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Silicon Times Report Issue 1023

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

June 03, 1994 No. 1023

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 1-904-783-3319 10am-4pm EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
ITCNet 85:881/253 JAX HUB ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:21/350
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FAX: 904-783-3319 12am-6am EST
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MNET - Toad Hall BBS.....................1-617-567-8642

> 06/03/94 STR 1023 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- Flintstone Saver - Internet NEWS - E-Mail Stalker
- WPerfect FASTEST! - CCITT/ITU-TSS - Internet Help
- NEW Gem Group - People Talking - STR Confidential


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the ITC/PROWL/USENET/NEST/F-Net/Fido Mail Networks. You
may also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 1-904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder
and excitement of exchanging all types of useful information relative to
c o m puters, worldwide, through the use of excellent International
Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are welcome to join the STReport
International Conferences. ITC Node is 85:881/250, The Fido Node is
1:374/147.3, Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #620. All
computer platforms and BBS systems are welcome and invited to participate.

to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!

"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

The "Information Highway".... we hear this term everyday. Well,
practically everyday. Does it have real substance yet? It may not.
That's not to say its nonexistent but it does say its in the very
beginning stages. Strange as it may seem, there are those in this day and
age who are resisting the ongoing development of the "highway". Its
difficult, if not downright foolish attempting to rationalize the "whys"
and "what-fors" of their behavior. But educated guesses indicate its
either jealousy, ego, or good old fashioned greed. What ever the special
motivation may be, it seems to have surfaced in all its glory quite
recently. You see in the last few weeks, there was a "vote" called in the
Internet about the establishment of a new "newsgroup". As expected, the
vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the opening of the new group. The
point is... the dissenting votes were really about to go un-noticed until
one name in particular popped up incredibly, as a NO vote. A reasonable
explanation of such an action is, in this reporter's opinion, warranted.
The "no vote" cast by this person is of little or no consequence but
coming from this person; a past president and a current board member of a
developer group and a current software re-seller whose wife is a contract
holder with a commercial network service suddenly hits with the presence
of booming thunder. Why did this person vote no? Its a very interesting
question some suspect will have very interesting answers. Elsewhere in
this issue are the vote results, a list of who voted and how they voted.

Spring Comdex brought many new software and hardware goodies to
market. Over the next few months, we shall endeavor to present a solid
picture of these new products, what to look for and above all else try to
show that "price" really isn't everything. Shopping quality is by far,
the better way to seek out your dream system. Stay with us for the summer
months.. its going to be a very interesting time.




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles J. Deegan D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Michael Arthur John Deegan Brad Martin
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno Mike Barnwell
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy Jeff Kovach
Marty Mankins Carl Prehn Paul Charchian

Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Clemens Chin
Eric Jerue Ron Deal Mike Barnwell
Ed Westhusing Glenwood Drake Vernon W.Smith
Bruno Puglia Paul Haris Kevin Miller
Craig Harris Allen Chang Dominick J. Fontana

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #23

By: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** Intel to Release P6 Next Year? **

Industry insiders are saying the new P6 chip Intel Corp is developing
may be in servers and workstations by the end of next year. Sources say
that the P6-based machines should offer up to eight times the power of
the current Pentium servers.

According to Computergram International, "The Pentium is not intended
to fade away." After culling intelligence about the P6 and the P7 chips
from various sources (including PC Week and MacWeek), CI noted this week
"The company is shrinking the die size in the hope of being able to set
clocks well in excess of 200MHz against 100MHz maximum now, and envis-
ages producing a range of Pentiums in massive volumes and pricing them
low enough for entry-level systems."

"The P6 is expected to come as a two-chip module," says CI, "the se-
cond chip being 256K of high-speed cache, and to include enhanced multi-
processing logic, based on Intel's Multiprocessing Specification, enab-
ling manufacturers to mass-produce standard system boards supporting as
many as four P6 CPUs."

Intel is expected to later move the P6 to a new 0.4-micron process to
raise the clock speed, wanting "to optimize its 0.6-micron process to
yield 120MHz Pentium chips in volume by the second quarter of 1995 and
133MHz chips by the third quarter, before going to 150MHz using the 0.4
micron process."

** Aldus Unveils ChartMaker Module **

Aldus Corp. has announced Aldus ChartMaker, a new software module
that allows users to incorporate charting capabilities into any standard
Macintosh or IBM Windows-based application.

Initially available on the Macintosh personal computer, with a PC
version to follow later this year, ChartMaker is an OLE module that can
be used with any word processing, spreadsheet, computer illustration,
page layout and design or other application to provide a full range of
charting functions.

ChartMaker will be the first in a series of modular software
products, called Aldus Accessory Products, that the company plans to
release during the next 12 months. Each software module will focus on a
single function or task that will add features or functionality to a
"host" application software package.

The Macintosh version of ChartMaker is available now for $149.
Pricing and availability of the Windows version will be announced later.

** Sega, Blockbuster, IBM Team Up **

Testing electronic delivery of video-game software for retail sale is
the point of a new cooperative venture by game publisher Sega of
America, video rental giant Blockbuster Video and IBM.

The companies are expected to launch the market test in 10 to 15
Blockbuster stores in one or two markets in August and run the test for
two to four months. After the tests, they will decide whether to offer
the system for sale to all retailers. Blockbuster has more than 3,000
stores nationwide.

Reports say the pilot project calls for some Blockbuster stores to
offer customers Sega video games on blank, reusable cartridges using IBM

"The companies noted that since the blank cartridges will be rented
and returned to the stores, they can then be reprogrammed an unlimited
number of times."

Sega President/CEO Tom Kalinske added the project is designed to make
certain that game rental customers can obtain the nearly 1,000 Genesis
and Game Gear software titles available.

** Compaq Slashes Prices **

Compaq Computer Corp. this week announced price reductions on some of
its notebook, desktop and server products. The cuts range from 4% to 34%
on some items.

Among the systems reduced in price are the Contura Aero, Compaq's
first subnotebook PC, its multimedia Presario CDS models and on Pentium-
based ProSignia and ProLiant 1000 models by as much as 18%. Selected
PCMCIA options for the Contura Aero family also were reduced.

** Students Creating New Mac UNIX **

A version of the free Linux clone of the UNIX operating system is
being created for Apple Computer Inc.'s Power Macintosh by two computer
science students at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine.

Charlton Wilbur and Jem Lewis began laying plans to develop a free-
ware UNIX on the Power Mac in January and say they hope to have a stable
kernel running by the end of August, together with the basic UNIX utili-
ties, including cd, ls, cp, mv, gcc, emacs, vi and bash.

"Linux is a Posix-type UNIX," CI notes, "originally written for 80386
and 80486-based personal computers by Finnish programmer Linus Torvalds
with the assistance of a loosely-knit team working across the Internet.
It is freely distributable under the same terms as the GNU UNIX."

Wilbur and Lewis said that until the end of the summer they want to
keep the project tightly controlled, but once it is running relatively
bug-free, it will be freely available for alpha testing and for others
to help develop device drivers and so forth.

** NEC Boosts 16-meg Dram Production **

NEC Corp. reportedly plans to increase its production of 16-megabit
DRAM chips at its plants in the United States, Singapore and Ireland.

Reports say U.S. subsidiary NEC Electronics will invest an additional
$68 million in expanding facilities to raise its monthly output. It is
expected that the firm will boost production from hundreds of thousand
units a month to 1.5 million units by March next year.

** Dell, Aurora Urge PC Recycling **

A marketing deal to encourage computer users to trade in dated
systems so they can be refurbished for use in developing economies has
been signed by Dell Computer Corp. and Aurora Electronics Inc.

Reports say that under the program, companies looking to replace
existing computer systems can trade their old equipment and receive
credit toward Dell purchases.

The program, which initially will focus on Fortune 500 companies,
calls for Aurora to refurbish, reconfigure, test and resell the older
technology systems overseas.

** IBM Revamping Software Effort **

Word is IBM is overhauling its software-development efforts,
launching a new initiative code- named "Workplace" to try to regain
business lost to rival Microsoft Corp. and others.

Reports say IBM Chairman Louis Gerstner has called the company's
failure to adjust to the shift from its mainframe business toward
client-server computing "the single most important mistake IBM has made
in the last decade." The wire service added, "If the effort succeeds,
IBM could reduce the estimated $1 billion it spends annually in
developing its various software operating systems."

** Turner Enters Software Business **

Several new software products, including interactive games with
scenes from popular movies, have been announced by Turner Home
Entertainment as it launches its PC business.

Reports from Atlanta's Comdex/Windows World computer trade show say
interactive games and screensavers will be offered on the Windows and
Macintosh platforms under the name Turner Interactive. Many of the
products use visual images from Turner's vast movie library. (Turner
Home Entertainment is a wholly owned subsidiary of Turner Broadcasting

Dov Jacobson, Turner's interactive creative development director,
said the company decided to get into software because people looking at
their computer screens are not watching cable television.

Feingold says available now is a $69.95 CD-ROM called "Gettysburg,"
an interactive simulation of famed Civil War battle. Players decide how
the battle should be conducted working with scenes from the popular
Turner movie.

In addition, "Screen Lovers" screensavers, using scenes from popular
movies, will be available in October for about $15.

** Flintstone Screen Saver Announced **

Delrina Corp. has announced The Flintstones Screen Saver Collection.

The screen saver is based on The Flintstones, the live- action motion
picture of the most successful animated cartoon series in TV history.

The Flintstones Screen Saver Collection includes modules featuring
the prehistoric characters in full-color animation with sound. Among the
software's modules are: The Flintstones theme song, a Dictabird that
repeats sound bites; a Bronto Crane that takes boulder-sized bites off
the desktop and a paperboy who drives across the screen throwing The
Bedrock News.

The Flintstones Screen Saver Collection will ship in June for $34.95.
Existing users of The Far Side Daily Planner, Intermission Screen Saver,
The Far Side Screen Saver and the Opus 'n Bill Screen Saver can purchase
The Flintstones Screen Saver Collection for $19.95 directly from

The Flintstones Screen Saver Collection will be available for
computers running Windows 3.1 and Apple Macintosh System 6.07 or higher.
System requirements include 5MB of hard disk space, 3MB of RAM and a
256-color display and adapter. A sound board is recommended.

** Man Charged with Online Stalking **

A Dearborn, Michigan, graphics artist has been arrested on charges he
broke the state's anti-stalking law because he continued to send amorous
electronic mail to a woman after she and the police told him to stop.

The American Civil Liberties Union is considering defending 31-year-
old Andy Archambeau, saying there appeared to be no real threat to the
woman. However, others contend there is no difference between stalking
someone physically and electronically. If convicted of the misdemeanor
offense, Archambeau could be jailed for one year or fined $1,000.

The 29-year-old woman who was the object of Archambeau's attention
said, "I wasn't sure if they were going to find me in a ditch. I didn't
know what this guy was capable of."

The woman herself originally initiated a relationship with
Archambeau, choosing him from a video dating service and talking to him
by phone before deciding to meet at a dating service party. Later they
exchanged electronic mail addresses and sent more than a dozen e-mails
back and forth.

"At first," the woman said, "I have to admit I liked the guy. Then he
started to get too close too soon. He was talking about marriage and
kids. I knew him for five days before I told him to get lost." Later she
filed a complaint with the police after Archambeau left a message on her
answering machine saying he had secretly watched her leave work.

Farmington Hills Police Det. Brian DeGrande said, "He didn't threaten
her, but he did make some remarks that could be construed as possibly
leading into something that her safety could be in jeopardy." Authori-
ties told Archambeau to have no more communication with her, electronic
or otherwise.

Nonetheless, Archambeau sent her another e-mail, saying, "I've been
trying to court you, not stalk you. If you let me, I would be the best
man, friend, lover you ever could have. ... You've turned my innocent
and somewhat foolish love for you into something bad in your own mind."

Her electronic reply was: "If you don't leave me alone, you are going
to be sorry. You have been warned."

It got ugly after that, with his saying he might e-mail their story
to all her computer friends on America Online, and mail it to her family
and old boyfriends, adding in an April 24 e-mail, "This letter thing is
the LEAST of the many things I could do to annoy you."

Archambeau was arrested and charged May 4. A pretrial hearing is
scheduled for June 15.

Archambeau says the woman easily could have ignored his e-mails and
simply not opened them up. Also he said that since his arrest he has
changed the hard drive on his computer and put the old one with her
messages on it in a plastic bag in his closet, adding, "As part of
getting over her, I completely rebuilt my system."

Meanwhile, experts on both sides of the issue are lining up for what
might be the first case of electronic stalking to reach the courts.

Howard Simon, director of the Michigan chapter of the ACLU, said the
case is troubling. "If these charges aren't thrown out, then there's
something for e-mail users to worry about."

However, Dave Banisar, policy analyst with the Electronic Privacy
Information Center in Washington, said electronic stalking should be
treated like physical stalking. "If it's considered stalking when you
send mail through the U.S. Postal Service or over the phone, the same
kind of rationale should be used for electronic networks."


> HAYES 288 V.FC STR InfoFile


Since Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. introduced to the global
market the Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.FC + FAX modem with data throughput
capabilities to 230,400 bit/s (230.4 kbit/s) using data compression, the
telecomputing world has not been the same. Shipping in the United States
and Canada @ US$579 and CDN$699, Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.FC + FAX is a powerful
and an equally reliable solution for remote control, multi-media, remote
LAN access, and the transfer of large data files and graphic images.

This external data + fax modem supports V.Fast Class (V.FC) for
28,800 bit/s (28.8 kbit/s) data transmission; ITU-T (formerly CCITT) V.42
bis data compression; ITU-T V.42 error-control; and Group 3 fax using V.17
for 14,400 bit/s (14.4 kbit/s) fax transmission. This product is fully
compatible with the installed base of V.32 bis (14.4 kbit/s), V.32 (9600
bit/s) and V.22 bis (2400 bit/s) modems. In addition, the product will
operate at 28,800 bit/s with future Hayes products implementing the V.34
(V.Fast) standard once it is approved. Hayes will make an upgrade to V.34
available, however, until the standard is finalized, Hayes can only
estimate that the cost will be less than US$100.

"We are pleased to offer our customers a product with the highest
data and fax speeds available today from Hayes," said Hayes President
Dennis C. Hayes. "V.FC's widespread availability creates a new industry
pre-standard for high-speed communications. This technology not only
fills the gap between V.32 bis and V.34 but should enable Hayes to respond
quickly when V.Fast becomes a standard."

Hayes complements its high-speed modem with Hayes ESP Communications
Accelerator, a 16-bit high-speed serial card with either single or dual
ports. Hayes ESP enables Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.FC + FAX to achieve the full
data transmission port speed of 230.4 kbit/s in environments such as
Windows, where a typical PC serial port cannot adequately manage the very
high speeds.

Hayes ESP Communications Accelerator single port is available worldwide
for US$99 and CDN$125. Hayes ESP Communications Accelerator dual port will
be available in December for US$149 and CDN$199. Both Hayes ESP
Communications Accelerators are half-card boards that incorporate a
dedicated communications co-processor with built-in automatic flow control
ensuring data integrity by eliminating buffer overrun errors experienced
with even the 16550 UART at speeds of 115.2 kbit/s or higher. To maximize
the PC's performance, Hayes ESP Communications Accelerators provide
dual1024-byte send/receive buffers and a 16-bit PC Bus interface.

Approvals are currently underway for Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.FC + FAX in
France, Germany, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, China,
Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands and Spain. Product will be
available in these countries once approvals are received from the
appropriate regulatory authority. Availability in other countries,
including Latin America, is also planned.

In addition, eight of the world's largest bulletin board systems and
the three major North American mail hubs within FidoNet have joined Hayes
in extensive V.FC modem testing. "We were pleased to have the opportunity
to support Hayes in this testing. These 28.8 kbit/s modems are reliable
products and users will certainly benefit from the speed," said George
Peace, North American FidoNet Mail Zone Hub. "We can now perform mail
exchanges twice as fast."

OPTIMA 288 V.FC + FAX comes with Smartcom for Windows LE and Windows
fax communications software. Smartcom for Windows LE includes a Phone
Book feature to store phone numbers; Smart Buttons to automate
communications; popular file transfer protocols; multiple terminal
emulations; and a peruse buffer with print and disk capture. With the
graphical user interface of Smartcom for Windows LE, users can go online
and print files.

Best known as the leader in microcomputer modems, Hayes develops,
supplies and supports computer communications equipment and software for
personal computers and computer communications networks. The company
distributes its products in over 65 countries through a global network of
authorized distributors, dealers, mass merchants, VARs, systems
integrators and original equipment manufacturers.


Hayes, OPTIMA, ESP, and Smartcom are trademarks of Hayes Microcomputer
Products, Inc. V.FC and V.Fast Class are trademarks of Rockwell
International Corporation. Other trademarks mentioned are trademarks of
their respective companies.

For further editorial information, please contact:

Angie Ciarloni / Peggy Ballard
Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
Direct Dial: Angie Ciarloni - 404/840-6823; Peggy Ballard - 404/840-6812
Facsimile: 404/441-1238
MCI Mail: ACiarloni, PBallard

For additional product information, customers may contact Hayes Customer

Telephone Online with Hayes BBS
404/441-1617 (U.S.) 800/US HAYES (U.S. and Canada)
519/746-5000 (Canada) 404/HI MODEM
+33 1 34 22 30 15 (France) 404/729-6525 (ISDN Access)
+44 252 775544 (Europe) +44 252 775599 (Europe)
+852 887 1037 (Hong Kong) +852 887 7590 (Hong Kong)


> Word Perfect TOP Speedster! STR FOCUS!


Customers praise new interim release
WordPerfect Corporation released benchmark testing results for WordPerfect
6.0a for Windows showing that it is faster than Microsoft Word 6.0a for
Windows in several key areas. WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows, an interim
release of WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows, began shipping in April and is
available free to registered WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows users by calling
(800) 321-4566.

The benchmark testing with WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows and Microsoft
Word 6.0a for Windows was conducted using the Microsoft Test 2.0 program.*
WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows was significantly faster in several areas:

Five times faster opening a 500-page document with simple text and
font attributes

Four times faster cursoring through a document top to bottom

Six times faster changing the font in a 50-page document from Arial
to Courier

Two times faster spell-checking a document with no spelling errors

Four times faster saving a file with changes

Two times faster opening a 50-page WordPerfect 5.x document

"We use benchmark timings to ensure that our software sets the
standard for speed and overall performance," said Bruce Brereton, vice
president of development at WordPerfect Corporation. "We have made
significant speed improvements in 6.0a as a result of these timings."

Customers Praise Interim Release
"We immediately noticed better performance with file retrieval and
printing in WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows," said Debbie Ondeck of Malcolm
Pirnie, an environmental engineering firm in White Plains, New York. "Our
DOS users have been somewhat intimidated by Windows, but are finding that
WordPerfect for Windows makes an easy transition."

"The speed improvements in 6.0a are terrific on a network," said Rock
Blanco, senior vice president of information technology at Garber Travel
in Cambridge, Mass. "We also noticed that it is faster to move around in
documents, especially when cutting and pasting." Customers Prefer
Toll-Free Support

WordPerfect Corporation is the only major vendor to offer toll-free,
no-service-charge customer support (both Microsoft and Lotus require a
toll call). Research from Dataquest and other leading analysts shows that
the majority of calls to customer support are made within 90 days of
installing new software. Based on user research, WordPerfect Corporation
offers twice that amount of time with its Classic Support program, giving
users six months of toll-free support from the time they first call for

"Another reason I switched back from Microsoft Word to WordPerfect
was your service," said Clint Guthrie, a WordPerfect for Windows user.
"I've been delighted by your service outstanding customer service reps and
800 numbers for help."

"Your toll-free number for technical support has been the best thing
since the invention of the PC," said Dennis J. Hong, a WordPerfect user in
San Francisco. "Why should users have to pay a toll charge to get
information about how to install or use a program?"

WordPerfect Wins Industry Accolades
WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows won PC/Computing's prestigious MVP award
for word processing in 1993 and was rated highest in the magazine's March
1994 word processing review, beating out Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows.
The product is also the winner of Windows Magazine's Win 100 Award, Home
Office Computing Editor's Pick Award, CIO Magazine Reader's Choice Award
and was given a four-star rating by Software Digest in the February
1994 issue on Windows word processors.

New Summer Promotion
WordPerfect Corporation recently launched a summer promotion entitled
"The Perfect Upgrade." From now until August 31, 1994, WordPerfect 6.0a
for Windows is available for $99 to users of WordPerfect or any other
major word processor. Users can also purchase WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS for
$99 or WordPerfect 5.1+ for DOS for $49.95.


> CCITT/ITU-TSS STR FOCUS! The "layout" as it stands....

* CCITT/ITU-TSS * V-Series Recommendations *


V.1 Equivalence between binary notation symbols and the significant
conditions of a two-condition code.

V.2 Power levels for data transmission over telephone lines.

V.3 International Alphabet No.5.

V.4 General structure of signals of International Alphabet No.5 code
for data transmission over public telephone networks.

V.5 Standardisation of data signalling rates for synchronous data
transmission in the general switched telephone network.

V.6 Standardisation of data signalling rates for synchronous data
transmission on leased telephone-type circuits.

V.7 Definitions of terms concerning data communication over the
telephone network.


V.10 Electrical characteristics for unbalanced double-current
interchange circuits for general use with integrated
circuit equipment in the field of data communications.

V.11 Electrical characteristics for balanced double-current
interchange circuits for general use with integrated
circuit equipment in the field of data communications.

V.13 Simulated carrier control.

V.14 Transmission of start-stop characters over synchronous bearer

V.15 Use of acoustic coupling for data transmission.

V.16 Medical analogue data transmission modems

V.17 The most recent Fax standard, speed up to 14400 bps.

V.19 Modems for parallel data transmission using telephone signalling

V.20 Parallel data transmission modems standardised for universal use
in the general switched telephone network.

V.21 300 bits per second duplex modem standardised for use in the
[1964] general switched telephone network.

V.22 1200 bits per second duplex modem standardised for use in
[1980] the general switched telephone network and on point-to-point
2-wire leased line telephone-type circuits.

V.22bis 2400 bits per second duplex modem using the frequency division
[1984] technique standardised for use in the general switched telephone
network and on point-to-point 2-wire leased line telephone-type

V.23 600/1200-baud modem standardised for use in the general switched
telephone network.

V.24 List of definitions for interchange circuits between data terminal
equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE)

V.25 Automatic answering equipment and/or parallel automatic calling
equipment on the general switched telephone network including
procedures for disabling of echo control devices for both manually
and automatically established calls.

V.25bis Automatic calling and/or answering equipment on the general
switched telephone network (GSTN) using the 100-series interchange

V.26 2400 bits per second modem standardised for use of 4-wire leased
telephone-type circuits.

V.26bis 2400/1200 bits per second modem standardised for use in the
general switched telephone network.

V.26ter 2400 bits per second duplex modem using the echo cancellation
technique standardisedfor use on the general switched telephone
network and on point-to-point 2-wire leased telephone-type

V.27 4800 bits per second modem with manual equaliser standardised for
use on leased telephone-type circuits.

V.27bis 4800/2400 bits per second modem with automatic equaliser
standardised for use on leased telephone-type circuits.

V.27ter 4800/2400 bits per second modem standardised for use in the
[1976] general switched telephone network.

V.28 Electrical characteristics for unbalanced double-current
interchange circuits.

V.29 9600 bits per second modem standardised for use on point-to-point
[1976] 4-wire leased telephone-type circuits.

V.31 Electrical characteristics for single-current interchange
circuits controlled by contact closure.

V.31bis Electrical characteristics for single-current interchange
circuits using optocouplers.

V.32 A family of 2-wire, duplex modems operating at data signalling
[1984] rates of up to 9600 bits per second for use on the general
switched telephone network and on leased telephone-type circuits.

V.32bis Extension to V.32, with speed at 14,400 bps using TCM.

V.33 14400 bits per second modem standardised for use on point-to-point
4-wire leased telephone-type circuits.

>>> >>> Pending and un-official (de facto) high-speed+ standards: (*)

V.34 formerly V.FAST, CCITT-ITU draft specifications, up to 28800 bps,
[1993] with advanced line probing function, calling tone modulation and
multi-dimensional trellis coding.

(*) From reliable source, to be officially ratified not before Oct.94.

V-FC formerly V.Fast Class, based on the draft specification of V.34,
proposed by Hayes Microcomputer Inc., developed by Rockwell Inc.

V.32TER formerly V.32terbo, up to 19200 bps, supported by AT&T and USR.

V.32ASL Between two V.32terbo USRobotics HST modems, up to 21600 bps.

V.32HST High Speed Technology-proprietary by USRobotics, up to 16800 bps.

V.32UHS Ultra High Speed-proprietary, up to 16800-19200 bps, by ZyXEL.
Under beta testing, ZyXEL-proprietary up to 21600 bps.

CV.Fast formerly Codex V.Fast, up to 24000 bps, supported by Motorola.

V.fastC formerly, up to 24400 bps, by Supra Corp./ZOOM Tel.

PEP/Trb formerly PEP/Turbo PEP, up to 23000 bps, by Telebit (and w/UNIX).

>>> >>> (*) See note below.


V.35 Data transmission at 48 kilobits per second using 60-108 kHz
group band circuits.

V.36 Modems for synchronous data transmission using 60-108 kHz
group band circuits.

V.37 Synchronous data transmission at a data signalling rate higher
than 72 k bits per second using 60-108 kHz group band circuits.


V.40 Error indication with electromechanical equipment.

V.41 Code-independent error control system.

V.42 Error-correcting procedures for DCES using
[1989] asynchronous-to-synchronous conversion.

V.42bis Data compression procedures for DCEs using error correcting
[1990] procedures.


V.50 Standard limits for transmission quality of data transmission.

V.51 Organisation of the maintenance of international
telephone-type circuits used for data transmission.

V.52 Characteristics of distortion and error-rate measuring
apparatus for data transmission.

V.53 Limits for the maintenance of telephone-type circuits used
for data transmission.

V.54 Loop test devices for modems.

V.55 Specification for an impulsive noise measuring instrument
for telephone-type circuits.

V.56 Comparative tests of modems for use over telephone-type

V.57 Comprehensive data test set for high data signalling rates.


V.100 Interconnection between public data networks (PDNs) and the public
switched telephone networks (PSTN).

V.110 Support for data terminal equipments (DTEs) with V-series type
interfaces by an integrated services digital network (ISDN).

V.120 Support by an ISDN of data terminal equipment with V-series type
interfaces with provision for statistical multiplexing.

V.230 General data communications interface layer 1 specification.

(*) Un-official notes added by R. Schiappacassa, CIS_ID 70374,3542.

Sources: BYTE, PC Computing, PC Magazine [US/UK], Online Access,
PC World, Windows User [US/UK], Win DOS Magazine, Chip, PC Format,
PC Plus, PC Today, Computer Shopper [US/UK], CIS Magazine, BBSes,
and ITU-TSB, Geneva/CH.

Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee
since 1993 ---> ITU - International Telecommunications Union

Mail Address: Place des Nations, Case Postale/P.O. Box
CH-1211-Geneve/Geneva 20 ** Suisse/Switzerland **

Telephone: ++41-22-730.51.11 * Telefax: ++41-22-733.72.56
Telegrams: ITU GENEVE * Telex: 421 000 UIT CH
X.400; S=itumail; P=itu; A=Arcom; C=ch ; O=CCITT.


> Where to Start STR InfoFile FOR NEW INTERNET USERS

Jim Milles
Ver. 4.3
15 May 1994

1. E-mail systems vary widely.

For help with most e-mail questions (signature files, quoting, and so on),
contact your local computer support personnel or your Internet service
provider, or consult the books listed below for a discussion of your mail

2. Some recommended books for new users of the Internet:

Aboba, Bernard. _The Online User's Encyclopedia: Bulletin Boards and
Beyond_. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994. 806 pp. ISBN 0-201-62214-9,
US$32.95. (A remarkably useful and comprehensive work, covering
everything from the basics of computer communications, to using local
bulletin boards, to the intricacies of the Internet.)

Dern, Daniel P. _The Internet Guide for New Users_. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1994. 570 pp. ISBN 0-07-016510-6, US$40.00 (hardcover);
ISBN 0-07-016511-4, US$27.95 (paper). (Dern is the former editor of
_Internet World_ magazine and author of numerous articles on the Internet
in many other publications.)

Engst, Adam. _Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh_. Indianapolis: Hayden
Press, 1993. 641 pp. ISBN 1-56830-064-6, US$19.95. (Highly recommended
by Mac users, many of whom preferred this to the Fraase book listed below.
Comes with a disk containing a variety of Internet access software,
including a "legal copy of MacTCP 2.0.2.")

Gilster, Paul. _The Internet Navigator_. New York: John Wiley, 1993.
470 pp. ISBN 0-471-59782-1, US$24.95. (An elegantly written and cleanly
designed guidebook, the best of the new books for the individual dial-up
user. Contains a wealth of useful background information on the workings
of the Internet and the organizations behind it. Recommended for the
individual dial-up user who is serious about the Internet.)

Hahn, Harley & Rick Stout. _The Internet Complete Reference_. Berkeley:
Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1993. 818 pp. ISBN 0-07-881980- 6, US$29.95.
(Considered by many the best of the new crop of Internet books, and at
800+ pages, among the most comprehensive. The humor, however, seems
somewhat more lame than some others.)

Krol, Ed. _The Whole Internet: User's Guide & Catalog_. 2nd ed.
Sebastapol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1994. 543 pp. ISBN 1-56592-063-5,
US$24.95. (In the fast-moving world of the Internet, for most of 1993
this was the successor to _Zen_ as the essential guide to the Internet,
and is still regarded by many as the best of the Internet books. However,
the availability of other books like Gilster's makes Krol's Unix bias more
evident. Recommended especially for users of Unix systems.)

LaQuey, Tracy. _The Internet Companion Plus: A Beginner's Start-Up Kit
for Global Networking_. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1993. 196 pp. ISBN
0-201-62719-1, US$19.95. (A good guide for the true beginner, useful even
for the pre-beginner who has not yet signed on to the Internet.)

Smith, Richard and Mark Gibbs. _Navigating the Internet_. Carmel,
Indiana: SAMS Publishing, 1993. 500 pp. ISBN 0-672-30362-0, US$24.95.
(A highly readable guide, with an easy-to-use listing of Internet
resources arranged by subject. Smith is well known for his popular online
"Navigating the Internet" courses.)

3. Other useful books for new users:

Badgett, Tom and Corey Sandler. _Welcome to... Internet: From Mystery to
Mastery_. New York: MIS Press, 1993. 324 pp. ISBN 1-55828-308-0,
US$19.95. (A self-instruction handbook.)

Braun, Eric. _The Complete Internet Directory_. New York: Fawcett, 1993.
704 pp. ISBN 0-449-90898-4, US$25.00. (As the title suggests, this is a
directory of newsgroups, discussion lists, ftp sites, and so on, with just
a few pages on how to use these resources. A directory like this, Hahn and
Stout's _Internet Yellow Pages_, or Rittner's _Whole Earth Online
Almanac_, may be useful as a companion to one of the other "how-to"

Eddings, Joshua. _How the Internet Works_. Emeryville, CA: Ziff-Davis
Press, 1994. 218 pp. ISBN 1-56276-192-7, US$24.95. (Excellent
integration of graphics to explain some of the technology behind the
Internet. However, examples of resources are extremely short and
selective; definitely not a resource guide.)

Falk, Bennett. _The Internet Roadmap_. San Francisco: SYBEX, 1994. 263
pp. ISBN 0-7821-1365-6, US$12.99.

Fisher, Sharon. _Riding the Internet Highway_. Carmel, Indiana: New
Riders Pub., 1993. 266 pp. ISBN 1-56205-192-X, US$16.95.

Fraase, Michael. _The Mac Internet Tour Guide: Cruising the Internet the
Easy Way_. Chapel Hill, NC: Ventana Press, 1993. 288 pp. ISBN
1-56604-062-0, US$27.95. (The first Internet guide written for Macintosh
users; includes a 800K disc containing useful software.)

Fraase, Michael. _The PC Internet Tour Guide: Cruising the Internet the
Easy Way_. Chapel Hill: Ventana Press, 1994. ISBN 1-56604-084-1,

Fraase, Michael. _The Windows Internet Tour Guide: Cruising the Internet
the Easy Way_. Chapel Hill, NC: Ventana Press, 1994. 344 pp. ISBN
1-56604-081-7, US$24.95. (Good graphics and sample screens, but coverage
is selective; some important tools like World-Wide Web are omitted.)

Gardner, James. _A DOS User's Guide to the Internet_. Waterloo, ON,
Canada: MKS [Mortice Kern Systems], 1993.

Hahn, Harley, and Rick Stout. _The Internet Yellow Pages_. Berkeley, CA:
Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1994. 447 pp. ISBN 0-07-882023-5, US$27.95. (An
entertaining, easy-to-use directory of Internet resources, and an
excellent companion to Hahn and Stout's _Complete Internet Reference_.)

Heslop, Brent and David Angell. _The Instant Internet Guide_. Reading,
MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994. 209 pp. ISBN 0-201-62707-8, US$14.95.

Hoffman, Paul E. _Internet Instant Reference_. San Francisco: SYBEX,
1994. 317 pp. ISBN 0-7821-1512-8, US$12.99. (A pocket guide to Internet
terms and concepts, for both beginning and advanced Internet users.)

_The Internet Unleashed_. Indianapolis: SAMS Publishing, 1994. 1,387 pp.
ISBN 0-672-30466-X, US$44.95. (Contains chapters written by over 40
prominent Internet experts. This is the most comprehensive, and most
expensive, Internet reference currently available, but not recommended for
the beginning user).

Jaffe, Lee David. _Introducing the Internet: A Trainer's Workshop_.
(Internet Workshop Series, Number 1.) Berkeley, CA: Library Solutions
Press, 1994. 92 pp. ISBN 1-882208-05-6, US$30.00 (US$45.00 with
diskette). (The first in a series of supplements to _Crossing the
Internet Threshold_, by Tennant, Ober, and Lipow. Based on an actual
trainer's handouts and script, it may also be used as a self-instruction

Kehoe, Brendan. _Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's
Guide_. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1994. 193
pp. ISBN 0-13-121492-6, US$23.95. (One of the first and most
popular guides to the Internet. The first edition was
distributed for free on the Internet, and is still available at
many anonymous ftp sites, e.g., directory
/introducing.the.internet, filename zen.txt.)

Kochmer, Jonathan and NorthWestNet. _The Internet Passport:
NorthWestNet's Guide to Our World Online_. 4th ed. Bellevue, WA:
NorthWestNet, 1993. 515 pp. ISBN 0-9635281-0-6, US$29.95. (A
comprehensive guide to Internet resources, comparable to Krol's _The Whole
Internet_ but even broader in scope. It covers a number of areas that
other guides ignore.)

Lambert, Steve & Walt Howe. _Internet Basics_. New York: Random House,
1993. 495 pp. ISBN 0-679-75023-1, US$27.00. (Although this is a good,
general guide to the Internet for any user, it is especially useful for
those who access the Internet through the commercial Delphi information
service. Howe is the sysop of the Delphi Internet SIG.)

Levine, John R. and Carol Baroudi. _The Internet for Dummies_. San
Mateo, California: IDG Books, 1993. 355 pp. ISBN 1-56884-024-1,
US$19.95. (A very useful, well organized, and readable book, one of the
publisher's popular "... for Dummies" series.)

Marine, April; Kirkpatric, Susan; Neou, Vivian; and Ward, Carol.
_Internet: Getting Started_. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PTR Prentice Hall,
1992. 360 pp. ISBN 0-13-327933-2, US$28.00. (Includes useful
information on how to obtain Internet access, as well as other technical
reference material.)

Pike, Mary Ann and Tod G. Pike. _The Internet Quick Start_.
Indianapolis: Que Corp., 1994. 387 pp. ISBN 1-56529-658-3, US$21.99.
(Contains separate chapters on "Using the Internet via" CompuServe, AOL,
DELPHI, and Unix systems.)

Quarterman, John S. _The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing
Systems Worldwide_. Bedford, MA: Digital Press, 1990. 719 pp. ISBN
1-55558-033-5, US$49.95. (A comprehensive guide to the history and
present--as of 1990--state of the Internet and its component and related
networks. Recommended for those who want to learn the background and
history of the Internet.)

Rittner, Don. _Whole Earth Online Almanac_. New York: Brady Publishing,
1993. 545 pp. ISBN 1-56686-090-3, US$32.95. (Another directory of
online resources, this one attempts to cover not only Internet, but also
Fidonet and commercial services like America Online and CompuServe, and
even local BBSes.)

Robinson, David F.W. _All About Internet FTP: Learning and Teaching to
Transfer Files on the Internet_. (Internet Workshop Series, Number 2.)
Berkeley, CA: Library Solutions Press, 1994. 90 pp. ISBN 1-882208-06-4,
US$30.00 (US$45.00 with diskette). (The second supplement to _Crossing
the Internet Threshold_; suitable for use either by trainers or as a
self-teaching workbook.)

Sachs, David and Henry Stairs. _Hands-On Internet: A Beginning Guide for
PC Users_. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PTR Prentice Hall, 1994. 275 pp. ISBN
0-13-056392-7, US$27.95. (A detailed workbook for the individual user;
like most of the others, assumes the reader will be working on a Unix

Tennant, Roy, John Ober, & Anne G. Lipow. _Crossing the Internet
Threshold: An Instructional Handbook_. 134 pp. ISBN 1-882208-01-3,
US45.00. Berkeley, CA: Library Solutions Press, 1993. (Includes helpful
fact sheets on various Internet tools from ftp and telnet to archie,
gopher, WAIS, and World-Wide Web.)

Tolhurst, William A., Mary Ann Pike, Keith A. Blanco, and John R. Harris.
_Using the Internet: Special Edition_. Indianapolis, IN: Que Corp., 1994.
1188 pp. ISBN 1-56529-353-6, $39.95. (At well over 1000 pages, this is
the current leader in the sweepstakes for biggest Internet book. However,
its coverage is surprisingly spotty; it includes a 110-page chapter on
legal considerations, but ignores major tools like World-Wide Web.)

4. For those who know enough about using the Internet to be able to use
"ftp," the following sources are very useful (note that they are regularly
updated, so the version numbers and file names may change):

de Presno, Odd. "The Online World." Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/msdos/info, type binary, filename Uncompress with PKZip 2.04g. (An excellent source for
coverage of European resources, also excellent for users of commercial
services like CompuServe, Genie, and MCImail.)

December, John. "Information Sources: the Internet and Computer-Mediated
Communication." 15 December 1993, release 3.15. Available by anonymous
ftp from, directory /pub/communications, filename
internet-cmc.txt. (Gives locations and access instructions for hundreds
of Internet training documents, directories, and other materials.
Essential for locating the many valuable Internet resources discussed in
the other guidebooks.)

Gaffin, Adam and Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Big Dummy's Guide to
the Internet." January 1994. Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/Net_info/Big_Dummy, filename bigdummy.txt.

Martin, Jerry. "There's Gold in them thar Networks! or Searching for
Treasure in all the Wrong Places." RFC 1402, January 1993. Available by
anonymous ftp from, directory /introducing.the.internet,

Milles, James. "An Introduction to Using the Internet at Saint Louis
University School of Law." Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/millesjg, filename interlaw.wp (binary,
WordPerfect 5.1/5.2 format), interlaw.txt (ASCII), or
(PostScript). (Although the focus is on legal resources, this guide
should be useful for any VAX/VMS user. It is also the only source I know
of that discusses the differing commands for the BITNET and Unix
listserver systems.)

NCSA Education Group. "An Incomplete Guide to the Internet." July 1993.
Available by anonymous ftp from, directory
/Education/Education_Resources/Incomplete_Guide/Incomp.Guide.Old, filename
Incomp.Guide.July.txt. (Focuses on K-12 users and resources.)

Noonan, Dana. "A Guide to Internet/Bitnet." June 1993. Available by
anonymous ftp from, directory /nnews, filename
guidev2.nnews. (A rare and valuable guide for the VAX/VMS user.)

"NYSERNet New User's Guide to Useful and Unique Resources on the
Internet." Version 2.2, April 1992. Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/guides, filename

Parker, Elliott S. "Getting to Start: Selected Readings in Computer
Communication." Ver. 4.01 (13 Dec 1993). Available by sending an e-mail
message to LISTSERV@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU containing only the line GET
NETSTART INFO F=MAIL. (A lengthy bibliography of books, articles, and
other materials about the Internet and related topics.)

Polly, Jean Armour. "Surfing the INTERNET: An Introduction." Version
2.0.3, May 15, 1993. Available by anonymous ftp from,
directory /pub/guides, file surfing.2.0.3.txt.

"SURAnet Guide to Selected Internet Resources." December 1993. Available
by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/nic, file

Yanoff, Scott. "Special Internet Connections" (updated frequently). A
list of interesting and useful selection showing the broad range of
Internet resources, including a few Online Public Access Catalogs, chat
lines, weather servers, Campus Wide Information Systems, and other
reference resources. Available by anonymous ftp from,
directory /pub, filename

5. For information on how to get connected to the Internet:

Engle, Mary, Marilyn Lutz, William W. Jones, Jr., and Genevieve Engel.
_Internet Connections: A Librarian's Guide to Dial-Up Access and Use_.
Lita Monographs 3. Chicago: Library and Information Technology
Association, 1993. 166 pp. ISBN 0-8389-7677-8, US$22.00.

Estrada, Susan. _Connecting to the Internet: An O'Reilly Buyer's Guide_.
Sebastapol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1993. 170 pp. ISBN 1-56592-061-9,

Notess, Greg R. _Internet Access Providers: An International Resource
Directory_. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1993. ISBN 0-88736-933-2, US$22.95.

If you have e-mail access to the Internet, you can obtain a copy of the
Public Dialup Internet Access List (the most comprehensive list of
Internet access providers for individuals and small organizations) by
sending an e-mail message containing the command "Send PDIAL" to

6. The latest version of this document, "Where to Start" for New Internet
Users, is available by anonymous ftp from, directory
/pub/millesjg, filename newusers.faq, or from,
directory /NETTRAIN, filename NEWUSERS.FAQ.

It may also be obtained by e-mail by sending a message to containing only the line:

"Where to Start" for New Internet Users is also available on the
World-Wide Web (

A collection of reviews of Internet books can be obtained by anonymous ftp
from, cd /nettrain. The filenames are
nettrain.revs_1, nettrain.revs_2, and nettrain.revs_3. They may also be
obtained by sending a message to containing
only the lines:



Jim Milles (listowner, NETTRAIN@UBVM) Phone: (314) 658-2759
Head of Computer Services Fax: (314) 658-3966
Saint Louis University Law Library
3700 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108 E-mail:



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GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
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An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

John Deegan, Editor (Temp)


* * * M A C F A I R L A '9 4 * * *

The Los Angeles Macintosh Group announces MacFair LA '94, THE Macintosh
Trade Show for Southern California.

Produced by the LAMG and co-sponsored by Apple Computer, Inc., MacFair LA
'94 is a two-day extravaganza that will feature

* * * E X H I B I T O R S * * *
- Over 125 exhibit booths offering the latest hardware and software
solutions. Exhibitors include the industry's major players, such as
Apple, Adobe, Aldus, Claris, Broderbund, Connectix, Frame, Fractal, H.S.C
Software, Nisus, MacAcademy, ProVUE, Radius, RasterOps, and many more.

* * * S E M I N A R S * * *
- Dozens of exciting seminars featuring industry leaders such as
** Robin Williams, author of "The Little Mac Book",
"The Mac is Not a Typewriter", and "How to Boss Your
Fonts Around."
** Bob "Dr. Macintosh" LeVitus, author of "Dr. Macintosh"
and "Stupid Mac Tricks", and contributing editor for
MacUser magazine.

Also participate in panel discussion with ...
** Deborah Branscum, executive editor, and
other editors of Macworld magazine.
** Bob LeVitus, contributing editor, and other editors of
MacUser magazine.

Other seminar sessions include:
** Making Photo CD Work:
How its done, how you can use it and how you can make your own!
** Digital Film Editing: Making Movies

in Hollywood
** PowerPC: Buy One or Upgrade?
** Becoming, and Staying, a Successful Animator
** A Clean, Lean Machine: Hard Drive Management
** Don't Blow It...Backup!
** The Power of LivePicture
** Virtual Reality:
What is it? How do they do it? What's it good for?
** Super-Hot! Mac CD-ROMs
** Multimedia: Creating the Next Generation
** Digital Documents on the Info SuperHighway Interchange!
** Working on your Mac is "Remotely" Possible
** "King of the Road" ­ Traveling with your PowerBook
** Newton News and Developments
** Introduction to Internet
** Ten Shareware Programs You've Got to Get!

... and many more.

* * * K E Y N O T E A D D R E S S * * *
eWorld: A New Star in the Electronic Universe, presented by Richard
Gingras, Group Manager of Worldwide Services for Apple Online Services,
Apple Computer, Inc. eWorld is Apple Computer's new on-line communication
and inforamtion service that lets you easily reach millions of e-mail
users and fax machines, read the news, make travel arrangements, get
technical help, and more!

* * * W I N A P O W E R * * *
- The LAMG's world-famous raffle with tens of thousands of dollars in
prizes. Grand Prize - a Power Mac, donated by Apple Computer, Inc!!!

In its 4th successful year, MacFair LA '94 is being held Friday and
Saturday, June 17-18, 1993, from 9am to 5pm at the Burbank Airport Hilton
and Convention Center in Burbank, CA.

Advance registration for MacFair LA '94 is $10 for exhibits ($15 at the
d o o r ) , or $45 for exhibits and seminars ($65 at the door).
Pre-registration may be done through MacFair LA at 818/574-8047 or tickets
may be purchased through Ticketmaster's charge-by-phone at 213/480-3232.
So that you won't miss a single minute of the excitement, the Burbank
Hilton Hotel is offering a special room rate-only $59 a night! Call
800/643-7900 and ask for the MacFair LA special discount.

Also this year, the LAMG is hosting NAUGSAW, the National Apple User Group
Symposium and Workshop, along with MacFair LA. NAUGSAW, a three-day
event, brings together influential user group leaders from around the
world to discuss the exciting challenges facing user groups today.

The Los Angeles Macintosh Group is the largest community-based Macintosh
user group in the country with over 4,500 members. Membership benefits
include MacDigest, an award-winning monthly magazine, a First-class
Bulletin Board System, dozens of informative meetings each month, and
experts available to help with Macintosh concerns. Information on the
LAMG is available at 310/278-LAMG (5264).

For further information, contact the production office
MacFair LA '94, PO Box 2054, Monrovia, CA 91017
818/574-8047, Fax: 818/574-5028

AOL: MacFair LA, Applelink: UG0007, Internet:


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Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that we're going to deeply miss
John "Ducky" Duckworth's weekly "Fishin' Hole" column in STReport.
John's weekly "catches" were always informative and enjoyable; and some
of his reviews have pointed me in the right direction on a number of
occasions! I've talked with John online, and to put it simply, his
personal obligations at the present time leaves him with little spare
time to devote to a regular column. Should the opportunity arise,
Ducky has assured me that he'd let us all know the next time he manages
to do some online fishin'! Best of luck with your studies, John; and I
hope that everything else works out fine.

In the meantime, we'd like to keep the idea of a few "choice"
public domain/shareware reviews going on a regular basis. If you're
interested in writing a weekly column dealing with newly-found gems, or
even some old-but-faithful ones, drop me a line. I'll leave all of my
various online addresses at the end of this editorial.

We're also interested to adding new Atari staff to STReport. Even
though the company is "computer-stagnant" doesn't mean that there's not
a need to keep the users informed. If you're interested in either
doing a regular column, or even an occasional article, drop us a line.
Help us keep our fellow Atari users informed.

In the tradition of a short holiday week, I'll keep my opening
remarks short as well!

Until next time...

Dana P. Jacobson - E-Mail addresses:

Delphi - DPJ
Compuserve - 71051,3327
Toad Hall BBS - 617-567-8642 (Dana Jacobson)
Internet via any of the above online services, OR

Delphi's Atari Advantage!!

*(2) AEO JAGUAR EDITION #2 (7) OCR V1.25

* = New on list


The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT #10.22)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.


> New CD ROM Shareware! STR InfoFile! New From "It's All Relative"

Atari Public Domain
Shareware Ausgabe 1

It's All Relative announces the availablity of Atari Public Domain and
Shareware, Volume 1, published by CD-Service of Germany. We have just
received the CD's this week and very few of the programs and applications
on the CD are familiar to us.

Just as GEMini featured the best of North America's GEnie and internet,
Volume 1 of Shareware and Public Domain features the best of Germany.
Here is your chance to see what is new in Germany today. The disc is
dated 1994. There is very little duplication of the files on GEMini by
Walnut Creek.

Here is a brief synopsis of what is on the CD...............
11,000 files with compressed and ready to run versions of all programs.

122 applications
11 application demo programs
21 terminal and FAX programs
7 text editors
ZX-81 emulator with over 100 programs for the ZX-81
17 Falcon demo programs
119 games
26 educational programs
Mint and GCC source
28 folders of programmer source and help files, basic through assembly
195 utility programs

Shareware and Public Domain, Volume 1 is available from It's All Relative,
Randall Kopchak, 2233 Keeven Lane, Florissant MO 63031 for $39.99,

Order your copy today.

For our latest newsletter drop us mail, e-mail or a call.

Dealers ask about quantity pricing or information on ordering direct from


> GEM Development Group To Form! STR InfoFile!

From Fri May 27 01:32:35 EDT 1994

Hello GEM developer,


The GEM user interface has recently matured into a generally non-modal,
multi-tasking environment. Thanks to many developers such as 2B (Mag!X),
Gribnif (Geneva) and authors of many excellent GEM programs (mainly in
Germany, but also in the US, UK and other countries) we now have a very
nice environment to work with.

One of the main problems for users, which have been expressed to me by
many users is the lack of standards, or that there are too many standards.
It seems the German programmers have got their keyboard shortcuts sorted,
but some of their standards contradict the Atari Style Guide as published
in the Atari Compendium and the developer docs from Atari.

Since Atari do not seem to be getting involved in this area, it's about
time that some communication started between developers across the globe.
The Atari market is too small for too many systems. Both Geneva and Mag!X
should maintain a high degree of compatibility, and authors of programs
should do as much as possible to keep to the standards.

The problem is now to agree on a standard interface, and the first topic
I would like to discuss is the issue of keyboard shortcuts. I have laid
out a proposal for a standard and have discussed it at length on CIX - the
UK main BBS for ST users/programmers. My proposal is a PROPOSAL, I do
not wish to dictate my ideas. I just want a standard to work to.

I invite you along with many other developers to take part in this
discussion. If we reach agreement, I will personally make sure that the
standard is published in several ST magazines, placed on FTP sites and
is also available in a printed form at a minimal cost to cover printing

Yat Siu of Lexicor has been kind enough to allow use of his system to
start a mail list for this purpose. I have to stress here that Lexicor
do not have any 'special' interest in this discussion, although I am sure
Yat will want to express his opinions just like everyone else. I urge
everyone to put competition aside and to join the mail list. Once we
got the keyboard shortcuts standardised we can look at universal
implementation of the VA_START protocol, a FAX protocol, adding menu
items to programs (Windows style), enhanced GEM Clipboard and anything
else we think is useful. The mail list is ready for use, once there
are enough people subscribed I will post my keyboard shortcuts proposal
and discussion can start. I already have incorporated some amendments
suggested by Wilfried Behne (Mag!X, NVDI).

To join send mail to

With the content:

subscribe gem-list <email address>

To send a message to the mail list use the following address:

I look forward to your suggestions.

Ofir Gal

----- Ofir -----

To add a bit more to Ofir's original Usenet Post:

For CIS Users you need to use the Email base, since many developers such
as Ofir do not have CIS access..and are on the Internet.

If you are interested email from your mail base: or
with the body: subscribe gem-list
for your email address


Yat @ Lexicor


> New Atari Internet News Group Passes Vote! STR InfoFile!

A few weeks ago, STReport announced a proposed new Internet news
group, "comp.sys.atari.announce" which would have the potential for
Atari developers to have a centralized Internet site to make new
product announcements, etc. The vote for this new group took place
over a period of time, and the voting results were announced earlier
this week. Interesting to note was the fact that not many Atari
developers took part in this effort, although it may be due to possible
lack of full exposure to the developer population. Regardless, some
did take advantage of this proposal, and voted. Also, for whatever
reason, there was at least one developer who voted _against_ this
proposal! We could speculate the reason(s), but we'll leave that up to
you to do.

RESULTS for Comp.sys.atari.announce

Moderated group "comp.sys.atari.announce" passes 266:33

There were 266 YES votes and 33 NO votes, for a total of 299 valid votes.
There was 1 abstain.

For group passage, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and
NO)votes. There also must be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.
There is a five-day discussion period after these results are posted. If
no serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the moderator
of news.announce.newgroups will create the group shortly thereafter.

Newsgroups line:
comp.sys.atari.announce - Atari related hard/software announcements.

This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting
questions only, contact For questions about the
proposed group, contact Yat Siu <>


The proposed group will provide a forum for the announcement and
release of new Atari related products:
* Atari computer hardware and software
* commercial as well as shareware or related
* announcement from individual authors, companies or distributors
* press releases

Yat Siu ( will be the moderator.

There are currently,,
comp.sys.atari.8bit and comp.sys.atari.advocacy, the first three
groups are discussion forums for their (specific) related hard and
software. Product announcements in these discussion forums of new
releases by either commercial, shareware groups can often be considered
a service, but not encouraged. The Atari computer market is not very
widely distributed and it is getting increasingly harder to know more
about new products.

To begin with, a product announcement group would encourage the
people to announce their new products for the benefit of all Atari
computer users. It will also allow the reader to focus for a new
newsgroup only for product announcements or press releases and will
also make the reader more aware of his/her options.

comp.sys.atari.announce - Final Vote Acknowledgements
Do NOT use this as a mailing list. Voters are not necessarily
interested in receiving email about the subject of the vote, and some
may react rather violently and try to get your account pulled.

Voted No
-------- F. P. Adams, Jr. Anders M Jorgensen Stefan Antersberger B.J. Herbison Mark Kupferman
cb541@cleveland.Freenet.Edu James R. Gilbert Chris "ASCII Console Monster Man" Jackson Chris Marble KP Crouch David Conner Olivier Devuns Don Maple Rebecca Drayer Georg Schwarz John Grohol
HD0022%ALBNYVMS.bitnet@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU Chip Dunham Roger Hakansson mary-frances jagod John R. MacWilliamson Kari E. Hurtta K Herron Frank Bartels Kregg Brooks Mark O'Bryan ???????????????? Russ Gilbert Roger Burrows THE PRINCE IRA SMAILER Steve Rogers Dwight Brown Ward F. Bush

Voted YES
--------- Ali E Aydar
aa700@cleveland.Freenet.Edu Michael Current Alan Messer NoRM Peter Januschke Yves Pelletier Walter A. Cole Aidan Keady Alan Brown Albi Rebmann Alexander Bochmann AL RASHID SHAHIR Andreas Hoffmann Andy Latto
anisko@usdtsg.daytonoh.NCR.COM Paul W. Zablotski Arch Larizza Jim Ault Bart Schipper Karim Berrah Bertil Jagard GORDIE MEYER bilinsky keith brian (b.j.) grier Juergen Bleekmann stephane boisson Marc CR Bouron Ayukawa Madoka
boyd@GAUSS.MATH.FSU.EDU Mickey Boyd Elad Bruck Aliza R. Panitz nelson chin Wolfgang Ley Carsten Rose Carsten Dunst Christophe Boyanique Victor Pang Christopher Fuhrman Chris Herborth Christian Nieber Christopher Peus Christopher Roessig John Cole Benjamin L. Combee Craig Graham Paul Donovan cs4bq Dag Dao Dave Cook Dave Halliday David Paschall-Zimbel David Reitter D S Banarse David Cure Dean Dierschow Andreas Debski Derek Law Desnogues Dirk Johannwerner
donaldp@sco.COM Donald Page Daniel Aylward Jerry Dunham David L Watson Dimitrios Tsotsos Eick Wagner Evan K. Langlois Eliot Miranda Erlend Nagel Eric S Johansson Wim Nouwens Mats Elfving Pascal FELBER
frankp@GOEDEL.UNI-MUENSTER.DE Frank Ploessel Frank Mueller Franz Urbanski Olivier Galibert aka Sarayan Gard Eggesboe Abrahamsen Gert van der Knokke Gijs Bok Giovanni Ciampa Graham Irvine Greg Kilfoyle
grillo%xsft1@Olivetti.Com Savino Grillo
gspear+@CMU.EDU Geoffrey Spear David Forrai Hayo Schmidt
hn@Pool.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE Helmut Neukirchen Michael Hohmuth
hqs3269@acf4.NYU.EDU hqs3269 Haim S. Poretsky John Hutchinson Matthias Baesken Ivo van Poorten
irscscm!mlake@uunet.UU.NET Marshall Lake Jeremy Bowen Jim Ferris Joseph Fortt Jim Kalb Joachim Doerr John Collis J. Nullmeyer Jon Lovstad Joakim Nordlander Joop Teske James Hague Karl A. Brokstad Karl Meyland Keith J Groves Bill Kendrick Richard John Kepper Kevin Fason Jan T. Kim
kkimes@npvsrv2.napervilleil.NCR.COM Klaus Tenter Konstantinos Xonis Cornelius Krasel Kevin Tessner
L15D@ZFN.UNI-BREMEN.DE Martin Schroeder
LANNIE@INS.INFONET.NET Lars Brinkhoff MUNIZ LUIS Lothar Guthmann L J Greenhalgh Martin Bartsch Stefan Traxler Kenneth Matheis Martin Budsjo Marcus Endberg
Mario.Illgen@Informatik.TU-Chemnitz.DE Mario Illgen Martin Vernon Martin Huber Max Denebian Remi Villatel Michael Baffoni Matt McCabe Cesare Gianuzzi
mczane@verdi.Eng.UniPR.IT Francesco Zanichelli
mdulcey@PRYDER.PN.COM Mark J. Dulcey
merc@WPI.EDU Christopher Robert Hahn Michel Forget Michael Kelsey Michael Depke Michael Neuffer Michael Nolte Michael Wolf
S-E-Banken Martin Koehling
mkite@lincoln.gpsemi.COM Martin Kite LDC 2414 Allanon Mark Martin Peter Mogensen Mark Perry A. M. Mughal
Vootie Jeroen Nijhof
nk@aaron.ON-Luebeck.DE Nils Kassube nsa software Christoph Oberle Ofir Gal Bob Luneski Patrick Palmen Papadacci Alexandre Alain PARIES Patrick Koehne Patrik Sanfridsson Paul Civati Philippe Bouige Piet Burgel Paul Schnettler
pierre@WPI.EDU Edwin P Jacques Paul Martin Barry Paul Purdom
quinn@phoenix.Princeton.EDU Michael J. Quinn Richard J Laukam Rainer Muehlenstaedt Randy Hosler Ron Chan Russell Ochocki Reinhard Bartel Robert Fernandez (ENG)
RG9@VAX.YORK.AC.UK Alan Richardson Richard H. Miller Wayne Schultz Rob Adams TopFM Robert Lechler Robin Gape Robin Mach
rover@nephilim.ON-Luebeck.DE Ralf Over Rick Venable Stefan Berndtsson Steve Taylor Harun Scheutzow Sander Stoks Kevin Savetz Steve Barnes Andreas Schwab Scott A. Krutsch Ewald Seibert
SHALL@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU Stanley Wayne Hall S J Drew phlem Sheldon Chang Mike Mustaine Stephen Ticehurst Stefan Damerau Stephane Chauveau Stewart.Hilson Stig S{ther Bakken Sven Hoffmann Xavier Gallagher Patrick Seemann Theo Janssen Timothy Miller (EE) Toby Deinhardt Tommy Pollak Ton de Graaff Torgny Lindberg Trevor Ingham Ton van Overbeek Hans Veneman Vincent Lefevre Waldi Ravens Walsh_J. Walter Loepsinger Warwick Allison Doug Boyce Jeff Weiner Michael A. White Ylva Budsjoe

mmt@RedBrick.COM Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS


> CT AtariFest '94 STR InfoFile

** O U R F O U R T H A N N I V E R S A R Y S H O W ! ! ! **
** /-----------\/------------/ **
** / / **BOSTON** **
** / CT ATARIFEST '94 / **
** ,/ / **
** **NY** ,/ __________/|\___________/ **
** /__,/ ** BRIDGEPORT ** **
** **
** CONNECTICUT ATARIFEST '94 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 8/27/94 **
** August 27-28, 1994 at the 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday 8/28/94 **
** 1070 Main St. Sponsored by **
** Bridgeport, CT 06604 ACT Atari Group **

Atari Software & Hardware! Free Indoor Parking! Competition & Prizes

ACT Atari Group is running another _MAJOR_ Northeast computer event. Last
year's success meant only one thing: ENCORE! The Holiday Inn in
Bridgeport, CT - site of the original 1991 show, is just 1.5 hours outside
of New York City, making it easier for Big Apple Atarians to attend.
Bridgeport is located on the Connecticut coast, at exit 27 off of
Interstate 95. It is served by Amtrack Passenger Trains, Sikorsky Airport
Terminal, The Port Jefferson Ferry, and a multitude of highways; it is
just one block away form both the Railroad station and the Ferry, and has
a free shuttle service for guests from the airport.

This year we're having an All-You-Can-Eat Prime Rib Buffet for just
$12.95. In addition to the Sliced Prime Rib of Beef, the Buffet also
includes a mini SaladBar, a Chicken dish, a Pasta dish, Rice or Potatoes,
Fresh Vegetables, Selection of Deserts and Coffee. Join us for an
informal, low cost dinnerSaturday night, and mix with old friends;

What about the Jaguar? Come on out and get (64)BIT! We'll have the largest
Jaguar competition in New England, with the latest games and gear. With
all theexcitement generated by this hot new machine, you owe it to
yourself to get the personal skinny (and the Lynx won't be overlooked

We expect an even greater number of vendors this year, surpassing the
excellent turnout of the past shows. CAF '93 vendors included:

* A&D Software * Gribnif Software
* ABC Solutions * Kurlan Music
* BaggettaWare Software * Lexicor Software
* Barefoot Software * Marcel Software
* Best Electronics * MegaType Software
* Clear Thinking * Oregon Research Associates
* Codehead Technologies * Soft-Logik Publishing
* CompuServe Information Services * Software Spectrum
* Computer Zone * Straight Edge Software
* Derric Electronics * Thin Air Labs
* East Hartford Computer Repair * Toad Computer
* Evangelo's Software * Wizztronics
* GEnie

In addition to our commercial supporters, many user groups came from
hundreds of miles away to be with us for CAF '93. Those in attendance
included The Boston Computer Society, Western Massachusetts Atari User
Group, Atari ST and Mega Users of Montreal, South Shore Atari Group
[Mass], Atari User Group of Greater Hartford, Scranton Area Atari User
Group (PA) and Long Island Atari User Group (DBUG-Danbury and FACE-
Fairfield [both CT] were represented in the ACT Atari booth). Most user
groups offered numerous demonstrations, public domain disks and great clip
art collections, with most of the groups offering "recycled" hardware and
software items.

We'll have our Lynx Competition, with multiple Comlynxed competitions
underway at all times, the Portfolio Corner, staffed with industry
experts, an endless stream of door prizes and seminars in abundance (in
the past we've had John Eidsvoog of Codehead, Jeff Naideau from Barefoot,
Dave Troy of Toad Computers, Joe Mirando & Dana Jacobson from STReport and
many others). Stay tuned for this year's list of speakers.

All in all, we hope to have our best show yet, and we look forward to your
participation. Make your plans now for the most exciting Atari Weekend
this summer!



BY CAR: Bridgeport is located directly on Interstate 95 and Route 8. *
Northbound: Take I-95 to exit 27. At the end of the ramp, continue
straight, and follow the road till you come to the Railroad station. At
this point you will be able to see a large white parking garage on your
left. At the light on Fairfield Avenue, take a left, and then another left
on Middle Street, the entrance on left. * Southbound: Take I-95 to exit
27, stay straight at end of ramp. At next light, State Street, take a
right and follow to end. At road's end, the Railroad Station will be
directly ahead of you. Take a left and go one light north. At the light on
Fairfield Avenue, take a left, and then another left on Middle Street, the
entrance on left.

* From Route 8: Take exit 2, go straight at end of ramp. Continue one
more block to State Street and go left. At road's end, the Railroad
Station will be directly ahead of you. Take a left and go one light north.
At the light on Fairfield Avenue, take a left, and then another left on
Middle Street, the entrance on left.

BY AIR: Many airlines serve Sikorsky Memorial Airport: Delta Airlines
800-345-3400, USAir 800-428-4322, and Continental Airlines 800-525-0280.
Flights between Boston, New York and Washington arrive hourly. The Holiday
Inn offers a courtesy van from the airport; call 334-1234 when you arrive.
To contact Sikorsky directly, call 203-576-7498.

BY RAIL: Rail passengers can reach Bridgeport aboard several trains that
run daily between Washington, D.C., Boston, and points between. For
information about fares, schedules, restrictions and connecting trains,
contact Amtrak by phoning (800) USA-RAIL.

BY FERRY: There are ferries leaving both Bridgeport and Port Jefferson
regularly, Monday-Sunday. Departure times are as follows (check to be
sure!): Leaving Long Island - 6a.m., 7:30a.m., 9a.m., 10:30a.m., 12p.m.,
1:30p.m., 3p.m., 4:30p.m., 6p.m., 7:30p.m., with a 9:10p.m. on Sundays.
Directions from New York - Take the Long Island Expressway to Exit 64,
then take route 112 North to the end, once in Bridgeport, take a right out
of the ferry and head for the white parking garage across the street. Call
203-367-3043 for more info.

WHERE TO STAY: The Holiday Inn will be offering special rates for CAF '94
attendees, call them at 203-334-1234. Make sure to mention that you're
with the AtariFest!

WHAT TO DO: Hotel guest's can enjoy the Health Club and Swimming Pool,
and there are many other facilities nearby for golf, tennis, and salt
water fishing. Other highlighted activities include: Jai-Alai
(203-877-4242), P.T. Barnum Museum (203-331-9881), The Children's
Discovery Museum(203-372-3521), Beardsley Zoo (203-576-8082), Captain's
Cove Waterfront Shopping (203-335-1443), Downtown Cabaret Theatre
(203-576-1636). Call 334-1234 for further information.

If you have any questions, or need additional assistance, feel free to
call Angela or Brian Gockley at 203-332-1721. E-mail can be directed to
75300,2514 on CIS or D.FINCH7 on GEnie.

> Online News! STR NewsFile! - Interesting Tidbits From the Onlines!

Turner Enters Software Business

Several new software products, including interactive games with
scenes from popular movies, have been announced by Turner Home
Entertainment as it launches its PC business.

Reporting from Atlanta's Comdex/Windows World computer trade show,
Jean Feingold of United Press International says interactive games and
screensavers will be offered on the Windows and Macintosh platforms
under the name Turner Interactive. Many of the products use visual images
from Turner's vast movie library. (Turner Home Entertainment is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Turner Broadcasting Inc.)

Dov Jacobson, Turner's interactive creative development director,
told the wire service the company decided to get into software because
people looking at their computer screens are not watching cable

Feingold says available now is a $69.95 CD-ROM called "Gettysburg,"
an interactive simulation of famed Civil War battle. Players decide how
the battle should be conducted working with scenes from the popular Turner

In addition, "Screen Lovers" screensavers, using scenes from popular
movies, will be available in October for about $15.

Reports from United Press International are accessible in CompuServe
NewsGrid database (GO NEWSGRID) and through the Executive News Service

Court Judges Wrong Computer Records

The U.S. Supreme Court today agreed to decide whether arrests based
on faulty computer records are good-faith mistakes and evidence seized
during those arrests need not necessarily be discarded.

Associated Press writer Richard Carelli reports from Washington,
D.C. that the Supreme Court justices will decide whether Arizona
prosecutors may use evidence seized after a Phoenix man was arrested
because a police computer wrongly listed an outstanding warrant against
him. Police seized marijuana from Isaac Evans, and the Arizona Supreme
Court ruled it could not be used as evidence against him since it followed
an unlawful arrest.

However, Arizona prosecutors argue that the arrest was a good-faith
mistake based on faulty computer information, and it should not lead to
the suppression of marijuana as evidence.

Evans was stopped for driving the wrong way down a one-way street,
and a police computer in the officer's car indicated there was an
outstanding misdemeanor warrant for his arrest. In the course of the
arrest, the officer discovered the marijuana. Evans was charged with
possession, a felony. But the state Supreme Court ruled the marijuana
could not be used as evidence since it stemmed from an unlawful arrest.

"It is repugnant to the principles of a free society that a person
should ever be taken into police custody because of a computer error
precipitated by government carelessness," the state court said. "As
automation increasingly invades modern life, the potential for Orwellian
mischief grows."

The case is Arizona vs. Evans, 93-1660.

For more news from The Associated Press, consult the Executive News
Service (GO ENS) or AP Online (GO APONLINE).

HP Updates Network LaserJet

Hewlett-Packard Co. says it has enhanced its HP LaserJet 4Si MX
network laser printer and reduced its price.

The enhancements include new printer management software,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star certification and
broader network compatibility and ease of use resulting from a
preinstalled HP JetDirect card. The device links the printer directly to
Ethernet and LocalTalk networks.

HP has reduced the price of the HP LaserJet 4Si MX by $200 to $5,299.
The price of the standard HP LaserJet 4Si printer remains unchanged at

The HP LaserJet 4Si MX is a 17 page-per-minute, 600-dots- per-inch
(dpi) unit. It is designed for high-volume printing environments. The
printer works concurrently with PCs, Macintosh computers, UNIX-based
workstations and multiple networks.


> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"

- Sunnyvale, CA "Sweetheart of Atari Gaming World" - Leaves

In a late breaking development, Juli Wade, long regarded as the
sweetheart of the Atari gaming world has called it quits. As of today,
friday she is no longer at Atari. She has promised however, to obtain a
private account on Compuserve in order that she may visit from time to
time and say hello to the many friends she has in the Atari Gaming Forum
on Compuserve.


Apparently a number of jaded individuals have taken up presenting
verbal assaults against others via E-mail on certain of the major
networks. The current trend, according to one source, is "to bait,
incense, outrage and otherwise viciously abuse and harrass an individual
in hopes of forcing the individual to react publically thus causing the
harrassed individual to appear as the initiator of the confrontation".
When asked about the law and such deeds.. He added; "With the charges of
"stalking" via e-mail having recently occurred, this type action mentioned
above, should prove to be chargable also if pursued." It appears Email
will no longer be a safe haven for those who abuse its use.


According to our reporter's sources, an importer/distributor, two
dealers and a computer company are or have been implicated as parties
involved in a number of transactions about which those implicated have
serious disagreement. The actual complaints may have already been,
according to the source, filed with the Southern District in California.
Additionally, a high level executive of the aforementioned computer
corporation will reportedly be subpoenaed and deposed regarding the
irregularities and misrepresentation of his actual participation as to the
level of authority and involvement and the unauthorized usage of credit
accounts. Also according to our sources, this story has been brewing for
some time and has only now apparently come to the attention of the
authorities. Reportedly, two of the major complainants are residents in
the San Francisco Bay area.


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. Another week has come and gone and
its time to check out all the hot info, news, hints and tips available
every week on CompuServe. But before we do that, I'd like to talk for a
moment about a few of the changes I'm planning for this column.

First off, the Palmtop Forum and the Palmtop B Forum will be
returning to the column. Since Atari Portfolio support is now found in
the Palmtop Forum, this one isn't too much of a reach. And, while we're
at it, why not add info about other popular palmtop and pentop computers
(like the Casio/Tandy Z-7000 PDA)?

Second, we'll start including information from the Video Games
Publishers Forum (Go VIDPUB) next week. The VIDPUB Forum deals with
information on current and future video game systems. With systems like
the Jaguar out now, and Project Reality waiting in the wings, VIDPUB is
the place for gamers to be. Look for it next week.

Now, let's get on with the show...

From the Atari Computing Forum

When Danny Bull asks about whether or not he should upgrade from TOS
2.05 to 2.06, Robert Aries tells him:

"Go to the Codehead section on the Atariven forum and ask there.
You'll probably get the definitive answer.

When I bought my TEC board from them, the documentation included a
story about its history. The developers got an advance copy of TOS
2.05 before they released the TEC board. They wanted to be able to
allow owners of older ST's to put the LATEST version of TOS on the
board, and TOS 2.05 expected to see the newer hardware (STe's and
beyond, with blitter chips, etc.). According to this documentation, the
developers convinced Atari to modify 2.05 so that it would not crash
when run on older machines, and what resulted was TOS 2.06.

So I'll re-state my original answer to you: TOS 2.05 and 2.06 are THE
SAME, except that 2.06 is backward-compatible with older STs'."

Just an added tidbit: TOS 2.06 also fixes high-density floppy support
for computers that have the "AJAX" chip instead of the Western Digital
floppy controller chip.

Meanwhile, Adam Freemer posts:

"I was wondering if someone could recommend a good viewer program that
would view .GIF and other formats. Preferably something I could
download from CIS but if there is a good commercial one that I would
have to buy I wouldn't mind. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!"

Daniel Osborn posts this library file description:

" Title : GEM-View 3.03

GEM-View 3.03 is uploaded with permission from the UK shareware
registrations contact Graeme Rutt whose details are included. It is a
very powerful image viewer and converter which supports dozens of
formats from PhotoCD, Targa, GIF and TIFF to old ST favourites like
Degas and IMG. Images can also be resized, rotated and dithered
using various algorithms. A big file but well worth the download
time. This version starts to lose functionality after 30 days, to
encourage registration."

Yat Siu of Lexicor Software tells Daniel:

"Speed of Light for regular ST's is in my opinion better, as it does
some hardware tricks."

Adam asks:

"I know this might sound stupid but I just downloaded GIFVIEW (which
took about an hour at 2400baud!) And uhhh, How do you make it work? Do
you save it as .PRG or something else? An ARC file? Please help a
non-intelligent ST user!! Any help greatly appreciated!!!!"

Sysop Ron Luks tells Adam:

"I dont recall if GIFVIEW was archived as LZH, ARC or ZIP, but it was
surely compressed with one of these systems.

You should ALWAYS save the file under the same name as you see in our
libraries. *If it is LZH, ARC, or ZIP you should then use the
appropriate utility program to unpackage it. Once expanded, the
individual filenames should have the appropritae names to just
double-click and run on your system."

Rob Rasmussen tells us about a problem he's having with his Falcon030:

"I copied Warp 9 to the AUTO folder of my Falcon's internal IDE drive
C. The only other program in there is a mouse accelerator. Everytime I
cold boot, I get 2 bombs. Either it's the wrong version of Warp 9
(though it's the most recent), or there's a big problem with it coming
after the mouse accelerator (I forgot to make Warp 9 first), or I'm
doing something wrong. Now I can't get to drive C to remove W9 or
change it's order because Falcon won't boot from the HD. I can boot
from the floppy, but doesn't seem to help. On my ST I can install a
disk drive for C after booting from floppy and get to C that way, I
think. But this internal drive stuff must be different. In the desktop
Options menu there is "Install Device" but I can't make it install
drive C. The Falcon manual said run HINSTALL.PRG, but since I booted
from floppy, it says no other partitions exist. If it comes to it, I
would really hate to have to reformat the drive since I just got it
with all the programs on it which are not backed up. Surely there's a
way around this I hope. Any ideas anyone?"

Sysop Jim Ness tells Rob:

"Since Warp 9 includes its own mouse accelerator, it may conflict with
the one you have installed separately.

You said the manual tells you to run HDINSTAL. Did you try that, to
get the icon installed and give you access?"

Rob tells Bob:

"I can install the drive icon OK, but the drive still doesn't exist.
Like I said, I'm locked out of the internal HD because it crashes from
the conflict between W9 and MACELLE. When I run HINSTALL, it reports
that there are no HD partitions available, which is true (I'm trying to
_make_ them available). Booting from floppy is the only way I can do
anything, but I don't see how to access the HD this way. So it's like a
Catch-22. Help!"

Carl Barron asks Rob:

"Do you have a program to load the hd driver to memory after boot up?
Atari's is AHDI.PRG. If so run this small program. then get the drive
'opened' and rename at least macelle.prg in C:\auto to have a different
extension. Might rename w9.prg as well, until you get the latest and

Get a directory sorter,one that will physically move the files in an
order you choose, and bootfile manager program asap and these
conflicts are a lot easier to fix!"

Rob tells Carl:

"Running the AHDI.PRG did the trick. I was paranoid that it would start
reformatting the drive, I got it mixed up with HDX or something. On
the ST I use Auto Organizer and Desk Manager, so I will try them on the
Falcon. My Falcon and SVGA monitor are set up in my study, just like my
ST was when I first got it, not connected to a printer, modem, scanner
or MIDI yet. I'm gradually seeing what it can do by itself and it's
fun! It really needs Warp 9 or something, especially in the higher
rez/colors mode. I have the new Falcon version of it now. Next I'll
hook the Falcon to Screenblaster and my stereo

Do you or anyone know if the heads of Falcon's internal IDE drive are
self-parking? The manual is mysteriously sketchy on this. It says to
use SHIP.PRG for any SCSI drives, but doesn't talk much about the
internal drive. Maybe it depends on the particular drive? I need to
know this before I start moving it around the house."

Sysop Bob Retelle, one of the most knowledgeable people around, tells

"Virtually all modern hard disk drives are self-parking. When you
turn off their power, the heads automatically retract to a safe

I even doubt that SHIP.PRG is needed any longer.

You just have to remember not to knock the drive or computer

taining the drive while the platters are still spinning, and the
heads are loaded, or out in working position."

Carl Barron tells Rob:

"There is a 'patch' to Desk Manager to change newdesk.inf instead of
desktop.inf. Desk Manager thus changed does run on a TT. Auto
organizer should. If it is the one in the CodeHead Utility package it
does on my TT. Don't worry atari's HD formatters give plenty of
chances to abort a HD format, before they do format a HD."

My buddy Brian Gockley of ST Informer Magazine tells Rob:

"Warp 9 is only compatible at version 3.81, and even then, you must
run the specific Falcon version (there are three, ST, TT and Falcon)."

Rob tells Brian:

"You're right, I had forgotten there were separate versions of Warp 9
for ST, TT and Falcon. So I downloaded the zap file which turns the
Falcon version 3.80 into 3.81, making it compatible with Screenblaster
which I have but haven't hooked up yet."

John Amsler posts:

"Did you hear? Silicon Graphics and Nintendo have announced that
"Project Reality" -- their 3-D game machine -- will be available for
consumer purchase next summer (and will be in place in arcades before
then). The projected cost is UNDER $250. I hope Atari has something
up its sleeve to counter this!"

Sysop Ron Luks tells John:

"Project Reality wont see the light of day before 1995. Take my word
on that one."

Believe me, when you get info like that from someone like Ron, you can
"take it to the bank.

Meanwhile, John Cook tells us:

"I need help to repair an Atari. Can anyone help with ideas, or even
better, a circuit diagram. (I am not familiar with Ataris, but my
electronics and general computer knowledge are good). Details follow:

I was upgrading the RAM for a friend from 1M to 4M. The new SIMMS are
80nS. At first the machine booted - with a few glitches on screen
(perhaps some dead bits in the RAM?). Then it crashed. The more we
tried the less success we had at booting. Sometimes a 'bug' appeared
on screen at boot. Sometimes not even that. At the moment the machine
doesn't even access the floppy drive.

Power supply is good. No apparent broken wires, melted chips, etc.
If anyone can help me with any information about ataris which might
assist I would be most grateful."

Mike Mortilla tells John:

"Usually, you need to replace the "controller" chip. The original ST
controller chip can only address 1 meg. While your at it, you might
want to update the OS to at least 1.4 (Rainbow TOS.)

The controller chip was about $100 when I upgraded my ST. I don't know
the current price. Others here might have other ideas, but the first
thing I'd check would be the controller.

If you can disable the 4 megs and go back to the 1 meg, maybe you could
eliminate other problems."

John tells Mike:

"Thanks for your suggestions, Unfortunately going back to a 1M machine
leaves me with the same problems. (I neglected to mention this in my
original message).

I don't know whether the computer is recognising the extra RAM yet,
but it seems I am definately up against some sort of hardware problem.
Sometimes the machine boots, but always with a large but in the top
right of the screen. Sometimes I get a row of small bugs across the
screen. Do you have any idea specifically what these signs indicate?

I am very grateful for your help. Any further suggestions would be
most appreciated."

Mike asks John a few more questions about the machine:

"1- What model machine is it again? ST? STE? Mega ST?

2- This is important because not all these machines will take a
standard SIMMS chip. Certain upgrades are available (Z-RAM is what I
used) and support might have to come from those mfg directly.

I'll help all I can but I'm not too technically proficient on this
type of thing. Again, it sounds like a controller chip needs to be
upgraded, but we need more info on the machine you have."

John tells Mike:

"It's an STE. I found a program on disk (switcher I think) which told
me it saw the 4M of RAM. I think my next step is to take it to a
repair centre."

Gee, I hope he's not counting on taking it to a G.E. repair center...
what ever happened to that deal, anyway?

John adds:

"I don't know whether the computer is recognising the extra RAM yet,
but some more information has come to light. With either the old or
the new RAM some times it won't boot (doesn't even access floppy).
Other times it boots, first displaying a large bug in the top right
corner of the screen, then operating fine. Sometimes I get a row of
small bugs across the screen.

Do any of these symptoms suggest the area of the problem? Is there a
diagnostic boot sequence which can be initiated at start up? (These
and many many more questions)."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells John:

"The 1040STe model should recognize the extra RAM without having to do
anything special.

From your original message, I'm assuming you installed 4 1Meg SIMMs..?

The speed of the RAM shouldn't matter... the ST only requires 150ns
memory, so the faster parts you installed should work OK. Also, the ST
can use either 8 bit (Mac style) or 9 bit (IBM style) SIMMs, so that
shouldn't be a problem either.

One thing I'm NOT sure about is whether all SIMM configurations will
work though... I know the 9 chip, 1 Meg SIMMs work, but I don't know
if the newer 3 chip SIMMs will.

I believe most, if not all, of the chips on the 1040STe motherboard
are surface mounted... one problem in earlier STs was that the
socketed chips needed to be reseated on a semi-regular basis. If any
of the chips in the machine you're working on are socketed, try
pressing them all firmly back into their sockets.

I think the MMU problem Mike mentioned only applied to the earlier
models with socket mounted memory management chips.

If the only change was to swap SIMMs, and now the original SIMMs
aren't working either, I think I'd examine the SIMM sockets very
carefully for damage to the contacts, or possibly to the soldered
joints on the motherboard. Another thing to check would be the power
supply, although there shouldn't be any problem powering the extra RAM,
supplies have been known to cause flaky symptoms when they become

Unfortunataly, there really isn't anything available in the way of
system diagnostics. We do have some RAM testing utility programs, but
those of course require the system to be working well enough to load
and run a program."

John tells Bob:

"The RAM is 80nS 3-chip style 1M 9bit SIMMS. I managed to run Switcher
yesterday which saw all 4M available. The chips on the mother board
are not socketed. Some are surface mount.

I have examined the SIMM sockets and motherboard, but I'll do it
again. Last night I could get one of two conditions regularly. One it
booted and worked fine, but with a bug in the top right (as earlier
mentioned). The floppy it booted from had operating system file 3.3 on
it. With a different floppy with no such operating system software it
booted without the bug. Either case it worked fine from then on. The
second situation it still didn't boot.

I tell you this more for your information than anything else. I doubt
it sheds any more light on the problem. I think I've reached the stage
of taking it in for repair.

I'll check the messages again just incase you have any brain storm
ideas. Failing that, thanks very much for your help."

Myles Cohen tells John:

"The big bug in the upper right hand corner (scary...isn't it) has a
diagonal line running through it and a circle around it which is the
international road sign signal for "NO"...and was ICD's "clever"
attempt to tell you that the system had booted normally with no bugs...

It only appears in version 3.3 and was later replaced by a big ATARI
logo in other versions...

So...not to worry...

I suppose...if the bug is appearing on your screen without the circle
and diagonal _is_ a cause to be concerned..."

Well folks, we'll keep you informed about John's progress. Meanwhile,
let's check out the what's going on with palmtops...

From the Palmtop Forums

Steve Riley asks about one of the more popular handheld computers:

"The Psion seems to get a lot of accolades. I'll have to check it out.
However, I really don't need to carry a computer in my pocket, but more
of an organizer. How are the Psion's organizing apps?"

Sysop Lloyd Wasser tells Steve:

"The Psion's agenda app is perhaps the best of the bunch;
full-featured, multi-viewed (day, week, year, list, todo, anniversary,
etc) and allows the creation of up to 99 separate to do LISTS (of 50
items each) and to dos, anniversaries and appointments can be alarmed
(either just prior to the event or weeks or months ahead of time).
Graphical user interface makes things easy to easy, and the whole
agenda is totally customizable, Steve. Nice application."

Sysop Marty Mankins jumps in and adds his opinion:

"The only thing that's missing on the Psion 3a Agenda program is a
month view. Other than that, it's really good."

David Kramer asks:

"Is the Portfolio still in production? How big is it? How much
memory? What are it's limitations? I'm looking to buy a HP100LX, but
may be swayed!"

JF Davington tells David:

"I actually don't know its production status but getting new ones is
not a problem and Atari is still honoring its $110 (or so) out of
Warranty replacement of broken or dead Portfolios. The Portfolio is
approximately 8" x 4" x 1" (bigger if you stick on a parallel or
serial interface) and, from what I have seen so far (Psion, Sharp and
HP), still has the best keyboard on the market for a mahine this size.

The standard model comes with 128k of RAM which you can get upgraded
to 640 by Megabyte computers in Texas or do it yourself if your
technically oriented and handy with a soldering iron. However, I have
two Portfolios and I've kept them both at 128k and dont really feel
limited. Of course I dont do any DTP or heavy duty Database work with
it <g>.

Storage is in the form of ramcards or Flash ram cards and sizes go
from 64k to 2 meg. The internal applications are pretty versatile and
include an ASCII text editor with basic but efficient features, an
Address book that can serve many purposes since its pretty much a free
form database, a Diary with alarm and repeating appointments, and a
Lotus 1-2-3 compatible Worksheet.

I guess its nicest feature is that for less than the price of other
PDA's you can get a nicely equipped Portfolio.

It does remain a machine that requires a bit of imagination but there
is plenty of that and of generous support in the Portfolio section of
this forum. It does have its quirks but once you know them it becomes
a fun machine to work with. There is also a multitude of programs
available for the Port up in lib 9. If you intend to program for it,
its a good idea to get the technical reference guide from Atari. There
are some neat features available.

You can get more information by downloading the file PORT.FAQ from lib
9 and by dropping a note in the Portfolio section.

I am of course a Fan of the Port and very much biased ;-) but one
thing is for sure: It has a surprisingly good keyboard."

Mark Nerehausen tells us:

"I was given a Portfolio. It has the serial port attachment.

Any advice on how I can transfer files from the Portfolio to my
desktop? Where do I order the required accessories, if needed? What
files or programs do I need on my desktop?

Without this capability, the Portfolio seems cute but pretty useless.
I love the machine, but am frustrated by not being able to really use
it for anything.

Thanks for any advice you can offer."

Sysop Judy Hamner tells Mark:

"There is a file in the forum library that has a lot of good
information for the new Port user. It answers questions you may not
even think to ask. Look for PORT.FAQ.

The serial port interface can be used with a terminal emulator to send
files between the Port and PC. There is always a sticky issue of
getting the terminal emulator to the Port in the first place. The FAQ
file mentions some options. If you purchase a RAM card, try to get the
seller to include a public domain program. Otherwise, there are files
in the forum library that offer various strategies that have been
sucessful for forum users.

I think you'll enjoy the Port. With the vast assortment of files
available in the forum library, it can assume many personalities."

Don Thomas of Atari tells Mark:

"The Portfolio's built-in software supports transfers to PCs with the
Parallel Interface. The serial Interface works also, but you will need
to know or learn the basics of null-modem file transfers. In that case,
the Portfolio will need a program found in the forum libraries called:

The easiest way to "transfer" files is with a PC Card Drive. This is a
disk drive for your PC that reads and writes Portfolio Memory Cards."

Well folks, that about wraps it up for this week. Tune in again next week
for more Atari info as well as expanded coverage of the Palmtop and Video
Game Publishing Forums... or is that "Fora"? Well, at any rate, tune in
next week and be ready to listen to what they are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote" "The more things change....."


by Linda Bialawa

Once upon a time, an American corporation and the Japanese decided to
have a competitive boat race.

Both teams practiced long and hard to reach their peak performance.
On the big day they both felt as ready as they could be.

The Japanese won by a mile.

The American team became very discouraged by the loss, and morale
began to sag. Corporate management decided that the reason for the
crushing defeat had to be found. The "Continuous Improvement Team"
was established to investigate the problem and recommend the
appropriate corrective action.

The results showed that the Japanese team had eight people rowing and
one person steering, whereas the American team had one person rowing
and eight people steering.

The American Corporate Steering Committee immediately hired a
consulting firm to do a study on the management structure. After some
time and millions of dollars, the consulting firm concluded that too
many people were steering and not enough were rowing.

The American team's management structure was totally reorganized. The
reorganized structure included 3 Steering Directors, 3 Steering
Managers, 2 Steering Supervisors and 1 Rower. Included in the
reorganization plan was a new performance standard which gave
empowerment and enrichment to the Rower in order to develop an
incentive for him to work harder.

The next year the Japanese won by 2 miles.

Humiliated, the American corporation laid off the Rower to "cut
costs", sold all of the paddles, cancelled all capital investments for
new equipment, ceased development of a new canoe, gave a "Superior
Performance" award to the consulting firm and distributed the money
saved as bonuses to senior executives.


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220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220


(DEALERS; to be listed here FREE of Charge, please drop us a line.)

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