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Silicon Times Report Issue 1016

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

April 15, 1994 No. 1016

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 1-904-783-3319 10am-4pm EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
ITCNet 85:881/253 JAX HUB ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:21/350
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MNET - Toad Hall BBS.....................1-617-567-8642

> 04/15/94 STR 1016 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- Digital VCR Agreement - Tempest 2k Ships - Word Perfect News
- L.I. Sysop BUSTED! - Jaguar NEWS! - Piracy Case Unique
- Lenny's MusicTunes - HP ScanJet IIp - The Old Fishin' Hole


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the ITC/PROWL/USENET/NEST/F-Net/Fido Mail Networks. You
may also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 1-904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder
and excitement of exchanging all types of useful information relative to
c o m puters, worldwide, through the use of excellent International
Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are welcome to join the STReport
International Conferences. ITC Node is 85:881/250, The Fido Node is
1:374/147.3, Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #620. All
computer platforms BBS systems are welcome and invited to participate.

to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!

"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

The end of an era is fast coming upon us. Its the era of two
computer platforms that did indeed initially introduce countless users to
computing in general. More importantly, these two platforms had a greater
influence in the beginning years in establishing the computer in the home
and as a hobby in addition to its business applications. The two dying,
if not already dead platforms are the Atari and the Commodore computer
platforms. Sure, there will be many who will cling tenaciously resisting
change at every opportunity. Bless them all. Then there'll be those who
insist; "my computer does what I need it to do". And that's good too.
Now to the sad part, in the online majors one can find the echo of the
'death rattle' to be rather loud and particularly vicious. Check in to
any of the services and go to the Atari or the Commodore areas and it will
soon become apparent that its really all over but the "shouting". You'll
soon see... that's all that's actually happening. Developers trying
desperately to discredit each other (by any means whatsoever, sane or
insane). Down to and including the slanderous "branding" of observers by
strawmen, frontmen and pawns. It is all very sad. Ponder this though,
who was a leading, well known and highly placed executive in both of the
above mentioned companies?

Now, to the upbeat and thriving sides of computing that thankfully
lack the grief found elsewhere. The MAC and PC worlds are such a
pleasure! One can only wonder just what will be when the hate mongers and
sleaze tacticians migrate from the croaker platforms. The PC and MAC
platforms are so full of life they will no doubt envelope the immigrants
and propel them right along on the crest of the winning wave. The new
software and hardware is beginning to appear.

Here, at STReport we have received a number of items for use in our
new monitors review and overview. We expect to be looking the new Mag
Innovision, NEC, Mitsubishi, Samsung, CTX and Sony offerings over very
carefully. In fact, the project involves not only hardware but software
as well. We shall be utilizing Corel, Aldus, Aldus PhotoStyler, HP's
Deskscan and Calera's WordScan. So stay tuned, the entire series is keyed
to debut at about the same time as Spring Comdex.

STReport is looking for a "few good folks". We need a MAC type
person or two or three. And a few PC enthusiasts too! Let me know. In
fact, call 904-783-3319. Leave your number, I'll return your call.




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles R. Dean D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy John Donohue
Jeff Kovach Marty Mankins Carl Prehn
Paul Charchian
Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
Glenwood Drake Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia
Paul Haris Kevin Miller Craig Harris
Allen Chang Dominick Fontana

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #16

By: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** Atari Ships Tempest 2000 for Jaguar **

Atari Corp. announced this week that it is shipping Tempest 2000 for
Jaguar, its award-winning 64-bit game system.

Tempest 2000 was recently awarded "CES Game of Show" (Electronic
Games Magazine), "Game of the Month/March" (DieHard GameFan) and "Game
of the Month/March" and "Editor's Choice Gold Award" (Electronic Gaming

Atari Tempest 2000 is immediately available through all Atari-
authorized retailers for $59.99.

Atari Jaguar is the world's first 64-bit interactive multimedia home
entertainment system and is the only video game system manufactured in
the United States. Jaguar was recently named the industry's "Best New
Game System" (VideoGames Magazine), "Best New Hardware System" (Game
Informer) and "1993 Technical Achievement of the Year" (DieHard

** 3DO Licenses Toshiba Multimedia **

3DO is authorizing Japan's Toshiba Corp. to use its standards for
multimedia equipment.

Reports say that Toshiba plans to use the U.S. company's technology
for the navigation system for automobile use.

Toshiba is the third Japanese company -- following Matsushita and
Sanyo Electric Co. -- to adopt the standards designed by the California-
based 3DO, which is partly owned by such firms as AT&T and Japan's
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.

** Users Can't Find 'Any' Key **

Just when you think these computing devices finally have been tamed,
along comes The Wall Street Journal to bring us back to reality with a
report that we still aren't communicating with each other.

The Journal says Compaq Computer Corp. is considering changing the
command "Press Any Key" on its systems to read "Press Return Key."

The reason? People keep calling the company help lines to ask where
the "Any" key is on their new keyboards.

** Digital VCR Standards Established **

Standards for digital video cassette recorders that will provide bet-
ter picture quality and cleaner copies of tapes were agreed upon this
week by 50 U.S., European and Asian companies.

Reports from Tokyo say that major Japanese makers of VCRs, as well as
leading computer manufacturers, including IBM Corp. and Apple Computer
Inc., are among the participants in the agreement.

In addition to using digital VCRs to watch your favorite flicks on
Saturday night, they can be used to store large amounts of computer

The standards call for two cassette sizes. The regular size would be
about two-thirds as big as a VHS cassette and would record for 4-1/2
hours, while a smaller version would be about half the regular size and
tape for one hour, reports AP.

The first digital VCRs could be available early next year and will
sell for about $2,900.

Although digital VCRs have long been used by professionals, they were
too big for home use until advances in data compression shrunk their
size. Digital technology handles signals in computer-like electronic
pulses that are less susceptible to erosion than the wave-like analog
signals used in conventional VCRs and broadcasting.

** IBM and Cyrix Sign CPU Pact **

IBM Corp. and Cyrix Corp have signed a five-year agreement that calls
for IBM's Microelectronics Division to become a primary manufacturer of
Cyrix-designed 486 microprocessors.

Cyrix has also selected IBM's half-micron CMOS process technology for
use in its M1, a Pentium-class microprocessor, and successive chip

** Digital Unveils New Notebooks **

Digital Equipment Corp. this week announced 4 new notebook computers.
The DECpc 433 SE Mono and DECpc 433 SE Color models use a 33MHz Intel
486 microprocessor.

The systems include a 9.5- inch screen, a PCMCIA 3.0 expansion card
slot, a built-in trackball, 4MB of RAM, a 120MB or 200MB hard disk, MS-
DOS and Windows 3.1. The monochrome models weigh 5.5 pounds and measure
8.8- by 11.7- by 1.5 inch, while the dual-scan passive color models
weigh 6.2 pounds and measure 8.8- by 11.7- by 1.7 inch.

The DECpc 433 SE notebooks start at $1,699 and are available immedi-

** IBM Works with Vatican Library **

Electronic access to the resources of the massive Vatican Library is
the goal of a new IBM pilot project for scholars and teachers worldwide.

According to reports, IBM plans to:

-:- Help the library scan its holdings, including artwork and books,
into computers that can be reached by others. (The Vatican Library, one
of the oldest in the world, owns more than a million books, including
8,000 published during the first 50 years of the printing press.)

-:- Convert the library's pre-1985 catalog of nearly 2 million cards
into a database reachable on the global Internet network.

Reports say that IBM will work with the library and the Pontifical
University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

** WordPerfect Launches 25 Products **

WordPerfect Corp., best known for its word processing software, has
launched a line of 25 new consumer products, the most it has ever
announced at once.

The products combine productivity programs, educational games, re-
ference guides, personal organizers and music creations under the brand
name "Main Street."

WordPerfect will sell the software initially in 3,000 stores nation-
wide. WordPerfect aims for the Main Street line to comprise 15% of its
revenue by 1997.

** MS-DOS 6.21 Upgrade Ships **

Microsoft Corp. says it has begun shipping the MS-DOS 6.21 Upgrade in
the U.S. only.

This product provides the same functionality as the MS- DOS 6.2 Up-
grade, less the DoubleSpace disk compression utility. Microsoft was
forced to remove the operating system from dealers' shelves after losing
a lawsuit concerning the data compression code to Stac Electronics.

The MS-DOS 6.21 Upgrade will include a coupon for an updated disk
compression technology that is expected to be available in June,
following beta-testing.

Microsoft claims that the new compression will deliver benefits com-
parable to DoubleSpace. Pricing for the MS-DOS 6.21 Upgrade remains
unchanged from earlier MS-DOS software pricing.

** Micron Unveils Pentium Line **

A new line of 90MHz Pentium-based PCs, ranging in price from $2,999
to $6,899, has been launched by Micron Technology Inc.'s Micron Computer

The Micron P90PCI PowerStation series is designed for advanced grap-
hics and memory intensive applications such as those required for multi-
media and desktop publishing.

Built around the Intel Corp. Pentium chip, the units ship with Mic-
rosoft Corp.'s suite of office software.

** Piracy Case Raises Freedom Issue **

A federal software piracy case against a Massachusetts computer
science major is raising the issue of censorship and First Amendment

David LaMacchia, a 20-year-old Rockville, Md., junior at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been indicted on charges his
"Cynosure" computer bulletin board system allowed people to copy more
than $1 million worth of copyrighted software for free. He is charged
with a felony count of conspiring to commit wire fraud.

Following the indictment, U.S. Attorney Donald K. Stern told the
press that similar cases could follow as technology makes the exchange
of information easier.

Said Stern, "In this new electronic environment it has become
increasingly difficult to protect intellectual property rights."

However, Richard Stallman, a software writer who founded and directs
the Free Software Foundation, says the LaMacchia case could short-
circuit computer users' First Amendment rights to information, that the
indictment "is an additional increment in how our freedom is restricted
to squeeze out every possible penny for those software owners."

He added, "The main thrust of digital technology is to make it easy
to copy and manipulate information. That's what computers are for. But
it turns out that this benefit doesn't suit the owners of information.
They don't want a free flow of information."

LaMacchia, who faces fines of up to $250,000 and possible jail time,
declined to comment on his case, but his attorney, David Duncan said his
client should not be held responsible for the activities of other people
who may or may not have used his BBS.

Duncan said, "This raises serious First Amendment issues. Are you
going to impose on the system operator the role of censorship?"

Director Ken Wasch of the Software Publishers Association doesn't see
it that way. "The issue is what the intention was."

Marcus reports prosecutors indicate they have evidence LaMacchia
asked users to provide him with specific copyrighted software, "but that
raises another complication in the prosecution of computer crimes
because many messages sent electronically disappear once read."

For now, Marcus notes observers predict many more piracy prosecu-
tions, especially considering the growing popularity of networks like
Internet, in which millions of people can link up via phone lines.

Said Wasch, "The explosion on the Internet is creating new opportun-
ities for people to illegally duplicate and distribute copyrighted

Meanwhile, attorney Richard Lucash, who specializes in technology
law, told the wire service new computer crimes are a natural product of
technological evolution. "You move from people plagiarizing to making
illicit copies by Xerox copies, to being able to distribute the Xerox
copies by fax to taking copyrighted works and transmitting them
electronically around the world," he said.

** Long Island BBS Sysop Arrested **

The operator of a Long Island, N.Y., computer bulletin board system
called Secluded Pond has been arrested, accused by authorities of trying
to make personal contacts with young boys he met through his system.

Charged with four counts of endangering the welfare of a minor is
Timothy Poplaski, 24, of Melville, N.Y.

Reports say Poplaski was arraigned in 1st District Court in Hempstead
and $4,000 bail was set. A hearing was set for April 12.

Sgt. Dennis Farrell of the Nassau County police department said
that users of Secluded Pond, which is no longer in operation, met at
diners, pizzerias and malls to discuss computer technology and

After meeting the boys Poplaski allegedly initiated personal con-
tacts, said Farrell, who added, "There is no evidence at all of any
obscenity or pornography being distributed on this bulletin board. There
was no physical contact between Poplaski and any of the boys."

And, while none of the four boys was harmed, "The parents contended
that Poplaski was inducing their sons to behave in an inappropriate
manner," police said in a statement quoted by the wire service.

** Power Macs Selling Fast **

The Wall Street Journal reports that sales of Apple Computer Inc.'s
Power Macintosh systems are ahead of expectations in many computer

The Power Macintosh models use the Power PC 601 chip that was co-
developed by Apple with Motorola Inc. and IBM.

Apple Computer representatives weren't immediately available for

San Jose, Calif., market researcher Dataquest recently estimated that
approximately 700,000 Power Macintosh systems will be shipped by the end
of 1994. It noted that the computers are benefiting from their low entry
price and a better cost/performance ratio than competing workstations.

Apple Computer is the first top-10 personal computer company to
launch a product based on a RISC microprocessor, although several
companies currently offer high-end business and engineering workstations
based on the technology.

** PowerBook, Mac OS to Differ **

Word is that work is accelerating at Apple Computer Inc. to differen-
tiate the PowerBook operating system from the desktop version of
Macintosh System.

According to reports in MacWeek, "The already over-burdened AppleSoft
division can't meet the schedules the PowerBook group requires (and) the
solution is to bundle AppleSoft utilities and extensions, along with
software from third parties."

Sources say that in about a month the first step will come with the
launch of a new 68040 PowerBook.

** Apple Unveils 17-inch Color Screen **

A 17-inch Trinitron color monitor priced at $1,069 is being brought
out by Apple Computer Inc. It will be compatible with Macintosh and IBM
PC systems.

Reports say the Apple Multiple Scan 17 Display will be available
later this month through Apple resellers.

The system is intended for use with applications such as presenta-
tions, spreadsheet analysis, graphic design, desktop publishing and word


> HP OpenView STR InfoFile


Rose DeBruin, NSMD

The Extensible SNMP Agent 3.0 release provides more functionality at a
greatly reduced price. Here is a list of what's new.

- Support of SNMP version 1 tables
Adding table support makes it easier for customers to
accurately reflect their managed environment.

- Improved performance
Another new feature is the ability to read files for
the values of objects. This feature greatly improves
the performance of the Extensible SNMP Agent.

- Support of proxy development
This feature enables customers to create a proxy. A
proxy agent can respond to objects on behalf of
another machine, device, or application, thus
extending the ability to manage non-SNMP devices.

- Support of Solaris 2.2 and Solaris 2.3

- Price
The price of the HP OpenView Extensible SNMP Agent
has been reduced from $1,050 to $250!


Linda Shannon-Hills, NSMD

The following is HP OVME Developer Course schedule for the next three
months with registration instructions taught in Fort Collins.

February 7 - 11, 1994
March 21 - 25, 1994
April 11 - 15, 1994
* MAY class to-be-determined

This course is taught at Hewlett-Packard Network and System Management
Division in Fort Collins. The cost of the course is $1750 per person
(U.S. Dollars). This course is for OpenView developers using the OVME 3.x
developer's products. To register call Annette Metcalf at 303/229-2050,
send a FAX to 303/229-6064 or mail to HP NSMD, 3404 East Harmony Road, MS
45 Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 USA. Annette will then send out the
registration information and logistics.

* The plans are to split the developer course into three courses, OV
Windows, SNMP and DM. Schedule will be released by the next newsletter.
If you have questions or concerns about this plan, please contact Linda
Shannon-Hills 303/229-4168.

For courses to be taught at the customer's location, contact Linda
Shannon-Hills for availability and quotation at 303/229-4168.


Larry Wilkinson, NSMD

HP OpenView Operations Center patch PHSS_3473 is now available. This patch
implements quality improvements and adapts OperationsCenter for version
3.3 of the SNMP Management Platform. Applying this patch to OpC version
A.01.00 upgrades OpC to A.01.01.

It is strongly recommended that customers upgrade to version 3.3 of the
SNMP Management Platform as soon as possible. However, after upgrading to
3.3 customers may notice behavioral differences in OperationsCenter. Patch
PHSS_3473 corrects these differences.

Additionally, the patch provides multiple quality enhancements, including:

- - better management of nodes employing multiple LAN-cards
- - elimination of looping problems
- - faster GUI startup
- - more consistent use of node-status coloring
- - easier procedure for adding nodes not located on an OpenView IP map

A complete text file called PHSS_3473.text is available describing
installation and technical details of the patch. Customers should contact
their local Hewlett-Packard representative to get a free copy of patch
PHSS_3473 and information about the SNMP Management Platform upgrade to


Stephen Binder, NSMD

HP OpenView TCP/IP Agent for Sun SPARC (part number B1035A) will be
obsoleted March 1, 1994.

Sun customers who want an SNMP agent can buy the HP OpenView Extensible
SNMP Agent for Sun SPARC, part number B1038A. Customers on support
contract can upgrade to the 3.0 release of the HP OpenView Extensible SNMP
Agent by buying the upgrade option UEJ. This release also supports
Solaris 2.2 and Solaris 2.3.


> Lenny's MusicToons STR Review

Kids' Computing Corner


by Frank Sereno

Lenny's MusicToons is interactive multimedia software intended to teach
children the principles of music. MusicToons consists of Lenny's
apartment and five games or exercises.

MusicToons is available for IBM compatibles and requires a 386 or higher
CPU, 4 megs of ram, Windows 3.1, an MPC compliant sound board (including
the Sound Blaster and compatibles) and speakers or headphones, a 640 by
480 display with 256 colors, a mouse and 20 megs of free hard disk space
for a full install and 10 megs for a partial install. The program is also
available on CD-rom.

Installation of the floppy version of MusicToons is accomplished by
running the INSTALL.EXE program on Disk 1 from within Windows Program
Manager. The install program will then check the computer's system
configuration to ensure the system can run the program. Then a window
will prompt for a destination directory for the MusicToons files. Next,
you must choose which of the five games to install. If you do not have
room for all of the files, you may install only some of the games and then
remove those and install the others later via the Select Games icon which
will be placed in the MusicToons program group. CD-rom installation is
similar but program and data files remain on the CD-rom, conserving your
hard disk space.

Double-click on the Lenny icon and MusicToons begins. The title screen
will show Lenny playing the piano and then moves on to Lenny's apartment.
Many objects in the apartment when clicked upon will start humorous
animations. Seven objects are most important to you and your child. The
taxi is the icon for exiting MusicToons, the house of cards starts a
matching game, the globe launches the Pitch Attack game, the PTV symbol
commences the Penguin TV game, the theater opens Lenny's Theater, the book
with the musical note on it leads to the puzzle game and the question mark
brings up the on-line help screens.

The matching game has five different series of objects and each game
consists of finding nine pairs among eighteen cards. Simply click on a
card to reveal its content, then click on another. If the child does not
make a match, he will hear Lenny say "Uh-oh" but upon making a match he
will hear a little giggle. As the pairs are matched, the cards are
removed to reveal an animated scene. The game has no feature for timers,
multiple players or computer opponents. This game is simple and fun
enough for even 3 year-olds to enjoy it.

The next game is Pitch Attack. The child is to save a world from invaders
by moving the mouse to center a cursor over the invaders and then
clicking. The child must then destroy the invader by decoding a musical
clue by depressing the matching note on a keyboard shown on the screen.
Each level has a time limit and higher levels have more invaders. Every
four levels will send the child to a bonus screen. This game becomes
increasingly difficult in the higher levels and at those levels is not
suitable for children under 7 or 8 years of age as it would be too
frustrating. Pitch Attack requires both learning musical notes as
represented by letters and on a musical staff, plus the hand-eye
coordination to select targets.

PTV allows the child to use a number of animations, objects, musical and
vocal tracks to create and record music videos. Songs are made of eight
blocks which may be arranged in any order. Songs can be made of rock and
roll, techno, hip hop and pop. The 4 kinds of music each have eight
appropriate vocal tracks which can be chosen by clicking on the speakers
lining the stage. Several options are available for bands and stars who
will appear in the video. The child may save up to eight videos for
future viewing. This is the only part of MusicToons that has audible help
as the child is given hints from the vee-jay who introduces PTV.

The puzzle game has three levels. The object of the game is to piece
together a puzzle made out of a children's song. The scenario is that a
gorilla has chased a kitten up a tree. Lenny attempts to save the kitten.
The kitten will offer a puzzle piece from the song. If the child places
the piece correctly, Lenny will climb a step up the tree. If the piece is
place incorrectly, the gorilla will climb up a step. If too many pieces
are place incorrectly, the gorilla will climb the tree, grab the poor
kitten and toss him into a cage. This game on the beginner level is easy
enough for my 5 year-old son to enjoy it.

Finally, Lenny's Theater allows the child to create a stage show by
choosing a star, co-stars, a band, a rhythm as well as a stage and various
props. As the child changes the musical players, it has an impact on the
sound of the song being played. There are 15 different stars, 15 co-
stars, 5 bands, 30 rhythms, 10 settings and 20 props. Only one of each
can be used simultaneously with the exception of props which have no
limits. Setting up the stage show is merely a matter of clicking and
dragging the various elements into the desired places on the screen. If
the child doesn't like a certain aspect of the show, he can drag that
object to a hole in the center front of the stage and it will disappear.
This is an open-ended game of discovery with no time limits and no bad
consequences other than possibly making some off-key music.

MusicToons uses lively music, colorful images and entertaining animations
to teach its lessons. This program is a visual and aural treat for
anyone. While portions of the program are suitable for pre-school
children, other portions are best for children ages 8 or older. The games
are fun and should help the children learn quite a bit about music. Now
for the flaws. This program does not have audible help or instructions.
Some of the animations would be considered politically incorrect. For
example, there is a television in Lenny's apartment and it has several
"channels." One of these features a dog and cat hitting each other over
the head with sticks over and over again. Another channel features a
cowboy shooting a gun while native Americans can be heard "whooping" in
the background. Depending on your personal philosophy, these flaws may or
may not be offending. All in all, this is a good program but I would
recommend it mostly for children older than eight years of age.

And now for something completely different... Rather than talk about
computer software, I'd like to mention a video for parents and children
which I recently purchased. I learned about this video one day when
reading a Chicago Tribune article on videos for children. The writer
mentioned a video entitled "I Dig Fossils" by Mazon Productions. My
hometown just happens to be Mazon, Illinois so this was a bit of a
pleasant shock to me. The article included a toll-free number to call (1-
800-332-IDIG) and so I called to gain more information about this company
named after my hometown. Eventually I reached Scott Doniger who told me
all about his company.

"I Dig Fossils" is an autobiographical video about how Scott and his
father, Jay, hunted for fossils in the Mazon Creek basin when Scott was a
youngster. Scott felt that fossil hunting was a great experience in his
childhood and he wanted to help others share that experience. The video
is full of advice on how to prepare for a day of fossil hunting, sources
of information for finding fossil sites, and how to safely dig and open
fossils. The video also contains scientific information about how fossils
were formed with easy-to-understand descriptions with excellent graphics
and demonstrations. The entire video is narrated by Sam Saletta, a nine
year-old actor who portrays Scott as a young boy.

This video has excellent production values. The audio is clear and is hi-
fi stereo. All the images were shot with commercial quality video
cameras. This is definitely not a home video. The subject matter was
presented in an extremely interesting and easy to understand fashion. My
three year-old son insisted on watching the video again immediately upon
its completion. My only complaint is that the video is a bit short at
slightly less than 30 minutes. The video retails for $19.95 and is
available nationally at many science-related stores or it may purchased
directly from Mazon Productions by calling 1-800-332-IDIG.

Fossil hunting is a great way to spend time with your children and enjoy
the outdoors. For a small investment, you can generate an interest in
natural science in your children. Here is a chance to prove to your
children that life is an adventure and that learning is not limited to
books or computer software. I recommend this video with my highest rating
for children ages 3 and beyond.

As always, thanks for reading!


> HP AND CALERA STR InfoFile Calera's WordScan OCR


Hewlett-Packard Company, the worldwide leader in desktop scanner
sales, and Calera Recognition Systems, Inc., today announced a scanning
solution for business users who need highly accurate, flexible and
easy-to-use optical character recognition (OCR) scanning. OCR enables
users to bring documents, such as legal contracts, accounting tables or
newspaper articles, directly into their PCs or Macintosh computers as
editable text without rekeying the data.

HP also announced it has lowered the price of its ScanJet IIp flatbed
grayscale scanner to $599 (U.S.) - a more than 30 percent reduction-and
bundled it with Calera's WordScan OCR software. This solution increases
scanner utility by adding full-function, professional-quality OCR scanning
at hand-held prices.

"The proven versatility of the Scan Jet IIp scanner -- now widely
used for many applications, including desktop publishing and word
processing -- is greatly enhanced with this OCR solution," said Douglas W.
McCord, general manager of HP's Greeley (Colo.) Hardcopy Division.
"Business and home users who want to move beyond hand-held capabilities
now have access to top-quality, affordable grayscale scanning."

The OCR Solution
"The HP and Calera bundle and HP's new pricing on the ScanJet IIp
scanner support our goal of OCR scanning accessible to a broad range of
everyday business users," said Steve Hayden, Calera's president and chief
executive officer. "From the small or home office to the corporate
desktop, OCR scanning is now a practical solution for anyone who works
with PCs and hardcopy documents."

Initially, the ScanJet IIp scanner will be bundled with Calera's
WordScan 2.0 software for Windows. Included will be a coupon redeemable
for $9.95 (U.S.) to upgrade to WordScan 3.0, which is expected to ship
this spring. HP will bundle WordScan Plus 1.1 for Macintosh users.

WordScan 2.0 for Windows and WordScan Plus 1.1 for the Macintosh both
use HP's AccuPage 1.0, a technology that extends the range of documents
that users can capture successfully and convert to editable text, by
retaining formats, such as tables and columns, and improving the accuracy
of text scanned form stained or shaded pages. WordScan 3.0 employs
AccuPage 2.0, HP's new technology that lets users scan a broader range of
documents faster and more accurately. It allows WordScan to read type as
small as 4 points on dark or varied backgrounds by automatically enhancing
the image and adjusting intensity. In addition, AccuPage 2.0 enables
applications to scan text and grayscale images on the same page in a
single pass. As a result, previously unreadable faxes and
multiple-generation photocopies, as well as those containing color images
and gray scale images, are recognized easily.

WordScan 3.0 also includes new features for increased usability
and improved accuracy that make OCR easier than ever. The new Chameleon
Toolbar allows users. with on command, to match the toolbar of their
favorite word processor, so the WordScan products fit perfectly into
Microsoft Office, Borland Office or Lotus SmartSuite. One-button OCR lets
users add a command to the file menu in most Windows applications so they
can scan text directly into those applications. OLE 2.0 support allows
WordScan and WordScan Plus users to bring a faxed or scanned image easily
and directly into a word processing application for editing. Once a
document has been scanned by WordScan, it can be edited easily, sent over
e-mail, faxed or saved as an editable document within the word processor.

WordScan 3.0 requires 4 MB of RAM (8MB recommended), a 386 chip-based
PC or higher, DOS 5.0 or above and Windows 3.1. WordScan Plus 1.1 for the
Macintosh requires 4 MB of RAM with a minimum 2.5 MB available and
Macintosh System Software 6.0.5 or above.

The HP ScanJet IIp Scanner
The ScanJet IIp scanner is a 1,200 dots-per-inch (dpi) enhanced,
300 dpi optical grayscale flatbed scanner. The scanner bed accepts
documents up to 8.5 inches by 11 inches. By using the optional automatic
document feeder (ADF, $319 U.S.), the scanner can accept documents
from 7.2 inches by 10.1 inches up to 8.5 inches by 14 inches. The
compact scanner (11.4 inches wide by 16 inches long by 3.2 inches high)
requires about as much desktop space a typical office in-tray.

HP supports the TWAIN scanning standard. TWAIN allows users
to capture images from a menu within their TWAIN-compliant desktop
applications, including most popular desktop publishing, word processing
and OCR packages.

The ScanJet IIp scanner comes bundled with image-editing
software: Aldus PhotoStyler Special Edition for the Windows environment
and Adobe PhotoShop Limited Edition for Macintosh computers. Also
included is HP DeskScan II 2.0 scanning software, which offers easy-to-
use interfaces for both novices and experts.

Users can save time be employing the ADF to scan documents
directly into DeskScan II 2.0 automatically. With PC-fax applications
that support TWAIN, users can employ the ADF and DeskScan II 2.0 to send
hardcopy faxes via PC fax cards.

User Support and Availability
The ScanJet IIp scanner carries a limited one-year warranty, which
includes HP Express Exchange Service (U.S. only) that provides next-day
delivery of replacement scanners. Free technical support is available via
Audio Tips, which is prerecorded information on commonly asked scanner
questions; HPFirst, a fax-back service; and through discussions with HP's
technical support staff. HP's SupportPack extended warranty is $85 (U.S.)
and provides Express Exchange Service for an additional two years.

The ScanJet IIp scanner bundled with WordScan is expected to be
available on April 1 through HP-authorized dealers.

Calera Recognition Systems, Inc. is based in Sunnyvale, Calif.,and
has a European office in Brussels, Belgium. Calera sets the standard for
OCR accuracy, speed and usability with a comprehensive line of OCR
software and hardware products. Calera products meet the needs of a
broad range of users -- from desktop fax and scanner users to dedicated
high-speed, high-volume commercial applications. Calera's products, sold
through retail and OEM channels, save users time, money and storage
costs by eliminating manual rekeying and making images readable and
editable. Calera maintains a forum on CompuServe in WIN APE.

Hewlett-Packard Company is an international manufacturer of
measurement and computation products and systems recognized for
excellence in quality and support. The company's products and services
are used in industry, business, engineering, science, medicine and
education in approximately 110 countries. HP has 96,600 employees and
had revenues of $20.3 billion in its 1993 fiscal year.


Windows is a U.S. trademark of Microsoft Corp.

Lotus is s U.S. trademark of Lotus Development Corp.

Aldus is a trademark of Aldus Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

Adobe and PhotoShop are trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc., which may
be registered in certain jurisdictions.

*U.S. Order Form

On April 1, 1994 the Hewlett-Packard ScanJet IIp scanner began
shipping with Calera WordScan OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
software. If you purchased you HP ScanJet IIp scanner after April 1, 1994
and did not receive Calera WordScan in the scanner box, you are eligible
to receive a free copy (offer expires 6/30/94). Fill out the following
form, attach a dated proof of purchase for your Hewlett-Packard ScanJet
IIp and fax or mail to:

Hewlett-Packard : c/o StarPak
Attn: ScanJet IIp Fulfillment
P.O. Box 1754
Greeley, CO 80632
fax (303)330-7655

ScanJet IIp serial number: ______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________

Telephone #: _____________________

Address : _______________________________________________________

City : ______________________________ State: ____________________

ZIP: ________________________________

Please indicate system preference : DOS/WIN _____ MAC _____

Please, eligible Hewlett-Packard ScanJet IIp customers only.
Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery.

*DOS/WIN software comes with 3 1/2" media. For 5 1/4" media refer
to the request form in the Calera package.


> Lands of Lore STR InfoFile THE THRONE OF CHAOS


Required: IBM 100% compatible PC system (386 or greater), DOS 5.0 or
higher, Microsoft (tm) compatible mouse & driver, 2 Megs free, VGA/MCGA
display, Hard Drive, High Density Floppy Drive.

Supports: AdLib, AdLib Gold, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, Sound
Blaster-compatible cards, Sound Canvas/General MIDI, Roland MT-32/LAPC-1

Media: 5.25" or 3.5" disks (high density)

The peoples of the Lands have waged war against the Dark Army for ages.
On one battlefront, the Dark Army sorceress Scotia suddenly concentrates
her efforts on digging up the haunted ruins of the Urbish Mines.
Concerned by his enemy's sudden change in activity, King Richard of
Gladstone sends his spies to investigate.

ALL IS NOT WELL... Word returns to Gladstone Keep: Scotia seeks the
Nether Mask! Thought to exist only in legend, the Nether Mask is a ring
of ancient and terrible power. Forged by the Ancients, and buried by the
war that destroyed their great civilization, the Nether Mask has been
forgotten -- except by Scotia!

THE DARK ARMY APPROACHES... Scotia's first step towards dominion is the
recovery of the fabled Nether Mask. Next, the conquest of Gladstone.
Then onward to conquer the rest of the Lands...all in the name of the Dark

You must stop her!


The Throne of Chaos premieres the Lands of Lore series of point-of-view
fantasy role playing games. Real-time combat, cinematic scenes, digitized
voices, and Larger-than-Life spells combine to take you on an epic
adventure through the wild, untamed Lands.

Westwood is the acknowledged leader in the field of fantasy role-playing
games. Leading the Lands of Lore programming development team was
Phil Gorrow, who was the main force behind the coding wizardry of
Eye of the Beholder I & II. The Lands epic has been carefully crafted by
the same team that has consistently developed the most popular,
innovative, and highly polished FRP games in the software industry.

In creating the Lands of Lore, Westwood stepped away from the traditional
fetters of fantasy role playing games. Unlike traditional RPGs, Lands of
Lore doesn't restrict the player in his choice of character "type" at the
beginning of the game. Throughout the adventure, warriors become warriors
by fighting, while magicians become powerful sorcerers by emphasizing
their casting skills. You can develop all the character's skills evenly,
or craft the character to suit your own unique style. There are no
irrevocable choices made at the beginning of the adventure, no needing to
start over. In the Lands of Lore, there is no turning back.

The action is centered around your main character, the one chosen to be
King Richard's champion. But you don't have to face the Dark Army alone:
other characters may join you in your quest, bringing with them their own
special abilities and knowledge. The characters exchange comments often,
and their portraits animate in surprise, anger, joy, and other reactions
when they come upon the new and wicked in the Lands.

The story of your adventure remains flexible and fast-paced throughout the
game. Through the Lands of Lore, you live out a heroic quest to stop
Scotia and her machinations. Fully animated cinematic sequences chronicle
the great moments of the quest, while smaller, more frequent interactive
out-takes let you move the story along without stopping the action.

In the Lands there's a dizzying array of scenery in over thirty-five game
levels. Your adventures in the Lands takes you through ancient castles,
haunted towers, fortified keeps, dreary lakes, besieged towns, lush
forests, murky swamps, twisted caverns, abandoned mines, stately manors,
rollicking taverns, and more exotic locales. Fortunately the handy
compass and auto-mapping Magic Atlas are part of every adventurer's kit.

Lands of Lore features over eighty original scores by the Westwood audio
team that has won industry awards for their creativity and technical
wizardry. More than three hundred life-like digitized sound effects bring
life to the Lands. The introduction and finale cinematic sequences
actually speak to you in the sampled voices of professional actors.

Combat is not a removed, abstract experience in the Lands. Adventurers
grunt and shout when they get hit, yell when they're surprised, wince and
get battered up when they don't keep their guard in the face of the enemy.

What, did you think this was some kind of game? Combat is not to be taken
lightly in the Lands! Monsters won't wait around for you to decide on
your next move. These real-time combat encounters make you pay attention.

The Lands are fraught with danger, and filled with over fifty menacing
monsters. The differences between these brutes aren't just a matter of
hit points. Some are devious, some know magic, some prefer negotiation,
some flee when the going gets tough, and most have nasty tricks up their
sleeves, wings, tentacles or fins).

The Lands are magic. The new Larger-than-Life magic system allows you to
cast spells at the power you want, letting you conserve your magic just in
case the situation gets worse. In the Lands, magic isn't just finding a
wand and pointing it at the enemy. The Larger-than-Life system lets you
conjure up powerful magic and cast it to crush monsters, knock down walls,
summon swarms, and even absorb magic spells cast at you and reflect them
right back at the enemy.

Most of all, the Lands are fun! The game interface has specifically and
consciously designed to make playing easy for the computer adventurer.
Once you've typed "Lands" at the DOS prompt (or double-clicked the "Lands"
icon from the Windows 3.1 desktop), you only need a mouse to play Lands
of Lore. No more hunt-and-peck dancing on the keyboard. No more losing
the game just because you couldn't find the right key in time!

The Lands of Lore package contains, besides other goodies, a separate Lore
Book with details on the background of the Lands. Also coming is the
authoritative Guide to the Lands, to help boost you over the more
difficult obstacles one might encounter.

Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos

Editor Note;
Coming next week; A review of LOL! At this point, if you are considering
an RPG Adventure, don't hesitate. Join the fun! This is a good one.



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GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


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An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

R. Dean, Editor (Temp)

Lord knows this is not an easy job! Ralph tells me he has a few
inquiries for the job of editor here. I sure hope so. Please, if you
are interested, let us know. Either Ralph or myself. The job is great!
Plenty to do and minimal rewards. Sounds like the real world doesn't it?
Well, so much for idle banter, let's get with it.


> Star Trek Screen Posters STR InfoFile


BERKELEY, Calif. (April 12, 1994) -Berkeley Systems, Inc., makers of the
best-selling screen saver After Dark, announced today the Star Trek(r)
Screen Posters(tm) -second in a new line of slide show screen savers for
Macintosh(r) and Microsoft(r) Windows(tm). The Star Trek Screen Posters
include more than 35 dynamic images from Paramount Pictures' six Star
Trek motion pictures. All images are ready to use as desktop backgrounds
and a slide show screen saver. Star Trek Screen Posters will ship May 1,
1994 and will be available to customers for about $20 in software retail
outlets worldwide.

Take Your Monitor To Warp Speed
Star Trek Screen Posters bring everyone's favorite movie characters,
starships, Klingons and battle action straight to your computer screen.
Crew members of the U.S.S. Enterprise such as Kirk, Spock, Scotty, McCoy,
and many others are included. Also featured are behind the scenes photos
and images from the promotional movie posters, along with classic
confrontational scenes, such as the U.S.S. Enterprise vs. the U.S.S.

"Based on the tremendous success of our original Star Trek screen saver,
we knew there was a huge demand for other Star Trek products," said
Berkeley President Wes Boyd. "Now fans can enjoy memorable scenes from
the movies as well."

"The folks at Berkeley have done a fantastic job with the Star Trek
motion pictures," said Kristine Ross, Director of Sales at Paramount
Licensing Group. "This product is a must for all Star Trek fans!"

Screen savers prevent phosphor burn-in, which can occur when computer
screens are on but unattended. Screen Posters are full-color still images
used to personalize a computer's desktop. A password feature offers
privacy from prying eyes.

Star Trek Posters for Macintosh requires 2MB of RAM with a hard drive, a
color monitor, and System 6.0.4 or later. JPEG compression for Macintosh
is provided by Storm Technology. The Windows version requires an IBM or
compatible with 4MB of RAM, and a VGA monitor or better running Microsoft
Windows 3.0 or later. Iterated Systems, Inc. provided Fractal compression
for Windows. Both versions are compatible with Berkeley's other screen
saver products, including Star Trek(r): The Screen Saver.

About Berkeley Systems
Founded in 1987, Berkeley Systems, Inc. is a recognized leader in the
burgeoning consumer software business. Today, the company has an ardent
worldwide following, and receives frequent awards. In addition to its
After Dark(r), Star Trek, Disney(r) Collection Screen Savers and
Marvel(tm) Comics Screen Posters(tm), Berkeley Systems produces software
products that allow people with disabilities to use Macintosh and Windows
computers. After Dark's popularity has spawned a host of accessory
merchandise, including Flying Toaster ties, T-shirts, inflatable winged
toasters, and modular mouse pads.

Editor's Note: For more information contact:
Steven Decker at Berkeley Systems, Inc. (510) 540-5535.

Paramount Pictures is part of the entertainment operations of Paramount
Communications, Inc., a global entertainment and publishing company,
which is a majority-owned subsidiary of Viacom Inc.


> RAM Doubler STR InfoFile

RAM Doubler Fact Sheet

Copyright 1994, Connectix Corporation

Connectix RAM Doubler is a system Extension that always exactly doubles
your RAM. Following a one minute installation, a Macintosh with 4MB of
RAM works exactly like a Mac with 8MB, 8MB becomes 16MB and so on.

RAM Doubler is fully compatible with the full spectrum of application
software in use on the Macintosh today. RAM Doubler requires a 68030 or
68040 processor and is compatible with System 6 and System 7 (in 24- or
32-bit addressing mode). A Power Mac compatible version will be available
shortly. The US list price is $99.


1. RAM Doubler will work on:
% all Quadra, Centris, and Performa systems;
% all Powerbooks except PowerBook 100 and original Portable;
% LC II and LC III, but not original LC (see item 2);
% all Mac II series systems except original Mac II (see item 2);
% SE/30;
% Classic II & Color Classic, but not original Classic (see item 3).

2. RAM Doubler will work on two systems only after modification:
% original Mac II plus PMMU or 68030 or 68040 accelerator;
% original LC plus 68030 or 68040 accelerator or LC II or III

3. RAM Doubler will NOT work on any:
% Mac Plus or earlier;
% Mac SE, Mac Classic or Mac LC
% PowerBook 100 or Portable.
% Power Macintosh (compatible version available in June)

4. RAM Doubler will NOT work with the following accelerators:
% any accelerated compact Mac
% almost any Applied Engineering TransWarp accelerator
% any TokaMac accelerator
% any Mobius accelerator
% Radius Rocket as main CPU

The basic test is: Will the accelerator work with virtual memory? Most
will fail this test, except the DayStar, Diimo, and Dove Marathon boards.

5. Other hardware/some software:
% a few older video cards are not virtual memory compatible, and may
require a ROM update to work
% a few hard disk drivers don't load into the system heap, and RAM
Doubler will disable itself to prevent data loss
% no SCSI-2 board will currently work
% Stacker is the only driver-level hard drive compression that
currently works with RAM Doubler, as long as it's on the boot drive
or mounted at startup. Alysis is working on a new version of eDisk,
but currently RAM Doubler will disable itself if eDisk is on the
startup drive. Times Two also is incompatible, but RAM Doubler
will still load.
% third-party display adapters for PowerBooks


Q. Does RAM Doubler REALLY give me the functional equivalent of doubling
my physical RAM?

A YES! RAM Doubler always exactly doubles your application memory. If you
had 4MB, RAM Doubler will give you exactly 8, 8 goes to 16 and so on. It
is not like drive doublers that often give you 50-80% increase depending
on what's on the drive. The Mac will look (in About This Macintosh) and
act (in compatibility, performance and capacity) like a machine that just
got more RAM. For most applications, it's just like adding more RAM.

Q. I'M considering buying RAM Doubler but I use Virtual. Are they
compatible? Is Virtual still useful?

A. RAM Doubler and Virtual are mutually exclusive since both demand
control of the MMU. For most Macs, Virtual is made obsolete by RAM
Doubler-you get equal or better performance without the hit to your hard
drive space. If you have a really fast hard drive and a slow CPU (16MHz
'030) there are cases where Virtual can be faster, but not by a lot.

All in all, we don't recommend people with a Mac IIcx or earlier who are


already happy with Virtual to convert to RAM Doubler, unless they are
pinched for hard drive space. For modern Macs, or Macs without Virtual,
we'd generally recommend RD.

Finally, we continue to publish and support Virtual because it's more
flexible than RD, eg. you can more than double your RAM if you wish.

Q. Does RAM Doubler work on Power Macintosh systems?

A. No. RAM Doubler does not currently work with Power Macs but we are
working on a version that will. We expect to release it this spring. RAM
Doubler will be especially useful on Power Macs because 1) the new
operating system uses more RAM per application and has a larger system
than the old system, and 2) the high processor speed will make RAM
Doubler's nearly imperceptible performance reduction truly imperceptible.

Q. I like the idea of RAM doubler but how does it work? What is the
catch? Does it slow the computer down?

A. RAM Doubler is an Extension that always exactly doubles the amount of
application memory you have available. Primarily it works by reassigning
free memory in application space that has been allocated to open
applications but is not currently in use. If you look at the "About this
Macintosh" display, it's all the white parts of those bars.

When that's not enough to double memory we look for parts of memory that
are actually in use (the "black bars") but contain code that is unlikely
to be needed again, eg. code that was used to boot the computer or launch
an application already. We compress this part of memory to give us the
extra space we need for a full double. Finally, if we would need to
compress too much memory in order to double (ie. we would wind up with
poor performance) we occasionally park some compressed info on the hard
drive using techniques similar to, but much faster than VM. The result is
a true doubling of application memory, usually with no appreciable affect
on performance.


1. You must start with at least 4MB of RAM. At the other end of the
spectrum, we're currently limited to doubling a maximum of 128MB (to
256MB). More than 128MB of RAM will be increased to 256MB total.

2. You need an MMU, which is built into the 68030 and 68040 processor.
Because we use the MMU, you can't use RAM Doubler AND Connectix Virtual
or System 7 VM. We don't support accelerated 68000-based machines. We
recommend Compact Virtual for those systems.

3. RAM Doubler works with System 6, System 7, and System 7 Pro.

4. Performance is generally not noticeably different from real RAM. The
one major exception is if you put all your doubled memory to work on a
single, huge application. Then slowdowns can go beyond the normal 0-5%.
So, RAM Doubler is not a good PhotoShop accelerator. Use the extra memory
to open new applications, or occasionally to open a single huge
application for which you don't want to buy RAM. If you "live" in a
single very large app, make sure you have enough physical RAM to open it.

5. If you use 24-bit mode you are subject to some addressing
limitations, though less than you would have if you simply installed more
RAM (one case where RAM Doubler is superior to physical RAM!) Normally in
24-bit mode you can only use 8MB of RAM, even if more is installed. With
RAM Doubler you double RAM up to a limit usually equal to 15MB minus the
number of cards installed in your Mac. If you have more than 5MB now and
want to use RAM Doubler in 24-bit mode, call us at 800/950-5880 and we'll
figure out what your upper limit is going to be (it's usually 12 to
14MB). In 32-bit mode all these issues disappear, so use 32-bit
addressing if you can.

6. RAM Doubler doesn't double RAM disk memory, since that is removed
from the System before we do our magic. However, RAM Doubler is
compatible with Maxima 3.0, (releasing late April), which can double the
RAM used in its own RAM disk.

Connectix Corporation
2600 Campus Drive
San Mateo, CA 94403

415/571-5195 FAX

America Online: Connectix
CompuServe: 75300,1546

Third Parties


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Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

It's amazing to get online the various systems that I call on a
daily basis and see the types of discussions that are going on. After
my editorial piece in last week's issue, I'm not surprised to see how
many message threads regarding "alternative" platforms are growing in
Atari SIGs. More and more people are considering adding another system
to their household these days. Ironically, these people are _adding_
to their Atari system, not replacing it altogether. This tells me a
lot about these Atari users, and Atari computers as a whole! People
still would prefer their Atari systems if there were a real visible
degree of support.

Atari must realize that they have some terrific computer products
that need support _if_ they are to continue with them and/or move ahead
with new products. If that's true, will this happen in the foreseeable
future? This question has been raised on numerous occasions.
Naturally, no one at Atari is going to commit to a definitive answer
because it's most likely going to depend on the success, or failure, of
the Jaguar. Is it feasible for Atari to place all of its eggs into one
Jaguar-shaped basket? That's a difficult question to answer, but it
seems to be true, at least in the public eye. The Jaguar has taken
over all other priorities at Atari. If this campaign is to go to its
fullest, it will probably be at _least_ a year before we see anything
new or "reborn" on the computer side. In all likelihood, it will
probably be two years before the computer side can get back on track in
some significant manner. That's a long time!

I hope that Atari is, at least privately, considering their
options for the near future with regard to computer development. Not
only should they be considering the possibilities of _their_ doing
something with the Falcon (and/or an upgrade), but the TT as well.
Perhaps another option would be for them to sell their computer
division, or license TOS and any other relative products so that
someone with the resources can produce Atari computers, or Atari
clones. Would this be a viable alternative? In today's rapidly-
changing computer market, who knows?

Commodore is facing some tough decisions in the near future, as
they have been for a few years. Macintosh computers aren't selling
like crazy, either. Will the PowerPC or new Mac computer help that?
Not yet it hasn't. It seems that even with all of the problems and
changes/alternatives in the PC market, IBM and the clones are still
maintaining incredible success stories. Even with all of the bells and
whistles that Windows, or OS/2, or the new operating systems coming
out, I'm not that overly impressed with the PC systems currently
available. Sure, there are some nice features, but the nightmares that
I've heard occurring, or experienced personally on my PC system at work
make me cringe at the possibilities!

Where does this all lead? Beats me! But, I do know, as I have
for quite some time, that I'll be using Atari computers until it's
impossible to do so because I can't get mine fixed or replaced. My
systems are reliable tools that do everything that I could ask of it,
and probably more. Do I really _need_ tons of new software to buy and
have it sit somewhere collecting dust because I can't find a real good
use for after using it a few times? No, I have plenty of those items

What I would like to keep seeing is useful utilities and
applications to enhance what I already have, or something a little
better. Programs like Geneva, Calligrapher, Pagestream, Flash II, and
many others will keep me satisfied for a long time to come. Sure, I'd
like to see an occasional new game come out or some utility that will
make my life easier (the CodeHeads' forte!), but I won't be forced to
move to another platform just because Atari stops making/supporting
computers; and I certainly won't let "peer pressure" of "you have to
move forward and get into the mainstream..." type of mentality that we
all see every so often, regardless of the platform.

Oh well, two weeks of being on a soap box is enough for the moment!
Being the Atari editor here means that I've got to find ways to make
our Atari computing experience more enjoyable, easy, and informative.
It's been a "re-learning" experience setting up the Jaguar coverage
here which is growing successfully. Perhaps it's time to once again
re-think the computing side of our coverage in STReport and try to
start from scratch and take more advantage of the available support
that there is and go with it while we still can.

Well, this is our 2nd "expanded" Jaguar issue so I had better move
on. Joe Mirando still has an ear on what's been happening online at
CompuServe; and John Duckworth has managed to land another whopper in
the public domain Fishin' hole. Other than that, I must admit that
most of my "spare" time has been put to use playing Cybermorph on the
Jaguar rather than digging up informative news for the computer user!
Gee, even an editor has to have a few moments of recreational fun!

Until next time...

Delphi's Atari Advantage!!!

*(1) STZIP 2.5 *(6) WHATIS 6.7
(2) ST TOOLS 1.93 (7) CV TRANSLATOR V3.0
(4) STIS *(9) GEMVIEW 3.02

* = New on list

The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT #10.15)

Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.




-A Guide to the Online PD/Shareware Waters.

by John R. Duckworth

If there's one piece of software that gets used most often on my
system it would have to be the text editor. I use a text editor to write
my weekly column, reply to e-mail, edit desktop information files, keep a
list of long distance phone calls, and a myriad of other chores which I
encounter in my daily computing sessions. I'm sure this holds true for
most users.

Finding a text editor is like buying a new pair of shoes; it takes a
while to try on different pairs but when you finally find ones that fit
you are sad that after a while they end up wearing out. The text editor
I had been using has done just that. I've tried many editors over the
years including STeno, which just doesn't seem complete and hasn't been
updated for years, and the highly acclaimed 7-up from Europe, which for
some reason I never really grew fond of although I'm not quite sure why.
Much to my delight I've finally come across a simple, but complete text
editor worthy of claiming it's own desktop icon on my system. "Everest"
by Oliver Schmidt is a shareware GEM ASCII text editor that has more
features and is better executed than most (if not all) of the commercial
editors on the market. "Everest" will never replace your favorite DTP
package, but it works great for those who only need to write straight
ASCII text files. System compatibility is one of the program's greatest
strengths as it will work on _any_ Atari TOS computer, in any resolution
with at least 80 columns, and in single or multitasking environments.
After "Everest" is loaded, the user is presented with the familiar GEM
menu bar with several different sub-menu selections including File,
Block, Search, Window, Parameters, and Info. Each menu item has a
matching keyboard equivalent so power users should have no complaints. A
user may edit several files at once, and is only limited to the number of
windows available from the system.

Block functions are very complete, as a matter of fact I don't
recall seeing some of the functions in any other shareware text editor
before. Blocked text can be easily marked with the mouse, and can also
be modified by using the [shift] key in conjunction with the left
mouse button. This could save the user from the hassle of remarking a
long passage simply because he/she left off a word or sentence at the
end of the section. Blocks may be deleted, copied, pasted, or
reformatted. The standard Atari clipboard may be used to allow for
pasting between applications. Any user who has at least a little
experience with cut and paste commands in other programs will have no
problem with "Everest's" implementation.

"Everest" operates in one of two basic modes; insert or
overwrite. When the insert mode is selected, the program will insert
types characters at the current cursor position, while in overwrite
mode characters at the cursor position are deleted and replaced with
the new text. The user may choose the style of cursor to be displayed;
either a block or vertical line. Probably the best choice is to have
the cursor shape reflect which mode the editor is currently in. Other
program parameters may also be set such as how screen elements are
updated, where dialog boxes are to be displayed (centered or at mouse
pointer), GDOS font to be used for display (if GDOS or equivalent is
installed), and more. Almost every option has been thought of...the
programmer assumes nothing about the user, but allows them to adjust
the program, if needed, to their specific needs.

One interesting feature of the program is the ability to load
user created abbreviation lists. With one loaded, the user may simply
type the first few letter of an often used word or phrase and
"Everest" will check through the list for the first matching string
and expand it into the text being edited!

"Everest" is the most complete and practical shareware text
editor I have tried to date. Although I don't claim to have tried them
all, I probably won't bother to look any further. If you feel confined
by your present editor, think about trying "Everest"...once you climb
it you'll realize there's nothing higher.

?, !,or ()

| Old Fishin Hole Tackle Box * |
| Everest 3.2e |
| Delphi: Atari Advantage- READ EVEREST |
| GEnie: Atari ST RT- # 32377 |
* The Tackle Box is meant to provide assistance in finding files
mentioned in the column. It should not be considered a COMPLETE
listing and is provided for convenience only. Delphi Atari Advantage
files should be found in the Recent Arrivals section of the database
until moved to their appropriate sections.


"Jaguar Section"

> From the Editor's Controller - "Saying' It Like It Plays!"

Okay, so I've only had my Jaguar for a week; so how can I possibly
have formulated an opinion about it so soon? The answer is simply the
fact that this machine is a winner! Atari has once again proved that
their origins and successes were based on a game console. Along with
my Jag, I bought Raiden and Dino Dudes. I have to tell you that I'm
mesmerized with the pack-in, Cybermorph! Even though 99% of the
graphics are polygonal; it doesn't detract from the game at all for me.
It has the ability to be fast-paced with lots of action, but
occasionally provides a short respite to gather your wits. Atari was
right on the mark selecting this game for the pack-in - it may be quite
a long time before I really dive into the other two games that I have,
or purchase another. Well, I'll probably buy others before I'm done
with Cybermorph just so I'll have them when I'm ready!

In case you're not aware of it, this is STReport's 2nd issue with
expanded Jaguar coverage. Things are shaping up very nicely as you'll
notice if you saw our initial endeavor. Lists are being compiled and
some are ready which will help you keep abreast of what's happening
with the Jaguar developers, products, and more. We're talking with
Jaguar developers and interviews with some will appear here in future
issues. We'll also have two people at this summer's CES and will be
filing full reports of what's happening there. Naturally, we'll also
be reviewing as many new games as we can, as they become available to

What's the status of the next phase of the national roll-out?
Apparently, it's going quite well. People have told me that they've
been seeing Jaguar ads on television (I never seem to be watching the
right cable stations!) and that these ads are quite good. From what
I've seen online and heard from various people, consoles and games are
coming in and going out just as fast. With the release of Tempest 2000
and even more games coming out in a few weeks, word should spread that
Jaguar support is growing. It's still relatively early, but it appears
that even with the lull after the initial holiday rush that the Jaguar
will be a success. If Atari can get that "monkey" off its back, it's
gonna have a successful winner on its hands. I only hope that the
"change" won't be a shock!

Well, there's a lot of material in this issue, so let me get off
of my soap box for the second time in this issue. Please feel free to
offer suggestions, criticism, or changes to our coverage. As always,
we're looking for ways to improve and listening to our readers is a
good place to start.

Until next time...

(Editor's note: The "every editor's nightmare" has occurred this week,
much to my dismay. We were hoping to have 2 game reviews for this
issue, but online difficulties and missed deadlines have hampered those
efforts for this week. Frantic last minute calls didn't prove too
fruitful (boy, my fingers did a lot of walking across the country!)
Also, the industry news regular column was overly "lean" this week, so
we're foregoing that portion of coverage for this week. Instead of
delaying the release of this week's issue, we'll either have this
information in next week's issue, or hold off for our next scheduled
issue in two weeks. Just when you think things are moving along smoothly....

> Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out.

Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.99 Atari Corp.
J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9005 Raiden $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9001 Trevor McFur/
Crescent Galaxy $49.99 Atari Corp.
J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Atari Corp.

Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


J8001 Jaguar (complete) $249.99 Atari Corp.
J8904 Composite Cable $19.95
J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp.
J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95

If for some reason you cannot find any of the above items at your local
dealer, all items may be ordered directly from Atari. To do so, just
select one of the following options most convenient:

1) Fill out the order template below.

2) a. E-Mail (PRIVATELY) this order to any online Atari
representative. Ask for it to be forwarded to
Don Thomas or Bob Brodie. (BEST METHOD)
b. Fax order to 408/745-2088. (SECOND BEST)
c. Mail order to P.O. Box 61657, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
d. Call your order to 408/745-2098 (9-5 PST)
Note: Phones are often jammed with excited Jaguar
callers. Please be patient!


----- Complete if first order in 12 months -------

1 xxxxxxxxx x $xx.xx $xx.xx
SUB TOTAL ............................ $ xx.xx
CALIFORNIA TAX (8.25% if applicable).. $ x.xx
SHIPPING & HANDLING* ................. $ 4.95
TOTAL (U.S. funds) ................... $ xxx.xx


> Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Tempest 2000, It's Official!


CONTACT: Lynn Thompson, (408) 764-0740
Karen Magill, (617) 494-8202
Cunningham Communications, Inc.

Bill Rehbock, (408) 745-2000
Atari Corporation

Atari Ships Tempest 2000 for Jaguar
New Jaguar Game Garners Industry Awards; Flies Off Retail Shelves

SUNNYVALE, CALIF. - April 13, 1994--Wednesday Atari Corp. (ASE:ATC)
announced it is shipping Tempest 2000 for Jaguar, its award-winning
64-bit game system. Tempest 2000 was recently awarded "CES Game of
Show" (Electronic Games Magazine), "Game of the Month/March" (DieHard
GameFan) and "Game of the Month/March" and "Editor's Choice Gold
Award" (Electronic Gaming Monthly).

The original Tempest is one of the most popular video games in arcade
history. With Tempest 2000, players get four games on one game
cartridge: the original Tempest, Tempest Plus, Tempest 2000 and
Tempest Duel.

"Tempest 2000 is the hottest selling title on Jaguar today," said
Peter Roithmayr, senior buyer at Electronics Boutique. "We sold over
60 percent of our Tempest 2000 stock within four days; most sold in
the first two days of shelf life. Tempest 2000 is in very high
demand because the popularity of the Jaguar has far exceeded the
gaming industry's expectations."

"Tempest, by itself, is worth the price of the Jag -- Tempest 2000 for
Jaguar is further proof that the next level of gaming has arrived,"
said Dave Halverson, DieHard GameFan.

Tempest 2000 players venture through 100 unchartered galaxies filled
with "Demon Heads," a very aggressive and deadly enemy and "Warp
Bonus Tokens," which count toward bonus levels and a free instant
"SuperZapper," a player's defense which can destroy everything on the

"We are pleased to offer Jaguar players Tempest 2000, which has
already captured the attention and praise of the industry's leading
game publications, " said Sam Tramiel, president of Atari Corp.
"Tempest 2000 has hit the ground running -- Jaguar's 64-bit
technology has allowed us to make one of the industry's most
exciting, challenging games even more outstanding."

Tempest 2000 features two-player cooperative play and more than 30
minutes of pure CD-quality techno-rave soundtrack. In addition:
-- Powerful 3D polygons provide realistic parallax star fields
-- Particle displays deliver realistic explosions
-- Melt-O-Vision graphics provide stunning graphic effects
-- Cycle shading gives players accurate depth perception

Atari Tempest 2000 is immediately available through all
Atari-authorized retailers for $59.99.Atari Jaguar is the world's
first 64-bit interactive multimedia home entertainment system and is
the only video game system manufactured in the United States. Jaguar
was recently named the industry's "Best New Game System" (VideoGames
Magazine), "Best New Hardware System" (Game Informer) and "1993
Technical Achievement of the Year" (DieHard GameFan).

Atari Corp., based in Sunnyvale, manufactures and markets 64-bit
interactive multimedia entertainment systems, video games and personal
computers for the home, office and educational marketplaces.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


> Tempest 2000 STR Commentary - "Thumbs Up, But It Could Be Better!


by Paul Charchian

Sit back. Take a deep breath. Unclench your fingers from the controller.
You've had Tempest 2000 for a couple of days now and you've become a
slathering Tempest fiend. You've been playing non-stop. You haven't
blinked since Wednesday. Your friends are beginning to wonder about you.
But what do they know? Sleep is overrated anyway.

By month's end, there may not be a Jaguar unit in the world that doesn't
have T2K nestled into its cartridge slot. Could it really be THAT good?
Can anything be that good? In a word, "no." That's right, "N-O."
Tempest 2000 is a good game. Scratch that, a great game. But it is not
the end-all, beat-all Jaguar game. It is merely the very first game
designed for the Jaguar from the get-go. Most of the games that we see
from now on should get be even better. Tempest 2000 joins an auspicious
list of "legitimators" that have come before it: Legend of Zelda brought
the NES to our attention; in 1989 reviewers raved over the 16-bit Ghouls
and Ghosts for the Genesis. By the time that these systems matured, both
games were left in the dust. Believe it or not, the same thing will
happen with Tempest 2000.

Call me critical, but there are things that I would have liked to have
seen changed in Tempest 2000. They're just small revisions that change
T2K from a "9" into a "10." Here are the improvements that need to be
incorporated into T3K:

- Tempest 2000 mode needs to support two players, both cooperatively and
competitively. The cooperative game gets a little dry after 30 levels of
the same critters.

- Most of the cooperative levels are beatable just by having both players
"Sit-N-Spin" with the fire button held down.

- Is T2K's voices too soft to hear? Yes Yes Yes! A separate volume
setting just for the voice would have been great.

- The Prozac flaw: for those who prefer a passive game, you'll be happy
to hear that you don't need to even twitch your ship for the first 17
levels. Just shoot. You'll rack up bonus ships and a ton of points.
Heck, tape down the fire button and walk away. Come back in 15 minutes
and pick up the game again.

- Beavis and Butthead. By advertising during MTV's Mystery Science
Theater 3000 rip-off, T2K gets a defacto endorsement by these two

- Why do the extra ships displayed across the top of the screen look
waaaaaaay cooler than the ship you control? Why couldn't my ship be

- The warp wave is difficult to control. After playing countless flight
sim games, we've all become accustomed to the "up is down" logic that
only Big Brother could endorse. Since the warp waves employ the all-too
logical "up is up," the controls feel backward.

- Why not ship the CD soundtrack with all 70 minutes of the T2K music
with the game? Atari would be setting a great precedent that the game
rags would jump all over. It would reinforce just how great the Jag's
16-bit audio processor sounds. It would also give people a way to
advertise the game without having to actually show anyone the screen.
Since CD's only cost about two bucks to press, add five dollars to the
cost of the game, and bundle the two together. Have Jeff Minter sign a
few copies for added consumer frenzy.

- The Joust Easter-egg apparently isn't in it.

- Everyone's said that they wanted the old spinnable, paddle controller
just like the arcade version had. While the standard controller is
acceptable, there's no reason that T2K couldn't have come with a paddle
controller. If Arkanoid for the NES can come with a custom paddle, T2K
could have. And yes, everyone would have paid the extra ten bucks.

- The existence of the 147# cheat diminishes from the accomplishment of
those that have actually finished the game.

- While the game is significantly stronger than all of the previous
releases, its manual isn't.

Sure I'm nit-picking, but the last thing we want is for Atari to get

My head is filled with techno-Tempest music residue; my hands are
clenching for the controller; and my eyes are glazing over. Back to the


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport ONLINE The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Well folks, that old noose just keeps getting closer and closer.
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about (don't worry about
it... neither do I), I'm talking about my impending nuptials. Anyone who
knows me knows that I'm kidding about the noose part. But as the date
gets closer, all kinds of things crop up: the final arrangements for the
reception, table favors, the flowers for the church, the cake, the limo,
tracking down those pesky last-minute (hint, hint) returns, and all other
manner of minutiae that can creep in at the last moment.

Now that I've gone through all of that, let's move on to other
things. Last weekend, I attended the Connecticut ACT Atari Swap Meet.
Aside from the deals to be had on used equipment, and the WAY cool demo
of NeoDesk 4, the simple act of meeting up with old acquaintances such as
Brian Gockley, Doug Finch, Rick Flashman, Bernie Paist, Myles Cohen. I
always enjoy talking with these people and others like them.

Well, now that I've bored you with all of that, let's get on with
the reason for this column: All of the cool stuff to be found on

From the Atari Computing Forum

Last week, Henri Tremblay and Brian Gockley talked a bit about printing
invitations and Brian asked if printing in landscape mode might help.
Henri replies:

"Thank you for trying to help me, but landscape printing won't help.
The text has to be upside down. To make an invitation card, you have
to divide the page into four quarters. When the page is folded twice
you get a beautiful card. But as the page is folded the upper part of
the page to be the right way round must be printed upside down (it may
seems complicated so just take a sheet of paper and fold it once
vertically and once horizontally). I really had a Basic program on my
Adam computer that did this, inverting text by typing large upside down
letters made of asterisks (still very hard to explain). Long ago there
was a program on the ST and other computers that did just that too, but
I don't have it. I don't remember the name, ??? Master, Print Master or
something like that. I wonder what ever became of this one."

Sysop Bob Retelle jumps in and tells Henri:

"I was thinking of those exact two programs for what you want to do..

Both PrintShop and PrintMaster will create invitations and greeting
cards exactly as you've described them.. you can enter your text for
both the front and the inside, and the program takes care of inverting
the inside text so it will be right side up when you fold the paper in
fourths. One of them (I forget which one it was) even lets you print a
"credits" line on the back page where you'd normally see the "Hallmark
Cards" or "printed by Joe Doe" line.

Unfortunately it would probably be pretty difficult to find a new ST
version of either of these programs, although you could try calling
some of the remaining dealers who stock Atari software. You might also
want to post a message in Section 17 of the Atari forums asking if
anyone would be interested in selling a used package..."

Robert Baker asks about problems he's having with downloading files:

"None of the files I have down loaded have worked. I am using Wincim
on IBM 486 with US Robotics Sportster Modem and transferring them to my
TT for use. Example MMM221,lzh Bad Header 5767 bytes skipped. Fails
CRC check. Others downloaded recently TERDSK.LZH, RN161P.LZH,

I don't seem to have such problems with the IBM files. Perhaps some
incompatibility with different computers?"

Sysop Bill Aycock tells Robert:

"You may have a bad copy of LHARC, or WINCIM may be doing something
nasty to the files you download. I downloaded MMM221.LZH just now, on
my PC, copied the file to my Atari, and used LHARC 2.01L to extract the
files, no problem. I also extracted the files on my PC, using LHA 2.13,
also with no problem.

Try getting a copy of LHA 2.13 for your PC (probably in IBMCOM) and
extracting the contents of one of the files. If that fails, then the
culprit is your download."

Brian Amundsen tells the SysOps:

"I think I found another hole in the libraries. The Atari File Finder
still has files listed for the ATARIPRO and ATARIARTS areas. If you
type ATARIPRO you of course end-up in the ATARICOMP area. But now how
does one find the file since you are unable to go to the correct area?
I also tried listing the keywords that I used in ATARIFF and get NO
FILES FOUND messages.

So when will the ATARIFF system be synced with the current libraries
that are available? I understand that you have eliminated a number of
files that are older. Maybe the issue is when will the ATARIFF be
updated with the files that are actually on the system still?

Which brings up another issue. Since there were many older files that
have been sent to the archive world.... Did you consider allowing
users the option of requesting a file from archive and then have a 48
hour wait for it to be put on-line for a one-week period? This would
allow you to have plenty of time to restore the file and the week would
give the user a window to find and collect the file for download.
Maybe our area could try this scheme and see how it works????? It
would be a lot more preferable to loosing the file forever!!!!"

Chief Sysop Ron Luks tells Brian:

"The Atari FF will probably be discontinued in the near future. The
File Finder is only necessary when there are multiple forums with the
same subject matter. Very soon (when we get all the Atari Arts files
moved over here) you wont need a File finder because you can do
cross-library searching in one forum.

I think you misunderstand what is going on here with very old and
outdated files. They are not going off to some archive from whence
they can be recalled. We will attempt to retain all of the important
files and most of the others, but the ones that are purged will be gone
(from CompuServe) permanently.

We will consider starting a system by which files about to be
permanently purged get moved to a LAST CHANCE library for a few weeks
to give you a chance to download them and archive them on YOUR hard
disk but CompuServe will not be maintaining any background archive
where files will be available upon request from some tape storage

Gabriel Pappalardo tells us:

"I bought a second-hand Atari Portfolio which included the Parallel
interface but not the cable. I want to run the FT.COM program to
communicate with my desktop. Can you please let me know the right pin
connections for the parallel cable? Is this the same cable for

Brian Gockley of ST Informer Magazine tells Gabriel:

"Good luck with your new Port, it is a fine machine with tremendous
capabilities. You should be able to use most any parallel cable, but
what are you trying to do? If you're doing file transfer to an ST/TT
you should use the serial connector. Anyway, you should go to the
Palmtop area for any further discussion."

Alan Leece asks a...

"Silly question, but does anyone use Uniterm on their Atari to access
CompuServe? I use it easily enough as a terminal emulator, but cannot
get any down-loads going. I just keep getting timing out messages. I
think it's because I cannot set the Kermit protocol to strip the eighth
bit and CUS is a 7-bit environment. Any ideas, anybody?

I have also tried using X- and Y-modem with the same results. Thanks in

Ron Luks, head honcho of SysOps, tells Alan:

" I know we have Uniterm in our libs, but I don't know of anyone
accessing the forums with it. Kermit is a slow dog of a protocol and
has problems as you mention.

I don't have any Uniterm experience myself, but maybe someone else can
jump in here."

Dazzz Smith tells Alan:

"I would seriously consider upgrading your software for CIS access, if
you want an OLR, you can use QCIS from the Libs here, or maybe use
Storm or Teddy Term 2, both of which are shareware.

If you want I can mail a few things to you on disk to save you
struggling to download them from here."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Alan:

"First of all, as was mentioned, it would be best to avoid using the
Kermit protocol if at all possible. It is EXTREMELY slow due to its
very small packet size. I'm not familiar with the protocols available
in Uniterm, but if you can, try using YMODEM at least...

The suggestion to use 7bit, Even parity for CompuServe is outdated..
if your terminal can strip the eighth bit, it's best to log on at Eight
bit, No parity.

Also, while Uniterm is a good terminal emulator to use for certain
specific applications, like using one of its special emulations, or
connecting to UNIX style systems, there are far better communications
programs available for use here on CompuServe.

If you manage to get downloads working, you might want to try STORM
from library 4. It's a Shareware program from the original author of

We also have a telecommunications program called Connect that a lot of
people enjoy using.

Also, the people currently supporting Flash II are online here with
us, and would be glad to sell you a copy of the most recent version of
that program.

Then, you should try using QuickCIS for offline message retrieval and
reading.. it can really save you a lot on your CompuServe bill..!"

Frank Hense tells us:

"I use a lot of CodeHead stuff. I really like Desk manager by C.F
Johnson-- this shareware autofile program gives you complete control of
what you boot up with and what ACCs you want to load. There probably
are commercial programs that are more faceted--but that's worth a look.

I boot Hotwire also so I never see the desktop or very, very rarely!!!
MY ACCS are: MAXIFILE, UISIII, Edhak, Multidesk, Warp 9 CP, and control
panel. Those are on the MEGA E. On the BBSs 520(2.5mb) my ACCS are
maxifile, UISIII, Edhak and Turbo ST mono..

There are tons of things you could use and if you use desk manager to
can setup different configurations of Auto folder programs and ACCS for
each set.

There are tons of things you could use and if you use desk manager to
can setup different configurations of Auto folder programs and ACCS for
each set."

Henri Tremblay posts:

"I am about to buy myself a PC clone. I think it would be the best of
all computer worlds. I intend to buy the GEMULATOR to upgrade my 1 Meg
ST so I can try newest ST programs and to use my old software which I
am used to. Does anyone use GEMULATOR? What do you think of it? The
price is quite low now. I long to see my ST with 4 Megs RAM (I will
buy an 8 Megs clone). I've been thinking of upgrading my ST for years,
but it is very difficult to find hardware like mono monitors, hard
drives, memory upgrade, etc. The only drawback of GEMULATOR seems to
be its lack of MIDI support. I'll keep my old ST anyway for that. See
you later..."

Bob Wilson tells Henri:

"Gemulator is a bit slow. Also it does not work with SPEEDO GDOS in any
resolution higher than the standard ST. Most everything seems to work
but at a slower rate. I am using a fast 486 33 and estimate the speed
at only 70% of a real ST on real world apps as opposed to benchmarks."

Henri asks Bob:

"This is not the speeds that are advertised? How come? Is it because
of the video mode selected or because of memory or else? Did you call
PMC about that?"

Bob explains:

"The speeds that they advertise are based upon commonly used ST
benchmarks. They are accurate that the benchmarks show these speeds.
Real world applications are never like benchmarks. Real world
applications will have different mixes of functions and some may be
faster, the ones I have tried have been slower. A benchmark is probably
accurate as an indicator if the target machines have the same processor
or at least one of the same family. In the case of the Gemulator the
processor is actually an INTEL so all bets are off. Now of course I do
not have accelerated video or local bus on my clone so that could have
a lot to do with it. I did find that in compiling a large GFA basic
program that the times were consistent with my observations and that
process does not use the video at all. I found that the video modes
made little difference (as expected) for the compile test."

Lloyd Pulley, our own editor emeritus, tells Henri:

"A friend of mine got the Gemulator just a week or two ago. He's
returning it, but speed and compatibility weren't the reasons. He says
that on his '486-33DX that most software appears to run faster than on
my Mega ST4 with a T16. (He hasn't done any in depth speed checks -
he's just going by his perception.) I don't know how fast a '486 DLC40
is compared to his system, but that should give you some idea of the
speed that the Gemulator is capable of.

I know I've read posts from many Gemulator owners (on another system)
and the majority seem to be pleased with it - especially with the newer
software that Darek has available."

Joe Moses asks:

"Are there any products available (anywhere) to make an Atari ST
network aware? I am looking for "NOVEL" or "LANTASTIC" type

Yat Siu of Lexicor Software tells Joe:

"There are several Atari Network possibilities. However there is none
that is NOVELL or LANTASTIC aware.

There are several shareware midi-connection software that allow you to
hook up your Atari via the midi port. Midi COM is very good but
commercial, for instance you can use remote Logon or remote printer

If you want to hook up via LAN ports you require Powernet where you can
hook up a combo of LAN (eg. TT-Falcon-TT) and MIDI and use one Atari
as a domain server, remote printer, re-direction and so also
works with the ST-Lan Cartridge Port (fits into rom port) and uses
apple-talk LAN connect.

However they don't conform to any standards...the only standard card
would be the Riebl Karte, an Ethernet board that would allow you to
hook up to the world of Ethernet and depending on your software could
become Novell aware (unlikely)."

Well friends and neighbors, that's it for this week. Tune in again next
week for more tips, tricks, and hints. Be ready to listen to luminaries
and newcomers alike as they explore the ins and outs of our favorite
machine. Just remember to always listen to what they are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote" Its a wonder we are all NOT speaking Russian!

As Vice President of the United States, Dan Quayle made many observations
and spoke of them quite... ahem, "profoundly"?

"Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the
Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is
right here."

Travels to American Samoa, tells natives, "You all look like happy campers
to me. Happy campers you are, happy campers you have been, and
as far as I am concerned, happy campers you will always be."
Arrives in Pago Pago, calls it "Pogo Pogo."

What a GUY!! "Ha cha cha!"

Note: It only goes to prove anyone can be elected a President or Vice
President in this country. Only appointees need pass the House & Senate
nomination acceptance Committees.


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