2. Mind's Eye 4:52
3. T2K 5:23
4. Ease Yourself 7:52
5. Tracking Depth 5:04
6. Constructive Demolition 4:05
7. Future Tense 5:54
8. Digital Terror 5:07
9. Hyper Prism 4:26
10. Glide Control 5:12
11. Ultra Yak 4:00
12. 2000 Dub 7:31

The CD is produced by AtariMusic; a division of Atari Corporation. The
executive producer is Mr. John Skruch. The director of audio is Mr. James

I have asked Mr. Grunke to let me know as soon as the CD was to be made
available. They have been duplicated and they are in the process of
being properly packaged.

Although he is not quite sure whether it will be 10 or 14 business days
due to Holiday schedules, he assures me Atari will take delivery of them
very "soon" now. Soon enough, that he is permitting me to begin
accepting pre-orders which I can ship when they arrive.

So once again... here's the online deal!....

The cost is $12.99 plus $3.50 shipping and handling to reserve your copy
to be assuredly shipped before Christmas. (The shipping and handling is
reduced from Atari's normal $4.95 for a limited time.) That's a total of
$16.49 ($17.56 in California) ($18.49 in Canada). Mastercard, Visa and
money orders accepted (Checks and money orders should be made payable to
Atari Corporation. NOT IN MY NAME! <g>. I can ship to any location in
North America including U.S. and Canada. Please allow 14 to 21 business
days for delivery. (Please note this is a pre-order. Payments will be
processed immediately so your order is ready to ship as soon as they
arrive.) To reserve yours, send your order to:

Thomas' Terrific Tempest 2K Tunes Deal
Atari Corporation
P.O. Box 61657
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1657

OR contact me via Internet or on Compuserve:

OR send me private E-Mail (to the SysOp) on:

CATscan BBS ........ 209/239-1552

or fax your request to:

Atari Customer Service Fax ..... 408-745-2088

I've mentioned to James that a few people enjoyed having Mr. Greg LaBrec
autograph their video tapes. James said he'd be happy to sign a couple
compact disc sleeves if I hit him up when he's not too busy. <g> (by
specific request only, allow a few extra days) By the way, music and
Jaguar retailers who are interested in carrying Tempest 2000: The
Soundtrack can send me a fax or EMail and I will be sure to get that
passed on to our sales department immediately.

We hope when you get the CD, you'll urge your local radio stations to
play your favorite selection. We will be making the CD available to the
hottest applicable North American Stations, but if we miss your favorite
station, just ask t

hem to fax a request to receive a copy at 408/745-2088.
Who knows, maybe you can help put your favorite song on a Billboard chart!

Don't forget the software preview video tapes. If you haven't asked for
your copy yet, it features over 30 professional video captures PLUS
Atari's recent television commercials. The price is $8.95 plus $4.95 S&H
or a total of $13.90 ($14.64 in California) ($15.90 in Canada).

I also still have Alien Vs. Predator posters remaining although we are
shipping another wave of them to retailers. There is one for each
shipping and handling fee of $4.95 ($6.95 in Canada).

Other news... if you have not heard. As of 11/22/94, Dragon: The Bruce
Lee Story has started to ship and Doom will be in stores within the next
week. The games are beginning to roll in. We may not all agree about
which ones we like the best, but we will all agree there will begin to
be a LOT of great ones to choose from. I have also confirmed that the
wheels are now in motion to put Primal Rage out on the Jaguar. Don't
ask me how much or when. I do not know yet. Happy Thanksgiving!

By the way, you can help a LOT by passing this offer electronically to
another Forum, Roundtable or BBS or make a hard copy and give to friends.
Thanks! If you are reading this news belated, go ahead and place your
order! We will let you know if we cannot fulfill it for any reason.

# # # END OF FILE # # #

Regarding Val D'Isere Skiing and Snowboarding:

#: 60742 S15/Jaguar General
22-Nov-94 20:54:06
Sb: On the way
Fm: Loic Duval (Atari) 100015,3044
To: Alexander Smith 70004,3574 (X)

I don't know exactly when it will reach stores. You should ask Bill
Rehbock. I know the game is in production since at least 2 weeks.

Val D'Isere is a skiing and snowboarding simulation. You have 3 kind of
championships: Downhill, Giant slalom, Special slalom. You also have a
FREERIDE mode where you have to complete more than 30 tracks in limited
time. These tracks are full of obstacles and traps.
For each Championship or Freeride you can choose between SKI or
SNOWBOARD. Controls and feelings differs slightly regarding what you


Contact: Don Thomas/Ron Beltramo
Atari Corporation

For immediate release


Sunnyvale, CA-- November 7, 1994 -- As part of Atari Corporation's
celebration of new 64-bit game releases for the Jaguar Interactive
Multimedia System, online conferences on the GEnie and CompuServe online
services have been scheduled. Within weeks following Atari's highly
successful release of Alien Vs. Predator, comes a wide assortment of
additional titles exclusively on the Jaguar and just in time for

The conferences will be be held Tuesday, November 29th at 5PM (Pacific
Time) on CompuServe and Wednesday, November 30th at 6PM (Pacific Time)
on GEnie. The guest panel will feature the Alien Vs. Predator design
team, Mr. "Purple" Hampton, Senior Producer and Mr. James Grunke,
Director of Audio. They will be available to answer questions, provide
some great game tips and let everyone in on the inside story of the
making of Alien Vs. Predator. In addition, Atari's Mr. Ron Beltramo,
Vice President Marketing, will be in attendance with exciting news about
upcoming releases. Other popular Atari personalities will be in
attendance as well as members of the online press such as Mr. Travis Guy
of Atari Explorer Online and Mr. Dana Jacobson of Silicon Times Report.

All paid subscribers attending the conferences a minimum of 15 minutes
will qualify for a free Alien Vs. Predator cinema-quality poster. In
addition, all paid subscribers who attend each entire conference will
qualify to win a complete Jaguar system, an Alien Vs. Predator game
cartridge (autographed by the design team) or T-shirts. Winners will be
required to answer a fundamental trivia question about Alien Vs. Predator.
(Although the conference is open to subscribers worldwide, only North
American members are eligible to win prizes).

Also look for Atari's Fantastic Alien Vs. Predator online trivia contest
to begin November 29, 1994 and end on December 9, 1994. Win a Jaguar and
other prizes.

Due to the great number of people expected to attend, both services are
making special arrangements to accommodate the volume. For more specific
information, contact the System Operators. Type JAGUAR on GEnie or
GO JAGUAR on CompuServe to jump to the Atari Jaguar support areas. Both
services require a computer, modem and an account in good standing. Each
offers an excellent assortment of game tips, sample graphics and audio
files, interactive messaging with Atari personnel and many other
features. To subscribe, call 800/848-8199 to join CompuServe or
800/638-9636 to join GEnie.

# # #

* *
J The STReport "Name the Jaguar Games" Contest J
A Win a Jaguar tee-shirt _and_ A
G An Official In-Store Atari Jaguar Banner!!! G
* *
J ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ / J
A / / / / ` / / / / / / / ` / A
G / /---/ / __ /___/ / / / /__ / / G
* \ / / / / / / \\\ / / / / / / *
J \/ / / /___/ / \\\ /___/ /___ /___ \__/ * J
A \\\ A
G \\\ G
* *

As an avid Jaguar fan, we're sure that you've been keeping a careful eye
on the growing list of Jaguar games coming out. You _have_ been keeping
track, right? Well, we want to find out just how attentive you've been;
and we're willing to reward you for your concentration!

What do you have to do? That's easy, or is it...? We want you to name
the first 20 games available for the Jaguar - IN ORDER OF RELEASE - and
be the first one to do so!

That's right, just send us a card or letter with the first 20 games out
for the Jaguar! Games include cartridges and CD-games. Oh, there aren't
20 games out yet? Well, there has to be some challenge to a contest!
You'll also need to send us your name and address, of course.

1st Prize will be an official Atari Jaguar tee-shirt AND an official
in-store promotional Jaguar banner!

2nd prize will be a Jaguar tee-shirt (identical to the one above).

3rd prize will be a "JAG RULES!" rubber stamp which is normally available
exclusively from Artisan Software!

Entries will be judged, and prizes will be awarded by the Atari/Jaguar
editor of STReport, Dana Jacobson. Release dates are determined as
_actual_ first-time availability of games, including Atari-published
and 3rd-party games. The Jaguar pack-in game, Cybermorph, counts
(hint: it should be #1!!)

All entries must be received by December 20, 1994. The winners
will be announced in STReport online magazine, in the issue scheduled
to be released on Friday, December 23, 1994.

To be eligible, please submit your entry which clearly lists your choices
of the first 20 games (numbering them helps!) Also include your name and
address. Winners will be determined by a random drawing until the first
three winning entries are found. Contest is valid in the United States and
Canada only. Employees of Atari Corporation and staff members of
STReport or Amiga Report are not eligible to win. This contest is void
where prohibited by law.

Send your entry, your name and address to:

Jaguar First 20 Games Contest
STReport Online Magazine
1121 Saratoga Street
East Boston, MA 02128-1225

Again, 1st prize includes a Jaguar tee-shirt and a Jaguar banner! The
tee-shirt is 100% cotton. It's a black crew-neck shirt with the Atari
Jaguar name on the chest. On the back is the famous Jaguar logo. The
banner is the same as you've seen at your favorite Jaguar dealer. What?
You haven't seen one? Well, it measures 4 feet wide and 2 feet tall!
The Jaguar logo consists of those piercing yellow Jaguar eyes above the
dark red Jaguar, claw marks and all! These banners are collector's
items which are almost impossible to get anywhere! Rumor has it that
this one may have been discovered in a rare cache somewhere in the
bowels of Sunnyvale. And it can be all yours! Show it off proudly on
the wall of your room or fly it out your window! All of your friends
will want one, but only you will have one. It's awesome! JAG RULES!

The 2nd prize consists of the Jaguar tee-shirt, as described above.
The 3rd prize is the official "JAG RULES!" rubber stamp! Use a bright
red ink pad (not included) for a vivid 2.25" by 1.5" image of JAG RULES in
the impact of the Jaguar logo type style. Use it as an economical way to
advertise your enthusiasm of the Atari Jaguar. Stamp your letters and your
envelopes. Stamp your arm as a tattoo. Stamp your money. Stamp school
notebooks and post-its. Writing a letter to your favorite software

Stamp it! Sending a birthday card to your best friend? Stamp it!
Dropping a postcard to your brother at school? Stamp it! Let everyone
know you're a Jaguar gamer. After all, in the empire of high technology
entertainment systems, JAG RULES!

For an example of the JAG RULES logo, call the CATscan BBS. Dial
209/239-1552. Download file: JAGRULES.ZIP. File is ZIP'd and requires
PKUNZIP to decompress. Or, call your favorite online service to find it!

Need a tip to help you start thinking of these games? Drop us a line in
E-Mail to either DPJ on Delphi, 71051,3327 on Compuserve, D.JACOBSON2 on
GEnie, or Internet mail at Or, call us at Toad Hall BBS
at (617)567-8642 and leave a private message to Dana Jacobson.

Are you still here? Start your list of games now!! You may even get some
useful tips elsewhere in this and past/future issues of STReport!

Credits: STReport and its staff would like to thank Atari Corporation
for its generous donation of the banner and tee-shirts.

Tradenames herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their owning

Permission hereby granted to re-post this contest text, in its entirety,
anywhere that you feel it would be appropriate - your favorite BBS,
user group newsletter, magazine, etc. Please spread the word!


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Ahhh, Thanksgiving! As I sit here and slowly return to a state of
relative gastric comfort (I ate too much turkey AGAIN this year), I'm
mulling over all the things I've got to be thankful for... First of all,
I'm grateful that we had TURKEY (I LOVE turkey, can ya tell?). But there
are other things that I'm much more grateful for than a silly turkey. I
still have a job, I've got my family, I've got my health, and I've been
recently married. If that's not a lot to be thankful for, I don't know
what is.

I'm also thankful that I've got friends... lots and lots of friends.
The funny thing is that I've never even met some of them face-to-face.
I'm always amazed that these people who are my "on-line buddies" are so
willing to help out. Folks like Ron Luks, Bob Retelle, Bill Aycock (Happy
Birthday, Bill!), Myles Cohen, and Brian Gockley (The last two I've been
lucky enough to meet in person) make CompuServe an entertaining and
educational experience. C'mon with me and I show you what I mean....

From the Atari Computing Forums

When Ethan Mings asks about setting up his new 14400 baud modem, John
Amsler tells him:

"I've got an external SupraFaxModem with my MegaSTe. Just set your
comm software for 19200 and your 14.4 modem should work just fine. (At
least mine does.)

Be sure, however, to run one of the "Serial Port Fixer" utilities in
your AUTO folder before you transfer at 14.4/19.2. I also recommend
RTS/CTS as your flow control."

Peter Joseph, who's been mulling over the purchase of a Gemulator, the
PC card that emulates an ST, posts:

"I have P5-90 with 16Meg of Ram. I have seen some older programs choke
on the speed of this baby. Is the Gemulator equipped with PF Flyers?

Now to figure out how to convert my database files to MS Access."

Robert Carpenter tells Peter:

" [A P5 (pentium) at 90 mhz]... Gee, that might be just fast enough.

Yes, it will work with the 2.06 ROMs in your TEC. The only thing
proprietary about the TEC is the board itself.

I've played that game myself. I recently converted a DB from
DataManager ST to Lotus Approach 3.0. If you're using DMST, you're
going to have to print out your data as a report (w/o headers, footers,
or page breaks) and import it into your DB as a fixed length file. If
Access doesn't support fixed length files (I'm sure it does, though),
you'll have to find a program that will convert fixed length files to
comma-delimmited files. I used an ancient IBM program called Strew
that I found on CIS. It was the worst of DOS and has an "interface
from h*ll", but it works.

Re: DMA You got me there. No, Gemulator doesn't support DMA. I took
that as a given. DMA was a totally Atari-proprietary design. That's
why I never bought the 804 or 605. If you found an ancient RLL
controller, you COULD use the drive inside your Megafile 60 on the PC.
However, if you've got a P5-90, I bet you're a little too smart for

Peter tells Robert:

"Wow! I forgot about that option with DMST. I do use that program,
so your info on that will be most helpful. I also use Regent Base II
(actually more than DMST). RBII exports comma delimited files so that
should be easy enough. Not sure yet if Access supports fixed length
files, but as you say, I'm sure it must. Haven't had time to read the
docs yet. In fact, I haven't had time to read many of the docs that I
got with the system. I've read through most of the hardware docs, and
skimmed through some of the software docs (the tape backup docs were
the first :) ).

Not smart enough to have thought ahead and partitioned the 1 Gig
drive. I sure don't want to have to reformat it now, so that would be
a big deciding factor for the Gemulator. I'd probably just get a small
second drive for the Gemulator; they're getting so cheap. Anyway, the
ST's not in the way and I'm not in a hurry to sell it just yet."

Hal Scheie jumps in and asks:

"Does any body have any list of what runs on gemulater and what

Nathan Potechin of DMC tells Peter:

"Calamus SL runs on a Gemulator. Of that, I'm certain."

As most of us know, you can easily transfer files from the ST to a PC
and vice versa provided you meet one simple condition: The floppies
must be formatted so that the DOS machine can read them. TOS versions
1.4 and above do this fairly well, as does NeoDesk. You can also format
the disks on the PC to begin with. Dr. Robert Hashway posts another

"I have found that some of the format programs in the archive work
just fine formating disks on the Atari for the IBM. I have also found
that programs such as 1st-word and Publish It! can transfer programs
back and forth between applications on the Atari and IBM with no
problem. The only issue that may occur is that the versions be of the
same or similar vintage dates. Don't try Wordperfect 6.0b files on an
Atari Wordperfect purchased before 1994."

John Amsler tells the good Doctor:

"Right; I've found that *some* of the IBM-compatible-disk-formatting
programs work ... and some don't! From my experience, it depends on
what kind of DOS and what kind of floppy disk drive on the PC you're
transferring the disk(s) to.

Overall, I've found that IBMFORM.PRG formats disks that can be read on
any IBM or compatible system.

On the other hand, DISKMOD.TOS, DOSBOOT,PRG, and DCFMT301.PRG often
cause problems ... or at least they did with the myriad of IBM and
compatible systems I used in the military during the late 80s and early

Jon Sanford asks for help with his CD-ROM:

"I can't get the directories about 3 levels down on the GEMNI CD ROM
Disk to open. I get Illegeal operation error. Also Cant copy these
files. Bizy bee appears for a flash then ignors the comand. I tried the
Foldersxxx.prg at 999. As i have a Mega16STe I didn't think this was
the problem ...It wasn't. The programs Not in folders I can get. also
the first level down. anybody else had this problem."

Greg Kopchak of It's All Relative Software tells Jon:

"You can read GEMini with ExtenDOS or ExtenDOS Pro or the Kodak Photo
CD XFS driver included with Photo Show Pro.

MetaDOS and some other drivers may not work in a reliable manner. What
driver are you using and what drive?

What folder is giving you trouble? There is a bad folder in the IMG
folder. Roger Burrows and Anodyne have patched the ExtenDOS driver to
read even this folder.

P.S. Have you checked out our listing of all the new Atari CD's in the
Libraries here?"

Jon tells Greg:

"I am using Extendos & NEC 2110T .

It seems like most of the folders on the deepest level wont allow me
to open or copy. The graphics, The portfolio, the stuff i want ... All
of the programs not in folders on the second level i have tried are OK.

I saw the upload notice & copied your address."

Greg asks Jon:

"What version of ExtenDOS are you using. I think you have an older
version as the newer versions will solve your problem. Let me know the
version number."

Jon supplies the info that Greg requested:

"It's version 1.20 I just got it!"

Greg tells Jon:

"The current version of ExtenDOS is 1.21. I will see if I can get
permission to upload the upgrade patch here."

Steve Peters asks for help with his Falcon:

"Does anybody know if there's any way to reset the Falcon by holding
down some keys at bootup or something?

It's stopped doing it's memory check, and since then I get a "Can't
run under this TOS version" message when I try to boot up Calamus, and
I think the two events may be related.

This is a very strange thing, but I really need to get Calamus up and
running again."

Frank Heller asks Steve:

"Did it "once upon a time" boot up correctly with Calamus...or did it
start giving you trouble after installing Calamus?"

Steve replies:

"Yes, it used to run Calamus fine. Don't know what I did to change

Jerry Coppess tells Steve:

"Here are some Ideas:

Appendix B5 :
Push the reset button. When the Atari symbol(Fuji) appears, hold
down the [ALTERNATE] key for a few seconds and the System bypasses
the boot driver."

This is from the falcon manual. It would be for the Atari HDX driver.
If your using the ICD Pro driver Just press the [A] key. Then you will
have to run the driver program from the DESKTOP. If you can get access
to the hard drive this way turn off all the programs in the AUTO folder
and accescories from the root directory. Then try rebooting normally.

If you have No Roach(or other boot delay) on the disk in the A: drive
it may be set low enough that it bypasses the memory check. put in a
blank formatted disk."

My Connecticut AtariFest Pal Doug Finch posts:

"I have recently eyed newspaper and magazine ads touting some decent
prices for laser and inkjet printers, so I'm poised to buy. Took a trip
into the local CompUSA store and it looks like several of the inkjet
models are producing much better print than they did a while back. On the
other hand, prices for laser printers seem to have dropped enough for me
to take the plunge. Being the owner of Atari computing equipment, however,
I have some reservations and questions.

Hope someone in this newsgroup can guide me through the fact and fiction
of printers and point me toward the best buy. I expect that 90 percent of
my output will be letters, manuscripts and newsletters, so I can live with
B&W, although I've got to admit the color printers have improved quite a
bit in recent years - and I might want to use them occasionally on a small
scale. [On the other hand, will I get far fewer prints per replacement ink
cartridge than I will from a laser? What's the average trade-off?] Here
are some points to consider:

1) HP printers - In general it looks like both DeskJets and
LaserJets are used by enough Atari users and supported by third
party developers that there is an adequate supply of print
drivers and help, so I won't be stuck. Prices for these are a
little higher than other brands, but not too much. The color
units I saw (Deskjets 540 and 560) were priced $277 and $500
respectively and yielded pretty crisp color and B&W prints (in
B&W both output at 600 x 300 dpi). The DJ320 delivers much the
same in a smaller, portable printer. Then there's the current
$100 rebate on the LJ4L.

2) There are some excellent prices on Canon Bubblejets as well, but
I don't know about the availability of drivers and fonts. The
BJ-100 was selling for $229!

3) Without going into all of the other possibilities, I liked the
look (and some prices) of laser printers by Brother, Okidata and
Panasonic. For years I've owned a reliable Panasonic dot-matrix
printer, and I think all of these guys make decent office
products. How much difficulty I will have with
Atari-compatibility remains to be seen. Okidata and Panasonic
both claim to be HP-compatible, but the proof is in the pudding.
Would appreciate any comments and case studies regarding your
experiences with these printers, Atari compatibility, techinical
and customer support, etc."

Dana Jacobson tells Doug:

"I have a Panasonic laser printer (KX-P4450) and I love it. It is
HP-compatible and I use HP laser drivers all the time. All of my DTP
and WP programs support it. I'm looking to supplement this laser with
a color printer in the near future, so I may be asking similar
questions when the time is right!!"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Doug:

"The November 22, 1994 issue of PC Magazine had a printer roundup
article that tested 109 currently available printers, and answered a
lot of the kinds of questions you asked. If you can't find that issue
still on a newsstand, you should be able to find it at a local
library... it would be extremely valuable to check it out before a
purchase like this..

Just one thing I noted from the article (since I just bought a DeskJet
520, right before the 540 model came out, I was interested in what they
had to say about the DJ in general)... the big difference between the
540 and the 560, besides the big jump in price is that the 540 uses a
three color ink cartridge to print in color.. that is, black is printed
by printing all three colors on top of each other, which results in a
somewhat greenish looking black. The 560 on the other hand uses the
three color cartridge, but also has a regular black ink cartridge too,
so blacks are truely black. I guess it depends on how much color
output you'd be doing, and whether the slightly offcolor blacks would

The article also goes into costs of consumables per page printed,
which was something I'd never even thought about before choosing a
printer before..."

Simon Churchill tells Doug:

"I have had a HP Deskjet 520 for about 4 month's now and this print's
in black and white only but has so far given me a superb output from
many program's.

As for the ink cartridges, the colour ones normaly run out on one
colour first but you can get colour refill kit's quite cheaply. The
later Deskjet's have as metioned by other's two ink cart's, one black
and the othe 3 colour.

Depending on how much colour work you do will depend on how long the
cart will last. Spot colour will mean the cart's life will be long,
but full page colour and byebye cart.

There are pogrammes that support even the colour DJ, imagecopy will
give B&W or Colour output's.

Even the fated GDOS can handle a DJ. I use timework's publisher and
have very good print's. Other prog's that will run include Write on,
1ST Word+, Pic Switch 1.0, Easy Draw 2 and many other's.

There is a warning here, I have heard that some early DJ have to be
turned on before the computer or the ST think's it's not there and
ignores it forever. Mine has never suffer from this so I turn it no
when I need it. Some kind people have written prog's and acc to help
run the DJ's.

So it's well supported and get's a vote from me. It might cost more
to buy but the 560 look's the best bet for your curreent hardware

A laser is all well a good. If you are printing every day and it's a
lot then get a laser, but also get yourself a financial adviser as
well. You'll need one to keep the thing in toner, drumm's, maintanace
etc. Remeber a DJ comes with a 3 year garantee anyway.

On the side on font's. If a font is 300 * 300 or 600 * 300, then the
printing device can handle then as long as you have a driver. The
driver is the important bit. The font's are universale. My 520 can do
600 * 300 but I don't have a driver for GDOS. Instead I use a Laser
Jet II Driver at 300 * 300 and it work's perfectly. I do have a 500
GDOS driver but it bug's out most spectacularly, paper everywhere and
crap printed on them all!!!"

From the Atari Gaming Forum (JAGUAR)

Regan McMorris posts:

"Perhaps this is the wrong forum to search for this, but has anyone
ever heard of the original arcade version of Battlezone being
commercially available for DOS ? I know Microsoft offers a Windows
version of Battlezone, but it is just not as good as my old arcade

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Regan:

"The MicroSoft Arcade version is the only "official" version of
BattleZone that I've ever heard of...

I agree with you that it's a "close.. but no cigar" conversion of the

Larry Tipton tells us:

"Brutal Sports Football is in stores once least at EB. Is
there any major differences between this release and the initial
(limited) release which occured this past summer? Better
documentation? Just wondering..."

Ross Beckstrom tells Larry:

"Just got it yesterday at Babbage's. I don't know about the
documentation before, but my copy has only a brief overview of the
game. Looks like I'll have to experiment around to figure it all out."

On the subject of DOOM 2 (Jeez guys, DOOM 1 isn't even out yet), Sysop
Jim Ness posts:

"Doom 2 is MUCH bigger and more complex than Doom 1. I've been in
level 32, and I don't know yet where it all ends. I don't think the
whole thing could fit into a Jaguar cart. But maybe it could be a
CDROM game.

By the way, the level of scenery complexity in Doom 2 is so great that
my 486/66 slows down noticeably in some areas. You can look out
windows and see buildings a mile away. Imagine how much work is
involved in painting such a scene and shrinking it to fit a distant

Sean Fitzpatrick posts:

"To be honest I expect Doom 2 on the jaguar in the 1st qtr 95(The Doom
engine sounds more than capable so it just new levels). I hope they
make it CD only tho as I really dont want any of the extra monsters

I suppose the limitation of a CD-Rom jag version of Doom 2 is that
they would probably either have to reduce the variety of monsters per
level or prehaps swap in this data as required of the CD(It would be
awkward to do this without stalling the game).

Yes I've got it on my PC, a DX2 also and have the same slowdown
problem I just sort of forgot about it. It became more or less
unplayable on a full screen/low detail setting on my freinds 486sx33
and pitifull on another freinds DLC40. Robert mentioned that jag doom
slowed down on level 21 and I assume this is going to be an open DOOM 2
style level so you have a very valid point here as well as some
evidence for this being the case.

To this date ID are the only company that have produced a 3D engine
capable of that(looking right across the mapped world). All the others
use a varing amount of spotlighting etc(including AvsP)

BTW I love the idea of the limited save in jag doom. Prehaps I will
actualy play the game properly for once:)"

Tom Langworthy jumps in and adds his own opinion:

"Depending on how the game does, maybe we can forget the Doom series
and move to Marathon, a game that's comming out for the Mac. The engine
is way better than the simple doom one. They have duel plainer
stages(Like bridges that extend over lower levels, which doom can't
do), not to mention the graphics tear dooms sorry *** out of
exsistence. Every guy is textured mapped, and there are civilians that
are running around at the same time. It's way more complex than Doom."

Danny Miskin posts some information about Kasumi Ninja for the Jaguar:

"There are nine characters in the game that you can choose from...

It's something like the Evil Ninja Lord is trying to take over the
Island of Kasumi and you've been chosen by the ninja gods to stop him
and if you don't then the Island will become take over by his demons,
then the world.

Gore?? Well if you haven't seen any pixs then that's too bad, there's
no violence in this game what so ever...Just kidding it's the bloodiest
game ever made. Go find some pixs of it and you'll see what I mean.
The blood stays on the ground the whole round and seems to come flying
out with even the lightest punch.

My guess is that it will cost at least $69.99 it's a 32 meg cart so
that's my bet."

While talking about video game sound Randy Baer tells Steve Watkins:

"As far as sound goes, if you don't have it, go get Tempest
2000...then get a couple of nice big speakers...and get ready for your
neighb ors to call the cops!!!"

Steve tells Randy:

"I've got Tempest. I've had *4* in fact. The fourth works and I have
to return it because it isn't mine. :( But I agree that the sound on
Tempest is excellent..."

When someone asks if the Jaguar is worth the money ($249.99 US) Bill
Devonshire posts:

"It is worth the money. Its unfortunate that the cost to high tech is
still a little beyond the reach of the average person. However, the
machine is relatively new and programmers are just starting to get the
hang of the architecture. the games so far have gone from dull to most
excellent in a very short time, and they look like they are heading
right through the roof of our imagination. It is great, and well worth
the entertainment and excitement value, even just in Wolf3D, Tempest
Brutal Sports(excellent) and WOW - AvP. AvP alone!!!!! anyhow, it has
wowwed everyone I have demo'd it to (the Jag that is), and I do think
it is worth it."

Randy Baer posts:

"I think the Jag is a really good system. Tempest 2000 is simply the
best game I have EVER played, addictive as heck. I still play it every
night - and I got it back in April!! Alien vs. Predator is the only
game that ever made my palms actually SWEAT as I played it...and scared
the bejeezus out of me as well!!"

Steve Watkins tells Randy:

"I think the Jag is a GREAT system, but it seems (from the e-mail I
continue to receive on this) that you have to be lucky enough to get
working hardware and software. It took 4 Tempest carts to find one
that worked and it's not mine! :( I'm thinking about swapping the
Jag for another for the 2nd time (3rd Jag), but am looking at 3DO
prices this weekend and for the upcoming Thanksgiving official X-Mas
shopping rush."

Well folks, I'm WAY over my allotted space, so I've got to get going.
C'mon back next week and join us in discussions about all things Atari.
That includes the Jaguar and it's games. 'Till then, remember to listen
to what they are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote"



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STReport International Online Magazine
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STR Online! "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" November 25, 1994
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