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Silicon Times Report Issue 1035

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

August 26, 1994 No. 1035

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 1-904-783-3319 10am-4pm EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
ITCNet 85:881/253 JAX HUB ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:301/3
904-786-4176 MULTI-NODE 24hrs-7 days
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USRobotics Dual Standard 28.8 V.FC Ready Fax
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FNET. 489 : Steal Your Face BBS..........1-908-920-7981
MNET - Toad Hall BBS.....................1-617-567-8642

> 08/26/94 STR 1035 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- Internet Pizza? - Dylan SUES Apple - WinComm Pro Headache?
- IBM Cuts Prices! - USR Ships V.34 - Hayes NewsNotes
- Corel 5.0 Update - JAGUAR NEWSWIRE - STR Confidential!


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the ITC/PROWL/USENET/NEST/F-Net/Fido Mail Networks. You
may also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 1-904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder
and excitement of exchanging all types of useful information relative to
all computer types, worldwide, through the use of excellent International
Networking Systems. SysOps and users alike worldwide, are welcome to join
STReport's International Conferences. ITC Node is 85:881/250, The Fido
Node is 1:374/147.3, Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #620.
All computer platforms and BBS systems are invited to participate.

to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!

"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

With Labor Day right around the corner, it hails the closeness of
Fall Comdex. Comdex Fall'94 is being termed "The World's#1 Information
Technology Event. Comdex Fall'94 takes place this year in Las Vegas
Nov. 14-18 1994. Known as the "Comdex Convergence", is made up of
Network Computing, Multimedia, OEM Sourcing, Office Systems, New Media,
Enterprise Computing, Mobile Computing and Communications. These are
the main themes for this year's show.

Today's computer and communications technology is converging on one
central platform.. the personal computer. Over two thousand exhibitors
showing thousands upon thousands of new products coupled with over one
hundred seventy thousand attendees with an additional twenty five thousand
International delegates makes the Vegas Comdex show the number one "IT"
Conference. As such, the new goodies, as indicated above, will flow and
show like never before. What a year this has been so far and still
promises to be better.

EditPro was talked about slightly last week. By now it should be
available on your favorite service and/or BBS for your download pleasure.
This is _the editor_ to replace the enemic Windows Notebook. EditPro, is
our choice and we highly recommend it to you. Look for it and give it a
try. The review/overview of EditPro by Ian Meade will be in next week's




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles J. Deegan D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Michael Arthur John Deegan Brad Martin
John Szczepanik Paul Guillot Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy Jeff Kovach
Marty Mankins Carl Prehn Paul Charchian

Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Clemens Chin
Eric Jerue Ron Deal Mike Barnwell
Ed Westhusing Glenwood Drake Vernon W.Smith
Bruno Puglia Paul Haris Kevin Miller
Craig Harris Allen Chang Dominick J. Fontana

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT

STReport, with its policy of not accepting any paid advertising, has over
the years developed the reputation of "saying it like it really is". When
it comes to our editorials, product evaluations, reviews and over-views,
we shall always keep our readers interests first and foremost. With the
user in mind, STReport further pledges to maintain the reader confidence
that has been developed over the years and to continue "living up to
such". All we ask is that our readers make certain the manufacturers,
publishers etc., know exactly where the information about their products
appeared. In closing, we shall arduously endeavor to meet and further
develop the high standards of straight forwardness our readers have come
to expect in each and every issue.

The Staff & Editors




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #35

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** Rand McNally Ships Map Software **

Rand McNally says it has started shipping TripMaker, a trip planning
CD-ROM program for families and individuals arranging car trips in North

The Windows software covers more than 640,900 miles of road and
125,000 cities and towns. It also describes recreational activities and
attractions and provides detailed itineraries and maps.

A Trip Guide wizard takes users step-by-step through the trip
planning process. The software cross-references itineraries to pages in
the Rand McNally Road Atlas.

TripMaker has a street price of about $49.

** America Online Surpasses the 1 Million Mark **

America Online (AOL), claiming to the be the fastest growing consumer
on-line information service, says it has surpassed the 1 million
subscriber level. The company reported 900,000 users a month ago, and
800,000 in May. Analysts say that AOL appears to be growing 28% per

CompuServe is believed to be the largest consumer service with 2.4
million, followed by Prodigy with 2.2 million users. But Prodigy counts
multiple users per paying account, and it's believed that Prodigy only
has 1 to 1.3 million paying customers. AOL is in third place with its 1
million paying customers.

Delphi, fourth on the 'Big Five' online consumer services list,
declined to give its user figures. Surprisingly, Genie, fifth on the
list, is estimated to have 100,000 users.

** NEC Considers Going IBM-Compatible **

NEC Corp. has announced it may introduce IBM-compatible computer
servers in Japan, a dramatic move that reverses a long-standing company
policy of only selling machines that use NEC's proprietary technology.

NEC is the only remaining Japanese computer maker that exclusively
sells computers based on a chip and software it created. The rest have
shifted to machines that are compatible with the IBM architecture, Intel
microprocessors and Microsoft operating systems.

** Random House Makes CD-ROM Deal **

Book publisher Random House Inc. has struck a deal with educational
software maker Knowledge Adventure Inc. to create, produce and market
multimedia CD-ROM titles.

Random House says it now will distribute Knowledge Adventure's cur-
rent software titles, including the 3-D Dinosaur Adventure, Undersea
Adventure and 3-D Body Adventure to bookstores.

The first co-published title, due in stores by November, will be the
Random House Kid's Encyclopedia, a CD-ROM multimedia encyclopedia designed
exclusively for children ages 7 to 12.

** Oracle Launches Quickstart **

Quickstart, a $400,000 hardware-software product designed to speed
the transition of financial computer systems from mainframe to open
computing networks in no more than 120 days, has been launched by Oracle
Corp. and SHL Systemhouse Inc.

Reports say that Quickstart is available in the U.S. immediately for
user groups of 16, 32 or 38. The price includes hardware, software,
installation, and on-site education, training and support.

** IBM Cuts Prices Up to 27% on PCs **

First Compaq Computer Corp lowered its prices 22% last week, then
IBM, this week, reduced prices on selected models of its PS/2, Value-
Point, ThinkPad and PC Server lines by up to 27%.

IBM officials said all models of the high-performance Server 95
family -- designed specifically for complex enterprise networks -- are

Some specifics:

-:- A Server 95 566 running on an Intel Pentium 66MHz processor with
1 gigabyte hard drive and 16MB ECC (Error Correction Code) memory, was
$9, 802 and now lists for $8,647.

-:- A PS/2 77 running on an IntelDX2 66/33MHz processor and with 8MB
RAM and 270MB IDE hard drive, which was $3,235, lists now for $2,860,
IBM said.

-:- The ValuePoint Performance Series now can be had through IBM PC
Direct for $2,075 for a system running on an IntelDX2 66/33MHz processor
and with 8MB RAM and 360MB hard drive. Previously, the system could be
purchased through this channel for $2,455.

-:- The ThinkPad 510Cs color subnotebook, powered by IBM's fast
486BL2 MHz processor, which was previously available through PC Direct
for $2,399, can now be purchased for $1,799.

** Nikon, Fuji Make Digital Camera **

A single-lens reflex digital electronic still camera that stores
images in a high-speed memory card has been developed by Nikon Corp. and
Fuji Photo Film Co.

Reports say the card allows operators to use a personal computer to
store and process images taken by the new camera, which, a Fuji
spokesman says, will cut the amount of effort and time required for
developing film.

Fuji and Nikon "have separately developed digital cameras but there
wasn't a (single-lens reflex) type before," the spokesman said. "It was
too costly for us to develop a new camera separately, so we decided to

The developers say they expect the new camera to be especially useful
to press photographers, and people in the medical profession, the
fashion industry and the publishing business.

** US Robotics Ships New Courier Modem **

U.S. Robotics Inc. is shipping its first V.34 product, the Courier
"V.Everything" modem.

Reports say Courier products with a V.34 support are available
immediately and that additional desktop products supporting V.34 will be
shipped throughout the fall.

** Dell Rolls Out New Desktop PCs **

A new line of desktop PCs for business, including some powered by
Intel Corp.'s Pentium microprocessor for less than $2,800, is being
rolled out today by Dell Computer Corp.

Reports say the Dell OptiPlex line is "aimed at large corporate and
government buyers who want PCs that can easily be added to a network,"
adding Dell says the systems will form the core of its offerings for the
next year.

Vice President Doug MacGregor of Dell's desktop systems said "The key
is to figure out what technologies are going to be relevant over the
next year so our customers can catch the wave early and have a period of

The new models are the first from Austin, Texas-based Dell that have
so-called Plug and Play capability, in which the computer automatically
identifies a new accessory and reconfigures itself. Dell has also put
new chipsets in the OptiPlex models that allow them to power down to 20
MHz after they have been idle for a short while. That exceeds the 30 MHz
target of the Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star conservation

The computer maker also equipped the new models with an Enhanced IDE
feature that improves the speed at which data moves through circuits
outside the main chip.

A Pentium-based model with 90 MHz of processing speed, a 210MB hard
drive and 14-inch monitor will cost $2,749. Dell also will begin selling
a range of new 486-based models. One using the lowest-powered 486 33 MHz
chip will cost $1,349, including monitor.

** CD-ROM Sales Soar **

The Software Publishers Association this week released figures from
its CD Software Sales Report, which tracks sales of software sold on CD-

For the first quarter of 1994, the total sales of 73 reporting com-
panies were $135.8 million, a 366% increase from $29.1 million in the
first quarter of 1993. Unit sales were 4.44 million, a 256% increase
from 1.25 million in the prior year's quarter.

CD-ROM software sales in the final quarter of 1993 were $102 million
on about 4 million discs, and accounted for half of the sales the SPA
tracked in its CD Sales Program for all of 1993. Sales in the first
quarter of 1994 were $135.78 million on 4.44 million CDs.

** Online Stalking Bill Proposed **

A Maryland congressman has proposed federal legislation against online
stalking and harassment.

Democrat Kweisi Mfume has introduced the proposed "Electronic Anti
Stalking Act," which Communications Daily this morning reports is
intended "to prohibit use of modem, telephone or other electronic device
'to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any person.'"

Mfume told the newsletter his bill (HR-5015) responds to "numerous
reports of harassing and threatening messages" on computer networks,
adding that along with the benefits of "the information superhighway ...
come the dangers of abuse and misuse."

** Marvel Distributes Comic Online **

The first edition of the new "Generation X" comic book is being dis-
tributed online this week by Marvel Comics. It is making its debut in a
new CompuServe forum.

The 40-page comic book is available for downloading in the new Comics
Publishers Forum (GO COMICPUB). Gary Guzzo of Marvel said in a public
note there that the publication's premiere issue is being distributed
electronically because "we felt that this comic book is about members of
a generation that is navigating the superhighway by the time they utter
their first words. Therefore, it made sense to us to debut this book in
their language."

Also, he said, "many of you who stay in touch with us have told us of
your affinity for computers. We thought this would be an entertaining
way to acknowledge that interest."

Reports say that because the comic will take a long time to download
-- an hour or more with a 9600 bps or faster modem -- Marvel indicates
it has no plans to regularly distribute its products online.

Says Marvel President Terry Stewart, "This should be seen as a pro-
motion to make the world aware of the launch of a new product." Still,
he added, "For right now this is a promotion or a marketing extension,
but there's no doubt you'll begin to see more comics online."

Observers say, "Many fans of Marvel's 'X-Men' comic book are sop-
histicated users of computers, Marvel's research has shown. 'Generation
X' is a spinoff product, involving a new generation of mutant heroes."

Reports are that Marvel also will make the new comic available on
America Online, GEnie and Internet after this week's debut on

** Bob Dylan Sues Apple Computer **

Singer/composer Bob Dylan has sued Apple Computer Inc., alleging the
firm is promoting new software packaged like a CD recording and called

According to a report in the trade paper Daily Variety, the suit also
alleges Apple misrepresented facts to the U.S. Patent & Trademark office
in its efforts to register the name and mark of its new program.

"It says Apple executives had previously assured Dylan's legal
counsel that the company's use of his name was only as an in-house code
name for the new software program".

** Porn Photos Overload U.K. Computer **

After a British student stored hundreds of hard-core pornographic
pictures in a computer at a United Kingdom university, the machine
overloaded and shut down for two days.

Reports are that the unidentified engineering student transferred the
images from the United States via a modem and telephone lines. He has
been severely reprimanded.

Robert Barnes, administrative secretary at the University of Wales,
said, "The abundance and profusion of the graphic material he invited
into the system simply took up too much space, and it overloaded."


> Corel Draw Fix List STR FOCUS! Draw5.0 Maintenance Release


Major Issues Resolved in Draw5.0 Maintenance Release
D1- Paragraph text not displaying in wireframe mode with some video

D2- Intermittent functionality rotating objects on systems without
coprocessors. RESOLVED

D3- Error reading files containing artistic text with Overprint Outline

D4- Improved speed in opening files with artistic text

D5- Improved welding of text - multipath characters like D were being
filled in.

D6- Bitmaps now display correctly in Print Preview.

D7- Problem reopening a file with PowerClips containing text . RESOLVED

D8- Large number of styles with paragraph text could cause errors.RESOLVED

D9- Error Reading File - Adding bullets to imported paragraph text .

D10- Error message when saving System Info on non-networked systems.

D11- Error message when using the Windows HP Plotter driver. RESOLVED

D12- Errors Importing some monochrome .TIF files RESOLVED

D13- Problems reading some EPS Placeable files. RESOLVED

D14- Improved header information on EPS export.

D15- Printing bitmaps to printers with error-diffusion no longer prints
lines on image

D16- Bitmaps now print across several pages when tiling.

P1- Problems opening .PCD files RESOLVED

P2- Added EPS export with clipping paths

C1- Scatter Charts now have Data Analysis available.

C2- Added progress meter for import to Data Manager

C3- Excel 5 filter added.

M1- Corrected volume, channel and skipping problems with sound engine

M2- Added Constant option to Cel Sequencer in the Cel field

M3- Added Preview for Import Actor from bitmap.

T1- Edit Image function now calls PhotoPaint

Mo1- Improved printing times for printing thumbnails

Mo2- Header and file info now included in thumbnail printouts


> Hayes NEWS! STR InfoFile


Announces Version 1.1

ATLANTA, GA, 17 August 1994 -- Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
today announced Version 1.1 of Smartcom for Windows which now includes
RIPscrip Graphics Emulation. Version 1.1 provides the same capabilities
as Smartcom for Windows 1.0, Hayes full-featured asynchronous
communications software package for Microsoft Windows users, but now
features an enhanced Calling Directory, Automatic Data/Fax Discrimination,
Windows Socket Support, and a Smartcom Tools Icon in addition to RIPscrip
Graphics Emulation.

Popular on many bulletin board systems, RIPscrip Graphics
Emulation allows users to view screens using text and graphics. RIPscrip
Graphics Emulation can be used with bulletin boards that support the
emulation to display screens using text and graphics, including on-screen
buttons you can click to send commands to remote systems.

Smartcoms Calling Directory now provides fast access to the phone
numbers and custom settings used to call various remote systems such as
bulletin boards. A feature included in Version 1.0, Calling Directory now
appears immediately when users log on to Smartcom. Calling Directory
also includes pre-defined Settings Documents for use in contacting popular
information services.

"Users and reviewers have identified Smartcom for Windows as the
communications product that fills the void for an easy-to-learn graphical
user interface --the feature that made Microsoft Windows so successful,"
Hayes President Dennis C. Hayes said. "With Version 1.1, weve added
features such as RIPscrip Graphics and enhanced features such as Calling
Directory -- making the program the best choice for the beginner or the

Smartcom for Windows now provides automatic data/fax
discrimination for users who receive data and fax calls through the same
modem. Smartcom for Windows also supports connections via third-party
network software developed according to the Windows Sockets Application
Programming Interface. This provides network connections, such as
TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, DECnet, and XNS when used with third-party
software that is Windows Sockets Compliant.

In addition to the functions formerly available through the
Smartcom Custom program, the Smartcom Tools icon now provides access to
new Share and Compact utilities. Share allows users to share buttons
sets, keyboard layouts, scripts, and general configuration between
communications sessions and Compact enables users to save disk space
by compressing communications documents.

Smartcom for Windows and the Smartcom Communications Editor
enable users to customize keyboard control of the communications
program and Editor. For example, users can select a standard terminal
keyboard for Smartcom for Windows and use different keyboard
assignments to implement familiar editing actions when using the
Smartcom Editor.

Smartcom was designed for use with high-speed modems, ISDN,
Hayes ESP Communications Accelerator, local area networking, and third-
party TCP/IP internetworking. Smartcom for Windows is a global program
that enables multi-national organizations to standardize on one package
using the option to load the language(s) of choice. The software
interface supports five languages -- English, French, Italian, German, or

Smartcom for Windows 1.1 is available for US$79 and CDN$105.
Smartcom for Windows 1.0 users can upgrade for US$29 and CDN$37
through Hayes Customer Support. Hayes Multi-User Software Licensing
Program enables corporate, government, financial, and educational
institutions to make 10, 100, 500, or 1,000 or more authorized copies of
Smartcom for Windows for use at any user location, not just at one site.
Customers who are interested in a multi-user license should contact

Smartcom for Windows 1.1 comes with Hayes Bonus Bundle, a
package of software and coupons that enables users to "go online"
immediately with popular online services such as America Online,
CompuServe and GEnie.


Official Hayes Modem Communications Companion
by Caroline M. Halliday

ATLANTA, GA, 12 August 1994 -- Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
is pleased to endorse an authoritative, third-party guide to online
communications. Official Hayes Modem Communications Companion, written by
Caroline M. Halliday and published by IDG Books Worldwide, is different
from other such works in many respects. While this book very thoroughly
covers the basics of PC communications, modems, and how to get started
with online computing, it also gives additional helpful communications

Hayes worked closely with Ms. Halliday, who spent considerable
time at the company's Norcross, Georgia, headquarters, interviewing R&D
engineers, technical support staff and, in particular, Dennis C. Hayes.
Aimed at beginners and intermediate users, it is most certainly not "yet
another book on modems."

In the Foreword, Mr. Hayes writes, "We have a unique perspective
concerning what people want to know about using modems and computer
communications. Our customer and technical support team members speak
with more than one million modem users every year. I know firsthand that
this type of interaction can build a huge information and knowledge base
among Hayes employees. I say that because I answered the phones myself
during our early years, and today I spend much of my time talking with
customers and use what I learn from them to improve our products and our
company. Now you can benefit from our years of experience and enjoy the
exciting world of computer communications like never before."

Smartcom for Windows LE, which is bundled with the book, is an
asynchronous communications software package for Windows version 3.1 based
on Hayes Smartcom for Windows. This easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, fully
functional limited edition program uses the graphical interface of a
Windows application. The Windows fax communications software enables
users to send text or graphic documents from within any Windows
application to fax machines or other fax modems anywhere in the world.

Ms. Halliday has a degree in electrical engineering and writes
books and articles for the PC industry. She is an active explorer of
online information services and in her work makes this technology
understandable to the small-business owner and home user. She is on the
InfoWorld review board and is author of PC SECRETS, also published by IDG
Books Worldwide.

Official Hayes Modem Communications Companion is available from
Hayes Customer Service, computer superstores and local bookstores for the
estimated retail price of US $29.95 and CDN $39.95.

Best known as the leader in microcomputer modems, Hayes develops,
supplies, and supports computer communications equipment and software for
personal computers and computer communications networks. The company
distributes its products in over 65 countries through a global network of
authorized distributors, dealers, mass merchants, VARs, systems
integrators, and original equipment manufacturers.


Hayes, Smartcom, Bonus Bundle, and ESP are trademarks of Hayes
Microcomputer Products, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft

For additional product information, customers should contact
Hayes Customer Service:

Telephone Online with Hayes BBS
404/441-1617 (U.S.) 404/729-6525 (ISDN U.S.)
519/746-5000 (Canada) +44 1252 775599 (Europe)
+33 1 34 22 30 15 (France) +44 1252 812560 (ISDN Europe)
+44 1252 775544 (Europe) +852 887 7590 (Hong Kong)
+852 887 1037 (Hong Kong) +61 2 959 5287 (Australia)
+61 2 959 5544 (Australia)


> UARTS - FIFO STR InfoFile NEW Settings and Updates

Knowledge Base
Title: Windows Support of the 16550 UART
Document Number: Q119579 Publ Date: 22-AUG-1994
Product Name: Windows For Workgroups
Product Version: 3.10 3.11
Operating System: WINDOWS

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows operating system versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.11
- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11


The universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) is an integrated
circuit that contains the software programming control of the PC serial
port. The 8250 was the original UART to ship with the IBM personal
computer. This UART & the improved 16450 version are limited to one input
register that holds only one byte at a time. These UARTs are not usually
suitable for modem speeds greater than 9600 bits per second (BPS) because
of possible input data overruns that can occur if a character is left in
the input register when the next byte is received.

The new 16550 UART allows reliable data transfer at high speeds with its
16-byte first in, first out (FIFO) input register. The FIFO feature can
buffer up to 16 bytes at a time, which improves serial communications by
preventing data overruns in applications that are 16550 aware.

This article outlines the use and history of support for the 16550 in
Microsoft Windows.


Windows 3.0 and Earlier Versions

Windows 3.0 and earlier versions do not support the FIFO feature of the
16550UART. Instead, the UART remains in the 8250 UART compatibility mode,
allowing a byte to be received at a time. If the incoming character isn't
read fast enough by the computer, the byte is lost. Lost or "dropped"
characters are likely to occur at speeds faster than 9600 bits per second

There are no UART-specific switches in the SYSTEM.INI file with Windows

NOTE: Third-party communications drivers (such as Turbocom by Pacific
Commware) are available to add support for the 16550 FIFO feature in
Windows 3.0.

Windows 3.1, 3.11, and Windows for Workgroups 3.1

Windows 3.1 was the 1st version of Windows to support the FIFO feature of
the 16550 UART for Windows-based applications. (MS-DOS-based applications
run under Windows 3.1, 3.11, or Windows for Workgroups 3.1 do not support
the FIFO feature.) The receive buffer (RX) is set by the serial
communications driver (COMM.DRV) to 14 bytes. The transmit buffer (TX) is
not enabled.

[386Enh! Section SYSTEM.INI Setting:

COM1FIFO=0 | 1
COM2FIFO=0 | 1
COM3FIFO=0 | 1
COM4FIFO=0 | 1

Default: Enable the FIFO if detected and the setting is not in the

Purpose: Specifies whether the FIFO buffer of a communication (COM) port
16550 UART is enabled (1) or disabled (0). If a serial port does not
have a 16550 UART, this setting is ignored. If you set a numerical value
other than "1" or "0" (for example, COMxFIFO=2 ), the setting is ignored,
and the FIFO is enabled if detected. Using TRUE, FALSE, or any other non-
numerical value sets the switch to "0" and therefore disables the FIFO.


The COMxFIFO= setting is not fully Boolean aware. To properly use these
switches, use the following syntax




where <x> is the number of the COM port you want to set.

The SYSINI.WRI file from the Microsoft Windows Resource Kit for version
3.1 incorrectly identifies TRUE and FALSE as functioning with this
switch. Page 196 of the Windows Resource Kit manual incorrectly
identifies "On" and "Off" as functioning with this switch. Again, using
any non-numerical value sets the switch to "0" and therefore disables the

These values are used by Windows for both standard and 386 enhanced

NOTE: Third-party communications drivers (such as Turbocom by Pacific
Commware and KingComm by OTC Corporation) enable FIFO support for MS-DOS-
based applications running under Windows.

Windows for Workgroups 3.11

Windows for Workgroups 3.11 is the first version of Windows to enable
16550 FIFO support for MS-DOS-based applications running under Windows.
In addition to Windows-based applications, your MS-DOS-based applications
can now use FIFO to prevent data overruns without using a third-party
communications driver. The Windows for Workgroups communications driver
(SERIAL.386) can also use the transmit buffer (TX) of the 16550 UART.
Previous versions of the communications driver use the receive buffer
(RX) only.

[386Enh! section SYSTEM.INI settings:

In addition to the COMxFIFO setting outlined above, Windows for
Workgroups 3.11 introduces two new settings, RXTRIGGER and TXFIFO.

RXFIFO Setting:

COM1RxTRIGGER=1 | 4 | 8 | 14
COM2RxTRIGGER=1 | 4 | 8 | 14
COM3RxTRIGGER=1 | 4 | 8 | 14
COM4RxTRIGGER=1 | 4 | 8 | 14

Default: 8

Purpose: Sets the number of bytes to enable for the receive FIFO buffer
(RX) on the 16550 UART.



where <x> is the number of the COM port you want to set.

NOTE: In general, you should not change the RXFIFO value. Increasing the
value of RXFIFO to 14 causes fewer interrupts to be generated, but it also
decreases the space in the remainder of the buffer to 2 characters. On a
busy system, which may have an increase in interrupt latency (the time
that it takes for an interrupt to be serviced by the CPU), this may cause
characters to overrun the buffer. Likewise, decreasing the value for
RXFIFO increases the number of interrupts generated, which could lead to
interrupt saturation, negating the usefulness of the FIFO on a
multitasking system.

TXFIFO Setting:


Default: 0

Purpose: Enables the transmit buffer (TX) on the 16550 UART. If enabled,
16 bytes are sent to the UART with each empty transmit interrupt



where <x> equals the number of the COM port you want to set.

NOTE: Enabling the transmit buffer (TX) may result in better system
performance during a high-speed file upload. It does not affect downloads.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 50Z PS/2 modems docerr

COPYRIGHT Microsoft Corporation, 1994.


> Thinkin' Things STR Review


The Kids' Computing Corner

Reviewed by Frank Sereno

Thinkin' Things is an educational program for children ages four to
eight. Thinkin' Things is intended to enhance children's abilities in
abstract thinking and creativity. It is available for IBM compatibles and
Macintosh computers. Requirements on clone machines are MS-DOS 3.1 or
greater, 580k conventional memory, VGA graphics, a sound card, a mouse,
and seven megs of hard drive space. For the Mac, requirements are a color
Mac with four megs of ram and seven megs of hard drive space. This
review will be of the IBM version and testing was done on 386 and 486

Installation is accomplished by running the INSTALL.EXE program on
the first disk. After the program has completed the transfer of all files
to the hard drive, you will be prompted to select your sound card.
Edmark does not recommend running Thinkin' Things from Windows but they do
include a PIF file for launching the program. Unfortunately, the included
PIF did not work on either of my test machines because it did not include
the working directory of the program. This problem was easily corrected
in the PIF Editor. The program is KidDesk aware. This allows the program
options to be set for each individual in the family or classroom.

The main screen features six boxes which can be clicked on to start
one of six learning activities. One box shows Oranga the orangutan. His
activity is called Oranga Banga. Another box shows a series of birds
representing Feathered Friends. A box featuring a large bird named Toony
Loon and a xylophone is the icon for the Toony Loon activity. A box
showing a series of strange-looking creatures called Fripples represents
the Fripple Shop game. A box with several spheres on it is the icon for
the BLOX-Flying Spheres activity. The final activity is BLOX-Flying
Shapes and it is represented by a box with polygons. Thinkin' Things also
includes an adult section which is accessed by typing alt-control-A. The
program can be set to monitor children's progress so that the difficulty
is increased automatically or parents can set difficulty slides to the
child's capabilities.

Oranga Banga is an activity which promotes the improvement of memory
by learning sound patterns, creativity by playing drum solos and auditory
discrimination by learning to recognize the sounds of different
instruments. Oranga has a complete drum set with a bass and snare drum, a
gong, chimes, triangle and more. In Creativity Mode, the child uses a
drumstick cursor to play the various percussion instruments. When he
clicks on Oranga or the play icon, Oranga will play back the child's song.
Unfortunately, Oranga does not keep the same beat drummed originally.
Question and Answer Mode is entered by clicking on the question mark icon.
Now Oranga will play a solo and child must repeat it. If the child has
difficulty repeating the solo, Oranga will do it again more slowly. Once
the child has mastered several solos, Oranga plays a celebration solo.
For added difficulty, the child or parent may choose "lights out." With
this option, Oranga plays his solos in the dark and then the scene
reappears when the child attempts to repeat the solos. Clicking on the
stop button will take the child back to the main screen. Negative
feedback for incorrect answers is very gentle. Since Oranga is a
musician, his positive feedback is fairly mellow and uses such expressions
as "groovy" and "yeah." His various facial expressions as plays the
instruments are very amusing and the animations are fairly smooth.

Feathered Friends promotes the development of visual discrimination,
recognizing and completing patterns, and using parts to create a whole.
In Creativity Mode, the child has four choices in the categories of color,
pattern, hat and shoes to create unique birds. In Question and Answer
Mode, he will be presented with a pattern of several birds with one spot
in the row being empty. He must choose the correct attributes for the
missing bird to complete the pattern. In the early stages, he will only
have to choose one attribute as the remainder of the bird has already been
assembled. In later stages, he will have to choose all the attributes of
the missing bird and the patterns become much more difficult to discern.
If the child chooses wrongly, one bird will ask him to please try again as
the computer removes one or more wrong answers. Continued incorrect
responses will result in only the correct choices being left. Positive
feedback is a simple thank-you along with an amusing animation of the
birds moving off the screen to various sound effects. This activity will
definitely make a child think and it is entertaining also.

BLOX-Flying Spheres is an exercise in experimentation, creativity and
music. The activity consists of various icons placed along the left side
and bottom of the screen. Filling the main portion of the screen is a
gradient background which gives the illusion of depth and distance with
darker shadings. In the upper left corner, there is a box filled with
colored spheres which may be placed on the background. Below that is a
box containing musical notes which changes the music when pressed. Below
that is an ear icon which turns the music on or off. In the lower left
corner is the stop sign which returns the child to the main screen.
Moving to the right, the next icon is an erase button which removes all
spheres from the screen. Next is icon featuring a light bulb which is the
Ideas icon. Nine different ideas are shown which the child may choose to
build upon or try to make himself. The child can also save nine of his
own creations by holding the shift key and a number key. The next icon is
for changing the background among the thirteen different gradients. Next
is the color icon which allows the child to cycle the background through
11 colors. The freeze icon stops the motion of all spheres. Next are
three directional buttons which will force all the spheres to move either
horizontally, vertically or randomly. The final icon allows the child to
switch to a full-view screen. The child can catch spheres by clicking and
holding them with the mouse. He can then set the sphere in motion by
dragging the mouse in the desired direction and then releasing the mouse
button. The sphere will move at a speed relative to that of the mouse.
This exercise is very fascinating. I would like to note that the spheres
never collide. Perhaps this concept of physics was considered too
difficult for younger children to grasp.

BLOX-Flying Shapes is similar in format to the Flying Spheres. This
activity is meant to develop spatial awareness and foster creativity and
experimentation in building designs. The child now has three different
groups of polygons he can use to build his designs. The polygons can be
spun on an axis, made larger or smaller, and be placed on top of one
another. The three groups each have a set of nine ideas and the child can
save nine for each group also. Each polygon has its own sound and the
child can record new sounds for each polygon if you have a sound card
capable of sound input. The icons are similar to Flying Spheres. In the
upper left corner are the polygons. Below that are two green arrows to
cycle through the three groups of icons. Below that is the microphone
icon if your system has that capability and if it is enabled in the adult
section. Next is the ear icon to turn on and off the sound. In the lower
left corner is the stop icon for going back to the main screen. Along the
bottom is the erase button for removing all the shapes from the screen.
Then an idea icon shows the saved screens. An icon with triangles of
increasing size allows the child to increase the size of all the shapes.
A rotation arrow is next which will rotate all the shapes in one
direction. Next is the freeze icon which stops all motion of the shapes.
The three directional icons force all the shapes to move horizontally,
vertically or randomly from the center of the screen. Last is the icon
for switching to full-screen viewing. The possibilities for designs with
this activity are endless. Just looking at some provided ideas was mind-
boggling. The graphics were fairly good but the shapes with angled lines
often had "jaggies."

The next activity is Toony Loon, another musical activity. It is
intended to help children recognize variance in pitch, strengthen auditory
memory, remember and repeat patterns, and develop creativity in music. In
Creativity Mode, the child uses the mallet-shaped cursor to create a song.
Clicking on Toony or the play icon causes Toony to play the child's song.
By clicking on the new icon, the child can cycle through five different
xylophones. The chicken xylophone is very funny. In Question and Answer
Mode, Toony creates a pattern of three or more notes and the child is
asked to repeat it. If the child has difficulty recreating the pattern,
Toony will play it more slowly. Negative feedback is very gentle as it is
only a shake of Toony's head and being asked "Once again . . ." Positive
feedback upon correct answers is very enthusiastic. When the child has
mastered repeating patterns with the "lights on," he may then try with the
"lights off." This will definitely develop a child's ability to recognize
pitch. Toony's expressions are well animated and the only nit is that
Toony's beak is not always in full sync with the audio.

The final activity is the Fripple Shop. Children will learn Boolean
logic, develop observation skills and learn to follow instructions. The
Fripple Shop contains twelve Fripples which have various identifying
features. Orders to purchase the Fripples are sent to the shop by
telephone, fax machine and customers coming to the shop via the front
door. Telephone orders have audible cues while fax orders have visual
cues, but in person orders have both audible and visual cues. The child
can wait for an order to come in from the three sources or he can click on
one to get an immediate order. If there are no orders waiting to be
filled, clicking on a Fripple will result in hearing a description of that
particular creature. As the child progresses, discerning the correct
Fripple becomes more difficult. For example, he may be asked to find a
Fripple that either is red or has stripes but not both, or to find a
Fripple with curly hair and spots but not big eyes. If the child clicks
on the incorrect Fripple, he will be asked to try again. If he continues
answering incorrectly, Fripples are removed from the store until only the
correct answer remains. Negative feedback is very gentle. Positive
feedback depends upon the method used for placing the order. Fax orders
result in the Fripple leaving the shop to hop on the delivery truck. On a
phone order, the Fripple will leave the shop for the truck. The customer
will stay on the phone until it is delivered and then say a brief thank-
you message. Each of the drop-in customers has a unique thank you. Some
are more enthusiastic than others. The graphics in this section are very
colorful. Animations of the Fripples leaving the store are fairly good
but I was disappointed that the drop-in customers' lips and mouths do not
move at all when they speak.

Overall, the graphics are quite good. Some animation sequences could
have been smoother. The sounds are very good. The music is varied and
interesting. Musical sounds are very realistic. The voice acting is
good and all speaking parts are comprehensible. The interface is good.
Everything is click and point. Most of the activities have audible
directions upon beginning that activity. I would like for a help icon to
be available as well. In the BLOX activities, there is no audible help
but these activities were designed for open-ended experimentation.
Audible directions or instructions would probably stifle creativity in
these activities. Play value is very good. When the children tire of the
simpler activities, they will have infinite creative possibilities ahead
of them in the BLOX activities. Educational value is also excellent.
Thinkin' Things has a suggested retail price of $50 but it can be found at
discounters for $35 or less. This program has excellent value and it
would be an excellent addition to any software library.

Graphics ----- 8.0
Sounds ----- 9.5
Interface ----- 8.5
Play Value ----- 8.5
Educational Value ----- 9.5
Bang for the Buck ----- 9.0
Average ----- 8.83

And I thank you for reading!




So, You thought you'd been everywhere and seen everything while playing
Ultimar VIII: Pagan. This fall you'll be able to explore a land you never
knew existed in Pagan when you play The Lost Vale, the "add-in" game to
the latest adventure in the Ultima series. ORIGIN plans to release The
Lost Vale during the first half of the fall.

In The Lost Vale, you'll discover a forgotten valley created hundreds
of years earlier by the Titans of Earth and Water. The Titans imprisoned
their enemies inside this hidden world, when they commanded the walls of
the valley to rise in the largest tomb ever created. As the Avatar, you'll
realize the secrets of this lost civilization could lead to powerful
alliances in your ongoing struggle against the evil Guardian. You'll
battle new monsters unique to The Lost Vale and you'll search for magic
items and acquire increased stats you can use in the outside world of
Pagan. There's the City of the Ancient Gods, which is suspended in clouds.
There you'll look for advice that could help make you one of the most
formidable beings to ever set foot in Pagan.

The Lost Vale will add several hours of game playing to the world of
Pagan. And since it's an "add-in" disk, you don't have to finish Pagan in
order to explore The Lost Vale. Just install it and begin your journey
inside this game within a game.

Current system requirements for The Lost Vale are:
IBM-PC, 486/33+ or 100% compatible system
6 MB of hard drive space
Core game of Ultima VIII: Pagan installed on hard drive
256-color VGA graphics
MS-DOS 5.0 or higher, mouse
MUSIC (optional): Ad Lib, Sound Blaster, General MIDI or
100% compatible sound board
SOUND EFFECTS (optional): Ad Lib, Sound Blaster or 100%
compatible sound board

Expected retail price: $25-$35


> WPWin 6.0a Enhancements STR InfoFile


Speed improvements have been made in the following areas: basic
formatting, scrolling, printing, graphics handling, table manipulation and
editing, importing WordPerfect 5.x documents, generate, document compare,
outline, launching WordPerfect Draw, automation of ExpressDocs Templates,
and opening large documents.

Many changes have been made to improve the overall reliability of the
product. Every effort was made to address reliability issues raised by

With the Windows or WPWin 6.0a (*.PRS) printer drivers, the printing of
tables, borders, and bitmap graphics is much faster. Also, WPWin 6.0a now
downloads ATM and TrueType fonts to PostScript and Hewlett-Packard
printers, improving overall printing speed.

Better Conversions
File and macro converisons have been improved to address the needs of
WordPerfect 5.x users.

Conversion of Fonts
In WPWin 6.0, converting WordPerfect 5.x documents to the WordPerfect 6.0
format would sometimes result in fonts not converting correctly. Fonts
will now convert correctly if the same printer is selected in WordPerfect
5.x and WPWin 6.0a. In addition, round-trip compatibility from WPWin 6.0a
to WPWin 5.2 and back to a WPWin 6.0a format will result in accurate font

The last four fonts used are displayed at the top of the font list,
accessed by clicking the font button on the Power Bar. This is similar to
the existing capability to display the names of the four most recently
used files on the Files pull-down menu.

256 Color Driver
If a problem is detected with a 256 color driver, WPWin 6.0a will advise
you to add a /fl startup switch (for example, c:\wpwin60\wpwin.exe /fl) to
the command line under Properties for the WPWin 6.0a icon. This will
eliminate known problems with certain video drivers.

We are aware of conflicts with a Windows file, DDEML.DLL, dated 4/22/92.
The correct version of this file should be found in the System directory
(c:\window\system). If the version of this file (DDEML.DLL, 4/22/92) is
found in the Windows directory, and the correct version is found in the
Window s System directory, the file will be automatically deleted from the
Windows directory.

This feature automatically replaces errors in mistyped or misspelled
words. For instance, if you accidentally type "adn," it is automatically
replaced with "and" as soon as you press the space bar or another word
delimiter (comma, period, semi-colon, etc.). QuickCorrect can also
automatically expand abbreviations on the fly. For example, you could
type "wpc" and have "WordPerfect Corporation" appear as you press the
space bar. QuickCorrect will also fix two initial caps such as

WPWin 6.0a understands that you need the ability to select complete words,
sentences, and paragraphs as well as individual letters. QuickSelect
gives you the flexibility to select precisely the text you need. Click
twice, holding the mouse down the second time, then drag to select word by
word. Click three times and drag to select sentence by sentence, and
click four times and drag to select paragraph by paragraph. In addition,
WPWin 6.0a has always let you click in the left margin to select a
sentence, and double click to select a paragraph, or use the right mouse
button in the left margin for more QuickSelect options.

Transition Advisor
Accessed from the Help menu, the Transition Advisor helps WordPerfect for
DOS users make a smooth transition to Windows. The Transition Advisor
displays keystrokes and commands from WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS and then
shows how to perform the equivalent tasks in WPWin 6.0a. Also available
is a WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS keyboard that retains familiar keystrokes as
you work.

ExpressDocs Templates
WPWin 6.0a includes a WPLite template which provides a scaled down menu
and feature list, and several other templates: WPAmiPro, business card
creation, workgroup, term paper, and an additional form letter template.
In addition, to answer requests from the legal community, a pleading macro
(PLEADING.WCM) and a pleading template (PLEADING.WPT) ship with WPWin
6.0a. This automated template guides you through creating a pleading

The Setup Program includes an Uninstall facility which allows for a
standard or custom uninstall of WPWin 6.0a. Improvements have also been
made to the installation routine.

Network Users
WPWin 6.0a includes Universal Naming Convention (UNC) support and
shareable paper size forms for Windows drivers.

Password protection has been improved for compatibility with existing
WPWin users and documents, as well as "case-sensitive" password

Button Bar
The Button Bar feature, which allows you to attach frequently used
functions or macros to on-screen buttons, helps you customize the way you
work in WordPerfect. For easy integration with other Windows
applications, WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows allows you to drag programs and
files directly from the Windows File Manager to your Button Bar. Your
Button Bars can display text, icons, or both, and can be displayed on any
screen edge or as a floating palette. Three new Button Bars were added to
WPWin 6.0a: Legal, Design Tools, and Utilities.

Power Bar
WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows Power Bar gives you quick access to the
features and functions you use the most to create your word processing
documents. This tool gives you rapid access to everyday formatting
features such as open, save, print, cut, copy, paste, undo, and font. You
can also create a table, change your justification or line spacing, or
bring up the speller, thesaurus, or grammar checker. The Power Bar suits
your word processing needs because it is customizable and gives you 81
options to choose from.

Status Bar
The Status Bar is designed to give you key information about your
document. You can choose from 18 different options to display on the
Status Bar such as printer type, date, time, font, and page position.
Each Status Bar field can be can be sized and moved, and you can select
the display font. Double clicking on any of the Status Bar fields will
open the dialog box associated with that feature.

Document Templates
WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows includes over 70 pre-defined ExpressDocs
templates for fax cover sheets, memos, form letters, expense reports,
awards, newsletters, resumes, invoices, and calendars. Many of these
templates are interactive and can prompt the user for specific information
such as the name on a fax cover sheet. Templates can automatically pull
up associated Button Bars, menus, keyboard layouts, styles, etc. You can
modify the templates included with WordPerfect or create custom templates
that suit your needs.

The WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows Tables feature contains

nearly 100
advanced spreadsheet functions such as formulas, numerical cell
formatting, automatic recalculation, data fills, and named ranges. Tables
can also be designed with dozens of borders, line styles, and fill
patterns. In WPWin 6.0a, you can save table data to the clipboard with
tabs that allow you to read data into a spreadsheet or save it as an ASCII
(DOS) Text file. In addition, you can save table data to Quattro Pro

QuickFinder capabilities are unique to WordPerfect and offer some of the
fastest indexing and text retrieval in the industry. QuickFinder lets you
search for files on more than one drive or directory at a time, either by
filename or by specific keywords in a document, and gives you nearly
instantaneous results.

The QuickFormat feature in WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows lets you extract
formatting or styles from your text in your document and quickly apply it
to other text in the current document or another document. The mouse
pointer changes to a paint roller and allows you to "paint" the formatting
to selected text.

Working in WordPerfect for Windows is easier with context-sensitive
QuickMenus that are accessed by clicking the right mouse button in your
document. For example, clicking the right mouse button anywhere in a
document presents a QuickMenu to change fonts, spell check, or center
text, while clicking in the left margin presents a menu to select text,
change margins, or add comments to a document.

Bullets and Numbering
The new Insert Menu in WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows allows you to select
from predefined bullets and numbering styles. You also can create your
own bullets and numbering styles and add them to the menu. Paragraph
numbering in WPWin 6.0a is equivalent to the functionality found in WPWin
5.2 and is part of the Bullet and Numbers feature.

The Coaches feature is like a personal instructor that helps reduce the
learning curve. A Coach simply walks you step by step through common
tasks. You can either choose to have the task performed for you, or you
can have the Coach teach you how to perform the task from within your
document. In WPWin 6.0a, when you first launch WPWin 6.0a an interactive
QuickStart Coach appears to give you an overview of the product. This will
assist WordPerfect for DOS users, as well as users of other word
processors such as Microsoft Word and Lotus Ami Pro as they make the
transition to WPWin 6.0a.

Drawing Tools
WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows provides sophisticated drawing tools that let
you create and edit graphics. You will find everything you need (Bezier
curves, shading, and the ability to contour text on a curve) to make
logos, letterheads, and other illustrations. WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows
also supports scanner devices through the TWAIN open industry interface.

WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows can graphically present your numbers as a pie,
bar, scatter, hi-lo, or area chart. You can create charts from the chart
editor, a table, or an imported spreadsheet.

File Management
The File Open dialog box features powerful document management
capabilities that let you quickly copy, move, rename, delete, and change
the attributes of single or multiple files. The QuickList allows you to
give a descriptive name to any directory or group of files. The
QuickFinder provides some of the fastest indexing and text retrieval in
the industry.

Graphics and Borders
Including graphic images in your word processing documents is easy with
WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows. The Image Tools palette gives you quick
access to the editing tools so you can move, rotate, and size the image.
You can wrap text on both sides of a graphic image and contour text around
irregularly shaped objects. A wide variety of borders and fill patterns
are included for graphic images, paragraphs, pages, columns, and table
cells. You can easily save a graphic as a file from within WPWin 6.0a by
selecting the graphic and choosing Save As from the File menu.

Preview Windows
Preview windows in dialog boxes allow you to see changes in your document
before you make them. For example, you can see how columns, margins, or
line spacing will look in your document before actually making the
changes. Full WYSIWYG display in WPWin 6.0a displays character widths
more accurately on screen, resulting in a truer graphical representation
of fonts.

WordPerfect's powerful Merge feature has been enhanced with an easy-to-use
interface. The introductory Merge dialog box includes the three elements
of a merge (date file, form file, and merge) with their corresponding
Preview Windows.

The Abbreviation feature replaces abbreviations that you place in your
document with more information. You can replace your abbreviations with
text, graphics, and formatting.

WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows makes it easy to access other file formats and
programs. You can import DOS and Windows database formats (dBase,
Paradox, Oracle, and more) and spreadsheet formats (Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft
Excel, and Quattro Pro). You can also import and export leading word
processing files. WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows also acts as both an OLE
client and server and supports DDE client and server links. A conversion
for Professional Write files was added to WPWin 6.0a, as well as ODBC
support, which provides direct support for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft
Access. In addition, WPWin 6.0a now imports Lotus 1-2-3 version 4.0
format. Use WPWin 6.0a with IBM OS/2 2.1. The OS/2 Integration Tools
Disk includes seamless integration with the OS/2 Advanced Workplace Shell
and is available separately by calling (800) 321-4566.

Ordering Information
Check with your local software reseller for pricing and availability. For
Direct Marketing pricing, please call WordPerfect Sales Center at (800)

System Specifications
ù 4M RAM is required (6M or more RAM is recommended)
ù Personal computer using 386 processor or higher
ù DOS 3.1 or higher
ù Windows 3.1 (running in enhanced mode)
ù Hard disk with 26M disk space for standard package
ù High density floppy disk drive
ù VGA graphics adapter and monitor
ù Mouse supported by Windows (recommended)

For more information, please call WordPerfect Sales Center at
(800) 451-5151 (US) or (800) 321-2318 (Canada).

WordPerfect, the Novell Applications Group 1994

WordPerfect, the Novell Applications Group
1555 N. Technology Way
Orem,UT 84057-2399

WordPerfect, WPWin, and QuickList are registered trademarks of WordPerfect
Corporation within the United States and other countries. Button Bar,
QuickFinder, QuickMenu, PowerBar, ExpressDocs, Coaches, WordPerfect Draw,
QuickCorrect, and Transition Advisor are trademarks of Novell, Inc.
worldwide. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.

WordPerfect Corporation
InfoShare Information Fax Service
(800) 228-9960



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Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

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GEnie Information copyright (C) 1994 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

John Deegan, Editor (Temp)

> GroupWise 4.1 STR InfoFile

GroupWise 4.1

(This information is pre-release and subject to change.)

GroupWise 4.1 is the electronic messaging component of the Novell
GroupWare family of workgroup productivity software products. GroupWise
4.1 combines electronic mail, personal calendaring, group scheduling, task
management, rules-based message management, and workflow routing into a
single application. At release, the product line will include 12 client
desktops, 4 remote clients, 10 server platforms, and 23 gateways, making
it the most open and scalable solution in cross-platform, enterprise-wide
electronic messaging.

GroupWise 4.1 Clients

GroupWise 4.1 Client software provides the user interface for the
messaging system, allowing users to send and receive e-mail and phone
messages, appointments, notes, tasks, each with attached forms,
presentations, or documents. GroupWise 4.1 provides client support for
12 computing platforms, and with the exception of platform-specific
features and interface requirements, all clients are identical in
functionality and feature sets.

GroupWise 4.1 Client/Remote Client for Windows

GroupWise 4.1 Client for Windows runs on networked or modem-equipped PCs
in the Windows environment. It has also been optimized to run under the
OS/2 2.1 operating system. (Runs on an 80386 IBM-compatible PC with MS
Windows 3.1 or an 80486 IBM-compatible PC with OS/2 2.1)

GroupWise 4.1 Client/Remote Client for DOS

The GroupWise 4.1 Client for DOS can be run from a shared network
directory or from a local drive. A remote version of the GroupWise 4.1
Client for DOS is available for modem-equipped PCs. (Runs on an 80386
IBM-compatible PC)

GroupWise 4.1 Client/Remote Client for Macintosh

GroupWise 4.1 Client for Macintosh runs on networked or modem-equipped
Macintosh computers. (Runs on a Macintosh or Power Macintosh running
Macintosh System 7 or higher--System 7.1 Pro is recommended for AOCE
support and System 7.11 for Drag and Drop support)

GroupWise 4.1 Clients for UNIX

GroupWise 4.1 Clients for UNIX run on networked UNIX work-stations.
X-Window clients for each of the platforms below and a SunOS
character-based client will be available when 4.1 initially releases.
Character clients for the other platforms will be available within three
months of the 4.1 release.

Runs on the following UNIX platforms:

Data General AViiON DG/UX 5.4.201
HP 9000 (700/800 series) HP/UX 9.01
IBM RS/6000 IBM AIX 3.2
SCO UNIX on Intel workstations SCO UNIX 3.2.4
Sun SPARCstations Solaris 2.3
Sun SPARCstations SunOS 4.1.3 (Solaris 1.x)
Intel workstations NCR MP-RAS or Novell

GroupWise 4.1 Telephone Access Remote Client

Telephone Access lets users use a touchtone telephone to access and
respond to any message and calendar item in their message box, whether
they use GroupWise 4.1 on Windows, DOS, Macintosh, or UNIX machines.
(Runs on an 80486 IBM-compatible PC running OS/2 2.1 and requires at least
one Dialogic board)

GroupWise 4.1 Admin
The GroupWise 4.1 Administration program provides the messaging system
administration capabilities, including installation and maintenance of the
post offices (user message databases), server and gateway configuration,
automatic directory synchronization throughout the 4.x components of the
system, and electronic software distribution. The Admin programs,
available for DOS and SunOS and packaged with the Client software, are
fully plug-and-play compatible with all of the Client and Message Server

GroupWise 4.1 Admin for DOS
GroupWise 4.1 Admin for DOS is used to administer all components of the
GroupWise messaging system. The 4.1 version introduces an incredibly
simple and straightforward installation procedure. The DOS Admin program
can be used for setting up the native UNIX GroupWise components either
using NFS or major DOS/Windows emulators on UNIX. (Runs on an 80486
IBM-compatible PC)

GroupWise 4.1 Admin for SunOS
GroupWise 4.1 Admin for SunOS can be used to administer all components of
the GroupWise messaging system. (Runs on a SunOS 4.1.3 workstation with
X-Window X11R5, Motif 1.2)

GroupWise 4.1 Message Servers
A message server is required when one or more of the following five
features are needed in a GroupWise 4.1 messaging system: (1) features of
the client (such as Rules, Routing, Delayed Delivery, Expire After) that
are enabled by the message server; (2) the system will have more than one
post office (a group of workers where proxy access rights can be enabled);
(3) the system will have more than one domain (a group of post offices);
(4) the system will include gateways and other services (such as, access
to the Internet via an SMTP gateway); or, (5) the system will run in its
highest security mode.

GroupWise 4.1 Message Server for DOS
(Runs on an 80386 IBM-compatible PC)

GroupWise 4.1 Message Server for NetWare Loadable Modules
Eliminates the need for a dedicated machine for message server activities
as is the case with the DOS and OS/2 Message Servers. (Runs on an 80486
IBM-compatible PC with Novell NetWare 3.1x or 4.x)

GroupWise 4.1 Message Server for OS/2
(Runs on an 80486 IBM-compatible PC with IBM OS/2 2.1 or higher)

GroupWise 4.1 Message Servers for UNIX
Runs on the following UNIX platforms:
Data General AViiON DG/UX 5.4.201
HP 9000 (700/800 series) HP/UX 9.01
IBM RS/6000 IBM AIX 3.2
SCO UNIX on Intel workstations SCO UNIX 3.2.4
Sun SPARCstations Solaris 2.3
Sun SPARCstations SunOS 4.1.3 (Solaris 1.x)
Intel workstations NCR MP-RAS or Novell

GroupWise 4.1 Gateways
GroupWise 4.1 Gateways provide connectivity to a world of messaging
systems, message transport protocols, and communications standards. They
also provide valuable services such as faxing, message printing, paging,
wireless connectivity, and telephone access. Gateways can be used to
build the best messaging system that meets a company's needs. The
following GroupWise 4.1 Gateways will be available:

API Gateway (DOS, OS/2): provides access through a keyword text file
interface to GroupWise messaging functions and directory services from
other applications.

Async Gateway (DOS, OS/2): asynchronous gateway that allows connections
via telephone lines and modems to remote GroupWise users or sites. (UNIX
versions are also planned.)

cc:Mail Gateway (DOS): provides message exchange and directory
synchronization with Lotus cc:Mail systems. (A gateway to Lotus Notes
mail is also planned.)

Fax/Print Gateway (DOS): allows GroupWise users to send messages to fax
devices worldwide or to printers within their local or wide area network;
also allows incoming faxes.

Message Router Gateway (VMS): allows GroupWise users to exchange messages
and document attachments to other e-mail systems connected to Digital
Equipment Corp.'s Message Router.

NGMHS Gateway (DOS, NLM): a Message Handling Service (MHS) gateway for
compatibility with a SMF 70 or 71 NetWare Global MHS (NGM) server.

OfficeVision/VM/PROFS Gateway (OS/2): Bi-directional e-mail, scheduling,
and directory synchronization connectivity between GroupWise users and
users on IBM mainframe OfficeVision/VM or PROFS systems. (A SNADS gateway
for SNA-connected networks is planned.)

Pager Gateway (OS/2): lets GroupWise users send messages directly to
alphanumeric or numeric pagers and PCMCIA paging receivers.

SMTP Gateway (DOS, all seven UNIX platforms): provides connectivity with
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) based e-mail systems and the global

Telephone Access Server (OS/2): provides capability to send and receive
GroupWise messages remotely with only a standard touchtone phone;
important tool for mobile users.

VMS Mail Gateway (VMS): provides connectivity with Digital Equipment
Corp.'s VMS Mail.

X.25 Gateway (OS/2): allows remote GroupWise users to send and receive
messages using an X.25 network; also supports wireless remote GroupWise
users with RAM Mobile Data's wireless data network.

X.400 Gateway (OS/2): provides connectivity with X.400 (1984)- compatible
public and private e-mail systems throughout the world; also allows the
X.400 system to function as a long-distance message transport service to
connect with remote GroupWise users.

Suggested Retail Pricing
Client/Admin Packs and Add'l
Mailbox Licenses Resale Upgrade Trade-Up

Client/Admin Pack
Windows $695 $245 $279
DOS $695 $245 $279
Macintosh $695 $245 $279
UNIX $695 $245 $279

Additional Mailbox Licenses
1-copy $135 $49 $55
5-copy $625 $219 $249

Volume Licenses (price per license)
20 to 49 $115 $40 $46
50 to 99 $105 $40 $46
100 to 499 $95 $40 $46

Message Server Packs Resale Upgrade Trade-Up

DOS $495 $175 $199
NLM $2,495 N.A. N.A.
OS/2 $1,495 $525 $599
UNIX $1,995 $699 $799

Gateways Resale SRP Upgrade SRP

API Gateway for DOS or OS/2 $295 $105
Async Gateway for DOS or OS/2 $495 $175
cc:Mail Gateway for DOS $995 $349
Fax/Print Gateway for DOS $2,495 $875
Message Router Gateway for VMS $5,995 $2,099
NetWare Global MHS Gateway for DOS $995 $349
NetWare Global MHS Gateway for NLM $1,495 $525
OfficeVision/VM Gateway for OS/2 $9,995 $3,499
Pager Gateway for OS/2 $3,995 $1,399
Pager Gateway & 50-user Motorola Site
Connect Server $4,995 N.A.
Pager Gateway & 500-user Motorola Site
Connect Server $9,995 N.A.
SMTP Gateway for DOS $2,995 $1,049
SMTP Gateway for UNIX $3,995 N.A.
Telephone Access Server for OS/2 $9,995 N.A.
VMS Mail Gateway for VMS $2,495 $875
X.25 Gateway for OS/2 $2,495 $875
X.400 Gateway for OS/2 $4,295 $1,505

Pricing is in US dollars and is subject to change without notice.

For more information about GroupWise 4.1 products, please call GroupWise
Sales Center at (800) 861-2507.

WordPerfect Corporation
InfoShare Information Fax Service
(800) 228-9960

Title: Product Information
Product: GroupWise 4.1
Number: 1628-8/94

1994 Novell, Inc.

WordPerfect, the Novell Applications Group
1555 N. Technology Way
Orem, UT 84057-2399

WordPerfect is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. All other brand and
product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective


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Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

It's been a week from hell, going back to work after being on
vacation for 4 of the past 5 weeks (worked a week in the middle of
two 2-week vacations!). It'll take me a month to get back into the
groove! Speaking of time, it goes by so fast these days. My wife
Louise and I just celebrated our 10th anniversary this week and neither
of us has any idea as to where the time has gone. Naturally, only I
have gotten older - she's "still a babe"!!

As you can tell, I haven't much to say this week. Or rather, I
do, but little time in which to say it! The Connecticut AtariFest is
this weekend and I'm trying to get ready for that, among other things.
The show appears to be shaping up very nicely from what I have been
hearing from some of the ACT people. I'm really looking forward to it,
seeing old friends again and making some new ones. This is the best
facet of the show - meeting those who you've only "seen" and "talked"
to online. See you all at the show, and back here next week!!

Until next time...

Delphi's Atari Advantage!


* = New on list

The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 10.34)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.


> New "Speed of Light"! STR InfoFile! - SOL adds mono support!

-/- Speed of Light supports MONO! -/-

I just wanted to let everyone know that the next version of Speed of
Light (version 3.7?) will support monochrome graphics modes. This is
partially so that users can start from medium resolution. Basically,
the dialog boxes no longer REQUIRE 16 colors, they just look better with
them. I wanted to just switch to LOW resolution from medium res., but
I tried, and GEM does NOT like to draw all 16 colors because even though
the resolution is "Low res" the VDI still thinks it is in medium. So,
I just draw all the dialogs and stuff in medium resolution (black and
white) and then switch to low res only when drawing the image. As a
nice side effect, this also means that SOL 3.7 will now work in
monochrome modes (dithering is a must, of course!)

So, if there are any monochrome users out there who wished they could
use Speed of Light, check out version 3.7, to be released in a few
weeks. Other features include a Slideshow option, some DSP JPEG code
for Falcon, and many nasty bugs fixed. Speed of Light is Shareware,
please register!

-Stuart Denman


> MasterBrowse Update! STR InfoFile! - MB at Version 4.7!

Below is a description and updates list by the author...
August 20, 1994

M a s t e r B r o w s e 4 . 7

Copyright 1993, 1994, Michel Forget
Electric Storm Software

There is a new version of MasterBrowse available!

Using FTP, you can get the new version of MasterBrowse (when it is
validated) from either of the following addresses: (/atari/Newitems/mb47_bin.lzh) (/pub/atari/Newitems/mb47_bin.lzh)

Both of the FTP sites mentioned above can be accessed using a mail
server, for those who do not have FTP access. The file will also
appear soon (with the name MB47_BIN.LZH) on GEnie, Delphi, and
CompuServe. In addition, the new version of MasterBrowse will appear
at soon.

For those who have never used MasterBrowse before, a detailed
description of the program will follow the list of new features and
bug fixes.

MasterBrowse 4.5:

NEW FEATURE: MasterBrowse now has even more powerful windowed dialog box
editing capabilities. The following keys can be used inside
a windowed dialog box:

UNDO = Exit (Cancel)
Return = Exit (Done)
TAB = Next Editable Field
Control + TAB = Previous Editable Field
Shift + Left Arrow = Start Of Editable Field
Shift + Right Arrow = End Of Editable Field
Shift + Up Arrow = First Editable Field
Shift + Down Arrow = Last Editable Field
Control + Left Arrow = Start Of Previous Word
Control + Right Arrow = Start Of Next Word
Shift + Backspace = Delete From Start Of Field
Shift + Delete = Delete To End Of Field
Alternate + [UNDERLINED LETTER] = This will exit the dialog
box as if you had clicked
on the button containing
the underlined letter.

NEW FEATURE: MasterBrowse now has context sensitive online help, if you
use the ST-Guide accessory. If the accessory is installed
on your system, pressing the Shift + HELP key will cause
MasterBrowse to instruct ST-Guide to open a window with
information relevent to your current position. Since all
of the information is external, this option does not affect
the size of MasterBrowse at all, or how much memory it
uses. The entire MasterBrowse manual is available (accessed
by entering the help system while you are NOT in a dialog

NEW FEATURE: When marking a block the SHIFT key can be used to "continue"
a previously marked block. This means that the start of the
block will remain the same, and you are only adjusting where
it ends.

NEW FEATURE: MasterBrowse now has an "Edit" menu; "Clip Block" is now
"Copy" and "Open Clipboard" is now "Paste". This change
was implemented so that MasterBrowse would be more compliant
with existing (and future) standards.

NEW FEATURE: MasterBrowse now has a "Delete" option under the "Edit"
menu; it will delete the SCRAP.TXT file inside the
clipboard folder.

NEW FEATURE: The keyboard shortcut manager has been completely rewritten;
you can now add & remove keypresses at will, and change the
keyboard shortcut for ANY action (not just menu entries).
MasterBrowse no longer makes any distinction between the
left shift key and the right shift key. The interface to
the keyboard shortcut manager has also been rewritten; it is
now much more user-friendly!

BUG FIX: Selecting "Skip" in the colour configuration dialog box will
no longer cause MasterBrowse to set that colour to white.

BUG FIX: If text or background color is changed, the window affected
is now completely redrawn.

NEW FEATURE: MasterBrowse now has a push/pop feature; this can be
thought of as a temporary bookmark. You "push" (set) the
position, then "pop" (unset and move to) the position. This
is much faster than setting a bookmark because it does not
cause a dialog box to appear on the screen.

MasterBrowse 4.5a:

BUG FIX: The file selector should not work correctly (again).

BUG FIX: AutoSave Options will now always save the options to the
path pointed to by MB_CONFIG.

BUG FIX: If you have previously registered MasterBrowse, copy your
USERINFO.DAT file into the new MasterBrowse directory.
MasterBrowse will analyze the file; if it is valid, the
"MasterBrowse Information" dialog box that is shown to
unregistered users will not be shown to you. This did
not work (at all) in the last version, for which I
humbly apologize.

MasterBrowse 4.7:

NEW FEATURE: MasterBrowse no longer uses an internal font sel; instead,
it now interfaces directly with the Universal Font Selector,
by Michael Thanitz. The Universal Font Selector is more
reliable than the internal font selector previously used by
MasterBrowse. The MasterBrowse Installation Program will
copy UFSL.PRG to your AUTO folder automatically, so no extra
effort on your part is required.

NEW FEATURE: MasterBrowse now uses windowed progress displays, so loading
a document no longer prevents other applications/accessories
from executing in the background and it allows you to switch
from one application to another while a document is being
loaded. (NOTE: If you turn off progress displays, the
loading speed will be markedly faster.)

NEW FEATURE: To make using ST-Guide with MasterBrowse easier, you can now
set the name of the ST-Guide accessory. To do this, create
an environment variable called "HELP_ACC" and set it to the
filename (no path and no extension) of the help accessory.


You would like MasterBrowse to use TEST.ACC, instead of
ST-GUIDE.ACC. Add the following line to GEM.CNF:

If you have Mag!X, you would add the following line to


That is all that there is to it. In order, MasterBrowse
will look for HELP_ACC, 'ST-GUIDE', and 'STGUIDE'.

INSTRUCTIONS: The HyperText documentation has been improved to take better
advantage of the power offered by the ST-Guide utility.

BUG FIX: Selecting "Close All Documents" will now clear the list of
open documents, so you can use the "Quick Access" feature
without getting an error message.

INSTALLATION: The MasterBrowse Installation Program:

NEW FEATURE: If the destination path you specify in the
installation path contains folders that do
not exist, the installation program will now
create them.

NEW FEATURE: If there is no AUTO folder, the installation
program will now create one on the boot

NEW FEATURE: The destination path no longer needs to be
terminated by a '\' character.
BUG FIX: The file selector will no longer contain an
invalid path specification if you double-click
on an editable text field.

NEW FEATURE: The installation program will no longer
generate an error if the destination file
exists during a copy operation. The old
file will silently be erased.


> Fast Path 1.0! STR InfoFile - File Selector -> Path Selection Utility

| Fast Path v1.0 |
| Press Release |
| August 15, 1994 |

Trace Technologies is proud to introduce FastPath.

Shipping date: AVAILABLE NOW!
"A Straight Line- The shortest distance between two points."
"FastPath- The shortest distance between two paths."

Fast Path v1.0 - The Indispensable Path Selection Utility!

Are you struggling with the system file selector, clicking here and there
to get to your word processing folder or that favorite game? Sure, using
an alternative file selector can be better, but have you found yourself
wishing it had more predefined paths and extenders? Wish no more!

FastPath, a demoware program by Keith Gerdes and Trace Technologies,
works in conjunction with your system/alternative file selector, giving
you unparalleled power and flexibility when it comes to quickly getting
to the directory you need. When you need to get somewhere fast, you
need the speed of FastPath.

o Provides 34 user-definable paths in an attractive graphical user
interface. Call FastPath as needed or have it automatically appear
before the file selector. Select a path via the mouse or keyboard
and you're instantly there, reaching distant points of your hard
disk with ease. Paths can be defined, copied, moved, deleted or
edited with point-and-click ease. Displays the current path being
sent to the file selector along with the file selector prompt and
filename specifications.

o Remembers the last 4 paths used in the file selector, for instant
recall. Combined with the above, you have 38 paths at your disposal.

o Provides 38 user-definable extenders, one of which can be passed to
the file selector to narrow the range of files displayed.

o Save your favorite paths and extenders to disk for future use.

o Full mouse and keyboard control.

o Convenient Help screen.

o FastPath can access CodeHead's powerful file maintenance utility,
MaxiFile III, by a simple keypress if MaxiFile is resident as a desk

o Works in all color or monochrome graphic resolutions with a minimum
screen size of 640x200. 100% assembly. Uses as little as 22K of RAM.
Compatible with all TOS versions and ST/STe/TT/Falcon models.

o Strong support from one of the oldest developers for the Atari ST
whose current product line includes Data Diet, Squish II, Data Rescue,
Load Aladdin, TOS4TRAPv1 -and soon to be released- Missouri, Fast Menu
and the Falcon030 Toolkit.

o A demo version is freely available on online services.
NOTE: Some features are not available in the demo version.

The full version can be purchased for only US$10. Consult the next
section for details.

Purchasing FastPath:
[NOTE: Canadian users- please see specific FastPath order info below.]

Send US$10 plus shipping & handling. S&H: $3 in the U.S.,
$5 priority mail in the U.S.,
or $5 outside the U.S.

Texas residents must add 8.25% sales tax.

Please make payment by check (issued by a U.S. bank), U.S. funds
money order (drawn on a U.S. bank), or postal money order.

[NOTEs: GEnie gifts of time are NOT accepted.
And no credit card order capability.]

Payable to: Trace Technologies or Keith Gerdes

Send to:
Trace Technologies [FASTPATH]
PO Box 711403
Houston, TX 77271-1403

What else do you get for your investment?
-> Tech support and bug fix updates!
-> Plus special discounts on future products.

==== Canadian users ====

In order to save you money and offer you quicker turnaround, I started a
registration service with Howard Carson, a member of the Toronto Atari
Federation User Group. Howard will take care of processing all Canadian
orders- including user registration, money transactions and software
distribution. Please note, tech support and all other support will still
be the sole responsibility of TraceTech.

The Canadian registration fee is $20 Cdn, total amount.

Send all Canadian registrations to:
Howard Carson
#601-2904 St. Clair Ave. East
Toronto, Ontario
M4B 1N7
And make all Canadian payments to:
Howard Carson

Howard accepts personal cheques and current account cheques drawn on
Canadian banks and trusts, as well as MO's, drafts and cash. He will
try to service registrants within 72 hours (for cash, M.O and
draft/certified cheque customers), and within 10 days for personal
cheque customers. '72 hours' and '10 days', refer to the actual elapsed
period before an item is mailed/registered/applied (as appropriate).

==== Other currencies ====

If you wish to setup a distribution point for other currencies, please
contact me. ==== Order Survey ====

1) File selector(s) currently in use?

2) TOS version?

3) Computer model?

4) High density disk drive?

This survey is optional and no item is mandatory- skip any you find
objectionable. Your answers will simply be filed away for future
reference. Customer support is available via:

Phone: (713)771-8332 [weekdays 1PM-5PM Central Time]
GEnie: Category 2, Topic 12 or K.GERDES

Products mentioned are copyright by their respective owners.


> A Little Bit of Atari Trivia! - From Delphi's Atari Advantage Forums

Since the meaning of "Atari" was asked by someone, I thought I'd post
what an old "Atari Age" mag had to say:

In 1972, three partners (headed by Nolan Bushnell) founded Atari in
Sunnyvale, CA. Their first choice for a name was actually "Syzygy"
(the straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies), but that
name was in use by another California corporation. Their next inspiration
was to use terms from the Japanese game "Go" that they played constantly.
They made up a list of Go terms and chose "Sente", which means "the
upper hand". However, "Sente" was also in use. Their third choice was
"Atari", which is when one player places the other in serious jeopardy.

The Atari logo was designed by George Opperman in 1972. At the time, he
was a freelance artist working for Atari and later he became head
graphics designer for Atari's coin-op games.

The logo basically represents a stylized "A". George stated that the
symbol also depicts two opponents on opposite sides of a "pong" line.
The symbol later became known as "fuji" probably for its resemblance to
a mountain, and/or as a result of Atari's Japanese image.

-/- GST Offers Publish It! Support -/-

GST Software PLC, the original developer of the PC versions of Publish
It!, has announced extended support for Publish It! users who may be
affected by Timeworks Inc.'s business closure.

GST Software says it's ensuring that Timeworks' Publish It! DOS and
Windows users continue to receive full product support. Technical support
is available immediately from GST's hotline at (612) 544-4890, or via
CompuServe mail at 71351,332,.

The company may also be reached in writing at P.O. Box 26204,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426.

GST says that for the next three months there won't be any support
charge to users of Timeworks' Publish It! products for Windows and DOS.
The offer doesn't apply to Timeworks' Publish It! for Macintosh products,
with which GST isn't associated.


> Atari Virus Alert!? STR InfoFile! - Get Out the Penicillin!!

From the USENET:

From: <Koos_Kuil>
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 94 17:46:58 +0100

* Originally from Area 'N.NET.NOTICE'
* Originally to All
* Forwarded by Koos Kuil on 2:282/397, 21 Aug 94 18:03:50

Hello There!

A few days ago a user named Cor Kalkman did upload me a Trojan Horse
virus on my Bulletin Board.

Watch out for a file named XCELL267.ZIP, 149811 bytes long.
The user describe it as an Excellent Virus killer better then AVK 6.3
and recognize a lot of bootsectors and link viruses but nothing is

After unpacking 3 files are existing:

XCELLENT.PRG (The Killer! ICE-Packed)

XCELLENT.DAT (Looks like a data file but it's nothing more then an
ICE-packed ZIP file with nothing more then the original
pirated Euro version of PC-Ditto!)

README.1ST (A text file with information)

The virus killer doesn't work on TOS 1.4, TOS 4.02 (TOS 2.06 isn't tested)
but it does his job with TOS 1.2 here.

When NO HD is connected you'll get a message that you must reboot your
computer because "there are some resident programs into the memory". If
there's a HD it will cleanup all your files on it!

I've tried it with a Ram-disk on a Stand-Alone 1040 without HD and all my
files are gone in the Ram-disk after running it. You'll also get a nice
message that you're a complete idiot.

One of my users has a clean HD now after downloading this file, many
thanks to him for warning me about this ugly file. It's removed
immediate from my BBS in Holland.

All partitions from C: to F: are deleted after running.
This message is also forwarded to some dutch echos, please be careful.


--- JetMail 0.99beta8
* Origin: Willie's Atari BBS, Octopus Developement, Fido/NeST/FAN

Jaguar Section

> From the Editor's Controller - "Playin' it like it is!"

Nothing's changed from my earlier comments this week other than we
should start to hear a number of games going into production, any day
now! There are also bits this week about some new titles being
discussed by that Jaguar "shepherd", 'Yak' Minter. Some online
discussions have been interesting and we've reprinted a few of them for
your reading enjoyment.

Let's get to it, while I finish packing for Connecticut and hoping
I'll be able to keep up with the youngsters at the Jaguar competition!!

Until next time...

> Jaguar Tips and Facts Book! STR NewsFile! - Jag Book Announced!

Contact: Ron Beltramo Joe Harabin
Atari Sandwich Islands Publishing
(408) 745-8852 (808) 661-5844

For Immediate Release


First Authorized Jaguar Book Available December 1994

SUNNYVALE, CA (August 18, 1994) -- Fans of Jaguar video games -- the
most technologically-advanced games on the market -- soon will be able to
learn the best strategies for playing their favorite games with Atari
Jaguar Official Games Secrets. Hawaii-based book company Sandwich Islands
Publishing will produce the strategy guide, the first Jaguar book written
with the full authorization and cooperation of Atari.

Written by Zach Meston (contributing editor to Video Games, Computer
Player, and Tips and Tricks Magazines), J. Douglas Arnold, and Danny Han,
Atari Jaguar Official Games Secrets will feature:

* Detailed strategies for the hottest Jaguar games on the
market including: Tempest 2000, Aliens vs. Predator,
Kasumi Ninja, Wolfenstein 3-D, Doom, Iron Soldier, Ultra
Vortex, Club Drive, and many more

* Previews of upcoming Jaguar releases

* Interviews with Jaguar game programmers and a "tech
specs" chapter written by Jaguar game developer Douglas

* A vivid design -- with hundreds of screen shots -- which
conveys the excitement of the Jaguar's 64-bit power

Atari Jaguar Official Games Secrets will be available in December 1994
at a suggested retail price of $14.95.

"Our secrets and strategies for Atari's library of superb games will make
for a book that no Jaguar owner can afford to be without," said Joe
Harabin, president of Sandwich Islands Publishing. Zach Meston, lead
author of Atari Jaguar Official Games Secrets, added, "It's an incredible
thrill for me to work directly with the company that helped me sharpen my
hand-eye coordination and get such a great job in the first place."

Some of the tips included in Atari Jaguar Official Games Secrets already
are available on Atari's popular Jaguar hotline (tel. 1-900-737-2827). The
hotline is available 24 hours a day and costs only 95 cents per minute.
(Children under 18 require parental permission.)

Atari Jaguar is the world's first 64-bit interactive multimedia home
entertainment system and is the only video game system manufactured in the
United States. Jaguar, the most powerful multimedia system available, was
recently named the industry's "Best New Game System" (Video Games
Magazine), "Best New Hardware Systems" (Game Informer) and "1993 Technical
Achievement of the Year" (Die Hard Game Fan). Jaguar also recently was
given the European Computer Trade Show Award for "Best Hardware of the

Atari Corporation, based in Sunnyvale, California, manufactures and
markets 64-bit interactive multimedia entertainment systems, video games
and personal computers for the home, office and educational marketplaces.

Sandwich Islands Publishing is a privately held company based on the the
tropical paradise of Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. It was formed in 1984 and has
been producing best-selling video game strategy guides since 1990.
Sandwich Islands Publishing's books are distributed in the U.S. and
overseas, including Canada, Spain, and the UK.


Jaguar is a trademark for Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products named may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their owning companies.


> Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile - The Latest Gaming News!

-/- Downloadable Video Games Tested -/-

NewLeaf Entertainment and Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. have
announced that Blockbuster Video stores in Columbia, S.C., have started
testing the Game Factory, a new system that allows retail stores to sell
downloaded video games on reprogrammable cartridges.

More than 200 video games for the Sega Genesis system are currently
available in unlimited quantities in 10 Columbia area Blockbuster Video

The Game Factory system stores video game software electronically and
then it downloads on-demand onto specially-designed reprogrammable video
game cartridges. Once a game has been programmed onto a cartridge, it
looks and plays like a standard video game cartridge.

The blank cartridges can be reprogrammed an unlimited number of times,
allowing retailers to customize their inventory of rental titles to match
consumer demand. The system is being jointly developed and marketed by
NewLeaf and its sister company, Fairway Technologies.

"The Game Factory system gives customers in Columbia the games they
want -- when they want them," says David Lundeen, president of NewLeaf

The test will evaluate the Game Factory system's effect on video game
rentals and customer satisfaction over a two to four month period.
Columbia was selected because of its diverse market profile.

NewLeaf Entertainment and Fairway Technologies are joint ventures
between Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. and IBM Corp.


> Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr!

First Jaguar CD-ROM Titles Hinted at by Atari's Bill Rehbock and...
Bill is a new dad in case you didn't know!

Virgin are working on Creature Shock (CD-ROM, 1st Qtr 95 release);
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (Cart, by Christmas, maybe); Demolition Man
(CD-ROM, maybe Christmas or early 95); and Cannon Fodder (Cart, should
be for Christmas.)

I couldn't attend CES this time, as my wife and I had our first child
on June 22nd.

-Bill @ Atari

From CIS' AtariGaming Forums and the 'net, Dimitri LaBarge finds all
kinds of interesting Jaguar tidbits!

Okay, the latest on AvP production, from Greg LeBreq: the programmers
are polishing off the last of the sounds right now, so it doesn't look
like it'll make it in to production this week, but quite probably next.
(If you remember from W3D, sounds are always the last to be completed.)

After the sounds are done, there's one step left, and it's an interesting
insight to a lot of the delays on this title. The game needs to be
submitted to 20th Century Fox for approval, and as Greg put it, they've
been less than a breeze to satisfy. While that's not the best possible
news, the game is very solid and there really shouldn't be much a problem
in this area.

More news as it happens...

Dimitri ['Net Surfer]


First, a brief note from Jeff Minter on the status of VLM: it's currently
in final integration with the CD-ROM unit. Save for a few minor tweaks,
it is for all intents and purposes done.

Now for the *interesting* news:

Jeff Minter is about to start on Defender 2000.

What do you mean "final integration with the CD-Rom unit?" Does that
mean it is going to be BUILT-IN the Roms of the CD player????

Yep, it's built-in and driven from the CD-ROM player.

A few minor tidbits that I thought you might like to hear:

A lot of people who played CF at SCES (and saw it on tape) complained
about the control system. Rebellion confirmed that the control was
completely overhauled since then and is greatly improved (which made
Yak very happy :>).

Since Yak is back as an active poster (after being ill and having his
PC blow up on him), I thought it would be nice to include his perspective
on one of the hot Jag titles coming up:

>>> > Lets hope it will be as good as promised. <

- Oh yes, no doubt about that. I only saw Iron Soldier for the first
time at CES, and I was just blown away. It ROCKS. It's awesome. It's
big-time, bad-*ss fun and the coding is just brilliant - loads of polys
really fast, lovely texture mapped helicopters... gorgeous.

\ (:-) Moo Moo Moo
/ <<

High praise from the guy who currently holds the standard on coding

And, rumors of a buggy Brutal Sports Football are stifled!

To All

BSF and what really happened.

All of the ROMS used to date, in all Jaguar games have been manufactured
overseas and shipped back to the United States for assembly into the
Jaguar cartridges. This process usually takes 4-6 weeks. Then the ROMS
are sent to a company in San Jose CA and assembled into cartridges. This
process can take 1 to 10 days depending on the quantity to be assembled
and the manufacturing load of the cartridge assembler. When finished the
assembler ships the cartridges to the publisher. The publisher
distributes the cartridges into the marketplace.

The ROMS for BSF were received by the assembler sometime during the last
week in July. The assembler was to assemble the cartridges and have them
available on August 2nd for shipment to Telegames.

Sometime during the ROM chip manufacturing 7 bytes of code were changed
rendering the entire chip run bad. None of the chips could be used.

At this point Telegames had two choices:
1. To do another ROM run and delay the introduction of BSF 4-5 weeks.

2. To quickly secure as many EPROMs as possible and manufacture BSF for
delivery ASAP.

Telegames selected option 2 and the cartridges were delivered to
distribution on August 9th. All cartridges in the market place today are
EPROM versions.

Telegames was not able to secure all the EPROMS needed to match the
quantity of the intended ROM run and for this reason BSF is in short
supply at this time. The EPROM version increased the manufacturing cost
of the cartridge by at least $20 each and I doubt that any profits were
made on the first run. (When complaining about the high cost of BSF you
might want to take this into consideration.)

Contrary to what Max quoted (Message #50547) there are no defective copies
of BSF in the market and there is no recall. It will be 4-6 weeks until
the next batch of BSF will be available.

We have very few copies remaining and will be out of stock by the end of
the week. If you want a copy E-Mail me now.

For those of you wanting to contact Telegames directly, their phone number
is: (214)228-0690, FAX number is (214)228-0693 and their US address is
PO Box 1855,
DeSoto, TX 75123.

Bits of Fun

From CIS' Electronic Boutique's "expert", Steve Horn:

Here is the complete Electronics Boutique release list for the Atari
Jaguar as of 8-23-94:

----Alien vs Predator Atari 9/22/94
----BattleWheels Beyond Games 9/30/94
----Cannon Fodder Telegames 9/30/94
----Casino Action Telegames TBA
----Air Car Wars Telegames 9/30/94
----Club Drive Atari 9/30/94
----Commando Microids TBA
----DOOM!!!!!!!! Atari/Id 9/30/94
----Double Dragon V Williams Ent. 10/30/94
----Dragon Bruce Lee Atari 11/?/94
----Dragons Lair Ready Soft 9/30/94
----Dungeon Depths Midnight Software 11/?/94 to 12/?/94
----European Soccer Chall. Telegames 9/30/94 (maybe sooner)
----Evidence Microids TBA
----Flashback Us Gold 11/30/94
----Grunge All Systems Go TBA
----Hardball III Atari TBA
----Hosenose & Booger Asg Tech. TBA
----Iron Soldier Atari 11/?/94
----Kasumi Ninja Atari 9/30/94
----Legions of the Undead Atari 11/?/94
----Lester the Unlikely Dtmc 10/30/94
----Lobo Ocean 9/30/94
----Military Might Midnight TBA
----Pinball Fantasies 21st Century 09/30/94
----Return to Zork Activision TBA
----Skid Marks Telegames 1/30/95
----Soccer Kid Ocean TBA
----Space Wars Atari TBA
----Syndicate Ocean 10/?/94
----Synergy All Systems Go TBA
----Theme Park Ocean TBA
----Tiny Toons Atari 11/?/94
----Troy Aikman Football Tradewest TBA
----Ultimate Brain Games Telegames 9/30/94

--Ultra Vortex Beyond Games 11/?/94.....this is
gonna be a good one !!!!!
----White men can't Jump Trimark 10/30/94

Here are the titles that my rep tells are are on the way:

----Checkered Flag 10/01/94
----Demolition Man 11/?/94
----Assault/ Covert Operations 11/?/94 to 12/?/94

**** All Dates are subject to change without notice and represent the
scheduled release dates provided to Electronics Boutique by the titles
respective Vendor. To reserve a title at EB call your local Electronic
Boutique, EBX or Waldens Software Stores. If in the VA/DC area and
specifically the FairFax,VA. area call EBX at Fair Oaks Mall

I realize that some titles have Atari as the vendor name when they
are by another company. I'm not sure why our list has it listed this way
but this is the information provided to me and I felt I should list it the
same way you'd see it in your local EB store. I welcome any corrections
or updates if they are friendly.

Any Questions or updates can be sent to me here.

Steve Horn


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. Well, yet another week has come and
gone. As we keep hearing about Atari's new baby, the Jaguar, I can't help
but think back to the same type of hype many years ago over the
"Jackintosh". That was the nickname given to the 520 ST in honor of Jack
Tramiel. The industry was astounded at how any computer company could
come out with such an amazing operating system in only six months. Heck,
Commodore's Amiga had been in the works for almost two years and it came
out after the ST. The real story would be less believable than Elvis
leaving a UFO with the ST under his arm and giving it to the Bigfoot at
his favorite Seven-Eleven. Well, okay, so the two stories would be neck
and neck at the finish line.

As the years went on, the same hype has been applied to the 1040, the
Mega, the STe, the TT, and the FALCON030. They are all great machines,
but, as an article in a recent Wallstreet Journal pointed out: In order
to remain competitive, a computer company must come out with a new model
every six months. And except for the 520-1040 machines, none of the
models were released within six months of one another. But new models are
only part of the story. A computer company also needs to support the
machines in order to do well. Does a lack of support make the machines
any less useable? No. But lack of support pushes buyers to other
platforms. And developers follow the buyers... who follow the developers.
Can you say Catch 22? I knew that you could. The company's lack-luster
support hurts itself more than users or developers: Users and developers
can always move to another platform if need be while the computer company
is stuck with... itself. The computers are still as good as they ever
were... it's the company that needs a jumpstart.

Even though developers are coming out with very few new items for the
ST/TT/Falcon machines, the existing software is good enough for many, and
in some cases superior to the latest wizz-bang utilities for other
platforms. One Floridian Graphic Artist comes to mind; she wanted a "good
item selector for the Mac like Charles F. Johnson's Little Green File
Selector for the ST". And I'd choose NeoDesk4 over WinDoze every time.
And sound cards?? We don't need no stinkin' sound cards.

Please don't ask me why I just typed this little missive out. Most
of you already know about the situation. I guess that my point is that
even though we're "orphans" we still use our machines productively and
enjoy it. And isn't that really the important thing?

Well, I've wasted enough space with this. Let's get on with the real
reason for this column: All the great news, hints, and tips available
every week on CompuServe. Let's get busy...

From the Atari Computing Forums

Terry Cano posts:

"Even though there seems to be little support for tthe Falcon from
Atari I've decided to purchase the bird anyway. Any suggestions on
price, where to go and latest verision OS ?"

Dazzz Smith tells Terry:

"Latest TOS version for the Falcon is 4.04, make sure it has that, 4.01
has a few 'quirks' I seem to remember."

Mike Mortilla adds:

"Just about in your neighborhood is Mid Cities computers (Bellflower,
CA). Their # is 310-867-0626. Tell 'em Mike from Santa Barbara sent
you! :)

You might also try TOAD computers 1-800-448-TOAD. A 1 meg Falcon from
TOAD w/o HD is $799. A 14 meg system w/a HD goes for $1899. (HD size
not listed.)

TOAD also includes Multi-TOS, Atariworks, SpeedoGDOS, and a bunch of
other programs and ACCs.

The advantage to going to MID cities is that you can demo the Falcon
and actually take it home with you! They're also, very nice folks."

Marty Hall asks:

"Any suggestions for a good Fax program for the ST?"

Our own Atari Section Editor, Dana Jacobson, tells Marty:

"STraight Fax is an excellent fax program. It's available from NewSTar
Technoloy and the author is here online: Charles Smeton. Toad
Computers is the distributor for the software."

On the subject of problems running Atari's new Speedo GDOS v5, Mike
Mortilla posts:

Just when you though it was safe to boot-up your computer...

I just got the latest version of Atariworks from TOAD and there is an
apparent problem with it and Warp 9. At it's least annoying, you can't
see selected text. At it's worst, it might be responsible for
crashing the prog.

Then again, I also installed SpeedoGDOS 5 at the same time and that
might well be the problem. Come to think of it, when Works crashes, it
won't boot up again until I re-boot the entire system, so it may well
be Speedo 5 that is crashing.

Anyway, what better reason to do a new, cool update of Warp 9?...

...I can easily go back to the old speedo version and would rather be
able to use Warp 9 and wait for the fix."

Brian Gockley tells Mike:

"I will definitely upgrade to Speedo 5 when I get a chance, probably
at the CT AtariFest this weekend (shameless plug). Can you tell us how
it compares so far (aside from the Warp9 thing)?"

Mike tells Brian:

"Not having used Speedo before that (this is my first version) I have
nothing to compare it to. But it adds true type and other fonts to the
mix, so it should be very useful for that.

Another "incompatabilty" is that it won't allow Smartdate to work in
the Auto folder. My work around is to have Smartdate run as the auto
"install" prog from the desktop. That seems to do the trick just fine.

It'll be interesting to see where else incompatabilities are lurking
when the prog is more widely distributed (read used.)"

Bob Wilson adds:

"On another service I have seen reports that AW bombs with SPEEDO 5
when you have a screen accelerator in use. There was also a list of at
least 5 other major bugs when used with AW."

Mike tells Bob:

"Aha! That *IS* true but I didn't connect it with the crashes. Often
(w/Warp 9) you can't see the selected text as being highlighted. I
guess I'll disable Warp 9 in AW (which is the only prog I have that
uses Speedo) and see if that helps the crashes."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine asks Mike:

"What version of Atari Works are you running? Are you using the same
fonts (Speedo) only or True Type or PostScript Type 1 fonts? What
machine are you running on?"

Mike tells Albert:

"It should be the most recent version. Toad Computers just got it in
last week, but I'll check and get back to you. I have added one True
Type font from CIS in the DTP Forum to see if it'll work, but the prog
crashed many times before that.

I'm on a 1040ST with 4 megs. Accs are: Pro Calc, RAMbaby, Control
Panal, Warp 9 Acc and the Chameleon. Auto progs are: Speedo5, Warp 9,
Outburst, Regacc, DCShowit, TOS14fix, and Poolfix. Regacc is needed to
run DCShowit.

My next move is to disable Warp 9 and see what happens..."

Albert, always "the guy with things to try" when it comes to computer
problems, tells Mike:

"My first thought would be disable Warp9 which someone already
suggested to you. You might also check your cache buffers and see if
they are big enough to hold everything."

Robert from Compo Software (the co-producer of Speedo GDOS) tells Mike:

"Disabling Warp 9 should fix it. I know of problems blocking text with
Warp 9 enabled, and I've heard of problems printing, but it shouldn't
be bombing.

Please note that these problems with Warp 9 are NOT due to SpeedoGDOS

CodeHead extraordinaire, Charles F. Johnson, posts:

"Since you're blaming the incompatibility on Warp 9, I'm curious about
something. I'm sure you're aware that there are thousands of Warp 9
users in the US. And I also know that we were _never_ contacted about
any problems before SpeedoGDOS 5 was released. Was any consideration
given to compatibility with Warp 9 during development of SpeedoGDOS 5?
Did Compo test them together at all?

Often, incompatibilities of this nature can be resolved simply by
programming something in a slightly different way. Of course, that
only happens if a company cares enough about their customers to do so."

Gregory Whelchel tells us:

"I am looking for suggestions on how to implement a large screen (1024
x 768 or larger) on a Mega STe and a Stacy. I know it can be done out
of the box on a TT and with mods on both the Falcon and regular Megas,
but have not heard of any methods for the other machines. I have heard
of something from Gribnif called Crazy Dots. I think it is for the VME
slot on a Mega STe. Does it work, and is it compatible with Cubase
Score? Any ideas and/or sources would be welcome."

That wildman from ST Informer Magazine, Brian Gockley, tells Gregory:

"There are several video cards that work with the Mega, none with the
STacy. As you mentioned, Gribnif has a Crazy Dots, but there is also
Lexicors NOVA, Dover Research's ISAAC, and the CyberCube series from
Cyrel. ST Informer Magazine has reviewed all but the last, and you
could order the back issues."

Out of the blue Mike Mortilla posts:

"I have these lurking fantasies that someday either:

1- Some other persons or companies will pick up the flag Atari
dropped and make the ST-Falcon line what it should have been all
along, or

2- The computing community will realize that the Atari ST-Falcon line
is capable of doing something NO other computer can do."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Mike:

"Yeah, me too.. like the company where the employees get together and
buy out the management and run the company profitably instead of all
being laid off...

All the Atari users in the world rise up and buy out Atari.. and do it

Greg Kopchak posts this...

"For those who would like to know:

The new version of Photo Show Pro in development will support
ST/STe/TT030/Falcon030 computers with a single program. It will
support a wide range of output resolutions, most in color or grey

ST Low (320x200, 16 colors)*
ST High (640x400, monochrome)
TT Low (320x480, 256 colors)
TT Medium (640x480, 16 colors)
TT High (1280x960, monochrome)

..and for Falcon modes, on an SC1224 or TV:

320x200, 256 colors or true color*
384x240, 256 colors or true color (overscanned)*
640x400, 256 colors or true color*
768x480, 256 colors or true color (overscanned)*

On a Falcon with a VGA monitor:

320x240, 256 colors or true color
640x480, 256 colors
320x480, true color

Any modes marked by an asterisk (*) can be recorded directly to video.
Monochrome modes obviously can't do color, and true color modes don't
do greyscale (use a 256-color mode for that, it looks better).

All output modes can be aspect-ratio corrected for TVs. This is also
useful for VGA monitors that won't adjust too well and always give a
tall image.

ScreenBlaster can, of course, be used for display purposes, but you
won't be able to record directly to tape with it.

I can honestly say that 768x480 true color mode looks *very* nice on
the Falcon! The grey modes also look crisp, even in ST Low resolution.
Oh, and you get full effects in all display modes, too."

Brian Gockley tells Greg:

"Sounds fantastic, I can't wait to see it on the big screen at the CT
show. I've been a happy Moniterm monitor owner for years, it's great to
see programs supporting that resolution!"

Greg replies:

"We may have some sneek peeks of the new version of Photo Show Pro
with extended support for TT and monochrome monitors, but will be
showing the Falcon true color and STe version at the show.

We will also have Art For Kids and ExtenDOS 1.21 available for viewing.

Make sure you check out the animation module for the Falcon Version of
Photo Show Pro. It is by far the best FLI player for the machine. You
will be impressed.

See you at CAF in Bridgeport!"

From the Atari Vendors Forum

Jon Sanford asks:

"Can you give me information on how to hook up a CDROM Drive to a
Atari Mega 16 STe? I also want to use the same drive on a Mac PowerBook
And a Dell."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells Jon:

"Most SCSI CD-ROM drives work fine. The most popular is probably the
Toshiba 3401B. It should be under $400 easily.

For driver software you might look at ExtenDOS v1.2x which is
available from many Atari dealers and It's All Relative also. I think
the price is under $30 or so."

Tom at ICD tells Jon:

"If you don't already have a SCSI host adapter outside of your Mega
STE, pick up The Link 2. It is an external type that will plug
directly into the back of most external SCSI CDROM drives.

It includes our own drivers and you can always buy extendos later if
you don't like ours.

Make sure that the connector on your SCSI CDROM unit is the centronics
50 type and NOT the new SCSI 2 type that is appearing on some of the
newest drives. Otherwise, you will need an adapter cable."

From the Palmtop Forum

Andrew Hradesky reacts to someone mentioning the name "PSION":

"Psion is a name I have not heard of since the TIMEX/sinclair days.
What kind of palm top do they have?"

Sysop Ron Luks tells Andrew:

"Psion has the Series 3a, which is one of the hottest selling
palmtops/PDAs in the world (if not THE biggest seller) We have an
extremely active Psion section in this forum (section 7). Check it

James Barger posts:

"I recently bought an Atari Portfolio at an auction for $25 and would
like to find some accessories or programs for it. If anybody has any or
knows of a good source, please let me know."

Sysop Judy Hamner tells James:

"You got a good deal, James. The forum library is bursting with files
including some very good programs for the Portfolio. I suggest that you
start with PORT.FAQ. That should answer many of your questions. Check
Section 17 for offers of items for sale by other forum members."

Well folks, I know that it's a short column this week, but things are
tumbling in on me, and I've got to get to them. Luckily, I've got my
trusty ST to help me through it all. If you happen to be in the
neighborhood this weekend, stop into the Connecticut AtariFest in
Bridgeport CT and say hello to Dana and I. Or better yet, stay for our
seminar on the past, present, and future of digital journalism.

Tune in again next time and be ready to listen to what they are saying



> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"


In the tradition of responding to customer needs and requests, DATASTORM
TECHNOLOGIES, INC. is proud to announce its intent to incorporate TCP/IP
support in the next interim release of PROCOMM PLUS for Windows.

DATASTORM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. is also proud to announce its intent to
support the Remote Imaging Protocol (RIP) terminal emulation in PROCOMM
PLUS for Windows.

Current plans are to offer these enhancemente at no additional cost in the
form of a Dynamically Linked Terminal (.DLT). However, no availability
date for these features has been made at this time. The update will
likely support the 2.0 RIP specification and be made available for
download from the DATASTORM BBS and the DATASTORM Forum on CompuServe.

No additional information is available at this time. Please stay tuned to
the DATASTORM BBS (314.875.0503) or the DATASTORM Forum on CompuServe (GO
DATASTORM) for more information as it becomes available.


According to our "tuned in" sources, Delrina is having a real "go" of
it with WinCom Pro. It seems the consumers are not pleased with its
behavior and performance. In fact, rumor has it that Delrina is, at this
time, refunding sales almost as fast as they are selling this product.
Additionally, its reported that there are "in earnest" plans to get the
situation corrected as fast as possible. In the meantime, the WinCom Pro
package is earning a "not so nice" reputation for Delrina. This reporter
feels this is not fair as Delrina has another fine telecommuncations
product on the market that is the "rave" of the Fax community. WinFax Pro
v4.0 is quite popular and a huge success for Delrina. WinComm Pro is one
that quite possibly may have fallen through the cracks and will soon be
"perked" up.


Your next Pizza Hut pizza may be coming to you via the Information
Super highway. Pizza Hut stated that recently began testing a new
Internet pizza ordering system that allows computer users to order pizza
and beverages with their computers. PizzaNet, as the system is called, is
available through the World Wide Web portion of the Internet, and will
provide users with product and price information with a user-friendly menu
interface. "This could be the next big step in the pizza delivery
business," Jon Payne, Pizza Hut's MIS Director of Point-of-Sale
Development, said. "There's a huge, untapped market of computer users who
are looking for different and exciting ways to use the Internet. PizzaNet
will certainly appeal to them."



> A "Quotable Quote" "What?? Who Me??"



> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
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ABCO Incorporated
P.O. Box 6672
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ABCO manufactures custom storage devices!

INTEL 32 BIT 486/66, VLB w/Math CoProcessor
8MB ram upgradable to 64MB 1MB SVGA VESA VIDEO CARD
Sound Blaster Compatible Stereo Sound Card
DOS 6.2 - Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Included
256K CACHE - 1.44/1.2 FLOPPY Drives, Mouse & 101 deluxe Keyboard
250W POWER SUPPLY TOWER SYSTEM - 14" SVGA 1024x768, NI 28dpi Monitor
66Mhz, S&H Incl 1295.00 - 695.00 with order, balance COD
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Syquest Removable 200mb 449.95 SCSI Drives(Priced Right!)
All Size Platters Available 200mb (84.95)
One Platter included with each Drive free!
Bernoulli! Call for Prices!

Diamond Computer High Speed Video Cards w/1-2mb VRAM
Greatly Enhances Windows SPEED and EFFICIENCY
Diamond High Performance Sonic Sound Cards Available
Soundblaster Cards and compatibles 8 & 16 bit
Creative Technologies' Sound Blaster 16 SCSI
Sound Blaster * AWE 32 * SUPER Sound Card
Media Vision Line - True Multi-Media

IDE Super IO cards & 16550 UART 2 & 4 Port Cards

Call: 904-783-3319 Anytime, Voice Mail


40 Westgate Parkway -Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only


202 Roberts St.
East Hartford CT. 06108


907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
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STReport International Online Magazine
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