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Silicon Times Report Issue 0069

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019



"The Original Online ST Magazine"

January 09, 1989 Monday Volume III No.69


ST Report Online Magazine ½
Post Office Box 6672
Jacksonville, Florida
32236 ~ 6672

R.F. Mariano
Publisher - Editor

Headquarters Bulletin Boards
North South
201-247-8252 904-786-4176
Central West
216-784-0574 916-962-2566


~ From the Editor's Desk............ ~ MAIL ORDER...Aye or Nay?........
~ PCP.."To Be or Not to Be"?........ ~ HI-SOFT PREFERRED...............
~ ST REPORT CONFIDENTIAL............ ~ Sig Hartman - Usergroups are #1!
~ CIS Discovery CO ................. ~ For Your Information............
and...much more!


From the Editor's Desk:

"1989 is going to be a Banner Year for Atari Corp." We hear this
from almost everybody we talk to about the future of the ST and Atari in
the USA. Folks, it is a real pleasure to see the confidence being
displayed by the majority of the users. We base a good deal of our
confidence on the current "Beef" controversy and US Gov't. wanting to
resolve the serious trade imbalances we now see and on the dramatic change
in the attitude of the userbase and Atari. One can't help but notice the
upbeat attitude displayed by the majority of folks in the Atari arena.

Atari can only benefit strongly in the US market. The competition
will have a bit more difficult job because, in the US market place they
have a higher penetration percentage and therefore will have less of an
opportunity to grow. While Atari will show very impressive growth
figures for 1989 in the percentage of market penetration.

Third party support in the Atari arena is expected to grow in
leaps and bounds as soon as it is percieved that Atari has begun to make
good on it's stated intentions for this year. It is understandable that
they are playing a 'wait and see game', they have been assured of
'wonderful' things before. It looks real good this time though.

After having had a number of conversations with the folks at Atari,
this reporter feels very confident about Atari's future. The upbeat
attitude at Atari is a true inspiration, everybody seems very positive
and eager to help.

Atari's willingness to communicate through the Usergroups and
provide up to date information in a reasonable time are just more
indications of the subtle changes taking place. We, once again maintain
the posture of full support for the Atari St product line, and will
continue to do so ..we hope sincerely for the very best.

Sam Tramiel has stated that; "In 1989 Atari will establish itself as
one of the major computer companies in the USA. The ST is now a standard
throughout Europe and now Atari's big push is to achieve the same levels
of penetration in the USA. These aggressive efforts are already underway."

It is our observation that the new dealer promotions having great
retail pricing coupled with regional advertising are going to be the key
to paving the way for Atari. Atari's sales staff is signing up new
dealers as fast as humanly possible much to the delight of developers and
the staff of ST Report.


"1989 - ATARI'S QUEST"





to the Readers



Call any of the St Report Official BBS numbers
(Listed at the top of ST REPORT)
Leave E-mail to St Report - R. Mariano

Be sure to include your full mailing address so your
Compuserve kit can be immediately mailed to you!



* Mail Order - Aye ~ Nay *

by R.F.Mariano

Over the past few months we have had the opportunity to listen to a
rather large number of users complain about loosing the convenience of
using mail order facilities. We have been hearing these two thoughts
about mail order:

A)- Mail Order offers no customer 'after purchase' support.

B)-Dealers are 'entitled' to higher prices.

After purchase customer support? What is this sacred cow often
spoke about but never really defined? Is it what if the machine fails
within 90 days? (ALL reputable mail order houses have good exchange
policies in place.) Is it hand holding through new programs and
instruction on how to use them? (isn't that why you buy the program
from a local dealer to begin with.. to get help with it?) The support
question is moot, as anyone with any real experience with the 'good' mail
order operations around the nation will tell you that they too offer
customer support lines. The bottom line is that the manufacturers offer
support at the factory level in most cases. (Atari does and quite good

Both of the above arguments really have NO basis in fact. Why?
Well think of this, if one were to say, what is a reasonable profit to one
hundred dealers there would be at least that many different answers.
This is easy to see because there are really no ceiling guidelines on the
sale price of the equipment. Or, the dealers feel they have the upper
hand and put some localized rules in place that are truly 'flavored' with
the 'big dipper' attitude. (RIPOFF) Before you go off half cocked,
please understand NOT ALL dealers fall into this category, in fact, a very
small number do, but they are really damaging to Atari's 'quest' for '89.

For Atari to punch a very aggressive hole in the US marketplace in
1989 a form of mail order is very much in the cards. Be prepared to see
it happen before the Spring Comdex (on a small scale but there). It will
be very aggressive in it's endeavors to protect the loyal and honest
dealers. There are surely to be incentive programs for the 'good' dealers
and of course, excellent national coverage (marketing and service) for the
present and future Atari Userbase.

The loyal Atari users, from last Christmas or the ole' '400' days,
are in for a treat ..the likes of which they have yet to enjoy and have
only dreamed about. Solid recognition of the ST line and that of it's
'bigger' brothers. Atari's promotional efforts will have to be aggressive
to keep up with the product demand and to support the 'word of mouth'
campaigns that will result. (the second the userbase sees the slightest
solid encouragement by Atari's actions) No more will we hear "You do Desk
Top Publishing on what???? We fully agree that the system of mail order
in use today is horrid and needs certain restraints and controls. Atari
must, however, carefully construct a mail order system of it's own to
maximize it's national market penetration in 1989.

Dealers must be the prime consideration in the organization of a
mail order system by Atari. They must (the honest and loyal dealers) be
protected and offered additional incentives. They must also be allotted
better co-op ad percentages and stronger warranty programs are an absolute
must. The bottom line is making absolutely sure there are competent,
qualified factory reps in the field who have a real grasp on the knowledge
of what this industry is all about and the ability to put it to good use.

What is a 'pet peeve'? How about a mail order outfit only proving
how right Atari was in dumping the 'old' type of mail order they had their
product flowing through. Just this past week a couple of mail order
houses were "observed" advertising the "NEW DUNGEON MASTER II" for 20.00!
The other had it for $18.95 and called it Dungeon Master II, Chaos Strikes
Back!! The alarm bells began to ring loudly here. At this point in time
we will not mention the names of these' mail order' dealers, (we wish to
give these folks time to correct this gross injustice to legit storefront
dealers and FTL), however, we will explain our position on the subject.

You cannot imagine how we felt seeing this "ad" enticing Atarians
to placing 'orders' on a phantom product with a ficticious name! The
individual who called us said that a call was placed to each of the firms
asking about the product and were promptly told by the first one called
"it's not out yet, but we are taking advance orders, we already have 47
advance orders"...the second call produced similar results. You can't
help but wonder how the legitimate streetside, storefront dealers felt
when they read this sort of ad. Better yet, how does FTL feel when they
see the product renamed and the value of the product raped by some
overzealous feather merchant looking to make a quick kill. This sort of
'activity' is deplorable.

For the RECORD:
FTL has NOT released any such product as "Dungeon Master II" nor do
they have plans of releasing any such 'thing' at this time.

The proper name for the SEQUEL to DUNGEON MASTER is:


This program has not been released yet, you may, however, look for it
by the end of January. FTL has many advance orders from dealers all over
the country. We strongly reccommend to every potential buyer of this
program, obtain it from your local dealer, if possible, or, call a, well
established, reputable, mail order software house whose specialty is
software...and please, for the sake of all of the Atari users and the
future of first class software development, don't rent this one, buy it!

'Till next time....



These items were uploaded to STReport system BBS, we print them here for
your information........

The "good" news for them:


Dear PC Pursuit customer:

The PC Pursuit service is in the midst of dramatic change. Three
major programs were instituted in 1988, including:

o Outdial City Expansion. Nine new cities were added for a
total of 34. Additionally, all the cities now support 300,
1200, and 2400 bps service.

o Increased Capacity. All existing outdial rotaries were
significantly expanded to support more callers in each city.

o New Netline Exchange. The old 4 line PC-based Netline
Exchange bulletin board system was recently replaced with a
powerful minicomputer. The Netline Exchange is available 24
hours a day at no charge to you and is the place to leave
all of your service questions and comments.

When PC Pursuit was launched over three years ago, it was viewed
as a way for residential consumers and hobbyists to take
advantage of off-peak network time at a bargain price. The
growth and varied use that followed far exceeded expectations.
To satisfy demand and to continue to offer this unique consumer
oriented communications service on as wide a basis as possible,
we now have to change our prices. The change will provide for
continued expansion and other future improvements of PC Pursuit.
Included with this letter is a copy of the new PC Pursuit terms
and conditions, as well as the new pricing details. You will
notice that for the average residential consumer, the change is

entirely in the monthly charge. For those who use PC Pursuit at
increasingly professional levels, we offer two tiers of hourly
charges which still provide for the best value in the industry.
Here is a summary of the price change:

o Monthly Charge. The new fixed charge is $30 per month.

o Cap on Free Usage. Your $30 per month will now pay for up
to 30 monthly hours of non-prime time usage. Using the full
30 hours in one month amounts to an hourly rate of only
$1.00 -- more than 85% less than you would pay with the most
popular long distance discount service. Only a small
fraction of you will even be affected by this cap.

o Over Cap Rate. Non-prime time usage, above the 30 hour cap,
will be billed at $4.50 per hour, which is about half of the
next lowest rate in the market place.

o Second Tier Rates. There will be a second level of rates
for those who use the service at business levels. When your
total monthly usage exceeds 60 hours, both prime time and
non-prime time rates will increase for those hours in excess
of 60, as follows:

PRIME TIME 2nd tier rate: $ 14.00 /hr
Non-Prime 2nd tier rate: $ 7.50 /hr

These rates are still significantly less expensive than the
most popular alternatives.


In addition to the price change, several other significant events
will occur in 1989, including:

o Rotary Consolidation. Today, you must specify both a city
and speed to access an outdial rotary. In 1989 new network
software will be deployed to combine each city's rotaries
into one, resulting in easier use and increased service

o New Billing System. Scheduled for operation by the second
quarter, the new system will automatically collect all

charges from your credit card, including flat rate and
hourly charges. If your bill exceeds the fixed monthly fee,
you will receive a statement prior to incurring charges.

o Additional Payment Methods. In addition to American
Express, VISA, and Master Card credit cards, the new billing
system will support two new payment methods -

- The Discover credit card.
- Direct checking account debiting via Checkfree.

o New Outdial Service. In the next few months, we will be
launching a new business outdial service. Details will

There will be many other Outdial service enhancements in 1989.
We look forward to this exciting new year, and the improvements
it will bring.

The input and support of our many thousands of satisfied
customers has helped shape the future of the PC Pursuit Service.
For this, we extend our deepest thanks. You have helped make PC
Pursuit the best end-user data communications value in the


Peter Naleszkiewicz
Outdial Services Product Manager

The "good" news for users:

Hi! No doubt you have learned of the rate hikes scheduled to go into
effect on February 1, 1989 for the use of Telenet's PC Pursuit service.

The following letter was posted on the Portal System in California.
The author has requested it be distributed to as many commercial and
non-commercial systems as possible. If it is at all possible please bring
the attention of the System Users to this letter.

Well it had to happen!
Just as 1988 was going down in the history books as the year that
we in the telecomputing world finally got attention in Washington
by getting the FCC to drop a proposal to levy access charges against
the networks, one of the networks appears to be preparing to sock
it to us by raising its rates by the very amount the FCC declined
to approve!

Is there a weird sense of logic here? Not so long ago the networks
and the network users were united in a common effort to combat what
was perceived as a move by the FCC to place an economic stranglehold
on the computer information industry. Independent surveys indicated
that a $5.50/hr increase would have caused a 55 per cent decline in
growth rates for residential use and a 20 % decline for business
use of the online networks.

Over 20,000 letters were received by the FCC and it appeared as
though we had achieved a say in the future of networking.
Well the honeymoon is over! The networks were quite willing to
solicit and openly encourage the PC user base to respond to the FCC.

A press campaign actively publicized the deleterious effect these
charges would have on our schools, students, information providers,
BBS's, and the whole slew of creative activity on the networks.
But now, we see the first network reaching out and attempting to
unilaterly collect for themselves the very access charges we succeded
in defeating.

Where is the truth in the testimony given by Telenet to the panels
in Washington? We have to view United Telcom's (parent company of
Telenet) actions in their true light.

Telenet is a Value Added Network (VAN), and as such is unregulated,
but does benefit from federal restrictions on Regional Bell Operating
Companies (RBOCS). These restrictions are intended to allow a
healthy competition to exist while the networks evolve and grow
without undue pressure from the telecomunications giants
(AT&T & RBOCS). However, United Telcom has other problems. It is
also the parent company of Sprint which lost $112 million in the 2nd
qtr. 1988 and $19 million in the 3rd qtr. Wall street analysts are
skeptical that United Telcom will be able to further boost returns
and some have predicted that United Telcom may have to sell off

It appears that United Telcom feels that the average PC Pursuit
user should now help pay for Sprint's losses. The empty rhetoric in
the 30-day letter issued by PC Pursuit shows no legitimate business
reason for the proposed increases. The phony cost comparison against
mythical "competitive" networks does not stand up. The fact that
PC PURSUIT has a MINIMUM $25/month usage charge separates it from the
other networks and makes hourly cost comparisons invalid. The actual
revenue per hour usage figure is only available to PC Pursuit, but
given the statistical fact that not all users use their accounts at
the same level it is possible that PC Pursuit is effectively earning
comparative profits to the other networks on an hourly rate.

The other contradictory factor in the proposed price increase seems
to be putting the cart before the horse in the sense that PC Pursuit
is of the opinion that we would be foolish enough to pay more dollars
per hour to obtain "access" to an information provider whether it
be Portal or a BBS, than the cost of communicating with AND using the
facilities of online services such as CIS or GEnie.

It appears that PC Pursuit believes we should pay the same hourly
charge for using their communications network alone as we would
normally pay for accessing AND using the host computers on CIS, etc.

PC Pursuit wants the same revenues without providing the host
computers, the online databases, the access to other e-mail systems,
conferences, online chat, or all the other services provided by these

o Part of the phoney justification for this is to talk about expanding
the penny-ante bulletin board system they presently run. Do they feel
we are stupid?

o Does this mean that PC Pursuit is looking to compete with the BBS
systems that give it its reason for existence?

o What does the owner of the BBS get out of this deal?

o What will systems like Portal get out of this?

o What will the telecomputing community get out of this?

o What will United Telcom get out of this?

o What SHOULD United Telcom get out of this?

It has not been demonstrated that PC Pursuit is in trouble. Therefore
it appears that the strategy being followed by United Telcom is to see
"what the market will bear".

Perhaps we should let them know?
Let's not whimper and whine....let's ROAR!
Soon to appear here:

A draft of the letter we intend to send to our Congresspersons,
the FCC, the president of Telenet, and the president of United
Telcom, and our state representatives.

If you think this has merit, please post it to whatever other network
or BBS you use.
Jas and Sean

appended: 01/01/89
President of Telenet
Apollo Guida, President
12490 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 22096



Conf : ST Report
Msg# : 9 Lines: Extended Read: 3
Sent : Jan 3, 1989 at 7:41 AM
Subj : STR Reply

Hi All...

Barry here, calling from the Uk.. responding to an article in STR 068.

We had heard about Michtron's bust-up with GFA Systemtechnique a
while ago. A lot of people over here bought GFA basic 2.0, and have been
using it for quite a while. I waited, since, as an Assembly programmer,
I could live without Ataris dreadful BASIC. When I decided that a BASIC
would be a good way to write small programs, and also some utilites for
FoReM ST, I looked around. I had been using what is probably the best
Assembler development system on the ST, HiSoft Devpac ST, so I looked at
what HiSoft had to offer. Unwilling to spend large amounts of money on a
trial, I borrowed a friends copy of GFA Basic Version 2.0, and I obtained
a copy of the newly-released HiSoft BASIC on loan from a friendly dealer.
(Yes, there ARE dealers like that!).

GFA BASIC version 2.0 is an Interpreted BASIC. I won't bore everyone
with what that means, since you probably already know.. there is a
compiler for it (at extra cost).. Ok, I needed to produce stand alone
programs that could be run from the desktop, without a huge 'tagged'
header, or a 'run-time' module..(I don't know if you have FAST STBasic
available in the USA, but that uses a 'tagger' to make stand alone
programs, at a cost of 72k overhead!). My friend had the compiler too, so
I borrowed that too.

GFA's environment is pretty good. You have function keys that do
useful things, and mouse support. There is Direct Mode, for seeing
output, and Program Mode for writing code. It's structured and you don't
need line numbers. Ok, I thought, what's a good test of a language's
speed, and efficiency? I wrote a short program that did the following:

Create a new file,
Write 5512 random bytes to it,
close it, open it,
read 5k back into a string,
print the straing.
(The random characters were all ASCII printable characters).
Put a timer on it, and run it Interpreted, and then compiled.

I don't have the actual figures now, since this was about a year
and a half ago. It seemed very fast, both interpreted and compiled, and
the compiled file size was pretty good, around 15k or so.

When I got the HiSoft BASIC, about 9 months later, I IMMEDIATELY
bought it!
Here's why.

HiSoft is a compiled basic.. there's no intermediate stage. This has
some disadvantages, in that you can't 'break' a program half way through
and dump the variables. But, as I said, I was used to assembler, so that
didn't worry me.

It's FAST! that same program from the GFA bit, ran faster, and the
compiled program was about 7k shorter. And the Environment! It's exactly
the same as HiSoft's Assembler! The editor isn't the fastest in the
world, but the BASIC source is ASCII text, so you can use ANY text editor!

There's a standalone, TTP version of the compiler, so it can be run
from a command line. You can 'include' bot BASIC SOURCE **AND** BINARY
programs.. so my assembler redirection routines for the BBS could all be
included. The compiled basic program can have extended debug info
included at compile time, so I can use MONST2 to debug if necessary
(rarely, the environment is GOOD!). what else,... oh yeah, while you're
developing your program, you don't have to compile to disk.. you can
compile to memory, and run it without leaving the editor..and let me tell
you, the compiler to memory is quick! 50,000 lines a minute! I mean, a
20k ASCII basic source file compiles to memory in less than 5 seconds!
This makes development very fast, and who needs to dump the variables?
Just include PRINT statements where you need debug info!

Now, get this... I wanted to use a resource file, you know, GEM,
DIALOG Boxes, alerts etc.. do you KNOW how hard it is to hard-code that
stuff into a BASIC program? Not any more! HiSoft has access to EVERY
GEMDOS, XBIOS, BIOS, AES and VDI call.. including RSRSC_LOAD, so you can
use your favourite Resource Construction Set to do the GEM bits, then just
load 'em in!

What I'm saying is that, you haven't LOST a thing by Michtron going
over to HiSoft. If you bought GFA, do what I did, write off that $60 or
whatever, if you're making commercial or shareware BASIC programs, you'll
do more with Hisoft.

You want to know what really made me so pro-HiSoft? Ok, I had a
problem. I wanted to load a Dialog box. The box had 3 or 4 editable text
fields. I created the file with K-Resource (dunno if you have that), and
did the business with HiSoft. What? I couldn't edit any of the fields!
The box looked ok, all the fields the right length, but the | just stayed
at the far-left of the field whatever I did..I went back to my RCS, the
file was I phoned HiSoft..they have an hour a day where they answer
technical queries..I got through..'I have this probelm with Resource files
and editable fields... 'I said..' Ah yes..' the man said.. 'You need to
do this, then this , then do this bit of code..' (He dictated about 10
lines of code over the phone). I said was it a bug in HiSoft? He said no,
it's a 'feature' of the AES, try it in C and it'll be the same problem..
(I did, and it is!).

I have met Andy Pennel of HiSoft at varous Shows.. without fail, the
staff have been helpful and polite to a fault. Always willing to load up
Basic and show me where I'm going wrong, or to sort a problem out.. I'd
say, without doubt, that the people at HiSoft are the most helpful
software publishers/authors I have EVER dealt with.

Once you try HiSoft BASIC, you'll wonder how you managed before!
If you don't already, give their Assmbler package a try too.. 68000
assembler is easier than C!




Expect to see a marvelous new cart released here that will perform a
number of powerhouse functions for the programmer, ie; monitor, block
saves, dumps, disassemble etc. Release is expected during the first
quarter of 1989.

> Washington, DC ** COMMODORE IN HOT WATER **

Alledgedly, the IRS has a bill to collect, $74 million dollars from
Commodore. Hmmm there is a nice chunk of the national deficit.


The US Atari facility is not a thought of the past, it is still on the
front burner. There are a few more contenders now though, we now see
San Antonio, Houston and an undisclosed city in Nevada are involved.


Wall ST....sez, smart money is quietly buying up Atari stock. Makes one
wonder why? or, perhaps it's time to hit the trough...


Hartech..(Atari calculators etc..) is now under control of Atari. STRC
reported on the 2000.00 DTP system prize and land deals ( Time Share in
FLA) last summer. Expect to see Atari marketing the complete line for
next Christmas.

> Woodland Hills, CA ** A NEW TURTLE IS COMING! **

A new version of Turtle is nearly ready. A few more weeks of testing
should be all it needs. It does check to see that the disk matches the
RAM disk config, and offers to re-format it if it doesn't. It will
format both 9 and 10 sector disks (although it doesn't apply a "TWIST"
to the sector sequence). It has several other new features, as well.
Just a bit more testing. The new version of Turtle also allows
assignment of the RAMdisk to any drive (C-P). The NEW Turtle will be
available by the the end of the month. GOOD SHAREWARE!

> San Francisco, CA ** GFA TO ANNOUNCE NEW HOME **

Jan 6, 1989 GFA Systemtechnik GmbH, Dusseldorf, W. Germany
GFA president Rolf Hilchner announced that they are completing
negotiations to continue support for their products within the U.S. He
stated that within two weeks he would reveal details of plans for a U.S.
company to assume all sales and support activities for GFA products.

Like to wager? Bet it will be Start/Antic Folks?..any takers?


The goodie that makes the cousins of the MEGAs fell like a Mega is
available, we received our packeage this past thursday, and promptly
installed the "MEGATOUCH" in the 1040 we use for the STReport BBS. We
are in a unique position as we have both a MEGA ST 4 and the 1040, this
device works! The 1040 no longer has an "oatmeal mush" fell to it...
IT FEELS LIKE A MEGA!! You can't go wrong for 11.95, it's like a new
keyboard. Call:1-213-439-9664 Tell 'em ya saw it here!




by R.F. Mariano

As a result of an exclusive interview with Sig Hartman of Atari, our
belief that 1989 will be the year to be remembered as the year of Atari
is now stronger than ever before.

First and foremost, Mr Hartmann wanted to make sure the Usergroups
understand that the Atari Corp. and Sam Tramiel have designated him
(Mr. Hartmann) as the point man in relations with the usergroups.
Usergroups are encouraged to contact his office for any assistance or
information they may require.

For example, he detailed, if a usergroup would like to have us
(Atari Corp.) attend one of their monthly meetings, then they should have
a "regional" meeting. To explain further, have a number of groups from a
larger geographical area than that of one group plan to have a joint
meeting and thus assure a large number of attendees.

Mr Hartmann made it quite clear that there would be strong support
at these meetings in the form of software and hardware (donated by Atari).
Mr. Hartman also pointed out that the Usergroups are very high on the
priority list at Atari and that he will be there to help, especially for
Atari Fests and Jamborees. He did emphasize that the help could also be
in the form of financial assistance (a loan) for hall reservations and

"Part of our goal is to show the memberships of the Usergroups that
Atari fully intends to strongly support the usergroup in as many way as
possible...for example:

a)- Help in detailing a show and provide promotional materials.

b)- Attend regional meeting to further display Atari's commitment
to support Usergroups.

c)- Set up displays and demonstrations of Atari Computer Equipment
in booths at the Atari Usergroup Shows.

d)- Provide financial assistance where needed.

e)- Donate Prizes for these affairs.

Editor Note:
It is imperative to impress upon all the users that Atari is
aggressively engaged in taking back it's rightful place in the US
marketplace and will achieve this goal as a result of it's strong efforts
in 1989. Sam Tramiel has placed the responsibility of the Usergroup
support squarely on Mr. Sig Hartmann's shoulders and as such, Mr. Hartmann
has made it abundantly clear that he will "bend over backwards" to help
the usergroups be successful.

We asked Mr. Hartmann a number of rather pointed questions about the
future of Atari and he answered each and every one with ease.

o Mr. Hartmann, how does the future appear for Atari in the USA?

There will be a more than ample supply of 520, 1040, and Mega machines all
throughout the US market, we will be aggressively adding a large quantity
of new dealers during the first quarter of the year. We have no
foreseeable delivery problems, in fact, the market place will have all it
requires as far as ST gear is concerned. Atari will be very strong as
far as product availability is concerned. He said.

o Have you any news for us about the portable (laptop) or Stacy II as
it is called?

That particular unit is being developed in the UK and therefore I have
very little information that is more up-to-date than you already have...

o Is there any truth to the stories we keep hearing about Federated
getting preferential treatment? for example, having the 5.25" drive for
the PC.

You must understand that Federated is a mass merchandiser and as such, we
must attempt to place product of that type where we can move the largest
quantity and thereby establish the market. We will not however, allow the
same thing to occur with the high end items like The Mega2/4 or the SLM804
for example.

Editor Note:

Atari has made the first big step forward as far as we are concerned
in letting us know that usergroups are one of it's primary concerns. Also
the fact that the drams are in very good supply means that the flow of
machines in the STATES will be at it's highest level yet. There are many
more plans for the Atari marketplace 'in the works' that Mr. Hartmann
stressed "we cannot air before the right time" so...we are sworn to wait
until we are given the green light to let you know. We will say this,
Atari IS on the right track and IS going to "bring the bacon home".



with Richard Adams

01-04-89 ~ CIS Atari Sigs in CompuServe's Convention Center


76703,254 DFL SYSOP-Ron 72431,3542 QLA JOE QUINTERO
76703,204 DFL Dawn Luks 72137,1122 SCE Richard Adams
73710,1052 JAX R.Mariano STReport 75026,1161 RCH Bob Hohman
76004,2136 DEM Gadgets Inc. (Dave) 73437,3162 WCH David Hagood
71777,2140 GBO Ron Kovacs -STZMAG 72327,3042 LSM John Nagy
75565,1351 HOQ Don Smith 72337,35 HAP John Hileman
72421,2560 DTM Anthony Cruz 76004,1621 JAX Bill Teal
76701,11 NYY Charles 76703,4223 MFL Dave Groves
72337,146 MIP Neil Bradley 76702,375 TRO Keith


Tonights COnference is a MODERATED question and answer session with
RICHARD ADAMS, president of HAPPY COMPUTERS. Once the CO begins, only
users in the question queue can talk openly and only when its your

To enter the queue, just type /QUE and when you're on top, the sysop
will notify you to begin.


We suggest you type shorter lines (approx. 60 chars per line) and
PRE-TYPE your question into the holding buffer so that you can transmit
it quickly and easily when your turn is called. For instructions
on using the edit buffer, type /HELP.

(SYSOP-Ron) ok folks, lets begin.....

% The ATARI ST and HAPPY COMPU conference is beginning

Your moderator is Job 1 SYSOP-Ron

(SYSOP-Ron) Let me introduce our guest tonight....

(SYSOP-Ron) Richard ADAMS, president of HAPPY COMPUTER makers of
the HAPPY 810 famous in the 8-bit world and now the DISCOVERY CARD for
the ST. Tonight's CO is moderated questions to get in line to speak,
type /QUE and when its your turn, I'll notify you.

Before we start the questions,let's ask Richard if he has any
opening comments.

(SYSOP-Ron) Richard-- ga.

(Richard Adams) My name is Richard Adams. I am the president of
Happy Computers, Inc. I am the chief designer of the Discovery Cartridge
hardware and software. I am able to answer all of your questions
regarding Happy Computers and the Discovery Cartridge. I begin with a
brief description of the Discovery Cartridge product.

First, lets abbreviate Discovery Cartridge as DC. The DC is a
product for the Atari ST and MEGA ST computers. It consists of a hardware
device, and software utilities. The hardware device contains a custom
designed IC chip, that allows the ST to read and write virtually any
floppy disk format. The disk based software utilities provide access to
this chip's features.

Various functions are supported by our current software.
First, the user can backup copy protected software, that cannot ordinarily
be backed up. Next, the unit allows converting Macintosh format disks
into the Magic Sac or Spectre format, for use with those MAC emulation
products. It also permits conversion of Magic Sac or Spectre format disks
back into Macintosh format. Finally, well there is no limit. With the
right software and drive, your ST could read and write any disk format up
to a maximum of about 800 thousand bits per second. The custom chip in
the DC eliminates the limitations of the disk controller in the ST.

The DC surpasses the capabilities of any other disk controller
system for any other personal computer, in its price range. The standard
unit which includes disk backup and Mac format transfer sells for a
suggested retail price of $249.95.

If you mention COMPUSERVE when ordering, you can get special $30.00
discount, now through January 31, 1989.
Here is our info:
Happy Computers, Inc.
P.O. Box 1268
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 779-3830

(Richard Adams) ga

(SYSOP-Ron) okay... thanks, without any furthur ado....
(SYSOP-Ron) lets begin.

% Moderator recognizes queue #1

(SYSOP-Ron) ga Joe.

(JOE QUINTERO) Dear Mr. Adams, I would like to know, what Hardware
and software do you have for the Atari 8-bit line and 1050 disk drive.
Thank you! ga

(Richard Adams) We have the 810 disk drive Enhancement, and the
1050 disk drive Enhancement. These are in limited production now, since
the demand has lessened. The 1050 version allows backup of copy protected
disks, high speed reading and high speed write with verify, also true
double density and transfer of IBM PC files to and from Atari files mostly
for text and data, not programs. The current price for either
Enhancement is $149.95...
(Richard Adams) ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #2
David Hagood <6>

(SYSOP-Ron) ga David.

(David Hagood) Will the DC allow the reading/trasferring of files
from IBM 1.2MB, Amiga, 8 bit Atari, etc? ga

(Richard Adams) Although the DC can read and write single, double,
and high density each computer operating system has a different file
structure we cannot immediately support all possible file structures with
our software. We are about to release a questionaire to our customers,
to get their help in prioritizing which computer's file transfer we will
support first also, other authors may contribute to the task. I have
started talks with several authors for this purpose.
(Richard Adams) ga.

(SYSOP-Ron) Richard-- please confirm this: The DC is strictly a cartridge.
It does not require any mods to the computer or disk drives. Correct?
(SYSOP-Ron) ga

(Richard Adams) Yes, no modification is needed to a properly working
computer to utilize all of the features...
(Richard Adams) ga

(SYSOP-Ron) Thanks....

% Moderator recognizes queue #3
R.Mariano STReport <8>

(SYSOP-Ron) Ralph. ga

(R.Mariano STReport) How does Discovery Cart install and how are the
extra drives used? and are there any limitations on the types of drives

(Richard Adams) The DC hardware unit plugs into the cartridge port
on the ST or MEGA ST computer. A cable from the back of the DC plugs into
the external drive connector on the back of the computer. If there are
any external drives, they plug into the Discovery Cartridge. The system
works with single or multiple drives. Internal drives work equally well.
The drive used must match the interface characteristics of the ST
computer system...
(Richard Adams) ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #4
Don Smith <10>

(Don Smith) Thank you. Mr. Adams, I have purchased a DC with 0
options. It allowed me to back up my copy of Falcon without a problem.
Later... my second disk trashed (that's why I got it)....any further
attempts to back up the second disk have failed. Any clues? Thank you.

(Richard Adams) Do you mean that you could not backup the backup?
(Richard Adams) ga

(Don Smith) No... could not back up the original 2nd disk (2 disk
with Falcon a second time. Worked fine first effort.

(Richard Adams) Haven't heard of problems backing up this one at all
obviuosly something changed. Rather than try to debug this particular
problem in the conference, I suggest you see if there are problems making
any other backups, for starters...

(Don Smith) Thank You.

(Richard Adams) send me a message about that result..
(Richard Adams) ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #5
Anthony Cruz <14>

(Anthony Cruz) Will we be able to download control files from
compuserve for use with the Happy Discovery Cartridge?? ga

(Richard Adams) Yes, definetely. I am about to upload several
improvements, look for them by this weekend...
(Richard Adams) ga

(SYSOP-Ron) Richard-- whats a 'control file'?
(SYSOP-Ron) ga

(Richard Adams) "Backup Control File" allows the user to instruct
the backup program how to read the source disk, and create the backup...
This lets the user select which mode of reading is used. For example...
direct flux reading, under index, fast copy, etc
(Richard Adams) ga

(SYSOP-Ron) thanks

% Moderator recognizes queue #7

(SYSOP-Ron) ga Joe.

(JOE QUINTERO) Dear Mr. Adams, do you need specific drives for the
d/c?? ( would need a IBM drive, Macintosh you would need a
Macintosh drive..ect.. ga

(Richard Adams) For MAC disk transfer, most standard Atari 3.5"
drives would work. For High Density 5.25", or 3.5" special mechanisms
are needed. For disk backup of ST copy protected disks, no special drive
is needed.
(Richard Adams) ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #8
David Hagood <6>

(David Hagood) Did you ever release the tech manual on the 8 bit
enhancements? I asked 'bout this when you first mentioned it in one of
your newsletters, but never heard any more 'bout it (I own 2 1050
enchancments) ga

(Richard Adams) There wasn't enough interest to devote the time to
this....Perhaps when I have more time, I might decide to release some of
the product's source code, which includes all kinds of inline docs!
(Richard Adams) ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #9
R.Mariano STReport <8>

(R.Mariano STReport) Is it possible to get a rough estimate of how many
D.C.s there are worldwide?..

(Richard Adams) Yes, there are more than 1500 and less than 20,000

(SYSOP-Ron) Could you be a little narrower in your range?

(Richard Adams) No, but the number is growing each day....
(Richard Adams) ga

(R.Mariano STReport) Will you take a moment to compare the DC and
the translator?

(Richard Adams) The Translator operates online with the Spectre and
Magic Sac, the DC presently does not. The necessity of doing this is
small, since the Spectre format is fast and reliable, operating in the
native format of the ST computer. The DC is many times faster than the
Translator for the purpose of reading and writing MAC disks. The DC is a
general purpose disk system improvement, offering a varitey of other
features, including backup of copy protected disks. So there you have it,
the DC is faster, does more, and costs less than the Translator.
(Richard Adams) ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #10

(JOE QUINTERO) Mr. Adams, can you tell us are there any newsletters,
pamphlets, etc, that we can receive in the mail on how the HAPPY, INC. is
doing, new hardware and such? ga,

(Richard Adams) Give us a call, or drop us a line...Whatever is
current, I'll be glad to send you...We haven't had a general mailing
since Nov 1987, when the DC was first announced
(Richard Adams) ga

(SYSOP-Ron) Richard-- would these be available to be posted in our LIBs?

(Richard Adams) Yes, thats the best place to find them. ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #11
Anthony Cruz <14>

(Anthony Cruz) Will the discovery cart be able to back up amiga,
macintosh, and other 16-bit computer protected software?? I had no luck
with the amiga's Dragons Lair, not enough memory it tells me. ga

(Richard Adams) I think you mean "WRITE BUFFER OVERFLOW"...

(Anthony Cruz) yes.. ga

(Richard Adams) Yes, there is a way to backup all Amiga software...
even with the current version, this info we have just worked out with
some Amigas we had sitting around. Basicially, use the Amiga copy program
to copy the disk first, and then use the D.C. to copy track 0 on both
sides in the direct flux copy mode. Most Amiga programs seem to have the
tough protection on track 0. The next release of our software will do
the whole job. The problem is the Amiga uses different syncs, and longer
tracks, (longer than the 4% allowed by our rev 2.6 and rev 2.7 software)
(Richard Adams) ga

(Anthony Cruz) will be in new control files right? Will look for
em tonight..or would the weekend be better?
(Anthony Cruz) ga

(Richard Adams) The buffer expansion takes a new version, not new
control file. The backup control file for track 0, and other Amiga info
will be part of my uploaded updated concerning MAC, unprotected disks can
be backed up by using our DMMXFER program. We haven't considered
protected MAC disks yet, since there is little call for them in our
current marketplace the emulators for MAC on the ST don't do many
of them. ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #12
David Hagood <6>

(David Hagood) When accessing the DC, are the drives accessable via
std. GEM/TOS did you intercept BIOS? if not, will you at a
later date. ga

(Richard Adams) Do you mean for the third and 4th drive option? ga

(David Hagood) Yes, and also for the foreign formats (IBM 1.2M, Mac,
etc) ga

(Richard Adams) A great deal of work went into the DDRIVE.PRG
driver which currently supports GEM / BIOS intercepted access to the
optional 3rd and 4th floppies. High Density will require further
software, tell us your priority on our upcoming questionaire.
(Richard Adams) ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #13
R.Mariano STReport <8>

(R.Mariano STReport) Is there a possiblity of DC and 'other' carts
ever being ..compatible and if so, could a software change inhibit that
(Richard Adams) Pretty vague Ralph, be more specific! ga

(R.Mariano STReport) ok, Can software changes stop the current
compatiblity of DC and Spectre, (with the two switch option) ga

(Richard Adams) The Spectre software can be used in two ways, with
a DC which has the modification we have recommended. You can plug the
Spectre in as a 2nd cartridge, or you can plug in the MAC ROMS inside the
DC. In both cases, the unit cannot be distinguished from a Spectre
cartridge plugged in by itself. Gadgets by Small could not write a
program to detect the DC, without first making some change to all of the
Spectre cartridges already shipped. ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #14

(JOE QUINTERO) Mr. Adams, I would like to know, do I have to send
any S&H costs when write you for your pamphlets? ga

(Richard Adams) Not usually, but a SASE, normal size, about 4 by 9
is appreciated ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #15
Anthony Cruz <14>

(Anthony Cruz) When will the new backup control files be uploaded??

(Richard Adams) Not having a crystal ball, and not knowing what my
wife has planned for me later this week, I can't be too exact...But look
for them this weekend! ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #16
David Hagood <6>

(David Hagood) Could you post a list of options/prices on the DC,
either here or as a file in one of the UL areas? ga

(Richard Adams) There is a list of options in the DSCVU27L.ARC
file, in the OPTIONS.DOC file, which I think is here on COMPUSERVE.
Concerning price, the only option which is not a special order that is,
made to order, is OPTION PACKAGE 2, suggested retail is $319.95, includes
battery backed up clock, circuitry and connector for third and fourth
floppy drives, and ROM / EPROM sockets No 2nd cart port is included. The
unit has 2 switches on the front. ga

(SYSOP-Ron) I'd like to jump in here with a question.
(philosophical)... A device as powerful as the DC has many legit uses for
sure. But, its no secret that it could be used for non-legit uses
pirating, etc. ....
Question:....Have you ever considered adding a 'feature' that would
somehow inhibit the improper uses a bit perhaps like Data Pacific put
into the design of the MAGIC SAC and GADGETS put into SPECTRE? ga

(Richard Adams) Do you mean that they have some feature to prevent
piracy of their product, or to prevent piracy by their product? ga

(SYSOP-Ron) To inhibit piracy BY the product. i.e.- make it less
useful for pirating software or maybe remove features that enable you to
modem protected files in bulk. (I dont even claim that this is possible.
I'm asking if it could be done.) ga

(Richard Adams) Other than the unlicensed use of Apple's firmware,
and the copying of Apples finders & system software, I'm not aware of how
the Magic Sac and Spectre are used with piracy as the intention. The
ability to create image files with the DC is a feature that allows making
"first generation" backups even when the original is lost... Like other
things in our society, it is up to the user to use the product
legitimately. ga

(David Hagood) Ron, you never recognized the next person. I would
like to say something...

(SYSOP-Ron) ga David.

(David Hagood) up disk access, and to port files to/from my ST at
disk speed (using IBMXFR) I just want others to know that piracy is not
the only use of HCI's equipment. ga

(Richard Adams)

(SYSOP-Ron) ok. good point.

% Moderator recognizes queue #18
Ron Kovacs -STZMAG <7>

(Ron Kovacs -STZMAG) Well Mr. Luks tapped part of my question. In it's
place.. What is the current situation between Happy and Gadgets?? ga

(Richard Adams) Just last November, some thoughtful persons brought
to my attention the (Richard Adams) fact that David Small had been making
false statements about me and my (Richard Adams) products. These false
statements included the following:

1) Happy Computers illegally copied Data Pacific's Magic Sac design.
2) Happy Computers shipped an unproven, unworking product.

The DC product was entirely of Happy Computers' own design. No
portion of any other company's product was illegally copied. All of the
DCs I have shipped have been fully tested and working units. Even the
earliest advance order units were and still are fully functional. All of
the features of the DC work correctly, including reliable and fast reading
and writing of MACINTOSH disks, and backup of copy protected disks.

This is precisely as my literature and documentation state. David
Small had been making statements of this nature on both Genie and
Compuserve, for some time. I have found false statements like this going
back into the 2nd quarter of 1988. Only recently was I made aware of
this. I had to respond. It does appear that David Small was the
originator of these less than truthful statements. Since then, several
persons have echoed what David Small said. Perhaps, since David Small
does have some credibility, in that he has written articles and designed
products for the ST computer, people were taking for granted that his
statements were truthful. I am definitely considering legal action
against David Small and others that were involved in this campaign of
defamation. These lies definitely hurt my credibility and sales. I am
currently collecting evidence to reflect the scope of the actual
financial damages that David Small has inflicted.

If you or any person you know, was influenced into not buying our
products, by these false statements, please contact me immediately.
(Richard Adams) (408) 779-3830 ga

(Ron Kovacs -STZMAG) Perhaps David Small would like torespond since I
cannot speak on his behalf. ga

(SYSOP-Ron) David ga.

(Richard Adams) I would strongly recommend that such a discussion
be in a more proper place. ga

(Gadgets Inc. (Dave)) All this legaltalk I'm sd *grin* I hardly
know what to say. Ever s I'm sorry Richard feels that way. It's
unfortunate that a couple of old 8-bit hands like us aren't getting
along. .ga.

(SYSOP-Ron) Lets keep things back to an informative nature and leave the
legal troubles to the courtrooms. okay?

% Moderator recognizes queue #20
John Nagy <12>

(John Nagy) Richard, I wonder when reading the variouys messages in
the bases here and on the other services hello?

(Richard Adams) still here...

(SYSOP-Ron) continue John.

(John Nagy) getting garbage back. ok will continue (John Nagy) why
it is that programmers that work to protect their efforts are being cast
as somewhat villanous as compared to your effort to thwart their
protections. Seems they have the right to prevent backups without their
direct consent? ga

(Richard Adams) Quite to the contrary, It is my understanding that
the copyright laws of the United States allow the user to make backups of
magnetic media. When the software publisher disappears, as most do in
time, even for example, my brother Scott Adams (Adventure International),
the users of our disk backup products will still be enjoying the software
products they legitimately paid for! ga

(SYSOP-Ron) okay John?

(John Nagy) My point is only that it seems that a programmer who
wants to prevent your or any product from copying his product is not per
se a bad guy. Thats the whole point of the protection in the first place.

(Richard Adams) With a disk backup device as thorough as the DC copy
protection at least serves as a reminder that the authors should be
compensated for their hard work. ga

% Moderator recognizes queue #21
Don Smith <10>

(Don Smith) Thank you... BTW, I was talking about Scott Adams just
yesterday... I told a dealer friend of mine that I've kept my VIC 20
solely because to sell it would be without the original Scott Adams
Adventures that I so enjoyed. It seems that the more "powerful"
adventure games aren't as much fun. On to my question. I can show any
visitor to my computer room the originals of Falcon and ESScore Plus.
In the case of EZ Score, it cost me $150.00. The box did NOT include a
card to send off for a duplicate disk should my original go bad. To run
the program, you MUST have the ORIGINAL in drive A for the program to
check. I didn't like a $150 investment riding on the fate of a single
disk, and face the only option of begging for a backup with my damaged
original.. and wait for what may be weeks. My question (you knew I was
going to get around to it) is ... Do you think software publishers
sometimes put so much thought and effort into fighting the bad guys, that
they may realize how they are alienating the goods guys (Don Smith) who
beleive in buying their software? Do you think, now (Don Smith) that
your product is out, that more publishers will drop protection? GA.

(Richard Adams) Software publisher egos considered, they haven't
backed down on protection so far, at least not for games, and this is
somewhat understandable, considering the nature of sales of this type of
product. However, the issue of piracy is not all there is to the DC, and
my reason for being here.
(Richard Adams) ga

(SYSOP-Ron) (1 last question then Richard can make a closing statement.)

% Moderator recognizes queue #22
Neil Bradley <13>

(Neil Bradley) What are the possibilities of you designing a
"reduced capability" DC? I personally don't own a Magic Sac, Spectre or
PC DITTO. I really don't need those features of the DC, all I would like
to do is the backup of ST disks. I something without the added featues
would be helpful (and less expensive). Thanks. GA

(Richard Adams) The ability to do MAC format conversion is inherent
in the custom HART chip that makes the disk backup also so powerfull
(Richard Adams) Just excluding the MAC trans

(Dave Groves) Richard, as a business user of software where
"downtime" is expensive, I fully concur that backups are needed. However,
I also believe personally that the near death of the 8 bit software market
arose as the result of pirates, many of whom abused your products, (or
maybe didn't based on some of your advertising in years gone by). Are
you saying that you have turned over a new leaf and are willing to help
the honest users and developers fight pirates? Also, Mr. Smith, I fear
that if Mr. Adams product is not properly and carefully controlled, no
one will drop protection, but many will drop development and production.
The ST market is just too small. ga

(Richard Adams) ga????????????????

(SYSOP-Ron) dave G.-- can you retransmit the last question?
(Dave Groves) Yes...

(Dave Groves) Richard, as a business user of software where
"downtime" is expensive, I fully concur that backups are needed. However,
I also believe personally that the near death of the 8 bit software market
arose as the result of pirates, many of whom abused your products, (or
maybe didn't based on some of your advertising in years gone by). Are
you saying that you have turned over a new leaf and are willing to help
the honest users and developers fight pirates? Also, Mr. Smith, I fear
that if Mr. Adams product is not properly and carefully controlled, no
one will drop protection, but many will drop development and production.
The ST market is just too small. ga

(Richard Adams) Your statement is sort of insulting. I have always
been against piracy. Can you also blame the HAPPY for the lack of sales
of C-64, VIC, TI, APPLE 2, etc, when compared with other modern computers?
(Dave Groves) Ron?
(SYSOP-Ron) well, lets do this: the formal CO time is up so lets let
Richard make any closing statement he wants then

I'll open the CO to open
chat if anyone wishes to remain online.

Richard-- any statement? ga

(Richard Adams) I note some publications have recently unfairly
stated that HAPPY COMPUTERS' support is lacking. Let me clarify that
there are few companies where you can call and talk directly to the
designer, as you can at HAPPY COMPUTERS. Thanks (Richard Adams) ga

(SYSOP-Ron) okay folks...thanks to all for participating....the formal
CO is closed and anyone who wishes to hang around a bit is welcome.

The conference has ended.. Thank you for attending



VDOS Prodigy Press Release

From: Marathon Computer Press

To: All ATARI ST Retailers, Wholesalers, and Enthusiasts

Subject: Commercial Release of The VDOS Prodigy Software System

Effective 2 January 1989 Marathon Computer Press has
released the VDOS Prodigy Operating System Manager for all
models of ATARI ST microcomputers.

Prodigy is an extremely innovative Software Librarian, DOS
Manager, and Operating System Executive for the GEM Based ST.
It has been likened to IBM counterparts Norton Utilities(tm),
Norton Commander(tm), and Power Menu(tm) all bundled into one
nice integrated package and it's available NOW for the ATARI ST.


Main Features

Define 100 autoexecute programs
(More Slots can be defined if you like)

Over 50 DOS Utilities with a graphical interface

UNIX(tm) utility similarity

Virtual to Disk or RAM capability
(Only requires 42K RAM to run programs in Virtual to Disk mode)

520 ST, 1040 ST, and Mega ST compatibility

Nearly complete compatibility with all existing ST software


Who Needs Prodigy?

Any business users, programmers, writers, power users, hard
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will fall in love with Prodigy. This is the ultimate
productivity tool and time saver for those that routinely use
many programs each day. Imagine defining a slot in one of
Prodigy's 7 autoexecute menu systems to contain your program
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you'll never have to go farther than Prodigy's point and click
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This operating environment has to be experienced to be
believed. It is compatible with nearly all ST software
including the Beckemeyer Micro-RTX(tm) multitasking kernel. It
goes beyond the competition, and was the first Virtual to Disk
Operating System Shell ever written for the ATARI ST. As a
matter of fact the original VDOS is located in the DL libraries
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experiment that led to the Full Scale Development of its
Prodigal Son, VDOS Prodigy. Feel free to take a look at the
original ShareWare version of VDOS, if you haven't already done
so. It's just a taste of what is possible with the Powerful
Commercial version of the program.



No skimpy little stapled documentation packs with this
product! We have produced a >170 page professionally prepared
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information on the following:

Software Ethics

The Prodigy Concept of Operation

How to Get Started

The Program Slots

Using Hot Keys

The DOS Utilities
(In alphabetical order and at least 1 page dedicated to each)

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Future Plans

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This is a program package that began development over 2
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environment that any serious ST user won't want to be without.


Still Not Convinced?

How about the following for some of the available DOS
Utilities that are either a part of the main program or are Disk













AND MORE..........

Whether you are a business user, programmer, or everyday
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Slipcover Option is $6.50 (Binder slips inside for shelf storage)

Shipping is $2.00 U.S. and Canada $7.50 elsewhere

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Call or write for a brochure today!
(No orders accepted over the phone)

This Press Release intended for Bulletin Board Services and may
be duplicated for any purpose

Marathon Computer Press
Post Office Box 68503
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455-9433
(804)460-5227 24 Hr. message line


Hardware Requirements

520 ST with dual drives
(Can be run with a one drive 520 ST, but not recommended)

1040 or memory enhanced 520 ST with a single drive

Mega ST with a single drive

Any ST with a Hard Disk Drive


Quality software from the programming staff that brought you:

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The GFATIP series (GEnie & CompuServe)



Micro-RTX is a trademark of Beckemeyer Development Tools

Norton Commander, and Norton Utilities are trademarks of Peter
Norton Computing

ATARI ST is a trademark of ATARI, Inc.

GFA Basic is a trademark of GFA Systemtechnik

The Vocabularian and Companion are trademarks of Marathon
Computer Press

Power Menu is a trademark of Brown Bag Software, Inc.

UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories

GEM is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc.


January 1989

Ginny Teal
Avant-Garde Systems
(904) 221-2904




JACKSONVILLE, Florida, January 1, 1989

Due to popular request, Avant-Garde Systems now announces its upgrade
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To receive the coupon, pc-ditto owners must register their product
with Avant-Garde by returning their product registration card (included
with each pc-ditto package). Also, owners of pc-ditto Version 2.0 should
register now to receive their next update to pc-ditto, Version 3.01, free.
The discount coupons will be mailed just prior to the announcement of
pc-ditto II and will be good for six months following the date of

Avant-Garde Systems is a firm specializing in advanced hybrid
technologies for total computer compatibility on microcomputer,
minicomputers and mainframes.

The Company address is:
Avant-Guard Systems
381 Pablo Point Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32225.



The Mirror on the Wall Sez:
"An oldie but goodie."

is the highest form of HYPOCRISY!"

ST-REPORT¿Issue #69 "Your Independent News Source" January 09, 1989
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ½ copyright 1989
Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those
of ST Report¿ or CPU Report¿. Reprint permission granted, unless noted
otherwise. All reprints must include ST Report or CPU Report and the
author's name. All information presented herein is believed correct, ST
Report or CPU Report, it's editors and staff are not responsible for
any use or misuse of information contained in this publication.

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