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Silicon Times Report Issue 1101

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

January 06, 1995 No. 1101

Silicon Times Report
International OnLine Magazine
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R.F. Mariano
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> 01/06/95 STR 1101 "The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine!"
- STR INDUSTRY REPORT - MS Intro's "BOB" - COREL Service #s
- Motorola sells Newton - Ultra Edit32 - NEW CDRom Specs
- Delrina NEWSWIRE - Nx586 Shipping! - Frankie's Corner
- ZOOL2 Review - People Talking - Jaguar NewsWire!


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> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Winter CES is on while the flames are flying in the Graphics and the
telecommunications world. First, you'll find full coverage beginning this
week concerning the graphics monstrosity. Then beginning next week, we'll
start our coverage of the monumental problems certain modem manufacturers
are experiencing in achieving V.34 perfection. Thousands of users
worldwide are at their whits end with one maker in particular. That's for
next week though.

On the other fronts, things simply couldn't get any better. We have
coverage of Ultra Edit 32, a superb windows editor that's everything
'notepad' should've been and then some. Also for next week we expect to
be looking over a recent entry into the Windows Editor arena, EditMaster.
More to follow-up on that one.

The big news this week, even overshadowing the opening CES, is the
Unisys enforcement of its patent on the LZW routines. It affects just
about every facet of the computing community. Don't miss this week's
coverage of this hot, late breaking story and its most recent


Of Special Note:
STReport will be branching out further to Internet's userbase in the
very near future. We've received numerous requests to receive STReport
from a wide variety of Internet addresses. As a result, we're putting
together an Internet distribution/mailing list for those who wish to
receive STReport on a regular basis, and we'll UUENCODE each issue and
mail it to you.

If you're interested in being added to our mailing list, please, send
your requests to either "" or, RMARIANO@DELPHI.COM. Look
for mailings to begin by October first. We are also considering a number
of Internet ftp sites in which to post our issues for as well. Whatever
we can do to make STReport available to you. we'll try it!



Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles J. Deegan D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Michael Arthur John Deegan Brad Martin
John Szczepanik Paul Guillot Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy Jeff Kovach
Marty Mankins Carl Prehn Paul Charchian

Contributing Correspondents:
Dominick J. Fontana Norman Boucher Clemens Chin
Eric Jerue Ron Deal Mike Barnwell
Ed Westhusing Glenwood Drake Vernon W.Smith
Bruno Puglia Paul Haris Kevin Miller
Craig Harris Allen Chang Tim Holt
Patrick Hudlow Tom Sherwin

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
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STReport, with its policy of not accepting any paid advertising, has over
the years developed the reputation of "saying it like it really is". When
it comes to our editorials, product evaluations, reviews and over-views,
we shall always keep our readers interests first and foremost. With the
user in mind, STReport further pledges to maintain the reader confidence
that has been developed over the years and to continue "living up to
such". All we ask is that our readers make certain the manufacturers,
publishers etc., know exactly where the information about their products
appeared. In closing, we shall arduously endeavor to meet and further
develop the high standards of straight forwardness our readers have come
to expect in each and every issue.

The Staff & Editors




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #01

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

>> Microsoft to Introduce Bob <<

Microsoft Corp. reportedly is set to introduced a new $100 program
called Bob intended for new PC users among the rapidly expanding home

Word is the program is to be unveiled by Microsoft chief Bill Gates
this weekend at the Consumer Electronics Show and will reach retailers
by March 31.

In the Wall Street Journal this week reporter Don Clark says Bob,
running on top of DOS and Windows, has a set of eight programs for hand-
ling common household chores, including options to balance checkbooks,
mark calendars and handle electronic mail.

"Instead of menus and windows on the screen, Bob uses images of rooms
in a home and cartoon-like characters that tell you how to do things,"
Clark writes. "Click with a mouse on the image of a piece of paper on a
desk, for example, and Bob launches a program that is tailored for
writing letters."

Adds Clark, "Several other companies have begun to use metaphors such
as rooms or buildings, including General Magic Inc. and Novell Inc. But
Bob will be among the first programs on the market to stress a 'social
interface,' in which an animated character guides users' actions. The
characters, such as a dog named Rover, can give custom-tailored tips
because the program keeps track of problems that users are having. While
the on-screen guides now communicate in 'balloons' containing text
messages, Microsoft envisions future programs that will speak to users
and understand their spoken questions."

Microsoft involved more than 1,200 consumers for testing the program,
which is based on the research of Stanford University professors
Clifford Nass and Byron Reeves.

>> Nintendo, GTE Form Alliance <<

In an attempt to retain its No. 1 spot in the video game industry,
Nintendo of America has announced a joint venture with GTE to develop,
market, publish and distribute video games, including games to be played
over phone lines. GTE expects the move to boost its presence in retail

Reports say the companies will release in May a cartridge-based 3-D
game called FX Fighter, which "will run on the conventional 16-bit
Nintendo Entertainment System players, but GTE said it plans to work
with Nintendo to develop products for Nintendo's 64-bit Ultra videogame
player, due out in the fall."

>> Canadian Fax Service Unveiled <<

Delrina Corp. has announced an agreement with The FAX Network of
Toronto to provide an all-Canadian fax broadcast service for PC users.
The service allows users to send up to several thousand facsimile
messages virtually simultaneously to locations worldwide.

The service is offered with Delrina WinFax PRO 4.0 and Delrina Com-
munications Suite software sold in Canada.

Users can schedule their broadcast fax for immediate delivery or at a
predetermined time to take advantage of off- peak rates. The price to
broadcast a fax within selected Canadian cities is 39 cents per minute
during peak hours and 29 cents per minute during off peak hours.

>> Pentium Clone Draws Developers <<

Nexgen, maker of Nx586, the only clone of Intel Corp.'s Pentium chip,
says it has commitments from 33 more PC manufacturers to use the chip in
their products, bringing the total number of supporters worldwide to 71.

Reports quote Nexgen as saying the chip offers Pentium-level perfor-
mance at typical prices between $1,500 and $2,500. The Nx586 entered
volume production in September.

Notable among the additions in the U.S. are Liuski International of
Melville, New York, Fry's Electronics of San Jose, California, and the
Radio Shack chain.

Nexgen President/CEO Atiq Raza said, "Once we began shipping production
volume of the Nx586 processor family, we expected personal computer
manufacturer adoption to grow rapidly. But the current rate of sign-ups,
since Comdex, has surpassed our expectations."

>> Gateway Ships Updated Pentiums <<

Gateway 2000 reports that effective Friday all of its Pentium PCs
shipped directly to customers worldwide will incorporate Intel's updated
Pentium microprocessor.

The direct market computer seller says it is the first company to
make the complete transition to the updated Pentium chip across its
entire Pentium line.

Customers calling Gateway 2000 today to order a Pentium- based PC can
expect delivery within one to two weeks, say company spokesmen.

>> Dell Converts to Mended Pentium <<

Dell Computer Corp. says it has completed converting its OptiPlex
computer line to Intel's updated Pentium chip.

The computer maker notes that it expects the transition to Intel's
updated Pentium chip to continue across its entire Pentium processor-
based product line, including its Dimension desktops and PowerEdge

The company started converting its Pentium processor-based products
and shipping updated Pentium processors to customers on Dec. 22. The
updated Pentium processor corrects the recently publicized floating-
point division flaw.

>> Unisys Stirs Graphics Community <<

Computer maker Unisys Corp. has begun enforcing a software patent on
what originally was widely thought to be a free technology, an algorithm
used in tools to view digital pictures and other online graphics.

At issue is the Lempel Zev Welch algorithm, which is used in GIF
(Graphics Interchange Format) tools for formatting and viewing online
graphics, as well as in the Tagged Image File Format.

Writing in The Wall Street Journal this morning, reporter Jared
Sandberg quotes officials with the company as saying the formats contain
proprietary technology it patented in 1984.

Unisys spokesman Oliver Picher contends his employer is seeking
relatively low royalties, telling the Journal, "If they're making money,
we have a right to fair return on the intellectual property that's

Picher said other software makers and online services that use GIF
graphics have been contacted for possible licensing agreements.

Meanwhile, regarding Unisys, the Journal this morning observed, "As
the online industry grows at a rapid pace, companies are vying to
protect their intellectual property, particularly for software programs
that have become online standards. But some see the move as an attempt
by Unisys, which last week said it planned to lay off 4,000 employees
this year, to squeeze whatever revenue it can out of the burgeoning
online business."

Pat Clawson, president of TeleGrafix Communications Inc., an online
software developer, characterized the effort as "a grab by Unisys to get
money from the information superhighway to prop up a failing company,"
adding his firm won't obtain a license from Unisys. "We're just going to
take GIF out of our products."

Unisys' Picher denied the allegations. "It's easy to see a conspiracy
in this," he said, "but it's not there."

>> Motorola to Offer Newton <<

A version of Apple Computer Inc.'s hand-held Newton computer that can
send electronic mail without being connected to a phone line is to be
offered by Motorola Inc.

The machine, christened with the new name "Marco Wireless Communica-
tion," will be priced between $900 and $1,400 and will be introduced
this week at the Macworld computer exhibit in San Francisco.

>> CompUSA Christmas Sales Up 42% <<

CompUSA Inc., the nation's largest computer superstore retailer,
reports that its fiscal second-quarter net sales increased 42% from the
year-ago quarter to a overall record of $762 million. Same-store sales
for the second quarter ending Dec. 24 were up 14.6% and same-store sales
for December rose 16.2%.

At Hambrecht & Quist, analyst Todd Bakar said CompUSA's second-
quarter sales results are a "clear reflection" of a strong calendar
fourth quarter for the computer industry as a whole.

Analyst Lee Levitt of International Data Corp. noted the sales were
bullish enough to even overcome the controversy surrounding a flaw in
Intel Corp.'s Pentium chip.

>> Computer Sales Up; Toy Sales Down <<

Blame it on the computer. Toys R Us, the American toy store giant,
said today that hot computer sales this Christmas season cut into their
sales of Power Rangers, Barbie dolls, bicycles and other toys especially
during the last two weeks of December.

Toys R Us Chief Executive Officer Michael Goldstein told analysts the
company has reduced its projection for fiscal 1994 international sales
to between $135 million to $140 million, down from a previous target of
$150 million.

>> New CD Specifications Unveiled <<

Philips Electronics N.V. and Sony Corp. report that tentative basic
specifications for a new type of multisession music CD -- commonly
referred to as "CD Plus" -- are now available for evaluation and
consideration by record and computer companies.

The electronics giants note that the proposed specifications would
allow two CD standards to coexist on a single disk. A multisession music
CD combines standard audio tracks with additional CD-ROM information.

Philips and Sony note that the development of the first stage of the
multisession music CD format has now been completed. To finalize the
format, the companies will continue to consult with record and computer
companies in an effort to achieve compatibility with major multimedia
personal computer platforms, such as Multimedia PCs and Macintosh

Philips and Sony anticipate that the multisession music CD format
will be supported by the record industry. Microsoft Corp. has announced
its support of the new format and will make necessary services, such as
authoring tools, available to the record industry.

Philips and Sony hope that the specifications can be finalized within
the next couple of months.

>> Apple Cuts Server Prices <<

Prices on Apple Computer Inc.'s Workgroup Servers 6150, 8150 and 9150
have been cut from 5% to 11%, effective immediately.

Apple also:

-:- Has introduced its AppleShare Client for Windows software
product, which will be available to Workgroup Server customers at no
additional cost.

-:- Said it will enhance its AppleShare file and print software for
higher performance on PowerPC processor-based Workgroup Servers.

Apple said the price changes are effective immediately in the U.S.
and depending on system configurations, the Workgroup Server 6150 ranges
in Apple price from $2,549 to $3,159; the Workgroup Server 8150 ranges
in price from $4,759 to $7,169; and the Workgroup Server 9150 ranges in
price from $5,929 to $8,709.

>> WordPerfect Sales Up 116% <<

Novell Inc. announced this week that unit sales of its WordPerfect
software for the Apple Macintosh computer soared 116% in the fiscal
fourth quarter, compared to the same period a year ago.

Reports say the sales of the word processing program rose 51% for the
entire year ended Oct. 31, when compared to the previous fiscal year.
The figures represent sales of WordPerfect Version 3.0 and the newer
Version 3.1.

>> Epson Offers New Monitors <<

Epson America Inc. has begun shipping 15-inch and 17-inch SVGA color
monitors that it says offer high-resolution display for full-motion
color graphics and business presentations. The units carry street prices
of $349 and $599, respectively.

A statement from Epson says the monitors are Energy Star-compliant,
having three power-saving modes and low-radiation technology.

They also have 12 programmable modes to display colors and text and a
70MHz refresh rate for flicker-free viewing. The maximum noninterlaced
resolution for the 15-inch display is 1024 by 760, and 1,280 by 1,024
for the 17-inch.

>> Apple Unveils New Power Macs <<

Apple Computer Inc. has introduced three new Power Macintosh
computers. The computer maker says the systems offer up to 40% greater
performance than its original Power Macintosh systems.

Available immediately worldwide, the Power Macintosh 6100/66, 7100/80
and 8100/100 computers provide increased clock speeds of 10%, 21% and
25%, respectively. In addition, Level 2 cache (256KB) has been added to
the Power Macintosh 6100/66 and 7100/80 systems, further boosting
performance by up to 15%. Level 2 cache increases system performance by
reducing the computer's average access time required to retrieve data or
instructions from RAM or ROM.

On average, Apple expects the overall performance increases of up to
30% for the Power Mac 6100/66, 40% for the 7100/80 and 20% for the
8100/100 when compared with their predecessors, the Power Mac 6100/60,
7100/66 and 8100/80.

Apple has also increased the minimum hard drive configurations to
350MB for the Power Mac 6100/66 and 700MB for the 8100/100.

>> Tandy Closes 213 Stores <<

Some 213 Video Concepts and McDuff mall stores are being closed by
Tandy Corp. in a restructuring it says is aimed as focusing on its some
6,600 Radio Shacks, 69 Computer City SuperCenters and nine Incredible
Universe stores.

>> IBM's RSI Case Goes to Trial <<

In Minnesota, jury selection has begun in what officials say is the
nation's first repetitive stress injury case against IBM to reach trial.

The case centers on a complaint by Nancy Urbanski, a former adminis-
trative assistant at Eagan High School, who is suing for more than
$50,000, alleging she developed permanent RSl from using computer
keyboard equipment made by IBM. Apple Computer Inc. also is a defendant.

Reports say that Urbanski's suit, filed in Dakota County District
Court, accuses the two computer makers of manufacturing equipment that
is unreasonably dangerous and failing to warn or give consumers
instructions on its proper use.

Denying the allegations, IBM and Apple contend, among other things,
that Urbanski's injuries were caused by her own negligence.


> Frankie's Corner STR Feature

The Kids' Computing Corner

by Frank Sereno

Coin Critters
Nordic Software
P.O. Box 6007
Lincoln, NE- 68506-0007
phone 402-488-5086 FAX 402-488-2914

floppy diskette for Windows and Macintosh
approximate retail $30
ages 5 to 12

IBM Requirements Macintosh Requirements

CPU: 386SX CPU: MacPlus or greater
RAM: 4 megs RAM: 1 meg
Video: SVGA Video: Monochrome or color
CD-ROM: no CD-ROM: no
Hdisk: 3 megs Hdisk: 3 megs
OS: Windows 3.1 OS: System 6.0.7
Sound card recommended

Coin Critters builds math skills by teaching children counting and the
value of coins. The program tracks the progress of each child and moves
him to the next lesson after each is completed.

Using a standard point and click interface, children will play nine
exercises with five variations based on coin denomination. Children will
be asked to identify coins by "Heads Up" and "Tails Up." The next
exercise, "Match Coins," asks the child to add the value of the coins and
enter the answer. "Select Coins" requires the child to select a
combination of coins that will equal a target number. "Do You Have Enough
Money?" asks the child to compare the price of an object to the value of
coins on the screen. He simply answers yes if he has more money than the
price or no if he has less money. "Coin Equivalents" prompts the child to
find the number of smaller denomination coins required to equal a larger
coin. "Which Is More?" places two grouping of coins on the screen and the
child must click on the group with the larger value. "Purchase Items" is
a consumer lesson. The program displays an object and its price. The
child is asked to buy the object with exact change using the least number
of coins. "Make Change" is a merchant lesson. Using the coins on the
screen, the child must count back the difference between the amount of
money given and the correct price.

The graphics are very plain and not very interesting. The sounds used in
the program are digitized well but there aren't many used. To appeal to
younger children this program needs more pizzazz.

The interface is point and click. I have to say it needs a bit of
refinement for younger children. No audible help is available. On-line
help is available from the main screen but it is all text-based. To
create a new player or select an existing player, the child must deal with
the file selector rather than typing or selecting his name from a menu.
Positive feedback is a simple "okay" accompanied with an animation of a
person popping his hat in a very small window. This is not varied or
enthusiastic enough for younger children. The negative feedback is
excellent. The little animation is a fellow saying "Oops!" as his hat
falls over his face is not impressive, but the program also shows the
child the correct answer by counting out the coins.

The lessons can be customized by setting the number of problems which must
be solved and the number of incorrect answers which can be given before
the program gives the correct response. The program has an adequate
user's manual. One of the better features is that the program allows the
printing of worksheets for problem-solving away from the computer. The
program will also print out a progress report for each player. The report
only lists the lessons available and whether these have been completed or
not. It does not show any indication of proficiency.

I do not feel that this program will be fun for most children. Children
earn tokens after completing lessons which can be used in an arcade game.
The child will move a Coin Critter through a maze by using the cursor keys
to eat a certain denomination of coin. Bombs move back and forth the
screen. Touching a bomb ends the game. The graphics are very basic,
sounds are minimal and the gameplay isn't fun. The game is simply not
enough reward for the lessons.

Educational value is not as high as I hoped. I believe the lessons are
well founded on sound educational principles but the program has narrow
scope. Another problem that I see is that in the buying and selling
lessons, the program uses some very unrealistic prices for items. One
example is a Macintosh computer for 113 cents. Since there are thousands
of consumer items available for less than $2.00, it would have been better
if the program used those to help teach children the true purchasing power
of money.

Bang for the Buck is poor. The program has a very narrow educational
scope and it doesn't have great play value. Coin Critters does not come
with a money-back guarantee. This program would probably be good for a
third grade math class but I just cannot recommend it for home use. If
you are interested in this program, please try it before you buy it.


Graphics ........... 5.0
Sounds ............. 6.0
Interface .......... 6.5
Play Value ......... 5.0
Educational Value .. 7.0
Bang for the Buck .. 6.0
Average ............ 5.91


Notice from Sanctuary Woods

Sanctuary Woods recently released a new multimedia game, "Radio Active:
The Music Trivia Game Show." Unfortunately, a problem arose during the
duplication of the CD-ROMs and some defective discs were shipped to retail
outlets. All current product is being replaced on store shelves. If you
have already purchased "Radio Active," you can obtain a free replacement
disc by calling 800-943-3664.


Radio Active is a very entertaining game and you can look forward to a
full review in a future issue of Silicon Times Report. Until next week, I
thank you for reading!




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We hope you'll plunge right in and help us start things off with a series
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Of course, we expect many discussions will be stimulate by our current
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STReport would like to invite everyone to stop by and say hello!


> COREL Support STR InfoFile

For Immediate Release

Corel Corporation Limited Announces
Twelve European Countries

Ottawa, Canada--Jan. 03, 1995-- Corel Corporation Limited based in Dublin,
Ireland today announced a new technical support program for users of
Beginning January 3, 1995 Corel will replace its current system of
providing free technical support on a toll line with a new flexible
support program on toll-free lines for the following countries: Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Corel's new technical support program is designed to provide registered
Corel customers with increased access to technical support. The new
program will compliment Corel's current free-of-charge support options
which include a fax-back service, CompuServe, Bulletin Board download
service, and an Interactive Voice Answering System (IVAN).

"With this plan, support personnel will be more accessible to the
customers who need technical support the most," said Dr. Michael Cowpland,
president and chief executive officer of Corel Corporation. "The
combination of our alternative, free-of-charge services and the
pay-for-support services will give users the ability to pick the option
that best suits their technical support requirements resulting in quicker
methods of obtaining product information and improved service for the

Support will be provided in the following six languages: English, French,
German, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian.

Each registered user will receive two free credits for CorelDRAW 5 and one
free credit for all other products, valid for one technical support call
on a toll-free line. If a technician is unable to resolve a technical
support call because of a documented bug with Corel software, the
technician will not use the customer's credit.

After the free credits have been used, Corel users will have the option of
purchasing support call credits (one per incident) or an annual support
plan allowing unlimited technical support for one year. Pricing below is
quoted in Sterling. Billing will be in local currency.

25.00 STG for one support call credit
150.00 STG for an annual support plan

Corel is also offering a company annual plan which will allow companies
with five or more copies of the same Corel product to purchase unlimited
technical support for a period of one year:

695.00 STG for five users with additional users at 130 STG.

Corel technical support can be reached at the following toll-free numbers
as of January 3, 1995:

Austria 0660-5876
Belgium 0800-11138
Denmark 800-1-8754
France 0591-6005
Germany 0130-820522
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Italy 1-678-74781
Netherlands 06-022-6403
Norway 800-11662
Sweden 020-791084
Switzerland 155-8223
UK 0800-614-185

For countries where a toll free service is not available Corel will
continue to offer free support over toll lines:

Spain +(353) 1-405-2322
All other countries +(353) 1-405-2333

Approved Distributors, Resellers, Service Bureaus and Training Centers

Corel Corporation and its subsidiaries will continue to provide free
technical support, on a toll-free line, for CorelDRAW and related products
to all Corel approved resellers, distributors, service bureaus and
training centers. In countries where toll-free lines are notavailable,
free support will be provided over toll lines.

In July 1994, Corel established a dedicated phone line to serve these
groups. To qualify for toll free technical support, resellers must
complete Corel's approved reseller application. Those who qualify, and
are approved, will receive product literature upon request, an employee
purchase plan, Not for Resale pricing and the new free phone number. For
additional information please call 613-728-3733.

Approved Training Centers receive direct referrals, unlimited technical
support, use of Corel's product logos and approved logos for advertising
and monthly newsletters. For more information on Corel's ATC program,
contact Patsy Hogan, Educational Program Manager, at 613-728-8200 x1530 or
through CompuServe at 73311,3000.

Corel's Approved Service Bureau program provides a qualified list of
service bureaus for CorelDRAW users and provides bureaus with co-operative
marketing opportunities, special pricing on Corel products, monthly
newsletters and technical assistance. For more information on the
CASB program, please contact Rhonda McIntyre Logie, CASB Manager, at
613-728-8200 x1402 or through CompuServe at 73423,1722.

Incorporated in 1985, Corel Corporation is recognized internationally as
an award-winning developer and marketer of PC graphics and SCSI software.
CorelDRAW, Corel's industry leading graphics software, is available in
over 17 languages and has won over 180 international awards from major
trade publications. Corel ships its products through a network of more
than 140 distributors in 60 countries worldwide. Corel is traded on the
Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: COS) and the NASDAQ--National Market
System (symbol: COSFF).

Corel is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation. CorelDRAW, Corel
Ventura, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, Corel GALLERY and CorelFLOW are trademarks of
Corel Corporation. Corel Corporation Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary
of Corel Corporation.


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Every so often, a first class shareware package comes along.
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- UltraEdit-32 accepts a command line input and so can be used to replace
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--- Registration ---

You are limited to 45 Days of use for an unregistered version.

UltraEdit-32 is a shareware program. If you find it useful and continue to
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--- Compuserve Registration ---

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This program may be freely distributed provided it is unmodified, no
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// History
V1.32a - Created from UltraEdit v1.32 for Windows. (Also formerly known as
EditPro, MEDIT)

Windows is a registered Trademark of Microsoft Corporation


> GIF CONTROVERSY STR Spotlight The probable DEMISE of .GIF

The Black Hat Award!

by Ralph Mariano

Recently, in the past week, a major fire war has erupted in the
online community. Its seems there are real problems in the world of
graphic file formats and precisely with .GIF usage. Apparently, about six
and a half years ago Unisys Corp. obtained a patent on its LZW format
algorithm for producing GIF files. At about the same time, CompuServe
seemingly adopted the GIF graphic file format as its preferred file format
to use. Now, after all these years of harmonious use.... Up jumps Unisys
crying FOUL! CompuServe, in trying to keep its users and developers best
interests at heart, entered into an agreement with Unisys whereby
CompuServe would offer an agreement to its developer subscribers that
would, in principle offer a token umbrella of limited protection against
exorbitant royalties with retroactive penalties.

The real problems are with the "agreement" and certain of its
clauses. None of which seem to make any real sense especially to the
majority of shareware authors. The Graphics Support Forums of CompuServe
are focusing on this matter in their area nineteen (19). It behooves
anyone producing software programming that handles GIF files to actively
participate. Basically, the overall opinion seems to be centered around
three looming questions. Accordingly, we are aware of certain benevolent
revisions that are now in the works. CompuServe has unjustly caught a
great deal of negative commentary when all they've been trying to do is

A) - Why did Unisys WAIT SO MANY YEARS to make a complaint.

B) - What about those programs that have nothing to do with CIS?

C) - Isn't GIF a file format whose TIME HAS COME AND GONE?

The first question is a very difficult one to answer since if one
tries to explain away the many years between the birth of GIF files and
now, with Unisys "crying foul", it would easily appear one is trying to
apologize for Unisys' rather bizarre and unorthodox behavior. Then again,
if one were to point out the real problems and cry out "setup!" It would
be considered bashing poor old, Unisys. The bottom line is they've
managed to create a tumult the likes of which we haven't seen since the
days of ARC vs ZIP and the birth of ZIP. Which, by the way, should be a
fairly strong reminder of what happened to those who thought they'd reap a
small fortune over ARC and instead, forced the birth of a far superior
effort called ZIP. Could this be history repeating itself? Only the
"names have changed". But the "game" remains the same.

In this reporter's humble opinion, CompuServe and especially The
Graphics Forums' Larry Wood and the sysops are inadvertently being made
the "bad guys" by some folks when in fact, the stumbling, collapsing
former giant in the computing community, Unisys, is at the center of this
ugly tempest and unfortunately, wearing the real Black Hat. Seemingly, it
appears as if they are "groping for straws". Or, is it dancing for

The important points are that CompuServe, over the years, has made
the GIF format available to anybody, including their competiton. Why
would CompuServe now want a fee? They don't! Unisys does. The real
question here is why did Unisys wait _so long_ to make a squawk? It
appears as if they were waiting until the GIF format was so firmly
entrenched in the computing world that they would reap a harvest of untold
limits. Mind you, nobody is saying "conspiracy" as was mentioned in the
WSJ. As of this writing, its appears the only thing they're about to reap
is the biggest, most notorious black eye any entity in the history of
computing has ever or most likely ever will earn.

CompuServe and the Graphics Forums are innocent of anything except
trying to help the users and developers. Don't even ask about the amount
of the original license fee it was finally reduced to $1.00 as a result of
the strenuous efforts of Larry Woods of the Graphics Support Forums and
Compuserve. Unisys has engendered, by their actions over the GIF format,
far more ill will than they can imagine. Wait until the Internet goes to
"high heat". By then, Unisys will have realized they made Intel's
"Pentium trick" look like child's play. In fact, there is no way Unisys
can claim they took their time or were unaware of the need to protect
their "patent". You see, another online service Genie, as a matter of
fact, procured such a license in 1990. Essentially it reportedly reads
similar to the current incarnations as far as the statements about having
to work in conjunction with the service thus licensed. Further, its been
reported Genie may be contemplating removal of all viewers except those
explicitly covered by their interpretation of their license with Unisys.
The bottom line is Unisys was already granting licenses in 1990 to those
services having the foresight to see problems on the distant horizon.

In answer to the second question. One must never lose grasp of the
fact that the computing community worldwide, is a vibrant, well tuned in
group of highly informed people. These folks are quite capable of seeing
the reality of this repugnant mess amidst the smoke and mirrors of today's
busy world. No sooner had this story broke when we had at least a half
dozen calls from concerned readers wondering what Aldus, Corel, Microgrfx
and other major software publishers were going to do. All that was said
is "brace themselves, drop GIF support like a hot rock and get ready".
The bottom line here is they are well aware of the overall condition of
Unisys (currently laying off another 4000 people) and its more than
obvious quest for "new money". Someone ought to tell 'em at Unisys that
their methods will never work as they seemingly expect they will. Some
time ago in US History, it was well said when the expression of: "Millions
for Defense but NOT ONE CENT for tribute" was made heard 'round the world.
Its a shame Unisys didn't do its history lessons well. They are about to
learn that lesson well.

The last question is the dilly. Of course GIF as we know it is old
news. Its an eight bit graphic file. All Unisys has done is hasten the
inevitable. A twenty four bit or better file format with super tight, no
loss compression is most definitely "in the works". As an aside, this
reporter is aware that many of the devs are already commenting out GIF
support and making sure they encourage everyone to do the same. BBS
operators (SysOps) worldwide are already converting away from the GIF file
format to JPEG for the time being. One offered the comment; "better to
convert and show zero support for Unisys for what they've done". Sadly,
there are those who will protest that Unisys was only protecting their
patent. They're correct.

One question however, screams for a _real answer_ though. Why did
Unisys wait so long to say something? Don't they realize just how bad
their actions are making them appear? Perhaps they just don't care
anymore about PR and their image in the computing community. Obviously
you, the reader, can deduce that this story has been steadily unfolding
for the past week. As of this additional writing, Unisys has come forward
with another and what appears to be the final statement. This statement
is an excellent review, repositioning, and total clarification of the
directions in which they intend to go. As a result, this reporter
believes the computing and developing community at large may breathe a
huge sigh of relief. On the other hand, it appears that those developers
who have enjoyed a rather large and generously porfitable chunk of the
commercial market are going to be hearing from Unisys shortly.

Now Comes...

The reactions..... only some but they reflect the mood of the entire
computing community.


Reports from The Wall Street Journal are among the Dow Jones news
service resources available through the Executive News Service (GO ENS).

Computer maker Unisys Corp. has begun enforcing a software patent on
what originally was widely thought to be a free technology, an algorithm
used in tools to view digital pictures and other online graphics.

At issue is the Lempel Zev Welch algorithm, which is used in GIF
(Graphics Interchange Format) tools for formatting and viewing online
graphics, as well as in the Tagged Image File Format.

Writing in The Wall Street Journal this morning [Jan 4], reporter
Jared Sandberg quotes officials with the Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, company
as saying the formats contain proprietary technology it patented in 1984.

CompuServe, which introduced the GIF format in 1987, now has licensed
the LZW technology from Unisys and has set up a licensing program so other
software developers using the technology can pay Unisys 1.5 percent of the
cost of each copy of software sold.

Unisys spokesman Oliver Picher contends his employer is seeking
relatively low royalties, telling the Journal, "If they're making money,
we have a right to fair return on the intellectual property that's

Picher said other software makers and online services that use GIF
graphics have been contacted for possible licensing agreements.

CompuServe's Graphics Support Forum (GO GRAPHSUP) is fielding
questions about the situation, inviting online visitors to view Section 19
of its message board ("GIF/LZW Discussion"). Also a file called AGREE.TXT
has been added to Library 19 of the forum to provide background.

An online statement in the forum about the patent license says,
"Through this license, CompuServe is able to provide a sub-license to GIF
developers. This CompuServe GIF license agreement grants the developer
lawful use of GIF and the LZW algorithm for certain uses. This relieves
licensees from the obligation to license LZW directly from Unisys and
extends to them other benefits of the terms negotiated by CompuServe.

"The CompuServe GIF license is based upon terms established with
Unisys by CompuServe. This includes a requirement that the developer's
software be used primarily with the CompuServe Information Service or use
information obtained through the CompuServe Information Service. This
license is subject to a reasonable royalty."

Meanwhile, regarding Unisys, the Journal this morning observed, "As
the online industry grows at a rapid pace, companies are vying to protect
their intellectual property, particularly for software programs that have
become online standards. But some see the move as an attempt by Unisys,
which last week said it planned to lay off 4,000 employees this year, to
squeeze whatever revenue it can out of the burgeoning online business."

Pat Clawson, president of TeleGrafix Communications Inc., an online
software developer, characterized the effort as "a grab by Unisys to get
money from the information superhighway to prop up a failing company,"
adding his firm won't obtain a license from Unisys. "We're just going to
take GIF out of our products."

Unisys' Picher denied the allegations. "It's easy to see a conspiracy
in this," he said, "but it's not there."

The Clawson Open letter

January 2, 1995

An Open Letter to Our Colleagues In the Online Communications Community:

The announcement by CompuServe and Unisys that users of the GIF image
format must register by January 10 and pay a royalty or face lawsuits for
their past usage, is the online communications community's equivalent of
the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor.

The announcement of the CompuServe-Unisys GIF Tax on December 29,
during the lull between Christmas and New Year's Day, was clearly timed
to cause maximum damage while an unsuspecting public celebrated the

We at TeleGrafix Communications have no quarrel with those who seek to
protect their intellectual property and profit from it. Indeed, we are in
business to do the same. We believe those who develop software are
entitled to reap financial rewards from their labors.

But in our opinion, the timing and circumstances of the CompuServe-Unisys
action indicates this is a shakedown of the online communications
community by two powerful corporations, rather than a reasonable effort to
protect intellectual property.

The GIF format has been in widespread public use since 1987. Its
widespread use and royalty-free licensing has been encouraged by
CompuServe for years. Neither CompuServe or Unisys have made any
significant improvements to GIF or its underlying LZW algorithm and
compression process to justify charging for what has been free.

Giving GIF users only 14 days to comply with sudden, unexpected demands
to pay the private CompuServe-Unisys GIF Tax or face prosecution for past
usage of what had been promoted for seven years as free, open standard
software is unconscionable. It is especially outrageous since CompuServe
and Unisys admit in writing that they decided to require licensing SIX
MONTHS AGO in June, and didn't announce it to the public until now.

According to the CompuServe-Unisys GIF licensing agreement, the
settlement of the patent dispute was executed on June 21, 1994.
CompuServe agreed to implement the agreement "as soon as reasonably
practicable and in no case later than six (6) months after the date this
Agreement is executed..." That six month period ended on December 21,
1994 -- but CompuServe did not make the licensing terms public until
December 28. Indeed, CompuServe appears to have violated the terms of
its own settlement agreement with Unisys.

While many of the messages we have read online in reaction to the
CompuServe-Unisys GIF Tax decree express both dismay and disbelief,
virtually none have analyzed the actual provisions of the licensing
agreement. It is in this area that TeleGrafix Communications wishes to
contribute to the dialogue.

In our opinion, the CompuServe-Unisys licensing agreement is both
illogical and overly broad. Let's examine some of its key provisions. All
quotes cited are directly from the agreement.

1. CompuServe will license Developers who want to use GIF technology.
The term "developer" is defined as "the other undersigned party to the
agreement," and it seems to apply to ANYONE who contemplates distributing
any product that uses the GIF format.

2. Developers will be licensed to sell or distribute "Products" that "use
and exploit GIF...solely within the Field of Use." The term "Field of
Use" is defined as "primarily for accessing the CompuServe Information
Service and for manipulating and viewing data received through the
CompuServe Information Service." The licensing agreement further defines
the term "Products" as being "software that is developed or
distributed...which is designed for and used primarily for accessing the
CompuServe Information Service and for manipula

ting and viewing data
received through the CompuServe Information Service." IT APPEARS THAT THE
images in any other manner, such as on CD-ROMs or bulletin board systems,
is prohibited. Most of the thousands of products that have used GIF in
some manner are henceforth contraband.

3. Developers may no longer "use, copy, modify or distribute the GIF
specification, except as expressly permitted by CompuServe." This states
that the GIF specification can no longer be shared, published or uploaded
in any manner without the express consent of CompuServe.

4. Members of the public are prohibited from using any software product
containing GIF until they have become a REGISTERED user of the product.
The customer also must agree to use the product "primarily for accessing
the CompuServe Information Service and for manipulating and viewing data
received through the CompuServe Information Service." This virtually
eliminates the concept of freeware or shareware containing GIF
capabilities, since prospective customers can no longer try out these
software products without registering them first.

5. Software developers must pay $1.00 for a license to use GIF, PLUS a fee
equal to the GREATER of 1.5% of the selling price of the product, or $0.15
per "Disposition." Disposition is defined as "the sale, lease or license
or any other grant of rights to a Product or any new Product." All
royalties must be paid quarterly. Noncommercial and freeware usage of GIF
technology is NOT exempted from the royalty requirement. Because the
royalty provisions and definition of "Disposition" are so broad in scope,
it appears that a GIF Tax payment may be due to CompuServe-Unisys each
time a GIF image is transmitted via BBS or Internet. The operators of a
BBS or World Wide Web site with hundreds or thousands of GIF images
online could easily be bankrupted by these licensing requirements.

6. CompuServe must be notified of ANY new product using GIF when it is
first offered to customers.

7. Persons using GIF must keep records of its use, and CompuServe has the
right to audit those records every year upon seven days notice. Persons
using GIF must pay the cost of the audit if a royalty underpayment of 10%
or more is discovered, along with 12% interest on any underpaid royalties.

8. Even if the patent is later found by the courts or the U.S. Patent
Office to be invalid and unenforceable, or if the patent expires, any
developer must "return all copies of the GIF specification and any
confidential information of CompuServe then in its possession or
control to CompuServe, (ii) stop using the Licensed Technology, and (iii)
stop distributing Products." This states that EVEN IF THE PATENT IS

9. Even though CompuServe has publicly disseminated the text of the
agreement it wants GIF users to sign, the terms of the agreement are to
remain confidential. This is illogical, to say the least, since they have
posted it for public download on their own system.

10. Developers have to indemnify and hold CompuServe harmless for any
damages if their CUSTOMERS somehow use GIF technology in a way not
permitted by the licensing agreement.

11. Unisys has the right to enforce the agreement, as well as CompuServe.
Further, Unisys has the right to pursue legal action or seek damages
against Developers even after the agreement has terminated.

TeleGrafix Communications Inc. will not sign such a licensing agreement.
We think most other software developers, BBS SysOps and Web site
operators also will refuse to sign.

We encourage our colleagues in the online communications community to
evaluate the CompuServe-Unisys action, and to lodge appropriate protests
directly with those companies.

We believe that the CompuServe-Unisys GIF Tax drives a stake through the
heart of Internet development. It will cripple the World Wide Web, NCSA
Mosaic, and other Internet multimedia technologies that rely heavily on
GIF imaging.

Fortunately, we at TeleGrafix Communications do not depend on GIF
imaging in our new RIPscrip 2.0 online multimedia technologies. We chose
to implement the JPEG image format and only recently decided to add GIF
support as a convenience to our customers. Due to the restrictive
conditions of the CompuServe-Unisys GIF Tax and licensing agreement, we
must now reevaluate our plans for supporting GIF use in the upcoming
release of RIPscrip 2.0.

While our company hopes to profit financially from our advanced RIPscrip
2.0 technology, we will not demand royalties from those who have used
the freeware versions of our earlier RIPscrip 1.54 products and/or
technical specifications. The RIPscrip 2.0 specification also will be
made public for third-party use after it is finalized.

We expect that the CompuServe-Unisys action will spell the death of GIF
as a commercially viable technology, shifting the attention of the online
communications community to JPEG imaging.


Pat Clawson
President & Chief Executive Officer
TeleGrafix Communications Inc.
Huntington Beach, CA

Voice: (714) 379-2140
Fax: (714) 379-2132
BBS: (714) 379-2133


Compuserve's Position

Subject: GIF/LZW Clarification - Msg Number: 174559
From: Larry Wood 76703,704
To: All
Forum: GRAPHSUPPORT Sec: 17-Copyright & More!
Date: 04-Jan-95 17:07:50


I have been asked by CompuServe to post the following comments:

From: Tim Oren, CompuServe

In 1987, CompuServe designed the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
specification for graphics files. The GIF specification incorporated the
Lempel Zev Welch (LZW) compression technology. In early 1993, Unisys
Corporation notified CompuServe of patent rights granted to LZW. At that
time, CompuServe began negotiating with Unisys to secure a licensing
agreement. This agreement was reached in mid-1994, and CompuServe then
initiated a process to secure a similar license that would benefit its GIF
developer community.

Following the agreement reached between CompuServe and Unisys, CompuServe
announced the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Developer Agreement,
shortly after its completion, on December 29, 1994. This agreement is
aimed at GIF developers who are developing programs and shareware
primarily for use in conjunction with CompuServe. The service
offers a license to these developers to use LZW technology in programs
written to the GIF specification.

CompuServe remains committed to keeping open the GIF 89a specification
both within CompuServe and in areas outside CompuServe. CompuServe
continues to strongly support the use of the GIF specification in the
entire online community including the Internet and World Wide Web. This
agreement will be transparent to end-users and will not result in any
charges for people using viewers or transmitting GIF images.
The agreement offers software and shareware developers who use the LZW
technology in their GIF programs protection under a software license that
CompuServe is authorized to grant under the agreement with Unisys.
Developers who choose to take advantage of this service would acquire the
rights to use the LZW technology in certain software and shareware
developed primarily for use in conjunction with CompuServe. Developers
who choose to participate in this agreement within the implementation
period will also benefit in that Unisys has agreed not to pursue royalty
claims for past use of the LZW technology in GIF. The implementation
period has been extended to January 31, 1995.

CompuServe has presented this new agreement as a service to its GIF
developer community. Cost to developers will be a $1.00 one-time
licensing fee and a royalty payment of 1.5 percent or $0.15, whichever is
greater, per registered copy of a program containing the LZW technology.
CompuServe will not profit from this service.

CompuServe encourages developers to work with Unisys directly if the GIF
Developer Agreement does not meet their needs. Unisys is continuing to
make the LZW technology available to any interested parties under
reasonable and non-discriminatory terms. Developers are not required to
register with CompuServe. Registering with CompuServe is simply one
option for addressing the Unisys LZW patent issue. Developers may want to
consider consulting with legal counsel.

CompuServe is committed to keeping the GIF 89A specification as an open,
fully-supported, non-proprietary specification for the entire online
community including the World Wide Web. Whether they choose to register
with CompuServe or not, developers are encouraged to continue use the GIF
specification within their products.

A copy of the GIF Developer Agreement is available in the Library section
of the CompuServe Graphics Support Forum (GO GRAPHSUP) and will shortly be
posted to CompuServes World Wide Web page (HTTP://WWW.COMPUSERVE.COM).
Developers who are not developing software primarily for use in
conjunction with CompuServe should contact Unisys directly at: Welch
Patent Desk, Unisys Corp., P.O. Box 500, Bluebell, PA 19424 Mailcode C SW


Original Signed By Tim Oren

Tim Oren, CompuServe Vice President, Future Technology


The Compuserve Agreement


This Agreement is entered into as of the effective date set forth below
between CompuServe Incorporated, an Ohio corporation ("CompuServe"), and
the other undersigned party to this Agreement ("Developer").

Section 1. Grant of Rights.

1.1. Effective upon Developer's payment of the initial license fee
described in Section 2, CompuServe hereby grants to Developer a
non-exclusive, worldwide: (a) license to use and exploit GIF(SM) to make,
have made, use and sell Products solely within the Field of Use; and (b)
sublicense to use and exploit the Licensed Patent to make, have made, use
and sell Products solely within the Field of Use.

1.2. CompuServe will provide Developer with a single copy of the most
recent specification for GIF(SM) and any updates to such specification
that are released by CompuServe during the term of this Agreement. Once
an updated version of the GIF(SM) specification has been released by
CompuServe, Developer should incorporate the updates contained in the new
specification into its Products as part of Developer's ordinary release

1.3. Developer understands that CompuServe and Unisys Corporation are the
owners of all patents, copyrights, service marks and other intellectual
property embodied in the Licensed Technology. In connection with its use
of the Licensed Technology, Developer shall take all steps reasonably
required by CompuServe and/or Unisys Corporation to acknowledge and
protect their respective ownership interests in the patents, copyrights,
service marks and other intellectual property interests embodied in the
Licensed Technology. Developer further agrees not to take any action that
would impair the respective interests of CompuServe and/or Unisys
Corporation in the Licensed Technology.

1.4. Developer may not use, copy, modify or distribute the GIF(SM)
specification, except as expressly permitted by CompuServe. Developer may
make three copies of the GIF(SM) specification for back-up purposes only,
provided CompuServe's service mark, copyright and other notices and
legends are included in such copy. Developer shall not alter or delete
any of the notices or legends contained in the GIFSM specification and any
updates thereto. Developer agrees to provide the following notice on
Products or in any Product documentation: "LZW compression and
decompression methods are licensed under Unisys Corporation's U.S. Patent
4,558,302 and equivalent foreign patents. Additional technology embodied
in GIF(SM) is licensed from CompuServe Incorporated. Graphics Interchange
Format and GIF are service marks of CompuServe Incorporated."

1.5. Developer shall not grant any customer the right to use a Product
until such customer has been registered by Developer as a user of the
Product and customer's rights to use such Product are governed by an
agreement with Developer providing that (a) the customer's use of such
Product will be primarily for accessing the CompuServe Information Service
and for manipulating and viewing data received through the CompuServe
Information Service, and (b) the customer will not alter, enhance or
redistribute any Product.

1.6. This Agreement does not provide Developer with title to or ownership
of the Licensed Technology or any service mark of CompuServe, but only the
license granted herein. Developer may only grant its customers a limited
right to use Products.

Section 2. License Fees.

2.1. In payment for the licenses granted herein, Developer shall pay
CompuServe a one-time initial license fee of $ 1.00 which is due in full
upon the execution of this Agreement and a fee per Disposition equal to
the greater of (a) 1.5 percent of the selling price per Disposition or (b)
$.15 per Disposition. Unless otherwise provided herein, all license fees
and other amounts payable hereunder by Developer shall be paid to
CompuServe in U.S. Dollars within ten (10) days after the end of each
quarter. Quarterly periods may be defined at CompuServe's discretion.

2.2. Developer is solely responsible for payment of any taxes resulting
from Developer's use of the Licensed Technology, except for taxes based on
the income of CompuServe or Unisys Corporation. Developer agrees to hold
CompuServe harmless from all claims and liability arising from Developer's
failure to report or pay such taxes. This paragraph shall survive any
termination of this Agreement.

Section 3. New Products.

Developer shall have the right to add additional Products solely within
the Field of Use by providing notice to CompuServe of the existence of
each new Product at the time such new Product is first offered to
Developer's customers.

Section 4. Reports.

Developer shall keep adequate records to accurately determine the payments
due under this Agreement. Each payment hereunder shall be made and
accompanied by a report in such manner and form as requested by CompuServe
setting forth the number of Dispositions of each Product occurring
hereunder and any other information reasonably necessary to calculate
payments due hereunder. Developer shall not enter into any arrangement
under which copies of Products will be prepared or the Licensed Technology
used, unless Developer has taken steps to ensure that it can account for
and pay the royalties required hereunder.

Section 5. Audits.

CompuServe shall have the right, no more than once during any calendar
year, to have an independent certified public accountant inspect the
relevant records of Developer on seven business days notice and during
regular business hours to verify the reports and payments required to be
made hereunder. Should an underpayment in excess of 10 percent be
discovered, Developer shall pay the cost of the audit. In any event,
Developer shall promptly pay any underpayment together with interest at
the annual rate of 12 percent.

Section 6. Assignment.

This Agreement and the licenses granted herein may not be assigned by
Developer without the prior written consent of CompuServe.

Section 7. License Term.

The initial term of this Agreement shall commence on the effective date of
this Agreement and shall expire at midnight (EST) on the first anniversary
of such date. This Agreement shall automatically renew for additional
consecutive one year periods, unless either party delivers a written
notice of termination to the other party not later than 30 days before the
expiration of the then current term.

Section 8. Termination for Cause.

This Agreement may be terminated by CompuServe: (a) upon 30 days prior
written notice, if Developer is in breach of any of its material
obligations hereunder and the breach is not remedied within such 30 day
period; or (b) upon reasonable written notice, if the Licensed Patent
expires or is found invalid or unenforceable in any proceeding before the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or in a U.S. court of law, after all
appropriate appeals have been finally decided. Promptly following any
termination of this Agreement, Developer shall (I) return all copies of
the GIF(SM) specification and any confidential information of CompuServe
then in its possession or control to CompuServe, (ii) stop using the
Licensed Technology, and (iii) stop distributing Products.

Section 9. Notices.

All notices or other communications required or permitted under this
Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by personal delivery,
registered mail return receipt requested, a "Next Day Air" delivery
service or by customary electronic means, addressed as indicated on the
signature page of this Agreement.

Section 10. Miscellaneous.

10.1. CompuServe represents that it has executed an agreement with
Unisys Corporation dated June 21, 1994, pursuant to which Unisys
Corporation (a) granted to CompuServe a license to sublicense the
technology covered by the Licensed Patent to make, have made, use and sell
Products in the Field of Use, provided such Products are identified to
Unisys Corporation as required by such agreement, and (b) agreed as
follows: "Unisys hereby releases any and all claims of any nature based
upon any use of the technology of the Licensed Patent by Licensee in the
Products, internal use in offering the CompuServe Information Service, or
use by its licensees in derivatives of the Products, which have occurred
to date and during the period of implementation of this Agreement,
provided that Licensee shall exercise commercially diligent efforts to
implement this Agreement as soon as reasonably practicable and in
no case later than six (6) months after the date this Agreement is
executed by Licensee."

paragraph shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

10.3. The cumulative liability of CompuServe for all claims arising out
of or relating to this Agreement shall not exceed the total amount of all
license fees paid to CompuServe hereunder. In no event shall CompuServe
be liable for any lost profits or incidental, special, exemplary or
consequential damages for any claims arising out of or relating to this
Agreement. This paragraph shall survive any termination of this

10.4. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as: (a) requiring
the maintenance of the Licensed Technology; (b) a warranty as to the
validity or scope of the Licensed Technology; a warranty or
representation that any Product will be free from infringement of patents,
copyrights, trademarks or other similar intellectual property interests of
third parties; (d) an agreement to bring or prosecute actions against
third party infringers of the Licensed Technology; (e) conferring any
license or right under any patent other than the Licensed Patent; or (f)
conferring any right to use the Licensed Technology outside the Field of

10.5. This Agreement contains the complete and final agreement between
the parties, and supersedes all previous understandings related to the
subject matter hereof whether oral or written. This Agreement may only be
modified by a written agreement signed by duly authorized representatives
of the parties.

10.6. The validity and interpretation of this Agreement shall be
governed by Ohio law, without regard to conflict of laws principles. The
parties further consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and
federal courts located in the City of Columbus, Ohio. Process may be
served on either party by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, certified or
registered, return receipt requested, and addressed as indicated on the
signature page of this Agreement. This paragraph shall survive any
termination of this Agreement.

10.7. Developer shall not disclose to anyone for any reason the terms
of this Agreement or any information provided to Developer by CompuServe
that is marked as being confidential information of CompuServe, except
with CompuServe's prior written consent. Developer shall protect the
confidentiality of such information with at least the same degree of care
it employs to protect its own similar confidential information. Developer
may use such confidential information of CompuServe solely for purposes of
exercising its rights under this Agreement, and shall make no other use of
such information. This paragraph shall survive any termination of this

10.8. Developer acknowledges and agrees that Unisys Corporation is an
intended third party beneficiary of each and every provision of this
Agreement, other than Section 2 hereof, and may enforce any rights it may
have under such provisions to the fullest extent permitted by law as if it
were a party to this Agreement. This paragraph shall survive any
termination of this Agreement.

10.9. Developer shall indemnify and hold CompuServe, and its officers,
directors, agents, employees and affiliates, harmless against any damage,
loss, claim, action, liability, cost or expense suffered by or brought
against any of the foregoing indemnified parties arising out of or
relating to any breach or violation of this Agreement by Developer or its
customers or any conduct of Developer or its customers relating to their
use of the Licensed Technology. This paragraph shall survive any
termination of this Agreement.

Section 11. Definitions. As used herein:

11.1. "Disposition" means the sale, lease or license or any other
grant of rights to a Product or any new Product as may be added pursuant
to Section 3 of this Agreement.

11.2. "Field of Use" means software provided by CompuServe or
Developer and used by subscribers to the CompuServe Information Service to
access the CompuServe Information Service or use information obtained over
the CompuServe Information Service which utilizes the technology of the
Licensed Patent.

11.3. "GIF(SM)" means CompuServe's copyright and other intellectual
property embodied in the Graphics Interchange Format(SM) as described in
the most recent release of the specification for the Graphics Interchange
Format(SM), as the same may be updated from time to time during the term
of this Agreement, but (for purposes of this Agreement) does not include
the technology covered by the Licensed Patent or CompuServe's service
marks for the Graphics Interchange Format or GIF.

11.4. "Licensed Patent" means U.S. Patent 4,558,302 registered in the
name of Unisys Corporation relating to digital data compression and
decompression, and all foreign counterparts.

11.5. "Licensed Technology" means, collectively, GIF(SM) and the
Licensed Patent.

11.6. "Products" means software that is developed or distributed under
this Agreement which is designed for and used primarily for accessing the
CompuServe Information Service and for manipulating and viewing data
received through the CompuServe Information Service, and any new Products
as may be added pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement.


CompuServe Incorporated Developer

By____________________ By_______________________________________

Name: Kent D. Stuckey Name:____________________________________
Title: Secretary Title:___________________________________

Address: 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd.



Columbus, Ohio 43220 ____________________________________

Phone: (614) 457-8600 Phone:___________________________________

Fax: (614) 457-9665 Fax:_____________________________________

Effective Date: __________________________________

Editor's Note:
As a result of the latest notice of clarification of position by Unisys,
presented below, the above CIS agreement form is expected to be reviewed
and revamped considerably.


Here's the "eye opener"

STR believes they have....

Great relief for the many shareware, freeware and small developers who
felt they were left in a "lurch".

Issued by Unisys at 12:05pm this afternoon 01/06/95

Larry Wood, Forum Administrator for CompuServe's Go Graphics Group (GGG)
has asked that his personal appreciation of Unisys's ultimate recognition
of the valuable contributions of the developer community be expressed.


January 6, 1995

Unisys Clarifies Policy Regarding Patent Use in On-Line Service Offerings

The concerns, inquiries and some apparent confusion that have resulted
from the December CompuServe advisory clearly indicate that we need to
clarify our policy concerning the use of the Unisys Lev Zempel Welch (LZW)
patent by software developers for the major on-line services.

We want to reiterate earlier communications that the issue of patent
licenses is not focused on the end users of on-line networks, including
the Internet. We encourage end users to continue to take full advantage
of the outstanding benefits of a rapidly growing on-line community.

Unisys was awarded the patent in 1985. We became aware of the increasing
interest in our LZW patent beginning in 1990 when many companies
approached us to license the patent for their hardware and software
products. The growth in the use of compression technology was mushrooming
in order to meet the demands for transmitting increased amounts of data.
To date, more than 100 companies, including hardware, software and on-line
information services, have licensed the Unisys LZW technology.

Two years ago, Unisys learned that the LZW method was incorporated in the
GIF specification and immediately began negotiations with CompuServe in
January of 1993. We reached agreement with CompuServe on licensing the
technology in June 1994, which calls for CompuServe to pay Unisys a
royalty of 1% of the average selling price it charges for its software.
This represents approximately 11 cents for each copy sold and connected to
its information service.

Under the agreement, CompuServe, at its discretion, could relicense the
LZW technology to commercial developers using the GIF specification in
software that connected directly to the CompuServe information service.

With the agreement completed on June 21, 1994, CompuServe was given six
months to implement the terms of its license. CompuServe later asked for
a one-month extension, which we granted.

Unisys did not require CompuServe to pass on any fee to its sub-licensees
or end users. Such a decision, and the content and timing of CompuServe's
advisory, was at their discretion.

Consistent with the entire information industry's desire to protect
intellectual property, Unisys will expect all of the major commercial
on-line information services companies employing the LZW patent to license
the technology from Unisys at a reasonable rate. The on-line service
companies are not required to sublicense the technology to developers
producing software for the commercial on-line services. It will be, as it
is today, at the on-line service's discretion as to whether it charges a
license fee to developers or chooses an alternative method to account for
its licensing fees payable to Unisys.

We recognize and are concerned -- thanks in large part to the recent and
very active use of the on-line network -- that developers did not
understand that the patented technology was resident in GIF. Taking that
into account, Unisys does not intend to pursue previous inadvertent
infringement by versions of GIF-based software products marketed prior to

Concerning all future software product development and enhancement of
existing products for accessing on-line services, Unisys expects
developers of commercial, for-profit software to secure a license from
Unisys, or through the licensed on-line service, for the use of the
patented technology. The very reasonable terms should prove no financial
barrier to the introduction of product into the on-line network.

Unisys does not require licensing, or fees to be paid, for non-commercial,
non-profit GIF-based applications, including those for use on the on-line

Concerning developers of software for the Internet network, the same
principle applies. Unisys will not pursue previous inadvertent
infringement by developers producing versions of software products for the
Internet prior to 1995. The company does not require licensing, or fees to
be paid for non-commercial, non-profit offerings on the Internet,
including 'Freeware'.

Commercial developers of GIF-based software for the Internet are expected
to secure a licensing agreement with Unisys for software products
introduced beginning in 1995, or enhancements of products that were
introduced prior to 1995. Again, terms should not preclude the entry by
these firms into the marketplace.

For organizations introducing World Wide Web servers and 'Home Page'
offerings, most will not be required to secure a license from Unisys.
Most organizations acquire software from other developers to create their
offerings on their servers. Therefore, only the software firms who sell
the enabling software for profit would be expected to secure a licensing
agreement from Unisys.

Unisys understands that this issue has caused concern. We want to
reassure all users and developers that we are strong proponents of the
on-line industry.

We're proud that this important Unisys technology has played a role in the
introduction of innovative products and services, many of which are
fueling the explosive growth of the information superhighway.

As members of the information community we want to strike the appropriate
balance between information access and the rights of all information
companies, including the developers of software, to protect their
intellectual property rights.

Patent information:
Welch Patent Licensing Department
Mail Stop C1SW19
P.O. Box 500
Blue Bell, PA 19424.

Or via Internet, send E-mail to LZW_INFOUNISYS.COM, or use a form
available on the Home Page of the Unisys Web Server
(http:\\ to request follow-up information.

Media contacts:
Unisys Public Relations
Bob O'Leary (215) 986-6413
Oliver Picher (215) 986-5367

Editor Note;
Reprint permission of this article is hereby granted provided the
article remains totally intact with the proper by-lines included.

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___ ___ _____ _______
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Delrina Joins with The FAX Network to Deliver New Fax Broadcast Service
for PC Users in Canada

TORONTO, Ontario--January 5, 1995--Delrina Corporation (TSE:DC,
Nasdaq:DENAF), the maker of WinFax, the world+s most popular fax software,
today announced an agreement with The FAX Network of Toronto, to provide
an all-Canadian fax broadcast service for PC users, allowing them to send
several thousand facsimile messages virtually simultaneously, anywhere in
Canada, the U.S., and internationally. The service is offered with
Delrina WinFax PRO 4.0 and the Delrina Communications Suite software sold
in Canada.

"This is an important step for Delrina in Canada," said Ron Close, Vice
President, Delrina Communication Services. "People need the flexibility
to communicate with others in the method most comfortable to them.
Delrina is aggressively developing fax, voice, paging and data messaging
services, and integrating them into our complete line of communications
software. This agreement with The FAX Network is our first offering in
this fast growing market in Canada."

"We are pleased to link up with Delrina because of the synergy between the
two organizations," said Richard Boudreau, President of The FAX Network.
"It allows us to tap into a market that would have been prohibitive for us
to develop using traditional sales and marketing channels. On the other
hand, Delrina gains immediate access to an unparalleled set of features
and functionality for enhanced fax services."

According to BIS Strategic Decisions, a market researcher in Norwell, MA,
the market for enhanced fax services is expected to grow more than 300%
from its current $210 million to $680 million in 1997. Study indicates
that finance, publishing, marketing, law enforcement, and government
organizations are rapidly adopting fax broadcasting for a wide variety of
applications. Delrina already offers Fax MailBox and Fax Broadcast
services in the U.S. and the U.K.

To send a broadcast fax PC users simply select the "Services" option in
Delrina+s WinFax menu bar. Once a document has been saved as an
attachment and the list containing the destination fax numbers has been
selected, Delrina+s software takes care of the rest through one local or
toll-free telephone call. Users are able to send documents to up to 300
recipients simultaneously within minutes of clicking "Send" as opposed to
hours using a standalone fax program or fax machine. Users can schedule
their broadcast fax for immediate delivery, or at a predetermined time to
take advantage of off-peak rates. Delrina+s software knows when to take
advantage of lower transmission rates. The price to broadcast a fax
within selected Canadian cities is 39 cents per minute during peak hours
and 29 cents per minute during off peak hours.

The FAX Network is a division of privately held Tricaster Facsimile
Systems Inc., owned by Tricaster Management Inc. They are leaders in the
provision of enhanced facsimile services in Canada and other countries.
Tricaster Management Inc. is owned by the Campbell family of Toronto, well
known in the telecommunications industry as pioneers in Cable TV, Stock
Market data dissemination (C.M.Q.), paging (Beeper People) and wireless
telephony P.C.S. (Telezone).

Founded in 1988, Delrina is a high profile Canadian success story and
ranked among the fastest growing software companies in North America. The
company develops, markets and supports PC-based software products and
services for fax, voice, data communications, electronic forms processing,
and consumer markets. Delrina employs more than 600 people with
headquarters in Toronto, Canada, and offices in San Jose, CA, Washington,
DC, Kirkland, WA, the U.K., France, and Germany.

- ### -

Press Contacts:
Josef Zankowicz, Delrina Corporation (416) 441-4658
Richard Boudreau, The FAX Network (905) 277-5347

Delrina Announces Alliance with British Telecom

BT Licenses Delrina Communications Software for New Pocket Modem

TORONTO, ONT -- January 5, 1995 -- Delrina Corporation (NASDAQ:DENAF,
TSE:DC), the world+s leading provider of fax communications software for
Microsoft Windows<tm>, today announced that British Telecom has licensed
Delrina+s line of OEM fax and data communications software. Delrina
WinFax<tm>, WinComm<tm> and DOSFax<tm> LITE products will be included with
BT+s recently released Prologue 1414<tm> pocket modem.

BT developed Prologue in response to the huge demand for PC-based
communications which is being fuelled by business and home office PC users
accessing on-line information services and public e-mail systems such as
the Internet.

BT foresees substantial growth in the small business/home office market,
and is taking charge with its reputation as a leading multi-national
telecommunications supplier and Delrina+s brand name recognition in fax
and data software to provide a solution that customers can truly depend on
for their PC communications needs as they do now with their telephone for
their voice communications.

"The BT brand name carries certain reassurances of quality, image and
reliability which have been instrumental in establishing our reputation as
a market leader," said Keith Ross, BT+s UK Product Manager for Modems and
Access Products. "We were keen to partner with Delrina for similar

"Through our alliance we are able to provide a complete PC communications
solution, enabling BT customers everywhere to enjoy the benefits already
enjoyed by Delrina users around the world," said Larry Levy, European
Managing Director at Delrina.

Delrina develops, markets and supports PC-based software products and
services for the fax and data communications, electronic forms processing
and consumer software markets. Nearly 100 manufacturers include Delrina
communications software with their products, including IBM, Compaq, and
Hewlett-Packard. Founded in 1988, Delrina employs more than 600 people
with headquarters in Toronto, Canada and offices in San Jose, CA;
Washington, DC; Kirkland, WA; the United Kingdom; France; and Germany.
Delrina can be contacted at (416) 441-3676.

- ### -

Press Contact:
Josef Zankowicz
Delrina Corporation
(416) 441-4658

Delrina Ships Japanese Version of WinFax PRO

TORONTO, ONT and TOKYO, JAPAN -- January 5, 1995 -- Delrina Corporation
(NASDAQ:DENAF, TSE:DC) today announced that it has begun shipping WinFax
PRO 3.0 Japanese, the Kanji version of the world+s most popular PC fax
software for Windows. WinFax PRO 3.0 J is Delrina+s first double-byte
product and, as such, prepares the way for the company+s entry into
emerging markets in Japan, China, and the Pacific Rim, which require that
native applications be written to work in double-byte configurations. In
addition, WinFax PRO 3.0 J+s user interface, on-line help, documentation
and packaging are completely written in Japanese.

According to the Japan Personal Computer Software Association, Japan alone
represents a market of more than $700 million in sales annually, and is
expected to grow at the rate of 80% over the next few years. Macintosh
and Windows software sales represent 20% and 40% respectively of total PC
software sales in Japan. The remaining 40% of PC software sales are for
the NEC computer. WinFax PRO 3.0 J has also been designed to work on the

WinFax PRO 3.0 J, code named "Samurai Warrior", was in development at
Delrina for the past year. "The engineering that went into creating this
version was a formidable task," said Bert Amato, Delrina Executive
vice-president, and Chief Technology Officer. "We had to learn the
intricacies of double-byte enablement, on which there is little or no
documentation, and forge through a myriad of technical details to make the
product work with the unique computers and communications equipment in

WinFax PRO 3.0 J is being promoted and distributed by one of the leading
resellers in Japan, Something Good Inc. Founded in 1982, Something Good
Inc. is the largest distributor of Windows and Macintosh software in Japan
for NEC 98, DOS/V, Windows and Macintosh hardware and has an unmatched
track record in marketing cutting-edge software products to the discerning
Japanese personal computer market.

Delrina Corporation, the world leader in PC fax and forms software, was
founded in 1988. The Company is a high-profile Canadian success story and
ranked among the fastest growing software companies in North America. The
Company employs more than 600 people with headquarters in Toronto, Canada,
plus sales, marketing and development offices in San Jose, CA; Washington,
DC; Kirkland, WA; Lexington, MA; the U.K., France, and Germany. Delrina
can be contacted at (416) 441-3676.

- ### -

Press Contact:
Josef Zankowicz
Delrina Corporation
(416) 441-4658



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Then, just answer the questions and within a day or two, you'll officially
be a member of DELPHI!

DELPHI-It's the BEST Value and getting BETTER all the time!


Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Welcome to our first issue of the new year! I was expecting a
quiet first issue while the confetti and champagne glasses settled down
from last weekend. However, it appears that no sooner than the new
year is in, we've witnessed what will probably go down as a bigger
public relations blunder than the Pentium bugs! Yes, I'm referring to
the Unisys "crackdown" of their GIF and LZW formats.

As described in greater detail in the articles elsewhere in this
issue, shortly after Christmas, Unisys announced that they were enforcing
their software patents on what was thought to be "free" technology.
While I can't claim to understand the full implications of this
situation, it appears that Unisys is requiring licensing fees,
royalties, and other profit-inducing payments for its GIF compression
routines used by many software programs. The first to find itself
behind the eight ball is Compuserve.

Compuserve, while only the first of the pay services to be
targeted, has drawn up an agreement with Unisys. It is clear from
messages I've seen on Compuserve, that Unisys is the villain in this
seemingly foolhardy endeavor. It will be interesting to see how the
other online services react once they begin to feel the ramifications
of this situation.

It's going to also be interesting to see how developers react to
this development. For the past seven years or so, the GIF compression
routines have been freely distributed and supported. Interestingly
enough, GIF has become a standard for graphics over the years. Once
this ruling by Unisys takes hold, it could mean a quick death for the
GIF format; and, it could result in a new and much-improved standard.
I foresee many developers pulling GIF support from their programs (such
as telecommunications packages, DTP-import capabilities, etc.). It
could also mean the death of GIF-viewers and other related programs.

Another concern of mine, personally, is of the BBS SysOp. Will
GIF-format files be allowed on bulletin boards. How about viewers,
converters, and the like? Will we be liable for royalties on all GIF
downloads? Clearly, this situation has just begun to break the surface
and no one really understands what, and who, will be affected in all of

In the next few weeks, we hope to help unravel this mess and keep
you informed as to what this will all mean. Will it be yet another
means for profit in the ever-growing popularity of the "Information
Super Highway" or is it really just the end result of finally being
able to reap some overdue rewards from past programming? We'll see
soon enough, I'm sure.

Until next time...

Delphi's Atari Advantage!!

(2) CAIN 11/94 (7) GZIP 1.03 FOR ST COMPUTERS

* = New on list

The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 10.53)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.


> Atari Safari! STR InfoFile! Houston's 5th Annual Show Announcement!

Every one is invited to the 5th annual ATARI SAFARI in Houston Texas.
Thiswill be the largest gathering of Atari users in Texas and surrounding
states. Meet developers, dealers, and other Atari users. Primarily a
vendor show, over a dozen national vendors including TOAD Computers,
Oregon Research Associates, Trace Technologies, Binary Sounds, DMJ
Software, COMPO, Gribnif, ChroMagic Software Innovations, It's All
Relative, Systems for Tomorrow and others will be at the Houston Atari
Safari on February 18th, 1995. User Groups will also be represented,
giving you the opportunity to plug in to the best of Atari resources.
See demonstrations, win door prizes, buy those things you have always
wanted for your computer! Come and join hundreds of other Atari users
that are expected to attend the largest Atari products show in Texas.


ATARI SAFARI '95 will be held on February 18th, 1995 at the Ramada
Hotel, 7787 Katy Freeway, Houston Texas. Show hours are 10 am to 6 pm.
Admission is $4.00 per person (kids under 12 admitted for $1.00).

The Houston Atari Safari has a continuing tradition of providing paid
attendees a "Safari Pak" which includes an ST or 8-bit disk of public
domain software provided by HACE, and newsletters, flyers, and brochures
by a variety of user groups and vendors. This year, 8-bit users will
receive their choice of PD software or an 8-bit commercial program,
courtesy of The Floppy Wizard. The Safari Pak offers vendors an easy
method of contacting approximately 300 Atari enthusiasts with brochures,
catalogs, demo disks, etc. Vendors that are not attending Atari
Safari '95 can take advantage of this opportunity by sending their
materials to HACE (PO Box 820335, Houston TX 77282-0335) or to George
Iken (11830 Westmere Drive, Houston TX 77077). Materials for the
Safari Pak should arrive by 13 February to assure inclusion for the
show. Door prize donations are also appreciated and should be sent to
the same address.

Tables are available for product sales for $20.00 (includes admission
for two table helpers). User Group information tables (not for sales)
are free but do not include admission for helpers. Retailers and
individuals are allowed to sell new and used software and other
computer related merchandise. Only Public Domain and ORIGINAL
commercial software is allowed.

Houston is served by two airports, Hobby Airport (primarily Southwest
Airlines) and Intercontinental Airport (most other airlines). The
ATARI SAFARI '95 show site is equidistant (about 20 miles) from each
of these airports.

Hotel availability in the area of the show includes:

Ramada Hotel (show site), 7787 Katy Freeway: Approximate room rate is
$69 per night. Call 1-800-272-6232 for reservations.

Holiday Inn (1 block away), 7611 I-10 West: Approximate room rate is
$55 per night. Call 713-688-2221 for reservations.

J. W. Marriott (3 miles away, by the Galleria), 5150 Westheimer: A
$79 weekend special may be available. Call 713-961-1500 for

For additional information contact George Iken (713) 493-0122, or Bill
Kithas (713) 855-0815, or the HACE BBS (713) 458-9923.

Table Reservation Form for the ATARI SAFARI 95

Fill in this form and return to the following address so that it will
be received in Houston no later than 10 February 1995.

HACE --- P.O. Box 820335 --- Houston, Texas 77282-0335

Name : _________________________________________

Company : ______________________________________

Address : _______________________________________

City, State, Zip : ______________________________

Phone number : __________________________________

Do you represent a dealer or company: __________________
Number of tables required (6' x 3') : __________________
Do you need an electrical outlet : _____________________
Describe any special requirements : ____________________________________

$20.00 x _______ (number of tables) = __________ Amount due HACE.

Make checks payable to HACE. Thank you for your participation!

Remember there are many ways you can contribute to and benefit from this
show. By being there as a vendor and/or as a demonstrator. Or donate a
door prize to publicize your product, or send flyers, catalogs, or demo
disks for inclusion in the Safari Paks. We are looking forward to
another excellent Atari show, and would like you to be a part of it.


> Edith Pro! STR InfoFile! - European Text Editor News!

The finest text editor available for Atari computers!

Edith does it ALL!!

Here is a *brief* list of Edith's features:


oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and a whole lot MORE!

Edith has the finest looking interface on the market today. It is a
wonderfully stable, reliable and highly configurable piece of software.
It is also a marvellously easy-to-use Text Editor .... once you try
Edith, you'll *never* go back to anything else!



-/- Judge Dismisses Piracy Charges -/-

A federal judge has dismissed charges against a Massachusetts
Institute of Technology student indicted for running a computer bulletin
board system that allegedly helped others obtain pirated software.

Judge Richard G. Stearns said existing law doesn't cover system
operators in cyberspace, a ruling decried by software developers and
publishers who told Barbara Carton of The Wall Street Journal they think
it represents a setback in the enforcement of criminal copyright statutes.

Donald K. Stern, U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts,
told the paper he couldn't immediately say whether he would appeal, but
that he will discuss with the U.S. Department of Justice whether it should
file legislation to deal explicitly with software piracy.

As reported earlier, 21-year- David LaMacchia of Rockville, Maryland,
was charged last March with one count of conspiring to commit wire fraud
in connection with running a free campus bulletin board, accessible via
the Internet, for three months beginning in November 1993. Prosecutors
said more than $1 million of copyrighted software, including Microsoft
Corp.'s Excel and Novell Inc.'s WordPerfect, was uploaded onto the system
and then downloaded by subscribers.

The Journal reports this morning Judge Stearns ruled LaMacchia
couldn't be prosecuted for criminal copyright infringement under the
wire-fraud statute.

The judge added that allowing the case to proceed could criminalize
the conduct of "not only persons like LaMacchia, but also the myriad of
home computer users who succumb to the temptation to copy even a single
software program for private use. It isn't clear t

hat making criminals of
a large number of consumers of computer software is a result that even
the software industry would consider desirable."

Judge Stearns criticized LaMacchia's behavior, saying that if the
indictment is to be believed, "one might best describe his actions as
heedlessly irresponsible and, at worst, as nihilistic, self-indulgent and
lacking in any fundamental sense of values."

LaMacchia could have received five years in federal prison and a
$250,000 fine had he been convicted.

Defense attorney Harvey A. Silverglate told the Journal the decision
recognizes the right of BBS operators to run what was essentially a
free-speech forum, since LaMacchia was never paid for his services. The
ruling, he said, cuts back on the scope of federal interstate-fraud
statutes, which have, in recent years, "been stretched and contorted
beyond their original" purpose.

But on the other side of the case, Sandra A. Sellers, director of
litigation for the Software Publishers Association, said the ruling was
disappointing, causing concern for future cases because it narrows what
little case law exists on the subject.

Sellers said that whether LaMacchia was paid or not, "when you get
down to it ... he was transmitting unauthorized copies of authorized
software. And it's disappointing" that the judge didn't find that to be a
violation of the law.

Meanwhile, SPA Director Ken Wasch told The Washington Post the
LaMacchia case points up the need for additional legislation to protect
intellectual property on electronic networks, adding that companies
annually lose $1.5 billion in the United States and $7.5 billion worldwide
from such "piracy."

The Post also says LaMacchia issued a statement saying, "I am
gratified that Judge Stearns has confirmed that the indictment against me
does not allege conduct that is in fact criminal. It is a relief to know
that this remains a country where the rule of law governs."

At MIT, spokesman Kenneth Campbell told the Post the university was
waiting for the last legal word before it considers whether LaMacchia's
actions violated internal MIT regulations regarding computer usage. MIT's
13th "rule of use," he said, is do not copy copyrighted software or
related material.


> From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!

Well, Happy New Year to everyone! It's been pretty quiet since the new
year began. My feeling is that everyone at Atari is finally getting
back from their holidays rest and gearing up for this week's Winter CES
in Las Vegas! Rumors are that there will be many announcements made at
this show, so stay tuned. We've got at least one staff member
attending the festivities, so look for an exciting report in the next
couple of weeks.

No new games have arrived since the Christmas rush, but we've learned
that there are quite a few waiting in the wings and will most likely
"hit the streets" during the WCES, or shortly after.

Newcomer Tom Sherwin, in the meantime, offers his views in a review of
Zool 2 - one of the first couple of platforms games currently
available. Tom's been burning the midnight oil testing the latest
releases for the Jaguar, so watch for more reviews in coming weeks!
We've also got our second review of Doom coming up next week, as soon
as STReport Editor Joe Mirando can resurrect (no pun intended!) his
thoughts from his comatose Stacy.

So sit back, put that latest Jaguar offering on Pause, and we hope that
you enjoy another issue. We're looking for an exciting 1995 from Atari
and its many Jaguar supporters!

Until next time...


> Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out.

Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $49.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/
Crescent Galaxy $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $69.95 id/Atari Corp.
JA100 Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95 Telegames
J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Rebellion/Atari Corp.
J9029 Doom $69.99 id/Atari Corp.
J9036 Dragon: Bruce Lee $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9003 Club Drive $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9007 Checkered Flag $69.99 Atari Corp.
J9012 Kasumi Ninja $69.99 Atari Corp.
J9042 Zool 2 $59.99 Atari Corp
Bubsy $49.99 Atari Corp
Iron Soldier $59.99 Atari Corp

Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


CatBox $69.95 ICD
Val D'Isere Skiing $59.99 Atari
Cannon Fodder TBD Virgin
Hover Strike $59.99 Atari

Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J8001 Jaguar (complete) $249.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95
Jaguar CD-ROM $149.99 Atari Corp.


> Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile - Current Developer Lists & Titles

Game Title Date Game Type MSRP Publisher
Air Cars 1Q/95 Racing $59.99 Midnight Ent.
Alien vs Predator NOW Role Play/Adventure $69.99 Atari
Arena Football 1Q/95 Sports TBD V Reel
Assault 1Q/95 Action/Combat $59.99 Midnight Ent.
Barkley Basketball 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Battlemorph 1Q/95 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Battle Wheels 1Q/95 Racing/Combat TBD Beyond Games
Blue Lightning (CD) 1Q/95 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Brett Hull Hockey (CD) 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Brutal Sports Football NOW Sports/Combat $69.99 Telegames
Bubsy NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Burnout 1Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Cannon Fodder 12/94 Action/Adventure TBD Virgin
Checkered Flag NOW Racing $69.99 Atari
Club Drive NOW Racing $59.99 Atari
Creature Shock (CD) 1Q/95 Adventure/Sci-Fi TBD Atari/Virgin
Cybermorph NOW Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Dactyl Joust 2Q/95 Action TBD Atari
Demolition Man 1/95 Action/Combat $59.99 Atari
Doom NOW Action/Combat $69.99 Atari
Double Dragon V 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Williams
Dragon:Bruce Lee Story NOW Combat $59.99 Atari
Dragon Lair (CD) 1Q/95 Adventure TBD Ready Soft
Dreadnought (CD) 2Q/95 Adventure TBD Atari
Dungeon Depths 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Midnight Ent.
Evolution: Dino Dudes NOW Puzzle/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Flashback 1Q/95 Action/Adventure TBD US Gold
Fight For Life 1Q/95 Combat TBD Atari
Hardball Baseball 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Highlander (CD) 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Horrorscope 1Q/95 Combat TBD V Reel
Hover Strike 1Q/95 Action/Combat $59.99 Atari
Iron Soldier NOW Action/Strategy $59.99 Atari
Jack Nicklaus Golf(CD) 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Kasumi Ninja NOW Combat $69.99 Atari
Rage Rally 1Q/95 Racing TBD Atari
Raiden NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Rayman 1Q/95 Action/Adventure TBD UBI Soft
Robinson Requiem 1Q/95 Adventure TBD Atari
Soccer Kid 1Q/95 Sports TBD Ocean
Space War 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Star Raiders 1Q/95 Space Simulation TBD Atari
Syndicate 1Q/95 Simulation TBD Ocean
Tempest 2000 NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Theme Park 1Q/95 Simulation TBD Ocean
Tiny Toon Adventures 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Trevor McFur NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Troy Aikman NFL Ftball 1Q/95 Sports $69.99 Williams
Ultimate Brain Games 1Q/95 Puzzle TBD Telegames
Ultra Vortex 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $69.99 Beyond Games
Val D'Isere Skiing... 01/95 Sports $59.99 Atari
White Men Can't Jump 1Q/95 Sports TBD TriMark
Wolfenstein 3D NOW Combat/Action $59.99 Atari
Zool2 NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari

[Editor's note: Titles, scheduled release dates, and prices are
verified from Atari and Edelman Public Relations - all subject to


> Jaguar Game Title STR Review - "Zool 2"
-= Available Now =-
By Thomas Sherwin

Developed by: Gremlin Graphics/Imagitec Design
Published by: Atari
Price: $59.99

Silly story line aside (too silly to repeat here), Zool 2 is your basic
platforming game where you get to play Zool, or Zooz (the female version),
and run, jump, and shoot through five different worlds (each world has
three stages). Each world is liberally sprinkled with treats that
Zool/Zooz must collect before being allowed to leave the level. If you
don't collect enough, you have to go back and get more. There are also
power-ups, hidden areas, and enemies a plenty. At the end of each world,
face the end-level boss. You can also collect bonus tokens and when you
get three, you get to play a bonus round... something like breakout.

Zool and Zooz are also supposed to have "hidden Ninja moves" which you're
left to discover on your own. I've only found one (something akin
to Sonic's spin) but I'm sure there's plenty of stuff waiting to be
uncovered. Zool and Zooz also have unique abilities which allows them
to explore parts of the world that the other character might not be able
to. Zool can crash through barriers when he tries to jump up THROUGH
them. Zooz can crash barriers when she jumps ON TOP of them. I haven't
found any real advantage to either character.

Lots and lots of colors done in a cartoon style. Some might even say
it's TOO colorful. The shading is good and everything is made to
"stand out" from the background. The things you collect also change
with each world, a nice touch. Each world also has a very different
look and feel.

The animation is very fast and smooth, although it has occasional spots
of slowdown (when too many things are happening at once). Zool and Zooz
have plenty of animation, but the enemies are a little lacking. The end
level bosses are a complete joke... virtually NO animation and maybe
four colors tops. I would have expected the bosses to be much more
impressive (even Trevor McFur has impressive bosses!).

Though it's not quite Rayman, it's still better than what the SNES or
Genesis could do.

Sound FX/Music
The sound effects are crisp and are well-timed to the events. A few
more effects would have been welcome as some of the sounds are recycled
for different actions.

The background music varies with each world and seems to fit the
general "flavor" of the environment. There seems to be a common theme
to all of the music, but it isn't repetitive (read as "annoying").
It's basically cartoony-type music relegated to the background.

This is something I was not used to. You get the standard button layout
(jump, fire, and "special") which you can change to something that you
feel comfortable with. The part I found odd at first was that pushing
up also makes you jump. It took me a while to get used to that as I
still wanted to use one of the buttons for jumping. But using the jump
button is futile as there are many times where you need to jump and
shoot simultaneously. After a while, the jump button becomes useless.
But once you adjust, control is easy. All controls are very responsive.

Rather thin, but it tells you what you need to know. The game itself
is rather straightforward, so a manual like the AvP booklet (novel?)
isn't necessary.

As fun as a fast and furious platformer could be. Some platforming
gamers may be put off by the fast pace or the lack of any "real"
strategy, but I found it rather refreshing... just something for fun!
You can't just waltz through as you're playing against the clock, though
you're given plenty of time as long as you keep going. I also liked the
fact that you have to collect at least a certain percentage of the
available goodies before you leave, preventing "cheaters" from just
bolting for the exit.

The enemies are EVERYWHERE and a lot of them are small and fast. Let's
just say your thumb rarely leaves the fire button. Until you can
learn where some power-ups are, the baddies will be EXTREMELY frustrating.
The level layout and the locations of prizes never change, but there
are enough bad guys constantly floating around to keep you on your toes.
The baddies also regenerate so places you've been aren't necessarily
safe to go back to.

You can change the difficulty setting to suit your skills. As
difficulty increases, you must collect more stuff on each level before
you're allowed to leave, and enemies seem to be even greater in numbers.
I doubt anyone would want to go above "Normal".

A Big Gripe
There is NO save game feature. I had to single this out as this is
something I consider to be a MAJOR flaw. You must go through EVERY
world to get back to where you finished last time. So as you get
better at Zool, it starts to become an endurance contest. Some sort
of password feature or a game level select (a la Doom) is needed for
something like this. I can only hope that a level select cheat code
is around the corner.

Graphics: 8.0
Sound FX/Music: 8.0
Control: 7.0
Manual: 7.5
Ent./Gameplay: 8.5

Reviewer's Overall: 8.5
Admittedly, Zool 2 hardly screams "64-bit". Rayman has certainly
seemed to define what a true "next generation" platform game should
look like. But if you are a platforming fan and don't mind something
fast, Zool 2 is a good buy. Colorful graphics and excellent gameplay
make Zool 2 a solid platforming game for the Jaguar. Even if you like
slower or more strategic gameplay, you should give Zool 2 a try. I'm
a platformer fan and found Zool 2 to be worth the price of admission.


> Jaguar Easter Eggs/Cheats/Hints STR InfoFile Solving Those Riddles!

More Kasumi Ninja Tips, from CompuServe's Atari Gaming Forums:

Fm: SYSOP*Jim Ness 75300,3155
To: Cody Maloney 75204,3532

Got this Internet list today:

Version 4.0 Kasumi Ninja Moves

These moves are compiled from various sources, including the KN FAQ,
people on the net, and myself. I've confirmed them all. is the keeper of the KN FAQ and would most likely
be the person to send new moves to.


Power Slide = C + half circle low from away to towards
Goth Hammer = C + towards, up
Dynamite toss = C + half circle away from down to up
DEATH MOVE: Dynamite mouth
C + away,towards,away,down towards+B [Andy M]


Caber Toss = C + down, up
Head Butt = C + down, towards
Fireball = C + half circle high from away to towards
Throw = A + away
DEATH MOVE: "The Head Pummel"
C + towards, away, down


Fireball = C + away, towards, towards
Hammer Kick = C + away, up
Knee Slam = C + towards, towards, B
Throw = A + away

DEATH MOVE: Slams knee into crotch, buckling opponent over, then
shoves foot through the opponents chest.
C + away,towards,away,down towards+A [Andy M]


Bolas = C + away, away, away, towards (far)
Teleport = C + down, up, up (quickly!)
Crotch Grab = ?
Throat Spike = ?
Throw = A + away
DEATH MOVE: Exploding Bolas
C + away,up,away,up,away,up [Dan L] HABAKI ======
Fireball = C + half circle low from away to towards
Ninja Teleport = C + then up,up
Whirlwind Kick = C + then away,away,towards,towards
Throw = A + away

DEATH MOVE: Power Head Smash
Cut in Half: C + away,up (must be close) [Brian O]


Head Butt = C + towards, towards, towards (close)
Hunting Blade = C + half circle low from away to towards.
Buffalo Jump = C + back, up, up
Throw = B + away
DEATH MOVE: Scalping
C + half circle low from towards to away, twice

SENZO =====

Fireball = C + half circle low from away to towards
Ninja Teleport = C + up,up
Whirlwind Kick = C + away,away,towards,towards
Throw = A + away

DEATH MOVE: Power Head Smash
C + up,down (must be close) [Willbill]


Jungle Lunge = C + away, towards, towards (far)
Jungle Strike = C + towards, towards, towards (close)
Teleport = C + down, up
Bite opponent = ?
Throw = A + away
DEATH MOVE: Fly though opponent's upper body
C + up, towards, up, towards [Jeff S]

GYAKU: THE GREY NINJA aka (You'll see!) =====

He's the same same as Habaki and Senzo. Except he's grey. Also he can
do a few extra moves like fireballs bounce off him and back at you and
some fireballs pass though him. When fighting Gyaku it's the best of 5.
Don't do a fatality on him while playing in Ninja God mode. :)

Fm: CHUCK A. SMITH 76231,3376

Out here there is a list of many moves for KN. One missing is,
Habaki's fireball. Here it is: Roll back/down/forward.
You must be holding the C button during move. It seems to work better
if you don't stand too close.

Sb: #66056-#Kasumi Death Moves?
Fm: Darryl Still Atari Europ 75300,2632
To: Claver D. Bickman 75347,2545 (X)

Some of them have just been released to the press. Here are two of
Angus' to keep you going

Caber Toss = C/Down/Up Glasgae Greeting = C/Down/Towards

The Fiery Sporron has not been revealed yet!


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando
CIS ID: 73637,2262

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. Well, it's been two weeks since you
heard from me last. There's lots and lots of information, hints, tips,
and gossip to tell you about, but before we get started, I'd like to
tell you why there was no column last week.

I was just settling down to write the introduction part of my column
when, much to my dismay, I found that several keys on my STacy's
keyboard were "dead". This is not an unknown problem among those who
deal with Atari's portable ST.

"No problem," I thought, "I'll just use my trusty STe". A moment
later I realized that I couldn't use the STe because I had lent it to a
friend who had sent his Mega 2 out to be upgraded to a Mega 4. Damn!

Since several people have told me that it could simply be that the
contacts were dirty, I decided to march through the valley of death by
opening the STacy up. After removing the case, cleaning all of the
key contacts, and putting it all back together, I discovered that now,
not only did some of the keys not work, but I no longer had access to my
hard drive. Yep, I had done one heck of a job.

A quick call to the friend that had borrowed the STe solved the
problem of my comptuer withdrawal, but that was too late to get my
column in.

Since my review of Geneva from Gribnif Software was also on the
STacy's hard drive, that too is late.... look for the review next week.

Well, that's enough about my holiday season. Let's get on with all
the info available...

From the Atari Computing Forums on CompuServe

Bob Ledbetter tells Bob Brodie:

"I have Works installed, with Speedo BTW, on a 1040 STe, and everytime
I change font, it bombs. At least 4 bombs, and the only out is to
re-boot. Any ideas?"

Bob Brodie, who used to be Atari's Director of Communications, tells the
other Bob:

"A couple of things come to mind. First, how much ram do you have in
the system? If you're only running a meg, that could be the problem
right there. Second, what are you running in your auto folder?
Specifically, are you running an older version of Warp 9? While most
of the Warp 9 problems showed up during printing, there are other
reports of incompatibility with Speedo/Warp 9. You might have to shut
Warp 9 off before running Works.

Finally, how many fonts are you installing? If you're using the whole
standard set of Speedo fonts, you're probably out of RAM even on a four
meg machine. Cut down the number of fonts and see what happens.

Please drop me a note, both here and in email to remind me to visit
more often. <G> And let me know how you're doing with Works.

Yes, it works on a 1040 STE with TOS 1.62. But...

If memory serves me correctly, there was a bug in the install program
that came with Works on this version of TOS. Also, to be honest with
you, 1 meg of RAM isn't enough to run the program and SpeedoGDOS. You
can use other versions of GDOS, like FONT GDOS, but your output won't
look as good.

In my opinion, Works should have carried a notation that indicated how
much ram was required, and that a hard drive was strongly recommended.
As for how much ram, well that depends on what printer you're using and
how many fonts you want to load. I urge you to go to four megs of RAM
if you haven't already."

On the subject of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption, and the
governments refusal to allow it to be exported to other countries,
Michael Rochon asks:

"What are PGP files and Who are "the powers that that be" and Why are
foreign nationals so dangerous???. Maybe this cloak and dagger stuff
could revive the Atari market. Come on! Let us in on the play here."

Sysop Ron Luks tells Michael:

"PGP is an encryption program. The powers that be are the US
GOVERNMENT, and they classified it as illegal to export this

There is QUITE A BIT more to it than that, so if you're interested, ask
around... just don't ask any foreign nationals. Or federal agents, for
that matter.

When Rob Rasmussen asks why his ST won't read DOS disks, Sysop Bob
Retelle tells him:

"The ST *does* understand the PC file format, but most likely the disk
your friend gave you was a High Density disk, and the ST does *not*
read those.

Hardly anyone in the PC world uses the 720K format that the ST reads,
any more.

If someone's going to give you a PC disk, you have to be sure to ask
them to format it that way. I don't use Windows, but I know OS/2 has
an option you can select for formatting 720K disks.

As Jim indicated, when Windows noticed that the destination disk was
different from the source disk during the disk copy, it tried to
reformat it so the two disks would match.

From Filemanager, you CAN drag files, but you have to know the secret
handshake to get it to do that. First you have to select the files,
and unlike the ST, you can't do this completely with the mouse.

Someone who knows Windows better will probably correct me, but I think
the way you do that is to hold down the Shift key (and if it doesn't
work, try the ALT and CTRL keys one at a time, but I think it's Shift)
while you select the FIRST file in the block you want to copy, then
still holding down the Shift key, move the mouse pointer to the LAST
file in the block and still holding Shift, click on that one. The
entire block of files should turn black, indicating they're selected.
Then you can drag the entire block to the A: drive icon.. I think you
also have to hold down a key (try Shift again) to indicate to Windows
that you want to COPY the files, not MOVE them.

The way I do these things is to forget Windows completely and use
Norton Commander from DOS...

Also, it's not that it's any more difficult or awkward than GEM, it's
just different."

Rob tells Bob:

"Thanks for the clarification on how to copy files in Windows. The
main problem, as you said, and as I am not used to noticing, was that
the disk my friend with the IBM gave me was high density. So DUHHH...I
put it in my Falcon and the files come up just fine. I had been trying
to do it on my ST. Anyway, I didn't realize the Falcon could read disks
formatted with Windows even if the Falcon can read high density. Who's
complaining tho?"

"LW" tells us:

I recently downloaded a file from the MIDI forum (Dr. T's Omega II demo
program) and unpacked it onto my I: drive (my drive is C:-J:

The archive program screwed up some how and made all the files into
Folders! Now I can't delete them. When I try, my system reboots! Any
ideas how to get rid of these files?"

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine asks LW:

"Have you run a utility program like Diamond Edge to check for errors?"

LW asks:

"Diamond Edge, where do I get it?"

Albert, being the treasure trove of knowledge that he is, tells LW:

"It is a Commercial Product. It is similar to Norton Disk Doctor and
Speed Disk on the IBM PC."

Carl Barron gives LW a bit of good advice:

"Backup everything but the self-referencing folder[s] (most likely the
problem [folders with no names ??] zero the partitiion [NOT THE DRIVE]
and restore what you backed up. If Diamond Edge or an equivalent fat
fixer can create a legal fat without this problem, then just delete the
stuff. Most likely DE will fail."

Mike Mortilla adds:

"First check to see if the files are "write only." Then, also try to
delete 1 file at a time. You might also try re-naming the files and
then deleting them."

LW tells Albert, Carl, and Mike:

"I went into the folders that were supposed to be files. They also
contained folders that had weird names, like #$@%^ . When I opened
these folders, they would take me back to the root... drive I: .

So, then I started to delete these folders with the weird names, some
wouldn't delete at all but I think at least one did successfully.
Then I backed out twice to get to the root AND DRIVE I: WAS

I rebooted, drive I: still empty!!!! Good thing there wasn't anything
I couldn't get back on that drive! Weird!"

Mike tells LW:

"Sounds like you FAT is messed up or something. Whenever you get a
zero # of items where you know you have data SHUT OFF THE COMPUTER and
re-boot (at the very least!). If you try to access that you might have
serious problems!

Sounds like a re-format is in order (sorry!). That;s why I love using
a Syquest removable. At least I can reformat and restore my structure
in about 1/2 an hour or so. It used to be an all day proposition."

LW tells everyone:

"Well, I was able to zero the partition, JUST the one that got screwed
up! So I'm back in business!"

John Amsler posts:

"Consider the following:

by Thomas Jefferson


1743 - 1790

With the Declaration of Independence

January 6, 1821


My father's education had been quite neglected; but being of a strong
mind, sound judgment and eager after information, he read much and
improved himself ...

Being ignorant is not so much a Shame, as being unwilling to learn.

Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard Improved, 1755

In studying Law or Physick, or any other Art or Science, by which you
propose to get your Livelihood, though you find it at first hard,
difficult and unpleasing, use _Diligence, Patience_ and _Perseverance_;
the Irksomness of your Task will thus diminish daily, and your Labour
shall finally be crowned with Success. You shall go beyond all your
Competitors who are careless, idle or superficial in their
Acquisitions, and be at the Head of your Profession. -- _Ability_ will
command _Business_, _Business Wealth_; and _Wealth_ an easy and
honourable _Retirement_ when Age shall require it.

Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard Improved, 1755"

Good words, John. And something that a lot of _so-called_ intellectuals
would do well to pay heed to.

John Also asks:

"Has there been some change in CompuServe's software? I haven't
changed anything, but all of a sudden when I compose a message online,
the line numbers keep tabbing (or so it seems) across toward the right
side of the screen (rather than displaying flush with the left side of
the screen)."

Sysop Ron Luks tells John:

"Nope. There's been no changes in the onlione software that would
account for this (that I'm aware of). Does it happen in other forums
or just this one?"

John tells Ron:

"I haven't tried posting messages in other forums, but the same thing
happens when I try to compose a message in CompuServe's Mail utility.

(I swear, I haven't changed a thing!)"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells John:

"From the pattern of the message lines you showed us, it looks like for
some reason you're just getting line feeds, not a line feed/carriage
return combination like you should. (That is, the next line drops down
a line, but the cursor doesn't return to the beginning of the next line
like it should).

Let us know if it still happens when you try logging on with Flash

John tries and tells Bob:

"I'm currently logged in with Flash II and the problem occurs with
that, too."

Sysop Jim Ness tells John:

"It looks as though your term program is not accepting carriage
returns (or CIS is not sending them).

Online you can GO TERMINAL to check the settings CIS has for you."

John tells Jim:

"What baffles me is why it appeared suddenly, when I had made no
changes either to STalker or CIS.

> Online you can GO TERMINAL to check the settings CIS has for you.

Aha! I knew there was a way to check that but I had forgotten what the
command was. Thanks!"

We'll keep you updated on what happens with John's setup.

Robert Carpenter asks:

"Does anyone know if version 2.5 is the latest version of NVDI? I'm
having a conflict between it and Edit Plus 3.10. I talked to Craig
Harvey (Edit Plus author) and he said that the only NVDI problem he
knew about was because someone was using an old version of NVDI."

Albert Dayes tells Robert:

"NVDI v3.x is available from Toad Computers for around $70."

Lianne Reitter asks:

"I wonder if anyone knows of a utility, or something, that will allow
me to format a floppy disk on my Falcon, that can be read on the Amiga

A friend of mine has a Amiga 2000, and I would like to give him some
stuff that is on the Sterling CD ROM. Unfortunatly, neither machine
will recognize a disk formatted from the other.

Any info would be greatly appreciated."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Lianne:

"Unfortunately while I remember that there was some way to do what you
want to do, I don't remember exactly what it was. I believe there was
some way to make the Amiga read the ST disks.. maybe if you asked in
the Amiga Forums here on CompuServe there would be someone over there
who remembers how to do that.

If you live close enough to your friend, you could always send the
files by modem..."

Lianne tells Bob:

"I understand that the program I am looking for is called Dos-2-DOS for
the Amiga. (Just in case anyone else asks 8).) My Amiga buddy lives 2
floors below me but I couldn't modem him anything becayuse it was
telecommunication software I was trying to get off the Sterling CD ROM
for him. Hows that for computing Irony? Seeing as you are a SYSOP
maybe you can answer another question for me. I realize that the Atari
platform is not the most popular, but surly it does as well, if
possibly not better now, than the Amiga platform, yet there is never
any mention of Atari stuff in the Compuserve Mag? Every once in a
while I read about some software for the Amiga, (this month issue for
example). Is the Atari Forum quieting down on CSERVE? My Local user
group TAF (Toronto Atari Federation) is putting together a show in
April; ACE'95. I have posted messages to this effect on CSERVE, but
have not received many responses where as GEnie has been quite busy.
Just curious, I much prefer CSERVE to the other Commercial boards, for
various reasons. But I wonder if I am getting the wrong impression.
Thanks again for your help, Have a very safe and happy Holiday Season."

Bob tells Lianne:

"Things go up and down in the Atari world... right now the big buzz is
the Jaguar game system, over in the Atari Gaming Forum, ever since
Atari dropped their computer lines... we still do whatever we can to
support the users of the computers, in addition to all the new owners
of the Atari game systems...

Have you posted about the TAF show here in the Atari Computing forum..?

It's been a while since I've been able to get up to Toronto for the
show, but I remember having a lot of fun there... I was part of the
Windsor, Ontario Atari show a few years ago too.. that was fun too..!"

Albert Dayes asks Lianne:

"Doesn't the Amiga have a utility that can read MS-DOS compatible
disks? Something like cross-dos?? That way you could format a disk
1.44 or 720k of your Falcon and use it on the Amiga. ave you asked
about a utility to read MS-DOS compatible disks in the Amiga forum?"

Callum Lerwick, the one with the Pentium-based HAL 9000 computer, tells

"The newer Amiga's come with a utility that can read PC disks, I've
sucessfully transfered files using a PC disk this way. I don't know
where to get it if he doesn't have it already..."

Lianne tells Albert:

"Thanks for the help. That, and Dos-2-Dos are the recomended utility
choices. I did post message in the Amiga platform, but you Atari guys
know so much about this stuff I knew I wouldn't be aking a mistake in
posting the question here too. Thanks again."

Well folks, it's been a long, hectic, totally forgettable week (with the
exception of Callum's "Pentium Post". So, I'll stop here and say good
bye for now.

Tune in again next week and be ready to listen to what they are saying




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