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Silicon Times Report Issue 0915

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


*---== STReport International Online Magazine ==---*
"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing

April 09, 1993 No.9.15

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST

Support BBS Network System
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> 04/09/93 STR 915 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - PORTFOLIO NEWS


STReport International Online Magazine
The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to participate
in the Fido/NEST/Atari F-Net Mail Network. You may also phone The Bounty
BBS direct @ 904-786-4176, and enjoy the wonder & excitement of exchanging
information relative to computers, worldwide, through the use of excellent
International Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide, are quite welcome to
join the STReport International Conferences. The Crossnet Code is #34813,
and the "Lead Node" is # 350. All BBS systems are welcome and invited to
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to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
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Lots of new files in the Libraries of the Atari Productivity Forum (GO
ATARIPRO). Type BRO LIB:ALL to check out the most recently entries!!


The Atari Forums will be participating in the fifth update of GO GRAPHICS,
a picture catalog of some of the finest GIF images available for download
from CompuServe! We'll be compiling our listing for inclusion by
mid-April. Be sure to upload your new GIF pictures as soon as possible!


Download file GVIEW2.ZIP from LIBRARY 14 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for version 2.20 of GEMVIEW: The "view anything fully" GEM
graphics file viewer.


The long-awaited update to PicSwitch is available for download as file
PICSW1.LZH in LIBRARY 14 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS). This
version is completely overhauled, with an easy-to-use enhanced-GEM
interface with customizable windows, Mac-like controls, and pop-up menus.
Supports 20 different image formats, now including GIF, IMG, Spectrum,
Prism Paint, PCX, and IFF.


SoftLogik has made the following two files available for download from
LIBRARY 11 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN):

PS2299.ARC - PostScript printer driver for ImageSetters and Color
PostScript printers version 2.2.99. This is a temporary driver that fixes
problems with v2.2.11 printing to Linos and Color PS printers.

PS2211.ARC - Newest PostScript printer driver version 2.2.11. This driver
is good for users printing to PostScript lasers. For users needing to
print to Color PS and high-rez imagesetters, you should use the v2.2.99


Download file 4CORN1.ZIP from LIBRARY 4 of the Atari Portfolio Forum (GO
APORTFOLIO) and try your hand at this card game. The goal is to place the
KINGS, QUEENS, and JACKS only in their proper places on the game board.
Requires PBASIC.




> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

Here we are, peering into April's second week and still, the suspense
rages. Will there be a major inflow of much needed cash? Will the
Falcon030 or any of its successors ever make it to the USA's computing
marketplace? Tough questions for sure, no doubt, they will be answered
very shortly for the procrastination cannot go on much longer without
reaping dire results. One major question that seems to be answering itself
is; are there sufficient dealers to bring the Falcon030 into a prominent
place in the US market? Of course, with the number of actual dealers in
the USA being kept under "tight wraps" by Atari, there is only speculation.
However, educated guesses say the dealers are quite disenchanted at this
time at what some, long time, dealers call an extremely "lame - one sided"
dealer agreement being presented to them by Atari. Most dealers are quite
upset with the new ADA dealer agreement. As such, the dealer response is
and has been rather pathetic as far as Atari is concerned. And rightfully
so, according to certain dealers who feel the agreement is a sign of things
to come.

With the information coming out of Europe that the Book is now
cancelled along with the Laser Printers, the handwriting on the wall is
becoming quite clear. Knowing the "game machine" thrust in Sunnyvale is
quite high, and having heard that the Falcon thingy is an offshoot of the
game machine R&D, and now hearing they are hinting at new game machine
consoles this year.. it wouldn't be surprising at all if they put the
computer thing to sleep and concentrated on the development and sales of
truly exotic game machines. After all, we know the Jaguar is "right around
the corner" and we also know who is in charge of its development.

Seems as though someone in Atari's upper management has perhaps
commented that if the US dealers don't like the "new ADA deal" and either
won't or don't sign the new dealer contract, "we don't have introduce the
Falcon in the USA at all!" (What a Guy!) Pretty cool, if that's not a
death wish ...there is nothing closer. When is Atari's leadership going to
learn they are heads of a company whose immediate survival depends on how
well they learn to respond positively in the marketplace. If they don't
stop with the punitive, elitist nonsense, it will be all over but the
sobbing. As each week goes by, the term "Katzenjammer" comically or
pathetically applied, whichever is more appropriate at the moment, seems to
ring true with a louder and louder knell. Where _are_ the Falcon030s
already??!! What's with the constant cockamamie lame brained delays?
During his online conferences Sam said the company was going to change.
What he didn't tell us was whether it would be for the better or the worse.
We all now know the answer to that question. They've actually gotten
better! Sure have. At coming up with more creative stories to excuse
their continued litany of crippling delays. I'd hate to see what would be
happening if they did have thousands of dealers scads of inventory to ship.
In any case, the Atari stock sat for a day in the eighties. Cents.... that
is. And now is hovering around a dollar.

Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine



Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Roger D. Stevens Robert Glover R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur John Deegan
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms

Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor Emeritus

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Scott Birch
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Clemens Chin Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:21/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT



"There is no comparison! The Atari Falcon
is far superior to the PC platform."

Sam Tramiel, 08/92

About the scathing Forbes Magazine Critique of Atari;

"My new office, which has a better view than my old one, is so far
quite satisfactory. And Richard Miller is in my old office. The
Forbes article was a mish-mash and misconstrued article full of half
truths. We are anxiously awaiting the release of the Atari Falcon to
bring us back to the forefront. The article has given us some
laughs, but otherwise has not affected us."

Sam Tramiel, 08/92

About marketing plans and the future....

"As I said before, all marketing announcements will be made at
Duesseldorf. I will not comment on future models of the Falcon.


Sam Tramiel, 08/92

A fantastic observation, considering the date it was made...

"I've just returned from Asia, where I saw the first Atari Falcon
production coming off the lines. Let's hope this new offering will
make it in North America. I know that the specs are great."

Sam Tramiel, 08/92

Again, the dates of the statement conflict with the facts now known....

"We have not yet even given the machine to the FCC. And we are only
applying for Class B approval. According to our "experts", it should
pass Class B."

Sam Tramiel, 08/92

"...... We are not working for Wall Street but to
make money for our shareholders and only think long term."

Sam Tramiel, 11/92

FYI.... The Shareholder's equity is fine.... NOT!


CHRISTMAS '92 has COME and GONE...

JANUARY 1993, FEBRUARY 1993...

FALCONS ....anyone?

By the Way.... Does the Falcon work well
any... of the SLM Laser Printers?? NOPE! NOT YET!

Wanna bet there won't be?

Better yet...

Which _MAJOR_ US Software Developers & Publishers
producing NEW Software for Atari's FALCON???

Besides, who _needs_ a CARTRIDGE PORT anyhow!



Computer Products Update - CPU Report
------------------------ ----------
Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

Issue #15

By: John Deegan

COMPAQ SUPPLIES DOS 6 - Compaq Computer Corp. says it will start sup-
plying its new desktop and portable computers with the new Microsoft DOS
6 at no extra charge, replacing the MS-DOS 5 version currently included
on Compaq PCs.

IBM OFFERS PC-TO-MAINFRAME LINK - The IBM Programming Systems unit
says it will offer a Windows-based client/server application to link PC
computers to mainframes via a graphical user interface. The program, to
be available in August, is called Current OfficeVision/Multiple Virtual
Storage Workgroup.

announced today it has reduced prices in the United States on selected
PowerBook Duo notebook computers from 10% to 18%, effective immediately.

IBM UNVEILS NEW VALUEPOINT UNITS - IBM has unveiled 40 new low-priced
PCs in its PS/ValuePoint line. The new models are powered by Intel's
'486 microprocessor and can be converted to Intel's new Pentium micro-
processor. The models range in price from $1,080 to $3,579 and are said
to "offer enhanced graphics, truer colors, more power and a broad
ability to upgrade."

HP UNVEILS NEW LASERJETS - Hewlett-Packard has announced two new net-
work laser printers that can work concurrently with PCs, Macintosh
computers, Unix-based workstations and multiple networks. Both printers
can print at 17 pages-per-minute at a 600 dots- per-inch resolution,
four times the effective resolution of most office laser printers, says

The HP LaserJet 4Si printer costs $3,749 and replaces the HP LaserJet
IIID and HP LaserJet IIISi printers. The new printer includes 2 meg of
standard memory, expandable to 36 meg, and two expansion slots for op-
tional HP JetDirect interfaces.

The HP LaserJet 4Si MX printer sells for $5,499. Its standard 10 meg
memory is expandable to 26MB. The printer also includes Adobe's
PostScript Level 2 language, a LocalTalk interface and an HP JetDirect
Ethernet interface that can be connected to as many as 10 different
network operating systems simultaneously.

BACKLOGS - Reports say that PCs are selling so well that IBM has a $1
billion order backlog for its ThinkPad 700 notebook computers; Apple
Quadra servers and PowerBooks are also on back order; the wait for some
Compaq computers is about a month; AST Research has an eight-week back-
log; and other companies have similar delivery problems due to component

AND LANDINGS - Business travelers who spend airborne time using their
laptop computers to write a report or crunch numbers on a spreadsheet
may soon have to find another way to occupy their time while jetting
from one city to another.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced today
from Geneva, Switzerland that it will warn its 213 member airlines to
not permit passengers to use electronic devices, including laptop
computers, during aircraft take-offs and landings.

The move is viewed as a precautionary measure until further research
can provide more conclusive evidence as to the possible interference
with navigational equipment caused by passengers' use of electronic
devices while airborne. It is feared laptop computers and video games
interfere with aircraft autopilot systems.

Some airlines already restrict the use of electronic devices during

COMPUTER INDUSTRY LAYOFFS CONTINUE - While some other U.S. industries
are slowly recovering, the computer industry laid off more workers in
March than any other industry segment according to a study conducted by
Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc.

Of the 30,428 layoffs nationwide in March, 9,030, or nearly 30%, were
in the computer industry.

IBM Corp. was the leader with 4,500 employees dismissed during the
month, followed by Wang Laboratories Inc., which laid off 3,300.

Other industries particularly affected by layoffs are aerospace, re-
tail and health care. New York state led the nation in the number of
layoffs in March, followed by Massachusetts and California.

GATES WARY - Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates says that while he
welcomes the Clinton administration's support for a nation-wide high-
speed data network, he is wary of too much government involvement.

Speaking to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in
Seattle recently, Gates said there is intense interest in the software
and computer industry in developing program and hardware for such a
network, but that he is concerned individual companies will use their
influence with the government to promote their products and services
over those of their competitors.

Gates said, "It is very positive to have politicians who understand
the potential for technology. Then again, generally, government involve-
ment is subverted by special interests. I do believe the government has
to be very careful how they get involved."

Both President Clinton and Vice President Gore have said they want to
link the nation with a fiber optic cable system to allow information to
flow rapidly throughout the country.

Gates said it would be better to let private industry and the market
place decide how the network will be designed and built.

Said Gates, "There's no shortage of commercial money to build these
networks and do these applications, no shortage at all." The government
would do the most good developing the network for education and funding
long-term research projects, he said, and "if it's done the right way, I
think it can be a very positive thing."


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando

Howdy neighbors! I hope this past week has treated you well. It was
nice to finally have some warmth and sunshine (although the forecasters are
calling for rain all weekend).

And speaking of rain, I'd sure like to see the silver lining to this
cloud: Atari stock is now at 13/16ths per share. That's... hmmm, let's
see... 81 1/4 _cents_ per share! I hope these guys decide to do something
before the stock hits negative numbers. With the Falcon coming out, um,
_R_eal _S_oon _N_ow, perhaps now is the time to make a killing "in the

On to other things. Let's take a look at the questions that other
people are asking (Hey, that sounds like a Danny DeVito movie... Other
Peoples' Questions). Well, anyway, let's take a look:

From the Atari Productivity Forum

If you have a hard drive, sit back for a moment and remember the fun
you had choosing it. We all had to decide how much storage space we
needed, whether to by one ready-made or to build our own, which host
adaptor to use, what software, and so on and so forth. I don't know about
you, but when I got my first hard drive, there weren't many people around
with the experience I needed. Luckily for Sergio Caplan, there are many
more of us now to draw on for experience. He posts:

"Am looking for a hard drive for my atari st 1040. haven't the
slightest idea where to begin looking..... any help would be
appreciated. please email any ideas, clues or hints. I don't care if
I find new or used."

Lee Zion tells Sergio:

"You will find two "main" sources of "ready to run" hard drives for
the Atari 1040ST, Supra and ICD. Both have built in "plug and play"
interfaces as well as software for the non-standard Atari hard drive
port to the standard world hard disk driver card. Local (depending on
where you live) and mail order vendors for both are still around.

If you are the "tinkering" type, you can build your own. All it takes
is a hard disk, a power supply, a driver card, Atari to standard
interface, a case to put it all in and of course software to boot the
hard disk.

I have been using a 120 meg Supra Hard Disk for two years and have
been quite happy with it. Several others here in the forum have put
their own drive together from parts.

For sale notices are posted frequently both here and in Atari Arts for
systems including hard drives.

If you give more detail about what you have in mind, I'm sure you will
find advise here."

Meanwhile, from the "Just looking for something to talk about 'till
the Falcon arrives" department continuing a discussion about what
true-color really is (and whether or not the Falcon really has it), Thomas
Worthington posts:

"Look, the human eye can only see about 10 million colors under
perfect conditions using 1 meter square areas of non-active pigment.
No one can tell me that they can tell the difference between 16
million colors and 32768 on a squinty little SVGA monitor. This is
just advertising hype."

Perhaps what we should do is just drop all the catch-phrases and just
compare the Falcon against as many other machines as possible. That way
people don't end up arguing that their machine is better because they spell
the term "true-color" instead of "true-color". At this point, I don't care
if they call it "Shirley"... just ship the darned thing and make it the
best that it can be.

And as if the constantly slipping delivery dates of the Falcon weren't
bad enough, Atari has now decided that ALL dealers (old as well as new)
MUST submit new Dealer Agreements. Travis Guy of Atari Explorer Online

"Director of Communications Bob Brodie has been unbelievably busy of
late. One item of note, Bob asked me to enlist as many of AEO's
readers as possible to get this word out: Any dealer who plans on
selling Atari Falcon030s MUST turn in a signed Authorized Dealer
Agreement to Atari. So if your dealer was planning on getting
Falcon030s from a distributor, and felt that they didn't have to
sign the Dealer Agreement - they (and you) will be in for a great
disappointment. Please pass this around.


Some dealers who plan on buying Falcon030s from distributors feel that
they do not have to sign and return the Atari Dealer Agreements.
Wrong! Distributors are under obligation to NOT supply dealers
without ADAs. If you plan on purchasing a Falcon030, please contact
your local dealer and ask if they have sent in their ADA to Atari."

Interesting, to say the least. I wonder if Toys R US, Child World, and
KMart are also going to be filling out these Dealer Agreements... as a
matter of fact, I wonder if any of them are going to carry the Falcon.
Hey, I know! They can put them in the areas that used to be set aside for
the Lynx!

Dazzz Smith must have been reading my mind when he posted:

"Hmmm, sounds restrictive to me......"

Oh, by the way, some of you may raise an eyebrow or two (or three) at
the mention of another magazine within these pages. I'd just like to say
that the staff of STReport have a large amount of respect for Travis and
his people. They do a fine job. And as Travis said, the main point here
is to get the word out to dealers about the new agreement. Thanks Travis!

On the subject of the Falcon in the US, Toli Vavaskos asks:

"Could you explain why you don't get Falcons in the States? In Europe
they are properly available (at least the 4/65 ones plus a 4/120


GOOD QUESTION! Would anyone "in-the-know" care to explain? And can
we do without the "party line" for a while?

From the Atari ST Arts Forum

Phil Payzant tells SYSOP*Ron Luks a few kind words when seem they are
needed the very most... Unlike elsewhere, CIS maintains the mature,
censorship free areas we all crave..


Sometimes I feel a little embarrassed that I don't contribute more to
this forum's daily activities. I'm a semi-lurker, albeit one who
looks in several times per week, and I must say this is one of the
most open, thought provoking and _balanced_ forums I see on this
system or anywhere else. Sure, there are occasional wild and (in
hindsight) amusing swings into the entire gamut of opinions and
emotions ranging from negative to positive, pessimistic to optimistic
(I heard a good definition of an optimist the other day: a pessimist
defines an optimist as someone who has no idea what is really going
on) and serene to incendiary.

Geoffrey's opinions are interesting, and one must speculate (as Jim
Ness did) how he came by them. He may be wrong (and definitely _is_
wrong regarding being "canned" by you and your staff) but I appreciate
the opportunity to at least read his opinions without fear that they
might have been stricken from the message base because they don't fit
some ill-defined and misconceived policy. As long as there's no
profanity or bigotry, I want to hear (see) what he has to say, just as
I also want to see the responses, flaming or otherwise.

Let the whiners continue. Let the apologists continue. And let the
rest of us enjoy the interplay. Roll on, and good work Ron. I have a
good time here."


John Amsler asks:

"I've used the utility PI3TOTIF.EXE with great effect on my friend's
IBM clone (386/40). Is there a utility that does the inverse function
-- i.e., convert from TIFF to PI3?"

Good ol' Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine gives John an option
that is much easier than running around looking for a program that may or
may not work. He posts:

"One way is have a snapshot desk accessory installed. Load the TIFF
into a paint program and display in full screen mode. Take a picture
ALT-HELP (is the method my snapshot acc uses) and then save it in

Dazzz Smith tells John:

"Gemview 2.2 handles TIFF files I think John, it outputs to a number
of different formats as well."

After Sysop Ron Luks posted:

"The staff here really tries to be helpful here and I am satisfied of
their (our) honest good intentions and efforts. I hope the majority
of the members agree with me."

Tim Myers tells Ron:

"I do ! People have varying opinions and points of view. Its reading
those opinions etc that increases knowledge among us and helps us to
see things in a different light. Sometimes those pieces of information
complete pictures for us, and sometimes reveal a side we hadn't
considered. There is nothing wrong with criticism. If someone
considers it unjust you can be sure they will say so, but everybody's
viewpoint is valuable and equally valid whether it is accepted of not.
If someone is convinced that Atari is the greatest thing in the world
then fine, but there are people who hold an opposing view. To close
your mind to an opinion because it disagrees with you own is foolish
perhaps ignorant. Long live informed debate. I think you guys do a
good and pretty non-intrusive job as it should be."

From the Atari Vendors Forum

Tim Shaw asks the CodeHeads:

"Will Warp 9 work with my new Falcon? Cheers P.S. I guess you guys
already know that Maxifile won't delete folders?"

Charles F. Johnson of CodeHead Technologies tells Tim:

"The current version of Warp 9 is not compatible with the Falcon.
However, we have a version in-house that's about 90% complete, working
in all Falcon modes except true-color. We should be ready to announce
the update fairly soon, depending on when (if?) the Falcon is released
here in the US.

Yes, I'm aware that MaxiFile doesn't delete folders on the Falcon;
this is because Atari changed the way the GEMDOS Delete() call works.
(Without telling developers, of course.) Again, this is fixed already
in an in-house version; more news soon."

A few weeks ago Mike Mortilla mentioned that he had a problem with his
mouse cursor and that he thought that Warp9 could have something to do with
it. Well, it turned out not to be Warp9. So Mike posts:

"I reported a mouse cursor bug to you a week or two ago. It now
appears that the cause is a different program and *not* Warp 9.

Thanks for answering my note and for making Warp 9 so sturdy."

Charles Johnson thanks Mike:

"Thanks for getting back to me on that. I'm glad to hear it wasn't
Warp 9's fault."

From the Atari Portfolio Forum

Russ LaForce asks Ron Luks:

"Have you heard about AA lithium batteries. They cost twice as much
but are suppose to last 3 times longer. Popular Science had an
article about them recently. I have not used any yet. As I recently
bought a bunch of alkalines. When my supply gets low, I plan on
trying lithiums. One drawback is lithium batteries containing too
much lithium may explode. This drawback appears to have been
resolved. Another drawback is that they are not rechargeable. I did
see some in a Walgreen's Drug Store. Are there any guinea pigs in
this forum. Most of the time when I use my Port, I have it connected
to an AC adapter and am able to get 2 months on a set of batteries."

Ron replies:

"I'm familiar with Lithium batteries but I would have to take
exception to that claim of 3x the battery life. Yes, its longer than
alkalines, but not 3x. They are also more expensive than alkalines
and I think that you will find the extra cost just about covers the
extra life."

Sysop Marty Mankins tells Russ:

"In some devices, the Hi Energy Lithium cells provide 3x the life.
It's amazing how long they have lasted in a flash unit and they last
about 2.5 times as long in the Portfolio.

For the price, they are not the best value, but for not having to
worry about battery changes for a longer period of time, it's a good

Sysop BJ Gleason posts:

"If we start talking about what we have in the shed...

TRS-80 Model I
PC-1, 2, 4, and 8 [Radio Shacks Pocket Computers]
Dec Rainbow
HP 150

And probably a few more that I am forgetting right now..."

Not to be outdone, Sysop Marty Mankins tells BJ:

"That's an impressive list. I didn't know you had the Zeos PPC?

Here's my list;

2 Portfolios
Sharp PC-3000
Sharp Wizard OZ-9600
Sharp Wizard OZ-8600
Psion Series 3 256-s
HP 95LX 1Mb model
IBM AT (6MHz 286)
386sx/16MHz clone
486/33 DX clone

That's it for now."

Have you ever wanted to take your Portfolio on the road and telecommunicate
while you were away from your desktop model but didn't want to lug around
an external modem? Thomas Wallentin asks:

"Is there a company that installs a modem into the serial interface?"

Sysop Ron Luks tells Thomas:

"I've been told that Megabyte computers (Texas) will make this
installation for you for a $50 charge (in addition to the cost of the
modem and the serial interface if you don't already own them). You can
find their address in the libraries here."

Well folks, that's it for this week. Have a safe, happy, and computer
enhanced Holiday. And make sure you saunter on back here next week, same
time, same station, kick your shoes off, lean back, relax, and listen to
what they are saying when...




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Free Parking!
Low Room Rates!
More Vendors!
More Floor Space!

Yep, that ACT Atari Group is running another major NorthEast computer
event. Last year's successful CT Fest had over 700 attendees, which
merited a larger location, so we've moved a mile away (exit 42 on I-91)
into bigger and better quarters. We're just as convenient to reach as
ever, and only two hours from Boston or New York! The new hotel has
excellent room rates ($35.00 per room), free and plentiful parking, easy
access from Interstate 91, I-95, I-90, I-84, I-80, an in house Sports Bar,
a bigger ballroom and is located just 1 mile from Bradley International
Airport (free shuttle service for hotel guests).

We expect that an even greater number of vendors this year, surpassing
the excellent turnout of the past shows. We already have tentative
commitments from A&D Software, Gribnif Software, Barefoot Software, Toad
Computers, Computer Studio, Baggetaware, Derric Electronics, E.Hartford
Computer Repair, MegaType Software, Wizztronics and GFA Software
Technology. Last year we had FOURTEEN user groups, this year we should
have even more (We also expect an exciting 8 Bit contingent)!

We'll have our annual New England Lynx Competition, with multiple
Comlynxed competitions underway at all times. Last year's winners took
home prizes ranging from games to accessories to complete Lynx Systems!
Bring your best player and join the fun.

We'll have the Portfolio Corner, staffed with industry pundits and
filled with every imaginable palmtop peripheral! Last year we had a few
Portfolios disassembled at the booth, a real insight into surface mount

For those of you with an eye towards seminars, we'll have them in
abundance, last year's question and answer session with Bob Brodie drew
standing only crowds! In addition, we had John Eidsvoog's walk through the
Codehead graphic tools, Jeff Naideau of Barefoot Software showing off
EdiTrack Platinum, Dave Troy of (Guess[ribbet]) Computers and many, many

And to top things off, come out and see the Falcon 030 in all its
glory. By then we expect to see some rad new programs out and some really
excitement! All in all, we hope to have the best Northeast show yet, and
we look forward to your participation. Make your plans now for the most
exciting Atari Weekend this spring!

For further information, call Brian Gockley at 203-332-1721 or Doug
Finch at 203-637-1034. We can also be found on GEnie in Category 11 or on
Compuserve in the Atari arenas. E-mail can be directed to B.GOCKLEY or
D.FINCH7 on GEnie or to 75300,2514 or 76337,1067 on CIS.


> MAJOR PIRATE BBS BUSTED! STR Spotlight SPA Spearheads Investigation!


FBI raids major Ohio computer bulletin board;
action follows joint investigation with SPA.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, on Saturday, Jan. 30, 1993,
raided "Rusty & Edie's," a computer bulletin board located in Boardman,
Ohio, which has reportedly been illegally distributing copyrighted software
programs and files. Seized in the raid on the Rusty & Edie's bulletin
board were computers, hard disk drives and telecommunications equipment, as
well as financial and subscriber records. For the past several months, the
Software Publishers Association ("SPA") has been working with the FBI in
investigating the Rusty & Edie's bulletin board (BBS), additionally, a
major part of the investigation involved downloading numerous copyrighted
business and entertainment programs from the board (BBS).

SPA's investigation commenced shortly after the receipt of numerous
complaints from SPA members reporting their software was being illegally
distributed to the public through Rusty & Edie's pay BBS. Rusty & Edie's
bulletin board (BBS) was among the largest private (PAY) bulletin boards in
the country if not the world. It boasted of 124 nodes available to callers
and over 14,000 subscribers throughout the United States and several
foreign countries. Up to the day it was busted, the board had recorded in
excess of 3.4 million phone calls, with new calls coming in at the rate of
over 4,000 per day. It was set up and established in 1987 and had
continually expanded to well over 19 gigabytes of file storage comprising
100,000 plus files available to subscribers for downloading. The BBS had
paid subscribers throughout the World. The United States and several
foreign countries, including Canada, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Finland,
the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom were among those in
the system's records.

A privately owned and operated computer bulletin board, better known
as a BBS, permits personal computer users to call and access a host
computer system by a modem-equipped telephone to exchange information,
including messages, files, and computer programs. The systems operator
(Sysop) is generally responsible for the operation of the bulletin board
and determines who is allowed to access the bulletin board and under what
conditions. For a fee of eighty nine dollars per annum, subscribers to the
Rusty & Edie's bulletin board were given access to the board's contents
including the "hot" file area where many popular copyrighted business and
entertainment packages could readily be found. Subscribers were able to
"download" or receive these files for use on their own computers without
having to pay the rightful copyrighted owner anything for the software

"The SPA applauds the FBI's swift action today," said Ilene Rosenthal,
General Counsel for the SPA. "This action clearly indicates the FBI
recognizes the harm theft of intellectual property causes to one of the
U.S. A.'s most vibrant industries. It clearly demonstrates a trend that
the government understands the seriousness of software piracy." The SPA is
actively working with the FBI in the investigation of computer bulletin
boards, and similar raids on other boards are expected shortly. Whether
the programming is copied from a software package purchased at a
neighborhood computer store or downloaded from a bulletin board thousands
of miles away, pirated software adds greatly to the overall cost of
computing in general. According to SPA's figures, in 1991, the software
industry lost $1.2 billion in the U.S. alone. Losses, internationally, are
several billion dollars more.

"Many people may not realize that software pirates cause prices to be
much higher, in part, to make up for publisher losses from piracy," says
Ken Wasch, Executive Director of SPA. In addition, they ruin the
reputation of the hundreds of legitimate bulletin boards that serve an
important function for computer users." The Software Publishers
Association is the principal trade association of the personal computer
software industry. Its over 1,000 members represent the leading publishers
in the business, consumer and education software markets. The SPA has
offices in Washington DC, and Paris, France.

CONTACT: Software Publishers Association, Washington
Ilene Rosenthal, 202/452-1600 Ext. 318
Terri Childs, 202/452-1600 Ext. 320


> BLUE RIDGE ATARIFEST'93 STR SHOW NEWS "The Summertime Atari Event!"

1993 Blue Ridge ATARIFEST


The Blue Ridge Atari Computer Enthusiasts (BRACE) and Computer Studio
invite you to participate in the Fourth Annual Blue Ridge AtariFest in
beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. Show dates and times are:

Saturday July 24, 1993 10am - 6pm
Sunday July 25, 1993 Noon - 5pm

Just as in previous years, we have arranged for FREE Booth space for Atari
developers!! (We're only requesting the donation of a door prize).

We can promise both developers and show-goers an energetic and exciting
show with as enthusiastic a crowd of Atarians as you'll find anywhere, plus
the support of Computer Studio in the mall.

We're once again taking over the Courtyard Shop (mall) area at Westgate
Shopping Center for the show (location of Computer Studio), plus the use of
vacant store spaces for seminar sessions. Seminar sessions will be 45
minutes in length, and developers are welcome to conduct a seminar on their
product line or approved topic of their choice (seminar sessions are
limited, so first come, first served).

This year's show dates also coincide with Asheville's annual Bele Chere
street festival, when downtown Asheville is closed to vehicular traffic and
becomes what must be one of the largest street fairs in the country.
Westgate Shopping Center is one of the primary Park-and-Ride shuttle
centers for transporting people to and from downtown, and we've arranged to
have the shuttle service pick up at the front entrance of the mall and drop
off at the rear entrance, so everyone taking the service from Westgate WILL
walk through the AtariFest exhibition area sometime during the day. This
will be a great opportunity to showcase Atari and Atari related software
and peripherals, and introduce them to people who aren't already Atari
owners. Bringing in NEW blood is the key to the growth of this platform,
and this will be our opportunity to begin that process with a captive

Additional discussions of the show, as well as confirmations of your
participation, are welcome in GEnieMail and in the Blue Ridge
AtariFest topic 13 in Category 11 here on GEnie.


Where: Westgate Shopping Center - Asheville, N.C.

Take any major highway into Asheville (US 19-23, US 26 or I-40) to the
I-240 loop, then take the "Westgate/Hilton Inn Drive exit" into the
Westgate Shopping Center parking lot.

When: 24-25, July 1993
Time: 10:am to 6:pm SAT
12 Noon 'til 5pm SUN

Points of contact:

Come for a day or come for the weekend,
but do come and enjoy yourself.

Great Smokies Hilton Resort Hilton Inn Drive (704)254-3211
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-733-3211

Radisson One Thomas Wolf Plaza (704)252-8211
Rate: $62.00 per room (1-4 people)

====== Additional Hotel / Motel Information ===========

Days Inn I-26 and Airport Road (704)684-2281
I-40 Exit 55 (704)298-5140

Econo Lodge US 70 East, I-40 Exit 55 (704)298-5519

Holiday Inn 275 Smoky Park Hwy (704)667-4501
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-HOLIDAY

Red Roof Inn I-40 and US 19-23 Exit 44 (704)667-9803
Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-843-7663

Budget Motel I-40 Exit 44 (Enka-Chandler)
West Asheville Exit (704)665-2100 Best
Western Asheville Central 22 Woodfin St (704)253-1851

========= Local Bed & Breakfast lodging Information =========

Aberdeen Inn 64 Linden Ave (704)254-9336
Albemarle Inn 86 Edgemont Road (704)255-0027
Applewood Manor 62 Cumberland Circle (704)254-2244
The Bridle Path Inn Lockout Road (704)252-0035
Cairn Brae B & B 217 Patton Mountain Rd (704)252-9219
Carolina B & B 177 Cumberland Ave (704)254-3608
Cedar Crest Victorian Inn 674 Biltmore Ave (704)252-1289
Corner Oak Manor 53 St. Dunstan (704)253-3525
Cornerstone Inn 230 Pearson Dr (704)253-5644
Flint Street Inn 100 & 116 Flint Street (704)253-6723
The Lion and The Rose 276 Montford Ave (704)255-7673
The Ray House B & B 83 Hillside St (704)252-0106
Reed House 119 Dodge St (704)274-1604
The Wright Inn 235 Pearson Drive (704)251-0789]

A more complete listing of Bed & Breakfasts can be obtained through the
Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Reservations should be made immediately, as July is the height of our
tourist season.

=========== CAMP GROUNDS ================

(reservations are a must during this time of season):

Mount Pisgah:
About 20 miles southwest of Asheville on the Blue Ridge Parkway at
mile post 408.6 (National Park Service). 690 acres. Elevation 5000'. One of
the nicest campgrounds in Western North Carolina. 67 tent sites, 70 RV
sites. For reservations: P.O.Box 749, Watnesville, N.C. 28786; phone (704)
235-9109. No showers. Groceries and restaurant. Nature program. 14 day
stay limit.

Lake Powhatan:
4 miles south of Asheville on State road 191, 3.5 miles west on SR
806. 30 acres. 98 tent/rv sites. Reservation available thru Mistix
1-800-283-CAMP. Disposal station. No showers. Swimming; lifeguard; fishing;
nature trails; bicycles. 14-day stay limit.

While in the area, you might want to consider a little sightseeing,
and include a visit to the Biltmore House here in Asheville (the largest
single family residence ever built in the U.S.--its a "castle"). A visit to
the Biltmore can be a full-day's activity as you will want to view the
house, visit the winery, and walk some of the grounds and gardens.


The House 9 am to 6pm The Gardens 9am to 7pm
Conservatory 9am to 5:30pm
The Winery Monday-Saturday 11am to 7pm Sunday 1pm to 7pm

Other areas of interest include; the Thomas Wolf home (adjacent to the
Raddison), the Blue Ridge Parkway and Folk Art Center. A drive up the Blue
ridge Parkway to enjoy the higher elevations and incredible views of our
mountains. Perhaps a hike up to Mount Pisgah and look back down to
Asheville(you can see Mt. Pisgah from most anywhere in Asheville). A short
drive from Mt. Pisgah will take you to Sliding Rock (for those of you
travelling with kids who are still kids at heart), the Cradle of Forestry
(first forest school in the country), waterfalls, trout hatchery, etc. For
the adventurous, white water rafting on the Natahala River near Bryson
City (approx one and a half hours from here).

There's obviously loads more to see and do around Asheville (in
addition to the Blue Ridge AtariFest and a visit to Computer Studio :-). If
any of y'all would like maps and additional tourist info of the area I
might suggest contacting the Chamber of Commerce:

Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce
151 Haywood Street
P.O. Box 1010
Asheville, NC 28802
704-258-6111 FAX: (704)251-0926



Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

GEnie costs only $4.95 a month for unlimited evening and weekend access to
more than 100 services including electronic mail, online encyclopedia,
shopping, news, entertainment, single-player games, and bulletin boards on
leisure and professional subjects. With many other services, including the
biggest collection of files to download and the best online games, for only
$6 per hour.

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Any time during your first month of membership if
you are not completely satisfied, just ask for your $4.95 back.

Welcome to the GEnie Windows and Windows NT RoundTable!

Brought to you by Rick Ruhl (RICKER), | Files Messages RTC Help|
Richard Dill (RDILL), |-^-----^--------^---^---|
and Charlie Strom (STROM) | +-------------+ |
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With Assistant SYSOPs | | +-------------+ |
Craig Austin (AUSTIN) Library | | |_____________| |
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Ron McLurkin (MCLURKIN) Library | +-----| Windows NT | |
Peter Ziebel (PETER.Z) Help Desk | | 3.1 | |
Michele Cardone (MICHELE-C) Help Desk | | | |
Wayne Lively (W.LIVELY) Help Desk | +-------------+ |
Roy Green (R.GREEN13) Help Desk +------------------------+
Herman Griffith (HERM) Help Desk and BB
Mike Bourdeau (IMPERIAL-WE) Help Desk
Keith Elkin (K.ELKIN) Help Desk <Chatlines>
Wendy Reynolds (WENDYSUE) Help Desk <Chatlines>

Windows RT Newsletter
Holly Jahangiri (JESSIEBELLE) Editor
Peter Ziebel (PETER.Z) Editor

Promotions and Marketing
Laura Tanner (LTANNER)

Windows and Windows NT are trademarks and Microsoft is a registered
trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

The Windows R/T is independent and is not affiliated with Microsoft

+----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| "Open Windows" RT Meeting | | Windows RT Help Desk |
|----------------------------| |-----------------------------|
| Thursday, 21:30 ET | | Mon., Tues., Wed. & Friday |
| RTC Room 2 | | 21:30-00:30 ET RTC Room 2 |
+----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+

Voted Best New RT on GEnie, 1993

The Windows RT is proud to Welcome
Berkeley Systems, Inc.

Makers of:
"After Dark for Windows"
"Star Trek, the screen saver"
Online Support Area

Windows Bulletin Board
Category 27

Pick Item 1 from the Windows Menu
and type 'SET 27' in the BB

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission




Since the bird watching ("FalconWait") "countdown" began, users have
been keeping a 'peeled' eye out for the anxiously expected arrival of the
Falcon030. Unfortunately, it has yet to make the retail scene in the
USA... YET. Mind you now, the word is, at this time, "sometime" this
month. In an attempt to keep everything in the proper perspective, we have
done a little looking around in an attempt get a 'feel' for the users
attitudes and mood swings relative to "FalconWait".

Early on, before Christmas of last year, 1992, as you can see... the
tolerance level for "FalconWait" was quite high.

from GEnie....
Category 4, Topic 36
Message 82 Tue Dec 15, 1992
S.JOHNSON10 [Steve] at 01:19 EST

C.MACLEOD2 - No, Sam Tramiel said LIMITED AVAILABILITY in 10/92 and
shipping in QUANTITY in 12/92-1/93. To me, the quantity shipments still
seem to be on schedule (i.e. only the limited shipments have been delayed
so far).


.....hope is still optimistically high in February of this year....

from Genie....
Category 4, Topic 15
Message 84 Tue Feb 16, 1993
STEVE-J [FunkPopARoll] at 03:59 EST

For those who may not have heard, Atari announced a few days ago that the
Falcon030 will be shipping in the U.S., (and presumably Canada), during the
first week of March.

------------ time progressed to get shorter, the confidence level in Atari goes
on the wane.. and "FalconWait" becomes more anxious.

from GEnie
Category 4, Topic 15
Message 149 Fri Feb 26, 1993
C.WORTON [Charlie] at 22:53 EST

Yeah, Sean, well, to each his own. Had an uncle who used to swear by GM
cars as well. Still does, too. The fact that many other products are
demonstrably superior in virtually every parameter never changed his mind.
But a lot of other people did change their minds, and GM is in a major hole
right now. You just keep on believing that Atari is the best. As long as
they're around, I expect you'll be happy enough. 'Course, they may not be
around for long...

The performance of the new Macs is exceptional, and the value (dollars
spent vs. performance realized) is very high. The GUI is superior to
windows (not surprising, considering Apple's been improving it for ten
years now) and the price for a functional machine is right in there with
the dos boxes. Apple has also been running multipage advertisements in PC
Mag stressing ease of expandability for the Mac (if you can use a plug, you
can expand a Mac) and I doubt those ads are going unread.

FunkPopAroll (or whatever), I suspect that if you check the archives on
GEnie you'll discover that the Falcon originally had an early shipping date
(limited quantities) of spring, 1992. That slipped to summer, then fall,
then January, now March. And I doubt very much that March is going to
happen, either. (Well, okay. March WILL happen. The Falcon won't - at
least, in March.)

If Atari was capable of introducing the machines at the time that they
originally suggested they could, they would be a leading edge company. But
the Falcon, as was the TT before it, is a year late. In that year, the
world of computing has changed dramatically. A year ago, the Falcon was a
hefty contender. But the competition has increased capability, and
decreased price. Is the sole presence of a DSP chip in the Falcon enough
to make someone choose it over the Mac - taking into account the relative
market shares of the two manufacturers?

The Falcon is no longer the value that it was a year ago.

Kind of a shame...


------------, with the "March first" date long gone, the confidence level in
Atari begins to wear very thin... "FalconWait" begins to take on larger
than real proportions...

from GEnie
Category 4, Topic 15

age 203 Sun Mar 07, 1993
C.WORTON [Charlie] at 13:07 EST

Re discussing computers in the appropriate topic: good point. One problem:
I cannot locate any topic which lends itself to Apple Mac machines. Can
someone educate me on this point?

Richard Bush, Atari is not profitable; they are losing money - a lot of
money - every quarter. Were they profitable, I would not be nearly as

Companies with dwindling cash resources are exactly the candidates that
need to increase their levels of advertising. Unfortunately, they are also
the candidates that can afford it least. And due to their lack of
experience in advertising, they will make mistakes in media buys; and due
to their lack of prior exposure, the initial hit of advertising is less
impactful on the public then the same buy would be a year down the road.

But there is more at issue here then the matter of advertising. There is
the matter of a product to sell. Reason with me; the STe is a dated
design, is not expandable, and in general does not offer good value for the
money to the first time computer buyer. Those buyers are more likely to
move in the direction of Macs, IBMs, or Amigas. Atari has (had?) a
spectacular product in the Falcon030, but they have yet to bring it to
market. Meanwhile, competitors ARE bringing their competitive products to
market, capturing the limelight and reducing the impact of the Falcon,
should it ever appear.

And there is more at issue here then a product to sell. There is the
matter of manufacturing capability. Since the Federated Stores debacle,
Atari has been forced to sell its own factories, thus becoming dependent on
outside manufacturing capability. Not only is this more expensive, it
would appear from the latest delay that they can't even pick a competent
manufacturer. (they blamed the January - March delay on unacceptable
quality control problems. I don't buy it; I think that there was something
else at work, more likely a major flaw in the machine design. But lets
take them at their word.)

If Atari succeeds later this month in producing the Falcon030 in quantity,
and does a spectacular job of marketing the machine, they might still pull
it off. The point is, they need LOTS more then an ad campaign. They need
Falcon030s, in brightly colored boxes. Then a distribution network,
probably direct mail (Fedex, whatever.) THEN an ad campaign.




..wishful thinking is taking over where good judgement should prevail.
Folks want Atari's Falcon to be shipping so desperately they appear to be
seeing things... Falcons shipping in the US? Where from one Tramiel
residence to another? "FalconWait" is now becoming a full time occupation
for some...

from GEnie
Category 4, Topic 15
Message 257 Sun Mar 14, 1993
D.FLORY at 22:51 EST

Latest word is Falcons are being manufactured at a rate of around 350/day.
I'd like to hear 3500/ day but what the heck. They are actually being
shipped in the US now.

(-: Happy Bytes :-)

Dave Flory, ALERTsys*Cop
18:21 PST - 03/14/93


.. the head Doctor waits patiently.. for the promised Falcon

from GEnie
Category 4, Topic 15
Message 343 Thu Apr 01, 1993
JERRYP [Chaos Master] at 18:01 EST

Still waiting for a Falcon


... Concerned users try to give stability to an otherwise very shaky
situation. Opinions are running in all directions.... "FalconWait" now is
becoming a rather touchy subject....

from GEnie
Category 4, Topic 15
Message 348 Sat Apr 03, 1993

Jerry...... let me try again. I don't think it'll do any more good than
the last time but I'll give it another shot.



...from all corners of the globe, the dissatisfaction rises.... to untold
heights as "FalconWait" becomes the search for the "Bird of Paradise".

from CIS...
#: 38526 S17/Community Square
05-Apr-93 14:02:44
Sb: #38506-platforms
Fm: GST Software Products 71351,332
To: Atari Interface 70007,4640


> He told Bill and I after he told many, many reg.

> developers. He held hours of meetings showing off the system to
> representatives of companies who made Atari software before we were
> able to talk to him.

We, as developers in the UK, were told that the Falcon would *definitely*
ship last summer with timescales that match your comments. This I guess
would have been some months before you were probably aware of the machines
existence - although that depends on how soon you knew about it.


... on more fronts than anyone would care to compute, the attitude is now
becoming one of extreme dissatisfaction and fear of impending failure on
the part of certain developers and dealers. "FalconWait is now at the
point of being an exercise in futility.

from CIS
#: 38527 S17/Community Square
05-Apr-93 14:58:16
Sb: #38519-platforms
Fm: SYSOP*Ron Luks 76703,254
To: GST Software Products 71351,332

Tony! Glad to see you back online. You've been awfully quiet for a long
time and we missed you.

Yes, your experience (holding a product up while waiting for hardware or
software from Atari Corp) is exactly what I was referring to in my message.
A lot of companies make business commitments based upon a two-way
relationship with Atari Corp (or other computer makers) and when the
computer maker doesn't ship a product on time, it affects the fortunes of

We were told the Falcon would be available in October 92, November 92,
December 92, January 93, (a jump), then first week of MArch 93, then the
third week of March 93, then finally "10 days later." That would make it
approx April 3rd. It looks to me like Atari has missed every single one of
the promised target dates and the Falcon is still not shipping in the USA.
I didn't hear of any big news released at CEBIT and I am starting to talk
to big developers (with pre-paid orders in the big 5-figure range) who are
starting to panic because Atari isn't shipping ANY hardware in the USA.

In the latest case, the software is ready to ship but without Atari
hardware, its useless and the software developer is at his wits end and
fearful for his entire business.

... let the truth be known... or, at least from user's viewpoint. The
opinions of the normal, everyday user is far more vital than all the
editorials about "FalconWait". Meanwhile.... the _waiting_ continues.

from CIS
#: 38551 S1/Forum Business
06-Apr-93 07:09:56
Sb: Falcon
Fm: Geoffrey Larsen 100236,1053
To: All

Hi there I know I said I was leaving the Atari forums, and I have. I am not
down loading any of the messages from any of the atari forums.

However that does not mean that if I come across a bit of information
that may be of use to all of you I won't pass it on. So if you have any
questions about what I am going to say you will have to contact me through
the mail system.

Ok here is the plot, as you may remember from the other day I had the
use of a Falcon (we have a car down here called a Falcon, I hate the name.
But it is too late now). I was on it for about two hours. The 65 Meg h/d
was fine, there is a drive light on the floppy on the side (were you can't
see it), however the drive light on the front of the machine flickers when
the h/d is working and remains lit when the f/d is operating, a little
confusing at first but you soon get used to it. The floppy looks very add
on-ish the way it is mounted, however it does the job.

The picture quality of the still's displayed from the h/d was amazing,
all the more so as we only had an EGA monitor there. Interestingly it
displays all resolutions on the EGA monitor, but the flicker makes some of
them unusable.

I was able to run the latest version of Pagestream UK and in Falcon
mode (don't ask me what resolution it was) the screen size was bigger, but
slower than in ST medium res.

The resolution controls are very straight forward, they are controlled
by selecting the number of columns 40/80 and then the number of colors, I
think from memory it was 4,16,256,?,Truecolor. Then you had the ST Low,
Medium and High, high res. ST will run on an EGA monitor the picture is
very clear, but the flicker is bad.

There is an ACC supplied that allows the recording of sound directly
from the mic input (top sample rate was 55Mhz. or thereabouts) and then the
sounds can be assigned to system events and the key board. Having the sound
assigned to system events is a nice touch but a cat scream every time you
open a window becomes a tad tedious. Fortunately the internal speaker can
be turned off from the control panel. An adaptor is supplied to connect
the SC1435 or SM147 monitors. I presume that the VGA monitors are a
standard IBM configuration.

It look's like the Falcon I was using was a pre-release, as in the one
that locks up if an ST program does a sound call.

I used a program called "Powermonger" and the first thing it does is a
sound call (lock-up), "Llamatron" bit of graphics hits the screen then a
sound call (lock-up), then just to prove it I tried "Secret of Monkey
Island" sound call (lock-up). So I suppose all I'm saying is that the
machine is great but obviously Atari has made some mistakes and they
obviously don't want to tell us about it. Mistakes are something u make
but u sure as heck don't want to tell anybody about it if u can get out of
it. Anyway it may be prudent to make sure that the Falcon u buy is not a
pre-release one, unless u have no intention of running ST software on it.

Rumor has it that Atari has or is in the process of fixing the problem
for the release. Now, as I remember, there was a problem with the DMA chip
in the first STe's, and Atari sold them (I think they marked the boxes with
a red dot or something), anyway a mate of mine bought one, and then he
purchased a h/d. Talk about problems, unreal. Still, between Atari and
Supra, they fixed the problems.

So be patient and hopefully you will receive a Falcon that will run
your ST software as well.

** Geoff of OZ **

So there you have it. Opinions, anxiety, high hopes, utter
frustration and of course, dismal disappointment in find that Sam's words
about the Falcon030 being "on time" meant absolutely nothing. Atari has
the "whole ball o wax" on the line with this effort. Else they'll revert
to being a Game Machine Company for real. Devoting their resources to the
design and manufacture, and in house marketing of game machines like the
Lynx and its carts. And soon... the Jaguar. It rumored there are those in
Atari who are writing scripts for telephone sales people. And then, there
are those who are writing "hints" for the game carts.




From the Genie ST Roundtable
Cat. 11, Posts 40-51

Compiled by Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

From Bill Rehbock of Atari -

Here is a short overview of what I found to be the highlights of
CeBIT. It is certainly not all-encompassing, but I think it does convey
the level of excitement in Europe over the Falcon. I personally would like
to thank all of the developers that pulled together and produced the fine
Falcon software that was shown at the Atari stand. -Bill Rehbock @ Atari

MultiTOS, SpeedoGDOS, Atari Works

Normen Kowalweski from Atari Germany drew large crowds while demoing
the latest software offerings from Atari. Many of the developers were
displaying their software running with MultiTOS and SpeedoGDOS. People
were very excited to hear that the products have been released to the
factory and that Falcons would be soon showing up with MultiTOS and Speedo

Blackmail - Digital Optical Analog

DOA is negotiating with several large European distributors (including
Compo) for distribution in Europe. Their Falcon-based voicemail system is
currently undergoing FCC Certification and is expected to be available
publicly by the end of May.

DA's Vektor - Digital Arts

Digital Arts is the programming team that produced Retouche and Didot.
DA's Vektor is a key-frame animation package that can perform 3D
manipulation to 2D vector graphics, type, and bitmapped pictures. It's
presentation graphic abilities exceed those of Macromind Director and
Micrografix Designer. It retails for less than $200.

Profiler - Application Systems Heidelberg

Profiler is Application Systems Heidelberg's new programming tool for
their Pure C and Pure Pascal environments. It is a quality application used
for debugging and optimizing programs.

TruePaint - HiSoft

Falcon-optimized True Color Paint Package that retails for $60.00. It
has a huge variety of import and export formats as well as simple animation

Diamond Back/Diamond Edge - Oregan Research

Bob Luneski's sanity-saving hard disk utilities were shown with full
Falcon SCSI and IDE support.

Photo Studio - Eurosoft

Photo Studio is a low-cost retouching package from France that is
optimized for performing special effects and retouching on previously
scanned or PhotoCD images. Compo announced that it would handle
distribution of True Paint outside of France.

Chagall - Trade It

Chagall is a mid-level true-color painting package from Germany that
has a very advanced feature set, including high-end filtering, masking, and
tinting. They hope to have the details for North American distribution
worked out quickly.

Superbase4 - HiSoft/Oxxi

Superbase4 should be ready for official alpha release within two or
three weeks. The new version has full SpeedoGDOS support and support for
imbedding a wide variety of graphic data formats into your database. It
retains compatibility with Superbase Professional and allows importing
forms from Superbase Amiga. The report generator is one of the finest I've
seen on any platform and has the ability to add graphics to the output such
as placing boxes around totals.

Falcon/VME - Rhothron

Rhothron showed a VME expansion connector that plugs into the
processor direct slot. The cable to the VME connector comes out of the
Falcon through the space at the cartridge port. They were showing it
working with the TKR Crazy Dots 32-bit true color board.

ColorDISC PCD - Color Concepts

Color Concepts demonstrated all aspects of PhotoCD, including a
PhotoCD module for Calamus SL. Phillips, Kodak, and Toshiba were all very
impressed and surprised that we had such a full implementation of PhotoCD
on the Falcon. No other platform has complete support for
interactive/Portfolio PhotoCD yet.

MPEG Decompression - Brainstorm
Brainstorm demonstrated 12 frames per second on-the-fly MPEG video
decompression using MPEG video clips from Star Wars, Michael Jackson
videos, news clips, etc. This is the same company that wrote the JPEG
routines for Atari. The JPEG routines (320x200 decompression in less than
one second) will be available to developers at the end of April.

VROOM - Lhankor

Lhankor showed an extremely fast Gran Prix racing game optimized for
Falcon. The game was still running in 16-color mode with PSG sound, but
they intend to release it in September with all new 256 and true color
artwork and digital sound.

Overscan Titler/Genlock - Overscan/Compo

One of the main features of the huge video wall was the Overscan Video
Titler. The titler makes full use of SpeedoGDOS and works with all ST's,
but is optimized for the Falcon's overscan, overlay bit and color
capabilities. The final product will be shipping at the end of April and
there will be a NTSC/YC version as well as PAL/YC version.

Papyrus - ROM Software

Papyrus shipped the latest version of their high-performance
wordprocessor that now includes advanced table creation and calculation
abilities. Papyrus has full color support and is in the same league as
Microsoft Word for Windows and WordPerfect for Windows or the Mac. They
signed up a yet-to-be announced North American distributor while at the
show. The product is scheduled to be available in North America in about 6

InShape - Alexander Thomsen

With my urging, and the support from Normen, InShape has spent the
last seven months rewriting their key-frame video rendering package. It can
be used to create photo-realistic animations using CAD 3D objects and
multiple light sources and cameras. It allows the user to be the movie
director, adjusting the positioning of everything in the scene and
directing the movement of objects.

Xenomorph (Phoenix) - Lexicor

Lexicor had their German distributor demonstrating Phoenix, Lexicor's
scene rendering package. Phoenix is unique in the fact that it integrates
with the original Cyber Control desk accessory that was written by Tom
Hudson in 1987. Using Cyber Control and Phoenix, a user can write complex
scripts to automate the movement of objects in between recording frames.
This allows the user to easily create animations of things like roller
coasters shot from the perspective of a rider in the first car.

Cubase Audio - Steinberg

Steinberg showed Cubase Audio, their Direct-to-Disk recording system
that requires only a Falcon. Cubase Audio was the hit of the Frankfurt
Music Messe, where Yamaha allegedly were extremely upset because Cubase
Audio for Falcon would not require Yamaha's several thousand dollar CBX-D5
as it does on the Mac and PC. Cubase Audio allows the user to integrate
CD-quality digital audio along with MIDI data in the familiar Cubase user

Musicom - Compo

Another big hit at the Video Wall was Musicom, a consumer-oriented
direct to disk recording system. Musicom has many fun-to-use features,
including Karaoke. Armin Hirschteter, the author of Musicom (as well as
singer and musician) demonstrated the Falcon and Musicom to crowds of well
over 200 people at times, completely blocking all four aisles at the corner
of our stand.

Digitape - Trade It

Digitape is another multi-track direct-to-disk recording system. It
has a unique modular approach, much like putting stereo components
together. Digitape allows the user to create multi-track master tapes that
allow the user to record on to two tracks while playing back mixed-down
previously recorded tracks similar to how one creates professional
recordings with conventional tape equipment.

Humans, Llamazap, Road Riot 4WD, Raiden, Space Junk - Atari Corp. All
of the Atari project games were very well received by show attendees.
During the Video Wall demonstrations, members of the audience were allowed
to play Llamazap on the video wall using a Falcon Controller that was
fitted with a 25 foot long cable. There were also nightly gaming "contests"
on the video wall after the show.

PAMS Net/F - PAM Software

PAM Software is taking advantage of the improved parallel port and now
supporting low-cost parallel port Ethernet adapters with their network.

Bionet Falcon - Biodata

Biodata showed their network running on the LocalTalk hardware
built-in to Falcon.

32 MHz Accelerator w/ram expansion - GE Soft

GE Soft showed a very impressive hardware accelerator that plugs into
the processor direct slot on Falcon. It enables the Falcon to run at speeds
comparable to a TT. The card can accept up to 128 megabytes of TT ram using
commonly available SIMMs. When populated with expansion ram, you must use
an external keyboard however, as there is not enough room inside the
Falcon's case for everything.

Falcon Speed - Compo

Falcon Speed was displayed on the Atari stand as well as the Heim
Verlag Software Distribution booth. The version they were showing operated
many times faster than most PC's running windows, because of the fact that
they take advantage of the Falcon's video architecture. During the course
of the show, they announced that they got full color support running and
would be shipping the color version within a few weeks. (The current
version does run in Windows color modes, although it displays in dithered
black and white, as on many PC laptops.)

The Video Wall Events

There were regular showings at the video wall, hosted by Armin
Hirschteter(sp?), author of Compo's Musicom. The demonstrations were
produced by Armin, Compo and Team Computer Video Productions of Germany.
The show integrated the Falcon's Video Titling, as well as Digital
recording and DSP abilities. Klaus Kramer from Team had a remote controlled
camera attached to the stand and was able to direct it at Armin or people
in the crowd. Musicom was used to record Armin's guitar playing and then
affect it using Flanging, delay and other effects. Next, This One's for
You by Elton John was played back from the hard disk and the Karaoke effect
was used to remove the vocal. Armin would then sing along with it instead
and the audience loved it.

Toward the last half of the fair, as everyone's confidence was built
up, small alterations to the script were added. Klaus Kramer from Team had
created an little animated character that would comment on Armin's singing
during using the titling software from Overscan, which really drove home
the Multimedia aspects of Falcon as Armin interacted with the little
creature on the video wall. Theo Breurs from Compo also served as a shill
in the audience, asking people whether or not they thought it was really
Armin singing. When he found someone that said "no," that person was
offered the chance to sing instead, with the lyrics being scrolled on the
screen using Falcon.

The script to the show was altered slightly after we saw Digital
Equipment's Alpha PC demo two booths away, comparing the speed of the
150MHz Alpha against a Mac Quadra and a 66 MHz '486 PC. DEC established
that a reliable benchmark of the overall performance of a computer was how
fast it could calculate and display a 256 color Mandelbrot set. The
Mandelbrot set is the most popular example of a class of mathematics called
Fractals. When the data is plotted, beautiful pictures are generated on the
computer's screen. DEC showed that the Quadra took 12 seconds to create
the display, the '486 took 8 and the Alpha took only 5 seconds. On our
video wall, 60 feet away from DEC's demonstration, we showed the same thing
being done by a low cost home computer in 4 seconds - in 16-bit true color,
to the irritation of Digital Equipment.

I do apologize about the delay in a posting of the full show report,
but as you should be able to surmise, things get a little hectic after
coming back from a 13 day road trip :-)

Question from Nathan Potechin at DMC -

Bill ... Was Calamus not displayed in the Atari exhibit at CeBIT, he
asks with some trepidation wondering if I should have jumped on an
airplane after all? The last I heard, they had two workstations?

Question from WAYNED -

When they say "full color support" how high a resolution/colors does
that go up to? Also which processor/speed was the Falcon Speed shown at the

Lots of things in your message that sound great, especially (to me)
the Accelerator, Vme, Mpeg, and the speed of doing the Mandelbrot calc's.

I'm not all that up on Mpeg and Jpeg. I have been reading that you
need a newer pretty fast CD-Rom in order to do realtime Jpeg work. I was
wondering how Mpeg fits into that scenario. I.E. with a reasonable CD-Rom
will the Falcon be able to do realtime Jpeg work and Mpeg? <hopefully not
showing my ignorance too much!>

Answer from Wilfred Kilwinger at Atari -

Nathan...DMC was on Cebit with two stations. Bill probably didn't have
the time to meet with them and since DMC was in 2 other booths at the fair
as well it was hard to meet with them anyway.

I found myself walking between hall 1 and 7 (Atari) several times to
meet with them and I was not able to find the right person. The distance
between both halls was approx 1 Km (so good for my health anyway)

Wayne...They showed 80286 at 16 Mhz. Since the 68030 and the rest of
the system is used at the same time they claim the speed of a 386SX.

The system has a Norton factor 12. It supports up to 8Mb memory, is
compatible with Windows 3.1. They were working on a Windows 16 and 256
color driver. Currently it only supports CGA, EGA and VGA monochrome.

Answers from Bill Rehbock from Atari -

Nathan, Yes, Calamus was shown, in one of DMC's cool black and red
tower cases with a TT inside. It was also featured in a segment on the
video wall (how the Falcon could be used for doing CD Inserts and DTP in
general.) I apologize about the omission, but I produced it off of my list
of workstations that were using Falcons. BTW, Klaus, Harold, and the rest
of the programming team at DMC are really excited about Falcon.

Wayne, I think Falcon Speed will even be able to emulate a PC 16-bit
true color board as well as 640x480x256 colors. Bob from Compo may feel
free to jump in :-)

JPEG and MPEG are file formats and have nothing to do with CD-ROM per
se. As a matter of fact, the dealer demo disk we are putting together is a
128meg Magneto/Optical with a couple of PhotoCD files on it. (The dealer
demo disk will be ready during the month of May.)




Its somewhat disheartening to find Atari trying to whip the users into
a band of evangelists out to "pressure" their local dealers into signing an
agreement that appears to NOT be in the dealer's best interests. After
hearing from a number of highly concerned dealers this past week, STReport
decided that since Atari is bringing this plea forth into the public eye,
it would be nice if the users had an idea as to why the dealers are
reluctant to sign on the dotted line.

POSTED ALMOST EVERYWHERE, one can find the following post. Where Atari is
seemingly trying to involve the Userbase in its dealer negotiations

#: 38629 S10/Atari Expl Online
08-Apr-93 15:01:11
Sb: Atari Dealer Agreement
Fm: Atari Explorer mag - AEO 70007,3615

For those of you who don't read AEO, I'd like to take the opportunity to
repost part of my editorial from the current issue. It deals with an
important message from Bob Brodie that needs to go out to all prospective
Falcon030 dealers (if you've read AEO already this week, please bear with

Director of Communications Bob Brodie has been unbelievably busy of
late. One item of note, Bob asked me to enlist as many of AEO's
readers as possible to get this word out: Any dealer who plans on
selling Atari Falcon030s MUST turn in a signed Authorized Dealer
Agreement to Atari. So if your dealer was planning on getting
Falcon030s from a distributor, and felt that they didn't have to
sign the Dealer Agreement - they (and you) will be in for a great
disappointment. Please pass this around.


Some dealers who plan on buying Falcon030s from distributors feel that they
do not have to sign and return the Atari Dealer Agreements. Wrong!
Distributors are under obligation to NOT supply dealers without ADAs. If
you plan on purchasing a Falcon030, please contact your local dealer and
ask if they have sent in their ADA to Atari.

--Travis Guy
Atari Explorer Online

To ALL genuinely concerned Atarians;

Please allow yourselves to have an open mind for a moment. Read the
following and then you make the decision as to whether you are willing to
push your dealer into this "NEW" dealer agreement.

The very first question one must ask themselves is; "What's wrong with
the agreement my dealer already signed with Atari?? Why must my dealer
sign a new agreement?

The answer to that question might be ... because the new agreement has
certain clauses in it the older agreements didn't have or are worded much
differently. A number of _authorized_ dealers have already called STReport
to make their feelings known. First about their outrage over the non-
arrival of the Falcons and secondly to point out the real problems with the
new dealer agreement and why they will not sign the "thing" as some have
called it.

Go to your dealer and ask whether they feel the NEW dealer agreement is
truly a "partnership" between Atari and the Dealer or, is it a "hooray for
me and the heck with you type agreement"? If your dealer feels the
agreement is fine, then by all means possible, encourage that dealer to

Contained below are some of the reactions to Atari's "recruitment action"

From Delphi's Atari Areas;

52216 8-APR 09:10 General Information
RE: Falcon030 Dealer Agreement (Re: Msg 52201)

> For those of you who don't read AEO, I'd like to take the opportunity
> to repost part of my editorial from the current issue.

I read it. And now that you posted this here again...

> One item of note, Bob asked me to enlist as many of AEO's
> readers as possible to get this word out: Any dealer who plans on
> selling Atari Falcon030s MUST turn in a signed Authorized Dealer
> Agreement to Atari. So if your dealer was planning on getting
> Falcon030s from a distributor, and felt that they didn't have to
> sign the Dealer Agreement - they (and you) will be in for a great
> disappointment. Please pass this around.

.. I would like to know since when it is the job of the potential buyer
(here: AEO reader who wants to purchase a Falcon) to tell his/her dealer
what to do to become an authorized dealer. Since when is Atari using the
its customers as public relations or dealer support representatives? Isn't
it the job of certain Atari employees to inform the dealers how to become an
authorized dealer? Does right-sizing mean that Atari customers have to run
the company themselves? Could it mean that in the future potential
customers will be "enlisted" to put Falcons together in their garages?

Something is _very_ wrong here.


52224 8-APR 19:54 General Information
RE: Falcon030 Dealer Agreement (Re: Msg 52216)


I think that announcement was directed at making sure the various dealers
who do _not_ deal with Atari directly understand the new policies. When
Atari went to using distributors, instead of restricting dealers to buy from
Atari directly, they lost touch with parts of the dealer base. Dealers who
buy from distributors may even be unknown to Atari itself. By utilizing the
readers of an online magazine, Atari is attempting to get back in touch with
any dealers who they've lost track of, and in touch with dealers they've
never known about.

Back when Atari required direct sales from them, some people said they were
hurting the potential to build a dealer base. When they went back to using
distributors, some people said it would bring on another wave of low-balling
and unfair competition of mail order vs. storefront dealers. It seems they
are trying to work out some kind of compromise, where everybody's happy.

It may not be the best way to do things, but Atari is trying to utilize the
best communications resource they have. Us.


Ed Note:
It never ceases to create amazement when its found that folks are
stepping in for Atari and offering reasons and explanations in Atari's
stead. The point is, if this is what Atari had in mind why wasn't it
stated clearly in the, now infamous, "plea post" that was sent 'round
the world? A wise and prudent man would allow Atari to say it like it
is for once instead of muddying the waters with interpretations that
may or may not be "on the mark". Nowhere in the plea did it ever say
anything about lowballers or mom & pop stores or dealers who don't care
to deal with Atari. While the intentions to clarify and assist are
genuine, its time Atari began to come off with the straight and
forward. You know, make product, promote product, advertise and sell
product, ship product etc..

52221 8-APR 18:58 General Information
RE: Falcon030 Dealer Agreement (Re: Msg 52201)

Gee, now Bob and Atari Expect US to do THEIR work for them! Let them
Advertise the DAMN things. Let THEM contact the dealers (What's Left). If
THEY want to SELL machines! Unbelievable! Hey how many users they want to
load up their trucks so they can ship em'?

52250 9-APR 02:33 General Information
RE: Falcon030 Dealer Agreement (Re: Msg 52221)

Oliver and SCARPAD,

I see nothing really wrong here. As Gordie pointed out, we are not talking
about the "big name" dealers who stay in contact with Atari and/or
distributors, but small mom-and-pop-type operations who, in the past, could
pick up a few machines from a distributor (or a legit dealer who might cut a
sweetheart deal) to resell to friends and clients - totally unknown to Atari

Case in point. One of the contributors to the AEO Programming Journal is
_very_ interested in the Falcon030. So much so, that he has drummed up about
12 "sales" in his town on word of mouth. He asked for, and got, a Dealer
Agreement from Atari, decided that he couldn't afford some of the
stipulations in it (I'm not sure I can go into specifics; I'll ask), and
placed an order with a distributor. They started asking him questions, and,
curious, he went to me. I passed his question up the ladder, and last
Friday, I was asked to include the note in AEO.

I refuse to read anything deeper or sinister into this. In my opinion, it is
not a sign of trouble.

And to answer both of you, if Atari were to ask me to assist in loading
trucks, packing invoices - whatever! - to help get the machines out, I
would. (I am _not_ an employee of Atari, and so would not be required to do
anything like that, btw.) To me, being an Atarian means you help other
Atarians. In any way possible.

Atarians have always felt a special kinship with Atari Corp; a love/hate
relationship that manifests itself in many ways. Some moan and groan about
every perceived "wrong" Atari does/has done. Some stay clear of the politics
and offer solutions to other's problems. How many of us have ever said,
"Why, if _I_ ran Atari, I'd set things right." How many times have we said
something similar?!?

I've loved every Atari I've owned: Pong, VCS, 400, 1040, TT030. I hope I am
returning a bit of that by offering my services to put together AEO. Sorry
for rambling on, but I am a bit taken aback at this reaction. (I do not mean
to offend anyone by saying that - I do not mean to devalue any opinion.)

--Travis Guy
Atari Explorer Online

Ed Note:
Atari is a corporation in the business of MAKING MONEY, (Jack has said
this many times), it is not a cult, a vocation of orders or, anything else
it's represented erroneously to be from time to time. As such we the
purchasing public come to expect certain actions from Atari, like when they
say something is gonna ship... IT SHIPS! Over the years each new product's
release was a "unique" experience but this "FalconWait" thing tops them all.

The Moan and Groan statement... are you sure?? Could it possibly be
because some have a small fortune tied up in Atari, its hardware and its,
now quite bleak, future? Let's get real here and look at the BIG picture
instead of pouring out self serving euphemisms. The bottom line is many
people, Dealers included, have a lifetime's work and/or savings tied up in
"things Atari", to be candid... those things are NOT portraying a very
bright future at this time.

52260 9-APR 08:00 General Information
RE: Falcon030 Dealer Agreement (Re: Msg 52250)
From: OCS To: AEO_MAG (NR)


> To me, being an Atarian means you help other Atarians. In any way
> possible.

Ahem, my car could use a wash...

> Atarians have always felt a special kinship with Atari Corp; a
> love/hate relationship that manifests itself in many ways. Some moan
> and groan about every perceived "wrong" Atari does/has done. Some
> stay clear of the politics and offer solutions to other's problems.

To be honest, I don't really care about Atari Corp. and its fate. I am
interested in buying great computers, and in 1985 it was Atari who seemed to
offer the best deal for my purposes. I have invested a lot of money in
hardware and software for this platform, and as a developer and author, I
have put a lot of time and effort in supporting this platform. So I have
certain interest in that this platform survives and prospers. IMHO, Atari
Corp. is not really doing its best to ensure that there will be a future for
this platform.

> I've loved every Atari I've owned: Pong, VCS, 400, 1040, TT030. I
> hope I am returning a bit of that by offering my services to put
> together AEO. Sorry for rambling on, but I am a bit taken aback at
> this reaction. (I do not mean to offend anyone by saying that - I do
> not mean to devalue any opinion.)

Wow, Pong! Wanna sell it?

Seriously, I was not attacking _you_, but I still find it rather uncommon
that Atari enlists potential customers to "educate" dealers. Like I said
before, if they don't buy directly from Atari, they buy from a distributor,
and so it shouldn't be a big problem for Atari to get in contact with them.


In closing, (finally), the point of the plea post is well taken but of
course, the method of its delivery and its perceived message rather than its
written message carried a great deal more weight. While it may seem unfair,
it's solely due to Atari's past performance. The lack of a professional
approach to the problem of getting Dealers to respond to a NEW ADA should
not have been brought to the users (read: Customers) at all. It should have
been completely handled within Atari and through their marketing channels at
a professional level as Oliver so adroitly illustrated.


> THE TWILIGHT PARALLEL? STR FOCUS! Can Lightening Strike twice?


by Ralph F. Mariano

It's March 2cnd, 1981 and as you slowly flip through a few pages of the
most recent edition of Barron's Magazine, you come across two intriguing
articles in this issue that cause you to suddenly recall this is April,
1993! But.... in reality, the articles give you the impression you are
reading about today's events in the business world with only a few of the
company and player names changed. The main player's name is, hauntingly,
the same. The names of the two articles that caught your eye and held your
attention are; "The Gilbert Connection" and "Survivor of the Storm". Both
articles written in 1981, are about stocks, bonds, finances, inter-company
money exchanges and investigations of alleged improprieties. The names of
Jack Tramiel, Manny Kapp, C. Powell Morgan, (architect of Atlantic
Acceptance Corp.), Frank Kaftel and Irving Gould leap from the pages jogging
your memory. The company names eerily read like a who's who in today's
international financial circles. Some of which include; Morgan Guaranty
Trust, First National City Bank (CitiBank), Ford Foundation, Princeton
University and the U.S. Steel pension fund, all of which had lent Atlantic
substantial sums of money who, in turn was heavily involved in Commodore
Corp. Immediately, the impression was; "This was going to be some very
interesting reading. It was indeed.

Excerpts from Barron's March 2, 1981

The Royal Canadian Investigations Commission Commented;

"On its most basic level, Atlantic Acceptance was a finance company.
Powell Morgan didn't really start building the firm until 1958, yet a
scant seven years later on the eve of its collapse it was doing over
$175 million of business annually through a network of 91 small loan
offices and 36 acceptance branches scattered throughout Canada. In
the end it wasn't the company's some $95 million of consumer loan and
sales finance accounts that did it in. The real culprit was a third
category of receivables - some $55 million in industrial loans. These
had been funneled largely through a trio of Atlantic subsidiaries into
precariously financed and even fraudulent companies in which Morgan
and often Tramiel, among others, had hidden interests. The
transactions, so the Royal Investigating Commission said, "and the
means taken to conceal them were complicated and executed with all the
ingenuity that experienced accountants could employ."

"Atlantic Acceptance's failure had its origins in fraud and
concealment" ..."is rife with matter of fact accounts of stock
manipulation, fraud and criminally creative accounting persued for the
enrichment of Morgan and his colleagues, in enterprises ranging from
Commodore to the Lucayan Beach Hotel and Casino In the Bahamas."

"The Lucayan Beach Hotel is in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. When
the roof fell in, Morgan died of leukemia before he could be
thoroughly questioned by Canadian Authorities. This was exceedingly
convenient for his associates, Tramiel included, whose own testimony
in the affair - offered under grants of immunity - was replete with
assertions that it was Morgan's idea and I did as Morgan told.
Eventually, over $100 million was recovered for Atlantic Acceptance's
senior note holders, but other creditors lost at least $65 million and
possibly much more. There were bankruptcies galore and nine persons
were charged with various crimes, but not Morgan or Tramiel. The
latter managed to walk away from the disaster with the shell of
Commodore. Irving Gould, Canadian Stockbroker turned financier,
rescued Commodore from the wreckage of Canada's Equity Funding."

The full and complete articles, "The Gilbert Connection" and "Survivor
of the Storm" by Kathryne M. Welling are available on microfiche in most
larger, full service, public libraries. Look up Barron's for the week of
March 02, 1981. The financial entanglements are amazing! The articles
point out how its tendrils reach into Germany (Hugo Oppenheim Bank and Sohn
Naschf Berliner Privatbank) the Bahamas and back into North America, the
Conrac Corp. and a host of other corporations both Canadian and US.

This particular issue of Barron's contains a most enlightening and
equally revealing series of articles whose contents draw parallels which
appear to be, although unbelievably, similar to many of today's events. The
difference, of course, is both the player's and company names. Well, some
of them anyway. Do take the time to read Barron's dated March 02, 1981.
You won't be sorry at all that you did.


> NVN WANTS YOU! STR InfoFile Another Network Supports Atari!

National Videotext Network (NVN)

National Videotext Network (NVN) has recently added an Atari ST Forum
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> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"


Mel Stevens, Atari's man of a thousand jobs, seen at every Atari Show
worth it's salt, overseer of many of Atari promos and last, the best known
Atari fireman throughout the years, is gone. Mel also known for his sense
of humor, he made up the famous ZORRO card for Sig Hartman's retirement
party, was always a smiling face but quick to fix the wrongs often found in
the Atari community that may've hurt Atari's image. Perhaps, the
"happenings" of late which seem to be too much for any ten good people to
handle were a bit much. Shortly after hearing of Mel's departure there were
other rumors of more layoffs having occurred and further Falcon delays


I had a long (and fairly open) phone conversation with the head of the
press agency that represents Atari in Germany, and got a lot of interesting
information that I will incorporate in my CeBIT report for Current Notes.
Don't miss the May 1993 edition!

Here are some teasers:

* 5000 Falcons shipped to Germany so far, 1800 of them sold.
* Atari laserwriter DISCONTINUED
* NO AtariMesse 1993 in Duesseldorf

Oliver Steinmeier


Gateway, a PC clone mailorder house advertised in most big computer
mags, mentioned in their newsletter that they were sorry they had been
having problems with customer service (answering the phone, returning
calls)etc.. To fix the problem, they had just hired ** 600 ** new
employees!! They now have over 2000 employees in their South Dakota USA
location, and were shipping ** 3000 ** clones PER DAY. Imagine their
shipping dock. Being mailorder, they ship most of these individually, not
in truckloads. A separate shipping order for each of 3000 machines, each



> A "Quotable Quote" "THAT.... has a very familiar ring to it.."


gathered by...



> DEALER CLASSIFIED LIST STR InfoFile * Dealer Listings *
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ---------------

P.O. Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida 32236-6672
Est. 1985

40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
Asheville, NC 28806
Orders Only
Authorized Atari Dealer

907 Mebourne
Hurst, TX 76053
Authorized Atari Dealer


1278 Alma Court
San Jose, CA. 95112
Authorized Atari Dealer


CompuSeller West
220-1/2 W. Main St.
St. Charles, IL., 60174
Ph. (708) 513-5220
Authorized Atari Dealer


(DEALERS; to be listed here, please drop us a line.)

STReport International Online Magazine
-* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-92 All Rights Reserved No.9.15
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors/staff of STReport International Online Magazine. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Reprints must,
without exception, include the name of the publication, date, issue number
and the author's name. STReport and/or portions therein may not be edited
in any way without prior written permission. STReport, at the time of
publication, is believed reasonably accurate. STReport, its staff and con-
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