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Silicon Times Report Issue 0926

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing

June 25, 1993 No. 9.26

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32221 ~ 6155

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
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> 06/25/93 STR 926 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - PORTFOLIO NEWS
- SUMMER GAMES? - Blue Ridge Fest - EDHAK NEWS!
- Palmtop Info - STR MailBag - Chip Thieves!
- KCFEST'93 - JAGUAR TIDBITS - STR Confidential


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to participate
in the Fido/NEST/Atari F-Net Mail Network. You may also phone The Bounty
BBS direct @ 904-786-4176, and enjoy the wonder & excitement of exchanging
information relative to computers, worldwide, through the use of excellent
International Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are quite welcome to
join the STReport International Conferences. The Crossnet Code is #34813,
and the "Lead Node" is # 620. All BBS systems are welcome and invited to
participate. Support your favorite computer! Teleconference Today!


to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!



Our "Ask Atari Corp." project continues ... we are soliciting the next
20 questions to be answered by Bob Brodie, James Grunke and Bill Rehbock.
Send your question(s) to Ron Luks 76703,254.


With the announcement from Sunnyvale on the new JAGUAR Multimedia
Entertainment System, we've added a Message Section and Library to the
ATARI8 Forum. We invite you to join us in sharing news and views of what
promises to be an exciting machine. GO ATARI8 for Section 15 [Jaguar].


Download file 20Q_01.TXT from LIBRARY 15 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for the first 20 QUESTIONS file of questions submitted by the
members to Atari Corp and answered by Bob Brodie, James Grunke and Bill


Download file AGIT.ZIP from LIBRARY 2 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for Agitation. Agitation is easy to learn, tough to solve. This
is the most indescribably difficult, infuriatingly impossible program you
could choose to run!

* create custom puzzles
* upload and share
* point and click puzzle solving
* multiple cheat, peek and help modes
* watch the computer solve puzzles
* custom graphics and dialogs
* check out the other puzzles here online! mono freeware


Download file BSTAT4.LZH from LIBRARY 5 of the Atari Productivity
Forum (GO ATARIPRO) for version 2.46 of B/STAT. B/STAT is a shareware
statistical analysis and business graphics program. It requires a 1
megabyte machine and double sided drive at a minimum. B/STAT makes use of
GDOS or SPEEDO GDOS if installed but requires neither. This is version 2.46
of B/STAT and offers some improvements in graphing over earlier versions.
B/STAT may be registered online by GOing SWREG and selecting ID # 263.


Message Section 12 and Library 12 have been established for online
support of Oregon Research's products. Please read OREGON.TXT in Library
12 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) for an overview of the company.
Also, be sure to check out the other files in the Library for in-depth
information on their entire product line.


Download file FLAGS.LZH from LIBRARY 11 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO
ATARIVEN) for Sample EPS (Adobe Illustrator) files of the new Flags of the
World clipart collection now being sold by Soft-Logik Publishing. The
archive contains four flags.





> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Not too much going on these days except for the "behind the scenes
games... they continue.. <sigh>. One day soon the whole shebang will be
made public so the users can make up their own minds as to who is really
doing what to whom. It will be quite a shock to some folks. But then,
obviously, what goes around comes around.

The summer heat waves and tropical weather patterns are upon us from
coast to coast. The Texas show took place under threats of floods brought
about by a tropical depression in the area. Still the show was a success
and ... it was their first. There more shows planned for the summer and
there is one this weekend. Check out the issue as the show details are

Go to the shows, the beach whatever... enjoy this lovely weather. If
you really want to enjoy it, just think of what last winter was like right
around the January-February time.



** STReport **


The Editorial Staff of STReport International Online Magazine is
pleased to announce the availability of STReport for E-Mail delivery.

For the past several months, our editorial staff has been
experimenting with alternative distribution methods for our magazine. We
are now confident that we can provide STReport to a large number of our
readers who subscribe to GEnie via GEnie E-Mail in a timely and efficient

There is no charge associated with receiving STReport via E-Mail
except for GEnie's own Connect charges (the same as if you were downloading
it from an RT Library).

STReport will be provided to any GEnie subscriber who requests it as
an archived (in LZH format) attached file. Instructions for downloading an
attached file are provided on page 200 on GEnie (Type M200). Downloading
E-Mail utilizes the same transfer protocols as the GEnie RT Libraries, so
there is little difference between downloading from a Library and
downloading an attached file (also called F-Mail).

To request STReport be E-Mailed to you, send E-Mail to J.MIRANDO1
requesting such and you will be put on our "paper route" beginning with the
next issue. Each issue will be uploaded by Saturday evening and will be
available to you immediately. It simply appears in your E-Mail queue!

Wait no more for news and information from the world of computing...

Ask for your STReport deliveries to begin today!


Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Roger D. Stevens Robert Glover R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor Emeritus

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Scott Birch
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT



Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #26

By: John Deegan

WINDOWS PASSES DOS IN SALES - For the first time, North American
sales of programs for Microsoft Corp.'s Windows environment have sur-
passed sales of applications that run on MS-DOS.

Sales of all applications software, including word processors and
spreadsheets, reached $1.46 billion in the first quarter of 1993, which
is an increase in dollar value of 20% from first quarter 1992 and a 26%
rise in unit sales.

Currently Microsoft says it sells more than a million copies of Win-
dows each month. At the same time, the older MS-DOS system now is used
on an estimated 120 million to 140 million PCs.

LANGUAGE SYSTEMS OFFERED - A new language-training system has been
developed by E-Systems' HRB Systems subsidiary and is being offered to
educators, businesses, government agencies and international companies.

The company said the product provides a self-paced and economical
method to achieve conversational fluency. It features foreign films and
users' own personal computers for interactive learning benefits.

ERICSSON OFFERS WIRELESS MODEM - The $775 Mobidem AT, described as
the first commercial packet radio modem that could implement a circuit-
switched AT command set interface, has been developed by Ericsson GE
Mobile Communications Inc.

The firm, a joint venture of General Electric Co. and Ericsson SpA,
said the provides quick compatibility with major computer operating

Revenue Service has reversed an earlier decision and will continue to
allow taxpayers and preparers who file electronically to learn in
advance if their refund will be seized by the agency to pay debts owed
by the taxpayer.

zine in its seventh annual ranking of the richest people in the world
has placed Microsoft's Bill Gates at the top of its U.S. list. Gates,
according to Forbes, has a net worth of $7.4 billion.

SONY, APPLE, KODAK TEAM ON CD-ROM - A jointly-sponsored CD-ROM title
called Open Wider is being released by Apple Computer Inc., Eastman
Kodak Co. and Sony Electronic Publishing.

Reports say the disk was created by New York multimedia design com-
pany Imergy and documents the assembly of Open, a magazine that explores
creativity in the digital age.

COMPUTER CHIP THEFTS INCREASE - Computer chips, described by one
California deputy district attorney as "the dope of the '90s," are being
targeted by daring robbers who sell their high-tech booty for big bucks
on the black market.

Sources say the incentive to steal the tiny chips is high since they
are in such short supply and demand for them is great.

"Pound for pound, [chips are] more valuable than cocaine," said
Julius Finklestein, a deputy district attorney in the Santa Clara
County's high-tech crimes unit.

A typical modus operandi calls for large numbers of armed men to
invade a site, overwhelm and terrorize employees and disappear with the
loot which is then sold for cash to middlemen. Smaller companies are
often targeted because their security systems tend to be less
sophisticated than larger firms.

So far, no one has died in any of the heists, but officials fear
escalating violence.

The most recent theft occurred Tuesday night in San Jose, California
when 10 armed men invaded Bestronics, a circuit board assembly plant.
Using plastic handcuffs, they tied up a dozen workers and stole an
undetermined number of computer memory chips. One employee was badly
beaten, while others were pulled around by their hair. The suspects

LEXMARK, IBM CHASE RIBBON FAKERS - In a Miami sting operation, IBM
and former subsidiary Lexmark International -- working with a federal
judge and the U.S. Marshals Service -- have busted a ring that was
counterfeiting printer ribbons.

David Lyons of The Miami Herald says six people signed consent de-
crees promising never to do it again and to cooperate with the company
in any future investigations.

"It was the third time in the last two years that IBM and its
distributors had swung into action to knock out counterfeiters in South
Florida," Lyons reports. "Their chief weapon: civil lawsuits in federal
court aimed at enforcing IBM's trademark rights."

Earlier Lexmark successfully sued two California companies and four
other firms in South Florida.

The latest targets included Digital Ribbon and Supplies of West Dade,
also known as Superior Ribbons Inc.; Williams Printing Inc. of Hialeah;
and six individuals: Gustavo Ibanez, owner of Superior; Mayda Silva, a
Miami saleswoman; Mario J. Williams Jr. of the printing company; Jose
Peraza, a Miami artist; Juan Marin of Colombia; and Cesar Giron of
Pembroke Pines.

COMPUADD FILES BANKRUPTCY - Saying it has had trouble meeting costs
from the recent closing of its 110 retail stores, the Austin, Texas,
CompuAdd Computer Corp. has filed for protection under Chapter IX of the
federal bankruptcy laws.

CompuAdd's bankruptcy filing lists $80.5 million in assets and $96.2
million in total liabilities. Secured debt totaled $35 million, inc-
luding $10.4 million in disputed claims. Unsecured debt totaled $61.2


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
Where "The Action Is!"

compiled by Joe Mirando

Hi there friends and neighbors! It's a beautiful day in the
neighborhood again today. The sun is out, the air is dry, and the the
breezes are warm. Now all we need is a Falcon or two in every dealer's
showroom, and we'll be all set.

Well, let's get right to the meat of this column. There's lots of stuff to
check out. So... let's get busy!

From the Atari Productivity Forum

In reference to CompuServe's "20 Questions" with Atari, Bob Brodie
tells CISop (that's a Sysop on _C_ompuServe _I_nformation _S_ervice) Ron

"...I really enjoyed the last group of questions, and I know that
James (Grunke) did, too. Even though we didn't get much in the way of
answers from Bill (Rehbock), he enjoyed the opportunity to participate.
We'll rope him in this time. :)"

Ron Luks replies to Bob:

"Questions are already pouring in for the next batch of 20 QUESTIONS in
EMAIL and a few forum messages. (I already have 12 questions submitted). I
will have to take full responsibility for the final questions selected, so
I'll warn you in advance that you'll be getting all the tough ones and I'll
toss the easy ones out. [big grin]

I know the Jaguar isnt under your normal area of expertise, but we will
have one or two Jag questions because the members are VERY interested in
the system. I hope you can route these to the appropriate parties."

Bob replies in his usual jovial way:

"It's great to hear that there is such an interest in the project. I'd be
disappointed if there were not any questions on the Jaguar!!

I hope that we'll be at a point where we can discuss more of the specifics
of the product."

Michael Hogue posts:

"This is my first forum message so bear with me here!! I have an older
Atari system. It is a 520ST with two drives (SF314 & SF354) and a color
monitor (SC1224). It is five or six years old and probably has the oldest
version of TOS around. I would like to be able to download color graphics
from Compuserve and view them. Does my system have that capability? If so,
what is best decompression utility to use and where do I get it? Any info
would be of help!"

CISop Keith Joins tells Michael:

"Your system will work just fine for downloading and viewing graphics
files. For uncompression purposes get ARCLZH.PRG in library 4 of this
forum. it is a self-extracting archive that contains the current ARC and
LZH utilities and a shell program to make their use easier.

For viewing the files visit the Atari Arts forum and look in library 14 for
either PicSwitch or GemView. If you want to leave me a note over there I
will give you the exact filenames of those two programs."

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

That wizzard of computer info, Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine,
talks a bit about Kodak Photo-CD:

"Photo CD is quite amazing isn't it. I'll be sure to take at look at those
pictures too. I'm very interested to see how virtual bookmaker for the
Atari is. It seems like it should be very similar in design to intergrate
sound and Photo CD pictures as Tempra Show."

Greg Kopchak tells Albert:

"The 256 color GIF's are nice but you haven't seen Photo CD till you see it
in true color on a large screen TV using the Falcon."

Nathan at DMC one-ups Greg when he adds:

"Or in 1024 x 768 16 million color on a Cybercube card in the VME slot on a
TT using say a MAG monitor. ;-) I also love Kodak's Photo CD."

From the Atari Vendors Forum

Gary Wiltshire asks:

"Does anyone know of a good Pascal compiler for the Amiga or Atari ST a la
Turbo -- preferably with object and unit extensions. UCSD-type p-code
compilers need
not apply."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine tells Gary:

"There are two Pascal compilers for the Atari that are compatible with
Turbo Pascal on the PC. Pure Pascal is supposed to be version 7.x
compatible and is distributed by Gribnif. I don't know how much object
oriented stuff is available in it however.

The other compiler is by Hisoft and distibuted in the US by Oregon
Research. Its at least version 5.0 compatible with the PC version.

You can contact the vendors in the (GO ATARIVEN) forum on CIS. Or you can
contact them via phone. If you need the phone numbers leave another
message or download the file VENDOR.DAT. Vendor.dat is an ascii file with
the names, addresses and phone numbers of vendors and developers. Its
available in this forum for download."

On the subject of the software provided with ICD products, David Hagood

"I think I may have found a bug in ICDFMT and IDCHECK:

I was attempting to (re-)format a friend's HD. It was connected to my TT
via an ICD host adapter, with my own hard drives on the TT's SCSI bus.
While the system booted and saw my friend's drive, as did HDUTIL. But
running IDCHECK or ICDFMT locked up when it tried to scan the drive."

Ron Perry asks about converting fonts from one computer platform to

"I have several PageStream fonts (PageStream format, not Type 1) that I
would really like to be able to use on my Mac as well as on my ST. Is there
any program available (either on the Atari or Mac platforms) that will
convert these fonts?"

Mike Loader at Soft-Logic Publishing tells Ron:

"You can convert PageStream fonts to Type 1 fonts with FontDesigner from
MegaType software. These will be PC format Type 1 fonts. From there, you
can copy them to a Mac, and I believe there are PD mac programs to convert
PC to Mac format postscript fonts."

Lee Hoffner asks a short but to the point question about the SST
accelerator board from Gadgets by Small:

"How much is the SST board?"

Mark at Gadgets by Small tells Lee:

"The Suggested Retail Price for the SST "bare board" is $599. The
bare board does not include any fastram and does not include the '030
or FPU.

I have the prices for boards with the '030 and/or FPU and/or fastram
but, frankly, the price list I have is so out of date that I am sure a
better deal can be had.

Generally, you can find 33mhz 68030 chips for around $125-$150
through places that sell "used" chips (pulls).

The FPU isn't really needed unless you use DynaCADD.

The fastram requires either 4 or 8 1-meg 80ns (or faster) SIMMs.
These are available thru NUMEROUS places and run around $30-$35."

Lee replies to Mark:

"I don't use DynaCADD, but I do use Minicad+ for the Macintosh under
Spectre. Would that be a deciding factor re: buying the FPU?"

Mark answers Lee:

"Currently, Spectre doesn't support the FPU on the SST (or in the TT for
that matter) very well under Mac emulation. Some programs recognize the
FPU and others don't. This is one "bug" that Dave still needs to work out
in a future version of Spectre software.

I'd recommend you not purchase an FPU at this time if you're not using
DynaCADD. You can add one at any time. I'd wait till Spectre better
handles the Atari's FPU."

Lee asks one more question:

"Due to my lack of any Macintosh System disks to do a proper installation
from, I have been running off of a version of 6.0.4 which I had been given
copies of from other Mac users. I was also running Dayna's DOS Mounter with
no problems.

Yesterday, I purchased System 6.0.8 and installed it the proper way, using
the Installer application. After doing this, every time I put a floppy into
my Mega's drive, Spectre would crash. Pressing the keypad "*" key wouldn't
recover the program. After rebooting, I removed the DOS Mounter init from
the System folder and Spectre stopped crashing.

I'm running Spectre 3.0. Have I just installed a System version that is not

compatible with Spectre 3.0? Or is my problem caused by something else?"

Mark tells Lee:

"Actually, you were probably doing better with System 6.0.4. System 6.0.5
is the highest >recommended< version to use with Spectre at this time. Many
users have reported success with System 6.0.7 and 6.0.8 but, frankly, I had
problems with them when I tried them on my Spectre system many months back.

It might simply be that your version of DOS Mounter is not compatible with
6.0.8. Or, it might be that the combination of the two is what causes
Spectre to act funky.

I'd switch back to 6.0.4 and stay there until a newer version of the
Spectre software comes along."

From the Atari Portfolio Forum

CISop BJ Gleason tells us:

"Before the concept of shareware, people used to write everything for free.
Then shareware came, and the major applications asked for money fine. But
they everybody and their brothers started writing stuff and putting
shareware notices on it. I've seen shareware notices that are larger than
the actual program! As a programmer, I know that the program could have
only taken a few minutes to write, chances are they wrote it for
themselves, and decided to distribute it. But ya know, chances are, they
have used public domain and freeware before, and I thing that they should
give a little back.

Plus the concept of shareware runs against the idea of utilites. Most
utilties are "use once" A program to unprotect a game, translate a
document, etc. Most utilities are used once and then thrown away.
Shareware typically requires that if you use the program for 30 days or
more, you should pay for it. Most utilities aren't used that often.

I think that there are a number of people out there who are trying to get
too greedy, and that everything needs a price tag. I've seen people get
bitter and lash out that "80 people have downloaded by program and no one
has registered!" It could be that the program is just crap, or it is a one
off utility.

As for myself, the trick isn't writing the utiltiy, it knowing how to write
it. A program to convert Epson to HP printer control codes is easy to
write, but getting the control codes is a bit tougher. I do write a fair
amout of my own utilities, many which I keep to myself, since they are so
"unique" and wouldn't have any broad based uses.

As for the wish lists, it actually a combination of all of those. I would
write a program for the port, and post it, and people would use it. Or
they make a suggestion, and I have something like it, so I change it and
post it. And the others are ones I have though about, but never did until
a real need arose. And there have been ones I have written that I have
never used. For example, I wrote a program to search multiple address files
for text. I don't need it since I only have one address file on my port,
but other people wanted it, so I wrote it [it was easy enough]..."

Barry Childress posts:

"I ask for money on my shareware for several reasons, non of which you
mentioned in your note. I'm not greedy if I ask for money. I need it to
support my wife and 4 kids. I'm a cost accountant who started moon lighting
as a programmer over 10 years ago. Being labeled as a "hacker" has hindered
my professional employment potential. Contracting and shareware are my only
hopes of income.

The other reason I ask for money is a copyright on a free program has very
limited legal protection. A copyright infringement on a free program cannot
seek damages (there are none since the program is free.) A Court ordered
Cease and desist can be ignored for years before any detrimental action can
be taken against the company.

I believe there is one case where a company was stealing free programs as
their own. After a couple of years of ignoring court orders to stop they
finally closed down and reopened under a new name so the whole process had
to begin again.

<<Before the concept of shareware,...>>

Shareware came shortly after the PC revolution. Which has made programming
available to the "common man" rather then just the select few who had
access to a mainframe. In some ways this is just like culture shock of
moving from a small town to a big city. Sorry but we just can't leave the
doors unlocked any more."

Paul Panudy "sends up an SOS":

"I need urgent help! My Port has suddenly failed and although I have all
files backed up both to Ram cards and my PC, I have no software to access
the files. I have been informed it will take around four weeks to repair
the Port (in the UK)!!! Are there any utilities in any of the libraries
which run on a PC and can access the Port's Diary and Worksheet files? I
can get to the Note and Address files with a text editor but not the two
most important areas for me. I do not want to have to pay out any more
money for this software - this is the third time the Port has let me down
and there will not be a fourth! Anyone want to buy 2x128kb ram cards and a
parallel i/f?"

That programming fool, CISop BJ Gleason tells Paul:

"You can use almost any Spreadsheet to read the WKS files from the

There are also some utilities that will convert the diary files to other

Well folks, that's about it for this week. C'mon back next time and listen
to what they are saying when...



> BLUE RIDGE ATARIFEST'93 STR SHOW NEWS "The Summertime Atari Event!"

1993 Blue Ridge ATARIFEST


The Blue Ridge Atari Computer Enthusiasts (BRACE) and Computer Studio
invite you to participate in the Fourth Annual Blue Ridge AtariFest in
beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. Show dates and times are:

Saturday July 24, 1993 10am - 6pm
Sunday July 25, 1993 Noon - 5pm

Just as in previous years, we have arranged for FREE Booth space for Atari
developers!! (We're only requesting the donation of a door prize).

We can promise both developers and show-goers an energetic and exciting
show with as enthusiastic a crowd of Atarians as you'll find anywhere, plus
the support of Computer Studio in the mall.

We're once again taking over the Courtyard Shop (mall) area at Westgate
Shopping Center for the show (location of Computer Studio), plus the use of
vacant store spaces for seminar sessions. Seminar sessions will be 45
minutes in length, and developers are welcome to conduct a seminar on their
product line or approved topic of their choice (seminar sessions are
limited, so first come, first served).

This year's show dates also coincide with Asheville's annual Bele Chere
street festival, when downtown Asheville is closed to vehicular traffic and
becomes what must be one of the largest street fairs in the country.
Westgate Shopping Center is one of the primary Park-and-Ride shuttle
centers for transporting people to and from downtown, and we've arranged to
have the shuttle service pick up at the front entrance of the mall and drop
off at the rear entrance, so everyone taking the service from Westgate WILL
walk through the AtariFest exhibition area sometime during the day. This
will be a great opportunity to showcase Atari and Atari related software
and peripherals, and introduce them to people who aren't already Atari
owners. Bringing in NEW blood is the key to the growth of this platform,
and this will be our opportunity to begin that process with a captive

Additional discussions of the show, as well as confirmations of your
participation, are welcome in GEnieMail and in the Blue Ridge
AtariFest topic 13 in Category 11 here on GEnie.


Where: Westgate Shopping Center - Asheville, N.C.

Take any major highway into Asheville (US 19-23, US 26 or I-40) to the
I-240 loop, then take the "Westgate/Hilton Inn Drive exit" into the
Westgate Shopping Center parking lot.

When: 24-25, July 1993
Time: 10:am to 6:pm SAT
12 Noon 'til 5pm SUN

Points of contact:

Come for a day or come for the weekend,
but do come and enjoy yourself.

Great Smokies Hilton Resort Hilton Inn Drive (704)254-3211
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-733-3211

Radisson One Thomas Wolf Plaza (704)252-8211
Rate: $62.00 per room (1-4 people)

====== Additional Hotel / Motel Information ===========

Days Inn I-26 and Airport Road (704)684-2281
I-40 Exit 55 (704)298-5140

Econo Lodge US 70 East, I-40 Exit 55 (704)298-5519

Holiday Inn 275 Smoky Park Hwy (704)667-4501
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-HOLIDAY

Red Roof Inn I-40 and US 19-23 Exit 44 (704)667-9803
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-843-7663

Budget Motel I-40 Exit 44 (Enka-Chandler)
West Asheville Exit (704)665-2100 Best
Western Asheville Central 22 Woodfin St (704)253-1851

========= Local Bed & Breakfast lodging Information =========

Aberdeen Inn 64 Linden Ave (704)254-9336
Albemarle Inn 86 Edgemont Road (704)255-0027
Applewood Manor 62 Cumberland Circle (704)254-2244
The Bridle Path Inn Lockout Road (704)252-0035
Cairn Brae B & B 217 Patton Mountain Rd (704)252-9219
Carolina B & B 177 Cumberland Ave (704)254-3608
Cedar Crest Victorian Inn 674 Biltmore Ave (704)252-1289
Corner Oak Manor 53 St. Dunstan (704)253-3525
Cornerstone Inn 230 Pearson Dr (704)253-5644
Flint Street Inn 100 & 116 Flint Street (704)253-6723
The Lion and The Rose 276 Montford Ave (704)255-7673
The Ray House B & B 83 Hillside St (704)252-0106
Reed House 119 Dodge St (704)274-1604
The Wright Inn 235 Pearson Drive (704)251-0789]

A more complete listing of Bed & Breakfasts can be obtained through the
Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Reservations should be made immediately, as July is the height of our
tourist season.

=========== CAMP GROUNDS ================

(reservations are a must during this time of season):

Mount Pisgah:
About 20 miles southwest of Asheville on the Blue Ridge Parkway at
mile post 408.6 (National Park Service). 690 acres. Elevation 5000'. One of
the nicest campgrounds in Western North Carolina. 67 tent sites, 70 RV
sites. For reservations: P.O.Box 749, Watnesville, N.C. 28786; phone (704)
235-9109. No showers. Groceries and restaurant. Nature program. 14 day
stay limit.

Lake Powhatan:
4 miles south of Asheville on State road 191, 3.5 miles west on SR
806. 30 acres. 98 tent/rv sites. Reservation available thru Mistix
1-800-283-CAMP. Disposal station. No showers. Swimming; lifeguard; fishing;
nature trails; bicycles. 14-day stay limit.

While in the area, you might want to consider a little sightseeing,
and include a visit to the Biltmore House here in Asheville (the largest
single family residence ever built in the U.S.--its a "castle"). A visit to
the Biltmore can be a full-day's activity as you will want to view the
house, visit the winery, and walk some of the grounds and gardens.


The House 9 am to 6pm The Gardens 9am to 7pm
Conservatory 9am to 5:30pm
The Winery Monday-Saturday 11am to 7pm Sunday 1pm to 7pm

Other areas of interest include; the Thomas Wolf home (adjacent to the
Raddison), the Blue Ridge Parkway and Folk Art Center. A drive up the Blue
ridge Parkway to enjoy the higher elevations and incredible views of our
mountains. Perhaps a hike up to Mount Pisgah and look back down to
Asheville(you can see Mt. Pisgah from most anywhere in Asheville). A short
drive from Mt. Pisgah will take you to Sliding Rock (for those of you
travelling with kids who are still kids at heart), the Cradle of Forestry
(first forest school in the country), waterfalls, trout hatchery, etc. For
the adventurous, white water rafting on the Natahala River near Bryson
City (approx one and a half hours from here).

There's obviously loads more to see and do around Asheville (in
addition to the Blue Ridge AtariFest and a visit to Computer Studio :-). If
any of y'all would like maps and additional tourist info of the area I
might suggest contacting the Chamber of Commerce:

Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce
151 Haywood Street
P.O. Box 1010
Asheville, NC 28802
704-258-6111 FAX: (704)251-0926

The Blue Ridge Atari Computer Enthusiasts (BRACE) and Computer STudio
invite you to participate in the fourth annual Blue Ridge AtariFest on
Saturday, July 24 and Sunday July 25, 1993. The show will take place in
the Courtyard Shop area of Westgate Shopping Center in Asheville, North
Carolina (Home of Computer STudio). We are still signing up additional
exhibitors, but those who have already made a firm committment to attend
include (Alphabetical Listing):

Accusoft-ST ............................. PD/Shareware Software
(Clip Art Libraries)

Barefoot Software ....................... Professional MIDI Software
applications (SMPTETrack,
EditTrack Platinum,
GenEdit, EZ Score Plus,

Codehead Technologies ................... Productivity software &
enhancements (G+Plus,
MultiDesk Deluxe, HotWire,
CodeHead Utilities, Warp 9,
Calligrapher, MaxiFile,
Lookit & Popit, Avant
Vector, MegaPaint, TOS
Extension Card, etc.)

Computer STudio ......................... Visit a 'real' Atari
Dealership in the mall
(Atari computer systems,
software and accessories)

DMC Publishing .......................... Desktop Publishing System
Solultions (Calamus/SL,
PKS Write, Outline Art,
Invision Elite, tms
Cranach Studio, etc.)

GEnieLamp/GEnie ......................... Telecommunications and
Electronic Publishing

Magic Software .......................... Entertainment Software
(New products unveiling!)

Missionware Software .................... (Flash II, lottODDS,
Printer Initializer, etc.)

Showtimes are 10:am - 6:pm on Saturday, and noon - 5:pm on Sunday. Seminar
sessions will be scheduled throughout the show.

Since this year's show coincides with Asheville's annual Bele Chere Street
Festival, we are not having a Saturday evening banquet, but are instead
encouraging guests to hop the shuttle bus at the front entrance of the mall
and spend Saturday evening downtown enjoying the outdoor festivities (live
entertainment, food booths of all types, dancing, etc.).

Advance registration is only $3, or $4 at the door. Additional information
about the show and Asheville's Bele Chere festival will be mailed to all
who pre-register in advance. Door prize winners will also be selected from
registered guests. Advance registration checks should made out to
"COMPUTER STUDIO" and mailed to:

Computer STudio
Westgate Shopping Center
40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806

For additional information, please contact either:

Sheldon Winick Cliff Allen, Show Coord.
Computer STudio Internet: CALLEN@UNCA.EDU
Westgate Shopping Center phone: (704) 258-3758
40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
(704) 251-0201




An Editorial
by Joe Mirando

Throughout the past four months, the question that I've been asked the
most (at least on GEnie) is : "Aren't you putting out STReport anymore?"

If you are reading this, you know that the answer is a resounding "Yes,
we are, we are just not in the ST RoundTable anymore".

I'll go over the reason quickly for anyone who doesn't know the whole
story. Basically Darlah, the contract-holder for the ST RoundTable decided
that, since the one and only ad in each and every issue of STReport
contained the mention of other types of computers, it would not be allowed
in the RoundTable.

This was only the last in a long line of "problems" that Darlah and her
attendant sysops had with STReport. We were given the option of either
removing the ad and being allowed to remain in the RoundTable, or leaving
the ad in and being expelled from that lofty place.

Since we have never taken kindly to being told what we could or could
not include in our magazine, we opted for the second choice. All copies of
STReport were quickly removed from the library, and the STReport Category
in the message base was first closed and then removed. In an effort to
justify these actions, the STRT sysops let it be known that space in the
message base area was precious, and that it was needed for other Categories
and Topics, and that they were concerned about liability because there were
complaints about ABCO, the one company whose ad appeared in previous
editions of STReport.

Let's take these one at a time, shall we? First of all, the Category
and Topic space that seemed so precious to these people just four months
ago still lies unused and unassigned. What happened? The apparent answer
is simple: Nothing. Space in the message base apparently was not the
issue, the issue was STReport.

Second, the RoundTable's liability for things printed in STReport. The
courts have ruled that databases such as GEnie are not liable for files
uploaded there. The case involved CompuServe, a GEnie rival, and the
largest online service. The court ruled that CompuServe was no more liable
for material contained in files uploaded to it than a magazine store was
for the contents of the magazines that it offered for sale.

As it happened, I was informed of the impending closing of the STReport
category and the removal of all issues of STReport from the library ahead
of time. Just before the closing of the entire category, I posted a
message announcing the availability of STReport via GEnie E-Mail. I had
spent many hours combing through the rules and regulations associated with
GEnie's E-Mail service and was confident that we could supply our magazine
to a large number of people in an efficient manner.

In retrospect, we should not have been surprised when the announcement
was unceremoniously deleted by Darlah, but the truth is that we were.
After all, here was a woman who had gone out of her way time and time again
to drum into peoples' heads that she did not delete files or messages just
because she didn't like their contents.

Darlah did, however, e-mail me with an explanation. Her note said that
she deleted our post because, according to her understanding of E-Mail
regulations, what we were proposing was not allowed. Being the
level-headed, intelligent (not to mention modest) individual that I am, I
sent a note back to Darlah explaining that what we had proposed was not
against GEnie policy, and that I would appreciate her letting me know what
GEnie's legal counsel said about it.

A few days later, I received another note from Darlah. It was tersely
worded and simply restated what I had found out for myself a week before:
Mass-E-Mailings were allowed provided that they were not unsolicited.

With confirmation of what I had already known, I returned to the
STReport Category of the message base to re-post the announcement. Or,
rather, I returned to where the STReport Category _used_to_be_. It was no
longer there. Darlah had seemingly held up the process until the category
was closed. As a result, I now had no place to post the message. I have
no idea whether Darlah had done this on purpose or not, but it does seem
odd that a sysop would not know what was and what was not allowed in

To be quite honest, the loss of the message base category was not
really much of a loss. What had been intended as a place for readers to
voice their suggestions, questions and rebuttals quickly turned into a
place for sysops, sysop wannabees, and friends and/or associates to accuse
STReport of either having an axe to grind, being too negative, or in some
cases, resurrecting stories to try to cause trouble. In the latter case,
these were usually stories that were already a matter of record.
Supporters of STReport were routinely verbally "beaten into submission".
It wasn't long before Sysops and friends posted more often than any other
group... including the entire STReport staff.

Although the announcement of our E-mail delivery had been deleted, the
post had been read by many GEnie regulars. A large number of them
requested E-mail delivery. STReport's "Electronic Home-Delivery" was born
that day. E-mailings began and, as time went on, we learned to make the
process more efficient and a bit more private. Before long we were ready
to re-announce our service.

We began drafting a short press release (it appears elsewhere in this
issue) that we hoped would fully explain the electronic home delivery
service. After many redrafts, we finally had a version that would meet our

We felt the press release got the information across to the public
while leaving behind any of the details of why we were no longer available
in the ST RT. The press release was uploaded to the library and we waited
with great anticipation for its release.

A day passed with files which were uploaded both before and after the
press release being cleared and available for download by subscribers. At
the end of the second day I sent E-mail to Darlah asking for information on
why the file had not been cleared. Her reply in part was:

"...we do not allow files such as this. We have never nor in
the future will we allow a promotion of a file that we don't
allow in our RT nor the facilitating of mail to do so."

So, basically, what she was saying, in our opinion, to us was "we don't
want you in our library and we're going to try to keep anyone else from
finding out that they can get STReport in E-mail". Apparently not all RT
contract holders have the same policies. The very same press release was
posted and accepted in a number of other RTs on GEnie.

At this point, we need a little bit of background. STReport has a
long history of "calling them the way we see them". The ST RoundTable,
on the other hand, has a long history of putting the best face possible on
bad news and either ignoring or rebutting anything it doesn't want to hear.

Needless to say, the two objectives do not often peacefully co-exist. For
the past several years the ST RoundTable has made demands of STReport as
far as content and attitude, requiring that a larger portion of STReport
"promote" GEnie in general and the ST RoundTable in particular.

For these reasons, and many others, it is my opinion that the ST
RoundTable contract-holder has lost sight of the one and only important
facet of her business: The customers. Her moves to bar STReport from her
area have only served to remove yet another resource from the reach of her
customers. And now, instead of allowing the customers to decide whether or
not they wish to read STReport she has seemingly decided for them by not
allowing this simple, inoffensive press release to be uploaded into the
library. Ultimately, one must ask who really is losing out in the end?
STReport feels its the entire Atari community.



STReport International Online Magazine is available every week in the
ST Advantage on DELPHI. STReport readers are invited to join DELPHI and
become a part of the friendly community of Atari enthusiasts there.

Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access
DELPHI services via a local phone call


Via modem, dial up DELPHI at 1-800-695-4002
When connected, press RETURN once or twice
At Password: type STREPORT and press RETURN.

DELPHI's Basic Plan offers access for only $6.00 per hour, for any
baud rate. The $5.95 monthly fee includes your first hour online.

For more information, call: DELPHI Member Services at 1-800-544-4005

DELPHI is a service of General Videotex Corporation of Cambridge, MA.

Try DELPHI for $1 an hour!

For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and
receive 5 hours of evening and weekend access during this month for only
$5. If you're not satisfied, simply cancel your account before the end of
the calendar month with no further obligation. If you keep your account
active, you will automatically be enrolled in DELPHI's 10/4 Basic Plan,
where you can use up to 4 weekend and evening hours a month for a minimum
$10 monthly charge, with additional hours available at $3.96. But hurry,
this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage of this
limited offer, use your modem to dial 1-800-365-4636. Press <RET> once or
twice. When you get the Password: prompt, type IP26 and press <RET> again.
Then, just answer the questions and within a day or two, you'll officially
be a member of DELPHI!


(2) STREPORT 9.24 06/11/93
(3) ZNET9318, JUNE 6
(8) SOS HANGMAN V.2.01

All of the above files can be found in the RECENT ARRIVALS database for at
least one week after the posting of this list. Please Note that in the
case of online magazines, only the most current issue in the database at
the time of this compilation is considered for the Top 10 list. Also, for
all files, a submission is eligible for the Top 10 list for only four weeks
after its original uploading.

DELPHI- It's getting better all the time!



EdHak News ... EdHak News ... EdHak News ... EdHak News ...

** **
** EdHak Version 3.0 Released June 13, 1993 **
** **

If you wish to check out EdHak 3 before buying or upgrading, get the demo
version, ED3DEM.LZH, which is fully functional except for saving files or
new configurations. EdHak 3 still lists for just $29.95. Registered users
of versions 2.30-2.37 can upgrade for $10. For prior versions, the upgrade
fee is $15, which includes the printed manual of v 2.3.

Fully MultiTOS/Falcon TOS compatible;
Allow "kwiksend" from PRG (only useful for MultiTOS);

Fully resizable/movable window;
Can now move window off bottom and right edges of screen;

Horiz Scroll Bar;
Horiz scroll while typing only shifts 10 cols, instead of full window;

Greatly expanded Block handling options:
Added Column (rectangular) block operations;
Shift block right (insert spaces in first column);
Shift block left (delete first column);
Quote block (insert '>' in first column);
Added block Copy function;
Any block operation can be done to/from pastebuffer or clipboard;
Added full Block handling drop-down menu (default if block selected);

Use any of the 3 system font sizes in most resolutions;

Enhanced Scrolling to data outside edit buffer;
No alert box when shifting buffer contents of files bigger than buffer;
If pastebuffer in use when shifting, gives option to save to clipboard;
Easy scrolling to prior/later sections of Disk Sectors;
Easy scrolling to prior/later sections of RAM;

Enhanced text Macro operation;
Pick macro directly from display with mouse or function key;
Allow nulls in macros;
Cursor is set to end of macro after insertion;

Allow saving buffer=>ram block to any RAM address;

Limit how much scrolling will happen after releasing arrow key;

EdHak 3.0 also comes with a new version of Diary, the handy note taker,
that is written totally in assembly language and takes up a mere 22K of
RAM. Diary now even includes EdHak's unique "Kwiksend" function (send a
block to another open application) and EdHak's interface for use as an
editor for other applications (such as used by QuickCIS, the CompuServe
navigator). For programming info on this interface contact Clear Thinking.

Many thanks to all the users who have supported the continued development
of EdHak and Diary with shareware registrations of the early versions,
retail purchases, bug reports, wish lists, helpful information, and
friendly communication.

EdHak and Diary copyright (c) 1990-1993 by:

Craig A. Harvey

Clear Thinking
2753 Plymouth Rd, Suite 137
Ann Arbor, MI 48105

GEnie e-mail: c.harvey
GEnie EdHak/Diary support area: CATegory 2, TOPic 40
CompuServe e-mail: 73047,600
Modem (Clear Thinking BBS): 313-971-6035
Voice: 313-971-8671





The location for the show is Stadium Inn, 7901 E 40 Hwy., The date of
the show will be June 26th and 27th. Ticket prices at the door will be 5.00
dollars each. Advance tickets will be 4.00 dollars each. For advance
tickets, please send 4.00 dollars per ticket to: Kansas City AtariFest,
P.O. Box 1653, Lee Summit, MO 64063 or if you belong to a user group,
please mail a request for a user group information pack. To make room
reservations please call 1-800-325-7901, we are also working with a local
travel agent to get special airfares for the show. You may call
1-800-874-7691 to take advantage of the special fares.

For more information please leave Email as follows; GEnie, B.Welsch,
B.Frazier2, J.Krzysztow, for CompuServe, Leave for Jeff Krzysztow at
74027,707, for Delphi, Bobtrow or you can call (816)224-9021, or mail to
the address listed above.

We hope you will join us to welcome the following companies; Cali-Co
software, ChroMagic Software, Clear Thinking Software, The Codeheads,
Compu-Seller West, D.A. Brumleve, Electronic Spinster Graphics, Fair-Dinkum
Software, Gribnif Software, ICD, MegaType, MissionWare Software, Muller
Automation, New Dimensions Computer Center, Oregon Research, Paper Express,
S.K.Ware, Soft-Logik Publishing, Systems For Tomorrow, Taylor Ridge Books,
Toad Computer and a lot more!! For the 8-bit users, American

For the latest information on GEnie, please check cat 11, topic 8.
Watch for updates to this list. Look for the show reports right here in
STReport following the show.

Bruce Welsch
KCAC Special Events Coordinator


> PDA COMPARISONS STR Spotlight Palmtop Information

CTSY CIS' Palmtop Forum
#: 11830 (H) S16/News/Reviews/Shows
25-Jun-93 02:32:02
Sb: #Nigel PDA comparisons
Fm: Nigel Ballard (Y-UK) [100015,2644]

Nigels PDA comparison chart #5 (25th June)

Model PenPad Zoomer Newton
Designer Amstrad Casio/Tandy Apple
OS by Eden Group GeoWorks GEOS Apple
Recognition by Texas Palm Computing Newt/OS Apple
Ink as data No Yes Yes
Text entry Comb field Comb field Freeform
AGENTS app No No Yes
Multilingual Yes Yes No(special versions)
CPU Z8S180 (16Mhz) X86 variant ARM610 (20Mhz)
CPU maker Zilog Casio custom RISC Machines
System RAM 1Mb(128K user) 1Mb(384k user) ?
System ROM ? 4Mb ?
Display area 2.75x3.5 3.13x4 3x6
Display res. 320x240 320x256 ?
LCD producer Kyocera Casio ?
Backlit disp No No Yes
Battery type 3x AA alkaline 3x AA alkaline 4x

AAA alkaline
Battery life 40Hrs 100Hrs 6-8Hrs
Battery guage Yes No Yes
Battery alarm Yes(beep) Yes(beep) ?
Size 1x4x6 1x4.2x6.8 1x5x7
Weight 14 Ounces 16 Ounces 16 Ounces
Infrared port No Yes H/D (9600) Yes H/D (Sharp protocol)
RS-232C Yes(6pin) Yes(10pin) Yes(LocalTalk)
RS-232 speed 9600 19,200 ?
Card slot 1 PCMCIA 1.0 1 PCMCIA 2.0 2 PCMCIA 2.0 (TRIMbus)
DTMF dialler Yes Yes Yes
Email apps No Yes Yes
Fax/Modem No Yes(external) Yes(external supplied)
PC link s/w Yes(soon) ? Yes
MAC link s/w No No Yes
PC forms s/w No No Yes
MAC forms s/w No No Yes
Audio generator No Yes Yes
Headphone jack No Yes Yes
Internal games No Uki+Solitare ?
Games buttons No Yes(A+B) No
System password No Yes Yes
Diary Yes Yes Yes
Time/date stamp No No Yes
Alarm functions Yes Yes Yes
Address book Yes Yes Yes (Rolodex type)
INK scratchpad Yes Yes Yes
Graphics apps No ? Yes
To-do list Yes Yes Yes
Calculator Yes Yes Yes
Conversions Yes Yes Yes
Dictionary No Yes ?
Spell checker No Yes ?
Thesaurus No Yes ?
Lang Translator No Yes ?
World Clock Yes Yes Yes
Form Calculator No Yes Yes
US Holiday info No Yes ?
US City info No Yes ?
US State info No Yes ?
Int. City info No Yes ?
US area codes No Yes ?
US Travel data No Yes ?
Birthstones No Yes ?
Zodiac signs No Yes ?
America Online No Yes No
Internet apps No Yes ?
ASCII text fax No Yes Yes
US Mail gateway No Yes ?
Wire Services No Yes ?
EAASY travel No Yes ?
Pocket Quicken No Yes No
Re-badged No Yes(Tandy/Grid) Yes(Sharp)
Price $459 $699 sub $1000
Availability Now October 93 December 93



MIST Announces AtariFest V!

The Mid-Indiana Atari ST users would like to take this opportunity to
invite you to one of the most successful annual one-day shows in the US.
MIST AtariFest V will be held this year on Saturday, July 31st from 10am
until 5pm at the Best Western Waterfront Plaza Hotel at the crossroads of
America, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Admission to this great event is still only $3 for the entire day.
Door prizes of all shapes, sizes and function will be given away all day,
and Lynx and MIDIMaze tournaments will be held with prizes going to the top
players. Limited edition T-Shirts and special price MIST memberships will
also be available.

Many of your favorite vendors and user groups have already committed
to our show, with many more still planning to come. Some that have already
indicated that they'll be with us include:

Atari Corp's Bob Brodie
Missionware Software (Flash II, CyberPaint)
Mars Merchandising (software and hardware distributors)
KidProgs (KidPublisher Pro, Super KidGrid, MultiPlay)
Gribnif Software (NeoDesk, Arabesque, STalker, CrazyDots, PureC)
LCACE (Waukegan, IL)
CUSTUG (Champaign, IL)
STAR (Belleville, IL)
CRAG (Crown Point, IN)
THEAUG (Terre Haute, IN)
ASCII (Indianapolis, IN)
BLAST (Bloomington, IN)

Space is still available to both commercial vendors and users' groups.
The deadline for reserving tables has been extended until July 1st. Our
price is still a modest $50 per table ($10 for users' groups). Contact me
for reservation forms or more information.

The Best Western Waterfront Plaza offers discount prices to attendees
of the show. Mention us and get a single room for $53 or a double for $59.
The Waterfront features large rooms and exceptional pool and recreational
facilities. Special arrangements can be made for non-smokers, handicapped
and those guests with small children.

We're located just 5 miles from the Indianapolis International
Airport. Shuttle service is available to those travelling by air. For
those arriving by car, take I-465 to the Speedway/Crawfordsville exit
(I-465 South from I-65 Chicago or I-74 Terre Haute or I-70 Columbus Ohio,
I-465 West from I-69 Fort Wayne or I-65 Louisville, I-465 North from I-70
St. Louis). Go west on SR 136 and take the first left outside of I-465.
The Waterfron Plaza is 1/2 ahead on your right.

I hope to see you there on July 31st. If you'd like more information
about our show, contact Bill Jones at The Zoo BBS (317) 356-5519, or direct
at (317) 352-9878.


> NVN WANTS YOU! STR InfoFile Another Network Supports Atari!


The Atari computer platform has support on yet another top notch
telecommunications service! National Videotex Network (NVN) maintains an
area just for our favorite computers. Type GO ATARI Order an extended NVN
Membership of 6 or 12 months, pay for it in advance and receive a bonus in
connect time at no additional charge.

NVN lowers its connect time charges!
$5/hour non-prime time (EST. 7pm - 9am weekdays and all day weekends)
$8/hour prime time (EST 9am - 7pm weekdays)

Choose from two great subscription plans:

6-Month Membership

Pay just $30 for a 6-month Membership and receive a usage credit that
entitles you to $15 of connect-time in the Premium services of your
choice. Your total savings using this plan would be over $20!

12 Month Membership

Pay $50 for a full year's Membership and get even more free time on-line.
We'll give you a $25 usage credit to use in your favorite premium services
or try out new ones. You could save as much as $45. NVN now offers
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). For a $2 per month service charge,
customers may have their NVN online charges automatically debited from
their personal checking accounts. Please contact Client Services for this
new feature!

For more information about either of these plans..

Please, give us a call at; 1-800-336-9096.

You can join NVN one of two ways...
By voice phone 1-800-336-9096 (Client Services)
or via modem phone 1-800-336-9092.

NVN Highlights

1. For the newcomers ....
3. A library built *just* for business people
4. Board Certified Psychiatrist heads up the new Substance Abuse Forum
5. VETERANS: Please report to the Military Forum <GO MILITARY> for C&D.
6. Step out into the Great Outdoors Forum <GO OUTDOORS>
7. We've got just the cure for your medical information needs
8. The Diabetes & Hypoglycemia Support Forum is now online.
9. SOUND OFF!!! Take our Game Survey
10. Let's talk about Coins
11. Call all DISNEYphiles! Join the gang! <GO AMERICA>.
12. Amiga Forum now available for Amiga and Desktop Video enthusiasts!
13. NEW Email enhancements are on-line. Including personal mailing lists!


> STR Mail Call "...a place for the readers to be heard"

STReport's MailBag

Messages * NOT EDITED * for content

From Delphi's Atari Area

56068 22-JUN 00:37 General Information

Here is an interesting conversation which came from a recent Internet
conference concerning the Summer CES...

<gasman> How was the Jaguar?

<JBHorwitz> The Jaguar was shown on a video-tape and in photographs of the
unit which Garry Tramiel showed me. He was extremely nice to show me the
tape and photos. The tape showed some moderately impressive video-effects -
things that could be done on the SNES, followed by some games that looked
like a combination between IBM PC games and Lynx stuff. There was a Gates
of Zendacon type shooter with large, dopey looking characters (I don't know
if it's actually coming out or if it was just a demo) and a polygon flight
simulator with a futuristic craft of some sort, which looked OK. It's
supposed to have vast power, so we'll see what it does in the future. The
photos were pretty. Well, how should I put this? The system looks like an
Atari-light grey version of the PC Engine Shuttle, but larger by a slight
factor. The center/top of the unit (near the "engines") has a square box
cut out where a CD-ROM drive is supposed to fit. The unit looks somewhat
weird. The joysticks: Take two Genesis pads, put them on top of one
another, retain the odd shape of how'd they'd look together and fill in the
hole between the two controllers in the middle. Then, color them light
grey, and put a numeric keypad (with blue/grey buttons) on the top of the
controller, and leave the joypad and three buttons on the bottom. That's
the controller.

I have the distinct feeling that the Jaguar did not blow this person away
simply because what was shown was most likely a handful of brief demos
which Atari software writers came up to test the hardware capabilites - not
to impress anyone inparticular. On ce the 3rd party developers get their
hands on the machine, and learn how to write for it (from what I have
heard, many companies already have developer units), the results will be
nothing less than spectacular!

- Chris

FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit>

55809 14-JUN 00:37 News & Reviews
Songs that mark significant points in yo

How dare the sun shine so brightly on one of the gloomiest days of my
life? As I left the CT AtariFest the sun was shining brightly but my mood
was somber. Wandering the sparsely populated vendor and user group tables
at the Fest had finally etched into my being the truth that I had
suppressed for so long, my days of being an Atarian were over. Truly one
of the saddest times of my life. Maybe it doesn't rate up there with my
divorce or the loss of some very close family members over the years, but
outside of family matters it is one of, if not THE, saddest days of my
life. I guess that just goes to show how close to family many of my Atari
friends have become over these last 7 years or so.

At the show there was virtually no new software, and the new "HOT" games
were mediocre at best if you look at the crop of cutting edge games coming
out daily for the Clones. Most of the new hardware that was shown was very
specialized, impressive YES, but not for the average user.

I got my first look at the new Falcon, and even played around with one
for about a half hour at the East Hartford Computer table. (gives you an
idea of just how meager the attendance was when 1 person can sit <alone> at
the new machine for that long) A very nice machine, undoubtedly the best
TOS Atari has done to date. Sadly, it's an Atari so I know (IMHO) it will
languish with virtually no support just as the ST, STe, and TT have for all
these myears.

......anyways, back to that somber ride home...... As I turned out of the
Windsor Court parking lot and headed for the highway a song came on the
radio that only worsened my mood. Here is the song with some minor changes
to fit the scenario <amazing how few were required>, and sincere apologies
to Mr. Peter Cetara.(SP?)

In order to get all the words to the song I had to sit in front of my
stereo for quite some time with the rewind and play buttons on a tape I
made of the song. All the while there was a huge lump in my throat, heck
the lump is still there now. I fully expect this song to be one of those
songs that define major points in your life. Some you want to listen to
because they bring back good memories, and others you can't listen to
because of the pain. This song will belong to the latter group for me.

NOTE: changes and/or additions are in parentheses

Even A Fool Can See
(With apologies to Peter Cetara)

One big happy (Atari) family, together the rest of our lives.
As far as our friends were concerned, everything seemed right.

That's when (it was shown) to me, (I knew) it was time to move on.
Just something that (I) kept inside that told me the thrill was gone.

And now I can't believe, I can't believe it's over.
Suddenly it's plain to see (I'm leavin' Atari).
Even a fool can see, there's nothing left between us.
Knew all along that somethin' was wrong, did my best to deny it.
And now I can't go on, (I'm off to buy a Clone).
So tell everyone who misses me, I'm all right, even a fool can see.

There were times we had nothing. Yet somehow we laughed through it all.
There are moments I'll never forget, and some I wouldn't care to recall.

And still I can't believe, I can't believe it's over.
Suddenly it's plain to see (I'm leavin' Atari).
Even a fool can see, there's nothing left between us.
Knew all along that somethin' was wrong, did my best to deny it.
And now I can't go on, (I'm off to buy a Clone).
So tell everyone who misses me I'm all right, even a fool can see.

Nothing more to talk about, It's over when it's over.
In the end you both stop tryin', in the end it's all so sad and you're

But still I can't go on, (I'm off to buy a Clone).
So tell everyone who misses me that I'm all right, even a fool can see.
Won't you tell me that I'm all right, even a fool like me?
I'm all right, even a fool can see.

Wayne <still can't believe as I upload this>

55835 14-JUN 23:48 News & Reviews
RE: Songs that mark significant points i (Re: Msg 55809)

Wayne, it was nice seeing you again, but it was not as dismal as all that,
if Atari had semt some more Falcons to the three Authrised dealers they
would also have sold, there was some new hardware for the Falcon and
possable for the ST market. GRANTED Atte ndence was low but hell it close
to 90 outside both days so only fanatics showed up all the other folks most
likely went to the beach. Don't throw dirt on the coffen just yet.

South Shore Atari Group
BoSTon MA !

55856 16-JUN 00:37 News & Reviews
RE: Songs that mark significant points i (Re: Msg 55809)

Very creative Wayne. It happens that all the British mags that were saying
gloom and doom the last few months changed their tune this June. Hopefully
you can too. The Falcon has sparked an overnight onslaught of new
software...much if not most of which is ST compatible too. In fact the
Brits say the reported incompatibilities between ST and Falcon are
overblown. So long as software was properly written (all GEM programs, and
most non-GEM applications, and many adventure games...not so with arcade
games though) the Falcon will run existing ST stuff. And as I said, a lot
of the new Falcon stuff will run on the TruePaint (although only
in ST hi-res)

Anyhow, this may be the ONE TIME to not get our daubers down. This may be
the ONE TIME TO DO A LITTLE STREET DANCIN'! We'll see. The Brits are a
couple months ahead of us here in the states (product wise).

Here in Texas, we are having TWO Atari shows for the first time I can
recall. San Antonio this weekend, and Houston on August 21st.

I have an IBM and my daughter has a clone. But the computer I use 90% of
the time is the ST. It's really a case of you can have your cake and eat
it too. Prices on clones are really low, and that's the reason for the
above statement. It's not that the prices drive you to using clones UNLESS
YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN. I'm feeling better about it now that I have for
the last year or so. Hope you are (will be) too!

55873 16-JUN 23:29 News & Reviews
RE: Songs that mark significant points i (Re: Msg 55809)

Wayne, I was unable to attend the show but can understand your mood. Of the
couple of friends I talked to they stated the same, that the Falcon is a
nice machine but still far too expensive and too slow to really stand up
against the clones. Maybe the specialization of different areas is the only
hope that the Falcon has, But I agree with you that none of the new games I
have witnessed, coming for the ST/Falcon line are even in the same league
as thier clone brother's. And there is still far too few vendors offering
support. It would be nice to have a Falc that I could hook up to the same
VGA that my PC uses, but alas at 1200 $$$$ it's too pricy. Was it really
that meger a crowd or was the room just bigger ? I heard they had about the
same attendence, maybe a bit less, also that the Consumer/office part of it
was a big bust with many vendors packing up early.

55877 17-JUN 04:59 News & Reviews
RE: Songs that mark significant points i (Re: Msg 55873)

I didn't attend on Saturday which always has higher attendance and Sunday
was pretty sparse last year also. The room was definitely bigger than last
year. I didn't realize just how big it was, it sure looked smaller a few
weeks ago when the Clone boys were there at a PC Fair. :-) So the
attendance #'s may have been close to last years, I'll take their word for

I don't know about the Consumer/office part, that room was empty on
Sunday. There were only a couple of those vendors left in the lobby on
Sunday. So yes I would have to guess that portion of the Fest was a bust.


55947 20-JUN 11:54 News & Reviews
RE: Songs that mark significant points i (Re: Msg 55882)

I thoroughly agree that Atari has a much brighter outlook now than in the
past few years and I do hope that they make a major comeback. However I
don't see the Atari acheiving the heights it had in 1986 as far as
developer support which is what has prompted my decision more than

As I said in a few of my posts, the Falcon is a nice machine and probably
the best TOS that Atari has ever done.

My assessment of the show however is based on several things. The
attendance was not very good. Instead of slightly less, or equal to last
years show *I* feel is should have been even better attendance since there
will be no WAACE this year. That makes the CT Fest the ONLY NorthEast show
which should bring in the largest crowd. The vendors at the show were
great, but even in the course of a few months (last years CT show was held
in the fall) the level of diversity has dropped while the level of
specialization has risen meaning less games and general software and more
specialized (i.e. DTP, and Graphics) soft/harware. That's something I
don't think will help Atari, they need to create MASS appeal not try to
climb into little niches. (IMHO)

For Atari's sake and the sake of all my Atari friends I hope that in a
few years I'll have to consider dropping my Clone and moving to an Atari




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> A "Quotable Quote" Lame attempts at diversions..




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