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Silicon Times Report Issue 1053

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Silicon Times Report
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STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

December 30, 1994 No. 1053

Silicon Times Report
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> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Happy New Year everybody. What camn I say? The Holiday's Name
speaks for itself. We are about to embark upon a journey into a new year.
(1995) Enough said.... Please... party hearty or hardy or both but do
NOT drive that car. Take along a designated driver. (True heroes of the


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we can do to make STReport available to you. we'll try it!



Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
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STReport, with its policy of not accepting any paid advertising, has over
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develop the high standards of straight forwardness our readers have come
to expect in each and every issue.

The Staff & Editors



November/December 1994

Microsoft Windows 95
Questions and Answers

Microsoft is continually enhancing the Microsoft(r) Windows(tm) operating
system product line to deliver easy-to-use yet powerful products that
exploit the latest advancements in microcomputer hardware technology.
There is a great deal of interest in and speculation about Windows 95. It
is the official name of the Windows "Chicago" project, which is the
technology-development effort that will deliver the next major release of
Windows for the mainstream desktop and portable PC. The purpose of this
document is to answer the most common questions customers have asked about
Windows 95.

What Is Windows 95?

What is Windows 95?
Why change the name Windows "Chicago" to Windows 95?
Windows 95 is the official product name of the next major version of
Microsoft Windows. Windows "Chicago" was the code name for the
development project to produce the successor to Windows 3.x and
Windows(tm) for Workgroups 3.x, and this name was used until the official
product name was decided and announced.

What are the key benefits and features of Windows 95?
What features will Windows 95 not have?
Windows 95 will present a major step forward in functionality on desktop
and portable PC platforms by providing a system that is even easier,
faster and more powerful to use, and which maintains compatibility with
the Windows- and MS-DOS(r) operating system-based applications and
hardware peripherals in which customers have invested.

Ease of use will be improved through the Plug and Play architecture and a
more intuitive user interface. With the introduction of the Windows 95
operating system, the engine of Microsoft Windows is being revamped to
improve performance and provide smooth multitasking. Windows 95 will be a
complete, integrated 32-bit operating system that does not require MS-DOS,
although it can run MS-DOS-based applications. It implements the Win32(r)
API and provides pre-emptive multitasking and multiple threads of
execution for 32-bit applications. Windows 95 will include reliable and
open networking support and high performance, as well as messaging and
dial-up network access services.

As the successor to Windows 3.x and Windows for Workgroups 3.x, Windows 95
will meet a number of key requirements. First, Windows 95 will be
compatible with applications and device drivers for both MS-DOS and
Windows. When a customer upgrades to Windows 95, performance will meet or
exceed performance of Windows 3.1, as long as the customer has an 80386DX
or higher system with at least 4 MB of RAM. For systems with more than 4
MB of memory, performance will be improved over Windows 3.1. The
transition to the new user interface will be easy for current users of
Windows, and companies that want to make the transition at their own pace
will still be able to run Program Manager and File Manager during the
transition period.

Windows 95 will not be processor-independent nor will it support symmetric
multiprocessing systems. Windows 95 is also not designed to meet C2-level
security specifications. If these features are important to a customer,
Windows NT(tm) is the right operating system to use.

What will be the hardware requirements for Windows 95?
Windows 95 will run on Intel (or compatible) 80386DX or higher processors
with a minimum of 4MB of memory (8MB recommended). A VGA-compatible video
adapter is also required. Windows 95 is expected to use approximately
10-15 MB additional hard disk space as a typical upgrade from Windows 3.x
or Windows for Workgroups 3.x, and MS-DOS.

How does Windows 95 compare to the Windows 3.1, Windows
for Workgroups and Windows NT operating systems?
Windows 95 is designed to make mainstream PCs easier and more powerful.
It will be the right choice for customers who want to run business and
personal-productivity applications and for use on home computers. Windows
NT is designed for the most demanding business uses such as development or
advanced engineering and financial applications. Windows NT is the right
choice for customers who need the highest level of protection for their
data and applications. Windows NT is also the right choice for those who
need scalability to multiprocessing and RISC systems.

Why is Microsoft changing the numbering system for Windows?
Until recently, version numbers have served us well. Version numbers
helped inform customers that new versions were available and gave some
sense for the significance of the improvements. However, our customer
base has broadened to include less technical users, and our research
indicates that even our most sophisticated customers find our current
version-numbering scheme confusing. For example, Windows 3.1 provided far
more new capabilities than a typical 0.1 release, and Windows for
Workgroups 3.11 introduced dramatically more than the usual .01 release.
We must make it easier for customers to understand which version of our
software they are using, so they know when to consider upgrading to the
next release.

Does this numbering system mean Microsoft will release
a new version of Windows every year?
No. It means that the version numbers will help give users a sense for
the "model year" of their software, in the same way that customers have a
sense of the model year of their cars today.

Why Will I Want Windows 95?

Why will individual customers want to upgrade to
Windows 95?
The sheer quantity of the improvements included in Windows 95 represents a
great value for customers. Top on the list of requested improvements was
an easier way to work with the PC. As a result, a new user interface
was designed in Windows 95 that will help make computing even easier for
both less experienced users and experienced users who want greater
efficiency and flexibility.

Long file name support is one of many usability improvements in Windows
95. Improving ease of use goes beyond fixing problems with Windows -- it
encompasses the hardware, applications and network as well. Plug
and Play will make hardware setup automatic, and built-in networking will
make starting a new network or connecting to an existing network server
such as Novellr NetWarer and Windows NT Server just as easy.

Customers also want greater efficiency and power and to get their work
done faster. They want to run more than one application or task at the
same time. They want to use their computers to access files, electronic
mail, and public-information networks from any location _ at work, at
home, or on the road. They also want better multimedia, whether for
playing MS-DOS-based games or for teleconferencing using TV-quality video
resolution. The following are highlights of capabilities in
Windows 95 that address these requests:

* Pre-emptive multitasking. Windows 95 can perform
multitasking smoothly and responsively for 32-bit

* Scalable performance. The performance improvements
that Windows 95 provides over Windows 3.1 increase
as the amount of RAM increase, due to the high-
performance 32-bit architecture of Windows 95.

* Support for 32-bit applications. Windows 95
supports the Win32 API, which means customers can
look forward to a new generation of easier, faster
and more reliable applications.

* Increased reliability. Windows 95 increases
protection for running existing MS-DOS- and Windows-
based applications and provides the highest level of
protection for new 32-bit applications for Windows.
As a result, an errant application will be much less
likely to disable other applications or the system.

* Faster printing. Windows 95 features a new 32-bit
printing subsystem that reduces the time spent
waiting for print jobs to finish and improves system
response when jobs are printing in the background.

* Better multimedia support. Just as Windows 3.1 made
sound a part of the system, Windows 95 now includes
support for video playback. The video system and CD-
ROM file system will provide high-quality output for
multimedia applications.

* More memory for MS-DOS-based applications.
Windows 95's use of protected-mode drivers means
customers will have more than 600K free conventional
memory in each
MS-DOS session, even when they are connected to the
network and using a CD-ROM drive and a mouse.

* Microsoft Exchange client. Windows 95 includes the
Microsoft Exchange client, a universal client that
retrieves messages into one universal inbox from
many kinds of systems, including Microsoft Mail,
faxes, Internet Mail, The Microsoft Network,
CompuServe(r) Mail, and so on.

Why will companies want to upgrade to Windows 95?
Companies will want to move to Windows 95 because it will help reduce
their PC support burden, help increase their control over the desktop, and
help increase the productivity of their end users. Numerous studies have
shown that as much as 80 percent of the cost of owning a PC over the long
term are the costs associated with support, including installing,
configuring and managing the PC, and training the PC user. The Gartner
Group has concluded that Windows 95 will likely lead to significantly
lower total cost of ownership compared to MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 (PC
Research Note: Personal Computing Costs: A Windows 95 Model, Aug. 15,
1994). Their model estimates the support savings will be $1,180 per user
per year. Over the five-year ownership period assumed in the analysis,
this translates into savings of nearly $6,000 per user.

Windows 95 includes numerous features designed to reduce the costs of
supporting PCs and PC users, including the following:

* A simpler, more intuitive user interface that can
reduce training requirements for novice users and
enable experienced users to learn new tasks with less
help. The start button, taskbar, Windows Explorer,
wizards, a new help system and more will make
Windows 95 easy to learn and make functionality easy
to discover.

* Built-in networking support that is easier to set up
and configure and is faster and more reliable to use.
Whether you're running NetWare or Microsoft networks
using NetBEUI, IPX/SPX or TCP/IP protocols, and using
NDIS or ODI drivers, Windows 95 has integrated support
for your network client, protocol and driver.
Additional networks are added easily. Windows 95
includes 32-bit clients for both NetWare and Microsoft
networks that are fast, reliable, and require no
conventional memory. A Windows 95-based PC can have
multiple network clients and transport protocols
running simultaneously for connecting heterogeneous

* Plug and Play device installation to automate the
difficult process of adding devices to a PC.
Windows 95 supports the industry-standard Plug and
Play specification to enable automatic installation
and configuration of add-on devices. If you install
Windows 95 on the system you have today and purchase a
Plug and Play add-on device, you will be able to
install that device by just plugging it in and turning
on your system. Plug and Play takes care of the messy
details of installation and configuration. Plug and
Play also enables innovative new system designs that
support such capabilities as hot docking and

* System-management capabilities that will simplify
remote administration and enable new system-management
applications. Windows 95 features an infrastructure
for the management of PCs that leverages a
hierarchical database of system-configuration
information, called the Registry. The Registry holds
all the pertinent information about the system _
hardware, software, user preferences and privileges _
and provides access to its contents over the network
through a variety of industry-standard interfaces,
including SNMP, DMI, and Remote Procedure Call. This
infrastructure will simplify many administrative tasks
by including tools for remote configuration of the
desktop and will lead to a new generation of
system-management applications for managing the
desktop, performing hardware and software
inventorying, and supporting software distribution.

* System policies that enable an administrator to
control a desktop configuration.
Windows 95 supports policies, which are settings an
administrator configures to define the operations
users can access on their PCs. Policies also can be
used to define the appearance of the desktop. For
example, the administrator can set a policy to disable
the MS-DOS prompt and the "Run" commands, to prevent
users from arbitrarily running applications.

* Support for roving users. Windows 95 can present
different configurations, depending on who has logged
into the PC. This option allows users to log into
different machines on the network and see their
personal configurations.

* Built-in agents for automating backup of desktop
systems. Windows 95 includes the software required to
backup a desktop system using a server-based backup
system. The backup agents included with Windows 95
work with the most popular server-based systems.

In addition to reducing support costs and increasing
control over the desktop, Windows 95 will help make end
users more productive. In usability-test studies,
users of Windows 3.1 are able to perform a series of
typical tasks that they perform today in 25 percent
less time using Windows 95. These tests did not take
into account many of the tasks that users would like to
perform but which are too difficult today, such as
installing a CD-ROM drive and sound card or retrieving
a file from the desktop system while using the computer
at home or traveling on business. By making these
capabilities much more accessible, Windows 95 will
enable customers to be even more productive using PCs.

Won't it be expensive to put Windows 95 on all the PCs
in a company?
Windows 95 has been designed to provide a safe and smooth transition to
the new operating system. Windows 95 will work on the hardware and
software you already have through support for existing device drivers and
applications for MS-DOS and Windows. On mainstream systems _ those with
at least 4 MB of RAM and an 80386DX processor _ Windows 95 will perform as
fast or faster than Windows 3.1 if all you do is upgrade the operating
system. The installation program will detect and maintain current system
settings and enable automated installation through a variety of
techniques, including login scripts and software-distribution
applications. Users of Windows 3.1 will be productive quickly, as
confirmed by the thorough usability testing Microsoft conducted with users
of Windows 3.1 and the learning aids that will be included with the
product. After a 15-minute "play period" and with the help of a
computer-based tutorial, users of Windows 3.1 participating in tests have
been found to be as productive using Windows 95 as they are using
Windows 3.1 the first time they perform a set of typical tasks. By the
time it is commercially available, Windows 95 will have been subjected to
hundreds of thousands of hours of rigorous internal testing and will have
undergone the most extensive beta testing in history.

The savings achieved by using Windows 95 will outweigh the costs of making
the migration. The Gartner Group has estimated that migration costs can
be recouped in three to six months. Good planning and deployment
techniques can help keep these costs to a minimum.

Ship Dates and Packaging Plans

When will Windows 95 ship?
Windows 95 is scheduled to ship in the first half of 1995. Microsoft's
commitment is to ship a great product. The intense testing period will
help ensure a great release based on feedback from tens of thousands
of beta testers.

What different packages will you have for Windows 95?
Packaging decisions will be made later in the development cycle, based on
customer needs.

I understand there is a new logo for Windows 95. What
will it mean to me?
The new logo, which looks quite similar to the current logo, featuring the
same Windows flag, will be used optionally by vendors to identify their
hardware, software and peripheral products that take advantage of
new capabilities in Windows 95. The logo will let customers know at a
glance, for example, which CD-ROM drives are Plug and Play-enabled and
which applications are 32-bit.

Vendors can obtain detailed logo requirements by accessing the Microsoft
Developer Solutions Phone-Fax service at (206) 635-2222 and requesting
document 130.

I keep hearing rumors that Microsoft is working on versions of Windows 95
for non-Intel microprocessors. Is this true?
No, Microsoft is not working on versions of Windows 95 for non-Intel
microprocessors. Windows NT is Microsoft's portable operating system, and
it's already available on high-end Intel, MIPSr, Alpha AXP(r),
PowerPC(r) and Clipper computers.

What will happen to MS-DOS?
Microsoft will continue to enhance MS-DOS as long as customers require it.
Future versions will be derived from the protected-mode technology
developed in the Windows 95 project.

Windows Preview Program

How can I become a beta tester for Windows 95?
The beta test program for Windows 95 is no longer accepting new
submissions for beta sites. However, the Windows Preview Program will
provide an excellent opportunity to evaluate Windows 95 prior to its
general availability.

What is the Windows Preview Program?
Microsoft will offer a Windows 95 Preview Program, currently planned for
the first quarter of 1995, prior to final product availability. This
program will allow people interested in getting a head start on evaluating
Windows 95 a chance to purchase a pre-release copy of Windows 95 along
with documentation, and support, for the cost of materials and
implementation, expected to be around $30 US. As further information
about the Windows 95 Preview Program becomes available, including
ordering instructions, mail will be sent to all WINNEWS subscribers. To
subscribe to Microsoft's WINNEWS Electronic Newsletter, send e-mail to with the words SUBSCRIBE WINNEWS as the sole
text of your message. For more information on WINNEWS, see the "For More
Information" section at the end of this document.

User Interface

How will the new user interface in Windows 95 make the PC easier to use?
The goal for the user interface for future versions of Windows is to make
computers easy for all people to use. The user-interface design in
Windows 95 will achieve these goals through the most extensive
usability-testing effort ever (thousands of hours of laboratory testing,
with hundreds of users of all levels of experience) and through feedback
from various sources, including testing at customer sites, reviews with
experts on training in Windows, audits by user-interface consultants,
feedback from focus groups, and analysis of product-support calls.

We expect both inexperienced and experienced users will find that the
changes being made to the user interface in Windows 95 make it even easier
to learn and use. The system taskbar will make all the functions most
users need accessible with a single click of a button. The taskbar will
show all open windows and will make it much easier to switch between
windows by just clicking on a button representing that window. Instead of
mastering different kinds of tools (Program Manager, File Manager, Print
Manager and Control Panel) to work with different resources on their
computers, users of Windows 95 will be able to browse for and access all
resources in a consistent fashion with a single tool. All resources in
the system will have property sheets, which present tabbed-notebook-style
interface settings that can be directly changed; a new integrated Help
system makes it easy and fast to get help at all times.

Won't a new user interface mean a lot of retraining for current users of
The Windows 95 user interface is designed to make experienced users of
Windows 3.x productive immediately, and usability testing has found this
to be the case. After a few iterations of working with the Windows 95
environment, users of Windows 3.1 are able to complete common tasks faster
with Windows 95. With subtle refinements in the user interface and the
addition of migration training aids during the continued testing process,
productivity can be expected to improve even more.

Windows 95 will enable corporate customers and individuals who want to
move gradually to the new user interface to continue running Program
Manager and File Manager while they become familiar with the new user-
interface features.


Your performance goals sound very ambitious, considering all the
functionality you're adding to Windows 95. How will you achieve those
The stated performance goal of Windows 95 is that when a customer upgrades
to Windows 95, performance will meet or exceed performance of Windows
3.1, as long as the customer has an 80386DX or higher system with at least
4 MB of RAM. (For systems with more memory, performance will be improved
over Windows 3.1.) Windows 95 will meet this performance goal by
implementing new technologies to better optimize the use of memory on
low-end system configurations. The networking, disk, CD-ROM and paging
caches will be fully integrated to scale better as more memory is added to
the system. Protected-mode device drivers will be dynamically loadable to
ensure that only the drivers that are immediately needed are consuming
memory. Great attention will be paid to effective tuning, including
hand-tuning source code.

I've heard Windows 95 described as a 32-bit operating system, yet I've
also heard that portions of Windows 95 are implemented with 16-bit code.
Are both these statements correct?
Windows 95 is a 32-bit, pre-emptive multitasking operating system that
implements some 16-bit code to provide compatibility with existing
applications. Windows 95 deploys 32-bit code wherever it significantly
improves performance without sacrificing compatibility. It retains
existing 16-bit code where it is required to maintain compatibility or
where 32-bit code would increase memory requirements without significantly
improving performance. All of the I/O subsystems and device drivers (such
as networking and file systems) in Windows 95 are fully 32-bit, as are all
the memory management and scheduling components. Many functions provided
by the Graphics Device Interface (GDI) have been moved to 32-bit code,
including the spooler and printing subsystem, the TrueTyper font
rasterizer, and key drawing operations. Windows 95 includes a 32-bit
implementationof OLE. Much of the window-management code (user) remains
16-bit to help ensure application compatibility.

Does Windows 95 improve limits on system resources?
Yes. Windows 95 improves system-resource limits dramatically while
maintaining compatibility with existing Windows-based applications. This
means that users will not only be able to run more applications than
Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11, but will also be able to
create more complex documents.

Plug and Play

What is Plug and Play? What benefits does Plug and Play provide?
Plug and Play is a technology jointly developed by PC product vendors that
will dramatically improve the integration of PC hardware and software.
Windows 95 is a key enabling technology for Plug and Play. Plug and
Play is built into all levels of Windows 95 and covers both common desktop
and laptop devices, such as monitors, printers, video cards, sound cards,
CD-ROM drives, SCSI adapters, modems and PCMCIA devices.

With Windows 95, a user can easily install or connect Plug and Play
devices to the system, letting the system automatically allocate hardware
resources with no user intervention. For example, by simply plugging in a
CD-ROM and sound card, a desktop PC can be easily turned into a multimedia
playback system. The user simply plugs in the components, turns on the
PC, and "plays" a video clip.

Windows 95 also enables new Plug and Play system designs that can be
dynamically reconfigured. For example, a Windows 95 Plug and Play laptop
can be removed from its docking station while still running and taken to a
meeting; the system automatically reconfigures to work with a
lower-resolution display and adjusts for the absence of the network card
and large disk drive.

Will Plug and Play devices work with my current system, or will I need a
new system? What benefits will I receive when I purchase a Plug and Play
device with my current system after I have installed Windows 95?
Windows 95 and Plug and Play devices will provide complete backward
compatibility to work with systems that were not designed according to the
Plug and Play specification. And when you purchase a Plug and Play device
for a non-Plug and Play PC running Windows 95, you still benefit from the
automatic installation features of Plug and Play add-on devices.

Application Support

What support does Windows 95 have for applications?
Windows 95 supports applications for MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows-based
applications supported by Windows 3.x as well as a new generation of
32-bit applications. It provides this support through the Win32 API,
which is also available in Windows NT. This new generation of 32-bit
applications will provide benefits such as greater robustness, smoother
multitasking, long filename support, a new look and feel, and threads, to
name a few.

When will applications that exploit Windows 95 be available?
Applications written for Windows 3.1 and Windows NT that follow guidelines
provided by Microsoft will be able to run on Windows 95. There are
hundreds of 32-bit Windows-based applications available today for Windows
NT, and more are released every day. In addition, leading software
vendors have already begun developing 32-bit applications for Windows 95,
and we expect many to ship within 90 days of the ship date of Windows 95.


Will I need new networking software to connect Windows 95 to my network
No. Windows 95 will continue to run existing real-mode networking
components while enhancing the 32-bit protected-mode networking components
first delivered with Windows for Workgroups.

What improvements will the networking support in Windows 95 offer over the
support in Windows for Workgroups 3.11?
In addition to being backward compatible with today's network clients,
Windows 95 will enhance the open and flexible, high-performance 32-bit
networking architecture offered today with Windows for Workgroups 3.11
that enables customers to mix and match networking components. Windows 95
includes fast 32-bit, native clients for both NetWare and Windows NT
Server networks; supports NDIS 2.x, 3.x and ODI drivers; and provides
32-bit NetBEUI, IPX/SPX and TCP/IP protocols. In addition, the network
architecture in Windows 95 will make it possible for users to connect
simultaneously to multiple networks using multiple protocols.

Will there be a Windows 95 server product?
Windows 95 will not be provided in a separate server product. Windows NT
Server is the Microsoft product to use for production servers. Windows 95
does improve upon the peer-server capabilities offered in Windows for
Workgroups by offering additional features for remote installation,
control and administration. These features will make Windows 95 an even
better product for an easy-to-use file-sharing and print-sharing LAN
that is ideally suited for a small business, small department or remote

Can Windows 95 connect to the Internet?
Yes. Windows 95 includes the networking support you need to connect to
the Internet. It includes a fast, robust, 32-bit TCP/IP stack (TCP/IP is
the language used by the Internet) as well as PPP or "dial-in" support.
Windows 95 supports the large number of tools used to connect to the
Internet, such as Mosaic, WinWAIS and WinGopher, through the Windows(tm)
Sockets programming interface. Windows 95 also includes standard Internet
support, such as telnet and ftp.

Systems Management

What specific desktop-management features will Windows 95 enable?
The Windows 95 operating system can be set up from a network server and
can be configured at the desktop to run locally or across the network. In
each case, the administrator can establish a specific configuration
for the installation, controlling which features are installed and which
features can be accessed or altered by the end user.

Windows 95 supports policies, which are settings an administrator
configures to define what applications or services users or groups of
users can access using their PCs. Using policies, for example, the
administrator can disable the MS-DOS prompt and the "Run" commands to
prevent users from arbitrarily running applications and can disable
file-and-print sharing.

To enable users to rove and use any system on the network, Windows 95 will
provide user profiles. These profiles will be centrally stored, accessed
when the user logs in to a Windows 95 system, and used to install the
appropriate configuration and set the appropriate policies for that user.
Windows 95 also enhances the security provided by Windows for Workgroups
to include user-level security. Windows 95 also includes key desktop
agents for popular server-based backup programs as well as SNMP and DMI.
Finally, hardware installation and configuration will be made much easier
and less costly with the implementation of the Plug and Play architecture
in devices and systems. The Windows Registry will provide data about
hardware resources. The data can be accessed by third-party vendors to
provide inventory-management solutions.

Messaging and Mail

What is Microsoft Exchange?
Microsoft Exchange is a universal information client built into the
Windows 95 user interface that can read and send electronic mail from
different e-mail systems, including LAN-based systems such as Microsoft
Mail, Internet mail, or mail on remote on-line system services such as
CompuServe or The Microsoft Network, and can send and receive faxes and
other remote messages. Microsoft Exchange in Windows 95 also includes
Microsoft At Work fax software for sending and receiving electronic fax
messages. Microsoft Exchange also provides an effective way to organize,
sort, categorize and filter messages.

The Microsoft Network - Online Service

What is The Microsoft Network?
The Microsoft network is a new on-line service that Microsoft is
developing to help bring the rapidly expanding world of electronic
information and communication to mainstream PC users. The Microsoft
Network (MSN) will bring all Windows 95 customers affordable and
easy-to-use access to electronic mail, bulletin boards, chat rooms, file
libraries, and Internet newsgroups. Microsoft Windows 95 customers
worldwide will be able to access MSN with a local phone call. The
Microsoft Network will offer a wide range of online information and
services, and in particular Microsoft customers will find MSN the single
best place to go to get information and support for Microsoft products.
The MSN client's tight integration with Windows 95 allows customers
already familiar with Windows 95 to leverage their learning, and feel
comfortable on-line immediately.

Why is Microsoft getting into the online services business with The
Microsoft Network?
Microsoft has long believed in "Information At Your Fingertips," and we
believe that the Microsoft Network represents a major opportunity for us
to deliver on that vision. Enabling PC users to easily communicate and
access information is the next great opportunity in our industry. The
online service business has great promise to provide consumers with that
easy communication and information access, but it's still in the infancy
stage and many factors must come together to make it a mainstream
phonemena. Online services must offer a more compelling multimedia-rich
set of publications, shopping services, games, etc., that will both
attract and retain a large audience. This will require investments by
both the providers of information and services, and new tools and
infrastructure investments by the online service companies. Microsoft
hopes to help expand this market by enabling the providers of information
and services with better technology and tools, while motivating them
with a more attractive business model.

Mobile Computing

What improvements will Windows 95 offer for people who use a mobile or
remote computer?
Windows 95 is designed to make using PCs "away from the desk" easier and
more powerful for everyone. Any notebook or portable computer user will
benefit from improved support in three areas: remote network access
(or "dial-up networking"), hardware support, and support for the mobile
work environment.

* "Dial-Up Networking" provides access to information
when you're on the road. Windows 95 includes a dial-
up network client that allows a mobile or remote
computer to dial into popular remote networking
server products, such as Shivar Netmodem, NetWare
Connect and Windows NT Remote Access Services, using
the same network protocols and advanced security
features provided for desktop PCs.
Windows 95 includes new support for the dynamic
nature of mobile computer hardware. The Plug and
Play implementation in Windows 95 will support
inserting, configuring and removing devices such as
PCMCIA cards while the operating system is running.
Windows 95 will also support automatic
reconfiguration of portable computers when they are
inserted or removed from docking stations or port

* Windows 95 includes features optimized for mobile
computer users. Mobile computer users face special
problems because of their work environment.
Electronic mail and Fax work differently on a mobile
computer than they do on a desktop system. Mobile
computer users must contend with limited resources,
such as disk space or battery power. And many
mobile computer users exchange files with a second,
desktop, PC or file server.

* The Microsoft Exchange client (see above) includes
features such as Remote Mail and Microsoft At Work(tm)
Fax that make staying in touch while on the road
easy and reliable.

* An enhanced version of Advanced Power Management
(APM) will further extend battery life. File
Viewers for the top 20 or 30 application file
formats, plus support for integrated disk
compression, reduce demands on hard disk space.
Deferred Printing support enables storage of print
jobs while on the road, for eventual printing back
in the office.

* Finally, Windows 95 will provide file-
synchronization services and a direct-cable-
connection file-transfer utility to simplify
coexistence with other computers.

How are the remote-client capabilities in Windows 95 different from those
in Windows for Workgroups 3.11?
Clients running Windows for Workgroups could dial into Windows NT Server
or Windows for Workgroups-based servers only. Windows 95 supports a much
more diverse remote-access environment; it can connect to the majority of
the dial-in systems in common use today. Windows 95 dial-up networking
has been extensively tested with Windows NT Server and other PCs running
Windows 95, NetWare servers running NetWare Connect, popular network
devices such as the Shiva Netmodem, and many Internet service providers.
Windows 95 includes built-in protocol support for Windows 3.1 RAS, PPP
(Point-to-Point Protocol, the emerging standard for dial-up networking and
Internet access), SLIP, and NetWare connect. All dial-up networking and
communications services are fully 32-bit, in order to increase performance
and reliability.

Does Windows 95 offer any improvements in ways to roll out and support
remote network access in an organization?
Yes. Windows 95 greatly simplifies remote network access. System
administrators can supply end users with pre-configured network shortcuts
and pre-defined connections to remote networks. Double-clicking on a
shortcut will dial the phone, log users into the network, and open the
desired network resource (such as a file folder on a remote server).
Alternatively, a "New Connection Wizard" steps users through the process
of setting up a remote access client or server. Users no longer need to
know how to set up a modem, establish a connections, or operate a remote
communications package.

For small organizations, a Windows 95 PC can operate as a dial-in server.
A Wizard assists with the setup process. Dial-in server functionality can
be disabled, if desired.

Has Windows 95 improved support for PCMCIA cards and other hardware like
docking stations?
Yes. Windows 95 offers vastly improved support for PCMCIA cards and other
mobile computing devices. PCMCIA is built into the core of Windows 95.
The operating system will automatically load the necessary drivers for
each card as it is inserted, and unload the drivers once the card is
ejected. No real-mode card or socket drivers are required. When a new
card is first inserted, Windows 95 will detect the card and install the
appropriate drivers automatically.

If you use a docking station or port replicator, all pertinent system
settings, including video resolution, keyboard, pointing device, and
network, are automatically re-configured "on the fly" when your computer
is inserted or removed from the dock or port replicator. On systems
featuring a Plug-and-Play BIOS, no reboot is required. On
non-Plug-and-Play machines from the leading manufacturers, multiple
configurations are supported automatically when the system is restarted.

I use both a desktop PC and a portable PC. What support does Windows 95
offer for this environment?
Windows 95 introduces the Briefcase, an easy-to-use interface for keeping
multiple versions of files "in sync." For example, if you copy several
files from your desktop PC to your laptop, the Briefcase automates the
process of comparing your (perhaps edited) files to the original versions,
and performing any needed copy operations to keep all the files
up-to-date. The Briefcase also enables applications to provide
"reconciliation handlers" that merge documents together when both the
original and the copy have changed.

To simplify the process of exchanging files between two machines, Windows
95 implements "Direct Cable Connection." Direct Cable Connection provides
asimple, fast, network-like connection (including security) between two
machines, using a parallel or serial cable.

For More Information

How can I obtain the latest information directly from Microsoft about
Windows 95?
To help keep you informed of the latest information on Windows, Microsoft
has created the WinNews information forum, which serves as an easily
accessible electronic-distribution point for new white papers, press
releases and other pertinent documentation. If you have a modem
or access to the Internet, you can always get up-to-the-minute information
on Windows 95 direct from Microsoft on WinNews. Use the following
electronic addresses to access further information:

On the Internet
On Worldwide Web
On CompuServe GO WINNEWS
On GEnie(r) WINNEWS Download area in Windows RTC
On Prodigy(r) Jumpword WINNEWS
On America Online Keyword WINNEWS
Microsoft Network Computers and Software, Software
Companies , Microsoft, Windows
95, WinNews

To subscribe to Microsoft's WINNEWS Electronic Newsletter, send e-mail to with the words SUBSCRIBE WINNEWS as the only
text of your message.


Microsoft, MS-DOS and Win32 are registered trademarks and Windows and
Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PowerPC are trademarks
of International Business Machines Corporation. Novell and NetWare are
registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. CompuServe is a registered
trademark of CompuServe, Inc. America Online is a registered trademark of
Quantum Computer Services, Inc. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel
Corporation. MIPS is a registered trademark of MIPS Computer Systems,
Inc. Alpha AXP is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. Clipper
is a trademark of Computer Associates International, Inc. TrueType is
a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Shiva is a registered
trademark of Shiva Microsystems Corporation. GEnie is a trademark of
General ElectricCorporation. Prodigy is a trademark of Prodigy Services

T h is document is provided for informational purposes only. The
information contained in this document represents the current view of
Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of
publication. Because Microsoft must respond to change in market
conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of
Microsoft and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information
presented after the date of publication.

AND FREEDOM FROM INFRINGEMENT. The user assumes the entire risk as to the
accuracy and the use of this document. This document may be copied and
distributed subject to the following conditions: 1) All text must be
copied without modification and all pages must be included; 2) All copies
must contain Microsoft's copyright notice and any other notices provided
therein; and 3) This document may not be distributed for profit.

Copyright c 1994 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


> USRobotics & V.34/VFC STR FOCUS! What's really going on?

USRobotics & V.34/VFC

All one need do is read the messages on any of the networks
commercial or private and one can easily see consumer patience is
certainly wearing very thin. Folks are trying to organize class actions,
petitions and other some such "get even" or "get their attention" tactics.

The hullabaloo seems to be primarily around the new v.34 code USR is
implementing for its variety of modems. Especially the Sportster model.
With all the clamoring, one can only wonder if this entire situation could
have been avoided had the company gone about its business quietly. The
truth is... they tried. But the anxious consumers and the ever hungry for
speed sysops were in a lurch that place USR in a very tight spot. It
seems the competition was on the market first with V.FC a Rockwell devised
set of codes that achieved 28.8 bps. Now comes the uproar.. In USR's
ears by their loyal userbase. "Where's ours?" Could be heard far and
wide. Possibly rightfully so. After all was USR sitting on their duffs
and letting the modeming community pass them by? Not hardly. It appears
that the V.FC code was released to modem manufacturers so all the modems
could "talk to each other" which is good. Wouldn't you know it though
that Rockwell's programmers decided to "make a few changes" after the code
was released. Brilliant eh? It caused untold levels of bedlam. Even
'till today.

USRobotics is about to begin shipping, if they haven't already, their
new chipsets for the Sportster and they do have the NEW SDL file
(12/02/94) available on their BBS for D/L. Now the trick is to get this
new code to as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time.
And... to make sure the SDL Flash Rom code for their other modems is
universally available. Many have noticed their support person on one
major commercial service has remarked the NEW SDL file was available there
in USR's library but when one goes and looks for it all they find is an
SDL file from November for their German Users as the MOST RECENT file
placed out for D/L! This only typifies the chaotic impression the general
public is getting about the way things are done. Come on USR, let's get
the CURRENT (12/02) SDL file out and available to the loyal users. After
all, they ARE paying the bills. USRobotics has made it very clear they've
hired more personnel to handle the transition to V.34 and have promised an
easing of the logjam. This is in direct response to the consumers having
made themselves heard. Kudos to USR for responding in a positive manner.




Technical support will not be available in the forum on Sunday, Jan. 1, or
on Monday, Jan. 2. Please, if you can possibly avoid it, do not post any
messages on Sunday or Monday. Otherwise the backlog of messages may prove
too much for us to handle when we come back on-line. Thank you! Dvorak
Development offices will also be closed on those days.

We'd like to wish all NavCIS users, whether using NavCIS SE,
NavCIS TE or NavCIS Pro, a very Happy New Year. May 1995
bring you much happiness, good health, and prosperity.

We'd like to let you know about some planned upcoming products
from Dvorak Development in 1995:

1. NavCIS 1.5 Performance Upgrade -- faster, but no significant
new features: target release, January.
2. Sysop version of NavCIS: target release, 1Q.
3. OUI: Off-line Usenet Interface (see below for more info): 1Q.
4. NavCIS 2.0: MDI, script engine, personalized storage, enhanced
threading and much, much more: 2Q.
5. NavCIS for Windows NT, true 32 bit, multi-threaded version: 2Q.
6. NavCIS for Windows 95, true 32 bit, multi-threaded version: ??
(will be released on or about the same date as Windows 95)

NavCIS for Mac and NavCIS for OS/2 are also under serious consider-
ation at this time. Please let us know your vote in section 8.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information or details
about any of the above points until we are much closer to actual
product release.

OUI (tm): Off-line Usenet Interface
This handy Windows program allows you to navigate the Internet's
Usenet newsgroups via CompuServe's USENET gateway. We've used
our NavCIS experience to design a superior off-line navigator
that makes using Newsgroups as easy as CompuServe forums.
To learn more, download the file OUI.TXT from lib 1.

Thank you for your continued support!
--Dvorak Development Dec. 27, 1994

OUI (tm)
Off-line Usenet Interface
for Windows

Many NavCIS users have been asking us for an advanced off-line navigator
that makes Usenet newsgroups as easy to use as CompuServe forums. We've
taken our NavCIS experience and applied it, listened to our users, studied
and tinkered, and soon we'll be releasing our Windows version of OUI
(pronounced "whee").

OUI uses CompuServe's USENET gateway to access the Internet's Usenet
newsgroups. Using off-line technology developed and used by thousands of
NavCIS users, OUI makes using the thousands of newsgroups easy and

This product will pay for itself in a month or two if you've been a
moderate CompuServe USENET user. And it's perfect if you've been wanting
to learn about the USENET but have been put off by the cost (its billed as
an extended forum) or complexity.

* Windows MDI interface, makes Usenet easy to learn, easy to use.
* Powerful search and index options allow you to quickly find
Newsgroups that interest you.
* Powerful threading features let you find conversations that
interest you... you can see threads BEFORE you download messages,
as well as track, ignore, and store threads according to your tastes.

* Twit filters allow you to ignore input from selected users.
* Personalized storage lets you store and retrieve messages and threads
by your selected criteria.
* Read and reply easily using split windows.
* User definable auto-quote characteristics.
* Built in multi-lingual spell checker.
* Built in UUencoding and UUdecoding.
* Full integration with NavCIS 2.0 when it becomes available.
* Extensive dual-window help with Index and Glossary.
* Includes NavImage... our powerful graphics editor (GIF, JPG, BMP, PCX,
TIF and TGA support).

What does it cost?
* $39 via download or $42 via disk and mailed.
* Only $19 for registered NavCIS Pro users via download or $22 on
disk and mailed.

System Requirements:
Requires Windows 3.1 running in enhanced mode. 386/20 or faster with 4mb
RAM minimum. Mouse, modem and 5mb hard disk space. CompuServe account.

Anticipated Release:
OUI will be released before the end of the first quarter of 1995.

How is OUI packaged?
OUI is a disk based product and does not include a written manual.
Rather, it features powerful on-line help that is concise, well written
and easy to use. OUI can be downloaded from the Dvorak forum or ordered
on diskette for a slightly higher cost.

Can I order it now?
No. We do not want to take your money and deliver something that doesn't
live up to your expectations. We'd rather you download and try the TE
(15 day demoware Timed Edition) before you decide to purchase OUI. The
TE version will be located in LIB 1 of the DVORAK forum.

Can I beta test it?
Currently we are not seeking beta testers. Please do not request a beta
testing slot. When and if we do a public beta, a forum announcement will
be made seeking volunteers.

Thank you for your interest. We hope you'll enjoy this product and find
it helpful and useful navigating the outer edges of Cyberspace.

--Dvorak Development 27 DEC 94


> PC Board 15x STR FOCUS!

PC Board Version 15.2

The following is a BRIEF summary of the new features found in PCBoard
v15.0 when upgrading from PCBoard v14.5a


- For the ultimate in configurability, v15.0 adds a built-in programming
language called PPL, or PCBoard Programming Language. Any time PCBoard
displays something to the caller, asks the caller for input, or executes
a command that the caller issued, the a PPL program can kick in and
perform just about any kind of processing you might imagine. Script
Questionnaires can be rewritten to add processing, and more.

- A new, optional, menuing system lets you create submenus for all of your
menus (the main menu, doors, bulletins, scripts, even for new features
that you create yourself using PPL). This is built right into PCBoard
and, depending on how it is set up, can be user-selected (i.e. novices
might be presented with submenus while experts see only command

- PCBoard commands can be translated, changed, or supplemented quickly and
without the use of DOOR applications. New (or changed) commands can
stuff the keyboard with replacement commands, execute PPL programs or
branch to a submenu system.

- In addition to the multi-lingual capabilities of past releases, v15.0
adds full internationalization support. This includes: the ability to
display dates and values in their proper formats, proper capitalization
of words and names, proper font display (locally) of high ascii
characters, translation of internal commands, etc.

- RIPscrip Graphics support. Add a GUI interface to your BBS by setting
up welcome files, menu files, prompts, etc, with RIPscrip codes in them.
Now you can get graphics over the phone line and even make PCBoard
selections with a mouse if the menus used are created to support it.

- A new, fully interactive, inter-node chat capability combining the best
features the sysop-chat and old-style node chat with added capabilities
such as 255 different channels, chat handles, private and public chats,
and more.

- Message editing changes including: the ability to enter TO and SUBJECT
lines that are longer than 25 characters, the ability to enter messages
up to 400 lines in length, the ability to attach a file to a message,
request a return receipt, enter a carbon list to send a single message
to multiple users, enter routing info, set a packout date, upload
message text using any protocol, upload .REP packets, and more.

- Message display changes including: a new header display format that is
switchable between a long (6-line) format and a shorter (4-line) format,
long TO, FROM and SUBJECT lines, non-scrolling message headers, sysop-
selectable colors for message headers.

- Message reading changes including: the ability to read new mail
immediately after login, the ability to force specific security levels
to read new mail upon login, create .QWK packets, additional reading
commands to read mail that is TO or FROM a specific user, read mail that
is NEW after a specified date, read mail in conferences that have
personal mail waiting, capture and download a single message, faster
message scans and reading, flag or view file attachments or any other
file while reading messages, and more.

- Further support for CD-ROM drives, including the ability to copy files
down to a local staging area prior to starting the file transfer. Also,
files can be processed prior to starting the file transfer.

- Integration of FILE_ID.DIZ detection allowing files to be uploaded with
embedded descriptions while avoiding asking the caller for a

- Conference changes include: INTRO screens to describe the conference,
passwords for joining, ALLFILES.LST for scanning across all conferences
before allowing uploads, conference-specific commands, auto-register
flags, and more.

- Additional settings, available on a per-conference basis, include: Force
echo mail, allow Internet (long) TO: names, make conference read-only,
disallow private messages, security level to enter a message, and more.

- Uploading now scans for matching archive files regardless of extension
prior to allowing a file to be uploaded.

- Adding new conferences is easier by cloning and existing conference.
Also, the message base can be created automatically.

- Support for modems that provide Caller-ID and FAX capabilities.

- New, on-the-fly, File and Byte Limits as well as File and Byte Ratios.

- Aliases can now be used in specific conferences and by callers with
specific security levels. The ability to change the alias, once
selected, can be disabled.

- Multiple simultaneous logins, for a users of a given security, are now
possible. This could be used for a demo account, etc.

- Increased user friendliness by interpretting previously invalid (but
commonly used) commands.

- Built-in support for multiple event handling. These include multiple
events per day, node-specific events, events that should only be run on
a specific date, or events that should be run on specified days of the

- New, ONLINE, packing of the USERS file. It is no longer necessary to
keep the BBS down while packing your users file.

- Additional information can now recorded and tracked in the user records
such as: full address, password monitoring, user verification
information, caller statistics (# of and type of security violations,
login speeds, etc), and up to 5 lines of notes about each user.

- The password monitoring requires that passwords meet a sysop-selectable
minimum length requirement, new passwords cannot duplicate any of the
previous passwords on file for that user, new passwords cannot contain
the user's name or user-id.

- Added FOSSIL support for the /M (MultiPort) version. PCBoard/M will now
work with an existing FOSSIL driver, or with the comm driver supplied
with the software, or with the built-in asynch driver for standard comm

- Greater control over display macro substitution, including padding,
centering, etc.

** Coming soon.. A full, feature by feature, comparison of PC Board BBS
and WildCat BBS. Reportedly the two most popular BBS
programs available in the PC World.


> STR InfoFile

Now on CompuServe

Attention: We have a new sales account! CIS 74431,2012

Questions regarding sales, ordering, upgrades, shipping and any
other non-technical support issues are best directed to this address.

For technical support, please place your queries in either of
these forums:

GO HSCSOFTWARE (Multimedia Vendors Forum)
GO KPTSUPPORT (Graphics B Vendor Forum)

Thank You

HSC Software
6303 Carpinteria Ave.
Carpinteria, CA 93013

Phone (805) 566-6200
FAX (805) 566-6385
The HSC Sales toll-free number is (800) 472-9025.

HSC Software's products have achieved recognition as powerful
tools for graphics and image creation, enhancement, conversion, and
multimedia authoring for users of IBM and Macintosh systems.

HSC Software's current line of retail products includes:

Kai's Power Tools (tm)
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Kai's Power Tools (KPT) is a collection of 33 powerful effects and
filter plug-ins for Adobe plug-in compliant products such as Photoshop,
Photostyler, Corel Photo-Paint, Fauve Mattisse, Picture Publisher,
Altamira Composer and Painter. The product is available for both the Mac
and Windows environment.

KPT significantly expands the ability of users to manipulate scanned
or computer generated grayscale or color images. The product has been
hailed by Adobe, SuperMac, and many publications as "the" indispensable
add-on for userswho want to create complex and unusual blends, textures,
and image effects that are impossible with traditional methods.

Current Versions

MacIntosh and PowerPC 2.1
Windows 2.0
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KPT Bryce (tm) for MacIntosh
It's hard to know where to begin to describe this product. Let's just
say that it has won every award imaginable and left thousands of people
hopelessly glued to their Macs for days at a time. A quick description
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create 3-D landscapes ...real and surreal. The tools in this package and
their implementation will wow people who have worked with any sort of
rendering/3D program.....and those that haven't. You don't need to be an
experienced user to easily create incredibly beautiful landscapes and
worlds visible before only in your mind. This is the new era in
creativity. Don't let the low price fool you.

Current Version
MacIntosh 1.0
PowerPC 1.0
Retail Price $199.00

HSC Digital Morph (tm)

"A Powerhouse of Special Effects."

HSC Digital Morph provides you the best in morphing and warping for
Microsoft Windows. Animated morphing and warping, studio quality
special effects, powerpacked performance, multimedia animation tools,
compatibility with Video for Windows and Autodesk Animator, cutouts,
high resolution imaging, on-line help, and extensive file format support
are all available.

Current Version 1.0
Retail Price $149.00

HSC InterActive (tm)
"The intuitive Windows authoring system the delivers the power of
advanced multimedia to your desktop."

In HSC InterActive, icons representing functions or tasks are moved from
an icon library and connected into a flowchart that graphically depicts
the application's logic. Content, including text, graphics, animation,
audio, and/or video via Microsoft MCI drivers is added to the icon
structure using dialog boxes.

HSC InterActive's flow charting metaphor makes building powerful
applications simple for the graphics designer, illustrator, business
presenter or other non-programming professional.

In addition to the main authoring interface, HSC InterActive includes
Graphics Editor (paint/imaging program), IconAnimate (path based
animations creator), and Rezsolution (screen capture/image conversion

Current Version 2.0
Retail Price $295.00

Please call or write to order or obtain information on these products.
Additionally, our multimedia production facilities "Digital Beach"
can create world-class demos and presentations for your company.

Thank You
Jon Swift
Director of Technical Services
HSC Software
CIS 75300,2707

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Folks, the FARGO Primera Pro has GOT to be the best yet. Its far superior
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much. Its said that ONE Picture is worth a thousand words. Send for this
sample now. Guaranteed you will be amazed at the superb quality. (please,
allow at least a one week turn-around)

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N


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Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

Fire up that high-speed modem and head for your favorite GEnie Software
Library! Effective October 10, 1994, you'll be able to participate in an
open beta test, offering access to GEnie Services at 9600 bps for as
little as $5.00 per hour.

As a result of an arrangement with Sprint, GEnie will be offering 9600 bps
access from almost 300 SprintNet locations. Best of all, this high-speed
access will not be subject to high-priced surcharges. The normal $2.00
per hour SprintNet surcharge will apply...even at 9600 bps! This open
beta test is expected to run through the end of the year.

To find the number of the SprintNet access number nearest you, simply type
PHONES at any GEnie menu prompt (or use the "Move To Keyword" option in
GENIE for Windows and type PHONES). Remember, this rate applies only to
9600 bps access via SprintNet. So be sure to choose the access number
showing "9600" in the "Baud Rate" column AND "SprintNet" in the "Network"

From the "Fine Print" department, please note that the $2.00 per hour
surcharge for SprintNet access is applicable even during your initial four
hours of monthly usage.

So, whether you're into downloading software, reading bulletin boards, or
accessing databases, it's about to become cheaper to do it faster!

GENIE Information Services copyright 1994 by General Electric
Information Services/GENIE, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GENIE users!

John Deegan, Editor (Temp)

> Adobe Premiere STR InfoFile

Adobe Premiere Version 4.0
for Windows
Now Available

Adobe Systems Incorporated announced the immediate availability of
Adobe Premiere Version 4.0 for Windows, a major upgrade of its widely
acclaimed digital video production application. Adobe Premiere Version 4.0
for Windows incorporates powerful new features for video, film and
multimedia professionals who create digital movies in the Microsoft Video
for Windows Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) or Apple QuickTime for Windows

Adobe Premiere 4.0 for Windows provides more creative power with
features such as titling, motion control, 99 audio and 99 video tracks,
and unlimited filters and transitions. The new release also offers many
professional-level features, such as support for capturing and making
movies at 29.97 frames per second (true NTSC frame rate); Edit Decision
Lists (EDLs); SMPTE timecode; 60-field video processing; a new Trimming
window, and improved dynamic previewing with the ability to compile and
cache only those sections of a preview that have changed.

Version 4.0 for Windows comes standard with a Deluxe CD-ROM at no
additional cost to users and includes Adobe Photoshop 2.5 LE software and
Adobe Acrobat Reader software. The CD-ROM also includes multimedia
tutorials on new features, digital audio, video and still-image clip files
and electronic documentation. Also included are Adobe Type Manager
software, which comes standard with 30 fonts, and an additional 23 of
Adobe's Type 1 fonts via the Adobe Type On Call CD-ROM.

"Overall, I am elated with Adobe Premiere with Windows," said Alan
Teitel, president of Suntel, an independent film producer in New York. "I
am able to do things with Premiere that until now were strictly for
high-end studios. Adobe Premiere opens up a lot of areas besides straight
video editing, where few dared to travel, both in time-lapse photography
and stop-action animation. "Essentially, Adobe Premiere is empowering
producers in all price ranges by giving them the ability to create
products and projects that better communicate their ideas for selling
their own products, services or affiliations much more cost effectively.
And because Premiere is hardware and resolution independent, the same
software can be used in a training environment all the way up through
the professional finishing environment."

New Features
Adobe Premiere 4.0 for Windows adds many other new features,
including an enhanced Movie Capture window to retrieve and import movies
into the program. The Movie Capture window offers a VCR-like control
panel that displays timecode, in and out points, an auto-record option and
a log-in/out command to log clips into a batch list for digitizing. With
Adobe Premiere 4.0, users can control professional and consumer video
equipment. In addition, an assortment of tools in the new Title window
lets users create and manipulate a variety of visual titling elements and
supports both Adobe Type 1 and TrueType fonts.

A wide range of motion control settings within the new Motion
Settings window provides previews, distortion, time-line indicator points,
rotation, zoom, delay, fill color, loading/saving motion settings and
alpha channel support. Adobe Premiere 4.0 for Windows also supports
subpixel processing for smooth motion as well as EDL formats CMX 3400, CMX
3600 and Generic, Grass Valley and Sony BVE EDL formats. Other formats can
be added as plug-in extensions.

Version 4.0 also adds many other new features, including an enhanced
Project window with folders and labels for organizing clips, an improved
Clip window with frame-by-frame control and playback from in and out
points; new transition effects, including a Transition Factory to create
unlimited custom effects; new filters, plus a Filter Factory to create
unlimited custom filters.

Adobe Premiere 4.0 for Windows allows users to vary filters over
time; new key types offer a variety of matte and screen treatments;
unlimited markers for marking audio and video and snapping edits; editing
tools such as automatic insert edit, ripple and rolling edits; track
locking and unlocking; predefined project preset options for optimizing
specific tasks such as creating videos, films or CD-ROMs, and the ability
to define custom presets that can be saved for later use.

In addition, the program supports capturing and making movies at
29.97 frames per second as well as rates of 30, 25, or 24 fps; 60-field
processing output to FLC/FLI formats and numbered BMP, TIFF and TGA
still-image formats, and an AVI movie analysis tool to display movie
characteristics. The open plug-in architecture allows third-party
developers to add functionality through plug-in modules such as import,
export, device control, transitions and filters.

System Requirements
The minimum system requirements for Adobe Premiere 4.0 include an
Intel 386, Intel 486 or Pentium-based PC with 8 megabytes of RAM and a
100-megabyte hard drive running Windows 3.1 or greater, and MS-DOS 5.0 or
greater. In addition, a 256-color display adapter and monitor and mouse or
other pointing device are required.

For optimal performance, Adobe recommends a 66-MHz or greater Intel
486 or Pentium-based PC with 16 megabytes ro 32 megabytes of RAM and a
500-megabyte to 1-gigabyte hard drive running Windows 3.1 or greater and
MS-DOS 5.0 or greater. To maximize performance, a 24-bit color display
adapter and monitor, Microsoft Video for Windows-compatible video capture
card, sound card, speakers and mouse or other pointing device are highly

Price and Availability
Adobe Premiere 4.0 for windows is available immediately from Adobe
authorized resellers. Through February 15, 1995, Version 4.0 will be
offered at a special introductory price of $495, $200 less than the
suggested retail price of $695.

Registered users of Adobe Premiere 1.0 or 1.1 can upgrade to Version
4.0 for a special price of $129 until February 15, 1995. After that date,
the upgrade price will be $179. Customers who purchased and registered the
retail version of Adobe Premiere 1.1 for Windows on or after September 12,
1994, will receive a free upgrade. For more information, customers should
contact Adobe at 1-800-833-6687.


Adobe Systems Incorporated, founded in 1982, is headquartered in Mountain
View, California. Adobe develops, markets and supports computer software
products and technologies that enable users to create, display, print and
communicate electronic documents. The company licenses its technology to
major computer, printing, and publishing suppliers, and markets a line of
application software and type products for authoring visually rich
documents. Additionally, the company markets a line of powerful, but easy
to use, products for home and small business users. Adobe has subsidiaries
in Europe and the Pacific Rim serving a worldwide network of dealers and
distributors. Adobe recently completed a merger with Aldus Corporation and
Adobe's 1993 revenue on a combined basis was approximately $520 million.

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
Premiere and Adobe Type Manager are trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Windows and MS are trademarks and MS-DOS and Microsoft are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Pentium is a trademark and Intel is a
registered trademark of Intel Corporation. QuickTime and TrueType are
trademarks, and Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc. Other brand, product and company names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders.


> Sound Blaster AWE32 STR Spotlight

Sound Blaster AWE32

Highest Quality Audio for any Application
* CD-quality digital audio and symphonic sounding music for the ultimate
audio experience
* Advanced WavEffects synthesis means real instrument sounds, with chorus
and reverb effects, instead of
synthesized sounds.

Advanced Audio Technology
* DSP technology provides special effects and optimizes performance on any
system. DSP 4.0
* Add downloadable sound samples for your music compositions
* Advanced Signal Processor technology provides hardware
compression/decompression, Qsound 180 degree soundscape and advanced
text-to-speech synthesis

Sound Blaster Compatible
* Only Sound Blaster products ensure 100% compatibility with all software
written for the Sound Blaster audio platform

Flexible Design Allows You To Upgrade
* Add your choice of CD-ROM drive: Sony, Mitsumi or Creative
* Add additional memory (up to 28MB) as your needs demand

Easy to Install
* Menu-driven software installation
* Automatic DOS and Windows driver installation
* Software configurable interrupts and DMA

Features & Specifications

Digital Audio
* 8 and 16-bit selectable stereo sampling and playback
* Sample and playback rates from 5 kHz to 44.1 kHz
* Real-time hardware compression and decompression

Advanced WavEffects Synthesis
* Pro audio sounds from E-mu Systems
* Uses the EMU8000 sound and effects generator
* 16 channel, 32-note polyphony
* 128 instruments
* General MIDI compliant
* Supports General MIDI, Sound Canvas, and MT-32 sound sets

Audio Effects
* MIDI: reverb, chorus, pan
* Digital audio: Qsound Virtual Audio

Sound Samples
* 1 MB ROM of GM sound samples
* 512 KB RAM for downloading samples
* 2 SIMM sockets for user upgrade (2x1 MB SIMM, 2x4 MB SIMM, 2x16 MB SIMM)
for storing additional sound samples (28 MB max. addressable RAM)

FM Synthesis
* 20 note, 4 operator synthesizer
* Backward compatible for complete support of existing applications
* FM synthesis can be enhanced with reverb & chorus

* DOS- and Windows-based mixer utilities
* Recording sources: MIDI, CD audio, Line-in, Microphone (mono), PC
* Playback mixing: Digitized audio, MIDI, CD audio, Line-in, Microphone
(mono), PC speaker
* Bass and treble control (15 levels at 2 dB increments)
* Digitized audio, MIDI, CD audio, Line-in, Microphone and master volume
control (32 levels at 2 dB increments)
* Input/Output gain select
* Microphone automatic gain control select

MIDI Interface
* Built-in 15 pin MIDI interface
* MPU-401 UART support (General MIDI and Sound Canvas support through
* 64-byte FIFO full duplex MIDI timestamp

Joystick Port
* MIDI interface doubles as a joystick port
* Dual joystick and MIDI adapter cables available as options

CD-ROM Interface
* User selectable CD-ROM interface
* Connect Sony, Mitsumi, TEAC CD55a or Creative CD-ROM drive
* Internal CD audio cable included (Sony CDU31A, 33A, Mitsumi FX001
series, Creative CR-523, 563)

* High-performance, hands-free, ergonomically designed, condenser
microphone included
* Selectable automatic gain control

Onboard Connectors
* Line input
* Microphone input
* Line output
* Amplified output (4W PMPO)
* 15 pin MIDI/Joystick connector
* CD-ROM interfaces
* CD-audio connector

System Requirements
* 80386 or higher processor
* 2 MB RAM (4 MB recommended)
* Full-length 16-bit slot
* DOS 3.1 or higher
* Windows 3.1 (for Windows software)
* EGA or VGA (VGA recommended)
* Speakers or Headphones

Sound Blaster AWE32 is backed by a one-year limited hardware warranty
covering parts and labor.

Sound Blaster Series
Hardware Settings

You can generally tell which type of card is in a system by examining the
SET BLASTER statement. A typical SET BLASTER statement follows:

SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6

This indicates that the card is using base address 220, IRQ 5, Low DMA
Channel 1, High DMA channel 5, MIDI port address 330, and card type 6. SB
1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and Pro cards will not have 'H' or 'P' parameters. AWE-32
cards may also have a 'E' parameter which indicates the location of the
first portion of the AWE address range on the card.

The possible card types are:

T2 - Sound Blaster Pro 1
T3 - Sound Blaster 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
T4 - Sound Blaster Pro 2
T5 - Sound Blaster Pro Microchannel version
T6 - Sound Blaster 16, SB16 AWE-32
T10 - Sound Blaster Microchannel version

All of our cards can be identified by the CT number on the card; this list
currently only covers cards officially released by Creative in the United
States. Cards are listed roughly by order of introduction. Default
selections for a setting are indicated with [] (square brackets) around
the setting. All of our sound cards also make use of the standard Adlib
addresses (388h-389h), and game port addresses (200h-207h).

Sound Blaster 1.0 & 1.5 (CT1310, CT1320, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, 3, 5, [7]
DMA: [1]
I/O: 210, [220], 230, 240, 250, 260 ; Range: 2x0h-2xEh

Sound Blaster MCV (CT5320, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, 3, 5, [7]
DMA: [1]
I/O: 210, [220], 230, 240, 250, 260 ; Range: 2x0h-2xEh

Sound Blaster 2.0 (CT1350)
IRQ: 2, 3, [5], 7
DMA: [1]
I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: 2x0h-2xEh

Sound Blaster Pro 1 (CT1330, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, 5, [7], 10
DMA: 0, [1], 3
I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h

Sound Blaster Pro MCV (CT5330, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, 5, [7]
DMA: 0, [1], 3
I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h

Sound Blaster Pro 2 (CT1600)
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
DMA: 0, [1], 3
I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h

Sound Blaster 16 Basic/Value (CT1730, CT1740, CT2740, CT2749, CT2770,
CT2230C, CT2239C)
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h

Sound Blaster 16 MultiCD (CT1750, CT1759, CT2230, CT2239)
** Includes the base address range for the Sony CD-ROM interface.
* MtsmI/O, etc are the settings for the Mitsumi CD-ROM controller.
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
** I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
*MtsmI/O: 310, 320, [340], 350 ; Range: 3z0h-3z3h
MtsmDMA: 6, [7]
MtsMIRQ: 3, 10, [11]
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h

Sound Blaster 16 SCSI-2 (CT1770, CT1779)
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
SCSII/O: 140, [340] ; Range: base + 1Fh, ex: 340h-35Fh
SCSIIRQ: 9, 10, [11], 12

Sound Blaster 16 AWE-32 (CT2760, CT3780) -
***This card is effectively a SB16 MultiCD card with the following

AWE I/O addresses are based on the base I/O of the card. The AWE
portion takes 3 separate address ranges in the form: 6x0h-6x3h

For example, if the base address of the card is 220, then its regular
base address range is 220h-233h and the AWE base address ranges are from
620h-623h, A20h-A23h, and E20h-E23h.



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reading pleasure on DELPHI. STReport's readers are invited to join DELPHI
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Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access
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20/20 Advantage rates apply for access via SprintNet or Tymnet from within
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Who is eligible to take advantage of the plan? Any DELPHI member in good
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It's easy to join. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply
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Plan. Your membership becomes active at 4 a.m. Eastern Time on the first
billing day of the following month.

The $20 charge will be billed to you at the beginning of the month to
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Advantage rates may be changed with 30 days notice given OnLine.


For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and receive 5
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this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage of this
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DELPHI-It's the BEST Value and getting BETTER all the time!


Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Wow, it's hard to believe that 1995 is just around the corner!
Where has this year gone? It didn't seem that long ago that I was
suffering from a bout with double-pneumonia (almost a year ago today)
and being bed-ridden for over a month.

I hope that everyone's Christmas/Hanukkah holidays were enjoyable.
It was nice to have a long weekend, for a change. I finally got a
chance to look at a few programs that I've been putting off for ages!
I even managed to get in a few hours in on the Jaguar, something that I
haven't had much time for in recent weeks. Maybe some day I'll get to
finish one of these games!

I had all kinds of ideas as to how I wanted to end this year of
issues. But somehow, once I started to work on a number of them, it
seemed pointless to re-hash the year's events. It hasn't been a
spectacular year for Atari computer users; and worse than previous
years for most of us. I guess that I can sum it all up by stating that
I'm still glad to be using Atari machines. My STs are still my
computers of choice and I can't see myself using anything else for my
primary needs. I use a PC at work, and frankly, it's used FOR work.
But for my purposes, I don't want it to be a chore to use my computer;
it's got to be fun as well as productive. We just received our copies
of the upgrade for Microsoft Office for Windows - 25 disks to install
the entire package! It took over an hour to install! Yes, that's
fine, for work...

Instead of all of the "year-in-review", the good times, the bad
times, and whatevers - let me just simply wish all of you a very happy
and prosperous New Year. If you're going to party, please don't drink
and drive! We want to see you ALL back here next week.

Until next '95...


Delphi's Atari Advantage!!


* = New on list

The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 10.52)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.


> Internet Tidbit STR FOCUS!

-/- Boston's 'First Night' on Internet -/-

Boston's annual "First Night" New Year's Eve celebration is getting
an electronic boost this year from a feature on the Internet's World
Wide Web.

In neighboring Cambridge, Massachusetts, BBN Internet Services Corp.
says it is donating a computer server, network access and systems
integration services to enable Internet devotees "to create custom
personal itineraries for their celebrations" and to help them find and
learn more about various activities.

The server will access URL:
through which people can browse descriptions and a map of all First
Night activities, select events they want to attend by checking off
desired characteristics (such as music), times and locations. The server
will provide detailed personal itineraries that can be downloaded and
printed with the user's PCs.


> Gribnif News! STR InfoFile! - STalker Upgraded!

STalker¿ 3.02 to 3.03 Patch Program

This program will upgrade STalker version 3.02 to
version 3.03. It will ONLY upgrade version 3.02.

This program is copyright ½ 1994 by Gribnif Software. All rights are
reserved. This program may be freely distributed to all legitimate
registered users of STalker 3.

Any questions or comments, please contact us at:

Gribnif Software, P.O. Box 779, Northampton, MA 01061, USA
Tel: (413) 247-5620, Fax: (413) 247-5622

What is needed to upgrade

1. An un-modified, registered, STalker 3 Master Disk, version 3.02.

2. A hard disk or a blank formatted floppy disk (to place the
STALK303.PRG and STALK303.DAT on).

How to upgrade your STalker version 3.02 to version 3.03

1. Make sure you have made a backup copy of the STalker 3 Master Disk.

2. Place the STALK303.PRG and STALK303.DAT on your hard disk or on the
blank floppy disk (it may need the extra disk space to write some
temporary files, depending on free memory.)

3. Run the STALK303.PRG and follow the on-screen prompts.

4. Once you have finished upgrading your master disk to version 3.03,
make a backup copy of this newer version.


5. To install the newer version on your system, you MUST replace the
following STalker 3.02 files in your system with the 3.03 version
files from the newly upgraded disk. You can either do this from the
desktop, or by using the INSTALL.PRG on the STalker disk:

\STALKER.PRG (copied from STALKER.PRG on the master disk)

If you get an error message

If your STalker 3 Master Disk has been modified in any way (including
moving files around), the patch program will not be able to perform the
upgrade. You will get an error message indicating that this has
happened. In this case, you should mail us the disk so that we can
upgrade it.

To have your disk upgraded by us, you need to:

1. Send in your original, registered, STalker 3.02 Master Disk.
2. Enclose a U.S. check for $5 + $2 shipping & handling ($7 total).
3. Enclose a note with your name, address, and daytime phone number.

In return you will receive the upgraded 3.03 Master Disk. If you have
already purchased this patch disk from us for $5, please just include
your original disk and $2.

Helpful Hints

o If you are having trouble with lost characters, the very first thing
to do is try running AUXINIT.PRG. If using rates > 19200, you may also
find it helpful increasing the size of the buffer to the maximum, 31K.

o When using high speed modems (9600 baud or greater) you will have to
use h-ware (RTS/CTS) flow control, rather than XON/XOFF flow control.
Several pointers:

o Make sure STalker is configured for RTS/CTS in the Port Settings
dialog for each service you plan to connect to at high speed.
o Make sure your modem is set for RTS/CTS. This varies from modem
to modem; some use an AT command, others a DIP switch. Consult your
modem's manual for more information.
o Run the appropriate combination of patch programs. These can be
found in the EXTRAS folder of your STalker disk:

TOS version Port Program(s)
1.0-1.6x ST-compatible SERIALFX
2.00-2.05 ST-compatible SERIALFX and SERIALFX
2.06 ST-compatible SERIALFX
other none needed
3.00-3.05 ST-compatible SERIALFX and SERIALFX
3.06 ST-compatible SERIALFX
other none needed
4.0x Falcon none needed

Because STalker reconfigures the Falcon serial port and the
"non-standard" ports on the Mega STe and TT by writing directly to the
hardware registers for those devices, other serial patch programs may
not work properly with these ports when STalker is running.

o If, after dialing a service, you notice that you cannot access any of
STalker's functions and the "Dial" menu title is still selected, then
this most likely means that there is a problem with your autologin
sequence for that service. Press Undo to cancel the autologin and then
check the appropriate entry in the Autodialer Directory.

o If you use the GDOS replacement NVDI, you may notice accessing the
"STalker preferences" dialog will sometimes cause the terminal font to
revert to the system font. Selecting the preferences dialog a second
time will restore the setting and allow you to reset the font in the
Terminal dialog. This seems to be due to a bug in NVDI.

Changes for STalker 3.03

The Preferences dialog has several new items:

o The first is an option to toggle the menu in a window feature.

o The second is to toggle usage of the new Atari Clipboard. Drive Z
is now a valid drive letter, so to use the Atari Clipboard standard
it is necessary to select this option in the dialog.

o Next is an option to turn off the Blitter chip, if present, when
STalker first runs and then turn it back on when STalker quits. At
high speed on some machines, the Blitter causes problems with serial

o "Alert before clearing buffer" will display an alert before allowing
the keyboard sequence [Control][Clr] to clear the buffer.

After marking a block, the pop-up menu will disable the Print option if
STalker doesn't detect a printer online and ready. Similarly, the menu
item "Send text to printer" is disabled if the printer is not ready.

It is now possible to turn off Remote Mode by selecting the menu item
Remote Mode. The menu item now acts like a toggle. Furthermore, it is
no longer possible to Save Configuration with Remote Mode enabled.
[Shift][Tab] will invoke STeno. This was added because [Alternate][Tab]
is used by Geneva.

Added the keyboard equivalent [Shift][Alternate][Esc] to reset the
serial port. This was added because Geneva uses [Alternate][Esc] to
close the window.

[Control][Tab] will invoke the BackTalk compiler if it is running.

If you have Geneva, you can tear-away STalker's menus or use them from
the keyboard with [Alternate][Space].

In previous versions, STalker would close a file being downloaded and
reopen it repeatedly. In the new version, STalker leaves the file open
at all times and only reopens it if it gets closed unexpectedly (like
when you are using STalker as a desk accessory and then quit an

This means that downloading is a bit faster, especially for large
files. It also means that you should avoid anything that will force a
media change on the drive a file is being downloaded to, like swapping
disks or the "Force Update" option in NeoDesk.

[Shift][Esc] will open/close the main STalker window without quitting.
Also, when STalker is run in a multitasking environment it is now
possible to close the main window and the file transfer window while a
file is being uploaded or downloaded. [Shift][Esc] will close the main
window and the file transfer window. [Control][Shift][Esc] will close
the window without quitting also, but during file transfers the file
transfer window will remain open.

Added support for NeoDesk 4's NEO_ACC_ASK. This allows STalker and
NeoDesk to communicate as a NeoDesk Desk Accessory if STalker was
installed after NeoDesk is already running.

Passing -m as the first parameter on the command line when STalker is
run will force STalker to toggle menus in the window. This option will
be saved if you Save Settings.

STalker will print correctly under all revisions of TOS.

On a Falcon, the Serial port is now the only port available, and faster
baud rates are possible.

STalker will now report a disk full error, if there is one, when saving
an .INF file.

STalker should correctly close files in scripts now. It should no
longer be necessary to call file_close() twice.

Zmodem Resumes on Delphi now work.

Double-clicking on a Dial? entry will not remove the dialog until the
mouse is released. The event is also disposed of.

Reworked "Use GDOS monospaced fonts" so that booting without GDOS will
not permanently affect this setting.

The File menu has been changed slightly to hopefully avoid a problem
with STalker and TOS 1.00.

DCD is off by default when no .INF file is found.

> More Gribnif News! STR InfoFile! - STeno Upgraded!

STeno 2.00 to 2.10 Patch Program

This program will upgrade STeno version 2.00 to
version 2.10. It will ONLY upgrade version 2.00.

This program is copyright 1994 by Gribnif Software. All rights are
reserved. This program may be freely distributed to all legitimate
registered users of STeno 2.

Any questions or comments, please contact us at:

Gribnif Software, P.O. Box 779, Northampton, MA 01061, USA
Tel: (413) 247-5620, Fax: (413) 247-5622

What is needed to upgrade

1. An un-modified STeno 2 Master Disk, version 2.00.

2. A hard disk or a blank formatted floppy disk (to place the
STENO210.PRG and STENO210.DAT on).

How to upgrade your STeno version 2.00 to version 2.10

1. Make sure you have made a backup copy of the STeno 2 Master Disk.

2. Place the STENO210.PRG and STENO210.DAT on your hard disk or on the
blank floppy disk (it may need the extra disk space to write some
temporary files, depending on free memory.)

3. Run the STENO210.PRG and follow the on-screen prompts.

4. Once you have finished upgrading your master disk to version 2.10,
make a backup copy of this newer version.


5. To install the newer version on your system, you MUST replace the
following STeno 2.00 files in your system with the 2.10 version
files from the newly upgraded disk:


The following files are also included in the archive, for use by
programmers. They are not essential for normal operation:


If you get an error message

If your STeno 2 Master Disk has been modified in any way (including
moving files around), the patch program will not be able to perform the
upgrade. You will get an error message indicating that this has
happened. In this case, you should mail us the disk so that we can
upgrade it.

To have your disk upgraded by us, you need to:

1. Send in your original, registered, STeno 2.00 Master Disk.
2. Enclose a U.S. check for $5 + $2 shipping & handling ($7 total).
3. Enclose a note with your name, address, and daytime phone number.

In return you will receive the upgraded 2.10 Master Disk. If you have
already purchased this patch disk from us for $5, please just include
your original disk and $2.

Changes for STeno 2.10

General Operation:

If STeno is run as a desk accessory after NeoDesk 4 is already running,
you can now drag icons to a STeno icon on the desktop.

STeno now indicates Line, Column, and whether the current file has been
modified, by way of the window's name bar. Only file modification is
indicated in the desk accessory title (or program title under
Geneva/MultiTOS), by way of a delta (triangle) character.

[Control][Tab] will invoke the BackTalk compiler, if it is already in

STeno will use Geneva's menu-in-a-window feature. This means that you
can use tear-away menus and [Alt][Space] to traverse the menu if you
have Geneva.

STeno now handles the AP_TERM message, so that it can be terminated
from Geneva or MultiTOS.

It is now possible to close the STeno's window without quitting STeno
when run as an application. Pressing [Shift][Esc] will close the
window, pressing this combination again will re-open it.

Under AES 3.40 or newer, all buttons are now 3D. Under Geneva, its
radio buttons are used, also.

STeno's Programmer Interface is now active. It is now possible for
external programs to use STeno as an editor. Check out HYPRDEFS.H
and STENOMSG.H for details.

Preferences Dialog:

STeno now supports the new Atari Clipboard standard. To enable this
feature, select the "Use Atari Clipboard" option.

STeno now stores the font size and window size/position independently
for ST Medium/Low versus other resolutions. This way you will not end
up with a font that is the wrong size when changing between

Added a configuration option to allow scrolling by line, instead of
the default jump scrolling.

The cursor blink can be turned on or off.

When saving a file, STeno will first save the file to $$STENO$.$$$. If
that is successful, STeno will then delete the original file and
rename $$STENO$.$$$ to the original file. If the disk fills up while
saving to $$STENO$.$$$, $$STENO$.$$$ will be deleted and the original
file will be intact.

This can be toggled on/off. If you prefer to have faster Saves, then
turn the option off.

The menu can now be toggled between being in a window or not, by way of
an option. Note that when STeno is used as a desk accessory, its menu
is always in the window, regardless of how this option is set.

Under AES 4.0 or newer, or Geneva, if you have multiple STenos running,
pressing [Alternate][#] will bring a STeno to the foreground (i.e.:
[Alternate][1] will top the first STeno, [Alternate][2] will top the
second STeno). This will work with up to 10 STenos running (the 10th
STeno is [Alternate][0]). The number to press is between the [] in
the window title. When quitting a STeno, the previous numbered STeno
will be topped (i.e.: quitting STeno #8 will top STeno #7. If #7 is
not running then #6, #5...).

The behavior of this is configurable. There are new options in the
Preferences dialog:

o Autotop on Exit When quitting the current STeno, make the
next one come into focus.
o Accessories If Autotop on Exit is on, this will tell
STeno to top DA's or not.
o Numbers in DESK Menu Tells STeno to number the STeno's under the
DESK Menu (ie: 1STeno:, 2STeno:, 3STeno:,

Main Window:

It is now possible to re-size the window when the Sizer is not displayed
by holding down the both the left and right mouse button and clicking
the lower right corner as if the Sizer were there.

On startup, STeno will always open its window to the size that was

STeno correctly re-draws its window if it is not the topmost window, and
one of the scroll bars is used in Geneva or MultiTOS.

The mouse is turned back on before another window becomes topped.

Line scrolling is substantially faster than previous versions.

Editing Commands:

[Insert] will toggle between insert mode and overwrite mode for new
text that is entered.

Pressing [Shift][Delete] will copy the text into the UNDO buffer.
Previously, this would just delete it.

The sequence [Control][Insert] will copy a block into the UNDO buffer.

[Shift][Insert] will paste the internal buffer (like [Undo]).

[Alternate][B] will start a block. [Alternate][E] will end the block,
showing the selected area. The block acts the same as a block marked
with the mouse.

If you hold down the [Control] key when marking a block, it will be a
column block (i.e.: [Control][Shift][Alternate][B]). This cannot be
done with the mouse, it can only be done with the keyboard.

If you hold down the [Control] key when pasting a block, it will be
inserted as a column (i.e.: [Control][Alternate][V]).

[Control][Up] and [Control][Down] will scroll the screen in the
corresponding direction without moving the cursor's line or column

[Control][Shift][Up] and [Control][Shift][Down] will move the cursor
to the top or bottom of the window, without scrolling.

[Alternate][C] and [Alternate][V] will no longer clear the clipboard
if there is no block selected.

When deleting a line, the entire screen is no longer redrawn.


When saving a file, if it already exists, you will be prompted to
Replace/Append/Cancel. To avoid this prompt and always Replace the
existing file, use [Control][Alternate][S].

[Alternate][|] will toggle the Vertical Slider on/off. [Alternate][-]
will toggle the Horizontal Slider on/off.

[Control][Alternate][Q] will save (replace) a modified file and then
quit STeno without prompting.

[Shift][Tab] will invoke STalker, in addition to [Alternate][Tab].
This was added because [Alternate][Tab] is used by Geneva.

The Word Wrap dialog has a new toggle. This toggle is used to turn
on/off indenting while typing in word wrap mode. If it is selected,
the text will indent to the previous line's indentation. When this
option is off, no indentation will occur.

Type-Ahead Mode:

You can no longer [Backspace] over the character that represents the
start of a Type-Ahead line. You can however, [Delete] the character.

When you send the type-ahead buffer, STeno will send up to the next
marker, or to the end of the buffer, instead of stopping at the
cursor. For example, if you had the lines:

=The quick brown fox#jumped in a puddle.

with the cursor at the #, then pressing Return will send everything
from the preceding = up to, but not including, the next =.

It used to be that it would only send "The quick brown fox", which
meant that if you realized you had a typo at the beginning of the
line, you had to move the cursor all the way to the end before
pressing Return.


> From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!

Well, Christmas has come, and gone. There are currently 16 games
available for the Jaguar. A disappointing year for the Jaguar? It's
really hard to say. As mentioned last week, this number of games fell
short of the final tally claimed by Atari's Sam Tramiel, twice. The
last couple of weeks have seen quite an array of new titles hit the
streets. If I "did the MATH" correctly, there were eight games
released in a very short span of time. It's my impression that more
and more developers are finally getting close to the final stages for
even more games. Like it not, quality

games do take time. Look at
some of the winners that we have on hand currently: Doom, Wolf 3D, AvP,
Iron Soldier, and Kasumi Ninja - to name just a few. Would we want to
see these games rushed and poor in quality. Yes, we're impatient and
want to see more, fast. But, I think part of this is because we know
the quality to be expected with an Atari game machine. Most of the
games available right now have been "worth the wait," to quote many
online. The waiting was tough, and will be tough again, but in the

I'm really looking for a stellar 1995 for the Jaguar. As long as
Atari doesn't "pull an Atari," we should all be expecting (and
getting!) some terrific stuff next year. Developers who have been
taking a "wait and see" attitude are starting to see some positive
things happening. Granted, Atari still has a long way to go, but their
efforts are starting to show.

So, while this issue is relatively sparse this week due to the
holidays, expect to see an exciting 1995 worth of Jaguar coverage.
Many of us have most of the new titles in hand and we are feverishly
working on the games and reviews. It's been an exciting past year, and
it's going to be even better next year! I hope that you join us in the
enjoyment. I foresee myself starting off the new year with a lot of
relaxation with my Jaguar controller in hand!

Until next time...


> Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out.

Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $49.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/
Crescent Galaxy $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $69.95 id/Atari Corp.
JA100 Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95 Telegames
J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Rebellion/Atari Corp.
J9029 Doom $69.99 id/Atari Corp.
J9036 Dragon: Bruce Lee $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9003 Club Drive $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9007 Checkered Flag $69.99 Atari Corp.
J9012 Kasumi Ninja $69.99 Atari Corp.
J9042 Zool 2 $59.99 Atari Corp
Bubsy $49.99 Atari Corp
Iron Soldier $59.99 Atari Corp

Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


CatBox $69.95 ICD
Val D'Isere Skiing $59.99 Atari
Cannon Fodder TBD Virgin
Hover Strike $59.99 Atari

Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J8001 Jaguar (complete) $249.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95
Jaguar CD-ROM $149.99 Atari Corp.


> Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile - The Latest Gaming News!

-/- Nintendo Sells 6 Million Donkey Kongs -/-

Nintendo's 16-bit, $69.95 Donkey Kong Country has become the all-time
best seller in the video game industry, selling more than 6 million units
by year's end.

The game maker also says more than 40 percent of American homes now
own a Nintendo system.

Speaking with United Press International, Nintendo officials said its
new Donkey Kong Country game has received unprecedented accolades from the
media and video game industry followers since it was introduced Nov. 21.
In fact, Time Magazine picked Donkey Kong Country as its No. 2 Best
Product of 1994, just behind the Chrysler Neon automobile.

UPI notes, "In its first week, the game set sale records for the
Japanese video game giant, selling more than 500,000 units. It also
grossed more than $30 million over the Thanksgiving holiday, more than
the top movie that weekend."

Demand for the game, which features graphics designed on Silicon
Graphics' workstations and supercomputers, has outpaced supply in the
four weeks the game has been available in the United States, Nintendo

> Jaguar Easter Eggs/Cheats/Hints STR InfoFile - Solving Those Riddles!

From Compuserve's AtariGaming Forums, tips for Kasumi Ninja:
(Thanks to Larry Tipton for posting it!)

>>Grabbed from AOL for CSERVE members! :)

Here is my KN Moves FAQ. It is not entirely complete but contains a lot
of special moves and death moves for Habacki, Senzo, Thundra, and Danja.
The others I haven't discovered. Any feedback would be appreciated. I
tested all these moves and believe they are all correct.

KASUMI NINJA Moves List version 2.00 December 27, 1994
by John P. (

A Button Press once to punch
Tap rapidly to pummel
Up + A is a jumping punch
Up/Towards + A is a flying punch
Down + A is a crouch punch
Down/Towards + A is an upper cut

B Button Press once to kick
Up + B is a jumping kick
Up/Towards + B is a flying kick
Down + B is a sweep kick
Away + B is a roundhouse or special kick

Joypad Left Move left
Joypad Right Move right
Joypad Up Jump
Joypad Up/Away or Towards Jump away or towards an opponent
Joypad Down Crouch
Joypad Down/Away Defensive Crouch
Joypad Away from opponent Block


Caber Toss: Hold C, Down, Up (close)
Headbutt: Hold C, Down, Towards (close)
Fireball: Hold C, Away, Away Up, Up
Throw an
opponent: Away + A (close)

*DEATH MOVE unknown*

Jungle Strike: Hold C, Towards, Towards, Towards (close)
Jungle Lunge: Hold C, Away, Towards, Towards (far)
Teleport: Hold C, Down, Up
Throw an
opponent: Away + A (close)
DEATH MOVE: Hold C, Up, Towards, Up, Towards (far)

Fireball: Hold C, Away, Towards, Towards
Super Kick: Hold C, Away, Up
Knee to Crotch: Hold C, Towards, Towards + B (close)
Throw: Away + A (close)

*DEATH MOVE unknown*

Overhead Smash: Hold C, Towards, Up (close)
Power Slide: Hold C, Away, Down Away, Down, Down Towards, Towards
Hammer Throw: Hold C, Down, Down Away, Away, Up Away, Up
Throw an
opponent: Away + B (close)

*DEATH MOVE unknown*

Fireball: Hold C, Away, Down Away, Down, Down Towards, Towards
Whirlwind Kick: Hold C, Away, Away, Towards, Towards
Teleport: Hold C, Up, Up
Throw an
opponent: Away + A (close)
DEATH MOVE: Hold C, Up, Down (close)

Fireball: Hold C, Away, Down Away, Down, Down Towards, Towards
Whirlwind Kick: Hold C, Away, Away, Towards, Towards
Teleport: Hold C, Up, Up
Throw an
opponent: Away + A (close)
DEATH MOVE: Hold C, Away, Up (close)

Exploding Bolas: Hold C, Away, Away, Away, Towards
Teleport: Hold C, Down, Up, Up
Throw an
Opponent: Away + A (close)
DEATH MOVE: Hold C, Away, Up, Away (far)

Headbutt: Hold C, Towards, Towards, Towards (close)
Ground Stomp: Hold C, Back, Up, Up
Hunting Knife: Hold C, Away, Down Away, Down, Down Towards, Towards
Throw an
opponent: Away + B (close)
DEATH MOVE: Don't know how to do this correctly, but I've done it
by holding C, and then moving joypad left to right
rapidly. (close)

This is a work in progress. Thank you to the few people who have helped me
with this. These are all the moves I have so far that work. If anyone has
any input or know of any death moves that work correctly, please e-mail
me. I will add them in and update this document. I hope to get a complete
list of special moves and death moves for all the characters. If you have
not already done so, I recommend you to pick up KASUMI NINJA for the
64-bit Atari Jaguar system.

Thank you.



Thanks Johnny FP!!!


Partial List of Kasumi Ninja Moves

Goth Hammer - forward, up
Power Slide - (roll) back, down, forward
Exploding Bamboo Stick - (roll) down, back, up, 1/2 forward
Lunging Punch - ???????????
Death Move - ?????????

Fireball - (roll) back, up, forward
Caber Toss - (close) down, up
Head Butt - (close) down, forward
Death Move - ?????????

Knee to the crotch - ?????????
Hammer Kick - back, up
Fireball - back, back, back, forward, forward
Flying Eagle Kick - ???????????
Death Move - ?????????

Exploding Bolas - back, back, back, forward
Side Teleport - down, up, up
Crotch Grab - ???????
Throat Spike - ????????
Death Move - ?????????

Habaki and Senzo
Teleport - up, up
Whirlwind Kick - back, back, forward, forward
Fireball - ????????
Habaki's Death Move - ????????
Senzo's Death Move - ????????

Buffalo Punch - ???????
Throw Knife - (roll) back, down, forward
Head Butt - (close) forward, forward, forward
Buffalo Jump - back, up, up
Death Move - ?????????

Flying Lunge - back, forward, forward
Thunder Uppercut - (close) forward, forward, forward
Teleport - down, up
Bite opponent - ???????
Death Move - ???????

NOTE: All special moves must be done while pressing the C button.
You must keep the button held down the whole time.


> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"


Reportedly, Apple is planning on releasing a 486DX2/50
Adapter/Emulator card for the Power PC 6100 models. It will also offer
soundblaster support and have the ability to allow the user to add ram
directly to the card. It will also be able to use MAC peripherals -
printers, monitors etc. Also, the user will be able to cut and paste
between the two different CPU's. Now ..the best part - it should be on
sales shelves sometime during the 1st quarter of 1995.


Epic MegaGames is expanding and they're looking for programmers, artists,
and development teams to join them.

"We're a PC game publishing company and we work with independent
developers around the world to produce top shareware games. Current Epic
releases include One Must Fall 2097, Jazz Jackrabbit, and Epic Pinball.
These games were developed by really dedicated teams of 2 to 5 people.

Most Epic developers are independent, work from their homes around the
world, and earn top royalties (40%) for the games they create. For
example, a $45 game brings the team $18 and we pay for all marketing,
advertising, distribution, and materials. Royalties for a top shareware
game are currently in the range of $150,000 to $400,000 per year, but
we're working on improving that by expanding our marketing.

We're avid gamers and our top priority is creating quality games that are
the best in their categories (OMF=Best PC fighting game, Jazz=Best PC
platform game, etc).

These are the kinds of people we're looking for:

-- Development teams with PC games already in progress.
-- Artists/Animators: Experienced with DPaint, 3D Studio, or Alias.
-- Programmers: Fluent with C/C++. Assembly is a plus.
Windows experience is a plus. 3D experience is great.

Most importantly, you'll need strong motivation and a good work ethic
because developing a top-quality game is very intense and highly

If you think you might be interested, please leave email describing
your experience and projects, or send a demo/sample to:

Epic MegaGames
3204 Tower Oaks Blvd
Rockville MD 20852 USA.

-Tim Sweeney/Epic * CompuServe: 72662,1725 *



> A "Quotable Quote" For a serious moment.. may we please wish



> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

ABCO Incorporated
P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155
Est. 1985

Take Advantage of the Holiday Specials
ABCO manufactures custom storage devices!
TEN PERCENT OFF (10%) with this ad (clip)
* INTEL * 32 BIT 486DX66, VLB w/Math CoProcessor
8MB ram upgradable to 64MB 1MB SVGA VESA VIDEO CARD
Sound Blaster Compatible Stereo Sound Card
DOS 6.2 - Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Included
256K CACHE - 1.44 FLOPPY Drive, Mouse & 101 deluxe Keyboard
340MB IDE hd - 2 SERIAL, 1 PARALLEL, 1 GAME PORT - 14.4 Data/Fax Modem
250W POWER SUPPLY TOWER SYSTEM - 14" SVGA 1024x768, NI 28dpi Monitor
66Mhz, S&H Incl 1295.00 - 595.00 with order, Checks OK, balance COD
Other higher powered packages available or, design your own!
90Mhz - Pentium Call for value added pricing!
Call: 904-783-3319 Anytime, Voice Mail


Syquest Removable SCSI Drives(ALL Priced Right!)
All Size Platters Available
One Platter included with each Drive free!
Bernoulli! Call for Prices!

ATI Mach 8/32/64 High Performance Video Cards 1-4mb
Diamond Computer High Speed Video Cards w/1-4mb VRAM
Greatly Enhances Windows SPEED and EFFICIENCY
Diamond High Performance Sonic Sound Cards Available
Soundblaster Cards and compatibles 8 & 16 bit
Creative Technologies' Sound Blaster Pro 16 SCSI
Sound Blaster * AWE 32 * SUPER Powerhouse Sound Card
Media Vision Line - True Multi-Media

IDE Super IO cards & 16550 UART 2 & 4 Port Cards

Call: 904-783-3319 Anytime, Voice Mail

40 Westgate Parkway -Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only


202 Roberts St.
East Hartford CT. 06108


907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220


(DEALERS; to be listed here FREE OF CHARGE, drop us a line in Email.)

STReport International OnLine Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
Since 1987 copyright 1994 All Rights Reserved No.1053
All Items quoted, in whole or in part, are done so under the provisions of
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must, without exception, include the name of the publication, date, issue
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