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Silicon Times Report Issue 0415

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


"The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
STR Publishing Inc.

April 13, 1990 No.4.15

CPU NewsWire Online Magazine¿
STReport ~ Online
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32205 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor
Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EDT
BBS: 904-786-4176 12-24-96 HST/14.4
FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EDT

** F-NET NODE 350 ** 500mb Online **
STR'S owned & operated support BBS
carries ALL issues of CPU/STR Newswire¿
An International list of private BBS systems
carrying CPU NewsWire¿ for their users enjoyment

> 04/13/90: CPU Newswire¿ #415 The Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine!
- The Editor's Podium - CPU REPORT - CPU STATUS REPORT
- Taking the HEAT - WOA Report - WOA Opinions
- PACE UPDATES! - ONLINE Today - AUA NewsBriefs

----====*** EYEWITNESS > WOA REPORT < ***====----
---===** PACE SHOW LOOKING REAL GOOD! **===---

"Only UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
Current Events, Up to Date News, Hot Tips, and Information
Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
CPU/STR's support BBS, NODE # 350 invites systems using Forem ST BBS to
participate in Forem BBS's F-Net mail network. Or, Please call # 350
direct at 904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging ideas about
the Atari ST computers through an excellent International ST Mail Network.

> The Editor's Podium¿

At this time, we are in between shows and trying (hopefully) to learn
from the mistakes of our human frailty. We already realize that if the
Atari ST computer is to have any recognition in the USA, we the users and
developers will have make sure of its being done. The level of positive
activity emanating from Sunnyvale is a super disappointment. And, to top
it off, another of Atari's "big noise promises" is about to dashed upon
the rocks... "The STe will make its appearance in April of 1990". Oddly
enough when queried online, one of Atari's learned, seasoned and
experienced reps said to all; "Atari will ship when we have the units...."
How very profound. We wonder is that after the rest of the world or the
UNIVERSE that the US market will receive any attention from the Atari whiz

Antonio Salerno was characterized by us, when he joined Atari, to be
the one who could make the difference in Atari's position in the US
market. His was the fabled "Aircraft Carrier" which at this time, seems
to have been caught in a typhoon generated by the corporate warriors who
seemingly have derailed most every positive effort aimed at the US market
in the last three years. No folks, its not the Tramiels but their closest
advisors, a few of whom are holdovers from the old Warner days. We
thought Salerno would hold the line on these super sharp warriors but
seemingly, its not in the cards.

After having met and spent an appreciable period of time with Leonard
at Comdex/Fall'89, it is apparent, at least to me, that the Tramiels do
care and want the US market to be a successful venture. The situation at
hand is, simply put, the T's are being advised by "wrecksperts" who claim
to be "experts" in the computer industry. Perhaps, the time has come for
the users to be heard from on a loud and clear letter writing basis.

These wrecksperts come wearing a number of different "hats". Some of
whom claim to be friends of the family and continually allege that they
"never interfere" in the T's business. But as fate would have it, these
are the very ones who seem to be the common denominators in almost EVERY
troublesome situation. A good example was the "rumor flunky" at
Comdex'89. Believe me, we are aware of the dangers of attempting to
indirectly cause the recognition of these trojans and thus the 'cryptic'
indicators. However, rest assured, those who were involved will know
exactly of whom we speak.. As will the right folks at Atari. Another of
the better wrecksperts are the ones who constantly claim to know all the
ins and outs of the show circuits. They are the ones that convince the
T's that a particular show or promotion is too expensive and should be
avoided. Often in wonderment the question arises, how expensive is
remaining a relative unknown in the home computer industry because of
this "wreckspert" advice. It appears to be deadly expensive.

Its "hats-off" time as we extend our admiration and gratitude to John
King Tarpinian and his friends for their help in dismantling the entire
WOA show after it closed. That's right folks not just the Atari booth but
the rest of the setup too. Three cheers and kudos to John & friends.
That's what is known as "doing the right thing".




To sign up for GEnie service: Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.

Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
Wait for the U#= prompt.

Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.


The system will now prompt you for your information.


The Roundtable is an area of GEnie specifically set aside for owners and
users of Atari ST computers, although all are welcome to participate.

There are three main sections to the Roundtable: the Bulletin Board, the
Software Library and the Real Time Conference area.

The Bulletin Board contains messages from Roundtable members on a variety
of Topics, organized under several Categories. These messages are all
Open and available for all to read (GEnie Mail should be used for private

If you have a question, comment, hot rumor or an answer to someone else's
question, the Bulletin Board is the place to share it.

The Software Library is where we keep the Public Domain software files
that are available to all Roundtable members. You can 'download' any of
these files to your own computer system by using a Terminal Program which
uses the 'XMODEM' file-transfer method. You can also share your favorite
Public Domain programs and files with other Roundtable members by
'uploading' them to the Software Library. Uploading on GEnie is FREE, so
you are encouraged to participate and help your Roundtable grow.

The Real Time Conference is an area where two or more Roundtable members
may get together and 'talk' in 'real-time'. You can participate in
organized conferences with special guests, drop in on our weekly Open
COnference, or simply join in on an impromptu chat session. Unlike
posting messages or Mail for other members to read at some later time,
everyone in the Conference area can see what you type immediately, and can
respond to you right away, in an 'electronic conversation'.



Issue # 62

by Michael Arthur

Remember When....

In Early 1985, when a company called General Computer introduced the
$2200.00 Hyperdrive, the first internal hard drive for the Macintosh (with
10 Megs of Disk Space), and how one of the members of Apple's original
Macintosh design group said, "It isn't possible. We made sure of it.",
when they heard about the Hyperdrive?

> CPU MacNews¿ Late breaking Mac NEWS and INFORMATION

Apple Introduces New Version of MPW, Extends SADE Debugger

Apple is now shipping Version 3.1 of MPW, (Macintosh Programmer's
Workshop), its premiere Macintosh Software Development Environment. MPW
features an integrated editor and the MPW Shell, a Unix-like command line
interpreter. MPW also includes a Suite of over 200 software development
tools, including a resource editor, linker, and disassembler. MPW was
used to develop the Macintosh System Software, Hypercard, and many
Third-Party Mac Applications. Version 3.1 of MPW features:

- Improved Performance of MPW's source level debugger, known as SADE
(Symbolic Application Debugging Environment). Also, SADE now can
debug source code created by the MPW C++ and Object Pascal
object-oriented languages.

- MPW Pascal, a superset of the ANSI Pascal standard featuring
extensions designed to support object oriented programming, now
permits the declaration of forward and external objects in source

- Maintenance work has been done to fix several bugs and problems in
several areas of MPW 3.0, including the MPW Shell, SADE,
Development Tools, and the MPW Languages.

- CD-ROM Distribution: Apple is now making the complete set of
MPW software (including MPW C, Object Pascal, and MPW Assembler)
available on a single CD-ROM disk which is appropriately called,
"The Macintosh Programmer's Workshop."

Apple Japan Rethinks Macintosh Pricing Strategy

In an effort to expand sales of the Macintosh, Apple Computer Japan
has announced a series of significant price cuts for its Macintosh product
line, including the Mac SE and II lines of computers, and Apple's
Macitnosh peripherals. Pricing for Macintosh computers was reduced by
10 - 15 percent (with the Macintosh Plus' price cut by 19 percent), and
15 - 40 percent for Apple Macintosh peripherals. Apple Japan's new price
list is now in line with many of Apple Corporation's other international
divisions, and the Macintosh IIfx costs the same in Japan as in the US....

Apple Japan has faced sharp criticism from Japanese customers
complaining that its product pricing was not in line with Apple product
pricing worldwide. Interestingly enough, the Japanese government's Fair
Trade Commission had also launched an investigation against Apple Japan
for reportedly unfair business practices against independent importers of
Apple Macintosh products....


Lotus Announces Plans for Merger, Ships 1-2-3 for PM

Lotus Corp. and Novell Inc., a major LAN software vendor, have
recently announced an agreement to merge the two firms. Under this
agreement, Novell will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lotus, with
both companies combining their Boards of Directors. Jim Manzi will remain
Chairman/President/CEO of Lotus, and Ray Noorda will remain Novell's CEO,
and become Lotus's Vice-Chairman.

The Lotus/Novell merger will reshape Lotus into an industry leader
in several fronts. Novell Inc. designed the Netware network operating
system, which has become an industry standard for microcomputer-based LAN
networks. Designed to integrate micros with minicomputers and mainframes
on a LAN Network, Novell Netware helps to coordinate data, services, and
applications across many systems on a LAN. It is available for a variety
of platforms, including the Macintosh, DEC VAX, DOS, OS/2, and IBM
mainframes. It is important to note that Lotus is executing a similar
cross-platform strategy, with its Datalens utility providing functionality
with other widely-used applications. Lotus has also been developing
versions of Lotus 1-2-3 Version 3.0 for many of the same systems that
Novell Netware supports. Also, Lotus has bought a significant share of
Sybase, an industry leader in relational databases. This means that Lotus
now has a foundation of several product offerings for the business market,
instead of relying on Lotus 1-2-3 as its main product.

This merger will benefit Lotus in many other ways. In fiscal 1989,
Novell's revenues were $422 million, while Lotus posted revenues of $556
million. With the combined revenues of these two companies just under a
billion dollars, Lotus is expected to make over a billion dollars in
revenue this year, as a result of the merger. Since Microsoft is also
expected to earn a similar amount in 1990, Lotus and Microsoft will become
the first software companies to reach this plateau. Also, while Lotus is
very strong in the corporate and international markets, Novell Inc. has an
equally strong network of VARs (Value-added resellers) and systems
integrators, which could definitely benefit Lotus' efforts in marketing
its software products.

Both companies have predicted that the merger will be finalized by
July 1990. However, the details of how International operations for both
firms will be coordinated have not been resolved, with several branches
of Lotus and Novell expected to remain separate for a time. This merger
has startled several industry analysts and Novell stockholders, and many
feel that "Lotus got a bargain with Novell."

Lotus has also started to ship Lotus 1-2-3/G, a port of Lotus 1-2-3
Version 3.0 for OS/2 Presentation Manager. Among other improvements,
1-2-3/G features data links between multiple three-dimensional worksheets,
improved business graphics support, and several modifications to the PM
GUI, including multiple-choice dialog boxes. 1-2-3/G also incorporates
two utilities: Datalens, which allows 1-2-3 to access information from
other software programs within any given spreadsheet, and Solver, a
utility allowing one to model and solve problems which are based on a
defined set of inputs and givens. With Solver, one can model problems
like resource utilization or money allocation in the form of equations,
and then enter variables (such as a company's revenues) into the equations
in order to see what the result will be.

Datalens requires the use of an "application driver" to properly
access data from a given program. Drivers are being developed for OS/2
Extended Edition's Database Manager, the Netware SQL Database, and several
other applications, while a dBase III Plus driver is now available. One
significant thing about this is that Datalens and Solver will be available
for ALL new incarnations of Lotus 1-2-3. Interestingly enough, 1-2-3/G is
now being called the first application to truly take advantage of OS/2's
capabilities, three years after OS/2 was introduced.

CPU Systems Roundup¿ XXVI

The Free Software Foundation, and GNU SmallTalk for the Atari ST

From: (Jwahar R. Bammi)
Subject: Gnu SmallTalk V1.0 port to atariST available
Message-ID: <>
Date: 17 Mar 90 12:17:24 GMT
Organization: Case Western Reserve University

GNU SmallTalk V1.0 ported to the atariST is available for
anonymous FTP from in pub/atari/smalltalk.zoo

- a 4 Meg Atari ST (it will not run on a 2/2.5 Meg machine)
- a decent shell
- optional: tos-gcc V1.37.1 if you want to re-compile it

- This is the first version of the port, so it probably has
lots of bugs, over and above any bugs in the original GNU
code. it does pass all the regression tests with just one

Thanks to the author Steve Byrne for an excellent job!

Here is the (relevant part of) README from the Gnu distribution:

GNU Smalltalk version 1.0 (initial release)
by Steve Byrne

The files in this directory and its subdirectories constitute the complete
source code for GNU Smalltalk. The files are organized as follows:

. The source files, both .st (Smalltalk) and C files
examples Some working example Smalltalk files
test Regression testing files

About GNU Smalltalk

GNU Smalltalk attempts to be a reasonably faithful implementation of
Smalltalk-80 {tm ParcPlace Systems} as described in the "Blue Book", also
known as "Smalltalk-80, the Language and its Implementation", by Adele
Goldberg and David Robson. The syntax that the language accepts and the
byte codes that the virtual machine interprets are exactly as they appear
in the Blue Book. Most of the primitives are the same as well, although
due to the differing nature of the implementation some of the primitives
haven't been implemented, and other new ones have been.

The current implementation has the following features:

* Incremental garbage collector
* Binary image save capability
* C-callout (allows Smalltalk to invoke user-written C code and pass
parameters to it)
* GNU Emacs editing mode
* Highly portable C code implementation
* Optional byte code compilation tracing and byte code execution tracing
* Automatically loaded per-user initialization files

bang: {any internet host}!dsrgsun.CES.CWRU.Edu!bammi jwahar r. bammi

But ponder, if you will, these questions:

1) Motorola representatives have estimated that Europe accounts for over
50 percent of the Unix market. Given that Atari still has a strong
foothold in the European marketplace, what can Atari do to make the
ATW and 68030 TT successful enough to parlay this into success in the

2) One use for computers designed as X/Window Display Terminals is to run
Unix programs remotely on a LAN Network, allowing a File Server on a
LAN Network to perform CPU-intensive operations for the Terminal.
Given that the 68030 TT seems custom-fit for many aspects of this
growing market, how should Atari market the TT030/2 (the low-end
version of the TT), so as to gain a foothold in the Unix industry?



Hayes Microcomputer Products, once the leading industry modem
vendor, recently instituted a reorganization plan in reaction to declining
revenues. In addition to consolidating several sales offices and Research
facilities, it has also laid off over 150 employees. Hayes also laid off
60 people in October 1989. Hayes' declining revenues are attributed to
"cut-throat price competition" caused by the rise of Hayes-compatible
modem makers, and "unlicensed copying" of its Modem Command Set standard,
which caused the rapid rate of "Hayes Clones" in the industry....


Dell Computer Corp. is now licensing the X.Desktop 2.0 GUI, from Ixi
Ltd., for use with their new Dell Station 425E Unix/DOS workstation. The
425E features a 25 MHZ 80486 chip, support for SuperVGA Graphics, 4 Megs
of RAM, and an 80 Meg Hard Drive. It also comes with AT&T Unix System V
Version 3.2, X/Windows support, and can run Unix and DOS applications
simultaneously. Cost: $7900.00. Interestingly, Dell Computer is noted
for becoming a popular PC Vendor by the sole use of Mail Order Marketing,
and supports its products via toll-free Technical Support, and a one-year
on-site Service Contract....

X.Desktop 2.0 is an X/Windows-based Graphical User Interface which
features a GEM-like Desktop, and is available for the OSF/Motif GUI. Other
large Unix vendors, such as Motorola, Opus Systems, and IBM, have licensed
X.Desktop, and the Santa Cruz Operation now uses the OSF/Motif version in
SCO Xenix, the most popular version of Unix available for 80386-based
systems. Atari UK has also licensed X.Desktop 2.0 from Ixi Ltd., for use
in both the 68030 TT and the ATW....


Abaton Inc., a maker of Postscript laser printers, is preparing to
introduce LaserScript, a 300 dpi Laser Printer which is the first shipping
product to use Microsoft/Bauer's Postscript Clone Interpreter. Aimed to
compete with Apple's Laserwriter IINTX as a LAN-based laser printer, it
has RS-232, AppleTalk, and Centronic parallel ports, and features 3 Megs
of RAM standard, HP LaserJet II Emulation, 35 Bitstream Outline fonts, and
features a 15 MHZ National Semiconductor 23CG16 chip for running its
Postscript Clone Interpreter. Cost: $3000.00.

Interestingly enough, this is the same cost as several Postscript
compatible Laser Printers recently introduced, many of which use Adobe's
version of Postscript....


IBM's San Jose Manufacturing Facility recently reported a 53 percent
reduction in CFC (or chlorofluorocarbon) air emissions last year, as a
result of several new methods of reducing pollution caused in the process
of manufacturing computer products. Most computer manufacturers use
solvents containing CFCs to remove residue left by this process, and the
resulting pollution has been a significant source of environmental

In the San Jose Facility, which produces disk and tape drive storage
systems, IBM uses a water-based cleaning method to replace the use of
CFC-based cleaners. In this, the parts are washed and rinsed by hot,
deionized water as they pass through a field of ultrasonic sound waves,
and dried using "multiple hot-air nozzles". Interestingly enough, IBM
says that this method is not only as efficient as the CFC-based Cleaners,
0but costs half as much to operate and maintain. Also, since this method
doesn't require "pollution abatement equipment" (which is very expensive),
manufacturing facilities using it can achieve even more savings....

IBM has engineered several environmental protection programs, and
intends to eliminate its overall use (and emissions) of CFC pollutants by
the end of 1993. DEC has also announced its development of a process of
cleaning computer circuit boards which does not use CFC Cleaners, and will
make information on this technology available to other companies.


> PACE SHOW! CPU/STR SHOW NEWS¿ Pittsburgh Atari Computer Show


This is the current vendor/developer/supporter list for the North East
ATARIfest '90 being sponsored by the Pittsburgh Atari Computer
Enthusiasts. The Anaheim show list may have been longer, but we all know
who are the REALLY dedicated supporters!

If your on this list, Thanks, We can't wait to see you in Pittsburgh!

If you're not, you should be, contact us at (412) 843-0628 (after 4
EST). We still have some space left, but it's being grabbed up quick!

North East ATARIfest '90 show dates:
April 28th 10:00am - 5:00pm
April 29th 12:00pm - 5:00pm

Current Vendor List
1st Stop Computers
2econd Childhood Computer Workshoppe
Alpha Systems
Antic Publishing
ATARI Corp. (Note: Sunday only appearance by Bob Brodie)
BEST Electronics
Cal Com Inc
CodeHead Software
Diverse Data Products
Enigma Software
Gribnif Software
ICD Inc.
Innovative Concepts
Joppa Computers
Music Sweet Music
Talon Ent.
Toad Computer Services
Unicorn Publications

Users' Groups Attending
Pittsburgh Atari Computer Enthusiasts [P.A.C.E.]

North East Ohio ST Atari Group [NEO-STAG]

Spectrum Atari Group of Erie [S.A.G.E.]

Southwestern Pennsylvania Atari
Computer Enthusiasts [S.P.A.C.E.]

Atari Users' Association [A.U.A.]

Westmorland Atari Computer Organization [W.A.C.O.]

Seminars Planned

Desktop Publishing - ISD. Nathan himself will be conducting
it! Featuring the entire Calamus Desktop Publishing Solution.
ISD has also donated an entire Calamus Solution Package as a
Door Prize! ($719.00 value!)

MIDI - Cal-Com Grant will be putting on a MIDI seminar
featuring some of the latest developments in the MIDI world.
Dr. T's demo disks, T-shirts, Pins, etc have been donated.

Mass Storage - Toad Computer Service David & Co. will be
on hand to answer all your questions, and clear up any
confusion you may have.

Multi-Club Newsletters - Unicorn Publications Bill & Patty
will be talking about the advantages of combining forces.

Emulation (IBM) - Talon Technology. Rich will be there to
show you SuperCharger. This unit has an ungrade path, and
rates 4.4 on the Norton Scale.

Emulation (MAC) - Unfortunatly, Gadgets by Small won't be able to
make the show. They have however donated 2 Spectre's for Door
Prizes. Any Vendor that would like to fill this position. Call!!

STReport's Ralph Mariano will be giving a seminar!!

And Last but certainly not least, Bob Brodie will be on hand
on Sunday to answer all of your questions about Atari Corp.

All this and Much, Much, More! Don't forget all the Users' Groups
that will be on hand with the latest Public Domain Software
available, and that great one-on-one support only a Users' Group can

Door Prizes
We've recieved lots & lots of door prizes to give away over the 2 day
span. Thanks to all supporters that have donated so far!!

See you in Pittsburgh!
Bruce J. Markey
PACE President

Announcing the North East ATARIfest '90
being Sponsored by PACE (the Pittsburgh Atari Computer Enthusiasts)

Where: Chartiers Valley High School, near Pittsburgh, PA
Located just off I-79 at the Heidelburg / Kerwin Heights exit
Within 15 minutes of the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport
Easy access from from the PA Turnpike via Exit #3

When: April 28th & 29th

Time: Saturday the 28th - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sunday the 29th - 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Users Groups: Tables are available to any Officially Atari Recognized
User's Group for only 25.00 per table.

Need more Information?: Call the PACE BBS at 412-571-0891 and read the
show message base. Validation is immediate!

Or call 412-843-0628 voice after 5:00pm EST

If you've ever been to a show that PACE has put on before, you'll know
that they are well attended by the best retailers & developers!

Dear Fellow Atarian,

Have you been looking for support for your Atari computer? I have a
suggestion for you. Make plans now to attend the upcoming North East
ATARIfest '90 being sponsored by the Pittsburgh Atari Computer Enthusiasts
(PACE)! The ATARIfest will be held on April 28th (10:00am - 5:00pm) &
29th (12:00pm - 5:00pm) at the Chartiers Valley High School. Chartiers is
easily accessable to many major highways as well as an International

If you've ever been to a PACE show, you already know they are
attended by the biggest names in the Atari world. Among those already
signed up are Best Electronics, Alpha Systems, I.C.D., Seymour-Radix,
Cal-Com, Joppa Computers, Toad Computers, 2econd Childhood, Innovative
Concepts, Etc. Aside from the dealers, there will also be many Users
Groups on hand ready and willing to stock your personal library with the
best Public Domain software available today! If you've been "Looking for
support in all the wrong places"
, come to the North East Atarifest '90
and find out some of the right places!

To Atari 8-bit users, We know the market and support for your
machines has dropped off over the past couple years. To help you we are
making sure we've got some place for you to turn as well. 2econd
Childhood has a ton of titles for the 8-bits, and they will be there in
full force. Innovative Concepts has some great products for you as well,
and so does Best Electronics. We are still looking for more companies to
come to provide you with the help you want & deserve.

To Atari ST/MEGA owners, come see the latest products in an
everchanging & growing 16-bit world! Come see what you've been reading
about all winter! As a fellow Atarian, I know the problems we all have
to deal with in the Atari world. They are not undefeatable! To see Atari
Computers become a force to be reckoned with, WE NEED YOU! Attend and
show the dealers that your still there and that you appreciate them
selling products for our computers!

Thank you fellow Atarian!

Bruce J. Markey
PACE President
(412) 843-0628 after 4 EST



WOA Show Observations

by Darlah J Pine
GEnie Atari RT Manager

I was really looking forward to the show. My expectations were high.
Previously living in southern California, I know the names or at least the
faces of the majority of Atari owners. I was expecting to see faces I
haven't seen in quite a long time. This excited me. Although I did see
some, I was disapointed at the turnout. I was told to hold on to my hat
as Glendale would be --MUCH-- better. A particularly good friend told me
that due to the lack of pats they got from the year previous from ST
World, they felt it was best not to attend this show. I recieved
confirmation on this issue from quite a few people. If anything, this
proves that shows really need to be spaced better and those that are the
backbone of these shows need to be recognized if not applauded for their

I applaud Bob Brodie for trying to make future shows further apart.
Rumors online mentioned the fact that they felt there were no new users in
the market. I truly disagree with that fact. I saw many new faces and
those that recently purchased their systems. GEnie is growing quite
rapidly so modems must be included in those sales. I felt it was the old
timers that did not show. The old timers didn't really need the show
except to see the newest and the greatest especially with Glendale being
right around the corner.

Seminars had various turnouts but the two best attended ones were the
Dave Small/Jim Allen combination and the ISD (Nathan Potechin) seminar.
The Dave Small/Jim Allen comination had people up against the wall and out
the door while the ISD seminar had a full room but seemed to have lasted
the longest. Some of the seminars were sparsely attended. This was
disapointing to say the least. I would of enjoyed more various guest
speakers between the days but it wasn't my show.

Several booths were empty with people not showing up. D.A.Brumleve's
booth was empty on Sunday. The general consensus between the developers
that were asked was the show was disapointing in numbers. Sales varied
depending on who you asked and what the products were. People seemed
tremendously impressed with the 68030 and I might add I was too. Watching
Calamus fly in the Gadgets booth left a big impression on this DTP lover.
I even think it impressed Nathan Potechin as he tested the 68030 on his
company's program. I think Gadgets has a winner with this one.

I was disapointed to not see the first issue of ST Journal at the
show. I am really looking forward to this new entry into the Atari
market. Rumor was data was lost in a hard drive crash due to mother
nature in the form of an earthquake. They did throw a party at Godfathers
pizza and although I did not eat any pizza, it looked good. Everyone
appeared to be enjoying themselves.

A new terminal program was displayed at the show called G.I.M.E
(Graphic Interface Modem Enviroment). Although this terminal program has
a few bugs and appears to be limited in certain ways, I felt from the
discussions with the programer that this may end up to be the terminal
program you should have. One unique feature of this program was a built
in graphic drawing program. What an unusual combination, in my opinion.

Talon Technology was displaying Supercharger. I must admit that I was
impressed by this alternative choice for emulators in the ST World.

Sprockets was showing a tower case that looked interesting. Although
I did not truly check out the back of the unit, the front looked quite
impressive. Folks that did look behind said it could of used a bit more
organization for the wire placements. Do check this one out. I am hoping
someone has a picture of the front and back of this unit.

Megamax was showing Script and Sketch. Script is a new entry into the
Word Processing market. It is a multi-window graphical word processing
program. It handles up to four files simultaneously, each in its own
window. Sketch is a high resolution paint program with a 3D Modeler.
Graphics created with Sketch can be imported into Script.

Sierra was at the show with all of their entrys into the market.
Nothing new was displayed but they were selling great T-Shirts. As a
matter of fact, it seemed like everyone was in the T-Shirt business.

D.A.Brumleve was showing her products for children. She had these
wonderful round metal disks that pop up when least expected. I brought
some home and they are a hit. I need and want more.

I had the pleasure of doing Disneyland with the folks from Gribnif,
the Neodesk fame folks along with two of my sysops. It was one of the
most pleasant times I had even with an arm injury.

Michtron was showing all their products. I even broke down and bought
a Fast Fax. It has made it out of the box but as of yet I have not tested
it. I will let you know what I think of it after trying it completely

Codeheads were updating their disks and selling new. I was impressed
at the way they were demoing all the bells and whistles included in their
products. Their programs are quite impressive when you realize all that
they do.

GoldLeaf publishing was showing WordFlair at the show. I truly
couldn't wait to get this one home to test drive it but alas I have been
ill and this one is on my to do list. I am hoping this will be a program
for those reports that I need to do from time to time. We shall see. It
was a pleasure getting a chance to talk to Lauren.

Atari had a booth in the center of the room with a TT, Stacy Portfolio
and many Lynx machines that were strategicaly placed for all those
gamesters. They gave away cups, Atari planes, t-shirts and metal liscence
plate frames. One could see John Tarpinian being very gracious placing
these items out and helping out as much as he can. Charles Cherry was a
pleasure to meet and much different in person than I expected.

John Townsend had a new haircut and impressed me with his sense of
sureness that seems to come with age I suppose. At least it does to some
of us. Bob Brodie was gracious as usual and was sorely missed at the
show. He seems to be -the- Atari person that everyone wants to see. He
seems to have made a great impression in the Atari field. The general
concensus throughout the Atari market is the hope that we have him around
for quite a long time. Atari made a wise choice in selecting him.

Migrapgh, ICD, Best, David Beckemeyer and more were there but I have
not unpacked and they are only faded memories tucked into my briefcase and
suitcases. I even have a faint memory of a windows program that excited
me but the energy is not there quite yet in retrieving that information.
Knowing that there will be many other articles on the show, I leave it up
to them to fill in the gaps. Hope to see everyone at the Pace show, the
WAACE show and of course Glendale.


> WOA OPINIONS CPU/STR OnLine¿ What the visitors thought...


I just got the pictures back from the developers from the show. I got
some great pictures. I especially like the way Charles was drinking the
beer with the snarl on his face. Craig looked so solemn and where was
that earring?? I suppose he now works for ICD so off it went. David
Plotkin and Dave Flory looked like they were enjoying themselves and Mark
Booth was in his usual pose talking GCR up around the Gadgets booth. I
even got a picture of John Townsend with his new and (much improved)
haircut.). :-)

The Glasses on Trish, Dan and Jeff from the Captain EO show are GREAT.
These are blackmail material. :-) I love Charles Cherry's shirt and the
casualness of it all. There are many more pictures and all came out great
but no hardware pictures. <sigh> We just have people. I even have Dot,
John Nagy and Nathan reading Z-Net. The Z-Net logo is in full view. I
found my two sysops, JJ and Jeff look great in pictures...

The show might of been less than busy but the time did have its
moments and thanks to Sandy Wilson, I have some captured. Seeing I fell
jogging, I was unable to use one of my hands. She was a lifesaver in that


I think the _presentation_ of the WOA was very good. Atari's display
was simple but professional, and I believe it was the first showing of the
TT at a consumer show in the US. There were definitely new hardware and
software innovations on display.

What troubles me is that so (comparatively) few people came to check
it all out. A comment heard from more than one developer was that there
seemed to be only long-time users there, no new users, leading them to
question whether there _are_ any new users in the LA area.

In regard to Atari, it's also worth mentioning that they held a
reception for developers on Saturday night. It was fun to finally put
faces to Atari staff names I've encountered here online.

In analyzing what "
went wrong" (and from my point of view, something
did), a phrase I heard repeatedly during the Saturday portion of the show
occurred to me: I kept hearing parents tell their kids that they couldn't
buy a program because they were saving the money to spend on--what
else--Disneyland! I think, at least from a sales point of view, it's a
bad idea to hold a show in a resort location that provides such strong
competition for ST users' dollars.

CGEE posts;

I have to admit, the show was a lot of fun..:-) Some other items at
the show were the Datel Parsec board, Strata ( with Stalker and STeno,
eh), Migraph (Touch-up), both CodeHeads ( debugging on a TT at 2 in the
morning! ), Lauren with Wordflair! and even... David Beckemeyer!

On the interesting happenings...6 of us ( not to mention any names,
but two of their initials are Kbad..and Jtownsend..:-) ) got into an
elevator with 3 rather pretty young ladies... And do we try to pick up on
these girls? NO SIRREEEE! Instead, someone starts off with... "
So, what do
you think of the Scrap Read and Scrap Write Function calls?" Ok, so they
weren't really all that pretty... :-) Cary


Hey, Darlah! Ya mean ya didn't take my pitchure?? Come on, bald is

The most reliable estimate I heard was about 4000-4500 for both days.
I spoke to Peter, the German guy at the Sprokits booth, about the
attendees all being "
die-hards" who already owned every kind of software
and hardware. He commented that this universal...all the Atari shows in
Europe are the same way. PaulWu, and others, are quite correct in saying
that it will take an advertising push from Atari to bring in new blood.

OK, wonderful Sysops (and it _was_ wonderful meeting all of you),
let's open a category for the Glendale Atari Faire ver. 4.0B in September.
This is likely to be livelier than WOA. (I got really angry when they
raised the parking meters at Glendale Civic Aud. from 5 cents to 10 cents
per hour! Gougers) Norm

S.NOAH posts;

Actually, the smaller than last year attendance did have its
advantages. Unlike the Fall Comdex, people were actualy able to touch and
use some of the new Atari equipment. As a user I have to say that being
able to test somthing out myself if a lot more satisfying than watching a
demo from the back of a monster crowd. Also, there were at least three
people at the show who were totaly new to Atari computers, I konw this
because I brought them along with me.

On the lighter side, three of us sat through the ISD, and ( most of )
the ATARI conferences, while our friend, Charles, sat talking to a girl he
met at the show. Now all I have to do is to get him to call her ! He is so
shy I found it hard to beleive that he was talking to her for so long ,
and now he won't call her. I think that it might be time for me to launch
an all out campaign to have him call. His latest reason for not calling is
that he can't take her for a date on his motorcycle, and he doesn't have
a car.

MWADE posts;

I looked all over for Darlah. After hearing so much about her I
wanted to meet the legend. I get to the show and NO GEnie booth!.
DISAPPOINTED! I looked for her, but the only thing I had to go on was a
digitized picture, file somethingorother under the graphics library. Oh
well, maybe next show...

The show was somewhat of a disappointment. Although I read the times
everyday, I didn't see any ads for it. As a a matter of fact, a friend
of mine missed the show altogether. He thought it was at the "
Center" which in general means the Anaheim one.

Most of the booths were nice and professional, including Atari's.
Atari displayed the Lynx, a 4096 ST, a Stacy and a TT among other items.
I was told that the Stacy was only cleared for Class A FCC clearance.
I was also told that the TT would be available "
sometime before the
end of the year." Put your own interpretation on that.

Sierra was there with a nice booth as was Codehead and Gribnif.
GBS was also there is full force. Two local stores, Computer Games +
and Mid Cities were there as well as Best Computers and San Jose

As far as I could tell, there were no earthshaking announcements, but
I might have missed something. Compared to last year it definitely
seemed like a smaller show.

I guess as a user I was most disappointed (besides not seeing Darlah)
in seeing the Stacy and the TT. They are great machines, but I saw the
Stacy at last year's show and it's still not in the stores.

Just one man's opinion...


I went by the WOA show yesterday and looked at the setup over at
Sprocket. I really didn't go over it thoughly but what I did see was real
crude. They had, what appeared to be either a 1040 or a 520 motherboard
stuck in a large tower case with all the cables just fished through a
gaping hole in the back. I don't believe they were using a PC power
supply so I'm not even sure if it would have fit. The case they were
using looked like one I have seen over at ACP computer, going in the area
of $140.00 If I can get by there I'll let you know for sure.

I am currently using 1040 which I have crow-bared into a baby AT
case. The motherboard will slide in under the drives in you cut the
supports. I left the RF shield on so that is holding up the drives. I
have a hard drive, 3 1/2 drive and a 5 1/4 drive in and working. I'm also
using PCSPEED so it feels right at home. My big problem has been the pwr
supply. There was no way I was getting the PC supply in. What I did was
to leave the 1040 supply intact and mount my supply from my H/D to cover
the drives.

I also bought a used N/G Pc pwr supply, cut off the bottom with the
gut. and mounted it for the switch,AC outlets, and fan. For a keyboard I
took my 1040 keyboard, bought a N/G IBM keyboard (I love Junk) and
mounted the ST board in the case. This of course took a bit of cutting.
but a piece of formica does wonders. ACP also sells the PC mount
monitor sockets but I also have not found an easy way to mount them. The
pin-outs on these units are spaced offset. What I think I'm going to do
in salvage my video Key board and somehow mount that. Sorry for the
length of this message but this is the first time i've had to sit down
and type on this subject.



In the week since WOA, the following file listing from an obviously
PIRATE BBS was posted on GEnie for all to see. Naturally, it left the
majority of the ST modeming community shocked and dismayed. While we are
against the premise of "
guilty until proven innocent", the SMOKING GUN
theory seems to come to mind... STReport views the posting of this item
as a screaming plea for help by CFJ and we must do just that. By helping
CFJ and the other developers, we will be helping ourselves. We must (all
of us) support these developers who are providing the ST community with
the life blood of any computer system, NEW SOFTWARE! Since Atari seems
comfortable with doing nothing, so far into the 1990s, the entire task is
in the hands of the third party developers and supporters. Buy your
software, forget the offhanded offers of freebies. If we don't support
the developers, there will be no more ...of anything.

Category 32, Topic 5
Message 110 Tue Apr 10, 1990
C.F.JOHNSON at 21:41 PDT

Hi folks.

I have to tell you that I'm rather depressed and discouraged tonight.
Today (Tuesday, April 10th), using a password and access code supplied by
a friendly (and honest) supporter, we logged on to a bulletin board here
in the Los Angeles area. We found this, in the download area of that BBS:


*File# 210 *Filename: MULTDESK.LZH

*Shared On : Apr 8, 1990 *Shared By : FRED
*Application : Utility Programs *Access Level: 26
*File Type : Binary *Upload Mode : LZH
*Byte Count : 21643 *Xfer Count : 32
*Last Shared : Apr 9, 1990 *Xfer Time : 3 Minutes
*Block count : 170-Xmodem/Sealink, 22-Zmodem, 6-Fmodem. Ready To Share!




Notice, this file was "
Shared By: FRED". Thanks, "FRED". Whoever you
are. What an altruistic guy. Just wants to "
share" his good fortune with
his good buddies.

This is MultiDesk 2.0, the latest version, released for the first time
at the Anaheim show on April 7th. Notice the date on which this file was
shared"...April 8th. Notice the download count: 32. How many people
have each of those 32 "
shared" their latest find with?

This is how much lead time we have on the pirates, folks. Zero. This
means that one of the nice people I spent my time talking to at the show,
went home and immediately uploaded our latest version of MultiDesk to
several BBS'es (it's available on other BBS'es in the LA area too).

You know what? That hurts. And it makes me really deep-down angry.

I've spent a relatively large portion of my life working on MultiDesk.
The new version represents many many hours spent thinking, coding, and
debugging. I've tried to pay attention to users' suggestions, and tried
to anticipate what they might want in this kind of program, to the best of
my ability.

But as soon as CodeHead releases MultiDesk 2.0 to the public, it's all
over every BBS in the nation. And probably the world. The very next day.

Thanks, "
FRED". You've done your part.

There are a lot of reasons why the ST market is in terrible shape.
(And right now, in April 1990, it IS in terrible shape.) Much (maybe even
most) of the blame has to go to Atari, for lack of promotion and

But "
FRED" and his buddies are another big part of the problem, a part
that has NOT gone away. If anything, they're more avid and greedy for new
wares" now than ever before...since the supply is drying up.

Notice, I'm offering no solutions here, and I'm not trying to end on
an upbeat note.

I remain eternally grateful to each and every honest user of our
software (and there are lots of them); but the dishonest ones (like
FRED") are doing more damage than they can ever imagine.

- Charles


> POWERHOUSE CPU/STR InfoFile¿ Control electrical circuits

Press Release

For Immediate Release

From: MAX Systems & DataQue Software
Sacramento, CA Ontario, OH 44862

Date: April 7, 1990

re: X-10 PowerHouse Software Development

MAX Systems, and DataQue Software are pleased to
announce a "
joining of forces" for the development of
software for the programming and control of the CP290
Computer Interface made by X-10 (USA), Inc..

The X-10 PowerHouse system is a wide collection of
hardware for use in controlling electrical devices of
nearly any type ranging from simple home lighting control
to security system control to certain industrial process

The X-10 PowerHouse is able to accomplish this control
WITHOUT the need for expensive custom electrical wiring by
sending the control signals through the existing building
120vac wiring system. The X-10 system is completely FCC
approved, and carries the Underwriter's Laboratory seal of

The applications possible with the X-10 PowerHouse
system are limited only by the imagination of the user.

MAX Systems has been, for the last month, in the
development stage of a system called MAX-10 for the Atari
8-Bit computers to allow sophisticated X-10 control by
means of a "
dedicated" computer to increase the abilities
of the X-10 controller by adding, in effect, at least 64K
of RAM, a disk drive, and a CPU.

MAX-10 will allow for user-written "
modules" for
special applications, an "
artificially intelligent" ability
to make decisions based on input, much more detailed timed
events, and many other features that will move the X-10
PowerHouse into the range of much more expensive dedicated
control devices.

DataQue brings to the MAX-10 project: many years of
programming experience; a wealth of information in the
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning <HVA/C>; and a
strong background with many personal computer types.

These valuable skills will allow, among other things,
for MAX-10 to be "
ported" to many different personal
computers, including: Atari 8-Bit; Commodore 64/128; IBM
clone"; Atari ST; and Amiga.

While each version will take advantage of the host
computer's abilities, there will be much in common in the
user interface so that moving from one version to another
will be a simple matter for the MAX-10 user.

The planned release for MAX-10 will be in several
stages, with the Atari 8-Bit version being first, followed
by the Atari ST, IBM PC/"
clone", Commodore 64/128, and
Amiga. For all machines, there will be several "
stages" of
the program: A Public Domain demonstration; A Shareware
version that will support access to the X-10 unit; An
entry level" commercial version with more features than
the Shareware version; And the complete commercial version
with full abilities.

Upgrade paths for owners of the "
lower level" versions
will be provided.

Exact release dates have not been set as of this date,
nor have exact prices been set. Any comments or
suggestions are welcomed!

For more information, you may contact:

MAX Systems DataQue Software
4005 Manzanita Ave. #6-216 PO Box 134
Carmichael, CA 95608 Ontario, OH 44862


BBS: The Breakfast Club BBS: DataQue Support
300/1200/2400bps 300/1200 Bps
(916) 331-4722 (419) 529-5197


> CEBIT 1990 CPU/STR FOCUS¿ More Information from CeBIT '90

.../Usenet/comp/sys/atari/st/ETHERNET on the ST: A Summary of Information
2.1 ETHERNET on the ST: A Summary of Information
kruel@vax.rz.uni-wuerzburg.dbp.DE (Thomas-Martin Kruel)

Dear networkers,

Two weeks ago, I asked about the availability of ETHERNET cards for the
ST. Thanks to all who posted info for me. Without claiming to give a
complete overview, here is some summarizing information:


- Hardware:
- IEEE 802.3 based Ethernet card,
- connected via the DMA port, ROM port or Mega ST bus
- Thick- and ThinWire adapters (15pol. SubD and 50 Ohm BNC)
Transceiver on board for use with ThinWire
- contained in a seperate metal box (DMA and ROM port version only)
- own power supply (DMA and ROM port version only)
- max. length of cable: thick: 500m, thin: 185m
- 64kByte Cache RAM
- 48 Bit node ID can be stored in an EEPROM

- Software:
CP/IP with ftp, telnet
- ftp works with appr. 100kByte/s
bsd-socket-library available (optional)
VT52 emulation
VT102 and Tek 4014 available (optional) = PAM's TERM
NFS in preparation

- Prices:
- Ethernet card: .................... DM 1698.-
(DMA version = "
Mega ST bus version = "PAM's NET/Emega
ROM port version = "
PAM's NET/Erom )
TCP/IP software: .................. DM 298.-
+ TEK 4014 (PAM's TERM) ..... DM 398.-
.......................... app. DM 700.-
- Discounts:
10% for universities for the hardware, multiple licenses for the
software upon request.

I saw it working on the CeBit with a VMS-MicroVax. Seems to be a quit
stable solution. The software runs under GEM. Non-TCP/IP-connections
(Atari-Atari, Novell) are available also.

Address: PAM Software
Carl-Zuckmayer Str.27
D-6500 Mainz 33
Tel. +49 6131 476312
Fax +49 6131 476402

2. BioNet 100

- Hardware:
- IEEE 802.3 based Ethernet card,
- connected via the DMA port, DMA in/out
- Thick- and ThinWire adapters (15pol. SubD and 50 Ohm BNC)
- contained in a seperate metal box, 34cm x 34cm x 4cm (approx. the
size of the Mega ST)
- external power supply

- Software:
- TCP/IP (based on the ka9q package by Phil Karn)
telnet, ftp, smtp; net spooler
rash recovery system
network security system (access limitations)
VT100 terminal emulation (Tek 4014 optional)
- works with any terminal emulator (e.g. Uniterm)
UDP library

Ethernet card: .................... DM 1745.-
TCP/IP software: .................. DM 450.-
(includes the above listed features)
- Discounts:
for universities, institutes, schools upon request.
multiple licenses available at reduced cost.

I also saw this working on the CeBit. Several reference installations
can be listed. Software for homogeneous Atari-Atari-networks is available

Address: Biodata GmbH
Flughafen Siegerland
D-5909 Burbach
Tel. +49 2736 50005-6
Fax +49 2736 5152

3. Atari

- Hardware:
- Ethernet card for the Mega ST bus (fits in the bus adapter and the
slot left at the back of the Mega ST)
- Thick- and ThinWire adapter (15pol. SubB and 50 Ohm BNC)

- Software:
- telnet, ftp

- Ethernet card: ........................... appr. DM 1000.-
- TCP/IP software: ......................... appr. DM 600.-

Availability: "Real soon now after the fair [CeBIT]", as Mr.Mester,
Atari Corp., Germany, stated.

I myself saw the card itself, but no installation working. As
Mr.Mester, who is responsible for the TT and TT/ATX at Atari in Frankfurt,
stated, "he has a lot of these cards in his room waiting to come to sale
just after the fare"
. We'll wait and see ...

Address: Atari Computer GmbH
Frankfurter Strasse 89-91
D-6096 Raunheim
Tel. +49 6142 2090

4. Further information:

a) Mr. Alexander Ross, rwa@aungbad.AthabascaU.CA, wrote:

+ There is a product called a "Nodem" being marketed by Adaptec -
+ the address is 691 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas CA 95035 USA, or phone
+ (408) 945 2518 ext 105. It talks ethernet on one side and SCSI on the
+ other. I suppose a Supra or ICD SCSI adaptor would be required. No,
+ there's no software that I know of. The price is given as "starting
+ from $545"
, which I assume is US$'s. I expect documentation is
+ available at a price too.

I saw this product connected to the TT/ATX on the Hannover fare. Both
ftp and telnet appeared to work. Refer to the above address or Atari
itself for details.

b) Mr.Tyler IVANCO <S=tyler;OU=stpl;O=ists;P=cdn;A=telecom.canada;C=ca>,


+ We have an ethernet card for the Mega ST. It is a plug in unit along
+ with a full scsi (meant to interfact to 1040s etc) as well as 8 serial
+ and two parllel ports. It contains an onboard transceiver.
+ The only software we have is ka9q ported to this unit. However,
+ I'm sure that we can offer the bare board and pals <...> for a rather
+ low cost. We had meant to construct and sell them but we don't have
+ the time to pursue the software and hardware effort required

for such
+ a project. I suspect that we could sell the unit <...> for around
+ CAN $200.00 with pals, example source code, and our ka9q effort. One
+ knows that etherparts etc. tend to be quite expensive and I would guess
+ that you would have to pay about CAN$300.00 to populate the board.


5. XWindows for the ST

XWindows is available for the ST. On the fare, it has been
demonstrated on the BioNet card. It is alleged to work with others also.
It has been developed originally by Mr. Gehret, Groenenbach, FRG, and now
is distributed by Atari.

Features: - X11.2 port (don't know if X11.3 is finished now, or if they
just hop to X11.4)
- Xserver/client mechanism is based on standard TCP/IP calls.
- FTP and TELNET within a window possible
- runs on the standard monitor (SM124) and on 19'' screens
(here: MatScreen)
- screen size is virtual and can be adjusted freely

A real, working version was presented on the CeBit. Moving windows
seems to be a bit slow; screen updates in the windows is done using a jump
scroll mechanism.

Price: appr. 600.- DM per licence,
available through Atari (real now), or directly via:

X/software Michael Gehret
Silcherstr. 15
D-8944 Groenenbach
Tel. +49 8334 1001

I do not work for any of these companies now have I relations to any
of them. I made this summary for informational purposes only and to
my best knowledge and conscience. Correct me if I'm wrong. Prices
are in DM.

Currently, the ratio of the DM to the US$ is appr. 1.73 DM/US$.
Ordering from outside the FRG will give you back 14% V.A.T. Add your
local resident tax + postage.
Best regards,

Thomas-Martin Kruel Inst.f.Physikal.Chemie d.Univ.Wuerzburg,
D-8700 Wuerzburg, West Germany
EAN: <>


> ONLINE TODAY CPU/STR OnLine¿ The wires are hummin'!


by Oscar Steele

This week has been extremely busy for me. I've spent a lot of time
wading through GEnie's message base. Believe me, it's becomes UNfun after
a few days. I'm beginning to feel sorry for the poor SysOps. Anyway,
here's what's happening in the some of the message bases this week (by
next week, I should get you upto date on all the categories).

The Codeheads released two updates at the WOA show in Anaheim:
Hotwire 2.0 (with info on a small "buglet") and MultiDesk 2.0 (with update
info for both). See Cat. 32: Topics 2, 4, 5. Did you know that Turbo ST
will work fine when loaded INTO MultiDesk? There's some VERY interesting
information on everything from the Codehead's biographies to info on their
products in Topic 11. Want some good fast printer drivers? Get on the
band wagon, read topic 12.

Here's some interesting info that John Eidsvoog of Codehead posted:

G+ line mode Normal Solid
No Turbo ST 14.60 11.00
Turbo ST 1.6 5.98 5.98
Turbo ST 1.8 6.34 6.34
Turbo 1.8 w/T16 4.39 4.37

Very interesting... as you can see, G+Plus' solid line mode makes no
difference if you're using Turbo ST 1.6 or 1.8 (after all, acceleration is
not G+Plus' primary function). Turbo 1.8 seems to be slower in this test,
but never fear... the overall speed improvement of Turbo 1.8 is _very_
noticable. I personally find it easier to simply leave G+Plus installed
all the time so that I don't have to reboot to use GDOS-dependent
programs, but with 4 megs I can afford to. (Note also that the T16
accelerator provides an appreciable speedup and I'm not using the fast ROM

See how Practical Solutions' mouse is stacking up on the Mac versus the
ST. Current discussion in Category 25, Topic 12.

In Category 19, Topic 2 the PC DITTO II saga continues. A number of
bug fixes have been talked about, including a fix for the blitter and
serial port bugs (which might make it work with Prodigy).

While PC Ditto II is swamped with users trying to get their systems to
work with it, the PC Speed and Supercharger sections are covering what
programs work with the products. PC Speed: Topic 9, Supercharger Topic 7.

The Universal Item Selector III topic is active. Get in your opinion
on what you like or dislike about the old/new versions and what should be
changed or updated. Category 2, Topic 2.

One of the newest offerings from Double Click is DC Showit. It
replaces the desktop's 'SHOW' text function. You can view text under a
variety of options and you can view pictures. There are some
compatibility problems with UIS check Category 2, Topic 30.

Even though Antic is flaking out and not supporting GFA BASIC, you can
find some help and recent activity in the GFA BASIC section in Cat. 3,
Topic 8.

There's some interesting discussion in the ST Robotics section on
hooking up the ST to a robot and a voice recognition chip in Cat. 4, Topic

SLM804 info: including where to get drums and toner - save a couple of
months by not ordering from Atari! Category 4, Topic 16.

The Turbo 16 section has been fairly active, a few people are having
problems with blitters, and questions on compatibility with Word Perfect
have popped up. Category 4, Topic 11.

Is it time to Abandon Atari Now? A number of people are. The rest
are still hoping against hope that Atari will get off their rear-ends and
do something (namely the head management). Get all the juicy details in
Cat. 18, Topic 9.

As I mentioned earlier, next week I'll wrap up getting up to date with
the GEnie message bases. We will also be covering CIS in the coming
weeks. For anyone wondering, I mentioned that you'd see a review of Iron
Lord last week. I didn't anticipate such a work load, so that'll have to
wait until I get a bit of free time.


> <SENSE: $11> CPU/STR InfoFile¿ What these signify......

From : DAVID CHIQUELIN at Node 3 Atari-OH! in Houston, TX.
Subj : Re: <1440> <Sense: Errors!>

In reply to:

I need some help!!!! I'm running a Adaptec 4070 controllor with an ST
277R-1 HD. I keep getting these <Sense: $11> errors that keep coming and
going. It seems that the data is still being read correctly but what does
this error stand for.... Controller problems or maybe cable problems???
Is there any documetation available about these sense errors?

Steve Kelly@524


00 = NO SENSE (No error occurred or error cleared before REQUEST SENSE
01 = NO INDEX/SECTOR (No index or sector signal found during rd, wr, or
02 = NO SEEK COMPLETE (Seek complete signal missing)
03 = WRITE FAULT (Drive detected failure which disallows writes. Write
protect during a write command.)
04 = DRIVE NOT READY (Drive not ready)
06 = NO TRACK 0 (Track Zero not found)

Those are the class 00 error codes in sense bytes (drive errors). The
next set are the class 01 error codes in sense byte (target errors)

10 = ID CRC ERROR (ID field could not be recovered by retry)
11 = UNCORRECTABLE DATA ERROR (Data field error could not be recovered by
retry or correction)
12 = ID ADDRESS MARK NOT FOUND (Missing ID address mark)
14 = RECORD NOT FOUND (Logical block ID not on accessed tracks, but no ID
CRC error)
15 = SEEK ERROR (Could not seek to the track with correct ID)

There are also class 02 error codes (System-related errors)

1A = INTERLEAVE ERROR (Interleave variable is greater than the number of
sectors per track on disk)
1C = UNFORMATTED OR BAD FORMAT ON DRIVE (Format failed, no valid format on
20 = ILLEGAL COMMAND (Command code is invalid or not implemented)

Those should be all you would need. They are all Hex.

David C.

P.S. A sense $11 therefore looks to me like a bad sector that is not
marked bad in the FAT. You should run a test on the HD (using appropriate
software) to check for bad sectors and mark them bad.

Also, please save a copy of this data... I don't want to have to re-type
it later <grin>, and next time someone asks *you* can upload a copy of the
data part.




by Derek C. Signorini

In this week's article I will update you on the growth of the Atari
User's Association and discuss what the AUA has been up to over the past
month and where the organization is heading in the next quarter.

As with my last report, I bring you encouraging figures from the AUA
membership drive. Total membership is up 20% from one month ago with a
big chunk of new members coming in from Australia and the Central part of
the United States. I expect that the latter half of April will show a
growth of close to 50-60% due to the AUA's appearance at the Pittsburgh
AtariFest 1990 and a few other events taking place.

The AUA has held 2 online conferences on GEnie to date. The first
one being on March 24, 1990 and the second a week later. The turnout was
better than expected, however, we hope that we can encourage more people
to join in the conference. Jon Clarke and I are discussing how often we
should hold the AUA conferences and are trying to analyze whether or not
Saturdays are a good choice of days for an online conference. I will keep
everyone posted on any changes regarding this matter.

By the time you read this, the AUA NewsBriefs will have been printed
(keeping my fingers crossed) and mailed to contributing members of the
AUA. We are expecting our first run to be 1000 issues and will be
heralded as the "Premier Edition" of the publication. When Tony Parry and
I first discussed the prospects of a printed newsletter, we figured a
child could put a newsletter together...much to our dismay, a little more
work was involved! At any rate, the NewsBriefs is hopefully going to be a
successful publication and we thank all of the contributing members of the
AUA for their support.

Here are some vital statistics for the AUA over the past one month:

United States 92.3% New Zealand 4.3% Canada 2.4%
Finland 0.27% Australia 0.8%
Total Countries represented: 5 TOTAL: 100%

AL 0.27% AZ 10.5% CA 2.71% CO 0.54% CT 1.07% DE 0.27%
FL 1.34% GA 1.07% HI 0.54% IA 0.54% IL 2.14% IN 0.80%
KS 0.27% KY 0.54% LA 0.27% MA 0.54% MD 1.34% ME 0.27%
MI 0.54% MN 0.27% MO 0.54% NC 0.27% NE 1.60% NJ 19.57%
NV 0.27% NY 2.94% OH 2.94% OK 0.27% OR 0.27% PA 30.03%
RI 0.27% SC 0.54% TN 0.54% TX 1.88% VA 2.15% WA 1.60%
WI 0.80%
Total States represented: 37 TOTAL: 100%

Once again, Pennsylvania leads the membership race and has begun to
pull away from New Jersey. We have a strong showing from Arizona, thanks
to a few user groups down there, and also have a large pull from Ohio,
Virginia, and California. New York has gained a few representatives to
the AUA and I expect Texas to begin picking up.

One of the functions of the AUA will be to collect and process data
concerning the Atari Community. In the following articles, I hope to
bring more statistical information to you so that you can see how the
Atari Community is structured.

Thanks again to everyone who has given support of the AUA. The
organization has undergone a re-birth thanks to you and has been given a
very solid foundation...

Derek C. Signorini
AUA Coordinator

This is an edited re-print of The Atari Users Association RTC held each
Saturday evening at 9:00 pm EST, on the Atari RTC on the GEnie Network.

<[Jon @ A.U.A] J.CLARKE6>
Hi there Welcome to the 2nd AUA RTC. Derek will open with a few
bits of news then I will follow then Q and A's ..
so Here'ssssssss Derek the Co-ordinator of the AUA

Good evening all..and thanks for attending the Second Conf of the AUA...
To open, I want to thank all those people who showed up last week for
our first open conf for the AUA...

both Jon and I were very impressed with the turnout, and it appears as
though the AUA is becomming a common Acronym...

I will open the conference by speaking of the AUA and its efforts in the
USA... then Jon will discuss the AUA action in NZ and down under...and
the rest of the "real world" as jon puts it.! <GRIN>

To start off, I want to clear up some confusion that may have developed
from last week's conf.... Jon made mention of a disk that he puts
together and distributes free of charge down-under... This disk contains
STReport (CPU ONLINE), ZNET, and PDQ. Jon has undertaken this project
because 99%of the users in his part of the world are not able to receive
these online mags so, Jon provides them to the Atari users ala the AUA...

This disk is not to be confused with the Electronic Chronicles Disk
Magazine. Which has been published as a newsletter on disk for almost
5 years now. The ECDM is a benefit of those AUA members who Contribute
$15.00 or more to the AUA. It is in no way a direct competition to any
of the Online Magazines nor will it ever be! Because our two parts of
the world require different reading needs. Jon is busy putting his disk
together, and the ECDM is the flagship newsletter of the AUA.

1// Membership is growing...
When I took over the AUA in January of this year, I knew that,
the aua would need membership before it would be taken seriously
by anyone it now has a respectable membership and the AUA will begin
to take affirmative action in the Atari Community...!!!

2// Atari Corp in the US:
Atari USA has yet to take a position on the AUA. I can not expect a
large corporation such as Atari to make any hasty support claims...
And, while Tony Parry has been in contact with Bob Brodie several
times, Bob has been very observant of the AUA and has been very
helpful and informative...

3// User Group Membership Plan:
The long awaited User Group AUA Membership Plan has entered it's
last stage of development. My appologies to all those who have
expressed interest in the AUA for their User Groups. However, the
AUA concept from the Start is: To do things right the first time and
never step on anyone's toes!!!<Grin>

4// Details very sketchy...but it appears as though the AUA will become a
common fixture on GEnie. Perhaps Jon will mention more on this.

I will turn things over to Jon...

<[Jon @ A.U.A] J.CLARKE6>
Thank you for that Derek, things are moving outside the USA very quickly
we have had a flood of mail on the Fido-network, the guys in the UK are
doing big things so look for them when GEnie opens their pads in Europe.

1/ Fido-mail going Strong in 3 threads.
2/ User groups down here are all pro AUA
3/ Atari-nz and Atari-oz are pro the AUA
4/ the march disk is in the mail
5/ NEWS:- the STE IS IN GENERAL RELEASE down here and the prices of the
ST have dropped, the TT release date for the tt030/2 is May/June 1990
for our area.

That is about it for the moment, Derek any comments before we turn it
over for Q&A?


I would also like to add that the AUA Newsbriefs Newsletter is near
completion we are taking it to the printer next week, and expect to mail
it by week 2 of april. First run was expected to be only 600,however,
we have estimated that over 1000 copies will be printed. Secondly, we
are going to send a press release to all major manufactures and vendors
concerning the AUA....Tony is working on that...and he is not here to
comment on the press release. Thirdly, As Jon mentioned, the AUA is
beginning to gain momentum outside the USA. John Graham, Sysop of the
Autoboss BBS in Pittsburgh is the major hub for the ST fido conferences
and also is lead node for the AUA Fnet conf...and we are beginning to
see more and more response from both networks... We also have gained
another valuable hub in the network who will be handling a lot of fnet
messages over seas I expect that news of the AuA will spread rapidly.

<[Ralph] ST.REPORT>
Who might the overseas hub be?

The Bounty BBS home of ST Report (CPU ONLINE), Sorry bout that...

T. You can send it when you send in your app form.

<[Ralph] ST.REPORT>
T. Haley, where or how did you hear about the AUA?

I heard about AUA on bounty bbs

<[Ralph] ST.REPORT>
thanks Todd ...

I sent in my application to the AUA was I suppose to send the
money now or later when acknowledged>?

I think I remember your app... Todd right?


You can send your check to: PO BOX 18053 Pittsburgh PA 15236

<[John] D.D.MARTIN>
Can you elaborate on "affirmative action in the Atari community?
in other words...what effects of AUA will the "casual" Atari user see?
one who may not have access to user group meetings or on-line messages.

to answer your question.. One of the original game plans of the AUA was
to unite the ST Community and to get people to engage in letter writing
campains, in this light the AUA needed a larger backing to begin letter
writing so that people would respect the AUA and the AUA that
the AUA membership is fast approaching 500, We can assume that at least
50% of our members will participate in letter writting activities...

Will the Aua bill me for the 15 bucks

<[Jon @ A.U.A] J.CLARKE6>
No todd, send it to the AUA

John> does that answer your question?

<[John] D.D.MARTIN>
yes Derek..

<[Ralph] ST.REPORT>
John, letter writing, of the NON nuisance type, always has some degree of

Yes. The AUA will supply the form letter, this will have a great effect
on any developer when he receives 100-300 letters when he does not
receive that many in the course of 6 months...

<[John] D.D.MARTIN>
will the form letter be part of your newsletter?

yes...and will appear in ST Report, GEnie,and the FNET/FIDO network...

<[John] D.D.MARTIN>
<---will be lookin for it

as well as in the Electronic Chronicles Disk Magazine...and the AUA

<[Jon @ A.U.A] J.CLARKE6>
John..When the ball gets rolling you will see members with in the AUA
doing their bit for the local Atari community, ie the user group the
problem you mentioned before, this is what we have found down here
by getting the user groups to start talking to each other by news letter
pd disks or what ever they are now starting to Talk to each other, and
the users are benifiting with this, as well as areas where there are no
UG's they are starting them. So the AUA is helping here in this way...
does that clear it up a little more?

<[John] D.D.MARTIN>
sure does..... a total effort for sure.....i hope it will be supported in
the manner it deserves.

<[Jon @ A.U.A] J.CLARKE6>
It is getting support here and in most of the commonwealth countries to
an extent, I did not dream possible.

<[S. Winter an] R.SHRIER>
What effect on the Atari community is expected from the opening of local
service to GEnie in Europe?

<[Jon @ A.U.A] J.CLARKE6>
That is for the people at GEnie to answer... But as far as the AUA is
concerned it will allow for a greater flow of information and
unification do you currently access any of the ISPN BBS in Europe? They
are brill, so expect to see the same on GEnie when it opens...

<[S. Winter an] R.SHRIER>
fm. RS: No,...we BBS strictly locally. There are few l/d modemers here.

<[Ralph] ST.REPORT>
AUA has direct access to the entire FNET system from the UK to Saudi

the opening of GEnie in Europe surely will allow the AUA and ALL ATARI
USERS ease of communication, as Jon has stated... This will greatly help
the AUA in its efforts...and will help the Atari Community as a whole...
I see this as a very positive move and expect good things will come of

Well, I guess that just about raps it up for tonight.


Join the AUA TODAY.

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

Thank you for your interest in the Atari User's Association.
Please take the time to complete this application and mail it
to the address below.


First Name:_____________________ LastName:______________________________
City:________________________________ ST:____ Zipcode:__________________
Country:_____________________________ Age:(optional)____________________
Telephone: __________________________ Work: ____________________________

[ ] Check here to place name in the AUA Public Membership Directory

(This will allow you to be placed on national mailing lists for Atari
ST products and information)


HARDWARE: [ ]520ST [ ]1040ST [ ]MEGA 2 [ ]MEGA 4 [ ]STacy [ ]Other
[ ]Spectre GCR [ ]PC DITTO [ ]PC Speed
MONITOR : [ ]COLOR [ ]MONO [ ]OTHER:____________________________________
DRIVES : [ ]Internal [ ]External [ ]HARD DRIVE Size of Hard drive:____
PRINTER : [ ]9 Pin Dot Matrix [ ]24 Pin Dot Matrix [ ]Laser [ ]DeskJet
[ ]Daisywheel [ ]Other
Printer Model:_______________________________________________________

MODEM : Max Speed [ ]300 [ ]1200 [ ]2400 [ ]4800 [ ]9600 [ ]14,400
Modem Model:_________________________________________________________

OTHER PERIPHERALS________________________________________________________

EMULATORS IN USE:________________________________________________________

Primary Use of your Atari Computer: (check all that apply)
[ ]Home Finance [ ]BBS [ ]CAD [ ]Business [ ]DTP [ ]Games/rec
[ ]Graphics [ ]Programming [ ]SpreadSheets [ ]WordProcessing
[ ]Music [ ]Communications [ ]Other:____________________________________
If you are a member of a User Group, Please fill in:
UG Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________State _____ ZIP ________Country____

BBS # ______________________________________No. of Members_______________

President's Name:________________________________Phone:__________________


EMAIL ADRESSES: (please include fnet / fido Handles)
FNET Node:________________________ FIDO Node:___________________________
GENIE:_____________________________ COMPUSERVE:__________________________
DELPHI:________________________ OTHER:___________________________________
Please list any ideas you have about what the AUA can do for you as an
end user:________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________Use reverse if necessary!!!!!!
Please list your favorite software titles: ______________________________
If you have a friend who may be interested in the AUA, please list his
name and address here so that we can contact him/her about the AUA:

Where did you get this application:______________________________________

MEMBERSHIP FEES: [ ] Non-Active AUA Membership -- $ FREE $
[ ] Active AUA w/NewsLetter -- $ 5.00/year
Please Select ONE [ ] Active AUA W/Newsletter & Disk -- $ 15.00/year

Mail application to:
The Atari User's Association
Attn: D.C. Signorini
P.O. Box 18053
Pittsburgh, PA 15236

MicroTyme Computers is an official supplier of the AUA at: 1-800-255-5835

------------------------ Clip Here ---------------------------


> CPU NEWSWIRE CONFIDENTIAL¿ Sayin' it like it is.....


FALCON for the Atari ST has been updated to version 1.2 along with the
FALCON Mission Disk (Operation: Counterstrike). Changes to version 1.2
include (1) The program is now shipped on GEM standard single-sided disks.
This allows the user to back up their disks from the GEM desktop. (2) The
program will now run on one double-sided 720K disk if the user copies all
files from Disk 1 and Disk 2 to the 720K disk. (3) FALCON can now be run
from a hard drive. Simply use the hard disk install program included on
Disk 1 to transfer the files. (4) Both the disk drive light and motor no
longer stay on during play. (5) There is a new control option called
"Aerochopper" which allows the program to be used with a special control.
(6) The program is now compatible with the Gravis MouseStick. Simply plug
the MouseStick in, boot FALCON, and select "Mouse 2" from the Control

FALCON for the Atari ST runs on any ST or Mega with a color monitor.
1MB RAM is recommended. FALCON retails for $49.95, and the Mission Disk
for $24.95. THe program requires a codewheel. Only Disk 1 has been
updated. Registered owners of version 1.0 can update to version 1.2 by
sending in their original Disk 1 and $7.50. Registered owners of version
1.1 can upgrade by sending in their original Disk 1 and $3.00. Customers
who bought the Gravis MouseStick through the joint promotion can upgrade
for free by sending in their original Disk 1.
Send all packages to:
Spectrum HoloByte
2061 Challenger Drive
Alameda, CA 94501.

Say hello to "Chopstick"!

- Anaheim, CA ***** WOA TURNOUT "MEDIOCRE AT BEST" *****

According to the majority of the informed sources we polled regarding
the overall participation in the WOA show by users and usergroups in the
region, the answer was the same across the boards. "We are not happy with
the methods employed by the promoters of the show and we would rather show
our support for the Glendale show". It is sad to see a show so
'vigorously' supported by Atari Corp. be regarded in such mediocrity but
...when one considers the course of events from last year to date..
concerning the scheduling of WOA events and the local usergroups there is
little doubt left as to why...

- Las Vegas, NV **** ParSeC board OUT! ****

The ParSec board 4768 is available in the U.S. now, through Datel
Computers. Model: 8748 Price in U.S. $1395 (worth it) Resolution
640x480 with 256 colours from a pallete of 4096. Also 1024x768 with 16
colours from 4096 colours! Memory, Video ram is 768k. 32-bit CPU running
at 50 MHZ, YES 50 MHZ! SCSI, RS-232, Internal expansion capability for
expansion of the higher 8768 board, or added memory. Hooks up to the
Atari cartridge port and works in conjunction! Comes with Da Vinci Art,
and there is a program called The Topaz GEMulator, that converts GEM based
programs to output on the ParSec, the ability to run Atari GEM based
programs on the ParSec creates new advantages of superiour resolution and
HIGH SPEED 50 MHZ OPERATION!! Soon to be available the Genlock/digitizer!

Also soon to be available, the 8768 board which has two
configurations, the 8768-8: 16.8 million colour pallete, 8 or 15 colour
planes (256 on screen or 32 000!), VRAM 1.875 18: Mb, Optional DRAM 0.5 to
4 Mb expansion! This memory can be used as part of the actual ST
memory!! The 8768-16 upgrade gives you 2.5 Mb's! There is a video slot
in the board. Everything is lightning fast! Other programs are also
available for this board such as Chimera f(x) an Excellent Shell that lets
other ray tracing, graphics, animation, fractals programs to run inside
the basic program. It is an object-oriented package with emulation of
real world media!

TOPAZ allows GEM based programs to run under ParSec, with the added
colour, high res of 1024x768, and at 50 Mhz with all GEM calls passed to
the TMS34010 CPU!! This board runs at 6.25 MIPS and is expandable to 6.5
Mb's! CHIMERA is able to import all popular image file formats including
Amiga IFF, NEO, Degas, Cyber, Sculpt, etc! I would recommend this board
to anyone wanting high quality low cost graphics boards, because this is
not only a video board with amazing expandability, but also a 50 Mhz
Texas Instruments CPU container that the ST/Mega/STE's can take advantage
of! The price of the 8768 boards are soon to be released.

The ParSec board 4768 is available in the U.S. now, through Datel
Computers. All you people waiting for the 68030/68882 board, this baby is
cooking at 50 Mhz! If you have any questions or would like to order call
(702) 454-7700!

- Atlanta, GA **** 386 ST? ~ Atari AT? ****

According to Jotka Computing in Ede before long (how long 8-) a 80386
emulator for the Atari ST will become available on the Dutch market. It
is a German product, called Delta Modul, that will be delivered together
with Dr. Dos. There will be two versions, a 1 Mb one and a 2 Mb one, with
prices in the range f 2395,- to f 2849,- (Dutch guilders). Also various
supplementary products have been announced, such as RAM extensions till 8
Mb and graphic cards (of which one was said to handle 16.2 million
colors). Read in this month's HCC Nieuwsbrief, a Dutch monthly for
computer users: (Leo de Wit)



According to our very well informed sources, a number of major
bulletin board systems based in different areas of the country have come
under extremely close scrutinization as a result of the blatant theft of
newly released software from the WOA show... Software that was deeply
encoded with embedded ID strings has surfaced on these boards and as a
result of the encoding, are directly traceable back to the original
purchasers. The Sharewares BBS, allegedly owned and operated by Robert
Ford, aka "Software Junky", has been identified as the carrier of the hot
software. Action is now being taken. A number of prominent North
American developers/publishers have joined forces and have sworn to "make
sure this BBS and the others linked to it are eliminated". It is
reported that the alleged network has international ties to Europe and


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> A "Quotable Quote"¿


CPU/STR¿ "Your Independent News Source" April 13, 1990
16/32bit Magazine copyright ½ 1990 No.4.15
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
the editors, staff, CPU NEWSWIRE¿ CPU/STR¿ or CPU Report¿. Reprint
permission is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. All reprints must
include CPU NEWSWIRE, CPU/STR or CPU Report and the author's name. All
information presented herein is believed correct, the editors and staff
are not responsible for any use or misuse of information contained herein.

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