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Silicon Times Report Issue 1041

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

October 07, 1994 No. 1041

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
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R.F. Mariano
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> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

This was the week that'll be remembered for a long time to come
around here. As I slowly and deliberately put the keys to the new Pantera
in the desk drawer, while at the same time thinking of the " all new
beginnings" that are upon me and mine, I can honestly say things will be
different from now on.

For the next two weeks, I'll be very busy getting accustomed to all
the "ins and outs" of this new ZEOS Pantera Pentium. (Seems that
lightning had something "more" in mind for me.) From then on, you can
expect a number of in-depth reports on this amazing ZEOS Pentium 90Mhz

Beginning with the conversions of an almost infinite number of
configuration files to the installation of 2gb's of hard disk, a fully
functional SCSI port (Adaptec 1542cf), the AWE32 2mb Super Sound Card with
Roland's SCD-15, two CDROM drives one (Teac's CD55a4x) connected to the
AWE and the other (Mitsumi's IDE 2x) connected to the Secondary IDE port,
a 250mb scsi tape backup, two printers (HP LJ4p & Fargo Primera Pro Color)
and finally.. the Canon IX-4015. This is the "dream system" we promised
to explore in detail and write about. Well, it seems others liked the
idea too. As I am sure you tell by the "lineup".

So.. over the next few weeks I'll be banging my head against the wall
delving into this mass of hardware. Hopefully, it'll make some highly
informative and equally interesting reading for the some time to come. I
fully expect to produce no less than ten separate articles about the
"Dream Machine". Stay tuned we're gonna have some fun.

During the entire time we're into the Dream Machine, you can also
expect to see some of the very latest in software being installed and put
completely through its paces. The results of which will appear right here
in STReport.

Don't miss the preliminary reports about Apple & Motorola. Seems
Apple may be "sporting" a new logo. Read about it in this issue.

Of Special Note:
STReport will be branching out further to Internet's userbase in the
very near future. We've received numerous requests to receive STReport
from a wide variety of Internet addresses. As a result, we're putting
together an Internet distribution/mailing list for those who wish to
receive STReport on a regular basis, and we'll UUENCODE each issue and
mail it to you.

If you're interested in being added to our mailing list, please, send
your requests to either "" or, RMARIANO@DELPHI.COM. Look
for mailings to begin by October first. We are also considering a number
of Internet ftp sites in which to post our issues for as well. Whatever
we can do to make STReport available to you. we'll try it!



Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles J. Deegan D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Michael Arthur John Deegan Brad Martin
John Szczepanik Paul Guillot Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy Jeff Kovach
Marty Mankins Carl Prehn Paul Charchian

Contributing Correspondents:
Dominick J. Fontana Norman Boucher Clemens Chin
Eric Jerue Ron Deal Mike Barnwell
Ed Westhusing Glenwood Drake Vernon W.Smith
Bruno Puglia Paul Haris Kevin Miller
Craig Harris Allen Chang Tim Holt

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
America Online..................STReport


STReport, with its policy of not accepting any paid advertising, has over
the years developed the reputation of "saying it like it really is". When
it comes to our editorials, product evaluations, reviews and over-views,
we shall always keep our readers interests first and foremost. With the
user in mind, STReport further pledges to maintain the reader confidence
that has been developed over the years and to continue "living up to
such". All we ask is that our readers make certain the manufacturers,
publishers etc., know exactly where the information about their products
appeared. In closing, we shall arduously endeavor to meet and further
develop the high standards of straight forwardness our readers have come
to expect in each and every issue.

The Staff & Editors




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #41

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** Motorola Unveils PowerStack PCs **

Motorola Inc.'s new PowerStack line of PCs, servers and multi-user
systems is based on the PowerPC microprocessor designed with IBM and
Apple Computer.

The systems are seen by sources as Motorola's bid to "jumpstart" the
market for the chip, which is intended to compete with industry leader
Intel's Pentium processor.

It's noted that Motorola's announcement comes just as IBM also is
launching a new line of computers going after the high end of the $10
billion workstation market. Only Apple currently produces a general
purpose PC using the PowerPC.

The PowerStack systems work with IBM's AIX operating system and are
based on the 32-bit peripheral component interconnect bus, offering a
variety of memory options up to 6 gigabytes. Sources say Motorola will
sell its new workstation unit starting at $3,295.

Dataquest researchers predict about 2 million PowerPC chips will be
marketed worldwide this year compared with 4.6 million Pentium chips.

** Motorola Said Eyeing Apple Buyout **

Rumors on Wall Street are that chipmaker Motorola Inc. might make a
bid to take over Apple Computer Inc.

Apple and Motorola aren't talking, of course -- "As is our general
policy, we do not comment on rumors," Apple spokeswoman Betty Taylor
told the Reuter News Service -- and some analysts say they also have
heard speculation that AT&T might make such a bid.

Meanwhile, the daily poll that is the stock market seems to have had
mixed feelings on the notion. Apple stock closed up 2 1/4 at 36, while
Motorola was down 1 3/8, closing at 49 5/8.

Analysts said acquiring Apple would ensure a continued market for the
PowerPC chip, which Motorola co-developed with IBM and Apple. Motorola
and Apple could leverage their combined technologies to make
developments with personal digital assistants.

** Sierra Semi Buys Prometheus **

Sierra Semiconductor has agreed to acquire Prometheus, a software and
hardware producer, effective immediately.

"Our strategy is to add valuable functions to our modem/fax platforms
to help our PC customers differentiate their products," Sierra Chairman/
CEO James Diller said in a statement, adding Prometheus will continue to
operate as a "completely independent company."

According some sources, the buyout agreement calls for Sierra to
acquire all the shares of Prometheus for future cash payments, the
amount of which is not being disclosed, but which will be determined by
future sales and profits of Prometheus operations.

** 3DO Claims 250,000 Units Sold **

One year after its debut, the 3DO Co. reports that 250,000 3DO In-
teractive Multiplayer video game systems have been sold to consumers

The first 3DO Interactive Multiplayer system was introduced by Pana-
sonic in the U.S. in October 1993. Since then, Panasonic has introduced
its 3DO system in Japan, Canada, the U.K. and Taiwan. Panasonic plans to
introduce 3DO products in more countries in 1995. The Panasonic 3DO
system currently retails for $399 in the United States.

Sanyo is scheduled to introduce its 3DO system in Japan this week.
Creative Labs plans to launch its 3DO Blaster PC card this fall.
GoldStar launched its 3DO system in Korea in September and plans to
launch the system in the U.S. in early November.

3DO reports that in North America the 3DO system is now available at
5,000 retail locations. It adds that Electronic Arts' FIFA International
Soccer is the 100th title released for the system.

3DO has also launched 3DO Direct, a new toll-free direct order line.
The company says 3DO Direct is designed to make purchasing 3DO software,
hardware and peripheral products simple and convenient. 3DO merchandise
such as T- shirts, hats, coffee mugs, and watches are also available
through 3DO Direct.

** Jurassic Park Bundle Ships **

Multimedia software publisher Knowledge Adventure reports that its
3-D Dinosaur Adventure-Jurassic Park Combination Package is available
this week.

The package combines the La Crescenta, California-based company's 3-D
Dinosaur Adventure software with the a video copy of Jurassic Park.

The Knowledge Adventure says the 3-D Dinosaur Adventure- Jurassic
Park Combination Package is available at Babbage's, CompUSA, Computer
City, Egghead, Electronic Boutique, Eleck-tek, Fry's Electronics, Future
Shop, Incredible Universe, Office Depot, Office Max, Software Etc.,
Staples and Radio Shack. The package is available in PC and Macintosh

** Artisoft Expands Tech Support **

Artisoft Inc., which produces the LANtastic network operating system
as well as network management, backup and multiplatform connectivity
systems, says it has extended its priority technical support to
Saturdays between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. MDT.

Effective immediately, Artisoft users and resellers in the U.S. can
receive fee-based priority technical assistance on Saturdays by calling
1-900- 555-8324 or the newly implemented 1-800-293-3936. The service
costs $2.50 per minute.

"We expanded our technical support to accommodate resellers and end
users who work on Saturdays and to more closely match changes in the
workplace," says Joel A. Davis, Artisoft vice president of sales and
support for the Tucson, Arizona-based company.

Artisoft says the 800 number is designed to serve customers whose
business phones are blocked from dialing 900 numbers. Support via the
new 800 number is charged to American Express, MasterCard or Visa, while
900 calls are charged to the caller's phone bill.

** AMD Supplies '486s to Digital **

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. says it has entered into an agreement to
supply Am486 microprocessors to Digital Equipment Corp. for selected
personal computer systems.

Initial shipments of the Am486 devices to Digital have already begun,
says AMD. The deal's terms weren't disclosed.

Digital is one of the fastest growing PC vendors in the world --
growing at almost 200 percent in 1993. AMD is the world's second-largest
supplier of Windows-compatible microprocessors and has shipped more than
70 million microprocessors since 1982 and more than 28 million in the
past three years.

** WordPerfect Upgrade Ships **

Novell Inc.'s WordPerfect subsidiary is shipping WordPerfect 5.2+ for
Windows, an upgrade to WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows.

The new version adds file compatibility with WordPerfect 6.x for DOS
and Windows. The product has also been enhanced to run faster on '386
machines with 4MB of RAM.

"File compatibility with WordPerfect 6.x has been a popular request
from our 5.2 users," says Glen Mella, WordPerfect's vice president of
marketing. "More than 80 percent of our European users, for example,
work in mixed environments with both '386 and '486 machines using both
versions of WordPerfect for Windows. WordPerfect 5.2+ for Windows lets
users easily exchange files with WordPerfect 6.x users and is the best
word processing solution for lower- end machines."

Current WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows customers can receive WordPerfect
5.2+ disks for $24.95 plus shipping and handling. Upgrades from previous
versions are available for $69. A competitive upgrade is available for

** Feds Probe Online Legal Services **

A preliminary antitrust investigation into the online legal research-
services business has been launched by the U.S. Justice Department,
focusing on West Publishing Co., an Eagan, Minnesota, publisher of the
Westlaw database.

Staff reporter Timothy L. O'Brien of The Wall Street Journal this
week quotes West attorney Gerry Sikorski as saying, "We have been in
touch with the Justice Department regarding their inquiry and their
investigation into the computer-assisted legal research industry."

However, Sikorski added, "We specifically asked if West was the
target and they said no, it is a general inquiry." He said he believes
that West was first informed about the investigation by the Justice
Department last Wednesday.

Meanwhile, O'Brien says Mead Corp., the Dayton, Ohio, company whose
Lexis service is West's biggest competitor, told him it has not been
contacted in connection with the probe.

"West has been criticized in the past by smaller companies," says the
Journal, "for the tight grip it has on case-law citation, essentially a
numbering system that is the de facto standard for citing information
gleaned from court suits and legal opinions."

West has a copyright on the citation system and, O'Brien writes, "has
aggressively litigated to prevent competitors from using it in their own
legal-research products. Small companies say a public standard for case-
law citation, accessible to all research providers, would allow
innovative and cheaper alternatives to Westlaw."

He also noted that early last month, the Justice Department itself
came under fire from small businesses and public-interest groups that
said plans for a $50 million contract from the agency for legal research
were skewed in favor of West and Mead.

"Since then, the Justice Department has said it will explore ways of
improving public access to legal research, including development of a
nonproprietary citation system," the Journal reports, adding the agency
has scheduled an Oct. 19 conference in Washington to consider ways of
implementing such a system.

** Businesses Report More Crashes **

A new Gallup survey of 250 corporations has found large computer sys-
tems are failing more often these days. According to a poll commissioned
by Computer Reseller News, systems were down an average of 2.1 hours a
week in 1994, compared with 1.6 hours in 1993.

"Technology experts believe that the change stemmed from the migra-
tion of many companies from reliable mainframes to newer, and perhaps
less reliable, client-server systems," reports say. "That technology,
which uses powerful computers to serve information up to numerous PCs,
is extremely complex and still has many problems."

Sources say "this is not an academic consideration," pointing out
that about a quarter of the respondents said failures cost them $1,000
to $5,000 an hour, while another quarter said it could cost them up to
$50,000 and 1 percent said it cost them $1 million or more.

** Bomb Created From BBS Data **

A 15-year-old Hoover, Alabama, girl has lost part of her hand after
she accidentally detonated a bomb her boyfriend learned to make through
a computer bulletin board system.

Reports say that Katy Hurn, who was in satisfactory condition after
surgery late last night, had been looking at the bomb -- a canister
filled with flammable liquid that could be detonated with a battery --
when she accidentally set it off.

Police Capt. Nick Derzis said that half the girl's hand was destroyed
in the blast.

He said the 15-year-old boyfriend "was going to blow up a big rock
for her, but she knelt down and touched the device to the battery by
accident, and it went off."

The unidentified boy was charged with assault in a juvenile court

** 'Flying Toasters' Lawsuit Dismissed **

A copyright infringement suit filed by former rock group Jefferson
Airplane, claiming that Berkeley Systems Inc. stole the "flying
toasters" artwork from a 1973 album cover for its computer screen saver,
has been dismissed by a federal judge in San Francisco, California.

Judge Fern Smith ruled the rock group failed to secure separate
copyright protection for the album cover design of "Thirty Seconds Over
Winterland" -- as was required in 1973 by the copyright law. Conse-
quently, the group cannot sue for infringement in 1994.

The flying toasters portrayed in "After Dark" is Berkeley's most pop-
ular screen saver program. The company insists the program was indepen-
dently created in 1989. "We were completely unaware of the album at the
time," they said.

** U.S. Government Puts Bills Online **

The U.S Government Printing Office (GPO) now has all Congressional
bills available online.

For the time being, there is a price attached to much of that infor-
mation, but public activists hope to convince the government that
citizens should have "free" access to information for which they have
already paid taxes.

According to the GPO, The Congressional Bills database contains all
published versions of House and Senate bills introduced since the start
of the 103rd Congress. The Congressional Bills database joins the offi-
cial Government versions of the Congressional Record and the Federal
Register that have been offered in electronic format over the Internet
through the GPO Access service since June.

Cost to access the databases can be as high as $105 per month and
that charge was the focus of a meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 4, between Wayne
Kelly, the Superintendent of Documents and representatives of the
Telecommunications Policy Roundtable in Washington.

On the agenda is a Taxpayer Assets Project (TAP) proposal, "Free
after Six," which would suspend all database access charges during non-
business hours. TAP was founded by Ralph Nader to monitor the management
of government property, including information systems and data.

The Congressional Bills and the Record and Register databases are
also available for free electronic searches to walk-in patrons of many
of the nation's 1,400 depository libraries under a "GPO Access" program
authorized by law and launched in June. The Depository Library System
includes academic, public, law, and Federal libraries. There is at least
one Federal depository library in every Congressional district.

Information about how to subscribe to the Congressional Bills,
Record, or Register databases is available by calling GPO at 202-512-
1530 or by fax at 202-512-1262.

** US Congress Studies Internet Access **

Federal lawmakers are looking for ways to make access to Internet
more affordable, especially for rural Americans.

A House Science subcommittee heard testimony yesterday that Americans
could gain access to the Internet less expensively if they could connect
through libraries or community-based computer bulletin board systems.

"The biggest obstacle is long-distance fees," sources say, since
"unlike most urban areas, rural areas don't have local links to the

Chairman Rick Boucher, D-Virginia, commented, "The long-distance
telephone charge averages $15 per hour during the daytime."


> Creative's NewsWire! STR FOCUS!


Leads the Market in Providing Affordable
Accessible Multimedia Capabilities

SINGAPORE --October 3, 1994 -- Creative Technology Ltd. (Nasdaq:CREAf) has
announced price reductions on its "value" line of Sound Blaster sound
cards and the Discovery 16 bit and OMNI-CD multimedia upgrade kits,
providing the nation's 68 million owners of non-multimedia PCs with
entry-level access to the industry's leading multimedia option. These
price cuts only pertain to products sold in the U.S., Canada, Latin
America and Mexico. "Sales of multimedia titles and applications are
exploding--owners of non-multimedia PCs need an affordable means to access
this new technology," said Creative's vice president of sales Greg
VandenDries. "By reducing the prices on the lower end of our extensive
product line, we're providing the end-user an extremely cost-effective
alternative to replacing the entire PC. Creative is committed to bringing
multimedia to the masses."

Product Former Price New Price Reduction
Sound Blaster Value Edition $79.95 $69.95 12%
Sound Blaster Pro Value Edition $115.95 $105.95 8%
Sound Blaster 16 Value Edition $149.95 $139.95 7%
Sound Blaster Discovery 16 Bit
(w/ Internal 2X CD-ROM) $449.95 $349.95 22%
Sound Blaster OMNI-CD $399.95 $299.95 25%

In addition to its wide family of Blaster products and its aggressive
pricing strategy, Creative's commitment is augmented by its recently
announced Vibra audio chip sets, which allow its OEM customers to design
Blaster-compatible PCs, portables, and add-in cards.Creative has also
dropped the prices for its ShareView line of desktop video communications
products for the Macintosh platform. Effective immediately, ShareView 300
will retail for $749 (a 25% reduction from the former S.R.P. of $999) and
ShareView 3000 will retail for $2,499 (a 38% reduction from its former
S.R.P. of $3,999).

Creative Technology Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets a family of
sound and video multimedia products for IBM-compatible PCs. The company's
Sound Blaster sound platform enables IBM-compatible PCs to produce
high-quality audio for entertainment, educational, music and productivity
applications, and has been accepted as the industry standard sound
platform for PC-based software.

Sound Blaster, Creative VoiceAssist, Screen Singer, Sound Blaster
Discovery CD, and Sound Blaster Edutainment CD, Sound Blaster Edutainment
EZ 16, Sound Blaster Digital Schoolhouse are trademarks of Creative
Technology Ltd. E-mu is a registered trademark of E-mu Systems, Inc. and
ShareVision is a registered trademark of ShareVision Technology Inc. All
other trademarks are property of their respective owners and are hereby
recognized as such.

Creative Introduces Vienna SF Studio Editor
for Sound Blaster AWE32 Audio Cards

Additional SoundFont Banks Now Available

SINGAPORE -- October 3, 1994 -- Creative Technology Ltd (Nasdaq:CREAf)
today announced Vienna SF Studio, a new editing software package that
allows users to create, edit and download sounds onto the company's
Sound Blaster AWE32 audio cards. The introduction of Vienna SF Studio
differentiates Creative's Sound Blaster AWE32 family from other wave
table audio boards by providing developers and music hobbyists with a
means of enhancing their applications and MIDI music with customized,
individualized sounds and effects through the AWEs' downloadable
SoundFont technology.

Downloadable Technology
Sound Blaster AWE32 and Sound Blaster AWE32 Value Edition (announced
today) provide onboard RAM for downloading SoundFont Banks. These banks
are libraries of instruments and sound effect samples that complement the
General MIDI and GS SoundFont Banks available with the AWE32. They can be
created by the user with Vienna SF Studio or can be purchased directly as
stand-alone products.

According to Arnold Waldstein, director of software marketing and
developer relations for Creative Labs, Inc., "The combination of Sound
Blaster AWE32 and the Vienna SF Editor provides a complete yet unique PC
audio solution. By offering true wave table capabilities in a
customizable architecture, developers now have the ability to create
virtually any sound, thus producing a wider and deeper base of sound
options to enhance and differentiate their applications."

Vienna's Features
Vienna's patch editing tools allow the user to edit single banks of
melodic and percussive instruments. With Vienna, a user can modify the
way a sample is performed by editing volume levels, pitch, timbre, tuning
and effects. In fact, multiple SoundFont objects can be created from
a single sample. Vienna also allows supports multi-layering and
multi-sampling capabilities, enabling the user to embed multiple samples
within a single instrument and create complex instrument sounds using
primitive samples.

Vienna Availability
Vienna SF Editor will be bundled with Sound Blaster AWE32. For AWE32
Value owners, it will be available as an upgrade for $13.95 through
Creative Labs Customer Service at 1-800/998-1000.

SoundFont Banks
In addition to user-created SoundFont Banks, SoundFont Banks created by
professional sound designers are currently available directly from E-mu
Systems, Inc. E-mu Systems, a subsidiary of Creative Technology and
industry leader in pro-audio instruments and technology, is the leading
developer and provider of SoundFont technology. Presently, SoundFont
Banks can be purchased on floppy disks, but will be available on CD-ROMs
early in 1995. E-mu's initial offering of seven SoundFont banks consists
of: Rock Instruments, B-3 Organ, Haunt Fonts (spooky sound effects),
World Instruments, Nine-Foot Grand Piano, Seven Foot Grand Piano, and
Woodwinds. Starting in October, E-mu plans to release 10 to 20
additional new SoundFont Banks each month.

"SoundFont technology implements what we've learned about interactive
soundtracks from our experience working with professional musicians and
Hollywood," said Bill Snow, vice president of the merchant semiconductor
group at E-mu Systems. "With Creative we are bringing our pro-audio
expertise to the PC platform for the development of interactive
soundtracks. Ultimately, SoundFont Banks provide the title developer
with more options and a broader range of instruments and effects."

SoundFont Banks have a suggested retail price of $29.95 each and can be
ordered by calling E-mu Systems at 408/438-1921. Information regarding
SoundFont Banks can be obtained through the Internet (
or by calling Creative Labs' fax back number 408/428-2389 and requesting
document #1010.

Developers wishing to publish E-mu SoundFont Banks in their soundtracks
can do so by first signing a license agreement with E-mu and pay a
one-time $200 fee per published title. Developers who create SoundFont
Banks from their own .WAV files and add articulation data with the Vienna
SF Studio Editor do not need a distribution license. The SoundFont
compatibility logo will be made available to licensed developers.

Founded in 1972, E-mu Systems is a leading provider of innovative digital
audio products based on digital sampling technology for the musical
instrument multimedia markets. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Creative Technology, Ltd., and is headquartered in Scotts Valley,

Creative Introduces Sound Blaster AWE32 Value Edition

SINGAPORE -- October 3, 1994 -- Creative Technology Ltd (Nasdaq:CREAf),
the leading provider of multimedia hardware for the PC environment, will
begin shipping Sound Blaster AWE32 (Value Edition in October at a
suggested retail price of $329.95. AWE32 Value will offer users a
cost-effective means of obtaining the Advanced WavEffects( realistic
instrument and sound effects capabilities that, up until now, had only
been available from Creative's top-of-the-line AWE32 audio card.

"Sound Blaster AWE32 Value Edition is the right product at the right time.
It features both advanced wave table technology from E-mu Systems and
CD-quality audio at an extremely affordable price," said Rich Sorkin,
director of audio product marketing for Creative Labs, Creative
Technology's U.S. subsidiary. "As an increasing number of wave table
software titles hit the marketplace, the demand for high-performance,
Sound Blaster compatible wave table synthesis audio boards continues to
grow. AWE32 Value is the ideal solution for users who want enhanced audio
playback from their entertainment titles as well as for those users who
want to create and edit their own high-quality MIDI music."

Advanced Wave Table With Special Effects
Many of the features of Sound Blaster AWE32 Value are traditionally only
available with high-end professional audio products that often cost
thousands of dollars. Based on E-mu Systems' EMU8000 integrated advanced
audio DSP which provides multi-timbral MIDI channels with 32-voice
polyphony as well as independent control of advanced special effects
(reverb, chorus or QSound), vibrato (pitch oscillation) and tremolo
(volume oscillation) for each of its 32 voices. Additional advanced audio
features include state-of-the art pitch-shifting techniques, resonance
filters that control the timbre of each instrument when played at
different dynamic levels, a six-part amplitude envelope, and a six-part
auxiliary envelope for independent controlling of pitch and timbre.

Vienna SF Editor
Sound Blaster AWE32 Value supports E-mu Systems' SoundFont(audio library
of sampled sounds, which have been widely regarded as the finest musical
instrument and sound effects samples available.

Creative's Vienna SF Editor( editing software (also announced today),
allows users to create and edit individualized sounds on the company's
line of Sound Blaster AWE32 audio cards. The software, when used with
AWE32 and AWE32 Value Edition, enables users to add to the cards' on-board
library of sounds by letting them download and edit SoundFont* Banks.
Vienna SF Editor has begun shipping with AWE32 and is available as an
upgrade for AWE32 Value owners for $13.95 through Creative Labs Customer
Service at 1-800/998-1000.

"Sound Blaster AWE32 Value combines Creative's powerful PC audio
technology with E-mu System's renowned pro-audio capabilities," added
Sorkin. "When used in tandem with our new Vienna SF Editor, the AWE32
family provides a range of audio solutions that brings high-end sound
capabilities to the PC marketplace."

As with Creative's entire family of standard-setting 16-bit audio boards,
Sound Blaster AWE32 Value offers 16-bit CD-quality stereo sampling and
playback up to 44.1 kHz. Sound Blaster AWE32 Value supports the Sound
Blaster platform and is fully compatible with General MIDI, Sound Canvas
and MT-32 specifications. The audio card also supports three of the most
popular single and double speed CD-ROM drives on the market from Sony,
Mitsumi, and Creative.

Benita Kenn Geoffrey Coffey
Creative Labs Inc. Copithorne & Bellows
(408) 428-6600 ext. 6406 (415) 284-5200 x238

Creative Technology Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is based in
Singapore. Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiaries include Creative Labs,
Inc., E-mu Systems, Inc. and ShareVision Technology, Inc. Creative also
has subsidiaries in Europe, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and China.
The Company's stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol CREAf and on the
Stock Exchange of Singapore.

Creative Technology Ltd develops, manufactures and markets a family of
sound, video, software and desktop video conferencing products. The
company's Sound Blaster sound platform enables PCs to produce high-quality
audio for entertainment, educational, music and productivity applications,
and has been accepted as the industry standard sound platform for PC-based

Creative Technology Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is based in
Singapore. Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiaries include Creative Labs,
Inc., E-mu Systems., Inc. and ShareVision. Technology, Inc. Creative also
has subsidiaries in Europe, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and China.
The Company's stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol CREAf and on the
Stock Exchange of Singapore.

Advanced WavEffects, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster AWE32, and Vienna SF
Editor are trademarks of Creative Technology Ltd. SoundFont is a trademark
and E-mu is a registered trademark of E-mu Systems, Inc. ShareVision is a
trademark of Share Vision Technology, Inc.


(Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore)


The Board of Directors of Creative Technology Ltd (the "Company") is
pleased to announce that the Company has on (23 September 1994) signed
an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization to acquire the whole of the share
capital of Digicom Systems, Inc. ("DSI"), a company incorporated in the
State of California, USA (the "Acquisition"). The Acquisition will take
the form of a merger under the State of California's laws.

DSI, a private company based in Milpitas, California, USA, develops,
manufactures and markets modem technology and products such as modem
add-in boards and modem modules of up to 14.4 Kb for the consumer market
as well as rack mounted modems for the high-end market. The Company plans
to integrate telephony capabilities into its future Sound Blaster

The consideration of the Acquisition will be US$21.8 million in cash. The
consideration was arrived at on a willing buyer and willing seller basis.
The completion of the Acquisition is subject to various conditions,
including, among others, the receipt of all required regulatory approvals.

The Acquisition will be financed by the internal cash resources of the
Company and is not expected to have a material impact on the consolidated
net tangible assets and earnings per share of the Company for the
financial year ending 30 June 1995.

Pacven Investment Ltd, which was a past substantial shareholder of the
Company, currently owns 6.57% of the equity interest of DSI. Save as
disclosed, none of the Directors or substantial shareholders of the
Company have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Acquisition.


Yeo Choon Tat
Company Secretary
23 September 1994

Patrick Verderico -- Chief Financial Officer
(408) 428-6600 Extension 6102




The Kids' Computing Corner

review by Frank Sereno

"What Would You Do? At Home" is the first in a series of CD-roms from
Digital Theater which teach children how to react safely in many different
situations by coloring in storyboards of these scenarios. This multimedia
title is intended for children ages six to ten and is available for IBM
compatible systems running DOS. WWYD requires four megs of hard drive
space, at least 530k of free conventional ram and four megs total ram, a
386DX-25 CPU, a mouse, a Sound Blaster compatible sound card, SVGA
graphics and a CD-rom drive.

Installation is done by running the INSTALL.EXE file on the CD-rom.
The installation program will create some directories on the hard drive
for storing saved artwork and will modify the config.sys and autoexec.bat
files for the path and memory requirements of the program. The program is
run with the WWYD.BAT file on the CD-rom. If you experience flashing
problems in the video, you can run the WWYDVESA.BAT file which installs a
universal VESA video driver for older video cards.

The main screen consists of eight lesson or story icons arranged in
an arch above a house. The house is divided into four sections in which
lists can be compiled of emergency phone numbers, information for
babysitters, telephone numbers for the children's friends and an at-home-
alone checklist. Information is typed in and is then saved to the hard
drive. These files can be printed out for easy reference. Unfortunately,
this information is not protected from curious children. Above the house
is the WWYD logo and a question mark. By clicking on the question mark,
you can start the instructional demo on operating the program. To the
lower right of the house is the Digital Theater logo which will display
the program credits. Directly below the house is a space for the child's
name, which will automatically be inserted in his artwork. The stop icon
is located in the lower left corner of the screen. Besides the icons,
hotspots on the main screen will activate short animations when clicked

WWYD At Home features, eight scenarios which a child may face when
home alone. These are a prowler, locked out, natural gas leak, obscene
phone call, sick pet, stranger at the door, broken water pipe and fire
next door. Clicking on an icon opens the storyboard screen. On the left
side of the screen, the five frames of the story will be shown. To the
right, a movie "clapper" is shown. Clicking on this will start a
presentation of the story. Below the clapper are six more icons. A stop
button exits the program. A question mark displays a help screen.
Clicking on the icons within this help screen will generate an audible
description of the icons' meanings. The floppy disk icon brings up a file
menu for saving or loading the child's presentations. Filenames are not
generated automatically so parents should help children to choose a proper
eight character filename. A pencil and paper icon represents the activity
sheet. This sheet features questions which
expand and reinforce the lessons learned from completing each story. A
parent should help the child with this section. A musical note is the
icon for selecting the musical background for the storyboard. The child
can choose from eight musical styles. The final icon is the house which
returns the child to the main screen when clicked upon.

Clicking on a story frame begins the coloring portion of the
program. Painting is done by choosing a color and fill pattern and then
clicking on the area of the scene to be colored. Most of the screen is
filled with the picture to be colored. Across the top is the text for the
scene. It will be read aloud when it is clicked on. Along the bottom of
the screen are the different colors which can be used. An arrow button on
each end of the row of colors allows the child to cycle through the many
different colors. In the lower left corner is a number indicating which
scene is being worked on with plus and minus arrows on either side for
cycling through the scenes.

Along the right-hand side of the screen in a vertical row are more
icons. First is a stop icon for quitting the program. Next is a question
mark icon which will bring up help. Below that is a clapper icon for
returning the child to the storyboard page. Next is an icon of a printer
for printing out the scene. A house icon is used to go back to the main
menu. The next icon allows the child to select a wipe which will be used
after the scene is displayed in the presentation mode. The next icon
shows a hand with a rag and this will clear the screen of all current
work. An eraser icon will undo the last action, including restoring all
work if it is accidentally cleared. A pair of scissors represents the
prop page. Props can be chosen by clicking and then dragging them into
place on the scene. The final icon is a palette which will cycle through
the fill patterns.

The graphics used in this program are better than average in the main
screens. The scenes to be colored are very simple so that it is easier
for children to click and fill the scenes. The animations in the main
screen and the demo run smoothly. The sounds in this program are very
good. The narration is clear and easy to understand. The music used in
the program will start your toes to tapping. The sound effects are
distinct and appropriate. The interface could use improvement. This
program has many areas that require adult supervision. Sometimes, such as
filling out the activity sheet, parental interaction will reinforce the
lessons learned from the stories by helping the child type in the correct
answers. On the other hand, the information lists should be passworded so
only parents can enter the data. The file handling is very clumsy and
should be made simpler for children. The controls for operating the
storyboard presentations and coloring each scene are quite good although I
would like to see an improvement in the color cycling. Only one or two
mouse clicks should be needed to bring up all the colors available in each
hue rather than clicking through all the color combinations until the one
which you want becomes available.

Play value may be a bit limited. Most children will probably color
all the pictures (forty in all) a few times and then find no replay value
in the software. This program is very slow when used on a single-speed
CD-rom. Most likely I will be upgrading my children's system to at least
a 486DX-33 with a double-speed CD-rom. This is the minimum system I can
recommend to anyone seeking a multimedia IBM compatible computer. On
educational value, the program does cover some very important topics but
it doesn't explore these topics deeply enough. It is basically a
springboard for bringing up these topics with your children. You will
then need to provide greater detail on how to handle these situations.
Considering the vast amount of space on a CD-rom and the cost of the
program, more topics should have been included also. I purchased this
program for $30 and while I am not disappointed enough to return it, I
suggest that anyone considering purchasing this program preview it before
purchasing it. Digital Theater does have a thirty-day money back or
exchange guarantee on this item. For more bang for the buck, you may
consider purchasing the book the program is based on instead. That book
is "What Would You Do?" by Linda Schwartz and it is published by The
Learning Works.

Graphics ............. 8.5
Sounds .............. 9.0
Interface ............ 7.0
Play Value ........... 6.5
Educational Value .... 6.5
Bang for the Buck .... 6.0
Average .............. 7.25


Edmark News Release

September 28, 1994

Edmark Releases Three Award-Winning Titles on CD-ROM

Edmark Corporation announced that the award-winning Millie's Math House,
Sammy's Science House and Thinkin' Things Collection 1 will be released on
CD-ROM in mid-October. Each title will be available for both Macintosh
and Windows/MS-DOS computers.

"Many of our customers are building educational software libraries for
their children and have hard drives that fill up very quickly," said Sally
Narodick, Edmark's CEO. "In response to our customers' requests to help
them conserve precious hard disk space, we're happy to be offering all of
our award-winning products on CD-ROM."

Product Descriptions
Millie's Math House: The first of three titles in Edmark's Early Learning
Series, Millie's Math House gives children ages two to five the building
blocks they need to develop a solid foundation in math. Kids learn about
numbers, counting, patterns, shapes and sizes with Millie the cow and her
lively friends. They can try shoes on friendly blobs, design animated
bugs, operate a jelly bean cookie machine, build mouse houses, count
wiggling critters, and make patterns with talking animals and shapes.
Millie's Math House has received thirteen major consumer awards for
superior educational content and interactive design.

Sammy's Science House, for kids ages three to six, helps bring the
wonderful world of science alive for children. The five activities in
Sammy's house give kids an early introduction to fundamental science
skills like observation, classification, comparison and sequencing. Kids
create machines and toys, explore weather conditions, create short films
by arranging frames in order, sort pictures of plants, animals and
minerals, and discover how nature and wildlife change from season to
season. Just released in July, Sammy's Science House recently won the
Directors' Choice Award from Early Childhood News.

Thinkin' Things Collection 1, for kids ages four to eight, is the first in
Edmark's series designed to help kids build strong thinking skills. Kids
explore musical patterns and build memory sills with the friendly Oranga
Banga and Toony Loon; they develop predictive and investigative skills by
experimenting with the colorful musical Flying BLOX; they learn to
recognize relationships as they analyze attributes of Fripples; and they
build their understanding of rule formation and patterns as they create
the requested Feathered Friends. Thinkin' Things Collection 1 has
received nine major awards for educational excellence since its release
only one year ago.

New CD-ROM Releases Featured in Free KidDesk Holiday Promotion
Millie's Math House, Sammy's Science House, and Thinking' Things
Collection 1 CD-ROMs will be among the products featured in Edmark's "FREE
KidDesk Inside" holiday promotion. Throughout the holiday season, Edmark
will offer KidDesk, the award-winning children's menuing and desk
accessory program, free to buyers of these Edmark Macintosh and
Windows/MS-DOS software titles: Bailey's Book House, Millie's Math House,
Sammy's Science House, Thinkin' Things Collection 1, and Thinkin' Things
Collection 2. This offer, a $40 value, is effective October 15.


Edmark, the Edmark logo, Millie's Math House, Bailey's Book House, and
KidDesk are registered trademarks of Edmark Corporation. Sammy's Science
House, Thinkin' Things Collection 1, Thinkin' Things Collection 2 and
KidDesk Family Edition are trademarks of Edmark Corporation. Macintosh is
a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. IBM is a registered
trademark of International Business Machines. MS-DOS and Windows are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.


Thank you for reading this humble offering.


> Diamond Trade UP Program STR FOCUS!

The following is the text file that explains the prices/policies. You
can place an order through our Customer Service Department at

Product Support Department


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this program is:
- To increase customer service by adding a customer requested program.
- To offer an unique program which is state of the art.
- To convert users from competitor's product to Diamond 's products.
- To update users of obsolete product to current product to aid technical

- Customer's video board is exchanged for a current product at a
promotional price.
- All Diamond video boards are included in the program.
- All competitor's products are included in the program.
- The program will utilize the current RMA system.
- All boards will have the same exchange value.
- Contact Diamond Customer Service for procedures.
- Domestic customers only

Stealth Pro/1 mg. $165.00
Stealth Pro/2 mg. $230.00
Stealth 24 $115.00
SpeedStar 64/1 mg. w/ Corel 3 $109.00
SpeedStar 64/2 mg. w/ Corel 3 $149.00
SpeedStar Pro $ 75.00

Viper Pro/2 mg. w/ Corel 4 $359.00
Viper Pro/4 mg. w/ Corel 4 $489.00
Viper Pro/2 mg. w/o Corel $319.00
Viper Pro/4 mg. w/o Corel $449.00
Viper SE/2 mg. w/ Corel 3 $279.00
Viper SE/4 mg. w/ Corel 3 $389.00
Viper VLB/2 mg. $265.00
Stealth 64/2 mg. w/ Corel 4 $299.00 - VR
Stealth 64/4 mg. w/ Corel 4 $419.00 - VR
Stealth 64/2 mg. w/o Corel $259.00 - VR
Stealth 64/4 mg. w/o Corel $379.00 - VR
Stealth 64/1 mg. w/ Corel $119.00 - DR
Stealth 64/2 mg. w/ Corel $159.00 - DR
Stealth 32/1 mg. $125.00
Stealth 32/2 mg. $165.00
Stealth Pro/1 mg. $170.00
Stealth Pro/2 mg. $235.00
Stealth 24 $115.00
SpeedStar Pro $ 75.00

Viper Pro/2 mg. w/ Corel 4 $359.00
Viper Pro/4 mg. w/ Corel 4 $489.00
Viper Pro/2 mg. w/o Corel $319.00
Viper Pro/4 mg. w/o Corel $449.00
Viper SE/2 mg. w/ Corel $279.00
Viper SE/2 mg. w/ Corel $389.00
Viper PCI/2 mg. $280.00
Stealth 64/2 mg.w/ Corel 4 $299.00 - VR
Stealth 64/4 mg.w/ Corel 4 $419.00 - VR
Stealth 64/2 mg.w/o Corel $259.00 - VR
Stealth 64/4 mg.w/o Corel $379.00 - VR
Stealth 64/1 mg. w/ Corel $119.00 - DR
Stealth 64/2 mg. w/ Corel $159.00 - DR
Stealth 32/1 mg. $125.00
Stealth 32/2 mg. $165.00
SpeedStar 64/1 mg.w/ Corel 3 $109.00
SpeedStar 64/2 mg w/ Corel 3 $149.00

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N


For a limited time only; If you wish to have a FREE sample printout sent
to you that demonstrates FARGO Primera & Primera Pro SUPERIOR QUALITY
600dpi 24 bit Photo Realistic Color Output, please send a Self Addressed
Stamped Envelope [SASE] (business sized envelope please) to:

STReport's Fargo Printout Offer
P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32205-6155

Folks, this has GOT to be the best yet. Is far superior to the newest of
Color Laser Printers selling for more than three times as much as the
FARGO Primera Pro. Its said that ONE Picture is worth a thousand words.
Send for this sample now. Guaranteed you will be amazed at the superb
quality. (please, allow at least a one week turn-around)

A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N


Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

Fire up that high-speed modem and head for your favorite GEnie Software
Library! Effective October 10, 1994, you'll be able to participate in an
open beta test, offering access to GEnie Services at 9600 bps for as
little as $5.00 per hour.

As a result of an arrangement with Sprint, GEnie will be offering 9600 bps
access from almost 300 SprintNet locations. Best of all, this high-speed
access will not be subject to high-priced surcharges. The normal $2.00
per hour SprintNet surcharge will apply...even at 9600 bps! This open
beta test is expected to run through the end of the year.

To find the number of the SprintNet access number nearest you, simply type
PHONES at any GEnie menu prompt (or use the "

Move To Keyword" option in
Genie for Windows and type PHONES). Remember, this rate applies only to
9600 bps access via SprintNet. So be sure to choose the access number
showing "9600" in the "Baud Rate" column AND "SprintNet" in the "Network"

From the "Fine Print" department, please note that the $2.00 per hour
surcharge for SprintNet access is applicable even during your initial four
hours of monthly usage.

So, whether you're into downloading software, reading bulletin boards, or
accessing databases, it's about to become cheaper to do it faster!

GEnie Information Services copyright (C) 1994 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

John Deegan, Editor (Temp)

> BJC-4000 STR FOCUS! Canon's NEW Bubble Jet 720dpi


Canon brings you the best of both worlds with the BJC-4000...

If you thought you could only get high quality black and white output from
a laser consider Canon's new BJC-4000. You'll find the BJC-4000's 720x360
dot per inch resolution very impressive. Yet, speed is not sacrificed for
high quality print. At five pages per minute this Bubble Jet surpasses
the print speed of today's many personal inkjet printers.

These features are only part of what makes the BJC-4000 extraordinary.
Enjoy beautifully vibrant colors on a wide variety of media including
plain paper, coated paper, transparencies and envelopes. Your range of
colors is virtually unlimited. Within Windows there are 16.7 possible
colors you can create. Our ink cartridge system is designed with
convenience and cost savings in mind. There is a separate ink tank for
blue printing only or a tank with cyan, magenta, and yellow for black and
color output.

Concerned about compatibility? It's not an issue with the BJC-4000.
Three resident printer control modes and a Windows 3.1 driver make the
BJC-4000 compatible with most applications. A Quick Start guide, On-Line
guide and easy to use manual are all included to help you get started
immediately. A wide variety of 20 TrueType scaleable fonts and 7
bitmapped fonts allow you to create professional looking reports and
correspondences, or lively presentations & invitations.

As with all Canon peripheral products we provide an extended hour,
toll-free technical support line and the new InstantExchange two-year,
24-hour replacement warranty, all cost-free. Feel confident you won't
have to face long periods of downtime. (see below).

You'll find we only conserved in two areas - the size and the price. At
14.4 inches wide, 8.1 inches deep and 7.3 inches high, the BJC-4000 fits
nicely on most desktops while leaving plenty of room to spare. With a
MSRP of $549 you can now afford the speed of a laser and the beauty of

To get product literature, a print sample, or locate an authorized Canon
dealer call 800-848-4123.


Another aspect of Canon's outstanding customer support is the New
InstantExchange 2-year warranty. It's fast, easy to use and best of all,
it's free. A representative from our 800 toll-free technical support line
will help determine if a hardware problem exists with your printer or
scanner. From there you have the option of having a fully tested
replacement unit immediately dispatched next day express. Within most
cases customers are up and running within 24 hours.

This offer is effective beginning August 15 and applies to all Bubble Jet
Printers, Laser Beam Printers and Scanners. Call 800-848-4123 for product
literature or print samples or to locate your local authorized Canon

Huge Price Cuts on All Canon Bubble Jets & Scanners
As of September 1, we've reduced the price on all Bubble Jet Printers and
Scanners by as much as 30%. It's part of an ongoing effort to bring
customers the right mix of product features at very affordable prices. A
wide array of products and prices meet the needs of our increasingly
diverse customers:

The affordable, portable printer for customers on the go demanding high
quality output, now listed at $289

Best entry-level buy on the inkjet market today, now listed at $249

Best selling, award winning, high quality laser text and graphics at a
fraction of a laser printer's cost, now listed at $299

Compact design, laser performance with 11X17 handling, now listed at $449

Brilliant color printing with a cost-effective, four-color cartridge
system, now listed at $579

Fast speed, high resolution, black and white printing with outstanding
color capabilities, listed at $549

Easy to use, professional quality, color scanner now listed at $969

All of these printer and scanner products are covered by CCSI's new
InstantExchange program, a two-year warranty which offers optional 24-hour
replacement free of charge (see above). For product literature or to
locate a dealer near you call 1-800-848-4123.


> Canon GrayScale IX-3010 STR Spotlight



The New IX-3010 Grayscale Scanner & OmniScan Plus 3-in-1 Productivity

With the IX-3010 your desktop becomes a high-productivity office. We
maximize your investment by including many useful software packages.
OmniScan Plus by Caere has Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Image
Editing, and a photocopy function. OCR lets you scan documents right into
your wordprocess or spreadsheet program. Then you can edit the text just
as if you had typed it yourself. Scan a photograph or other image then
modify it easily with the image editing feature. You can photocopy a
document with the touch of one button when combined with your printer.
There's also PageKeeper Portfolio used to index, then find and retrieve
existing documents, faxes, or scanned documents. For added flexibility
we've included a TWAIN driver so the IX-3010 is compatible with today's
most popular scanning software applications.

If you expect consistent, high quality output you won't be disappointed
with the IX-3010. Featuring 1200 dot per inch (dpi) resolution (300 dpi
optical) it accurately reproduces scanned images in 256 shades of gray or
black and white. Plus, we use a Xenon lamp which is designed to never
burn out or flicker. The light weight, compact design and optional sheet
feeder let you tackle both high and low volume projects without using the
entire desktop.

The IX-3010 comes with the new InstantExchange 2 year limited warranty.
It's one of the most convenient service warranties in the industry. (See
"Canon's InstantExchange Program Created So You Don't Have to Worry about
Down-Time") All Canon peripherals include InstantExchange as well as
extended hour technical support - both cost free.

If you'd like product literature or the location and number of your
nearest authorized Canon dealer call 1-800-848-4123.


> HP Desk Jets Debut STR InfoFile


Improved Print Quality and Easy-To-Use Color Redefine Mobile Printer

PALO ALTO, Calif., Oct. 3, 1994 -- Setting a new standard for motebook
printers, Hewlett-Packard Company today unveiled two compact inkjet
printers that feature excellent print quality and easy-to-use color with
HP's breakthrough ColorSmart technology. The new printers -- HP DeskJet
320 for notebook PCs and the HP DeskWriter 320 printer for Macintosh
PowerBooks -- offer the highest-quality output of any printers in their
class, according to HP.

The printers are each $379 (U.S.), the same price as the market-leading
DeskJet 310 and DeskWriter 310 printers they replace in the United States,
Canada, Latin America and Europe.

Used in the office or on the go, the printers provide professional
black-and-white and color documents quickly and easily.

They weigh 4 pounds each and are approximately half the size of a standard
notebook PC. This small, lightweight design provides portability without
sacrificing print quality. In fact, with a resolution capability of
dots-per-inch (dpi), these printers offer the same print quality as HP's
moreexpensive personal inkjet printers. Output is further improved through
HP-developed Resolution Enhancement technology (REt). In addition, the two
mobile printers include HP's revolutionary ColorSmart technology, which
optimizes color settings automatically to provide the most vivid color
graphs, text and pictures.

"The DeskJet 320 and DeskWriter 320 printers advance the standard of
mobile color printing to a new level," said Craig O. Rittenhouse, the
DeskJet/DeskWriter 320 product manager in the U.S. "Now users can achieve
the same level of print quality and functionality on the road as they do
at home or in the office."

While the new printers offer the highest dpi resolution of any mobile
printer on the market today, their superior print quality is the result of
a number of other factors, including HP's Resolution Enhancement
technology. REt, now incorporated into all of HP's DeskJet printers,
applies ink dots intelligently, so that output is crisp and clear, edges
are noticeably smoother and curves are rounder.

The DeskJet 320 and DeskWriter 320 can print more than three pages of
black text per minute and a color page in about four minutes. The printer
supports a variety of media, including letter-, legal- and A4-size
cut-sheet paper; transparency film; and labels. An optional cut-sheet
feeder ($99 U.S.) offers automatic feeding of up to 60 sheets of paper or
20 sheets of transparency film.

A Growth Market
The number of people who work out of the office fully or part-time is
growing at an enormous rate," said Rittenhouse. "Even though they are away
from the office, users are unwilling to compromise on any of the
functionality of their desktop printers. Now, with the DeskJet 320
printer, they can be assured that documents created on the road or at home
will look as good as those created in the office. In fact, by simply
snapping on the automatic sheet feeder, users can transform the printer
into an ideal desktop printer."

According to Link Resources, New York-based market-research firm, the
number of people performing work outside of the office -- home or on the
road -- grew by more than 5.4 percent in 1993, reaching more than 40
million persons. HP believes these new products will further increase the
demand for portable notebook printers. International Data Corporation
(IDC), a Framingham, Mass.- based consulting firm, for example, projects
that the total number of U.S. portable printer shipments will grow from
138,800 units in 1990 to 1.2 million in 1995, with the value of shipments
growing from $52.3 million in 1990 to $351.3 million in 1995.

Tools For The Road
The HP DeskJet 320 and the HP DeskWriter 320 printers can be powered by
either a battery or an AC adapter. The battery permits up to 100 pages of
black-and-white printing and takes approximately six hours to fully
recharge in the printer. For those with extensive portable-printing needs,
a worldwide rapid recharger is $99 (U.S.). It holds two batteries, each of
which can be fully recharged in one hour (sequentially). The recharger
also can be used as an AC power adapter.

An optional carrying case, which is designed to hold the printer,
cut-sheet feeder (3.2 pounds), portable PC and accessories, makes it easy
to transport everything needed to create high-quality documents and
presentations, anywhere, anytime.

Easy Color
The DeskJet 320 and DeskWriter 320 printers provide high-quality color
output without compromising black text quality. A color kit, which
consists of a "snap-in" color cartridge and compact storage case, is
$49.00 (U.S.). The user simply exchanges the color cartridge for the black
print cartridge provided with the standard printer.

The DeskJet and DeskWriter 320 printers come complete with HP's ColorSmart
technology. First introduced with the HP DeskJet and DeskWriter 560C
printers, ColorSmart technology has revolutionized color printing in much
the same way that autofocus cameras revolutionized 35 mm photography.

ColorSmart eliminates the uncertainty and frustration often associated
with color printing by automatically making color choices that enhance the
quality of text, charts and photographs. The result is color that is
optimized for the printed page -- consistently vibrant, clear and pleasing
to the eye.

A replacement color cartridge is $34.95 (U.S.). A replacement black
cartridge is $21.95 (U.S.).

Ready To Use
The DeskJet 320 printer is supported by all major DOS and Microsoft
Windows (TM) 3.X applications. It has six built-in typefaces (four
portrait and two landscape). Windows users have access to 14 scaleable
TrueType fonts. The DeskWriter 320 printer ships with a QuickDraw driver,
which includes 35 scaleable fonts. The printer supports Apple's ColorSync
WYSIWYG color-imaging standard for Macintosh System 7.0.1 users. Both
printers support ATM and TrueType fonts.

The DeskJet 320 printer comes with a Centronics parallel interface. The
DeskWriter 320 printer has an RS-422 serial and an AppleTalk interface.
Custom-designed cables are also available for the printers.

Both printers come with a one-year worldwide limited warranty and are
available from HP authorized dealers. An extended three-year limited
warranty that includes HP's 24-hour express exchange is available for $49



Now All DeskJet Printers Offer Color
as Standard or Optional Feature

PALO ALTO, Calif., Oct. 6, 1994 -- Hewlett-Packard Company today
introduced its most affordable DeskJet printers -- the HP DeskJet 540
printer for PCs and the HP DeskWriter 540 printer for Macintosh -- at $365
(U.S.). They are targeted for the rapidly growing home market and set new
standards for ease-of-use and performance. These monochrome printers
offer an easy-to-add color option for home users who do not want to be
locked out of color printing in the future. Now, all HP DeskJet printers
offer color as a standard or as an option.

The two printers offer the industry's highest level of black-print
quality in a new, slimmer industrial design. The printers' new firmware
and software driver now automate the entire printing process, making the
DeskJet 540 the industry's easiest printer to operate.

The DeskJet 540 replaces the DeskJet 520 and the DeskJet 500C, the
best-selling monochrome and color-optional printers in the world. The
DeskWriter 540 replaces the company's successful DeskWriter and DeskWriter
C models for Macintosh. Easy-to-add Color and ColorSmart Technology

Anticipating the home market's increasing need for versatility, the
DeskJet 540 and DeskWriter 540 printers offer an affordable color upgrade
kit for $49 (U.S.), which includes a snap-in color cartridge and a storage
container for safe keeping. HP believes this is the lowest price
available for color printing.

The color cartridge can be substituted for the black cartridge in
one, easy step. When the hood of the printer is opened, the carriage
returns to the center and the cartridge snaps into place. Color-printer
users will have the power and convenience of HP's ColorSmart technology,
which renders vivid, vibrant color automatically.

ColorSmart uses object identification to recognize text, graphics
and photographic elements separately, selecting the optimal color or
grayscale tone for each element. By reducing the process to a single
step, ColorSmart is revolutionizing color printing in much the same way
that autofocus cameras reduce the expertise required for 35 mm

Color and the Home Market
HP shipped more than 5 million inkjet printers worldwide in 1993,
of which roughly 70 percent went directly to the home market. HP
estimates that more than one-half of the DeskJet printers currently sold
are color capable.

According to BIS Strategic Decisions, a market-research firm in
Norwell, Mass., the current market for color printers worldwide is
expected to quadruple by 1997. Much of this growth is being driven by
increased demand for color printing in the home, particularly homes with
school-age children. Market analysts believe rapid advancements in color
inkjet technology are contributing to this phenomenal growth.

"There has never been so much power for so little money," said
Michael Zeis, president of the Blackstone research group in Uxbridge,
Mass. "You can get so much done now, in terms of work and entertainment,
and that's really what is driving color printing in the consumer market."

Superior Print Quality
According to HP customers, the most important consideration when
buying a printer is black-print quality. HP believes DeskJet 540 printers
offer the highest level of print quality of any low-cost inkjet printers.
This print quality is the result of extensive research and development of
ink-delivery systems and can be attributed to a number of specific
factors, including the following:

o HP-developed Resolution Enhancement technology (REt) for
crisp edges;

o new ink formulations;

o refined print cartridges;

o 600 x 300 dots per inch (dpi);

o improved pen-to-paper spacing;

o better print-cartridge energy management; and

o the most extensive software compatibility in the

As with the entire DeskJet printer family, the new printers excel
on plain paper and support a wide variety of other types of media,
including bond, coated stock, glossy paper and transparencies.

The DeskJet 540 printers support 256 levels of grayscale for
dramatic black graphics, and produce black text up to four pages per
minute. With the snap-in color option, the printers offer vibrant 300 x
300 dpi color output as fast as 1.5 minutes per page in the improved
EconoFast mode.

Ease of Use and Enhanced Performance
The DeskJet 540 printers are the first to incorporate an extensive
bidirectional troubleshooting index, which identifies errors on-line and
quickly offers an exact solution. The Print Status Monitor presents
"help" directions in simple, colorful graphics designed for novice users.

The printers feature 512K of built-in RAM, improved firmware, a
faster processor and new drivers for quicker processing of larger, more
complex DOS, Windows and Macintosh files. This results in a 100 percent
speed increase in overall throughput compared with the color models they
replace. Improvements to the firing rate of the color print cartridge
itself offer a 300 percent speed increase in the EconoFast mode, which
uses just half the ink of normal or presentation mode.

The DeskJet 540 printer includes four built-in typefaces for DOS
users in portrait and landscape orientations, and 14 TrueType scalable
fonts for Windows users. The DeskWriter 540 printer offers 35 TrueType
scalable fonts.

New Industrial Design
The DeskJet 540 printer and DeskWriter 540 printers feature a
control panel that has fewer buttons, and installation of fonts and driver
has been reduced to a single step.

The new, rounded chassis of the DeskJet 540 printer represents the
first dramatic design change since the very first DeskJet was launched
more than six years ago. The slimmer architecture offers the same
reliable paper-handling capability of earlier DeskJet printer models,
which HP believes is the best in the industry.

The input tray automatically feeds 100 sheets of paper, 50
transparencies or 20 envelopes. An automatic envelope sensor ensures
optimal print quality on envelopes. Additionally, the printer now
supports custom paper sizes and heavy card stock, such as 4"x 6" cards.

Warranty, Energy Star and Speed Enhancement for the DeskJet 540 Printer
The new printers come standard with a 3-year limited warranty --
the longest warranty in the industry. DeskJet brand printers enjoy the
highest customer-satisfaction rating of all inkjet brands worldwide,
according to independent research commissioned by HP.

All DeskJet printers exceed the Environmental Protection Agency
Energy Star specifications for energy-efficient printers and use
approximately 80 percent less energy than dot-matrix printers.

HP is the world's leading supplier of inkjet printers, with more
than 10 million DeskJet printers sold since the first one was introduced
in 1984. Last year, more than 5 million DeskJet printers were sold,
nearly half of which were color capable. HP DeskJet printers are based on
inkjet technology. HP DeskJet printers are sold worldwide through retail
outlets and computer dealers. The company has DeskJet product divisions
in Barcelona, Spain; Corvallis, Ore.; San Diego, Calif.; Singapore; and
Vancouver, Wash.

Hewlett-Packard Company is an international manufacturer of
measurement and computation products and systems recognized for excellence
in quality and support. The company's products and services are used in
industry, business, engineering, science, medicine and education in
approximately 110 countries. HP has 97,900 employees and had revenues of
$20.3 billion in its 1993 fiscal year.


Windows is a U.S. trademark of Microsoft Corp.

Information in this release applies specifically to products available in
the United States. Product availability and specifications
may vary in non-U.S. markets.



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Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

The Atari world is still reverberating over the news of the Sega
settlement. There have been many speculations as to what that deal
signifies. It's not a buy-out; Sega's stock share is a paltry 7.4%.
It's an out-of-court settlement, pure and simple. The press release
comes across as a public relations effort to make this settlement
appear as a friendly agreement which saves face for Sega. The bottom
line is that Atari has a much-needed influx of cash - $90 million. For
a time when Atari can use it the most for a successful holiday season,
what a bonus. Ironically, until that settlement announcement, I hadn't
seen a Jaguar commercial. I've seen the "Teacher" and "AvP" ads on
numerous occasions since!!

Enough about the Jaguar, we'll get back to it later in the Jaguar
section of this issue! A couple of our favorite programs have recently
been updated - Flash 2 and STraight Fax!. Announcements for both are
listed below. If you own either, don't miss out on these offers!

Joe Mirando's "People Are Talking" column will resume this week,
for those of you wondering where it was last week. We've also received
a number of comments about Joe's Geneva/NeoDesk 4 review. Joe will be
doing a follow-up on both of these programs in a later issue, with more

The next few months should be interesting, so stay "tuned" to
STReport for the news!

Until next time...


Delphi's Atari Advantage!

(1) DC XTRACT PLUS 2.2C *(6) LJS TERM 2.1

* = New on list

The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 10.40)
ATARI ONLINE (Current issue: AEO: VOLUME 3, ISSUE 11)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.


> Flash 2.21! STR InfoFile -- Missionware Announces 2.21 Upgrade!


Now shipping version 2.21!

354 N. Winston Drive
Palatine, Illinois 60067-4132
United States of America
phone 708-359-9565

Missionware Software is pleased to announce the release of version 2.21 of
Flash II. This is our fifth update. Flash II originally went up for sale
in April of 1992. Version 2.21 fixes a number of problems discovered by
our customers and beta testers over the past few months. We've added a
number of enhancements as well! If you already own a version of Flash II
just download the file F22UP.LZH and use it to patch your current version.

Flash II is the update to the most popular Atari ST telecommunications
program ever! It's available exclusively from Missionware Software and at
an affordable price! Flash II is completely rewritten by Paul Nicholls of
Clayfield, Australia. But don't let that fool you! Flash II has the same
look and feel as previous versions of a slew of new features
to boot! And it's just as easy and fast to use for the telecommunications
beginner or pro!

The new features of Version 2.21 include:

* Fully Falcon030 compatible!

* Enhanced DEC VT Terminal emulations including the ability to swap
the functions of the Delete and Backspace keys for conformance to
standard DEC terminals.

* Enhanced ANSI terminal and graphics.

* History buffer is now included for Type Ahead editor.

* Full support for all Atari serial ports on TT030 and MegaSTe as well
as baud rates up to 153600.

* Terminal mode now displays either the real time clock or a timer.
When the timer is displayed, it now runs all the time.

* Search-Next mode added in editor. Control-F9 keystrokes can be used
for this new function.

* Enhanced DO scripting language, including:

PORT: Selects the port to be used.
CLOCK: Selects Clock display in terminal mode.
TIMER: Selects Timer display in terminal mode.
DBPATH: Sets path for Block file operations.
KERMIT: Selects various Kermit transfer options.
BREAK: Sends a BREAK during script operations

Naturally, all of your old favorite Flash II features are still

* DO script files compatible with older versions of Flash!

* All macros use the familiar Flash DO script format!

* Easily setup the parameters for each BBS you call...this includes
everything from ASCII upload/download options to baud rate!

* You can program up to 20 individual and separate macros for each
BBS plus an additional 10 global macros !

* Displays RLE & GIF pictures either on or off line! You can also
save or load these pictures for later review!

* Supports the following terminal types: TTY, VIDTEX, VT52, ANSI,
VT100, VT101, VT102, VT200, VT300 & PRESTEL.

* Includes full support for RTS/CTS. This mode can now be turned
on and off by the user.

* Includes Automatic Answer mode!

* Includes Auto Boards mode - Preselect the board(s) you wish to dial
and when Flash II is launched either manually from the desktop by
you, or automatically by some other program launcher, Flash II will
wake up and dial the board(s) you've got selected. It will also wait
for the proper time to dial these boards.

* Includes full featured GEM text editor with: merge, block
commands, cut & paste, search & replace, paragraph reformating; user
tab settings, page width, full keyboard cursor and delete control
and more!

* Supports the ST, IBM and DEC character sets, including IBM/ANSI
graphics characters!

* Includes Silent Line for background file transfers!

* Supports the following upload/download protocols: ASCII, Xmodem,
Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Zmodem, Modem7, WXmodem, CIS B, Kermit and SEAlink!
And all of these protocols are built into the external
modules required!!!

* Zmodem supports the selection of AutoStart and Streaming options.
If you prefer to use an external Zmodem protocol with Flash II, you
can now force Flash II's Zmodem autostart mode to off. For BBS' that
don't support "streaming", this too can now be turned off.

* Logs all on line time and calculates your approximate costs for you!

* New version written in assembler! Fast!

* Runs on all ST, STe, TT030 and Falcon computers!

* Supports "Install Application". You can create a DO script that
can be used to launch Flash II from the desktop and force it to dial
up and go online for you, all automatically!

* Both the Terminal and Editor have been enhanced significantly for
both speed and ease of use. You'll be amazed at how fast the new
Flash II is!

Missionware Software's upgrade policy remains the same for the new Version
2.21! We will continue to upgrade any old version of Flash! (copyright
Antic Software) for just $30 US, plus $4 shipping and handling (US and
Canada), $8 worldwide. Or, you can purchase Flash II, version 2.21
outright, for only $49.95 US plus the shipping and handling charges
applicable to your area.

To order, or for more information, please contact;

Missionware Software
354 N. Winston Drive
Palatine, IL 60067-4132 USA


> STraight FAX! 2.20! STR InfoFile! - NewSTar Announces 2.20 Upgrade!

To all STraight FAX! 2 owners:

STraight FAX! v2.20 upgrades are available as follows:

Send your name, address, the 10 digit Registration Number and $5.00
(US funds only) to the following address:

STraight FAX! 2.20 Upgrade P.O. Box 122 Columbia, Maryland 21045-0122 USA

Do not include your original STraight FAX! 2 Master Disk. The 2.20
upgrade will be mailed to you on a new upgrade disk.

For upgrade orders outside of North America please add $2.00 (US) for
shipping costs.

In addition, upgrades may be ordered via credit card by calling Toad
Computers at 410-544-6943 and providing the information above, along
with a major credit card number. Credit Card orders may also be sent
to our CompuServe Mail Address of 73047,2565.

Please allow two weeks for delivery.

No version 2.20 upgrade orders will be processed unless a valid
STraight FAX! 2 Registration Card has been previously received.

Jaguar Section

Avp is Official!, Game Testers
Wanted, Ads and More Ads!, Videos,
and more!

> From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is!

As mentioned earlier, Sega's settlement with Atari is a bonus for
Atari's holiday Jaguar campaign. $90 million can provide a big boost
for the Jaguar. Will the games be ready in time? This topic is wide
open for speculation, unfortunately. Actually, due to the lack of
solid news about upcoming games, speculation has been rampant. 30-50
games is still the figure being touted by Atari with regard to the
number of games to be available by Christmas. With only Alien vs.
Predator currently in production, this means only one game to be
released this month. That gives one the impression that the majority
of games will need to enter production within the next couple of weeks
to make it out by mid-November. A number of games have been mentioned
as real close to going to production, so the estimate is not as far-
fetched as some would claim. However, I think it's going to be a tight
schedule to meet!

Atari's major announcement rumors apparently were more hyped by
the users than was necessary - another clear sign that the users are
growing impatient again. The announcement, essentially, was the press
release dealing with the fact that AvP had entered production and it
was getting glowing reports - well deserved, I might add. Another
announcement is rumored to be under way for next week, so we'll wait to
see what that is all about.

So, let's see what's on tap for this week's Jaguar news!!

Until next time...


> Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out.

Current Available Titles


J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $49.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/
Crescent Galaxy $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $69.95 id/Atari Corp.
JA100 Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95 Telegames

Available Soon


CatBox $49.95 ICD
CatBox + $69.95 ICD
J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Atari Corp.

Hardware and Peripherals


J8001 Jaguar (complete) $249.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95


> Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile - The Latest Gaming News!

Contact: Laura Paden/Patrick Toland
Edelman Public Relations
(415) 433-5381

Video Game Magazine Reviewers Raving about Jaguar's
"Best Game to Date"

SUNNYVALE, Calif. (October 3, 1994) -- Move over Mortal Kombat II, on
October 21 the most sought-after video game will arrive in stores
across the country. The advanced first-person perspective version of
Alien Vs. Predator, available only on the award-winning 64-bit
Jaguar system by Atari, is already being considered one of the best
game titles in video game history by people "in the know" -- the
video game reviewers.

"Alien Vs. Predator is the best 3-D action game that I have ever
played -- the graphics and game play are second to none," claimed
Editor-in-Chief Dave Halverson of Die Hard Game Fan, "If you own a
Jaguar, you must own this game, and if you don't own a Jag, well, it's
time to get one. More games are on the way!"

Roaring into stores on October 21 at a suggested retail price
of $69.99, Alien Vs. Predator for the 64-bit Jaguar blows away prior
versions of the game with the most realistic graphics available,
amazing digitized sound effects and increased play variety. Alien Vs.
Predator is a Twentieth Century Fox licensed property based on the
films of the same names. Gamers can choose the Predator, Alien
or the Colonial Marine as they battle through different theaters of
combat including the Predator Ship, the Marine Training Base and the
Alien Ship, enjoying hours of different types of play.

"I was overwhelmed by the cutting-edge graphics and the
innovative game play of Alien Vs. Predator -- no question, it's the
best Jaguar game to date" said Paul Anderson of Game Informer. "The
sheer size of Alien Vs. Predator is amazing -- I've already spent
40-plus hours playing as the Marine and haven't even tried the Alien
or Predator assignments. Alien Vs. Predator will keep the attention
of even the most seasoned game players."

"The sophisticated technology of the Jaguar platform allows for
the best in stop-motion animation, giving each character smooth,
realistic movements, and digitized sound effects that provide a dynamic
audio environment." said software developer Purple Hampton. "Alien Vs.
Predator is the best demonstration to date of what 64-bit technology
can provide in terms of sophisticated graphics, sound quality and game

Atari's Jaguar game system has approximately 30 software titles
planned for release before the holiday season. Popular titles in the
works include Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story, Doom, Rayman, Troy Aikman
Football, and Kasumi Ninja.

"We believe that Alien Vs. Predator has true mega-hit potential,"
said Atari Corporation President Sam Tramiel. "This is a great example
of Atari developing new games that use the full technological capacity
of the 64-bit Jaguar and taking home video games above and beyond where
they've been to date."

In support of this landmark game and the Jaguar system, Atari has
launched an aggressive, multi-million dollar advertising campaign that
includes a specific television ad for Alien Vs. Predator. The
advertising schedule includes national cable advertising in addition
to programming in 19 of the top spot markets that will deliver more
than 300 million targeted media impressions.

Since its release in November 1993, Atari's Jaguar game system has
been named the industry's "Best New Game System" (Video Games Magazine),
"Best New Hardware System" (Game Informer) and "1993 Technical
Achievement of the Year" (DieHard Game Fan). The Jaguar is the only
video game system manufactured in the United States.

Atari Corporation markets interactive multimedia entertainment
systems, including Jaguar, the world's only 64-bit system, and the only
video game system manufactured in the United States. Atari is
headquartered at 1196 Borregas Avenue, Sunnyvale, California, 94089.

Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products named may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their owning companies.

ALIENtm and PREDATORtm are trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film
Corporation and used under sublicense from Activision.

> Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile - Current Developer News

-/- Jaguar Game Beta Testers Sought! -/-


In an effort to help developers release quality games for the Jaguar
in a timely manner, Black Cat Design (BCD) is looking for a few good
play testers.

This is your chance to make a difference, to provide feedback to
developers and help mold the future of your favorite video game

BCD play testers will receive EPROM versions of games in various stages
of completion during the test period. They will be required to play
the games actively and to provide written reports rating the games and
levels along with suggested improvements.

At the end of the test period, testers will be required to return all
development cartridges and the final "bug free" version will be sent
to them free of charge.

If this sounds like something that you would like to volunteer for,
please provide the following information and send your application
electronically to Tom Harker at ICDINC (GEnie) or 76004,1600


City, State, Zip Code
Email Addresses

Game Machines owned

Computers owned

Favorite Games

Jaguar Games owned, levels of completion, high scores, and time required
for completion

Hours spent each week playing video games

Other interests

Work experience including current job

Why we should select you as a play tester


Please pass this message on to other networks supporting Jaguar.


-/- Atari Jaguar Demo Tape Available! -/-

CATnips.... Jaguar notes from Don Thomas.

Atari Corporation has released limited quantities of Jaguar software
demo video tapes to qualified Jaguar resellers. The tape includes
exceptionally clear high resolution Jaguar images and sounds from
upcoming games and is modeled after the many great suggestions made by
the online community. It is intended to offer retailers a fast way to
educate their employees AND demonstrate upcoming software to their
customers. The tape is produced by Greg LaBrec using state-of-the-art
capture techniques and equipment.

While the Atari Explorer Online video tape does a great job offering
two hours of interviews, S-Video captures and a lot more from the
recent CES show in Chicago... this tape offers a faster and more
efficient glimpse of some of those same titles.

This tape is currently available to qualified resellers ONLY.
Resellers should contact their Atari representative OR their
distributor for information. Information regarding the AEO CES tape
is available from any AEO online representative.

As a reminder... if you missed the latest press release, AEO, STReport,
GMJ about the Jaguar... call CATscan BBS at 209/239-1552.

-- Don Thomas
Atari Corporation

[Editor's note:] I've recently viewed this 30+ minute video and it's
terrific! Not only does it contain clips of all of the current games
available, but ones slated to appear soon. Among them is a 7-minute
group of clips from the upcoming Alien vs. Predator, which looks like a
real winner! You get to see segments of the game from all three
perspectives: Alien, Marine, and Predator. The graphics were really
nice. Other (new) game clips included Checkered Flag, Zool 2, DOOM,
Iron Soldier, Bubsy, Club Drive, and Kasumi Ninja. You also get to see
the Tempest 2000, Alien vs. Predator, and the two "Teacher" ads - all
excellent ads, by the way!

I was really impressed with AvP, DOOM, and Iron Soldier. All three of
these games appear to have the potential of being major sellers. They
looked like they are going to be a lot of fun to play! Zool 2 and
Bubsy are platform games that may be interesting if you're a fan of
that type of game. I'm not sure if they'll interest me personally, but
the game segments shown looked like fun. Kasumi Ninja didn't look very
smooth with regard to game-play, but it has potential. The graphics
were nice; and it's not just a "punch, kick, and jumping" game. The
blood in this game is gratuitous - sometimes seeming a little too much
where it doesn't seem "applicable".

The games that looked disappointing to me were Club Drive and Checkered
Flag. The graphics just didn't have a terrific appeal to me.
Checkered Flag looked better of the two. Game play for Checkered Flag
also appeared to be better. I'll have to see more of these two games
before I pass them up completely.

If you have an opportunity to see this latest video from Atari, I'd
recommend it


> Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr!

[CORRECTION:] In last week's issue, we included a post pertaining to
news of the IRC conference with Zach Meston. In my haste to get that
item in last week's issue, I neglected to attribute the sources for
that information. The original post was relayed to Compuserve's
ATARIGAMING Forums, from GEnie. AEO Editor Travis Guy was the
original source and the post was brought to CIS by AEO "newcomer",
Dimitri Labarge. By the way, in case you didn't already know, Dimitri,
that "Usenet net surfer" seen daily on CIS, is now the new Jaguar
editor for AEO. I apologize for any misconceptions derived at for that
unidentified item last week.

[Editor's note:] There was a humorous exchange of messages during
discussion of the Jaguar voice modem a couple of weeks ago, on
Compuserve. A few of us were discussing what may be needed in addition
to the modem. The initial responses were that nothing else was needed,
but things got out of hand and the jokes started pouring in. Atari's
Don Thomas put most of the finishing touches on some of our "concerns"
with the following response (this is all done in jest!!):

>>Oh sure, now there are stipulations involved!!! Do we have to have
>>a certain color of Princess phone, too? <<RBG>>

I think I intended to mean they need a phone line... not necessarily a

Okay. I admit I held back some disclaimers... let's see...

Requirements for voice/modem Jaguar implementation:

* Both players must be have a working Jaguar.
* Both players must have their working Jaguars plugged in.
* Both players must have a color TV or Composite/S-Video monitor.
* Both players must have a joypad.
* Both players must have an RF-antenna switchbox.
* Both players must have an Atari Voice/Modem.
* Both players must have the proper cords for all connections.
* Both players must have a Voice/Modem compatible Jaguar game.
* Both players must have access to a modular phone jack.
* Both players must have active telephone service to the jack mentioned
* Both players must be alive, be able to see, breathe, handle a joypad
* Both players must be able to read numeric characters.
* Both players must have parental permission if minors.
* Both players must have ample air to breathe. Food & Water suggested.
* Both players must be able to figure out anything else they may need
that I missed.

I think that covers it.

-- Don Thomas
Atari Corporation

And you think that people haven't heard about the Jaguar? From CIS's
Ron Luks comes this delightful tale:

A few weeks ago, Don Thomas related a story about how his son
expressed pride in the fact that his dad worked for Atari Corp now
that they have the Jaguar, so I thought I'd pass along my own recent

While visiting friends and family in NY last week, I told my nephew
and niece that I just got "the most powerful video game system on the
market..." and before I could finish the sentence, they both shrieked
"Oh-my-god, Uncle Ron... You got the JAGUAR???!!!???!!!"

Then a stream of non-stop "oh wow! how cool!.." and other 8 and 11
year old comments followed. Uncle Ron became a hero and it was a very
heartwarming experience.

What's the bottom line here? It proves to me, beyond any shadow of
a doubt, that the Atari name is still on everyones lips and the Jaguar
is *the* *hot* video game system.

I wonder if they'd still respect me if they knew I couldn't get
past level one on Wolf 3-D? [g]


From Atari Europe comes a quick compilation of news quotes regarding
Alien vs. Predator:

Alien vs Predator Press Quotes
"The best action game ever issued on console......For the first time
a console game recreates the tension and atmosphere of a movie" MEGA
HIT 95% Console + Magazine (France)

"The finished result is stunning, the combination of the fluidity of
movement, eery sound samples and stunning visuals make AvP a completely
engrossing experience" 5/5 Movies, Games & Videos Magazine. (UK)

"This is one compelling and addictive in your face title. You'd have to
be Rhino-scrubbingly mad not to enjoy this game" 95% Gamesmaster magazine.

"Alien vs Predator is the best 3-D action game that I have ever
played - the graphics and gameplay are second to none". Die Hard Game
Fan magazine. (USA)

"I was overwhelmed by the cutting edge graphics and the innovative
gameplay" Game Informer Magazine. (USA)

"Fantastic graphics that recreate the feel of the Aliens movie help
make this one of the most addictive games ever" Sunday Mirror (UK)

4/10 Edge Magazine

Is somebody here outta line with the rest of the industry?


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. First off, I'd like to thank those
who took the time to ask about how my back is coming along. It's coming
along slowly but surely and I expect to be back to normal before too
much longer. Of course, the doctor isn't quite so sure, but that only
reinforces my opinion of doctors.

Well, enough about me. Let's get on with the whole reason for this
column: All the cool news, hints, and tips available every week right
here on CompuServe. C'mon along for the ride...

From the Atari Computing Forum

Mark Hadfield asks:

"How do I achieve a V32 BIS connection? I'm somewhat ignorant when it
comes to modems. I have a Pace Microlin fx32+. I know it is V32bis 'cos
it says so on the case and I know that it uses an AT command set. What
I don't knw is this: will the modem automatically use V32bis when
talking to CompuServe (presumably because the other end is V32 bis) or
do I need to set it up correctly, e.g. initialise the modem to V32 bis
using AT commands?"

Sysop Jim Ness tells Mark:

"Almost all modems come set up to automatically use v32bis, whenever
the other side permits it. So, you should be able to simply call the
local CIS 14400 node in your area, and get a v32bis connection. GO
PHONES will give you that phone number."

Oolah Boudreau asks for help in selecting an online navigator:

"Can you recommend a navigator for me to use? Is there anything I can
get here in Compuserve? I have a four meg older 1040 w/color and mono
monitors, and a 83meg HD. Also the ICD AdSpeed ST. What can I use?

Oh, and is there anything in the library to unpack binary files? What
would I ask for in the file finder?"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Oolah:

"Yes, Oolah.. we have an offline message reader/navigator for the
Atari ST here in our software libraries. It's called QuickCIS and the
author, Jim Ness, is a Sysop here too, in case you have any questions
about it...

As for utilities for uncompressing binary files, the one to get is
here in Library #4, and it's called ARCLZH.TOS (hmm.. or maybe
ARCLZH.PRG, in case that one doesn't work).

When you download it, put it in a folder of its own, then double click
on it to run it... the file will uncompress itself into several files.
Two of them are the actual uncompression programs, and one is a
ShareWare "shell" program to make the other to easier to use. Be sure
to read all the instructions about how to set them up.

The two utilities in this package are ARC and LZH which will take
care of a lot of the compressed files we have in the libraries. There
are also a good number that use the ZIP compression method, and we
have a separate uncompression utility for that one too. It's also in
Library 4 and is called STZIP.

Let us know if you have any questions about using these programs..."

Yat Siu tells us:

"I've been dabbling with Atariworks again and I discovered something
peculiar and wondered if anyone knew what it was about. I saved off an
atariworks file (*.stw) and then when I loaded it again and wanted to
print it output the file without the graphics. Instead it had huge
large boxes with a cross. However when I first printed it out it worked
just fine. How does atariworks save off it's graphic files and why are
they lost? Or better yet, what am I doing wrong *grin* :) ?

Anyways, if anyone knows how I can reprint that file from atariworks
with graphics I'd appreciate it."

Mike Mortilla tells Yat:

"Unless I'm mstaken, AW doesn't actually save the graphics with the
file, but rather "points" to a location where the file can be found. If
it's not where it expects it will, at best, print a box. At worst, it
will crash.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that."

Carl Barron adds:

"If the graphic is an IMG, AW stores the complete path name where it
was stored. If you have the graphic you can delete the box and add the
graphic back in. If you know the original path, you can put the
graphic there and print. I believe GEM METAFILES are stored within the
AW file and no path problem occurs. If it was a bitmap IMG, you no
longer have, it is gone.... IMG import was added as an 'after thought'
by would be user requests."

Michael "Papa" Herbert tells Yat:

"Yep, AW saves the path to the .IMG rather than the .IMG itself - just
like Ventura Publisher and, BTW, Papyrus. GEM's are stored within the
STW file.

Before saving an .STW that incorporates graphics I like to 'Hide
Picture' making certain to include the full pathname in the dialog box.
Saves me some grief later on for sure!"

Brian Gockley adds his knowledge to the pool:

"AtariWorks doesn't save the image file, just the path. You probably
moved the IMG or moved the file or something. That is my guess."

And speaking of Brian, after he posts that a couple if programs didn't
work while SpeedoGDOS was loaded, Robert at Compo Software replies:

"You say 'a couple' programs don't work with SpeedoGDOS loaded. You
then go on to describe a problem with Atari Works. Well, that's one.
Any others?

(I'm making a point here... you've gone from lots of problems... to a
couple programs, to one specific problem). Now here's what gets me, and
this has nothing to do with whom I work for, or SpeedoGDOS. You found a
problem between SpeedoGDOS 5 and Works - yet you blame SpeedoGDOS. Is
it possible that it could be Works? There's this phenomenon where folks
blame the most recently added component, where it could be any number
of things! I get calls all thee time... " I found a bug in SpeedoGDOS
and you guys are jerks..." most of the time (honestly) it's a problem
in another program. In fact, you'd be surprised at how many bugs we've
found in Works.

Anyway, let's get down to your report. There is a problem using Text
Attributes in Works, and this occurs with SpeedoGDOS 4.2 and 5.0. Atari
changed the way attributes worked in version 4.2, and we inherited it.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Some folks have no problems,
some folks have a few problems, some folks have lots of problems. For
example, you said that only the Outline attribute caused problems. I've
heard from other users t

hat have problems using Bold attribute. Pretty
strange. Anyway, in this case, it's both programs. SpeedoGDOS has
problems with attributes, and Works has problems with attributes. As
for SpeedoGDOS, we're in the process of completely rewriting the
attribute stuff. A forthcoming update, 5.0c, will have lots of it
stabilized, and faster, too. The next version after that should be
flawless. As for Works, it'll still have problems, so we're building in
workarounds specifically for the way Works does things.

Generally, you can use Text Attributes with SpeedoGDOS 5.0b without
problems. If you do have encounter problems, SpeedoGDOS 5.0c will
probably fix it. In either case, you'll likely not have problems with
attributes except with Works. We didn't create this situation, but
we're dealing with it.

Thanks for the report, and if you find anything else, I'd love to hear
it. We are spending more time creating work arounds for other programs
that fixing SpeedoGDOS itself (oops, I mean, 'Than' not 'that').
Someone's got to do it, ya know?

So thanks again, and if your buddy registered his SpeedoGDOS, he or
she will be getting a notice on the new version. Take care."

Brian tells Robert:

"Thanks for your reply, you're right, I was blaming SpeedoGDOS 5, and
I should have realized that Works was equally involved. I have several
GDOS programs, and have not put all of them through the same test that
I put Works through. I guess that since things seemed to be working
with 4.xx, the change to 5.xx made 5.xx the first culprit. I'm glad I
was partially wrong, and that you guys are working on an update. I
assumed you would be doing that anyway, but I'm glad to hear that
you're working specifically with AtariWorks. I'll send any other
program problems along ASAP.

On another note, as a PageStream user, I have all my Type 1 fonts
seperated into individual folders. Since some of the fonts are named
ADM or 321, it is nice to have those files in a folder called AVITAL or
BOOKMAN. Anyway, it looks like Speedo5 wants me to move all these fonts
into one folder - making a hodgepodge of my nice neat arrangement. Is
there anyway that Speedo5.c could look in more than one or two folders;
how aout 100 folders, 1,000, 1,000,000! Anyway, that would be great.

Finally, do you know of any Atari program that would let me change a
Type1 font into a GEM object? I'd love to extrude, warp, twist, color,
shadow an otherwise play with the font. Something like FontTricks on
the PC."

Michael "Papa" Herbert tells Brian:

"I convert Type 1 fonts to Calamus CFN's, import them into a template
I created in Outline Art, save them as CVG then bring them into Avant
Vector where I save them as GEM3 (complete with Beziers). After
bringing them into MyDraw and saving again I have a set of editable GEM
vector objects that can be used in _almost_ any GEM editor.

You can't type in your text - you have to build it a letter at a time
and hand-kern it. You can play around with the control points, change
fills and do other neat things with it though - it's just a bunch of
vector objects.

This is another of my projects - I call it "Papa's Fun Fonts" and plan
to put out a set of about 50 typefaces and an accompanying book with
either MyDraw or Kandinsky included. Definitely not a full blown 'type-
styler' but it will do until we get the real thing!"

Robert at Compo tells Brian:

"Actually, SpeedoGDOS 5 lets you use as many font folders as you like.
It's well documented in the manual, but the Outline Fonts program lets
you use up to three font folders, and you can manually add more (the
limit within Outline Fonts is there to keep the program easy to use,
while still tracking which folders have which fonts).

As for converting a Type 1 font into a GEM object, any drawing program
can do it, as long as it supports Speedo. Kandinsky (a German, but
translated to English, shareware program) seems pretty popular these
days, and it'll support SpeedoGDOS so you can load any
Speedo/TrueType/Type 1 font, manipulate it however you like, and save
the whole thing out as a metafile for importing into whatever program
you like. There are other programs besides Kandinsky that support
SpeedoGDOS and metafiles; most commercial drawing programs do."

From the Palmtop Forum

William Taylor asks for help with his Atari Portfolio:

"My Portfolio is a cute little gadget. But it was sold to me as (and I
bought it with the dream of) a mini-computerized PIM that could
interface seamlessly with my PC.

Well, it does interface but far from seamlessly. Month after month I
plod through endless magazine pages searching for a PIM that would tie
my PC and my Portfolio together.

So far, my quest has been a dismal failure... unless you can help.
Can you??"

Bill Osburn tells William to...

"Get a PC Card Drive. It can also allow painless data transfer to and
from a PC. Then you can get a program for the PC that looks and acts
identically to the built-in programs on the PORT. Have fun!!!"

Dan Shearer tells William:

"Sorry to hear of your bad luck. I saw someone recommending a card
drive. This is a good move. If you don't want to spend the money for
this, I would recommend serial communications to transfer the data
across. An Atari serial adapter or one of our Universal interfaces
would do the trick.

The port works well with most applications, but the version of DOS,
2.11, is really limited. Other than that, the Port was way ahead of
its time."

William tells Dan:

"Thanks for the tip, Dan. Perhaps I didn't express myself very
clearly. What I am after is a program (like Card File for Windows, or
Appointment Calendar for Windows for instance). But one that would work
on both my Portfolio and PC and allow me to transfer data between them.
However, from the sound of you previous reply I don't think that
program exists."

Peter Bennett tells William:

"I noticed your message to Dan - have you checked out PortCard and
PortCal which should be in the libraries. These are Cardfile and Diary
programs for Windows which are also compatible with the Port's built-in
apps. The cardfile program will write to both Windows cardfile and
Portfolio .adr formats.

The other program to check out is Don Thomas' excellent Adr_Book, aPC
program which reads, writes and otherwise manipulates Portfolio .adr
files on the PC.

Finally there is PC Applications, the commercial software from DIP,
which emulates all the Portfolio built-in Apps on the PC (if you are
interested, I have a copy for sale...)"

From the Palmtop B Forum

Alexander Trunov asks about a text reader for the Casio/Tandy Zoomer:

"I was just wondering if you know of an "electronic book reader" made
specifically for the Zoomer, similar to what's out there for the

Sysop Lloyd Wasser tells Alexander:

"You can purchase the Palm Utilities package from Palm Computing,
which allows you to turn ordinary text files into Notebook documents,
where they can be read page-by-page.

Or, Kerry's Textreader 2.0 is available as shareware. Check the forum
libraries; there should be a text file on it in there (I know there is
a TextReader 1.01 shareware app you can download)."

Sysop Marty Mankins tells us a bit about the difference between SRAM and

"The difference between SRAM and Flash is that SRAM is powered by a
battery to keep data alive, whereas the Flash card doesn't need power
to keep the data.

But, there needs to be a larger power surge to write data to a Flash
card. Plus the Flash card can only be written to so many times. Not
to worry, though. The life span of a heavily used Flash card can go
5-6 years, so it's not something to worry about. I'd say you'd outgrow
a 2Mb Flash card before it would even come close to wearing out.

SRAM cards will work in most PDAs and palmtops."

Sysop Lloyd Wasser adds:

"Sram is more expensive per meg right now. Flash is cheaper. Sundisk
is the major pcmcia flash vendor for PDA devices such as the Zoomer.
Their prices just dropped dramatically...

New software will soon appear for the Zoomer, and Pen Computing
Magazine has reported that a "faster ROm chip replacement" for the
Zoomer will soon be offered to Zoomer owners, I assume as an upgrade to
the existing ROM.

Check out the Graffiti tutorial in our Library here -- it is a SUPERB
add-on for the Zoomer. The full-blown version offers a terrific HWX
enhancement to your Zoomer. Other firms are also developing
Geos/Zoomer technology.

More on that later....when it's not just vapourware and rumor."

Sysop Ron Luks adds:

"FLASH memory is non-volatile (requires no battery power to retain
data) while SRAM requires a power source, usually a button-battery that
needs to be changed once a year.

SRAM is faster, but most users dont notice a difference in speed in
regular use.

SRAM used to be cheaper, but lately FLASH ram is less costly and this
trend looks like it will accelerate (FLASH will be *much* cheaper).

SRAM cards are widely compatible across many platformsbut FLASH ram
requires specific drivers for each computer. i.e.-- I have an SRAM
card that works in all 5 of my palmtops but my FLASH cards are more
machine dependent.

SRAM mimics your hard disk or floppy disk format and maintenance
operations (file delete, rename, copy, etc) very closely but FLASH RAM
doesnt. FLASH RAM uses a "block" system for storing, reading/writing
files that is different than the usual DOS FAT format. In some FLASH
cards, deleting a file does NOT regain the storage space. You have to
run a utility program to compact the disk and regain the storage area.
Most new FLASH drivers make this an 'invisible' operation so to the end
user, FLASH ram tends to act just like SRAM.

More development is being done on FLASH ram and it appears that FLASH
will continue to be cheaper, become more universally compatible, have
higher storage capacities and will ultimately prevail over SRAM but at
the present time there are some definite advantages to SRAM."

Well folks, that's it for this week. Tune in again next time and be
ready to listen to what they are saying when...




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