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Silicon Times Report Issue 1012

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

March 18, 1994 No. 1012

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
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> 03/18/94 STR 1012 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- CPU INDUSTRY REPORT - Dell, 6 new 486s - QUANTUM -> NEW HDs
- Lotus Lowers Improv $ - MS Fine Artist - NEW GameBoy DEAL!
- Connect News - People Talking - 25% Homes have PC
- Mother Goose - INFOCENTRAL - The Old Fishin' Hole


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
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"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Goodness Sakes! Spring is this Sunday.... and lo and behold the NE
is getting dumped on again! Bear up my friends! Spring is literally
right around the corner. As is Easter. No, I am not trying to be a
living calendar, only drawing us closer and closer to Spring Comdex! You
cannot fully appreciate the joy of knowing there will be plenty of new
software, updated software and other goodies galore unless you are from a
platform that literally dried up except for a few, very few, great
developers. When one comes from such an arena to the PC and Mac worlds,
its like being rescued from the deepest regions of the Sahara Desert and
being brought back into the lap of civilization.

Spring Comdex promises to deliver the facts on the new P4, P5 and
other Pentium oriented product lines along with the advent of the new,
Power PC goodies both hardware and software. Yessir, these markets are
very much alive and quite well. Elsewhere in this issue, you'll find
info on the new WordPerfect 6.0a and all its wonders. Don't miss it
you'll be missing a great read.




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Niles R. Noak D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth
Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur
Melanie Bell Jay Levy John Donohue
Jeff Kovach Marty Mankins Carl Prehn
Paul Charchian
Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
Glenwood Drake Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia
Paul Haris Kevin Miller Craig Harris
Allen Chang Dominick Fontana

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

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America Online..................STReport
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FIDONET..................... 1:347/147.3
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #12

by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** New Nintendo Product Transforms Game Boy **

Nintendo of America Inc. this week unveiled a new technological ad-
vance that will allow millions of video-game enthusiasts to play more
than 350 Game Boy cartridges on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
(Super NES), displaying them in full color on the television screen for
the first time. The new product, called Super Game Boy, links the capa-
bilities of a portable video-game system with a home video-game system.

It is a Super NES cartridge that contains a Game Boy adapter. When a
Game Boy cartridge is inserted into the product, it is transformed from
a 2-by-2-inch, black-and-white game to a bright, multicolored image on a
big television screen complete with stereophonic sound. The product also
allows players to customize colors and designs.

Future Game Boy games will be programmed to take advantage of special
Super Game Boy capabilities. The first new Game Boy title to capitalize
on Super Game Boy's capabilities will be "Donkey Kong," a best seller in
arcades. It will be released at the same time as Super Game Boy.

Super Game Boy will be available June 6 at a suggested retail price
of $59.99.

** Quantum Introduces New Drives **

Quantum Corp. this week announced two early-to-market, high-quality
3.5-inch hard disk drive families designed for the full array of IBM-
compatible and Macintosh desktop PCs.

The Quantum Maverick and Quantum Lightening drive families are the
latest in a line of desktop PC storage products that have garnered a
worldwide installed base of more than 12 million units and has made
Quantum Corp. the worldwide volume leader in desktop storage products.

Quantum Maverick drives offer formatted capacities of 270 and 540 MB,
have an average seek time of 14 ms., and support of advanced interface
technology including Fast SCSI-2 and Local Bus IDE-AT.

Quantum Lightning drives offer three key capacities - 365, 540 and
the first two-disk 730MB drive designed for high-end PCs. Performance-
matched to Pentium, 80486 DX and PowerPC-based systems, Lightning drives
spin at 4,500 RPM and offer an extremely fast internal data rate of 47
megabits-per-second - the fastest rate of all drives in the desktop PC

Quantum's new Lightning drives premier an important new feature -
SCCI Plug-and-Play, that allows system users to automatically configure
peripheral devices on SCSI-based systems. This feature eliminates the
need to manually adjust jumper settings when adding a device.

Another important feature of Quantum's Maverick and Lightning IDE-AT
drives is their ability to break the 528MB barrier normally imposed on
IDE-AT drives running DOS or Windows. Quantum's drives support both the
Logical Block Address (LBA) and Extended Cylinder Head Sector (CHS)
addressing methods in overcoming this capacity barrier.

Evaluation units of the new drives are currently being shipped to
OEMs. Single-unit OEM evaluation pricing is as follows:

Quantum Maverick drives Quantum Lightning drives

270MB $199 365MB $249
540MB $299 540MB $329
730MB $399

** More Than 25% of American Households Now Have PCs **

A new survey by the Software Publishers Association says that more
than one out of every four American households, 27%, now owns a personal
computer. Two of the reasons given for attracting new buyers in the last
two years were falling prices for high performance and multimedia

Some interesting facts the survey found:

-:- 60 percent of the PC-using households attended or graduated from
college, compared with 51% in 1993 and 21% of households in the
general population.

-:- Ownership among high school dropouts dropped to 2% in the latest
survey, from 10% the previous year.

-:- Household income levels of PC owners remain high and steady. In
both 1993 and 1994, about one quarter of computer households had in-
comes over $75,000 (versus 10% of U.S. households), and about half
had incomes over $50,000 (versus 25% of U.S. households).

******* General PC News *******

** AMD to Ship 900,000 AM486 Chips **

After its recent victory in the courts over rival Intel Corp., AMD
(Advanced Micro Devices) says it expects to ship 900,000 Am486 micro-
processor units in the current quarter. Earlier it predicted it would
ship some 700,000 units in the quarter ending March 27.

Sources at AMD said they expect their court victory "will further
broaden customer acceptance of our Am486 products while encouraging us
to redouble efforts for a rapid production ramp under a recently
announced foundry agreement with Digital Equipment Corp. to augment our
internal production capacity."

** Watcom to Develop for IBM PowerPC **

WATCOM International, a subsidiary of Powersoft Corporation, this
week announced its intention to develop a version of the WATCOM 32-bit
multi-platform C/C++ development tools for the PowerPC with Workplace
OS. This will enable the development of applications for the PowerPC
with Workplace OS from a number of host environments, and the use of
Workplace OS as a host development system for other target environments.

WATCOM intends to deliver the components of its new WATCOM C/C++ 10.0
product on the PowerPC with Workplace OS, including WATCOM's new C++
class browser, advanced GUI debugger, profiler and other tools.

Ian McPhee, president of WATCOM, said "The PowerPC performance and
multiple execution environments of Workplace OS promise a very
attractive environment for our cross-platform compilers and graphical
development environment."

** LBMS announces SE/Open for Microsoft Visual Basic **

LBMS Inc., the leading provider of Windows-based client/server CASE
and process management tools, this week announced SE/Open for Visual
Basic, which will bidirectionally integrate Microsoft's Visual Basic 3.0
with LBMS' application development tool, Systems Engineer 5.1.

Visual Basic is a versatile, productive programming system for build-
ing custom solutions in Windows. It brings robust client/server capabi-
lities and application integration to the desktop with visual forms
creation, a large selection of standard and third party custom controls,
and an event-driven programming model.

SE/Open for Visual Basic will provide developers with a seamless en-
vironment for the complete analysis, design and development of both the
client and server portions of LAN-based production quality applications.
The product's capabilities will include object management, reuse manage-
ment, database design, and prototyping management within a common

** DPT Cuts Price of New ISA-to-SCSI Host Adapter **

Distributed Processing Technology (DPT), a leading supplier of high
performance SCSI and disk array solutions, this week announced a 14%
price reduction for its SmartCache III ISA-to-SCSI host adapter kits,
effective immediately.

The SmartCache III PM2021 is a 16-bit ISA-to-Fast SCSI host adapter
that is fully SCSI-2 command set compatible, features 10Mbytes per
second throughput across the SCSI bus, and up to 10Mbytes per second
across the ISA bus.

SmartCache III adapters are fully compatible with the latest releases
of all major operating systems.

The new worldwide list price for the SmartCache III Storage Manager
Kit model PM2021/90 is $245.00 and model PM2021/95, which includes a
floppy controller, is $265.00.

** NexGen Announces Pentium Clone **

Plans for the first clone of Intel Corp.'s Pentium chip have been un-
veiled by NexGen Microproducts Inc. Reports say the Nx586 chip is desig-
ned to run the same software as the Pentium.

The chip runs at 60MHz and 66MHz, which sources say "could create a
problem, since Intel just introduced upgraded Pentiums that will run at
100MHz". The 60MHz version will sell for $460 (about $300 less than the
equivalent Pentium), while the 66MHz version will sell for $506. The
coprocessor will cost $128.

Four computer makers -- Tangent Computer Corp., Compu-Tek Interna-
tional Inc., Adisys Corp. and Lucky Computer Co. -- have announced they
will use the NexGen chip in their machines.

** IBM to Manufacture Modular Computer **

TelePad Corp. this week announced that IBM will manufacture the new
TelePad 3, a combination multimedia desktop, notebook and tablet
computer that can be customized for the needs of specific field workers.

The TelePad 3 features a modular device architecture developed by
TelePad. Three removable modules accommodate hard disks, CD-ROM drives,
video cameras, global positioning systems and a variety of mobile
communications options.

** Dell Offers Six New '486 Units **

Six new systems based on Intel Corp.'s 486 processors with prices
starting at $1,499 have been unveiled by Dell Computer Corp. The six,
designed for entry-level to mid-range computing, are encompassed in
three new product lines, including NetPlex, Dell Dimension and OptiPlex.
The central processors range from a 25MHz SX to the top-end 66MHz DX2.

** Microsoft 'Fine Artist' Debuts **

Microsoft Corp. introduced Fine Artist, Version 1.0, a creative arts
program for children ages 8 and up that combines painting, drawing and
multimedia art projects. Reports say that Fine Artist can be used with
Creative Writer, to provide an electronic environment that encourages

The products take full advantage of multimedia computing in a disk-
ette format with integration of text, high-quality graphics, sound and
animation to provide an enriching experience for children.

Retail price is $64.95.

** DEC Unveils Pentium Systems **

Three new systems in its DECpc XL server line and five new low-cost
Pentium-based PCs have been unveiled this week in Hanover, Germany by
Digital Equipment Corp.

** Lotus Cuts Improv Price **

Lotus Development Corp. has cut the price of its next- generation
Improv 2.1 for Windows spreadsheet program from $495 to $129.

Designed to perform multidimensional data analysis, Improv provides a
multidimensional structure, dynamic views, and English- language

******* General Mac News *******

** Power Mac Introduced **

Apple Computer Inc.'s long-awaited Power Macintosh -- built around
the PowerPC 601 RISC chip it developed with IBM and Motorola Inc. -- is
being introduced this week, ranging in price from about $2,100 to more
than $6,000.

The Power Mac's most touted feature is its capability to run programs
for Mac, MS-DOS and Microsoft Corp.'s Windows environments.

Sources quote analysts as saying Apple's future is at stake here.

"I think it's a fair statement," adds Apple Vice President Ian W.
Diery, who is in charge of Apple's personal computer division, "but I'd
rather phrase it a different way: If we don't innovate, we're dead."

Diery said Apple hopes to sell a million Power Macs in the first
year, about a third of the company's projected sales of $8 billion.

Noting this is "an unusually ambitious target for a machine with a
new chip," Ortiz says analysts think Apple has little choice but to
proceed with PowerPC.

It is felt that Apple lost a key advantage when Microsoft Corp.'s
Windows software for IBM-compatible PCs made those machines as easy to
use as a Macintosh. No longer could Apple charge higher prices than the

Three Power Macintosh models are being released initially:

-:- The 6100/60 which, with a basic monitor and keyboard, will retail
for around $2,100.

-:- 7100/66, priced at $3,200.

-:- 8100/80, at $4,500.

Croft says Apple also is announcing a range of logic board and proc-
essor upgrades, starting at $699, that will allow users of many current
Macintosh systems to take advantage of PowerPC technology.

Reports say that the PowerPC has been demonstrated in a Mac running
at 80MHz, but that Apple estimates emulated programs will run at 25MHz
to 33MHz, the speed of Intel Corp.'s 486 and high-end 386 microchips.

Meanwhile, Apple said 40 to 80 programs written specifically for the
PowerPC soon will be available and it hopes between 200 and 300 will be
ready by this summer.

** Apple Forecast to Ship 700,000 PowerPC Macs by End of Year **

According to market research firm, Dataquest Inc., Apple Computer
Inc. will likely ship 700,000 of its soon-to-be-released PowerPC-based
Macintosh computers by year's end.

The new PowerPC-based Macintoshes have a low entry price, offer
better price/performance value than workstations, and the high-end
models are competitive with the 90-MHz Pentium desktop computers
announced this week.

** Which is Faster? **

In independent Macworld magazine tests, Apple Computer's new Power
Macintoshes beat Pentium-based personal computers. [Macworld magazine
is the leading authority on Macintosh computing and is in no way
affiliated with Apple.]

Tests published in the magazine's May issue show that all three Power
PC-based Mac models outperform PCs that use Intel's Pentium chip. To
realize that performance, the Power Macs must use new versions of Mac-
intosh software written especially for the PowerPC, a chip developed to
challenge Intel's 80486 and Pentium chips.

Macworld Lab test prototypes of all three Power Macs -- the 6100/60,
7100/66, and 8100/80 -- with prototype PowerPC software, against a
Compaq Computer Corp. Deskpro 5/60M, which uses Intel's 60MHz Pentium
chip and is recommended by Intel as a top-notch performer.

The Compaq surpassed the performance of all earlier Macs, but achie-
ved only about 93% of the speed of the slowest Power Macintosh (the
6100/60, which uses a 60MHz PowerPC 601 chip) and 67% of the speed of
the fastest Power Mac (the 8100/80, which uses an 80MHz chip). The
Macworld Lab tests use standard business programs to provide a realistic
indication of performance.

"The introduction of Macintoshes based on the PowerPC microprocessor
is a breakthrough in the evolution of personal computers," said Adrian
Mello, Macworld's editor-in-chief.

Because of strong interest among Mac owners in maintaining the option
of Microsoft Windows compatibility, Macworld Lab also gauged Windows
compatibility for the Power Macs.

On a mid-range Power Macintosh using Insignia Solutions' SoftWindows
program, Macworld Lab found that Windows performance was equivalent to
that of an entry-level business PC. Windows compatibility was strong for
most programs.

But owners of many earlier Macs may want to delay Power Mac purchases
until the software they rely on is available in PowerPC format. Macworld
Lab found that Power Macintoshes run almost all software designed for
older Macs, but with performance often falling well below that of the
fastest Macintoshes produced before the new Power Macs.

Macworld Lab tests show that PowerPC versions of the same software,
when they become available, should boost performance 200 to 600% over
the fastest previous Macs.

** Radius' Products to be Upgraded **

Radius Inc this week announced that its color and monochrome displays
have been or will be upgraded to include support for all of Apple
Computer's new Power Macintosh computers.

Power Macintosh software upgrades for Radius display products are
provided free of charge via Radius' Internet library (FTP.Radius.Com),
Bulletin Board Service (408/954-1689) and such conventional on-line
services as AppleLink, CompuServe, and America On-line. Users can also
call Radius Customer Service at 408/434-1012.

Radius Inc. also confirmed that its popular lines of QuickDraw grap-
hics accelerator products have been upgraded to include support for all
of Apple Computer's new Power Macintosh systems - including the 6100,
7100 and 8100 models.

** MicroNet Supports PowerPC Mac **

MicroNet Technology Inc. is ready to support Apple Computer's PowerPC
Macintosh products with new versions of its SCSI Utilities 6.2.1 and
hardware enhancements.

The utilities give PowerPC users across-the-board compatibility with
hard disk drives, optical drives, removable cartridge drives, CD-ROMs
and tape devices. MicroNet also announced a new version of its Raven
Disk Array product to support Apple's next generation Macintosh systems.

** Apple to Offer Mac Environment for HP Workstations **

Hewlett-Packard Co. and Apple Computer Inc. this week announced an
agreement under which Apple will make its Macintosh Application
Environment (MAE) available to HP 9000 Series 700 workstation users.

MAE will give HP workstation users the ability to run most Macintosh
applications alongside their UNIX applications.

MAE is a software implementation of the Macintosh environment that
runs in a window on Series 700 workstations. Applications will have the
same "look and feel" and functionality as that of the same applications
running on a Macintosh. With MAE, Series 700 users will be able to run
many Macintosh applications without modification.

** Microsoft Developing Power Mac Software **

Microsoft Corp. this week announced new versions of Microsoft Office
business productivity applications are under development for the Power
Macintosh computer, a new RISC-based Mac system introduced this week by
Apple Computer Inc.

** Apple Announces "Second Generation Newton" **

Apple has announced the "second generation" of the Newton, along with
an upgrade program for original MessagePad owners, new "business appli-
cations" for the Newton, and enhanced editions of the Newton Toolkit and
Newton Connection software.

The upgraded Newton is available in two versions:
The Newton MessagePad 110, which ships this week at a price of $599,
features a protective lid, round telescopic pen, and narrower, sleeker
form factor, along with three times the amount of memory available for
data storage, longer battery life, a "fast recharge" feature, improved
handwriting recognition, and easier infrared transfers.

The Newton MessagePad 100, slated for release in April for $499, of-
fers the same ROM (read only memory)-based software features, but in the
form factor of the original Newton MessagePad.

Owners of the original MessagePad who wish to upgrade to the new
software functionality will be able to do so starting in April for $99.

** Apple Cuts High-End Powerbook Prices **

Apple Computer has again announced price cuts on its popular line of
its Powerbook notebook computers. The reductions of between nine and 14%
are mostly in the company's high-end monochrome Powerbooks and in both
color and monochrome models of the Powerbook Duo product line.

** Apple's New Quadra 610 Runs MS-DOS/Windows Apps **

Apple has announced that shipments of its new Macintosh Quadra 610
DOS Compatible system with MS-DOS- and Windows-compatibility have begun.

The system uses both a Motorola 25 megahertz (MHz) 68LC040, and an
Intel 25MHz 486SX microprocessor which runs DOS and Windows-based
software. The system comes preinstalled with Microsoft's MS-DOS 6.2
operating system. The Quadra's dual processor approach reportedly allows
users to work in both the Macintosh and DOS environments at the same

Apple claims that, because the dual processors will work independen-
tly, users will be able to run Macintosh and DOS or Windows applications
in tandem, and even "cut and paste" information between the two environ-
ments. However an Apple spokesperson said hat the user cannot view a
Macintosh application and a Windows application in separate windows on
the same screen at the same time. To see them both simultaneously you
need two monitors. You can cut and paste between a Mac application and a
Windows application though.

As a result, there is dual monitor support, which lets the user add a
second display monitor without purchasing an additional video card.

The same hard drive runs Macintosh, MS-DOS or Windows applications.
The hard disk is not partitioned into a DOS part and a Mac part. All the
files are on the same hard disk together.

The Macintosh Quadra 610 DOS Compatible personal computer is avail-
able, priced at $1,579 which includes 8 megabytes (MB) of RAM, a 160MB
hard drive and on-board Ethernet configuration. Users can also buy the
DOS Compatibility Card for Macintosh separately, designed for both the
Macintosh Quadra 610 and Macintosh Centris 610, priced at $399.

The Macintosh Quadra features two system cards: the first has the
68LC040 to power the Macintosh environment; the second contains the
486SX that runs DOS and Windows applications.


> CONNECT STR InfoFile Telecomm Magazine, March/April issue

CONNECT Magazine Table of Contents
Vol 2 No 2 March/April 1994


Newspapers in the Electronic Age by David Noak
Newspapers have found new life in the electronic world. This article
looks at a number of newspapers making the move to the digital

Confessions of a Conference Junkie by Annina Anton
A genuine real-time conferencing addict explains what it is like to
be hooked on chat.

How to Choose an Online Service by Rich Hower
Want to get online but are baffled by the many choices available to
you? This article helps you decide which online services are best
for you.

Teaching the Old Dog by James Rock
An "old dog" who recently entered the world of telecomputing tells
how he's found a new online home, and learned a few new tricks, on
the Cyberia BBS in Pennsylvania.

DC NET v2.1 -- An Online Window to Creativity by Dan Dearmond
Durand Communication's DC NET Online Photographic Database software
is the focus of this in-depth review.

A Second Look at DC NET by Jeff Worchester
Another DC NET user reviews Durand's online database allowing
callers to view text and graphics together online.

Accessing the Online World of Electronic Bulletin Boards by Russell Frey
The author of PowerBBS for Windows takes you through the ABCs of the
BBSing world, discusses BBSes and networking, and points you to a
number of excellent BBSes that are just a connection away.

Turn Your PC into a Usenet Site by Edward Branley
This article shows you how to get your IBM PC or compatible system
connected to the "Outernet," allowing Usenet newsgroups and Internet
mail to be accessed directly on your PC.

Highlights of COMDEX/Fall '93 by Steve Richardson
After attending the Fall COMDEX show in Las Vegas, the author shares
his impressions of what was offered for telecomputer users.

Commworks for Windows by Jim Mallory
The author reviews the new Windows-based communications package from
Traveling Software, makers of LapLink and Remote Access.

The Inside Line
Editorial Staff Columnist Michael A. Banks points out online
"hang-outs" for writers of books and publications, as well as other

Eye on America Online
Columnist Julia Wilkinson takes us through the areas on AOL
supporting palmtops and Personal Data Assistants (PDAs) like the
Apple Newton MessagePad and Casio Zoomer.

Connecting with Compuserve
Your CompuServe guide, columnist Jim Ness, spotlights some of the
service's ever-expanding European offerings.

Telecomputing the DELPHI Way
DELPHI's Internet SIG and Custom Forums SIG are revisited by
Columnist Dick Evans, who also discusses his recent in-person tour
of the DELPHI facility.

GEnie's Treasures
Columnist Jim Mallory takes us to the Medical RoundTable on GEnie
and shows why this RT may be the cure for what ails you.

The Internet Gateway
Using the Internet Gopher to its fullest potential, and thereby
saving you valuable time and resources, is the focus of this issue's
offering from Columnist Paul Gilster.

Clear to Send
The MicroLink shareware Windows terminal program from MicroWerks is
reviewed by PC Columnist Victor Volkman.

Dial M for Macintosh
Macintosh Columnist Ross Scott Rubin talks about Apple's latest
foray into the modem/serial communications market with the GeoPort.

Staying Connected for about a Pound
Palmtop Columnist Marty Mankins shows how to stay in touch via fax
with your palmtop or PDA.

CONNECT magazine is available at the following magazine outlets: B.Dalton
Bookseller, Bookstop, Bookstar, Barnes & Noble, Doubleday, Scribner's,
Crown Books, Tower Books, Little Professor, Lichtman's News and Books,
Coles Book Stores, CompUSA, Computer City and Software Etc. chains, as
well as other chains and independent newsstands, book stores and computer
dealers in the U.S. and Canada. Call (313) 973-8825 to find the magazine
dealer nearest you who carries CONNECT.

CONNECT is a bi-monthly magazine covering the major commercial online
services (such as America Online, BIX, CompuServe, DELPHI, GEnie and
Prodigy), the Internet, and bulletin board system networks (such as
Fidonet, WWIVnet, and GlobalNet). The magazine is platform-independent,
with interesting columns focusing on PC-specific (DOS and Windows),
Macintosh-oriented, and Palmtop/PDA-related topics.




MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 15, 1994--Adobe Systems
Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) and ALDUS Corp. (NASDAQ:ALDC) today announced a
definitive agreement to merge through an exchange of common stock of the
two companies, creating a new half-billion dollar leader in software for
authoring and publishing electronic information.

Under the agreement, which has been approved by the boards of
directors of both companies, Adobe will exchange 1.15 shares of its
c o mmon stock for each share of ALDUS common stock. Based on
approximately 13.8 million shares outstanding of ALDUS stock and the
current Adobe stock price, the transaction will have a value of
approximately $525 million. The merger is intended to qualify as a
tax-free reorganization and a "pooling of interests" for and financial
purposes. "We are committed to achieving the cost savings necessary to
make this transaction non-dilutive in the first full year of the combined
operations," said John Warnock, chairman and chief executive officer,
Adobe Systems Inc.

The merger will be considered for approval by shareholders of both
companies at separate meetings anticipated in July 1994 with the merger
to be effective immediately following shareholders approval. Paul
Brainerd, president, founder and major shareholder in ALDUS has agreed to
vote his shares in favor of the merger and has given Adobe an irrevocable
proxy for all of his ALDUS shares in connection with such vote.

In addition, ALDUS and Adobe have each agreed to the payment of a
break-up fee if under certain circumstances the transaction should not be
completed. The merger is subject to numerous conditions.

"We believe our two companies, each with a rich history of inventing
different aspects of the electronic publishing revolution, are simply
much stronger together -- both technologically and financially -- than we
would be by remaining separate," said Warnock. "Combined, the two
companies offer products that address every aspect of information
authoring and representation, and in the future, can draw from that
expertise to pioneer the process and provide the tools required to help
our customers move from today's paper-based information infrastructure to
tomorrow's digital world."

"The challenges of the competitive landscape and the breadth of new
market opportunities offered by the digital revolution can be much more
effectively met by merging our companies than by either company
individually," said Chuck Geschke, president and COO, Adobe Systems Inc.
"The combined company offers tremendous opportunity for more competitive
marketing, higher levels of customer service and better responsiveness to
customers' evolving needs."

Brainerd said the merger offers both short-and long-term benefits
because of the broad array and depth of products that the companies can
n o w market and distribute together, as well as the tremendous
technological synergy that exists between the two companies for the
development of future products. "Together, Adobe and ALDUS can generate
tremendous momentum to meet customer requirements. The new company will
have the largest,most respected full bodied typeface library, the world's
top-selling page layout solution, and the best-of-breed illustration,
photo-editing, presentation, image retrieval and full video-production

These technologies are the foundation for today's most powerful
publishing and authoring solutions and tomorrow's tools for creating and
distributing information digitally."

Brainerd, Warnock and Geschke are widely recognized in the software
industry for having created the desktop printing (DTP) and electronic
publishing phenomena, which has grown into a $2 billion industry since
the early 1980s. Adobe, founded in 1982, provided the first open
standard for representing the printed document, PostScript and the
technology to support that standard.

Brainerd, who founded ALDUS in 1984, coined the term "desktop
publishing" and created the top selling PageMaker software system that
allows visually-rich documents to be created on personal computers.

Under terms of the merger agreement, Warnock, 53, will become
chairman and CEO of the new company with headquarters in Mountain View.
Geschke, 54, president of Adobe, will retain the same position in the new
company. Brainerd, 46, and another current member of ALDUS' board, will
become members of the board of directors of the new company once the
merger is complete. The structure of the merged company will consist of
operating divisions including Systems Products, Application Products, and
Consumer Products. Facilities will be maintained in both Mountain View
and Seattle. Current plans call for the new company tocontinue to market
and support all major products of both companies. Futurecorporate
identity plans will be determined when the merger is final.

Each company has sales and distribution operations outside of the
United States. In Europe, Adobe is headquartered in Amsterdam and ALDUS
is based in Edinburgh. Both ALDUS and Adobe maintain Pacific Rim
operations in Tokyo and other major cities.

On a combined basis, the companies had revenues last year of $520
million and more than 2,100 employees located throughout the world. For
fiscal 1993, Adobe reported revenues of $313 million and net income of
$57 million, while ALDUS reported total revenues of approximately $207
million and net income of $9.5 million. Adobe has approximately 45.7
million shares outstanding, and ALDUS has approximately 13.8 million
shares outstanding.

Adobe develops, markets and supports computer software products and
technologies that enable users to create, display, print and communicate
electronic documents and manipulate digital content to moving pictures
and sound. The company licenses its technology to major computer and
publishing suppliers, and markets a line of type and application software
products worldwide.

A L D US creates computer software solutions that help people
throughout the world effectively communicate information and ideas. The
company focuses on three main lines of business: applications for the
professional publishing, prepress and video markets; applications for the
consumer market; and applications for the emerging interactive publishing

CONTACT: Adobe Systems Inc.
Linda Prosser, 415/962-3840




by R. F. Mariano

A few weeks ago, this author was accused of having made mention of
WordPerfect for Windows being the "Premier" DTP solution for most small
business operations. After some thought about this, I concluded I was
wrong. WordPerfect for Windows is the ideal DTP solution for any
business; large, small or whatever. Of course WPWin is not the ultimate
in DTP solutions ..yet. I wouldn't be surprised though.. if one day it
became such. In the following article, you'll find some of the newest
features introduced to WPWin6 in the latest product update. (another
fine customer support practice WPCorp. is well known for).

In any case, for everyday DTP application in any size business along
with the increased usage of WPWin6.0a in smaller businesses for a wider
variety of applications, WPWin is definitely a very wise and prudent
investment no business should be without. WordPerfect for Windows is
truly a powerful and equally excellent DeskTop Publishing Solution that
includes the world's most powerful word processor at no extra charge.
Cross-platform file compatibility is a breeze with 6.0a, we regularly
receive files in .wri, .asc, .doc, .wp3 (mac), and many other saved file
formats. So many its too numerous to mention here and.. each and every
one of them are loaded right in without any hassles. A large percentage
of software publishers worldwide, have awakened literally, "seen the
light", when it comes to file sharing. Alas.. there are still those who
insist upon operating in the dark ages with propietary file formats.
They'll soon be nothing more than rather "not so fond" memories.


WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows offers the most comprehensive set of
tools to easily and automatically create any kind of document: powerful
word processing, drawing, charting, spreadsheet functionality within
tables, direct spreadsheet and database import, and direct integration
with other Windows applications.

"With WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows, users may never need to leave
their word processor," said Todd Titensor, product marketing
director for WordPerfect for Windows at WordPerfect Corporation. "No
other word processor offers the power and breadth of features with
such an accessible interface."

With this version, WordPerfect Corporation introduces an intelligent
and customizable interface, innovations in ease of use, and features that
make the most of the Windows environment.

QUICKMENUS. Working in Windows is easier with context-sensitive
QuickMenus that are accessed by clicking the right mouse button virtually
anywhere in WordPerfect. For example, clicking the right mouse button
anywhere in a document presents a QuickMenu to change fonts, spell check
or center text, while clicking in the left margin presents a menu to
select text, change margins or addcomments to a document. QuickMenus vary
according to location and text selected.

FEATURE BARS. Feature Bars automatically appear for more than 20
different tasks giving users additional feature-specific options. For
example, when working with graphics, the Graphics Feature Bar appears
with buttons to add a caption, change position and size, or add borders
and fill patterns.

"Today's word processing users demand more than a checklist of
editing tools," said Titensor. "Users want intelligent tools,
such as QuickMenus and Feature Bars, that automatically
anticipate their tasks."

BUTTON BARS. The WordPerfect Button Bar is the most versatile interface
tool in any Windows product. Users can place any WordPerfect feature,
function or macro on a Button Bar for quick access, as well as any other
Windows application.

COMPLETE CUSTOMIZATION. To make the product more applicable to
individual users, every aspect of the interface can be completely
customized: Button Bar, Power Bar, status bar, menus, and keyboards.

TEMPLATES. Templates simplify the creation of professional-
looking documents by giving users pre-created documents.
WordPerfect 6.0 ships with more than 70 ExpressDocs, pre-created
templates for common forms, fax sheets, memos, newsletters, and
more. ExpressDocs are more than customized documents; they are
interactive and prompt users for information such as the name and
fax number on a fax cover sheet. Users can also edit these
templates or create their own with customized Button Bars, menus,
styles and macros.

COACHES. Like a personal instructor, a Coach prompts a user
through a variety of common tasks with step-by-step instructions.
Coaches are written with WordPerfect's macro language so users
can write their own to add to the Help menu.

PREVIEW WINDOWS. Preview windows in many dialog boxes let users
see how changes in a document--such as columns, margins, and line
spacing--will look before making them.

ONLINE TUTORIALS AND IMPROVED HELP. To lessen a user's dependence on
printed documentation, a variety of online tutorials are available. Help
is also more visual and intuitive with context-sensitive icons. For
example, Help for the Power Bar actually displays the Power Bar so users
can click any icon for help. A non-scrolling region at the top of the
Help screen keeps the topic constantly in view, as well as related Help

FILE COMPATIBILITY. WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows gives WordPerfect DOS
users the easiest transition to Windows with feature and file
compatibility. WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows seamlessly imports WordPerfect
5.1 DOS files. In addition, WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS and WordPerfect 6.0
for Windows share the same file format so no conversion is necessary
between the two products.

WORDPERFECT DOS TEMPLATES. Users can select a WordPerfect 5.1 or 6.0 for
DOS template that will change the interface to look and feel like
WordPerfect for DOS.

KEYSTROKES. WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows includes a WPDOS keyboard layout
if users want to maintain familiar WordPerfect DOS keystrokes.

MACRO CONVERSIONS. WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows provides macro
conversions for WordPerfect DOS macros. Users can also write macros that
will work in both WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS and WordPerfect 6.0 for

"No one moves DOS users to Windows better than WordPerfect," said
Titensor. "Although other products may claim to imitate
WordPerfect, WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows offers the best
compatibility with WordPerfect files, macros and keystrokes, as
well as cross-platform compatibility."

WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows takes advantage of the Windows environment
more than any other Windows word processor.

PROGRAM LAUNCHING. Any Windows program or file can be placed on a Button
Bar for quick access from within WordPerfect. For example, a user could
drag the program file for Quattro Pro from the Windows File Manager to a
Button Bar and then be able to launch Quattro Pro while working in
WordPerfect. Or a user could place a Microsoft Excel file on a Button Bar
and with a click of a button launch Excel and load the file.

information can be directly imported into WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows.
All leading spreadsheet formats and a variety of database formats such as
Paradox, dBase, Oracle and popular SQL servers are supported. Users can
perform queries on database files to extract only the needed information.
Spreadsheets and databases can also be linked via Dynamic Data Exchange
(DDE) or Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).

FILE MANAGEMENT. Users now have the power of the WordPerfect File Manager
available right from the Open File dialog box. With the File Options
button, users can copy, move, rename, delete, print and change file
attributes, as well as create and rename directories. Files can be
displayed and sorted by filename, extension, size, date/time, and
descriptive name and type.

WORDPERFECT DRAW. WordPerfect Draw contains the sophisticated drawing
and charting tools from WordPerfect Presentations including BEZIER CURVES
and the ability to CONTOUR TEXT on a curve. The charting module lets
users turn table and spreadsheet data into a variety of charts: 3-D,
bar, line, area, hi-lo, pie, and exploded pie charts. WordPerfect Draw
works through OLE and is easily accessed by double-clicking any chart or
graphic image. WordPerfect Draw also supports the TWAIN standard for
direct access to scanners so users can easily scan any image into a

SPREADSHEET IN TABLES. WordPerfect is the only Windows word processor to
include advanced spreadsheet capabilities. The Tables feature contains
nearly 100 built-in formulas, numerical cell formatting, automatic
calculation, data fills, floating cells and named ranges.

TEXTART. Co-developed with Bitstream Inc., TextArt lets users instantly
create special effects with type using shapes, colors, fills and shadows.

QUICKFINDER. The QuickFinder rivals standalone packages with some of the
fastest indexing and text retrieval in the industry. Users can index
directories or groups of files and perform nearly instantaneous searches.

GRAMMATIK 5. The most popular grammar checker is now fully integrated
into WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows. Grammatik 5 is published by WordPerfect
Corporation's award-winning Consumer Products Division.

BORDERS. WordPerfect 6.0 ships with more predefined and customizable
border styles and fill patterns than any other word processor. Borders
can be used for paragraphs, pages, columns, tables, table cells and
graphic images.

WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows was completely designed and developed around
usability studies conducted in WordPerfect Corporation's state-of-the-art
Usability Center. Nearly every feature in the product went through
extensive usability testing to ensure that this product would be the
easiest Windows word processor to learn and use.

More than 1,000 users participated in usability studies; participants
were chosen according to skill level, experience with other graphical
environments, and experience with particular word processing tasks.

WordPerfect Corporation also invited representatives from accounting,
legal, education and business accounts to attend a week-long conference
at the Usability Center. Participants brought their own work and were
asked to accomplish their regular tasks using WordPerfect 6.0 for
Windows. They had daily contact with developers to offer suggestions for
improvements and changes.

In addition to improvements from usability testing, more than 653 unique
enhancements have been added to WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows, representing
nearly 12,000 customer requests.

WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows is available in the following languages:
English-UK, English-OZ, English-Canada, Dutch, Finnish, French,
French-National, French-Canada, German-National, German-Swiss, Italian,
Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, Danish and Portuguese-National.

EASY MOVE. With the flexible Easy Move program, WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS
users may become licensed to run WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows free of
charge by calling the Easy Move Hotline at (800) 228-5040.

WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows requires a 386 machine or higher, a VGA
monitor, at least 4M (preferably 6M) RAM and Microsoft Windows 3.1. The
product also ships on CD-ROM with online documentation in a Folio VIEWS


Executive Summary
WordPerfect Corporation has always had a policy of responding to customer
needs between major product upgrades with interim releases. In keeping
with this customer-oriented focus, WordPerfect will ship an interim
release of WordPerfect for Windows, version 6.0a, in March 1994. The four
major objectives for WordPerfect 6.0a are reliability, speed, ease of use
and transition tools.

WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows will be available free of charge to all
registered users of WPWin 6.0 upon request. If users have not registered
their software, WordPerfect representatives can register them when they
call (800) 321-4566.

* SPEED-Speed improvements have been made in the following
areas: basic formatting, scrolling, printing, graphics
handling, table manipulation and editing, importing 5.x
documents, generate, document compare, outline, launching
WPDraw, automation of ExpressDocs Templates and opening
large documents.

* RELIABILITY-Many changes have been made to improve the
overall reliability of the product. Every effort was made to
address the issues raised by our customers.

* PRINTING-With the Windows or WordPerfect (*.PRS) printer
drivers, the printing of tables, borders, and bitmap
graphics is much faster. In addition, with
WordPerfect-supplied Postscript and Hewlett Packard printer
drivers, WPWin 6.0 printed ATM and TrueType fonts as
graphics, which caused large output file sizes and long
total print times. WPWin 6.0a now downloads ATM and TrueType
fonts to these printers, improving overall printing speed.

* INTEGRATION-WPWin 6.0a now works better under Windows NT
and OS/2, including seamless integration with the OS/2
Advanced Workplace Shell. The OS/2 Integration Tools Disk is
available separately by calling (800) 321-4566.

* CONVERSION OF FONTS-In WPWin 6.0, converting WordPerfect
5.x documents to the WordPerfect 6.0 format would sometimes
result in fonts not converting correctly. Fonts will now
convert correctly if the same printer is selected in WP 5.x
and WPWin 6.0a. In addition, round-trip compatibility from
6.0 to 5.2 and back to a 6.0 format will result in
accurate font matching.

* FONTS-The last four fonts used are now displayed at the
top of the font list, accessed by clicking the font button
on the Power Bar. This is similar to the existing capability
to display the names of the four most recently used files on
the Files pull-down menu.

* GRAPHICS-You can now easily save a graphic as a WPG, PCX,
TIFF, and BMP file from within WPWin 6.0a by selecting the
graphic and choosing Save As from the File menu.

* FULL WYSIWYG DISPLAY-Character widths are now displayed
more accurately on screen, resulting in a truer graphical
representation of fonts.

* WPDRAW-With some scanners, the error message "Scan
Operation Failed..." would appear and prevent an image from
scanning directly into WPDraw. This has now been corrected.

* 256 COLOR DRIVER-If a problem is detected with a 256 color
driver, WPWin 6.0a will advise you to add a /fl startup
switch (for example, c:\wpwin60\wpwin.exe /fl) to the
command line under Properties for the WPWin 6.0a icon. This
will eliminate known problems with certain video drivers.

* DDEML.DLL-We are aware of conflicts with a Windows file,
DDEML.DLL, dated 4/22/92. The correct version of this file
should be found in the System directory (c:\window\system).
If the version of this file (DDEML.DLL, 4/22/92) is
found in the Windows directory, and the correct version is
found in the Windows System directory, the file will be
automatically deleted from the Windows directory.

* QUICKCORRECT-This feature automatically replaces errors in
mistyped or misspelled words. For instance, if you
accidentally type adn, it is automatically replaced with and
as soon as you press the space bar or another word delimiter
(comma, period, semi-colon, etc.). QuickCorrect can
automatically fix hundreds of commonly mistyped or misspelled
words as you type. QuickCorrect can also automatically expand
abbreviations on the fly. For example, you could type wpc
and have WordPerfect Corporation appear as you press the
space bar. QuickCorrect will also fix two initial caps such as

* QUICKSELECT-WordPerfect 6.0a understands that you need the
ability to select complete words, sentences, and paragraphs as
well as individual letters. QuickSelect gives you the
flexibility to select precisely the text you need. Click
twice, holding the mouse down the second time, then drag to
select word by word. Click three times and drag to select
sentence by sentence, and click four times and drag to select
paragraph by paragraph. In addition, WordPerfect 6.0 has
always let you click in the left margin to select a
sentence,and double click to select a paragraph, or use the
right mouse button in the left margin for more QuickSelect

* QUICKSTART-Coach When you first launch WordPerfect 6.0a, an
interactive QuickStart Coach appears to give you an overview
of the product. This will assist WordPerfect for DOS users, as
well as users of other word processors such as Microsoft Word
and Ami Pro as they make the transition to WordPerfect for

* TRANSITION ADVISOR-Accessed from the Help menu, the
Transition Advisor helps WordPerfect DOS users make a smooth
transition to Windows. The Transition Advisor displays
keystrokes and commands from WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS and then
shows how to perform the equivalent tasks in WordPerfect 6.0a
for Windows. Also available is a WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS
keyboard that retains familiar keystrokes as you work.

* EXPRESSDOCS TEMPLATES-WPWin 6.0a will ship with a WPLite
template which provides a scaled-down menu and feature list.
WPWin 6.0a will include several other templates: WPAmiPro,
business card creation, workgroup, pleading, term paper, and
an additional form letter template.

* PLEADING TEMPLATE-To answer requests from the legal
community, a pleading macro (PLEADING.WCM) and a pleading
template (PLEADING.WPT) will ship with WPWin 6.0a. This
automated template guides you through creating a pleading

* SAVE-A "fail safe" save option will now save the document
twice, check the file date/time, and then report any possible

* UNINSTALL-The setup program includes an Uninstall
facility which allows for a standard or custom uninstall of
WPWin 6.0a. Impro

vements have also been made to the
installation routine.

* PARAGRAPH NUMBERS-Paragraph numbering is now equivalent to
the functionality found in WPWin 5.2 and is part of the Bullet
and Numbers feature.

* TABLES-You can now save table data to the clipboard with
tabs that allow you to read data into a spreadsheet or save it
as an ASCII file. In addition, you can save table data to a
Quattro Pro format.

* IMPORT/EXPORT-A conversion for Professional Write files has
been added, as well as ODBC support, which provides direct
support for Microsoft Access and Excel 5.0.

* NEW BUTTON BARS-Three new Button Bars have been added to
WPWin 6.0a: Design Tools, Utilities, and Legal.

* NETWORK USERS-WPWin 6.0a includes UNC (universal naming
convention) support as well as shareable paper size forms for
Windows drivers.

* ENCRYPTION-Password protection has been improved, with
support for both the old and new formats for compatibility
with existing WPWin users and documents, as well as
"case-sensitive" password protection.

WordPerfect Corporation (WPCorp) has always had a policy of
responding to customer needs between major product upgrades. The
mechanism for this response is typically updated software in the form of
interim releases. In keeping with this customer-oriented focus, WPCorp
will make available an interim release of WordPerfect for Windows,
version 6.0a, in March 1994. WPWin 6.0a is an example of our commitment
to better serve our customers.

WPCorp will send WPWin 6.0a free of charge to all REGISTERED USERS
of WPWin 6.0 upon request. In addition, users who call WordPerfect
Customer Support and report a problem that has been resolved in WPWin
6.0a will receive the interim release free of charge.

If the user has not registered their software, our support operators
can register them at the time they call. Therefore, we encourage all
current users of WPWin 6.0 to register their software to receive the
interim release.

The four major objectives for WPWin 6.0a are as follows:

1. Reliability
2. Speed
3. Ease of Use tools
4. Transition tools for WPDos users


New Programs Ensure Quality of Free Support, Add Options

WordPerfect Corporation implemented an expanded customer support offering
which includes a registration system for free support, redefined no-cost
Classic Service, new instant-access Priority Service and corporate Silver
Support the new Premium Service program for small-to medium-sized
accounts. These offerings provide various free and fee-based options
tailored to customers' service requirements.

"Providing free, toll-free technical support for 14 years has been a
wonderful part of our company's history, and we have answered more than
60million questions for our customers and others," said Kim Cooper, vice
president of customer services at WordPerfect Corporation. "With these
new support programs, we will continue to provide outstanding free and
toll-free technical support to our registered users for a substantial
period of time between projected upgrade releases and will also provide
fee- based support options for users with more technical needs."

Under WordPerfect Corporation's new support programs, registered
users in the United States and Canada will receive 180 days of free,
toll-free support for business applications and 90 days of free support
for workgroup applications. The additional fee-based options offer
priority access to second-line technicians on a per-incident or
per-minute basis, or a variety of annual contracts for large accounts.
The company will announce its customer support offering for the consumer
products line Main Street at the end of the first quarter when the new
line is scheduled to ship.

"WordPerfect Corporation is preparing for continued changes in the
market," said Ad Rietveld, president and CEO at WordPerfect
Corporation. "With these new programs, the company upholds its
reputation as the industry's customer support leader by addressing its
customers' growing needs for accessible and flexible technical
support." Users Need To Register.

To qualify for the free Classic Service program, customers need to
register with WordPerfect Corporation. Customers who are not registered
can do this by completing and returning the registration card attached to
the Certificate of License, which is included in WordPerfect Corporation
product packages, or by providing the information to a support technician
when calling for technical assistance. Beginning Feb. 1, customer support
representatives will give registered and non-registered customers a PIN
(personal identification number). Users will need their PIN each time
they call support, as this number tracks a caller's eligibility for free
Classic Service; multiple products can be assigned to one PIN. Beginning
July 1, WordPerfect Corporation will use an automated system to verify
that customers are registered and eligible to receive Classic Service.

"Customer registration is one way to preserve the world-class
quality of WordPerfect Corporation's classic service. By registering
customers we ensure that the customers who buy our products are the
same customers who benefit from the free service," said Cooper.

Classic Service
A registered customer will receive free Classic Service technical
support for current products, beginning with the day the customer makes
the first call for technical support. The free support period is 180 days
for business applications and 90 days for workgroup applications. If
users continue to need assistance beyond the free period, they may choose
from various Priority Service or automated support options.

Priority Service
The Priority Service program promises access to second-line
technicians. The program does not require customer registration, has no
limited time period and technicians will support current and most of the
mature versions of WordPerfect Corporation products. Customers can pay
for the support incident by credit card $25 per incident or $2 per minute
for business applications and $150 for workgroup applications. The
Priority Service program begins March 1 for workgroup applications and
April 4 for business applications.

Premium Service
Large account customers may now choose from among three support
options including WordPerfect's new $2,500-per-year Silver Support
program geared to small-and medium-sized organizations with 50-300
end-users. The Silver Support program complements WordPerfect's recently
announced $15,000-per-year Platinum Support and $10,000-per-year Gold
Support programs for large-and medium-sized enterprises. Silver Support
offers priority access to a second-line technician, a toll-free line and
monthly updates to WordPerfect Corporation's customer support infobase on

Automated Support Services
WordPerfect Corporation's free automated support options are
available to all customers at any time. These include fax-on-demand
InfoShare, BBS (bulletin board service), or existing online forums such
as SpaceWorks, CompuServe and America Online.

"Our new programs are in the WordPerfect tradition of providing the
highest quality support to our customers," said Cooper.




by Frank Sereno

This week I will review Mixed-Up Mother Goose from Sierra On-line,
another of the older but excellent titles available at huge discounts to
careful shoppers. At the end of this article I will mention some methods
of purchasing software at a discount.

Mixed-Up Mother Goose is available on many computer platforms
including IBM compatibles, Atari ST, Amiga and Macintosh. The version I
am reviewing is the IBM CD-rom version, one of the first 'multi-media'
releases. Requirements are a CD-rom drive, VGA graphics, 640k of base
memory, a mouse or joystick , an AdLib or Sound Blaster compatible sound
card and a 286 or better CPU. The game comes on two CD-ROMs, one of
which is an English-only disc and the second is the multi-lingual disc
which allows the speech in the program to be a choice of English,
Japanese, German, French and Spanish.

Installation is very easy. Simply select the drive letter of your
CD-rom and then type INSTALL. The install program will then create batch
and configuration files on your hard drive to start the game quickly.
Upon starting the game, the title screen comes up and the player is
given the choice of playing a saved game, a new game, changing the
language or viewing the credits. Games in progress are automatically
saved to the hard drive. Upon selecting a new game, the player is given
the choice of 12 different on-screen alter egos. There are six boys and
six girls of different ethnic heritages. Once you have chosen the on-
screen character, the game will begin. The opening shows the on-screen
child resting in bed. Clicking on various objects will result in the
display of humorous animations. Clicking upon the book in the bookcase
will cause the on-screen child to sleep and to dream of flying to
Mother Goose land on the back of her goose. Mother Goose then explains
her dilemma to the player.

Mother Goose is a children's adventure game. Using a simple point
and click interface, the child helps Mother Goose fix her mixed up
nursery rhymes by finding items or people in the game and returning them
to their proper places. In all, eighteen rhymes must be fixed including
Humpty Dumpty, Little Tommy Tucker and Peter Pumpkin-Eater. The items
are spread throughout Mother Goose land. The player can only carry one
item at a time and picks up an item by moving their on-screen character
past the item. The rhyme is fixed when the player takes the item he is
carrying to the correct nursery rhyme character.

Movement is accomplished by moving the on-screen cursor and
clicking. When encountering any of the characters from Mother Goose
land, clicking on the mouth icon will allow the player's on-screen
character to converse with the nursery rhyme character. This will give
the player clues as what items that character needs to complete his
rhyme. If there are no nursery rhyme characters on screen, selecting the
mouth icon will cause the player's character to say a small bit of
personal information such as "Grandma makes macaroni and cheese for me
when I visit." As Sierra's first multi-media effort, real people spoke
the lines but the performances are only adequate. This is audio that is
directly off the CD-rom disc.

Other icons available to the player are a map icon which will show
his location in the game as well as any locations of interest to the
game, a volume control for the background music which is generated by
your sound card, a speed icon for adjusting how fast the on-screen player
walks and finally a stop icon so the player can exit the game. In the
lower left portion of the screen, 18 small depressions are visible. As
each nursery rhyme is complete, a gold ball will appear in one of the

When the player finds an item and is ready to deliver it to the
proper nursery rhyme character, simply find that character on-screen and
then use the mouth icon to talk to that character. The nursery rhyme
will then be animated on the screen and a song of the rhyme will be
heard. Once all eighteen nursery rhymes have been fixed, the on-screen
player will meet with all the nursery rhyme characters and then be flown
home by Mother Goose's goose.

Mixed-up Mother Goose is an excellent way to familiarize children
with the classic nursery rhymes. The graphics and animation are quite
good and the songs are bright and lively. Not only is this is a good
game for younger children, but it can be used as an introductory
adventure game for people that are unfamiliar with computers. The game
is completely non-violent and the puzzles are easy. Players will learn
how to use the mouse and to click on icons. I've played the game with my
children and it is amusing, at least the first few times through the
game. I recommend this game quite highly for children ages 3 through 8
years. Despite being written several years ago, it is still an excellent
program even in comparison to today's latest releases.

Floppy disk versions of Mixed-up Mother Goose can be found for $10.
Many stores sell the CD-rom version for $20 or less. During the recent
Christmas season, WalMart stores in northern Illinois were clearing out
the CD-rom version for only $10.

Now let's list some of the ways you can buy software at deep
discounts. One method is to order your software through a high-volume
mail order house. These merchants often have low overhead and offer the
lowest prices on the latest releases. They also heavily discount older
stock and often advertise those specials in computer magazines. A second
method is to check the bargain bins of your nearest large computer store.
As new software is released, the older stock must be removed to make
room for the new and the quickest way to remove it is to heavily discount
it. A third way of finding software at a discount is to visit stores
that pick up discontinued software and sell it at low prices. Stores
such as KayBee Toys often sell older software at huge discounts. These
are all regular retail channels for buying software.

Other ways of saving on software exist outside of these retail
methods for saving. In many metropolitan areas, computer shows are being
held. These shows are a gathering of computer software and hardware
wholesalers and retailers. Often great savings can be gained from
shopping these shows. Probably the items with the greatest mark-downs
are CD-rom discs. Sometimes Hamfests and flea markets will have
individuals selling computer equipment and software. Also gaining
popularity are re-sale or used software stores. These stores buy
software from end-users that no longer need the programs, add a markup
and then resell the programs to their customers. Savings can be 50% or
more, but most often it is about 25% off retail. Obviously, savings
would be greater if you cut out the middleman in the purchasing of used

One way to purchase used software directly from the owner is to shop
want ads in newspapers, computer magazines such as Computer Shopper and
regional want ad magazines. Here in northern Illinois we have Tradin'
Times which has several pages of ads for computer items. Probably the
best way is to shop For Sale echoes on Bulletin Board Systems. Many BBS
systems have message bases dedicated to the sales of computer items.
Many times these bases are limited to the users of that particular BBS.
One way of reaching more people is to post on a message base that is
networked between many BBSs. There are a myriad of networks out there
such as RIMEnet, Vnet, Fnet, etc. Probably the oldest and most respected
of networks is FIDOnet. FIDOnet has national and international echoes
devoted to the selling of computer items. There are specific echoes for
selling CD-ROMs, for commercial vendors and for private individuals.

Most people dealing on these networks are reputable and honest, but
every once in a while someone will try to pull a scam by accepting money
and then either not shipping the goods paid for or by shipping broken or
worthless merchandise. There are legal methods to protect yourself when
shopping via BBS systems, but it also best to use common sense to avoid
the scam artists. Read the messages in the echo for several weeks before
trying to make any transactions. This will give you a chance to see who
the regular and most dependable sellers are in that particular echo.
Also note if there are any complaints about anyone involved in any
transactions and avoid those people until those complaints are rectified.
If a deal sounds too good to be true, it may very well be so. If someone
insists on prepayment on a large purchase, exercise extreme caution.
Some sellers are cautious to ship COD because if the shipment is refused,
then they are stuck with the shipping costs. If they give you a tale of
being burned on COD shipments, offer to send payment for shipping charges
first but reserve payment for the merchandise until it arrives via UPS or
other means.

I hope that you find these reviews useful. As always, I thank you
for reading!



Technology Update


Intelligent Personal Information Manager
Set To Ship By End of First Quarter

WordPerfect Corporation's consumer products division has announced the
company's new intelligent personal information manager for Windows,
WordPerfect InfoCentral, has entered beta testing.

WordPerfect InfoCentral, as part of the WordPerfect Main Street consumer
product line, takes advantage of object-oriented technology to help users
organize people, places, things and events.

WordPerfect InfoCentral (previously code named CIA) is a personal
productivity tool that allows users to organize and manage their daily
information and contacts. The PIM offers calendaring, address book and
to-do features all of which are integrated with patent-pending iConnect
technology, in a simple interface.

WordPerfect InfoCentral has created a new paradigm for information
management, said Ad Rietveld, president and CEO, WordPerfect Corporation.
The product is truly an intelligent information manager. With more than
five years of development and with patent-pending technology, the
superior capabilities of the PIM will make it easy for users to organize
and manage their documents, contacts and appointments.

Connections. WordPerfect InfoCentral intelligently connects information
between people, places, things and events with iConnect. The PIM
automatically sorts information into an easy- to-read outline that lets
users describe the relationship or connection between pieces of

"iConnect" allows users to enter and find information from multiple view
points. For example, a user can enter the name George Bush into
WordPerfect InfoCentral and include the companies, organizations, places,
and people to whom George was formerly or presently associated. The user
connects George to all of the categories and George can now be instantly
retrieved by looking up any of the connected categories.

Related File Launch. Through related file launching technology and OLE
2.0, users can now manage any type of information produced in any Windows
applications including editors, word processors, databases, spreadsheets,
presentation programs, etc.

For example, to write a letter to George Bush, the user simply finds
George's name in the PIM, clicks on the Related File launch button and
WordPerfect InfoCentral automatically launches into the user's Windows
word processor. Within seconds the program organizes a letter with
George's name, address, opening salutation, and closing while putting the
cursor in the exact location to begin writing a letter.

After the user completes, saves, and closes the letter, WordPerfect
InfoCentral takes the user back to George's name in the PIM where a
"document" entry appears. By clicking on the document entry, the user can
find the letter and any other document the user has connected to George

Mail-enabled. The PIM is mail-enabled through WordPerfect Office or any
e-mail application that supports VIM or MAPI standards.

Enter Information Once. WordPerfect InfoCentral is unlike traditional
contact and information managers because users are only required to enter
information once. The PIM's intelligence reuses information already
entered into the PIM such as names, addresses and phone numbers. The
benefit for the user is that WordPerfect InfoCentral eliminates the
redundant entering of data, saving valuable time and hard disk space.

The time has come to deliver a true intelligent information manager that
is designed with the user in mind, said Jeff Mallett, senior director,
consumer products division. We haven't forced an old information
management or paper contact system into a software package. Instead, we
have maximized object-oriented technology and put the user in charge, not
the program.

Tabs. Tabs, similar to file folders, allow users to keep information
they use most in an organized, easy to use format. Information updated in
one tab, is automatically updated within all tabs.

Outline View. WordPerfect InfoCentral presents information in an
easy-to-understand Outline View. The Outline View shows users how all of
their information is interconnected. No outlining is ever required by the
user user's information is outlined in the PIM automatically.

Calendar View. The program's Calendar View includes day, week and year
views. Users can easily drag and drop appointments between days or weeks
and schedule tasks in the same view. WordPerfect InfoCentral will also
print information in all standard planner sizes for users who wish to
carry their information in hard copy format.

Address Book View. The Address Book View allows users to access names,
addresses, phone and fax numbers, cellular numbers, and e-mail addresses
of related persons and places.

Information Bases. Another unique feature of WordPerfect InfoCentral
that sets it apart from other PIMs is the four information bases, or
iBases, that ship with the product. The four iBases include information
on the top 500 consumer product companies, computer hardware and software
companies, world business travel and wines of the world.

All four iBases are presented using the PIM's technology that provides
users with an instant reference and an excellent foundation or starting
point for users to add their own personal information. WordPerfect
Corporation will continue to develop iBases and work with other content
providers to give users updates and additional iBases.

Templates and quick tours. Templates and quick tours will help users
quickly get started using WordPerfect InfoCentral. Several iBase
templates will help users begin entering and connecting their information
right away. Quick tours take users step by step through various functions
of the PIM.

System Requirements and Pricing: Requirements for WordPerfect InfoCentral
are a 386 processor or higher with 4M of RAM. Microsoft Windows 3.1 or
later and 4-6M of hard disk space are also required. The PIM can be used
with any pen computer using Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing. The
expected shipping date of version 1.0 is first quarter 1994 with a
suggested retail price of $149 US/$179* CAN.

WordPerfect InfoCentral is one of 28 products included in the WordPerfect
Main Street consumer product line. Several other new products are
expected to ship during 1994 to meet the computer software needs of the
home and small business markets. WordPerfect Presentations.

Windows is a new personal information manager (PIM) that creates a new
paradigm for organizing people, places and things with the use of
object-oriented computing along with tight integration between Windows
applications, OLE 2.0, connecting of objects and simple user-definable
fields. Information is presented in an Outline View, Calendars, To Dos
and Address Books. Several helpful information bases, templates and quick
tours ship with the PIM to help users get started.

WordPerfect Works 2.0 for Windows is a powerful integrated software
package that gives users instant integration with a word processor,
database, spreadsheet, draw and paint module. Communications support is
also included. WordPerfect Works for Windows gives users the power to
draw, paint, write, budget and file all within one application.

WordPerfect ExpressFax+ 3.0 for Windows integrates fax, data and voice
communications all in one easy-to-use interface. Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) support is provided through Xerox Imaging System's
TextBridge Technology.

ExpressFax+ 3.0 for Windows will have a suggested retail price of
$99US/$120CAN and WordPerfect InfoCentral and WordPerfect Works for
Windows will have a suggested retail price of $149US/$179CAN




To All:

Greetings from Corel's Sales & Marketing department. I daily monitor the
discussions here on Compuserve and I do appreciate your comments,
suggestions, concerns regarding Corel's pricing and distribution
policies. There are many issues that you have raised and although I
cannot address all of them, I would like to say that your opinions matter
to us.

Many of you have expressed concern over the upgrade price, our
'all-in-one' software strategy, and now the shipping of upgrades. First,
I'm not here to make excuses for Corel, but rather, to add my perspective
to your discussions.

First, Corel's upgrade price for CorelDRAW 4 was set after extensive
consultation with users and with respect to the relative value in the
box. Please consider the value of 650 Bitstream and ITC fonts, the
comprehensive pre-press controls, desktop publishing features, OCR
technology, additional clip-art and data manager, all user requested
features and implemented within a 12 month development cycle. We're
continuing to bring innovations to market with features like Powerlines,
not found in any other package on any platform. We're confident you'll
agree that the additions to the CorelDRAW module, fonts and clipart
alone are worth the price of the upgrade.

Secondly, you helped make CorelDRAW a success and we need you to continue
to provide us with valuable feedback. Your suggestions regarding
unbundling of the software modules are taken seriously. CorelDRAW 3 was
the first 'all-in-one' graphics software package and sales virtually
doubled in 1992. The strategy popularized graphics on the desktop and
catapulted our company into another league with over half a million users
worldwide. The strategy was right for the times and version 4 maintains
that tradition with refinements throughout all of the modules. We are
reviewing the product's future directions and your input is welcome.

Finally, when CorelDRAW 3 shipped last year, we simultaneously shipped
full versions and version upgrades to resellers and both products
appeared on resellers shelves at the same time. This year, Corel was
determined to process all upgrade orders directly through a 1-800 service
until June 25. CorelDRAW 4 full versions and upgrades were manufactured
within days of each other and while full versions were shipped first to
wholesalers, CorelDRAW 4 version upgrades followed quickly and your
orders are currently being processed through Federal Express. Computer
stores will carry CorelDRAW 4 upgrades in July. We anticipate that if
you placed an 'early bird upgrade' you will have your software within
days of this announcement.

I apologize for any inconvenience and confusion these company decisions
may have caused you and I know you are eagerly awaiting your order. We
trust that as we perfect this new system that our contact with you the
loyal user of Corel will strengthen and you will continue to believe in
the product and the people at Corel who enjoy bringing it to you.

Warm regards,

Arlen Bartsch
Director, Sales & Marketing



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Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
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Are your friends "busy" buddies? Are they being left out in the
cold because their online service doesn't have room for them? Is
"Almost OnLine" as close as they're getting to BEING online? Are
they faced with busy signals, "come back later" messages and slow

Well, we know how frustrated they must feel. We've been there --
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We've designed a slick promotion in order to give you the
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you don't have to tell them is that you get something out of the
deal, too!

For each new user you bring to GEnie, we'll waive their first
month's subscription fee, and give them a total of TEN free hours of
standard connect time -- that's a $38.95 (C$50.95) value! If you
and your buddy are still active GEnie subscribers three months from
the date your buddy signs up, YOU get five hours of FREE standard
connect time -- a $15.00 (C$20.00) value for each buddy you sponsor!

And, for a limited time, you can even qualify for SPECIAL PRIZES!!!

In addition to the five hours of standard connect time, prizes
will be awarded to the three sponsors who bring in the most
qualifying buddies between February 3, 1994 and March 31, 1994. The
third-place Buddy sponsor will receive a GEnie satin jacket. The
second-place Buddy sponsor will receive a 9600 bps modem. And the
first-place buddy sponsor will receive a $500 gift certificate good
at your favorite computer store.

Like everything good, there are a few rules for the GEnie Buddy
Bonus Program. You'll find the complete promotion rules on the
GEnie Services Buddy Bonus page (type BUDDY or M1111). Be sure you
review the complete rules before you contact your friends.

So, if your buddies have been bragging about that other online
service, just remind them that a pretty interface ain't worth squat
if it doesn't log on! Bring them over to GEnie....we may not be
pretty just yet, but we're definitely more fun! And, if a GUI is
that important to them, tell them that we'll have both Mac and
Windows front ends before the other guys get more computers!

Don't stand IN LINE ....get ONLINE!

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

Randy Noak, Editor

Whew! The PowerMacs are here and STReport has all the info! By all
accounts, the PowerMacs are a smash success. Reports have surfaced of
60mHz PowerMacs running PhotoShop at _four times_ the speed of PhotoShop
on 80mHz Pentium chips. That's _FAST_! There's a bunch of PowerMac info
in this issue, so be sure and check it out. Also, Associate Editor,
Education, Melanie Bell, reviews "Busy Box", a fun children's shareware

Mac Report Monthly is now available for download on America OnLine,
CompuServe and GEnie. Mac Report Monthly (MRM) is an all-Mac monthly
magazine containing some of the articles that have appeared in Mac Report
the previous month. Be sure and check that out too.

I'm sure you're all anxious to get to the PowerMac info, so I'll
keep my opener short this week. Read on!


> The Ultimate Busy Box 3.3 STR Review


by Melanie Bell, Associate Editor - Education

The ultimate busy box is an educational shareware program I found on
America OnLine . The program is a HyperCard stack that focuses on
letter recognition , and number recognition skills.

ULB opens with an all familiar voice of that purple dinosaur
saying "Hello to all my friends". After which you see what looks like
a typewriter. A voice then says "find" and calls out a letter randomly.
The letter is also displayed at the top of the typewriter. The child is
to match the lower case letter shown at the top, to the upper case letter
on the typewriter. The child must use the mouse to navigate to the
correct letter and click on it. Keyboard answers are not accepted. If
the child does not choose the correct letter nothing happens. When the
child matches the correct letter, he or she is rewarded by various
sounds. A few of these sounds are a cats meow, a dogs bark, a simple
melody, and a quack. Besides matching lower to upper case letters, the
child is also asked to find numbers. When the correct number is clicked
the child is rewarded by a "quack" the number of times equivalent to the
number chosen.

These sounds can also be heard by clicking on their buttons at the
bottom of the typewriter. Along with these sounds, the child can click
on a button of a typewriter and is rewarded by hearing what sounds like a
typewriter. There is also a light bulb, that when clicked makes the
screen flash. To add to that there is an ABC button that when the child
clicks on it, a bar at the bottom flashes the letters and a voice recites
the ABC s. There is also a button that has numbers on it, when the
child clicks on it the bar at the bottom flashes numbers and a voice
counts to nine.

As a teacher, I really liked this program. The documentation
referred to a toddler using it, but I could see my first graders benefit-
ing from it. A lot of children have a difficult time matching lower case
letters to their upper case counterparts. They also have a hard time
recognizing numbers. Using the mouse to navigate to the correct letter or
number develops hand- eye coordination. The sound and action buttons
keep the child interested, the voice is that of a child and is under-

The Ultimate Busy Box Collection
Shareware- $12.00
Alex G¢nrieser
422 NE 82nd St.
Seattle, WA98115
America OnLine :StimpyJ

Melanie Bell is an elementary teacher from Rockwood ,Tennessee.




"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
Alan Kay, Apple Fellow

Power Macintosh: What's it all about?

It's been ten years since people began talking about the computers
that smiled back at them.

The second decade for Apple Macintosh computers will certainly bring
a sea of change in the realm of personal computing, but perhaps the most
fundamental change will be the introduction of Power Macintosh computers.
This new computing platform is based on PowerPC, a powerful new micropro-
cessor that is designed to provide the foundation for the future of
personal computing.

This microprocessor is the result of a sweeping technology alliance
made up of Apple, IBM, and Motorola that was formed in 1991. This alli-
ance called for developing IBM's POWER RISC microprocessor architecture
into a RISC chip that could be used for desktop computers. Apple chose
this chip design because it combines state-of-the-art technology and the
backing of major computer vendors that have a proven ability to produce
chips in volumes large enough and cost effective enough to accommodate
the massive personal computer market.

Apple had four design goals when developing its Power Mac platform:

=> Provide tremendous performance at a reasonable price. This alone
was a daunting goal, since no other personal computer vendor had
been able to offer a system that was as affordable as it was robust.

=> Create an advanced computing environment that would pave the way for
new kinds of applications.

=> Offer a smooth migration path for both Macintosh and PC users to
PowerPC processor-based computers by offering a variety of upgrade

=> Make sure the new systems would be compatible with existing software
and peripherals, and maintain a "look and feel" that users would

No doubt about it, these were lofty goals. But intentions don't mean
much unless they're carried out. This document will explain how Apple has
addressed these goals and come through with a next-generation computing

In terms of Apple's specific roll-out plans, the company is intro-
ducing Power Macintosh first into the midrange and high-end of the
Macintosh family. The company will also integrate the PowerPC processor
into its entire line, including desktop computers, workgroup servers, and
notebook computers, over the next few years.

Here are some of the highlights of Power Macintosh:

=> It uses an advanced microprocessor that provides workstation-like

=> The PowerPC 601 microprocessor outperforms its major competitor,
Intel's Pentium processor.

=> It performs significantly better than computers running on 68040 and
80486 microprocessors.

=> It raises the ceiling on what a computer and its users can do.

=> It features an operating system, optimized for the new chip, that
will make it easier to use a computer.

=> It retains the hallmark Macintosh look and feel.

=> It runs high-performance software applications that have been specif
ically designed to take advantage of the power of the new chip.

=> It's highly compatible with software that runs on 68040 and 80486
microprocessors (including both DOS and Windows software).

=> It allows users to upgrade their current Macintosh systems to take
advantage of the PowerPC chip.

Apple's Choice of PowerPC Chip
The PowerPC family of microprocessors is built on RISC (reduced
instruction set computing) technology and developed as part of the Apple,
IBM, Motorola alliance formed in 1991.

First, this microprocessor design takes the approach of streamlining
the internal workings of computers. Whereas traditional CISC (complex
instruction set computing) processors Intel's Pentium chip, for example
contain a vast number of instructions to handle nearly every task that a
computer carries out, RISC processors contain only the instructions that
are used most often. The result: RISC processors execute basic instruc-
tions very quickly. To handle a more complex instruction, RISC proces-
sors simply build it from its basic instructions. This powerful proces-
sor, until now, was used only in systems designed for raw computational
power, such as engineering workstations and database servers running the
UNIX operating system. The introduction of the RISC-based PowerPC chip
brings the power of a workstation to the personal computer.

Why PowerPC?
Apple's decision to go with the PowerPC chip was influenced by a
combination of factors. The linchpin was that IBM was willing to adapt
its POWER RISC architecture already used on IBM's RS/6000 workstations to
create a RISC-based microprocessor appropriate for personal computer
users. That move provided the alliance with a known product that already
had a set of application development tools that could be revamped for the
PowerPC chip. And, having three major companies going in on the chip was
a sure-fire way to call on considerable research and development re-
sources to produce several versions of the chip simultaneously. The
strength of the alliance companies has the additional benefit of ensuring
that the PowerPC chip will become a mainstream processor in short order.
Finally, on the logistics side, Apple was satisfied that PowerPC could be
produced cost-effectively in large quantities, since the alliance compa-
nies had already established that they could pump out the millions of
microprocessors needed for the personal computer market.

The PowerPC microprocessor family currently comprises four models,
ranging in speed from 60-MHz to 80-MHz clock speeds.
They are:

=> PowerPC 601 for midrange to high-end Macintosh systems

=> PowerPC 603 an energy-saving, lower-cost design for entry-level
desktop Macintosh computers and PowerBook models

=> PowerPC 604 the next level in high-performance computing

=> PowerPC 620 a very high-performance processor designed for
workstations and servers

How PowerPC Stacks Up Competitively
Though Apple chose the RISC-based PowerPC chip to be the brain of
its new line of computers, the company realizes there are other technolo-
gies on the market. Here's how they stack up.

Intel's Pentium, based on CISC technology, is the most powerful
microprocessor that DOS and Windows computer vendors use. Intel insists
that it is not necessary to use RISC technology in microprocessors
designed for powerful personal computers. However, in benchmark tests,
even the first generation PowerPC 601 microprocessors were on par with
Pentium and more than 30% faster than Pentium in floating-point calcula-
tions (such as 3-D graphics and CAD). The bottom line for computer users
is that RISC-based microprocessors will help their applications run
faster than if they were running on CISC-based microprocessors.

Not only does PowerPC outperform Pentium, but it does so in a
smaller and cooler package. Size affects the cost of a microprocessor
(smaller ones are less expensive), while heat output determines which
computer models it can be used in (hotter processors need more space and
electronic power, which means they are not well-suited for notebook
computers). The PowerPC 601 microprocessor is roughly half the size,
heat output, and price of the Pentium chip. Couple those advantages with
the performance statistics, and, in the end, the PowerPC 601 is a less
expensive, more versatile personal computer chip.

The PowerPC chip also does well when going head-to-head with today's
mainstream personal computer chips. PowerPC processor-based machines,
when running "native" applications, offer two to four times the perfor-
mance of the 68040-based Macintosh Quadra line or Intel 80486-based
computers. Native applications are those which have been either origi-
nally designed or re-tooled to take advantage of the PowerPC chip. In
benchmark tests, native applications that rely on floating-point calcula-
tions ran as much as 8 to 10 times faster than the fastest Motorola 68040
and Intel 80486 based personal computers on the market.

More Power Means the Computer Does More
Power Macintosh raises the ceiling on what computers can do and is
well-suited to handle power-hungry tasks. This means that many capabili-
ties are at the hands of mainstream computer users for the first time.
For instance, "power user" applications such as animation and full-motion
video can be used on Power Macintosh; this enables more people to easily
create snappy multimedia presentations. This also holds true for ad-
vanced desktop graphic design and illustration long the domain of pub-
lishers using souped-up computers which will become feasible for main-
stream computer users, thanks to significant speed advances. New collab-
orative communication services, including live-screen sharing (for remote
proofing of documents) and video conferencing, are on the agenda as well.
Power Macintosh also allows Apple to expand its AV technologies, such as
speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion (for practical applications
like language instruction training), and voice and language processing.

The increased power of Power Macintosh computers allows both Apple
and third-party developers to introduce across-the-board computing
advances. The PowerPC processor-based systems open the door to advances
in the user interface, so the interface can progress from easy-to-use to
invisible. Someday, intelligent agents will allow the computer to learn
the users habits and automate those tasks that the user does most often.
Other improvements will include more sophisticated help systems and
future advancements such as OpenDoc, an open architecture that will make
it easier to share information across many computer platforms. These are
just a smattering of the technologies that Power Macintosh will enable.
The net gain of Power Macintosh is simple, but important: it provides
ample headroom for a vast number of new computing technologies.

Delivering the Power in a Familiar Package
Maintaining the Macintosh Look and Feel
PowerPC will take the Macintosh platform to a new level. But it's
important to remember that each Power Macintosh system is still a
Macintosh. Although Apple is not the only manufacturer building a
computer with the PowerPC microprocessor, it is the only company that has
elected to combine RISC technology with an advanced, mainstream personal
computer operating system, System 7. So while other vendors move users
to a new operating system in order to benefit from RISC, Apple has chosen
to bring its operating system to Power Macintosh. Apple's first-genera-
tion models will appear just like other Macintosh systems, providing its
users with a familiar user interface smiling computer face and all and
will not require retraining. Whether copying a file or launching an
application, users will interact with the computer as they have in the

Operating System Optimized for PowerPC
While the user interface will look familiar, the operating system
will advance. Apple has optimized portions of System 7 so that it
achieves high performance on the PowerPC chip. For example, most appli-
cations constantly access the Macintosh Toolbox, a set of system software
modules that handle common tasks. Those toolbox procedures that demand
the most computational power (such as QuickDraw routines for redrawing
the computer screen) have been modified to take advantage of RISC. And,
because Apple will be converting more and more of the operating system to
native PowerPC code, the system will actually get faster (way faster!)
as Apple releases new versions of the system software. In fact, later
versions of the software will begin to take on additional qualities,
incorporating intelligent agents and other enabling technologies. These
types of advances will go beyond making it easy to use a computer they
will make it easier for the user to get right to the work at hand without
thinking about the computer.

Native Applications
System software is not the only software that's getting a makeover.
Applications are also being revamped to take advantage of the new sys-
tem's power. Major software companies are leading the effort and many
others are following suit to produce hundreds of native PowerPC applica-
tions (those that have either been designed or recompiled to exploit the
PowerPC chip's performance potential). Applications are under develop-
ment in virtually every category, including publishing, general produc-
tivity (such as word processing), scientific and engineering, education,
and more. Among the software developers are Adobe Systems, Inc., ACIUS,
Inc., Aldus Corporation, Claris Corporation, Deneba Software, Frame
Technology, Insignia Solutions, Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Quark, Inc.,
Specular International, and WordPerfect Corporation.

Protecting the User's Investment
Compatibility: Making it Easy on Users
Apple knew that developing a new platform for running applications
at breakneck speed was a good idea, but ignoring the computer user's
current investment was not. For that reason, Apple has worked to make
sure that Power Macintosh is compatible with existing personal computer
products. In tests conducted with developers worldwide during the past
year, 90 percent of existing Macintosh applications tested on an early
Power Macintosh prototype ran without a problem. Lab results indicate
that these applications will range in performance from that of a fast
68030- to a 68040-based Macintosh computer. Apple realizes that the
world is more than just Macintosh computers. Apple and third-party
vendors have made strides to ensure that other PC users can get in on the
Power Macintosh action. Insignia Solutions, Inc. is manufacturing a
software product called SoftWindows, which gives users the ability to run
both DOS and Windows applications on Power Macintosh computers.

But compatibility means more than just running applications.
Utility software such as INITs, CDEVs, and printer drivers also work on
Power Macintosh systems. So do NuBus cards (such as networking and
accelerator cards), AppleTalk devices (such as printers), SCSI devices
(such as hard disks and scanners), ADB devices (such as a mouse, a
trackball, and a keyboard), and other Macintosh cards and peripherals.

Compatibility will extend to future computer innovations as well.
For instance, Power Macintosh systems will be able to run new operating
systems, including the UNIX-based PowerOpen and object-oriented Taligent
operating systems.

Apple Continues Current Computer Line, Offers Upgrades A discussion
of compatibility naturally leads to two related issues: What's going to
happen to the current line of computers, and how do people who want to
upgrade go about it?

Apple has been developing the Macintosh line of computers for a
decade and, with Power Macintosh, begins a new era. The Macintosh family
will continue to be offered with a wide range of prices and features, and
the 680x0-based (also known as 68K) computers will play an important role
in its future. The company will market entry-level Macintosh Quadra
systems, Performa and Macintosh LC lines based on the 68040 chips to meet
the needs of people who are looking for a very affordable computer and do
not require the power of the new chips. The 68K family will, like Power
Macintosh, undergo further technology advancements, such as system
software upgrades.

People who want to keep their current computer systems and upgrade
them to the PowerPC chip have options as well. Providing upgrades
wherever possible has been Apple's goal since Power Macintosh was a glint
in the engineer's eye.

Apple expects to offer logic board and processor upgrades for
Macintosh computers based on 680x0 chips. With a range of options to
suit different users, Apple will sell upgrades starting at approximately
$700. Logic board upgrades will be available for the Macintosh Quadra
840AV, 800, 660AV, 650, and 610 models; the Macintosh Centris 660AV, 650,
and 610 computers; and the Macintosh IIvx and IIvi; and the Performa 600.
In addition, people who own the Apple Workgroup Server 60, 80, and 95 can
also purchase logic board upgrades to Power Macintosh.

Another upgrade option is a lower-cost version that users can
install themselves: a processor upgrade card. These will be available
for the Macintosh Quadra 950, 900, 800, 700, 650 and 610, as well as the
Macintosh Centris 650 and 610. These cards connect to the computer
through the processor direct slot (PDS) and allow the machines to run at
twice their original clock speed.

Apple has also announced its intent to provide future upgrades for
entry-level Macintosh systems, such as the Macintosh Quadra 605, LC 475,
the Macintosh LC 520, 550, and 575; and the Performa 470 series and
Performa 550.

New Power Macintosh Models
Apple begins the roll-out of Power Macintosh by introducing three
different systems:

=> Power Macintosh 6100/60. Powered by a 60-MHz PowerPC 601
microprocessor, this is the most affordable system in the new line
and features a slim-line design (like the design of the Macintosh
Quadra 610).

=> Power Macintosh 7100/66. This model uses a 66-MHz PowerPC 601
microprocessor and shares the design of the Macintosh Quadra 650.
It is designed to be a mainstream business system.

=> Power Macintosh 8100/80. The highest-performance computer in the
current line, this system uses an 80-MHz PowerPC 601 microprocessor
and is well-suited for power users, such as professional publishers,
engineers and other technical people. It features a Macintosh
Quadra 800 mini-tower design.

Each system is also being sold in an AV model, which includes video
in and out, telephone integration, and sound and speech recognition. In
addition, there are separate configurations to support CD-ROM and
SoftWindows. All models come standard with Ethernet, 16-bit stereo sound
and connections for Apple's GeoPort telecommunications adapter, so users
can send faxes from the computer and connect to on-line information

Building a Bridge to the Future of Computing
"Look with favor upon a bold beginning."

Apple plans to use the PowerPC processors first in its midrange and
high-end Macintosh computers. Over time, Apple will be offering PowerPC
versions in all its product lines, including the Macintosh Quadra,
Performa, Macintosh LC, PowerBook, and WorkGroup Server systems.

This, however, is not the end of the technological road for Apple's
new line. The company plans to continue to design new systems using the
next PowerPC chips the Power PC 603, 604, and 620. The current operating
system will advance, and new operating systems for Power Macintosh
computers will be introduced (such as PowerOpen and Taligent). The user
interface will advance, new industry-standard hardware will be developed,
and many more native applications will hit the market.

These are some of the specific plans for Apple's vision for the
future of personal computing. Countless details go into the implementa-
tion of a next-generation computing platform, but all can be compressed
into one singular goal: providing systems that enable a whole new world
of personal computing. And that means offering the power and flexibility
to build a bridge to the future.

Apple believes that by using Power Macintosh, people and businesses
will have the tools to unleash creativity and innovation as never before.

Quick Reference Guide
680x0 or 0x0
The microprocessor family used in all Macintosh systems before the
introduction of the PowerPC microprocessor. Manufactured by Motorola,
the current versions of this microprocessor are the 68030 and 68040 (also
referred to as the 68K family).

80x86 or x86
A line of Intel microprocessors, including 386 and 486 models that
are the primary processors used in personal computers running DOS,
Windows, and OS/2 operating systems.

CISC stands for complex instruction set computing. This is the name
of a computer chip design. CISC technology contains a vast number of
instructions to handle many different tasks (as opposed to RISC (see
definition) which only contains those instructions that are used most
often). Intel's Pentium microprocessor, for example, is based on CISC

Microprocessor or processor
The piece of equipment in a computer where all instructions that are
carried out during an operation (everything from launching an application
to calculating a spreadsheet) are processed. Also known as a microchip
or chip.

Native application
An application that has been either recompiled or originally designed
for use with a particular microprocessor. Native applications are
optimized to take full advantage of a microprocessor's speed.

A new version of the UNIX operating system being developed by Apple
and IBM. PowerOpen is a major new open-systems platform that combines
features of IBM's RS/6000 AIX family and Apple's A/UX operating system.
As with A/UX, PowerOpen will support Macintosh as well as UNIX applica-

The microprocessor developed as part of an Apple, IBM, and Motorola
alliance. This microprocessor, based on RISC technology (see definition),
is used in Apple's family of Power Macintosh computers.

RISC stands for reduced instruction set computing. This is the name
of a computer chip design. RISC chips contain only those instructions
that are used most often. When a complex instruction is needed, a RISC
chip builds it from a combination of basic instructions. PowerPC chips
are based on RISC technology.

Until PowerPC chips were introduced, RISC technology had been used
only in systems designed for raw computational power, such as engineering
workstations and commercial database servers.

This is the name of a company and its product. Funded by Apple and
IBM, Taligent (the company) is creating a new object-oriented operating
system of the same name. Taligent software will run on Apple's RISC-
based systems.



MARCH 14, 1994 AT 3:03 AM, EST

Apple Debuts Power Macintosh Line

Three New Models Combine the Power of RISC with Mainstream Software,
Including Macintosh, DOS, and Windows; Prices Start at Less than

NEW YORK, New York--March 14, 1994--Apple Computer, Inc. today
unveiled Power Macintosh --a new line of Apple Macintosh personal
computers that offers the power of workstation computers, the
affordability of mainstream personal computers, and the capability to
run applications for Macintosh, MS-DOS, and Microsoft Windows.

The company believes that Power Macintosh represents the platform
for the next generation of personal computing. Power Macintosh running
System 7 marries, for the first time, the power of RISC (reduced
instruction set computing) technology with a mainstream personal
computing operating system. As such, Apple believes that it has
established a foundation that is, at once, so robust and approachable
that it will catalyze the development of richer applications, more
intuitive software, and--ultimately--wholly new ways of using computers.

The three new Power Macintosh models--the Power Macintosh 6100/60,
7100/66, and 8100/80--join the midrange and high-end of the Macintosh
family. Fueled by the PowerPC 601 microprocessor, which was jointly
developed by Apple, IBM, and Motorola as part of their historic 1991
alliance, Power Macintosh computers offer the highest performance of
any personal computer available today.

When running new versions of application software optimized for
PowerPC, Power Macintosh systems offer two to four times the
performance of today s Intel 486 and Motorola 680x0-based personal
computers. Power Macintosh computers also outperform systems based
on Intel's advanced microprocessor, Pentium. Applications that require
complex c

omputation, such as graphics and engineering applications, may
run up to 10 times faster on Power Macintosh than on current personal
computer offerings. More than 150 software developers worldwide have
committed to shipping PowerPC optimized or "native" versions of their

Apple is also providing a bridge from its Power Macintosh systems
to thousands of existing applications for DOS and Windows with a new
software program called SoftWindows from Insignia Solutions.
SoftWindows comes bundled with certain Power Macintosh configurations
and is also sold separately.

With their cross-plaftorm compatibility, Apple expects the new
systems to attract Macintosh, DOS, and Windows users. Power Macintosh
computers should be particularly popular in professional and
mainstream business sectors with customers whose appetite for
increased speed and power was only previously met through more costly
workstations. These customers would typically use computers for
high-performance tasks, including publishing, graphic arts, science
and research.

Mainstream Operating System
Power Macintosh computers run an optimized version of the Macintosh
System 7 operating system. This means Power Macintosh users can enjoy
the ease of use, simple plug-and-play, and thousands of software
applications that have distinguished the Macintosh platform to date.
Additionally, System 7.1.2, the version of the Macintosh operating
system for Power Macintosh, has key features, such as the QuickTime
multimedia architecture and QuickDraw graphics architecture, that
have been tuned for even better performance. Apple plans to add
additional new features for the PowerPC processor and introduce new
technologies that capitalize on its advanced power.

Exceptional Compatibility
Because Power Macintosh computers run the mainstream Macintosh
operating system, these new systems are compatible with previous
Motorola 68000-based Macintosh systems. This means that Power
Macintosh customers can choose from thousands of current Macintosh
applications, peripherals, and cards--including Apple s existing
family of LocalTalk , Ethernet and Token-Ring products--and run them

With the addition of the SoftWindows emulation software, DOS and
Windows users have the ability to run most of their current applications
on their Power Macintosh computers with performance similar to that of
Intel 386 and 486 computers, depending on the application and system

Strong Developer and Applications Support Virtually all the major
players in the software developer community today have announced strong
support for the platform worldwide, including industry leading vendors
such as Adobe, Aldus, Claris, Lotus, Microsoft, Quark, and WordPerfect.
More than 50 native applications are scheduled to ship at or within 30
days of introduction, with hundreds slated to be available in the first
six months. Native applications (meaning those written specifically to
tap the power of PowerPC) span a broad range of titles and categories,
including publishing, education, multimedia, technical markets and
general business (see related release, March 14, 1994, "Hundreds of
Optimized Applications Announced for PowerPC").

The first wave of Power Macintosh applications will primarily take
advantage of improved speed. Apple expects that, in the future, Power
Macintosh will enable new and enhanced capabilities in the area of
intelligent software, animation and high-resolution video, integrated
video and telecommunications, and advancements in speech recognition and
language processing.

Availability and Pricing
Power Macintosh systems and a range of PowerPC 601 processor-based
upgrades will be offered worldwide through Apple authorized resellers.
Systems are available immediately in the U.S. and other selected regions

The U.S. Apple price ranges from $1,819 for the Power Macintosh
6100/60 base system equipped with 8MB of DRAM and a 160MB hard disk, to
$4,249 for the Power Macintosh 8100/80 base system offered with 8MB of
DRAM, a 250MB hard disk and 2MB of VRAM.

Product availability and pricing will vary outside of the U.S.
Server Products. Apple Business Systems also announced that it plans to
introduce Apple Workgroup Servers based on the PowerPC microprocessor in
May. The client software for Apple client/server applications, including
AppleShare , AppleSearch and Apple Remote Access, is compatible with
Power Macintosh systems today. Apple server software, including
AppleShare and AppleSearch, will also be upgraded to run under emulation
on the servers and will be available in May. Specifics on the various
server upgrade options will be made available in the coming weeks.

Power Macintosh
Product Specifications, Upgrades and Pricing

- Power Macintosh 6100/60; The most affordable Power Macintosh computer
runs at 60-MHz, offers full storage and expansion features (including one
7" NuBus slot and an optional built-in CD-ROM) in a slim-line design.
The base model, equipped with 8MB of DRAM and 160MB hard disk, has an
Apple price of $1,819.

Apple Price/CPU Only
8/160 $1,819.00
8/250CD $2,289.00
8/250CD/AV/2MB VRAM $2,599.00
16/250/SoftWindows $2,519.00

- Power Macintosh 7100/66; Running at 66-MHz, this is ideal for general
business computing. Based on Apple s Macintosh Quadra 650 design, it
offers greater expansion (three NuBus slots) and support for more colors
and larger displays. The Apple price for a configuration with 8MB of
DRAM, 250MB hard disk, and 1MB of VRAM starts at $2,899.

Apple Price/CPU Only

8/250/1MB VRAM $2899.00
8/250CD/1MB VRAM $3179.00
8/500/CD/AV/2MB VRAM $3989.00
16/250/SoftWindows/1MB VRAM $3379.00

- Power Macintosh 8100/80; Based on the familiar Macintosh Quadra 800
mini-tower design and running at 80-MHz, this is the highest-performance
Power Macintosh model with the most flexibility. It accommodates three
NuBus expansion slots, built-in video support for up to 16.7 million
colors, extensive storage options, dual-channel SCSI and Level 2 cache
memory. A configuration with 8MB of DRAM, 250MB hard disk, and 2MB of
VRAM starts at $4,249.

Apple Price/CPU Only
8/250/2MB VRAM $4249.00
8/250CD/2MB VRAM $4519.00
16/500CD/AV/2MB VRAM $5659.00
16/1000CD/2MB VRAM $6159.00
16/500/SoftWindows/2MB VRAM $5309.00

- Configuration Details
All models come equipped with a built-in floating-point math
coprocessor; on-board Ethernet; 16-bit, CD-quality stereo sound; and
connections for the Apple GeoPort Telecom Adapter, so users can send
faxes from the computer and connect to on-line information. In addition,
there are separate configurations of each Power Macintosh model to
support a CD-ROM drive, SoftWindows, and Apple AV Technologies speech,
telecommunications, and advanced video capabilities. PlainTalk speech-
recognition and text-to-speech software comes standard with AV systems,
and is also sold separately for all models.

In addition to Apple s existing family of LocalTalk , Ethernet, and
Token-Ring products, Apple plans to offer a high performance, 7 Token
Ring card for all NuBus-based Macintosh systems. The new card includes
driver software that supports Novell Inc s Netware protocols when used in
conjunction with Insignia Solutions SoftWindows product. This new
driver is planned to be included with version 1.4.4 of Apple s Network
Software Installer disk and will provide performance enhancements and
Netware support for the existing Apple Token-Ring 4/16 NB card.

- PowerPC 601 Processor Upgrades
Apple announced Shipping a range of logic board and processor
upgrades based on the PowerPC 601 chip for many current Macintosh sys-
tems. Logic board upgrades, which provide existing Macintosh models with
the full functionality of PowerPC technology, are available for the
Macintosh Quadra 840AV, 800, 660AV, 650, and 610 models; the Macintosh
Centris 660AV, 650, and 610 computers; the Macintosh IIvx and IIvi, and
Performa 600 products.

Lower-cost processor upgrade cards are now available for the
Macintosh Quadra 950, 900, 800, 700, 650, and 610 models, as well as the
Macintosh Centris 650 and 610 computers. The processor upgrade card
takes advantage of the processor-direct slot (PDS).

Additionally, Apple Business Systems will provide PowerPC micropro-
cessor upgrades to customers of Apple s Workgroup Server 60 and 80
models. These PowerPC processor upgrades will allow customers of
Motorola 68000 server systems to upgrade to servers running Macintosh
System 7 on PowerPC.

In the future, Apple plans to provide PowerPC technology upgrade
products for the Macintosh Quadra 605; LC 550, 575, and 520; and the
Performa 550. Apple also plans to continue to work on upgrades for other
Macintosh models. In addition, Apple is working in conjunction with
third-party developers to provide an array of options for customers to
upgrade to PowerPC technology.

Apple Price
Power Macintosh Upgrade Card $699.00
Power Macintosh 6100/60 Logic Board Upgrade $999.00
Power Macintosh 6100/60AV Logic Board Upgrade $1399.00
Power Macintosh 7100/66 Logic Board Upgrade $1499.00
Power Macintosh 7100/66AV Logic Board Upgrade $1699.00
Power Macintosh 8100/80 Logic Board Upgrade $1899.00
8MB DRAM/2MB VRAM, 256K Cache
Power Macintosh 8100/80AV Logic Board Upgrade $1999.00
8MB DRAM/2MB VRAM, 256K Cache

- Power Macintosh Accessories
Power Macintosh 6100/60 NuBus Adapter Card $99
Power Macintosh 256K Cache Card $299
(for the 6100/60 & 7100/66)
Power Macintosh Display Adapter $29

That's it for this week. As always, please feel free to send your
comments or questions to me at:

America OnLine: STReportRN
Compuserve: 70323,1031


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Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

I have to say this softly as I don't want to cause any backlash:
a week has gone by and we haven't seen any snow in the Northeast! I've
also noticed that the snow is rapidly melting; the sure signs of Spring
are starting: big puddles, plenty of mud, and jam-packed car washes!
Who said Spring had to have a poetic air?!

The past few days have been really exciting due to the overwhelming
response to my request for Jaguar reviewers and writers in last week's
issue as well as online! As of Monday, I've received over a dozen "SIGN
ME UP!" responses; and I expect more by the time this issue is released.
I plan to utilize as many people as possible for a variety of Jaguar
related articles, so keep those cards and letters coming. I'll be
announcing the names of the new staff members later on in this section.
Some of the folks who have accepted have had some terrific writing
experience both in and out of the Atari community; I'm sure that you'll
recognize a few of the names. I'm looking forward to working with these
new members of the STReport Atari/Jaguar team; it's going to be a lot of
fun. If things go as planned, I hope to start ourexpanded Jaguar cover-
age 2 weeks from today.

What will we be covering with regard to the Jaguar? Well, the
obvious will be the games themselves. Some members of our newly-added
staff are veteran game reviewers so you can expect some excellent and
unbiased reviews. We'll also be covering the Jaguar online discussions
to learn what's being said by the online community. As new hardware
peripherals come about, such as ICD's "Cat Box," we'll do our best to
cover them as well. We'll also do our best to provide game tips,
access codes, cheats, "Easter Eggs," and other pertinent information
pertaining to game play. It should be an interesting and enjoyable
experience for all involved, including you.

Last week's issue of STReport contained some negative comments
regarding two topics, neither appearing in the Atari section. The
reason that I'd like to make a few comments/observations is that I
received a few private messages and phone calls regarding these.

One group of comments pertained to the publisher's decision to
table the decision to change STReport's format from ASCII to RTF (Rich
Text Format). People should realize that, no matter what feedback a
publisher receives, the final decision is his alone. For whatever
reasons he makes that decision, it's his call. Randy Noak's comments
(and I have not discussed this with him) were, as far as _I_ could
determine, as a result of frustration. Apparently he had been
anticipating the changeover to RTF and was extremely disappointed at
the abrupt change in those plans. To blame that decision on a particular
platform's users was probably not the tactful route to take, as there
were users of a number of platforms to voice their concerns. But, it
happened. Had I been in Randy's shoes, I may have had similar feelings
about the situation. Enough said...

The other comments were based on Ralph's editorial regarding what
is now growing into a "re-born" debate of the "Gem-View Fiasco" that
erupted some months ago and led to the persecution of Lexicor Software
and its staff. STReport made its stand on this fiasco months ago. The
subject died down and Lexicor's alleged "besmirched" reputation was
regained. Their visibility online, along with new products coming out
rapidly, showed their resilience and their ongoing support of the Atari
community. Things were quiet. Perhaps this is one reason why all of
this madness erupted again. The same "attackers" are back again,
apparently with a few allies to start anew. Naturally, Lexicor has
been "forced" to respond. And, since Ralph decided to make some
comments in his editorial last week, STReport is involved.

The latest bit is based on Gem-View's author and his posting of a
message via the Internet to a number of "players," but ignored to
include Lexicor. This post essentially stated that Lexicor has no
rights to have any relationship with this shareware program, regardless
of the involvement. This Internet post had then been forwarded here and
there, copied to and fro, and has been posted in a number of variations
since. The text of the message has been left intact, but there have
been questions as to the Internet header and the _possibility_ that
there are some inconsistencies.

Personally, I believe that this shareware author is being misled,
or misinformed. He apparently has signed a contract with Lexicor stating
that they can provide support of various degrees. The program's docs are
not consistent with what's being said online. And now, the author has
allegedly claimed that Lexicor has no affiliation with the program. A
lot is wrong with this, and needs to be cleared up. Whether or not
that will happen is anybody's guess. Whether or not anyone really
cares is another. We're talking about a shareware program here, folks!
This is absolutely ridiculous and doesn't deserve the activity that's
been generated! What _does_ deserve attention is the continued behind
the scenes actions by a few that continue to stir up some controversy.
Eventually and inevitably, it will be STReport that will be blamed for
the entire matter. We've seen it happen so many times before... Will
we cover any further developments, or investigate it ourselves?
Perhaps, but I honestly believe that this will not be resolved. What
should happen is for the two parties concerned to discuss it - period.
Leave the outside influences out of it, for a change. End of story.

So, let's get back to some refreshing news and information again!
Since the time that I started this editorial, I received yet another
Atari Weekend promo in the mail! Yep, they're doin' another one. We
should start a pool to see how many consecutive weeks this occurs!
Anyway, you'll see those details in a minute or so. I want to now
announce the names of those interested parties that will be helping me
in the near future to get our Jaguar coverage going full-tilt! Since
there are still just a few Jaguar titles currently available, you'll
obviously not see a lot of these people in every issue, but you will
eventually. I wish that I had the ability to assign them all something
to do immediately, but we'll try to get them all involved as soon as
possible! So, here we go (in no particular order!)....

John "Ducky" Duckworth - our current online fisherman guru and all-
around games fanatic!

Jay Levy - A University of Florida journalism grad who has been an avid
games player since he was able to handle Pong!

Jeff Kovach - Editor of the former online gaming magazine, Atari Gaming
Gazette. Jeff also runs his own BBS and is a SysOp in the Atari
Forums on Compuserve.

Marty Mankins - Marty is a SysOp in Compuserve's Palmtop Forum and
writes an online newsletter called "Palm to Palm." He also writes for a
few other publications, including CONNECT.

Frank Sereno - Frank currently is a contributor to STReport, having
done about 10 reviews of educational software for the PC section of the

Paul Harris - An avid Jaguar fan and an active CIS ATARIGAMING

Kevin Miller - One of our "local" guys who happened to be the first
"kid" on the block to get a Jaguar in our area. Kevin is also an
active SysOp on Toad Hall BBS. He also threatened to get his Air Force
MP buddies if I didn't include him!! (Just kidding!)

Craig Harris - Another active CIS ATARIGAMING member who has written a
number of reviews but never submitted any of them until now!!

Carl Prehn - Another "started with the original Atari Pong!" Carl is
interested in being involved in the video gaming industry, so a likely
candidate for industry news and reviews.

Paul Charchian - Another journalism major from the University of
Minnesota. Paul is the publisher of the Jaguar 'fanzine' "The Prowler"
and is the publisher of a "real" magazine entitled "Fantasy Football

Allen Chang - All the way on the other side of the globe, Allen will
provide us a perspective from the land "Down Under," from Australia!
Allen is an avid CIS ATARIGAMING member, as well.

Dominick Fontana - Dom is yet another ATARIGAMING member. Dom will
have some future reviews in AEO, and would also like to contribute to
STReport's Jaguar section with different reviews and articles.

Well, there you have them! There have been more offers and in
time I hope that we'll have the opportunity to add their contributions
also. I will be letting all of the "applicants" know that anything
that they submit unsolicited will be considered for publication, as I
would for anyone. We're all looking forward to more Jaguar coverage in
the upcoming months; and I'm sure that this is going to be an enjoyable
and informative experience for all!!

Well, as fate would have it, my earlier comments about no more
snow apparently jinxed me!! We just got another snowfall mid-week and
another forecast for Friday!! Hmmm, I wonder if this is related to the
"wash the car and it will rain" syndrome! Did someone say that Spring
starts next week? Where, in the Bahamas? <<sigh>>

Until next time...

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By buying, using and promoting Atari products online, Die-Hards benefit
from outstanding deals exclusive to online users. Atari benefits from
your review of the items you buy and your endorsement of our products.
This exchange seems to be working and appreciated by all of you, so
let's try it again...!

The following offer is available to members of all popular online ser-
vices including the Internet and public access BBS's. It is also avail-
able to readers of popular online magazines who choose to support their
readers by reprinting this offer.

or extension to existing subscription.
when you buy any Lynx Cartridge this weekend!

Priority means PRIORITY.
Issues shipped direct from printer second day service.
Get the news before everyone else!

SPAN: Offer good from Friday, 3/18/94 5 pm (PST)
through Monday, 3/21/94 4:59pm (PST)
OFFER: Buy any of Atari's in-stock carts and
Subscription for a full year.
PLUS: Tell us you have or will test drive the new
Atari 64-bit Jaguar game system and you may
choose up to 3 more Lynx Carts for 50% off.
CHOOSE FROM: see complete list at end of file.

We suggest you read this offer carefully! It is packed with Die-Hard

If you do not yet own a Lynx, remember Atari is offering 2 free carts
with purchase of the $99.99 base system through June 1, 1994. Sorry,
we cannot offer DIEHARD GAME FAN subscriptions on base system purchases,
but once you have the Lynx, you can go for all the other Lynx deals.


Atari(r) Lynx(tm) is the ultimate portable video game machine. It
delivers over 4,000 colors, up-to 8-player connectivity potential,
16-bit graphics engine, 3.5" diag. playing screen, hardware scaling,
headphone jack, right/left handed controls and lots and lots of
cartridges to choose from....Arcade video game fun everywhere you go.


DIEHARD GAME FAN Magazine is the "Next Generation Video Game Magazine"
covering the hard news as well as the subtle rumours of the gaming
industry. DIEHARD GAME FAN caters to the most avid game players with
exclusive game tips, reviews, previews and cover to cover collectable
coverage of every popular game system and cartridge available.


Terms subject to change without notice. Offer valid only to North
American locations. Only one free DIEHARD GAME FAN subscription per
family/customer/address. Online dealers can participate too. Contact
Don Thomas via Email this weekend for details.


1) Fill out the order template below.
2) a. Fax order to 408/745-2088. (BEST METHOD)
b. E-Mail (PRIVATELY) this order to:
Don Thomas <> or
(75300,1267 on CompuServe)
Bob Brodie <>

c. Call your order to 408/745-2098 (9-5 PST)
Note: Phones are often jammed with excited Jaguar
callers. Please be patient!


----- Complete if first order in 12 months -------

??????? cartridge 1 $ xx.xx $ xx.xx
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??????? cartridge 1 $ 1/2 OFF xx.xx
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SUB TOTAL ............................ $ xx.xx
CALIFORNIA TAX (8.25% if applicable).. $ 0.00
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SHIPPING & HANDLING* ................. $ 4.95
TOTAL (U.S. funds) ................... $ 104.94

*Shipping and handling: $4.95 minimum plus $5
for each increment of $100.







Jaguar Developers Conferences STR InfoFile
Atari will be sponsoring a series of Jaguar Developer Conferences begin-
ning on March 21-22 in the Bay Area, Northern California (Santa Clara,
San Jose, Sunnyvale) site to be determined. It will be a two-day confer-
ence of technical information intended for Jaguar licensees who are
currently involved in Jaguar programming projects.

Other conference sites will be announced but the UK has been confirmed in
conjunction with the ECTS show which is April 10-12. Interested develop-
ers who are not licensees should contact Atari by fax at 408-745-2088
giving us your mail address, phone, fax, primary company contacts, any
relevant experience and planned Jaguar projects. You will need to return
a signed license agreement and purchase a Technical Reference guide in
order to attend any of the conferences. Reference manuals are $299 which
is applicable towards purchase of a development system. Other conference
sites tentatively planned are Chicago and Texas.


> The Old Fishin' Hole STR Feature


-A Guide to the Online PD/Shareware Waters.

While fishing the online waters this week, I started to get a bit
depressed. Although I caught several small guppies...that giant bass
that I've been dreaming of just never seemed to surface. But
suddenly, and without notice, my line tightened...and after a long
struggle I reeled her in. That's right...I had finally caught that
one fish that made the entire trip worthwhile. In this week's column
I'll take a quick glance at a couple of smaller programs that
surfaced this time around as well as a look at the return of an
all-time favorite which is sure to put that sparkle back into your
Atari computer.

First up is a small accessory from Europe called "The Ultimate
Tracker". This is yet another SoundTracker module player for the STe
and Falcon series of Atari computers. It has the standard options of
load, play, fast-forward, rewind, pause, and kill. On a Falcon the
buttons take on a 3-D appearance...something other Falcon programmers
should take note of. The accessory will also play the desired module
in one of several Khz settings (which alter the clarity of playback)
set by the user. While "The Ultimate Tracker" is far from 'ultimate',
it does a wonderful job of playing single SoundTracker modules in the
background while working on other applications. Some features I miss
that would make the accessory top notch are a jukebox mode (to play
those many megs of modules non-stop) and an instrument list display.
Perhaps a better name would have been "The Mediocre Tracker".

The next program in line is for Falcons only. It is a 3D2
object viewer called "3Danimation" (I suppose...the docs never really
state the name) by a group in Belgium. 3D2 files are those which are
created by applications like "Cyber Studio" and are representations
for 3-dimensional objects. The viewer program first presents the user
with a file selector to load the desired 3D2 object. After a short
time (_very short_) the program displays the object in the center of
the screen, fully shaded with a proper light source, ready to allow
the user to rotate it in real time with the mouse. The DSP in the
Falcon is utilized for sorting,rotating, and filling the objects
faces and is _very_ efficient. There are only two drawbacks to the
program. First, the file selector has a nasty bug which makes it not
totally appear sometimes. Second, only small files (7l or less) can
be loaded. This leaves out many of the excellent 3D2 files on the
Internet which are considerably larger and more complicated. The
included readme file states that the programmers are well into an
updated version of the program...I for one can hardly wait!

The last package I want to talk about this week is called
"Mouse-Ka-Mania II" by Charles F. Johnson (I saved the best for
last). The original "Mouse-Ka-Mania", written seven years ago, was
the best custom mouse editor and installer known to the Atari world.
This update fixes some of the compatibility problems of the classic
version (after all, it is hard to foresee how the new computers were
to be designed) and adds a few features.

"Mouse-Ka-Mania II" is installed as a desk accessory in any
resolution with a horizontal pixel count of 640 or greater. Once
loaded, the user can load and design custom mice...either single framed
or animated! Included with the archive is a plethora of new
and exciting mouse shapes...there's almost no incentive to create
your seems Charles has thought of everything. But if you do
wish to take the time to create your own shapes a full set of editing
tools and functions are at your disposal. Any and all of the standard
mouse shapes can be changed and the resulting alterations may be
saved to an auto folder file to be loaded upon bootup (thus making
the accessory only necessary for editing). Mouse data may also be
exported for those who like to use them in their own programs. The
only flaw with the accessory involves switching resolutions...DON'T
DO IT! Mr. Johnson explains the reasons and theories behind the bug
in the entertaining documentation.

I could go on and on about how "Mouse-Ka-Mania II" really adds
that extra pizazz to those sometimes dull computing sessions. Don't this great program (and register it too! I know I'm
saving my dollars to register), install it, and have a blast!

That's all for this week...hopefully there's a program that
sounds interesting enough to download. They just don't get any better
than "Mouse-Ka-Mania II". Join me again next week...same time...same

| Old Fishin Hole Tackle Box * |
| The Ultimate Tracker |
| Delphi: Atari Advantage Area - READ ULTIMATE |
| |
| 3D Animation Viewer |
| Delphi: Atari Advantage Area - READ FALCON .3D2 |
| |
| Mouse-Ka-Mania II |
| Delphi: Atari Advantage Area - READ MOUSE-KA |
| GEnie: Atari ST RT - # 32206 |
| CompuServe: AtariPro - MKM221.ZIP (library 4) |
* The Tackle Box is meant to provide assistance in finding files
mentioned in the column. It should not be considered a COMPLETE listing
and is provided for convenience only. Delphi Atari Advantage files should
be found in the Recent Arrivals section of the database until moved to
their appropriate sections.


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Well folks, its time again to look in on all the cool stuff that's going
on over on CompuServe. But before we do that, I'd like to vent just a
bit of steam about our favorite computer company.

A few years ago, Atari decided to design a couple of new computers. The
first was the ST Book. It was basically an 8.5" by 11" notebook
computer based on the STe design. It had great battery life, but had a
non-backlit monochrome display, no monitor port, and no internal floppy
drive. Needless to say, Atari had gone a bit too far extending battery

The second computer that Atari designed was the STYLUS, or ST Pad. This
is the one that has given me the need to blow off some steam. The
STYLUS was an ST-compatible computer that could accept text written on
the LCD display. The hand-writing recognition was said to be very good
and, because it would run most ST software, there would have been much
more software available for it than any of the current PDAs (Personal
Digital Assistants), which also use handwriting recognition.

PDAs are all the rage today. Companies that market them now include
Apple, Sharp, Casio, Tandy, and AT&T. None of these pocket sized
computers will accept existing programs, nor is the handwriting
recognition on any of them any better than that of the STYLUS.

Clearly, Atari could have grabbed a lion's share of the now-substantial
PDA market. In their infinite wisdom Atari decided that the world was
not ready for a computer that could recognize writing instead of text
input from a keyboard. Apple, on the other hand, was so sure that the
world was ready for it that they actually paid a licensing fee to
Nabisco to be able to use the name Apple Newton. Of course, we have all
heard of the Newton. That's because the Newton has been "hyped". And
we all know how Atari feels about advertising, don't we?

Well, now that I've gotten that off of my chest, let's get on with the

From the Atari Productivity Forum

Greg Kopchak tells us:

"We have a disc of the month for Atari users. January was GEMINI CD by
Walnut Creek, February was Photo CD Sampler - Volume 1, March is
Project Gutenburg.

There are thousands of discs that can be used with your machine. We are
planning to offer the best of what is available to Atari users at
special prices every month. Stay tuned to see what disc is next. Got a
couple of super discs lined up for the coming months."

Jonnie "new modem" Santos tells Greg:

"You know I get CD catalogs at work and at home and I usually toss
them out because I previously thought there was no point because I
didn't know about CD-ROM compatibility.

I've been getting some help here and I'm getting more interested."

Brian Gockley of ST Informer tells Greg:

"A disk of the month in CD format? What a great idea! Now I'm really
tempted. to get a CD-ROM!"

Greg tells Brian:

"That's the whole idea of "CD of the Month".

It's All Relative, Compo, DMC, Anodyne Software, ICD, and others
currently offer CD rom drivers or include a driver with some of their

Steve Sathue asks Nick Coady:

"What was the tip you got for converting Atari files to PC files (i.e.
how can you read Atari formatted disks on the PC?). I'd like to convert
some work in STWriter Elite (Atari) to WordPerfect (PC)."

Nick tells Steve:

"I have to say at this stage that I'm a complete novice at this, but it
would appear that if you find a way of saving your word processor files
to disk in ASCII format (read your software manual!) they will load up
perfectly well on a pc, with no need to use separately formatted disks
or whatever. I have discovered that files saved on a program called
"ST WORD" (on the Atari) will load into the pc with no problems if they
are saved onto disk as ASCII files. Astounding, but true!!!! Does
this help?"

Brian Robson tells us:

"I have a friend in Germany who is on the German 'MausNet' network
(which is very heavily, if not exclusively as far as I understand it,
concerned with Atari) and he says that he often sees messages from
CompuServe users in the message bases. Is there a way to access
'MausNet' from CompuServe?"

Sysop Ron Luks tells Brian:

"Nope. No way to link to MausNet from CompuServe directly at this

Lexicor's Yat Siu tells Ron and Brian:

"Actually, that is not correct :), there IS a way to connect into
MausNet i.e. send mail to the MausNet from CompuServe via the

The message delay however would be tremendous as it would be going
through the Internet as well...about a 3 day delay...still faster than
regular snail mail though <g>.

I am not to sure about the implementation, here's what I think it
should be from CompuServe: INTERNET: , now the
_ort_ is the location where the maus box is, i.e. a2w or w2 is in
Vienna etc. etc.

test_person is just a dummy name of course :)"

Ron tells Yat:

"Thanks, Yat. I said there is no direct access to MAUSNET but you can
reach many systems (at least EMAIL) via Internet links."

Sysop Jim Ness joins the discussion and posts:

"Many BBS networks are available via Internet, so I suspect that what
you heard about are CIS Mail/Internet messages.

There is no other way to access external systems on CIS."

In response to a question about the voice mail capabilities of fax
modems, Charles Smeton of NewSTar Technology tells Jonnie Santos:

"I would recommend asking Supra about expansion capabilities in their
FAX Modems to support Voice Mail. Supra provides support in the Modem
Vendor Forum (GO MODEMVEN)."

Jonnie gives voice to my first thought:

"OOooh, voice mail on an ST? I'll wander over!"

Charles tells Jonnie:

"While FAX Modems may be capable of Voice Mail, it will also require
special software to be developed on the Atari to allow for a Voice
Mail/Digital Answering Machine operation.

This was the exact case with faxing, which is why we developed

Jonnie just can't leave the idea alone (neither can I) as he asks

"Do you know if anyone is interested in developing voice mail software
for the Atari?"

Charles tells Jonnie:

"I have heard a few rumblings about a Voice Mail product being
developed for the Falcon030, but not all Atari computer models. There
is also the Black Mail Voice Mail system for the Falcon030 that Atari
had announced last year, but I have not heard about when it was
supposed to be released."

Ian Braby asks Charles:

"...Which is best Class 1 or Class 2? However, I got no reply from
you, so I will ask you again, in open forum, given the choice with my
SupraFAX v.32bis modem, which should you default to, Class 1 or Class
2? And what, in layman's terms, is the basic difference between the

Charles tells Ian:

"Class 1 is an official EIA standard. The Class 2 in use is not an
official EIA standard. The official EIA Class 2 was confirmed long
after the Class 2 in use was released. The official Class 2 is known as
Class 2.0, to avoid confusion. The only Class 2.0 FAX Modem we know of
is a US Robotics Courier FAX Modem. STraight FAX! does not support
Class 2.0 at this time.

Class 1 has a simple command set extension to the AT commands. It
relies on the host computer software to do all the protocol and timing
required by CCITT Group 3 FAX. The Class 1 commands facilitate the
computer to send data or receive data and to send commands or send
commands to/from the external FAX at a specified FAX baud rate. Due to
the timing being done in the computer, Class 1 is not as popular in
multitasking systems, such as UNIX.

Class 2 implements the CCITT protocol and timing in the FAX Modem.
There are still timing constraints by the host computer, but they are
not as severe as in Class 1.

The advantage of Class 2 is that an expert at the chipset vendor
company wrote the Group 3 FAX handler. The disadvantage is that if
there is a problem with a particular FAX machine in connecting, there
is very little the host software can do to recover. However, most FAX
Modem vendors, such as Supra update the modem firmware when there are

The advantage of Class 1 is that a problem can be corrected by a
software update to the host FAX software (i.e. STraight FAX!). The
disadvantage is the timing constraints, i.e. Class 1 is not recommended
under MultiTOS, unless you have a 68030 CPU.

STraight FAX! supports both Class 1 and Class 2. In v2.10, STraight
FAX! even allows the user to use one Class for sending and another for
receiving, as long as the FAX Modem supports both.

Which one will work better depends on the computer setup, phone line,
FAX Modem and FAX Machines called most often.

You can get more details on Class 1 vs. Class 2 by contacting Supra or
another FAX Modem vendor directly in the Modem Vendor forum (GO

In layman's terms, Class 1 is a manual transmission, Class 2 is an
automatic transmission. Both allow driving the same highways. Class 1
and in a manual transmission requires extra knowledge by the host
computer software/driver.

BTW, I think that there is also an explanation of Class 1 vs. Class 2
on the Toad BBS and in the SYSINFO.ZIP archive here on CIS for our
SysInfo program."

Carl Barron asks Charles about STraight FAX:

"Not much is recommended under MultiTOS without an 030, and a fairly
fast one too!

In case of problem can a I 'downshift' my class 2 modem to act as a
class 1?"

Charles tells Carl:

"Yes, STraight FAX! supports easy switching between Class 1 and Class
2 FAX Modes. Its as simple as changing a parameter in a popup menu. As
of version 2.10, you can even use one Class for sending and another
Class for receiving.

This is something that is unique to STraight FAX!, as most "other"
platform FAX programs install for one particular Class at a time."

Jonnie talks a bit more about modems and such:

"I thought we can do 57.6k with v.42bis? I mean if two computers using
equivalent modems were connected that is. Hmmm...

28.8k ? This must be some version of V.FAST, eh? I have access to a
Mac and PC (oh lucky me) but they're not really mine so other than use
them I could really feel comfortable hacking around on a PC that's not
mine - my point being is that I don't think either of those platforms
has the 19.2k speed limit like my STe does. I watched my partner
download over 1 meg using pcANYWHERE from his work PC in 2 minutes at
38,400. In contrast I uploaded that Lexicor demo for the TT you
submitted to my local Atari BBS and I must of been online a good 45
minutes (file size = 1.3m @ 14.4k). But I was using XMODEM 1K which I
think is a little slow which probably didn't help. Ironically, I would
of never even thought of getting a file that big with my old 2400 -
shows you how fast I can become jaded!!!"

Sysop Jim Ness tells Jonnie:

"Yes, v.42bis would be the most likely route to 57,600 since there
aren't any consumer modems in the wings for that speed. But, remember
that compression only works on text files.

And, to be honest, it'll be awhile before CIS can pump text that fast
anyway. Compression wouldn't be enabled until CIS felt comfortable
about the results.

Also, there are very few machines capable of accepting data at that
rate. I know an ST won't. A TT or accelerated MegaSTe (with higher
speed ports) MAY be able to handle it.

The data would come in safely, but it would just get stored until the
machine had time to get to it. Flow control would be used, and the
result is you wouldn't truly be getting a high data rate.

For now, 14400 seems darn fast, doesn't it?"

Jonnie tells Jim:

"re: 14.4k being "Darn" fast

It (14.4k) does seem fast to the ol' 2400 but I think speed is
addicting. You know I was really surprised how much faster response
time is with the new hard disk versus my old one.

We use DEC's ALL-IN-1 office automation software at my job and I tell
you nothing can be slower than being tied into a darn network that just
crawls when it's close to capacity.

Something that does concern me though from time to time about the
speed at which things (computers, technology, my life) run is that
there may be a chance that life would be more enjoyable if it were to
slow down a bit. And my fear is that I may be incapable of slowing
down without feeling depressed or as if something was wrong."

Oh well..."

Sysop Ron Luks tells Jonnie:

"You have to be very careful when talking about modem speeds because
the advertisements from modem manufacturers are so misleading.

There are no 57.6 modems or 57.6 kbps connections available to you
today. Period.

However, using COMPRESSION techniques, you can send a file faster than
in uncompressed format. (That makes obvious sense).

Lets say you have a big text file that you can transfer at 9600 bps in
8 minutes. If you compress this file by a factor of 4:1, then transfer
the COMPRESSED file, the transfer will only take 2 minutes. You are
still connected at 9600 bps. However, they imply that it is the same
as transferring the UNCOMPRESSED version of the file at 4x the speed.
They call this an "effective" transfer rate of 38,400 bps.

Did you just do a 38.4kpbs transfer? Of course not. You just did a
9600 bps transfer of a compressed file.

In actual fact, few files achieve the ideal 4:1 compression ratio. ZIP,
ARC, LZH files are already compressed and you achieve very little, if
any, further advantage by trying to compress them with the hardware
compression protocols built into the modem."

Jonnie sums up what Ron's post in his own words:

"Okay, I get it. Then in the "Best case" scenario I would have a text
file saved without compression. Then I would send it to another
system/modem with v.42bis and although the data stream was only
cranking at 9600 (or 14.4k ?) the time that would be reduced in
transmission would covert to a possible equivalent of 57.6k. But the
data stream itself never sees 57.6k.

I watch the cps counts when I'm downloading here and it usually runs
from the low 700's to a tad over 800. I think I get faster times with
ASCII files if I remember right - I mean getting a bunch of mail that

PS - I got another CIS VISA ad in my mail today. I'm almost
considering it just to have the CIS logo on the card. Kind of Technoid
Chic, eh?"

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

Matthew Scott asks:

"Can anyone tell me how I can get a hold of the last version of the now
defunct LDWPOWER spreadsheet? I bought the rev 1.0 version 2 or 3
years ago and finally would like to have the last version? Appreciate
any leads,"

Dan Parrish tells Matt:

"Frank Stallings at Far North Atari in Fairbanks Alaska has at least
one more copy of the latest release of LDWPOWER. His telephone number
is (907) 456-3700, the hours are (I believe) 11am to 7pm Alaska Time
(which is four hours behind Eastern Standard Time. I use LDW a fair
amount, but I am about to jump to anything else that would be more
compatible with the latest LOTUS 1-2-3 release and/or Excel."

Matt tells Dan:

"Thanks a bunch. By the way, do you know if the last version of LDW
can print a file to disk in DIF format?"

Dan tells Matt:

"You bet it can Matt, BTW if you happen to need more powerful graphing
capabilities that LDW can do there is another program called First
Graph that is pretty good. It has problems with LDW ASCII files but
apparently has no problem with LDW DIF files. I am afraid that I
haven't had a good chance to put my copy of First Graph through its

Someone named Robert asks:

"I have an Atari 1040 ST at work and I need to replace its external
disc drive. I also need software to balance our checkbook, calculate
employee hours and manage our inventory. Any suggestions?"

John Damiano tells Robert:

"I think there is shareware/PD stuff in the lib on here that will do
all that. Browse around using payroll, inventory, checking as keywords
and you will probably find what you need."

John at Missionware Software, who works for CBS who sent him to Norway
to show the rest of the crew how to transmit the whole affair into our
living rooms, is now back safely. John Damiano at Transierra welcomes
him back:

"Welcome back to the World, Looked like a great event."

John at Missionware tells John at Transierra:

"Thanks. It's good to be back. I must admit though - I really did
like Norway. It's a very peaceful little country!"

Jim Ness reminds John:

"Sure, Norway is a nice peaceful country these days. But, 10 years
ago, it was spitting distance from the nasty communists, and scheduled
to be one of the first countries overrun."

John at Missionware tells Jim:

"Quite true Jim, and the Norwegians are *very much* aware of their

Interestingly, almost everywhere I travelled, there were "holes in the
mountains" with thick steel doors just waiting to do duty in case of a
war or takeover. Gjovik, the site of one of the new hockey stadiums
used for the Olympics, is actually a huge bomb shelter. I had a chance
to tour the Gjovik site before the games began, and what first caught
my attention was the foot or so thick steel doors one had to pass
through in order to get into the stadium. Very impressive (and scary).

The building I worked in most of the time in Lillehammer also had a
bomb shelter of sorts in the basement. Although everything was wide
open, there again were huge steel doors all over the place. The main
entrance to the CBS area from the main floor could be closed off in an
instant by a huge steel and cement door, again at least a foot thick."

Mike Jones asks about a problem he's having with Spectre GCR, the Mac
emulator from Gadgets by Small:

"I have an Atari ST that I upgraded to 2MB (using the old piggyback
chip method - ugh). I had Spectre 2.65 that worked fine. After
upgrading to 3.0 (?), the ST locks up with a few random pixel droppings
on the screen when I attempt to boot Spectre. I cannot go back to 2.65
because I reformatted the HD to use the latest Mac partitioning info (I
believe that's why I can' go back). All memory testing utils return
correct info of 2MB and it never locks up. BTW, I am using System

Also, I am having trouble with floppies. I often put a Mac disk in
the machine and find that the disk is "locked," even though the disk
isn't physically write-protected. After the lock message appears, many
files on the disk get munged (sometimes no files, sometimes all

Mark at Gadgets by Small tells Mike:

"I suspect you have an ICD hard disk drive. Or, at least, an ICD host
adapter in your hard disk. If that be the case, you need to contact
ICD about a little modification that you need to make to your host
adapter to eliminate the "turds" on-screen problem. This is a well
known and documented problem with certain ICD host adapters.

If you >don't< have an ICD hard drive and/or ICD host adapter then I
would try booting Spectre with the 832K memory size selected. Let me
know the results."

Mike tells Mark:

"Thanks a lot. After sending the message, I noticed that I forgot to
include the 50MB ICD hard drive I have on the system. I will call them
and get an update.

PS - any clues on the floppy disk problem??"

Mark replies:

"I'm racking my brain trying to remember what might be causing the
"locked disk" syndrome. I seem to remember someone mentioning that
particular problem (and a solution) but I can't seem to recall the
situation. I'll look through my notes and see if I can find the

Well, that's it for this week kiddies. Be sure to tune in again next
week and listen to what they are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote" More signs of the times....



- Mark Twain


> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

ABCO Incorporated
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128K CACHE - 1.44/1.2 FLOPPY Drives, Mouse & 101 deluxe Keyboard
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STReport International Online Magazine
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