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Silicon Times Report Issue 0807

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing

February 14, 1992 No.8.07

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST
1200 - 19.2bps V.32 - 42
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
FNET 0350 - STR S-East: The Bounty **<Home of STR>** 1-904-786-4176
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> 02/14/92: STReport #8.07 "Reporting ABOUT Atari not FOR Atari!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU REPORT - CODEHEAD CONF
- APPLE SUES MSOFT! - FLASH 2 CLOSE! - MegaPaint Review


The _Number One_ & Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine
"UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's support BBS, NODE 350, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the Fido/F-Net Mail Network. Or, call Node 350 direct at
904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information relative
to the Atari ST computer arena through an excellent International ST Mail
Network. All registered F-NET - Crossnet SysOps are welcome to join the
STReport Crossnet Conference. The Crossnet Conference Code is #34813, and
the "Lead Node" is # 350. All systems are welcome and invited to actively
participate. Support Atari Computers; Join Today!


to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


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You will receive your complimentary time
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Thanks to the programming expertise of our own Bill Aycock, the Atari
Forum staff are pleased to announce the availablity of our VENDOR
accessory datafile. Download file VENDOR.ARC from LIBRARY 6 of the Atari
Productivity Forum (GO ATARIPRO).

This package contains a desk accessory/program (just rename it
appropriately) VENDOR.ACC which accesses a standardized format datafile
named VENDOR.DAT. With this program you can have instant access to the
names, addresses, phone numbers, CompuServe User IDs, and some product
names for vendors that support/service the Atari computer community.

The Atari Forum staff pledges to update and expand the info in
VENDOR.DAT on a regular basis. The sysops have found this accessory to be
handy in our job of answering user queries and now we'd like to share it
with the rest of the Atari community.

A little Valentine's gift from the Atari Forum staff...
to our wonderful members.


In response to the increased sales of Atari's LYNX, the first handheld
8-bit videogame unit with a color LCD screen, multiplayer capabilities
and stereo sound, the staff of the Atari 8-Bit Forum has recruited the
services of two well - known LYNX gaming experts, Jeff Kovach and Todd

A new library devoted ONLY to LYNX files will include game maps in GIF
graphics format, help and hint files, and press releases detailing new
game introductions. Kovach and Ellering will be online daily to answer
LYNX questions and will host special conferences with playing tips. For
more information, GO ATARI8.


Atari has uploaded the latest version of their Hard Drive Utilities!
Look for ATHDX5.LZH in Library 4 ("Utilities") in the Atari Productivity
Forum (GO ATARIPRO) for version 5.0 of these utilities.


One week to the 24-hour online PORT-A-THON.....

Will we be giving out software prizes? Yes -- the latest releases!

You want to win a PC CARD DRIVE or 128k RAM card? Yes, we have those too!

You want to win CompuServe gift certificates? Of course!

But you must log on during the marathon to win! We have dozens of
hardware and software prizes and HUNDREDS of discount certificates to give
away to participants.

How difficult is it to win?? (Hint: Can you roll a pair of dice????)

The PORT-A-THON starts Friday, Feb 21 at 2pm EST and ends Saturday,
Feb 22nd at approx 2pm EST. BE THERE !!!





Issue #07

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

-- BBS Sysops in Kansas Near Agreement

A dispute between Southwestern Bell and operators of computer bulletin
board systems (BBS) in Kansas City concerning a new tariff plan that
forces BBSes to pay business rates could soon be settled.

The attorney representing the BBS sysops said the agreement in the works
calls for BBSes to be exempt from business rates if they meet certain
conditions. One is that the boards must be located in residences. Exem-
pted BBSes also must not charge for access, must not advertise and must
have fewer than five phone lines.

The last stumbling block in the agreement is coming up with a workable
definition for "BBS" for the tariff language.

-- Man Shoots Son's Computer

Charles R. Hubbard, a 44-year-old resident of Spokane, Washington has
been arrested for investigation of assault after he reportedly fired
seven shots into his son's personal computer. Hubbard was released
after posting $20,000 bail.

According to reports, Hubbard was irritated by the amount of time his
son spent using" the PC and "appeared to be upset because his son was
unemployed and all he did was mess with that -- quote -- 'stupid'

The assault charge was for allegedly pointing a .45-caliber semi-
automatic handgun at his son.

-- Apple Sues Microsoft for $4.3 Billion

Accusing Microsoft Corp. of infringing on its copyrights for the Apple
Macintosh user interface, Apple Computer Inc. says it believe it is en-
titled to $4.365 billion in damages from Microsoft.

Microsoft claims that none of its Windows programs infringes on Apple
copyrights, calling the damage amount "insupportable and speculative"
and is attempting to get a dismissal of the almost 4 year old infringe-
ment suit.

-- William Hewlett Elected to Inventors Hall of Fame

In recognition for his invention of the variable frequency oscillation
generator, William R. Hewlett, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard Co., was
elected this week into the National Inventors Hall of Fame and will take
his place alongside the likes of Thomas Edison, Guglielmo Marconi,
George Washington Carver and Gertrude Elion.

Hewlett's invention was the first practical method of generating high-
quality audio frequencies needed in communications, geophysics, medicine
and defense work. Eight of the machines were used to create the 1939
soundtrack of "Fantasia." Born in 1918, Hewlett is now director
emeritus for HP's board of directors.

-- National Semi-Processor Used In Fast Toshiba Laser Printer

National Semiconductor has announced that its NS32GX32 32-bit embedded
printer microprocessor has been incorporated into Toshiba's 300 dots-
per-inch, 17-page-per-minute laser printer which is geared toward the
corporate market.

National Semiconductor describes the GX32 processor as specifically
designed for computation-intensive applications and one that performs at
three to 10 million instructions-per-second (MIPS).

-- Wordperfect Expects 20% Revenue Jump

Wordperfect Corporation says it expects 1992 revenues to be up about 20%
over 1991 and its 1993 revenues to jump 40%. Much of this increase will
be due to the introduction of a new generation of its word processing
program, Wordperfect.

According to company president Pete Peterson, the introduction of WP for
Windows helped the '91 results. The company said that it had shipped
more than 600,000 copies of WP for Windows by the end of January. In
addition to WP for Windows, the company says it ships about 150,000 WP
DOS packages every month.

Some of the reasons accredited to Wordperfect's success is the ability
to move from one platform to another without having to buy all new
Wordperfect programs. A company upgrading their DOS machines to Windows
can upgrade for around $50 per upgraded machine rather than the $495
cost of a new Wordperfect package. This was possible because the user
already is licensed to use Wordperfect on the DOS-based machines.

Wordperfect also allows users to have a copy of Wordperfect loaded on
two machines simultaneously, such as one office and one home or laptop
machine, without having to buy two copies. The only stipulation is that
both copies are not being used simultaneously.

-- Apple Canada Cuts Mac Prices

Vowing to continuing an aggressive pricing strategy, while at the same
time admitting to being disappointed in the sales of the Macintosh
Classic II, Apple Canada has announced price cuts on three low-end
models, the Classic, Classic II and LC.

Apple's representatives cited company policy and would not comment on
rumors that two of the models might be nearing the end of their lives,
that Apple plans to discontinue all computers using the Motorola 68000
processor within the next couple of months.

-- Lotus Appoints Full-Time Copy Protection Chief

Claiming the first full-time appointment of its kind, Lotus Development
Europe has appointed Harry Mallinson a full-time director of copyright

Lotus figures that up to 50% of its users worldwide are using pirated
copies of the company's software. There are fourteen million users of
1-2-3 world-wide, accounting for lost revenues running into the billions
of dollars.

According to Mallinson, "As an industry, we were slow to see the long-
term damage to software developers of allowing copying to take place.
Copy protection on disks curbed piracy in the mid-1980s but customers
were unhappy with this and the protection was removed,".

"The problem is that nothing since has been so effective. That's why
we're now focusing on making users more aware of the law," he added.

Mallinson added, "There's little doubt in my mind that copyright
protection will become of *the* key issues for software developers this

-- Cray Computer Cuts Back

Development plans for a new supercomputer have been scaled back at Cray
Computer Corp. after the young firm lost its lone customer, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratories. The Colorado Springs, Colo., company
says it has started searching for a business partner.

Lawrence Livermore decided to discontinue its business ties with Cray
Computer after the company missed an important Dec. 9 demonstration
deadline for its Cray-3 system. The lab then decided to buy a similar
computer from Cray Computer's former parent and chief competitor, Cray
Research Inc.

-- Electronic Arts 2 For 1 Stock Split

Electronic Arts has announced its board of directors has approved a two
for one stock split of its common stock as of March 16, 1992. The com-
pany said that each shareholder of record will receive one share of
stock for each share held on March 16, to be distributed on April 6,

-- Zenith Cuts Prices 5-26%

Zenith Data Systems has announced prices of 5-26% on 18 of its PCs. The
cuts on two notebook computers, the MastersPort 386SL and MastersPort
386SLe, amounted to $1,050 and $1,000, respectively, reducing the
probable retail price to under $3,000.

-- AST Cuts Prices 18-31%

AST Research Inc. has cut prices on several models of its Premium II
486/33 and 486/33E computers by 18-31%.

-- Everex Cuts Prices up to 32%

Citing lower manufacturing costs, Everex Systems Inc. has announced im-
mediate price cuts of up to 32% on its STEP and Tempo 486DX PCs.



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Welcome to the ST Roundtable

** **
* * * * Happy Valentine's
* * * Day
* *
* *
* *
* *

Welcome ****** ******** ** ** **
To the ** ** ** ** **
GEnie ****** ** ST ** ** **
ATARI ** ** Roundtable ** ** **
****** ** ** ** **
*** ** ***
The Official Online Resource of Atari Corporation *** ** ***

Regular Open Conference every Wednesday night, 10PM EDT, 7PM PDT
DTP conference every Monday at 10PM eastern in room 3.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission



February 12, 1992

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>

On behalf of the Atari ST Roundtable, I welcome all of you to the
CodeHead Technologies RealTime Conference.

Before getting started, some business about how an RTC works.

While the RTC room is in Listen-Only mode, you can only address our
guest when I let you talk.

To get my attention, just /RAIse your hand. Just enter this from
your keyboard: /rai

I'll acknowledge your raised hand as soon as I can, but please be
patient. I -WILL- let you know when your turn is coming up.

Some other RTC commands are:
? - Lists all RTC commands.
/sta - Status (list) of everyone in
the RTC room.
/exi - Exit the RTC, but you remain
logged onto GEnie.
/bye - Log off of GEnie directly from
the RTC.
/rai - Raise your hand. Lets me know
you wish to address our guest.

And now, let's get started.

CodeHead Software has been around churning out great utilities and
system enhancements for the ST for quite some time and they've
developed quite a loyal following.

And justly so.

Lately, Charles Johnson and John Eidsvoog have been taking the newly
renamed CODEHEAD TECHNOLOGIES in added directions, which are are here
to talk about tonight.

So without further ado...

John and Charles, thank you very much for joining us this evening. Do
you have any opening remarks to make before I start taking questions
from the floor?

(You folks can start /RAIsing your hands now.)

Yes, I've got a file prepared...

I'm afraid that it may scroll by quite fast...

If you're ready, I'll let 'er fly.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Folks can use CONTROL-S to pause it and CONTROL-Q to resume.

Hello everyone and thanks for coming this evening. CodeHead Technologies,
formerly CodeHead Software, is proud to support the Atari community by
continuing to release new products.

Most of you know that we've provided a full line of utility software
including G+Plus, MultiDesk, HotWire, MaxiFile, CodeHead Utilities, LookIt
& PopIt, CodeKeys, and MIDIMAX.

Last August we began releasing a line of graphics products including Avant
Vector, Genus, MegaPaint, and the Cherry font collection.

Our latest aquisitions are Quick ST and the TOS Extension Card and we'll
soon be releasing MIDI Spy. The TOS Extension Card is a hardware device
that allows owners of older machines (520/1040ST and Mega ST) to upgrade
to the latest version of Atari TOS, complete with a new and greatly
enhanced desktop.

Anticipating a few of your questions, we'll offer the following

We are expecting to ship the first order of the TEC (TOS Extension Card)
next Tuesday, February 18th, barring any unforseen delays <grin>. The
standard TEC lists for $139 and requires the soldering of 22 wires to your
68000 CPU chip. There are two solderless options available for $155 each
if you have either a Mega ST bus connector or a socketed CPU (through the
installation of a hardware accelerator or PC emulator). All versions
include the TOS 2.06 ROMs.

We are also offering the TOS chips separately ($60) for STe owners, who
can upgrade their machines by simply plugging in the new chips.

The release of Quick ST is still a few weeks away, but we are in the final
stretch, having squashed dozens of bugs and completely revamped the user
interface. Suffice it to say that Quick ST 3.5 will be a true CodeHead
product, completely with the quality you've come to expect from us.

Owners of Quick ST or Turbo ST may upgrade to version 3.5 by sending us
your original disk and $20. The upgrade will include a new manual. The
list price for Quick ST 3.5 is $44.95.

MIDI Spy has been delayed almost two months from its original release
date. For this we are sorry, but we've had to attend to the more
important projects of readying the TEC and Quick ST. We thank you for
your patience.

Needless to say we are devoted to the Atari community. We are now open to
your questions.


<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Have you received any TOS 2.06 chip sets from Atari for the TEC boards

Or is that one of the possible unforeseen circumstances? :-)

Yes, we received our first shipment yesterday.

It is TOS 2.06, contrary to the rumors that Atari is holding off for TOS

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
Yep, we just got our first shipment of chips today.

Er, uh, yesterday. :)

All that remains for the release of the TEC is the completion of the

<[Brien King] B.KING8>
Hi John, I own a TT030 and would like to know if Quick ST will run in TT


<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
I'm checking it right now on my TT.....

<[Brien King] B.KING8>
Great Service! <grin>

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Quick ST definitely runs on the TT, but I don't recall running it in TT

<[Brien King] B.KING8>
If it does run do you think it would make it any faster?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
I don't see why it shouldn't. Yes, it should be at least marginally

<[Brien King] B.KING8>
Ok, will this release work with FSMGDOS?

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
Yes, Quick TT runs in fast RAM. No problems.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
Yes, it's also 100% compatible with FSM GDOS.

<[Brien King] B.KING8>
Ok, my disk and $20 will be on its way next month. Thanks.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
We have squashed virtually all known bugs and compatibility problems.

This seems to represent an optimism about the Atari market that I did not
detect last year about this time. Do you guys feel that things are tur-

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
<grin> Anything's possible.

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
I will say that Atari seems to be taking more interest in the US market
than I've seen for quite some time.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Maybe we have no choice, it's really hard to say. <grin>

The broader product base should make you, at least, more competitive. I
guess it's called "diversification".

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Or spreading oneself thin?

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
CodeHead is taking on products from overseas to market in the US. Why
have you decided to move in this direction?

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
<grin> That Japanese prime minister who said that Americans are "lazy"
hasn't seen what's going on at CodeHeadQuarters lately.

Jeff: one of the main reasons we started importing (and supporting)
European products is because the ones we've chosen are excellent pieces of
software, that deserve a market here in the US.

Also because we wanted (and needed) to branch out into more
"application"-type thingies, in order to stay in business.

<[Des Tang] D.TANG2>
I think it's time to upgrade my Codehead software. Can you post the
latest version numbers somewhere convenient , maybe cat 1 top

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
We have our own "versions" topic in Category 32. I have to admit, though,
that we have not kept it up to date.

<[Des Tang] D.TANG2>
ok, I'll check it out. Looks like I'll be buying some new software too

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
I'll try to get the latest version up there. We've been making an effort
to send out an info sheet with every order leaving our offices.

Will the megapaint ever support color? 24bit etc.? What I mean is being
able to display full color on screen.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
We've actually never specifically asked Tommy Software if they plan on
doing a color version, although I've been meaning to do it.

Of course, there are dozens of things I've been _meaning_ to do. <grin>

ok thanks I'll be waiting when it might come out. :)

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Can you give us a brief description of MegaPaint and what distinguishes it
from other graphic applications?

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
Jeff, it's almost impossible to give a "brief" description of Megapaint-

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
The program is so packed with features that the manual runs over 300

John, do you want to list a few?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
One thing we especially like about MegaPaint is the "external module"
feature. It allows us to put our own signature on someone else's product.

MegaPaint's main forte is its speed. It's incredibly fast.

Many of its functions outrun other graphics programs by a factor of 20

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
It works in which graphic file formats?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
It will load bit-map graphics in its own BLD format, PCX, PIx, PCx, TNY,
and straight 32K files.

It loads CVG and VEK vector formats. Some of these formats are supported
by our external modules.

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
And vector graphics in CVG (Calamus) format, and its own VEK format.
We've also done an external module that allows it to import Calamus

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
We're talking about doing modules to support other formats as well such as
maybe EPS, GEM3, and FSM fonts.

As for graphics functions, it includes just about any kind of tool you can
think of.

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
There IS a demonstration version of MegaPaint in the GEnie library, if
anyone would like a closer look at it.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Many of them are very CAD-like features, such as tangents and perpendic-
lines to name a few.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
And you've been making your add-on modules readily available via the
onlines, haven't you?

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
That's right, Jeff.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Yes, they're free.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Very nice!

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
You're welcome <grin>.

<[Craig] C.ROSE4>
My main question is compatibility. I have a 1040st upgraded to 4 megs via
Z-ram. Will the extension card work? And secondly, do you think it will
all fit inside the shell?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
We have not yet tried installing a TEC in a machine with Z-ram. It should
fit fine physically, although Z-ram has a history of causing problems in
certain circumstances.

I wish I could give you more concrete information.

<[Craig] C.ROSE4>
Even so, if I would like it installed, where do I take my machine?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
We will be compiling a list of dealers who are capable of the installat-

<[Craig] C.ROSE4>
Great. That's all I wanted to know. Keep up the great work!

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
This will allow us to refer users to their nearest dealer. What a con-

John, many people have tried importing from Europe. Some have not done so
well, what are some factors that have to be considered?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
As Charles mentioned, the main requirement is that you have a knock-out
product. This is something that is a must for us.

Avant Vector is without a doubt the best auto-tracer on _any_ platform and
is well worth our attention.

Do the Europeans demand big orders up front?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
The orders depend on the company. We've been dealing with three different
companies in Germany. They all approach the US market differently. Some
expect a bit too much, but we must just be firm with our position.

I have also found some really funky user interfaces on European products.
Any comment?

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
JD: not on any products WE carry. THat's one of our MAIN
requirements....that the user interface be up to CodeHead standards.

Just to address the "user interface" issue a bit more, one of the most
impressive things about Avant Vector (for example) is its absolutely
incredible interface. The more I use the program, the more I'm blown away
by how _easy_ it is to use.

As programmers ourselves, we really appreciate, and understand the issue
of a powerful, yet transparent interface, and as I said, this is
definitely one of our main considerations in deciding to import any

Thanks, Guys.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Would it be safe to say that part of the success (or failure) has to do
with the people doing the importing? If the importers are committed to
the product and the market, that's also a plus.

Look at Calamus and ISD, for example.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Yes, that's true. If we do not support and advertise the product proper-
ly, it will not do well.

Yes, Nathan's done a fantastic job with Calamus.

<[Scott L.] S.LAPHAM1>
Looking back to the first piece of software you guys released (what was
it??) did you ever imagine you'd have as many products out as you do now?
And do you see yourselves getting bigger (product-wise) and keeping up

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
It was G+Plus.

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
No, I don't think we did anticipate the depth of our product line, way
back when we introduced G+PLUS. In fact, we were uncertain about whether
to order more than 100 manuals for G+PLUS. Events have a way of
surprising you. <grin>

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
G+Plus spawned from our own frustration with the slowdown of GDOS.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
A.GERVAIS is up next.

Hello! I would like first to congratulate all your formidable work!

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>

My interest in mainly in music and software related to it like MIDIMAX and
MIDI SPY, could you tell me more about this latter?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
MIDI Spy...yes...I'm sorry to say that this product has been delayed
longer than we would like. I'm still trying to find time to finish up the

The idea of MIDI Spy is that you simply install it as an ACC. You can
then forget about it, but if you happen to play anything on your MIDI
keyboard it will be recorded...without any forethought by you.

It's for those times when you are not using your full-featured sequencer.

Maybe you're in your word processor, or even logged onto GEnie. If you
happen to reach over and "get into it" on your keyboard, your ideas will
not be lost.

You can also load complete songs into it and play them in the background
while you do other things.

There's a demo in the library here, if you'd like to check it out.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Followup, AG?

That sound really interesting! About compatibility, has it been tested
with a sequencer like NOTATOR?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
I haven't fully tested it with Notator but it has a companion program,
Captain Hook, that should allow it to get along with virtually any other

<[Ringo] R.MONFORT1>
First it is very nice to have you here tonight. Second I have a question
about Avant-Vector, what is the current version and how much is it?

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
The current version of Avant Vector is called Avant Vector EPS. We have a
special introductory offer that lasts until March 1st....$495. After
that, the price is going to be $545. And before everyone gasps at the
price, please remember that Avant Vector is a serious professional
application, that competes with (and beats!) similar products for the Mac
or the PC.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
The new EPS version has even better EPS support than the previous Avant
Plot version that sells for $895 !!

<[Ringo] R.MONFORT1>
What file format does it support and will it support color in the future?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
It loads just about any kind of bitmap graphic available. The bitmap
importing is only for auto-tracing, and output formats are CVG, GEM3, and
EPS. It also loads those three vector formats.

<[Ringo] R.MONFORT1>
Will the vectors be in color?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
There is no current support for color, but TradeiT's other product line,
Repro Studio, has some very nice color capabilities for both vector and
bitmap graphics.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
We're going to pause in the questions here to let CodeHead Technologies
give away a copy of MegaPaint Professional.

We're going to do it a little differently this time...

Charles is going to ask a CodeHead Trivia Question. Then I'll give y'all
little time (like about 10 seconds) to ponder the answer and get it typed
in, and then I'll put the room into Frenzy mode. Whoever's CORRECT answer
shows up first, wins.

Okay. Charles, ask the question. Then after about 10 seconds, get ready
to hit your RETURN key, folks! <smile>

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
OK...for a free copy of MegaPaint Professional....

What was the SECOND product introduced by CodeHead Software?


[Ten seconds later...]

** <JEFF.W> Room is now in the talk mode.

Room is now in the talk mode.


<[Scott L.] S.LAPHAM1>


<[Zubs] SPECTER>

<[Joe] J.MIRANDO1>

<[Craig] C.ROSE4>
what is codekeys

<[Network 23] R.MARTIN22>

<[Gerald] G.NELSON16>

<[Brien King] B.KING8>


<[Dave] D.HAEFNER>


<[Martha Dycus] M.SUMMERS>
Little Green Item Selector



<[Des Tang] D.TANG2>

<[jim] J.MOSES2>



** <JEFF.W> Room is now listen-only.

Room is now in listen-only mode.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
We have a winner.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
That was fun!

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
It was MultiDesk and Specter was first.

<[Zubs] SPECTER>

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Congrats, Zubs!

<[Zubs] SPECTER>
(Lucky Guess)

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Zubs, send us your address in E-Mail and we'll send you a MegaPaint
Professional as soon as we get more in stock <grin>.

<[Zubs] SPECTER>
Will do and Thanks alot!

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Okay! On with the RTC. We're running long here, but there are plenty of
folks with questions yet so as long as Charles and John can hold out and
you folks care to stick around, we'll continue.

Des is next.

<[Des Tang] D.TANG2>
John, re: font support in MegaPaint, think UltraScript <hint, hint>

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
As we used to say in Hawaii, hele on, bradda.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Ultrascript? Are you saying we should output Postscript? That's one of
the things we're considering...or at least EPS (encapsulated Postscript).

<[Des Tang] D.TANG2>
No, just to use the fonts in the program, I have the PS35 font set.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
We're considering methods for importing Type-1 fonts. It may come in the
form of a font converter....that _works_ <grin>

Is there any newer version of G+Plus? Also I love Multidesk Deluxe!!

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
The latest G+Plus is 1.5. We don't have plans to do a FSM G+Plus, if
that's what you're asking.

How much to upgrade?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
$10 plus your original disk.

No. I wasn't asking about FSM Gdos.

<[Gerald] G.NELSON16>
I own Quick ST 3.3 and when I run realtime The smart editing screen is
distorted, have you checked into this?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
The smart editing screen? I'm not sure I know what you mean.

<[Gerald] G.NELSON16>
Also is the TEC board socketed for further upgrades?

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
What's realtime?

<[Gerald] G.NELSON16>
Realtime is a wonderful little sequencer from DR. T.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
The TEC will accept all future TOS upgrades with a simple plug-in solut-

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Have either of you had experience with Realtime and Quick ST?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
No, I haven't tried it.

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
Gerald: we'll have to take a look at that. This is the first we've heard
of a problem with RealTime.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
We're quite confident that we've fixed all compatibility problems with
Quick ST. If not, we'll fix them shortly after the first release with a
patch program, if at all possible.

Hello. I have some questions about CodeHead Ed. I understand it is based
on micro emacs. Does it use a mouse? Is it GEM oriented (menus)? Will
my 3.9+ .emacsrc file work with it?

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
CodeHead ED is based on EMACS, that's correct. Your emacs.rc file should
work just fine, as far as I know.

CodeHead ED does not have a menu bar, but it does use the file selector to
get filenames.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
For those that don't know what we're talking about, we have an accessory
version of Micro Emacs called CodeHead ED. It's included in the CodeHead
Utilities release.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Followup, RC?

Does it use a mouse?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
The only GEM orientation is the fact that it's an accessory and it uses
the file selector. There's no other mouse support.

I'm not sure if your entire RC file will work, but it does support command
files. I believe it's version 3.9, but I'm not sure.

<[Dave] D.HAEFNER>
I have a question regarding compatibility between your products and MIDI
multitaskers. Are they compatible, or do the systems hang?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Well, since many of our products are memory resident, there's is some
system overhead involved. The more utilities you have installed, the more
likely the chance of a MIDI overflow. This is caused by the fact that
Atari uses the same interrupt routine for keyboard, mouse, MIDI, and

I've written a program called Captain Hook which should help solve some of
these problems.

There will be a new version of Captain Hook that should go further toward
solving these problems, but the current version has already solved the
problem for a number of users.

Captain Hook can be found in the library here, and it is shareware. It's
also going to be able to talk directly to MIDI Spy to allow MIDI Spy to
co-exist with our many products.

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
Another important point is that many MIDI developers seem to exist in a
complete vacuum, and couldn't care less about compatibility. This is,
unfortunately, a constant thorn in our sides.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Followup, Dave?

<[Dave] D.HAEFNER>
OK. Next question: Will the LGF titles be moved up to commercial
products, or will they stay shareware? (Some of these are really
commercial quality)

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
At this point, we don't have any plans to make the LGF shareware titles
into commercial products.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Rod next, then Tomas.

<[Network 23] R.MARTIN22>
RE: Avant Vector. I know it imports all manner of graphic files, but is
it's exporting just as versatile?

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
Avant Vector exports in CVG, GEM3, and EPS formats.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
There really aren't many other popular vector formats.

<[Network 23] R.MARTIN22>

<[Tomas] MUSE>
Howdy! Are you writing anything special to go with your TEC package? (as
if I didn't know <grin>.)

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Anything special? <grin>...

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
John, you wanna field this one?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Yes, we'll have a program called Icon Juggler which will allow you to load
icons in any format and reorder them, sort them, and save them as a
DESKICON.RSC file, which is the file used by NEWDESK to define its icons.

This eliminates the difficulty involved with "juggling" icons with NEW-

Icon Juggler will be available only with the TEC package and when you buy
the TOS chips directly from us.

<[Tomas] MUSE>
ANY format? You mean NeoDesk, etc.?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Well...It will currently load RSC, ICE, ICN, and NIC files.

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
Well, could be. Maybe Neodesk too. :)

<[Tomas] MUSE>

<[HappyCamper] R.GRANT11>
Hi, guys! I just got in.

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Been camping?

<[HappyCamper] R.GRANT11>
I hope you haven't been asked this already, but if so, I hope the reply
was positive; are we going to be seeing any Codehead Fax software?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
We've been considering it, but there are no definite plans yet.

<[HappyCamper] R.GRANT11>
Hmmm. Well, at least it's still being considered. Thanks, and GA.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
It's about time to let people stretch their legs or go to bed.

My many thanks to John and Charles for spending this evening with us. And
congratulations to Specter for winning MegaPaint Professional.

Thanks guys. Any closing words?

<[John] J.EIDSVOOG1>
Thanks everyone for showing up...and be sure to put in your orders for the
TEC. <grin>

<[Charles] C.F.JOHNSON>
Yes, thank you to everyone who attended!

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Thanks to everyone for coming and participating in this conference.
Coming soon to an RTC near you will be an ISD/Calamus SL RTC and at a time
to be announced later, an RTC with Atari's Leonard Tramiel!

(C) 1992 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May
be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie
are *official* information services of Atari Corporation.

> The Flip Side STR Feature ".... a different viewpoint.."


by Michael Lee


Timeworks Upgrade info from NORMAN238 on Delphi...


I received a letter from G|S|T Software Products today.

Upgrades to Timeworks Publisher ST * * "WILL" * * be available in the
USA. For a dealer close to you call:

Pacific Software Supply
660 Tank Farm Road
San Luis Obispo
CA 93401

Tel: 805-543-1037

I talked to John at Pacific and as of 5:30pm eastern time [2/10/92]
they had no firm information on what will be involved. Matter of fact
it is not well known within PSS that they will be doing upgrades but
he did find someone there who had some info on it. He suggest waiting
2 weeks before making any more inquiries.

Those who may be intrested GST had a little more than a week since I
sent off my inquiry before I got a reply. Mailed it on a Friday and
got a response on a Monday. I wish more companies were like this.


About laser printers from Scott Sanders (SDS) - Cat. 14, Topic 11, Msg.
167 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...

Basically, the Atari Laser Printer is a solid machine and a good buy.
You do need to consider what I'd say are the advantages between let's
say a SLM605 and a HP Laserjet IIp:

SLM605 Advantages:

1. Software support is almost unanimous among desktop publishing and
graphic programs. Only programs with less printer support don't have
drivers for the SLM.

2. DMA Access means not tying up the printer port so you can also have
a dot-matrix to do other less-important things.

3. SLM605 toner is cheaper than HP toner.

4. SLM print drivers are usually a lot faster than HP print drivers.

5. You're supporting Atari directly.

SLM605 disadvantages:

1. Requires 1kbyte of computer memory when printing for its page

2. If you ever change platforms, goodbye SLM.

3. No emulation cartridges exist (though Postscript and Epson
emulation are available through software).

4. If you plan to write your own programs to use it, it can be a bear.

HP Laserjet Advantages:

1. Onboard fonts allow you to use fancier fonts with no more than a
basic text editor.

2. Onboard memory so no computer memory is required beyond that which
the application wants.

3. Customer support. HP has renowned customer support. I'd say the
best I've ever seen in the industry.

4. Change printer settings without software on front panel.

HP Laserjet Disadvantages:

1. Slower print drivers than the SLM since the parallel port is slower
than DMA and a graphic page must be sent in strips rather than in a

2. Less software support though it's been getting much better.

IMHO this seems to be the case. In case you're wondering I own and use
both an SLM605 and a HP Laserjet III. I like both and use which one
gives me the best speed and quality for the job. Generally quality is
comparable but the LJ III has resolution enhancement to 600x600 DPI.
Hope this helps.


About the T25 and the Spectre/GCR - From Dave Small (Gadgets by Small)
and Jim Allen (Fast Tech) - Cat. 4, Topic 11, Msgs. 137-138 - from the
ST Roundtable on Genie...

On 25 MHz'ing Spectre, after looking over some code yesterday, it
seems to me that asking you to "be cautious for a time" might not be a
bad idea. Spectre 3.0 still uses timing loops, simply because there
was not time to yank them out, and I am not confident they are "100%".
I see some in the mouse on/ mouse off code for the GCR that scare me,
and others in the laser printer driver that also kinda shiver me

Could I ask that for the next couple of weeks you be especially
careful to keep backups of anything that is not easily replaceable?

I want to make *clear* that in NO WAY am I "blaming" or any such thing
the T- 25. Spectre 3.0 was updated for the TT in a real rush (because
so many orders were pending) and may be imperfect; we do on a 68030/TT
at 32 MHz, there are reports of the floppies going marginal if the
internal caches are all enabled on some machines. (Code heading into a
68030 WILL RUN AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS depending on WHERE it loads; if it
aligns on a 16-byte boundary (e.g., #0,16,32,48 ...) it will load

My concern is that with the reports we've had, there could be a glitch
somewhere in the about 1.5 megabytes of source code that make Spectre,
and you might lose data. Something that worries me a LOT is that the
hard disk routines, *particularly* "Turbo-SCSI" mode, are timing-
looped, and it's not news that the hard disk system can be overrun.

25 MHz is getting up mighty close to where the possibility exists in
some of my nightmares.

Hence, please, for your sakes and mine, please keep good backups until
day to day use shows you that the setup is solid and Spectre isn't
getting "weird" on you.

I am definitely not saying you WILL have problems. I have seen many
Spectres humming along at 32 Mhz on TT's with no sweat. But there are
reports from time to time of glitches, and I don't want you to lose
some data that's important.

Please be particularly careful if you get ANY hard disk error
messages. (And please let me know of any hard disk or floppy I/O; this
25 MHz 68000 thing is relatively new, and I'd like to know how well
Spectre does.)

From Jim Allen...

Those are very sensible words, I'd recommend anyone putting speed
enhancement devices in their system keep good backups of HDisk data,
until your system proves itself reliable at the high speed.


From Bill Rehbock (Atari) about FSMGOS - Cat. 14, Topic 18, Msg. 59 -
from the ST Roundtable on Genie...

The packaging is finally all done, the last revison of the disks is
going to the duplicator Monday, February 3rd. Product should be
showing up on shelves shortly. (Finally! :-)

IMHO, one of the biggest drawbacks of the original GDOS was the lack
of printer drivers that shipped with it, and the lack of developer
understanding of the concept in general. "Back in those days",
developers weren't used to the idea of a generalized Operating System
service to handle all output functions. Developers were used to
writing custom drivers for everything, and they thought they could
roll their own driver better. (In some cases, they did.) We didn't go
with .CVG fonts, because they are inherently _un_hinted, and we wanted
as close to the same quality as hand-tuned bitmaps as we could get.

We didn't go with Adobe Type-1's, because it takes about 18 times
longer to decode, calculate and display Type-1 fonts than QMS/Imagen
FSM-9 fonts. There will be conversion utilities available to go from
Type-1's to FSM-9 (from third parties).

About surge protectors - From Sheldon Winick (Computer Studio) - Cat.
14, Topic 22, Msg. 61 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...

An after the fact recommendation -- everyone should have a "good"
surge and spike protection device on all computer equipment. Those
'cheapie' surge protection systems in the discount department stores
(and unfortunately sold by some dealers as well) simply do NOT provide
adequate protection for sensitive electronic equipment.

There are several good ones available, but they are expensive (but
still are much LESS that the cost of even the simplest of repairs!!).
The better units offer complete surge and spike protection on both the
master circuitry and individual protection on each individual
connection, as well as protection for the phone line. <-- extremely
important!!! We've seen more damaged units through the phone line than
through the power line.

I would highly recommend units such as the Isobar which come with a
lifetime gold seal warranty that covers not only the
repair/replacement cost of the Isobar, but also anything that is
plugged into it, in the event of surge or spike damage! Our best
selling unit is the Isobar CCI 6+ which is an under monitor style case
with individual lighted on/off switches for each piece of equipment.
(We sell one with nearly every system we sell and have never had any
equipment damaged while connected to an Isobar. But we typically see
4-6 fried systems every thunder storm season which were damaged by
suges or spikes -- and almost all were connected to a 'cheapie'


Chit Chat about Flash II - from J.TRAUTSCHOL - Cat. 8, Topic 2, Msg. 113
- from the ST Roundtable on Genie...

I am not developing Flash II myself. It's being developed by Paul
Nicholls, who is a part of a company called Sunsoft System's Pty Ltd
in Australia. I am writing the manual and will be handling world-wide
distribution of the program.

I must say though, that even though I'm not writing any code, I have
had a *large* input into the program and what it will look like in
it's final form. I've had an excellent relationship with the folks at
Sunsoft, and I think the final product will show that.


From M.FLEMING8 concerning why some ST's with an AdSpeed installed are
experiencing 11 bombs on a reset and what can be done about it - Cat. 4,
Topic 16, Msg. 224 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...

Just a quick note to say there is a FIX for the 11 BOMB problem on
reset recently reported in message #206. I contacted Howard in Tech
Support at ICD.

Per Howard, it appears that a few AdSpeed boards for the Atari got out
of the shop without a particular capacitor. The capacitor is needed
due to a change in chip types on some boards. Howard was kind enough
to send the needed part to my local Atari dealer, who then attached it
to the board, and also switched the AdSpeed internally to boot-up in
16mhz mode.

I'm happy to report that my machine no longer places eleven bombs on
screen when soft-reset. The *bad* news is that my Supra 52-meg HD
still powers up with both the red and green lights on, and the Atari
does not recognize it in this state and goes to internal floppy A
(this all occurs on hard boot up of the system). Turning the HD power
switch on/off a few times usually cures the situation. Oh well.

Howard seemed to think this capacitor fix would cure the HD problem
too, but perhaps my HD is just going bad? In any case, thanks to ICD
and Howard for a very quick fix to the 11 bomb problem!


From TOPNOTCH about VROOM - Cat. 9, Topic 6, Msg. 27 - from the ST
Roundtable on Genie...

Well, I just got a copy of VROOM and I thought I'd add my comments to
the others.

The game play is excellent. The car control is very precise. It would
have been nice to have the joystick for championship mode but you
wouldn't have two buttons for shifting which I find nescessary.

I would have liked to see some handling adjustments options for the
car. Not to the extent of Ferrari F-1 but something to control
oversteer and understeer. I find that the car car understeers badly
and I would like to dial in some oversteer. I would have also liked a
few more tracks. The F-1 series uses 16 different tracks so I feel
that any game that mimics F-1 should have close to that many.

A few more comments as a race fan. I think only one of the real life
tracks that the game uses still has F-1 competition.

Though most of
the tracks used did see use as an F-1 track some have not been used in
15-20 years. I don't care for the changes in elevation and scenery
that were added. IMHO the track should replicate it's full scale
version. I just can imagine where that they got the idea that Watkins
Glen in upstate New York is surrounded by desert and cacti.


A special diet - From Florence Fried - Cat. 10, Topic 30, Msg. 702 -
Home Office, Small Business Roundtable...

....In the meantime, if I can dodge the things that will be thrown at
me, I'd like to show you the diet I've been on:


1/2 grapefruit
1 slice whole wheat bread
8 oz. skim milk

4 oz. broiled chicken breast
1 cup steamed zucchini
1 Oreo cookie
1 cup herb tea

Midafternoon Snack:
Rest of the package of Oreo cookies
1 quart rocky road ice cream
1 jar hot fudge

2 loaves garlic bread
1 large pepperoni and mushroom pizza
1 pitcher of beer
3 candy bars
1 entire frozen cheesecake eaten directly from the freezer

Diet tips:
If no one sees you eat it, it has no calories.

If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar, they will cancel each other

Calories don't count if you eat with someone and you both eat the same

Food taken for medicinal purposes does not count. This includes hot
chocolate, brandy, toast, Sara Lee chocolate cake.

If you fatten up everyone around you, you'll look thinner.

Snacks consumed in a movie theater do not count as they are part of
the entertainment. For example: Milk Duds, popcorn with butter, red
licorice and M&M's.

Pieces of cookies contain no calories. The process of breaking causes
calorie leakage.

Late-night snacks have no calories. The refrigerator light is not
strong enough for the calories to see their way into the calorie

This is why I've gotten so fat. I've been under so much stress!

Until next week.....



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> MPAINT 4.0 STR Review MegaPaint Professional 4.0

MegaPaint Professional 4.0

by Tommy Software
Distributed by CodeHead Technologies

Reviewed by Doyle C. Helms
STaff Editor @ ST Report

Part 1

What is MegaPaint Pro 4.0?

MegaPaint Professional 4.0 (hence forth called MPaint for
brevity) is a monochrome graphic editing and creation tool for the
Atari ST/TT computers. The potential for art design and technical
drawings are almost unlimited. MPaint will work with BOTH raster
graphics such as, but not limited to DRI's IMG format and vector
graphics such as GEM (DRI also) and CVG (Calamus Vector Graphics).
MegaPaint 4 has the potential for even more graphic import/export
file formats by virtue of its "modular" design. MPaint has MANY
drawing tools unheard of before in ANY art/graphic design program
for the ST/TT. The array of tools and functions are almost
staggering to the beginning user.The included manual is user
friendly (with a slight German accent) and covers all of the
program functions in a comprehensive manner. CodeHead Technologies
has already produced several modules already (free of charge by
the way - thats is what I call support!) that enhance this program
beyond its original strength.

MPaint requires a monochrome monitor of the 640x400
resolution. The manual states that MPaint can handle a resolution
up to 8192x8192 pixels. The manual states that MPaint requires
900K (at least) of memory free. Higher resolutions (640x400 +)
require more and in order to use a SLM804, the user system
requires at least 2 megabytes of memory. MPaint supports the
Blitter chip effectively. I have tested MPaint on a Mega 2 with a
T-20 accelerator and TOS 1.04 and also on a MegaSTE4 with TOS 2.05
at all CPU settings (16MHz w/cache-16MHz No cache and "standard"
8MHz). MPaint can be used with a double-sided floppy system or
(highly recommended) Hard Drive system. MPaint supports many types
of printers. New printer configurations can be "programmed" by the
user. New printer configurations are also planned for release.

MPaint is originally installed on your system by running a
INSTALL.PRG. The INSTALL.PRG asks a few questions and then the
INSTALL.PRG is automatically erased from the disk. Be absolutely
certain that the info you enter in the installation process is
correct before hitting/clicking on the "OK" button. (Note: rumor
has it that several users did not execute the INSTALL.PRG properly
and as a result they have had unquenchable cravings for warm prune
juice!) So be careful!!

The INSTALL.PRG does not transfer files from floppy to hard
disk as some installation programs have been known to do. The
transfer of data is left solely up to the user. Personally I like
to do my own file transfers. The manual is very clear about what
file goes in what folder for your installation process.

Program Start Up
Once the user runs MPaint he/she is presented with a screen
that is GEM "like". You have you mouse and scrolling menu bars and
of course the ever present drop-down menus. The drop down menus
have a little "extra" touch that I have always enjoyed about the
"Mac" desktop, I call them extendable-drop-downs (EDD for short).
Let's say you choose the SYSTEM options menu bar selection. You
have of course the usual drop down but with an added treat. If you
select an item that may have more than one option in itself, a
little side menu pops out for a more precise selection. This type
of interface is similar in concept also to Calamus and its multi-
layered icons. About 9/10ths of the screen is the work area by
default. The physical work area is however user definable though.

The bottom left of the screen is what MPaint calls a
"spotlight". This "spotlight" feature is a permanent ZOOM box
showing a 7x7 pixel range around the cursor. I like this feature
be cause it allows me to work on the "whole" image and also see
minute details of my work area without having to switch back and
forth from a ZOOM screen to the actual work area.

Next over to the right from the SPOTLIGHT is the COORDINATES
box. This COORDINATES box reveals the x-axis and y-axis along with
the position in the scaled units. The measurements are based from
the upper left corner of the work area. Below the COORDINATES
box is the "FILL MODE" display. This area displays the current
fill mode such as FRAMED, FILLED or BOTH. The FILL MODE is very
similar to most other graphic editing/creation programs. When
FRAMED is selected and you draw an object is only framed. What you
get is an object where the inside portion is transparent. The
FILLED selection shows you object filled with the selected pattern
but no frame. The BOTH option shows your FRAMED-FILLED object
combination. All in all pretty straight forward.

Next to the FILL MODE display is the DRAWING COLOR selection.
The DRAWING COLOR is self-explanatory.

The LINE PATTERN selection is also included in the same
general area. The LINE PATTERN display shows the current line type
and thickness.

Most of the right side of the selection/display area is the
"standard" type fill patterns. Of course the fill type and line
pattern can be user edited at any time.

That about covers the bottom of the screen selection area,
now let's move to higher ground and explore the plethora of
options available there in the MENU section. When you see the MANY
options there, you will understand why this program is called
MEGAPAINT! But wait! What? Already? I'm sorry folks but I'm all
out of time for this week, please join us next week when we will
find out what Elvis has really been doing all these years since
his purported death... or if Geraldo beats us to it, we will
continue with a look over of MegaPaint Professional 4.0. In the
meantime why not grab the DEMO version from GEnie or Delphi ST
Advantage or you local BBS/user group to find out first hand about
this powerful program. Until next week...

For more info concerning MegaPaint Professional 5.0
CODEHEAD Technologies
P.O. Box 74090
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 386-5735


> STR Portfolio News & Information Keeping up to date...


On CompuServe

by Judith Hamner 72257,271

There has been a lot of interest generated in the PC world by products
which are designed to save disk space by compressing the size of files.
Portfolio owners are especially eager to find new ways to save space
because of the limited storage available. BJ Gleason has found a utility
which allows several .com files to be combined into one large file. The
individual files can still be run separately. This should save room on the
card because of the overhead involved with the storage of files. You can
also compact the file with products designed to work on .com files and
save even more space.

Don Thomas of Artisan Software continues his series of PGShow logos with

Artisan Software has also uploaded ANIMAT.ZIP. This file contains four
separate animations in a stand-alone format. These may be run from the
command line or from within batch files.

See FREE.TXT for an interesting offer from Atari Advantage Magazine.


> TEC OFFER!! STR InfoFile TOS Extension Card is shipping NOW!

For immediate release
Friday, February 14, 1992


CodeHead Technologies is pleased to announce that the
TOS Extension Card is now shipping. The TEC lets you
install the very latest Atari TOS (2.06) in your 520ST,
1040ST, Mega ST, or Stacy. TOS 2.06 has many major
improvements over older versions of TOS, including a
totally redesigned GEM desktop with custom icons,
redefinable keyboard commands, and many other new
features and performance improvements.

The new desktop contains most of the features of the
popular "alternative desktop" programs (and a few new
ones too!), but with TWO big advantages -- it doesn't
gobble up large chunks of memory, and it doesn't need to
load from disk. Just turn on your computer and you're
ready to go!

To make it easier for you to build a library of custom
icons to use with TOS 2.06, we've developed a new
program called "Icon Juggler," which is included with
the TEC. Icon Juggler lets you freely convert icons
from ALL the current ST icon formats, including ICE,
RSC, ICN, and NIC. Icon Juggler's interface is
completely GEM-based; it's like a word processor for
icons, with cut, copy, and paste features that make
converting your icons a breeze.


--==*** $20.00 OFF! ***==--

With the release of the TEC, we're also offering a
special deal for those who've been using one of the
"alternative desktop" programs available on the
commercial market. Take your Neodesk or DC Desktop
master disk, FORMAT IT, and send it to us, and we'll
give you a $20.00 discount on any model of the TEC!
(Please note that you must FORMAT the disk before
sending it to us.) Here are the prices for the TEC,
with and without the discount:

Model Retail Price Price w/ Discount
""""" """""""""""" """""""""""""""""
Standard version $139.00 $119.00
BUS Bridge $155.00 $135.00
CPU Bridge $155.00 $135.00

A brief description of the different TEC models:

* The standard version requires soldering, and is for
owners of 520STs, 1040STs, and Stacys which do not
have a socketed CPU.

* The BUS Bridge version, which plugs into the processor
bus of the Mega ST, and requires no soldering.

* The CPU Bridge version, for computers which have
socketed 68000 chips. This option plugs into the CPU
socket, and requires that there be enough room above
the CPU within the case.

All versions of the TEC include the official Atari TOS
2.06 chips.

The TEC also has an easily installed option that lets
you switch between TOS 2.06 and your existing TOS, to
circumvent incompatibilities with ill-behaved programs.

CodeHead Technologies will also be offering the TOS 2.06
chips separately, as an upgrade for STE owners. When
you purchase the chips from us, you will also receive
our manual describing the features of the new TOS, and
our disk containing the Icon Juggler and other useful
utilities. The price for the chips alone is $60.00.

(Note: this press release is being prepared slightly in
advance of the actual shipping date; the TEC packages
will begin going out the door on
February 18, 1992.)

For more information, or to order your TOS Extension
Card, contact:

CodeHead Software
P.O. Box 74090
Los Angeles, CA 90004

Tel 213-386-5735
Fax 213-386-5789




by Doyle C. Helms
STaff Editor @ ST Report

If you are even a casual user of your ST/TT you probably have
amassed a large collections of files from PD/SW and commercial
sources. If you are like many users I know, you probably have the
majority of these files "arc'ed" away somewhere. If you don't have
an Arc'ed database of files, then you are wasting A LOT of
precious money and disk space. One of the major draw backs to
having a lot of these arc'ed files is that many have the same or
similar name, even though their function/use may be entirely
different. Let's give a short example: SHIRLEY.LZH. Is SHIRLEY.LZH
the Spectrum 512 pic file you had or is it the TINY pic file? One
way to find out is to locate SHIRLEY.LZH (both of them) and either
do an extraction of the files or do a VERBOSE list of the file
contents. That route is not too bad if both files lie on the same
disk. If they reside on different disks then it is twice the
effort. This is going to lead somewhere so please hang with me a

Let me assume that you have not consolidated your "arc" files
into an organized group. I will give a short tutorial on how I
maintain over 150 meg of LZH'ed files. Granted there are many of
you that have considerably more than I, but I have culled MANY
megs of files I do not need or use.

1> Have plenty of preformatted disks on hand.

2> Execute your particular archival program.

3> Once you have finished archiving a program/data file, give the
file name a unique extender to signify the TYPE of program or data
arc this particular file is. Example; DEGAS.LZH could one of two
files, one could be that it is Degas, the other could be that it
is a Degas picture file. If you give the extender a ".DGH" (here I
am assuming you are using LZH) extender then the file in my book
would be a DeGas picture file. If you gave it the extender of
".GXH", I would consider this file to be a GRAPHIC APPLICATION.

NOTE: I altered my LZH program with a disk editor to display a
".??H" extender instead of the ".LZH" when asking for a file name
to arc or un-arc.

4> Place the finished file on archival (LZH.001) disk #1.

5> Repeat the above steps until finished.

6> Once you have archived several disks of data, then execute the
disk database program and begin to load the disk info.

NOTE: One reason I have for giving the extenders unique names is
so I do not have to enter info about each and every file in the
disk database to determine the contents of that arc.

The following is the extenders I use to segregate different
file types.


The above list is not complete and can easily be modified to
accept your own preferences. I only presented the examples to try
to give a better understanding of my system.

If I need a menu maker GFA program and I am not sure of the
name under which I arc'ed it, all I have to do is a search under
"*MENU*.GFH". If I left off the GFH extender I would also be
including any other file with the name "MENU" in it. The result I
want is to filter out all unwanted file types. If I want ALL my
GFA (source) programs listed, I would simply search under "*.GFH".
Simple huh? Until next time...




CONTACT: John R. Sheehan, SJ
TAF President - (416) 926-1518
GEnie: J. Sheehan14

+ + +

On April 4th and 5th, Atari Canada and the Toronto Atari Federation
will host what may be the most exciting Atari event in North America in
1992. To be held at the Skyline Hotel on Dixon Road, near Pearson
International Airport, , ACE '92, the Atari Canadian Exposition will
feature the most outstanding developers in the Atari world with some of
the latest programs and program updates. Local dealers will exhibit the
latest hardware and peripherals, and user groups from across Canada and
the United States will be on hand to share Public Domain and Shareware
programs and exchange knowledge. Door prizes throughout both days of the
show, special show prices and several major door prize packages will add
to the excitement.

Facilities will include a 22,000 square foot convention area, an
additional 7,000 square foot display and exhibit space, and 7 separate
meeting rooms that will host a wide range of seminars, demonstrations and
mini-concerts. On Saturday evening, a formal banquet will bring together
local users with major figures in the present and future course of Atari.

This is the third major convention that the Toronto Atari Federation
has hosted in recent years. As one of the largest user groups in Canada,
if not all of North America, TAF has consistently helped bring the best
and most contemporary computer technology to Toronto users. With
membership of approximately 300, TAF will provide the core volunteers that
make an event like this possible. However, other user groups will also be
invited to participate, to help stimulate exchange of information among
the various Atari groups in this region and to help broaden the base of
support for this special event.

Atari Canada General Manager Geoff Earle has said that this April
event could easily surpass the recent Chicago convention, both in
attendance and participation by developers and programmers. Basing their
participation on the successful Chicago model, Atari Canada will assume
many of the initial commitment costs, including facility costs and
advertising. TAF will coordinate activities and provide volunteer help.
TAF President John R. Sheehan, SJ noted, "The enthusiasm of our members
is the reason we felt this was a good time for a show. So many members
had been asking about a show, and volunteering to help that we felt we
really could present a spectacular two-day event. We couldn't try it
without our volunteers, but with their help, this April will see the most
exciting Atari show Toronto has ever seen!"

Packets for dealers and developers are being prepared and should be
mailed by the end of January. Information packets for user groups will
be available at around the same time. The Skyline Hotel will be offering
special room rates to participants, and special travel plans should also
be announced shortly.

To be placed on the mailing list for Convention information, please
send your name, address, and affiliation (developer, user group, dealer,
etc.) to TAF's mailing address, 5334 Yonge Street, Suite 1527, Toronto, ON
M2N 6M2 or leave a message at (416) 425-5357.


As part of the Atari Canadian Exposition, ACE '92, April 4/5, a
special talent competition has been announced. To demonstrate the many
ways that Atari computers can be used in creative entertainment, two
divisions will be open for submissions. The contest is open to all Atari

Since Atari has long been an industry leader in MIDI applications, one
division will be open for applications of sound and music. Entries may be
live performance, combination of live and pre-created or totally
pre-created arrangements of music and sound. Entries may be original
compositions or adaptations of existing material. (Initial submission
must be made on cassette tape; if accompanied by visual effects,
appropriate disk program or description must also be included.)

Since Atari can manipulate over sixteen million separate colors,
visual arts provides another rich field for creative work. In this field,
entrants may submit animated segments, or graphics displays. Submissions
may include "slide shows" of created works, demonstrations of works being
created, or animated creations of any type. Entertainment value will be
the criteria for judging.

Individual presentations should last no more than 10 minutes. Entries
will go through preliminary judging, and those who are accepted will make
public presentations or performances throughout the day on Saturday, April
4th, at ACE '92. Performances will be open to those attending the
Exposition at no charge, and judging of finalists will take place prior to
4PM. Winners will attend the evening banquet as guests of Atari Canada.
Each contestant will present their entries or performances at the evening
banquet, at which time they will be judged a second time, and prizes
awarded. Judging will be on the basis of creative use of the computer and
entertainment value.

FIRST PRIZE in each division will be a $700 gift certificate from Atari
Canada, good towards the purchase of any Atari product, and a one-year
membership in the Toronto Atari Federation.

SECOND PLACE WINNERS will receive a $200 gift certificate from Atari
Canada, and their choice of 10 disks from the TAF Library. Third Place
Winners will receive a $100 Gift Certificate, and their choice of 5 disks.

For an entry form, contact:
ACE '92, c/o TAF
5334 Yonge Street, Suite 1527
Toronto, ON M2N 6M2
Or call:
John R. Sheehan, SJ
TAF President
(416) 926-1518
leave a message on the TAF BBs
(416) 425-0318.


ACE '92, the Atari Canadian Exposition, will be held in Toronto on
April 4th and 5th. As part of the many different events scheduled for the
two-day exposition, two separate games areas will be set up with equipment
provided by Atari Canada. A nominal charge of $1.00 will be levied for
admission to each area, with all funds raised here to be donated to Sick
Children's Hospital in Toronto. Admission to the Games Area is in
addition to the regular admission charge.

Area 1 - THE LYNX CHALLENGE. The $1.00 contribution admits
participants to a timed game playing session. The high score in each
session is registered. At the end of each day, a special prize package
will be awarded to the high score of the day. The package will be
provided by Atari Canada and will include: One Lynx machine, AC adaptor,
and a collection of games.

Area 2 - GST AREA (Games - Sampling and TryOut) $1 contribution
admits the participant to sample one game cartridge. A variety of games
for the Lynx will be available, but each "Tryout" requires a separate
admission to the area.

Many of the dealers present will be offering special discounts on a
wide range of game for different Atari machines, as well as significant
savings on games cartridges and games programs. Although most of the
exposition will feature more "serious" applications on the Atari platform,
there will be a good selection of games available, and serious players to
share hints and help.

There will also be a special area for 8-bit dealers and developers, a
place for the dedicated XL/XE user, those who still have and use the 800
and 400 machines. Although commercial programs are getting harder to find,
many clubs will have their public domain and shareware libraries
available, and dealers who still have 8-bit material will have it

ACE 92 will be held at the Skyline Hotel on Dixon Road, near
Pearson International Airport.

Further information, exhibitor's kits, advertising rates and advance
ticket sales may be obtained by contacting:

ACE '92 c/o TAF
5334 Yonge Street, Suite 1527
Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6M2.

Contact: John R. Sheehan, SJ
(TAF President)
(416) 926-1518. TAF BBS: (416) 235-0318
TAF InfoLine and Voice Message: (416) 425-3537.


> Comeau PR STR InfoFile GramSlam and Grammar Expert

Phil Comeau Software, division of
Wintertree Software Inc.

Press Release

For Immediate Release

Phil Comeau Software, division of Wintertree Software Inc., publishes both
GramSlam and Grammar Expert for the Atari computer line. Judging from the
many calls and letters we have received, there appears to be some
confusion about the purposes of these two products. We would like to clear
up that confusion.

GramSlam is a grammar and writing-style checker. GramSlam looks for
problems and potential problems in your writing. Although it isn't a
spelling checker, it works in a similar way: GramSlam scans your document,
word by word, looking for and reporting problems as it goes. You typically
use GramSlam at the same point in the writing process you use a spelling
checker: when the writing is nearly finished.

Grammar Expert, on the other hand, is an online reference for grammar,
punctuation, and effective writing. Grammar Expert is not a grammar
checker. Neither is Grammar Expert a better version of GramSlam. It won't
find problems in your writing. In fact, it doesn't read your documents at
all. When we say Grammar Expert is a "reference," we mean it is like a
reference book. Grammar Expert is a storehouse of rules, guidelines, and
advice about grammar and writing. Like a book, the more you use Grammar
Expert, the more you get out of it.

Grammar Expert works as a desk accessory, so you can easily refer to it
while you write. For example, if you are unsure about whether you need a
comma in a particular sentence, just pop up Grammar Expert and click the
mouse on the word "comma" in Grammar Expert's Table of Contents. Grammar
Expert displays the rules regarding the use of the comma. You then find
the appropriate rule and apply it. Grammar Expert backs up the rules with
plenty of example sentences, so you don't need to be a "grammar expert" to
understand it!

Does it make sense to own both products? We think so. GramSlam and Grammar
Expert improve your writing from two points of view. Grammar Expert helps
you to write correctly and well the first time. GramSlam helps to make
sure that you did.

GramSlam's price remains at $39.95, and Grammar Expert's price is still
$59.95. Both products are available from your local Atari dealer or
directly from Phil Comeau Software (division of Wintertree Software Inc.).

If you would like to know more about GramSlam or Grammar Expert, call or
write us at the addresses or number listed below.

Phil Comeau Software, division of
Wintertree Software Inc.
43 Rueter St.
Nepean, Ontario
Canada K2J 3Z9
(613) 825-6271
CIS: 72060,3056



SST Now Shipping

Compiled by Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.
Senior Staff Editor

Since the SST from Gadgets by Small is now shipping, I thought I'd com-
pile some of the more interesting and informative posts about it, the
3.1 version of the GCR software and the new MegaTalk (not shipping yet).
All posts are from the Gadgets Round-table on Genie.

From Dave Small - Category 1, Topic 6, Msg. 1...


We're all really pleased to announce that the SST is NOW SHIPPING; all
types went out today, bare board, Option A, B, C, C&D! This marks the
end of a long wait for the SST, and it's our third product as Gadgets.

We'll be shipping to catch up on the backlog for a little while, I
rather expect! :-)

We had a couple of "unexpected holds" at about T-mimus 2 minutes when
our printer shop couldn't get the toner to stick on the solid black
regions of the manual, only on the backsides. (Weird! -- never seen
that before).

Already in the works is SST software rev 2.0 (current is 1.86), which
will extend the SST in ways that I'm going to have a fun time with. I
have always enjoyed getting new hardware after pretty thoroughly
exploring the old.

This also enables me to drop the 200% effort on the SST back to some-
thing within the realm of "sane" and to taskswitch into 3.1 and fixing
a snag in MegaTalk I caught during testing; it looks to be a straight-
forward software fix.

[GCR software version] 3.1 has been proceeding along quietly; I've been
hacking at Sys 7 when I absolutely couldn't bear to look at another
68030 chip, and TT SCSI is in the works, to let people use internal
drives. It'll just take some time.

There are so few times in one's life that you get to announce that the
new product is wrapped and OUT THE DOOR -- this is a neat day for me
and everyone here.

Thanks for everyone who was very, very patient about the SST. We had
some really frustrating delays in our pipeline, and outright defective
chips, but George & all of us persevered. (The 450 line note
chronicalling the fun we had is in the last issue of ST Report.)


From Category 4, Topic 44, Message 44 in the ST Roundtable...

SST shipped today in quantity in bare-board, Option A, B, C, and C&D
configurations. Since some of them went via warp-drive shipping I
expect you'll be hearing owner comments RSN.

In the days ahead we will be shipping more (we have this backlog, see),
and getting ready for software rev 2.0, which will add some interesting
capabilities to the SST. Now that the platform is there, I can have
some fun. (*chuckle*)

The SST's manual is the hardest I have ever worked at a manual, and I
hope you enjoy it both for the facts and for the interludes, which also
were the hardest ones ... I had to do a Current Notes article after
writing many Interludes and I found myself nearly empty. Sandy did the
manual edit and layout in Quark X*Press on her IIfx; near the end, it
became apparent we were straining even the 40 Mhz FX on the complex
stuff (diagrams and so forth).

If you see a box with an SR-71A Blackbird on the cover at the dealer,
that's the SST.

Oh, yes. Overseas shipments also started today.

I felt that the best way to answer any questions on if the SST would
ever ship that came up last week was to leave this message; at the
time, we were fixing a problem at the printer (toner not sticking to
the back side of a page ... now that's odd), checking out the release
disks, disk labels, and all that last-minute stuff.

This is the third product from Gadgets by Small; MegaTalk will ship
pretty shortly, as soon as I fix a software snag I ran into (better now
than after shipping!) and finish the PAL replacements (10 minutes), and
that'll be # 4.

If you've read a spec sheet on the SST anytime, you know about it; we
haven't changed our specs (no need to). If I might borrow a phrase from
Sculley, it's "wicked fast". To my knowledge it makes your Atari ST
into among the fastest ST's in the world (depending on how much Mhz and
how few Ns RAM you put in, and where wait-states stabilize.) Since
there are other SST's out there, I can't say you will have THE fastest
ST in the world, but you can sure try.

I suppose it's time to mention that a design change to the SST logic
sped up the SST. Figures on its performance are now out of date in the
most pleasing way.

Anyway, it's out. The champagne is upstairs and it's time for some;
this has been as hard a haul as getting the GCR to format a disk, which
was a killer. I expect that Darlah is going to be a bit irritated at
all the skid marks on the floor of the RT as people fire up their
SST's...sorry 'bout that. And keep it throttled back in the middle of
conferences, okay?


From STACE (Sysop) - Cat. 9, Topic 2, Msg. 69...

Several people have asked about SST pricing. I haven't checked with
Dave or Sandy to see if these prices and/or product combinations are
still correct but here is what I have:

68030 SST bare board (w/ 20mhz and 33mhz oscillators)
- the bare board does NOT include a CPU, FPU or any memory - $599.00

Option A: 16mhz 68030 $200.00

Option B: 16mhz 68030 and 4 1-meg SIMMs $460.00

Option C: 33mhz 68030, 68882, and 4 1-meg SIMMs (80ns) $800.00

Option D: 4 additonal 1-meg SIMMs (80ns) $260.00

Please understand that none of the above options (A thru D) include the
bare board.

Also understand that you can put together a full-blown SST for yourself
for less than these prices. (I've seen 1-meg SIMMs as low as $30 each!)

Finally...and again... I am not 100% certain that these prices are
still in effect. In fact, I am not 100% certain that these options are
all still being offered.

Please contact Gadgets directly for further information.


From Dave Small - Cat. 1, Topic 20, Msg. 30...

Hiya folks. It's 3:22 AM so don't expect TOO much coherence, but I'll
try. Been testing SST's all day.

The MegaTalk board plain should have been out by now, ok? You know it
and I know it and we all know it. Something went wrong, and it's
driving me batty ... because honestly there is nothing more satisfying
than shipping.

We had some difficulty getting MegaTalk PC boards (past the basic
protos). The PALs got real tricky; there were 3 of them. There were
interactions there, where if I recall right (this was awhile back) if
you'd take one step forward on one PAL, you'd take two back on the
others. Remember this is really tricky stuff; you're syncing up the
Apple MHz clocks with the ST bus, and everything has to be in sync
before the chip can twang.

So some incredible absolute moron ships us CMOS main chips when we
wanted plain old boring ones, too. (Said "NO CMOS" on the slip, too.)
So we gotta return them, which is slow, because parts companies hate
returns, and if they make it a pain, you won't bother. Right? (Sort of
like insurance companies hassling you with paperwork before paying up.)

Out come the CMOS chips. In go the right ones, which we special
ordered, UPS red. (Look, we WERE trying to hustle, okay?)

Because I saw out of the blue, into the black, the prospect of the SST
and the MegaTalk shipping at the same time, something we had gone to
GREAT LENGTHS not to happen, because there are not enough humans here
to do both.

Let me be painfully honest. Gadgets, financially, is doing fine (knock,
knock, as always! *grin* But GCR keeps rolling along). Barb left us in
November to set up her Scuba shop in Jamaica. Dan Moore left to go to
Oregon to work for Supra. Suddenly all these people I had depended on
more than I knew were ...*gone* ... and it was Sandy and I.

Christmas happened (deck the halls) and I start testing MegaTalks.
Serial I/O is completely $%^#$%^#$%'d on them. Nothing in Atari or Mac
modes -- Appletalk down, MIDI down. Call George. Try PAL this-that.
Everything starts working. Result: many many many bad PALs stuffed into
MegaTalk boards gotta be ripped out, thrown out, new ones gotten,
programmed (a little like EPROMS), and plugged in. Available labor: 0.

At this point, the SST was taxing my sanity with its blasted disk
problems (buffer overlaying code, it finally turned out -- with about
88 blind leads!) This was precisely what I did not want, to do two
products at once.

In the meantime, someone puts their autodialer onto the Gadgets phone
every 20 seconds (we know because we had to shut off Call Waiting); I
mean, you put that phone down, RING!, you pick it up within 3 sec. You
want to know why you can't get through? Because someone who is the sort
that shoves into lines uses an autodialer.

(Off the hook? HOOT !! I wish! You know how fried I am after a day on
the phone?)

But I think it's inevitable we will have to replace Barb. I would like
to wait until this shipping insanity ends, until SST and MegaTalk are
out there and stable, because anyone new will just hand tech calls to

So I VERY carefully construct a cardboard protective box around the
"Old Sparky" Electric Chair power supply of the Mega-ST, and ask my
daughter if she would like to make some money. Key word: money.


I went through it with her, with a checklist, a few times. And as she
found a few bad boards, I felt better about it; she wasn't skipping
steps if she found a MIDI-down all else okay board. We used an Adaptec-
4000 with 40 meg drive (Adaptecs gen termination power) for SCSI, the
LocalTalk (tm) network in the office for parallel, or printer, and MIDI
for serial. Then we checked it out in all modes, making sure TOPS
worked and MIDI, and that in ST mode the ports could talk. (There is
not YET an ST-mode SCSI driver, but hold your breath).

I did the PAL swapping; George got me a zillion new PALs to replace the
bad serial I/O PAL. (Aren't you glad I checked?)

Jenny hung in there like a trooper, checking boards, and got most of
them done. Then I discovered something interesting.

If you put the MegaTalk ST driver in the AUTO folder, as usual, with no
MegaTalk -- you crashola, meester. Bug. Easy to fix; save A7 and bus
error, point bus error downstream, restore them. Oh, well, no one
thought of it.

I also considered the relatively new BCONSTAT stuff where serial port
can be mapped around to different devices like MegaTalk. Would it work
with Mega-TOS (1.2) or would 1.4 be required? Or, oh joy, 1.62?

So I have a little software tinkering to do. The boards is about set in

That's MegaTalk.

I know, I know. I did not want to ship it at the same time as SST. The
Screwup and Delay division of Raving Idiot Chip Supply synced up really
nicely there, dropping it on us. I am *surrounded* by SST boards in
their packaging here, folks; I tested 'em all day. (Ever tried to track
down a flakey FPU?)

But that is how it happened. If I had full time on it MegaTalk would be
out now.

Good News: I think I'll get ahead on SST's shortly (Sandy is falling a
little behind on the papewrwork) so I can get the software mods in and

I explained about the phones. Ever got an inch of FAXes?

That means you spend all day answering them -- and at the end of the
day, you have another inch of FAXes. No kidding.

(You can see what I mean about getting help; I never quite realized how
much Barb did. But that is awfully dangerous with this bad an economy,
folks; I don't want to fold and leave you high and dry.)

...Getting a product out is like a huge AND gate. And if ONE part
messes up (in SST, literally EVERY supplier screwed up at least once,
no kidding -- thought Sandy would have a stroke!) ... then nothing
ships. Like the CMOS chips or PAL.

On your side you have Jenny, who is deft fingered, thrilled to be
making money Like Dad Does (*chuckle* ... *sigh*), and who tests the
devil out of the MegaTalks, checking off each thing to test. She's
caught some subtle bugs -- told her to ask me if ANYTHING looked wrong.
"Gee, dad, the screen stays black when I turn it on."

Eric (10) burned the SST's EPROMs and did a fine, fine job. That is one
dull job, but with the help of comics and a Walkman with the Turtles
tape, he made it through.

So I'm saying,it's the final hours, hang in there. Joe, I am tempted to
hand- deliver.

(Or at least let me get my Kevlar before you start shooting!)

Finally, financially -- the amount of money we had to put into SST
boards far, far, far exceeds MegaTalks. We actually had to use credit
(*gasp*) for some things -- them 030's is EXPENSIVE, beaucoup bucks. We
had to focus on SST's to ship first from where we were.

Dod'z the truth, folks. SST is shipping as fast as I final-check them
(they already been through the mill, this is a paranoia check), and
MegaTalk awaits a little software, and a little research, I 'spect.

I'm sorry to those who have had to wait so long. I hope when you get
your packages that what we put in them makes up for it a little. It's
very good to have such loyal customers, and the notes and calls of
"hang in there" have made a big difference.


George Richardson (Merlin Group) - Cat. 9, Topic 6, Msg. 1...

I've fielded quite a few questions on the ability of the ST power
supply to handle the load of the SST, so I figured to answer some
questions and kind of place a little ad here at the same time. :-)

An ordinary Mega supply is *usually* quite capable of handling the
extra load of a 33mhz SST with 4 megs of fastram. We've only seen one
failure, and that supply was in a machine that was flakey anyway, so it
was probably on the edge. Chances are that if your machine was
functioning without trouble before, it'll be fine up to 33mhz/4 megs
with an SST.

The 8 meg configuration is more difficult to gauge. We haven't had
problems, but the noise level on the supply does rise, even though
there really isn't that much of an extra load on the supply. Due to
it's design, the DRAM only draws heavy current when it's being
accessed. Since only one bank of 4 SIMMs is accessed at a time, the
total current draw only increases by the small amount that the DRAMs
draw when idle. This is still pushing it. So the bottom line on 8 megs
is: If it works, fine. Don't be suprised if it quits though.

If you've got some other add in besides the SST, like an ISAC, Moniterm
or Megatalk (soon), You've fallen over the edge. Even if it runs, it
may be flakey. These boards all draw a considerable amount of current
on their own, and adding the SST is like handing an anchor to a
swimmer. Down she goes!

We've had this in mind for some time, So I've been looking for a
solution, and I've got one. I'd like it to be cheap, but unfortunately
it's not. It is however, not bad compared to the installed price of a
new Atari or Best supply.

If you want it you can send me either your machine, or just the power
supply out it (*including the metal chassis*). I'll pull the power
supply board off, mount the new supply, which requires some
modifications to the chassis, and send it back to you for $100.

The specs on the new supply are pretty good. The old Atari & Best
supplies are 35 watt units, good for between 3-4 amps on the 5 volt
line the CPU uses. This new supply is a 45 watt unit, good for 5-7 amps
on the 5 volts.

It also can run on voltages from 90-265 volts AC or 120-364 volts DC.
It'll take line frequencies from 47-63hz. All this without changing
swtches or jumpers.

It's got UL, CSA, IEC, FCC class B (Atari take note! *grin*), and VDE

It's also got a one year warranty.

Just so you know, if you need it, we've got it. The only gotcha is that
we've got to mount it. It doesn't pay to design new brackets for the
thing, it'll just drive the cost up.

George Richardson
Merlin Group, Inc. Power Supplies "R" Us division

P.S. The $100 price should be stable for a couple of months. After
that, I'll see how much money I lost and possibly revise the price. :-)


STReport International Online Magazine

> STReport's Editorial Page "Saying it like it is."

From the Editor's Desk

Many times I've rejoiced in being able to accomplish the things I do
with my computers. The pride, the exhilarating sense of accomplishment
and of course, the gratification. I can remember the days when I obtained
my first ST the 520. My oh my, was I in hog heaven. Truth was at the
time, I was intimidated by it and what it could do... for about 20
minutes. The ST was and is STILL the easiest machine to learn how to use.
Yet in those days, it was indeed on the cutting edge of consumer computer
technology. You were able to walk in most any computer outlet and
overhear people heaping praise on the "JackinTosh". Everyone either
wanted one or was sorry they bought brand X.

Perhaps all of us have come to continue to expect Atari to provide us
with computer technology that's on the cutting edge of tomorrow at
affordable prices. Maybe its possible maybe not. I know one thing, I
like having a computer that can do exactly what I wish. I only hope the
future holds as much promise as the past held satisfaction.

For once I cannot be held accountable for resurrecting the "Old
Osbourne Harp". Seems someone else has made an announcement about new
machines being put on 'display' in March and then twice in April.

Atari is moving forward in the right areas. Of this there is no
doubt. As Jim Allen would say; "Go Atari!"

Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine
"Reporting ABOUT Atari, not FOR Atari!"
Friday, February 14, 1992 - 5:54:58 pm



Cooperation?! At What Price?

by Dana P. Jacobson

Over the past few months, and probably much longer, there has been a
cloud of animosity between a some at Atari and STReport. Most of that
bitterness has been because STReport does not ignore the darker issues
with regard to Atari. STReport does, and will continue to do so, report
on more than just the issues that some at Atari want to see publicized.
Most of our readers have come to rely on STReport's independent reporting
and editorializing; and as long as our readership maintains that desire,
so shall STReport.

Predictably, certain Atari personnel will cringe when they read some
of the items contained within these pages from time to time. But also,
there are many items within each and every issue that show Atari in an
extremely favorable light. STReport does _not_ seek out negative
information for the purpose of antagonizing a select few at Atari or,
their supporters. But, news does come our way from time to time that does
contain differing viewpoints. Should STReport ignore that information?
Should STReport present only information and news pertaining to Atari that
maintains an upbeat appearance? ...Of course not.

There's been a continued onslaught of emotion filled "debate" on the
FNET recently between STReport and Z*NET supporters. Competition is one
thing, but the abusive hatred this editor has seen propels the situation
well beyond competitiveness. Competition is a good thing. It forces each
of us to improve ourselves. Both STReport and Z*NET are needed in today's
current market. Both magazines are important because each provides a
different perspective. On the FNET, it is more than just apparent that a
large majority of instigation for the "friction" between STR & ZNET is
emanating from one major source. (Not either editor) To purposely pit
STReport and Z*NET at loggerheads is a totally non-productive, senseless
obsession. It will serve no useful purpose to all parties concerned and
especially those 'very special' few at Atari. There's an on-again,
off-again attempt to smooth out differences between the publishers of both
magazines. Will there ever be a total "truce" between the two? Hopefully
there will be, but not with outside instigators using one magazine as a
platform to belittle others. Naturally, there will always be those
occurrences when each magazine takes a stand completely opposite that of
the other. But that too is fully expected and its a very healthy
situation that will only benefit the userbase.

One side effect that does present a serious problem is obvious
favoritism. To the best of our knowledge, no other Atari publication,
whether it be Atari's own, Atari Explorer or an online magazine, receives
special consideration directed at Z*NET. Playing favorites is not
something new in our society; it happens all the time. That fact simply
does not make it correct by any measure. Its true, Z*NET has earned many
of the "rewards" granted them. But (there's always a but!) for some of
Atari's personnel to blatantly throw that favoritism in the face of other
support-media is totally unprofessional and absolutely uncalled for.

Last week, STReport carried the account of how Atari will be unveiling
their new machine(s) at an upcoming Boston Computer Society general
membership meeting. This is a major news event, as any new product
announcement is. The article related how this editor provided certain
information which expedited Mr. R.G. Brodie's contact with the BCS. What
started as a casual conversation (Mr. R.G. Brodie had promised to send out
the recent issues of Atari Explorer and Atari Artist and lost my
address). I then brought up a cryptic message Mr. R.G. Brodie left on
Delphi months earlier about a "major event" to be held in Boston in early

Mr. R.G. Brodie finally elaborated some details about the BCS meeting;
and that he was in the process of contacting the president of the BCS to
set up a "meeting" with Atari in attendance. Knowing that the BCS was
currently leader-less, I offered Mr. R.G. Brodie a contact which would
make things easier for him. This was not something done with the hopes of
getting something in return. It just came out naturally. After all its
only the right thing to do.

Most people, having the same information, would have done exactly the
same thing. It is a coincidence that I'm a staff editor for STReport;
and that the contact that I provided for Mr. R.G. Brodie is an occasional
contributing correspondent. Neither of us, at the time, acted as STReport
staff, but as Atari users/supporters. Anyway, the date, etc. has been set
for the unveiling, and I've heard little else since this conversation
other than the interview providing STReport with the article last week.
To the best of our knowledge (we haven't heard to the contrary), only
STReport and Z*NET has reported this show; and only Z*NET has been
provided any specific details from Mr. R.G. Brodie, initiated by Mr. R.G.
Brodie. See any specific pattern here yet?

It's still fairly early to start inquiring of Mr. R.G. Brodie
concerning details of this upcoming meeting. Specifics are probably
still somewhat sketchy, so no one from STReport has called or been called
by Mr. R.G. Brodie. Since Mr. R.G. Brodie is still signing his messages
with his title of "Director of Communications", it would appear logical
that FORMAL PRESS RELEASES would be forthcoming for ALL media and in a
timely fashion. Well, favoritism raised its ugly head once again.
Apparently, Mr. R.G. Brodie feels that he must blatantly show his
obsession with STReport by posting _public_ messages in the FNET and
offering Z*NET staff almost total access to the events of this upcoming
meeting, and more.

Below, you'll see what I mean. These are two messages that are
posted, in public, to Ron Kovacs of Z*NET. I sincerely apologize to Ron
for including comments contained in these messages pertaining to his
grandmother's ill-health. My sincere best wishes for her speedy recovery.
I included everything verbatim so that I would not be accused of doctoring
the messages in any way.

Conf : Z*Net
Msg# : 8092/8101 Lines: Extended Read: 4
Sent : Feb 09, 1992 at 9:00 PM
To : Ron Kovacs
From : Bob Brodie at Fnet Node 706, Z*Net Golden Gate - California
Subj : Boston Meeting


On April 22, 1992 we will be unveiling a new machine at the general
meeting of the Boston Computer Society. I would like to let me know what
arrangements I need to take care of in order to have both you and a couple
of your staff members there. I expect to be hosting a pre-meeting dinner
0for the computer media. We would be honored if you and your staff would
attend, naturally we'll be picking up the tab for the evening.

Ideally, I'd like it if both you and John Nagy could attend. I've also
heard that Jon Clarke might be in the US at that time. Of course, Jon
would be welcome as well. From what the Boston Computer Society tells me,
we can expect between 600-700 people to be in attendance at this meeting.
Many of the members of the Boston Computer Society are well known experts
in computing, others are famous for their writings, like Stewart Alsop,
editor of InfoWorld Magazine. Of course, we need to impress people like
this with the new computer that we'll be unveiling. But we will not forget
the loyal Atarians that have stood by us through the years, either. So
let's start planning a schedule. I want to be sure that you have sufficent
access to key Atari staff at this function (or well in advance of it) so
that you can be certain to have accurate information. (Richard Miller, VP
of Technology and Leonard Tramiel will be there the day before, we can
probably arrange a luncheon interview for you) With that thought in mind,
I'll be faxing you a non-disclosure agreement tomorrow. Please sign it,
and fax it back to me ASAP for my files.

Review units will be made available shortly after the meeting, but I
believe that there will be one available at the meeting that you will be
able to have on an extended loan. Our typical loan agreement will apply.

I expect that we'll be staying at the Park Place Hotel in Boston, and
we'll be happy to have you as our guest there as well. Just be sure to
give me an id

ea of what type of accomidations you'll require. Boston is a
bit pricey, but the Park Place is just a short walk from New England Hall,
where the presentation will be made. I have a favorite resturant there as
well! <grin> I expect that there will be a post-meeting gathering there,
and Atari would like you to attend that as our guest as well.

I will be sending out annoucements to other members of the Atari specific
media as well, but wanted to be sure to let you know first how much we
appreciate your support. I look forward to seeing you in Boston!

Director of Communications
Atari Computer Corporation

Conf : Z*Net
Msg# : 8188/8189 Lines: Extended Read: 1
Sent : Feb 10, 1992 at 10:37 PM
To : Ron Kovacs
From : Bob Brodie at Fnet Node 706, Z*Net Golden Gate - California
Subj : Re: <8144> Boston Meeting

In reply to:

- With ALL of the personal problems I am having at the present time, a
- short vacation would be welcomed. I will let you know more and
- appreciate you offer. Thanks again!
- Talk to you soon!
- Ron

I hope that your Grandmother isn't any worse...I know that has been
weighing on you greatly in the past few weeks.

We'd love to have you attend the Boston meeting. As soon as the
non-disclosure agreement is signed, we'll start providing you with the
details that you need to write an ACCURATE assesment of the new
computer(s) that we'll be showing in Boston. I will do everything possible
to ensure you the best possible information on this matter, including
making high level design staff available to you for interviews.

This is just our way of saying THANK YOU for all of your superb support!!!

Director of Communications
Atari Computer Corporation

now, to continue...

Now, it's obvious here that these messages are an attempt to belittle
and do harm to STReport and support Z*NET for being the "ever.. so
cooperative" medium. Truly, these messages are the type that were meant
to be discussed by phone. On top of which, who ever heard of having the
press sign "non-disclosure" agreements?? By allowing STReport staff and
readers to see them in public can only be viewed as an act of obsessive

A few months ago, Mr. R.G. Brodie told Ralph Mariano that cooperation
from STReport (i.e. Ralph) was a prerequisite to cooperation from Atari
(i.e. Mr. R.G. Brodie). Roughly translated, change your editorial stance
and be totally cooperative and so will I. This is not "communications",
it's a directive, an ultimatum. Corporations do _not_ dictate to the
media what to print and what editorial stance to take on certain issues.
They provide information, as much as humanly possible, and look forward in
hopes the information will result in positive, supportive stories. Each
involved member of the media will make their own judgments and act
accordingly. To ignore one publication while fawning and fussing over
another most certainly cannot and will not have a positive reaction. Yet,
these situations continue to occur for all to see...

Apparently, these above messages are some sort of immature 'payback'
directed toward Ralph, STReport and its staff. In reality, please think
of the impression made upon editors like Rod MacDonald, John Jainschigg,
Patti & Bill Rayl, or Joe Waters? Not to mention the users in general! I
wouldn't call a publication such as ST Informer "the opposition"; and
Atari Explorer is Atari's in-house magazine. By going out of his way to
bait and antagonize Ralph and other STReport personnel with his praise of
one group of journalists, Mr. R.G. Brodie fully endangers his credibility
with all of the rest! Although STReport is not a full, commercial
venture, the other aforementioned publications rely upon Atari to make a
living. It's obvious that Mr. R.G. Brodie doesn't hold the other
magazines in the same light. Yes, Mr. R.G. Brodie did state he'd be
sending out announcements to other publications as well. When?
Credibility is something that Atari doesn't seem to enjoy having an
overwhelming abundance of. Can they can afford to lose even the
slightest bit to this fruitless obsession?

Regardless of whether or not STReport receives similar treatment, the
BCS meeting will be highly attended by STReport staff. Fortunately, my
living in Boston will make this easier, as well as other STReport
contributors. With the type of cooperation and favorable reporting
(because it's warranted, not required) that we do attempt to accomplish,
we feel more communication would have already been held. STReport, albeit
indirectly, provided some of the steps to initiate this meeting. This
cooperation was done with no strings attached. Personally, I did feel
that Boston area user groups would hear more. Also, as an editor of
STReport and a piece of the puzzle, I feel that I would have received some
more information which would enable us to provide a comprehensive report
of this important event.

Let's hope that Atari, via Mr. R.G. Brodie, decides to have a change
of attitude and offers the same cooperation that has been provided them.
It's time for Atari to maintain a non-biased cooperative with all of the
Atari publications, and let the chips fall as they may.



Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Roger D. Stevens Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Lloyd E. Pulley Sr. Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert John Deegan
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele
Ben Hamilton Neil Bradley Eric Jerue
Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing
James Nolan Vernon W. Smith

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0


> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"


The level of sales volume, the number of new dealers signed on and of
course, the response from the professional entertainment world has been
acclaimed the highest, most positive since Atari's acquisition by the
Tramiels. By any standard of measure, J. K. Grunke, Corporate Director,
International Music Markets, has brought to Atari a level of
professionalism, recognition and enthusiasm the likes of which have not
been enjoyed in a number of years. This year's show marks a quantum leap
in the proper direction for a soundly producing division of Atari's
Professional Systems Group.


In an upcoming convention, Charles Hill will be demonstrating the
power of the Atari Portfolio to the Nation's Police Chiefs. Hill, whose
company provides a large segment of the software used throughout the
nation's Law Enforcement community, plans to demonstrate the powerful uses
the Portfolio can provide to the "cop on the beat". He plans to emphasize
the versatility of the Portfolio when used in taking Crime scene reports,
Accident Reports and all other memo book entries. The ram cards used with
the Portfolio are recognized as ideal for storing pre-prepared forms of
all types. Hill also mentioned the graphical capabilities they were
interested in, he said they wanted the ability to show suspect's
"mugshots" to crime scene witnesses before the real vision faded from
their memory. When coupled to the home precinct via telecommunications,
the officer could be "patched through" and have the entire "NCIC system"
in either his pocket or the compartment in his clip board.


> STR Mail Call "...a place for the readers to be heard"

STReport's MailBag

From Delphi...

J35957 14-FEB 00:36 General Information
RE: Gregg Pratt Resignation (Re: Msg 35929)

Not to disturb you or anything, but I am still blitterless. I don't know
what to say... I am really frustrated about this. I do understand that
you are a busy person, but I believe that if you made an effort you could
mail a blitter to me. I have sent private e-mail with my address to you
and have never recieved a reply! Do you realize that it has been nearly a
year now since you told me that you would send one out?

I have been using Atari computers now for over 11 years, and this is the
first time that I have questioned whether I should have bought one or not.

Editor Note;
Michael Hallack has had a defective Blitter Chip in his 1040 STe from
the day he bought it. Over a year ago, he was promised a replacement.

From GEnie....

Category 4, Topic 11
Message 173 Fri Feb 07, 1992

Jim, I need some help out of a jam. The guy who is installing my T20
needs to know what to do with those funky blue trace wires that came
out stock with my Mega 4. You see, in the process of jerking out a
stupid boot delay gizmo on the motherboard these four or five little
blue wires got yanked too. I believe all of them were connected to the
68000 and to a little chip near the edge of the board. I need to know
where they connect on the 68000 and on the other chip. I've posted a
message on the Atari Corp catagory. I thought since you must have
installed hundreds of T2X's that you might be familiar with these
nasty blue wires. I would reaaly appreciate your help...
Alan Deffenderfer

BTW: I think both Dave Small and Jim Allen have produced excellent
products for the ST/TT market. I am really satisfied with Jim's T2X's
and with Dave's GCR. The speed and the emulation at 'low' costs are
what keeps me with Atari. All the bickering back and forth just shows
that both Dave and Jim....and you too George....are really concerned
for 1) the customer 2) their products 3) Atari. We all wake up human
every morning and we all we have our own perspectives and biases.
Whether we kill each other because of them is our choice, but I think
the disagreements lately just show the hard work and concern for not for... concern by Jim and Dave and George.

Wow! And I thought I had enough philosophizing in my Intro to Philosophy
class this morning. Whew! If my prof could see this he'd flip.


From CIS

Read action !
#: 30936 S2/Games
11-Feb-92 17:44:26
Sb: #30895-#Falcon 3.0
Fm: Spectrum HoloByte 76004,2144
To: Andrew Johnson 70374,2144

Dear Andrew:

Unfortunately, we have no plans right now to develop FALCON 3.0 for the
Atari ST. There are number of different reasons (including the technical
difficulties), but certainly one of them is the dismal ST market. We
released Flight of the Intruder late last year, and only sold about 760
in the U.S. Obviously, there's no way we can afford to develop games for
such a small market.


From GEnie

Category 14, Topic 7
Message 44 Wed Feb 12, 1992

First let me explain that I am a loyal Atari enthusiast. I purchased a
ST when they first came out. I have been using it productively and
upgrading it ever since. Last year I purchased a Portfolio and I am very
happy with it also - I am typing this message on my Portfolio. I also am
a shareholder of Atari stock so I have an additional financial incentive
to see Atari do well. I am not involved with Go Corporation, developers of
PenPoint; I just think it is a great idea.

I believe that Atari should license PenPoint for use on the ST Pad
instead of using TOS. Atari is following the same route with pen computers
that Microsoft is doing. Microsoft has developed Pen Windows as a layer
over DOS so they can run existing Windows SW on the future pen based
computers. Atari is doing the same with TOS/GEM to use existing ST
software. Go Corporation has developed an entirely new OS called
PenPoint. It is based on a 32 bit microprocessor. This new OS is object
oriented for ease of application development and code reuse; it is an
open system which can be added to in the future. Major SW companies
including WordPerfect and Lotus have started developing SW for PenPoint.
All pen base computers running PenPoint would be able to run these
applications. That is why it is so important for Atari to adopt Penpoint
and get in on the ground floor of this new technology and way of using
computers. It is time for Atari to get into the mainstream; we will never
get the major sw companies writing for us if we don't. Let's face it,
Lotus and WordPerfect are never going to write SW for the ST Book.

The PenPoint OS contains the following built in features:
Automatic networking (you can plug the computer into a network at any
time and PenPoint will automatically send Faxes and E-mail, as well as
receiving any mail which may be in your mailbox)
High resolution display which adapts to any screen size
Outline based fonts which can be any point size
Handwriting (printing) recognition engine
Virtual Keyboard which can be popped up to enter text
Object oriented approach
Hypertext linking capability within any application
Applications can be imbedded within each other
(you can be typing a letter in a wordprocessor and start a
spreadsheet or drawing application and put the spreadsheet or drawing
within the letter. No more importing of graphics from one program to
another is required.)
Support of pen gestures to control user interface
Notebook User Interface with active icons

I believe most people have the following misconception about the use
of pen based computers: that all data will be entered and manipulated with
a stylus. For the vast majority of computer literate people nothing could
be further from the truth. Most data entry into a pen computer will be by
means of a conventional keyboard, since most people can type at least as
fast as they can print. If Atari doesn't have a port for an external
keyboard on the ST Pad, then they better get one fast even if it means
using the serial port to plug into. The stylus will be used when you are
travelling in a car or standing on the factory floor or by people who
can't type and are scared of computers. There have also been comments that
handwriting recognition must be 100%; people are worried about printing
DIR and having the OS translate it as DEL. This can't happen with
PenPoint. To delete an object be it a word or a document, you draw an X
thru the object. To get a directory, you look at the first page of the
Notebook User Interface and you see a table of contents (directory). The
PenPoint handwriting recognition module uses a built-in spell checker to
correct the majority of its errors. Imagine, an OS with a built-in spell

Those interested in learning more about pen based computers should
read the following articles:

BYTE February 1991 pg 211-221
PC/COMPUTING November 1991 pg 215-228
PC WORLD March 1991 pg 83-86
Dr. DOBB's Journal November 1991 pg 14-28, December 1991 pg 107-113
PC MAGAZINE January 14, 1992 pg 415-418

I think Atari should treat the ST Book as interim product, which can
run all ST software. The ST Book is roughly the same size as the ST Pad,
so it can be used as a powerfull computer to take with you on the road
and by the music community. Atari should take the necessary time to make
sure the ST Pad makes full use of a pen based computer's capabilities:
this means running PenPoint.

I have waited for a Hypercard like application for the ST for a long
time. With the arrival of Hyperlink, we at last have a hypermedia product
for our favorite computer. But if the st pad runs PenPoint, it will have
a hypermedia system built into the OS and available in any application.
This is the best way for Atari to go with the ST Pad.

Dave Raftery


> A "Quotable Quote" "....a sign of the times"




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STReport International Online Magazine
Available through more than 10,000 Private BBS systems WorldWide!
16/32bit Magazine copyright 1987-92 No.8.07
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors/staff, PCReport, STReport, AMReport, MCReport. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint
must include the name of the publication, date, issue # and the author's
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any way without prior written permission. The entire contents, at the
time of publication, are believed to be reasonably accurate. The editors,
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