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Silicon Times Report Issue 0739

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing Inc.

September 27, 1991 No.7.39

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
STR East: FNET 350 - The Bounty ST BBS <Home of STR> 1-904-786-4176
STR West: FNET 075 - Bloom County BBS 1-415-965-9347
STR Canada: FNET 018 - ///Turbo Board Support 1-416-274-1225
STR Europe: FNET 1031 - <<<INTERNET>>> 011-44-296-395-935

> 09/27/91: STReport #7.39 The Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine!
- The Editor's Desk - AJAX Processor? - TT 68040
- Toshiba 3.5 Flop - WAACE UPDATE INFO - STR Confidential


The _Number One_ Online Magazine
"UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Hot Tips, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's support BBS, NODE 350, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the Fido/F-Net Mail Network. Or, call Node 350 direct at
904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information relative
to the Atari ST computer arena through an excellent International ST Mail
Network. All registered F-NET - Crossnet SysOps are welcome to join the
STReport Crossnet Conference. The Crossnet Conference Code is #34813, and
the "Lead Node" is # 350. All systems are welcome and invited to actively
participate. Support Atari Computers; Join Today!

> The Editor's Podium

The WAACE Show is right around the corner, be sure to check out the
updates in this issue. This is the PREMIER SHOW for the EAST COAST and
has been a front runner in the Atari community for quite some time. Its a
'don't miss it' kinda show!

Times sure change, it was a few years ago that I met Sig Hartman for
the first time, a great guy, at Waace. Atari was about to 'bust open the
market' with its new hardware releases and TOS 1.4. At the time, myself
Ron Deal and Ron Brunk assisted Atari in setting up the hardware in their
booth. The Portfolio was brand spanking new at the time. In fact, Desk
Set II was about to debut. Ah yes, all fond memories. The WAACE shows
have truly provided some wonderful times for all of us.

To be serious for a moment, we all have been waiting for FSMGDOS for
well over a year, it been one excuse after another, the last was the
everfaithful, we're awaiting the arrival of the packaging... if this stuff
is ever to become some, even slight, standard... its simply must get to
market. I took the time to check the marketplace and no distributors have
this software package, perhaps a publisher does, but it is not available
for over the counter sales YET. At this rate, its time will have come and

FSM GDOS does indeed show a great deal of promise and those who have
seen it in action will attest to its high quality output. I saw it in use
last February/91 at CEPS and was told its release was imminent. Then I
was told Aug 1. For now all that can be said is; it'll be released when
its ready. It seems the software pipeline out of Atari must follow an
elaborate, circuitous route. At least its better than no hope for it at
all.... I think... :-)

Thanks for your strong support

ps; its at 1 5/8ths, book value is 1 7/8ths



> STReport's Staff The regulars and this week's contributors!

Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Robert Retelle Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Michael Arthur Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. Dana P. Jacobson
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham

Contributing CorrespondEnts:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Roger Stevens
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt
Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Ben Hamilton
Robert Dean Ed Westhusing James Nolan
Joe Mirando Vernon W. Smith Schuylar Noell

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0



to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
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New Library Software is on the way. Beginning on October 14, CompuServe
will be installing this new software in all Forums.

Check out the Practice Forum's Library 3 (GO PRACTICE) where you'll find
several files designed to familarize you with the coming changes.


Download file PKRSQR.ARC from LIBRARY 1 of the Atari ST Arts Forum (GO
ATARIARTS) for the tournament version of Poker Squared. This version
includes a score verification option that sends a special DEGAS PI3
snapshot to the disk.

Stay tuned for more information on the Poker Squared tournament
exclusively on CompuServe!


See calendar of any month/year. Attach events to days by date or
position in month- never forget a birthday again! New CalShow runs as AUTO
program OR as a GEM program or desk ACC! Browse or search event, etc.
Custom Desk menu entry makes it easy to distinguish multiple copies
(Birthdays, Holidays, etc). Preloaded with over 10 dozen events! Download
file CAL.ARC from LIBRARY 1 of the Atari Productivity Forum (GO ATARIPRO)


An improved version of DC PopBar from Double Click Software is now
available in LIBRARY 13 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN).


Several new files are now available from CodeHead software in LIBRARY
16 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN):

MDDELX.ARC - Demo version of CodeHead's MultiDesk Deluxe!
MDDPR.TXT - Announcing MultiDesk Deluxe!
NEWPRC.TXT - Price decrease for Avant Vector!


COLLEGE CLASS SCHEDULE MAKER - Given a list of classes, sections, and
times, this program finds all the schedules without time conflicts. After
spending hours devising a semester's schedule, have you ever waited hours
in the registration line to find out that some of the classes you wanted
were full? This program can help. Now runs on your Atari Portfolio!
Download file SCHED.ZIP from LIBRARY 1!

New files from David Stewart are now available in LIBRARY 1 of Atari
Portfolio Forum (GO APORTFOLIO).

BJ Gleason has uploaded a text file (and a converted program) with
instructions for modifying Turbo Pascal 3.01 to compile for the Portfolio.
Now in LIBRARY 1 of Atari Portfolio Forum (GO APORTFOLIO).




> The Flip Side STR Feature "... a different view point"

A Little of This, A Little of That

by Michael Lee


Some comments about Armour-Geddon from D.HYETT - Cat. 9, Topic 11, Msg.
9 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
1. One of the smoothest 3D sims around. The helicopter control is the
easiest and most intuitive control I've seen yet. The fighter control
is sensitive, but can be mastered with a little practice and a soft
touch. Screen update is very quick; comparible with Carrier Command.

2. Gameplay is frantic and hard. Almost too hard. There's always
enemy aircraft to deal with. I can't survive too long.. even in
training mode.

3. Multiplayer (two player) mode is not to be missed! You play as a
team to try to accomplish the same mission as in single player (to
pick up enough parts to build a neutron bomb and destroy an enemy
beam cannon that is meant to destroy humankind). I have never been
able to pick up any parts in single or multi play mode. It is easier
with two players though. Direct connect null modem cable is required,
modem will not work. Also two copies of the game are required as disk
2 must be in both system's drives.

Not sure if one can get backup disks from Psygnosis, but that would
enable you to play two players. Two player mode is very close to the
blinding speed of the single player, but is MORE FUN!

4. The manual is not very complete. A two page "diary" of saved games
gives good clues as to how to achieve the easiest and closest
(location wise) objectives. Some things are just left out. How to
pick up resources from fallen enemy aircraft? Who knows?

Any hints to help out would be greatly appreciated! I haven't found
any magazines with hints yet. If anyone else has, leave a message
here. I'm almost getting tired of defeat and need some breaks. I've
read the manual countless times and can't find anything new. I am
VERY impressed with this game, but I am now in need of HELP!


Some comments from Alan Hamilton (STARFALL - XYZ2.01) on replacing the
internal floppy drive on a 1040STf - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
The orignal drive was a Chinon, and even when it did work it was
horribly noisy. It failed by having the spring on the upper R/W head
break. Best Electronics sells a new head, but for $80. I got a new
non-Atari drive for $64.

The new drive is a 3 1/2 Toshiba. It's a 1/3 height drive. The hard-
est part was configuring the jumpers. The catch is, you *don't* con-
figure them. There are three jumpers behind the power connection, and
two of them came shorted. I tried hooking the drive up, but although
the motor would run, the drive select light wouldn't come on, and the
ST wouldn't recognize it. I tried all possible permutations of the
jumpers, but nothing worked.

I finally noticed a *very* tiny switch next to the data plug. It's a
tiny black box with a miniscule lever sticking out of it. You may
need a magnifying glass to see the lever. I pushed the lever to the
opposite (right) position using a jeweler's screwdriver, and put the
jumpers back to their original settings. Eureka! The disk booted up

I got some 1/4" nylon spacers, and replacement mounting screws that
were 1/4" longer than the originals. I used a small hacksaw to trim
out the lower right corner of the drive opening in the upper half of
the ST case, to make room for the Toshiba's eject button. I screwed
everything together, and it works!

I noticed that some other people here said that they had to reverse
the plug on the data cable because the key was on the wrong side. I
didn't have that problem; the key matched the slot in the drive's
socket. However, I did have to put a half-twist in the data cable
since the socket on the Toshiba was rotated 180 degrees from the
Chinon socket. I was able to verify the orientation by noting which
end of the plug matched pin 1 on the Chinon, and matched that end
with pin 1 on the Toshiba. In addition, the wire for pin 1 on the
ribbon cable had a stripe. I have heard that Atari screwed this up on
a number of STs (key is wrong, or pin 1 is not the marked wire), so
the safest way to do it is to match the plug based on how it was
connected to the original drive.

Despite the key, it is possible to plug the Toshiba in upside down. I
did this by accident, and gave myself a real scare. If you do this,
when you power up the ST the drive lights go on right away, instead
of after a quick pause, and they don't ever go out.

It works fine now, and having a *quiet* drive is wonderful.


From Nevin Shalit (SoftLogic sysop) - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
If folks are looking for a true 600 DPI printer, you should contact
QMS. Their new printer is true 600 DPI in both PostScript and HP
modes, parallel and serial port interface. Street price about $4700.
68020 processor, very nice printer.


Questions about the new FSM GDOS from Ed Krimen - Cat. 14, Topic 18, Msg
59 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
I'd like to verify a few things about FSM GDOS. Hopefully someone in
the know (Atari? J. Townsend?) can help.

Does it work with all TOS versions? If not, then which ones?

I know it comes with a CPX for configuration, but does it also come
with a similar desk accessory if one doesn't want to use the CPX?

Thanks. Some people on Fidonet were asking, and I wanted to answer
with certainty.

Answer from John Townsend (Atari) - Cat. 14, Topic 18, Msg. 60 - from
the ST Roundtable on Genie...
FSMGDOS does work on ALL TOS versions.

It has CPX modules (and Accessories for those not wishing to use use
the CPX modules) for configuration of your FSMGDOS installation.

One word of warning. The Accessories are exactly the same as the CPX
modules. (i.e. For Each CPX, there is a Desk Accessory available). If
you go the Accessory route, you will probably use up more memory and
take up 2-3 desk Accessory slots.


Some information about Audio CD roms from Todd (Cherry Fonts) - Cat. 16,
Topic 2, Msg. 207 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
Audio CD pressing price is currently $75 each for low runs (under
1000) which are classified as Desktop-CD and are produced on a
smaller machine with a Mac front-end.

Runs of 1000+ usually cost $2.00 ea. and runs of 5000+ get much
cheaper again. That is for AUDIO CD's that are pre-edited, ready to
rock (you provide a digital snapshot.) I have no idea about CD ROM
CD's though. We don't deal with those at our studio. :-)

I'm not sure exactly how indicative AUDIO CD pressing rates are to


Some great news for Interlink owners from Scott Holmes - Cat. 8, Topic
13, Msg. 143 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
I just called Intersect out of curiosity to see how the new protocols
they said that they were going to write, (Zmodem and a NEW ANSI) were
coming along. Well what I heard was a surprise. He (Jeff) told me
that they have decided to add these features and others (a second
buffer, spelling checker...ect) to a NEW version of INTERLINK!

Because they are taking on this bigger project it will take more time
than just the protocols, so don't expect it till next year. It seems
that Intersect has not left the ST market yet. Something nice to see.


Important information about MicroProse's RAILROAD TYCOON from Drew Kerr
(Captain Midnight's Game Room) - Cat. 9, Topic 10, Msg. 1 - from the ST
Roundtable on Genie...

The port to the ST is seriously bugged -- maybe the biggest game
programming glitch in a very long time.

The hard drive install program crashes every time. If you have more
than 2 megs, the game crashes as well.

The following solutions have been offered by John Stewart of Micro-
Computer Depot in Columbia, SC (1-800-845-3070). He is presently
sending back every copy of Railroad Tycoon until the bugs are fixed
and will not sell one until they are perfect.


A) If you have the PD program Disk Doctor, search out the file called
RINSTALL.PRG. You must change every instance of COLOUR.LMB to

B) Create a folder in your hard drive called RAILROAD. Put the con-
tents of both your disks into this folder. When the alert box comes
up to say that a file already exists with that name, hit the OK
button (meaning copy over the first file).

Either way, the game should be installed.

Onto the more serious problem...


After booting up Railroad Tycoon, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR MOUSE OR THE
PROCEDURE (identifying railroad engines and cars).

The first screen option will be whether you want to use a keyboard
and mouse or just keyboard. Just the first (#1). The game will then
load with title screen and then credits -- you can cut them short by
hitting the SPACE bar, not the Return button!! You will then be
presented with a screen of railroad robber barons and a choice of
whether you want to start a new game, load an old one or load the
MOUSE!! Use ONLY the space bar to make your choice.

You will then reach the copy protection part where a list of possible
choices fills most of your screen. Again, DO NOT USE YOUR MOUSE but
the arrow cursor keys to make your choice and use the SPACE BAR.

After this, you can now play the game and touch/move your mouse.

Microprose UK did a very shoddy job of beta testing the game and if
you find this game unsatisfactory because of these bugs, RETURN IT!
Microprose's GEnie address is MICROPROSE, in case you want to let
them know how you feel about releasing seriously bugged products. If
you think e-mail doesn't do the trick, send a note to:

Mr. Bill Stealey MICROPROSE 180 Lakefront Drive Hunt Valley, MD 21030

Microprose UK's number is 011-446-6650-4326.

This game is not cheap -- don't pay for inferior product, especially
with Atari's place in the game market so unstable.

Drew Kerr Author of "Captain Midnight's Game Room," the Atari ST
mini-letter soon to be posted monthly in GEnie's library.


A brief over-view of Calligrapher from Keith Brooks (New Horizon Com-
puter Systems - Calgary, Alberta) - Cat. 13, Topic 4, Msg. 1 - from the
ST Roundtable on Genie...
Well, as I noted in the header, I brought this product in to try it
out and I am seriously impressed with the potential power of the
program! Drawing tools, boxes, lines, abbreviations, speller,
thesaurus, separate rulers for each line if you need it, formulas
allowed, hot keys, lots of utilities to remap the keyboard and so on
and so on..........

Installed OK but sure screwed up my assign.sys a lot for other GDOS
programs. It did come with a special version of G+PLUS which actually
runs on the TT030 with my original G+PLUS.ACC! So I was able to set
up individual font folders with separate assign.sys files for each as
this program has special Line_Arc (vector font) things that didn't
seem to work too well with other GDOS programs and seemed to cause no
end of problems with Calligrapher if it didn't find the font it

Other than that, this program could easily rival WP v2.0 for the Mac.
Registration was sent back to the UK so the real unprotected disk
could be shipped to us with latest version of the program, thesaurus
and other utilities and fonts. For now, I'm stuck with a key disk
that has to be in the 'A' drive for the program to run. I hope it
arrives soon as some of the features are not implemented or lack
features mentioned in the manual....which is _VERY_ comprehensive and
well written!

There's a utility to edit the keyboard and add any of the 256 ASCII
characters to Calligrapher. Another will write a separate program you
can put in your AUTO folder which remaps the keyboard for all
programs while the computer is running. It works in WordUp, LDW,
Calamus (if the font in use has those characters included) and any
other programs I tried. I remapped the keypad with the <SHIFT> and
<CAPS> keys so I can get - Math symbols, trademarks, bullets, [NOTE:
some characters didn't come through] AHH! I see those characters
don't translate across the lines but it works great!

I did notice that the normal Dutch GDOS fonts have the descenders cut
off on screen but print just fine. I ran into this problem with
That's Write too but cured that with scaling the font. Didn't work
with Calligrapher so I'm stuck with their screen fonts called
'Zurich' and 'Holland', the former too ugly for words in screen font,
and the latter too small for comfortable use for any length of time.
I'm sure there's a solution for this but calling the UK for Tech
support is a trifle expensive.

If anyone else has this good looking program, please post!!!!! I need
the HELP!!!!


Until next week.....



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WAACE AtariFest '91 Special Event Schedule
(times and speakers, subject to change)

Friday October 10, 1991
8:00 PM Midi Concert, by Dave Kaufman's Midi Machine

Saturday October 11, 1991
Seminar Schedule

11:00 AM What's New from Gribnif
Rick Flashman, Gribnif Software

12:00 PM Atari Corporation Speaks
Robert Brodie, Director of Communications, Atari Corp.

1:00 PM Dave Small: Live and in Person I
Dave Small, Gadgets by Small

2:00 PM STReport "Computers - Now & the Future"
Ralph Mariano, ST Report International Online Magazine

3:00 PM Atari Myths and Mysteries
David Troy, Toad Computers

4:00 PM Mailing List and Desktop Publishing, with Tracker ST and
PageStream 2.1
Nevin Shalit, Step-Ahead Software

7:00 PM Pre-Banquet Social Hour (poolside weather permitting)

8:00 PM 1991 WAACE AtariFest Banquet
Guest Speaker: Nathan Potechin, President, ISD Marketing
Inc. and the President of International Association of
Atari Developers

Sunday October 12, 1991 Seminar Schedule

11:00 AM Hardware Acceleration
Featuring developers of the latest technology for both
68000 and 68030 CPU accelerators.

12:00 PM eSTeem PILOT
Tom Nielson, eSTeem, inc.

1:00 PM Dave Small: Live and in Person II
Dave Small, Gadgets by Small

2:00 PM Software that isn't Here!
Applications and Development Tools that never made it to the
Atari ST.
Andrej Wrotniak, Debonair Software

3:00 PM Meet the Atari Press
Featuring members of the Atari electronic and print media:
John Jainschigg, Publisher/Editor of Atari Explorer
Magazine; Joe Waters, Publisher of Current Notes Magazine;
Ralph Mariano, Editor of STReport International Online
Magazine and Bill and Patty Rayl Publisher/Editors of Atari
Interface Magazine;


Can a performer with a computer play passionate rock and roll? David
Kaufman answers with a resounding yes! With a low slung synthesizer
around his neck, he sings and plays a variety of original rock and pop
songs in a unique interactive solo performance. Backed by an Atari
computer which acts as his rhythm section of bass and drums, he plays the
synthesizer live and sings.

Although it's a highly technical show, his personality and soulful
performance wins the crowd over, as he did performing at The Spiral Club
in New York City.

On his Midi Machine tape, "Trust Me" may be the hardest rockin' song
ever with only synthesizers and drum machines. "No Overnight Sensation"
is melodic, yet rocks with an inspired "slide synth" solo. "Break the
News" is a pensive, yet driving love song. These songs show his diverse
talent for writing, playing, singing and orchestrating.

David Kaufman was the keyboard player and a major songwriter for The
Nails, who released two critically acclaimed LP's on RCA Records in the
80's, both of which made the CMJ and Billboard charts, and which continue
to receive airplay on alternative radio around the world. While with The
Nails, he toured the U.S.A. and Canada.

David's recent accomplishments are his bluesy, honky-tonk piano
playing on New York musician Phil Gammage's (Certain General, Corvairs).
Kneel to the Rising Sun CD available on the French New Rose label, and
performing in a reggae band, "Voice of the Common Man."

Listen to Dave Kaufman's Midi Machine and then see him live. It's an
exciting and fresh sound.

The Seminar Speakers:

Ralph Mariano is the publisher/editor of the weekly STReport
International Online Magazine. STReport has been going strong for four
years now providing the ST community with up to date information on whats
happening in the ST world and never hesitating to speak out on any issue
in the Atari world. STReport is released every week at about 6pm on
GEnie, Compuserve and Delphi online information services.

Gribnif Software is the developer of NeoDesk 3.0 - The Desktop
Alternative for the Atari ST, a complete desktop replacement for the ST.
Gribnif Software is headed by Rick Flashman, Dan Wilga, and Tricia
Metcalf. Currently they are busy developing new and exciting software for
the ST, including CardFile 3, Stalker and Steno. NeoDesk is one of the
best selling (if not the best selling) non-game utility software program
for the ST.

Dave Troy of TOAD Computers is the producer of the TOAD File 44
removable cartridge hard disk drive system. Dave has been involved with
Atari computers for over eight years and is the co-owner of the TOAD
Computers store in Severna Park, MD. Dave also writes a monthly column in
Current Notes magazine titled "Atari Myths and Mysteries".

Dave Small of Gadgets by Small requires no introduction to the Atari
community. Mr. Small is the leading developer of Macintosh emulation on
the Atari ST. His current products include the popular Spectre GCR
Macintosh Emulator, the Mega Talk board for Mega ST computers and the SST
68030 Accelerator Board. Dave is also a featured columnist in Current
Notes Magazine and noted Tesla Coil Enthusiast.

J. Andrzej Wrotniak is the developer of the mathematical program El
Cal (Elementary Calculator) and Star Base by Debonair Software and a
regular columnist in Current Notes ("ST Toolbox") magazine. Andrej will
explore the many applications and development tools that never made there
way to the Atari ST.

Nevin Shalit is the President of Step-Ahead Software and author of the
popular and powerful mailing list/mail merge software package Tracker ST.
Nevin is also a sysop of the SoftLogik Roundtable on GEnie, supporting the
PageStream Desktop Publishing System.

Tom Nielson is the developer of eSTeem PILOT, an authoring language
for the Atari ST that allows the creation of tutorials, tests,
simulations, games, laser videodisc programs, and interactive RS-232

Bob Brodie is the Director of Communications for the Atari
Corporation. Hear what Atari plans for the future and be sure to bring all
your questions concerning your favorite computers.

Nathan Potechin is the President of ISD Marketing, Inc. and the
President of International Association of Atari Developers. ISD markets
the popular Calamus Desktop Publishing system and the forthcoming Calamus
S and Calamus SL which will extend the envelope of desktop publishing on
the Atari ST/TT computers. Nathan will explore the "Atari in the Middle
Earth", a light-hearted look at the world of Atari computing.

WAACE Personalities Update - 27 September

This is the very latest list of vendors.

Codehead Software Megatype Software
Phil Comeau Software Michtron, Inc.
Current Notes, Inc. Micro Creations
D. A. Brumleve Musicode Software
Debonair Software Rimik Enterprises
Double Click Software RIO Computers
eSTeem Inc. Rising Star Computers
Gadgets By Small Step Ahead Software, Inc.
Gribnif Software Sudden Inc.
ICD Toad Computers
ISD Marketing, Inc. Unicorn Publications
JMG Software Intl Inc WizWorks!
Joppa Computer Products WuzTECH/OMNIMON Peripherals
L & Y Electronics Zubair Interfaces, Inc.
MacDonald Associates

Special Guests:

Atari Corporation
Atari Explorer Magazine
GEnie Atari Roundtables
STReport International Online Magazine

WAACE, Inc. AtariFest '91 Dates:

The Fest is scheduled for 12 and 13 October '91. The show hours are
from 10am to 5pm both days. We also expect to sponsor some special events
on Friday evening.

The show will feature a full round of seminars and demonstrations.
There will also be a swap meet. There will be a cocktail party and a
banquet on Saturday evening.

Further Information:

For additional Information please contact either of the following:

General Chairman Vendor Coordinator
Charles S. Smeton John D. Barnes
P.O. Box 0122 7710 Chatham Rd
Columbia, MD 21045-0122 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
GEMail: C.S.SMETON GEMail: J.D.Barnes
FNET: Charles Smeton, Node 500 Internet: JOHNBARNES@ENH.NIST.GOV



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Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
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GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
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> PGST 2.1 STR Review PageSTReam 2.1 a professional DTP for the ST



by Vernon W. Smith

PageStream 2.1 is the latest upgrade of the first fully professional
desktop publishing program for the Atari ST.

Starting as Publishing Partner, it changed briefly to Publishing
Partner Professional and then crawled through a series of first buggy,
then improving, regenerations into a program which leads the rest of the
ST desktop publishers.

Manuals are Better

This newest version comes with a completely new User Manual and
QuickStart manual which are the best yet produced by Soft-Logik Publishing
Corporation, P.O. Box 290070, St. Louis, MO 63129, Phone: 1-800/829-8608.

Although Soft-Logik has abandoned the three-ring binder which made
page changes easy to add, it has expanded upon it's well-organized,
step-by-step approach to using easily a complex program.

The QuickStart Manual uses two extended tutorials to cover the basics
and painlessly introduce a new user to functions which might otherwise be

After completing a newsletter page and an organizational chart, you
will have learned not only how to import text and graphics, but also how
to use templates and create repetitive elements with a minimum of key
strokes and mouse movements.

The tables of contents and the index are comprehensive and 2.1
continues the tradition of 1.8 and the original Publishing Partner in
providing sequential actions which are easy to remember with repeated use.

Screen Appearance is Better

The most noticeable immediate difference appears on the screen. Using
the larger sizes of magnification, 200%, for example, type displays with
the same characteristics which will appear on the printed page. It is
much easier to adjust spacing and kerning between characters.

Another type of appearance has been improved, too. That is the
dialogue boxes which in 1.8 were plainer and more prone to the appearance
of garbage characters during multiple operations. The 2.1 boxes
frequently combine into one box elements which previously required two
sequential boxes.

For example, special type applications such as backslant, mirror,
upside down, underline, etc., can now be selected from the same dialogue
box as the name and size of the font. Fill style and color can be chosen
in the same dialogue box. Previously, they were separated.

These changes may seem trivial in the telling, but to an experienced
user of earlier versions of PageStream they are quality improvements
shaving minutes off preparation time for a document.

Even the Bugs are Better

An annoying bug in 1.8 was the way in which one had to complete
selection of justification in the Tag section of the Text Menu. Tags
enable the selection of several characteristics of text at one time so
that they can be saved for future implementation with a couple of
key-clicks. When justification was chosen, the dialogue box would appear
briefly and then dump the user back to the attributes dialogue unless the
left mouse button was held down and the cursor slid to cover the category
of justification desired. In 2.1, that bug is gone. Click on the
justification attribute and the dialogue takes its place (like the other
attribute boxes do) firmly ready for a reasoned choice.

Dialogue Boxes are Better

A new feature which fits the description of quality improvement is the
thickening of the cursor when it appears in dialogue boxes, which makes it
easier to find. Where the cursor used to automatically come up at the
left of any area in which the left mouse button was clicked, it now
appears at the right of the last character. What this means in practical
terms is that where the speediest way to change a multi-digit entry under
the old system was to use Esc to clear the area and retype the whole
thing, it is now easiest to place the cursor to the right of the
characters to be changed and delete and reenter only specific changes.

Installation Complications

I did run into a couple of problems in making the initial installation
and completing the tutorials.

I installed the program with all its fonts (Compugraphic CS Times, CS
Triumvirate, CS Garamond, and eight Soft-Logik creations) onto the "F"
partition of my 44mb Syquest Removable Hard Drive. The instructions on
changing the path for the fonts were skimpy and when I first tried to
type in text, I got a request to insert the floppy disks from which I had
made the installation.

Because I was familiar with the earlier PageStream, I knew that I had
to go to the Global Menu at the upper right of the screen to select
Set/Save Paths. Still, when I had indicated that the path for all of the
folders in the program were F:\PGSTREAM\, the floppy disk request was
repeated. I went back to the Set/Save dialogue and discovered a new
button labeled Manager which brought up the fonts location dialogue box.
The font paths here still showed the floppy disks. Changing them
completed the installation. Although this procedure is described somewhat
in the User Manual, it may be confusing to a new user who relies on the
QuickStart Manual for setting up a hard drive.

A bug which has not entirely disappeared is the tendency of the screen
to repeatedly renew itself when text entries in a column reach the place
where a new section of the screen has to be displayed. Apparently what
happens with both 1.8 and 2.1 is that the speedy typist gets ahead of the
computer and at the point where the screen has to change, each character
triggers a refresh. The solution is to stop typing and look carefully for
the location of the cursor which is also blinking on and off with the
screen changes. Guide the cursor to the white area of the vertical scroll
bar and click on the left mouse button. The refreshes will stop and work
can continue. It does seem to me, however, that this bug is less
prevalent in 2.1. It does not do this every time as it did in 1.8 but
only on occasion.

Tutorials are Not Flawless

In the tutorial on setting up a Drop Cap (a large initial to start a
paragraph made up mostly of smaller characters), I lost sight of the
initial when following the instructions. Again, I knew what to do from
prior use of the earlier versions of PageStream. I went to the Object
Menu and placed the text column in back of the initial. Since the initial
was in its own object area, this made it visible again. While the Bring
to Front and Send to Back commands are covered in the tutorial, their
application to this particular problem would not be readily apparent to a
new user.

I am always concerned when a tutorial doesn't do what it's supposed to
do and there were two other instances of this in the PageStream 2.1
QuickStart Manual.

Text can be linked from one column to another and if there is more
text in a column than it can hold a small plus sign appears at the lower
left of the column. When the newsletter tutorial is completed as the
Manual instructs, the last line of copy (a byline giving the supposed
author's name) disappears from the screen and from any printout which is
made of the page. The solution is to place the cursor in the white space
following the last visible line and press Backspace until the hidden line
reappears. The example simply has an extra line space between the last
line of copy and the byline.

A more complicated problem surfaces in the demonstration of Rotation
of a GEM symbol used as a company logo in the organization chart tutorial.

PageStream (1.8 and 2.1) permits rotation by degrees. A dialogue box
not only allows for entry of specific numbers but also has a rectangular
box which changes to show how the rotation will look. (Skewing and
slanting are also possible from this box.) In the organization chart demo,
the GEM symbol which is imported has several layers of overlapping
sections. The tutorial explains this and shows the user how to group and
ungroup these layers. Unfortunately, it instructs the user to group all
the sections before making the rotation. It turns out that this does not
produce what the creator of the tutorial intended. An inner section which
is supposed to be diamond-shaped goes to a broken square instead. It
turns out that to get a match to the illustration shown in the QuickStart
Manual the GEM symbol has to be ungrouped and only the extreme outside
section rotated. Not a big deal to an experienced user, but a real
frustration to a new user who probably would not know what was happening
or what to do to correct it.

With 1.8, I used to enter text directly into the columns (as I am
doing now) with a user magnification of 125%. This was the magnification
recommended in one of the earliest versions of Publishing Partner as the
optimum operating mode. In 2.1, I find the 200% level of magnification
more desirable for direct text entry. Not only are the characters easier
to read, but at this size they show more of the characteristics of the
finished printed letters. Atari 2.1 Better than Amiga 2.0

Those who were concerned because Soft-Logik spent a great deal of time
creating an Amiga version which reached 2.0 before Atari, can be reassured
that the company has not short-sheeted its original Atari users with a
look-alike product. By mistake, I received the Amiga version in the fall
of 1990. The manual was very similar to the Atari 1.8 manual although the
program itself had many of the features now appearing in the Atari 2.1
version. The new Atari manual is nothing like the older Amiga one. It is
completely produced with PageStream and output at 1270 dpi on a PostScript
imagesetter in a wire-bound format that reflects the best in modern
printing. No apologies are necessary to any other desktop publishing
platform for the quality of this program.

For users of previous versions of Atari PageStream, there are a
number of desirable changes.

The Toolbox at the right of the screen now can be moved to any other

The Reshape Tool supports the modification of Bezier curves. (What
this means is that after drawing a shape, it is possible to change it in
specific directions which will be automatically smoothed out when the
operation is finished.)

According to the User Manual, it is possible to design a page as large
as 1200 foot (Yes, I said Foot) by 1200 foot and as small as one inch by
one inch.

PageStream 2.1 allows up to six windows to be opened so that elements
can be pasted from one document to another. Documents Have Smart Titles
Another change is called Smart Titles. If the title of a window is
all in lower case, there have been no changes since the file was last
saved. If the first character is capitalized, then alterations have
occurred which should be saved before closing the file.

Pages Can Bleed

Often you see commercial publications which have pictures extending
all the way to the edge of the page. These are called bleeds. They are
produced by printing on a larger sheet of paper than the finished page so
that when they are trimmed in a paper cutter they appear to end at the cut

PageStream now supports this kind of production. Combined with crop
marks to guide a printer, this enables a level of publication which has
not been possible in Atari ST desktop publishing programs. Although
designers of small newsletters are not likely to want to go to the extra
expense of bleed pages, this feature makes the Atari able to compete at a
higher level of professional magazine production.

New KeyBoard Equivalents

The new PageStream 2.1 contains several keyboard equivalents for
former mouse-only instructions. For example, I mentioned earlier the
occasional need to click with the mouse on the scroll bar when repeated
refreshes tie up the screen. I notice that the keyboard equivalent for
this is Esc U and the next time I get the refresh bug, I'll see if it
stops the action as effectively as does the mouse click.

Because there now are keyboard commands, PageStream 2.1 can implement
macros which will "eliminate manually repetitive tasks." While the number
of macros available simultaneously are ten (one for each of the function
keys), macro sets can be saved to disk and reloaded to suit specific
document purposes.

New Fonts Display Better on the Screen

There is some confusion in my mind about the fonts change in
PageStream 2.1. I was informed when I telephoned my credit card order to
Soft-Logik that it was not necessary to purchase new fonts to use the
program with my UltraScript packages of equivalents to the PostScript
faces found in many PostScript printers. (UltraScript is an emulation
program which allows PostScript files printed to a disk to be used with
dot matrix, deskjet, and laser printers.) PageStream 2.1 will print
PostScript files to disk but to match the PostScript printer fonts, the
User Manual recommends the PageStream Fonts Plus Pack which contains
outline font files, screen font files, and font metric files for 11 of the
most popular PostScript families: Avant Garde, Bookman, Chancery, Courier,
Dingbats, Helvetica, Helvetica Narrow, Palatino, UltraScript, Schoolbook,
Symbol and Times.

I can use all those fonts now with PageStream 1.8 because I have a
PageStream Disk A which provides screen font files and font metric files.
However, files from this disk do not show on screen as they will appear on
printout, so I plan to purchase the PageStream Fonts Plus Pack ($75).
PageStream also offers a Font Pack 1 with 14 more fonts at the same price.

For the moment, I'm keeping both PageStream 1.8 and 2.1 active so I
can use either the new or old fonts rather than trying to mix them in the
newer program. The Manual makes clear that PS and PSF font files used in
PageStream 1.8 should not be used in 2.1. Kerning Still has to be Chosen

I had expected kerning to default to automatic in 2.1 but it still has
to be invoked by selecting the area to be kerned and either batch kerning
the whole thing or manually kerning specific combinations. In other
words, it can be made automatic but it does not default to automatic.
Kerning is the process by which two letters like AV when next to each
other can be reduced in space so that they do not appear to be abnormally
far apart. When the entire document is batch-kerned, the screen shows
text compacting from column to column as the effect is being achieved.

Spell Checker is Still Too Slow

I am not impressed with the Spell Checker. I never used the one in
1.8 and after spending almost 30 minutes spell-checking this document up
to this point, I am unlikely to use it again. It does not recognize
plural or past tense forms of common words. I also find it annoying that
company words like PageStream have not been added to the dictionary!

Printing Problem - A Major Bug

In setting up comparison pages (2.1 direct to an Atari SLM804 Laser
Printer, 1.8 direct to an Atari SLM804 Laser Printer, 1.8 through
UltraScript to an Atari SLM804 Laser Printer and 2.1 through UltraScript
to an Atari SLM804 Laser Printer) for the September/October issue of the
ACE of Syracuse Newsletter, I ran into my first serious problem.

I printed my opening page from 2.1 and it looked good but, when I
tried to print a second copy, tops of the characters in the headline at
the top of the page were skewed about one-eighth inch to the right. What
was worse was that everything I then printed out from any ST program, was
skewed about a half-inch down from the top of the page for that same depth
of an eighth of an inch. Even my test-run programs for the SLM804 were

I tried closing and opening the PageStream program, rebooting the
Mega ST4 computer, and changing to a different removable cartridge on my
Toadfile 44 Syquest Removable HardDrive. The skew persisted.

Since it was affecting all programs, I assumed it might be a conflict
between the SLM804 Diablo 630 emulator and other files in the AUTO folder.
I moved various programs in and out of the folder to no avail. Finally, I
turned everything off and went to bed.

The next day, the saved PageStream 2.1 page printed the first time
perfectly. But, again, all subsequent pages and any other use of the
printer showed the skew. (see editor note below)

I shifted to PageStream 1.8 on another partition, and prepared a page
for UltraScript output to disk. It saved ok but, when I tried to print
the file through UltraScript, instead of a busy bee cursor and eventual
printout, I got the message, "Using Margins...Starting Server," with a
kickback to the regular cursor, aborting the program.

I turned off the system and the printer and tried again. Everything
worked fine, as it had before I started to use the PageStream 2.1 program.
This pinned down the problem specifically to PageStream 2.1. I could get
only one good page before I had to turn off the printer to get another.
This was particularly cumbersome with a removable hard drive because the
Atari SLM804 Laser Printer is connected between the hard drive and the
computer. The manual warns that it should not be turned off while the
hard drive and the computer are on. This meant the hard drive had to be
powered down and the cartridge removed every time I wanted to turn off the

Soft-Logik Technical Support Was Immediate

When I called Soft-Logik Publishing's Technical Support Line at
314/894-0431, I was able to get through on the third ring and a patient
support person, named Sheryl, identified me as a legitimate PageStream 2.1
purchaser and took down the information about my problem. She asked me to
send in documentation including a disk with the problem file.

Less than ten minutes later, she called me back to say she had talked
with a programmer and that this was a problem Soft-Logik was aware of, for
which there was no fix yet. She said I would be sent a new printer driver
as soon as it became available. No further documentation of my problem
would be necessary.

My faith that Soft Logik would come through was justified when the new
driver arrived six weeks later. In the meantime, it prevented me from
using 2.1 to any serious degree because normally I couldn't afford time to
turn everything off and on for every page I printed.

However, I did take time before the new driver came to compare the
types of printout mentioned above. All Fonts are not Created Equal
UltraScript's PostScript-emulation packages of fonts include Helvetica,
which can be directly compared with Helv (PageStream 1.8) and CS
Triumvirate (PageStream 2.1), and Times, which is comparable to Tyme
(PageStream 1.8) and CS Times (PageStream 2.1). UltraScript Palatino has
some similarities in appearance to PageStream 2.1's Garamond Antiqua.
The PageStream 2.1 faces are noticeably better in printout than the
PageStream 1.8 faces. The letter forms are more subtly shaped with
greater contrast between thicks and thins. On the printed page, 10 point
Tyme text with 11 point fixed leading looks much heavier and darker than
10 on 11 CS Times. However, if you have a dot matrix printer, you may
prefer Tyme over CS Times because with the latter it is easier to get
dropouts in small text sizes in characters like "b" and "o" which have
higher contrasting thin and thick sections. On the Atari Laser Printer,
with the toner density set properly, CS Times is much more attractive.

Ten point Helv Bold (1.8) subheads show darker on the screen but
appear lighter on the printer. Ten point CS Triumvirate Bold subheads
(2.1) are sharper and more open.

Larger sizes of Tyme and Helvetica look fine by themselves but when
compared side by side with CS Times and CS Triumvirate they are slightly
heavier and less pleasantly shaped.

As far as I'm concerned, UltraScript is still champion in looks but
not by much. And UltraScript can be used with 2.1, according to the
Manual. (I prepared this page in 2.1 and printed to disk with the
PostScript driver. When the .PS file was picked up in UltraScript, the
window area showed that the fonts I had used on this page - CS Times for
text and CS Triumvirate Bold for subheads - were being converted to Times
Roman and Helvetica Bold which are in my UltraScript fonts folder.) What
deters the use of UltraScript, given the availability of 2.1's
Compugraphic fonts, is the time needed for printout.

PageStream 2.1 direct took nearly two minutes to roll off the first
page. PageStream 1.8 took 15 seconds longer on the simular second page.

But on the third page, UltraScript took more than three minutes for
the PageStream 1.8 print to disk and another five minutes for processing
from disk to printer through the UltraScript program.

I've always been willing to endure the extra UltraScript time because
of the improvement in quality over PageStream 1.8 but I'm sure when 2.1 is
working properly I'll not want to bother when using comparable fonts.
Graphics are Well Explained

The PageStream User Manual does a good job of explaining the
differences among bit-mapped (raster) pictures, object (vector) drawings,
and Encapsulated PostScript graphics.

It specificially identifies the variations of these which are
supported. For example, "GEM 3 illustrations

created on MS-DOS machines
may not import properly into PageStream because they do not adhere to the
GEM 1 Atari standard."

The bit map formats which are supported include IMG, IFF, TIFF,
MACPAINT, GIF, DEGAS, PCX, NEO, TNY; object drawn formats include GEM
Metafile, DR2D, AEGIS, PRODRAW; and the Encapsulated PostScript formats
include EPS, MACEPS (PICT headers are ignored), and IBMPS.

Pictures still take a long time to load into PageStream 2.1, just as
they did in 1.8.

A GEMDraw AUTOS. GEM file which would not import to PageStream 1.8
does import to PageStream 2.1.

PageStream 2.1 (and 1.8 before it) has color capabilities which I have
not explored because I do not have a color printer and do not prepare
color separations for commercial processing. Reports from Atari shows
indicate that the color printing demonstrations have been well-received.

The general improvement of PageStream 2.1 over PageStream 1.8 makes it
a worthwhile purchase new or as an upgrade (assuming the Atari Laser
Printer bug is solved promptly for those who are affected by it.)

Editor Note:

As of this issue, the printing bug with the Atari Laser Printers is
fixed and is even faster than before. SoftLogik continues to support the
ST platform vigorously and in a responsive, timely manner for the users.

PageStream 2.1 is currently available from Atari dealers and mail order
sources or direct from:

Soft-Logik Publishing Corporation
P.O. Box 290070
St. Louis, MO 63129
Phone: 1-800/829-8608
List price is $299.95


> WHAT?? STR FOCUS A few comments about last week's editorial

Comments On An Editorial?

by Dana P. Jacobson

After reading last week's editorial, and the subsequent comments from
many readers, it seems that perhaps the premise needs additional

The editorial may have caused some confusion as to its intent, but
negativity, especially towards the Glendale show, was not the message that
I got. The message that I perceived was that we, as users, are starved
for information and product _from_ Atari. This premise was perhaps
misleading because it arose from the great success of the Glendale show.
Misleading because southern California is fortunate enough to be one of
those areas (probably) blessed with great dealer support and Sunnyvale
within close proximity. But, I believe that last week's editorial was
more of a reflection of the "starving" users nationwide.

This idea is not strange to many. Two years ago, I got involved in
an effort to host an AtariFest in the Boston area. The reason that I
wanted to get involved was to help provide the New England area the
opportunity to see what's available to the users - something our dealer
network was having difficulty doing on its own. Yes, there are the online
magazines such as STReport to give us some news. Yes, there are a few
hardcopy magazines left to go into more detail. Yes, there are the
commercial services such as Delphi, GEnie, and CIS to provide information.
Yes, there are user groups to provide a common forum for users. But, the
thing that _is_ lacking is a highly visible Atari Corporation.

Shows like Glendale and WAACE, and there are others, are the real
means for users to learn firsthand what and who is available. Without
these shows, where would we be today? This, I believe, was the true
premise behind last week's editorial. Glendale drew over 3,000 people to
the show, a terrific feather in the hat of John King Tarpinian and the
other folks responsible for the show's success. WAACE will also be a
successful show, and attract a great turnout. These events are necessary
so that we can continue to get firsthand knowledge of new products. It's
the way for us to meet the folks who have been supporting us. Without
these shows, tell me honestly, how many of us would really know what's
going on for support. Magazines and online messages can only tell us so
much. What we really need is to be able to see and touch these new
products. What we really need is to have an extensive (and supported)
dealer network so this will be possible.

The existing shows are terrific, and I hope that they continue to be
successful. But, the thing that bothers me is that I have a feeling that
they don't attract a lot of new users into the fold. That's really not
the function of these shows, is it. Without a highly visible Atari, it's
difficult for new users to learn about our machines. Without dealers,
those that do hear about the machines, and are impressed, may not be able
to learn more about them and/or buy one.

Now, I know there will be some who read into this commentary and
think: "If the only way _we_ can learn firsthand what's available, hence
the success (in numbers) of Glendale; why didn't other shows obtain
similar attendance numbers?" Well, to answer that is fairly simple:
Glendale and WAACE are established shows and have proved over and over
again that they are the "premier" shows. The other shows, especially this
year, were called successes, regardless of the lack of an extra "0" tacked
on to the figures. These shows are mostly first-timers and were not
heavily advertised outside their immediate areas. I would think that if
these shows became annual events, the numbers would grow with time and

I do feel wholeheartedly that without these shows Atari and its users
would decline more rapidly than it is. Optimism is always prevalent at
these times of the year when the major shows are upon us, gratefully.
Atari has to do something to continue this optimism, because we all know
that come mid-winter when the "glow" of the shows has finally passed, the
optimism can and will probably change. It happens every year.

Things do appear to be improving at the moment. I'd like to know
more about the AEGEIS dealer network and how it will operate. I'd also
like to know what dealers are involved. I'd like to know that the STe,
MegaSTe, and TT are plentiful. I'd like to be able to see an ad by Atari
in non-business environments. I'd like to see less emphasis on the Lynx
and Portfolio and see more computer-related publicity. I'd like to see
Atari realize that the optimistic "high" of the AtariFest season will only
last so long; that Atari should capitalize on this feeling and
re-establish itself as the best computer for your money.

Jack, the time is now. Pull out all of the stops and forge ahead.
Get that product out by the truckloads! Establish those dealers and fill
their shelves with stock! Attract new users with great marketing plans!!
And, keep supporting the shows!

To all of you who are planning to attend the WAACE show in a few
weeks, I look forward to seeing many of you again. I'm also looking
forward to meeting many more new people, especially those whom I only know
by a name or handle from the online services. To me, this is one of the
greatest pleasures of these shows. See you all in a few weeks.

Until next time...


> TT030 COMPATIBILITY STR FOCUS Software Compatibility List

TT Software Compatability List


Compiled by Schuylar Noell

Title Run Comments
10th Frame Y Bowling game.

3D Graphics Y by Abacus



ARCX.TTP Y Very fast. Runs in TTRam also.

Afterburner Y Fast.

Alien Syndrome Y

Arena N

Arkanoid N

Army Moves N

Arrakis Advantage Y ST Scholastic Series, many titles.

Art Gallery Y ST res. only.

Artic Fox Y

Axe of Rage Y Runs, but color funny.

BGAMMON.PRG (public domain) N

BMX Simulator Y

Baal N

Bad Cat Y Sound from RCA jacks, not internal.

Balance of Power Y

Bards Tale Y Runs, but a little funny.

Batman-The Movie N

Battle Chess Y No sound from red side.

Battlezone Y Fast.

Better Dead Than Alien Y Good game.

Bio Challenge N

Bionic Commando N

Black Lamp N

Blasteroids N

BlockBuster Y A little fast.

Blue Angel 69 Y Good game.

Bomb Jack Y Fast

Boulder Dash Constr. Kit Y Fast

Bratacus N

Bubble Ghost Y

Buzzword Y

Calamus 1.09 Y STRam and ST High res. only.

Calamus Assistant Y Works in TTRam also.

California Games N

Captain Blood N

Cards N by Michtron.

Certificate Maker Y

Chronoquest N

Chrystal Castles Y

Clean Up 2.2 Y ST med or high res only.

Club Backgammon Y

Code-Name Iceman Y

Colonels Bequest Y

Cracked Y Fast

Custodian N

CyberCAD 3D Y by Tom Hudson v2.03

DCBoot It Y

Dark Castle Y

Datamanager ST Y Runs in TTRam and TTMed res also.
Death Bringer Y

Death Sword Y Fast

Defender of the Crown N

DejaVu Y

Diablo Y

Diskstat.APP Y

Dive Bomber Y Sound is wierd.

Dogs of War N

Dominator N

Donald Duck's Playground N by Sierra, on copy protected disks.

Double Page IV Y STRam only.

Dungeon Master Y

EasyDraw ver 2.30 Y

Empire Strikes Back N

F-19 Stealth Fighter N

Falcon N

Fantasia Demo N Sound, but no graphics

Fast Lane N

Faster (Disk Magazine) Y

Ferrari N

Fiendish Freddy's Bigtop O' N

Fighter Bomber N Won't run on ST w/T16 either.

Final Assault Y

Financial Cookbook Y

Fireblaster N

Flash ver. 1.6 N

Flintstones N

Fusion N Loads to title screen only.

Future Wars Y Very fast.

G+Plus ver. 1.2 N Newer version works.

G+Plus ver. 1.5 Y Runs fine.

GFL Football N



Garfield N

Gateway Y Runs, but text is funny.

Gato Y

Gauntlet N Hard on disk drive.

Gauntlet II N Title screen loads, then bombs.

Ghostbusters II N

Ghouls & Ghosts N

Gold Rush Y

Golden Path N

Goldrunner Y

Goldrunner II Y Too fast.

Great Giana Sisters N

Gunship Y

H.A.T.E. N

Hacker II Y

Hard Drivin Y Runs fast.

Hero's Quest Y

Heros of the Lance Y

Hex Y

High Roller Y Sound from RCA jacks.

Hippo Almanac Y

Hippo Jokes & Quotes Y

Hole in One Golf Y

Hollywoood Poker Pro N

Home Accountant Y

Hostages N Disk 1 runs, Disk 2 crashes

Hoyles Cards I Y Runs in TTRam also. Fast.

Hoyles II Y Runs TTRam also.

Ikari Warriors Y

Impossamole N

Impossible Mission II Y

Indiana Jones N Arcade Version

Indiana Jones Y Graphic Adventure

International Soccer N

Intersect Rambaby Y Runs TTRam, TTLow & TTMed res. also.

Into the Eagle's Nest Y A little fast.

Iron Lord N

Jet N by Sublogic

Joker Poker Y

Joust Y Almost too fast.

Karate Kid II Y

Kings Quest IV Y

Knicker Bockers Y


Leaderboard Golf Y Fast. Swing indicator is odd.

Leathernecks N

Leisure Suit Larry I Y

Leisure Suit Larry II Y Runs in TTRam also.

Leisure Suit Larry III Y Runs in TTRam also.

Lemmings N Hard on disk drive.

Little Computer People N

Lost Dutchman Mine Y

Lowswitch.PRG Y

MDISK60 N Ramdisk. Use Intersect Rambaby.

Major Motion Y A little fast.

Makin Whoopee N

Manhunter Y

Manhunter II Y

MasterCAD 3D Y

Menace N

Miami Vice Y

Mickey Mouse N Tries to load into TTLow res?

Midwinter N

Millipede Y

Monopoly N Public Domain Version

Monty Pythons Flying Circus N

Mr Heli N

Music Studio 88 Y

NMB.PRG (speed tester) Y Runs TTRam &STRam, TTmed. res. also.

Navy Moves N

Nevermind N

Nickelodeon Five N

Nightwalk Y

North & South Y Good game, but too fast.

OO-Topos Y

Obliterator N

Off Shore Warrior Y

Oids Y Sound likes RCA jacks best.

Operation Neptune Y

Operation Wolf N

Outline Art Y ST high res. only. TTRam & STRam.

Outrun Y Runs faster and smoother.

P47 N

Pacland Y

Pacmania N

Paladin Y

Paperboy N

Payroll Master Y by Royal Software

Peggammon Y

Perfect Match Y

Perry Mason Y

Phasar 4.0 Y Runs in TTRam and TTMed res also.
Platoon N

Plutos Y

Pokersqr.prg Y Runs in TTRam also.

Police Quest II Y

Populous N Too bad, hope fix comes!

Power Drift N

Powerdrome Y Almost too fast.

Printmaster Y

Pro Tennis Tour N

Publisher ST N TT ram only.

Puffy's Saga N

Q-Ball Y

Quizam Y

Rainbow Islands N

Rampage Y

Red Heat N

Return Of The Jedi N

Road Raider Y Fast, wait on disk access.

Road Runner N

Roadwars N

Robocop N Loads to title screen only.

Rocket Ranger Y Very fast.

SDI N Sega-Activision Version

SDI Y by Cinemaware

ST Karate N

ST Pool Y by Shelbourne Software

ST Wars Y Very fast. Audio RCA jacks only.

ST Wrestling N

STCopy Y For Navarone FB Scanner, TTRam also.



STScan Y For Navarone FB Scanner, TTRam also.


Scrabble Y

Scruples Y A little fast.

Seconds Out N Tries to load into TTLow res?

Shackled N

Shadowgate Y

Shufflepuck Cafe Y

Sierra Software Y If it installs on HD it will run.

Silent Service Y

Sim City Y Fast

Skyfox N

Slayer N

Soldier Of Light Y Almost too fast.

Space Ace N

Space Cutter N

Space Harrier N

Space Quest II Y

Space Quest III Y

Space Racer N

Space Station Oblivion N

Spectre GCR Y Ver 3.0, STRam only.

Speed Buggy Y Fast

Speedball Y

Spitfire 40 Y

Spitting Image N

Star Blaze N

Star Raiders Y

Starglider N

Starglider II Y Fast!

Starquake Y A little fast.

Starwars Y Very fast.

Steel N

Stock Market The Game N

Strike Force Harrier Y
Strip Poker Y Origional Version

Stunt Car Racer N

Stunt Track Racer N

Sub Battle Simulator Y

Sundog N

Super Hang On N

Super Huey N Not worth running anyway.

Super Ski N Loads to disk B, bombs.

Super Sprint Y

Super Wonderboy N

Supercharger ver. 1.2 Y (for EasyDraw)

Switch Blade N

Table Tennis Simulation N

Tanglewood Y Fast

Tank Attack N

Tass Times in Tonetown Y Runs fine.

Terrorpods N

Test Drive N Selective Machines

Tetris Y Too fast.

Thai Boxing N

The Grail Y

The New Aladdin Y Disk Magazines

The Newzealand Story N

The Pawn Y Runs fine.

The Running Man N

Their Finest Hour Y

Thunderblade N

Timebandit N

Total Eclipse Y

Touch-Up Ver. 1.56 Y Runs in TTRam, No TTMed res. Fast.

Trail Blazer Y A little fast.

Transputor Y

Trivia Challenge Y

Turbo Cup N

Turbo Outrun Y

Turbo ST 1.8 N Compatible version RSN.

TwinWorld N

Typhoon Thompson N

UIS ver 3.3 Y Runs TTRam also.

UNLZH172.PRG Y Works in TTRam also. Very fast.

Uninvited Y

VKiller.PRG Y Ver. 3.84, runs in TTMed res too.

Vegas Craps Y

Vegas Gambler Y

Virus Y Too fast.

Vixen Y

Wanderer (1st version) N Starts to run, but bombs.

Warzone N

Whatis35.PRG Y TTmed res. also

Wicked N

Winter Games Y

Word Writer ST Y TTRam & TTMed res also. Spell NG

Wordflair (Demo) Y

World Darts N

World Games N

Xevious Y

Z_POKER.PRG (Public Domain) Y TTRam also.

Zak McKrackan Y

Zany Golf Y Faster than normal.

Zoomtest.PRG Y Works in TTRam also.

This is a list of programs that I've tried on a TT030. Most programs
that won't run are heavily protected on disk games. I hope that this will
help some of you, and I hope that some type of fix will come from a
programmer to trick the TT030 into thinking it's a regular ST running at
8mhz. I believe that this would fix most problems.

I can be reached for additions and or corrections on Delphi under the
username SCHUYLAR, or by mail at the following:

Schuylar Noell
PO Box 50151
Denton, TX. 76206


> STR Mail Call "...a place for the readers to be heard"

STReport's MailBag

Ctsy GEnie Cat 18 Msg 1
A.DIPIETRO [Anthony D.]

I would like to see this forum used to express opinions and possible
solutions. I _don't_ want it to degrade into posts of name calling and
baiting. IF it does, I hope Darlah or one of her staff immediately closes
the TOPic and destroys it. Remember, you don't have to attack to express
an opinion...

The World from Atari's Eyes...

Many of us our frustrated by Atari's lack of market penetration here
in the US. While we argue amongst ourselves, do we ever take a chance to
see what the world looks like from Sunnyvale?

As your mother always told you "Look both ways when you cross the
street." The next time you're ready to slam Atari, try to look both
ways...see it from "your way" then turn it around and see it from "their
way". You might be surprised at why they do seemingly "stupid" things.

Let's take two examples:


Our way - Simply put: Atari, especially the Tramiels, is too inept to
market the ST/TT line.

Their way - US business is committed to IBM and to a lesser extent the
Mac. Why pour resources into marketing when the gain to be
had is very little? (hey, did YOU buy an Amiga when they ran
TV ads a few years back?)

Short supply:

Our way - Simply put: Atari, especially the Tramiels, is too inept to
supply the market with STs/TTs.

Their way - When they bought Atari, they had a warehouse full of unsold
games and computers....with the US market relatively hostile
to the ST, why commit a huge inventory only to have it sit
and rot away in a warehouse? (Don't the Japanese practice
"just in time" inventory?)

Look, it's simple in my view. The home computer in the early 80s was
mainly for hobbyists and other visionaries. Businesses never took them too
seriously until IBM came to market. Once that happened, the PC market was
turned upside down. American business bought IBM. The rest is, as they
say, history.

S o, who do I blame for Atari's current state? Sure, I put some of the
blame at Atari's doorstep, but I also put an equal amount of blame on us
Americans. Rather than take the time to see what's the best technology for
the buck, we blindly follow the leader. Yes, Jack and his sons have made
mistakes, but so haven't Americans, who judge books by their covers and
not by their contents.

Please feel free to express your opinions about the above, but remember:
attack the message and NOT the messenger. If I'm wrong, point it
out..politely :).

Category 18, Topic 2
Message 2 Sat Sep 21, 1991
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 06:35 EDT


Blame the customers for poor management of a company??

Is *that* what you are saying? There are a lot of good things that can be
said about the way Atari is reshaping its product line and the way it is
(apparently) beginning to respond to the North American market, and most
of us will agree that the presence of Atari's own hardware and software
gurus here on GEnie is a big plus. (Try to get that kind of support from
Apple!) But the customers aren't running the company.

Category 18, Topic 2
Message 3 Sat Sep 21, 1991

A word about the Japanese use of "just in time" inventory. While it's a
nice concept in theory, what the Japanese really use is "just in time"
manufacturing. Largely since a company generally owns everything from
manufacturing of the components to the construction of the goods. Must of
the cost is passed around and in some cases, the manufacturing side ends
up making almost zero profit. Of course the "front end" company ends up
with the BIG profit.

Of course, the bottom line is that their system works, but the numbers can
be somewhat deceptive.

And yes, Atari's marketing does suck. As to why we can only speculate.
Perhaps it cash flow, or lack of manufacturing capacity. Perhaps we should
really concentrate on WHY they aren't doing something, but rather WHAT
their strategy may be. That's what I'd do if I was the competition.


ctsy Delphi

FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit>
J31146 26-SEP 21:43 CPU/STR Newswire
RE: Z*Net and ST Report (Re: Msg 31136)

Yeah, with Atari being as "well-loved" as they are, a "Just Say No! to
STR" button should make anyone with half a brain want to D/L it... Kinda
like those "Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics" stickers. I love those...
I see one, I know I'll probably like the album.

1101 Number 13 END OF LINE /\/\ark
"Maybe Ralph should start 'stickering' ST Report...!"
"Parental Advisory: Cynical Lyrics Inside"
ctsy FNET

Electronic Mail
Sent : Sep 17, 1991 at 9:30 AM
To : Ralph Mariano
From : Philip Hanze
Subj : my mega 2st

Ralph, what's the deal with Atari. Back in July or the beginning of
August the transformer on the pole out front blew and it sort of messed up
my Mega ST2. Since there really aren't any local atari service people, I
decided it would be simpler to send it back to atari, so I did. In a few
weeks they sent me a letter saying that they are temporarily out of stock
and would send me a new one soon.

About two weeks ago, I called, they said they just got a shipment in
and said they would check and see if mine was in there and call me back.
They NEVER called me back!

So this past friday, I called again. This time they told me they are
reorganizing the department and that they would call me back. Once again
NO CALL BACK! WHAT'S THE DEAL? Do you know what's going on out there?




Aim Magazine will be attending the upcoming WAACE AtariFest this
October 12th & 13th in Washington, DC. We look forward to seeing y'all
there! Aim Magazine also is announcing their new Mac/Spectre disk of the
month! They'll be selling this at the WAACE show, along with an ST Disk
of the Month and an 8Bit Disk of the Month. The Mac/Spectre disks are all
double-sided, with the files archived in self-extracting archives. The
software has been tested vigorously with Gadgets by Small's Spectre GCR
Mac emulator. The disks are available in either Mac format or Spectre
format for those using older emulators. For more information, feel free
to post a message here or call Aim Magazine at 313-973-8825


X-Wish is something like the GEM Desktop but it is vastly more
powerfull. It is an amazing file manager with some functions you can find
on the NextStep File Manager. It is very impressive. 2/ No, no new
machine is required to run ASV. It is installable on the current TT.

Its proposed that Atari will sell 3 different versions:

- The full version with the TT
- The Unix Package and ASV Kit
- The ASV Kit.
The ASV Kit includes:
All software and systems
A 16 MB of TT RAM expansion
A 320 MB hard disk
A VME/Ethernet board


In a recent interview to ST Format, Sam Tramiel reveals some very
interesting tidbits:

- We will have a new joystick (analog Joy)
- The AJAX processor will handle 2 MB floppy drives
- A new TT with a 68040 will appear early in 1992
- The multitasking version of TOS will be available in MARCH 92


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ADD $35.00 for 4 BAY SUPER CABINET w/250+w PS
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Listed above are a sampling of the systems available.
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> A "Quotable Quote" STReport's Editorial "Cartoon"


.... California Dreamers

STReport International Online Magazine
Available through more than 10,000 Private BBS systems WorldWide!
STReport "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" September 27, 1991
16/32bit Magazine copyright 1987-91 No.7.39
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors/staff, PCReport, STReport, AMReport, MCReport. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint
must include the name of the publication, date, issue # and the author's
name. The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in
any way without prior written permission. The entire contents, at the
time of publication, are believed to be reasonably accurate. The editors,
contributors and/or staff are not responsible for the use/misuse of infor-
mation contained herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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