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Silicon Times Report Issue 0937

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



STR Electronic Publishing

September 10, 1993 No. 9.37

Silicon Times Report
International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST

STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
FIDO 1:112/35 ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:21/350.0
904-786-4176 USR/HST 24hrs - 7 days
2400 - 38.4 bps V.32 - 42 bis 16.8 Dual Standard
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
Fido 1:112/35 The Bounty STR Support Central 1-904-786-4176
FNET. 620 : Leif's World <Home of STR>...1-904-573-0734
FNET.. 18 : ///Turbo Board BBS Support...1-416-274-1225
FNET. 690 : PASTE BBS....................1-206-284-8493
FNET. 460 : The Atari ST Connection......1-209-436-8156
FNET. 489 : Steal Your Face BBS..........1-908-920-7981

> 09/10/93 STR 937 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU HEADLINE REPORT - STR Confidential
- 486 66mhz $500.00 - TANDY OFFERS 486 - 28.8 BPS RSN!


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to participate
in the Fido/PROWL/ITC/USENET/NEST/F-Net Mail Networks. You may also Phone
The Bounty BBS direct @ 904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder and excitement of
exchanging all types of information relative to computers, worldwide,
through the use of excellent International Networking Systems. SysOps,
worldwide, are welcome to join the STReport International Conferences.
The Fido Node is 1:112/35, ITC Node is 85:881/253 Crossnet Code is #34813,
and the "Lead Node" is #620. All platform's BBS systems are welcome and
invited to participate. Support your favorite computer Today!

to the Readers of;

The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
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CompuServe now offers 14,400-bps access capability in ten U.S.
cities: Cambridge, Mass.; Chicago; Columbus, Ohio; Los Angeles; New York;
Newport Beach, Calif.; Orlando, Fla.; Philadelphia; Rochelle Park, N.J.;
and Santa Clara, Calif. This service will be offered in other U.S.
locations within the next year, and will eventually be extended to Europe.

Pricing for 14,400-bps access is the same as for 9,600 bps: $16 per
hour for Standard Pricing Plan members, and $22.80 per hour for
Alternative Pricing Plan members.

The 14,400 bps service supports V.42 error correction and requires a
V.32bis modem. To log on at 14,400 bps using the CompuServe Information
Manager, enter the Session Settings and change the bps rate to either
14,400 or 19,200. If you have problems logging on, change the modem type
to the Hayes Compatible (default) setting.

For more information about using 14,400 bps, GO FEEDBACK or visit
CompuServe's software support forums (GO CISSOFT). To obtain the 14,400
local access numbers, GO PHONES. To read more about CompuServe's pricing
plans, GO CHOICES. The information areas are all included in CompuServe's
basic services.

Download file MGIF42.ZIP from LIBRARY 14 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for an extremely fast monchrome GIF viewer for ALL ST's, TT's
and Falcon's. Tons of new features added in this version, to include
JPEG/JFIF view of files. faster and more accurate dithering, support for
GIF 89a's as well, plus a lot more.

This program displays GIF and JPG pictures so well, it's nearly like
having a mono equivalent of Photochrome. Due to the technique used,
pictures look best when viewed from 4-6 feet from the screen.

The history of Atari is posted as file ATARI.TXT in LIBRARY 17 of the
Atari Productivity Forum (GO ATARIPRO) (from the Internet system).

The second set of "
20 QUESTIONS" submitted by Atari Forum members and
answered by Atari Corp (specifically Bob Brodie, Bill Rehbock and James
Grunke) is available for download as file 20Q_02.TXT in LIBRARY 15 of the
Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS).

See files OMEGA_.ZIP and OMEGAF.ZIP in LIBRARY 12 of the Atari Arts Forum
(GO ATARIARTS) for a very well done European demo for the STE and TT. Well
worth the download time.

Download file JAPANE.ZIP from LIBRARY 4 of the Atari Productivity Forum
(GO ATARIPRO) for a program which makes it possible to display the
Japanese and input single-byte katakana, double-byte katakana, hiragana
and more than ten different series of special symbols which are assigned
to symbol keys.

Download file DRIVRS.LZH from LIBRARY 11 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO
ATARIVEN) for the latest PageStream import modules. Updated 10-AUG-93.
This archive contains ALL of the import modules currently shipping with
PageStream 2.2b. Included are new Illustrator, EPS, and TIFF import





> From the Editor's Desk "
Saying it like it is!"

The time comes for everyone to take a stand... on one matter or
another. That time has arrived for me. The LEXICOR/STRT/IAAD Fiasco has
rattled a good deal of cages. Of This there is no doubt. A number of
things relative to this matter need clarification. Number one that's
first and foremost in order is that: Nobody, myself included has ever had
a cross word to say about GEnie Information Services. The gripe,
complaint and apparent unrest is with the contract holder of the STRT and
her husband Nathan Potechin. Who is by the way, DMC/ISD and has a number
of business arrangements with various other companies doing business in
the Atari platform. He is also a board member of the IAAD. Nothing wrong
with that as long as the influence of one or the other, either husband or
wife, is not noticed in either the STRT or the business community. If
such occurs, then there is a possible conflict of interest. We all know
that up until a short time ago, Nathan had "
sysop", "Ass't sysop" and or
RT-Sysop" after his name or in his signature in many of his posts. That
too, could possibly constitute a conflict of interest.

Now, we find that there are further accusations being made that it
was Lexicor who informed STReport of their expulsion from the IAAD. This
is an outright false and misleading conjecture on the part of more than
one board member of the IAAD and at least one outspoken but grossly
misinformed member who had "
decided" to tell STR to "shutup" on Delphi.
This is sad.

Now for the record... It WAS a current IAAD board member who
informed STReport of the action taken by the IAAD against Lexicor and its
representatives. Further, it is also fact that one or more current board
member(s) is among those who have steadily supplied STReport with
information and captures from the IAAD area, Category 75 in the STRT.



** STReport International Online Magazine **



STReport will be E-Mailed to any GEnie subscriber who requests it as
an archived (in LZH format) attached file. Instructions for downloading
an attached file are provided on page 200 on GEnie (Type M200).
Downloading E-Mail utilizes the very same transfer protocols as the GEnie
RT Libraries, so there is little or no difference between downloading
from a Library and downloading an attached file (also called F-Mail).

To request STReport be E-Mailed to you, send subscription request in
E-Mail to J.MIRANDO1 requesting such and you will be put on our "paper
beginning with the next issue. Each issue will be uploaded by
Saturday evening and will be available to you immediately. It simply
appears in your E-Mail queue!

Wait no more for the REAL news and FULL information from the wonderful and
sometimes wacky world of computing...

Ask for your STReport deliveries to begin today!



Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Roger D. Stevens Robert Glover R. ALBRITTON

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor Emeritus

STReport Staff Editors:
Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Scott Birch
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve................... 70007,4454
Delphi......................... RMARIANO
BIX............................ RMARIANO
FIDONET........................ 1:112/35
FNET........................... NODE 350
ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT



Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #37

By: John Deegan

IBM OFFERS NEW THINKPADS - IBM has unveiled four new models of its
ThinkPad 750 laptop with easy-to-remove modular parts. The keyboard
lifts open so parts can be changed as new technologies are introduced.

For instance, a modem for telephones could be substituted for one
with cellular capability (and) IBM is planning to sell a TV tuner module
early next year for the machines.

The machines, built around a 33MHz Intel 486 processor, range in
price from $3,200 to about $5,000, depending on the kind of screen,
monochrome or color, and size of the hard drive.

Scott Bower, director of IBM's mobile computing group, said "
design offers a choice of input and displays, and makes accessing,
swapping or upgrading components simple and logical."

Also offered is an optional "
docking station" to house stereo
speakers and a drive for computer programs stored on compact discs. With
docking station, the unit weighs about 11 pounds.

TANDY OFFERS NEW '486 SYSTEM - A 486SX-based system with a 212MB hard
drive and built-in digital sound has been unveiled by Tandy Corp.'s
Radio Shack division for $1,299.

In a statement from the company's Fort Worth, Texas, offices, Tandy
said the 33MHz 3100 personal computer also meets energy efficiency
requirements set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The unit comes with a two-button mouse, three expansion slots, an
open device bay, a 3.5-inch 1.44MB floppy drive, 4MB of memory
(expandable to 64MB), Super VGA graphics, one parallel port and two
serial ports.

Co. announced this week that it expects its total sales volume to inc-
rease by 45% to 50% in 1993 after growth of a similar magnitude in the
first eight months of the year.

Bill McCracken, head of IBM's non-American activities, told reporters
in Munich that the unit would show a profit in its first business year.
He refused to release detailed figures.

He added that IBM has expanded its market position in personal com-
puters following structural changes and a clearly improved cost struc-

BBSES TO TEST 28.8 KBIT/S MODEM - Eight of the world's larger bulle-
tin board systems and three major North American mail hubs within Fido-
Net are set to test modems that boost transmission speeds from the cur-
rent 14.4 kbit/s to 28.8 kbit/s.

Working with modem maker Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc. to test
its V.Fast Class (V.FC) modems are - Aquila BBS (Aurora, Ill.); Event
Horizons (Portland, Ore.); Executive Network (Mt. Vernon, N.Y.); Exec-PC
(Elm Grove, Wis.); Invention Factory (New York); PC-Ohio (Cleveland);
Sound Advice (Gladstone, Mo.) and Sound of Music (Oceanside, N.Y.). The
three FidoNet mail hubs are located in New Orleans, Harrisburg, Pa., and
Las Vegas.

In a statement from the Colorado Springs, Colo., ONE BBSCON
gathering, the groups says the BBSes represent more than 100,000 users
and their their goal "
is to have V.FC modems on their BBSes by the end
of the year and to ensure that the bulletin board software and host
systems are ready to take full advantage of the higher speed offered by

Said the statement, "
The decision to support V.FC was based on the
market need for a non-proprietary interim standard that offers the
higher speed today and will provide the forward compatibility to the
V.Fast standard in the future. With the trend to multimedia and large
graphic files being downloaded from bulletin boards, the higher speed
will allow sysops to grow their BBS operation without a large increase
in operating costs associated with additional telephone lines."

V.FC was developed in a cooperative project between Hayes and
Rockwell International Corp.

FUJITSU BOOSTS DRAM MAKING - Tokyo's Fujitsu Ltd. says it will boost
production of 4-megabit DRAM chips by 50% to 60% to meet demand seen
from PC and portable telecommunications device makers.

A company official said that production increases involving both
local and overseas plants will raise monthly output to some 7.5-8
million chips.

MURDOCH BUYING DELPHI SERVICE - For undisclosed terms, publishing
mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. has agreed in principle to buy Delphi,
the 10-year-old Cambridge, Mass., online service.

Delphi, which is to become a part of News Corp.'s news technology
group headed by Stanley Honey, currently has between 50,000 and 100,000

Murdoch is quoted as saying the deal will help News Corp. create "
electronic newspaper unlike any other" and distribute an electronic
version of TV Guide, one of the biggest selling magazines in the U.S.

investigation of Microsoft Corp. by the U.S. Department of Justice will
last several months, according to a top Justice official who offered the
first indication of how long the government probe of America's largest
software company might take.

On Aug. 20 the Justice Department announced it would launch its own
investigation into complaints by rivals of anti-competitive practices by
Microsoft, including attempts to monopolize the operating systems and
software market.

Microsoft's competitors accuse the firm of embedding secret codes and
using other methods to tailor Windows to its own applications, including
word processing and spreadsheets.

ment investigators said this week they are in the middle of a crackdown
on child pornography distributed through personal computers, particular-
ly from foreign distributors over phone modems.

But they also appealed for parents' help in keeping pedophiles from
reaching children through computer bulletin boards and digital graphics.

George Burgasser, acting chief of of the Child Exploitation and
Obscenity Section of the Justice Department's Criminal Division, said
new computer technology allows local child pornographers in search of
underage recruits "
to reach into the home."

And Justice Department spokesman Carl Stern warned those trafficking
or possessing child pornography through computers that the government
will seek prison terms for those convicted.

Though the effort is continuing, government investigators could point
to only six federal cases in the United States in the current crackdown.

week reprted its operations for the second quarter ended June 30, 1993.

Net sales for the quarter were $5.7 million as compared to $23.3
million for the same quarter in 1992. During the quarter, the company
incurred an operating loss of $4.0 million as compared to an operating
loss for the second quarter of 1992 of $45.0 million. In addition,
during the quarter the company incurred loss on exchange of $3.1 million
and had other income items totalling $0.5 million, which resulted in a
net loss for the second quarter of 1993 of $6.6 million as compared to
$39.7 million in 1992.

Commenting on the results, Sam Tramiel, president of Atari, said,
The company has focused all of its efforts on the development and
launch of its new multi-media video entertainment system called
Jaguar(TM), which will be launched in the fourth quarter of this year in
the New York and San Francisco markets. We have approximately $35
million in cash."


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by
Joe Mirando

Hidi ho good neighbors! Here we are again.

It's time for us to check out all of the great info that's available
every week on CompuServe. But before we get down to it, I'd just like to
mention a conversation that I had with an ST user and STReport reader a
few days ago. Without knowing who I was, he happened to refer to this
column as "that CIS kiss-kiss column". I'd just like to point out that
the reason that I do this column every week is NOT to promote CIS!

My first, and indeed my only, consideration is to provide STReport
readers with useful information while avoiding the nonsense that can
easily creep into message bases. Now before several of our most outspoken
readers (you know who you are, don't you?) start another silly word game,
let me explain that I'm not saying that this nonsense doesn't occur on
CompuServe. What I am saying is that there is much less of it and that,
when it does occur, I have a much easier time of isolating and removing
it. I do include posts from users who happen to be at odds with STReport
staff or the publication itself as long as the post contains information
that STReport readers may find useful.

At times I find it very difficult to abstain from "taking a shot" at
some of those who post, but I keep reminding myself that this column and
STReport itself is here for only one reason: To inform users of Atari
computers of what's going on in "AtariLand". I'm proud to say that, to
date, I've been able to refrain from letting my darker instincts rule.
Well, with that having been said, let's get on to the point of this
column... the neat stuff you can find in the message bases on CompuServe.

From the Atari Productivity Forum

Matt Nichols asks about speed:

"Can any of you speed freaks out there help me? I can get "only" 19,200
bps between my 1040ST and the modem. If I try anything higher all you get
is junk. I tried HSPD_232 and CTSFIX from the lib, but no go. Are there
some secret AT commands I don't know about?"

Sysop Ron Luks tells Matt:

"Officially, the highest speed supported by your ST's serial port (because
of TOS) is 19,200. It just dont go any faster.

I've heard reports of some special patches to bust this speed limit but
dont know if any of them really, reliably work."

Dick Paddock tells Matt:

"No, there aren't any secret commands. The ST is *real lucky* to be able
to make 19,200 baud. For an 8 MHz machine, that's really pushing the

Boris Molodyi tells Dick:

"Just for information, 8MHz Mac can do something like 115,000 bps or
thereabouts with no pushing of envelope at all."

Dazzz Smith posts:

"There are mods that allow the ST to work at 38,400 bps reliably."

Gee Dazzz, what are they? Do they work well? Where can we find them?
C'mon, drop the other shoe.

Matt must have been thinking the same thing, because he asks Dazzz:

"What mod do you know of that lets the ST work at 38,400? Is there
something in the library?"

While we wait for Dazzz's reply, Peter Joseph tells Matt:

"Sorry Matt, you've reached the ST's limit. 19200 baud is the maximum
speed through the serial port. I don't know the physics of it, I just
know it to be true."

Dick Paddock asks Rick Flashman of Gribnif Software about GENEVA,
Gribnif's soon-to-be-released multi-tasking system for any

"This is not meant as a slam, but a real question: is Geneva *really* an
operating system in the sense of OS/2 or Windows NT, or is it more like
Windows 3.x? I realize that it does *true* multi-tasking, but does it
actually toss out TOS?"

Jim Ness just can't resist posting:

"Hey. Nice pun. heh heh."

Rick, being the guy he is, tells Dick:

"Not a slam at all, but a very good question. Geneva is VERY much like
Windows 3.x in that it is an "
event driven" multitasking system. It is
not like Windows NT or OS/2, which are "
pre-emptive" multitasking systems.

However, Geneva works with MiNT, which is Atari's "
multitasking system, so that you can get both all the features and
advantages of Geneva and true pre-emptive multitasking (which you might
need for an advanced custom network application, for example).

Geneva does not touch TOS at all. Technically Geneva is a replacement of
the AES (Application Environment System/Services). MiNT from Atari is an
enhancement" to TOS. Remember that the Atari has 4 parts to its
operating system. Bios (low level), VDI (drawing/graphics), AES (windows,
GEM applications, menus, desk accessories), TOS (operating core)."

Robert Aries asks:

"(Does) Anyone have a problem with ST WRITER Elite and TOS 2.06? (More
specifically, the TEC board). When I print a file to the screen, I either
get a single collumn of characters scrolling down the left side of the
page, or nothing at all. Printing to disk or saving ASCII yields some
garbage characters in the resulting file.

I don't remember how, but yesterday it DID manage to work at one point.
Right now it isn't. I tried booting with no acc's/auto prgs but it's the
same deal. Anyone?

(P.S. I used v4.7 when I had TOS 1.0 with no problems. I just loaded in
some of those old files and they exhibited the same symptoms--although in
every other respect, the program appears normal. I first encountered this
with 4.7, which is why I went and got 4.8, but the problem continues).

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine asks Robert:

Do older versions of ST-Writer give you the same problems or is it just
version 4.7 of STwriter and above? Did you check your chips to make sure
they are firmly in their sockets? Sometimes loose chips can cause strange
thhings to happen with different programs. Also check your hard disk
cables to make sure they are snug as well."

Robert tells Albert:

Here's the weird part. When I copied ST-Writer to my floppy, and ran it
from there, the program worked just fine!!

I'm filing this in the "?????" category of computer malfunctions!

A little more experimenting. ST-Writer works just fine run from everywhere
I've tried on my hard disk, *except* where it is right now! I have it in
a folder called WORDPROC, which is in the root directory of drive C. I'd
really like to keep it there, for convenience's sake mostly. It would be
interesting to find the cause of this problem, I just don't have the

John Damiano of Transierra tells Robert:

I have that combination and it works fine on three diff. computers. I
would try reloading ST Writer Elite and trying again. My 2.06 has caused
no problems as far as I know. I did discover that I had to have the
blitter ON (Mega4) to make Calligrapher work right just for general info."

Robert tells John:

I tried everything and what wound up working was just running ST-Writer
from my floppy instead of my hard drive. The problem disappeared. Go

Well, they say that all's well that ends well. David Hagood asks:

...Does anyone know if the "old ST for new STE" trade-in offer is still
running?...And if the STE is no longer being made, what is the entry level
machine? Joe user is unlikely to plunk down the $$$ for a Falcon or TT

Peter Joseph tells David:

Unfortunately, the great upgrade policy that Atari once had is history."

Atari's Director of Communications, Bob Brodie, tells David:

STEs are no longer being made...

The entry level machine is the one meg Falcon with no HD...

Here in the US, the entry level Falcon sells for $799. That is a single
floppy based system, with no internal HD, one meg of Ram, and all the rest
of the fine features of the Falcon.

This is a popular unit with people that already have an external hard
drive system. Most of them just get a SCSI cable and plug it in! They
accomplish their RAM upgrades via the RAM Gizmo from Chro-Magic. The RAM
Gizmo costs $99 and comes with ZERO ram, but uses SIMMs."

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

David Newman posts:

Recently, I've been looking into buying some arcade games -- like the
original Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back arcade machines from Atari.
Two problems I've come up with:

#1 My wife would kill me, thus making gameplay difficult (from the

#2 Where do you guys KEEP the darn things? They take up a good bit of
floorspace... and they're a challenge to blend into the decor!

If you have any ideas on these two problems and how I could overcome them,
serious or not, please post!!!"

Albert Dayes asks the eternal question:

Is there life after "game over?" <grin> I keep missile command in my
room. I keep the front parted covered most of the time. Then when someone
comes in he/she asks what is that over there. My new printer I reply with
20 megaton print heads. Why are these rockets on the side. Just to show
speed I would say. Its that fast. Oh yes let me show you ... The
lights flicker and sudddenly Missile Command comes to life. <grin>

Try to tell your wife that is an old TV from the 1930s. It has vector
graphics and was called Star Wars because of its very fast vaccum tubes.

David tells Albert:

This thread reminds me of an arcade classic that I've forgotten the name
of. I know it's from TAITO and it came out in either 1981 or 1982 at the
same time as Front Line (remember that great one -- soldier on foot
tossing grenades and shooting enemies working up the screen toward the
tanks that he would hop into and blast the baddies with... 2 sizes of
tanks: the big boomer and the little machine gun tank --great fun!)

The game I'd like to get the name of had a Wild West theme and involved a
train robbery. The perspective was from overhead and the train tracks were
always going vertically up the screen. The player was a bandit on
horseback and the first phase involved shooting sideways at the other bad
guys to knock them off their horses, while being partially blocked by the
moving train. You could also switch horses -- ie kill a bad guy then jump
onto his horse to get closer to the train. Ultimately you would have to
jump onto the train, avoid or shoot the guards on the train and get to the
bank car.

The controls were the same as on Front Line -- an eight position metal
knob and a couple of fire buttons for shooting your six gun and for

Does this ring a bell with anybody??"

Albert tells David:

I remember those games. Front Line was one the first of its kind. There
was a fun two player/or single player against the computer game called
Boot Hill. That was one of the fun ones too ... but then I noticed
Missile Command and it hasn't been the same since. <grin>"

David asks Albert:

Why doesn't someone write a book on the history of video games? It's
really quite a fascinating subject (to me, anyway).

Have you heard of/seen the exhibit that is touring around the country
called HOT CIRCUITS? It's a video game retrospective that was put together
with an obvious love of the genre and some good intelligence and
selectivity by the Museum of the Moving Image in New York. It's 47
(mostly) functional video arcade machines with a historical blurb about
each one and its significance in the development of the genre. You even
get a bag of coins with your admission ticket at most museums and they
allow you to play as often as you like (token machine on premises!). It
was most recently at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia which is where
I caught up with it, after missing it by a few days when I lived in NY and
it first was opened to the public."

Albert tells David:

Actually I have never seen any books on the history of video games
myself. That does sound like a good idea ... I can think of a good title

Never heard of HOT CIRCUITS until now. The closest thing I can get to
that is the penny arcade at Disneyland.

You should write a book that would be a long one too. Like the 20 volumes
of OED (Oxford English Dictionary). You could have a nice long glossary
of terms at the back too."

John Devlin asks:

Does anyone know of a compress/uncompress program that can handle JPG or
JPEG compression files.

I have heard of one program called JPEGB, are there any others?"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells John:

I think GEMVIEW handles JPEG images..

Also, I think I remember seeing Atari specific conversions of the PC
programs that compress and uncompress JPGs... I'll see if I can find them
on UseNet for you."

Sysop Jeff Kovach tells John:

I just came across a new monochrome .GIF viewer that also support JPEG
files. You can expect to see it in the file libraries soon!"

John tells Jeff:

I will keep an eye out for it, Thanks.

Boy, yous guys are very quick at answering my messages..."

On the subject of a possible (and I only say "
possible" becuse I haven't
seen it yet) ethnic slur in ST FORMAT, Peter Joseph Posts:

I'll make one small point. The fact that racial remarks were made all
the time when you were growing up doesn't make it right no matter how you
cut it. As long as people do it, no matter what the intent, it will
continue racism in the world. If you and your friends or my friends and
I, or George and his friends want to call each other racial names, then so
be it; but it shouldn't be if we ever want to get rid of racism. And it
definitely should not be used in public, on a sign, a magazine or anywhere
that it may be offensive to others. Period. Call me sheltered, call me
sensitive. Great! It's what makes me so easy to get along with."

Lloyd Pulley tells Peter:

But the point is whether the term 'Jap' was meant as a racial slur. In
today's 'politically correct' atmosphere, it is taken as such,
but that doesn't mean it was meant as such. If the editor/author
had said, "The Yellow Peril" or something similar, then it would be
an obvious racial slur.

IMO, today people are too sensitive. Recently a Black-American in
Phoenix had the city change 'umpteen' designs at the airport
because if you looked at the design in just a certain way, at just
the right time, with your head cocked at an angle, one of the designs
looked like "KKK". In actuality, it was an ancient Indian design.
One that was around and accepted before the KKK ever came into
being and had NOTHING to do with racism.

Or just this week I was accused of being a racist (if not accused,
the inference was very heavy) on another network. Why? Because the
author felt I was anti-Canadian. In truth, I like many things about
Canada and lived there two years when I was younger (I think
Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been in).
I just dislike this person (and won't like him if he was a citizen of
the U.S.A.)

If you want to fight and win the battle against racism, fight the
real fights and ignore the non-issues. (As the one guy said, he
wasn't even sure that the article/title was intended to be racist).
All you do when you try to fight non-issues (like my being an
anti-Canadian/racist, or this one title being racist) is dilute your
position so much that pretty soon you have no position left. Pretty
soon people start to ignore you even when you have a real battle to

My personal opinion? Racism always has been and always will be.
That doesn't make it right, it just makes it 'the way things are'.
And some of the races/ethnic groups that scream about racism the
most, are some of the biggest racists (as a group)."

Curtis Miller asks about picture files:

I downloaded several PIC's from the libraries a while ago unaware
that they were files designed for Apples & Mac's.

I called to several people for help finding a Utility file that would
make them viewable on my IBM compatible. A sysop told me that there
was a program that would do this called Degas or Degaview.

I could find no such file in IBMsys Libraries or Graphsup libraries.
Can anyone steer me in the right direction?"

Sysop Bob Retelle tells Curtis:

Any picture files you might download from the Atari Forums are mostly
specific to Atari ST computers. Except for the .GIF files that may
be in the libraries, they're not directly usable on IBM compatibles.

I just checked the IBM File Finder, and came up with these two files
that might help you..

The first is in IBMAPP in library #10, called DVEGA.ARC it will
display pictures created with the Atari art program called DEGAS.

The second is in IBMHW in library #3, called STVIEW.ARC it will
display pictures in DEGAS, TINY and NEO format, created with Atari
format programs.

Unfortunately there is no currently available viewer to allow showing
Atari SPC or SPU format picture files on an IBM compatible. We've
heard that one is "in the works", but we have no information about
when it might become available..."

From the Atari Vendors Forum

Boris Molodyi tells Rick at Gribnif:

I should be getting my CD (Crazy Dots) II soon, and I have some

Is CD II driver MTOS compatible? Any words on NVDI driver yet?

What monitor would you recommend? I meed to be able to see a full
width of a page at some decent magnification (at least 150%, better
200%). What size monitor do I need? Also, for what paraneters should I
look in the monitor (like scan frequencies, bamdwidth etc.)? Even
better, if you could recommend some particular model (as long as it
does not cost a fortune :-)"

Rick tells Boris:

Crazy Dots II is fully MultiTOS compatible. We just got the NVDI drivers
in (I saw a pile of them yesterday). Monitor is entirelly based on price
and hundreds of pages could be written on that. Ideally a nice 20" that
handles 1,280+ without interlacing, but that's not cheap. Any SVGA
monitor works, however you need a "
multi-sync" if you want to show the
original ST resolutions (640x200/400/480)."

From the Atari Portfolio Forum

Don Thomas of Atari Corp. posts:

"If you're having troubles finding Portfolio accessories, the
publisher of RE:Port does a good job of serving his customers. He can
sell many of the items at a discount. He supports users in this

Dave Stewart takes the opportunity to tell us:

"As you've probably already seen in a message from Don Thomas, my
company sells all sorts of Port stuff at a discount, and also offers
support for the Portfolio via a newsletter!

If you'd like more information, leave your US mail address in email,
and I'll send you some prochures and/or quote you prices on whatever
you'd like."

Stephen Green posts:

"My Portfolio keyboard has suddenly stopped respnding to several keys
- w, i, p, h, z and v to be exact. I have tried rebooting to no
avail. There isn't even a key click on those keys. I tried to effect
a cold boot but I don't think I was successful. I keep all my data on
a RAM card."

Sysop Ron Luks tells Steven:

"Sounds like a hardware problem and the only 'fix' I know of is to
send the unit back to Atari Corp and take advantage of their trade in
policy ($110 for a new unit)."

Stephen asks for more info:

"Could you tell me how to set up the trade-in (Addresses, etc.)? I am
in Toronto, Canada, if that makes a difference.

I haven't kept up - are there any newer models? Ours is about 2 1/2
years old."

Ron tells Stephen:

"Nope. No newer models. Contact Don Thomas at Atari Corp
(408)745-2000 for details of the trade in offer."

George Parsons asks:

"Has anyone accessed CIS from Tokyo using a Portfolio with serial
port and Pocket Modem? I have used this combo successfully in the US
and unsuccessful (so far) from Europe (France, Germany,
Switzerland,Sweden). I'd appreciate any tips on Japan."

No answer yet, but as always, we'll let you know when someone finds
out what's going on.

In the meantime, Janis Kelly posts:

"I just installed a PC card drive into my office computer and can't
get the thing to work at all. The computer acts like the drive is just
not there. What to do?"

Don Thomas of Atari tells Janis:

"Make sure that CD.SYS is installed on your PC and that your
CONFIG.SYS file includes the statement:


where X=your drive and filepath=the path where CD.SYS resides.

If that still doesn't work, try installing the card drive in another
slot or swapping it with the slot another card might be in."

Well friends, that's it for this week. Sorry about my little speech in
the beginning, but I thought that you readers (and even "non-readers" who
read STReport) should know exactly why I do this column every week.

Tune in again next week, same time, same station, and be prepaired to sit
back and relax among friends. And always remember this: No matter where
you are, always remember to listen what they are saying when...




STReport International Online Magazine is available every week in the
ST Advantage on DELPHI. STReport readers are invited to join DELPHI and
become a part of a friendly community of enthusiastic computer users


Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access
DELPHI services via a local phone call


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(2) STREPORT 9.36 09/03/93
(4) AEO - VOLUME 2, ISSUE 15
(10) GEMVIEW 2.4

All of the above files can be found in the RECENT ARRIVALS database for at
least one week after the posting of this list. Please Note that in the
case of online magazines, only the most current issue in the database at
the time of this compilation is considered for the Top 10 list. Also, for
all files, a submission is eligible for the Top 10 list for only four
weeks after its original uploading.

DELPHI- It's getting better all the time!



This is an Official Press Release by LEXICOR SOFTWARE EUROPE


by ADDA Technologies
Jong-Ho County, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

We are proud to announce that we have got direct distribution rights from
ADDA Technologies for this great piece of Multimedia Hardware.

The Averkey is the fitting Link that bridges your VGA Signal, be it TT
Medium,Falcon or NOVA Graphics Board resolution to your Video System in
either PAL or NTSC. It has not only got a Composite Video Output but also
a S-VHS Output for prime quality. Add your Television, VCR and large
screen display to your computer hardware.

Move your presentation from the VGA Monitor to the world of Video with

AVerKey features reflect the latest in multimedia hardware design. Through
its compact size and powerful internal design, the AVerKey can be quickly
installed to convert a number of VGA Modes eg. 640x480 to NTSC or PAL

As an added feature, the AVerKey features a state-of-the-art built in
flicker filter. This filter helps overcome the inherent flicker problems
which arise when linking the VGA environment with video.

The Averkey adjustment control's the brightness of your TV (Video)

Since VGA scan rates are almost twice that of a Television the display
quality of the Television signal is inferior to that of VGA. This is
especially true of picture stability when displaying single line. Single
line display will result in television flicker unless a flicker free
function is employed. The AVerKey has such a built-in "
feature which stabilizes VGA Graphics on a television Monitor. This
feature greatly improves the display quality of your Animations in either
Prism Paint, Da's Vektor, Chronos, Phoenix or any other Atari Software
that will work in VGA Modes. Besides helping reduce flicker, this feature
even further reduces brightness to a comfortable level.

Price: $289.00 U.S. Dollars.

Shipping and Tax not included.

Availabitlity: Now

System Requirements:

Any kind of VGA based System. This includes NOVA Graphics Card and TT
Medium. The Averkey has not been tested with any other Atari Based
Graphic Card and can therefore not guarantee it running on anything else.


DOS Software already included, Atari Software available end of September.
However Software is not required to run the Averkey. The Software will
however allow the Averkey to switch down its scan rates to as low as

Display Mode Supported:

All standard VGA Modes.

640x480 mode in 256, 32k, 64k or even 24bit in NTSC or PAL (720x400 in
NTSC Max.) 800x600 mode if using Cirrus, CL-GD 6410 VGA chip or Tseng
Labs. ET-4000 with frequency synthesizer as ICS 2494-237 in PAL. One VGA
Input Signal (Analog RGB 15 pin display connector, 0.7 Volt p.t.p.)

Four Output Signals:

1 x Composite Video, 1.0 Volt peak to peak RCA Jack Connector
1 x S-VHS Y and C Video, Mini-DIN 4 pin connector
1 x RGB Output
1 x Standard VGA card Signal (15 pin)

FCC Warning:

It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class A
Computing Device pursuant to subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are
designed to provide reasonable protection in a commercial environment.

Additional hardware to the Averkey:

Averkey GENLOCK Board which will allow your Averkey to have Genlock

Lexicor Software and ADDA Technologies are working closely together to
give you the best possible value for our Customers. We Believe that the
Averkey is one of the best VGA to Video Scan Line Converters for the

1726 Francisco St.
Berkeley, CA 94703

Tel: (510)848-7621 Fax: (510)848-7613

Cottagegasse 69
A-1190 Vienna

Tel: (1) 36 75 91 Fax: (1) 36 91 787




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NVN will begin to bill prime and non-prime rates according to the time
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remember to dial in according to Central time. In order to implement this
change and more accurately reflect our costs, the prime time hours will be
changed (on September 1) to 7:00am-6:00pm in your time zone. Using the
NVN Network will be more convenient than ever!

You can join NVN one of two ways...
By voice phone 1-800-336-9096 (Client Services)
or via modem phone 1-800-336-9092.


1. For the newcomers....
3. We have some NEW Forum Commands for you; that's just the beginning!
4. The Business Opportunities Handbook is now online!
5. If you shop by mail, this service is for you...
6. The Computer Networking Forum opens its doors...<GO NETWORKING>
7. Where to look for that book...
8. There are 16 conferences every night in the Soap Opera Forum...
9. Come to the Gala Opening! The Soap Forum Sunday, Aug. 29, at 10pm EDT!
10. Calling All Chatters! Successful Chatline VIP Club Continues!
11. WARGAMERS! Speak live to Scott Hamilton of ADC Fame on August 28th...
12. Hidden treasure? Yes, if you are digging for information...
13. Tune in to Sitcom Trivia in the TV Forum on Sunday, Aug.29, 10pm EDT!




OTTAWA, Ontario Corel Corporation announced the initiation of an
agreement to acquire Ventura PublisherR, Ventura Database PublisherR, and
all related technologies from Ventura Software, Inc. The acquisition,
which is subject to a number of conditions, including the execution of a
definitive purchase agreement between the parties, is expected to be
completed by the end of September of 1993.

The acquisition of Ventura Publisher and Ventura DataBase Publisher is
the perfect marriage of product and company," said Dr. Michael Cowpland,
president and CEO of Corel Corporation. "
Corel is committed to the
continuing development and support of Ventura software. Our goal is to
continue to advance Ventura's software products by adding new and
innovative features to secure Ventura's premier position in the global
publishing market."

We are delighted with the acquisition by Corel, a respected leader in the
industry," said David W. Hanna, president and CEO of Ventura Software,
Inc. "
There is great synergy between our products today, and we believe
strongly that this acquisition will result in very positive long term
benefits for Ventura customers."

Under the terms of the agreement, Corel will acquire all platform and
localized versions of Ventura Publisher, Ventura DataBase Publisher and
all associated technologies. The agreement also provides Corel with all
source and object code for on-going development, and rights to Ventura's
customer database. With the agreement in place, Corel will assume full
responsibility for customer service and support. Details on future
product development will be released as the acquisition progresses.

Ventura Publisher

Allowing easy access to source files from word processors, spreadsheets,
database programs and image editors, Ventura Publisher is the most
fully-featured, easy-to-learn high-end publishing program available on the
market. Ventura Publisher also allows full control of prepress functions
from within open documents.

Ventura DataBase Publisher

Ventura DataBase Publisher enables users to easily organize and prepare
database information for publishing in Ventura Publisher as well as other
desktop publishing systems and word processors. Businesses can automate
their publishing of updated database information, and deliver
professional, high-quality documents with ease, precision and accuracy.

Incorporated in 1985, Corel Corporation is recognized internationally as
an award-winning developer and marketer of PC graphics and SCSI software.
CorelDRAW{SYMBOL 212 \f "
Symbol"}, Corel's industry-leading graphics
software is available in 14 languages and has to date won over 100
international awards from major trade publications. Corel ships its
products through a network of more than 100 distributors in 60 countries
worldwide. Corel is traded on The Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: COS) and
the NASDAQ - National Market System (symbol: COSFF).

For more information, please call:
Investor/Public Relations Department
(613) 728-0826, extension 4500

Ventura Software, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Xerox Corporation.
Corel is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation.
CorelDRAW and CorelSCSI are trademarks of Corel Corporation.





Announcement from Lexicor Software Corp.

As of Monday 19th July 1993, the Special NOVA Deal offered by Lexicor
Software for the NOVA Graphics Card is over.

The NOVA Mega and the NOVA VME 16M will now both have the same price of
599.99 U$D.

The price for the SUPERNOVA has not changed and will cost: 999.99 U$D

The 32K Graphic Card is only available on Special Order and will cost 429
U$D both the Mega and the VME. For these Card's there may be an added
handling Price.

Shipping cost are excluded from these prices.

Technical Specifications

NOVA Megabus 16M
Maximum Frame Rate : 90Mhz
Video RAM : 1 Megabyte
RAMtype : DRAM
Maximum Color's : 16,7 Million Colors (24bit)
Maximum Resolution (>70Hz): 1024x768 in 256 Color's
Maximum Resolution (15bit): 768x512
Maximum Resolution (24bit): 640x400
Virtual Resolution : YES
Automatic REZ Switch : YES
Upgradeble : YES
VDI for 24bit : YES
HARDWARE Accelerator : NO

Maximum Frame Rate : 90MHz
Video RAM : 1 Megabyte
RAMtype : DRAM
Maximum Color's : 16,7 Million Colors (24bit)
Maximum Resolution (>70Hz): 1088x832 in 256 Color's
Maximum Resolution (15bit): 800x600
Maximum Resolution (24bit): 640x480
Virtual Resolution : YES
Automatic REZ Switch : YES
Upgradeble : YES
VDI for 24bit : YES
HARDWARE Accelerator : NO

Maximum Frame Rate : 135MHz
Video RAM : 2 Megabytes
Maximum Color's : 16,7 Million Colors (24bit)
Maximum Resolution (>70Hz): 1280x1024
Maximum Resolution (15bit): 1024x768
Maximum Resolution (24bit): 800x600
Virtual Resolution : YES
Automatic REZ Switch : YES
Upgradeble : YES
VDI for 24bit : YES
HARDWARE Accelerator : YES

For more information check our previous releases on the NOVA Card. The
Virtual Resolution are programmable via the VMG. The VDI of the NOVA has
proven to be very compatible with our Software and many other Software
applications as well.

There is also a NOVA Special disk available soon that has some NOVA
Specific program's on it, including NOVA Mines, the game, and the special
Calamus SL driver that will enable Calamus SL to run in 15/16bit in
15/16bit color mode.

Yat Siu
Lexicor Software Europe

1726 Francisco ST.
Berkeley, CA 94703

Phone 510-848-7621
FAX 510-848-7613


> WORDPERFECT 6.0 WINDOWS! STR FOCUS! Word Perfect for Windows Announced!


New product is completely customizable
and makes the most of the Windows environment

WordPerfect Corporation announced WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows, the
next release of its best-selling Windows word processor. WordPerfect 6.0
for Windows offers everything needed to create professional-looking
documents including: powerful word processing, drawing, charting,
spreadsheet functionality within tables, and direct integration with other
Windows applications. The product is scheduled to ship fourth quarter

"WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows has been completely rewritten to give
users the best in Windows word processing,"
said Alan Ashton,
president and CEO of WordPerfect Corporation. "Virtually every
feature in the product has been improved or enhanced in some way. These
improvements are the result of thousands of user

requests, feedback
from focus groups, and extensive usability testing."

WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows is designed to give users complete
customization, the easiest transition to Windows, and a product that makes
the most of the Windows environment.


Interface. WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows is fully customizable so users can
personalize their word processor for any environment or task. Virtually
all aspects of the interface can be customized: Button Bar, Power Bar,
Ruler Bar, status bar, keyboards and menus. Users can also select Hide
Bars for a clean screen, but still have access to the main menus when
placing the mouse pointer at the top of the screen.

Button Bar. The Button Bar is the most versatile interface tool, giving
users access to any WordPerfect feature or macro with a click of a button.
The Button Bar can be placed anywhere on the screen or as a floating
palette. Users can display buttons with icons, text, or both, and can
create their own icons and text. Users can create as many Button Bars as
they like and display up to three rows of buttons. The product ships with
sample Button Bars for specific tasks such as graphics, tables, outlines
and page layout, as well as context-sensitive bars that will change
according to task.

Power Bar. The Power Bar contains icons for quick access to the most
common formatting tasks. The Power Bar remains at the top of the screen
and users can customize the bar by selecting from 81 options. When placing
the mouse pointer over any Power Bar icon, help prompts appear at the top
of the screen to explain the icon's function.

Templates. Templates revolutionize word processing by giving users a
quick and easy way to create professional-looking documents. WordPerfect
6.0 will ship with ExpressDocs, more than 45 predefined templates for fax
forms, memos, newsletters, and more. ExpressDocs are more than customized
documents they are interactive and can prompt users for information such
as the name and fax number on a fax cover sheet. Users can edit these
templates, or create their own with customized menus, styles, Button Bars,
keyboards, abbreviations and macros.

Customization of the interface and templates gives users enormous control
of their working environment, letting them personalize WordPerfect 6.0 for
Windows to work the way they want to work," said Todd Titensor, product
marketing director of WordPerfect for Windows. "
Corporate users will
benefit by being able to create standard interfaces and documents to
automate company tasks and maintain consistency."


Easiest Transition for WordPerfect DOS users. WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows
gives WordPerfect DOS users the easiest transition to Windows with feature
and file compatibility, as well as macro conversions. Users can write
macros that will work in both WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS and WordPerfect 6.0
for Windows. WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows also includes a WPDOS keyboard

No other word processor makes it easier for WordPerfect DOS users to make
the move to Windows," said Titensor. "No other product offers better
compatibility with existing WordPerfect files and macros, or better
cross-platform compatibility."

Coaches. Like a personal instructor, a Coach prompts a user through a
variety of common tasks with step-by-step instructions. Because Coaches
are written with WordPerfect's macro language, users can write their own
to add to the Help menu.

QuickMenus. Working in Windows is easier with context-sensitive
QuickMenus that are accessed by clicking the right mouse button virtually
anywhere in WordPerfect. For example, clicking the
right mouse button anywhere in a document presents a QuickMenu to change
fonts, spell check, or center text, while clicking the left margin
presents a menu to select text, change margins, or add comments to a

Preview Windows. Preview windows in dialog boxes let users see how
changes in a document--such as columns, margins and line spacing--will
look before making them.


Program Launching. Any Windows program or file can be placed on a Button
Bar for quick access from within WordPerfect. For example, a user could
drag the program file for Quattro Pro from the Windows File Manager to a
Button Bar and then be able to launch Quattro Pro while working in
WordPerfect. Or a user could place a Microsoft Excel file on a Button Bar
and with a click of a button launch Excel and load the file.

Direct Spreadsheet and Database Import. Spreadsheet and database
information can be linked via Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) or Object
Linking and Embedding (OLE), and can also be directly imported into
WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows. All leading spreadsheet formats and a variety
of database formats such as Paradox, dBase, Oracle, and popular SQL
servers are supported. Users can perform queries on database files to
extract only the
needed information.

File Management. The powerful functionality of the WordPerfect File
Manager is now included in the Open File dialog box. With the File
Options button, users can copy, move, rename, delete, print, and change
file attributes, as well as create and rename directories. Files can be
displayed and sorted by filename, extension, size, date/time, and
descriptive name and type.

WordPerfect Draw. WordPerfect Draw contains the sophisticated drawing and
charting tools from WordPerfect Presentations including Bezier curves and
the ability to contour text on a curve. The charting module lets users
turn tables and spreadsheet data into a variety of charts: 3-D, bar,
line, area, hi-lo, pie, and exploded pie charts. WordPerfect Draw works
through OLE and is easily accessed by double-clicking any chart or graphic
image. WordPerfect Draw also supports the TWAIN standard for direct access
to scanners.


Spreadsheet in Tables. WordPerfect is the only Windows word processor to
include advanced spreadsheet capabilities. The Tables feature contains
nearly 100 built-in formulas, numerical cell formatting, automatic
calculation, data fills, and named ranges.

QuickFormat. QuickFormat lets users extract formatting or styles from
text and quickly apply it to other text in a document. The mouse pointer
changes to a paint roller and lets users "
paint" the formatting to
selected text.

Bullets and Numbering. From the new Insert menu, users can select from
predefined bullets and numbering styles or create their own. Numbered
items are automatically renumbered if moved.

Abbreviations. The Abbreviations features will replace an abbreviation in
a document with a longer piece of information that can include text,
graphics, formatting--anything that can be placed in a document.

Borders. A wide variety of borders and fill patterns can be used for
paragraphs, pages, columns, tables, table cells, and graphic images.


Simplified Mail Merge. WordPerfect's powerful Merge feature has been
enhanced with an easy-to-use interface. The introductory Merge dialog box
includes the three elements of a merge--data file, form file, and
merge--with corresponding preview windows. Creating and editing data
files is easy using the Quick Data Entry dialog box. WordPerfect 6.0 for
Windows can directly use data files in other formats such as spreadsheets,
database, SQL, or ASCII text files. Users can also select specific records
to merge using a query by example interface. Corresponding envelopes can
automatically be created and appended to a merge file.

Document Management. The QuickFinder rivals standalone packages with some
of the fastest indexing and text retrieval in the industry. Users can
index directories or groups of files and perform nearly instantaneous
searches. The QuickFinder dialog box has been improved to include access
to Boolean operators, document components (such as first page only), case
sensitivity and word proximity.

Document Summary has been improved to include more than 50 document
summary fields such as author, subject, date and abstract. QuickFinder can
be used to search any of these summary fields. Document Comments can now
include name, initials, date stamps and time stamps, and be represented by
a colored icon in the left margin. Users can have specific colors so the
document can be circulated for editing. Document Compare has been improved
to compare by word, as well as by phrase, sentence and paragraph.

Graphics Editing. An Image Tools palette offers in-place graphics
manipulation to move, rotate, crop and size a graphic image. Users can
wrap text on both sides of a graphic image or contour text around
irregularly shaped objects.

STYLES. In addition to character and document styles, version 6.0 will
include paragraph styles so users can click anywhere in a paragraph and
select a style to affect the entire paragraph. Users can also create
styles by clicking anywhere in formatted text, then clicking the Styles
field on the Power Bar to give it a name.


The suggested retail price of WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows will be $495.
Upgrades from any DOS, Windows or OS/2 version of WordPerfect will be
available for $129. A competitive upgrade will also be available for $149
from any word processor with a suggested retail price of at least $395.

WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows will require a 386 machine or higher, at least
4M (preferably 6M) RAM and Microsoft Windows 3.1.



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GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


| Welcome to the GEnie - MUG RT
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| The GEnie - Macintosh Users Group RoundTable
| ============================================
| Help Desk - Problems with your Mac? Stop by the HD for the answers! |
| ^^^^^^^^^ in RTC from 9pm to 12pm EDT in ROOM 1............... (605;2) |
|========= Hosted by... =======||==[]=== Top 10 Downloads - 08/93 =======|
| Kent Fillmore .......... DRACO || 1. 29855 GREG'S BUTTONS 3.1.SIT |
| Erik C. Thauvin ..... MACSPECT || 2. 29833 STAR TREK DEMO.SEA |
| David W. Reid (Unk) DAVE.REID || 3. 29865 GALACTIC EMPIRE 2.0.SIT |
| Eric Mueller .... (DLAND.ERIC) || 4. 29824 DOWNER, 1.4.3.SIT |
| { SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS } || 5. 29813 COLOR7, 1.1.SIT |
| Education .. (Rob) R.WHITELOCK || 6. 29811 AD TOOTHPASTE.SIT |
| Fontography ... (Paul) P.HENRY || 7. 29803 COPYDOUBLER 2.0.1 PATCH |
| Games ....... (Bart) MAC.GAMES || 8. 29827 JURASSIC PARK.GIF.SIT |
| Telecommunity ... (Kent) DRACO || 9. 29805 CD 2.0.1 PATCHER INFO |
| PowerBooks. (Doc) D.E.JOHNSTON || 10. 29828 FILE BUDDY 1.7.SIT |
| { SOFTWARE LIBRARY } || ____________________________________ |
| Chief Librarian .. RANDY.SIMON || For COMPLETE information and TIPS on |
| Asst Librarian. (Steve) S.MACK || downloading be sure to read: item #4 |
| Asst Librarian Anne ANNE-INDA || on page 605 - "
About The RoundTable" |
|===== Weekly RTC Schedule ====||==[]======== Help Desk Schedule ========|
| All Times Eastern) || (All Times EDT) |
| || |
| Education. Mac Mon 9:45pm Rm 3 || Rm 1 Mon-Fri 9:00pm-12:00am |
| Hackers I (M480;2 10:30pm Rm 1 || Rm 1 Sunday 10:30pm-12:00am |
| RE: PowerBooks Tue 9:45pm Rm 2 || ____________________________________ |
| HyperTalks M480;2 10:30pm Rm 1 || To enter the GEnie-MUG RTC |
| Telecommunity Wed 9:45pm Rm 2 || type MOVE 605;2 |
| Mac - Games Wed 10:30pm Rm 3 |!______________________________________!
| DTP ETC.. Thr. 10:30pm Rm 2 |.______________________________________.
| Hackers II M480;2 10:30pm Rm 1 ||========= Online Servant RTC =========|
| Sunday Night Fights 9pm Rm 3 ||""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""|
| || Sunday (9/12) at 10:30pm EDT, |
| Type M605;2 to enter the RTC || in the MacPRO RTC, page 480;2 |

| * GEnie-MUG NEWS * for the week of 9/6/93 - issue 26 |
| What's Hot and Happening This Week In GEnie's Macintosh User Group |
GEnie-MUG News Editor: Eric Mueller (DLAND.ERIC)
entire contents copyright 1993 by Eric C. Mueller

WELCOME to the GEnie-MUG RoundTable newsletter! This quick bulletin gives
you an idea of what's cooking in the GEnie Macintosh User Group
(GEnie-MUG). I'm Eric Mueller, and I write this file every week so that
you can find the action in GEnie-MUG: the latest controversy in the
bulletin board, the hottest files in the library, and the hippest chats in
the RTC rooms. I'm always interested in your comments on this file, and
would love to hear them.

If you're new to GEnie or GEnie-MUG, you can read about GEnie-MUG
(including information on what GEnie-MUG has to offer and the layout of
the system) by typing "
M 605;4". Additionally, the GEnie-MUG help desk (a
live hotline) is available six days a week, in the Chat Lines (type "
400;4" then choose channel 3) and in the GEnie-MUG RTC (type "M 605;2"
then choose room 1). For more information and a schedule of times, type "

MANAGING TIME was easy for Doctor Who and his Tardis, but for the rest of
us, it's not so simple. I know that keeping ahead of my schedule is a
constant challenge, leading to constant craving---for more time, if
nothing else! Luckily, Mac software developers around the world have come
to my rescue by developing software that can all be categorized as
personal time management software." This stuff, like DayMaker and Now
Up-To-Date (my personal favorite), can keep track of things you need to
do, keep you in touch with people, bug you when you forget something, and
more. It's perfect for a busy office or for just yourself. If you're
interested in how GEnie-MUGgers are using this kind of stuff, tune into
all the messages in category 2 ("
SOFTWARE: Daily Business"), topic 28
Personal Time Management"). (To visit the GEnie- MUG bulletin board,
type "
m605;1", then "help" for a list of all of the commands.)

version 2.5 is available now in the GEnie-MUG libraries! Right On Time is
a versatile program that provides a To-Do List, a Calendar, and Reminder
features. You can set up one-time or repeating reminders, and Right On
Time will notify you when the reminders are due. You can also create to-do
items, which are like reminders but have no specific due date. You can
organize your reminders and to-do items by category, and play sounds when
reminders are due. You can use Right On Time to remind you when bills are
due, when birthdays or anniversaries are coming up, or other important
dates. With the archiving feature, you can also keep a history of
significant events. The perpetual calendar built into Right On Time can
show you any month of any year. Interested? It's worth the download---see
file #29953 in the GEnie-MUG libraries now! (To download the file, type
m605;3" and then "6".)

actually, you're not the only one; GEnie-MUGgers all over are trying to
get their WriteNow 3.0 documents into ClarisWorks 2.0J without much luck.
Other GEnie-MUGgers are trying to use the "
propeller" symbol, in the
Chicago font, in ClarisWorks---without much luck. Mark Hiatt comes to the
rescue again with a solution to the import problem, and others (including
always-on-the-ball GEnie-MUGger Dennis Doms) help with the "
symbol font problem. Join in the conversation in the GEnie-MUG bulletin
board, category 2 ("
SOFTWARE: Daily Business"), topic 49 ("ClarisWorks
Integrated Software"), messages 16 through the end of the topic.

YOU'LL SQUEAL WITH DELIGHT at all the smiley faces that march across your
screen, after downloading the new Smiley Faces desk accessory! This DA
simply contains a list of those sometimes-confusing smiley faces commonly
used online---from the now-famous and always-recognized "
:)" to the more
obscure "
|)" and ">:*O". As a bonus, the file contains a list of shorthand
used online. You'll be LOL (and ROTFL, probably) after seeing this list.
Check out file #29970 in the GEnie-MUG libraries for Smiley Faces 2.5!

BOING, JIGGLE, AND JITTER isn't the title of a book on network television
sitcoms or a vaudeville team, but rather, a collection of three symptoms
of monitor problems. GEnie-MUGgers have been having problems with their
monitors, and it turns out that the problem might be as simple as "
power." (They should be a wash their power lines!) Line voltage isn't
constant, according to GEnie-MUGger Chris Hart, and he recommends an
uninterruptable power supply (UPS) to solve all the problems described in
the topic. Curious? If your picture flutters and you don't know what's
going on, tune into category 28 ("
MACINTOSH: General Hardware Questions"),
topic 6 ("
HelpJwith Mac Problems - General"), messages 65 through the end
of the topic.

SICK OF A SILENT FINDER? We all are, babe. You don't have to suffer in
silence, though, after downloading Finder Sounds, a new extension that
allows your Finder to make noises when it performs certain tasks, like
opening and closing windows, creating and deleting files, and even just
modifying windows. The most remarkable thing about a suddenly-audible
finder is that it could have always been that way---it turns out that ever
since System Software version 6.0.4, the Finder has had the ability to
make noise. Want to join in the (noisy) crowd? Download file #29946,
Finder Sounds 1.3.1, and get loud!

THAT'S ALL for this week. Until next week, continue to live a life of
courage and pride, and change the world with Macintosh!


Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"


According to our sources, the first shipment of Falcons had a problem
with the Chroma and thus, a choke is installed in the circuit to stop the
erratic color output from being seen. The black & white is fine.
Subsequent shipments are fine. The problem was/is fixed. To see if you
have a B&W "bugfix", connect a TV to your Falcon and see.... if you have a
fine color picture. If not, you might want to call Atari for information
on how to correct this situation.


> STR Mail Call "...a place for the readers to be heard"

STReport's MailBag

Messages * NOT EDITED * for content

From Delphi; Norm Weinress, an IAAD member, has taken it upon himself to
attempt to confuse the the issues by making direct and personal attacks
agianst the editors and staff of STReport.

59206 31-AUG 01:23 News & Reviews
RE: Ralph Mariano (Re: Msg 59168)


My advice is to stay away from this situation and keep your mouth shut. So
far, you've believed and repeated everything that Lexicor has told
you...and have been wrong on every single count! Neither the IAAD nor
GEnie are the villans in this piece.


FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "
?" or Exit>

59216 31-AUG 08:24 News & Reviews
RE: Ralph Mariano (Re: Msg 59206)

Norm, you say in message 59206;

My advice is to stay away from this situation and keep your mouth shut.
So far, you've believed and repeated everything that Lexicor has told
you...and have been wrong on every single count! Neither the IAAD nor
GEnie are the villans in this piece."



For the record... First, Neither I, or STReport has tried to make
GEnie the villain in anything! STR has focused on the STRT and IAAD.
Lets get that straight right up front and now. Second, I am believing
no-one. I have simply reported the story and its twists as they came in.
STR has verified the CAT 75 "
tales" with captures and knows who the
players in that one are/were. A few have already been interviewed. The
sad part is when the users find out the reason why this all went down they
too are going to be highly indignant. Third, please don't insinuate that
either myself or STR and its staff are as naive as you imply, to simply
repeat" what's been told to us in blind belief. STR has presented the
Lexicor Interviews and Press Releases for the benefit of the readers. We
have always offered to publish other viewpoints and facts. In fact, STR
has repeatedly requested the same from both the IAAD and The STRT. Of
course, you know the answers there. They'd rather accuse and demean.
Norm, I have always respected your opinions but on this one I'd suggest
you re-think your position. You'll find that what you perceive is not
really what's evident to the users or anyone else on the "
outside" for
that matter.

There are other, unknown, 'players' in this thing too. Its amazing
to see how long they have remained silent simply allowing this thing to
carry on. The truth must be made known to the users. I might add, it
WILL be made known. The phone call transcripts, the deletions, setup msgs
and the 'silent' players will be revealed too. There is too much of a
pall of disgrace draped on this matter to "
leave it be". It must be
cleaned up.

Additionally, the FTC thing is escalating. Its going to get very
interesting. Can you imagine all this ...over a rumor of a 'given-away'
Falcon?? Admittedly, its ridiculous, simply ridiculous. However, it
certainly lends credibility to the possibility of the 'rumor' being a
convenient catalyst for the advent of 'bigger and better' objectives. Its
real sad.

FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "
?" or Exit>
59247 1-SEP 00:27 News & Reviews
RE: Ralph Mariano (Re: Msg 59216)


I made my comments because you have known me for a long time, and know I
have no axe to grind in this situation. Nothing you have been told is
true or accurate...including the FTC nonsense. You have reduced yourself
and your magazine to an irritant, similar to the National Star.


FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "
?" or Exit> rep
Subj: RE: Ralph Mariano

Norm, somebody is pulling your chain... I have a verified FTC File No. for
the matter and its real. As for reductions to certain perceptions, Norm,
you know as well as I, that's completely in the eye of the beholder.

In any case, you can be sure the exposure from this fiasco has done no
good for anyone. From Lexicor to those in direct and indirect competition
with Lexicor, STReport and the IAAD. The sad thing is it all could have
been avoided at the onset, if the truth was told instead of smokescreen
press releases and diversionary posturing.

Lastly, the incidents with the STRT, were all far too familiar and quite
upsetting to see happening all over again in almost the very same fashion
as in the past. No, Norm... these things are real, they have happened
and are disgraceful. I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but that's what
makes this country of ours so great. Everyone is entitled to and is
encouraged to their own opinions. Time, of course, will soon bear the

Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine

59625 9-SEP 16:04 News & Reviews
RE: Ralph Mariano (Re: Msg 59610)

To further set the record straight..... Lee did NOT leak anything to us.
An IAAD board member did!

Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine

59654 10-SEP 00:36 News & Reviews
RE: Ralph Mariano (Re: Msg 59625)

B.S., Ralph....only Lee and the IAAD board knew anything at that
time...and I know the time, because you started calling people...and the
board did not leak the story. So, no on else could have leaked...and I
think you are lying to protect him, now.



I will not add any honor to your outrageous accusations. You have
said it all and shown to what lengths zealots will go... You should
however, be ashamed of yourself for having said such outrageous things.
Especially a man of your age and education. I've also known you for a
long time and I am apalled at seeing you would stoop as low in public as
you do in private (in CAT 75). Defending those who would pull such
outrageous stunts as I KNOW to be TRUE is not your strong suite Norm.



> A "Quotable Quote" "Seeing the TREES AND the Forest!"
""""""""""""""""" "and.... what's under the rocks!"


... The entire USERBASE!


> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155
Est. 1985


40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only
Authorized Atari Dealer


202 Roberts St.
East Hartford CT. 06108
Authorized Atari Dealer


907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053
Authorized Atari Dealer


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112
Authorized Atari Dealer


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220
Authorized Atari Dealer


(DEALERS; to be listed here, please drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-

STR Online! "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" September 10, 1993
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-93 All Rights Reserved No.9.37
All Items quoted, in whole or in part, are done so under the Fair Use
Provision of The Copyright Laws of the U.S.A. Penal Code. Views, Opinions
and Editorial Articles presented herein are not necessarily those of the
editors/staff of STReport International Online Magazine. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Reprints
must, without exception, include the name of the publication, date, issue
number and the author's name. STR, STReport and/or portions therein may
not be edited in any way without prior written permission. STR, STReport,
at the time of publication, is believed reasonably accurate. STR,
STReport, its staff and contributors are not and cannot be held
responsible in any way for the use or misuse of information contained
herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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