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Silicon Times Report Issue 0638

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing Inc.

September 21, 1990 No.6.38

STReport Online Magazine¿
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EDT
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EDT

** F-NET NODE 350 ** 500mb Online **
STR'S owned & operated support BBS
carries ALL issues of STReport Online Magazine
An International list of private BBS systems
carrying STReport Online Magazine for their users enjoyment

> 09/21/90: STReport¿ #6.38 The Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine!
- The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - CPU MacNews
- TT030 TOS Reviewed - MUGSHOT real! - Mega STE?
- TT Slated For COMDEX! - NE Fest Update - STR CONFIDENTIAL


"Only UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Up to Date News, Hot Tips, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's support BBS, NODE # 350 invites systems using Forem ST BBS to
participate in Forem BBS's F-Net mail network. Or, call Node 350 direct
at 904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging ideas about the
Atari ST computers through an excellent International ST Mail Network.
All SysOps in the F-Net are welcome to join the STR Crossnet Conference
the conference code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #350. Join Today!

> The Editor's Podium¿

Glendale is now behind us and was indeed a fine show and a great
success. Now, with enthusiastic anticipation, we all look forward to the
WAACE show, the "Premier Event" on the East Coast. The vendors and
seminars already indicate that this will be a terrific show. We have
received reports from usergroups from various areas in the southern por-
tions of the country that they are traveling to the show in chartered
buses. If this year's show is anything like last year.. make it your
business to be here and enjoy.

From our 'insider' info, Genie is reported to be preparing a fantastic
display and "show within a show" . a first class treat for all Atarians.
Neil Harris and Darlah will be among the GEnie celebs present at WAACE.

Be sure to join us and everyone else in celebrating the future of
Atari at WAACE.


"STR indeed REPORTS the NEWS, not MAKE the NEWS!"





to the Readers of;

"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"


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You will receive your complimentary time
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Issue # 84

by Michael Arthur

Remember When....

In 1980, Tandy shipped the TRS-80 Model III, which became the most
popular "true laptop" computer in the early 1980s, or how Compaq Computer
first went into business in 1983, by introducing the Compaq Portable?

CPU Systems Roundup¿ XXXVII


In the past two years since Atari first showed its 68030-based TT
workstation, there has been By 1989, almost all of its features had become
common knowledge, and many in the ST Community anxiously waited for its
release. In its 1988 and 1989 Annual Financial Reports to stockholders,
Atari had promised to ship the TT "in Late Autumn". This announcement
brought renewed "vaporware status" to the Atari TT.

However, the ST community has recently gotten several items of good
news concerning the TT. In July 1990, the ST Community was pleasantly
surprised when Atari's European branches announced that the TT would use a
32 MHZ 68030 chip. In Early September, the US ST Community was glad to
discover that Atari has begun shipping the TT in earnest. Now, Atari has
announced that TT TOS features a new version of the GEM Desktop, with many
new features. This alone is good news. However, the fact that TT TOS's
new capabilities were unknown before Atari's release of the TT is a
stunning sign of Atari's successful efforts to reduce its "vaporware".

The TT's new Desktop is 22K larger than the Atari ST's GEM Desktop,
and Atari has confirmed that it won't appear in future versions of the
192K TOS ROMs used in the Atari ST. But the Atari STE uses 256K TOS ROMs
(30K of which isn't used up), and programmers at Atari's Systems Software
Division have indicated that Atari will bundle the TT Desktop in future
versions of the STE's ROMs. Here is some current information on the TT
Desktop's new features:

Basic TT Desktop Features

- One can load a separate *.INF file (like DESKTOP.INF) after boot-up,
in order to change the look of your desktop.

- Most menu options can be invoked with a single keystroke.

- You can assign a full pathname to the function keys. This allows you
to run ST applications by selecting a function key.

- New Desktop Icons, representing available printers. For example, one
could print a file with an SLM804 laser printer by simply dragging the
file's icon to the SLM804 printer icon.

- Most of the operations in the desktop work with more than one file at
the same time.

For example, if you select four items inside a disk's window and then
drag them to a printer icon, then the printer would print the contents
of the selected files, in sequence.

- A HELP menu has been added, for additional descriptions of the TT
Desktop's features.

- An improved, faster version of GDOS has been incorporated into the
TT TOS ROMs. In this version, Atari has eliminated many of the bugs
found in previous versions of GDOS.

- A completely new Control Panel Accessory is now available for the TT
Desktop. Many of its features are actually modules (or Control Panel
Extensions), which can be loaded and taken out of memory at will.

Window Functions

- FILE MASK menu option has been added, allowing TT Users to change a
disk drive window's "file mask" (*.prg, str*.*, *.*, etc.) This allows
you to set the type of files that are shown by a disk window.

Previously, disk windows had a "file mask" of *.*, so file
windows would display all files available on a disk.

- SELECT ALL menu option is available, allowing TT Users to select all
files inside a disk window.

- In a file operation, selected icons will stay selected until the
operation is completed.

For example, if you are moving files from a hard disk to a floppy disk,
and you run out of room on the floppy disk, then the files that have
NOT been moved will remain selected. This means that you don't have to
select files all over again, when you move the rest of the files to
another floppy disk.

- Scrolling a window's contents will not deselect items that have been
previously selected.

- One can scroll through a window's contents by using the ST's Cursor

- The TT Desktop can print a directory listing of all files inside the
the active Disk Window (called the Top Window).

- The number of maximum desktop windows has been raised, so TT Users can
have up to seven disk windows open at the same time.

- You can select the background color of the TT Desktop. In addition, TT
Users can have different border patterns, typefaces, and background
colors for each part of a Disk window.

- The TT Desktop features a SIZE TO FIT menu option. This allows you to
automatically reposition all icons, so they fit inside the set width of
a window. This means that you don't have to use the left/right Window
Scroll Arrows to find files.


- Like the Macintosh Finder and NeoDesk, TT TOS allows you to place file
icons anywhere on the desktop.

- TT TOS uses a file called DESKICON.RSC to load in user-designed icons
when the system is started up. Like DESKTOP.INF, it is loaded from
the root directory of the boot device.

Atari has said that it will be releasing some Public Domain utilities
which will allow TT Users to create their own icons for particular
files. These utilities may also allow TT Users to edit the existing
Desktop Icons for system disk drives and printers.

- The INSTALL DEVICE menu option can be used to both install a new disk
drive partition (and its Icon), and to replace the Icon that represents
an existing drive partition.

- The drive path of all files represented by Desktop Icons (or icons that
reside on the desktop) will be updated when a file is deleted, renamed,
or moved.

File Management

- An "Unsorted Index" menu option has been added to the TT Desktop's
View Menu. This option displays files in a Disk Window in the order
that those files are physically stored on the disk.

TOS loads "AUTO folder programs" and desk accessories in the order that
they are physically stored on this. As such, this option is excellent
for arranging the placement of these utilities on a disk.

- The TT Desktop features a DELETE ITEM menu option, which deletes all
files that have been selected in a window. It could be very useful if
a disk's window is covering the Trash Can Icon, or if one's Desktop is
cluttered with Disk Windows.

- A Find File option has been added. A dialog box pops up, in which you
type in the name of the file/folder that you are looking for, and
select the disk partitions that you want to perform the search in. If
the search is successful, then a Window opens, showing the file/folder.

- ALTERNATE - # opens a new window, which shows the contents of disk #.

For example, if you want to see what is in Disk B, then you can press
ALTERNATE and the letter 'B' at the same time. This will open a new
window containing the contents of Disk B.

- CONTROL-# replaces the contents of the active window with the directory
of Disk #.

For example, let's say that the active window on your desktop is
showing the files on Disk A. Now, if you want the SAME active window
to show Disk B's files INSTEAD, then you simply press the CONTROL key
and letter 'B' at the same time.

Desktop, Application Parameters

A new DESKTOP CONFIGURATION menu option has been added, which
replaces the SET PREFERENCES menu option. Among other things, it also
shows the amount of system memory currently available for use. Other
configuration features of the TT Desktop are:

- You can select the background color of the TT Desktop. In addition, TT
Users can have different border patterns, typefaces, and background
colors for each part of a Desktop window.

- You can switch resolutions with a single keystroke.

- When doing file copy operations, you can choose whether you want to
preserve the file's date or not.

- The INSTALL APPLICATION menu has also been improved, to include a
"GEM - take parameters (GTP)" option. This allows programmers to write
GEM programs that can accept command parameters. For example, one
could write a GEM version of ARC.TTP that could read the parameter:

'vh a:\STR638.ARC',

and respond to them by displaying the contents of STR638.ARC in a
resizable GEM window.

One can also pass file parameters to a program by either using the
file's full drive path, or by only giving the file's name.

- You can set the default directory of an application that is running to
that of the application's directory, or that of the Top (or active)
window on the GEM Desktop.

For example, let's say that a TT User assigned the pathname,
'A:\TERMINAL\FLASH.PRG to the F1 key, so he/she could run FLASH.PRG by
pressing the F1 key. Now, imagine that when the TT User pressed the
F1 key, the Top Window was showing the 'C:\STALKER\' directory.

With this feature, that TT User could determine whether Flash's default
directory was 'A:\TERMINAL\' (since that was the directory of the
FLASH.PRG application), or 'C:\STALKER', which was the directory of the
Top window on the GEM Desktop.

Thanks to Allan Pratt of Atari Corp., for providing much information
needed for this article.

CPU MacNews¿


Apple has announced that Version 7.0 of its Macintosh System
Software, long at "vaporware status", will be delayed until the first half
of 1991. It will begin System Software 7.0 "beta-testing" in October,
first shipping it to Macintosh Software Developers. It now appears that
many of the delays surrounding System 7.0 were caused by efforts to make
it take up less than 2 Megs of RAM on a Macintosh, and to make it more
compatible with existing Macintosh applications.

Apple has also revealed that it will be shipping HyperCard 2.0 in
November of 1990. Also, Apple has said that Claris Inc., its subsidiary,
will begin future development on Hypercard at this time. But Apple has
also changed how it distributes Hypercard. Before, a complete version of
Hypercard was bundled with every Macintosh. But now, Apple will simply
bundle a run-time version of Hypercard 2.0 with every new Mac. The
complete Hypercard 2.0 system (with the Authoring System necessary to make
new Hypercard stacks) will now be sold commercially by Claris Inc.



IBM and Microsoft have announced that they have extended their
software licensing agreement, in order to coordinate Operating System
development. IBM will now handle most development on the OS/2 Operating
System, while Microsoft will be responsible for Microsoft Windows and DOS
development. However, IBM and Microsoft will continue to work together in
DOS, OS/2, and Windows development. Also, both companies will be jointly
developing a version of OS/2 that can be ported to other microprocessors,
like Unix. IBM and Microsoft's new agreement means that development
activities for DOS, OS/2, and Windows will be centralized in one location,
and will speed up their operating system development.

It seems that IBM felt that Microsoft was "dragging its feet" on
OS/2 development, while aggressively marketing Microsoft Windows 3.0 as an
alternative to OS/2. IBM's SAA (Systems Applications Architecture (SAA),
a set of standard software guidelines for its entire line of computers, is
heavily based on OS/2. Also, IBM has garnered 2/3 of all OS/2 sales. IBM
is also planning to introduce OS/2 1.3, which will only need 2 Megs of
RAM. OS/2 1.3 could become a serious competitor to Windows 3.0,
especially in the business community....


Zenith Data Systems has obtained a $6 million dollar contract to
make "notebook-sized" PCs for the US Postal Service. Zenith, a subsidiary
of Groupe Bull, will be producing over 4,000 of its 6-pound MinisPort PCs
to the US Postal Service. These 8088-based PCs come with a backlit LCD
screen, 1 Meg of RAM, and a 20 Megabyte Hard Drive in a package that is
12 x 9.8 inches in size, and only 1.3 inches deep. The US Postal Service
will be using the MinisPort to automate field data collection necessary to
estimate mail volume, revenue, and the "efficiency" of US Post Offices


Texas Instruments has requested that Japanese semiconductor vendors
pay 10 percent of their Revenues on DRAM Chip sales, as a licensing fee
for a TI patent. In 1989, TI succeeded in a 30-year effort to get a
wide-ranging patent in Japan on the concept of a DRAM memory chip. IF
Texas Instruments (who also makes DRAM Chips) succeeds in its efforts, it
will gain over 100 million dollars a year in royalty revenues....

Many Japanese computer companies may contest these fees in court,
since TI is asking for patent fees that are up to 5 times higher than
patent owners usually charge for patent licenses. However, TI is now
engaged with several of these companies, for "suitable" cross-licensing


NeXT Inc. has introduced four new versions of the NeXT Computer, which
are based on Motorola's 68040 chip. These versions of the NeXT will
feature a 25 MHZ 68040 chip (with a built-in floating point math unit), an
internal 2.88 Megabyte Floppy Disk Drive, a built-in 105 Meg Hard Drive, 8
Megs of RAM, and Version 2.0 of their NeXTSTep Operating System. The
NeXT's Optical Drive Unit will be OPTIONAL for this product line. The new
versions of the NeXT are:

- NeXTstation Monochrome System: Unlike the original NeXT, this
system's case has a "pizza-box" shape. It comes with a 1120*832 monochrome
resolution, and will be shipping in November 1990. Cost: $5000.00.

- NeXTstation Color System: This version of the NeXTstation can
display 4096 colors out of a 16-bit (or 65,536 color) palette, and will be
shipping in January 1991. Cost: $8000.00.

- NeXTcube Monochrome System: Like the original NeXT Computer, this
system has four NuBus Slots, in a black, cube-like case. It has a
monochrome 1120*832 resolution. Cost: $8000.00.

- NeXTcube Color System: This version of the NeXTcube can display
4096 colors out of a 16-bit color palette, has a 1120*832 resolution. It
will be shipping in Early 1991. Cost: $10,000.00.

- NeXTcube Plug-in Motherboard: Like the original NeXT Computer,
the NeXTcube's motherboard is actually a NuBus Expansion card. As such,
NeXT Inc. is selling the NeXTcube's motherboard to owners of the original
NeXT Computer, as an upgrade. Cost: $2000.00

NeXTStep Version 2.0 features a host of new improvements. Its speed
performance has been improved, and it uses a faster version of Display
Postscript that can display both monochrome and color graphics. It also
has support for software fax, Ethernet, and DOS Floppy Disks. Several
software companies are also making applications for the NeXTstation,

- Adobe Systems, who is shipping a version of its Postscript-based
Adobe Illustrator drawing package.

- Ashton Tate, who has announced a spreadsheet package called

- Lotus Inc. is now beta-testing Lotus Improv, a spreadsheet package
with advanced financial modelling features. It will be available
to NeXTstation Owners for free, until January 1990....

- WordPerfect Inc. is reportedly porting its word processor to the
NeXT Computer.

NeXT Inc., who reportedly sold only 7000 - 8000 of its old NeXT
Computers, has gotten over 15,000 signed orders for its new line of
NeXTstations. One complaint about the original NeXT Computer was its
speed. However, since the 68040 chip is 5-7 times faster than the 68030
chip used by the original NeXT Computer, speed should be no problem for
Steve Jobs' new line of computers. NeXT Inc. could become the first
company to ship a 68040-based product, as Steve Jobs has said that his
company should have no problems obtaining a good supply of 68040 chips....

Next Week: More information on the new NeXT Workstations....



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For Immediate Release
WAACE AtariFest '90

The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts will hold WAACE
AtariFest 1990 on October 6 and 7 1990. This event will be the premier
East Coast event for people who are interested in software and hardware
for Atari computers. The show will be staged at the Sheraton Reston Hotel
in Reston, VA. Show hours will be from 10 am to 7 pm on both days. In
addition to the shopping bargains available from approximately thirty
vendors there will be a full round of demonstrations, tutorials, and
seminars. A banquet on Saturday evening will feature Charles Johnson of
CodeHead Software with the topic, "Atari Through the Looking Glass" and
Current Notes Magazine's "Author of the Year" award. Special mixers will
cap off the evening's festivities. Approximately 3000 visitors from all
over the USA, Canada, and other foreign countries attended the 1989 edi-
tion of the show.

Admission charges are $5 for one day, with a 2-day pass available at
$7. A discount rate is available for ticket purchases by user groups.
Children under 12 will be admitted free.

The Sheraton Reston Hotel is a spacious, attractive facility located
in a parklike setting near Washington, DC. The hotel is offering a special
room rate of $59 per night plus tax to Fest participants who reserve by
August 6th. The hotel room rate includes 2-day passes to the show for
room occupants. Call 703-620-9000 for reservations. Be sure to mention
AtariFest '90.

The WAACE show has established itself as the premier Atari event for
East Coast Atari fans. Bob Brodie, Atari Corporation's, goodwill ambas-
sador, has labeled the WAACE show as one of the two "must see" events for
Atarians held in the USA.

AtariFest '90 Vendor List
16 September, 1990

The following organizations will be in the sales area of the WAACE
AtariFest '90.

Alpha Systems Application & Design Software
Atari Corp Best Electronics
Branch Always Software Chuck Levin Music Center
Codehead Software Computer Digest
Current Notes, Inc D. A. Brumleve
Data Innovations Debonair Software
Double Click Software Dr Bobware
FAST Technology Frontier Software (UK)
Gadgets By Small GEnie
Goldleaf Publishing, Inc Gribnif Software
ICD ISD Marketing, Inc
Joppa Computer Products L & Y Electronics
Michtron SLICCware
Step Ahead Software, Inc Talon Technology, Inc
Toad Computers WizWorks!
Zubair, Inc.

Banquet Information

The 1990 WAACE AtariFest Banquet will be held at the Sheraton Reston
Hotel at 8:00 pm, Saturday, 6 October 1990. The dinner will be a non-smok-
ing event this year. Ample smoking areas will be provided near the dinner
area for smoking breaks. The Banquet will be proceeded by a social hour
held in the hotel. Dinner will be served at 8:00 pm. The dinner will be
followed by the Current Notes Author of the Year Awards presentation and
then the featured banquet speaker. This years banquet speaker will be
Charles F. Johnson from Codehead Software. His topic is "Atari Through the
Looking Glass."

The banquet will be a sit down dinner this year and a ticket will cost
$23.50. Please make checks payable to WAACE. The menu is as follows:

Sliced Top Sirloin Merlot OR Chicken Europa
Salad with house dressing
Vegetable (to be determined)
Starch (to be determined)
Beverage (choice of ice tea or coffee)

The Chicken Europa consists of chicken breast served in a mushroom and
brandy sauce. Please specify with your ticket request your choice of
entree, beef or chicken.

Please send all ticket requests to the WAACE Banquet
Coordinator, Rich Avey. Rich's address is,

Rich Avey
WAACE Banquet Coordinator
13000 Kidwell Dr
Dale City VA 22193.

Ticket requests are being accepted now. Tickets will be mailed out
until 27 September. Tickets orders received after 27 September will be
processed and tickets will be held for you for pickup at the Fest. If you
have any questions please call Rich at (703), 590-8153.

About the Seminars and the Guest Speakers...


Mike Vederman and Paul Lee of Double Click Software will discuss a wide
range of topics from humor to Double Click products (DC Utilities & DC
Desktop) to what it is like to be a commercial software company that
started out as a shareware software developer.

Mike and Paul are general partners in Double Click Software, located in
Houston, Texas. Paul is the developer of the programs Shadow, DC Xtract
2.0, DC SEA and Mystic Background Formatter. Mike is also the co-developer
of Shadow and author of DC Desktop. Double Click has been in business for
over four years, providing software to the Atari community.


Nathan Potechin, the President of ISD Marketing, will present a live
demonstration of the Calamus Family of Desktop Publishing software.
Included in the discussion will be Calamus (DTP), Calamus Font Editor and
Calamus Outline Art.

ISD is located in Ontario, Canada and distributes the Calamus Family,
Dyna Cad, plus the Compugraphic Font Library for use with Calamus.


Bob Brodie, Atari Corporation's Manager of User Group Services will
discuss issues directly with users. Find out what Atari has in store for
the future and be sure to bring all your questions concerning your favo-
rite computers.


Lauren Flanegan-Sellers of Goldleaf Publishing, Inc. will discuss their
Word Processing system Word Flair and the soon to be released Word Flair
II. Goldleaf Publishing is located in Larkspur, California.


Rick Flashman and Dan Wilga of Gribnif Software will demonstrate the
latest release of their replacement desktop for the Atari ST. The NeoDesk
programs have been one of the best selling (if not the best selling)
non-game utility software program for the ST. Gribnif is located in
Hadley, Massachusetts.


Ralph Mariano, the publisher/editor of the weekly ST Report Online
Magazine will present a lively discussion of topics of interest in the
Atari community. ST Report has been going strong for three years now
providing the ST community with up to date information on what's happening
in the ST world and never hesitating to speak out on any issue in the
Atari world. ST Report appears every week on the GEnie, Compuserve, Delphi
and Bix Commercial Online services and on over 400 private BBS systems


David Troy, the co-owner of Toad Computers an Atari Dealer located in
Severna Park, Maryland will discuss the various hard disk systems
available for the Atari ST Computers. Dave is a featured columnist for
Current Notes Magazine and is currently a student at Johns Hopkins
University majoring in Computer Science. Dave, an Atari user for over
eight years, is also the producer of the TOAD File 44 removable cartridge
hard disk drive system.


Joe Waters the Editor and Publisher of Current Notes Magazine will provide
an introductory look into Desktop Publishing on using Timeworks Desktop
Publisher ST. Joe will demonstrate the basic fundamentals of using a
Desktop Publishing System on the Atari ST.

Current Notes Magazine, a longstanding periodical serving the Atari com-
munity published in Northern Virginia, is now in its tenth year of pub-


D.A. Brumleve has been programming public domain and commercial software
for the Atari ST since early 1987. During this period she has developed a
series of "Kid Progs" for children of various ages. The series now
numbers 18 programs in the public domain. Her commercial software includes
PreSchool Kidprogs, Kidpublisher, Kidpainter and Super Kidgrid. Mrs.
Brumleve is the mother of five children and is the adult facilitator of
the Children's ST User's Group in Urbana, Illinois.


Atari technical gurus John Townsend, Ken Badertscher and Cary Gee will be
on hand to discuss topics of interest to both developers and the user


Darek Mihocka of Branch Always Software will be on hand to discuss the
methods available to speed up your ST with out the purchase of a hardware
accelerator. Darek is a recent graduate of the University of Waterloo
and the author of the ST Xformer 8-bit Atari Computer Emulator for the ST.
Branch Always produces Quick ST II and Quick Tools. Quick ST II is a
software accelerator that speed up the standard TOS graphic and text
drawing routines and Quick Tools is a collection of useful utility
accessory programs for the ST.


Jeff Lomicka, the president of Tidbit Software Engineering, will discuss
the design considerations that went into the GOOD Backup Utility, Tidbit's
powerful program for backing up hard disk drives. This program is probably
the most sophisticated and intelligent approach to this problem on the
market today.

Jeff is a professional programmer for one of America's largest computer
manufacturers. A registered Atari developer, he is also active in user
groups in the Boston area, serving on the executive community of the New
England AtariFest.


J. Andrej Wrotniak, a familiar presenter to WAACE seminar visitors, will
follow up on his seminar from 1989 titled "Software that Stinks" with the
reverse side of the issue. Andrej will discuss good and useful programs
for the Atari ST that are free. Be sure to attend to find out the best in
Public Domain and Shareware software.

Andrej is the developer of El-Cal: The Math Machine and Star Base for the
Atari ST. He is also a regular columnist for Current Notes Magazine and
was the recipient of the 1989 Current Notes Author of the Year Award.


The International Association of Atari Developers (IAAD) will present and
informal discussion and question & answer session on a broad range of
topics facing Atari Developers. The IAAD was formed during the 1989 WAACE
Atarifest and is currently headed by Nathan Potechin of ISD Marketing.


Charles F. Johnson of Codehead Software will be the Guest Speaker at the
Atarifest Banquet at 8:00 PM on Saturday October 6, 1990. Charles, a
professional musician, has produced many commercial and shareware programs
for the Atari ST. The shareware programs he has produced include Arc
Shell, Pin Head, Desk Manager, Little and Green Selector. Codehead soft-
ware has produced utility programs such as G+Plus, MultiDesk, HotWire and

Directions to WAACE AtariFest 1990


Take the Beltway I-495 Exit 12 to Washington Dulles Airport. Then
take the Washington Dulles Tool Road (Rt. 267) Exit. Follow Washington
Dulles Toll Road to the Reston Ave, Exit 3. Turn left at the traffic
light onto Reston Ave. Left again at the 2nd traffic light onto Sunrise
Valley Dr. Follow Sunrise Valley Dr. to the Sheraton Reston on the left.


From DC, take I-66 West. Follow the exit signs to Washington Dulles
Airport. Then take the Washington Dulles Toll Road (RT.267). Follow Washi-
ngton Dulles Toll Road to the Reston Ave, Exit 3. Turn left at the traffic
light onto Reston Ave. Left again at the 2nd traffic light onto Sunrise
Valley Dr. Follow Sunrise Valley Dr. to the Sheraton Reston on the left.


Take Interstate 66 to Vienna Exit 16, Rt. 123 North. Continue 1/2
mile to Rt. 674 (Hunter Mill Road) left on Rt. 674, 4.5 miles to entrance
to Reston. Continue straight to Sheraton Reston Hotel on right.


Call the Sheraton Reston Hotel, (703)-620-9000 and ask for the free
hotel shuttle. If you have a rental car then take the Washington Dulles
Toll Road and go to Exit 3, Reston Ave. Turn right at the traffic light
onto Reston Ave. Left again at the 2nd traffic light onto Sunrise Valley
Dr. Follow Sunrise Valley Dr. to the Sheraton Reston on the left.


> The Flip Side STR Feature¿ A different Viewpoint!


by Michael Lee

I wish that my pocket-book would have allowed me to go to the Glendale
show last week-end. From what I've heard, it was a outstanding show and
a great time was had by all. Since WAACE is a little closer to me, maybe
I will get a chance to see some of you folks there.


Are you an owner of a SH-204? If so, have you found that you need more
storage room than 20-megs nowadays? I might have the answer you've been

waiting for! The following are a compilation of posts from Tim Onders
(Control Services) on how to upgrade your SH-204. (From CIS)

Just keep your eye out for a used mechanism and upgrade. I managed to
replace my SH-204 mechanism with a 71 meg Priam for about $300 that way.

Simple instructions:
Inside the SH-204 case are four parts.
1) The drive mech, mounted towards the front on the bottom
2) The power supply, also mounted on the bottom, in the back
3) The Atari host adaptor, a small board attached to the top of the
case towards the back. The cable to the computer plugs into this
4) The drive controller card, usually an Adaptec MFM controller.
Mounted on the front top of the case, it has a little LED that
sticks through a hole in the front of the case.

Things are interconnected in the following manner:
o The power cable goes into the power supply. Out of the power
supply comes cables with little "Molex" type connectors. These
connectors supply the power to the other parts.
o The Host Adaptor has three connections: power, from the power
supply, the connector for the cable from the ST, and a big wide
ribbon cable that goes to the controller card.
o The controller card does have four connections: The power
connector, the big cable from the host adaptor, and two ribbon
cables that go to the drive itself. There is one extra edge
connector on the drive controller. This is for a second drive
mech, which may or may not work with the Host Adaptor. I've
never tested it. (I think it does though.)
o The drive has three cables, the power connector, the medium sized
ribbon cable, and the small ribbon cable, both from the

Now that you are oriented, we begin the tricky stuff. The only new part
required to upgrade an SH-204 is a bigger MFM hard drive to replace the
old one. A SCSI drive could also be used, but I have never been lucky
enough to try that. I just bought a cheap Priam drive.

The toughest thing about the job is that Atari, in the 11 or so years
that I have owned and worked on Atari machines, does not like to use
polarized edge connectors. This means that it is possible to put a cable
on backwards. Don't worry, I'll take care of that.

Carefully remove the small edge connector from the drive in the 204.

There should be a notch in the board on the drive. Mark the cable
connector with a permanent marker with respect to this notch. If there is
no notch, the board in the drive should mark pin 1. Mark the cable with
respect to pin 1.

Repeat the process with the other ribbon cable, the medium sized one.

Finally, disconnect the power connector from the mechanism. If you
haven't already done so, unscrew the drive from the bottom of the case.
Be sure not to lose the little rubber shock mounts.

Now, just reverse the procedure with the new drive. Simple plug and play.

Standard Warnings:
Park the drive before beginning this procedure.
Make sure the power cord is unplugged before opening the case.
There may be small differences between your drive and mine, since
mine was a pre-production developer's version.

To use the new drive, you must get the formatting parameters for it
to use with whatever utilities you use. The manufacturer is usually
more than happy to provide this information. The ST even manages to
squeeze more space out of most drives than a PC. My 62 meg Priam
formats out to about 71 megs on the ST.

(Disclaimer: Any hardware modifications require some technical skill and
should only be done by a service center or a qualified person. ST Report
and it's authors makes no guarantees regarding the reliability of any
hardware modifications appearing in this magazine. You, as always,
perform the modifications at your own risk.)


The power supply in most Atari hard drives will support a larger drive
mechanism, in my case it went from a 20 meg seagate to a 42 meg seagate
(ST251) with no problem (other than having to go in and re-solder some
seriously bad solder connections on the power supply). (From Gregg
Anderson - Genie)


Until next week....





by Gregg Anderson

For two intensive days the Glendale Civic Auditorium was the center of
Atari activity here in the USA as venders, developers, enthusiasts,
and even Atari's senior management gathered to 'strut their stuff' and
remind the nation that Atari is on the move.

Review #1

by Gregg Anderson

Vendors on hand included Migraph (EasyDraw, TouchUp, Scanner), Mitch-
tron, Branch Always Software (QuickST & various utilities), Gadgets by
Small (Spectre & GCR), Beckmyer Development Tools (multi-tasking tools
for the ST), Best Electronics, BRE, CodeHead Software (G+, MultiDesk,
etc), D.A.Brumleve (Kid Publisher, etc), Double Click (DC Desktop/utilit-
ies), Goldleaf (Wordflair), Gribnif (premiering the new Neodesk 3), ICD
(hard disk systems & the AdSpeed turbo board), Neocept (WordUp), Slic-
cware, Software Development Systems, Talon Technologies (Supercharger &
monitor adapters), WuzTek (Omnimon monitor), Zubair Interfaces, Xoterix
(Portfolio drives & interfaces), Sprokits Computer Products, STJournal,
STInformer, and Z-Net news services. There were also a number of Atari
retailers on hand, including Computer Network, American Music, The King's
Domain (PD software), Mid Cities, Computer Safari (Soft-Logic/Safari

Needless to say Atari was there as well, and in force (even the new
president of Atari USA/Canada/France, Elie Kenan, was there)! Taking up
the auditorium's entire stage was a large display of STe's and Mega4 DTP
systems, all running demos of various software packages ranging from
games to Calamus & more. Jimmy Hotz was there too, manning a 'round the
clock' demo of the impressive 'Hotz Box' that he and Atari designed last
year. Laid out in front of the stage was a wall of Atari Lynx game
systems, each one running a different game and each one manned by at
least two players at all times.

The various vendors' display booths were very professional and well
managed, they had to be to handle the crowds that gathered in front of
them from the moment the doors opened to when the folks that run the
auditorium started shutting the lights off to get rid of everyone. All
in all the entire show was highly organized and well planned, my hat's
off to John Tarpinian and his team from the HACKS Atari Computer club for

One of the highpoints had to be the various seminars presented
during the show. These included talks by Atari's Leonard Tramiel, Bob
Brodie, John Townsend, and Ken Badertscher. Also presenting seminars
and answering questions were Dave Small, Gribnif Software (on the new
Neodesk 3), Nathan Potechin (ISD & Calamus), Charles F. Johnson & John
Eidsvoog (Codehead S/W), Jimmy Hotz (Hotz Box), Jay Pierstorff (PageStream
applications), Kevin & Liz Mitchel (Migraph), Darek Mihocka (QuickST),
representatives of STJournal, ST Informer, STart, and Z-Net, and, finally,
a frank discussion by some of Atari's independent developers about the
'state of Atari' and what the user base would like to see from them. As
with the displays and booths the seminars were well timed and profes-
sionally, if somewhat casually presented.

As for my 'gut reactions' to the show I'd have to say they were
generally very positive even though the total numbers of attendees didn't
turn out to be quite as large as hoped for. There seemed a sense of
optimism that I hadn't seen for a while, a feeling that things really
were going to turn around for Atari here in the USA. Much of that fee-
ling seems to stem from Atari's new president, Elie Kenan and the reputa-
tion he brings with him from France. Couple this with the visible prese-
nce and availability of STacys (still without batteries though, darn it),
Portfolios, Megas, STe's, Megafile 44/30/60 hard disk systems, and Lynxes
and there was a noticeable feeling of renewed confidence in Atari. Even
the much rumored but never seen TT was present, with several of them
sitting in various developer booths (a few TTs were at the hotel for
developers to test their software on). Everyone seemed more hopeful,
from the individual vendors (who generally reported good sales by the
way) to the various developers and even among the many Atari enthusiasts
that came for the show. And that wraps it up, another outstanding Atari
fest that displayed not only new hardware and software, but a new at-
titude as well. Thanks again to John Tarpinian and his team, and good
luck Elie Kenan, we're behind you 100%!

Gregg Anderson

Review # 2

by Brad Martin

I must say that I was looking forward to the Glendale show for a long
time. Lots of rumors have been circulating that many new and exciting
things would be introduced at this show. Anyone who has been a long time
supporter (some would say suffering supporter) of Atari computers knows
that the introduction of anything new is cause for celebration.

When I first walked in the door my heart sort of fell, there were
very few people there (the totals for Saturday were around 1600, and for
Sunday around 850). And while it is true that attendance was light, most
vendors were very pleased with sales. And in fact, on Saturday nine new
Atari systems were sold.

Atari had the biggest area in the show. They had a semi-professional
setup at the back of the main hall. They had all types of systems set up,
including showing the CDR-504, and the Atari Hotz box. The Hotz box,
looks neat. It allows those who have little or no musical inclination or
training to sound like a Pro. Look for this product to ship soon in
quantity. The CDR-504 CD-Rom drive made an appearance, but there was
never anyone demonstrating it, and.. no one even seemed very excited about

Atari also had a large Lynx entertainment area set up, with around 15
Lynx's set up. There was never much of a crowd around it, and I was able
to walk up any time and play a game. Talking to an Atari rep about sales
of the Lynx he said that they had been poor because of the lack of new
games, and he wished he knew what was holding Atari up with releasing new
stuff. There were a few new titles shown. Slime World, which is now
shipping, is fun. And Ms. Pac-Man and Paperboy also made an appearance.

The most exciting things at the show, in my opinion, was the various
desktop replacements. NeoDesk 3 is GREAT. There is more power and bells
and whistles in this desktop then any other computer OS that I know of.
Now if they only could add multi-tasking then it would be perfect. When I
did ask about multi-tasking I got a knowing smile. Perhaps soon.

The other new desktop being displayed was SLICCTOP. Those who go to
a lot of shows know that this desktop replacement has been being shown for
quite awhile. For those who don't know what SLICCTOP is, it is a
multi-tasking replacement for GEM. The author is really excited about
this product, and he has a lot of new applications coming out for it.
While NeoDesk 3 adds a lot of neat bells and whistles to your desktop,
SLICCTOP is a true replacement that gives you MUCH more power. SLICCTOP
supports networks, so people in a network can share data, even going so
far as working on the same document within a desktop publishing program.
If it seems I am excited about this product I am, I really hope this
program succeeds. Double Click was showing their DC Desktop, but did not
seem to have added anything new to it so I did nothing but take a quick
glance. Not that DC Desktop is bad, it is just overshadowed by the other
products on the market.

The Codeheads was showing off a new product, called Codekeys. This
new product fits into Codeheads integrated desktop theme, and allows you
full macro control over your desktop, and applications. It has a very
powerful macro language, and is up to the Codehead standard of excellen-
ce. Soft-Logic was there with a lot of new things for PageStream. They
had a new Encapsulated Postscript graphics library that looked very nice.
And they had their full line of fonts available for purchase. When asked
about Version 2.0 of PageStream I was told that the programer had just
started to work on it, and it would be another 3-4 months before anything
shipped. ICD was showing off their new accelerator board, AdSpeed. It is
a very nicely designed board that will give FAST Technology a run for
their money. So watch out, here comes accelerator wars.

ISD was displaying Calamus version 1.09n, which adds a couple of new
features, and fixes a few bugs. Calamus SL is coming, and sounds very
nice. Branch Always Software was there showing off version 2.2 of Quick
ST II. The competition between them and Turbo ST means that we consumers
keep getting better and better products. If you have the older version of
Quick ST I would upgrade.

Migraph was showing their hand scanner plus Touch-Up, but nothing else
new. When asked about new products they said they have a new version of
Easy Draw due out later this year. This will look a lot like Touch-Up as
they are now going to a standard interface for all their programs. Also
reported is a new version of Touch-Up that will be out sometime in the
first quarter of next year. Anyone who has been waiting for Migraph's
Adobe Illustrator clone should stop, it has been put on indefinite hold.

Rio/Datel was there showing off Lexicor's new "Phase-4" graphics
software. It looks really nice, and should be shipping the first of

Talon Technologies was selling their Supercharger IBM emulator. They
said that the VGA card was coming, and also a networking card that allows
a person look network with other PC's.

Goldleaf Publications showed version 1.1 of Wordflair, which has a few
new features, and fixes some bugs. People can upgrade to 1.1 by sending
$5 to Goldleaf (as long as you are registered).

Gadgets by Small was there showing Spectre GCR version 3.0 and Megata-
lk. This combination is a real winner. Gadgets' 68030 accelerator board
was nowhere to be seen.

Neocept was showing Word Up 3.0, and selling it for an incredible $45.
Needless to say it was selling fast.

Soft-Aware had their easy to use relational, graphic database, called,
The Informer II there. Very nice database, it combines lots of power with
ease of use.

Sprockits Computer Products showed their line of Lynx and ST products,
including some nice custom travel cases.

Xoterix, a new company, showed a whole line of products for the Atari
Portfolio, including a 20 meg hard drive.

Zubair Interfaces was showing their line of memory expansion for the
ST. They were also showing their new product, Z-Keys, which allows you to
hook up an IBM keyboard to your ST. Great for those 520 or 1040 owners
who want to put their feet up while typing.

Wuztek was also showing their PC Keyboard adapter for the ST, along
with their line of multi-sync monitors for the ST.

Bill Skurski Enterprises was there showing their line of great books
and video tapes for the ST.

D.A. Brumleve had her great kids programs there. Dorothy writes some
really great programs, and if you have kids you should take a look at her

The conferences throughout the day were very informative, with the
highlight being Leonard Tramiel's number of talks about the TT. The TT is
shaping up real nice. The 32 mhz version is 1.8 times faster then the 16
mhz. And contrary to the misinformed rumors the computer runs at a full
32 mhz. The only thing that will slow it down is memory speed, it is just
too expensive to put the optimal chips in (50ns). But, if the user wants
more speed they can upgrade the chips. He would not quote prices or con-
figuration, saying that was up to the marketing people (my first, cynical,
thought was "What marketing people?").

There is also a multi-tasking TOS in the works, but NO date on availa-
bility. It was stated that it will be VERY HARD to upgrade the TT to a
68040 chip. And that Atari didn't have any plans to support a chip that
was not even available. The new GDOS is HOT. Developers should be getting
a version in about a month to start writing applications for it. It
supports outline fonts, and at the time is becomes available 140 of the
most popular typefaces will also be available. Look for this to add fire
to the desktop publishing market.

From an attendance stand point the show was disappointing. I am sure
that there will be people making all types of excuses why there were not
very many people there, but the real reason is that Atari just does not
have very many people left supporting it. But the show was NOT a failure.
I had a very good time, and picked up a lot of very good information. The
many dealers that were there were doing good business, and so were happy.
John Tarpinian, the brains and energy behind the show should be congratul-
ated on putting on a great show.

Review #3

by Kevin Walshe

A friend and I flew into Burbank Saturday morning. After renting a
car, we drove over to the Glendale Civic Center. Arriving about 10:30
am, we paid our admission and entered the hall.

By this time, there was a pretty good crowd around. We made our way
to the center stage. On display was most of the Atari line. Mega's,
Stacy's, STe's and Portfolio's were all on display. At the base the stage
were several displays showing Lynx's

But the main attraction available for display was two new products
which I viewed for the first time. The first being the new CD rom player
and the other was the Hotz Box. While the CD rom player is not officially
released, it was nice to see the finished product. I was quickly drawn
to a demonstration of the Hotz Box and can only say, WOW! I'm not a
musician but even I could sound great with one of those.

The Lynx displays were a crowd favorite. Hard to find an available
machine. Atari was showing several beta and even some finished games
which will be shipping very soon. Some of the titles were Slime World
(shipping this week), Klax (my favorite), Paper Boy (very well done), and
Ms. Pacman. There were others but was unable to push my way to the front
of the line to check them out (hehe).

Atari had a large contingent of folks available. The most notable was
Elie Kenan. Others included Bob Brodie, Don Thomas, John Townsend, Ken
Badertscher and even Leonard Tramiel. This certainly was not all the
folks Atari brought to help with the show, just the ones I recall.

The first seminar was the Atari Corp. conference so we headed down
stairs to get a good seat. The conference opened with Bob Brodie at the
helm. If you have never heard Bob speak, you have missed a real treat.
Bob started out giving the crowd his background and position with Atari.
Soon after he opened the conference to questions. I'll briefly try to
outline the more important points.

Bob stated that Atari was indeed looking into the possibility of
moving Atari USA headquarters. No specific region of the nation is being
targeted. Another Atari employee confided that the east was most likely
(suggested Boston) as Elie wanted in a time zone which was not to far
behind Europe.

Atari is considering manufacturing of a Mega STe. Atari has gone as
far as sending questionnaire to developers asking for input for design

Atari has 8 games which they plan to release for the Lynx prior to
December. Two scheduled for release in Sept, two more in Oct. and 3 in
Nov. As stated before, Slime World is in the warehouse now!

The TT will be a 32mzh machine. There are plans to release a multi-
tasking TOS but no planned release date is known. This information was
given by Leonard Tramiel who was in attendance. Look for the U.S. intro-
duction and _availability_ of the TT at COMDEX (Nov. 11)!

Atari has signed up a new group of dealers to sell their products.
The dealers belong to the third largest buying group and are known as the
ASCII Group. 450 dealers makes up this body and are not affiliated with
any national chain.

That was the end of the most notable comments from Atari so we proce-
eded to view all the developers at the show.

The boys from Codehead (Charles and John) introduced their newest
product, CodeKeys! This program will record a group of keyboard (and
mouse) entries, then let you assign it as a macro to any key on the
keyboard! These macros can be run in real time or edited for maximum
performance. Another great product from the Codeheads!!

Migraph was there showing their line of products. Nothing new at
this time but they are going to be releasing upgrades to both Easy-Draw
and Touch-Up in the near future. Zubair Interfaces were showing their
line of memory upgrades and their new product, Z- Keys. With Z-Keys, you
can add a IBM keyboard to your 520/1040.

Soft-Aware was showing The Informer II. Soft-Aware was using a dif-
ferent approach to selling their product. For $15.00 you could get a
fully functional version of Informer II with a limited use manual. If
within 6 months you decide that this is the product for you, just send in
the original disk along with $60.00 and receive the complete package. A
nice approach in my opinion!

ST Informer was there offering a special deal on a subscription to
their magazine and also selling UIS III. Talon Technologies introduced a
new upgrade of software for their product, Super Charger. Also included
was a new and greatly improved manual. The upgrade sold out the first
day. Rumor has it that Talon will release the long awaited upgrade for
VGA (which _might_ use the standard Atari monitor!) and expansion box in
the near future. Another rumor has it that someone well know in the Atari
community was working on a speed enhancement for the Super Charger!

Brad Koda from Best Electronics was showing his enormous collection of
parts for just about any Atari product. Branch Always was showing the
newest release of Quick ST version 2.2 along with Quick Tools. Neocept
was showing their new version of Word-Up and running a show special. The
special was so good that they ran out before the end of the first day.

Double Click was showing their fine line of software. Gadgets By
Small was showing Spectre GCR with the soon to be released software,
version 3.0. Also available from the Gadget people was MegaTalk, the
Appletalk compatible networking board for any Mega ST!

AT Speed and Fast Fax modem are the newest products from Michtron and
where on display along with the complete line of Michtron products. ICD
was proud to show their newest product, AdSpeed! This hardware accelera-
tor looks like a first class product which we have become accustomed to
from ICD. ICD was also showing their complete line of host adaptors.

Slicceware was showing a beta version of their alternate desktop rep-
lacement system. Beckemeyer Development Tools was showing their line of
products running on a TT. Bill Skurski Enterprises was displaying both
books and videos which help users to understand and use Atari ST's.

Xoterix had one of the more interesting booths at the show. This new
company was showing several

new products for the Portfolio. The most
remarkable product was a 20 meg hard drive which attaches to the bottom
of the Portfolio. There is also room within the hard drive case to ins-
tall 512k of memory so that you now can have a 640k, 20 meg hard drive
Lap Top! WOW! Other products from Xoterix include software cards with
titles like CheckWriter and Timekeeper and a terminal program. They also
make cases for the Portfolio.

Gribnif Software introduced Neodesk 3. This is a major upgrade and
would take the entire article to do it justice. You must see it to bel-
ieve it.

This most certainly was not all the exhibitors and I apologize if I
overlooked anyone. There seemed to be a positive air about this show and
about Atari. The turnout was not as large as predicted but most exhibit-
ors and show attendees appeared to enjoy it anyway. Looking forward to
next years show!




Excerpt from:
The Cincinnati Post
September 10, 1990

by David Holthaus, Staff Reporter

A Sycamore township man has pleaded guilty to federal charges of selling
and distributing counterfeit computer chips worth a half million dollars.
According to U.S. Attorney D. Michael Crites, Dennis Wayne Hayes III, 48,
operated a scheme in which he sold more than 5,000 bogus Macintosh com-
puter chips between 1988 and 1990. Crites said Hayes bought blank com-
puter chips, removed the manufacturers name, and imprinted them with the
logo of Apple Computer, a well known computer manufacturer. He also
imprinted the chips with phoney copyright information and part numbers to
make them appear genuine, the Justice Department said.

Macintosh 128K ROM software information was copied into the chip which
Hayes sold for between 130 and 195 dollars per set, the department said.
Hayes pleaded guilty to money laundering, copyright infringement, and
structuring a financial transaction.

Agents from the Internal Revenue Service said the Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation searched Hayes' home at 12145 Bear Valley Court in July and found
sophisticated computer equipment and more than $180,000 dollars in cash,
the Justice Department said. In addition agents seized $2,000 in travele-
r's checks and various guns, including four (4) Uzi semi-automatic weap-
ons, Hayes' private airplane which the department said was purchased with
money from computer chip sales, and an automobile were also seized, the
department said.


Additional Coverage....

-* Eyewitness Report *-

by David Singletary

Earlier this year, I purchased a Spectre GCR and needed the Mac 128K
ROMS. I was told that the fellow who distributed to the major dealers
throughout the country was from the Cincinnati area and I could probably
get them direct from him at a possible discount. I called Dennis Hayes
and was invited to visit him at his home to purchase the ROMS for $95.00.
I got to know Dennis casually through two visits to his home and several
phone conversations.

I was quite impressed with the style of living the ROM chip sales had
given Dennis. He lived in a beautiful home in one of the better Cincin-
nati neighborhoods. Upon entry to his home I was ushered into his office
area where Dennis had a four meg Mega ST with a T16 accelerator, Viking
2400 big-screen monitor, 120 meg hard drive, Spectre GCR, Hewlett Packard
Deskjet, fax machine and various other electronic switching devices to
route incoming phone calls.

I spent several hours there and Dennis told me some very interesting
things. He mentioned that he was a beta-tester for Gadgets by Small and
that he 'saved' the day at first expo that Dave Small launched his Mac
emulation solution. He went into elaborate detail about how the booth was
flooded with those who were anticipating purchase of Dave's new marvel,
and how in the eleventh hour he came through with the chips to the cheers
of the show attendees.

I asked him on how he got his connections for the Mac ROMS and he
told me, after some hesitation, that he knew someone inside of Apple that
agreed to work with him. Since Apple forbade sale to those not official
Apple dealers, his cohort would ship the orders out under a different
guise (part number or name, I can't remember exactly).

He told me of his software purchasing policy---he had none. He didn't
buy software and he seemed as though he had contempt for those who did.
He showed me box after box of neatly categorized pirated ST and MAC softw-
are, the estimated total of which was around 2,000 disks. He proudly
stated that he had purchased just one software title since he had pur-
chased his ST; an older paint program the name of which escapes me. He
told me of, and showed me the capture from a unique 1-800 MAC Pirate BBS
that he was a member of. This board, he told me, was exclusive to only
100 members around the world, he got in because of his chip reputation.
On this board he stated, and indeed showed me, all the latest software is
released even in its beta stages and before it ever hits the shelves. I
actually saw versions of Ready Set Go! and Pagemaker that had only been
talked about. I bought my GCR mainly to run a certain program, he said
that he didn't have it but could get it for me that night. I went out and
bought it anyway and when I called him later he was upset at my 'foolish-

When Dennis took my order, he placed me in his Mac run database. By
the way, Dennis said he had become accustomed to using the ST only to run
Mac software. He continually would repeat that switching to the MAC world
of software was like going from a 747 to the Starship Enterprise (of
course I heartily disagreed). Anyway in this large database, Dennis had
listed and showed me several of those he'd been doing quantity business
with. I was shocked when he pointed out a well known manufacturer, sev-
eral well known ST people, one, in particular,from southern California and
a number of prominent computer dealers. All of whom have done repeated
business and whose names I immediately recognized. A friend of mine
stated that Dennis Hayes was the name recommended to him in the Spectre
128 manual. Also Dennis showed me an older Magic Sac or Spectre manual
(can't remember which), that showed acknowledgements for his contribution
as a beta-tester.

Interestingly another fellow ST'er called me telling of difficulties
in ordering a GCR just this past week. After calling all over the country
he finally found ONE in Illinois. Since Dennis was raided in July, I
can't help but wonder if, since Dennis seemed to be THE MAJOR SUPPLIER of
MAC ROMS, this doesn't have something to do with it. If so, Apple may
have effectively put a choke hold on the emulation business in general.


In most situations such as this the reports about an arrest would
normally appear at the time of the arrest, not 2 months later. In fact,
to find that the 'defendant' has already plead guilty would seem to in-
dicate that a "deal" had been cut. A deal could be comprised of many
things, ie., admissions, additional testimony, implication of others, full
co-operation in the prosecution of other "related" cases..etc.. As a
result one can safely assume that the "shock waves" from this particular
bust will be felt for some time to come.

Additionally, the word is that Apple may be considering a sweeping
civil matter involving those individuals who were engaged in the quantity
distribution of the chips and software.


> USENET SAMPLER STR OnLine¿ Where the REAL news is?

Path: bdt!unisoft!mtxinu!ucbvax!agate!apple!portal!atari!mui
From: mui@atari.UUCP (Derek Mui)
Subject: Re: TT desktop & prices
Message-ID: <2300@atari.UUCP-
Date: 14 Sep 90 19:50:39 GMT
References: <
Organization: Atari Corp., Sunnyvale CA
Lines: 36

in article <, (John
Henders) says:

Summary:TT window limit?

Thanks for the extra info,Derek. One other question. Has the limit on
the number of open windows been raised at all in the TT?
John Henders(ubc-cs!van-bc!jhenders)

No, the maximum number of window is still eight. We can change the
AES to handle X number of window easily. But if we change it to handle X
number of window, then people will ask for X+1 number of window. It will
go on forever!

Since the AES is a single-task environment, eight windows are
generally quite enough for most of the applications. Moreover, changing
the AES to have unlimited ( dynamic ) number of window is not an easy job

However, if the AES is changed to handle multi-tasking, then we
should definitely have the dynamic window feature. Agree?

Once again, things may change. I am not the boss.


in article <2685@cernvax.UUCP-, dougie@cernvax.UUCP (douglas mclaggan)

What about the STE, Derek? There was no mention of that. I was just
wondering if you'll be trying to put the new desktop in there?
It's got a 256K ROM with about 30K spare, as far as I know.
That sounds about enough space, doesn't it!!!

I suppose that with this new policy of Atari's, if you're busy coding up
the new STE desktop, you won't be able to let us know 'til it's finish
and shipping. Right? :-)

Thank you for all the people who suggested different ideas of how
to squeeze the new desktop into the ST ROM. Someone suggested to use the
cartridge port and most of the others suggested to put it on the disk.
Technically, they are all O.K, and I will reflect all the opinions to
management people.

As of today, I believe the STE will have the new desktop.

From article <2287@atari.UUCP-, by mui@atari.UUCP (Derek Mui):
in article <2286@atari.UUCP-, mui@atari.UUCP (Derek Mui) says:

As of today, I believe the STE will have the new desktop.

Oops! the MEGA STE will have the new desktop, not just any
STE. Sorry.

Interesting! If Atari now doesn't announce products until they're ready
for shipping, and Derek has just let slip something about a Mega STE,
then the Mega STE must be ready for shipping, right?

I WANT IT YESTERDAY! :-) (Sorry Allan - couldn't resist that.)

In fact, I probably don't want it, as it probably costs lots more than my
plain ol' STE. I can probably even do without the new desktop if NeoDesk
3 is as good as it sounds. But maybe other people would like the option
of fitting the new ROMs into their existing STEs. I might even like to do
this myself, as I have the oldest (July 89) version of TOS 1.6. In fact,
thinking about it..


Oh dear, you've opened a can of worms there, Derek. We're never
satisfied, are we? (Sometimes with good reason, though.)

Now, about this sixty-four/sixty-four machine someone mentioned...




Graham Thomas, SPRU, Mantell Building, U of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK
UUCP: grahamt%syma.sussex@ukc.uucp PHONE: +44 273 686758
FAX: [..] 685865

bloom-beacon!eru hagbard!sunic!mcsun!cernvax!chx400!ethz!neptune!b!felner
From: (Tomas Felner)
Subject: TT desktop & prices
Keywords: TT desktop prices TOS
Message-ID: <

Today I finally had a chance to see the 32MHz TT live on a big trade show
here in Switzerland.

What impressed me most and what seems not to be known so far to the
general public, is the new TT desktop. Do you like shells like NeoDesk
and Gemini? Well, now you can have most of their functionality on your
TT, in the official Atari TT TOS. Here are some first impressions from
the new desktop after playing around with the TT for about an hour:

- Quite a few new menu entries have been added in the desktop

- Most (or all?) menu entries can be invoked with a single keystroke and
those keys are user configurable

- You can assign a full pathname to the function keys and thus invoke your
favorite programs with a single function key keystroke

- You can now have an unsorted index (nice for auto folders)

- You can choose the background color from a menu entry

- There's a menu entry 'Desktop Configuration' where you can set and
configure quite a few things, which I don't all remember

- You can select a number of logical drives and then search for a
file/folder on all those drives. When the search was successful, a
window with the file/folder opens. And this search is very fast!

- You can read another .INF file and thus change the look of the desktop

- You can switch between several different color tables

- You can have a different border, text and background color for each part
of a window (like close button, expand button, title bar, vertical
scrollbar, left arrow, up arrow, etc ...)

- You can drag any files on the desktop and leave them there, assign
different icons to them, and give them different names (i.e. move the
1stWord icon to the upper left corner, change the icon to something cute
looking, and name it "Wordprocessor")

- Those icons apparently can be edited somehow and you can add you own
ones (I didn't see this but someone told me)

- There's a completely new Control Panel Accessory with many new options

- There's a new and fast GDOS

- And probably there's a lot more I didn't find out about ...

I really liked all those new features. I am only surprised that no
one ever mentioned this so far. How come? The version I played with was
in German. Maybe it's a product of Atari Germany and not yet available in
English, but I have no idea? Anyway, congratulations to those Atari
hackers (Ken, Alan ?) who came up with this!!!

But now for the big question: Are those poor users who cannot afford
to get a TT also going to see this new desktop on their 520, 1040 and
Megas? If the answer is yes, when is this going to be the case?

And here comes an answer to the question 'How much will I pay for a
TT?'. The following are the official prices from Atari Switzerland. The
TT is supposed to start selling these days here in Switzerland (and also
in Germany I think). (US$ 1.- = SFr. 1.30)

Basic set: TT, 68030, 32MHz, 40MB disk, 720KB floppy, mouse, keyboard

Basic set with 4MB: SFr. 4990.- (US$ 3850.-)
6MB: SFr. 5690.- (US$ 4380.-)
8MB: SFr. 6290.- (US$ 4850.-)

Extra: PTC1426 Multysync color screen, 14" SFr 990.- (US$ 760.-)
PTM146 Monochrome screen, 14" SFr 330.- (US$ 250.-)
TTM194 Monochrome screen, 19", 1280x960 SFr 1890.- (US$ 1450.-)

So: A 4MB, multisync system is approximately US$ 4600.-
A 8MB, multisync system is approximately US$ 5600.-

Now I am curious about the reactions to all this information ... :-)

Tomas Felner,

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated to Atari at all. I am just a user who
reports to the net what he has seen on a big trade show in Switzerland.

Path: bdt!unisoft!hoptoad!pacbell!!decwrl!apple!portal!atari!
From: kbad@atari.UUCP (Ken Badertscher)
Subject: Re: Malloc() and desk accessories
Message-ID: <2266@atari.UUCP-
References: <13263@hydra.gatech.EDU-
Organization: Atari Corp., Sunnyvale, CA

gt1448b@prism.gatech.EDU (David P. Forrai) asks:

| What is the correct way to call v_opnvwk()? Should it be done before
| the event loop and v_clsvwk() never called?

The best way for desk accessories to handle opening virtual
workstations is for them to use them in the same way they would use any
other dynamically allocated resources. Open the workstation, do VDI
calls, close the workstation. It isn't a good idea to suck up a virtual
workstation slot which may never be used.

You're right, if that's what ACSKEL does, the behavior in ACSKEL is

The effects of dynamic DA Malloc() and v_opnvwk() calls only
recently became apparent, when the GEMDOS internal memory management was
improved for TT TOS. A side effect of the change he made was that the
likelihood of a freed block getting reallocated soon after being freed
became much greater. In previous TOS versions, it takes longer for freed
blocks to be reallocated. Because of this, you are less likely to see
problems arise when DA's don't get a chance to clean up after themselves.
It is still and always will be A Bad Idea to mess with memory you don't
own, and that's effectively what DA's do if they dynamically Malloc memory
(either directly or indirectly).

To end on a happy note--the problem of DA's not getting a chance to
free up their resources before having them yanked out from under them is
FIXED in the AES version 3.0. The AES now actually waits until all desk
accessories are back in an event wait before allowing an appl_exit caller
to terminate. The new Control Panel (XCONTROL) takes advantage of this
fact, and dynamically allocates memory to load Control Panel Extensions if
it sees that it's on a TT. This should also be a great boon to desk
accessory text editors and the like.

||| Ken Badertscher (ames!atari!kbad)
||| Atari R&D System Software Engine
/ | \ #include <disclaimer-


> Stock Market ~ STReport¿ Watching the Sheckles.. "Scheckle"


by Michael Arthur

Week I

Due to Labor Day, there was no stock trading on Monday. The price
of Atari stock went down 1/8 of a point on Tuesday, and went down 1/4 of a
point on Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, the price of Atari stock
remained the same. Finishing up the week at $3.25 a share, the price of
Atari's stock had gone down 3/8 of a point since August 31, 1990.

Apple Stock was down 5/8 of a point from Friday, August 31, 1990.
Commodore Stock was down 1/4 of a point from 8/31/90.
IBM Stock was up 3 5/8 points from 8/31/90.

Stock Report for Week of 9/04/90 to 9/07/90

STock| Labor | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Reprt| Day |Last Chg.|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|
Atari| N/A |3 1/2 -1/8|3 1/4 - 1/4|3 1/4 ---- |3 1/4 ---- |
| | | | | 7,300 Sls |
CBM | N/A |5 5/8 ----|5 1/2 - 1/8|5 1/4 - 1/4|5 3/8 + 1/8|
| | | | | 21,000 Sls |
Apple| N/A | 37 ----| 36 - 1|35 3/4 -1/4|36 3/8 + 5/8|
| | | | | 519,400 Sls |
IBM | N/A |102 1/2 +5/8|102 3/8 -1/8|102 3/8 ----|105 1/2 +3 1/8|
| | | | | 1,634,700 Sls |

'Sls' refers to the # of stock shares that were traded that day.
'CBM' refers to Commodore Corporation.
'----' means that the stock's price did not change for the day.

Week II

On Monday, Atari stock went up 1/8 of a point, and stayed the same
price on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the price of Atari stock went down 1/8 of
a point, and went down 1/8 of a point on Thursday. On Friday, Atari's
stock stayed the same, finishing up the week at $3.125 a share. The price
of Atari's stock had gone down 1/8 of a point since September 7, 1990.

Apple Stock was down 2 3/8 points from Friday, September 7, 1990.
Commodore Stock was up 1/8 of a point from 9/7/90.
IBM Stock was down 1 1/8 points from 9/7/90.

Stock Report for Week of 9/10/90 to 9/14/90

STock| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Reprt|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|Last Chg.|
Atari|3 3/8 + 1/8|3 3/8 ---- |3 1/4 -1/8|3 1/8 - 1/8|3 1/8 ----|
| | | | | 20,700 Sls |
CBM |5 1/2 + 1/8|5 1/2 ---- |5 1/2 ----|5 1/2 ---- |5 1/2 ----|
| | | | | 32,100 Sls |
Apple|35 3/4 - 5/8| 34 - 1 3/4| 34 ----|33 3/4 -1/4| 34 + 1/4|
| 678,400 Sls |1,591,700 Sls | | |1,017,100 Sls|
IBM |105 7/8 +3/4|107 1/2 +1 5/8|107 7/8 |105 - 2 7/8|104 3/8 -5/8|
| | | +3/8| |1,347,600 Sls|

'#' or 'Sls' refers to the number of shares that were traded that day.
'CBM' refers to Commodore Corporation.
'----' means that the stock's price did not change for the day.


> NE Fest STR SHOW NEWS¿ Getting better all the time!!


Confirmed to attend as of 15-Sep-1990:

////////////////////Manufacturers, Developers, Etc.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
o Atari Corporation (U.S.) o Chor-Ming Lung
Sunnyvale, CA Boston, MA
Bob Brodie

o Dr. T's Music Software o Taylor Ridge Books
Boston, MA Manchester, CT
Al Hospers Clay Walnum

o Fast Technology o TidBit Software
North Andover, MA Maynard, MA
Jim Allen Jeff Lomicka

o Gribnif Software
Northampton, MA
Rick Flashman, Dan Wilga

o Bit Bucket Computer Store o Granite Computers
West Newton, MA Nashua, NH

o Computer Bug o Syntronics Computer Center
Hadley, MA Boston, MA

o Computer Zone
North Attleboro, MA

///////////////////////////////User Groups\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
o Atari UG of Greater Hartford o Rhode Island ACE
Hartford, CT Providence, RI

o BCS/Atari o South Shore Atari Group
Boston, MA Hyde Park, MA

o Nashoba Valley Atari Users' Soc. o S.T.A.R.R.
Acton-Boxboro, MA New Haven, CT

o N. Attleboro Atari Computer Club o Valley Atari ST
North Attleboro, MA Methuen, MA

///////////////////Seminars (Titles Tentative, Times TBA)\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Bob Brodie, Atari Corporation (U.S.)

Nathan Potechin, ISD Marketing, Inc.

Jim Allen, Fast Technology

Nevin Shalit, Step Ahead Software

Rick Flashman, Gribnif Software

Nevin Shalit, Step Ahead Software

Susse Chalet Boston $43.70/night single
900 Morrissey Boulevard $47.70/night double
Dorchester, MA
(617) 287-9200

///////////////////////////Show Information\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Location: UMass/Boston Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Harbor Campus
Dorchester, MA Admission: $5.00

Date: October 27, 1990 Free Parking

/////////////////////////////For more info\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
o GEnie: Email D.ANDERSON22 o DELPHI: Email DPJ, NORMAN238
ST RT Cat 11 Top 20 SSAG sig, DELPHI/Boston

o BCS/Atari BBS (24h, 3/12/24/96) o N.E. AtariFest '90 info-line
(617) 396-4607 (617) 527-4952 (recording)

o Write: New England AtariFest '90
c/o Boston Computer Society
One Center Plaza
Boston, MA 02108

Tables are still available ($150 single, $275 double, $35 UG single).
Address inquiries to any of the sources listed above. Make checks
payable to Boston Computer Society, and send to the address above.




"Updates to BBS Express! ST *are* being worked on!" So sez Rick Taylor
the new owner of the Code for ST Express ST. Congratulations Rick! For
those of you who are sysops of the Express BBS ST, here are the numbers
for your ongoing support and new updates and upgrades.

Rick Taylor, T2 Ltd. (T-Squared Ltd)
BBS Express! ST Support Line 1: T2 Ltd. BBS 714/357-6806
BBS Express! ST Support Line 2: The Rebel BBS 702/435-0786

- Austin, Tx. CompuAdd offers 486 for under $5000.00

CompuAdd of Austin, Texas has released a low-profile 486 PC that is
16-3/8" wide, 15-3/4" deep, and 4-1/4" high. Powered by the Intel 486,
it operates at 25 Mhz and has one 16-bit and two eight-bit expansion
slots. Features include integrated 8K RAM cache and math coprocessor,
dual diskette controller, parallel and serial ports, 145-watt power
supply, and more. A 486 computer with 4Mb of RAM, 80Mb hard drive, color
VGA monitor with 16-bit VGA card (65536 colors?), keyboard, mouse, and the
latest version of MS Windows and MS-DOS 4.01 is $4995. Contact CompuAdd at
(800)-456-3116 for more information.

- Campbell, Ohio MUGSHOT IS FOR REAL!!

* * * * * * W.A.A.C.E. WizWorks! ANNOUNCEMENT! * * * * * *

If you're going to be attanding the W.A.A.C.E. show October 6th & 7th,
be sure and stop in at the WizWorks! booth and get your "mug shot." We
are going to have a video camera set up and we want you all to stop in to
get on our WAACE.MGS data disk. We're going to "shoot" anyone who's
willing and the resulting disk full of Atarian MUGs will be absolutely
free to anyone who volunteers! After the show, the disk will only be
$4.00 to purchase and will include a set of "VIP" mugs, too, made up of
folks well known in the Atari community. It's gonna be lots of fun!
Don't miss it! We'll be there. You be too! Stop in and get your mug
shot and get your MUG SHOT! too! Plus! You can get an entry into the MUG
SHOT! contest there as well! Things'll be poppin' at the WizWorks! booth!
#2, right across from the CodeHeads.....

Dr. Bob'll be there too with a brand new version of MVG! Neat new
stuff like "SCALPEL" and "SUTURE" and big screen compatibility and ....
well, he does something new every single day! Ya never know what he'll
come up with by then!


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> A "Quotable Quote"¿

"Elie Kenan IS the right MEDICINE!!!"

STReport¿ "Your Independent News Source" September 21, 1990
16/32bit Magazine copyright ½ 1990 No.6.38
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors, staff, STReport¿ CPU/STR¿ or ST Report¿. Permission to
reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint
must include the name of the publication, date, issue # and the author's
name. The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in
any way without prior written permission. The contents, at the time of
publication, are believed to be reasonably accurate. The editors,
contributors and/or staff are not responsible for either the use/misuse
of information contained herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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