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Silicon Times Report Issue 0033

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Published in 
Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


Monday, May 02, 1988
Vol I No 33
Middlesex, N.J. 08846-0074

Editor: Ron Kovacs Support BBS: 904-786-4176

Technical Editor Product Review Editor
Keith Whitton T. "Rex" Reade


* Contest Rules and Details * A Serious Observation
* Universal File Selector * GFA Reference Guide
* BBSing 10 Commandments * Aegis Artwork
Serving you on: Genie - Delphi - Comp-u-serve


ST-Report Official Contest Rules

Service Name

CIS Ron Luks
CIS Dan Rhea
CIS Mike Schoenbach
Delphi Clayton Walnum
Delphi Charles Bachand
Delphi Maurice Molineux
GEnie to be announced

No purchase/entry fee necessary.

Deadline for consideration in this contest is midnight August 31, 1988.

Winners will be announced in ST-Report on September 12, 1988. We
guarantee to award all prizes.

All readers are eligible to enter except employees of Syndicate
Publishing, CompuServe, GEnie, Delphi and their immediate families.

This contest void where prohibited or restricted by law. We are not
responsible for lost, mismarked, or delayed artwork.

All submissions must be drawn with any Atari ST drawing program.

All submissions must be drawn by the original artist. Copyright artwork
will not be accepted.

All submissions become the property of American Publishing Enterprises.

All submissions must be uploaded to specified BBS systems by the deadline
date. All systems have time and date stamping capability. Any entry dated
after 8/31/88 will be void from the contest.

Artwork Requirements

All artwork considered for this contest must be drawn with any Atari ST
drawing program.

Any person submitting artwork must leave an address and telephone number,
and drawing program used.

Artwork must contain the following:


The winning entry will be used at a later date for a newsletter or
magazine cover.

All submissions become the property of American Publishing Enterprises.

Where to Send

All artwork may be uploaded to the following systems. More will be added
during the contest.

Bounty ST BBS (904) 786-4176
Stairway to Heaven (216) 784-0574

Entries by mail are also permitted. You may send to:
Please be sure the picture is on a S/S 3.5 floppy

ST-Report Logo Contest
Post Office Box 74
Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0074

(Please include your name, address and telephone number)


This contest will update uploading areas every two weeks. Contest rules
will not be changed, but judges may be added during the run of the

This contest commences May 2, 1988 and will end Midnight August 31, 1988.

Prize listing will be updated as needed. The listing will be published
next week in ST-Report #34.

If you have any questions, Please leave email on the services at the
following addresses:

CompuServe: 71777,2140
The Source: BDG793

Rules and Regulations Update 05/02/88

1). Use any full color program written exclusively for the ST to draw
your own personal design of an ST-Report logo.

2). Artwork ported over from any other computer is void.

3). No X-rated artwork will be accepted.

4). Winners will be announced by mail, email, phone call or equivalent
on or before September 12, 1988.

5). Decision of the JUDGES is FINAL.


by T."Rex" Reade

I had the opportunity to examine the Universal File Selector and all I can

say is "shame on you Atari!" The Universal selector is a unique tool that

can be auto loaded into your ST and fully work with all application
programs in place of the lame selector now found in GEM.

No more leaving a program to perform disk manipulations folks it's all at
your finger tips! This nifty program performs more than 16 different file

functions at the tap of a finger.

>Set Paths >Variable Format >Create Folders
>Full Print Functions >Disk Statistics >Move Folders
>Move Files >Wildcards OK >Delete Folders
>Lock Files >Rename Files >Unlock Files
>Wildcard Delete >Wildcard Extens. >Wildcard Lock

Complete instructions are included on the disk and the company offers full

support to registered users. You the active ST user will really
appreciate the convenience of this fine file and folder management tool.
The best part is ONLY uses 16k of precious memory.

Applications and Design Software was formed in 1987 to market useful
assembly language programs that use the GEM environment of the ST. This
company actively encourages programmers to send in their programs and
ideas to be considered. If the program has some Universal appeal, A&D
will assist the programmer in the sales and marketing of the program.

The Program UNIVERSAL FILE SELECTOR is a bargain at $15.95.


226 NW "F" Street
Grant's Pass Oregon 97526
TEL: (503) 476 - 0071 Noon till 5pm


The 10 Commandments of Telecommunication

These are a few things that will help you to be good, polite members of
a BBS system. They are not set in stone and there may be more that the
SYSOP has set for the system you call. Which brings us to rule number

1. Read all notices. Including New User notices, system bulletins and
messages left by the Sysop in the message base to the users. This is
where you learn about how the system runs and when changes are made.

2. Follow the rules. You are a guest in the Sysops/Owners computer. The

Owner has a right to set the rules just as you have a right to set house
rules for your guests. Alot of systems are set up for a particular
reason. It is not polite to try to force your way in someone else's

3. Take your time and use the menus. Almost all BBS systems allow you to

enter something like ? when you need a Menu. Some also have a "panic"
command like "Menu" that brings you back to the Main Menu if you get lost.

Most things are clear if you take your time. One suggestion is the first
time you get on try all the choices on the Menus to wee what they do.

4. Leave a message once in awhile. If nothing else say something about
yourself. Someone has to start talking before a conversation get going.
I've seen a lot of conversations on BBS systems start with "Why did you
buy a computer/modem?". Only going to the File sections of a BBS is like
going to a party and sitting by yourself at the food and eating. Sounds
kind of strange when put that way.

5. Keep your language and discussions clean and legal! BBS systems are
used by all kinds of people of all ages. Unless the Sysop has a Smoking
section...don't smoke. Before you type something ask yourself if you
would say it in Church. That's a good rule of thumb. You can express
yourself without getting vulger, can't you? It only start the ball
rolling to worse things.

6. Type in lower case and take your time. HAVE YOU EVEN TRYED TO READ

Grammar is only important to the extent that other users can understand
what you are trying to get across. It's not a term paper or formal
letter, but we would all like to understand what you are saying.

7. Stay on the topic. If you change the topic, change the message
header. All BBS system message bases that allow this. If the message
base you are in is about ST Support, talk about something to do with ST

8. If you find a good PD or Shareware program upload it to the proper
section. This is how the new programs got there that you see. Either
someone uploaded it to a BBS that the Sysop calls or someone uploaded it
to this BBS. Someone was nice enough to see that you got it. Alot of
people only call a few BBS systems and don't come across programs that the
others don't have. We are not all rich. Just upload when you have them
and use the message base also.

9. Don't use BBS systems that allow stolen software. This will hurt you
in the long run. Do you want to see a computer system die fast? Then you
will have a $1000 paper weight on your hands. Would you work for free?

10. Last but not least, leave the Sysop(s) suggestions and comments
nicely. They, like all people, do not like to be commanded to do
something, or being cursed at, because the download section is acting up.
You can be sure if the suggestion is worth while it will appear.



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a special DELPHI membership offer. For only $29.95 ($20 off the standard
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(3,Ron @ STR) Hi Rex!!!!
(3,Mike Czyz) il be right bac too
(3,Rex Reade) Hi everybody!.....
(3,Ron @ STR) Fix me a drink too please!
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) So, is everybody ready to rake us over the coals?
Or, is ... everyone out stoking the fire to get them hot first?
(3,Rex Reade)Jeff that is NOT the intention here, in fact, I wanted to say
thanks for the fine April 15 release, it is absolutly mahvalous!
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) I'm glad _someone_ liked it... ga
(3,Ron @ STR) Ok Mike, Just a tad nervous about this but ok.
How about yourself?
(3,Mike/SYSOP) Ah, don't be nervous -- you'll do a good job!! ....
(3,Rex Reade)Jeff, have you seen the Explorer reviews, May/June?
(3,Mike/SYSOP) Things are going well here too, thanks.
(3,SYSOP/Ron) let's start in 3 minutes. okay everyone?
(3,Woodrow Windischman) ok by me
(3,Ron @ STR) Sounds good.
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Not directly, but I have read one irate rebuttal.
And you guys..think ST-Report took the heat!
(3,Rex Reade) There are many militant admirers of WP
(3,Rex Reade)How are you doing tonight RON MOD
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Well, Rex, I _agree_ with you!!!

(3,SYSOP/Ron) I just spoke with Dave Groves. he'll be online in 2
minutes. ga
(3,Ron @ STR) Ok, Lets wait for him.. ga
(3,Mike/SYSOP) when it begins. Tonight the main topic is Word Perfect.
(3,Mike/SYSOP) Bill: Feel free to stay! ....
(3,Mike/SYSOP) I'm sure there will be a lot of useful information.....
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Sure, Bill, stay. You can always buy it later! ga
(3,Woodsy) To what do we owe the honor of this CO?
(3,Mike/SYSOP) Bill: Go check the DLs. Lots of good softwarez there.
(3,dgg) Good evening to all...
(3,SYSOP/Ron) hi dgg.
(3,Mike/SYSOP) Good evening, dgg!
(3,Ron @ STR) To discuss Word Perfect Woodsy,
(3,Woodsy) Hello DGG
(3,Ron @ STR) Hi Dave.
(3,Mike/SYSOP) Bill: Around 2 hours.
(3,dgg) Please accept my apologies for the tardy arrival and can we get
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Ron thought a more informative CO might be nice.
(3,dgg) my Thanks to Ron, Jeff, and Steve....
(3,Ron @ STR) If everyone is ready I suppose we can begin. ga
(3,dgg) for takint the time to join us tonight Right, Ron....I'd like to
make a brief background statement and then turn things over to you and
Jeff & Steve, If anyone objects, yell now! <grin>
(3,Rex Reade)Enjoy
(3,dgg) Ok....
As I am certain everybody knows, there was quite a "battle" as the result
of the last CO that I chaired last month when Word Perfect was considering
leaving the ST community and many people did not understand the nature of
what was going..on!...As a result of some of the heat that arose from the
CO, Rex's article in ST Report and some conversations between Ron, me,Ron
Luks, and the folks at Word Perfect, we are here to try to get a better
handle on just what happened..and why. Ron, Rex, Jeff is that a fair
(3,Ron @ STR) .......
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Hopefully, this should be good, mellow, Q&A tonight.
(3,SYSOP/Ron) More than find out what happenned....I'm hoping that in
tonights CO....we can pin down the future direction of WP Corp. in the ST
market. Thanks Dave... I would first like to thank Ron Luks and the rest
(3,dgg) Thanks, Ron. Mr. Kovacs, the floor is yours! ga
(3,Ron @ STR) Jeff, would you like to make an opening statement?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Not anything direct, only to say that we're happy
to be here ...and will do our best to answer any questions you may have.
(3,Ron @ STR) Ok... Remember this is a formal CO, Please use a ? to be
recognized. Henry You are up!
(3,Henry @ Home) I would like to ask the fellows form WordPerfect..when
an expected release dates (very rough of course) for Library and.. WP 5.0
are..also, how's morale holding up..under some undeserved bad press.
(3,Ron @ STR) JEFF..
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Library is underway, and we're hoping for late 3rd
or early...4th quarter. 5.0 is a rewrite from the ground up, and as ...
a result will take a while. But now that we know what we're doing as
far as GEM and the ST goes, we will welcome the really optomize
for the ST. Morale goes up and down, depending on the latest review
to reach us.
(3,Henry) Thanks.
(3,Ron @ STR) Follow up Henry?
(3,Henry) no
(3,Ron @ STR) Rex your up
(3,Rex Reade) Ok, first allow me to say hello to all and let you know a
little about me. I am the pres of a large user group in North Fla.
and run a large BBS in No. Fla. I am no stranger to Atari..
I want to say that WP has indeed proven itself to me and all the folks
who have been watching the developments over the last few weeks,
as far as we are concerned they (WP) have our full support! also..
My only question is and really it is a remark at best is, Jeff and Steve
keep up the good work and I hope the other companies can learn from
the example you have set in this industry and in particular, for the Atari
userbase. Will we get to use "Beast"? thanks all for listening
and good luck WP!
(3,dgg) Ron K had to try to get a clean line...
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) I hope that other big software houses join in,
but after seeing all the up and down we've experienced, they might
want to watch for a little longer before jumping in. I hope not, though.
...Now, about Beast. If there's enough interest, anything's possible,
but it's not in our current plans.
(3,Rex Reade)Ok, thanks
(3,Ron @ STR) Thanks Rex.. Woodsy your up
(3,Woodsy) Thank you! Two Questions...
(3,Woodsy) #1 What is BEAST? #2 I read somewhere that the main engine
for WP 5.x...was written in C. Does this mean that future versions and/or
upgrades may...come out any faster?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) A game in IBM library where you try to squash various
types of...nasty little critters. WP is 100% assembly, but there are now
C versions for UNIX machine support. You should see size/speed..if it was
C! But, we'll always try to speed it up more.
(3,Ron @ STR) Follow up Woodsy?
(3,Woodsy) Which...version of library is Beast in, current or the new one?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) It may have been taken out in the new version,
but it's been...there in the past.
(3,Woodsy) Thanks.
(3,Ron @ STR) Thanks Jeff, Before we continue, Does Henry or Rex have a
follow up...
(3,Henry) I did
(3,Ron @ STR) to their previous questions during the crash? ga
(3,Ron @ STR) Henry then Sysop Ron. ga
(3,Henry) I was going to ask Rex if his comments were going into print...
this coming issue.
(3,Ron @ STR) Rex any comments? ga
(3,Ron @ STR) Guess Rex is busy at the moment, Mr. Luks your up.
(3,SYSOP/Ron) To Jeff:...Besides the initial bugs in the first version
released....the delivery date of that version was pretty late....compared
to the first estimates given to me during the development period. Many
other developers have complained...about the difficulty of working
along with ATARI CORP. ...(i.e.- the difficulty in getting the necessary
version of GDOS)...My question is:...To what extent were you 'handicapped'
by this lack of cooperation with ATARI CORP. ...and is this situation
improved now over the past year or so?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) (Crash? How many bombs?) This is a very hard
Atari has been slow to heed developer's requests and questions that they
have had. I find that essentially all Atari...developers have been in the
same boat, almost exactly. But, there is some hope that things are
changing that will allow developers to gain more support from Atari.
We're all busy hoping that the signs we've seen are going to really
develop into something that will stimulate development on the Atari in
all possible areas of development.
(3,Ron @ STR) Follow up Ron ?
(3,SYSOP/Ron) I didnt mean to imply....that your relationship with
ATARI CORP. was any better or worse than other developers. But
, what 'things' are getting better and what other specific support....
would you folks like to get from ATARI that they arent giving out now?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Development time could have been shorter. We spent a
lot of time "re-inventing" the wheel, as every developer has. What it..
looks like may happen is a free exchange of information with Atari's help,
through Developer's Newsletters, conferences, and the opportunity to get
direct and specific anwswers to questions.
(3,SYSOP/Ron) ok. thanks.
(3,Ron @ STR) RonThanks Jeff, Dgg then Bruce, Henry.. Go ahead DGG
(3,dgg) Ok, I'd like some clarification on your thoughts on the great GDOS
vs. PostScript argument, do you in your end of the machinery
find...GDOS to work with?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) I should have seen this one coming. In design, GDOS
is very eloquent, but in it's best moments, it still doesn't compete with
PostScript. That is my opinion, but I _do_ wish that there was more PS
support in the Atari community.
(3,dgg) Thanks, Jeff.
(3,Ron @ STR) Bruce you are next, follow up DGG?
(3,dgg) No, that covered me.
(3,Ron @ STR) Guess thats brings up Bruce
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) I still haven't deceided how I'm going to handle
on-screen fonts for the ST version of WP. I would like to see a standard
but I'm not sold on GDOS just yet. The battle rages on. As far as
Executive and/or DataPerfect go, we have no specific plans at this time.
If there is a large amount of interest. We would probably work on them
(3,Ron @ STR) Follow up Bruce...?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Letters, support calls, CIS; just name it. No matter

what the..medium, we do our best to listen to whatever you want to say.
(3,Henry) OK THis has been explained several times, but "for the record"
what REALLY slows the scrolls down so much in ST WordPerfect..if it's GEM.
why doesn't working around GEM fix that....also what is planned to be
enhanced to WOrdPerfect currently..before WOrdPerfect 5.0 comes out?
File selector??
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) The biggest slowdown in WP scrolling is due to the
formatting...that is required. With the volume of different codes that
can be used internally to WP, there is a _lot_ of overhead. On a
realistic basic, scroll is about 50% formatting and 50% doing the display
modification. That latter 50% can really be increased with a Mega,
though. The first 50% is the really hard part to change. There have been
many enhancement Requests for things we would like to include in 4.1
before we move onto 5.0; things like a "find" mode that would allow you
to graphically locate files where now you can only type the name, a tab
bar across the top, and many other things.
(3,Rex Reade)You can tell a pro is at WP's keyboard tonight. Jeff, in
light of the large price difference we are seeing between the distributor
and dealer does WP Corp have any plans on re-evaluating the method of
marketing so the user (consumer) can afford to let himself be exposed to a
fine program like WP?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) (Thanks, we try.) There is a much reevaluation of
marketing techniques, now that WPCorp understands the ST owner a little...
better. Availabity of WP will probably improve in the future.
(3,Ron @ STR) Rex follow up then Henry again to follow up.. ga
(3,Rex Reade)Ok good....I have one comment to make at this time
Jeff, Will you please tell us why in your opinion, the major amount of
bad publicity for the program has "died" so rapidly?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) We responded to the problems we introduced in the
(3,dgg)May I interrupt a sec?
(3,Ron @ STR) Go ahead Dave.
(3,dgg) Henry had asked earlier...
(3,dgg) if Rex was going to be publishing his revised thoughts on WP and
it's people...and now that he is back, I'd like him to address that. Ok?
(3,Ron @ STR) Rex?
(3,Rex Reade)Sure, I will answer that.........
I think my opinion has been published already, and as far as I am
concerned the issue of what my statements were and what they are now are
quite clear and more than evident is subsequent issues of ST Report. I
will say however, that Word Perfect Corp. and Jeff, in particular, have
shown to me and most of the users that WP is a very professional and
sincere company dedicated to leading the way in providing the ST user with
true PROFESSIONAL software in a heretofore thought of "light" market.
I feel it will only prove to show WP has a VERY good handle on the ATARI
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) To finish Rex's earlier question: We still get bad
press, but it doesn't come as often anymore.
(3,Henry) Thanks for the comments Rex.
(3,Ron @ STR) Ok Keith Goodprobe you are up then John
(3,Mr. Goodprobe) Greetings kind sirs; It appears most of us here are
moderate to heavy modem users, and I am curious, do you think WP will ever
be a framework whereby it can be executed from within a terminal program
such as Interlink..or is this not feasible?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) WP takes a lot of overhead, so I don't know how
feasable it would actually be. I really haven't thought about this ...
directly, but most of the code is in place to create a networked version
of WP for the ST, if we had a network.
(3,Mr. Goodprobe) Thank you, increasingly, through your efforts,and
others, the ST is being used in more professional fields, I would
encourage development along these lines. BTW, thanks for your fine
support, we appreciate it!
(3,Ron @ STR) Thanks Keith John Holder your up
(3,John Holder, MCP T0) I would like to thank WP Corp. on the behalf of
Marathon Computer Press for an excellent documentation tool.
Well done folks!
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Atari has played with WP for those reasons, too.
(3,Ron @ STR) Jackie your up!
(3,Henry) uh oh minds blank come
(3,Woodsy) *
(3,Ron @ STR) ok.. Henry, lets go to Rex, then DGG...
(3,Rex Reade)By the way, I have been having wonderful success with the
combination of Timeworks Desk Top Publisher and Word Perfect, the two
are a virtual powerhouse for super good looking results, I would like to
hear from the users who are here, who will try it, I found the two to be
absolutly top notch for ANY DTP usage, especially in 24 pin portrait.
(3,Ron @ STR) Thanks Rex...Before we go on lets go back
to Henry who is back then Dave..
(3,Henry) Yes I was going to comment on Mr. Goodprobe's question in the
CIS message base a company has announced a terminal program desk accessory
that may work nicely with WP...(but not on a 520ST) also WordPerfect
DOES with Michtron's JUGGLER II for a similar effect.
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) We follow the rules pretty close, so it should work.
(3,Ron @ STR) Mr g follow up then Dave.
(3,dgg) I would ask Jeff and Steve to give us some specifics
on how (it's coming out in THE CATALOG soon). WP helps in the
DOCumentation process and what its...main advantages are.
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Indexing, Table of Contents, multiple headers/footers,
and the other features supported by WP really makes documentation a simple
(3,Ron @ STR) Thanks Jeff follow up Dave..
(3,dgg) No, thanks, that covers it for me.
(3,Ron @ STR) Ok Bruce your up!
(3,BRUCE "Z" KENNEDY) rex or anyone on, any experience with wp and
Reeve's News station?
(3,Ron @ STR) Any comments? ga
(3,Ron @ STR) I would like to ask Jeff a question here....
(3,Ron @ STR) What are the future plans of WP and the ST?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Currently, we're looking at Library & WP 5.0 for the
ST, as well as converting our programs to foreign language support. The
german version of 4.1 will be available soon. We are hoping to make the
entire WPCorp product line available before too long.
(3,Ron @ STR) Thanks Jeff.. Henry your up
(3,Henry) Yes I saw a quote from an ad this was second hand someone quoted
WordPerfect's customer support phone bill (supposedly in an ad) at
$165,000 per month is that true?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) That's about average. I understand that we pay AT&T
more on a single account basis than any other company.
(3,Henry) (WHEW!)
(3,Ron @ STR) Dave you are up.. Thanks Henry!
(3,dgg) Thanks...
(3,dgg) I'd like to ask Jeff & Steve if they are yet aware of any
improvement in Atari version sales since the release of the debugged
version and if they feel that any of that is the result of discussions..
in the online community.
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Sales still haven't stabalized since October, but we
have been experiencing a slight but stable climb since late January. I.
don't what marketing attributes the climb to, but I personally feel that
the many discussions online have helped out.
(3,Ron @ STR) THanks Dave follow up? Woodsy your up next!
(3,dgg) I do want to add that if we can ever be of help that Ron, the
other SYSOP's and I will be pleased to get as much information out as we
can for any of the developers who are active here online. Especially when
it is regarding customer assistance and product enhancements and most
especially when it is from quality people like the folks from WP!
(3,Ron @ STR) Steve follow up then Last question to Woodsy! ga
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) Well, thanks. If nothing else, all your support
really helps out morale, and helps us do the best we can.
(3,Woodsy) Well, first I am pleased to hear about your commitment to...
the ST market...finally, I am curious as to the form that Library will
take on the ST a new shell to replace desktop? or...perhaps as a VERY
powerful desk accessory?
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) We're looking at a context-switching shell, possibly
a DA, but is not totally decided yet.
(3,Ron @ STR) Thanks Jeff.. Follow up Woodsy.. then Hnery
(3,Woodsy) Have you considered creating a rather Multifinder(tm)esque
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) We'd rather not tackle that one yet, because in
reality the desktop and the GEM AES are one and the same. To replace the
desktop entirely, you would have to support the GEM librarys in your own
code. It could potentially be better than the current incarnation of GEM,
but it would be a lot of work.
(3,Ron @ STR) OK.. This formal co will end after comments from Henry
then Mr Reade.
(3,Henry) To those who don't yet own WordPerfect, the company is
sponsering a dealer optional sale right now....check with your dealer..
(not mail order) for a limited time. (Sorry for the ad, but wanted to
spread the news).
(3,Ron @ STR) Thanks Henry.. Rex, then closing comments from WP people.
(3,Rex Reade) I'll take this moment to say to Jeff and Steve thank you for
your CANDID answers ....they have been extremely informative....and to
Jeff, THANKS for all the help and your positve response to our users here
in the southeastern USA!....thanks and goodnight to you
(3,Ron @ STR) Final comments .. Jeff Wilson and Steve Reiser.
(3,Jeff/Steve @ WP) It's been a pleasure to be here tonight, and I look
forward to answering whatever additional questions you may come across in
the coming days, weeks, or whatever. For information, my CIS PPN is
72447,3427. Once again, thank you all for your support, and efforts to
help us serve the Atari community.
(3,dgg)On behalf of all of the SYSOP's here in the Atari Forum and all
of the users who have read the transcripts and messages.. I'd like to
extend a major thank you to both the good folks at WP and the users who
spent the time to be here and make this CO work. Again thanks to both and
especially Ron for letting me participate instead of moderate!
(3,SYSOP/Ron) Okay folks. G'nite all.



835 27-APR 21:27 General Information
Atarians Rejoice (?)

This is a Computer Shopper exclusive story.

Atari Corp. is undergoing another corporate restructuring, but this time
more massive than before. A division company, to be known as Atari
Computers, is being formed. Charles Babbitt has been named Atari
Computers President, and Anthony Gould his Vice President for Sales.
Although still under the umbrella leadership of the Tramiels, it appears
at this time that a semi-autonomous company in the manner of Amiga Corp.
is being spun off.
In an exclusive interview, Atari chief spokesman Neil Harris told this
reporter that Babbitt has been given two months to form a new corporate
strategy for Atari Computers. During that period of time, says Harris,
Corporate leadership has ordered no one at Atari Computers to speak with
the press. Nonetheless, Babbitt was cornered into releasing general
information to Computer + Software News about a special packaging
arrangement of the Mega 4, perhaps for sales to Value-Added Resellers.

It apparently has yet to be decided what role current Atari Corp.
management will play in leading the new Computers division. More details
as they become available.

D. F. Scott

by T."Rex" Reade

Bless those Atari ST users, they are a hardy bunch of folks.....or are
they? Have they been pushed and shoved to their limit? Is the time near
for these folks to say, "We are sick and tired of being sick and tired"?

This author has been doing some informal research for the last 23 days, in
and out of all three of the major network services CIS, Delphi and GEnie
to try and find out why the Atari userbase is showing Storm Clouds on the
horizon. Folks, the results, although informal, are quite surprising!

The main theme is coming from three major areas in the userbase, (a) The
USERS(consumers) (b) The DEVELOPERS (hardware & software) (c) The
RETAIL/SERVICE CENTERS. You say, what is going on that would have all
these folks upset?

ABSOLUTLY NOTHING! That's right, nothing is going on. That is the entire
problem....The thrust is a lack of reaction to the wants and needs of
these three major areas in the Atari Community by ATARI CORP........

FIRST, Let's take a look at the consumer's dilemma, according to the vast
majority of messages read and articles written, the users have been all
but forgotten by Atari Corp.

Some of the user complaints:

1- Why is Atari so busy selling overseas while we wait endlessly here
at home? ATARI is a U.S. based company!
2- Where is this PROFESSIONAL Dealer/Service Center Network?
3- Why is the new software so sparse?
4- Why can't Atari perfect GEM and GDOS?
5- Why do we have so many problems with the built-in DISK DRIVES?
6- Why can't we buy the new ROMS (mega) being shipped in the new
1040s and Mega STs? Playing favorites? I doubt it, sure looks that
way though.

After doing some snooping, I managed to find a few answers to the sampling
of problems mentioned above that are a scourge the users.....

The answer to the first question is PROFIT!

The answer to the second question was harder to come by ..but this is
close to what most agreed would make a reasonable cause, Atari, in their
infinite wisdom of being a US based Company is sending most of the new
products overseas and therefore business people who have done market
studies find the product unavailable except in extremely limited
quantities and therefore are reluctant to invest in an outlet dedicated to

Atari products. Thank the Lord for the few hardy souls who put up with
all the heartache and pressure.(more about the dealer dilemma in a

Sparse software has been blamed on many reasons...actually if one MAJOR
hurdle were overcome the other lesser reasons would be easy. That major
hurdle is Atari Corp. itself! (we will get to that when we discuss
developers). Skipping GDos and Gem for now, we jump straight to a very
nasty subject


I looked carefully into this one because it is involved, here it is, as
seen by this author....

1- Too many Vendor changes (those who sell the drive to Atari)
2- Outrageous economization of drive design
3- Insufficient in-the-field knowledge of all the changes.

Looking at the first, there are no less than 4 different styles of
drives in use...why? The early SF314 with the square eject button was
excellent. The same goes for the very early internal drive that
came with the 1040ST. That internal drive was the best Atari released.
Why? Well how many of you have the "escape blues"? You know, switch the
disk and hit the esc key for a new every time?....
not in the new drives...what? it wont read a 10 sector format?....
you mean the drive speed is not up to par and it came that way?
Folks, these problems are NOT products of imagination, but in fact, were
pointed out to me by Developers and Service Centers from different areas
of the country. ATARI, take note....

In trying to be fair, it was decided to call Atari and ask a Service Tech
about what could be done with a drive that was misbehaving, chosen was the
re-read the same drive with a different disk, escape key problem. Here is
what we got for help....Was connected with a "Tech" and after explaining
the problem 4X!,, He got the idea and stated that it may be due to loose
ROM chips, (how many times have you heard this one?), the advice we got
was to pick up the computer to about a foot over the desk and drop it!!!!

It was at this point that I asked to speak to the person in charge of
service....ok we waited, (holding on) a secretary came on the line and
asked if she could help,(explain the problem again), she said hold on for
moment. After a few seconds a LOUD BOOMING voice was on the other end of
the phone, obviously this fellow was using a distorted and echo filled
speaker phone..oh well....he tried to explain that the problem we were
seeing is due to one of three things a) Rom chips (their favorite) b) the
controller chip c) the Yamaha chip. The net result was if none of the
above helped, send in the unit for repair or exchange. Not once was
mention made that drive may be of the newer type, (lighter and smaller),
and therefore not totally compatable with the machine. He never even
mentioned that the problem may be caused by the drive......

Allow me to clarify the new drive, (lighter and smaller), that's how to
recognize it at a my opinion, it is plainly cheaper in
material and shabby in performance...a host of messages blamed the
programmers for using weird formats and all sorts of other reasons...I
blame the drive....after having 2 Brand New 1040s with the new Roms
delivered to me. I went crazy with drive problems....until I took older
drives and placed them in my Brand Spanking New 1040s, now....all is
perfect! Only a small number of service Centers could tell us how many
different drive vendors Atari has dealt with.....from 3 to 6 different
vendors. About the new roms ...Atari has no info for a person calling on
the phone about them.....interesting, since I have 'em at this time.....

The MAJOR reason for slow software releases is ATARI CORP.
According to a number of prominent software developers who shall remain
unidentified at this time, the biggest problem that they have is Atari
Corp. itself....lack of communication, lack of up to date information and
most of all a very serious lack of cooperation and confidence on the
part of Atari to work hand in hand with the third party developers.

My opinion is, advise Atari to be either in the hardware or the software
business but NOT half way in both! Best bet Mr. Atari is to continue
making your hardware the very best there is and start
ADVERTISING and SELLING ST products in the U.S.A.!

Mr. Developer, I hope Atari gets the message, I fully understand the
undeniably poor position you are in....Every time you approach Atari
about a new concept or need help with a new routine, they give you the
stonewall or a big welcome and little or NO help or cooperation...could
it be Atari wants all the new ideas released through themselves? Does
that make any sense? You bet it does...just ask the guy who originally
wrote Atari Writer, or get the real story behind ST Writer or better yet
discuss this very opinion with a developer, (off the record), you'll get
the straight story and be amazed! What about this "new" release of micro
word, this alledged super word processor, it was dead before it was
released because it came out far too late....Where is the "HIGH POWERED"
Thesaurus and Spell checker so heavily touted? Too many last minute
changes??...perhaps your programmers need some business sense, or is the
spell checker and thesaurus just more VAPORWARE?

While you are at it, ask the developer about the horror story called GDOS
and how Atari can't find someone who understands it well enough to write
a tutorial about it. Or so they say.........

Finally, the dilemma faced by the Sales and Service Centers...these guys
really take the abuse.....Backorders, Vaporware and Insults from irate
customers.....Nice things to come in to every morning, right?....No wonder
more and more dealers are stocking computers from the "other" companies.
One question to all the dealers we spoke to was of all the customers you
sold the original ST to, how many are still using an ST? The answer was
quick in coming...."ABOUT HALF" we asked why?.....again a fast answer,
"because Atari is busy supporting a European market, we can't deliver
here in a timely fashion and the so called new product development has
turned into a nightmare of Engineer dreams and show pieces but nothing for
the consumer to buy"..."take the laser printer for an example, it's
already out classed and over priced by some real good name brands"!
The only new item of any consequence has been the Mega ST....or has it?
We asked a simple question about it also, Has the Mega lived up to your
expectations and is it a reliable machine.....Three shops said we didn't
have enough room or time to hear about the Mega ST...however the majority
said basically it is a good machine but it seems Atari never really
finished it before releasing it! Also, since it's release none of it's
potential has been made readily available to the US market place..
oh yes,there is plenty of Action in Europe....

Author's Note: I personally own quite a bit of Atari Equipment and really
enjoy using it. Where else can one get a computer that will run the
software of three computers [1] IBM, [2] MacIntosh [3] ST?

Atari, you can have the most advanced Computer in the world, but if
you do not advertise and allow it to grow in the USA,... To the GIANT USA
marketplace, it simply doesn't exist!

Now, with the news of reorganization, I am faced with the rumors of Atari
Stereos and Microwaves, ala Federated, if there is any chance of this ..
for heaven's sake, either change the name of the Computer Lines or
.....what's with the calculators and propeller beanie hats with the Atari
name and LOGO on them?.......hey, Atari, PANASONIC(c) you ain't!
Or is business THAT bad?

I get worn down with all the shortfall going on....Just last week I was
explaining to a few folks at the clubhouse about the wonderful things my
computer system could do.....everyone was very interested until I told
them the name...I went deaf with the HYSTERICAL laughter in the room!
Sad......but never the less, true....argh! I AM one of the diehards and
am willing to make very loud noises in hopes of someone out west (CA)
hearing me.......

Never give up hope folks,...I won't.




T."Rex" Reade

CIS - 73710,1052

Reader Comments are welcome, the views or opinions stated in
the above article are not necessarily those of ST Report or it's staff.

This article may be reprinted only in it's entirety. (C)TRR


GFA BASIC Programmers Reference Guide
By George W. Miller
At last the information that every GFA BASIC programmer has been
waiting for! Here's a book with answers to all your questions
about GFA BASIC, published by the people who brought you GFA
BASIC. With over 50,000 copies of GFA BASIC sold world wide, The
GFA BASIC Programmers Reference Guide, Vol. I, is sure to become
one of the most sought after sources of programming information.
The GFA BASIC Programmers Reference Guide, Vol. I, written by
George W. Miller, a leading authority on GFA BASIC, and
MichTron's Director of Technical Support, is packed with
information you'll be referring to every time you use GFA BASIC.

Valuable Information

The GFA BASIC Programmers Reference Guide, Vol. I contains
information on the commands for GFA BASIC, Version 2.0. Future
volumes will be devoted to GFA BASIC, Version 3.0, to be released
this summer. Since many commands will be common to both
versions, The GFA BASIC Programmers Reference Guide, Vol. I will
continue to be a valuable resource for years to come.

One chapter is entirely devoted to an explanation of every
command in GFA BASIC. This section is presented in an
alphabetical lexicon format. This is not a rewrite of the
manual. New information is presented, with demonstration
programs for nearly every command. Suddenly every command
becomes amazingly clear.

Need more help? A special index lists each command by type and
cross-references to the appropriate page in The GFA BASIC
Programmers Reference Guide, Vol. I.

Graphics Made Simple

Additional chapters explain using Graphics and simple animation
with GFA BASIC. Arcade quality graphics are a breeze, when you
have the information at your side.

Many demonstration routines are included, suitable for use as
Procedures in your programs. Need to Save and Load screens from
within your programs? Is programming the RS-232 port a problem?
Maybe you'd like to write a terminal program, with Xmodem file
transfers. The GFA BASIC Programmers Reference Guide, Vol. I
provides the answers to your questions in a manner you'll easily

Unlock the Power of your Computer

You'll find even more information in the handy appendices.
Detailed information is included, permitting you to fully utilize
the power of the BIOS, GEMDOS, and XBIOS functions of GFA BASIC.
Separate sections explain each command, with complete information
about all the required parameters, permitting you to unlock
awesome power.

The GFA BASIC Programmers Reference Guide, Vol. I will quickly
become your most valuable resource.

Other topics explained include:

The GFA BASIC Editor
Graphics and Animation
Sound and Music
Using Menus
The Peripheral Ports
Compiler Optimization
Error Codes
And much more!

The GFA BASIC Programmers Reference Guide, Vol. I


Available June, 1988

MichTron, Inc.
576 S. Telegraph
Pontiac, Mi. 48053
Phone: (313) 334-5700

A Call To Arms!
by Mr.GoodProbe

As a teenager I was sure that the only way to work at something you
loved, and still get paid for it was to be a baseball player. Later on,
I found this is be untrue, as its oftentime quite hard for me to
realize whether I am working or having a great time at work as I repair
and troubleshoot computer equipment. One of the privileges of working at
a computer facility is the mailings you receive. Let me share with you
some of the key points of this news release I received from the folk at
Aegis Inc.

Aegis Second Annual Desktop Video Contest Begins

SANTA MONICA,California-Aegis Development Inc. has announced that their
second annual Desktop Video Contest has begun, and will run through
September 1, 1988. It is open to all Commodore Amiga owners who use one or

more Aegis products to create desktop videos. Winners will receive prizes
ranging from an Amiga 2000 computer system to gift certificates. Entrants
may submit their videos any time between now and September 1st, and may
enter as many times as they wish.

"The purpose of this contest is to encourage people in the area of

desktop video," said David Barrett, president of Aegis....

There are two categories, amateur (not for pay) and professional
(for pay). Each entry will be judged in its category for the best
animation, special effects, computer and software use, artwork,
creativity, editing, story line, sound, and overall quality and ingenuity.

To qualify, videos must be created using an Amiga computer with
one or more Aegis products. and any other hardware or software; be
submitted on 1/2" tape; be no longer than 5 minutes in length; be the work
of the entrant (cannot submit someone else's work); and be accompanied by
an entry form (available from Aegis or a local Amiga dealer).

The entries will be judged by Desktop Video professionals not
associated with Aegis or Commodore. Winners will be announced in
September, and the awards ceremony will take place at this year's winter
Comdex in November, in Las Vegas, Nevada."

Aegis has but a single entry in the St software field, Aegis
Animator. I purchased this fine program, and some of the demos I have seen
using this have been fantastic. Aegis has produced the following titles
for the Amiga:

Aegis Animator- Video Animation
VideoScape 3D- 3D Drawing program
Sonix- Stupendous Music program
Audiomaster- Audio editing program
Videotitler- Titler and slideshow
Impact- Business presentation program
Diga- Terminal program, allows simultaneous file transfers
and chatting between users.
Ports of Call- exceptional Monopoly-type game.

I hope you see that I am indeed a little disturbed. I am pleased
that Aegis has demonstrated that they can produce high quality software
for a computer, but I feel they have left the ST out of all the fun! There
is no reason they could not turn these products out for the ST if they so
It is my intention in this article to stir you up to write a
letter to Aegis that they would include users of the St version of their
program in this fine contest (you could sell the Amiga if you win it...heh
heh). I am sure some of you could surely give those Amiga-ites a run for
their money!

The Address is:

Aegis Development Inc.
2115 Pico Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405

Or Contact:
Michelle Mehterian


GFA Draft Plus

Eager to present the highest quality software, MichTron is
pleased to announce the availabilty of GFA Draft Plus, a new two
dimensional CAD drawing program for the Atari ST and IBM PC (and
true compatiables). GFA Draft Plus was developed by GFA
Systemtechnik of Germany, the same company that recently
introduced the amazing GFA BASIC Interpreter and GFA BASIC
Compiler for the Amiga and Atari ST computers. Products that are
destined to revolutionize programing forever.

A Tool for Today

GFA Draft Plus is just the tool for many different
applications; from designing electronic circuits, to creating
Architectural plans. Scaled technical drawings can be easily
created. Of course, doodling is permitted.

GEM Linked

Because it is linked entirely to GEM, GFA Draft Plus can be
learned quickly by even an inexperienced draftsperson. All
Functions of GFA Draft Plus are chosen from Pull Down Menus and
selected with the mouse. Since many of the drawing functions can
be completed at the touch of a button, and through the employment
of often used drawings stored as symbols, finished pictures can
be brought out in record time.
All drawings can be manipulated with window functions,
changed and then changed back without destroying the original
conception. And of course your drawings can be printed on any
printer or plotter to scale and in color. It's even possible to
print or plot selected segments of a drawing.
All functions of GFA Draft Plus can be chosen form menues, using
the mouse to add speed and efficiency to your work. The menu
items are self-explanatory, eliminating the need for long
training sessions.

MACRO Command Language

For more advanced users, a MACRO command language, much like
LOGO, has been developed. Commands may be entered from the
keyboard, or a series of commands may be stored on disk for
future use. The macro command files can be created from GFA
BASIC, or by using any word processor that can create an ASCII

Drafting Functions

GFA Draft Plus allows drawings of up to 255 layers, ten of
which can be shown at one time (each in a different color if
desired). There are three types of line available, they can vary
in thickness from .3mm to 4.5mm, and they can be automatically
positioned. Construction Lines can be added, as can a variable
sized grid. Text can be of different sizes and can run different
directions, as well as being reflected or rotated. Three
different character fonts are available with GFA Draft Plus, or
you may create and use your own unique character sets, which can
then be manipulated the same as the standard character sets.

In addition to the normal drawing functions, such as
rectangle, circle, ellipse, circle and ellipse segments, GFA
Draft Plus allows you to drop a perpendicular from a line and
place a line at a specific angle. You may even draw parallel
lines, tangent lines, resize lines, and replace two lines with a
proper single vector, all at the click of a button!
Corners can be rounded at various radius. Complex figures
such as pentagons, octagons and other multi-faceted shapes can be
created with a single command.
Hatching is another feature that is automatic once you
select the line angle and the width between the lines. Double
hatching can be done. The lines need not even touch for
hatching. For instance, you may hatch the space between two
All scaling is calculated by the program, and distances can
be shown in inches, millimeters, or meters. You even have a
choice of drawing in the absolute or relative coordinate systems,
and display the values of points in the polar coordinate system.
To work on details, portions of the drawing can be enlarged; to
increase clarity the whole picture can be reduced. Pictures can
be saved in different sizes. Changes can easily be made to a
drawing and all the variations saved.
Frequently used drawings can be turned into symbols and used
again and again. Up to ten of these can be stored on the
function keys and placed in a drawing with the push of a button.

And More!

If all these features leave you a little breathless,
remember that this only touches the surface of what GFA Draft
Plus can do. Here, at last, is a program that matches the power
of the computer age at an affordable price.
GFA Draft Plus will allow the experienced draftsperson to
increase productivity many fold, as well as give the novice a
quick and easy method to express ideas in diagrams.

GFA Draft Plus is available through MichTron for $159.96

Michtron is a global distributor of quality software for the
ATARI ST and IBM PC (and true compatiables).

Michtron, Inc.
576 S. Telegraph
Pontiac, Mi. 48053

Phone (313) 334-5700


BBS Listing

This is the pre-release of the ZMag/ST-Report BBS list. This will be
updated weekly and published every few months here.

You will notice a rather large gap in the registration numbers. These
system have not be validated, so will not be added until that time. This
list is not complete.

These systems support our publications. Please call and support these
systems. If you are not on any of the pay services, call these boards
and pass the word.

We thank each and every BBS listed here many thanks. Without your
weekly support we would not have made it this far.

Reg No. Area Phone Number BBS Name State
H002- 216 784-0574 Stairway To Heaven Ohio
H003- 312 690-3724 Lions Den Chicago
H004- 904 786-4176 Bounty Atari ST BBS Florida
X004- 609 451-7475 C.C.B.B.S. New Jersey
X005- 219 223-8107 Manitou BBS Indiana
X006- 718 648-0947 Dateline BBS New York
X007- 718 604-3323 New York City BBS New York
X008- 301 437-9813 Ratcom BBS Maryland
X009- 916 962-2566 Shadow Haven BBS California
X010- 918 835-5198 Tektron BBS Oklahoma
X011- 201 Closed Timelink New Jersey
X012- 201 298-0161 J.A.C.G. BBS New Jersey
X013- 216 545-4817 Pirate Busters Ohio
Z015- 305 747-9196 Alternate Universe Florida
Z016- 813 821-3188 ST Petersburg PO Florida
Z017- 505 897-4306 Asylum BBS New Mexico
X018- 808 423-3140 Wonderful World of Oz Hawaii
X019- 219 674-9288 M.O.U.S.E. BBS Indiana
Z020- 404 945-6021 Buford Byte Size Georgia
X021- 813 726-3449 Harbor Lights BBS Florida
X022- 912 244-1726 Talisman BBS Georgia
X023- 617 674-8361 Westport! BBS Massachusettes
X024- 817 444-3023 Rivendale BBS Texas
X025- 415 825-2952 West Coast Syndicate California
X026- 315 638-8569 The D.E.N. New York
X027- 505 525-0388 Atari C.A.L.C. New Mexico
Z028- 201 723-0824 Wild West BBS New Jersey
X029- 216 758-0284 Command Headquarters Ohio
Z030- 707 252-0631 Irata California
Z031- 617 675-8503 S.W.A.T. Massachusettes
X032- 703 560-6318 The Ark Virginia
X033- 615 665-1217 Vanishing Point Tennessee
X034- 301 967-2207 Orion Connection Maryland
X035- 207 784-0631 M.A.C.H. BBS Maine
Z036- 516 698-7456 WQNR BBS New York
X037- 713 923-7392 W.A.S.T.E. BBS Texas
X038- 504 244-0768 Milliways BBS Louisiana
X039- 617 586-8840 Lost Byte Massachusettes
Z040- 303 796-0539 The Vault Colorado
Z041- 404 796-3805 Garden City Oasis Georgia
Z042- 609 939-6247 Satelite BBS New Jersey
Z043- 206 848-3371 The Reef Washington State
S044- 816 761-2190 Elysium BBS Missouri
Z045- 315 454-9612 Atari Hotel New York
X046- 212 617-0153 The Bunker New York
X047- 201 247-8252 E.B.B.B.S. New Jersey
Z048- 402 466-5339 Griffon's Nest Nebraska
X049- 011 494-12997 Kisa Monitron Sweden (46)
X050- 011 0340-51117 First Star Sweden (46)
Z051- 718 253-8602 Outsiders New York
Z052- 805 773-5907 Hot Rodders California
X053- 203 776-9723 New Haven BBS Conneticut
X054- 502 964-2964 Bargain Basement Kentucky
X055- 609 931-3014 Gateway New Jersey
X056- 602 846-7357 Network 23 Arizona
Z057- 313 547-0440 Cosmic Stompers Michigan
Z058- 804 379-4156 Midnight Express Virginia
X059- 314 647-3290 Gateway City BBS Missou

Z060- 312 457-2219 Bluemoon BBS Illinois
X061- 617 625-5348 Mall Five Opus Massachusetts
Z062- 312 430-4234 Runequest BBS Illinois
X063- 205 772-8526 Bloom County BBS Alabama
X064- 205 461-7893 H.A.U.G. BBS Alabama
X065- 812 985-2083 West Terrace BBS Indiana
Z066- 502 778-9846 WAEL Kentucky
Z067- 502 964-2924 Atari Scene Kentucky
Z068- 614 471-8559 ACEC BBS Ohio
X069- 614 471-9209 Pandora BBS Ohio
Z070- 918 251-5450 Help BBS Oklahoma
Z071- 716 875-7376 Bates Motel New York
Z072- 516 884-4140 Ol' Hackers BBS New York
Z073- 203 443-5200 Phantasmal Alchemy Conneticut
S074- 402 466-5339 S.T.U.N.N. BBS Nebraska
S075- 201 929-9351 CoaSTline BBS New Jersey
S076- 703 665-0087 Infonet BBS Virginia
Z077- 201 388-1676 White House BBS New Jersey
X078- 616 245-8259 Exte Michigan
Z079- 404 968-4380 Dark Crypt Georgia
Z080- 601 388-3490 C.A.U.U.G. BBS Mississippi
Z081- 601 374-0709 Irata II Mississippi
Z082- 612 522-2687 T.A.I.G. BBS Minnesota
X083- 219 336-3774 Pipeline BBS Indiana
X084- 313 736-3920 Facts BBS Michigan
Z085- 808 261-2184 Muskrats Den Hawaii
X086- 507 60-0530 BugBBS Panama
X087- 219 875-8205 One Stone BBS Indiana
Z088- 305 793-2975 Carina BBS Florida
Z089- 305 734-6026 Atari Computer Club Florida
Z090- 216 441-3816 Mega Vision BBS Ohio
X091- 419 289-8392 Balloon Works Inc Ohio
X092- 517 371-1106 C.H.A.O.S. BBS Michigan
X093- 011 470-22183 Sorman Information Sweden (46)
Z094- 206 631-8056 Knotts Nook BBS Washington State
Z095- 312 889-1240 C.L.A.U.G. BBS Illinois
Z096- 915 757-0788 House of Chance Texas
Z097- 714 653-0447 Thunderbeast California
Z098- 203 445-4094 Spiders Web BBS Conneticut
Z099- 219 693-3485 Acorn BBS Indiana
Z100- 606 271-1466 Missing Link BBS South Dakota
Z101- 704 253-3614 Office BBS North Carolina
Z102- 201 752-2818 MidEvil Castle II New Jersey
X103- 307 635-0148 The Prairie Chip Oklahoma
X128- 805 239-8710 The LookOut BBS California
Z129- 201 286-6189 AtlantiST New Jersey
S130- 201 271-8765 Great Fire Breather New Jersey
X131- 918 622-1121 Future City BBS Oklahoma
X132- 805 872-0377 Home Bace California
Z133- 201 752-9466 Piscataway Express New Jersey
Z134- 718 373-4669 Blue BBS New York
X135- 216 376-7618 Rubber City Atari Ohio
X136- 317 243-2177 Dog House BBS Indiana
X137- 907 338-5005 Public DOmain BBS Alaska
X138- 309 797-5926 Checkmate BBS Illinois
Z139- 707 437-6366 Elsinore Brewery California
S140- 602 435-9645 Think Tank Arizona
X141- 813 823-1471 MegaPlex BBS Florida
X142- 314 696-3506 AXE***BBS Missouri
X143- 201 343-1426 Launch Pad BBS New Jersey
Z144- 416 648-8359 19th Hole BBS Ontario, Canada
Z146- 213 631-7328 L.B.C.S. BBS California
X147- 314 581-3801 Brickyard BBS Missouri
X148- 215 289-5247 Star Fleet Command Pennsylvannia
X149- 201 938-6906 Starbase I New Jersey
Z150- 805 929-1624 My House California
Z151- ??? 855-1317 Atarian Domain ???
X152- 816 637-6163 Schwarzer Drache Missouri
Z153- 201 689-4550 Kilroy's Castle New Jersey
Z154- 415 565-9742 Eagle BBS California
ST-REPORT Issue #33 May 02, 1988 (c)1988 APEInc.
All Rights Reserved Reprint permission granted except where noted in
the article. Any reprint must include ST-Report and the author in the
credits. Views presented here are not necessarily those of ST-Report or
of the Staff.

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