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Silicon Times Report Issue 0950

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

December 10, 1993 No. 9.50

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM-4 PM EST

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> 12/10/93 STR 950 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
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Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are welcome to join the STReport
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computer platforms BBS systems are welcome and invited to participate.

to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!

"Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Amazingly, I received a bunch of reader input about the Jaguar Game
machine... while the Atari marketplace may be small.... it certainly is
outspoken. Bless their hearts. STReport made mention of the Jaguar
reportedly going to be late a number of weeks ago. As a result, we
received a "pack" of letters stating we were wrong. We checked our info,
and found that we were right. The Jag was late and the number shipped in
its test market areas was way down from the "promised" amount. In this
issue, in Sam's own words, we are verified. Sorry folks but there'll be
no correction about our reporting that the Jag was going to be late.

On other fronts, the Norton folks are busy with some interesting new
acquisitions, look for more news on that in the coming weeks. The new
Diamond Sound Card... SONIC is beginning to shake the very foundations of
the other sound cards position in the marketplace. So far, Sonic "BOOM"
is the only card we've found that, in normal use, needs no driver loaded.
Thus frees some of the very valuable memory the other cards demand for
their software drivers. Check out the Sonic Sound Card from Diamond
Computer. You will not regret it at all.

Enclosed with this issue is a gorgeous greeting card. From our
entire staff you, our readers. After all, YOU make it all worthwhile!
The lovely picture (tree.gif), from CompuServe's Graphics forum, is of an
evergreen tree with a few lights on it sitting in the middle of a huge,
freshly snowed upon plain. I fell in love with the picture. I hope you
do. The additional work on the graphic was performed by STR's new
graphics editor Mike Barnwell using Corel's Photopaint and Corel Draw
4.0. The greeting Card is a GIF file with 256 colors. Please enjoy it.




Publisher -Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

Section Editors
---------- ------------- ----------- -------------
R.D. Stevens R. Glover R. Noak D. P. Jacobson

STReport Staff Editors:

Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Mike Barnwell Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms Randy Noak
Jeff Coe
Contributing Correspondents:
Tim Holt Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia
Frank Sereno


Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
America Online..................STReport
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET........................ 1:112/35
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #50

By: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

******* General Computer News *******

** Atari's Loses $17.6 Million in Third Quarter **

Atari Corp. reported Thursday a third- quarter loss of $17.6 million,
compared to earnings of $1.9 million, or 3 cents a share, in the year-
ago quarter.

Revenues for the video-game company, which recently released its
leading-edge Jaguar game system, were off sharply to $4.4 million,
compared with $34.5 million in the 1992 quarter.

Atari said the loss was substantially larger than expected, primarily
due to write-offs of $7.5 million of inventory of personal computers and
older video game products. It also incurred restructuring costs of $6.4
million from the wind-down of Australian operations and the decline in
value of company-owned real estate in Europe.

Sam Tramiel, president, said the company is in the process of comp-
leting its transition from older technology consisting principally of
16-bit personal computers and 8-bit video game systems to the 64-bit
Jaguar, which began shipping last month.

"While we are highly encouraged by the early sales of Jaguar, we do
not expect to achieve profitability until at least such time as ship-
ments of Jaguar are made in substantial volume," Tramiel said.

The executive also said the company was working to resolve start-up
production and supply problems which led to delays in production and
shipment of Jaguar. He estimated the company will ship approximately 20,
000 Jaguar systems during the fourth quarter and 500,000 during 1994.

Atari originally planned to ship 50,000 Jaguars to stores in the New
York and San Francisco areas before Christmas, then stage a national
rollout in January.

** Microsoft Called Nation's Most Innovative Firm **

A Fortune magazine survey of nearly 1,000 senior executives in the 60
metro areas has named Microsoft Corp. as the most innovative company
operating in the United States. Microsoft received 39% of the votes to
lead the list of the 10 honored companies.

** Toshiba to Boost DRAM Output **

Spurred by a relatively strong demand for use in high-end personal
computers, Toshiba Corp.'s expects to increase it's monthly output of
16MB DRAM chips will be boosted to 2 million by the end of 1994. Cur-
rently the monthly production is just above 500,000.

It is expected that the firm's output of 4MB DRAMs, currently around
8 million per month, will stay at that level.

** Hitachi-TI Chip to be Shipped **

A 64-megabit DRAM chip developed jointly by Hitachi Ltd. and Texas
Instruments Inc. will start sample shipments this month. Plans are to
launch mass production of the new chip either in 1995 or 1996 depending
on domestic demand.

** TI Develops New Microcomputer Chip **

Texas Instruments Inc. (TI) announced this week its scientists have
developed a new microcomputer chip that is capable of operating at room

Reports say that the quantum-effect chip, which once would only work
under extremely cold temperatures of minus 320 degrees Fahrenheit, is
said to operate over three times faster and hold three times more func-
tions than conventional chips.

The new chip will only need a third of the transistors to provide the
same computing power as the current state-of-the-art semiconductor.

** Hitachi & Matsushita Develop Advanced Memory Devices **

Hitachi claims that it has developed a significant single electronic
memory unit which can store 1,000 times more data than that of current
semiconductor memory chips. Matsushita Electronics has also developed a
highly integrated optical circuit device, which reportedly has consider-
able potential in multimedia devices.

Some electronics firms, including Hitachi, have already developed a
single electronic memory. However, these existing single electronic mem-
ory devices should be used under temperatures at minus 273 degrees. Un-
less the memory units are cooled down, the data is lost due to excessive

Hitachi has overcome this problem by putting the electronic device
into a silicon container. As a result, this single electronic memory
unit can function in room-temperature. It is reported that the data will
not be lost even when the switch is turned off.

Meanwhile, Matsushita Electric has developed an optical electronic
integrated circuit (OEIC), which has 64 units of semiconductor lasers
and a driver transistor. It is a two-tier structured IC, and the tran-
sistor is placed on the semiconductor laser.

With this structure, each laser unit is controlled directly. As a re-
sult, the processing speed is increased almost 10-fold. The size of the
IC unit is just one third of a current IC.

** CD-Rom Interactive Training to Ship in January **

Wilson Learning Corporation has announced it will begin shipping the
first of several CD-ROM-based interactive training programs for Macin-
tosh and PCs in late January.

The company says the interpersonal, sales, and management skills dev-
elopment training programs are being developed in conjunction with Sony

Electronic Publishing Company. A total of 10 titles will be produced in
the joint project with Sony, while Wilson will also develop further
titles independently.

The first programs, scheduled to ship January 24th, are "Connect for
Success: Connect With Others and Influence Them;" Sell to Needs: Sell
the Way People Like to Buy;" Relate with Ease: Build and Keep Interper-
sonal Relationships;" and "Decide For Sure: Add Certainty to Your
Decision Making."

The first four titles to be released will be available through retail
outlets such as Computer City and Software, Etc at the suggested retail
price of $69.95.

** Prodigy, NYNEX Announce Electronic Yellow Pages **

NYNEX said it will offer its 1.7 million business listings on the
Prodigy service next year and sell ads alongside those listings. The
companies said it is the first true electronic yellow pages offering,
including advertising, on an on-line service.

** Software Sales up 30%, Revenues Only up 16% **

North American shipments of application software are up 30% over last
year, but, says the Software Publishers Association, "aggressive pricing
held revenue growth to a more moderate 16%."

The SPA also says that leading the growth in the third quarter were
drawing/paint and desktop publishing programs.

Breaking down the figures, the SPA says:

-:- Windows applications still pace the industry, hitting $808 million
in the third quarter, a 70% increase from the same period last year. For
the year to date, Windows application sales totaled $2.26 billion, a 74%

-:- DOS applications sales continued to decline, recording $471 mil-
lion for the quarter, and $1.46 billion for the first three quarters.
DOS sales were 26% lower for the third quarter and 22% lower for the
first three quarters compared with '92 sales.

-:- Apple Macintosh software sales were $276 million for the third qu-
arter and $713 million for the first three quarters, up 11% for the qua-
rter and 7.4% for the three quarters.

-:- Word processors and spreadsheets remained the largest categories,
with revenues of $219 million and $182 million in the quarter,

-:- Sales growth in the database category slowed from the previous two
quarters, as the product introduction blitzes of the first two quarters
ended. Database sales in the quarter were up 25%, to $108 million.

-:- Drawing/painting and desktop publishing software were the fastest-
growing categories in the third quarter. Drawing and painting sales were
up 110% to $124 million, while sales of desktop publishing products were
up 106% to $67 million for the quarter.

** Apple Given Reprieve by Texas Commissioners **

The county commissioners in Georgetown, Texas, this week reversed
themselves and voted 3-2 to approve a modified financial incentive pack-
age for Apple Computer. Last week, the board voted 3-2 against the pack-
age because of Apple's policy of giving health benefits the partners
of gay employees.

The financial package grants Apple some reimbursements on taxes in
exchange for free right-of-way on future county improvements. The tax
savings will help pay for a planned $80 million customer service center
that eventually is to employ 1,700 people.

** N.J. Busts Alleged Credit Scam **

Fifteen salespeople at a New Jersey car dealership have been accused
of using the credit records of more than 450 people to steal hundreds of
millions of dollars. The 15 salespeople were arrested arraigned this
week on federal fraud and theft charges.

Secret Service agent Peter A. Cavicchia is quoted as saying the
salespeople are alleged to have tapped into credit reports through their
computers, used the information to change the victims' addresses, and
then ordered credit cards and ran up charges. They also allegedly used
the credit information to obtain bank loans and cash advances.

The dealership, Autoland in Springfield, N.J., alerted authorities
when they discovered unauthorized use of computer terminals.

** BSA Catches Firm Using Pirated Software **

An audit by the Business Software Alliance found that Comptronix
Corp. Inc. was using unlicensed versions of software produced by Aldus
Corp., Autodesk Inc., Microsoft Corp., and WordPerfect Corp. The company
has agreed to pay $232,500 in penalties.

******* General PC News *******

** Novell Introduces Multimedia **

NetWare Video 1.0, software to deliver multimedia audio and video
signals over PC networks, has been introduced by Novell Inc.

Company officials are quoted as saying the software will enable its
NetWare customers to view and interact with multimedia information in
Microsoft Windows and will give multiple users access to audio and video
data simultaneously from a central server linked to networked computers.

The product, which costs $1,100 for a five-user format and $2,975 for
a 25-user format, is the first to result from Novell's July acquisition
of Fluent Inc.

Novell says it expects to have technology next year that will allow
live video information to be sent over the network, with video confer-
encing to follow.

** Lotus Seeks Customer Feedback **

Lotus Development Corp. announced today that it has established a
toll-free telephone line and a forum on CompuServe to receive sugges-
tions from customers regarding ways to enhance its products.

The software publisher states that its toll-free line and the Compu-
Serve forum will complement other means the company has for gathering
customer ideas for review by product teams.

Customers in the U.S. and Canada can call a toll-free number (1-800-
5MY-IDEA) to leave a phone mail message. The suggestions will be entered
daily into a Notes database and will be automatically routed to members
of the appropriate Lotus product team for review and consideration.

** Claris Claims 'Filemaker Pro' Easier to use than 'Access' **

Claris is pleased to report its Filemaker Pro for Windows 2.1 out-
scored Microsoft's Access 1.1 for Windows in usability tests conducted
by Usability Sciences Corporation of Irving, Texas. While Claris commis-
sioned the tests, it says this is the second test in which its product
outdid Access, the other being a set of tests for ease-of-use conducted
by Software Digest/NSTL.

The main claim Claris is making for Filemaker Pro for Windows is ease
of use. In the Usability Sciences study novice database users were able
to complete an identical set of tasks 20% faster with the Claris product
than with Microsoft Access. The tasks were: creating a database, enter-
ing records into the database, querying the database, creating a form,
adding two new records into the form, adding a scroll bar to the record
field, and stamping a system date onto the form.

While it took both groups of participants well over an hour to comp-
lete the tasks, participants using Access took nearly 17 minutes longer.
Study participants were intermediate PC users with little or no database
application experience.

Claris the software subsidiary of Apple Computer, has cut the price
of Filemaker Pro 2.1 for Windows to $129, and is offering upgrades for
$20, and competitive upgrades from other database software products for
$99. A Macintosh version of the product is available for $399.

Microsoft Access 1.1 is retail priced at $495, however Microsoft has
frequently offered the product for $99 since its introduction over a
year ago.

** Book Aids DOS Users With Wit, Cartoons **

The latest book intended to make using MS-DOS easier to use and un-
derstand is a book titled DOS for Dummies written by Dan Gookin, part of
the MS-DOS 6.2 Upgrade for Dummies package that also includes the MS-DOS
6.2 software.

Gookin's book DOS for Dummies is supposed to be easy to read and a
gold mine for the millions of PC users who are secretly - and in many
cases openly - intimidated by PC software. "The book covers 100 percent
of the tasks users will be performing with their computers" according to
Gookin. He describes the style of the book as engaging, informative and

In addition to instructions on how to turn on the computer -- some
people actually have a problem finding the power switch -- Gookin
includes topics such as "Ten Common Beginner Mistakes," "Ten Things You
Should Never Do," and "After You Panic, Do This."

So if your favorite computer user is willing to admit he or she is a
dummy, this book might be just the thing for the Christmas stocking. MS-
DOS 6.2 Upgrade for Dummies has a suggested retail price of $77.95.

******* General Mac News *******

** Newton News **

Apple Computer says it is launching the Newton Industry Association
at the first International Newton Development Conference being held this
week in Apple's home town of Cupertino, California.

Apple says the Newton Industry Association is aimed at promoting gro-
wth and inter-operability of the Newton platform and associated devices.
Standards is another focus for the association in the areas of wireless
communications, telephone support, and office automation.

One of the areas receiving attention right now is infrared communi-
cations between personal digital assistants (PDAs). Infrared standards
do not currently exist, meaning that even though the Newton Messagepad
and the Zoomer PDAs from Tandy and Casio both have infrared sensors, the
devices use conflicting standards. The upshot is Apple's PDA won't talk
to a Zoomer and vice versa.

Apple representatives were unavailable to comment as to what the
company or the Newton Industry Association are planning to do concerning

Apple listed beginning participants in the Newton Industry Associa-
tion as licensees, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), component
suppliers, and marketing partners. Companies represented included:
Alcatel, ARM, Bellsouth Mobilecomm, British Telecom/Cellnet, Cirrus
Logic, Deutsche Telecom, GEC Plessey, LSI Logic, Matsushita, Motorola,
Paragraph, Scriptel, Sharp, Siemens/ROLM, Telia, Toshiba, Traveling
Software, and US West.

While the Newton has been well-received by enthusiastic users who
have snatched up 50,000 units since the product was launched in August,
reports from mainstream media have expressed disappointment and sharp
criticism for the PDA. It appears, however, that things may be turning
for Apple as four industry publications have awarded the unit top
honors. PC Laptop Computers Magazine called the Newton the "Most
Promising Portable," PC Magazine awarded the Newton MessagePad first
place in its "Design Category," Byte gave it the 1993 Byte Award of
Excellence, and Reseller magazine called it the "Best-To-Sell Products
of the Year."

In new announcements concerning the Messagepad, Apple said Newtonmail
is expected to be available in a final commercial release throughout the
United States in January 1994. Newtonmail allows Newton users to ex-
change text messages easily with each other and anyone who can be
reached through online services available on the Internet and is cur-
rently available in a limited commercial release in the United States.
Newtonmail requires the Newton Fax Modem Card, a credit-card sized
Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) modem,
for communication via online services as well as the ability to send

** Interactive CD-ROM Vietnam From CBS, Apple, NY Times **

Joining forces with the formidable reporting resources and archives
of the New York Times and the CBS television network, Apple Computer
will publish and market "The Vietnam War" late in 1994. Chief reporters
on the interactive CD-ROM will be veteran reporter Dan Rather, anchor
and managing editor of the CBS Evening News, and R.W. Apple Jr., Wash-
ington bureau chief for the New York Times.

Other Vietnam War-oriented CD-ROM publications have been available
for years from Quanta Press and Wayzata Technologies but these have been
more in the nature of archives of data related to the War. While they
are highly useful to historians and as reference materials, they lack
the immediacy of war reportage which the publisher apparently expects
this new disc to bring to the educational environment.

The multimedia disc will include more than 700 news articles from The
Times and film and video from CBS News' archives. Maps, and even audio
recordings will also be included on the CD-ROM, along with the names of
US military personnel either killed or missing in action.

** Fast Real-Time Video Codec Board For Mac AVs **

New Video, makers of the Eyeq series of video compression boards for
the Macintosh, have announced, what the company claims is, the first
compression and processing board for the Macintosh Audio/Visual (AV)
line of computers.

The company claims its new Eyeq AV board will allow real-time, 30
frames-per-second (fps) full-screen video recording and full-screen
playback at the same real-time frame rate.

New Video representatives said the Eyeq board has the advantage of
incorporating the Intel i750 chip for video compression and playback. It
is also claimed to be thousands of dollars less, at the retail price of
$1,895, than other video compression hardware add-on products.

The board is specifically designed for use in the Quadra 840AV or
660AV and will interface directly with the AV's Digital Audio Video
(DAV) connector. It will allow for up to 16-bit graphics over video, 16-
bit stereo audio with a sampling rate of up to 48 kilohertz (KHz), sup-
ports displays up to 16-inches in size at 832 by 634 picture element
(pixel) resolution, and supports the most common video standards inclu-
ding NTSC (National Television Standards Committee), PAL, and SECAM
using the Macintosh AV's built-in Composite and S-Video out.

The board is also fully compatible with Apple's multimedia software
extension Quicktime and most popular multimedia authoring tools, offers
resizable windows, software playback, and supports algorithms that
require an average of only nine megabytes (MB)-per-minute of hard disk
storage, company officials said. The board can also produce files with
data transfer rates that are low enough to play back from a compact disc
read-only memory (CD-ROM) drive over a local area network (LAN) in real
time with full-motion and full-screen size.

The Eyeq AV requires a Macintosh Quadra 660AV or 840AV, any Apple
display up to 16-inches or any 832 by 634 pixel multisync display, a
hard disk drive with a recommended storage capacity of 200MB, 8MB of
random access memory (RAM) is also recommended, and the System 7.1
operating system.


> Modern Yuletide STR Feature


From the Chatlines RT on GEnie -

It was the night before Christmas, and one thing was clear
That old yuletide spirit no longer was here.
Unemployment keeps rising, the crime rate is tripling;
'Boomers elected, and our taxes are crippling;

I poured some Jack Daniel's as I watched the TV,
Where Donny sang "O Holy Night" to Marie
The kids were in bed, getting sleep like they should,
Or else they left home, which was almost as good.

My wife, with her ball-point, was making a fuss;
About folks we sent cards to, who'd sent none to us.
"Those ingrates", she thundered, and pounded her fist,
"Next year you can bet they'll be crossed off our list!"

When out in our yard came a deafening blare,
'Twas our burglar alarm, and I hollered, "Who's there?"
I turned on the searchlight, which lit up the night,
And armed with my handgun beheld a strange sight,

Some Red-Suited Clown, with a white beard immense,
Was caught in my eight-foot electrified fence;
He called out, "I'm Santa! I bring you no malice!"
Said I, "If you're Santa, I'm Telly Savalles."

But, lo, as his presence grew clearer to me,
I saw in the glare that it might just be he!
I called off my Rottweiler, clawing his sleigh,
And frisking him twice said, "I think he's okay."

I led him inside, where he slumped in a chair,
And he told me the following tale of despair,
"On Christmas eves past I was jolly and chuckling,
But now 'neath the pressures I fear I am buckling."

"You'll note I've arrived with no reindeer this year,
And without them my sleigh is much harder to steer;
Although I would like to continue to use them,
The wildlife officials believe I abuse them."

"To add to my problem, Ralph Nader dropped by;
And told me my sleigh was unsafe in the sky.
I now must wear seatbelts, despite my objections,
And bring the sleigh in twice a year for inspections."

"Last April my workers came forth with demands,
And I soon had a general strike on my hands;
I couldn't afford to pay unionized elves,
So the missus and I did the work by ourselves."

"And then, later on, came additional trouble;
An avalanche left my fine workshop in rubble,
But my Stallstate Insurance was worthless, because,
They had shrewdly slipped in a 'No avalanche' clause."

"Then, after that, came an I.R.S. audit;
The government claimed I was out to defraud it.
They finally nailed me for 65 grand;
Which I paid through the sale of my house and my land."

"And yet I persist, though it gives me a scare,
Flying blind through the blanket of smog in the air;
Not to mention the street gangs, who fill me with dread,
Taking shots at my sleigh as I pass overhead."

"My torn-up red suit, and these bruises and swellings,
I got fighting muggers in subsidized dwellings.
And if you should ask why I'm glowing tonight,
It's from flying too close to a nuclear site."

Then he arose from his chair and heaved a great sigh,
Though I couldn't help notice a small tear in his eye;
"I've tried", he declared, "To reverse each defeat,
But I fear that today I've become obsolete."

He slumped out the door, and returned to his sleigh
And with these final words he went his own way;
"No longer can I do the job that's required,
"I'm going to call Clinton and try to get hired."



QmodemPro for Windows v1.0

Mustang Software unveiled the new Windows version of its popular
QmodemPro communications program during COMDEX/Fall '93. Called QmodemPro
for Windows v1.0, it is the first communications program to offer support
for both data and Fax communication in one integrated package.

File transfers are supported using Zmodem, CompuServe B+, Kermit,
Ymodem, Ymodem/G, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/1KG, Xmodem/CRC, Xmodem, or ASCII. A
built-in GIF viewer allows you to view GIF graphics files as they are
being downloaded. You can zoom any GIF or BMP file, and even mark and
copy portions of the picture to the Windows clipboard. Users can easily
upload files using drag-and-drop from the Windows File Manager to
QmodemPro's upload window.

QmodemPro for Windows offers a wide selection of terminal emulations
including: ADDS VP60, ADM 3A, ANSI, Avatar, DG 100, DG 200, DG 210,
Hazeltine 1500, Heath 19, IBM 3101, TTY, TVI 910, TVI 912, TVI 920, TVI
925, TVI 950, TVI 955, Vidtex, VT 52, VT 100, VT 102, VT 220, VT 320,
Wyse 30, Wyse 50, Wyse 60, Wyse 75, Wyse 85, Wyse 100, and Wyse 185. BBS
callers will appreciate the addition of Doorway and RIPscrip to this
impressive list of supported emulations. QmodemPro for Windows is the
first Windows product to offer support for RIPscrip, which is quickly
becoming the de facto graphics standard for bulletin board systems
worldwide, including Mustang Software's Wildcat! product.

Besides offering full data communication, MSI has also integrated
both send and receive Fax support directly into QmodemPro for Windows.
Using any Class 1 or Class 2 Fax modem, QmodemPro for Windows can send
text files as well as PCX and BMP graphics files. Cover pages can also
be attached to these documents. Automatic Fax receive is also supported
and a complete Fax viewer includes thumbnail sketches, zooming, copying,
and printing.

The phonebook allows you to view the dialing directory in a
traditional tabular form, or you can use the icon view mode to create a
true icon window of your online services, making it a simple double click
to dial, connect, and be online. Each dialing directory entry can hold
up to five phone numbers, the default device, emulation, transfer
protocol, user ID, password, login script, RIP icon directory, and macro
file. A note file can be attached to any dialing entry allowing you to
add your own notes and comments about the dialing entry.

QmodemPro for Windows even allows you to review the scrollback
buffer while you're capturing information online. You can customize the
terminal window using a variety of fonts. The screen behind the terminal
window can be customized with your favorite pattern or wallpaper file
giving you full control of your desktop.

Sporting a completely new Script Language Interface for QmodemPro
(SLIQ), QmodemPro gives you unparalleled power, speed, and flexibility.
Based on the popular BASIC language structure, it adds extensions for the
Windows communication environment and includes a Quicklearn feature for
creating scripts without having to learn the language. It even includes
a compiler for compiling the scripts so they run faster and are more
secure. A powerful script debugger and full editor are also included.

QmodemPro for Windows allows you to take advantage of the Windows
multitasking environment. Download files or capture data in the
background, while working in a word processor or spreadsheet. QmodemPro
for Windows makes full use of the 16550 UART, Digiboard multi serial port
card, or any other intelligent serial interface with appropriate Windows
drivers. Also supported are Interrupt 14 compatible LAN modems and other

The newest member of the QmodemPro family now supports sound cards,
allowing you to assign standard Windows WAV files to certain events in
your communications session. For example, you can have a WAV file played
when you connect to a BBS or when your download is completed. There are
many events you can assign sounds to: connect, dialing, file transfer
success and failure, and many others.

QmodemPro for Windows has a suggested retail price of $139.00. This
product will be available within the next few weeks in the over 300
Software Etc. stores throughout the United States. Software Etc. has also
put QmodemPro for Windows on their "Reservation System" so your local
store can reserve your copy. To find the Software Etc. store in your area
dial (800) 328-4646.

Qmodem, QmodemPro, and Wildcat! BBS registered owners can upgrade to
QmodemPro for Windows for a limited time for only $50.00 plus shipping.
Have your registration number handy and dial Mustang Software at (800)
999-9619 or (805) 873-2500 to place your order. Please expect a 4 to 6
week back order for delivery, order today to be one of the first to
receive this program.

Resellers in the United States can order QmodemPro for Windows
directly from INGRAM MICRO. The part number is 185415. YOu can reach
INGRAM MICRO by dialing (800) 456-8000.

Customers in the U.K. can reserve their copy by contacting
Telesystems LTD in London. Telesystems can be reached at +44 494 866365,
FAX +44 494 866050, or BBS +44 494 891903.

Customers in Scandinavia will be pleased to know that Swedish,
Danish, and Norwegian versions will be available soon after the U.S.
version. Please contact PC Security in Norway for additional information.
PC Security can be reached at +67 53 11 53, FAX +67 53 63 25, or BBS +67
58 33 58.

Customers in Australia should contact Banksia Technology Pty. Ltd in
Lane Cove, NSW. Banksia can be reached at 61 2 418-6033, Fax +61 2
428-5460 or BBS +61 2 418-7693.

For additional information regarding QmodemPro for Windows,
QmodemPro for DOS, or the Wildcat! Bulletin Board System, please contact:

Jim Harrer, President/CEO
Mustang Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 2264
Bakersfield, CA 93303
Sales (800) 999-9619
Office (805) 873-2500
BBS (805) 873-2400

MSI can also be reached via e-mail at, CompuServe
(GO PCVENA, section 9), America Online (Keyword = Mustang), and GEnie



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


___ ___ _____ _______
/___| /___| /_____| /_______/ The Macintosh RoundTable
/____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ ________________________
/__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/____ Managed by SyndiComm
/__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/

An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

*** STReport available in MAC RT ***
for ALL GEnie users!

Randy Noak, Editor

Mac Report

by Randy Noak

I just got finished ordering my children's software Christmas
presents. My three-year old son wants the, "Dinosaur Game" (Dinosaur
Adventure to the uninitiated) and my almost seven-year old daughter wants
"Story Book Weaver". No problem. I'll help Santa all I can. All it took
was a toll-free phone call, and I'll have the software, ready to wrap,
tomorrow. What a life. Not so easy is purchasing the other gifts that
they want. Crowds, surly sales people, traffic. No wonder old Ebeneezer
Scrooge was so grumpy! Suffice it to say I'm scouring the mail order
catalogs and the on-line malls for my Holiday gift needs. A few phone
calls (or keystrokes) and I'll be D-O-N-E, with only the wrapping to
finish. Life is good.

Those of you following my never ending quest to feed my voracious
Syquest drive's cartridge appetite may recall that I ordered and received
a couple of new cartridges last week. Well, I'm sorry to report that one
is now completely full and the other is close to being full. The culprit?
Clip art for my DTP biz. The solution? Ideally, Clip Art Anonymous.
Realistically, more Syquest cartridges. Maybe I should get one of those
humongous magneto-optical drives? Yeah, right!

Mac Report Rule #1

Data always expands to fit available storage space.

Mac Report Rule #2

Data = storage space - 1meg.

Enough of my pontificating. Let's get on with this weeks column.
Featured is Jeff Coe's review of DiskWorld, Apple PR about StarCore and
the Newton, a sneak peek at the new PowerPC Macs, and much more. Let's



The Macintosh Software Subscription

Reviewed by Jeff Coe for STReport

Disk based magazines aren't anything new, but they do offer an
alternative to the more conventional print media, much the same way that
STReport does. Some are entirely text based, but others go a bit further
by offering the subscriber a few bonus pieces of software, such as demo
versions of reviewed or featured programs, graphic screens to illustrate
articles or whatever. There are a few others still that are almost
entirely made up of useable programs, with a small number of text files
thrown in for filler. DISKWORLD from Softdisk Publishing is a member of
that latter category. It also happens to be very well put together and
not at all a bad deal if you think about it.

What it is...

DISKWORLD is a monthly disk subscription for Macintosh computers.
It comes on a standard 800k format disk, so it will be useable by just
about any Mac owner, although you do need a Hard drive. Each disk
contains a single self extracting archive file that expands up to
between 1.2 and 1.6 megabytes of disk space. The compaction was done
with a Shareware program called COMPACT PRO (not included), so that if
you have this utility, single files could be extracted, but it's just
as easy to extract the entire disk, check out all the goodies, and dump
the stuff you don't want.

To make it easier to check out those same said goodies, each
DISKWORLD issue features a menu shell type program from which you can
read articles or documentation files, view graphics (clip-art), launch
one of the included programs, or copy those programs to another disk
or folder. It should be noted that all the software DISKWORLD puts on
their disks is copyrighted, available only through them and is not to be
confused with Public Domain software. Anyway, the menu program is very
well done, with large icon buttons representing all the major items
available to you. A single click on an icon, which quite often animates
when you click it, will call up that program to be launched or copied.
You can also choose to read a short Doc file for the program as well.

I was given the chance to examine three issues of DISKWORLD for the
purposes of this review. Each of those disks contained at least one or
two games, some sort of operating system extension or control panel, an
assortment of clip-art and an application program. Also scattered in
there were a couple of educational Hypercard-like programs: One on
volcanoes and one on pirates. Both were very colorful and informative.
Another utility called FAST FACTOR will give you all the factors of a
given number. AREA CODE DA lets you find out area codes for the entire
country. WORD-UP helps increase your vocabulary. These last programs
would be quite useful to students. One issue included a new custom font
file, provided in TrueType and Postscript formats, called MARKING PEN. It
looks just like the name says, as if you wrote it with a marker.

As far as the games go, there seems to be a real lean towards card
games (solitaire versions) and puzzles. Both of the card games I was
given are fun to play and more importantly, easy to learn. Other games
are CRISS-CROSS, where you have to fit a list of words into what appears
to be an empty crossword puzzle, TILES OF THE NILE, which is a sort of
GO or OTHELLO style of game (alot of fun!), and REFLECTION which is sort
of like... no, it really isn't like anything I've ever seen but it's
great fun. It's on issue #60.

In addition to the programs, you'll find editorials, feature
columns, a letters to the editor section and all kinds of other neat
articles in every issue.

What it costs...

DISKWORLD is available through subscription only. There are several
options you can choose, based on the number of issues (or months) you
sign on for. Naturally your per disk cost will be lower with a longer
term subscription. The rates are as follows.

$29.95 for 3 months
$49.95 for 6 months
$89.95 for 12 months
and $149.95 for 2 years.

Included with each subscription is their back-issue catalog from
which you can order, you guessed it, back issues! While the cost might
at first glance seem pretty steep, consider what it would cost you to
download this much software from an on-line service, or order it through
a PD software house. My GEnie bill is much higher then that, and I'm
not even talking about long-distance charges here. Think about it.

Who sells it...

DISKWORLD is published by: Softdisk Publishing
P.O. Box 30008
Shreveport, LA 71130-0008
(318) 221-8718
or call toll free... 1-800-831-2694

They can also be reached on-line at the following addresses:
on GEnie send email to... Softdisk.Inc
on America Online it's... SoftdiskVB
and on CompuServe it's... 73567,2030

By the way, Softdisk Publishing also offers subscriptions for IBM clones,
Apple II and IIgs, and for Commodore computers. The same toll free
number can be used to order or get more information. Give 'em a call.


Fresh from an online conference on GEnie, Robert Harris of Callisto
Software tells of a special deal on Callisto's hot game, Super Maze Wars.

"You wanted the scoop on the Spectre Competitive Upgrade. We figured that
if Spectre would not let you upgrade from Spectre to Supreme, that we
would let you upgrade to Super Maze Wars."

"$19.95 for one-pack ($64.95 retail value), $15.00 for each additional
player. $5.95 shipping/handling, (MA residents add 5% sales tax)."

Call (800)348-5324. Visa/ Mastercard & Checks accepted

Callisto Corporation
182 West Central St
Natick, MA 01760

When I asked what proof of Spectre ownership was required, I was told,
"We'll take your word for it." Good deal!



Mac Report PowerPC Sneak Peek!!


Code named PDM, the bottom of the line PowerPC Mac has a 60mhz PowerPC
601 chip. Priced at around $2000, it has 8 megs of RAM and a 160 meg (or
230) hard drive and comes in a Quadra 610 type box. A built-in CD-ROM is
an option.

Carl Sagan

Next in the line-up is the "Carl Sagan" (who thinks up these code
names?). With a 66mhz 601, a 230 or 500 meg hard drive, 8 megs of RAM
three NuBus slots and an optional CD-ROM drive in a Quadra 650 type
case. Price? Around $3000

Cold Fusion

Top o' the line "Cold Fusion" is based on an 80mhz 601. Priced at around
$4000, it comes in a Quadra 800 type box with 8-16 megs of RAM, a 230 or
500 meg hard drive, and a CD-ROM drive.

Look here for more PowerPC info in the weeks ahead. If you've been
reading this column for a while, you know that I'm really pumped up about
CD-ROM, so here's some more CD-ROM PR.





Apple's StarCore Group Announces Distribution Agreements with
InterOptica Publishing Ltd. and Time Warner Interactive Group

SANTA CLARA, California--December 7, 1993--StarCore, the new software
publishing and distribution group formed by Apple Computer, Inc., has
announced agreements with InterOptica Publishing Ltd. and the Time Warner
Interactive Group to distribute CD-ROM software for Macintosh and Windows
platforms worldwide.

The new agreements allow StarCore to distribute more than 40 CD-ROM
titles from the two companies under its StarCore affiliate label
program by year's end. With the addition of these titles, Apple's
StarCore group will bring to market more than 50 CD-ROM titles in

InterOptica has signed on with Apple's StarCore group to provide
exclusive worldwide distribution of 25 CD-ROM titles including eight
electronic guides which InterOptica has published in conjunction with
The Sierra Club: The Blue Whale; The Amazon Rainforest; The Grand
Canyon; The Great Barrier Reef; The Indian Monsoon; Mount Everest;
The Wildebeest Migration; and Seven Natural Wonders of the World, an
omnibus edition containing all seven titles. The InterOptica/Sierra
Club CD-ROM titles, featuring animations, illustrations, original
interactive text and narrated video and photo vignettes, can be
played using either a Macintosh or Windows-based personal computer.

In addition, StarCore will distribute InterOptica's Journey to the
Heart of Japan; Astonishing Asia; and the Multimedia Dictionary of
Knowledge, based on the best-selling book, Dictionary of Cultural

StarCore will also distribute dozens of multimedia games,
interactive information, and early learning titles published by the Time
Warner Interactive Group including Hell Cab, the critically acclaimed
interactive time-travel adventure featuring virtual environments;

Murmurs of the Earth: The Voyager

Interstellar Record, a unique collection of colorful images and
sounds of the Earth recorded from the spacecraft Voyager; and the
Lifemap Series, created by the California Academy of Sciences.

StarCore distributes both StarCore published and affiliate label
software through thousands of outlets nationwide, and throughout
Europe and the Pacific Rim. StarCore also assists companies working
under the StarCore affiliate label program in marketing their
products through in-store promotions, catalogs, brochures and public

Apple's StarCore group publishes and distributes software on CD-ROM
for Macintosh and Windows platforms and on PCMCIA cards and diskettes
for the Newton platform. Apple's StarCore titles are focused around
six software categories: edutainment, sports, entertainment,
reference, business applications and self-improvement.

While we really don't need screensavers, they are fun. Here's a little PR
from Bit Jugglers, makers of UnderWare.



MacUser Editors Name UnderWare as Finalist for Industry's Highest Honor
and Most Valued Endorsement.

Mountain View, California, December 8, 1993~MacUser, the leading monthly
magazine for business users of Macintosh computers, has selected
UnderWare from Bit Jugglers, Inc. as the 1993 Editors' Choice Award
finalist for Best New Desktop Diversion. The "Eddy" Award recognizes the
best Macintosh products released throughout the year. Finalists were
selected based on their technological innovation, quality, performance,
user friendliness, and value to Macintosh users.

UnderWare is a wacky and wild desktop animator, interactive screen saver,
and background customizer that runs animation on the Macintosh desktop,
under your windows and icons! UnderWare uses over 25 modules to liven up
the area under windows and icons. In one module the desktop gradually
becomes overgrown with prehistoric plant life as dinosaurs tromp across
the screen. In another, footballs bounce off windows, icons, and even the
screen. Others feature rubber chickens flying in tight formation, babies
crawling out from behind application windows, and a devious wizard who
uses his magic on the desktop.

Unlike conventional screen savers, UnderWare's animation interacts with
the Macintosh environment. In one module, a fire-breathing dragon melts
the trash can; in another, folders sprout legs and walk off the screen.
Tropical butterflies, pixies, ballerinas, robbers, flying saucers,
babies, rubber chickens and a philosophical dragon are just a few of the
characters that perform on screen. In addition, UnderWare runs After Dark
modules from Berkeley Systems, allowing well-known screen savers such as
Flying Toasters and Fish! to run in the Finder on the desktop.

UnderWare also features a built-in desktop pattern customizer and over 75
professionally designed patterns including marble tiles, autumn, water
drops, and Bit Jugglers' interpretation of cyberspace.

The 1993 Editors' Choice Awards will be presented to products in 36
categories at a gala black-tie ceremony on January 4, 1994 in San
Francisco. Special awards will honor the Hardware and Software Products
of the Year as well as recognize the Breakthrough Technology of the Year.
In addition, two personal achievement awards will be presented to
individuals who have made significant contributions to the Macintosh

The suggested retail price of UnderWare is $59.95. Bit Jugglers, Inc. is
headquartered at 785 Castro Street, Suite C, Mountain View, CA 94041. The
phone number is 415-968-3908 and the fax number is 415-968-5358.
AppleLink: BitJugglers, AOL: BitJuggler, Internet:,
CIS: 72040,2513

More Apple PR. This time it's about the Newton. I lust after a Newton,
but, to assuage my conscience, feel that I must justify my purchase by
finding a practical use for a PDA. You know. Something that would make my
life easier. Something that would be easier to do with a Newton than with
pencil and paper. Something like... Hey! A golf scoring product. How
practical, although generally my scores are high enough to need a PDC
(Personal Digital Cray).



Developers Line Up Behind Newton At Upcoming Developer Conference

SANTA CLARA, California--December 7, 1993--Apple Computer, Inc.
expects approximately one thousand developers to attend the first
international Newton Platform Development Conference opening today at
the Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, California. This
industry-wide event is designed to offer third party and in-house
corporate developers an opportunity to join the growing family of
companies from around the world who are lining up behind Newton

"The Newton Development Conference is a watershed event for the
Newton platform. Following the release of the first rush of feature-
rich, robust third party applications, the conference will allow
current and new developers to share learning experiences and identify
future opportunities," said John Payne, President of Fingertip
Technologies, Inc. "The service provided by Apple's developer
technical support group has been first class, and we look forward to
a live forum in which to work through questions, issues and the
substantial new functionality which is becoming available in the
development tools." Fingertip Technologies, Inc. shipped its first
Newton title, Fingertip for Golf--a personal, mobile, golf-scoring
product, in November 1993.

"The Newton platform is a fun and powerful environment for
developing software with fewer of the compatibility issues developers
often face using other platforms," said Cliff Joyce, President of Dubl
-Click Software, Inc. "The Newton Toolkit has been evolving at a rapid
pace,and the Newton Platform Development Conference will be a valuable
educational forum in which to learn about the expanding capabilities
of Newton developer tools. This conference is the first event wholly
oriented toward Newton, and will be a great opportunity to meet other
players in the Newton developer community." Dubl-Click Software
shipped its first Newton title, GoFigure--a customizable
combination of calculators in one easy-to-use program, in November

"The knowledge we gain from the Newton Platform Development
Conference will significantly influence our strategic plans for
Newton software development," said David Ries, General Manager of
Entry Products for State Of The Art, Inc. "By hearing about new and
exciting activities within the developer community we hope to learn
what works in the Newton world, and increase our productivity by
using the developer tools to their maximum advantage, improving our
time to market." State Of The Art will begin shipping ExpensePlus,
Newton software which collects, organizes and reports business
expenses, this month.

"We are over the moon at the enthusiasm with which the developer
community has responded to the Newton Platform Development
Conference", said Philip Ivanier, manager of developer relations for
Apple's Personal Interactive Electronics (PIE) division. "This
conference will be an enormously productive and inspirational event
which will contribute to the powerful momentum we have already
witnessed among Newton developers, and help to bring an impressive
flood of Newton titles to the marketplace."

Industry support for the Newton platform continues to gain momentum.
More than 2,000 Newton development systems--Newton Toolkits--have
been sold throughout the world. Over a dozen applications and titles
for the Newton platform have been shipped by third party and in-house
corporate developers, and more than forty other companies have
announced forthcoming products for Newton. These titles cover a wide
range of solutions including communications, healthcare, sales force
automation, finance, office productivity, education, real estate, and

> STR Mail Call "...a place for the readers to be heard"

STReport's MailBag

Messages * NOT EDITED * for content

Aldus sends word that their "Preferred Customers", can purchase Aldus
Fetch at almost 25% off the retail price and they will throw in a free
PhotoDisc. Aldus Fetch is a graphics cataloging program that has been
judged best o' the bunch by some of the hard-copy magazines. The
PhotoDisc contains 100 high-resolution photos and is a $300 value. Total
cost? $225. Call Aldus at 1-800-685-3612.

A pleasant surprise arrived from the Weyerhaeuser Paper Company. Samples
of their new laser printer paper. Weyerhaeuser has increased the
brightness of their First Choice Premium Laser Paper to give more
contrast for sharper reproduction. The difference is really noticeable
too. Also included is a reply card to get a free 25-sheet sample pack.

Weyerhaeuser at 1-215-2521-9220.

Compuserve Magazine was delivered today. This issue has a real neat
article about accessing the Internet via CIS. Lots more is featured also.
Compuserve Magazine is free to Compuserve subscribers. Sign-up info
should be included in the literature that came with your modem.

That's it for this week. Next week, I hope to have a review of Carriers
at War and lots more stuff. As always, please feel free to send your
comments or questions to me at:

America OnLine: STReportRN
Compuserve: 70323,1031


STReport International Online Magazine is available every week for
your reading pleasure on DELPHI. STReport's readers are invited to join
DELPHI and become a part of a friendly community of enthusiastic computer
users there.


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Try DELPHI for $1 an hour!

For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and
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But hurry, this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage
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DELPHI-It's getting better all the time!


Editor; Dana P. Jacobson



The shareware program you may have been waiting for ... STORM by
Alan Page. Storm Version 1.00 is a shareware telecommunications
program from the original author of Flash. Features loadable
Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem and BPlus file transfer modules, plus
VT100 and Vidtex loadable terminal emulations. Basic script
language, background file transfer and multiple editing windows
with full word wrap.

Download STORM.LZH from LIBRARY 2 of the Atari Productivity


Psycho Pig 2 is a platform game of some magnitude written in STOS.
Guide the porker, who thinks he is Rambo, through four tricky levels
to rescue the baby crocodiles. You'll need to download files PIG1.ZIP
and PIG2.ZIP from LIBRARY 1 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) to play this game.


Download file WQ1_4.TOS from LIBRARY 5 of the Atari Productivity
Forum (GO ATARIPRO) for a substantial upgrade of Word Quest; word
search puzzle factory. Now supports use of international
characters, many new dialog boxes and more! File is self-
extracting. Includes documentation and several puzzles.


Download file F22_PR.TXT from LIBRARY 10 for a Missionware
Software Press Release regarding the release of Flash II
version 2.2 - now fully Falcon030 compatible!

Download file F22UPG.LZH from LIBRARY 10 for the FLASH II
Version 2.2 update. This file will upgrade any old version of
Flash II to version 2.2. UnLZH the file and follow the easy
directions built into the program. See the press release for
details on the upgrade. This version provides for full Falcon030
compatibility and adds support for all serial ports on the TT030
and MegaSTe.

> From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

by Dana P. Jacobson

Yes, there's only 2 more weeks left until Christmas! Happy
Chanukah to those who celebrate this Jewish holiday which started
earlier this week. Those at Atari, as well as all Atarians, certainly
have a lot to be grateful for this holiday season - talk of the Jaguar is
dominating the electronic gaming world this year! Atari has come out
with a certain winner. They're learning, finally, how to do things up
right. Atari is taking no chances with blowing it this time around.
The first problem encountered with the Jaguar are some bad switchboxes,
and Atari has held back some Jaguar shipments to rectify the problem.
They're also doing the right thing and replacing those that made it to
the public. Hats off for discovering the problem early, and fixing it

While we're on the subject of the Jaguar, I'd like to address a
few questions put to me recently about our lack of in-depth coverage of
this new phenomenon from Atari. I reminded them, as I will here, that
STReport is primarily an online magazine that focuses on the computing
side of things. While we'll certainly provide you with some of the
news relative to the Jaguar (see some Q & A stuff later on), or any
other non-computer product from Atari (the Lynx as another example)
from time to time, our readers have always provided feedback that
they'd prefer a non-gaming focus. There are magazines that are geared
toward the gaming industry that we'd be glad to lead you. As a rule,
we'll bring you important announcements and occasional interesting
items, but I/we would prefer to leave the bulk of this material to
those whose primary interest lies in gaming. And, to be perfectly
candid, we just don't have the resources at the present time! This
could change if support staff and feedback increases. For now, we'll
continue to follow the current path.

While we're still on the subject, there have been some interesting
questions appearing in the ATARIGAMING Forum on CIS recently. While
our STReport CIS guru, Joe Mirando, usually handles most online
coverage of the activities there, the ATARIGAMING (formerly the Atari
8-bit Forum) was not really covered by Joe. But, that doesn't mean I
can't include some bits of info that I may find (right Joe?!). Anyway,
both Sam Tramiel and Bill Rehbock have been popping in occasionally to
answer some Jaguar questions. Here are a couple that Bill answered
that may prove informative:

Chris (et al),

Q: How do I get specs on developing for the Jaguar?

A: People interested in Jaguar software development should send a
fax to 1-408-745-2088. Include: Company name, mailing address,
phone number, fax number, and brief company/personal background
relating to software development. Due to the high volume of
inquires, we do prioritize the mailing of information kits
according to background (SNES/Genesis/Computer) titles that you or
your company may have been involved with, etc. Companies wishing
to become licencees may sign-on and order preliminary development
documentation and support for $299 USD, which can go toward the
complete development system fee of $7500 USD.

Q: Can the Jaguar be networked to another computer?

A: Yes, it can, but there naturally would have to be
application-specific software running on both the PC and Jaguar.
The Jaguar is equipped with (among other interfaces) a one
megabyte per second serial interface (suitable for connection to
cable, telephone, etc.) as well as a 9600 baud serial port (that
with and appropriate low-cost interface) conforms to RS-232
standards. The 9600 baud port as shipped on Jaguar is set up for
ComLynx multi console networking, just like the Atari Lynx.

-Bill Rehbock @ Atari

About the CD-ROM, what formats will the CD-ROM drive play? I
assume audio and Jaguar s/w. Any Photo CD? Other formats?


Ron: The CD-ROM unit is scheduled for summer release.

Marty: Right now, we intend to support Photo CD, as well as MPEG
via add-on cartridge options. The drive is also capable of
optionally supporting CD+G, although it's a pretty small market.

-Bill @ Atari

As I mentioned last week, news related to Atari computers has
really been slim lately. Admittedly, there are some fascinating new
products coming out related to MIDI and graphics, but overall, non-
niche products (new ones) are few and far between. Still, there are
folks who are interested in MIDI and graphics products, so I hope to
line up some reviews in the very near future.

There is interesting news about the new Atari clone being
distributed by Lexicor, the Medusa. Last week we provided you with
some details and I've included an update to that information later on
in this column. It really sounds great! I've also been told to expect
even more information shortly that we'll bring to you in an upcoming
issue. I've also been teased with the possibility of "playing" with
one after the holidays, so that should prove interesting too!

I've also read that Atari has started production of those promised
TTs and stock should be available soon. It's not known where these
machines are headed, but it would seem certain that some will be
earmarked for U.S. dealers and developers. It's also learned that a
new machine, whether an offshoot of the Falcon or something entirely
new, will be designed utilizing the Jaguar's chipset. It may also work
in conjunction with the Falcon, but I'm not clear about that as yet.
As some at Atari have said, they have not abandoned the computer side
of Atari and it seems that this is true. Atari is devoting most of its
time and resources to making sure the Jaguar gets the attention it
requires. While this may dismay some computer users and developers,
current staffing at Atari makes it almost impossible to split up its
time to a number of projects simultaneously. I believe that things
will improve enough in the near future that this will change for the
better. Mark that in your diaries!

There's some interesting news and announcements, so let's get to


> CYberDrome!STR InfoFile


Now shipping version 1.2!

354 N. Winston Drive
Palatine, Illinois 60067-4132
United States of America
phone 708-359-9565

The Cyberdrome 3-D Virtual Universe is now even better! If you
thought your nightmares were bad before, just wait! But remember,
it's still ONLY a game! Missionware Software is proud to present an
upgrade to one of the best games ever for Atari computers. If you
don't already own Cyberdrome, this is your chance to experience the
thrill of fighting CJER, the rogue Artificial Intelligence virus. And
not only can you fight CJER yourself, but you can play with a friend
too! Cyberdrome works on all Atari computers, including the Falcon, in
ST Low or Medium compatibility modes.

Just What is CYBERDROME?

Cyberdrome is the name of a Virtual Universe existing inside of a
permanent computer Memory Matrix designed to "grow" Artificial Life
programs. While intended to be a place for humans to peacefully
interact with data via Virtual Reality simulators, it is now under
attack by deadly, virus-infected programs controlled by a rogue
Artificial Intelligence system called CJER. The mission of the
CyberForce is to rid CyberDrome of the virus infected programs. Join
the Cybernauts in their quest by running the "Cyberdrome" program on

your Atari computer. Doing so will create a link with a 3-dimensional
Hoverjet Construct and allow you to enter a scale-model of CyberDrome
and practice fighting the deadly attack programs.

Cyberdrome Features:
-> Combines the realism of a real-time flight simulator with arcade
action plus problem-solving and exploration of a dungeon game.
-> Single player or 2-player/2-computer mode using a serial cable or
-> All elements of single-player mode are active in the
2-player/2-computer mode.
-> Includes special 2-player Head-to-Head competition mode to
increase your skills as a Hoverjet pilot.
-> Multiple level missions allow for novice to advanced pilot
training plus a special training mission for beginning pilots.
-> Official CyberForce ranks awarded to players for successful
completion of each of the six Mission Levels included.

CyberDrome Version 1.2 - New features:
1) More realistic Raider movements - Raiders never stop, they keep
shooting and running all the time. They come at you from all
sides and are very unpredictable (and difficult to hit with
conventional pulsars (see part 3 below) .
2) Drone (in solo mode) now acts as real wingman - it attacks the
Raiders in very realistic ways and it is fun sometimes to just
sit there and watch a Raider and the Drone battle it out.
3) New Weapon: Bore-sight Tracking Pulsar. Locks on to nearest
badguy; just press the trigger key to fire. This weapon is
really needed against the new fast moving Raiders and also works
against the Predators as well as Seeker missiles. Experienced
players will find that this new weapon makes it pretty easy to
kill the Predators. They may still use the older Vertical
Pulsars to give the game more challenge, but for everyone else,
this will be the weapon of choice against everything on the grid.
4) New Sky: We've added a "painted" image of a gridded sky with
parts of it "eaten" away. It really adds the "other world"
feeling of the game.
5) Weapons-Scope view is no longer wire-frame. Everything uses
solid-filled polygons now. The Weapons-Scope still uses the
heads-up display and the rest of it works the same.
6) Start Time: Every level now starts at the BEGINNING of an
ATTACK Cycle, so there is only a few minutes to wait before the
action begins. The rest of the Cycles remain unchanged.

Note: Modem vs Direct Computer-to-Computer connection:
Version 1.2 of CyberDrome checks serial numbers at bootup. It will
not permit team play *over a modem* if serial numbers match. You must
have separate copies of CyberDrome to play this way. However, you can
play CyberDrome using the same copy when using a direct, null-modem

Upgrades are now available directly from Missionware Software. You
need no new documentation for version 1.2, therefore we can keep the
upgrade cost low. And if you enjoy playing in "Team" mode, we've got
an even better deal for you.

If you are a registered owner of CyberDrome and would like to update
to version 1.2, just send in $15 to receive your new version 1.2 disk.
If you and a Teammate would both like to upgrade, the cost is only
$25! You both must be registered owners. No matter what upgrade
method you choose, make sure to include your full name and address
AND the serial number(s) off of your disk. If the registered name and
serial number does not match, we will not be able to process your
upgrade. If you aren't sure whether or not you are registered,
include your old master disk.

Would you like to join the CyberForce? If so, this is a great time to
do it. CyberDrome normally sells for $39.95 plus $4 shipping and
handling, for a total cost of $43.95. But now you can purchase
CyberDrome for $39.95 with shipping and handling included! That's a
savings of $4 over your usual mail order costs.

Even better is our special deal when 2 of you purchase CyberDrome
for Team play. If both copies are shipped to one address, your cost
is only $69.95, shipping included! Now *that's* a deal you can't
pass up.

(These special deals are for USA and Canadian customers only.
Overseas customers must include an extra $4 for shipping, making the
total purchase price $43.95 (for a single copy purchase) or $73.95
(for a Team purchase). Even so, that's a savings of $4 over our
usual overseas shipping and handling rate of $8.)

The special deals above are available through January 31, 1994.
Missionware Software accepts payment for upgrades and new purchases as
Personal checks Money Orders
Visa MasterCard
To order, or for more information, contact:
Missionware Software
354 N. Winston Drive
Palatine, IL 60067-4132
United States of America
Phone 708-359-9565


> Palm to Palm STR InfoFile


Marty Mankins
(General Information)

Peggy Jorgensen


OREM, UT -- December 6, 1993 -- Perfection Applied announced today the
delay of its forthcoming color publication, PORTABILITY! until the
first quarter of 1994. Also announced was the publication of new
issues of TAKE IT WITH YOU, which has been in hiatus since late
August 1993. The last issue of TAKE IT WITH YOU was published in late
August (Spring/Summer - Vol. 3 No. 3). "The decision to halt
publication with TAKE IT WITH YOU was made for various reasons,"
says Marty Mankins, Editor of both TAKE IT WITH YOU and
PORTABILITY! "We have branched out into other areas and spent most
of our time working on PORTABILITY!"

PORTABILITY! is a full-color publication that combines the coverage
of portable computers (palmtops, PDAs, pen-based computing,
subnotebooks, laptops) with the expanding world of portable consumer
electronics (cassette, compact disc, MiniDisc, Digital Compact
Cassette, cellular and cordless phones, personal electronics). The
publication is targeted towards all ages, but is focused on the college
to early business crowd, who spends over $1 billion annually on
personal electronics and portable computers.

"With the delay of PORTABILITY!, we can assure it will be a top-
notch publication," says Mankins, "And be able to continue offering
TAKE IT WITH YOU as an important information source for portable
computing is a key to our subscribers and target audience."
PORTABILITY! was intended for a release in June of 1993, but ran into
several production problems which caused several months of delays.
"We have worked out our problems and will announce a date after the
new year," said Mankins.

TAKE IT WITH YOU, which has been in publication since October 1991,
will resume its regular publishing schedule in January 1994 with
coverage every two weeks. This will allow the user to keep updated
on the latest portable computing scene as well as getting the
information in a more timely manner. "This was a big importance to
many of our subscribers, who relied on our information for making
decisions with their portable computer needs." Mankins reports.

Also announced today was the change of the on-line publication, PALM TO
PALM, which is a text-only periodical that appears on a number of
on-line services, such as CompuServe and America OnLine. The
publication will be produced once a month now, instead of it's sporadic
publishing schedule of a few issues a year. "PALM TO PALM is a great
vehicle for getting comparisons and other bits of information on
portable computing, along with many product reviews to the on-line
community," reports Mankins. PALM TO PALM will be available on
CompuServe's PALMTOP forum and America OnLine's PDA forum at first,
with possibly more online services added later next year.

Subscription prices for PORTABILITY! are $20 per year for 6 issues.
TAKE IT WITH YOU is available for $20 per year for 26 bi-weekly
issues. PALM TO PALM is free, with no surcharges (except for connect
charges during downloading. Check with the online service for more
information on connect charges. For information on how to subscribe to
any of the publications, contact:

Perfection Applied
P.O. Box 1783
Orem, UT 84059-1783

For further information, call (801)222-0120 or fax (801)226-UFAX

Perfection Applied is a privately-held company based in Orem UT and
specializes in publications covering specialized topics, client
management and consulting.



Lexicor seems to continue to be one of very few Atari developers
making the news lately with new software and hardware announcements.
Including more information about their recently announced Atari clone,
the Medusa, here are a few interesting tidbits:


We are pleased to announce the exclusive Distributorship of Digital
Arts Products in the U.S.A. and Canada. The Products concerned are
Da's Vector, Da's Vector Pro and Da's Picture.

Da's Vector is a powerful Vector and Animation Program for 189 U$D.
Da's Vector Pro is the professional version which includes building and
playing from Animation Files and frames from secondary sources eg.
Phoenix or Chronos created Animations. Price is: 299 U$D.
Da's Picture is a powerful animation package that has incredible
animation features and will retail for around 199 U$D.

All products are available now!


Small announcement:

LEXICOR SOFTWARE CORPORATION is back on Genie in the Graphics
Area m1415;1 (at Graphics) in Topic 22 and we have our own area
and our own Library 21.


The first 68040 Based Atari Clone, now available at LEXICOR SOFTWARE
CORP. These are the specs of the New MEDUSA (price unchanged). You
may post this wherever you like.


MC 68040 at 64 Mhz Internal FPU and PMMU Performance is around 26 MIPS,

Main bus is: 32 Bit Data, 32 Bit Address Bus Clocked at 32 Mhz Full Bus
snooping read and write.

Atari bus is: 16 bit Data, 24 bit Address Bus snooping, write Own ACSI
Address for full 32 Bit Address.

Fast RAM Can hold 8-128 Megabytes on board Write 73 Mbyte/sec Read
85 Mbyte/sec.

EPROM is 2 MByte on board 32 Bit Wide.

TOS 3.06 modified slightly.

- ST I/O Board.

PORTS (like TT Modem) (upto 115KBaud) -IDE Bus (12 Mb/sec) -ISA Bus
(for own custom Graphics Board).

(This ISA Bus will work with any ET-4000 Based Graphics Board on PC
Platform with the NVDI ET-4000, however NVDI ET-4000 only supports
upto max. 32,000 colors as of this date).

Additionally you can get:

-VME Bus
VME Bus 16bit
Laser Printer Port (?)
Mega Bus -SCSI Board
TT Lan -DSP Board
and an MC68060 Board is scheduled for the year 1994.


(510) 848-7621 - (510) 848-7613

Here's a price breakdown in United States Dollars, users in North
America will have the main parts assembled in the U.S.A. as parts are
a lot cheaper here. The MEDUSA T40 is ideal for the high-end Atari
User. Based around TOS 3.06, it is very compatible. Following this
message will be a short list of working programs.

- Basic Motherboard 68040/64 - Tower Housing - ST Input/Output Board
Cost is: 2,490 U$D (Cost can vary depending on the exchange rate)

Availability: NOW, Transport time should take no longer than 2 Weeks!

Additionally you may purchase an ET-4000 Graphics Board 15/16bit Color
onboard for about another 100 U$D + NVDI ET-4000.

A VME Bus Multiple Bus Board (see description above) for another 400

8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 Megabytes on board, price depending on SIMMS,
current price is around 40 U$D per megabyte.

IDE Internal Drive will cost depending on drive size. Internal IDE, no
external casing required.

NOVA VME 16M Graphics Board when purchased with VME Bus (for 24bit
Color) costs 489 U$D.

All prices given are Recommended Retail, shipping not included!

Short Compatibility List:

Chronos-3D Key frame Animator Phoenix U.S.A. (Xenomorph-3D) Prism
Paint 1, 1.5, 2.0 ANM-Link (Relativity) Cybersculpt (in STHigh) Cyber
Color ARTIS 4.0 XCONTROL Calamus SL Calamus 1.09N Platon V.2.21
Platine ST Skyplus DGRAPH GMAN Kobold Rufus Multigem MultiTOS
SUperbase Phoenix 2 Interface Pure Pascal 1st Word PKS-Edit Seka
Assembler Devpac Assembler Turboasss Assembler Easyride Assembler
GAL-Prommer Logic A. GFA Basic 3.0 3.6TT Delicious Raystart Topaz VTX
Uniterm Connect Iconedi Guck Invaders Piccolo Signum 3.0 Matrix Drivers
2.2 Snapshot Tele Office ACS Pro Argon Crypton Xenon V2.4TT Crazy
Sounds PCB ST-Digital Profiler Pure C Cubase Emagic SED Turbo C
Adimens Arabesque Chagall Technobox CAD and Drafter LDW Powercalc
Papillion DAs Vector Didot Pro Didot Lineart Retousche Pro CD v.1.04
Papyrus Script 2.0, 3.0 ICD and AHDI Hushi STAD Compo Script Protar
Manager Tempus Word and Editor ASpice and a lot more programs that
follow the VDI and Atari guidelines should work with no problems
whatsoever! I cannot make a list of ALL the working programs, but if
you have an enquiry about a single product, then please email me, and
we could look into it for you.

Yat Siu Lexicor Software Europe,,,


We've heard some interesting comments about John Duckworth's first
two columns. Please, send your comments directly to John as he'll
really appreciate them. For me to dissect comments about the column
from other comments included in the same message(s) really loses
something in the re-transmission to John!! With that, let's test the
waters and see how they're biting this week!

> The Old Fishin' Hole STR Feature

The Old Fishin' Hole

-A Guide to the Online PD/Shareware Waters.

by John R. Duckworth

Howdy online anglers! Thanks for joining me as I present another
edition of "The Old Fishin' Hole". With Christmas approaching fast,
everyone's time is continually being stretched between shopping for
the perfect present for that someone special, to making sure the
outside light display is the best in the neighborhood. This week I
hope that I can save you some online fishin' time by reviewing what I
feel are two of the finest shareware packages to come out of the
waters in a while. Both programs work on all Atari TOS computers, and
utilize the advanced graphic capabilities of the TT and Falcon.

"Gem-View v.3.01" by Dieter Fiebelkorn is the first of the two
packages I'd like to rave about. Mr. Fiebelkorn has to be one of the
most industrious programmers on the Atari shareware scene today, as
there have been numerous updates to the "Gem-View" package in the past
several months alone. On the simplest level, "Gem-View" is a picture
file viewer. It recognizes and displays numerous Atari-specific and
multi-platform formats including GIF, JPEG, GEM-image files,
MS-Windows wallpaper, Targa, Kodak Photo-CD, MacPaint, Degas, and
many others. "Gem-View" is fully GEM compliant (hence the name), as
all it's display work is done within the confines of a picture's own
window. One feature in which the program really excels is in
converting pictures to other file formats. A user has the option to
save in many different formats, for example, a GIF picture may be
loaded and resaved as a GEM-image file. Some other save formats
supported at present are GIF, .IFF, Targa, and TIFF. "Gem-View" also
allows the user to manipulate pictures in several different ways such
as horizontal and vertical flips, enlarging, and many dithering
options. The author has now made the package modular in design, which
makes adding more support for different file formats as well as
dithering and manipulation options easier. The program will run as
either a GEM application or desk accessory, and will run fine under
MultiTOS (running under MultiTOS is actually recommended as the
operating system no longer has limits on the amount of open windows
like the normal desktop does). Since "Gem-View" is presented as
shareware, there is a 14 day no-restriction trial period, after which
the program must be registered. North American registrations are
handled via Cybercube in Canada. Otherwise users may register
directly with Mr. Fiebelkorn in Germany. I simply cannot give this
package enough praise. Anyone that wants a professional graphics
viewing, converting, and manipulating program (especially those with
256 color capability) should snag "Gem-View" as quickly as possibly.

The second wonderful shareware package is "TOPAZ-Fraktal pro".
While I am not a fractal expert, I will try to explain the package as
simply as possibly. "TOPAZ-Fraktal pro" is a fully featured fractal
display program and as with "Gem-View", does all of it's work within
the confines of GEM windows. Fractals which can be displayed are
Mandelbrot, Julia, Cosinus Hyperb., Legendre 4, Exponential, and
Plasma. Areas of the drawn fractals may then be selected and
zoomed-in to reveal the deeper intricacies of the pattern. Color sets
may be loaded and applied to the displayed fractal patterns. These
colors may then be cycled in one of three different ways to achieve
sometimes beautiful and always interesting animations. The program
also allows the user to set many options including the size of the
drawn pattern and the number of colors to use to name a couple. I
have only two minor complaints about "TOPAZ-Fraktal pro". First, the
package is entirely in German, so it takes some time to figure out
all of the program options. Second, the DSP should be utilized in the
Falcon thus speeding up the display time needed for the fractals.
"TOPAZ-Fraktal pro" is shareware, although I can't read German well
enough to make out how much he requests (Perhaps someone will
translate the docs soon). If you are even slightly interested in
exploring fractals, "TOPAZ-Fraktal pro" is the program for you.

Both of these programs should prove to be very useful and
perhaps provide you with many hours of enjoyment. If you have the
time, be sure to grab one...or both. Don't forget to send comments,
suggestions, or Christmas greeting to
Programmers...if you'd like me to provide a sneak preview of one of
your PD/shareware programs send them UUEncoded to the same address.


| Old Fishin Hole Tackle Box * |
| Gem-View v.3.01 |
| GEnie (Atari RT - #30950, #30955, #30956, #30957) |
| Delphi (Atari Advantage- read GEM VIEW / read GEM-VIEW) |
| TOPAZ-Fraktal pro |
| Internet ( pub3/atari/graphics/tfrakpro.lzh)|
* The Tackle Box is meant to provide assistance in finding files
mentioned in the column. It should not be considered a COMPLETE
listing and is provided for convenience only. Delphi Atari Advantage
files should be found in the Recent Arrivals section of the database
until moved to their appropriate sections.



For Release : 12-7-93 Contact : Paul Lefebvre

(Atari ST/Ste/TT/Falcon030 compatible)

Oracle for STalker 1.2 by Paul Lefebvre is a STalker BackTALK script
that automates access to Delphi. This is the first such program for
Delphi's Atari users. Oracle works with the Falcon030 and can perform
its tasks in the background. Oracle allows Delphi users to cut their
online costs because it automatically send/receives mail,
send/receives forum messages, and downloads database files. Any mail
or messages can be viewed offline and replies can be typed offline.
To save Delphi users even more money, Oracle can be told to perform
its tasks late at night to save on long distance charges. Oracle is
fully compatible with Geneva and MultiTOS to allow all of its
operations to be performed in a multitasking environment.

Oracle is SHAREWARE. Registration includes the latest version of
Oracle, the STalky 1.2 type ahead buffer for STalker, and free
updates. Free support is always available on Delphi.

System Requirements for Oracle are : an Atari ST/STe/TT/Falcon030
computer, and STalker 3 (STeno is recommended).

Oracle for STalker 1.2 (Delphi version) is available for $15 (plus $2
shipping) from :

Paul Lefebvre
78 Winter Street
Portland, ME 04102

Version 1.2 is available in Delphi's Atari Advantage database in the
telecommunications topic, under the name "ORACLE".

Questions? Leave email to PLEFEBVRE or leave a message in the Atari
Advantage forum.


Well, we've taken up more space than normal this week so let's
wrap things up. With the holiday season upon us, so are the usual
holiday parties and get-togethers. PLEASE, if you're going to party
and drinking is part of the merriment, do NOT drive. This is a time
for celebration, not bereavement. We at STReport want to have you
around for many more years to come!!

Until next time.....



> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando

Hidi ho good neighbors and neighborettes. Well, the Christmas season
upon us (like you need me to tell you that, right?). At any rate, the
"season of giving" is quickly approaching. While there hasn't been any
snow in my neck of the woods, the temperature leaves no doubt that that
jolly old man will soon be crawling down the chimney with bags of
goodies for most of us... and coal for others. Gee, maybe I should get
myself a coal burning stove! (;^{>

On another note, the shuttle ENDEAVOR has completed the repairs of the
Hubble Space Telescope. Everything about the mission to date has been
top-notch. I, as an astronomy buff, can't wait to see "first light" (the
first image from a new telescope). I have a special interest and pride
in the Hubble because the company that I work for supplied material to
several of the companies that supplied the components that make up

I happened to overhear someone complain that all of the spacewalks
took place while the shuttle was on the Earth's night side. While that
meant that the "action" was going on while we all slept, it was
necessary to preserve the telescope itself. You see, exposing Hubble's
mirror to light of the intensity that daylight would provide would in
effect burn the aluminum coating off of the mirror. Even pointing it at
Earth or the Moon would seriously degrade it (that's why you won't see a
Hubble-eye-view of Earth). Aluminum was used instead of silver because
silver absorbs infra-red radiation. The aluminum coating allows
infra-red pictures of objects as well as images in the visible-light
spectrum. See? I told you that I was an astronomy buff. Well, as Dan
Quayle said: A mind is a terrible thing...

Okay, enough of Science 101. Let's get to the reason for this column:
All the great news and tips available every week on CompuServe...

From the Atari Productivity Forum

Sysop Bob Retelle tells us about accessing the Internet with your ST:

"Using the KA9Q package we have in the software libraries here, you
can, if you can find an access point that allows it, essentially turn
your ST into an Internet node with its own temporary IP address. Then
you can telnet and ftp *directly* from your ST, without having to
first log into a local host computer.

Now that my ST is back to life (or actually a "new" STe in its
place), I can get back into direct Internetting with KA9Q... while
it's been dead, I've been having to go through Portal as my "local
host".. (local by virtue of being on PC Pursuit).

Unfortunately KA9Q is rather crude (it emulates the interface of the
local host.. not the most friendly environment in the world). Having
telnet and ftp for a telecommunications program like Flash would make
a world of difference in the enjoyability of using Internet..!

I've even heard about "graphical front end" programs for Internet
that are being developed... something like CIM for UseNet.."

Lee Zion tells Bob:

" "Hmm", so my ST can act as a host on Internet with its own IP with
the right software.

Your response reminds me why we keep signing on. We learn
something new all the time!

Those of us who use Milnet have a different solution to the problem
of no local host access. Milnet hosts usually have a modem access
port that provides Telnet access to our home host without having to
have Telnet resident on our computers or having to be a registered
user of the local host. We are provided a Milnet ID and password that
work anywhere and just provide our home IP address as a part of the
logon procedure. If we aren't near a Milnet host, we have an 800
number for an alternate access point that works the same way.

Milnet of course is a "standardized" subset of Internet. Any
organization can provide a universal access system when they "own" all
the hosts.

The downside is access to the rest of Internet. We can access our
home host from outside Milnet via Internet but are usually blocked
from going the other way."

Bob tells Lee:

"That sounds pretty interesting..!

Having an available gateway into the network like that would be
great.. if only you could access everything from there.

It seems that everyone is jumping on the Internet bandwagon these
days.. there's at least one local BBS that's getting pretty seriously
connected.. I may be able to drop my long-distance connection to
Portal and use the local gateway soon..!"

Roger Manke asks:

"Can anyone give me advice about building my own hard drive for my ST.
I have a 1040ST and a MEGA ST2. What cables/interface? Are IDE
drives better than SCSI, etc. I am on limited funds but have
electronic background but not with ATARI hardware."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells Roger:

"You will have to stick with SCSI drives for now. No one has made a
hard disk controller/host adapter for the ST. You will need an ICD
interface/host adapter which should run you close to $110. Maybe less
depending on where you get it from. The price of the SCSI hard drive,
power supply, and case.

Oops (above I ment that no one has made an IDE host adapter for the

You might still call an Atari dealer and see how much the price for
completed one will cost. Just to be on the safe side of hardware

Chris Gray adds:

"There is an IDE adaptor for's an optional extra to the
TOS2.06 adapter made by Hard&Soft in Germany. I believe that to use
the IDE bit you need to solder one wire to your CPU (shudder).

Only quoting product reviews, no 1st-hand experience... but this "no
IDE on ST's" line needs to be corrected.

What the hell, IDE is even more brain-dead than AHDI..."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Roger:

"Just to add a little... an Atari hard drive system
needs these parts:

A cable from the DMA port on the ST to the host adapter card.
A "host adapter card" to convert from "ASCI" to "SCSI"
A standard SCSI cable from the host adapter to the SCSI hard drive.
A standard SCSI hard drive.
A power supply and enclosure for everything.

Usually the first cable will come with the host adapter. A good
inexpensive solution for the power supply and enclosure is to pick up
a standard IBM clone case. It'll have space for the drive and host
adapter board, and the power supply plugs are a standard connector

I think ICD is the only company still making host adapters for the
Atari line of computers.. they have several different models,
depending on what devices you want to connect, and the space you have

Tom Hurlebaus tells us:

"I recently acquired an ATARI 520ST. My main purpose was to upgrade my
MIDI musical system from a Commodore 64. I've realized however, that
this ATARI may provide more. I have two initial problems, first, I did
not receive a Monitor or Monitor Cord with my system and second I did
not receive a TOS System Disk. I do have my Commodore 1702 Monitor,
but I think this is only a 40 column Monitor ?? My guess is that I
will need to buy a Monitor. If I do buy one, and I'll probably be
looking at used monochrome, what about the Monitor Cable ?? I seen the
display thru a television and I don't think I can live with that.

Assuming I can get this working, I would appreciate any suggestions
regarding Software. I probably will be looking for software for
communications, word processing and utilities."

Bob Retelle tells Tom:

"Welcome to the world of Atari, and the Atari Forums on CompuServe..!

First, unless your 520ST is one of the very first machines released,
it shouldn't need a boot disk... the first STs released did not have
TOS in ROM, but most of those were later upgraded. If yours IS one of
the ones that don't have TOS in ROM, I'd *strongly* recommend adding
the ROMs. Not only is a great deal more convenient not having to boot
from a floppy every time you use the machine, but the newer versions
of TOS are a lot better.

You can obtain the ROM sets from Atari dealers, or you might consider
adding a TEC expansion module which allows your ST to use the very
newest version of TOS. Further info about the TEC board is available
in the CodeHead Technologies section of the ATARIVENDOR Forum.

Next, you'll need to use an Atari monitor with the ST... the
monochrome monitor uses a special 70hz refresh rate, and the color
monitor is an analog RGB unit. (I understand you CAN use an Amiga
monitor also).

The monitor cable should come with the monitor itself (my monochrome
monitor has the cable permanently attached).

You're right that any serious work will require a monitor.. TV is ok
for games, but higher resolution needs a monitor.

Probably your best bet for finding a monitor would be to watch local
BBSs for people selling their systems... if you have an Atari dealer
near you, they might have new ones in stock too. Also, try posting a
note here in the Atari forums asking if anyone has a monitor they'd
like to sell...

If you have any questions about your new system, or its software, let
us know and we'll do our best to get you going..!"

Peter Joseph adds his welcome:

"First, welcome to the Atari forums! You've come to the best place for
help and information about your new ST.

Every so often there are people that sell some of their stuff here in
Section 17. You may be able to pick up a used Atari SM124 monochrome
monitor for well under $100. The monitors have the cable built in to
them. If you've seen the display on a T.V. set then I assume that you
have a frequency modulator in your ST. In which case wherever you
bought the computer should have given you the proper modulator cable
to use with it. If not you should be able to get one at Radio Shack.

If your ST is in fact one with a modulator then it's one of the later
520's and I believe by then that they also had TOS in ROM. In which
case you should be able to boot up without even using a disk.
However, this will take quite a bit longer, so if you have a formatted
disk stick it in the drive to boot up. I also assume you have a
floppy drive, either internal or external.

To help you better, tell us what else you have for hardware such as
disk drives, printer, modem, etc. There's loads of softstuff in the
libraries here if your telecom program supports downloading. Let's
see, what else...oh yeah, Midi. Well you've got a great computer for
Midi, although you may find 512k of RAM a little tight (or downright
impossible) for some of the more powerful Midi programs. Did I miss
anything? If so, there will be others along to help as well."

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

Frank Hermann tells us:

"Merry Christmas,Happy New Year to you all!! I have an IBM, is there
an IBM program which will either convert or simply allow view of
Spectrum type graphics, or Degas types, or .TNY's-have tried file
finder but can't seem, to find any, at least not for IBM, tho it seems
one exists for the Atari!!"

Bob Retelle tells Frank:

"Try the IBM FF with a keyword of ATARI.. there should be at least
one IBM utility in the IBM forums that will allow viewing of DEGAS
format graphics files (which you can then capture into GIF format by
using a screen grabber utility while the picture is displayed on the

As for Spectrum format, there's been a bit of discussion about that
recently, but I don't remember the name of the program someone
mentioned as being able to view them on an IBM.

TNY pictures might be a problem also... they're really just DEGAS and
NeoChrome pictures that have been compressed, but as far as I know
there's no way to uncompress them on a PC.

Truthfully though... a lot of the pictures that started out as Atari
files have been converted into GIFs already... it's ironic, but a
lot of times at PC computer shows, the VGA monitors doing slide shows
will often be displaying Atari original pictures..!

(I've even seen ads in Computer Shopper for monitors with Atari
pictures on them.. :)"

Jeff at Intersect Software tells Master Sysop Ron Luks:

"[Since] you mentioned going to CES in January, I wanted to mention a
few things that I have learned from the COMDEX shows.

Rooms are always more expensive during the shows, by as much as 300%.
The Fontier has very good rooms and the best Prime Rib I have eaten.
Their room rates are very good also. The Mirage rooms are poor in
quality and access is terrible.

Snow and snow play areas are 40 min from Vegas (north). Really good
ski areas are in Utah at Brian Head (3 hrs by car). There are hotel
rooms and lodges at the top of the mountain.

Best Casino is the Silver City, across from Circus Circus. One
dollar tables and drinks are served often. Oh, It's also no-smoking.

During shows and on weekends, hotel rates go up and one and two
dollar tables disappear. During weekdays (depending on season) the
Fontier hotel rates are as little as $25.00 a nite."

Ron tells Jeff:

"The rooms go up more than 300%. Rooms at the Frontier for CES are not
$25 a night-- they are $145. Quite a jump. I've stayed at the
Frontier at past shows. Its a nice hotel."

Yat Siu of Lexicor Software posts:

"LEXICOR SOFTWARE is proud to announce that it can make available to
the Atari Community an Atari'040 Clone.

Planned for the summer of 94 is a MC68060 Board
TOS is a slightly modified version of 3.06
The price for this setup is roughly 3,000 U$D without IDE Drive and
without RAM.

The System was originally constructed and designed in Switzerland by
MEDUSA Systems.

ps: Its screaming fast *grin*"

Carl Barron tells Yat:

"Very interesting... At 64Mhz it should be fast. <grin>
Available today, next week, next year? <grin>
Roughly $3000, hm... Not too shabby but I might have to wait a bit."

Yat explains:

"This is how it works.

When you make the order then you need to expect around 6 weeks time
from the day you ordered it. It needs to be shipped and fixed up in
Switzerland. And then final assembly in the USA.

It is already available....i.e. available today."

Carl Barron muses:

"Six weeks? That might be faster than atari's timetable. <grin>"

Yat plays along a bit:

"We don't plan to challenge Atari's Time Schedule *grin* I am still
waiting to see the next batch of promised TT's....and I would also
like to know for what price range? They are excellent machines...and
they WOULD sell well if they were more readily available!!"

Boris Molodyi posts:

"Heh, it sounds interesting. How about compatibility?"

Yat tells Boris:

"It is very compatible...I've got the list of tested software here on
paper, now I just got to find the time to type it all up and post it
:) *grin*

It's basically TOS 3.06, so that is very compatible...."

Myles Cohen asks:

"I am confused by the word "clone"...

Is this a machine that will only work ATARI programs...or will it
also do MSDOS and windows stuff too..."

Yat tells Myles:

"This Machine will ONLY work with Atari Stuff :) as it has TOS 3.06 :)
built in, by saying Clone it is an Atari Clone (i.e. modified copy).
IBM-CLONES are often referred to just as clones, but clones is not a
term exclusive to IBM Compatible PC's :)"

Myles tells Yat:

"Too bad...

I...and probably many others...would have snapped it up
immediately...even me...the advanced price of $2500...

I guess this way it is just a superfast Atari...a little better than
the TT30...

Now if it could also work with the stuff on other platforms...that
would be a great machine indeed...

The Mac and IBM confluence is the wave of the future...

It's just too bad that the Medusa hasn't joined Atari with the other

From the Atari Vendors Forum

Ed Bauer asks about spiffing up his TT:

"I have the TT030 with 4mb ram. I would like to add another 16MB ram,
and get the Multitasking OS from ATARI. What steps could I take to do
both things. I'd like to get some of the flavor of multitasking that
Windows 3.1 gives me, but I expect the ATARI version to be more
powerful and dependable and truer to multitasking concepts than
Windows 3.1. I expect something more similar to OS/2.1 , Unix , et

John Brenner echoes my own thoughts:

"I think it might be wise of you too check out Gribnif's GENEVA. It is
much more flexible than Multitos and is more compatible to boot. As
for a history of developing software I would go with Gribnif over
Atari any day."

From the Palmtop Forum

Rick Van Schiock tells us:

"I would like to soon purchase an electronic organizer and would value
your comments as I look to choose the best one (if any) for my needs.
Please help.

Currently, I use a manual appointment book (fits in suit pocket) in
which I keep a To-Do list, appointments, daily reminders and itemized
expenses that I later put into Quicken. I also enter maps or other
drawings when necessary. I really like the ability to WRITE in it.
Character recognition isn't necessary. I've been waiting for the
technology to improve to the point that 1. it fits in a coat pocket 2.
accepts written input for To-Do, expenses, etc. 3. boots up almost
immediately 4. able to maintain my Info-Select database files 5. costs
about $500.

I'm looking at the latest Wizard Series, but it seems it only takes
written input for drawing, everything else is keyboard. Am I still
hopelessly dreaming or is there something out now (or that soon will
be available) that you know would be what I'm looking for? Thanks so
much for your assistance."

Ken Ducey tells Ken:

"If you don't like typing, there are really on two other choices, the
Casio/Tandy Zoomer sold through Radio Shack and the Apple/Sharp
Newton. Both are represented in sections of this forum that you might
want to peruse. They are a little more than your budget though."

Well folks, that's about it for this week. Tune in again next week
(same time, same station), kick back, relax among friends and listen to
what they are saying when...



> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"

- Orem, UT Word Perfect has new PREZ!

Word Perfect Corp. has a new president. Ad Reitveld has been
appointed as their new president. Word Perfect a leader in the industry,
continues to set the examples by which all others are measured. WP
Customer Support continues to win compliments from all circles.

- New York City, NY $2.00 Switch to Topple Atari Hopes?
----------------- JAGUAR VIDEO OUTPUT POOR

Atari's "Firemen" are frantic in the two test market regions trying
to keep the Jaguars alive and well. It seems there's a "cheap" RF switch
that's simply, "not doing the job". Reports are filtering in that there
are no display setups because of the extremely poor video output quality
of the Jaguar. "The output quality is made perfect when one uses a
competitor's rf switch and cable assembly". said an dejected observer.
Another observer, who requested that he remain un-named, expressed
sincere desires to see the new product be the success it was predicted to
be but also stated Atari appears to be the "cat" that can't seem to
change its spots. He said; "every new product they've released since the
520st has been bungled by them in one way or another".



> A "Quotable Quote" "Yes indeed... "Tis the time of year!"

"Rudolph the Red Nosed.......
Hey! That's not the jingle!
Jaguars ,Jaguars everywhere!
OH, if Picture Perfect, they'd be hot!
For the sake of a switch over there...
many Jaguars are NOT!"

..Murphy's Law!!


> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155
Est. 1985


4MB ram upgradable to 32MB
DOS 6.2 - Windows 3.1 Incl.
256K CACHE - 1.44/1.2 FLOPPY
will meet or beat _any_ legit, advertised price
other high power packages available
or, design your own! Call for pricing!
Call: 904-783-3319 Anytime, Voice Mail


Diamond SVGA/VGA Video Cards w/1 +mbVRAM
Enhances Windows SPEED and EFFICIENCY

Pro Audio Spectrum STUDIO 16 - 16bit - Midi - Audio Recognition
Top of the PAS Media Vision Line - True Multi-Media

SCSI Adaptek Cards True SCSI EZ Install - Multi Media

IDE Super IO cards & 16550a UART 2 & 4 Port Cards

Call: 904-783-3319 Anytime, Voice Mail



40 Westgate Parkway -Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only


202 Roberts St.
East Hartford CT. 06108


907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220

(DEALERS; to be listed here, please drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
STR Online! "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" December 10, 1993
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-93 All Rights Reserved No.9.50
All Items quoted, in whole or in part, are done so under the provisions
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editors/staff of STReport International Online Magazine. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Reprints
must, without exception, include the name of the publication, date, issue
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