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Silicon Times Report Issue 0027

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


|//Publisher/Editor| March 21, 1988 //|
|// Ron Kovacs | Issue #27 //|
|SPC, PO Box 74, Middlesex, NJ 08846 |
|BBS: Syndicate (201) 968-8148 3/1200 |
|Online on GEnie: Type->M 475;1 Cat:22|
|Contents--Index 27-- |
|*|Editors Desk --Commentary-- |
|*|SPC Newswire |
|*|Public Domain Shelf <NEW> |
|*|FCC Update--The Final Chapter-- |
|*|Michtron BBS Modification |
|*|WordUp--A Letter To ST Owners |
|*|Zoomracks Column |
|*|Word Perfect Yes or No |
|*|ST-Report PC Pursuit BBS List Part1|
Editors Desk
by Ron Kovacs

This has been one of those more interesting weeks for news. As you will
find in this issue. Covering our regular areas and getting involved in
new ones is indeed exciting. There are so many things we have planned
that at times we are stuck between one topic and getting another one off
the ground. However, we are finally at the point where we can start
publishing the long awaited projects.

Mr. Goodprobe is hard at work with a few projects. One of them, the
ST PC Pursuit list has been completed. It is published in part in this
issue. The entire file can be found on GEnie and CompuServe this
week. There will also be a version available for Timeworks ST database
users. Look for both this week.

We enter the world of Word Perfect this week. To many of you, this
might be a new name to the ST world. They are the proud publishers of
Word Perfect word processor. They released an ST version late last year
at a cost of $395.00. Seemingly a bit high, but with a name and good
releases for the IBM, it must be a good product. However, during the
middle of last week, an announcement in the Atari16 message base shocked
the Atari world. WP is going to abandon the ST users because of piracy!

Well, After all the hoopla, they are still with us and will be porting
over a few titles for our use. But!! I am in the middle of a minor
crisis here. How do I represent both sides of the issue. I have to either
get WP to comment publically on the matter, Which we did try in the
Conference last Thursday, and then report on the effect this has on the
Atari community.

I have decided to publish parts of the COnfrence, the original message,
and commentary by our newest member Rex Read. I hope you will send us
your comments on the matter. Send them email to me on GEnie at:
ST-REPORT or on CompuServe 71777,2140. I will publish all responses
pro or con next week. Please supply and commentary before Saturday March
26, 1988.

Till next week!!!!
SPC Newswire
From the Associated Press


SAN JOSE, Calif. (MARCH 15) AP - Atari Corp. of Sunnyvale has charged
Micron Technology Inc. of Boise, Idaho, with illegally exploiting a
shortage of computer memory chips.

The computer and video company on Monday filed suit in U.S. District
Court, seeking an order to make the Idaho semiconductor manufacturer pay
the California company an unspecified amount of damages. The suit charges
breach of contract, bad faith and violation of federal antitrust law.
There was no immediate response from Micron Technology.

Micron Technology is one of only two U.S.-based companies that make the
most common kind of computer memory chip, known as dynamic random access
memory chips, or D-RAMs. The other is Texas Instruments Inc. of Dallas.

The shortage of the chips has been caused by strong sales of personal
computers, the changeover to a new generation of chips, and a 1986 accord
between the United States and Japan aimed at ending Japanese ''dumping''
of the chips at unfairly low prices.


NEW YORK (MARCH 16) - The 10 most active stocks in American Stock
Exchange composite trading Wednesday, March 16.

Stock Sales Last Net Chg.
Lorimar Tel 764,300 14 7/8 off 1/2
Texas Air 368,000 13 up 1/8
Western Digitl 291,700 16 up 1
Asamera Inc 285,200 9 5/8 up 1/8
Wang Lab B 285,100 12 7/8 up 1/4
*Atari Corp* 285,100 7 7/8 off 1/2
Ntl Patent Dv 281,900 8 5/8 up 3/4
Dome Petro 271,500 1 unch
Alza Corp A 175,600 28 3/4 up 1/8
Fst Aust Prm 173,600 8 7/8 unch


Speaking at an East German computer show, an Atari Corp. official said
his company hopes to set up a joint venture with a Soviet partner.

Addressing a news conference during the Leipzig (East Germany) Spring
Fair, Alwin Stumpf, Atari Corp. (Deutschland) managing director, said
negotiations still are at an early stage and center on software, adding
that if the joint venture succeeds, it will be the first Soviet
cooperation with a Western computer company.


Pirates, beware! The Software Publishers Association is renewing its
offer of a $50 bounty to sleuths who report pirate bulletin board systems
that illegally distribute commercial software.

The reward will be paid to the first person who provides the SPA with the
following information in writing:

-:- Name, address and telephone numbers (voice and BBS) of the illegal
bulletin board system operator.

-:- A printout showing what commercial software is available.

-:- Log-on information to permit SPA investigators to double check

-:- The date the information was obtained.

Details should be sent to the SPA at 1101 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite
901, Washington, DC 20036. The informer's identity will be held in

The SPA conducted a similar crackdown in the fall of 1986, when they
closed 30 pirate BBSes.


Apple Computer has sued Microsoft Corp. and Hewlett-Packard alleging that
several of their products, including Microsoft's Windows 2.03 software,
infringe on copyrights Apple holds in connection with its Macintosh mouse

The suit, filed in US District Court in San Jose, Calif., asks the judge
to halt marketing of Windows 2.03 and HP's New Wave software and to award
Apple unspecified damages.

The complaint contends that screen displays generated by Windows 2.03 are
themselves "illegal copies" of the Mac's audio visual works and thus
exceed the limited license rights Apple previously granted to Microsoft.


For undisclosed terms, Eastman Kodak Co. has agreed to buy all
outstanding shares of a Santa Monica, Calif., software company called
Interactive Systems Corp.

Interactive, an 11-year-old company with offices in Boston, New York,
Dallas, Washington, Toronto and Boulder, Colo., will keep its existing
management team. The firm has 170 workers.
by Alice Amore
Sysop of Pipeline BBS (216 336-3774)
and Ohio Software Exchange (216 334-4145)

Starting a public domain software library can be a bewildering
experience, but it's very much worth it. Whether you're building a
PD/shareware library for yourself or for your user group, it's a
wonderful way to push the ST to its limits by experimenting with new

If you are new to public domain software/shareware, I hope this regular
column will help you sort through the data mix. We'll start off with
brief descriptions of five PD programs I, personally, couldn't survive
without. If you don't have these programs, GET THEM! They are widely
available on bulletin board systems across the country.

1. ARC - (by Harvey Johnson, 2398 Oaklyn St. NE, Palm Bay, FL 32907)

The ARChive utilities are an absolute must. ARC takes any file, or any
group of files, and compresses the data into a much smaller package. You
must deARC a file in order to use it. ARC allows you to perform simple
ARCing tasks, such as deARCing a file, but it also has many advanced
features. Once you have an ARCed file, you can upload/download it
quickly and easily. If you swap software with friends by mail, you can
fit an amazing amount of software on one disk if all the programs are
ARCed. If you have a hard drive and your friend does, too, you can ARC a
humungous amount of software into one huge file, mail it on a disk, and
your friend can deARC it on his/her hard drive. Easy! ARCed files are
also an excellent way to back up your software. ARC up all your
important files onto floppies, and store them in the closet. You'll rest

2. TINY - (David Mumper, N68W25626 Silver Spring Ave., Sussex, WI 53089)

The TINY utilities let you take take D.E.G.A.S. and NEOchrome picture
files, compress them so that they take up far less disk space, and show
them in a "slideshow" format. Literally thousands of TINY pictures are
available on bulletin boards. It's a task to sift through all of them to
find the good ones, but once you've found them, you can fit 30-40
TINYized picture files on one double-sided disk. It's fun to show a
slideshow to computer novices...they're always very impressed by it. And,
no doubt, quite a few STs have been sold on the strength of picture-file
graphics alone.

3. UNDELETE - (David L. Bailey, 1100 W. Redding St. Hernando, FL 32642)

Have you ever spent so many hours in front of your computer manipulating
files that you accidently put a file into the trash can? I think we've
all done that at least once, and it's very frustrating. But help is on
the way. UNDELETE will retrieve your lost file beautifully. When you
trash a file, it really isn't gone. It's just gone from your directory.
UNDELETE will give you a listing of all deleted files (provided you
haven't written over any of the affected tracks). A few simple
keystrokes and your file will magically reappear on your directory. I
haven't tested UNDELETE on a hard disk, but I do know that it works very
well on floppies.

4. MONOPOLY - (David Addison from I.B.Computers) This, in my humble
opinion, is the greatest PD game that exists for the ST. (You have your
opinion, I have mine.) Sure, it has a few faults, such as the fact that
only one human can play at a time, but nevertheless it's magnificent. You
will want to play again and again, especially if you are a Monopoly

5. STONEAGE - (Klaus Kramer, David Addison, John Hickey) This is a cross
between "Lode Runner" (in strategy) and "Boulderdash" (in play action).
If you don't like the high pressure of arcade games, you can play in
"Practice Mode". Each screen is a puzzle to be solved. One great feature
of STONEAGE is the screen editor. Make your own screens and upload them
for others to play.

*Remember: PD programmers depend on your contributions, so give!*

Most PD/shareware files make mention of the programmer's name and
address. If you find yourself using any PD program regularly, please
give. If nothing else, you're ensuring that the programmer will continue
to write more and better software for the ST.

[Ed. I want to welcome Alice to the staff of ST-Report. Finding talent
to write interesting articles is tough to do. I appreciate the time and
your support.]
FCC Update (The Final Chapter) we hope
From the Associated Press


WASHINGTON (MARCH 17) AP - The Federal Communications Commission plans to
scrap a proposal that would substantially increase telephone charges for
business and home computer users, sources said Wednesday.

FCC Chairman Dennis R. Patrick has concluded that, based on strong and
nearly unanimous opposition to the proposal, the plan should be dropped,
according to sources at the commission and on Capitol Hill.

Commissioner Patricia Diaz Dennis said Patrick had not spoken with her
about a recommendation to drop the plan, but she said she agreed with the
idea. ''There's a lot on our plate right now and I don't think I'd miss
not seeing that on it,'' she said.

The third commissioner, James Quello, could not be reached for comment.
Patrick's office had no comment on the reports. The commission was
expected to vote in two to three months to drop the proposal.

A decision to scrap the plan would be a victory for the hundreds of
thousands of computer users who dial into data bases such as CompuServe
and QuantumLink for a variety of information services, like news stories
and financial reports, and electronic communication with other users.

Users of these services flooded the FCC and Capitol Hill with thousands
of letters opposing the plan, which would add about $4.50 an hour to the
cost of hooking up to informatin services.

They said the increased charges, which would double the hourly hookup
price for some information services, would drive many of them off the
computer networks and crush a fledgling industry.

Rep. Edward J. Markey, D-Mass., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce
telecommunications subcommittee, said that in light of the commission's
apparent reversal on the proposal he would delay indefinitely
introduction of a bill preventing the FCC from imposing the access

But Markey said, the panel ''will closely monitor the commission's
actions to ensure that these onerous charges do not re-emerge in a new
Michtron BBS Modification

I've had several other MichTron BBS Sysop's ask my why my BBS runs so
fast. So, this is the scoop!

I use a 30 meg HD to run my MichTron BBS prg with. The HD is nearly full.
I started with vers 1.8, 20 meg HD. I moved from that to vers 2.0 and 30
megs, then to 2.10 and another 30 meg HD. On the first 30 meg HD the BBS
ran very slow. I had too many deleted files and new files added. The
mail 'chart' and mail save, got ridiculously slow. My second and current
30 meg HD runs the BBS at a blinding speed, even tho the HD is nearly

This is what I did:

Drive c: 1.3 megs
Drive d: 14 megs
Drive e: 15 megs

d and e contain all \dwnx\, \upl\ and mail. c contains all system
files, menus etc. After I had all the files in place, I used a shareware
optimizer to re-write all the files in order on the HD. Using MichTron's
Cache prg I installed a 150 byte cache into c:. Since all the system
files are in c:, it causes the menus to appear instantly on the screen.
I have the mail set to hold 1000 messages (500 bytes) and this could be
moved to c:. In this case, if the mail chart or mail save (or any of the
menus) start to slow down, I can use the optimizer to re-write that
parition. BANG - the BBS speeds up greatly.

West-Line BBS -- 714-887-5537.

Sysop - Byron J Davis
A Word About WordUp
by Tim Mommel

A Letter to ALL ST owners

In the middle of September 1987, I saw an ad in one of the 'Atari-
oriented' magazines (I cannot recall which one) for a product called
WordUp, by Neotron Engineering. It sounded like the sort of program that
I could use, so I phoned (long distance, Canada to California) and
ordered a copy, paying on my American Express card. I was told that the
product would be released by the middle of October.

By the end of November, I had heard nothing from the company, and had
also heard rumours that Neotron had gone bankrupt, so I figured that I
could forget about WordUp.

All of a sudden, in the middle of January 1988, four months after I had
ordered the program, I received a flyer from Neotron about WordUp, and a
new program called Fontz!. The flyer states very clearly that "Fontz!
will be available in the third week of January. WordUp will be available
the fourth week of January." Since I wasn't sure if they still had my
order in their files, I once again called (again long distance, with me
footing the bill). I was told that they still did have my order for
WordUp, and asked if I wanted to order Fontz! as well. I decided that it
would be a good program to have with WordUp, so I told them to add it to
my order. I was reassured that Fontz! would be shipped the following
week, and WordUp the week after that.

Four weeks later, I had neither heard nor received anything from Neotron.
Once again, I called (long distance, with me paying). I was told by
someone named Dan that some packages of Fontz! had indeed been shipped,
but that they held up the rest because they had received "the Install
program from Atari" (???) and were including on the Fontz! disk at no
extra cost. I was told that it would be another week before the
additions had been made to the documentation.

By this time, I was so tired of their delays and their excuses that I
told Dan not to ship Fontz! to me, unless both Fontz! and WordUp were
shipped by the end of February. I made it very clear that I did NOT want
Fontz! unless I had WordUp. Dan explained that Fontz! could be used with
other programs, such as DEGAS Elite and EasyDraw; I explained that I did
not use those programs for text, and so had no need for other GDOS fonts
for them. Dan tried, naturally enough, to talk me out of cancelling my
order, saying that he wasn't sure that WordUp would be ready by the end
of the month. When I remained adamant about having both programs being
shipped together by the end of the month, or cancelling my order, he told
me they 'would do the best they could'.

Imagine my surprise when, on March 7, I received a phone call informing
me that I had a package from Neotron Engineering, and that it was
clearing Customs, and would be delivered in the next couple of days. On
Wednesday, March 9, the package arrived and I paid $17.06 duty for it.

I opened the package and pulled out the invoice. The total on the
invoice was $126.39, so I naturally assumed that both programs had
arrived. Looking at the body of the invoice, I saw that I had indeed
been billed for both WordUp and Fontz!. The invoice and the American
Express bill were both dated February 12, 1988 - almost one month
earlier!! I also noticed on the invoice that Neotron had charged 10% for
shipping and handling, even though their flyer clearly states that
shipping and handling was 5%!!

As I went through the packaging material, I found Fontz! - and nothing
else!! Needless to say I was more than a little angry! I immediately
called Neotron (again with me footing the bill), and was told that the
person who could help me was not in at the moment, and would called back
in about an hour. About two hours later, I received a call from Dan. I
explained the situation to him, and expressed my anger at his company for
completely ignoring my request, and taking advantage of the fact that I
had ordered by American Express by phone. He argued that WordUp would be
shipped on March 18, and that it wasn't a big deal for me to have to wait
'a week or so' for it to arrive. I complained about being charged for a
program that I did not receive; he checked with someone, and said that my
account would be credited for that amount. I then told him that, as I
had requested the last time I talked to him, I did not want EITHER
program unless they were both shipped by the end of February. Since they
decided to ignore my request, I was going to ship Fontz! back to them.
Again he checked with someone else, and came back and said that that
would be fine. I then told him that since they shipped the program on
their own initiative, and had completely ignored my instructions, I
should not have to pay for shipping it back to them, and so would send it
collect. Once again, he left to check with someone else.

I was then connected to Shelby Moore, the president of the company. He
was insistent upon not paying the shipping charges when I returned
Fontz!. He claimed that his company had treated me 'reasonably', and
should not have to pay the shipping charges. When I pressed him to give
me one example of where or when his company had treated me 'reasonably',
he could not come up with anything. When I complained about being
charged on February 12 for a program I did not yet have in my possession,
he stated that it is a 'standard business practice' to charge a credit
card account for a product 'thirty days before shipping', to make sure
'we've got the money first'. He tried to appease me by saying that they
would not charge me shipping when WordUp was sent on March 18. How nice
of him, seeing that I was already charged for it on my American Express
bill, and at twice the stated rate at that!!

Our discussion then ended when Mr. Moore told me that I had better not
buy any of his company's products, because if he saw my name on a product
registration card, "he would phone me and harass me" (HIS EXACT WORDS!!).

I quickly called American Express and explained to them that I would not
be paying the Neotron bill. They credited my account, and told me that
they would begin an 'investigation'.

I soon found out that no Canadian couriers would ship to the United
States collect. It would have cost me $29.50, and I would also have had
to get a broker to fill out some Customs forms on top of that. I ended
up mailing the program back to Neotron for $6.70 (I paid for it).

On March 15, I received a credit note from Neotron. It was dated March
9. Unfortunately, they failed to put their company name and number on
the credit note, so I don't know whether American Express will honour

I took the time to call UPS, both in Canada and in California (once again
at my expense) and was told by both that a parcel shipped by ground from
California to Canada should take no more than six to seven working days
to be delivered. That would indicate that Fontz! was shipped from
Neotron somewhere around the end of February!! NOT February 12 as
indicated on the invoice and American Express bill.

The January, 1988 issue of ST X-press, in a column titled 'Grapevine',
wrote a review of WordUp. In part they said, 'The company seems to be as
bad as Atari in setting dates; the product was supposed to have been
completed by the end of October, then by Comdex, etc. As of this writing
it still has not been completed. We called for information about the
product and received a dealer-hype sheet that literally told us nothing.
The next time we called, we were promised an information sheet that has
never arrived. In fact, we finally found a file about the program on
GEnie. Shelby Moore, the President, states that "...we want to be a
responsive company...". If this is true, then he has a lot to learn
about the meaning of the word responsive... if this company intends to
stay alive, then we hope they learn to provide better service.'

In the March, 1988 issue of ST X-press, in the same 'Grapevine' column,
WordUp and Neotron were once again mentioned - '...their [Neotron
Engineering's] timeliness and support was seriously in question. A few
weeks after that issue went to print, we received an information packet
about the program, as we had requested. Shelby Moore, the President of
the company, also contacted us directly and stated that WordUp, as well
as Fonts! have been released...".

The March issue of this magazine no doubt went to print prior to the
first of the month. In other words, Mr. Moore TOLD AN OUT AND OUT LIE TO
ONE OF THE MAJOR ST-USER MAGAZINES!!!!! As of March 9, 1988, WordUp HAD

Obviously, Neotron Engineering is a company that is concerned only with
raking in the money. If they have to resort to 'shady' practices,
including having their president lie to a major computer magazine, in
order to do so, then they apparently will. I have paid DOUBLE the
shipping costs, on a product which I will never receive. I have paid
duty on a product that I will never receive. I have been threatened by
the president of the company. I think it goes without saying that I will
certainly NEVER purchase any products associated in any way with this
so-called company, and I strongly urge all other Atari users to do the
same. There are enough GOOD software producers out there that we do not
have to support a company trying to rip off unsuspecting customers.

Tim Hommel
1785 Tourangeau Rd.
Windsor, Ontario
N8Y 4J9
(519) 948-7197
This column will contain updates and information of interest for the
Zoomracks user. This week included with the tutorials is the GEnie
file directory of files currently available for Zoomrackers.
Zoomracks Macro Tutorial Part 1:
by Jerry Finzi
Let's create a macro that will load a rack for you from the Disk Rack.
(Rack 0)

Load the Zoomracks II program, along with a macro rack, and do the

First, move to a macro rack that you have loaded in rack 1 and press
INSERT", "Q"uickcard. This will insert a new card in the rack, already in
edit mode on the first field. Press "F5" to enter Zoom-Edit mode.

Beginning on the first line, enter the following commands, line by line,
in the Macro_Name field. You don't have to include any lines that start
with "REM". These are merely REMarks to explain the commands.

REM The "L" in the word "LOAD" is the macroname.
REM All macros must begin with a "%" at the beginning of line 2.
REM "Z", "0" takes you to rack #0.
REM "HOME Z" will move to the top card in a rack.
REM "BELL" will ring a bell(in this case,alerting you of a message)
REM "PAUSE" will update the display and show where you are.
show ::::: Select Rack needed with "F9" or "F10",thenpress "RETURN" :::::
REM Anything after "SHOW" be displayed
REM on the bottom line (messages can be one line long).
REM "tillreturn" will accept input until you press "RETURN".
REM "F3" is the Load Rack command.
SHOW :::::: Your Rack is now loaded, thanks for waiting ::::::
delay 25
REM "delay" will delay the macro for "nn" units of time,
REM in this case, pausing long enough to read the message.
REM "/F7" (Shift-F7) defines the end of the macro.

Press "HOME", "F"ield and "F6" when done entering these commands. It is a
good idea to press "Q"uit, "R"eturn BEFORE you test any newly created
macro in case of a soft or hard crash.

You may use this macro from any rack. You should be in the "Always Menu"
mode before you execute it.

A variation on this macro would be to load a specific rack every time you
execute it. Let's say that you want to set up this macro to load a DIARY
rack automatically upon demand. You would enter the following:

%Z 0
goto RACK
REM "goto" will move to any fieldname that follows the command.
F8 D I A R Y F8

Note that it is necessary to type the search string with spaces between
the letters of the string being searched.

Enjoy this macro, and keep experimenting! More to come!
Zoomracks Output Commands Tutorial..... Part 1:

The Zoomracks II manual is not very clear on the subject of creating
output commands. I will try to help with making things a bit clearer.

The | (vertical bar) sign IS an actual command. This is not explained
properly in the manual. This key is the upper case character just below
the DELETE key on an ST's keyboard. It looks like two short vertical
bars. (Don't ask me why....) This command tells Zoomracks where your
field information will start and end in the output.

First of all, the output commands are a VISUAL representation of exactly
where Zoomracks will tell your printer to place your information when

Let's say that you have an address field you want to print. The commands
can look like this:


Since there are only 7 spaces between the vertical bars, your address
would have to be very short indeed, or your address will be truncated at
the location of the second vertical bar. . A better way to do the command


The "." is needed between any FieldName and another field command. In
this example, the "?" tells Zoomracks to print the information as long as
needed on the printed form. If your address is 80 characters long,
Zoomracks will print it. But, let's say that you want to have a two line
address in that field printed. Then we would do the following:


This would print line one ( |001| ) and line two ( |002| ) of the address
field and make them print out as long as needed. This would be handy to
use line one for a street address and line two for a Suite number. Ok,
now we want to use the entire address field for storing an entire
address, city, state, zip, and department. We would do it this way:


The three "&" signs tells Zoomracks to print ALL the lines of the field
and make the printout as long as necessary. (the "?".remember?) Ok, now
we want the words "Street Address:" to appear before the field
information on the printed form. We would do this:

Street Address: |Address.?|

Any words outside of the "|"s (vertical bars) will be printed in their
actual position as you place them in the output form commands. One more
thing. Let's say that we want to print the last example, but we want to
justify the field information to the right. As follows:

Street Address: |Address.r |

This would print;

Street Address: Your Address Info
and right justify it to here

The "r" tells it to print your information right justified to wherever
you positioned the second vertical bar. The vertical bar could be placed
anywhere on the same line. This is a great way to line up columns of
numbers on an invoice, for example. Important to remember!!....You need
TWO vertical bars to define field information on an output form! One
before the fieldname, and one after.

These commands would appear on any lines AFTER the command "FORM" (form
starts here) and BEFORE the "||FORMEND" command. (form ends here) As in
the following example:

|City&State.?| |Zip.?|

More to come.......
Current Zoomrack Files available on GEnie
No. File Name Type Address YYMMDD Bytes Access Lib
----- ------------------------ - ------------ ------ ------- ------ ---
6136 88DIARY2.ARC X GROUNDGLASS 880303 10080 42 6
Desc: Zoomracks Diary/Expense Rack

5986 ACE LIST, ZOOMRACKS FMT X D.FLORY 880218 45360 2 15
Desc: Ace List, in Zoomracks II format

6006 AUTOZRX.ARC X GROUNDGLASS 880220 3780 59 14
Desc: <Auto Load Zoomracks Applications!>

6047 CAL2ZRX.ARC X N.SHALIT 880224 10080 41 6
Desc: Expanded calendar for Zoomrax.

6036 CALZRX.ARC X C.CUNANAN 880222 8820 14 14
Desc: Arced Calendar Template for Zoomrack

6073 CATEGORY_6_TOPIC_26.ARC X DARLAH 880226 42840 44 13
Desc: Zoomracks Users Club Info

6184 HYPERCARD/OMNICARD! ST! X BEERYSBIT 880308 2520 346 6
Desc: Read about the Real ST Hypercard!!

2969 SYNFILE (TM) CONVERTER X F.NAGLE 870525 31500 75 2
Desc: SynFile(Tm) to ST databases

6005 TEXTZRX.ARC X GROUNDGLASS 880220 8820 74 14
Desc: << Zoomracks Text/Idea Processor!>>

2218 ZOOMRACK II DEMO X EGFX178 870228 195300 128 6
Desc: This is part #1 of Demo, dearc it

2219 ZOOMRACKS II DEMO#2 X EGFX178 870228 59220 105 6
Desc: This is Part #2 of ZoomRacks Demo

651 ZOOMRACKS REVIEW 7 M.SQUIRE 860717 18900 64 6
Desc: A review for ST club newsletters.

Desc: New Zoomracks Version Offer!!

5841 ZR INFO.ARC X E.CROFUT 880206 46620 37 14
Desc: Information about Zoomracks

Desc: <<Zoomracks Form Letter Rack>>

Desc: <<Create a Zoomracks "Load" Macro!>>

Desc: <<Zoomracks Output Tutorial #1>>
Word Prefect Yes or No??
Compilation by Ron Kovacs

Before you read commentary, let us show you how it all began.

#: 94541 S3/ST Applications 15-Mar-88 10:50:50
Fm: SYSOP*Ron Luks 76703,254
To: All

Last night I received a VERY disturbing phone call from the director of
corporate communications of Word Perfect Corp. It seems that the powers
that be at WP are very upset at finding their software freely available
on a number of pirate BBS and have decided the ATARI ST market is not one
that they want to participate in anymore.

That's right-- WORD PERFECT intends to remove themselves from the ATARI
ST market and plans to withdraw their software from the store shelves!!!!

Mr. Acerson explained that the decision to pull out of the ATARI market
wasn't something he preferred to do, but its been a long standing policy
at WP not to copy protect their software and to utilize systems like
Compuserve and BBS to *support* their users. They will not operate in an
atmosphere where the same support systems are used to steal their
product. They feel its up to the user community to police themselves to
prevent such problems and explained to me that they have not found
similar problems in the PC or AMIGA communities.

The unfortunate fact is that both WP and the decent members of the ATARI
ST community will both be hurt by this move because of the actions of a
few pieces of scum. Jeff acknowledged that the first release of WP for
the ST contained some bugs but that they have been corrected because WP
has always had the commitment to stand behind their product and will
devote whatever resources are necessary to do this. If they pull out of
the ST market, they will lose the development costs associated with the
ST version but the REAL losers will be the ST community.

In our conversation I tried to convince Mr. Acerson that these pirate
BBSs were actually a minority and that it just wasnt fair to the rest of
the ATARI community to suffer for their actions. (in fact, WP discovered
complete copies of their product on 3 BBSs in the few months its been
available) He stated that WP would be seeking legal action against these
BBS operators, but that WP was in the business of selling and supporting
software, not spending significant corporate resources tracking down
thieves and that although 3 BBSs werent going to bankrupt WP, this number
found in such a short time bodes badly for the ST market.

I then asked him if WP would reconsider their action if it could be shown
to them that in fact these 3 thieves were a small minority and the
majority of the ST community represented, decent, law abiding responsible
consumers who deserved to be served. He said that if he could show his
superiors that this was the case, and that the ATARI community could
responsibly police itself, there was a good chance WP would remain in the
ATARI ST market.

Therefore, I'm asking for a show of support from the SIG*ATARI membership
on this subject and requesting that this problem be circulated to all
other systems and BBSs wherever possible.

C'mon folks-- piracy just about about killed the ATARI 8-bit market, and
now seriously threatens the ST market. Many of us have too much invested
in our systems to watch it go down the drain because of a few pieces of
scum. If we can show a significant amount of support, perhaps we can
retain the vendors we now have and hope to have in the future.

Ron Luks
Here is the first commentary from Rex Read our New Columnist.
***** NOTICE *****


WHY? According to the Pres. of WP, because of Piracy......

That could be the case, but I as an interested party to the ST have grave
misgivings about this being the sole reason. I am not looking to make a
name for myself, but rather I am trying to say it like it is. So, here
goes....I can believe that piracy may have been a factor in the decision
to not support the ST version of Word Perfect but, I had information in
late Jan that WP was not inclined to add the graphics importing feature
to the ST version at THAT time...

I have seen these "pirated" versions on the BBSs around the country, all
4 of them that had enough room to store this beast of a program...I also
looked to see how many times WP had been D/Led ....a whopping 4 times on
one and the other ....well side 1 3x and the other 5 sides were 0,2,1,
1,0, heavy duty and widespread eh? The fact is it's too huge to xfer and
hope to get a solid xfer...and the version up on these BBSs was noted as
the buggy one.

One other factor is the DOCS to this thing have to be very expensive to
produce, with all the changes, the original book is "useless" so
therefore WP must spend again to produce another...also the program is
impossible to use without the docs so who is kidding who? Word Perfect
is just trying to blow smoke at us by using the piracy issue it is NOT
the reason......MONEY is and the cost of a remake!

I submit the REAL reason is the fact that this "Fine Upstanding Company"
rushed to get this word processor WP out in time for Christmas and in so
doing a BUGGED version hit the market at 395.00!! Now comes the very
concerned mothers and fathers that wanted to make sure their sons and
daughters in College had the very best word processor available. It was
purchased and ultimately found out to be buggy, I BOUGHT THE THING and
found out how many "bombs" my ST could produce. I called WP and a
corrected version dated 28,Jan. 1988...It worked ok, but the print
function is as slow as Print Shop was in the 8 bit days...hmmmm

In summation, the reasons are probably many as to why this product is a
thorn to WP but most likely it's due in a great part to the fact it was
giving WP a rough time and in fact a poor reputation..If a company elects
to "dump" a product in time to take advantage of the Holiday Season..then
they should be ready willing and able to provide a well running program.
I dont use it anymore, I have since purchased a different word processor
and am very satisfied with it.

To WORD PERFECT I say your smoke screen for a very poor marketing effort
has and is being seen through as far as your withdrawing your support for
the ST..come on..say it the way it is...You took a shot and it was a dud!
This is and has been so typical of SOME of the "Leaders" in the software
field "Feed it to the ATARI owners" well we are growing in numbers and in
our ability to see through a feeble excuse(s) and BAD releases. THAT MAY

What we need is a Ralph Nader in the software area in this country to
stop the software companies from "calling all the shots" and making like
they are the ones continually on the short end of the stick. What about
the sofware comany who released a utility for 39.95 that was less than 8k
in size?

Fellow Atari users dont be dismayed over Word Perfect's decision, it is
in your benefit. You will find that the NEW WORD PLUS does everything
WPerfect tried to do and Word Plus does it well including GRAPHICS! For
every sore loser there are 3 winners.

Piracy? Pishawww! A feeble excuse for getting clobbered by entering a
market with a shortfall release!

By the way Gamers.....Take a long hard look at Dungeon Master and watch
for FTL future releases.....even into the other fields of use like
utilities and application....if they put the same concentrated effort
into those as they did with DM those new ones will be winners also.

As a postscript: Word Perfect constructed in a folder on a hard disk is
almost 2 mb!! I cant imagine anyone without a Hard Disk being able to
use this thing with any efficiency......oh well! til next time...

(18,MOD) Hmmm, silence prevails... Dan, are you reading us?. ga

(18,DAN LUNT) [_helloyes let me introduce the Jeff Wilson, ToYes

(18,MOD) Ok, Dan it looks like you have some line noise... Jeff, did you
want to make an opening statement.

(18,DAN LUNT) Jeff Wilson, Todd Ashman and Jeff Wilson I think the
opening statement was made last night by Dan Lunt.

(18,SYSOP-Ron) Okay. I think everyones seen Dans statement....
in the message base. Shall we start asking for questions.?

(18,MOD) we have a big number of people on here and maybe we should set
some "rules" before we proceed... I have Dee, Mark, and Tom que to
ask ...questions...and the procedure is to maintain silence... except for
the ? which seeks recognition.

(18,MARK SCARFO) WP is great, the product and support, if you were public
I'd invest! I think you should stay with the st market, we may suprise
you and become the best selling program someday. The megas, etc., do you
agree?, ga.

(18,MOD) Dan Lunt, ga Dan or Jeff at WP any comment on Mark's query? ga

(18,MOD) Hmmmm....
(18,MOD) I don't hear them.... Let's assume that they would like that as
much as Mark...and proceed to Henry C. and then Tom M... Henry. ga

(18,Henry) I would like to say that WordPerfect has treated its Atari
customers far better than any other software company EVER has come close
to doing. I can certainly understand the frustration over theft software
thieves need to be punished and I would suggest spending the dollars
needed to punish a few, and publicize what's happened the publicity will
be "bad" PR in some ways, but will help in many ways and in your other
markets (mac, ibm, amiga, apple, etc.) software theft is the crime in
which no one is ever caught or punished...this must change somewhere.
Please consider it! ga

(18,MOD) Ok...we have a minor problem... we do not seem to be getting
response from WP...

(18,DAN LUNT) we are staying in the market

(18,Karen Acerson) I don't have one. I will call them and see what's

(18,Dawn Gordon) Thanks Karen

(18,MOD) I am going to recognize.... Tom M...

(18,DAN LUNT) <We have every intention to stay in the ST market

(18,MOD) Gerry Leavans, you are up.

(18,DR. GERRY LEAVENS) To the guys from WP: One of your major problems,
and the reason that many of us are not using ''''......and the reason
that many of us are our not using our copies of WP is due to a Printer
Driver that is simply too bloody complicated. I made 3 calls to WP to
try and get help for the installation copy because I couldn't install
it.. Thanks.

(18,MOD) Ok, Dan, any comment to Gerry's complaint? ga

(18,DAN LUNT) Are you from Canada?ga

(18,DR. GERRY LEAVENS) yes. Toronto

(18,DAN LUNT) We do have a Canadian Distributor who is supporting our
product for Canadians. JB Marketing, I don't know their number off the
top of my

(18,MOD) I gather that Dan is saying since it is across the border...

(18,Richard [WPSG]) JB Marketing, 1-800-267-2499 or 1800-267-1731

(18,MOD) Thanks, folks. Dee....
(18,Dee) thank you for NOT pulling out of the ST market and thank you for
atending tonight. I don't know anything about Word Perfect,but I do
appreciate your commitment to yur customers. Instead of a gripe about
the program, I'd like to ask you to tell us what you experienced when you
report a software theft to the authorities. ga

(18,MOD) Thanks, Dee....

(18,DAN LUNT) They normally don't get excited about it unless it is being
duplicated in large

(18,MOD) You are up, Greg.

(18,GREG CURATOLO) Thank you......First and foremost I think WP is a
fantastic word processor as well as excellent support on behalf of your
staff. I purchased my copy (as well as all my other software) when the
product first hit the stores. Yes, there was a nasty bug, but I knew
the reputation of WP and stayed! Within 4 days of my call to WP, I
received my 1/29/88 version

(18,DAN LUNT) We appreciate your support, and staying with us while we
got the bugs taken care of. ga

(18,GREG CURATOLO) and it works flaulessly. Yes.... I am waiting for
Data Perfect to come out......any news? ga

(18,MOD) Thanks. Dan? How about it. ga

(18,DAN LUNT) We're still working on ST products. We intend to make the
entire line of WP products available as soon as we are able to. ga


(18,MOD) GREAT NEWS!!!! I hope the magazine folks all got that...

(18,MOD) Mark, you are up. ga

(18,Mark Lavi) AOk, WP: I have an observation and question... First, I am
a college bound senior in HS, and part of the local ST computer club,
which is mostly comprised of older men, profession users of business
application, etc - serious users and many of them were excited over the
coming of WP to the ST...I was too, and I've followed the news of
bugs/corrections/etc. over that past 3 months. I can see there
certainly is a serious market for WP. My question is, can WP also be
applied to the not so serious business user, to a user who needs a very
good and fexible word processor for term papers, documents, etc....or is
WP primarily aimed for the totally profession user who demands much more
options/complexity>? ga.

(18,DAN LUNT) WordPefect is not exclusively for business, but anyone that
needs a powerful and flexable word processor. It is currently used in a
wide variety of settings, not just business. ga

(18,MOD) Thanks, Dan....

(18,Mark Lavi) Thanks for your time, and for mey fellow ST users.

(18,MOD) Brad, your turn. ga

(18,DAN LUNT) By the way, Todd Ashman (Director of Atari Marketing) and
Jeff Wilson (Manager of Atari Development) are currently responding. ga

(18,MOD) Great, thanks you under DAN's handle or using different PPN's?

(18,WPCorp) We are gathered in Dan's office for this co. ga

(18,MOD) Great.

(18,MOD) Ok, Ralph, you've come up as Thomas and Brad have dropped off...
Ralph, ga

(18,Ralph Mariano) ok...i am really amazed at the turn-around from last
night's notice of abandonmentnt to tonight's 360 .....what a neat
marketing angle to put word perfect on everyone's lips!

(18,Ron (ST-REPORT) Nice question!

(18,Ralph Mariano) why??? the reversal???? ga

(18,MOD) WP, you guys want to tackle that.

(18,MOD) Hmm, well...

(18,MOD) Ok....

(18,WPCorp) There have been concerns and discussions about this, but the
decision to leave the Atari market was never made. ga

(18,Ralph Mariano) follow-up

(18,Ralph Mariano) then why the annoouncement last night?????ga

(18,MOD) perhaps I can intervene and move Thomas to head of que while I
am at it. To counter the mesage that was posted on CIS, we made a policy
statement. ga

(18,Ralph Mariano) ok, thanks for an answer that is no

(18,MOD) The problem that Ron Luks and I and others had is that when we
called the folks at WP the first few times we were told that the decision
had been made to withdraw whether this was right or wrong in the eyes of
the, that is what we heard, independently. we asked them
to reconsider and they did. Now, I really do not _care_ if the decision
had. or had not been made, at this point.. I am just thrilled that for
whatever reason, the decision was not finalized and that they have
decided to _completely_ support the ST community! After the first
experiences they had I think we owe them a round of !!! from everyone!!!

(18,David Thomas Stewar) !!!
(18,Jack Durre') !!!!
(18,Mike @ ST X-PRESS) ]i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(18,Wild Bill) !!!
(18,BobR) !!!
(18,Mark Lavi) <Applause for WP from me!!>
(18,ANTIC ONLINE) !!!!!
(18,Sid Gray) 11111111
(18,MARK SCARFO) !!!
(18,Henry) (clap clap) Holding wine glass up to monitor).
(18,Bob Potter) !!!
(18,Mark Lavi) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(18,Sandra van Vegten) !!!!!
(18,LARRY STEPHENS) !!!!!!!!
(18,Robert Aries) !!!!!
(18,Charles C. Montgome) !!!!!!!!!!
(18,Dan R.) !!!!!!
(18,Mark Lavi) <And a bit more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>

(18,WPCorp) We apologize for any misunderstandings. Our objective was to
discuss the the issues, not to make a formal statement of withdrawl from
the ST market. ga

(18,Scott_C) !!!
(18,Chris) !!!:-)
(18,bill teal) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(18,MOD) Thanks, guys. As I am sure you can see, there are at least...

(18,Ralph Mariano) but that was and is the issue ga

(18,MOD) 40 people here who are very pleased that I misunderstood.

(18,WPCorp) We thought that our stand was clear with Dan's reply. ga

(18,Ralph Mariano) where there is smoke ther is fire and the thought to
do it was

(18,MOD) It certainly is now, and that leads to the other issues...but
let me not hog the co... Thanks for your question, Ralph...

(18,MOD) I show that Ron is up. Ron, ga.

(18,Ron (ST-REPORT) Ok....I would have liked to see a better answer to
Ralph's question, But suppose that will never happen. I am puzzled as to
what WP's are intentions over the next few months... Will you correct any
bugs in your program and support us without future episodes such as
this?? GA

(18,MOD) Any reply from WP on Ron's question> ga

(18,WPCorp) We will continue to do exactly what we have done in the
software arena. We'll also be more careful about doing research in the ST
market. This one got away from us. ga

(18,Henry) (what does that mean?)

(18,MOD) I lost a line in that transmission, Jeff. ga

(18,Ron (ST-REPORT) Fail to understand you, but lets continue...GA

(18,WPCorp) We will continue to support the ST as we have been. We need
to be more careful with our market research. ga

(18,MOD) Ok, Ron. It looks like the heavy load is cutting...

(18,Ron (ST-REPORT) Oh well Next user Please! Thanks! GA

(18,MOD) the CPU back a bit. Anyhow, Sid it is your turn. ga
by Rex Read

After having attended the mighty forum with WP and co-conferees I now
find myself really steamed! Perhaps someone can shed some light on this
dark abyss I see as a smoke screen of no words and the same clap-trap
haranging on an old worn out excuse and rally cry of clearly evident
metoo type characters who speak with forked tongues!

First WP tried valiantly to overcome the sharp and militant reaction of
the Atari users to the Abandonment Announcement,....however they really
didn't answer many of the questions candidly. Instead they saw fit to
generalize the answers. The answers would have answered any number of
different inquiries. It would seem that WP (and a few others) would like
to fix the blame for the announcement on Ron Luks! Well.....this author
has read many items by Ron Luks and have never found Him to cry wolf.
Therefore I say dont let yourselves be led into believing this tripe, He
(Luks) does not deserve to made a scapegoat instead he should be
acclaimed as the "NEW PAUL REVERE" for blowing the whistle on a cold,
calculating corporate decision by WP and thusly forcing a VERY positive
and UNIFIED (for once) Atari user front, and ultimatly a reversal and
denial by WP!

As usual there were the (for the want of a better word) jerks who were
constantly playing kissy kissy instead of bringing forth the real subject
matter....WP was on the hot seat and these fools were busy saying thank
you instead of WHY ALL THE NON-SENSE in the first place, what was the
real purpose? Alas, I think we have not heard the last of this
of this writing there are six letters that I know of that have been sent
to WP making the inquiries that should have been made last night. The
folks who burned up the valuable time praising themselves and bragging
about who or what they are or were...,,in my book really stink! They
used the conference for their own EGO! The [MOD] should've knocked 'em
off the conference.

Lastly and certainly not least were the usual brown noses that had to
tell everyone that they bought ALL their software and loved WP for not
doing what everyone thought was happening. To them I say I dont believe
a word of "I bought all my software" I would believe "I bought MOST of my
software"..There was even a User Group elected officer who proclaimed he
would go right out and rat out his friends and neighbors who were
Pirates! Frankly he had to have a brain made of mush or has no
conception of what the real world is all about! God help him if anyone
in his neighborhood takes a will he in a different way. Piracy
was not an issue last night but a few birdbrains tried to make it one...I
agree with one magazine rep who said Atari users are treated like that I say ..We as the national user base need not even
react to this as we all know it has been this way since day one because
ATARI has never subsidized software development like others have...I am
sure all of you have heard the expression "Don't bite the hand that feeds
you"...I guess that's why we NEVER hear the direct accusations against
"other" computer users!

As far as turning in neighbors, friends and fellow user group members...
NOPE not for me or anyone with any common sense. We must all realize
that piracy in it's crudest form is wrong, but as it is evolving at this
time it might not be piracy for very long. You see, most of the programs
we see being pirated are really not worth the time or effort to own
anyway! It is an agreed fact that WP was far too big to be "modemized"
and the DOCS are an absolute necessity! For the other programs well many
of them need to be in ther trash heap as they are an insult to our
intellegence to even have the Atari name on them.... There will be those
who disagree with me and I am glad to see it as it's the American way but
this business of vigilante accusation leaves a door open for all sorts of
jerks to play silly games.....(setups etc)....Coming soon....Atari will
have it's own home grown and fully Independent software reviewer who owes
nobody any favors will SAY IT LIKE IT IS.......The time is coming for the
fat cats who release flashy packages and trash software to pay their
dues. is time (I think) to hear from you about Piracy..we all realize
the pirates have not touched your software....does anyone know why??
Believe me it is not the PROTECTION in the program...QUALITY, QUALITY,
QUALITY ....yep that's the ticket! FTL has found the secret out and is
reaping the benefits of positive PR. I can't say enough good about this
company and the fact that they EARNED the support of the entire user-base
for their fine efforts and super high quality programming......till next
What is your opinion?? They are covering the ST now.
PC Pursuitable ST Bulletin Boards
Permission to reprint this list granted only if credit is given to the
author, Mr. Goodprobe, ST-Report, and Midtown TV. It must have these
notices intact.

All too often I saw bbs lists that claimed to be complete but were only
25 or 30 entries long. After spending nearly 2 years on PC Pursuit, I
decided to compile a list from the numbers I have called. Due to the
extreme flexibility of the ST that allows it to also run IBM programs,
MacIntosh programs, use Amiga pictures and Music Studio files, I have
included numbers for these boards also.

Virtually all boards on this list can be reached via PC Pursuit, so you
can dial resting easy that you most likely will get through, this list is
right up to date! If you have any additions or changes at all in this
list, please contact me at the Stairway to Heaven bbs 216-784-0574.

This list is also being released in database form, so you owners of
Timework's DataManager ST will be able to use this.
ST-Report PC-Pursuit BBS List
Part 1 Version 1.00 March 1988
Compiled by Mr. Goodprobe

[Ed. This is excerpted from the STRNODE file. It will become available
on GEnie and CompuServe after the release of the STR edition. This
list contains nodes in alphabetic order. A-C is contained here.]

Key for the "On" column is:
1= Atari 8 bit
2= Atari ST
3=Commodore Amiga
4=Apple MacIntosh
5=IBM or clone

Node Bulletin Board Name Number On For 2400
------ --------------------- --------------- -- ----- ----
AZPHO AF-1 935-6519 3 3 N
AZPHO AmyHolics 582-5174 3 3 N
AZPHO Apollo 246-1432 1 1 N
AZPHO Arizona Mac Users 495-1713 4 4 N
AZPHO BBS-HQ 942-2111 3 3 N
AZPHO BattleStar Galactica 997-6786 1 1,3 N
AZPHO Bob's Answer Machine 242-3158 3 3 N
AZPHO Cafe' Americana 493-1280 3 3 N
AZPHO Computer Shop St 249-6291 2 2 N
AZPHO Cranston's Manor 935-6519 3 3 N
AZPHO Daemon's Den 841-0509 3 3 N
AZPHO Geneology 258-9377 3 3 N
AZPHO Geoff's Mac 887-8848 4 4 N
AZPHO Guru's Hut 992-0169 3 3 N
AZPHO Krag...Mac 266-4043 4 4 N
AZPHO Lone Raider 998-4043 1 1,3 N
AZPHO Magrathea 833-9216 1 1 N
AZPHO Marguee Mac 458-8083 4 4 N
AZPHO MasterComm 244-8069 3 3 N
AZPHO Meeting Place ST 247-4404 2 2 N
AZPHO NWPAC 242-4259 5 2,3,4 N
AZPHO OK Corral 277-3714 1 1 N
AZPHO Paranoia 878-3389 3 3 Y
AZPHO Phoenix 964-6399 ? ? N
AZPHO Phoenix Red Ryder 285-0361 4 4 N
AZPHO Pirates Cove 837-9355 2 2 N
AZPHO Realm 833-8256 ? ? N
AZPHO ST Base 978-9657 2 2 N
AZPHO ST MUG Mac 230-9549 4 4 N
AZPHO SecretService 893-1509 ? ? N
AZPHO Shoe Bag (Amelda?!) 991-4690 1 1 N
AZPHO SpaceStation 978-4430 3 3 N
AZPHO Starship Amiga 458-7111 3 3 N
AZPHO Tiger's Den 951-4214 4 4 N
AZPHO Xanadu 272-7657 ? ? N
CAGLE Wizardry 346-4343 1 1 Y
CAGLE 1939 BBS 368-4248 3 3 N
CAGLE Amiga Tech 355-1336 3 3 N
CAGLE AmigaTime 840-8432 3 3 N
CAGLE Amy Center 982-8495 3 3 Y
CAGLE Battlefield Earth 881-4904 5 2,5 Y
CAGLE Computer Palace 244-4897 4 4 Y
CAGLE Deathstar 345-9540 1 1 N
CAGLE Edge of Reality 242-6218 2 1,2,5 Y
CAGLE Enterprise 355-4059 2 2 Y
CAGLE Foundation 347-8467 4 4 Y
CAGLE House of Atriedes 965-7220 5 2,3,5 N
CAGLE Infinity 760-0943 2 2 Y
CAGLE Inner Realm 352-7102 2 2 N
CAGLE LAACE 348-8644 1 1,2 N
CAGLE Mac Lodge 444-9850 4 4 N
CAGLE Merlins 347-2271 4 4 Y
CAGLE Oasis 965-8115 4 4 Y
CAGLE Personal IBM 883-1397 5 5 Y
CAGLE Port Royal 881-4904 2 1,2,4 Y
CAGLE Software Bank 993-5516 2 2,4,5 Y
CAGLE Treasure Island 888-4807 2 1,2,4 Y
CALAN ADS 394-5988 3 3 N
CALAN Access 537-3378 3 3 N
CALAN Amiga Exchange 325-1796 3 3 N
CALAN Amiga Kingdom 756-0528 3 3 N
CALAN Appleholics 632-1458 4 4 N
CALAN Atari Heaven 316-3929 1 1 N
CALAN Atascii Express 831-1471 1 1 N
CALAN B. Dalton's 542-6349 5 5 N
CALAN Bilbo's Highway 640-6104 3 3 N
CALAN CC 428-5971 1 1 N
CALAN CGA 744-1369 5 2,3,5 Y
CALAN Compu-center 421-1041 3 3 N
CALAN Compulsive Collector 542-3204 2 2 N
CALAN Cretans Corner 861-3830 3 3 N
CALAN Drive Inn 540-4738 1 1 N
CALAN Enterprise 929-9449 2 2 N
CALAN Fort MacAtari 831-6903 1 1 N
CALAN Glassel Park 258-7649 4 4 N
CALAN Hughes Mac 549-9640 4 4 N
CALAN Hybrid Arts 826-4288 2 1,2 N
CALAN Interface ST 665-7423 2 2 Y
CALAN LAUGG 559-7367 3 3 N

kness 985-2766 1 1 N
CALAN Long Beach 631-7328 1 1,2 N
CALAN Machine Do 548-3546 5 3,5 N
CALAN Manhattan Transfer 516-7739 4 4 N
CALAN PC Heaven 374-7929 5 5 Y
CALAN Private Eyes 326-9860 3 3 N
CALAN Pulsar 325-8925 3 3 N
CALAN ST Express 690-1919 2 2 N
CALAN ST Jungle 254-9534 2 2,4,5 Y
CALAN Shore 434-4930 1 1,2 N
CALAN Skylab 831-6614 2 2 Y
CALAN South Bay Atari 973-4245 1 1 N
CALAN Stonehenge 978-0091 1 1,2 N
CALAN Swamps 324-0218 1 1 N
CALAN Tele-web 372-4050 5 3,5 N
CALAN Underground 494-7083 2 2 N
CALAN Video 379-9074 N
CALAN Vikings Den 928-3212 5 2 Y
CALAN Wierd City 273-5234 1 1,2 Y
CALAN BBCS 305-7843 1 1 N
CAPAL BMUG 849-2684 4 4 N
CAPAL Jasmine 621-6615 4 4 Y
CAPAL MacCircles 484-4412 4 4 N
CARIV 77-Amiga 772-6442 3 3 Y
CARIV ACAOC 731-6532 4 4 N
CARIV Amiga Friends 870-4754 3 3 N
CARIV Amiga Kingdom #1 829-8908 3 3 N
CARIV Amiga Kingdom #2 886-0324 3 3 N
CARIV Amiga Kingdom #3 822-2983 3 3 Y
CARIV AmigaLine 772-4097 3 3 N
CARIV Discount Store 734-2036 ? ? N
CARIV Dr. K's 847-5389 ? ? N
CARIV GGABBS 740-1342 ? ? N
CARIV Mac Exchange 594-0290 4 4 Y
CARIV Misty Mountain 684-6553 3 3 N
CARIV Rancho Amiga 945-1020 3 3 Y
CARIV Rats Nest 989-3381 2 2 Y
CARIV Software Cellar 772-9671 ? ? N
CARIV Vaxholm Mac 731-6532 4 4 N
CARIV YABBS 971-3077 ? ? N
CASAC Access/N 921-2127 3 3 Y
CASAC Alternative 338-2157 4 4 Y
CASAC Atari Source 365-5600 1 1 N
CASAC Barebones 788-2232 3 3 N
CASAC Bear's Byte 722-7423 5 2,3,5 Y
CASAC City of Grey 423-3987 4 4 Y
CASAC Czar's Castle 933-2858 1 1 N
CASAC Digital Express 741-0377 1 1 N
CASAC Dynasoft 753-8788 5 2,3,5 Y
CASAC Good Experiment 891-1631 4 4 Y
CASAC Humanix Commonwealth 344-9059 4 4 Y
CASAC McNexus(Sac Mac Users 924-9747 4 4 Y
CASAC Nebula 2 351-6482 5 2,3,5 N
CASAC New South Access 685-2860 3 3 Y
CASAC Ninja 985-4529 2 2 Y
CASAC OABB 488-5872 4 4 N
CASAC Prime Directive 455-0800 2 2 Y
CASAC River City 488-5616 4 4 Y
CASAC Select 392-7279 2 1,2 Y
CASAC Shadow Heaven 965-3416 2 2 Y
CASAC Slug 985-7387 1 1 N
CASAC Access User Group 423-1316 3 3 N
CASAC Ares 753-7814 4 4 Y
CASAD 8-bit Gameline 566-3430 1 1 N
CASAD Amiga America!! 364-3816 3 3 Y
CASAD Anti-generic 375-7080 2 2 N
CASAD Ardvark 272-5553 1 1 N
CASAD Atari Fortress 426-4253 1 1 N
CASAD Atariline Express 282-6608 1 1 N
CASAD Black Star 246-7950 4 4 N
CASAD Cabbie 565-1634 4 4 N
CASAD Computer Blvd 589-0565 3 3 Y
CASAD Computers Plus 691-7862 5 3,5 Y
CASAD Desert AMIGA 323-1522 3 3 N
CASAD Dog House 582-7447 4 4 N
CASAD El Amigo 299-9804 3 3 Y
CASAD Gameline ST 270-0111 2 2 N
CASAD Mouse Trap 582-7447 3 3 Y
CASAD No Man's Land 322-1556 1 1 N
CASAD Nymph Node 579-9620 4 4 N
CASAD Online 222-5548 4 4 N
CASAD Rick's Place 320-2672 1 1 N
CASAD Ridgecrest 375-6750 1 1 N
CASAD Rorinar Valley 729-2898 4 4 N
CASAD SDACE 462-6302 2 1,2 Y
CASAD ST SIG 726-4419 2 2 N
CASAD STDace 284-3821 2 2 N
CASAD Sherwood Forest 483-2592 4 4 Y
CASAD St-Midi 452-7535 2 2,3 Y
CASAD Stallion's Corner 575-4041 4 4 N
CASAD Super Messenger 268-3636 4 4 N
CASAD TC 270-0111 1 1 N
CASFA 328-FIDO 328-3436 5 3,5 N
CASFA 5th Dimension 754-0260 1 1 N
CASFA Abacus 587-8062 1 1 N
CASFA Airbase 1 648-2629 1 1 N
CASFA Amiga Connection 562-7097 3 3 Y
CASFA Amiga West 355-7162 3 3 N
CASFA BACC 455-0410 3 3 N
CASFA BBS-JC 961-7250 3 3 Y
CASFA Big City Nights 863-1781 3 3 N
CASFA Bunker 359-4492 4 4 N
CASFA Connect! 753-8640 1 1 N
CASFA EBMUG 848-2609 4 4 N
CASFA East Bay 352-6985 3 2,3 N
CASFA Enterprise 895-7162 2 2 N
CASFA Guild 772-7106 2 2 N
CASFA House of Games 523-6306 4 4 N
CASFA Key System 352-5528 1 1,2 N
CASFA Mac Connection 864-3365 4 4 N
CASFA Mac Heaven 258-9348 4 4 N
CASFA MacInfo 795-8862 4 4 N
CASFA MicroWorld 845-1789 5 2,3,5 N
CASFA Mr. Natural's 386-0260 3 3 N
CASFA Pirate's Hollow 593-6754 1 1 N
CASFA Pirates Harbor 593-6784 1 1 N
CASFA RSVP 659-9169 5 3,5 N
CASFA SLCC 782-4402 2 2 N
CASFA ST Castle 939-5606 2 2 N
CASFA STar ST 552-8924 2 2 N
CASFA STix 668-7168 2 2 N
CASFA Sailors Refuge 967-3484 5 3,5 N
CASFA Sphinx 582-2160 3 3 N
CASFA Starbase One 355-9079 5 1,2 N
CASFA SuperMac Tech Support 962-1618 4 4 N
CASFA Synapse 527-8276 4 4 N
CASFA Syndicate 668-7168 1 1 N
CASFA Tsunami 726-2726 5 12345 N
CASFA Twilight Zone 755-0375 1 1 N
CASFA Unknown Amiga 386-1704 3 3 N
CASFA Unknown Mac 797-4740 4 4 N
CASFA West Coast Syndicate 825-2952 1 1 N
CASFA Winners Circle 845-4812 5 2,3 N
CASFA Coast 538-5438 2 2 Y
CASJO A32 Mac 263-0299 4 4 N
CASJO ACE Connection 353-4531 1 1,2 N
CASJO Amiga Exchange 375-1823 3 3,5 Y
CASJO Atari Corp #1 745-2642 2 1,2 N
CASJO Atari Corp #2 745-4758 2 1,2 N
CASJO Atari Corp #3 745-5308 2 1,2 N
CASJO Atari Corp #4 745-5664 2 1,2 N
CASJO Atari Corp #5 745-5970 2 1,2 N
CASJO Atari Shoppe 249-4029 1 1 N
CASJO BAUG 730-9443 2 1,2 N
CASJO Backboard 226-3780 4 4 N
CASJO Bottom Line 226-6779 4 4 N
CASJO Compucat 353-4669 2 1,2 N
CASJO Crime Bytes 287-8399 2 12345 N
CASJO Crumal's Dimension 246-7854 4 4 N
CASJO Dial-A-Hitman 737-2340 2 2 Y
CASJO EASE 286-8332 2 2 Y
CASJO Fast Lane 246-0741 2 2 Y
CASJO Glass Mountain 730-1144 1 1 Y
CASJO HT-BBS 737-0900 3 3 N
CASJO Hotel California 253-5123 2 2 Y
CASJO Iron Works 257-6698 2 2,4,5 Y
CASJO Iron Works 257-7147 2 2,4,5 Y
CASJO Mac 293-0752 4 4 N
CASJO Mac Science 247-8307 4 4 N
CASJO Mac_Net 255-7208 4 4 Y
CASJO Masters of Software 371-7630 2 2,4 Y
CASJO Mt. Olympus 438-3349 2 2 Y
CASJO O Mayer 5 688-8064 1 1,2 Y
CASJO Refuge 262-3963 5 3,5 N
CASJO ST Hotline 244-2493 2 2 Y
CASJO STarfleet 244-1614 2 2,3 N
CASJO STronghold 429-6644 5 2 Y
CASJO San Jose Computer 247-0503 2 1,2 Y
CASJO Software Shop 253-3926 4 4 Y
CASJO Spitfire 688-0307 2 2 N
CASJO Treasure Chest 422-3727 2 2 Y
CASJO Utility Co. 262-5010 1 1 N
CASJO Wright's Station 353-4919 3 3 N
CASJO Yamo's Yaking Yard 227-7868 2 2 Y
CODEN Aurora 745-3414 3 3 N
CODEN Boulder Fido 497-6968 5 3,5 N
CODEN Buckboard 425-9283 3 3 Y
CODEN CommComp 685-4333 5 3,5 N
CODEN Computer Repeats 939-8174 1 1,2,3 N
CODEN DB System 893-5717 5 3,5 N
CODEN DJ 789-0500 3 3 N
CODEN Denver Amiga 693-4735 3 3 N
CODEN Doghouse 320-0501 2 2,4,5 N
CODEN Electric Land 447-2227 2 1,2 N
CODEN ForeST 972-8566 2 2 Y
CODEN Grave Digger 452-4383 N
CODEN Greenline 469-2053 5 3,5 N
CODEN Grotto 694-9050 3 3 N
CODEN Leisure Time 444-5175 4 4 Y
CODEN Magic Mac 791-8732 4 4 N
CODEN Mile High Sftwr Xchng 730-2250 3 3 N
CODEN Network Ultd1 296-3210 3 3 Y
CODEN STampede 799-9733 2 2,3 Y
CODEN Skyline Computers 457-0320 1 1,2 N
CODEN Tele-tech 493-8261 4 4 Y
CODEN Town Crier 545-8480 5 3,5 N
CODEN Treasure Chest 252-9591 2 2 N
CODEN Turbo 431-1404 2 2,4,5 Y
CODEN Unknown Mac 770-7069 4 4 N
CODEN Unknown TBBS 988-8155 5 3,5 N
CODEN Mae 564-0618 3 3 N
CTHAR Lido Hotel 248-7324 3 3 N
CTHAR Lost Horizon 259-2292 4 4 N
CTHAR Shoreline 488-7288 2 2 N
ST-Report #27 March 21, 1988
(c)1988 SPC/Ron Kovacs


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