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Silicon Times Report Issue 0930

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing

July 23, 1993 No. 9.30

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST

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> 07/23/93 STR 930 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - PORTFOLIO NEWS
- NEC-Toshiba mftr RISC - 4FILE VIEW - STR Confidential


STReport International Online Magazine
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This is a GREAT TIME for Atari-related announcements. First, the alliance
between Atari and IBM for the new Jaguar, and now Gribnif Software
announces GENEVA, their new multi-tasking environment. See the GENEVA
press releases in LIB 15 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS) or go to
the Gribnif section/library in the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) for
additional info.


With the announcement from Sunnyvale on the new JAGUAR Multimedia
Entertainment System, we've added a Message Section and Library to the
ATARI8 Forum. We invite you to join us in sharing news and views of what
promises to be an exciting machine. GO ATARI8 for Section 15 [Jaguar].


Download file 20Q_01.TXT from LIBRARY 15 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for the first 20 QUESTIONS file of questions submitted by the
members to Atari Corp and answered by Bob Brodie, James Grunke and Bill


Download file AGIT.ZIP from LIBRARY 2 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for Agitation. Agitation is easy to learn, tough to solve. This
is the most indescribably difficult, infuriatingly impossible program you
could choose to run!

* create custom puzzles
* upload and share
* point and click puzzle solving
* multiple cheat, peek and help modes
* watch the computer solve puzzles
* custom graphics and dialogs
* check out the other puzzles here online! mono freeware


Download file BSTAT4.LZH from LIBRARY 5 of the Atari Productivity Forum (GO
ATARIPRO) for version 2.46 of B/STAT. B/STAT is a shareware statistical
analysis and business graphics program. It requires a 1 megabyte machine
and double sided drive at a minimum. B/STAT makes use of GDOS or SPEEDO
GDOS if installed but requires neither. This is version 2.46 of B/STAT and
offers some improvements in graphing over earlier versions. B/STAT may be
registered online by GOing SWREG and selecting ID # 263.


Message Section 12 and Library 12 have been established for online support
of Oregon Research's products. Please read OREGON.TXT in Library 12 of the
Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) for an overview of the company. Also, be
sure to check out the other files in the Library for in-depth information
on their entire product line.


Download file FLAGS.LZH from LIBRARY 11 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO
ATARIVEN) for Sample EPS (Adobe Illustrator) files of the new Flags of the
World clipart collection now being sold by Soft-Logik Publishing. The
archive contains four flags.





> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

The Asheville Show is on for this weekend! Be there or be square!
<Grin> Well it used to sound cool to say that. Long... time ago. Between
the floods, droughts and heat waves this is one crazzzzy summer. Here in
Florida, the wacky weather has given rise to all kinds of speculation that
we'll be seeing a very interesting Hurricane Season. Not the collegiate
kind either! Hopefully, those in the flood area are doing ok, and all
their loved ones are safe and sound.

Please, as we go into the twilight of the summer of 1993, continue to
play it safe. At the beaches or wherever, don't drink and drive, use a
good sunscreen and enjoy yourselves to the max!




** STReport **


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Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Roger D. Stevens Robert Glover R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor Emeritus

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Scott Birch
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET........................ 1:112/35
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT



Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #30

By: John Deegan

ines Inc. has signed an outsourcing agreement with The Service Manage-
ment Group Inc., of Columbia, Md.

Under the deal, SMG will provide all post sale support to Commodore
resellers, OEMs, VARs and end users. In addition, GMG will administer
Commodore's U.S. warranty program. SMG will also serve as the U.S.
distributor for Commodore parts.

Commodore products are currently covered by a one year, parts and
labor warranty provided through authorized Commodore resellers and
service centers.

Machines Inc. has announce it will extend its Amiga 2000 Power Up
program by offering special savings to Amiga 2000 and 3000 owners on the
purchase of an Amiga 4000.

Promotional pricing for the Amiga 4000 040/120 is $2,349. The Amiga
4000 030/120 will sell for $1,599. This is a savings of $1,350 and $800
respectively. The offer is good through July 31.

Tokyo comes word Seiko-Epson Co. has developed an AT-compatible board as
small as a credit card but with all the necessary features of an AT on
the tiny board.

The board, called Cardio386, includes the Intel 80386SL processor,
input-output controller, VGA controller, 1MB memory and a Flash memory

NEC, TOSHIBA TO MAKE RISC CHIPS - Mass production of RISC (reduced
instructions set computer) microprocessors is planned by NEC Corp. and
Toshiba Corp. at a volume of 10,000 or more units per month within the
year. Reports say that the RISC chip performs better than the new-
generation microprocessor unit made by Intel Corp.

The companies said the R4400 RISC microprocessor uses submicron
wiring technology.

TI SOFTWARE TO SPEED CHIP MAKING - Texas Instruments Inc. has deve-
loped software it says will speed U.S. semiconductor production and
manufacturing and lessen U.S. reliance on foreign technologies. The new
WORKS software already has set a three-day production cycle record for
semiconductor manufacturing at TI.

TI officials said the software allows manufacturers to control the
wafer fab process in real time, allowing for increased manufacturing and

IBM OFFERS NEW FAX MODEM CARDS - IBM will be selling two new fax/
modem cards and three infra-red wireless adapters, all based on the
Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Association standard.

The new fax modem cards, which will be available in August and Sep-
tember, are priced at $299 and $499.

tional Corp. monday announced the world's highest-speed, smallest
package-integrated data/fax modems which will support data rates from
19.2 Kbps to 28.8 Kbps.

This high-performance modem family -- V.Fast Class -- incorporates
V.Fast technology including line probing and multi-dimensional trellis
coding, allowing higher data rates and more reliable transmission. The
V.FC family can transmit data at speeds 100 percent above V.32bis to
meet PC market demands for highest-speed modem capabilities for
internetworking and file transfer applications.

Rockwell's V.FC family of products includes both data pumps and in-
tegrated modem solutions with associated controller firmware. The high-
speed products are based on Rockwell's technology and support V.32/
V.32bis standards for data and V.17 for fax. The data pump versions will
be pin-for-pin compatible with Rockwell's current V.32 product offer-
ings, allowing for ease of design migration.

this week its hand-held Newton personal digital assistant remains on
schedule for sale in the United States this summer and some interna-
tional markets later this year.

Newton passed its final milestone before volume manufacture. Apple
has released Newton's "golden master," or final software program, to
Sharp Corp. for the beginning of the product's manufacturing.

Newton is expected to sell for less than $1,000 and will be formally
unveiled at a news conference in Boston on Aug. 2.

Newton will combine the capabilities of a fax, telephone and personal
computer. Although it is not expected to generate more than $50 million
in revenues in its first year, it is considered to be a key element in
the company's strategy to diversify its product line beyond computers.


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando

Hidi ho friends and neighbors! This week I saw something I feared that I'd
never see again: A new, innovative, easy to use, program for the ST at an
affordable price. This is a program that no one should be without. The
guys (and girls) at Gribnif software have again graced us with a wonderful
piece of programming work. Its called GENEVA, and what it does for the ST
is something that the folks at Atari said you couldn't do: MultiTasking.

Why am I mentioning this in my CompuServe column? Well, since I've been
using GENEVA (even though for only a few days), I've been so impressed with
the program, that I HAD to tell you about it somehow!

Well, enough of the accolades for Gribnif (for now). Let's get to the real
focus of this column: The great stuff to be found in the Atari Forums here
on CompuServe. So let's get busy...

From the Atari Productivity Forum

Sysop Keith Joins posts this file capture:

"[70374,2241] Lib: 4
BCK143.ZIP/Bin Bytes: 14080, Count: 1, 18-Jul-93

Title : Allows game compatibility on the Falcon

Backwards allows your Falcon to be more compatible with games that run on
the ST"

David Hagood asks:

"Does anyone out there have a similar program for the TT (one that makes it
more compatible with many games)?"

No answer yet folks, but we'll keep you posted on any possibilities.
John Devlin asks about a product from one of the best companies ever to
support the ST line of computers:

"Does anyone where i can locate a device called DC Port, i was told that it
will allow my ST to have a further three serial posts, but i was also that
the device is no longer available.

If this is the case, does anyone know of any device that will allow me to
have further serial ports.."

The Big Cahoona himself, Master Sysop Ron Luks tells John:

"DC Port was from Double Click Software who is now "out of business." It
was the only device of its kind."

Editor Note:
There is a new DC Port available at the STR office.

Daniel Hopkins tells us about his current problem:

"Right now I'm having enormous problems with my UNLZH.PRG. Whenever I use
it, the program says Bad CRC No LZH header - and then when I try to run the
programs or read the file by clicking on them The computer says TOS error

I'm at a real loss as to how to UNLZH a program."

Boris Molodyi tells Dan:

"Most of the recent files in the Atari forums are compressed with new (lh5)
compression, that UNLZH.PRG can not understand. It does only lh1 archives.
You need to get a newer version of LZH program. I do not know the exact
filename, but ARCLZH.PRG includes latest versions of ARC and LZH archivers,
and also Charles F. Johnson's ARCSHELL which makes work with them much
easier. It is a self-extracting archive here in the libs (Utilities, I

Sysop Brad Hill tells Dan:

"The solution to your un-lzh'ing problems is simple. Download the file
LHARC.TTP from library 4 in this forum. There's also a shell for using
that program called ARCLZH.PRG, which is self-extracting. You don't need
the shell; I don't use it."

Last week, Ron Luks asked someone (Tony Barker, I think) about hooking an
ST into a Novell network. His post was:

"When you say "we have stuff here which allows us to put any ST onto our
Novell network..." is it proprietary in-house software or is it
commercially available?... Is it strictly for file sharing or could you
execute an Atari program that > may reside on a network file server HD?"

Christian Martens tells Ron:

"Excuse me for asking / answering your text...

If that "stuff" might be available commercially, that would be really
GREAT. We (in Germany) are also looking for a possibility to connect an
Atari ST/TT to some kind of 'standard'-network, and that is NOVELL 3.11. As
far as I know, there is an adaptor available from a german company (don't
know the name at the moment) but that is quite expensive. It will cost
about 1.000DM (app. 625$) and that's too much for any private user...

In our office, we are just installing a NOVELL network (connecting 50 PCs)
and what you describe "execute an Atari program that may reside on a
network file server" actually is "file sharing". That means, every
Intel-coded program you are accessing through a NOVELL network will be
loaded into your local machine and executed by your local processor.

If there is an adaptor to ethernet and a software running on your (or
mine <g>) Atari doing the netware filesystem job, a requested M680x0 file
would be loaded into your (not again) local Atari and executed by the

But - where is the cheap ethernet connector and the software needed? ;-))"

Christian then adds:

"in one of the current Atari magazines (we still have one ore two here :->)
I found a brief report, I'm trying to translate it for you: --- Comtex
Computersysteme is offering a network node for Atari models, that allows a
direct access to a standard Novell server. Installation is very easy: two
programs have to be placed in the Auto folder, plug the node into the DMA
port - that's it. After having starting these two programs you can login
into the Novell network immediately. This interface also allows it to have
only Atari clients within a Novell network. The price for the package,
containing hard and software, is 998DM.

Computex Computersysteme Gitteweg 3 79283 Bollschweil Germany --- taken
from TOS 7/93 p. 7 and also appearing in ST-Magazin 8/93 p. 6

Don't know, whether that is the same stuff, Pam is offering or not. If you
are interested, ask them.

There is a file package from the Technical University of Vienna/Austria,
called TUWTCPIP.LZH. I'm going to upload it tonight. It contains a wiring
diagram for the rom port adapter, software and documentation in english.
It's made for connecting an Atari to a TCP/IP network, they use it for
accessing a SUN with Atari terminals. All you have to buy is a pocket
ethernet adaptor made for the clones printer port. May be that's
interesting to you."

While Christian is available, Mike Mortilla takes the opportunity to ask:

"I heard that there is a program in Germany that allows access to "virtual
memory" -Do you know anything about that? I really don't know much else but
the subject came up when I asked if I could somehow combine my ST (4 megs)
with my Stacy (4 megs) to get a total of 8 megs running as 1 machine."

Christian tells Mike:

"As far as I know, yes, there is at least one program here giving
you access to virtual memory. If I remember right the one that survived is
called OUTSIDE and is using the space on your hard disk as virtual memory.

BUT: that works only on an Atari TT and maybe on a Falcon because
of the MMU within the 68030. That MMU does memory protection and enables
virtual memory. So, it's _not_ usable on a 68000 system, sorry."

Mike tells Christian:

"Thanks for the info Christian. I'm sure others who have TT's and Falcon's
may be interested."

Gottfried Baumeier asks:

"Who can explain the difference between the two types of ATARI 1040,
STF and STE ?"

Sysop Bill Aycock tells Gottfried:

"The 'F' series is older, and indicates an ST with an internal 'Floppy

The STE series is newer. It includes an internal floppy like the STF, but
also includes 'Enhanced hardware for more colors, better sound, hardware
scrolling, analog controller ports, RF converter, etc.

That's the basics - is that what you were looking for?"

Jonnie Santos tells Gottfried:

"The STF or STFm w3s the unit prior to the release of the STE. The STE
offers blitter, more colors and RAM upgrades are easier (plug in SIMMS if I
remember correctly). The TOS version of a STE is like 1.62 or higher. I'm
using a 520 STE with 4 megs - I don't know what the difference is between a
1040 STE with the same amount of memory, if any."

Gottfried tells Bill and Jonnie:

"Thanks to Sysop*Bill Aycock and Jonnie Santos for their explanations. They
will do. Of special interest for me is the possibility of enlarging RAM
memory by plugging in SIMMS. I have just bought a second hand 1040 STE with
only 1 MB RAM for use in my garden place, additional to my MEGA STE in my
study, and would like to have more RAM."

Bill Waggener tells us:

"I have an early 1040ST and I am thinking about adding another Atari to my
collection of computers. Can someone suggest an article or articles which
compare the features and capabilities of the 1040ste, the megaST's, the TT
and the Falcon? While my primary choice would probably be a Falcon, there
are some good deals on the older products which appeal to me. I am
particularly interested in the following:

1) Memory expansion
Can memory be expanded without soldering, i.e. by adding SIMM's, if
so, in what increments and how easy is it do?

2) DMA Port
I currently have an external hard disk with a Supra adapter. Which,
if any of these machines are compatible with the 1040ST so that I might
be able to use my existing hard disk.

3) Compatibility of monitors
Are these machines compatible with my 1040ST monitors ( I have both
color and monochrome) Any general opinions on these questions and the cost
effectiveness of the 1040ste vs the megaST's vs the Falcon vs the TT would
be appreciated."

Tony Barker tells Bill:

"You'll probably get a lot of answers that start like this...

It depends a lot on what you want to do with the machine, the TT is very
fast and can support high res monitors (1280x960) for DTP stuff etc. It has
a DMA as well as a SCSI port so your existing hard disk will plug right in.
You cant use existing RGB Atari monitors with it though, you need a
standard VGA or a 19inch job to do the high res mono. Memory expansion as
the machine comes is limited, but third party boards are available that
take SIMMS etc. It also has or can have an internal hard drive. It has a
68030 running at 32Mhz.

The mega STE (not mega ST) is similar to the TT only scaled down, it too
can have an internal hard disk and also has a VME bus (I forgot to mention
that about the TT) and sports a 16Mhz 68000. It has a normal DMA port on
the back for connection of your existing hard disk or laser printers etc.
You can use your existing Atari monitors with it but it doesn't do any
extra resolutions as the TT does (mega STE 320x200x16, 640x200x4,640x400x2,
TT all those and 320x480x256, 640x480x16, 1280x960x2). I believe it also
has a blitter chip which the TT lacks, this speeds up some graphic

The STE is that scaled down again or more like the 1040ST scaled up a
little. 68000 running at 8Mhz, blitter, DMA ports and Digital audio by way
of stereo DAC's (all the above have the digital audio as well). Memory
expansion is easy as they take SIMMS (1 2 or 4 meg, and 2.5 with a little

The Falcon has all of the above (nearly) and much more, good graphics (many
resolutions and colors) great sound (16 bit audio) a DSP (Digital Signal
Processor) a 68030 running at 16Mhz, you can use your existing Atari
monitors, a TV, any VGA or Multisync. It has no DMA port so your existing
hard drive won't work without modification (if it has a DMA-SCSI adapter,
it's just a matter of removing it) because it has a standard SCSI-2
interface externally and an IDE interface internally. Great new operating
system. Memory is via an interface internally, either with a proprietary
(sp?) board from Atari or third party boards that take SIMMS (1,4 or 14

That's a fairly brief run down on them but you need to know what you want
your computer to do before you can make a decision, the price performance
ratio is great on cheaper older machines but the newer machines have much
more potential and a lot of software coming out won't run on the older
machines thanks to the advent of the Falcon."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine asks:

"Has anyone noticed how much ram prices have gone up since the epoxy plant
in Japan blew up (taking out 50% of the supply)? It seems to have gone
from $50 to $62 and most places have limits on the number you can have.

Since ram chips are just one part of the chip market I wonder how much
other chip prices will go up as well."

Isn't technology wonderful folks?

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

Barbara Curtis asks:

"I have an IBM computer with Dos 6.0. Will I be able to run your program
called, KIDPUB.ARC.? If so, How do I initially execute the program. I
have downloaded the proper files, but do not know how to start it up."

Sysop Bill Aycock tells Barbara:

"Sorry, but you won't be able to run KidPublisher on your PC -- the program
was written to run on an Atari ST computer, which is not IBM compatible."

Rob Rassmussen asks Jim Ness:

"...what is "dithering"? Does it involve the resolution your screen
is displaying, the detail of the lines drawn, vector vs bit-mapped? In a
GIF displayer program I have, it lets me choose fine or course dithering,
but I was never clear on this."

Jim explains this to Rob Rassmussen quite nicely:

"Dithering is a way of representing greater resolution in a picture than
the monitor/printer can actually produce.

Often, it is represented via crosshatching or dot patterns, to represent
shades of color that can't be reproduced truly by the hardware.

When I mentioned my wife's H-P 550C color printer, I said that Word Perfect
would print to it faster if she chose a lower quality print mode.
Basically, this means she prints in a lower resolution, or less
dots-per-inch. The loss of detail is made up via the illusions of shading
created by dithering.

In another conversation here, someone mentioned that they can display
24-bit graphics on a 16-bit graphics card. That means, millions of colors
on a card that can only truly display about 65000 colors. Again, this is
done by software that uses dithering and similar techniques to emulate all
those extra shades.

There are specific mathematic formulas used in software, to surround a
pixel with pixels of other colors, to sort of fool the eye into seeing the
average color, rather than the true colors. Each of these formulas, or
methods, has a name. Usually the name of the person who developed it.
And, each method is best suited for a specific situation. Some are very
fast, others are slow but of better quality, if you have the time to wait."

In a nice case of Deja Vu, Gottfried tells Rob:

"Fine, Rob, you saved me time and money, as I intended to ask the same
question about "dithering". The translation in my dictionary English/German
made no sense for this application with graphics.
Thank you, and Jim Ness too for his explanations !"

Rob tells Gottfried:

"Whenever I get an answer to a technical question, like about dithering, it
always makes me think of 10 more questions! It never ends. <g>"

Our own Dana Jacobson posts:

"The Atari United! information was given out Tuesday nite at the weekly CO
on Delphi. After the announcement, there was a question and answer period.

One of the points brought out was the "failure" of the AUA. First of all,
I don't see the AU! as a "revolution"!! I also believe that there's been
plenty of time and experiences to learn from mistakes that may have been
made by the AUA. I provided many of the comments and questions/answers to
Ralph, hopefully to be included in this week's issue of STReport. I like
the idea, and plan to support it wherever I can. It's still early, but I
think that such an organization is vital today; and I hope that it

Mike Mortilla asks Dana:

"Do you know why the AU! application is requesting serial #s?"

Ralph Mariano tells Mike:

"Sure..... Its an easy way to trace the machines. Keep records. Check on
dealers. For insurance purposes. An Optional Entry."

From the Atari Vendors Forum

Richard Fairchild tells us:

"[THis is] my first time in this forum. I am looking into buying a 540st,
and i know nothing about the atari computer. i would appreciate some info.
i now have a commodore. is the 540st a good system, is software easy to
come by, what should i expect to pay for a used system? any help will be
greatly appreciated."

Mike Mortilla tells Rich Fairchild:

"It depends on what you want to use it for. The 520 was a 1/2 meg machine
and some don't have disk drives internally!

A lot of software needs over 1 meg to run (some need more) and if you *CAN*
run a program, you might not have a lot of memory left to do any meaningful
work in it.

OTOH, a there are frequently STs and Mega ST's for sale. There was a system
in the Ataripro area about a week ago w/a 2 meg ST for $200 or $300. I'd
think that was a good deal. Also, if a 520 were upgraded, it might also be
a candidate.

So I guess, to answer your ???, we'd need to know what you want to do with

I don't think you'll be disappointed in the Atari performance (even a
520). I don't know if the 520 ST has an internal drive or not. As far as
value, it depends on what else is coming with the system, condition,
software, etc.

For basic home stuff it would be great. Also for wordprocessing. Desk top
publishing and some MIDI stuff might need more memory, depending on the

Sysop Bob Retelle jumps in and tells Rich:

"Check that box again, just to be sure... the only model Atari made
that's close to that is the 520 ST... (that's the one I have, in fact..

The "520" part indicates that it has half a Meg of memory in it.. if it
actually says 520STFM then it means it has a "F"loppy drive built in and
has an RF "M"odulator in it so you can hook it directly to a TV set.

A lot of the Shareware programs we have in the AtariArts and
AtariProductivity Forums here on CompuServe will run in the 1/2 Meg of RAM
that the 520 has, but programs are getting larger all the time, so you may
find that amount of memory to be limiting... for example, you may be
limited as to how much data you could enter into a budgeting program ...

There ARE memory "upgrades" available, but most of them aren't very
reliable in the long run... I had one "solderless" upgrade in my 520 that
gave me nothing but trouble. I finally replaced it with one I had to
solder in place, and it's been OK ever since. It gives my 520 2 and 1/2 l
Megs of RAM, which has been enough for everything I've wanted to do.

As for software, you may find yourself limited to finding programs on BBSs
and here on CompuServe, as commercial program development has all but
stopped for the ST (much like the C64 market). Finding a "local" dealer
that stocks programs for the ST can also be pretty difficult.

If you get a good deal, and can find the software you need, then you'll be
really happy with an ST. It's a lot easier to use than a C64 (I've had
both..!) and the joy of using an 80 column display for spreadsheets and
other "practical" stuff like that is really great..!"

Meanwhile, in Gribnif-land, Rick Flashman tells us:

"The Geneva Beta release shipped on time last week, so those who ordered it
should be getting it this week. I've already heard of people getting it on
both GEnie and CompuServe.

You can still order the beta, if interested. We are shipping those orders
literally overnight."

Do you remember earlier in this column when we heard a bit about Double
Click Software (You didn't know that you were going to be quizzed on it,
did you)? Well Christian Martens asks:

"I'm looking for the Shadow program. The doc file of QuickCIS says, that
it's a commercial program from Double Click. Unfortunately, I'm from
Germany and have never ever heard of this program on this side of the ocean

Is their any dealer known to you, who sells this program in Europe? How
much do I have to pay for it?"

Mike Veederman tells Christian:

"I'm sorry, but Shadow is no longer a supported product...

Fact of the matter is, we only received about $2K from Antic in royalties,
with much more owed...

We no longer support the Atari market, and therefore, do not support

- mike vederman, Double Click Software, past/present/future"

From the Atari Portfolio Forum

From a previous conversation, Don Thomas of Atari tells Barry Childress:

"I agree that a lot of shareware is darn good... often better than
commercial. But even with the money explanation... if the software is THAT
good, then it shouldn't be that hard to find financing or a publisher. The
term "commercial quality" is still accepted to mean *better*, since it was
good enough to package and sell through retailers.

I'm not saying I don't agree with you. It's just easier for a hobbyist
programmer to upload ZIP'd files under the terms of shareware than it is to
commercialize the work. Users are at the mercy of the programmer's
interpretation of his (her) own work being commercial quality."

JF Davignon asks Don Thomas:

"Would you happen to have the keyboard layout for the french language
keyboard ? I type a lot in french and entering ASCII codes for the accents
or using replacement characters is a bit of a hassle. I found out some of
the keys by trying different combinations but I am missing some. A
character map for the french keyboard would come in quite handy."

Don tells:

I'm not certain what you mean by a character map, but it's the same as any
IBM clone. To enter any of the 255 printable characters in the editor, for
instance, simply:

1- Set NUM LOCK (Hold LOCK key, then press ATARI key)

2- Hold ALT key and type the ASCII value for the character
to be displayed. Most PC reference books will have the
chart for the codes. (32=Space) Make certain you type
the numeric code on the red numeric keypad.

3- Let go of the ALT key and the character appears within
your text at the cursor position.

I keep a PC character/ASCII chart handy all the time just for this sort of
thing... works just like any other PC I have used."

JF tells Don:

"The Port keyboard can be set to have a QWERTY, an AZERTY or QWERTZ layout.
QWERTY is the standard layout used in North America, AZERTY is the more
efficient layout used in France and wich has accented characters right on
the keyboard (you do not need to type in the ASCII codes since they are on
the keyboard) and the QWERTZ is the german layout. I thought you might
have or would be able to get a character map for the Ports AZERTY layout.
But I don't need one anymore, I mapped it myself.

Note of interest, the AZERTY layout was the first one developed when
typewriters were invented. It was a very efficient layout. In fact its was
way to much efficient for the technology of the time. Fast typists typed
to fast for the machines which would jam. Instead of developing better
technology they designed a less efficient layout to slow down the typists,
thus was born QWERTY. By the time they developed better technology,
everyone was using and were used to QWERTY. That's why we are still using
a low efficiency keyboard layout."

Don tells JF:

"That's real interesting. Thanks for the info. I can't touch type either
way, so the keyboard layout has less impact on me than it does for others.
I always wondered, though, how the different layouts came to be adopted and

Wolf-Theo Holl posts:

"Some of you might remember, that I've announced a Do-It-Yourself manual
about internal memory upgrade a few month's ago.

This manual has just been completed !

Right now there is only a german version, but a translated manual is soon

What started as a personal project for some interested Do-It-Yourself fans
turned out to be rather complicated because of the Portfolio's hardware

At the beginning the idea was to upload the entire manual free... But all
the testing and some drawbacks with all the electronic stuff that was
necessary to find out the _right_ information, resulted in a change of

The author therefore decided not just to upload the manual but to sell it
to all interested persons.

This manual does not only contain a detailed description of all necessary
steps and procedures to upgrade the memory to 320k or 512k, but gives also
instructions for a speed-up of the internal clock from 4.9MHZ to 6.5MHZ, a
description of an internal power-backup without any backup battery,
detailed instructions of how to use the parallel port as an I/O interface
(using PBASIC), and last but not least drawings and fotos of the most
important parts of the main board.

Having read the entire manual I can only say: *GREAT STUFF !* Most of the
instructions and tips are to be understood even by a beginner, but the
important parts and - of course - the electronic job should only be done by
skilled person with the right equipment !!

For all german users I'll upload a order form for the manual in the file

As soon as the english version is available, I'll let you all know, but if
you've got further questions or just want to show your interest, feel free
to contact me."

Now THAT sounds interesting!

Well folks, that's about it for this week. If you happen to make it to the
Blue Ridge AtariFest, stop by the STReport Table and say "Hello"! If you
can't make it to the 'fest, look right here in STReport for the after-show
review. Tune in again next week and listen to what they are saying when...



> BLUE RIDGE ATARIFEST'93 STR SHOW NEWS "The Summertime Atari Event!"

1993 Blue Ridge ATARIFEST


The Blue Ridge Atari Computer Enthusiasts (BRACE) and Computer Studio
invite you to participate in the Fourth Annual Blue Ridge AtariFest in
beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. Show dates and times are:

Saturday July 24, 1993 10am - 6pm
Sunday July 25, 1993 Noon - 5pm

Just as in previous years, we have arranged for FREE Booth space for Atari
developers!! (We're only requesting the donation of a door prize).

We can promise both developers and show-goers an energetic and exciting
show with as enthusiastic a crowd of Atarians as you'll find anywhere, plus
the support of Computer Studio in the mall.

We're once again taking over the Courtyard Shop (mall) area at Westgate
Shopping Center for the show (location of Computer Studio), plus the use of
vacant store spaces for seminar sessions. Seminar sessions will be 45
minutes in length, and developers are welcome to conduct a seminar on their
product line or approved topic of their choice (seminar sessions are
limited, so first come, first served).

This year's show dates also coincide with Asheville's annual Bele Chere
street festival, when downtown Asheville is closed to vehicular traffic and
becomes what must be one of the largest street fairs in the country.
Westgate Shopping Center is one of the primary Park-and-Ride shuttle
centers for transporting people to and from downtown, and we've arranged to
have the shuttle service pick up at the front entrance of the mall and drop
off at the rear entrance, so everyone taking the service from Westgate WILL
walk through the AtariFest exhibition area sometime during the day. This
will be a great opportunity to showcase Atari and Atari related software
and peripherals, and introduce them to people who aren't already Atari
owners. Bringing in NEW blood is the key to the growth of this platform,
and this will be our opportunity to begin that process with a captive

Additional discussions of the show, as well as confirmations of your
participation, are welcome in GEnieMail and in the Blue Ridge
AtariFest topic 13 in Category 11 here on GEnie.


Where: Westgate Shopping Center - Asheville, N.C.

Take any major highway into Asheville (US 19-23, US 26 or I-40) to the
I-240 loop, then take the "Westgate/Hilton Inn Drive exit" into the
Westgate Shopping Center parking lot.

When: 24-25, July 1993
Time: 10:am to 6:pm SAT
12 Noon 'til 5pm SUN

Points of contact:

Come for a day or come for the weekend,
but do come and enjoy yourself.

Great Smokies Hilton Resort Hilton Inn Drive (704)254-3211
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-733-3211

Radisson One Thomas Wolf Plaza (704)252-8211
Rate: $62.00 per room (1-4 people)

====== Additional Hotel / Motel Information ===========

Days Inn I-26 and Airport Road (704)684-2281
I-40 Exit 55 (704)298-5140

Econo Lodge US 70 East, I-40 Exit 55 (704)298-5519

Holiday Inn 275 Smoky Park Hwy (704)667-4501
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-HOLIDAY

Red Roof Inn I-40 and US 19-23 Exit 44 (704)667-9803
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-843-7663

Budget Motel I-40 Exit 44 (Enka-Chandler)
West Asheville Exit (704)665-2100
Best Western Asheville Central 22 Woodfin St (704)253-1851

========= Local Bed & Breakfast lodging Information =========

Aberdeen Inn 64 Linden Ave (704)254-9336
Albemarle Inn 86 Edgemont Road (704)255-0027
Applewood Manor 62 Cumberland Circle (704)254-2244
The Bridle Path Inn Lockout Road (704)252-0035
Cairn Brae B & B 217 Patton Mountain Rd (704)252-9219
Carolina B & B 177 Cumberland Ave (704)254-3608
Cedar Crest Victorian Inn 674 Biltmore Ave (704)252-1289
Corner Oak Manor 53 St. Dunstan (704)253-3525
Cornerstone Inn 230 Pearson Dr (704)253-5644
Flint Street Inn 100 & 116 Flint Street (704)253-6723
The Lion and The Rose 276 Montford Ave (704)255-7673
The Ray House B & B 83 Hillside St (704)252-0106
Reed House 119 Dodge St (704)274-1604
The Wright Inn 235 Pearson Drive (704)251-0789]

A more complete listing of Bed & Breakfasts can be obtained through the
Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Reservations should be made immediately, as July is the height of our
tourist season.

=========== CAMP GROUNDS ================

(reservations are a must during this time of season):

Mount Pisgah:
About 20 miles southwest of Asheville on the Blue Ridge Parkway at
mile post 408.6 (National Park Service). 690 acres. Elevation 5000'. One of
the nicest campgrounds in Western North Carolina. 67 tent sites, 70 RV
sites. For reservations: P.O.Box 749, Watnesville, N.C. 28786; phone (704)
235-9109. No showers. Groceries and restaurant. Nature program. 14 day
stay limit.

Lake Powhatan:
4 miles south of Asheville on State road 191, 3.5 miles west on SR
806. 30 acres. 98 tent/rv sites. Reservation available thru Mistix
1-800-283-CAMP. Disposal station. No showers. Swimming; lifeguard; fishing;
nature trails; bicycles. 14-day stay limit.

While in the area, you might want to consider a little sightseeing,
and include a visit to the Biltmore House here in Asheville (the largest
single family residence ever built in the U.S.--its a "castle"). A visit to
the Biltmore can be a full-day's activity as you will want to view the
house, visit the winery, and walk some of the grounds and gardens.


The House 9 am to 6pm The Gardens 9am to 7pm
Conservatory 9am to 5:30pm
The Winery Monday-Saturday 11am to 7pm Sunday 1pm to 7pm

Other areas of interest include; the Thomas Wolf home (adjacent to the
Raddison), the Blue Ridge Parkway and Folk Art Center. A drive up the Blue
ridge Parkway to enjoy the higher elevations and incredible views of our
mountains. Perhaps a hike up to Mount Pisgah and look back down to
Asheville(you can see Mt. Pisgah from most anywhere in Asheville). A short
drive from Mt. Pisgah will take you to Sliding Rock (for those of you
travelling with kids who are still kids at heart), the Cradle of Forestry
(first forest school in the country), waterfalls, trout hatchery, etc. For
the adventurous, white water rafting on the Natahala River near Bryson
City (approx one and a half hours from here).

There's obviously loads more to see and do around Asheville (in
addition to the Blue Ridge AtariFest and a visit to Computer Studio :-). If
any of y'all would like maps and additional tourist info of the area I
might suggest contacting the Chamber of Commerce:

Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce
151 Haywood Street
P.O. Box 1010
Asheville, NC 28802
704-258-6111 FAX: (704)251-0926

The Blue Ridge Atari Computer Enthusiasts (BRACE) and Computer STudio
invite you to participate in the fourth annual Blue Ridge AtariFest on
Saturday, July 24 and Sunday July 25, 1993. The show will take place in
the Courtyard Shop area of Westgate Shopping Center in Asheville, North
Carolina (Home of Computer STudio). We are still signing up additional
exhibitors, but those who have already made a firm commitment to attend
include (Alphabetical Listing):

Atari Corp/Applied Audio Marketing . Atari's Southeast Regional
Representatives will be on hand
to let you know what's going on
in the Atari world, especially
here in the Southeast U.S.

Accusoft-ST ........................ PD/Shareware Software (Desktop
Publishing Clip Art Libraries)

Barefoot Software .................. Professional MIDI Software
applications (SMPTETrack,
EditTrack Platinum, GenEdit, EZ
Score Plus, etc.)

Binary Ink ......................... David St Martin will discuss his
own desktop publishing business
and conduct informative seminars
on "Marketing Your DTP Skills"
and "Newsletter Desktop

Codehead Technologies .............. Productivity software &
enhancements (G+Plus, MultiDesk
Deluxe, HotWire, CodeHead
Utilities, Warp 9, Calligrapher,
MaxiFile, Lookit & Popit, Avant
Vector, MegaPaint, TOS Extension
Card, etc.)

Computer STudio .................... Visit a 'real' Atari Dealership
in the mall (Atari computer
systems, software and

DMC Publishing ..................... Desktop Publishing System
Solutions (Calamus/SL, PKS
Write, Outline Art, Invision
Elite, tms Cranach Studio, etc.)

GEnieLamp/GEnie .................... Telecommunications and
Electronic Publishing

JV Enterprises ..................... Developers of low-cost
license-ware software and games.

Lexicor Software ................... Professional animation and
rendering software (Prism Paint,
Phoenix Render, Meridian, etc.)

MagicSoft .......................... Entertainment Software (New
products unveiling!)

Missionware Software ............... (Flash II, lottODDS, Printer
Initializer, etc.)

STReport Online Magazine ........... Electronic Online Magazine

Showtimes are 10am - 6pm on Saturday, and noon-5pm on Sunday. Seminar
sessions will be scheduled throughout the show.

Since this year's show coincides with Asheville's annual Bele Chere Street
Festival, we are not having a Saturday evening banquet, but are instead
encouraging guests to hop the shuttle bus at the front entrance of the mall
and spend Saturday evening downtown enjoying the outdoor festivities (live
entertainment, food booths of all types, dancing, etc.).

Advance registration is only $3; or $4 at the door. Additional information
about the show and Asheville's Bele Chere festival will be mailed to all
who pre-register in advance. Door prize winners will also be selected from
registered guests (you need not be present at the time of the drawing to
win). Advance registration checks should made out to "COMPUTER STUDIO" and
mailed to:

Computer STudio
Westgate Shopping Center
40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806

For additional information, please contact either:

Sheldon Winick Cliff Allen, Show Coord.
Computer STudio Internet: CALLEN@UNCA.EDU
Westgate Shopping Center phone: (704) 258-3758
40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
(704) 251-0201

| |
| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| Name: ______________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Address: ___________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| City: ______________________ ST: ______ ZIP: _____________ |
| |
| |
| Telephone: (_______) _______________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Please enclose a separate registration form for each person, |
| and return to us at the following address along with your |
| check in the amount of $3.00 per person ($4.00 at the show) |
| made payable to "COMPUTER STUDIO": |
| |
| Computer STudio |
| Westgate Shopping Center |
| 40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D |
| Asheville, NC 28806 |
| |
| Alternate Credit Card Payment Method: |
| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| __ MasterCard __ VISA __ Discover __ American Express |
| |
| |
| Credit Card Number: ________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Expiration Date: ___________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Authorized Signature: ______________________________________ |
| |



STReport International Online Magazine is available every week in the
ST Advantage on DELPHI. STReport readers are invited to join DELPHI and
become a part of a friendly community of enthusiastic computer users there.


Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access
DELPHI services via a local phone call


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DELPHI's Basic Plan offers access for only $6.00 per hour, for any
baud rate. The $5.95 monthly fee includes your first hour online. For
more information, call: DELPHI Member Services at 1-800-544-4005 DELPHI is
a service of General Videotex Corporation of Cambridge, MA.

Try DELPHI for $1 an hour!

For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and
receive 5 hours of evening and weekend access during this month for only
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DELPHI- It's getting better all the time!


> Falcon RAM-GIZMO! STR InfoFile a RAM expansion board for the Falcon030


PRESS RELEASE: chro_MAGIC Software Innovations

PIANISTICS 1.20 FOR ST/TT/FALCON030 Joplin, MO 64801
United States
phone +1-417-623-7393

------------------------ Introducing "RAM GIZMO" ------------------------

chro_MAGIC is proud to announce the immediate availability of the
giz_WORKS RAM Gizmo - a RAM expansion board for the Falcon030 that uses
standard SIMM memory modules. The board plugs into the Falcon030's
internal ram expansion socket (no soldering required) and fits neatly
inside the case. It allows the use of 256k, 1 Meg, or 4 Meg SIMMs to
achieve memory configurations of 1, 4, or 14 megabytes.

Note: the RAM Gizmo requires the use of 80ns or faster simms.

----------------------------PIANISTICS 1.20-----------------------------

chro_MAGIC Software Innovations announces Pianistics 1.20, a GEM based
piano instruction program for Atari ST/TT/Falcon computers. Pianistics
is a tool to aid in the technical mastery of scales/chords and gives
insight into jazz improvisation, chord substitution and other
applications of music theory as well as provide performance/dexterity

The new version is completely MultiTOS compatible and will work in most
ST/TT/Falcon screen resolutions and should work with any 3rd party
graphics card that has a VDI driver.

chro_MAGIC Software Innovations' product line currently consists of:

| | Current | Retail |
| Product | Version | Price |
| Guitaristics | 1.92 | $69.00 |
| Pianistics | 1.20 | $79.00 |
| RAM Gizmo | n/a | $99.00 |

For more information please contact chro_MAGIC Software Innovations
at the address below or via:


chro_MAGIC Software Innovations
516 North Jackson
Joplin, MO 64801
United States
phone +1-417-623-7393


> EO440 by AT&T STR InfoFile


Fulfilling the promise of some of its futuristic "You Will"
advertising, AT&T now says, "You can!" by offering customers its new
handheld, pen-based personal communicator, which combines fax, electronic
mail, cellular phone and personal productivity applications.

The AT&T EO 440 Personal Communicator is available beginning today in
52 select AT&T Phone Centers across the country.

In the national television advertising campaign from AT&T, a device
similar to the EO 440 is used by a person originating a fax message from
the beach. The EO 440 is the first in what AT&T and EO believe will be a
new generation of products that will change the way people interact,
providing messaging and information-handling capabilities that go far
beyond today's fax and electronic mail.

"With the introduction of this product into Phone Centers," said Dave
Atkinson, vice president of the personal communications group of AT&T
Consumer Products, "we begin offering a new dimension of interactive
communications that will have as much impact on person-to-person
communications in the '90s as the telephone had in the early 1900s."

AT&T and EO are making the device available through Phone Centers as part
of an agreement announced earlier this month. The agreement will allow EO
to use the AT&T brand on its personal communicators; give EO access to
AT&T's communications technology and services, and to its sales channels;
and make AT&T the majority stockholder in the Silicon Valley company.

"With AT&T's powerful sales channels, its reputation for quality and
service, and its tremendous brand recognition, we can bring the benefits of
personal communications to the broadest possible audience," said Alain
Rossmann, EO's president and chief executive officer.

AT&T selected 52 Phone Centers for initial rollout of the device based on
the market interest in high-technology and business products. Customers
can call 800-222-3111 to get the location of the nearest Phone Center
carrying the product. The company expects to introduce the 440 into its
over 300 other Phone Centers gradually throughout the rest of the year.

Prices for the EO 440 start at $1,999. Phone Centers will offer a number
of configurations, including one equipped with 8 MB of RAM, a 20 MB hard
drive and an internal modem. This version will be available through mid
August at the special introductory price of $3,299.99, when the everyday
selling price of $3,499.99 will go into effect. The products come with a
one- year warranty from EO, Inc.

Standard features in all versions include a high-speed serial port and
cable, allowing exchange of data with any IBM- compatible personal
computer; a parallel port for connection to a printer or an optional 1.44
MB floppy drive; a communications port for optional cellular or wireless
modules; and a PCMCIA slot for future expansion. Additional product
information is available from EO's toll-free number: 800-458-0880.

AT&T, Parsippany

Steve O'Donnell, 201/581-3904 (office)
201 228-6707 (home)
Kevin Compton, 408/452-3966 (office)
408/355-3883 (home)


> Calamus SL UPGRADE STR InfoFile


Press Release
July 14, 1993
Toronto, Ontario

DMC Publishing is pleased to announce a new upgrade to Calamus SL. The
overall performance of Calamus SL has been dramatically improved. In
addition, we are very happy with the significant features that have now
been activated as well as the new features and modules that we are

The new version of Calamus SL will include the following:

1. An upgraded Text Module which now includes both an activated Anchor
Frame function and an activated Leader Tab function that allows the
use of any character as your assigned Leader Tab character. The
module also includes an improved Spellchecker and separate Hyphenation
dictionaries, improved Vertical Text Alignment and improved M-Space
handling. New features include the ability to insert and search
Comments, manual kerning, inserting text style and text ruler

2. The new ROTATE.CXM module now gives us the ability to rotate Raster
Graphics in any degree with or without anti-aliasing. This means that
if you rotate a graphic that has straight lines, anti-aliasing will
smoothen the settings and remove stepping.

3. The new COL_CONV.CXM Color List Converter module generates a color
list from graphics that have been imported from Outline Art and other
sources. It can also generate a list from free colors designed within
the existing document.

4. The new COMPRESS.CXM is a compression module designed to save you
storage space by compressing bitmap images within your document. Note:
Calamus documents, CDK's, saved with compressed bitmap images using
this module, will automatically uncompress those images when the
document is reloaded into Calamus SL.

5. The new CYMKSWAP.CXM module swaps color planes.

6. The new LIN.CXM Linearity module allows you to set color values
optimized for your particular printer. This module will be of special
interest to those of you with an HP550C for example.

7. The RASTGEN.CXM Raster Generator module has been upgraded to include
the ability to set Raster caches.

8. New drivers that will be enclosed with this upgrade for Calamus SL
include: GEMIMG export, CVG export, a RAW import driver for bit
planes, an improved TIFF driver, an improved TARGA driver, an RPS
driver for Repro Studio and an improved GEM Metafile driver.

9. Set Layout/Working Area has seen some major changes. The automatic
generation of both registration marks and crop marks is now activated,
as are color plane names, double-page overlap, user definable settings
and master page printing.

10. The new selectable document option, added as the far right pull-down
menu, now allows you to click on the document you wish to access from
the displayed list of all documents present in memory.

There are other new modules expected shortly, but we've decided not to
wait. All of the above are ready in-house and available for shipping right
now. Look for a further press release in the not to distant future
announcing the release of at least 4 new modules.

The cost for all of the above, the latest and much improved Calamus SL as
well as all of the new modules: ROTATE.CXM, COL_CONV.CXM, COMPRESS.CXM,
CYMKSWAP.CXM, LIN.CXM, the upgraded TEXT.CXM, the upgraded RAS_GEN.CXM,the
upgraded Set Layout/Working Area, the new Select Document and the new
import/export drivers, on 3 disks, is US $75.00 or $95.00 CDN which
includes shipping and insurance.

Prices and configurations are subject to change without notice.


For further information or to order by telephone using your VISA or
Mastercard please call DMC Publishing at VOICE 416-479-1880 or FAX

If you have a modem, you may order by private email using your Mastercard
or VISA at:

GEnie email to: ISD or POTECHIN
COMPUSERVE email to: 76004,2246
Delphi email to: ISDMARKETING
Internet email to: POTECHIN@GENIE.GEIS.COM

Payment may also be made by check or money order and mailed to the
following address:

DMC Publishing, Inc.,
2800 John Street, Suite 10
Markham, Ontario,
Canada L3R 0E2

Please include your Calamus serial number when placing any order. Ontario
residents add 8% PST., Canadian residents add 7% GST..

Thank you for your interest in our Calamus products and please do not
hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.

Nathan Potechin DMC Publishing


> NVN WANTS YOU! STR InfoFile Another Network Supports Atari!


The Atari computer platform has support on yet another top notch
telecommunications service! National Videotex Network (NVN) maintains an
area just for our favorite computers. Type GO ATARI Order an extended NVN
Membership of 6 or 12 months, pay for it in advance and receive a bonus in
connect time at no additional charge.

NVN lowers its connect time charges!
$5/hour non-prime time (EST. 7pm - 9am weekdays and all day weekends)
$8/hour prime time (EST 9am - 7pm weekdays)

Choose from two great subscription plans:

6-Month Membership

Pay just $30 for a 6-month Membership and receive a usage credit that
entitles you to $15 of connect-time in the Premium services of your
choice. Your total savings using this plan would be over $20!

12 Month Membership

Pay $50 for a full year's Membership and get even more free time on-line.
We'll give you a $25 usage credit to use in your favorite premium services
or try out new ones. You could save as much as $45. NVN now offers
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). For a $2 per month service charge,
customers may have their NVN online charges automatically debited from
their personal checking accounts. Please contact Client Services for this
new feature!

For more information about either of these plans..
Please, give us a call at; 1-800-336-9096.

You can join NVN one of two ways...
By voice phone 1-800-336-9096 (Client Services)
or via modem phone 1-800-336-9092.

NVN Highlights

1. For the newcomers ....
3. A library built *just* for business people
4. Board Certified Psychiatrist heads up the new Substance Abuse Forum
5. VETERANS: Please report to the Military Forum <GO MILITARY> for C&D.
6. Step out into the Great Outdoors Forum <GO OUTDOORS>
7. We've got just the cure for your medical information needs
8. The Diabetes & Hypoglycemia Support Forum is now online.
9. SOUND OFF!!! Take our Game Survey
10. Let's talk about Coins
11. Call all DISNEYphiles! Join the gang! <GO AMERICA>.
12. Amiga Forum now available for Amiga and Desktop Video enthusiasts!
13. NEW Email enhancements are on-line. Including personal mailing lists!


> 4-FILES EDITOR STR InfoFile "Finally, an editor that does what it sez!"

===== 4 - F I L E S =====


An overview of 4FILES follows, and additional information about the current
version (3.0) is at the end of this file.


Efficient, accurate file management requires ready access to information
about any file, especially its purpose or contents. Unfortunately, eight
or eleven character DOS file names are too short to meet this need, causing
you to interrupt the flow of your work to do awkward research about various
files. No more! 4FILES not only makes such research easy, but allows you
to save the information in a permanent note for each file. If you use 4DOS
or NDOS (excellent replacements for COMMAND.COM), each note automatically
remains associated with its file whenever the file is copied, moved or
renamed. 4FILES may be fully evaluated under COMMAND.COM, although notes
then will not be transferred during these operations.

The ability to create and edit file notes and to have your system
automatically keep them with their files is the basis for a quantum leap in
file management efficiency. This ability is only a basis however, and an
exceptional interface is needed to realize its full potential. My goal has
been to design 4FILES to put all of this potential at your finger tips,
with a nice complement of features, and keystroke commands that are easy to
learn and remember. You will be the judge of my success, and since 4FILES
is shareware by an ASP member, the fully functional program is available
free for your evaluation. If you like it, a registration fee of $30 is
required (includes printed manual). Shareware copies are brandable as

There are several essential elements for an efficient file manager:

1) easy inspection of the contents of a file

2) permanent recording of the information obtained

3) clear presentation of this information along with the filename and vital
statistics of the file, in a sorted directory listing

4) good implementation of file management operations, including access to
third party utilities

5) easy navigation both across drives & directories and within a directory.
4FILES has been designed from its inception with these things as


** Capacity is 799 records (files & subdirectories) per directory.

** Runs under DOS or in its own window under Windows, OS/2 or DESQview.

4FILES' great drive:directory navigation is further enhanced by
ability to call upon the LCD, ACD or NCD directory changing utilities.
After one tap on the directory change key, you can make an instant drive
change. A double-tap of the directory change key presents a text input
field for specifying a path, which may be a path fragment if LCD, ACD or
NCD are used. A triple-tap on this key takes you instantly to the previous

There are eight utility ports, logically integrated into their
keyboard commands, some of which are specialized for use with file
browsers, editors or archive utilities.

^E puts the current filename on an editable command line. ^E^E blanks
this command line. F9 or ^X instantly executes the current file if it is a
program or batch file or if it is a data file with an "executatable

All functions use single mnemonic keys, sometimes augmented with CTRL
for action on marked files. Included are directory creation and removal;
and file copy, move, rename, delete and attribute changes. The file list
may be sorted on-the-fly or from the command line.

Single or marked files may be put into new or existing ZIP, ARJ or LHA
archives. Three utility ports are dedicated for assignment to de-archiving

Fully supports all national alphabets, keyboard layouts, and code

** Video & Mouse
Dual monitors are now properly supported. Displays of over 80x25 are now
detected automatically and supported. A mouse can be used, and is well

A configuration menu is built in, and changes may be saved or used

Six history lists are maintained for various input fields, including
entries for path changes, filename and target directory for file management
operations, and command lines sent to a secondary DOS shell. Also, when
used with 4DOS, ^H shells to DOS and displays the 4DOS command history


4FILES may be found as 4FILES.ZIP on CompuServe and generally on other
systems as 4FILExxx.ZIP or 4FILESxx.ZIP. Keywords for searching for are
"4F", "4FILE", or "4FILES" (on some systems only one of these will work).
"4DOS", "DESCRIPTION", or "FILE MANAGER" will also often work.



for the Falcon

GREG KOPCHAK 70357,2312, a member of CIS announced his firm will be
shipping the first Photo CD application for the Atari Falcon series of
computers starting Monday, July 26.

Photo Show for the Falcon makes use of the built in true color
graphics, built in SCSI-2 port, and built-in CD quality sound recording
and playback capabilities of the Atari Falcon.

Graphics can be viewed directly from the Kodak Photo CD disc or
scripted into custom slide shows that allow you to mix graphics and sound
into a multimedia presentation. Presentations can be played in a
continuous loop.

Three professional quality sound loops are included with the program
to get you started. Presentations can be recorded to VCR without
additional cards. All you need is a RCA type cable. Shows can be viewed on
RGB, VGA, or broadcast monitors with the outputs built into the basic Atari

The export module included with Photo Show will allow the exporting of
true-color images in 24 bit TIF, 24 bit EPS, 24 bit RGB data, or 16 bit RGB

A SCSI-2 MultiTOS CD rom driver is included with Photo Show. The
driver can read both Photo CD's XA format and standard 9660 CD rom discs.

Photo Show retails for $35.00
Ask at your favorite dealer.

For more information;
write or call:

It's All Relative
2233 Keeven Lane
Florissant MO 63031.

Voice: (314) 831-9482
CIS: 70357,2312
GEnie / Delphi: GREG

Randall Kopchak It's All Relative



PC or ST

Salt Lake City, UT - J&J Computers is proud to announce they are now the
official North American marketer/distributor for RATSoft/ST BBS Software.
Effective July 4th, 1993 all sales and marketing strategies are now managed
by them.

As an official dealer and service center for Atari Computer Systems, J&J
Computers has supported the Rocky Mountain Atari community for over seven
years. By marketing RATSoft, they look forward to providing support to the
entire Atari Computer community, worldwide, with this exciting new

J&J's will be distributing version 2.0 of RATSoft/ST. Version 2.0 includes
many new features and enhancements not found in the previous versions. Such
enhancements include the new FileTool module which provides automation of
such mundane operations like BBS Advertisements being stripped from
uploads. Updates of Zip comments, and file compression conversion routines.

The software will come with a professionally printed manual, and will
include dozens of helpful utilities and programs in addition to RATSoft
itself. Current owners of RATSoft will receive the 2.0 upgrade at no charge
via the support BBS'.

The new manuals will also be available to existing owners for a small fee.
Owners of RATSoft will also receive a newsletter which is devoted to
RATSoft BBS' and Telecommunications in general, at three month intervals.

Technical support and updates to legitimate users will continue to be
provided by the RATSoft/ST Support BBS at (909) 989-3381 as well as a new
support BBS at (801) 272-8370. A UK technical support BBS will be added
shortly and others in Europe are being considered.

* Effective as of July 4th, 1993, RATSoft is Exclusively Distributed By:

J&J Computers
250 East 6400 South
Murray, UT. 84107
(801)/265-0835 voice
(801)/262-6035 facsimile
(801)/272-8370 bbs

GEnie: N.Baker4

* The author can be reached at:


R0dent Laboratories Software
P.O. Box 391
Alta Loma, CA. 91701

* Official US and Canadian Support Sites:

R0dent Laboratories Support BBS
(909)/989-3381 (Southern California)
24 hrs, USR Dual Standard

Approaching Oblivion
(801)/272-8370 (Salt Lake City, Utah)
24 hrs, V.32bis, V.42

* Official European Support Sites:

System ST
+44 (0)533 413443
Currently 10pm-7am GMT, 9600

Below is a list of features found in the newest version of RATSoft/ST. This
is only a partial list of features, so if you have a specific concern or
question please feel free to contact us at the numbers above.

System Requirements:

o Any Atari ST/TT/Falcon with at least 2 MEGs of RAM.
RATSoft is compatible with all upgraded ST's
o Hard Disk Drive
o Hayes Compatible Modem
o All mono/color resolutions supported, resolution independent


o Printer (for BBS logs, user log list, file lists, etc.)
o Alternative Media (CD-ROM, floptical, etc.)

Optimum System (not required, but for best results):

o 4 megs of RAM (for mailers, online games, and extensive modules)
o TOS 1.4 or above


o Easy installation. Set-up includes a GEM-driven install utility, which
will have your new BBS completely operational in only a matter of
minutes. Modem-setup is as simple as selecting your modem from a list
of the most popular modems. All needed folders are automatically
created, and there is no need to modify confusing configuration files.

o RATSoft works with ANY hayes compatible modem, and includes
pre-configured settings for most of the popular modems in use today.

o Supports hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) for port locking and maximum
through-put with high speed modems.

o GEM editors for configuration options and data files. Intelligently
laid out makes modifying system options a snap. Interfaces with
RATSoft's Integrated Help System for instant access to extensive
help files (no more thumbing through the manual!)

o Modular design meaning your system is not limited by memory capacity.
New modules are released on a regular basis, and most modules are

o Uses a conference system, each which may contain it's own message
bases and file sections. Easily separates computer types, adult
sections, etc. Universal and local scan options are available.

o A programmable menu system allowing you to create your own menu
system. More than just assigning keys to a function, functions may
be linked, stacked, and joined together giving you endless

o Up to 255 unique translations, with local ANSI emulation (up to 16
colors on TT/Falcon). Any new translation can be easily added with
a GEM editor, and translations such as IGS are no problem.

o 500 external prompts, with the ability to use an unlimited number
of prompt files.

o Advanced script language modeled after easy-to-learn BASIC functions.
IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF, array variables, and complete access to user
information. Examples of scripts included online black lists, caller
ID blacklists, a Time Bank, logoff comments, online games manager,
and much more...

o Over 200 variable tags for user and system information and translation
independent color. A wealth of information can be easily placed on
the screen anywhere with a simply variable tag in a text file,
prompt, script, database, etc.

o Trackable voting booths (polls), including options for mandatory
voting, age limits, time limited polls, and results can easily be
dumped to a text file.

o A Callback Verifier (CBV). Supports local, long distance, and
international dialing. Setup is as easy as identifying acceptable
pre-fixes with a GEM editor.

o Supports caller ID recognition, if available. Supports Supra, ZyXEL
and others.

o A full-screen, bi-directional chat mode with capture/dump features and
word wrapping.

o Up to 1,024 message bases and 1,024 file sections, each which may
contain separate "section news" files, and extended descriptions.

o Supports up to 256 different message formats through the use of
message modules. Current modules include FIDO (Summer '93), with
others planned. These "fit" directly into RATSoft, and do not
give the user the "door" impression.

o Message bases can be real-name only, all anonymous, or optionally
anonymous. Messages are not "byte" limited, and can be anywhere
from 1 to 32000 lines in length (may vary with message modules).

o Message base spelling checker. Users can have their messages scanned
for spelling mistakes with a simply command.

o A powerful line editor with quoting, import/export, a unique "back up
line" feature, alternative line lengths, message macros, auto-messages
("form letters" BBS-style), all the normal editing commands, and
much more.

o A full screen editor in which the user may move freely around the
screen using cursor keys, move, copy, and delete blocks of text,
scroll through a parent message to quote from, and more.
Provides a word processor-like approach to message entry.
VT52/ANSI compatible.

o Up to 50 files (sysop definable) can be attached to any message.
F-mail made easier, file attaches a breeze.

o "Canvas Mail" and e-mail to "ALL" supported.

o "Smart-Filing" file system which allows the sysop to keep files
in any folder scheme.

o File*Tool[tm], the ultimate archive utility! Handles all archive
formats, can convert archive types, compress un-compressed files,
delete unwanted files from archives (BBS ads for example), add
ZIP comments and BBS advertisements, extract descriptions from
FILE_ID.DIZ or RATSoft .DSC files -- all automatically! For
example, all LZH files on your system can be converted to ZIP's
with a simply command. Want to un-ARC a file using ARC Shell?
One command loads it up with the archive ready to go!

o "Auto-Offline" feature useful for SyQuest or CD-ROM users.
On-the-fly detection of existing files avoids sysops needing to
update file lists when a new cartridge or disc is used.

o Users may download description files with their downloads. RATSoft
sysops can download a description file, add it to their BBS, and
RATSoft will grab the description right from the description file.

o Online archive support, including archive utilities and display text
from within archive. Supports ARC, LZH, ZIP, LHA, ARJ, and ZOO.

o "Smart*Batch" uploading. If a user fails to enter file descriptions
for an upload, they are automatically prompted for them on their
next call.

o An upload que. All uploads are placed in this que, and the sysop
may review each file and deny or accept the upload. Stops users
from uploading unwanted files simply for download credits.

o GIF and MOD detection; an off-line file list generator; full search
capabilities; brief/full description scan options; Zmodem, Ymodem-G,
Ymodem Batch, Fmodem Batch, Xmodem Standard/CRC/1k, and Jekyll
(a bi-directional protocol) support included, and a free files

o New-Scans are completely instant: determining the number of new msgs
and file sections takes less than 1 second, regardless of the number
of new messages or files, or the number of message bases and
file sections.

o MS-DOS-style DOS Shell (RAT-DOS), supporting errorlevel statements,
GOTO labels, environment settings, a MOVE function, supports any
size directories, and is capable of processing batch files for

o A Schedular which executes events based on time. Events can be
programs, modules, scripts, or batch files. Supports an un-limited
number of entries, more intelligent approach to netmail maintenance,
automatic system backup, online game maintenance, etc.

o Three database styles, from a G-files-style files database, to a
free form database and programmable database.

o Extensive online help system.

o Integrated SysOp Help System. Having trouble or a question? Simply
hit a mouse button and extensive help text with examples appears
on your screen in a neat GEM window.

o User options include expiration dates for pay systems; a mass mask
applicator, InfoForms (questionnaires); a revolutionary masking
system; guest accounts and visitors; hundreds of bit-masking options
for file sections and message bases; and much, MUCH more.

o Run any online game, whether it was designed for RATSoft, FoReM,
///Turbo, Express, or any other BBS program.


That's just the "tip of the ice-berg." RATSoft provides un-heard of
support, frequent updates with exciting new features, and is fast becoming
the BBS of choice for all Atari sysops. In addition to the RATSoft package,
third party developers are constantly designing new programs for RATSoft.

Ready to order? Here's how...

RATSoft/ST BBS software comes complete, ready to run on 2 disks, plus an
additional "helpful utilities" disk packed with useful programs and hints
for any SysOp. Even though RATSoft/ST BBS is extremely easy to setup and to
operate, the package also includes a professionally printed manual with
over 200 pages of reference material that is useful both for the beginner
and the experienced SysOp.

The complete RATSoft/ST BBS Software package is only $89.95! Purchase
price includes one year of free technical support and updates.

For SysOps running other BBS software packages, we offer a competitive
upgrade. If you send in your original disks from the other program, you
will receive RATSoft/ST for 20% off.

We also offer user groups a special discounted rate for RATSoft for use on
club owned boards.

To order, call any of the support BBS' listed above and place an electronic
order for RATSoft over the modem. You may also call, or fax J&J Computers
at the address and/or phone numbers listed at the beginning of this

We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover. Utah residents please add 6.25%.
We offer free shipping of RATSoft to anywhere in the contiguous 48 United
States. COD orders accepted for an additional $5.00 charge. J&J Computers
also offers the complete line of Atari (tm) products including the
Falcon030, and a complete in-house service center.

If interested in RATSoft/PC, the IBM-compatible version, which is slated
for release in early 1994, please call the R0dent Labs Support BBS at the
above listed number and leave E-Mail.

RATSoft ST and RATSoft PC are products of R0dent Labs Software and are
Copyright (c)1993 R0dent Labs Software. This text file may be passed around
or re-printed ONLY in UN-MODIFIED form, unless given permission by the

Feel free to post this file everywhere and anywhere you call!


> What is a ZIP File? STR InfoFile


A ZIP file is one that's been created using the ZIP compression protocol,
developed by Philip Katz. It's made up of one or more original files that
have been both compressed and combined into one file. The result is a file
that's smaller and easier to manage. These are often called 'archives'
since they're used to store data and programs.

Before being used, the files in an archive need to be returned to their
original state. Sometimes, zipfiles will be 'self extracting', with an EXE
extension. This means that the file already contains code to do the
extraction. For those, all that's necessary is to run the file from the
DOS command line. The components will be automatically extracted into the
same directory containing the archive. While convenient, this adds some
overhead to the size of the file. For that reason, it's more common to
find archives in plain ZIP format.

More often, an external UNZIP program is needed. While there are other
programs available, I recommend that you obtain the original shareware
version of PKUNZIP. This can be found on many Bulletin Board systems, as
well as on CompuServe. PKWARE maintains a section in the PC Vendors C
Forum (GO PCVENC). Their utilities can be found in LIbrary 11 (PKWARE) of
the forum. As of this writing, the most current PKUNZIP can be found in
the file PK204G.EXE. This is a self extracting archive containing PKZIP
(which creates ZIP files), as well as PKUNZIP and several auxiliary
utility programs. PKUNZIP is the program used to unzip your files.

Remember this is shareware. As with all shareware, if
you find the file useful, you should register it with the author. If you
don't support Shareware, who will?

It's possible that you might already have an earlier version of PKUNZIP
(the most popular is v1.1), or a program that recognizes it for extracting
files. It's important that you have the latest version. Earlier versions
are *not* able to extract files created by PKZIP 2.04. If you run PKUNZIP
on a ZIP file and get the message 'I don't know how to handle [filename]',
this is probably the problem. A copy of v2.04 should fix it.

Once you have PK204G.EXE, make a backup copy on a floppy disk, and store
it in case you should need the original in the future. Create a directory
on your hard drive named something like ZIP, and copy the EXE file to it.

Log into the directory and extract the files, by typing the file name to
run the program:


You'll see a display as the various component files are extracted. Be
ready, there are quite a few. It's not necessary that you access all of
these, or even know what they all do for now. The main files you'll be
using are PKZIP.EXE (which is used to create ZIP files) and PKUNZIP.EXE.
In addition there are voluminous documentation files. Again, it's not
necessary to learn everything that's in here. It is important that you
know where the docs are, are able to read them when you need to. DON'T BE
INTIMIDATED. While it looks horrendously complex, the basic functions are
actually very simple. As you learn more about the program, you'll be able
to use the additional features to gain more flexibility.


A key concept in using a program like PKUNZIP efficiently is understanding
the DOS PATH. If you already know about that, skip ahead. If not...

When you issue a command from the DOS prompt, and it's not an internal
command, DOS will first look in the current directory to see if there's a
program by that name. If it's not found, then it references the Path.
This is a list of subdirectories, normally established in AUTOEXEC.BAT. It
serves as a roadmap for DOS, telling it in effect "If you can't find the
program, start looking here." When it does the search, DOS will look at the
files in every directory listed in the path, still looking for the program
whose name you typed in at the command line. If it finds it, it runs it.
If it doesn't find it, it gives an error message and the command isn't

What that means is that for programs that you run frequently, if you put
them somewhere on the path then it's not necessary to switch to their
directories before running them. This is a huge timesaver. For more, see


In the examples below, I'll assume that PKUNZIP is in a directory on your
path. If it's not, then when you see something like:


Substitute the full pathname, so that DOS can find the program:


or whatever name you use for the ZIP directory. All set? Let's see what
we can do.

First, just run the program with no parameters.


You'll see a list of available options for the program. Don't panic! You
don't need to memorize all this. But remember that the quick reference is
there, should you need to be reminded of something, and don't have the
manual handy.

If you get a 'bad command or filename' error from DOS, this probably
means that it couldn't find PKUNZIP. Make sure that the program is on your
Path, you're in the directory where PKUNZIP is, or you've told DOS
where to find it.

Here's the basic structure of the command line (the brackets aren't typed
in ... they're here for clarity.) Make sure that you leave a space between
the parameters, as shown in the examples. The format is:

PKUNZIP [options] [targetfile] [destination]

The options (all those letters you saw in the command summary) are used to
customize things, and there are a bunch of of them. For simple
Unzipping, you probably don't need to include any, so don't worry about 'em
just yet.

[Targetfile] refers to the ZIP file from which you're extracting files.
It isn't necessary to add the ZIP extension; that's assumed. If the file
is in your current directory, just the name will do. If it's not, then add
the full pathname so PKUNZIP can find it. Lets say you've downloaded
NEATO.ZIP, and it's currently in your C:\DL directory. First log into the
directory, then call PKUNZIP:


will extract all the files from NEATO.ZIP, and place them in the \DL
directory. If you're not currently in the \DL directory, specify the full


will do the trick.

That's great, but suppose you don't want the extracted files to go in your
Downloads directory. Talk about making a mess in a hurry. Better is to
use the [Destination] option to tell PKUNZIP where you want the files
written. If no destination is specified, files are extracted to the
current directory. Again, if in doubt, use a full pathname to be sure the
files end up where you want. Building on the example above:


looks just about the same, except now the files won't end up in the \DL
directory. Instead they'll go to \HOLD, where they won't interfere,
overwrite, or otherwise confuse files that are already on the disk.

If you want, you can specify pathnames for both target and destination:


will extract all the files in NEATO.ZIP, located in the C:\DL directory,
and place them in the C:\HOLD directory. By using the full pathnames, it
doesn't matter which directory you're currently in.

And THAT'S IT!! You have just learned all you need to do to get started
UnZipping files. Take a minute and give yourself a pat on the back. Now
that you know how it works, you can go in and start studying the manual.
The best way to learn about the various options is by hands on experience.
Go ahead and experiment. You'll be amazed at how fast you become an


Once you start downloading files, you'll find that it's easy to become
inundated with files that are included in the download, but aren't
something you necessarily need to keep around. Worse, the names are often
similar. So if you're not careful it's easy to end up with multiple files
with enigmatic names like README.TXT, README.1ST, FILE_ID.DIZ, etc. Also,
if you try a program out and decide you don't want to keep it, all the
extras make it a bit more difficult to erase it. To make managing
downloaded archived files easier, here's a suggestion on how to set up your
hard disk.

- Set up 1 directory for often used utilities, and make sure it's on your
path. Mine is named C:\TOOLS. This cuts way down on the need to Change
Directories before running a utility. In addition to PKUNZIP, you might
also have a directory manager, menu program, often used batch files ...
whatever. Another thing I've done on my own disk is to keep program
documentation in a subdirectory below my TOOLS directory. It helps reduce
clutter in the tools directory, since once I'm up and running with a
program, I don't need to see the docs every time I run a DIR on the

- Set up another directory dedicated only to holding downloaded files.
This, of course, doesn't need to be on your path. Think of it as the
Lobby, where arriving files get a chance to stop and rest up after their
exhausting trip over the phone lines to your computer. Many communications
programs allow you to set up a default download directory, so check your

- Set up a 3rd directory to serve as a Holding Area (mine is cleverly
named C:\HOLD). This is where you tell PKUNZIP to write the files it
extracts. Using a dedicated extract directory has several advantages. If
you want to run a virus scan on the files, they're all here in one place.
You can look over the package, check any README.1ST files, instructions on
installation, and look over the docs. Many times, you can also run the
program from here to get an idea of how it works, and if you like it.
(Sometimes programs will insist they be run from their own directory ...
this is where you'd want to check the docs or installation notes.) For
convenience, I have this directory included in my PATH, even tho it's
contents change a lot.

Changing, of course, is what it's all about. If I run NEATO.EXE and can
immediately see it's not what I'm looking for, I can delete the files right
then and there. Otherwise, I go ahead and copy the files (not all of them!
It's doubtful I'll need FILE_ID.DIZ and README.1ST once I've got the
program working) to their permanent home. Sometimes that'll be a special
directory, sometimes my TOOLS directory ... wherever seems appropriate.
It's also a good habit to immediately make backup copies of the original
ZIP file from your DL directory, in case you should need to reinstall the
program again. The one you don't have a copy of is always the one you
need, right? When I've got everything copied, I then clean out \HOLD, and
it's ready for the next go.

As you work with downloaded files you'll probably come up with your own
ideas for how you want to handle things. We all have different ways of
working. But hopefully, this will give you a place to start.

If you have questions, or want to know more about the finer points, don't
hesitate to leave a message in the forum. The Sysops and Forum members
will be glad to help you out.

Remember that the only 'Stupid Question' is the one that doesn't get
asked! It's a cliche, but like a lot of cliches, it's also true. Nobody
was born knowing everything about computers. We all have to learn the same
way ... by exploring and inquiring. And that's where the real fun is.




> ATARI UNITED! STR InfoFile An Overview......


When ATARI UNITED! was first announced in an online conference on
DELPHI, some DELPHI members had questions, which I'm sure others share,
about the intent, focus and reasoning behind ATARI UNITED!. A
bit of history about the development of this organization might help
begin to answer those questions.

ATARI UNITED! was born out of the suspicion that more Atari TOS
computer owners exist than most in the active Atari community realize.
Patti and I have both had many experiences in which we have come into
contact with owners who had no idea that a thriving Atari community still
existed. We have both been responsible for bringing ST owners
'out-of-the-closet' and renewing their use of their machines. And, of
course, with every renewed Atari owner comes some degree of new spending
on equipment and/or software.

ATARI UNITED! has been organized with the intent of searching out
these isolated owners on a nationwide scale, with the hope that these
users will expand the active userbase. And as a result will promote new
business for our loyal developers.

ATARI UNITED! seeks to repair the disintegration of communication
between users and developers in the Atari market, especially because
of the demise of many printed Atari-specific magazines that all too often
are an owner's only link to the community.

A late night conversation about the dismal state of the Atari
market in the US led to a discussion about ways that it could be
improved, independent of direct Atari Corporation involvement.
Obviously, we concluded that the creation of a nationwide database
containing information about users, dealers and developers was
the first step in rebuilding the lost lines of communication. This
has become the first priority of our fledgling organization. While
it is being compiled, other projects are and will be developed, so
that our database can be utilized to its full extent when more complete.

Atari user groups have always been a valuable means of keeping the
Atari community together, and it was obvious that user groups were the
best place to begin compiling information. Bob Brodie, Director of
Communication for Atari Corporation, and former User Group Coordinator,
was contacted, provided an outline of our purpose and plan of action,
and asked for a list of user groups that could be used in the effort. He
was happy to provide us with the necessary information, and so, the work

The name ATARI UNITED! was chosen, and again, Bob Brodie was
contacted. Permission to use Atari's name was granted, so long as the
organization was used to support Atari products and their users. As
this was the very foundation of the organization, an informal agreement
was quickly reached, and ATARI UNITED! became our official name.
It was further determined that AU! should be a not-for-profit
organization, similar to the general form that Atari user groups have
taken over the years. ATARI UNITED! does not exist to bilk Atari
users out of their money. Actually, we'd prefer that their money be
invested in hardware and
software, so our loyal developers can make a living. We intend to make
all ATARI UNITED! services and projects as affordable as possible.
Registration is free of course, and many of the other benefits we will
be able to provide will be free of cost to the user also.

ATARI UNITED!'s first project beyond the database is a quarterly
DiskMagazine. It will be geared to provide developer news, product
reviews, game hints, help columns, and a few surprises. Eventually,
program demos might be included, so a taste of what is up and coming can
be given as wide an audience as possible. While similar things are
now available in the online magazines, it is important to realize that
most of the Atari community members are not 'modemized', and that
many TOS computer owners have no real link with the rest of the market.
So, it is not so much a matter of duplicating what already exists, as a
matter of distribution where that kind of information is so
desperately needed. Kinda like being modern technological missionaries!

The potential for ATARI UNITED! is enormous, for both the
developers and the owners of TOS computers. With better channels of
communication, developers will be able to sell more products, encouraging
them to continue investing in the TOS market. We, as users, will
continue to be able to purchase new products, and find support for the

One particular benefit for user groups will grow as the database of
TOS computer owners grows. User groups who register with ATARI
UNITED! will have their contact information made available to anyone
who inquires about TOS support in their area. User groups will also
periodically be given access to information about local users contacted by
us. Just as the developer and the user can be connected, so too can
user groups and users. It's all a part of strengthening the
communication channels throughout the entire market.

In addition to communication between groups and owners, we can
also help on the individual level. When an owner has a problem with
his/her system, or with a piece of software, it is often helpful to
contact someone nearby with the knowledge to solve the problem. Even if
a user doesn't have a 'problem' per se, the exchange of information and
ideas can only benefit the community. Some users are lucky enough to have
a local dealer, but for many, 'local' is a term that can mean several
hundred miles. All of those in that predicament will be able to locate
owners nearby. Just consider us a friendly dating service for
your Atari computer!

Some of our future projects are not far enough along to be openly
discussed, but there are some exciting possibilities out there. It is
important that we don't take on too much too quickly, only to find that
we can't handle our first priorities. Too often a well-intentioned
enterprise fails while trying to do too much all at once. Instead, we
want to grow slowly with the aid and support of everyone involved in the
Atari community. With this in mind, the number of staff at ATARI UNITED!
is being kept very small. We have received many offers from users
volunteering to help with our project, and we are encouraged by all the
offers. But in these early stages, it is essential that our focus be
maintained. Too many people with too many ideas would only serve to
dilute our efforts at this point. However, as we grow, we will be adding
to our little group, to better serve the Atari community.

ATARI UNITED! intends to succeed in its effort to strengthen the
Atari community. Time and money have already been expended to that
end, and we are fully ready to expend more. But, it'll take the
cooperation and support of TOS computer owners all across the US to make
ATARI UNITED! the best it can be. To help us help all of you, register
now, while you are thinking about it! Together, we will make the
Atari community stronger!

Gordie Meyer

To register:
Complete the registration form below, and send to:

P.O. Box 691
Mountain View, CA 94042-0691

or via e-mail to:

Name (Last, First, MI): _________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________________

Computer Model: ___ 520 ST ___ 520 STe ___ TT
___ 1040 ST ___ 1040 STe ___ F030
___ Mega ST ___ Mega STe

Computer Serial Number: (OPTIONAL)________________________________

User Group (if a member):_________________________________________

=======For further information, contact:=======

Patti Barbiero Gordie Meyer
P.O. Box 691 P.O. Box 1982
Mountain View, CA 94042-0691 or Ames, IA 50010-1982
(415) 903-9787 (515) 232-1627


> Lazarus Long #3 STR Feature

The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
Issue #3

Compiled by Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

Various real-life sayings (some attributed, some not) that could fit in-
to the Notebooks of Lazarus Long. From the Jerry Pournelle RT on Genie

The only thing more dangerous than a lieutenant is a lieutenant
with a map, compass and sidearm.

That's only number two, and doesn't even come close to number 1: A
lieutenant with an idea and a word processor.

Only field grades are dangerous with an idea and a word processor.
. . no one takes lieutenants seriously when it comes to policy.

Field grades never have an idea.

Of course they do, they steal them from lieutenants.

When I was a lieutenant, I thought captains, majors, lieutenant
colonels, and colonels were self centered, shallow, and careerists.
Now I _know_ lieutenants are immature idealists; captains are
immature cynics; lieutenant colonels are self centered careerists;
and colonels don't care, 'cuz they got theirs.

Majors? We're either world-weary skeptics or syncophantic self
centered careerists. Except, of course, for me... _I_ know what the
answer is - but no one ever asks!

"To err is human. To really screw up requires ADP support and Flag
Officer guidance."

"Stupidity is a self-correcting problem."

There are a few things more dangerous thana a lieutenant with a
A manager with an idea.
A programmer with a soldering iron.
An engineer with a compiler!



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"


Oregon Research, a major developer/distributor of Atari ST software
for the last seven years, has just signed a long term agreement with HiSoft
and AVR to provide distribution and product support for their entire line
of Amiga products. We have partnered with HiSoft for several years now in
distribution and support in the Atari market (they distribute our software
in England and we distribute and support their software in North
America), and this is the logical extension of our excellent business
relationship. Initially, we will be providing distribution and product
support for:

Devpac 3 Professional 680x0 Assembly Language Development System
HighSpeed Pascal Professional Pascal Language Development System
HighSpeed Pascal Professional Pascal Language Development System
PowerBasic Entry level Structured BASIC
HiSoft Basic 2 Professional BASIC Language Development System (9/93)
ProFlight Tornado Fighter Flight Simulator
Clarity 16 Professional 16 bit stereo sound sampler, effects
processor and sound editor
AMAS 2 8 bit stereo sound sampler with integrated MIDI interface
and sound processing/sequencing
MegaLoSound 8 bit stereo sound sampler and effects processor with
direct to hard disk recording
ProMidi Amiga MIDI interface with MIDI cables
VideoMaster Real time Video Digitizer

In addition, we are developing two new exciting Amiga applications at
Oregon Research for release in early 1994. The decision to support the
Amiga platform is one we have wanted to make for a long time and we are
very excited with the capabilities of the machine and for the opportunity
to serve the Amiga community.

If anyone has any questions regarding any of our Amiga products we provide
free online technical support here as well as on Genie: ORA and on
CompuServe: 71333,2655 or you can call us at (503) 620-4919 or FAX us at
(503) 624-2940

Bob Luneski, President

Oregon Research Genie: ORA
16200 S.W. Pacific Hwy., Suite 162 CompuServe 71333,2655
Tigard, OR 97224 Phone: (503) 620-4919 FAX: (503) 624-2940


Our super sleuth in the UK tells us that the Falcon sales are in the
low thousands for all of Europe. The expected crushing rush for the new
Falcon has yet to materialize. In fact, while the Falcon is satisfying the
game machine affectionados in the UK and elsewhere, a number of support
enterprises are on the verge of closure on the continent.


The Link............. regularly $119.95 ......... on sale $109.95
Tape Backup Software (includes tap

e cleaning kit)......... 99.95
Cleanup ST!.......... regularly $ 29.95 ......... clearance 19.95
AdSpeed ST........... regularly $209.95 ......... clearance 99.95
Personal Pascal...... regularly $ 59.95 ......... clearance 19.95
free with orders over $150
AdSCSI Plus ST....... regularly $119.95 ......... on sale $109.95
AdSCSI Micro ST...... regularly $ 89.95 ......... clearance 39.95



> A "Quotable Quote" "All that glitters ain't GOLD!"


...... a wise old man


> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155
Est. 1985


40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only
Authorized Atari Dealer


202 Roberts St.
East Hartford CT. 06108
Authorized Atari Dealer


907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053
Authorized Atari Dealer


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112
Authorized Atari Dealer


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220
Authorized Atari Dealer


(DEALERS; to be listed here, please drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-93 All Rights Reserved No.9.30
Messages quoted in whole or in part are done so under the Fair Use
provision of the US Copyright Laws. USPC Title 17. Views, Opinions and
Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of the editors/staff of
STReport International Online Magazine. Permission to reprint articles is
hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Reprints must, without exception,
include the name of the publication, date, issue number and the author's
name. STR, STReport and/or portions therein may not be edited in any way
without prior written permission. STR, STReport, at the time of
publication, is believed reasonably accurate. STR, STReport, its staff and
contributors are not and cannot be held responsible for the use or
misuse of information contained herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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