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Silicon Times Report Issue 1034

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

August 19, 1994 No. 1034

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 1-904-783-3319 10am-4pm EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
ITCNet 85:881/253 JAX HUB ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:301/3
904-786-4176 MULTI-NODE 24hrs-7 days
2400-115.2 bps V.32-34 v.42 bis 28.8
Hayes Optima 28.8 V.FC Data/FAX
USRobotics Dual Standard 28.8 V.FC Ready Fax
FAX: 904-783-3319 12am-6am EST
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FNET. 489 : Steal Your Face BBS..........1-908-920-7981
MNET - Toad Hall BBS.....................1-617-567-8642

> 08/19/94 STR 1034 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- STR INDUSTRY REPORT - Sears sells Compaq - CompUSA:$13.9m Loss
- Picture PUB Ver 5.0 - Club KidSoft & Parents - NEW MAC Games
- People Talking - NavCIS 1.25 Review - JAGUAR NEWSWIRE

-* Intel Starts Pentium Chip Price War!?! *-
-* AT&T Forms Anti-Hacker Unit! *-
-* Microsoft Courts School Market! *-

STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the ITC/PROWL/USENET/NEST/F-Net/Fido Mail Networks. You
may also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 1-904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder
and excitement of exchanging all types of useful information relative to
all computer types, worldwide, through the use of excellent International
Networking Systems. SysOps and users alike worldwide, are welcome to join
STReport's International Conferences. ITC Node is 85:881/250, The Fido
Node is 1:374/147.3, Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "
Lead Node" is #620.
All computer platforms and BBS systems are invited to participate.

to the Readers of;

The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!

Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Two weeks 'till Labor Day! This summer season has really flown right
by. However at this time with the Fall coming on, the much anticipated
flood of upgrades and new releases will soon be a reality.

There is one new program that has recently appeared I'd like to say a
thing or two about. In the next few weeks there will be a review about
EditPro by Ian Meade. But.. (there is that "but" again) in the meantime,
I've had the pleasure to use this delightful editor for some time now
under the name of "MEDIT". In fact, I've watched it grow and become _one
fine editor_ for use within Windows. Look for EditPro.ZIP at your
favorite OnLine service or BBS. This editor is a "must have". Don't
miss our review about EditPro in the next few weeks.

I have a houseful of out of town guests this weekend so the old,
editorial will be kinda short. Why is it people from out of town always
think Floridians are on "permanent vacation"? <g>




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles J. Deegan D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Michael Arthur John Deegan Brad Martin
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy Jeff Kovach
Marty Mankins Carl Prehn Paul Charchian

Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Clemens Chin
Eric Jerue Ron Deal Mike Barnwell
Ed Westhusing Glenwood Drake Vernon W.Smith
Bruno Puglia Paul Haris Kevin Miller
Craig Harris Allen Chang Dominick J. Fontana

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT

STReport, with its policy of not accepting any paid advertising has, over
the years, developed the reputation of "saying it like it really is".
When it comes to our editorials, product evaluations, reviews and over-
views, we shall always keep our readers interests first and foremost.
With the user in mind, STReport further pledges to maintain the reader
confidence that has been developed over the years and to continue "living
up to such"
. All we ask is that our readers make certain the
manufacturers, publishers etc., know exactly where the information about
their products appeared. In closing, we shall arduously endeavor to meet
and further develop the high standards of straight forwardness our readers
have come to expect in each and every issue.

The Staff & Editors




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #34

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** Info Highway Plans Rejected **

Consumer preferences strongly contradict the logic of the financial
and social models being used to justify construction of the information
superhighway, finds a survey conducted by Macworld magazine.

The telecommunications industry is rapidly rolling out high-tech
entertainment and shopping services. Yet the public isn't buying,
according to Macworld's national survey of 600 adults. The study notes
that consumers are more interested in using emerging networks for
information access, community involvement, self-improvement and

Respondents rated movies and TV on-demand just 10th among 26 possible
online capabilities. Only 28% of consumers considered video-on-demand
highly desirable.

** HP Palmtop Gets Cordless Link **

Extended Systems has introduced a cordless link that connects desktop
computers and the HP 200LX palmtop PC.

The JetEye PC provides a "point-and-shoot" infrared link between the
200LX and any DOS- compatible desktop or portable computer. The company
notes that the system eliminates the cabling hassles associated with
moving files between the 200LX and other PCs.

The JetEye PC uses either the Filer or LapLink Remote Access software
included in the HP Connectivity Pack. These applications allow 200LX
users to move files, update information from Pocket Quicken and perform
other file functions. LapLink Remote also allows users to access the
200LX from their desktop or portable computer to install new programs or
update files. Files from the 200LX may also be moved or printed to network
file and print servers if the desktop PC is connected to a network.

** IBM Tests Online System This Fall **

IBM is to run pilot tests this fall on an online system to enable
corporations to electronically order and automatically install software
on PCs and workstations at locations around the world.

Reports say IBM's Global Network will be available next year if the
testing goes well.

IBM officials said the pilot successfully tested electronic
prepackaging of software products, electronic software delivery to network
administrators, and end-user selection of software for workstation
installations at scheduled times. Additional pilots are planned with
other companies later this year.

** Compaq to Distribute Via Sears **

Compaq Computer Corp. says it has signed a distribution agreement
with Sears.

Compaq states that the agreement represents the beginning of a long
term distribution relationship in which Sears will sell a wide range of
Compaq's home and small-office personal computers through its Brand
Central Departments in more than 700 stores. These products include the
Compaq Presario desktop and minitower PCs and the Compaq Contura
notebook family.

Sears will first offer the Compaq Contura Aero notebook computer,
marking the first notebook PC ever sold through Sears Brand Central.

** Rugged Notebook PC Unveiled **

A special notebook PC with built-in wireless communications has been
unveiled by Badger Computers, computer maker known for rugged machines
that resist rain, extreme temperatures and even fungus.

Badger Computers officials said the 6.5-pound machine uses a '486
microprocessor running at a speed of 33MHz and has a hard drive ranging
from 128MB to 400MB.

"Such a machine costs between $1,400 and $2,000 from most PC makers,"
reporst say, "but the extra casing and technology in the Badger PC
raises its price to $5,995."

Badger intends its products for the military, law enforcement,
utilities and other firms with mobile workers.

** CompUSA Loses $13.9 Million **

CompUSA Inc. this week reported a loss of $13.9 million (or 74 cents
a share) for it fiscal fourth quarter as same-store sales fell and its
expenses increased.

Reports say that the largest computer retailer in the United States
does not expect to return to profitability until the last three months
of this year.

** CompuServe Expands Internet Link **

CompuServe subscribers now can access Internet's USENET newsgroups,
which feature international discussions on thousands of topics. Users
can participate through either ASCII menus or the CompuServe Information
Manager graphical user interface.

"To help smooth the transition of CompuServe members into the estab-
lished USENET community,"
says a statement from the service's Columbus,
Ohio, headquarters, "CompuServe has taken the time to educate its
members on 'netiquette,' the expectations of conduct and behavior among
users of the Internet. CompuServe's USENET service design helps avoid
most common 'netiquette faux-pas' and an Internet Forum on CompuServe is
available for members to ask questions about the newsgroups and other
Internet-related issues."

CompuServe officials say more Internet services, including remote
log-in to Internet hosts and file transfer from archive sites, will be
added later this year.

** Maxtor Offers 171MB Disk **

A 171MB hard disk drive featuring what is being called the industry's
highest non-operating shock specification has been introduced by Maxtor

Maxtor officials said the new product, called MobileMax 171, offers
ample storage capacity for entry-level PCs running Windows applications.

** Compaq Gives Safety Tips for Users **

Compaq Computer Corp. says it will begin placing a label on its key-
boards urging customers to read the safety booklet included with their

The booklet describes how to set up a safe and comfortable working
environment. It offers information on proper work habits and health and
safety considerations with respect to computer use.

The Houston-based computer maker notes that in recent years numerous
press articles have suggested that long periods of typing at computer
keyboards, particularly in awkward positions, can contribute to medical
disorders of the nerves, muscles and joints. Although no scientific
studies have shown that typing at a computer keyboard causes these
injuries, Compaq believes that its suggestions on proper computer set up
and work habits are useful in promoting general workplace comfort and

** Microsoft Courts School Market **

Microsoft plans to hold free workshops this fall for administrators,
from kindergarten through high school, and others who design school
technology programs.

The workshops "will show educators how other schools use technology
and will help them select technology for their schools"
. The software
publisher expects to make presentations in 40 cities, reaching 5,000

The company also is expected to continue its "Family Technology
in which it makes presentations to school parent organizations.
For participating, the schools to get free Microsoft software and
parents get discounts if they buy Microsoft products at the seminars.

** Compaq Cuts PC Prices **

Compaq Computer Corp. has announced price cuts of up to 11% on all of
its flagship Deskpro XL products.

The computer maker has also set price reductions of up to 18% on most
of its mid- range Deskpro XE models, cuts of up to 22% on most of its
value-line ProLinea systems and cuts of up to 17% on its current Contura
and Contura Aero models.

Additionally, Compaq has announced increased availability of most
ProLinea, Deskpro XE and Deskpro XL models.

** AST Introduces Ascentia Line **

AST Research Inc. this week introduced its first subnotebook computer
and became the first major computer maker to sell machines that use only
color monitors.

"Mono is gone," asserted Bret Berg, AST's mobile computer brand mana-
ger. "The pricing has become so aggressive and so good that you can get
into color."

Confidently predicting the future, analyst Jennifer Munson of Work-
group Technologies said, "By next year, it will be unheard of for
vendors to offer a monochrome."

Called the Ascentia, AST's newest subnotebook and notebook computer
lines start at $2,300 -- just $900 more than a mobile computer with a
monochrome screen that Dell introduced just last week.

** Zeos Offers New Sub-Notebook **

A $1,995 portable sub-notebook weighing only 3.9 pounds has been
introduced by Zeos International Ltd.

Reports say the Meridian 400 offers a choice of 486 microprocessors,
color display, RAM up to 20MB and disk drive capacities up to 350MB.

The system has a 7.8-inch diagonal backlit screen and provides for
slots for simultaneous use of fax modem, network or multimedia cards.

** Hayes Cuts Labor Force **

Modem market leader Hayes Microcomputer Products reportedly has cut 40
permanent and 80 temporary employees, is attempting to sell a 25 person
Canadian facility and will close a six-person San Diego, California,
research and development office. Founder/CEO Dennis Hayes is reported as
saying sales for the privately held company are higher than projections.

Analyst Todd Dagres, who follows the modem market for Robinson Humphrey
Co. Inc., said Hayes and other modem manufacturers have been hurt in what
had become a "commodity-priced" market. Dagres said consumers
increasingly are shopping for modems based on price instead of brand name,
adding, "Hayes set the standard a while back, but now the whole market is
a blood bath. It's gotten increasingly cut-throat."

** Intel Starts Pentium Chip Price War **

Reports say Intel Corp., maker of the Pentium chip, plans to start a
computer processor price war on a variety of its chips over the next
three months.

The company will cut its chip prices by up to 40%, launching a pre-
emptive strike against its competitors that are due to begin shipping
Pentium-class processors in early 1995.

Intel hopes to sell as many Pentiums as possible while the prices are
still fairly high. The Pentium is now in its second year of production.

Analysts forecast that Intel's gross sales from Pentium chips will
total as much as $4 million this year, which is 30 times the amount of
486 sales made in that chip's second year.

Intel's threatened price war has already forced some of its rivals to
cut their Pentium-type chip prices -- even before they go to production.

** AT&T Forms Anti-Hacker Unit **

AT&T says it has formed an investigative team to track the theft of
business long-distance service.

The telecommunications giant notes that AT&T Global Business
Communications Systems (GBCS) has created an investigative unit whose sole
purpose is to monitor, track and catch phone system hackers in the act of
committing toll fraud. The unit will initiate "electronic stakeouts"
with its business communications equipment customers and law enforcement
agencies, working with them to prosecute the thieves.

"We're in a shoot-out between `high-tech cops' -- like AT&T - - and
`high-tech robbers' who brazenly steal long distance service from our
business customers,"
says Kevin Hanley, marketing director for business
security systems for AT&T GBCS. "Our goal is not only to defend against
hackers but to get them off the street."


> Micrografx Picture Publisher 5.0 STR FOCUS!

Micrografx Picture Publisher 5.0

The Fastest, Easiest, Most Powerful Image Editor for Windows!"

Quick Review:
Picture Publisher is the winner of over 20 worldwide awards
recognizing it as best in its category. Reviews continue to remark on its
innovative functionality and its ease of use. When Picture Publisher 4.0
shipped (in June 1993) it was the first professional image editor to ship
with Object LayersTM - the innovation that truly revolutionized image
editing by keeping all elements on separate "
layers" for constant movement
and editing.

It was also the first image editor to ship with other productivity
enhancing innovations such as FastBits, Low Resolution, and Macros to name
the highlights.

Picture Publisher 5.0 has something for all level of users. For the
casual users, speed improvements (still runs well on a 4MB RAM machine)
and more visual "
assistance" is provided. For the professional,
enhancements to mapping, color output, Scitex CT support, bezier masks,
and vector import have all been requested and added to Picture Publisher.

Additionally for all users, Picture Publisher 5.0 will once again
raise" the innovative bar in image editing. The unique Command List
gives all users incredible flexibility in their creative work.

Announcement and Shipment of Micrografx Picture Publisher 5.0:
Micrografx will officially announce Picture Publisher 5.0 at Seybold
San Francisco in the middle of September 1994. Product will be shipping
and available in distribution at the same time.

Price and Details:
Micrografx Picture Publisher 5.0 will retail for $595SRP for the
diskette version. A CD-ROM only version will also be available for
$395SRP. A special introductory price of only $149.95 for the CD-ROM
version will be offered through December 31, 1994.

Registered users of previous version of Picture Publisher (including
LE versions) can upgrade to Picture Publisher 5.0 for only $99.95 for the
CD-ROM only version or $149.95 for the diskette version.

New Features:
For clarity, the new features in Picture Publisher 5.0 have been
categorized in 4 areas: Ease of Use, Productivity Enhancements, Requests
from users, and Leading Edge Industry Standards.

Ease of Use Improvements:
Customizable toolbox
- create any number of multiple floating toolboxes
- tools, macros, menu items etc.
Bubble hints (for easy icon identification)

Right mouse button
- context sensitive menus
Optional grayscale tool coloring
- replace Micrografx color tools with same set, but based on grayscale

Extensive hot key support

Extensive Adjustments Displayed Visually:
New, expanded preview for EffectsBrowser
Interactive preview on image when adjusting color maps
Large preview in color balance dialogue box (and contrast/brightness as

New Visual Dialogue Boxes:
Visual drag and drop clipboard browser
Visual object alignment

New Quick Training:
Interactive on-line tutorial (on CD-ROM)

Productivity Enhancements:
Command List Capability:
Infinite Undo
- unlimited undo capability through the command list

Command Layering
- ability to rearrange, edit all commands that are applied to an image

Low-RezTM Post Processing
- work on low resolution quickly, then apply functions to high resolution
- global and pixel-level adjustments
- can save "
script" for later processing

Enhanced Macro Capabilities

Response to User Requests:
Re-editable Text
- change letters, add words even after entry on screen
- also additional text control (justification)

Escapable" functions
- functions can be "
escaped" out of

Improved PhotoCD Open Dialog
- including Pro PhotoCD support

Revamped Mapping Dialogs
- "
curve" adjustment

New Object Layer Functions
- align, position, combine together, combine selected, lock

Improved 256 Palette color image support
Improved and faster line art
New Bezier Masking Tools
- draw, edit, save, and load AI paths

Chroma Mask
- mask based on color, complete with fade (fuzzy edge)

New Raster Support
- Scitex CT, TARGA (with Alpha support)

New Vector Import Support

WinTab Support
- industry standard support for pressure sensitive tablets and pens

Leading-Edge Industry Standards:
OLE 2.0 Implementation
- drag and drop, in place editing

Full Integration of Kodak Precision Color Management System
- color management support

System Requirements:
386 PC (486 recommended), 4MB RAM (8MB+ recommended), hard drive, Windows
3.1 or higher, DOS 5.0 or higher, mouse, VGA or better display.

Note: CD-ROM drive required to access additional photos, Kodak Color
Management and on-line tutorial.


> Frankie's Corner STR Review

Kids' Computing Corner

by Frank Sereno

Rather than reviewing an educational software title this week, I will give
some information about some products that are useful for parents.

I have reviewed the Club KidSoft magazine and CD-rom in past articles. In
case you are not familiar with this product, Club KidSoft is a combination
of a magazine and/or a CD-rom which includes demos and synopses of various
children's programs. Some programs are available for purchase directly
off the CD-rom by calling a toll-free number, providing credit card
information and then following the instructions of the technical support
person to transfer the software from the CD-rom to your hard drive via a
process called "downloading." Subscriptions are available for only the
magazine or for both the magazine and CD-rom. This is an excellent way to
get more information about the many fine children's programs that are
available today.

The publishers are continuing to refine this product. The first change is
the separation of the software catalog from the children's magazine. Now
your child can enjoy his magazine while you read about the software in the
catalog. However, parents should still read the children's magazine as it
contains reviews of software and other interesting articles. The current
magazine, volume 2/issue 3, contains information about a special
partnership promotion between schools and KidSoft that allow schools to
sell software through KidSoft and get a 10% commission. If your local
schoolboard would like to raise funds by selling computer software,
contact Kristen Johnson at KidSoft at 800-354-6150 for more information.

Refinements and changes have been made to the CD-rom as well. In past
issues, the Clubroom portion of the CD-rom contained one or two learning
activities. There are no activities in this issue. A new addition to the
Clubroom is an area to access the 30 different demo programs available on
this issue. These demos are still accessible from the catalog section of
the rom. The Mac and MPC demos were formerly available on a single CD-rom.
There are now separate CD-ROMs for each machine and separate, specific

In the catalog section, the main strength continues to be the Power
Shopper option for viewing program synopses of programs. You can choose
do a search for titles using several criteria. You could choose to look
at the category of new products on the subject of math for 6 year-olds.
This makes simple the process of finding specific software to fit your
child's needs.

The Club KidSoft CD-rom for MPC machines requires a 386CPU, Windows 3.1, a
compatible sound card, VGA display and a mouse as well as a CD-rom drive
(double-speed or greater is recommended).

On the downside, many of the 30 demos have been in previous issues. Many
of the DOS programs do not use your sound card. Silent demos are not too
impressive. On the upside, KidSoft welcomes user suggestions to improve
the program and magazines. Call 408-354-6100 or write to:

Club KidSoft Parents' Corner
718 University Ave.
Los Gatos, CA 95030

KidSoft runs many specials from the software companies and offers a lowest
price guarantee. I'm not sure exactly what is necessary as proof of a
lower price from another retailer. For more information about ordering
the magazine or software, call 800-354-6150. I find the Club KidSoft
magazine/CD-rom combo to be a good value and an excellent resource.

And now for something that does not require a computer. A few weeks ago I
read about a parenting course. It is called "The Essence of Parenting
Correspondence Course"
by Vic Goodman and Anne Johnson. Vic Goodman is a
family counselor and Anne Johnson holds a Master's degree in Social Work
and has taught parenting courses and done family counseling for the last
fifteen years. This is not a correspondence course in the usual manner
that the student would read material and then complete and return test
material for evaluation by a teacher. The lessons CORRESPOND with day-to-
day life.

The course is continuous and each year brings 24 lessons. Each lesson is
about 4 pages in length and asks the correspondent to engage in self-
examination. One of the main principles of this course is that a happy,
self-aware parent is a better parent. If a parent isn't happy with
himself and his life, then he will not know how to give his child
happiness either. A parent must understand himself before he can
understand his children. The course also deals with the nature of
children and forces the parent to see how his behavior can affect his

The lessons are written in an informal style in plain English. The
authors do not demean the parent who is less than perfect and include
examples from their own lives to show how all of us can fall short in our
parenting and personal skills. The lessons are intended to be reflected
upon several times for full comprehension, then the parent must implement
the lesson's teachings into his daily life. The two weeks between lessons
gives the parent time to fully implement the new behavior or thought
process into his life before he begins the next lesson.

For the most part, this is a self-help course. The authors do provide
free written consultations in response to concerns, insights or questions.
30 minutes of telephone consultation is available with each course
enrollment via a toll-free number. A semi-annual enrollment of 12 lessons
costs $60 and an annual enrollment of 24 lessons is $100. Payment can be
made by check, money order or charge card. Since I am not currently
enrolled in the course, I cannot make a full judgment of its value or make
a recommendation. I will say that I am seriously considering the course
and that the free consultations should have significant value. If you
wish more information on this correspondence parenting course, you may
write to:

The Essence of Parenting
P.O. Box 25
Lake Mills, WI 53551

In future installments of this column I will review the EcoQuest CD-rom
game from Sierra and Thinkin' Things from Edmark. As always, I thank you
for reading!


> DVORAK's NavCIS 1.25 STR FOCUS! Fast & Powerful!

NavCIS Version 1.25

by R. F. Mariano

The best way I've found to start a review or commentary about a
software package is to get right to it. And... above all else avoid the
boring "
techno-wind". Tell the readers about the program, its usefulness
and reliability. NavCIS version 1.25 for Windows is, at this time and in
our enthusiastic opinion, the most powerful and reliable Navigator
available for use on CompuServe. The documentation, aside from a few
typos, is comprehensive, accurate in its indexing and highly intuitive.
Dvorak the creators of NavCIS, unlike certain of NavCIS' counterparts who
appear to be disinterested and unresponsive to user input, does not
clobber the indexing at almost every boot-up. In fact, it has yet to
throw the first real error at me. Many things have changed since the
first versions of this program. Its "
grown up" now.. and the maturity
proudly shows at every function one chooses.

After the initial installation, which by the way is quite painless,
the setup of the highly functional custom features the program offers are
readily accomplished. Simply follow the prompts. In addition, there are
importers for address books, catalog files, favorite places, headers etc..
NavCIS has an excellent built-in spell checker that's fast. NavCIS allows
on the fly" switching of custom dictionaries in multi-language formats or
simply your favorites. Speaking of "
on the fly", NavCIS also offers
multiple log on ID settings. A useful added feature to be sure. How many
times I've started a capture file of messages pertaining to a single topic
being "
debated" and had fervently wished for a method to save the file
directly from the navigator's reader. NavCIS not only allows one to save
the messages while reading them but to save them in a format any editor
can load and read. Now, for the bonus... you can _append_ to an original
message or topic thus you are able to keep your "
saves" organized. This
IMHO is a major benefit. Unlike other Navs that insist upon saving in
some sort of inane proprietary format. NavCIS is written with the user in

An important point to make here is that after the initial release of
NavCIS a while ago, there were a number of rather vociferous if not
decidedly heated complaints from other areas on CIS about the "
Wacky-Line" at the bottom of messages uttered by NavCIS. That matter has
been eloquently addressed. The user may turn it off completely in those
areas where its use is ...umm, less than welcome. To the uninformed, the
wacky-line" is a short but highly effective instruction set telling other
NavCIS programs to use certain fonts and styles along with special
characters etc.. Its really quite nice and as an aside, its a treat for
the eyes and a welcome break from the sometimes gruesome monotony of
message after message. The most important plus this feature offers is
individuality. No longer must a posted message be impersonal, lacking
personal inflections, tones and attitudes. With this feature a user is
capable of offering his "
personality and attitude" through the use of
custom font and style technology. This author feels its a feature that'll
soon be recognized as an item very much needed in all OnLine software. I
might add that the Dvorak folks are ready, willing, and eager to share the
technology for the custom fonts feature for the asking.

The actual workings of the program are straightforward and a pleasure
to setup. It takes a few moments of stepping through the menus, then
comes the pleasure of watching it do its thing with precision and speed.
The program is fast, sure footed and versatile. The auto-quote feature is
fast as the wind and.... eloquently simple. It does the job without the
usual elaborate maneuvers as found in some navigators. No need for
control V and control C. As some Navs insist you do.

The file area features are, without a doubt, light years ahead of the
competition (if you even care to call the other navigators such). File
transfers to and from CIS are very fast and reliable. At 14.4bps, NavCIS
v1.25 repeatedly showed 1750-1825cps. The main reason for this (I think)
is the larger packet size it is able to use and a 38400 lock-baud setting.
The only other place I've ever seen the larger packets in use is with the
front-end mailers in use on private BBS systems. The larger packets allow
for much faster file transfers. Those front ends go as high as 8k. So
far, Dvorak is the _only_ telcomm program that allows for larger packet
sizes. Many of the general telecommunications programs like PC2FW,
WCommPro and QModemPW and others would be well advised to follow suite.
CompuServe's B protocol literally flies with the 2048 packet size in use.
Now if only there was a setting for 115200 and 57600 along with up to 8k
packets with auto down shifting. In any case, this feature alone makes
NAVCIS Version 1.25 highly attractive. But... that's not all! Seamless
and trouble free batch file transfers on CIS are a reality with NavCIS.
NavCIS truly compliments the fine benefits and features of CompuServe.

All in all, the bottom line is simple. This program works quite
well! Its virtually error free. That in itself means a great deal to
Joe everyday" user. The support, both off and OnLine, is superb. This
opinion only comes after the experiences this author received concerning
support for one of the "
other navigators". The support response from
Dvorak's people was heaven sent. Updates are frequent and amply reflect
customer recommendations as opposed to the "
you will do it our way"
attitude of a certain other brand. The worst treatment experienced by
this author was completely neutralized by the responsive and sincere
answers offered by Dvorak's support staff. (the support staff of another
OnLine Nav. acted like certain features didn't exist when in fact they
were easy to turn on and have appear in the dropdown menus. Incredibly,
they even went as far as to remove an ascii file (.ini) weeks ago claiming
it needed editing. An ascii file taking weeks and weeks to edit? They
want to KEEP secrets? FINE! They can keep the whole enchilada! I
switched rather than fight!) For a headache free Navigator supported by
people who know how to properly treat their customers, you can't go wrong
with NavCIS v1.25. Type GO DVORAK when you are on CompuServe enter the
library area and download the Timed Evaluation of NavCIS 1.25. See for
yourself! I guarantee you'll quickly register it and use it for many
hours of great CIS enjoyment.

Truly..This is good stuff!
Class "
A" - All the way!


For the Record...

Guidelines for Getting Along
with Others on CompuServe
DVORAK Forum Policy
June, 1994

Dear NavCIS user,

Whether you use NavCIS SE, NavCIS TE, or NavCIS Pro, its important for you
to understand that NavCIS offers capabilities that other navigators, and
CompuServe itself, do not.

Because of this, its important for you to be aware of what those
capabilities are and how they appear to non-NavCIS users.

NavCIS TE and Pro support the ability to create messages that include
fonts, bolding, and italics. The font information is conveyed via a
special packet of info at the end of your message. Other NavCIS users,
when encountering your fonted message, see it as you intended. Non-NavCIS
users see your message in regular ASCII text, and, at the bottom of the
message, they see a line that looks similar to this:


This is the string that tells the NavCIS receiver how to font and format
the message. Consequently, you may be asked to not use fonts in public
messages on non-NavCIS forums. By avoiding fonts and only using the
System font, no font info is appended to your messages. (FYI: public
messages are any messages you post in a regular forum to "
ALL", to "SYSOP"
or as a public reply.) Also, you must enable fonts within a forum for
fonts to work. There are two exceptions: the MAIL and DVORAK forums.
These are both font enabled right from the start. We fully encourage you
to use fonts in the DVORAK forum and in e-mail when you know you are
conversing with another NavCIS user.

As more and more forums become NavCIS-friendly, the use of fonts within
public messages will become more and more accepted. Until then, it is a
courtesy not to use fonts in non-NavCIS compatible forums.

Dvorak Development has a standing offer to other navigation software
companies to share its font technology.

As you probably know, NavCIS supports customized signature lines quite
well. It has support both on a forum-by-forum basis (such as DVORAK.SIG
for the Dvorak forum), and on a CompuServe-wide basis (GLOBAL.SIG). Forum
specific SIG files will take precedence over GLOBAL.SIG. When using SIG
files, please follow the one-line rule-of-thumb when applicable.

Example: - ${N}, ${I} @ ${T} on ${D}

Will create the following SIG line at the end of a message:

- Bob Smith, 77777,1111 @ 11:25 on 06/15/94

Many SysOps of other forums have asked that NavCIS users not include the
${V} macro (NavCIS version macro) in their GLOBAL.SIG as it displays the
current version of NavCIS being used. Please remove it from any
GLOBAL.SIG file you may be using. Do not remove it from DVORAK.SIG as it
is very helpful for Dvorak technical support personnel.

When you use signature files, you may, upon occasion be sent messages
asking why you use them. This is due, in part, to the fact that signature
lines add additional bytes to your message, and, so the theory goes, adds
additional overhead to the receiver since he or she must stay on line a
tad longer to receive the extra bytes. This may have been true when the
average baud rate for CompuServe was 300 and 1200 baud, but now, with 9600
and 14,400, the bandwidth is such that signature lines add very little
overhead... perhaps a second or two per day.

When using signature files, it is generally accepted that you use them to
convey something about yourself such as your real-world location, or your
personality: Examples:

- Bob Smith, freezing in Anchorage

- Mary Jones, Deanna Troi look-alike (SCIFI.SIG)

- Dr. Jones, Surgeon (GLOBAL.SIG)

A personal favorite is:

- Steve, Philosopher-in-Training
Will think for food"

Though the example above violates the one-line rule of thumb, it says so
much about the author, most users won't complain.

Remember, much of the information that can be provided via signature
macros, such as ${I} (the CompuServe ID macro), is available at the top of
your message, when it is received by the recipient. This includes your
name, your CompuServe ID, the date and time the message was posted to
CompuServe, and of course, the subject.

For more info on signature files and how to create and edit them, access
NavCIS's on-line help, press the Contents button to return to the Table of
Contents, then scroll down to the "
S" section and click on Signature

The use of priority codes within NavCIS, adds a very small line of code to
the bottom of your messages... it looks like this to non-NavCIS users:
!N3". NavCIS users, of course, do not see these codes since they are
translated into priority colors.

As a general rule, do not use priority codes in public messages on
non-NavCIS friendly forums. The codes are as follows:

!N1: Low priority (Black text on green in Subject field)
!N2: Medium priority (White text on blue in Subject field)
!N3: High Priority (White text on red in Subject field)

The following guidelines cover the accepted rules of behavior on the
DVORAK forum. They are specific to the DVORAK forum, and do not apply to
other forums.

1. The use of fonts is both OK and encouraged.

2. The use of priority codes is OK and encouraged.

3. A signature file called DVORAK.SIG that displays the current version of
NavCIS you are using (the ${V} macro) is very much appreciated as it
helps tech support.

4. Civility is encouraged when sending messages to others. Good manners
will always pay off.

5. Advertising is not encouraged on CompuServe. Unless you are answering
a direct question about a product, comments about pricing,
availability, and contact info should be avoided. Within a forum, you
will often see notices about the products that forum promotes and
supports... this is standard throughout CompuServe.

6. The primary purpose of the DVORAK forum is to provide support for
NavCIS and Dvorak products. It is also designed as a place for people
to discuss the intricacies of CompuServe and its vast resources.

7. Though John C. Dvorak, the well known industry writer, does visit this
forum, he does not regularly hang his hat here. Questions and comments
directed to Mr. Dvorak should be posted to his regular CompuServe ID.
Mr. Dvorak does use NavCIS and always appreciates a fonted message.

8. Please post questions regarding technical support to "
ALL" on the
DVORAK forum rather than directly to a tech support person's ID via
Mail. This allows others to learn by reading threads on the forum.
Every message posted to the DVORAK forum is read by a Dvorak
Development employee.

9. The DVORAK forum does not support Private messages on the forum. If a
message is sent with a Private flag, NavCIS will re-route it to Mail.
This is true of any forum that does not support private messages.
Private message functionality is becoming more and more rare as
CompuServe discourages its use on forums.

Thank you, Dvorak Development & Publishing Corp.


> Pagemaker "
Wish List" STR Spotlight


From Stewart Murrell, CompuServe UID 100042,1476.

The following was originally sent as a series of messages on Aldusforum on
CompuServe, titled "My 38 Wish-List Points". However, by the end, the
number had risen to 54. I hope some of it is useful!...

Here is my list of requests for PM6.

I realise that this is not a good time to be making suggestions for a
product -- more than a year since the last version was released, so I
imagine all the design decisions have already been taken, but here goes

Some are just repeats of requests I know have already been made, so please
just add them to you Wish List voting system. Others are requests for
features currently found in other products. Somewhere in the list there
might actually be an original request <g>...

Suggestions (Currently using PM5.0a Windows.)

* Trapping (of course). Not necessarily anything fancy...

* Drag-Scaling. Stretching the text box would scale the text inside

* Selective Grey-Out of Graphics. The current option for greying out all
graphics (for speed) is handy, but sometimes it would be useful to have
just certain graphics showing, with the rest greyed out.

* Irregular graphics cut-outs. (A la QuarkXpress.)

* Character Styles. (Also see below.)

* Non-para-break Paragraph Styles. Failing the Character styles above (or
possibly rather than, or even as well as), attribute that doesn't give a
break at the end. (as in Ventura)

* Proper grouping. As found in just about every other Windows DTP/drawing
program. (Not that PostScript Group-It 'workaround'.)

* Vertical Justification. Ventura has been offering this for years, with
options of 'feathering' (adding to leading of each line) or 'carding'
(adding space only at paragraph breaks). I realise this is more applicable
text held in frames (i.e., the height that the text should occupy can be
defined by the frame)...

* Last Files Open list. In line with just about every other Windows
program around, it would be useful to have a list of the last few files
worked on.

* 'Place' Default Path. Whenever I want to place a graphic, the default
path seems to be pointing to the wrong place. For example, if have
previously run a script, then wish to place a graphic, the default
directory for the Place operation is the Scripts directory. How about
keeping track (from session to session) of the last directory used when
placing something?

* Rationalisation of Control Palette 'Apply' Button. With some functions,
such as sizing/positioning graphics, the new values types into the control
palette have no effect until the Apply button is pressed. With other
functions, such as setting type size, moving from field to field (e.g.
from Type Size field to Leading field causes the change to take effect.

* Vertical Control Palette option. The Control Palette is very
impressive, it has to be said. However, usually I find myself working with
a portrait page on a landscape monitor, so there is spare space at the
sides of the screen. It would be useful to have the option of a vertically
oriented version of the Control Palette to fit in this spare screen space.

* Revamp Shortcut Keys. As a relative newcomer to PageMaker, I find some
of the key combinations aren't very intuitive. ("Sh-Ctr-H" for a
non-break space, for instance, or "^3" for define styles, "Sh-Ctrl-Y"
for... can't even remember.) Would it be possible to use a rationalised
set of combinations, with the option of using the old versions if wanted,
for users who didn't wish to change their habits.

* Assign Styles to Function. This can greatly speed up tagging paragraph
styles. (Used on AmiPro, among others.)

* Stop Insert Key Pasting. I would like to add my own voice to the others
who have requested that Insert key be stopped from pasting the contents of
the Clipboard. It is non-standard, and is too easily pressed in mistake,
with potentially catastrophic consequences.

* Delete Key 1. Unlike with other Windows applications, the delete key
does not appear to have any effect in dialog boxes, e.g. when specifying
the file name when printing to file.

* Delete Key 2. When I press the Delete key in Layout view, it often
doesn't delete the character, but instead adds a bullet point. Some
mistake, surely?

* Extend Scripting Language. Even just an IF...THEN...ELSE construct
would be nice. And perhaps a variable or two?

* Integrated Macro Recorder. Failing a full extension to the language (or
in addition to it), simple Record and Playback buttons to record and
playback keystrokes/mouse actions.

* Table Editor. Integrated within program (like AmiPro), generally

* Equation Editor. Again integrated, as with AmiPro, or ability to place
equations prepared in TeX format.

* Bitmap Smoothing. Whatever happened to bitmap smoothing? I can
remember seeing it on PM3 years ago (for PCL printers only, for some
reason). When I bought PM5, it was gone...

* Zero Internal Bitmap Size. Minimum 8k. Would prefer option to having
nothing stored in publication at all.

* Registration to PCL Printers. 'Registration' items currently do not
print correctly to PCL printers, and do not act as indicated in the
manual. I'm sure it would be useful to be able to print, say, simple spot
colour jobs on PCL printer users, but not having Registration items makes
this difficult.

* Match PCL/PostScript Fills. A PM graphic object with a diagonal line
fill prints with loosely spaced lines to a PostScript device, but prints
with very tightly packed lines to a PCL printer. It would be useful if
these were matched more closely.

* Mirror PostScript Fills. A minor point: PageMaker's diagonal fills run
from top-right to bottom-left. However, when printing with Mirror checked,
the page elements all get flipped, but the fill pattern doesn't - so when
printed, it now runs from top-left to bottom-right.

* Print Current Page. In the Print dialog box, in addition to the
selections "All" and "Ranges", the further option "Current Page" would be

* CDR Filter. I think the ability to place CorelDraw files would be very
popular, and a .CDR filter is currently being included with PagePlus 3,
for example.

* WMF's to change colour on-screen. According to the manual, if WMFs have
a colour applied to the using the Colour Palette, they change colour on
the screen accordingly. But they don't.

* Graphics Colours Editable. As with PagePlus3, be able to edit colours
in graphics 'on-the-fly, and display the results on-screen.

* RGB > CMYK Engine. I appreciate that it's not a perfect science, but
something would be better than nothing.

* Broken File Fixer. Everyone seems to dread the 'Bad Table Index'
message. It would be useful to have a utility that could step through a
damaged PM5 file and recover whatever was recoverable.

* Uncompacted File Detector. To use the terminology of the User Manual,
doing a "SaveAs" compacts the file after using the "Save Faster" option.
It would be useful to have a utility to scan through a list of publication
files to find out if any were "uncompacted" in this way.

* Publication Info Field. To give an idea of publication's contents
before opening it. Either text based as in AmiPro, or bitmap view plus
search field, plus comments, like CorelDraw. (Perhaps nominate particular
publication page for preview?)

* More 'Real World' stuff in manuals. I've found the documentation
superb, and I particularly appreciated the Commercial Printing Guide. But
some more real world stuff (like the info on working across platforms)
would be good. For instance, I recently wanted to place a DCS file in PM5,
but there's nothing to say what has to be done, and what the limitations
and traps are... Nothing at all, in fact.

* Revised Update policy. I don't think there are many components that
were on my distribution disks that haven't been updated, right from the
main program down to the Pantone libraries. It would be nice if updates
could be sent out to registered users. (I know it would cost a small
amount per unit shipped, but I was struck recently that UK Computer
Shopper magazine, with a cover price of UKL1.75 could post out two HD
disks with demo programs (OK, possibly subsidised) to its readers.)
Although the freebie CD was a nice idea to encourage users to register, I
would have been happy if registration had instead meant an updated version
would posted out later.

* More Thorough Beta Testing. I suppose there's no such thing as 'enough
beta testing' <g>, and I'd be happy to take part in the beta testing
program for PM6 for Windows.

* Page Numbering Enhancement. For example, being able to start page
numbering from Page 3.

* Irregular Cut-outs for Graphics. Yes, a la QXP.

* Tabs/indents Relative to Wrap. Set a style up to give hanging indents,
say. Then place an object on the left side of the text with Text Wrap
enabled. The text moves, but the tabs don't; everything goes out of line.
It would be useful to have the option of tabs set relative to the wrap

* Rationalisation of Object Positioning on Moving. When PM Objects are
positioned by dragging with the mouse, they move to the 'front', as with a
Ctrl-F. When they are positioned using the Control Palette, they don't.

* Pair Kerning Scaling with Character Width. When width scaling is
applied to text, the "100% width" kern pair values are applied -- at low
widths, characters actually overlap.

* Pair Kerning of Capitalised Characters. Compare the pair kerning of,
say, "AW" with the pair kerning of "Aw" with Capitals attribute applied -
very different. (Or, in something like GillSans, "Yo" with caps applied vs
'real' "YO", etc.)

* Sticky/Saved Print Settings. Custom screen settings to at least 'stick'
in the Print db during the current session, but preferably to be saved
within the publication.

* Sticky/Saved SaveToFilename Settings. Likewise, the name and path
doesn't 'stick' when printing to file.

* File Management Facilities. PM seemed geared towards having all files
relating to a publication stored in the same directory. It would therefore
be convenient to have a Create Directory facility within PM. Also,
especially given that backups have to be made manually by saving to a new
filename, it would be useful to have facilities for renaming/deleting
files within PM.

* Automatic Backups. Either an option to make backups automatically
(presumably this would only work if Faster saves were selected - i.e. the
entire file is being saved), or a control-key combination for Make Backup
-- to produce a '.PB5' file, say.

* Colour Image Control. Not sure why this currently only applies to mono
images -- CMYK colour images are just a collection of 4 mono images...
The Image Control db could allow setting of Brightness, Contrast, and
Dot/Line screen, but 'grey out' Screen Frequency/Angle for colour images.

* Optimized Graphics Print Enhancement. It would be nice if PM were to
automatically recognise continuous tone devices (such as a Fiery) and act
accordingly when printing hi-res bitmaps to lo-res cont-tone devices.

* PCL Halftoning OFF by Default. Given the number of messages on the
Aldus forum advising users to turn off PCL halftoning, I would suggest
having this disabled by default as supplied. (There doesn't seem to be a
way for the user to change the default setting -- if no publication is
open, the Print option is greyed out.)

* Kerning Editor. Some form of editor for the kern pairs in PFM files.

* Spaceband Pair Option. Option to ignore spaceband-letter kern pairs
when present in font metrics.

(And didn't even mention Multiple Master Pages...)

I hope some of the above is useful.




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GEnie Information copyright (C) 1994 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
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An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!


John Deegan, Editor (Temp)

> ATM 3.8 STR InfoFile

Adobe Systems ATM Version 3.8

Adobe Systems Announces ATM Version 3.8 for the Macintosh New Version
Runs Native for the Power Macintosh; Includes 30 Typefaces

Adobe Systems Incorporated has announced version 3.8 of Adobe Type Manager
(ATM) for the Macintosh, a new version of its award-winning software that
will run native on the new line of Apple Power Macintosh computers.
The new version will also offer full functionality for Apple QuickDraw
GX and improved language support. ATM version 3.8 software is expected
to ship in August of 1994 and will include 17 additional typefaces,
including Tekton multiple master, bringing to 30 the total number of
typefaces in the retail package.

ATM 3.8 allows users to realize the full potential of the Power
Macintosh systems, said Brian Heuckroth, senior product marketing
manager for Adobes Type Products. Installation of ATM 3.8 is much more
convenient for casual users and international customers as well, since
it customizes itself at startup for the computer type and language being
used. New Feature Highlights

The driver functions of ATM version 3.8 will now run native on Power
Macintosh computers providing users with enhanced performance. The
program will support 68000 and 68020-040 based Macs as well, loading
the correct driver at boot time for the machine being used. Upon
installation, selecting Easy Install will install a single fat binary
file with support for all three CPUs. Selecting Custom Install will
load a single ATM file for a specific Macintosh CPU.

Version 3.8 will also include support for Japanese fonts and will
localize itself at boot time into one of eleven languages: English,
French, German, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Spanish, Danish, Finnish,
Norwegian and Japanese.

ATM version 3.8 for the Macintosh will continue to include the base 13
typefaces found resident on most PostScript printers, as well as include
an additional 17 typefaces, providing a significant enhancement to the
retail package. The package will contain the following faces in regular,
italic, medium and medium italic: Berthold Baskerville; Boton; and
Poppl-Laudatio. Also included are Courier and Helvetica*, which come
in regular, oblique, bold and bold oblique; Times* Roman, italic, bold
and bold italic; ITC Anna; Boulevard; Giddyup; Giddyup Thangs;
Tekton multiple master and Symbol typefaces.

ATM software uses PostScript-language font software to produce
high-quality characters of any size on a computer screen and any
Macintosh- or Windows-supported printer. Once installed, ATM works
automatically with word-processing, page-layout, spreadsheet and
graphics applications. When printing, ATM scales Type 1fonts on the fly,
providing crisp, clear type for display and printing and significantly
reducing print processing time.

System Requirements
System requirements for running ATM version 3.8 software for the
Macintosh include: Macintosh Plus, SE, II, Classic, Portable,
PowerBook, Quadra, Centris, Performa or Power Macintosh family
computer; minimum 2 MB of RAM for Apple System Software version 6.08 or
greater (Font/DA Mover 3.8 or greater for installation); and minimum 4
MB of RAM for Apple System Software version 7.0 or 7.1.

ATM version 3.8 is compatible with all major Macintosh applications and
PostScript-language printers, QuickDraw, dot matrix and inkjet printers,
or HP LaserJet printers with built-in PostScript software or a
PostScript Level 2 cartridge.

Pricing And Availability
The suggested retail price of Adobe Type Manager version 3.8 software
for the Macintosh is $60. The new version is expected to be available
from Adobe Authorized Resellers in August of 1994.

Upgrade Pricing
Customers who purchased and registered their retail version of ATM 3.6
for the Macintosh on or after March 16, 1994, are eligible for a free
upgrade to the full version 3.8 (plus $7.50 shipping). Customers who
purchased and registered any Adobe product that includes ATM software on
or after March 16, 1994, are eligible for a free upgrade of the
rasterizer only (plus $7.50 shipping) upon request. Customers with
versions earlier than 3.6 or bundled versions of ATM can upgrade to the
full version including the 30 fonts for $29.95. Upgrade offers are good
through October 31, 1994. To order or upgrade, customers can call


> NEW MAC/PPC Goodies STR InfoFile


Changeling Software has announced "Avatar: Principles of Conflict," a
computer board game with a revolutionary twist. Based loosely on chess,
Avatar brings the challenge and excitement of this age-old game into the
21st Century by changing the rules.

Avatar is, in fact, a collection of five chess variations. This not only
revitalizes chess for current players but also levels the playing field by
being quite different from traditional chess and therefore removing the
vast advantage of having studied historical chess games. Furthermore,
while many chess aficionados develop variations, few of these are ever
played due to unusual board requirements or lack of experienced
competition. Avatar addresses these issues by providing both the board and
the opponent on your Macintosh.

A CD-ROM of graphics, sound, and QuickTime makes Avatar a wondrously
appealing game for even the non-chess player. In fact, Avatar was created
with two people in mind: the chess enthusiast who wants to explore how
variations such as "Capablanca" or "Changeling" affect the game; and the
chess innocent who wants to play chess with several friends in "Quad," or
to build massive "superpieces" in "Nuclear." Both types of players have
compelling reasons to want something more out of chess, and Avatar gives
them what they need: elegance, challenge, and fun.

Avatar will be available as a 680x0 and Power PC fat-binary. Peter
Sispoidis, President of Changeling Software, commented, "The native mode
makes computationally intensive games like Avatar much more enjoyable than
the slower 680x0 systems since the player doesn't have to wait while the
computer opponent formulates a move. We've seen an order of magnitude
speed increase, allowing for a much more challenging computer opponent."
Avatar is Changeling Software's first externally developed title. Andrew
Sispoidis, CEO of Changeling, stated, "After our own success with Pax
Imperia, we wanted to help talented people get their ideas out. We're very
excited to work with Big Science on Avatar; they've taken chess and
improved it dramatically while maintaining the classic flavor of the game.
We were very impressed by both their variations and their implementation."

The Company Changeling Software, Inc. was founded to bring to forum
people, visions, and technologies dedicated to forging imagination,
beauty, and passion into adventures of the soul that entertain, teach, and

Pricing and Availability
Avatar will ship in September with a suggested retail price of US $59.95.

Sequel to Award-Winning Strategy Game
"Pax Imperia" Debuts at MACWORLD

Changeling Software has also announced the sequel to its 1993
award-winning space strategy game, "Pax Imperia." Changeling made the
announcement at Boston's MacWorld Expo to thousands of Mac-gaming

Best Strategy Game of 1993
Pax Imperia, MacWorld's Game Hall of Fame Best Strategy Game of 1993, is a
game in which players expand their empires and build star-spanning
civilizations, each beginning from a single world. Through a strategic
simulation, Pax Imperia allows the player to work alone or with others to
control economic, military, exploratory, technological, and diplomatic
facets of an empire. Pax uses rich color graphics and original music to
draw the player into a detailed world where every decision affects whole
worlds and the fate of entire civilizations.

Sequel includes Network Play, Advanced Combat, Map Generation "Pax Imperia
2.0" retains all of Pax Imperia's features, scope, and strategic elegance
while adding realtime, 16-player network play over LocalTalk or modem
connection; a more interactive ship-to-ship combat system which emphasizes
the significance of each ship's design while providing greater tactical
flexibility; and a dramatically streamlined user interface.

Furthermore, Pax 2.0 incorporates an advanced map-generation technology
developed by Changeling which enables players to view and colonize
thousands of different planetary surfaces. Finally, new advisor functions
provide players with easier and more-complete access to the information
necessary to manage their empires; while new color graphics improve the
game's already stunning visual appeal.

The Company
Changeling Software, Inc. was founded to bring to forum people, visions,
and technologies dedicated to forging imagination, beauty, and passion
into adventures of the soul that entertain, teach, and inspire.

Pricing and Availability
Pax Imperia will ship in September with a suggested retail price of US

Contact: Andrew Sispoidis or Jeanine DeSocio
Changeling Software, Inc.
(203) 292-5087


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Who is eligible to take advantage of the plan? Any DELPHI member in good
standing. Applications are reviewed and subject to approval by Delphi
Internet Services Corporation.

It's easy to join. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply
online -- at any time -- for membership in the DELPHI 20/20 Advantage
Plan. Your membership becomes active at 4 a.m. Eastern Time on the first
billing day of the following month.

The $20 charge will be billed to you at the beginning of the month to
which it applies. Any portion of the 20 hours not used in any month does
not carry forward into the next month.

Advantage rates may be changed with 30 days notice given online.


For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and receive 5
hours of evening and weekend access during this month for only $5. If
you're not satisfied, simply cancel your account before the end of the
calendar month with no further obligation. If you keep your account
active, you will automatically be enrolled in DELPHI's 10/4 Basic Plan,
where you can use up to 4 weekend and evening hours a month for a minimum
$10 monthly charge, with additional hours available at $3.96. But hurry,
this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage of this
limited offer, use your modem to dial 1-800-365-4636. Press <RET> once or
twice. When you get the Password: prompt, type IP26 and press <RET> again.
Then, just answer the questions and within a day or two, you'll officially
be a member of DELPHI!

DELPHI-It's the BEST Value and getting BETTER all the time!


Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

It's only mid-week as I write this week's column, but so far it's
been a week from hell! A few scattered thunderstorms wiped out my home
phone line as well as one of the lines to my bulletin board. It's
amazing how "deprived" I felt with little access to the online services
that I usually call on a daily basis to keep abreast of the news
available to us. This is not an usual occurrence in my neighborhood,
as rain seems to have a habit of washing out many phones in the area.
You'd think that after 8 months or so, Ma Bell would have the matter
resolved! To make matters worse, I had hopes while on the remaining
week of vacation to place some orders for software upgrades that I've
held off until now in anticipation of having them arrive with free time
to play around before I returned to work. No such luck.

The biggest news to hit the streets is that NeoDesk 4 is now
shipping! There's a demo of this new upgrade on the major onlines as
well as some bulletin boards. I took a quick peek at it and it looks
really nice. I'm looking forward to really getting into it and seeing
what there is to offer. We've included a press release from Gribnif
Software as well as the documentation included with the program to give
you an idea of some of the things to expect. Great stuff!

The CT AtariFest is next weekend, finally! We've included an
update of the vendor list for you to read. I'm really looking forward
to this show (did I mention that in the past?) as my gut feeling is
that there may not be too many more of these kinds of shows in the
future for North American Atari users. WAACE and Glendale are both
history. The smaller shows will survive for the present, but as time
goes on it may not be economical for even these. Perhaps some of these
shows will evolve into something that resembles what was represented by
a WAACE or Glendale show of the past, only on a much smaller scale.
Anyway, STReport will be represented by Joe Mirando of "People Are
Talking" fame, and myself. We're both looking forward to it. Please
drop by our seminar - it promises to be informative and entertaining
(our lips are sealed, for now!). Try to make this show if you can.
The vendor list looks very promising and the STuff that's going to be
available will be more than enough to whet your appetites!

Lexicor Software has made made some distribution changes, which
includes changes in their ordering and support services. We've
included the info later on in this issue.

Well, I've got to run and get my NeoDesk 4 upgrade order in the
mail!! Let's get on with it!

Until next time...

Delphi's Atari Advantage!

*(4) MAZE COMBAT V.1.095 (9) MARCEL 2.4

* = New on list

The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 10.33)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.


> CT AtariFest! STR Show News! - CT Show Vendor Update!

** O U R F O U R T H A N N U A L S H O W ! ! ! **
** /-----------\/------------/ **
** / / **
** / CT ATARIFEST '94 / **
** ,/ / **
** ,/ __________/|\___________/ **
** /__,/ ** BRIDGEPORT ** **
** **
** CONNECTICUT ATARIFEST '94 10 am - 5 pm Saturday 8/27/94 **
** August 27-28, 1994 at the 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 8/28/94 **
** Bridgeport, CT Sponsored by **
** ACT Atari Group **

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For More Information, Contact Brian Gockley at

Six Names Added to CAF '94 Exhibitor Line-up

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (Aug. 12, 1994) - With just two weeks until the doors
open, six new names have been added to the list of vendors planning to
exhibit here at Connecticut AtariFest at the Bridgeport Holiday Inn.
The additions bring the number of expected commercial exhibitors for
the August 27 and 28 show to 22 companies.

CAF '94 Chairman Brian Gockley reminds would-be visitors that the
current line-up of developers and dealers continues to grow. Additional
prospects are being contacted and could be signed right up until
showtime. The latest entries are:
* Fine Tuned Software - New to the Atari scene, Fine Tuned is now the
exclusive distributor of ICD's 8-Bit line of software and hardware. In
addition, it has also bought out ST developer Newell Industries and has
a strong, well-rounded product line.
* F.Y.E. - For Your Entertainment is a Fairfield County, Conn., dealer
that specializes in (you guessed it) FUN! High on its list of recreational
gadgets is Atari's new Jaguar. Come see the latest games and peripherals
from dedicated gamesters!
* ICD Inc. - Ever since the 8-bit days, ICD has been the hardware
company that sets the standards: AdSpeed 16MHz accelerator, ADSCSI Hard
Drive Adaptor, FAST Hard Drives, the LINK Hard drive adapter, SCSI Pro
Hard Disk Utilities, all featuring high quality manufacture and support.
New at Bridgeport: ICD's Catbox, the standard for Jaguar interconnectivity
and expandability. Come see ICD's CD-ROM support, hard drives and
professional tools.

* It's All Relative - The folks who broke the CD-ROM barrier make their
first appearance at CAF '94. Come see the fastest Kodak CD viewer in the
industry. Use your Falcon/TT and now STe to read or play this hot new
storage media!

* MajicSoft Inc. - Creator of M.A.G.E. Majic Arcade Graphics Engine a
programmers tool that adds 200 game-type commands to GFA Basic, will show
off the networking capability of the ST/TT/Falcon by inviting showgoers
to play Nertz, a high speed game of double solitaire. Nertz has the
capacity to link up to nine players via MIDI ports and modems. President
John Stewart says his South Carolina firm will also offer special deals
on a Top 10 arcade game package, Buttonz Basic, a shell to drive to
MAGE, and others.

* Micro Computer Depot - One of the largest Atari dealers in the
Southeast, Earl Williams' 13-year-old company is expected to bring 400
to 500 games to the show for special sales. A spokesman said recent and
classic 16-bit games will be selling for as little as three for $24. In
addition, the Sumter, S.C., firm will sell such Jaguar titles as
Wolfenstein and Brutal Sports Football. Look for this special: Migraph
flat-bed scanners for $400. Other companies (previously announced)
that plan to exhibit Atari-compatible products at CAF '94 include:

* A & D Software - Maker of Universal Item Selector, Universal and
Tax Wizard II and distributor of numerous titles for home productivity,
writing and music will unveil the new Wintertree Thesaurus desk

* Best Electronics - Atari electronics giant stocks thousands of
parts! Everything from RAM, mice and upgrade boards to 8-bit games and
replacement parts. Order now and Best might bring that hard-to-get part
with them.

* chro_MAGIC Software - Music specialties include Pianistics and
Guitaristics educational and compositional tools. Look for Falcon memory
expansion board (RAM Gizmo) and Multisynch Gizmo, which enables a Falcon
to drive a multisynch monitor in both VGA and RGB modes.

* Computer Zone - Western Massachusetts' most popular Atari
dealership. Authorized Falcon sales and service will feature software

* Corporate Computer Consulting - Head of NEW Atari Massachusetts
dealership sold 40 Syquest drives at CAF '92, is bringing latest hardware.

* Derric Electronics - Hamden, Conn., dealership bringing huge
selection of Atari software. Saturday only.

* East Hartford Computer Repair - RAM upgrades, accelerators, wide
variety of software and expert advice and service regarding repairs and
upgrades to Atari, IBM and other systems.

* Fouch Software - New software titles, including Mailing Manager 2,
a "a workhorse business tool"!

* Gribnif Software - Creator of STeno, STalker or Cardfile and
Geneva multitasker. Expected to unveil Neodesk 4, enabling background
formatting, a trash can in every window, 3D color icons and more.

* Lexicor Software - Graphics innovator that has brought us
Chronos, Prism Paint, host of support programs and the Nova graphics
card. Lexicor's CAF '94 headliner will be Medusa, a new 68040-based

* Oregon Research Associates - Publisher of Diamond Back backup
program, Diamond Edge hard drive utility and programs for music,
painting and video editing. To debut several products in Connecticut,
including True Image, a photoshop type image editing system and Papyrus,
a top-end word processor.

* Software Spectrum - Leading northern New Jersey dealership and
mail order firm to offer many hard/software deals from their computerized
database of Atari-compatible products.

* Steinberg/Jones - Leader in the music industry joins Connecticut
AtariFest for the first time. Publisher of Cubase, a best-seller among
music pros, S/J will exhibit the new Falcon Audio, direct-to-disk
software that can handle 16 tracks of CD quality sound - out of the box!

* Suzy-B's Software - With a mammoth collection of PD software and
shareware for Atari computers, numbering in the tens of thousands of
programs, Suzy-B's will customize disks for order or deliver the entire
library on CD-ROM.

* Toad Computers - Stocked to the hilt with Atari and third-party
products: computers, monitors, hard drives, accelerators, video cards
and replacements parts. Always good for top values.

* Wizztronics -- Hardware innovator takes lead in Atari accelerator
trade. Bridgeport exhibit will include Barracuda 040, a replacement CPU
for the Falcon 030 computer, which provides more speed, a wider bus,
room for more RAM and a video connector. Also: new Falcon cases, keyboard
adaptors that accept IBM-style keyboards and soon-to-be released Video

As reported earlier, additional exhibitors are completing arrangements
to attend and will be announced along with Atari user groups that plan
to sell and/or exhibit at the Bridgeport show. The sponsoring ACT Atari
Group will inform the public as soon as it gets solid confirmation.
Keep watching here for future announcements about a planned head-to-head
Jaguar competition, seminars, door prizes and a raffle featuring a
valuable prize.

For more information, contact Angela or Brian Gockley, ACT Atari
Group, 18 Elmwood Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06605, (203) 332-1721, or Doug
Finch at (203) 637-1034. E-mail the Gockleys at 75300,2514 on Compuserve,
or via Internet; Finch via 76337,1067 on
Compuserve, D.FINCH7 on GEnie or or via Internet. (Consult your on-line service for
proper E-mail protocols.)


> Gribnif Software Update! STR InfoFile! - NeoDesk 4 Shipping Now!!

For Immediate Release 8/17/94

Gribnif Software is proud to announce the completion of the most
recent upgrade to the original desktop replacement for Atari computers,
NeoDesk 4. The wait is finally over.

NeoDesk has hundreds of features, so here are just some of the more
popular ones in the new version:

o A completely new "look and feel", including 3D windows, enhanced
dialog handling, and the ability to have multiple dialogs open at
once. All this works on any Atari computer with any ROM version.

o Multicolored icons - each icon can have up to 16 colors, and can
even appear completely different when selected.

o Icon Editor - This multiple window Icon Editor lets you edit and
modify custom icons for any file or folder. The editor can read
many popular icon formats, including ones from other platforms!

o Any Degas, Neochrome, Tiny, IMG, or BMP picture can be viewed (by
double-clicking on it) or can be used as the desktop background.
Desktop pictures can even be "tiled".

o Each directory window has its own menu bar, making it much easier to
find frequently used options.

o Each window has its own "parent directory", Show Info, and trashcan

o Items can be selected from the keyboard, including a search mode.

o File Groups - Now you can arrange commonly used programs and data
files together in the same window, even when they are physically
contained in drastically different locations! Their names can even
be changed, using up to 20 characters.

o Font Control - NeoDesk 4 gives you the power to redefine what fonts
and point sizes are used within its windows, and even for the text
underneath icons.

o Disk copy, file operations, and floppy disk formatting can all occur
"in the background", allowing you to use your computer for other
tasks at the same time.

o Search Files - Easily search your system for one or more files, based
on their name, size, date, or attributes. A file group can even be
created containing the results. This is just one example of the
powerful Filtering options which are also available for file

o Compatible with all Atari computers, in all resolutions, including
third-party graphics cards.

NeoDesk 4 is available for just $69.95 plus $4.15 S&H. Owners of
NeoDesk 3 can upgrade to the new version for $25 + $3 S&H by sending us
both original NeoDesk 3 master disks. Backorders are being filled right
now, and may take 2-3 weeks to complete.

(Shipping amounts listed apply to orders shipped within the USA only.
Please contact us for other areas.)

Gribnif Software
P.O. Box 779
Northampton, MA 01061-0779 USA

Voice: (413) 247-5620
Fax: (413) 247-5622

Here is the text of the documentation included with the NeoDesk 4 demo
file currently available. This text includes more info on features,

NeoDesk 4 Demo Version 8/16/94

This is the freeware demonstration version of NeoDesk 4. Follow these
instructions to try out the program. This version is freeware and may
be distributed free of charge, provided that this and all other files
are included, and are not modified in any way. This program may not
be distributed on magazine "cover disks" without the permission of
Gribnif Software. NeoDesk is a registered trademark of Gribnif Software.
Program copyright 1994, Gribnif Software. All rights reserved.


NeoDesk 4 is a complete replacement for the built-in desktop that
comes with the Atari. It is the easiest and most affordable way to
realize your Atari's true potential.

NeoDesk 4 adds many new features and enhancements over the original
desktop, while keeping full compatibility with your current and future

Not only will your computer be more powerful, it will also be much
easier to use. It doesn't get any simpler. NeoDesk 4 is the ultimate
upgrade for your Atari computer.


While NeoDesk 4 can easily be installed so that it comes up whenever
you turn on the computer, this demonstration version is not designed to
work that way.

To try out this demo version, double-click on the NEOLOAD.PRG file.
Be sure to leave the rest of the files intact, since NeoDesk needs them.
NeoDesk 4 will load and install itself in memory.

Note that if you have already run another version of NEOLOAD.PRG
(because you own NeoDesk 3), you must first disable this other version
and reboot your computer. You can also hold down the Alternate key
during the boot process to prevent the old NEOLOAD.PRG from running.

Important Note: You cannot quit this demo version. Doing so will cause
a system reset. Be sure to only run this demo after
you are sure that you can safely reset the computer.

Things to Check Out:

NeoDesk has hundreds of features and enhancements available, but these
are some of the more popular features you should to try out:

o Each directory window has its own menu bar, making it much easier to
find frequently used options.

o Each window has its own "parent directory", Show Info, and trashcan
icons. Just select a few icons and drag them. Notice the icons in the
lower left of the window.

o Split-Windows - Easily split a window so that it will display two
different parts of the same directory. Very useful when copying or
manipulating files. To do this, drag the "Split Window Bar" under the
window information line to any window position.

o "Select All" Ability - A new window button (left of the bottom
horizontal bar) lets you select all the files in a single directory,
even if they don't fit in the window. You can even keep files selected
while you scroll the window to a new location by holding down the
[Shift] key.

o Items can be selected from the keyboard, including a search mode.

o Multicolored icons - each icon can have up to 16 colors, and can even
appear completely different when selected.

o Custom Icons - Assign different icons to any file or folder. This
makes it much easier to locate and manage them. Many icons are
included, with more available.

o Icon Editor - This multiple window Icon Editor lets you edit & modify
custom icons for any file or folder. Includes a complete set of
drawing tools. Select "Edit Icons..." to call it. Double-click on
the "NeoDesk Icons" icon on the desktop and then double-click on any
icon in that window to edit it. The editor can read many popular
icon formats, including ones from other platforms!

o Any Degas, Neochrome, Tiny, IMG, or BMP picture can be viewed (by
double-clicking on it) or can be used as the desktop background.
Check out the "Desktop..." dialog in the "Settings" menu.

o File Groups - Now you can arrange commonly used programs and data
files together in the same window, even when they are physically
contained in drastically different locations! Use the "New Group..."
option and then drag icons from other windows to the group window.
You can even change their names with "Edit Item..."

o File Clipboard - Store files and folders temporarily in memory while
changing floppy disks, paths, or reorganizing your hard disk. You can
think of it sort of an automatically expanding and shrinking ramdisk.
The File Clipboard grows and shrinks according to the files you place
within it.

o Desktop Notes - Write important notes, numbers, and more right on the
desktop itself. Simply double-click on the desktop and a cursor
will appear. [Esc] clears the line.

o Desktop Icons - Place commonly used programs, files, and folders
directly on the desktop. You can then select the icon and use
"Install Desktop Icon..." to rename the icon and assign a unique
key to it. Selecting that key will select and open the icon.

o Smart File Copying - No more useless disk swaps. In a very efficient
and fast manner, as many files and folders that will fit into all the
available memory are read in at once.

o Smart Disk Copying - NeoDesk can automatically detect the type of
format of the original disk and format the destination disk to match
it. You can even copy identical hard disk partitions.

o Disk copy, file operations, and floppy disk formatting can all occur
"in the background", allowing you to use your computer for other tasks
at the same time. Set the operation speed in the "File..." Settings
dialog. A slower speed gives other programs more time to run.

o Macros - Automate any series of desktop operations like opening
windows, copying/deleting files, executing programs, etc. Then assign
them to any key on the keyboard. Select the menu entry once to start
recording and a second time to end recording. Does not record inside
of running programs or in dialog boxes.

o Active Icons - Drag any group of files to any program icon and that
program will be automatically executed with all the selected files as

o Search Files - Easily search your system for one or more files, based
on their name, size, date, or attributes. A file group can even be
created containing the results. This is just one example of the
powerful Filtering options which are also available for file

o Reorder Mode - You can easily reorder any directory on your system.
Select it once to enter the reorder mode, a second time to exit it.

Disabled Features

The following major features are disabled in this demo version:

o You cannot complete a file copy or move operation. The operation will
seem to take place (so you can get an idea of the time and speed it
takes) but it will never be completed.

o You cannot "Save Configuration..." or "Load Configuration".

o You cannot format a disk (though you can look at the format box).

o You cannot "Print Directory..."

o You cannot save edited icons, .NIC files, or desktop patterns. The
clipboard functions in the icon editor are also not available.

o You cannot actually reorder a directory, though you can see how it

o There is no online help.


NeoDesk 4 has many other features which are only hinted at in this
demo version. Features like a new enhanced Control Panel with its own
screen saver and corner clock, Printer Queue, hypertext online help,
and much more.

NeoDesk 4 comes with a 150 page illustrated manual, a recoverable
trashcan for NeoDesk, and a neat box to hold it all.

NeoDesk Icon Disk

We are also offering a new icon disk to go with NeoDesk 4. It includes
over 500 icons in monochrome and color, many with separate selected
images. The icons are organized by subject for easy browsing.

Also, as an added bonus, we've included some pictures to be used as
desktop backgrounds. Don't be confused, this is not the same icon disk
we used to sell with Neodesk 3!

Ordering Information

You can order your own personal copy of NeoDesk 4 for $69.95 plus
shipping and handling by calling our toll free order line:
1-800-284-4742 (orders only, please).

If you have any questions or comments about our products, you can reach
us at: Voice: (413) 247-5620 Fax: (413) 247-5622

Customers in the UK can contact our distributor there, Compo Software,
at: 04873 582.

If you own NeoDesk 3, you can also upgrade to NeoDesk 4 for just $25!
Here's what you need to do. Just send us BOTH original NeoDesk 3 disks,
along with the order form below:

------ Shipping & Handling ------
------- Product ------ Price USA Western Hem. Europe Other Total

NeoDesk 4 69.95 4.15 6.00 14.10 19.45 _______

NeoDesk 4 & Geneva 129.95 4.75 7.60 19.10 26.60 _______

NeoDesk 3 -> 4 Upgrade 25.00 3.00 3.15 6.30 8.45 _______

NeoDesk 4 Icon Disk 10.00 .60 .60 1.40 1.70 _______

Massachusetts residents: add 5% of product cost, before shipping: _______

"Western Hemisphere" includes Canada, Mexico, South, and Central Americas.
If upgrading, don't forget to send back your NeoDesk 3 disks!

Name: ________________________________ Daytime Phone Number:

Address: ________________________________ ( ) ________________



Country: ________________________________

[ ] Check payable to Gribnif Software (USA customers only)

[ ] US Funds Money Order with a USA bank address printed on it

[ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa Card # ______ ______ ______ ______ Exp: _______

Print name appearing on card: ________________________________________

Authorizing signature: _______________________________________________


All prices subject to change without notice. Please double-check your math
for errors. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

Mail orders to:

Gribnif Software
P.O. Box 779
Northampton, MA 01061-0779 USA


> Lexicor Update! STR NewsFile! - Lexicor Rearranges Distribution

Official Announcement

We apologise for the delay of some of the orders. Lexicor Software has
been going through some major structural changes and we apologise to those
people who have not received their products as quickly as they were
supposed to in the past few weeks.

Effective Immediately the Sales and US Distribution of all Atari Products
will be going through Lexicor's East Coast Office which is:

Lexicor Software Corporation
36 Queensberry Street, Suite 6
Boston, MA 02215
Tel: (617) 437 0414 Fax: (617) 437 9413

This office will also be responsible for all the Atari Dealers and
International Distribution of their Atari Software.

Lexicor's California Office will be responsible for the Sales and US
Distribution of all SGI and UNIX related products which is:

Lexicor and Radiance International Software Corporation
1726 Francisco Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
Tel: (510) 848 7621 Fax: (510) 848 7613

If you have made an order, and it hasn't arrived yet, please contact us
via email/mail or voice.

Email : (internet)
CIS : 75300,763 and 73073,142
GENIE:GRAPHICS RT (m1415;1,cat 22)

Lexicor Software Corporation


> Phoenix 2.0! STR InfoFile - Lexicor Upgrades Phoenix!

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PHOENIX 2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

The Phoenix 2.0 release includes all the features of the original
Phoenix plus a multitude of new features including:

1. Rendering windowed interface.

2. Windowed image preview - View the image as it is rendering in the
current graphics resolution, even true color modes.

3. Full Multi-TOS compatibility, including background rendering.

4. 3D interface look with Multi-TOS.

5. Resumeable rendering - Interrupt a rendering and return to it later.

6. Colored light sources.

Chronos-3D/ANMLink and Phoenix 2.0 light types:

A. Global Illumination
B. Point Light
C. Solar
D. Spotlight

Within Phoenix 2.0. All light sources (except the ambient
illumination) may now have their individual colors set.

F. Unlimited number of light sources in a scene.

7. Individual shadow control for each object - turn shadows on and
off for individual objects.

A. Caustic and translucent shadows.

8. Improved memory performance - uses less memory for large objects.

9. Full compatibility with all major graphics cards including Nova,
Crazy Dots and Matrix.

10. Improved color fitting for spectrum and GIF images.

A. Animations may have a custom color palette loaded from a GIF
or a PNT file format.

For example render an animation first frame in a 'BEST' color
palette format. Save the frame as a GIF or load it into
Prism Paint and save the palette.
Later use/load the GIF or PrismPaint palette and re-render
the full animation.

11. Complete control over image background color.

12. Fog control:

A. Color Fog
B. Maximum Saturation Distance.

13. Use, FLI, FLC, and FLX animations as animated image map textures
or backgrounds.

14. New Image Mapping texture controls:

A. Turbulence
B. Tiling
C. Mask.

15. Color Spline textures- Allows an infinite variety of user
defined textures.

A. Color spline textures may have, Transparency, Specular
reflection and Specular Coefficient setting.

B. Layer of a color spline:

1. Bozo
2. Gradient
3. Agate
4. Granite
5. Marble
6. Wood.

16. OVER 60 Color Spline textures included.

17. Surface (bump) Textures - ripple wave, bump, eroded and
image(surface) texture maps.

Plus much more.

Include the special powers of Chronos-3D Keyframe animator for full
animation creation.

1. Object Morphs.
2. Cycle 3D objects.
3. Coping and Pasting frames/time lines for each object(s).
4. Coping and Pasting motion.
5. View Multiple Timelines.
6. Key frame Independence.

A. Each object has its own time line etc.

7. Other Features:

A. Tripod settings
B. Clipboard settings,
C. Tracing objects settings.
D. etc.............

For more information please contact:

Lexicor Software Corp.
1726 Francisco St.
Berkeley, CA 94703
Phone 510-848-7621

[Editor's note:] Please refer to new Lexicor distribution "outlet"
in the announcement preceding this upgrade information.


> From the Onlines! STR InfoFiles! - Interesting Tidbits Online!

-/- CompuServe Expands Internet Link -/-

CompuServe subscribers now can access Internet's USENET newsgroups,
which feature international discussions on thousands of topics. Users can
participate through either ASCII menus or the CompuServe Information
Manager graphical user interface.

Newsgroup topics on Internet range from applied research and academic
subjects (such as quantum physics, weather forecasting and astronomy) to
social, recreational and entertainment areas (such as gardening, music
and current events).

For details on the newsgroups connection, enter GO INTERNET.
"To help smooth the transition of CompuServe members into the
established USENET community," says a statement from the service's
Columbus, Ohio, headquarters, "CompuServe has taken the time to educate
its members on 'netiquette,' the expectations of conduct and behavior
among users of the Internet. CompuServe's USENET service design helps
avoid most common 'netiquette faux-pas' and an Internet Forum (GO
INETFORUM) on CompuServe is available for members to ask questions about
the newsgroups and other Internet-related issues."

CompuServe says the link to the USENET groups has been under test
since early this summer.

Says Charla Beaverson, CompuServe's Internet product manager, "We want
participants in the USENET newsgroups to welcome our members as a positive
addition to their online community. CompuServe has taken the time to help
members become aware of the expectations and accepted etiquette within the
newsgroups so that they can best benefit from this vast information

CompuServe officials say more Internet services, including remote
log-in to Internet hosts and file transfer from archive sites, will be
added later this year.

-/- What? SyQuest Worried -/-

Has Syquest Gone "MAD"??

Celebrity endorsements took an odd turn today as removable disk drive
maker SyQuest Technology Inc. licensed Mad Magazine's image of Alfred E.
Newman for computer ads that read, "Some people still don't appreciate the
value of backing up with a SyQuest."

"We chose the Alfred character because he's a cultural icon that
represents the epitome of 'ignorant bliss,'" said SyQuest Vice President
Ronald Brown. "When you put his face in an ad, it not only grabs you but
it also brings back a lot of great memories from your childhood. He's
universal in his charm.

"Additionally, with the line 'What -- Me Worry?' and his reputation
for being overly optimistic, Alfred is the perfect tie to the dangers of
not backing up data," added Brown.

San Jose, Calif., ad agency Pagliaro/Kuhlman created the ads to run
in magazines like PC Magazine, PC Week, PC World, Windows Magazine and
Computer Reseller News the next few months.


> From the Editor's Controller - "Playin' it like it is!"

Wow, what a difference a week makes! Although id's Wolf 3D is
still getting all kinds of praise, Telegames' Brutal Sports Football is
getting mixed reactions. I don't know whether or not this is due to
the fact that BSF is still in short supply at present and there hasn't
been an overwhelming discussion about this latest Jaguar offering. I
haven't seen this game yet or I may be able to offer some insight.
I've heard everything from "overpriced" to "released too soon" and
"lotsa fun" to "watch the heads roll!" and more.

It sounds like BSF is not a "system seller". No one expected it
to be one. It's the first third party game to be released, not that
that's an excuse of any kind. Developers are still learning to write
for the Jaguar. It really irks me to see comments such as "this game
doesn't show off the full 64-bit power of the Jaguar" or "they could
have done 'this' to make it better" and other comments. These are user
comments. Would any of us really KNOW "64-bit" power when we see it?
I certainly have no idea what to expect! As to the "better" comment,
hindsight is terrific, isn't it? EVERY game can be better - even those
that we consider the best available. You can always add/improve
graphics and sounds. You can always add levels to a game, more
puzzles, and more detail. When do you decide to stop, and release the
game? On the one hand, people are clamoring for more games; while on
the other I see people semi-trashing a game because they think it was
rushed. It may have been - we don't know that. People are enjoying it
and having fun and relating that info. Every game will have different
reactions from different people. We see things differently and we
react to certain types of games differently. What you might consider
to be "top of the line" I might consider to be boring.

I think a lot of this is due to the users' patience wearing thin.
This is very understandable, We all want to see more games coming out
for the Jaguar. We want to see them now. We want to see them,
partially because of the hype generated from the SCES, the videos, the
mini-reviews, and other factors. We also want to see them because we
know the potential enjoyment we'll have with more and more games and we
can't stand waiting. I can't argue with that. I agree with most of it.
Atari knows it also. the soap box....

Next week's Connecticut show promises to include a lot of Jaguar
fun and information. We hope to see the completed version of ICD's
CatBox at the show, and also to obtain a review unit. There are also
rumors of other new items being shown. We'll have to wait and see.
Look for an in-depth show report (or two!) in two weeks. Perhaps we'll
have some new game news!

Reminder: The STReport Jaguar Photo Contest is still on!! The
response so far has been, shall we say, dismal. If you think your
ideas may be foolish, send in the photo anyway. Show your enthusiasm
for the Jaguar and show us how you'd show it off, or your favorite
game. The contest ends in exactly one month, so get those entries in

Until next time...


> Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out.

Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $49.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/
Crescent Galaxy $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $69.95 id/Atari Corp.
JA100 Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95 Telegames

Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


CatBox $49.95 ICD
CatBox + $69.95 ICD
J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Atari Corp.

Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J8001 Jaguar (complete) $249.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95


> Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile - Current Developer Lists & Titles


Atari Corporation's booth at the summer CES '94 in Chicago
opened a lot of eyes... particularly those who were eager
to see what Atari has been up to. For those who attended
the show and even those who has seen the show through the
lens of a video camera, the chatter continues to echo over
the electronic wires such as E-Mail, forums, BBSs as well
as _simple_ word of mouth... "WOW!"

The stars of the show were Iron Soldier and Rayman. Rally
came in as a surprise hit. Kasumi Ninja and Ultra Vortex
captured the hearts those who love morbidly graphic
fighting games. Most everyone I spoke to didn't see
anything they didn't like and _almost_ everyone instantly
forgave Atari for underestimating some of the original
completion times when they saw "for real" what level of
work was going into the games.

Other stars shown brightly at Atari's booth as well, such
as Atari's announcement of the CD-ROM and its availability
for $199.95 in the fourth quarter of '94. The networking
announcements and the voice/modem releases charmed everyone
who stopped by and who likes the concept of making
sophisticated games really multi-player once again.

For those who were not able to visit the summer CES or
obtain one of the several videos, I have taken the trouble
to have many of the game descriptions that were displayed
on the Jaguar kiosks captured in an ASCII file and you will
find it below (thanks to Barbara Benson for her help typing
all these in for me). The kiosks all have special places on
them where special cards may be inserted to describe
particular features of the game being demonstrated. The
text below was taken from those cards.

Please note that many of these descriptions were originally
written before the completion of the games. In all cases,
except relating to already released products, the features
are subject to enhancement and modification. These are NOT
intended to represent the complete assortment of games
shown at CES or a complete list of what is in development.
It is supplied for your general interest only.

I have treasured my privilege to be standing on the side
of the wall where some of the Jaguar development is going
on. Although many of us on the inside are often sheltered
from many of the secrets, I can share with confidence that
Jaguar owners will NOT be disappointed with their Jaguar
purchase. I know people have been very patient with us. It
is for that reason I want to do what we can to make certain
everyone has as much information as I can appropriately
share. Naturally, tradenames referenced by this text are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their owning

--Don Thomas
Atari Corporation

Hunting Season is Open!

Choose your weapon and brawl with the notorious warriors of
the big screen! Commission the Colonial Marine and use your
weapons and your wits to destroy the base--and survive. Be
an Alien and use your voracious instincts to defend the
hive and rescue your Queen. Or play Predator and use your
grisly arsenal to acquire the ultimate trophy: the skull of
the Alien Queen...

* Fight as the Alien, Predator or the Colonial Marine
* Miles of texture-mapped 3D corridors to explore and
* Stop-motion animation gives each character smooth,
realistic movements
* Digitized sound effects from the 20th Century Fox films
brings all of the graphic horror to life
* Three different theaters of combat: The Marine training
base, the Predator ship and the Alien ship

A - Open/close doors - Use computer
- Enter airlocks/airducts
B - Main attack
C - Change vision type (Predator only)

Up - Forward
Down - Backward
Right - Turn Right
Left - Turn Left

1 thru 5 - Weapon Select
8 - Toggle Map
Final Version Notes

* 10 different tracks to choose from
* Pits with pit crew
* Track specific music
* Sound effects and visual effects for spins and crashes
* Practice, qualifying, single, and tournament race options

A - Accelerate
B - Brake
C - Cruise Control (Keep button pressed down)


Shifts gears when the manual transmission option is

1 thru 6 - Changes viewpoint
# and * - Restarts Game
Cross the 64-Bit Frontier

"Attention all Circle Reserve units. The Crescent Galaxy
has fallen..." Now it's up to you and your comrade Cutter
to return the planet Cosmolite to its citizens. You'll face
killer Starbots, deadly Gundinos and savage Cyber Cherubs--
the most formidable opponents this side of the universe.
Rapid 3D rendering will make your interplanetary struggle
as memorable as any Hollywood space adventure.

* A 64-bit gaming experience like no other
* Liberate the four moons of Cosmolite and face Odd-It
* Call in Cutter, your comrade, for assistance
* Spectacular 3D rendered graphics
* An arsenal including beams, tracers and bolts
* Plow through a netherworld full of beastly enemies
* Fantastic, fearless and downright freaky end-of-level bosses

A - Bombs
B - Fire
C - Special Weapons

JOYPAD LEFT/RIGHT - Fly left and right

JOYPAD UP/DOWN - Fly up and down

OPTION - Cycle through special weapons

1 thru 9 - Select special weapons
# and * - Restarts Game
Welcome to pre-history!

As the proud leader of the Dino Dudes, it's up to you to
lead your hairy band of CroMagnons to the top of the food
chain. Discover fire, weapons, The Wheel...battle dinosaurs
and rival tribesmen...and do everything you can to survive
--so your kids can someday invent cool stuff like malls,
video games and of course, the bacon double-cheeseburger.

* Become the dominant species using your wits and your
* 80 levels of Neanderthal puzzle-adventure
* A cave-load of pre-historic enemies to battle, including
dinosaurs and rival tribesmen
* Tons of obstacles to overcome, including cliffs, boulders
and famished carnivores
* Master the use of fire, spears, ropes, even powerful
witch doctors

A - Activate Power Bar
B - Perform Selected Action
C - Select Action

JOYPAD LEFT/RIGHT - Walk left and right

Climb up rope, ladder or stack. If none is available,

Climb down rope, ladder or stack. If none, pick up or
drop object

1 thru 9 - Select Tribesman
* - Previous Dino Dude
# - Next Dino Dude
# and * - Restarts Game
TEMPEST 2000 / Atari
Feed Your Head To The Web

Unleash your neurotransmitters on four hyperdelic Tempest
variations, including the ultra-violent Tempest 2000. Blast
Flippers, UFOs, Demon Heads...collect super Power Ups and
Bonus Warps...and groove to the hypnotic rhythms of 100%
pure techno-rave as enhanced 3D polygons, screaming
particle displays and hyperdelic Melt-O-Vision graphics
warp you into the 64th dimension.

"Game of the month"
--Die Hard Game Fan (March '94) and
Electronic Gaming Monthly (April '94)

"...In my opinion (Tempest 2000) beats Tetris as the most
addictive game ever."
--Glenn Rubenstein, San Francisco Examiner


"It's engulfing, it's entertaining and it sounds freakin'
amazing as it rocks and talks... All this is housed in a
--Die Hard Game Fan (March '94)

A - Jump
B - Fire/Enter
C - SuperZapper

JOYPAD LEFT - Move Blaster clockwise/left

JOYPAD RIGHT - Move Blaster counterclockwise/right

1 thru 9 - Effects Web view
0 - Turns music on or off
# and * - Restarts Game

The idea for a Brutal Football League was originated in
2034 when the Universal Football League dwindled due to
audience boredom. In addition to its entertainment value,
Brutal Football was initially conceived as a crude
population control operation.

The first brutal Football matches, played by humans, were
extremely popular. However, interest began to die as
quickly as the players. This created the need to engineer
mutant bi-peds.

* 1-player or 2-player head to head competition
* 16 Brutal mutant teams
* 14 special pick-ups
* League, Knockout, or Unfriendly tournaments.
* You can win a game by outscoring the opposition OR by
slaughtering six of their seven players
* Once the game begins--THERE ARE NO RULES!
* During Sudden Death teams must fight to the death
* Heal and train players in the Locker Room
* Save league team information

Run over ball to gain possession
Run over icons to pick up
Top bar shows player strength
Lower bar shows team strength

A - Use selected pick-up icon
B - Pass ball (if in possession)
Punch or tackle
C - Flying catch -- Stomp opponent (if over him)

JOYPAD - Controls selected player

1 - Selects defensive information
2 - Selects normal formation
3 - Selects aggressive formation
6 - Scrolls through pick-up icons
Bring Down The Third Reich!

As the legendary William J. "B.J." Blazkowicz, you've been
commissioned to rewrite history in a bloody 64-bit war zone
filled with enough Nazi scum to keep you trigger-happy for
weeks. Annihilate Der Fuehrer's bunker...and waste anyone
and anything that gets in your way!

* Graphic 64 bit carnage--Jaguar style!
* Six missions with 30 levels of bullet-riddled mayhem
* Unlimited character movement in a virtual war zone
* Load up on ammo packs, keys, booty and a truly incredible arsenal
* Find and use flame-thrower, chain guns, and rocket launchers
* "Save" feature lets you save your progress after each level

A - Run
B - Fire Weapon
C - Open/Strafe

Turn left and right
"Slide" when Strafe (C) is held down

OPTION - Cycles through weapons

1, 2, 3 - Save game in "save slot"
5 - View Automap
0 - Turn music on or off
# and * - Restarts Game
Look DOWN on your enemy

When you're in control of a weapon that's over forty feet
tall, it's hard to decide what to destroy first. Use
giant, hand-held assault rifles, oil-drum size hand
grenades, rapid firing rockets, and even your own two feet
to crush, explode, and shred the enemy. Urban Mech combat
as you have never seen it before!

Mega-companies have covered most of the earth's surface
with overcrowded, filthy cities. Iron Fist Corporation
controls most of the popular work force, using their
military might to keep the public in line. You have joined
a resistance group that has succeeded in stealing one of
Iron Fist's newest weapons-- the Iron Soldier mech, a
walking, armored ground weapon designed for urban warfare.
Can you and your mech stop the Iron Fist tyrannical army
from crushing the will of mankind?

A - Stop
B - Fire Weapon
C - Look Down

OPTION - Select Weapon

JOYPAD UP/DOWN - Look up and down

JOYPAD LEFT/RIGHT - Look left and right

A + JOYPAD UP - Walk Forward
A + JOYPAD DOWN - Walk Backward
# and * - Resets game
Fly the First Morphing Attack Craft

Pilot the Transmogriffon, a morphing attack craft that
changes shape according to its speed and direction. Probe
an interplanetary battlefield covering 50 moons...receive
information from Skylar, your holographic intelligent agent
...and rescue survivors and supplies housed in pods. It's
part sci-fi, part flight simulator and all 64-bit gaming

* A new 64-bit dimension in future combat
* Explore boundless interactive landscapes
* Full 360-degree turning range in flight
* Choose from 5 different viewing locations
* Take out enemy bunkers, force fields and radar stations
* Recover hundreds of pods containing weapons, equipment
and expertise
* Innovations '94 Software Showcase award winner

A - Forward Thrust
B - Fire Weapon
C - Brake/Backward Thrust

JOYPAD LEFT/RIGHT - Turn left and right

JOYPAD UP/DOWN - Climb and Dive

OPTION - Cycles through weapons
1, 2, 3 - Fires Super Weapons
4 - Toggles cross-hair
5 thru 9 - Changes view
0 - Turn music on or off
# and * - Restarts Game
BUBSY / Imagitec Design, Inc.

The Woolies are back with an insidious plot to warp the
values of the world's youth. The first phase of this plot
involves distorting the fairy tales of the world. To avoid
this "cat"astrophe, Bubsy leaps head first into this brand
new adventure. Will Bubsy be able to defeat the Woolies and
set the folk tales and fables of the world straight?

Find out in Bubsy's first 64-Bit adventure.

* An all new Jaguar-specific adventure for Bubsy the Bobcat
* 15 levels of excitement in final version
* An all new cast of enemies
* High quality 16-bit graphics
* Music and sound effects from the sound designers of Tempest 2000

A - Jump & Glide
B - Jump
C - Not used

JOYPAD LEFT/RIGHT - Moves Bubsy left and right

JOYPAD UP - Allows Bubsy to look up

0 - Turns music on or off
# and * - Restarts Game
ULTRA VORTEX / Beyond Games

The Ultra Vortex has reopened... the Time of the Testing is
once again upon Mankind. Ten eye-popping, bone crunching,
warriors of the underground battle it out, in mind-bending
arenas carved form the living rock, with one goal in mind:
Defeat the dreaded Guardian of the Vortex.

Can you survive? The fate of mankind lies in your hands.

* 10 Unique warriors
* 1 or 2 player nonstop fighting action with computer
opponents that learn from your mistakes
* Modern soundtrack of cutting edge music
* "Lock-out" code that allows parents to limit violence
within the game

A - Punch
B - Kick
C - Special Move

KEYPAD - Other special moves

*-0-# - Resets game
Own the Fastest Coupe on the Kitchen Floor
...or the Golden Gate!

Sure, you've always wanted to blaze down the streets of San
Francisco in a souped-up hot rod, just like those action
movies. But have you ever wanted to scramble across the
living room floor playing tag in a miniature racing car
with a buddy? Or plow through an Old West town in a
futuristic speed machine picking up randomly placed energy
balls? Strap in and join the 64-bit club!

* Two-player action- from multiple camera angles!
* Full 360 degree movement in all directions- your car can
actually jump, spin, and wipe-out!
* Choose from four different wild themes: Jerome's Pad,
San Francisco, The Old West and Velocity Park
* Blazing fast 3D polygon action puts you in the drivers
* A variety of crazy ramps, slides and other fun obstacles!

A - Brake
B - Accelerate
C - Reverse

Up & Left - Turn left slowly
Up & Right - Turn right slowly
Left - Turn left
Right - Turn right
Down & Left - Turn left quickly
Down & Right - Turn right quickly

1 - Stabilize
7 - Inside car camera
8 - Chase camera
* - Next radio station (Change music)
# - Previous radio station
ZOOL 2 / Gremlin Graphics

Once again, the Nth dimension is under attack from the
forces of Krool, and this time it's worse than ever.

The evil Krool has sent Mental Block to make sure this is
one adventure Zool won't forget. You can choose to play the
part of either Zool or his female companion Zooz. who have
been entrusted with the restoration of the equilibrium and
expulsion of Mental Block and his cronies. Zoon, the
intergalactic wonderdog with two heads is on hand to assist

Shoot and fight your way through 5 crazy levels including
Swan Lake, Snaking Pass, Bulberry Hill, Mount Ices and
Tooting Common.

B - Fire
C - Smart Bomb

1 and 5 - Selects one of the two demo levels (Swan Lake or Mount Ices)
0 - Turns music on and off
* and # - Resets game
RUINER / High Voltage Software

B - Launches Ball - Press and hold, then release

LEFT FLIPPER - Press joypad

RIGHT FLIPPER - Press "A" button

Completing the word "Ruiner" invokes multi-ball.

# and * - Restarts Game
RAYMAN / UB Soft International

Join Kevin, a 10 year old who plunges into "Hereitscool", a
fantasy kingdom he has created within the realms of his
computer. Once in Hereitscool, Kevin becomes Rayman, a
superhero who brings life to everything around him (rocks,
trees, insects, flowers...) creating an entire kingdom of

But an evil power has infiltrated Hereitscool and is on a
mission to destroy everything. Rayman must use his super-
hero powers to save his friends before it's too late!

* 6 Worlds - 5 levels
* Each level is 40 screens long by 4 screens high, allowing
huge capacity for horizontal and vertical scrolling
* 60-frames per second
* 16 million colors
* More than 50 animated enemies
* Rayman has more than 50 animations himself, including
walking on his hands, doing a helicopter spin which
enables him to fly, and when he gets impatient he dances
or sticks his tongue out.

A - Throw Items - Make a funny Grimace
B - Jump
C - Extended Punch

JOYPAD LEFT/RIGHT - Walk left or right

JOYPAD DOWN - Walk on hands
RAIDEN / Atari
The power of Jaguar, The Excitement of the Arcade

Mother Earth has fallen to deranged aliens. Now, as pilot
of the Raiden Supersonic Attack Fighter, you must rip
through enemy lines and mount a daring counterattack
Raiden, the ultimate arcade game conversion. Jaguar's
Raiden enhances the vertical-shooter excitement of an all-
time arcade favorite with brilliant sound and exceptional
speed and motion.

* 8 levels of proven arcade action
* Complex parallax scrolling, a searing CD-quality
soundtrack, and arcade-fast, arcade-vivid graphics
* Hundreds of enemies to blow into the stratosphere
* Only Jaguar can deliver this level of arcade excitement
at home--no other system can compare

A - Fire
B - Fire
C - Bomb

JOYPAD LEFT/RIGHT - Fly left and right

JOYPAD UP/DOWN - Fly up and down

0 - Toggles music on and off
# and * - Restarts Game

* 4 fighting modes: Tournament, vs. Battle, Quest Mode,
Battle Demo
* 4 levels of gameplay
* 12 Unique characters
* 10 different battle locations and an overview map showing
their position within the game
* Both 1 and 2 player capability
* 4-6 special moves per character
* 15 different music scores in either mono or stereo
* Options screen: Allows players to customize gameplay and
* Full character dossiers
* Full character attributes: Allow players to adjust their
favorite characters strength and special move
* Fight and battle stats: Let's players keep track of each
character's number of wins, losses, draws, bonuses,
health and hit percentage, and the time left in each

A - Jab Punch
B - Strong Punch
C - Fierce Punch

3 - Short kick
6 - Forward kick
9 - Roundhouse kick

Right - Move right
Left - Move left
Up - Jump up
Up & Left - Jump up and left
Up & Right - Jump up and right
Down - Crouch
Down & Toward opponent - Offensive crouch
Down & Away from opponent - Defensive crouch or block

For countless generations, the island of Kasumi has been a
training ground for the greatest ninja warriors. But now,
the eldest leader has become possessed by evil spirits and
seeks to control the island and its warriors. Only you, a
young, talented ninja, can use your powers to transform into
history's greatest warriors. Become them in battle and
acquire their fighting skills so you can challenge the
possessed warrior in a final battle to determine the fate
of Kasumi Island.

* Many different warriors, each with a different fighting
style--choose any opponent and any backdrop in any order
* 1 or 2 player martial arts action. Computer-controlled
opponents are sensitive to your abilities and adjust to
provide constant challenge
* Many incredible special moves, fatalities, combinations,
and weapons.
* Special minor lock-out feature will allow limitation to
graphically violent sections of gameplay
* Real time Texture mapped Floors. Floors retain blood
during the fight
* Photo Realistic Parallax Backgrounds
* As the player defeats his opponents, he will gain the
ability to transform into them, and use their special
powers. As the opponents are defeated, the player will
gain items that will help him through the labyrinth to
reach Lord Gyaku
* The game is currently running at 30 frames per second
* 3-D Selection screens and Labyrinth section. The 3-D
section is a maze that the player must venture through to
reach the final confrontation with the Evil Lord Gyaku.
* The game currently contains, and will contain more
digitized voices and sound effects
* There will be many hidden characters
* Final version will have a hidden TURBO mode

A - Punch
B - Kick - Strength of hit is dependent upon how long
the key is held
B + AWAY - Throw
C - Special Move - The C button in conjunction with *
will perform a pick-up or catch
C + Toward - Will perform a throw if a weapon is
JOYPAD LEFT/RIGHT - Move left and right

0 - Music off or on
# and * - Restarts game

> Jaguar Cheats, & Hints STR InfoFile - Solving Those Riddles!

Okay, as promised, here are some tips for Wolfenstein 3D! The most
common complaint that we've seen online about this game is the
inability to locate all of the secret doors & passages; or even of
knowing if they've all been found! Well, we won't tell you where they
each are (unless specifically asked!), but we will tell you how many
are on each floor. We'll also tell you which floors contain the secret
passages which will lead to hidden floors. If you don't want to know,
please skip down quickly!!

Level 1 - Floor 1 - 6
Floor 2 - 6
Floor 3 - 1 (Boss floor!)

Level 2 - Floor 1 - 5
Floor 2 - 1
Floor 3 - 4
Floor 4 - 3 (Boss floor!)

Level 3 - Floor 1 - 5 (One passage leads to Bonus elevator/floor!)
Floor 2 - 12
Floor 3 - 7
Floor 4 - 6 (Boss floor!)
Floor 5 - 4 (Bonus floor)

Level 4 - Floor 1 - 5
Floor 2 - 9
Floor 3 - 9
Floor 4 - 2
Floor 5 - 5 (Boss Floor!)

Level 5 - Floor 1 - 2
Floor 2 - 2
Floor 3 - 3
Floor 4 - 3
Floor 5 - 2
Floor 6 - 5 (Boss floor!)

Level 6 - Floor 1 - 5
Floor 2 - 6
Floor 3 - 5 (One passage leads to a Bonus elevator/floor!)
Floor 4 - 13
Floor 5 - 3
Floor 6 - 3 (Boss Floor!)
Floor 7 - 6 (Bonus floor)

Good luck!! They're not all easy to find, so search carefully!! Many
of these hidden doors & passageways contain vital items (weapons,
first-aid kits, ammo, food, and 200-health points!).


> Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr!

-/- Wolf 3D A Hit With Local Video Game Club! -/-

(Courtesy of Compuserve's ATARIGAMING Forum)

Fm: David L. Gillie 75230,3531

As a partner in a Video Game Club with over 8,000 members and 800 games
on ALL the systems, I thought I should pass on to you all the customer
reaction to the latest Jaguar game:

It has been the number one played game for the whole week, AND BY FAR!
Customers paying by the hour will actually spend most of their hour
just watching others play Wolf3D on its 45 inch TV, if it's not free!
(we've two Jags but unfortunately only 1 Wolf).

EAGERLY awaiting the more and better games to come, DaveG


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hidi Ho friends and neighbors. Well, for once it's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood. The fine folks at Gribnif Software have just
released a demo version of NeoDesk4. I know that it's not going to be an
everyday occurrence, but it's good to see such a major upgrade for a
product for the ST (and TT and Falcon). From what I've seen so far, this
is more of a total rework than an upgrade, and worthy of the Gribnif
name. Check out the demo.

Well, let's get on with the reason for this column... all the great
news, hints and tips available every week here on CompuServe. Let's get
to it...

From the Atari Computing Forums

Luo Trapani talks about a phone call that Marty Hall made recently to
our favorite corporate entity in Sunnyvale:

"Having to go through FIVE people at Atari before you could find
anyone that knew what an Atari ST computer is, IS OUTRAGEOUS! Pretty
sad too. Not to mention poor business and customer relations."

Marty tells Lou:

"Unfortunatly, although somewhat Pi***d, I was not surprised.That just
seems to be the way things are going at Atari.

I never really thought I'd by an IBM or clone but now looking at all
of um and Gemulator. My beloved Atari is a dead end road. A grand and
glorious road, but a dead end none the less............."

Ethan Mings jumps in and tells Marty:

"Right on! The Atari computer is really example of road kill. In
life, if you choose to stand in the middle of a busy road, you will get
hit. If the first car doesn't do you in, the second and third car
will. By the end of the process, a shovell will be all that is
required to scoop you up and put you away.

Having said that, here is the point. Windows for a dos machine is a
really clumsy switch after using an Atari. But, at least you can find
service people, updated software and software companies who stick with
their products. If you look at the atari, you can't get the hardware,
software or some level of committement tothe software.

Atari stood in the road of life instead of getting onto the highway.
As a result of standing, they took the first hit when they choose to
discontinue making and supporting their machines. The fatal blow came
when the commercial software makers stopped making software for the
atari (Wordperfect, LDW Power etc). The overkill (the car running over
an all ready dead animal) came when the shareware authors stopped
writing for the atari. Look at the number of uploads in this form
compared to the zenith forum.

In my opinion, enjoy your atari. But when it dies, don't waste your
money or your time trying to save it. Let it die a peaceful death.
After all, atari killed [itself] nice and slow, don't add to the

Mike Mortilla tells Ethan:

"I somehow feel that the public is being led by the corporations here.
Your comparison to road kill is coloful but it is full of
generalizations, and *ALL* generalizations are dangerous (including
this one.)

I rather look at my atari systems like I look at my old piano. It's a
5' 4" Mason & Hamlin. You can get some basic parts for it, but the big
piano supply houses don't stock some of the parts any more.

But what do I need it to do? Sure, a nice new Steinway or Yamaha might
play smoother and play louder, but my old M & H still plays pretty good
and I can compose just as well (if not better) on it as on a spankin'
new one.

What do I need my computer to do? Telecommunications? DTP? WP? MIDI?
My ST systems do all these tasks well and while i takes an 8 mhz system
longer than a 100 mhz system to do similar tasks, it takes my 8 mhz
system far less time to do it than the people I might pay to do the
same work; I can control to output; not have to pay "a pro" to do the
job; and get professional results.

My studio basically does it's own DTP and WP and does some small jobs
for certain clients. The large volume of our work is MIDI sequencing
(which the st does quite well.) So what do I need a new computer for?

In the years I've had my st systems, I have *NEVER* had to send it out
for repair. It does what I need it to and there are still lots of
programs out there I haven't tried. I just rdered over $500 worth of
stuff for it yesterday! An SM 147, Megapaint, Atariworks, Speedo,
Scanlite... That'll keep me busy for a while. But as others move to a
new platform, I'll keep my eye on those old Atari "clunkers." And as my
competition goes to the "newer" stuff, I can still hear them "ooo" and
"ahhh." Not at my computer, but at my career progress. Since before the
personal computing era, I have made the bestof the tools at hand. If a
truely innovative tool comes within my reach I'll grab it, but I don't
see the new breeds of computers being all that different, essentially,
from my ST. Faster? Yes! "Cooler?" Well, that's what the ad says... But
"better?" No for my purposes.

Most of what I read in these messages and hear from others about
jumping platforms, etc. amounts to either an attempt to "keep up" with
the Jonses' or a compulsion from childhood to have only the best toys.
I care nothing for toys any more (except maybe my telescope) and care
NOTHING about what my neighbors have and don't have. All I really care
about is keeping productive and humanity (not necesarily in that
order.) The new toys look and sound great, but I'll hang on to my old
ST and M & H piano.

OK, I lied, I *DID* buy a new bright blue Ford Ranger XLT Supercab
with a Snugtop camper shell when I turned 40 last March. But it's
really only 1/2 a toy! I do use it for work and transportation
sometimes. And I felt no ill feelings about having my 1979 Datsun wagon
crushed in one of the old car crushers. After all, we *DO* have to move
forward, you know."

Our own Atari Section Editor, Dana Jacobson, tells Mike:

"Well said. You summed up what most current Atari users feel. I
agee. As long as my machines can do what I want them to do, and well,
I see no reason why I should dump it all for the lastest "new-fangled"
machine. This reasoning applies to Atari machines as well - still
plugging away on my Mega and 520 STs!!"

Last week, Jody Golick asked for help in finding a good text editor for
a DOS machine. This week Craig Harvey of Clear Thinking (the EDHACK
folks) tells Jody:

"For a great text editor on the pc I use Vedit Plus, from Greenview
Data (313)996-1299. In many ways it is much more powerful than EdHak
-- multiple windows, super search/replace options, etc. It even
handles binary files and has a split hex display mode. The only things
I can think of that it doesn't do that EdHak does is edit disk sectors
and RAM (and do "kwiksends"). And this recommendation comes from the
author of EdHak."

Now that's what I call a recommendation! On the subject of "platform
hopping", Sidney Ripkowski posts:

"The more I look into Apple, the more I get interested. It appears
they have really got their ___ together now. A could be bad note:
Microshaft is beta-ing Visual C++ 2.0 on the Power PC as we speak - all
that cross platform development stuff... OTH, maybe it will be a
decent product - it is for the PC...

Gee, just as I was saving, Windoze gave me a SYSTEM ERROR: Cannot
write to drive C. You gotta love it. It dont
recover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you say "cold-boot"?"

Jon Sanford tells Sidney:

"I am discovering that a Mac & Atari make good companions. I don't
have to buy redundant software. My Mac friends don't understand why Im
not interested in DTP or Telecom Prgs. and all the stuff I already have
on the Atari. It has been a year since I got the Power Book. Finally
Just getting around in the Apple system is becoming more natural.
Besides the 'insanely great' stuff there is also some 'just insane or
inane' stuff. IMHO.

The most difficult stuff about general Apple users is their denial
that a lot of other systems are just as good or better for some
purposes. A kind of cultural isolation & chauvinism. The Mac User Group
here is very active even though only 6 mo. old we just signed up 100th

As to Cross platform development... QKS SmalltlakAgents while now only
on the Mac is expected to be also on Windoze, Unix.... realsoon now. I
personally am getting cold feet about developing for Apple. I am
gessing that it will take thousands of dollers & 2 or more years to get
close to proficency.

The rumor is that Apple has deliberaty stalled development tools for
the Power PC because the need to slow the demand to = the supply.

For a while there will be some tremendos burgans in the 680XX stuff."

Adam Freemer posts:

"I just wanted to tell you what the computer store told me about
selecting a Mac. I was told that a PowerMac won't run all of the
software I need for engineering at school and that a performa 630
which doesnt have a co-processor and can't have one put in it, will run
the software I might use. So basically the slower machine will work but
apple is canning it in a year and supposely converting all there
computers to "power" Macs! I don't know what to do. I was thinking of
just buying a new printer, (Im still using a 9 pin Star from 1983) that
will work on possibly a future IBM system. My star in the 11 years I've
owned it has never, ever broken down! It still works perfect to this
day but I think I'm overdue for an upgrade. I also want to upgrade my
wordprocessor. Does anyone, or can anyone recommend a low cost laser,
say around $600 that will work well with the ST but also with the IBM
platform? Possibly a HP or something? Also, has anyone here used
Publisher ST? I've been using Word Writer ST for so long now, that I
thought Publisher would b a good upgrade. Or does anyoene recommend
Calamus or something else? I'm just using it for printing up Papers and
articles for college, but I've never used anything besides Word

Curt Fluegel tells Adam:

"You might want to look at a Quadra 610 or 650. They are powerful and
easily upgraded to the powerpc at anytime.."

Adam Freemer asks for information:

"I'm a 9 year ST veteran like many of you out there. Let me ask a
question to all of you other veterans. Im a college student who might
be forced into buying a MAC. I tried one out and was kind of scared. It
made me feel like an idiot! I guess I'm too spoiled by my trusty ST! I
mean, I am so used to just flipping a swith and having my correct
application just boot up. I don't know. I need a new computer, I
think, but these Macs just don't seem to be as friendly as the ST's.
And the software costs a fortune. I've been using Word Writer ST for 8
years now and love it! I asked the Mac guy for a good DTP program and
he recommended pagemaker. I asked how much it is. $80? $150? Then he
slams me over the head with $600!! Im thinkin' uh does this come with
some hardware I don't know about. I thought my Word Write was expensive
at $80!! Gee. I guess there will never be another ST. Anyway, anyone
here have any advice on Mac stuff? I was considering a performa 630 or
a PowerMac 7100. Any help would be greatly appreciated."

Dan Danilowicz tells Adam:

"My wife uses and is very happy with her Performa 475. I've spent a
lot of time on it myself, and while I like a lot of the things that it
can do, I do prefer my ST for what I need. About Pagemaker (or is that
PageMaker, or Page Maker or PaGeMaKeR) it's a high-end desk top
publishing program, perhaps a bit of overkill for word processing. Go
smack that salesman upside the haid for trying to tell you it's what
you need."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Adam:

"Unless you're intending to do high-powered, "professional level" page
layouts, software like PageMaker is unnecessary.

Like any other system, there are "high end" and "low end" versions of
most applications available. You only need to spend the big bucks if
you need the functionality of the more expensive products.

Spend a little time in the Mac Forums here on CompuServe and ask other
members what they use.. you may be surprised at the high level of
quality of the Mac Shareware products available right here in the

The Mac is "different" from the Atari, but not radically so.. if you're
comfortable with the ST desktop, you'll get used to the Mac soon

Well folks, unfortunately I've got to call it quits for now. It's been a
long week and today was the worst yet. Make sure that you check out the
NeoDesk4 demo! This is a top notch piece of work.

Tune in again next time, same time, same station, and be ready to listen
to what they are saying when...




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