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Silicon Times Report Issue 0734

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing Inc.

August 23, 1991 No.7.34

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
STR East: FNET 350 - The Bounty ST BBS <Home of STR> 1-904-786-4176
STR West: FNET 075 - Bloom County BBS 1-415-965-9347
STR Canada: FNET 018 - ///Turbo Board Support 1-416-274-1225
STR Europe: FNET 1031 - <<<INTERNET>>> 011-44-296-395-935

> 08/23/91: STReport #7.34 The Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine!
- The Editor's Desk - CPU REPORT - WAACE UPDATE


The _Number One_ Online Magazine
"UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Hot Tips, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's support BBS, NODE 350, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the Fido/F-Net Mail Network. Or, call Node 350 direct at
904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information relative
to the Atari ST computer arena through an excellent International ST Mail
Network. All registered F-NET - Crossnet SysOps are welcome to join the
STReport Crossnet Conference. The Crossnet Conference Code is #34813, and
the "Lead Node" is # 350. All systems are welcome and invited to actively
participate. Support Atari Computers; Join Today!

> The Editor's Podium

According to recent letters to the Editor, STReport has discovered
that the "little guy", you know, "Joe average user" is very disappointed
with Atari and the directions they seem to be taking. "Apparently they
have forgotten who put them on the map. It was us, the bread and butter,
everyday Joes." A reader states. Another mentions, "Who can afford these
"Blue Blood" price tags? Only the Pros. You know, the guys who make it
all a business!" What happens to all of us? Yeah, us, the guys in the
usergroups who hung in there with Atari all these months.. For what?"
According to our reader mail, the common complaint seems to be the little
guy is very worried about being "left in the dust of the high rollers."
STReport offers that there will never be such a condition, if Atari puts
its eggs in such a basket, all that'll be left is the echo of bleating
about how the truth hurt them. Surely Atari would not forget all the lit-
tle people who stretched tight budgets to put Atari on the map! Not
everyone wants to print out a book. The ST/STe/TT are great sources of
entertainment too.

On to other things, the big show in Europe is making everyone "over
there" smile. And that in itself is good news. Atari is planning to
strut their stuff... A full report and analysis of the show is planned.
Bob Brodie, former manager of Usergroup Services at Atari, now "Director
of Information" has gone to great lengths to promote the notoriety of
STReport International Online Magazine and for such a valiant effort we
owe him a debt of gratitude. Many thanks Bob for making many more good
Atari users aware of our humble publication.

Its the end of the summer and the Softball Tournaments are going full
blast. Since we are directly involved with a number of teams, I must cut
this missive short and get busy for the weekend's Sports activities.

Thank you one and all for your strong support!




> STReport's Staff The regulars and this week's contributors!

Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Robert Retelle Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Michael Arthur Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. Dana P. Jacobson
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Walter Daniel
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham

Contributing Correspondants:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Roger Stevens
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Ed Krimen
Tim Holt Andrew Learner Norman Boucher
Ben Hamilton

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0




to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!





Issue #34

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

CLOSE TO LAUNCH ----------------

According to Computer Publications, its ST Connection magazine is now
close to launch. The magazine is free with 16 pages of editorial, and
is distributed via Atari dealers throughout the US and Canada.

According to Computer Publications, however, the magazine is financed by
advertisers. Computer Publications has some ambitious plans for the
monthly magazine. By the end of the year, editorial should have been
boosted to 24 pages, with distribution being complete to virtually all
Atari ST dealers in the U.S.

While the magazine is free of charge at dealers, Computer Publications
is also offering it by mail order. Precise costs have yet to be decided,
but will, say the publishers, be offered on an "at cost" basis.

TO DEBUT ------------------------

"On Target", a new magazine that's aimed exclusively at Atari Lynx games
console owners has been announced. According to the publishers, E&M
Publishing, the new bi-monthly magazine will cover the world of the Lynx
from software, to accessories, right down to secret playing hints.

E&M says it is pitching the publication at the international market-
place. As part of this idea, readers are encouraged to advertise for
other Lynx users around the world, so that they can "Lynx up" for games

In the U.K., sales of the Lynx continue to power ahead. Initial ship-
ments of the Lynx Mk II are now reaching the stores. The Lynx Mk II has
a slightly smaller case and screen, and retails for around UKP 129.

The first issue is available by mail order now at a special offer price
of $1. Subscriptions to On Target cost $4 in the U.S., which gets you
six issues of the magazine.

KEYBOARDS --------------------

Zubair Interfaces has announced a keyboard adapter for the Atari ST
called Z-keys. The "plug in and go" unit allows almost any PC keyboard
to be used with almost any Atari ST.

The $99.95 adapter is claimed to be easy to fit, and plugs in under the
520 or 1040 ST's existing keyboard, leaving a trailing keyboard adapter
port. The PC keyboard can then be plugged in as normal. On the Mega ST
and STe series, a further extender cable is needed -- this adds $20 to
the kit price.

According to the company, this is first keyboard adapter for the Atari
ST that allows the user to select which PC keyboard s/he uses with the
ST. The 520 and 1040 ST series have been criticized by some users as
having too "spongy" a keyboard.

PANEL FOR THE ST/TT ------------------

Atari U.S. has released the new control panel, a graphics front end, for
the ST and TT machines. According to an Atari representative, "it will
work on all ST, Mega, Stacy, STe, Mega STe and TT systems." Basically,
the principle seems to be, if it's TOS driven, the computer will run the
new control panel.

So what is the new control panel? Depending on where you first heard
about it, the new control panel comes under several names - the "new"
control panel, X-control, and the extended control panel. Despite these
working names, its official title -- in Atari circles at least -- is the
"extensible control panel" or ECP for short. The ECP is a replacement
for the old control panel seen on the ST.

Like the first control panel, the ECP allows users to configure the ST's
systems: double-click rate, key repeat rate, colours, modems, and

What makes the ECP different, says Atari, is that it loads in individual
CPX program modules as it needs them. This cuts down on the amount of
memory required for each different function. This procedure is similar
to that supported by Borland with its latest versions of Sidekick on the

According to Atari, the new ECP can easily be customized. The new ECP is
available for download on most U.S. online systems and BBSs.


According to the San Francisco Mercury newspaper, Apple is readying a
new range of portables for launch this October. The paper asserts that
Apple will unveil a blistering array of new products at Fall Comdex.
These include a small Japanese-manufactured notebook, thought to be made
by Sony, as well as a five pound portable plus two heavier laptops.

Also being readied are two additions to the high end of the Mac range
plus a new version of the budget Mac Classic. Both the new high-end
machines are based around the Motorola 68040 microprocessor.

The three lightweight portables are bound to capture the Mac market's
attention. The Sony-produced notebook is the Powerbook 100, a 2MB RAM-
equipped machine with a 20MB hard disk. Based around a 68000 CPU, the
machine is said to be as powerful as the existing Mac Portable, which
tips the scales at 16 pounds.

The two lightweight portables are the Powerbook 140 and 170. The 68030-
based Powerbook 140 comes with 2MB of RAM, a 20MB hard disk and tips the
scales at 8.8 pounds. This is said to be a Mac IIcx in a portable case.

The Powerbook 170 comes equipped with 4Mb of RAM, a 40MB hard disk and,
like the 140, is based around a MOtorola 68030 CPU.

According to the Mercury, prices have not yet been fixed. Sources sug-
gest that the Powerbook 100 will sell for under the magic $2,000 mark,
while the 140 and 170 will price, respectively, for under the $3,000 and
$4,000 price points.

Apple is making no comment on the leaks.

SOFTWARE AMNESTY --------------------

Ashton-Tate has announced it is allowing users of unlicensed versions of
Applause II, Multimate and dBASE IV to register their software at re-
duced prices.

For unlicensed users the company said it is allowing corporations to
schedule an amnesty day per location between now and September 30, 1991.
On the day scheduled, any number of users can register unauthorized
copies of dBASE IV, Multimate 4.0 and Applause II at amnesty prices of
around 70 percent less than suggested retail prices.

Registration entitles users to software license agreements, with manuals
available but at an extra charge. Amnesty prices have been announced as
$339 for dBASE IV, $110 for Multimate and Applause.

HACKER-HUNTING "FUN" ----------------------

Kenneth Citarella, assistant district attorney in charge of computer
crime for Westchester County in New York State says that "Computer crime
is fun,". Citarella however, is not referring to the practice of com-
puter crime but rather the investigation of it. Citarella spoke on a
panel on computer security at the National Conference on Computing and
Values held last week at Southern Connecticut State University in New

"Computer criminals are smart," and that makes them more challenging to
track down, catch, and prosecute, says Citarella, with an attraction
reminiscent of Holmes' thrill at chasing professor Moriarty.

The amount of prosecution done is small, and being a computer crime spe-
cialist is far from a full-time job. Many prosecutors shy away from it
because they don't understand it, but for those who do, it can be more
challenging than a typical assault case. However, many victims of com-
puter crime simply never press charges, and so Citarella's caseload has
numbered only about 20 with only six prosecutions (with convictions in
all those cases) during his tenure.

Citarella denies there is a "hacker hysteria" among local prosecutors.
Most local prosecutors have more than enough work to keep them busy
dealing with more serious crimes, and there is no requirement that they
seek out those among the "hackers" who break into computers. Others have
recently been highly critical of the Secret Service, which has engaged
in nationwide seizures of computers and bulletin board systems allegedly
involved in computer crime. Citarella declined to comment on what
hysteria there might be at the national level.

Citarella likes New York's computer crime statutes and contributed to
the drafting of some. However, even when the statutes are broad, he pro-
secutes only in cases where damage was done and the intent was mali-
cious. Kids who play around and do no damage are likely in the current
system to receive primarily a stern warning.


Issue #7

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

ANTI-PIRACY ACTIONS ---------------------

Autodesk claims it has been aggressive in protecting its software from
theft since starting an anti-piracy program in 1988 that has netted the
company more than $5 million from parties who illegally copy its

Autodesk says that the success of the program is due to the public's
increased awareness of the issues of intellectual property and copy-
rights, better legislation and increased assistance of law enforcement

Autodesk says that the illegal copying of software is a global problem
and lost revenue to the software industry are estimated at $10 to $12
billion annually. In the U.S. the penalties are up to a $25,000 fine and
up to a year in prison. Civil actions allow the recovery of actual
damages based on the number of copies produced or liquidates damages of
up to $100,000 for willful copyright infringement.


IBM has announced the introduction of the 9075 PCradio, a notebook-
sized, ruggedized, battery-operated computer containing the necessary
components to connect to remote computers via radio or cellular-based
communications, or through conventional telephone lines by using
integrated modems. The PCradio is scheduled for 4th quarter 1991

The system will be offered in three models with the choice dependent on
communications requirements -- radio, cellular or telephone. The model
for radio communications operates with the ARDIS data radio network, a
partnership of IBM and Motorola.

The system is based on a 80C186 microprocessor and operates at either
five or 10 MegaHertz (MHz). According to IBM, the 80C186 was chosen
because of its low power consumption.

The system includes a 79-key keyboard, an adjustable liquid crystal
display and a 'drive' to read and write data and programs to and from
removable, compact integrated circuit memory cards.

Serial, parallel, telephone and battery-charger ports are built in and
an integrated thermal printer that uses a 3-1/8-inch wide paper roll is
optional. According to the IBM, the PC radio sends and receives
facsimile copies via cellular communications networks and can receive
facsimiles via telephone lines. On cellular communication networks it
can be used as a telephone with an optional handset.

Announcing the product, Ralph W. Clark, IBM vice president and president
of IBM's General and Public Sector Division said: "PCradio gives mobile
workers the electronic link they need to be efficient and responsive to
their customers. It's designed for use by a broad range of industries,
from transportation to public safety to utility companies."

--New for the PC....
Accelerator Kits For Windows, LaserJets

According to Ergon Systems, its new XLR8-IT (say `accelerate it') card
will speed up Microsoft Windows and when combined with the company's
printer adapter it will also boost the speed of Hewlett-Packard LaserJet
and compatible laser printers.

Ergon is now shipping the XLR8-IT card, which fits in a 16-bit, AT-bus
slot in an IBM or compatible personal computer. The card uses Chips &
Technologies' Programmable Universal Micro Accelerator (PUMA) chip set
to speed up the redrawing of screens in Microsoft Windows by offloading
much of the work from the PC's central processor.

An additional circuit card, which fits an adapter slot in the HP Laser-
Jet and many compatible laser printers, bypasses the printer's own
electronics and provides faster printing of Windows documents, the
company said.

The XLR8-IT Windows accelerator card costs $499. The printer adapter is
an additional $129. Both are available now.

--New for the PC....
Lexmark Intros New 24-Wire Printers

Lexmark International has announced two new 24-wire models in its IBM
Personal Printer Series II. Lexmark manufactures and markets printers
which utilize a nearly straight line paper path, minimizing the possi-
bility of paper jams, the company claims.

Suggested list prices range from $499 for a narrow carriage to $699 for
a wide carriage model. All models come with a two-year limited warranty.
Lexmark printers can be used with IBM PCs and close compatibles.

The 24-pin models allow higher quality graphics and print enhancements,
including shadow and outlines, and come with eight built-in fonts. Both
nine and 24 wire models will accept multi-part forms. Lexmark introduced
its nine wire models in both 80- and 132-column models last month.

--New for the PC....
Mailing List Software Cuts Costs By Barcoding

Mysoftware has announced that version 3.0 of its software package
"Myadvancedmaillist" now makes it affordable for small businesses to get
postage rates reduced by as much as 5.2 cents a piece, by barcoding the
"zip plus four" data on the envelope.

The company claims that, until now, small businesses have never taken
advantage of the capability because the necessary software was too

In version 3.0 of "Myadvancedmaillist", the software can be instructed
to send to the printer "zip + four" and/or the barcode along with the
regular mailing information for labels, envelopes or postcards.

Retail price on "Myadvancedmaillist" version 3.0 is $59.95. The package
is available at Egghead Discount Software, Software Etc., Waldensoft,
Babbages, and Electronics Boutique, CompUSA, Office Depot, Wal Mart, K
Mart, Target and Sears

--New for the PC....
SPI Unveils Windowbase

Software Products International has introduced Windowbase, a stand-alone
relational database management system for Microsoft Windows that sup-
ports structured query language (SQL).

The company claims that a novice with little or no knowledge of SQL can
execute simple or complex queries to get the information they want from
the database via button selections, edit controls, scroll bars and check
boxes and then perform operations on the results.

According to Software Products International, WindowBase has an easy-to-
use graphical user interface, customizable menus, uses Windows Dynamic
Data Exchange (DDE) and has full support of SQl.

WindowBase retails for $495, but SPI has announced it is making the pro-
duct available for $149 until the end of the month. WindowBase requires
an IBM AT personal computer or compatible, PS/2, and two megabytes of
RAM is recommended.

--New for the PC....
Uniterruptible power for FAX machines

Upsonic is now offering the Magician, which it claims is the first power
back-up system for facsimile machines. The company claims the Magician
actually has three functions: power-line surge protection, phone-line
surge protection, and a battery back-up for the ability to transmit even
during a power failure.

The Magician weighs six pounds, and is slightly longer and wider than a
roll of fax paper. It supports all manufacturer's fax machines and can
maintain power for up to 45 minutes during a power failure. Installation
is simply a question of plugging the fax into the Magician, then
plugging the Magician into the wall.

Retail pricing on the Magician is $179 with the product expected to ship
at the end of August, the company said. More information is available
from Upsonic directly by calling 800-Upsonic; (800) 877-6642.

--New for the PC....
Logitech FotoMan Digital Camera For PCs

Logitech, best known for computer pointing and input devices, has an-
nounced FotoMan, a portable digital camera for use with IBM PCs and
compatibles. FotoMan allows users to take photographs and download them
directly into Logitech's FotoTouch, a Windows-based image editing soft-
ware program.

Using FotoTouch, images can be stored in a standard image file format
and used for applications such as desktop publishing, image databases or
presentation graphics. FotoMan can store up to 32 images on an internal
RAM chip, and does not use any type of removable media, as do some other
digital camera products.

Once the images are stored, they can be transferred to a desktop, lap-
top, portable or notebook computer through the computer's serial port.
No intermediate hardware is required. Since FotoMan is a digital camera,
no special boards or frame grabbers are required, the company claims.

FotoTouch stores images in PCX or TIFF format. The TIFF files can be
compressed or uncompressed. Fotoman uses a camcorder screw-mount lens.

Logitech says that FotoMan will be available in late October or early
November of this year, and will carry a suggested list price of $799
including the FotoTouch image editing software. The user must provide a
copy of Windows 3.0.

FotoMan comes standard with a camera docking unit, built in flash, base
unit with power supply, a six-foot serial cable to transfer images to a
computer, a NiCad battery, and a neutral density filter and adaptor for
use outdoors.

When the user sends in the registration card, Logitech will send out a
carrying case for the camera. Optional accessories such as additional
lenses are available through local camera stores.

--New for the PC....
Lotus Promises 1-2-3 For Windows Sept.

Lotus plans to 1-2-3 for Windows on September 3. The company also said
that French and German versions of the product will begin shipping on
September 6.

Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows includes SmartIcons, a customizable set of icons
that provide single-click access to basic and advanced spreadsheet func-
tions; and 1-2-3 Classic commands, which give users the option of acces-
sing the familiar 1-2-3 menu by pressing the "/" key. It also features
point-and-click file linking, a select-by-example graph gallery, and
Adobe Type Manager scalable font technology.

Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows will be priced at $595. Network Server and Node
Editions will be $895 and $595, respectively. All customers who purc-
hased a version of 1-2-3 since January 8 of this year are eligible to
upgrade to 1-2-3 for Windows for $49. Every other owner of a version of
1-2-3 can upgrade for $150.

In order to entice other spreadsheet users and match the competition's
ploy for defectors from 1-2-3, Lotus is offering the $150 upgrade to
users of Microsoft Excel and Quattro Pro.

Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows requires an IBM PC AT or compatible (286 and
higher) including most IBM PS/2 and Compaq models; Windows compatible
displays; a mouse (recommended); 2 MB system RAM; 5 MB hard disk space;
Microsoft Windows 3.0 or higher installed; and DOS 3.0 or higher.



As a reader of STReport International Online Magazine, you are entitled to
take advantage of a special DELPHI membership offer. For only $29.95 ($20
off the standard membership price!), you will receive a lifetime subscrip-
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Other telecom services may have additional charges. Canadian Tymnet users
have an additional telecom charge. Office Time access (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.,
weekdays) may have an additional charge. And of course, other restric-
tions may apply. But this is still an amazing deal!


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take advantage of a special DELPHI membership offer. DELPHI has waived the
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> EXPLORER SPECIAL DEAL! STR FOCUS Special Subscription offer!!


Atari User Groups are the backbone of the Atari community, and an impor-
tant resource for Atari owners in their areas. Likewise, you Atari-owning
CompuServe subscribers help support a valuable resource for information
and exchange. In an important sense, the CompuServe Atari Forums are a
User Group, too!

From now until December 31, 1991, Atari Explorer, the Official Atari Jour-
nal, wants to say "thank you" to Atari User Groups and CompuServe users
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subscriptions! That's right -- for just $9.95, you can get six big issues
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Atari Explorer is currently the largest-circulation magazine serving the
U.S. Atari market. And, as the Official Atari Journal, it's the magazine
of record. We cover the whole range of Atari products in depth and in
detail, from the 2600 and 7800 game systems, to Lynx, to the 8-bit line,
to Portfolio, and on to the ST and TT. So you're always sure to find
something new, relevant, and exciting in our pages!

To qualify for your discount, send your name, address, and a check or
money order for $9.95 (1 year) or $24.95 (3 years) to Atari Explorer at
the address below. Include, on the same sheet, a statement of the form:

I certify that I am currently a member of _______________,
(User Group Name)

or ...

I certify that I am a CompuServe subscriber _______________.
(CIS ID Number)

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P.O. Box 6488, Duluth, MN 55806. VISA/MasterCard orders, please call
(218) 723-9202 and be prepared to supply the same information. Keep get-
ting the most out of your Atari investment!

(Offer open to CompuServe subscribers and members of Atari User groups who
reside in the U.S., only. Offer void after December 31, 1991.)



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GEnie costs only $4.95 a month for unlimited evening and weekend access to
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ISD Marketing, Inc. is proud to announce the second annual Creativity
and Design Contest. Your entry may be once again either text, graphics
or a combination of both. You may submit business card designs, logo's,
fonts, freehand drawings, posters, illustrations, cartoons and graphical
effects just to name a few examples, using any one of the Calamus family
of products, including, Calamus, Outline Art, the Font Editor or any
combination of the three.

The contest will run effective August 20, 1991 until November 30, 1991.
Winners will be selected from the files uploaded into our Email address:

Compuserve as 76004,2246
GEnie as ISD

or mailed directly to our offices at:

ISD Marketing, Inc.
P.O. Box 3070
Markham Industrial Park
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 6G4

Mailed entries must be postmarked no later than November 30, 1991 and
received by us in-house by December 15, 1991 to qualify for entry. You
must be a REGISTERED OWNER of either Calamus, Outline Art or the Font
Editor in order to enter. (Note: If you have recently purchased any of
these products but have not yet had the opportunity to send in your
registration card, then please accompany your entry with your properly
filled-in registration card.)

You may enter as many times as you choose but any one individual may
only win once. Although the author shall retain any copyrights to their
entry, all winning files shall be considered 'publicly distributable
files' and may be made available for downloading from CompuServe, Delphi
and GEnie. As well, the winning entries will be published in Atari
Explorer magazine, our official magazine sponsor, with the appropriate
Author quoted and the prize won indicated.

Following is the current list of contest prizes. It is possible that
additional prizes will be added to in the near future.

The winners will receive the following prizes:

1st Prize: $1,500.00 worth of AGFA Compugraphic fonts for use in
either Calamus or Outline Art.

2nd Prize: Calamus SL

3rd, 4rth and 5th Prizes: $100 connect time credit from CompuServe,
to be applied to your CompuServe account, GEnie applied to
your GEnie account or Delphi, to be applied to your Delphi

As well, Atari Explorer will provide one year subscriptions to each of
our winners.

The Judges for this contest include: Geoffrey Earle, General Manager of
Atari (Canada) Corp., John Jainschigg (Editor) and Marc Needleman (Art
Director) of Atari Explorer and Mario Georgiou (Graphic Artist) of ISD
Marketing, Inc..


1. The ISD Marketing, Inc. Creativity and Design Contest is a skill-
based contest for any member who is a properly registered Owner of
any of the Calamus family of products.

Participation in this contest is open to residents of Canada,
United States, Australia and New Zealand, providing that their
Calamus product is the one published by Ditek International.
Employees of CompuServe, Delphi, GEnie, ISD Marketing, Inc., Ditek
International, DMC, Atari Explorer, Atari Corp. and all Atari
Subsiduaries, SysOps, GameOps, their affiliates, subsidiaries,
advertising agencies, and immediate families are ineligible to win
prizes. This contest is subject to all local, state/provincial and
federal regulations and is void where prohibited by law. All taxes
are the sole responsibility of the winners.

2. From August 20, 1991 at 12:01 AM EST to November 30, 1991, 11:59
EST those who meet the above eligibility requirements can enter the
contest. The files can be uploaded directly to the ISD Marketing
Email accounts on CompuServe, Delphi or GEnie at ISD or submitted
by mail directly to ISD at our mailing address indicated above.
(Note: Entries will not be accepted by courier. Use regular mail
only.) One winner and 4 runner ups will be named.

3. The decision of the judges is final and not reviewable by any other
person, agency, or tribunal. Winners will be notified by Compu-
Serve, Delphi or GEnie EMail and/or regular mail on or about
December 31, 1991, and their names will be published online in the
Atari Forums on CompuServe and Delphi, the Atari RT on GEnie and in
Atari Explorer along with their winning submission.

4. This contest may be publicized outside those venues indicated
above. No prize may be exchanged, substituted, modified, or
redeemed for cash. Prizes are not transferable. Prizes won by
entrants under the age of 18 will be awarded to the winner's parent
or legal guardian. All prizes will be awarded and mailed to the
winner's address contained in their Registration form. By accep-
tance of their prizes, winners consent to publication of their
names, likenesses, and/or User ID without further compensation for
advertising or promotional purposes. Prizes not claimed after 21
days of the day of notification, for any reason whatsoever, will be
forfeited. Prize winners may be required to execute an affidavit of
eligibility and publicity release within 21 days of notification.
Non-compliance within this time period will result in disquali-
fication and an alternate winner will be selected if possible.

I wish all entrants the best of luck. Let the contest begin.

Nathan Potechin
President, ISD Marketing, Inc.
August 20, 1991


> THE FLIP SIDE STR Feature "... a different viewpoint.."


by Michael Lee

Normally I do not get involved in controversies but recently, something
came up that involved my column and myself, forcing my involvement in one.

While I was on vacation, Ralph had an online conference on Genie. When I
got back into town and read a transcript of the conference and saw the
following questions from Mike Fulton at Atari, I was shocked!

<MIKE-FULTON> Some months back, you solicited permission from people
to reprint messages from GENIE...I denied permission for this, but a
few issues back, you reprinted one of my messages from GENIE. Please
explain what the situation here is. ga

<MIKE-FULTON> You are the editor, right? Aren't you responsible for
the contents?

<MIKE-FULTON> I said I might give permission for specific messages on
a one-by-one basis, but that I wouldn't give global permission for
reprints. ga

First, the reason Ralph couldn't answer the question was because it was
not him who asked for permission, it was me. I had been out of town for
a lot of the summer, so Ralph hadn't been able to get in touch with me
about Mike's inquiry. The permission that I solicited was only for my
column (more on this later), not for any other portion of ST Report. To
make sure that everyone I sent these permission letters to understood
that they were from me, I sent them all using my personal account

Second, Mike had not denied me permission to print his messages, only to
reprint portions of them (more on this later).

Third, after going back through the last 12 weeks of my column, I could
find no posts (or quotes) by Mike that I had used.

To give you some background on what lead up to this, around the first of
April, the ST Roundtable on Genie passed new rules about the duplication
of messages from that RT.


Category 1, Topic 20
Message 1 Thu Apr 04, 1991

Rules for duplication. These rules were compiled by my staff, for-
warded to GEnie and agreed upon by all parties.

1. Prior permission to reprint partial messages must be obtained
from the author of said message, and with the knowledge of the RT

2. All requests and approvals must be done in GE-mail.

3. The RT staff will copy or forward requests and approvals/
rejections to each of the message authors involved.

4. At all times the GEnie signup information must be included in the
magazine or newsletter as well as the source of the material
whenever anything is duplicated.

5. At all times it must be noted where the information came from as
in the name of our service and the category, topic and message

6. Anyone posting in the Roundtable may request in GEmail or a
designated topic in Category one that NONE of their messages will
ever be reprinted in whole or in part.

7. Messages may be taken in their entirety without express permis-
sion of the author, GEnie or the Roundtable Staff unless stated by
the author that NONE of his messages may be duplicated ever. To do
such, you must post your request in Category 1, Topic 12 and in


Until this time, I had been allowed to edit the posts that I printed
without getting permission from each author. I only edited to make the
posts more readable or to take out parts that were extraneous. I've now
been printing this column for almost a year and have printed 100's of
full and partial posts. In that time, I have never been accused of
taking any post out of context, nor of editing one to mean anything
other than what the author intended.

After the new rules went into effect, if I wanted to only print part of
a post, I had to get permission from the author first. This lead to some
problems which I've discussed with you in previous columns. I attempted
to work around this problem by sending a 'permission letter' to the 60-
70 people on the ST Roundtable who write most of the information filled
posts. This permission letter simply asked for blanket permission to use
and edit their posts without having to write and get permission for each
one. (Of all of the 'permission letters' that I sent out, 53 said
'yes', 9 said 'no' and the rest didn't reply.)


Genie ST RoundTable members,

My name is Michael Lee and as some of you might know, I write a
weekly column for ST Report. This column is devoted to circulating ST
related information from the three major on-line services, CIS,
Delphi and Genie. Due to the shrinking ST magazine and information
arenas, I feel this type of column is necessary more than ever be-
fore to help keep the ST users abreast as to the happenings in the ST
community and informed as to the new software and hardware being

Each of you, as ST RoundTable members, seem to be willing to share
your knowledge of the ST, its software and hardware with the rest of
the ST community through your informative posts in the ST RoundTable
message base. Many times your posts have information in them that can
be used by all of the ST community, not just the limited few who are
able to log onto Genie.

The ST RoundTable recently adopted new rules which allows entire
posts from the message base to be re-printed without getting per-
mission from the ST RoundTable or from the person who posted the
original post. However, if only part of a post is to be re-printed,
the person who posted the original post must give permission for it
to be used and the ST RoundTable sysops notified.

This creates a problem for me. As you are probably aware, many posts
have 20 lines of "Hello, how are you" type of information and only 5
lines of information actually applicable to the topic being discus-
sed. Also, with more people using Aladin, many replies are 40-50
lines long and addressed to 2-5 different people; it is impractical
for me to reprint all 40-50 lines just to use the one or two para-
graphs that are pertinent to the topic. In the past, I edited out
the non-essential information and just printed the 'meat and
potatoes' stuff.

I'm writing this letter to ask each of you for 'blanket' permission
to use and edit, if necessary, any of your posts from the ST Round-
Table in my column. I'd guarantee to do my best to make sure that
your comments would be kept in context (in almost 9 months of writing
this column and re-printing 100's of posts from all three major on-
line networks, I've never been accused of taking anything out of
context). Naturally, you would have the right to retract your per-
mission anytime, for any reason.

This 'blanket' permission, if you decide to give it, would only apply
to my column and would not apply to any other part of ST Report.

Whether or not you give your permission, I want to thank you for your
time and also for being willing to share your knowledge with ST users
on Genie.

Michael Lee


I thought the 'permission letter' was fairly straight forward. It ack-
nowledged that Genie had given me permission to use any posts without
asking permission if I didn't edit them. I explained the problem with
using some of the posts without editing them first and asked for per-
mission to 'use and edit' their posts. I didn't just ask for permission
to 'edit' because I didn't want someone later saying, "I gave you per-
mission to edit, but not to print" (and yes, it might have came up). I
specified that this permission was only for my column, not for any other
part of ST Report.

One of the people who denied me permission to do partial reprints of
their posts was Mike Fulton at Atari. He sent me the following EMail
(since Mike brought this out into the public, I feel it's okay to re-
print his EMail to me)...


From: MIKE-FULTON Mike Fulton
To:M.LEE35 Michael Lee

Sub: permission

Reply: Item #0276640 from M.LEE35 on 91/05/07 at 09:39

I would prefer _not_ to give "blanket" permission for using quotes
from my messages. I would, however, have no problem with doing
things on a quote-by-quote basis. That is, if you want to quote me,
send me EMAIL asking me for permission for that quote, along with
the text of what exactly you want to use, and if I don't have a
problem with the quote, I'll grant permission _for that quote_.

I know it might be a pain, but I would feel much more comfortable
doing things this way.



Since Mike said "quotes from my messages", "quote-by-quote basis",
"permission _for that quote_", I understood him to deny me permission to
use any of his posts which I might need to edit. So you can see why I
was so shocked by Mike's comments at the ST Report conference.

Of course Mike does not have to give me, or anyone else, any reason for
denying reprint permission, that is his right under the ST Roundtable
rules. As long as he follows the ST Roundtable rules and denies per-
mission to reprint to any publication, ST Report and myself won't use
his posts, either full or partial.

So now you have the full story behind this reprint mini-controversy and
it isn't exactly as Mike tried to portray it during the ST Report con-

But speaking for myself, I still believe that as an Atari on-line repre-
sentative, _speaking for Atari_, Mike's posts are 'public' and quotable.
I am not talking about when he is obviously stating a personal opinion,
but when he is speaking for Atari and supplying facts. Facts that are
needed by the entire Atari community and not just the few who can afford
to get on-line.

Just a few weeks ago in the ST Report conference, Bob Brodie asked why
ST Report and its editors doesn't cooperate with Atari and why can't we
be more professional.

Acting like professionals and working together works both ways. When I
try using facts and quotes, one of Atari's online representatives seems
bent on denying me that right and forcing me to paraphrase. In the past,
Atari has accused ST Report of spreading rumors and not being factual,
but by refusing me permission to reprint posts which contain facts and
needed information (I'm not interested in gossip or scandals), we have
no choice but to paraphrase. As everyone knows, paraphrasing can lead
to information being incorrect.

So readers, you will not see any posts in my column from Mike Fulton. I
will be forced to strip out the viable information from his posts and


Until next week....


> BLACKJACK +3 STR InfoFile "comes in 2 versions: 'ADVANCED' & 'BASIC'"


* *
* ==================================================== *
* *
* This is the program that will show you why you have *
* lost at the game of blackjack! Stop leaving your *
* money at the casinos! Practice alone, or play with *
* friends using joysticks, mouse and/or keystrokes. *
* *

"BLACKJACK PLUS 3" - comes in two versions: 'ADVANCED' & 'BASIC'

>>>>>>>>> For all IBM PCs & compatibles (EGA/VGA) <<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>> For all Atari St computers (Color & Mono) <<<<<<<<<

These programs include ALL the features necessary to accurately
provide you with a real casino environment. Both versions come with
'basic' strategies, which teach you what to do in every situation.


The demo is the 'BASIC' version. It is fully functional, and you
may play for approximately five minutes, before it times out.
Find out why you have been losing. You can WIN next time!


DOUBLE DOWN (according to casino rules you set)

You may specify:
One to seven active players (just like at the casino)
Each player's mode of play (see explanations below)
Each player's playing strategy
Each player's betting strategy
How many decks to use (1-9) & dealing depth (when to shuffle)
Casino rules (not all casinos use the same ones)
Playing speed (your comfort level)
Display card totals?

Play Modes:
MANUAL - you play the game, just like in the casino
AUTO - play is automatic, according to any chosen strategy
(put other players at the table with you!)
FEEDBACK - you are informed of mistakes in play (learn a strategy)
BACKGROUND - test strategies quickly (100 hands-8 seconds)

THE 'ADVANCED' VERSION allows you to:

Display card counts - Running count, True count, # of cards left,
# of Aces, Adjusted count
Keep a log - All play action is recorded
Extended statistics display - Information is calculated for you!
Print log and statistics for evaluation
Save all setups to disk

You can quickly examine how different strategies perform.
The play log records how every hand was played and the statistics
tally information so you may determine a winning method of playing.

NOTE: A player's card counting strategy may use any counting system:
Programmable running count
Selectible true/exact count adjustments
Count adjusted playing and betting strategies
Ace side count adjustment for betting
Insurance decision based on count

You can: Set the value of each card for the running count
Select from various methods to determine the true count
Make playing and betting decisions based on the true count
Use an Ace side count adjustment for betting
Make insurance decisions based on the count
Set up and play any playing, betting and counting strategy.
Try those from Canfield, Revere, Thorp, Uston or come up
with your own!


Two preset basic playing strategies
Programmable win/loss betting strategy
All features of the advanced program except as noted below:

Programmable playing strategies
Programmable counting systems
Play log and save setup features


* >> MUSICODE provides fine software at affordable prices! << *
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WAACE Status Report - 22 August 1991

WAACE, Inc. AtariFest '91 Dates:

The Fest is scheduled for 12 and 13 October '91. The show hours are
from 10AM to 5PM both days. We also expect to sponsor some special events
on Friday evening.

The show will feature a full round of seminars and demonstrations.
There will also be a swap meet. There will be a cocktail party and a ban-
quet on Saturday evening.

The deadline for discount booth pricing at WAACE '91 has passed and
the deadline for submission of Ad copy (September 5th) is closing in fast.
Hardcopy vendor packets have been out for over amonth now. If you have
not seen your packet, please request another one by sending GEmail to

We have cash in hand (or promises of same) from:

D. A. Brumleve
Codehead Software
Phil Comeau Software
Current Notes Magazine
Debonair Software
eSTeem Inc
FAST Technology
ISD Marketing Inc
JMG Software
Joppa Computer Products
L & Y Electronics
Micro Creations
Musicode Software
Rio Computers
Step Ahead Software
ST Informer/A & D Software
Toad Services
Unicorn Publications/Atari Interface Magazine

Vendor space is starting too run short, so those who have missed out
need to get cracking. Our ads in AIM, AtariUser, Current Notes, and ST
Informer are starting to show results. According to the hotel we are 40
percent of the way toward our room guarantee. There are still plenty of
room available, but now is the time to make your plane reservations and
line up your hotel rooms. Call the Reston Inn: 703-620-9000 and mention
the WAACE AtariFest.

Hotel Rates:

Hotel rates are $59 per night for single or double occupancy, $66
for triple and quad. These rates are valid from October 10th through the
13th. Virginia hotel tax (4.5%) must be added to the above prices. In
order to obtain these rates you must mention WAACE AtariFest '91 when
making your reservations.

Seminar slots are starting to run short. There is plenty of time
available in the demo rooms.

There is a lot o

f MIDI interest cropping up, so the MIDI room
promises to be lively.

Look for upcoming announcnements on the banquet, worker registration
(lots of fringe benefits), user group participation and more.

In a couple of recent phone conversations people have started off by
asking: "is the WAACE show really going to take place?". I am afraid that
these people do not understand what makes a show tick.

The first crucial item is solid vendor support, particularly in the
form of exciting products. Anyone who reads my previous post has to be
aware that WAACE '91 has that kind of support.

The second thing is the attitude of people towards the event itself.
WAACE is more than justr an opportunity to buy Atari goods at a cheap
price. It is a gathering point for people. We take care to offer
interesting entertainment and forums for relaxation during those hours
when the show floor is silent. I think it is fair to say that we have
established a tone that many people enjoy.

The third item is continuity. We have a nucleus of workers who have
experienced the little thrills that the Atari world can toss up to
distract people. We have been through it before and we know that none of
thse little items will bring the world to an end. In fact I suspect that
it would take some event like the prelude to the second comiXng to cancel
the show this fall.

In short, tell everyone you know that WAACE '91 IS GOING TO HAPPEN.
We already have enough people coming to make a wonderful party. I am
looking forward to seeing all of you there.

For additional Information please contact either of the following:

General Chairman Vendor Coordinator
Charles S. Smeton John D. Barnes
P.O. Box 0122 7710 Chatham Rd
Columbia, MD 21045-0122 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
GEMail: C.S.SMETON GEMail: J.D.Barnes
FNET: Charles Smeton, Node 500 Internet: JOHNBARNES@ENH.NIST.GOV


> Atari STBOOK STR InfoFile SPECS - Ins and Outs - In Depth!

Atari STBook

ctsy CIS ATARI Portfolio Forum

by Don Thomas
CIS ID: 75300,1267

I have mentioned the forthcoming Atari STBook in some messages and
have obtained some spec sheets from Bill Rehbock just before he left today
to take two of them to a big show in Germany. Bill says I may share them
with you. Specifications are always subject to change and I may leave
some out that I consider most "changeable", but having said that, they're
pretty solid. (Just tryin' to cover my bases).

Let me say first that STBook and the Portfolio are as marketably
different as they are the same. The STBook appeals to an established
worldwide market of Atari ST/Mega users by sharing OS compatibility. I am
campaigning that it can also be perceived as a step up product from the
Portfolio in that it offers superb lightweight productivity, access to
thousands of established software programs, but also as much share ASCII
files with other computers as the Portfolio can through the Serial Port.

On with the specs . . .

This new laptop entry by Atari sports an 8.5" x 11" footprint, is only
1.4" thick (37mm) and weighs only 4.3 lbs. A 7 "AA" battery pack is
provided for 10-12 hours of operation. An optional rechargeable battery
pack will be available which recharges in just 2 hours while the computer
is running. It offers MIDI IN/OUT ports (another musicians dream in the
Atari collection), RS232 Serial port, Parallel port and a floppy disk/ACSI
DMA port for an external drive, hard disks, CD-ROM, lasers, etc. Built-in
hard drive capacities include the options of 40, 60, 80 and 100 mb.

The highly defined LCD screen offers 640x400 resolution (mono) and it
has a 3 voice, programmable sound generator. The specs say 84/85 key
keyboard (?) which partially consist of 10 function keys and 4 cursor
keys. There is a connector for a standard size Atari keyboard and an op-
tion for an external 18-key numeric keypad.

Those not familiar with the Atari OS should know that it is graphics
based (as easy as a MAC [I think easier]) which means that point and
click mouse operations are intergral. The STBook introduces a unique new
mouse alternative for portability. It has a built-in Atari pressure sen-
sitive Vector-Pad(tm), using FSR technology. What that means is that the
pad is not only directional sensitive, but pressure sensitive as well.
The mouse moves faster, the harder it is tapped.

It will be available with 1 or 4 MEG RAM and 512K ROM (enough for
everyone?) and includes the popular Atari BLiTTER(tm) chip for faster
graphics draws. An internal 2400 baud modem OR 9600 baud/fax modem will
be available.

The system archetecture is 68000 cpu based operating at 8MHz with a
32-bit internal bus, 24-bit external address bus and 16-bit external data
bus. The expansion bus is a 120-pin full-function connector.

I did not notice statements of built-in applications although there
are hints of them as the computer may be set in sleep mode to monitor
alarms and appointments.

The operating system is already supported by thousands of
professional, home and entertainment offerings. CompuServe supports the
environment very well (Type GO ATARIPRO). All existing mono apps are

I urge interested developers to get in touch with Atari immediately.
There is a wealth of development support in place for the platform and I
think this will become quite a hot ticket. I do not have prices, but
(like the Portfolio) Atari's trademark will always be associated to "Power
Without The Price".

I would be happy to answer what I can, but be forewarned that this is
all I have in writing at this point.

To contact Atari call (408) 745-2000 and ask for Developer Support. I
am happy to help anyone too.


> STR Portfolio News & Information Keeping up to date...


On CompuServe

by Judith Hamner 72257,271

CBOOT.THR has been revised and is available in the library. This file
gives advice on the tendency of Ports to go into a coma when batteries run

down. If you missed the lively debate over expansions and upgrades for the
Portfolio then check out EXPAND.THR.

David Stewart has created a program that offers a macro-like feature for
the built-in editor. MACROS.ZIP is a shareware version. The full-featured
version is promised in a future issue of his new newsletter. Marty Mankins
has uploaded TAKEIT.NWS, a description of his new newsletter.

Coming attractions? Don Thomas has uploaded a description of the Stbook
which is to be released soon. STBOOK.TXT has the information.

Craig Davis has been keeping forum members advised on the progress of ef-
forts to adapt a hard drive for his 512k Port. Steve Schlanger of BSE will
upload the new drivers when they are ready.

John Feagans followed up the discussion of battery drain of the Port with
his comparison of the drain from a 512k unit with that of a standard one.

The best method for transferring files between the Port and a Mac is a
topic being discussed in the Port to Mac section.

There were several interesting "limited time offers" posted. Atari
Explorer is offering a discount to user groups and forum members.


> PIRACY HURTS WHO? STR FOCUS "..suspicion is not enough..."


By Dana P. Jacobson

A couple of weeks ago, in STReport #7.32, I began what will most
likely be an ongoing discussion of piracy and its effects on the entire
Atari community.

While there are agencies to help track down and prosecute the most
prolific and dangerous pirates, the pirate BBS, but as was mentioned in
the first article, users like yourself usually make the biggest difference
by reporting these boards.

Now, before you start to recall all of those bulletin boards which
you considered to be pirate, think out a few things first. One of the
worst things that you can do is file a report about a BBS and then find
out that your suspicions were false. Having suspicions is fine, but witch
hunts went out back in the 17th century. Making claims against an
innocent BBS can cause irreparable damage to the integrity of the BBS; and
this includes damage to its SysOps and users.

The purpose of this article will be to let you know how easy it is to
formulate opinions that might lead you to believe that you've "located" a
pirate BBS, but in actuality, you probably haven't. Without sufficient
proof, logical suspicion is not enough.

The BBS system that I am most familiar is MichTron, because I run one
and call many others. I am familiar with other systems because of my ac-
tivity on them; and I've also seen others from the "inside" so I have an
idea what can be done. I feel comfortable saying that all BBS systems
have different access levels and can provide access to some users while
withholding it from others. For whatever reasons, SysOps can and do exer-
cise this ability, myself included. These abilities can be perfectly
legitimate, for reasons detailed later on. But, on a pirate BBS, these
access levels usually mean that something "crooked" is going on; and
until a user's integrity (or lack of it) is determined, certain access
will be held back. In most cases, pirate boards are a secretive system.
Those running such boards are not going to openly display the fact that
they're running a pirate board. New users are going to have to "prove"
their intentions before being given access to commercial software or
reading about piracy topics in the message bases.

So, let's discuss what occurs on most boards that _could_ lead a
typical user to think something is going on behind the scenes that could
be suspicious, but in actuality, isn't. Since I brought up the fact that
I run my own BBS, let me use mine as an example. As I stated earlier, I
run MichTron software. Most MichTron SysOps take advantage of all 16 SIGs
available for setting up topics for the message and files bases. With
MichTron, the SysOp can determine which SIGs will be available to any
user, for whatever reason. I use all 16 SIGs, but only 14 of them are
available to the average user. The last two are reserved for my SysOps.

Another option available to MichTron systems is access levels.
MichTron has five levels of access: unregistered, registered, asst. SysOp,
SysOp, and WizOp. First time callers on my board are automatically listed
as unregistered. This means that access is extremely limited for a first
call. These users can look around - read messages and check out news
items, play a few online games, and the like. They _cannot_ leave any
messages and they do not have access to the downloads. Registered users
are those who have been "validated"; and this is the level of access
granted to 99% of my users. This access will provide the user all func-
tions and options other than those reserved for my SysOps. Asst. SysOp
and SysOp access levels are essentially the same as the registered users,
but their access also provides functions which can be summarized as system
maintenance. SysOps can view new uploads and validate them and open them
up to the public. Until these new uploads are validated, they remain hid-
den to the userbase. This function is the most important for this discus-
sion, as all other SysOp access is quite limited.

Okay, since piracy in the context of this discussion means downloads,
let's see where people can innocently suspect a BBS of having something
going on "behind the scenes". When a user uploads a file to a BBS, it
remains "hidden" until a SysOp checks it out to make sure it's intact,
complete, and public domain. If a caller logs on after this new upload,
he will be shown how many new uploads are available since his last call.
When this user goes to check out the new uploads and sees "less" than he
was expecting, there is a reason for it. Usually, this means that a
SysOp has not validated the file yet, so it remains hidden from the
general public. This process may take an extraordinary amount of time.
For example, some of my SysOps only call once or twice a week to check for
new files in their areas. So if there are some new files, they won't be
available for some time! Makes sense, right?

So, can this same process occur on pirate boards? Absolutely, yes!
But, there can be a difference here. For the sake of argument, let's as-
sume that a pirate BBS has both commercial and public domain software
available to its users. Now, if a user calls and sees that there has been
50 new uploads since his last call, and he cannot "see" them six months
from now, something is wrong. This user might not have sufficient access
to view these files, i.e., he doesn't have access to the "elite" areas.
Seeing large gaps in the downloads numbering system is another way to
suspect there's something hidden. On MichTron systems, the downloads are
numbered sequentially, regardless of the SIG they're uploaded to. So, a
large gap between 1000 - 1100 suggests something to me.

There is a flaw in this logic, however, at least for MichTron
systems. SysOps have the ability to delete files _without_ altering the
numbering sequence. For example, if I delete files numbered 950 - 955,
someone listing all available files will see 949 and then 956. So, you
can see that logical suspicions aren't always what they appear to be, and
more sufficient proof is necessary.

There are other things that you should avoid believing when dealing
with the possibilities of piracy. A few years ago, one of my users sent
me a message on my BBS which included a listing of my downloads. This
list had been "doctored" to reflect that I had commercial programs
available for downloading. He told me that if I did not give him SysOp
access, he would forward this "information" to the authorities. What do I
mean by "doctored"? He edited the file names and descriptions to reflect
commercial files were available. Naturally, knowing that the integrity of
the board was in little danger, I ignored this user and deleted his
account (I don't like users who make threats). A few days later, I was
told by another user that this edited listing was now making its way to
many of the other local boards. Well, I wasn't able to get to all of
these SysOps informing them of what had occurred, but I did manage it on
some of them. If someone then called my BBS, they'd see that the listing
was false. Some people refused to believe that the current listing was
legitimate, but that was their problem. I could prove the legitimacy of
the listing should I ever need to do so, and offered any truly concerned
user that proof at any time - only one ever took me up on that proof, and
he was pleased with the results.

Well, the above example was something that happened a few years ago.
Lately, I've seen something similar occur on another system. Ironically,
the system that was accused was The Bounty BBS, home of STReport!! From
what I have been told, a similarly edited version of The Bounty's download
listing appeared somewhere, and the integrity of the BBS was questioned.
This information, at "best", was passed on to another Atari publication
and the "news" was printed publicly. Not only was the download listing
edited, but edited very poorly. It was obvious to the folks at The Bounty
that the file names were a victim of a poor "search and replace" techni-

What happened to my board a few years ago was not as "vicious and
fraudulent" as what happened to The Bounty. A few years ago, my BBS and I
were relatively unknown to the local BBS community, nevermind quite
unknown nationally! All it took for me to "clear" my name was to inform
those systems that were given the information that it was false, and the
false listing and related messages were deleted. For those who were never
notified, the information was soon forgotten. On the other hand, The
Bounty BBS is more widely known on a national level, and even
internationally. After all, it is the home BBS for STReport. The BBS
number is listed in every issue of STReport!! For someone to make accusa-
tions that this system is a pirate operation is insane. For anyone even
considering that this system is "crooked" is ridiculous. Just consider
what the ramifications would be if _any_ highly visible Atari user ran a
pirate BBS! Can you imagine if any developer were discovered to be run-
ning a pirate BBS? How about if it were learned that GEnie was a pirate
service? Absurd, of course it is. The same goes for The Bounty. STReport
may have its "enemies"; but to go through all of the trouble to edit a
download listing as proof and have people believe it is foolish. I think
one possible reason for this "accusation" is Ralph's "presence" in some of
the FNET "elite" conferences. Elite refers to areas which might be
involved in piracy, or at the least, the promotion of piracy. Anyone ever
heard of "investigative reporting"? There are times when a reporter has
to visit the worst of places to get the story; in this case, pirate

I could go on and on to describe various scenarios which could lead
people to suspect bulletin board systems of piracy. But, I think that
you're beginning to get the picture. I'm not attempting to downplay
piracy whatsoever. On the contrary, piracy is a cancer needing to be
destroyed. The point is that the innocent need not be taken down along
with these pirates. I still maintain that it's the user who can better
monitor pirate activities and report them when discovered. But remember,
proof is necessary to do anything permanent to these guilty systems and
their operators. Your suspicions may be enough for the proper authorities
to monitor these systems, but elaborate proof will be needed to shut them
down. Too many "gut feelings" will tie up the process of getting the real
crooks adequately and permanently.

Until next time...


> GLENDALE SHOW STR SHOW NEWS Southern California ATARI Computer Faire




The Southern California ATARI Computer Faire, Version 5.0 (AKA The Glen-
dale Show) is expected to be the largest show of its type, ever, in North
America. The show will be held at The Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N.
Verdugo Road, Glendale, California, USA. Local directions can be found by
referring to the Thomas Brothers Guide for L.A. County page 25-E2. Take
the Glendale Blvd. exit of the 134 FWY and go North two miles or take the
Mountain St. exit of the 2 FWY and go West one block. The Faire dates are
September 14 & 15, 1991 and show hours are Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 10-4.

General admission is $6.00 per person. Anybody planning to attend the
show who resides outside of Southern California may send a SASE to
H.A.C.K.S., 249 N. Brand Bl. #321, Glendale, CA 91203 and receive a pass
for free admission. This offer is limited to no more than two people per
pass and one request per household.

A special hotel rate has been made available at the Burbank Airport Hilton
Hotel. That special rate is $59 per night for single or double occupancy.
For reservation call 818-843-6000 and mention ATARI. If you have problems
with the rate ask for Roy in Convention Services. Do not call the 800
number, unless you want to pay the National rate of $119 per night.


ATARI Corporation * The Computer Network * Mid-Cities Computers *
Goodman's Music * Musicode * Safari Fonts * Sliccware * Clear Thinking *
Micro Creations * Rio Computers * Best Electronics * Branch Always *
Michtron * ADG Productions * CodeHead Software * Omnimon Peripherals *
Gadgets by Small * Zubair Interfaces * ICD Magazine * PDC * COMPO Software
* Beckemeyer Development Tools (expected) * RIMIK Enterprises * McDonald &
Assoc. * GoldLeaf Publishing * Soft-Aware * Talon Industries * JMG * Wiz-
Works * Gribnif (expected) * Phil Comeau Software * Double Click *
Sudden, Inc. (expected) * D.A. Brumleve * Artisan Software * BSE Company
(expected) * Z*NET Online Magazine



- Jerusalem, Israel ISRAEL -> "The Deal is still on"

The August 17th issue of the Jerusalem Post International Edition,
under the heading; "ATARI SAGA GETS WEIRD", presented the following;

"The Ministry of Industry and Trade's Investment Center a fortnight ago
approved Atari's plans to set up a factory in Israel - just a week after
the Atari Chairman Jack Tramiel informed the ministry that he was no lon-
ger interested. Tramiel had reportedly announced the cancellation - which
he attributed to an inability to wait any longer for the government to
make up its mind - in a fax addressed to the ministry's director-general.
The ministry has consistently refused to recognize the fax as official


Although only rumored, it has come to our attention that the resident
"Unix Guru" at Atari is the latest victim of the ever, so popular revol-
ving door. Unfortunatly STReport was, at press time, unable to confirm
this information. However, the importance of Unix for both today's market
and the future, dictates that the information be brought forward.


Its a yellow slip of paper with the word "INVOICE" in big, black let-
ters on the top left corner. Very attention getting. It seems the old
adage of there "being no free lunch" is quite true. While Quill must meet
expenses, they are forced to find revenue to offset these expenses because
of any number of serious reasons. One of the biggest is the lack of time-
ly payments of advertising fees by the "biggies" in the Atari world. Tis
a shame. And now, once again, the usergroups are called upon to help.
While the magazine is free, the cost of shipping is not.

Shipping Costs...
per 25 copies... U.S. $ 7.00
per 50 copies... U.S. $ 8.00
per 100 copies... U.S. $ 10.00

Further it states;
"If we do not receive payment you will be removed from our distribution


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> A "Quotable Quote" STReport's Editorial "Cartoon"


STReport International Online Magazine
Available through more than 10,000 Private BBS systems WorldWide!
16/32bit Magazine copyright 1987-91 No.7.34
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors/staff, PCReport, STReport, AMReport, MCReport. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint
must include the name of the publication, date, issue # and the author's
name. The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in
any way without prior written permission. The entire contents, at the
time of publication, are believed to be reasonably accurate. The editors,
contributors and/or staff are not responsible for the use/misuse of infor-
mation contained herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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