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Silicon Times Report Issue 1013

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

March 25, 1994 No. 1013

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
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> 03/25/94 STR 1013 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- CPU INDUSTRY REPORT - Harmony GUILTY - WP 6.0a Update
- Unix in Danger? - People Talking - Kid Desk
- Apple WhitePaper - Radius Cuts $$$ - The Old Fishin' Hole

-* WINDOWS 3.11 Q & A *-

STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
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CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
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"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

I refuse to mention the weather this week as its simply been
beautiful. Computing... yeah! that's the ticket! New goodies are already
beginning to appear! For example, Access Software, creators of the world
famous Links series of Golf simulations has released yet another top notch
Championship course; The Castle Pines Golf Club, of Castle Rock Colorado.
If you like Golf you will simply love this super realistic simulation.

In the application and productivity departments, keep an eye on the
contents each and every week from now on as the new goodies are beginning
to flow. Desktop Publishing in all its glory will become the "sweetheart"
of the PC community. The beauty of it all is the supreme file
compatibility between the MAC and the PC platforms and the cross program
file compatibility within each. This makes for a very easy way the user
may alter, modify enhance or redo his files for direct to press printer
ready results. Its all terrific.

WordPerfect aficionados got a real surprise this week when they were
told Novell now owns WordPerfect Corp. Move over Mr. Gates... <g> This
week's issue is chock full of news and other tidbits. Thanks for reading
us and do enjoy.




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles R. Noak D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy John Donohue
Jeff Kovach Marty Mankins Carl Prehn
Paul Charchian
Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
Glenwood Drake Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia
Paul Haris Kevin Miller Craig Harris
Allen Chang Dominick Fontana

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport
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FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
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NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #13

By: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** Unix in Danger? **

Unix partisans, on guard: Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NT technology is
threatening to quickly become the world's dominant computing system.

That was the warning Intel Corp. President/CEO Andrew S. Grove sounded
this week in San Francisco to some of Unix's staunchest allies at the
opening session of UniForum, the annual gathering of the open systems

"Unix has gone from being the attacker to being the defender, without
having won in the process," Grove told the 3,000 people attending his
address, which also was beamed by satellite to a concurrent UniForum
Association gathering in the United Kingdom.

** Nintendo Loses Appeal Motion **

In California, a federal appeals court has let stand a $15 million
damage award to Lewis Galoob Toys Inc. in its case against video game
maker Nintendo Co. Ltd.'s U.S. subsidiary.

Lewis Galoob originally was awarded the sum by a federal court in July
1992 after it claimed it had been prevented from selling the enhancer,
Game Genie.

** Sega Channel Gets New Affiliate **

Sega Channel says it has signed Post-Newsweek Cable as a "launch
partner" for its new interactive video game channel.

Post-Newsweek has about 500,000 subscribers in 15 states. It will
launch Sega Channel this fall, following a three-month summer trial.

Sega Channel will provide Sega Genesis video games on-demand, 24 hours
a day. Sega Channel subscribers will choose from a selection of games,
special versions of soon-to-be- released titles, game-play tips, news,
contests and promotions. The programming will be updated monthly. Sega
Channel will be priced in the range of most premium subscription services.

** Novell Buys Out WordPerfect **

For about $1.4 billion in stock, network maker Novell Inc. has agreed
to buy privately held WordPerfect Corp., a move that will create one of
the world's largest software publishers. WordPerfect is to become a
wholly owned subsidiary of Novell.

Sources say the agreement, which is yet to be approved by federal
regulators, calls for all WordPerfect stock to be exchanged for about 59
million shares in Novell.

WordPerfect has undergone management shakeups in recent years and,
despite record sales in 1993, laid off more than 1,000 workers. Last year,
co-founder Alan Ashton announced he was retiring.

Also this week, Novell announced it will purchase Borland International
Inc.'s "Quattro Pro" spreadsheet business for about $145 million.

The joined companies are likely to become the software industry's third
biggest, behind Microsoft and Oracle.

** ComputerLand Changes Name **

ComputerLand Corp. is taking on a new name and a new plan. Starting
this week, the firm becomes Vanstar Inc. and it will sell computers and
services solely to businesses.

** Apple, IBM Roll Out Taligent **

The new Taligent operating system software from Apple Computer Inc. and
IBM has made its formal debut before about 500 people at the PC Forum
trade show in Phoenix.

Taligent, designed to run on previously incompatible computers, is
expected to become generally available next year. The system "uses a new
technology called object orientation, which condenses the amount of
machine language needed to give the basic commands to computer."

Also backed by Hewlett-Packard Co., Taligent is expected to begin
distributing tools later this year to developers to help them start
writing programs based on the system.

** North American Software Sales Up **

Sales of personal computer applications software reached a record $6.81
billion in North America in 1993, according to figures released today by
the Software Publishers Association.

North American software revenues grew 18.5% last year from $5.75
billion in 1992. North American unit sales were up 33% for the year, while
international units were up 67%.

The industry continued to be fueled by Windows applications with some
$3.47 billion in sales in 1993, an 80% increase over 1992's sales of
similar programs. Meanwhile, DOS applications continued to decline in
North America, falling 25% to $1.93 billion.

Sales of Macintosh applications were $1.08 billion in 1993, the first
time that annual sales of Macintosh applications were over $1 billion.
Macintosh applications sales were up 9% from $990 million in 1992.

The largest application category in 1993 was word processing with sales
of $1.02 billion, a 23% increase from $829 million in 1992.

** Japan's Market Growth Disappointing **

Foreign chipmakers share of the Japanese market grew in the fourth
quarter of last year. The new figures show the foreign share of the
Japanese chip market rose to 20.7% in the quarter, up 2% from the third
quarter level.

** Gray Market' Software Illegal **

The U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of New York has ruled
it is illegal for resellers and original equipment manufacturers to obtain
software through unauthorized distribution or the "gray market."

The landmark ruling is a result of the case Microsoft Corp. vs. Harmony
Computers & Electronics Inc. in which Microsoft alleged that Brooklyn,
N.Y. based Harmony Computers was distributing unauthorized copies of
Microsoft OEM products in violation of the OEM's license agreement.

Judge Raymond Dearie declared, "To the extent that (Harmony) bought
their Microsoft products from authorized Microsoft licensees, they were
subject to the same licensing restrictions under which those licensees

Microsoft officials said they have taken a number of positive steps to
address this problem directly, in an effort to make it easier for
resellers and OEMs to obtain legitimate copies of the MS-DOS and Windows
operating systems.

Microsoft licenses MS-DOS and Windows to computer manufacturers to
distribute with the PCs they sell. Microsoft's OEM license agreements
prohibit the distribution of Microsoft products by themselves without an
accompanying licensed PC, or as "standalone" products.

The products Harmony had offered for sale included both MS-DOS and
Windows that Harmony had purchased from an OEM licensee without a computer
system, or standalone, in alleged violation of the computer manufacturer's
original license agreement.

"This is an enormous step forward in our efforts to combat this form of
software piracy," said David Curtis, associate general counsel at
Microsoft. "This ruling addresses a common belief in the PC industry that
the problem lies only with an OEM violating its license agreement. Here,
it is clearly stated that any reseller or OEM who sells unauthorized
standalone product is also committing copyright infringement and is
therefore liable for both criminal penalties and money damages."

In 1992, Congress amended the Copyright Act, increasing criminal
penalties for copyright infringement of software. Those penalties include
imprisonment of up to five years, fines of up to $250,000, or both. As a
result, copyright infringement of computer software is now considered to
be a felony. Microsoft's complaint against Harmony Computers seeks civil
damages and injunctive relief.

** Radius Cuts Monitor Prices **

Radius Inc. has lowered by as much as 28% the prices on its 20-inch
general-purpose color monitors. Effective immediately, the price of:

-:- The IntelliColor Display/20 has been cut 28%, or $900, to $2,299.

-:- The PrecisionColor Display/20v has been cut by $200, or 9%, to

** Germans Crack Cracker Group **

German officials have thwarted what they say was a nationwide ring of
computer crackers who found a way to phone around the world without being

Officials with the regional criminal office in Munich are quoted as
saying U.S. phone companies alone lost millions of dollars in revenue
because of the ring.

"In a coordinated search, police raided the homes of about 60 suspected
hackers all over Germany. Two arrests were made and hundreds of computer
disks, hard-disks and calling-card codes were confiscated."

******* General PC News *******

** Compaq to Bundle Stacker 4.0 **

Stac Electronics Inc. says Compaq Computer Corp. has licensed the DOS
and Windows versions of Stacker 4.0 to ship with its desktop and portable

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

"Compaq customers have become accustomed to getting the additional disk
capacity that compression provides and with Stacker 4.0 pre-installed we
are able to provide our customers with an industry-leading compression
product," says Lorie Strong, Compaq's vice president of portable and
software marketing.

Stac's agreement with Compaq comes less than a month after Stac won a
patent-infringement lawsuit against Microsoft Corp. and Microsoft's
removal of the DoubleSpace compression technology from DOS 6.2.

** Advanced Logic Gets Chip Patent **

Advanced Logic Research Inc. has received a patent for a chip upgrading

ALR Chairman/CEO Gene Lue said the patent covers a technology that
provides a processing unit upgrade path to i486 and Pentium technology for
Advanced Logic clients.

******* General Mac News *******

** Apple Ships New QuickTime Kit **

Apple Computer Inc. has released the Apple QuickTime Starter Kit 1.1.

The package is designed to give users the tools they need to get
started with multimedia software. With QuickTime, users can work with
video, sound, and music as easily as they work with text and graphics.

New to the QuickTime Starter Kit 1.1 is PixelPlay 2.0 from Silicon
Sports, which allows users to save QuickTime movies as screen savers. In
addition, users can now access QuickTime to digitize sound from an audio
CD, as well as incorporate Photo CD images.

The QuickTime Starter Kit 1.1 costs $99. It requires a Macintosh
computer with a 68020, 68030, 68040 or PowerPC microprocessor; at least
4MB of RAM; an Apple SuperDrive floppy disk drive; and a hard disk. Also
needed is System 6.0.7 or later or System 7.0 or later and a CD-ROM drive
for accessing the contents of the supplied CD-ROM.


> Windows 3.11 Q&A STR Spotlight

Windows 3.11 Q&A


Microsoft Windows 3.11 is a "refresh" release that implements packaging
changes designed to reduce counterfeiting. The release also includes some
updated device drivers and a few bug fixes to address issues such as
diskless workstation support.


It's been nearly two years since Windows 3.1 was introduced to the market.
These new drivers and bug fixes will improve the experience of a customer
buying Windows for the first time. Also, these changes had already been
incorporated in our Windows for Workgroups 3.11 release.


There is no new functionality in the 3.11 release of Windows and all of
the drivers being added or refreshed have been available on the Windows
Driver Library up on CompuServe and Microsoft's Download Service. So
unless a customer is having a problem related to one of the areas covered
by the fixes detailed below, there should be no need for them to update to
this release. If a customer does need to update they should call Microsoft
at (800) 871-3270 for more information.


Windows 3.11: Windows 3.11 is simply Windows 3.1 plus the additional
video and printer drivers and the five bug fixes described below.
As mentioned above, there is no new functionality or performance
improvements, features, etc. Windows for Workgroups 3.11: WFW 3.11 offers
a number of enhancements to our Windows 3.1 product. WFW 3.11 includes
enhanced performance, from 50-150% faster disk I/O and up to 100% faster
network access. It also includes integrated networking, Microsoft Mail,
Microsoft Schedule+, Microsoft At Work Fax, and Microsoft's Remote Access
Services, and a number of other enhancements for both standalone and
networked Windows PCs.


No it does not. From what we have been able to learn without the
benefit of source code, which IBM refused to provide Microsoft, OS/2
for Windows patches Windows in memory at fixed address locations. Such
a design makes OS/2 for Windows extremely fragile because it depends on
Windows code being frozen over time.

Microsoft encourages developers to write well-behaved Windows apps using
documented API's and good programming practices. By establishing these
ground rules we can move the platform forward and maintain support for
these applications. Windows 3.11 did not break any well-behaved
applications that we are aware of.

Though we regret the inconvenience to customers, IBM has to be responsible
for writing well-behaved applications -- they have taken shortcuts with
OS/2 for Windows that have put their customers in a bad position. We
presume that one or more of the bug fixes incorporated in Windows 3.11
(which were included in Windows for Workgroups 3.11 released November 6,
1993) changed the fixed address locations that are patched by OS/2 for
Windows. As a result, OS/2 for Windows no longer runs correctly.


No we did not. We have been talking publicly about this release since
August of last year -- well before IBM even announced their OS/2 for
Windows product. Negotiations with Novell and a desire not to interrupt
the Christmas selling season caused us to delay, but Windows has been on
the market for nearly two years now and we felt that customers would
benefit from a refresh of the product.


IBM has the means at its disposal to permit purchasers of OS/2 for Windows
to use it with Windows 3.11. First IBM can release a new version of OS/2
for Windows that patches Windows 3.11 at the appropriate address locations
in memory. Second, IBM can provide customers with the KERNEL, USER, and
GDI modules from Windows 3.1 that do not contain the bug fixes which
apparently are the source of the problem. Alternatively customers can
purchase the full OS/2 2.1 product from IBM.


We think IBM bears the responsibility for designing OS/2 for Windows in
such a way that virtually guaranteed it would break if Microsoft made
any changes in Windows. Nonetheless, in an effort to assist our mutual
customers, Microsoft will provide purchasers of Windows 3.11 who
experience difficulty running the product with OS/2 for Windows with
the unimproved Windows 3.1 files which we modified in Windows 3.11 to
fix various bugs. Our Product Support Services will distribute these as
soon as a diskette can be made available.


First the following drivers have been added or refreshed in the Windows
3.11 release:

- HPLJIV driver
- 256 Color generic SVGA video driver - which will support TSENG ET4000
chipsets and V7, but not ATI Ultra or S3 chipsets.

- As well as the following drivers:


In addition, the following 5 files were changed:

1) krnl386.exe: Minimal kernel changes to more gracefully shut down the
Windows system after installing products which call the ExitWindows API to
shut Windows down before returning focus to program manager.

2) gdi.exe: Changes which assist ISVs currently writing graphics
applications, especially those that call the 'draw rectangle function'.
This will minimize the number of API calls the programmer needs to write
and maximize the system resources available on the system when using
graphics intensive applications.

3) commdlg.dll: Changes which allow Windows apps on diskless workstations
to use common dialog boxes. (Formerly available as a PSS application note)

4) pscript.drv & unidrv.dll: Updated to eliminate a font enumeration
conflict that occurs with many word processors when 60 or more fonts are
used in a single document. (Formerly available as a PSS application note)

5) vtda.386: The updated vtda.386 solves a very small percentage of timer
related problems that occur when starting an MS-DOS based application
under Windows on large Novell Netware networks. (Formerly available as a
PSS application note)


> KidDesk STR Review


by Frank Sereno

This week's article will not be a review of an educational software
program. Instead I will examine a graphical menuing shell, KidDesk from
Edmark Corporation. KidDesk allows users to launch DOS and some Windows
programs from icons on the KidDesktop. It can be used to protect your
system files and applications from your children while allowing them the
freedom to explore their own programs. KidDesk is available for IBM
compatible computers and needs 550k of free memory and a Microsoft
compatible mouse. KidDesk is also available for the Macintosh.
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price is $39.95 but it can be found at
many locations for under $30.

KidDesk offers protection to the system as it can be installed to
autorun in the autoexec.bat file and can be set up so the program cannot
be exited to DOS unless the user knows a password that you input. If
KidDesk is set up in this manner, the user will only have access to the
desktop accessories and the icon buttons for the programs that you
designate for him to use. This program has two main sections, the Kid
Section that will be the interface the children will use to launch
programs and the Adult Section that parents or teachers will install
applications and customize the program. Let's examine the Kid Section

Running KidDesk will first bring up the title screen, followed by a
screen featuring kid icons. Clicking on one of the icons will bring up
the individualized kiddesk. There are six different styles of desks
featuring nine accessories. The accessories are the Name Plate, Picture
Frame, Lamp, Pen and Pencils, Clock, Calculator, Recorder, Phone and

The Name Plate will show the name of the child. Clicking on the Name
Plate will alternate it between showing only the child's first name and
showing both the first and last names. The Picture Frame displays an icon
for your child. Graphics can be imported from other programs. If you
have a SoundBlaster or compatible sound card, a sound file can be recorded
or imported to be played when the Picture Frame is clicked upon. A Lamp
on the desk can be clicked on to darken and brighten the screen. Pencils
and Pens allows the child to choose a style of desktop of his own
preference. An analog Clock shows the time of your computer's internal
clock and clicking on it will cause the time to be pronounced aloud. The
Recorder allows the recording of messages. The Phone is used to hear the
recorded messages. If none are recorded, a busy signal will be heard. If
recording is turned off in the Adult section, a variety of greetings will
be heard.

The most impressive accessory is the Calendar. A day calendar is
displayed on the desk. Just like the clock, it is based on the computer's
internal clock. Clicking on the calendar will bring up a monthly calendar
that the child may place daily notes and place icons for important dates.
The child can cycle through thirteen months. Each monthly calendar can be

The remainder of the Kid Section is the application-launching icons.
All the DOS programs that I ran from KidDesk worked flawlessly. I did
have some problems running some Windows applications, one being Alphabet
Blocks. I haven't contacted Edmark yet about this problem so there may be
a remedy. You must have Windows to run Windows programs. KidDesk merely
starts Windows and then immediately launches the chosen application.

The Adult Section allows the parent or teacher to install kids,
applications, sound clips and graphics. Access is gained by the key
combination of alternate-control-a. After the initial setup, a password
can be added as further security. There are four headers on a menu bar
(File, Kid, Application and Options) and two folders (Kids and
Applications). Click on a header to open a new menu of options.

Under File you will find Return to Kid Section, Return to Windows
and Return to Dos. These are the three ways that the Adult Section can be
exited. Under Kid you will find Add Kid, Kid Settings, Remove Kid and
Limit Applications. The excellent documentation fully explains how to use
these functions. Limit Applications will permit you to pick and choose
from your applications for each child. You may want to set up your three-
old's desktop so it doesn't include some your older children's more
complicated programs. Under Application are Add Application, Application
Settings, Remove Applications. For adding applications there is an auto
search feature. Windows programs will use their regular icons for
launching in KidDesk. There are a variety of icons that can be chosen for
DOS programs or new ones can be created with the included icon maker.
Under the Options header are Adult Password, Screen Saver, Kid's Exit
Options, Time Reminder and KidDesk Accessories. The Adult Password option
allows the parent to choose a password that must be used to enter the
Adult Section. The Screen Saver can be set to kick in after a chosen
period of inactivity to prevent screen burn-in. Kid's Exit Options can be
set to allow exiting or not to DOS from the Kid Section. Time Reminder
can be used to limit the child's time at the computer. KidDesk
Accessories allows the turning on or off of the nine desktop accessories.

Edmark has recently come out with an improved product, KidDesk Family
Edition. Family Edition runs only from Windows. Edmark claims that it
can run DOS programs without the many sound and memory conflicts usually
encountered running those programs from Windows alone. New features
include electronic mail, an address cardfile, a note pad and voice mail.
Family Edition can be used as a family communications center. MSRP is
$59.95. Since I purchased KidDesk only 2 weeks ago, I do not know if
there is an upgrade path from KidDesk to KidDesk Family Edition. If you
feel you need these extra features, purchase Family Edition.

KidDesk is a very good program. It allows younger children to use
the computer by themselves while allowing parents and teachers peace of
mind knowing that their own programs are safe from harm. With the use of
icons, the children do not need to know how to read. The accessories are
great. The manual is excellent and even includes several pages of hints
on using KidDesk as an educational tool. Edmark customer service can be
reached at 206-556-8484 from 8am to 5pm Pacific Time. Thank you for


> WordPerfect 6.0a STR FOCUS!

WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows
Interim Release Information

Executive Summary
Note: The information contained in this document is subject to change
prior to the release of WPWin 6.0a.

WordPerfect Corporation has always had a policy of responding to customer
needs between major product upgrades with interim releases. In keeping
with this customer-oriented focus, WordPerfect will ship an interim
release of WordPerfect 6.0a Windows (WPWin 6.0a) in April 1994. The four
major objectives for WPWin 6.0a are reliability, speed, ease of use, and
transition tools.

All registered users of WPWin 6.0 will receive the interim release free of
charge upon request. If users have not registered their software,
WordPerfect representatives can register them when they call (800)

The interim release ships on a reduced span set containing only the
necessary files needed to update WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows. When
installing the files from the reduced span set, make sure that the current
version of WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows (release date of 10/01/93) is
installed on the computer.

The interim release updates only those files you installed from the
initial release of WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows. For example, if you chose
the Custom installation option when you originally installed WordPerfect
6.0 for Windows, the interim will update only those files.

In addition, if you originally chose the Custom or Minimum installation
option for WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows, but now prefer a Standard
installation with the interim disks, you need to reinstall the 10/01/93
version using the Standard install option, before installing the interim
release. The interim disks will then update the Standard installation


Speed improvements have been made in the following areas:
basic formatting, scrolling, printing, graphics handling, table
manipulation and editing, importing WordPerfect 5.x documents, generate,
document compare, outline, launching WP Draw, automation of ExpressDocs
Templates and opening large documents.

Many changes have been made to improve the overall reliability of the
product. Every effort was made to address reliability issues raised by our

With the Windows or WPWin 6.0a (*.PRS) printer drivers, the printing
of tables, borders, and bitmap graphics is much faster. In addition, with
WordPerfect-supplied Postscript and Hewlett Packard printer drivers, WPWin
6.0 printed ATM and TrueType fonts as graphics, which caused large output
file sizes and long total print times. WPWin 6.0a now downloads ATM and
TrueType fonts to these printers, improving overall printing speed.

WPWin 6.0a now works better under Windows NT and IBM OS/2 2.1,
including seamless integration with the OS/2 Advanced Workplace Shell. The
OS/2 Integration Tools Disk is available separately by calling (800)

Conversion of Fonts:
In WPWin 6.0, converting WordPerfect 5.x documents to the WordPerfect
6.0 format would sometimes result in fonts not converting correctly. Fonts
will now convert correctly if the same printer is selected in WordPerfect
5.x and WPWin 6.0a. In addition, round-trip compatibility from WPWin 6.0a
to WPWin 5.2 and back to a WPWin 6.0a format will result in accurate font

The last four fonts used are now displayed at the top of the font
list, accessed by clicking the font button on the Power Bar. This is
similar to the existing capability to display the names of the four most
recently used files on the Files pull-down menu.

You can now easily save a graphic as a file from within WPWin 6.0a by
selecting the graphic and choosing Save As from the File menu.

Display Character widths are now displayed more accurately on screen,
resulting in a truer graphical representation of fonts.

WP Draw:
With some scanners, the error message Scan Operation Failed...
would appear and prevent an image from scanning directly into WP Draw.
This has now been corrected.

256 Color Driver:
If a problem is detected with a 256 color driver, WPWin 6.0a will
advise you to add a /fl startup switch (for example, c:\wpwin60\wpwin.exe
/fl) to the command line under Properties for the WPWin 6.0a icon. This
will eliminate known problems with certain video drivers.

We are aware of conflicts with a Windows file, DDEML.DLL, dated
4/22/92. The correct version of this file should be found in the System
directory (c:\window\system). If the version of this file (DDEML.DLL,
4/22/92) is found in the Windows directory, and the correct version is
found in the Windows System directory, the file will be automatically
deleted from the Windows directory.

QuickCorrect This feature automatically replaces errors in mistyped
or misspelled words. For instance, if you accidentally type adn, it is
automatically replaced with and as soon as you press the space bar or
another word delimiter (comma, period, semi-colon, etc.). QuickCorrect can
automatically fix hundreds of commonly mistyped or misspelled words as you
type. QuickCorrect can also automatically expand abbreviations on the fly.
For example, you could type wpc and have WordPerfect Corporation appear
as you press the space bar. QuickCorrect will also fix two initial caps
such as COrporation.

QuickSelect WPWin 6.0a understands that you need the ability to
select complete words, sentences, and paragraphs as well as individual
letters. QuickSelect gives you the flexibility to select precisely the
text you need. Click twice, holding the mouse down the second time, then
drag to select word by word. Click three times and drag to select
sentence by sentence, and click four times and drag to select paragraph by
paragraph. In addition, WPWin 6.0a has always let you click in the left
margin to select a sentence, and double click to select a paragraph, or
use the right mouse button in the left margin for more QuickSelect

QuickStart Coach When you first launch WPWin 6.0a an interactive
QuickStart Coach appears to give you an overview of the product. This
will assist WordPerfect for DOS users, as well as users of other word
processors such as Microsoft Word and Lotus Ami Pro as they make the
transition to WPWin 6.0a.

Transition Advisor Accessed from the Help menu, the Transition
Advisor helps WordPerfect for DOS users make a smooth transition to
Windows. The Transition Advisor displays keystrokes and commands from
WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS and then shows how to perform the equivalent tasks
in WPWin 6.0a. Also available is a WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS keyboard that
retains familiar keystrokes as you work.

ExpressDocs templates WPWin 6.0a will ship with a WPLite template
which provides a scaled-down menu and feature list. WPWin 6.0a will
include several other templates: WPAmiPro, business card creation,
workgroup, term paper, and an additional form letter template. In
addition, to answer requests from the legal community, a pleading macro
(PLEADING.WCM) and a pleading template (PLEADING.WPT) will ship with WPWin
6.0a. This automated template guides you through creating a pleading

Save A "fail safe" save option will now verify that the document
saved on disk is identical to the current document in WPWin 6.0a.

Uninstall The Setup Program includes an Uninstall facility which
allows for a standard or custom uninstall of WPWin 6.0a. Improvements have
also been made to the installation routine.

Paragraph Numbers Paragraph numbering is now equivalent to the
functionality found in WPWin 5.2 and is part of the Bullet and Numbers

Tables You can now save table data to the clipboard with tabs that
allow you to read data into a spreadsheet or save it as an ASCII (DOS)
Text file. In addition, you can save table data to a Borland Quattro Pro

Import/Export A conversion for Professional Write files has been
added, as well as ODBC support, which provides direct support for
Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel 5.0. In addition, WPWin 6.0a will now
import Lotus 123 version 4.0 format.

New Button Bars Three new Button Bars have been added to WPWin 6.0a:
Legal, Design Tools, and Utilities.

Network Users WPWin 6.0a includes Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
support as well as shareable paper size forms for Windows drivers.

Encryption Password protection has been improved, with support for
both the old and new formats for compatibility with existing WPWin users
and documents, as well as case-sensitive password protection.



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

Randy Noak, Editor

Oh! Am I sick! All of us here at Mac Report HQ have come down with
a nasty case of intestinal flu. I'll tell you, I'm getting sick of
looking at porcelain!

Mac Report Monthly is out and the first issue is a success,
garnering large amounts of downloads on the three services where it is
available (AOL, CIS and GEnie). One side benefit is that STReport
downloads are also up as Mac Report Monthly readers check out STR to find
out what they've been missing. Look for the April issue of MRM around
April 1, 1994.

I had a big editorial planned for this issue, but. due to the flu,
it will have to wait until next week when my health returns. For this
week, here is some interesting Apple info.


> Inside Track! STR FOCUS!


This paper examines some crucial issues confronting the personal
computer industry today. Fundamental shifts in technology are driving
major changes in the realm of operating system software changes that will
have a tremendous impact on the personal computing market. In
particular, this paper addresses four important trends: the emergence of
mainstream RISC computers, the move to object technologies, the new
emphasis on collaboration and communication, and the leap from today's
passive, graphical user interface to interfaces that are both active and

The Macintosh operating system, System 7, meets fundamental
requirements in these areas, providing customers with the capabilities
they need, as well as offering a foundation for providing the advances
they will be looking for in the future. Already, the Macintosh operating
system is recognized as providing leadership technology in areas such as
ease of use, graphics and imaging, and multimedia. This paper explains
how Apple intends to build on its current strong position, comparing and
contrasting its approach with that of other vendors.

RISC Goes Mainstream
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) microprocessor
architectures have been commercially successful in the workstation
market since the 1980s. In 1991, Apple, IBM, and Motorola joined forces
to bring the benefits of this technology to the mainstream personal
computing arena. These three companies combined efforts to create a
powerful, scalable, and cost-effective RISC-based microprocessor
architecture. The result, known as the PowerPC microprocessor, will power
that next generation of computers from both Apple and IBM.

The three companies in the PowerPC alliance believe that the
inherent advantages of RISC microprocessor technology over
microprocessors based on older, 1980s CISC (Complex Instruction Set
Computing) technology will allow the PowerPC chip to offer significant
and increasing performance and price/performance leadership over the
competing Intel architecture based on CISC technology. The PowerPC chip
derives its price/performance advantage over the Intel CISC architecture
through less complex chip design, which translates to a smaller die size
and more cost-effective manufacturing. Intel's Pentium chip, the PowerPC
chip's competitor, demonstrates the cost and manufacturing burden of
having to maintain exact compatibility with the large CISC instruction

PowerPC growth path. In addition to the initial PowerPC 601 chip,
the Apple, IBM, and Motorola alliance has announced a series of follow-
on PowerPC chips, under concurrent development. These include the low-
power, low-cost PowerPC 603 (designed for use in PowerBook and low-end
Macintosh computers), the high-performance PowerPC 604 (which will
eventually replace the PowerPC 601 in desktop and midrange systems), and
the superior-performance, full 64-bit implementation PowerPC 620
(designed for use in high-end workstations and servers). As a result,
the PowerPC architecture offers a well-understood, compelling growth
path for years to come.

The Intel response. Intel, alone in investing in Pentium, is
responding to
the PowerPC threat by preannouncing the details of a Pentium follow-on
chip P6. According to Intel, P6 will be a very complex chip, with more
than 6 million transistors (twice as many as in the Pentium chip), offer
two to three times the performance of Pentium, and ship in volume at the
end of 1995.

Operating Systems for RISC Microprocessors
Microprocessors and operating systems have a strong
interrelationship. DOS grew up as the operating system for the Intel
80x86 architecture, and now Microsoft Windows is succeeding to that
position. Although these operating systems have had a commanding role in
the CISC microprocessor world, Microsoft has no announced plans to port
Windows or MS-DOS (the Microsoft version of DOS) to a RISC platform the
effort would be tremendous. (It's important to understand that DOS and
Windows applications will run, through software emulation, on Macintosh
computers with PowerPC processors.) Because of this basic
incompatibility, the PowerPC chip's dramatic, high-volume entrance into
the personal computer arena will profoundly affect the operating system
market, as new contenders seek to establish the standard.

As RISC achieves mainstream status in 1994, the crucial question is
which operating system will dominate the PowerPC platform. Several
operating systems are jockeying for this leadership position. The
operating system vendors Apple, Microsoft, IBM, and so on all have
different approaches to providing operating system software for RISC-
based personal computers. Some vendors require users to adopt a new
operating system altogether, while others take an evolutionary approach.
To become the new standard in the personal computing market of the near
future, an operating system must meet the following criteria:

Availability for RISC. This may be the most important factor to even
be in the competition, the operating system must be able to run on
PowerPC. Operating systems vary in the ease in which they can be moved
from platform to platform. For example, both UNIX and Windows NT were
designed for easy portability. Other operating systems, notably Windows,
are intrinsically tied to a certain microprocessor architecture and
cannot easily be adapted to another.

Volume. Platform shipment volumes drive developers' decisions on
whether to develop software applications for the platform. High-volume
platforms will attract developer attention, while low-volume platforms
will suffer a lack of programs. Customers demand a broad selection of

Availability and compatibility of current programs. Customers moving
up from current-generation computers (both DOS and Windows software based
computers and Macintosh computers) will insist on support for their
existing applications and data. The level of compatibility offered will
be an important factor in their choice of an operating system.

Native applications. Because the transition to RISC centers around
high performance and the new capabilities enabled by that high
performance customers will also judge operating systems by the breadth of
selection of native applications (applications that offer full RISC
performance) available. Software developers must choose a specific
operating system for their PowerPC products, because, for example, an
application ported to System 7 for PowerPC will not operate on Windows NT
for PowerPC.

Ease of setup, use, and administration. Easy-to-use system software
has become a defacto requirement of personal computer users. Customers
want systems that they can set up in a straightforward manner, easily
configure with add-on devices, manage by themselves without requiring an
administrator, and so on. Traditionally, RISC systems have used UNIX a
complex operating system appropriate for the highly technical market
occupied by high-end engineering and graphic workstations, but difficult
for mainstream customers to work with. Operating systems designed for
personal computer users must appeal to a broader, more numerous market.

Hardware efficiency. Operating systems differ in their appetite for
hardware resources such as memory and hard disk space. Workstation and
server operating systems typically require 20 megabytes or more of RAM
and at least a 250-megabyte hard disk drive. In contrast, RISC-based
personal computer operating systems must operate comfortably with 8 to 12
megabytes of RAM and 80-megabyte hard disk drives.

Scalability. PowerPC processor based personal computers will come in
a range of designs, including desktop and notebook models. An operating
system must be able to meet the varying requirements of these different

Advanced features. To build the next generation of applications,
system software extensions, and user interfaces, designers require
robustness, performance, and additional services beyond those provided by
today's personal computer operating systems. High-capacity, high-
performance file systems are necessary to accommodate the larger amounts
of data generated by new technologies such as multimedia. The full 32-bit
operation enabled by RISC performance speeds access to and processing of
data and instructions. Preemptive, multithreaded execution will allow
the construction of more sophisticated programs. And memory protection
will isolate the effects of errant programs.

The Macintosh Operating System System 7 for PowerPC
Apple's Macintosh operating system (System 7) the industry benchmark
for easy-to-use system software maps well against all of these criteria,
positioning it to assume operating system leadership on RISC.

During the past two years, the Macintosh system software has been
enhanced to run on the PowerPC microprocessor. With a 68040 software
emulator as a standard component, System 7 for PowerPC offers
exceptional compatibility with all existing programs for Macintosh. A
mixed-mode architecture also supports new native applications that run
at full PowerPC speeds. And Apple has been working closely with the
third-party development community to ensure a broad range of native
application software for the PowerPC processor based Macintosh computers.
To date, more than 60 companies including all leading software vendors
have publicly announced commitments to bringing out versions of their
applications for PowerPC processor based Macintosh computers. It is
expected that hundreds of off-the-shelf applications will be available in
1994 for these new Macintosh systems.

Apple also offers migration paths for customers who want to move up
from existing IBM PC environments to the PowerPC environment. Already,
hardware-based solutions for PC compatibility are available in the
Macintosh Quadra line. The PowerPC chip brings a new level of
performance to software-based compatibility solutions, rendering them
highly practical. Through a partnership with Insignia Solutions, a
leading vendor of emulation technology, Apple can provide software-based
emulation of both DOS and Windows programs.

Apple has announced that it forecasts shipping 1 million PowerPC
processor based Macintosh computers within the year following their
introduction. Because System 7 for PowerPC will be the standard operating
system installed on these computers, Apple expects it to quickly become
the operating system volume leader for not only PowerPC processor based
computers, but for all RISC systems, far surpassing other contenders.

Looking down the road, Apple is rapidly enhancing Macintosh system
software to provide a solid foundation for the future. Although few of
the differences in System 7 for PowerPC will be perceptible to users,
significant changes have occurred within the core. A new runtime
architecture, adapted from workstation-class operating environments,
makes application development more straightforward. And subsequent
versions of Macintosh system software will add true multitasking
capability, memory protection, and enhanced file-system capabilities.

The Approach Taken by Other Vendors
In contrast to Apple's moves with the Macintosh operating system,
the strategies of the other major operating system vendors for their
transition to PowerPC have serious shortcomings. The following sections
describe these approaches and their implications for customers.

Microsoft. Microsoft's message to customers about RISC is clear:
Customers who want RISC must adopt a new operating system Windows NT.
But because Windows NT was designed as a server operating system, it
requires significant storage capacity and includes operating
complexities (for example, in the area of security) that make it an
inappropriate choice for mainstream users. Windows NT also lacks
mainstream applications, and even programs available on the 80x86 version
of Windows NT must be ported to run on a RISC microprocessor such as the
PowerPC chip.

Microsoft's mainstream operating system Windows 3.1 is simply not
available for PowerPC or any other RISC microprocessor. This is because
Windows 3.1 (like its eventual successor, Chicago) is built around the
Intel architecture, contains significant amounts of 80x86 assembly-
language code and, according to Microsoft officials, is not easily
ported to other computer architectures. Windows customers who want RISC
performance must migrate to a different operating system.

IBM. IBM's strategy for the PowerPC chip is to offer a number of
high-end, workstation operating systems and leave the choice to the
customer. Operating system choices to be offered by IBM include AIX,
Workplace OS, Solaris, Taligent, and OS/2 (on Workplace OS).

Each of these operating systems alone is a weak contender and the
combination of them does nothing to strengthen the proposition. Workplace
OS, a new operating system under development at IBM, promises to host
multiple operating system "personalities," such as OS/2 and Taligent.
However, these choices fall short on several of the criteria for a
successful operating system (native applications, efficient operation,
and ease of use). And AIX and Solaris, the two UNIX operating system
based choices, are burdened with the administrative complexity and
massive appetite for computing resources associated with UNIX.

The abundance of operating system options confuses the situation for
both developers and users. Developers will be uncertain where to focus
their limited development resources, resulting in an extremely limited
selection of native applications for each operating system. And users
will simply be unsure which operating system to choose.

The Macintosh operating system should become the leading operating
system for next-generation personal computers based on PowerPC RISC
microprocessors. Because Apple took a fundamentally different approach
to moving to RISC than did other companies, Apple can provide what
customers want: a mature, easy-to-use operating system with a broad
selection of native programs from leading developers and excellent
compatibility with existing programs. Driven by the volumes of Apple's
hardware business, the Macintosh operating system will offer developers
a far stronger proposition than its competitors.

The Move to Object Technologies
Apple is not alone in recognizing some of the problems with
computing today and the benefits to be realized from moving to an
object-based applications framework. Two major problems can be addressed
through the use of object-based technologies: the difficulty today of
creating documents with varying media and the increasing complexity of

Compound documents. Ten years ago, most of what people did with
computers centered around text and numbers. The graphical nature of the
Macintosh computer brought a new emphasis to working with graphics on the
computer, because the graphics-based user interface allowed easy
manipulation, editing, and integration of words and images.

Today, however, many computer users engage in the creation of
compound documents with parts containing various media, such as text,
tables, movies, sound, and graphics in a variety of file formats.
Currently, each medium requires users to work in different ways, and
often in separate applications or editors, demanding a labor-intensive
series of actions to move data from each creator application to the final
document. This lengthy and cumbersome process tends to be error-prone
and frustrating and, consequently, time-consuming.

Application complexity. In recent years, developers have found that
the demands of the marketplace encourage an ever-increasing complexity
in successive releases of applications; they are under constant
competitive pressure to add more features to their products. The result
is paradoxical: As applications become more powerful in terms of
features, they also become more difficult to learn and use and hence less
useful to people. In addition, they require more time and effort to
develop, enhance, and maintain.

Compound Document Architectures
Compound document architectures have emerged as the answer to these
issues, by reducing the complexity and increasing the flexibility of
software for both end users and developers. They offer an evolutionary

ch to restructuring software into independent modules, or "parts,"
which can be flexibly combined in a variety of ways. The result is an
entirely different way of both using and writing personal computer
software one that offers a number of significant benefits.

For users, compound document architectures offer the following:

=> Easy creation of compound documents
=> Editing "in place"
=> Powerful document management capabilities
=> Cross-platform support
=> Consistency of operation
=> Uniformity of interface
=> Scalability
=> "Plug-and-play" solutions

For developers, compound document architectures enable:

=> Faster, more efficient development
=> Reduction of application complexity
=> Diminished cost and risk of software development.

The OpenDoc architecture. OpenDoc is a compound document
architecture championed by Apple and other leading industry vendors.
Specifically, Apple is combining its expertise in user-interface
technology with WordPerfect's competence in document centric computing
and Novell's skills in collaborative systems to define and implement the
OpenDoc technology. In addition, a number of other system and software
vendors have helped shape the OpenDoc specifications, and many are
expected to support OpenDoc in their products and to assist in
implementing OpenDoc on their platforms.

The OpenDoc coalition is working closely with recognized industry
associations such as the Object Management Group (OMG), the Open
Software Foundation (OSF), and the X Consortium. Apple's stated intent
is to make OpenDoc technology not only cross platform but also truly open
with both systems vendors and independent software vendors able to
obtain the source code easily. OpenDoc advantages include a superior
user interface, a simple development model, multiplatform support, and
network readiness.

The competition. In contrast to OpenDoc, the other major effort
along these lines Microsoft's OLE 2.0 takes a closed and proprietary
approach, with the OLE 2.0 source code being held by Microsoft and
provided only under Microsoft license. However, a goal of the OpenDoc
effort will be interoperability with OLE 2.0, which will allow developers
to take advantage of its broader feature set, additional support
platforms, and truly open nature without sacrificing OLE support.

Enhancing Collaboration and Communication
Just as the personal computer initially boosted individual
productivity, today the technology is being applied to increase the
productivity of groups working together. In the current competitive and
fast-paced business environment, effective communications and, more
specifically, effective teamwork can provide organizations with the
competitive edge that can spell the difference between success and

Too often in the past, however, users have been hindered rather than
helped by the technology daunted by multiple formats, competing
communications services, and the sheer bulk of information they receive.
Increasingly, it's becoming obvious that merely having information at
our fingertips isn't enough. What we need are technologies that help us
to manage information not just get more of it.

Already, Apple has demonstrated industry-leading directions in these
kinds of useful collaborative technologies. New developments will
continue to help customers navigate vast stores of information and
collaborate with others without concern for the platforms or protocols

To provide advanced collaborative solutions, strong, consistent
networking capabilities must be built directly into the operating
system. Customers should be able to deploy systems, applications, and
services and have them transparently take advantage of the appropriate
network protocol.

Toward that end, Apple is delivering the Open Transport Architecture
an architecture that allows all networking protocols (AppleTalk, IPX, IP,
DECnet, and more) to function at a high level in the Macintosh
networking world. In contrast, networking in the Windows world is
complex, with multiple, competing implementations of the same protocol
and no unifying architecture for developers or users.

For users to get the full advantages of computer-based collaboration
and communications, electronic-mail services should be integrated
directly into the operating system not a separate utility and mail
should be gathered from different sources into a single desktop mailbox.
The architecture should have an open back end to facilitate the
integration of gateways providing access to a variety of mail
environments, such the Internet and QuickMail. The messaging system
should scale from peer-to-peer offerings for small workgroups up to
server-based systems for large groups and organizations. And the mail
service should go beyond simple text to support media-rich data,
including graphics, animation, sound, and video.

True workflow in groups and organizations becomes possible when
electronic-mail services are augmented with authentication, digital
signature, and privacy services, so that organizations can build systems
that are trustworthy and secure. Systemwide scripting is also critical,
to allow people to take off-the-shelf programs and weave them together
into custom workflow solutions.

Apple products for collaboration. PowerTalk system software,
delivered in the System 7 Pro product, is the first comprehensive
collaboration product for the individual user. Its built-in electronic
messaging, catalog, security, and digital signature capabilities make it
easy for individuals to communicate and work with other individuals or
groups on a network.

PowerShare Collaboration Servers are the focal point of Apple's
team-oriented collaboration platform. PowerShare Collaboration Server
software is designed to provide a powerful platform for team-oriented
collaboration solutions: reducing management overhead and costs through
the consolidation of system administration, improving network security,
and facilitating the creation of systems with large numbers of PowerTalk
users on an AppleTalk network. It provides server-based mail, catalog,
and privacy services for PowerTalk users.

Apple recognizes that today's computing environments are seldom
homogeneous. Inter-operation and coexistence with products and services
from other vendors is a core component of Apple's strategy. We believe
that users must have the flexibility to mix and match desktop machines
and departmental servers from several vendors. To address this
requirement, Apple has forged an agreement with Microsoft that allows
users to deploy a variety of computers and servers with the confidence
that they will all work together no matter what combination of equipment
is selected.

In addition, departmental systems must integrate well with other
mail systems and the enterprise's centrally managed messaging and
directory backbones. To address this need, Apple is working with third-
party vendors to deliver both personal and server gateways to allow
individuals and teams to interoperate with mail and collaboration systems
other than Macintosh system based services, as well as enterprise

The competitive approach. The approach taken by Apple with its
System 7 Pro software, as well as with the next version of Macintosh
operating system software, is in stark contrast to that of Microsoft and
its collaborative solution Windows for Workgroups as shown in the
following figure:

Feature Macintosh System 7 Pro Windows for Workgroups
Desktop mail [x]
Peer-to-peer LAN mail [x] Limited
Point-to-point dialup [x]
Server independent (open back-end extensibility) [x]
Single log-in (key chain) [x]
Simple directory services [x] [x]
Server based [x] [x]
Rich data content [x]

Workflow services
Digital signatures [x]
Bidirectional authentication [x]
Scriptable With the next version of Macintosh system software

Extensible catalog [x]
Privacy [x]
Collaboration integrated in O/S [x]
Third-party support [x]
Limited Available for PowerPC [x]

Moving from Passive to Active User Interfaces
In the 1980s, Apple pioneered the concept of the personal computer
graphical user interface, incorporating features such as windows, menus,
icons, and copy-and-paste functionality to simplify the process of
working with computers. Apple made the interface even richer with the
addition of built-in collaboration via PowerTalk, and with speech
recognition via PlainTalk software on the Macintosh computers that
support Apple AV Technologies. As a result, the power of computing
technology is now accessible to more people than ever before. The
popularity of the Macintosh system software and of Microsoft Windows has
demonstrated the relative superiority of the graphical user interface
over older, command-line interfaces.

But after 10 years of experience, Apple is able to recognize
potential limitations in the current and relatively passive graphical
user interface (GUI) model. Based on this experience, Apple is poised to
evolve the user interface from a passive GUI to one of active assistance
that accomplishes specific tasks with minimal direction, and even
anticipates user preferences and needs. Computers in the future will
incorporate intelligence that will understand what the user is
attempting to do and guide him or her through the task. A logical next
step is allowing people to "delegate" complete tasks to the computer,
freeing them to focus on other activities. When this technology is in
place, the user interface will be transformed from a passive player to an
active, "intelligent" assistant. Users will benefit from an intelligent
interface that adapts to their way of working.

The technology necessary to implement an active interface is wide-
ranging. First, active interfaces will require tremendous power.
Advanced natural-interface technologies such as speech-recognition and
text-to-speech software are necessary to improve communication with the
user. Second, the system software must also have high-level control over
portions of itself, as well as over applications.

Apple is actively working toward the creation of such an interface,
harnessing the power of RISC and OpenDoc technology to deliver the next
generation of system software based functionality. Already delivered are
key technologies such as PlainTalk speech-recognition and text-to-speech
software, Apple Events and AppleScript scripting technologies, and
QuickTime multimedia software. And the next release of Macintosh system
software will include Apple Guide technology, which provides step-by-
step context-sensitive assistance even to the extent of showing users
precisely how to complete a task using scripting.

Apple s System Software Strategy
In the computer industry, it s been conventional wisdom for the last
decade that Apple's Macintosh computer platform has the most advanced,
sophisticated, and easy-to-use operating system available. People who use
it are more productive. Competitors try to imitate it. And it s set the
standard for how a computer should work.

But there s always been a few caveats. First, people thought the
initial Macintosh systems in the 1980s were underpowered. Over the past
decade, however, Apple has brought to market a series of increasingly
powerful computers. And with the imminent introduction of Macintosh
systems based on the PowerPC microprocessor, Macintosh will become the
most powerful personal computer available from any manufacturer.

Second, people thought Macintosh systems were too expensive. No
more. Over the past four years, Apple has steadily reduced prices on its
Macintosh models. As a result, Macintosh systems are now priced
competitively with leading personal computers based on Intel
microprocessors. In many categories, Apple has the most competitively
priced models available.

Finally, people thought that Macintosh system software didn t fit
in. It didn't support other standard operating systems such as MS-DOS or
Windows. It didn't interoperate well enough in mixed computing
environments. And it didn't make the job easy for developers who wanted
to write applications for more than one platform. With its new system
software strategy, however, Apple expects to drop that final caveat into
the dustbin of history. That's because Apple is implementing an
aggressive, competitive, and comprehensive software development and
marketing effort aimed at one goal: making Apple and Macintosh technology
relevant and available to mainstream personal computer users around the
world. And that includes users of MS-DOS and Windows software based
personal computers in addition to users of Macintosh personal computers.
This strategy has two parts: fitting in and standing out.

Fitting In For many years, Apple has offered ways for users of
other types of computers to exchange information with Macintosh users,
and vice versa. But these initial efforts left barriers between the
platforms for many people. Those barriers, however, are coming down as
Apple aims to greatly expand and improve interoperability between
Macintosh and other platforms.

Here's how Apple will increase Macintosh interoperability:
=> Apple will make it easier for people to run Macintosh, MS-DOS, and
Windows applications on the same system. Apple has announced a dual-
processor configuration of its popular Macintosh Quadra 610 computer (it
includes both a Motorola microprocessor and an Intel 80486 SX
microprocessor) so people will be able to run Macintosh and MS-DOS or
Windows applications in tandem and even cut and paste information between
the two environments. In addition, Apple s upcoming PowerPC processor
based Macintosh systems will be able to run MS-DOS and Windows
applications, via SoftWindows software from Insignia Solutions, at speeds
up to those of an 80486 SX processor based computer.

=> Apple aims to make it easier for users of Macintosh and Windows
software based computers to work together. Many people work in mixed
computing environments, or work on one type of computer at the office and
another at home. And they want to exchange data files between these
systems. Apple currently offers Macintosh PC Exchange and Macintosh Easy
Open software, which let people open and edit MS-DOS, Windows, and OS/2
files from within Macintosh applications. Apple intends to include these
utilities in the next reference release of the Macintosh operating

=> Apple plans to improve compatibility with major networking and
enterprise systems. Apple currently builds Ethernet and Token Ring
connectivity into most of its Macintosh systems. And it also supports a
range of options for network support of other mainstream protocols. But
Apple aims to go further in the future, making it even easier for people
on mainstream networks to work with the Macintosh. The next reference
release of the Macintosh operating system is scheduled to include
software that supports TCP/IP, a popular protocol for business and
education networks. In January 1994, Apple signed an agreement with
Microsoft Corporation that ensures interoperation between Apple's
messaging services and Microsoft s messaging services. Apple is also
working with other vendors to ensure similar interoperability with their
mail and messaging systems. This means that Macintosh users can easily
collaborate with their colleagues, any time, anywhere. In addition, Apple
is refining a software architecture that lets developers write a single
application that automatically supports all major networking protocols.
Called the Open Transport communications architecture, this software
simplifies development and more fully integrates Macintosh into mixed
environment networks.

=> Apple plans to make it easy for users of computers based on the UNIX
operating system to run Macintosh applications. For several years, Apple
has offered A/UX, an industry-standard UNIX implementation on the
Macintosh platform, giving people the advantages of UNIX (such as
multitasking) and the ease of use of Macintosh. Soon, Apple aims to
license a set of Macintosh operating system services to UNIX hardware
vendors. By doing so, people who use UNIX operating system based
computers will have an even broader choice of hardware platforms from
which they can enjoy the benefits of Macintosh.

=> Apple intends to make it easy for developers to write programs, or
application parts, for many different platforms. Apple is developing
the OpenDoc component software architecture, which is next-generation
system software. OpenDoc takes today s monolithic applications and allows
developers to break them into smaller, easily customized programs called
parts. People will then be able to conveniently combine their favorite
components from different vendors just as they might combine the
components in a stereo system to create a unified, customized workspace
that contains many different functions.

Apple has designed OpenDoc so that the components developers create
will interoperate not only with Macintosh applications, but also with
programs that support Microsoft s Object Linking and Embedding (OLE 2.0)
protocol. All of which means that developers who write for OpenDoc will
essentially be writing for all major personal computing platforms.

=> Apple will be guided by the principle of open innovation in the
development of technology. Apple will continue its legacy of developing
the industry s most innovative technologies; however, the company will do
so in partnership with other vendors. Following on the success of its
alliance with IBM and Motorola in bringing the PowerPC chip to market,
Apple is working with another group of vendors WordPerfect, Novell, IBM,
Sun, and Xerox to provide OpenDoc component software on all personal
computer platforms. Although Apple developed the OpenDoc technology, it
is contributing OpenDoc to an industry wide consortium that can ensure
that the technology is maintained as an open standard. Other examples of
Apple s work with industry partners to establish innovative standards
include the Taligent and Kaleida joint ventures, as well as industry
consortia such as the Newton Industry Association and Worldwide
Publishing Consortium. Standing Out Apple is committed to remaining the
industry s technology leader creating interfaces, solutions, and ways of
computing that distinguish themselves by their thoughtful concern for how
people like to do their work. In the coming years, Apple intends to
extend that leadership by delivering new technologies that go far beyond
making products easy to use technologies that actively assist people in
completing their work.

Apple s new technologies will be focused on these areas:
=> Building on the power of RISC. With the introduction of PowerPC
processor based Macintosh computers in spring 1994, Apple will be the
first company in the world to offer computers that combine the power of
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) microprocessors with a
mainstream personal computer operating system. This integration of
affordable power with ease of use represents a watershed for personal
computer users, and a turning point for the computer industry. Wholly new
ways of using computers will become possible, as the power of these
microprocessors enable new software advances.

Computation-intensive software is no longer relegated only to high-
end workstations it can be applied to new applications and new interface
design. PowerPC technology helps break the barriers to next-generation

Areas in which Apple plans to stake a leadership position include
intelligent agents (software that actually anticipates what people want
to do), animation, three-dimensional design, high-resolution video,
integrated voice communication, speech recognition, and text-to-speech

=> Putting people in control of their workspace, not the other way
around. There s widespread recognition that application software has
become too complex. Feature-rich software often means feature-laden
software. And people have to change the way they work to match the way
applications work. Apple aims to change all that with its OpenDoc
technology. OpenDoc will allow people to mix and match parts of
traditional application programs, so they can do their work in any way
they want.

OpenDoc is as its name implies an open technology, which supports not
only Macintosh applications, but also applications and parts developed
for OLE 2.0, Microsoft's component software architecture.

=> Making it easy for people to work effectively with others. Apple has
a history of delivering industry-leading technologies that help people
connect to, work with, and share information with other people. Apple was
the first personal computer vendor to offer built-in networking, with the
AppleTalk protocol. The Macintosh platform supports all major networking
protocols, making Macintosh the most networked brand of personal
computer. And with the recently delivered Apple Open Collaboration
Environment (also known as AOCE), Apple has created a system software
level foundation for collaborative applications and services. These
include mail, messaging, digital signature, and security services that
let people send mail and share information with others making
collaboration an integral part of every program.

Moving forward, Apple intends to extend its leadership in
collaboration solutions by building on its OpenDoc and Open Transport
architectures. With OpenDoc, Apple will enable interoperation between
parts for use across networks, which means people will be able to develop
a single solution that can be used by everyone in their workgroup even if
they use different hardware platforms. With Open Transport, developers
will be able to write a single application that automatically supports
all major networking protocols. People will be able to select the
applications or parts they want without worrying about network protocols,
and network administrators will be able to choose the networking
protocols that make the most sense for them.

=> Moving from ease of use to ease of doing. The graphical user
interface that Apple designed for the Macintosh personal computer went a
long way toward making computers easy to use. It was a dramatic reversal
from the previous, text-based systems that were difficult to learn and
use. Since then, Apple has continued to build on its human-like
interface. The Macintosh user interface of the future aims to be as
invisible as possible, so people can focus on their work, not on using a
device. It will incorporate intelligent agents that can provide
customized assistance for both learning and automating tasks. In
addition, the power of RISC technology will provide the basis for a more
natural means of communication with the computer, such as through speech
recognition and text-to-speech capability.

A Strategy Aligned with Industry Trends
Apple believes that this strategy will be effective in the industry's
competitive landscape, because it is aligned with the major trends that
are reshaping the information industry.

=> CISC to RISC. The industry s transition from CISC (Complex
Instruction Set Computing) to RISC technology seems inevitable. And Apple
believes that as the first vendor to bring to market a personal computer
that combines a mainstream operating system with a RISC microprocessor it
stands to gain the consideration of large numbers of Intel customers who
are still relying on CISC technology.

=> Monolithic to component applications. The days of increasingly
complex, memory-intensive applications are limited. Instead, people will
look for applications that allow them to create a workspace they can
customize to fit their work needs. Apple believes that OpenDoc technology
will be the clear leader in this area, since it will interoperate across
major platforms, including Windows and Macintosh.

=> Stand-alone to collaborative systems. Personal computers are
increasingly becoming the collaborative tool on which workgroups depend,
even if the people in the group are time zones away from one another. As
a result, platforms that are designed to enhance collaboration such as
the Macintosh operating system, with its built-in mail, messaging, and
networking capabilities will have a competitive advantage.

=> Passive to active interfaces. As personal computers become more a
part of everyday life, those companies with the expertise at making
computers more than just easy to use so they re designed around the way
people work will have a fundamental advantage. This expertise has always
been Apple s greatest strength. And Apple s adoption of a RISC
microprocessor as the basis for its flagship personal computers allows
the company to tap the incredible power of RISC technology, so that
computers can eventually assist users with their tasks.

This system software strategy represents a major and fundamental
shift for Apple's business. By fitting in and standing out, Apple aims to
make its technology relevant to a much broader group of customers. And by
aligning its development efforts with the major trends reshaping the
computing industry, Apple believes that it can provide people with the
smoothest, most productive, and ultimately most promising path to the
next generation of computing.

That's it for this week. Hopefully, next week I'll be healthy again! As
always, please feel free to send your comments or questions to me at:

America ONLINE: STReportRN
CompuServe: 70323,1031


STReport International Online Magazine is available every week
for your reading pleasure on DELPHI. STReport's readers are invited to
join DELPHI and become a part of a friendly community of enthusiastic
computer users there.


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DELPHI-It's the BEST Value and getting better all the time!


Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Here it is, another week. I'm going to try one last time to
say that we haven't had a snowstorm this week, and hope that it doesn't
backfire on me again! It actually reached 70 degrees here today, so
maybe Spring is really here, finally.

It's been relatively quiet on the home front. Except for the
continuing "debate" regarding GemView with regard to Lexicor; and now
the beginnings of a debate regarding Current Notes author David
Barkin's review of Lexicor's Nova card, including his "pre-review"
letter to Lexicor - things are relatively quiet. <<grin>> It's truly
a sad state of affairs to see this type of activity still going on.
Where it all ends up is really anyone's guess at this time. It's not
surprising to see it still happening, but you'd think that eventually,
it would finally grow tiresome. The reporter side of me says that the
information should be covered as fairly as possible; and that will
happen if a number of questions to various people are answered.
Otherwise, I'll let it ride and hope that answers are provided by other
means. Personally, I wish that the two or three parties directly
involved would just sit down and hash out any differences that each

Regarding our upcoming expanded Jaguar coverage, things are moving
along well. Our new staffers have a lot of great ideas and I expect
the response from our Jaguar-owning readers to be very positive. I'm
very pleased at the response, so far, that we've all been getting these
past few weeks; the results will be informative to us all. Now, if my
Jaguar would just show up at the door, I could get even more enthusiastic
and really have a reason to be more involved in all of the fun!!
Seriously though, the staff is really excited and material is being
finalized as I write. There are still a few details to be worked out,
but that's normal. Anyway, I expect that we'll be on schedule and
you'll see the additional coverage a week from today.

For a change, I'm going to keep this real short this week (ahhhh,
I hear those cheers!). We've got some interesting stuff for you, so
let's get to it.

Until next time...

Delphi's Atari Advantage

(2) Z*NET #94-02 (7) ST-ZIP 2.4 FIX

* = New on list


The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT #10.12)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.

> Delphi PR STR InfoFile Delphi's Mail/Data Storage Charges Gone!

Effective April 1, 1994, all DELPHI storage charges will be eliminated.
Using DELPHI and the Internet will now be easier and
more economical for all members. There will be no explicit limits
placed on the number of e-mail messages and data files that may be left
online, and there will be no individual message size limit.

While this new policy is as liberal as possible, DELPHI still reserves
the right to enforce mail and/or storage restrictions if any single
member's files become so large that it adversely impacts system
performance for other members.
Also, your personal Workspace and E-mail message storage will be managed
automatically by limiting the amount of time that messages and files
may remain online. Messages and files that have passed the specified
time limit (see below) will be subject to deletion, beginning April 15,
1994. E-mail messages and Workspace files will be deleted according
to the following rules:


Unread mail messages are subject to deletion after 30 days have
passed from the date the message was sent.

Messages that have been read are subject to deletion 7 days from
the date the message was sent.


Workspace is your personal temporary file storage area on DELPHI.
You can store files in your Workspace for up to 48 hours, giving
you ample time to transfer the files to your own computer. All
Workspace files will be subject to deletion after 48 hours have
passed since transfer, creation, or last modification, whichever
is most recent.

The time limits outlined above are minimums, as deletion of files and
messages will be scheduled and exercised at the discretion of DELPHI
management. As a result, files and messages may occasionally remain
online longer than the time periods specified above.

Some files are exempted from automatic deletion, and can be left online
in your workspace indefinitely. Exempted files include:

FAVORITES.SAV -- This is the file that stores your "Personal
Favorites" from Gopher and Usenet, if you
have any saved, and will not be deleted.
E-mail distribution lists (*.DIS) -- Distribution lists of
reasonable length can be stored in workspace
and will not be deleted.

DELPHI game data files (*.DAT) -- Data files which store your
player data for DELPHI games like Stellar
Conquest will not be deleted.

Once a file or E-mail message has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.
You are responsible for transferring files and messages to your home
computer within the specified time periods if you wish to save them. If
you'd like some tips on saving E-mail messages on your home computer, see
the next article in this area, "Saving Your E-mail Messages".


> Atari User Groups "Flea Market" STR InfoFile

ACT Groups' 2nd Annual "Connecticut Computer Shop & Swap" Event!

For more information call
(203) 637-1034 or 327-7250

STAMFORD, Conn. - Kiss your outmoded computer equipment goodbye and
collect quick cash for that long-awaited system upgrade. Make your own
deals with computer users who've run out of room and have to sell their
wares at deep discounts. Discover lost caches of out-of-print software
and sample demonstrations the latest that the Atari market has to

That's the agenda for the 2nd annual "Connecticut Computer
Shop & Swap," a high-tech "flea market" slated for Saturday, April 9 at
St. Benedict's Church Social Hall in Stamford. The show will run from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The second-year event being staged by ACT Atari Group, a network of
seven non-profit user groups throughout Connecticut and Western
Massachusetts. The "Shop & Swap" is aimed at computer owners looking for
new products and services with which to upgrade their systems, or those
seeking buyers for old gear they've outgrown.

Some leading East Coast Atari developers are expected to attend,
offering attractive discounts on their hardware and software products.
They and regional user groups are expected to provide exciting
demonstrations featuring the Atari Falcon030 computer and the 64-bit
Jaguar game system. The exhibitor line-up is not finalized, but some of
last year's vendors included Gribnif Software, BaggettaWare Software,
Derric Electronics and Atari user groups from Fairfield County, New
Haven, Danbury, Bristol, Greater Hartford and Western Massachusetts.

Admission for the show is $4 for adults, $2 for children under 12.
Any individual may bring computer equipment to sell, regardless of the
brand or model, for an exhibitor's fee of $15; recognized Atari user
groups will be charged $25 per booth. Space is limited, tables will be
sold on a first-come, first-served basis, so make your reservations
For more information about exhibiting or attending, contact
Vincent Veich, 1 St. Benedict Circle, Stamford, CT 06902 [Phone (203)
327-7250; E-Mail EAGLES (GEnie)]; or Doug Finch, 46 Park Avenue, Old
Greenwich, CT 06870 [Phone (203) 637-1034; E-Mail D.FINCH7 (GEnie),
76337,1067 (CompuServe)]. Look for travel directions and other show
news in upcoming bulletins in this forum.


> JAGUAR UPDATE! STR FOCUS Tempest 2000 & S-Video Cables
"""""""""""""""""""""""" We received word late in the week that the
Atari S-Video cables
for the Jaguar are now in stock. Atari will be initially filling the
200+ pre-orders. Also, Tempest 2000 should be in stock within a day or
so, so those orders will also be going out.




-A Guide to the Online PD/Shareware Waters.

by John R. Duckworth

Looking for that certain file on your hard know the has the word _VIEW_ somewhere in it's filename, and has
either a .PRG or .TTP extender. Maybe you've found the file (after a
lengthy search) and you'd like to find out just how much processor
time it consumes. Perhaps you'd like a break from the hard work
you've been about looking at a few 3-D pictures? This week
I'll take a look at three small programs that will allow us to do those
very specific tasks.

"Searcher 2.01" by Alex Nicholls is a small shareware utility
which will search a users drive (floppy, RAM, and hard drives are
supported) for a specific file or group of files. Once loaded, the
program presents the user with a GEM dialog box with several
configurable selections. The user may choose which drives he/she
wishes to search and the name of the file(s) to find (wildcards may
be used). Once "GO" is selected, the program will simply output the
list of files selected, allowing the user to see exactly where on
their drive they reside or one of two other actions may be taken. The
program may be instructed to delete the named file(s) or change one
of their flags. An output configuration button is also present which
lets the user choose where he/she wants the output sent (i.e. screen,
printer, or file), and what the output list is to consist of...such
as showing the full or partial path of the file(s), the files'
attributes, the sizes of the files, and their datestamp. "Searcher"
works well, although it is not the fastest file finder I've ever
seen. Still, it gets the job done, and is very useful for finding
lost programs or making lists (of say .GIF pictures) of files which
friends may be interested. "Searcher" will work on any Atari TOS
computer, although memory may be a factor if you have a large hard
drive partition with hundreds of folders.

Another small utility I received this week was "Speedom" by Erin
Matthew Monaco. When run, the program displays (in a very small
window) how much CPU time is being used by other tasks concurrently
running. For this program to be used for any useful purpose, MultiTOS
or Geneva should be installed. The utility automatically calibrates
itself when run for the first time, therefore different system speeds
and set-up configurations shouldn't cause it any problem. For those
who like collecting gadgets with only limited utility, "Speedom" may
be worth as look.

The last program is a fun (for some) application called "STIS"
(Which stands for Stereoscopic Image System) by Phillip W. O'Neal.
This program will create a 3-D stereo type image, from a normal degas
picture, like those made popular by "Games Magazine" and now found at
virtually any, and every mall in the country. If you've never seen on
of these stereo images, they simply look like a bunch of dots
resembling TV static. When looked at by focusing your eyes a bit
beyond the plane of the image, a 3-D object seems to pop out of the
background. At least I'm told that's what happens...personally, I've
never been able to see one yet. Other members of my family see the images
very easily, perhaps I just need more practice. At any rate, the
program will run in any ST resolution, and is GEM based for ease of use.
Simply load in a degas picture (not a too complicated one) and select
the create stereo image option. After a minute or so, the new stereo
picture appears in it's own window. The new image may then be saved or
printed. If you are a fan of the 3-D stereo pictures, I suggest you
download "STIS" and give it a try. For those who haven't been able to
see them, only get this program if you want some more practice <grin>.

Join me again next week for another fabulous issue of STReport.
I hear great things are in the works, and if I'm lucky...I'll get a
great new application program to review which will knock everyone's
socks off! Until next time...keep the earth clean. Remember e-mail:

| Old Fishin Hole Tackle Box * |
| Searcher 2.01 |
| Delphi: Atari Advantage Area - READ SEARCHER |
| Speedom |
| GEnie: Atari RT - #32318 |
| STIS |
| Delphi: Atari Advantage Area - READ STIS |
* The Tackle Box is meant to provide assistance in finding files
mentioned in the column. It should not be considered a COMPLETE
listing and is provided for convenience only. Delphi Atari Advantage
files should be found in the Recent Arrivals section of the database
until moved to their appropriate sections.


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. It looks like spring has sprung... at
least for the time being. Boy, whoever it was that told me to "have a
spring wedding" is going to get a smack in the head. It's coming up
quick and things are getting hectic.

Well, at any rate, no matter how busy I get, I can always find the time
to check out the goings-on along that much-touted electronic highway.
With "on ramps" as close as your telephone line, its easy to go cruisin'
to check out the scenery. And its a lot safer because you don't have to
worry about accidents.

So, now that I've included my usual inane reference to the electronic
highway, let's take a look at the info, hints, and tips to be found on
my favorite pit stop along the electronic highway, CompuServe (see that?
there's one of those lame references again). Well... let's get to it...

From the Atari Productivity Forum

Every once in a while someone from the DOS world (isn't that the
universe that Bizarro Superman came from?) asks about viewing Atari
format pictures on their machine. This is one of those times. Marlene
Apel asks:

"Is there a program that will allow me to view SPC formatted images on
my IBM. I have a 486 with a Super VGA, windows, Dos and most other
things. I really want to view some SPC formatted images, but I can't
view them. Is there a way to convert these images to any other format,
like GIF. I saw a program to convert GIFs to SPC's, but I haven't sen
one to convert SPC's to GIF's. Help me if you can!"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Marlene:

"You're in luck..! Forum member Merrick Stemem has just uploaded an
entire series of viewers designed to allow viewing Atari format
pictures on IBM compatible systems..!

For now they're in the ATARIARTs software libraries, in the "viewers"

There are individual viewers for SPC, SPU, Degas, TNY and NeoChrome
picture files.

The only "converter" program I've ever seen that works very well to
actually change Spectrum files into GIF files is a commercial program
called DIGISPEC.

Probably the easiest thing to do though, would be to use one of
Merrick's viewers on your PC, then use a PC "screen snapshot" program
to convert the displayed image into a GIF file right on your PC.

Let us know how it works..!"

Marlene asks Bob:

"Thanks, I'll download those viewers, but what is a PC "screen
snapshot" program? Sorry, I'm new at this! Thanks a ton!"

Bob tells Marlene:

"A "snapshot" program will save the current screen as a GIF file onto
your disk... you can use them to make a copy of, say a spreadsheet
display for use as "clipart" to import into a desktop publishing
document, or to make "slides" for a presentation... or in our case, to
make GIF files from the pictures you display with the Atari picture

Usually the way they work is you first load the "snapshot" program and
it will stay resident in your PC's memory. Then when you load and run
the viewer program, you can save the screen display to disk by pressing
a "Hot Key" combination... something like CTRL S to save the screen.

These programs usually name the GIF files something like SNAP001.GIF,
SNAP002.GIF, and so on, so you'll have to rename the files when you're
done, but it usually works quite well..

Ones I've used in the past, and which you can find in the IBM and
Graphics Forum libraries here on CompuServe, are VGACAP and Screen

Let me know if you have any questions about using them.."

Meanwhile, Joseph Zecchin asks:

"Can I use my STE to connect to INTERNET? I use Stalker for
communications. If I can where can I get information on how to do it?"

Yat Siu of Lexicor Software tells Joseph:

"Yes you can use any telecomm program to connect via the Internet
providing it has VT XXX emulation or whatever you Internet site has.

What you need is the direct dial number of an Internet site in your
area, unless you work for an institution or university or whatever
there are also commercial Internet sites such as"

Paul Peeraerts asks Yat:

"Is there some "telephone book" with direct dial Internet numbers? I
would like to find the numbers for Belgium, but I didn't succeed so

Yat tells Paul:

"The best way to date I found out it to join one of the Usenet groups
labelled something like or something like
that. However...not having Internet access makes it awfully hard to
read those newsgroups *g*

Anyway, here's what I have for you:

14,400 Connection Mortsel 32-3-4552073 the S-team in Belgium has
Internet and Fidonet access."

Sysop Bob Retelle jumps in and says:

"In addition to the info Yat gave you, we also have a software package
in our libraries here called KA9Q which lets your ST essentially
become a node on the Internet, so you don't have to have an account on
a host system... IF... you can find a local dial-in number that will
let you have Internet access.

There is also a lot of info in the UNIXFORUM here on CompuServe,
including lists of local dialup numbers and services for Internet

Sysop Jim Ness adds a plug for CIS:

"Don't forget the new Internet Forum, as an info source. GO INETFOR."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Jim:

"Ah yes..! I've been meaning to drop over there to INETFORUM and
check it out.. I just wish thee was some kind of LZH utility that
worked to compress more than 24 hours into one day..!"

Yat Siu of Lexicor Software tells Bob Retelle:

"Yes..that is true...but KA9Q requires the use of SLIP or PPP or
similar Internet Protocols. The problem is that only institutions such
as large Universities offer this as an additional option where you can
get your own Internet site/address etc. for the duration of your modem

Problem? Most of the time you need to be an affiliate of whatever
institution and if you want to start your very own Internet Site with
all the extra's complete ftp etc. UUNET then that would be very costly
(like XXXX U$D) per year and an additional cost for a T1 Connection and
a line-modem. Incidentally I wouldn't be using an ST to drive it then
*grin* *smile* for more info about THAT specifically one can email I understand that they make it available to create you
own commercial service via all the CIS dial in numbers as well...but
for quite a price.

Joseph, I have two Internet Site numbers (rimenet) for your area code
you gave me which are 732 5290 and 848 9925

There are also 1-800 lines....but they tend to be a little more
expensive, and often only provide mailbox service or have very small
diskspace (like 2 Meg's or so). 1-800-877-5045 ( but they ARE

and BTW Stalker will do just fine :)"

Horst Droege tells us:

"This is my first posting in the Atari forum. A coworker asked me
yesterday, if there is an application available for the PC, which can
emulate an Atari. He likes to use some of his old applications. If this
isn't possible, is there a way to transfer the data, that he can use
the old spreadsheets and text files on his PC ?"

Master Sysop Ron Luks tells Horst:

"There is a HW/SW combination called GEMULATOR that lets you emulate
an Atari ST on a 386 or 486 based PC."

Just in case Horst reads STReport, I'd also like to mention that
straight (ASCII) text files can be read by a DOS machine if they are
written to a 720k disk that has been formatted on the DOS machine. And
most spreadsheet programs for the ST came with some sort of conversion
utility to change their own file formats to the more common WKS format.
In short, there is very little that can't be converted from ST to PC.

Brian Amundsen asks about compression formats:

"Say, I've noticed a lot of the newer files are using .ZIP extensions.
I've been using .ARC and .LHC files successfully on my ST. However, I
now would like to get a .ZIP file and try it, but don't have an unZIP
program. Brings to mind a couple of questions....a) is the unZIP
utility in the forums? and b) what shell could I use the utility with?
I don't suppose the folks at LGF have a nice little shell for us

Mike Mortilla tells Brian:

"There is a PD prog called ST ZIP. You don't need a shell to run it.
It's easy to use but can be a little cryptic at times. Basically, I
think the only problem I've heard about it is some incompatibility with
using a RAM disk, but that may have been de-bugged by now."

Gilles DesChenes jumps in and adds:

"I have used ST ZIP successfully with a ramdisk. At least I believe
it's the same. :) 2.4 I think, or 2.04, and it was the only one with a
version higher than 2. with inflate, at the time. My only problem with
it is it doesn't seem to let you add any comments to ZIP files. I use
it with the GEM mode / interface only."

George Smyth asks:

"Does anyone know if it is possible to get a PD terminal emulator for
by ST any longer If so I would greatly appreciate it if you could
email me the info, the cost, and where to send for it."

Bill Troy tells George:

"If you are interested, there is a fast but limited VT102 emulator
called BAT100. It only works in 80 column mode (640 pixels doesn't
really allow for more). For the most part its bug free and will run as
an .ACC. I should know, I wrote it. I have used it for 4 months and it
works fast enough for 9600 baud. I have an XMODEM receive version
hanging about somewhere."

Federico Hernandez tells us:

"I am new to CIS, but a long user of ATARI.
Nevertheless I couldn't anything on how to connect a IBM-compatible
Mouse (serial interface) to an ATARI ST Computer.
Does anyone know how to do it?"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Federico:

"We have a number of text files in our library that give information on
how to convert an IBM compatible _bus_ mouse to use on an Atari ST.

Unfortunately, converting a _serial_ mouse is a more complicated.. if
you can't find an economical bus mouse, the best bet would be a driver,
as was already mentioned..."

Tim O'Connor posts:

"I have a Syquest 44 MB SCSI hard drive that I use for a digital
sampling keyboard. Can my Atari ST interface with a SCSI drive? Do I
need an adapter? Since it is a removable media I would like to be able
to use the drive with both computer and keyboard."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Tim:

"Your Syquest drive is definitely usable on your Atari ST..!

What you need is a "host adapter card" to go between the DMA output of
your ST and the SCSI input of the Syquest. ICD, Inc. makes several
types of these, depending on your needs and the physical setup of your

You can get in touch with them in the Atari Vendors Forum (GO
ATARIVEN) if you have any questions about their products."

Robert Aries adds:

"ICD's "Link" will do the job for you; it's a small device that
attaches to the ST's DMA port and converts it to SCSI. About $80."

Henry Rapoport asks:

"Does anybody know about or have a copy of ST basic 2 from Atari. I
know that there was some talk about trying to improve ST Basic but I
don't know if they gave up. I already have GFA basic, but I need it for
a specific program (if it's somewhat compatible with ST Basic)."

Carl Barron tells Henry:

"Hisoft [Oregon research distributor] has a basic that will compile
Microsoft Q basic, ST basic 1, and its structured basic. Nice package
to handle basic, and get out spaghetti habit easily.

ST basic 2 exists but who uses it? It was not much of an improvement.
Still buggy....

GO ATARIVEN as Oregon Research is online there...."

Kris Gasteiler tells us:

"I've not been hanging out on CIS recently due to the purchase of a
Falcon. Nice Machine! Since there isn't a lot of info on these beasts,
I was wondering if Falcon owners might be interested in having a
discussion "group" here in the Atari forum? Maybe call ourselves FOG
or FUG or some such, and talk up our uses, configuration, program
compatibility, etc.

I really like my falcon, and would love to see a growing user base...

Right now, I'm still in the act of figuring out how to configure it,
and which of my ST programs won't break on it. As I try different
things, I'll post stuff here in hopes of sparing others some of my

Sysop Ron Luks tells Kris:

"GO ATARIGAMING forum to access the very busy Jaguar message sections."

Well folks, I realize that this week's column is short, but with
my wedding coming up, I've got lots to do! I'll see you next week. Tune
in again next week, same time, same station, and be prepared to sit back
and listen to what they are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote" Why some Nets never quite get "there" ..


...J. P. Morgan


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STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
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