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Silicon Times Report Issue 0925

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing

June 18, 1993 No. 9.25

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32221 ~ 6155

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
FIDO 1:112/35 ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:21/350.0
904-786-4176 USR/HST 24hrs - 7 days
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FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
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> 06/18/93 STR 925 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - PORTFOLIO NEWS


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to participate
in the Fido/NEST/Atari F-Net Mail Network. You may also phone The Bounty
BBS direct @ 904-786-4176, and enjoy the wonder & excitement of exchanging
information relative to computers, worldwide, through the use of excellent
International Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are quite welcome to
join the STReport International Conferences. The Crossnet Code is #34813,
and the "Lead Node" is # 620. All BBS systems are welcome and invited to
participate. Support your favorite computer! Teleconference Today!



to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


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With the announcement from Sunnyvale on the new JAGUAR Multimedia
Entertainment System, we've added a Message Section and Library to the
ATARI8 Forum. We invite you to join us in sharing news and views of what
promises to be an exciting machine. GO ATARI8 for Section 15 [Jaguar].


Download file 20Q_01.TXT from LIBRARY 15 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for the first 20 QUESTIONS file of questions submitted by the
members to Atari Corp and answered by Bob Brodie, James Grunke and Bill


Download file AGIT.ZIP from LIBRARY 2 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for Agitation. Agitation is easy to learn, tough to solve. This
is the most indescribably difficult, infuriatingly impossible program you
could choose to run!

* create custom puzzles
* upload and share
* point and click puzzle solving
* multiple cheat, peek and help modes
* watch the computer solve puzzles
* custom graphics and dialogs
* check out the other puzzles here online! mono freeware


Download file BSTAT4.LZH from LIBRARY 5 of the Atari Productivity Forum (GO
ATARIPRO) for version 2.46 of B/STAT. B/STAT is a shareware statistical
analysis and business graphics program. It requires a 1 megabyte machine
and double sided drive at a minimum. B/STAT makes use of GDOS or SPEEDO
GDOS if installed but requires neither. This is version 2.46 of B/STAT and
offers some improvements in graphing over earlier versions. B/STAT may be
registered online by GOing SWREG and selecting ID # 263.


Message Section 12 and Library 12 have been established for online support
of Oregon Research's products. Please read OREGON.TXT in Library 12 of the
Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) for an overview of the company. Also, be
sure to check out the other files in the Library for in-depth information
on their entire product line.


Download file FLAGS.LZH from LIBRARY 11 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO
ATARIVEN) for Sample EPS (Adobe Illustrator) files of the new Flags of the
World clipart collection now being sold by Soft-Logik Publishing. The
archive contains four flags.





> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

It's showtime!! Shows are opening up all around the country in the
next few weeks. Let's hope the flow of Falcons can keep up with the
numerous shows and the Falcon hungry users out there wanting the new
machines. Atari should've planned on the show circuit placing an extra
demand on the availability of the new Falcons. I'm sure they did plan on
it and simply have to get the planned accommodation of the show demand into

Not too much to talk about except that the "behind the scenes games
playing by the "same old few" hasn't stopped for a single moment. The
threats, the castigations and maneuvers in the many futile attempts at
silencing STReport have reached new and rather interesting heights.
Thankfully, there are still principled people in this world who will have
none of the "arrangement seekers" pressure filled entreaties. This latest
spate has to be the very worst in terms of blatant attempts at censorship
and derisiveness at hiding the truth. Forget about righting the wrongs
that would be too much to expect.

The "summer doldrums" have been accused of setting in, but you can't
prove it by me. The action on the networks around the world are simply
hopping like crazy. The amazing thing is its happening on all the
platforms. Even those long thought to have been dead and buried. The
International BBS scene is very much alive and well.




Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Roger D. Stevens Robert Glover R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor Emeritus

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Scott Birch
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT




by Joe Mirando

On the weekend of June 12/13 Atari computer users from across North
America flocked to the Windsor Court Hotel in Windsor Locks, Connecticut.
The showroom, which was larger than last year's, enjoyed an constant flow
of enthusiastic users eager for hardware and software, as well as a peek of
the fabled FALCON030.

Although the crowd was a bit smaller than last year's and indeed,
smaller than projected since the Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts
(WAACE) computer club will not be sponsoring a large show this year, the
turnout was still a respectable one.

The show, which was sponsored by the ACT (Affiliated ConnecticuT)
Atari User's Groups, an umbrella organization of Users Groups throughout
the New England area, brought dealers such as The Computer Zone, Derric
Discount Electronics, East Hartford Computer Repair, and Toad Computers.

Developers included Barefoot Software, Gribnif Software, A&D Software,
Clear Thinking, Straight Edge Software, Evangilo's Software, Best
Electronics, BaggettaWare, Lexicor Software,CodeHead Technologies, Kurlan
Music, Megatype Software, Oregon Research, Software Spectrum, Wizztronics,
Soft-Logic Publishing, and ABC Solutions. While vendors and developers
alike sold less than they did at last year's show, all went home happy with
the results.

The crowd of showgoers eagerly surrounded vendor tables looking for
bargains on merchandise and to get a glimpse of Atari's new wonder, the
FALCON030. The developers that had Falcons gladly showed them off (in
conjunction with their own products, of course).

While the 'fest was coupled with a small business show this year, the
lion's share of the activity went to the AtariFest. Most participants in
the small business end were philosophical about the light turnout for their

The applications that were shown on the Falcons were nothing short of
astounding. The application that first caught my eye was a true-color
video digitizer. The images were sharp, with great color. The screen was
updated at a rate of somewhere between three and five seconds. Other new
apps for the Falcon included a new version of CodeHead Technologies' WARP
9, which was displayed, but not quite ready for sale.

On display at the Lexicor booth were their amazing Nova card, and the
video "roaster". The graphics on display were, to say the least,

On a less happy note, Atari had much less to do with this year's show.
Last year Atari not only sent Bob Brodie, Director of Communications, but a
truck-load of equipment including TT030s, MegaSTEs, and monitors.

This year Atari, as a result of shortages both in personnel and
equipment, sent no one and no equipment. The Affiliated Users Groups were
able to cover the deficit of equipment for use by vendors and developers,
but the Atari personnel would have been nice.

The inconvenience of Atari not sending equipment or personnel would
have been forgotten by attendees if only they had been able to ensure that
the dealers that were present had a adequate supply of Falcon030s.
Although there were two dealers authorized to sell Falcons at the show,
only one, The Computer Zone, had any available. The Falcons arrived during
the early hours of the show and were greeted by enthusiastic "Falcon
Groupies" outside the hotel as they were unloaded from the delivery truck.
The small crowd followed the machines into the showroom in hopes of snaring
one of the elusive birds for themselves. Four Falcon030s were delivered to
Bob Leviton of The Computer Zone. The machines were sold within a matter
of minutes, including one to the other authorized dealer, Tom Allard of
East Hartford Computer Repair, for use in his display.

Much has been made of the effort put forth by Atari to "sign up" a
local authorized dealer in time for the show and, because of this rush,
there were some "T"s not quite crossed and "I"s not quite dotted. The
reasons given for East Hartford Computer Repair not receiving Falcons for
the show were that,

A) There was a dispute over commissions for the Regional Representative and,

B) Gary Tramiel had reservations about authorizing a dealer who's
store was actually a large room on the first floor of his

These excuses are poor at best. Even taking into account that the
paperwork was put through and approved more quickly than in other cases,
there was still more than enough time to inform the dealer that the
"Falcons had flown the coupe". The first excuse shouldn't have affected
the dealers receipt of machines under any circumstances. It is purely a
matter to be kept between the representative and Atari.

Above and beyond the disappointment of the crowd over the lack of
salable Falcons, this episode left many with the feeling that Atari is,
again, not serious about selling their wonderful machines. Throughout both
days of the show many individuals could be heard uttering phrases such as:
"They dropped the ball", "Its the same old story", and my personal
favorite, "Why am I not surprised?"

If Atari is to market this computer successfully, they must, first of
all, produce them in numbers sufficient to satisfy at least the majority of
the demand. Once production is up to speed, they must work harder at
convincing us (customers and dealers alike) that they are serious about and
committed to this machine.

Glib lines such as "We sell all we make" are not acceptable to many
who have seen it all before and are now tired of excuses and delays.

Although the shortage of available Falcons at the show was due in part
to the aforementioned dealer sign-up problem, it still casts more of its
shadow upon Atari than it does the dealers. East Hartford Computer Repair
lost at least two sales because there were no machines to sell, but Atari
itself may have lost dozens. To his credit, the dealer resisted taking
deposits for the Falcon until the problem has been sorted out. I don't
know what criterion Atari uses to decide who is good enough to be a Falcon
dealer (actually, I do. But let's not get into that), but this single move
on the part of the dealer should prove to the powers that be in Sunnyvale
that he is worthy.

On the subject of the machine's capabilities, I can only say what I
have said all along: The Falcon is a wonderful machine. While it lacks
the blinding speed of the fastest processors available, it also lacks their
price tags. The machine is a worthy entry level computer for the home
entertainment/productivity market, and comes with features and abilities
that could easily cost the price of the machine itself to add on to other

Despite the lack of available Falcons and Atari personnel, most
showgoers were happy just to be among other people who knew that Atari
didn't just make game machines. The mood was generally upbeat, as anyone
who has spent any time in the Atari arena is now use to ball-dropping and
such. The innovative products sold by the attending dealers and vendors
got the attention they so richly deserve, and the glimpses of the Falcon
that vendors had brought with them seemed to impress almost all.

For the Falcon030, only time will tell if it will succeed. For the
Connecticut AtariFest, time has already told the story...

And.. it had a happy ending.


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando

Hey there folks, I hope that your week has been better than mine. With the
Connecticut AtariFest last weekend, and the hectic time both before and
after, I'm about ready to fall down.

I can hear some of you thinking to yourself "why is he telling me this?"...
The answer is that I'm letting you know gently that this week's column will
again be shorter than normal.

So let's get to it...

From the Atari Productivity Forum

On the subject of CompuServe's "20 Questions" project, Bob Brodie, Atari's
Director of Communications, tells us:

"Glad you liked the 20 Questions project. We enjoyed it here, too. Although
I think it took longer than the typical real time conference would. Anyway,
let's see what happens on the conference. I'm certainly up to it, I enjoy
those a lot."

Jim Ness tells Bob:

"I'd like to think that the 20-Questions project took longer than a
conference because you had the chance to do some research in the office,
and give each answer extra consideration. Things that are hard to do in a
conference, when 25 people are waiting for an answer. It took more of your
time, but the result was longer and more informative than the normal
conference transcript.

I think they both have their place, though."

Tim Myers says what a lot of us are thinking:

"It's good to see Atari Corp establishing a presence here on CIS. I look
forward to more of the 20 questions type of event and I'm still looking
forward to the conference !"

On another subject, Michael Robillard tells us:

"I have a MEGA2 with TOS 102.I was wondering when I format my disks is
there a limit to how many tracks and sectors I should have or is the sky
the limit."

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine tells Michael:

"There are two factors. The formatting program itself and drive mechanism.
Most of the time its a physical hardware limit of the drive itself that
does impose the limit on the number of tracks, etc."

Robert Aries adds:

"The limitation is in your drive, not in the particular version of TOS.
Formatting from the desktop will always give you 9 sectors/80 tracks; this
is for compatibility with the IBM format. There are extended formatters
available that will do up to 11 sectors/86 tracks. I have used 11/83
before but I don't believe that will work with an Atari drive. Not only
that but you run the risk of disk errors if the drive goes slightly out of
alignment or you try to use the disk on another system (or you eventually
get a different drive). I have used 10/82 with no problems.

If you browse the libs you'll surely find several formatting programs. The
best way to see what will work for you may be to just go for it...if your
drive can't handle past track 79 you'll know immediately as the head will
make a clicking noise as it hits against a stopper. I might keep my finger
on the power switch to shut the system off if I hear that, though!"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Michael:

"There are two limitations to how far you can push a floppy disk format
(even with software that will go beyond that)...

The first is how fast the disk spins.. putting more sectors on a track
depends on cutting down the space between the sectors, and how much time it
takes for each sector to pass by the disk head. If you speeded up the disk
rotation, you could put more sectors on the same track.. but then the drive
wouldn't be compatible with anything else.. (another way to accomplish the
same thing is to speed up the clock signal that the floppy controller uses
to write the data to the disk.. which is exactly how the "High Density"
1.44 Megabyte drives do it.. they write 18 sectors in the same space as the
normal ST drive can write 9..)

The practical limit on an unmodified ST floppy drive is 11 sectors, and
even that requires that your drive is running on the fast side of "normal".
The second limitation is how many tracks the drive will physically write.

Every drive has a "Track Zero" sensor, which is where it gets its basic
positioning information. When you hear a drive going "Honnnk Honnnnk"
when it tries to read a bad sector, it's "recalibrating" by finding its
Track Zero sensor, then trying to read the track with the bad sector again.

Track Zero is thus defined by the way the drive is built. How far the
drive head will step out in the other direction defines how many tracks the
drive can write. The specification for a 3.5" floppy drive is 80 tracks,
but many will actually write a few tracks beyond that before the head can't
physically move any farther. The problem is that not all drives have the
same amount of "slop", and so a disk you format to 83 tracks on one drive
may not be able to be read all the way on a drive that can only move out to
81 tracks.

Also, some people are concerned that driving the head against a physical
stop may in time damage it, or force it out of alignment.

The total storage of a drive is found by the number of bytes per sector,
times the number of sectors in a track, times the number of tracks on the
disk. The only practical way to determine the maximum for a particular
drive is to experiment with a formatting program that lets you change the
number of sectors and tracks.

I found that one of my ST drives would do 82 tracks, but the other will
only go to 81 tracks. I used to format all my disks at 10 sectors, 81
tracks until I started using a PC heavily, at which time I started using
the standard 9 sectors and 80 tracks format so I could use the same disks
on both systems.

It's up to you whether any risks or incompatibility are worth the extra
disk storage gained by an "extended format"

Tim Myers talks about the scourge of all computer platforms... Piracy:

"...Just about every program on every platform can be found in pirated form
( I was offered MSDOS6 for a fraction of it's retail cost in some very
poorly copied packages at a car boot sale ) This state of affairs is sad.

The computer and it's software have become status symbols to a certain
section of our society and what they can't buy legit they'll pirate. Where
there's a market there's a supplier....."

Rob Nicholson tells Tim jokingly (I hope):

"What's worse is many young people are turning to crime to obtain Nintendo
and Sega consoles and/or carts. Very sad :-("

Tim adds:

"A bit of a sad comment on the state of our society isn't it? It's not the
actual hardware but the kudos of saying that you own it that counts. We've
bred a society where you're judged on what you own and what you look like
instead of who you are. Superficiality seems to hold the cards at the

Chasing the Gods of status seems to have been the start. Media created
images of how we should look and behave are major contributors as well as
images of what we must own to be seen to have succeeded. That's why I like
e-mail so much, we are judged on what we SAY not how we

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

Darkin asks:

"When is the release date for the Jaguar? Will Atari actually be able to
support *this* machine with good software and licensees? Also, will they
be able to stick to the amazing $200 price they gave?

2) Can anyone with first hand experience with the Falcon give me the
lowdown. How do Falcon prices run?"

Rob Nicholson tells Darkin:

"I don't think an exact release date has been given yet. As for the price,
yes - I'd say it's just about achievable. Although the machine is very
powerful, all of the hardware is crammed into a few chips. It all depends
upon how cheaply the VLSI chips can be made I'd guess. In terms of amount
of bits, there's probably about the same amount of hardware as in the SNES
and Genesis."

Master Sysop Ron Luks tells us:

"The old 8-bit Forum will be restructured into an Atari Games forum,
specializing in the Lynx, the Jaguar, and will still contain 8-bit support.
The forum name will be changed when we do the formal overhaul later this
summer. We are waiting on some new software from CompuServe before
restructuring all the Atari forums. We opened up the Jaguar section a bit
early because of Atari's pre-release press announcement."

On the subject of the Jaguar's release date, Bob Brodie posts:

"The specific release date for the Jaguar has not been given, all we have
said is that it will be sold in the fall, in time for the holidays. We're

targeting NYC for the initial shipments, and we will support the product in
a big way with advertising.

And yes, we will stick with the "amazing $200 price". :) Glad you like it.
Re Falcon prices, for the US they are as follows: Falcon030 1/0 $799
Falcon030 4/0 $999 Falcon030 4/80 $1299 Falcon030 14/80 $1899

These prices are MSRP, video adapters are extra. Units with hard drives
include MultiTOS, SpeedoGDOS, Atari Works, and a cadre of other programs
that we bundle at no additional charge."

Greg Kopchak tells us:

"Photo CD for the Falcon is now REAL. We will be shipping a Photo CD Slide
Show program for the Falcon in the next two weeks.

Run out and buy a roll of Kodacolor Gold before you leave for vacation.

True-color on a 27 inch monitor is impressive.

We hope to have a demo of Photo CD at the KC show if all goes well.

Stay tuned here for more information here later in the week."

Albert Dayes, having the keen technical mind that he does, asks Greg:

"How programmable is the Photo CD slide-show? It it similar to the
portfolio format where you can mix Photo CD images and audio?"

From the Atari Vendors Forum

Richard Casey asks about "setting up" a system for a friend:

"I have to set up a musician friend of mine with an ATARI computer. The
AMEK / TAC recording console he purchased only works with an ATARI computer
(Not the Falcon) because the automation software was written specifically
for it.

They are writing an IBM Version due to be out in a few months but for now
they recommend an ATARI STe I believe.

My question is this. Will this GEMultor run all software written for the

Where can I get more info on the gemulator?

Any tips or info would be appreciated."

Ron Luks, the Sysop big Cahoona, tells Rich:

"No, the Gemulator will not run *all* Atari software, but it will run a
remarkable amount of it.

You should post a message in the EMULATOR topic of AtariPro to get more

Sysop Bob Retelle adds:

"Specifically, the GEMulator doesn't support the Atari ST's MIDI ports as

If the application your friend needs uses MIDI, it won't run on the IBM
under the emulator..."

Oscar Steele of Purple Mountain Computers tells Rich:

"Like Ron said, Gemulator won't run all software. But it will run most
applications. Games are an iffy subject, if you want to run the hottest in
technology games, you'd want to get a PC anyway to run them.

Send us e-mail with your address and a request for Gemulator information.
Currently, Gemulator does NOT support MIDI.

Ron, is there any way you could just set up a category here for us so that
users don't get confused over where to post about Gemulator. On GEnie we
have a topic dedicated to Gemulator and it makes it so much easier to
support the product. I hope we can continue to do so here, and I'd
appreciate if you would set up a Purple Mountain Computer topic. Then we
could also support the Freedom Floptical Drive and the newly released
Removable Mountain 105mb Drive."

Ron Luks tells Oscar:

"Our software doesn't work quite the same way as GEnies. I can set up a
section for you. Would you want it called GEMULATOR or Purple Mountain
Computers? (I'd recommend the latter since it covers more products.)"

In the ICD (which stands for _I_ncredibly _C_ool _D_evices) area, Mike
Mortilla posts:

"Help! My Link works great. So great that I sold my megafile 30. But I
cannot auto-boot from the hd (a Syquest 44 from Spin). The drive gets up to
speed but won't auto boot and the default desktop appears or (if there's a
desktop on the floppy, the floppy desktop's appears).

If I do a warm reset (ALT-Delete) the HD will auto-boot, but it would be
nice if it did it every time.

I've used ID#'s 0 and 1 on the HD with the same results. It seems the drive
isn't recognized at boot up for some reason.

Can you help? Pretty please..."

Mike now answers his own question:

"I'll do the inane and answer my own question, but I'm leaving it posted
for those who might have similar problems.

I was able to solve the boot up problem by installing the prog WAIT_HD from
the Ataripro lib. It works great as long as you have the correct disk in
drive A. If there is another work around I'd like to hear it. My HD *was*
ready to boot, but I suspect that the WAIT_HD prog forces the ST to look
for a HD.

Go figure."

Last week someone mentioned that the CodeHeads were working on a "front
end" for Microsoft Bookshelf. This week, Charles F. Johnson tells us:

"That rumor about CodeHead developing a front end for Microsoft Bookshelf
is not true, I'm afraid. More than two years ago we did start researching
such a project, but Atari's failure to ship a CD-ROM drive forced us to put
it on hold. Since then the market has deteriorated drastically, and we'll
need to see some positive signs of improvement before committing any more
development time to this project.

Sorry to have to quash this rumor, but them's the facts."

Ron Luks asks Charles:

"Have you seen any hint of a pickup with the Falcon now shipping?"

Charles tells Ron:

"No, not even a hint. At present, the number of Falcons that are available
for sale in the US is *very* small (measured in the hundreds). And since
Atari's long-standing policy of not advertising or promoting their
computers is still in effect, the only people who'll be buying the few
Falcons that are available will probably be current Atari owners, who have
already bought most of the software they're interested in. This means no
new customers, which in turn means no new sales.

I think it's obvious to most people who have a stake in this business that
the future of the Atari platform is in very serious doubt. And from what
I've learned about Atari's marketing and manufacturing plans, I don't have
much hope that the Falcon will turn things around.

I wish I could be more positive, but when months go by with almost _no_
orders (even for our most popular products), it's a little hard to keep my
rose-colored glasses on."

From the Atari Portfolio Forum

Joe Lensbower tells us:

"To those wishing a memory upgrade for the Portfolio: there is the BSE
Universal 512K Interface. It is a small box that clips onto the Port and
becomes almost a part of it. It has a serial and a parallel port and holds
512K. The current list is $249. I bought mine 3 weeks ago. ** BUT *** I
couldn't get the 512K to be recognized! I kept getting "RAM TEST FAILURE A
0F00:0000 " when I'd reboot. I called Dan at BSE today and he acknowledged
that it is a bad unit and I need to send it back. My first peripheral and
it's a dud!

I explained to Dan that I'm a new Port owner and that, without the
interface I'm going to have a close-ended machine and he said he'd try to
get it back to me quickly...

I'll keep all who are interested in doing business with BSE (602-527-8843)
posted as to how long this turnaround will be..."

Robert Kelsoe tells Joe:

"A lot of us have purchased from BSE. I think that you will find that they
give good service and have great products. I bought a portable HD from them
that I use every day."

I'd just like to add here that I talked BSE into sending a FlashDrive for
the Connecticut AtariFest. I'll tell you, this is a great piece of work!
The drive is small, connects easily to the Portfolio, is fast, easy to use,
and, if the truth be known, impresses the hell out of people. Don't tell
the good folks at BSE this, but they're going to have a _tough_ time
getting this baby back from me.

Well folks, that's about it for this week, tune in again next week to
listen to what they are saying when...




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where you can use up to 4 weekend and evening hours a month for a minimum
$10 monthly charge, with additional hours available at $3.96. But hurry,
this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage of this
limited offer, use your modem to dial 1-800-365-4636. Press <RET> once or
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Then, just answer the questions and within a day or two, you'll officially
be a member of DELPHI!


(2) STREPORT 9.24 06/11/93
(3) ZNET9318, JUNE 6
(8) SOS HANGMAN V.2.01

All of the above files can be found in the RECENT ARRIVALS database for at
least one week after the posting of this list. Please Note that in the
case of online magazines, only the most current issue in the database at
the time of this compilation is considered for the Top 10 list. Also, for
all files, a submission is eligible for the Top 10 list for only four weeks
after its original uploading.

DELPHI- It's getting better all the time!




by Dana P. Jacobson

Well, it appears that the summer Atari show started off a tad early
this year in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. The '93 ACT AtariFest, although
not an overwhelming show attendance-wise, appeared to be a success.

Having a "dual" role at this year's show, as one representative of my
Boston user group (South Shore Atari Group) and as an STReport staff
editor, it was a long weekend.

I found that the change of "scenery" this year was a plus for the
show. The exhibition area was larger than the hall last year, making it
much easier for vendors and attendees to move around more easily. The only
complaint about the hall that I heard, as well as echoed, was that some
vendor booths had round tables intermingled with rectangular tables making
it somewhat difficult to utilize all of the available table space.
However, after a while, most people managed to work around it. Vendor
booths were designed to maximize space, and it worked out very well; it was
easy to get to everybody without having to walk all the way around the room
to find a specific vendor.

The show actually consisted of two events going simultaneously. The
Atari show was on one side of the hotel while the Home Business &
Entertainment Expo (BREE) filled the other. The Atari show had
approximately 25 vendors (including dealers, developers, and online
services) as well as almost 10 user groups from around the New England area
selling public domain software and miscellaneous other items. The BREE
group had almost 20 vendors in attendance.

One of the biggest highlights of the event was the fact that there
were Falcons for sale, albeit extremely minimal. Although all three New
England dealers (one from Connecticut and two from Massachusetts) were
promised a supply of Falcons for sale at the show, only one dealer managed
to have any; and those _few_ machines (4-5) arrived by UPS the day of the
show. To give you an idea how badly people wanted them, one person
happened to see the UPS truck pull up and bring in the boxes. Realizing
what they contained, the attendee waited to see who claimed them. As soon
as the dealer claimed them, the attendee pulled out his credit card and
said he wanted a Falcon! The machines hadn't even made in to the showroom
yet! Unfortunately, the other two dealers didn't receive any machines (one
dealer actually bought one from the dealer receiving his shipment). The
available machines were gone in less than a couple of hours.

There were numerous new offerings to be seen and had at the show, some
designed to take advantage of the long-awaited Falcon. Lexicor Europe's
Yat Siu was amazing everyone who stopped by the booth with Lexicor's new
Nova Graphics card, the "Video-Roaster" prototype, as well as some of their
well-known software. If you are interested in graphics, the Lexicor booth
was the place to visit. All weekend long I kept hearing great things that
were going on at that booth. Humorously, a friend of mine mentioned later
in the day on Saturday that he wished that he had brought his son along to
the show so that he could have sold him off to be able to afford everything
that he wanted from Lexicor! As it was, he had a bundle of new software
under his arm when he left.

CodeHead was well-represented this year by Tomas Ensley. Among the
CodeHead's normal excellent assortment of software, this was the first time
that the public had an opportunity to see and hear DigiTape. Some of the
sounds coming from the CodeHead booth were amazing, although Tomas somehow
had occasional trouble with the volume, blasting out the SSAG members next
door!! Don't worry, Tomas, everyone's hearing finally returned to normal.

Marcel Software was showing their newly-released word processor,
Marcel Word. It's a good word processor worth checking out. There's a
demo version that has been released to the various online services and
local bulletin boards, so if you weren't at the show (or somehow missed it
while there), make sure to download it. Marcel works with Word Perfect,
1st Word, ST Writer, RTF, and ASCII files.

Straight Edge Software was selling their popular print
accelerator/spooler, OutBurST (the only piece of software that I bought,
finally!). If you're a DTP-user, OutBurST will speed up your printing
immensely. Straight Edge was also showing what appeared to be a real-time
screen-grabber. He had a video camera hooked up and was able to grab
real-time pictures and show them. The picture quality was incredibly good;
looking forward to seeing this software when finally completed.

Bob Luneski's Oregon Research was showing off a number of their hard
drive utilities (Diamond Back 2 and Diamond Edge) along with showing off
True Paint on the Falcon. They were also touting DataLite, a
file-compression package similar to DC's DataDiet program. As far as I
know, DataLite isn't quite ready for sale yet, but look for it soon.

BaggettaWare's Albert Baggetta was showing off the newly-enhanced
Eliemouse Coloring book and their Shakespearean sonnets program. Every
time that I see that Eliemouse I wish that I had a houseful of kids to
enjoy those programs!

Barefoot Software's Dana Byrd and Jeff Naideau were back again this
year with their collection of music software. Jeff Naideau was constantly
at his MIDI keyboard cranking out some beautiful music via numerous MIDI
software. It's too bad we didn't try to convince him to go onstage later
that night in the hotel's pub and show the "band" how to really play!
Maybe next year...

Best Electronics was there this year with just about every part
possible that you could ever want. Their booth was always crowded with
people searching for some needed part that is probably impossible to find
anywhere else in the world! On many an occasion I'd hear someone walking
away from the booth with a small package in hand muttering that they've
been "searching everywhere for this part!" If you ever need parts, Best is
the place to call for it.

MegaType Software was there selling their numerous font packages and
quality clip art packages, along with their numerous font-handling programs
such as FontVerter, BitMaker, Font Designer, and MegaKern. They also had
some great Star Trek fonts and clip art for the Trekkies!

Toad Computers was another of the numerous dealers attending the show.
Although Toad was not allowed to sell Falcons due to the dealer agreement
stipulations, Jennifer Troy was always busy with other hardware and
software sales. Toad, as well as a few other dealers, had a number of new
products available, most notably was Compo's new SpeedoGDOS Starter kit.

Something that I didn't take advantage of last year, but finally made
sure to do this year was to visit Tom Allard's East Hartford Computer
Repair booth. Like last year, Tom was offering to do various upgrade and
repair work right at the booth. I finally convinced myself that it was
time to upgrade my trusty 520ST from 2.5 megs to 4. Tom was busy
throughout the weekend with machine cases and parts spread out in his

Unfortunately, it turned out that he was missing a few ribbon cables to
complete my upgrade (he even searched a local Radio Shack for them) so I
had to leave my machine with him. Hopefully, I'll get it back shortly so I
can let my wife have the Stacy back before she decides not to let me use it
anymore!! Sheesh, to think just a few months ago she'd never dream of
using a computer and now she's using one to do some word processing! Now,
if I can only convince her to......

The most popular place to be all weekend was at one of the two Lynx
tables. The tables were always crowded with people trying their driving
and shooting skills on the soon-to-be-released game, Battle Wheels. From
numerous reports, this game is going to be one of the most enjoyable ones
available. One of SSAG's helpers was at the "tables" off and on Saturday;
and on Sunday was playing Battle Wheels for over three hours non-stop!!
This sounds like one Lynx game I'm going to have to see a little bit more
of first-hand.

I know that I've left out a number of the vendors showing off products
at the show; I'm sure that others will probably mention them in other show
reports so I won't attempt to list them all here. The show was
well-rounded with dealers, developers, user groups and other vendors.

One event that I've come to look forward to at these shows, when the
opportunity arises, is to be part of the seminar schedule representing
STReport. None of us knows what to expect at one of our seminars,
including us! Joe Mirando and I conducted the STReport seminar again this
year. We were the last seminar scheduled for the show, on a beautiful,
slow Sunday afternoon. Our topic focused on current events in the Atari
community, some dealing with current issues being discussed in STReport
itself. We had anticipated a number of attendees to react much differently
than they did. Surprisingly, for the most part, peoples' heads were
nodding in agreement with our assessment of current events. Our question
and answer period went very well, with a number of interesting questions
and comments. I think one of my most enjoyable moments of the seminar came
(and I think Joe would agree) when a gentleman got up, stated that he was a
professional journalist, and heartily thanked us for reporting beyond the
hype and bringing to the users a different view. The most enjoyable moment
came after the seminar when a young lady stayed to ask a couple of
questions. She was a concerned Atari user who wasn't sure how to progress
to improve her computer use. She wanted to upgrade her system, but didn't
know whether or not to move up to the Falcon, or go to another platform to
fulfill her needs. It was a discussion that many of us have had with
friends and fellow Atari users. It was an interesting discussion, and
included a number of observations made by this woman who didn't appear to
be one of the typical mainstream of Atari users. She was delightful to
talk with and I hope that we see her again at another CT show, still using
Atari computers.

Although I thoroughly enjoyed this year's show, I can't help but
wonder about a number of things. First of all, with rumors flying that
there will be no WAACE show this year, I was surprised that some who might
have considered going to Virginia in the fall didn't come to this show
instead. The attendance was not overwhelming as I mentioned earlier. With
the Falcon currently available, it would seem as if more people would be
out to see and possibly buy one at this show, or any show for that matter.
Is this possibly an omen of things to come; that even the various Atari
shows are rapidly shrinking as quickly as the Atari marketplace?

Or, was it because this particular weekend was a gorgeous one and
people decided they'd rather be somewhere else? I don't think so, to be
honest. Was the show poorly planned and/or advertised? Again, no. The
ACT group, under the leadership of Brian Gockley and Doug Finch did an
excellent job again this year. I can't think of a thing more that they
could have done for this show short of dragging people inside! The ACT
group did its part.

Some show-goers asked where Atari Corporation was; why wasn't there a
representative at the show promoting the Falcon? Was this a reason? Nope.
It's really not a necessity for Atari to attend ALL of the shows. It can't
hurt, but I don't think having them there would have made a difference.

If you ask my opinion (I'll give it anyway!), I believe there were a
number of reasons. First of all, people are being disillusioned by Atari's
track record of the past. Atari has made many announcements for product
and just plain missed them, some altogether. The release and availability
of the Falcon is just another missed opportunity. There's only so much
that Atari can tell its userbase before it starts to doubt whether or not
Atari can produce any longer. People have been waiting for Falcons a very
long time now; it's essentially the only machine being supported/produced
by Atari these days. There should have been more Falcons at this show.
Whether it was up to Atari or its regional distributor, Atari should have
made sure there were more than 4-5 machines available for sale. Up until
the day of the show, no one knew whether or not there were going to be any
machines present, for sale. Why? Miscommunication? Foul-ups? Available
stock? Up until a few days before the show, one Massachusetts dealer
wasn't even sure if he was going to be able to afford to buy machines to
bring to the show. The consensus was that he was going to take orders at
the show. The other dealers were extremely disappointed at their
predicament. You should have heard them lament lost sales and potential
new customers. It was a shame to hear them tell customers: "Well, we may
have some in a few days or so, would you like me to put your name on a
waiting list?" These people were promised machines to have for sale; why
weren't they there?! If it was a matter of money up front, why didn't
Atari send machines on consignment? It just doesn't make any sense. The
Atari shows are a guaranteed sales event. Where else are you going to have
hundreds of Atari users in one place, at one time? Atari should guarantee
that every show has dealers with ample supply of Falcons! I think this one
blunder made me more upset than anything; I really felt badly for these
dealers and users who expected to be able to take a Falcon home. To those
few who were lucky to get one, congratulations on a fine purchase.

This is just one more of those missed opportunities for Atari. Their
lack of a focused marketing plan and advertising is not going to help the
situation. Other than most of the remaining userbase, who know these new
machines exist? It's time Atari took a chance and spend some advertising
money. Atari also needs to boost Falcon production to be able to keep up
with the demand. Show these machines, have them available, and eventually
the old standard word-of-mouth scenario will take hold again and help to
maintain some interest and enthusiasm.

Let's hope that Atari takes a lesson and makes sure that the upcoming
shows are handled differently. I guess we'll all have to wait and see. As
this show seasons gets rolling with numerous shows rapidly approaching, I
suggest that if you have an opportunity to attend one or more of them, to
do so. Not only are these shows a great opportunity to find plenty of
software and hardware; but also the time to meet new people and renew old
friendships. To me, this is the Atari community's way of life, and the
most enjoyable aspect of using Atari computers. To Brian and Angela
Gockley, Doug Finch, and all of the rest of the ACT group, thanks for
another enjoyable Atari weekend. Thanks for having us all!! See you all
next year.


> Lazarus Long V II STR Feature Thank you for the humor....

Issue #2

Compiled by Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

Various real-life sayings (some attributed, some not) that could fit in-
to the Notebooks of Lazarus Long. From the Jerry Pournelle RT on Genie

Cheap, fast, good - pick two,

"We must be open minded, but not so open minded that our brains
fall out." -- James Randi

"If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

The worst thing about some men is that when they are not drunk they
are sober. -- William Butler Yeats

"The only thing worse than not getting what you want, is getting
what you want."

Any benevolent system designed to aid the truly needy will be
abused by the truly unworthy.

Wherever I go, there I am.

Despite its high cost, living remains popular.

"To desire the end is to desire the means."

That which does not grow stronger, kills us. --M. Dederian

Most people would sooner die than think; in fact they do so.
-- Bertrand Russell

"Beware of cookies bearing fortunes"
-- Found in a fortune cookie

In ten seconds I can tell you more than I know.
-- Anonymous Government Employee

Being right too soon is always socially unacceptable.

"Arguments are debatable."

Politicians hate to see a beautiful theory mugged by a gang of ugly

Never carry a knife to a gunfight.

The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the
other bastard die for his. -- Gen. George Patton

I think the past is behind us - it'd be real confusing if not.
From the Blues Traveller song, "But Anyway."



For Immediate Release



Effective immediately, we have lowered the retail prices of the following

Product New Price Old Price Savings

Calligrapher Gold $169.00 $250.00 32%

Calligrapher Professional 119.00 175.00 32%

Gold Extension 50.00 100.00 50%

URW Font Disks 25.00 34.95 28%

Avant Vector 199.00 545.00 63%

MegaPaint 99.00 175.00 43%

Genus Font Editor 79.95 175.00 54%

Cherry Font Packs 25.00 42.95 42%


For more information, contact:

CodeHead Technologies
P.O. Box 74090
Los Angeles, CA 90004

Phone: (213) 386-5735
FAX: (213) 386-5789
Hours: M-F 9AM-1PM




MCI has announced 1-800-COLLECT, a new way for consumers to make
collect calls. Beginning today, children, students, men and women in the
armed services, travelers, truckers -- everyone who takes advantage of long
distance collect calling -- will be able to save their parents and loved
ones up to 44 percent (vs. AT&T operator-dialed rates) on collect calls
they make from any phone in America and Puerto Rico. Americans now make 1
billion collect calls each year, spending more than $3 billion.

"Until MCI's 1-800-COLLECT, collect calling lagged far behind advances
made in other products and services in the long distance marketplace," said
Gerald H. Taylor, president of MCI Consumer Markets. "Reversing the
charges, which dates back to the 1890s, is one of the oldest services
available. Contemporary collect callers have been stuck with some very
old-fashioned constraints."

When the consumer makes a "0+" collect call today, the person he or
she is calling is charged by the long distance provider of the phone from
which the call is placed. Demand has been suppressed due to complicated
dialing schemes, high prices and the absence of any true competition.

"In a world where consumers usually make choices about services,
collect callers are simply left out," Taylor continued.

To use the new service, callers simply dial 1-800-COLLECT
(1-800-265-5328) to reach an operator who will connect the call. Neither
the caller nor the recipient needs to be an MCI customer. 1-800-COLLECT
is made possible through billing arrangements with local telephone
companies and MCI's proprietary ISN (Intelligent Service Network),
a specialized software - controlled network for MCI's Calling Card and
Operator Services. The ISN enables MCI to provide the customized call
handling and network routing for 1-800-COLLECT calls. The network
efficiency provided by the ISN is passed on to consumers in the form of
lower rates.

MCI launches today a multi-media national advertising campaign to
introduce 1-800-COLLECT. Advertising will appear on network and cable
television, in print publications and outdoor media throughout the United

CONTACT: Kate Fralin or Su-Lin Cheng of MCI, 1-800-436-9749


> BLUE RIDGE ATARIFEST'93 STR SHOW NEWS "The Summertime Atari Event!"

1993 Blue Ridge ATARIFEST


The Blue Ridge Atari Computer Enthusiasts (BRACE) and Computer Studio
invite you to participate in the Fourth Annual Blue Ridge AtariFest in
beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. Show dates and times are:

Saturday July 24, 1993 10am - 6pm
Sunday July 25, 1993 Noon - 5pm

Just as in previous years, we have arranged for FREE Booth space for Atari
developers!! (We're only requesting the donation of a door prize).

We can promise both developers and show-goers an energetic and exciting
show with as enthusiastic a crowd of Atarians as you'll find anywhere, plus
the support of Computer Studio in the mall.

We're once again taking over the Courtyard Shop (mall) area at Westgate
Shopping Center for the show (location of Computer Studio), plus the use of
vacant store spaces for seminar sessions. Seminar sessions will be 45
minutes in length, and developers are welcome to conduct a seminar on their
product line or approved topic of their choice (seminar sessions are
limited, so first come, first served).

This year's show dates also coincide with Asheville's annual Bele Chere
street festival, when downtown Asheville is closed to vehicular traffic and
becomes what must be one of the largest street fairs in the country.
Westgate Shopping Center is one of the primary Park-and-Ride shuttle
centers for transporting people to and from downtown, and we'v

e arranged to
have the shuttle service pick up at the front entrance of the mall and drop
off at the rear entrance, so everyone taking the service from Westgate WILL
walk through the AtariFest exhibition area sometime during the day. This
will be a great opportunity to showcase Atari and Atari related software
and peripherals, and introduce them to people who aren't already Atari
owners. Bringing in NEW blood is the key to the growth of this platform,
and this will be our opportunity to begin that process with a captive

Additional discussions of the show, as well as confirmations of your
participation, are welcome in GEnieMail and in the Blue Ridge
AtariFest topic 13 in Category 11 here on GEnie.


Where: Westgate Shopping Center - Asheville, N.C.

Take any major highway into Asheville (US 19-23, US 26 or I-40) to the
I-240 loop, then take the "Westgate/Hilton Inn Drive exit" into the
Westgate Shopping Center parking lot.

When: 24-25, July 1993
Time: 10:am to 6:pm SAT
12 Noon 'til 5pm SUN

Points of contact:

Come for a day or come for the weekend,
but do come and enjoy yourself.

Great Smokies Hilton Resort Hilton Inn Drive (704)254-3211
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-733-3211

Radisson One Thomas Wolf Plaza (704)252-8211
Rate: $62.00 per room (1-4 people)

====== Additional Hotel / Motel Information ===========

Days Inn I-26 and Airport Road (704)684-2281
I-40 Exit 55 (704)298-5140

Econo Lodge US 70 East, I-40 Exit 55 (704)298-5519

Holiday Inn 275 Smoky Park Hwy (704)667-4501
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-HOLIDAY

Red Roof Inn I-40 and US 19-23 Exit 44 (704)667-9803
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-843-7663

Budget Motel I-40 Exit 44 (Enka-Chandler)
West Asheville Exit (704)665-2100 Best
Western Asheville Central 22 Woodfin St (704)253-1851

========= Local Bed & Breakfast lodging Information =========

Aberdeen Inn 64 Linden Ave (704)254-9336
Albemarle Inn 86 Edgemont Road (704)255-0027
Applewood Manor 62 Cumberland Circle (704)254-2244
The Bridle Path Inn Lockout Road (704)252-0035
Cairn Brae B & B 217 Patton Mountain Rd (704)252-9219
Carolina B & B 177 Cumberland Ave (704)254-3608
Cedar Crest Victorian Inn 674 Biltmore Ave (704)252-1289
Corner Oak Manor 53 St. Dunstan (704)253-3525
Cornerstone Inn 230 Pearson Dr (704)253-5644
Flint Street Inn 100 & 116 Flint Street (704)253-6723
The Lion and The Rose 276 Montford Ave (704)255-7673
The Ray House B & B 83 Hillside St (704)252-0106
Reed House 119 Dodge St (704)274-1604
The Wright Inn 235 Pearson Drive (704)251-0789]

A more complete listing of Bed & Breakfasts can be obtained through the
Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Reservations should be made immediately, as July is the height of our
tourist season.

=========== CAMP GROUNDS ================

(reservations are a must during this time of season):

Mount Pisgah:
About 20 miles southwest of Asheville on the Blue Ridge Parkway at
mile post 408.6 (National Park Service). 690 acres. Elevation 5000'. One of
the nicest campgrounds in Western North Carolina. 67 tent sites, 70 RV
sites. For reservations: P.O.Box 749, Watnesville, N.C. 28786; phone (704)
235-9109. No showers. Groceries and restaurant. Nature program. 14 day
stay limit.

Lake Powhatan:
4 miles south of Asheville on State road 191, 3.5 miles west on SR
806. 30 acres. 98 tent/rv sites. Reservation available thru Mistix
1-800-283-CAMP. Disposal station. No showers. Swimming; lifeguard; fishing;
nature trails; bicycles. 14-day stay limit.

While in the area, you might want to consider a little sightseeing,
and include a visit to the Biltmore House here in Asheville (the largest
single family residence ever built in the U.S.--its a "castle"). A visit to
the Biltmore can be a full-day's activity as you will want to view the
house, visit the winery, and walk some of the grounds and gardens.


The House 9 am to 6pm The Gardens 9am to 7pm
Conservatory 9am to 5:30pm
The Winery Monday-Saturday 11am to 7pm Sunday 1pm to 7pm

Other areas of interest include; the Thomas Wolf home (adjacent to the
Raddison), the Blue Ridge Parkway and Folk Art Center. A drive up the Blue
ridge Parkway to enjoy the higher elevations and incredible views of our
mountains. Perhaps a hike up to Mount Pisgah and look back down to
Asheville(you can see Mt. Pisgah from most anywhere in Asheville). A short
drive from Mt. Pisgah will take you to Sliding Rock (for those of you
travelling with kids who are still kids at heart), the Cradle of Forestry
(first forest school in the country), waterfalls, trout hatchery, etc. For
the adventurous, white water rafting on the Natahala River near Bryson
City (approx one and a half hours from here).

There's obviously loads more to see and do around Asheville (in
addition to the Blue Ridge AtariFest and a visit to Computer Studio :-). If
any of y'all would like maps and additional tourist info of the area I
might suggest contacting the Chamber of Commerce:

Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce
151 Haywood Street
P.O. Box 1010
Asheville, NC 28802
704-258-6111 FAX: (704)251-0926

The Blue Ridge Atari Computer Enthusiasts (BRACE) and Computer STudio
invite you to participate in the fourth annual Blue Ridge AtariFest on
Saturday, July 24 and Sunday July 25, 1993. The show will take place in
the Courtyard Shop area of Westgate Shopping Center in Asheville, North
Carolina (Home of Computer STudio). We are still signing up additional
exhibitors, but those who have already made a firm committment to attend
include (Alphabetical Listing):

Accusoft-ST ............................. PD/Shareware Software
(Clip Art Libraries)

Barefoot Software ....................... Professional MIDI Software
applications (SMPTETrack,
EditTrack Platinum,
GenEdit, EZ Score Plus,

Codehead Technologies ................... Productivity software &
enhancements (G+Plus,
MultiDesk Deluxe, HotWire,
CodeHead Utilities, Warp 9,
Calligrapher, MaxiFile,
Lookit & Popit, Avant
Vector, MegaPaint, TOS
Extension Card, etc.)

Computer STudio ......................... Visit a 'real' Atari
Dealership in the mall
(Atari computer systems,
software and accessories)

DMC Publishing .......................... Desktop Publishing System
Solultions (Calamus/SL,
PKS Write, Outline Art,
Invision Elite, tms
Cranach Studio, etc.)

GEnieLamp/GEnie ......................... Telecommunications and
Electronic Publishing

Magic Software .......................... Entertainment Software
(New products unveiling!)

Missionware Software .................... (Flash II, lottODDS,
Printer Initializer, etc.)

Showtimes are 10:am - 6:pm on Saturday, and noon - 5:pm on Sunday. Seminar
sessions will be scheduled throughout the show.

Since this year's show coincides with Asheville's annual Bele Chere Street
Festival, we are not having a Saturday evening banquet, but are instead
encouraging guests to hop the shuttle bus at the front entrance of the mall
and spend Saturday evening downtown enjoying the outdoor festivities (live
entertainment, food booths of all types, dancing, etc.).

Advance registration is only $3, or $4 at the door. Additional information
about the show and Asheville's Bele Chere festival will be mailed to all
who pre-register in advance. Door prize winners will also be selected from
registered guests. Advance registration checks should made out to
"COMPUTER STUDIO" and mailed to:

Computer STudio
Westgate Shopping Center
40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806

For additional information, please contact either:

Sheldon Winick Cliff Allen, Show Coord.
Computer STudio Internet: CALLEN@UNCA.EDU
Westgate Shopping Center phone: (704) 258-3758
40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
(704) 251-0201



DATAlite 2
Real Time Disk Compression - Disk Doubler

How would you feel if you woke up one day and found that your 50 megabyte
hard disk had suddenly turned into a 100 megabyte hard disk! You'd be
stunned, amazed, and pretty HAPPY! Well, that's exactly what will happen
to your disk when you install DATAlite 2.

DATAlite is a sophisticated, powerful program providing real time online
data compression for floppy and hard disks! Amazingly fast you won't ever
know it's installed, DATAlite transparently doubles the storage size of
your disks!

DATAlite is completely safe and reliable because it does not patch any
GEMDOS calls. Incompatibilities are impossible. It works its' magic as a
BIOS level device driver completely transparent to the system. All you
know is that your 50 meg hard drive is now a 100 meg hard drive! WOW!

* Automatically compresses all programs AND data while storing and
decompresses when loaded again

* Datalite's efficiency results in a doubling of the usable amount of disk

* Many different compression methods automatically chosen to maximize
storage capacity.

* Optimum compressing method can increase disk capacity as much as ten

* Completely safe and reliable.

* Does not patch any GEMDOS functions.

* Supports all ST/STe/TT/Falcon030 computers

* Supports all TOS versions including MultiTOS

* Supports all memory and hardware configurations

* Supports ALL disks, including hard disks, removable disks, and floppy

DATAlite 2 retail price: $79.95

Devpac Version 3

680x0 Assembly language development system

This new package has had a complete face-lift, from the editor through to
the debugger. Devpac 3 is the ultimate assembly language developement
system for your Atari ST/TT/Falcon

Devpac 3 includes a new multi-window editor which has been designed to be
easy-to-use, using sub-menus and pop-up menus for swift selection. It
offers a powerful editing environment with bookmarks for remembering key
positions, mouse block-marking, complete window flexibility, extensive user
configuration and full integration with the other Devpac programs.

The heart of Devpac Atari 3 is the fast and powerful 68000-68040 assembler,
which is now at least 40% quicker than its predecessor giving assembly
speeds of typically 80,000 lines/minute on a standard Atari 520ST computer.

The 68881/2 math co-processors and the 68851 MMU are supported. There is a
wide range of switchable options allowing full control over the assembly
process, including complete listing flexibility. In addition, many
optimization choices are available, either automatically or selectively.
In addition to other standard features such as conditional assembly, repeat
loops, text include and macros, the assembler also offers:

* Completely integrated: from the editor you can assemble to memory and
then switch to the debugger or any other program. When you have
finished, you are returned to the editor.

* Include files are read only once, and the binary file is buffered.

* Stand-alone assembler for those who have a favorite editor, or who use
a command line shell.

* INCBIN directive: takes a binary file and copies it to the output
file, ideal for sprite data.

* No Limits: Macro calls, IFs and Includes may be nested.

* Three types of local labels

Devpac 3 is provided with a powerful debugger/disassembler for bug hunting
and ease of learning. You can have as many views on your program as you
like, including its source code; Then set breakpoints, single-step
instructions etc. even at the source code level. There is also full
debugging support for the new 68030 processors and the floating point

The debugger has all the standard features like full register and memory
display, locking windows to expressions, comparing blocks of memory,
searching for bytes, words, longs, strings or parts of instructions and
uses its own screen so that it does not collide with your program's output.

It also offers:

* Conditional breakpoints for even faster searching and destruction of

* Full expression evaluator

* Executable and binary file load

* Disassembly direct to disk, with auto label generation

* Load symbol table and debugging information - ideal for working with
desk accessories

* View and debug source files from within the debugger

Devpac Atari 3 comes complete with all the include files for the Atari's
operating system, GST and Lattice compatible linkers, many examples. A
comprehensive 350 page manual is included including specific information on
the latest versions of TOS.

Devpac 3 retails price: $149.95

Diamond Back II
Hard Disk Backup and Restore

Diamond Back II is the most complete hard disk backup and restore program
available for the Atari ST/STE/TT range of computers. Diamond Back II
provides a true file backup at image backup speeds with more power and
flexibility then all of the other backup programs combined. Here are just a
few of the features you will find in Diamond Back II:

* Extremely fast. In fact, the fastest that we know!

* Easy to use 100% GEM user interface with on line help

* Backup/Restore any number of drive partitions, directory paths, single
directories, or specific files in a single pass

* Flexible creation of backup sets from different paths or partitions

* Wild card masks to include or exclude files, which may be different for
each path

* Incremental backups by date/time or by archive bit (TOS 1.04 onwards)

* Load and save custom backup configurations for ease of use

* Flexible disk formatting options, pre-formatted disks do not have to be
of the same type

* File compression and encryption, disk usage estimation, disk statistics
and assorted disk utilities

* Backup to floppies or to other partitions

* Automatic drive switching during all program functions

* Very flexible Full or Partial restore options, restore original
directory tree or specify new structure

* Create file listings during the backup, create CRC validation logs to
Hard disk or floppy files Extra Special Features

* Backup and restore Spectre GCR partitions!

* Full Support for High Density 1.44Mb floppies and 21Mb Floptical drives.

* Intelligent Image backup option that only backs up sectors that contain

* Restore partition images to different size partitions

* Hard disk to hard disk copies 10 times faster than desktop copies

* State of the Art file compression speed

Diamond Back II allows you to maintain a secure backup of your data and
provides a flexible and efficient way to restore files to your hard disk;
it is an invaluable tool for anybody that keeps important information on a
hard disk.

COMING SOON DIAMOND BACK 3! Exciting new enhancements include SCSI Tape
backup, Full Windowed interface for background backups under Multi TOS, DSP

Diamond Back II Retail Price $49.95

Diamond Edge
Disk Diagnostics, optimization, data recovery, and repair Your disks and
disk drives are frequently used and rarely appreciated; that is, until
something goes wrong. Diamond Edge is a complete set of disk management,
optimization, diagnostic, repair, and data recovery tools for use with any
floppy or hard disk. Whether recovering from a catastrophic disk crash or
optimizing your drive for increased performance, Diamond Edge is an
essential tool for all Atari owners.

Disk Diagnostics

* Analyzes your disk for critical errors that could lead to data loss.

* Complete reporting of all disk errors and the files effected.

* Assess media integrity and mapbad sectors on your disks.

* Assess the integrity of the data on your disks with CRC and checksum

Disk Optimization

* Analyzes level of fragmentation to assess disk performance.

* Improves Disk Access.

* Defragments files and directories, consolidates free space and optimizes
data locations to improve disk performance.

* FAST disk optimization for reading or writing.

* Complete optimization or consolidate free space.

* Repairs damaged disk structure, damaged files, and maps bad sectors.

* Save, restore, edit critical disk information to repair information on
very badly damaged disks or to recover crashed disks.

* Assessment and validation of the integrity of recovered information. Data

* The Complete Undelete. Diamond Mirror system automatically saves critical

disk information that allows you to recover deleted files.

* Undeletes fragmented files AND subdirectories!!! Recover as much of
original file as possible and validates integrity of the result.

* Identifies and recovers data from lost data clusters. Unzero Disks.

General Disk Management

* Powerful set of General disk management and information tools
* hard disk partitioning, copying, zeroing, wiping, and much more.
* All program functions work with any hard or floppy disk.
* Supports any size disk partition or sector size.
* Supports both Atari and ICD extended partition standards.
* Compatible with all Atari ST/TT/Falcon computers and disks.
* Full online Help
* Expert and Novice Modes

Easy to use powerful disk management, Diamond Edge is an essential part of
every Atari owners software library. Included in the 80 page wire bound
manual is a complete disk tutorial that will take the mystery out of your
disk drives.

Diamond Edge Retail Price: $69.95

For more information contact:

Oregon Research
16200 S.W. Pacific Hwy., Suite 162
Tigard, OR 97224

Telephone: (503) 620-4919
1:00PM - 5:00PM M-F Pacific Time
FAX: (503) 624-2940
24 hours a day



The Great GENIE
When Is a Price Increase a Not a Price Increase?

by Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

A long, long time ago, in a far off world, there was a rich and
powerful land called GEIS. The ruler of GEIS was so rich that he only used
his lands during the daytime throughout the week, leaving the lands
virtually empty during the nights and weekends.

One day a cousin of the ruler of GEIS came to him with a plan. The
cousin, known as the Great GENIE, said "Why not rent me the use of your
kingdom when you're not using it? I know of many people who would pay for
the right to have some place to play in the evenings and weekends. This
way you and I can make a few extra dinars while supplying these people with
something they want." The ruler of GEIS thought that this was a good idea
but warned his cousin, "Make sure that you don't rent out more space than
we have. I will not spend dinars to expand my kingdom just to give your
people more room."

So the Great GENIE came to control a vast territory. However, much of
this territory was a vast waste-land (what came to be known as the Basic
areas). True, there were a few oasis' with popular settlements in this
wasteland (SciFi, Religion and a few others) but most of this territory was
sparsely settled and seldom visited. Most of the population and visitors
to his land stayed in the civilized areas (what came to be known as the
Value areas) and seldom ventured into the unsettled territories/wasteland.

While the Great GENIE was a mighty man inside his own lands, he was
considered a 'minor monarch' in comparison to some of the other countries
that surrounded his territory. The empires of CIS, Delphi, Prodigy and
others all had populations greater than his.

The Great GENIE knew that population was the key to power and riches.
His country had the resources (known as CPU power) to handle 2-3 times as
many people as it currently held without expending much of the gold
contained in his tightly held purse strings. With more population, there
would be more tax money and more people to spend money in the civilized
areas. With more population, the Great GENIE would be a power to be
reckoned with.

After long and detailed consultations with his viziers, the Great
GENIE came up with a plan that would entice some of the people from the
surrounding countries to his territory. He would allow them to settle into
is wasteland for FREE. There they would be free to build the types of
communities that they wanted. Social and conversational intercourse would
spread throughout this once desolate area, making it bloom. To make the
deal more enticing, the Great GENIE decided to include free access into the
few oasis/settlements in this wasteland.

The Great GENIE was nobody's fool. While he would allow them to
settle for free, he would charge them a small monthly 'settlement' fee
(aka, service charge). This settlement fee would cover the small additional
expense that they cost him (remember, the Great GENIE had all of this extra
resources/CPU setting idle, so his additional expenses weren't great),
while adding greatly to his coffers. Not only would he make money from the
settlement fees, he knew that many of these new settlers (aka, newbies)
would also go into the civilized areas - thus spending money there and
increasing his tax revenues.

The Great GENIE decided to use part of his new settlement fees to
reduce the tax-burden on his current subjects. This would keep them happy
and not be too upset over the newbies getting free what they had to pay

For several years, everyone prospered. People came and settled the
previous wasteland, creating new and exciting societies. As word spread,
more and more people came to settle. Prosperity was had by all. Almost
everyone raved about how wise the Great GENIE was.

But a dark cloud hovered on the horizon, a cloud that kept growing and
coming closer, a cloud that brought cold winds and omens of bad things to

As more and more people came to this land, more and more of the Great
GENIE's resources were needed to handle them. Roads that used to be clear
and fast, now became crowded and slow. People used to be able to visit
other parts of the land in just seconds, now sometimes had to take many
minutes to make the same trip.

Even inside the civilized enclaves, the area that was still being
taxed, citizens found things rapidly growing sluggish. The newbies were
clogging up streets and taking up space at the restaurants and shops.
Resources that were needed to keep the enclaves running smoothly had been
shunted off into the wilderness in an attempt to keep that area running

It wasn't long before everyone started to blame everyone else for the
problems. Some blamed the Great GENIE for not having more resources to
handle things properly. They forgot that the Great GENIE was not the real
ruler of this land and had no power to get more resources/CPU. Others
blamed it was the newbies for not paying their way and for being system
hogs. They forgot that these newbies 'settlement fees' had helped to lower
their taxes - and that the newbies in many cases had created paradises out
of former wastelands. While others blamed it on the old citizens for
taking too much of the system resources to play games, grab files and chat,
all the while forgetting that without the old citizens taxes, there would
have never been the new territories.

The Great GENIE decided to play Solomon. In order to restore his
kingdom back to normal, he would cut taxes in half!! All of his citizens
would now pay taxes, but at only half of the previous rate. Also, to help
cover the additional costs of giving service to his now inflated
population, the Great GENIE decided to increase the settlement costs by
almost 80%. The Great GENIE knew that his new tax plan would be unpopular
with some, and that some of his citizens would leave. While this saddened
him, he knew it was for the best. With these citizens gone, many of his
resources would be released so that he could give better service to the
citizens that remained.

On hearing this news, a great uproar was heard throughout the land.
The citizens of the civilized territories shouted in glee. Their taxes had
been lowered again!! Not only that, but those ungrateful system hogs, those
newbies would now be paying 'their fair share'.

However, many of the newbies did not view the new taxes with the same
enthusiasm as their brethren in the civilized lands did. They felt that
they had been enticed to this new land with the promise of free lands, and
now that they were here that promise had been broken. They didn't see
themselves as system hogs, but rather as people who had created a paradise
where none existed before. Now that a paradise had been created, the
creators were being asked to pay to use their creation. Some even felt
that they'd been enticed to do a job and once it was done, they weren't
wanted anymore - that the new tax was just a way to chase them off.

What will the future hold for the Great GENIE's territories? No one
knows for sure. Most of the old citizens will stay around but some will
leave. Some had gotten used to visiting the new territories and find the
new taxes there unacceptable - unacceptable enough that they will move to
other countries instead of staying.

But will enough of the newbies stay? Will there be enough to keep the
quality of life in the new territories up to the current levels? Will
there be enough to keep the quality of life in the new territories at an
acceptable level? Or will enough newbies leave so that the new territories
will gradually sink back into a wasteland - a wasteland with memories,
echoes of better times and filled with ghost towns?

The Great GENIE hopes for the first, will settle for the second and
fears the third.

Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr


> NVN WANTS YOU! STR InfoFile Another Network Supports Atari!


The Atari computer platform has support on yet another top notch
telecommunications service! National Videotex Network (NVN) maintains an
area just for our favorite computers. Type GO ATARI Order an extended NVN
Membership of 6 or 12 months, pay for it in advance and receive a bonus in
connect time at no additional charge.

NVN lowers its connect time charges!
$5/hour non-prime time (EST. 7pm - 9am weekdays and all day weekends)
$8/hour prime time (EST 9am - 7pm weekdays)

Choose from two great subscription plans:

6-Month Membership

Pay just $30 for a 6-month Membership and receive a usage credit that
entitles you to $15 of connect-time in the Premium services of your
choice. Your total savings using this plan would be over $20!

12 Month Membership

Pay $50 for a full year's Membership and get even more free time on-line.
We'll give you a $25 usage credit to use in your favorite premium services
or try out new ones. You could save as much as $45. NVN now offers
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). For a $2 per month service charge,
customers may have their NVN online charges automatically debited from
their personal checking accounts. Please contact Client Services for this
new feature!

For more information about either of these plans..
Please, give us a call at; 1-800-336-9096.

You can join NVN one of two ways...
By voice phone 1-800-336-9096 (Client Services)
or via modem phone 1-800-336-9092.

NVN Highlights

1. For the newcomers ....
3. A library built *just* for business people
4. Board Certified Psychiatrist heads up the new Substance Abuse Forum
5. VETERANS: Please report to the Military Forum <GO MILITARY> for C&D.
6. Step out into the Great Outdoors Forum <GO OUTDOORS>
7. We've got just the cure for your medical information needs
8. The Diabetes & Hypoglycemia Support Forum is now online.
9. SOUND OFF!!! Take our Game Survey
10. Let's talk about Coins
11. Call all DISNEYphiles! Join the gang! <GO AMERICA>.
12. Amiga Forum now available for Amiga and Desktop Video enthusiasts!
13. NEW Email enhancements are on-line. Including personal mailing lists!





The location for the show is Stadium Inn, 7901 E 40 Hwy., The date of
the show will be June 26th and 27th. Ticket prices at the door will be 5.00
dollars each. Advance tickets will be 4.00 dollars each. For advance
tickets, please send 4.00 dollars per ticket to: Kansas City AtariFest,
P.O. Box 1653, Lee Summit, MO 64063 or if you belong to a user group,
please mail a request for a user group information pack. To make room
reservations please call 1-800-325-7901, we are also working with a local
travel agent to get special airfares for the show. You may call
1-800-874-7691 to take advantage of the special fares.

For more information please leave Email as follows; GEnie, B.Welsch,
B.Frazier2, J.Krzysztow, for CompuServe, Leave for Jeff Krzysztow at
74027,707, for Delphi, Bobtrow or you can call (816)224-9021, or mail to
the address listed above.

We hope you will join us to welcome the following companies; Cali-Co
software, ChroMagic Software, Clear Thinking Software, The Codeheads,
Compu-Seller West, D.A. Brumleve, Electronic Spinster Graphics, Fair-Dinkum
Software, Gribnif Software, ICD, MegaType, MissionWare Software, Muller
Automation, New Dimensions Computer Center, Oregon Research, Paper Express,
S.K.Ware, Soft-Logik Publishing, Systems For Tomorrow, Taylor Ridge Books,
Toad Computer and a lot more!! For the 8-bit users, American

For the latest information on GEnie, please check cat 11, topic 8.
Watch for updates to this list. Look for the show reports right here in
STReport following the show.

Bruce Welsch
KCAC Special Events Coordinator



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie costs only $4.95 a month for unlimited evening and weekend access to
more than 100 services including electronic mail, online encyclopedia,
shopping, news, entertainment, single-player games, and bulletin boards on
leisure and professional subjects. With many other services, including the
biggest collection of files to download and the best online games, for only
$6 per hour.

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Any time during your first month of membership if
you are not completely satisfied, just ask for your $4.95 back.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission




Monday, May 24, 1993
Page B1

INFORMATION AGE/By William M. Bulkeley

Has political correctness gone on-line in academia?

Battles are raging over freedom of speech in university-oriented
bulletin boards, one of the few places in academia that hasn't been racked
for years by this kind of strife.

A mild-mannered microbiologist from Rootstown, Ohio, has stirred up a
storm among on-line computer users by devising a computer program that
automatically wipes out anonymous messages on Internet, the nation's
largest on-line network, which is widely used by scholars. He was offended
by an anonymous user who posted a joke about the last words of the
Challenger space shuttle crew in a scientific discussion group.

In other cases, Canadian colleges have blocked electronic discussions
of sex. A California community college recently suspended a journalism
professor for running a computer bulletin board on which male students
wrote messages that allegedly harrassed a female.

Many on-line veterans complain that such actions threaten freedom of
expression. "This shows how the censors are all among us," says Larry
Detweller, a recent graduate of Colorado State University, who studies free
speech and "hangs around the Internet," which is often seen as a prototype
for the information highway that the Clinton campaign described in last
year's presidential election.

Such issues are likely to increase as the highway connects more and
more computers - especially if the federal government funds it. In fact,
Congress has ordered a study of whether electronic bulletin boards, on-line
services and public-access cable television are being used to encourage
"crimes of hate."

For some time now, commercial on-line services such as Prodigy have
used computer programs that automatically delete messages that contain
certain words. Group moderators who often guide discussions on services
such as H&R Block, Inc.'s CompuServe also have the power to remove hateful
messages as soon as they see them.

But many volunteer-run bulletin boards decline to control what people
write. Legally, they aren't required to play the censor: Board operators
aren't responsible for things other people write in the wake of a court
ruling that CompuServe wasn't liable for what people wrote any more than a
bookseller is responsible for the contents of the books it sells.

These cozy volunteer communities, the electronic equivalent of Boswell
and Johnson's 18th century London coffeehouses, police themselves
informally. People who are offensive or irrelevant are shouted down by
"flame mail," a barrage of messages by angry users that sometimes can even
overwhelm an offender's computer. Other times, the indignant wage "cancel
wars" in which they send commands to cancel the foe's message from the
bulletin board. On Internet, people order their computers not to accept
any messages from particular senders.

But a few years ago, users developed "anonymous servers" - computers
connected to the network that stripped away the original sender's name
before sending it on Internet. The capability was designed to encourage
open discussion among victims of child abuse or AIDS and originally was
used in only such groups. However, a computer in Helsinki, Finland, was
designed to send anonymous messages wherever the sender wanted.

Some of these messages on the "sci." section of Internet's Usenet
subsystem ticked off Richard DePew, the professor of microbiology and
immunology at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. "The
anonymous servers were breaking down some of the barriers and traditions
that keep the Internet useful," says Dr. DePew, whose battle was reported
in the Chronicle of Higher Education, a trade weekly.

After numerous on-line discussions of the anonymous-server problem,
Dr. DePew wrote a program he called ARMM for "automated retroactive minimal
moderator." Although the program ran on the computer he operates in
Rootstown as a local node of Internet, it canceled messages from the
Helsinki computer to any sci. discussion group.

As soon as he activated it in April, Dr. DePew was flamed by other
users, illustrating the passion with which people defend computer speech.
He was called a "maddog (sic) on the loose who needs to be sedated." He
was called a "rhinocerous (sic) ." He was compared to "a child-molestor
(sic) who goes out and re-offends immediately upon release." He was called
an "ignorant petty tyrant." Within 12 hours, he shamefacedly recalled the
program, admitting he made a mistake. He says he will never do it again.

In another controversy, bitter debates raged at many Canadian
universities last year over three Internet discussions: "sex:
bestiality," "sex: torture" and "sex: bondage." Some weeks, those
discussions were dominated by legal scholars, but other weeks, they
included brutal stories and pictures of screaming women. Several colleges,
including Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, cut those
discussions off their computers.

In the U.S., California's Santa Rosa Junior College recently suspended
tenured journalism teacher Roger Karraker while it tries to determine
whether he's responsible for student messages on a school bulletin board
that he operated. The board has some 200 discussion groups that are used
by faculty and students.

Earlier this year, at student request, Mr. Karraker started men-only
and women-only conferences in which users had to promise not to reveal the
contents. When one woman learned about what allegedly obscene messages
that an ex-boyfriend had written about her on an all-male board, she
complained to Mr. Karraker. He immediately shut down the conference and
banned the students who had broken the confidentiality pact. She then
complained to the college of sexual harrassment based on the messages, and
Mr. Karraker was put on paid leave.

James Mitchell, the college's personnel director, said the leave was
"for his own protection" and isn't a punishment. He says that under
California harassment laws, "we had a situation that appeared to be

Mr. Mitchell says that if the item had been in a student newspaper, it
probably would have been protected under the First Amendment. But outside
of student newspapers, speech can be challenged as harassment, he says.
Even if it was written on a bathroom wall, and the janitor didn't wash it
off, "we'd warn him" of the risk of harassment charges.

Mr. Karraker says that as a bulletin board operator, he's protected
just as booksellers are. "This isn't publishing in the sense that there's
an editor who knows everything that goes in," he says.



Notice to all registered STraight FAX! Owners

Enhanced versions of the STraight FAX! Printer Drivers along with new
drivers for Speedo GDOS and Compo's That's Write 2 and the STraight FAX!
Manager TSR/CPX that simplifies the printing to disk of FAX files are
available free of charge to registered STraight FAX! owners via the Toad
Computers BBS.

The enhanced drivers include support to communicate with the STraight
FAX! Manager TSR (Auto Folder Program) and CPX Module for the eXtensible
Control Panel (XCONTROL) Desk Accessory to specify the file path/name that
all of the drivers will use when generating FAX files from popular
applications such as Pagestream, Calamus, Atari Works, That's Write 2,
Calligrapher 2/3, Word Flair II, and other GDOS compatible applications.

The STraight FAX! original GDOS, FSM/Font GDOS and Speedo GDOS drivers
also will utilize the "Quality" parameter in the Printer Drivers ACC/PRG
provided with Speedo GDOS and the GDOS Printer Selector CPX/ACC provided
with FSM/Font GDOS to select between Fine Resolution (Fine) and Normal
Resolution (Draft).

To obtain the STraight FAX! Manager and drivers, call the Toad
Computers BBS at 410-544-6999 (300-14400 baud). Fill out the new user
account information and send private E-Mail to the Sysop or User #6
requesting the STraight FAX! Manager and drivers.

A valid registration must be on file with NewSTar Technology
Management before the STraight FAX! Manager and drivers are sent to your
account on the BBS via F-Mail. If you have purchased the STraight FAX! and
have not re-registered with NewSTar Technology Management (since January
1993), then please include the following registration information in your
E-Mail request:

10 Digit Registration Number (used to install STraight FAX!)
City, State, Zip Code, Country
Phone Number
FAX Number (if applicable)
Date of Purchase (approximate if not exactly known)
Place of Purchase
Version Purchased (i.e. 1.06, 1.07, etc.)
GEnie E-Mail Address (if applicable)
CompuServe E-Mail Address (if applicable)
Internet E-Mail Address (if applicable)

If you have purchased the STraight FAX! and have never sent in the
Registration Card, now is a better time than ever to mail it to NewSTar
Technology Management at the address below.

The archive file sent to your account on the Toad BBS will contain the
following files:

README.1ST Read Me File Documentation STFAXMGR.PRG
STraight FAX! Speedo GDOS Printer Driver STFAXFSM.SYS
STraight FAX! Original GDOS Printer Driver STFAX21.PRT
STraight FAX! PageStream 2.1/2.2 Printer Driver STFAX18.PRT
STraight FAX! PageStream 1.8x Printer Driver STFAX.CPD
STraight FAX! Calamus 1.09/1.09n Printer Driver STFAX.CDT
STraight FAX! Calamus S/SL Printer Driver STFAXNOR.DRV
STraight FAX! That's Write 2 Normal Rez Printer Driver

NewSTar Technology Management P.O. Box 122 Columbia, Maryland 21045-0122

Tech Support Line (410) 544-6943 FAX Line (410) 544-1329 BBS
(410) 544-6999 (300 to 14400 baud)

GEnie: C.S.SMETON GEnie Support Area: Atari ST Roundtable (M475 or ST)
Category 4 (Hardware)
Topic 24 (STraight FAX! Product Support)

CompuServe: 73047,2565 Compuserve Support Area: Atari Productivity Forum
(GO ATARIPRO) Telecommunications Message Area



MIST Announces AtariFest V!

The Mid-Indiana Atari ST users would like to take this opportunity to
invite you to one of the most successful annual one-day shows in the US.
MIST AtariFest V will be held this year on Saturday, July 31st from 10am
until 5pm at the Best Western Waterfront Plaza Hotel at the crossroads of
America, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Admission to this great event is still only $3 for the entire day.
Door prizes of all shapes, sizes and function will be given away all day,
and Lynx and MIDIMaze tournaments will be held with prizes going to the top
players. Limited edition T-Shirts and special price MIST memberships will
also be available.

Many of your favorite vendors and user groups have already committed
to our show, with many more still planning to come. Some that have already
indicated that they'll be with us include:

Atari Corp's Bob Brodie
Missionware Software (Flash II, CyberPaint)
Mars Merchandising (software and hardware distributors)
KidProgs (KidPublisher Pro, Super KidGrid, MultiPlay)
Gribnif Software (NeoDesk, Arabesque, STalker, CrazyDots, PureC)
LCACE (Waukegan, IL)
CUSTUG (Champaign, IL)
STAR (Belleville, IL)
CRAG (Crown Point, IN)
THEAUG (Terre Haute, IN)
ASCII (Indianapolis, IN)
BLAST (Bloomington, IN)

Space is still available to both commercial vendors and users' groups.
The deadline for reserving tables has been extended until July 1st. Our
price is still a modest $50 per table ($10 for users' groups). Contact me
for reservation forms or more information.

The Best Western Waterfront Plaza offers discount prices to attendees
of the show. Mention us and get a single room for $53 or a double for $59.
The Waterfront features large rooms and exceptional pool and recreational
facilities. Special arrangements can be made for non-smokers, handicapped
and those guests with small children.

We're located just 5 miles from the Indianapolis International
Airport. Shuttle service is available to those travelling by air. For
those arriving by car, take I-465 to the Speedway/Crawfordsville exit
(I-465 South from I-65 Chicago or I-74 Terre Haute or I-70 Columbus Ohio,
I-465 West from I-69 Fort Wayne or I-65 Louisville, I-465 North from I-70
St. Louis). Go west on SR 136 and take the first left outside of I-465.
The Waterfron Plaza is 1/2 ahead on your right.

I hope to see you there on July 31st. If you'd like more information
about our show, contact Bill Jones at The Zoo BBS (317) 356-5519, or direct
at (317) 352-9878.



> A "Quotable Quote" "Some things NEVER Change..."






> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32236-6672
Est. 1985


40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only
Authorized Atari Dealer


202 Roberts St.
East Hartford CT. 06108
Authorized Atari Dealer


907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053
Authorized Atari Dealer


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112
Authorized Atari Dealer


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220
Authorized Atari Dealer


(DEALERS; to be listed here, please drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-93 All Rights Reserved No.9.25
Messages quoted in whole or in part are done so under the Fair Use
provision of the US Copyright Laws. USPC Title 17. Views, Opinions and
Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of the editors/staff of
STReport International Online Magazine. Permission to reprint articles is
hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Reprints must, without exception,
include the name of the publication, date, issue number and the author's
name. STR, STReport and/or portions therein may not be edited in any way
without prior written permission. STR, STReport, at the time of
publication, is believed reasonably accurate. STR, STReport, its staff and
contributors are not and cannot be held responsible for the use or
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