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Silicon Times Report Issue 0735

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing Inc.

August 30, 1991 No.7.35

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
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> 08/30/91: STReport #7.35 The Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine!
- The Editor's Desk - CPU REPORT - 68040 for 1992?
- MNP5 & v.42bis - Mind Edit! - NEW PRODUCTS!!!
- Resident Midi! - TRACKER/ST NEWS! - LYNX PACKET!


The _Number One_ Online Magazine
"UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Hot Tips, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's support BBS, NODE 350, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the Fido/F-Net Mail Network. Or, call Node 350 direct at
904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information relative
to the Atari ST computer arena through an excellent International ST Mail
Network. All registered F-NET - Crossnet SysOps are welcome to join the
STReport Crossnet Conference. The Crossnet Conference Code is #34813, and
the "Lead Node" is # 350. All systems are welcome and invited to actively
participate. Support Atari Computers; Join Today!

> The Editor's Podium

This week's issue is devoted primarily to the "really big show" (how
many remember Ed Sullivan?) that just took place in Europe. The Atarimes-
se, Dusseldorf, Germany. Since the coverage of the Dusseldorf show took
up the best part of the issue, we decided to make this a show special.
You will find show updates for all the major upcoming shows in the USA
too. In addition, new product information has been compiled and presented
for your reading pleasure and info.

Atari has some very interesting plans for the immediate future,
STReport is compiling the information for these outlines and more for our
next few issues. The times are changing and Atari is, (thankfully),
responding to many of these far reaching changes. Hope everyone has a
safe and most enjoyable Labor Day Weekend.

Thanks a bunch for all your great support!!




> STReport's Staff The regulars and this week's contributors!

Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Robert Retelle Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Michael Arthur Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. Dana P. Jacobson
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Walter Daniel
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham

Contributing Correspondents:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Roger Stevens
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Ed Krimen
Tim Holt Andrew Learner Norman Boucher
Ben Hamilton

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
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Issue #35

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

SOFTWARE SUIT --------------

The University of Oregon has announced that it will pay $130,000 to set-
tle a lawsuit in which several computer software companies alleged that
university employees violated software copyrights.

Specifically the suit alleged that employees at a university micro-
computer training laboratory made unauthorized copies of programs and
training manuals. The companies involved are Aldus, Ashton-Tate, Lotus,
Microsoft, Claris and WordPerfect.

The suit was filed on behalf of the software publishers by the Software
Publishers Association, and is reportedly the first such suit against a
public university. Several major software companies, as well as the
association itself, have taken a strong public stand on the issue of
piracy and copyright violation, and have vowed to pursue violators in
the courts.

In addition to the monetary payment, the University of Oregon also
agreed to organize and host a national conference on copyright law and
software use. The state also agreed to conduct an education campaign on
those topics for faculty, staff and computer students.

IT QUITS ------------------

PrairieTek Corporation, the company that pioneered the 2.5-inch disk
drive, has closed its doors. With the exception of a skeleton staff who
will work with creditors, the firm's 300 employees are out of work.

PrairieTek was founded in 1986, and a year later introduced the first
2.5-inch disk drive, designed for use in laptop and portable computers.
The small drive was seen as revolutionary, providing more power in less
space and with less weight.

BOARD COMPUTERS --------------

Motorola has announced shipment of two single board computers which the
company says provide significant technical breakthroughs for the VME
industry by incorporating the components of an entire high-performance
computer on a single VME module.

The new units are based on Motorola's M88000 reduced instruction set
computer (RISC) and MC68040 complex instruction set computer (CISC)
microprocessors. Potential markets include original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs), systems integrators, and end users of VMEbus

FOCUS OF NEW NEWSLETTER ---------------------

Out of frustration caused by his inability to find software for his
kids, Stewart Walton is introducing "Educational Software Review, The
Parent's Guide to Computers," beginning in September of this year.

The eight-page newsletter will contain no advertising, but instead
focuses on reviews and articles geared toward parents of children of all
ages, but especially school-age children using computers at home.

Walton, a computer engineer and consultant said he searched and could
find very little on children's software and nothing on things like, "how
to protect your hard disk from your seven- year-old." That's when
"Educational Software Review" was born.

Initial response has been tremendous. "Parents know exactly what I'm
talking about when I describe it in one sentence," said Walton.

The newsletter is designed for fast consumption, so parents can look it
over to see what is of interest to them or their kids in less than 5
minutes, and read that material in less than half an hour. Each month it
will rotate the focus on one of four academic subject areas in this
order, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science. The first
issue's focus on Language Arts will concentrate on creative writing, the
second issue plans to zoom in on counting, arithmetic, and algebra, and
so on.

Walton says software for every grade level will be reviewed so parents
will always find something appropriate for their children. The articles
are planned to focus on specific issues of a child using a computer,
such as what a minimum system should be, why kids like certain programs
and not others, how to set up a hard disk, and where to buy software.

The newsletter will be distributed by subscription only at a price of
$42.50 for one year (12 issues). Charter subscriptions are being offered
at the reduced rate of $33.75. Walton said he has a simple guarantee --
just cancel and get a full refund. Subscriptions can be secured toll-
free at 800/972-3535, or by writing Educational Software Review, P.O.
Box 1004, Encinitas, California 92023.


Tandy Corporation's financial status for the 1991 fiscal year, which
ended June 30, 1991, was down from 1990. The company says net income was
only $206 million, or $2.58 per share. The previous year showed net
income of $290.3 million, or $3.54 per share.

Tandy showed sales and operating revenues for fiscal 1991 as $4.562
billion, compared to $4.499 billion for the previous year.


Dell Computer Corporation has reported that its net income for the sec-
ond quarter of 1991, which ended August 4th, is up a whopping 94%. Dell
says it had net income of $12.4 million for the quarter, up from $6.4
million for the same period last year. The income was realized on sales
of $200 million for the quarter, which is up a respectable 64% over
1991's figure of $121.8 million.

--New for the PC....
Unicorn MIDI Mixer Software For PCs

Mark of the Unicorn has introduced new MS-DOS software for the MIDI
Mixer 7 which adds IBM-compatible software to the existing Macintosh and
Atari control software for the MIDI hardware.

On screen the software created an image of a standard mixer which helps
traditional users make the transition from hardware controls to computer
MIDI control systems. Automated mixdowns are possible by locking scene
changes to standard SMPTE time codes.

MIDI Mixer 7s has seven stereo inputs with bass, treble, pan, and two
stereo effects for each channel, along with a stereo auxiliary input and
eight stereo noise gates.

Any MS-DOS system with VGA or EGA video, a Microsoft or Logitech com-
patible mouse, and an installed MIDI interface can run the software.
MIDI Mixer 7 has a list price of $595 and is available now.

MIDI or musical instrument digital interface is the world standard for
connecting digital recording and control systems to instruments.

For further information contact Mark of the Unicorn, Inc., 222 Third
St., Cambridge, MA 01242, phone 617-576-2760.

Current owners of MIDI Mixer 7 software for Macintosh or Atari systems
should contact the company for a free upgrade.



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take advantage of a special DELPHI membership offer. For only $29.95 ($20
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Other telecom services may have additional charges. Canadian Tymnet users
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Transcript of DELPHI's ST Advantage weekly conference of Tuesday, Aug-
ust 27, 1991. DA Brumleve, of DA Brumleve Software, and Paul Wu, of Omni
Peripherals/Wuztek, were special guests, giving a wrap-up of the
AtariMesse in Duesseldorf, Germany. They had both returned from
Germany that day.

How's Germany? (You're there, right?)

No, I'm BACK!

Did ya see the 'Book?

Yes, in fact, Atari US in the person of Bob Brodie and Tracy Hall --
-- who is a major developer of the Book -- brought one by to each of
the US developer's booths...Otherwise, we might not have seen it, as
the crowds around the display model were tremendous most of the time.

How was the attendance?

Norm, it's really hard to say...I have heard no official figures,
but even when they have official figures, you have to understand that
the totals refer to attendance at TWO unrelated shows.

I should think so! I have my sights on one. No need for a backlit
display. Dot, maybe you should try STalker/STeno for conferencing?

My type-ahead gives me five lines on other services, but not this
one, Bob.

Dorothy, what is the "second show"?

It was a sports/outdoor living show called "aktiv leben". You buy one
ticket, and you can go to both shows, which of course some did.

I got mail from Oliver Steinmeier yesterday; he said attendance was
noticeably lower than last year's

I see, so the fair grounds had two events going at the same time.

But most people went to one or the other. I'd guess (ballpark)
20-30K attended the AtariMesse. I wasn't at last year's, so can't
compare. The aisles were wider, I'm told.

The adavnce publicity said "20,000 square meters"; that's about
4 acres. Did that seem about right to you?

Yes, JD, it sure does.

That is about equivalent to 4 football fields.

It was like Comdex, but on a smaller scale, like a 20th of Comdex

Oliver said even Jim Allen was all alone at times! That gave him
plenty of time to grill Jim :)

DABRUMLEVE> Well, Jim was working from his distributor's booth. Most
had plenty to do.

Oliver got to talk with Small and Allen; another month before we see
the real accelerators, in the States, of course.

Now, about how many developers were there altogether in the Atari

.Paul @ OPI>
The developer's party was packed. I think there must be at least 100
people at the party.

Gee, I don't know, John, but I've got a book that lists them all.

How many US devs were there?

100? Gee, I'd sure say a lot more.

Okay, consider this formalized folks. If you have a question, signify
with a ?, and I'll call on you in order.

Let's see...Dave Small, DC, Jim Allen, George Geczy of JMGSOFT...
...Paul and me, Gribnif... CodeHead...and some portfolio guys.

.Paul @ OPI>
Many people couldn't attend because they didn't get enough tickets for
everyone. However, ALL the US developers were there.

Oh, Paul is answering as to who was at the party. I'm answering as
to who was at the show. Add ICD to my list.

Okay, Dana...

OK... It's a two-parter... What was your overall opinion of the show,
and what, if anything, is on the horizon for us with regard to new
and exciting products? GA Either Paul or Dot <<grin>>

.Paul @ OPI>
The show was definitly larger than I had expected it. As far as new
product goes, many graphics cards were shown and lots of DTP and CAD
softwares. ga.


I was impressed that there's a trade-show aspect to it, distributors
meeting devs, dealers meeting distributors, etc., from all over the
world, literally! There were users, there were sales, but my own
greatest advantage in being there came from these industry contacts.
And it was HUGE. Not gymnasium-size at all. GA

.Paul @ OPI>
If I might add, this was the most professionally done show I have seen
for a show like this.

Bob Morrow, you had one...

Dana already asked my question :( ga


What prospects do US products have in this market? Are people
interested in them or are they set in their ways with regard to the
things they already know?

It all depends, JD; they have a lot of software over there, and when
our duplicates it, I doubt there's much chance for a US competitor.
But often ours is quite different. People seemed most interested in
our booths.

Paul? GA

.Paul @ OPI>
Dorothy has some very unique products. For us, it was a matter of who
has the best implementation of the particular hardware. We have a
better product and people recognize it. The Germans have an advantage
though, since they have one less level of distribution to go through.

Anything on the new computers?

The Book is absolutely cool, Lena. Fits in my new little briefcase
with much, much room to spare. And works! 5 hours on a charge, and
charges in the case.

Are they going to releasze anytime soon. Or are they being closed
mouthed on that one?

I believe I heard the announcement that the Book would ship in Sept
in Germany. But I heard it in German... ;-)

Would you say the US devs came back with a little more of an optimism
about the ST market, or what?

.Paul @ OPI>
I certainly feel alot better after being there.

You mean, the ST market in general?

Yeah, and their place in it.

Well, did anyone mention the possibility of selling retail in the
States of hardware or software, and what kind of charges might there
be? (If I went I think I would have asked...)

No, not that I saw, but we would get hardware from the factory, not
from Germany.

What about the "optimism" question? GA

As to Gordie's question...I went into newstands again and again and
ALWAYS found at least 2 ST-specific mags for sale.

In German, I trust. <g>

There are 4 from Germany and another German-lang. mag from Austria,
and they are out there and being purchased. One store was sold out
of 3 mags.

.Paul @ OPI>
Many German firms are interested in a US distributor or partner.
You can find 1040STes in all department stores, too.

Yes, but I don't think it would be true to say the ST _leads_, but
it is visible. It is known, it is respected. The regular press
covered the show. The Frankfurter Allgemeine had a feature article on
it this morning. That's like the New York Times here.

But, Dorothy, would you say the US developers have some hope, now, or
was it just an interesting vacation?

I certainly have hope of expanding my market, and not just to
Germany... but to Denmark, Holland, Norway, Sweden...and, amazingly,
the UK!

.Paul @ OPI>
For us, the trip to Germany meant the possibility to at least
quadruple in our sales overall. And that is a conservative estimate.

That'd make me optimistic. JD...

Good Luck, Paul on quadrupling your sales. As regards the European
hardware, I find it horribly overpriced and unsupported by software.
How does that stack up against your impressions? I also often sense
that it lacks polish.

.Paul @ OPI>
The Germans are more tolerant than the US counterpart. The cost of
manufacturing is also much higher over there..

The press is no less critical there, though, when a product doesn't
meet its promise.

Well, the market on other platforms here demands perfection.
What software did you bring home, Dorthy? GA.

Well, I got the famous Mortimer utility. Haven't tried it out, but
it's very popular there.

.Paul @ OPI>
We picked up two programs for possible distribution. a PCB design
program and Easy Base from Omikron. Mortimer is very nice, Dorothy.

A lot of the same kind of exchange that occurs at Comdex goes on


OK, let me ask this question and then skedaddle! What was your
impression of Atari Germany with their regard to their users compared
to the US counterparts?

Good question, Dana.


.Paul @ OPI>
I don't really know how to comment on that one. I think Atari Germany
has it much easier than Atari US.

How so?

.Paul @ OPI>
The ST is respected in Germany so the users do not complain as much. :)


By the way, Dorothy was about to fall asleep, so I think she's gone for
the evening.

Thank you, Gordie. Now for the question... In the U.S., I almost get
the impression that Germany and much of Europe are somehow smarter or
whatever than the average U.S. ST user. What do they know and think of
the situation in the U.S.?

.Paul @ OPI>
They don't really understand how small the US Atari market compared
to theirs as we didn't know how big the European market until I went

I knew the European market was big... I suppose I could ask, do they
know that in the US that the ST is practically derided by the general
Computing community at large?

.Paul @ OPI>
Sorry, I didn't understand that question.

Paul, I think he was trying to get a feel for whether the German ST
users realize how bad the US situation is.

Well, again, do Atarians in Germany think something must be wrong
with computer users in general in the United States, since we basically
frown on a fine computer like the Atari ST?

.Paul @ OPI>
I don't think users in Germany know how bad the US market US market

I promise not to tell, and for my part, respect the folks in Europe
on general for their smarts.

Paul, what do you think the distribution of machines is among the
various markets? The estimates I have heard give the US about 100,000
vs 800,000 in Germany.

.Paul @ OPI>
The PCs have the majority of the market. Followed by Amigas for games,
and Atari for general computing. Apple is making real progress with
their low cost computers.

In other words the "serious" machines are just getting established in
the German market. Does that mean the end of the line for Atari?

.Paul @ OPI>
Many people are waiting for Atari to make their move. I heard that the
TTs haven't been moving at all.

Make their move in Germany? Or here in North America?

.Paul @ OPI>
In Germany, of course. People in Germany don't really care what
happens in North America.

Gerry, you had one...

Paul, did Atari show anything else new besides the ST Book? For
example, did they show a new TT030 with 1.44 meg floppies?

.Paul @ OPI>
If they did, I didn't get to see it. They promise that they are
working on a 040 machine though.

A 68040 based TT? That sounds good. Did they show any new software
such as FSM-GDOS? Is FSMGDOS out already?

.Paul @ OPI>
I don't know about FSM-GDOS but I couldn't find KAOS at the show.

Last question. Have you seen any signs of increase production from

.Paul @ OPI>
Increase production? Atari just sold their Taiwan factory and is
now sub-contracting all their work so supply shouldn't be a problem.
I don't know about demand though.


Just wanted to mention that Paul has a new catalog he wants to send to
all here. Leave me your address in DELPHI mail if you want one.

.Paul @ OPI>
It will include a special issue for the Dusseldorf show. Of the
newsletter, that is.

Paul _and_ NORMW will be at Glendale!


Thank you, was any mention made of the deal Atari was supposed to
be working out with the Russians, something to do with memory chips
for barter for equipment, presumably ST's?...

.Paul @ OPI>
I heard about that but not while I was in Germany.


For those who can't get to Glendale, Paul and Dorothy are going to
be at WAACE in October. Paul, is there any truth to the rumor that
Atari is going to move its management to Russia? It would make them
appear more competent.

.Paul @ OPI>

Paul, do you have anything else about the AtariMesse that you'd like to
talk about? If not... Tell us about Norm's video board!

.Paul @ OPI>
It was a good show overall and I think Atari will be around for
a while..

*** At this point the formal portion of the CO was ended. ***

Yeah, more on the video board!

.Paul @ OPI>
Yes, the video board.. Well, we have given it a name now... and it is
called the OmniChrome and it will come in three configurations. Level
I will offer the user 640x200x256 colors out of a 16.7 million color
pallet on a standard Atari SC1224 monitor. Level II will give you
640x400x256 colors and Level III at 800x600x256 colors.


Delivery Date!!! Supported software?

Paul, will I be able to use it with my STe and an Omnimon Rainbow?

Less than $1 million, more than $100....<hee hee>

How do you install these video boards? Mega Slot? VME? Or something

.Paul @ OPI>
It is tenatively set at $299, $399, and $499. It looks like we will
be able to ship before Chirstmas and it will have a VDI driver.

Do you plan to finance? :)


Will it work with Lexicor's stuff...

.Paul @ OPI>
We have not tested Lexicor's software but it will be one of the
first ones to be tested.

.Paul @ OPI>
Gordie, Omnimon Rainbow works with an STe.

I know that, but with the OmniChrome?

.Paul @ OPI>
STe will not be supported at the current configuration.


.Paul @ OPI>
We will start to work on the STe version after we ship the current

Well, as long as it doesn't take as long as the STe adaptor for the
accelerator boards. <grin>

Gordie ... ------ R.S.N. !!!


Could somebody translate what the "VDI" driver means as far as
existing applications are concerned?

JD, we use VDI compatible color planes, but can't be sure yet what that
will portend.

Can you upgrade between levels?

.Paul @ OPI>
Gerrymon, it is upgradable between levels

These boards sound excellent! And the price sounds right too!

Where does it install?

.Paul @ OPI>
The OmniChrome is an internal board and it plugs into the shifter

If it comes with a VDI driver, then a lot of software should work on

Very clever, Paul, about the shifter thingy.

Paul, is there an official description of this and will you be
demoing prototypes at the shows?

.Paul @ OPI>
I will send a printed description to whomever is interested. Just
send address via email to Norm. (NORMW) We will be showing this at
the WAACE show for sure. We are working on the Glendale show.

Is the shifter socketed or soldered in the Mega ST4?

Gerry, it should be socketed.

Yeah, socketed.

.Paul @ OPI>
All Shifter chips are socketed.

Wow, then it should be relatively easy to install!

How about Chicago, Paul? That's the one I can afford to go to.

Does the board come with it's own video ram?


.Paul @ OPI>
Level I comes with 128K of VRAM. Level II and III uses 1MB of fast

That's 128K BYTES of Vram

I will want more.

.Paul @ OPI>

Do you plug the old shifter on the board to maintain compatibility?

Gerry, yes again!

.Paul @ OPI>
Gerrymon, that's correct.

Does the BLiTTER have access to the Vram on the board?


.Paul @ OPI>
Yes, in a way.


Oh, a developer/designer conflict. Goodie.

OK. Paul, you wanna fight??

.Paul @ OPI>
Your answer, please, Norm.

Yankee ingenuity at work, what MIRACLES are made of!!!!!

It is hard to explain, Gerry, without giving the competition all our

We won't tell!

Especially if you don't tell us...

Your board uses an interleaved bit-plane, doesn't it?

Thanks a heap, AP :))


.Paul @ OPI>
One thing is for sure. Your Atari thinks it is accessing normal
video memory.

Yeah, You're welcome!!!

The color planes are exactly GEM style.

The BLiTTER was specifically designed to handle this.

But will we be able to look at all those neat GIF pics that are out

.Paul @ OPI>
You'll be able to access TIFF, GIF, PICT, or what ever.

That would open up a whole new realm of cross-platform compatibility.

Pizza Man delivers!!

.Paul @ OPI>
All it takes is a proper translation software which we are already
working on.

Isn't that what it's all about, Norm?

Speaking of food, and insulin shots...I must go. You give great
conference, Gordie.

Gee, thanks, Norm. I think.

Now, will the ST be able to use the OmniChrome in MS-DOS emulation

.Paul @ OPI>
Gordie, it depends on if the PC emulator software writes to screen
memory directly.

But it's reasonable to expect at least one of them to work with it,

.Paul @ OPI>
It is reasonable to assume that if a software uses standard BIOS
calls or VDI calls, it will be compatible with OC. Okay, any more

Paul, you mentioned before that you had good products and fared quite
well against the German products you saw. How about with the
OmniChrome? Was there anything in Duesseldorf that looked as good as

.Paul @ OPI>
There are at least 6 or 7 different graphics card at the show. All but
one are designed for high end graphics (ie. 1Kx1K+)

Sounds like you might have a niche to yourself, then.

.Paul @ OPI>
The only product similar to ours is called the ODIN and it is more
expansive and less capable. One thing I forgot to mention about the
Dusseldorf show is that Ataris are actually used to drive industrial
machines (ie. Robots, drills...etc.)

Now that could be of interest to some Industrial Engineers I know.

Paul .. sounds great! I am always glad to hear our "game-machine"
doing other things!

By the way, just how high does the resolution on my Rainbow go?

.Paul @ OPI>
1024x768 interlaced or 800x600 non-interlaced.

Entirely sufficient for OC and beyond! Kinda makes sense, though,
doesn't it... <grin>

.Paul @ OPI>
The concept of OC can be extended to infinite resolution but then
high-rez = high-cost.

*** At this point, line noise knocked Paul Wu offline, thereby
*** effectively ending the second portion of the CO.


> Dusseldorf Report STR SHOW NEWS


Compiled by Michael Lee

From Dorothy Brumleve, Category 11, Topic 12, Message 1 - From the from
the ST Roundtable on Genie...

My trip to the AtariMesse in Dusseldorf

Up and down major thoroughfares in Dusseldorf, banners and posters
announced the commencement of the fifth annual AtariMesse at the city's
exhibition complex, an amazingly extensive facility with fifteen exhi-
bition halls, restaurants, snack bars in each hall, entertainment faci-
lities, etc. I saw billboards at the airport and on kiosks out in the
community as well. Every cab driver knew about the AtariMesse.

The AtariMesse is not at all what we North Americans think of when we
hear "AtariFest"; in fact, it's much closer to the image conjured up by
the word "Comdex". Two huge halls were filled with vendors. The show
brochure lists 184 vendors by name, but there were also "specialty
booths", huge displays in which vendors in related areas were grouped
together, and the vendors in these booths sometimes were not given
separate mention on the main vendor list. The specialty themes for such
grouped booths this year focussed on the Portfolio, Atari and Music,
Atari and Computer Graphics, Atari in Education and Science, and Games.

A basic small booth provided 12 square meters of space. While the
Germans regarded such booths as too small, the North American exhibitors
enjoyed that kind of space for the first time -- and some of us had
trouble filling it. Most of the vendors opted for larger booths, some
outfitted with private consultation rooms. Atari's own central stand
included a large room for press conferences and a welcome center for the
press. Of course, there was also a lecture hall devoted to demonstra-
tions and workshops.

It seemed odd to me that there would be a _need_ for consultation rooms,
but this show has another feature in common with Comdex besides its
sheer scale; it provides a meeting place for distributors, developers,
dealers, and Atari personnel from throughout the world. There was cer-
tainly plenty for the casual or serious Atari enthusiast to see, do, and
buy, but another focus of the show was on opportunities for professional
industry contacts.

Many North American vendors already have representation in Germany. Jim
Allen of FastTech and Rick Flashman of Gribnif showed their products
from the booths of their German distributors, for example. This year,
Atari US facilitated the participation of North American vendors who
have not already established distribution in Germany. A row of booths
was provided to US developers. ST developers participating included D.A.
Brumleve (yours truly), CodeHead, Double-Click, JMG Software, and
Wuztek Omnimon Peripherals.

One of the more impressive booths was that of 3K ComputerBild, the
German distributors of WordFlair. GoldLeaf representatives John Fox and
Lauren Flanegan-Sellers were assisting users in that booth. The booth
had a huge black wall; on one side of the wall were alcoves with demons-
tration computers manned by experts who could provide hand-holding as
users experimented with their high- end offerings. On the other side of
the wall, an actor presented lectures several times a day in both German
and English to an appreciative audience.

One booth specialized in Atari-related paraphenalia on a grand scale.
Various articles of clothing, elegant backpacks, etc. were available
with the Atari logo. PD booths and dealer booths seemed to do a bang-up
business; although the aisles were wide, it was often hard to get
through in these areas. I saw an industrial ST etching circuit boards.
There were more utilities and applications related to high-end MIDI and
DTP than you could shake a stick at. There were many booths with spe-
cialized hardware, such as for overscan, color high-rez, and the like.
There were relatively few offerings for the games-player.

You'll notice I can't report terribly much on products shown at the
show. As a vendor, I was responsible for manning my booth most of the
time, and had only a little time available for browsing on my way to and
from the snack bar or the bathroom. I hope that others who had more time
to devote to show-going can contribute more detailed information on new

Because we were virtually chained to our booths, most of us would not
have had the chance to fight the crowds and have some hands-on exper-
ience with the ST Book (five production models were on display). On
Saturday morning, Atari's Bob Brodie, Bill Rehbock, and Tracy Hall
brought both the Book and the Stylus around to the US devs for a per-
sonal view. I must say it's an incredibly neat little machine. I under-
stand that it will run off its internal rechargeable battery for over 5
hours, certainly enough for most users. The battery recharges in place.
The look is elegant, the keyboard size is perfect for hands the size of
mine (it's just a bit more compressed than the regular ST keyboard), the
mouse-replacement is ingenious, the size is tiny! I was impressed with
the ergonomic design and the obvious thought devoted to users' needs.

Bob Brodie also escorted the major ST-specific magazine editors and
reporters to the booths of US-based developers. Germany has four major
glossy ST magazines: TOS, ST Computer, ST Magazin, and AtariJournal
(formerly PD Journal). There is also a German-language Atari magazine
from Austria called XEST. I had a chance to visit several newsstands
while in Duesseldorf. Every stand had at least two ST-specific magazines
to offer; when I questioned the proprietor of one shop, he said he
carried all four magazines from Germany, but had sold out of the
September issue of two of them already. PC and Amiga magazines were also
in evidence, and sometimes the number of PC offerings exceeded the ST
offerings. A few times I spotted magazines devoted to the Mac. In
addition to the ST-specific magazines, ST products are also covered by
the general computer press.

Even with the knowledge that there was good press support for the ST in
Germany, I was very surprised to find a reporter for the Frankfurter
Allgemeine dropping by my booth. I read his show wrap-up on the airplane
on the way home; nearly a quarter page of the newspaper was devoted to
this final show report, and the focus of the article was innovative DTP
products. For the uninitiated, the Frankfurter Allgemeine has the same
kind of respect and influence in Germany that the New York Times has

The support is there from publishing houses as well. While the computer
sections of our bookstores are filled with books about living with MS-
DOS and mastering Windows, German STers have a multitude of books to
choose from. Some are basic beginner books of the same variety as Ralph
Turner's series, and there are primers for getting the most out of
general-use programs such as 1st Word Plus. But there are also a variety
of books for the high-end musician or desktop publisher, for the pro-
grammer, for the hardware hacker. Many of these could be found at
department store bookstores, and, indeed, the same stores are likely to
offer STs in their electronics department.

If you'll remember the debate in the US over whether children should use
calculators, you'll better understand the current German controversy
over computers in schools. There is a large segment of the population
which views computers as anti-creative and inappropriate for schools;
fortunately, most educators do not share this point of view. There has
been a major effort in the past year to put the ST into German schools.
One academic organization has declared the ST _the_ best choice for
schools and software support has begun to emerge. While most emphasis is
being placed on software for junior-high-level students and older, there
are efforts to use STs with young children, and I am hopeful that my
products will be well-received by paedagogues and the early childhood
and primary-level academic community.

At my booth, I met teachers from Germany, Holland, Belgium, and Denmark,
who were all most eager to use my products in their classrooms. My
products are currently available only in English, German, and Icelandic,
but I was able to make contacts at the show which should ultimately
result in translations to Dutch/Flemish, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish
as well. I made it a point to visit (briefly) the Education and Science
specialty display. In one booth, I found my own philosophy of computer
use with children prominently displayed on the wall. I immediately
sought out the booth's representative for a lengthy discussion. It is
really wonderful to know that there are like-minded folks halfway around
the world.

On the personal side, it was a terrific trip! My husband, left at home
to see our five children off to their first day at school, was abso-
lutely furious, but I didn't let that stop me from having a great time.
I spent an hour of madness and confusion as Dave and Sandy Small and
Dave Troy and I tried desperately to locate my hotel; nothing like
getting lost to start off a fun evening. The CodeHeads are always good
for an interesting evening, and as their booth was next to mine, we were
also able to make evening chit-chat extend into the next day. I met for
the first time a Dutch friend with whom I've corresponded for some time,
and he helped me out in my booth sporadically. My Australian distri-
butor, Phil Reeves, was there, as was Michelle from Atari Australia. In
fact, representatives from Atari Italy, Norway, Sweden, Holland, and of
course Germany came by my booth. A few of my customers from Germany
dropped by as well. I spent an evening with GEnie online personality
MIKE.SCHUETZ, who with some friends has started a software company in
Germany. We ate at the first good Greek restaurant I've ever been to.
Tom Harker of ICD, Nathan Potechin of ISD, the gang from Atari US...all
of these contributed to my enjoyment of the trip, socially and
professionally. The tv set in my hotel room provided the German view of
goings-on in the USSR. And Star Trek in translation seems new all over

Meeting the "public" is always interesting, but it becomes even more
interesting when you don't know which language to use when first addres-
sing another. An American and I carried on a five-minute conversation in
German before it occurred to us that we might communicate more effec-
tively in English. I tried English on Germans, German on Dutchmen, Dutch
on Britons, Norwegian on Americans, all with about the same effective-
ness and lack of grace. Fortunately, I am strongest in the two languages
nearly everyone understood, but I found that my German skills varied
greatly from hour to hour. I could nearly always understand what was
asked, but couldn't always formulate a comprehensible reply. It seems my
German was most effective with cab drivers and waiters, and not so
effective with professional contacts. If I go next year, and even if I
don't, I think a refresher conversation course would be in order, with
an emphasis on vocabulary related to computers, software, distribution,
and business.

In the US, I've often heard the German ST market pooh-poohed (God, did I
say "pooh-poohed"?) by the cynics. Is Germany _really_ Atari Heaven? At
the AtariMesse, I heard a few Germans and Dutchmen say they thought
Atari was "slipping". I even met a fellow who had switched to the IBM a
year ago and was now unhappy he had. His six children spent an hour at
my booth, all the while asking him if "der neue Computer" had any
"wunderbare Programme" like mine. I also met people who were extremely
enthused about the Messe and, especially, the DTP-related products
shown. I can't make comparisons with last year. I wasn't there. I didn't
see evidence that the ST is the #1 computer in Germany, but I saw plenty
of evidence that it is a respected line with a sizeable market share.
And that, to me, _is_ Atari Heaven. The AtariMesse is, indeed, the
mother of all road trips.



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GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


> The Flip Side STR Feature "...a different viewpoint.."


by Michael Lee

Are you confused about the new modem protocols? Don't feel like you're
alone, so are many others. Here's some posts that might help clear up
some of the confusion.

Some compiled replies from Jim Ness - from the ST Roundtable on Genie -
(The following is compiled from 5-10 different posts and two different
Categories, so if it seems a little disorganized, it's my fault.)
If the modem is indeed MNP5 only, and not v.42bis, then it is not the
fastest thing around. But, still fine for most of your uses. It will
work here on GEnie and on CIS.

It won't give you 14400. Depending on what you are connected to, if
it runs across an uncompressed text file, it will compress it as it
sends it, resulting in as much as a 2:1 throughput. But, you will
very rarely be transferring an uncompressed text file. When trans-
ferring a .ARC or .LZH file, it can actually slow down the xfer.

MNP 2 through 4 are error correcting protocols. When they sense an
error, just like zmodem, they resend the data. So, in some cases,
they are SLOWER than non-EC modems.

MNP 5 is error correcting with compression. Same problem.

In the process of error correction, MNP will collect a packet full of
data, then send it on to the other modem. When the data is flowing
quickly, this is not noticeable. When the data itself is coming in
spurts, ala xmodem downloads, the data spurt and the modem spurt
sometimes combine to slow down a download.

For instance, an MNP modem hates to send just a few bytes. It wants
to error correct a larger packet. In an example xmodem download,
GEnie sends me a packet, and I send an ACK byte back. MNP doesn't
want to give GEnie just that one byte, it wants to give GEnie a
packet. So, it waits awhile. Finally, it gives up and feeds GEnie the
byte. In the meantime, GEnie has been holding the next packet, not
willing to send it until it receives the ACK. The download has been
slowed down by 1/5 second or so. Now do it 800 times, for a 100k

The only way an error correcting modem can speed up an xfer is if it
uses data compression. And none of the on-line services do that yet,
only some BBSes.

If you hardly ever experience noise problems, you don't have need for
an error correcting modem.

MNP5 and v.42bis are competing methods. The v.42bis is usually con-
sidered to be superior. It compresses text files better, and is able
to recognize already compressed data, and not waste effort trying to
compress it again.

A v.42bis modem can do up to 4:1 on a text file, and turns off comp-
ression when it recognizes something that is already compressed.

Even though it is superior, if the destination you are connecting
with (GEnie, for instance) does not support v.42bis, it is good to
have a modem that can "fall back" to other methods. MNP5 or MNP4 or

GEnie supports MNP4 at all speeds (error correction, but no comp-
ression). CIS supports MNP4 at speeds up to 2400, and v.42bis at
9600. Delphi can support MNP4 if you dial through Tymnet.

Networks have a problem supporting MNP5 and/or v.42bis, because inc-
reasing throughput via data compression puts additional demands on
their hardware. If, for instance, they try to pump data to you at 2-
times 9600bps, it takes more resources than pumping at a straight

So, most commercial networks draw the line at MNP4. CIS is the excep-
tion, but only at first glance. You can get a v.42bis connection, but
the data flow is still restricted to a non-compressed rate. I receive
messages there at just under 900 chars per second. And file xfers go
at just over 900. 960 would be the theoretical uncompressed maximum.

On GEnie the data flows slightly slower, but still fast. If you use
Aladin, you are limited to about 600cps. But Aladin is the limita-
tion, not GEnie. If I were to guess, I would say that GEnie sends
text at about 740-760cps.

None of the online services currently takes advantage of data comp-
ression in modems. With no data compression, there is no increase in
speed. At 2400, GEnie and CIS use MNP4 error correction.


From Rich Bruns - Category 9, Topic 47, Message 70 - from the ST Round-
table on Genie...
I called SSI two days ago (I've called every month since December) to
find out about STORM ACROSS EUROPE for the ST and they told be the
project was cancelled. "A problem with the compiler", they said. They
have been assuring me month after month that it would be comming out
the following month. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE???!!!!!

I called Avalon Hill they promised Third Reich by the end of Sept.
Any news on any other wargames coming down the pipe? How about SSG's


Do you own a TT and have problems with the internal drive? Do you own a
Mega and GCR combo and have problems with the internal drive when you're
in the GCR mode? Here's some posts that _might_ help you.

From Jim Allen (Fast Tech) - Category 28, Topic 19, posts 1, 4 & 8 -
from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
There is also a problem with floppies on the [TT] internal drive.
This was a lot like the internal Mega drive problem. I found that by
adding a second 7406 driver chip on top of the original chip...
piggyback...that the TT would not have trouble with the floppy
anymore. I cured lots of Megas using this fix.

The 7406 is just that, not "LS" or "HC", etc. Just a 7406. It is the
driver that sends all the info to the floppy drive. Boosting output
by using two of them helps improve the S/N ratio. At least it worked
for me, before adding it, Mega no format Mac disks, after adding it
Mega now formats Mac disks. Same circuit on the STEs and TT too.

...there is a monitor-vs-floppy conflict reported by some people, try
moving the monitor away from the floppy, off to the side, first. It's
always possible that this little change could help, I just don't
know. Since the chip costs $.25, try it, it can't hurt anything.

Your mileage may vary, the fixes might or might not work for YOUR TT,
but they have worked for least my borrowed TT ;-)

Response from one satisfied user - from Lloyd Pulley - from the ST Round
table on Genie...
Jim, I want to thank you for the information, it works like a

A friend of mine just bought a used MegaST4 that would not handle the
internal floppy drive when it was in 'Mac mode' (i.e., with his GCR).
I told him about your 'fix' and he had Henry (Computer Works) install
it for him this morning. He just called me 'pleased as punch', he can
now read/write/format Mac disks again!!!


According to sources at Atari, some of the earliest Mega STe's might
have had TOS 2.02 installed, but the models currently being shipped
contain TOS 2.05. Any program that works on a 1040STe that has TOS
1.06 or 1.62 installed should also work with TOS 2.02 or TOS 2.05.


Sometimes it's confusing for TT owners to know how to setup their pro-
grams, whether to run in TT Ram, ST Ram, etc.

According to sources at Atari, there are two bits in the program
header that tell GEMDOS where to load a program in the TT's memory
and how to allocate that memory for useage. The two bits are the
'Run in TT Ram' flag and the 'Use TT Ram' flag.

If the 'Run in TT Ram' flag is set, then GEM will try to load the
program into TT Ram, assuming there is enough TT Ram available. If
the 'Run in TT Ram' flag is not set, or if there is not enough TT
Ram available, then GEM will attempt to run the program in ST Ram.

Some programs, depending on several different factors, will not run
in TT Ram and have to have the 'Run in TT Ram' flag NOT set before
they'll run properly.

If the 'Use TT Ram' flag is set and the program does a Malloc() call
(i.e., needs additional memory once it's loaded), GEM will attempt to
allocate that memory from TT Ram (i.e., Fast Ram) if it's available.
If the 'Use TT Ram' flag is not set, or if there is not enough TT Ram
available, then GEM will attempt to allocate memory from ST Ram.

Some of the things that will not work if the 'Use TT Ram' flag is set
are, if a program tries to directly access the ACSI DMA port to drive
the laser printer or a hard disk, DMA stereo sound, or the video
systems screen memory. This does not mean that they can't run with
the 'Run from TT Ram' flag set.

Basically, if a program doesn't seem to work properly on your TT, try
changing this two bits/flags in the program's header.


About the Chicago ST Show - From Bob Brodie (Director of Communications
for Atari) - Category 11, Topic 10, Message 113 - from the ST Roundtable
on Genie...
Not to worry about this show coming off! The contract has been
signed, and Atari has committed to bring this show to the users!

We are very excited to have this opportunity to present to the North
American users all of Atari's latest and greatest technology! The
timing of this show, fully 30 days AFTER Comdex, and the weekend
before Thanksgiving, puts us at a perfect place in time to be able to
share any new products that might be shown at COMDEX right before the
beginning of the Christmas buying rush! I am very excited about the
prospects of the show, and look forward to a fabulous experience in


A hint for you Calamus owners from Michael Gater (Gater Graphics) -
Category 16, Topic 9, Message 111 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, so I thought I would
post it for the benefit of those who may not already know:

It is often desired to emphasize some text such as a title, word or
phrase. To achieve this it is necessary to l

oad an italic font or a
bold font and restyle the title, word, or phrase.

For many, loading another font to achieve a bold effect for one word
might seem like a waste of memory, and could add to the number of
fonts sent to a service bureau for professional output.


Say you had a nice public domain font, but either didn't have a cor-
responding bold font, or didn't want to use it for lack of memory or
to cut down on a modem bill to the nearest service bureau. Here's
what you can do instead:

1) Check the type you want to make bold with the magnifying glass.
This will insure that all of the text settings match the surrounding

2) Select "Shadowed Text" from the styles menu and restyle the high-
lighted title, phrase or word.

3) Go to the miscellaneous settings menu and change shadow raster to
100%, and change the vertical shadow offset to 0.

4) In this same menu, set the horizontal shadow offset to a number
which is roughly .03 times the point size of the affected text (That
is, for 12 point text, .03 x 12 = .36 = .4 pts). However you do not
need to be a mathematician to get the job done. With Calamus' ex-
cellent WSYWIG display, you can just change the setting until it
looks bold enough for you (starting at .3 pts and increasing to about
1 pt for headlines).


Because we are changing the shadow text settings for the entire
frame, any other shadowed text in the frame (i.e. special effects
type text) will be affected. Of course, how often do you use shadowed
text in a frame set up for the body of text?

If you have gigabytes of memory left after loading all your fonts,
then the you would only need to use this method to get a bold effect
for a font that does not have a bold counter part.

Obviously this only works for faking a non-existent bold font, there
is no workaround for faking a non-existent italic font within Calamus
that I know of (but if you know, go ahead, surprise me!)

How it works:

In case you haven't seen the "magic" by now; you are simply telling
Calamus to duplicate the image of your text, but move it to the left
.x points. This is not very much, so the human eye just sees a
thicker typeface. Try it, it works.


Until next week.....




Atari-ST RoundTable
Category 10, Topic 15
Message 2 Fri Aug 30, 1991


MIND over MIDI proudly announces bold new music products for the Atari ST.
RESIDENT MIDI is the heart and definition of MIND over MIDI's new direc-
tion - fully multitasking application/accessories which feature complete
background processing and compatability with other MIDI software products,
written in 100% assembly language.

The first to be released will be MIND EDIT, a desk accessory/program that
allows full editing, playback and recording of Standard MIDI files. All
events provided in the MIDI file spec can be entered/edited, including
copyright notices, cue and text events, lyric events, and System Exclusive
messages. Sequence playback and recording are entirely background proces-
ses, which means that you can edit events or even go work in your word
processor or sample editor while a sequence is playing, with never a
glitch or pause. Multiple ports, MIDI clock and MIDI Time code are all
supported. Both tempo and smpte time based tracks can be created or
edited, and files can be converted from format 0, 1, or 2. Full integrity
checking/correction is done on files, which makes MIND EDIT ideal for
those wondering why some some programs crash or write erroneous MIDI
files. Never wonder if your sequencer saved a MIDI file correctly again!
Version 1 will provide an event list editor, with all the editing, quan-
tizing, and mask display functions needed to quickly create and edit your
music. Future upgrades are planned which will also allow graphic track
and event editing. All versions are designed to fit your RAM and your
wallet very tightly.

MIND over MIDI will be releasing a freeware version of MIND EDIT in Sep-
tember, which allows playing/displaying of MIDI files. The commercial
version is scheduled for release in December 1991.

RESIDENT MIDI is the granddaddy of both MIND EDIT and SLAVE DRIVER. Like
MIND EDIT, it is fully multitasking - all sequence playback and MIDI
processing happen in the background - realtime screen updates draw around
other applications' windows, processing continues whether the RESIDENT
MIDI window is open or not, and new sets can be loaded while a previously
loaded set is still playing. RESIDENT MIDI takes SLAVE DRIVER's
improvisational sequence playback and MIDI mapping abilities to
frightening new heights. Maps are created on a completely graphic
instrument representation. Up to 32000 songs can be resident in memory.
MIDI output can be directed out to the Atari's MIDI ports, passed to
another running sequencer application, to serial and parallel ports, or
selectively to any combination of the above. 48 tracks can be controlled
independantly at different tempos, allowing "DJ" style overlapping of song
starts and endings, or tracks can lock to other tracks, waiting for or
rounding off to the nearest defined beat. Like SLAVE DRIVER, tracks can
be started, stopped, looped, loaded or erased based on incoming MIDI data,
allowing sequences to follow what you are playing on your instrument.
Lick Recognition allows you to cue a section of a song with a "lick" or
"fill", instead of just a note. Masters can be assigned a count, so that
it will generate a certain Slave the third time the master occurs, for
instance, allowing you to use one controller to step through various out-
put events.

In addition to the ability to map events you play on your instrument, you
can also map the output of a sequence, allowing a one channel line to play
on 6 different channels, or an event in a sequence can change rerouting
maps or start other sequences. A complete generic bulk librarian is built
in, which allows you to edit SYSEX messages and requests in decimal, hex,
and binary. And our Permanent Record feature will catch anything you play
anytime your compuer is on in a circular buffer, so you'll never miss your
first inspired performance.

RESIDENT MIDI will be available mid 1992. SLAVE DRIVER owners will be
able to upgrade to Resident MIDI.

all specifications are subject to change without notice.


> Tracker/ST STR InfoFile "A Tiny Update!"


I wanted to let Tracker/ST owners know that we have made Tracker/ST
just a little more MultiGem compatible.

As it is, all versions of Tracker/ST run perfectly with MultiGem.
Depending on how much memory you have, you can run Tracker/ST along with
your favorite telecommunications program, desktop publishing program, and
so on, switching between them with just a single mouse click. The only
problem is that since Tracker/ST does not allow you to resize the window,
accessing your other applications is a bit more difficult than it need be
(you must use the Accessory Menu Bar). We will send a new version of
Tracker/ST to any registered owner of our program who also owns MultiGem
and wants to be able to resize their Tracker/ST screen. No other changes
have been made to Tracker/ST, and this update is really very minor.

To receive your new version of Tracker/ST just send a check or money
order for $3.00 (to cover our mailing and disk costs) to us at the address
in the Tracker/ST manual. If you have not registered your copy of Track-
er/ST you must include your registration card at the same time. If you
have any version below 2.5, you must sent $7.50 instead of $3.00, as that
is our update fee to upgrade to version 2.5.

I hope this is clear. It is a very small update, but since MultiGem
is apparently selling quite well, I wanted to make this offer to any new
MultiGem owners.

For more information about Tracker/ST, the leading Atari mailing list
and mail merge program, contact STEP AHEAD SOFTWARE at 212-627-5830.

Nevin Shalit
Step Ahead Software, Inc.


> LYNX PACKET! STR InfoFile ".....looking for gaming secrets?"


Are you an avid Lynx Fan looking for gaming secrets? Get all the gaming
info and secrets you have ever wanted in the fabulous LYNX GAMING PACKET!!

84 pages chock filled with codes, helpful hints, level maps, special
tricks & secret games within games to play!! If you're interested in
receiving one of these packets, rush a check for $15.00 to:

Lynx Packet
4353 Vista Place
La Canada, CA 91011

For more information, call 818-248-7398. Ask for Kale.
Shipping will take 1 to 3 weeks.




by Oliver Steinmeier

For the fifth time Dusseldorf (Germany) was the Atari Mecca, when the
annual Atari show took place at the end of August. Exhibitors and
visitors from all over the world came to the city at the Rhine to see
what's new on the Atari market and to buy hard- and software at special
fair rates.

This report does not provide a complete list of new things that could
been seen at the fair. Although spending two days at the fair I didn't
see too many things that I was personally interested in. I was there to
gather information for Germany's famous 'Atari Journal', but also to
demonstrate the whole palette of CodeHead products, and this kept me pret-
ty busy. I probably missed a lot of nice new products, but you can read
about them in STReport, Z*Net or any other source.

At the Atari booth the ST Book was shown again, and it already had a
German keyboard. The batteries are said to last at least five hours. I
was really impressed by this new ST, the design is surprisingly good. The
technology inside the case, however, isn't the state of the art. Every-
body was wondering why Atari is using an 68000 CPU with only 8 MHz in this
otherwise impressive machine.

Double Click Software from Houston, TX showed their software for the
first time in Germany. The Dusseldorf show was the premiere of a new
Double Click product called DC NoveTalk. It allows the connection of
Ataris with PC/AT-SPEED to Novell networks. And one thing that really
surprised me was the fact that they used a Stacy with a built-in AT-SPEED.
This was the first time that I saw this machine making use of the
emulator. The PC/AT-SPEED developer claimed in an interview with me about
1 1/2 years ago that it is impossible to equip the Stacy with an internal
emulator board.

Jim Allen and Dave Small both showed their 68030 boards. Both said
they would start shipping the board soon, but first in Germany and then in
the US. Gadgets by Small gave away buttons saying 'I saw the world's
fastest Atari ST'. A German company, PRO-VME, sold their 68030 board
Hypercache 30 at the fair.

The newest German versions of CodeHead's Hotwire, Codekeys, and Multi-
desk were sold for the first time in Dusseldorf. It also was the world
premiere for the new Multidesk Deluxe, that now allows the use of not per-
manently installed accessories, which are only loaded into RAM when
needed. Charles F. Johnson confirmed that the long awaited CodeHead book
will be out in a couple of months. It contains a lot of tips and tricks
concerning CodeHead software and probably is very useful for every user of
CodeHead products.

A lot of new graphics cards could be seen at the Atari fair. More
were just announced. The great competition on this sector of the market
should result in a fair price for higher resolution with more colors.

Vortex showed its 386SX emulator board. Omega Computer again
announced its Delta Modul, another 386SX emulator, that was announced for
the first time in November 1989. Although they said they'll start ship-
ping the board it wasn't possible to see the emulator working. All they
were able to show was a board placed in a show-case.

The Mac-emulator Spectre makes use of the monochrome Megascreen
graphics card and is able work in a resolution of 832*624 pixels. Spectre
should be able to co-operate with every graphics card that addresses the
screen memory linearly, not with extensions such as Overscan, though. The
Megascreen adaptor is pretty cheap (about $170).

Application Systems Heidelberg, the developer of famous programs such
as Signum! or Script is now shipping Pure C, the former Turbo C. Borland
Germany is no longer selling software for the Atari, and when they
returned the rights to the developer, a small German software house, they
contracted Application Systems as their new distributor. Application Sys-
tems used to distribute Megamax/Laser-C in Germany, but that's history
now. I asked one of the Application Systems managers whether they would
ship Pure C to the US, and he said that this decision has not been made
yet. He seemed to be reluctant, however, because of the situation on the
American Atari market.

There were a couple of American developers showing their products in
Dusseldorf. Beside Double Click, Fast Technologies (Jim Allen) and
Gadgets by Small (Dave Small) there also were the CodeHeads and Omnimon
Peripherals (DEKA keyboard adaptor, OmniChrome graphics card).

Atari expected some 50,000 people to come to the Atari fair. There
has no official number been released yet (rumors say there were only
25,000!), but one thing is for sure: most exhibitors were very surprised
and disappointed by the lack of visitors. There were no real crowds even
at those booths that showed sensations. No baseball bat was needed to get
a glimpse of the ST Book, for example.

The traditional 'Get Together Party' for exhibitors took place Friday
night. The press wasn't invited (so I had to hide my press sticker), and
even the hard-working exhibitors had problems to get in. Atari gave away
tickets for the dinner. Every booth team got one (!) ticket for each 12
square meters of floor-space. For those of you who still aren't used to
the metric system: one square meter equals about 10.8 square feet. For
the American companies - most of them had a 12 square meter booth - this
limitation meant that only one person was supposed to go to that party.
The problem was the same for other companies with larger booths, because
most of them had a lot more people working at the booth than tickets for
the so-called get-together party (should have been called 'separation par-
ty!'). Nobody was happy about these restrictions, and Atari's stinginess
lead to a very bad mood at some booths. When the time came for going to
the party a high-ranking American Atari official (let's call him Bob
<grin>) took a large group of mostly American developers (plus me) with
him to the party. The changing of the expression on the face of the Ger-
man Atari official who 'guarded' the entrance to the party room was very
interesting when Bob arrived with his group of 30 people without tickets
and got them all in.

At the party Mr. Stumpf and Sam Tramiel gave brief speeches announ-
cing new and 'very, very, very, very, very' (the actual number of very's
in Sam Tramiel's speech is unknown) interesting new products for 1992.
Sam Tramiel also promised the ST Book to be out in September (I just hope
he meant 1991), the ST Pad will follow later this year. He also
explained that they had some problems getting machines to the dealers,
because they sold their production plant in the far east to get cash. He
said Atari financially is in a very good condition now (very true, if I
sold my car I'd have a lot of cash, too, but no car anymore!) and plans to
buy a new production plant within the next 90 days. In the meantime con-
tractors are producing the computers for Atari. Tramiel also mentioned
that they'll use the 68040 in new machines next year.

The buffet at the party wasn't too good and extremely crowded. I had
to line up for about 15 minutes to get some food. A band (I forgot the
name, but it wasn't Dire Straits) played music from the 60's (not too
good, though), and Stumpf said that he hired this band because one of the
guys is an old college from his former company (he probably meant
Commodore). Maybe he got the band for free, and that's why they were

There were rumors that Atari had something very new in one of their
back rooms at the fair. It was so top secret that a press tag such as
mine definitely wasn't the ID that would have got you in there (if there
was anything at all).

I'm aware that I forgot to mention a lot of companies and their
products, but although it wasn't as interesting and crowded as expected
the Atari fair in Dusseldorf still is the world's largest Atari fair, and
it is therefore not too easy to see everything, even with a press tag.


> STR Portfolio News & Information Keeping up to date...

>STR Portfolio News & Information Keeping up to date.....


on CompuServe

Judith Hamner 75300,2161

David Stewart has discovered how to use the editor hooks. He has
created several add-ins for the built-in editor. MACRO.ZIP lets you add
macros to avoid having to type frequently repeated phrases. TIMEDA.ZIP
will place the time and date in your file. COUNT.ZIP will do a word count
of the file currently loaded in the editor.

GARDEN.ZIP is a program modified from the Good Earth Forum. It will
help you calculate the crop requirements and yield for your garden.

Some interesting utility programs appeared in the new uploads.
CLDBT.ZIP lets the user do a cold boot without the inconvenience of
removing the batteries. FBECCS.ZIP is a driver that allows you to select
from multiple boot configurations. STAT.ZIP is a statistic program that
runs on the Port.

The big news this week is the release of Power Basic for the Port.
PWRBAS.PR is the press release. PBCMDS is a list of the commands included
in Power Basic compiled by Don Thomas.

Don Thomas reviews the Aportfol forum itself in CIS.TXT. He offers
some conclusions reached from his experience with the forum over the last

For graphics fans Artisan Software has some new screens for use with
PGSHO2.EXE. CIS.PGC offers the ConpuServ logo and "go Aportfolio". Artisan
also has a new version of PGF Maker. PGF-20.ARC gives the capability to
exchange PGF files with DEGAS images from the Atari ST/MEGA computers.

Steve Schlanger and Craig Davis reported that problems with the
Flashdrive have been solved. It turns out that the problem was with DOS
format. DOS is upward compatible but not downward compatible. What this
means is that drives must be formatted with the oldest version of DOS you
intend to use. In many cases this is ver 2.11 found on the Port. There
has been a lot of interest in external portable drives. The Flashdrive is
becoming one of the standard tools for sharing files between the Port and
other computers.

In Forum Business you will find an ongoing debate over the merits of
the HP95LX vs. the Portfolio. Also, Don Thomas has been promoting a free
giveaway to anyone who requests it via email.



WAACE Status Report - Labor Day, 1991

WAACE, Inc. AtariFest '91 Dates:

The Fest is scheduled for 12 and 13 October '91. The show hours are
from 10AM to 5PM both days. We also expect to sponsor some special events
on Friday evening.

The show will feature a full round of seminars and demonstrations.
There will also be a swap meet. There will be a cocktail party and a ban-
quet on Saturday evening.

The deadline for discount booth pricing at WAACE '91 has passed and
the deadline for submission of Ad copy (September 5th) is closing in fast.
Hardcopy vendor packets have been out for over amonth now. If you have
not seen your packet, please request another one by sending GEmail to

We have cash in hand (or promises of same) from:

D. A. Brumleve
Codehead Software
Phil Comeau Software
Current Notes Magazine
Debonair Software
eSTeem Inc
FAST Technology
ISD Marketing Inc
JMG Software
Joppa Computer Products
L & Y Electronics
Micro Creations
Musicode Software
Rio Computers
Step Ahead Software
ST Informer/A & D Software
Toad Services
Unicorn Publications/Atari Interface Magazine

Vendor space is starting too run short, so those who have missed out
need to get cracking. Our ads in AIM, AtariUser, Current Notes, and ST
Informer are starting to show results. According to the hotel we are 40
percent of the way toward our room guarantee. There are still plenty of
room available, but now is the time to make your plane reservations and
line up your hotel rooms. Call the Reston Inn: 703-620-9000 and mention
the WAACE AtariFest.

Hotel Rates:

Hotel rates are $59 per night for single or double occupancy, $66
for triple and quad. These rates are valid from October 10th through the
13th. Virginia hotel tax (4.5%) must be added to the above prices. In
order to obtain these rates you must mention WAACE AtariFest '91 when
making your reservations.

Seminar slots are starting to run short. There is plenty of time
available in the demo rooms.

There is a lot of MIDI interest cropping up, so the MIDI room
promises to be lively.

Look for upcoming announcnements on the banquet, worker registration
(lots of fringe benefits), user group participation and more.

In a couple of recent phone conversations people have started off by
asking: "is the WAACE show really going to take place?". I am afraid that
these people do not understand what makes a show tick.

The first crucial item is solid vendor support, particularly in the
form of exciting products. Anyone who reads my previous post has to be
aware that WAACE '91 has that kind of support.

The second thing is the attitude of people towards the event itself.
WAACE is more than justr an opportunity to buy Atari goods at a cheap
price. It is a gathering point for people. We take care to offer
interesting entertainment and forums for relaxation during those hours
when the show floor is silent. I think it is fair to say that we have
established a tone that many people enjoy.

The third item is continuity. We have a nucleus of workers who have
experienced the little thrills that the Atari world can toss up to
distract people. We have been through it before and we know that none of
thse little items will bring the world to an end. In fact I suspect that
it would take some event like the prelude to the second comiXng to cancel
the show this fall.

In short, tell everyone you know that WAACE '91 IS GOING TO HAPPEN.
We already have enough people coming to make a wonderful party. I am
looking forward to seeing all of you there.

For additional Information please contact either of the following:

General Chairman Vendor Coordinator
Charles S. Smeton John D. Barnes
P.O. Box 0122 7710 Chatham Rd
Columbia, MD 21045-0122 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
GEMail: C.S.SMETON GEMail: J.D.Barnes
FNET: Charles Smeton, Node 500 Internet: JOHNBARNES@ENH.NIST.GOV


> UPCOMING EVENTS! STR SHOW NEWS Connecticut and Florida too!

Atari-ST RoundTable
Category 11, Topic 3
Message 8 Thu Aug 29, 1991
BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp] at 21:45 EDT

I'm pleased to announce that I will be visiting the state of Florida on
Sunday, September 8th. I will be attending the meeting of the Mid Florida
Atari Computer Club in Orlando, FL.

Bob Smith, President of the Mid Florida Atari Computer Club welcomes your
inquiries regarding the exact time, and location of the meeting. You can
contact Bob at the following numbers: work 407-740-5550, home
407-299-5374, or via the MFACC BBS at 407-290-0404.

This is going to be another exciting time for us all to visit! I look
forward to seeing many of my Florida friends at this meeting.

Hope to see you there!

best regards,

Bob Brodie
Director of Communications
Atari Computer Corporation

Atari-ST RoundTable
Category 11, Topic 13
Message 1 Thu Aug 29, 1991
BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp] at 21:29 EDT

September 7th 1991:

The first ever Connecticut Atarifest sponsored by Computers Etc,
F.A.C.E. and S.T.A.R.R. users groups is being held at the Bridgeport Hil-
ton in Bridgeport, CT. Show hours will be 10am to 5pm. This event is also
being billed as a Bobfest in honor of Mr. Brodie, the Speaker of Note.
John Jainnshig of Atari Explorer magazine and Nevin Shalit of Step Ahead
Software will show some of the publishing abilities of the Atari while
several other demonstrations are planned as well as a Group will also be
on hand demonstrating their exciting new DTP-Direct to Press - equipment.
Fast Technologies, Good Backup Utility, GFA Basic, Tracker ST, Gribnif,
Dr. T's, Computers Etc, Atari Explorer and Atari themselves are some of
the exhibitors. Free sodas and snacks will be available over at Computers
Etc. after the show, and there will be significant price reductions
available. You won't believe how fast a 40mhz board from Fast Tech is, but
save your pennies cuz you'll want one.

Located just 45 miles outside of New York City, this show looks to be
a lot of fun. So hop in your car, take a train, take a plane, just be
there or be square.

For further information contact Brian Gockley at 203-332-1721


The above is a reprint of Message 6 in Topic 3, but I thought that we
should provide the show a topic of it's own, since we're getting quite
close to the event.

In addition to the other information here, I'm also happy to report
that the Hilton has extended a very special room rate to show attendees of
$49! This makes it even more attractive for a get-a-way weekend for the
family! Come to the show, and enjoy all the fellowship of your fellow
Atarians while your family enjoys spending a weekend in a very nice hotel
for a a very reasonable rate!

Hope to see you at the show!


Bob Brodie
Director of Communications
Atari Computer Corporation


Atari-ST RoundTable
Category 11, Topic 13
Message 2 Thu Aug 29, 1991
B.GOCKLEY at 23:09 EDT

Confirmed to attend as of 15-August-1991:


o Atari Corporation (U.S.) o Atari Explorer
Sunnyvale, CA Astoria, NY
Bob Brodie & Mike Groh John Jainschigg

o Fast Technology o TidBit Software
North Andover, MA Maynard, MA
Jim Allen Jeff Lomicka

o Gribnif Software o GEnie
Northampton, MA Fairfield, CT
Rick Flashman Darlah Pine

o Alternative Harware o Step Ahead Software
New Haven, CT New York, NY
Leo Taylor Nevin Shalit


o Fairfield Atari Computer Enthusiats o S.T.A.R.R.
Fairfield, CT New Haven, CT

o BCS/Atari o South Shore Atari Group
Boston, MA Hyde Park, MA

o Nashoba Valley Atari Users o Long Island Atari Group
Acton-Boxboro, MA Islip. NY

////////////////////////Show Information\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Location: Bridgeport Hilton Date: Sept. 7th, 1991
1070 Main St Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Bridgeport, CT Admission: $5.00

/////////////////////////////For more info\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

o GEnie: Email B.GOCKLEY or call 203-332-1721 or

o Write: CT AtariFest '91
18 Elmwood Ave.


To: Business/Technology Media From: Connecticut Atarifest '91
Re: Upcoming Events Contact:
Brian Gockley, Chairman
Connecticut Atarifest '91
(203) 332-1721

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -- Hundreds of personal computer manufacturer, software
developers and end-users, are making plans to attend the first Connecticut
Atarifest, slated to run at the Bridgeport Hilton hotel on September 6th
and 7th. Trade show organizers say the event, the first of its type in
Connecticut, will be composed of two professional Desktop Publishing semi-
nars on Friday, followed by a full scale trade show between 10 a.m. and 5
p.m. on Saturday. The exhibition is being sponsored by Fairfield County
and New Haven area Atari computer user groups and Computers Etc, a Fair-
field computer dealer.

Connecticut Atarifest is the first area computer show endorsed by Atari
Corporation of Sunnyvale, Calif. Bob Brodie, Atari's Director of
Communications, always full of suprises, is scheduled to appear as the
keynote speaker. Another highlight will be an exposition by John
Jainnschig, Publisher of Atari Explorer, a trade journal for Atari users
produced on an Atari computer, and Nevin Shalit, President of Step Ahead
Software, New York, NY, exhibiting the complexities of publishing
magazines using computers. Other confirmed exhibitors are Fast
Technologies Jim Allen, GFA BASICs John Barger, Good Backup Utilities Jeff
Lomicka, Gribnif Software's Rick Flashman and many others.

Visitors to Connecticut Atarifest will get a preview both days of the
latest desktop publishing systems that enable them to go "Direct to Press"
with creative ideas. Atari DTP systems were unveiled at this year's Cor-
porate Electonic Publishing Show in Chicago, and are beingtouted in
Europe, where Atari has competed more successfully and recieved more
recognition than in the states. Representatives from Professional Systems
Group will be on hand in Bridgeport to demonstrate the new Direct to Press

Two sponsors of the upcoming Bridgeport show -- Fairfield Atari Computer
Enthusiasts and ST Atari Road Runners (user groups) -- promise great buys
on equipment, hands-on tips and chances to question experts while
comparing products for Atari computers. FACE and STARR say there will be
raffles, door prizes and pleasant surprises for those in attendence. Ad-
mission is just $5 which qualifies the holder for one of several door
prizes that will be given away.

For more information about attending or exhibiting at the Sept. 7 show,
contact Connecticut Atarifest Chairman Brian Gockley at (203) 332-1721, or

Connecticut Atarifest
18 Elmwood Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06605


> GLENDALE SHOW STR SHOW NEWS Southern California ATARI Computer Faire




The Southern California ATARI Computer Faire, Version 5.0 (AKA The Glen-
dale Show) is expected to be the largest show of its type, ever, in North
America. The show will be held at The Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N.
Verdugo Road, Glendale, California, USA. Local directions can be found by
referring to the Thomas Brothers Guide for L.A. County page 25-E2. Take
the Glendale Blvd. exit of the 134 FWY and go North two miles or take the
Mountain St. exit of the 2 FWY and go West one block. The Faire dates are
September 14 & 15, 1991 and show hours are Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 10-4.

General admission is $6.00 per person. Anybody planning to attend the
show who resides outside of Southern California may send a SASE to
H.A.C.K.S., 249 N. Brand Bl. #321, Glendale, CA 91203 and receive a pass
for free admission. This offer is limited to no more than two people per
pass and one request per household.

A special hotel rate has been made available at the Burbank Airport Hilton
Hotel. That special rate is $59 per night for single or double occupancy.
For reservation call 818-843-6000 and mention ATARI. If you have problems
with the rate ask for Roy in Convention Services. Do not call the 800
number, unless you want to pay the National rate of $119 per night.


ATARI Corporation * The Computer Network * Mid-Cities Computers *
Goodman's Music * Musicode * Safari Fonts * Sliccware * Clear Thinking *
Micro Creations * Rio Computers * Best Electronics * Branch Always *
Michtron * ADG Productions * CodeHead Software * Omnimon Peripherals *
Gadgets by Small * Zubair Interfaces * ICD Magazine * PDC * COMPO Software
* Beckemeyer Development Tools (expected) * RIMIK Enterprises * McDonald &
Assoc. * GoldLeaf Publishing * Soft-Aware * Talon Industries * JMG * Wiz-
Works * Gribnif (expected) * Phil Comeau Software * Double Click *
Sudden, Inc. (expected) * D.A. Brumleve * Artisan Software * BSE Company
(expected) * Z*NET Online Magazine


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P.O. Box 6672 Jacksonville, Florida 32236-6672
Est. 1985

Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EDT
BBS: 904-786-4176 12-24-96 HST
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 PM - 6 AM EDT


All systems are complete and ready to use, included at NO EXTRA COST
are clock/calendar and cooling blower(s).

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(all cables and connectors installed)



Deluxe 2 bay Cabinet w/65w auto-switching PS
TIME PROVEN to be the most reliable!
Model Description Autopark Price
SGN4951 51Mb 24ms 3.5" Y 479.00
SGN1096 85Mb 24ms 5.25" Y 549.00
SGN2055 105mb 12ms 3.5" Y 649.00
SGN6277 120Mb 12ms 3.5" Y 789.00
SGN1296 170Mb 12ms 3.5" Y 1019.00
ADD $35.00 for 4 BAY SUPER CABINET w/250+w PS
PLEASE NOTE: The above is partial listing only!


>> ABCO is now taking orders for 1040 & MEGA STe Computers! <<
Call for VERY special Introductory prices!

If you don't see what you want listed here, call us.
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- ICD Utility Software - 3' DMA Cable
- Fan & Clock - Multi-Unit Power Supply
(1) 44 MB Syquest Cart.
--->> SPECIAL! NOW ONLY __$ 645.00__ <<---
**** SCSI UNITS -> ONLY $585.00 ****

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EXTRA CARTS: $ 74.50

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- Syquest 44 Model [555] and the following hard drives -

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Listed above are a sampling of the systems available.
Prices also reflect various cabinet/power supply configurations
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>> MANY other ATARI related products STOCKED <<

-* 12 month FULL Guarantee *-


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> A "Quotable Quote" STReport's Editorial "Cartoon"

"I never heard a person much abused that I was not inclined
to think better of, and was indeed inclined to bestow the
suspicion or dislike upon those who found pleasure in
pointing out the defects of another person."

.... a wise and prudent observer

STReport International Online Magazine
Available through more than 10,000 Private BBS systems WorldWide!
16/32bit Magazine copyright 1987-91 No.7.35
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors/staff, PCReport, STReport, AMReport, MCReport. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint
must include the name of the publication, date, issue # and the author's
name. The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in
any way without prior written permission. The entire contents, at the
time of publication, are believed to be reasonably accurate. The editors,
contributors and/or staff are not responsible for the use/misuse of infor-
mation contained herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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