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Silicon Times Report Issue 0952

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

December 24, 1993 No. 9.52

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM-4 PM EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
FIDO 1:112/35 ~ ITCNet 85:881/253 ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:21/350
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> 12/24/93 STR 952 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- QmPro for Windows - A Trekkie Xmas! - Noel?
- R.S.R. a review - Holiday Lemmings - Windows Tips
- MAC REPORT - Blowup! Lexicor!! - The Old Fishin' Hole


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the Fido/PROWL/ITC/USENET/NEST/F-Net Mail Networks. You
may also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder and
excitement of exchanging all types of useful information relative to
computers, worldwide, through the use of excellent International
Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are welcome to join the STReport
International Conferences. The Fido Node is 1:112/35, ITC Node is
85:881/253 Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #620. All
computer platforms BBS systems are welcome and invited to participate.

to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!

"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

'Tis a wonderful time of the year! My four sons are all home for
the holidays and it is grand. As I type this, my youngest son Vincent
23, is very busy tending to the twenty five pound Turkey he is smoking
with hickory chips in the back yard smoker. This year everything fell
right into place. The weather is perfect. Not too cold but cold enough
to make Christmas in the south feel remotely like a northern Christmas.
The family all together, and best of all everyone is in good health.

Earlier this week a copy of QmodemPro for Windows arrived. I had
been impatiently waiting for it.... I must say Mustang Software has
certainly outdone themselves with this program. It is very well laid
out, thought out and is obviously written with the user in mind. If you
are looking for a solid and powerful Telcom/FAX program, this is the one
for you. There will be a full review forthcoming.

In the coming weeks, we'll be spotlighting the various system
operators on the major networks. Obviously, we will not be spotlighting
those who have not responded to our inquiries. Only one small segment
have not responded. All in all the response has been excellent. Over
the next few weeks you'll soon get know a large number of the
conscientious, responsible and caring sysops in various areas who are
very much interested in their members enjoying their computers to the

At this time, I'd like to extend my heartfelt wishes for a wonderful
Holiday Season to everyone on staff and especially to all our readers.




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Glover R. Noak D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms Randy Noak
Jeff Coe
Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia
Frank Sereno John Duckworth

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET........................ 1:112/35
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




'Twas the night before Christmas - again

'Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck:
How to live in a world that's politically correct?
His workers no longer would answer to "Elves."
"Vertically Challenged" they were calling themselves.

And labor conditions at the north pole
Were alleged by the union to stifle the soul.
Four reindeer had vanished, without much propriety,
Released to the wilds by the Humane Society.

And equal employment had made it quite clear
That Santa had better not use just reindeer.
So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid,
Were replaced with 4 pigs, and you know that looked stupid!

The runners had been removed from his sleigh;
The ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A.
And people had started to call for the cops
When they heard sled noises on their roof-tops.

Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened.
His fur trimmed red suit was called "Unenlightened."
And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows,
Rudolf was suing over unauthorized use of his nose

And had gone on Geraldo, in front of the nation,
Demanding millions in over-due compensation.
So, half of the reindeer were gone; and his wife,
Who suddenly said she'd enough of this life,

Joined a self-help group, packed, and left in a whiz,
Demanding from now on her title was Ms.
And as for the gifts, why, he'd ne'er had a notion
That making a choice could cause so much commotion.

Nothing of leather, nothing of fur,
Which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her.
Nothing that might be construed to pollute.
Nothing to aim. Nothing to shoot.

Nothing that clamored or made lots of noise.
Nothing for just girls. Or just for the boys.
Nothing that claimed to be gender specific.
Nothing that's warlike or non-pacific.

No candy or sweets...they were bad for the tooth.
Nothing that seemed to embellish a truth.
And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden,
Were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden.

For they raised the hackles of those psychological
Who claimed the only good gift was one ecological.
No baseball, no football...someone could get hurt;
Besides, playing sports exposed kids to dirt.

Dolls were said to be sexist, and should be passe;
And Nintendo would rot your entire brain away.
So Santa just stood there, disheveled, perplexed;
He just could not figure out what to do next.

He tried to be merry, tried to be gay,
But you've got to be careful with that word today.
His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground;
Nothing fully acceptable was to be found.

Something special was needed, a gift that he might
Give to all without angering the left or the right.
A gift that would satisfy, with no indecision,
Each group of people, every religion;

Every ethnicity, every hue,
Everyone, everywhere...even you.
So here is that gift, its price beyond worth:
"May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on earth."

Notice: This poem is copyright 1992 by Harvey Ehrlich. It is free to
distribute, without changes, as long as this notice remains intact.
All follow-ups, requests, comments, questions, distribution rights,
etc should be made to
Thanks to Harvey Ehrlich via Varda Ullman Novick via Jack Kolb



Ready, Set, Read

from Bright Star Technology, Inc. and Sierra On-Line

by Frank Sereno

Ready, Set, Read is the sequel to Alphabet Blocks, an award-winning
educational program that used new technology to have the on-screen
coaches' mouths actually form the words and letters in sync with the
sound. Alphabet Blocks taught children to recognize letters and their
sounds while RSR (Read, Set, Read) teaches children two-letter sounds,
rhyming words, word building from sounds, word recognization,
alphabetizing letters and words, and how to read a simple story. RSR is
recommended for children between 4 and 7 years of age.

RSR is available for color Macintosh computers with four megabytes
of system memory, fifteen megs of free hard drive space and an eight-bit
color monitor. It is also available for IBM compatibles with a 386SX-20
MHz or greater CPU, 15 megs of free hard drive space, four megs of
memory, a Windows compatible sound card, running under Wiindows 3.1 with
a 640 by 480 with 256 color display. Installation instructions are
included for both types of computers and are quite easy. After
installation on both machines, double-click on the RSR icon to start the

The program begins by playing some cheery music, then the child is
greeted by Jack the jack-in-the-box and Bananas the chimp. The two are
in the hallway, seated before a stairway and six doors of different
colors. Clicking the pointer on any of these doors begins one of the six
different skill-building games. Each classroom behind the doors has a
chalkboard for displaying graphics and text. At the start of each game,
Jack or Bananas will explain gameplay.

The green door opens to a classroom where Bananas will coach the
child to recognize two-letter consonant and vowel sounds. Blocks
featuring two-letter combinations are stacked in the room. Bananas will
pronounce a sound and the child must find the block representing that
sound and click the pointer on it. If the child has difficulty, blocks
will be blanked out until only the correct choice is left. The child
will learn about digraphs, blends and diphthongs from a friendly and
encouraging coach.

The blue door leads to the word rhyming game. Bananas will
pronounce six words as they are placed on a vertical checkerboard. Then
the seventh or key word is pronounced and placed on the screen. The
child must find the rhyme by clicking and dragging the rhyming word next
to the key word. Clicking on the individual words will cause Bananas to
say them again. If a wrong word is chosen, Bananas will pronounce the
incorrect word and ask the child to find the word that sounds like the
key word. This game is simple but effective.

The yellow door game teaches the child to build words from parts of
words known as onsets (beginnings) and endings. Bananas will pronounce
three onsets as they are placed on the playing field, then an ending will
be placed opposite the onsets and Bananas will request that the child
make a specific word. This is done by clicking and dragging the correct
onset next to the ending. If the child uses the wrong onset, Bananas
will pronounce the word and a picture will be displayed on the
chalkboard. Bananas will then repeat the question. Clicking on an
onset or ending will cause Bananas to pronounce that sound. Once again,
this game is simple enough for young children to understand but they
learn quite quickly.

The pink door game teaches children to recognize sight words,
often-used words that make up the bulk of words in children's textbooks.
Blocks containing common, short words are stacked in the room. Jack will
then ask the child to find a word. If a wrong word is chosen, it is
pronounced and a sentence using it is displayed on the chalkboard, then
the question is repeated. Jack will always encourage the child
regardless of ability. To put sight words in an adult perspective, a
touch typist learns to type many words such as the, and, etc., as words
rather than individual letters. This allows for much faster typing than
hunting and pecking the letters or remembering the individual letters.
Learning sight words will allow the child to read more quickly and

Next is the mustard door which opens to the alphabetizing game.
Jack will pronounce and place three letters or words on shelves and ask
the child to put the objects in alphabetical order by clicking and
dragging them to a numbered chart. The alphabet is displayed on blocks
in the foreground of the classroom for reference. Alphabetization is an
important skill for using reference materials such as dictionaries,
encyclopedias and phone books. This game is easy to learn and fun.

Finally, the violet door features reading a story. Jack narrates
the story of himself and Bananas and the methods they use to teach a
princess to read. After reading a page, he will then repeat it while
omitting three words which will appear in red type below the main text.
The child's task will be to click and drag the red words back to proper
places in the text. Clicking on the words will cause Jack to pronounce
them. The purpose of this exercise is to force children to recognize
words rather than memorizing the text of familiar stories. My only knock
on this portion of the program is that the same words are dropped from
the story every time it is read. I think it would be better if the story
changed each time.

This educational title is well-written. It does help teach children
to read, and the lessons are full of positive reinforcement. The
animation and lip-synching are attention grabbing. I know that my 5
year-old has spent many hours learning from RSR. And finally, RSR comes
with a money-back guarantee. If you or child do not like this program,
you can return it to Sierra for a full refund of your purchase price. I
doubt if many people will take them up on this offer because this is an
excellent product. I recommend it highly, and it would make a great



QmodemPro for Windows v1.0

Mustang Software unveiled the new Windows version of its popular
QmodemPro communications program during COMDEX/Fall '93. Called QmodemPro
for Windows v1.0, it is the first communications program to offer support
for both data and Fax communication in one integrated package.

File transfers are supported using Zmodem, CompuServe B+, Kermit,
Ymodem, Ymodem/G, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/1KG, Xmodem/CRC, Xmodem, or ASCII. A
built-in GIF viewer allows you to view GIF graphics files as they are
being downloaded. You can zoom any GIF or BMP file, and even mark and
copy portions of the picture to the Windows clipboard. Users can easily
upload files using drag-and-drop from the Windows File Manager to
QmodemPro's upload window.

QmodemPro for Windows offers a wide selection of terminal emulations
including: ADDS VP60, ADM 3A, ANSI, Avatar, DG 100, DG 200, DG 210,
Hazeltine 1500, Heath 19, IBM 3101, TTY, TVI 910, TVI 912, TVI 920, TVI
925, TVI 950, TVI 955, Vidtex, VT 52, VT 100, VT 102, VT 220, VT 320,
Wyse 30, Wyse 50, Wyse 60, Wyse 75, Wyse 85, Wyse 100, and Wyse 185. BBS
callers will appreciate the addition of Doorway and RIPscrip to this
impressive list of supported emulations. QmodemPro for Windows is the
first Windows product to offer support for RIPscrip, which is quickly
becoming the de facto graphics standard for bulletin board systems
worldwide, including Mustang Software's Wildcat! product.

Besides offering full data communication, MSI has also integrated
both send and receive Fax support directly into QmodemPro for Windows.
Using any Class 1 or Class 2 Fax modem, QmodemPro for Windows can send
text files as well as PCX and BMP graphics files. Cover pages can also
be attached to these documents. Automatic Fax receive is also supported
and a complete Fax viewer includes thumbnail sketches, zooming, copying,
and printing.

The phonebook allows you to view the dialing directory in a
traditional tabular form, or you can use the icon view mode to create a
true icon window of your online services, making it a simple double click
to dial, connect, and be online. Each dialing directory entry can hold
up to five phone numbers, the default device, emulation, transfer
protocol, user ID, password, login script, RIP icon directory, and macro
file. A note file can be attached to any dialing entry allowing you to
add your own notes and comments about the dialing entry.

QmodemPro for Windows even allows you to review the scrollback
buffer while you're capturing information online. You can customize the
terminal window using a variety of fonts. The screen behind the terminal
window can be customized with your favorite pattern or wallpaper file
giving you full control of your desktop.

Sporting a completely new Script Language Interface for QmodemPro
(SLIQ), QmodemPro gives you unparalleled power, speed, and flexibility.
Based on the popular BASIC language structure, it adds extensions for the
Windows communication environment and includes a Quicklearn feature for
creating scripts without having to learn the language. It even includes
a compiler for compiling the scripts so they run faster and are more
secure. A powerful script debugger and full editor are also included.

QmodemPro for Windows allows you to take advantage of the Windows
multitasking environment. Download files or capture data in the
background, while working in a word processor or spreadsheet. QmodemPro
for Windows makes full use of the 16550 UART, Digiboard multi serial port
card, or any other intelligent serial interface with appropriate Windows
drivers. Also supported are Interrupt 14 compatible LAN modems and other

The newest member of the QmodemPro family now supports sound cards,
allowing you to assign standard Windows WAV files to certain events in
your communications session. For example, you can have a WAV file played
when you connect to a BBS or when your download is completed. There are
many events you can assign sounds to: connect, dialing, file transfer
success and failure, and many others.

QmodemPro for Windows has a suggested retail price of $139.00. This
product will be available within the next few weeks in the over 300
Software Etc. stores throughout the United States. Software Etc. has also
put QmodemPro for Windows on their "Reservation System" so your local
store can reserve your copy. To find the Software Etc. store in your area
dial (800) 328-4646.

Qmodem, QmodemPro, and Wildcat! BBS registered owners can upgrade to
QmodemPro for Windows for a limited time for only $50.00 plus shipping.
Have your registration number handy and dial Mustang Software at (800)
999-9619 or (805) 873-2500 to place your order. Please expect a 4 to 6
week back order for delivery, order today to be one of the first to
receive this program.

Resellers in the United States can order QmodemPro for Windows
directly from INGRAM MICRO. The part number is 185415. YOu can reach
INGRAM MICRO by dialing (800) 456-8000.

Customers in the U.K. can reserve their copy by contacting
Telesystems LTD in London. Telesystems can be reached at +44 494 866365,
FAX +44 494 866050, or BBS +44 494 891903.

Customers in Scandinavia will be pleased to know that Swedish,
Danish, and Norwegian versions will be available soon after the U.S.
version. Please contact PC Security in Norway for additional information.
PC Security can be reached at +67 53 11 53, FAX +67 53 63 25, or BBS +67
58 33 58.

Customers in Australia should contact Banksia Technology Pty. Ltd in
Lane Cove, NSW. Banksia can be reached at 61 2 418-6033, Fax +61 2
428-5460 or BBS +61 2 418-7693.

For additional information regarding QmodemPro for Windows,
QmodemPro for DOS, or the Wildcat! Bulletin Board System, please contact:

Jim Harrer, President/CEO
Mustang Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 2264
Bakersfield, CA 93303
Sales (800) 999-9619
Office (805) 873-2500
BBS (805) 873-2400

MSI can also be reached via e-mail at, CompuServe
(GO PCVENA, section 9), America Online (Keyword = Mustang), and GEnie


> Windows Tips STR InfoFile

Run Windows Faster

SUBJECT: Tune-Up Tips To Run Windows Faster

The following are tips for running Windows at a faster speed.

1. For faster performance in Windows, load your system with
extended memory, and start using a disk-caching program.

2. If you regularly run two or more Windows apps together on a
system with less than 4M of RAM, invest in more memory chips.

3. Include a line in your CONFIG.SYS file for a disk cache so
that your disk drive does not spin its wheels with unnecessary
disk activity.

4. If your processor is 386 or 486 and you have at least 2M of
memory and you seldom run non-Windows applications, try
running in Standard mode. You can do this by typing WIN /S or
WIN /2 at the DOS command line.
a. Running in 386 Enhanced mode offers many advantages for
working with DOS apps, but it does nothing for Windows
programs--it may even slow them down.
b. For DOS 5.0 users that use EMM386.EXE to load TSRs and
device drivers into high memory, Windows will refuse to
run in Standard mode. You'll have to choose between the
extra conventional memory or the quicker Windows

5. Keep your hard disk optimized by running a defragmentation
utility on a regular basis. An optimized hard disk lets your
system store larger amounts of data in contiguous disk
sectors, reducing the amount of time Windows spends reading
and writing swap files.

6. If you run Windows in 386 Enhanced mode and can afford the
disk space, set up a permanent swap file. This allows Windows
to bypass normal DOS file I/O routines and move information in
and out of memory more quickly.

a. The drawback is that the disk space assigned to a
permanent swap file cannot be used for other proposes,
even when you're not running Windows.
b. To create or delete the permanent swap file, start
Windows in Real mode and run the SWAPFILE program.
Windows will recommend an optimal size based on available
disk space. Try 5M for starters, and if you don't see a
lot of disk activity as you work, you might be able to
reduce that figure somewhat.

7. In the program information files (PIFs) you create to run
non-Windows apps in 386 Enhanced mode, don't select any of the
Monitor Ports options. Most programs don't require them, and
leaving them unchecked will improve performance. Windows'
default PIF has one of the monitor Ports options selected. It
is a good idea to create a PIF for every DOS app you use.

8. If you run Windows with a Super VGA, 8514 or other
high-resolution driver, consider switching back to normal VGA.
The same advice applies to using a 256-color driver instead of
the 16-color variety. For everyday wordprocessing, you might
use ordinary 16-color VGA, reserving the more colorful
displays for desktop publishing and other apps that can really
benefit from additional colors.

9. SMARTDRIVE.SYS will by default use 1024 or 2048 for the
maximum cache size which can slow you down on a machine with
only 2 or 4M of RAM. The reason is that even though the disk
cache is larger, it can force more disk activity by reducing
the amount of RAM available for WINDOWS and its applications.

Optimizing Windows (Speed)

More RAM usually means More Speed:
The most valuable resource running under the Windows environment is
RAM. Whether you have an 80286, 80386 or a 80486 based machine the
best way to increase your overall speed and performance is to add
more RAM. With an 8088 or 8086 based CPU, adding RAM will help to
some extent but you will always be limited to running in Real mode
(remember, WPWin requires 2M of RAM (4M recommended) and you must
be able to run in either Standard mode or 386 Enhanced mode.)

Set up a Disk Cache:

Adding more RAM helps the speed of Windows (and thus WPWin 1.0),
but only if you use it properly. The best use of your extra RAM
would be to set up the right-sized disk cache. Windows comes with
a disk caching device driver called: Smartdrive (SMARTDRV.SYS), but
Windows usually sets it up in a way that is a compromise to most
users. The size of your cache should be as big as you can make it,
without eating into the memory requirements of Windows or WPWin.
The recommended size is to allot no more than one-third of your
memory as cache, but maintain a minimum of 1.5MB for Windows and
WpWin (e.g., on a 4M CPU, the CONFIG.SYS file should read:
DEVICE=SMARTDRV.SYS 1536 512. This means that the cache will be no
bigger that 1536K and no smaller than 512K). These numbers will
work well for word processing and simple desktop publishing.
Although Smartdrive doesn't offer the level of control of some
caching programs like Super PC-Kwik) it's better than nothing.

Fast Hard drive - More Speed:

Along with lots of memory, Windows and WPWin (as well as any
program) like fast hard drives. When you move from a typical 28 to
40 ms AT-class drive to a 23ms or faster drive, you will increase
your speed by at least 15 percent!

Faster Video:

Computers, operating systems and programs are only as fast as their
slowest link, a slow 8-bit EGA board, although sufficient to run
Windows and WPWin, can slow your entire system down to a crawl. The
ideal video system would be a 16-bit VGA adapter with built in
video RAM (again the more the better). Replacing an old VGA or EGA
adapter with a new VGA 512K video RAM cache will improve speed by
15 percent or more.

Simple Wallpaper:

Although wallpaper can be exciting it takes up RAM, and as we
discussed above, RAM means speed.

Disk Housekeeping:

Windows and WPWin both create dozens of temporary files to swap
information to and from. If Windows or WPWin do not have a lot of
contiguous free disk space to work with, they won't run as fast.
Run a disk reorganizer periodically, even if it does not look like
you have any fragmented files. The idea being that you want to keep
large, contiguous areas of hard disk space free.


Sources of Information

1. Microsoft Windows User's Guide. Microsoft Corporation,
2. Microsoft Windows Resource Kit. Microsoft Corporation, 1990.
3. Microsoft MS-DOS Version 5.0 User's Guide and Reference,
Microsoft Corporation 1991.

If WPWin is not running optimally, have them try the following
1. Decrease the number of Windows applications which
are running before launching WPWin.

2. Increase the file handles in the CONFIG.SYS file.
For example, if the command reads FILES=20, change
it to read FILES=30 (Microsoft recommends at least
30 file handles be allocated. Remember to reboot
after making these changes.)

3. Decrease the SMARTDrive command values in the
CONFIG.SYS file. For example, if the command reads
DEVICE=SMARTDRV.SYS 2048 1024, change it to read
256 128. For more information on using SMARTDrive,
see Using SMARTDrive under Optimizing Windows
(Chapter 13) in the Microsoft Windows User's Guide.

4. If the customer is using a program which condenses
data as it is stored on the hard drive (e.g.,
Stacker, DRDOS Superstore), redirect the temporary
files to a hard drive where information is not
automatically condensed. (Note: this does not
apply to data compression performed by hardware such
as "RLL" drive controllers.)

5. Minimize program groups so there are fewer icons.

6. Disable the Ruler, Button Bar, and Vertical and
Horizontal Scroll Bars as defaults for starting the



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

Randy Noak, Editor

By the time you read this, it should be all over. All over except
the fighting over toys, the first broken toy, wrapping paper all over the
place, relatives traipsing in and out, and Uncle Joe passed out on the
couch. I hope you all had a happy Holiday. Because of the Holidays, this
week and next's Mac Report will be a little bit shorter than usual.

I was hoping to be able to announce that the long awaited Mac front
end for GEnie was available, but now it appears that the release date has
been pushed back until sometime in January. To those that immediately
ask, "January of what year?" I say, "Why 1994, of course (I hope)"

Mac Report is looking for software reviewers. If you think you've
got the "right stuff", send Email to one of the addresses at the end of
this column. The pay is lousy, but you do get to keep the software! When
you write, please tell me a little about yourself, your interests, etc..
Age is no barrier as long as you are able to write a coherent sentence or
two, so apply today!

For your info, STReport is available, in SIT format on the following

America Online: Mac Games Forum (New Uploads)
CompuServe: Mac Community Club Forum (News & Reviews library)
GEnie: GE-MUG RoundTable (library 3)

Of course, STReport is also available in ASCII and/or ZIP format on,
not only these services, but also on Delphi, the Internet, FidoNet, etc..
We also have our own folder in the Mac Games Forum on AOL. It's nested
deep, but your persistence will be rewarded. Please feel free to leave
your questions and comments. I check in every day, so you can expect a
quick reply.

e.World? The information highway is starting to get crowded. Apple
and AT&T have announced e.World, a new on-line service. e.World will
debut in April and will target the consumer market. e.World will not be
limited to those that own personal computers. Interactive television,
Personal Digital Assistants, and screen-based telephones will also be
supported. e.World will supposedly be less expensive than AppleLink, but
we'll have to wait until MacWorld Expo to find out the juicy details. One
thing I can guarantee. STReport will be available on e.World as soon as




An STReport Review

by Jeff Coe

The original game of Lemmings appeared several years ago on various
different computer platforms, and finally made it to the Macintosh last
year. It was and still is one of the most original games ever programmed
for any system. The combination or great graphics and sound, along with
challenging game play made it one of those games where you just had to
try that last level again. The fact that you really never HAD to stop or
start over made it a great game for those of us whose reflexes aren t
quite what they once were.

For those of you that have never seen or player the original, I ll give a
brief overview of the game. The basic concept is that a whole bunch of
these little Lemming critters get dumped out of a chute somewhere, and
your job is to safely guide them to an exit at some other location.
Unfortunately, Lemmings are about as simple minded a species as ever
walked the earth, so they have the bad habit of walking off cliffs and
falling into bottomless pits, into the ocean, or just splatting on the
ground below. While you, as a sort of savior for this race of fools,
can t actually change the landscape for them, you do have the power to
endow certain abilities on individual Lemmings, and hopefully, enable
them to lead the others to safety. These abilities include digging holes
(either straight down, sideways or down at an angle), building ramps,
climbing walls, floating down instead of falling, blocking (which is very
handy in keeping the herd from going over the edge, literally!), and the
ever popular ability to turn oneself into a human (or Lemming) time
bomb. Every level consists of several connected screens with several
different obstacles to overcome. You usually have to use a variety of
abilities on each level in order to successfully guide the Lemmings to
safety. For example, you might need to have one Lemming dig a tunnel
through a large rock, while another Lemming blocks the path in the other
direction to keep the herd from jumping into a lava pit. After you get
them through the rock, you might need a builder to construct a series of
ramps over some chasm. I hope you get the idea.

What makes it harder still, is that you don t always have all of the
different abilities to work with. On some levels you may only have
builders or diggers. On some you may have all the different types, but
only in limited numbers. For example, the obvious solution to a
particular puzzle might be to make all your Lemmings float down to a
lower platform, but you only get one floater! You would need to make the
one Lemming float down, and once there, turn him around to build a ramp
up for the others to use. At the same time you need to make sure you
don t loose any off the edge above before your bridge is completed.
Fortunately you can usually spare a few critters, as you only need to
save a given percentage of Lemming to progress to the next level,
however, this percentage changes for each one, as does the number of
Lemmings you have to work with (anywhere from ten to a hundred). If you
know you can t possibly make it on a given puzzle, you have the magic
nuke button which totally wipes out all remaining Lemmings by turning
them into bombs. This self destruct feature is great fun to watch, as
well as being a terrific tension reliever.

After successfully completing a level, you get a password for the next
level, so you don t have to go back and redo the ones you ve already
mastered. Additionally, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article,
you have an infinite number of tries to get through this game. You re
never bumped back to the beginning, at least until you want to be.

The original Lemmings featured 120 different levels to master, and
ranged in difficulty from total no-brainers at the beginning, up to the
totally impossible (at least to me) levels. Shortly thereafter, a disk
full of 100 additional levels was released under the title Oh No!! More
Lemmings . This was basically the same game in every way, except the
level puzzles were different. The graphics and sound were unchanged.
Recently, Holiday Lemmings 1993 appeared in the stores without much
fanfare. It s a limited addition Christmas version just perfect for a
stocking stuffer! It only features 32 levels of play, but the holiday
theme makes it perfect for this time of year. All the landscapes are ice
and snow covered, with Christmas lights and bouncing snowmen everywhere.
Instead of the temple-like exits found in the original two games, your
exit here is a cute little snow cottage with ginger bread and candy cane
decorations. While the original musical score was good, this version
treats you to seasonal favorites like Frosty The Snowman, Jingle Bells,
and Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer! And just in case you tire of the
music, it can be toggled off and on at will, independently of the other
sound affects (which are very funny, featuring digitized voices for the

System Requirements: The instructions say you need a Hard Disk to play
the game, but you really only need it to uncompress the game file that
comes on the installation disk. Once it s installed, you can easily fit
everything on a floppy and it runs just fine from there. If your HD is as
crowded as mine, every little bit of space saved is a major plus! Also,
the package says you have to have a color display, but the files for
running on a monochrome system are included too. If you use System 6.0.5,
you ll need to have 32-bit Quickdraw installed and at least 2 mb or RAM.
System 7 and above requires a 4mb computer. Color support is for 256
colors minimum.

Holiday Lemmings 1993 is published by PSYGNOSIS, 675 Massachusetts
Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139. They can be reached by phone at 1-800-438-
7794. I paid about $16 for my copy at a local software store, and I ve
seen it priced the same in mail order ads. Since you probably won t see
this review until after Christmas, you may find it at give-away prices
after the first of the year. After all, it is a special holiday offering.
In fact, one local store already had the PC version marked down this
week. For less than $15 , you really couldn't go wrong!

That's it for this week. Drive safely this New Years Eve! As
always, please feel free to send your comments or questions to me at:

America OnLine: STReportRN
Compuserve: 70323,1031


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> CHRISTMAS! STR FOCUS .......A familiar tale, with a new twist!


'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the ship
Not a circuit was buzzing, not one microchip;
The phasers were hung in the armory securely,
In hopes that no aliens would get up that early.
The crewmen were nestled all snug in their bunks
(Except for the few who were partying drunks);
And Picard in his nightshirt and Bev in her lace,
Had just settled down for a neat face-to-face...
When out in the halls there arose such a racket,
That we leapt from our beds, pulling on pants and jacket.

Away to the lifts we all shot like a gun,
Leapt into the cars and yelled loudly, "Deck One!"
The bridge Red-Alert lights, which flashed through the din,
Gave a lustre of Hades to objects within.
When, what, on the viewscreen, should our eyes behold,
But a weird kind of sleigh, and some guy who looked old.
But the glint in his eyes was so strange and askew
That we knew in a moment it had to be Q.

His sleigh grew much larger as closer he came.
Then he zapped on the bridge and addressed us by name:
"It's Riker! It's Data! It's Worf and Jean-Luc!
It's Geordi! And Wesley, the genetic fluke!
To the top of the bridge, to the top of the hall!
Now float away! Float away! Float away all!"
As leaves in the autumn are whisked off the street,
So the floor of the bridge came away from our feet,
And up to the ceiling our bodies they flew,
As the captain called out, "What the hell is this, Q?!"
The prankster just laughed and expanded his grin,
And, snapping his fingers, he vanished again.

As we took in our plight and were looking around,
The spell was removed, and we crashed to the ground.
Then Q, dressed in fur from his head to his toe,
Appeared once again, to continue the show.
"That's enough!" cried the captain,
"You'll stop this at once!"

And Riker said, "Worf! Take aim at this dunce!"
"I'm deeply offended, Jean-Luc," replied Q,
"I just want to celebrate Christmas with you."
As we scoffed at his words, he produced a large sack.
He dumped out the contents and took a step back.
"I've brought gifts," he said, "just to show I'm sincere.
There's something delightful for everyone here."
He sat on the floor and dug into his pile,
And handed out gifts with his most charming smile:
"For Counsellor Troi, there's no need to explain.
Here's Tylenol-Beta for all of your pain.
For Worf I've some mints as his breath's not too great,
And for Geordi LaForge, an inflatable date.
For Wesley, some hormones, and Clearasil-Plus;
For Data, a joke book; for Riker, a truss.
For Beverly Crusher, there's sleek lingerie,
And for Jean-Luc, the thrill of just seeing her that way."
Then he sprang to his feet with that grin on his face
And, clapping his hands, disappeared into space.
But we heard him exclaim as he dwindled from sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good flight!"

Based on "A Visit from St. Nicholas" by Clement C. Moore
Adaptation Copyright 1990, Eric R. Rountree



Please join us in welcoming PMC to the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN)!
Message Section 15 and Library 15 are now available for PMC-related
messages and files. You can address messages to Oscar Steele

The following initial files are available in LIBRARY 15:

GML8_P.TXT - Gemulator 3.0 information and special
GBNCH3.ZIP - Gembench 3.25 benchmarking for ST/Gemulator users
COMPUB.ZIP - Catalog of over 3000 books at 50% + discount!
CB_REA.TXT - Ordering information for used book catalog.

Download the following files from LIBRARY 6 of the Atari Productivity

RN161P.LZH - Runner 1.61 Alternate Desktop
RN161N.LZH - New features and overview of Runner 1.61
RN161D.LZH - Docs for Runner 1.61(RUNR161P.LZH)
RN161B.LZH - Background pics for Runner 1.61

This is the newest release of Runner (1.61) by Dave Thorson! Organize
programs into easy-to-use menus, assign them to QuickKeys for fast
access. Use any PI1,.PI2,.PI3,.PC1,.PC2,.PC3 pic as a background pic.
You can also run programs and view text files from the file selector, for
those that you don't place in menus. Built-in text file viewer lets you
search and move forward/backward and print screens as text. LOTS of
other features!

Download file TOOL.LZH from LIBRARY 14 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for a replacement of version 1.0 of cadtool. This program
provides a nicer user interface, somewhat faster operation and a few bugs
were found and squashed. Cadtool V1.1 offers 3D2 object modification
similar to the object functions found in CAD3D but it is faster and
completes the operations correctly.

Also download LANDMN.ZIP from LIBRARY 2 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for a simple but habit-forming game, similar to the
Minesweeper game that comes with Windows. Find out where the mines are
buried... carefully! Shareware, from the PTAUG Nov. 1993 disk. High rez
or low rez, source code included.


Dana Jacobson, Editor

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Christmas Eve!! If you concentrate hard enough, you may hear that
distinctive sound of jingling bells, the muffled sound of tiny hooves,
and perhaps an occasional "Ho Ho Ho!" somewhere above you. 'Tis that
time of year, once again. I'd like to extend to all of our readers the
very best of holiday cheer. I hope that you all have a very enjoyable
holiday weekend among friends and family.

At this time of year, I thought it appropriate to get away from my
usual routine. Forget about the Jaguar for a moment; you'll either
have one already, one's sitting under your Christmas tree, or you'll

have a promise of one after New Years. Forget about Atari Corporation
for a moment; they'll still be there after tomorrow. I'd like to,
instead, talk about something that I alluded to last week.

As my Christian friends keep telling me whenever we discuss
religion and Christmas, their belief is that the true spirit of
Christmas is giving of oneself. Perhaps it takes a holiday of this
"magnitude" to really realize this; and I'm not certain that the
feeling should be limited to a holiday's "significance."

But I would like to discuss "giving of one's self" as it pertains
to what I consider an integral part of the Atari computing experience:
the online community. As an online magazine, STReport depends on the
online services for information as well as a distribution point.

As a regular user of multiple online services, including private
bulletin board systems, for almost 7 years now, I can personally claim
that without the diligence of the people running these services we'd be
seriously lacking for information of all types. When I say online
services, I'm primarily concerned with the various Atari-related areas
but the appreciation goes to various other areas of activity that each
of us has the occasion to utilize, dependant on whatever other
interests we might have. And, once we get to each of those areas,
especially the Atari arenas, there are small groups of individuals that
make our online experience a fruitful and enjoyable one. Of course,
I'm talking about the SysOps who either run these areas, or assist
those who are in charge.

A few weeks ago, I sent out some "feeler" E-Mail to the various
SysOps on Delphi, Compuserve, and Genie. I let each of these people
know what I had planned; and whether or not they'd be interested in
helping me gather some pertinent information about each of the people
involved in each Atari area. Knowing that doing individual interviews
with each person would take up a lot of time, I asked those involved to
jot down some bits and pieces about themselves, their computing and
online activities, etc. I was then going to throw all that information
into a huge pile and sort it all through and organize it. The
response, from Delphi and Compuserve was very positive and forthcoming.

In all the years that I've been online, there's really been little
said about the people, I mean ALL of the people, involved with the
Atari online service community. Sure, there has been a little here and
there, but nothing to the degree that I feel is warranted. These
people, without exception, take a great deal of time and effort to be
online regularly (almost all of them on a daily basis) and help users
out in a variety of ways.

These online staffers are more than just systems managers and
operators making sure that uploads are non-commercial and working.
They're more than "guardians" against obscene messages and illegal
activities. These people are advisers, technical assistants, fact
finders, software guides, and much much more. Not only do they assist
whenever they can, but if they cannot, they readily refer you to the
people who can. What's really great is the fact that these people are
just like you and I, Atari users. These people are real, and not your
stereotypical stuffed-shirt corporate type. Most of the people
involved are volunteers with little more than a huge interest in Atari
computing and free access to their respective systems as incentives.
Most importantly, they're devoted to the online experience and the
desire to help their fellow Atarian.

This, my friends, makes these people extremely special to all who
use these services. This is what compels me to give back a little of
what they all have given me over the years: appreciation that's long

Starting next week, we'll take a look at the folks who help make
Delphi's Atari Advantage so enjoyable. The following week,
(hopefully!), we'll concentrate on Compuserve's Atari Forums.

I'd like to take this opportunity to personally thank Delphi's
Clay Walnum and Compuserve's Ron Luks for their cooperation in making
this endeavor easier to accomplish. What really pleased me with their
responses was the way in which they both saw this as also a way for
them to show their appreciation of their individual staffs who help
make their lives, and ours, easier.

So please join us next week and subsequent weeks to learn about
our online support teams. Like me, I'm sure you'll enjoy learning a
little more about these special people!

Since this is a holiday weekend and you don't want to get caught
by that bearded old man in the red suit, we'll cut this much shorter
than usual. Let me just take this quick opportunity to wish my good
friends at STReport a special holiday greeting!! Ralph, Lloyd, Joe,
Doyle, John, Randy, and everyone else - Happy Holidays!!!!!!!
To all of you who continue to read STReport faithfully and help make
this all worthwhile - a most joyous and Merry Christmas and Seasons

Until next time.....


News Flash:

*** December 20 ***

We've completed the initial reorganization of the 8 Bit Libraries.
Library 8 [Last Chance} is now open. It contains the files that are
slated for deletion due to low activity levels.

IMPORTANT: please see Message Number 29447 [below] for more info.

As part of our forum reorganization, we've renamed the available
message sections and the sysops have moved all the existing message
threads to their new locations.

You will note that there are some section numbers that are
unavailable to you or named "TBA" (to be announced). We're still working
on some of these. Work has not yet begun on the libraries but expect
this to start in the next few days.

The message section description files will be updated over the
weekend but you can view a list of section names with the NAMES command.

Auto-navigator users should reset their programs to reflect the new
section names and numbers.

Again, we thank you for your patience and understanding during this
reconstruction period.

Sysop*Ron Luks

#: 29447 S1/Forum Business
20-Dec-93 02:47:27
Sb: 8 Bit Library update
Fm: SYSOP*don lebow 76704,41
To: All

As noted in the News Flash, we've finished up the initial reorganization
of the 8 bit libs. If you haven't already, please make a note of the
new library assignments:

LIB Name
=== ====
4 Sound & Graphics
5 Productivity/Telecom
6 Utilities/Programming
7 Games
8 Last Chance

I'll pull catalogs when I get a chance, but if you'd like you can do
it yourself easily via the command LIST *.*. It's a good idea to issue


command first, so that the resulting list will be formatted with a
single line per file in 80 columns. That makes it easy to transfer to
a printer.

The Last Chance library is what was discussed on the message board
over the last couple of weeks ... a last chance to get copies of files
that are scheduled to be deleted due to lack of activity. Unfortunately
there are a lot of them (almost 1900).

So here's the Personal Note. There've been some hurt feelings and
shouts of outrage about all this, some of which you've seen here, some
of which I've received via private mail. For that, I'm sorry. But the
bottom line is that

we're stuck between the proverbial rock and hard
place. The level of 8 bit activity is low. And this is a commercial
service ... in order to maintain the kind of support we want, we need
to justify the resources that CompuServe is dedicating to us. And one
of the hard and fast, no excuses allowed, rules is that files that
haven't been accessed within the last 6 months must be deleted.

Normally that's exactly what's done. The files are gone, with no
recourse. We've gone to a lot of extra work to at least give our
loyal members one more crack at them. It's somewhat unprecedented ...
as far as I know no other forum has tried doing something like this
on such a large scale. And if I may say so, it was a bear. There's no
automated way to do it ... we had to go in and check each file
individually, by hand, moving them as appropriate. But we did it, and
the results are available for your perusal.

OK. There _are_ some files in LIB 8 that we don't want to lose. And
some that might surprise you (I even had to put most of my _own_ programs
in there!) But given that all haven't been accessed in more than a year
(for some the last access date was as much as 3 or 4 years ago!), then
it would seem that they're not really matching what folks are looking for
*now*. And that's what the libs are for.

The files currently in LIB 8 will remain there thru January. After
that most will be deleted. Then we'll repeat the process ... we loosened
the activity criteria quite a bit for this first pass, so there's more
to be done.

But. The end result should be a better, more useful, resource. We
hope to see more new uploads, reflecting what's going on in the 8 bit
world now, rather than what was happening in 1987. It's time for
8 bitters to look forward, not back. There's some great stuff out there.
Let us see it.

Thanks, once again, for your support. This is tough ... but we'll
get through it. I'm proud to be associated with you folks...



The Falcon Screen Expander now available from LEXICOR SOFTWARE
CORPORATION in the U.S.A. Explore High Resolution Graphics with your
Atari Falcon'030 up to 1280x1024 or even higher!

1726 Franzisco Street 36 Queensberry Street,Suite 6
Berkeley, CA 94703 Boston, MA 02215
Tel: (510) 848-7621 Tel: (617) 437-0414
Fax: (510) 848-7613 Fax: (617) 437-9413

Email at: (73073,142)

The Screen Expander with up to 8000% Virtual and 400% Physical Screen
Expansion Possibilities. Runs perfectly under MultiTOS and all GEM
legal programs. Including the ability to switch resolutions physically,
eg. you can configure two resolutions one for stable and comfortable
working resolution (eg. 880x608 76Hz non Interlaced) and a higher
resolution for the impressions (eg. 1280x960) and you can switch via a

480x480 680x480 880x608 1024x768 1280x960
===== ===== ===== ===== =====
2, 4, 16 110 85 52 (102) 36 (72)
23 (45)
256 107 86 52 (102) 36 (72)
23 (45)
TC 58 (113) 45 (89)

2, 4, 16 154 124 76 53 (104)
36 (70)
256 107 86 52 (102) 36 (72)
23 (45)
TC 58 (113) 45 (89)

2, 4, 16 154 124 76 53 (104)
36 (70)
256 112 89 54 (106) 37 (75)
22 (50)
TC 60 (118) 47 (92)

At Higher resolutions running in Interlaced is more recommended, the
values in brackets ( ) are Interlaced values (however configurable
according to user via the Video Mode Generator.


It received in the magazine STMagazine in the Germany the ST TOP Award
for outstanding products!

Blow Up from the Acher, Eberl and Seibert GmBH in Germany bring have
brought about one of the most inexpensive systems around for Falcon
Screen Expanders.

-Create up to 5000 x 5000 pixels
-Supports Virtual Resolutions
-Already has a Video Mode Generators to create your own Resolutions
-User Friendly Interface for handling (soft and hard)
-High Compatibility
-Turn Blow Up on or off via Software only
-Change Physical Screen without re-booting
-Built in Screen Saver with SpeedUP up to 70% more speed
-And lots more

It comes in three version.

Version Soft is a software solution only. Its abilities are quite
stunning. For only 25 U$D you can get up to 896x544 Non-Interlaced in
256 Colors. (53.4Hz) In True Color you can get up to 448x544 16bit,
Non Interlaced.

Price: 25 U$D

Version Hard I is connected via your joystick port and Monitor Output.
Special Version come with a built in Joypad, however an empty slot for
additional Joy Stick/Pads is available.

You can go as high as you like, however with a certain loss of quality,
but 1280x1024 in 16 Colors is possible! at 67-69 Hz (Interlaced), or
even 640x480 with a 89 Interlace Cloak (45 non interlaced)
The higher resolutions are a real addition, and it uses a 48Mhz Pixel
Clock as supposed to the internal 25/32 Mhz Clock. To get much higher

Price: 74.95 U$D

Version HARD II is very fine, and gives you 5% more than Hard I in every
aspect and is suited BEST for someone with an old VGA like the PTC1426
as these specific Monitors tend to be a little dodgy in their stability.

480x480 in True Color at 61Hz Non-Interlaced are possible! or 640x480
in True Color with a 92 Interlaced Clock

Price: 99.95 U$D


(3) STORM PATCH 1.01>1.02 (8) IDEALIST 3.4


The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
out-performing every other file in the databases.

ST REPORT (Current issue: STREPORT #9.51)


Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.

> The Old Fishin' Hole STR Feature

The Old Fishin' Hole

-A Guide to the Online PD/Shareware Waters.

by John R. Duckworth

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas to everyone out there in Atari-land! As
you read this Santa should be approaching some of the big cities to
distribute presents (he always delivers the big city toys first) and
spread holiday cheer. This Christmas Santa promised me a Jaguar, but
one of the elves at the North Pole called me up today to say it would
be a few days late (but he did promise by New Years Day). So while I
wait for the cat to spring out of Santa's bag, I decided to search
the nets and find a game that might provide me with a few hours worth
of entertainment. As it turns out, I _did_ find an interesting new
game, very much like the classic commercial game "Empire".

"World Conquest" by Alois Felber of Switzerland is a strategy war
game which pits up to four players, either human or computer
controlled, against each other in a mission of world domination. Game
play is almost exactly like "Empire", each player starts out with one
city which is assigned a type of military unit to produce (such as
tanks, submarines, anti-aircraft guns, etc.). As units are readied
for battle, players may then move them to gain control of other
cities. Unlike "Empire" which will produce a unit until captured by
another player, "World Conquest" cities rely on raw materials to
build units. Players start with 20 units of each raw material (oil,
rubber and metal) but must capture more resource sites in order to
continue production, and ultimately world domination.

Players move units in turn by selecting an adjacent square on the
map grid, or by selecting a target square for the unit to move
automatically. It would be easier if the author had included the
option of using the keypad to move units since that method is
preferred by the most discriminating of strategy game players.
Players may also put units to sleep if they simply want them to wait
in a certain square and do not want to be bothered with the move prompt
each turn. This leads me to the most annoying bug in the game.
If a player has put some units to sleep, and the computer destroys
all of his or her cities and regular units, the human players will
never get another turn. The game should ask the human at the end of
each turn (like "Empire") if they are finished, this would give the
player a chance to wake units again.

Some units in "World Conquest" have special weapon abilities.
Bombers, anti-aircraft, artillery, and battleships may unleash special
weapons which fire upon more than one square at once. Air and sea units
may also use sonar or radar (depending on the type) to seek out enemy
forces. Units may also be scrapped (if they are stuck on an island or
deemed no longer useful) and some of the raw materials recycled to be
used for new production. Probably the best feature of the game is
the ability to link with another computer. The program offers two
methods to hook up, either by modem connection or by a direct RS-232
datalink. The author says that there are still some problems which
need to be fixed in the direct link mode, but if you have two computers
already set up it might be worth a try or two. If anyone wants to try
to play the game through Delphi drop me a note. I haven't tested either
of the linked play modes, so I can't say precisely how well they work,
if at all.

"World Conquest" will work on all Atari TOS computers in any
resolution capable of 16 colors. There is also a black and white
option to allow those who have B/W multisyncs to play as well. I
personally tested the game in ST low and Falcon 16 color high
resolution modes and it worked well in both, although more of the map
could be seen on the Falcon mode simply because of the better
resolution available (although icons were _much_ smaller and extended
play could have made me cross-eyed). If you were a fan on "Empire"
and have come to the same conclusion as I that we will never see
"Empire Deluxe" for our system, I suggest you download "World
Conquest". This version (0.7a) is still a beta version, but the
author needs input in order to see if he should continue with the
project. Users who send Alois Felber a monetary donation will be
thanked with a disk full of goodies including a world editor.

Well, thats all the room I have for this week. Hopefully, the new
year will bring hundreds of great PD/Shareware programs for all of us
to enjoy. Don't forget to register those programs you use often, I
for one just sent out two registrations this week. Have a happy and
safe holiday y'all! Send comment or suggestion to

| Old Fishin Hole Tackle Box * |
| World Conquest v.0.7a |
| Delphi: read WORLD CONQUEST |
* The Tackle Box is meant to provide assistance in finding files
mentioned in the column. It should not be considered a COMPLETE
listing and is provided for convenience only. Delphi Atari Advantage
files should be found in the Recent Arrivals section of the database
until moved to their appropriate sections.



> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando

Hidi ho good neighbors and neighborettes. Well, its the week before
Christmas, and all through the house... oh heck, I'm terrible at making
this stuff up on-the-fly. At any rate, I'd like to wish everyone a safe
and happy holiday season.

Some of you may remember that last year I wrote a short column called
"Yes Samantha, there is a Santa Claus... he just won't be bringing
Falcons this year". It was about my niece who asked me what I wanted
for Christmas. I then had to explain that Falcons were not available
yet. Sammy seems to have gotten past the "Unka Joe? What do you want
Santa to bring you?" stage, and is now quite content to shepherd her
younger cousins into the wonderful world of getting the most out of
Santa Claus. But not to worry, I have several more nieces and nephews
which, I'm sure, will provide me with dialogue for several more years.
As it turns out, this year I'd be able to tell Samantha that there are
Falcons available. There is also the LYNX, Atari's superior hand-held
video game machine and, if you happen to live in either New York or San
Francisco, the Jaguar (hey Myles, that would make a wonderful present
for your favorite columnist, wouldn't it? ;-)

Also of note is the new production run of TT030s. Let's just hope
that there are a few left over after the Jaguar developers get theirs.
At first glance, it would seem that the re-emergence of the TT proves
that Atari has not forsaken their loyal computer users. That is, of
course, until you take into account that the TT is needed for
game-makers to produce products for Atari's video game sensation, the
Jaguar. Well, as my old-maid aunt used to say: "Never bite a gift-horse
on the neck"... of course, she only used to say that after several
glasses of egg nog, so I'm not too sure of what it really means.

Okay, okay, I know that I'm rambling. So let's get on with listening
to the folks who frequent CompuServe...

From the Atari Productivity Forum

CompuServe regular, Dazzz Smith, posts:

"Just a quick note to say i'm back on-line properly now after a 2 week
hiatus where I didnt have time to re-configure QuickCIS, so I was only
replying to personal messages. I hope someone missed me? :-)

And while I'm here may I take this opportunity to wish the members of
the Atari Fora a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year."

Sysop Bob Retelle replies with holiday cheer... and a bit of humor:

"Happy Holidays to you, and yours too...

(Did you say you'd been gone...? :)"

John Devlin joins in the fun and posts:

Dazzz?!? Do we know of such a chap ??

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you too Dazzz and all the
Ataripro forum."

Sysop Dan Rhea wishes Dazzz well:

"Same to you Dazzz, may Father Christmas gift you with a Jaguar (the
kind without wheels, or fur <g>), and a happy New Year too!"

Dazzz replies to Dan:

"Get a Jaguar? Nah.

It might keep me away from my beloved modem. :-)"

Dan replies:

"Ack! That's true! If we did that, the balance of trade between the US
and the U.K. would collapase in ruins. :)

Seriously tho, It is good to have you and your sense of humor back

Jon Sanford jumps in and adds his thoughts:

"Now that you mentioned it has been real quiet around here. I was
beginning to think the possibility of Sam Trammel lurking shut a lot
of people up.<B{)-"

Ian Fleming asks John at Missionware Software about Flash II:

"Is it possible for to purchase Flash 2.2 via CompuServe?"

John tells Ian:

"It sure is! We can take either MasterCard or Visa when ordering
Flash II online. Orders and confirmations are handled through email."

Jay Craswell, a long-time developer for, and user of, Atari computers
asks about Flash II:

"Does Flash II work with things like ISAC/AlberTT and Moniterm screens?"

Boris Molodyi jumps in and tells Jay:

"I'm not sure about ISAC/AlberTT, but Flash II definitely does work on
Crazy Dots II card. There are some minor problems in the Terminal mode
with the cursor, but it is quite usable."

John at Missionware tells Jay:

"Flash II works with the Moniterm (at least that's what I've been
told) but none of our beta testers have access to an ISAC/AlberTT
board. I don't know if it works on that or not. Theoretically, Flash
II should work in any resolution since it checks to see what the
resolution is at startup and sizes all of its screens to match that

Eric Greenspoon posts:

"I was using a Maxtor 340M SCSI with my Atari STe for over a year and
then moved the SCSI to my 386 AT computer. After thinking about it, I
decided to move the SCSI back to my Atari.

I'm using the AdSCSI Plus ST host adapter. The drive was last
formatted as an MSDOS drive. Now when I try to format it with
ICDFORMAT.PRG I get the following messages:

Scanning for SCSI Devices
No SCSI Devices found!
Make sure your hard drives are connected and running

However, when I run IDCHECK.PRG, I get the following:
SCSI ID Device
0: Maxtor LXT-340S
6 ICD Real Time CLock

Can anyone tell me how to get the drive running properly again?"

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine asks Eric:

"Is your hard drive properly terminated (SCSI wise)?"

Eric tells Albert:

"As far as I can tell, the drive seems to be properly terminated.
There are two ports on the SCSI card to plug into from the Atari. No
labels on the exterior of the drive case, but on the SCSI card one
says IN the other OUT. I've tried plugging into both, (wouldn't IN be
correct?). The drive has tape covering a connector, but I believe it
was always covered up. Besides, the SCSI connector cable fits the
drive's end connector perfectly as well as the SCSI card's connector...

In a matter of seconds, things have gone from bad to worse. And
tomorrow when I call Maxtor, it could turn into a nightmare. As I was
taking out the drive to inspect it once again, I noticed that one of
the four screws from the support brackets had gone too far and
actually cut its way into the circuit board on the drive. I tried very
carefully to see if it had loosened any components and sure enough it
had. A square coil no bigger than 2 square mm's has come loose,
actually broken off now.

Whether or not this was the problem, I don't know. What I do know is
that it will almost certainly have to be repaired (ie. sent to
Maxtor). The worst part is that after they fix that part, there's no
guarantee that the drive will work with the host card and I could
still be back at square one."

Sysop Bob Retelle looks on the bright side:

"On the other hand, Eric... that hardware problem with the drive
really COULD be the reason why the Atari couldn't find the drive (the
only real change was physically moving it to the IBM and back again,
so it was most likely something involved in that move.. like the
mounting screw).

It's really pretty lucky that you noticed that now, instead of
spending the next month chasing it with software.. and THEN having to
send the drive back..

Let us know how it turns out..!"

Meanwhile, John Devlin asks:

"Can anyone tell me if its possible to connect a CD rom unit to a STE
which has a SCSI interface ??

If so what is the likely cost ?? I have been playing with a friends
CD Rom and I have hooked..

I am about to get hold of a XT PC for file transfer between my Psion
S3, but I was wondering if I go toa scsi CD Rom, could I use it on
both machines?"

Albert Dayes tells John:

"It should work without any problem. Connecting the CD-ROM drive
works quite nicely. You need to get an XFS driver that works in
conjunction with Multi-TOS. Also Greg of Its All Relative should be
selling an Atari CD-ROM from Walnut Creek very soon. They might have
some ideas on where you might be able to find additional drivers.

One of the better CD-ROM drives it the Toshiba 3401 (200ms, 330k/s,
SCSI-2 interface, multi-session and photo CD compatible)."

Sysop Dan Rhea asks a rhetorical question:

"If we drop Windows NT and OS/2 2.1 in a vacuum, which one will hit
the ground first? Well, lets check our benchmarks and find out..."

Sysop Bob Retelle teaches Dan not to ask rhetorical questions:

"Heh... well, since IBM re-wrote the DOS I/O services in 32bit code,
anything running under OS/2 should be a little faster there, but with
the overhead of the multi-threaded operating system, the improvement
is effectivelly nullified..

They'll probably hit the ground about the same time..."

Dan Rhea posts:

"One of our customers had to exchange a keyboard for one with a hard
plastic dust cover. It seems that thier cat has decided that the
keyboard is a wonderfull place to sleep. Since the keyboard is for a
BBS... well, you can imagine the trouble that the little sucker was
causing. They were ready to bring in the system till they caught her
napping that afternoon (oblivious to the buffer overrun beep droning
on and on). The new keyboard works great for them, and when the cover
is down, the cat slides off. There is a God! :)"

HAH! Take that, Garfield!
Kris Gasteiger tells Dan:

"I like it! the cat just slides off! Waif, (my problem cat) tends to be
'just passing through' on her way to the window sill, but she presses
keys in transit (and leaves drifts of cat hair). I realy should just
close the door to my room, but it gets so stuffy... I'll have to rig a
cover of some sort to protect those keys. Hmm..."

Dan tells Kris:

"I bet some spray lubricant on the window sill would help. Reminds me
of an old roommates cat. It was HUGE!. It constantly got itself up in
windowsills. Within 5 minutes the cat would fall asleep and fall off.
The silly thing never did learn that it was "bigger" than other cats."

From the Atari Vendors Forum

Murray Gordon asks:

"Does anyone know where I can get hold of an ATARI 1040 computer (with
or without monitor). Are these still being manufactured or sold? Any
help appreciated."

Brian Gockley of ST Informer tells Murray:

"Call Rising Star Computers at 800-252-2787."

Master Sysop Ron Luks adds:

"The 1040 has been out of production for awhile. You may find a store
that still has one, or you'd be much more likely to find a used unit."

Dazzz Smith asks about macros in NeoDesk:

"I have a large number of Desktop Macro's set up under Neo 3.03 to run
various programs, each macro opens up a window and accesses the
necessary folder to run the program, after quitting the macro goes
back to the root and closes the window, or at least it should! On some
of them when the macro gets back to the root directory it puts up an
alert box which says

Unable to execute macro because the desktop has changed or something
along those lines. Any idea why? There is room left for more macros
according to the Macro screen in the menu bar."

Rick Flashman at Gribnif Software tells Dazzz:

"I'm not really sure what would be causing that. Guess I would have to
see the actual macro. (Of course, all of this will change for NeoDesk
4...) I will ask Dan about it and see if it rings any bells with him."

From the Palmtop Forum

When someone posted this on the subject of "platform jumping":

"[I] left the MAC world...finally saw the light."

Sysop Marty Mankins posts:

"Hey, I use both and the light is on all the time. ;-)

Not one to let an opportunity go by , Sysop BJ Gleason posts:

"But I'm afraid that in your case the elevator doesn't go all the way

Bill Osburn joins in and adds:

"Yeah, and I hear his bulb is only half lit!"

Marty continues:

"When I use the PC, it's more like an escalator (sp?). The Mac works
just like an elevator - automatic and gives me a break from walking
all over the place."

Although he is just a bit biased, Atari's Don Thomas posts:

"I think of the MAC as an elevator "shaft"! <grin>"

Marty tells Don:

"But, TOS looks like a Mac, In my opinion.

I will be an Atari ST owner soon (thanks to Juli Wade). I have some
software for it already. Hope to get some good use out of it.

But, I spend equal time between a Windows PC and a Mac. I think
Windows is more of a shaft than a Mac. As a DOS user for over 9
years, I like the Mac better. Don't have to mess with or worry about
deleting a CONFIG.SYS file."

Don tells Marty:

"You know I value your opinion. I've used the ST series computer for
many years. I suppose just like a NEXT or Apple or TI die-hard, I
wish the the ST became for of a mainstream computer than it did. When
you take a look at the architecture (keep in mind an ST is now dated),
I think you'll see what I mean... The ST features PC logic with MAC

I'll be interested to hear your review."

Marty tells Don:

"I needed a machine that we could let my daughter use when she gets a
bit older and didn't want to put her on a PC. So the price of the ST
was right and it makes sense.

I'll be sure to post a review."

Russell Rosen asks Don Thomas about his Portfolio's "quirk":

"I'm new to Compuserve, so pardon me if I don't use the Forum properly.

I've had my Portfolio for almost four years now. I've been impressed
with it and use it regularly.

I have a minor problem I need your advice on.

When I open the unit more that halfway (90 degrees +/-) the screen
shuts off.

What do you recommend?"

Don tells Russell:

"It sounds like the cable between the screen and the computer has been
worn through. The bad news is that those are not easily replaced. The
good news is that Atari does have an "out-of-warranty" procedure to
replace them for U.S. and Canadian users.

Simply send the Portfolio to Atari with $110 (U.S. funds which
already includes return shipping and handling charges) and a
replacement is immediately shipped.

Send to:
Atari Computer Corp.
390 Caribbean Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94088"

Well folks, that's about all for this week. Actually, there was a lot
more material available, but I've got to go out and get some Christmas
shopping done... Gee, it its not one kind of deadline, its another.

Be sure to tune in again next week so that you can sit back, relax, be
among friends (heck, CompuServe is sort of a "virtual-reality friendly
get-together), and listen to what they are saying when...




> A "Quotable Quote" "Yes indeed... "Tis the time of year!"

"May Peace and Contentment
Reign Supreme in your Life!"

..Happy Holidays


> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155
Est. 1985


4MB ram upgradable to 32MB
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256K CACHE - 1.44/1.2 FLOPPY
will meet or beat _any_ legit, advertised price
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IDE Super IO cards & 16550 UART 2 & 4 Port Cards

Call: 904-783-3319 Anytime, Voice Mail



40 Westgate Parkway -Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only


202 Roberts St.
East Hartford CT. 06108


907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220


(DEALERS; to be listed here, please drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
STR Online! "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" December 24, 1993
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-93 All Rights Reserved No.9.52
All Items quoted, in whole or in part, are done so under the provisions
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