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Silicon Times Report Issue 0635

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing Inc.

August 31, 1990 No.6.35

STReport Online Magazine¿
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EDT
BBS: 904-786-4176 USR/HST Dual Standard
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EDT

** F-NET NODE 350 ** 500mb Online **
STR'S owned & operated support BBS
carries ALL issues of STReport Online Magazine
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> 08/31/90: STReport¿ #6.35 The Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine!
- The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - CPU MacNews
- DUSSELDORF OVERVIEW - Lynx News - J.K.T. Replies!


"Only UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Up to Date News, Hot Tips, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's support BBS, NODE # 350 invites systems using Forem ST BBS to
participate in Forem BBS's F-Net mail network. Or, call Node 350 direct
at 904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging ideas about the
Atari ST computers through an excellent International ST Mail Network.
All SysOps in the F-Net are welcome to join the STR Crossnet Conference
the conference code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #350. ->Join Today!

> The Editor's Podium¿

The Show in Glendale is getting closer and promises to be the "event"
of the West Coast. If at all possible, STReport highly recommends
attending this show. The Glendale show promises to be outstanding. Atari
is working very closely with the promoting of the show and of course, with
the weight of Atari's reach, the calibre of promotion should be excellent.

On another, more serious, note, last week STReport told you we were
made aware of the origination point of the "PHONEY FAX". We waited (as
stated) all week to allow the person(s) involved to come forward and offer
an accurate accounting of what actually occurred. This did not happen
STReport therefore offers that.. The "PHONEY FAX", sadly, originated at
the offices of ST World Magazine, formally owned by R. Sukiji. Sukiji,
who has on a number of occasions, publicly stated he "wanted Bob Brodie
fired" was unavailable for comment. While there is no proof as to whose
hands the fax came from.. the location is quite accurate according to our
investigative sources. Sukiji recently sold ST World Magazine for "one
dollar and other considerations", this was reported in STReport a few
weeks ago.

Finally, STReport has it straight from Atari Canada, in the form of a
service bulletin, that the STe DMA problem is, at last, fixed. Now all
that remains is to see where Atari comes forward with a statement concer-
ning the DMA headache and details the serial number run so that those
folks who have yet to obtain a hard drive are able
to get their STe computers brought back 'in line'.

Thank you for all the encouraging mail and strong support,




Issue # 81

by Michael Arthur

Remember When....

In December 1978, Epson Inc. introduced the MX-80 dot matrix printer,
whose PCL (printer control language) became a dominant standard in the
low-end printer market?

CPU Systems Roundup¿

Atari Germany, X/Windows for the ST, and TOS Multitasking

For several years, Atari ST Users have dreamed of an efficient and
effective way to multitask ST applications. While Beckemeyer Development's
MT C-Shell and VSH Manager provided an effective combination for running
Desk Accessories and TOS programs concurrently, it could not multitask GEM
applications. As such, the prospect of a complete system that would
multitask TOS and ST/GEM programs was still just a dream.

When Atari announced MIDI-Tasking, an operating system hack designed
to multitask GEM-compliant ST MIDI programs, ST Users believed their hopes
realized. However, Atari has said that while MIDI-Tasking can be used for
multitasking other types of ST/GEM programs, that such use is not recom-
mended. And with some ST/GEM programs (such as Pagestream or ISD's Master
Plan spreadsheet) can be run under MIDI-Tasking, many ST MIDI programs are
incompatible with it. This situation has left the spectre of ST multitas-
king hanging just out of the reach of the ST Community.

Recently, the first indications of yet another ST Multitasking package
have appeared. Atari Germany has apparently developed an X/Windows Server
for the ST, which uses a "TOS Compatible" multitasking system called
X/ST/Multi. Below is a Usenet message that describes the X/Windows Produ-
cts developed by Atari Germany, and some information on X/ST/Multi:


From: (Rainer Klute)
Subject: Re: Is there an X-Client for the ST?
Keywords: X,Client,st
Message-ID: <2393@laura.UUCP>
Date: 10 Aug 90 06:46:14 GMT
References: <>
Sender: news@laura.UUCP
Reply-To: (Rainer Klute)
Organization: University of Dortmund, Germany

In article <roarment.650147785@faui09>,roarment@faui09.informatik. (Roberto Armenti) writes:
> I once heard about such a thing named X/ST/Window or something
> like this, but I never could get some info on that.

Some months ago I asked Atari Germany about X/ST/Window. They sent me a
high-glossing paper with some info. In short:

- X/ST/Window is an X-Windows server for the Atari ST, TT and ATW.

- The whole X Windows System runs on an Atari TT under ATX (Atari Unix)
and on the ATW (Atari Transputer Workstation) under Helios.

- X/ST/window is based on X/ST/multi, "a multitasking operating system
which is totally compatible with the TOS of the Atari ST" (literal
translation from German). It allows discoupling of the time critical
protocol processes from the graphical software.

- The ST monitor acts as a window and shows only a part of a virtual
screen. The dimensions of this virtual screen is limited by memory only.

- Network access is done via TCP/IP

(Note: TCP/IP is a LAN networking protocol standard created by the US
Government, commonly used in Local Area Networks).

Ah yes, and then they said it would be available at special computer
stores by end of June 1990. Hmm, actually they said "90", not "1990". They
don't mean 2090, do they? :-)

Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute
Univ. Dortmund, IRB klute@unido.uucp, klute@unido.bitnet
Postfach 500500 |)|/ Tel.: +49 231 755-4663
D-4600 Dortmund 50 |\|\ Fax : +49 231 755-2386


CPU MacNews¿

Ventura Publisher 3.0 Announced for the Macintosh, GEM, Windows 3.0

Ventura Software recently introduced Version 3.0 of its Ventura Publi-
sher DTP (desktop publishing) program. Completely rewritten, it will be
made available for the Macintosh, the IBM version of GEM, Microsoft Win-
dows 3.0, and OS/2 Presentation Manager. Among other things, VP 3.0 for
the Macintosh will feature:

- Built-in Spell Checker

- Extensive support to undo/redo operations

- A context-sensitive Help System consisting of 300 online menus

- Extensive file import/export capabilities, as well as file/format
compatibility with the GEM, Windows 3.0, and OS/2 versions of
Ventura Publisher 3.0

- Movable Dialog Boxes, with the ability to link Dialog Boxes

Ventura Publisher 3.0 will be available for the Macintosh, DOS and
OS/2 in the Fourth Quarter of 1990. Cost: $800.00....

Apple Plans October Introduction of New Macintoshes

Apple Computer has announced that it will be introducing three new
versions of the Macintosh on October 15th. As Apple has maintained that
it would introduce "low-end" versions of the Macintosh before 1991, many
analysts expect these models to eliminate the Mac Plus, Mac SE, and Mac
IIcx from the Macintosh line. Here is a description of the expected cost
and capabilities of these new Macintoshes:

- Macintosh Classic. This Macintosh will reportedly come with a
16 MHZ 68000 microprocessor, 2 Megs of RAM, and a built-in
monochrome monitor. It will also have a 40 Megabyte Hard Drive,
a 1.4 Meg Floppy drive, and a Mac SE expansion slot. Expected to
resemble the Macintosh SE, it will cost $1500.00.

- The Macintosh LC is expected to feature a 16 MHZ 68020, 2 Megs of
RAM, and an 80 Megabyte Hard Drive. Like the Mac IIci, it will
have an 8-bit color video chip on its motherboard, enabling it to
directly support a color monitor. Also, Apple will include a
NuBus Expansion slot. Cost: $3000 - $3500.

- The Macintosh SI will reportedly have a 20 MHZ 68030 with a 68882
math chip, 2 Megs of RAM, and 3 NuBus Expansion Slots. It will
come with an 80 Megabyte Hard Drive. Many think that Apple will
phase out the Mac IIcx with this computer. Cost: $5000.00.

Apple is expected to position the Macintosh Classic and Macintosh LC
towards the home/small business markets that it was criticized for neglec-
ting in the past. Apple is also targeting the Macintosh LC towards the
educational market. While Dataquest Inc. estimates that 65-70 percent of
all computers in K-12 Grade Schools are Apple IIs, the educational market
has recently been dominated by IBM and IBM Clones....

Apple is reportedly planning to introduce a NuBus Expansion card that
will emulate the Apple II. But if true, this may spell the doom of the
Apple II line of computers. The Macintosh LC will cost the same as a
similarly configured Apple IIgs, and the Apple II Emulation Card may even
emulate an Apple IIgs. However, many avid Apple II supporters have ex-
pressed the sentiment that they would NOT buy Macintoshes if Apple aban-
doned the Apple II line as an orphan....



IBM has announced that it will now begin nationwide sales and marke-
ting efforts for their PS/1 home computer. Authorized IBM Dealers,
Dillards, and the 800 Sears Brand Central department stores will sell the
IBM PS/1 line.

In the previous 60-day test marketing period, IBM found that over 95
percent of IBM PS/1 owners would recommend it to others, and that the IBM
PS/1 was the first computer of 75 percent of its owners. With over 70
million American households without personal computers, IBM feels that the
PS/1 will sell strongly in this market. Also, 75 percent of the PS/1
Users bought the "high-end" version (Cost: $2000.00) of the PS/1, mainly
because of the credit/financing opportunities provided by department

IBM has also introduced a 24-pin dot matrix printer for the PS/1
called (interestingly enough) the PS/1 Printer. Cost: $450.00, and an
Automatic Sheet Feeder Option costs $200 extra....


Hilgraeve Inc. has placed a new file transfer protocol, called
Hyperprotocol, into the public domain. Formerly, Hyperprotocol was a
proprietary standard designed as part of Hilgraeve's Hyperaccess/5 ter-
minal program for DOS and OS/2. Developed for high speed asynchronous
modem communications, Hyperprotocol differs from standard file transfer
protocols in two ways:

First, it uses a data compression algorithm to compress and decompress
files as they are sent or received by the modem. This can increase modem
data transfer speeds by a factor of 2 or 3. Second, this system also has
built-in error protection, allowing files to be transferred in a contin-
uous stream of data. Most file transfer protocols (like XModem or ZModem)
transmit files in segments called packets, which are inherently slower.

Hyperprotocol's data compression makes it significantly faster than
ZModem, currently the fastest file transfer protocol. However, some
implementations of Z-Modem (including Chuck Forsberg's DSZ) support data
compression. Hyperprotocol is available on Compuserve and GEnie, as well
as Hilgraeve's own BBS (313-243-5915).


RG Software Systems has introduced Version 4.0 of the Vi-Spy MS-DOS
virus checker program. Vi-Spy 4.0 has a small memory-resident program
that scans a disk for viruses every time a disk operation is begun. While
this method is commonplace for Macintosh virus checkers, Vi-Spy's is the
first such utility for MS-DOS. Cost: $250.00. RG Software Systems can be
contacted at 1-215-659-5300.

Vi-Spy 4.0 will also detect and kill the recent (and widespread) 4K
virus. This 4K Virus, after activating on September 22nd, will lock up an
infected system, but won't damage any data on disks. RG Systems says it
can be detected WITHOUT Vi-Spy by checking the size of COMMAND.COM on the
system's bootup drive, since the 4K Virus embeds itself in DOS-executable


The US Patent Office, after 20 years of deliberations, has granted
Gilbert Hyatt a patent for the microprocessor. Mr. Hyatt successfully
proved his claim to have invented the microprocessor in 1968. This was 5
years before engineers at Texas Instruments and Intel Corporation got the
first microprocessor patents. The computer industry itself is based on
microprocessors, which are found in practically all types of devices that
use computer chips....

Gilbert Hyatt could be entitled to enormous royalty payments from the
microprocessor industry, which is now as large as $5 billion a year.
However, the scope of Hyatt's patent has yet to be determined. Meaning
that attempts to get patent royalty payments will be fiercely challenged
in court by many companies that make computer chips.

Hyatt filed for a patent on the microprocessor in 1970. If his patent
for a "single-chip integrated circuit computer architecture" (or
microprocessor) is broad enough, he could gain tens of millions of dollars
worth of royalty payments. But depending on the result of the inevitable
lawsuits, he could get NO royalty payments, and lose a lot of money on
attorney's fees. However, several Silicon Valley patent attorneys feel
that his patent should cover most types of microprocessors. Meaning that
he could get royalties on almost ALL microprocessors manufactured until
the year 2010....

An aerospace consultant, Gilbert Hyatt says that he will invest the
money gained from his patent in funding American technology research
efforts. Interestingly, he also plans to use some of the money in his own
private efforts as an inventor....


> START CO STR OnLine¿ Start's Tom Byron in Conference...


As a reader of STReport Online Magazine, you are entitled to take
advantage of a special DELPHI membership offer. For only $29.95 ($20 off
the standard membership price!), you will receive a lifetime subscription
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DELPHI- It's getting better all the time!


DELPHI's ST Advantage
A Formal Conference
Mr. Tom Byron, Editor
START Magazine
August 28, 1990

Finally, I need to remind everyone that the transcript resulting
from this conference is the property of DELPHI. It may be freely repri-
nted and distributed, but we ask that you wait for the final edited
version that will be available _soon_ in the databases. If for some
reason, you just can't wait for the edited version, please contact me
(BIBLINSKI) immediately, so that I can provide you with the notice that
must accompany any reprint of this conference.

With that said, Welcome, Tom. Do you have any opening remarks that
you'd like to make? GA

No, we can get started.

Tom , why did you decide to fold Antic back into STart? Isn't
putting 8-bit info in STart a waste of pages since the 8-bits are dead?
Also does this merger mean that STart is in financial trouble? We
all remember what happened with STlog & Analog. GA

A loaded question deserves a loaded answer. The decision to fold
Antic into START really came down to a question of subscription
liability. We couldn't just "kill" Antic. Besides, the 8-bit market
isn't really "dead." In fact, Antic magazine has over 7,000 active
subscribers. There really still is a market out there. Besides, the next
issue of START (October) will be 124 pages. I find that pretty exciting.
So from now on, we're the complete Atari resource. We may even start
including Portfolio and Lynx coverage. On a side note, the Antic section
is only temporary (about six months.) GA

What is going to happen to my DISK subscription to Antic? - GA

Unfortunately, there will no longer be a disk included with your
Antic subscrption. The type-in listings will remain. ga

How is the new ST disk going to change? GA

Beginning with the January 1991 issue, the START disk will be
straight double-sided, with only the largest programs ARCed. It will
also include more PD and software demos and it will be twisted to 800K.

Will it be the same low price of $79.95 a year? ga

Believe it or not, there's talk of lowering that rate, though
nothing's been finalized. ga

What in your view is the future of the ST in the US? Hasn't
STart's circulation declined severely in the last couple of years?
Do you think Atari can recover? ga

I really can't answer the first question very effectively.
Certainly the user base in the U.S. is extremely low and there's not
much of a base to work from. Actually, though, START's circulation
hasn't fallen off that dramatically. We're still holding steady at
around 12,000 subscribers and that's where we make most of our money.
And pick up any issue and you'll see that advertisers are still to be
found. Can Atari recover? Sure, if they get that TT out. But they
better do it soon. ga

Yeah, you seem to have plenty of advertisers, which is more than I
could say for St-Log! <GRIN>

Speaking of ST-Log, did STart buy the mailing list from Flynt
Publishing? GA

Subscriber list, yes. GA

So the former ST-Loggers might be getting a letter soon, maybe?
Not that I had an active subscription. (Sorry, Clay.) GA

Yes, they should have already received notification. Actually, all
ST-Log subscribers were given choice of a refund or a subscription to
another ST magazine. Many of them chose START. GA

Tom , do you know if or when Atari will ship the TT? I've seen a
few reports that it is already shipping in Europe. Can you confirm
this? Also is the 32mhz TT rumor true? GA

Atari is already getting some machines out to developers. About
two months ago I asked Richard Miller (Atari head of R&D) to confirm a
report I read in a local newspaper that the TT would be on the
dealers' shelves before fall Comdex. If developers are beginning to
receive TTs, and I know that some are, then a November shipping date
may very well happen. I think that Atari knows that if they blow this
window of opportunity, they're not going to get another chance soon.
According to Leonard Tramiel, TTs will be shipping in Europe by
October. And yes, the release version will be 32 mHz, but from what I
understand, that's clock speed only. GA

Can you give us any names (of the developers)?

I've been asked not to at this point. No, I'm not an employee of
Atari, but when something's said off the record (i.e., specific names)
I respect the request to keep it off the record. ga

Something I've always been curious about: was there a large overlap
between the ST-Log sub. list and yours? ga

Apparently there was some overlapping. However, since former ST-
Log subscribers were given a choice (of receiving STart), I suppose
there weren't that many overlaps. We're talking about 3,000 names.

Do you know if Rick Miller came from Virginia? ga

If you're talking about the Richard Miller I referenced earlier,
no, I don't believe so. He's British. ga

Just a thot... ga

I've got several things to ask about, so if anyone wants in, say

Ask away, Gordie.

First, is Antic Software still around, and are they still
supporting STOS? GA

Antic Software is indeed still around, but no, they are not
supporting STOS. ga

Care to comment on GFA? GA

Antic is no longer supporting GFA either. I don't know who's
handling that now. I had heard GFA wanted to open their own office
here in the US, but I haven't heard any more. ga

Antic Publishing also publishes an Amiga mag. I know you aren't
involved, but can you say how things are going with it? GA

Things are getting better there. The Amiga Plus is finally
breaking even and will soon be a big money-maker for Antic Publishing.
Antic is also starting a new PC mag, in case anyone's interested. GA

I guess I wondered how it compares, reader-wise, with STart. GA

Actually, it's a little higher -- 14,000 subscribers at last count.
However, it's still only bi-monthly. GA

Why did Antic decide to produce an Amiga magazine? Antic used to be
one of the biggest Amiga detractors around. From 1986 to 1988 there
wasn't an issue of Antic and later STart that didn't slam the Amiga. GA

Antic Publishing saw a business opportunity and went for it. So
far, it's a gamble that's paid off. Any statements made concerning the
Amiga in the pages of Antic and START do not necessarily reflect the
future business plans of Antic Publishing. GA

Me again. Okay, first, I want to say I think your editorials are a
far sight better than your predecessor's. They reflect a certain sense
of reality that was lacking. Is that a reflection of your personal
attitude or is there something coming down from upstairs, too? GA

Since I took over the job of editor I've been given an amazing
amount of room from the "upstairs." Some things I've tried worked,
others didn't. I've always felt that that even though the ST market
may be "dying," I couldn't let START look like it was. One of the
first things I did was make the editorial read like an editorial, i.e.
my opinion on issues that were important for the Atari community. My
latest one on piracy hopefully made a point. Besides, I'm a firm
believer in the power of the press. GA

You seem to be more in touch with your readers. I know you did
some surveying a while back. Will that be a regular thing? GA

The survey we ran in the May issue was a tremendous success and
we've published the results in the October issue, due out any day. I
think we may run one again next Spring. GA

I'll be watching my mailbox.

Can you tell us why Antic Publishing decided not to release the
"Phase 4" programs that they had originally announced? GA

Sorry to interrupt, but I have to run. Thanks for coming by, Tom.
See you all later.

Antic Software has chosen not to pursue the ST market until it
becomes a growth market. Besides, I believe Lexicor software is
marketing the Phase 4 project, so all is not lost. GA

I understand that STart is now being produced using Calamus. I was
wondering how well the system is working out and how exactly you've
implemented it. GA

We had some problems early on, but mostly they were due to the
attitude of the Art staff. Our new art director actually has
experience with Calamus so things should begin to go a little more
smoothly. With the November issue, START will 100 percent Calamused.

A followup on your reply to my last question: You stated that
Antic Publishing will no longer produce new ST software. Is this a
temporary decision or a permanent one? Also if Antic Software won't be
producing ST software anymore, for what computer system will it be
producing software? GA

Allow me to clarify. Antic Software is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Antic Publishing and their situation is a little different from the
publishing. Antic Software needs a growth market. The ST market is
stagnant and from a business standpoint no longer a potential big money
maker. But my original answer was less than complete.
Antic does plan to release Flash 2.0 within the next several months
and they still have plenty of ST and 8-bit software in their inventory.
As for other platforms, Software is working on some very interesting
projects on other, more promising platforms, but nothing has been
solidly decided. GA

Speaking of software sales... (Nice segue, huh?) Have you seen any
kind of correlation between ST software sales and ST sales? It seems
that while the software sales have been dropping by 15% or so annually,
the hardware sales are even worse. (If Atari will release solid
figures.) Which means that ST users actually buy more software for
their machines than do users of other platforms. Make sense? Or have
I confused you? GA

The ST owner tends to know why they bought their machine in the
first place, so therefore will buy the software to match their needs.
Charles Cherry once told me that Atari has sold about 2,000 STs a month
worldwide for the past couple of years. These are hardly promising
figures and can lead to a less than productive market. On the other
hand, there's lots of fantastic software out there, so if you own an
ST, you're pretty set. Did I even come close to answering your
question, or are you as confused as I am? GA

Well, I was aiming at how much ST users buy, as opposed to pirate,
but I'll have to do some research with the SPA and Atari to come up
with something that has any meaning. I think that on a percentage
basis, piracy is less a problem on the ST, today, than it is on other
format machines. (But it was worse in the past.) GA

The question of piracy is a difficult one to answer. We're still
thinking of doing a story on the real effects of piracy upon the ST
community. BTW, the SPA may not be much help. They classify the ST as
"other computers." GA

The dreaded Rodney Dangerfield syndrome. We get no respect.

Tom, since you seem to have a good grasp of the Amiga side of
Antic's business, how would you compare the ST and Amiga markets? I've
heard that the Amiga isn't in much better shape. ga

I wish I had specific numbers, but I believe what you surmise is
correct. If you could see the letters Amiga Plus gets compared to the
letters START gets, you'd swear they were talking about the same
computer. Like the ST, the Amiga is great hardware that lacks great
marketing. GA


Tom, are sure about Atari only selling 2000 ST a month? That's
pathetic. I seem to remember Atari talking about having sold millions
of STs but if those sales figures you gave are correct , there's no way
Atari could have sold 4-5 million STs. GA

That sales figure was given to me by a reliable source, though
Atari hasn't released any official numbers. However, they did confirm
the following breakdown: 400,000 STs have been sold in Germany;
120,000 in the U.S., 70,000 in France and 40,000 in the U.K. With a
worlwide total of 1.5 million. GA

I remember seeing somewhere a figure of 500,000 STs sold in just
the U.S. GA

Hmmm. Maybe a call to Bill Crouch at Atari may clarify these
numbers. 500,000 is a bit high. Believe me, START's circulation would
be much, much higher and there would be many more ST magazines out
there. GA

Okay, I suppose I'll wind this up with my favorite question. If
there was _one_ thing you could change about Atari, what would it be?

One thing? Only one thing? Okay, I'd make an aggressive push for
dealerships, pure and simple, and I would bundle START in every ST sold.

HAHAHA, but a valid point. Well, I want to thank everyone for
being here tonight, especially you, Tom, and I'm looking forward to
seeing the "new" START!

Thanks, Tom.

This CO is officially over!

Glad I could be here, and we ought to do this more often.



> TRUE GRIT STR FOCUS¿ "One of Atari's finest...."


by R. F. Mariano

If one were to consider the number of 'critics' one amasses when in
the public eye, then in comparison, anything I as editor of STReport,
experienced was 'small potatoes' compared to the quantity of opinions both
pro and con that literally flew through the Atari community when Bob
Brodie decided to hold over the door prizes destined to go to the Pace
Show for another 'more deserving' situation.

Bob Brodie's decision, in this matter, was wholeheartedly approved by
the majority of the users throughout the USA, and now that story is known
by most users, the important points to be made should be brought out.
Although STReport has been critical of Atari in many areas, where Bob
Brodie is concerned he is, in our humble opinion, one of Atari's greatest
redeeming assets in this troubled, but soon to recover marketplace.

When the usergroups in the Phoenix, Arizona area received the goodies
for their group meeting, Atari, through Brodie, strongly displayed their
ongoing positive attitude toward usergroups. Atari's Brodie has brought
new meaning to the words "Usergroup Support" and should be applauded for
doing so. The usergroup, as STReport has stated many times in the past,
is the backbone of enthusiasm and support coming straight from the users.
In this area, Atari has proven they lead the competition in recognizing
the value of their active, enthusiastic userbase by showing their recogni-
tion in more than one solid, positive way.

It can be said in no uncertain terms that Bob Brodie has indeed held
the situation together through some of the leaner times this year and for
this too, we say thank you for a job very well done.

A well deserved note.....

A Delayed, but from the heart, Thank-You!

Do I feel embarrassed!! I feel lower than a flea on the belly of an ol'
yeller' dog. After all of my complaining about Atari and their lack of
support, when they did offer support for our local ST users, I neglected
to thank them and their User Group Coordinator, Bob Brodie.

Last May 12th, Bob interrupted his weekend with his family to fly over to
Phoenix and talk to our Atari users groups (PHAST, SEVAC, NWPAC and some
folks from the Tucson club). He brought with him a STacy, a STe (both of
which hadn't been released yet), a Atari 44-meg removable hard drive,
Portfolio and a Lynx to demo. Not only that, but Atari _donated_ to the
club an Atari Megafile 60, several sets of TOS 1.4 (both 6-chip and 2-
chip sets), some 8-bit hardware and software and some carts for the Lynx.

In other words, something for everyone. All of this was donated for
PHAST to raffle (thanks to the kind folks at the PACE show, these
products were available for our club).

Bob took the time to tell all of us about the new products coming out
from Atari, showed us the Lynx TV commercials (something we hadn't seen
yet in Phoenix) and in general, talked about Atari without sugar coating
anything. What he had to say might not have pleased everyone (especially
the 8-bit Atari owners), but no-one could say that he didn't 'tell it
like it is'. After the meeting, Bob took the officers of PHAST to lunch
and then visited our local dealer, Computer Works.

Thanks to Bob's visit, instead of the 25-30 people that we normally have
at a meeting, we had over 90 people. We had 8 people join or renew their
membership (our average membership is only 45-50, so 8 new members in one
meeting is extraordinary) and were able to replenish our diminishing
checking account. I don't know if the meeting was successful for Atari,
but it was for PHAST and the local Atari owners who came.

The officers and members of PHAST want to thank Atari for their
donations. We also want to thank Bob for taking the time out of his busy
schedule and coming over to visit with us (Of course, he came in May when
it was nice and cool. He didn't dare come in July when it was 122 in the
shade...and there wasn't any shade <grin>). And I personally want to
apologize for this delayed 'thank you'. Bob, Thanks!!!

Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.
member of PHAST (PHoenix Area ST users)


> ICD's AdSpeed! STR FOCUS¿ AdSpeed ..a 16 MHz 68000 cached accelerator!


Last weeekend at the Duesseldorf Atari Fair, ICD introduced their
exciting new AdSpeed ST accelerator to a crowd of over 50,000. The recep-
tion was exceptional.

The features are numerous:

AdSpeed is a 16 MHz 68000 cached accelerator that switches between 16
MHz mode with a 32K cache (16K data & instruction cache with 16K cache tag
RAM)... and a true 8 MHz mode with the cache off. This allows full
compatibility with all software in the normal mode an 99+% PLUS compatibi-
lity in the high speed mode. AdSpeed will not keep you from any of your

The unbelievable part is that the speed can be changed "on the fly"
with a simple desk accessory. As ICD demonstrated at Duesseldorf, you can
be running an application like calamus with a document loaded and pull
down the DA to chance speeds at any time!

AdSpeed QINDEX times are as good or better than all other 16MHz 68000
based accelerators.

AdSpeed ST is smaller than all the others and will fit in all ST
models with no jumper wires needed. (The old CPU must be removed and
a socket installed.)

AdSpeed uses SMD technology with a multilayer PCB and highly integr-
ated logic to keep the performance up and the size down.

No shortcuts were taken. With this design compatibility is assured.
But would you expect less from ICD?

ICD fully intends this be to the most compatible and trouble free
accelerator design available. ICD taken note of all the problems the
others are having (there are others besides T-16). Blitter problems seem
to be big with some. Since ICD only has about 5 blitter STs in our of-
fices, and there seem to be some "experts" out there that have.. or had
blitter problems with accelerators, do you mind sharing your troubled
blitters with us? ICD needs blitters that would not work at 16 MHz with
other accelerators but work fine in a stock ST computer. Assuming you
have replaced the "bad" blitter with a new model, ICD will pay $20 for
each blitter that ICD can use. Or $100 off the $299.95 retail price.. if
you would like to purchase an AdSpeed ST directly from ICD.

Please send your offers to:
Please include the brand name of the chip:
i.e. SGS-Thompson, Ricoh, National Semi, etc.

AdSpeed ST has been tested with and is fully compatible with Spectrum
512 in the 8 Mhz mode! ICD has also successfully tested AdSpeed ST with
Calamus, Omikron BASIC, and other software. No blitters have caused any
problems but ICD is still searching for some of the elusive "bad" blitters
to test. If you have one you would like to sell or trade, please leave
ICD EMAIL. Big screen monitors will be tested shortly.

Quick Index 2.1 was used to run the following benchmarks (the same
times also result using Quick Index 1.5) The computer under test was
a USA version Mega 2 with TOS 1.4 using floppy disk drive A:

With the Blitter OFF and AdSpeed ST in 16 Mhz mode and no resident
software loaded.

CPU memory 164%
CPU register 204%
CPU divide 203%
CPU shifts 207%
DMA 64K read 100%
GEMDOS files 100%
Disk (RPM) 300

TOS text 161%
TOS string 158%
TOS scroll 114%
GEM dialog 166%

With the Blitter ON and AdSpeed ST in 16 Mhz mode and no resident
software loaded.

CPU memory 164%
CPU register 204%
CPU divide 203%
CPU shifts 207%
DMA 64K read 100%
GEMDOS files 100%
Disk (RPM) 300

TOS text 122%
TOS string 123%
TOS scroll 133%
GEM dialog 163%

With the Blitter OFF and AdSpeed ST in 16 Mhz mode and Turbo ST 1.82

CPU memory 164%
CPU register 204%
CPU divide 203%
CPU shifts 207%
DMA 64K read 100%
GEMDOS files 100%
Disk (RPM) 300

TOS text 521%
TOS string 2001%
TOS scroll 144%
GEM dialog 461%

With the Blitter ON and AdSpeed ST in 16 Mhz mode and Turbo ST 1.82

CPU memory 164%
CPU register 204%
CPU divide 203%
CPU shifts 207%
DMA 64K read 100%
GEMDOS files 100%
Disk (RPM) 300

TOS text 521%
TOS string 2001%
TOS scroll 137%
GEM dialog 438%

With the Blitter OFF and AdSpeed ST in 8 Mhz mode and no resident
software loaded.

CPU memory 100%
CPU register 100%
CPU divide 100%
CPU shifts 100%
DMA 64K read 100%
GEMDOS files 100%
Disk (RPM) 300

TOS text 100%
TOS string 100%
TOS scroll 100%
GEM dialog 100%

With the Blitter ON and AdSpeed ST in 8 Mhz mode and no resident
software loaded.

CPU memory 100%
CPU register 100%
CPU divide 100%
CPU shifts 100%
DMA 64K read 100%
GEMDOS files 100%
Disk (RPM) 300

TOS text 110%
TOS string 106%
TOS scroll 132%
GEM dialog 133%

Thanks to Darek Mihocka for Quick Index 2.1.

.... to be shipping in September 1990.

Editor Note:
ICD, famous for their superb Host Adapter and Mass Storage Devices,
has indeed gone the extra mile in bringing out a new and highly compatible
hardware accellerator for the Atari ST marketplace. This new product
release demonstrates, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the faith ICD has in the
future of Atari's computer lines. Also, please note ICD has an Amiga
acclerator 'ready to go' also. ICD is truly staying on the cutting edge
of development and support in the Atari computer marketplace. This repor-
ter would not be the least bit surprised to find ICD releasing a *_68030_*
upgrade for the current run of Atari computers in the very near future.


> DUSSELDORF! STR SHOW NEWS¿ Teasers from Dusseldorf......


ctsy of GEnie and Rolf Hilchner

Back from the Atari show! Here are some highlights....

The TT is ready to go!!!

Atari Germany has stated that there are 200 machines at their dealers!
The TT comes with a 32Mhz 63030. The operating system is called "TOS 030"
and is downwards compatible to the ST TOS. The TT is claimed NOT to be a
computer for textprocessing.... it is alleged to be much to fast for that!
The TT comes with a memory managing unit, a 256 Bit Cache, which is in-
tegrated on the chip (MC 68030).

For mathematical operations the TT can be put together with the MC
68881, MC 68882. The TT comes with either 2, 6 or 8 MB of main storage.
The main storage can be upgraded with 4-Megabitchips up to 26 MB of RAM!
The TT has one parallel, two serial intefaces, a MIDI Interface and the
Atari ACSI DMA Channel (for Harddisks, Laserprinters and CD-ROM, etc.).
The TT also has either two Highspeed SDLC Interfaces or one Highspeed SDLC
Interface and one interface for a slower LAN, like AppleTalk. Also a SCSI
Interface was integrated with a SUB-D-Connector (25 Pin).

The Floppy-Controller:
It can handle two 720KB 3 1/2 inch Floppies, one is already built in the
TT. A very fast (lower than 20 milliseconds) 40 Meg harddrive also comes
with the TT030. The Sound system now works with 8-Bit-PCM-Stereo (Pulse
Code Modulation).

And now, the screen resolution of the TT:

It can handle up to 4096 colors, resolution is from 320x200 (16 color-
s) via 320x480 (256 colors) up to 640x480 (16 colors at a time). Plus the
super-high-resolution monochrome mode with 1280x960 pixels. And, last but
not least, the "Duochrome" mode, 640x400 pixel, like the resolution of the
monochrome Atari ST, programmable in two colors of your choice.
Professionals may be interested in the internal VME-Bus (A24/D16, A16/D16)
This port permits one to integrate the TT with other professional hardw-

The second new product Atari debuted at Dusseldorf was the new SLM 605
laserprinter, 6 pages per minute and smaller than the SLM 804.

Editor Note:
The SLM 605, (Epson Laser Compatible), made for Atari by Mannesman
Tally, is destined to become the "sweetheart of the industry" as its
also made for Zenith and a number of other well known manufacturers.

There was nothing very new at the software side, except that GFA
showed GFA-BASIC running under MS-DOS and UNIX !!!

If you are interested, here some basic show statistics:

Over 200 exhibitors from 16 countries, inclusive Australia and the
UdSSR were exhibiting at Dusseldorf on 20.000 square meteres. More than
50.000 visitors, Atari said had attended the show! Other products shown
at Dusseldorf included the ATW (the Transputer) the complete, and the
elaborate PC line, the ST line and the Stacy, the Portfolio, the CD-ROM
and of course, the TT.

Complete In Depth Coverage .....NEXT WEEK.


> Stock Market ~ STReport¿ And The Band Marches On....


by Michael Arthur

On Monday, Atari stock went up 1/4 of a point. However, on Tuesday it
fell by 1 point, and dropped 7/8 of a point on Wednesday. On Thursday,
the price of Atari stock (by going down 1/8 of a point), reached a new
52-week low of $2 1/2 a share. On Friday, the price of Atari stock went
up by 1/2 of a point, finishing up the week at $3 a share. Atari's stock
price had gone down 1 1/4 points since August 17, 1990.

Atari Stock lost 29 percent of its value this week, while the value
of Commodore stock dropped by 19 percent. Also, Jack Tramiel's 36 million
shares of Atari Stock, worth 153 million dollars on August 17th, were only
worth 108 million on August 24th....

Apple Stock was down 1 point from Friday, August 17, 1990.
Commodore Stock was down 1 1/8 points from 8/17/90.
IBM Stock was down 1 point from 8/17/90.

Stock Report for Week of 8/20/90 to 8/24/90

STock| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Reprt|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|
Atari|4 1/2 +1/4|3 1/2 - 1|2 5/8 - 7/8|2 1/2 - 1/8| 3 + 1/2|
| | 163,800 Sls |269,000 Sls | | 142,300 Sls |
CBM | 6 ----|5 1/2 - 1/2|5 1/4 - 1/4|4 5/8 - 5/8|4 7/8 + 1/4|
| | 176,900 Sls | |182,300 Sls | 136,000 Sls |
Apple|36 3/4 +1/4|36 1/4 - 1/2|35 1/8 |34 1/2 - 5/8|35 1/2 + 1|
36 12| | | -1 1/8| | 655,500 Sls |
IBM |102 1/4 |100 1/2 | 99 -1 1/2|96 7/8 |100 3/8 +3 1/2|
10138| +1 1/8| -1 7/8| | -2 1/8|2,039,600 Sls |

'Sls' refers to the # of stock shares that were traded that day.
'CBM' refers to Commodore Corporation.
'----' means that the stock's price did not change for the day.

(Note: As of Wednesday (August 29th), Atari stock was at 3 5/8, with
Jack Tramiel's 36 million shares worth $130.5 million....)


> The Flip Side! STR Feature¿ A different viewpoint.....


by Michael Lee

If you're looking for one of the cheapest places to buy your 1-meg SIMMS
for your STe, MET has them for $50.00. Their phone number is 1-800-766-
SIMM. (From N.Rechtman on GEnie)


The hard drive in the Stacy has an ID number of 0. If you connect another
drive to the DMA port, it must not only have a different ID, if _must_ be
ID #1. The Atari hard drive software assumes that all ID numbers are
contiguous.....Anyway, make sure the drive you connect is ID #1. Of
course this means that if you use Atari HD software on another system you
must change the ID every time you swap the drive since the software will
not recognize ID #1 on your other system if there's no ID #0 connected.

(From John Eidsvoog, GEnie)


For you who haven't had a chance to see it yet, there's a new ST magazine
on the market. It's called "ST Journal". It is published by Quill
Publishing, owned by Steve Lesh and comes out bi-monthly. ST Journal is
a slick-paper, professional type of magazine that has a lot of attention
grabbing artwork, serious articles on programming, hardware, people
involved in the ST market and new ST product announcements.

Like most new magazines, it is still suffering through growing pains.

The editing, typography, grammar and spelling throughout the magazine
needs a lot of improvement. The ST is known throughout the computer
world as one of the premier MIDI systems but the MIDI section currently
is just a new product announcement area. According to Associate Editor,
Gantry Gappmayer, "The MIDI section is just a news section simply because
we have no writers for it and because it is so specialized that not many
people care about it." But I'm sure that most of these problems will
change and will be improved as the editors get more seasoning under their

Originally, it was supposed to come out monthly but due to a lack of
advertising, it dropped back to 6 issues a year. If you were one of the
original subscribers, you will still get the 12 issues that you paid for.

According to John Nagy "All those who have already subscribed to ST
JOURNAL for $29.95 will get 12 issues, regardless of how many months that
might take."

There have been 2 issues of ST Journal and the third issue is expected to
be available on Sept. 15th. It's exciting that with all of the old,
established ST magazines falling by the wayside, this company decided to
gamble on the ST market.

If you wish to subscribe to ST Journal magazine, call or write
ST Journal
113 W. College St.
Covina, CA 91723

A one year subscription costs $20.00 for 6 issues. If you live in Canada
and some foreign country, add $12.00. The newstand price is $4.50 per


Here's how one person uses his ST....

Atari ST and Megas are in use at Motown Records. I've used Atari for the
Mitsubishi Bank Of California to execute projects that couldn't be done
on their slew of IBM machines. I use an ST for DTP, screenwriting,
newsletter publishing, music composition, recording, and production (from
bright idea to packaged cassette at home, how's that for fun?) and a lot
more. (From GEnie)


Remember the MegaTalk board that we discussed in this column two weeks
ago? I know that most of you non-GCR owners wondered what good it would
be for you. Here's some comments from Dave Small (from the Gadgets by
Small Roundtable on GEnie) about that....

"Doug has software that does miracles with MegaTalk."

"He can currently dial into three online systems at the same time using
the Stalker desk accessory (a terminal program D/A). Or he can transfer
files at really high speed between systems MegaTalking in ST mode. I
forget the exact figures -- It was up in the megabit range, I believe."

"MegaTalk is primarily aimed at the Mac emulation market, of course, but
that doesn't mean those chips aren't just begging to be turned loose on
the ST."


Until next week.....


> A Reply..STR FOCUS¿ J. Tarpinian says....

Item 0805842 90/08/26 17:55

Sub: ST Report 8/24/90


I confess to being rather confused. You recently made a commitment to
support the Glendale show fully. Yet in your most recent issue of ST
REPORT, you have a pair of items that can only be interpreted as "blasts"
at the upcoming GLENDALE show. Worse, both items could have been either
eliminated as "news" items entirely or at least presented in a quite
different , more positive light had you done even the most rudimentary
verification of the facts. You CERTAINLY haven't forgotten or lost my
phone number, have you?

First, this week's ST Report mentions that Lee Seiler of Lexicor is
"miffed" at being unable to provide "two days of working seminars" at the
Glendale show simply on a standby basis. What you do not say is that
Lexicor has decided to offer seminars in leu of buying a booth and thereby
supporting the user group show. While this situation and the "standby
basis" may seem to suggest that Lexicor will not be permitted to have a
seminar until they have purchased booth space, that is incorrect. Rather,
what I told Lee was that while I would welcome his presentation on our
speaker panel, I would have to wait to see if there were any openings.
This is because Glendale has always given first priority to the firms that
have chosen to purchase booth space with the show.

Bob Brodie started that policy when he handled the show before he went
to ATARI. It has always worked well for us, and insured that we all
understood the way the show was handled. I am sure that you can see how
some exhibitors would feel if they paid to have their products shown, and
we let Lee give a seminar each day to show his stuff at no cost to him at
all. Obviously, other developers would want to cancel their booth, and
just give seminars as well. We have had several developers already re-
quest this exact arrangement, and we have turned them down. Seminars have
never been offered AS AN ALTERNATIVE to buying booth space and supporting
a show. While it is true that I wish Lee would purchase a booth, it is
not true that not purchasing one precludes him from giving a seminar.
What is true is that after all the other developers that have purchased
booth space have indicated whether or not they wish to give a seminar,
then I will be able to determine what to do about Lee's request. I should
have that information on September 1.

Lee Seiler originally expressed the intent to have a booth for Lexi-
cor, but has told me since that he was "talked out of having it". His
recent agreements with RIO DATEL should offer some exposure for his produ-
cts at the show. When John Nagy spoke with Lee about a seminar, Lee had
not finalized his plans of how to display. John told him directly that he
"could not offer him seminars in competition with or as an alternative to
booth space", and Lee seemed to understand. Lee and John discussed at
length the nature of what Lee intended to present in his proposed 40
minute seminar that might be presented twice (a far cry from the "two day
working seminar" mentioned in ST Report). Lee expressed his desire to do
a talk on "color perception and computer color presentation", a topic
fairly unrelated to his product, specifically in order to avoid the con-
flict John and he discussed at length. From the extended description of
what Lee apparently told you that he planned to present, Lee

must have
changed his mind completely in the time between John Nagy's and my calls
to him. Oddly enough, even when I told him that I would have to wait for
a full roster of available seminars before giving him a firm answer, he
was still talking in terms of a non- product specific presentation. I am
frankly perplexed as to why he would develop such specific plans to pre-
sent his product line so completely AFTER having been told both that there
was doubt as to available time for him AND after hearing in detail what
the particular problem was.

A possible way out of the problem would be if Lee's talk were to be
"sponsored", as it were, by RIO DATEL. This option would only be practi-
cal once RIO DATEL confirms their spoken reservation with a check... which
has not been received as yet. Secondly, you present as news a bit about
how B&C and San Jose computers are miffed at "getting the COLD SHOULDER
from certain atarifest representatives for having exhibited at the San
Jose WOA show". While you do not name me or the Glendale show, 2 and 2
still makes 4, even on the West coast. How sad it is that you did not
make any attempt to verify this story before you ran it. NO developer or
dealer has been discriminated against for supporting WOA shows. John Nagy
and I flew to San Jose particularly for the purpose of selling Glendale
booths to vendors at the WOA. Mark, of San Jose Computers, did in fact
contact me about coming to Glendale, and I had to tell him that the room
we had reserved for Retailers was all spoken for. Mark asked that I let
him know if the situation changed, which I agreed to do. The situation
has NOT changed since. No one at B&C ever contacted me in any way for
this show. I am AMAZED that anyone at either store would generate such an
ugly and false story... but not as amazed as I am that you would repeat
the story WITHOUT VERIFICATION, particularly when you purport to be in
support of the user group shows that this sort of item defames. One of my
show workers did exactly as you suggested in your issue and called B&C to
aks about "the whole story". He was told that B&C "probably" wouldn't be
coming because the local dealers didn't want dealers from outside their
area at the show. While that's not the whole story, it is radically dif-
ferent than the reasons you stated in your issue. You really need to

Additionally, it has been a tradition of the Southern California ATARI
Computer Faire (aka the Glendale Show), which is sponsored by LOCAL com-
puter clubs, to support LOCAL dealers. As I say in my original promotion
letter to LOCAL dealers, "We will limit this show to, no more than, four
Southern California Authorized ATARI Computer Dealers... We understand
the policy of supporting our local dealers so that they can support us."
Fortunately we were able to get good LOCAL dealer support for our show,
selling out of our planned retailer space. Personally, I feel that it
benefits everyone to have LOCAL users buy their products from the same
dealers that will later be available to give them service and continuing
support, avoiding the "mail order syndrome" where the seller can offer a
great price, but the LOCAL dealer who lost the sale on price must then
support the user.

Editor Note:
As requested by Mr. Tarpinian, we present his letter of concern. As
editor of STReport, I agree... Mr Tarpinian should be concerned. He
should be concerned with the veiled illusion that STReport did not or does
not verify. We DID verify and found that the folks in question were and
ARE still quite upset. Lexicor and the Dealers mentioned wanted very much
to support the show and they ALL verified the information presented. In
fact, the Lexicor information was supplied, in total, by them.

Mr. Tarpinian's letter seems to assume that this article was "not
verified with him"...(Tarpinian) prior to its being released. STReport
chose to verify the story with those dealers and developers directly
involved. Mr. Bruce Carso of B&C Computervisions felt that the cost of
participating would be prohibitive and that he would be "balked" in any
case. Mr. Carso emphasized however, his desire that the show be successf-
ul. But at the same time pointed out that "Atari is loosing out because
of some people's tactics." Mr. Mark Dalldorf of San Jose Computer and his
manager Paul, confirmed the report. Additionally, it should be pointed
out that there were other dealers who also felt they would be "balked".

In all fairness to the dealers mentioned they, one and all, emphasized
the fact that they support Atari with energetic enthusiasm and hoped for a
highly successful Glendale show. STReport wants to see the Glendale show
be a terrific success, of this there can be no doubt, but at the same time
any misunderstandings in the Atari community on the west coast should be
cleared up by the show's principals as soon as possible.




V E R S I O N 2 . 0




SEURAT now reads and writes DegasElite Compressed format pictures
(PC? files) in addition to the original uncompressed format (PI? files).
But, there's even better news: SEURAT WORKS ON .IMG FILES, too! Read on...


A powerful Anti-Aliasing tool that works only on the range of colors
you specify without blurring your picture, and a unique Color Palette
Editor that can create and modify entire palettes with a few mouse stro-
kes, using video-like commands for Tint, Saturation and Brightness! Frank-
ly, I think it's more advanced than other programs' routines!


SEURAT now loads GDOS fonts of any size (without any need to have
the GDOS program resident!) and DEGAS fonts, too. Version 2.0 gives you
more control of text, too: Text Color, Text Style, Write Mode, Text
Scaling (both enlargement and reduction), and for the first time, GEM Text
Rotation (0,90,180,270 degrees).


Automatic splined curves can be drawn by mousing in a few (or a lot)
of control points; SEURAT will construct a smooth curve that passes thr-
ough all the marked points. You can produce splined filled figures as
well as line curves. Why not let your ST draw for you?!


Screen blocks, up to and including a full screen, can now be read
and written in the DegasElite BL? file format (which is identical with the
Amiga's IFF format, so images can be interchanged) as well as in the
original SEURAT BK? file format.
Big deal, block-files, you say?



SEURAT Version 2.0 also reads and writes GEM's .IMG format side by
side with Degas screen format pictures (when run on a monochrome system).
There's no limit to the .IMG size, either! In fact, SEURAT gives you a
bigger full-screen workarea on an over-sized .IMG file that ANY OTHER
program. (You can rapidly shift the screen window everywhere over an big
IMG file with a simple mouse drag; no fiddling with window gadgets!)

NO OTHER program for .IMG files gives you the range and variety of
painting and drawing tools, block manipulations, fills, and brushes that
SEURAT does (even though they might cost five or six times as much)! Now,
you can use the full resources of SEURAT to create images for your desktop
publishing, using familiar tools and working in a familiar paint-program
environment! Enjoy the best of both worlds!


SEURAT Version 2.0 comes as two functionally equivalent programs:

1) SEURATV2.PRG for color monitor systems (low AND medium resolution)
2) MONSURAT.PRG for monochrome monitor systems (high resolution)

And you get BOTH of them for one very reasonable price!

I call SEURAT Version 2.0 the best performance-to-price-ratio pro-
duct in the ST marketplace because you get (between the two monitor varia-
tions) 535,000 bytes of program (representing 24,000 lines of code, whew!)
so compactly compiled that SEURAT V2.0 gives you eight Paint Screens when
run on a 1-MEG ST, even with accessories loaded.

More than 60% of the Version 2.0 code is new; there have been about
200 detail improvements in existing routines for smoother operation, such
as a rock-steady flickerless mouse drawing on the Zoomscreen. All the
Block manipulation functions have been expanded to handle bigger blocks,
faster! Too many (over 60) new commands and functions to list here!

All program operations are much, much faster. Since there wasn't
much I could do to improve the zoomscreen besides making the mouse really
flickerless, I had to settle for making it FIVE times faster! Some of the
operations are TEN to TWELVE times faster!

The MONSURAT.PRG also reads and writes .MAC images!


If you liked the original SEURAT, you'll LOVE the new SEURAT! If you
haven't tried SEURAT yet, you'll find an easy-to-use interface with a host
of powerful features. As for price, I believe the new SEURAT Version 2.0
to be the best performance-to-price-ratio product in the ST marketplace!


The ONLY way is to send $25.00 to:

SKWare One, Inc.
P. O. Box 277
Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014

(Please don't sent cash; a money order is the fastest way to receive
SEURAT. I have to wait for checks to clear and am not equiped to deal
with plastic money.)

You get both the SEURATV2.PRG (for color monitors) and the MONSURAT-
.PRG (for monochrome monitors), complete new documentation on disk (30,000
words), a handy Command Key to print out for a desk reference, a set of
tutorials for step-by-step learning, from starting up to advanced techni-
ques, folders of color fills, mono-fills, brushes, an assortment of GDOS
and DEGAS fonts and more, plus an assortment of new SEURAT pictures,
blocks and images, a two-disk set.

Requires a one-meg ST with double-sided drive. Runs under Rainbow
TOS (version 1.4) and the old TOS, too.


(As they say on the wine cooler commercials,"Thank you for your support.")

Sterling K. Webb


*********************** WATCH for THE IMAGE SYSTEM! *********************

Coming soon from SKWare One, a totally new painting, drawing, image
processing, pixel-bashing set of programs: The IMAGE SYSTEM!

The IMAGE SYSTEM is not one program, but a COMPLETE SYSTEM of image
programs. The IMAGE SYSTEM contains not one but TWO painting programs:
the next revision of SEURAT (with STe support) AND a totally new kind of
ST paint program, the COLORIMG.PRG.

COLORIMG will work with mono-plane (bitmap) .IMG files on either a
monochrome OR color system AND with multi-plane COLOR .IMG files on a
color monitor. It will produce (on an ST or STe) images in the four-plane,
sixteen-color 640x480 low-rez format used by the 68030 ATARI TT, but it
will allow those images to be created and viewed on the ST (or STe) that
you have now! (No vaporware, this; watch the boards for a viewer demo
program soon!)

The IMAGE SYSTEM will include the PRINT_IT.PRG, an out-print driver
that produces the best nine-pin printing you've ever seen, besides support
for higher-resolution devices, and color printer output for Spectrum 512

There are also a host of utilities for converting color Degas pic-
tures to color .IMG files, even for patching multiple color Degas pictures
into huge color .IMG files, and so forth.

New tools for a new kind of image. When the Atari TT comes along
with the capacity for higher resolution color, you could already have the
images to match its abilities... (and have them NOW on an ST!)

And... IF you buy SEURAT Version 2.0, you'll receive FULL CREDIT for
the purchase price of this program toward the (as always) very reasonable
price of The IMAGE SYSTEM! (Is this a great country, or what?)

The IMAGE SYSTEM: Watch for it!

S K W a r e O n e
P. O. Box 277
Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014





to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


Call any of the STReport Official BBS numbers
(Listed Above)
Leave E-mail to STReport - R.Mariano

Be sure to include your full mailing address so your
Compuserve kit can be immediately mailed to you!





Clearly, one third of the fable Dussledorf show was centered around Ditek
and Calamus. Among the myriad of fantastic goodies about to journey
across the great lake are, 300x600 dpi system of drivers and upgrade for
the SLM 804, highly sophisticated additions to the Calamus line that will
raise the DTP Atari to great levels. Keep a close eye on ISD for the new

- Rockville, MD GENIE OFFERS FLAT RATE OF $4.95!

The GEnie service, one of the leading online information services, has
announced the introduction, effective Oct. 1, 1990, of a flat subscription
rate of just $4.95 (U.S.) per month including unlimited, non-prime time
access to more than 100 products and services.

This new monthly rate will make it possible for GEnie service sub-
scribers and members of their families to access a wide variety of popular
products and services on the GEnie service without the concern of running
up costly fees each month as a result of hourly access rates. In making
the announcement, Bill Louden, general manager of the GEnie service, said,
"Our market research told us that the number one thing our subscribers
wanted in an online information service was a flat monthly rate for acces-
sing a wide variety of products and services. As a result, we will be
launching, effective Oct. 1, 1990, our GEnie Star-Services with a sub-
scription rate of only $4.95 per month," said Louden.

"Our new pricing structure on GEnie is similar to the concept of Cable
TV where viewers pay a monthly rate for unlimited access to basic ser-
vices, and an additional cost for value added services," he explained.
"With this new flat monthly rate for non-prime time access to over 100 of
the GEnie service features, the online costs of many GEnie service sub-
scribers could be reduced," added Louden.

The rate for U.S. access to those GEnie service products/services not
covered under the flat monthly rate has been set at just $6 per hour
during non-prime time for all three access speeds (300, 1200 and 2400
baud). This is a $4 per hour reduction in the current 2400 baud non-prime
time rate. The prime time rate remains at $18 per hour for all three
access speeds. Since more than 60 percent of the 209,000 subscribers on
the GEnie service have 2400 baud modems, this lower non-prime time rate of
only $6/hour for 2400 baud access also will result in faster, more cost-e-
ffective software downloads on the GEnie service, which has more than
85,000 files available for downloading.

To access the GEnie Star-Services in Canada, the monthly subscription
rate is $5.95 (Canadian), with a non-prime time rate of $8 (Canadian) per
hour for all three access speeds. Prime time rate is $25.00 (Canadian)
per hour for all three access speeds. The $29.95 sign-up fee for the
GEnie service also has been eliminated for all new subscribers effective
immediately. As a result, there is no real cost to subscribe to the GEnie
service, except for the first month subscription rate of $4.95.

After trying the GEnie Star-Services for the first month, if a sub-
scriber does not like it, he/she can cancel his/her membership and the
GEnie service will refund the $4.95 subscription fee to them. (This offer
applies only to first time new subscribers to the GEnie service, once per

"We feel this new monthly rate for non-prime access to GEnie will be
eagerly accepted by many of our subscribers as they will no longer have to
watch the clock when they are using the GEnie Star-Services," said Louden.
"The GEnie service will now provide its U.S. and Canadian subscribers with
the most extensive and cost-effective package of online services available
today for a flat monthly rate,'' remarked Louden. "GEnie's original motto
of 'Stay Online Longer for Less' is even more appropriate now with the
introduction of this flat monthly rate," he remarked.

First operational in 1985, the GEnie service is one of the fastest
growing online information services with more than 209,000 individual
subscribers. Available throughout the U.S. and Canada, the GEnie service
also can be accessed in Japan, West Germany, Austria and Switzerland.



Lynx Sun Visor: A combination screen protector and sun visor which
attaches to the Lynx using those 4 mysterious holes around the screen.
Part #: PAG3400 Price: $4.95

Lynx Carrying Case (Large): Briefcase-style carrying case for the Lynx
which has one large compartment to hold the Lynx and three smaller ones to
hold the accessories you purchase. The cartridges are held in twelve slots
built into the inside of the case's cover.
Part #: PAG3350 Price: $19.95

Lynx Carrying Case (Small): Called the "Pouch", this carrying case is
similar in design to carrying cases for the Gameboy, with a large com-
partment to hold the Lynx, and two smaller pouches on the side to hold the
cartridges. Down the side of the pouch is a area designed to hold the
Comlynx cable.
Part #: PAG3375 Price: $14.95

These should be appearing in your local dealer's showcase soon, or if you
can't wait, can be purchased directly from Atari by sending a check or
money order for the total order + tax (see state tax chart below) + $3.50
shipping & handling (for orders under $50, for orders above $50, call
408-745-2367 for more information).

Orders from the following states must add the appropriate sales tax:

Illinois: add 5% California: add 7.25% New Jersey: add 6%
Massachusetts: add 5%

Send your order to the following address:

Atari Corporation
P.O. Box 61657
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Attn: Customer Relations

All sales are final, for more information, call (408) 745-2367.


TT Specifications:

Processor 68030
32 MHz
Optional math co-processor
RAM 2 MB (expandable to 8)
ROM 512K
Floppy 1.44MB 3.5 in.
ACSI internal bus
SCSI internal bus with external connector
Ports 2 asynchronous RS 232
2 synchronous RS 232C
Stereo audio outputs
Sound Digital 8 bit stereo sound
Video ST and TT modes
Features Battery backed clock
145 watt power supply
latest TOS
Optional Unix V 3.1

Stacy Specifications:
Prococessor 68C000
8 MHz
Memory 1MB RAM
ROM 256K
128K External Cartridge
32K Static RAM for LCD Display
Storage Internal 3 1/2 in. 720K micro floppy
Port for external floppy
DMA Port for optional internal Hard Drive
Display 640 x 400 resolution supertwist LCD backlit
monohrome display, split horizontally
at line 200
User Interface 94 keys, qwerty, separate cursor key cluster,
separate numeric keypad, 10 function keys,
trackball and two mouse buttons built in.
Input/Output Ports Printer (8bit parallel)
RS 232C, 50-19,200 baud
MIDI In, Out/Through 31.25 baud
optically isolated receiver
Game controller ports
DC power input jack
Operating System TOS in ROM
GEM Environment, icons, windows
GEM virual device interface
Software TOS, GEM
Power 8 x C cells, Nickel/cadmium rechargeable
5-10 hours, Alkaline 18-35 hours
Physical Demensions 13.3H x 15W x 13.3D
15.2 lbs, including batteries

Portfolio Specifications:

Processor 80C88, 4.9152 MHz
RAM 128K including internal RAM configured
disk (from 8K size)
ROM 256K containing BIOS, operating system
and applications
Screen Graphics LCD supertwist technology,
Software controlled contrast
MDA text compatible
40 columns, 8 lines
Graphics 240 x 64 pixels
Keyboard 63 keys, PC compatible, buried
numeric keypad and function keys
Sound Speaker with DTMF dialing capability
Mass Storage memory Card 32-128K
Power 3 penlite (4-6 weeks use)
Optional 117V adaptor
Expansion Port 60 pin Pocket PC expansion BUS
Memory Expansion RAM epansion to 640K
Accessories RAM Expansion modules
PC Card Driver
Serial Port
Parallel Port
Applications In ROM


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Conventional Shoe Box
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SGN6177 62Mb 24ms 3.5" Y 619.00
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SGN6277 120Mb 24ms 3.5" Y 889.00
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SGN4077 230Mb 24ms 3.5" Y 1669.00


20mb #AI020SC 379.95 30mb #AIO3OSC 419.95
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Ask about our "REBATE SPECIALS"





- ICD Utility Software - 3' DMA Cable
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Listed above are a sampling of the systems available.
Prices also reflect various cabinet/power supply configurations
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To sign up for GEnie service: Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.

Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.


The system will now prompt you for your information.


> A "Quotable Quote"¿


...from HIM

STReport¿ "Your Independent News Source" August 31, 1990
16/32bit Magazine copyright ½ 1990 No.6.35
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors, staff, STReport¿ CPU/STR¿ or ST Report¿. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint
must include the name of the publication, date, issue # and the author's
name. The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in
any way without prior written permission. The contents, at the time of
publication, are believed to be reasonably accurate. The editors, con-
tributors and/or staff are not responsible for either the use/misuse of
information contained herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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