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Silicon Times Report Issue 0951

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

December 17, 1993 No. 9.51

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM-4 PM EST

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> 12/17/93 STR 951 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- CPU INDUSTRY REPORT - ThinkPad 500 Ships - Jaguars Everywhere!
- CD ROM Pirates! - TRY DOOM! ITS SUPER! - People Talking
- Sharp Sells SUN WS - FOXPRO 2.5 SHIPS - HYPERCARD 2.2 NOW!
- Kiddie Porn BBS Nailed - MacBinary Header? - The Old Fishin' Hole!

-* North Carolina Christmas Grinch! *-
-* US School Computers -> TOO OLD! *-

STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the Fido/PROWL/ITC/USENET/NEST/F-Net Mail Networks. You
may also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder and
excitement of exchanging all types of useful information relative to
computers, worldwide, through the use of excellent International
Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are welcome to join the STReport
International Conferences. The Fido Node is 1:112/35, ITC Node is
85:881/253 Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #620. All
computer platforms BBS systems are welcome and invited to participate.

to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!

"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

If you haven't already downloaded a demo/freebie called DOOM...
Don't hesitate, wait or even think of any further procrastination. This
is a superb piece of programming. There are a number of levels available
for this outstanding game/RPG, you get one level with it and plenty of
docs too! You can register the program with the publishers, you then get
more levels and other goodies. I must admit that I am super impressed
with the smoothness of animation, the color implementation and the SOUND.
The sound is guaranteed to blow you away all by itself. Like I said this
is one superb piece of work. Get it.. play with it.. and by all means,
if you like it anywhere near as much as I do... REGISTER DOOM. This is
one hot piece of entertainment software.

Speaking of software, next week STReport will publish its annual
"top release" of software in the commercial and shareware/freebie
categories. The fields are quite impressive and so far, the contenders
deserve every bit of recognition they can garner for their efforts. The
STR Awards, a framed wall device will be awarded next week and sent out
immediately after the holidays.

With the holiday season upon us, its really incumbent upon all of us
to remember to keep the holidays safe and sound... PLEASE, don't drink
and drive.

This past week, a story about a young man from North Carolina was
brought to my attention, while I don't ordinarily get involved in human
interest stories, this one, to me, was unavoidable. His name is Bobby
Turner, he lives in Lincolnton, North Carolina. He was an athletic young
man a very short while ago. Now, he's diagnosed as suffering with
Leukemia, all his young life his fervent wish was to have a camper so he
and his family could go to various events and enjoy their time together.
Make a Wish, an organization well known for granting wishes to young
people afflicted with Cancer was informed of Bobby's plight and his
wish... a camper/trailer soon appeared in front of Bobby's house.
Donated by Kim Rittenhaur of "Make a Wish" out of Greensboro North
Carolina. In steps the ...SUPER GRINCH! Picture if you please a smiling
young man with his eyes on the sinister creep with the long black coat
and hard brim black hat coming to take what vestiges of happiness Bobby
and his family have left. After all, happiness is hard to come by when
one is facing the severe effects of Cancer.

The SUPER GRINCH... the North Carolina Department of Human Resources
appeared on the scene represented by Andy Pittman of the Lincoln County
office. Get this now... Pittman tells Bobby and his family the camper
has GOT TO GO else.... the Medicare coverage for Bobby's care will be
terminated. Folks, I respectfully submit this type of government is not
wanted anywhere not in North Carolina, the United States, the World or
the Universe for that matter! You know there is something wrong when a
tidy, shiny nosed, bureaucrat in a three piece suit, driving a state
owned car can jump up like this and simply dictate such cold harshness
that absolutely makes no sense at all. All I ask is that all of you
take a moment to drop a letter to the Governor of North Carolina and ask
his intercession in this heartless, cold decision by Mr. Andy Pittman.
(Whom I am sure will STILL enjoy HIS Christmas while Bobby, dying from
Cancer, and his family, watching their child fade away due to the ravages
of Cancer, spend this year's Christmas feeling very much alone and
clobbered by not only fate but by the dictates of the State of North
Carolina in the name of the "people". I don't think the people of North
Carolina are so cold hearted, nor do I feel the people of this great
nation are... Send the Governor a TON of mail on this one.... NC Dept of
Human Resources and its representatives should be ashamed of themselves.
Human Resources??? Try ...Human Oppressors!

Thank you for listening to my outburst, when I was first told of
this.. I was upset. I still am. Please help me to help Bobby have a
little happiness while he tries to fight off Cancer.




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Glover R. Noak D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms Randy Noak
Jeff Coe
Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia
Frank Sereno John Duckworth

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET........................ 1:112/35
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #51

by Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** Trial Edition of Quicken for DOS now Available **

Intuit Inc. this week announced a new Trial Edition of Quicken for
DOS, Windows and the Macintosh. The finance software publisher says the
Trial Edition lets people test drive Quicken. Intuit notes that it
developed the Trial Edition for the 8.5 million PC-owning households
that don't currently use personal finance software.

The Quicken Trial Edition contains all the functionality of the lat-
est versions of Quicken, but limits users to setting up eight accounts
and to entering 50 transactions per account, providing about a month's
use of the software. Users can continue to run reports and graphs even
after they've reached the 50- transactions per account limit.

The Trial Edition also includes a Getting Started guide providing an
overview of Quicken's features.

The Trial Edition is available for $8 directly from Intuit by calling
800-624-5071. A rebate coupon good toward the product's full $69.95
purchase price is included.

** IBM Tries Again with ThinkPad 500 **

IBM has resumed shipments of its ThinkPad 500 subnotebook computer, a
system it pulled from the market last month because of a battery prob-
lem. Sources say the IBM PC Co. will install and test the new battery
free to owners of the unit, which went on sale in July. If you are a
ThinkPad 500 owner and need information, call IBM at 800/426-7244.

** U.S. Chipmakers Outdo Japanese **

According to Dataquest, a market research firm, for the first time in
eight years, U.S. semiconductor makers this year retook the lead in chip
production. The Dataquest report says American companies controlled 41.9
percent of the world semiconductor market in 1993, compared with 41.4%
for Japanese makers.

Dataquest says that Intel Corp. was the world's largest chipmaker for
the second year, stretching its world market share to 9.6%, 2.2 points
ahead of Japan's NEC Corp. Motorola Inc. moved ahead of Japan's Toshiba
Corp. to become the world's third-largest chip company.

** Apple No Longer in First Place **

The research firm, International Data Corp., sees IBM reclaiming from
Apple Computer the title as top seller in the U.S. for the year. IBM is
expected to edge out Apple Computer Inc. by 25,000 units in the U.S.,
which represents 40% of world market.

IDC says the 10 largest firms account for 9.5 million of the 14.8 mi-
llion PCs sold in the U.S., or about 64% of the market, compared to 52%
a year ago.

"That is a big, big change," Richard Zwetchkenbaum, chief of PC
market research at IDC said. "A brand name has become important for a
number of reasons. These vendors have more marketing muscle, more R&D
capability, the ability to have multiple brands and an array of dis-
tribution channels."

IDC's projection of 14.8 million units shipped in the United States
represents a 26% increase from 11.8 million units in 1992. The research
firm projects worldwide shipments of 36.1 million units, up 19% from
30.4 million in 1992.

-:- IBM's U.S. sales rose 51% to 2.08 million units from 1.37 million
in 1992. Worldwide sales climbed 37% to 4.4 million units from 3.2
million a year ago.

-:- Apple showed 32% growth in the United States, with 2.05 million
units compared to 1.55 million a year ago. Its worldwide sales were 3.6
million, up 30% from 2.8 million in 1992.

-:- Compaq posted the year's biggest growth, more than doubling U.S.
sales to 1.4 million units from nearly 676,000 in 1992. Worldwide sales
were up 96% to 3.05 million units from 1.56 million a year ago.

Packard Bell remained No. 4, followed by Dell Computer Corp., Gateway
2000 Inc., AST Research Inc., Tandy Corp., Toshiba Corp. and Zenith Data
Systems Inc., which rose to No. 10 from No. 16. Compudyne Computer Corp.
fell out of IDC's top 10 in U.S. sales.

** Sharp to Sell Sun Workstations **

Starting next year, Japan's Sharp Corp. will sell workstations made
by Sun Microsystems Inc. Sharp also plans to start development of its
own workstations and server models by acquiring Sun's processors and
operating systems.

** Compaq Quits Printer Business **

Compaq Computer Corp. this week announced that it's leaving the prin-
ter business. The company will continue to offer its existing Pagemarq
product line during early 1994, but is discontinuing its printer devel-
opment immediately. It will also continue to offer its printer customers
full support

** Piracy of CD-Roms Alleged **

A federal grand jury has indicted a woman for allegedly importing
more than 900 counterfeit CD-ROMs from Hong Kong with the intent to sell
them in the United States. An indictment for software piracy had been
handed down against Clare Waioi Sham, 29, and her company, C-88 Interna-
tional Corp.

Sham is alleged to have imported more than $200,000 worth of the co-
unterfeit computer parts along with manuals. If convicted, Sham could be
sentenced to 20 years in jail and a $1.75 million fine.

** Thieves Steal Computer Chips **

A band of armed robbers yesterday handcuffed employees at an Irvine,
Calif., computer chip business and escaped with an estimated $200,000
worth of property. Five to six men armed with handguns handcuffed the
employees and taped their eyes, mouths and legs while they removed
property from the business, said Police Lt. Vic Thies.

** Magazine Editor Convicted of Mail Fraud **

The editor/publisher of defunct computer magazine Desktop Publishing
Journal has been convicted of mail fraud following an investigation of
an alleged computer scam.

Set for sentencing March 18, Linda Ann Laurie, 37 -- who used the
name Linda Hansen when she operated the magazine that folded in 1988 --
faces up to five years' imprisonment and/or a $250,000 fine.

A statement from the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in Seattle al-
leges from September 1988 through November 1989, after the magazine
ceased publication, Laurie mailed numerous letters from her home in
Snohomish, Wash., to computer hardware and software companies throughout
the United States, "claiming that the Desktop Publishing Journal had a
monthly circulation of as many as 80,000 and requesting that certain
computer-related items be loaned to her for an evaluation to be reported
in an upcoming issue of her publication."

The statement says that the indictment handed down against her last
May further charged she received equipment worth about $75,000 and
attempted to get additional items worth over $95,000.

** Video Games Might Not be a Link to Epilepsy **

A study commissioned by the British government says video games are
no more likely to trigger epileptic seizures than TV. The U.K.'s
National Epilepsy Society study was commissioned by the Department of
Trade and Industry last May after reports of several cases of epilepsy
among young video game players. The report says:

-:- About 30,000 people in Britain have a first epileptic seizure
every year.

-:- Of these, about 600 are susceptible to seizure triggered by TV,
video games, computer graphics and other flashing light sources,
meaning they are photosensitive epileptics.

-:- Up to 150 people a year may have their first seizure triggered by
playing a video game, but the report estimates that TV will touch off
about the same number.

The report found no evidence that photosensitivity itself can be
caused by playing video games, watching TV or by other light sources.

** Study Says U.S. School Computers Outdated **

While America has boasted of the extent to which computers have come
to its school classrooms, a new study says the technology often is
outdated and that teachers lack adequate training.

"Teachers are not afforded the time they need to become conversant in
computer technology or to plan lessons which integrate technology into
classroom activities," concludes "Computers in American Schools," a
study by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational
Achievement, a cooperative of research centers in more than 40 countries
that study educational practices.

The research, paid for by the National Science Foundation, compared
computer use in schools in the U.S., Germany, Japan, Austria and the

The study fewer than half the schools surveyed have introductory com-
puter courses for teachers either in their schools or at local colleges.
By comparison, in the other countries, two-thirds to 95 percent of the
schools said training is available.

Japan, Austria and the Netherlands all had a higher percentage of up-
to-date school computers than the United States, the study found.

** BBS-Delivered Death Threats Gets Houston Teen Jail Sentence **

A death threat made on a computer bulletin board system has meant a
30-day jail term for a Houston teenager who already was on probation for
allegedly trying to hire the killing of a romantic rival.

Eighteen-year-old Shawn Kevin Quinn also was ordered by State
District Judge Denis Collins to spend three months in the county's boot
camp for young offenders after finishing his jail sentence.

"On Sept. 7, Quinn was using the Spitfire computer bulletin board and
found himself discussing his probation with a man who called Quinn a
whiny complainer who probably belonged in jail."

Quinn responded, "I deserve freedom, criminal conviction or not ...
Even if I was in jail, and I read your stupid, rude message, I would
probably think about getting a gun or other lethal weapon, Brady bill
or not, and you can guess the rest. The moment I escaped or got
paroled, guess what I'd do? And you don't need a gun to kill someone,
though it certainly makes things a bit easier."

Quinn was placed on probation Aug. 12 "after pleading no-contest to
charges stemming from him giving seven Atari computer games and $5.30 to
a district attorney's investigator in January to assassinate a fellow
student at Alief Elsik High School."

** Two Accused of Stealing Systems **

Charges of stealing desktop computers containing the records of 7,000
people who receive AIDS-related services have been lodged against two
hospital security guards in Miami. The two insisted they did not know
what was on the computers taken from the South Florida AIDS Network at
Jackson Memorial Hospital. Some activists fear the confidential informa-
tion could be used against the named patients.

** Massachusetts Child Porn BBS Busted **

A Massachusetts man has been indicted by the federal government for
operating a computer bulletin board system from his Medford home that
offered explicit child pornography images to anyone who logged on.

Reports say that Alden L. Baker, 44, distributed child pornography
from his home computer BBS during the late 1980s and early 1990s to
users all over the United States and as far away as New Zealand. Baker

called his BBS Boston's Eagle's Nest.

Federal prosecutors said Baker's computer files contained numerous
graphic images "which involve the use of minors engaged in sexually
explicit conduct." The government also accused him of employing or
coercing a minor to perform sexually explicit acts to be distributed via

U.S. Attorney Donald K. Stern said this indictment "emphasizes that
we will vigorously prosecute any sexual exploitation of children. The
use of computerized bulletin board systems which distribute pornographic
images to members throughout the country are particularly deserving of
our vigorous prosecution."

UPI notes that if convicted, Baker would face a maximum of 10 years
in prison on each count and a fine of up to $100,000.

******* General PC News *******

** Microsoft Introduces New Windows Releases to Developers **

At its Professional Developers' Conference in Anaheim, Calif., this
week, Microsoft Corp. is providing in-depth technical information to
5,000 developers to prepare them for the next major release of the
Microsoft Windows operating system -- code-named Windows "Chicago."

At the same time, a pre- release version of Windows "Chicago" for
developers is being released to attendees. Technical presentations at
the conference explain how the same applications programming interface
(API), Win32, can be used to develop a new generation of 32-bit
applications that can run across the entire Windows platform -- on the
Windows 3.1, Windows "Chicago," Windows for Workgroups and Windows NT
operating systems, as well as the next major release of Windows NT,
code-named Windows NT "Cairo" -- and also can optionally exploit new
functions in each.

In addition to presentation materials, each developer is receiving
two CD-ROMs: the new developer release of Windows "Chicago," including
the latest 32-bit development tools for Windows "Chicago" and Win32, and
a pre-release implementation of the next version of OLE that provides
distributed object support for 32-bit Windows platforms.

Microsoft notes that more than 250 32-bit applications for Windows
are now available, with several hundred more expected to ship by spring
of 1994. Windows NT began shipping in July of 1993, Windows "Chicago" is
scheduled to ship in the second half of 1994 and Windows NT "Cairo" is
scheduled to ship in the first half of 1995.

** COMMON GROUND For Windows Ships **

No Hands Software says it will begin shipping the Windows version of
its Common Ground electronic document distribution software this week.

The software publisher says the product is the first commercially
available, cross- platform competitor to Adobe Acrobat.

Common Ground 1.0 for Windows retains all of the major features of
the Macintosh version, including a free, compact MiniViewer and pixel-
for-pixel fidelity to the original document. Common Ground 1.0 for
Windows also offers full Postscript support, JPEG compression and the
ability to save documents into popular word processor formats.

Common Ground also acts as an OLE 2.0 server, providing seamless
integration into other applications, including electronic mail and

"Common Ground users can send documents with confidence they can be
viewed and printed, because Common Ground lets them include a small,
free MiniViewer, which runs on a minimal system configuration," says
Tony Stayner, vice president of marketing at No Hands Software.

The Windows and Macintosh versions of Common Ground each have an
introductory price of $99.95.

** Dell Offers New Systems **

A second group of Pentium processor-based personal computers has been
introduced by Dell Computer Corp. Called the Dell OmniPlex 560 and 566,
they start at $3,499 for the 60Mhz and $3,999 for the 66Mhz model.

The OmniPlex systems are based on Intel Corp.'s Peripheral Component
Interconnect architecture and extended Industry standard architecture,
featuring the highest level of Intel-based computing power now

******* General Mac News *******

** Newton's Sales Slow Down **

Sources say that Apple Computer Inc.'s Newton message pad's sales
have slowed considerably since they peaked in October. The hand-held
communicator, the first of its kind, was introduced in August. Specula-
tion is that sales could increase as more software and features become

** FoxPro 2.5 for Mac is Here! **

Microsoft Releases to Manufacturing the New FoxPro 2.5 Relational
Database Management System for Macintosh Microsoft FoxPro Defines New
Standard for Performance and Power; Offered at Special Introductory
Price of $99

Microsoft Corporation announced this week that the Microsoft FoxPro
database management system version 2.5 for Macintosh has been released
to manufacturing, with commercial availability in January 1994. Designed
to empower developers and users alike, FoxPro provides unsurpassed
speed, full cross-platform capabilities and extensive support for
Macintosh System 7 technologies. Through June 1994, FoxPro for Macintosh
will be available at a special introductory price of $99.




Simplifies Small Business Accounting

An Ed Cambron Shareware Review

I'm a writer. I'm also an engineer and a computer nut, but not a
programmer. Nor am I a business or accounting wizard. Although I have
a reputation for being "good with numbers," my numerical competence
fades like last summer's daisies when those numbers have dollar signs
attached to them. Just mention words like "account" and "billing" and
my tongue turns green and I get an irresistible urge for a long nap.
That's why, when it dawned on me that as the operator of an independent
business I would someday have to deal with the mysteries of accounting
enough to know whether I was making money, and enough to prove my
honesty to Uncle Sam, I began to question whether I really wanted to
work as a freelance writer or a freelance anything else. And that's why,
when I began working with THE INVOICE STORE I regained a healthy
interest in making my dreams come true.

THE INVOICE STORE is an excellent small business accounting package
that automates most of the invoicing and accounts receivable parts of
business operation. By taking the manual effort out of these functions,
THE INVOICE STORE sets the small business owner free to do the thing that
gives his or her business its reason to be, whether that happens to be
building computers or selling tires.

THE INVOICE STORE performs a broad range of computational and
database management functions which lead to the generation of invoices
and the tracking of accounts receivable. In order to do these things,

THE INVOICE STORE creates databases to track customers, inventory,
salespersons, and vendors. Each of these databases would be, in and of
itself, worth having, even if it were not for the fact that they all have
to do with the production of invoices.

THE INVOICE STORE consists of four modules. The modules are:

Maintenance System
Invoicing System
Receivables System
Reporting System

The basic data that establishes the operational environment for THE
INVOICE STORE resides in the Maintenance System. The Maintenance System
contains databases that define the business itself, its customers, its
inventory, its sales personnel, and its vendors or suppliers. It is here
that the database editing, maintenance, and management functions are
found. There is also an appointment calendar and to do list. Since the
customer database is in this module, there is a handy telephone dialer
that invokes a modem (if installed)to dial the telephone number of the
customer whose database entry is on screen.

A word processor included in the Maintenance System may be used to
prepare and manage letters to customers and vendors. Nice touch!

The Invoicing System is where most of the action takes place in THE
INVOICE STORE. It is here that customer invoices are entered online.
Since the Invoicing System is linked to the databases in the Maintenance
System, many of the fields that comprise the invoices are populated
automatically. Customer and product codes are entered on the invoice
form either directly or by means of pick lists. Using the inventory
database, the Invoicing System queries the user when an attempt is made
to oversell an item. The user is then given an opportunity to either
adjust the quantity sold to fit within available inventory, or to update
the inventory to reflect the quantity sold, in case newly received items
have not yet been entered in the database. Past invoices may be recalled
for editing, printing, or voiding if so desired. During the editing
process invoices may be added to a batch to be printed later. The Print
Batch feature also permits the printing of mailing labels and packing
lists. The Invoicing System allows for the viewing of open invoices and
the printing of customer statements for overdue accounts.

The Receivables System is where income is entered into the program.
There is only one screen in this module, which is used to recall an
invoice and record payments. Again, the invoice may be selected from a
pick list, and when this is done most of the fields on this screen are
populated automatically. The Receivables System is also capable of
voiding a payment in the event that it needs to be removed from the
records for any reason.

The Report System possesses the capability to generate a wide
variety of reports to help the business owner evaluate the status of the
business. In addition to their functional diversity these reports may be
run for various time periods ranging from end-of-day to end-of year. A
user selectable range option is provided to cover other time periods if
so desired. The Reports System also provides for the creation of
customized reports and mailing labels.

In addition to the four modules, there are four hotkeys that provide
access to online help, a pop-up calculator, a pop-up calendar, and a
pop-up measurement conversion utility. All of these utilities are
available from any screen within any module of THE INVOICE STORE.

Installing both the shareware and registered versions of THE INVOICE
STORE is simple and straightforward. The shareware version is installed
by simply extracting the files comprising the archive into the desired
directory, while the registered version includes an installation program.
For THE INVOICE STORE to run it will be necessary to update the
CONFIG.SYS file to include the statement FILES=75 unless this statement
is already there with an argument of 75 or more.

Running THE INVOICE STORE requires moving to the directory in which
it is installed and invoking the batch file RUN.BAT. An opening screen
appears, then pressing any key brings up the main menu. Any function of
THE INVOICE STORE can be called from the main menu simply by entering the
letter corresponding to the menu selection and pressing <Enter>.
Although the documentation furnished with the shareware version is rather
minimal, operation of the program is intuitive enough that most users
will have no trouble finding their way through the program. The
registered version is accompanied by a 140-page printed manual which is
more than adequate to describe the use of THE INVOICE STORE.

This excellent program is a product of Software Store Products,
Inc., Oakdale, New York. Registration is $95, which includes a lifetime
of free upgrades. The upgrades are available through Software Store
Products' BBS, which may be reached at (516)589-4984. The shareware
version of THE INVOICE STORE is also available from the BBS.

The Invoice Store v3.0
Filename: INV30.ZIP
Registration Fee: $95
Software Store Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 562
Oakdale, NY 11769-0562
Tel: (516) 244-6927
Fax: (516) 567-5563
BBS: (516) 589-4984



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

Randy Noak, Editor

> From the MAC Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

by Randy Noak

Ho! Ho! Ho! I need more dough! With Christmas fast approaching, your
humble Editor finds that he has more Christmas list than money. No
problem. That's why they invented charge cards. Let's hope that I win the
lottery before the bills start rolling in. My pre-Christmas wish is that
all Mac Report readers are visited by an elf that magically finishes
their shopping and also wraps the presents! That's been my personal wish
for the last 25 years, but, unfortunately, it's never been granted. Hope
_does_ spring eternal, however.

Here at Mac Report HQ, we've been using an HP IIIP, PowerPrint and
Super ATM to print our documents. While this has worked, since PowerPrint
does not support Postscript, we've not been able to proof documents that
contained EPS graphics. This week, however, I found a buyer for my
HPIIIP, and I've been especially good this year, so I bought myself an
early Christmas present. A brand new HP 4MP. Postscript, 600 dpi,
resolution enhancement, the whole shebang. So far, I'm very pleased with

the HP's output. The difference between 300 and 600dpi is very noticeable
and I should be able to cut back on my service bureau bills, so this
printer will actually save me money! Well, that's the rationalization at
least. Hewlett Packard is also offering a rebate until the end of the

HEY YOU! Yes, YOU! Mac Report is looking for software reviewers. If
you think you've got the "right stuff", send Email to one of the
addresses at the end of this column. The pay is lousy, but you do get to
keep the software!

For your info, STReport is available, in SIT format on the following

America Online: Mac Games Forum (New Uploads)
CompuServe: Mac Community Club Forum (Community Square library)
GEnie: GE-MUG RoundTable (library 3)

Of course, STReport is also available in ASCII format on, not only
these services, but also on Delphi, the Internet, FidoNet, etc..

Okay, I've got to finish up my shopping, so on to the info!


> About MacBinary Headers STR InfoFile

Here's a bit of real useful info from Gordon Alley, courtesy GEnie.

In case there are some users out there than don't understand what is
going on with MacBinary headers--

The MacBinary header is added to the file by your Mac telecommunications
program when you upload the file to a bulletin board or information
service with the MacBinary mode turned on. The header incorporates the
file's Mac type and creator codes and some other information in such a
way that it can be stored on the remote system, which usually has no
concept of type, creator, and other characteristics of Mac files.

When a Mac telecom program downloads such a file, it uses the header to
recreate the file on that Mac so that it has all of its original
attributes. If that header is absent, the file will usually appear with
a default type (usually TEXT) and creator determined by the telecomm
program (there are Mac utilities that can be used to supply the missing
information to the file, and some Mac graphics programs, like
GIFConverter, can look at the data in the file to figure out what its Mac
attributes should be).

When a PC-compatible computer downloads a Mac GIF (or other) file which
includes the header, he has two choices. He can use one of several
viewers for the PC that recognizes the MacBinary header and ignores it,
or he can use a utility that "strips" the header off of the file so any
viewer can read it.

When you copy a Mac GIF file from a Mac disk to a PC diskette with PC
Exchange, Access PC, or similar utility, only the data fork is copied (a
Mac GIF only uses the data fork anyway), and the special Mac attributes
are lost, but this is generally just what the PC wants. So no special
programs are required on the PC side.

When you upload a Mac graphics file to GEnie or a similar service, and
you want non-Mac owners to be able to view it without difficulty, turn
off the MacBinary mode in your telecomm program before uploading the
file. This procedure just uploads the data fork of the file and omits
the MacBinary header. It is considerate to always do this in any
Roundtable on GEnie that is not dedicated to Mac users (like Graphics,
Photo/Video, Science Fiction, etc).

Of course, there are some non-Mac users who frequent the Mac areas, but
they should expect that files they download from the Mac libraries will
have the MacBinary headers, and will probably have the necessary viewers
and utilities to handle them.


> Talking Calculator STR InfoFile

This looks interesting. CAL talks back! Perfect for those of us
whose typing skills are, uh, minimal.


CAL, the talking CALculator & CALendar, will be released by Thought I
Could in January 1994. A localized Japanese version will follow soon
after. CAL, always there when you need it, is called up by a single

CAL talks and CAL listens. CAL speaks, repeating what you've input,
whether you input by mouse, by keyboard, or (if you have an AV series
Mac) if you input by voice. If you can hear your Mac, CAL is incapable of
allowing you to make a mistake. What you input is immediately confirmed
by CAL's voice, so you'll catch any mistake right away. You never have to
take your eyes from your source material again, losing your place from
your input document while you check the screen.

CAL sports an animated, scrollable, printable, selectable, copyable,
exportable, importable electronic tape. CAL's tape contents can be
selected and copied to Clipboard to be pasted into any program you like.
CAL can not only print the tape, but can print it in columns, so you
don't waste paper printing a single skinny column on a whole page.

CAL has a print preview function with a header feature to identify the
calculation page. CAL's tape displays negative numbers in red color or
outlined (on monochrome monitors) and also has a currency option. The
audit trail CAL will print should satisfy the most demanding of auditors
and CAL will be shipping in time to ease the work on taxes.

CAL's input functions, (buttons), include those most of us have wanted.
There's a two-level CLEAR (click once and the input number is cleared;
double-click and the running total is cleared). A NEGATE button changes
the current number displayed from negative to positive or positive to
negative, and there's a PERCENT function. Not only does CAL have MEMORY,
CAL always displays what's in MEMORY and can keep a record of which
numbers were input into MEMORY. CAL's input functions, or buttons also
include those most of us have not wanted: the scientific and programmer
functions will be optionally visible, along with an expression parser for
nested algebraic expressions. These more sophisticated mathematical
functions can be hidden (or displayed) at any time.

CAL has a C(A)Lock and a featured CALendar for time, date, schedules and
reminders. CALendar can search for text string and can schedule recurring

CAL's appearance can be customized. (Thought I Could brought you
Wallpaper, so what did you expect?) CAL speaks in different voices:
choose between a male and female voice. The size of CAL's buttons is
adjustable. If one has a vision problem or just prefers larger text, the
bigger buttons are your cup of tea. CAL's buttons have a 3-D effect and
their color and text color can be changed. You can adjust the color of
the calculator and calendar itself: a background and a foreground color
allow you to provide textures. If you own Wallpaper, you'll be able to
install Wallpaper patterns into CAL, too. Even CAL's title bar and title
bar text can change color to suit your taste. Pick a pin-stripe CAL or go
to any unusual color-scheme you prefer. Let CAL blend with your desktop
pattern or have him stand out.

Productivity that every Mac owner can enjoy from Thought I Could.

CAL will retail at $79.95. Thought I Could offers direct special pre-
release pricing ($49.95). User Group members, CompuServe members and
Prodigy members will receive special pricing.

Linda Kaplan
voice: 212-673-9724
fax: 212-260-1194


> Seven Hills Info STR InfoFile

While some complain about the availability of games for the Mac, new
Mac games arrive at Mac Report HQ on an almost daily basis. Most of them
are pretty good too. Seven Hills new game, GATE, looks to be a bunch 0'
fun also. Look for a review in Mac Report soon!

Introducing GATE -- Arcade/Adventure Game for the Macintosh

GATE blends action, adventure, and brain-teasing challenges into an
addictive fast-action game with smooth animation, exciting music and
sound effects. Escape the castle's prison, battle enemies, solve
puzzles, and defeat your captor to restore peace to the land.

Macintosh (68020 or later processor), 4MB RAM, System 6.0.7 or later
Requires a 640x480 monitor with 256 colors. Works with Gravis' GamePad or
MouseStick (settings included).

GATE retails for $49.95.

Seven Hills Software
2310 Oxford Road
Tallahassee, FL 32304

Phone 800-200-4555 (USA) or 904-575-0566, M-F, 9-5 ET
FAX 904-575-2015

America Online, AppleLink, GEnie: SevenHills
CompuServe: 75300,1743


For a limited time you can order GATE at the introductory price of just
$30 plus $3.50 shipping and handling. Call the "24 hours a day, 7 days
a week, orders-only" number (1-800-845-9528) and ask for GATE. Or you
can order via e-mail (just provide your name, address, phone number, and
Visa/Mastercard/Discover number with expiration date).


Seven Hills also has a new household info package. I've been using
Claris Works' database to do basically the same thing, but At Home looks
to be more useful. Look for a review in an upcoming edition of Mac

Introducing At Home -- New Macintosh Personal Productivity Package

At Home is a completely new type of program that instantly retrieves
whatever you need to know about yourself, your family, and your home
providing fast answers to your household "need to know now" questions--
anything from a daily planning schedule to those once in a blue moon
searches for a policy number. At Home is easy to use so you don't have
to be a computer wizard to understand's the perfect information
center for the entire family.

At Home manages the details of personal information, bills, valuables,
vehicles, insurance policies, and more! Not only does it store all this
information but it can automatically remind you about anything you need
help remembering such as birthdays, appointments and other important
dates. At Home stores information for each person in your home with
optional passwords to hide private details.

At Home is always there to remind you of all those things that are easy
to forget like bills due, car maintenance and other schedules, birthdays,
phone numbers, and more. At Home will even dial your telephone when
you've asked it for a phone number.

Forget those "sticky notes" that fall off the fridge! Leave written or
voice messages for other members in your household or ask At Home to tell
you if you have any messages waiting from someone else.

Have you ever needed to know which photo album contains your high school
pictures, when your child was inoculated, the total of your valuables, or
where that article is on building fish ponds? Ask At Home to find the
information for you. Screen and printed reports are always available.

At Home comes with a printed operations manual plus an on-screen
reference that places the answer to your question just a mouse-click
away. You'll feel right At Home in no time at all.

At Home works with any Macintosh with at least 3MB memory, running System
6.0.5 or later.

The retail price of At Home is $49.95.

Seven Hills Software
2310 Oxford Road
Tallahassee, FL 32304

Phone 800-200-4555 (USA) or 904-575-0566, M-F, 9-5 ET
FAX 904-575-2015

America Online, AppleLink, GEnie: SevenHills
CompuServe: 75300,1743


Order now and get At Home at the introductory price of just $7.50 total!
Call the "24 hours a day, 7 days a week, orders-only" number (1-800-845-
9528) and ask for At Home. Or you can order via e-mail (just provide
your name, address, phone number, and Visa/Mastercard/Discover number
with expiration date).



Here's some of the latest Apple PR. A new Hypercard and QuickTime.


Apple Extends QuickTime Multimedia Standard

Apple Demonstrates QuickTime Working With MPEG DIGITAL VIDEO

CUPERTINO, California--December 10, 1993--Apple Computer Inc. has
begun demonstrating technology that will make future television and
multimedia devices more compelling, interactive, and useful for
people. Specifically, Apple demonstrated the integration of MPEG
technology into applications using the company's QuickTime technology
at the recent Tokyo Multimedia Conference (Nov. 22-24, 1993).
The demonstrations included video editing on a personal computer
and an interactive karaoke music video. The company also said it
plans to integrate MPEG into future versions of QuickTime.

MPEG is an ISO standard cooperatively developed by more than 70
companies and institutions worldwide including SONY, Philip,
Matsushita and Apple. It is expected to become the digital video
standard for Compact Discs, Cable TV, Direct Satellite Broadcast and
high-definition television.

QuickTime is a software standard for digital media. It brings
audio, animation, video, and interactive capabilities to personal
computers and consumer devices. It also permits cross-platform
compatibility between platforms which support it.

Future devices which use MPEG technology with QuickTime will become
more powerful. MPEG, by itself, only allows playback. With the
addition of QuickTime, devices that use MPEG will be able to edit,
search for, interact with--as well as play back--video information.

"This demonstration underscores QuickTime's leadership in the
growing multimedia industry," said David Nagel, Apple's executive vice
president and general manager of its AppleSoft division. "It's
cross-platform. Thousands of applications support it. And we have
shipped more than 1 million QuickTime units to customers. By
integrating MPEG into QuickTime, we extend our leadership in
multimedia,one of the company's key strategic markets."

In a related announcement, the company stated that Fujitsu has
licensed QuickTime for use on Fujitsu's FM-TOWNS multimedia computer.
"Fujitsu is the latest vendor to adopt the QuickTime standard," Nagel


Apple Launches New Version of HyperCard, Providing Significant
Flexibility, Power and Customization Enhancements

AppleScript Support, Color, Media Integration Extend HyperCard's
Appeal to New Users

CUPERTINO, California--December 13, 1993--Apple Computer today
introduced HyperCard 2.2, a significant new version of its popular
software tool that enables users to easily create customized software
solutions. Version 2.2 represents dramatic increases in power,
functionality and flexibility, extending HyperCard's value to new and
existing multimedia title producers, educators, commercial solution
providers and in-house developers.

HyperCard 2.2 integrates a key Apple technology, AppleScript, which
enables users to automate repetitive tasks by launching, controlling
and exchanging data with existing applications. HyperCard 2.2 also
includes the ColorTools for seamlessly adding color to stacks;
WorldScript support for creating multilingual solutions and a new
"save as" option that creates double-clickable applications which can
be distributed without royalty fees. In addition, HyperCard 2.2
bundles ADDmotion II from Motion Works International for easy
creation and editing of animation.

According to AppleSoft senior vice president and general manager,
David Nagel, "When HyperCard was launched in 1988 it delivered power
and flexibility that set a new standard for application development.
Today, we are extending that power and flexibility with a host of new
features, making HyperCard an even more strategic product for the
multimedia, education and in-house development markets."

HyperCard is on over eight million Macintoshes worldwide and has
been lauded as a key Apple technology by educators and business users
worldwide. The latest release of HyperCard extends customers'
investments in their data and provides valuable new features that
significantly improve end-users' experiences with stacks.

"We are a two-person consulting firm specializing in on-line
documentation and multimedia development. HyperCard's amazing power
and flexibility have enabled us to create our own custom applications
which we can fully integrate and modify as needed. Furthermore, it
is the glue that allows us to integrate other applications such as
Word, Persuasion and Excel," said Katherine Horton, a HyperCard user
at William Horton Consulting in Huntsville, Ala.

AppleScript Functionality Now Built Into HyperCard
With AppleScript now built in, HyperCard 2.2 provides a dramatic
increase in functionality to new and existing users. It enables them
to integrate applications with HyperCard, providing much easier ways
to manipulate and present information from a wide range of
applications. Users can launch, control and exchange data with a
host of scriptable applications such as 4th Dimension, MacWrite,
FileMaker, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PhotoFlash, QuarkXpress,
and WordPerfect, along with over 75 others. HyperCard supports any
Open Scripting Architecture (OSA)-compliant scripting language
including AppleScript, UserTalk from UserLand and CEScript from CE

"HyperCard 2.2 is an optimal choice for commercial solution
providers. With AppleScript support, users can create even more
powerful solutions by extending the core functionality of HyperCard
with off-the-shelf applications," said Param Singh, HyperCard product
marketing manager. "With the wide variety of scriptable applications
available today, HyperCard users can immediately create innovative
applications to meet their individual needs, while preserving the
simplicity and ease-of-use of the HyperCard environment."

Color/Media Integration
HyperCard's new ColorTools enhance the useability and visual appeal
of existing and new solutions. In addition to importing and resizing
color PICT graphics, users can select from a palette of 256 shades to
color HyperCard elements such as buttons, fields, cards and
backgrounds. HyperCard's QuickTime tools allow users to incorporate
movies into cards and stacks with point and click simplicity.

"The new release of HyperCard, especially with its open scripting
and color support, gives a wide range of Macintosh users access to
incredible programming power. I am delighted with Apple's commitment
to the product, and expect to see new and existing users develop
exciting new solutions for themselves and the Macintosh community,"
said Danny Goodman, HyperCard user and author of The Complete
HyperCard 2.2 Handbook, coming in January 1994 from Random House
Electronic Publishing.

HyperCard continues to help multimedia authors differentiate their
product by providing comprehensive multimedia capabilities in one
environment. With ADDmotion II, HyperCard 2.2 facilitates easy
media, color and sound editing to help users enhance the value of new
and existing stacks. ADDmotion II is a 24-bit color paint, animation
and sound extension that integrates seamlessly into HyperCard and
provides tools for controlling and editing animations and sounds.

HyperCard 2.2 is the premier solution for education. With color and
QuickTime capabilities, HyperCard enables educators to create
innovative, compelling courseware while preserving ease-of-use for

In addition, HyperCard 2.2 supports WorldScript, which makes it
possible to include different languages in a field or card to create
powerful multilingual solutions. HyperCard users can script in
several languages including French and Japanese, using AppleScript
dialects extensions.

Pricing and Availability
The U.S. suggested retail price (SRP) for HyperCard 2.2 is $249. As
part of a special limited time introductory promotion, Apple is
offering HyperCard 2.2 for an U.S. SRP of $139. Additionally, Apple
will contact registered users of HyperCard 2.0 or 2.1 to offer a full
upgrade for $89. Apple is also offering a $39 upgrade to customers
who have purchased Claris HyperCard 2.1 between November 1, 1993 and
December 31, 1993. For details, users should contact the Apple
Software Programs Customer Service at (800)-769-2775, ext. 7810.
Volume purchases of site licenses are available for HyperCard 2.2
through the Apple volume licensing program.

HyperCard 2.2 is planned to be available at the end of the month and
will be able to be ordered through software resellers, Apple
authorized resellers and APDA -- Apple's source for developer tools.
APDA can be reached in the United States at (800) 282-2732; in
Canada at (800) 637-0039; or internationally at (716) 871-6555.
Apple resellers can be located by calling (800) 538-9696.

All customers have access to toll-free telephone support by calling
Apple Assurance at (800) SOS-APPL. Advanced scripting support is
available for a fee by calling (800) 950-2442.


That's it for this week. I hope that Santa brings each and every one
of you exactly what you deserve! <RBG> As always, please feel free to
send your comments or questions to me at:

America OnLine: STReportRN
Compuserve: 70323,1031


STReport International Online Magazine is available every week for
your reading pleasure on DELPHI. STReport's readers are invited to join
DELPHI and become a part of a friendly community of enthusiastic computer
users there.


Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access
DELPHI services via a local phone call


Via modem, dial up DELPHI at 1-800-695-4002
When connected, press RETURN once or twice
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DELPHI's Basic Plan offers access for only $6.00 per hour, for any
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more information, call: DELPHI Member Services at 1-800-544-4005 DELPHI
is a service of General Videotex Corporation of Cambridge, MA.

Try DELPHI for $1 an hour!

For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and
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But hurry, this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage
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The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 9.50)
Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.

DELPHI-It's getting better all the time!


Dana Jacobson, Editor


Please join us in welcoming PMC to the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN)!
Message Section 15 and Library 15 are now available for PMC-related
messages and files. You can address messages to Oscar Steele [72662,1271].

The following initial files are available in LIBRARY 15:

GML8_P.TXT - Gemulator 3.0 information and special
GBNCH3.ZIP - Gembench 3.25 benchmarking for ST/Gemulator users
COMPUB.ZIP - Catalog of over 3000 books at 50% + discount!
CB_REA.TXT - Ordering information for used book catalog.

Download the following files from LIBRARY 6 of the Atari Productivity Forum

RN161P.LZH - Runner 1.61 Alternate Desktop
RN161N.LZH - New features and overview of Runner 1.61
RN161D.LZH - Docs for Runner 1.61(RUNR161P.LZH)
RN161B.LZH - Background pics for Runner 1.61

This is the newest release of Runner (1.61) by Dave Thorson! Organize
programs into easy-to-use menus, assign them to QuickKeys for fast access.
Use any PI1,.PI2,.PI3,.PC1,.PC2,.PC3 pic as a background pic. You can also
run programs and view text files from the file selector, for those that you
don't place in menus. Built-in text file viewer lets you search and move
forward/backward and print screens as text. LOTS of other features!

Download file TOOL.LZH from LIBRARY 14 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for a replacement of version 1.0 of cadtool. This program
provides a nicer user interface, somewhat faster operation and a few bugs
were found and squashed. Cadtool V1.1 offers 3D2 object modification
similar to the object functions found in CAD3D but it is faster and
completes the operations correctly.

Also download LANDMN.ZIP from LIBRARY 2 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for a simple but habit-forming game, similar to the Minesweeper
game that comes with Windows. Find out where the mines are buried...
carefully! Shareware, from the PTAUG Nov. 1993 disk. High rez or low rez,
source code included.



> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

by Dana P. Jacobson

By the time that you read this, my Christmas shopping _should_ all be
done!! I hope that you all are fairing well this holiday season and can
get a chance to relax before next weekend! Before I got married, I really
didn't have to do much shopping except for a few gifts for roommates and
friends. Being in an inter-religious marriage has certainly changed things
<grin>. It's fun except for always being in that one long line and a
blue-haired woman decides to inquire about each price as it's rung in, and
then wants to write a check in a cash-only line! Holiday spirit certainly
is strained at these times; patience long-departed!

I'm not sure whether or not there will be any Fujis under the Chanukah
bush this year. Anything of this sort, I have to pick up myself as my wife
defers any computer purchases back to me. I had better decide what I might
want and start making some calls if I want any new software for the
holidays! I've decided not to try and find an available Jaguar, but I sure
would like to get one soon. I'll probably wait until I can be a glutton
and gorge myself with a Jag and a bunch of games all at once. It doesn't
help to happen to see another Jaguar/Lynx commercial on television as I'm
lining up some last-minute gift ideas, and really wanting to cross off my
mother-in-law's gift and get a Jaguar instead! Doing the right thing
prevailed, darn!

Plenty of activity going on with regard to the Jaguar this past week.
Most of the online activity that I've been following is occurring in
Compuserve's ATARIGAMING Forum. Atari's Don Thomas and Bill Rehbock have
been fairly regular visitors there and answering all kinds of interesting
questions. It's really nice to see Atari people online being active and
helping out with information. CyberMorph has been getting some rave
reviews online; and the people who have Jaguars seem to really love the
game. It looks like Atari chose a winner for the pack-in game. For those
of you anxiously awaiting another game, Raiden is now shipping. I've also
heard that Trevor McFur will be close behind (it's featured on the latest
Jaguar ads with Raiden). There was also some online mention of Crescent
Galaxy being available now, or soon.

There has also been some somewhat disturbing news related to the
Jaguar. I say somewhat because I have mixed feelings about the news I've
read. The first relates to the fact that Atari's original claims that
there would be 50,000 Jaguars available before Christmas has been seriously
decreased. The latest word is that 20,000 units will be available. While
20,000 is still a significant number, two and a half times that would have
been better. From all indications that I have seen to-date, demand is far
exceeding the available supply (what an incredible and positive reversal
for an Atari product!). I truly believe that Atari's original numbers
would achieve an almost sell-out. Let's hope that the Jaguar-induced high
will continue to ride waiting for the national rollout.

The second piece of news involves the departure from the initial
decision to test market the Jaguar in New York and San Francisco. We were
told that these two cities would be the only two having Jaguars, but
machines have turned up in various other cities in various quantities.
While I understand the initial rollout plans, how the other cities or sites
were determined (or why a change from the initial two) evades me. I
understand that Jaguars have been spotted in Houston and somewhere in the
Northwest (Montana?). And then, I saw a message that was reproduced from
the FNET stating that a mail-order dealer (the message poster) had a
limited quantity of machines.

Okay, the original 2-city limit was already broached. I can live with
the fact that more people will have better access to the machines. After
all, we want Atari to sell as many of these machines as possible. But,
this FNET message has me a little concerned. The dealer, Micro Computer
Depot, will have a couple dozen machines for sale and taking orders now.
What bothers me is that they are selling them for $300 plus shipping. The
reason given was because of "high costs and low margins" of the machines.
Well, they're not paying any more for machines than anyone else, and the
margins are probably exactly the same. Profits are to be made from game
sales, not the Jaguar itself. While suggest MSRP is $249.99, obviously
dealers aren't required to sell for that price, but a $50.00 increase? It
_appears_ that MCD is banking on the increasing demand for fewer and fewer
machines and jacking the prices up to take advantage of that demand. Some
holiday spirit! Yes, they have every right to do this; and yes, it is a
common practice to create a price relevant to supply and demand. What
bothers me is that MCD is outside of the designated target areas. I think
it's unfair. Those units, as relatively few as they are, should have gone
to those stores where their supply has been depleted and waiting lists are
growing. I don't understand Atari's departure from their original plans;
and the inflated price just makes matters worse. I hope for Atari's sake,
that there's no major backlash from this. Personally, I'd stay away from
this opportunity to get a Jaguar, no matter how badly I wanted one. What's
a few more weeks? Once the national rollout occurs, competition may even
result in lower prices. Regardless, opportunities to easily get a machine
closer to MSRP will be much greater. Like I said, I have mixed feelings
about all of this and I'm not going to dwell on it this close to the

What else has been going on this past week? Not a whole lot of new
items other than Jaguar sightings, for sure. Things have continued to be
slow on the computing side of Atari. At this time of year, you'd think
that there'd be a visible increase in new products available. But, it's not
be for Atari computer users this year. They really do say that patience is
a virtue......

With the last issue of STReport for 1993 coming out next week, we're
scurrying around trying to finalize some feature articles. The one I'm
anxiously working on at the moment is a piece on the online services and
support staff. Over the years we've learned quite a bit of all of the
major services, but we've never really got to know the people who do their
best to provide this support. I think you'll find these articles quite
enjoyable and interesting. We've received overwhelming response from the
staff of Delphi and Compuserve. On a low note, there apparently will not
be a feature on the GEnie Atari staff as my letter of suggestion for these
articles went unanswered by the Atari RT. On a positive side, this will
provide us more time to devote to the remaining staffs.

John Duckworth's "The Old Fishin' Hole" continues to gain popularity.
This week, John takes a look at the year's best in PD and shareware
software: "The Golden Lure Awards". Check it out to make sure that you've
caught this year's limit.

Joe Mirando's "People Are Talking" column continues to keep us abreast
of what's going on in the Atari Forums on Compuserve. Look for a similar
column dealing with Delphi's online community in the new year.

At a local user group meeting a few days ago, a few of us were sitting
around discussing Atari current events and that included the Jaguar. We
were reminiscing former Atari game systems and how they grew in popularity.

Suggestion of the week: a Jaguar "character." When Nintendo came out, the
name that was synonymous with the machine was Mario, that lovable plumber.
Sega has Sonic the Hedgehog, that blue speed-demon. Old Atari game
consoles, we had Pac-Man and other memorable characters to call our own.
Wouldn't it be advantageous if Atari came up with its own character to send
Mario back to the sewers and Sonic buried under a mudslide? Kids love to
be able to have someone or something to identify with new products,
especially games. I think Atari should consider a character and make
his/her/its presence a household name!

Well, let's get on with some interesting items this week. Spar
Systems has just released "Mastering Calligrapher 3.0" and Gribnif Software
learned some distressing news about a recent European magazine cover disk
featuring its Arabesque software. Let's get on with it.


> Arabesque STR InfoFile

Gribnif Software News Release

December 10, 1993
Arabesque / ST Format

Recently the British magazine ST Format published in their
magazine a cover disk that included a copy of our English language
version of the Arabesque Professional software.

That issue of the magazine also included an offer to acquire
Arabesque manuals and copies of Convector Professional from HiSoft in
the United Kingdom.

We at Gribnif Software were not aware of this event until after the
release of the magazine. We NEVER authorized this distribution of our
software. We have contacted all the involved parties and wish to make
the following facts clear:

o The English language version of Arabesque included in that cover
disk was NOT authorized by us and therefore constitutes a
violation of our copyrights.

o HiSoft does NOT have any distribution rights to either Arabesque
or Convector.

o HiSoft will NOT be distributing any manuals for Arabesque or any
copies of Convector. If you sent an order to HiSoft, it will be
returned. They do not even carry the products.

If you have a copy of this software, as acquired through ST Format,
you have an unauthorized copy of the program. Therefore we ask you to
please destroy it.

We, Gribnif Software, are the sole publisher of the English version
of Arabesque and Convector. In the United Kingdom we are exclusively
represented by Compo Software.

Both Arabesque and Convector remain as important and successful
titles in our line of software for the Atari. They are available, in
their complete commercial form (including manuals, packaging, and with
technical support) from leading dealers and distributors in the United
States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.

For more information, please contact:

In the U.S. and Canada: In the United Kingdom:

Gribnif Software, COMPO Software
P.O. Box 779, 7 Vinegar Hill,
Northampton, MA 01061 Alconbury Weston,
Tel: (413) 247-5620 Huntingdon,
Fax: (413) 257-4622 Cambs PE17 5JA
Tel: 0 480 891819
Fax: 0 480 890787



Effective Immediately December 4, 1993

Spar Systems Is Proud To Announce The Release Of

* Mastering Calligrapher 3.0 *

For Calligrapher 3.0 Word Processor

Mastering Calligrapher 3.0 is a Hypertext Personal Training Guide for
both novice and advanced users alike. Novice users will find the simple
step-by-step approach an easy way to lessen the learning curve, while
advanced users will benefit from the referencing feature.

Each command is explained in detail with all the necessary information
given on how to use it correctly. Tips and tricks are offered as well
throughout the guide to give you ideas on how to exploit each command to
its fullest.

The step-by-step tutorials is just like having a private tutor, but
without the expensive cost of a tutor. The package includes example files
on disk, user manual, the Hypertext Personal Training Guide and
a PaperDirect catalog. A few of the topics covered are quick print,
header, initial cap, virtual clipboard buffers, page numbering, text
alignment, graphics and much more.

Features: Over five printer drivers included. Send online summary to
printer for hardcopy reference. Runs together with Calligrapher.
Resolution independent. Supports the ST, TT and Falcon resolution modes,
and third party graphic cards. Comes on a double sided disk. Requires
only 145K of memory.

Mastering Calligrapher 3.0 is fast paced and to the point. Tells you
everything you need to know to start creating documents, while mastering
the program. Prepare to become a Calligrapher power user!

Suggested Retail Price $49.95

See your Atari dealer or order from us. Include $2.00 for shipping and
handling, and mail to:
Spar Systems
381 Autumn Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208

For additional information ring us at (718)-235-3169
Other New Products Will Be Available Soon


> The Old Fishin' Hole STR Feature


-A Guide to the Online PD/Shareware Waters.

by John R. Duckworth

Since the nibbles have been almost non-existent on my hook this
week, I thought this would be a good time to reflect on the
achievements of 1993. This week I present, what I feel, are the best of
the public domain and shareware programs for the Atari platform
released in the past year. Many of you may disagree with my choices,
or find some glaring omission...please forgive me. I have tried to take
a quasi-scientific approach to my selections with the packages being
rated on the following criteria: usefulness, presentation, and
support. Usefulness relates to how much the software was actually
needed (did it fill a void?) and how often it was used. The
presentation criteria takes into account how professional the softwares
interface seemed, as well as the level of GEM integration.

The last factor which I used to rate my selections was support from
the easy are they to reach online and do they update the
software to fix bugs and add more features regularly. Before continuing
further I would like to mention one piece of shareware released this
week which is targeted toward Falcon users on GEnie. LoadAladdin by Keith
Gerdes allows Falcon owners to use the Aladdin online software which
had been previously incompatible with their system. LoadAladdin
simply loads the Aladdin program into memory and then redirects modem
output to the proper place (if you want to get more technical read
the press release). I highly recommend this program for all GEnie
Falcon users as it saves online time as well as simplifies bulletin
board communications. With that out of the way, let's get on with the
best of 1993...


- The Old Fishin' Hole's Choices for -
- the Best PD/Shareware programs of 1993 -

1. Gem-View 3.01
-A wonderful GEM based graphics viewing package. High scores all
around !

2. ST Zip 2.3
-The easiest of all archivers to use because of the included
GEM interface.

3. MasterBrowse 2.8
-A great text viewing/printing application. Works especially well
as an installed application bypassing GEM's internal file
display routines.

4. Winx 2.2
-Adds new life to the GEM desktop. Increases number of windows
allowed open at once as well. Only detraction is the fact that
it will not peacefully co-exist with Warp 9.

5. MyDraw 1.10
-Full featured GEM drawing package from Germany. Well worth
the registration money.

6. WinRec 1.35
-A Falcon only program reaches the top 10! This commercial quality
hard disk recording program features dsp effects and compression.

7. Speed of Light 2.6
-This GIF viewer is one of the fastest and best for all Atari
computers. If memory is of the essence...this will fulfill
your GIF picture viewing needs.

8. Paula 2.2
-For music lovers, Paula plays .MOD files in the background of
STe and Falcon systems. Runs as an accessory and features random
play option.

9. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) 2.3
-This Atari port is a must for transferring secure documents
and files. The NSA is always watching!

10. OXYD
-This game combines puzzles, action, and strategy to create an
enchanting...and often frustrating experience. Versions are
available for all Atari TOS computers.

*Honorable Mentions*

While these programs did not make it into the top ten, I feel
they still deserve a bit of fame for making Atari computing a lot
more fun.

* GEM NetHack 3.13
-An Atari port of the famous RPG NetHack. This version features
a unique GEM graphical interface to make game play more

* Dave Munsie's Classic Game Conversions

-Mr. Munsie has converted many of the classic video games to
the Atari TOS systems. Check out the 2600 classic Kaboom, as
well as the always entertaining Frogger and Space Invaders.

That wraps it up for The First Annual Golden Lure Awards. I hope
you agree with most of my choices and perhaps find one or two
programs that you may have overlooked in the past year. As always,
my e-mail address is, send any comments,
suggestions, and electronic greeting cards there. I'd like to thank
all who have given me comments and support with my column and I will
continue to do my best in 1994. Merry Christmas to everyone...just
don't forget the reason for the season!

| Old Fishin Hole Tackle Box * |
| LoadAladdin |
| e-mail |
* The Tackle Box is meant to provide assistance in finding files
mentioned in the column. It should not be considered a COMPLETE
listing and is provided for convenience only. Delphi Atari Advantage
files should be found in the Recent Arrivals section of the database
until moved to their appropriate sections.


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando

Hello again friends. Once again its time for us to look a all the
hints and tips that abound in the Atari Forums every week. But before
we do, I'd like to take a moment to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a
Happy Hanukkah. May the joy of the season be yours throughout the
coming year.

Well, I've kept my intro short this time (you can consider that your
gift from me), so let's get on with the column...

From the Atari Productivity Forum

Darrell Eifert asks about Atari Works:

"I have a question regarding the font selection from the button bar.
With most if not all MS Windows word processors, selecting Bold or Italic
from the button bar produces the actual bold or italic font associated
with the font you are using, i.e., Times Roman Bold or Times Roman
Italic. In AW however, the action simply thickens or slants the current
font, resulting in a much "uglier" printout. On my SLM, it even distorts
the font when printing in landscape mode. Will a future release of AW
give us TRUE Bold and Italic from the button bar?"

Mike Fulton at Atari tells Darrell:

"The main problem is that there's no really clearly defined method of
saying that "Swiss 721 Bold" is the bold version of "Swiss 721". It may
seem simple, but some fonts say "Black" instead of "Bold" and that's
really just the tip of the iceberg.

If we work out a reliable way of figuring out this sort of thing, then
it will probably be changed someday."

Darrell thanks Mike and asks another question:

"Thanks for the reply Mike. How does MS Windows mangage it? Do they
have a more standardized font system? This may be a silly suggestion,
but is it possible to provide a "user-programmable" button bar, with the
user responsible for deciding what fonts go with the Bold and Italic
buttons depending on the currently chosen font? This way the system
"knows" to go and look for Dutch Bold if Dutch is currently in use. I
wouldn't ride the point, except that our Atari at the library is used
constantly for resumes and cover letters (which have to look their best),
and we endlessly remind patrons to go and select a different font for
bold and italic rather than use the handy button bar. Though difficult,
a solution would be appreciated."

Mike tells Darrell:

"Well, I don't really know exactly how Windows manages it. The
information to manage it is available with SpeedoGDOS, but at this point
it's been left up to the application to get that information and figure
it out. There was some discussion of having the system figure this out
even back when we were still working on FSMGDOS, before we had
SpeedoGDOS, but there seemed to be too many compromises regardless of
what method you used.

Once somebody figures out a good way to deal with this, I'm sure we'll
be able to integrate it for a future revision."

Werner Colditz asks:

"Does anyone know of a way to get an IBM PC to read 5.25" DD diskettes
from an Atari 800 ? Is there a utility program to do this somewhere in
the LIBs ? Unfortunately, the Atari does not have a modem, so I can't
upload the files. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated."

Master Sysop Ron Luks tells Werner:

"Hmmmmmm.... Thats s tough one. There was a program that emulated the
Atari 800 on a PC (written by Darek Mihocka) but I dont recall if it
could read the Atari 5 1/4" disks directly. And even if it could, I dont
know how you'd get the files into PC format to access with your normal PC

Werner mentions an option that someone else mentioned:

"Somebody else told me today that the only way to do this is by uploading
the files from the Atari to Compuserve, then downloading to the PC. At
that point, there are programs in the LIBs which claim they will convert
them to PC ASCII files. Of course, this is only for data or text files.
Programs I found are ATARIC.ARC and STTOPC.ARC."

Sysop Dan Rhea adds:

"As I recall, you had to use a modem to get files in and out of the 800
emulator (I think it was for the ST too, I don't remember a PC version)."

Meanwhile, Sanford Aranoff tells us:

"I have an excellent word processor that deals with Hebrew and English.
Anyone want it? Want the source code (written in Pascal). I use it
for all kind of things, like writing, printing, making labels.
Hebrew is written from right to left, and so has to be right justified,
but not left justified. Also the characters are different. You can
search for an English word and replace it with a Hebrew word, and
vice-versa. It converts dates from the lunar calendar to our calendar."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine echoes my own thoughts:

"If you have the program and the source code please upload it."

Curt Fluegel posts:

"My name is Curt Fluegel, I am the Software Manager for Guitar Center
Minneapolis. I am an Atari Falcon user and new here to Compuserve (I've
been a GEnie user for quite some time).. WE have a few bundles left in
stock.. they went quite quickly (no surprise).. I'm pretty much the key
guy in the chain for Atari stuff so if anyone needs me call me at the
Minneapolis store (612)631-9424.. I would be happy to call you right
back so there's no l/d call. Also my address here on Compuserve is
73551,2407. Thanks.."

Brian Gockley of ST INFORMER Magazine asks Curt:

"How are Falcons selling for you? Are prices still the same? What's new
on the music front?"

Curt tells Brian:

"We do all right with Falcons (being a music store anyway).. honestly its
about one a month, thats about what we did with 1040STEs also.. The
priceas haven't fallen yet.. though I'm hoping the will in January..

As for new on the music front, January is the month for that, should be
an interesting year."

Gordon Burrows asks about replacing a floppy drive:

"Does anyone know if I can use any standard 1.44Mb drive with a 520ST?
I want to replace a single sided drive with the 1.44Mb and I want to keep
the [old] housing."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Gordon:

"No 520ST can use a 1.44 Meg drive without extensive hardware

The drive may connect up ok, but will only work as a normal double sided
(720K) drive unless you add an external clock source and change the
floppy controller chip.

You CAN swap out the single-sided drive for a double sided (720K)
mechanism fairly easily, although there can be some side-effects
depending on the kind of drive mechanism you use.. (most notably,
sometimes the "media change" doesn't work reliably, causing some problems
when you change disks in the drives).

There ARE some "do it yourself" modifications to utilize 1.44 Meg High
Density drives, and at least one commercial High Density drive was
released, but they're definately not as simple as just plugging in an
Atari DS drive..."

Jody Golick tells us:

"I just picked up an SLM 804 laser printer for (ridiculously) cheap. In
getting set up, I am experiencing a few probs which you may be able to
help me with.

1) I can't seem to configure WordPerfect 4.1 to find it.

2) Must the printer's power be ON in order to use the hard drive?

I am sure to have more questions soon."

Peter Joseph tells Jody:

"I have an SLM804 and I had a bear of a time with it at first. But I got
great help from here and from Atari.

Ok, first of all, as long as the SLM is hooked up you have to have it
turned on; but it's a bit more complicated than that so pay attention.
:^) You should plug the SLMC controller into your ST and then plug your
hard drive into the controller. Second, the SLM should be the first
device you turn on and you should wait until the green ready light comes
on before switching on anything else (actually, I turn on my monitor
while I'm waiting for the green light and that seems to be no problem).
If the printer is not on it can actually do weird things to the hard
drive I'm told. What version of the diablo emulator do you have. Do you
have the manuals?

As far as WordPerfect goes, guess what. I use it too so I can help you
with that too. <g> Unfortunately, WordPerfect and the SLM are a bit
tricky and I haven't even mastered it yet but it is workable. You say
you can't get WP to find the SLM. I assume you know how to set up
Wordperfect printer drivers so you at least have the SLM driver installed
properly in WP. So tell me exactly what is happening and what isn't. If
you haven't got the Diablo emulator for the SLM then I think you need to
get it from Atari. What I ended up doing was to send Atari about $7.95
+s/h for the manual and they also sent me a disk with the latest emulator
software and some other stuff; good deal. Anyway, even with the driver
configured in WP I can't get it to print many different fonts correctly.
The basic ATTP10 works fine, but there's trouble with either proportional
spaced or monospaced fonts, I can't remember which. It's probably not
too difficult a problem but I haven't really been dealing with it lately
since it's not a big priority for me. Also, I found that I had to
adjust the margins to fit the printed page properly.

Well, try those things and let me know how you do and I'll try to help
you more if you need it. Hey BTW, a little tip: After initial power-up
if you're not going to use the printer you can just open the back door on
it. This shuts down the heater and fan but still satisfies the ST's need
to have the printer on; it also saves on the light bill. :) I can't
remember where I read that hint but I've been doing it since and it's had
no detrimental effect yet. In fact, I even do cold boots with it that
way. If you do need the printer after doing this, just close the door
and wait for the green light and you're off. It's a terrific printer."

Jody tells Peter:

"The Diablo emulator doesn't seem to bear a version number but the file
date is 10/6/87. I don't actually have any idea what a Diablo is or why
I would want to emulate one. I have all the orginal Atari manuals - such
as they are... And something called Atari UltraScript. I shudder to
think of the mountains of esoteri information I shall have to absorb to
know what that is all about.

As fo WP: When selecting a printer you are asked to provide a
destination: paralle, serial, MIDI or other. I gather this is a case of
"other" but what?

You tip about the back door is great."

Brian Gockley tells Jody:

"Since the SLM has no RAM, you need to run an emulator program from the
auto folder called DIABLO.PRG. That will enable WP to find it. And yes,
the power does need to be on, unless you buy a "Phantom of the Laser"

Ira Adams asks:

"What (other than a bad RAM chip) could make an ST lose 256K of

I have a 520STFM. Three years ago I installed a JRI RAM+ board
populated with 2-1Meg SIMMs, giving me 2.5 Megs of RAM with the
.5 Meg that came on the motherboard. No problems for 3 years.

Last month I sent the ST to ICD for them to install an Adspeed.
It came back dead -- wouldn't operate until I opened it up and
pressed all the socketed chips down in their sockets. Then it
would run fine for 20 - 30 minutes before crashing, and it
was short 256K of RAM (according to NeoDesk, Spectre GCR, and
FREERAM.ACC). Removing the Adspeed (which is now back at ICD for
replacement) cured the problem of crashing after 20 - 30 minutes,
but the missing 256K of RAM persisted. Running MEMTEST.PRG
showed no indication of problems.

I bought 2 new 1 Meg SIMMs and swapped them for the 2 originals.
No effect -- 256K still missing. I installed the required jumpers
and put in all 4 SIMMs, taking the ST to 4 Megs and bypassing
the chips on the motherboard. Still 256K missing. ICD doesn't
have a clue as to what's going on here. Neither do I. I get
"Your call cannot be completed as dialed" when I try calling
JRI. Can anyone here point me in the direction of a solution?
Does anyone have a new phone number for John Russell Inc.?"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Ira:

"When you made the modifications to take the memory up to the full 4 Megs,
did you have to make any cuts on the original motherboard, or remove any

Normally the original RAM on the motherboard has to be disabled in some
way, in order for both banks of expanded RAM to work on the upgrade
board. With the original RAM disabled, you've effectively ruled out a
defective RAM chip on the motherboard being the problem with the
"missing" 256K.

It sounds like possibly the MMU chip is either defective or needs to be
reseated in its socket. (Sometimes just pushing it back down isn't
enough to make a good contact)

I'm not familiar with the JRI memory upgrade.. does it involve the MMU
chip at all..? I've used "solderless" memory upgrades that required
some rather unkind things be done to the MMU and its socket, and which
usually end up eventually causing failures of the system.

Assuming your MMU is in its original socket and doesn't have anything
attached to it, you can *CAREFULLY* pry it up out of its socket by
gently lifting the two opposite corners where there are slots in the
socket, a little at a time back and forth until the chip comes up out of
the socket. Be EXTREMELY careful, as the socket can crack if there's too
much force applied, which will require having the socket replaced..!

Also, note which direction the small dot on one side of the MMU chip
faces, in case the chip pops out with enough force to actually fly up out
of the socket. You'll need to know how to orient the chip to re-insert

Once the chip is loose, just press it back down firmly into the socket.

Be sure to ground yourself to the power supply or shielding before
touching the internal components so you don't static shock anything, and
of course, be sure the power is completely disconnected.

This may or may not fix the memory problem, but it's an easy enough
thing to try, and often can work wonders..!"

Ira tells Bob:

"Reseating the MMU is probably worth a try -- I pressed down on it when I
checked the other chips, but since it has a springclip across the top of
it, I didn't try wiggling or removing it.

The JRI board required the removal of two resistors when installed with
2 SIMMs and another two when I upgraded it to 4 SIMMs. It also required a
wire connected to one of the pins of the MMU socket, as well as some
wires to where the resistors were removed from. All of that wiring worked
fine for 3 years (except, of course, what I just installed in making the
jump to 4 megs), so I doubt that it's involved in the problem. It all
still looks intact."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Ira:

"The resistors you had to remove to install the memory upgrade would have
disabled the original RAM on the motherboard, so it's not likely they're
involved in the problem..

(Although, there IS a very slight chance that one of the outputs of the
original RAM, which is still on the address and data bus, might have
gone bad and is shorting the bus, but that's a really long shot.)

How does the JRI board connect to the main motherboard..? There needs
to be a fairly wide ribbon cable from the memory upgrade to the address
and data bus somewhere on the motherboard.. normally they go directly to
the MMU somehow (which is usually the trouble spot in a memory upgrade),
although there could be other ways of reaching those signals.

The original construction of the Atari computers is very good, so
shipping them (like to ICD) shouldn't be a problem.. but "add-ons" might
not fare so well in transit.. that's why I'm wondering about the

Danny Bull asks:

"What is the best (and most reliable) way to upgrade a 1040ST to 4 megs
of ram? I would appreciate opinions."

John Damiano of Transierra tells Danny:

"My advice is to buy a used MEGA 4. They are very inexpensive now. You
might find a complete system for less then 500.00 with monitors/software.
I bought two that way. The advantages are a great keyboard thats remote,
and room for things like an Adspeed or video card. If you figure it out
its probably the same price as a four meg upgrade. have a
backup computer if one fails."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Danny:

"Another solution along the same lines would be to watch for a used
1040STe computer... they can be very easily upgraded by adding standard
SIMM modules, no hacking and slashing needed..!

You also get the added enhancements of TOS 1.4, the extended color
pallette, stereo sound outputs and DMA sound..."

Ringo Monfort posts:

"Today, Sunday 12-12-93, on ABC Wallstreet Report they had a segment on
video games and they did show the Jaguar game system and I got to tell
you the graphics are "HOT"! They mention it as a 64bit system with great
graphics. etc. It is very nice to see ATARI on TV again."

Peter Joseph posts:

"Hey everybody!

How many caught the Jaguar bit on CNN's Moneyline last night. The story
was about how 3DO wasn't coming out with the titles they promised and
they were slipping in popularity. The journalist then went on to say
that "the technology top gun is now the Atari Jaguar", that it is twice
as powerful as 3DO and costs hundreds less; all the while showing entire
screen shots of the Jag in action. They even had Sam Tramiel on there
talking about what it could do better than 3DO. Not a long skit, but
long enough to make me crazy with glee. :^) I even taped it when they
reran it at midnite."

Sysop Ron Luks tells Peter:

"I saw the piece. Atari sounded pretty impressive."

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

Sysop Bob Retelle posts:

"Most of the files we have here have been "compressed" to make them
smaller and faster to download, but before they can be used on your end
they need to be "uncompressed". There aren't very many ZOO type files
though.. most of them will be compressed with the LZH method.

There is a file in the Atari Productivity Forum (GO ATARIPRO) called
ARCLZH.PRG that will automatically uncompress itself when you run it,
and will create both the LZH utility and the ARC utility (both are
commonly used compression programs), and a handy Shareware "shell"
program that will make both of them easier to use.

For the ZOO file you downloaded, the best thing would be to BROWSE in
Library #4 using the keyword ZOO to find the "unZOO" utilities.

Be sure to read the documentation that comes with these programs, and if
you have any questions about using them, be sure to post them here...

Also, if I read you message right, you were asking why you get those ]D
]D characters..? That's because you were using the cursor arrow keys
to try to move the cursor back over a typing error...

CompuServe doesn't understand all the special keys from all the
different kinds of computers and keyboards, like the Atari cursor arrow
keys.. it only knows the very common ones, like the Backspace key. If
you make a typing error on the line you're entering, before you hit
Return, you can just backspace to the error and fix it.. but then you
have to type the rest of the line over..

If you notice an error on a previous line, you can use the online line
editor to fix it... there's Help files here that will tell you how to
use the editor, and probably the best way to learn about that, and all
the rest of the cool things you can do online, is to go to the Practice
Forum (GO PRACTICE) where you can try out all these kinds of things..
for FREE..! There's no hourly connect charge in the Practice Forum..!"

Here's an interesting and offer for Falcon030 owners with CDROM drives
from Greg Kopchak at It's all Reletive Software:

" It's All Relative

to All Falcon Owners

1. A hot off the press copy of Walnut Creek's new Atari CD. Walnut Creek
is one of the largest distibutor of PC and Mac CD roms. This is their
first Atari disc. They have an outstanding reputation in the PC market.

2. A Photo CD desktop viewer application for the Falcon. Just click on
any Photo CD image and have it pop on the screen in Falcon true-color!

3. A MultiTOS ready XFS driver that will read both Photo CD and standard
CD roms. Just plug your drive into the Falcon 030 and welcome to
computing in the 90's.

Drives supported include the Toshiba 3401, NEC-38, NEC-55, NEC-74 and

All the above for $39.95, postpaid, from It's All Relative Software.

Send a check for $39.95 to Randall Kopchak, 2233 Keeven Lane,
Florissant, MO 63031.

Orders will be shipped as soon as the CD is ready. Planned ship date is
on or about December 27. No checks will be cashed till discs are

Lou Trapani asks Greg about the CD disk:

"I was wondering about this new Atari CD-ROM. Is it a collection of
software (PD & Shareware and freeware)?

Also, I do not have a CD-ROM player for any of my Atari computers. Would
I be able to access it using a Mac with a CD-ROM?

Thanks for the info. It is great to see that the Atari platform is
finally getting some CD-ROM software."

Albert Dayes jumps in and tells Lou:

"Since the disc is ISO-9660 you can read the contents on any platform.
Mac, UNIX, IBM PC, Atari, etc."

Greg Kopchak tells Lou:

"According to the press release, the Walnut Creek CD will have public
domain, shareware, commercial demos, electronic magazines, and other
files that will be of interest to the Atari community.

The disk can be read from a PC. CD roms in the 9660 format are a
common format that is shared across all platforms.

The disk will have a suggested retail of $39.95. We are including a
Falcon MultiTOS XFS driver and Photo CD desktop viewer for the Falcon
in our special Christmas package. It's everything you need to get
started on the Falcon, CD, Photo CD viewer and driver.

The driver supports the Toshiba 3401, NEC-38, NEC-55, NEC-74 and
NEC-84 drives among others."

Yat at Lexicor Software talks a bit about the Medusa T040, the new 68040
based TT-compatable computer available from Lexicor:

"It is a COMPLETELY Fast system <smile> but there is a compatiblity
switch that allows you to turn of cache and make the first 8 Megs
STRAM Compat.

But I wouldn't do that...most serious applications welcome Faster RAM

You wouldn't need to use a CRDOTS and VME Bus..because with NVDI
ET-4000 you can plug in any 'ol ET-4000 Board...1 meg or 2 meg, it
shouldn't matter. So you can use Doze boards ;) any one that is
ET-4000 based, that's the beauty of it. don't HAVE to HAVE a SCIS can do ACSI via ICD
to for a cheaper solution...just as much as you don't need
the VME Board...unless you insist on using your VME Gfx board :)

Boris Molodyi tells Yat:

"ompletely fast, eh? I like that.

As for ET-4000 and SCSI: the thing is that I already have SCSI drive
and Crazy Dots II board in my TT, so I'd have to buy a whole new drive
and board for Medusa. OTOH, it might make my TT a better sale, so I
could get money for Medusa... It's all so tempting... :-)

Say, would you have GEMBENCH results for Medusa? It should be

Well, that's it for this week. Tune in again next time and listen to
what they are saying when...


Well, that should do it for another week. Keep tuned to STReport
for your latest in Atari news and information. Please remember that
during this enjoyable holiday season comes responsibility. Play it
safe when attending those office Christmas parties!! Don't drink and

Until next time.....




> A "Quotable Quote" "Yes indeed... "Tis the time of year!"

"'Tis the Season to be Jolly...
Falalalala lala lala

Darn.... where's the "RESET" key?"

Hand Held Carollers?? Nah...

Get a Jaguar!


> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155
Est. 1985


4MB ram upgradable to 32MB
DOS 6.2 - Windows 3.1 Incl.
256K CACHE - 1.44/1.2 FLOPPY
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Call: 904-783-3319 Anytime, Voice Mail


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Top of the PAS Media Vision Line - True Multi-Media

IDE Super IO cards & 16550 UART 2 & 4 Port Cards

Call: 904-783-3319 Anytime, Voice Mail



40 Westgate Parkway -Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only


202 Roberts St.
East Hartford CT. 06108


907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220


(DEALERS; to be listed here, please drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
STR Online! "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" December 17, 1993
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-93 All Rights Reserved No.9.51
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