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Silicon Times Report Issue 0804

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Published in 
Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"

January 24, 1992 No.8.04

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST
1200 - 19.2bps V.32 - 42
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
FNET 0350 - STR S-East: The Bounty **<Home of STR>** 1-904-786-4176
FNET 0489 - STR N-East: Steal Your Face BBS 1-908-920-7981
FNET 0075 - STR West: Bloom County BBS 1-415-965-9347
FNET 0018 - STR Canada: ///Turbo Board BBS Support 1-416-274-1225
FNET 1031 - STR Europe: <<< INTERNET - UK>>> 011-44-296-395-935

> 01/24/92: STReport #8.04 "Reporting ABOUT Atari not FOR Atari!"
- The Editor's Desk - CPU REPORT - NeXTstep 486
- Class "B" TTs? - NAMM LIVE! - ICD Ver. 5.5.0
- STALKER 3.01 - Data Diet - Advantage Mag!
- PORTFOLIO NEWS - V.32-42 Info - STR Confidential


The _Number One_ & Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine
"UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's support BBS, NODE 350, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the Fido/F-Net Mail Network. Or, call Node 350 direct at
904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information relative
to the Atari ST computer arena through an excellent International ST Mail
Network. All registered F-NET - Crossnet SysOps are welcome to join the
STReport Crossnet Conference. The Crossnet Conference Code is #34813, and
the "Lead Node" is # 350. All systems are welcome and invited to actively
participate. Support Atari Computers; Join Today!


to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!



DO YOU HAVE THIS FILE? PHONE SPELL - A program that generates words and
phrases which spell out any given phone number on a standard dial or
keypad. Useful for remembering important phone numbers or for helping
others to remember yours. Also just fun to see what phrases your favorite
phone numbers generate.

File: FONSPE.ARC in Library 5 ("Applications").

DO YOU HAVE THIS FILE? ASTROCAL - generates a calendar for any given
year which shows times for moonrise, moonset, sunrise, sunset, moon
phases, solar and lunar eclipses, solstices, and equinoxes. Also
generates planet viewing reports showing dates, right ascension and
declination, phase, elongation, Easter dates, and much more.

File: ASTROC.ARC in Library 5 ("Applications").


The Sysops have opened up a new message section (15) of the Atari Arts
Forum (GO ATARIARTS) entitled ATARI "OVERSEAS" especially for our new
members from the UK, Europe and Australia.


We've made a slight modification to the names of our message sections in
the Atari Productivity Forum (GO ATARIPRO). Sections 4 and 5 (Personal
Applications and Business Applications) have been combined into a single
section named APPLICATIONS and a new section has been setup under the
subject NETWORKING ATARIS. Both sections are available to the entire
membership, but adjust your individual section settings accordingly.


The following files are now available in LIBRARY 8 ("Gribnif Software") of
the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN):

XBOOT.LZH - Gribnif's Press Release for X-Boot - Boot Mgr
STDEMO.LZH - A Demo for STalker the hottest graphical telcom
CRAZY.TXT - Gribnif Software announces CRAZY DOTS!
CFDEMO.LZH - Gribnif Software's CardFile 3 Test Run Demo
302_03.LZH - CardFile 3.02 patch to version 3.03
301_03.LZH - CardFile 3.01 patch to ver. 3.03
300_03.LZH - CardFile 3.00 patch to version 3.03


ICD has just uploaded the LATEST VERSIONS of their host adapter utilities.
See the file ICDHST.ARC in Library 7 (" ICD, Inc.") of the Atari Vendors
Forum (GO ATARIVEN). ICD Booter Version 5.5.0


For MIDI Enthusiasts, Maxwell CPU has released a freeware MIDI controlled
slide show program. DEGAS image colors are controlled by the tempo,
dynamics, chords and notes input through the MIDI port. GO ATARIVEN and
download file DANCE.LZH from LIBRARY 6 ("Maxwell CPU").


Please read file SUPRA.V32 in LIBRARY 15 ("Supra Corp.") of the Atari
Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) for information on Supra's new 9600 and 14400
baud fax-modems.


Just a little teaser ... We've already received commitments from Atari
Corp. and other vendors who have donated prizes to be given away during
the 24-hour Port-A-thon to be held on Feb 21-22. So far over 54 hardware
and software prizes have been donated. A list of prizes and vendors will
be published shortly.





Issue #04

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

-- Computer Sales Revenues Dip; 1st Time Since 1983

Buying a new computer isn't as popular as it used to be. Sales dropped
last year for the first time since 1983, according to a study released
by the market research firm Dataquest. Price wars and the recession were
blamed for the 7.8% drop in sales revenues.

-- IBM Aims at Education Market with new PS/2 Model

IBM has unveiled a PS/2 Model 25 SX personal computer designed for use
as a teacher and student workstation.

The computer, which will be available in April, features increased
processing speed and memory, better graphics presentation and built-in
networking capabilities.

Prices range from $1,249 to $1,899, depending on configuration.

-- NeXT Introduces NeXTstep 486

After three years of struggle, workstation maker NeXT Computer Inc is
moving aggressively to link up to the mainstream computer market. The
company headed by computer pioneer Steve Jobs unveiled the NeXTstep 486,
advanced software that can be used by computers equipped with Intel
Corp.'s newest and most powerful microprocessors.

According to reports, the NeXTstep, which is the same system found in
NeXT workstations, is object-oriented software that lets users build
programs more quickly, block by block, instead of line by line.

"NeXTstep 486 is a customer- driven product. Several of our key
customers and many industry pundits strongly urged us to port NeXTstep,"
Jobs said.

"This move extends the benefits of the industry- standard NeXTstep to
the huge installed base of 486 users, and instantly explodes the
potential market for NeXTstep applications."

Admitting that one of NeXT's early problems was that not enough software
developers were writing programs for what was seen as a limited market
compared to PCs, Jobs said the number of third-party applications
shipping programs to run on the NeXTstep operating system grew from 63
to 247 in 1991 and is expected to grow more with the Intel porting

The new software will be available in the second quarter of 1992.

Jobs also disclosed that his privately held company's revenues rose in
1991 to $127 million from about $30 million in 1990. He would not
discuss the firm's earnings.

-- MicroSoft Profits Soar

Microsoft Corp. profits rose 55% in the quarter ended Dec. 31 on
stronger sales of the Windows operating system for personal computers.
The company reported profit of $175.2 million, or 90 cents a share, on
sales of $681.9 million in the second quarter of the company's fiscal
year. Sales of Windows 3.0 have surpassed 9 million copies since that
version went on the market May, 22, 1990.

-- Logic Bomb Programmer Fined

Michael John Lauffenburger, a 31-year-old programmer formerly with
General Dynamics, pleaded guilty Nov. 4 to attempted computer tampering.
He has been fined $5,000, handed three years' probation and was ordered
to perform 200 hours of community service for attempting to sabotage
computers with a "logic bomb" that prosecutors say could have erased
national security data.

According to reports, Lauffenburger set up the logic bomb, then
resigned, intending to get hired on as high-priced consultant to help
reconstruct the data lost from the billion-dollar Atlas Missile Space
Program when the virus was unleashed. A co-worker accidentally
discovered the rogue program in early May. It had been set to go off May
24. Investigators said at the time the bomb would have caused about
$100,000 in damage to computer systems at the Kearny Mesa plant.



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Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
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Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

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GEnie costs only $4.95 a month for unlimited evening and weekend access to
more than 100 services including electronic mail, online encyclopedia,
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MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Any time during your first month of membership if
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GEnie Announcements (FREE)

1. Stay Warm in Winters Cold--GEnie Sweatshirts................*ORDER
2. Now learn German on Mondays and Thursdays...................GERMANY
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4. Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Scheduled...................*SPACE
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10. NTN SUPERBOWL BASH * Great PRIZES, Great FUN, don't miss...QB1
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12. Hot games - big fun - huge value - Comings and Goings......SOFTCLUB
13. Association of Shareware Professionals Now on GEnie........IBMPC
14. New Printer Drivers for GeoWorks Ensemble 1.2 now online...GEOWORKS
15. Visit the GEnie Info Library today.........................*LIBRARY



The "anticipated" ISD Customer Mailout announcing the release
of Calamus SL along with various modules, PKS Write, Speed-Line
Auto-Tracing, Vector Graphics Editing etc.. is now available for
downloading, file # 22360. Please direct any questions or
comments to the ISD Category #16.


GEnie's Atari ST Roundtable
Wednesday, February 5, 1992
10:00 p.m. EST

Supra Corporation, a long-time manufacturer of hard
drive systems for the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga, has
added a new line of low-cost 9600 baud modems and
fax/modems to their existing 2400 baud modem line up
(see SUPRAV32.ARC (file #22271) in the Atari ST
Roundtable Software Library for details).

Supra will be the featured guest for a formal Realtime
Conference in the ST Roundtable on February 5th, 1992
beginning at 10:00 p.m. EST. Find out more about these
new modems as well as Supra's ST product line and get
your questions answered directly from the source!

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


> NAMM SHOW STR SHOW NEWS National Association of Music Merchants

GEnie's Atari ST RT Online Conference

On January 18, 1992, an online conference from the Atari Booth at the
current NAMM Show (National Association of Music Merchants) was
scheduled. As can often be expected, problems arose with getting a
clean line out of the booth that Atari could use to participate in the
conference. As a result, Bob Brodie, Atari's Director of
Communications, called in by voice on a phone off the NAMM Show floor.
His comments and answers to questions were relayed first by Nathan
Potechin (ISD) and later by Sandy Wilson (SANDY.W).

This was in informal conference so it lacked the normal structure of one
of our formal conferences. As a result, the exchanges between those
present in the RTC and Bob are a bit chaotic to read because things jump
around quite a bit. But the read is worth the effort! <smile>

Comments made in the RTC that were not relevant to Atari at NAMM have
been edited out of this transcript.


January 18, 1992

Bob is on the phone, having problems getting online.

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Hmmm...Anybody know the booth phone number at NAMM?

<[Dan @ Atari] D.MCNAMEE>
Hmmm. Line noise?

** <ISD> is here.

<[Dan @ Atari] D.MCNAMEE>
Hey Nate!

** <[BOB on Phone] ISD> was <ISD>.

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Hi, Nathan. Hi Bob on Phone.

<[Dan @ Atari] D.MCNAMEE>
Hi Bob on Phone! <G>

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Hi ALL. Its Nathan with Bob on my phone. He couldn't get a clean line
out of his hotel.

Hi Everyone!

Bob says hi to all too.

<[(Lee)] OFFY>
'lo Bob.

hi bob, the wind chill factor is below zero today in michigan

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
So, what's happening at this whacky NAMM thing?

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Bob says its too darn hot in their booth

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>

send me some of that heat, i need it.

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Nathan says its -27 so lack of sympathy is to be expected

<[Dan @ Atari] D.MCNAMEE>
Poor baby ;-)

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Signing up NEW Dealers. Including LARGE Piano and Organ chain in

<[Dan @ Atari] D.MCNAMEE>

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
That oughtta please Lloyd.

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
They held a Developer Conference today for all the Music Devs which went
extraordib`narily well.

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Which companies were represented there, Bob, at the Dev Con?

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Last developer conference that I (BOB) attended was a few years back.
This one went much much smoother, probably because we fed ISD> them :-)

<[Dan @ Atari] D.MCNAMEE>
extraordib'narily? Sounds like Bob's been hitting the bottle<G>

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
One of the more exciting developments is that we have Computer
Chronicles filming the Atari music booth and interviewing us about our
place in the market.

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
All right! When will it air!?

<[Dan @ Atari] D.MCNAMEE>

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Airing Nationally the week of February 25, 1992. I recall that I
(Nathan) along with a few others appeared on Computer Chronicles once
upon a time. It was scary. I'd never done TV. :-)

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Hey, this is great!

Our group has that one videotaped. You were really cute on camera,

I think I still have a tape of that, Nathan <evil grin>

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
This particular show will come MIDI Music including coverage of the
entire NAMM show, coverage of those other platforms too so it will not
be exclusively Atari but we should do real well by them.

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Dorothy :-)

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Are the other platforms present in equivalent force.

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Two Press Conferences have been held so far, both of which have been
standing room only events.

(wild applause from Nathan)

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
One of the things that has caused the greatest stir here is the alliance
between Fostex, Atari. Dr. T's, Steinberg and C-Lab to bring state of
the art midi control to multiple track tape systems.

Any questions please?

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
I already asked questions.

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
What were they Dorothy? :-)

In general, how has the response been to Atari, as opposed to other

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Which devs came to the dev conference?

Did devs who normally write for other platforms come?

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Ted, the only other system exhibiting at the show is IBM. Neither Apple
nor Amiga deigned to participate.

The Developers that attended the conference were most everyone in the
music midi field as they are all long-time Atari supporters regardless.
Hybrid Arts, Amadeus, Codehead, C-Lab, Steinberg Dr.T's, etc..


Is Atari making any new converts?

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Ted, ABSOLUTELY, reflected and proven by the fact of NEW DEALER SIGNUPS
at the show WITH opening order in hand!!!!!!!


<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
We will be making the IAAD aware of the identity of the new Dealers so
that we can broaden their horizons. :-)

As Nevin, the IAAD President is in attendance, he's right on top of

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
For those that have just joined in, I have BOB with me on the phone as
his telephone line acted up on him.

Outstanding! Will they primarily be MIDI/music stores, or computer

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
This is the NAMM show. The primary thrust is certainly midi.

Make that Midi. :-)

hey what's happening?

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Hi G.Finsrud

Bob is giving us information from the NAMM show, but had technical
difficulties with his phone so we are relaying the information.


What is the response like to the notebook?

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
I am on Hold for a second.


any news that I missed?

Is there any answer to the "when" question about the ST Book?

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
You missed all the news, Anthony.


Atari is having a good show at NAMM


<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
New Dealers, A new Chain of Dealers

MIDI developers and dealers are quite receptive

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Like they are going to be on Computer Chronicles the week of Feb 25!

Major conference with MIDI devs, major press coverage.

You're kidding! What's the new chain of dealers?

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
It's in California.

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
Midi Chain

<[Dan @ Atari] D.MCNAMEE>
Chain of music/MIDI dealers in CA.

California! Is that anywhere near the US?

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
I think it's a little farther away from the US each year.

Any news for the continental US market? :)

Did they annouce when the ST Book will be available?

<[BOB on Phone] ISD>
I've lost Bob (sigh) He's been having really bad trouble with his line
but he's about to call Sandy's. :-)

** <[Nathan] ISD> was <[BOB on Phone] ISD>.

I've got Bob now.

** <[Bob on phone] SANDY.W> was <SANDY.W>.

<[Nathan] ISD>
Sandy now has Bob and I have to go do a birthday party for my
daughter. Bye all

What will Computer Chronicles cover? Also, any print coverage?

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
The ST Book will ship in quantity in March.

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Bye Nathan!

** <[Nathan] ISD> has left.

What quantity? 3?


<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
The CC thing will cover the whole NAMM show, not just us.

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
The commitment is for a 4 meg machine only. Figure price is to be in
the area of $2300.

So we'll see as much as ABC Business World! Great!

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
But there's not too much competition there, as Apple and Amiga didn't
show up.

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
Machines of 1 meg configuration will be made available to developers
sometime next month.

<[John Cole] J.COLE18>
Dot what have I missed?

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
A transcript wil be posted later.

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Neat stuff, mostly, John.

is the 1.44 drive in yet? and why not! :)

<[John Cole] J.COLE18>
Say 'Hi' to Bob for me :-)

Good luck and much fun at NAMM!! ...Later

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
A promotion for new dealers at the show only is called "Do the Loop".

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
What loop?

Must be one of those MIDI-ese things.

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
When they place an order at the show, they then visit each station at
the Atari booth, carrying a card that we provide them listing the
stations. Once they complete the stations, they are eligable for a
drawing for a TT system.

How are MIDI users responding? Any pick-up in Atari sales/outlook?

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Cute, make 'em work for it. Oughtta use that idea at regular shows. ;-)

Good idea! I hope they're responding favorably!

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
New dealers are signing up including one of the largest piano/organ
dealers in California

One of the largest???

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
Yes, one of the largest.

What about New York City? Have they heard of the East Coast out west?

You remember us???? Without us the WEST would be owned by somebody else!


<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
There are already too very large music dealers in NY. Sam Ash and
Manny's. Along with another "little" outfit called J & R Music World.

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Are they in attendance?

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
They are in attendance.

Seriously, though, any idea on Atari's direction (MIDI or otherwise) for
Europe when they go as one?

Hey J&R doesn't have Amiga in this catalog but they still have atari and
now Apple...yuck!

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
There are some European developers in attendance, there will be an
equivalent show in Europe later this year.

Has the show mood been positive? Are they "turning the tide" in regards
to dealers/devs in the MIDI market?

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
Anthony must have come in late <grin>

yes ma'am

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
He missed the announcement about the standing room only press
conferences and signing up of new dealers.

SRO!!!! :-)

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
Yep. Twice!

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
And the Computer Chronicles TV show is taping at the booth. It has a
weekly audience of 700,000 people. Shown on PBS nationwide.

Has most of the interest been for ST's, ST book, TT, or software?

Will Atari be able to supply these dealers? Are they sure? And will this
effect other dealers?

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
They are filming the crowds in the Atari booth as we speak.

<[Zubbie] SPECTER>

Like right now?


<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
You know, it's like early afternoon there.

Can I say something to my Mom on TV?

hi MOM!

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
Ted - It has been a combination of both. Atari has an excellent name in
the music market place.

There is substantial interest in the hardware.

What's the name? Tell us!! Tell us!

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
There seems to be particular interest in Mega STe's.

We are excited that Hybrid Arts has returned to the market with such
zeel, under new leadership.

Cubase has been upgraded to work on a TT.

All of Dr. T's products work on a TT.


<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
C Lab has comitted to upgrade their products to work on the TT by the
end of the year.

(Upgreades! Upgrades! Upgrades! <grin>)

Great news!

I hope Atari will be able to supply the market much more smoothly now.

Things sound exciting! Any news about what will be shown at CeBit?

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
Anthony - Let us get through one show before we worry about the
next. <grin>

You can count on new product announcements being made at CeBit.

<[John Cole] J.COLE18>
Is that new Mono monitor there?

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
John - Yes it is, and it is being very well received by the dealers.

Sounds good! Well, have an exciting afternoon...whoa! Really? That's
great! Now about that TT trade-in program........ :-) bye all

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Well, best of luck at the rest of NAMM, Bob! Hope to have a full report
next Wednesday night!

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
Any other questions?

<[John Cole] J.COLE18>

Bob and Sandy, thanks for all the news. I'll pass it along to some of
the locals. TTFN

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
If there are no further questions, thanks to everyone for coming.

There will be copies of all the NAMM press release in this week's Z*Net.

<[John Cole] J.COLE18>
Is Atari going to make a deal with a speaker CO. to provide a cupon or
something so Atari people can get a decent (how about BOSE) speakers
system for our computers? (This is a hint BTW)

Seems like NAMM should be a good place to set that deal up!

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
We have a working relationship with Fostex. They make high quality
multiple track tape recorders.

I like your idea and will look into it.

<[John Cole] J.COLE18>
Great! Tell bob to have FUN!!!!! And I'll call him during the Week!

<[Bob on phone] SANDY.W>
Great. I will be back in the office on Tuesday.

<[John Cole] J.COLE18>
talk to you then. have fun!

(C) 1992 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May
be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie
are *official* information services of Atari Corporation.

> THE FLIP SIDE STR Feature "...from a different viewpoint"


by Michael Lee


From RMORROW on Delphi....

STalker 3.01 is now out. I've been beta testing it for the past two
months, now I can breathe!

Some of the changes:

The ability to write scripts is now there.

The write_script() command in BackTALK now can truly write a logon
script for you. It's neat.

ZModem transfers got a slight speed increase due to a rewriting of the
code there. Basically, in 3.00 there were 3 BIOS calls for each
character sent or received, now only 2 BIOS calls are necessary. With
an 8MHz system running at 19,200 the difference is unreal.

[Undo] stops file transfers, in fact it is the preferred way at high
speeds since STalker may not 'see' the mouse pointer clicking on Abort

STalker used to bomb if no VDI stations were present at bootup; now it
exits nicely.

"Send Text to Printer" now works.

The TT's Serial 2 port actually supports DTR, so 3.01 can too.

While doing file transfer, the [Insert] key removes/restores the file
transfer window.

The BackTALK compiler (v1.01 now) has been enhanced to provide tighter
code and to handle new commands.

The new Atari-standard Clipboard format is now supported, and it is
backwards compatible with the old system. Use the new system only if
you use the CPX, IMHO. (CPX= Extensible control Panel)

Various redraw/appearance problems were fixed.

New versions of Auxinit and Buf_siz.btk are used, they handle TT and
MSTe ports in addition to the ST's serial port. (Separate copy required
for each port hose buffer you wish to expand)


From Dan McNamee (Atari) - Cat. 14, Topic 10, Msg. 37 - from the ST
Roundtable on Genie...

....As to the hard drive problem, never, ever, for any reason turn off
the hard drive while the computer is on and continue to use the
computer, let alone turn it back on expecting everything to be OK. This
can cause many problems, such as trashing your hard drive. You never
have to turn off you hard drive to give it a rest, hard drives are more
than happy to be left on all the time. Mine at work have been on for as
long as I have had them (minus moving time when my office location has
changed). As a matter of fact, you can do more damage to your drive
turning it on and off several times a day.

Disk platters have quite a bit of mass, and it takes a lot of effort of
the motor's part to get that mass up to speed, which causes a lot of
wear and tear on the motor.


From JBEU on Delphi...

UNSOLICITED PLUG: For you hard drive owners who find that you *often*
reach the end of your storage and have to start moving things off of
the HD you would perfer to have GOT to get DATA DIET.

DATA DIET from Double click has given each of my 44meg SYQUEST
cartridges the approximate storage ability of 65megs. With the two
SYQUESTS online I am now up to 120-130 megs of virtual storage space on
88megs of actual HD drive. I've used it for a couple of months now
active non-stop in my system and it works without a hitch (NOTE: this
is mainly due to the fact that I READ THE MANUAL and FOLLOWED THE

For those who would like to know and don't, DATA DIET is an AUTO folder
program/ACCESSORY combination that works in the background. Whenever I
write to the hard drive DD intercepts the data and very, very quickly
compresses the data (like an arc or an lzh file is compressed) before
it actually written to the drive. Whenever the computer attempts to
read *dietized* data file DD intercepts the data and(wow-fast)
uncompresses it for the computer. It only dietizes data files. Program
files (PRG, ACC,TTP, and TOS) are excluded from the process and can be
permanently dietized themselves with DC SQUISH.

Even though the dietization of data files is wow-fast, when I'm working
on a large program with large files like CALAMUS, even that slowdown in
speed is actually noticable, especially since saving often is a must.
Well, DATA DIET deals with that nicely as well. I have configured DD to
only do the dietization of files when I exit a program. When I am in
CALAMUS and working away saves occur at normal speed, and when I exit I
can actually see the computer stop for about 5-10 seconds and watch as
it lists all the files I had accessed in the last session scroll by as
they are now dietized. Very nifty.

The real kicker for me was when I discovered that it could do this save
later technique even I forgot to exit the program and truned off the
computer after my last save instead of exiting the program. The next
time I boot the computer, when I see DATA DIET load...*bingo* there is
the list of files I had been working scrolling by as they are NOW being
dietized...really cool.

Obviously I LOVE this program. I was as wary of it as my friends were,
but for me the test of time has proven it I have a good
backup system with the two SYQUEST drives. I have not been paid in any
way to make this long-winded plug..I am just sold on this product. And
the HD space savings alone is worth the $59 asking price. Remember, it
can add 20-50% more virtual storage on any hard drive. I had 5 SYQUEST
cartridges of 44megs = 220 megs. For $59 those same cartridges hold
about 300-310megs of info...when was the last time you bought 110 megs
of hard drive storage for $59. And every HD you own will experience
this savings but you pay the $59 once...think about it.


One person reported about a friend having a defective DMA chip in his
MegaST and asked Atari on what their repair/replacement policies are.
From Dan McNamee (Atari) - Cat. 14, Topic 5, Msg. 124 - from the ST
Roundtable on Genie...

If your friend sends in his Mega 4 to us, he will get in return a Mega
2 STe under the repair/replacement plan. The fee is $399 plus shipping
and handling. For further information, have him contact Carl Bacanni in
Customer Relations.


From Ed Krimen - Cat. 2, Topic 42, Msg. 61 - from the ST Roundtable on

I opened up my new DB II package tonight and I must say that I really
like the manual. I think the Bloom County characters really add a nice
touch, and I *NEVER* read the comics in the newspapers. :^) The feel
and overall look of the manual is a nice change from the usual Gribnif/
Double-Click/CodeHead glossy-smooth cover. I expect it to get even
better when I open that little envelope attached to the inside-back-

Now that I've read the entire manual, I must say it's one of the most
clearly- written and easy-to-understand manuals I've read. You can tell
that Bob really cares about his product. Kudos!


From Dan Ward - Cat. 11, Topic 10, Msg. 1 - from the ST Roundtable on

Mid-Indiana ST is making plans for MIST Atarifest IV to be held in
Indianapolis on July 25, 1992.

This annual event has become the premier "Small Show" of the mid-west.
Each year the show has grown in size and stature. Last year over 500
individuals from as far away as Alabama, Kansas, and Penns ylvania made
the trek to Indianapolis.

We hope you start making plans now to attend this worthwhile event! We
will be providing periodic updates as July 25 nears. If you require
more information about last years show, want to offer suggestions for
this years show, or just want ot say hello then please contact Dan Ward
on GEnie (D.WARD10).


From Ron Robinson - Cat. 15, Topic 4, Msg. 3 - from the ST Roundtable on

******************* SPECIAL OFFER ****************


Atari Advantage Magazine!

The authoritative magazine for ST/STE/TT computer systems.

From the creators of ST Informer Magazine comes the most comprehensive,
information packed Atari specific magazine ever. Atari Advantage will
continue ST Informer's style of hard-hitting in-depth product reviews,
informative articles, wide spread show coverage, and most

It will be just as fast!

We are also going to include more up to the minute new product announ-
cements and upgrade information, a much expanded business department,
more industry news, constant coverage of personalities in the Atari
community, educational reviews, and a renewed committment to the use of
MIDI and the Atari.

We at Atari Advantage have wanted to create a publication to satisfy
the needs of the new breed of Atari user. Now that we have the chance,
look out! When you see our first issue you'll see what we mean. Atari
Advantage will offer something for everyone.

Want to experience the Atari Advantage? Just print this simple form,
fill it out (yes, even the signature...), and send it in. What you'll
get in return is a free sample issue sent right to your home, with no
obligation to buy. That's right! You can still get something for
nothing! (Well, o.k. it will cost you some paper and a stamp, but heck
that's almost nothing...right?)

Already know you want to get the Advantage every month? A one year
charter subscription is only $11.00 (cheap!) That's half the regular
subscription price of $22.00! Of course there is a catch, we have to
receive your subscription and payment before March 15th in order to

Atari Advantage Magazine
PO Box 803
Merlin, OR 97532
(503) 476-3578

( ) YES! I want to take advantage of your special offer. Send me the
next 12 issues (1 year) of Atari Advantage for the charter
subscription price of $11. I understand that my order must be
received before March 15, 1992 for this special offer.

( ) BILL ME.

( ) Payment enclosed.

( ) YES! Please send me the charter issue of Atari Advantage. I will
look it over and then decide whether to subscribe later at the full
price of $22. The charter issue is mine to keep.

* In Canada and Mexico add $6 for postage; outside the U.S., Canada
and Mexico add $10 for postage. Subscriptions payable in U.S.

Name ____________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________________________________

State, Zip ______________________________________________________

Phone _____________________________

Signature _______________________________________________________
(Signature required for processing)


From Ken Brooks (New Horizon) - Cat. 4, Topic 19, Msg. 27 - from the ST
Roundtable on Genie...

************************* UPDATE *************************

The TT/32 boards arrived and have been shipped to those who have
ordered! Note that we rushed these boards out to you by Purolator
and/or Airborne Express overnight and did not stop except to package
and address the boards as needed. When you receive the board and are
about to install it to your TT, adhere to the following:

1) In a standard 4Mb configuration, your 1x8 or 1x9 SIMM panels are all
to be installed in Bank #1 of the board, not in Bank #2 at all!!!

2) The SIMM panels are to be installed with the RAM chips towards the
front of the TT case. Put the most forward SIMM panels in place first
and then the ones immediately behind in succession. Snap them carefully
into place. Don't forget to insulate the board from the metal RF
shielding as we instructed in our installation letter in t he box.

3) The boards were not delivered to us with the jumpers set for a
standard 4Mb setup. There are 3 sets of 3 pins on the board with
jumpers (9 pins in all). The standard 4Mb configuration requires all
the sets to be jumpered on pins 2-3, 2-3 and 2-3.

Call us or leave us EMail if you have any difficulty at all.

Keith Brooks & Bruce Klassen
New Horizon Computer Systems Ltd.
Calgary, Alberta


Until next week.....



As a reader of STReport International Online Magazine, you are entitled to
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DELPHI- It's getting better all the time!


> CALAMUS SL NOW! STR InfoFile Calamus SL _Transforms_ Calamus!!

January 17, 1992
ISD Marketing, Inc.
Toronto Canada

Over the course of the past few months I have been observing one new
release or upgrade after another, in the field of desktop publishing on
the Atari platform. I was well aware of the fact that Atari-based desktop
publishing was coming of age with some notable releases, definitely
comparable to the best available on any other computer platform. The old
axiom "last but not least" almost applies in this case because Calamus SL
is certainly not "least" in comparison to any other desktop publishing
software and I suspect it won't be the last either. :-) I've followed the
marketing hype surrounding new product and have made a point of staying
mostly quiet, knowing that my time was fast approaching. I have not
pre-sold nor pre-advertised. What I have done is insure that Calamus SL
would be released in North America, Australia and New Zealand exactly at
the correct time. And that time is now!

It brings me great pleasure to announce the release of Calamus SL.
For those of you that have waited patiently for so long, please accept my
sincere thank you.

Calamus SL _Transforms_ Calamus!!

ISD is proud to present Calamus SL. Consider this a new entry into
the field of desktop publishing. SL marks the transformation of Calamus
from an excellent desktop publishing program to an expansive DTP
environment. With its new modular design, Calamus has become the center
of a powerful and ever-expanding universe of DTP tools.

As a Calamus owner, you will be able to purchase modules to suit your
specific needs. Development continues on many additional modules.

"What You Need Is What You Get"

ISD brings "WYNIWYG" to desktop publishing. The modular concept means
that you purchase exactly what you need today, with the knowledge that
additional modules are available when you require them. Your choice is
now easier and more economical since you will be purchasing specialized
modules rather than entire packages.

We believe that you will enjoy working with Calamus SL, not only
because of its new power, but because of its similarity to Calamus 1.09N.
The skills you have already developed will still be applicable in SL and
your productivity will increase.

The basic Calamus SL package contains the following:

* A new 600 page manual. * Three program disks

* Clipboard Module * Page Module
* Frame Module * Text Module
* Text Style Module * Line Module
* Raster Area Module * Document Converter

We have also decided to bundle two additional modules
(for a limited time only!) with your Calamus SL package.

* PKS Write * Raster Generator

Further, we will also bundle two AGFA Compugraphic font families with
Calamus SL; specifically CG Times and CG Triumvirate. (Note: For those
that already own these fonts, we will provide you with equivalent value
fonts instead.)

While the interface and command structure are essentially unchanged
from earlier versions, the standard elements have been greatly expanded.

Calamus SL contains dozens of new features and powerful enhancements:

* Above all else, The ability to accept modules, internal or 3rd party;

* The ability to process and pre-process large passages of text with
speed and precision.

* Extended raster control with freely definable raster angles and widths.
Intensity and contrast can now be corrected, while an integral
histogram allows you to optimise an image for your output device.

* The PKS-Write Text Editor provides standard wordprocessing functions
plus the ability to edit layout information.

* The addition of Cache and Virtual Memory speeds up and extends
memory-dependent functions.

* Create hundreds of macros, each assigned to a definable key binding
which can be saved and automatically installed in each work session.

* Open up to seven documents at one time allowing cut & paste to your new
scrolling clipboard.

* Create and assign master pages (style sheets).

* Create and save text style lists.

* Create registration and crop marks for overlay and finishing work.

* Expand, compress and skew text.

* Rotate and mirror frames.

* Control frame placement and size to 7 decimal places.

* Print parts of pages (tiling).

* Define more than 16 million colors and save in color lists.

* Set units of measurement for pages, fonts and lines.

* Choose from three frame display modes; Transparent, Opaque and

* Align frames to other frames.

* Define vertical alignment settings.

Currently, more than a dozen modules and scores of drivers are
available for use with Calamus SL. We will publicize the availability of
new modules, drivers and upgrades through our normal Customer Support
channels, as well as through periodic mailings to our registered users.

Calamus SL has a suggested retail price of US $795.00. We do take
into consideration your previous purchase. Calamus 1.09N retails for US
$299.95, a difference of approximately US $500.00.

Our upgrade charge to our REGISTERED 1.09N customers is US $200.00
which includes the new manual and program as well as the AGFA Compugraphic
fonts and modules as indicated on the preceding page. Our personal
commitment for 1992 as a company, is to offer unprecedented VALUE and
SUPPORT to our customers.

We currently have three modules available for separate purchase, as
part of our decision to offer you "WYNIWYG"; Speed Line (auto-tracer)
Module, Color Separation Module and Vector Graphic Editor Module.


Speed Line brings Monochrome Auto-tracing to Calamus converting
illustrations into vector graphics. It automatically creates vectors
utilizing (Bezier) curves, lines and areas. The simplified user interface
offers several optimizing functions to enable you to define line, angle
and pixel correction together with conversion options for Bezier curves
and line art. The Speed Line Auto-tracer converts a raster graphic to a
vector graphic within seconds, which can then be modified by any of the
existing Calamus drawings tools, particularly those contained in the
Vector Graphic module or Outline Art. Your cost US $49.95.


Our color separation module allows you to define separation filters,
including the definition of undercolor removal and adornment (spot color).
This module allows the use of CYMK, CMY and IHS models, as well as the
capability to support new models such as Pantone, HKS and Truematch, once
they become available. Your cost for this module is US $49.95.


Our Vector Editor allows the creation and editing of monochrome or
color vector graphics, editing of polylines for irregular text flow and
much much more. I have enclosed a few snap shots of the many features.
This is the perfect internal tool for editing of auto-traced graphics.
You can join sub-paths, distort and freely rotate all elements or even
apply different colors to every vector graphic part. Your cost for this
module is US $99.95.

Please, place your order for Calamus SL NOW as well as ordering any of
the three additional modules you may require. Orders can be sent in Email
to ISD along with your Visa or Mastercard number, by telephone at (416)
479-1880 or by mailing in your money order to:

ISD Marketing, Inc.,
2800 John Street, Unit # 15
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 0E2

Expect 3 new modules to become available within the next 60 days
including Dataformer, (both raster and vector),
Mount & Print and Job List.

ISD Marketing, Inc. is proud to announce the second annual Creativity
and Design Contest....again. Apparently, we announced it on GEnie, we
made a Press Release to the Atari publications including Atari Explorer
which carried a few pages on our contest in their last issue, but we never
did the mailout to our REGISTERED customer base. Please accept my sincere
apologies for this error. Under the circumstances, I have decided to
extend the contest until February 28, 1992. I sincerly apologize for any
inconvenience that this may cause.

Your entry may once again be either text, graphics or a combination of
both. You may submit business card designs, logos, fonts, freehand
drawings, posters, illustrations, cartoons and graphic effects just to
name a few examples, as long as you use any one of the Calamus family of
products; this includes Calamus, Outline Art, the Font Editor or any
combination of the three to create your originals.

The contest will run effective August 20, 1991 until February 28,
1992. Winners will be selected from the files uploaded into our E-mail
address on Compuserve at 76004,2246, Delphi at ISDMARKETING or GEnie at
ISD or mailed directly to our offices at:

ISD Marketing, Inc.
P.O. Box 3070
Markham Industrial Park
Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 6G4

Mailed entries must be postmarked no later than February 28, 1992 and
received by us in house by March 15, 1992 to qualify for entry.

You must be a REGISTERED OWNER of either Calamus, Outline Art or the
Font Editor in order to enter. Note: If you have recently purchased any
of these products but have not yet had the opportunity to send in your
registration card, then please send it with your entry.

You may enter as many times as you choose but any one individual may
only win once. Although the author shall retain any copyright to his/her
entry, all winning files shall be considered "publicly distributable
files" and may be made available for downloading from CompuServe, Delphi
and GEnie. As well, the winning entries will be published in Atari
Explorer Magazine, our official magazine sponsor, with the author named
and the prize indicated.


$1,500.00 worth of AGFA Compugraphic fonts
for use in either

An Atari SLM605 Laser Printer




Complete font packages from both Cherry Fonts and MS Designs and
$100.00 connect time credit to be applied to your CompuServe, GEnie or
Delphi account. One subscription from Atari Explorer will go to each of
our winners.

The judges for this contest are: Geoffrey Earle, General Manager of
Atari (Canada) Corp., John Jainschigg (Editor) and Marc Needleman (Art
Director) of Atari Explorer, and Mario Georgiou (Graphic Artist) of ISD
Marketing. The decision of the judges is final.


1. The ISD Marketing, Inc. Creativity and Design Contest is a
skill-based contest for any person who is a properly registered owner of
any of the Calamus family of products. Participation in this contest is
open to residents of Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand,
providing that their Calamus product is th

e one published by Ditek
International or ISD Marketing. Employees of CompuServe, Delphi, GEnie,
ISD Marketing, Inc., Ditek International, DMC, Atari Explorer, Atari Corp.
and all Atari Subsiduaries, SysOps, GameOps, their affiliates,
subsidiaries, advertising agencies, and immediate families are ineligible
to win prizes. This contest is subject to all local, state/provincial and
federal regulations and is void where prohibited by law. All taxes are
the sole responsibility of the winners.

2. From August 20, 1991 at 12:01 AM EST to February 28, 1992, 11:59 EST
those who meet the above eligibility requirements can enter the contest.
The files can be uploaded directly to the ISD Marketing Email accounts on
CompuServe, Delphi or GEnie or submitted by mail directly to ISD at our
mailing address indicated above. (Note: Entries will not be accepted by
courier. Use regular mail only.) One winner and 4 runner ups will be

3. The decision of the judges is final and not reviewable by any other
person, agency, or tribunal. Winners will be notified by CompuServe,
Delphi or GEnie EMail and/or regular mail on or about March 30, 1992, and
their names will be published online in the Atari Forums on CompuServe and
Delphi, the Atari RT on GEnie and in Atari Explorer along with their
winning submission.

4. This contest may be publicized outside those venues indicated above.
No prize may be exchanged, substituted, modified, or redeemed for cash.
Prizes are not transferrable. Prizes won by entrants under the age of 18
will be awarded to the winner's parent or legal guardian. All prizes will
be awarded and mailed to the winner's address as shown on their
registration form. By acceptance of their prizes, winners consent to
publication of their names, likenesses, and/or User ID without further
compensation for advertising or promotional purposes. Prizes not claimed
after 21 days of the day of notification, for any reason whatsoever, will
be forfeited. Prize winners may be required to execute an affidavit of
eligibility and publicity release within 21 days of notification.
Non-compliance within this time period will result in disqualification and
an alternate winner will be selected.

I wish all entrants the very best of luck.

TURBO 030 from Fast Technology

I am pleased to announce the release of the new TURBO030 board
designed and built by Jim Allen of FAST TECHNOLOGY. I have had the
pleasure of working closely with Jim over these past months, testing the
TURBO030 board with Calamus, Calamus SL, DynaCADD, Cranach Studio and
more. The result is truly amazing. In fact, I am taking this one step
further and have formed an association with Mr. Allen in order to offer
this product directly to my own customers.

TURBO030 performs as if specifically designed for Mega ST, DynaCADD
and Calamus owners was. For those of you using our products
professionally, it becomes very easy to justify the cost of the TURBO030
board based on the obvious and immediate increase in productivity. I have
been examining this issue from all sides, based upon my own knowledge of
the market. Taking into consideration the investment you have already
made in your system i.e., Mega ST4, SM124, Moniterm or ISAC board and
associated monitors, an investment none of us have any wish to forfeit,
the TURBO030, in my opinion, is a natural upgrade path.

The TURBO030 offers a substantial increase in speed=productivity,
while preserving your previous investment.

Using the TURBO030, screen redraws in Calamus are instant. The
Printer.CDK, for example, heads for the SLM605 in about 5 seconds
while DynaCADD can repaint the T20 Tigershark in about 3 seconds flat
instead of 72 seconds. If time is money to you, this board is a MUST!

The TURBO030 is a complete MegaST system enhancement. Using a 68030
processor running at 40 Mhz, and an optional (US $299.95) 68882 FPU
math coprocessor running at 50 or 60Mhz, the TURBO030 provides
STATE-OF-THE-ART processing speed.

Backing up the 68030 is 4 Megabytes of 32 bit burst mode ram which
REPLACES your MegaST4's 16 bit ram.

Accompanying the 68030 is a standard 68000 chip to ensure complete
software compatibility with older software utilities.

The TURBO030 design is totally ST compatible, so it runs Calamus,
Calamus SL, and DynaCADD without difficulty.

The speed increase, compared to other upgrade options, either from
Atari or other third party developers, is truly impressive.

The suggested retail price of the TURBO030, fully loaded as described
above, is US $1,995.00. For a limited time only, the cost to registered
customers of ISD is US $1,495.00, a savings of $500.00.

For those who are more budget conscious, we have also arranged a
saving on Jim's second board configuration, specifically, the 40 Mhz
TURBO030, equipped with a Static Ram Cache which will bring your system up
to TT speed. The suggested retail price of this board is US $1,195.00.
To all our registered customers, this board is only US $995.00, a savings
of $200.00.


It is not recommended that you install this board yourself. Either
make arrangements to have this done by your local Atari Dealer or we can
have it done here, for Canadian customers, or at Fast Technology for US
customers, for a flat fee of $100.00. Please allow up to 6 weeks for
delivery. However, if you currently own a T16, you can simply remove the
T16 and insert the TURBO030 into the socket.


CALAMUS SERIAL NUMBER_________________________

NAME _____________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________
CITY ___________________________PROVINCE / STATE _________________________
COUNTRY _________________________POSTAL CODE / ZIP CODE __________________
TEL. # WORK ____________________________HOME _____________________________
VISA <> M/C <> # _______________________________________EXP.DATE __/__/__

SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________________

US $ CDN $

Upgrade to Calamus SL $200.00 $229.00

Vector Line Art Editor Module $99.95 $115.00

Speed Line Auto trace Module $49.95 $55.00

Color Separation Module $49.95 $55.00

The Guide to Calamus Desktop Publishing $29.95 $34.95

(ends Feb. 28/92) $149.95 $169.95

Vector Clip Art Library (all 3 sets) $99.95 $119.95

The Calamus Font Editor PROMOTION $49.95 $59.95

Fast Technology's 40 mhz TURBO 030 $1495.00 $1695.00
Fully loaded

Fast Technology 40 mhz TURBO 030 $995.00 $1155.00
Static Ram Cache 68030

AGFA Compugraphic Fonts. SPECIAL (ends Feb. 28/92)

Ontario residents, please add 8% Sales tax. Canadian customers please
include 7% GST

ISD Marketing, Inc.,
2800 John Street, Unit # 15
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 0E2


> STR Portfolio News & Information Keeping up to date...


On CompuServe

by Judith Hamner 72257,271

BJ Gleason has uploaded two interesting spreadsheets. WIND.ZIP will
calculate the windchill factor. LAMBDA.ZIP computes the size of pipes
needed for heating systems. Another upload by BJ is PA09.TXT, issue 9 of
Portable Addiction.

For programmers, BJ has RTMEM.ZIP. This PC program will simulate the
limited memory of the Portfolio. Memory size can be specified.

Marty Mankins has announced an on-line newsletter. Palm-to-Palm will
feature comparisons between palmtops along with news and reviews. Issue #1
is in file P2P_01.COM in PREAD format. Look for it monthly in the library.

HTH.TXT contains a Newspaper column about the Port by Howard
Blumenthal. Also by Howard is MACFT.TXT with detailed instructions for
transferring files to and from a Mac.

If you are the victim of a forgetful programmer, David Stewart has
come to the rescue. CURSON.COM is a tiny program to restore the cursor on
your Port. Some programs neglect to do this.


> V.32? CCITT STR FOCUS Definitions of various "V" speed modulations


by Earle Robinson 76004,1762

Here are brief definitions of the various V speed modulations, plus a
couple of others of interest. For comparison, I've added some of the more
usual Bell ones, too. Note that AT&T has now ceased trying to dictate
such standards, and that it is the CCITT, an international body
responsible for recommending telecommunicating standards, which is the
focus of all work today. Here are the most commonly used CCITT
modulations. Note that only a few are of interest in the United States:

V.22bis, V.29 and V.32.

V.21 300 bps incompatible with the Bell 103 modulation.

V.22 1200 bps partially compatible with Bell equivalent,212a.

V.22bis 2400 bps universally used in the States & elsewhere.

V.23 1200/75 bps asymmetric protocol used only overseas

V.26ter 2400 bps full duplex + echo cancellation. Seldom used today.

V.29 9600 bps half duplex protocol, used for group 3 faxes, and
in some modems, but with proprietary additions.

V.32 9600 bps full duplex. Lower mfr costs will soon make
this speed the standard. Planned enhancements will
increase speed, using some asymmetricity for file

V.34 >14400 bps proposed asymmetric high speed modulation. May
never see the light of day.

The most commonly used Bell modulations are:

103 300 bps incompatible with CCITT V.21.
212A 1200 bps partially compatible with CCITT V.22.
208 4800 bps used mostly on leased lines. Likely to disappear.

Further CCITT recommendations of interest include:

V.42 Error correction, in two parts, the main one plus an annex
which provides compatibility with MNP modems, classes 2, 3, 4.

V.42bis Compression enhancement to V.42. Recently approved by CCITT.

V.25 for parallel automatic dialers, the 2100 hz answer tone.

V.25bis serial automatic dialing.

V.24 More or less the CCITT equivalent to RS232.

There is some logic to the CCITT number, though not terribly
intuitive. V.20 through 39 are speed modulations (though V.24 & V.28 are
interfaces), V.40-V.49 error correction, etc.

Please note that use of V.32, V.22bis or any other speed modulation
doesn't preclude the use of an error correction method, be it MNP or V.42.
Error correction can be at any speed, though for all practical purposes
you'll find it implemented only for 2400 bps and 9600 bps communications,
using v.22bis and v.32. (Robotics does have its own mnp like error
control with its HST modulation and telebit does something similar with
its PEP.)




by Tim Holt
ACCEPT of El Paso

Recently, I saw in a British ST magazine that the company GST Software
Products was updating the old favorite of mine, Timeworks Desktop
Publisher. The new version is called Timeworks Publisher 2, and since I am
a purist, and still use Timeworks, I thought I would write a letter to
them and see what response I would get. Before I give you the response,
let me tell you the new improvements for Publisher 2:

* Revised manual. Hints and tips sections, as well as a DOS command

* New Installation program, allows you to chose the mouse, screen,
and printers.

* Improved Tab handling, and much cleaner menu.

* 8 style sheets are included, from memos to newsletters.

* New, scaleable typefaces. You can now generate 7 typefaces plus
symbols in a wide variety of point sizes.

* Text wraparound now for irregular shaped objects that is user
defined. Text now follows the shape of the image.

* Custom page size up to 22.5 inches square.

* Up to 999 pages per document. Add and delete consecutive pages
up to any number.

* Page numbering in Roman and numerals or letters or regular

* Strike through, rounded boxes, and square box has been added to the
text styles.

* New text imports: Wordperfect 5, Microsoft Works, and .RFT
files ( I believe that these are European programs like Volkswriter,
multimate, and Office Writer).

* New graphics imports include TIFF and Deluxe Paint.

* Any text written in the program may now be saved as ASCII for
loading into other word processors.

* More printer support, including Canon Bubblejet.

* Autoflow a large text into as many frames as needed.

* Frame grouping for easier sizing, resizing, and changing
position. Similarly, all frames on a single page can now be group

* Autosave as often as you like, like every five minutes.

* Makes use of extended or expanded memory, for faster operation.

* Faster printing. Chose to delete graphics in draft mode for
quick printouts

Well, to make a long story short, GST wrote back to me almost
immediately (total time from my letter to the reply: 12 days!), with
information that they WOULD honor the US users of Timeworks for the
upgrades. A full upgrade includes:

Timeworks Publisher 2
Typographica font software
Full Gem set, version 3.11
Full manual in Ring binder for storage

Total price of the upgrade:
39.95 pounds
20.00 pounds shipping and handling.

Total, 59.95 POUNDS.

GST will not accept US dollars, so get your bank to write a check, or they
will also take Visa.

If you wish to upgrade, you must send the following:

Completed Coupon
Timeworks DTP Master Disk
The page entitled: "User Manual" from the Timeworks manual
Check made out to
GST Software Products LTD
VISA number and expiration date

The total cost at the present exchange is about $75 and the package
costs about $1.50 to mail.

Is it worth it? Well, I know of a few people that do geneology with
the ST using "It's All Relative". This program makes a nice book like
printout by creating a file just for Timeworks DTP. Since all files from
Timeworks I are compatible with Timeworks 2, and since "It's All Relative"
does not support Pagestream or Calamus, then it will be worth the upgrade
for those folks. For those that are still wading into the DTP pool, and
haven't joined "the big boys" and are still just making a weekly club
newsletter, then the upgrade seems like a good deal. If you are into the
"serious" DTP, then I think, just by looking at the info that GST sent,
that Pagestream and Calamus/Calamus SL are the ways to go.

I fit into the earlier categories.And I will be sending my check off next

I have included a facsimile of the coupon that GST sent for ordering the
new Publisher 2. I am sure they will accept this instead of the
"official" coupon:


NAME: __________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _________________________________________ Apt:_________

CITY:_________________ STATE:________COUNTRY:____ZIP:___________

DISK SIZE REQUIRED: ____ 5.25 IN _____ 3.5 IN



VISA/ACCESS NUMBER: _____ _____ _____ _____
EXPIRATION DATE: _______/_____


PE 17 4BR


> STReport's Editorial Page "Saying it like it is."

From the Editor's Desk

From coast to coast, the userbase is waiting for some NEWS, any NEWS!
Well there is plenty of good news... Atari is, once again, trying to make
all the right moves. It appears the Namm show was a robust success in the
area of signing up new music oriented dealers. That's good. It appears
the investment in participating in the Namm Show paid off.

Later this year, are two more KEY Commercial Shows Atari should do
well at ...if they participate. They are the CEPS and Seybold Shows.
For those who don't know, those shows are the epitomy of showcases for the
newest technology in the DeskTop Publishing Fields.

Knightmare is out and I've barely gotten close to completing Captive.
Although both are authored by the same folks, these two games are far from
resembling each other even slightly. Knighmare is KILLER!

I had the good fortune to obtain a copy of FREEZE DRIED TERMINAL,
(ver. 2.10) a fine Telecommunications program. In fact its a joy to use!
There is a dem copy available most everywhere. Try it! You'll like it!
The demo is hardly disabled (only one graphics mode). This terminal
program may very well be wrioting the rule book for terminal programs to
come. It has everything. Get the demo and give it a good run.

Thanks for all the fine support!




> STR Mail Call "...a place for folks to be heard"

STReport's MailBag

From GEnie ST RT
Category 14, Topic 7
Message 231 Sun Jan 19, 1992
R.WOODBRIDG1 [Rob] at 22:48 EST

- Atari-ST RoundTable
- B.REHBOCK [Bill@Atari] at 03:58 EST
- Exercise: Run Windows on a $2000 20MHz 386SX Laptop. Show a friend the
- STBOOK side-by-side against it. Ask them which one feels faster. (This
- obviously works best if the friend has never seen an ST before.)

- S.JOHNSON10 [Steve] at 23:59 EST
- Exercise: Show that same friend all the nearest places to get support
- for the 20MHz 386SX laptop versus all the nearest places to get support
- for the STBOOK and ask him which one he'd rather actually BUY! <grin>

Also, show that same friend where he can get mainstream application
software that takes advantages of those graphical interfaces - GEM doesn't
hold a candle to Windows in that department except maybe in DTP. Where's
the high powered word processor or spreadsheet? I don't know how That's
Write/Write Now compare to Word or Word Perfect for windows, but I have a
pretty good idea based on time in development and number of past users.
And I know that compared to Excel, there is _no_ spreadsheet for the ST!
(slight exageration :^)

So again, what's he gonna buy?

Like Steve, I have no intent of bashing Atari, just stating facts as I see
them (and hope Atari sees them in a similar fashion so that their
marketing plans will try to address them). This machine does most of what
I need (particularly with Spectre), but I don't believe I'm a mainstream
USA computer user. Those folks wouldn't want my set up I bet.

From GEnie ST RT
Category 28, Topic 2
Message 106 Wed Jan 22, 1992
JWC-OEO [Jon] at 04:04 EST

Dealing with Atari sure can be, ah, interesting...

I've been waiting to buy a Class B TT for quite some time. Recent
messages here and deadlines long past pointed strongly to the fact that
they finally were available. I called my dealer. He didn't think they
were but called his distributor to check. The answer that can back was a
big surprise, although it shouldn't have been.

The TT, the distributor said, has not yet recieved FCC Class B
certification! They thought the confusion had to do with the fact that
recent TTs have had the 1.4 meg floppies and the newer TOS version even
though they are still Class A. Even these Class A's are back ordered
until mid February. Before I give up on a TT and get in line for a SST,
would anyone from Atari care to comment? Did the distributor know what he
was talking about?



Category 28, Topic 2
Message 107 Wed Jan 22, 1992
TOWNS [John@Atari] at 17:28 EST

Last time I checked on this, I was told that TT Class B machines were
starting to arrive and we actually being sold in the field.

I know that our supply of TT machines is very limited right now, but
we are expecting some additional TT machines in very soon.

I would imagine that these machines are going to be Class B.

-- John

Category 28, Topic 2
Message 108 Wed Jan 22, 1992
JMGSOFT [George @ JMG] at 21:01 EST

To my knowledge as an Atari retailer, we have had _in stock_ Class B TT's
since December, with 1.44 drives and newer TOS. But this is Canada, and
quantities sold here are much lower; I imagine it may take time for the US
to have sufficient quantities.

-- George.

Category 28, Topic 2
Message 110 Thu Jan 23, 1992
S.WINICK at 06:26 EST

JMG> To my knowledge as an Atari retailer, we have had _in stock_
JMG> Class B TT's since December, with 1.44 drives and newer
JMG> TOS. But this is Canada.......


What's wrong with this picture? (Didn't we just love that little game
back when we were still in nursery school?).

So..... the FCC Class B TT030's went to Canada --- where the FCC
doesn't have any authority. Hmmmmm..... Maybe that explains why the
TT030's we're getting here in the states don't have an FCC Class B
sticker -- they're all being sent to Canada! Could it be that U.S.
dealers are only getting the Canadian models? :-]

Sheldon Winick (Computer STudio - Asheville, NC)

p.s. Perhaps one of our online Atari representatives would like to
post the real facts concerning the FCC Class B TT030's to avoid
another nasty round of unfounded rumors. I'd rather they post
directly instead of us passing on second-hand information
and chance additional "interpretation" as it gets paraphrased
and passed around even further.


Category 28, Topic 2
Message 111 Thu Jan 23, 1992
DENNYA [Denny Atkin] at 10:51 EST

Honesty I'm not trying to encourage breaking laws here, folks, but I'm
just curious...

What's to prevent someone from buying an FCC Class A machine and using it
in the home?

Category 28, Topic 2
Message 112 Thu Jan 23, 1992
J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 12:16 EST

Neighbors ;-)


Category 28, Topic 2
Message 113 Thu Jan 23, 1992
JEFF.W [ST Sysop] at 13:29 EST

I'm not sure, Denny, but I think that if the FCC catches wind of a dealer
selling an FCC Class A rated device for home consumer use, the dealer can
get slapped with a fine ($5000 per device sold sticks in my mind).

I may be completely wrong, so I hope that Sheldon (Atari Dealer
Extraodinaire!) or one of our more legally versed friends will pop in here
and correct me.

Even if this is true, the question about how the dealer would know the
intended use of the device and how could he be held accountable for it is
one that I don't know the answer to.


Category 28, Topic 2
Message 114 Thu Jan 23, 1992
ST.REPORT [Ralph] at 15:33 EST

Jeff, its $10,000 each occurance and seizure of any unsold class A


Category 28, Topic 2
Message 115 Thu Jan 23, 1992
JEFF.W [ST Sysop] at 16:20 EST

Thanks for the clarification, Ralph.


Category 28, Topic 2
Message 116 Thu Jan 23, 1992
DENNYA [Denny Atkin] at 16:49 EST

That's pretty serious.

Although I'm quite sure there are more than a few TTs sitting in homes
right now...


Category 28, Topic 2
Message 117 Thu Jan 23, 1992
ST.REPORT [Ralph] at 18:12 EST


I left off a portion of the penalties until I was sure and now,
after some research, and a call to DC... The Dealers "may" be fined
and suffer seizures. BUT.. the biggie... They usually go straight
to the source with the evidence obtained at the offending retailer.
As for the seizures, the FCC operates in conjunction with the US
Marshall's Service. If the offenses are found to be widespread
enough, not only are there fines and seizures... but a possible
enforced shutdown of operations until such time ... etc..

The FCC takes its rules and regulations very seriously and
does enforce them vigorously if complaints are made. Of course,
if no complaints of interference are made, no enforcement.
Unless there is a complaint made concerning the distribution and
sales of these items in a manner that violates the Rules & Regs.
by the manufacturer, distributor or dealer(s).

The Rules & Regulations are detailed in Part 15 of the FCC's
Rules and Regulations.

Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine


Category 28, Topic 2
Message 119 Thu Jan 23, 1992
JEFF.W [ST Sysop] at 18:41 EST

That's applying your resourcefulness, Ralph!

Thanks for the details.


STReport's Staff The regulars and this week's contributors!

Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Robert Retelle Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Michael Arthur Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. Dana P. Jacobson
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Doyle C. Helms

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Roger Stevens
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Ben Hamilton
Neil Bradley Eric Jerue Ron Deal
Robert Dean Ed Westhusing James Nolan
Vernon W. Smith

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0


> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Reporting ABOUT Atari...not FOR Atari!"

* "Rumors - Tidbits - Predictions - Observations - Hot Tips" *

More good information about the SST; George Richardson 75275,1363,
mentioned To Jim Ness 74415,1727 on CIS that...

"The SST will have TOS 2.06, but no, it will not have a 68000 socket. The
SST Brake, an optional board, will have a 68000 and allow you to switch to
a 68000 when needed. Nothing has really changed on the SST itself except
for the change from TOS 2.05 to 2.06. I'll mention this to Dave, but
don't expect to see this for a while. Right now, *everyone* is up to
their ears in work."

About the SST Brake.... George mentions.. that its.. "Just in the design
stage now, the Brake is just that; it drops you back to an 8mhz 68000
chip, no cache, no fastram. You do get to continue using the new TOS

"It plugs into the ST motherboard 68000 socket, and the SST plugs into it.
Since the SST already has an extra socket between it and the motherboard,
you just remove that one and the SST ends up sitting at the same height."

"You can use either a hardware switch or software to toggle between
processors, the switch determines which one you've got at boot. Any time
you switch, the machine resets and reboots, so you can switch on the fly
if you're not doing anything that might mess up disk data."

For those wishing to learn how to program in Assembly Language;

Taylor Ridge Books has announced the release of a series of first rate
assembly language books by Clayton Walnum for the Atari ST platform. For
more information please call: (203)643-9673.

Rumors, Tidbits and such...

A rumor from Heidleburg, Germany; there are a number of software
publishers who have made it known they will no longer produce programs in
both German and English. Those wanting the English Versions will have to
absorb the costs of the translation of both manual and programs.

Sometime near Spring of this year, there is a good chance the 520 and
1040 STe machines will be called "Atari STe Computers". Allegedly, they
will be shipping the familiar style in the .5mb version. Thus providing
for "in the field" upgrades on a larger scale.

Falcons & Sparrows! Avian Paradise. Deep Throat tells us its rumored
the STT040 (FALCON) is a real "muscle machine" of the upcoming future for
Atarians. Its mentioned there will be either a "Cube or Tower" available
for Falconers with the Tower having eight bays. 24 bit color will be the
order of the day as will a full 32bit bus IO. Its also rumored Ethernet
will be included and it will have multiple VME slots 3-6-1u types
accepted. A Floptical Drive (Insight) is alleged to appear in one of the
bays. A 1 gig Hard Disk is rumored to become available too. Its also
rumored Sparrow lovers are to see a less costly version of the TT040 in
either the Wedding Cake or Pizza Box style Cabinet.

The BIG rumor may be the story about Atari considering placing
products with major PC type Mail Order Houses.

Commodore Amiga now shipping the Iomega Floptical with its Unix

Poquet, has announced its pad, at 1995.95, with 640k ram and 1mb rom
and a 7 1/4" screen.

Nintendo is trying to buy the Seattle Mariners!

psssst! "Enjoy that BBQ on Saturday" :-)

"The Zigster"


> A "Quotable Quote"


....Ziggy Zircon


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SGN6277 65Mb 28ms 5.25" Y 469.00
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STReport International Online Magazine
Available through more than 10,000 Private BBS systems WorldWide!
16/32bit Magazine copyright 1987-92 No.8.04
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors/staff, PCReport, STReport, AMReport, MCReport. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint
must include the name of the publication, date, issue # and the author's
name. The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in
any way without prior written permission. The entire contents, at the
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