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Silicon Times Report Issue 1011

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

March 11, 1994 No. 1011

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM-4 PM EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
ITCNet 85:881/253 JAX HUB ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:21/350
904-786-4176 MULTI-NODE 24hrs-7 days
2400-57.6 bps V.32-42 bis 16.8 USR Dual Standard
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM-6 AM EST
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> 03/11/94 STR 1011 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- CPU INDUSTRY REPORT - Disney Treats! - Compaq uses VSLI
- Gates to sell TEAC - Newton 100-110 - NEW MAC OS
- ETC? A Report - Jaguar "CATBOX" - The Recipe Box
- 100 Mhz PC! - THUMBSUP! - The Old Fishin' Hole

-* 700,000 PowerPC-Based MACS by END 1994! *-

STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the Fido/PROWL/ITC/USENET/NEST/F-Net Mail Networks. You
may also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder and
excitement of exchanging all types of useful information relative to
computers, worldwide, through the use of excellent International
Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are welcome to join the STReport
International Conferences. The Fido Node is 1:374/147.3, ITC Node is
85:881/250 Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #620. All
computer platforms BBS systems are welcome and invited to participate.

to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!

"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

On one particular "computing" platform, the backstabbing and
squabbling over the few bits of bux left to grab has become a rather
obvious and depressing "sideshow". In one corner there seems to be a
calculating force somewhere in Canada that's very busy trying to paint a
fairly successful California graphics software house with a very dark and
wide brush. Actually, the efforts couldn't be more obvious. Its sad
because the scant numbers of users left in this platform are "getting the
message" from these sleazy antics. Its chasing them away even quicker.
If one were to step back.. take an objective view of the whole mahgilla;
They'd sadly say; "It looks like a picture of ugly, half starved vultures
fighting over a reeking, dead carcass!" Oh well, on to more vibrant and
exciting things.

The positive apprehension over the new goodies soon to be announced
for Spring's annual push is amazing. Its coming on all fronts. The
hardware front is bubbling over with talk about 100+Mhz machines as the
norm in six month's time. The PowerPC talk is so strong it appears that
its a "means to an end". Of course, its not but the enthusiasm of having
a machine capable of "doing it all" is likened to a "dream come true".
Shades of Gadgets by Small, there is now a Mac emulator for the PC! For
most any PC! To top off the news... its very promising shareware as of
right now.



Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Glover R. Noak D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell John Donohue

Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia
Glenwood Drake

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport

Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET........................ 1:112/35
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




VLSI Technology chip sets go into Compaq LTE Elite

The SCAMP IV chip set from VLSI Technology Inc. has been included as the
chip set of choice in Compaq's new notebook computer called the Compaq
LTE Elite. The SCAMP IV 486 notebook chip set, which packs a
full-function PC into two chips, provides the system and peripheral
functions for all five models of the high-performance LTE Elite family of
computers which Compaq introduced as of Monday, March 7.

Psion utilizes Motorola radio modem for Nation-wide NETS

Psion Inc., U.S. subsidiary of British portable computer group Psion
Plc, has launched the world's first hand-held terminal designed for
nationwide wide area networks.

Developed in concert with Motorola Inc., and called the RWAN, the
system is based on Psion's HC hand-held computer fitted with a built-in
Motorola Radio Packet Modem. The RWAN will provide users with nationwide
wireless access over the PSDN networks operated by ARDIS and RAM,
allowing mobile worker to communicate with other machines, EMail gateways
and host databases in real time via radio. To support RWAN, Psion has
developed MSIS, a radio communications job management software to run on
the system. With over 40 percent of the U.S. workforce operating outside
the office, MSIS helps the mobile executive deal with decision support,
quotations, manpower management and distribution control on the spot.


Gates/FA Distributing Inc. of Greenville, S.C., announced that they
had signed a distribution agreement with the Data Storage Products
Division of TEAC America Inc., based in California.

According to the agreement, Gates/FA will market TEAC America's
entire line of floppy drives, hard drives, CD-ROM drives, tape drives,
1/4" tape drives and optical drives. "Known for its high quality
manufacturing and price integrity, TEAC is a world leader in small
form-factor storage," said Jerry Lumpkin, Marketing VP for Gates/FA,
"and.. these innovative products will be a great enhancement to our
System Integration Program.


IntraCorp Inc., announced filing a complaint on March 4, 1994
petitioning the Superior Court of California to enjoin Palo Alto-based
Fenwick & West (IntraCorp's former attorneys) from representing
Electronic Arts in its merger with Broderbund. In its complaint,
IntraCorp alleges that Fenwick & West has undertaken to represent an
adverse interest because Fenwick & West previously represented IntraCorp
in a $50 million action it filed against Broderbund in 1992. That
litigation is currently pending in the U.S. District Court in Northern
California and is set to go to trial by jury on Oct. 31, 1994. In the
complaint, IntraCorp has asked the court to bar Fenwick & West from any
further participation in the merger proceedings and from representing
Electronic Arts until IntraCorp's litigation with Broderbund is

Dataquest Estimates 700,000 PowerPC-Based shipped by end of year.

As Apple Computer plans its PowerPC-based Macintosh launch next
week, Dataquest estimates that 700,000 of the PowerPC-based computers
will ship by the end of 1994. The new PowerPC-based Macintoshes have a
low entry price, offer better price/performance value than workstations,
and the high-end models are competitive with the 90-MHz Pentium desktop
computers announced this week. Apple is the first top-10 personal
computer company to launch a product based on a RISC microprocessor.


Unisys has been awarded the largest single banking automation
contract in Russia by the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, the
company announced today. The integration project, valued at $127 million,
provides one of the world's largest bank operations with the information
services and technology to drive its major focus on enhanced customer
service and operational efficiency. The Savings Bank of the Russian
Federation, a new Unisys client, is one of the world's largest financial
institutions in geographic coverage and number of customers and branches.
In addition to its Moscow headquarters, the bank operates 78 regional
headquarter banks, 2,300 branches and 43,000 bank agency locations. It
employs 190,000 people and handles 212 million accounts. Its assets are
worth $4.25 billion.


Advanced Micro Devices said today that it expects to ship 900,000
Am486 microprocessor units in the current quarter. The company said
previously that it expected to ship approximately 700,000 units in the
quarter ending March 27, 1994.

"Continuing operational excellence in our Sunnyvale wafer fabrication
facility has resulted in improving yields and shorter cycle times for
Am486 devices," said W.J. Sanders III, chairman and chief executive

"We expect that growing demand and wider acceptance of our Am486
family coupled with increased production will result in shipments of
900,000 units this quarter."

We are gratified at the validation of our long-held conviction that
we are licensed to sell chips incorporating Intel microcode," Mr.
Sanders continued. "We expect that our vindication in the courts will
further broaden customer acceptance of our Am486 products while
encouraging us to redouble efforts for a rapid production ramp under a
recently announced foundry agreement with Digital Equipment Corporation
to augment our internal production capacity."


> ETC? STR FOCUS! "Enhanced Throughput Cellular"

White Paper: Enhanced Throughput Cellular (ETC)

March 7, 1994

AT&T Paradyne
8545 126th Ave N.
Largo, Fl 34635
800-482-3333 (or 813-530-8623)

What is ETC?
"ETC" is an abbreviation for "Enhanced Throughput Cellular". ETC has

been designed by AT&T Paradyne to allow for the highest throughput and
the most reliable connections available today on the cellular network.
The protocol consists primarily of enhancements to both the V.42 protocol
and V.32bis modulation.

Why was ETC developed?
Standard PSTN modems do not perform well over the cellular network.
While several companies have proposed proprietary protocols for cellular
operation, tests show that none of these offer the performance needed to
allow users to effortlessly use the cellular network.

What products support ETC?
All AT&T Paradyne dial modems support ETC today. This includes the
following dial modem families: KeepInTouch PCMCIA card, Dataport 3700,
and Comsphere 3800.

Both the KeepInTouch PCMCIA card and the Comsphere 3800 are software
downloadable, so all modems currently installed can easily be upgraded
with ETC (with no charge).

ETC has been licensed by many other modem companies. Product
announcements from these companies are expected shortly.

What rates can be achieved with ETC?
Rates of 9600 and above are achieved the majority of the time with ETC.
Under good cellular conditions, rates of 14400 are achieved most of the
time. These are the data rates before compression -- V.42bis data
compression can allow files to be transferred at 4x these rates.

How does an ETC modem connect to a cellular phone?
The KeepInTouch card allows a "direct connect" to many cellular phones.
Direct Connect is a simple cable interface between the modem and the
phone. It eliminates the need for costly and cumbersome "RJ11 adapter"
boxes. (Contact AT&T Paradyne for the current list of phones supported.)

While we recommend that ETC modems be used with direct connect, ETC also
works well with RJ11 adapter boxes.

Do I need a ETC on both ends of the connection?
We have incorporated many improvements in ETC to increase its performance
when interworking with standard V.32bis/V.42 PSTN modems. In general,
adequate cellular operation is possible in most cases if ETC is
implemented only on the mobile end.

Quantifying this performance is difficult, however, as so many factors
are involved. (Whose modem is on the PSTN side? How is it configured?
etc.) The test report that we have published shows the results with one
particular "standard V.42" modem. For this modem, the ETC-to-V42 results
were even better than MNP 10-to-MNP 10 results.

Note that MNP 10 offers no performance increase when interworking with
standard PSTN modems -- MNP 10 modems are required on both ends of the
link to gain any performance increase.

For optimum performance, however, we recommend an ETC modem on both ends
of the connection.

Many Cellular Service Providers are offering Cellular Modem Pools in
their areas. These Cellular Modem Pools provide an ETC termination in
the cellular network, allowing any modem now connected to the PSTN to be
accessed reliably using an ETC modem.

Has ETC been tested against the competition?
Every company with a proprietary cellular protocol (including AT&T
Paradyne) has presented technical literature explaining the advantages of
their protocol implementation. While these papers are necessary for a
general understanding of the protocol, they are really only academic
studies -- any protocol can be made to look good on paper. We believe
that extensive real world testing is the only accurate way to determine
the best protocol.

With this as our belief, AT&T Paradyne has performed this extensive
testing. A test report, detailing the results, is available from us. We
would point out that this testing was performed in conjunction with an
independent party to ensure fair, equitable and unbiased results. While
this test report is probably the most extensive ever published, it is
only a small subset of the numerous tests that we have completed with our

This published test consisted of side-by-side comparisons with MNP 10.
MNP 10 was chosen because it is another protocol that has been widely
advertised to have cellular advantages.

The test results show that ETC is superior to MNP 10 in three of the most
important areas of performance:

1. File completion percentage (placing a call and successfully
completing a file transfer)
2. Minimizing total on-line time for a call (i.e. lowest cost)
3. Minimizing start-up time (allows ETC to complete even medium-length
files normally in under one minute)

What about international applications?
AT&T Paradyne believes that ETC will work well on other analog cellular
systems found around the world. We have already done testing on many of
these systems and have achieved excellent results.

What are AT&T Paradyne's plans for licensing ETC?
AT&T Paradyne is licensing of ETC to other companies. Currently, Primary
Access has announced ETC support in their Cellular Modem Pool product. A
major announcement, involving many other modem companies, will occur in
the near future.

Will ETC become a recognized standard?
AT&T Paradyne is striving to make ETC a defacto standard. We recognize
the need to evolve ETC into a true standard, and plan to work towards
that goal. Going directly to the standards process with ETC would result
in a long delay before a standard would be approved. This would be
counterproductive for the industry, as we believe that a reliable
cellular protocol such as ETC is needed today.

ETC is built upon CCITT V.42, while MNP 10 is built upon MNP 4.
Therefore, we believe that ETC has a much better chance than MNP 10 of
being accepted as a true standard. This is because CCITT has a stated
policy that all future error control standards will be built upon V.42
and not MNP4.

What about fax?
ETC has a mode that provides improved fax performance. Other cellular
protocols do not address fax.

What about synchronous operation?
While asynchronous operation is the primary mode for ETC, it will also
work well in synchronous applications. This is true because ETC is
primarily built around the physical layer (modulation). Other cellular
protocols do not work well in synchronous mode.

What about the future enhancements?
It is our intent to continually improve ETC and maintain the performance
advantages we have today.


> Disney Treats! STR Review


by Frank Sereno

In this week's article, I'm going to review some software you may
find in the discount bins of your local software stores. These titles
have been around for a couple of years or more, but many times these are
still a good value.

Donald Duck's Alphabet Chase from Disney Software is suitable for
ages 2 to 5 years. This program does not support sound cards or VGA
graphics. It will run on any IBM compatible from an XT through Pentiums
in CGA, Tandy or EGA graphics. The EGA graphics are passable. It can
even be run from a floppy drive. The object of this game is to help
Donald as he rounds up the animated alphabet characters around his home.
The child may wait for a letter to appear in the room and then press the
corresponding key, or he may press any letter key at random and Donald
will then find that letter. At the top of the screen will be a series of
letters and when Donald catches an animated letter he will toss it up to
the top of the screen. When Donald catches all the letters in that room,
part of the Alphabet Song will be played. This game gives children a
chance to interact with the keyboard and they can learn the alphabet with
the help of adult supervision. This program can be found for $5 in many

Goofy's Railway Express is another Disney Software title. This
program is identical in requirements and capabilities as Donald's. The
premise of this game is that Goofy is the engineer on an old steam
locomotive. The train has a route through several different screens. As
the train puffs along, occasionally a shape will be seen in the smoke.
When those shapes are visible, pressing the space bar will cause an
animation based on that shape to appear. For example, a green
half-circle will trigger an entertaining animation of a turtle at a
campfire. With adult supervision, the child can learn various geometric
shapes and colors. This program can be found for $5 also.

The next two titles, Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker and Mickey's
Memory Challenge, are also from Disney Software and are often found
bundled together. Mickey's Memory Challenge can be run in VGA mode and
does support AdLib compatible sound cards and the use of a mouse. This
program is suitable for children ages 3 to 103. The objective is to
match cards by selecting them in pairs to see the faces. Games can be
played with 8, 15 or 24 cards. The player may choose to play with cards
having Disney characters, common objects or small words. Two people can
play taking turns or one person can play against the computer. A final
option is for a single player to play against the clock. Players have
the option to take a peek at the face of the cards at any time during
play. This game is fun for adults and children. For children, the game
enhances memory skills and hand-eye coordination. Available for $15 or
less as a single title and for $25 or less when bundled with Crossword
Puzzle Maker.

Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker requires an IBM XT and 512k of free
memory. It supports CGA, Tandy and EGA graphics. It supports various
printers and allows the use of a mouse. It is recommended for ages 5 to
8, although you can create puzzles suitable for older age groups. A
number of puzzles are included with the program and surprise puzzles can
be made instantly choosing from 3 levels of 500 words, or you can create
a puzzle with your own words and clues. Puzzles can consist of up to 20
words. Puzzles can be printed out or filled in on the computer screen.
When printing and creating puzzles, you can chose from various Disney
backgrounds. Puzzle clues can be either word clues or one of 185
included picture clues. Players can play against human opponents,
computer opponents of three ability levels or complete the crossword
alone. This program can be an excellent tool in teaching children
spelling and vocabulary. Priced the same as Memory Challenge, it is a
good bargain in educational software.

As you can see, this older software is not as visually or aurally
pleasing as many of the newer educational software packages available
today, but these programs are not as expensive either. If you are on a
tight budget or have a computer that is lacking in horsepower, these
programs can be excellent choices. Even if you have the hottest Pentium
machine, these titles can still prove to be worthwhile. As always,
thanks for reading!



ThumbsUp! Version 1.3d

Now Available from Cerious Software

ThumbsUp is a graphic file previewer, locator and organizer which
simplifies the process of finding and maintaining graphics and clip-art
files. It displays a small image (Thumbnail) of each file. You can use
ThumbsUp to browse, view, crop, launch editors, and copy images to the
clipboard. You can use drag-and-drop to organize graphics files by
moving them to appropriate directories. ThumbsUp will also create a slide
show from selected graphics, and install bitmap files as Windows
wallpaper. You can print individual graphics files, or the thumbnails
themselves as a catalog. Though not designed primarily as a conversion
tool, ThumbsUp can convert any image that it displays to the appropriate
native windows format. ThumbsUp will also convert metafile graphics to

ThumbsUp! the only effective, elegant and inexpensive way to locate
and organize your graphic files. You will be amazed by this sleek,
fast, efficient graphics browser, which includes the following features:

o Fast and accurate thumbnail generation -- by individual file,
or entire disk. Disk scanning can be done in the background.

o Support for many image and clip-art formats, both raster and vector,

.BMP Windows or OS/2 bitmaps .ICO Windows Icon files
.DIB,.RLE Compressed bitmaps .JPG JPEG (JFIF) files
.WMF Windows metafiles .TTF TrueType fonts
.GIF CompuServe GIFs .PCX Zsoft PC Paintbrush files
.CDR CorelDRAW! (preview only) .MND Mandelbrot for Windows
.TGA Targa TrueVision(TM)

If you have Microsoft graphics filters (they come with Word for Windows
and Powerpoint), ThumbsUp can use them to handle:

.TIF Tagged Image Format Files .WPG DrawPerfrect graphic
.CGM Computer Graphics Metafiles .PIC Lotus 1-2-3 Pictures
.PCT Macintosh PICT files .HGL HP Graphics Language
.DRW Micrographx Designer/Draw .PLT AutoCAD Plot files
.EPS Encapsulated Postscript .DXF AutoCAD (2-D) files

o Multiple graphic viewing windows with file save (several formats),
print, copy, paste, crop, auto-crop, convert metafiles to bitmaps and

o File management capabilites, including drag-and-drop for file
organization, a color-coded directory tree for quickly locating
directories with graphics, directory creation and file renaming,
copying, deleting and moving.

o Complete or partial catalog printing, with scalable thumbnails, file
captions (if desired), and user layout control.

o User-specifiable editors let you pick the editor of your choice -- by
file type.

o Enhanced solid color metafile viewing with 256-color drivers, which
eliminates that ugly dithering which Windows does by default.

o A built-in Windows Wallpaper hanger for any supported file type, and
a customizable full-screen slide show.

o A toolbar and keyboard shortcuts for common functions.

o Extensive on-line help and customization of all aspects of the

Hints and Tips
File Manager Drag & Drop. ThumbsUp will act as a drag-and-drop
client from File Manager. Simply drag file names from File Manager to the
ThumbsUp window (or icon). ThumbsUp will open a view window for each
file (up to the maximum number of view windows specified in the Viewer
Options). You can also drag files from ThumbsUp to other applications.

View Window Shortcuts. Double-clicking with the left mouse button in
a view window will change it to full screen mode. Double-clicking with
the right mouse button in a view window will close the window. Metafile

Viewing. If you're displaying true-color (24-bits) or standard VGA, turn
on "Dither Metafiles" from the Viewer Options dialog box. In the case of
true-color, Windows never dithers; in the case of standard VGA, the
special code to create solid colors for the dithered colors cannot work.

Background Colors. For full-screen displays of 256-color images on a
palette-based (256-color) display, select either black or white as the
background color from the Viewer Options or the Slide Show Options dialog
box, as ThumbsUp steals the other system colors to more accurately
display the image. Internal Drag & Drop. Although ThumbsUp has only a
single window, you can drag files to directories not visible on the
directory list by scrolling it after selecting the files you want to move
or copy.

Performance. Though there is no built-in limitation on the number of
file ThumbsUp can handle, I recommend creating multiple catalogs
(databases) if you have more than about 5000 files. Besides the memory
required, it will speed up access.

ThumbsUp! is distributed as shareware and may be evaluated free
of charge for up to thirty days. If you continue to use ThumbsUp after
the thirty days have elapsed, you must register. The price for an
individual license is US$50. Site and corporate licenses are available.
Further information about licensing and ordering is available in the
on-line help file.

Targa files (.TGA) are now supported. Slide show defaults to all
files in current directory. ThumbsUp is a Drag-and-drop server (to other
applications). You can view GIF, JPEG and Targa comment fields from the
View window.

Problems corrected
Slide show won't continually ask to insert disk if done on off-line
directory. Short GIF files no longer cause GP faults. ThumbsUp no
longer "goes behind" other apps after finishing thumbnailing. Several
purging and index rebuilding problems are fixed, including better
recovery from problems in the database. The Remove Tree option has been

A little bit about the author of Thumbsup;
Phillip Crews [71501,2470], has been programming for twenty years;
he never attended college except for a semester, after which he decided
that he preferred the once-respectable "self-taught" method. Since then,
Phillip has worked for several companies on VMS, Unix, MS-DOS, Windows
and several less-known or obsolete operating systems, using C, C++,
Assembly language, Pascal, LISP, Basic, DIBOL and a few others.

Now, on to the juicy stuff... Phillip tells us the why and how
Thumbsup! came into being.

"I wrote ThumbsUp! because the available software (both shareware
and commercial) either did not work well or didn't do things the way I
wanted. I use and buy shareware when possible. Mainly because of the
much more helpful and expedient response one can expect from the authors.
More so than from the big software houses."

"The first release of ThumbsUp came out in August 1993, and it
continues to grow. The next release, which is currently being developed,
will be a major update with many new features, including:

* Keyword assignments and annotations, with boolean searches
* Additional file types, including TIFF, CGM, WPG and PhotoCD.
* Save and convert to most supported formats (at least BMP, GIF, PCX,
* Color, color depth, sizing and rotation editing for images, including
gamma correction.
* Option sets stored by database
* Improved international support
* Improved network and SUBST drive support

Phillip further states;
"I am 32 years of age and married a wonderful, flaming redhead
(Cricket) 12 years ago, after dating for only _two weeks_. We've been
blessed with four unique children: Adam (10), Rachel (8), Leah (6) and
Evan (4). They definitely keep us busy and happy! They're an
independent, stubborn bunch, and we have no idea how they developed such

To obtain the most recent version of ThumbsUp!....
Compuserve: THUMBS.ZIP in GRAPHSUP forum, library 3 (GIF viewers)
THUMBS.ZIP in WINFUN forum, library 9 (Graphics Utilities)
Also available in other forums.

America Online: THUMBSUP.ZIP in the Windows area
Internet: cerious/ via anonymous ftp from

For more information, please contact:

Cerious Software
5424 Chedworth Dr. Internet:
Charlotte, NC 28210 Compuserve: 71501,2470
(704)529-0200 America Online: CeriousSW

In Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, please contact:

Patrick O'Sullivan Voice: 03 509 5250
PO Box 65 Fax: 03 576 0801
Armadale, Victoria 3143 CompuServe: 100240,273

In Germany, please contact:

Der PD-Profi Tel. 0 84 32 / 1296
Gerd Zottlein Fax. 0 84 32 / 8674
Schulstrase 13
D-86666 Burgheim



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Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

Are your friends "busy" buddies? Are they being left out in the
cold because their online service doesn't have room for them? Is
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Well, we know how frustrated they must feel. We've been there --
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just like you! So why not invite your buddies to join you on GEnie?

We've designed a slick promotion in order to give you the
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you don't have to tell them is that you get something out of the
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For each new user you bring to GEnie, we'll waive their first
month's subscription fee, and give them a total of TEN free hours of
standard connect time -- that's a $38.95 (C$50.95) value! If you
and your buddy are still active GEnie subscribers three months from
the date your buddy signs up, YOU get five hours of FREE standard
connect time -- a $15.00 (C$20.00) value for each buddy you sponsor!

And, for a limited time, you can even qualify for SPECIAL PRIZES!!!

In addition to the five hours of standard connect time, prizes
will be awarded to the three sponsors who bring in the most
qualifying buddies between February 3, 1994 and March 31, 1994. The
third-place Buddy sponsor will receive a GEnie satin jacket. The

second-place Buddy sponsor will receive a 9600 bps modem. And the
first-place buddy sponsor will receive a $500 gift certificate good
at your favorite computer store.

Like everything good, there are a few rules for the GEnie Buddy
Bonus Program. You'll find the complete promotion rules on the
GEnie Services Buddy Bonus page (type BUDDY or M1111). Be sure you
review the complete rules before you contact your friends.

So, if your buddies have been bragging about that other online
service, just remind them that a pretty interface ain't worth squat
if it doesn't log on! Bring them over to GEnie....we may not be
pretty just yet, but we're definitely more fun! And, if a GUI is
that important to them, tell them that we'll have both Mac and
Windows front ends before the other guys get more computers!

Don't stand IN LINE ....get ONLINE!

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

Randy Noak, Editor

The excitement builds. Mac REport HQ is all aquiver with
anticipation. The on-line services are buzzing with rumors. The news
wires are full of stories about manufacturers and developers jumping on
the bandwagon. What's causing all the excitement? This coming Monday's
PowerMac roll-out, of course. What's to get excited about? Well, how
about unprecedented speed? How about and entry level price of well under
$2000? In fact, here are the rumored prices:

(probable prices) Model Config Price

6100 8/160 $1725-$1775
8/250/CD $2200-$2250
16/250/Softwindows $2400-$2450
8/250/CD/AV card $2500-$2550

7100 8/250 $2825-2875
8/250/CD $3025-3075
1 6/250/SoftWindows $3225-3275
8/500/CD/AV card $3825-3875

8100 8/250 $4050-4100
8/250/CD $4250-4300
16/500/SoftWindows $5200-5250
16/500/CD/AV card $5350-5400
16/1 Gbyte/CD $5850-5900

I bet you paid much more than those prices for the Mac you're now using.
Consider this. I paid $1799 for my Performa 450. For only a few hunderd
more I can buy a faster (8-10 times faster) machine, with twice the
memory and twice the storage space.Sounds good to me!

GEnie Mac Users Held Hostage! Week ???

The reason the week number is a question mark, is that whenever a
user inquires as to the status of GEnie's fabled Mac Frontend, the answer
is _always_ "three more weeks". We realize that software takes time to
develop, it's never ready when it's supposed to be and all that, but in
my opinion, GEnie users deserve a straight answer to the question, "Where
is the promised Mac Frontend?" After all, GEnie has been promising a Mac
FE for at least several years now.

A couple of weeks ago, STReport Publisher and Editor extraordinaire,
announced that we would begin using RTF format for STReport. Nice plan,
but he then heard from users of another platform. It seems that, out of
all the readers of STReport, they are the only ones that don't have a
word processor that can read RTF format. I take that back, they do have a
word processor that can read RTF format, but most of them won't buy it
because it, "costs too much." (around $125 street). Even so, Ralph won't
abandon these users even though it appears that the manufacturer has
abandoned them. Nice goin' Ralph!

This week's Press Releases contain a lot of info about the new
Newtons. From preliminary reports, handwriting recognition has been
improved along with functionality. Also, in a big first for Apple, there
is an upgrade path for those who bought the first Newton. Check the
Releases for more info.


> Apple PR STR InfoFile

MARCH 7, 1994 AT 8:31 AM, EST

Apple Charts New Course For Operating System Software

Stand Out, Fit In Strategy Expected to Attract New Customers

CUPERTINO, California--March 7, 1994--Apple Computer, Inc., today
outlined its "Stand Out and Fit In" strategy for the future development
of its Apple Macintosh operating-system software. The strategy calls
for Apple to deliver regular improvements to Macintosh system software
and its user interface that should make Macintosh customers even more
productive, make it easy for Macintosh customers to coexist in mixed
computing environments, as well as make it easier for Windows and MS-DOS
customers to move to the Macintosh platform. "Stand Out" aspects of
Apple's strategy include using the power of Apple's upcoming Macintosh on
PowerPC systems to extend the Macintosh user interface capabilities.
With future releases of system software, the interface is expected to
incorporate elements of active assistance. Over time, greater levels of
intelligence are to be made available, so that the computer can more
actively help the user work, learn and communicate. Other "stand out"
platform innovations are slated to include advanced graphics and
multimedia technologies, improved speech recognition and text-to-speech
capabilities, and enhancements that should make the Macintosh operating
system the best platform for collaboration services. A key element of
Apple's strategy, in terms of both standing out and fitting in, is the
OpenDoc component application architecture. OpenDoc defines a new way
for applications to be created, using object-oriented technology.

These smaller applications, or software parts, which by design are
interoperable with other parts and applications, can be mixed and matched
to more effectively build custom solutions. With OpenDoc, a user opens a
document, which can contain any kind of information or data, and edits or
manipulates different kinds of data--text, graphics, sound,
animation--without switching between different applications. This new
way of interacting with a document lets the user focus on the task at
hand, rather than on the capabilities or idiosyncrasies of the
application. OpenDoc is a cross-platform application architecture, which
contributes to Apple's goals for fitting in. Apple is working with
companies such as IBM, Novell, Taligent, WordPerfect and Xerox to ensure
that OpenDoc is developed and enhanced as an open standard; available on
the most popular personal computing platforms; works well over computer
networks; and is interoperable with other application architectures,
such as Microsoft's Object Linking Environment (OLE).

In addition to OpenDoc, Apple's "Fit In" strategy is designed to
ensure that Macintosh customers work well in mixed computing
environments. As part of this strategy, Macintosh on PowerPC systems are
expected to feature applications compatibility with existing Macintosh
applications. In addition, options are planned for application
compatibility with Windows and MS-DOS software. Apple also plans
system-level compatibility with popular networking protocols such as
TCP/IP and Novell NetWare IPX; interoperability with mail and messaging
systems; and interoperability with a wide variety of personal-computer
file formats. 1994 Product Plans Apple plans to ship Macintosh on PowerPC
this month, with an operating system that provides a robust foundation
for future enhancements and compatibility with existing Macintosh
applications. Plans for these systems include the option of compatibility
with Windows and MS-DOS software. Later this year, Apple plans to ship a
major release of the operating system, System 7.5, which includes a range
of advancements in the areas of active assistance, customization,
advanced graphics, networking and interoperability.

Also in 1994, Apple expects to deliver OpenDoc to software
developers. Future Product Plans Apple plans other major releases of
system software in the coming two years. The first planned release is
expected to incorporate OpenDoc and include further technology advances
in the area of active assistance, as well as system-level improvements in
areas such as multitasking, memory protection and data input/output.
Apple plans to later deliver an even more advanced version of its
operating system, which is slated to provide intelligent assistance, a
fully exploited microkernel architecture and a significant advancement in

MARCH 4, 1994 AT 8:16 AM, EST.

Apple Expands The Newton Product Family

Apple Ships the Newton MessagePad 110 and the Newton MessagePad 100, and
Offers An Upgrade Program For Original MessagePad Owners

CUPERTINO, California--March 4, 1994--Expanding the capabilities of
Newton technology, Apple Computer, Inc. today announced the Newton
MessagePad 110, the most recent addition to the Newton MessagePad
family. The Newton MessagePad 110 incorporates many new improvements,
features, and design modifications which are based upon suggestions from
customers and licensees. With this announcement, Apple underscores its
commitment to provide its customers with leading-edge technology, and to
respond quickly to the diverse needs of mobile professionals. Newton
MessagePad 110 The MessagePad 110 has 3 times the user space (the amount
of memory available to the user for data storage) of the original Newton
MessagePad; longer battery life (alkaline battery life has been doubled
and NiCD battery life has been tripled); and a fast recharge feature
which enables NiCD batteries to be fully recharged in 2-3 hours. The new
industrial design features a protective lid, a round telescopic pen, and
a narrower, sleeker form factor.

Among the new software features are: - deferred handwriting
recognition - letter-by-letter recognition - easier addition of new names
to personal wordlist and Names File - faster infrared transfers All the
software updates released since the launch of the original Newton
MessagePad have been incorporated into the Read Only Memory (ROM) of all
new Newton MessagePad systems. Newton MessagePad 100 To give customers a
choice between the original Newton MessagePad form factor and that of the
new MessagePad 110, Apple today announced plans to introduce the Newton
MessagePad 100. This device will provide the new, improved software
functionality of the MessagePad 110, while maintaining the popular form
factor of the original Newton MessagePad. Upgrade Program To enable
Newton customers to benefit from the rapid evolution of Newton
technology, Apple will offer an attractive upgrade program to existing
Newton MessagePad users. The Newton software upgrade program will give
the original Newton MessagePad the new, improved software functionality
of the MessagePad 110.

Included in the the upgrade package will be a choice of two of the
following Newton software products: - Newton Connection Kit for
Macintosh or Windows - Dell Crossword Puzzles & Other Games on floppy
diskette - DrawPad on floppy diskette - Dyno NotePad on floppy
diskette. The upgrade will be available starting April 1994 by calling
1-800- SOS-APPL. Software additions to the Newton MessagePad 110 and the
Newton MessagePad 100 include: Deferred Recognition Deferred recognition
enables people to make notes and later turn some or all the notes into
recognized text at leisure. For example, deferred recognition allows
people to take notes quickly during a meeting without having to wait for
recognition and correction. Later on the user can translate the notes
into recognized text. Letter-by-letter Recognition Letter-by-letter
recognition enables people to use words which are not in the wordlist,
such as names, abbrieviations, acronyms and foreign language words, and
add them to the wordlist quickly and easily. This feature allows people
to bypass the user wordlist and the wordlist (the Newton dictionary of
approximately 13,000 words) contained in the MessagePad ROM. By tapping
the letter-by-letter recognizer button, users can instruct the recognizer
to decipher individual letters without checking the recognized word
against the wordlist. Improved Names File Functionality Letter-by-letter
recognition is at its most useful in the Names File, where users enter
proper names that are seldom in the wordlist.

The increased functionality of the Names File enables people to add
names to the wordlist quickly and easily, minimizing the time spent
entering data. Distribution and Availability The Newton MessagePad 110
will be available from today across the United States in more than 2,000
computer retailers, Apple resellers and consumer electronic stores. The
Newton MessagePad 110 is expected to be available in Canada and the
United Kingdom later in March 1994, and in some international markets
later in 1994. The Newton MessagePad 100 and the Newton software upgrade
are expected to be available in the United States and the United Kingdom
in April 1994, and in some international markets later in 1994. Pricing
The Apple price for the Newton MessagePad 110 is US$599, and for the
Newton MessagePad 100 is US$499. The Apple price for the Newton software
upgrade (including two Newton software products) is US$99, plus shipping
and handling.

MARCH 4, 1994 AT 8:33 AM, EST.

Apple To License Newton Technology to Toshiba

CUPERTINO, California--March 4, 1994--Underscoring the growing
international support for the Newton platform, Apple Computer, Inc.
welcomes Toshiba Corporation into the family of companies worldwide which
are licensing Newton technology. Toshiba intends to develop a new line
of products based on Newton technology. Toshiba Corporation is a founding
member of the Newton Industry Association which was announced at the
first International Newton Development Conference in December 1993. The
participants of the inaugural session included, among others, Alcatel,
ARM, BellSouth MobileComm, British Telecom/Cellnet, CirrusLogic, Deutsche
Telecom, GEC Plessey, LSI Logic, Kyushu Matsushita, Motorola, ParaGraph,
Scriptel, Sharp, Siemens/ROLM, Telia, Traveling Software and US West.
These companies represent licensees of Newton technology, OEMs, component
suppliers and marketing allies. This association is a forum that will
promote the growth and interoperability of the Newton platform and
associated devices. The association will also promote standards for
Newton devices in the areas of wireless communications, telephony
support, and office automation.

MARCH 4, 1994 AT 8:30 AM, EST.

Apple Ships Newton Connection Kit v 2.0 for Macintosh

Newton Connection Kit v 2.0 Enables The Exchange Of Information From
Desktop Applications With The MessagePad

CUPERTINO, California--March 4, 1993--Apple Computer, Inc., today
announced that it has begun shipping version 2.0 of the Newton Connection
Kit for the Macintosh . Newton Connection kit v 2.0 makes it simple for
people to exchange Newton information with common Macintosh applications.
Newton Connection v 2.0 enables users to exchange and share their
MessagePad information---notes, letters, name-cards, to-do lists,
appointments, and even information created with many third party
applications---with common desktop personal information management (PIM),
word-processing, spreadsheet and database applications. It also enables
users to access and edit MessagePad information easily using common
desktop applications with which they may already be familiar. Direct
Export And Import from Macintosh applications Newton Connection v 2.0
enables people to import and export native files directly from many
common supported Macintosh applications to Newton's address book,
calendar and notepad, by incorporating portions of the award-winning
MacLinkPlus file translation library, a product from DataViz Inc.
(Trumbull, CT).

Supported Macintosh applications include common titles such as:
Portfolio Software's Dynodex; Symantec's Act!; Now Software's
Now-Upto-Date; Aldus' DateBookPro; PowerUp's Addressbook Plus;
Microsoft's Excel, Word and Works; Lotus 1-2-3; WordPerfect; Nisus; and
WriteNow, among others. Industry Standard Text Files Newton Connection v
2.0 enables people to create, save and modify industry standard
tab-separated and comma-separated text files for exchanging (importing
and exporting) Newton information with numerous PIM, database and
spreadsheet applications, such as Aldus' TouchBase Pro, Claris
Corporation's FileMaker Pro and Hypercard Address Stacks, among others.
For example, a list of names, addresses and phone numbers stored in
Claris' Filemaker Pro can easily be imported into the MessagePad address

Newton Connection File Format Newton Connection has a rich
intermediate text file format which supports all Newton information,
enabling cooperating desktop applications to synchronize, as well as
exchange information with a Newton MessagePad. Many desktop application
developers are already working with Apple to support this format directly
within their applications. Special Software Offer In a limited special
offer, the Newton Connection kit for both Windows and Macintosh will
include several sample Starcore Newton applications, while supplies of
these samples last: Columbo's Mystery Capers, Silicon Casino, GoFigure,
Fortune 500 Guide To American Business and Dell Crossword Puzzles and
Other Word Games (demo versions).

In addition, Newton Book--an electronic book containing descriptions
of numerous Newton commercial and shareware applications--will be
included in the special offer, as will the Newton DataViewer, which
enables the import and export of spreadsheet data. The Newton DataViewer
allows people to manipulate spreadsheet data from their desktop on their
Newton MessagePad by scrolling horizontally and vertically, sorting by
column, and exporting back to the desktop spreadsheet. Availability and
Pricing Newton Connection kit v 2.0 for Macintosh was rolled out today
across the United States, and is expected be available in computer
retailers, campus resellers, consumer electronics stores and K-12
institutions. The Apple price of Newton Connection kit v 2.0 for
Macintosh is US$99. Free Upgrades Apple will send all registered
purchasers of Newton Connection v 1.00 a free upgrade to Newton
Connection v 2.0. Customers who received a complimentary preview version
of the Newton Connection Kit at MacWorld Expo in Boston in August 1993
will also be receiving a free upgrade to Newton Connection v 2.0.
Registered users may expect to receive their upgrades in the latter part
of March.

MARCH 4, 1994 AT 8:31, EST.

Apple's Newton Technology Picks Up Even More Awards CUPERTINO,
California--March 4, 1994--International acclaim for Newton technology
continues to grow as the groundbreaking personal digital assistant (PDA)
platform from Apple Computer, Inc., in the last month, garnered a suite
of major industry acknowledgements. In the Ninth Annual MacUser Editors'
Choice Awards, MacUser magazine touted Newton Intelligence (the
underlying technology upon which Newton products are based) as
"Breakthrough Technology of the Year" for the advance it represents in
handwriting recognition technology, its free-form approach to data
storage and access, and its intelligent assistance functions.

The editors of Popular Mechanics magazine awarded the Newton
MessagePad the "Engineering and Design award" from their "Best of What's
New" award line-up. The Newton MessagePad has been selected to receive a
prestigious Edison Best New Products Award for technical innovation from
the American Marketing Association. Email users and vendors from
fourteen countries across five continents endowed the MessagePad with the
"Hardware of the Year" Award in the Twelfth Annual EMMSy Electronic Mail
Industry Award, indicating that the MessagePad has been recognized as an
outstanding piece of hardware internationally across the high technology
industry. The German version of the Newton MessagePad picked up the "1993
Award for the Most Promising Product and Technology" from MACWELT, the
leading Macintosh magazine in Germany.

In addition, it walked away with the "Goldene DM" trophy from
DM--Das Private Wirtschaftsmagazin. The German MessagePad was selected
from several hundred product recommendations to receive one of two "1993
Product of the Year" awards for its revolutionary technology, alongside a
tram from ABB Henschel, by a committee of senior managers, scientists and
editors. In the United Kingdom PC Magazine recently announced the
MessagePad as the winning product in the personal digital assistant
category of their annual "Technical Innovation Awards", acknowledging
that the MessagePad's innovative design makes it a key player in the
emerging international PDA market. These awards build on the growing
industry support for Newton technology. They join the significant honors
recently bestowed on the Newton MessagePad by PC Magazine, PC LapTop,
Computers Magazine, Byte magazine and Reseller Management magazine.

"Newton technology continues to attract the attention of the
industry experts across the world," said Gaston Bastiaens, vice president
and general manager of Apple Computer's Personal Interactive Electronics
(PIE) division: "With the launch of the next Newton product in the Newton
family, we will see Apple continue to lead with innovative, effective and
intuitive products and technologies." The Newton MessagePad is one
product in the Newton family of products: handheld communications
assistants that allow people to capture, manage and share information
with tremendous ease and spontaneity. Products in the Newton family
offer a rich variety of communications options, including faxing, beaming
and electronic mail, which enable people to send, receive and share
information through virtually every communication method available in the
workplace today. The Newton Connection Kit (available for Windows and
Macintosh ) enables people to be connected to their desktop computer at
all times.

MARCH 4, 1994 AT 8:05 AM, EST

Apple Computer Makes Six Newton Announcements

CUPERTINO, California--March 4, 1994---Apple Computer, Inc. expanded the
scope of its Newton technology today with a suite of announcements
regarding new products, computer connectivity, and developer tools. The
announcements include the following: - Newton MessagePad 110 Announced
The Newton MessagePad 110

incorporates many new improvements, features,
and design modifications which are based upon suggestions from customers
and licensees. The MessagePad 110 has 3 times the user space (the amount
of memory available to the user for data storage) of the original Newton
MessagePad; longer battery life (alkaline battery life has been doubled
and NiCD battery life has been tripled); and a fast recharge feature
which enables NiCD batteries to be fully recharged in 2-3 hours. The new
industrial design features a protective lid, a round telescopic pen, and
a narrower, sleeker form factor.

Among the new software features are: - deferred handwriting
recognition - letter-by-letter recognition - easier addition of new
names to personal wordlist and Names File - faster infrared transfers
All the software updates released since the launch of the original Newton
MessagePad have been incorporated into the Read Only Memory (ROM) of all
new Newton MessagePad systems. The Newton MessagePad 110 will be
available from today across the United States in more than 2,000 computer
retailers, Apple resellers and consumer electronic stores. The Newton
MessagePad 110 is expected to be available in Canada and the United
Kingdom later in March 1994, and in some international markets later in
1994. The Apple price for the Newton MessagePad 110 is US$599. - Newton
MessagePad 100 Announced To give customers a choice between the original
Newton MessagePad form factor and that of the new MessagePad 110, Apple
today announced plans to introduce the Newton MessagePad 100. This
device will provide the new, improved software functionality of the
MessagePad 110, while maintaining the popular form factor of the original
Newton MessagePad. The Newton MessagePad 100 is expected to be available
in the United States and the United Kingdom in April 1994, and in some
international markets later in 1994. The Apple price for the Newton
MessagePad 100 is US$499. - Upgrade Program For Original MessagePad
Owners To enable Newton customers to benefit from the rapid evolution of
Newton technology, Apple will offer existing owners of the Newton
MessagePad an attractive upgrade program.

The Newton software upgrade program will give the original Newton
MessagePad the new, improved software functionality of the MessagePad
110. Customers availing of the upgrade program will also be offered a
choice of two Newton software products, included in the upgrade price.
The upgrade will be available in the United States starting April 1994 by
calling 1-800-SOS-APPL, in the United Kingdom in April 1994, and in some
other international markets later in 1994. The Apple price for the
Newton software upgrade (including two Newton software products) is
US$99, plus shipping and handling. - Newton Connection v 2.0 for
Macintosh Ships Newton Connection v 2.0 enables users to exchange and
share their MessagePad information---notes, letters, name-cards, to-do
lists, appointments, and even information created with many third party
applications---with common desktop personal information management (PIM),
word-processing, spreadsheet and database applications, running on the
Macintosh platform. It also enables users to access and edit MessagePad
information easily using common desktop applications with which they may
already be familiar. Newton Connection kit v 2.00 for Macintosh was
rolled out today across the United States, and is expected be available
in computer retailers, campus resellers, consumer electronics stores and
K-12 institutions.

The Apple price of Newton Connection kit v 2.0 for Macintosh is
US$99. - New Version of the Newton Toolkit To Ship Soon This new version
of the Newton Toolkit--the comprehensive developer system for the Newton
platform--is anticipated to be available in early April 1994. The Newton
Toolkit is a powerful, sophisticated, yet easy to learn development
environment designed to reduce significantly the time taken to develop
creative Newton applications. Among the enhancements to the Toolkit are
graphical tools, special utilities and Newton Book Maker--a new tool for
publishers which facilitates the creation of electronic books. -
StarCore offers The Newton Solution Apple is offering three Newton
software packages from StarCore, each containing a suite of business
solutions designed to help mobile executives work more effectively. Each
Newton Solution package is compatible with all products in the Newton
family, and incorporates two applications designed to meet the needs of
sales people, mobile professionals or business executives. Apple plans
to release The Newton Solution packages in March 1994 at an Apple price
of US$199. The value of the applications plus the flash card, if
purchased separately, is approximately US$400, making The Newton Solution
packages good value for business users.

MARCH 4, 1994 AT 8:32 AM, EST.

Apple's StarCore Introduces The Newton Solution

CUPERTINO, California--March 4, 1994--Apple Computer's StarCore software
publishing and distribution group today announced three application
packages for Newton , each offering a suite of business solutions
specifically designed to help mobile executives work more effectively.

The Newton Solution packages are compatible with both the
recently-announced Newton MessagePad 110, the Newton MessagePad 100 and
other products based on Newton technology. "StarCore designed The Newton
Solution packages to offer users a complete set of mobile business
applications all pre-loaded on one PCMCIA card," said Ken Wirt, director
of marketing for Apple's Personal Interactive Electronics (PIE) Division.
"Using any one of the three solution packages with the Newton MessagePad
will improve dramatically any mobile professional's ability to work
effectively and efficiently while they're away from their office." Each
of The Newton Solution packages contains two applications designed to
meet the needs of either sales people, mobile professionals or business

In addition, every package contains "Notion : The List Manager for
Newton," which offers people more than two dozen ready-to-use templates
that make it easy to organize, sort and send "to do" activities, follow
up instructions and project information, and "Jigsaw Strategy Game," a
compelling one- or two-person strategy game that challenges players to
seize territories and match designs on a grid. StarCore's The Newton
Solution package options include: "The Newton Solution: Mobile Sales
Manager" is designed to provide sales professionals with tools to access
quotas, price lists, travel expenses, customer information and other data

The package includes "Money Magazine Business Forms," which provides
13 commonly- used business formats, including expense reports, sales
invoice/order quotations and planning guides and schedules, that people
can fill out easily while in a meeting or on the road, and "GeoAssist"
for referencing toll free numbers, local phone access numbers and air,
auto and travel information for more than 1,000 cities. "The Newton
Solution: Professional Idea Manager" is designed for consultants,
accountants, lawyers, small business owners and other professionals who
routinely calculate, process and record data. This package includes
"Dyno NotePad," an outlining tool which captures and organizes thoughts
and personal information in a variety of outline- formats and

Also included is "Mobile Math," which integrates math functions into
Newton's Intelligent Assistance with more than 80 formulas. The
application "floats" and can be accessed easily from other applications.
"The Newton Solution: Executive Productivity Manager" is ideal for Newton
users who make presentations on a regular basis and want to call-up text
and notes during their speaking engagements. The package includes
"PresenterPad," an application that aids speakers by teleprompting
information, pacing presentations and cueing slides. The second
application in the package is "Economist World in Figures," which gives
users a wide range of detailed facts and figures, including economies,
exports/imports, populations and trade, on approximately 60 countries.
The four applications in each solution package are pre-loaded on a 2 MB
flash card. The cards also have 800 KB of additional storage space, so
users can easily download and store information as needed. Apple plans to
release The Newton Solution packages in March 1994 at an Apple price of

The value of the applications plus the flash card, if purchased
separately, is approximately US$400, making The Newton Solution packages
good value for business users. Apple Computer Inc.'s StarCore group,
which is part of the PIE division, publishes and distributes software on
CD-ROM for Macintosh , DOS and MPC platforms and on PCMCIA cards and
floppy diskettes for devices based on Newton technology. The StarCore
product library is focused around six software categories: edutainment,
sports, entertainment, reference, business applications and


New Version Of Newton Toolkit To Ship Soon
Newton Toolkit Enables Developers To Build Creative Applications Quickly
And Easily

CUPERTINO, California--March 4, 1994--Apple Computer, Inc, today
announced that a new version of the Newton Toolkit--the comprehensive
developer system for the Newton platform--is anticipated to be available
in early April 1994. The Newton Toolkit is a powerful, sophisticated,
yet easy to learn development environment designed to reduce
significantly the time taken to develop creative Newton applications.
Among the enhancements to the Toolkit are graphical tools, special
utilities and Newton Book Maker--a new tool for publishers which
facilitates the creation of electronic books.

The Newton Toolkit includes everything needed for a developer
working on a personal computer to create Newton applications extremely
quickly. The Toolkit employs reusable objects--modules of software code
which have already been designed to perform useful tasks. Applications
built with the enhanced version of the Toolkit may incorporate pictures,
text and sound, as well as take advantage of the communications
capabilites of Newton technology. Graphical tools enable developers to
construct their applications while viewing them on the monitor, using
tools for browsing, editing and debugging source code.

The Newton Toolkit also contains special utilities which enable
Newton applications to be distributed on floppy disks and downloaded from
the desktop, as well as on PCMCIA cards. Integral to the new version of
the Toolkit is Newton Book Maker, a new tool for publishers which
facilitates the creation of electronic books for devices based on Newton
technology: travel guides, reference materials and corporate
documentation. Newton Book Maker has already been used by thousands of
developers to create and publish titles for Newton users. Newton Book
Maker automatically creates sophisticated, customizable and
easy-to-navigate applications from electronic documents (such as those
created in familiar word- processing applications) containing both text
and graphics. Using Book Maker, people without any programming expertize
can create interactive Newton books quickly and easily, using the
expansive body of publications already available in electronic form.
"International interest in developing titles for the Newton platform
continues to grow.

Over 3000 Newton Toolkits have already sold, and more than 1000
developers expressed their enthusiasm for the Newton platform at the
International Newton Development Conference in December 1993," said
Gaston Bastiaens, vice president and general manager of Apple's Personal
Interactive Electronics (PIE) division. "The continous evolution of the
Newton Toolkit makes it an ever more attractive, productive and inspiring
environment for developers. More than 32 Newton titles created by third
party developers are now shipping, and another 60 have been publicly
announced." The Newton Toolkit package will include a free Newton
developer CD containing comprehensive documentation, technical
information, tutorials, utilities and sample code. The beta version of
Newton Toolkit for Macintosh is already available today by calling APDA
on 1-800-282-2732. All registered owners of Newton Toolkit will receive
the final version of the Newton Toolkit by mail in April 1994. Apple
expects the Newton Toolkit for Windows to be available later this year.

That's it for this week. Be sure and check in next week for the real
scoop on the new PowerMacs and much more! As always feel free to send me
your comments, questions, etc.. to

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DELPHI and become a part of a friendly community of enthusiastic computer
users there.


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DELPHI services via a local phone call


Via modem, dial up DELPHI at 1-800-695-4002
When connected, press RETURN once or twice
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DELPHI's Basic Plan offers access for only $6.00 per hour, for any
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For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and
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But hurry, this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage
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two, you'll officially be a member of DELPHI!

DELPHI-It's getting better all the time!


Dana Jacobson, Editor



We've begun the Atari Computer Forum re-organization and
consolidation. Type "NAMES" to see a list of the new section names in
the Atari Productivity Forum.

The Atari Productivity Forum (GO ATARIPRO) will be renamed the Atari
Computing forum and will have a new GO word (GO ATARICOMPUTING) which
will be enabled shortly. In the interim, GO ATARIPRO will still get you

We will be closing down the message sections in AtariArts shortly.
Unfortunately, there is no way to merge the messages from AtariArts into
the messages in this forum, so please "wind down" your conversations in
AtariArts and resume them in this combined forum.

The library files will be re-organized next and finally the files
from AtariArts will be moved to this forum and AtariArts closed down

Section 7 is reserved for Atari Registered Developers and sections
12 and 13 are currently unused. All other sections 1-17 should be
available to all members (although some of these are currently empty of
messages). The staff has shuffled around the existing threads to their
new locations but if we missed any moves, please point them out.

We hope that having all Atari Computer Information in a single forum
(soon to be expanded to more sections and libraries) will better serve
the interests of our membership. As always, your comments are

CompuServe members billed under the Standard Pricing Plan now pay
lower rates for access to extended (hourly priced) services. The new
rates for CompuServe's extended services are $4.80 per hour for access at
300, 1,200 and 2,400 bps, and $9.60 per hour for access at 9,600 and
14,400 bps. This pricing change reflects up to a 40 percent reduction
from previous rates for extended service products. Communications network
and product-specific surcharges still apply.

The monthly basic services rate of $8.95, which provides access to
more than 50 product areas, remains unchanged, as do rates for CompuServe
members billed under the Alternative ("pay-as-you-go")Pricing Plan.

Through this pricing reduction, CompuServe is passing along cost
savings realized by the use of advanced technology and "commodity"-priced
hardware in its host computer systems.

For complete information about CompuServe's Standard and Alternative
Pricing Plans, to check your current billing option or to change from one
billing option to the other, GO CHOICE.

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

I have one question: Is this snow ever going to end?? I'm sitting
here writing this week's column knowing that another storm is upon us
here on the East coast. This is really getting out of hand! Spring is
_supposed_ to be less than two weeks away......

I must admit, finally, that I'm getting caught up in the Jaguar
fever. It's happening for a number of reasons. First of all, I'm
seeing some positive signs that Atari is very serious about this
machine - something up until a short time ago, I had serious
reservations about. Atari has increased its support staff, for one
thing, to help make the Jaguar successful. It wasn't that long ago
that Atari was down-sizing its operation to help maintain costs. Also,
more Atari staff is visibly online than ever before, hopefully a step
in the right direction that will continue for some time to come.

So, what does this new burst of enthusiasm mean with regard to
STReport? Simply put, we'll be adding more Jaguar coverage to the
Atari section of the magazine. I had considered starting a "spin-off"
of STReport, devoted to the Jaguar. Ralph and I discussed this, and we
both came to the conclusion that a separate magazine wasn't really
necessary. We have Jaguar coverage now; we'll just expand it to
include reviews and general info. However, I will be expanding our
Atari staff to help in these endeavors. I will be referring more to
this staff addition a little later on. I also now have a rationalized
excuse to buy a Jaguar for myself rather than wait a little longer!!

Along with this effort, we have been working with Atari's Don
Thomas to help make this possible. Don has been extremely gracious and
cooperative the past few weeks for which I'd like to extend my thanks.
When I first accepted this editor position, one of my first goals was
to re-establish a cooperative working relationship with Atari again to
enable us to provide our readers first-hand information from Atari
rather than being in a position to make some assumptions that weren't
always accurate. Will this relationship influence our editorial views?
No, we will continue to tell it as we see it, but with a better flow of
information, we'll be able to do a better job.

So, with that in mind, we look forward to covering the Jaguar in
more depth in the immediate future. I've contacted a number of
potential Jaguar reviewers, including our own online fisherman, John
Duckworth, for help in this expanded endeavor. We will be determining
an expanded coverage schedule soon, and hope to start this no later than
the first of April. We will be receiving game carts in the meantime,
and hope to have enough time to have at least a couple of reviews for
that initial addition. As usual, we will continue to provide Jaguar-
related news weekly as we have in the past. In this issue you'll find
a number of related articles as this has been one exciting week for
Jaguar news!

One of the first questions that I know I'll be asked in E-Mail is
whether or not we will be discontinuing our Atari computer coverage in
favor of the Jaguar. The answer is a resounding NO!! We will continue
to keep you up-to-date on the computer side of things. While Atari may
have put their computer products on the back burner, there are still
new products being released by 3rd parties and we will do our best to
keep you abreast of them.

Well, we have some exciting things for you this week, so let's get
to them!!

Until next time...

Delphi's Atari Advantage

(3) WHATIS 6.6 *(8) PROFILE 1.44

* = New on list

The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT #10.10)

Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.


> PGST 3.0? STR FOCUS! Chances are... SLIM & NONE!


(Editor's note) In last week's issue, we reproduced a letter from Atari
United! which proposed a letter campaign to Soft-Logik to upgrade
Pagestream for Atari computers. There has been some discussion online at
Compuserve about the impact of such a letter campaign. While a letter
campaign can't possibly hurt (so write yours today!), there's no
guarantee that it will make it possible. There are other factors to be
evaluated as well. Soft-Logik's CIS representative, Michael, provides
some insight to this:

"There is no magic number of people that have to write in for us to port
3.0 to the Atari. We didn't ask people to write in, the same people kept
asking us over and over again online how much response we had had. We
said it was poor, they said how would we know if we didn't count, so we
said fine, send a letter. ST Informer printed something to that effect.
Since then we've been getting maybe a letter or two a week, hardly a
flood. I don't know, maybe 30-50 letters all told, maybe 100 requests
if everybody who has ever called or emailed us online. Small numbers.

In any case, we can't port 3.0 based on upgrade sales alone. We must sell
a healthy number of new copies to stay in business. We can only sell new
copies if Atari is selling computers to new users. That is the only way.
At this time, Atari is selling only a handful of computers, and not to
new users. Unless things change, we won't be able to port 3.0 to the
Atari. When we announced 3.0 for the Amiga, Atari was upset that we
wouldn't develop it for Atari first, although even they must realize
their market has collapsed. They asked what they could do to help us
port 3.0 to the Atari. They were very eager to help out. We gave them
some hints, ie selling computers to new users, and that was the last we
heard from them. Until Atari gets back into the computer business,
we cannot dream of porting 3.0 to the Atari. At this time, it doesn't
appear that Atari is in the computer business since they are
concentrating on games."

Michael @ Soft-Logik Publishing Corp.

Regardless of what might happen, I'd still recommend sending out
that letter as soon as possible. Soft-Logik is never going to upgrade
Pagestream without seeing a concerted interest in the product,
especially new users.

A number of Atari supporters were dramatically affected by the
recent California earthquake. Dana Byrd and Jeff Naideau, from
Barefoot Software, have finally started to get things going again
although things are still hectic. However, they did manage to get word
out that they're moving forward. From Delphi, I saw the following

Announcing a NEW Phone # for Barefoot Software.

It is the only line so please be patient. Dana & Jeff have been
through a hard time with the earthquake destroying the business.
They are still having computer problems (got any loaners?<G sort of>)
Dana say she will call back as soon as possible, so if the machine is
on, leave a message.

Also Stephan Daystrom is always available on CIS. and Snail mail is
being forwarded (I still don't know the new address<G>)

THE Number IISS!!>>>310-455-0171

Dana says she apologizes for any inconvenience this has caused.

It's good to know that both Dana and Jeff are getting things back
to normal again; we hope their losses were minimal.


> STR InfoFile

Label Madness - Finally, A Solution!!

Graphic Effects, the company that brought you the Atari Font
Resource Guide, the largest collection of Public Domain and Shareware
Fonts is proud to present...Avery Plus(sm)

Avery Plus is a collection of templates for Avery/Dennison's line of
Specialty Labels. These templates are compatible with Pagestream and
all versions of Calamus..including Calamus NT!

It is no longer a chore to create great looking labels. Avery Plus
is an easy and efficient way to produce professional looking labels with
graphics from virtually any printer and includes preset layouts for
Avery laser products.

Labels supported are:

Avery# Dimensions # of Labels Description

5260/5160 1 x 2 5/8 30 Rectangular Labels
5267 1/2 x 1 3/4 80 File Folder
5161/5262 1 x 4 20 Address
5162/5262 1 1/3 x 4 14 "
5163 2 x 4 10 "
5164 3 1/3 x 4 6 Mailing Labels
5266 2/3 x 3 7/16 30
5293 1 2/3 24 Circle
5294 2 1/2 12 "
5295 3 1/3 6 "
5660 1 x 2 5/6 30 Transparent Address Labels
5662 1 1/3 x 4 1/4 14
5663 2 x 4 1/4 10
5196 2 3/4 x 2 3/4 9 3 1/2 inch Floppy
5197 1 1/2 x 4 12 5 1/4 inch Floppy
41257 6 Ring Binder Small
41358 6 Ring Binder Large
5371 Business Cards
5385 Standard Size Roladex Cards
5390 Name Tags
5389 4 x 6 2 Index/Post Card
5388 3 x 5 3 Index/Post Card

Custom Templates are available.

Atari Font Resource Guide 19.95 plus $2s/h ($4 off 1st order!)
Avery Plus(Calamus/Pagestream) 34.95 plus $1.50 s/h

For more information on Avery Plus or The Atari Font Resource Guide,
which now contains over 500 PD/Shareware fonts for all versions of
Calamus and 370 ATM Type 1 fonts for Pagestream/Windows/etc...write to:

Graphic Effects
197 North Washington Avenue
Centereach, NY 11720-1925
(516) 471-1529 (Voice and FAX)


> SuperMac STR InfoFile

*** Reprinted with permission ***
Sysop note-- you can access more of the BUSINESSWIRE via the OTC
newswire in the Executive News Service area of CompuServe.

Technology Inc. (NASDAQ:SMAC), the leader in color graphics technology,
made public today its plans to incorporate the new Texas Instruments
MVP chip into future product design.

SuperMac will utilize the MVP chip in a new accelerator card for
CD-ROM content developers using SuperMac's Cinepak video compression

The MVP chip will offer a significant performance boost for Cinepak,
due mainly to its powerful architecture of four parallel processors and
one RISC master processor.

"Our Cinepak software algorithm has become the de facto standard for
CD-ROM compression and real-time playback on multiple computer and game
platforms," said Jay Torborg, vice president of engineering at SuperMac
Technology. "We intend to utilize the phenomenal capabilities in the
MVP chip to dramatically accelerate Cinepak's front-end compression."

Cinepak has become widely used by multimedia developers, game
designers, and digital-video artists to produce CD-ROMs of their work.
Cinepak's real-time playback across multiple platforms is highly
desirable to this audience because it eliminates the need to re-create
their work for each platform. However, Cinepak's slow video compression
during the production phase is the number one limitation expressed by
these users. A Cinepak hardware/software accelerator solution that
incorporates the MVP chip would represent a major advance for this

"Each of the DSP-like processors on the MVP will give us a
noticeable performance increase for Cinepak compression, but with four of
them, the time-savings will be incredible," Torborg said.

Cinepak is a video compression/decompression (CODEC) scheme that
enables each video frame to occupy less storage space than usual, while
retaining highly accurate colors and excellent image quality. The
high-quality compression and high compression ratios result in high frame
rates and greatly minimizes compression artifacts which make for a great
playback experience for the user.

The advanced image-compression techniques of Cinepak allow
full-length movies to fit on a CD-ROM while retaining true color and
realistic quality much closer to the original video source material.
SuperMac has licensed Cinepak to Apple Computer, Microsoft Corp.,
Creative Labs, The 3DO Company, Atari Corp., Cirrus Logic, Sega of
America Inc., and Weitek Corp.

"As a point of reference, the speed of a Cinepak accelerator card
built around the MVP chip running on a standard Macintosh will run rings
around any personal computer on the market," Torborg said.

SuperMac plans to ship products containing the MVP chip technology
in 1994, but volume shipments will depend on Texas Instruments'
production schedule, according to Torborg.

Based in Sunnyvale, SuperMac designs products that accelerate and
enhance the performance of PowerPC, Macintosh and Windows-based computer
systems. The company is a leading supplier of graphics peripherals to
the color-publishing, digital-video, digital photography and business
productivity markets. Its products include accelerated color graphics
cards, image-processing accelerators, large-screen color displays, color
printers and digital-video solutions.



Atari Offers Online Community Special Lynx Promotion!


Atari Corporation is looking for ways to reward onliners for their
dedicated support of our products. We have come to appreciate the volume
of great ideas, suggestions, criticisms and compliments. We know you are
buying our products already, but we think you deserve a little more.

The following offer is available to members of all popular online
services including the Internet and public access BBS's. It is also
available to readers of popular online magazines who choose to support
their readers by reprinting this offer. Look for other online offers

SPAN: Good from 3/1/94 to 6/1/94

OFFER: Buy a Lynx, get 2 carts free.
BONUS: Free Scorpions CD Single to first 100 orders!

DESCRIPTION: Buy a Lynx game system for only $99.99 and
receive your choice of TWO game carts free
($80 value. That's like getting the Lynx for
just $20!)

CHOOSE FROM: * World Class Soccer
* NFL Football
* Checkered Flag
* Pinball Jam
* Pitfighter
* Dracula; The Undead
* Batman Returns ($49.99 value!)
* Chip's Challenge
* Dirty Larry, Renegade Cop
* Rampart
(Don't see your favorite?... ask!)


Atari(r) Lynx(tm) is the ultimate portable video game machine. It
delivers over 4,000 colors, up-to 8-player connectivity potential, 16-bit
graphics engine, 3.5" diag. playing screen, hardware scaling, headphone
jack, right/left handed controls and lots and lots of cartridges to
choose from. ...Arcade video game fun everywhere you go.

Note: If you already own a Lynx, use this one to ComLynx with family
members or put it aside as a gift ... (keep the free carts for YOU!)
... or form an alliance with a friend and split the costs!

Terms subject to change without notice.
Offer valid only to North American locations.


1) Fill out the order template below.

2) a. E-Mail (PRIVATELY) this order to any online Atari
representative. Ask for it to be forwarded to
Don Thomas or Bob Brodie. (BEST METHOD)
b. Fax order to 408/745-2088. (SECOND BEST)
c. Mail order to P.O. Box 61657, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
d. Call your order to 408/745-2098 (9-5 PST)
Note: Phones are often jammed with excited Jaguar
callers. Please be patient!


----- Complete if first order in 12 months -------

1 Lynx complete 1 $ 99.99 $ 99.99
2 ??????? cartridge 1 FREE FREE
3 ??????? cartridge 1 FREE FREE
SUB TOTAL ............................ $ 99.99
CALIFORNIA TAX (8.25% if applicable).. $ 0.00
SHIPPING & HANDLING* ................. $ 4.95
TOTAL (U.S. funds) ................... $ 104.94

# # # END OF FILE # # #

Due to being in the right place at the wrong time, we missed last
weekend's special Tempest 2000 offer from Atari. However, we can still
share with you the winners of that special offer to ship 10 copies of
Tempest 2000 in advance of the game's scheduled release in a few weeks.

DISCRETION. (text file created 03/08/94 by Donald A. Thomas, Jr. @ Atari

I am pleased to report that Atari Corporation has begun accepting
preorders for Tempest 2000. This award winning Jaguar game cartridge
features four mindblowing versions of Tempest on one cart. Features
include classic variations of the original Tempest PLUS three enhanced
variations including Tempest Dual (for two players).

To help celebrate the release of this product, ten copies of Tempest
2000 have been flown in advance. These have been sent this afternoon
(3/8/94) by means of U.P.S. to ten qualified preorder customers.

Congratulations to the following ten "Jaguardians":

P. Blagay of La Mesa, CA
R. Cupples of Ames, IA
T. Funke-Bilu of Claremont, CA
G.A. Glenn of San Diego, CA
D. Glowacki of Greencastle, IN
K.M. Lee of Corpus Christi, TX
J.T. Millar of Jeffersonville, PA
R.J. Sherman, Jr. of Louisville, KY (1 of 2 ordered)
T. Steimle of Cleveland, OH
J. Van Valer of Menlo Park, CA

We, at Atari, thank everyone who has placed a pre-order. PLEASE tell
your friends that they will be able to find Tempest 2000 within a couple
of weeks at their local store!

For those who are interested... all the orders collected by a
predetermined time were printed and alphabetized. Duplicates were
removed. Mike Fulton wrote a quick program in C that provided a list of
random numbers from -10 to 10 over the total number of orders. (I
broadened the range to make certain there was no preference or
abandonment of the first and last number). We used the list of random
numbers to represent positions in our alphabetized stack.

Tempest 2000 is $59.99. Orders may be placed through Atari Corporation if
desired. Fax 408/745-2000; Voice 408/745-2098.
(E-Mail works too [75300,1267].)

Look for other promotions soon. I suggest you visit this forum frequently
to make sure you don't miss out! <g>

Don Thomas
Atari Corporation


> GORE?? GUTS?? STR Spotlight


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Video game makers, trying to head off a bill that
would require them to label the sex and violence on their programs, are
pointing to one company's voluntary ratings as proof that the industry
can police itself. For the last six months, Sega of America Inc., whose
bloody Mortal Kombat and NightTrap games came under fierce congressional
attack last year, has been voluntarily rating all of its titles based on
the amount of sex or violence. Games suitable for all ages are labeled
"GA," for general audience. Those labeled "MA-13" are most appropriate
for children 13 and older and an "MA-17" label is for users 17 and older.

The video industry is creating its own rating system and is looking at
Sega's ratings as a guide, said Jack Heistand, chairman of committee that
is crafting a voluntary ratings plan for the $6 billion-a-year industry.
Ed Volkwein, Sega's senior vice president of marketing, said about 90
percent of Sega's games are labeled "GA," 7 percent are "MA-13" and 3
percent are "MA-17."

The labels are meant as guidance and there's nothing to prevent a
youngster from buying a game rated "MA-17." But consumer response has
been positive, said Volkwein, who is scheduled to testify about the
ratings today before a Senate subcommittee. Sega, based in Redwood City,
Calif., is one of the two largest makers of video games in the country.

The industry's plan relies on a board of experts to review and rate each
title before they hit retailers' shelves, Heistand said. Educators,
parents, child psychologists and business people will be on the board;
their identities will not be made public, he said.

The industry, which is in the process of putting together it first trade
association, will hire a director to oversee the ratings system, Heistand
said. The director will appoint the board's members. Lawmakers were
pleased but skeptical. The senators "will not pull legislation at this
point," said Jim Kennedy, press secretary for Sen. Joseph Lieberman,
D-Conn., chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs subcommittee on
regulation and information.

"We want to keep their feet to the fire," Kennedy said, declining to
say what would make lawmakers abandon legislation. Lieberman and Sen.
Herb Kohl, D-Wis., have been riding herd over the industry. In February,
they introduced a bill requiring the industry to create a ratings or
warning label system so that parents will know whether the games contain
violent or sexual images they don't want their children to see.

As for the industry's own system, Heistand, who also is senior vice
president of San Mateo, Calif., game producer Electronic Arts, could not
say whether quantitative or qualitative measures or a mix of both would
guide the board's judgments.

It was not clear how many companies will abide by the industry's plan.
But Heistand said he expected support from the seven, accounting for 50
percent of worldwide game sales. Those companies include Nintendo, Atari
and 3DO.

The plan does not include penalties for companies that do not keep
their commitment, he said. Lieberman last held a hearing on the issue in
December. Since then a number of companies changed their marketing plans.
Numerous studies have suggested a link between violence on television
and aggressive behavior in children. Lieberman says the link is probably
stronger when it comes to video games. "With television shows, violent
images are measured in the dozens per hour," he says. "With video games,
violent images occur in the thousands per hour."


SUNNYVALE, Calif., March 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Atari Corp. (AMEX: ATC)
announced today that its award-winning Jaguar 64-bit game system has
attracted 86 top developers, publishers and licensees since its
introduction in November 1993.

Among the 48 new partners announced today are ReadySoft Inc., publisher
of "Dragon's Lair," "Dragon's Lair II" and "Space Ace"; Bullfrog
Productions Ltd., developer of "Populous" and "Powermonger"; Imagineer,
publisher of "Wolfenstein 3D (SNES)"; Jaleco, a leading manufacturer of
arcade games and home video games including "Super Bases Loaded" and
"Pro-Sport Hockey"; and Sculptured Software, developer of "Mortal Kombat"
for Acclaim.

"The innovative technology unleashed by Jaguar challenges us to change
our approach to developing software," said Glen Williams, technical
director, Williams Brothers Development, one of the newly signed software
developers. "With Jaguar, game developing is no longer a matter of
working within the machine's capabilities, but of living up to them."

Since Jan. 1, 1994, Atari has signed 48 new partners. These are: Accent
Media Productions Anthill Industries (ASG) All Systems Go Argonaut
Software Ltd. Audio Visual Magic Bethesda Softworks Bjorn Joos/Kris Van
Lier Black Scorpion Software Borta & Associates Bullfrog Productions Ltd.
Clearwater Software Computer Music Consulting Cybervision CyberWare Delta
Music Systems Inc. Domark Group Ltd. DTMC Duncan Brown Elite E-On EZ
Score Software Inc. GameTek Inc. Genus Microprogramming Inc. H2O Design
Corp. HiSoft ICD Inc. Imagineer Co. Ltd. Jaleco Limelight Media Inc.
Manley & Associates Inc. NMS Software Ltd. Photosurealism PIXIS
Interactive ReadySoft Inc. Rest Energy Sculptured Software Inc. Software
Creations Team Infinity Team 17 Software Ltd. Technation Digital World
Techtonics Teque London Ltd. Thrustmaster V-Reel Virtual Xperience Visual
Concepts Williams Brothers WMS Industries

"We are pleased the industry's most innovative, successful software
companies continues to join the Jaguar team," said Sam Tramiel, president
of Atari. "Jaguar is the world's most powerful multimedia video game
system. Consequently, this platform offers leading developers and
publishers unprecedented creative and commercial opportunities."

"Atari has used cutting-edge technology to push Jaguar's system
architecture beyond the industry's next natural stage and leaped ahead
of its competitors in the process," said Lou Viveros, president of V-Reel
and Viveros and Associates, a leading video game consulting firm. "Our
games will require creativity and flexibility in the development process
and outstanding system performance during game play. Consequently, the
decision to develop for Jaguar was an easy one."

V-Reel will develop and market Arena Football exclusively for
Jaguar. This represents the first license of the Arena Football League
for home video game systems. V-Reel also plans to develop Horrorscope, a
Jaguar fighting game based on the 12 characters of the Zodiac.

Atari Jaguar is the world's first 64-bit interactive multimedia home
entertainment system and is the only video game system manufactured in
the United States. Jaguar was recently named the industry's "Best New
Game System" (VideoGames Magazine), "Best New Hardware System" (Game
Informer) and "1993 Technical Achievement of the Year" (DieHard GameFan).
Atari expects to deliver its Jaguar CD-peripheral mid-year at a suggested
retail price of $200.

Atari Corp., based in Sunnyvale, manufactures and markets 64-bit
interactive multimedia entertainment systems, video games and personal
computers for the home, office and educational marketplaces.

NOTE: All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
-0- 3/7/94
/CONTACT: Terry Valeski of Atari, 408-745-2000; or Lynn Thompson of
Cunningham Communication, 408-764-0740, for Atari/(ATC)
CO: Atari Corp. ST: California IN: CPR SU:


> CAT BOX STR InfoFile


March 7, 1994 -- Black Cat Design, a designer of computer peripherals and
accessories, and ICD, today announced Cat Box, the complete interface
adapter for the Atari Jaguar 64-bit game system.

Cat Box plugs directly into the AV/DSP ports on the back of the Jaguar.
Its custom case measures just 6 x 1.5 x 1 inches and perfectly accents
the sleek Jaguar design. Cat Box provides all of the standard
connections that Jaguar customers desire. Standard ports include:
S-Video, Composite Video, Left & Right Audio Out, Dual Stereo Headphones,
Analog RGB Video, RS-232, ComLynx, and DSP. All connectors are "industry

Standards are a big part of Cat Box and connectivity is the key. The
RS-232 port will connect to standard modems. The ComLynx port will join
other Jaguar and Lynx game systems for multi-player games and other
networking ideas. Black Cat Design is actively working with game
developers to ensure support for these ports.

An imaginative, well thought out design includes flexibility for the
future. Internal expansion connectors for future add-in cards ensure
that Cat Box will be as useful then as it is now. Future products under
consideration include a Midi interface and an internal modem.

ICD has licensed Cat Box from Black Cat Design for exclusive world-wide

Thomas Harker, president of ICD, explained, "This product is an
unbelievable value. I wouldn't be surprised if all Jaguar owners buy a
Cat Box. My family is really thankful for the headphone jacks when our
twin boys are playing Raiden. Finally, peace and quiet again in the game
room. The boys can't wait for the next generation of multi-player games
to arrive. Imagine, dual Jaguars head to head. Cat Box will help make
this possible. It makes so much sense, I don't know why it wasn't done

The Cat Box will begin shipping early next quarter at an MSRP of $49.95.
ICD is taking orders now with shipments expected in May.

For further information, contact ICD Public Relations in the United
States by phone (815) 968-2228 extension 222 or fax (815) 968-6888.

Cat Box is a trademark of Black Cat Design. Other trademarks are those
of their respective holders.



Calling all Jaguar owners!!

With all of the enthusiasm being generated with the Jaguar these past
few months, it makes sense for us at STReport to have additional coverage
for this terrific new machine.

So, we'll be looking for Jaguar owners to do reviews of current games,
and new ones when they are released. I'm in the process of finalizing
plans with Atari to obtain current games available, and new ones as they
are available. I also plan to talk with other Jaguar game developers to
establish a similar effort.

As it stands with Atari, the games we obtain for review will be on a
_loaner_ basis. Loaner "contracts" will be discussed shortly; and all
reviewers will be required to abide by these contracts (you won't be able
to keep the games!).

If you're interested in doing game reviews, please contact me via E-Mail at
the following addresses ASAP:

Delphi: DPJ
CIS: 71051,3327
Toad Hall: (617)567-8642 or 569-2489

All potential reviewers should include some writing samples along with your
E-Mail. Since we expect a good response, we need to select people who have
good writing skills. You do _not_ have to be an Atari computer user to be
eligible. Please include with your message your name, address, phone
number(s), and online address(es) so we can contact you.

We'll also be interested in people to do non-review articles about the
Jaguar. Some examples would be articles on peripherals, game tips, FAQs
(Frequently Asked Questions) and answers, cheats, etc.

So, help share your Jaguar enjoyment with others! Please get in touch with
me as soon as possible to get in on the fun.

-Dana P. Jacobson
STReport Atari Editor


> The Old Fishin' Hole STR Feature


-A Guide to the Online PD/Shareware Waters.

by John R. Duckworth

Grab your favorite recipes, get your fingers ready, and have your
printer fired up because this week we'll be taking a look at an updated
application that is sure to have everybody cooking!

"The Recipe Box v.4.4" by Anthony Watson of Mountain Software is a very
useful recipe filing and retrieval application which should be on every
cook's hard drive. The program should run on all Atari TOS computer systems
with at least a 512k of memory (although I had a bit of a problem getting
it to run on my Falcon with over a meg for some strange reason) and in any
resolution greater than 640x200. The application runs in a GEM window so
there should be no problem getting it to run comfortably under MultiTOS or
Geneva. Taking control of the desktop colors and changing them without
notice was one of my biggest complaints with some of Mountain Software's
other efforts. Mr. Watson has fixed that in "The Recipe Box" by providing
a selection in the setup menu to allow the program to use the desktop
colors. The program only uses the first four colors of the desktop, so if
the user elects to go with their own system colors, most likely the
program's 3-D buttons will no longer appear to be so. Perhaps a better
idea would be to allow the user to remap which desktop color is assigned to
a certain segments of the 3-D buttons. That way those with 16 desktop
colors available could take advantage of that fact. Other interlace
options include setting how certain text and background attributes.

After "The Recipe Box" is set-up to your liking, it's time to start
typing in all those recipes which you've accumulated over the years. The
main screen consists of two columns, one with a list of chapter names and
the other with a list of recipes in the currently highlighted chapter. The
chapter names can be anything you wish, after all, it's _your_ recipe book.

To input a recipe, the user may either import it from the systems
clipboard, a disk file, or he/she may choose to type it in manually. "The
Recipe Box" automatically recognizes those recipes in Meal-Master, Computer
Chef, or Recipe Box 3.5 formats. There are literally thousands of recipes
available online in the Meal-Master format alone. It's no huge chore to
enter a recipe manually, simply enter the title, list the ingredients on
the left side of the screen and then finish off with the instructions on
the right. Voila! The user now has the beginnings of a respectable
computerized cook book. Recipes may be viewed, exported, or printed at any
time. Suppose a recipe makes 3 servings but you have 6 guests coming for
dinner. No problem as far as "The Recipe Box" is concerned. Simply click
on the resize button, type the number of servings desired, and the program
recalculates the needed ingredients. Recipes may be exported in
Meal-Master v.7 format which most other platforms will be able to use.
Printing a recipe is simple as well, they may be done individually or by
the batch. With GDOS (SpeedoGDOS) loaded, "The Recipe Box" produces
wonderfully formatted recipes with fonts specified by the user.

Other useful features of the package include a search utility (to find
all of those chocolate-chip cookie recipes), a handy calorie chart (to see
just how much you'll have to exercise after baking that cake), a grocery
list (no longer will you have to manually write those long lists), and a
meal planner (no more excuses when the kids ask what they'll be having for
dinner tomorrow).

"The Recipe Box" is a great package which should even appeal to the
ladies out there ( Mom is starting to bug me to loan her my old
ST). The demo version available online is limited to 60 recipes, and a
registered version is available from the author for $35.00.

Another useful utility which I received this week is the "HD Free CPX"
by Michael Fordermair of Ghostbyte software. This small CPX shows free
hard drive space as well as system memory available. Although the info box
displays a copyright date of 1992, it has just recently been translated to
english. It will make a nice addition to those users with an extensible
control panel.

We've hit the bottom of the pail for this week. Tune back in a week
from now for another round of new public domain/shareware offerings for you
favorite computer. Comments/questions/recipes e-mail:

| Old Fishin Hole Tackle Box * |
| Recipe Box 4.4 |
| GEnie: Atari ST RT - #32138 |
| |
| HD Free CPX |
| Delphi: Atari Advantage - READ HARD DRIVE FREE |
| GEnie: Atari ST RT - #32171 |
* The Tackle Box is meant to provide assistance in finding files
mentioned in the column. It should not be considered a COMPLETE
listing and is provided for convenience only. Delphi Atari Advantage
files should be found in the Recent Arrivals section of the database
until moved to their appropriate sections.



> A "Quotable Quote" The "Who Cares?" Dep't.

"Today is the Tomorrow....
You worried about Yesterday!"


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STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-

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