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Silicon Times Report Issue 1045

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

November 03, 1994 No. 1045

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
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> 11/03/94 STR 1045 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- STR INDUSTRY REPORT - Sega on CIS! - WP Win v 6.1
- Motorola Modems - WinCim Update! - Frank's Corner
- Apple & IBM ok PC - QEMM 7.5 - Pagestream Win/MAC
- NavCIS Revisited! - People Talking! - Jaguar News


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> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Due to circumstances beyond... no, that's not the way it really
happened at all. Today, this morning to be exact, I went to Sam's to buy
Microprose's new Football CD Rom game. I tried to install it and much to
my chagrin, the installation was not in any way, shape or form successful.
I then decided to check the docs. It said if there was a disk included
with the CD Rom to use the disk for the installation. Ok, so now I stick
the disk in Drive A, type install and what do I get? Disk error. Abort,
retry you know the drill. Check the disk in the other machine here.. same
thing. Ok, bring the package back to Sam's for an exchange. Home again..
same thing. That's two packages that yield the same results. Most sane
individuals would, at this point, bring the goods back for a refund. Not
I. Instead I tried to call the Microprose tech support number in
Maryland. What joke! Constant busy signals for a little over two hours.
At this point of frustration, I asked the AT&T LD operator to intercede
for me and try to get a clear line. She tried alright but the person who
was on the line objected vehemently while exclaiming he had tried for
three days to get through to Microprose and was not, under any
circumstances, giving up the line. As the red flags of warning went up...
I thought to myself there apparently is real problem here.

I therefore decided to call the "main man" Gilman "Chopstick" Louie
of Spectrum Holobyte. After all, his company had bought Microprose a few
months ago for a little over ten million dollars. Can you imagine if an
entire carload or more of the Football game went out defective? Robin,
his secretary, answered and while offering a genuinely sympathetic ear,
made arrangements for their head customer support person to return my
call. All well and good. That person did indeed call me back and
expressed sincere concern over the entire matter. Especially about
Microprose apparently being "swamped" with support calls. He said he
would look into the matter and get back to me Monday or Tuesday. ...stay
tuned. That's why the issue was late.

On another topic, I like many other ex-Atarians have at least one of
everything they ever made stashed away. Maybe one day I'll have a set of
showcases made to exhibit the "beginnings"! I enjoyed using my Atari
computers, of this there can be no doubt. As well as the older, game
machines. I thought the Lynx was the "cat's meow". I was wrong but so
what... I enjoyed playing the games as did my family. My only regret was
having to endure the losses and the ridicule of my peers for having
remained loyal for as long as I did with the computers. It was an
expensive no, very expensive lesson. I only sold off that part of the
equipment that was too expensive to simply hang on too.

All in all, they were good years. But as many of my good friends
have stated, it is time to move on to bigger and better things. The
Tramiels will continue to do things "their way" as hilarious or tragic as
that may be. Its for sure that not I, nor anyone else will have any type
of an opportunity to "influence" the way they do things. There was a time
I was genuinely interested and did care.

I, on the other hand, am no longer interested in anything but simply
observing them, the computer and game machine markets and reporting my
findings strictly as an editor/reporter. The days of my paying particular
attention to the Tramiels are over. The "Tramiel Atari Saga" for me is a
chapter in my life that is now closed. It was indeed a rather bittersweet
experience. Que sera, sera.

Thanks for reading....


ps, the "Dream System" series will resume next week.

Of Special Note:
STReport will be branching out further to Internet's userbase in the
very near future. We've received numerous requests to receive STReport
from a wide variety of Internet addresses. As a result, we're putting
together an Internet distribution/mailing list for those who wish to
receive STReport on a regular basis, and we'll UUENCODE each issue and
mail it to you.

If you're interested in being added to our mailing list, please, send
your requests to either "" or, RMARIANO@DELPHI.COM. Look
for mailings to begin by October first. We are also considering a number
of Internet ftp sites in which to post our issues for as well. Whatever
we can do to make STReport available to you. we'll try it!



Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles J. Deegan D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Michael Arthur John Deegan Brad Martin
John Szczepanik Paul Guillot Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy Jeff Kovach
Marty Mankins Carl Prehn Paul Charchian

Contributing Correspondents:
Dominick J. Fontana Norman Boucher Clemens Chin
Eric Jerue Ron Deal Mike Barnwell
Ed Westhusing Glenwood Drake Vernon W.Smith
Bruno Puglia Paul Haris Kevin Miller
Craig Harris Allen Chang Tim Holt

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
America Online..................STReport

STReport, with its policy of not accepting any paid advertising, has over
the years developed the reputation of "saying it like it really is". When
it comes to our editorials, product evaluations, reviews and over-views,
we shall always keep our readers interests first and foremost. With the
user in mind, STReport further pledges to maintain the reader confidence
that has been developed over the years and to continue "living up to
such". All we ask is that our readers make certain the manufacturers,
publishers etc., know exactly where the information about their products
appeared. In closing, we shall arduously endeavor to meet and further
develop the high standards of straight forwardness our readers have come
to expect in each and every issue.

The Staff & Editors




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #45

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** Education/Entertainment Software Sales Up **

Analysts say the home market for educational/entertainment software
and games is booming. Keith Benjamin of Robertson, Stephens & Co. said,
"The market was a couple of million people. Now we think the market of
buyers could be doubling or tripling."

Reports show that in the most recent quarter Sierra On-Line, the
largest seller of entertainment software, is reporting revenues up 39%,
while educational software firm Davidson says revenues grew 32%.

** Apple Ships Fastest Power Mac **

Apple Computer Inc. says it is shipping the world's fastest-ever per-
sonal computer.

The new Power Macintosh 8100/110 system is powered by a 110MHz RISC-
based PowerPC 601 chip. The system is being targeted at users in
publishing, multimedia and engineering.

"The Power Macintosh 8100/110 grabs the industry performance crown
from our own first- generation RISC systems -- the Power Mac 8100/80 --
announced just six months ago," says Steve Manser, vice president of
Apple's Macintosh desktop systems unit. "This product illustrates our
ability to quickly develop new products that further utilize the
exceptional potential of the PowerPC microprocessor, and which offers
our customers the winning combination of industry-leading personal
computer performance with the ease-of-use of Macintosh."

The Power Macintosh 8100/110 is configured with 16MB of RAM, a 2GB
hard disk, double-speed CD-ROM drive and Apple SuperDrive 1.4MB floppy
disk drive. As with all Power Macintosh models, the Power Mac 8100/110
can run DOS and Windows applications when used with Insignia Solutions'
SoftWindows program.

With a price of $6,379. the Power Macintosh 8100/110 is available
this week in limited quantities in the U.S. and selected regions world-
wide. Volume shipments of the product are expected to start in December.

** Apple Readies PowerPC Upgrade **

Apple Computer Inc. says it expects to begin shipping its PowerPC up-
grade card for many of its current entry-level Macintosh computers later
this month.

The Macintosh Processor Upgrade card will work with a variety of Mac-
intosh computers, including the Macintosh Quadra 605, LC 575 and LC 475
and Performa 470 and Performa 570 series. The card also upgrades the
recently announced Macintosh Quadra 630, LC 630 and Performa 630 series

Featuring a PowerPC 601 microprocessor running at either 50MHz or
66MHz (installing the upgrade doubles the speed of the computer's
existing microprocessor), the card is expected to boost performance up
to two to four times on existing Macintosh models when running
applications optimized for the Power Macintosh. Applications employing
floating point functions, such as graphics programs, may enjoy a
performance boost of up to 10 times. The computer's standard 68040
microprocessor is retained as part of the upgrade, so users can operate
their computer using either 68040 or PowerPC native applications.

"Virtually all of our current Macintosh systems being sold today now
have an easy upgrade path to the future," says Ian Diery, executive vice
president and general manager of Apple's personal computer division.
"Apple's goal is to make PowerPC technology accessible to the broadest
number of customers possible, and make it easy for customers to make
their move to increased performance when they are ready."

The Macintosh Processor Upgrade is expected to sell for $659.

** Motorola Forms Software Division **

A new division that will create software for personal communicators
has been formed by Motorola's Paging Products Group in Boynton Beach,

Reports are that the Personal Communicator Systems and Software
Division will create and supply systems, products, technology, and
applications to the emerging category of personal communicators. Doug
Kraul, director of group research and development, will serve as general

"Software-based products such as these present the next opportunity
for messaging products," said Hector Ruiz, executive vice president and
general manager of the Paging Products Group.

** IBM, Apple Agree on PC Design **

Word is IBM and Apple Computer have agreed on several key elements of
a PC design to be built around the PowerPC microprocessor they co-
developed with Motorola Inc.

The trade newspaper PC Week cites anonymous sources as saying the
firms have agreed on key memory designs and a bus (the pathway between
the main processor and memory chips). The paper adds they will announce
all the details at the Comdex trade show in Las Vegas later this month.

Talks between IBM and Apple officials have gone on for more than a
year now to create a design standard for PCs that use the new chip. As
reported, there has been speculation that IBM and Apple would share
competing operating software and even that IBM might invest in Apple.

** Motorola Rolls Out New Modems **

Motorola Inc.'s first modems to be sold through retail outlets have
been introduced in an attempt to broaden the firm's market share.

Its $279 Lifestyle series modems are intended for the home PC market,
while the $339 Power line is designed to improve the operation of cellu-
lar phones. Both conform to the industry PCMICA standard for plug-in
devices that are the size of credit cards.

Motorola officials told the wire service the Best Buy, J&R Computers
and PC Warehouse chains have agreed to sell the new lines.

Reports say Motorola racked up $132.8 million in sales of modems last
year, sold to corporate accounts through distributors and its own sales

** Apple Cuts Workgroup Prices **

Prices on Apple Computer Inc.'s 11-member line of PowerPC processor-
based Workgroup Servers have been cut by between six and 11 percent.

Apple says a basic configuration Workgroup Server 6150 now is $2,809,
down 11% from $3,159, while a basic Workgroup Server 95 with A/UX now is
$9,879, down 9% from $10,869.

** Canon Unveils Mac Optical Card **

Canon U.S.A. Inc. is offering a new optical card storage system for
Macintosh computers.

The company says its Canon Optical Card delivers high data storage
capacity in the conventional credit card format and can be used as a
personal, portable database.

The device's applications include portable clinical records, positive
identification and security access. Canon notes that the Optical Card is
a write-once, read-many (WORM) medium that can hold over 2.4MB of data.
It adds that the card is immune to the effects of magnetic fields, radio
frequency emissions and static electricity discharge.

** PC Card Market Set to Soar **

Worldwide PC card sales are set to grow more than tenfold, ballooning
from just over $500 million in 1993 to $5.8 billion in the year 2000 at
a 42% compound annual rate, forecasts a new study by Frost & Sullivan.

Flash cards will pace growth later in the decade, rising from 17% of
the market in 1993 to 47% in 2000. Fax and modem cards -- the market's
currently fastest- growing segment -- will expand their revenue share
from 14% in 1993 to 32% by 1996 before declining in share to 26% by

Local area network (LAN) cards will increase their share of revenues
from 8% in 1993 to 20 percent in the 1996-97 period before declining
slightly in share. Currently dominant RAM cards will decline from 47% of
the market in 1993 to only 8% by 2000 and ROM cards will similarly drop
from 14 to 2 percent share in the same period, says the study.

** PC Market Size Estimate Upped **

The size of the personal computer market is bigger than we thought,
says a prominent market-research firm.

Officials with Computer Intelligence InfoCorp are quoted as conclud-
ing that previous studies had overlooked machines assembled by small
resellers and users.

The researchers say they now believe 43.8 million desktop and port-
able PCs were sold in 1993, up 6.9 million units, or about 5%, from its
original estimate. The Journal says the firm raised its 1994 estimate by
7.5 million units, to 49.4 million.

** Microsoft Not to Invest in NeXT **

A spokeswoman for Microsoft Corp. says the software publisher has no
plans to invest in Steve Jobs' NeXT Computer Inc. or to provide financing
for the company, but didn't rule out negotiations on joint software
development projects.

Microsoft spokeswoman Pam Edstrom said any deal between the two
companies will involve support by NeXT for the Microsoft Windows and
Windows NT operating environment.

** Compaq to Bundle Contura Floppy **

Compaq Computer Corp. says it will begin bundling an external floppy
drive with its Contura Aero subnotebook PC.

Formerly available as an option, the external floppy drive connects
to the notebook through a PCMCIA slot and doesn't require an external
power source. The bundle is scheduled to become available later this

The Contura Aero, introduced last February, features a color or mono-
chrome screen, 4MB of RAM (expandable to 20MB), and a hard disk capacity
ranging from 170MB to 250MB..

** Toshiba Slashes Portable Prices **

Toshiba America Information Systems Inc. this week reduced prices on
selected ultra-portable, notebook and pen computers by as much as 18%.

Toshiba slashed prices on most of its products, including the entire
Satellite notebook line as well as the T3600CT, T4700CT, T4800CT and
T6600C series.

As an example, the street price of the Satellite T1910 is expected to
be between $1,349 to $1,499 after the price cut, down from its former
street price of $1,649 to $1,749.

Toshiba said it was able to make the price cuts due to increase
efficiency in the production of Thin Film Transistor active-matrix color
screens used in the portable computers.

** Digital Introduces Starion PC Line **

Digital Equipment Corp. this week entered the U.S. personal computer
retail market with the introduction of its Starion PC line, which it has
targeted to the small office and home office market segment.

Reports say Digital will sell the machines exclusively at CompUSA and
Wal-Mart Stores Inc.'s Sam's Club. Prices will range from $1,699 to

The small office/home office market -- known as SOHO -- is defined as
those organizations and home-based businesses with five or fewer
employees. BIS Strategic Decisions reports that of the 13.6 million PCs
sold in 1993 in the United States, one third were sold into the SOHO

** Pirates Target OS/2, Windows 95 **

Illegal, pirated copies of IBM's new OS/2, a test version of Micro-
soft Corp.'s Windows 95, and about a dozen other major programs have
been found on Internet, prompting the industry's major players to sound
an alarm about the global network.

Writing in The Wall Street Journal this week, Jared Sandberg
comments, "The action by the unknown hackers -- who broke into a
computer system at Florida State University and deposited copies of (the
software) -- underscores the potentially enormous threat of piracy posed
by the Internet."

The paper said intruders gained access to a system in the school's
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory a few weeks ago, posting the
copy of OS/2 even before the product landed on store shelves.

"They created 'invisible' directories on the FSU system and hid the
programs there, then revealed how to tap into the pirated cache in live
'chat' sessions with other users on the Internet," the Journal added.

Paul Southworth of CICNet, which provides a computer gateway that
links major universities to Internet, told the Journal piracy on the net
"is obviously a pervasive problem," adding he has "repeated problems" on
a nightly basis with computer intruders using his system to distribute
illegal software copies.

He said copies of test versions of Windows 95, which Microsoft won't
even be introduced until mid-1995, "are all over the place."

Microsoft General Counsel David Curtis told the paper, "We've known
about that and have been making efforts to investigate and run it down
for a while. Once the software gets out, it's pretty easy to duplicate."

Sandberg says software publishers have launched "one of the most
aggressive responses yet... (Some) have called in law-enforcement agents
and posted reward money for the arrest of those responsible."

James P. Lennane, president of DeScribe Inc., a Naples, Forida, soft-
ware company that discovered a pirated version of its new word-
processing program on the Florida State University system, said, "The
Internet is a conduit of criminal activity. I think it's time for the
big boys to stand up and protect their assets."

He posted a message on the Internet offering a $20,000 reward for the
arrest and conviction of those behind the latest scheme.

Microsoft has offered a $10,000 reward. In an electronic message,
Microsoft executive Rick Segal said, "We have taken steps to also find
the party responsible for these actions. I will put up $10,000 today.
This stuff has to stop."

** NEC Makes 32-Bit Video Game Unit **

A new 32-bit video-game machine will be launched by Japan's NEC Home
Electronics Ltd. in the second week of December. This comes on the heels
of Sony Corp.'s release of a rival machine.

Officials NEC Corp. are quoted as saying the new PC-FX machine will
go on sale on Dec. 9 at a price of 49,800 yen ($498), or 10,000 yen more
than Sony's new 32-bit machine. The company estimates sales at 500,000
units in the first year.

Sony affiliate Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. announced last week
its new PlayStation, priced at 39,800 yen, will go on sale Dec. 3 and
forecasts sales at 1 million units in the first six months.

Sega Enterprises Ltd. plans to launch its Saturn video game machine
with a 32-bit microprocessor and a CD-ROM drive on Nov. 22. The company
set a price of 49,800 yen at first but later cut it to 44,800 yen.

Meanwhile, market leader Nintendo Co. Ltd. apparently isn't planning
to join the year-end rush, but will release a new 32-bit game machine in
the first half of next year.

** Apple Tops in U.S. Computer Sales **

Apple Computer Inc. shipped more computers than any other manufac-
turer last quarter, taking the lead away from rival Compaq Computer

A survey conducted by the research firm International Data Corp.
showed that Apple sold 640,000 units in the United States in the third
quarter, compared with Compaq's 600,000 units sold. However, Compaq took
top honors for international sales with 1.22 million units.

"That they took back the lead from Compaq is interesting. It shows
things are coming together for Apple," said Eric Lewis, International
Data research director for PC hardware.

** Pioneer Considering Apple Project? **

Computer industry observers in Tokyo are saying Japanese audio equip-
ment maker Pioneer Electronic Corp. will enter the PC market next year
in a tie-up with Apple Computer Inc.

Reports this week said Pioneer will sell PCs loaded with Apple
software and the PowerPC microprocessor, which was jointly developed by
Apple, IBM and Motorola Inc.


> NAVCIS Pro 1.25 STR FOCUS! Others only _try_ where NavCIS Does It!

NAVCIS Pro Revisited

by R. F. Mariano

Certain programs seem to have a way of becoming necessities in hurry
once they're installed on your system. Sure, you "thought" you were doing
just fine without the "program" until you began using it. NavCIS Pro
v1.25 is just that type of program. A simpler way to express this is to
say; "You simply don't know what you are missing!" In our previous
review, we praised the program in general as it earned every bit of the
praise. Now, a number of weeks later, its time to re-evaluate that

To begin with, NavCIS Pro is still the benefit filled, sure footed
CIS Navigator we previously stated it is. To add to that, only comes with
the experiences we've attained since using NavCIS. In a number of areas,
there is little to ask for except perhaps some cosmetic changes and basic
functions of the program. For one, I'd be overjoyed to see the creative
and highly colorful forum logos displayed for those forums in use instead
of the redundant mailbox. With, of course, the various signals used still
in use. I'd also like to see the program allowed to lock baud at 115200 or
higher along with 4k packets being among the choices. Notice, I have not
at any time said I was disatisfied in any way with NavCIS Pro because I am
not. Its very fast and its rock solid. It does the job.

The file transfer speeds on any of the major online networks seem to
leave a great deal to be desired, but with NavCIS, the users can "help
themselves" to far greater transfer rates by paying attention to details.

After seeing number of pleas for help and the resulting animated
discussions about transfer speeds and what to or not to do, STReport
decided to make the move to do an in-depth overview of the telcom settings
that would provide the best overall performance for those machines (486 &
up w/16550a UARTs) capable of yeilding superior performance. The settings
and procedures outlined below are intended to help in most all serial
communications applications.


Unlike previous versions of Windows 3.x and Windows for Workgroups 3.1,
WFWG 3.11 uses a new and different internal architecture for the Com port
driver. The COMM.DRV in WFWG 3.11 uses what is known as the "VCOMM

The COMM.DRV supplied with WFWG 3.11 can properly handle 16550A type
serial ports, but ONLY if additional entries are inserted into the [386
Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI. By default, only the receive FIFO is enabled
on a 16550A serial port.

Without the additional SYSTEM.INI entries, the transmit FIFO capability of
the 16550A serial port will be inactive. If the transmit FIFO is not
activated, 14400bps, and even 9600bps, data & fax SENDING may experience
random or frequent failures.

Enabling FIFO support in WFWG 3.11
To fully enable the FIFO capabilities of a 16550A serial port, insert the
following entries into the [386 Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI;

COMxFifo=2 -- THIS ENTRY CAN BE OMITTED, but if present, MUST be set to 2,
not 0 or 1.

COMxTXFifo=1 -- 1 activates a 16 byte (non configurable) transmit FIFO,
the default of 0 deactivates the transmit FIFO.

COMxRXTrigger=8 -- Receive FIFO IRQ threshold, it must be 1, 4, 8, or 14
(if the entry is omitted, the default is 8)

Note: the lowercase x - where X is the Com port number

Note: These entries will be ignored if;

* You do not have a 16550A type serial port

* You are not running the VCOMM version of COMM.DRV (which comes with
WFWG 3.11)

* You are using WFXCOMM.DRV (which is NOT compatible with WFWG 3.11)

Moving right along....

The information presented below applies to:
- Microsoft Windows operating system versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.11
- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11


The universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) is an integrated
circuit that contains the software programming control of the PC serial
port. The 8250 was the original UART to ship with the IBM personal
computer. This UART and the newer 16450 version are limited to one input
register that holds only one byte at a time. These UARTs are not usually
suitable for modem speeds greater than 9600 bits per second (BPS) because
of possible input data overruns that can occur if a character is left in
the input register when the next byte is received. The new 16550 UART
allows reliable data transfer at high speeds with its 16-byte first in,
first out (FIFO) input register. The FIFO feature can buffer up to 16
bytes at a time, which improves serial communications by preventing data
overruns in applications that are 16550 aware. This article outlines the
use and history of support for the 16550 in Microsoft Windows.

Windows 3.0 and Earlier Versions

Windows 3.0 & earlier versions don't support the FIFO feature of the 16550
UART. Instead, the UART remains in the 8250 UART compatibility mode,
allowing one byte to be received at a time. If the incoming character
isn't read fast enough by the computer, the byte is lost. Lost or
"dropped" characters are likely to occur at speeds faster than 9600 bits
per second (BPS). There are no UART-specific switches in the SYSTEM.INI
file with Windows 3.0.

Third-party communications drivers (such as Turbocom by Pacific Commware)
are available to add support for the 16550 FIFO feature in Windows 3.0.

Windows 3.1, 3.11, and Windows for Workgroups 3.1
Windows 3.1 was the first version of Windows to support the FIFO feature
o f t he 16550 UART for Windows-based applications. (MS-DOS-based
applications run under Windows 3.1, 3.11, or Windows for Workgroups 3.1 do
not support the FIFO feature.) The receive buffer (RX) is set by the
serial communications driver (COMM.DRV) to 14 bytes. The transmit buffer
(TX) is not enabled.

[386Enh! Section SYSTEM.INI Setting:

COM1FIFO=0 | 1
COM2FIFO=0 | 1
COM3FIFO=0 | 1
COM4FIFO=0 | 1

Enable the FIFO if detected and the setting is not in the SYSTEM.INI file.

Specifies whether the FIFO buffer of a communication (COM) port 16550 UART
is enabled (1) or disabled (0). If a serial port does not have a 16550
UART, this setting is ignored. If you place a numerical value other than
"1" or "0" (for example, COMxFIFO=2 ), the FIFO is ENABLED if actually
detected. Using TRUE, FALSE, or any other NON-NUMERICAL VALUE sets the
switch to "0" and therefore disables the FIFO.

The COMxFIFO= setting is not fully Boolean aware. To properly use these
switches, use the following syntax;


where <x> is the number of the COM port you want to set.

The SYSINI.WRI file from the Microsoft Windows Resource Kit for version
3.1 incorrectly identifies TRUE and FALSE as functioning with this switch.
Page 196 of the Windows Resource Kit manual incorrectly identifies "On"
and "Off" as functioning with this switch. Again, using any non-numerical
value sets the switch to "0" and therefore disables the FIFO. These
values are used by Windows for both standard and 386 enhanced modes.

Third-party communications drivers (such as Turbocom by Pacific Commware
and KingComm by OTC Corporation) enable FIFO support for MS-DOS-based
applications running under Windows.

Windows for Workgroups 3.11

Windows for Workgroups 3.11 is the first version of Windows to enable
16550 FIFO support for MS-DOS-based applications running under Windows. In
addition to Windows-based applications, your MS-DOS-based applications can
now use FIFO to prevent data overruns without using a third-party
communications driver. The Windows for Workgroups communications driver
(SERIAL.386) can also use the transmit buffer (TX) of the 16550 UART.
Previous versions of the communications driver use the receive buffer (RX)

[386Enh! section SYSTEM.INI settings:

In addition to the COMxFIFO setting outlined above, Windows for Workgroups
3.11 introduces two new settings, RXTRIGGER and TXFIFO.

RXFIFO Setting:
COM1RxTRIGGER=1 | 4 | 8 | 14
COM2RxTRIGGER=1 | 4 | 8 | 14
COM3RxTRIGGER=1 | 4 | 8 | 14
COM4RxTRIGGER=1 | 4 | 8 | 14

Default: 8

Sets the number of bytes to enable for the receive FIFO buffer (RX) on the
16550 UART.


where <x> is the number of the COM port you want to set.

In general, you should not change the RXFIFO value. Increasing the value
of RXFIFO to 14 causes fewer interrupts to be generated, but it also
decreases the space in the remainder of the buffer to 2 characters. On a
busy system, which may have an increase in interrupt latency (the time
that it takes for an interrupt to be serviced by the CPU), this may cause
characters to overrun the buffer. Likewise, decreasing the value for
RXFIFO increases the number of interrupts generated, which could lead to
i n t errupt saturation, negating the usefulness of the FIFO on a
multitasking system.

TXFIFO Setting:


Default: 0 (off)
1 (on)

Purpose: Enables the transmit buffer (TX) on the 16550 UART. If enabled,
16 bytes are sent to the UART with each empty transmit interrupt


where <x> equals the number of the COM port you want to set.

Enabling the transmit buffer (TX) may result in better system performance
during a high-speed file upload. It does not affect downloads.

and now, on to the modems and certain init strings...

In the process of testing the efficiency of a number of modems, the
bottom line is, as it seemingly has always been a toss-up between Hayes
and US Robotics with US Robotics riding the "cutting edge" with flash rom
in use. On CIS NavCIS has constantly provided reliable file transfers in
the 1700cps range for us while using the above mentioned settings. Of
course we were connected at 14.4 on a CIS node and had worked the init
strings to "death" getting there. Below, are the two init strings
actually used. You can apply them as far as you wish and as long as your
modem meets the "Hayes Compatibility" criteria. Hopefully, they'll
provide a strong "starting point" for you.

(actual init strings from init.lst)

Hayes Optima V.FC 28.8 Data/FAX : AT&FM0V1W2X4&C1&D3&Q9&T5S11=50 :

USR DS V.FC 28.8 : AT&FM0Q0V1X7&A3&M0&B1&H1&R2&K0S11=40 :


FYI..... Relative to USR Modem Owners...

Subject: V.FC compatibility issue - Msg Number: 152319
From: US Robotics 76711,707
Forum: MODEMVENDOR Sec: 04-US Robotics
Date: 03-Nov-94 16:53:56

Here is what some of you have been waiting to hear:

We have found incompatibility under certain conditions in a small
percentage of V.FC modems from different manufacturers. The source of the
problem lies in the retraining sequences of the V.FC protocol. We've gone
back to the lab and are close to producing a fix. The update will be
available November 17th, 1994. For owners of Sportsters that support
V.FC, the update is available in the form of a user-installable e-prom
chip. A 1-800 number will be provided for Sportster owners to order this
new chip.

For Courier owners, the revised code is available via flash ROM by calling
our BBS at (708)982-5092, on Compuserve (GO USROBOTICS), or anonymous FTP
(, \pcb\dl05).

Courier owners, please see your manual for specifics on software

Details of the fix will be available by November 7.


Naturally, there are some caveats, (aren't there always?) the basic
requirements are a quality modem, good phone lines a high performance
machine and lastly, patience on the part of the user attempting to set up
the optimized comm system. Put the time into this effort, you'll be glad
you did.

now, back to NavCIS...

NavCIS Pro v1.25 has all of the bells and whistles one could possibly
want to maximize their enjoyment using Compuserve. Of course, like every
other program worth its salt, you can be sure there's something snazzier
in the wings. NavCIS 1.25 is part of a reliable chain of programs that
have satisfied many, many users who sought the true convenience of a high
powered system navigator. Its not the first and certainly not the last.
Support, both online and personal, is ongoing and top notch. Further
development of product enhancements is an ongoing factor.

Our conservative prediction is, simply put; sooner or later after
having tried the rest, you'll be using the best (NavCIS). Its won our
wholehearted endorsement. While on Compuserve, type GO DVORACK and
download the TE version. You'll love it!


> Frank's Corner STR Review

The Kids' Computing Corner

Brighter Child Software

reviews by Frank Sereno

This week reviews two products from Brighter Child Software. The
first title is "Jim Henson's Muppet/Brighter Child Letters: Capital &
Small." That name is quite a mouthful! This program teaches beginning
reading skills to children from preschool through kindergarten. Program
requirements are Windows 3.1, a 386 CPU, four megs of ram, a VGA display,
4.5 megs of hard drive space and a mouse. A sound card is not required
but digitized speech and sound effects are available if the card is
installed. The program comes on a single, high density diskette.

Installation is very simple. Run the install.exe program on the disk
by exercising the RUN option under the FILE menu in Windows. The program
will then copy the program files to the hard drive and create a program
group and icon for "Letters." The program includes a one page user's
guide. Also included is a small workbook which includes additional
problems and suggestions for parent/child activities to reinforce the
skills and knowledge gained from the workbook and program.

"Letters" is much like a workbook which is done on the computer. The
book consists of twenty-four pages. Twenty-two pages are activity pages,
one page is the title page and one page is the table of contents. On four
pages the activities study two letters rather than a single letter on the
other eighteen pages.

Each activity page has a box with the written instructions for that
page, a large window displaying the activity and below that are buttons
for moving through the pages. A left arrow button moves the program to
the previous page while the right arrow button goes to the next page. A
content button takes the child to the table of contents and a quit button
allows the child to exit the program. Upon entering each page the
instructions will be stated aloud to the child. Clicking on the written
instructions will cause them to be read aloud again.

All activities require the child to use a mouse to solve a series of
problems. He may be asked to click on a letter or to drag a letter or
object from one location to another. Besides learning to recognize the
different letters, the child will build coordination and dexterity through
his manipulations of the mouse. These exercises are well designed in that
the tasks teach children the letters while the tasks are simple and easily

The graphics are bright and colorful. All the Muppet characters are
easily recognizable. Each activity page includes some animations. These
animations are small in duration and in the amount of objects which are in
motion but they appear very smooth even on a 386 machine. Some sounds were
a bit distorted and fuzzy on my children's computer which uses a Sound
Blaster PRO 2 sound card. Other sounds were clear which has me confused
whether the fault lies in the computer's sound card or the program. Were
it not for the distortion problem, the sound portion of the program would
have been rated quite highly.

The interface is simple and easy to use, but I feel that there are a
few shortcomings that need to be addressed. Positive encouragement
consists of a small window popping up which displays the number of correct
answers the child has provided along with a brief musical interlude. The
shortcoming here is that this program is aimed at pre-readers. They need
some vocalized encouragement. Negative feedback is handled in the same
manner and again I feel this should be vocalized. During negative
feedback the child is given the options of trying again or having the
answer shown to them but these options are printed on the screen. The
child would be better served if these options were vocalized or presented
as some sort of easily understood pictograph or icon.

A side note, the back of the program's packaging shows three screen
shots which are not included in the program. These graphics show the
activity screens as chalkboards. They also show additional buttons for a
scorecard and a glossary. An additional button is shown on these graphics
but I can't discern the intended function. I'm not certain why these
changes were made to the program's interface and why the graphics on the
box were not corrected.

Play value is hard to grade. The program offers many different
activities but it will have limited replay value once the child has
completed all the pages several times. Perhaps with better feedback or
the ability to change the difficulty of the exercises would give children
something to come back to in the program. Educational value is good.
This program has a very narrow scope but its intended lessons are well
designed and easily learned by the target audience.

Bang for the Buck is very good. This program retails for about $15
so it is very inexpensive compared to many children's programs. The
program does not have the high hardware requirements of many current
educational programs so it is usable on most systems. While its
curriculum of study is rather small, these lessons are well received and

Graphics .............. 8.0
Sounds ................ 6.0
Interface ............. 7.0
Play Value ............ 8.0
Educational Value ..... 8.0
Bang for the Buck ..... 9.0
Average ............... 7.67


Brighter Child Reading & Phonics Grade 1 is intended to teach many
reading and pronunciation skills to children ages six to seven. The
program's structure and interface are very similar to that used in Muppet
Letters. Reading & Phonics features 28 pages with 32 activities. This
program requires Windows 3.1 or higher, a 286 or greater CPU, a VGA
display, two megs of ram, 2.6 megs of hard drive space and a mouse. Sound
cards are supported but not necessary to run this program. This program
also includes a workbook and parent's guide.

The Reading & Phonics interface consists of a large viewing window
and five buttons above the window for Start, Previous (page), Next (page),
Contents and Exit. In the work pages the child will use the mouse to
click on or drag objects or words and draw lines. The child will also
learn some keyboarding skills as he must type in answers in several
exercises. The directions for each exercise are very simple but these are
available as text only. No audible help is available so this program will
require parental interaction.

The exercises are well designed and interesting. Lessons include
sequencing sentences in a story, short and long vowel sounds, consonant
blends and digraphs, and reading comprehension. I do feel this program
would be much improved if it used sound more adequately. Phonics is the
study sound and today's sound cards can easily produce natural-sounding
voices. This addition would teach children correct pronunciation. In
addition, sound could be used for positive feedback or encouragement. The
program uses happy musical ditties and displays of fireworks but the
addition of a human voice would be better.

Graphics are colorful but simplistic. This program makes little use
of animation. The sounds used are very clean with little distortion. The
problem is that this program makes uses little sound. Sound and animation
are wonderful devices for retaining children's interest.

The interface is very simple to use. It does have shortcomings due
to the lack of positive feedback and audible help. This program requires
the parent to fulfill these duties which are done by the computer in many
of today's educational programs. If you as a parent are willing to
fulfill these duties, then Reading & Phonics can be an effective learning
aid for your child.

Play value is limited. There are many activities available in the
book but they will have little replay value once they have been finished.
This program lacks any sort of randomness to questions or adjustment in
difficulty levels to maintain the child's interest past the first play.

Educational value is good as many lessons and skills are learned from
the program if a parent or teacher works with the child to do the
exercises. It would be better if the program produced pronunciations of
the various phonics sounds.

Bang for the Buck is good. This program is available for $15 or
less. It is a good buy in children's software IF the parent is willing
to make up for the shortcomings in the interface and provide the correct
pronunciations of words and letter combinations.

I'd like to point out that the packaging on this program has a few
discrepancies similar to those in Muppet Letters. The back of the box
shows three screen shots. Only one of these screens is used in the
program. One screen may have been changed because it was deemed too
difficult. Completely missing is a word search activity. Due to writing
deadlines I was not able to learn the reasons for these discrepancies but
I will seek answers and report them in this column.

Graphics .............. 7.0
Sounds ................ 7.0
Interface ............. 6.0
Play Value ............ 7.0
Educational Value ..... 8.0
Bang for the Buck ..... 8.0
Average ............... 7.17



> WinCim Updated STR InfoFile

Changes in CompuServe Information Manager for
Windows (WinCIM) 1.3.1 (from version 1.3)


- NCSI/NASI implementation will allow shared MODEM pools
on Novell networks. User must have NCSI/NASI drivers
installed in order to use this feature.

- Copy To ==> MAPI Message will allow user to copy selected
text to a MAPI message. User must have a MAPI enabled mail
client installed to be exposed to this feature.

- Simple mail attachments allow users to send a text message and
an associated file. The recipient will receive two messages
with the same subject, one will contain the text message, the
other will be a file descriptor message with a retrieve button.

- Added 57600 and 115200 BAUD, removed 450 and 1800 BAUD.


- New online install programs.

WCINST.EXE - A complete install set, minus Signup.

WCPROG.EXE - Updated WINCIM.EXE minus the other components
listed below. Upon execution obsolete dll's are
removed from the user's wincim directory.

WCHELP.EXE - Update the WinCIM help file.

WDIR.EXE - Update the CompuServe Directory, also known as
the Almanac. Will create a program group and
put gocserve.exe in the user's windows directory.

WCSOUND.EXE - Update WinCIM sounds. These will be added to the
user's WIN.INI file.

WSCRIPT.EXE - Update the connect scripts, backing up the old
ones to *.old.

Basically, the idea is to simplify the online installation by providing
single files which can be run directly from Windows to install either
a complete upgrade or just parts. For detailed instructions Go WINCIM.


- MODEM security options added to the MODEM Control Strings
dialog. To access select Session Settings from the Special
menu pull down and click the MODEM button.


- List box scrolling has been improved.

- Filing Cabinet compatability between WinCIM and CompuServe
Navigator has been improved.

- Copy To ==> mail message copies the message subject.

- A read forum message retains its read status indicator in the
filing cabinet after downloading additional messages within
the thread.

- Forum message and file marking have been fixed.

- Truncated or oddly formatted text within articles, mail, or
forum messages has been corrected.

- Corrected the unpredictable formatting that resulted from moving
a reformattable mail message within the filing cabinet using FileIt.

- A reply to a forum message would result in a message being posted to
the forum when sent from the Out-Basket. Those replys are now sent
to the sender and appropriate addressees.

- No GPF is encountered while performing forum message related activities
involving messsages that contain international date formats with capital

- Forum library retrieval lists have been corrected.

- If you attempt to use sound with a system that is not equipped with a
sound card, when you attempt to start WinCIM a warning dialog will be
presented to explain and carryout the necessary adjustments. The
program will not start until the modifications have been made.

- Support for forums with 24 sections has been implemented. To check it
out try Go Politics.

- No more message text truncation.

- Correct BAUD rate will be displayed in the Connection Info dialog.

- The Undelete button on the Get New Mail dialog is enabled after the
first message is deleted. The message can be deleted from the View
dialog or from the mail list dialog.

- Launching WinCIM from the CompuServe Directory when the Connect dialog
has not been disabled no longer causes a GPF error.

- Fixed the CB keyboard interface problems.

- Added edit option for the Stock Portfolio entries.

- Out of Memory alert is no longer issued after deleting all tickers from
the Quotes dialog.

- Waiting mail icon works as expected. The user can go to a DPP service
and return and the icon will not disappear.

- Truncation of online text when using the scrollbar thumb has been fixed.

- The CB user's list operates properly.

- Corrected timeouts the result from large file downloads in terminal


> WPerfect WIN 6.1 STR FOCUS! Ongoing support at its best!

WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows
Product Information
Due to release fourth quarter 1994.

Product Introduction
As the latest version in the WordPerfect word processing product line,
WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows offers improvements that set the standard for
word and document processing. From simple ease-of-use enhancements to
sophisticated and intelligent automation tools, WordPerfect s new
capabilities strengthen the product s position as the best word processor
for Windows.

More documents are created worldwide using WordPerfect than with any other
software. WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows is the perfect way to create better

Product Development Goals and Results
WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows was designed based on product research and
user feedback from four principal sources:

* Usability research conducted at WordPerfect's
industry-leading usability center with hundreds of subjects,
studying a myriad of product design and implementation

* On-location field research with customers in their own
environments to better understand their work needs and
patterns and how our software can help them to get their
work done easier and faster

* Customer feedback via Customer Support lines, electronic
forums, and WordPerfect's own regional sales staff

* Enhancement requests from users of WordPerfect products

The information from this research was carefully studied and analyzed and
combined with market demands and corporate objectives. This resulted in
the formulation of four principal goals for developing WordPerfect 6.1 for
Windows, each to help customers:

* Write Better
* Work Smarter and Faster
* Integrate Perfectly
* Transition Easier

The overriding philosophy behind the design decisions made to meet these
four goals was to get the software out of the way of the work. This
means that the software needs to work with users, not against them, to
help them get their word processing work done faster and with less effort.
In addition, all product changes were coordinated with the other
applications of Novell's new suite of products, PerfectOffice 3.0, so
there would be consistency and a high level of integration among the
products. Finally, as part of the Novel family of products, WordPerfect
made eff

orts to be even more network aware than ever before, offering
network customers new advantages and opportunities to use the software in
a workgroup environment. Each of the four product goals are discussed
below with examples of how they were met in WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows.

Write Better
Word processors have long provided tools to help you format text, but they
had no idea what your words meant. But now WordPerfect's advanced
PerfectSense technology can understand words within their context. Using
PerfectSense, WordPerfect 6.1 can automatically fix your grammar, search
for all forms of a word from the one that you supply, and replace words
with the correct form. You save time and and your documents look better as
the software does the work.

Grammatik 6
Grammar checking has traditionally been a process that checked your
document for common errors and gave you advice based on proper grammar
rules. The challenge was that you had to first understand the advice and
then determine how to modify the text to make it better. Now with the new
Grammatik 6 and PerfectSense built into WordPerfect 6.1, you can check
your grammar as easily as you check your spelling. Grammatik 6 doesn t
just offer advice that you need an English professor to understand, but
will actually rewrite your sentences for you. All you have to do it click
Replace and let it do all the work.

Find and Replace
The problem with find and replace has always been that it can only look
for exactly what you type. What you told us you needed was a product that
would let you specify a word and have it automatically find all forms of
that word and even replace them with the correct forms of another word.
Using PerfectSense technology, the new Find and Replace in WordPerfect 6.1
does exactly that. For example, you could find all forms of the word fly
(fly, flew, flown, flying, etc.) then automatically replace them with the
proper form of the word drive (drive, drove, driven, driving, etc.).
This capability is perhaps even more significant in languages other than
English where word forms can be spelled very differently from the root.

Speller and Thesaurus
In addition to the grammar checker, other WordPerfect writing tools use
PerfectSense technology to offer you better writing assistance. Both
Speller and Thesaurus use PerfectSense to look up and replace words in the
proper forms. The Thesaurus allows you to look up words using any form,
even if the form is not in its word list. All WordPerfect writing tools
access your documents through our Writing Tools API (Application
Programming Interface), an open standard documented in the WordPerfect SDK
(Software Developer s Kit). WTAPI can be used by any Windows application
to directly access your document s text without the use of the clipboard
or other secondary transfer mechanisms that can alter document format or

QuickFinder, WordPerfect s patented file indexing and searching program,
lets you find files on your hard drive or network faster than standalone
applications costing hundreds of dollars. This searching applies not only
to WordPerfect documents, but to other word processing files, spreadsheet
and database files, and more. You can search for filenames or types, or
specific text in the files, using wildcards and Boolean operators. When
searching with QuickFinder indexes, your results are instantaneous.

In WordPerfect 6.1, QuickFinder also offers new capabilities, such as an
interactive browser to speed directory selection; UNC (Universal Naming
Convention) support for network and device-independent indexing; the
Concept Builder that uses PerfectSense technology to help you construct
searches on word forms, sounds, and even common misspellings; and
Relevance Ranking that sorts files in search results by the likelihood of

QuickCorrect, first introduced in WordPerfect 6.0a, now has several
additional capabilities to automatically fix errors and improve your
documents as you type. Not only can it correct hundreds of spelling errors
on the fly, but QuickCorrect will also automatically correct
capitalization, delete extra spaces, put in typeset-quality quotation
marks, and more. You can also use QuickCorrect entries to expand text,
such as having your initials become your full name when you press the
spacebar. QuickCorrect makes you a better writer; all you have to do is
turn it on.

Work Smarter and Faster
Your word processor should work with you and for you, being smart enough
to take care of common and complex tasks without extra effort on your
part. It should also provide quick tools that will save you time and
effort. WordPerfect 6.1 does this with a host of enhancements, only some
of which are listed below, that let you work smarter and faster than ever

Templates and Document Experts
Our research showed that most people were not using document templates in
WordPerfect or other products, for two principal reasons: 1) they didn t
know how to use them or even that they were there; and, 2) if they did
find them, they didn t think the supplied templates were relevant to their
personal work. To address these concerns, WordPerfect 6.1 now ships with
over 50 document templates all easily accessed each time you select File,
New to create a new document. These templates can be used for common tasks
such as letter writing, fax cover sheets, memos, and much more, making
them immediately useful. They are based on accepted standards for
formatting and content, so you can use them with confidence. They are also
fully automated, so they prompt you for the information they need to be
accurate and complete. In addition, you can easily create your own
templates with our new Template Coach and Prompts builder, letting you
make custom solutions for specific tasks in your environment.

Document Experts supplement the templates by providing an additional level
of automation in creating some of your most common documents. For example,
the Letter Expert will help you build your letters as you work on them,
complete with openings, closings, enclosures, and content assistance. The
Calendar Expert can help you build calendars in any of four formats,
portrait or landscape, and for as many months as you would like. Other
document experts are available for newsletters, faxes, and memos.

Table Expert
Formatting a table to look just right can be a time-consuming task, often
with many selections to make using borders, lines, fills, and text styles.
WordPerfect 6.1 makes this easy by providing the Table Expert, a simple
way to choose from a large number of pre-created table styles for
instantly improving a table s appearance. But WordPerfect 6.1 doesn t stop
there if one of the styles in the Expert doesn t meet your needs, you can
easily create your own and add them to the list. And because these are
styles, you can modify the table, such as adding rows and columns, and it
will still retain the look you have chosen. Another change in WordPerfect
6.1 is that table columns can be sized automatically to their content.
This makes it a one-click operation to get table column widths matched up
exactly with your data and is another example of how WordPerfect saves you
time and effort. Combine that with nearly 100 table formulas, named
ranges, and automatic data fill for numbers, days of the week, months, and
more, and you have the most powerful table feature in any word processor.

Make It Fit Expert
If you have ever spent time changing fonts and other settings to make a
document fit on a certain number of pages, you'll appreciate WordPerfect s
new Make It Fit Expert. This step-saver can, for example, take your letter
that is just slightly more than one page and shrink it down to fit on one.
But Make It Fit doesn't just shrink a document. It can also take your
nine page report or newsletter and automatically expand it out to twelve
pages or more. The best part is that you decide what settings can be
changed fonts, spacing, or margins. You write the text, and WordPerfect
6.1 s Expert will Make It Fit the number of pages you need.

Multiple Level Undo/Redo
In order to give you the freedom to safely explore document editing and
formatting options, WordPerfect 6.1 offers you up to 300 levels of
Undo/Redo. Anything you do in your document can be undone, and then redone
if needed. To make your shared documents secure, Undo/Redo gives you the
ability to erase the changes from the document when you save it.

QuickFormat with AutoUpdate
If you already use QuickFormat in WordPerfect for Windows, you know how
easy it is to load formatting from one section of text and paint it to
other locations. Now with WordPerfect 6.1, QuickFormat lets you tie text
together so that if you make formatting changes in one location, all other
text you painted is automatically and dynamically updated to match. This
is especially useful for headings and titles that might be scattered
throughout your document but need to look the same. QuickFormat is the
easist way to automatically to make and keep your documents looking great.

After typing, selecting text is the most common editing task performed, so
it makes sense to build as much intelligence into that process as
possible. WordPerfect 6.1 does a number of things with selection, such as
automatically selecting entire words as you extend your selection to
multiple words; applying attributes, such as bold or italic, to an entire
word if nothing is selected; and giving you easy access to selection
options, such as sentence, paragraph, page, and the entire document by
clicking the right mouse button in the left margin.

Intelligent Cut and Paste
Whenever you move text using cut and paste or drag and drop, there are
many cases where you have to go back and manually add or delete space
characters, often in both the old and new locations. WordPerfect 6.1 is
intelligent enough to automatically perform these steps after copying or
moving text, letting the software work for you.

Open As Copy
Our research showed that one of the most common things people do is open
existing documents and reuse them for new tasks, but their concern is
always accidentally overwriting the old file with the changes. So
WordPerfect 6.1 made this common task easy with an Open As Copy option in
the Open dialog. Simply check this option when opening a file, and it will
appear in WordPerfect 6.1 without a name but with all the content and
formatting of the original. You can then edit it as needed without
worrying about losing the original document. A simple thing perhaps, but
one that we know will save you steps, because you told us that s how
you like to work.

Drop Cap
A great way to add a professional touch to documents is to use a drop cap
at the start of a paragraph. In WordPerfect 6.1, this is done easily by
making one menu selection. You can choose from any of 14 pre-defined
styles, or customize your drop caps with line size, margin positioning,
borders, and fills. Not only will your documents look nice, but when you
use a drop cap in WordPerfect 6.1, your paragraphs will still function
correctly with all other features, such as the spell and grammar checkers.

Drag to Create
WordPerfect for Windows has for years had great graphics handling
abilities, including graphic styles that let you pre-determine where
images and text in boxes should be and how they should look. But if you
wanted to pre-determine a location for images or make them a size
different from the default, you had to change them after the fact. Now
with WordPerfect 6.1, you can place a graphics image or text box in just
the right place by drawing it exactly where you want it at insertion time.
Once you select Drag to Create, you can continue to use it for graphics,
text boxes, equations any kind of box you might use to enhance the look
and functionality of your documents.

Transition Easier
WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows provides a host of tools, in the form of
conversions, Experts, Coaches, Tutorials, and more, to make the transition
from DOS or other environments to WordPerfect 6.1 as smooth as possible.

Document Conversion
WordPerfect 6.1 provides the best conversions from the WordPerfect 5.x
file format. Not only do your documents come in with the same appearance,
but the structure also matches up, making it easy to edit those documents.
In addition, WordPerfect 6.1 supports conversions for many other major
application formats, such as Word 6.0 and Ami Pro 3.01, and converts WP
5.x macros, something no other product offers.

QuickStart Tutorial
To get you up and running quickly on WordPerfect 6.1, the QuickStart
tutorial will launch the first time you use the product. This brief tour
will familiarize you with the product interface and let you immediately
feel at home in WordPerfect 6.1. If you ever need to, you can come back to
QuickStart tutorial any time through the Coaches dialog.

Upgrade Expert
WordPerfect 6.1 makes it easy to upgrade from a previous version of
WordPerfect or from other competing products with the Upgrade Expert.
Providing Show Me and Do It buttons, as well as access to related
Coaches and Help file information, the Upgrade Expert is the place to
start to make your transition to WordPerfect smooth and pleasant.

New Coaches
Coaches have proven to be a popular tool not only for getting things done,
but for learning more about WordPerfect in the process. New Coaches for
WordPerfect 6.1 cover topics such as templates and styles, letting you
easily take advantage of some of the most powerful product features the
product has to offer.

Customer Support
WordPerfect, the Novell Applications Group, has the most renowned customer
support effort in the industry. In fact, WordPerfect recently won PC World
s World Class Award for the best support for the fifth year in a row.
WordPerfect, the Novell Applications Group, is still the only major
software vendor to offer toll free support. That means to get all your
technical questions answered, you can use free, toll-free support for 180
days after your first phone call.

Integrate Perfectly
WordPerfect 6.1 plays a key role in Novell s new suite of applications,
PerfectOffice 3.0. Many enhancements have been made to make the
applications in PerfectOffice work well together. In addition,
WordPerfect 6.1 supports key integration technologies that let it work
with all other Windows applications so you can get your work done in the
way that is best for you.

Common Interface
The products in PerfectOffice 3.0 share a common interface; the menus,
toolbars, and general appearance are decidedly similar, making them easy
to learn and use. This standardization and simplification of interface
benefits all users of WordPerfect 6.1, but especially those who use more
than one application from PerfectOffice 3.0.

PerfectFit Technology
PerfectFit Technology allows WordPerfect applications under Windows to
share a number of features and capabilities, as well as a common macro
language. PerfectFit not only reduces the amount of memory and disk space
required by the applications by letting them share common code, but it
further enhances the common look and feel of all PerfectOffice programs.
For example, with PerfectFit, all PerfectOffice 3.0 applications,
including WordPerfect 6.1, have a common spell checker and the same file
management tools in the Open and Save dialogs.

As part of PerfectFit technology, PerfectOffice 3.0 is the first suite of
applications to offer cross-product macro recording, called PerfectScript.
Just like recording a simple macro in WordPerfect itself, PerfectScript
makes it easy to create custom automated solutions that use one or a
combination of PerfectOffice applications.

OLE is a powerful way to build compound documents and let applications
work together.WordPerfect 6.1 supports OLE 2 as both a container and a
server, allowing for in- place editing of objects in WordPerfect
documents, drag-and-drop across programs and documents windows, and
linking or embedding of any OLE object such as graphics, data, sound, or
other multimedia elements.

Network Support
If you re working on a network, WordPerfect 6.1 is designed to make it
easy. From powerful network installation and configuration abilities to
full Universal Naming Convention support at install time, the product runs
very well on a network right out of the box and offers you the ability to
set it up as freely or as tightly controlled as you like for your business
and environment.

Object Exchange (OBEX)
OBEX provides the ability to easily share data across a network, phone
line, or other method of communication, something other standards do not
offer today. WordPerfect 6.1 supports OBEX publish and subscribe, allowing
you to easily exchange data with other OBEX enabled applications such as
Quattro Pro and Paradox. ODBC and IDAPI

WordPerfect has long provided the ability to directly access spreadsheet
data in documents. WordPerfect 6.0 added database access for dBase,
Paradox, SQL, and other formats, making it simple to import or link data
from any of these sources. Now with ODBC and IDAPI support, WordPerfect
6.1 supports the latest database programs, including Microsoft Access and
Borland dBase for Windows. You can access all data tables and fields and
perform queries on the data before importing it into your documents.

TWAIN support in WordPerfect 6.1 allows you to easily include scanned
images with your work. Just select the menu option in WordPerfect, scan
the image, and bring it right back into your document. WordPerfect is the
first and only word processor to support TWAIN, the industry standard for
scanning created by major vendors such as Hewlett-Packard and Logitech.

Open Document Management API (ODMA)
WordPerfect 6.1 supports ODMA for document management which provides tight
integration with products such as Novell SoftSolutions. Support for ODMA,
the industry standard, allows WordPerfect and SoftSolutions to work
together seamlessly to provide users with the best combination of word
processing and document management services.

Copyright 1994 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
States of America. This information is accurate to the best knowledge of
Novell, Inc. based on product comparisons completed by Novell, Inc. on
August 4, 1994. These comparison results are subject to change as products
are updated or modified. Novell, Inc. makes no warranties, express or
implied, in this comparison. Purchasers are encouraged to personally
evaluate all products. WordPerfect, WPWin, Grammatik, and QuickList are
registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. within the United States and other
countries. TextArt, WordPerfect Draw, QuickFinder, and QuickMenu are
trademarks of Novell, Inc. worldwide. All other brand and product names
are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.




While only a few folks were privy to a number of upcoming events, the
notification that Sega had joined Compuserve surprised many industry
observers in that they were waiting to see just which service Sega would
become heavily involved in. This reporter's take on the matter is more
toward the people angle. Ron Luks, the "main man" in a number of highly
popular and equally informative forums on Compuserve is the motivating
force behind much of the recent increases in "gaming" support found on
CIS. Its no wonder that Sega joined CIS, with folks like Ron Luks
providing the upbeat enthusiasm both behind the scenes and online. There
could be little doubt that CIS would become the service of choice. Luks,
along with Don Watkins and Neil Shapiro are regarded by many as the online
"founding fathers" of Compuserve.

Subj: Sega Joins CompuServe
Section: Forum Business
To: All
Thursday, November 03, 1994 11:15:26 AM
From: SYSOP*Mike Schoenbach, 76703,4363#58545

I am pleased to announce that Sega of America has opened up their own
Forum here on CompuServe.

GO SEGA takes members to a menu of Sega-related services, and GO SEGAFORUM
takes members to the Sega Forum. Other Video Games Publishers may be
contacted with the commands GO VIDAPUB and GO VIDBPUB.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Greg Chiemingo Manning, Selvage & Lee

Richard Brudvik-Lindner Sega 415-802-3658

Debra Young CompuServe 614-538-4553

Sega goes on-line with CompuServe & World Wide Web; real-time conferences,
video clips, contests, chat rooms all part of new interactive services for
Sega fans

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., November 2, 1994-- Interactive digital entertainment
leader, Sega of America, Wednesday announced the launch of an interactive
on-line service on CompuServe starting this month.

Sega also announced the opening of a "Home Page" on the Internet's World
Wide Web (WWW or Web) beginning Nov. 7. The new services will give Sega
information surfers multiple options to download text, graphics and audio,
participate in chat groups, and will include regular on-line conferences,
including the first on Nov. 7 with Sega
Chief Executive Officer and President, Tom Kalinske (6-7 p.m. PST).

Like an electronic superstore, the new Sega Forum on CompuServe will offer
selections for all Sega information "shoppers," including real- time
conferencing and message boards as well as text, still image and
audio/video downloading opportunities on Sega products and other company
ventures such as the Sega Channel, Sega's planned mini theme parks and new
products from Sega Toys.

In addition to Sega's Home Page on the Web, an anonymous File Transfer
Protocol (FTP) site will allow Sega customers who surf the net to find
text, audio or graphic images input by Sega on the Internet.

"We have an unusually strong connection to the people who use our
products, in fact, we are know for a rabid loyalty among Sega fans that
inspires them to mimic our commercials, collect our games, emulate our
style and idolize our game developers.

"What better way to cement that bond than to have Sega fans link with the
source itself. As evidence of this we are the only non-apparel company
recognized by teens as among the five coolest companies in America --
that's the position in the consumers' minds that the CompuServe and
Internet services can only strengthen," said Bill White, Sega of America
vice president of marketing.

In addition to "meeting" with Tom Kalinske on Nov. 7, Sega is producing a
stream of regular programming on CompuServe. During its first month of
service, Sega surfers will also be able to participate in the following
real-time conferences: Nov. 15, Roger Hector, who oversees the Sega
Technical Institute (STI), the unit responsible for developing "Sonic &
Knuckles"; on Nov. 18, Joe Miller, vice president of product development
will be available to "talk" about Sega's new hardware platform Genesis
32X; on Nov. 30, the development team responsible for bringing the hit PC
game "Doom" to 32x will be live on-line.

"We're very excited about bringing Sega on-line," said Kevin Knott, vice
president of product marketing at CompuServe. "We believe our information
and interactive services will offer Sega enthusiasts new channels of
communication with their favorite company."

Sega of America is the market leader in home video game systems in the
United States with Sega Genesis, Sega CD and Game Gear hardware and more
than 500 software titles for the 8-bit, 16-bit and CD-ROM systems. This
fall, Sega will launch Genesis 32X an add-on for the Genesis and Sega CD
systems to increase them to 32-bit machines for new titles, among other
new developments.

The Sega forum is expected to keep Sega consumers informed and ready for
the latest in interactive digital entertainment.

Sega of America is the arm of Tokyo, Japan-based Sega Enterprises Ltd.
responsible for the development, marketing, and distribution of Sega
products in the Americas. Sega Enterprises is a nearly $4 billion company
recognized as a leader in interactive digital entertainment media, with
operations on five continents.

Established in 1979, the CompuServe Information Service provides its
worldwide membership of more than 2 million with databases and services to
meet both business and personal interests. CompuServe can be accessed by
any modem-equipped personal computer utilizing general communications
software. In addition to the CompuServe Information Service, CompuServe
Inc. provides frame relay, wide and local area networking services,
electronic mail, business information services and software to major
corporations an government agencies worldwide. CompuServe is an H&R Block
(NYSE: HRB) company.


Already, the warm welcomes are coming in for the new Sega area!

Subject: #This Fabulous Place! - Msg Number: 223
From: Linda Woeltjen 76711,1142
To: Sysops
Forum: SEGAFO Sec: 01-General Help
Date: 01-Nov-94 21:02:51


Well, it's your first day, and I've had a chance to really look around
and get acquainted with your message boards and libraries. I'm both
impressed and excited.

After spending a fortune of video game magazines, it's wonderful to
feel like I can tap right into the source. My son's already drooling
over this forum, and it's only a day old. It looks like it's
going to be an area the whole family will enjoy as much as they enjoy the
various Sega game machines we have around the house.

Thanks for giving us this place to 'plug in' to hot news, hints, and
tidbits that will enhance the fun we're already having. Will there be
conferences? He'd really love to talk live with other Genesis fans.

Linda Woeltjen

A sample of what will be found in the Sega forum is included below.. the
information and screen shot files are fantastic.


Level Skip:
Skip the Terrestrial Plains and start at the Elemental Plains. If you
have a "doorway magic", go to an area just above the entrance of the air
gate and jump across to the right and you'll be on a small platform.
Press pause and the only magic you can select is the "Doorway", unpause
and Chakan will be kneeling and holding up 2 potions, then press the "B"
button and the entire screen will flash (You've just skipped through half
the game!).

General Tips:
Double-Roll: To do the double-roll, you'll want to roll off the side of
any ledge and (as you're still rolling in the air) press the "jump" button
again and you'll do a second roll in the air.

NOTE: This is extremely hard to do and may require non-stop practice
(Timing is a key factor in mastering the "Double-Roll.").

Potions: If you enter a level and collect all the potions, you can
destroy yourself without finishing that level. Enter the same level to
collect the same potions again. This is to load up on potions before
bosses or extremely difficult levels!

NOTE: Clear Air Potions will only appear once during the game!

Doorway Magic: When you reach a difficult boss and/or your time is
running out, use the "doorway magic" (on the screen the boss is on) and
you'll exit that stage. When you enter it again, you'll start out at the
boss again!

Water Phase 1: Terrestrial Planes
In this stage, you have a choice of going under water or jumping from
pillar to pillar above water. Try jumping from pillar to pillar to the
right (you travel much faster above water). As you jump from pillar to
pillar you'll find a blue "water potion." Keep going right and you'll
find another blue "water potion" on a low pillar. Keep going right
jumping from pillar to pillar until you reach an extremely high pillar.
Try to jump and roll to reach the top of that pillar. When you land on
top of that pillar, jump to a platform to the left of it and you'll find a
green "earth potion." Keep going right and you'll encounter a Green
Fisherman. Destroy him (2 hits) and keep going right. Underwater, you'll
face the Tentacle Creature. Use your invisibility (2 Blue Water Potions)
then stand next to the Tentacle Creature. Point you sword down on it
until it is destroyed. From there, continue right and you'll find the
Grappling Hook!

Fire Phase 1: Terrestrial Planes
Defeat the 2 ghosts (2 hits each) and head right. You'll eventually jump
on a platform. This part seems like a dead end but it's not! Press down
on your directional pad and press the jump button and you'll drop down to
2 platforms. Wait on top of the second platform to the right and
eventually a moving platform will come down. Jump on this moving platform
and it will take you up. When you reach the top, go left and drop down.
Continue left, jump up on a platform above you and go right. Jump
up to another area above you and just to the right, you'll jump again to
an area above where you're at now. Continue jumping up to the top, then
go left. Defeat another ghost and when you go all the way left, jump up
to yet another are. Continue right and you'll drop down a corridor with a
moving platform in it. When you reach the bottom, move to the right and
wait for another moving platform to take you to the top. When you reach
the top, drop down to the right through another corridor. When you reach
the bottom, move to the right and wait for yet another platform. When
you reach the top again, drop down to the right through your last corridor
and at the very bottom you'll find the Scythe Weapon!

Air Phase 1: Terrestrial Planes
You'll start on a platform, jump and roll to the platform to the right.
From this platform, jump and roll to a platform above you to your left.
From this platform, jump and roll to the platform directly above you.
From this platform, jump and roll to a platform above you to the right.
From this platform, jump and roll to another platform above and to the
right. From this platform, you'll see a brick long platform with a purple
hooved mace wielding monster that throws rocks directly above and to the
left of the platform you just reached. Use your orange Fire Sword magic
(1 Blue Water Potion and 1 Red Fire Potion). Then just jump up and shoot
the monster with the fire swords (Fire Swords shoots fireballs). Once
you've defeated the monster, he'll leave 2 clear air potions. Get the
potions (on the brick platform where the monster was), stand on the edge
of the highest point of the brick platform and jump and roll to the right
to a platform above you. From this platform jump and roll to the left to
another platform above you. On this platform, you'll get 1 clear air
potion and 1 green earth potion. From this platform, jump and roll to
another platform to the left, then stand there and shoot the second purple
monster with your Fire Sword until it's defeated. Once it's defeated jump
to the right and collect 2 clear air potions and continue right until you
reach a wall with an orange gate that will automatically open. Enter it
and you will find the Battering Mallet Weapon!

Earth Phase 1: Terrestrial Planes
Start out by jumping and rolling across to a platform. Drop to the right
side of the platform and when you reach the bottom, go right and you'll
reach a dead end with a "blue potion." Go back left and jump back up to
the platform, then drop to the left side of that platform. Drop all the
way down to the bottom then go all the way right past alot of spiders. At
the far right you'll have to jump and roll your way up to the top. When
you reach the top, jump and use your grappling hook to swing from a hole
in the wall where the spiders drop from to a ledge to the left. From that
ledge, jump across the gap and continue left killing all the spiders you
encounter. Drop down to the left of the ledge and go right jumping over
the SPIDER MONSTER BOSS, continue right, and you'll find a Battle Axe
Weapon! (NOTE: You don't need to defeat the Spider Boss)

Water Phase 2: Terrestrial Planes
Walk to the right, jump on the pillar next to the skull infested ground
(don't jump on the skulls because there is a hidden creature that can
destroy you). Jump up and swing the Battering Mallet to knock the
breakaway blocks on the ceiling. When they break away, use your grappling
hook on a small gold platform that appears after you get rid of the
blocks. Swing on it using the Grappling Hook to the area above you. Then
jump to the left past another skull infested part, but watch out for the
worms that pop out. All the way left you'll find another gold platform
that you can use your grappling hook to swing on. Use this to go to
another area above you, then go right and swing from another small gold
platform to a platform. From this platform, jump and swing on another
small gold platform to the platform above. Then go left past a skull
infested area and at the far left, swing on another small gold platform to
an area above. Go right by jumping from platform to platform and go past
another skull infested area (watch out for the Mantis Worm!). Get a clear
air potion at the far right then you'll also see another small gold
platform. Use it to swing and jump up to another area above . continue
left, and go past a skull infested area (watch out for the worms!),
and at the far left you'll go up by taking 3 small gold platforms up.
Once at the top, you'll see a small gem on a small platform at the upper
left but you can barely see it because a waterfall is covering that
platform. Jump and swing onto that platform to get the gem. Then you'll
go right past another skull infested area (watch out for a Mantis Worm).
All the way to the right, jump up to a higher platform and from this
platform jump and swing up from another small gold platform to an area
above. Defeat the Tentacle Monster, go left then go up another area by
using another gold platform to swing on and defeat the second Tentacle
Monster and you'll automatically finish this phase.

Fire Phase 2: Terrestrial Planes
Go right, defeat the Winged Harpy, and at the far right (you'll notice a
small thin floor about 2 blocks long) stand on it, hold "straight down"
and press the jump button to drop down to another area. Go left and drop
down the first gap and you'll land on a platform. Drop of the ledge to the
left and as you drop, hold it to the right and you'll fall between two
small platforms and you'll land on another platform. Drop from the right
side of that platform and hold it to the right as you fall so that you can
land on a ledge of a platform (if you don't hold it to the right, you'll
fall into the fire and die). Go to the right side of the platform and
you'll notice what looks like bull skulls. Use your Grappling Hook to
swing from all the bull skulls to the top right and you'll go up a
corridor (still using the bull skulls to go up). You find, that once you
reach the top , go right and at the far right you'll reach a dead end (
part of the floor is made of breakaway blocks). Swing the Battering
Mallet from the up position and down in a half-circle formation (like in
the form of the letter "C" or backwards "C"). If you do this correctly,
you'll break the block floor and drop down to more bull skulls. In this
area you'll find the exit at the bottom left.

Earth Phase 2: Terrestrial Plains
Use your shield magic to get through the Blue Glowing Orb

(NOTE: If you don't have invincibility and destroy the orb, every hole
you see in the background will hit you with a gas cloud (The gas clouds
won't appear if you walk through the orb with shield magic). Continue
left to a ledge, and jump up and to the left to reach a ledge. From this
ledge jump to a ledge above you. Jump to the top where you'll land on a
platform, walk to the left ledge of that platform and drop down to a
platform slightly below, and to the left of the ledge you just dropped
from. From this platform jump up and left to a small platform high up
above you, and when you land on it jump left to a corridor. Go left and
do a "Double Roll" across a gap to another platform then jump up and left
to a small ledge in the gap above you. From this small ledge, jump up and
left to the top of a platform slightly above the small ledge you were on.
Jump up and right to the next platform above and again jump up and right
to yet another platform above. Continue right until you reach a huge gap.
Do a "Double Roll" across the gap to reach a platform at the far right.
Continue right and drop down a narrow chasm, and when you land, go left
and drop down another chasm and go right to the boss.

It's recommended to use you potions (shield, flame sword), but if you
don't have any potions, corner it at the far right and continually use the
spin attack.

Air Phase 2: Terrestrial Planes
You'll start on a ledge and you'll want to jump across to the right to
another ledge. Equip your Battle Axe, and use it to break down the door
to the right of the ledge. Go 4 windows to the right and wait for a
moving platform to come down. Jump on the moving platform and ride it up
and when you reach the top, jump up and left to a platform. Then you'll
want to wait until another moving platform comes down, and when you see
it, you'll want to jump on it and ride it up. When you reach about half
way to the top, try and jump across to the right to a tiny ledge. From
that ledge, you'll jump up and left to another tiny ledge, wait for the
moving platform to come down, jump on the moving platform and ride it up.
At the top, jump across to an area above and go right to face the boss.

Use you grappling hook for longer reach and use the spin attack to hit
him. (... or stand on the moving platform you took to get to the boss and
use your Green Lightning Earth Sword or any other long distance shooting
weapon), and shoot the boss when the moving platform is at or near the

Air Phase 3: Terrestrial Planes
You'll start out on a ledge and wait for a flying boss enemy. When the
enemy arrives from the right, walk to the left as soon as possible and use
your grappling hook to hit him (and vise versa when he appears on the left
side). If you time it just right, he won't hit you. After a while the
boss will do a charge. It is hard to avoid and even hard to hit him when
it charges. The best way to hit him is to stick out your weapon so that
it charges into Chakan's weapon (recommend using shield or invisibility

Water Phase 3: Terrestrial Planes
You'll start on a ledge with a door. Don't take the door but drop to the
left and you should land in an area underwater. Go left underwater and
you'll reach a dead end with breakable blocks. Use your Battering Mallet
to break the blocks and break the set of blocks to the left as well.
Continue left underwater and you'll reach a small area above water with a
door all the way on the left side and a small gold platform above. To the
right of this door you'll want to Ignore the door and jump up and use your
Grappling Hook to swing from that small gold platform onto another just
above the first one. From that second small gold platform you're hanging
on, jump to the left to a regular platform. Walk to the left side of that
platform and do a "Double Roll" to the other side of the gap and you'll
land on a small gold-greenish brick pillar. Drop down to a fish-head
statue, drop down to the left, and continue left underwater. Eventually
you'll reach an area above water that has a thing that looks like a
reddish-orange tree ( it will hit you with tentacles if you get too
close). What you've got to do, is to try and jump above it where you will
find another fish statue, but that has 2 blue gems for its eyes. Grab
the gems and drop back down to the tree monster and it will sink into the
ground and you can proceed left and see 3 doors next to each other. Take
the middle door to reach the boss.

The spin attack works really good on this boss and remember to use the
Grappling Hook to swing away from it when necessary.

Fire Phase 3: Terrestrial Planes
Start out by going right and jump across to a small platform and make your
way up to the top jumping from the platforms, swinging at the bull skulls
with your Grappling Hook. At the very top, continue left and go up
where you'll reach the left side of the screen. At the very top, continue
right and you'll reach the Boss.

Boss: The Winged Witchress
Watch out for the sword she swings because she can throw fireballs at you.
The best way to defeat her is by doing direct non-spin attack blows and
constantly keep moving while you're hitting her.

Earth Phase 3: Terrestrial Planes
Start out by going right and roll of the edge and you'll land on a small
ledge. The next thing you want to do is equip your Scythe, jump up, and
break the spider web above you (about 3 swings to break the spider web),
then proceed to jump up to the platform where the spider web was on, and
drop down the right side of that platform. When you reach the bottom,
you'll be able to get a clear air potion. Backtrack back up the platform
and drop down the left side of the platform. When you reach the very
bottom equip your Scythe to break a spider web on the right. When you
break the spider web, you can go right, and you'll want to drop down a
narrow corridor. At the bottom of the corridor, you'll want to go left
from here. You'll want to drop down to the left through another corridor.
After you land, you'll jump up to a platform with a spider web on it.
You'll then want to break the spider web and drop down to the left, and
when you land, you'll face the boss.

Boss: Spider Queen
She is very difficult to beat. Always keep your sword in her face and
duck and roll down to keep up with her. Ice blade works well on her head,
and use shield magic when down to one skull.

Air Phase 1: Elemental Planes
When you first start out, stand in an open area and hold out your
grappling hook. Eventually, a gladiator on the giant flying insect will
come down and attack, continue to hold out the grappling hook (while
standing still), and just wait for the enemy to fly into the hook until it
destroys itself. Then you can jump on the flying insect and fly it up to
the left where you will find a gunner that controls a laser barrier above.
To defeat the gunner, fly up and hit him with your battering mallet,
then fly down. You'll then fly back up and hit the gunner again with the
battering mallet to defeat him. Once the gunner is defeated, the laser
barrier above will disappear. Proceed up to the next gunner, defeat him,
and continue up and right. At this point, you'll want to fly down between
2 laser beams (this part is tricky! Remember that you can be hit by the
beam, but your insect won't be effected by a hit). Defeat the the 2
gunners and fly up the corridor above. You'll find 2 more gunners, defeat
them and go up and take the first left to find the exit.

Earth Phase 1: Elemental Planes
Start out by dropping down a gap in front of you. When you land, drop
down to an area below. Continue right, and drop down another gap and
you'll land on a thin green line (hold D-pad in the down position + the
jump button and you'll drop down through the green line). You'll
then land on an area below you, go right and drop down another gap with a
green thin line. From here you'll want to drop down to a small platform
with a gap on the right and left side. You'll want to drop down the gap
to the left, and continue left. You'll then want to drop down another gap
on the left, and go right to yet another gap. Drop down that gap, and go
left to another gap. You'll then want to go right and jump up to an area
slightly above you. Drop down the gap, and you'll continue right to the

Water Phase 1: Elemental Planes
Start out by going down an iced slope, drop to another platform, and
you'll notice an iced covering. Use your battering mallet to break the
iced platform. Drop down the gap, and you'll want to hold it to the right
and time it so that you land on a platform that moves down when
you land on it. Take the platform down to a second platform on the right,
and take that platform down. Continue right and jump across a gap to
another area above, and continue right to the exit.

Fire Phase 1: Elemental Planes
Start out by jumping right to a platform, and from the far right side jump
directly across to another platform. Then, jump up and to the right to
the next platform. Jump up and left to yet another platform, and from
this platform, jump up two more platforms. At the top platform, jump to
the platform that is slightly lower and to the right. From that platform,
jump to the right, and as you fall, hold towards the right and you should
land on a platform that sticks out of the side of a wall of lava. From
this platform, jump up and right to a small platform floating on top of
lava. When you land on this platform, hold your sword down to defeat 4
firebirds that fly out of the lava. Once you've defeated them, then
wait for a moving platform on the right. When the moving platform comes
down, jump on it, then off it to another platform on the right. From this
platform, drop down to the right to another platform that sticks out from
a wall of lava. Wait until another moving platform on the right
comes down, jump on it, then off it to another platform that sticks out of
a wall of lava on the right. On that platform, stop and jump up to the
right to a small platform, and jump across to another platform to the
right. Wait for another moving platform to come down, jump off it to
another platform to the right. Then drop to the right and you'll land on
a platform that sticks out of a wall of lava. From this platform, drop to
the right and you'll land on a floating platform. Continue right, jumping
from platform to platform, and the exit is all the way to the right.

Fire Phase 2: Elemental Planes
Use your grappling hook, swing from the pillars towards the upper right.
At the far right, jump and fall towards the right. You should land on a
solid area at the bottom. Make your way up to the upper right side and
jump and hold it to the right side and you'll land on a slope. Make your
way up to the top, and swing directly to a floor to the right and you'll
find the exit.

Water Phase 2: Elemental Planes
Start out by heading right to the 2nd ice floor, equip your battering
mallet and break the ice floor beneath you (hold D-pad in up position +
"B" button + a half circle motion of the D-pad towards the down position),
and you'll fall and land on another ice floor. Break that one as well,
and you'll land on a 3rd ice floor. Break that one, and drop straight
down, and you'll land on an area below that has a gap to the left. Fall
down this gap and you'll land on a second area with a gap towards the
left. Drop straight down this gap and you'll land on a platform floating
on iced water. Continue right jumping from platform to moving platform
until you reach a solid area. The exit is on the right side of the solid

Earth Phase 2: Elemental Planes
Start out by dropping down a gap to the right and you'll land on a
platform. Jump or "double roll" across to another platform, go right to
the edge of that platform and jump and swing from a bullskull (using your
grappling hook of course) up to a platform above you (Watch out for
the Giant Claw Worm because if it grabs you, it will put where you
started). Go right, and you'll take the first way up, continue right, and
at the far right drop down a gap to the exit.

Air Phase 2: Elemental Planes
First, start out by going to the left and you'll get a clear air potion.
Then, go to the far right, and you'll defeat the flying insect riders.
Jump on the flying insect and fly it up, go left, and go down between the
lasers and take out all 3 gunners you see. At the far left, you'll want
to fly up and take out another gunner, and continue up to another gunner.
Defeat this gunner, continue up, and take out yet another gunner. Fly up
then right, and up to very top (you'll reach a ceiling), and you'll then
go to the far right then you'll have to fly all the way down to the
bottom. Then fly right, then up, and finally you'll fly left to the exit.

Fire Phase 3: Elemental Planes
Start out by going right and jump off the edge to a platform below. From
about the center of the platform roll off the edge to the left and hold
down the jump button to do long roll and you'll land on a platform
floating on lava. Make your way left jumping from platform to platform.
All the way left, you'll drop down on the left side to land on platforms
sticking out of walls of lava. Once you reach the bottom jump across to
a platform floating on lava. Make your way right jumping from platform to
platform. At the far right, you'll drop down to solid ground. When you
reach the bottom, proceed left and roll off the edge and you'll land on a
platform sticking out of a wall of lava. Jump across to a floating
platform and roll off it to the right and you'll land on another floating
platform. Then, you'll want to roll off to the right to an area below to
fight the boss.

Boss: Big Flying Demon
At first, you must stand still and wait for the creature to spit out 3
fireballs, then walk left or right to try and avoid them. Hold out your
sword constantly pointing it diagonally at the boss. The boss will fly
towards you and impale itself on your sword and then fall to the
ground. The boss will be grounded for about 2 seconds, hit it before it
flies away and repeat this pattern until defeated (Try not to jump or
roll, because the boss will stay in the air, and it will continue to spit
fireballs. Recommended: You should have enough potions for at least
1 shield, 2 invisibillities). It took 27 hits of the sword to kill it!

Earth Phase 3: Elemental Planes
Drop down to the right through a gap, and you'll drop down to another gap
to a small platform. Next, you'll want to jump across to another platform
and go right and jump up a gap before the Claw Worm gets you. From this
point, jump up to the right to a platform, and you'll want to do a "double
roll" to a platform across to the right. Go up the first gap you see (use
grappling hook), and you'll reach another platform up above. Then go
right and do a "double roll" across to a long platform. Drop down the
right side of that platform and at the very bottom you'll reach the boss.

Boss: Giant Claw Worm
Quickly start out by going to the right side of the room until you're
touching the wall, then hold out your sword in the upper right
(diagonally) corner, and when the Worm comes out, it will impale itself on
your sword (you won't be hit and the worm goes back in the wall). Stand
there with your sword in the above mentioned position and eventually
you'll defeat it.

Air Phase 3: Elemental Planes
Jump across to the right to a platform above you. Drop down the gap on
the right side of that platform, and you'll land on a small platform
directly below. Next, you'll want to do a "double roll" across to solid
ground to the right. Defeat a gunner and acquire a flying insect, and
you'll fly up to the top (you'll hit a ceiling). Continue left and you'll
defeat another gunner. Proceed to the right through a small corridor (at
this point leaving your insect behind) and at the right defeat 2 other
gunners, then fly up to defeat yet another gunner. Once defeated, fly up
to the very top and go left to face the boss.

Boss: Jousting Insect Rider
If you have 2 red potions, use your earth lightning sword (or if you
don't, if you reach the boss twice collect the red potion at the left
side). When the boss flies in front of you, shoot him with your earth
lightning then move up so that his lance misses you as he charges you.
Repeat the pattern until the lance falls off. Shoot him and avoid his
charge by moving down and repeat until defeated.

Water Phase 3: Elemental Planes
Roll down the slope and you'll land on another slope. You'll want to roll
up that slope and jump across to the right. Use your grappling hook to
swing across to the right and across to the red elevators (2 next to each
other). Take the one to the right, and ride it down to another set of
elevators. Ride the one on the right down to the bottom. At the bottom
you'll reach water moving ice platforms. Take the ice platforms to the
right to a large platform, and from there use your grappling hook to
go up to the top where 2 monsters above. Use your grappling hook to go up
another ice slope. Roll off the edge to another area defeat the monster
there. Continue right and drop into the first gap you see, and then go
left and drop down to an area below. Finally, drop down to the left, but
quickly hold it right to land on an ice platform. Jump to the right from
the 2 elevator platforms to a snow area where you will face the boss.

Boss: Ice Borrower
Stay at the far left on the steps and wait for the monster to appear
twice. Go right and stand to the right of the waterfall and wait for the
borrower to show its face. First, duck down to avoid the laser beam that
shoots out of the monster's eye. Second, when the monster pops out for
the 2nd time, jump up and roll in the air to avoid its claw. Finally,
when the monster pops up again hit him and he'll go back down in the snow
(if you miss or hit him too late, then the monster will shoot out spikes
in the air). Remember, you can only hit him the 3rd time he sticks his
head out of the snow. Repeat this pattern until defeated.


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___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
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An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
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John Deegan, Editor (Temp)

> Apple Moving Forward STR FOCUS!

Apple Extends Performance
PowerPC Processor
to the
Macintosh Performa Line

CUPERTINO, California--October 3, 1994--Extending its price and
performance leadership into the consumer market, Apple Computer, Inc.
today expanded its popular Macintosh Performa line of home computers with
five new computers featuring the RISC-based PowerPC 601 microprocessor.
The Macintosh Performa 6100 series includes the 6110CD, 6112CD, 6115CD,
6117CD and 6118CD. These computers combine the performance of PowerPC
based Macintosh computers with the ease of set up and use of Performa.

The Macintosh Performa 6100 series is designed for families and
individuals looking for a complete high performance computer system all in
one box. All systems are based on the PowerPC 601 microprocessor running
at 60MHz, 8MB of RAM, minimum 250MB hard drive, and include Apple's
internal double-speed, tray-loading CD-ROM drive, the Apple Multiple Scan
15" Display with built-in stereo speakers, an external 14.4K Bps Global
Village fax/modem (send/receive fax), Apple Design Keyboard, Macintosh
System 7.5, as well as leading third-party software applications and
CD-ROM titles.

"With the Macintosh Performa 6100 series, Apple extends its leadership in
providing easy-to-set-up and use systems for the home and consumer
markets, while continuing to provide leading multimedia technology that is
truly easy to use and works because of the tight integration of the Mac OS
and the hardware," said Keith Fox, vice president of Apple USA Marketing.
"Performa customers can now get the high performance of PowerPC with the
added value of an all- inclusive solution in a single box."

The Performa 6100 series of computers offers all the advantages of Apple's
Power Macintosh computers. Fueled by the PowerPC 601 microprocessor, which
was jointly developed by Apple, IBM and Motorola, the Performa 6100 series
provides the capability to run applications for Macintosh, MS-DOS and
Microsoft Windows. Because the Performa 6100 series systems run the
mainstream Mac OS, these new systems are compatible with previous Motorola
680x0-based Macintosh systems. This means that Performa 6100 series
customers can choose from thousands of current Macintosh applications,
peripherals, and cards, and run them unaltered. Apple is also providing a
bridge from its PowerPC-based systems to thousands of existing
applications for DOS and Windows with a software program called
SoftWindows from Insignia Solutions. With the addition of the SoftWindows
emulation software, DOS and Windows users have the ability to run most of
their current applications on their Performa 6100 series system.

Benefits of PowerPC
When running new versions of application software optimized for PowerPC,
such as ClarisWorks 2.1 v3,

Fractal Dabbler and Now Up-to- Date 2.1.1, the
Performa6100 series systems offer two to four times the performance of
many of today'sIntel 486 and Motorola 680x0-based personal computers. The
Performa 6100series also outperforms systems based on Intel's advanced
microprocessor, Pentium. Applications that require complex computation,
such as graphics, may run up to 10 times faster on the Performa 6100
series computers than on other current personal computer offerings. There
are currently over 280 applications optimized for PowerPC-based Macintosh

Performa 6100 Series Product Specifications and Pricing
The Performa 6100 series features a PowerPC 601 microprocessor running at
60MHz. All systems have a minimum of 8MB of RAM and a double-speed
internal, tray-loading CD-ROM drive. It also features a Global Village
14.4K Bps Teleport Fax/Modem that enables users to send faxes directly
from the computer, and provides connection to online information services
such as eWorld.

Performa 6110CD 8/250/CD
(Available in selected consumer electronic stores)

Software: (1)ClarisWorks 2.1v3; ClarisWorks 2.1v3 Education Sample Files;
MacGallery Clip Art Treasure Pak; ClickArt Performa Collection 2.0;
Quicken 4.0r6; (1)Now Up-to-Date 2.1.1; Now Contact 1.1; MacLinkPlus Easy
Open Translators 7.52; American Heritage Dictionary 3rd Ed 3.0; eWorld
1.0; Spin Doctor Challenger 1.1; Spectre Challenger 1.0.1c

CD-ROM Titles: Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia; 1994 Time Almanac; (1)EA
3D World Atlas; (1)Family Doctor; (1)Around the World in 80 Days; KidSoft

Performa 6112CD 8/250/CD
(Available in selected office product super stores)

Software: Microsoft Works 4.0a; MacLinkPlus Easy Open Translators 7.52;
Quicken 4.0r6; Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 2.0.1; Kid Works 2 1.2.2;
Thinkin' Things Performa Version; The Writing Center 1.03; eWorld 1.0;
American Heritage Dictionary 3rd Ed 3.0; *Fractal Dabbler 1.0 (PPC
Version); *Spaceway 2000; Spin Doctor Challenger 1.1; Spectre Challenger
1.0.1c; SuperMunchers 1.0

CD-ROM Titles: Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia; 1994 Time Almanac; (1)EA
3D World Atlas; *Family Doctor; San Diego Zoo Presents Animals!; (1)Around
the World in 80 Days; Wacky Jacks CD Gameshow; KidSoft CD

Performa 6115CD 8/350/CD
(Available in selected computer super stores, specialty retailers, Apple's
Educator Advantage Program and Higher Education Campus Resellers)

Software: (1)ClarisWorks 2.1v3; ClarisWorks 2.1v3 Education Sample Files;
MacGallery Clip Art Treasure Pak; ClickArt Performa Collection 2.0;
Quicken 4.0r6; (1)Now Up-to-Date 2.1.1; Now Contact 1.1; MacLinkPlus Easy
Open Translators 7.52; American Heritage Dictionary 3rd Ed 3.0; eWorld
1.0; Spin Doctor Challenger 1.1; Spectre Challenger 1.0.1c

CD-ROM Titles: Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia; 1994 Time Almanac; (1)EA
3D World Atlas; (1)Family Doctor; (1)Around the World in 80 Days; KidSoft

Performa 6117CD 8/350/CD
(Available in selected club stores)

Software: (1)ClarisWorks 2.1v3; ClarisWorks 2.1v3 Education Sample Files;
MacGallery Clip Art Treasure Pak; ClickArt Performa Collection 2.0;
Quicken 4.0r6; (1)Now Up-to-Date 2.1.1; Now Contact 1.1; MacLinkPlus Easy
Open Translators 7.52; Kid Works 2 1.2.2; Thinkin' Things Performa
Version; The Writing Center 1.03; American Heritage Dictionary 3rd Ed 3.0;
eWorld 1.0; Spin Doctor Challenger 1.1; Spectre Challenger 1.0.1c;
(1)Spaceway 2000

CD-ROM Titles: Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia; 1994 Time Almanac; (1)EA
3D World Atlas;(1)Family Doctor; San Diego Zoo Presents Animals!;
(1)Around the World in 80 Days; Wacky Jacks CD Gameshow; KidSoft CD

Performa 6118CD 8/500/CD
(Available in selected club stores)

Software: (1)ClarisWorks 2.1v3; ClarisWorks 2.1v3 Education Sample Files;
MacGallery Clip Art Treasure Pak; ClickArt Performa Collection 2.0;
Quicken 4.0r6; (1)Now Up-to-Date 2.1.1; Now Contact 1.1; MacLinkPlus Easy
Open Translators 7.52; Kid Works 2 1.2.2; Thinkin' Things Performa
Version; The Writing Center 1.03; American Heritage Dictionary 3rd Ed 3.0;
eWorld 1.0; Spin Doctor Challenger 1.1; Spectre Challenger 1.0.1c;
(1)Spaceway 2000

CD-ROM Titles: Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia; 1994 Time Almanac; (1)EA
3D World Atlas;(1)Family Doctor; San Diego Zoo Presents Animals!;
(1)Around the World in 80 Days; Wacky Jacks CD Gameshow; KidSoft CD

Prices for the Performa 6100 series are expected to range between $2,600
to $2,850. The 6100 series will be carried by Apple authorized consumer
electronic stores, department stores and clubs including, Sam's, BJ's,
Price Club, CostCo, Best Buy, IncredibleUniverse, Sears, Circuit City,
Lechmere, Montgomery Wards, ABC, Adrays, RC Willy, Silo, Fretter, Tops,
The Wiz, Smiths HF, Good Guys, Campo, Brandsmart, HH Greg, Apex, McDuffs,
and Dayton Hudson.

(1) indicates Native PowerPC version

Apple Computer, Inc., a recognized pioneer and innovator in the
information industry, creates powerful solutions based on easy to use
personal computers, servers, peripherals, software, online services, and
personal digital assistants. Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple
(NASDAQ: AAPL) develops, manufactures, licenses and markets products,
t e c hnologies and services for the business, education, consumer,
scientific & engineering and government markets in over 140 countries.
Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, and Macintosh Performa are registered
trademarks and Power Macintosh, Mac, and eWorld are trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc. PowerPC and PowerPC 601 are trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation, used under license therefrom. All other
brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.

Press Contact:
Maureen O'Connell
Regis McKenna, Inc.
(408) 862-6689



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Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

The latest news this week, albeit very disappointing (but
expected), is that Soft-Logik has finally announced their future plans
for Pagestream. Soft-Logik recently held an online conference on GEnie
(see transcript later in this issue) and announced that the latest
Amiga upgrade is complete. Soft-Logik's Deron Kazmaier also announced
that there will be no future updates for the Atari version. Future
versions of this outstanding DTP package will be available for the Mac
and PC platforms.

While this is not the best of news for Atari users, it is
indicative of the current state of Atari support from third party
developers. While support is still available from many developers, the
Atari community has lost a longtime friend - and we'll likely continue
to lose more. As Kazmaier mentions, supporting the Atari platform is
no longer a profitable venture.

The positive side to all of this will be that Atari users who use
machines on other platforms will be able to continue to use Pagestream,
and an improved version. Perhaps I can convince my superiors to buy a
copy for my Windows-based system at work. Meanwhile, I can still use
this very powerful program on my Atari machines knowing that it can
still do what I need it to do - it just won't get any better.

We've got a lot of ground to cover this week, so let's get to it,
shall we!

Until next time...

Delphi's Atari Advantage!

(5) AVP MAPS (10) ESS-CODE V6.2

* = New on list

The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 10.44)
ATARI ONLINE (Current issue: AEO: VOLUME 3, ISSUE 12)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.

** **
** S U P E R S A M **
** **
** The Superb Sample Editor v1.08 **
** A Terrosaur Systems Production for the Falcon030 **
** (C) Copyright 1994 by Daniel Hastings **

Yes, finally the new version of SuperSam is here!

It has been or soon will be uploaded to the following FTP sites:

It has been or soon will be uploaded to CIX and hatched into BBS file

Registered users of 1.01 can upgrade for free!

Main additions since version 1.01:

* Direct to disk recording, playback AND editing!
* Support for 16 bit mono samples!
* Support for virtual/alternative RAM!
* 4 new sample formats - DVS, AIFF, AIFC and 8SSP!
* Many improvements to the interface!
* Many bug fixes!

The SuperSam features list now includes:

* Handles 10 sample file formats - AVR, WAV, VOC, AU, IFF, SPL,
* Handles 8 bit mono, 8 bit stereo, 16 bit mono
and 16 bit stereo samples
* Almost all operations can be performed direct to disk
* Clipboard cut, copy, load, paste, replace, overlay
* Ability to import/export from the GEM clipboard
* Ability to sign and un-sign samples
* Ability to fade in/ fade out samples
* Ability to boost volume by 25% or to the max possible
* Ability to reduce volume by 25% or to zero
* Ability to zoom in for finer editing
* Flexible deleting
* Ability to swap the channels on a stereo sample
* Ability to pan the stereo image left to right or vice versa
* Ability to edit only the left or right stereo channel
* Ability to shift sample playback frequency
* Ability to create samples from the MIC input either to RAM or
direct to disk
* Supports all Falcon playback frequencies
* Customisable
* Can be installed as an application to play samples when they
are double clicked
* Will play or load a sample dropped on its desktop icon
* Online HELP system
* Batch conversion between all file formats
* Jukebox mode to play all samples in a folder
* Fully GEM legal programming
* MultiTOS compatible
* Supports virtual and alternative RAM
* Dynamic Memory Allocation

Contact Daniel Hastings at for more details.

| {{{ Dan }}} | Atari Falcon030, 4Mb RAM, 340Mb HD, TOS 4.01 |
| D2D version of SuperSam due is now in final beta testing! |


> Soft-Logik Online! STR NewsFile! - No Pagestream 3.0 for Atari!

From Publishing Partner, to Publishing Partner Pro, to Pagestream...
An End of Another Atari Era...



PRESS CONTACT: Ellen Kazmaier

tel: 314-894-8608; fax: 314-894-3280


(St. Louis) Soft-Logik today announced plans to port its leading Amiga
desktop publishing program to the Windows and Macintosh platforms.
Development for the Amiga will continue, but development for Atari
computers has been ended.

"Our main priority at this time is PageStream3 for the Amiga," said
Soft-Logik president Deron Kazmaier in an online conference on GEnie.
"We are committed to finishing the unimplemented features, and fixing
any problems in the program. We want to make it the best desktop
publisher possible."

Atari development was ended because the potential sales did not justify
the development expense. Soft-Logik had hoped that the success of
Atari's Jaguar game console would lead to revitalized sales of its
computers, but the Atari computer software market has continued to shrink.

Deron announced that versions of PageStream3 for Windows and Macintosh
computers would be forthcoming. "I hope that the Atari and Amiga users
here who are thinking about changing computers will continue to use
PageStream into the future."
He told the GEnie conference attendees
that "if you've been wanting to buy a Macintosh or Windows computer but
shudder at the thought of leaving PageStream, I have good news for you.
There will be PageStream for Macintosh and PageStream for Windows."

Release dates for the Macintosh and Windows versions have not been set,
but work is already underway. Soft-Logik is pre-announcing these versions
so that customers considering a change in computers will know that
PageStream will continue to be available to them. The first version
for Macintosh and Windows will be very similar to the finished version
of PageStream3 for the Amiga with just a few features specific to each
platform. Subsequent versions will add support for other machine-specific

Deron assured the attendees that Soft-Logik would provide an affordable
cross-platform upgrade path, so that users of the Amiga and Atari versions
could purchase upgrades to the Macintosh and Windows versions if they
chose to change computers. He also announced that TypeSmith would be
available for Windows in the future. Pricing for the new versions and
upgrades has not yet been set.

Soft-Logik will continue to develop its Amiga products, including
PageStream and TypeSmith. Amiga users should not view the announcement
of Macintosh and Windows versions negatively, because PageStream3 was
designed from the start to be portable. PageStream itself is
platform-independent; the machine-specific code is restricted to separate
libraries. This means that if new features are added to the Windows and
Macintosh versions, they can be easily added to the Amiga version. In
fact, the Amiga version will inherit a windfall of import/export filters
as filters are added for the required Macintosh and Windows formats.

Soft-Logik Publishing remains committed to the Amiga and hopes that
production and R&D for Amiga computers resumes soon. PageStream 3.0c
was released today with more implemented features, bug fixes and much
faster text speed. TypeSmith 2.5a will be available later this week and
will correct some printing problems.





(C) 1994 by GEnie and the Soft-Logik Roundtable. May be reprinted only
with this notice intact. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem)
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OCTOBER 30, 1994

The following is a transcript of the real-time conference with Deron
Kazmaier, president of Soft-Logik Publishing Corporation, on GEnie. This
transcript has been edited only for spelling and clarity.


<[Michael] SL-DEV> Welcome! In conference with us tonight is SoftLogik
President Deron Kazmaier. This conference will have two parts. The formal
part of the conference will begin now and will be in listen-only mode.
When you want to ask a question, you will have to 'raise your hand' by
typing /RAI and then pressing Return to get my attention. Please prepare
your questions before your turn or keep them short. After the formal part
of the conference there will be an informal segment where everybody can
talk freely.

<[Michael] SL-DEV> Remember that Deron isn't here in conference with us
very often. Use this opportunity to ask him questions about the future of
Soft-Logik and PageStream, not when bug X will be fixed or what the
technical support phone number is. I can answer those questions for you at
any time.

<[Michael] SL-DEV> I'm going to post a few words from Deron before we get

"Thank you for coming to tonight's conference. I'm glad to have this
opportunity to speak with you in person. Tonight is my chance to share
with you our plans. I know you all have a lot of questions, and I'll
answer them all in a minute. First I would like to outline our directions
for the future.

Our main priority at this time is PageStream3 for the Amiga. We are
committed to finishing the unimplemented features, and fixing any problems
in the program. We want to make it the best desktop publisher possible. I
don't have anything new to announce for the Amiga at this time, and I
think most of our customers would be happiest if we'd concentrate on
finishing version 3.

"The answer to whether or not there will be a PageStream 3.0 for the Atari
is no. I know that there are many people out there who love PageStream and
who would love to upgrade to 3.0; however, we have come to the conclusion
that it would not be profitable to do a new version.

We don't think we could sell enough copies of a new Atari version to
justify the development expense. We have analyzed it every possible
way---not writing an Atari specific manual, contracting the programming to
somebody else, etc---and it just doesn't make sense. If it was at all
financially possible, we would do it. We had hoped that Atari's success
with the Jaguar would lead to revitalized sales of their computers, but
that has not happened unfortunately.

"I hope that the Atari and Amiga users here who are thinking about
changing computers will continue to use PageStream into the future. If
you've been wanting to buy a Macintosh or Windows computer but shudder at
the thought of leaving PageStream, I have good news for you. There will be
PageStream for Macintosh and PageStream for Windows.

I can't tell you when they will be available, but we have already begun
work on them. The first version for each platform will be very similar to
the finished version of PageStream3 for the Amiga with just a few features
specific to each platform. We will have a very affordable upgrade path
from the Amiga and Atari versions. Subsequent versions will add support
for other machine specific features. There will also be a Windows version
of TypeSmith, our font editor."

<[Michael] SL-DEV> That's the end of Deron's prepared words. The floor is
now open to questions. Remember to type /RAI to raise your hand to ask a

<[Michael] SL-DEV> I'm going to cheat and put the room in talk mode, but
please, still type /RAI to raise your hand to talk. It's just easier for
me to work this way. I'll tell you when to speak.

Room is now in the talk mode.

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Deron, given the situation concerning Commodore, how
much longer will you be able to support the Amiga? A related question,
what platform and OS is PageStream 3.0 being ported to? PowerMac, Windows,
Windows NT, OS/2?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Well, I won't lie and say forever. I think it will be
for several more years to come. The Atari basically stopped being
financially viable years ago. The mac will require system 7 or above, and
the PC will be windows 3.1 or later, using win32s for 3.1, or native on NT
or later.

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Thanks, Deron.

<W.NEAR> Will there be a feature similar to the Art Board on PPage in PS3?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Artboard in PageStream3? We hope to make the white
area around the page a pasteboard where objects in that area will show on
any page. GA

<R.LEVETIN> Even though there are many more IBM's and Mac's out there
there are also some heavey hitters already in the market. Do you really
feel you can get enough of that market to make that financial viable when
you have abondoned the Atari market for financial reasons?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Well, 1/10 of 1% of the windows market would do us
better than the Atari. We have had more requests from x-atari users asking
for a windows version, than from atari users asking for an atari version.
We may not become #1 or #2, or even #5, but we are used to selling much
less than they are ;-) GA

<R.LEVETIN> As of 6 months ago, Pacific seemed to still be selling the
Atari version at a steady clip. And how many of those 1/10 of 1 % can you

actually guarantee will actually buy verses pirating?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> I'm sorry. I know bad news is hard to believe, but I
still have to put food on the table, and Atari is not doing that. It has
been less than 3% or our sales for over 3 years (since before the last
release on the atari).

<[greenboy] D.GREEN25> When is an upgraded Art Expression going to be
available? Oh, for a heavyweight-class EPS solution...Again, FOR THE

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> BAD NEWS: we are not going to do a new version of AE.
GOOD NEWS: We will be doing a structured drawing extension that provides
similar functionality. PGS3 already has arexx, fountain fills, etc.
Selling you a new program would be cruel (but I can take your money twice
if you like :-) GA

<W.NEAR> Will PS3 have the ability to bend text on an arc and will it be
able to do a fit text to box like PPage4?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Yes and Yes (not exactly the same but close). In the
drawing extension only. GA

<R.BROWN30> My question: will we see cross platform file compatibility,
and will we see drivers for the 560C and Stylus for new versions (plus

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> PageStream3 uses a very nice (IMHO) file format we
developed called IFF DOC. It is very extensible, and will be used on all
of our future programs. 560C is 550C compatible (the 600x300 only works in
text mode, not graphics mode). Stylus, yes we plan to add it. GA

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Deron what about a version of PGS 3.0 for Unix?
Especially the free/PD Unixes? I've heard that FrameMaker is coming out
for Linux. GA. For the latecomers, here's a recap....

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Unix? Not anytime soon. GA

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Thanks.

<[Michael] SL-DEV> For those who arrived late, here's a news summary: 1st
priority is to finish the unimplemented features of PageStream3 Amiga and
to fix any bugs. There will not be a new version of PageStream for Atari.
There will be versions of PageStream for Macintosh and Windows, and
TypeSmith for Windows.

<[Buzz] B.STRATTON> Will the drawing extension be a seperate program
included in the PgS package or part of the PgS program?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> It's just a figment of our imagination right now :) We
plan to make it a seperate program that gets loaded just like a filter,
but will integrate itself seamlessly into the program. GA

<[Buzz] B.STRATTON> Thanx

<[greenboy] D.GREEN25> Acrobat is a big deal in the world at large. Can we
it too?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> One of the nice things about our new filter system is
that we can write doc loaders for just about anything, given time (which
we don't have much of these days :) We believe that acrobat will be a big
deal on the Mac and PC, and since the code is the same you'll get it on
the amiga. GA

<C.PIPER2> I support SL's continued efforts with my checkbook. I hate the
thought of switch platforms but I need a hassle free environment. What
can we expect your efforts to produce in the end?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Could you clarify? GA

<C.PIPER2> I mean what is it you are attempting to accomplish for the
Amiga in terms of DTP?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> With app.library on each of the 3 platforms mentioned,
the core code will be shared, so as we develop new features to stay
competive on the mac and pc, you'll get them as well (for a fee ;) GA

<G.FUHRMAN> Gotta go now - Deron and Michael, I just wanted to say thanks
for your contributions to the Atari (& Amiga) world over the years - it
was fun while it lasted - and good luck in the Big Pond of MacWindows.

<W.NEAR> If Amiga survives will you stay with us or go like Gold Disk?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> As long as the Amiga makes us enough money to cover
our expenses, we will support it. Like I said before, I won't lie and say
forever. I don't know what the future holds for Amiga or Soft-Logik (my
crystal ball is on backorder). Like I said, it should be easy to develop
for the Amiga now that the OS specific stuff has been written, and I'm not
expecting to many new OS releases :(...

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Why was HotLinks dropped from PageStream 3.0? GA

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Scott: HotLinks was dropped in favor of a better

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> In what way is it better?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> The file system notification allows us to do the same
things as hotlinks, and allow non-hotlinks applications to offer partial
support. For example, if you take a picture in PGS and make it external,
if you take and load that picture in AdPro, modify it, and save it back
out, PGS will automatically update the document just like "
hotlinks". The
concept works the same, just with a different program. Instead of a
program called "
hotlinks", its the OS doing some of the work. We have to
do more work in pagestream, but it's better. GA

<KEVIN.D> What's the status of documentation of the IFF DOC format and
information for developers that might want to do extensions for PageStream
3.0? Could you talk about its extensibility? 3rd party Printer drivers?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> IFF DOC has been documented for a very long time. We
used it inhouse so that Dan could write a program we call xray that
examines the contents of a document file to ensure everything is OK.
However, I'm not anxious to release it since more than 1 person has asked
for it, and the reason was always something like "
I want to import
pictures in pgs, so can I create a document that you can load". However,
when we get the extensions documented (which requires a _lot_ since you
must use app.library) I'll release them so that if the extensions doesn't
cut it, you can use the doc. GA

<R.RATCLIFFE> When do you think the full upgrade (the one you mail to
users) will be available?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Do you really want a time from the man who said PGS
would ship in August of 93? Our problem is that we have never done a
project so large (and the amiga has never seen one so large either). We
are all working long hours to get it done, and it will be done asap. GA

<[greenboy] D.GREEN25> Why not have Pageliner show the styles like
GoldDisk's AE? That couldn't have that much overhead if they could do it.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> it does in 3.0c. Look at appendix B in your manual.
That is them. GA

<[Buzz] B.STRATTON> Uh, what's acrobat? Short answer would be just fine.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Its kind of like EPS for documents, + the ability to
parse and edit them like adobe illustrator. GA

<[STEVE] S.MARKOW> In regards to PgS 3.0 Atari, you mentioned for Amiga
as long as you cover your expenses". How much would it take to cover
expenses for an Atari 3.0, in terms of commitments from present users, and
if you won't, would you be willing to allow a third party to take it over
and get a 3.0 version out?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> A year ago I contacted some people I thought might be
interested. No one even nibbled. It's even worse now. GA

<R.BROWN30> To get a little more specific, will ATARI PgS file formats be
importable in the new Mac/Win PgS versions. There's two Atari PgS pro
users here with 600 megs of files to consider! Actually, _more_ than 600

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Well, pgs3 amiga loads pgs2 files, and the filters
will compile on any of the machines, so I expect that we will offer those
filters to those who are upgrading. No extra effort on our part :-) GA

<[Bill] W.NEAR> About that fit text to box thing. Will there be a button
that will just recalculate the point size until the text fits?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> You can do it now with text objects and arexx in just
a few lines of code. How about it mike? GA

<[Michael] SL-DEV> Sure. :) How much is it worth to you? :)

<[Bill] W.NEAR> It should be included like it was with PPage. :-)

<[Michael] SL-DEV> W.NEAR: send me email with more detail on what you want
it to do. I'll write it when I have a chance and upload it to the library

<[Bill] W.NEAR> Thanks

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> SL-Prez, any chance of SL releasing a word processor
based on PGS 3.0. Or even releasing the filters PGS 3.0 uses to handle PC
& Mac wordprocessor file formats? GA.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Scott: I don't see a word processor coming from pgs3
code. Just too different. What about the filters? I don't understand. GA

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> No Amiga wordprocessos hcan handle PC/MAC file
formats, I was hoping you'd release the code to do that.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Yes, again, on the PC and Mac, we will have to support
the native file formats, and when we write those filters, you'll get them
on the Amiga. Going to those platforms really will breath life in the
Amiga version for years to come. GA

<[Bruce] B.MAUGER1> I am a atari user and I'm sorry that you will not be
suporrting it! however....just bout a PC and wondered it upgrade possible
from platform to platform

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Yes! Basically, we will offer an upgrade from Atari
(and amiga) to either mac or pc (just as we do now from Atari to Amiga and
Amiga to Atari). Our biggest hope to keep the pagestream family of users
as our customers for years to come. GA

<KEVIN.D> Just a comment: one of the most frequent PageStream extensions
mentioned on the Internet is an article editor. oops. I mean equation

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> The way objects are support in pgs3, it should be easy
to make tables, graphs, crossword puzzles and yes, even equation editors.
We will probably do a simple one and let others do it one better. GA

<[greenboy] D.GREEN25> RIGHT-AMIGA-u is Undo everywhere else. Why not
TypeSmith? Is this a German thang?... And what about that there TypeSmith
upgrade that has been mentioned? I love this program---but I would like to
see a MONSTER...On the AMIGA! If there were leading edge programs on a
platform earlier on, we wouldn't face the question of "

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> RIGHT-AMIGA-Z is _the_ standard for undo. See made 147
of the Amiga style guide (published by commodore) as proof :) What was
your question about typesmith? We have not annouced any major update to
it, unless your just talking about 2.5a. GA

<[greenboy] D.GREEN25> right

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> 2.5a should be next week. No comments have come back
from the beta to prevent it from being released, and shipping is getting
restless. GA

<KEVIN.D> 2.5a looks fine here

<[STEVE] S.MARKOW> Deron, you still did not answer my entire question.
#1) with enough $$ committed from users, would you do Atari 3.0 #2) If
yes, how much and #3) If a third party would "
nibble", would you let them
do it? (a 3.0 version)..GA

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Well, we once figured that an Atari version would cost
around 80k. That doesn't count lost dev time, nor profit potential vs
other projects. We have received less than 150 letter/faxes/ email. That
works out to an upgrade price of $533 :) I know you don't like the news, I
don't either. I've spent many years programming for the atari, and don't
like the idea of loosing that investment. But sales for the Atari in the
last 3 years wouldn't pay the bills for a month. GA

<[Bruce] B.MAUGER1> (as you see I need the spellchecker part hehe)
anyway..with all the Atari people here perhaps you will reconcider your
position. I DO love your product. I am not a programmer but... I am
willing to find some who could do it!??? GA

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Soft-Logik, any thoughts on distributing PGS 3.0 on a
CD-ROM with lots of clipart? GA

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> We did (heck, it would save us about 20% in COG), but
the 40 users would not be enough. I'll keep it in mind. Maybe CDROM is
more prevelant on the Amiga than I think it is. GA

<[Dave] D.KNOELL1> Any ideas on scripting language support in Windows
version ala REXX? The implementation in PgS3 is one of the unique things
seperating PgS from the "
bunch". :-)

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Well, we _have_ to support visual basic. If we do an
OS2 version, we would definately support rexx there. If IBMs version of
windows takes off we would support it as well. The macro functionality
will _not_ go away!!! GA

<[Buzz] B.STRATTON> From your point of view. If the Amiga goes bye bye.
Which platform do you like to work with the most as a user? I'm talking
overall useability.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> I'm on a mac write now ;) (my fears are that windows
will win). Everyone in the office has a mac for database work. Only 3
people have PCs :-) GA

<[Bill] W.NEAR> When using a text frame with more than one column is it
possible to resize one individual column within that frame?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> no. Its one object divided internally. We might allow
different divisions in the future, but not short term. However, you will
_never_ be able to flow 2 different articles into it. Its main purpose is
to allow easy change for column format. GA

<R.BROWN30> Well, now that it's posed, we'd like to place an order for PgS
Windows. How soon can you deliver? By the by, it looks like my new
Atari/Mac/DOS software concern will be pressing CD-ROMs ;) [We're frankly
concerned the Mac is dying, though]

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Good god. You don't expect me to pin a date on
something like that? We can't predict the mac and pc versions since it is
so new for us. While some people here have "
prior history", most don't.

<KEVIN.D> Another comment: OS/2 is approaching 10 million copies and OS/2
users really want native OS/2 apps. That MAY be where the Amiga users head
if Amiga manufacturing never resumes. I'm going OS/2 on my PC as soon as
Warp ships.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> I must admit, OS/2 is #3 on our future list. But we
don't have a single copy here, so don't hold your breath. GA

<KEVIN.D> [turning blue]

<[Bruce] B.MAUGER1> Mike and Deron I would like to thank you for a great
product. I understand your point and if you ever reconceder I will BUY it!
thanks again. GA

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Thank you. Perhaps someday we will cross paths on the
Mac or PC. See ya there! GA

<[greenboy] D.GREEN25> Back to AE---we dealers have been calling in at
SoftLogik and told "
out-of-stock but soon available" for months now on AE.
Be nice to see superb On-All-Fronts DTP Amiga. Most developers stop at
Less-Than-Optimum for the auxillary programs (TypeSmith, AE?). PgS3 might
be the giant it was touted as, but we need the whole ball of wax. That
is what makes the main program work, Fonts and Art (well, text too).

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Well, "
available soon" is a relative term :) However,
that "
availability" is in the form of an extension. We will probably sell
a PageStream3 bundle with the drawing extension, but I don't see a stand
alone ArtExpression in our near future. GA

<AEO.MAG> As a buyer of the original Publishing Partner, I have to say
that I am dissapointed that there will not be a future version of your
terrific software for the Atari. :-/ My question is, will tech support for
Ataris continue? GA

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> As you know, tech support goes paid 90 days after your
first call after August 15(?) so we don't stand to loose much money.
However, it won't be forever. No final decision has been made, but no new
versions/updates will be released. GA

<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I understand your decision, even though I am
dissapointed you had to make it.

<KEVIN.D> Once PageStream 3 is "
finished", what's a reasonable amount of
RAM to run it in? Has PageStream been tried with any of the virtual memory
programs like Gigamem?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> I think we should bump min requirements to 4 meg. BTW,
3.0c has gone down 50k :-) However, even if we add another 200k of code,
that won't make much difference. Gigamem has been reported to work, and
others as well. GA

<KEVIN.D> Will we be able to print in less ram than with the current
version? I mean print quickly

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> yes, some day. We hear the same cries in the night as
you do. GA

<KEVIN.D> ;-)

<[Bill] W.NEAR> Will AE be avail. to registered users of PS3 and for how

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Bill, I don't understand your question. AE is out of
stock (no manuals!) and we don't plan on reprinting. If you mean the
extension, yes, and we don't have a price (cheap for those who already own
AE v1). GA

<[Dave] D.KNOELL1> Deron, are you going to develop on a NT workstation?
currently using DEC Alpha's (150MHz) and love 'em. Windows NT (3.5
ain't too bad either.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Dave, we are using NT (now 3.5) on an Intel platform.
Let me know in email about your system. We are spoiled around here when it
comes to hardware ;) GA

<[Bill] W.NEAR> OK thanks guys and keep supporting the Amiga!!!

<[Rick B.] R.BILONICK> Is the problem with moving objects fixed in 3.0c?
they resize when moved

<[Michael] SL-DEV> Rick: I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean the grid
snap problem?

<[Rick B.] R.BILONICK> If I make an object exactly 3"
by 3" and then move
it interactively. It resizes to 3.01"
by 3.01" (something like this). I
have to use nudge to move objects so they don't resize (like when making a

<[Michael] SL-DEV> Rick: I can't duplicate that right now (I just tried).
I'll look into it tomorrow.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> This is news to us. However, mike will check it out
and get back to you on that. There is a problem in 3.0b or earlier where
objects get snapped wrong that is fixed in 3.0c. But the size of the
object is not effected (unless your resizing :)

<[Rick B.] R.BILONICK> Also, I need to printout math symbols (like square
+/-, etc.) in Postscript. Where can I get the fonts? Unless there is some
option that I have set incorrectly.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> You have it already. its called symbols. GA

<[Bill] W.NEAR> Will 3.0c be out Nov 1st as stated?

<[Michael] SL-DEV> 3.0c: probably, Deron's leaving for Germany. :)
(Skipping out of the country... :)

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> I'm done, just working on little things until I leave
while the rest finish there jobs.

<[Dave] D.KNOELL1> Deron.... have a cold one over there for me!!

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> I was going to drink my Framboise lambic, but it has a
cork in it!!! I only have a bottle opener. I had a Anchor porter instead.
I brew my own, so beer is near and dear to my heart. I just wish I had
more time for such hobbies...

<[Bill] W.NEAR> Thanks for PS3 guys, I look forward to bragging to my Mac
and IBM buddies! :-)

<[Rick B.] R.BILONICK> Have you looked at the S-Plus eps clip I uploaded?
Can't get PgS3.0b to print them.

<[Michael] SL-DEV> Rick: no, but I have the file in my test directory to
look at when I have a chance. I have lots of files to test out. (I have to
finish the TypeSmith 2.5a master disk first.)

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Well, I think we are about done. Lets talk about the
big stuff (just kidding).

<[Rick B.] R.BILONICK> Where can I get fonts with square root, +/- and
other math symbols that will print in Postscript? I have tried Symbol

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> symbol font has those things. I just checked the
sample sheet for it.

<[Rick B.] R.BILONICK> But they will not print!

<[Michael] SL-DEV> They won't print: from 2.2 or 3.0? PostScript or

<[Rick B.] R.BILONICK> They do not print in PgS3.0b in Postscript. I have
tried numerous times.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> You'll be happy with the 3.0c driver then. I just
finished font reencoding, so that you get all kinds of goodies in the
normal fonts even (like TM and (R) from helvetica). Something I've been
wanting to do for years...

<[Rick B.] R.BILONICK> You mean that the square root in Times will now
actually print in Postscript?

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> O_postscript times doesn't have such a character. You
have to use symbol. Reencoding just reveals characters found in the font,
doesn't make new ones!

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Thanks for holding the conference, Deron.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> No problem. Disappointed in attendance, but it did
last long. I think we lost about half when we said no Atari. Glad to be
here. I get the messages through my mail, but don't get much a chance to
get online. can you say ball and chain? I knew you could.

<[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> I noticed the dropoff in attendance when the dropping
of Atari support was announced. I guess the big surprise that Mike Loader
mentioned in his post wasn't a good one for Atari owners.

<[Michael] SL-DEV> Scott: the big surprise was the announcement that we
were going to work on win and mac versions. I can't believe the no atari
3.0 came as much of a surprise.

<[SL-PREZ] DERON.K> Mike beat me to the punch :)

<FRED.M> what will come first...mac or windows?

<[Michael] SL-DEV> Depends on which horse you're betting on. :) We started
the windows version before the mac version, but the mac version is going
easier so you never know...

---end of conference---


Jaguar Section

Stocking Stuffers! 30 Games? AvP
Sega on CIS! EB Vendor Show! Full
Jaguar Game List! and more!

> From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!

I hate sounding negative or pessimistic, but it's almost too late
for Atari to make good on its promise to have at least 30 games out
in time for the holidays. As has been stated by Atari in the past,
games, in general, take 6-8 weeks to be ready once they hit production.
As of mid-week, nothing is OFFICIALLY in production although
unofficially there are four games in production at this time: Doom,
Club Drive, Checkered Flag, and Iron Soldier. There's also an
indication that there are other titles in production, but no mention of
what those games or items might be.

Personally, this is disappointing. I know that it's also
disappointing for the many people at Atari, the real people, who have
been doing everything within their power to make this a successful
holiday season. What will bother me also are the inevitable excuses
that will undoubtedly come our way. This type of behavior has dogged
Atari over past holiday seasons and its disappointing to see that it's
still prevalent again this year, with the Jaguar. Well, let's hope
that Atari has a lot of as yet unannounced surprises waiting for us in
the next couple of weeks.

Let's get back to good news! We've finally got a complete list of
current and upcoming Jaguar titles, including present projected release
dates and prices. There's also an announcement about a holiday "
stuffer" idea which includes info on the CD-ROM and the Jag-Ware
merchandise. Also, for next week, Marty Mankins has Part 1.5 of his
developer article, as well as his review of Alien vs. Predator.

A number of people have sent me e-mail with regard to our current
Jaguar contest asking if e-mail entries are allowed. The simple
answer is, no. All entries must be sent by snail mail - the address is
included in the contest text; and that text will be re-run in future
issues of STReport. Also, if you're impatient, the text can be
downloaded from various online services.

Well, let's get on with our favorite cat news!

Until next time...


> Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile - The Latest Gaming News!

Contact: Patrick Toland/Laura Paden
Edelman Public Relations
(415) 433-5381

How To Stuff A Jaguar

Atari Unveils Stocking Stuffers
For the 64-Bit Aficionado Who Has Everything

SUNNYVALE, Calif. (October 10, 1994) -- Atari Jaguar fans are the type
of gamers who just can't get enough. 16-bits? Not enough. 32-bits?
Not even close. Even now that Atari has created the Jaguar video game
system, the only home system with 64-bits of American-made gaming
power, gamers want to collect more games and accessories to go with it.
To meet this demand, the Atari Corporation is introducing new stocking
stuffers for the holiday season: the much anticipated CD player and
Jag-Ware merchandise and gifts.

Jaguar CD-Multimedia Player

Atari pulled out all of the stops for the new interactive CD player
peripheral for the Jaguar. With over 700 megabytes of information in
each CD, Atari's game developers have packed so much action, so many
colors and such incredible CD sound into each game, you might have your
stockings blown right off the mantlepiece. The Jaguar CD peripheral
will retail for $199.99. CD game titles include "Blue Lightning," and
"Jack Nicklaus Golf."


After shaking up the video game industry with the 64-bit Jaguar system,
Atari is now making its mark on the fashion world -- paw mark, that is.
The Atari logo and ever-stylish claw mark have slashed their way across
T-shirts, baseball caps and even key chains, all available in ATari's
new Jag-Ware catalogue. Perfect stocking stuffers, if you don't mind a
few claw marks, items range in price from $2.95 to $100. Jag-Ware
catalogs can be requested by writing: "Jag-Ware Catalog" Atari
Corporation, P.O. Box 61657 Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1657 or by calling the
Norscot Group, toll free, at 1-800-653-3313.

Atari Corporation markets interactive multimedia entertainment
systems, including Jaguar, the world's only 64-bit system, and the only
video system manufactured in the United States. Atari is headquartered
at 1196 Borregas Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94089.

# # #


> Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile - Current Developer Lists & Titles

Game Title Date Game Type MSRP Publisher
Air Cars 12/94 Racing $59.99 Midnight Ent.
Alien vs Predator NOW Role Play/Adventure $69.99 Atari
Arena Football 1Q/95 Sports TBD V Reel
Assault 1Q/95 Action/Combat $59.99 Midnight Ent.
Barkley Basketball 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Battlemorph 12/94 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Battle Wheels 1Q/95 Racing/Combat TBD Beyond Games
Blue Lightning (CD) 12/94 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Brett Hull Hockey (CD) 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Brutal Sports Football NOW Sports/Combat $69.99 Telegames
Bubsy 12/94 Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Burnout 1Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Cannon Fodder 11/94 Action/Adventure TBD Virgin
Checkered Flag 11/94 Racing $69.99 Atari
Club Drive 11/94 Racing $59.99 Atari
Creature Shock (CD) 1Q/95 Adventure/Sci-Fi TBD Atari/Virgin
Cybermorph NOW Flying/Action $59.99 Atari
Dactyl Joust 2Q/95 Action TBD Atari
Demolition Man 1/95 Action/Combat $59.99 Atari
Doom 11/94 Action/Combat $69.99 Atari
Double Dragon V 12/94 Action/Adventure $59.99 Williams
Dragon:Bruce Lee Story 11/94 Combat $59.99 Atari
Dragon Lair (CD) 1Q/95 Adventure TBD Ready Soft
Dreadnought (CD) 2Q/95 Adventure TBD Atari
Dungeon Depths 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Midnight Ent.
Evolution: Dino Dudes NOW Puzzle/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Flashback 12/94 Action/Adventure TBD US Gold
Fight For Life 1Q/95 Combat TBD Atari
Hardball Baseball 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Highlander (CD) 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Horrorscope 1Q/95 Combat TBD V Reel
Hover Strike 11/94 Action/Combat $59.99 Atari
Iron Soldier 11/94 Action/Strategy $59.99 Atari
Jack Nicklaus Golf(CD) 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari
Kasumi Ninja 11/94 Combat $69.99 Atari
Rage Rally 1Q/95 Racing TBD Atari
Raiden NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Rayman 12/94 Action/Adventure TBD UBI Soft
Robinson Requiem 1Q/95 Adventure TBD Atari
Soccer Kid 1Q/95 Sports TBD Ocean
Space War 12/94 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Star Raiders 1Q/95 Space Simulation TBD Atari
Syndicate 11/94 Simulation TBD Ocean
Tempest 2000 NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Theme Park 11/94 Simulation TBD Ocean
Tiny Toon Adventures 1Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari
Trevor McFur NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari
Troy Aikman NFL Ftball 12/94 Sports $69.99 Williams
Ultimate Brain Games 12/94 Puzzle TBD Telegames
Ultra Vortex 12/94 Action/Adventure $69.99 Beyond Games
Val D'Isere Skiing... 12/94 Sports $59.99 Atari
White Men Can't Jump 1Q/95 Sports TBD TriMark
Wolfenstein 3D NOW Combat/Action $59.99 Atari
Zool2 11/94 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari

[Editor's note: Titles, scheduled release dates, and prices are
verified from Atari and Edelman Public Relations - all subject to


> Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr!

From Compuserve's Atari Gaming Forums:

#: 58200 S14/Jaguar Games/Tips
01-Nov-94 09:16:30
Sb: #EB Fall Vendor Show
Fm: Steve Horn 74461,637

Well Guys, the Electronics Boutique Fall Vendor show has come and
gone and let me say that it was just great !!! This show was held at
Ceasars Palace in Las Vegas Nevada. I ,of course, lost money while I
was there but I got tons of free stuff from the show so I still came
out ahead.

Well....let me get to the meat of the report.

First let me just list my Favorite video games that I played or saw,
I'll put in details next:

--Donkey Kong Country
--FIFA 3do
--Earthworm Jim
--Jag Doom

These are the games that I enjoyed the most, not in order, but there
were other games the looked pretty good also.

My pick for game of the year......Donkey Kong Country.....I have to
admit...this game is unbelievable.

My pick for the next big Atari hit.....Iron Soldier.....this game is
good....details to follow.

Now for Atari Details !!!! Keep in mind that I only had about 30
minutes at the Atari booth so I didn't get to play as much as i'd
like to....


When we saw this game on the Video Tape it looked slow and kinda
choppy. Well, it seems that these problems have been worked out. Your
character moves at a very nice speed and the demons move considerably
faster as well. The first thing you will notice is the increased color
in the game. It's very colorfull and the effect works nicely ,however,
they HAVE decrease the resolution so you will notice more pixilization
of the characters. Also, the music in the game is limited only to the
title and stat music during the game. Atari said that most
people have responded positively to the lack of music in AvP so the same
was done to Doom. The game will have , I believe, two new levels that
are exclusively in the Atari version and will have a couple of demons
from DOOM II in it, the Sega version will not have either. It looks like
a solid game that should sell well for Atari. The resolution will
dissapoint some but I think that Doom for the Jag will prove to be
the best version of the title on any game system. A good buy for all.


This was my second favorite game at the show !! You play as a gaint
Transformer type dude. There was a good selection of weapons for your
Mech: Rail Cannon, Chain gun, Cruise Missle, missles et-all...
The resolution was very good. The buildings, hangers, tanks, helicopters
and all was very detailed and smooth lined. The Helicopters were the
neatest thing to fight and look at. They moved with grace and style <g>.
You could see the main blades turning and the rotary blades. The control
was easy. By holding down the A button you could rotate the your head to
have a better shot at the things around you. Another button was set aside
to look at your feet so you could stomp on things. The sound in the game
was nice. Good explosions sounded real as well as the hits on targets.
The cruise missle was neat. Right after you launch it the screen changes
to your missle control screen. You pilot it to the target, anywhere in a
large area, and fly hit the target to destroy it. I would like to see
better color in this game. There seems to be alot of pastels in the
backgrounds. I think some deepers colors would be nicer but more color
might slow down the game. If that is the should be left
alone. The game is fun to play, smooth to operate and has very nice
graphics. This is also a "buy it" game. Don't miss this one. It should
be out in mid or late November.

Well Guys.....I'm gonna break up these reports. There's still alot to
say and i've got to get to the store. The next report will contain info
on Kasumi Ninja, Ray Man and Dragon Bruce Lee..

Keep the questions coming.....more to come...


Regarding a recent article about "Fight For Life":

Fm: Francois (Atari) 70007,2363
To: all

I finished to read the article about my game just a few minutes ago,
and i like to explain some small thinks, that the reporter is not
telling you. First at all, this guy has never see the game, and the
pictures are coming from the French magazine 'Console +'. The article
is not that bad indeed (for this type of magazine) but is quite not
accurate in its comparison with Virtua Fighter. I went back over the
article concerning VF from the same magazine and I read :'Now, with
the Saturn version making use of about 1300 polygons in each scene
(550 per characters and 220 for the ground) Suzuki is HINTING that it
MIGHT EVENTUALLY be possible to reach the magic 2000 polygon mark). It
seems that The Edge received new informations because they don't say
anymore 'might' but now 'will have almost 2000 in total'. OK if they
want. But we have better to read again what they said concerning Fight
For Life :' These pictures are from early working version of the game
with 900 polygons ON SCREEN'. That's my point. I got 900 polygons on the
screen per frame. It doesn't mean that I got just 900 polygons. It just
means that after all the 3d calculation, after the removal of all the
hidden polygons, I draw 900 polygons. If I calculate in the same way
they did for VF, it looks like with about 800 faces per fighter and
about 100 for the ground, the calculation are done on about 1700
polygons per frame. It's effectively not 2000, but i am hinting that
it MIGHT be possible for the Jaguar version of Fight For Life to reach
the magic 2000 polygon mark....Anyway at least, this article wasn't
that bad, hope my game will please all of you.




> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hello again friends. This past week, I dusted off my old Radio Shack
Model 102 portable computer just for old times sake, and lost myself in
the past. Eight or nine years ago I used the 102 for all of my on-the-go
computing needs. I'd write articles, columns, and notes wherever I
happened to be and then transfer them to my ST for the final polish and
archiving. Sure, the 102 is no longer state-of-the-art, but then again,
neither is my STe... and it still does just fine, thank you very much.

The thing I found the most interesting was that, when I went looking
for some software to run on the 102, I went straight to CompuServe. And
whaddaya know... there was lots of stuff waiting there for me. Just
imagine it, a computer that's nine years old and it's still easy to find
software that's useful, and, the best part of it is... it's there for the
asking (or downloading, as the case may be).

Well, I've wasted enough of your time with this stuff. Let's get on
with perusing the road signs along the Electronic Highway...

From the Atari Computing Forums

Ethan Mings tells us:

"I just purchaed a US Robtics 14,400 Fax Modem for my computer set up
at home. Given I use a DOS machine as well as my Atari Mega St, I
purchases an external modem. Two questions.

First, my software on the Atari only allows me to go as high as 9600
or 19200. Is it possible to get the full use of modem at 14,400? If
so, there a serial port fix or something I need to do? Also, is
possible to download the software somewhere in the files directories?

Second, is possible to set up the modem so one can switch from on
computer to another. I tried using a manual switch box. No sucesses.
I could be I have the wrong box (AB box for data transfer). I
understand electronic switches are a 'no-no'. However, is that true?

Any adivce wisdom or who I should contact on this subject would be

PS I do use QuickCIS, Flash II (latest version) on a Mega ST2 4Mg on
screen with a hard drive. (hope that helps)"

My pal John Trautschold of Missionware Software (the FLASH II folks)
tells Ethan:

"Just connect to your Modem at 19200 and it'll handle the translation
down to 14400. It's automatic and easy to do!"

Sysop Bob Retelle asks Ethan about the switchbox:

"What problems did you run into using an "A-B switchbox"..?

I've used one in the past to switch a 9600 baud modem between my ST
and PC with no problems... I don't know if the cheaper ones have all
the signals passed through though.. that might be a problem. Did
either side work..?

As John mentioned, the modem takes care of the speed rate translation.
Because the modem compresses data, you normally have to set your
computer at a higher speed than the modem is rated for, to take
advantage of the increased throughput. That is, since the modem is
compressing data at 9600 baud, it comes out of the modem looking as if
it was really transmitted at a much higher speed. Your computer has to
be set for the faster speed, or it will just bog things dowm.

The fastest normal speed the ST can be set to is 19200, so just set it
there. Your PC can probably be set to a much higher speed.. try

Ethan tells Bob:

"I using a standard 25 pin switch box from a local business computer
store. When I tried to use the box, no signal went between the computer
and the modem. Something tells me its the wrong box because it is the
same type of box I am currently using for my printer switch. Any
suggestions on the type of box I should be using?

I selected the 19,200 selection on the software and I am now getting
through at 14,400. Thanks for the advice. (After living on 2400, I
feel like I'm star trek and warping along at light speed)

On a related note, I tried the Batfax file. Must have downloaded it
incorrectly. As soon as I downloaded it, it gave me a message the
seven day time limit was up. I tried setting my compuer clock back,
but no success. Look's like an interesting piece of software. Too bad
I couldn't get it to work."

Bob tells Ethan:

"Any A-B box hould just be a straight-through connection, so if it
works with your printer, it should work with your modem too.

A box for use with a modem would have a male center connector and
female connectors for the switched sides, while a printer switchbox
would have the genders reversed... you could use either box if you had
the proper cables or adapters.

It's possible the box might be defective if you can't get the modem to
work on either of the switched sides..."

Steven Russell asks for help of a graphic nature:

"I am wondering if anyone out there has any military pictures that
would be willing to share? I am doing a class on structual components
of an aircraft (helicopter) and would to have an actual pictur of an
aircraft to use for a practical exercise. I am going to draw a
simulated damage on the skin of the aircraft and the job of the student
after they receive the instruction, is to locate and classify the
damage and identify the material composition of the the damaged area.
Any help would be greatly appreciated."

Bob Retelle, that Sysop guy, tells Steven:

"There are quite a few photographs of military aircraft in the Graphics
Forums here on CompuServe. If you GO GRAPHICS and use the Graphics
File Finder with a keyword of HELICOPTER you should turn up

Steven tells Bob:

"I have done that and turned up nothing useful. The graphics file
finder could only locate a few graphics of this nature, but nothing
that I could use. Thank you for the hint though and the reply."

Karsten Gorkow asks:

"Can anybody tell me why my Falcon crashes if I change the screen

Greg Kopchak of It's All Relative Software tells Karsten to...

"Look for an offending accessory, CPX, or AUTO program. Boot clean and
start adding files back in until you crash.

If you post your AUTO/CPX list someone may be able to pin it down."

Doug Norwine posts:

"I have a 1040ST that I use for writing purposes. I am an author. The
program I use is Wordwriter. Every time I try to download QWKCIS I
get a bunch of wierd symbols, but no program. Excuse my ignoran, cuz
I'm new to Compuserve. Could someone help me. Also could someone give
me a list of programs I should download that will help with my writing
purposes; like fonts,etc, as well as navigation helps in Compuserve
such as Zipped files etc. A million thanks."

Computer Music-meister Mike Mortilla tells Doug:

"Once the QCIS file is downloaded, it needs to be processed by
un-ZIPing, de-ARC-inf, un-LZHing, or whatever the format is that the
compressed file is under.

The utilities for doing this are all in the libraries here!"

Liam Doherty tells us:

"I need to transfer a video rental system's data files from an Atari
ST (1014 I think!) to a Siemens/Nixdorf 386 pc.: Problem is I know
zilch about Atari fie formats/operating systems etc. as my knowledge is
totally pc based.

First question: Is it possible to convert the files to be used by the

Second question: If it is possible, how can one accomplish this?

I would be very grateful for any advice you could give me on this

Chris Russo asks Liam:

"Can you make your file on your ST into an ASCII or TEXT file???

If so, just format a disk to 720k (double sided) or 360k (single
sided) and copy the text file onto that disk. then put the 3.5" disk
into the IBM. It *SHOULD* be able to read that. I just did this with
a bunch of MOD/MUSIC files I had and it worked like a charm."

Robert Aries tells Liam:

"Format a double density disk on your DOS machine (720K). The Atari
will read & write to this disk. Formatting a disk *on the Atari*
won't work... the formats are a little different.

Probably the fastest way to do it is to set up a large ramdisk on the
Atari. Insert the original data disk and copy the files to the
ramdisk. Then insert the DOS-formatted disk and copy the files back
from the ramdisk. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious here. (The Atari
probably has only one floppy drive, and you don't want to be swapping

Keep in mind all this refers only to the *disk format*. By using a
DOS-formatted disk you'll be able to have the files visible to the DOS
machine, but what they DO with it is another matter! It's a sure thing
that the original Atari *program* that generated the data files won't
run on the DOS machine!"

Chris Russo tells Robert:

"Formatting the disk on the Atari *DOES* work. I've done it."

Sysop Bob Retelle explains why they say to format the disk on the PC:

"It depends on the version of TOS your ST has in it. The earlier
versions format routines weren't fully DOS compatible. We ususally
find it safer to just recommend formatting on the PC, rather than
possibly confusing the non-ST users with finding out what version of
TOS is involved..."

Scott Mueller posts:

"I need a new keyboard and connecting cabe for my Atari MEga2 ST
According to MAnny's music in NYC, they are unavailable and not being
anymore.. what can I do?

Daniel Osborne tells Scott:

I had had a similar problem and went for something better than the
Atari keyboard. I bought a D.E.K.A. keyboard interface, which allows
me to connect any IBM AT or XT keyboard to my Mega ST.

I use a FOCUS 8000 IBM type keyboard, which has a nice key click to the
keys (monitor off) and also a built in calculator. Cost $45 for the

Wizztronics has bought all rights to the original Deka PC keyboard
interface, which allows the use of a PC keyboard with your Atari.
They've completely redesigned the inner workings of the unit, and fixed
the previous bugs - the major one being a tendency for the keyboard to
intermittently spit out erroneous characters.

Deka2 (Detachable Extended Keyboard Adaptor) will still be housed in
the same 3"x 4" by 1" high unit, with a standard PC keyboard 5-pin DIN
input alongside a standard Atari RJ-45 keyboard interface plug, both
located on the same end. On the other end are two standard 9-pin
joystick ports for your mouse and joystick. The unit is totally
plug-n-play, and will allow any and all Atari ST/TT/Falcon models to
use a PC XT/AT keyboard. The Deka2 is proudly made in the USA. List
price will be $99. Orders are being taken now.

Contact: Wizztronics
31 Hewes Street
Port Jefferson, NY 11776
(516) 473-2507
Cartmaster, Comp.Plus, TOScard, DEKA 2"

Gerard Bewick asks for help:

"My ST2 will not let me into my D-partition I have run an optimizer
and it says I have a bad boot sector. What can/should I do?"

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine asks Gerard:

"What optimizier were you using? Is this a MegaST2? What version of
TOS? What version of the hard disk booter are you using? Who makes the
hard disk booter? What host adapter are you using (ICD, Atari or
Supra, etc)?"

Mike Mortilla tells Gerard:

"If you can zero just drive D (your boot drive?) you can probably copy
all you files from floppy there again and it might be fine.

Of course anything on the D drive will be lost. Also check the drive
for bad sectors after zeroing. I'd try to back up any files in other
partitions as a precaution."

Patrick Wong tells us about strange happenings:

"Here's something weird that happened. I have two friends who own
STEs. One has a Mega 2 STe and the other a 4 STe. They both broke
down last week without any real reason. It just died from what they
told me. They're both about 2 years old. Can anyone help? Any ideas
what happened here? Also could the Mega 2 STe's memory be expanded to
at least 4?"

Albert Dayes tells Patrick:

"I think all STe's have simm slots so memory can easily be expanded.
Do the computers boot at all? Can you get to the desktop?"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Patrick:

"4 Megabytes is the limit for any model ST... the 2 Meg STe can be
easily expanded by adding standard SIMMs.

That's really strange about both systems dying at the same time like
that.. probably just a coincidence though. It sounds like a power
supply problem, but I've never looked at the power supply in a Mega
STe. Hopefully there's a fuse that can be easily replaced, otherwise
they'll probably have to be serviced by a dealer.."

Patrick tells Bob and Albert:

"Thanks Albert and Bob :). Well both of the Mega STe are the new
style one. Just like the TTs. From what they told me, both of them do
nothing when you turn them on. They're just dead. Kinda of unusual
for Atari equipment. Is there anything they can do about it? Is there
something they missed perhaps? Also, how much memory can the Mega 2
and 4 STEs e expanded to?"

Brian Gockley of ST INFORMER adds:

"One nice thing about the TT and MegaSTe power supplies is that they
are standard! Just find a PC dealer and swap it out."

Bob Retelle tells Brian:

"That's great news..! I didn't know that about the power supplies in
the newer models..!

Thanks for that info.. it'll be good to be able to pass it on if
anyone has similar problems in the future..."

Albert asks Patrick:

"I would assume it is a power supply problem. Does MegaSTE have a fan
and does that come on?"

Patrick tells Albert:

"Yes their STe both have fans and they don't come on."

Kris Gasteiger asks Patrick:

"I was wondering, do your friends live in the same neighborhood, and was
there a power outage/surge/thunderstorm just befor thir computers died?
may have the same symptoms at the same time because they both took the
same "hit".

The place to start looking is always the power supply. Is it plugged
in at the wall, is it powering anything at all (fan, disk drive, etc.)?
Once you've eliminated the power supply as the root of the problem,
then you've got PROBLEMS and you'll probably need to take the computers
in for service.

With the exception of fuses, dead switching power supplies aren't
really worth trying to troubleshoot, beyond the go/nogo stage. Its
faster and cheaper to replace them."

Patrick tells Kris, Albert, and Bob:

"The guy who owns the Mega 4 told me that he tried switching power
cords and that didn't fix it. Would any of you guys know a place in
New York that an authorized Atari dealer?

One of them lives next door to me and the other one lives a few miles
away. They use their computers in all weathers so they both told me
they don't remember

What kind of Simms do the Mega 2 require? I mean gold plated, silver
plated, speed and all that."

Sysop Bob tells Patrick:

"You can use just about any kind of SIMMs in the Mega ST.. all you need
are 1 Megabyte, 30 pin SIMMs.

They can be either 8 chip or 9 chip (Macintosh or IBM style), and the
speed really doesn't matter, as most SIMMs are fast enough for the ST.
(The 8 Mhz. older ST models only required 150 ns memory.. I don't know
exactly what's specified for the 16 Mhz Mega STe, but the readily
available 70 ns SIMMs should work fine...)

I saw your note mentioning that the fans don't run... I believe the
fans in the Mega STe are 12v. DC fans, so that means the power supplies
are dead. I'm afraid I don't know much about the NYC area though, as
far as finding anyone who can work on them..."

Patrick replies:

"My friend with the Mega 2 told me that before it died completely it
showed signs of breakdown. First the Hard Drive wouldn't boot up
anymore, even when he tried to format it. Then the series of bombs
that would show on his system during boot up. His STe displayed like
rows of bombs from what he told me.

He thinks maybe a virus entered his computer. The program he was
running before the apparent breakdown was Calamus. I believe it's an
older version that he bought for a discounted price. He told me it was
probably returned merchandise.

If you guys have any thought on this, please let me know. Also what's
Atari's number so my friends can give them a call and try to locate a
local authorized repairman."

Sysop Bob tells Patrick:

"Your friends can probably discount the effects of a virus in this
case... the viruses that infect the Atari world mainly only affect
floppy disks. Although there have been reports of hard drive viruses,
I've never seen one, or talked directly to anyone who's ever had
personal experience with one.

For the most part, Atari viruses are merely annoying, not particularly

It's also not possible that the software was involved in the problems
they were seeing...

One thing they might try is to remove the SIMMs and carefully clean the
contacts on them, and blow out any dust in the SIMMs sockets, then
firmly reseat the SIMMs. The "progressive" nature of the problems you
described points to something that has been worsening over time, and
poor contact in the memory sockets is one place to look.

Also, while this used to be a greater problem with older models, it
still is a good idea to reseat all the socketed chips on the
motherboard when encountering problems like these. I believe the new
models use mostly surface-mounted components, but the operating system
ROMs may still need to be pressed firmly down into their sockets.

Unfortunately, I don't think any of this will help with the fact that
the system doesn't power up. If the fans aren't running, it means
there is no power from the power supplies. However, Brian from ST
Informer had some very good nws... he said the power supplies Atari
used in these models are standard PC style supplies, which means they
should be easily and fairly cheaply available, if it turns out to be
the actual power supply."

Well folks, that's about it for this week. Be sure to tune in again
next week, same time, same station, and be ready to listen to what they
are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote"

A solemn moment of silent prayer ..
for those two helpless little babies.


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STReport International Online Magazine
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STR Online! "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" November 03, 1994
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