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Silicon Times Report Issue 0802

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"

January 10, 1992 No.8.02

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST
1200 - 19.2bps V.32 - 42
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
FNET 0350 - STR S-East: The Bounty **<Home of STR>** 1-904-786-4176
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> 01/10/92: STReport #8.02 The Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine!
- The Editor's Desk - CPU REPORT - FSMGDOS?
- Migraph's OCR - TAF SHOW NEWS - STR Confidential

-* CES '92 -> NO ATARI *-

The _Number One_ Online Magazine
"UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Hot Tips, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
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> The FUTURE? STR FOCUS Was 1991 "The Year of Atari"?


By Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.
Senior Staff Editor

Was 1991 "The Year of Atari"? I am going to shock many of you and say,
"Yes!". I realize that some of you are probably scratching your heads
and saying to yourselves, "Someone must have spiked Lloyd's Christmas'
eggnog with wood alcohol because his brain is obviously warped."

There's little doubt that the ST market in the US is probably at an all
time low. We have fewer dealers than at the start of the year...and we
did not have many to start with. Developers leaving and/or considering
leaving the ST market. People, in droves, selling their ST's and moving
onto other systems. Few systems getting into new owners hands. I could
go on, but you already know the story.

How can this be "The Year of Atari"? Have you ever heard the phrase, "It
is darkest before the dawn"? The year 1991 was the dark time, 1992 and
1993 will be the dawn of the new Atari.

I don't consider the statement "The Year of Atari" to mean that this was
the year that Atari sold the most systems, or the year that Big Blue and
Apple started looking over their shoulders worrying about Atari catching
up with them. I consider the statement to mean, this was the year that
Atari finally re-discovered the US market and started doing something to
re-gain it.

To show you what I mean, let's take a quick look at some of the things
that did happened this year. These are in no particular order, just as
they pop into my head and I'm sure that I'll forget something (and I'm
equally sure I'll hear about the ones that I forget <grin>).

1) Brought out the 520STe. With the price point of the 520STe, the
mass-market companies can now be competitive when selling Atari
products. This means more systems in the homes.

2) The MegaSTe received its class B certification and got into all the
dealers showrooms. With the 16mhz mode, internal hard drive, and
TOS 2.05 included, it resurrects the "Power Without the Price"

3) The TT was slightly re-vamped and also got its class B certifica-
tion. While the class B TT's aren't available yet, they _are_ on
the way.
4) Discontinued the STacy. While a great machine, the STacy did have
its shortcomings.
5) Announced two new portable ST's. One is a notebook system, the ST
Book, the other is a touch sensitive pad, the STylus. Both of which
have created a lot of interest in and out of the Atari market-place.
Both are 'sure winners' once they are released.
6) Finally came out with two long awaited software bundles for the STe
line, the "Discovery Xtra" and "Family Curriculum". These bundles
might not be impressive to us 'old time' ST users, but for a new
computer owner, they're a great perceived value and should help sell
a lot of new systems.

7) A 1.44 floppy retrofit package is in the works. With the new 'Ajax'
chip and an AUTO folder program, many of the current systems will be
able install and use the new 1.44 floppy drives. Some of the current
TT's are coming out with the 1.44 floppy drives already installed.

8) Atari introduced TOS 2.06. Not only is TOS 2.06 an upgrade for the
MegaSTe's, it has also been designed to work in the STe's. But this
isn't all. Atari worked hand-in-glove with a German firm and the
new TOS 2.06 can be also used in many of the older ST/Mega's (with
the new Artifex board carried by CodeHead Software). This means
that many of older systems will no longer be 'obsolete', we will be
able to upgrade our systems with most of the same features that the
new systems have.

9) FSM GDOS is finally shipping with WordflairII!!!

10) Atari is finally doing something with CLIPBOARD standard and is
working with developers to include it in all new programs (if you've
ever used a Mac, you'll know how handy it is for programs to be able
to 'talk' to each other).

11) Atari System V (UNIX) was introduced this year. This will bring the
TT into the UNIX world in a big way and open up a whole new
computing world to us.

12) Introduced AEGIS for their quality dealers. Atari gives the AEGIS
dealers seminars and help in promoting Atari products.

13) Atari started supporting distributors again. They realized that the
users needed more sources of product until Atari can re-build their
dealer network. With distributors, the small dealers can be com-

14) Made an impressive showing at Seybol and other top-end DTP shows.
These shows lead to great write-ups in professional DTP publications
and helps give Atari credibility as a 'professional system'.

15) Re-affirmed its commitment to the MIDI market. Keyboard magazine
has a contest this year that's giving away a full-blown Atari TT/
Midi system.

16) Releasing MetaDOS to third-party developers. We should be seeing
some CD-ROM drives available in the US for the ST RSN.

17) Is taking more of a 'personal' interest in the larger user-group
shows. Instead of just sending 2-3 representatives and a couple of
door-prizes, Atari now is getting fully involved. The Chicago show
was just the first of these combined Atari/User-Group shows.

18) As of Novemeber 1, 1991, all Atari hardware now carries a full 1-
year warranty.

19) Warranties on new machines will be extended to one year.

20) Proposed - Working with GE so that GE service centers will be able
to handle Atari warranty work.

I could continue but I believe you're getting the general idea. I didn't
even include any of the non-ST products like the Lynx II, the three new
PC clones, etc. Nor did I get into the 'rumored' new systems that we've
heard Atari is working on. Also, I didn't include 'tidbits' like CompUSA
(a chain of 24+ stores) now carrying the Portfolio and talking to Atari
about also carrying the STe/Family Pak line.

Does this sound like a company that is "on its last legs"? Not to me!!
A company that is "on its last legs" doesn't invest the type of money,
time and personnel that all of the above have required. To me, it sounds
like a company that has finally discovered America. To me, it sounds
like a company that has decided to work with its third-party developers,
user groups and users. To me, it sounds like a company that has hit
bottom but has enough guts to fight its way back up. To me, this is the
year that Atari finally found itself...THE YEAR OF ATARI.



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MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Any time during your first month of membership if
you are not completely satisfied, just ask for your $4.95 back.

GEnie Announcements (FREE)

1. December '91 GEnie Billing Complete - To Review Yours, Type:.*BILL
2. AMIGA owners, new graphics are here. Let's play..............TRIVIA
3. NEW: The Mac Help Desk gives you real-time answers... see....MAC
4. My boss at GEnie said YES - FREE night of Disney RTC Trivia..FLORIDA
5. Turbo Vision Tutorial RTC on January 12......................BORLAND
6. Make a New Year's Resolution to pay for your education.......CASHE
7. Germanic genealogy updated resource..........................GENEALOGY
8. New Categories for Sequent, NeXT, Coherent, and Sun..........UNIX
9. If it is WEIRD, we have it in................................PSI-NET
10. Everything you wanted to know about..........................ASTROLOGY
11. Get to Know Lands' End: Order a Catalog Today................LANDSEND
12. Visit the GEnie Info Library today...........................*LIBRARY
13. Post-holiday AUDIO/VIDEO system HELP in......................*RADIO
14. Find cool stories and hot recommended downloads in...........*LIVEWIRE
15. Hacking SUPER NINTENDO on the................................PSRT

Coming January 14th, the beginning of Lexicor's Virtual
Cinematography and Graphic Art classes. The classes will
begin at 10pm Eastern in room 5. The first class will be FREE.
You will NOT be charged for your time attending this first class


This announcement was made by Atari's Bill Rehbock during
the regular Wednesday night Realtime Conference. Download
PRATT.ARC (file #22232) for a transcript of the conference.


Join us at 10:00 pm Eastern for a special RTC with Atari's
main MIDI man, James Grunke. James will be coming to us from
the NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) Show where
Atari USA will be exhibiting their wares to music professionals.

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


> GEnie Conference STR Spotlight G. PRATT LEAVES ATARI!

January 8, 1992

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Bill Rehbock has a special announcement to share with us.

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
Thank you, Jeff.

Ahem... I have an official announcement to make. I will take a few
questions afterward.

Greg Pratt has taken a job with Creative Labs, the company that produces
"Sound Blaser Pro".

Everything is under control.

It was an offer that he could not refuse. It is a very amicable parting,
and we at Atari will be keeping in close touch with him. Don Mandell
will continue to supervise the sales organization. The consolidation of
the U.S. accounting with corporate (same as it was in 1985) had been
planned with the assistance of Greg; marketing is being handled by James
Grunke, Art Morgan, and myself (working directly under Sam Tramiel, as
we have been). It will work out quite well, and we wish the best of luck
to Greg.

A complete press release will be uploaded by the end of the week.

(For those who aren't aware, Greg was the General Manager of Atari U.S.)

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
If anyone has any questions for Bill about this announcement, please
type /RAI to let me know.

<[John Cole] J.COLE18>
Bill, I really dont know how to take this news!

Since I am a User Group President, and currently trying to put together
a new Dealership, I would like to know how this will effect our
application and availabilty of prouduct to the US?

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
I assure you that it will not affect anything at all. We are in the
process of interviewing people for developer support and marketing
positions right now, building for a big 1992.

There definitely shouldn't be any product shortage problems, and there
will be no problem signing up new dealerships. Don and Mike Groh have
everything quite together on the sales side of things.

Hello Bill. This is very sad news...

I wondered if Atari will be looking for a new person to fill Greg's
position, or if it will be filled by one of the Tramiels?

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
This actually had been planned for a little while now. We don't intend
to replace him in the foreseeable future.

I guess our leaks are just stopped up better lately :-)

(Job 14)<NEVIN-S>
Thanks, Bill. No other questions.

Why does the TT High density drive format disks that aren't made for
high density (no second notch) is there no checking mechanism? or is it
just my system?

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
Well, this was supposed to pertain to Greg's departure but... just this
one. :-)

I don't believe it is just your system. Atari owners are generally
intelligent and know if the disk they are formatting is HD or not. If
they wish to attempt to format disks at 11 sectors per track, with 82
tracks, we don't want to get in their way. :-)

Actually, I am pretty sure that the original design of the floppy stuff
did not allow for the HD detect line. I could be mistaken, but I'm
fairly sure that is the case.

<[What amazes] A.BAIER>
Why do people vanish as soon as something good starts to happen at
ATARI? There must be brighter lights over the horizon.. I am not
surprised at all..Greg has been doing some noticebly great things
CEPS..Chicago Show..I guess that others in the computer industry
recognize and reward greatness.

)<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
The design of the marketing strategy build-up of 1991 was done by James
Grunke, Art Morgan, and myself, under the blessing of Sam and Greg. I
assure you that we are still here and these things are going to continue
in a big way.

You will be seeing more advertising following the initial Music things
that are happening, and Atari will become more visible in general as the
year goes on.

<[Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE>
Greg Pratt gave such a cute speech in Chicago. Will any of the promises
and plans he discussed now become null and void? And if you are not
going to replace him, who will give the next such speech?

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
The promises are happening, nothing is null & void. Depending on the
issues being covered, I assure you that James, I, or Bob will always be
in close contact with the users.

(James and I do a pretty good stand-up act :-)

I'd first like to extend best wishes to Greg from all of us here at
Magnum Technologies (formerly Magnum Software).

I think all of us here would like to know what type of advertising Atari
plans to do this year. I have yet to see a TV commercial or hear a radio
spot for Atari computers.

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
The majority of advertising will be print ad. We are considering putting
together TV spots that would be placed locally, but I doubt that they
would be launched before the fall buying season. We are finishing the
first of the print stuff right now, and I hope to see it myself quite

<[Brian] B.GOCKLEY>
Since Greg was theoretically pinch hitting for Alwin/Elie, it seems odd
that little, if any, progress been made up till now on finding someone
to relieve him?

I would think that Atari could really use someone powerful and dynamic
at the helm (to match the sterling workers in the trenches) to work
under/with/against/around the Tramiels. Or is the GM position just a
figurehead? (And is there anyplace special we should keep an eye on
where Atari will get more visible?)

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
As I have said, the progress that had been made _was_ a team effort -
big time!

<[Jim] KC-IN-2000>
What do you mean by a big 1992 and where should we expect to see print

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
The placement schedule is not finished being worked out yet. It will be
where you'd expect them. (Music, DTP, etc.) <DOUG.W> It's been noted
many times that the success of the non-U.S. subsidiaries is largely due
to their "distance" from the Tramiels.

Based on these observations, won't this "combining" of Atari Corp. and
Atari U.S. be detrimental to the success of Atari U.S.?

(BTW, I would *expect* print ads in Time, Business Week, Scientific
American, etc.)

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
In 1985, when Atari had their big wind-up, U.S. & Corporate _were_ run
as one. There were far fewer communication problems than there had been
after they were separated. Phones and faxes make subsidiares suprising
close! All product allocation, etc. for the world has always been done
from here, so that has not been their biggest advantage.


What Atari products will be addressed in these print ads? Is it Atari's
hope to bring about increased hardware sales and software productivity
to the U.S.? Finally, will these print ads be directed toward any new

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
Yes, and yes.

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
Our definite intent will be to attract new users. Both from other
platforms and those new to the computer buying market. (Education may
play a large role also, dependent on how software accelerates.)

Thank you very much for your time, as I have said, this is not a big
deal for us, and the plans and systems are in place (as are the plan-
makers:-). Have a good evening!

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Please wish Greg Pratt success and good health in his new position. He's
made a lot of friends in his tenure at Atari and he will be missed.

<[Bill@Atari] B.REHBOCK>
Thank you!

(C) 1992 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be
reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie
are *official* information services of Atari Corporation.

> The Flip Side STR Feature
"....a different viewpoint"


by Michael Lee

From John Eidsvoog (CodeHead Software) - Cat. 32, Topic 23, Msg. 184 -
from the ST Roundtable on Genie...

Well it's past December 31st and Avant Vector EPS is still not avail-
able. Since the product has been unavailable for the past two months,
it doesn't seem fair to allow an introductory price to expire. We're
going to extend the deadline for the introductory price until March
1, 1992!!

We do expect Avant Vector EPS version to be available within a week
or two <sigh>. To clarify the current state of affairs with Avant

o Avant Vector EPS will replace Avant Vector. The original version
will no longer be available.

o Avant Vector EPS will list for $545.00.

o Avant Vector EPS will be available for the introductory price of
$495.00 until March 1, 1992. (direct from CodeHead only)

o Upgrades from the original Avant Vector (purchased from us) to
Avant Vector EPS are $50.

We are still undecided about whether to carry Avant Trace. We'd have
to price it at $195.00 list and it will only auto-trace, without
allowing any editing. But as we use Avant Vector more and more, it
becomes apparent that it does such a fantastic job that most traces
require virtually no editing. Perhaps it would be worth it to carry
Avant Trace. We invite your comments regarding this.


About FastTech's 030 board - Cat. 4, Topic 11, Msgs 92 & 93 - from the
ST Roundtable on Genie...

Question by Gregg Anderson...

Ok Jim, I gotta ask <grin>. Exactly why is your 030 adapter board so
much faster than a stock TT? Both are running the same CPU, both have
fast RAM available, and both are using what's basically the same
version of TOS....What did you do?

Answer by Jim Allen (Fast Tech)...

Gregg, the T030 is faster because it addresses more of the "problem".
The problem being to go fast ;-)

The cache-only version speeds up both program execution and video
performance equally, including when used with video cards. The
speedup overall is in the 5X to 6X range.

The 32bit ram version doesn't have "fast ram" it has 32bit ST ram,
which replaces the ram in your system. Everything the cpu does, is
now done in 32bit ram, including your video.

These are important points, because the TT's design leaves video in
ST compatible ram that is still operating at the same speed that all
out ST's ram operates. This ram is TWICE as wide...32bits...but is
the same speed as normal ST ram. So the best you can get is 2X in raw
video performance. This limits just how fast the TT can be overall
when running typical DTP and CAD software.

So doing real world tests on the TT versus the T030...or even the
T25...will show that the TT's limited ST ram speed slows the system
down overall. All the TT really needed was a small cache, like the
T030's, to enhance the ST ram speed but this possibility has been
eliminated due to mechanical issues in the TT's layout.

Another place where the T030 surpasses the TT is in floating point
performance, because we use a much faster FPU chip and interface. So
the T030 has twice the FPU performance of the TT.

The net result is that Dynacadd screams on a Turbo030 ;-)


More info about the AJAX chip from Bill Rehbock (Atari) - Cat. 14, Topic
4, Msg. 59 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...

AJAX itself is capable of 2.88. It does require a little bit more
support circuitry and higher clock rates. 2.88 megs is _not_ plug and
play in the TT or MegaSTE. 2.88 Meg floppy drives are not being
announced for the TT or MegaSTE by Atari.


From R.BROWN30's - CAT. 18, Topic 22, Msg. 141 - from the ST Roundtable
on Genie...

...Recently, I spent four months in California doing some production
work (I'm a filmmaker), and I lugged my Mega 4, Syquest, etc. with me
to use whilst I braved both mountain and studio.

Each day I sat there working on my ST with a 33 mhz 386 PC not two
feet from me with a professional developer at that DOS keyboard...

Spell that U-N-I-M-P-R-E-S-S-E-D.

For example: by the time the PC could actually boot to the Norton
Desktop for Windows (a far-far cry from Neodesk or the new STe/TT
TOS), even with a maths coprocessor - the PC had lost more time than
it could _ever_ make up in an average session, say, with it running
Lotus and my lowly ST running LDW Power.

And with this example, try loading a BIG (!) spreadsheet into Lotus
in the PC environment: welcome to "OUT OF MEMORY" problems, even with
'extended' or 'expanded' memory of ANY size. A gigabyte, say.

Pathetic is a word that comes to mind.

Has it been so long that we've forgot that DOS seems not much more
than a retread of its 'grandfather', CP/M? Yes, the syntax on that
dandy command line has changed...

IBM, DOS, and this ilk have also spawned this "TREMENDOUS and
FABULOUS" surfeit of software. Name the significant titles amongst
that horde. Get a handful? Ever notice the countless assortment of
subset/inferior titles that apparently exist to give options to

What's more, are we disregarding the DOS options available for the ST
itself (386 available _right now_...)? Furthermore, there _are_ CLI's
available for the ST that brings a "virtual DOS" environment where
the power of the ST can be temporarily stripped and the cludgy
command line introduced with its attendant, inefficient command set:


And the Mac! So complex that it needs System 7 with "Bubble Help"
that adds (for example) the awesome capability of being able to drag
a data file on top of its program's icon to have the program run and
load the given data file in one fell swoop? Try it in Neodesk on your

What about those high power platforms on the Mac? Ever try trans-
porting files amongst similar platforms, say something simple like
Freehand to Illustrator?

Both may save an EPS file, but... Ah! The fabulous _third party_
developer, Altsys, will let you buy a $90 program, EPS Exchange, to
get those files moving. Best be running Multifinder, I suppose.

Of course, significant primary Mac "education" is possible on an ST
running Gadget's Spectre GCR. Maybe not the high end color (-yet-),
but certainly a lot of Word, Superpaint, Illustrator, Freehand,
Fontographer, Photoshop, Digital Darkroom, Quark and PageMaker
(combine the two and get Atari's PageStream from SoftLogik), and a
lot more. Work done on the ST in Mac mode can easily be taken to the
office Mac on floppy disk.

And being one that works in Mac mode (and on the real thing), what
about that Mac OS? World's worst file selection scheme, a quagmire
that in itself slows down the user not unlike the "slow boot" of the

Granted, these other platforms offer certain advantages, but, and
especially in light of the new progress being shown at Atari (put a
finger on the pulse of the new rumors...), now is not the time to
either give up on Atari nor be a doomsayer.

Spectacular ST/TT-specific software is now coming of age, including
titles like Avant Vektor, Cranach Studio, Calamus SL, Retouche
Professional, and others that are equivalent to or surpass _any_
software in either the Mac or DOS environments.

The Atari combines the graphic environment and purported 'ease of
use' of the Mac with the logical file handling of DOS in a package
that neither the IBM nor Mac can surpass save for a few proprietary
applications - and that may be just a matter of time.


From Steve Gold - Cat. 14, Topic 19, Msg. 79 - from the ST Roundtable on

From what I have been told, subject to someone at Atari correcting
me. All computers received by dealers after Dec. 1st, 1991 have a 1
year warrenty, except for Portfolio.


From Paul Wu (Omnimon Peripherals - OPI) - Cat. 4, Topic 31, Msg. 67 -
from the ST Roundtable on Genie...


We are now selling the new Omnix3 switch box which is an improved
version of the video controller that we have been bundling with the
OMNIMON monitor. The Omnix3 has a standard 15pin VGA output connector
so it will work with ALL true "multi-sync" (not multi-scan) monitors.
Please don't confuse our product with other cheap imitations. Most of
our competitors use mechanical switches to channel video signals to
the monitor and suffers greatlly in monochrome clarity. Our Omnix
switch box uses state-of-the-art digital circuit that is carefully
designed to give you the best monochrome video signal possible on a
color monitor as witnessed by our own Omnimon Rainbow monitor.

The switch box carries a suggested retail price of $99. For more
information, please contact OPI at 714-753-9253

From Paul Wu (OPI) - Cat. 4, Topic 34, Msg 191 - from the ST Roundtable
on Genie...

A little clarification here [concerning confusion about the Omnix and
the Omniswitch]...

Omnimon Peripherals Inc. sells a video switch called Omnix.

Talon (now defunct) sold a switch called the Omniswitch.

The two switch boxes do the same thing but the design is entirely
different. Most of our competitors use mechanical switches to channel
video signals to the monitor and suffers greatlly in monochrome
clarity. Our Omnix switch box uses state-of-the-art digital circuit
that is carefully designed to give you the best monochrome video
signal possible on a color monitor as witnessed by our own Omnimon
Rainbow monitor.

We were in the market first (since Glendale Atarifest in 1987) so
please don't confuse our product with others cheap imitations.

For your information, we are now shipping the new Omnix3 switch box
which has a standard 15pin VGA connector so it will work with ALL
true "multi-sync" (not multi-scan) monitors. The suggested retail on
the switch box is $99. For more information, please contact OPI at

Brought to you by the folks who designed OMNIMON, DEKA, and


From Paul Wu (OPI) - Cat. 4, Topic 34, Msgs. 190 & 191 - from the ST
Roundtable on Genie...

[Concerning complaints about the quality of a ACER monitor]...I think
you may have a defective monitor or a bad connection in the switch
box. The secret to a good picture is not entirely dependent on the
monitor. A good switch box is just as important. Some of the switch-
boxes on the market today are very poorly manufactured. When they are
packaged with a decent monitor, they ruin the monitor's repuatation
because people perceive the low picture quality as the monitor's
fault when the switch box is the main culprit. Why is the switch box
so important? The switch box routs the proper video signal to the
monitor and is suppose to give an optimal balance of the color
information. When it is poorly designed, noise-ratio is decreases,
cross-talk occurs, and ghosting happens.

As an aside. Acer is one of the top 10 PC manufacturers in the world.
Talon was a distributor of Acer. Acer America is located in San Jose,


From John Hayden - Cat. 5, Topic 10, Msg. 50 - from the ST Roundtable on

Here is a little review on Migraph OCR.

I just want you to know that it is very powerful and it works great
with the TT in fast RAM. It comes with support for English, French,
German and Dutch languages.

There is no worry what scanner it can support because it can
translate any IMG or TIFF text file into an ASCII file or you can use
the Migraph hand scanner directly! You can change the order of
columns and merge them into one file as long you want it to be
because Migraph OCR support hard drive caching just like Word
Perfect. You can save graphics and ASCII text files on the same page.

It support proportional and monospaced text with different kerning as
long the letters do not touch each other. This Migraph OCR uses a
Omnifont engine that uses a mathematical system that has a greater
chance to recognizing letters even though it may not have been
trained on them. This save a lot of hard disk space over systems that
uses raster images of the letters.

Migraph OCR has already been pretrained on; Artisan, Bookman,
Brougham, Caroll Pica, Courier, Courier Italic, Delegate, Elite
Modern, Helvetica, Herald Elite, Letter Gothic, Lori, Lubalin, OCRB,
Pica, Prestige Elite, Prestige Italic, Prestige Pica, Times, Titan
and Title. It will also work on NLQ dot matrix printouts. The Migraph
OCR uses an interactive learning system which makes it easy to add a
new font! It is one of the most stable programs I have had the
pleasure to use and that is base on the version 1.01. Migraph is one
of the fastest companies to fix some of the bugs in the previous
versions. The manual is 58 pages long.


Until next week.....



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> Delphi Conference STR Spotlight PIRACY STILL HURTS!

This is a transcript of a formal Conference held Tuesday, January
7th, 1992. The focus of the Conference was software piracy, and
its ramifications on the Atari community.

.Gordie (ST Advantage sysop) >
Well, as an introductory statement, let me say that the ST community is
faced with a double dilemma. The two problems we face are a diminished
market, which we won't go into tonight, and the stigma of the Atarian
as rampant pirate. That one, we will discuss.

I think, however, that most of us remaining in the ST community have
grown in awareness as to just how piracy affects us, and don't involve
ourselves as we once might have. I will admit to having pirated
software, in my earlier years, and now, in retrospect, see what it
cost me. There are very, very, few North American software companies
that still support our platform. Some have moved their ST development
overseas, where there is a bigger market. But with the small market
(relative to the PC and Mac ones), we are hit even harder by what
casual copying that does go on.

Atari made a statement once upon a time about piracy...

They said there were 3 levels of it. The most severe was the software
counterfeiters, who take a program and essentially make a carbon-copy
of it, selling it as if it were the real thing. That isn't a problem
with the ST, as the market isn't large enough to support that level of

The next level was that of the pirate bbs rings. That still goes on,
and there is a distinct sociological pattern that exists within that
subculture. Hopefully, we'll talk a little about that tonight, too.

The last level, and probably the most destructive level, was that of
casual copying. We're all familiar with it if we have been in a user
group. One person gets a program, and passes copies along for their
friends to 'evaluate'. Most people don't see it as being wrong,
somehow, but it most definitely is.

That attitude has probably caused the most harm to the ST market of any
held by Atari users. The idea that your use of something, without
compensating the author, is somehow not hurting the author. Well, it
does. And it hurts us all, in the end.

That's what I want to talk about tonight, and we have some people here
who can hopefully shed a little insight into the whole thing. So, I'll
open the floor for questions or comments. Anyone?

We need to be vigilant, but not vigilantes, righteous, but not self
righteous, and be willing to "Call a spade a spade", so to speak. One
function I want to personally get involved in is opening the closets so
to speak, and cleaning house. Getting rid of the bats, if you will.
A fundamental function of my proposed conference will be to literally
teach, not only with programmers helping each other, but spreading
understanding of what is involved in software production, the headaches
and mindbending, if you will.

AP7, education is most definitely what we need to do. If people don't
know it's wrong, they won't stop doing it.

Education is a foundation from which behavior becomes possible.
Behavior is learned, and many pirates simply know nothing about ethics.
Sometimes it is that simple.

How bad is piracy really... I see it more as the reason I can't run
game from the hard drive due to pirates. ga

This is where I wish Charles was here. He told me some interesting
things about CodeHead products. They got more advance orders for the
TEC board, which can't be pirated at all, than they've sold of any of
their software products. That may indicate a significant piracy
problem. And maybe not. Anyone have a comment?

.GRM (Gordon R. Meyer, a developer) >
Yes, another factor in that fact that many games can't be run from
the hard drive is that it seems most companies develop for the minimal
setup, a 520 or 1040ST at most. They might hesitate to spend any
additional development or "support" for more advanced systems. ga

Especially when ST sales are so abysmal. Some companies, however, do
make their software HD installable. Quentin, you want to comment?

MICROPROSE (represented by Quentin Chaney) >
Hi Everyone... Our ST products are now developed by our UK office
where HD's are basically non-existent. And as such now that they are
developing mainly for the European community do not see the need,
whether correct or not, for HD installable software for the Atari. ga

That makes sense, Quentin. You have to develop for where the money is
found. Simple business. John, you had a comment earlier?

How much software sales are really lost due to the pirates? Those who
are into copying also copy movies, music etc. and would not buy any
software if they could not copy it. ga

Do any of you developers want to take a shot at this one?

.CodeHead (represented by Charles F. Johnson) >
That's one of those issues that's really impossible to quantize.
Common sense tells us, though, that if the majority of the users can
simply download something for free from a BBS, or get it from a friend,
then it must affect sales at SOME point. ga

DABRUMLEVE (Dorothy A. Brumleve, a developer) >
Even people on tight budgets seem to come up with the cash for
hardware. I'll bet they'd buy software too, if a free option weren't

A lot of people managed to put together the bucks for the Happy
enhancement. Probably more than the value of the software they copied
with it.

.Dana STReport Editor>
I'd really like to know a couple of things What can be, and what is
being done to put a dent in the problem. There are two problems...
Lack of education, and pirate bulletin boards. We need to really
educate people, not just cry about the problem. And I hate to sound
like a vigillante, but pirate boards need to be eradicated to the point
that people will be afraid to operate them. Comments?

Ma Bell may soon take care of BBS's entirely.

It amazes me that I usually receive, through various BBS's and Customer
Service, many messages about Pirate BBS boards with the comment always
mentioning that " They paid for the game and they do not like the idea
of someone else getting it for free." Although there are that many ST
BBS's that I've come across, they do exist and in MicroProse's case we
always try contacting the party and ask nicely for them to remove our
software. 99 times out of 100 this works with no problems later down
the line. The ones who act the "Pirate" are then turned over to the
FBI and SPA... a last resort on our part. Rusty's and Edie's was a
main problem for a while, but after being contacted by the FBI, quickly
cleaned up their boards for all formats. Sometimes scare tactics are
the only thing that do work, but most people just do it for the thrill
of being a Pirate, I believe. ga

Education can work both ways. Action must be utilized, too. If the
pirates can learn so much that they can, with impunity, copy anything
and have their own BBS networks, why cannot we learn about it and STOP
SELLING OR RENTING TO THEM! I can tell you two local names now that,
if they were on a Blacklist, there'd be a big dent in Piracy. SPA is a
joke, IMHO.

Or, simply put, if the honorable among us really decide to dig our
heels in, we can make a difference! ga

For those of us in the ST community, the SPA isn't probably our best
course of action.

Dave Small had a very interesting article or two in Current Notes a
number of years ago regarding an unamed ST developer or two who had
taken to releasing fake pirated software. This software would take
revenge (somehow, use your imagination) on pirates. I seem to recall
that Small rejected that approach as being unethical, but it is a
_very_ interesting idea. As for the SPA, as part of my research on
the Computer Underground I've tried, as a user, to contact them
regarding pirate boards. They were less than interested, sadly to
say, and the words "atari" never entered into our conversation. GA

I had that feeling. We are one of the 'Other Computers' in their

.Dana STReport Editor>
Well, I can understand that sugar is better, but people just aren't
likely to stop if there's no fear involved. If there's any possibility
of losing their systems, etc., they will be more likely to cease. If
the SPA isn't the right "agency", can one be formed in the Atari
community, or is there one already?

I wonder if some pressure can be placed on the phone companies. They
are deriving income from the calls, after all.

.Dana STReport Editor>
I don't think so, Gordie, unless the phone company AND FBI are involved

Actually, when you hear about a pirate board going down, it's often
because they had files on phone freaking and such. The phone company
has friends in police organizations.

If the phone companies were formally made aware that illegal activity
was being conducted on their lines, wouldn't they share in the

.Dana STReport Editor>

That may be the approach that needs to be taken.

I'm not a lawyer, but for the most part the main legal interest is
civil, not criminal. When it comes to toll fraud, such as phreaking,
the Secret Service is the agency it would fall under and they are
having a hard enough time going after hackers, which are perceived as
a threat, let alone pirates, which are not really considered
"dangerous". ga

That's right, Gordon...official agencies only get interested when the
dollars get large. I guess that's when it's "dangerous" enough for

Right Charles, unless you can convincly argue that "national defense"
is at stake when it comes to piracy. Then they'd be interested.

We need people at a local level that will keep their eyes open and
Speak Out.

A Neighborhood Watch kind of thing?

I tried that, and practically was ostracized by the local Club.


Yes, Gordie, but we need Developers that will Do something, even if
only write a letter on a company letterhead. Would you developers
consider each writing one letter on your own letterheads. To a certain
major Pirate locally, and informing him he has NO upgrade support

I would write, but my software is rarely found on pirate boards.

That is not the point, WE ALL NEED TO WORK TOGETHER!!!

Besides that, upgrade support isn't necessary for the board-runner. He
can just get a new upload from one of his users.

We all gotta be in like glue, and sticky as honey, and tough. Pirates
do not want to know that you know. Publicity is one thing they do not
want or need.

I think there's the ethical question about non-support of a valid
user. If the guy has BOUGHT the program legitimately, we should follow
through on support.

True, if someone pays for the upgrade, they should get the upgrade.
Now, if it were encoded with a tag, it might be interesting.

I agree with Dorothy, otherwise "lack of support" can become just
one more justification for not paying for software in the first place.

Every program should be encrypted with the owners name, like NeoDesk.

Nearly all software is encoded and can be traced. It's what you do
with the info when you get it.

I've been Co-sysop on 5 boards since 80 and have had to delete (c)
software from time to time. Almost always, they have included files
that give names and phone numbers of bbs's etc. Why is this not
evidence to prosecute? ga

.Dana STReport Editor>
Anyone can "doctor" a text file, that's why.

True, we've seen it happen before.

.Dana STReport Editor>
Download listings, messages, etc. are essentially only a "clue". You
need to literally check the system and find the stuff there.

My question of the developers here is this, have you found, to the
extent that you care to let us know, that encoding the owners name
in your products is effective? How so? Keeping honest people
honest, or actually tracking illegal copies? GA

Just reminded me that at the last users group someone stole my floppy
out of my system and got my "registered UIS and Quick ST" what are my
recourses. Should I contact the publishers? ga


.Dana STReport Editor>
What do the developers recommend, that we as users, do to help?

Can I say one thing before I have to leave?

Please do.

Unfortunately, folks, it all boils down to one thing software users
have to police themselves. Most Atari companies simply don't have the
resources to prosecute a civil case effectively, and the officials just
aren't interested in small cases, which is how they perceive the Atari
software scene. "Small-time." Them's the facts. So it comes down to
each person making the decision, for him or herself not to steal
software, not to destroy the fruits of others' labors, and instead to
choose an ethical way of existing. <grin> Hope that wasn't too heavy,
but it's true. I have to run along, folks, see you later. ga

The world would be a nice place if it was a nice place eh?

Thanks, Charles. Sometimes the truth isn't very pretty.

Do we have the stomach, collectively, to use the mirror principle?
Do we have the b*lls to tell a software pirate that we do not like what
he is doing, and know what he is doing, and to RESIST? Do we take
ourselves more seriously than the software pirates take us? And if we
do, why aren't they taking the honest ones of us seriously? ga

Gordon, did your research touch on that at all?

I agree with Charles' point about the users needing to police
themselves, and doing the ethical thing. However I think you'll also
find that the "officials" aren't interested in software piracy, at all,
regardless of platform. You'll very rarely, if ever, hear of a
heavy bust for software piracy at the pirate bbs/user group level.
It's up to us, make that _you_, and we can't wait for the "officials"
to step in and do something about it, we must do it ourselves. As
for your question Gordie...

Sometimes it is a matter of culture, the support for a pirate, in
terms of culture, is fairly strong. As it takes a committment to
enter a pirate bbs community (by not being a file leech, etc), it isn't
something that one might be likely to just walk away from on a whim, or
because somebody told them "you shouldn't do that". The nature of the
bbs medium makes it easy, once the decision is made, to leave the
community, but convincing the user that they should is the tough part.

I think that's probably the essential point of it all. How do we
convince users to 'go straight' and stop pirating. I think it's a
matter of education, but even then, there will always be some who are

There is a saying that darkness flees light. It is my humble opinion
that a lot could be done merely by openly and publicly facing the

But only if the light is strong enough. If the threat of exposure
doesn't carry any punishment, is it really a threat?

...and I bet not a single pirate will have the b*lls to sue because I
called him a pirate, if he knows that I have PROOF!

I would guess that the key is to approach this as a peer problem.
The old folk wisdom about "peer pressure" has some basis in fact.

I think it's far stronger than most realize.

Peer pressure, yes, but you all know, that "bad guys", no matter how
tough, wanna be bad guys with other bad guys, not with the public in

But AP7, consider the ethics of how you obtain that "proof" as well.
Pirate boards are private systems.

AP7, my question is whether a pirate really cares about being branded
as such. Within the pirate community, they will still have status.
Perhaps even enhanced status because they took the heat.

Gordie - a substantial body of sociological/criminological work would
say that comments from non-pirates (non peers) will have no affect.

If it is open to the public, what makes it sacrosanct?

Some will not [care about being branded a pirate], but I know for sure
that one Club Secretary that sold me Calamus for $100 produced by the
pirate was not too happy... I am willing to be a mole. I would be a
double agent, if I knew it would help.

AP7 - you seem to be talking about the level of user group piracy,
my ethics comment was directed at being a mole on private pirate
boards. In order to obtain access you must provide pirated software
in almost all cases.

And, yes a few diehards would be actually raised in their "status".
But if enough stink was raised for long enough, perhaps said Pirate
would make Inside Edition, and nationwide exposure. I would need to be
working with a developer before I would be a mole or "double agent".
Using an altered copy of a program that could be traced. Hopefully
with a cleverly concealed self destruct button, activated by a pseudo
Let's try to maintain some sense of reality here. No law enforcement
organization will be interested in spending the money necessary to run
down an ST pirate. They just don't have the funds. Yes, it's a sad
commentary on our system of criminal enforcement, but it's the reality
none the less.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is how focusing on piracy in
the ST market may actually hurt things as much as the piracy itself
by scaring away new developers and adding to the disgust of current
ones. I doubt we really have it any worse, percentage wise, then
other platforms. We're just such an "elite" (small) user base.

There's a lot to be said for that comment, Gordon. How many new
developers would be willing to risk their efforts to go into these
so-called pirate infested waters? Not many, even if the allegations
aren't true.

Quentin, any comments on what MicroProse thinks? Or on what you
personally think?

MicroProse basically believes that it's up to each user to make the
decision and realize that Piracy directly affects sales. And with no
sales, no support for that platform.

Would you say that higher prices are, in part, a product of piracy?

I would have to say yes. As more time is needed to develop the code
for some sort of protection as well as the testing involved. ga

As well as affecting the return on the development investment. A
software publisher needs to sell a certain number of copies to make
back what they've spent in developing something. If that number is
reduced due to piracy, then obviously the per copy price has to be
higher, to make up the difference. ga

Yes, the money from a product also pays for future projects and if
there is no return on the previous game, then after awhile, that
platform will have no more funds and personel will be assigned where
the profit is.

Sounds like we might all know of a platform that falls into that

Because of bad expereinces with certain (not Atari) software, I prefer
to use backup copies of everything, but all of my Atari software is
legal. Some manufacturers are not very cooperative about supplying
backup copies when the original is OK, but I feel better with a backup.
Comments? ga

I imagine they see it as providing a 'pass along' copy, and don't want
to make it too easy. ga

You're legally entitled to a backup copy, and I imagine most companies
expect you to make one yourself rather than supply you with one. It's
been a while since I've seen something that can't be backed up at
all. GA

Yes, but I can't make copies of some of them. ga

Dungeon Master being one, as an example. ga

Hmmm, I guess there are some that defy all copy programs. You're
right, that's a tough boat to be in.

Another factor here, and I'm not trying to be an apologist for the ST
market, is that not all developers are giving me what I want to buy.
I haven't bought but a couple games this year because I don't play
games too much, and how many flight simulators do I need?! Thus,
some software company is missing sales to an active ST supporter, me!,
not due to piracy but due to not meeti

ng my needs as a user.

However, it probably looks like there aren't any ST users left so
they don't bother with the innovative software that would attract my
dollar. But sometimes I so want to see continued support for the ST
that I'll feel like I should buy something I may not totally want
just to encourage their efforts. Sort of silly, eh? GA

Same here. ga

Not silly at all. I have that same inclination sometimes. But I'd
like to send a signal to a domestic company, if possible, and they just
don't exist. ga

I normally send the UK registration card to the US branch of the
company and let them know they lost a sale by not supplying a US
version. GA

That's a nice touch. I'll have to try it.

It's getting late, so I think I'll wind this up for tonight, if that's
okay with everyone else.

It's been enjoyable, thanks for hosting Gordie!

I know we haven't definitively covered the subject, but I think we made
some good points, and hopefully, will stir up some discussion in the
community at large.

That said, this CO is officially ended!


Afterwards, several of us continued to chat, and the following comments
were made concerning piracy via modem.

"About 3 years ago a local user bought a referb'd USR 9600. He said that
when he called any BBS that listed 9600, that the sysop would almost
immediately come online and chat, asking if he operated a BBS. When he
answered no, the sysop would upgrade him online and then point him to the
d/l section. I saw file listings of unreleased games and other stuff 3 or
4 months before I would see them listed for sale in the magazines. The
9600 was the key to opening the door on the pirate BBSs a few years ago.
At the same time, a local was running a FoReM BBS and he wrote a simple
card game to run a door. After distributing this to several other BBSs,
he was accepted into their pirate network. He would show me lists and
disks with all kinds of goodies on them. So, I know how rampant software\
pirating is/was."

I included that bit of commentary as a point of information. I do not
mean to imply that everyone with a 9600 baud modem or bbs is a pirate.
But it does point out that there is far more than casual copying going on,
even now, with the ST market as diminished as it is. Perhaps the damage
is done, and we will never recover from it. I certainly hope that isn't
the case. But, I do know that we, each and every one of us, must make a
committment to stop stealing software.

It's not an especially difficult concept to understand. If you didn't buy
it, and it wasn't a gift, it's stolen. Someone who spent a lot of time
and effort creating it isn't being compensated for their work. That
someone is a real person somewhere, probably a lot like yourself. Someone
with bills to pay. Maybe a family to take care of. Someone who tried to
get ahead in this world. And you have hurt that person. Piracy isn't
something to be proud of. It's something to be ashamed of.

Ongoing discussion of software piracy continues to be important. We,
as honest ST users, must find a way to stop the dishonest from destroying
what little we have left. The key is education. If you find your child
has pirated software, you must educate him or her about why it's wrong.
If you find a fellow ST user pirating software, you must educate him or
her about why it's wrong. If you have pirated software, consider what
you have done, and continue to do. Delete those files or format those
disks. Buy the programs you really like, and get along without the rest.
You'll feel better, knowing that you have done the right thing. And
knowing that you've done your part in keeping the ST alive.


Editorial comments by Gordie Meyer <BIBLINSKI>
They are his comments and not necessarily those of DELPHI
The ST Advantage, his user group, nor anyone else.
But he hopes he's not alone.


> STR InfoFile ST Assembly Language Workshop


(203) 643-9673

Manchester, CT January 6, 1992

Taylor Ridge Books has announced the release of The ST Assembly
Language Workshop, Volume 1, a novice's guide to assembly language
programming on the Atari ST line of computers. Written by Clayton Walnum,
the author of C-manship Complete, The ST Assembly Language Workshop,
Volume 1 teaches the basics of assembly language programming, starting
with assembly language theory and building up to full-length programs.
Covered in the 260-page book are the most-used 68000 assembly
instructions, programming style and technique, file handling, printer
output, system clocks, color palettes, screen flipping, loading pictures,
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When it's released later this year, Volume 2 of the series will cover
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The ST Assembly Language Workshop, Volume 1 comes with a disk
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address or phone number above. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.

Taylor Ridge Books
P.O. Box 78
Manchester, CT 06045
(203) 643-9673


> TAF SHOW STR SHOW NEWS April 4-5,1992, Toronto, Canada



On April 4th and 5th, 1992, ATARI CANADA and the TORONTO ATARI FEDERATION
(TAF) will host what may be the most exciting Atari event in North America
in 1992. To be held at the Skyline Hotel, the 1992 Canadian Atari Users
Convention will feature the most outstanding developers in the Atari
world with some of the latest programs and program updates. Local dealers
will exhibit the latest hardware and peripherals, and user groups from
across Canada and the United States will be on hand to share Public
Domain and Shareware programs and exchange knowledge. Door prizes
throughout both days of the show, special show prices and several major
door prize packages will add to the excitement.

Facilities will include a 15,000 square foot convention area, an addi-
tional 7,000 square foot display and exhibit space, and seven different
meeting rooms that will host a wide range of seminars, demonstrations and
mini- concerts. On Saturday evening, a formal banquet will bring together
local users with major figures in the present and future course of Atari.

This is the third major convention that the Toronto Atari Federation has
hosted in recent years. As one of the largest user groups in Canada, if
not in North America, TAF has consistently helped bring the best and most
contemporary computer technology to Toronto users. With membership of
approximately 300, TAF will provide the core of volunteers that make an
event like this possible. However, other user groups will also be invited
to participate, to help stimulate exchange of information among the var-
ious Atari groups in this region and to help broaden the base of support
for this special event.

Atari Canada General Manager Geoff Earle has said that this April event
could easily surpass the recent Chicago convention, both in attendance and
participation by developers and programmers. Basing their participation on
the successful Chicago model, Atari Canada will assume many of the initial
costs, including facilities and advertising. TAF will coordinate activi-
ties and provide volunteer help. TAF President John R. Sheehan, SJ, noted,
"The enthusiasm of our members is the reason we felt this was a good time
for a show. So many members had been asking about a show, and volunteering
to help, that we felt we really could present a spectacular two-day event.
We couldn't try it without our volunteers, but with their help, this April
will see the most exciting Atari show Toronto has ever seen!"

Packets for dealers and developers are being prepared and should be
mailed in January. Information packets for user groups will be available
at around the same time. The Skyline Hotel will be offering special room
rates to participants, and special travel plans should also be announced
shortly. To be placed on the mailing list for Convention information,
please send your name, address, and affiliation (developer, user group,
dealer, etc.) to TAF's mailing address:

Toronto Atari Federation
5334 Yonge St., Suite 1527,
Willowdale, Ontario, CANADA
M2N 6M2


> STReport's Editorial Page "Saying it like it is."

From the Editor's Desk

Some folks have recently received their copies of AtariUser and read
the "Year in Review" by J. Nagy. I did and by golly it was very well
written and did indeed pull no punches. Congratulations John, is was
indeed a very good article. Atari has exhibited some mighty strange
behavioral patterns over the last four years, of this there can be no
doubt, yet they continue to tell they are trying to improve, to better
things and most of all get new product to market on time. This is January
1992, and as time marches on.... we shall see.

This week, the news of Greg Pratt, the guy who gave the most inspiring
speech about Atari this year at the Chicago Atarifest, has, according to
Atari's B. Rehbock, resigned! Shades of DeJa Vu.... History repeats
itself in the JAWS OF THE REVOLVING DOOR. Where... where will it all lead
to? Who knows? The most important lesson to be learned here is you can
have the most learned men and women in the industry working for a company
but that alone will not make the company a bustling success. There must
be other factors involved. For example there should be a full teamwork
atmosphere prevailing at all times, there never should be internal
jousting for the favor of the boss, the boss(s) should be cooperative and
work with the teams, the boss(s) should never play the heavy. These are
but a few of the "secrets of success" often found at work in the "other"
company. The most important aspect is; those involved directly with the
enhancement of the company and it image should never get involved in any
type of politics nor should they ever place themselves in situations where
their intentions should be looked upon as "questionable".

As we embark on the journey through this New Year, 1992, lets all hope
Atari finally "gets with the program" and devotes all its energies to the
manufacture and delivery of product instead of being the "showmasters,
(leave that to PT Barnum & Ringling Bros.), political strategists and 'go
betweens'. Atari's primary and only concern should be the making and
selling of its products. In other areas, there seems to be a definate
"revival" of sorts going on. In the online scene, there are strong
indications of the "action" picking up. GEnie, as always throbs and hums
with activity. On Delphi, the message flow is on the upswing. On CIS in
the ST Fora the international action has also taken a definate upswing.
Users are out there Atari... Show them you are too.

Thank you for your support!


From the Guest Editor's Desk

Atari & Politics
by Dana P. Jacobson


Two weeks into the New Year, and already we're seeing some
controversy online! Now I know why American Indians never trusted the
white eyes; he _did_ speak with forked tongue. Apparently the "custom"
still exists among all walks of life today. I thought that 1992 was going
to be different; and we'd all be starting out with a new and positive
outlook. All of those "peace offerings" didn't even make it past New
Year's Day!! Since most of this emanated publicly in the FNET, let's
elaborate and see what _you_ think.

Actually, there are a few things that have bothered me over the last
few months, but since very little came out in the public, I just filed
them on the back burner to see if my thoughts would become a reality -
they did.

A few months ago, I believe it was at WAACE, I was standing with a
few people who were discussing the FNET. The usual BBS stuff, SysOps'
attitudes, users, etc. Someone, I don't recall who, mentioned that a new
FNET BBS was going to open soon. It was going to be run by Bob Brodie!
There were quite a number of surprised faces, myself included. One of the
comments that came from many of us was when would Bob find the time in his
busy schedule to manage a BBS? Alright, so maybe Bob has more than 24
hours in his day, so he'd manage. It was an interesting tidbit of news.
I actually thought that it was a good idea, as it would probably save him
a lot of online time as he could log on at his leisure and answer
messages. You also never get a busy signal calling your own BBS! What
did surprise a lot of us was the proposed name of the BBS. I know, what
does a name have to do with anything. Alright, maybe not the name, but
the name signified an affiliation. Of course, the name of the BBS is
Z*NET Golden Gate. I knew right away that this was going to be a mistake
and cause some problems down the line, somehow.

So what's the problem? Am I upset that the BBS is not named ST
Report Golden Gate? Nope, that would be a problem as well; and we all
know that the river Styx will never freeze! The problem lies in the fact
that Bob Brodie has a major role with Atari; he's the Director of
Communications. This is not some schlep position, folks. I would surmise
that the official Atari Corporation letterhead lists Bob among its
hierarchy, somewhere in the top 10. He's a public figure, so what is he
doing making himself "officially" affiliated with an Atari-specific online
magazine? The BBS is even listed in Z*NET's masthead as one of Z*NET's
"official" support boards! Somehow, this screams conflict of interest to
me. Is it just me, or do others feel that Atari personnel, at _least_
those in high levels, should maintain a neutral stance?

It's one thing to say publicly that you prefer one magazine over
another. But, to be publicly, or privately for that matter, affiliated
with one is utterly wrong. I know that there are many readers right now
thinking that my complaint is just another of those online magazine
"wars", but it's not. I'd be making the same statements if Bob started up
a BBS called SoftLogik Golden Gate, or any other name connected with an
Atari support organization. I think it would be a very prudent decision
for both Z*NET and Bob Brodie to divorce themselves from this

By all means, if Bob wants to run a BBS, go for it. Have a Z*NET con-
ference area, I see no problem with that. But, it would also be wise to
also include the ST Report conference as well. Am I, as an ST Report
editor, unrealistic or unfair for making that suggestion? The answer is
no. I, like Bob, run a BBS of my own. I write for STReport, I prefer ST
Report, I read ST Report. I also read Z*NET and it's available regularly
for my users along with ST Report. In fact, each of the magazines usually
are provided one right after the other in my board's download area.

So yes, I believe that my "Atari in politics" statement is true.
Atari is in the business of making computers. It's not in the business of
promoting one supporter over another, in any type of official or
"unofficial" affiliation.


> STR Mail Call "...a place for folks to be heard"

STReport's MailBag

From GEnie Atari RT
Category 18, Topic 20
Message 132 Mon Jan 06, 1992
JMGSOFT [George @ JMG] at 05:02 EST

I've started catching up on Genie in general again, and happened upon this
topic... I thought I'd make a few points.

First, Jim Allen mentioned his usual "Atari would not have even made it in
Europe if PC and Mac hadn't been overpriced for many years" (paraphrased).

I have a disagreement with that because Atari had (and in many cases still
has) technological advantages the PC, especially the PC of 1985-1987.
Even advantages over the early Mac designs, a machine that was still sold
in 128K RAM versions when the Atari was first released. (And remember how
to upgrade early macs? trade in the whole motherboard.)

Even aging, oft criticized TOS/GEM is still superior to the OS software on
the PC platform. MS-DOS is still a 640K limited, real-mode dog of an OS,
and Windows is slow, kludgy and until just recently has had a software
base that makes the Atari's look gigantic in comparison. Compare the
speed of Pagemaker or Ventura on a PC to Calamus or Pagestream on an Atari
(even an old 68000 Atari) and you'll see the difference. Sure the PC now
has "Super VGA" with 1024 by 768 with 256 colours as a standard, but
almost no programs use such modes (and those that do run very slooooow).

But now things are more and more at a crossroads as hardware technology is
blazing ahead in both PC and Mac arenas; I think Europe is the most
critical for Atari, because if they release a truly powerful machine there
then it will once again regain ground lost to other platforms. In Europe
the general computer market is not biased to the letters "IBM" as they are
here in North America. And with a truly powerful, leading edge system,
people in North America will notice too (though it's hard to tell to what
extent). The original Atari was designed in 1984 and from idea to store
shelves took less than a year, and that included design and manufacture of
five custom ICs. That allowed Atari to get a truly leading edge machine
out to the market (before the market marched past it). If Atari can't do
that with new product, it will never get back to the share of market it
once had, and it will never have truly leading edge technology available.

Or to be more blunt, if this "falcon" machine isn't made available (that
means for sale and past FCC) before the end of 1992, and doesn't have all
the hum-dinger features expected, then people outside of the Atari
community simply will not care much.

-- George.

PS - to N.Steel; I'm not sure about prices in the US, but prices on Atari
equipment here in Canada are actually below (by about 20%) the prices you
listed in a message about two weeks ago of prices that you'd like to see
from Atari today. And as you suggested, Atari Canada uses the 1040STE as
the entry-level machine, no 520STE is available.


Category 14, Topic 3
Message 239 Tue Jan 07, 1992
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 20:22 EST


I guess I am so used to the 256-color graphics on my PC that I assumed
that 640X480X256 was VGA and that 800X600 was Super VGA.

I meant, of course, that the TT does not have 640X480X256.

And, yes, you are right, the mono display of the TT is great. But
monochrome is not color no matter how you justify it.

Lloyd (and others),

Thanks for the ST sales info. Based on the number of readers of my
syndicated column who have told me they don't use their STs any more, I'd
guess that there is quite a "doorstop" quotient to the ST sales figures,
at least in the U.S.

Add to that the shortage of dealers, and we may be in danger of finding
ourselves orphaned even while Atari is still in business. I know that my
fellow ST users in my part of the country (central New York) feel that the
phrase "your local dealer" is an insult, since that establishment dropped
the line about three years ago. And Amigas are readily available.


Steve Johnson,

You've raised some good points. Atari is not a force of any kind in the
mainstream U.S. computer market, and that is not because of the quality of
the computer but the disinterest shown by Atari itself. What worries me as
an enthusiastic ST user since '85 is the dead-end nature of ST and TT
computing -- despite the valiant efforts of the Codeheads and Dave Small
and Gribnif and a few others. I heard Bob Brodie, in person, say that the
deal with GE servicing was in the last stages of being worked out, but of
course it hasn't happened yet, and probably won't (or it would have by
now; let's be realistic about these things).

The ST/TT market in the U.S. is so small that it could disappear without
causing a blip on the economic meter. Companies such as ICD and Supra now
depend on the Amiga market to make enough money so that they can stay in
the ST/TT market.

The ST and TT are *wonderful* computers. But that won't keep them in the
marketplace. At a time when a 40 mHz '386 system sells for a lot less than
a TT, I think a lot of ST owners are facing hard choices when they want to
upgrade. If the TT had an industry-standard graphics display -- *any*
industry standard would do, for Pete's sake -- and if the TT had a real
SCSI port, and if the TT had ... well, basically, if they TT had some
support from Atari itself as well as from third-party developers, it
*might* be an attractive upgrade for ST owners. And here's an odd thing.
If the Gemulator actually reaches production, there may well be more
Gemulated STs within a few years than real STs, at least around here. I'd
love to be able to run an "ST" inside a Win3 window or a GeoWorks window.
I bet others would, too.


Oh, and one more thing: The only reason any company refuses to disclose
sales information is when (surprise!) sales are lower than outsiders have
predicted or expected. Without any advertising to speak of, the ST
couldn't have sold more than a few hundred thousand in the U.S., and if
half of those STs are now unused or tossed out, we have a very weak market
in the U.S. of A. If, as I suspect, two-thirds of those STs are not in use
any more, we may even rank right down there with the Adam and the TI 4/A.
It's dismal.



STReport Online Magazine
Att: R.F. Mariano
PO Box 6672
Jacksonville, FL 32205

At the recent Chicago Computerfest by Atari Show in November 1991, I was
the person lucky enough top have won the 105mb Hard Drive you donated. I
would like to thank you for your donation. I am the ST Librarian for
MilAtari Ltd., the Milwaukee Atari User's Group. I appreciate having won
this, as I am using it daily in connection with my duties as librarian.
In this job, more hard drive space is always needed, as I am sure you can
appreciate. I find that the drive is very fast and quiet, two qualities
that arehighly valued by me, as is the autoparking feature of the drive.
Again, thank you for your contribution.


Dennis Wilson


STReport's Staff The regulars and this week's contributors!

Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Robert Retelle Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Michael Arthur Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. Dana P. Jacobson
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando
Doyle C. Helms

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Roger Stevens
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Ben Hamilton
Neil Bradley Eric Jerue Ron Deal
Robert Dean Ed Westhusing James Nolan
Vernon W. Smith

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0


> STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Reporting ABOUT Atari...not FOR Atari!"

* "Rumors - Tidbits - Predictions - Observations - Hot Tips" *

Seems the "IDES" are restless and its not even March yest. Well CES
happened and where was Atari? In an off the main drag one night stop for
cocktails and fruit cups for Lynx folks. Apple made a big deal here with
a speech delivered by their 'main man'. One rumor heard all over the
place was that Atari might be 'for sale'. There is another US magazine in
the makings, seems there was a split-off from a familiar existing
newspaper style magazine. Hmmm, seems there may be some real infighting
about to occur over the recently vacated responsibilities. Rumor also has
it that there are less than 120 employees with Atari worlwide. On the
humorous side, it seems the crayons "melted" so that deal will be further
delayed, but then who cares? Its a situation whose time has come and
gone. How many authorized dealers left in the USA? Ziggy sez less than
Until next time...

Ziggy Zircon
The Zigster!


> A "Quotable Quote" STReport's Editorial Cartoon


...Ira D. Krebbs


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STReport International Online Magazine
Available through more than 10,000 Private BBS systems WorldWide!
16/32bit Magazine copyright 1987-92 No.8.02
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors/staff, PCReport, STReport, AMReport, MCReport. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint
must include the name of the publication, date, issue # and the author's
name. The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in
any way without prior written permission. The entire contents, at the
time of publication, are believed to be reasonably accurate. The editors,
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