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Silicon Times Report Issue 1015

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

April 08, 1994 No. 1015

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 1-904-783-3319 10am-4pm EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
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> 04/08/94 STR 1015 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- CPU INDUSTRY REPORT - Ball Blazer Clone? - Power PC NEWS
- CDRom Production UP - Peachtree Sold - WinCOMM PRO NEWS
- Win-Dbase in Beta - Lotus ScreenCam Out - Edmark Parents Guide
- WinFAX Pro 4.0 NEWS - SAFE FAX? - The Old Fishin' Hole

-* Man's LIFE Saved by E-Mail! *-
-* IBM Signs Deal with Stacker! *-
-* Symantec, Central Point to Merge! *-

STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the ITC/PROWL/USENET/NEST/F-Net/Fido Mail Networks. You
may also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 1-904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder
and excitement of exchanging all types of useful information relative to
c o m puters, worldwide, through the use of excellent International
Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are welcome to join the STReport
International Conferences. ITC Node is 85:881/250, The Fido Node is
1:374/147.3, Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #620. All
computer platforms BBS systems are welcome and invited to participate.

to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!

"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

STReport, through the years has introduced a number of fine people to
the electronic publishing field. They began with STR and then decided to
"spread their wings" and fly on their own. Some have done well, others
well... they've gone on to other things entirely. This week we find that
our MAC editor, Randy Noak, has discovered that the writing, compiling and
gathering of tidbits for the readers every week is no "walk in the park".
While with us, Randy did a bang up job and for that we give a hearty thank
you. Now, let's all welcome Bob Dean who has agreed to "fill in" while we
recruit a new editor for our MAC/Power PC section. Which reminds me, if
you or, if you know of anyone that may be interested in doing so, tell
them to get in touch with me.

Spring Comdex... the electricity is already in the air. New
hardware.. a good look at the Power PC units and the fabled "Pentium"
silver streaks. The big story is going to be about the fabulous new
software and all the hefty upgrades for the familiar titles. How sweet it
is. Look for a "newcomer" to the DTP scene in the Windows NT arena real
soon now... this newcomer is sure to come swaggering in the door with a
great deal to offer and confidence to spare. A seasoned veteran for sure,
but a new face none the less.




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles R. Dean D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy John Donohue
Jeff Kovach Marty Mankins Carl Prehn
Paul Charchian
Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
Glenwood Drake Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia
Paul Haris Kevin Miller Craig Harris
Allen Chang Dominick Fontana

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #15

By: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** IBM Signs Deal with Stacker **

IBM has signed an agreement to use the Stacker data compression
technology owned by Stac Electronics. The Stacker feature will be
incorporated in IBM's PC-DOS and OS/2 operating systems.

The IBM-Stac pact comes six weeks after a judge ordered IBM rival
Microsoft Corp. to pay Stac $120 million for illegally using Stacker data
compression in its new MS-DOS 6.0 package. Microsoft now has released a
new version of DOS 6 that removes the data compression feature.

Stac Electronics announced it is extending its Stacker 4.0 for
Windows & DOS upgrade to users of the new generation DOS's, including
MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2, PC DOS 6.1 and Novell DOS 7 through a new universal
upgrade kit. The universal upgrade is available through resellers and
directly from Stac for $49.95.

** Peachtree Software Sold **

One of the older names in PC software publishing, Peachtree Software
Inc. of Norcross, Ga., is being acquired by Automatic Data Processing
for undisclosed terms.

Peachtree, best known for its accounting software for small-and
medium-sized businesses, now becomes part of ADP's Employer Services
Group and will retain its current management, staff and headquarters in

This is the sixth major computer-oriented merger/acquisition this

** Computer City Adds New Stores **

Computer City, owned by Tandy Corp., says it will increase its total
number of locations to 44 worldwide with the addition of two superstores
this month. The new SuperCenters will be located in Miami and King of
Prussia, Pa., outside of Philadelphia.

** CD-ROM Output Up 150 Percent **

The Optical Publishing Association says production of CD-ROM products
was up to 100 million discs last year, an increase of about 150% from

The trade group is quoted as saying total retail value of CD-ROM
titles sold in 1993 approached $1.5 billion and that the growth in the
value of publishing products sold this year will be "most drastically
impacted" by strong competitive pressure to drive prices down.

The group estimated 70% of last year's CD-ROM output was from North
America, 25% from Europe and 5% from the rest of the world.

By the end of this year, the group predicted, "it will be difficult
to buy a personal computer without a CD-ROM drive installed" and that
prices for multimedia machines have been plummeting.

** Windows dBASE in Beta-Test **

A beta version of Borland International's new Windows- based dBASE
database software has been shipped to 500 customer sites for evaluation
and testing.

Borland said independent research by Computer Intelligence/Infocorp
indicates the firm has an opportunity to upgrade its current six million
dBASE DOS users to the new Windows version of dBASE, which is scheduled
to ship this summer.

"dBASE for Windows," says the statement, "will provide full compati-
bility with earlier versions of dBASE III PLUS and dBASE IV versions,
productive object-oriented tools and technology, openness to the Windows
environment, and scalability to client/server. Customers will be able to
take advantage of dBASE for Windows' productive new tools and fully
object-oriented programming environment for creating powerful mission-
critical applications."

** Microsoft Word Sales Hit 2 Million **

Nearly 2 million copies of the Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows have
been sold since the word-processing software was introduced in November.

Sources say, "More than half the sales of the new program have come
(bundled) as part of its Office 4.0 suite of software applications....
Microsoft said sales of Word 6.0 have surpassed company expectations and
are continuing at a rate of one copy every four seconds, or about
648,000 a month."

** HP Expands Ink-Jet Distribution **

Hewlett-Packard Co has expanded the distribution of its low-end Desk-
Jet printers and mid-range ink-jet fax machines.

The company has signed agreements with a variety of consumer- elect-
ronics retailers and distributors, mail-order firms and mass merchan-
disers. The companies are authorized to sell the printers and related
supplies and accessories beginning immediately.

The DeskJet printers covered by the agreements are the DeskJet 310,
520, 500C and 560C printers for PCs; and the DeskWriter 310, 520, C,
550C and 560C printers for the Macintosh. Fax machines covered by the
agreements are the HP FAX-900 and FAX-950.

** Rapid Growth Seen in Multimedia **

Aggressive investment in advanced chip technology and unprecedented
annual research and development expenditure have prompted a research
group to predict rapid growth in multimedia hardware and software

The Multimedia Research Group has announced the release of "Advanced
Multimedia Product R&D: Analysis of Product Strategies and Directions,"
a 210-page report that highlights applications strategies under
development by the 60 most influential U.S. R&D organizations for 1994-

Priced at $1,795, the report is available in Japanese and English
language editions. The contact number for orders and information is

** Symantec, Central Point to Merge **

Symantec Corp. announced this week that it has reached a definitive
agreement to merge with Central Point Software Inc. The estimated $60
million stock swap deal will unite two of the software industry's
largest utility publishers.

** Lotus Releases ScreenCam **

Lotus Development Corp. says it's shipping Lotus ScreenCam for
Windows, a multimedia screen and sound capture utility.

The software allows users to place application screen activity, cur-
sor movements and sound into an integrated file that can be saved and
distributed to workgroups.

The software publisher says ScreenCam can be used for training, com-
munications and presentations. Users can create and share customized
learning applications to demonstrate new products and services. Screen-
Cam also can be used to improve the effectiveness and quality of colla-
borative work processes, such as developing a budget or editing a
document. In such cases, users can show and explain the logic behind
their work or why they've made certain changes.

"ScreenCam will revolutionize the way people work together by lever-
aging the power to demonstrate and share ideas in action with spoken
words," says Steve Barlow, senior manager for Lotus' Multimedia Products
Group. ScreenCam is priced at $79.

** Apple Sued by Computer Dealers **

Some 400 computer dealers have sued Apple Computer Inc. alleging the
computer maker acquired confidential information under the guise of a
marketing contract that it never planned to honor.

Alleging fraud and unfair and fraudulent business practices, the
suit, filed in California's Superior Court, stems from the termination
of Apple's 1991 agreements with the dealers to give them exclusivity in
providing the company's systems to the education market.

Under the agreements, ended in March 1993, the resellers were known
as 'Apple Education Sales Consultants.' The lawsuit claims Apple created
the agreements to 'expropriate for its own economic gain every shred of
proprietary, confidential and special information' concerning the
education microcomputer market.

The dealers contend Apple used the information to sell its computer
hardware directly to the education market.

Participants in the suit include Southern Photo and News Inc. and
Ray's Showcase Inc., both of Florida, and Computer Ware Inc. of Modesto.

** Man Saved by Electronic Mail **

An inter-office electronic mail system is being credited with saving
the life of a worker when he suffered a heart attack at his desk.

Jack Miller, a computer specialist at Witco Corp. in Woodcliff Lake,
N.J., was able to type, "HELP. FEEL SICK. I NEED AID."

Within seconds, dozens of people ... darted through the maze of
cubicles at the chemical company to help... Several administered card-
iopulmonary resuscitation until an ambulance took him to a hospital."

The 56-year-old Miller was quoted in today's Daily News in New York
as saying, "For me, 'e-mail' means 'emergency mail.' I was going, and
nobody would have noticed.... I could barely tap out the words. My chest
had this strange coldness and I just couldn't breathe."

** MicroNet Debuts Product Storage Line **

MicroNet Technology Inc. is rolling out a complete line of SCSI data-
storage products for the Macintosh that mirrors the quality and features
of the company's high-end workstation storage solutions.

The new product line, called the Advantage Series, consists of both
internal and external hard disk drives with capacities ranging from 170
meg to 1 gig, SyQuest removable drives, internal and external rewritable
optical drives with capacities of 128MB and 230MB, CD-ROM, tape-backup
systems and accessories.


> QEMM & STAC 4.0 STR InfoFile

ID:S4 Stacker 4.0 and Quarterdeck Products
Quarterdeck Technical Note #270 Filename: STACKER4.TEC
by Robert Gaustad CompuServe: STACK4.TEC
Last revised: 3/7/94 Category: SW3

Subject: The use of Stacker 4.0 with Quarterdeck products.

Q. Is Stacker 4.0 compatible with Quarterdeck products?

A. Yes, Stacker 4.0 is compatible with all shipping Quarterdeck

Q. I installed Stacker 4.0 on my system and after running Optimize
I found that I have 2K less available conventional memory.
Why is this?

Stacker 4.0 now uses Novell's DOS Protected Mode Services (DPMS),
through the driver DPMS.EXE,to place most of the Stacker program into
extended memory. When you install Stacker 4.0 on your system, the
DPMS.EXE driver will automatically be placed into the CONFIG.SYS file
directly above the STACHIGH.SYS device driver line. The use of the
DPMS.EXE driver will reduce the size of the Stacker program from about 44K
(more or less, depending upon your configuration) to about 17K. However,
the DPMS.EXE driver cannot be loaded into High RAM, so it must load into
conventional memory. This will reduce your conventional memory by about
2K, but since your Stacker driver is now much smaller, you should be able
to load more programs into High RAM.

Q. Is Stacker 4.0 compatible with QEMM's ST-DBL.SYS (Stealth
DoubleSpace) driver?

A. No. Even though Stacker uses a file called DBLSPACE.BIN in order
to load before the CONFIG.SYS file loads, it is not sufficiently
compatible with Microsoft's DoubleSpace program to allow ST-DBL.SYS to
work. ST-DBL will only work with Microsoft's DOS 6 DoubleSpace.

Q. After I installed Stacker 4.0 over my DoubleSpace program, I
received the following message:

ST-DBL: DBLSPACE is not in use, so there is no need to load

A. The Stacker 4.0 install does not detect or remove QEMM's
ST-DBL.SYS driver, which may be in your CONFIG.SYS file if you were
using Microsoft's DoubleSpace prior to installing Stacker 4.0. Upon
installation, Stacker simply places a device line in the CONFIG.SYS file
that reads:


This line is placed at the end of the CONFIG.SYS file. If you were
previously loading the ST-DBL.SYS device driver with a multi-config
system, replace every ST-DBL.SYS device line with the STACHIGH.SYS device
line above. If you are loading it from a single boot CONFIG.SYS, simply
replace the one incidence of ST-DBL.SYS.

Q. After I installed Stacker 4.0, my system locked up on the
DOSDATA.SYS line during the reboot.

A. If you have QEMM 7.01, you will experience a lockup during
reboot. The quickest solution is to disable the DOSDATA feature of DOS-Up
using the QSETUP program. From the QSETUP main menu, select "U = Enable
or disable DOS-Up", followed by "P...Partial" to partially install the
DOS-Up features. Toggle "3 = DOS Data...Yes" to NO in order to disable
the DOSDATA.SYS driver. After saving the configuration, Optimize will run
and your system's memory will be optimized.

Quarterdeck is currently shipping version 7.03 of QEMM, so you should
upgrade to avoid any DOSDATA conflicts. For information regarding
upgrades, please refer to the end of this technote.

Q. What if I don't want to use the DPMS.EXE driver?

A. If you don't want to use the DPMS.EXE driver, you may remove it
from the CONFIG.SYS file. Keep in mind that after removing DPMS.EXE
and rebooting, the Stacker driver will be about 44K in size, so you may
need to run Optimize after making this change.

Q. How do I go about removing the DPMS.EXE driver from the

A. Stacker 4.0 has a new configuration program called CONFIG.EXE.
To see what changes you can make to Stacker's configuration, simply


Two of the listed options that will display are:

/D Adds Stacker DPMS driver to configuration files.
/D- Removes Stacker DPMS driver from configuration files.

If you want to remove the DPMS.EXE driver from the CONFIG.SYS file,
simply type:


You will then be asked if you are sure you want the CONFIG.SYS changed.
To save the changes made, press "Y".

Q. Is there any other way I can reduce the size of the Stacker

A. If you want to reduce the size of the Stacker driver without
using DPMS.EXE, you may still use the /EMS parameter to load Stacker
into EMS. Note that the use of the /EMS parameter is no longer
recommended by STAC Electronics, and the /EMS switch cannot be used when
the DPMS.EXE driver is being loaded. To add the /EMS switch to the
STACKER.INI file, you may type:


ED is the Stacker editor. Once you are in the editor, press <ALT>-F to
bring up the FILE menu. Arrow down to the STACKER.INI selection and press
ENTER. This will load the STACKER.INI file. Add a line in this file that
says /EMS, save the file and then reboot the machine. You may have to run
Optimize again in order to load the Stacker driver into High RAM.

NOTE: If you add the /EMS parameter to the STACKER.INI file and you
want to use QEMM's STEALTH technology, you must add a DBF:2 parameter to
the QEMM device line in the CONFIG.SYS file (this can be done from ED,

Q. What are the different sizes of the Stacker driver?

A. If you are using Stacker with DPMS.EXE, the driver's resident size
should be about 15K to 17K. If you are using Stacker's /EMS switch, it
should be about 25K. If you are not using DPMS.EXE or the /EMS switch,
the driver should be about 44K. The initialization size, the size
necessary to load the driver before it shrinks down to its resident size,
is 87K no matter what
parameters you use.

All of the above sizes may be different for each individual configuration.
Issues that may affect the size of the driver might be the number of
partitions or drives that are compressed, the size of the drives, and the
compression ratio.

Q. How do I get an upgrade to QEMM 7.03?

A. The easiest way to upgrade your QEMM 7.01 or 7.02 to QEMM 7.03
is through CompuServe or the Quarterdeck BBS.

NOTE: Upgrading via a patch is only available for those customers who
already have QEMM 7.01 or QEMM 7.02. For customers who have QEMM
version 6.0x or earlier, you must purchase an upgrade through a store or
directly from Quarterdeck's Customer Service Department at (800) 354-3222.

The following is a list of the upgrade patch files available on

701703.EXE 222k QEMM 7.03: patch for 7.01 to 7.03
701703.ZIP 207k QEMM 7.03: patch for 7.01 to 7.03
702703.EXE 147k QEMM 7.03: patch for 7.02 to 7.03
702703.ZIP 131k QEMM 7.03: patch for 7.02 to 7.03

The CompuServe patches can be found in LIB 10 - Patches / Programs.

Quarterdeck BBS (310) 314-3227
Quarterdeck's Bulletin Board System
Accessible by modem -- 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit

The following is a list of the upgrade patch files available on the
Quarterdeck BBS:

701TO703.EXE 222k self extracting ZIP version of QEMM 7.01 to 7.03 patch
701TO703.ZIP 207k patch to upgrade QEMM v7.01 to v.703
702TO703.EXE 147k self extracting ZIP version of QEMM 7.02 to 7.03 patch
702TO703.ZIP 131k patch to upgrade QEMM v7.02 to v7.03

For further information about contacting our offices, please refer to
CONTACT.TEC in your \QEMM\TECHNOTE directory.

*This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it*
*is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. *
* Copyright (C) 1994 by Quarterdeck Office Systems *
************************ E N D O F F I L E *************************

> SAFE FAX? STR Feature


A: Although married people fax quite often, there are many single
people who fax complete strangers every day.


A: Faxing can be performed at any age, once you learn the correct


A: Certainly not, as far as we can see.

A: Yes. many people have no other outlet for their fax drives and must
pay a "professional" when their needs to fax become too great.

A: Unless you are really sure of the one you're faxing, a cover sheet
should be used to insure safe fax.

A: Don't panic. Many people fax prematurely when they haven't faxed in
a long time. Just start Over; Most people won't mind if you try

A: Being bi-faxual can be confusing, but as long as you use a cover
with each one, you won't transmit anything you're not supposed to.


> Edmark Guide STR Review Kids' Computing Corner

Kids' Computing Corner

by Frank Sereno

This week I'm going to cover two publications rather than to review a
program. First, I would like to thank Edmark Corporation for sending a
great booklet entitled "The Parent's Guide to Educational Software for
Young Children." This booklet is sent to registered owners of Edmark

Upon reading the booklet, I realized that the information contained
in it is very valuable to parents and teachers who are purchasing software
for young children and I wanted to share it with the readers of STR. I
contacted Edmark to obtain permission to print two items from the booklet.
I called the Customer Support line but the person to whom I spoke did not
have the authority to approve my request. Later that day I sent a fax off
to Edmark and put my request in writing. The very next day, I received a
call from Sue Whitcomb, the Director of Public Relations for Edmark. She
cheerfully agreed to my request.

The following worksheet for evaluating software for young children
and the personal computer reference guide are copyrighted by Edmark
Corporation and are being reprinted with their permission.

Parent Worksheet for Educational Software Evaluation

Developmentally Software to
Educational Questions: Appropriate Software be evaluated

Is the software child friendly? Yes _______

Does this software require reading? No _______

Is the software child speed conscious? Yes _______

Does the child control the path of the
software and can the child move in and
out of activities or sections when
he/she desires? Yes _______

Would you call this software
"drill and practice?" No _______

Is the software able to
"grow with the child:" will it allow
the child to explore concepts and
skills in levels of increasing
difficulty? Yes _______

Does the software provide children
with a visual or auditory response
when the child clicks on an object
or character? Yes _______

Does the software take a long time
to progress from screen to screen? No _______

Are the software graphics colorful,
clear and appealing to children? Yes _______

Does the software offer animation? Yes _______

Does the software offer lifelike
sound and voices? Yes _______

Given the developmental stage of your
child, is s/he ready to learn the
concepts and skills presented in this
software? Yes _______

Will your child enjoy playing with
this software? Yes _______

Does the software provide strong,
encouraging positive feedback? Yes _______

Does the software provide strong
negative feedback? No _______

Does the software encourage children
to explore the program, using trial
and error? Yes _______

Edmark also recommends filling out the following form and keeping it in a
purse or wallet for easy reference when shopping for software.

Computer Platform and Model Type ______________________________________

Computer RAM __________________________________________________________

Disk Drive Size? ________3-1/2" _________5-1/4"

Do you have a Hard Drive? _____________________________________________

Hard Drive Storage Space? _____________________________________________

If IBM: Graphic Standard ______________________________________________

If Macintosh: Monochrome or Color? ___________________________________

Do you own a Keyboard __________________ Mouse ______________________

Do you own a joystick __________________ Touchscreen ________________

Printer Type __________________________________________________________

Sound Card? ___________________________________________________________

Feel free to print these out for your personal use. In the computer
reference guide, I would suggest knowing the CPU and bus of your computer
as well as specific model numbers. I would also recommend keeping track
of how much free space is on the hard drive rather than the total of its
storage. You may wish to add a line about a CD-rom and whether that drive
is single, double, triple or quad speed.

The booklet is full of information about resources for software
evaluations, obtaining software for children with special needs, and lists
several books and magazines as well as phone numbers for several
publications which review software or offer parents advice on computing
and children. This booklet is available free of charge to all interested
parties. Simply write to Edmark Corporation, P.O. Box 3218, Redmond, WA
98073-3218. Or you may call Customer Service at 206-556-8484 or fax
206-556-8998. When making your request, please refer to the "Parent's
Guide to Educational Software for Young Children." The above address and
phone numbers can also be used for ordering or inquiring about Edmark

I'd like to thank Ms. Whitcomb for calling me so quickly and for the
interest she expressed in Silicon Times Report. She generously offered to
send review copies of "Millie's Math House" and "Thinkin' Things" to this
scribe. I hope to review both of these Edmark products in the next month.

I also learned about Edmark's upgrade policy for KidDesk Family
Edition. If you own KidDesk, you can upgrade to Family Edition for $19.95
plus $3.00 for shipping and handling. The Family Edition is supposed to
eliminate most, if not all, of the problems found when running Windows
applications from KidDesk. The Family Edition also has a great many
enhancements over original KidDesk including electronic mail between
family members, a notepad, an address book and more. I will do a short
review of those features after I receive my upgrade.

Now a brief look at the second issue of Club Kidsoft Magazine and
CD-rom. Kid Clubsoft is a magazine/catalog about educational software for
kids that is published quarterly. The articles in the magazine are aimed
at the children while the ad pages are aimed directly at Mom and Dad's
credit cards. Also available is a CD-rom disc featuring activities, demos
and ads for the programs described in the magazine. Most importantly, the
CD is a means to distribute commercial software by purchasing a special
keyword from Kidsoft to download "ClubCode" products from the cd-rom disc
to your hard drive. With the new issue, they have created separate
Windows and Mac discs so that more product will be available to users of
both computer platforms. They have added reviews of 42 more programs and
there are more demos and downloadable programs on the disc. Perhaps the
best feature is the new "Power Shopping" database search engine. There
are four headings of Categories, Subjects, Age Groups and Titles for the
database. With this new feature, you can choose one of five different
Categories, one of eight different Subjects, one of 12 different Age
Groups or choose to search alphabetically by Titles.

The Categories are New Products, Hardware, ClubCode Products,
Products with Demos and Club Specials. The Subjects are Creativity, Fun,
Geo./History, Math, Productivity, Reading, Reference and Science. The Age
Groups are Early Learning, then each year individually from 5 though 14
and then the final option of Older. For Titles, simply choose one of the
26 letters of the alphabet. Now you can do a search by a single field or
you can combine one choice from each of the four headings. For example,
you can choose to search for the Products with Demos or you could greatly
narrow the field by choosing Products with Demos, the Subject of Math, the
Age Group of 6 and a title starting with M. You would end up with Mental
Math Games as the only program in this issue that would meet those
parameters. This makes looking for suitable software much easier.

In my opinion, a few flaws still exist in this product. The major
one is that some of the demos for DOS-based programs do not take advantage
of sound cards. No doubt this is a fault of the program's publisher
rather than Kidsoft. Personally, I think these publishers should make
their best effort to make their products shine in these demos. Forcing a
parent to watch a program run with NO sound is not conducive to selling
their product. Information screens about the programs are still a bit
slow to load, even on my 486 DX2-66 machine with a doublespeed CD-rom
drive. I would like to see demos for every program that is available as a
ClubCode downloadable program so the parent can try a portion of the
program before buying.

Kidsoft, Inc., the publishers of Club Kidsoft can be reached via
telephone at 800-354-6150 or via fax at 408-354-1033. Current
subscription prices are $9.95 for one year and $14.95 for two years for
either the magazine or CD-rom disc only, $17.95 for one year or $29.95 for
two years for a subscription to both the disc and magazine. This is an
excellent product and it seems to be only getting better. The Club
Kidsoft CD-rom is a valuable resource for gaining insight into many of
today's educational software programs.

Once again, I thank you for reading!



Delrina WinComm PRO

Delrina Redefines PC Communications with "Best-of-Breed" Fax and
Communications Software Solution

Delrina Communications Suite<tm> Combines Delrina WinFax PRO<tm> with Full
Featured Communications Capabilities of New Delrina WinComm PRO<tm>

Delrina Corporation (TSE:DC) has certainly redefined PC communications with
Delrina Communications Suite for Windows<tm>. The Suite is a
"Best-of-Breed" combination that integrates Delrina WinFax PRO, its market
leading fax software, with new Delrina WinComm PRO -- a powerful and
easy-to-use communications product comparable to Procomm<tm> and

Delrina WinComm PRO is based in part on recently acquired technology from
Hilgraeve Inc., the makers of the award-winning HyperACCESS<tm>, and
integrates with Delrina WinFax PRO by eliminating port conflicts. Among
the features included are: 1) predefined scripts for accessing 8 major
on-line services, such as MCI Mail and CompuServe; 2) a powerful scripting
language which enables the complete customization of communications
sessions; 3) the industry's fastest file transfer capabilities using any
standard protocol; and 4) extensive support for all popular terminal
emulations. To purchase an equivalent solution users would have to buy
separate fax and communications applications plus special software capable
of eliminating port conflicts paying in excess of $300. The suggested
retail price for Delrina Communications Suite is only $179 ($229 Cdn).

"Fax modems have firmly entrenched the PC as a standard telecommunications
device. In 1993, for example, we estimate 3 million units will be sold in
the U.S. alone, that's about one in every four PCs shipped," said Craig
Giudici, Industry Analyst with Dataquest of San Jose, California. "This
convergence has created pent-up demand for an integrated software solution.
Delrina Communications Suite has the right formula to set new price /
performance standards -- powerful features, ease-of-use, fax and
communications components that work together, and a low price."

Delrina WinComm PRO is built upon several ingredients including the solid
technology acquired from Hilgraeve, and Delrina's own experience in
developing Delrina WinFax PRO. The emphasis on ease-of-use through
intuitive icons, uncluttered screens, spreadsheet-type controls and
complete customizability, follows from Delrina's own market research and
customer feedback during the development cycle. "We believe that users
familiar with Procomm or Crosstalk will find Delrina WinComm PRO to be as
powerful, yet much easier-to-use," said Delrina President Mark Skapinker.

Key Features:

No Serial Port Conflict -- Since both fax and communications software
address the same fax modem hardware, conflicts inevitably occur.
Typically, users want to leave their fax software in automatic receive mode
to await incoming faxes and engage in communications sessions only as
required. In order to begin a communications session under this scenario,
they must close down the fax software to release the hardware. Delrina
Communications Suite eliminates port conflict, allowing Delrina WinFax PRO
and Delrina WinComm PRO to naturally co-exist. This feature is unique to
Delrina Communications Suite. Users can also engage in multiple sessions
-- like downloading a file from a bulletin board while checking MCI Mail --
with appropriate hardware.

Pre-Defined Links to the Leading Services -- Delrina WinComm PRO includes
predefined icons for connecting to 8 major on-line services including MCI
Mail, CompuServe, AT&T Mail, Delphi, GEnie, Dow Jones, and BIX. The icons
appear on the desktop and provide instant point and click access to these
services. A convenient 5000 line scrollback buffer keeps track of on-line
information, saving users time and money while connected.

A Powerful Scripting Language -- Delrina WinComm PRO features a powerful
scripting language for completely customizing and automating communication
sessions. A recorder automatically transcribes key strokes and actions
thus simplifying future connections. In addition, an Application
Programming Interface (API) is provided which can be accessed by any
programming language, like Visual Basic<tm> or C++. Full DDE support is
built-in thereby extending the power of Delrina WinComm PRO to
non-communications Windows software.

Extraordinary File Transfer Capabilities -- Delrina WinComm PRO supports
all the popular file transfer protocols such as Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem,
CompuServe B+ and Kermit, and runs them faster than any of the leading
Windows data communications products on the market today. It also includes
HyperProtocol<tm> the fastest file transfer capability in the industry to
further lower transmission costs, and HyperGuard<tm> an on-line virus
detector that checks for over 300 common viruses as files are downloaded.

Extensive Support of Terminal Emulators -- Delrina WinComm PRO supports
many terminal emulations including ANSI, TTY, VT-52, VT-100, VT-102,
VT-220, VT-320, IBM3101, IBM3278 and CompuServe, so users need not switch
between different applications to access their mainframe and favorite
on-line service.

Delrina will market Delrina Communications Suite through distributors,
dealers, resellers, warehouse / superstores, and mail order houses
including Ingram Micro, Merisel, Egghead and CompUSA. Existing WinFax
users (PRO or LITE) can purchase the Delrina WinComm PRO portion of the
Delrina Communications Suite for only $49 ($59 Cdn). Owners of WinFax LITE
or users with competitive communications products can purchase the complete
Suite for only $69 ($85 Cdn).

Delrina is recognized as the technical and market leader in PC forms and
fax software and a leading publisher of content software sold worldwide.
Its award-winning WinFax has become the industry standard with over 3
million units shipped. Nearly 100 manufacturers include Delrina WinFax
with their products, including IBM, Compaq, Gateway 2000, AST Research,
Slate and US Robotics. Founded in 1988, Delrina employs 350 persons with
headquarters in Toronto, Canada; and offices in San Jose, CA; Washington,
DC; Kirkland, WA; the United Kingdom; France; Germany; and Japan. Delrina
can be reached at 1-800-268-6082.


> WinFax PRO 4.0 STR InfoFile

Delrina WinFax PRO 4.0
Major Upgrade of the World's Most
Popular PC Fax Software

Usability Improvements, Functionality for Mobile Users, Expanded Messaging
Capabilities and Powerful New Features Take PC Fax to the Next Generation

SAN JOSE, CA and TORONTO, ONT - March 14, 1994 - Delrina Corporation
(NASDAQ:DENAF, TSE:DC) today announced Delrina WinFax PRO 4.0<tm>, a major
upgrade to its popular PC fax software for Microsoft Windows<tm>. Delrina
WinFax is the leading PC fax software in the world with more than 4 million
users. Most of the enhancements in version 4.0 are the direct result of
user feedback and usability testing.

Among the major improvements in Delrina WinFax PRO 4.0 are:

- Usability improvements focused on the areas of consistency,
customizability, flexibility, and bringing powerful functionality to the
forefront of the product.

- Special functionality to address the unique needs of mobile users.

- Expanded messaging capabilities that include: 1) Fax-a-File<tm>, a
fax-based file transfer capability that makes it as easy to send an
actual document file as it is to send a fax; and 2) built-in support for
industry standard electronic mail systems like cc:Mail and Microsoft

- Over 50 powerful new features, including Fax Viewer enhancements and a
more accurate OCR engine.

"WinFax PRO 4.0 represents a new generation of fax-based communications
software, said Mark Skapinker, Delrina president. Our challenge was to
build on the simplicity that WinFax provided first time PC fax users while
making our product even more powerful and expanding its messaging

Usability Enhancements
Since the release of version 3.0 in November 1992, Delrina WinFax PRO has
been accepted throughout the PC world as the most powerful and the only
complete fax package available. Much of the emphasis of the new version
4.0 is on making enhancements to the product's interface to make it more
approachable to users of all skill levels.

Usability Testing
Delrina conducted extensive usability testing both internally and with
Usability Sciences Corp. of Irving, Texas, in the development of WinFax PRO
4.0 with the goal of making the tasks of sending, receiving and managing
faxes on a computer faster and simpler. This testing resulted in some
breakthroughs that fundamentally improve the usability of WinFax PRO, such
as the new AdapTable<tm> interface and the Quick Cover Page.

"Our objective at Usability Sciences is to work with a vendor in
researching how both novice and experienced people use, in this case fax
software, in various environments to gain a better understanding of their
unique needs," said Jeff Schueler, president. "As a result of our work
with Delrina, WinFax PRO 4.0 delivers the features and functionality
advanced users demand without alienating those trying PC fax for the first

AdapTable<tm> Interface Places Fax Management on a Drag-and-Drop
Desktop WinFax PRO's AdapTable interface provides a consistent and flexible
UI (User Interface), customizability, and drag and drop features. The main
informational components in WinFax PRO 4.0 - the event logs (Send, Receive,
Scheduled Events), Cover Page Library, Phonebook and Attachments list (i.e.
fax-ready files) - have been designed so that once users learn one
component of WinFax PRO 4.0, they will know how the other components of the
application work.

Each of these components is fully drag-and-drop customizable so that
WinFax PRO users can simply and intuitively arrange their desktops to be
exactly as they like to work. Building on design principles seen in other
popular Windows applications like Microsoft Excel and Lotus cc:Mail, the
drag-and-drop fax desktop enables users to personalize their work
environments without even necessarily realizing that's what they're doing.
And since WinFax PRO comes configured for use right away, users can
discover and take advantage of this flexibility at their own pace.

For example, information about sent and received faxes is presented in
a tabular format, each column of which represents a different informational
field (date, time, or status of the transmission, for instance). These
columns can be resized simply by dragging their edges to the left or right.
Or they can be reordered by dragging entire columns.

- Consistency Speeds Learning -
Since the same set of rules applies to each major component of the
interface, the user requires significantly less time and effort to learn to
use WinFax PRO's full functionality. For example, each fax, phone book
record, folder or other interface component is an object with a menu of
appropriate options available by right clicking on it. Once users learn
the principle of right clicking on an object to perform operations on it,
they can use those principles throughout WinFax PRO. This sort of rigorous
consistency greatly reduces the time to learn the product by reducing the
number of actual procedures to be learned into a fraction of what it would
be otherwise.

- Track, Sort, and Manage Faxes in Drag-and-Drop Folders -
WinFax PRO 4.0 stores all faxes, attachments, cover pages, and
phonebook records in user-definable folders and sub-folders. Users can
drag and drop items into folders, which represent and do different things
depending on which component of the application the user is in. For
example, when a fax is dragged into an Archive folder, the associated
images are automatically compressed to reduce disk space, while in the
Phonebook, fax broadcast groups are created by dragging and dropping
individuals into Group folders.

- Variable "Views" -
Users can get various expanded "views" of a highlighted item in the
AdapTable interface. Expanded views, which appear along the bottom portion
of the screen, provide more information about an item. For example, in the
receive log, the user can see the actual fax, a detailed
synopsis of the fax transmission (date, time, status, transmission speed,
etc.) or the thumbnails of the fax.

- Context-Sensitive Menu Bar and Menus -
The main menus in WinFax PRO 4.0 have been reorganized along common
lines, so that tasks such as setting up a fax modem or setting up receiving
options are accessed from a single Setup menu. As users move through the
various components in WinFax PRO 4.0, the Menu Bar changes, offering only
the capabilities which are relevant to the component. Alternatively, users
can access the most common tasks, such as viewing a fax or changing an
expanded view, from context-sensitive menus by clicking the right mouse

Object-Oriented Customizable Button Bar
WinFax PRO 4.0 has an object-oriented, customizable button bar that
provides instant access to commonly used functions, such as sending or
viewing a fax, or for quickly accessing different components, such as the
logs or Phonebook. For example, a user who wants to resubmit a failed fax
can drop it onto the SEND button on the button bar.

Special Functionality for Mobile Users
An increasing number of portable computers today come equipped with a
fax modem. WinFax PRO 4.0 includes special functionality that caters to
the unique needs of these mobile users including:

- Fax Autoforwarding<tm> -
Fax Autoforwarding lets a user automatically forward faxes received on
his PC to another location. This enables the mobile user to receive faxes
at another location, while out of the office.

- Fax Polling and Remote Fax Retrieval -
WinFax PRO now supports fax polling and remote fax retrieval with
Class 1 fax modems, which enables a mobile user to dial into his desktop
PC, check for received faxes, and then automatically retrieve them on to
their portable computer.

- Built-in Support for Enhanced Fax Services -
WinFax PRO 4.0 includes a new drop-down menu that enables users to
easily access the Delrina Fax Broadcast Service. Delrina Fax Broadcast is
a service that enables users to broadcast a fax, while retaining the full
formatting, font control and graphics of the original document, to up to
500 recipients with a single call. A special introductory offer for up to
US$50 worth of Delrina Fax Broadcast usage is included with WinFax PRO.

- Robust Dialing Sequences -
In order to access different services or use different credit cards
for long distance fax calls, users need to quickly change and maintain many
different dialing sequences - with prefixes and suffixes. Many mobile
users use more than one service or long distance credit card, so having the
flexibility to change and maintain multiple dialing sequences is essential.
In WinFax PRO, this is accomplished from a single Setup dialog which
supports up to 6 different dialing sequences.

- Phonebook Preferences -
Users can maintain settings for up to three different locations. For
example, this would allow a mobile user who lives in one area code but
works in another, to maintain a different area code and dialing prefix for
each location. The user can quickly change his locale from the Setup menu
when he changes locations.

Expanded Messaging Capabilities Including E-Mail Support WinFax PRO
4.0 includes expanded messaging capabilities for faxing actual documents
rather than fax images, sending and receiving electronic mail within WinFax
PRO, and transmitting error-free faxes.

- Fax-a-File<tm> -
Until now, sending a fax meant sending a bit-mapped rendition or image
of a document. However, new fax transmission protocols enable users with
Class 1 fax modems to send their original documents or actual files (binary
file) in the same easy way they currently transmit bit-mapped images.
WinFax PRO 4.0 supports binary file transmission through several protocols:
1) the ITU's (formerly the CCITT) T.434 protocol for transmitting binary
files; 2) Microsoft At Work, which Microsoft has included in the latest
Windows for Workgroups product and plans to add to its future versions of
Windows. WinFax PRO 4.0 also supports all the security and encryption
capabilities under Microsoft At Work; 3) a special binary file transfer
capability between WinFax PRO 4.0 users that does "on-the-fly" compression
to reduce transmission time; and 4) CAS file transfer, a special protocol
available for Intel and other CAS compatible fax modems. Transmission
preferences for individual recipients are maintained in the Phonebook,
enabling a user to fax an image to some recipients and fax a file to

- E-Mail Support -
WinFax PRO 4.0 has "universal messaging" capabilities the enable users
to send, receive and manage electronic mail as well as faxes. Direct
support is built in for industry standard LAN-based systems cc:Mail (VIM
2.0) and Microsoft Mail (MAPI 1.0). Users can even send a single
document to several people and WinFax PRO will automatically fax it to some
and e-mail it to others using cc:Mail or Microsoft Mail.

- Error Correcting Mode -
The current protocol for fax transmission relies on perfect line
conditions to ensure quality faxes. However, adverse line conditions cause
errors in fax data transmission, which typically appear as random blemishes
or half-lines on a page. The problem is further magnified when attempting
to fax at the higher transmission speeds of 14.4kbps. WinFax PRO 4.0
supports Error Correction Mode (ECM), which allows fax data errors
to be fixed during transmission and is an essential requirement for
Fax-a-File. ECM enables users with Class 1 fax modems to send perfect
faxes, over any phone line, at any speed to other fax devices that also
support ECM.

Over 50 Powerful New Features
WinFax PRO 4.0 adds powerful new features and enhancements for
Attachments, Cover Pages, the Fax Viewer, converting faxes into editable
text, and much more.

- "On-The-Fly" Attachments -
Attachments are fax-ready files that are documents which have been
saved to disk. In previous versions of WinFax users had to create
Attachments before sending them. In WinFax PRO 4.0, Attachments can be
created "on-the-fly" by selecting documents from a Windows file list when
sending the fax.

- Cover Page Enhancements -
WinFax PRO 4.0 includes several enhancements for cover pages that
provide greater user control and speed up faxing. There is a quick cover
page option for users who want to simply select a recipient and add a quick
message without going into the WinFax Cover Page dialog. Full font control
is now available so users can mix different fonts, attributes and sizes
within a single text block. This feature is available within the Cover Page
Designer and for a cover page selected at the time of transmission. An
on-line spell-checker is included that can be accessed in a cover page at
both the design and filling stage.

- Fax Viewer Enhancements -
The Fax Viewer in WinFax PRO 4.0 has been optimized for speed. For
example, rotating a page is about 50 times faster than in previous
versions. Additional functionality includes Invert, a feature that changes
the fax image to display white characters on a black background making them
easier to read on monochrome and LCD displays. A Highlight and Zoom feature
lets users quickly frame any part of a fax and zoom in up to 200%.

- New Annotation Tools -
New annotation and image manipulation tools similar to those found in
paint programs have been added that enable users to quickly mark-up and
modify a fax at the bit-map level. The object-oriented annotation
capabilities from version 3.0 - in which annotations can be saved as a
separate layer - are still available in version 4.0 with some added
features. For example, users can "stamp" their signatures or other
graphics directly on to Cover Pages and faxes. Also, users can mix multiple
fonts, sizes and font attributes within text annotations and in text blocks
on cover pages.

- Xerox TextBridge<tm> OCR -
Delrina WinFax PRO 4.0 includes improved OCR technology from Xerox.
TextBridge is substantially more accurate and faster than the OCR
capability in WinFax PRO 3.0. It also directly exports the text converted
from a fax to 26 different file formats including Microsoft Word,
WordPerfect, Ami Pro, Microsoft Excel, and Lotus 1-2-3.

System Requirements, Availability and Pricing
Delrina WinFax PRO 4.0 requires an IBM PC or compatible with 386 or
higher microprocessor; Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher; 4MB of memory and
10MB of hard disk space. Worldwide availability of the English version of
WinFax PRO 4.0 through resellers is March 1994 at a suggested retail price
of US$129. Customers who purchased WinFax PRO 3.0, the Delrina
Communications Suite or Delrina WinFax PRO for Networks 3.0 on or after
February 1st, 1994 can upgrade to version 4.0 at no charge. Users of WinFax
PRO 3.0, WinFax LITE or previous versions of WinFax can upgrade directly
from Delrina for $49. In addition, Delrina has initiated an aggressive
Channel Upgrade Rebate Program so users can easily purchase an upgrade to
WinFax PRO 4.0 from their local retailer.

Delrina is recognized as the technical and market leader in PC fax and
forms software and a leading publisher of content software sold worldwide.
More than 100 system manufacturers, fax modem makers and software vendors
include Delrina WinFax with their offerings including IBM, Compaq, AST
Research, and Hewlett Packard. Founded in 1988, the company employs over
450 people with headquarters in Toronto, Canada; and offices in San Jose,
CA; Kirkland, WA; Washington, DC; the United Kingdom; France; and Germany.
Delrina can be contacted at 1-800-268-6082.



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________

/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

R. Dean, Editor (Temp)

From Randy Noak;

As a result of last week's diatribe I received a grand total of zero
pieces of email. I guess that says something. Perhaps it says that even
owners of orphaned systems realize that time cannot stand still. Perhaps
it says that owners of orphaned systems don't care as much as some would
have us believe. Perhaps it's none of those things. I do know that, no
matter how much we, as humans, want to deny it, time marches on.

As time marches on, it's usually a good thing to reflect on where
you've been and where you are going. This is one of those times for me.
I've been doing this column for a little over six months now and have, I
think, done the best I could under increasingly difficult circumstances.
Those circumstances (entirely external to STR) have reached the point
where I no longer have the time to give this column the attention that it
deserves. For that reason, this is my last column for STReport.

For the record, everyone at STR has been great. It's been a pleasure
to work with Ralph Mariano. Again, my reasons for resigning are all
external to STReport.

Randy Noak, Editor


> Power PC Info STR InfoFile

Apple Debuts Power Macintosh Line

Three New Models Combine the Power of RISC with Mainstream Software,
Including Macintosh, DOS, and Windows; Prices Start at Less than

Apple Computer, Inc. has unveiled Power Macintosh --a superb new line of
Apple Macintosh personal computers that offers the power of workstation
computers,the affordability of mainstream personal computers, and the
capability to run applications for Macintosh, MS-DOS, and Microsoft

The company believes that Power Macintosh represents the platform for
the next generation of personal computing. Power Macintosh running
System 7 marries, for the first time, the power of RISC (reduced
instruction set computing) technology with a mainstream personal
computing operating system. As such, Apple believes that it has
established a foundation that is,at once, so robust and approachable that
it will catalyze the development of richer applications, more intuitive
software, and--ultimately--wholly new ways of using computers.

The three new Power Macintosh models--the Power Macintosh 6100/60,
7100/66, and 8100/80--join the midrange and high-end of the Macintosh
family. Fueled by the PowerPC 601 microprocessor, which was jointly
developed by Apple, IBM, and Motorola as part of their historic 1991
alliance, Power Macintosh computers offer the highest performance of
any personal computer available today.

When running new versions of application software optimized for
PowerPC, Power Macintosh systems offer two to four times the
performance of today's Intel 486 and Motorola 680x0-based personal
computers. Power Macintosh computers also outperform systems based
on Intel's advanced microprocessor, Pentium. Applications that require
complex computation, such as graphics and engineering applications, may
run up to 10 times faster on Power Macintosh than on current personal
computer offerings. More than 150 software developers worldwide have
committed to shipping PowerPC optimized or "native" versions of their

Apple is also providing a bridge from its Power Macintosh systems to
thousands of existing applications for DOS and Windows with a new
software program called SoftWindows from Insignia Solutions.
SoftWindows comes bundled with certain Power Macintosh configurations
and is also sold separately.

"This introduction marks a major milestone in personal computing,"
said Michael Spindler, Apple's president and CEO. "Just as Macintosh
changed the course of computing ten years ago, today we are defining
a new era in personal computing with Power Macintosh. For customers,
this means unequalled price/performance today, preservation of their
past investment in Apple products, and unmatched potential for future
growth. And for DOS and Windows customers, Apple offers a smooth on-
ramp to the platform.

"Unlike previous new platform introductions in the industry, this is
a rare occasion when a new platform comes to market with thousands of
applications already available on day one, and allows customers to
carry forward their previous investments," Spindler added.

With their cross-plaftorm compatibility, Apple expects the new
systems to attract Macintosh, DOS, and Windows users. Power Macintosh
computers should be particularly popular in professional and
mainstream business sectors with customers whose appetite for
increased speed and power was only previously met through more costly
workstations. These customers would typically use computers for
high-performance tasks, including publishing, graphic arts, science
and research.

Mainstream Operating System

Power Macintosh computers run an optimized version of the Macintosh
System 7 operating system. This means Power Macintosh users can enjoy
the ease of use, simple plug-and-play, and thousands of software
applications that have distinguished the Macintosh platform to date.
Additionally, System 7.1.2, the version of the Macintosh operating
system for Power Macintosh, has key features, such as the QuickTime
multimedia architecture and QuickDraw graphics architecture, that
have been tuned for even better performance. Apple plans to add
additional new features for the PowerPC processor and introduce new
technologies that capitalize on its advanced power.

Exceptional Compatibility

Because Power Macintosh computers run the mainstream Macintosh
operating system, these new systems are compatible with previous
Motorola 68000-based Macintosh systems. This means that Power
Macintosh customers can choose from thousands of current Macintosh
applications, peripherals, and cards--including Apple's existing
family of LocalTalk , Ethernet and Token-Ring products--and run them

With the addition of the SoftWindows emulation software, DOS and
Windows users have the ability to run most of their current
applications on their Power Macintosh computers with performance
similar to that of Intel 386 and 486 computers, depending on the
application and system configuration.

"At Ernst & Young we have always been strong advocates of the
Macintosh. Apple's PowerPC strategy again proves we were right in
our platform choice. Moreover, with Power Macintosh running
SoftWindows at 486 speeds, we are able to run DOS-based, CD-ROM
applications so well that we'll likely replace many of our last
remaining Intel PCs," said Yves Tiberghien, senior manager, Ernst &
Young Accountants, Belgium.

Strong Developer and Applications Support

Virtually all the major players in the software developer community
today have announced strong support for the platform worldwide,
including industry leading vendors such as Adobe, Aldus, Claris,
Lotus, Microsoft, Quark, and WordPerfect. More than 50 native
applications are scheduled to ship at or within 30 days of
introduction, with hundreds slated to be available in the first six
months. Native applications (meaning those written specifically to
tap the power of PowerPC) span a broad range of titles and
categories, including publishing, education, multimedia, technical
markets and general business (see related release, March 14, 1994,
"Hundreds of Optimized Applications Announced for PowerPC").

"The speed and performance inherent in the new applications are
extremely important in high-end applications such as publishing.
With Power Macintosh, Apple has not only removed a performance
bottleneck, but is providing an open road for future advancements,"
said Terry Schwadron, managing editor of the Los Angeles Times and
president of the Worldwide Publishing Consortium (WWPC), a nonprofit,
independent consortium of key publishing solutions providers.

The first wave of Power Macintosh applications will primarily take
advantage of improved speed. Apple expects that, in the future, Power
Macintosh will enable new and enhanced capabilities in the area of
intelligent software, animation and high-resolution video, integrated
video and telecommunications, and advancements in speech recognition
and language processing.

Availability and Pricing

Power Macintosh systems and a range of PowerPC 601 processor-based
upgrades will be offered worldwide through Apple authorized
resellers. Systems are available immediately in the U.S. and other
selected regions worldwide.

The U.S. Apple price ranges from $1,819 for the Power Macintosh
6100/60 base system equipped with 8MB of DRAM and a 160MB hard disk,
to $4,249 for the Power Macintosh 8100/80 base system offered with
8MB of DRAM, a 250MB hard disk and 2MB of VRAM.

Product availability and pricing will vary outside of the U.S.

Server Products

Apple Business Systems also announced that it plans to introduce
Apple Workgroup Servers based on the PowerPC microprocessor in May.
The client software for Apple client/server applications, including
AppleShare , AppleSearch and Apple Remote Access, is compatible with
Power Macintosh systems today. Apple server software, including
AppleShare and AppleSearch, will also be upgraded to run under
emulation on the servers and will be available in May. Specifics on
the various server upgrade options will be made available in the
coming weeks.

Headquartered in Cupertino, CA, Apple Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL)
develops, manufactures, and markets personal computer, server, and
personal interactive electronics systems for use in business,
education, the home, science, engineering and government. A
recognized pioneer and innovator in the information industry, Apple
does business in more than 120 countries.

Power Macintosh Specifications, Upgrades and Pricing

Power Macintosh 6100/60

The most affordable Power Macintosh computer runs at 60-MHz, offers full
storage and expansion features (including one 7" NuBus slot and an
optional built-in CD-ROM) in a slim-line design. The base model, equipped
with 8MB of DRAM and 160MB hard disk, has an Apple price of $1,819.

Apple Price/CPU Only
............................................. ....................

8/160 $1819.00
8/250CD $2289.00
8/250CD/AV/2MB VRAM $2599.00
16/250/SoftWindows $2519.00

Power Macintosh 7100/66

Running at 66-MHz, this is ideal for general business computing. Based on
Apple's Macintosh Quadra( 650 design, it offers greater expansion (three
NuBus slots) and support for more colors and larger displays. The Apple
price for a configuration with 8MB of DRAM, 250MB hard disk, and 1MB of
VRAM starts at $2,899.

Apple Price/CPU Only
............................................. ....................

8/250/1MB VRAM $2899.00
8/250CD/1MB VRAM $3179.00
8/500/CD/AV/2MB VRAM $3989.00
16/250/SoftWindows/1MB VRAM $3379.00

Power Macintosh 8100/80

Based on the familiar Macintosh Quadra 800 mini-tower design and running
at 80-MHz, this is the highest-performance Power Macintosh model with the
most flexibility. It accommodates three NuBus expansion slots, built-in
video support for up to 16.7 million colors, extensive storage options,
dual-channel SCSI and Level 2 cache memory. A configuration with 8MB of
DRAM, 250MB hard disk, and 2MB of VRAM starts at $4,249.

Apple Price/CPU Only
............................................. ....................

8/250/2MB VRAM $4249.00
8/250CD/2MB VRAM $4519.00
16/500CD/AV/2MB VRAM $5659.00
16/1000CD/2MB VRAM $6159.00
16/500/SoftWindows/2MB VRAM $5309.00

Configuration Details

All models come equipped with a built-in floating-point math coprocessor;
on-board Ethernet; 16-bit, CD-quality stereo sound; and connections for
the Apple GeoPort Telecom Adapter, so users can send faxes from the
computer and connect to on-line information. In addition, there are
separate configurations of each Power Macintosh model to support a CD-ROM
drive, SoftWindows, and Apple AV Technologies--speech,
telecommunications, and advanced video capabilities. PlainTalk
speech-recognition and text-to-speech software comes standard with AV
systems, and is also sold separately for all models.

In addition to Apple's existing family of LocalTalk (r), Ethernet, and
Token-Ring products, Apple plans to offer a high performance, 7"
Token-Ring card for all NuBus-based Macintosh systems. The new card
includes driver software that supports Novell Inc's Netware protocols
when used in conjunction with Insignia Solutions' SoftWindows product.
This new driver is planned to be included with version 1.4.4 of Apple's
Network Software Installer disk and will provide performance enhancements
and Netware support for the existing Apple Token-Ring 4/16 NB card.

PowerPC 601 Processor Upgrades

Apple announced it has begun shipping a range of logic board and
processor upgrades based on the PowerPC 601 chip for many current
Macintosh systems. Logic board upgrades, which provide existing
Macintosh models with the full functionality of PowerPC technology, are
available for the Macintosh Quadra 840AV, 800, 660AV, 650, and 610
models; the Macintosh Centris 660AV, 650, and 610 computers; the
Macintosh IIvx and IIvi, and Performa 600 products.

Lower-cost processor upgrade cards are now available for the Macintosh
Quadra 950, 900, 800, 700, 650, and 610 models, as well as the Macintosh
Centris 650 and 610 computers. The processor upgrade card takes
advantage of the processor-direct slot (PDS).

Additionally, Apple Business Systems will provide PowerPC microprocessor
upgrades to customers of Apple's Workgroup Server 60 and 80 models.
These PowerPC processor upgrades will allow customers of Motorola 68000
server systems to upgrade to servers running Macintosh System 7 on

In the future, Apple plans to provide PowerPC technology upgrade products
for the Macintosh Quadra 605; LC 550, 575, and 520; and the Performa 550.
Apple also plans to continue to work on upgrades for other Macintosh
models. In addition, Apple is working in conjunction with third-party
developers to provide an array of options for customers to upgrade to
PowerPC technology.

Apple Price
............................................. ...........

Power Macintosh Upgrade Card $699.00

Power Macintosh 6100/60 Logic Board Upgrade $999.00
Power Macintosh 6100/60AV Logic Board Upgrade $1399.00

Power Macintosh 7100/66 Logic Board Upgrade $1499.00
Power Macintosh 7100/66AV Logic Board Upgrade $1699.00

Power Macintosh 8100/80 Logic Board Upgrade $1899.00
8MB DRAM/2MB VRAM, 256K Cache
Power Macintosh 8100/80AV Logic Board Upgrade $1999.00
8MB DRAM/2MB VRAM, 256K Cache

Power Macintosh Accessories

Apple Price
............................................. ...........

Power Macintosh 6100/60 NuBus Adapter Card $99.00

Power Macintosh 256K Cache Card $299.00
(for the 6100/60 & 7100/66)

Power Macintosh Display Adapter $29.00




Taiwanese computer manufacturer Acer is designing machines with
swappable processor boards that will allow PowerPC, Pentium and
perhaps other processors to be swapped into same machine. UK
marketing manager David Tanner told PowerPC News that the company
should have the motherboard ready during the next quarter, and a
range of swappable processor daughter-boards will follow in the third
quarter this year. Tanner says that the company has yet to decide how
the new machines will be marketed: both OEM and end-user options are
still available. Likewise cost of manufacture and preliminary pricing
has yet to be pinned down.

Until now most PC manufacturers, including IBM have said that
swappable PowerPC/Pentium boxes would be difficult to produce at
realistic prices, however Tanner characterises the problems as
"fairly trivial, to be honest". He points to the company's ability to
design and manufacture its own application specific integrated
circuits (ASICs) as one factor which will help Acer along. Moreover
the company is apparently aiming at PReP compliance. A population of
PReP-compliant machine that can have Pentiums slotted in would,
paradoxically, be a blessing for the PowerPC industry. Currently,
betting on PowerPC requires a major commitment from a manufacturer,
while the ability to build a single chassis with support for
alternative processors would lower the stakes.

So who will end up buying these boxes? "I think the answer is that we
don't know" Tanner admits, likening the move to Acer's initial
adoption of Windows NT - ship it and see who buys it.

*Meanwhile Zenith Data Systems, owned by Compagne des Machines Bull
says that it has PowerPC laptops at the "very early" design stage.


As announced in our newsflash on Monday, Motorola has announced a
100MHz version of the PowerPC 601 microprocessor. The new version
introduces improved fabrication techniques - it will be built on 0.5
micron CMOS, for the first time compared to 0.6 micron in the
existing 601s. "Typical" power consumption has dropped from eight to
four watts. Initially the new processor will be manufactured by IBM.
But as with the other MPC601s, Motorola has the right to build it,
should it so desire. In fact, the move to 0.5 micron makes it much
easier for Motorola to build - the company has suitable fabs, whereas
it didn't have easy access to 0.6 micron plants.

But perhaps most significant, in the long-run is the reduction in
die-size. The new 601 measures 74mm square, compared to 120mm on the
existing model. This means that the processor, which still contains
around 2.8m transisters is actually smaller than todays 603, which
with only 1.6m measures 85mm square. Both are fabricated in 0.5micron
silicon, so what's going on? A new transistor geometry, that's what -
according to a Motorola spokeman. The new design lets components be
packed onto the chip more tightly. Expect the new geometry to spread
throughout the PowerPC line in time.

The new chip is expected to ship in limited quantities in the second
quarter with volume production set for fourth quarter - timing that
is uncannily similar to that of Intel's 100MHz Pentium. The part has
an estimated SPECint92 rating of 110, and SPECfp92 of 130. No
price will be given until closer to the launch date, however Fred
Sporck, director of PowerPC products for IBM Microelectronics, was
quoted in the announcement as reiterating the strategy of:
"delivering twice the performance of comparably-priced CISC

Neither Apple nor IBM had any thoughts regarding their strategies for
using the chips in new machines. In fact IBM's PR machine was caught
on the hop by the announcement of the new chip, which Motorola
apparently dragged forward, to miss the Easter break.

The new perfomance comparison table runs thus:

| Processor | SPECint92 | SPECfp92 |
|MPC 601 50MHz | 51 | 6 |
| 66 | 62 | 80 |
| 80 | 80 | 105 |
| 100 | 110 | 130 |
|Pentium 90 MHz | 90 | 72.7 |
| 100 | 100 | 80.6 |
|MPC 603 66 MHz | 60 | 70 |
| 80 | 75 | 85 |

So, PowerPC once again takes the lead in the continuing leap-frog war
- or it will once the new chip ships - Intel, don't forget is already
shipping the 90MHz processor in volume. Intel also has that 150MHz
version up its sleeve - though it is probably saving the official
launch of that chip to coincide with the announcement of the MPC604

The switch to 0.5 micron technology is a surprise: there were no
indications from either company that the 601 would be fabricated in
anything other than 0.6. However it gives the processor's performance
a much-needed kick and provides a useful performance differential
between the 601 and the 603.

Meanwhile, Infoworld reports that a 135MHz version of the MPC601 will
be announced in June. The magazine says that the clock-multiplied
processor will support bus rates of 33MHz or 66MHz. IBM declined to
comment on the story.


IBM engineers are trying to finish the beta version of NT-on-PowerPC
in time to release the code to select developers April 1. Sister NT
publication ClieNT Server News reports that a release candidate has
been in the lab for a couple of weeks. Releasing it on April Fools
Day lends some credence to reports that general availability could be
as soon as the end of May. The beta includes a new optimized compiler
written by Motorola plus TCP/IP support and other features.

Up until now the development team has been limping along, hobbled by
a compiler from IBM's Watson Research Center think tank that was way
too esoteric. The beta release is built around the current NT Build
528, rather than Daytona, although the production release is expected
to include the Daytona changes. The beta will include the Microsoft
Service Pack 1 and 2 bug fixes as well as the alterations dictated by
the Stac victory over Microsoft. Although the kernel is done, comms
are still dicey and work on device drivers continues.

Only a small group of ISVs will get the beta initially in large part
because hardware shortages. Earlier it appeared IBM would ship them
pre-production prototypes of a new PowerPC-based system, but what
they'll actually be getting is an extended production run of the
PowerPC reference platform, a fairly grim-looking little black box
housing a 66MHz 601 and an ISA bus. IBM's also planning to give ISVs
who don't get the hardware a CD-ROM of the code that will get them
98%-99% of the way there. It will run on any 486 box, with IBM
offering to do the rest of the work at its own porting facility in
Kirkland, Washington.

That lab has been available for the past few months to a super-select
group of ISVs, and IBM last week confirmed that so far about 30
companies have been in to do early ports. The number is limited, it
seems, by real estate considerations since there are only eight
spaces in the lab that can be used simultaneously. IBM is aiming to
nail 50 "strategic" applications including "volume leaders" in
spreadsheet, word processing and presentation graphics as well as
"technology exploiters" like CAD/CAM and database servers. Apparently
then there'll be another 200 packages in tow.

Ctsy CIS
(C) ClieNT Server News | Select 5006 for more information
(c)PowerPC News - Free by mailing:


> Power PC Support STR InfoFile

Power Macintosh Wins Support from Customers

Large Corporations, Higher Education Institutions, Professional Services
Firms and Industry Consultants Line Up Behind Apple's New Computing

As shipments of Power Macintosh computers hit resellers and distributors
around the world, customers who have evaluated beta units during the past
six months are expressing their support and endorsements for Apple's new
platform in personal computing. These major corporations, higher
education institutions, professional services firms and industry
consultants are looking for ways to increase productivity within their
organizations that will give them a competitive edge. Key criteria in
making their purchase decisions, and the attributes which the customers
applauded most about Power Macintosh, include compatibility with existing
Macintosh software, DOS/Windows cross-platform compatibility,
breakthrough price/performance and significant performance increases
through native PowerPC applications.

Large Corporations

Customer acceptance of Power Macintosh has been particularly strong
from enterprise customers who appreciate the substantial performance
gains in addition to the ease with which Power Macintosh fits into
their complex computing environments. Lockheed, Monsanto, The Los
Angeles Times, Group Health Cooperative, Val-Pak Direct Marketing
Systems, Inc., SaskTel of Saskatchewan, Canada and JP Morgan &
Company Incorporated are among the enterprise customers who have
evaluated PowerPC technology and are considering or have expressed
intent to purchase Power Macintosh. At Monsanto's World Headquarters
in St. Louis, MO., for example, Power Macintosh computers will be
integrated into their existing enterprise computing environment.

"Because of its excellent compatibility with existing Macintosh and
DOS/Windows applications, we will need to do little to accommodate
the transition to Power Macintosh," said Tom Koballa, senior systems
specialist at Monsanto. "Power Macintosh is going to allow the user
access to information, not only from the Macintosh family of
applications and capabilities, but also from the DOS/Windows world.
This faster access to information will allow our users to make better

Higher Education Institutions

Dartmouth College, The Anderson Graduate School of Management at
UCLA, Cornell University Medical College and Oberlin College are
among many universities and colleges who have evaluated Power
Macintosh and are making plans to incorporate the new systems into
their campus computing environments.

"Power Macintosh addresses our university's computing and budget
requirements of needing to be able to do everything at a price that
we can afford," said David VanMiddlesworth, network manager at UCLA's
Anderson Graduate School of Management. "It allows us to run both
Macintosh and DOS/Windows software at probably the best
price/performance that we've seen in any new computer in a long time.
Power Macintosh, with its capabilities and RISC architecture, is a
machine that's going to take us into the future because the longer we
own it, the better it's going to perform."

Professional Services Firms

Firms in the professions that have evaluated Power Macintosh and have
announced their intent to purchase Power Macintosh include Howrey &
Simon, a law firm with offices in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.
and Boston-based architectural firm Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and
Abbott (SBRA). Based on an extremely favorable evaluation of Power
Macintosh, SBRA has decided to purchase only Power Macintosh systems
and to upgrade existing Macintosh Quadra systems.

"The significant performance increases we've seen using native
PowerPC applications will dramatically reduce the time it takes our
designers and architects to perform the processor-demanding high-end
graphics work we do," said Duncan Keefe, Macintosh systems manager at
Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and Abbott. "Power Macintosh will play a
key role in our overall computing strategy, allowing us to further
streamline office automation and graphics tasks."

Industry Consultants

Power Macintosh has also gained enthusiastic support from industry
consultants in the fields of multimedia, entertainment, publishing,
graphics and law. Consultants who have expressed support for the
product include David Biedny, a multimedia and graphics consultant;
Michael Backes, screenwriter, multimedia and special effects
consultant; David Weinstein, a law firm consultant; and Wayne
Gabriel, musician and multimedia producer.

"Power Macintosh will provide the best price/performance for the
commercial video production and multimedia industries," said
consultant David Biedny of San Rafael, CA. "Even the smallest video
production shops were having to turn to workstations to remain
competitive, at an entry cost of $100,000. We're now going to see a
$4,000 Power Macintosh going up against $35,000 workstations. Video
software developers will implement new features in native PowerPC
applications such as particle systems or ultra-realistic radiosity
rendering that were previously available only on workstations."


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Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Spring is here. The not-so-obvious signs are there: Atari users
are coming out of their long winter hibernation and starting to realize
that things aren't as rosy as they'd like.

Let me take a philosophical outlook on this for a minute or two.
These "thoughts" are my own and may or may not agree with others on the
staff here, but I feel that there's a need to express them.

Most Atari users, past, present, and future are users of Atari
computers. That's the impression one gets when talking about "Atari
users" in general. For all intents and purposes, Atari as a viable
computer company is dead. I didn't say that Atari is dead, just the
computer side of it. They aren't actively moving ahead with new
projects. If they are, it's very low-key and minimal. All of their
resources are being directed to the Jaguar. The Jaguar, as most will
agree, is Atari's last hurrah. If it doesn't succeed, they may be
faced with the same predicament that Commodore is nearing.

Has Atari made the right decision here? That's depends on who you
ask, obviously. Atari does not have the resources to produce and
market computers and Jaguars. Game consoles, such as the Jaguar, are
always going to be major hits if the hardware warrants it; the Jaguar
does. Computers, at least non-PC ones, aren't selling as well as the
parent companies would like. If you were Atari, which option would you

I know, I don't necessarily like that choice and the obvious
answer either. I've been an "Atari" consumer since the days of the
2600. That product satisfaction led me to buy the 520ST. That same
satisfaction subsequently led me to purchase the Lynx and now the
Jaguar; it was a natural progression. I want to be able to use that
same "logic" on future computer purchases as well, but there are too
many factors prohibiting that from happening, for _me_.

This isn't something new, but it is something that _many_ Atari
users are finally realizing, and admitting. There is an extremely
limited number of available dealers. I'm not referring to the
occasional music store, touted as an official Atari dealer, who sells a
minimal amount of Falcons and MIDI software. I'm talking full Atari
dealers with various hardware, software, peripherals, and some service.
You could probably count them all on both hands, perhaps adding a toe
or two. Two to three years ago, new software was not arriving in
truckloads; today it's even worse. Many of the developers are still
around, but not active in the Atari market as they once were. Sure, much
of our favorite software has seen a number of updates for which we're all
very grateful, but new software from them is rare. Take a look at a
current list of IAAD members and name any new products in the last 6
months from them. There are some, but not that many overall.

Where are the new users? The old? Every week I see another
message from a long-standing user who has finally given up the ghost.
At best, he/she keeps the computer but also buys a Mac or a PC and
spends the majority of their time with it rather than the Atari
machine. They keep it around because it's hard to get rid of it, both
financially and emotionally - it was a good friend. And, in the back
of their mind, is some faint glimmer of hope that things might turn

What bothers me the most about this current dilemma is how it's
affecting the userbase, in a number of ways. The diehards (and I
occasionally see myself in this category) are hoping that the success
of the Jaguar will enable Atari to fulfill their "promise" that they
will pick up where they wanted to leave off with new computer
developments. Reality tells me that Atari will have to surpass the
hold that the likes of Nintendo and Sega have on today's game console
market. The profits will have to be so great that they can afford to
take another chance with the computer industry and achieve and hold on
to a toe-hold, perhaps achieve a marginal success to maintain that
support. If they don't have the means to do this successfully, they're
not likely to waste their time and money to do so. It's a business
decision that makes sense, much to the chagrin of us all.

Will the Jaguar be successful? It has all of the capabilities to be
so. History Lesson #42: So did all of their past products and look where
they are today. Atari has to do it right this time if they are ever
going to survive. The Jaguar is going to have to provide very early
successes before the competition comes along with an equal or better
product. Atari has had a quick start, and a few stalls in the almost 6
months that it's been available. It appears that Atari is back on track
again, and moving ahead fairly well. Let's hope that it continues, and
improved a thousand-fold!

The other thing that's bothering me in this regard is the current
attitudes that I'm seeing online. I see current users and those
sitting on the fence (or recently jumped off) at odds with each other.
It's similar to what we're all used to seeing in the form of platform
bashing, but amongst Atari users. There are those, as I mentioned
earlier, who are the diehards who will never admit (publicly) that
anything is wrong with Atari; that they're on track and things will get
better in the near future. There are those who have continued to stay
with the Atari platform, but realize that things aren't likely to
improve anytime soon. But, the fact that they feel comfortable and
moderately satisfied with what their machines can do, they're still
sticking to their systems. And then there are those who have finally
said, for whatever reason, that's it, I'm going to buy a Mac or PC so I
can have all the software that I could ever want.

Seeing all of these people, probably all "friendly" with one
another at some point in the recent past, at odds with each other is a
strange feeling. There has always been a controversy or another to
liven things up, but that's not what I'm referring to here. It's the
comments from a recently-departed user who tells someone that he's a
fool for sticking with Atari computers. It's another who tells someone
that he should show his support of Atari by purchasing a Falcon or a
Jaguar. It's another..... I think you get my point.

I think a lot of boils down to sheer frustration at not being part
of the majority. Peer pressure, perhaps? It's hard to pinpoint,
actually. Atari users are close to being unique - we're a loyal bunch,
somewhat fanatical, but loyal nonetheless. I think it's going a bit
overboard to blindly maintain loyalty to the company; we've already
made that singular major purchase with our machine of choice. As long
as there are developers bringing out new products, albeit in dribs and
drabs, there's a reason to maintain what we have as long as we can
still do what it is we want to do with them. Why buy a PC just for the
ability to have more software choices if we already own software that
will do it on an Atari machine? Granted, if you need to be able to do
something and that capability _isn't_ there, you'd be making a right
decision to go elsewhere. Should someone begrudge you for that? Of
course not. On the other side of the coin, don't begrudge me for
staying with the Atari platform when it aptly performs the functions
that I require of it. Atari, the company, isn't going to change that
whether it's still around, or not.

As you'll notice, there is no Jaguar coverage in this week's
issue. In case you missed it in previous issues, our expanded coverage
of the Jaguar will be on an alternating weekly basis. Last week's
issue brought a number of positive comments which we were all glad to
see. The new staff members are feverishly working to make some
improvements and additions to our coverage. Next week, we hope to
provide you with reviews of Cybermorph and Crescent Galaxy, or perhaps
Tempest 2000 if it's received in plenty of time to give it the look it
deserves! We're also updating developer lists with proposed titles, a
"tips and cheats" section, more industry news, and much more to come.
We hope that you'll continue to enjoy the expanded coverage.

On another happy note, I finally have my own Jaguar and I've been
excited with what I've seen so far. Unfortunately, there hasn't been
all that much time to enjoy it these past few days, but what I have
seen so far has been impressive. With the current selection of games,
and a lot more close to release, I foresee a lot of enjoyment in the
upcoming weeks!

Well, enough of this kibitzing. John Duckworth celebrates his
20th fishin' trip this week; and as usual, he's got a few 'keepers'
this week. Must be the bait he's using these days! Joe Mirando shows
us that people are still active in the Compuserve Atari forums and the
advice is still flowing! And, there's even more.

Until next time...


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-A Guide to the Online PD/Shareware Waters.

by John R. Duckworth

I was lucky enough to fall into a virtual 'school' of new programs
this week, so I'll be taking a look at no less than four fantastic new
shareware offerings. The packages include a terrific little utility for
Falcon owners from the mind of genius Keith Gerdes, a great Yahtzee type
game for all Atari users, a wonderful new SoundTracker module editor, and
yet another game from the makers of the popular shareware game "Towers".

"TOS4 Trap" by Keith Gerdes of Trace Technologies is an almost'must
have' program for Falcon users wishing to use certain programs which do
not work quite correctly on their systems. It seems that STalker,
NeoDesk, MaxiFile, and others do not function 100% on TOS 4 systems.
Certain GEMDOS calls in TOS 4 were fixed from their 'broken' state in
earlier TOS versions. This means that any program written which uses
certain GEMDOS system calls (even though they worked fine before) will
not execute properly under TOS 4. A few other problems crop up with
folder deletion functions as well as certain printer output calls. All of
these problems have now been addressed with "TOS4 Trap". This TSR program
may be installed by running it directly from the desktop, or by simply
placing it in the AUTO folder of the boot drive and forgetting about it.
When installed, "TOS4 Trap" "monitors certain GEMDOS calls to make passed
parameters 'TOS 4 GEMDOS compatible'". Now users can print blocks of
text from STalker and those using NeoDesk will have no problems with
folder deletions as well as similar problems in many other programs.
Keith is asking $5 for his efforts, and for many of us using those old
dependable programs, "TOS4 Trap" is well worth it.

Next up is a terrific GEM based game called "Triyahoo" by Stuart
Denman. Essentially a triple Yahtzee clone, "Triyahoo" will work on any
Atari TOS computer in single or multi-tasking environments. The game also
supports digitized sound effects for users of an STe or greater, as well
as GDOS fonts for display purposes with GDOS or SpeedoGDOS installed. The
object of the game is to get as high of score as possible by placing dice
rolls where appropriate on the score card. Some strategy must be used
since the three columns of the score card are added differently,
therefore it is best to fill in the columns worth the most first. As the
game progresses it is harder to fill in the columns which are left on the
score card so inevitably some will be left as zero. The game is very
enjoyable to play, extremely configurable, and the graphics (while
sparse) are fitting to the theme and style of the game. If you are tired
of solitaire, give "Triyahoo" a may become addicted.

For years Atari owners have been asking for an easier way to create
SoundTracker module files than the cumbersome interface used in programs
such as ProTracker. While they can be effective, they are not very
intuitive. "STORM!" (the working title of the demo which will be changed)
is a new module editor from David Oakley of ASTRAsoft for Atari computers
with DMA sound (STE's or greater) and ST high resolution or above. What
sets "STORM!" apart from it's predecessors is it's module creating
interface, which is entirely set around a musical staff similar to the
old classic "Music Construction Set". Adding notes to your module
couldn't be easier, simply left click the mouse pointer at the position
on the staff where you want your note to delete a note just right
click. Gone are the days of cryptic music note lists and confusing
keyboard charts.

A full sample editor is provided to perform editing of loaded
samples, either the signed or unsigned variety. Block editing functions
allow the user to 'cut & paste' sections of the song pattern to new
positions or delete unwanted ones. While the demo is not complete, it
does give a very good idea of the direction which "STORM!" is going...and
in my opinion it's headed for greatness. The full version is promised to
be available sometime in May under a new name. If you are interested in
music or editing module the demo...then hope the real
version gets delivered as promised.

The last program I'll take a look at is a game by JV Enterprises
called "Magno-Ball". The game is very similar to the classic "Ball
Blazer" except that the view is from above the arena instead of
first-person perspective. The game will work fine on any Atari TOS system
but users of an STe or better will find that play is smoother. The object
of the game is to run a ball to the opponents end of the field (either
human or computer controlled) and shoot it into their goal. Any contact
with an opponent or the arena boundaries or blockers will cause the ball
to escape the players control in which case you'll have to chase it down
before your opponent does. The game is simple but fun, and offers a few
skill levels to choose from when playing against the computer. Download
this game for a bit of entertainment break when the pressure of real work
gets too great.

Until next week...keep the keyboard warm for me. E-mail:

| Old Fishin Hole Tackle Box * |
| TOS4 Trap |
| GEnie: Atari ST RT - # 32491 |
| Delphi: Atari Advantage - READ TOS4 |
| Triyahoo |
| INTERNET: FTP from |
| STORM! |
| Delphi: Atari Advantage - READ STORM |
| Magno-Ball |
| GEnie: Atari ST RT - # 32446 |
* The Tackle Box is meant to provide assistance in finding files
mentioned in the column. It should not be considered a COMPLETE
listing and is provided for convenience only. Delphi Atari Advantage
files should be found in the Recent Arrivals section of the database
until moved to their appropriate sections.


> Compuserve STR InfoFile Video Game Publishers Online!!


Announcing the grand opening of the Video Game Publishers Forum -- Your
CompuServe resource for the *official* online support provided by the
leading publishers in the video game industry.

The Video Game Publisher forum is designed to provide game enthusiasts
with the opportunity to interact directly with the publishers of your
favorite video games. Each participating vendor will regularly monitor
their message board and provide valuable news and product information. In
the attached libraries you will find their latest press releases and
product announcements, game codes, screen shots, sound files and much,
much more. Customer support representatives, technical staff and
designers from Data East, Takera, and Galoob (Game Genie) are already
online with representatives from the other leading game publishers about
to debut in the days ahead.

Forum co-managers, Ron Luks and Mike Schoenbach have planned some
exciting contests with great video game hardware and software prizes. The
staff will have reporters covering the upcoming summer Consumer
Electronics show in Chicago to bring you the latest news from the biggest
names in the video game publishing field.

To check out the Video Game Publishers Forum on CompuServe, type GO

Video game publishers interested in participating in this new forum
should contact Ron Luks 76703,254 or Mike Schoenbach 76703,4363 via
CompuServe electronic mail for details.


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hidi Ho friends and neighbors. Deadlines of all kinds are closing
in on me. With moving, wedding plans, writing assignments, and the like,
times are about as hectic as they can get. But I still make it a point
to log on to CompuServe and check out what's going on. It constantly
amazes me that there is such a wealth of information available every
week. You can always pick up tips on how to get the most from your
favorite computer, or find the latest news about industry goings-on.
C'mon along with me now and you'll see what I mean...

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

Yat Siu of Lexicor Software posts:

"Compuserve finally got it's Internet Access up and rolling,
unfortunately they still only support 9600 access (or lower) if you
login via Internet which really doesn't make any sense. :)

However..for people with slow CI$ access but fast Internet access you
can now login via (it used to be with
++$$ surcharge)."

John Amsler tells Yat:

"Yes, recently there were two announcements from CompuServe. People
can now access CIS from within the Internet. Later on during the year,
people will be able to access Internet hosts (including file transfers
and Usenet newsgroups) from within CIS. It's been a LONG wait, and it
should have been done a LONG time ago, but I guess patience has its

From the Atari Productivity Forum

Continuing a conversation from last week about Digital Research
International's (they're the people who gave us GEM) DR DOS and the fact
that DR DOS will read any Atari ST formatted disk on a PC, Sysop Bob
Retelle posts:

"Aha...! I'd forgotten that DR DOS was "Digital Research DOS"..!

That's a good point about the ST being a pioneer in using 3.5 inch
drives.. it wasn't until much later that people had those kinds of
drive on PCs to even worry about swapping disks with..."

John Feagans tells Bob:

"Also recall that the original ST external floppy drives were offered
in 360k and 720k 3 1/2 " versions. These certainly seem like antiques
by todays standards!"

Bob joins in the reminisince:

"John... how true..!

I remember struggling with one single sided and one double sided
floppy for about a week after I "upgraded" to two floppies... the SS
drive disappeared VERY quickly after that..!

It does seem like a looooong time ago..!"

It has been reported that the most recent version of Marcel, a popular
word processor which is now shareware, conflicts with Warp9, CodeHead
Technologies screen accelerator, Henri Tremblay posts:

"I won't buy another screen accelerator. Warp 9 is just fine with
every other program I use. I don't have the latest version, though.
Marcel is the first software that has problem with my copy of Warp 9."

Our own Editor Emeritus, Lloyd Pulley, tells Henri:

"Same here - Warp 9 works so well with everything I use that I've seen
no use in upgrading it either (I still use version 3.75/1.4)."

Lloyd, the only thing I can say is: "GET THE UPGRADE!... It just keeps
getting better and better."

That having been said, let's check out Scott Mueller's plea for help:

"I am in need of a new typewriter keyboard and mouse for my Atari
Mega2 ST. The Keyboard is missing a few keys, and I also need a cable
to connect the keyboard to the computer with. Is this a cable I could
make myself?

I have no luck finding any dealers providing these things. I am in
Bergen county NJ, NYC area.."

Brian Gockley of ST Informer fame tells Scott:

"I would contact Sheldon Winick in N.C. He has an excellent reputation
and is always available for advice. His number is (704) 251-0201."

Henri Tremblay tells us:

"I have been trying to make Invitation cards with my ST, but it is not
easy. Is there an easy program to do it. My brother uses First
Publisher (I think) on his PC and it is very easy. I had such a
program on my old Adam computer. I have tried with different draw/paint
packages and also with Wordflair but there is always something wrong.
To make a card some sections must be inverted text, so I made the text
with a paint program, inverted it and saved it as an IMG, but when I
import the IMG the dimensions are not right. Any suggestion?"

That Brian Gockley guy <grin> tells Henri:

"What is wrong with the dimensions, in WF you can just grab the IMG
with the right mounse button and then resize it with the handles that

What monitor are you using? You should have a mono monitor if you want
things to look the same on screen as they do on the printer. A color
monitor would give you problems with proportions...

Do things look alright when you print them? WF should be able to make
almost anything you want!"

Henri tells Brian:

"I type an invitation message using Hyperpaint then 'snapshot' it and
had it flipped vertically. All letters look fine but upside down.
When I look at the image file using for instance Picswitch all
dimensions are OK but when I import the file in a block area created in
Wordflair, the file is either larger or smaller which makes some
letters seem 'fatter' but not all thus the bad appearance. I'll try
once again."

Brian asks Henri:

"Why don't you just type the invitation in Wordflair and then print it
out in landscape mode? That will get your letters oriented the right
way, and you won't have to worry about importing."

Sysop Bill Aycock, who also writes some of the best shareware programs
for the ST, posts:

"New in LIB 6...

[76703,4061] Lib: 6
WHATIS.ZIP/Bin Bytes: 20084, Count: 748, 05-Apr-94

Title : Identifies 160+ file types: ARCs/PRGs/pics/more! Keywords:

New version! WHATIS 6.7 identifies over 160 file types - ARCs,
LHarcs, PRGs, pics, ACCs, animations, etc... no more "what kind of
file is this?" problems! Runs as a PRG or ACC or a TTP-like program
on any ST/TT in any rez. Short docs included in the ARC. All the
features of previous versions, plus adds RTF (Rich Text Format) files
to the list."

Dan Danilowicz asks:

"...Just a general question (for now). Why are hard drive partitioned?
This here STe has a 20 meg hard drive that seemed to have all 20 megs
available at once as Drive C. After downloading the Atari HD Utility
files from here, I started experimenting (I did back everything up this
time) and reading, and I decided that maybe I should reformat and let
the bad sectors get marked. (I was getting error messages frequently.)
Now, it seems, that the only way I have access to the full 20 megs is
by installing drives. Those are the partitions, no? They weren't
necessary before I reformatted, or might that have been part of my
error problems?"

Sysop Bob Retelle explains to Dan:

"Partitions are just another way of organizing hard drive storage

Just as sub-directories will subdivide a directory into separate areas
to make it easier to organize your files, partitioning a physical hard
drive will subdivide it into two or more "logical drives" which can
have several advantages.

One of these is helping organize files... for example, I had my ST
drive partitioned into C: and D: drives. The C: drive I used for
applications that seldom ever changed, like Flash for
telecommunications, Degas Elite for graphics work, and STWriter for
wordprocessing. Then the D: drive was used for more "transient" files,
like games or graphics files I might download to check out. Also, the
data files from the C: drive applications were stored on the D: drive.

That also leads to another advantage of having separate partitions on
a hard drive... the C: drive, since the files seldom ever changed,
wouldn't get "fragmented" as files were added or deleted, so the
applications would load faster. The D: drive, which did get fragmented
a lot was easier to backup and restore, being only half the total size
of the entire disk.

Backups were easier and quicker too, since I only had to back up the
C: drive if I added anything. The D: drive backups took only half the
time as backing up the whole drive would have taken.

Smaller partitions may also help with access speed, as it takes longer
to locate a specific file in a large directory/subdirectory structure.

The reason you ended up with several partitions when you reformatted
the drive was probably that the WINCAP entry was set up that way. If
you edit the entry for that style drive as was detailed earlier, but
only include one partition with the entire storage of the drive
assigned to it, you'll end up with just one large C: drive like you had

Just for comparison, the hard drive on my IBM clone is partitioned
with 1 Meg for the OS/2 Boot Manager, 20 Megs for DOS, 60 Megs for
OS/2, 10 Megs for the OS/2 swap file, and 70 Megs for games.. er..
applications. It helps keep all that diverse stuff separated and

Dan tells Bob:

"Thanks for the thorough explanation of the uses of partitions. I
thought maybe they had some kinda AUTORUN.SYS use, like they can on
the Atari8. I still have a lot to

learn about this beauty... I'm glad
you Elders here are willing to help fill in the many blanks. Oh yeah,
here's another one: I can't seem to get all of the elements of the
desktop to boot up when I like when I use the HD, and I can't find any
reference to what I should do in the skimpy ST manual. Also, I
remember reading here that a book published by Index Legalis was
considered the most valuable printed resource for the ST. Is that still
true, and where might I find a copy?"

Bob tells Dan:

"I think the address for Index Legalis is in the VENDORS files in the
library here... the list includes a lot of the suppliers still
supporting the Atari computer line.

If I understand what you were saying about the desktop not being right
at boot up, have you saved the desktop back to disk after arranging it
the way you like it..?

After you get all the icons and everything set up just right, go to the
OPTIONS menu and choose SAVE DESKTOP. That should write a DESKTOP.INF
file to your hard drive so that when you boot up everything will be
arranged the way it was when it was saved."

Mike Mortilla tells Dan:

"Other computer experts may want to tackle this, but it's my
understanding that partitions help keep the HD from fragmenting so
quickly. Also, if you keep the boot partition (usually "C") seperate
from the rest of the drive and the is a crash, you can usually (or most
of the time...) reconstruct the C section and the rest of the drive and
data are still ok.

I like to keep music seperate from DTP and "utilities" so I *LIKE*
partitions <!>...

Anyone else care to tackle this ???"

On another hard drive related topic, Scott Mueller tells us:

"I really need to get a hard drive for my Atari Mega2 ST. I have been
hearing different stories about hard drives for it. I talked to a guy
in Sam Ash, and he said there was only one 105Meg drive that he knew
worked 'correctly' with the Mega2 with ICD link. I forget the name of
the drive, but it was $500+ for 105M!!? I see many cheaper SCSI drives
that are twice that size. Someone please clarify what drives I can
use, and possibly some recommendations?"

Lloyd Pulley tells Scott:

"I'm running dual Quantum 105's on my MegaST4 - one a P105S and one a
LP105S (both are the same size - the second one is faster) and had no
problems. I use one of the older ICD host adaptors (it has to be 5-7
years old - at the minimum - HOST.TOS shows "Original STHA")."

Scott continues:

"I really don't need a removable hard drive, I just need it for making
life easier! I bought an IBM comp with a HD and can't think of going
another day w/o a HD for the Atari.

I'm not sure what my price range is, I haven't done much browsing. I
really don't think I'll need more than 200 megs or so.."

Kevin at PG Music tells Scott:

"HDrives are like "potato chips". You'll ALWAYS want/need more once
you get used to it. That's why I like removeables. 105Meg SyQuest carts
can be had from $55 to $69 depending on where you buy. :)"

Dazzz Smith joins the discussion and tells Kevin:

"Too true, I've pretty much made up my mind to go for a 128 meg MO
(magneto-optical) drive later this year, for the amount of stuff I go
through it will be very handy, plus I can back up this 121 meg HD on a
regular basis with one cart!"

Marty Hall tell us that he's...

"Looking for the cheapest, quickest way to go to use a DOS driven
CDdrive with my Atari 520 expanded to 2 Meg. I have available a used
pc-ditto II for $100 but not sure that's the way I want to go. This CD
will be used to read data on full sized aircraft in which there is some
searching to be done. a D Base based program comes with ( or on ) the
CD. It is read only.

Any suggestions.............?"

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine (who just happens to be
one of the most knowledgeable people around) tells Marty:

"If your CD-ROM drive is a SCSI device is should work with your ST.
Provided you have an ICD LINK or ADSCSI host adapter. Also you need
ExtenDOS v1.1 which is a CD-ROM driver that will cost you around $19.95
or so. Its available from Its All Relative who is also online here on

I am assuming that the CD-ROM is ISO-9660 complaint so it will work
with ExtenDOS. Since ExtenDOS gives you a drive letter you can easily
access the dBASE data files without any problems. This assumes that
you Atari based database program can read dBASE data files. Also if
the Atari based program doesn't need to apply locks to the data file on
the drive. Since nothing can be written to a read-only CD-ROM it may
pose a problem. But I would assume that shouldn't be a problem.

IBM AT-bus based CD-ROM drives are cheaper but they won't work on the
Atari. With a SCSI CD-ROM it should work on almost any platform, for
example (MAC, IBM, Atari, SUN SPARCstation, IBM RS/6000, DG AViiON, DEC
mips based Unix box, etc."

Well, it had to happen... designating a list of programs for a specific
computer platform as "classic" usually means that there aren't any new
programs (or, at least not many) for folks to talk about. Dan
Daniliwicz posts:

"Being pretty new to the ST world, I'm wondering if there's general
agreement as to what the Greatest Hits for this platform might be. In
the 8-bit world of Atari, the productivity and game classics are pretty
well-known. What does everyone run around here? How does Atariworks fit
in? That looks mighty tempting, but its package doesn't say much, and I
can't find a press release or anything else around here that tells me

Mike Mortilla gives Dan his list of favorites:

"I've been thru a number of ST programs and don't mind telling you
what my all time favorite (or otherwise still useable...<g>) programs

EditTrack/SmpteTrack from Barefoot (sequencing)
Dr T's Copyist DTP(notation...could be better supported)
WordPerfect (needs an upgrade!)
Pagestream (needs an upgrade...)
Warp 9 (still a little problem with reversing the main screen?)
Intersect RAMBaby (RAM DISK)
GenEdit (MIDI editor librarian)
OutBurst (print accellerator...very useful!)
DC SHOWIT Touch Up (w/Migraph scanner)
DB MAN V (well, almost a useful database...)"

Jonnie Santos posts this about his "hunting expedition":

"I finally got down to see a Jaguar in action. Don't beat me with a
rubber hose, but... Is that all???

Now mind you San Diego is not real big on Atari anything. We have one
local store and they had 1 demo unit. And there's a large appliance
store that had one but they had it unplugged for the Sega CD-X unit -
they weren't real anxious to demo the Jag. I hope to venture out today
and see if I can find maybe one more source.

Here is where I need some input, please.

I'm not a big game person but I do like something like the old Zork
(IBM) and the 7th Guest (IBM-CD) is pretty slick. I expected to see
that type of stuff (live video mixed with animation) on the Jaguar.
The specs sound like the thing is right out of future but my first
impressions don't make me rush out to buy it.

What am I missing? By what I'm describing what type of video game is
close to what it sounds like I'm looking for. And does anyone else
have less than fantastic review opinions about Atari's new fair-haired

I'm not stirring the pot but I would like some opinions, please? Since
I'm not big on traditional video games my opinions may be heavily
biased and worthless to those that really understanding gaming

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine asks Jonnie"

"What games did you see on the Jaguar? Did you get to play any of
them? If you did get to play any of them which one did you like?"

Jonnie tells Albert:

"I played briefly the one with the tunnel that has red things that
come from the back of the tunnel to the front and you're supposed to
shoot them. Bleck!!!

But you can slap me now as I drove 40 miles this afternoon and ended up
bringing one home. The sales people sold me a SVHS cable they swore
worked with it - WRONG. So I'll figure out who to call for the SVHS

I bought RAIDEN and it came with CYBERMORPH - which is prett neat
actually. Played for 2 hours straght (even missed 60 minutes) and
didn't know it.

Call me fickle!

ps - even with the stock coax cable it looks twice as good on my 27"
RCA TV that's patched into my stereo. The subwoofer gets a good
workout too!

(oh my poor neighbors...)"

Albert tells Jonnie:

"I assume that you were playing Crescent Galaxy? I try to play
Cybermorph at least once a week myself. Cybermorph is very addicting,
its easy to spend hours and hours (or is that weeks and weeks <grin>)
playing with the game.

Atari and Redmond Cable are two places that have cables. Also your
Atari dealer might have some too."

Jonnie replies:

"Yes, CyberMorph is addicting - I caught myself at 5:00am this morning
with the headphones on playing it before going to work (and was almost
late too!). Guess this is a good sign of a good product!

Also, I saw for the first time the commerical on TV for the Jag! :)

As for the cable... I called Toad and ordered the cable (which is in
stock) and I'm in backorder status for Tempest 2000. I'm really
anxious to hear the sound effects in stereo on CyberMorph - Raiden
doesn't seem audibly as interesting but it's hard to tell until I get
the new cable installed."

Danny Bull asks:

"Do you know if any other controllers will work with the Jag? Do to a
spinal cord injury I have limited use of my hands. This makes the
stock Jag controller a little dificult for me to use (although I've
still managed to go down fighting in Cybermorph!)

A controller with large buttons would be great. I remember (way bacdk
in the good 'ol days) when the Atari 2600 was released, I was
determined to find a joystik/paddle combo, which I did (made by an
engineer friend from Lockheed, he used large plastic aircraft buttons.
The controller still works with my Mega today. Made in America what can
I say.)

Now what the Jag needs is a super version of the Classic 4 player
Warlords game (who say video games will make you anti-social?)"

Albert tells Danny:

"I don't know of any other controllers so far. I know there is talk
about a paddle controller for Tempest. There is a company called
Thrustmaster which makes other types of controllers is a developer
listed in the most recent AEO vol 3 Issue 6. I think that is the
correct name.

Other than that the Jaguar controller is supposed to use the same
pin-outs at the STE series of computers 15-pin controllers. So I would
assume if your friend (the Lockheed Engineer) could get access to one
it wouldn't be to hard to make one. I think the connectors are the
same type used on VGA monitors so it shouldn't be too hard to find

Why stop at only 4 players for Warlords ... why not 16 players?

Well folks, that's about it for this week. It's getting late and
the morning rolls around far to quickly. Tune in again next time for
more news, info, hints, and other interesting tidbits. And remember: no
matter where you are, always listen to what they are saying when...




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220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220


(DEALERS; to be listed here FREE of Charge, please drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
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