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Silicon Times Report Issue 1105

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.
A division of
STR Worldwide CompNews Inc.

February 03, 1995 No. 1105

Silicon Times Report
International OnLine Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano, Editor

Voice: 1-904-783-3319 10am-4pm EST

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> 02/03/95 STR 1105 "The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine!"
- STR INDUSTRY REPORT - Optimizing Memory - COREL CUTS $$
- GATEWAY to ship w/Win'95 - Mac Touchpad Shown - LottoMan v1.23
- PEAVEY Sound Cards - DIGITAL'95 - PCNet-OnLine
- PerfectOffice Overview - People Talking - JAGUAR NEWSWIRE

-* WIN'95 TO DEBUT AFTER 08/01/95! *-

STReport International OnLine Magazine
The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
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"The Original 16/32bit OnLine Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

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"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Another week has gone by and the goodies just keep coming for the PC
and MAC world. The new software and the updates are powerful and loaded
with "cross-platform" compatibility. Optimization of a system's
performance is always interesting reading and with the newer software
emerging already optimized for 32bit performance, speed is really the name
of the game. Elsewhere in this issue, we have included our Autoexec.bat
file and Config.sys file for all to see. With advice and expert help of
Glenwood Drake we were able to set these two files up and with all our
goodies running, still have 632k free! That folks, is without and memory
managers running or having been used to optimize. Be sure to check it

Novell's Perfect Office is truly superb. The power it yields to the
user is mind boggling. Word Perfect 6.1 for Windows is included and its
everything anybody could ever possibly want, from word processing to desk
top publishing, in this powerful document processor. From a small
business to a corporate networked giant, PerfectOffice is all they ever
need. We have a good overview in this week's issue.

In last week's editorial, mention was made of the successful sales
track record posted by 3DO. At the same time, mention was also made about
the 3DO outselling "all the others" at a ratio of three to one. Then
mention was made of the most "dismal one" and that it would "soon
disappear" from the market. Additionally, mention was made of hard copy
and cable ads not being sufficient for the console posting the dismal
sales records. Little did this reporter realize the "stink" that would
arise from a few readers in Delphi's Atari area. Folks, believe it or
not, the most dismal performance sales wise this past year was indeed *
NOT * the Atari Jaguar. As a few readers unfortunately had "assumed". It
was the Phillips CDI. Also, as was pointed out, the cable ads and hard
copy ads for the Phillips were simply not enough to make the purchasing
public aware of its existence. The cable ads for the CDI was a repetitive
"Infomercial" that soon proved to be most annoying. Sorry to have created
such "confusion" for those easily alarmed few.

For the record, anybody caring to rebut anything in STReport is more
than welcome to do so. All we sincerely ask for is respect and decorum be
the by-words in such an endeavor. Also, we will not allow personalities
or, personal criticisms. Stick to the facts and the issues and we'll be
more than happy to publish your rebuttal and/or "letter to the editor".

Thanks for reading STReport!


Of Special Note:
STReport will be branching out further to Internet's userbase in the
very near future. We've received numerous requests to receive STReport
from a wide variety of Internet addresses. As a result, we're putting
together an Internet distribution/mailing list for those who wish to
receive STReport on a regular basis, and we'll UUENCODE each issue and
mail it to you.

If you're interested in being added to our mailing list, please, send
your requests to either "" or, RMARIANO@DELPHI.COM. Look
for mailings to begin by October first. We are also considering a number
of Internet ftp sites in which to post our issues for as well. Whatever
we can do to make STReport available to you. we'll try it!



Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles J. Deegan D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Michael Arthur John Deegan Brad Martin
John Szczepanik Paul Guillot Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy Jeff Kovach
Marty Mankins Carl Prehn Paul Charchian

Contributing Correspondents:
Dominick J. Fontana Norman Boucher Clemens Chin
Eric Jerue Ron Deal Mike Barnwell
Ed Westhusing Glenwood Drake Vernon W.Smith
Bruno Puglia Paul Haris Kevin Miller
Craig Harris Allen Chang Tim Holt
Patrick Hudlow Tom Sherwin

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

CompuServe................... 70007,4454
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET........................ 1:112/35
FNET........................... NODE 620
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
America OnLine..................STReport

STReport, with its policy of not accepting any paid advertising, has over
the years developed the reputation of "saying it like it really is". When
it comes to our editorials, product evaluations, reviews and over-views,
we shall always keep our readers interests first and foremost. With the
user in mind, STReport further pledges to maintain the reader confidence
that has been developed over the years and to continue "living up to
such". All we ask is that our readers make certain the manufacturers,
publishers etc., know exactly where the information about their products
appeared. In closing, we shall arduously endeavor to meet and further
develop the high standards of straight forwardness our readers have come
to expect in each and every issue.

The Staff & Editors




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #05

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

>> IBM Claims Outlet Store Triumph <<

IBM Corp. reports that its PC factory outlet store has exceeded sales
projections for its first year by 30%. The facility, located at the Tri-
angle Factory Shops in Morrisville, North Carolina, was created to help
the computer maker dispose of discontinued models.

After a grand opening weekend that drew 10,000 shoppers, IBM says the
outlet has continued to enjoy steady interest, averaging 400 shoppers a
day and beating IBM's own sales projections for the first year.

IBM offers shoppers PC systems at 20% to 50% off their original pri-
ces. The models range from PS/1 home PCS to ValuePoint business systems,
as well as notebook computers, software and accessories.

A discontinued PS/1 desktop with a 66MHz 486DX2 microprocessor, pre-
loaded software, color monitor and other features can be purchased for
less than $1,500, as can a refurbished ThinkPad 350 with color display
and a 25MHz 486SL microprocessor.

>> IBM Offers New Leasing Program <<

IBM Credit Corp. has announced a PC leasing program that aims to pro-
tect customers against technological obsolescence.

With the program, qualifying customers can acquire any IBM PC system
on 24-, 36-, 48- or 60-month lease terms. During the course of their
lease, customers can exchange a portion of their leased systems for the
most current IBM technology. Additionally, customers can take advantage
of several asset management services as well as procurement, distri-
bution and disposal tools to reduce the high life-cycle costs of a PC.

>> Windows95 to Debut After Aug.1 <<

Microsoft Corp. announced this week that its much-publicized and
long-awaited Windows95 operating system will not be available before
Aug. 1.

"Windows95 will not be available before August 1," said Patrick De
Smedt, general manager of Microsoft NV, the firm's Belgian unit.

Michel Vermeulen, product manager PSD Benelux, said it was likely
Windows95 will be launched between Aug. 1 and mid-September. "The launch
date will depend on the results of the third beta (tests) which are
expected by the end of March. We want to launch a completely bugs-free
product," he said.

>> NEC to Boost DRAM Production <<

NEC Corp. announced this week it will boost its output of both 4- and
16-megabit dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips to meet surging
demand for personal computers.

Reports from Tokyo say that NEC will boost its global output of 4-
megabit DRAMs to 13 million units a month by March, up from the 12
million units currently being produced each month. The company last
boosted its output of the mainline memory chip in late 1994 to 12
million units from 11 million units.

In addition, production of the next benchmark product, 16-megabit
DRAMs, will increase to 7 million units a month by the end of 1995.
About 3 million units of the sophisticated DRAMs are now being produced.

>> GATEWAY to Pre-Load Windows 95 <<

GATEWAY 2000 Inc. says it will pre-load Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 95
on its desktops and portables when the new operating environment is
available later this year.

GATEWAY officials said the company and Microsoft have signed a market
development agreement that calls for worldwide partnering in marketing
and technical support for Windows 95.

>> Data General Offers Hand-Held Unit <<

DataGenie is the newest member of Data General Corp.'s family of
hand-held computers. The company says the water-resistant unit is
suitable for use in tough environments and uses AA batteries for 200
hours of battery life, the longest in the industry.

Reports say the computer, which measures 7.5 inches by 3 inches and
weighs 15 ounces, is available for $745 to end users, resellers and
system integrators.

>> Faster Pentium Introduced <<

A third-generation Pentium chip set that is said to run Windows pro-
grams up to 30% faster than other similar products has been introduced
by Intel Corp.

Intel officials said the Triton four-component set is available in
production quantities at a cost of $41.95 each for orders of at least

"The Triton is aimed at delivering improved performance in applica-
tions such as multimedia and video conferencing that need to operate at
fast speeds."

The chip set includes versions offering memory between 4MB and 128MB
and offers native signal processing technology that enables computers to
run several applications, such as voice, data, telephone functions and
speech recognition, at the same time.

>> IBM, Toshiba Cut Notebook Prices <<

IBM Corp. and Toshiba America Information Systems Inc have cut prices
on several of their notebook computer models. The moves follow price re-
ductions announced recently by Compaq Computer Corp. and Dell Computer

IBM says it has cut prices 5% to 24% on four models in its ThinkPad
line. The new prices of the ThinkPad 755C, 755CS, 360C and 360CE
represent savings of $200 to $1,200 off of IBM's PC Direct price. The
four ThinkPad models are available in 17 configurations.

Toshiba has reduced prices on selected Toshiba, Satellite and
Satellite Pro color notebook computers by up to 22%.

The affected models include the Toshiba T4700CT, T4800CT and T4850CT;
Satellite Pro T2400C and T2450CT; and Satellite T1960C.

>> Apple Forecasts 16 Percent Growth <<

Apple Computer Inc. has forecast it will expand 16% this year in the
global personal computer market.

Michael Spindler, Apple's chief executive officer, is reported as
saying that estimates PC sales should increase to 54 million units this
year, on top of the 18% growth rate in 1994 that translated into 47
million units sold.

"We do not need loans to finance this growth," Spindler told a news
conference in Frankfurt, Germany.

Apple claims to be the third largest PC supplier with a market share
of 8.2%. Compaq tops the list with a market share of 10.5%, ahead of IBM
with 9.2%.

>> Microsoft Pledges Apple Support <<

Microsoft Corp. has told reporters and industry analysts it is firmly
committed to Apple Computer Inc. systems, despite what some cite as
Apple's eroding share of the PC market.

"Macintosh is a big business for us and one that continues to grow,"
Microsoft Vice President Pete Higgins of the software publisher's desk-
top applications division said this week, "It's one we're very, very
happy with."

Microsoft's Windows for IBM-compatible machines runs on at least 80%
of the world's PCS, while Apple's Macintosh computers command less than
10% of the market.

Higgins said Microsoft's applications such as word processors and
spreadsheets for Apple computer users, reached about $400 million last
year, amounting to nearly 9% of Microsoft's total revenue of $4.6

He indicated Microsoft will nearly double the number of software
titles developed for the Macintosh this year, that 11 new programs will
be added to the current list of 12 titles for the Macintosh, which
include Microsoft Office, Excel and PowerPoint.

>> Compaq Offers Two New Notebooks <<

Two new color models have been added to Compaq Computer Corp.'s
Contura notebook computer line. The computer maker also has cut prices
on selected models of its Aero line, on the Contura 400 and on the LTE
Elite product line.

A statement from the firm says the new models, the Contura 410C and
410CX, both are powered by Intel Corp. 486DX/50 microprocessors and have
350MB hard drives. The 410 CX, with an 8.4-inch color display, is priced
under $2,999, and the 410C, with a 9.5-inch display, at about $2,499.

Meanwhile, the price reductions include:

-:- The Aero 4/25-170, to $999 from $1,199 and the 4/33C models 170
and 250, to $1,599 and $1,799, respectively.
-:- The Contura 400C, to $2,199 from $2,599. The Contura 400CX, to
$2,699 from $3,299.
-:- The LTE Elite 4/40C-170, to $2,499 from $2,899; the 4/40CX-170 to
$3,099 from $3,399; the 4/40CX-340 to $3,599 from $3,899; the
4/50CX-340 to $4,699 from $4,799; the 4/75CX-340 to $5,199 from
$5,399, and the 4/75CX-510 to $5,499 from $5,799.

>> Macintosh Touchpad Announced <<

Alps Electric USA Inc. has introduced a Macintosh version of its
GlidePoint touch surface pointing device.

The device uses the same technology found in the new Apple PowerBook
Trackpad. The $99 GlidePoint comes with an Apple Desktop Bus (ADB)
connector. Software is included to control the cursor or to program any
of the three buttons.

To move the cursor on a computer's screen, the user slides a finger
across the GlidePoint's surface. A Taps features allows users to select
text and objects by tapping a finger lightly on the GlidePoint's

The GlidePoint features a 400 dpi resolution. It works with System
6.0.4 and above.

The PS/2 and serial-port versions of GlidePoint shipped last year.

>> New Newton Unveiled This Week <<

Eighteen months after the initial roll-out, Apple Computer Inc. is
unveiling a new version of its Newton MessagePad hand-held computer,
boosting memory, polishing the design and improving its power to

The new Newton, called the MessagePad 120 personal digital assistant
(PDA), comes after an earlier revision with better handwriting recogni-
tion was released last March.

Reports say that many analysts are praising the machine's enhanced
ability to communicate through cellular and other wireless networks.
Apple said it has been working with several firms, including Motorola
Inc. and AT&T Corp., on new services.

The new 120 (which has been available in Germany since September)
comes with 1MB of RAM for $599, or 2MB for $699. "It also sports a more
readable screen and removable screen cover and comes with more software,
including Pocket Quicken, a personal-finance program, in the more
expensive version," the wire service says.

Also, the 120:

-:- Can accept a greater variety of optional credit-card sized
devices that let it receive data, send faxes and exchange messages.
-:- And, as with the previous version, has optional software to allow
data sharing with both Macintosh and Windows-based personal

>> Corel Cuts Software Prices <<

Prices have been cut on CorelDraw 3 and 4, Corel Ventura 4.2, Corel
Photo-Paint 5 Plus and the Ventura 5 upgrade software, effective

In a statement, Corel President/CEO Michael Cowpland said the price
adjustments "reflect the increased momentum for name brand software in
the consumer channel."

The price changes include:

-:- CorelDraw 3 CD-ROM from $149 to $99, diskette from $199 to $149.
-:- CorelDraw 4 CD-ROM from $395 to $199, diskette from $595 to $249.
-:- Ventura CD-ROM from $199 to $99, diskette from $249 to $149.
-:- Photo-Paint 5 Plus CD-ROM from $199 to $99.
-:- Ventura 5 upgrades CD-ROM from $199 to $99.

Prices for the diskette versions of Ventura 5 and Photo- Paint 5 will
remain at $249.

>> Sun Microsystem's Solstice Debuts <<

Sun Microsystems Inc. this week will unveil a software system for
managing huge, multiple network, distributed computing systems.

The new software, called Solstice, offers network system managers
greater scalability, as well as control from any location.

Several other network management software products already exist on
the market, including products form Hewlett-Packard, IBM Corp., and Sun.
However Solstice is unique because as scalable software, it can be used
to manage networks of 100 computers or hundreds of thousands of
computers. It also allows administration and management of a network,
including adding people to the network, from any desktop on the system
and not just a centralized site.

>> Computer Tycoons Fund Space Probe <<

Money from the pockets of several computer entrepreneurs will be the
primary funding source for the world's largest radio telescope that will
"eavesdrop" in the search for extraterrestrial life.

Reports are that the five-month project will begin Thursday and take
advantage of a rare opportunity to use an Australian radio telescope,
the biggest on Earth, to seek signs of ET.

Abandoned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the
project, with costs of $4 million annually, has received private funding
from entrepreneurs William Hewlett and David Packard; Gordon Moore, co-
founder and board chairman of Intel Corp.; and Paul Allen, co-founder of
Microsoft Corp. and founder, chairman and chief executive officer for
Asymetrix of Bellevue, Washington.

NASA had spent a decade developing specialized equipment for the
Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence when the federal funding of
$12 million a year ended. Scientists from the nonprofit SETI Institute
of Mountain View sought private funding to keep the project viable.

The scientists are searching for cosmic radio transmissions that were
either deliberately broadcast in Earth's direction or inadvertently
escaped from a distant planet in much the same way some of human radio,
television and radar emissions unavoidably leak into space.

The radio telescope in Parkes, New South Wales, Australia, some 210
feet in diameter, will be used for what has been dubbed Project Phoenix.
About 1,000 Sun-like stars will be scrutinized over the next five years.
All the targeted star systems are less than 150 light-years away.

>> Software, OnLine Services Boom <<

The U.S. Census Bureau says software and OnLine services are setting
the pace for the fast-growing service sector of the nation's economy.

The Census Bureau report as finding:

-:- Sales of prepackaged software jumped 253% between 1987 and 1992.
-:- Information retrieval service is the second fastest growing
category, up 229%, reflecting the growth in OnLine computer services.

Putting this in perspective, the 1992 Census of Service Industries
says overall the service segment of American business totaled $1.6
trillion, up 59% from the previous count. The service sector provided 20
million jobs, up 4.8 million from 1987. About half of the service jobs
were in health care.





First Full-featured Multimedia Cards from
Professional Audio Equipment Manufacturer

MERIDIAN, Mississippi--February 01, 1995-- The choice of professional
musicians worldwide for thirty years, PEAVEY Electronics announced its
introduction into the multimedia arena at the 1994 COMDEX Show with the
availability of a full-line of dedicated multimedia audio products,
including professional audio cards, speakers, microphones, and
accessories. The line-up features PEAVEY's award-winning DSP technology
in its MediaMorph 16-bit audio cards. The all-inclusive, full-featured
multimedia and business audio cards offer a full complement of game,
entertainment and telephone features.

Professional Sound Cards:
Designed around the same 66 MHZ Motorola DSP56002 Digital Sound Processor
and Proprietary Host Interface ASIC developed by PEAVEY and used in the
PEAVEY family of keyboards, the MediaMorph cards provide a totally
integrated solution for both native DOS and Windows environments. This
technology was voted Product of the Year by Electronic Engineering Times'
international readership of more than 3,000 engineers. In addition,
MediaMorph features compatible support for a full complement of game and
entertainment software, PEAVEY's professional 32-voice Wavetable
Synthesizer supporting general MIDI synthesis, industry-standard telephony
features, and Windows Sound System support. MediaMorph is Windows 3.x
compatible and is upgradable for the full support of future Windows

Known worldwide for its speaker engineering, manufacturing, and product
excellence, PEAVEY takes this standard to its new line of multimedia

The PS-300, PS-500, PS-1000, PS-4000, and PS-Sub.

Retailing from $69.95 per pair, PEAVEY brings its legendary sonic clarity,
known to the world's leading musicians, to the world of multimedia...
whether an exacting multimedia professional, a musician with a home
studio, or a game enthusiast with a sensitive ear, PEAVEY has speakers
offering professional performance and quality.

Microphones / Earphones:
The PEAVEY TDM-1 microphone/earphone (from $19.99) features a unique
patent-pending, single point support system that is completely user
adjustable for maximized comfort. Designed specifically for speech
recognition systems, this unit is equipped with audio feedback earphones
for playback privacy.

For more information:

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> LottoMan 1.23 STR InfoFile

LottoMan Version 1.23

LottoMan 1.23 is truly superb. In the course of using LottoMan for
the last three weeks, six three number sets and one four number set have
come in playing Florida's Lotto. The program is the "_The Lotto Players
Program_". As for its features and functions well they are far too
numerous to mention in one article so, we are going to do things a little
differently with this program. Since we too, play Lotto, (doesn't
everybody?) We'll keep you informed of our successes on a weekly basis.
So far the program has produced minor winners every week that we've been
using it. If you are a lotto player, you _need_ LottoMan. Its available
for D/L on CompuServe and most popular OnLine Networks and many private
BBS systems. LottoMan is shareware and shareware at its very best. This
program is well worth the D/L. And the shareware fee.

Program Requirements

This program requires Windows Version 3.1 or later, an 80386 (or better)
computer with 4 meg of memory and 5.5 meg of free hard disk space.

First time users will need to download the files LTTMN1.ZIP, LTTMN2.ZIP
and LTTMN3.ZIP. Extract each file to a blank floppy disk or one temporary
directory on your hard drive. Run SETUP.EXE.

If you have installed an older version of LottoMan already, you need only
download the file LTTMN3.ZIP and extract it to one blank floppy or
temporary directory. Run UPGRADE.EXE.

LottoMan is a shareware program. It is not free. You can register OnLine
via GO SWREG #3604

New In LottoMan v1.23

* New Edit/Select Feature

Select by last N records option

* New Number Wheel Method

Hat Trick easy custom wheel function

* New Tables Menu Options

Number History By Pick, Pool Depth By Pick, Pool Depth By Game,
Repeat Winners, Sector History, Unit Sums

* Improved fonts

Cleaned up fonts in the history table in the main view and the
perpetual calendar in the number editor

* On/Off Indicators for Buttons

The Pick Control buttons in the main view, the draw day buttons in
the Game/Edit option and the live dates in the perpetual calendar
used a three-d up/down look to indicate if the option was on or off.
This version adds a red/green indicator to make it easier to see
which state is active.

* Automated upgrading

Upgrading from old versions is now handled via the UPGRADE.EXE
program in place of extracting and copying files by hand.

LottoMan Version 1.23 Feature List

* Any game from 2 to 6 picks with up to 2 bonus digits between 0 & 99.

* Both ordered daily type games and unordered lotto type games

* Draw histories for most state lotteries (see current history list

* Unlimited data size or number of user plays in the databases

* Complete data import, export and printing

* Full graphing capabilities including printing of all graphs on
Windows compatible printers

* Analysis by age, delta, frequency and/or trend in any combination

* Vector analysis provides accurate forecasts on up/down movement
direction and distance for each pick

* Detailed analysis tables for Number History By Game, Number
Association between draws, Pairs, Triads, Doubles, Triples, Quads,
Partitions, Ones Digits, Tens Digits, Duplication Patterns, Number
History By Pick, Pool Depth By Pick, Pool Depth By Game, Repeat
Winners, Sector History, Unit Sums

* Full featured number wheel with built in QP wheels, exhaustive
wheels, guaranteed win wheels, hat tricks and subset selection

* Custom wheels are fully supported, includes several sample custom
wheels for pick 3, pick 4 and lotto

* Complete play filtering for hi/low, odd/even, previous wins, ones
digit duplication, tens digit duplication and number of repeating

* Exhaustive self test mode to aid you in finding the methods and
controls that produce winning numbers

* Over 1.5meg of in-depth OnLine help and play theory

* Multi-media sound support

* Permits registered users to upgrade their copies by downloading this
shareware version

* Automated upgrading

Data provided with LottoMan Version 1.23

Arizona Fantasy 5 11/01/91 - 10/29/93
Lotto 07/05/89 - 10/27/93

Austria Lotto 01/03/93 - 10/09/94

California Pick 3 04/13/92 - 01/12/95
Fantasy 5 02/04/92 - 10/21/94
Super Lotto 12/18/91 - 10/22/94

Canada 6/49 Lotto 01/04/89 - 10/22/94
BC 6/49 Lotto 01/29/92 - 10/22/94

Connecticut Play 3 01/02/80 - 12/12/94
Play 4 01/12/93 - 12/12/94
Cash 5 04/11/92 - 12/10/94
Lotto 01/03/89 - 12/09/94

Colorado Lotto 01/28/89 - 10/27/93

DC Quick Cash 05/01/89 - 10/27/93

Delaware Evening Pick 3 01/02/80 - 01/14/95
Midday Pick 3 05/18/93 - 01/14/95
Lotto 11/25/88 - 10/26/93

Florida Pick 3 04/29/88 - 01/22/95
Pick 4 10/22/94 - 01/20/95
Fantasy 5 04/31/93 - 01/20/95
Lotto 05/07/88 - 01/21/95

Georgia Pick 3 08/10/93 - 01/20/95
Fantasy 5 11/18/94 - 01/20/95
Lotto 09/18/93 - 01/14/95

Idaho Fantastic 5 09/21/90 - 10/12/93

Illinois Midday Pick 3 12/20/93 - 11/08/94
Evening Pick 3 03/14/83 - 11/09/94
Little Lotto 06/01/88 - 10/21/94
Lotto 05/07/88 - 10/22/94

Indiana Lotto 05/05/90 - 09/25/93

Iowa Lotto 07/19/89 - 10/30/93

Kansas Lotto 06/04/88 - 10/22/94

Kentucky Cash 5 10/11/91 - 10/21/94
Lotto 10/21/89 - 10/22/94

Louisiana Pick 3 10/22/94 - 11/18/94
Lotto 02/01/92 - 11/12/94

Maryland Match 5 10/11/91 - 01/15/95
Lotto 05/19/90 - 01/14/95

Massachusetts Numbers Game 10/22/94 - 01/20/95
Cash 5 03/28/91 - 01/19/95
Megabucks 04/03/91 - 01/18/95
Millions 04/02/91 - 01/20/95

Michigan Pick 3 01/01/80 - 01/21/95
Pick 4 10/08/81 - 01/21/95
Cash 5 03/20/92 - 01/20/95
Lotto 12/06/89 - 01/18/95

Minnesota Gopher 5 05/24/91 - 01/20/95

Missouri SuperCash 5 01/20/92 - 10/22/94
Lotto 07/12/89 - 10/22/94

Montana Lotto 05/11/91 - 10/31/93

New Jersey Pick 3 08/01/94 - 01/02/95
Pick 4 08/01/94 - 01/02/95
Cash 5 10/07/92 - 12/30/94
Pick 6 01/02/89 - 01/02/95

New York Daily 09/01/94 - 01/20/95
Win 4 08/01/94 - 01/20/95
Take 5 01/17/92 - 01/20/95
Lotto 54 01/16/88 - 01/18/95

New Hampshire Lotto 05/11/91 - 10/31/95

Ohio Pick 3 01/01/80 - 01/21/95
Pick 4 04/09/81 - 01/21/95
Cash 5 05/05/92 - 01/20/95
Lotto 01/12/91 - 01/18/95

Pennsylvania Daily Number 09/06/93 - 01/18/95
Big 4 Daily 12/18/90 - 01/15/95
Cash 5 04/23/92 - 01/12/95
Wild Card Lotto 12/19/88 - 01/13/95

Powerball 04/22/92 - 01/18/95

Rhode Island Lot-O-Bucks 08/07/84 - 10/28/93

Texas Pick 3 10/25/93 - 01/20/95
Lotto 11/14/92 - 01/18/95

Tri-State Cash 5 04/28/92 - 10/18/94
Megabucks 09/14/85 - 10/22/94

Tri-West Lotto 02/26/94 - 11/16/94

Vermont Lotto 06/02/90 - 10/29/93

Virginia Pick 3 05/22/89 - 01/21/95
Pick 4 09/30/91 - 01/21/95
Cash 5 02/05/93 - 01/21/95
Lotto 01/27/90 - 01/21/95

West Virginia Pick 3 01/01/91 - 11/30/94
Pick 4 01/01/91 - 11/30/94
Cash 25 02/09/90 - 10/29-93

Wisconsin SuperCash 07/10/90 - 07/09/93

LottoMan v1.23 Bug Fixes

Tables Options: GPF error
This version of LottoMan fixes the GPF bug in the Tables menu options
and a great many other "odd" behaviors related to that bug. This error
was typically encountered when running tables on small data sets. The odd
behaviors appeared with larger data sets.

Filter By Ones digits
A subtle bug in the Filter Your Plays option for filtering plays
based on Ones digits was uncovered. The Ones digits option was using the
settings for the ten digits in making it's filtering choices.

800x600 Main View Table Length
In this one mode, the history table appeared as 26 lines in place of
the normal 25 and there were associated problems with draw selection,
editing and deletion.




PerfectOffice 3.0, Novell's first desktop applications suite is available
on retail shelves.

PerfectOffice 3.0 combines WordPerfect, the best-selling word processor of
all time, with award-winning applications in six different categories. The
new product goes beyond traditional suites by offering superior program
integration with PerfectFit technology, task automation with the first
cross-application scripting language and network benefits for both end
users and IS managers. PerfectOffice 3.0 is also the first suite to
include workgroup publishing tools for collaborative computing across

PerfectOffice 3.0 has already received industry acclaim since its
announcement in June 1994. PC/Computing gave the product a 4.5 (out of
five) star rating, the highest score in its suite review (November 1994)
and called it "the best all-around suite for integration." The Nov. 14,
1994 issue of InfoWorld claimed that the product "has a definite shot at
the office suite title." The Oct. 25 issue of PC Magazine predicted that
"PerfectOffice may well change what we expect from suites." The January
issue of PC World reports that PerfectOffice has "the best integration
we've seen yet in suite products."

"We are thrilled to see such a tremendous early response to this
product," said Ad Rietveld, president of WordPerfect, the Novell
Applications Group. "We are confident that PerfectOffice offers the best
integrated software solution on the market and will begin to define the
next generation of network applications."

Beta Users Discover Innovations in PerfectOffice

"The installation routine was easy, especially for a network
administrator," said Tim Hickernell of Commonwealth Edison Co. in
Chicago. "It provides centralized management of user defaults in
far more detail than in other suites."

"The user interface makes sense," said Bruce Norton of
Norton Innovation in Lititz, Pennsylvania. "There are QuickTasks
and Experts all over the place so you can spend more time using
the product and less time learning it."

"The scripting language, PerfectScript, is like nothing else
I've seen in other office suites," said Paul Dalton, of Jackson &
Walker, a Texas law firm. "It's a really nice, easy-to-learn,
cross-application approach."

Two Versions of PerfectOffice Now Shipping

PerfectOffice is now shipping in two versions Standard and
Professional. PerfectOffice Standard includes the following products:

WordPerfect 6.1 (word processor)
Quattro Pro 6.0 (spreadsheet)
Presentations 3.0 (presentation graphics)
InfoCentral 1.1 (personal information manager)
Envoy 1.0 (workgroup publishing tool)
GroupWise 4.1 client license (integrated e-mail, calendaring
and scheduling)

PerfectOffice Professional will include all of the above products as
well as Borland International's Paradox 5.0, a relational database, and
Novell AppWare (formerly Visual AppBuilder), a fifth-generation visual
custom development tool.

A third version, PerfectOffice Select, will offer the industry's
first "create your own" suite solution and is scheduled for release in
first quarter 1995. Using new CD-ROM- based technology, customers will be
able to select from any of the applications in the Standard and
Professional versions, as well as certain Novell GroupWare applications,
WordPerfect Main Street products, and a variety of integrated third-party

PerfectFit Integration Dramatically Improves Ease of Learning

PerfectFit technology provides each of the PerfectOffice components
with unparalleled program integration including a consistent user
interface, common tools, and PerfectScript, the first cross-application
scripting language to be included in a suite. Each of the programs in
PerfectOffice shares consistent toolbars, pull-down menus and common key
dialog boxes. PerfectFit ensures that each PerfectOffice program looks and
feels alike, so users can easily learn each of the applications.

PerfectFit technology also provides PerfectOffice users with the most
extensive set of common suite tools in the industry. The speller,
thesaurus, drawing module, grammar checker, file manager, Coaches, Experts
and QuickCorrect feature are shared among applications. In addition to
consistency, users benefit from conservation of system resources and

In addition to PerfectFit technology, PerfectOffice is the first
suite to offer support for Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) 2.0
functionality in five applications. Users can easily drag and drop data
among PerfectOffice programs. With "in-place" editing, users can edit
"objects" (such as a Quattro Pro spreadsheet) directly from WordPerfect or
other PerfectOffice applications.

QuickTasks Help Users Focus on Tasks Rather than Applications

PerfectOffice goes beyond the traditional ease-of-use features found
in competing suites to automate entire tasks for users, independent of
individual applications. New QuickTasks, accessible from the Desktop
Application Director (DAD), automatically perform simple and complex tasks
directly from the desktop, letting users concentrate on tasks rather than
applications. QuickTasks don't force the user to open individual
applications in order to get work done. Users can access more than 50
QuickTasks to automatically create letters, faxes, spreadsheets and slide
shows; update InfoCentral records; schedule meetings; open e-mail;
generate mail merges or perform other common tasks. Users can also use the
QuickTask Expert to create their own customized QuickTasks.

PerfectOffice Leverages the Network to Help Users Work Together Better

"The merger of WordPerfect and Novell, and the acquisition of Quattro
Pro, has helped the new Novell create the industry's first network suite,"
said Mark Calkins, general manager of Novell's Business Applications
Division. "Being the first network suite means much more than just running
on a network. PerfectOffice is the first suite to begin to integrate
network and workgroup services with desktop applications, making it the
best solution for end users, as well as for system administrators who
manage software across an enterprise."

PerfectOffice is the only suite to include a workgroup publishing
tool for collaborative computing. Envoy lets users electronically view,
annotate and distribute documents across the network while keeping all
graphic design elements intact even if they don't have the software that
was used to create the document. The innovative compression technology in
Envoy often reduces files to one-third their size, conserving network
resources as documents are distributed.

PerfectOffice integrates all of its products with GroupWise, Novell's
leading GroupWare solution. From within each of the PerfectOffice
applications, users can access GroupWise to send e- mail, schedule
personal and group appointments, check calendars, and assign and manage
workgroup tasks.

For system administrators, PerfectOffice supports Novell's NetWare
Navigator, giving them the ability to easily install and update software
across a network. PerfectOffice includes two network installation models:
the Corporate model allows administrators to control the settings for an
enterprise from a central location and the Professional model lets users
define their own settings.

Industry's Best Toll-Free Customer Support

Novell is the only software vendor to offer toll-free, no- fee
support for its business applications (Microsoft and Lotus offer toll
support only). PerfectOffice users can receive six months of toll-free,
no-fee Classic Service, after which they can choose from a variety of
other support options.

Pricing and System Requirements

During the period December 1, 1994 to March 31, 1995, the Standard
Upgrade packages in both 3.5" disk and CD versions will be offered at
special introductory pricing of approximately $199 in stores and $209
directly from Novell. The Standard Tradeup packages in both 3.5" disk and
CD versions will be offered at approximately $239 in stores and $249
directly from Novell.

For new users, the suggested retail price of PerfectOffice Standard
is $659 (US). The suggested retail price of PerfectOffice Professional is
$859 (US), upgrade price is $359 (US) and users of competitive products
can upgrade for a suggested retail price of $399 (US).

PerfectOffice requires a 386-25MHz machine or better with 8MB RAM,
and Windows 3.1 or higher.

For more information about PerfectOffice 3.0 for Windows, customers
can call (800) 451-5151.



on CompuServe

The first thing you'll see is the friendly welcome...

Welcome to PCNet-OnLine!

Your OnLine PC resource for over 10 years.

What is PCNet-OnLine?
The PC Users Network started over a decade ago as the IBM Users Network
or IBMNET. While not affiliated with IBM it was an authorized IBM users
group and at the time the IBM PC was about the only "IBM compatible"
computer available.

Over the years compatibles became major players and the scope of the
forums expanded to include all PCS. After a lot of consideration and
despite the goodwill associated with the old name we elected to change it
to reflect the true nature of the forums.

Nothing else has changed, you'll still find the same folks and same
excellent shareware and the "old" IBMNET forum "go" words will continue to
work just fine.

If you're just hooking up with PCNet-OnLine don't be confused when you
see references to the old IBMNET forums, the "go" words, libraries and
other references will stuff apply.

What are we?
We are a group of PC users that have a special interest in all aspects of
personal computers. In addition to our message and conference areas
you'll find a wide variety of excellent software in our libraries. The
Forums are very similar to a users group although you have access 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week. Beyond your hourly CompuServe connect charge
there's no additional fee associated with your membership in PCNet-OnLine.

Each PCNet-OnLine forum can be accessed from the GO PCNET menu or you can
use the GO navigational command to go directly to the forum. The GO
"quick reference word" for each forum is included in the area descriptions
that follow:

PC New User's Forum/Welcome Center - GO PCNEW
If you're just getting started with the PC or with downloading and the
various file types this is the best place to start. You'll get fast
responses to your questions, find special files that will help you get the
most out of CompuServe, hints and tips on reading messages and

The old sawbuck about "The only dumb question is the one not asked"
applies here! Don't be shy, there's no need to struggle through a problem
that's been solved many times before. You'll find very helpful members
who will do their best to quickly resolve any problems.

PC Hardware Forum - GO PCHW
Have a question about a piece of equipment? Can't get that printer to
work? Would you like a viewpoint from another user on a particular piece
of equipment before you plunk down your money? The PC Hardware Forum is
our area for discussing hardware related issues. In addition to reviews
and other comments on hardware, there are hardware diagnostic programs,
hardware specific utilities (printer utilities, disk managers, special
video programs and drivers) and other hardware specific software in the

The PC Hardware forum also has a special section for mainframes that spans
both hardware and software.

PC Applications Forum - GO PCAPP
Here you'll find the "core" applications for the PC; word processing, data
base management, business and personal accounting, business graphics, desk
top publishing, educational software and much more. You'll find most
"mainstream" applications in the libraries of this forum.

PC Utilities/Systems Forum - GO PCUTIL
Here you'll find the latest and greatest in general utilities and
information on the various operating systems and environments available
for the PC including Windows and OS/2. In the libraries here you'll find
various utility programs including operating system additions, power
tools, desktop utilities and all those small (and sometimes not so small)
programs that make living with the PC easier.

PC Programming Forum - GO PCPROG
If it concerns programming for the PC the Programming forum is for you.
Assemblers, source code in a variety of languages and help from fellow
members can be found here. PCPROG not only contains valuable information
for experienced programmers but also contain hints, tips and tutorials for
those just starting to program.

PC Communications Forum - GO PCCOM
The Communications Forum bridges two areas; hardware and software. In
this Forum you'll find discussions on how to use various communications
programs and hardware. In the data libraries, you'll see the best public
domain and shareware communications software available, including one of
the best CompuServe specific programs going; Autosig (and it's free to

PC Bulletin Board Forum - GO PCBBS
The BBS forum contains bulletin board programs, utilities, door programs
and the discussion of issues concerning bulletin board operators and
users. You'll find a wide variety of bulletin board programs, bulletin
board utilities and helpful advice from other bulletin board operators if
you currently run a board or plenty of getting started advice if you're
interested in starting one.

PC Fun Forum - GO PCFUN
The Fun forum is just that, loads of outstanding entertainment related
files ranging from the very latest graphic wonders, music related
programs, arcade shoot 'em ups to classic adventure games.

If you're looking for some stress reduction or to just put your feet up on
the desk and have some fun this is the place to find it.

Shareware/ASP Forum - GO ASPFORUM
The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) is a non-profit group has
dedicated itself to educating computer users about the "try before you
buy" software marketing concept and set standards for the author and user
community. If you'd like some info on shareware, joining the ASP or just
want to discuss shareware issues drop by and add your two cents.

PC Vendor Forums
The PC Vendor Forums started as an experiment in using the multiple
sections of the forum software to multiple vendors to share a forum to
provide support for their products through the electronic medium.

The original PC Vendor forum (PCVENA) proved to be so popular the concept
has been expanded into multiple additional forums. New vendors are added
frequently and you can use the Support Directory (GO SUPPORT) to search
for product support locations.

PC File Finder - GO PCFF
If you finding a specific file seems daunting there is a special database
containing information on all PCNet-OnLine and most PC related forum
files. The PC File Finder will allow you to search on filename or keyword
or use a variety of search methods that will help you quickly locate files
of interest.

Other PCNet-OnLine Tips and Hints
All uploads to PCNet-OnLine are carefully checked before being made
available to members. Since our members are the source of our library
files it's a perfect opportunity to communicate your likes and dislikes
directly to the author. For more info on the libraries please consult the
library announcement in each forum.

The PCNET-OnLine Forums are independent and are not affiliated with any
specific vendor.

If you have any problems getting started in PCNET please GO PCNEW and
review the announcements and help files there. If you have any questions
the SysOps are here to help, so be sure and post a message if you run into
a problem.

SysOp Don Watkins [76703,750]


> ProCom Plus 2.1 STR InfoFile

DATASTORM will release on February 13, 1995, PROCOMM PLUS for Windows
version 2.1--an update to our best selling product. Registered users
of PROCOMM PLUS for Windows 2.0 can acquire the update for free.

Choose the update option that is easiest for you:

1. Download from the DATASTORM BBS at 314.875.0503 (ANSI, N, 8, 1)
2. Download from the CompuServe DATASTORM Forum "GO DATASTORM"
3. Download by connecting into several Internet FTP sites such as in directory /pub/pc/win3/patches or in directory /vender/datastorm
4. Order a disk and printed supplement guide direct from DATASTORM

($7.50 shipping & handling)



As promised.. Here are the boot up files used for the STR systems.

With these files and the expert help of Staff member Glenwood Drake,
getting these files set-up properly was relatively easy. We now boot both
systems with 632k free and 27k or more still free in high memory.

Remember, this is all out the first mb which is where it all "takes

SET PCTOOLS=h:\pctools\data
SET BLASTER=A220 I10 D1 H6 P300 E620 T6
prompt $P$G
D:\SB16\SB16SET /P /Q


And now, the same two files for the STReport Support BBS system:

C:\SBPRO\SBP-SET /M:12 /VOC:12 /CD:12 /FM:12
prompt $P$G


The key expression in both setups is:


Try this expression. Of course, you must fit it into your config.sys
file. That should be easy. Its yield, as far as memory is concerned,
will surprise you. If you have any questions send them along and we'll do
our best to get right back to you.

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N


For a limited time only; If you wish to have a FREE sample printout sent
to you that demonstrates FARGO Primera & Primera Pro SUPERIOR QUALITY
600dpi 24 bit Photo Realistic Color Output, please send a Self Addressed
Stamped Envelope [SASE] (business sized envelope please) to:

STReport's Fargo Printout Offer
P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32205-6155

Folks, the FARGO Primera Pro has GOT to be the best yet. Its far superior
to the newest of Color Laser Printers selling for more than three times as
much. Its said that ONE Picture is worth a thousand words. Send for this
sample now. Guaranteed you will be amazed at the superb quality. (please,
allow at least a one week turn-around)

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N


Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GENIE Information Services copyright 1995 by General Electric
Information Services/GENIE, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GENIE users!

John Deegan, Editor (Temp)

> DIGITAL'95 Conference STR FOCUS!

Digital '95 Conference

Watch for more details:

The theme of this year's conference is preparing yourself for a smooth
ride on the information superhighway.

Print publications of all types are beginning to offer text and photos
to readers in new electronic forms, including OnLine services,
bulletin boards, The Internet's World Wide Web and interactive
multi-media such as CD-ROM. Photographers, photo editors and systems
managers are looking beyond the basics of scanning to more powerful
ways of managing images and networks that will serve the needs of
pagination systems and OnLine information sources.


Wednesday, March 1 should be your travel day. The registration desk
will be open from noon to 5:30 p.m. and the opening reception (cash
bar) with hors d'oeuvres will run from 6 to 8 p.m.

The program begins on Thursday, March 2 with three general sessions
and two breakout sessions. Friday will feature two general sessions
and three breakout sessions. Most breakout sessions will repeated.

The vendor show runs 9 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Thursday and Friday and 9
a.m. to 12 p.m on Saturday.


See the below for a list of the major general sessions and the
breakout sessions.


Use the form below and mail, fax, or e-mail to Planners Network. (513
728-4671, fax 513 728-4672 e-mail:


San Francisco International is 15 miles from the Marriott. A taxi will
cost $20; shuttle bus runs $11.


FAX this form (if paying by credit card) to (513) 728-4672
Mail this form (with US $) to
Digital 95 c/o Planners Network
8952 Winton Road
Cincinnati, OH 45231

Make checks payable to NPPA Digital 95
Registration Fees (in US $):

By 1/31

NPPA Member.....$150
Non-Member..... $175

After 1/31

NPPA Member.........$175
Non-Member......... $200

(Please Print Clearly)

Name: ____________________________________

Organization: ______________________________

Title: _____________________________________

Address: __________________________________

City ______________________________________

State: ___________ Zip Code: ____________ Country: ______________

Work Phone: (_____)______________________

FAX (____)__________________________

NPPA Member:____________

Non-Member __________

Student: ____________

Registration Fee Enclosed: ______________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(If paying by credit card)

Credit card type: Visa or MC: _________________
NOTE: NPPA does not honor American Express

Name (as printed on card): _________________________________________

Card #: ___________________________________

Exp. Date: _________________________________

Signature: __________________________________
(All credit card orders must be signed)


(You may register for one class in each category- Please circle

PhotoShop Beginning or Intermediate
QuarkXPress Beginning or Intermediate
Internet: Browsing the Web

For more information, Call (513) 728-4671




OF ONLINE NEWSPAPERS Kurt Foss of the University of Wisconsin
moderates a panel of editors of OnLine newspapers, exploring why some
have chosen to go with commercial services, some have set up their own
dial-in systems, and others have put their systems on the World Wide
Web of the Internet. And they'll talk about the strategic reasons they
have chosen to be the pioneers.

Foss and his panelists will also gaze into the future and speculate
how high bandwidth networks and ever more sophisticated "information
appliances" will change the direction of these OnLine offerings.


Rick Smolan, producer of the best-selling CD-ROM "From Alice to Ocean"
and the "Day in the Life" book series, shows a preview of his
soon-to-be released project "Passage to Vietnam."

Smolan took seventy of the world's top photojournalists to Vietnam and
had unprecedented access to produce this in-depth profile of the
country today. The project includes a book, an interactive CD-ROM and
a high definition television program. Planned from the outset as a
multimedia project, the CD takes interactivity to new levels,
featuring an editing sessions with magazine photo editors and a
virtual tour of the careers of some of the leading photojournalists
who worked on the project.


David Yarnold, worked his way up through the graphics department to
recently become managing editor of the San Jose Mercury.

Yarnold has built a graphics team that won so many picture editing
awards in the 1993 Pictures of the Year we can't list them all. He'll
chair a panel that includes A.M.E. for Graphics Bryan Monroe, Director
of Photography Geri Migielicz, Features Design Director Nuri Ducassi
and Picture Editor Sue Morrow. Yarnold and company will talk about the
role of leadership in building a quality visual product and how to
structure the newsroom to bring about that success.

They'll also share their thoughts about how the newsroom will interact
with the paper's Mercury Center OnLine effort.


David Cole, newsroom veteran and publisher of the "Cole Papers,"
assembles a panel of experts to assess the state of the art in
archiving and image management.


A panel of manufacturers, moderated by Shelly Katz, a Dallas-based
freelancer, will discuss their cameras and the state of this emerging


Join the top managers of AP photo technology to find out what's coming
down the road in term of picture delivery and dialup access to the AP
Preserver. Craig Porter, Assistant Director of Photography at the
Detroit Free Press, will moderate the session.


Sign up for beginning or intermediate training in PhotoShop and
QuarkXpress. New this year, learn how to cruise the Internet via World
Wide Web browsers.



(partial list; most sessions repeated)

OnLine newspapers: Chris Gulker of the San Francisco Examiner tells
how the newspaper strike presented an opportunity for the Electric
Examiner on the Internet.

Photo Editing: Eric Meskauskas explains how the New York Daily News
uses Photo CD technology to scan 60-80 rolls of film a day and how it
impacts the editing process.

Archiving: Hal Buell and staff demonstrate the dial-up AP Preserver
coming soon; browse AP's photo database, download directly by modem or
order deliver via Photostream.

Systems Editors: Jeff Adams of the Dayton Daily News moderates a trio
of sessions: Introduction to Local Area Networking; Constructing an
On-Ramp to the Information Highway and Newspaper Database: One Size
Fits All.

Photography: Former Geographic photographer Jim Sugar on how digital
imaging fits into the career of a freelancer.

Image Management: Jerome McClendon of the Los Angeles Times explains
what technology he uses to manage what is probably the largest desktop
operation in American newspapers.

Calibration: Los Angeles Times Quality Assurance manager Mike Feasey
talks about the tools he uses to maintain consistency from scanner to
monitor to image setter to press.

Multimedia: Brian Masck and Grover Sanschagrin of the Michigan PPA on
producing your first CD-ROM.

Photo editing: Scott Henry of the Marin (CA) Independent Journal
explains his secrets for trolling the Internet for story and picture
ideas. Henry is Director of Photography and database coordinator for
the paper.



STReport International OnLine Magazine is available every week for your
reading pleasure on DELPHI. STReport's readers are invited to join DELPHI
and become a part of an extremely friendly community of enthusiastic
computer users there.


Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access
DELPHI services via a local phone call


Via modem, dial up DELPHI at 1-800-695-4002
When connected, press RETURN once or twice
At Password: type STREPORT and press RETURN.

DELPHI's 20/20 Advantage Plan
20 Hours for Only $20!

Advantage Members have always enjoyed the lowest DELPHI access rates
available. On the new 20/20 Advantage Plan, members receive their first 20
hours of access each month for only $20. If you happen to meet someone
OnLine or find some other diversion, don't worry because additional usage
is only $1.80 per hour.

20/20 Advantage rates apply for access via SprintNet or Tymnet from within
the continental United States during home time or via direct dial around
the clock. Home Time is from 6pm to 6am weekdays. Access during business
time carries a surcharge of $9 per hour. These rates apply for most
services, but note that there are some surcharged areas on DELPHI which
are clearly marked with a "$" sign.

Who is eligible to take advantage of the plan? Any DELPHI member in good
standing. Applications are reviewed and subject to approval by Delphi
Internet Services Corporation.

It's easy to join. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply
OnLine -- at any time -- for membership in the DELPHI 20/20 Advantage
Plan. Your membership becomes active at 4 a.m. Eastern Time on the first
billing day of the following month.

The $20 charge will be billed to you at the beginning of the month to
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Advantage rates may be changed with 30 days notice given OnLine.


For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and receive 5
hours of evening and weekend access during this month for only $5. If
you're not satisfied, simply cancel your account before the end of the
calendar month with no further obligation. If you keep your account
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this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage of this
limited offer, use your modem to dial 1-800-365-4636. Press <RET> once or
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Then, just answer the questions and within a day or two, you'll officially
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DELPHI-It's the BEST Value and getting BETTER all the time!


Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Shudder! Thar's a blast of chilly air coming down from the north
that's making things feel like winter is really here. Ironic, isn't
it!? I was hoping that we'd continue the nice calm form of winter that
we've been experiencing. Oh well...

It's been fairly quiet, an understatement, on the computing side
of things. We're keeping you up to-date on the latest announcements as
they arrive, as well as other interesting tidbits of industry news as
they happen.

Also, CIS Editor Joe Mirando keeps us informed with helpful hints
as found on CompuServe, in his "People Are Talking" column each week.

So, as the news makes its way to us in one form or another, we'll
get it to you. I, like you, wish that there was a plethora of news to
report that we'd have to suppress some each week due to lack of space.
Wouldn't that be a novel idea!?

On with the show! Until next time...

Delphi's Atari Advantage!!

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_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/
_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ Software Demos!
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ Hardware Demos!
_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ Membership!
_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ Phoenix Newsletter!
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ 16/32 Bit Library!
_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ Monthly Meetings!
_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ Flea Market!
_/ Seminars!
Raffles! BBS!
#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Support! GRAPHICS!
#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# DESKTOP PUBLISHING!

Largest Atari User Group in North America!
~~~ (416) CALL-TAF (225-5823) For ACE '95 Information ~~~
~~~ TAF OnLine BBS (416) 421-8999 ~~~

The following is the updated (as of February 1st, 1995) Official
ACE '95 Exhibitors List!

LLLL Gribnif Software!
LLLLL TOAD Computers!
LLLLLL Branch Always Software!
LLLLLLL Cybercube Research (Cyrel)!
LLLLLLLL DMC Publishing!
LLLLLLLLL Scarborough Computers!
LLLLLLLLLL Missionware Software!
LLLLLLLLLLL ICD INC/4Play/Black Cat Designs!
LLLLLLLLLLLL It's All Relative!
LLLLLLLLLLLLLL Esquimalt Digital Logic (OMEN)!
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL GEnie Information Services!
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Schauzmoll Software (Orbit BBS formerly
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Oracle - the first GUI BBS for Atari)!

THE LIST IS GETTING LONGER!! More and more Exhibitors are
signing on! We're looking forward to CGS Computerbild's presence
too, as well as Oregon Research Associates, COMPO, Migraph,
Lexicor, C-LAB and *many* more!!

We're getting a *great* response from User Groups. There
are quite a few Groups mobilizing their members into travel
packs (packs of Atari users? Look Out!!), and making
plans to attend ACE'95. Carloads from Nova Scotia, North
Carolina, Alberta, Pennsylvania, Quebec, New York,
Ontario, Ohio, Manitoba, Michigan and many more
points North, South, East & West. Why not consider
car-pooling with some of your own User Group members?

ACE'95 is being held in the NORTH YORK CIVIC CENTER, 5110 Yonge
St. in Toronto, Canada - April 1-2, 1995. The Exhibition is
located in the Civic Center Complex at the MEMORIAL HALL
EXHIBITION FACILITY! Show hours are: Saturday April 1 - 9AM-6PM
& Sunday April 2 - 9AM-5PM. Tickets are $6 per day at the door
(or in advance) & $10 for a Weekend Pass at the door (or in
advance). If you place a phone/mail order for tickets, we will
have them available for you at the door when you arrive. Please
also call us for Hotel reservations at the Novotel (located at
the ACE'95 Show Site (in the Civic Center Complex)! We have a
large block of rooms set aside just for ACE'95. We can also
suggest other hotels/motels in the area!

]]]]]]]]]]]]] American visitors will have unprecedented BUYING
]]]]]]]]]]]]] POWER at ACE'95 .... the US dollar is worth
]]]]]]]]]]]]] nearly $1.40 Canadian! In addition, *EVERYONE*
]]]]]]]]]]]]] exhibiting at ACE'95 will have tremendous SHOW
]]]]]]]]]]]]] SPECIALS ....
]]]]]]]]]]]]] Nearly *ALL* of the Exhibitors have scheduled
]]]]]]]]]]]]] DEMOS of their top products: Calamus lecture by
]]]]]]]]]]]]] Mario Georgiou - NeoDesk/Geneva lecture by Dan
]]]]]]]]]]]]] Wilga - Flash II lecture by John Trautschold -
]]]]]]]]]]]]] Data Diet 2 & Edith Professional lecture by
]]]]]]]]]]]]] Howard Carson - GEMulator lecture by Darek
]]]]]]]]]]]]] Mihocka - Notator lecture by Lorant Oswald -
]]]]]]]]]]]]] SARA-CD lecture by Peter Zalesak; many, many
]]]]]]]]]]]]] more. As well, just about all the
]]]]]]]]]]]]] Exhibitors booths will have RUNNING DEMOS of
]]]]]]]]]]]]] their SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE! As a matter of fact,
]]]]]]]]]]]]] ESQUIMALT DIGITAL LOGIC (OMEN) will have their
]]]]]]]]]]]]] wonderful Multitasking Operating System running
]]]]]]]]]]]]] on an ST (or a Falcon), a PC and a MAC!!

Getting to ACE'95 is *easy*. Toronto is directly
accessed by Highway 401 or the Queen Elizabeth Way,
or Highway 400/69. Crossing the US/Canada border at
Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Ft. Erie,
Ogdensburg, Kingston, etc. will lead you directly to
Highway 401 or the Queen Elizabeth Way. Take the
Yonge St. Ramp north off the 401 and drive to 5110
Yonge St. If you take the Queen Elizabeth Way,
follow the signs to get to highway 401. *ANY* AAA
or CAA or other Motor League can provide you with
a map of Ontario, Canada and Toronto. Please call us
if you have any trouble! Pearson International
Airport is only 15 minutes away! Toronto Transit
subway access is direct, too - there's a subway stop
at the Civic Center!

*CALL US* 416-225-5823 or 416-752-2744 *CALL US*

North York Civic Center
Memorial Hall Exhibition Facility
5110 Yonge St. (at Parkhome Ave.)
April 1-2, 1995
Saturday 9AM - 6PM
Sunday 9AM - 5PM

~~ Howard Carson, ACE'95 Chief Organizer ~~~


> STR InfoBits

-/- Survey: Computer Phobia Fading -/-

A new survey suggests computer phobia is fast becoming a thing of
the past.

Reporting on its recent nationwide poll of 1,000 adults age 18 to
60, EDK Forecast, a newsletter that tracks women consumers' attitudes,
lifestyles and values, says it found:

-:- 74 percent of the sample use computers either at work or at
home and 37 percent have computers in both places.
-:- 82 percent think that in the next decade most households will
have to own a computer.
-:- 68 percent think computers already are making their lives
-:- A mere 6 percent say they fear they will ruin something when
they use a computer.
-:- Only 16 percent said they have no idea how to use one at all.
-:- 41 percent are enthusiastically exploring computers, but almost
as many (37 percent) aren't as interested in new functions as they
are in just ensuring that their machines work.

"There's no gender gap in the wonderful world of computing,"
publisher Ethel Klein said in a statement from New York. "Women are
just as likely as men to embark on a 'computer safari.' Age and
education level are the real indicators of computer literacy."

The statement says middle age also doesn't preclude computer
fascination, noting that the survey suggested 44 percent of Americans
age 50 to 60 were interested in learning more about computers.

"For many," the statement said, "cyberspace is the unexplored final
frontier. About half (49 percent) of computer users are ready to go
'where no one has gone before' -- including 38 percent who are ready
to get on the 'information superhighway' and 11 percent who already
are on it and searching for the passing lane. But 37 percent of
computer users admit that they are not even sure what 'information
superhighway' means."

-/- Feds Won't Press Piracy Charges -/-

In Boston, federal prosecutors have decided not to press charges
against a 21-year-old Rockville, Maryland, college student accused of
running the biggest software piracy scheme in history.

Last April, David LaMacchia, a computer science major at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was indicted for allegedly
running a bulletin board system that gave users free copies of more
than $1 million worth of copyrighted software.

However, as reported earlier, U.S. District Court Judge Richard
Stearns last month threw out the indictment, saying federal law covers
only piracy committed for profit or personal gain, and that LaMacchia
had committed no crime by giving away the expensive programs via the

Now U.S. Attorney Donald Stern has told United Press International he
won't appeal the judge's ruling, though he believes the case
"underscores the desirability of prompt congressional action which
would remove any uncertainty that willful, multiple infringements of
copyrighted software, even where there is no commercial motive, is

The attorney said he will urge Congress to toughen the law to make the
theft of copyrighted computer software a federal crime, whether it's
stolen for profit or not.

As noted, LaMacchia is alleged to have used an MIT computer lab to
run his BBS. UPI says the declines to say whether it will take
disciplinary action against him now that the case is over.



Cannon Fodder! Zool2 Tips!
New Jaguar Incentive Deal!
And more!

> From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!

Puxatawny what?!?! Hasn't that groundhog left town by now? A
number of reports claimed the old harbinger of winter didn't see his
shadow; that must mean the Jaguar CD is only a few weeks away, right?
Well, this IS the Jaguar section - what did you think I was referring
to, more winter? <grin>

Anyway, it's been quiet on the Jaguar front, for the most part.
Atari has been quiet for a reason - that being that the next batch of
games rumored to be coming next are from the 3rd party developers.
Atari leaves it up to those developers to make the announcements as
they're ready to do so. We know that Cannon Fodder is imminent, as
well as a few others. Next week should start to see at least one new
3rd party game. Meanwhile, Atari is forging ahead to make sure that
the CD games are completed soon so that we can get our hands on that
new piece of hardware.

Atari has also announced a new Jaguar incentive deal which will
essentially give a new buyer two free games with a new system purchase.
Some have wondered why Atari just didn't lower the price of the Jag
base unit, instead, as a money-inducing incentive. Well, if you really
think about it, the price is pretty close to rock-bottom without Atari
losing money on them. Users are getting an excellent system for the

What Atari is focusing on, once the CD player and games are
released, is to get more games out. That has to be a primary concern
for Atari right now. They're also depending on the 3rd party
developers as well. If you think that Atari doesn't realize all of
this, you're kidding yourself. Everybody wants to see more and more
games. They're coming folks; I realize it's not easy playing the
waiting game.

Let's get to this week's issue, and sit back and relax. Me, I'm
going to be anxiously awaiting Cannon Fodder and whatever else is on
the way so we can have some more interesting reviews for you shortly.

Until next time...


> Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out.

Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $49.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/
Crescent Galaxy $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $69.95 id/Atari Corp.
JA100 Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95 Telegames
J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Rebellion/Atari Corp.
J9029 Doom $69.99 id/Atari Corp.
J9036 Dragon: Bruce Lee $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9003 Club Drive $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9007 Checkered Flag $69.99 Atari Corp.
J9012 Kasumi Ninja $69.99 Atari Corp.
J9042 Zool 2 $59.99 Atari Corp
Bubsy $49.99 Atari Corp
Iron Soldier $59.99 Atari Corp
Val D'Isere Skiing $59.99 Atari Corp.

Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


CatBox $69.95 ICD
Cannon Fodder TBD Virgin
Hover Strike $59.99 Atari

Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J8001 Jaguar (complete) $249.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95
Jaguar CD-ROM $149.99 Atari Corp.


> Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile - The Latest Gaming News!

-/- Konami Creates U.S. Base -/-

Japanese game software maker Konami Co. said today it will upgrade
its research and development center in the United States to a wholly
owned subsidiary.

From Tokyo, the Jiji press service reports the Illinois- based
Konami Computer Entertainment Chicago Inc., capitalized at $3 million,
will continue research and development work.

"Konami made the move to achieve quicker commercialization of
products tailored to meet U.S. consumer tastes," Jiji says.
Jiji is a regular feature of NewsNet, accessible through the
IQuest gateway (GO IQUEST).

> Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile - Current Developer Lists & Titles

To Cody and everyone!

Cannon Fodder has entered into final assembly today! We will start
shipping the middle of next week. We are arranging our shipping so that
all dealers large and small will receive it on the same day, most likely
Monday February 13.

All of the 3rd party publishers need your support, if you are planning to
purchase a title any title (Troy Aikman, Cannon Fodder, Pinball
Fantasies, Air Cars, etc) pre-book it with your dealer now create that
demand and get the dealers, mainly the large chains, "turned on to the
smaller publishers"

We would appreciate your support and I am sure that all of the other
3rd party publishers would also.

Cannon Fodder is a great game with great music with 72 levels of play.
Check out the February Issue of EGM they did a full 2 page review on
the game.

To any dealer or distributor looking for Cannon Fodder, you can call
Computer West directly at (805)546-9036 or E-Mail me here.

Peter Curry
Computer West
Publishers of Cannon Fodder, Pinball Fantasies and more for the Jaguar


> Jaguar Easter Eggs/Cheats/Hints STR InfoFile - Solving Those Riddles!

Sb: #Zool 2 Codes
Fm: SYSOP*Jeff Kovach 70761,3015
To: All

I just got these codes for Zool 2 off the Internet. I don't have the
game, so I wasn't able to test them to make sure they're valid:

Zool 2 Cheats

First stage of Bulberry Hill 77749
First stage of Tooting Common 88563
First stage of Snaking Pass 33666
First stage of Mount Ices 11968
Start of Mental Blockage 91266
Automatic access to Bonus
Round after each stage 31867
Infinite health 11275
99 Lives 31965

Would someone let me know if these work?


> Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr!

Watch your retailer and popular gaming magazines for a hot new Jaguar

Qualified purchases of a complete Jaguar system made between
January 31, 1995 and before May 3, 1995 qualify for not one, but TWO
great FREE bonuses by mail.

First, gamers may pick either Wolfenstein 3D or Tempest 2000 as a free
cartridge. Secondly, gamers will also receive a free joypad controller
for two-player games.

This offer requires a legible and valid dated sales receipt of a
complete Jaguar game system, the UPC symbol from the outside of the
Jaguar box and the claim coupon. The in-store coupons and counter
displays are on their way now if not already in stores. Complete details
are available on the in-store coupons.

If you've been holding out on a Jaguar! Hold out no longer. Get a great
deal, PLUS be ready for the exciting release of the CD-ROM soon!

-- Don Thomas
Atari Corporation


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando
CIS ID: 73637,2262

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. Well, yet another week has come and
gone... I just don't know where the time goes. As the term "Surfing the
'Net" becomes more popular, I have to wonder if some of the folks
bandying the term about have a true understanding of what the 'Net
actually is. Well, I guess that if they don't now, they will soon. With
the access to the Internet that services such as CompuServe provide (and
the expanded access that's still to come), and the as yet fabled ability
to access data via cable systems, it's sure to become more popular than
ever. The only problem with access to all that information is that we'll
never have the time to read it all. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to
rough it <grin>.

Okay, let's take a look at what's going on right here on CompuServe...

From the Atari Computing Forums

Martin Murafsky posts:

"I am living in Austria and I own an ATARI 1040 STE with 1 Megabyte of
memory. I want to get new software which needs more megabyte of RAM.
So i am thinking of upgrading my system to an FALCON 030. It is the
first time I have been into this forum and so I thought I could ask you
some questions concerning the ATARI computer line.

I have a MEGAFILE 60. Would it be possible to connect this HD to a
FALCON? What kind of monitor would I need? Are there any programs to
access INTERNET or COMPUSERVE with an ATARI computer? Can I connect a
CD-Rom to my STE or to a FALCON? I read that a wordprocessing tool
called PAPYROS (i do not know of spelled it correctly) needs
SPEEDOS-GDOS to run. Do you think this program would also run with NVDI

Is the FALCON still produced and is still software developed for it?
What are the prices for the FALCON. Can I also get it in Europe?

I hope I did not bother you to much with my questions, but in Austria,
there is no way to get any information about ATARI computers."

Gee, it sounds like Australia _is_ just like every place else in the
world <grin>. Bob Retelle tells Martin:

"If you have an STe model, you can very easily add memory to it, and
quite cheaply.

The STe was the only model of the ST line which used standard SIMMs
memory modules, so you could just pop in more memory without having to
do extensive hardware modifications.

If you now have a 1040 STe, there will be four 256K simms in it. What
you would need to get is four 1 Megabyte SIMMs to replace them, which
will give you a total of 4 megabytes of memory. (4 megabytes is the
maximum amount any ST computer can handle)

If you need more memory than that, a Falcon or TT would be the way
you'd have to go... be sure though that you check to see that the
software you want to run is compatible with the Falcon.. there are some
conflicts with some programs.

Essentially there are no Atari computers being produced any more.
There may be some left in warehouses and on store shelves, but they are
not being actively replaced. This means that support will continue to

(There IS a deal with a third-party company to produce more Falcons,
but that is probably going to be a very limited and specialized market

The ST line of hard drives, such as your MEGAFILE 60 can NOT be used
with a Falcon.

You CAN add a CD-ROM drive to both the ST and Falcon. You'll need to
obtain the proper software drivers, and for the ST, a SCSI host
adapter. The Falcon has a SCSI interface built in.

There are a limited number of Internet access programs available for
the Atari platform.. I've used the one we have available here in our
software library called KA9Q and while it's a little crude, it does
work. There are no World Wide Web browsers available for the ST at
this time though.

We have an "offline message reader" for the ST that works with
CompuServe called QUICKCIS that's available here in the software
libraries too.. it's not a "GUI" system like CIM for the IBM, but it IS
quite effective at automating your CIS sessions.

And... welcome to the Atari Forums here on CompuServe..!"

I'll tell you folks, I just can't say enough about Bob and all the other
Sysops that make using CompuServe a joy. I don't know of any place else
that offers knowledgeable, helpful folks like CIS. But I digress.
Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells Martin:

"If I remember correctly the 1040 STe has simm slots so memory can be
upgraded pretty easily. CD-ROM drives can be used with all Atari
ST/STE/TT/Falcon computers. Using software like ExtenDOS is one such
method. There is a list in the library of 700+ CD-ROM titles that can
be used on the Atari.

From what I recall MegaFile 60 requires a DMA/ASCI connection. The
Falcon only has a SCSI connector on the back ... not the DMA connect
that is on the back of all other Atari ST models.

Atari Europe has a CIS account and they frequent the forum from time to
time. SO hopefully they can provide you more info on the European side
of things.

I believe the newest version of Papyrus can work with NVDI 3.x but I'm
not sure on that point.

The Falcon is no longer being made by Atari corp. But there are
supposed to be some other companies that will be making Falcon clones."

Steven Russell posts:

"Hello all, this may sound like a dumb question, at least it does to
me, How do I chain a Megafile 30 to a SCSI drive. The SCSI drive is
hooked up through AdSCSI plus. When I turn on the computer while the
Megafile and Maxtor are turned on, the Megafile locks up and does not
boot. I used to know how to fix this problem, but it has been so long
since I have done anything of this sort, I have forgotten how. Thanks
in advance for your help."

Sysop Jim Ness tells Steven:

"Chances are that the drives are each set up with the same SCSI unit
ID. Try changing the second drive to Unit 1, since the first drive is
probably set as Unit 0."

Jim makes it sound sooooo easy, doesn't he? Well, I guess that's what
Sysops are supposed to do. Meanwhile, Steven takes a short course in

"I was talking with the wife about something that had nothing at all
to do with the computer and I think that I may have solved my problem.
The second drive is still set-up as an auto boot drive at system turn
on and the two are conficting with each other. I am going to give it a
try and let you know what I come up with."

Michel Vanhamme posts:

"I'm a (registered!) Connect user (version 2.46 from March 5 1994). If
there's anyone out there using Connect to their satisfaction with CIS,
would they -please- tell me how they configured it to work well with
CIS (File Transfer, Port Settings, Compatibility...) as well as their
Profile settings on CIS? I've had problems trying to do this on my own,
so if anyone can help..."

Yat Siu of Lexicor Software tells Michel:

"Here is what you shuold do, go to the setup menu and inthe option
compatilbity mode select strip 8th bit, and it should work fine with
CIS if you use the regular 8bit parity settings that come with

And just to prove that we STReport editors don't know everything, Our
own Dana Jacobson asks:

"Does anyone know whether or not the CIS Mac navigators will work with
Spectre? If so, any recommendations? With the activity here in the
Atari forums, I may be able to save some time using an OLR. I should
probably also check out QuickCIS again too, but I figured there may be
something else as an alternative option also."

Rob Huggins tells Dana:

"I have used previous versions of MacNav in the past with Spectre and
they worked OK but I haven't tried the latest version (v3.2.1p1). At
the moment, I don't have room for the ST to be set up<sigh>."

Sysop Keith Joins tells Dana:

"Both Mac Nav and MacCIM in their current versions work with Spectre."

Dana asks:

"Are MacNav and MacCIM in the Macintosh forums, or in a special area
within CIS?"

Rob Huggins tells Dana:

"GO MCIMSOFT to download MacCIM. MacNav is not available for
downloading - you'd have to purchase a kit - GO ORDER.

The two are actually complementary - MacCIM being an interactive
browser (cruise the unfamiliar areas online and find stuff you like)
and MacNav being an offline nav program (when you know what you want
use it to specify what you want, let MacNav retrieve it all and log
off, you review the results offline while you're not paying for the

John Raymond posts:

"I am new to comms and am having some difficulty downloading files. I
am using an Atari STFM and comm package called Connect. When I try to
download I keep getting garbled sector/time out/ crc error messages
which dont mean much to me. Can anyone advice on setting up the
parameters of the program or give me some pointers. I also would like
to locate a program to unzip .zip files. that is if I can get to the
download stage in the first place."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells John:

"There is a program called ST ZIP v2.6 which handles zip files very
well in the library. Have you tried using serial fix version 2.x? It
fixes some problems with serial communications on the Atari ST. It can
also be found in the library as well."

Mike Myers posts:

"Let's start out with a minor fact. I'm not sure of anything about
this, so it's very easy to correct this set of questions. I have heard
of some kind of module, perhaps called "Spectre", that enables an Atari
to run IBM compatible programs. Is it so? How good is it? I've got 2-3
areas, including a bill payment service that have programs, nice
programs, but not Atari programs. Next question. How much? and do they
show up used on the market? Again, what sort of a price for a good used
one? if they exist used and for sale, where? Also, same questions about
anything for Mac?"

Boy, is today Mike's lucky day or what? Sysop Bob Retelle tells him:

"You've got it pretty close... actually the Spectre IS a Macintosh
emulator, not an IBM emulator.

It's an excellent product that lets your ST run a lot of Macintosh
software directly from the Mac disks. There are some limitations, and
it won't run the newest Mac operating system, but it IS very good.

As for IBM emulators, there used to be a "software only" emulator that
didn't need anything extra to run IBM programs called "pc ditto". The
problem with it was that it was EXTREMELY slow, and it only emulated a
CGA color monitor.

Copies of the original pc-ditto show up used from time to time if
you'd like to experiment with it.

Then there are the more capable hardware emulators where you have to
add a special circuit board inside your ST which essentially is a small
IBM computeron a board and which uses your ST's keyboard, monitor and
drives to run IBM software. These are much faster and far more useful.
The problems with them are that they often only emulate an 80286
computer (IBM AT), and their graphics output is still only at the CGA
or sometimes EGA level (the limiting factor is that the ST itself can't
display anything more than EGA). There are some which do emulate an
80386, and probably in the mythical land of Germany there may be 80486
emulators too.

Another problem with most of these is that they require tricky
installation inside the ST. There was one model of hardware emulator
which came in a separate external box and just plugged into the ST,
which made it very easy to hook up, called the "SuperCharger".

Unfortunately most of these are no longer being made, so you have to
find them on the used market.

For the kinds of applications you've mentioned wanting to run, the
software emulator, pc-ditto, might actually be acceptable if you can
find a copy of it for sale anywhere..."

Rob Rasmussen posts:

"I got Image Copy 3.52, and I'm still trying to decide which color ink
jet printer to get. I want 720 dpi in color, and I'm trying to decide
between the Epson Color Stylus and the Canon BJC-600e. Image Copy has a
STYLS720.INF driver in the Printer folder, yet it doesn't show up in
the "Printer type" dialog. From the manual, I assume I would select
Epson Inkjet, and it says to set print density for 50%. It seems like
it would let me select Stylus in the Printer Type dialog. Do you know
if the Canon, which also does 720 dpi color, can use the driver(s) in
Image Copy?

You had said the Epson LQ-xxx driver in AtariWorks will work with a
lot of different printers. Is there anything special about these higher
rez color ink jets that wouldn't work with the drivers for the 360 dpi
ink jets? Of course the salesmen have no idea what I'm talking about
when I tell them I want it to work with my Atari. The guy selling the
Canon said it had the advantage of separate color cartridges, while on
the Stylus if you run out of one you have to change the whole thing.
But again, that may not be a problem."

Steven Russell of Glacier Enterprises tells Rob:

"I'm not sure if the Canon BJC-600e can use the printer drivers that
come with Image Copy. I haven't gotten my upgrade yet.

As long as the printer is Epson compatible. Meaning it will emulate an
epson style of printer.

No. When you use the 360 dpi driver for the 720 dpi inkjet, you will
not have the same output as with the 720 dpi driver would give you.

I know what you mean. I was looking at the Epson Stylus last week and
was considering buying the printer, but I am unsure if I have a
compatible driver in Calamus for it. As for the ink cartridge, I like
you don't see a problem with it. I did like the output that I seen in
the store, but you cannot always go by what see in the store because
things change when you get the product home and find out that you are
missing something that you need in order for the printer to work with
your set-up. I will do some checking and get back with you on ct about
the printers and ImageCopy."

On the subject of possible CD titles for the Atari Jaguar, the Hot
64-bit game system, Chris Miller posts:

"I still think a "classic" gaming CD would make the ultimate pack-in
with the Jag-CD. I'd buy one if it came with 1 "new" game and a
"classics" CD that contained games like Air, Sea Battles.....Yar's
Revenge..... Warlords..... Adventure.....Haunted
House.....Breakout.....Combat and others. I bet they would sell a lot
of machines based on that alone. (Of course, I'll probably buy one
anyways...but it would be nice <g>).

Atari needs to play up the nostalgia thing a little more. How about
"Combat 2000" as a pack in for the Jag. That would be great!!!"

Max Yokell tells Chris:

"...I love the idea of a Classics Disc/Cart however they want to do it
and I would even cough up some cash to get one. ...[but] all the games
could be put on one Disk with a ton of left over space and trying to
supply an Idea for what to do with the left over space.

Yeah I know I will end up buying one anyways too. I think Atari should
take advantage of the CD format by releasing some quick Demos and or a
monthly Jag CD mag for it. From what I have heard the cost of making
CDs is not very high so if they hit me up for $9.99 to $14.99 for a
quarterly JagCd mag I would subscribe and even if it were Bi-monthly. I
do not think they would want to attempt a monthly one as there might
not be enough to fill a monthly one."

Craig Harris adds his thoughts on the subject:

"Interviews with the designers, the original commercials...

Or how about a virtual playroom, where you virtually go to the tv,
pick up the virtual cartridge you want to play, stick it in the virtual

Aw, heck...too much work."

Chris Miller adds:

"I think that would be a heck of an idea. It could have demos of up
coming games and the newest edition of an Atari CD Magazine. Atari
could even put previews of up coming games on the CD with new releases
(provided there is enough space). The possibilities are endless...."

Max Yokell asks:

"Do you have any news on the new version of Battlezone? I remember
reading about a Battle Zone 2000 here but have not seen anything on
this lately. Can you tell us if anyone is currently working on it?"

Craig Harris tells Max:

"From what I understand, Battlezone 2000 has become Hover Strike."

Laury Scott at Atari tells us:

"I don't know if you have ever seen a software title progress through
its development. To me it seems as if the sequence of events goes like

For a long time it seems as if no progress is being made. They get a
figure of sorts up on the screen. Then make it do something (rotate or
fly). Next comes some placeholder art backgrounds and maybe even some
placeholder sounds.

At this point you start to wonder if the game is ever going to play
and if it does who would buy it. (For any programmers reading this I
fully understand what kind of 'hell' you have gone through getting that
far but to an outsider this is the way it looks.)

Next the game starts to take shape and things actually happen.
Everything comes together and IS or Tempest 2K appears. However at
that moment something that looked good on paper or in the 'slow
development' stages no longer looks as nice. You then have to fix it.
In this case the best fix was the delete key."

From the Graphics Support Forum

Well, the big news in the graphics world is still the decision of
Unisys to enforce their patent on the compression routines contained in
the GIF graphics format.

On the subject of the patent, Thomas Leathley tells Larry Wood (of the
Graphics Support Forum):

"Next time you talk to the Unisys troops, ask them if they have any
answers for GIF toolkit developers like me (Ryle Design) who develop
and sell tools, not end user GIF apps. I still don't have a clue what
my situation is if I want to sell source and object code that imports
and exports GIF images. I am not in the end-user app business, but my
customers are, and they certainly will have to have an LZW license, but
what about me? I've talked with Unisys by voice and email, and the
voice discussion was entirely unsatisfactory as I posted when it
happend - basically the Unisys guy said anyone who sells code for
$100-$300 a pop was a total idiot for selling it that cheap. The email
discussions I've had said "OK - we hear you - we'll get back to you".
Never happened.

If you have a channel into these guys (who appear more and more to be
total clowns - no wonder they are going down the tubes) then please
pass along this message."

Larry tells Thomas:

"Unisys is aware of the special circumstances of toolbox authors. We
expect to be able to give special number to contact in regards to these
issues soon now (I know, I know ... we have been saying that for days

Shortly thereafter Larry posts:

"Unisys has authorized me to announce that they now have a GIF/LZW or a
GIF/TIFF/LZW developer agreement ready for the developer community to
consider. The follow is my reading of the agreement.

GIF/LZW ... $25 license fee up front, creditable to future
registrations; a .45% royalty on total selling price, per unit, not to
be less than $0.10 per unit nor more than $10.00 per unit.

GIF/TIFF/LZW ... $50 license fee up front, creditable to future
registrations; .65% royalty on total selling price, per unit, not to
be less than $0.20 per unit nor more than $25.00 per unit.

For further information and a copy of the written agreement, call (215)
986-4411. Please advise them if you are a CompuServe-'Go Graphics'
Group Shareware author. We don't get a kickback [g], but we want them
to know where the registrations come from.

As I read the agreement, there are no unfavorable terms which would
preclude any developer from making use of this agreement to
cost-effectively continue GIF and/or GIF/TIFF development.

I will be available later tonight to answer further questions. Please
keep questions one to a message so I can handle what I am sure will be
a flood of questions."

Jeff Woods of deltaComm Dev. tells us (well, actually he's telling
Larry, but let's listen in anyway):

"I have several problems with the contract we just received from
Unisys. I shall address the points in order of appearance:

Section 1.e., definition of "Field of Use", seems to explicitly
prohibit those of use who develop communications software from
including .GIF viewers in our software if we also happen to run a BBS.
"Additionally excluded is software provided by on-line service vendors
to their customers to access the on-line service, software for
operating network access servers, web servers, Internet servers, or
bulletin boards..."

Section 2.c, restricts customers to only ONE backup. Now, I don't know
about you, but I rotate my backups in sets, meaning I usually have
several copies at a time in "backup". As far as I know, most tape
backup manufacturers recommend this method of backup management.

Section 3 (this one is a biggie) requires a license fee for "each
Dispositoin of Licensed Software hereunder (including updates,
improvements and enhancements)..." Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but
Unisys should only be entitled to royalties ONCE, unless the developer
materially enchances the GIF/LZW portion of the program. The way its
worded now, I owe Unisys 0.45% on all updates, even if said

doesn't even TOUCH the GIF/LZW code, and leaves it completely
unchanged. This is wrong, and unacceptable.

Section 14.a(1) attempts to define shareware in a manner which I am
guessing, in my capacity as Vice President of STAR (Shareware Trade
Association and Resources) will be offensive and unacceptable to our
members, and perhaps to members of the ASP as well, though I can't
presume to speak for that organization. The offensive word is
"requested". Shareware is that software which can be evaluated prior
to purchase, but for which payment to the program author is *required*
for licensed use beyond a defined evaluation period.

Section 14.d attempts to put a price tag on shareware, which isn't
acceptable. Right now, we have a $99.00 shareware product, but if I
sign this license, I'm precluded from pricing our shareware product as
we deem suitable for the marketplace. That's unacceptable to me.

Section 14.f shall preclude the inclusion of a GIF viewer in most
shareware versions, since authors will be averse to adding a fixed
screen such as that to the software. Also, this section needs to be
clarified so that it is clear that the registered, licensed version of
the software need not display such a message (if retail-ware doesn't
have to, the registered shareware shouldn't have to).

Section 14.f(b) needs similar clarification, stating that only
unregistered shareware needs these extra statements in the
documentation. Again, if retailware shouldn't have to do this, then
neither should fully licensed, paid for, registered shareware.

(i.e. it seems to me that counsel for Unisys hasn't got a real grasp on
exactly what shareware is, or how it works).

Section 15.b seems to want to charge me royalties for using my OWN
software that I wrote, as if I had sold it to myself. Huh? Did I miss

I look forward to Unisys' addressing of these issues."

Dan Richardson posts his own thoughts on the document:

"I get the impression Unisys spent a month carefully loading and
aiming the gun so they could shoot themselves in the other foot. I hope
they post this agreement. It sounds like a hoot."

Jeff Woods tells Dan:

"Had I the time, I'd type it in here for review (since the "Agreement"
contains a clause about keeping things confidential, that might be a
problem, but I haven't signed a damn thing *yet* and revealing the
contract before signing it would not be in violation of anything I've
agreed to, ex post facto laws being what they are). Sorry, but I don't
have that spare time."

Larry Wood tells us:

"Unisys did not upload it as a file because they wanted to opportunity
to review it with some developers who were asking for it before having
it posted publically. Neither they, nor we have any problem with it
being in public view, therefore Diana's message containing the typed in
version will be moved back into public view this morning."

Well folks, it's a complex issue to be sure. Each side had their own
views, with good reasons for them. We can only hope that the issues
involved will be settled in the near future. It's not just because of
this one, immediate, issue either. It might not seem so right now, but
we're currently observing one of the growing pains of the Electronic
Superhighway. As more and more users appear, more and more options and
services will appear also. It's only smart to use compression to speed
transmission of data... it's more cost-effective for both the sender and
receiver. But will the fact that compression is used end up being a boon
or a bane to those who depend on it? Only time will tell. Remember the
ancient Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times"? Well, it
looks like someone cursed us! <grin>

Be sure to tune in again next week, same time, same station, and be
ready to listen to what they are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote" A "Friendly Reminder"


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