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Silicon Times Report Issue 0931

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing

July 30, 1993 No. 9.31

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
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> 07/30/93 STR 931 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - PORTFOLIO NEWS


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
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STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to participate
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The Bounty BBS direct @ 904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder and excitement of
exchanging all types of information relative to computers, worldwide,
through the use of excellent International Networking Systems. SysOps,
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This is a GREAT TIME for Atari-related announcements. First, the alliance
between ATari and IBM for the new Jaguar, and now Gribnif Software
announces GENEVA, their new multi-tasking environment. See the GENEVA
press releases in LIB 15 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS) or go to
the Gribnif section/library in the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) for
additional info.


With the announcement from Sunnyvale on the new JAGUAR Multimedia
Entertainment System, we've added a Message Section and Library to the
ATARI8 Forum. We invite you to join us in sharing news and views of what
promises to be an exciting machine. GO ATARI8 for Section 15 [Jaguar].


Download file 20Q_01.TXT from LIBRARY 15 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for the first 20 QUESTIONS file of questions submitted by the
members to Atari Corp and answered by Bob Brodie, James Grunke and Bill


Download file AGIT.ZIP from LIBRARY 2 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for Agitation. Agitation is easy to learn, tough to solve. This
is the most indescribably difficult, infuriatingly impossible program you
could choose to run!

* create custom puzzles
* upload and share
* point and click puzzle solving
* multiple cheat, peek and help modes
* watch the computer solve puzzles
* custom graphics and dialogs
* check out the other puzzles here online! mono freeware


Download file BSTAT4.LZH from LIBRARY 5 of the Atari Productivity Forum (GO
ATARIPRO) for version 2.46 of B/STAT. B/STAT is a shareware statistical
analysis and business graphics program. It requires a 1 megabyte machine
and double sided drive at a minimum. B/STAT makes use of GDOS or SPEEDO
GDOS if installed but requires neither. This is version 2.46 of B/STAT and
offers some improvements in graphing over earlier versions. B/STAT may be
registered online by GOing SWREG and selecting ID # 263.


Message Section 12 and Library 12 have been established for online support
of Oregon Research's products. Please read OREGON.TXT in Library 12 of the
Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) for an overview of the company. Also, be
sure to check out the other files in the Library for in-depth information
on their entire product line.


Download file FLAGS.LZH from LIBRARY 11 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO
ATARIVEN) for Sample EPS (Adobe Illustrator) files of the new Flags of the
World clipart collection now being sold by Soft-Logik Publishing. The
archive contains four flags.





> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

The summer shows are "happening" all 'round the country. While the
actual attendance is down, the enthusiasm seems to be "up". It could be
the curiosity factor in the Falcon... but I'd like to believe its the
general attitude of the userbase. Its really a hard call to make. Many
people in the USA have yet to see a Falcon let alone have an opportunity to
buy one. The actual numbers of the machines shipping in this country are
unknown. However judging by the attitudes of certain dealers in different
geographical areas, it is once again, a hard call to make. The bottom line
is the Falcon is selling but its selling slowly.

This coming month, August '93, the TT030 is slated to be shipping once
again. Or, so we have been told. Also, its been made known that the TT is
the machine the development of the entertainment packages for the Jaguar
are done on. Hmmmm which reminds me, seems the first of the photo sessions
for the Jaguar was slated for the 26th of July (last monday).. it was
cancelled for whatever reasons. Sound familiar? Hope this isn't the start
of an all too familiar scenario.

There's a new version of ST ZIP, MSA and of LHA available. To be
truthful, the only one top concern yourselves with is the ZIP program its
fully cross platform compatible and readily recognizable. The LHA series
have far too many slight variations to be totally cross compatible. MSA,
Magic Shadow Archiver is the "whole disk archiver". Essentially, it takes
an entire disk of programs and support files and compresses it into a file.
This makes it easy to store them or transfer them electronically via a
modem. Take care and enjoy the remainder of the summer.




** STReport **


The Editorial Staff of STReport International Online Magazine is proud
to announce the highly successful and continued availability of STReport
through GEnie E-Mail subscription delivery.

STReport will be E-Mailed to any GEnie subscriber who requests it as an
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E-Mail utilizes the very same transfer protocols as the GEnie RT Libraries,
so there is little or no difference between downloading from a Library and
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To request STReport be E-Mailed to you, send subscription request in
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route" beginning with the next issue. Each issue will be uploaded by
Saturday evening and will be available to you immediately. It simply
appears in your E-Mail queue!

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Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Roger D. Stevens Robert Glover R. ALBRITTON

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor Emeritus

STReport Staff Editors:
Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Scott Birch
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET........................ 1:112/35
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando

Hidi ho friends and neighbors! Some of you will be happy to know that my
column will be shorter than normal this week. While at the Blue Ridge
AtariFest, I bought a new hard drive which I installed and transferred ALL
of my files to. After I erased them from my old hard drive, and before I
had a chance to do a new backup, the new hard drive unceremoniously died.

Most of the configurations that I use to compose this column were on the
drive, so I now have to do this manually. I guess I should have been more
conscientious about backups. Well, at any rate, here is the column for
this week...

From the Atari Productivity forum

Jim Shaffer tells Brian Gockley of ST Informer:

"My company uses Atari ST's in our product that we sell. We need some help
locating utility software and perhaps further consulting help. Do you guys
provide such help? Would you call one of our engineers (Brad Decker <215>
264-4510) if you're interested in helping (business opportunity...)?"

Ian Burton at Atari Music jumps in and tells Jim:

"I know this isn't directed at me, but I might be able to help- what type
of utility software (any names for example?) and as for consulting-I know
ALL of the benefits of each Atari ST/TT/falcon. (and I don't cost much!

The Ever-helpful Master Sysop Ron Luks posts:

"I spoke with Jim Shaffer on the phone, as well as the engineer at Bell and
Howell. I have put them in contact with Bob Luneski of Oregon Research who
should be able to help them with their utility needs."

Larold Rebhun asks:

"I have an Atari 1040 ST with a Quantum 52meg Hard Drive. Is the Atari
formatting on my hard drive similar to IBM formatting. My wife has an IBM
laptop and I'd like to let here use my hard drive to backup to. What
problems will I run into? I have an ICD host adaptor on my drive also."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine tells Larold:

"There is some capability to read/write to IBM hard disks in the ICD
software. The partitioning scheme may cause some you problems. There is a
read-me file in the newest host software that explains it in more detail.

This is used for IBM formatted hard drives on the Atari. I don't think it
will work there other way around. The main original use was/is for syquest

Dick Barber posts a problem very similar to mine:

"Boy, I sure got myself in it this time. My TT and ICD/Maxtor 200+M were
doing just fine with the ICD driver. So to make a good thing better, I
attempted to optimize with a popular program. It turns out that I would
have been in better shape if I had used the Atari version of a hard drive
driver. My hard disc is a mass of mixed up data.

To make a long and painful story shorter, I have DL the latest version of
the Atari driver via CServe, and have reformatted and partitioned my drive
(ASCI external BTW). I used the expert setting and have placed the "extra"
partitions off of the 4-8 setting.

The problem comes in the computer refusing to recognize the logical
partitions. That is the message I get when running the install program.
Clicking on the recognize drive (paraphrased) option from the desktop does
absolutely nothing. Rebooting the computer brings up the message that SCSI
(NOTE) drive 0 is not responding. Point of interest here... I was only
working on ASCI device 1.

I really got to get back to work and reload my programs. What do I do to
get back on my hard drive?"

Albert Dayes tells Dick:

"I have never used the Atari hard disk software myself but you might try
re-formatting it with ICD software and re-storing from your backup

Does the ICD software recognize a device exists on the chain?"

No answer yet from Dick, but I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, Dazzz Smith
asks Christian Martens about GemView:

"There was a rumor that version 2.3? of Gemview has a limited
life for an unregistered copy. i.e. The program would be unusable after
14 days, can you confirm or deny this?"

Christian tells Dazzz:

"It's stated in the docs, that newer versions of GEM-View have build in a
limited testing period if you are using it unregistered. Dieter Fiebelkorn
is using a number key system to validate the unregistered version.

If you are registered for version 2.xx, you should ask Dieter for your
registration key. I can't say anything about what will happen after 14 days
to the unregistered version, because I got my key. ;-)

Maybe, the use of this key system sounds strange to you. The problem is, in
Germany only few people pay for shareware in general. It's always the
same, whether they are using clones or Atari. It's a shame, but these guys
don't understand the idea of shareware. Because some authors don't want to
release crippleware to help the people to register, they decided to use
this key system."

Greg Chopak tells us:

"We will be shipping the first Photo CD application for the Atari Falcon
series of computers starting Monday, July 26.

Photo Show for the Falcon makes use of the built in true color graphics,
built in SCSI-2 port, and built-in CD quality sound recording and playback
capabilities of the Atari Falcon.

Graphics can be viewed directly from the Kodak Photo CD disc or scripted
into custom slide shows that allow you to mix graphics and sound into a
multimedia presentation. Presentations can be played in a continuous loop.

Three professional quality sound loops are included with the program to get
you started.

Presentations can be recorded to VCR without additional cards. All you need
is a RCA type cable. Shows can be viewed on RGB, VGA, or broadcast monitors
with the outputs built into the basic Atari Falcon.

The export module included with Photo Show will allow the exporting of
true-color images in 24 bit TIF, 24 bit EPS, 24 bit RGB data, or 16 bit RGB

A SCSI-2 MultiTOS CD rom driver is included with Photo Show. The driver can
read both Photo CD's XA format and standard 9660 CD rom discs.

Photo Show retails for $35.00. Ask at your favorite dealer.

For more information write It's All Relative, 2233 Keeven Lane, Florissant
MO 63031.

Voice: (314) 831-9482 GEnie / Delphi: GREG CIS: 70357,2312

Randall Cupcake It's All Relative

For an ongoing discussion of Kodak Photo CD type GO ATARIARTS"

Boris Molodyi asks Greg:

"Would it be compatible with Falcon Overscan? It is rather impressive piece
of work, with modes like 1280*960*256 with almost no flicker (and that on
13" low-end monitor)."

Greg tells Boris:

"I don't believe the overscan program works at those resolutions in true

Boris replies:

"Of course, Overscan will not give you 1280*960 in True Color, but it will
increase resolution some. I'll have to go to the dealer and see how much it
does in True Color mode."

Greg posts:

"We have done 768 by 480 with the standard Gem calls and a RGB or Atari
monitor in overscan mode."

Boris mirrors my own thoughts:

"Sounds really interesting. May be I should get a Falcon, after all ;-)"

Bob Caroles posts:

"I've been running speed trials on my Mega, slated at 16MHz, versus a
bog-standard STE, 8MHz. To my surprise both machines come in at almost the
same speed!

The task I set them both was to run a complex home-grown database routine
lasting approx 30 minutes. There is a fair amount of disc work, but also a
lot of heavy computation. The Mega comes in at about 28 mins, while the STE
runs it in about 30 mins. Both hard drives are tentatively rated the same.

Now my question is this: Is it reasonable to expect a speed improvement of
such a small magnitude with the Mega STE?

And secondly: Is there some sort of software patch that I'm meant to be
running to get the Mega up to 16 MHz?"

Shawn Laughlin tells Bob:

"I've been running an STe for about 6 months now and don't see a real
increase in its speed over the ST ( other than in the drawing/blitting
routines). I've *heard* the STe has a 16 mhz cache built in but have never
seen it documented. I'm assuming that it would work like the early
accelerator boards (i.e., frequently used instructions are kept in the
cache and fed through a sixteen (or is it 32?) bit bus). I also would love
to hear any specifics on this."

Bob Wilson Jumps in and tells Shawn:

"A MEGA STE has a 16MHZ clock. A straight STE is simply an ST with a few
improvements to graphics and to the OS."

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Bob Caroles:

"The way Atari made the Mega STe a "16 Mhz" machine is a trick that's a lot
like the way the Intel DX2 "speed doubler" chips work.

ONLY the CPU chip and its cache run at 16 Mhz, the rest of the computer..
the memory, the I/O, the disks, the DMA... all run at the regular 8 Mhz.

So the speedup you'll see will be far less than double... it depends on
what the software you're running is doing. If it spends a lot of time in
tight loops, it will run fast.. if it jumps around so the cache has to be
refilled constantly, or does a lot of I/O, it won't run much faster than a
regular 8 Mhz ST."

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

Dick Paddock posts:

"I have a friend whose 1040ST just got fried. He is considering a Falcon as
replacement and for professional reasons would like to have the rumored 486
"co-processor board". The alternative may be a "real" clown. Does anyone
know of the board's status?"

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine tells Dick:

"I know the 286 board is out currently. I have not heard anything about
the timeframe for a 486 version. You might want to contact COMPO since
they make the boards."

On a sad note, Tim Myers posts:

"Well this is a sad message for me but I'm afraid that the time has come to
move on from the Atari Forums. I've had a great time whilst I've been here
and I'll miss you all very much.

I'll still be around in CISMail though so if anybody want to get in touch
they can."

Sysop Brad Hill tells Tim:

"I was expecting this goodbye message sooner or later... sorry you have to
leave! I understand, though. I've enjoyed our conversations! Good luck
with everything."

From the Atari Vendors Forum

Bill Durham posts:

"Hello, (a) longtime Atari (& Mac) user here. Had lost a great deal
of enthusiasm in the past few years under Atari's abuse of its
customers. Occasionally, I pop in to see if the Falcon will be a
Phoenix for Atari. My Question: Just got wind of Atari's plan for a
product codenamed Jaguar. Supposed to use one of the up-and-coming,
Pentium-slaying PowerPC chips from Apple/IBM. Any truth to the
rumor? And if so, what's the scoop?"

Sysop Ron Luks tells Bill:

"Jaguar is fact, your details are all wrong. [grin]

Jaguar is a dedicated videogame machine using a custom RISC chip
designed in the UK. We have an active section in the Atari 8-bit forum
(about to be renamed ATari GAmes Forum). GO ATARI8 and read all the Jaguar

The Falcon030 computer is getting off to a very, very, very slow start
in the US market and is getting a lukewarm reception overseas according to
the unofficial reports we've been getting."

Jim Ness tells Bill:

"Atari has announced the Jaguar, a games machine based on a proprietary
64-bit RISC processor.

A later announcement indicated the Jaguar will be one of the first of
several outside projects built by an IBM plant that has excess capacity.

Because of the IBM relationship, this second story got tremendous
circulation, appearing in the business sections of nearly every major
newspaper in the country. The positive publicity initiated a run on Atari
stock, which has risen from $.87 to over $4, in the last few weeks."

Brian Gockley of ST Informer asks John Eidsvoog of CodeHead Technologies
about Warp 9, the Screen Accelerator:

"Have you any idea how it co-exists with Geneva?"

Rick Flashman of Gribnif Software (the developer of Geneva), tells Brian:

"The latest Warp 9 (we got it at the CT show) works great with Geneva. We
have at least one machine that runs it all the time. I strongly recommend
it if you want to speed up your screen display."

I can attest to that, folks! The two work GREAT together. These are two
programs that every ST owner should have!

From the Atari Portfolio Forum

Don Thomas of Atari explains a bit about how a weak battery in a memory
card can make things interesting:

"If a battery is allowed to grow weak in a Memory Card, the data can be
allowed to "drift" since the data requires a given power output of the
battery to be sustained. Every time the Portfolio is turned "on", that data
is frozen in place because the card then has enough power from the
Portfolio. This causes the card to appear "stabilized" in a corrupted

I am one of those who do not change my battery until the card has these
symptoms, but I regularly back up my data. When the battery is completely
gone, I replace it and restore the card from the designated drivepath on my
PC which contains the files I had on that card.

For those who do not want the battery to completely go, I suggest changing
the battery every nine months. I recommend writing the date of the next
intended change on the label in pencil; to be updated when it is changed.
This is still no guarantee since the CR2016 battery may have an unknown
shelf life before it was purchased. Radio Shack, for instance, may not have
a foolproof policy of rotating stock and new product may be put in front of
old product instead of moving old product in front of new product."

Peter Bennett asks Dan Shearer at BSE:

"I've just been given an interesting problem which you might be
able to help with.

Someone who had a memory expander plus unit (it gives a 256k internal RAM
increase and an additional card slot) is trying to use it with his 0K BSE
Interface. I don't know whether you are familiar with the Memory Expander
but it is a straight through unit allowing the connection of another Memory
expander or peripheral such as the parallel interface.

So, he has connected it up in tandem with his BSE unit but can't read the
EPROM of the BSE unit as the Portfolio is only recognizing the card slot in
the memory expander as drive b:. Any way round this you know of? I
certainly couldn't think of anything."

Don Thomas tells Peter:

"Just so you know... In the U.S. the Memory Expander has never hit market
on an official basis. Determined users have found a way or two to obtain
them, but they are not available out in the open. Compared to Megabyte's
internal solution and BSE's devices, the expanders were not much in demand

Well folks, that's it for this week. I hope that next time I'll have
things up to speed for you. Tune in again next week (same time, same
channel) and listen to what they are saying when...



> CHEETSHEETS! STR InfoFile Booklets of tips, tricks and shortcuts.


Compu-Color Services has announced the availability of CheetSheets(R) - a
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CheetSheets are currently available for Windows 3.1, PageMaker 5.0,
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Designers, word processors, trainers, students, and schools, ... anyone
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the software manuals. CheetSheets come with your choice of one section from
the above list and an easel binder for $24.95 (plus $5.00 shipping and
handling). Additional sections are $9.95 each. Respond via CompuServe mail
or call with your CompuServe ID number and receive the Windows section
FREE! We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. All Windows users
should call 1-800-224-6464 to go from being just a user to a POWER USER.
(Don't forget to ask about an updated software listing and Macintosh

For more information contact:

Compu-Color Services
2424 Morris Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
(800) 224-6464
(908) 686-6464
FAX (908) 686-5904
CIS: 75010,561



STReport International Online Magazine is available every week in the
ST Advantage on DELPHI. STReport readers are invited to join DELPHI and
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Announcement from Lexicor Software Corp.

As of Monday 19th July 1993, the Special NOVA Deal offered by Lexicor
Software for the NOVA Graphics Card is over.

The NOVA Mega and the NOVA VME 16M will now both have the same price of
599.99 U$D.

The price for the SUPERNOVA has not changed and will cost: 999.99 U$D

The 32K Graphic Card is only available on Special Order and will cost 429
U$D both the Mega and the VME. For these Card's there may be an added
handling Price.

Shipping cost are excluded from these prices.

Technical Specifications

NOVA Megabus 16M

Maximum Frame Rate : 90Mhz

Video RAM : 1 Megabyte

RAMtype : DRAM

Maximum Color's : 16,7 Million Colors (24bit)

Maximum Resolution (>70Hz): 1024x768 in 256 Color's

Maximum Resolution (15bit): 768x512

Maximum Resolution (24bit): 640x400

Virtual Resolution : YES

Automatic REZ Switch : YES

Upgradable : YES

VDI for 24bit : YES


HARDWARE Accelerator : NO


Maximum Frame Rate : 90MHz

Video RAM : 1 Megabyte

RAMtype : DRAM

Maximum Color's : 16,7 Million Colors (24bit)

Maximum Resolution (>70Hz): 1088x832 in 256 Color's

Maximum Resolution (15bit): 800x600

Maximum Resolution (24bit): 640x480

Virtual Resolution : YES

Automatic REZ Switch : YES

Upgradable : YES

VDI for 24bit : YES


HARDWARE Accelerator : NO


Maximum Frame Rate : 135MHz

Video RAM : 2 Megabytes


Maximum Color's : 16,7 Million Colors (24bit)

Maximum Resolution (>70Hz): 1280x1024

Maximum Resolution (15bit): 1024x768

Maximum Resolution (24bit): 800x600

Virtual Resolution : YES

Automatic REZ Switch : YES

Upgradable : YES

VDI for 24bit : YES


HARDWARE Accelerator : YES

For more information check our previous releases on the NOVA Card. The
Virtual Resolution are programmable via the VMG. The VDI of the NOVA has

proven to be very compatible with our Software and many other Software
applications as well.

There is also a NOVA Special disk available soon that has some NOVA
Specific program's on it, including NOVA Mines, the game, and the special
Calamus SL driver that will enable Calamus SL to run in 15/16bit in
15/16bit color mode.

Yat Siu
Lexicor Software Europe

1726 Francisco ST.
Berkeley, CA 94703

Phone 510-848-7621
FAX 510-848-7613


> FLASH II STR Review "A Look at an old friend...."

Flash II
Telecommunications Software
"A Look at an Old Friend Reborn in Today's Online Experience"

by Dana P. Jacobson

In today's computer marketplace, telecommunications has taken
an active role in how we learn about new technology and maintaining the
current flow of everyday information. With just a modem and a
telecommunications program, a user can access an entirely new world of

In the current myriad of Atari computing, telecommunications software,
whether commercial or public domain (shareware), is not overly abundant.
The loss of Antic's original Flash program and the non-support (i.e. no
upgrades) of Intersect's Interlink, there aren't too many alternatives.
While there are 1-2 other commercial programs available, Flash II has made
some terrific inroads to today's current possibilities.

Although Flash II has been out for quite some time, no one has really
taken the time to say anything about it other than various online comments.

So, since Flash II is about to be upgraded once again, let's take a look at

The most common assumption made is that Flash II is an upgrade to the
original Flash from Antic Software. The only common denomination is the
fact that both are named Flash. Flash II is a completely new, originally
written program developed by Paul Nicholls. The program manual was written
by John Trautschold of Missionware Software; and the program is also
distributed and supported by Missionware.

I'll be the first to admit that trying out a new telecommunications
program was scary! I've been a faithful and contented user of Interlink
since it first came out. This was after trying the original Flash, which I
somehow just didn't like from the beginning. Interlink and I have been a
great team, but, it did have its limitations. So, reluctantly (but
intrigued), I tried Flash II. I haven't used Interlink since!

One reason why I like Flash II is that it's well-supported. I had some
problems getting it up and running (I couldn't log on to my favorite
boards!). John Trautschold read my pleas for help and managed to get me
straightened out. Not only did he help online on Delphi, but he called my
own BBS and even talked with me voice to make sure I was making headway.
This kind of support is vital to me and users like myself. Even today,
some months after I got the program, he leaves me messages asking how
everything is going.

Well, let's get to the program as that's what you all really
want to read about! Here are a few of the major features of the program:

> Works on all Atari 680x0 computers (ST, STe, TT, and will
shortly be ready for the Falcon).

> Existing Flash .DO script files will work with just some
minor changes.

> Easy-to-create custom log-ons and macros for each system
that you call - no more separate .DO files for each.
Flash II automatically saves each set-up info, with many
pre-set options at your fingertips.

> Terminal emulations including VT-52, VT-100, VT-101,VT-102,
VT-200, VT-300, VIDTEX, ANSI, and TTY.

> Display .RLE and .GIF pictures while in Flash II, or saving
them and viewing later.

> Supports the standard ST character set along with IBM and
DEC character sets.

> GEM-based text editor utilizing block commands such as cut
and paste, search and replace, tabs, reformatting, and

> Multi-line type-ahead buffer window within the terminal

> All the major file transfer protocols built-in: Xmodem,
Xmodem-1K, ASCII, Ymodem, Zmodem, CIS B, Kermit, Sealink,
and others.

> Silent Line, a powerful background transfer program.

> Automatic log for online time and the ability to determine
online charges.

The manual is extremely comprehensive and outlines every feature of
Flash II. There is a guide for getting started quickly, a beginners'
tutorial, and more. To get the most out of Flash II, I highly recommend
checking out this manual more than just a casual read; there's plenty to
learn if you really want to take advantage of Flash II.

Setting up is easy. You can use Flash II from either floppy or hard
drive. For hard drive users, just run the install program and select the
options that you wish to include. The program does all of the rest. Once
you've installed the program, you're going to want set up the bulletin
boards and online services that you want to be able to call. To do this,
just select the option to "Edit Boards" and you'll have the ability to set
up 40 names and numbers (per set-up). This section contains the usual
options to include the system name, phone number, and password (hidden).
But, Flash II allows more for each system. You can list the system hours,
monthly charges (if any), connect charges (if any), rates, call statistics,
and then the more important options. These important options include
terminal settings, RS232 settings, TA buffer settings, modem settings,
macros, and file transfer protocols and settings. Each of these options
include a wide assortment of other full-featured options.

Once you've set up all or most of your settings, just save them and
you'll have them always available whenever you make calls. To dial out,
all that you have to do is either double-click the system you wish to call;
or select the system and click on the OK button. You'll either hear your
modem dialing or you can watch the dialing sequence on the screen. Once
you connect, the rest is simple.

Although I've found the program to work quite well and I'm very
comfortable using it, I have found some things that either annoy me or need
to be fixed/modified. First of all, since the program works in ST medium
resolution, add some color to the screens. Everything is black on white.
This is obviously not a functional problem, just an observance.

Also, the editor defaults to show special character codes and carriage
returns. There's no way that I've found to keep them turned off as the
default; I must do so for _each_ call that I make, even one right after
another. Another problem that usually occurs is when I load a text file
into the capture buffer, the first character is indented one space. When
editing program code, this can cause some serious coding problems.

Another annoyance that I found were the drop-down menus. For example,
in the file transfer menu, there are a number of available options
(protocol, mode/options, and upload/download choice). After I select a
protocol (BTW, the options should be laid out differently also), the menu
disappears and I have to go back to select my transfer options, and then go
back and select either upload or download. The menu should stay open until
all three selections are made. Some of the other drop down menus work
similarly; it's just a nuisance to have to return for each choice if you
wish to do something other than your default choices.

But, for the most part, my overall opinion of Flash II is excellent.
As I mentioned earlier, I was leery of trying a new terminal program. My
fears were unfounded.

The latest upgrade for Flash II (2.11) has just been uploaded to the
online services as a free upgrade, with promises for another maintenance
upgrade shortly. A lot of the upgrade has been done for Falcon
compatibility, but a number of minor bugs have been fixed as well.

If you're looking for a good term program, at least check out the demo
that's available. If you're simply looking for a full-featured program,
Flash II is an excellent choice to make.


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NVN Highlights

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13. NEW Email enhancements are on-line. Including personal mailing lists!



Computers and Commuters

Joe Mirando

On a warm July weekend in Asheville, North Carolina, people from all
over came to enjoy the company of other ST users and to snap up any
bargains that might have been found.

My experience with the "North Carolina Experience" began on the
Thursday before the show. My fiancee (Lisa) and I arrived at Asheville
Airport, got our luggage, claimed our rental car, got to the hotel without
incident. Unfortunately, at this point things stopped going our way for a

On arriving at the hotel, we found that, because of Asheville's Bele
Chere Street Festival, there was not a parking space to be found in the
parking lot. At the end of the lot was a sign that said "More parking in
Rear". As we looped around the lot once more, we could find no way to get
to the fabled "back lot".

I have always found that there are times in life when there is
nothing to do but give up. So I parked in front of the hotel entrance and
went in to find out where I could park.

The receptionist at the counter must have had a hard day (what with
Bele Chere bringing about three hundred thousand extra people into town)
because she was not amused when I asked if I could just bring the car up to
my room. She looked at me with tired eyes and said "Didn't you see the
sign in the lot?"

"Yes," I said, "I saw the sign that said 'More Parking in Rear', so...
where's your REAR?" I thought that this was enormously funny, but she
didn't seem to agree. To better punctuate her opinion, she called the
manager to the desk.

The manager came to the desk and asked "What can I do for you?"

I explained that there was no room whatsoever in the front parking lot
and that I couldn't figure out how to get to the back lot. She smiled and
said that this was the easiest problem that she'd had to deal with all day.

Just go out of the parking lot, she said, and take a right and then another
right and our parking lot is about fifty yards down on the right.

I breathed a sigh of relief and thanked her. We followed the
directions and found that the road had been blocked off so that work crews
could set up for the festival. We drove back to the hotel and informed the
manager about this. "No problem," she smiled, "just go out of the lot and
take a left and then another left. The lot will be on your left."

Again we followed the directions and, again, the road was blocked off.

Since I was beginning to feel like the guy in "Hitchhikers Guide to the
Universe", I reached into my suitcase in the back seat and pulled out my
trusty towel and slung it over my shoulder. Once we made it back into the
front lot I did what any boy born and raised in the tri-state area would
have done: I "cruised" the lot until someone pulled out. Once I had
secured the parking spot, I put my trusty towel back into my suitcase and
we entered the hotel. I told the manager that the second path to the back
lot was also blocked and registered. We went up to our room and relaxed,
waiting for Friday, when we planned to pay a pre-show visit to Computer

On Friday morning we started out for Westgate Plaza and, after only
one wrong turn, we arrived. Sheldon Winick (owner of Computer Studio and
Coordinator of the BRACE show) introduced me to Cliff Allen, Gregg
Anderson, and Sheldon's son Ronnie.

Computer STudio was doing a brisk business on Friday, with about a
dozen people at a time browsing through the wares. I offhandedly asked
Cliff if they had seen Geneva (Gribnif's new Multi-Tasking system for any
ST) yet. He said that he hadn't and that he doubted that he would get the
chance during the show since he would be working in the store itself.

I smiled and hoisted my Stacy up onto a pile of Atari monitor boxes
and said "Well, take a look now then." He asked if I really had a copy of
Geneva and if I would give a quick demo. I said "Sure!" and turned the
machine on, explaining the rudimentary workings of Geneva.

As my Stacy completed the boot process, I heard Lisa say "Uh, Joe?
Look behind you."

I looked and saw that about half of the people in the store had heard
me talking about Geneva and were walking toward me in a slow, deliberate
semi-circle. They moved slowly and deliberately, as if Geneva was a small
animal that they might scare away if they moved too quickly.

I motioned them over and gave a quick demonstration, saying that Rick
Flashman from Gribnif Software would be able to give a much more
comprehensive demonstration during the show (and he did... over and over

All of the people who witnessed my impromptu demonstration were very
impressed, and said that they were going to order Geneva the following day.

Sheldon then introduced me to John Trautschold of Missionware
Software, his wife and two sons. John and I immediately began talking
about Geneva. John asked if I had any idea of how well any of his products
worked with it, and I sheepishly had to admit that I didn't own Flash II or
any of his other products (something which I remedied the following day).

After a while, I offered to help Sheldon and company with any set-up
that I could. Although I know that Sheldon was grateful for my help, I
have to tell you that I really didn't do that much. Lisa and I went back
to the hotel, had dinner, and went to sleep to the music from the street
festival outside.

Saturday came and we found our way to Westgate Plaza. We set up the
STReport booth and browsed the other tables to see who was where. Sheldon
came up to me with a cute story:

It seems that a company called "Paper Plates", which makes metallic
overlays for Calamus which allows you to metalize emblems and such, showed
up for the show without a room reservation. When he asked Sheldon about
where he might find lodging, Sheldon shook his head and told him that he
wasn't likely to find one. The "Paper Plates" guy borrowed Sheldon's phone
and called a hotel. He said "Hello. This is Jimmy Carter from Washington
D.C. and I need a single room for the night... thank you very much."

We all laughed at this, but found that his name was indeed Jimmy
Carter, and he was indeed from Washington D.C. (He is J.P.C. on GEnie).
Jimmy was a lot of fun to talk to, and I look forward to seeing him again.

John Gniewkowski represented GEnieLamp well and dragged his wife
Roxane along (much as I dragged Lisa along). John and I had decided to do
a joint seminar on Digital Publishing, but we hadn't had the time to
actually define what we were going to do. I think that John was a bit
apprehensive about doing a seminar with an STReporter, so I introduced
myself and tried to set his mind a ease. I must have done a good job,
because John and I put on a very honest, mutually enjoyable seminar and we
both wanted to do another, this time including Gregg Anderson of Atari
Explorer Online Magazine. Again all three of us got along well. The
questions were pointed and the answers were candid. I think I can safely
say that all three of us would do it all over again.

The CodeHeads were also at the show in the personages of John and
Julie Eidsvoog. While Julie toiled at the vending of Tee Shirts and the
long list of software titles available from CodeHead, John showed off the
software, paying special attention to the MIDI software... MidiSpy and
Digitape were QUITE impressive! The facts that John is knowledgeable and
intelligent, and that Julie is so sweet made buying CodeHead Software a fun
and productive experience.

The fore-mentioned Gribnif, Rick Flashman, was demonstrating not only
Geneva, but the full range of Gribnif Products including STalker, STeno,
Cardfile, NeoDesk, the NeoDesk CLI, and others that have slipped my mind.
Rick said before leaving on Saturday evening (his flight back was early on
Sunday) that he had taken orders for about fifty copies of Geneva. I'd
like to think that my rudimentary demonstration or Friday contributed to
those sales, but I'm not that vain (I hope). Gribnif's offerings are still
among the best bets in the ST world.

Mario Georgiou was representing DMC, DEMOING THE LATEST VERSION OF
CALAMUS, CALAMUS NT FOR WINDOWS, as well as Calamus SL on an Atari TT with
some new modules. Desk Top Publishing has never been my strong point, but
both versions were quite impressive. Mario was busy for the entire two
days, shuttling between the two, importing pictures between the DOS machine
and the TT, cutting and pasting, designing, and re-designing, and giving
helpful hints to customers and customers-to-be. I never knew that DTP
could be so entertaining. I guess you just need someone like Mario to keep
things rolling along. It was good to finally meet the famous Mario.

Rick Ladage and his lovely wife, Karen, manned the Barefoot Software
display, which had us all snapping our fingers and tapping our toes all
weekend. The Barefoot display was in a room all by itself, but there was
no trouble in finding it: all you had to do was follow the music!
Although I was disappointed that I didn't get to see Jeff and Dana, Rick
and Karen make a very nice addition to the ST-Show-Go-er family!

Bele Chere, Asheville's annual street festival brought an estimated
three hundred thousand people into Asheville, a small city of about sixty
thousand people. Any of these people who decided to take the Chamber of
Commerce sponsored shuttle bus to Westgate Plaza were exposed to the
AtariFest. Sheldon's wife, Linda, counted the number of people to pass
through the entrance, and told me that it was a mere fifteen hundred.
Think of it... fifteen hundred people who want nothing other than to get
from one end of the plaza to the other and find startling graphics, sound
and our favorite computer symbol at every turn. Many of these unsuspecting
show-goers were heard to say "Atari? are they still in business?" or "You
mean that Atari makes computers that can do THAT!??"

The overall philosophy to this show seems to be to bring some new
blood to the Atari market. From what I saw over the weekend, it seems to
have worked. Several people stopped at the STReport booth to ask where
they could look at this "new machine" in more detail. They all seemed
quite impressed with what the array of STs, STEs, TTs, and Falcons could
do. It was my pleasure to tell them that they where they were standing. I
told out-of-town-ers that they could call Atari and find the closest dealer
to their homes, and gave them the number to do so.

The Blue Ridge AtariFest has shown the virtues of not "preaching to
the choir". Let's hope that, in the future, more dealers and vendors will
"take to the streets" and begin to "preach to the un-believers".



Macintosh and Windows


NEW FEATURES IN 5.0! Aldus(R) PageMaker(R) 5.0 gives you absolute power to
produce professional-quality publications. With more than 100 new or
enhanced features, PageMaker 5.0 delivers remarkable advancements in
control, integration, and versatility.

Version 5.0 introduces many new features for increased productivity and
greater freedom of design, chief among them incremental rotation of both
text and graphics, the ability to open and work on more than one
publication at a time, and built-in process-color separation.

What's more, the Control palette and Aldus Additions technology, both
brand-new under Windows and significantly enhanced for the Macintosh
version, offer you the creative freedom and performance you need to design
and produce world-class publications of virtually any kind.


Rotation and skewing of text and graphics in 0.01! increments

Horizontal and vertical reflection of objects

Intuitive Control palette to position, scale, or crop objects and select
the type attributes of individual characters or whole paragraphs

Numerically exact positioning and rotation of any object, from its center
or any handle

Specific "nudge" amounts for exact positioning

Incrementally rotated inline graphics

Cropping of rotated objects

Text mode of the palette visible in layout or story editor views

Numeric kerning

Baseline shift

Process-color separations of PageMaker text and graphics, as well as
imported CMYK TIFF*, DCS, and EPS images, all without leaving PageMaker

Nonconsecutive page-range printing

Object-level overprinting of PageMaker graphics

Printing scalable up to 1600%

Virtually unlimited thumbnails, including from PCL printers

Automatic centering of the page on whatever paper you're using

More printers' marks, including date/time stamping, color-control strips,
and density-control bars on separations

Overprinting for any spot or process color or tint

Spot-to-process conversion at printing

Choice of printing individual inks of process-color separations

Automatic scaling of the page to the paper size

Separate line and fill attributes

Choice of transparent or opaque dash lines

Support for up to 18 language dictionaries, plus any number of installable
hyphenation dictionaries

New search-and-replace capabilities for a character's position and case

Sophisticated kerning and track editing


Many new or improved filters, including:

- PICT-to-Metafile and Metafile-to-PICT conversions

- DXF, WPG, Kodak Photo CD

- GEM and Ventura Publisher%

OLE, using PageMaker as a client application

Ability to embed EPS files in a publication or leave them out, still linked
ease of updating

Images scanned directly into the PageMaker publication, using the new TWAIN

Font mapping for identifying missing fonts in a publication and
substituting others, using the PANOSE* editable font- translation list

% With PageMaker 5.0 for Windows only

** With PageMaker 5.0 for the Macintosh only



Custom line weights from 0.1 to 800 points

Proprietary color libraries, including PANTONE(* (spot, process, and
Euroscale), Trumatch, Focoltone, and Dainippon

Ability to create you own color libraries and reuse them

Spot colors, process colors, or tints of either


Extend PageMaker's capabilities for sp

ecific publishing scenarios, simplify
and speed up routine tasks, or write your own Addition scripts to further
customize PageMaker.

Both versions of PageMaker 5.0 come with a wide range of easy-to-install
Additions, each addressing common publishing needs:


- Build Booklet

- Drop Cap

- Group It

- Keyliner

- Open Template

- Printer Styles

- Sort Pages


- Add Cont'd Line

- Balance Columns

- Bullets and Numbering

- Convert Ventura File

- Edit All Stories

- Edit Tracks

- Expert Kerning

- Find Overset Text

- List Styles Used

- Running Headers/Footers

- Traverse Text Blocks


- Display Pub Info

- Display Story Info

- Display Text Block Info


- Run Script

- Run Script Repeatedly**


Ability to open and work on as many Page-Maker publications as your system
will allow;

Ability to "drag and drop" text and objects among open publications

Tile and Cascade features for organizing publications on the screen

Listing of all open publications for easily navigating among open

Library palette for storing common images (with "drag and drop")

Compatibility with Aldus( Fetch* image cataloging and retrieval program`

Custom magnification (up to 800%) for zooming in to a particular part of
the page

Ability to edit rotated text directly in a layout (even the cursor is

Automatic text flow, without having to display every page

Keyboard shortcuts quickly accessible in the Control palette

Automatic resizing of Indents/tabs ruler according to the size of your
screen display

Global preferences for story editor settings

Easily removable ruler guides

Redesigned print dialog boxes

Helpful suggestions from the PostScript error handler to help solve common
printing problems

Color swatches on the improved Colors palette

Automatic appearance of colors used inimported EPS files

Visual distinction between process colors, spot colors, tints, and imported
EPS colors

Line and fill settings specifiable on Colors palette



On an IBM or compatible PC, Aldus PageMaker 5.0 requires Microsoft Windows
3.1 (or later) and Windows 3.1-compatible hardware.

A 486- or 386-based computer is recommended, with 4MB of RAM, an 80MB hard
drive, a high-resolution graphics adaptor card, and a mouse.

A PostScript-language or PCL laser printer, color printer, or imagesetter
is required for output.


On the Apple Macintosh, PageMaker is System 7 savvy. It also runs under
System 6.0.7 with Finder 6.1.7 or later.

Any Macintosh II series, Quadra, or SE/30 computer is recommended, with
5P8MB of RAM and an 80MB hard drive.

A color, grayscale, or black-and-white device, such as a
PostScript-compatible or QuickDraw-compatible laser printer, or a
PostScript-language imagesetter, is required for output.

NEW UNDER WINDOWS (contained in Mac PM 4.2)

PageMaker 5.0 is, of course, file-compatible on the Macintosh and Windows

platforms, and the new and enhanced features shown elsewhere on this
brochure apply to both versions. In addition, users of PageMaker for
Windows will appreciate these new features, which first appeared in
PageMaker 4.2 for the Macintosh:


Automatic true typographers' quotation marks

Baseline-to-baseline leading

Multiple-paste command, speeding up step-and-repeat work


Page sizes up to 42" x 42"

Option to unlink files

Standalone Dictionary Editor utility

No limit to the number of copies printed at once


"Apply" button in the Indents/tabs dialog box

Keyboard shortcuts for applying styles

Options to save files faster or smaller

Interruptible screen redraw

Double-click shortcut to reset zero point

PageMaker 5.0 features significant advances in precision and control,
smooth integration with other software and hardware, and expanded
versatility in the wide range of printed communications it can produce.
With the advent of version 5.0, product functions are virtually identical
under the Windows and Macintosh operating systems-so much so that customers
will receive the same user manual for both computing environments.

"PageMaker 5.0 is the most ambitious release of the world's leading
desktop publishing product," said Lori Birtley, senior product marketing
manager. "Its feature set was designed with a great deal of customer input
and is based on more than 500,000 lines of new code. We've received
feedback from more than 2,500 beta sites and evaluators, and they're
applauding the new features and speed improvements."

Birtley added that customer demand for PageMaker 5.0 has been
extremely high, leading to a record number of upgrade orders. "This product
is one of the most visible examples of our commitment to providing the best
software products for the graphics professional."

Extensive third-party support reflects worldwide leadership

As the world leader in professional page-layout software, PageMaker
offers extensive support from third parties. More than 30 books and
training manuals about PageMaker 5.0 are being produced. Some 120 Aldus
Authorized Trainers in the United States alone offer a variety of levels of
end-user training. Many independent developers are readying new Aldus
Additions that will continue to extend PageMaker's professional publishing
capabilities. And a record number of U.S. and Canadian service bureaus are
becoming members of the Aldus Authorized Imaging Center program.

To coincide with the recent introduction of PageMaker 5.0, Aldus has
created special support programs for service providers, such as service
bureaus and imaging centers. These programs offer, among others, regular
technical bulletins, toll-free telephone access to specially trained
support technicians, and discounts on Aldus software. In addition, a
specially trained team of Aldus product experts has been leading seminars
throughout the country. The seminars give service providers key information
about the new PageMaker so they can be ready for the product when they
begin receiving PageMaker 5.0 files.

In the PageMaker box itself, Aldus has included its Commercial
Printing Guide, which offers help in preparing PageMaker files for prepress
production, as well as tips on how to work with service bureaus.

Superior features meet the highest publishing standards

PageMaker 5.0 rotates and skews text and graphics in 0.01-degree
increments, along with horizontal and vertical reflection of objects. The
user can also edit rotated text and crop rotated graphics directly in page
layout view. The Control palette affords precise placement and sizing of
both text and graphics on the page.

Aldus has completely rewritten the PostScript printing code in
PageMaker 5.0. The product brings to the market the highest quality and
fastest throughput for virtually any kind of printed communication.
Printing speeds, including those for background printing, are up to twice
as fast as those of the nearest competitor. The Print dialog box has been
redesigned to allow for pages to be printed in any sequence or group of
sequences-a significant time saving. Crop, registration, and plate
identification are among the printers' marks PageMaker 5.0 offers. Service
bureaus and end-users alike will benefit from its new custom printing
options. For example, it's now possible to define and save print settings
and to send multiple files with different settings to an output device

PageMaker 5.0 for Windows includes many new or improved import and
export filters, such as Kodak Photo CD, DXF, WordPerfect Graphics, and
Metafile/PICT conversion. The product supports OLE (as a client
application) on both Windows and Macintosh systems, as well as the new
TWAIN standard for direct scanning. The PANOSE font mapper, which
identifies a publication's missing fonts and then substitutes other,
available fonts, will also be shipped with PageMaker 5.0.

Built-in Aldus Additions technology lets users tailor PageMaker
operations to meet their specific publishing needs. End-users can create
their own PageMaker scripts, while third-party developers can use the
technology to create Additions that give PageMaker new capabilities. More
than 20 Aldus Additions are included with each version of PageMaker 5.0.
Several-including Expert Kerning, which automatically adjusts the spacing
between characters, and Edit Tracks, for customizing font tracking
information on a point-size basis-enhance the already strong typographic
capabilities in PageMaker. Other Additions are supplied for grouping
objects, sorting pages, and creating running headers and footers.

PageMaker now produces process-color separations of complete
pages-including text and graphics, as well as imported CMYK TIFF, DCS, and
EPS images. The number of color libraries has been increased to include
Dainippon, Focoltone, Munsell, Toyo, and Trumatch, as well as the PANTONE
spot, process, and Euroscale definitions. Users can also create their own
custom color libraries.

The product now offers the ability to open virtually any number of
publications simultaneously. Tile and cascade capabilities organize the
publications on screen. Customers can "drag and drop" text and graphics
between open publications-saving significant time and effort. The new
Library palette stores frequently used images, again with drag-and-drop

System configuration

Aldus PageMaker 5.0 for Windows requires Microsoft Windows 3.1 and
Windows 3.1-compatible hardware. A 486 or 386-based DOS-compatible computer
is recommended, with 4MB of RAM, an 80MB hard drive, a high-resolution
graphics adaptor card, and a mouse.

Technical support and pricing

First-time purchasers of PageMaker 5.0 will be able to take advantage
of an innovative product-support program: For 90 days from their first
telephone call for assistance, support technicians will be available to
them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. After the 90 days, 24-hour support will
be offered to those customers who subscribe to the Aldus CustomerFirst
extended-support program.

The suggested retail price of PageMaker 5.0 is $895 (U.S.). Customers
who purchased version 4.0 (for Windows) after January 1, 1993, are eligible
for a free upgrade to version 5.0, if they return their product
registration card and the dated original proof of purchase. Customers who
purchased PageMaker 4.0 or an earlier Windows version before 1993 can
upgrade for $150 (U.S.). Upgrades are available directly from Aldus or from
Aldus dealers. Greater discounts apply for customers who have a service
contract with Aldus.

Aldus Europe and Aldus Pacific Rim will announce localized language
versions and support and upgrade policies for other markets shortly.

Aldus Corporation (NASDAQ: ALDC) creates computer software solutions
that help people throughout the world effectively communicate information
and ideas. The company focuses on three lines of business: applications for
the professional publishing and prepress markets; applications for the
general consumer market; and service and support programs for professional
end-users. Aldus has subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim
serving a worldwide network of dealers and distributors.

Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue
South Seattle, WA 98104-2871 U.S.A.
Tel. (1) 206 628 2320

Aldus, the Aldus logo, and PageMaker are registered trademarks, TIFF is a
trademark, and CustomerFirst is a registered service mark of Aldus
Corporation. Other product and corporate names may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of other companies, and are used only for explanation
and to the owners' benefit, without intent to infringe.


> PC TOOLS FOR WINDOWS STR InfoFile "Ultimate Windows Desktop"


The Ultimate Windows Desktop Is Here, Say Reviewers

Central Point Software, Inc. of Beaverton Or., has been shipping PC
Tools for Windows, bringing enhanced productivity, protection and
performance to the Microsoft Windows graphical environment since early
March. Referred to by an early reviewer as "the ultimate desktop," PC
Tools for Windows is a fundamental extension to the operating environment,
making Windows easier to use.

"I really like the multiple-desktop capability of PC Tools for Windows
and had no idea how useful this type of feature would be until I started
using it. Now I'm hooked," said Craig Teahan, microcomputer manager at
Akzo Coatings. "The product as a whole seems rock solid and, overall, has
a lot more to offer me than Norton Desktop, for example."

PC Tools for Windows includes 14 separate modules that together
provide Windows users with a more natural way to work the way they want to
within Windows. The products key features include: - MultiDesk.
Organizes work and simplifies file access - File Manager. Manages data
easier and faster.

- WinShield: Protects Windows data completely and automatically and
includes the only Windows-based disk repair tool currently

- Optimizer: Uniquely optimizes hard disk drives from within Windows

- System Consultant: Analyzes and suggests peak performance configuration

In addition, PC Tools for Windows provides wide-ranging network
support, including compatibility with Novell NetWare and Microsoft Windows
for Workgroups.

"Windows provides a solid multitasking graphical foundation, but it
wasn't designed to integrate files and applications consistent with the way
people work," said Chuck Boesenberg, president and CEO of Central Point.
"PC Tools for Windows directly increases productivity and adds protection
with a minimum of hassles. The bottom line is that PC Tools for Windows
contains everything users need to make their systems work for them."

As part of the development of PC Tools for Windows, Central Point
surveyed Windows users, including users of The Norton Desktop for Windows
and other Windows shell substitutes, to better understand both the appeal
and flaws of these products. In addition, the company conducted more than
300 corporate and government one-on-one meetings, as well as multiple
rounds of focus groups, to determine the challenges users encounter in a
Windows environment and the appropriate solutions.

Several thousand beta testers, including both end user and corporate
sites, put the product through its paces and provided feedback to the
Windows development teams in Central Point's Foster City, Calif., and
Beaverton facilities.

"PC Tools for Windows is a spectacular product," said John Dunkle,
president of Workgroup Technologies, an industry research firm located in
New Hampshire. "Its everything the wannabes wanna be. What Central Point
has delivered is the total Windows solution. Its got everything from
customization of desktop characteristics, drag and drop, and conformance to
objects, system backup, archiving, networking and just about every other
fundamental that Norton just can't deliver. And it obliterates the need
for HDCs Power Launcher."


PC Tools for Windows includes the latest and most powerful versions of
several different Central Point utility programs. Combined, they provide
users with the essential Windows companion, blending productivity,
protection and performance in a one-stop selection of everything needed to
make Windows work well.


Problem: Windows Program Manager Lacks Flexibility

Solution: MultiDesk

Windows artificially segregates applications and files, making it
awkward for users to manage projects and organize their workspace. People
tend to work on tasks and projects that require use of multiple
applications and files. While Windows allows users to run multiple
applications, it does not provide an easy means to associate and quickly
find the applications and files required for a specific project. With PC
Tools for Windows MultiDesk, users can install several virtual desktops
that each contain all the applications and files related to a specific
task, making the project easier to manage.

Problem: Windows File Management Is Under Powered

Solution: PC Tools for Windows File Manager

PC Tools for Windows File Manager simplifies everyday tasks, such as
copying, moving, deleting and mailing files, by reducing mouse clicks and
keyboard strokes. The products' 80 file viewers, which is double the
number of viewers found in most competitive products, display text and
graphics files in their native format, without needing to load the host
application. SmartFind quickly combs a hard disk for specific text or
data. The customizable interface allows users to place their most
often-used commands at their fingertips as part of a toolbar.

PC Tools for Windows also contains a robust PKZIP-compatible file
compression and decompression module, which reduces file size for faster
modem and network file transfers. The compression process operates
seamlessly with File Manager, providing users the ability to search, view
and open compressed files.

Len Jordan, product manager for PC Tools for Windows at Central Point
added: "The productivity capabilities in PC Tools for Windows represent a
natural extension of the operating environment and conform to all
appropriate Windows standards. The Windows Program Manager and File
Manager both remain fully intact."


Problem: The Windows System Is Unprotected and Subject to Damage

Solution: WinShield Data Protection

PC Tools for Windows' DiskFix module enables users, for the first time
from within Windows, to schedule automatic repair of common hard disk
problems, such as lost data clusters or corrupted File Allocation Tables
(FATs) or directories. These problems can result in system failure if not
repaired. Emergency Disk enables users to restore unbootable systems. PC
Tools for Windows also includes enhanced versions of Central Points
award-winning Central Point Anti-Virus for Windows and Central Point Backup
for Windows.

PC Tools for Windows offers a full set of native Windows data
protection tools. Consequently, Windows users no longer need to exit out
to DOS to perform these functions.


Problem: Windows Consumes System Resources

Solution: Optimizer and System Consultant

PC Tools for Windows' Optimizer and System Consultant enhance system
performance without requiring expensive hardware upgrades. Optimizer fixes
the worst Windows performance problem - hard disk fragmentation. Hard disk
fragmentation results from DOS inefficient, random system of storing
clusters of data. Entirely from within Windows, Optimizer automatically
defragments the hard disk drive, rearranging the data clusters into a more
logical order whenever the system remains idle for an extended period of
time. Regular use of PC Tools for Windows' Optimizer can increase overall
system speed by up to 30 percent.

System Consultant offers more than 400 reports detailing hardware and
software aspects of the users system and makes more than 50 specific
recommendations as to how to improve efficiency and operation, on both a
hardware and a software level. For example, it will analyze Windows System
Resource usage and recommend changes to Windows system files - win.ini and
system.ini - to optimize overall system performance.


PC Tools for Windows is scheduled to be available later this month for
a suggested retail price (SRP) of $179.95 through major software
distributors and resellers in the United States and Canada.

"PC Tools 8.0 for DOS has been on our hot list since it began shipping
in October. Based on all the indications from our resellers, we expect
Central Point's PC Tools for Windows to be equally, if not more,
successful," said Karen Fuller, vice president of marketing for Merisel.

Registered users of any version of PC Tools for DOS can upgrade to the
Windows version for an SRP of $49.95. Customers in North America can call
(800) 445-4208 to order an upgrade or request additional product


PC Tools for Windows runs on any ISA-, EISA- or
Microchannel-compatible personal computer, with Windows 3.1 running in
enhanced mode. The product requires a 386 processor or better, 4MB of RAM
and 3-14MB of hard disk space for installation, depending upon how many
modules are installed.

Central Point Software, Inc., headquartered in Beaverton, develops,
markets and supports a complete line of utility software products for DOS,
Windows and Macintosh on the desktop, as well as the dominant server
platforms. Founded in 1981, the company now has a worldwide customer base
of five million users. Central Point's products are translated into six
foreign languages and are available in more than 30 countries.

Central Point Software, Inc., Central Point and DiskFix are registered
trademarks, and PC Tools, MultiDesk, WinShield, System Consultant,
SmartFind, Central Point Anti-Virus and Central Point Backup are trademarks
of Central Point Software, Inc. Other product names mentioned herein are
used for identification purposes only and may or may not be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies. All prices listed are
U.S. suggested retail prices and may be subject to change.



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


> Word Perfect 5.2 STR InfoFile "The Finest, most Powerful version yet!"

Version 5.2

Whether or not you have used WordPerfect before, you will find
WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows powerful and easy to use. Our newest features
combined with our other popular features from the past-- like Ruler, Button
Bar, Zoom Edit, Speller, File Manager, and Drag and Drop--make WordPerfect
for Windows your best choice for Windows word processing.

Check out our newest features:
* OLE Support
* Adobe Type Manager Fonts
* Mail-enabled
* Grammatik 5
* QuickFinder
* New Button Bars
* New Macros



Now you can use elements from any Windows 3.1 OLE (Object Linking &
Embedding) server application with your documents. Just by double clicking
on a linked object within your document, you can launch the application
used to create it.


If you are on a network, you can send a document on your screen
immediately via e-mail. Just click on the name of your mail package from
the File menu--you never have to leave WordPerfect! WordPerfect supports
WordPerfect Mail for Windows and any other program following the VIM or
MAPI standards such as cc:Mail, Microsoft Mail, and DaVinci eMail.


To make your documents look better than ever, we've included Adobe Type
Manager (ATM) with WordPerfect 5.2. We have also added a collection of Type
1 fonts. These fonts improve how things look both on-screen and when
printed and will also work with any other Windows application that supports


By popular request, WordPerfect 5.2 now includes a variety of new macros.
The Pleading macro creates custom pleading forms, the Replace macro lets
you search and replace specific formatting codes in a document, and the
Barcode macro inserts a USPostnet barcode anywhere in your document. There
is also a Smart Quotes macro that inserts typeset quality quotes and an
enhanced Glossary macro that lets you create abbreviations for
commonly-used words or phrases-- you type the abbreviation in your document
and simply run the macro to insert the longer term in place of the

The enhanced Envelope macro lets you address and print envelopes fast.
This macro simply takes an address from inside your document and prints it
on an envelope. You have the option to include the return address and the
Postnet bar code which is automatically calculated from the zip code. There
is also a Bullet macro that lets you add bullets to a list in seconds.

We've also included the ability to create custom dialog boxes using the
macro language. And the Macro Command Inserter makes creating macros easier
by making commands more accessible. If you have a question when creating or
running a macro, you can get your answer online, directly from the Help


The File Manager included with WordPerfect for Windows lets you easily
organize and view your documents. You can delete, open, print, copy,
search, and view files, in addition to launching applications. The WP File
Navigator makes it easy to move between directories and drives.You can
easily access your files using the Quick List, which is available in File
Manager as well as from various dialog boxes such as Open File. You can
also add entries to the Quick List which include the files you use most.
Then, simply double-click on the Quick List name and the files are
instantly available.


WordPerfect's Ruler was designed to make formatting easy. The Ruler gives
you access to features that take the work out of word processing. Creating
tables, modifying columns, adjusting tabs and margins, and changing line
spacing are especially easy in WordPerfect for Windows. With the Ruler
feature, all of these tasks are done on screen with no menus or dialog
boxes to open. Justification settings and commonly used fonts and styles
are also right on Ruler buttons for instant access.


It's easier than ever to move or copy text. Simply select your text,
click anywhere in the selection, then drag the text to a new location. You
can do it all with a click of your mouse, bypassing menus altogether. To
copy text, just press the Ctrl key while dragging the selection. And as
always, you can drag and drop graphics just as easily.


The Figure Editor makes it easy to add graphics to your documents for
that certain style and professional touch you want. You can view, retrieve,
modify, and size figures. You can also save or import them into your


Documents created with WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows or DOS are completely
compatible with WordPerfect 5.2. There's no need for any conversion. A
variety of file formats, including other DOS and Windows word processors,
are also easily imported on-the-fly into WordPerfect for Windows.


Need a closer look at your text or graphic? You can display and edit text
and graphics as small as 50% or as large as 400% in the document window.
You can zoom in to edit fine details or zoom out for a bird's-eye view.


WordPerfect has always helped you make sure that your documents were
spelled correctly; now it can check your grammar too. That's because
WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows now includes Grammatik 5. With more than two
million users, Grammatik is the most popular writing improvement tool on
the market. In WordPerfect 5.2, it is available right from the Tools
pull-down menu making it easier to proofread your documents for grammar,
style, and punctuation.


WordPerfect's Button Bar technology makes work easier by letting you
attach menu items or macros to on-screen buttons. So what could be easier
than specialized Button Bars that are already created for you? Our new
Button Bars include merge, macros, format, and generate features. Of

course, you can always edit the Button Bars or create your own.

And by clicking anywhere on a Button Bar with your right mouse button,
you can bring up a QuickMenu of other Button Bars to choose from. This
makes it easy to switch among a variety of Button Bars and quickly access
all your favorite features.


Who hasn't spent time looking for a certain file? QuickFinder makes the
process fast and efficient. It is ideal for users who need to access
information from a large number of documents stored in a variety of
directories. With QuickFinder you can search more than one drive or
directory at a time for files or keywords. You simply build indexes of
files from any drive or directory (local or network). You can create
multiple indexes. Then, in WordPerfect, you choose Find Files from the File
pull-down menu to search for file names, keywords, or phrases in your
index. The result will appear in seconds. Then--from the same dialog
box--you can choose to view or open your documents. And if you add any new
or modified files, you won't have to rebuild the entire index.



WordPerfect for Windows supports almost all of the 1200+ printers that
are supported by WordPerfect for DOS. It also lets you use the Windows
printer drivers. WordPerfect 5.2 also includes extended support for Windows
printer drivers allowing you to print multiple paper sizes as well as
multiple paper orientations (portrait and landscape) in the same document.
WordPerfect for Windows supports all of the WordPerfect character
sets--more than 1500 characters-- and you can see them all on screen.


The WordPerfect keyboard, the CUA keyboard, or keyboards created using
the Keyboard Editor are all available to WordPerfect for Windows users. The
sculptured dialog boxes in WordPerfect for Windows make selecting options
smooth and simple for both keyboard and mouse users.


The Equation Editor lets you include scientific, mathematical, and
technical formulas in your documents. After you have created an equation in
the Equation Editor, you can move and size the equation in normal editing


Perhaps our most popular feature is our toll-free customer support in the
United States and Canada. We're happy to hear from you, so please give us a
call if you need a little extra help.


We recommend a 386 or higher machine and 4 or more megabytes of RAM.
WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows runs on machines running Microsoft Windows
version 3.0 or higher. A hard disk and at least one floppy drive are also
required to run WordPerfect for Windows.

Suggested Retail Price: $495 US/$595 CAN

WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation within the
United States and other countries. Button Bar and WPFile Navigator are
trademarks of WordPerfect Corporation worldwide. All other brand and
product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective



> A "Quotable Quote" Even with all the extra effort.......



> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155
Est. 1985


40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only
Authorized Atari Dealer


202 Roberts St.
East Hartford CT. 06108
Authorized Atari Dealer


907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053
Authorized Atari Dealer


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112
Authorized Atari Dealer


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220
Authorized Atari Dealer


(DEALERS; to be listed here, please drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-93 All Rights Reserved No.9.31
Messages quoted in whole or in part are done so under the Fair Use
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Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of the editors/staff of
STReport International Online Magazine. Permission to reprint articles is
hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Reprints must, without exception,
include the name of the publication, date, issue number and the author's
name. STR, STReport and/or portions therein may not be edited in any way
without prior written permission. STR, STReport, at the time of
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contributors are not and cannot be held responsible for the use or
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