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Silicon Times Report Issue 0738

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing Inc.

September 20, 1991 No.7.38

STReport International Online Magazine
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
STR East: FNET 350 - The Bounty ST BBS <Home of STR> 904-786-4176
STR West: FNET 075 - Bloom County BBS 415-965-9347
STR Canada: FNET 018 - ///Turbo Board Support 416-274-1225
STR Europe: FNET 1031 - <<<INTERNET>>> 011-44-296-395-935

> 09/20/91: STReport #7.38 The Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine!
- The Editor's Desk - CPU REPORT - WAACE UPDATES!
- NEW Seagate Drives! - 2.5" Hard Disks! - WARRANTY LONGER?


The _Number One_ Online Magazine
"UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Original Articles, Hot Tips, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's support BBS, NODE 350, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to
participate in the Fido/F-Net Mail Network. Or, call Node 350 direct at
904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information relative
to the Atari ST computer arena through an excellent International ST Mail
Network. All registered F-NET - Crossnet SysOps are welcome to join the
STReport Crossnet Conference. The Crossnet Conference Code is #34813, and
the "Lead Node" is # 350. All systems are welcome and invited to actively
participate. Support Atari Computers; Join Today!

> The Editor's Podium

In many ways the recent show in California has a mixed message to send
to the users, developers, dealers and Atari. It appears on the surface
that the show was a resounding success. And by all means it was indeed a
success. For the folks that exhibited at the show it was a resounding,
bar none, success. Now, a few questions.. why was this show so heavily
attended? Could it possibly mean the users are starved for exposure to
the Atari product line? Is there any truth to the thought that the users
had no other real way to see all the new goodies Atari and the developers
are offering because of the lack of plentiful dealers?

What ever the reason, the fact is the show has a very powerful message
to deliver and that is;

"Despite itself, Atari has a terrific market just waiting to bury them
in cash when and if they get off their collective duffs and deliver!"

Keeping that thought in mind, the possibilities for Atari's future
boggle the mind. Can you imagine if, for the first time, Atari literally
floods the US market with computers. Not a plethora of different models
but the inexpensive 1040STe and of course the new fully upgradable MegaSTe
thats shipped without a hard drive and is only one mb. But this one is
not crippled and is readily upgraded, the electronics are in place and the
hardware is ready to fly. What a thought! The 1040STe in the full mass
market arena, the MegaSTe in the distribution network, and the TT030 and
its relatives in the Atari Business Computer Centers. All selling well
with demand insatiably high.

Coupled with the premise of the GE Service Center concept, where GE
will service Atari products on a worldwide basis plus a longer warranty
period Atari would, no doubt, finally be perceived as "growing up" and
solidly competing with the 'big boys'. Hah! In reality, given half a
chance, there would be NO competition. The Atari hardware is superior to
the overall majority in its targeted markets! All one who be left to hear
would be the "oohs and aahs." If only the Tramiels would let it fly. It
can, it will! If only given the opportunity.

WAACE, the Premier East Coast Show, is right around the corner. If
you've attended WAACE before, you know the show is "the place to be", if
this will be your first time, you are in for "The Atari Experience" of
your life. Atarians all over the place, sometimes as far as the eye can
see. I'll be there along with a number of our contributing editors
waiting to meet and greet the great folks that make up the users in the
Atari computer arena. Once again, this is THE PREMIER EAST COAST SHOW!
See you there!

Thanks for all your great support,




> STReport's Staff The regulars and this week's contributors!

Publisher - Editor
Ralph F. Mariano

----------- -------------- ------------
Robert Retelle Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON

STReport Staff Editors:
Michael Arthur Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. Dana P. Jacobson
Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner
John Szczepanik Dan Stidham

Contributing CorrespondEnts:
Michael Lee Richard Covert Roger Stevens
Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Ed Krimen
Tim Holt Andrew Learner Norman Boucher
Ben Hamilton

Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
via E-Mail to:

Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
Delphi........................ RMARIANO
BIX........................... RMARIANO
FIDONET....................... 112/35
FNET.......................... NODE 350
NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0




to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

You will receive your complimentary time
be online in no time at all!


New Library Software is on the way. Beginning on October 1,
CompuServe will be installing this new software in all Forums.

Check out the Practice Forum's Library 3 (GO PRACTICE) where you'll
find several files designed to familarize you with the coming changes.


We're looking for new and interesting files for the file libraries of
Atari ST Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS) and the Atari ST Productivity Forum
(GO ATARIPRO). Twice each month, during the months of July, August, and
September, the sysops of the Atari Forums will award a $25 CompuServe
connect time credi to the individual who uploads the best new file to
Library 1 ("NEW UPLOADS"). This $25 credit can be applied to *ANY*
service on CompuServe, not just time spent inside the Atari Forums!

All uploads to Library 1 ("NEW UPLOADS") will automatically be entered
into this promotion. Of course, uploads of files already existant in our
libraries do not count. (Although, new versions of previous entries are
eligible.) You do not need to be the author of the upload to win, but
you MUST have sufficient rights to the program to make it an acceptable
upload according to CompuServe operating rules (public domain and
shareware programs are acceptable, for example.)

In the event of duplicate uploads of the exact same file, the sysops
will accept files based upon time of the first uploaded copy. Judging
will be done by the sysop staff of the Atari Forums (influenced by
comments from the membership, so be sure to let us know which new files
you like and why!)

One credit will be awarded to the best new upload in ATARIARTS and
another for the best new upload in ATARIPRO. Please address any
questions to Ron Luks [76703,254] via CompuServe Mail (EMAIL) or a message
in any of the Atari Forums.


Do ALERT boxes annoy you? If so, check out Double Click's PROGRAM OF
THE WEEK, now available in LIBRARY 13 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO


New files from David Stewart are now available in LIBRARY 1 of Atari
Portfolio Forum (GO APORTFOLIO).

BJ Glason has uploaded a text file (and a converted program) with
instructions for modifying Turbo Pascal 3.01 to compile for the Portfolio.
Now in LIBRARY 1 of Atari Portfolio Forum (GO APORTFOLIO).





Issue #38

Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

-- Compaq Adds Flexibility

Compaq Computer Corp. introduced a line of "modular" personal computers
whose major components can be snapped out and replaced as technology
advances. Other companies offer PC's with expandable memories and re-
movable microprocessors, the 'brains' of the computers. But Compaq says
its four new models are the first to allow users to swap nearly all the
key components.

-- Intel Stock Drops

Intel Corp.'s stock plunged nearly 14% this week after the semiconduc-
tor maker said it expects lower earnings this quarter than it predicted
earlier because of slow sales and weak prices.

-- Low Priced Mac and PC PostScript Laser Printer
Introduced by The Printer Works

The Printer Works has introduced two PostScript laser printers for Mac's
and PC's. At $1,295, these are supposedly the lowest priced PostScript
laser printers in the industry.

According to the company, the LX-29000 handles 4 pages-per-minute, is
300 dpi, uses Microsoft's TrueImage PostScript compatible interpreter,
and comes with 35 resident Apple TrueType typefaces.

The Printer Works claims the LX-29000 is compatible with non-PostScript
applications because it includes resident HP LaserJet printer emulation.

Also, the company says the LX-29000 includes 2-meg of ram, 3 MB of read-
only memory (ROM) and a 16mhz Advanced Micro Devices' high speed 29000
RISC processor, an IBM PC compatible parallel interface and an AppleTalk

The Printer Works sales the LX-29000 directly to the end users and
offers a 30-day no-questions-asked guarantee, plus a full year parts and
labor warranty free telephone support. Extended and onsite warranties
are available through a General Electric service contract.

-- Attorney Asks Supreme Court to
Review 'WORM' Case

The defense attorney for computerist Robert Morris, who admitted loosing
a "worm" program into the Internet national computer network in late
1988, has asked the US Supreme Court to review the young man's con-

Morris is the first person convicted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and
Abuse Act. Observers says that if the Supreme Court decides to review
the case, it could clarify some murky areas surrounding break-ins to
computer systems of all sorts.

-- New Increased Performance 3.5 inch
Hard Drives from Seagate

This week at the Business Computing Show in London, Seagate Technology
unveiled three new 3.5 inch hard drives. According to a company spokes-
man, these new drives increase performace without increased power con-

The two ST3600 units comes either as 426mb or 525mb and both also have
the company's Wren technology which is also on the ST1480 series. The
ST3283 is a low profile unit with a data capacity of 244MB. All three
are one-inch high, have an average power consumption of under five watts
and combine a 4,500 rpm spindle motor (900 rpm faster than traditional
hard drive speeds) with fast SCSI-2 performance.

-- Fujitsu Offers New, Fast 300-600 meg
Hard Drives

Fujitsu has announced three new PC compatible fast SCSI 3.5-inch Win-
chester hard disk drives, all part of its M262x family. The drives are
available with formatted capacities of 330, 425 and 520 megs.

All three have a drive data burst transfer rate of 7.5 megs-per-second
on PC-AT drives and 10 megs-per-second on the SCSI drives, a 12ms aver-
age psitioning time, a 4,400 rpm spindle motor (800 rpm faster than
traditional hard drive speeds), and a 240kb read/write-ahead multi-
segment buffer.

-- Fujitsu Offers New 2.5 Inch Hard Drives
For the Notebook and Laptop Market

Fujitsu has announced two new 2.5 inch hard drives for the notebook and
laptop computers, both a part of its M263x family. The drives are avail-
able with formatted capacities of either 45 or 90 megs.

According to the company, the 45-meg drives weigh 175 grams, are 17 mm.
high, 100 mm long and 70 mm wide. The 90-meg drives weigh 6.2 ounces,
are 0.67-inches high, four-inches long and 2.76 inches wide. Both have a
drive data burst transfer rate of 6.3 megs-per-second, an 18 ms average
seek time, and average latency of 8.3 ms.

-- Wang Unveils New PC Line

Wang Laboratories Inc. has announced a new line of PCs intended for
selling in retail stores. Wang is hoping for a piece of "the $4 billion
market for personal computers used by people working at home". The new
machines have suggested retail prices of $1,499 to $4,999 and are
powered by versions of Intel Corp.'s 386 and 486 microprocessors.

-- 400 Next Workstations go to Osaka University

According to Nikkei Computing magazine, Next Computers has sold its
largest volume order of 400 Next workstations to Osaka University. The
university is planning to use the machines mainly on local area net-
works, with the Next computers replacing the IBM mainframes.

-- IBM and SAS Institute Recognized as
Best Companies for Working Parents

IBM Corp. and software designer SAS Institute of Gary, N.C. were the
only companies from the computer industry to be recognized in the
October issue of Working Mother magazine for their enlightened policies
and benefits for working women.

The magazine listed 85 companies nationwide that it considered to be the
best employers for working parents. The firms were not ranked, but 10,
including IBM and SAS Institute, were recognized as being particularly
notable in this area.

Working Mother's researchers used four basic criteria in reviewing the
companies, which included pay, advancement opportunities for women,
child care support and benefits, flexible work scheduling, job sharing
and allowances for care of elderly parents.

All 85 companies on the list protect a woman's job for at least six
weeks after childbirth, and more than 2/3's guarantee the job for at
least 12 weeks. IBM offers a maternity leave that can extend up to three
years as well as opportunities for part-time, homebased work.



WAACE '91 Update

14 September 1991

Even as the masses recover from sunny southern California, the WAACE
team keeps plugging away on WAACE '91. The attached list of vendors have
committed to being at the show:

Codehead Software Phil Comeau Software
Current Notes, Inc. D. A. Brumleve
Debonair Software eSTeem Inc.
FAST Technology Gadgets By Small
Gribnif Software ICD
ISD Marketing, Inc. JMG Software Intl Inc
Joppa Computer Products L & Y Electronics
MacDonald Associates Megatype Software
Michtron, Inc. Micro Creations
Musicode Software RIO Computers
Step Ahead Software, Inc. Toad Computers
Unicorn Publications WizWorks!
WuzTECH/OMNIMON Peripherals Zubair Interfaces, Inc.

This list includes the cream of the crop in Atari developers. There
are plenty of innovative hardware and software products for everyone to
behold (and take home with them).

Admission tickets to the show are $7 for one day, $10 for both days,
payable at the door. Registered hotel guests and workers receive free

The Sheraton Reston Hotel reports a steady stream of people
registering. It looks like we are going to have a grand party. Call
703-620-9000 for reservations. Be sure to mention WAACE AtariFest in
order to receive the special room rate of $59 per night (plus tax, for a
single or double). The rate for 3 or 4 in a room is $66.

Vendors will be receiving their final show data in a week or 10 days.

WAACE '91 Banquet

WAACE offers a party that is open to everyone in the form of a
banquet catered by the Sheraton Reston:

Pork Loin Vindaloo or Chicken Italia

(Marinated Loin of Pork (Baked with oregano and basil,
with a Spicy and aromatic finished with a slice of prosciutto
Vindaloo Sauce) and a combination of three fine
Italian cheeses)

Accompanied by fruit cup, garden salad with choice of two dressings, green
beans, rice, rolls and butter, beverage, and peach Melba.

A cash bar will be available during the dinner.

Hotel banquet fare always elicits a few disparaging remarks. These
were surprisingly few in number following last year's dinner, so that
the Sheraton Reston appears to do better than most in this regard.

Tickets are priced at $25.00 per person. Send a self-addressed stamped
envelope to:

WAACE Banquet
c/o Tom Stoddard
1039 S. Ironwood Rd
Sterling, VA, 22170

While some tickets may be available at the show, it is best to reserve
ahead to be sure of a seat.

The evening's festivities will get underway with a poolside cocktail
hour (cash bar) at 7 pm. The banquet will take place at 8 pm.

Current Notes magazine will once again surprise everyone with its
choice for "Author of the Year". Bill Moes, Dave Small, Andzej Wrotniak,
and the Junkyard Pussycat are the past winners of this award.

Nathan Potechin of ISD marketing, one of the true statesmen in the
Atari developer community, will be our featured speaker. He will recount
his experiences in the quest to bring outstanding applications onto the
desktops of Atari users.

Please, be sure to look for the post-banquet celebration.

This one show you DON'T want to miss!! .... R. F. Mariano, STReport

Overview of Show......

The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts will sponsor WAACE
AtariFest 1991 on October 12 and 13 1991. This event will be the premier
East Coast event for people who are interested in software and hardware
for Atari computers. The show will again be staged at the Sheraton
Reston Hotel in Reston, VA. Show hours will be from 10 am to 5 pm on
both days. In addition to the shopping bargains available from over
thirty vendors there will be a full round of demonstrations, tutorials,
and seminars. A banquet on Saturday evening will feature a special
speaker on Atari matters and Current Notes Magazine's "Author of the
Year" award. Special mixers will cap off the evening's festivities.
Approximately 2000 visitors from all over the USA, Canada, and other
foreign countries attended the 1990 edition of the show.

The Sheraton Reston Hotel is a spacious, attractive facility located
in a parklike setting near Washington, DC. The hotel is offering a special
room rate of $59 per night plus tax to Fest goers. This hotel room rate
includes passes to the show for room occupants. Call 703-620-9000 for
reservations. Be sure to mention AtariFest '91. The number of rooms
available at the special rate is limited, so make your reservations early.

The price that WAACE will have to pay for the exhibit space is
directly tied to the number of hotel rooms that are rented out. If you
have any expectation at all of attending the event we would like you to
reserve a room for Friday and Saturday nights.

The WAACE show has established itself as the premier Atari event for
East Coast Atari fans. ST Informer magazine, in its November 1990 issue,
awarded the WAACE team its highest marks for their conduct of the 1990
show. WAACE attempts to provide a complete Atari experience for

What Makes a show happen

In a couple of recent phone conversations people have started off by
asking: "is the WAACE show really going to take place?". I am afraid
that these people do not understand what makes a show tick.

The first crucial item is solid vendor support, particularly in the
form of exciting products. The list given at the top of this document
represents the cream of the crop when it comes to Atari-related products.
These people have expressed their confidence in us by putting their money
on the line.

The second thing is the attitude of people towards the event itself.
WAACE is more than just an opportunity to buy Atari goods at a cheap
price. It is a gathering point for people. We take care to offer
interesting entertainment and forums for relaxation during those hours
when the show floor is silent. WAACE offers an attractive setting in
which people can enjoy themselves. I think it is fair to say that we have
established a tone that many people enjoy.

The third item is continuity. We have a nucleus of workers who have
experienced the little thrills that the Atari world can toss up to
distract people. We have been through it before and we know that none of
those little items will bring the world to an end. In fact I suspect
that it would take some event like the prelude to the second coming to
cancel the show this fall.

In short, tell everyone you know that WAACE '91 IS GOING TO HAPPEN.
We already have enough people coming to make a wonderful party. I am
looking forward to seeing all of you there.

John Barnes
WAACE '91 Vendor Coordinator

For additional Information please contact either of the following:

General Chairman Vendor Coordinator
Charles S. Smeton John D. Barnes
P.O. Box 0122 7710 Chatham Rd
Columbia, MD 21045-0122 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
GEMail: C.S.SMETON GEMail: J.D.Barnes
FNET: Charles Smeton, Node 500 Internet: JOHNBARNES@ENH.NIST.GOV


> The Flip Side STR Feature "...a different viewpoint..."

A Little of This, A Little of That

by Michael Lee

Now that Atari has officially announced that the TT has passed the FCC
class B certification, there'll probably be more people buying TT's. So
this week, I have a few TT related posts. Maybe they'll help you.


According to information from one Atari representative, if you use
the TT high rez video mode, the screen saver that's built into the
Atari Mouse Accelerator will not work.


Here's some questions, answers and comments about the TT - Cat 28, Topic
11, Message(s) 67-72 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
Question from B.CONLEY2...

I'll be buying a TT soon and have a few questions about the monitor:

The Atari color monitor for the TT:

1. Is it interlaced.
2. What's the dot pitch?
3. Is it a standard VG?
4. Would it be wise to get a Super VGA monitor that also does normal
5. What monitor would you buy, or have you bought for the TT.
6. AND have any of you spent from $300. to $350. for a VGA monitor
for the TT and been happy with the results?

Answer from Anthony Dipietro...
1. I don't think so.
2. .29 mm
3. Yes, I think it is.
4. Not sure.
5. I've bought the PTC1426 to insure compatibility. I usually buy
Atari for that reason.
6. No.

Answer from Ron Grant (GXR Systems, Vancouver, B.C.)...
I'll expand on Anthony's comments if I may..

1. Definitely not interlaced. However, most DOS VGA monitors aren't
interlaced at the resolutions currently available from the TT,
either. It's only at the above SuperVGA resolutions (i.e. higher than
800x600) that people start to talk about interlace vs. non-interlace.

To the PTC1426's credit, it's the best VGA monitor I've seen used on
the TT. That's because it's got this switch at the back which makes
it either think it's a normal VGA monitor, or know that it's con-
nected to a TT, and adjust the picture correspondingly. DOS monitors
don't have this switch, but many of them do have very good controls
to adjust the picture, the NEC 3D among them. I've seen the 3D con-
nected, though, and although you can adjust it quite a bit, it's not
as good as a PTC1426 which 'knows' the TT.

In 'DOS VGA' mode, the PTC1426 is otherwise exactly like your basic,
run of the mill, $350 VGA monitor, from what I can tell. It'll do
800x600 (SuperVGA), but not 1024x768 (XGA).

2. Yup. not a bad dot pitch at all.

3. If by SuperVGA you mean 1024x768 (which is now known as XGA), yes,
if you have the money to get a non-interlaced, and if you plan on
getting one of the high resolution colour boards now coming avail-
able. Jay Craswell at Dover Research will expand glowingly on the
AlberTT card that will give you 1024x768 in 16 colour mode and plugs
right into the VME bus. Available now, isn't it Jay?

5. Otherwise, stay with the PTC, or get the TM194. Now THERE'S a sexy
monitor!! (can you tell I still like black and white?)

6. Yes, I sold an NEC GS2A to a client who was quite happy with it.
It's well under $300 Canadian, and gave marvellous results in ST High
res. And it's a VGA monitor, multisync as well. Oh, sorry, did you
mean colour? Nope, haven't seen a cheapie with the TT yet.

More comments about the PTC1426 from Gary Gray (Megabyte Plus)...
I would also like to comment on the PTC1426 its a dammed fine
monitor, Atari has this switch on it for TT or PC mode, I confess I
run it all the time in PC mode. Has anybody seen the PTC1426 being
used with a Matrix card how does it handle the Matrix at 800x600?

BTW the Atari TT color monitor has superb brightness, color
saturation, and when its used in the PC position excellent sharpness
with very little pincushioning.

Also from John Townsend (Atari)...
I have seen the PTC1426 in action with a Matrix Card. Quite
Impressive. I would highly recommend this combination to anyone.


From John Townsend (Atari Corp.) - Cat. 18, Topic 20, Message 55 - from
the ST Roundtable on Genie...
I would simply like to say that Atari has Hardware Development being
done in Japan, Israel, the US, and probably a few others places I
don't know about..

As for Software Development, TOS Systems Software is done and managed
exclusively here in Sunnyvale. There aren't any TOS programmers in
Germany or any other country.

I am not sure why development is done where it is done. Obviously, it
is considered to be the best place for it to take place by the people
in charge :- ) And Yes, we do have some people in Japan doing some
work for us. There is an Atari Japan Corp. based in Tokyo, Japan.

TOS Language Versions..According to my information, here are the
versions of TOS we have produced:

- United States - France (Swiss and German Versions)
- United Kingdom - Spain
- Italian - Sweden
- Switzerland (French and German Versions)
- Germany - Turkey
- Finland - Norway
- Denmark - Saudia Arabia
- Holland (Dutch version)


More helpful Calamus hints from Mike Gater - Cat 16, Topic 9, Message
112 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
When Calamus version 1.09n first showed up in the mail, I was
immediately excited about a particular feature: raster text, text
that instead of being printed solid black could be printed in any
percentage of black between 0% and 100%.

Looking back now, its hard to believe that from the start, Calamus
simply did not allow the user to define text at a grey-level per-
centage. Of course, those of us who used Calamus back then also know
that didn't stop us from getting what we wanted. We would simply use
shadowed text and set the shadow density to the desired raster per-
cent level and move it far enough away from the original text so that
the original could be covered with a white box. (ah, the good ol'

And now that we have easy access to rasterized text, what more could
we ask for? Well, how about rasterized text with a solid black
outline? Or a solid white outline for that matter?

For anyone who might not already know, this too, is possible in much
the same way that rasterized text was possible before it was even a
feature...we cheat. Here's how it's done:

1) Create your special type in its very own frame at the point size
you want, with the typestyle of your choice, and put it at the
desired location. Changes can be made later, but "a firm foundation
will forestall frustration".

2) Make a real (physical) copy of the text frame.

3) Change your original to the desired text raster percent if you
haven't already, and write down the exact coordinates of the frame
position (when the frame is selected click on the coordinates box in
the upper right hand corner of the screen and write down the X and Y
values - don't forget to press <Return> or <Undo> to exit the
coordinates box).

4) Give your copy the same coordinates as your original.

5) Use the magnifying glass icon to query the exact style charac-
teristics of your text, and restyle it, adding the Outlined Text

6) With the text frame still selected, go to the miscellaneous
settings menu and specify the text raster to the desired percent for
your outline (if it is not set to that value already) - the value for
this example is 100% but could just as easily be 0% or anywhere in
between. And while you are still in this menu, also specify the
outline thickness, (1 pt is pleasing to the eye).

7) Send the copy behind the original by sending it to the background.
You should now have text that appears as outlined text with a raster
percent fill on the inside.

Try it, it looks neat, especially on giant-sized, rotated text. And
interestingly enough, with this method you can also have solid black
text with a raster percent outline...

If you already have outlined text elsewhere in your document you will
have to compromise between the two outline thicknesses as you can
only specify one thickness setting for the entire document (dynamic
thickness percent works best in these cases).

Some comments by Sheldon Winick (Computer Studios) - Cat. 16, Topic 9,
Message 113...
I use combined outlined, rastered text all the time in headlines
(sometimes even with a shadowed effect). There's really no need to
mess with frame coordinates for proper placement, though. Try using
the clipboard instead. After placing your headline and setting it to
the desired raster or outline thickess, copy it to the clipboard;
then copy back from the clipboard on top of the original text and
change the copy to whatever percentage raster or outline thickness
you desire. It's much faster and easier to achieve the desired
results that way.


Some DTP tidbits from Todd (Cherry Fonts) - Cat. 16, Topic 9, Message
127 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
Dennis, technically and historically there are 72.27 (and change)
printer's points to the inch and 12 points to a Pica. They weren't
really meant to correspond to inches. Since the advent of digital
typography, the term 'point' is usually redefined to mean exactly
72.00 points per inch.

Different manufacturers choose to follow their favourite standard and
they hope nobody complains of discrepancies. From what I know, most
of the -digital- world follows the 72 pts./inch version.


Will Gadget's new SST ('030 board) fit into a regular ST machine? Here
is some comments from George Richardson (Merlin Group, Inc.) - Cat. 4,
Topic 44, Message 116 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie...
There are no fewer that 5 different types of "regular" ST machines,
none of which have enough space to put a full SST in.

Gadgets will have to get one of each of these models for me to look
at before I can even *think* about designing such a thing. The STe
machines already have the correct hardware for the TOS 2.0X ROMs, so
no ROM socketes & circuitry are needed on the SST board, the
"regular" ST version needs to fit the ROMs. Plus, people are saying:

It needs to have a "George bus" connector. It needs to have a Blitter
option. It needs to have the ability to use 4 meg SIMMs. It needs to
have a math coprocessor.

None of the above things will be on any "regular" ST version that I
can design. If you need any of the above (except the Blitter,
sheesh!) put your ST into a PC case and buy the Mega SST.


Until Next Week....




14 September 1991

Report by Bob Dean

Allow me to begin by saying that I am not a writer, I'm an avid Atari
user! This eyewitness report is for the exclusive use of STReport
International Online Magazine and the Atari Computer Enthusiasts of Hawaii
(ACE-HI) usergroup.

Being a long time Atari owner (Beginning with the "400" that had the
awful membrane keyboard) stationed in Hawaii since the stone age, I have
longed (actually lusted!) to attend an Atari show for a LONG, LONG time.
Glendale was no disappointment. The only complaint I could find was the
map provided in Atari User Magazine left a lot to be desired, and that's
really nothing to gripe about.

By 4:00pm Saturday the box office reported over well over 1700 in
attendance. And by the show's close there was over 3000 in attendance.
Booths were set up in typical conference fashion with developers and
vendors on the floor and an Atari Corp's elaborate display up on stage.

Here's a list of who/what I found of interest.

User Groups in attendance included; Atari Computer Association of
Orange County (ACAOC), South Bay Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SBACE), Real
Atari Maniacs (RAM), San Diego Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SDACE),
NOCCC-ST Sig (Which I think was the North Orange County Computer Club bit
I can't swear by that... sorry) I believe that all the user groups were
selling their PD disks, SDACE had a great demo running a Mega4 equipped
with a Fast Tech T-25 and a JRI floating point Math Co-Pro board connected
to a 24" moniterm monitor. One of the clubs was selling Atari ball caps
for the bargain price of $3.

Vendors and developers in attendance were sufficient to drive an
Atarian worth his salt into divorce court. Upgrades were being done
onsight by most and orders were being taken by the others.

CODEHEAD SOFTWARE was offering MULTIDESK DELUXE for $45 with the
upgrade from Multidesk going for $20 (First bite!) they of course, had
their entire line of outstanding ST software available at discounted
prices. The booth was constantly mobbed.

MID CITIES COMPUTERS had a huge display with all sorts of software and
hardware at prices low enough to make you cry. GOLDEN IMAGE SCANNER and
Touchup for $199, Supra 2400 MNP with Flash for $139.95.

TALON TECHNOLOGIES was offering some great specials, $379 for the Acer
Monitor (Regular $450) and $150 for the Professional Clip Art Collection
(Regular $299). This was one NICE Clipart collection, but unfortunately a
little over my budget.

THE COMPUTER NETWORK (TCN) had a huge display with a wide variety of
Hardware, software, midi gadgets and magazines. They were offering
Migraph's Touchup with Scanner for $199 and even had the Mega II STE for

FAST TECHNOLOGY's 68030 blazingly fast product, installed in a Mega4ST
and conveniently placed between 2 TT's was on display in The Computer
Network's booth. This was the very same unit N. Potechin, from ISD

Editor Note: As of this writing, STR's correspondant was unaware that the
Fast Tech 68030 unit in use at Glendale had only a small, highly efficient
4k cache and that all the tests reflected just that. However since then,
the same board is now equipped with the IDT production chips and sports a
16k cache (as will all units sold). The 3D Cup demo runs now in the 45
sec bracket instead of 54 seconds! That... is an appreciable gain.

GADGETS BY SMALL was there running the SST in all it's glory. Nice to
see the Mega get up and run like a bolt of lightning. Mark Booth (STACE
on GEnie) was there running Demo's all day. He was proudly wearing his
"NO ST Report" Button that he produces, but wouldn't give me one. This
impressive but EXPENSIVE hack costs from approx; $599.00 for the base
unit + either $200.00 for the 16mhz 68000, (you're now up to a $799.00
ADSpeed), $460.00 for a 16mhz 68000 and 4 Megs of 80ns SIMMS or, $800.00
for a 33 Mhz 68030 with a 68882 and 4 megs of SIMMS. So what you're
really looking at here is $1399.00 for the fully configured 33mhz SST.
Sorry, but that one ran a little over my show budget too. I would like to
thank Dave Small for offering the 15% Military Discount. After all being
on active duty in the Navy I know how much discounts like this are meant
to help us out and we all, most certainly, appreciate it. Dave gave a
seminar downstairs, unfortunately, I missed that one.

MICHTRON was there offering some excellent prices on their offerings
of goods and have to admit I was surprised (pleasantly) to see them at the
show. I hope the new owners bring Michtron back to the level of ST
support we were once proud of and enjoyed.

ADG Productions had a booth full of assorted Midi-Stuff, sorry folks,
I don't do Midi, so I can't give an honest evaluation of what they were
offering. They did look quite busy all day, evidently the crowd liked
what they saw.

MUSIC CODE was offering BLACK JACK PLUS 3 at greatly reduced prices.
the advanced version normally going for $89.95 was all the way down to
$39.95 and the basic version was half off at $19.95!

RIO DATEL Computers was offering the SUPERCHARGER at $400.00 (If you
have to run MS-DOS, this is the way to go) and had the Overscan
Modification for $90.00. This is an excellent hack that gives you higher
resolution in both Monochrome and Color. I've seen this one installed by
folks fllowing the directions obtained from the files available on your
local BBS. If however, you have an ST with the FM modulator, it's a
nightmare to do yourself, buy this upgrade instead. For DTP users, this
is a great improvement over the SM124 standard display. Not as good as a
Multisynch, but a lot less expensive.

DAREK MIHOCKA OF BRANCH ALWAYS SOFTWARE was very busy upgrading users
to Quick ST v3. By 1:00pm he had run out of disk labels and was selling
the upgrade on blank disks (Upgrade to v3 was $15 moving up from the
ADSpeed version).

Editor Note; While Darek offers good service and is a sincere developer,
the dreaded fear of a virus popped up, it seems the SIGNUM TYPE 1 virus
may have crept into the system he was loaned. Those of you who have disks
from the Glendale show and in particular those who obtained disks from
Darek, should check for the virus and if found, eliminate it. If the
disks from Darek are unusable, contact him at 206-885-5893.

SLICCWARE was offering their Slick Top program but no one was in their
booth when I went through.

BEST ELECTRONICS had more gizmos and gadgets then you could imagine, I
have to admit though that I was disappointed with their prices ($100 for a
Syquest cart???). They seemed to have actually boosted prices for the
show unlike their counterparts in attendance.

CRAIG HARVEY flew all the way out from Michigan with his fantastic
EDHACK and had a new release (v2.21) for Saturday (another bite) He was
also showing Metapsychology Primer. At $16.00 for Edhack and $10.00 for
Metapsychology this should have been a mandatory purchase booth. Sales
looked good here too, Craig said that he just about had the table paid for
by 4:00pm Saturday and had Sunday to work on the plane fare. (I did think
that $400.00 for a single table was outrageous, here is where Atari could
possibly step in and help out the smaller developers)

MICRO CREATIONS was showing GIME Term, the graphics display terminal
package. If you use a modem, this is another one worth taking a look at.
With a little work, telecommunications can take on a whole new look and

ICD had a large booth and was offering ADSpeeds for the incredible
LOW price of $225.00, their entire line of HOST ADAPTERS, The TAPE BACKUP
unit and some odds and ends for the 8 bit. They, (those working in the
booth), confirmed that ICD is phasing out the 8 bit line and are
interested in finding an interested buyer to take over and continue
support of the 8 bit community.

you have a hard drive, this is another one to put on the "absolutely must
have list." Expected to ship within a month, DC Data Diet is offered at a
very special price of $59.95 until December. The list price will be
$74.95. The operation is transparent, fast and quite smooth. The package
also includes DC Squish to compress your executable files and save the
maximum amount disk space. I highly recommend the all ST widows out there
put this Program under the Christmas tree this year. (hint, hint).

SCOTT SANDERS OF SDS was showing their Printer Utility Pak at a price
inflated to $44.95 for the show (They advertize the same package for $10
less in the current issue of ST Informer). They also had a NewDesk Icon
CPX for $19.95.

WIZWORKS was represented by Eric Jensen (a local resident), what else
can you say about Wizworks??? I wanted everything! MVG was down from
$59.95 to $45, Mug Shot from $39.95 to $30, Image Cat from $37.95 to $30.
Everything they make is worth having if you have any imagination at all!

MCDONALD ASSOCIATES was giving away samples of ST INFORMER (IMHO the
best hard copy ST Magazine available) and had their UNIVERSAL NETWORK up
and running. Being a Multi-ST family, this one really drew my interest,
the operation seemed flawless and the system is a breeze to hook up and
install, this one went into the wish list in a high priority position.
Connecting 2 ST's will run around $250 and both units will have access to
all peripherals. UNIVERSAL ITEM SELECTOR 3.3 was going for $20 (Upgrade
was $8.50) and they also had Tax Wizard for $49.49 and G-Print for $29.95.

GOODMAN MUSIC had a special on a nice set of Roland Music Speakers.
down to $199 from $300. They also had a bunch of Midi STuff that was
admittedly over my head.

BACK II to version 2.30. Show price was down to $30.00 from the $44.95
retail. Upgrades were $5.00 from version 2.2 and I think $10 from 2.11 or
earlier, but I forgot to write that down. If you own a hard drive, buy
this product. I've seen or tried all the products out there, and Diamond
Back II is clearly superior, in my humble opinion.

HAGOP JANOYAN was working the PDC booth selling and upgrading STealth,
this new communications program. HagTerm users rest easy, there is an
upgrade path for you. My upgrade was $10.00 which included the manual
since those of us who bought the users group special in Hawaii never did
get our manuals with v4.5. The show price to buy STealth was marked down
$10.00 to $29.95.

Well, if you've made it this far through the review, you should know
that I should have spent the $35.00 at PHIL COMEAU SOFTWARE'S booth for
GRAM SLAM GRAMMAR AND STYLE CHECKER (List $39.95). Phil was also showing
Grammar Expert for $55.00. Grammar Expert is basically an online test
book to assist you in your writing.

haven't received my copy yet, I can't evaluate this product, but they sure
had a bunch of happy campers milling around their table.

JMG was showing Hyperlink at $125.

Soft Aware had Informer II for $75 (Almost another bite).

Dot Brumleve was showing all her great kids programs and offering
$10.00 off if you bought 2 or more.

COMPO SOFTWARE was showing THAT'S WRITE ($149) and WRITE ON ($69). I
ask him to convince me to switch from Word Perfect, If I was out to buy a
word processor for the first time and wanted a product I would not have to
move up from later on, That's Write would definitely be in the running
with Word Perfect, but sorry guys, I wasn't convinced to switch.

COMPUTER SAFARI seemed to have "had more fonts then the Library of
Congress has books" and they very busy all day. My buddy picked up a font
package with something like 130 PageStream 2.1 fonts for $28. They had
the Safari Font packs priced at $24.88.

RIMIK was there showing DT Paint ($10.00 off) and MULTI-GEM (BIG
BITE!). This is one super slick product. Richard Beston was busy all day
showing it off a very impressed crowd. Listing at $99.95, the show
special was $79.95. The Multi-Gem Utilities were marked from $29.95 to
$25 or you could get MultiGem + (Utilities included) marked down from
$129.95 to $99.00. The Utilities package is not ready yet, so orders
taken will ship in about 2 weeks. Folks purchasing Multi-Gem at the show
will also get a free upgrade in about a month. Notes of interest here are
that Richard is actively pursuing other developers to hook their programs
into Multi-Gem (One line of code), He has already talked to Softlogik
about fixing PageStream so we can Multi- Print. Jim Hotz (The Hotz Box)
was not showing today but was in Richard's Booth for quite some time
discussing the interfacing of Midi applications with Multi-Gem.

OMNIMON PERIPHERALS had a large display of assorted hardware, the DEKA
was $109.00. The 1.44meg drive (including drive mech) modification was
$159.00 and they had $100.00 off the RAINBOW MONITOR, selling it for

ABU ZUBAIR OF ZUBAIR INTERFACES looked to be doing a brisk business on
Ram upgrades, ZClocks (Bite!) and had Zkeys including a keyboard for $119
(Almost couldn't walk away from that one).

Several seminars were being offered in the downstairs meeting area, I
only had time to attend the first which was James Grunke and Bill Rehbock
of Atari. Bill was sporting a "No ST Report" Button provided by the boys
at Gadgets and he did most of the talking. (Nice of an Atari guy to
advertise for STR).

A few of the more exciting highlights from the seminar.

they were using and they have hired Robert Joplin (Atari Microsystems of
Dallas) as their new FCC expert. He is reportedly touted as being a
wizard of FCC certification.

Atari is negotiating with General Electric for onsight service of the
entire Atari Line. This would include extending the ridiculous 90 day
warranty out to an undetermined period and provide WORLD-WIDE Atari repair
service and support!

Mega STe computers and TT's are on the way and reportedly, they will
have the 1.44 meg drives. An upgrade package for current STE/TT owners
will be provided for less then $100, ST owners are out of luck there
because a 16mhz clock is required (Good news for the Practical Peripherals

There is a newly discovered bug in the Newdesk TOS pirate version that
has been making the rounds of some of the more unsavory BBS's, oh well,
you get what you pay for. (Grin). As far supporting all of us who bought
TOS 1.4 with an official software upgrade for TOS to v2.05 Atari does not
think we are worth their time and effort. "Spending the time to software
upgrade does not make sense". That seems odd, since they have the
software on disk to start with... Tos 2.05 should be shipping to dealers
within 60-90 (under $100) days and will recognize the old ST's with a
hardware hack.

The ST Book should be Class B by Christmas! The unit itself comes
with either 1 or 4 megs of RAM and a 40 Meg hard drive. With the included
battery pack, expect around 10 hours of operation and it will recharge in
about 2 hours, running or not! It includes an itty, bitty track ball
replacement & 2 buttons, a TOS 2.05 derivative, 640x400 non-backlit
supertwist-amatic LCD display, all sorts of ports (Including an expansion
port offering every signal a hacker can ask for). All sorts of nifty add
ons are planned such as a 2400/9600 internal fax/modem and external 1.44
meg floppy drive (the system has no floppy). Priced at $1800- $2000
depending on configuration. this one looks hot. The bad part is that due
to unforseen problems, only 3000 can be expected to be produced before
Christmas of which a "couple hundred a month" are marked for US delivery.

The stylus is due to start production in "about 3 weeks" and is
reported to be in final tooling now. It has the same motherboard as the
ST Book, but no hard drive and RAM up to 4 megs. Due to the manner in
which the pen interface is incorporated into the system, special versions
of software will not be needed for the Atari offering into the market
place, this is a major advantage over the competition. Listing around
$1200, this one has the potential to take Atari into the mainstream

Atari has released its exclusive rights to the Hotz Box, Jimmy is
continuing with custom orders and "New Software" is due within 60 days.

CD-ROM, the CDAR 505 will require a host adapter, but should be
available "soon", the SoftSource CD Rom disk is in it's "Last Pass" and
should be mastering within 90 days. List price is set at $29.95 for an
enormous amount of PD and demo's, looks like a great option for Sysops.

The Aegis Dealer program is under way and progressing nicely with a
new "Dealer handbook" and is aimed at building a higher profile for Atari
in niche markets (DTP/MIDI). Atari now claims there are 70 Dealers in the
AEGIS program capable of selling TT's and over 450 authorized Atari
Dealers in the US.

Atari "Couldn't be more thrilled" with Lynx sales!

The Portfolio is doing very well and is targeted at "Vertical markets"
(B of A being one) and Power Basic was released today for $99.

On the subject of advertising, I saw some of the best tap dancing I
have seen in ages. To put it in a nut shell, Atari feels that Computer
and Midi Magazines are where the money should go, expect to see lots of
advertising and write ups in personal publishing after Jan 92 . According
to Atari, "TV and Radio have no impact." (Hmmmm better not tell Mac &
IBM). The revolving doors has swung open to greet the new "Manager of
International Sales", I didn't catch her name, but Bill said she has a
background in the educational market and is working up a proposal to get
Atari into the Educational market (Where they belong IMHO) which would
provide discounts to schools. Let's keep an eye on this one...

If you want VGA for your STE... Go to a VME vender.

What about the rumors of a built in 286/386 ST??? The rumors are
true...We have prototypes... No commitments.

TT-CDI announced overseas, don't hold your breath Not until the market
is better defined, the statement should never have been made.

All in all, a very interesting seminar. Who knows how much of what
was put out will bear fruit or, stand the test of time. But to Bill's
credit, I'll leave the subject with one final quote. When asked what the
reason behind the Drive Bay Cover design on the MEGA STE 1 was, he gave
the most honest answer I have ever heard stated by ANY corporation for
their failures. "Stupidity". Now if every announcement from Sunnyvale
was that honest, we wouldn't have much speculation in the Atari community,
would we? Then again, Leonard hasn't read this yet.

Mike Fulton of Atari Developer Support (GEnie: Mike-Fulton,
CIS:75300,1141), was on the stage capably demonstrating the Atari ST Book
and sporting a name tag with the No ST Report emblem and "Some things in
life must be avoided at all costs". (more advertising!)

I regret to report that Bob Brodie had to leave before the show opened
due to a personal problem, best wishes Bob, maybe I can catch up to you at

Well, that's about it folks, if I left anyone out, I offer my humble
apologies. All in all, the Glendale show looks to be a great success in
being very well attended with superb developer participation. I would
like to thank all the folks who made the effort to participate, I for one,
will be back next year!

Ground Zer0 BBS Las Vegas, NV
702-387-3127 300/1200/2400 MNP 2-5 v.42

Editor Note:

On behalf of the STR Staff and our readers, we would like to commend
John K. Tarpinian for a job well done.



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> PAGEASSISTANT STR InfoFile "Our new addition is PageAssistant"



The Online Companion
PageStream 2.1

At Spar Systems we are dedicated to bringing the Atari user support
software for various high-end programs. Our new addition is
PageAssistant. This product is an online help companion and tutorial
for Soft-Logik's new and powerful PageStream 2.1. We are quite
confident that PageStream users, both advanced and beginners, will
find our program a welcome addition to their software library.

Since its incarnation, the Atari ST line of computers has been an
excellent tool for creating documents such as newsletters and
brochures. The first full-featured program to open desktop publish-
ing on the Atari was Publishing Partner, which was later renamed
PageStream. As Atari computer technology becomes more sophisticated,
so has this premium page layout program. This is the year of Atari
Publishing! With the release of Pagestream 2.1, Atari users can
benefit from the addition of color separation, loadable macros for
automation of repetit

ive and complex procedures, plus countless
other features. PageAssistant will help to quickly transform the
beginner to a full fledged typographer. The user will have immediate
access to power tips and step-by-step examples to clarify new
concepts. Its straightforward approach, using the overlapping pop-up
menu layout will easily guide you through each and every aspect of
the PageStream program, feature by feature. Each menu item is
followed by manual references to indicate the exact pages in the
manual that discuss the feature. As the user progresses with
PageAssistant (s)he will find new, tremendously efficient means to
creating truly professional documents with PageStream 2.1. Prepare
to be come a PageStream Power User!

- PageAssistant runs on top of the PageStream 2.1 software, provid-
ing fast menu interaction for speedy online command summaries.

- Includes a 52 page manual (8.5" x 7") packed with tutorials on how
to master the macro command, design textual and graphic effects
(such as rotating objects in a circle, place text on a path, etc),
layout tutorials and much more.

- Tutorial on color separation using the CMYK model.

- Adding color to black laser type!

- Information on Soft-Logik, CS and PostScript fonts.

- Includes complete page referencing to the PageStream 2.1 manual.

- Send online summary to printer for hardcopy reference.

- Resolution independent!

- Includes one PostScript Type 1 font.

- Easy installation!

- Requires only 75K of memory.

Suggested retail price is $49.95

See your local dealer or order from:

Spar Systems
381 Autumn Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11208
(718) 235-3169

--- MiGBase coming soon! ---



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Here is your chance to WIN free online time. Read all about it!
Check out file #20927 in Library 21.

**** ST Aladdin version 1.30 released 9-8-91****
NEW Custom Pass options added
NEW Stay online default option
Now available from the ST Aladdin RT, page 1000

GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission



For immediate release

Thursday, September 19, 1991


Your comments about the price of the EPS version of Avant Vector
(known as Avant Plot) have been heard! Avant Vector is the Rolls Royce
of vector tracing/editing programs -- and now we're able to bring it you
for Toyota prices!

Through extensive discussions with our European contacts, and with new
information about taxes and import duties, we've been able to manage a
price reduction of $300 for Avant Plot. This version includes EPS
importing/exporting, and professional plotting/cutting features. The
new pricing is:

Avant Vector ...... $495
Avant Plot ........ $895

And until December 31, 1991, we have special introductory prices:

Avant Vector ...... $445
Avant Plot ........ $845

To order your copy of the premiere vector graphics package for Atari
computers, contact:

CodeHead Software
PO Box 74090
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Tel (213) 386-5735
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> MULTI-DESK DELUXE! STR InfoFile MultiDesk Deluxe, a major upgrade!

For immediate release

Thursday, September 19, 1991

CodeHead Software Announces MultiDesk Deluxe
Thanks For The Memory!

CodeHead Software is now shipping MultiDesk Deluxe, a major upgrade for
their very popular desk accessory loader/unloader.

In the past, the main drawbacks to MultiDesk were that it could eat up a
lot of memory because all your DAs had to be loaded at once, and that
you couldn't load or unload DAs while running a program. This new
version of MultiDesk transcends both those limitations in one leap!

MultiDesk was the first program to break through the GEM barrier of six
desk accessories. The new version now lets you load and unload DAs "on
the fly," at any time, even while running a program. While MultiDesk
Deluxe still supports the old-style "resident" DAs, it now also allows
"nonresident" DAs (known as MDXs) which are loaded only when you select
them and wiped from memory when you close them. All nonresident DAs
share the same memory space, giving you access to many more DAs and
freeing up more memory for use by applications. This approach (inspired
by Atari's new Extensible Control Panel) also lets you boot up faster,
since only the names of the DAs need to be read from disk.

A breakthrough technique called "delta vector snapshotting" allows
MultiDesk Deluxe to load and unload nonresident DAs even in programs
that take over the ST's interrupt vectors, without fear of crashing the
system. And MultiDesk Deluxe's new "reserve buffer" lets you open DAs
that need to allocate memory even in programs that try to grab all
available memory for themselves.

In contrast to Atari's Extensible Control Panel (which requires its "CPX
modules" to be specially written and puts severe limits on their
functionality), MultiDesk Deluxe works with almost all existing ST desk
accessories; no modifications to the DAs or special coding techniques
are required. It is compatible with all models of ST, STe, and TT

MultiDesk Deluxe is available now, and retails for $49.95. Current
owners of MultiDesk can upgrade to the latest version for $20.00, which
includes a brand new rewritten manual, now packaged in a 3-ring binder.
For more information, contact:

CodeHead Software
PO Box 74090
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel (213) 386-5735
Fax (213) 386-5789

After you get MultiDesk Deluxe, you too will be singing...

"Thanks For The Memory!"


> STR Mail Call "...a place for the readers to be heard"

STReport's MailBag

The troops are getting restless will Atari react positively? Or will we
once again see... vindictive reactions. In the past two weeks there has
been are large number of letters posted concerning the various degrees of
dissatisfaction being felt by loyal Atari Users. These are but a few..

from CIS......

#: 28900 S17/Community Square
12-Sep-91 08:20:38
Sb: I-EEE and St
Fm: Cj 74176,3204
To: Bob Brodie and all

Dear Mr. Brodie.

I realize that, as of late, Atari has had a less than admirable record
in the USA for listening to customers, however this letter to you is not
to debate that issue, but to toss yet another idea at Atari with the
purpose of selling computers.

Atari found itself a nice niche when they chose to incorporate MIDI
connectors as standard on all Sts. There is another niche market Atari
can capture if they choose to do so, the benefits are obvious.

If Atari is really looking for an new market, why don't they explore
adding an "INDUSTRY STANDARD" I-EEE (Hp-IB) connector/bus to the St line.

You see I work for a fortune 500 company that is heavily involved in
government (defense dept.) design, testing, and production. Currently,
all our Test equipment workstations are HP (Hewlett Packard) series 300
and above. We are constantly searching for a less expensive means of
controlling our test sets equipment.

Mr. Brodie, I wouldn't dare be so presumptuous as to try to tell the
Tramiels how to run their business. (although others have tried) But
this market has been virtually untouched by anyone except Hp. And it
cries out for a low cost controller.

I believe incorporation of the I-EEE connector (with the appropriate
OS routines, would increase your sales dramatically, and remove the "game
machine" image from your excellent computer line. After all isn't
increasing sales what its all about ?

However Mr. Brodie I must caution you, If Atari chooses to explore
this area there, can be no room for mistakes, such as, weak DMA chips
folder problems, etc. With literally millions of dollars of equipment
and data on the line there can be no room for error. I can attest to you
once a manufacturer has sullied his reputation with an unreliable product,
most companies are extremely reluctant to purchase that manufacturer's
equipment again, no matter how good that product may or may not be.

Please feel free to use any or all parts of this letter as you see
fit, or contact me at any time.

Thank you,
Claude J. Mitchell 74176.3204

from Delphi

FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit>
J30659 16-SEP 02:36 General Information
RE: hey.. too much bashing! (Re: Msg 30615)

It's no use suggesting even a modicum of tolerance for Atari to most
Atari users. Any sort of objectivity regarding Atari is nearly impossible
to expect. What other company has had bad press predicting its demise for
nearly 6 years.

When I first read the Delphi forum, every other comment was "Atari
will be dead by the end of '90." It has declined, but ain't dead yet. I
would argue with Mr. Barnes about what is politically correct in
Atariland. The correct view is morbidity. Liking your ST is akin to
being a card-carrying liberal <no offense, Norm.> [g]

And along with overwhelming despair regarding Atari comes resounding
glorification of other platforms. Notice the incessant VGA references.
Personally, I hate DOS and find Windows wanting. Paint a dog with 256
colors and it's still a dog. [g] [ducking the numerous responses to that

I once argued about Apple's over-rated support, to which I was
informed Apple would introduce a low-cost, lighter Mac portable within 6
months due to user demand. Have you got yours yet?

I feel this all revolves around cutting-edge envy. We all want "the
best." 1985 technology is passe. The TT suffers from an identity crisis
<too much hardware to be simply a fast ST, too ho-hum to be a serious
workstation.> If you need to do what the vast majority of home users do
with computers, present ST soft/hardware will do it easily and nicely. If
you need it for work, buy a clone. If you're rich, buy a Mac II. In 5
years all of the aforementioned computers will be trailing-edge.

I apologize for such a fragmented message. I'm no fan of Atari Corp.,
and I see the end of the ST just like everyone else. Now, who is
lamenting the death of the XT or AT? Why aren't Apple fans dogging them
for producing the Classic, instead of buying them by the handful? Because
those machines do the job for them, same as the ST. Mac may have a
helluva lot more software, but there's More? Also, a helluva lot of bad

End of diatribe.

from Delphi

FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit>
J30647 15-SEP 19:49 General Information
RE: hey.. too much bashing! (Re: Msg 30615)

Normally I would agree with you and I'm usually an optimist. However I
can't help but remember the old saying "Screw me once shame on you, screw
me twice, shame on ME". Well what about the # of times we loyal Atarians
have been screwed? Just take a look at Atari's track record.....

TT at least 3 years late

CD rom also 3 or more years late (and I still haven't seen one
actually working, but have seen one at a show)

The numerous modifications Atari has made to motherboards to keep
users from upgrading memory and other features easily on their own. The
most famous of these is the infamous Mega 'Mutha" boards where the traces
for the second 2 megs of memory were intentionally left off the
motherboards forcing users to wait for aftermarket memory upgrades to
become available. I was lucky and had one of the first Mega II's with the
traces still there and upgraded my own to 4 megs with some cheap memory
chips and capacitors.

Everyone wanted TT 's to be made available without HD's so we could
put our own mech's together at a better performance and price than Atari
could offer. Gee they listened and gave us that model, but did their
DAMDEST to force us into using THEIR Hd setup when/if we decided to get an
HD for a TT. They made a 'special' cover to the non-hd TT's that wouldn't
allow you to put an HD in without buying a new cover or hacking up the one
you had. Naturally they only sell the new cover with THEIR Hd kit.

An advertising budget of $0 a year for over 5 years.

Shall I go on?

Hmmm maybe George Steinbrenner will buy Atari. At least then we'd
have a WORLD CLASS Butthead instead of virtual unknowns at the helm of our
favorite company.

I LOVE my Atari computer, but LOATH their corporate (mis) management and
complete ignorance to the end users plight.

And that's just what they've done to us directly as end users, shall
we start discussing their attitudes, lack of support and reason with
respect to the developers that they've driven away?

On the positive side they've given us an extremely powerful computer
system with great price/performance. However the power of the Atari
computer has not even been scratched and unfortunately probably never will

from GEnie

Category 14, Topic 31
Message 113 Wed Sep 04, 1991
D.KERR1 [Drew] at 20:07 EDT

Atari folks:

I just had a pitiful experience today calling Atari for technical
assistance. I am having problems with my Laser Printer 605. I called the
customer service number, which I understand now incorporates Technical
Assistance. I received voice mail. I hit the #1 on my telephone and was
presented with three options, none of which was technical assistance.

I called back again -- voice mail said that if I wanted an operator, to
just wait a few moments. Well, moments turned into minutes, several
minutes to be exact, and no operator!

I called several times, hitting "O" in hopes that would reach an operator.
But nobody picked up.

Now the day is over and my questions were not answered. I didn't even
speak with a live human being to direct me.

This is a perfect example of non-existant customer support and the horrors
of an unnecessarily complicated voice mail system.

Drew Kerr

Got a comment or two about Atari?? Pro or Con, send 'em in!



Ah yes...... the "INFAMOUS CRYSTAL BALL"

This time though, its all questions. Questions based on real
events or quirky expressions that will, no doubt, come back to haunt
the originators.

The "Mystery knicknames within Atari" To whom do they belong?

- WHO IS....
- Mr. PotatoHead?

- Mr. Cabbagebrain?

- Mr. Camelbreath?

And you thought OUR knicknames were uncharitable toward certain
folks at Atari??? <snicker>



Gribnif Software is proud to announce its latest release into the North
American Atari software market:

** **
** Arabesque Professional **
** ====================== **
** **

A complete BITMAP and VECTOR illustration software.

Developed in conjunction with Shift Computer Software, this program offers
a new standard in image editing for desktop publishing. It allows you to
create, import, and save graphics in the two standard formats: BITMAP and

A BITMAP graphic contains the exact information you see, composed of its
individual dots (also known as pixels). Programs like Touch-Up usually
handle this type of graphic.

A VECTOR graphic contains a description of all the shapes in the image.
Because all the objects in a vector image are calculated, you can get a
much higher degree of detail using this method. Programs like Easy Draw
usually handle this type of graphic.

General Features

o Easy to use, icon-driven, pop-up menus
o Edit up to 20 pages in memory
o Draw points, lines, Bezier polygons (2D or 3D), B-Splines, circles,
ellipses, arcs, and rectangles (with or without rounded corners) in
Bitmap or Vector mode.
o Choose from various line end-styles, thicknesses, patterns, etc.
o Use any of 108 different patters, or edit your own, or use any block
o Special block operations (rectangle or arbitrary shape) include: cut &
paste, mirror, rotate, bend, increase contrast, invert, contour,
smooth, pattern, enlarge, save/load.
o Output to 9- and 24-pin dot matrix, and Atari and HP laser printers
(includes its own fast printer drivers).
o All functions operate very rapidly in magnification mode.
o Support for Calamus Outline CVG files
o A full UNDO feature
o Complete illustrated manual
o Load various image types including IFF, IMG, NeoChrome, Doodle, Degas,
and Arabesque's own compressed formats.
o Configurable "spray can" feature
o Converts vector graphics to bit images (with gray scaling options)

File Formats

In BITMAP mode: Arabesque supports Degas, Stad, GEM IMG, IFF and
Arabesque's own advanced ABM file format.

In VECTOR mode: Arabesque supports GEM/3, Calamus CVG, and Arabesque's
own advanced AOB file format.

System Requirements

Arabesque Professional works on all Atari ST & TT systems and supports
large screen displays. It requires at least 1 megabyte of memory and a
monochrome monitor.

Pricing & Release Information

Arabesque Professional carries a suggested retail of $199.95. It is
scheduled for release in early November, 1991. Call us for additional

Gribnif Software
P.O. Box 350
Hadley, MA 01035

Tel: (413) 584-7887
Fax: (413) 584-2565


> BOXES! STR FOCUS "My new Atari came in a box..."


by Tim Holt
ACCEPT of El Paso

Sometimes I wonder whether or not some companies actually have any
idea what goes on in the real world, or whether they just listen to some,
"off the wall", Gallup poll to get the "pulse" of a situation. Think of
all the corporate blunders you have heard of over the years: The NEW Coke.
Does anybody drink that stuff? Several years ago, Chevrolet introduced the
Nova automobile in Mexico, and could not understand why the heck it
didn't sell. Turns out that "No va" in spanish means: Does not go. Nice
car, bad name. When Pepsi introduced it's slogan "The Choice of a New
Generation" in China, it was translated into "Pepsi:It will bring back to
life your dead relatives". Good drink, bad slogan. The most recent
example of this type of corporate blunder happened right here in El Paso.
We have a grocery store by the name of Skaggs. When they decided to
change their name to "Jewel Osco", no one asked what osco meant in
spanish, which is what most people in El Paso speak. Seems that osco, or
the pronunciation of that, means "nauseated feeling". Great name for a
supermarket, eh!

So, what the heck does all this have to do with computers? Well, I was
thinking about corporate blunders when I was trying to decide what
computer to buy. Seems that my faithful workhorse 1040 ST decided that it
was time to go to computer heaven, and I needed a new one. What to
get...what to get. Well, to make a long story short, I ended up with a
Mega STe/4, which I am quite happy with, which runs my Spectre GCR just
fine thank you, so this article will NOT be a "WHY I SWITCHED COMPUTERS
EVEN THOUGH I LOVE-ATARI" type of article. This article has to do with

My new Atari came in a box. No surprise there. Since I work in a
school however, I get to see all the neat new stuff that comes down the
pike for education, and all the boxes that they come in. My school
recently was sent two new Macintosh LC computers, so I got a chance to
compare my Atari box to the Mac boxes. Now I know that this seems really
trivial, but first impressions mean a lot to some people, and the first
impression that most people get from their computer is the box that it
comes in. Here is the tale of two boxes:

Apple sends all of it's computer in thick, and I mean thick, cardboard
boxes that a student of mine that weighs 100 pounds could easily stand on
without crushing it.(I tested this theory and it worked.) Outside, the
color Apple logo, and a reproduced picture of the computer adorn all
sides of the box. Also, there was a plastic packet that invited the new
owner to update to System 7. Clean, crisp, bright. This box said "You
are the owner of a proud computer".

Atari sent my new computer in a medium weight cardboard box that was
stamped "Taiwan" on the side, "Port of Los Angeles" on the other side,
was crushed on one side, and had a tear about 8 inches long where it
looked like Edward Scissorhands was the longshoreman who unloaded the
computer off the boat. The color was the color of a paper sack, the
picture of the Mega STe/4 (the finest home computer on the market today,
as all of those at Atari will tell you) was what looked like a line
drawing done for a clip art publication. It wasn't even a picture of the
computer. This box did nothing to inspire confidence on the part of the
owner. Is this a proud computer from a proud company? One could not tell
from the box.

When you open up the Mac box, by removing packing tape, and then
staples, the first thing that hits you in the face is a "Welcome to Your
Macintosh" type pamphlet that introduces the buyer to the computer. The
computer is packed in white Styrofoam, which matches the box, and all the
literature is done in white as well.A white box labeled "cables" or
something to that effect tells the user that something important is in
another smaller box. What we have here is the impression that whoever
designed the big box worked with the people that designed the packing,
who worked with the people that designed the instructions. A proud
computer. This gives the new owner a subliminal idea that this company
has it's act together, whether it does or not.

When you open up the Atari box,by removing a few staples, a yellowish
foam-like substance that is covered in a blue plastic faces you. The
computer is covered in blue plastic, the keyboard is covered in clear
plastic. UNDERNEATH the computer, is the instruction booklet. No
"Welcome to Atari", no "Thanks for buying the computer". Just
instructions and a warranty. Another unlabeled cardboard box contained
the cables and such.(I will grant that the foam is very good for shipping,
and my computer was unblemished.) However, the entire packaging looked
like it was done by committee. Box, foam, plastic, and instructions
looked like completely different people did them. A proud computer
company? The packaging didn't imply this at all. A confused computer
company? Well, you be the judge.

Inside the Mac box, was a thank you note for buying the computer.
And, along with the thank you note, was a postcard that the buyer could
send in for one of three gifts: A mouse pad with the Apple logo on it, a
t-shirt with the Apple Logo on it, or a free subscription to a Macintosh
specific magazine. Granted, these aren't gifts that would put Apple out
of business, but they ARE gifts non the less. A free t-shirt is a free
t-shirt. A very nice symbol on the part of the company that lets the
buyer know that "Hey, we realize that you just dumped a ton of money on
this thing, here is a token of our appreciation."

Inside the Atari box, nothing of the sort. Which made me wonder: How
much skin off the noses of the big brass would it be if they would offer a
free subscription to Atari Explorer, or a free mouse pad? Not a whole lot
I think, and I also believe that the all important "bottom line" wouldn't
suffer too much. A few thousand free subscriptions to the Explorer
couldn't hurt advertising in that rag too much, and a few thousand
t-shirts that say "Atarians are Mega lovers" or something like that,
would be pretty good free advertising. You think Apple minds if a few
thousand people are walking around downtown L.A. or New York with Apple
T-shirts? Or some college student wears a free Apple t-shirt to his
marketing class? Heck no! Free advertising for the cost of a few
t-shirts. Not a bad deal. And the owner of the new computer feels good
that this big old computer giant gave him something for free! That my
friend, is marketing at it's best.

So, draw your own conclusions about boxes. I am reminded of a
dandruff commercial which says something about making a first impression.
Once the first impression is made, it is made, you can't take it back.
And something so simple as a box, and instructions shouldn't make a bad
impression. My Mega box did. I don't care if Atari is not as rich as
Apple. I was the one that spent the money, I am the one that needs to be
impressed. The customer comes first, every time. Period. Corporate box
blunder? Well, sometimes it is just the smallest detail that separates a
sale from a non sale. Atari bashing? Hardly. I just spent $1700.00 on
their hardware. Please, think of this as just another suggestion Sam.




Seems Quantum found a way to pack 21.4-Megabytes on a 3.5" disk. The
downside is; the system doesn't format disks itself, they are purchased,
pre-formatted, @ $20.00 each. The mechanism is targeteed to retail under
one thousand dollars. Insight revisited?


from GEnie

Category 9, Topic 28
Message 84 Fri Sep 13, 1991
HOLOBYTE [No.19] at 00:59 EDT

Dear Mr. Stollman:

I'm sorry that my comments here were misinterpreted, but in actuality my
remarks about Atari ST Flight of the Intruder sales in the United States
is not the main problem. Although, of course, we wish that all Atari ST
FOTI sales in the United States were the American rather than the European
version, in the long run it's irrelevant.

To be blunt, we would not even be doing Flight of the Intruder or any of
the FALCON Mission Disks if it were not for European sales. Only sales
overseas can provide the dollars necessary for program development of ST

Now the problem is that the market seems to be weakening for the Atari ST
even overseas. Our developers are starting to look long and hard at how
profitable it is to come out with ST games. If it becomes not worth their
while, then we will not see ST games from even them. And, to be honest,
the cost of testing, distributing and marketing of the last 2 ST games we
published outweighted the sales of those 2 games.


from CIS

#: 28930 S2/Games
14-Sep-91 03:13:44
Sb: #28901-Flight of the Intruder
Fm: Spectrum HoloByte 76004,2144
To: STReport - Ralph 70007,4454

Dear Ralph:

Personally (and this is just my opinion), I believe that the American
market for the Atari ST is dying because no new machines are being bought.
I think it was Neil Harris (maybe it was someone else) who told me that
almost all software is bought within the first 6 months. Or at least most
of your software.

Well, if no one has been buying machines for the last 2 years, then you're
not going to sell a lot of programs because there aren't any new users.

I found out today that we have sold less than 500 copies in the United
States from first release until the end of August. That's not enough :-(


from GEnie

Category 9, Topic 28
Message 92 Mon Sep 16, 1991
HOLOBYTE [No.19] at 06:15 EDT

Dear DF:

Yep, we're forging ahead with our simulations on the IBM side -- including
FALCON 3.0 and then Avenger A-10 followed by our simulation of the AH-64
Apache helicopter.

Category 9, Topic 28
Message 93 Mon Sep 16, 1991
HOLOBYTE [No.19] at 06:19 EDT

Dear Chip:

Thanks for the compliments! We too are saddened at the lack of sales for
Atari ST products as I'm sure we're not the only company facing this.

Anyway, Flight of the Intruder is compatible with any ST that doesn't have
TOS 2.02 or higher. If I remember correctly, your STE will be fine. The
American version will run from the hard drive since it uses manual-based
copy protection. I've heard that the European version will also run from
the hard drive if you change a filename and have the original floppy disk
in the drive when you boot.

You can get the American version if you look for it at the store if you
make sure you see Spectrum HoloByte's name and address on the box. If you
see Mirrorsoft and England, then it's the overseas version :-) If you're
buying via mail order, I guess I'd ask the salesperson.

Well, we did throw in a cool A-6 Intruder patch with the postcard offer.
Please understand that we usually don't offer new programs at discounted
prices in order not to compete with our dealers.



According to our "SuperSnoop", there is an individual 'out there' who
is very busy developing a reputation for being rather 'too relaxed' about
the "whole affair". A number of the others in the same area and higher up
are becoming quite peeved at the blue jeans and playing of online games
during the regular business day. Hmmm, the more things change, the more
they remain the same.


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P.O. Box 6672 Jacksonville, Florida 32236-6672
Est. 1985

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SGN6277 120Mb 12ms 3.5" Y 789.00
SGN1296 170Mb 12ms 3.5" Y 1019.00
ADD $35.00 for 4 BAY SUPER CABINET w/250+w PS
PLEASE NOTE: The above is partial listing only!


>> ABCO is now taking orders for 1040 & MEGA STe Computers! <<
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Listed above are a sampling of the systems available.
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> A "Quotable Quote" STReport's Editorial "Cartoon"

"A man's greatness can be measured by his enemies...
If he has no enemies, he is apt to be in the same
predicament in regard to friends..."

.... a wise and prudent observer

STReport International Online Magazine
Available through more than 10,000 Private BBS systems WorldWide!
STReport "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" September 20, 1991
16/32bit Magazine copyright 1987-91 No.7.38
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors/staff, PCReport, STReport, AMReport, MCReport. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint
must include the name of the publication, date, issue # and the author's
name. The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in
any way without prior written permission. The entire contents, at the
time of publication, are believed to be reasonably accurate. The editors,
contributors and/or staff are not responsible for the use/misuse of infor-
mation contained herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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