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Silicon Times Report Issue 0834

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing

August 21, 1992 No.8.34

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST

Support BBS Network System
FNET 350 ~ Fido 112:35 ~ TNET 100:2/0
904-786-4176 USR/HST 24hrs - 7 days
1200 - 19.2bps V.32 - 42 bis 16.8 Dual Standard
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
FNET.. 18 ~ TNET 100:3/0: ///Turbo Board BBS Support...1-416-274-1225
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> 08/21/92 STR 834 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - PORTFOLIO NEWS
- CBM down $21.9m - MAC Performa - Hayes Intros Optima


The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
"Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to participate
in the Fido/TurboNet/Atari F-Net Mail Network. You may also call our BBS
direct at 904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information
relative to the Atari and other computers worldwide through the use of
excellent International Messaging Networks. SysOps, worldwide, are quite
welcome to join the STReport International Conferences. The Crossnet Code
is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is # 350. All BBS systems are welcome and
invited to actively participate. Support Atari Computers; Join Today!


to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!



In conjunction with the Graphics Forums, the AtariArts Forum is
participating in the GO GRAPHICS compendium on a quarterly basis. This
compendium catalogues the best GIF images from a multitude of CompuServe
Forums and is mailed to thousands of subscribers each quarter.

We're searching for new GIF images to include in this catalog! The
staff of the Atariarts Forum will be offering gifts of free access to
Atariarts/Ataripro Forums to the uploaders of the best images. Please
read message # 33672 in the Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS) for more


The recent Forbes article about Atari Corp. is now available in
lIBRARY 15 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS) as filename FORBES.ARC.
You've heard many people talking about it, now read it in full.

ICD has uploaded the press release for their new "Link" SCSI host
adaptor, now in LIBRARY 7 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN).


The user-based campaign to create a dedicated 8-bit magazine yields
real results! ATARI CLASSICS magazine is a go. See ACANN.TXT in LIB 7
[News & Reviews] of the Atari 8-Bit Forum (GO ATARI8) for the Official




> From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!"

This is the week... Atari Messe in Dusseldorf, Germany and the Falcon
being excitedly spoken of throughout the Atari worldwide community. Last
weekend was the Atari Fest in Hartford, Connecticut. There's two indepth
eyewitness reports of that show in this week's issue. Additionally,
there is a report about the tense dealer meeting held on friday of last

Also in this issue is a well written item about mathematics by Sol
Guber don't miss this or the files it relates to. Above all else please
enjoy the spoof of 'unknown' Lynx games by Tim Holt. We will be carrying
full reports about Dusseldorf as soon as they are in from Europe. The
excitement over the Falcon is high over there as it is here. Hopefully we
are on the brink of witnessing the new Atari ...we shall see.

Thanks again for all your great support,

Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine




Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Roger D. Stevens Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Lloyd E. Pulley Sr. Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert John Deegan
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Ben Hamilton Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia
Clemens Chin

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0
GEnie......................... ST-REPORT


"There is no comparison! The Atari Falcon
is far superior to the PC platform."Sam Tramiel, 08/92


Issue #34

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

-- Commodore Posts $21.9 Million 4th Quarter Loss

Commodore International Ltd. has reported a fourth quarter net loss of
$21.9 million, or 66 cents per share, compared with earnings of $3.3
million, or 10 cents per share, a year ago. Sales fell to $140.7 million
from $216.5 million. For the fiscal year Commodore saw earnings drop to
$27.6 million, or 82 cents per share, from $48.2 million, or $1.45 per
share. Sales declined to $911 million from $1.05 billion.

Commodore cites a soft market for its C64 computer in Eastern Europe and
the discontinuation of an inexpensive computer line for these losses.

-- Hayes Introduces new Smartmodem OPTIMA 144 Data + Fax Modem

Hayes Microcomputer Products has announced Hayes OPTIMA 144 + FAX 144, a
data/fax modem that supports CCITT V.32bis and V.42bis for data through-
put of up to 57,600 bps and Group 3 fax standard V.17 for 14,400 bps.

Hayes OPTIMA 144 + FAX 144, available for a suggested retail price of
$519, comes bundled with free Smartcom FAX communications software and
Smartcom EZ data communications software.

-- Rumors of a New Mac

There are reports that a new product line, mainly designed for distribu-
tion in the mass market channels, will soon be introduced by Apple and
will be called the Performa. There will be three new models in the
Performa series, one being the Macintosh Classic II, one being the
Macintosh LC II and the third is reported to be a version of a new
Macintosh expected for business customers.

The reports say that the Performa won't have any expansion slots for the
addition of chip boards to add functions, and the high end Performa will
be minus the math coprocessor chip which will be available on the new
business Macintoshes to be introduced.

Prices are supposedly to be in the $700 and $1,800 range and Sears has
already agreed to carry the new computers.

-- Feds Propose New Benchmark Standard

The U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory this week has proposed a
single benchmark by which any computer -- PC or supercomputer -- can be
compared. Dubbed SLALOM (Scalable, Language- independent, Ames
Laboratory, One-minute measurement), the technique is said to have
strong support from such companies as Intel, IBM and Cray.

Originally developed in 1991, SLALOM is now being patented because of
its extraordinary ability to compare the computing equivalent of apples
and oranges. It readily benchmarks Macs and Crays while crediting each
with its own particular strengths. Existing benchmarks simply decide
which of two computers is "best."

-- Apple Powerbook Freezes Out Sharp

When a Sharp notebook, and its LCD display froze so that it couldn't
display anything at the Swiss event, an Apple Mac Powerbook computer and
an Australian skier helped pull a World Cup skiing event out of trouble.

Ian Pidgeon, an ex-Australian freestyle skiing champion, and developer
of ski scoring software was there, and was able to set up a scoring
system on his Powerbook in minutes allowing the event to continue. He
said his machine has given faultless performance in skiing conditions
for the past seven months in Europe and Canada.

-- Windows Ships Over 4 Million Units in 4 Months

Industry sources report that unit shipments of Microsoft Windows has ex-
ceeded one million per month in each of the last four months.

The Software Publishers Association says that Windows- based application
sales in the first quarter of 1992 were double those of the same quarter
a year ago, and the trend is continuing.

-- SPA Pushes To Make Piracy A Felony

The Software Publishers Association or SPA has come out in favor of a US
Senate bill which would make intentional software piracy a felony from
the current status of a misdemeanor.

Senate bill S-893, introduced by Orin Hatch, Republican Senator from
Utah, would only target big-time pirates, including: illegal bulletin
board operations, dealers who "sweeten" hardware purchases by loading up
computers with illegal copies of desirable software, and those who
specifically make copies to resell them at deep discounts on a regular

The Piracy Felony bill would cover illegal copying for "purposes of com-
mercial advantage or private financial gain" making it a crime punish-
able with a fine of up to a quarter million dollars and up to five years
for those making more than 50 copies in a single 180-day period.

The same $250,000 upper fine limit and a maximum prison term of two
years could be imposed for those "willfully" making and selling between
10 and 50 copies.


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'!


On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando

From the Atari Productivity forum.

David D. Hagood asks:

"Do you know of any 386 boards for the TT? While I LOATHE Macrosloth Dross
as a working environment, I am forced to use it at work. There are times
I'd like to be able to work at home (e.g. when I am both sick and behind
schedule)." Sometimes the simple answers are the best. Steven Gold
answers David:

"Vortext in Germany has a 386sx board for the VME slot."

David then asks:

"Tell me more! How much does it cost, how compatible is it with dross,
does it allow running a dross app within GEM, does it like MultiTOS &|

Well, okay, so maybe short answers aren't a end-all and do-all. Sometimes
you just have to ask more questions. Steve answers:

"How much does it cost?

If I remember the article it said that it costs 389Dm

>how compatible is it with dross?

dross? If you mean ms-dos it's fully compatible, after all it only
uses the Atari for I/O.

>does it allow running a dross app within GEM?

No idea, I think there is some software that allows hotkeying with
some of the emulators out there.

>does it like MultiTOS &| MiNT?

Since MultiTOS isn't available I have no way of knowing. Since I
don't own the board I can't check on MINT."

Even though Atari has big plans for machines in the near future, there is
a fairly common thought that runs through some St users' minds at certain
times. This thought is voiced by Boris Molodyi:

"So, GEM is still alive? What are this machines GEM works on (besides
PC)? Are they popular?

I really like GEM, and specifically Atari GEM, so I'd certainly like
to see it as good as it can be... Is it the best? ;-)"

Sysop Bob Retelle gives Boris a bit of background on GEM:

"Boris, the IBM PC is the only other computer I know of that can run

Also, the GEM that's available on the PC is a FAR different program
than what we have on the Atari.

Soon after the ST appeared on the market, Apple sued Digital Research,
saying the "look and feel" of GEM was too close to the way the
Macintosh appeared. Rather than fight Apple, DRI agreed to change GEM
to be less "Maclike". The resulting product was a pale shadow of its
former self..

One of the things Apple insisted upon was that the windows could not
overlap... so you have TWO windows, side by side.. period. You can't
resize them or move them.. If you've seen Norton Commander for the
PC, or DOSSHELL, you've essentially seen what GEM looks like now.

Fortunately for us, the version of GEM that Atari licensed from DRI
was not affected by the Apple suit, so we can still enjoy the BEST
version of GEM...! (Also, it appears that DRI might have been
premature in giving in to Apple.. other products like GeoWorks and
Windows have appeared which are VERY "Maclike" in appearance... but
that won't help GEM... too bad, because it was a great idea..)"

Meanwhile, back at the Sunnyvale computer ranch and stable, work
progresses on the FALCON, Atari's new, kick the competition in the butt,
computer. As with any computer project, questions and opinions abound.
Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine posts his wish:

"I still hope the future includes some slots for hardware developers
to add on. Atari should make a machine with the same number of slots
= the number of years they have owned Atari. Slots increase the
selling point of the machine since everyone usually wants a video
card, a networking card (ethernet), fax/modem card, and the list goes
on and on. Another good part is Atari doesn't have to do any work on
the hardware that goes into the slots since it is completely 3rd
party. More hardware add-ons = more software and then more machines
being sold."

Jeff at Intersect Software replies:

"Well.....the current machine, which "I" assume was to be the SPARROW,
or the scaled down version of the Falcon which was to be released
later, is perfect the way it is now.

The machine to be released later, now probably called the EAGLE
<grin>, or some such superior name....higher on the food
chain....should have slots as well as a faster clock and more powerful
MPU (68040). The powers that be get very nervous about our talking
about machines that haven't been released yet, they feel that it will
kill the sales of existing machines.

Atari really has a winner with the new "Falcon" or Sparrow,
>whichever< <grin>. I've heard that the TT might get a price reduction
to "put it in line with Clone pricing". I guess it wouldn't be
possible to design a VME 56001 card for the TT or as a add on to later
Falcon type computers for multiple 56001's because of the need for

Again the simple, concise message makes it's way into the conversation.
This time Albert Dayes says:

"We want slots! We want slots. I guess the FALCON has 1 slot
(processor direct)."

Sysop Bob Retelle asks Albert:

"Albert... not having seen the article and photos (or.. I don't
remember.. did Atari pull the photos..?) in Atari Advantage, I'm not
sure.. is the Falcon "slot" a true expansion board slot, or just a
processor expansion connector, a la the Mega..?"

Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine replies:

"No the only photos are of the outside of the case, side and the back
so one can see all the ports. Legal issues were involved for not
showing motherboard shots, etc.

I assume the processor direct slot is more than the Mega ST since I
assume it has all the pins of the 68030 available. Commodore Amiga
3000 has a similar processor direct slot also.

I noticed from reading STReport on the conferences that the video
seems to be quite capable considering the TT color resolutions (VGA)
... 640 * 480 * 65,000 colors. I don't think I have seen anything on
the PC with similar resolution and colors without paying $1500 and

Bob Retelle continues the discussion:

"What I'm wondering is about the physical arrangement of the "slot" in
the Falcon... the much touted "Mega slot" was really only a socket
on the motherboard and a removable panel on the back of the case...

Not a "slot" in the normally understood sense of the word..

The last prices I read about for True Color boards for the PC were in
the $800-$999 range, although a 16bit board that would give you 65K
colors should be a lot less than that.
I think I'd be satisfied for a while if my Atari system could match
the capabilities of my 8bit VGA PC now... but it would be great if it
was upgradable too..!"

Albert tells Bob:

The physical arrangement, from the Atari Advantage article from what I
recall it was a 50pin + 30 pin connector. I wonder if they said
anything more about how it was connected in Atari Explorer on-line
edition ... hmmm. I guess I can only speculate on your question Bob.

Considering a 16-bit by 65K colors is around $400 or so and by the
time you add up all the components on the PC not counting a DSP it
should be well above the $1500. Plus the addition of SCSI II port and
a few other things a PC configuration can be very expensive.

"but it would be great if it was upgradable too ..."

3rd party developers always seem to be able to things that even Atari
says is impossible. Writing to the cartridge port, running MAC
programs, displaying 512 colors at the same time, genlocking devices,

Since developers have had the FALCON for quite a few months this week
is and next is going to be very interesting to see what fruits will
appear first."

Bob Retelle adds a bit of nostalgia to the conversation:

"That's all true, Albert... Atari laughed at a certain developer
when he told them he had ideas for using Macintosh ROMs directly in an
ST to make it emulate a Mac, and we know where that went... So you're
right, I have no doubt we'll see lots of hardware bits that will stick
onto the Falcon in various ways... what I'd like to see though is
some kind of "standard" expansion facility so the accelerator board
doesn't get in the way of the memory expansion kludge, which is pushed
over out of the way of the disk drive upgrade stick-on, while the
keyboard adapter dangles outside the case on a wish and a prayer...
Of course, maybe it'll be so good the way it comes that no one will
even be tempted to add anything..."

John Barnes says:

"I wonder if we ever will get the real story on Atari's decision to go
with 1040-style packaging (which effectively precludes extra slots).
Do they really believe they can ignore the hacker market and go
after the "computer appliance" crowd?"

Bob Retelle replies to John:

"John, that's an interesting question...

I've recently known a number of people, both absolute novices and
relatively experienced, who've bought IBM style systems as complete
packages... "computer appliances"...

Many of them barely know which end of the power cord to stick in the
wall outlet.. most of them will NEVER open up the case of their pcs,
and in fact would be aghast at even the thought..

BUT... almost without exception, one of the things that helped sell
their systems was that it *COULD* be expanded...

I'd wager that most of these systems will never be expanded beyond the
"package" that was originally purchased.. but the possibility of that
expansion was a powerful selling point."

Jeff of Intersect Software adds:

"From the little I've been able to read between the lines, the new
computer, now officially being called the Falcon was to be a middle of
the line computer (probably supposed to be called Sparrow). Thus the
16 Mhz 68030 and no slots. I assume that the upper end of the Atari
line (don't know what it will be called now) WILL HAVE SLOTS and at
least 32 Mhz 68030 but probably a 68040. The PRICE is very right for
the Falcon.....The features are fantastic..... "I" have NO complaints
with the design or price of this computer. >>BUT<< I have
reservations about the marketing. "Marketing" includes support,
quantity produced and B/O times for orders, Advertising and software."

Well folks, I'm sorry, but it seems that I've taken up all of the room
I've got with talk about the FALCON 030. Maybe that shows just how
psyched-up people are about this new machine. With the big show going on
right now in Germany, we can expect much more news to hit the press soon.
So tune in next week to find out what they are saying when...




CompuServe Mail

Date: 20-Aug-92 15:16 EDT
From: Ron Luks [76703,254]
Subj: Comments and response


Ralph Mariano/Ron Kovacs:

I received a copy of a posting by John Nagy on GEnie where he
makes a number of misstatements and draws conclusions that are
simply not true. I'd appreciate it if you could post my comments
in your magazine.


Category 24, Topic 2
Message 14 Sun Aug 16, 1992

Z-NET at 16:07 EDT

John Nagy here.

DD: GEnie and CIS are not the press. If you doubt that they play the
support game by different rules, and that it is in fact the job of the
services to woo the corporations like Atari, reconsider just WHO it is
that pays for Atari ads to be on NBC, then consider just WHO it is
that pays Atari to be on GEnie. Atari gets a cut of the action here.
GEnie gets more action by making that action happen.

CIS has not done anything like GEnie or Delphi to make an attractive
atmosphere for Atari to participate in. CIS hasn't taken the
agressive role in innovative support ideas for years now. You don't
see a "CIS LAMP", you don't see -very- regular formal conferences, you
don't see much but a few nastygrams in the message bases. Some even
from the boss there, many, many, many from the sub-ops. I think you
get what you create. You attract like-minded people. CIS has become
Bashnia, a complaint that some have about STR as well. And like Tom
so adeptly said, Atari may indeed have decided that it can best use
its resources in places that seem to want it. I generally don't
frequent places where I am insulted and complained of eternally (this
CAT excepted? ;^} ). I bet you don't either. And Atari is doing the

A freind of mine's step-father spent years demeaning and abusing him
as he grew up. He no longer will have anything to do with said step
father. His mother is dead now, and the step father is ailing. The
step father really wants my freind to come over and help him, and my
freind really feels he should, but he han't been able to get in the
door before the insults start up again. He's finally done with it,
and the stepfather now contents himself with telling the rest of the
family how ingrateful and disrespectful his stepson is.
My freind does NOT try to tell his stepfather what to do. He does
NOT try to control the content of the phone calls his stepfather
makes to his family. He simply won't participate. Sure, he might
say something like, "If he were nice to be with, and if he would stop
trying to tell me what to do and how stupid I am for what I have done
- regardless of what portion of that might be true - I'd sure be
happier to spend more time there."

Why is this SOOOOOOOOO hard to generalize to what is going on with
Atari and the magazines and services, or shows for that matter? To
make matters worse, some people have chosen to make very personal
attacks on Bob Brodie. He's human, and prefers not to be abused. He
quite reasonably would prefer not to take an extended weekend away
from his family to travel for many hours by plane (Bob's not the
petite' type that air seats were designed for...) only to be abused,
harranged, blamed, insulted, and generally made into the target of
every frustration, real and imagined, that anyone every had concerning
Atari. And the simple fact is, some places that happens, and happens
with a vengence, and some places it simply doesn't. Guess which place
I'd choose to spend my limited time. Same as Bob does, in places
where they're glad to see me.

CIS has taken the smug position of "We're BIG, Atair needs us. We
can say or do anything because Atari needs us. They'll come to us.
Just wait. You'll see. We have more overseas nodes. Atari can't
afford to blow off Europe. They need us." Meanwhile, GEnie has
worked their tail off to create a productive, active place for Atari
and supporters to get what they need and want, in a very very big
way. And heck, Gordie at Delphi is one of the hardest working guys I
have met, trying admirably to get more going there. The CIS way has
been to rest on its laurels and expect Atari to do the work. What
has resulted can be called a "shunning" only by the most extreme

By the way, Bob Brodie works for Atari US, not Atari Corp. His
interest, by virtue of who pays his salery, is Atari USA (and now,
North America...). If the CIS European coverage is so good, it would
behoove the management there to court the European Atari people for
support and activity on CIS. If they did reach out for Atari, instead
of waiting for Atari to reach for them, they'd very likely find Atari
more interested when they DO interact.

A final note, I'm absolutely astonished to see Ralph imply that
someone else is trying to do that satanicly evil thing--control
content on FNET conferences. CONTROL was absolute in the old days of
king-node making, when sysops lived in fear of a phone call or
threatening message from node 350. If sysops let their users stray
from the topic or politic specified by the lead node of the STR
conference, there was hell to pay, lockouts to be suffered, routes to
be lost, connect expenses to be considered, ostricization to be
assured. These days, the practice seems less palatable to the peole
who pioneered them with an iron hand that makes Bob's efforts look
wimpy. How many dozen sysops do we need to call for tesimony here?
None. The pot has called the kettle black. Maybe both could use
some brillo.

This is all 100% via my observation and opinion, and is completely
available for reprinting in any magazine or publication where thinking
is encouraged. I'm refreshed at the new involvment Ralph has pledged
here, and the near-assurance of an open forum in this CAT.


Mr. Luks' reply;

I must take strong exception to the way Mr. Nagy characterizes the
activity and plans of the Atari Forums on CompuServe. John talks about
our messages bases as being nothing but "a few nastygrams." Nothing could
be further from the truth. The overwhelming number of the messages on our
system are quite supportive of Atari products and the people that use
them. John may not be aware of this since he has chosen, by his own
admission, NOT to use CompuServe. Strangely enough, he purports to talk
quite knowledgeably about what goes on there in spite of the fact that any
knowledge he has of our operations is second or third hand at best.

As for the Atari Forums not offering innovative proposals, he once
again speaks without direct knowledge of the many proposals offered by
CompuServe to Atari Corp over the recent years. One such proposal would
have offered the Atari user the lowest cost, widest ranging online access
proposal in the industry. It would have beaten all existing plans
currently in service.

Unfortunately the executive at Atari responsible for negotiating this
proposal is no longer with Atari and for various reasons the plan could
not be implemented without Atari's cooperation. A variation of this plan
is currently under consideration and I hope to have good news for the
Atari community in the months ahead. In fact, the Atari Forums have
offered innovative proposals to Atari Corp, some of which have been
accepted leading to Atari naming the Portfolio Forum as their official
online support network, the establishment of the largest online support
area for the Lynx, an ongoing support effort for registered Atari
developers for the ST/TT and Portfolio line, and a special testing area
for the upcoming MultiTOS operating system.

In addition, CompuServe has made "innovative proposals" to
Atari-related groups, like our IAAD 90-day trial program whereby any IAAD
member can request 90-days of free access to the Atari Forums on
CompuServe to check us out. Even if Mr. Nagy is not a member of the
IAAD, I'd be happy to extend this offer to him as a courtesy to actually
view our areas firsthand. I'm not at liberty to publicly discuss some of
the other business plans CompuServe has on the table, which would also
explain why Mr. Nagy is unaware of them. Nonetheless, they do exist.
As for the second contention, that all you will see on CompuServe are
"nastygrams," again I must take exception. The overwhelming percentage of
messages in the Atari Forums are positive in tone and supportive of the
equipment. That especially includes messages from the staff. My
assistant sysops have been selected for their knowledge and enthusiasm for
the Atari computer as well as their ability to relate to the membership.
I'm justifiably proud of their service to the atari community.

However, it has never been a requirement of the assistant sysops job
to give up their rights to free speech and, on occasion, both myself and
my staff have posted critical comments about Atari. We have always strove
to make them constructive rather than what is blindly labeled as 'Atari
bashing.' Some have called us unsupportive of Atari because we don't
censor these comments. In my view, we are even MORE supportive of Atari
because we DO allow these comments and criticisms. We care about the
company and its products and especially the end users. Anyone who would
claim that allowing only 'positive comments' is the correct way to go, is,
in my opinion, very short-sighted and bound to fail.

Mr. Nagy goes on to describe the attitude CompuServe has taken towards
Atari (and he is very, very wrong again here) and then suggests some steps
that we should follow to improve our position. In fact, CompuServe has
never been "out of touch" with Atari Corp and has constantly attempted to
increase our lines of communication and support with the company and its
employees. Many of our efforts have been successful and the members have
benefitted from this. Admittedly, there are still some major problems to
be overcome.

To be fair, additional support from Atari seems predicated on the
content of messages and news magazines. I have been told by the director
of communications that before we (CompuServe) see any more cooperation
from Atari (or at least from his department) that we would have to stop
any negative comments from the Atari Forum staff and that we would need to
drop any support of STReport.

I told him that while I would make every effort to make sure that only
constructive criticisms would be made by my staff, that I could not, in
good conscience, promise that they would be censored from making any
statements that could be interpreted as negative by the company.

As for STReport, I pointed out that STReport was an independent online
news magazine and that our policy towards STReport and Atari Explorer
Online and other similar magazines were to accept the uploads without
editing the content which was the sole responsibility of the publisher.
Furthermore, I didn't consider it reasonable or fair to expect CompuServe
to cancel the free account of STReport when the same magazine and
publisher was regularly uploaded to other services, including GEnie, using
complimentary accounts granted by those services.

On these issues we seem to be at an impasse, but contrary to Mr.
Nagy's assertions, we have not taken the position that we expect Atari to
come to CompuServe. We have actively pursued Atari to provide information
to its customers through our network. We intend to continue this pursuit
for the benefit of our users just as the staffs of GEnie and Delphi do for
their members.

We realize that Atari's resources are not unlimited, but we know that
we reach a significant number of Atari users, both in North America and
worldwide. In the months ahead, during the critical introduction of the
new Falcon, we have offered a large number of complimentary accounts and a
significant amount of system resources for Atari and its employees, in
addition to the amount of time and effort put forth by myself and my
staff. We intend to support the introduction of this computer to the best
of our abilities. Since our actions will benefit the company and help
them sell computers, we ask that the director of communications join us in
these efforts without imposing unreasonable or unfair conditions and focus
on the task at hand.

Ron Luks
Atari Forums on CompuServe



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> Atari Advertise NOW? STR FOCUS! Name Recognition is important too


by Gordon W. Meyer
Copyright 1992

Many in the Atari community have expressed an impassioned belief that
Atari needs to advertise more. They see advertising as some kind of
ultimate solution to all of Atari's woes. Well, that's a somewhat
unenlightened view of what advertising is about. The truth of the matter
is that advertising can kill a business as fast as it can save one. And
maybe faster.

Now, don't misunderstand. Advertising, properly done, is an absolute
must for business. Without it, potential buyers either don't know about
the products you have for sale or don't know that you even exist. But,
improperly done, the results can spell doom for the company. To
paraphrase an old Orson Wells commercial, you should advertise no product
before its time. Creating a demand for a product through advertising,
before the supply of that product is adequate to fill that demand, only
creates negative feelings about the product, and the company that sells
it. And that's not what the kind of results that Atari needs from its
advertising dollars.

Remember, too, that advertising is only a small part of the overall
marketing of a business. It shouldn't be viewed as something separate
from the entire scheme of things. And, advertising itself is not a
single-purpose endeavor. You don't just use it to sell a product. While
'product' advertising is the most common use, advertising can be, and is,
done for a wide variety of purposes. Name recognition, building good will
in the community and 'event' advertising are all different reasons a
company might advertise.

But perhaps the most important purpose of advertising is to gain "top
of mind awareness." That means establishing yourself well enough in the
mind of the buying public that when they think of the categories of
products you sell, they think of you first. For example, when most people
think of fast food chicken restaurants, they think of Kentucky Fried
Chicken. KFC has worked long and hard, and spent lots of money, to gain
"top of mind awareness" in the majority of consumers.

But, advertising is not the only way to gain "top of mind awareness"
with the public. And probably not even the best way. Nothing sells
better than a personal recommendation from someone you know and respect.
That's called "word of mouth" advertising, and you can't buy it for all
the money in the world. You have to do it the old fashioned way. You
have to earn it. That is probably the place Atari needs to first focus
their energies, if they intend to regain any of the market they've lost,
if for no other reason than it is the least expensive and the most

It's easy to sit in front of a monitor and spout lofty platitudes
about what a corporation half-way across the country should do. But
that's often done by some so-called leaders of the Atari community.
Rarely are any reasoned solutions presented. Oh, solutions are presented
all the time, but few have any real consideration of the reality of the
situation put into them.

Atari is not IBM. Atari is not Apple. Atari is not Nintendo. Atari
is a small company, with limited resources in both personnel and capital.
It cannot use the same kinds of tactics as its major competitors, or it
will fail horribly. So instead of trying to go head-to-head with them,
Atari should consider using what has been described as "guerilla"
marketing techniques. In fact, Atari has already been using "guerilla"
techniques in many of its marketing moves.

The recent Lynx display and give-aways at the Taste of Chicago
festival are excellent examples of what Atari needs to continue doing.
Likewise, the Atari computer game room at GENCON has been quite effective
in building name recognition. These are both relatively inexpensive ways
that Atari can develop both "top of mind awareness" and some positive
"word of mouth" advertising.

Continued placement of Atari brand products in movies and television
shows is another "guerilla" technique that should be pursued. Seeing a
'celebrity' using an Atari product enhances the perceived value of the
product to people who don't already know how good they really are.
Sponsorship of music concerts by artists who use Atari's in their music
production is another good way to get Atari's name in front of the public,
and build toward some "top of mind awareness" for Atari.

But the public is quick to lose that "top of mind awareness" and
positive "word of mouth" advertising can turn negative in a hurry if all
the good things end when the money changes hands. Service after the sale
is an absolute necessity if the gains are expected to be retained. And
that brings up an area that just might be the most important for Atari to
closely evaluate for changes.

Atari needs to improve its customer service policies. Getting the
initial sale is great. But without decent customer service, any positive
"word of mouth" advertising they might gain from a satisfied customer will
be lost if that customer becomes dissatisfied. It is that possibility of
dissatisfaction that needs to be guarded against. There are no 100% sure
ways to eliminate that possibility, but some changes to Atari's current
customer service set-up would vastly improve its capacity to maintain
customer satisfaction. Of course, no one can change things overnight, so
changes would need to be phased in over a one to two year period of time.
But, the time to start the improvements is now.

The first thing that should be considered is a company-wide customer
service training program of some kind. Every Atari employee who might
answer a phone, or otherwise be confronted with a question from a
customer, should be knowledgeable enough about the Atari product line to
be able to adequately deal with basic questions. And be able to refer
that customer to someone who can handle questions they are unable to
answer. Perhaps the next step might be the establishment of a toll-free
customer service telephone number, with sufficient staffing, to handle
basic problems. Those toll-free calls could be limited to a short period
of time each, with more involved problems getting referred to a
non-toll-free number. That would provide a means of getting help to
customers, yet still be inexpensive when compared to building a
wide-spread dealer network.

That doesn't mean a dealer network shouldn't be built, however. If
Atari is going to build on the foundation its "guerilla" marketing tactics
establish, they must provide solid, local support for their products. The
low end machines should be relatively easy to use, with little need for
outside support. But, the more complex a system is, the more important a
solid support program becomes. And the only way to provide that support,
at a reasonable cost, is through a dealer network of some kind. The
dealer network is another step along the path to success.

Once a dealer network is established, and there is sufficient coverage
of a given market area, Atari can then begin advertising in earnest, in
that market area. To build a demand for a product, without having a solid
underlying support structure, is foolish. Products will be sold, but the
resulting negative response to the lack of needed support will outweigh
any gains. A general rule of thumb is that for every negative experience,
the 'victim' will tell 9 other people. Positive experiences are only
related to 2 others. It is easy to see how important each positive
experience is in developing good "word of mouth" advertising. And how
important it is to limit the number of negative experiences.

Any gains that might be made with the introduction of Atari's new
computer products must be protected with an improved customer support
system. Those improvements can start to be made now, before the new
machines are market-ready. Then, when new products hit the market, there
will be a growing customer satisfaction response, that will in turn help
build the demand for Atari products. Which will in turn make it easier
for Atari to attract good dealers to its ranks. The name of the game is
profit, and Atari products can be as profitable for a dealer as any other.
But, the dealers need to see that there is a real commitment from Atari to
support its products and the dealers who sell them. Improving the
customer support system will do a lot to show that Atari's commitment is

Atari's path to success isn't going to be a stroll in the park. But,
with a little creativity, some well-reasoned decisions and a lot of hard
work, there's no reason Atari can't be a major success once again.

This article may be freely reprinted, so long as no changes are made.



August 1992

by Joe Mirando

This past weekend, ACT Atari (Affiliated Connecticut Groups) held the
Connecticut AtariFest at the Sheraton Hotel at Bradley International
Airport in Windsor Locks. The two day show was attended by approximately
five hundred people searching for hardware, software, and information on
the latest projects at Atari.

Although I have attended many computer shows, this is the first time
that I have had the privilege (?) of working at one. Although I have
always heard of how much work is involved in putting on a show such as
this, I never fully appreciated the sheer volume of the things that need
to be done.

The Show Before the Show

On friday, dealers were treated to a preview of the FALCON 030 and
given a run-down on its abilities. Dealers were disappointed to find out
that they would not be available in the U.S. in time for Christmas. Many
estimates placed actual shipments of FALCONS and no earlier than April of

The Exhibit Room

Vendors included Atari, Barefoot Software (formerly Hybrid Arts),
Maxwell CPU, Joppa, Gribnif software, Codehead Technologies, Atari
Interface Magazine, Toad Computers, and ICD.

ICD's new device driver, The LINK, made its first public appearance.
The link you to interface up to eight SCSI devices to a single ST series
computer. Aside from being able interface four times as many hard drives
to a computer, The LINK allows the use of CD-ROMs and other SCSI devices.
For all of The LINK's capability, it looks like nothing more than a cable
connector. Because of the space limitations, I can't mention all of the
terrific products I saw at the show. I mention The LINK only because it
made its first appearance at the show.

Inside of the exhibit room, was a "DTP Center". This area was
dedicated to producing a one page newsletter twice a day. PageStream was
used for the layout and printing of the originals. Copies were then made
using a plain-paper copier. An interesting side-note about the DTP
"kiosk" is that it was set up with two monitors running at the same time.
One was for the computer operator while the other was a big-screen
television type monitor that faced the crowd. Since the technical aspects
of running two monitors simultaneously proved to be more than could be
handled on short notice, we took a shortcut. a video camera was set up to
face the computer monitor and fed the signal to the big screen monitor.
The results, while not outstanding, were much better than anticipated and
attracted attention from quite a few "techies". All of them were
impressed until they found out how it was being done. They then walked
away looking like they had been cheated. All I can say is "Sorry, guys."

The seminar room, although small in size, played host to a full range
of seminars from Toad's David Troy to "Golf in Connecticut" author Brian
Harvey, to Rick Flashman of Gribnif Software, to B.J. Gleason, the
Portfolio programming machine, to CodeHead John Eidsvoog, Pagestream
seminars for beginners as well as advanced users, and of course, Bob
Brodie of Atari and our own STReport seminar.

In Bob Brodie's seminar, as well as the STReport seminar, the main
focus was on Atari's new machine, the FALCON 030. Users and developers
are ready and waiting for this machine to hit the streets with an
anticipation not felt since the ST line of computers was announced.

As a side note, I'd like to make the observation that over the years,
computer users in general, and Atari users in particular, have become much
more aware of the technology involved in their computers. The questions
asked in the seminars show that users are interested in all aspects of the
machine and its place in the market.

The Banquet

On Saturday evening a banquet was held in the hotel. The meal
featured soup, roast beef and desert with a cash bar. After dinner, John
Jainschigg and Peter Donoso, late of Atari Explorer, along with other band
members played into the wee small hours. The most memorable moment of the
evening for me will always be when we heard the dull rumble of activity at
the entrance of the banquet hall and saw a large group of people standing
there looking sheepish. They had attended a wedding in the hotel and were
drawn in to our hall by the band's music.

The people were invited to join us and they soon felt at home among
the "young folks" (I would estimate their average age as 65 with a range
of from 55 to 70). They sat down at any table that there was room at and
soon you could not tell who was with the computer show, and who was with
the wedding. Everybody was enjoying themselves.

It wasn't long before some of the women from this group of new
arrivals decided to make use of the dance floor. It is a sight that I
will see in my mind's eye for a long time to come: A handful of senior
citizens dancing to Santana's "Black Magic Woman".

After a while one of the women at our table decided to ask what the
party was for. When I replied that we were "with the computer show
downstairs", one of the women said "Oh, is that the Atari thing I saw
signs for downstairs"?

"Yes Ma'am," we replied. "That's the one".

"Oh," she said, " I thought they went out of business years ago. My
grandson had one of those. Y'know, the kind you put the little boxes in
and play the games on the TV"?

"No, Ma'am," I replied, "These are real computers".

"C'mon, Honey," said her husband, "You remember when he was talking
about those computers years ago? Atari was one of them. I don't remember
which one he got though".

Soon the table was abuzz with talk of computers and Atari. I was
amazed to find that they were interested in it at all, but they kept
asking questions. They were beginner's questions to be sure, but they
were questions none the less.

My least favorite part of the Banquet was that Bob Brodie did not
attend. Bob had made plans to go out for a seafood dinner. As He put it:
"I can get deli in California. When I'm in New England, I want lobster".

I understand Bob's taste for Lobster: it's my favorite also, BUT...

In closing, I'd like to thank everyone involved with the ACT '92 Fest.
Especially Brian Gockley and Doug Finch. Their efforts made this show a
success. Next year expect to see the Connecticut AtariFest held in April
or May to avoid conflict with, as Brian Gockley put it, "Just about every
Atari show on earth".

Report II



by Dana P. Jacobson

The recent show in Hartford was an enjoyable weekend of mingling with
Atari users of the Northeast and various developers and vendors from
various parts of the U.S. Over a dozen user groups were also on-hand in
the showroom with their demos, magazines, newsletters and Public Domain

This was the 2nd annual show in the Greater Hartford area. This year's
show was moved closer to Hartford to allow easy access to the show; the
airport terminal area was right there! Organizers Brian Gockley and Doug
Finch are to be commended for the positive changes made from last year's

There were a good number of developers and vendors at this show. What
I enjoyed was the number of developers/vendors who don't normally make
some of the other shows, mixed in with those whom we are accustomed to
seeing. Just to give you a few of my personal highlights of the show:

Brian Gockley and Doug Finch, the co-organizers of the show, were
terrific hosts. I had an opportunity to talk with both throughout the
show. They, and the support people from the various Connecticut user
groups, did a fantastic job of making sure that everyone was provided
whatever they needed for the show. Not only were Brian and Angela
(Gockley) running the A & D Software booth, but they acted as Information
Booth guides as well! I also want to extend my appreciation for the warm
support provided to me in my role as an STReport representative _and_
participating user group attendee (S.S.A.G.).

It was nice to be able to talk with Pattie & Bill Rayl from Atari
Interface Magazine again. Pattie and Bill were handing out the latest
issue of AIM as well as selling subscriptions. They were also selling
their AIM "cover" teeshirts. If you've ever seen AIM and some of the
unique covers, you'll know what I mean. I proudly walked away with the
May '91 cover shirt!! They were also selling some of their PD software.

Dana Byrd and Jeff Naideau of Barefoot Software were showing off
various Hybrid Arts products. Both were interesting to talk with and
their love of music and MIDI blended well with their products. No offense
toward Jeff, but with Dana behind the booth, it was no wonder that there
were always people surrounding their booth!!

Darek Mihocka, of Branch Always Software, was showing off the
GEMulator. I have read quite a few messages about the GEMulator, and seen
a portion of the video, but to see it running live was certainly an
opportunity worth talking about! Darek was running GEMulator on a 486
laptop and the ST programs that he tested while I was watching, ran
flawlessly! GEMulator runs all ST software except for some copy-protected
games (Dungeon Master _does_ work!). Programs like Pagestream 2.2 and
Calamus run with no problems! GEMulator supports any version of TOS, from
1.0 up

to 2.06. It will run using any of the three ST resolutions: high,
medium, and low. It will support the STe color palette of 4,096 colors.
You can have your own ST partition of hard drive use much the same as you
can format a Spectre partition on your ST's hard drive now. There's ST
mouse and printer support. It can run from Windows or DOS. With the
STacey discontinued, and the ST Book unlikely here in the U.S. anytime
soon, a GEMulator-stocked PC laptop is a great substitute for an Atari
user on the move! If my boss' threat to get me an IBM computer at work
comes about, I plan to attach GEMulator to it immediately!!

I was glad to see that John and Julie Eidsvoog of CodeHead
Technologies was there. Early on, it didn't look like CodeHead was going
to be there, but other plans fell through so they made it. Unlike other
shows I've attended with CodeHead present, lines weren't stacked up all
the way out the door at this show for upgrades! However, sales were quite
good, according to both John and Julie. I wanted to see Calligrapher
demo'ed before I decided which version to purchase; unfortunately, I was
never available whenever John was putting it through its paces. By the
time I decided to buy it without the demo, all of the Professional copies
were gone. I walked away with the Gold version and after seeing it
briefly once back home, I'm glad that I wasn't tempted to buy purely on
prices alone. Calligrapher Gold was a great purchase! Now all I have to
do is decide which additional font packages I want to add to it!

Kevin Champagne, a former Boston-area Atari dealer, was there
representing Computers a la Carte, a northeast Massachusetts computer
dealership. CAC was offering SyDOS 88's (Syquest 88-meg removable
cartridge drives) for terrific prices. They sold all but one by the end
of Saturday! They also were selling various hard drive mechanisms,
cables, Supra .v32 bis 9600 FAXmodems, the LINK, stereo speakers, and
various other products. According to Kevin, they did quite well at the
show. Look for them to appear at WAACE, if all goes as planned.

ICD was in attendance with their usual assortment of hardware and
software products. We were also able to see the newly-announced LINK.

Joppa Software drove all night to make the show. They had some great
deals on game software and magazines. Joppa was also selling their latest
version of STraightFAX! software, which turns your ST and modem into a FAX
machine. With my recent purchase of a Supra 9600 modem, I decided to pick
this gem up!! I'm looking forward to testing this stuff out soon!

MegaType Software was quite busy selling a variety of Pagestream and
Calamus font packages at _half_ price (I nabbed a couple!). I wish that I
had read through some of their literature earlier pertaining to their font
design and converter programs; I would have picked one or two of them up
also! These included Font Designer which is used to create fonts with a
host of added features, including Type 1 Converter which will convert Type
1 fonts for use with the ST. MegaType also offered FontVerter which will
convert fonts between Pagestream, Calamus, and Font Designer with just a
few mouse clicks! They also offered Bit Maker and MegaKern, two more
terrific-sounding font utilities. If you're a heavy user of Pagestream or
Calamus, you should check these products out the next chance you get.

Clay Walnum, of Taylor Ridge Books, was displaying his various
assortment of books, including C-Manship Complete and his latest book,
Assembly Language Workshop, Volume I. If you're a current or aspiring
programmer, these will offer you some great insights and help.

If you're an Atari Portfolio user, everything you could ever need was
available from BJ Gleason of Thin Air Labs.

Toad Computers was there with a little bit of _everything_!!

Wizztronics introduced a new product called the Cartridge Port
Expander. This is a great product which allows the user to install up to
four cartridge devices at once and select via accompanying software!! A
definite must for those who use more than one cartridge. These folks were
also showing and selling Stowaway Professional, a fantastic disk labeler
for pin-feed printer users. Unfortunately, there are no plans to upgrade
this program for laser printer use, sigh.

There were a number of seminars, classes, and demonstration projects
of interest. One of the projects was students putting together a show
newsletter. I dropped by the DTP area on occasion to see their progress
and it was quite good from what I saw. There were memory and speed upgrade
lessons for the do-it-yourself people; or if you managed to pre-arrange an
appointment, upgrades were done for you right at the show. There was also
a demonstration of data transfers using a Ham radio and computer!

The buffet-style banquet and post-banquet party was somewhat of a
disappointment. Don't get me wrong, it was enjoyable but not up to the
standards as the other aspects of the show. The $25.00 dinner price was a
little high, but that figure also included defraying the cost of the
all-Atari member band. Talking with organizers, the "cold-cut" dinner was
the least expensive option so they went with it. There were some great
highlights from the banquet and ensuing party, however. Darek Mihocka
showed us that saving dessert for last was an archaic dinner custom; he
managed to put away at least two pieces of that delicious cake _before_ he
started the main course! It had to do with something about an addiction
to chocolate... BTW, Darek, that small fork at the head of your
place-setting was for dessert! In all seriousness, however, just about
everyone "forced" themselves to a second (or third) slice!

The band was quite late getting started, waiting for John Jainschigg
to arrive. What a difference from the last time that I saw John J. in a
three-piece suit and carrying Atari Explorer. Here he was in jeans and
carrying a lead guitar! Peter Dinoso, John J. and the rest of the band
played a very mixed assortment of tunes. It was easy to tell that they
haven't been playing together long, but aside from that, they were
entertaining. The "Atari Ladies" - Angela Gockley, Dana Byrd, and Maura
Jainschigg kept everybody dancing for most of the night. Probably the
highlight of the evening was when a group of wedding guests "crashed" the
festivities! If you've ever been to a Jewish wedding, you know that the
40-65 year-old ladies had a grand time dancing among themselves. Their
only complaint: the band couldn't play "Hava Nagilah"!!

Other than the banquet fare, my only real complaint about the show was
the layout of the showroom. The room was not huge and some of the aisles
were quite narrow. Since there was no "pipe and drape", there was little
room behind each vendor table so vendors kept bumping into each other.
Unless you had multiple tables, there was little "storage" space except
for under your booth. I was also disappointed to learn that some of the
vendors and developers scheduled to attend, didn't. Some of this was due
to a lack of coherent communications (or none at all) between those who
were considering attending and the organizers. Some cancelled at the last
minute. It was too bad because they would have had a successful weekend.

Was it worth the 2-hour trip (or longer for others)? I'd say yes. All
of the vendors and developers that I talked to said that they did well
with sales, and that included high-price items. The showgoers came with
money to spend, and did so. The various user groups that I talked with
also stated that sales were great. The organizers were satisfied with the
results of the show although Brian Gockley vowed he didn't want to see
another microphone for a _long_ time; plenty of door prizes went out to
happy winners. Would I attend the next CT AtariFest? Absolutely!


> THE LINK STR InfoFile NEW! External SCSI host!



THE LINK provides a convenient way to connect an Atari ST computer to
standard external SCSI devices. This means that peripherals like external
SCSI hard drives, floptical drives, Magneto Optical Drives, and CD ROm
Drives, which were originally designed for the Apple MacIntosh, IBM PC,
Commodore Amiga, NeXT, Atari TT and Flacon computers can now be used with
any Atari ST model computer with a DMA port. This includes all models of
the Atari ST, STe, Stacy and STBOOK computers. Installation is simple.
Just plug and go. Since the majority of drives require no modifications,
THE LINK won't affect the drive manufacturer's warranty.

THE LINK, combined with ICD's famous software, provides the fastest
transfer rate possible on an Atari sT computer. ICD's Professional
Software Package which is included with THE LINK is now fully compatible
with the STBOOK, TT and Falcon computers supporting DMA, SCSI and IDE
devices. This package supports virtually every embedded SCSI hard drive
both fixed and removable media type and SCSI-2 compatible CD-Rom Drives.

THE LINK supports the full SCSI-2 command set including Group 0
through 7 commands. Multiple devices are supported and SCSI IDs 0
through 7 may be used. THE LINK will connect to any DMA (ACSI) port.

Highly sophisticated, state-of-the-art, VLSI circuitry has never
before been used to this level in an Atari host adapter. This circuitry,
combined with SMD packaging and unique case design, contribute to the
sleek look and compact size of just 63x76x19mm. THE LINK could actually
be mistaken for part of a computer cable.

Because THE LINK is an external host adapter, installation is
effortless and does not require any technical knowledge. Simply plug THE
LINK into the 50 pin centronics type SCSI port of the external drive and
then connect your DMA cable from the computer to the link. Parity must
also be disabled and the drive's SCSI ID should be set. Since THE LINK is
powered by the Termination power line of the target drive, no power supply
is needed.

A DMA Cable (DB19P to DB19P) is required and is available separately,
for connection to the Atari ST. Parity Generation and SCSI arbitration
are not supported.

THE LINK was designed, developed and manufactured in the USA by ICD, a
leader in SCSI connectivity.

THE LINK is a trademark of ICD, Incorporated. Other trademarks are
those of their respective holders.

ICD, Incorporated
1220 Rock St.
Rockford, IL 61101 USA

Telephone: (815) 968-2228
Facsimile: (815) 968-6888
Sales....: (815) 968-8550


> GADGETS BY SMALL STR Spotlight "Wondering where they are?"


From the Desk of Dave Small;

"For those of you who've been wondering "What happened to Gadgets by

Our ten year old son, Eric was hit by a car and _severely_ fractured
his right thigh bone (femur). I got to call "911". There were two
ambulances, a fire truck, police cars, lights flashing and neighbors
standing around gawking, just like on TV! Anyway, after his ambulance
ride, Eric ended up in the hospital for awhile, with all sorts of
traction devices with ropes, weights and pulleys through and into him.
Doctors simply call it traction; we felt it more resembled a medieval
torture device. And... we'll all remember "the elevator ride from hell"
for a _long_ time.

Anyway, things came to a _complete halt_ at Gadgets as we took turns
staying with Eric at the hospital. No one's Faxes were answered, the
phone wasn't answered; we even left a message on the machine about what
happened.. Gadgets is a _family_ business.

Despite the fact that kids heal fast, its taken Eric awhile to get
back to his old self. He had to have surgery to install a metal rod down
inside his thighbone, with three screws to hold the bone to the rod. Eric
says he's like the Terminator now, at least with _one_ of his legs!

When we finally got to take him home, there was the dreaded "physical
therapy" which happened every _fifteen minutes_, and was no fun at all.
Since his leg muscles were traumatized, Eric was also blessed with _severe
muscle spasms_ at many hours of the day and night; this also took away
from Gadgets time.

Anyway, now that we've mostly recovered from Eric's accident, we're
ready to get back to work answering the phone, opening the mail, shipping
products and all that _normal stuff_. (Well at least as normal as it gets
around Gadgets) Those of you who sent Faxes and called to inquire about
Eric are much appreciated; thank you! It really helped him to know that
people he didn't even know cared about his broken leg.

We still have things coming down the pipeline, like a new batch of
GCRs. We are starting to ship MegaTalks as fast as we can, and we are in
the middle of testing more Megatalks and the latest batch of SSTs, all of
which will be shipped as soon as they are ready. If you were supposed to
have heard from us and didn't or, we made an error somewhere, now.. you
know why. We're sorry for any problems; we'll get everybody taken care
of just as soon as we possibly can.
Thank you very much for your patience!

Dave, Sandy and Eric



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Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
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GEnie Announcements (FREE)

1. Share Hot Summer Nights with a friend.........................*BUDDY
2. Talk about "the best movie musical ever", SINGIN IN THE RAIN..SHOWBIZ
3. Software & CD-ROM on SALE: 20% off EVERYTHING at..............EADIRECT
4. SAVINGS on ELECTRONICS - Name Brands for LESS at..............ZBEST
5. Meet Superstar Cover Model GUY DAVIS on 8/24 in...............ROMANCE
6. INTERNET Gateway Developer in Conference, Tuesday 10pm........UNIX
7. Spend an evening with author and columnist STEVEN LEVY, in....GENIEUS
8. Fantasy author Katherine Kerr, Sunday at 8 EDT in the.........SFRT
9. WIN BIGTIME in the Moonlight Picnic Contest...................*FOOD
10. There's a MYSTERY in the Writers' RoundTable..................*WRITERS
11. Daily Quote Files Now Provide More Info.......................INVEST
12. WANTED: MORE UPLOADS for the U/L Contest in..................MAINFRAME
13. Is Elvis still alive..........................................FLAGSHIP
14. I was abducted by a UFO enthusiast on the...................PSRT
15. Great news for pro and amateur Apple programmers alike in.....A2PRO

Welcome to the Atari ST Roundtable

ST Roundtable Realtime Conference Special Events

(Wednesday) Featuring a NEW product announcement.

September 9th ATARI FALCON 030 RTC - PART II
(Wednesday) Atari's Bill Rehbock provides a post
Duesseldorf followup to the Sam Tramiel RTC.
Bill will provide more info on technical
specifications, Falcon applications,
pricing, and more.

All conferences begin at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Monday Realtime Conference
Stop in for Monday's Desktop Publishing Realtime Conferences. Hosted
by Lou Rocha with regular guests dealing with all aspects of DTP and
associated topics. All conferences begin at 10:00 p.m. EDT.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


> THE FLIP SIDE STR Feature "... a different view point..."


by Michael Lee

After a nice long vacation, I'm back! Things sure have changed a lot
since my last column, both in the ST community and in STReport. Due to
some of those changes, you'll be noticing some changes in my column.

Since we now have coverage of CIS, my column will now only contain posts
from the ST Roundtable on Genie. Also, due to my changed work schedule,
my column will now only appear every other week.

That said, it's time to get back to work.


From Michael Verderman of Double Click - Cat. 30, Topic 2, Message 153 -
from the ST Roundtable on GEnie...

Sorry for the long delay on posting, folx... I recently had all of my
computer equipment (and modems) zapped by a bad lightning storm and am
in the process of getting it all restored. This is why the BBS is
down, also. Currently, I'm using a friends computer and modem to check

Now, let me give you a brief 'scoop' on what is going on... I'm not
trying to make excuses, and I'm certainly not very pleased at the way
things have been occurring lately.

Briefly, at the beginning of the year, both my partners decided that
they wanted out of the Atari market, which left me holding the ball of
wax on everything. I found a new partner in San Diego, and we entered
into a preliminary agreement to test the 'waters' and see if the new
partnership would work out... I, personally, have a full-time job now
(have for the past year), which means my time has been reduced dras-
tically from what it was during the first part of lst year (yes, I
previously worked for DC full-time).

Anyway, as part of the new partnership, all work was going to be
handled out of SD. I have no manuals, originals, files, or anything in
Houston. However, my new partner seems to have many other interests,
and has not been tending to the necessary business. On Monday of this
week, I called up and left a message to the effect of: It's not
working, send _everything_ back to Houston. I've been unable to
contact my 'partner' for several weeks now, and don't even know if he
got the message on Monday.

So, I sincerely apologize for the lack of responsiveness of late. I
accept full responsibility, and hope to have DC back on track as soon
as I get the supplies and files back here... Let's just say this is a
lesson learned.

I hope to have good news for everyone ASAP.

In the meantime, again, please accept my apologies.


STOS information from John Dillenburg - From Cat 3, Topic 9, Msg. 89...

To people interested in STOS on a TT:

I just got a reply from Europress software about getting STOS to work
on a TT. Here's what they said:

Ref: your letter on STOS

- at present the STOS programmer Francois Lionet is on holiday but on
his return I'll fax him your letter and see what information he can

We are planning to upgrade STOS when we've finished AMOS Professional
so it may be that Francois knows what to do already.

For now, we'll keep your letter on hand and write to you again when we
have news of the update.

Comments from Rich Brown [GEnie Lamp ST Columnist] concerning the
Bubblejet BJ-10e vs. the Deskjet 500C - From Cat. 4, Topic 5, Msg. 16...

Having been lambasted in the HP Deskjet area due to my comments on the
Bubblejet, I thought I'd see what's what here.

I am a multi-printer owner and user, from 3,000 to 300 dpi PostScript
- to Deskjet 500C - to Bubblejet BJ-10e - to 24 pin Toshiba. I have
tremendous experience on these various systems, going through paper by
the case, rather than by the sheet, in my many and various projects
filling very busy 100-135 hour weeks.

Regarding price, I believe you can find the BJ-10ex for _under_ $300
in most areas, $279 being a price I remember from recent ads. That's
without the requisite sheet feeder.

Additionally, as an owner of the HP 500C and BJ-10e (the original
model) I can report that after more than 12,000+ miles of traveling
with the BJ, it still hands-down outperforms the HP, which never left
the desk, for black ink printing, absolutely every time and in every

Line weights on the BJ-10 vastly outperform the HP, especially in sub
1 point weights. It is very easy to see a difference between .1 and .2
points on the BJ, with the HP giving up at about .3 point, which is
itself a misnomer, as the Deskjet line weights are about twice as
heavy as the BJ in all weights under 1 point. Where the BJ prints a .1
point line, the DJ is lucky to do .5 or so.

Gray scale photos print with decisively more grays than the HP, this
being due to the added gray handling ability of the 360 dpi resolution
of the BJ. Additionally, photographs have to be lightened
significantly (40-50%) when going from the BJ to the HP. This I do in
PhotoShop on the Mac via the Spectre GCR. Photos also tend to have
better contrast on the BJ. Deskjet photos tend to look "muddy."

Large black areas print with far greater uniformity on the BJ than the
HP, as the HP's ink supply leaves a tell-tale mottling not unlike
dichroic fog within the photographic process. Additionally, the HP's
ink is not uniform in glossiness.

However, the single greatest difference between the BJ and the HP is
in the uniformity of the printed page through the life of the
cartridge. While the BJ tends to exhibit absolute uniformity from the
first to last drop of ink in the cartridge, the DJ cartridge tends to
clog easily and otherwise degrades in quality so significantly as to
warrant replacement long before the ink supply runs out. I have run
both machines dry, though, and can report a tremendous advantage in
the BJ's ink supply, which far outstrips the DJ cartridge in

Additionally, the DJ cries out for "corrective maintenance" very
regularly, while the BJ is a "set it and forget it" environment.

On my last trip to L.A., BJ in tow as luggage, I actually had to
replace pages in an otherwise PostScript laser printed document. The
BJ, running PageStream, was able to sufficiently match the laser
printed output as to _completely_ fool everyone who viewed even direct
"this is laser - that is Bubblejet" side by side comparisons.

To accomplish laser-grade results, you must use the right paper:

Strathmore Legacy Pen Plotter Paper Product Number 01-075 Premium
Quality, 24 pound, white 250 sheets, 8.5x11, about $8.95

Pricey, yes. Laser grade results? Yes. None of the capillary bleed or
other problems associated with virtually _all_ other papers.

BTW- Pen Plotter Paper does _not_ work _at all_ on the HP Deskjet.
Totally wrong (different) ink composition.

On the BJ, when the ink dries (more slowly here as it does _not_ soak
in), the printout will actually feel similar to a laser printed page,
where the ink (carbon) rests on the _surface_ of the page, giving a
'bas-relief' tactile effect.

Strathmore Legacy is a division of Hammermill Paper Company, which
also makes a popular long grain laser printer paper, which, by the
way, is comparatively awful on the BJ.

Sorry for the long post. I've just gotten tired of the narrow-minded
status quo over on the HP DJ category, and this was a nice venting.

Th-that's all for now...

--Richard Brown
GEnie Lamp ST Columnist
Read it! It's a free download!

Hard drive problems from Wendell Gragg - Cat. 4, Topic 10, Msgs 108-111

I recently received a hard drive (50 MB Seagate, ICD+ host, shoebox
case). I have had trouble ever since I got it, and have finally
concluded that it is probably my computer and not the drive.

It seems to be a thermal problem, as the drive has to be active for
about an hour before the problem shows up. It usually starts with
Write Fail msgs and then proceeds to msgs stating the data on one or
more partitions may be damaged (or drive not responding). If I run
ICD's Hdutil prg, I will get flaky bad sectors that do not show up in
the same place a second time.

A friend brought over his STE and I hooked it up for 2hours, with no
problem. I then took the case off of my 1040 and found the DMA chip. I
let the machine warm up until I started having definite failures,
blasted the chip with freeze mist, rebooted (warm) and didn't have
another problem for about 25-30 minutes.

My question is that since the DMA chip is socketed, could I have a
problem that just requires reseating the chip, or should I just go
ahead and replace it?

Answer from Tom at ICD...

Replace it. HArd drive errors are nasty and DMA chips are cheap
compared to the amount of time you may have to spend recovering your
hard drive...DMA chips also have a reputation as one of the more
likely chips to cause problems.

Suggestions from Joe Meehan...

I have two easy and cheap suggestions. First how about increasing the
cooling to the chip?

Second try another trick. Play with the cable locations and shielding
them. I know it does not sound like this is it (heat sensitive and all
that, but it is worth a try.

Another suggestion, from Bob Morrow...

I'd try replacing the power supply. Those suckers get hot. Best
Electronics has a better one than the stock p/s. It puts out more
power and less heat. I doubt replacing the chip would do much good-
after a while the new one might start to show the old symptoms.


Information from Jim Allen about Fast Tech's new TurboRam board - From
Cat. 4, Topic 11, Msg. 104 & 106...

...What is it?

TurboRam, a 2,4,6,8 Megabyte ram expansion that adds to the 4Megabytes
you already have. It is ST ram, but isn't completely compatible, as
some things can't be done from DMA sound, etc. It uses up to
16 standard 1MegX4 page mode ZIP packaged DRAMs. You add them in sets
of 4 chips, so you can start out with 2 and add till you reach 8
additional megabytes.

Installation is a simple plug in, but adding ram to the board requires
soldering the chips on. We can't use SIMMs due to height limitations
under shielding, etc. If SIMMs would fit I'd have used them.

The price will be $199 for 0K, and the chips are around $10 each now,
so 8Megabytes costs $160, or $359 total for an 8 Megabyte add-on...
giving you a total of 12 Megabytes of ST ram. Just what the doctor
ordered for folks using Calamus SL or looking forward to using

It's compatible with most software that doesn't have fits if there's
more than 4 Megs, and the T25 and Turbo030 boards all know about the
ram and there is a "back door" built in to design which allows faster
than normal accesses by an accelerator.
It will be demo'ed at the Dussledorf show next week. This is what I was
working on while waiting for the T25s and Tiny030 can
only watch so much TV ;-)

Since it'll be a few weeks till I have them I don't want to get folks
all whooped up about this, try and forget about it till September,
please. Sorry about the premature announcement.

...Yes, Pagestream and Calamus SL and even Calamus 1.09 like the ram,
most programs that have any need of more ram will be tickled pink. The
blitter and CPU have total access, other things have limited access.
It is "contiguous" in that it makes the ram go from 0 to $BFFFFF...12
Megabytes of ram.


Question from Joe Rice about the new Falcon - From Cat. 4, Topic 11,
Msgs 109-110

I saw that Sam Tramiel indicated that the Falcon couldn't be upgraded
to a 68040. I assume you know something he doesn't, right?

Answer from Jim Allen at Fast Tech...

Yep, the design of the Falcon doesn't have any built in "gotcha's"
that make using an 040 impossible...which IS the case with the ST(E)
design. Also, the OS has been "fleshed out" in many ways by Atari, so
that MultiTos knows what to do with each of the possible processors it
might end up running on.

I've done a study of what's required and it will be possible to put a
board in, although it may be in the $1,100 range. I've also scopped
out the Tiny030 for the Falcon, and will provide swap-grades for
Tiny030 owners in the future when they want to move to a Falcon.

I'll probably yank out a design I have for a Mac monitor compatible
high-res monochrome and slap that onto the Falcon Tiny030. Since the
ram system is 32bit on the Falcon...not burst mode but 32bits
wide...the cache for it will be 32bit and I've got a really neat
design done. It should be a serious screamer...40 or 50Mhz 030, cache,
and 1152x870 19" mono video circuit.


Question from Warren Jessop about Pagestream 2.2 - Cat. 4, Topic 28,
Msgs 150-152...

Can anyone tell me whether Pagestream 2.2 will take advantage of the
16 colors in high resolution? Am I barking up the wrong tree, or will
I be able to design my brochures with 16 colors at 640 x 400 pixels?
Answer from Ringo at Lexicor...

I don't have a AlberTT but I do have a TT and PageStream 2.2 and it
works great with the 640 X 480 resolution with 16 colors. Importing
color pictures only display in black and White but you can do color
separations or print them to color printers.

Answer from Jim Allen at Fast Tech...

...yes the ISAC/AlberTT cards give you 1024x768x16 colors and
Pagestream is a dream running on them. The folks at Softlogic usually
use an ISAC or AlberTT at shows in the demo machine.


Panasonic monitor question from Paul Griffith - Cat. 4, Topic 34, Msgs

Does anyone know if a Panasonic C1381 multisync monitor will work with
my Mega 4? I know that I will need a switchbox, can anyone recommend a
GOOD one, and how much it will cost? How good is the monochrome on
these things?

Specs are: 30Khz-37Khz Hor. sync. 50Hz-90Hz vert. sync.
1024x768 max res. .28 dot pitch

Answer from Ron at Atari Advantage...

The spec's you have show horizontal sync frequency does not go low
enough for ST color, you need 15.7 KHz:

Vertical Horizontal
SM124 Mono (hi res) 70 Hz 35.1 KHz
SC1224 Color 60 Hz 15.7 KHz

Answer from MYECK.WATERS....

The Panasonic C1381 will work on the STs Mono mode but not in the
color modes. Horizontal sync has to go down to 15.7Khz to work with
the color modes.


Great news from Anna Mason - Cat. 7, Topic 4, Msg. 168...

GREAT NEWS!! Just rec'd the Migraph newsletter a couple of days ago
and TouchUp 1.8 is ready for shipping. PLUS, they have PC Scanner
which will allow you to use your hand scanner with both your Atari and
PC!! It comes with the kit and PC version of TouchUp that is
compatible with the Atari version!!

Flash II info from John Trautschold [Missionware Software] - From Cat.
8, Topic 2, Msg. 60...'s been quiet here lately... :-) I hope that's good news!

Although the full maintenance update of Flash II is not yet quite
ready, is getting closer by the minute. DO scripting incompatibilities
are being fixed, as are many of the other problems you have reported
to us. Each beta received is looking better and better.

We are continuing to ship version 2.01, and interim update. If you
just purchased 2.0 and would like to update, the cost is only 75 cents
worth of stamps and your master disk. The 75 cents covers the return
postage to send the disk back to you.

There has been a bit of confusion over version 2.01 upgrades. This
version is NOT being sent automatically to all registered owners. It
doesn't fix all know problems, just a significant number of them.
That's why we're offering it on an "as requested" basis. Those of you
that really want it, can get it.

If you aren't sure what version you have, just load the program and
click on About Flash II menu item in the Desk menu. Or, look at the
label on your disk.

If you wish to update to 2.01, just send the 75 cents in stamps, along
with your 2.0 master disk to:

Missionware Software
354 N. Winston Drive
Palatine, IL 60067-4132

We'll turn it around within a day or two.

EVERYONE that is officially registered (by sending in the blue
registration card) will receive the full maintenance upgrade (probably
version 2.1) when it's ready, for free, without any action on your
part. Naturally, we'll post a notice here when that's ready to occur.

Thanks for your comments, patience, and help.


Formatting question from David Fisk...

Could someone please tell me what exactly is the difference between a
low level/high level format? How do you go about getting a low level
format on an Atari? (this was suggested for my dead ST 277 RLL)

Answer from Doug Wheeler at ICD...

The format function of the hard disk utilities available for the Atari
(ICDFMT, SUPRAFMT, HDX, etc.) perform a low-level format of the drive.
The partitioning function is the high-level format. The only exception
to this is with Quantum drives which can not be low- level formatted
through software.

Until next week.....




by Albert Silverman

From the Mac RT on GEnie


This is the sixth article in a series on "piracy"--with a reverse twist.
This series currently includes the following articles:

(1) Great Software Licensing Hoax (LEGAL RIGHTS PIRACY1)
(2) Software Copyright/License Quiz (LEGAL RIGHTS PIRACY2)
(3) Great School Copyright Robbery (LEGAL RIGHTS PIRACY3)
(4) San Diego County--Truth Squad (LEGAL RIGHTS PIRACY4)
(5) ADAPSO and SPA--Trade Pirates (LEGAL RIGHTS PIRACY5)
(6) Aldus--Snaring a Pirate Chief! (LEGAL RIGHTS PIRACY6)




The following definitions apply to the terms as they appear in this

"Aldus" means the Aldus Corporation.

"Software" means the computer program contained in this package, and all
updates to the computer program. The term also includes all copies of any
part of the computer program.

"Documentation" means the user's manual(s) and other printed materials
accompanying the Software.

"Product" means the Software and Documentation.

The Product is owned by Aldus or its suppliers and is protected by
United States and international copyright laws and international trade
provisions. You must treat the Product like any other copyrighted
material. This license and your right to use the Product terminate
automatically if you violate any part of this agreement. In the event of
termination, you must immediately destroy all copies of the Product or
return them to Aldus.

Aldus grants you a nonexclusive license to:

Use one copy of the Software on a single computer terminal connected
to a single computer.

Make one copy of the Software for archival purposes, or copy the
Software onto the hard disk of your computer and retain the original for
archival purposes. You may not copy the Documentation.

You may not:

Modify, translate, or merge the Software with another program, except
for your personal use on a single computer. Any modifications to the
Software are subject to this agreement.

Reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile, or make any attempt to
discover the source code of the Software.

Sublicense, rent, or lease any portion of the Product. You may, after
written notification to Aldus, transfer the entire Product on a permanent
basis to another person or entity, provided you retain no copies of the
Product and the recipient agrees to the terms of this agreement. If you
have received an update to the Software, any transfer must include the
update and all prior versions of the Software. If you want to operate the
Software on a network, please contact Aldus to request a Network License

If the Product contains both 3 1/2" and 5 1/4" disks, then you may use
only the disks appropriate for a single-user computer. You may not use
the other disks on another computer, or loan, rent, lease, or transfer
them to another user except as part of the permanent transfer (as provided
above) of the Product.

Aldus warrants the disks on which the Software is distributed to be
free from defects in materials and workmanship and that the Software will
perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation for a period of
90 days from your receipt of the Product. Any written or oral information
or advice given by Aldus dealers, distributors, agents, or employees will
in no way increase the scope of this warranty. If the Product fails to
comply with the warranty set forth above, Aldus' entire liability and your
exclusive remedy will be replacement of the disk or, at Aldus' option,
Aldus' reasonable effort to make the Product meet the warranty set forth
above. This limited warranty applies only if you return all copies of the
Product, along with a copy of your paid invoice, to an authorized Aldus
dealer within 90 days of the date you received the Product. If Aldus is
unable to make the Product conform to the above warranty, Aldus, at its
option, will refund all or a fair portion of the price you paid for this
package. Any replacement Software will be warranted for the remainder of
the original 90-day warranty period or for 30 days from the date you
received the replacement, whichever is longer. These remedies are not
available outside of the United States and Canada.


In no event shall Aldus or its suppliers be liable for any damages
whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits,
business interruption, loss of information, or other pecuniary loss)
arising out of the use of or inability to use this Aldus product, even if
Aldus has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some
states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for
consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to
you. The foregoing limitations of warranty and liability inure to the
benefit of Aldus' licensors having an interest in the package.

Aldus product support is only available to you (1) through Aldus'
Registered User Support Service and Extended Technical Support Service
(2) if you live in the United States or Canada. To receive these
services, you must follow the directions accompanying the registration
card in this package. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between you and Aldus and supersedes any prior agreement concerning the
contents of this pack age. It shall not be modified except by written
agreement dated subsequent to the date of this agreement signed by an
authorized Aldus representative. Aldus is not bound by any provision of
any purchase order, receipt, acceptance, confirmation, correspondence, or
otherwise, unless Aldus specifically agrees to the provision in writing.
This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Washington.

The Product is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or
disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions set forth in
subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at 48 CFR 252.227-7013, or in subdivision (c)(1) and (2)
of the Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights clause at 48 CFR
52.27-19, as applicable. The contractor/manufacturer is Aldus
Corporation, 411 First Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98104-2871.

Rev. 8/89 Printed in U.S.A


Well aware that Aldus is a current leader in the formulation of the
software industry's "licensing" strategy, I decided to expose Aldus'
legal-rights piracy by querying the company about the validity of its
so-called "License Agreement." To this end, a routine request was made
for the legal authority under which Aldus proposes to enforce its
"licensing" restrictions upon reverse engineering, disassembly and
decompilation of the software.

As you were made aware in the first article of this series (Software
License--Fact/Fiction?), the decision in Vault v. Quaid declared that
these specific restrictions within a licensing agreement are
UNENFORCEABLE. Since the Aldus License Agreement contains a clause which
forbids the software user from engaging in conduct which lies within the
exclusive province of the copyright law, the answer to this question was
eagerly awaited--and awaited--and awaited! The first letter of inquiry
was innocently sent to Aldus' Customer Service Department on January 13,
1992. It is presented below:

January 13, 1992

Customer Sales and Service
Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104


A question has arisen with regard to the ALDUS License Agreement,
revised in 8/89. There is the statement: "You may not reverse engineer,
disassemble, decompile, or make any attempt to discover the source code of
the Software." Please provide the legal authority under which these
restrictions upon my conduct after purchasing ALDUS software are
enforceable in a court of law. I assume that answering this request is a
routine matter on the part of your legal department. Therefore, I shall
expect to receive a very prompt reply to this request. Thank you.


Albert Silverman

After waiting for two weeks without a response, I sent a second letter
to the Customer Service Department on January 29, 1992. It is presented

January 29, 1992

Customer Sales and Service
Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104


On January 13, 1992, I sent to you a letter (a copy of which I am
enclosing) which asked for answers to some routine questions about your
Software License Agreement. I asked for a VERY PROMPT reply; yet I have
to date not received it. Please reply to these questions immediately.
Thank you.


Albert Silverman

After waiting two more weeks without receiving a response, the author
placed a telephone call to Aldus' Customer Service. What transpired in
that telephone call is explained below in the letter to Paul Brainerd,
Aldus' president, dated February 13, 1992.

February 13, 1992

Mr. Paul Brainerd
Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104

Dear Mr. Brainerd:

On January 13, 1992, I wrote a letter to your Customer Service
Department, requesting specific information about the ALDUS License
Agreement. A copy of this letter is enclosed. Having requested a very
prompt response to this letter and having received no answer, I wrote a
second letter dated January 29, 1992. A copy of this letter is also

Still having received no response, I called your Customer "Service"
(if that is what you wish to call it) Department on 2/12/92 to inquire
about the lack of response to my two letters. A young man answered the
phone and claimed that he could not trace my letters, since they were not
addressed to a specific person in the Customer Service Department! Does
this mean that you automatically throw such letters into the round file?

He asked me what my questions were about the License Agreement. When
I told him, he then took my telephone number, stating that he would "talk
to somebody about them." He then asked why I wanted this information! This
is high order arrogance, since anyone who is supposedly operating in
accordance with an agreement is entitled to understand EXACTLY what this
agreement is about. He stated that I might not get any answer to my
questions, and "that's that"!! When I asked for his name, he replied "it's
not important."

Well, Mr. Brainerd, notwithstanding the comments of Mr. X, that's
NOT that. I happen to believe that it IS important that your Customer
"Service" Department start living up to its name. Pronto. I also fail to
see you how your employees can hope to avoid the responsibility for their
actions by refusing to disclose their names. Perhaps his name will be
important to YOU. Do YOU see anything wrong with such behavior?

Please furnish me with PROMPT answers, in writing, to the two
questions which I have asked your company about its License Agreement. No
ifs, ands, or buts.


Albert Silverman

In response to this letter, a telephone call was received four days
later by someone who identified herself only as a "legal assistant." She
promised that Mr. Curt Blake, Aldus' General Counsel, would respond with
a letter which answered both the original question about reverse
engineering, etc., plus a second question (which was raised in the
telephone call) to the customer service department) about Aldus' attempt
to restrict the customer to the making of but one backup copy. Not
surprisingly, however, no such letter was received. Following up on this
continued silence, I wrote a second letter to Mr. Brainerd on February
27, 1992. It is presented below.

February 27, 1992

Mr. Paul Brainerd
Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104

Re: my letter dated February 13, 1992
Dear Mr. Brainerd:

In my letter dated February 13, 1992, I asked that you furnish me
PROMPTLY with the legal authority for the enforcement of two specific
clauses in your so-called "Software License Agreement." Two weeks later,
I have not yet received this reply, which I have been attempting to obtain
from your company since January 13, 1992. Six weeks is far more than
enough time to answer rudimentary questions about enforceability (I am NOT
referring to an interpretation of any law), which SHOULD be available at
the tip of your legal department's tongue.

Or is it? Your failure to provide me with these answers, mirrored by
the failure of your Customer "Service" Department to address my query
after two letters and a telephone call, strongly suggests that either (1)
your legal department does not KNOW the answers, or (2) they do not care
to answer, for obvious reasons. If (1), then it would seem that you
should consult the Software Publishers Association for the answers to
these questions, since it has apparently failed to explain to your legal
department the legal basis for the broad "licensing strategy" which it
adopted several years ago for industry-wide use. If (2), then ???

If you are so proud of this "license," with which you are attempting
to intimidate legally-ignorant software users, then you should certainly
be willing to answer basic questions about the enforceability of its
provisions. Certainly no party to a bona fide legal arrangement would
object to answering these questions. But if you are unwilling to do so,
then this so-called "agreement" is clearly fraudulent and it is time for
you immediately to withdraw it from use with your software.

You must realize, of course, that the very integrity of your company is at
stake in this matter. Need I remind you that the software USER is not the
only one who indulges in "piracy"?


Albert Silverman

One might think that this letter would stir Mr. Brainerd to come up
with a response. Not surprisingly, however, the stonewall of silence
continued. Hence a third letter was sent to Mr. Brainerd on March 5, in
which my questions were reworded in a manner which could not possibly be
misunderstood. It is presented below.

March 5, 1992

Mr. Paul Brainerd

Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104
Re: the Aldus "License Agreement"

Dear Mr. Brainerd:

Perhaps it is not clear what I have been requesting from you over the
past several weeks. Hopefully this correspondence will clear up any

The current Aldus "License Agreement" contains the following clauses:

(1) "Aldus grants you a nonexclusive license to:

Make one copy of the Software for archival purposes, or copy the
Software onto the hard disk of your computer and retain the original for
archival purposes."

(2)"You may not:

Reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile, or make any attempt to
discover the source code of the Software."

Please furnish me with the legal authority for enforcing these
particular restrictions upon the one who purchases an Aldus computer
program under this so-called "License Agreement. If your legal department
does not know the answer to this question, please say so. Alternatively,
if you do not believe that I am entitled to this information, please say
so. I expect your IMMEDIATE reply.


Albert Silverman

This third letter to Mr. Brainerd at long last evoked a response!
However, this response, dated March 11, 1992, did NOT come from Curt
Blake, as was promised. It is clear that Mr. Blake was hardly
enthusiastic about answering my questions. Instead, the response came
from a Ms. Leann Nester (Corporate Counsel). It is presented below.

March 11, 1992

Dear Mr. Silverman,

I don't have a copy of your letter of January 13, 1992 (inadvertently
not enclosed with your 1/29/92 letter), but I think I can derive the
substance of your questions from your subsequent letters, and from the
conversations you have had with Aldus employees in our Customer Service
and Legal departments.

Why can I only make one back-up disk?
The end-user license agreement you received with your product states
that you may only make one back-up disk. You agreed to this by means of
the "break-the-seal" licensing, wherein you agreed to the terms and
conditions of licensing when you broke open the disk pack. Most software
companies agree that only one back-up disk is necessary, and that further
copying often invites software piracy.

Why can't I disassemble the code?

Aldus owns the source code. Again, as an end-user, you agree to terms
and conditions of the licensing agreement when you break open the disk

Basically, by purchasing product and breaking the seal, you have
accepted the offer of a contract of license between you, the end- user,
and Aldus. The license states at the top that if you do not agree to the
terms and conditions of use, that you should not break the seal and should
instead return the product for a full refund.

Finally, I understand from your telephoned conversations with Aldus
employees that you have been using Superpaint software, but are not a
registered owner. I encourage you to send in your registration card, if
you purchased the product. If you are using illegitimate copies of
Superpaint, I encourage you to "legalize" them and purchase product of
your own. This will ensure that you receive documentation, information
regarding updates, and you are eligible for technical support.

If you have further general questions regarding software licensing
arrangements, I encourage you to contact legal counsel of your own, or to
visit your local law library.


Leann Nester
Corporate Counsel

cc: Paul Brainerd, President, Aldus Corporation


Bulls-eye! Here is a very rare written confirmation of the industry's
"licensing" strategy, stripped of any attempt to justify the restrictions
under the copyright law, which of course has the ultimate say in these
matters. Note that the legal authority for enforcing the two specified
clauses within the "agreement" was not even mentioned, despite the crystal
clear request in my third letter to the company president. Ms. Nester
patronizingly explains just what conduct Aldus "permits," instead of the
conduct which the software user is permitted under the copyright law! In
other words, her response explains Aldus' self-serving "revision" of the
copyright law, with which it hopes to intimidate the user, under the guise
of a phoney "license agreement." Nice try, Ms. Nester--or whoever.

Note also her statement that "you have been using Superpaint software,
but are not a registered owner"! Apparently she failed to take the simple
step of checking my registration of this program with Silicon Beach
Software, a subsidiary of the Aldus Corporation! This interesting
pronouncement, implying my piracy of Aldus software, is a superbly fitting
statement from a company which is ITSELF dedicated to "pirating" the
software user's legal rights. There is an old saying: "It takes one to
know one."

Refusing to accept Ms. Nester's attempt to close out any further
efforts to obtain an answer to his question about enforcement authority, I
followed with yet another letter to Mr. Brainerd. It is given below.

March 17, 1992

Mr. Paul Brainerd
Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104

Re: the Aldus "License Agreement"

Dear Paul:

It is time to quit beating around the bush and start acting
Presidential. So ANSWER THE QUESTION. Send in your Big Gun, who KNOWS
the answer and can produce it in two seconds flat. Enough with his
lackeys--let's go right to the horse's mouth. Incidentally, Paul, why is
it that OTHER software companies all seem to know what "Legal Authority"
means, when your Mr. Blake (who is hiding out in a corner somewhere) does

'Fess up, Paul. The game is over.


Albert Silverman

This letter apparently did the trick. A few days later, I received a
telephone call from Curt Blake, Aldus' "Big Gun." The essence of this
conversation is contained in the letter which was then written to Mr.
Blake. It is given below.


March 26, 1992

Mr. Curt Blake
General Counsel
Aldus Corporation
411 First Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104
Dear Mr. Blake:

In the light of our telephone conversation yesterday, I should like to
summarize the essence of my views on the use of the common industry
sponsored contract of adhesion in the "licensing" of computer software. I
would hope that you (and your boss) will read it very carefully. First,
let me emphasize that it is not my purpose here to discuss any particular
"interpretation" of the software copyright laws. Rather, it is to discuss
the use of a so-called "license agreement" in an attempt to enforce upon
the user certain software handling restrictions which lie within the
exclusive province of the federal copyright laws.

As such, conduct which is regulated under the copyright law is OFF
LIMITS within a license agreement. This includes (but is not limited to)
the making and/or use of unauthorized copies, transfer of unauthorized
copies, modification, adaptation, reverse engineering, disassembly,
decompilation, use of the copyright notice, software RENTAL, etc. The
list is long. What does this mean, in practical terms? First of all, it
means that the software user CANNOT "agree" with Aldus to obey the
copyright law--a nonsensical contention. It also means, as a typical
example, that Aldus CANNOT grant the user a license to make ANY number of
backup copies-- another nonsensical wand-waving. Whatever the user may
seek to do, vis-a-vis the making of backup copies, is regulated under the
copyright law and has no place (not even a mention!) within a contract.

In point of fact, out of all of the various restrictions which are
imposed upon the software user in the Aldus "license agreement," there are
just THREE which are enforceable under state contract law authority.
These are:

(1) the requirement that any transfer include the update and all prior
versions of the software..

(2) the prohibition upon lending or leasing (but NOT rental, which is now
regulated under the copyright law) the software

(3) the prohibition upon the simultaneous use of software which may be
provided on dual media. The remaining restrictions are all
UNENFORCEABLE (i.e., by agreement) and are therefore merely taking up
valuable space. Sorry about that, Mr. Blake.

It is no secret that software publishers are unhappy with the
Congressional "balance-of-copyrights" spelled out in the software
copyright laws. Since he does not get every last thing that his heart
desires in this compromise, it is quite understandable that the publisher
should seek to evade the "objectionable" provisions of these laws by
"rewriting" the copyright law to his own liking, while incorporating the
rewritten law (which of course runs contrary to the intent of the
Congress) as restrictions within a so-called "license agreement." If the
legally-ignorant software user can be intimidated into obeying this
rewritten and self-interested version of the law, under the threat of some
vague and ill-defined penalties for "violation" of his/her agreement, the
publisher will have achieved his devious purpose. Were the publisher to
admit, however, that his "license agreement" indeed possesses no legal
authority to backup such restrictions, then the coercive effect of such
UNENFORCEABLE restrictions would be absent.

This being the case, it is quite understandable that you have refused
to name, in writing, the legal authority behind two specific licensing
restrictions which I have identified. Were you to admit that this


authority is the copyright law, it would be tantamount to admitting that
your "software license" is a FRAUD. On the other hand, were you to claim
that it is contract law which is the enforcement authority for these
restrictions, you would then have to explain exactly WHY you are STILL
using a "license agreement" which was declared to be invalid almost four
years ago in the federal appellate court in the case of Vault v. Quaid.
As you are well aware, this case was heard in Louisiana in order to test
the validity of Louisiana's Software License Enforcement Act (SLEA). The
decision was hardly to the industry's liking, although it is still
attempting to "discount" its impact NATIONWIDE, as confirmed by your
statements during our conversation.

Your lame excuse that the decision in that case has no proven
applicability in the federal district covering the state of Washington
lacks all credibility. The question of the enforceability of the Aldus
license agreement is identical with the model industry-sponsored "license
agreement" laughed out of court in Vault v. Quaid. And this despite the
fact that Washington has no comparable software license "validation" law,
as existed in Louisiana. The fact remains that the federal copyright law
preempts Washington state law in regulating the above-mentioned areas of
software user conduct--and that is that. Contrary to your statement about
"different circumstances" in that case, the nature of preemption of state
law by federal law is precisely the same in Washington state as it is in

Likewise, your feeble claim that you cannot provide the legal
authority for the enforcement of your license agreement in writing because
"the laws are constantly changing" lacks all credibility. Regardless of
the state of fluidity of the law, one has no viable option but to go with
the current state of affairs. Of prime importance, however, is the fact
that, despite the inevitability that the software copyright laws will
indeed undergo future change, the one thing which is destined to remain
constant is the preemption of state contract law by the federal copyright
law. Period. So don't give me any of that nonsense about legal
uncertainty as a cover for your refusal to put the unchanging enforcement
authority for your restrictions in writing. If I were engaged in the same
kind of devious and deceptive tactics used by your company (and indeed, by
the software industry as a whole), I would of course be unwilling to
acknowledge it with my signature. The way to avoid such embarrassment is
simply to abandon the use of such tactics. Small wonder, then, that it
has taken me some 2-1/2 months to receive any meaningful response (and I
don't mean that absurd letter from Leann Nester) to a routine enforcement

The time is long overdue for the software industry to clean up its
"antipiracy" act. You are riding a dead horse and you know it; its now
time to dismount. In other words, stop this nonsense and abandon the
shopworn and discredited unsigned "software license." That is, leave the
enforcement of user software handling conduct to the copyright law where
it belongs, and where it MUST reside when push comes to shove. While
being very quick to accuse the software user of software piracy, with or
without foundation, your company (indeed, as does the entire industry) has
no qualms whatsoever about making a very determined attempt to "pirate"
the legal rights of the ignorant software user by means of UNENFORCEABLE
clauses within a so-called "license agreement." Not only are such tactics
the height of arrogance, they are also HIGHLY UNETHICAL.

What can ETHICALLY be done to "educate" the user about software
piracy? Simple. Any explanation (interpretation, if you will) of the
copyright laws can be included on a SEPARATE sheet within the software
package, and identified for precisely that. While it is of course asking
too much for the software publisher to abandon his grossly distorted and
self interested "interpretation" of the copyright laws (such as the
ludicrous claim that only a single backup copy can be made, for example),
any interpretation must NOT (repeat: NOT) be camouflaged as a restriction
within a phoney "license agreement." Period.

The ETHICAL software company (any of these around?) will have no
objection to such an approach which is likely, in the long run, to have
the desired effect, assuming that the intent of the law is accurately
portrayed--a very big IF. On the other hand, the UNETHICAL company, of
which Aldus is currently a typical example, will continue in its attempts
to bamboozle the unwary software user with a phoney "license agreement,"
thrown out by the federal courts long ago. Is it any wonder that the
software industry is held in such low esteem by the computer-using masses,
even though they are generally unaware of the nature of the "pseudo-legal"
scam which is being perpetrated against them by the entire industry? If
anything is guaranteed to perpetuate the current state of legal ignorance
among software users, it is devious tactics such as these. So you have
only yourself to blame. Perhaps software users will remain abysmally
ignorant, forever and ever, of the laws which govern the handling of their
computer software. Perhaps not. We shall see.


Albert Silverman

cc: Paul Brainerd



You have now witnessed a classic encounter with an industry pirate
chief! It took FOUR letters to the company president in order to pry out
any meaningful response to a routine question about the enforcement
authority for Aldus' phoney "license agreement"!! Along the way, I was
accused of pirating Aldus' software, when Aldus had records on hand which
belied the accusation! When finally pinned to the mat after some 2-1/2
months, the Aldus General Counsel still refused to answer my question IN
WRITING. This is of course characteristic of one who has something to
hide. The first rule is: don't put your signature on it. In the wake of
this illuminating encounter, the worth of the Aldus License Agreement is

Read all about it in:
A Strategic Guide for the Computer Software User
by Albert Silverman

ISBN 0-9527435-1-8

330 pages in nominal 8-1/2"x11" format, softbound with an attractive

What is the purpose of this book? Replacing the legal Mumbo-Jumbo
with plain English, it provides an all-inclusive, detailed, and impartial
explanation of the computer software copyright laws, using past court
cases for clarification of obscure language in the written letter of the
law. Since there is NO commercially-generated distortion, it is likely
that you will find some surprises; i.e., which run contrary to the
industry's self-serving "interpretation" of the law. Thoroughly debunked
is the industry's attempt to pirate your legal rights by the use of a
phoney "licensing strategy." Included is a detailed and entertaining
analysis of several leading Software License Agreements. In summary, you
are provided with sufficient and accurate information (i.e., the legal
FACTS) to permit you to handle your computer software in the manner
intended by the U.S. Congress, while safely ignoring those industry
perversions of the law which seek to gain for it an unfair advantage--at
YOUR expense.

Exposed in great detail is the outrageous software industry piracy of
the legal rights of unsophisticated software users (directed by
unconcerned educational administrators) within the California public
schools. For the first time ever, this well-hidden scheme has been
unearthed (with supporting and incriminating documentation from my
extensive research into the inner educational sanctum) and is being made
public. Although this ongoing effort is particularly well-organized in
California, the premier "computer state," it blankets the entire nation,
leaving no educational level uncovered.

The disastrous result of this exceptionally cozy relationship between
the computer software industry and the California Department of Education
is explained. If you are at all concerned about the way in which this
illicit educational-commercial "partnership" affects the integrity of
computer education in your public schools and drains away your tax money
to line the software industry's pockets with unwarranted profits, this
book is essential reading.

What will NOT be found in this book? Since its sole purpose is to
ensure that you understand precisely what conduct is required for your
(simultaneous) compliance with federal copyright law and state licensing
law, there are no sermons about your "moral" or "ethical" obligations.
That is, it is only your hard and fast LEGAL obligations which are
addressed. The industry's "moral suasion" is most often an attempt to
get the software user to obey the law; i.e., it is a substitute for the
economically-unfeasible prosecution of small- scale violations of the
copyright law. On the other hand, there may also be a piratical attempt
to make an end-run around the law. That is, when there is NO ground for
legal action against the software user, the industry may seek to gain its
own way, either by shaming the user with claims of immoral and/or
unethical conduct or by the use of a phoney (and usually coercive)
"license." This book sorts it all out for you.

The price of $19.92 (check or money order) includes $4.50 for
handling, shipping by UPS, and sales tax if shipped to a California
address. A street address is required for shipping purposes.
Off-the-shelf delivery from:

P.O. Box 3322
La Mesa CA 91944


Any questions? If you want information about the subject matter of
this article, or if you want more information about my book, send me a
message by GE Mail. My GEnie mail address is A.SILVERMAN4. Or you may
write to me at the above address, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed
envelope if you would like a reply.


> MATH & COMPUTING! STR Spotlight "...all things are similar..."


by Sol Guber

I love mathematics because mathematics is fun! The field of
mathematics encompasses much more than addition and multiplication
tables, or proving geometric theorems, or even solving differential
equations. However, it takes a great deal of education and awareness to
achieve the level where you are doing something interesting, new,
delightful, innovative, and just playing with concepts. Subtraction and
division are not fun since this is only rote memory work. Exploring the
complex plane looking at objects that no one has even seen before is

Besides being fun, mathematics is exciting. We are living in another
great age of mathematical exploration, not because there are more
mathematicians performing esoteric math, but because common ordinary
people, like you and I have some of the tools that are necessary to
accomplish something innovative in math. This is similar to what occurred
in the 1600's when many new mathematical tools were invented, allowing new
concepts in mathematics to be discovered. Today, the two new accessible
concepts are fractals and chaos.

Chaos theory is a mathematical concept that has become one of the new
buzz words. A slightly counter-valent interpretation of a chaotic
equation is one that cannot be used to predict either the future or the
past from present information. This is a very bothersome quality for an
equation. Suppose that orbital mechanics equations were extremely
chaotic. If you knew that the Earth was 93,000,000 miles from the sun
today, then yesterday, it could have been only 85,000,000 miles and
tomorrow, it could be 120,000,000 miles with equal probability. You
cannot predict what will happen from first causes.

However the real world is full of chaotic systems. The stock market
might be one, since it is difficult to generate equations that will
predict its value correctly. If the market went up 20 points yesterday,
will it go up or down today, and how much of a change will be affected by
the 20 points. Weather is another chaotic system. The wind blew from the
northwest at 15 miles per hour at 3:30 PM. What will be the wind velocity
at midnight and from what direction? This is a very difficult problem to
solve correctly.

The other set of revolutionary concepts is that of fractals. This
might be considered the converse of chaos. A simplistic explanation of
the idea, it is that all things are similar except for their scale. If
you take a picture of a grain of sand under a microscope, it might look
the same as a picture of a mountain. There are a set of rules that tells
a tree how to place its branches to maximize its exposure to sunlight.
Little trees obey the same rules as big trees and should look the same.
Blow up a little branch and you will have a big branch.

The person that defined the fractal concept, Benoit Mandelbrot,
invented what is known as the Mandelbrot set. The characteristic shape
of the set is well known. However if you take a small piece at a border
area, and enlarge it many times, you will see another Mandelbrot set, just
like the one that you started out with.

Both of these new methods of looking at the world have been helped by
the advent of computers and graphics that allow equations and systems to
be displayed on the screen. Clifford Pickover has published several books
showing how these two concepts of fractals and chaos can be used to
produce interesting pictures. I have spent the last year programming some
of the concepts that Pickover and others have discovered. All of the
programs will run in ST and TT resolutions and will use a math coprocessor
chip if it is there. I hope that you will download these programs from
GENIE and play with them. None of them take any real knowledge of
mathematics to use, and for most of them, just put a number into a
dialogue box, and a picture will be generated.
The following is a description of the programs that I have produced.

This program is the quintessence fractal program. Three sets of
formulas have been found that will create ferns, triangles, and trees.
They are formed from a combination of rigid equations and random numbers.
Perturbations in the parameters will subtlety change the figures.

Now that I have gotten all of the complicated gobbledygook out of the
way, this is why this program is fun. Start it up and pick the fern
option. Let it run for several minutes and a very realistic fern will
appear on the screen. The formula for the fern is not drawing a fern, but
rather putting dots on the screen at random, that looks similar to a fern.

Now for the fun. Change a parameter. If you pick the correct
variable, then the stem will be a little bit longer and the leaves
slightly different. Change another value and now the angle of the leaves
are different. Change another value and now the spacing between the
leaves of the fern are different. Are all of these parameters valid? I
don't know. Since ferns have been around for many million years there is a
chance that the very fern that you have created has already been created
by Mother Nature, or perhaps not, and you have picked an equally valid
leaf and stem pattern for the coming Ice Age. See how easy creation is,
just a combination of fractals and random numbers?

This program is almost the opposite of the Fern program. It uses a
mathematical object called the Pascal Triangle whose numbers are
generated by a relatively simple formula. By choosing a number, you can
choose which Pascal triangle to be shown on the screen. The picture is
sort of fractalish since the small patterns form the large patterns and in
between the large patterns there are many small ones. However, it is not
a truly fractal picture because you cannot magnify any area.

The patterns for each integer are very distinctive and after some
practice, you can even tell the patterns apart. All of the integers will
work and give a sightly different pattern. Prime integers give simple
elegant patterns. Numbers that are the product of two primes, give a
combination of the patterns generated by the individual primes. Numbers
that are products of four or more primes, are also interesting showing the
relationships between individual Pascal triangles.

All this has been explored by others. What makes my program special
is that I do not believe only in integer values. There are quite a few
numbers between each of the integers and each of these will show a
pattern. While all mathematicians can tell a 5 Pascal triangle from a 7
Pascal triangle, very few can tell a 7/3 triangle from a 7/4 one. This
program allows you to explore many more of the possibilities. Looking at
the pictures will show some sort of patterns and none of the values that
you have picked will have had a Pascal Triangle generated before.

What is a million dot picture? I have used the formula that Clifford
Pickover present in his book "Computers and the Imagination", with several
slight modifications. He has called them "artistic chaotic
patterns..representing mathematical objects called attractors". This
means that when you change the numbers in the formulas, or change the
formulas you will generate a very much different picture.

This is the quintessence chaotic program. You select the parameters
and then a random dot is placed on the screen, which generates the next
random dot, which generates the next random dot, and so on. After a
number of dots are on the screen a picture may appear. Some of them look
like two dimensional scarves floating in an etherial four dimensional
space, some of them appear like faces appearing in the mist, and some of
them are just random dots that look like specks. But they all appear
slowly on the screen, being generated in a random pattern, depending on
the initial parameters. Many of them are quite attractive nevertheless.
However all of them are distinct depending on the values that you use for
the attractors.

This program might be considered deterministic chaotic. It uses
integer values, sine functions, and two variables that you choose. If is
almost impossible to predict how the pattern will materialize, but it has
a strangely repetitious pattern like wallpaper. The same numbers will
always give the same pattern, but since you cannot work backwards from a
pattern to calculate the variables, this is really a chaos program.

This is another deterministic chaotic program. It puts a dot on the
screen if a bit is set in a number calculated from the dot's x and y
position on the screen and a factor that you choose. The dots seem to
form a pattern like Moire patterns. Slightly different numbers give
different pictures, and even choosing another bit to be looked at,
generates a different picture. While these are not art, they are quite
interesting looking.

The next few programs introduce a different concept. In kindergarten
when you learned about numbers, the number line was introduced. It was a
line heading east with dots at constant intervals for the integers.
Several years later, you learned that there were numbers called negative
numbers to the west the zero. Several years later, you learned that in
between all of those numbers were other numbers called decimals.

If you are like most people, that was the last time that you thought
about the number line. Now you will learn the real truth! There really
is a number line, but there are numbers north of zero and numbers south of
zero. All of these numbers make up the complex plane. (There are also
numbers up and down of zero, but that might be explained in a much later

The complex plane combines imaginary numbers with the real numbers.
Imaginary numbers are based on the square root of minus one and are
represented by the letter "i". While in most mathematics, imaginary
numbers are not needed, the complex plane is very significant in
electrical engineering for alternating current calculations, so imaginary
numbers are really not that fantastic.

Newton discovered a method of determining the roots of an equation. It
uses a combination of the function and its first derivative. Halley
invented a more complicated method that also uses the second derivative of
the equation. This program does shows how many times you have to go
through the procedure before you reach the root. If it takes five tries,
it will be one color, six times another color and so on. The region that
is examined is in the complex plane with coordinates of -+ 5 to -+5i.

The colors that appear in the picture form a set of contour lines
with the roots being a nadir in the plane, using either the Newton or the
Halley method. The equation whose roots are being determined, is of the
form (x^m) x (x^n + 1). For example, when m=1 and n=2 then the roots of
the equation are 0,+i, and -i. As m and n vary, the roots will become
more complicated.

As you might expect, around each of the roots the colored contours
appear, not quite as circles, but as jagged ovals with various
protrusions. As the ovals approach the ovals from another root,
multicolored parabolic orbits appear. Along the orbits there are
periodic nodes of colors of various sizes, like the unopened blooms of
flowers. These blossoms allow you to explore the patterns further.

By pressing any key, you can choose the magnify option which will put
a dotted square on the screen. You can decrease the size of the square as
well as move it along the screen. When you press the RETURN key, the area
inside of the square will now occupy the complete screen. Depending on
what you have enlarged, another section of the pattern will appear, with
its own mysterious areas which can be expanded further.

This program combines a fractal concept with a chaotic system. There
is a vast difference in the patterns when the factors change slightly.
This becomes more evident when sections of the screen are magnified. It
has fractal properties since the magnification can go on for ever. Inside
of some nodes are a catseye pattern, which has a small node at one side,
which can be magnified to another catseye both the colors of the lines has
shifted. Magnify another area along a parabolic orbit, and who knows what
you will find.

This program is related to NEWTON. Rather than showing how fast the
roots converge, each point in the complex plane is used to determine which
root that point will converge to. The points that have the same root will
have the same color. While this sounds like a monotonous program, it is
not. Suppose we have the equation x^3+1=0. This will have three roots at
locations -1, .5+-SQRT(3)i. Rather than having the screen divided into
three colored regions, similar to a triangle, it is a little bit more
complicated. Along the edges where the colors come together, there are
small circles. Inside the circles are patterns like a Yin-Yang symbol,
but the colors are reversed, with some of the third root color being
present in the circle.

As with the Newton program, you can magnify any region. Look inside
of one of the circle, and you will find that it is made up of more
circles, and as you keep expanding an area, you will find that the
circles seem to go on endlessly, with the colors rotating as you keep

One of the beauties of this program is that you do not have to use
integers for these equations, and the non-integer values give even more
exotic pictures that can be expanded forever. There are also another set
of equations that can be used to further increase the infinite number of
possible patterns.

This program generates fractal type pictures. They are really very
fascinating to watch and it is unbelievable how complex these pictures
really are.

This program is similar to NEWTON, however it uses a different set of
equations. Chebyshev discovered a set of equations that were Orthoginal.
They are relatively easy to generate and have roots in the domain of +-
1.0. This gives very pretty pictures that are easy to generate.

Again, the contours around each of the roots is generated. Two
methods are used to determine the roots, either the Newton method of
convergence or the Halley method. They will both give the same results,
but the patterns are very much different with each of these methods. I
have programmed seven of the Chebyshev equations and you can select which
one you want. The area between the roots, where the contour lines smudge
into one another is where all of the fun exploration can occur.

The following is a list of these programs on GENIE with their numbers.
Download them and play with them. Even though the explanations are a bit
intimidating, using them is very easy. Sit a child on your lap, run one
of these programs, pick a number and start exploring a new world. Perhaps
you will learn to love mathematics too.



> GOODWILL? STR Spotlight "Winning Friends & Influencing People"


The following was translated from the "Application Systems News" of June
15th 1992. The material was distributed to customers of Application
Systems Heidelberg, a leading German software house with special links to
the Atari ST computer line. While the events described herein took place
quite a while ago, the eve of the Duesseldorf show seems like as good a
time as any to ruminate on a little history.

The relevant section follows:


The new computer from Atari was introduced to the press at CeBit in
quite an unusual fashion. From conversations with journalists we were
able to find out that this entire presentation occurred really strangely,
in that Leonard Tramiel (from the upper Atari-Clan USA) was perhaps more
concerned with shielding this prototype in its 1040-style case from
curious eyes than with informing anyone about it.

In the way of statements there were such informative items as "the
sound is outstanding" and "there is enough memory". We can well
comprehend that the news people did not find this especially funny in
their articles, and we hope that at, the next presentation takes place in
a more appropriate manner. Maybe one of the locals could show Leonard
Hannover while it is taking place...

Our encounter with Leonard Tramiel played itself out on a similarly
professional plane. After offering to adapt our programs to the
Falcon/030 as quickly as possible, we got a sort of reaction, from which
we obtained the impression that we might as well have been telling Bill
Gates that IBM had just taken over a majority of his firm. Actually we
had only asked, in a relatively diplomatic manner (as was only proper)
how me might best adapt Signum!3 for printing.

In a choleric outburst we were given to understand that the driving of
the printer port was none of our business, we should simply use the
Diablo-driver from Atari. Our argument, that experience showed that
printing by way of the operating system drivers takes 20 minutes instead
of 4 minutes on a 24-pin printer, was dismissed by saying that this was
proper and better for the user since the program could be integrated into
the environment more cleanly.

We are relatively accustomed to criticism, however, if a couple of
nice Atari people (thanks to Bill and Norman) had not taken us aside
following this conversation and taken some of the sharpness off the
unqualified remarks by the promise of the necessary documentation, we
might well have gone immediately to the Commodore booth and started with
the adaptations for the C64.

Nevertheless one should simply take another look at the Falcon/030 for
himself. If it appears in a timely manner and the price is right. The
specifications with respect to graphic resolution, speed, and sound look
very good. We will in any case try hard to have our software adapted to
the Falcon at the time of its market introduction.


> UNKNOWN TITLES! STR FOCUS! "Lynx titles that never made it"


(A look at several Atari Lynx
titles that never made it to your
store shelves.)

by Tim Holt
ACCEPT of El Paso

Sources close to this reporter have released details from deep within
the game development labs at Atari and Tengen Games, of several Atari
Lynx games that were planned for release but never made it to the shelves.
These sources would not reveal the reasons these games never were
released, but those close to the development of these games stated that
"the games were much too difficult for the average player." Upon further
investigation, it appears that all of these games were in fact shown, in
complete working form, to a secret group of LYNX developers at last
year's CES in Las Vegas. One developer, who asked not to be identified,
claimed that the games "were too confusing for normal humans." He went
on to say "Frankly, after playing these games, those of us in the room
could not see when they ever ended. They were games without end." He
went on to say that the graphics were "state of the art", and that the
sound "was really neat-o." It is now believed that all of these games
have been "put on the back burner", at the request of "higher ups".

In an effort to keep our readers informed, we have obtained
descriptions of several of the secret "Lynx Loners" as they have been
dubbed. Perhaps in time, these games will indeed be released, perhaps as
stand alone games, or perhaps as part of a package.

Here then, is a brief description of all known LYNX Loners:

Atari X-Country Grand Prix II:
Players can pick one of ten Grand Prix racing cars, choose engines,
tires, fuels, etc. The entire interstate highway system of the United
States with scenery is placed in this tiny credit-card sized game!
Players must drive the car they choose from New York City, cross country
and end up in Sunnyvale, California. What's the catch? Players must
drive only from cities with Atari dealers, to other cities with Atari
dealers on one tank of gas! Only cities with Atari dealers have gas
stations. Watch the good times roll as you drive aimlessly from city to
city, only to find out the last Atari dealer closed shop years before.
Listened to the digitized sound of the gas station attendant telling you
that Atari PLANS to open up a dealership in that city, but there isn't
one there yet! Sorry, no gas. Can you drive from New York to Sunnyvale?
Only the most dedicated drivers can!

Curse of Count Vaporware's Castle:
A Dungeons and Dragons type masterpiece. You and up to eight other
players are stranded on a dirt road, your car broken down. The only
light comes from that spooky castle up ahead. As the butler shows you
around, you become helplessly lost in Count Vaporware's Dungeon. Can you
ever get out? There is only one way: Collect all of Count Vaporware's
promises and use that spent energy against him. Each level has hundreds
of broken or delayed Atari promises, from the grotesque CEEDAR, the CD
ROM drive from HELL, to SATAN's Falcon, a lost bird who should have been
hatched years ago, all the promises and dreams of Atari users comes at
you at blinding speed. Finally, you must confront Count Vaporware
himself, and kill him using the Jewels of the Long Lost AD Campaign, so
cleverly hidden in the castle that not even the Count knows where they
are. State of the art graphics and sound! The truly FIRST 1 meg card
ever made for a hand-held system.

Inside Leonard's Brain:
Life And Death IV: The first true to life "reality" based game for
any hand held system. You are a neurosurgeon, and you must operate on
the brain of a corporate executive. So what? Well, you are shrunken
down to the size of a molecule, and are injected into the brain of your
patient. Fight off lymphocytes, and other body immune systems. Then, you
reach your destination: The Brain. And what a wonder it is. Learn why
the executive has a closed mind, and try to open it up. You must implant
positive ideas onto his crusty neurons. The more ideas that you imprint,
the higher your score. Watch the stock market (your score) go up or down,
depending on whether or not the executive can understand your simple
commands, such as "AD Campaign", or "Listen to Users". You have hundreds
of commands to imprint in your executive's brain, but only a few actually
make any sense to the nearly dead patient. If the patient dies, you must
make it back in time to start a new career, or you can choose to stay with
the carcass, as a demonstration of your loyalty. A real winner, but not
for the squeamish. (Not recommended for children.)

K.L.A.C.(Kill Logical Ad Campaigns):
Perhaps the greatest puzzle game of all time: Figure out the logic of
the Atari Advertising Campaigns! In the grand tradition of Tetris and
KLAX, you must get three stupid ad campaigns in a row to form a KLAC.
You may put them in any order at all, it doesn't matter. Spread the ad
campaigns out over such long periods of time that no one remembers them.
Put MIDI ads in Science magazines. Tell the public that you are a
computer company, then start a multimillion dollar ad campaign for a the
LYNX, a game machine! Rack up the score as more and more users buy cheap
MS DOS clones, and Macintoshes, because they think you are out of
business! Make struggling dealers pay for YOUR ads! Tell unsuspecting
gullible dealers that ATARI is the most recognized computer name in the
world.Move to Europe and forget the United States for years! Make up a
series of excuses, like "We don't have any hardware, so why advertise
it?", or "We can't get FCC approval on something that was designed and
built three years ago". The real challenge comes in getting the three ad
campaigns in a row, because unless you have super-duper batteries, you
will never see a series of three! Ad campaigns only come once every three
or four years! So be patient with this game. Turn it on, and let it run
for several years before a true Atari ad is seen! What fun! The
challenge is yours! True three-D graphics. Run in "TURBO MODE" and
watch the ad campaigns come once every two years!

Rumor has it that there are several other LYNX Loners in the hallowed
halls of Sunnyvale.Other titles that we are pretty sure exist, but were
unable to confirm were:

Collect all the shareware, pd, and commercial products that have been
produced for the Atari ST/TT computers that have "just like a MAC" in
their instructions or descriptions.

Create a world where Atari has a leader, a vision, and a eye on the
future instead of the bottom line. Ad campaigns, people that listen to
the user groups, and products that are delivered when promised, are all a
part of Utopia III. A true fantasy adventure.

Stock Market Crash:
Try to keep all Atari stock at $1.50 per share. Do everything within
your power to keep people from investing in your company. Buy, sell,
trade, cancel products, cancel R&D, lay off workers, sell warehouses,
anger the entire Israeli government, move headquarters, do it all! The
person with the lowest per share total at the end of one year wins!

All sources at Atari that we have contacted, including several
custodians and cafeteria workers, have denied the existence of these games
for the Lynx. Although one gardener did in fact say that he has heard
several Atari executives say "I wanna MAC without the mayo", which leads
us to believe these games are for real. Will we ever learn more about
them? Only timex will tell. :-)


> CHANGING TIMES STR FOCUS! The Reality of it all...


An Opinion

by Dana P. Jacobson

Various events in the past few weeks have led me to a 180 degree turn
with regard to the potential of the new Falcon 030 machine to turn Atari
around in the computer marketplace. It appears that Atari will do nothing
more than "business as usual" with this new machine. The attitudes of the
company and some of its key employees leads me to believe that Atari is
more of a "toy", or hobby, rather than a business. How can Atari manage
to survive without changing with the times? Can it be possible that the
Tramiels are stuck in a time warp and can't get out of the mid to late

Let's start with this year's annual stockholders report. It showed
some heavy losses. It showed a number of six-figure salaries and
six-figure outstanding loans. These losses apparently warranted some
cost-saving short-term (maybe long-term) plans. Atari Explorer magazine
has moved to Sunnyvale. The Lynx division has moved some of its operation
to Sunnyvale. Atari Canada is a sales office; apparently Atari Canada and
Atari U.S. have been unofficially consolidated into Atari North America.
Other Atari offices worldwide have been down-sized as well. Why all the
secrecy? It's going to come out sooner or later, so why not just announce
these decisions and the reasons behind them? The economy is tight these
days; the moves are financially wise. With the Falcon's pending release,
Atari needs to consolidate as much as possible to be able to market it
effectively. But will it?

The recent Forbes article reaffirmed _many_ of the same things that
STReport and Atari users worldwide have been stating for the past few
years. Forbes did not portray a pretty picture of things past. Forbes
did state that a change in business methods could turn things around for
Atari with the release of the Falcon. Atari users everywhere have made
the same claims. Atari cannot keep going under the premise that they will
continue to simply maintain the current userbase only. Let's face it,
that userbase is rapidly declining; Atari needs to mass produce and market
the Falcon to expand its userbase dramatically in order for it to succeed.
Word of mouth just ain't gonna cut it any longer. Who's going to buy the
Falcon if no one knows about it? And if they know about it, where are
they going to buy it? And if they find a place to buy it, where can they
get it repaired or upgraded? What about software? Will there be
developers for it? Will Atari be able to bring back former developers and
dealers into the fold? It's going to take a massive effort to convince
all concerned that this time is going to be different. No longer will
these people be suckered into believing that this will be the year without
proof! So far, I haven't seen or heard anything that will convince me
that those of us in North America will see anything drastic or positive
change the current status of our market, if there even is one any longer.

The recent Sam Tramiel conferences on GEnie and Delphi, while a
terrific public relations decision, did little to inform the North
American userbase. The Forbes article was pooh-poohed as "mish-mash, full
of half-truths" and a good laugh around the office"! Yet, an Atari
employee was _quoted_ as stating that the article was "frighteningly
accurate"! Sam Tramiel's attempt to ignore the article was a sham. Admit
your mistakes and attempt to correct your shortcomings, Sam. Mr. Tramiel
was also close-mouthed about marketing plans. We were told those plans
would be announced at the AtariMesse in Dusseldorf this week. Isn't
Dusseldorf in Germany? What do the North American plans have to do with
Europe? I'm not in Germany, or any other European country. Why wait for
Germany to announce plans; if the plans are made, make them known. These
two conferences were a perfect opportunity to do more than list the Falcon
specs and tell us it will run our current software. You had our attention
then; we aren't going to be with you in Germany! You could have hyped
this machine and provided those in attendance with some positive comments.
Instead, we're told to wait. What was the point of these conferences if
you weren't prepared to answer questions about your plans for North
America? Yet another blown opportunity for Atari to renew some faith in
the company.

The recent Hartford show was another display of lack of interest in
the North American market by Atari, _especially_ with the Falcon's debut
imminent. The Falcon _was_ shown to dealers and developers on Friday
night. From those with whom I talked to attending that showing (names
withheld to protect the innocent!), some were less than impressed. The
showing turned into a very heated and verbal display of dissatisfaction.
Even though it was announced that the Falcon will be released here in
October, it won't be released in any substantial numbers. What this boils
down to is yet another lackluster Christmas for dealers, developers, and
users. If things go as predicted, it will be a pretty good tax-return
season. Definition: quantities, maybe, by the Spring of '93. The Falcon
has been talked about for how long? Why can't they manage to be prepared
for the biggest buying season of the year? Bob Brodie must have felt like
a verbal punching bag at that Hartford showing of the Falcon!

Speaking of Bob Brodie at the Hartford show, what was his purpose for
being there other than showing the Falcon to a select few? He certainly
made himself scarce for most of the weekend. As director of
communications, you would have thought that he'd make himself available to
as many attendees as possible. The Atari booth was nothing more than a
spot to place a small smattering of leaflets and developer literature.
Ultimately, that space could have been put to better use, if nothing else
but to provide more breathing space. To Atari's credit, there were a
number of TTs and MegaSTes provided for use by developers and vendors,
along with the numerous Lynx machines. Bob was around for most of the
show on Saturday, and he did conduct a seminar that afternoon which
STReport editors, Joe Mirando and myself, attended.

Brodie's seminar provided little information other than a repeat of
the online conferences. Like the conferences, he wouldn't get into the
Falcon's marketing plans. Perhaps after his meeting the night before, Bob
was a little apprehensive because his attitude, at times, bordered on
arrogance toward some of the attendees' questions. Even though there was
at least one in the audience who may have deserved such treatment (no, Joe
and I were silent throughout the entire seminar!), as director of
communications, Bob was Atari's representative at the show and probably
should have maintained his composure better. The person to whom I'm
referring wasn't a heckler, but he was certainly insistent in asking his
questions. Although I can understand Bob's hesitance to look in the guy's
direction for a question, that's what Bob was there to do, answer
questions as best he could. It was unnecessary to maintain that arrogance
whenever this person asked a question.

After the showroom closed for the day at 6:00 pm, there was a small
gathering for showgoers upstairs for a cocktail hour. Most people
probably chose to take a short rest before the banquet started at 7:00,
understandably. I didn't expect to see many of the developers and vendors
at this gathering because it was a long day for them. What did surprise
me was that Bob and a number of developers chose _not_ to attend the
banquet and, instead, went out to eat elsewhere. Okay, I understand that
the meal was not what you'd expect or desire at a facility such as the
Sheraton. And, knowing Bob's penchant for seafood, he may have wanted to
avail himself of a seafood dinner elsewhere. But, he and his entourage
(whoever that may include) never even bothered to drop by when they
returned from dinner! This banquet was one of the show's events and the
proverbial guest of honor was not present. Why not? Everyone that was at
the banquet was asking why. Many wanted an opportunity to perhaps sit,
share a drink, and talk with Bob in a relaxed atmosphere! He may have
been a bit tired, but so was everyone else who attended. You have no idea
how many times I heard someone ask Brian Gockley or Doug Finch, "where's
Bob?", to which all they could do was shrug their shoulders and say "I
don't know." People were legitimately upset that Bob didn't feel that
this function warranted his presence, even for a little while!

On Sunday, Bob didn't even make it into the showroom until after noon
(the doors opened at 10). More people were disappointed that they
couldn't at least say hello. I was surprised to see Bob at the STReport
seminar, even if it were for only the last 10 minutes or so. When he sees
the video of the seminar, he'll know that we were nothing shy of positive
throughout our talk and question & answer period although we were asked a
few poignant questions. <<grin>>

I think that one of the things that bothered me the most about Bob's
attitude toward the whole show, and perhaps a few shows in general, was a
comment that he made during his seminar. First of all, it's my opinion
that Bob was not overly pleased to be at this show. His lack of interest
was obvious to more than just me. Secondly, with the release of the
Falcon imminent, it behooves Atari to be overly visible, especially at
these scheduled Atari shows, regardless of size. Now to the comment.
Without being asked about Atari's schedule of appearances for upcoming
shows, Bob remarked that he "didn't think Atari would be attending the
WAACE show this year." He was very careful that he didn't come out and
clearly state that Atari would not attend. He also claimed that the west
coast users were complaining that Atari was spending too much time on the
east coast and ignoring those on the west. Now, I can understand people
on the west coast wanting to have a piece of Atari's attention, or
specifically Bob Brodie. But, they haven't been ignored. There have been
Atari shows in the western half of the country already this year, and at
least the Glendale show soon to come. So, why the comment, and why now?
All of the preceding shows have been planned well in advance, including
Atari's participation. So, all of the sudden, Atari might not attend this
year's WAACE!! Bob, or whomever directed you to make that statement, how
stupid do you think people are? When are the games and politics going to

IF Atari were going to attend only certain shows to play up to this
notion that someone might be offended, then Atari should either attend
every show possible (a great idea in lieu of the Falcon coming out), or
determine, somehow, which shows will provide the most support for those
users who will be likely to attend. But, do it at the beginning of the
year, when most show dates have been at least tentatively announced; you
don't do it with less than two months to go! WAACE, as past experience
has shown, is _the_ premier show on the east coast. It is a highly
visible and well established show that warrants Atari's attention.
Similarly, the Glendale has established itself as _the_ show on the west
coast. Would Atari consider the possibility of not attending that show?
Of course not, and it shouldn't.

So let's stop playing games and politics, Bob and/or Atari, shall we?
Why don't you tell people that you're not satisfied with opinions
expressed by past WAACE show planners? Why don't you tell people you're
upset that you did not get an opportunity to sit on this year's planning
committee? Why don't you tell people that you're not happy that you
couldn't persuade the WAACE planners to disallow an STReport seminar with
Ralph Mariano? Why don't you tell people that since you couldn't control
what went on with the pending WAACE show, you've all but decided that
Atari will not attend, as a ..payback. Shall I go on?

The time for the games and politics are OVER. Atari is about to
embark on a new adventure which could determine its fate in today's
marketplace. You can ill-afford to split the userbase any more than has
been done already. It is time for you to begin the healing process and
focus all of your efforts to promote this new machine. We at STReport are
here and waiting to help support the Falcon with all that we can. We'll
also be here to report the failings, should that be your desired path. I
hope that you choose the most positive direction; the entire userbase,
worldwide, awaits you.


> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"


This past weekend, (08/14/92) in Hartford Connecticut, there was a
meeting prior to the actual AtariFest. It was for dealers only. In
attendance were the pride of Atari as far as top quality dealers were
concerned. When Ron Smith, the new marketing guru for Atari made it known
that this Christmas would also be a bleak affair product wise, the dealers
could stand no more. They let Smith and Brodie boisterously know, in no
uncertain terms, of their outrage and intentions for the future as far as
Atari was concerned. One dealer, who shall remain unnamed, claimed it was
"business as usual" with the old "hooray for us and the hell with you"
attitude in full blossom again. Our reporter, (in attendance), was
informed by at least four dealers that they were going to sell what was on
hand and then that would be it. One other dealer was overheard saying he
had been "had" for the last time by Atari's hype.

Another dealer said of the Falcon; "Its a 1040STe on STEROIDS!". He
embellished further; he would be "hard pressed to present this machine in
a serious environment... say alongside a TT030 and a MSTe." He did point
out; "though the machine has impressive specs, its appearance is the pits.
Serious computerists seek out units with a separate keyboard and expansion
slots. I don't see this machine making any inroads into the business or
commercial computing community."

The general opinion after the meeting's close was if Atari didn't get
these machines out and in quantity before the end of the year it was all
over. The same dealer said; "Of the twenty some odd full service dealers
around the USA, they'll all be gone before long if things don't change and
change fast."



> A "Quotable Quote" "Another typical Atari Dealer's Christmas!"

"Dealers were disappointed to find out that they
would not be available in the U.S. in time for
Christmas. Many estimates placed actual U.S.A.
shipments of FALCONS and no earlier than April of



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STReport International Online Magazine
[S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport
Available through more than 10,000 Private BBS systems WorldWide!
Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-92 All Rights Reserved No.8.34
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