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Silicon Times Report Issue 0011

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Silicon Times Report
 · 26 Apr 2019


ST-REPORT #11 November 7, 1987
Published/Edited by: Ron Kovacs
Assistants: Susan Perry, Ken Kirchner
(c)1987 Syndicate Services/Rovac
ZMAG BBS (201) 968-8148 300/1200 24hrs
<*> Software Assistance.........................................Mike Schuster
<*> Atari Comdex Press Release
<*> Antic Comdex Report
<*> ST Software at Comdex
<*> Hayes 1200 Modification.....................................Frank Walters
<*> Brain Surgery for the ST.......................................Mike Brown
<*> Using Atari CP/M Emulator
<*> DeArcing with a SS Drive
<*> DC AtariFest Report............................................John Ruley
=Software Assistance=

Making Old Software Work with the New ROMS

520/1040 ST owners who install the new (4/87) 'blit' roms in their machines,
and buyers of Mega ST's may be rudely awakened to the fact that some older
software will not run properly. (XL/XE owners please note that strange feeling
of deja vu).

Copy-protection routines of some games fall apart because of differences in
the way TOS returns CRC errors on disk reads now. I shall not deal with those
here. Rather I wish to share my experiences in troubleshooting a common, and
more easily remedied problem: illegal use of system storage locations.

During the early ST development period Atari released a list of system
variables whose locations were to be 'cast in stone' - guaranteed not to move
in any future version of TOS. These locations range from $400 to $512 and
Atari's promise does indeed seem to have been kept. However, as before (this
is where the XL parallel comes in) programmers insisted on using unsupported
system storage locations (including the range from $840 to $A0FF) to do things
more quickly or using more compact code. As warned, however, these have all
been moved.

In searching through memory and trying to make some sense out of all this
mess, it appeared to me that there a block of system storage locations $46
bytes long, which been inserted somewhere between $840 and $93E. (hmmm.. can
we say "blitter", boys and girls?) The result is that the original locations
of many storage locations past this point have been shifted $46 bytes upwards.

How does this help us? If we can get some idea of what a program is doing
when it bombs under the new ROMS, we can look to see if this is occurring
because of the use of a storage location that has been moved, and zap the
program with a sector editor. Of course if one has the source code for a
program they can simply edit it and recompile.

Some examples:
The source code for Twister clearly indicates he use of the floppy control
blocks to keep track of disk drive status. If you run Twister under the new
ROMS, it returns an error as soon as the disk drive tries to step. Aha!!
Solution: Search for $0A06 and change to $0A4C; search for $0A0A and change to
$0A50. These occur ONCE EACH in both Twister and the Meg-A-Minute hard disk
backup program.

The same applies to those programs which change the drive B step rate for
those using external 5.25" drives. See below for details.

K-Switch, Nite, and older versions of GFA-Basic look at the system location
kb_shift to read the control, alternate and shift keys (INSTEAD of using the
legal BIOS 11 call). Since these programs all have features activated by
combinations of these keys, they will not work as written under the new ROMs.
Solution: search for $E1B and replace with $E61.

Warnings! 1:Zapping of commercial programs may be a violation of copyright.
You must be sure of whether you are within your legal rights to modify any
program before attempting to do so.
2:Programs so zapped MAY NOT RUN UNDER THE OLD ROMS. It only makes
sense that if you replace illegal locations with newer illegal locations, the
program is now ever MORE illegal!

There follows a list of the system storage areas mentioned above. They also
happen to be the ones most commonly abused. Following each is MY ESTIMATION of
where they have been moved to. For those not on the list, within this region
you can simply try adding $46 to the old value. Use this information with
care,and ONLY ON A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR SOFTWARE. I cannot be responsible for
ANYTHING which results from use of the information herein!

Be sure that what you are zapping is really a memory location and not data,
text, or opcodes which happen to match the byte pattern of the number you are
searching for. Often a memory location will appear in long form when assembled
(e.g. 00000XXX) and that can be a clue that it's not text or data. If it
doesn't work, make another copy of the original, and look for another zap
point. Good luck!

============ ============ ===========
$A06 (word) $A4C (word) floppy #0 current track
$A08 (word) $A4E (word) floppy #0 seek rate
$A0A (word) $A50 (word) floppy #1 current track
$A0C (word) $A52 (word) floppy #1 seek rate
$E1B (byte) $E61 (byte) keyboard shift status
I am maintaining an ever-increasing list of these. I would appreciate any new
data or applications for this type of information. FIRST PRIZE to the kind
soul who can re-write STARTGEM to run under the new OS. I can be reached at:

Michael Schuster
CompuServe: [70346,1745]
GEnie, Delphi, MCI Mail: MSCHUSTER
Usenet: schuster@dasys1.UUCP
The Night Shift BBS: (718) 816-7792
=Atari Comdex Press Release=



(Las Vegas, NV -- Comdex Fall 87)... In a series of major product
introductions, Atari Corporation emerges as a maker of a complete line of
high-performance, low-cost solutions for the business world.

New technology is showcased by Abaq, an ultra-high-performance workstation
with blazing speed and dazzling graphics. The Abaq, based on a sophisticated
"transputer" chip, runs more than 10 times faster than a PC/AT technology and
more than 5 times faster than the 68020 with math processor. The parallel
processing capability of Abaq lets a single system multiply its processing
power by adding extra transputer chips.

Atari unveiled its new CD player capable of reading CD-ROM disks and of
playing musical CD disks. The CD-ROM is supported by a Mega and ST-compatible
DMA interface, and will retail in early 1988 for under $600.

Atari's connectivity answer is a LAN which is compatible with the NETBIOS
standard used by IBM and Novell. It communicates data at 1 megabits-per-
second to PC's and over 250K bits-per-second over Appletalk. Atari is
planning to manufacture "PromiseLAN" adapters for the Mega, ST, and PC
computer lines.

The Atari Mega computers are showcased with a variety of solid business
solutions. Desktop publishing is represented by both the Atari SLM804 Laser
Printer and by G.O. Graphics, who are porting their Deskset program
(CompuGraphics compatible) which Atari will market. Word Perfect is
displaying the recently shipped Word Perfect ST and Atari is displaying
Microsoft Write. A group of vendors are appealing to VARs with vertical
packages running under the IDRIS multi-user multi-tasking operating system.
Several new high-end CAD packages are on display including Foresight's
Drafix 1.

Atari expanded its PC-compatible offerings by adding two new models, the PC2
(PC XT compatible) and PC4 (PC AT compatible), both with EGA graphics, high
clock speeds, and low price tags. A variation of the PC3 will operate in VGA
graphics mode as well. The PC2 and PC4 will be offered with 3.5" or 5.25"
floppy disks and with hard disks. These new models join the PC1, which at
$799 is a basic 512K PC XT compatible, suitable for use as a LAN workstation
and for stand-alone personal computing. The PC2 includes XT-compatible slots,
while the PC4's slots are PC AT compatible.

"We offer complete systems for the office," said Atari president Sam Tramiel.
"I can see Atari Mega computers with laser printers as desktop publishing
stations exchanging data with a satellite group of PC1's as LAN stations. An
entire office environment can be created. The PC, the Macintosh, and the
Atari computers co-exist. Each can do the things they do best."
=Antic Comdex Reports=


By Anita Malnig, START Editor
Las Vegas, November 2, 1987 --

Atari intends to give the likes of Sun Microsystems and Apollo Computers a
run for the money with Abaq (the root word for abacus), the new transputer-
based workstation that the company is showing here.

By using RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture, the
workstation will operate at 10 MIPS (million instructions per second). The
latest graphics hardware and the IMS T-800 -- the Inmos Company's 32-bit
microprocessor -- combine to form affordable, powerful personal workstations.
A single transputer can deliver over ten times the power of an IBM PC AT.
However, there's even greater strength in numbers. You can connect two, 10,
100 or even MORE transputers to create a relatively low-cost computer
workstation with the power of a supercomputer. (Talk is that the price will be
in the $5000 range.) When attached to a transputer, the ST or Mega acts as the
input/output device for the system. Transputers can be linked via a built-in
high-speed serial port to form a multiprocessor array or a local area network.

Helios, the Unix-like operating system, was developed by the Perihelion
Company in Great Britain, as was the transputer board itself. The Helios
operating system encourages the use of many small programs which work
together to create a final product.

Shiraz Shivji, Atari's vice president of research and development, expects
that the transputer will be used primarily in engineering and science
applications. Included with Abaq will be a very high resolution monitor,
capable of four graphics modes: 1280 X 960 in 16 colors or monochrome;
1024 X 768 in 256 colors; 640 X 480 in 256 colors with two screens; and
512 X 480 in 16 million colors plus overlay. No firm delivery date is set, but
late 1988 seems to be the most talked-about time frame. From a first-hand
view, the crisp, vibrant graphics (such as four separate pictures running
simultaneously) were drawing crushing crowds.


The exciting CD-ROM player introduced at Comdex can read up to 540 megabytes
of data or play music. It connects to Atari's ST and Mega computers through
the DMA (direct memory access) channel, a communications port that transmits
data at up to 10 million bits per second. At 540Mb, the player can store more
data than 1,000 floppy disks or 200,000 printed pages.

Demonstrated at the show is an English and French visual dictionary from
Facts on File. It is categorized by topics such as transportation and food:
click on the transportation theme and choose from an array of topics such as
ferrys, container ships, airport terminals and so on -- all items illustrated.
Speech output identifies each image in French and English. Grolier's
Encyclopedia also runs on this CD-ROM, as do audio CDs. Atari has a task
force at work now developing more products for this player, which will be
available at computer specialty dealers and retail outlets in February, 1988,
at a suggested retail price of $599.


G.O. Graphics, in conjunction with Atari, will bring to market a
sophisticated desktop publishing program called Deskset. This works as a
front end to the CompuGraphics typesetting equipment, offering the use of
1,800 fonts. This is not just a desktop publishing program for four-page
newsletters and the like:it could design entire publications such as Antic and
START. It will output to such laser printers as the striking Atari laser
printer, also being demonstrated with Deskset. Deskset, which works only on a
Mega, will work within the GEM environment and offers all the standard
features of the most sophisticated desktop publishing programs -- features
such as character compensation, kerning, columns, boxes, rules and the ability
to merge text and graphics. Look for this product mid- to late 1988.


The Atari PC1, introduced earlier this year, can be used as a local area
network workstation or as a standalone personal computer. It runs at a top
speed of 8 Mhz, with a software switch to set the clock speed to 4.77 when
needed. The PC1 works with any CGA, MDA, EGA or multi-frequency monitor.
Maximum color screen resolution is 640 X 350. The PC1 has a 64-color palette,
with a maximum of 16 on the screen at a time. It is expected to retail at

New to the Atari PC family is the PC2, a dual-speed XT compatible with five
slots and hard-disk support. The PC4 is an 80286 microprocessor-based IBM
PC/AT compatible machine. It has clock speeds of either 8 or 12 Mhz, VGA-
compatible video, four AT-style expansion slots, up to one megabyte of system
RAM and is ready for an 80287 numeric coprocessor.

Additionally, Atari is announcing "Moses PromiseLAN," a local area network
that can connect up to 17 PCs using off-the-shelf telephone wire. They will
also be developing Moses PromiseLAN adaptors for its Mega and ST computers.
Thus, the Mega and Atari laser printer will be able to share data with PCs and
Apple Macintoshes.
=ST Software at Comdex=

Multi-user, Multitasking on the Mega

By Anita Malnig, START Editor
Las Vegas, November 3 --

At the very crowded Atari press conference at the Desert Inn on Monday,
November 1, Atari announced its entrance into the serious business market with
an array of multi-user, multitasking products. The Atari booth itself was
crowded with exciting products, interested spectators and busy software
personnel. Here's a run-down of what we saw at the Atari booth.


Along with high-quality third-party developers, Atari will offer multiuser,
multitasking and serious vertical applications on the Mega using a Unix-like
operating system called Idris (developed by Whitesmiths Ltd.). The company,
Computer Tools, was and still is instrumental in finding companies whose
programs can be ported over from the Unix environment to Idris and porting
those programs.

Jefferson Software is now releasing a version of their Modula-2 Development
System for the Mega to run under Idris, offering a powerful language to
complement the multi-user, multitasking operating system.

American Network's Cash Register Plus, the first of the multiuser,
multitasking applications, is a point-of-sale program that lets you store and
search up to 3,000 items. It supports a Star 8340 printer -- small to print
out receipts -- and an actual cash drawer. It includes a customer and
inventory database and backs up all information to disk. It can support four
terminals with all cables attached to the Mega. This is expected to be on
sale mid-January 1988 for about $700 for all the components.

During your inventory search, you may want to do some word processing. There
are several word processors to choose from in this Idris environment. From the
Tigera Corporation comes Word Era, a feature-rich, high-performance word
processing package on single- and multiuser systems. It has a Wang-compatible
interface and document conversion capabilities. Word Era has the features of
leading word processing software and more, including a window environment,
voice recognition and voice annotation. It can also set up menus in French,
German, Italian and Spanish, and supports a four-user system. Available
during the first quarter of 1988, the multiuser price begins at $895.

Another word processor is CrystalWriter Plus from Syntactics, providing a
library of model documents for frequently used formats such as letters, memos
and reports. An organization can define its own "style sheet" for documents.
The program has "plain English" commands and can be useful for writers,
editors, secretaries, managers and engineers.

Also ported from the Unix world is Lex, a combined word processor and
database, from Trajectory Software. Its indexed file structure lets you
retrieve the 10,000th record as quickly as the first. You can design your own
forms and screen layouts, create short and more extensive glossary items, and
do list processing and mail merges. It also comes with a built-in calculator
which you can use concurrently as you write or edit. Also available is Lexet,
which lets you interface the word processor and database with laser printers.

Atari Corp. is handling the networking capabilities through an agreement with
Network Research Corp. With FUSION, Network Software will give the Atari Mega
a complete set of TCP/IP protocols and allocations which have been tested for
compliance with DDN/DARPA Internet Protocol specifications.


From Timeworks comes the Timeworks Desktop Publisher ST. Retailing for
$129.95 this GEM-based program will offer WYSIWYG display, over 1,200 possible
type-style combinations, ability to import graphics, and laser printer
compatibility. Desktop Publisher ST will be available in the first quarter of

Soft Logik Corp. announced a new version of its desktop publishing program,
Publishing Partner Professional. New features include automatic textflow
around graphic images, automatic hyphenation and kerning, the ability to
import documents from other word processors such as WordPerfect, First Word
and Word Writer, more fonts and font manipulation. It will retail for $149.95.

From ISD Marketing comes Calamus, a page-layout and typesetting application.
It allows outline fonts and vector graphics that until now could only be
processed by expensive Postscript laser printers. Calamus uses these features
on both the printer and screen. The screen output can be enlarged up to laser
printer resolution. The program offers a spelling checker and hyphenated
dictionary, object-oriented graphics, chart forms, and font editors using
Bezier curves for designing or changing fonts. Calamus for the Mega will be
available in December 1987 for $349.95.

MichTron offers GFA Publisher, a GEM-controlled program with full-featured
text editor, automatic text flow and paging, expandable font library and an
integrated driver for PostScript.

From Migraph comes the supercharged Easy Draw. And Supercharger, a companion
product to Easy Draw, makes it easy to load graphics from popular paint
programs. While not a desktop publishing program, these two combined products
let you create newsletters, reports, brochures, etc. You can work with ASCII
files, have justified and non-justified text, use onscreen grids and rulers
and output to the Atari laser printer.


Turn your ST into a Mac with The Magic Sac Professional from Data Pacific.
The Professional consists of three products: The Magic Sac Plus, the
Translator One and the Magic Epson Printer Driver. The Translator One allows
the existing Atari disk drive to read and write Apple Macintosh disks and
convert data between Mac, ST and IBM PC diskette formats. The Professional is
shipping this month with a suggested retail price of $449.95. Typical Mac
programs you can run are Macpaint, Macdraw, Excel and Pagemaker.

PC-Ditto is a software-only utility which taps the power of your Atari ST to
imitate an IBM PC XT. Programs you can run include Lotus 1-2-3, Enable,
Sidekick, Framework and Symphony.


WordPerfect for the ST is out and is called by some the Cadillac of word
processors. In addition to a built-in thesaurus and spell-checker, the
program has math functions and can create indexes,and tables of contents.
There are also macros, merge functions and onscreen columns. The product is
shipping now for about $395 list.

From Microsoft comes the long-awaited Write, marketed by Atari Corp. It
handles complex business reports as well as memos and letters. It has all the
standard text generation, editing and formatting features such as cut-and-
paste, creating footnotes, automatic pagination, different font styles and
sizes, and it works in conjunction with the Atari Laser printer.


Drafix, from Foresight Resources, is now on the market and drawing critical
acclaim. It's identical to the 1.00 IBM PC version, supports pen plotters,
and runs on color and monochrome Atari monitors.

Coming soon from Migraph is M/CADD, a professional engineering graphics
design system for the Atari Mega. M/CADD outputs directly to HPGL-compatible
plotters and saves in GEM format for output on 9- and 24-pin dot-matrix
printers. M/CADD files can be loaded into Migraph's Easy Draw, and you can add
more text and either bit-mapped or object-oriented graphics. Suggested price
is $499. M/CADD should ship the end of November.

With MichTron's Master CAD, you can produce object in 2-D and 3-D using its
exclusive concepts of Projection Planes. It uses pull-down menus, dialog
boxes, mouse and very few keyboard commands. Expect to see this in early 1988.


From Antic Software in conjunction with Sony comes a desktop video package.
Sony's low-cost 8mm video hardware and Antic's video sequencer software create
professional-quality 3-D computer-graphics videotapes of up to two hours. The
Antic software controls nine functions of the Sony VCR, then adds its own
special visual effects such as fades and auto assemble/editing. The 8mm video
sequencing software (including custom parallel cables) will be available in
January 1988 from Antic Software. The Sony video equipment is available from


From Neriki Computer Graphics PTY Ltd. in Australia comes the ZImagemaster,
software with a hardware box to attach to your ST. Hooking up the Polaroid
Palette can output DEGAS pictures as Polaroid pictures, And you can hook up a
35mm camera to the Palette. The package yields overhead transparencies and
printouts. It will retail for $400.

Antic Software is also showing Spectrum 512, its 512-color paint program,
which expands the ST's normally limited palette of 16 colors to 512. Spectrum
512 can load and enhance pictures from existing ST software as well as from
Amiga picture files. Available now for $69.95.

Animation comes from Antic Software as well with Cyber Paint, also $69.95. It
emulates the functions of a $100,000 Quantel Paintbox -- but for computer
graphics instead of live video. Cyber Paint is a member of the Cyber family
of desktop video products. Its many features include smooth raster tweening
along any 3-D path, professional optic effects with planar rotations through
3-D space, and moviola-style cut-and-paste.


The Informer from Regent Software is a multi-table database with presentation
graphics. Easy-to-use point and click functions let you create and manipulate
up to four databases at once. You can import graphics from DEGAS and
NEOchrome... From SBT comes the Database Accounting Library, menu-driven with
options to confirm, change or cancel entries... Hi-Tech Advisors announces
Super Sales Pro, a full-featured point-of-sale inventory control software
system for the ST. It will accommodate medium- to larger-sized wholesale,
retail or mail order businesses. The company will provide free technical
support... From Progressive Peripherals comes Superbase Personal, a
relational database, and the Logistik time/project management system...
B.E.S.T Inc. offers B.E.S.T. Business Management, an integrated accounting
system offering general ledger. Available now, suggested retail price is
$395... ISD Marketing, which brings you the well-known VIP, now has the
MasterPlan financial spreadsheet featuring the GEM environment with pull-down
menus, icons, scroll bars and column grabbers. It offers graphics features as
well. Also from ISD is an update to STAccounts, the integrated accounting
package... From Royal Software comes additional low-cost business programs
such as Help Calc, templates for their E-A Calc and VIP. Coming soon will be
Inventory Master for $99.95.


Hybrid Arts was showing ADAP and ADAP 2, the digital editing system. ADAP 2
works directly with a hard disk. Also just released is Easy Score, Hybrid
Arts' new scoring program.


In mid-December ICD will ship its new 100 megabyte hard disk for $1,699.
=Hayes Modem Modification=
by Frank Walters

SysOp, T.A.C.O. Bell Panama City, FL

Hayes 1200 Problem

When attempting to set up an Oasis BBS system, a fellow sysop contacted me to
see if we could figure out a problem it had with recognition of connect and
disconnect. Here is what we found out.

He has a 'new' model Hayes 1200, while I have the 'old' model of the same
modem. The new model has 10 dips, while the old model has 8. That's how we
tell them apart, especially if you only have one. After talking with the
technical representative at Hayes, it turns out there was an undocumented
change in how the 1200 baud model handles DSR (data set ready). Since most
terminal/BBS software uses the DSR signal as part of the STATUS check, it is
critical for proper operation that you understand what you are getting.

The 'old' model, like most modems, sets DSR high at carrier detect. Actually,
the Hayes has a jumper between pin #6 (DSR) and pin #8 (CRX) so that when it
sets CRX high, it automatically sets DSR high. The STATUS call will send a
value of 8 to address 747 (decimal) for CRX high and 128 for DSR for a total
increase of 136 in address 747. Most software depends on this higher value to
determine 'connect' after dialing, or (for BBS software) to determine that a
caller has connected.

The 'new' model (10 dip switches) of the Hayes 1200 changed the jumper to
pins #6 (DSR) and #5 (CTS), the latter normally not even connected by cable to
the 850 interface. However, when the modem sets Clear to Send high, it is
BEFORE carrier detect, and since it is directly connected to DSR, it also sets
DSR high before connect, resulting in a false connect signal to the software.

How do you get the 'new' modem to act like the 'old' model?

1) Modify the modem. Nobody wants to mess with the modem warranty or screw
that up.

2) Modify the software. Most people don't know how to do that at all, and you
would have to change every program you use anyway.

3) Modify the cable. This appears to be the best solution. Here is how we did
just that:

Disconnect the wire at pin #6 on the RS-232C end. Disconnect the same wire
(also pin #6) at the 9-pin D plug for the 850 or P:R: Connection. This will
insure that the false DSR will not be sent from the modem.

Then to simulate DSR at connect, solder a jumper wire at the 9-pin D plug
(850 interface end) between pin #6 (DSR) and pin #2 (CRX). Now when Carrier
Detect is set high, it also sets DSR high. This cable will work with the older
models too.

Here is a diagram of the new cable:

850 (9 pin/D-male) RS-232C (25 pin)
__________________ ________________
#1 DTR >------------------> DTR #20
++#2 CRX <------------------< CRX #8
+ #3 SEND DATA >-------> REC DATA #3
+ #4 REC DATA <-------< SEND DATA #2
+ #5 SIGNAL GND ------ SIGNAL GND #7
++#6 DSR <--/(disconnect)/--< DSR #6
#7 RTS (not used) CTS #5
#8 CTS <-------< HI SPEED INDIC #12
#9 (not used)

++NOTE: Jumper between pins 2-6 so that DSR is set high whenever CRX is set
high by the modem.


#8 CTS to #12 HI SPEED INDICATOR is only for auto answer with some BBS
software for baud recognition but otherwise not required. Avatex modems do not
have #12. Some BBS software depends on the RING INDICATOR to force the program
to send an ATA to the modem. In this case you can use #8 CTS to #22 RING
INDICATOR instead of the 8-12 as shown.

Call Hayes Microcomputer Products at 1-800-241-6492 for further information.

[ED. Frank, Thanks for the article. I am sure it will interest a few of our
readers. Also, thank you for writing it!]
=Brain Surgery for the ST=
by Mike Brown

This article attempts to let you in on some of the trials and pitfalls
associated with "Do it yourself" memory upgrades for the 520ST. This is not a
step-by-step "how to do it" article, nor is it a strict product review. Think
of it as my opinion on what is viewed by some as an attractive alternative to
a new computer.

The memory upgrade kit that I am referring to is made by Diverse Data
Products, I would give you the address, but I understand that the company has
recently moved. The new phone number is 201-780-2019, if you feel like giving
them a call. The reason that I became involved with this "surgery" (although I
do not, as yet, own an ST) is because the owner became frustrated trying to
install the upgrade herself, and asked for help. This was the second upgrade
kit that was put in this computer from the same company. The first kit caused
erratic memory failures, and may have damaged the original computer, although
we have never been able to trace the true cause of the unexplained failure.

Suffice it to say, that to the individual that is not technically inclined,
these memory upgrades are NOT recommended. There is definitely some skill and
creativity required to make them fly. Also, as the instructions note in BIG
LETTERS, This upgrade does void your Atari warranty from the factory. Diverse
does warranty the product for 90 days due to failures in workmanship. I hope
you don't have a failure, as the company was not too responsive to our
requests for replacement/credit/etc.

What you get for your bux; For the going price of $149.99 (add $20 for the
so-called "solderless" version) you get the one-piece memory "daughterboard",
a small coil of rosin core solder, and a 4 page (photocopied) instruction
manual. It is recommended that (to do a good job) you have the following
materials available: Medium Phillips Head Screwdriver, Medium Flat Head
Screwdriver, Needle Nose Pliers, Low wattage fine point soldering Iron, Duct
tape, cardboard scraps, wire cutters, sheet metal shears or hobby tool and
last but not least, a cheap IC puller from Radio Shack (or wherever).

For the most part, the instructions cover the disassembly of the computer and
the installation of the upgrade board in reasonable detail. I wish that some
of the Photographs were a bit clearer, and that the drawings of the underside
of the system (mother) board were a bit more detailed. I recommend that you
READ and UNDERSTAND all of the instructions before beginning work!

The big problems with this upgrade are as follows:

1> If you want to maintain the metal RF shield over the video shifter chip
and related circuitry, you must cut away about a one square inch area in the
upper left hand corner of the shield so that the wiring from the video shifter
"piggyback" socket can make it back to the daughterboard. I would definitely
urge you to cover any raw metal edges with duct tape before re-assembly.

2> I don't know why it is this way, but the legs on the previously mentioned
"piggyback" socket are about twice the length that they can be. I cut about
1/8" off of them with my wire cutters, and got a much better all-around fit.

3> The IC clip that goes over U30 definitely requires that you remove the
two capacitors on either side (C41 and C39) in order to get reliable contact.
The instructions mention this, but it should be stressed that it is best to
de-solder the Capacitors instead of just clipping the wires. Also, even under
the best of circumstances, this clip sits rather loose. I bent the connectors
"in" a bit and secured the whole assembly with small strips of duct tape to
add reliability.

4> The photographs and instructions seem to assume that you have an ST
without the RF modulator attachment. Anyone who attempts this mod to a recent
model ST (this one was fairly new) will have to get creative with the wiring
routing from the video shifter to the memory board itself.

5> Because of continued problems with the prongs on the bottom of the memory
board either putting pressure on the "glue" chip, or shorting, I ended up
clipping flush all of the protruding socket and component ends on the bottom
lower part of the daughter board. As an added precaution, I taped thin
cardboard (any sturdy insulating material would work OK) to the whole bottom
side of the memory board with the good 'ol duct tape.

6> Even with all of these precautions, I still could not crank the external
case screws down all the way tight without getting unreliable operation. To
get around this, I bent the outside RF shield away from the area where the
memory board sits, and "bubbled" the shield about where the ribbon cable
connects over U30. I also found that the RF modulator moves the memory board
out enough that you probably will want to trim the center plastic case
attachment "rib" about an inch or so (down to the round part itself) for
better clearance. I am not sure if it is necessary, but I felt better after
running the trusty duct tape strip from the back edge of the lower half of
the ST case and the back edge of the memory board. It seemed to hold things
in place a bit better and the memory board "floated" a lot less during
re-assembly. For the same reason I put small strips of tape to secure the 3
wires that get soldered to the bottom of the system board on the MMU socket
pins. By the way, the instructions fuzzily describe a modification to the
wiring that can be made to REV E or higher system boards (The one I was
working with was REV H). I tried it and couldn't get it to work; Save
yourself some frustration, ignore the section that describes this option.

So how much more "usable" memory can you expect after getting things squared
away? The instructions claim about 740,000 free bytes in ST basic, a memory
check accessory I ran showed over 820,000 bytes free (TOS in ROM) and
comparisons with VIP Professional, showed a mere 53,000 bytes free before
upgrade, and a more usable 600,000+ bytes after upgrade.

As to if this is a good thing for the average person to invest in, I would
have to say "no". I think that it is a bit too "messy" for the average person
to get running without possibly doing some damage. If you are an adventurer,
you might want to consider it, but for the difference in price, the 1040ST
looks like a better deal to me.
=Using Atari CP/M Emulator=
(C) 1987 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari ST Roundtable. May be
reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are
*official* information services of Atari Corporation.

To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon
connection type HHH (no RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type
XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for your

Before you can use the Atari CP/M 2.2 Emulator system, you'll have to do a
little preparation of the disks you'll be using, since CP/M uses a different
disk format from the normal TOS formatted disks.

First of all, FORMAT several SINGLE-SIDED disks (CP/M only recognizes SS
disks!) Then UnARC the CPM.ARC file using the normal ARC.TTP program. This
will create a disk filled with various files, most of which are CP/M files
which will NOT run for now.

Click on MAKE_CPM.TOS and follow the prompts when it says to insert one of
your blank, formatted disks. When the program is finished, you will have a
CP/M formatted disk with 2 important CP/M utilities on it.

It is important to understand that there are 2 *different* environments at
work here. When you want to use the CP/M Emulator, you will need at least 2
disks, one normal ST disk with the program CPMZ80.TOS on it (the actual CP/M
Emulator which runs in your ST), and one or more CP/M formatted disks.

When you want to run CP/M, you FIRST put the ST disk in, and click on
CPMZ80.TOS. Then when prompted, remove the ST disk and put in a CP/M disk.
From then on, you are effectively using a Z80 CPU machine, with 64K of memory.
You CANNOT use the GEM Desktop for directories or formatting new disks once
you are in CP/M. If you need to format another disk, you must type EXIT, and
go back to the normal ST environment.

When first setting up your CP/M Emulator system, there's some busywork you
have to go through to transfer the CP/M utilities and programs that you
UnARCed along with the main CPMZ80.TOS program.

While you're still in GEM, open a directory window on the disk containing all
the files that came out of the CPM.ARC file. WRITE DOWN the filenames of all
that have a .COM extender. These are the ones you'll want to transfer to a
CP/M disk, but once you're in CP/M, you CANNOT look at a TOS directory.

Then click on CPMZ80.TOS to go into CP/M. When prompted, insert the disk you
created with MAKE_CPM.TOS. You should see the CP/M prompt, A:

(If you have 2 disk drives, this will go much faster. If you have only one
disk drive, condolences to your patience and sanity.)

Now type TOSCPM <tosfilename> <cpmfilename>

What that means is that you're going to transfer files from your ST formatted
disk to a CP/M formatted disk. If you have 2 drives for example, put your CP/M
disk in A: and your TOS disk with the CP/M files on it into B: then type (for

This will transfer the program to the CP/M disk (note that you don't have to
type everything in Uppercase... that's just for clarity here).

If you have only one drive, type TOSCPM A:NULU.COM A:NULU.COM

Unfortunately, this utility does NOT allow you to use 'wildcards' to get it
all over with easily. You have to type the full command and filename set for
EACH file you want to transfer. If you EVER wanted an object lesson on how
much easier GEM is to work with than a 'command line' setup, this is IT!

Once you use TOSCPM to transfer all the .COM files to your CP/M disk, you're
ready to use your new CP/M emulator. The only use you'll have now for the
normal ST TOS disk will be to run the CPMZ80.TOS Emulator itself.

The other utility that was created by the MAKE_CPM.TOS process way back in
the beginning is INITDSK.COM which is used to convert a new formatted disk to
a CP/M formatted disk. Whenever you need a new disk, format it normally from
GEM (remember, Single Sided only!), then once you are in CP/M, type at the A:
prompt INITDSK and follow the prompts to change disks.

A few observations...

There is an excellent CP/M terminal program available on the CP/M Roundtable
here on GEnie, called MEXST.COM. If you decide to use this, be sure to also
get the MEX.HLP file, and perhaps the MEXCMDS file which will help you get the
most out of the program. This will allow you to download CP/M files and
programs directly to your CP/M formatted disks. However, what might actually
be easier for occasional use, is to download CP/M programs to a normal ST disk
using your regular ST terminal program, then transfer them to the CP/M disk
off-line using the TOSCPM.COM utility, as you did above with the CP/M

You'll find many of the CP/M files in the GEnie CP/M Roundtable have been
SQUeezed, or LiBRaried, or BOTH... to restore these programs, you'll have to
download copies of LU310.COM and USQ120.COM from the CP/M Roundtable, and run
them under CP/M.

(I encountered a 'bug' when running LU310 to 'deLiBRary' some CP/M files,
where when I tried to exit from the program, I got an 'Emulator Error' and was
bounced back to the GEM Desktop. I finally managed to avoid this by OPENING a
new LBR file with 0 sectors. LU doesn't like this, and errors out back to the
A: prompt without crashing to GEM. If you don't understand what that means,
don't worry about it, re-loading CP/M isn't all that bad)

One other thing, files with a .ASM (or .AQM for the SQUeezed version) are the
SOURCE CODE files for the Z80 assembler, in case you want to take a look at
how the program works, or want to re-assemble it. Since the Atari CP/M
Emulator doesn't COME with an assembler, you might want to avoid
'deLiBRarying' these .ASM files and cluttering up your Single Sided disks.
DO be sure to read all the .DOC files though!

Unfortunately, MANY, MANY of the programs in the GEnie CP/M Roundtable are
written in Microsoft BASIC (usually called MBASIC in the CP/M RT). Microsoft
BASIC is NOT Public Domain, and right now is NOT available for the ST (as far
as I know, it's not available on a 3 1/2 inch CP/M disk)... SO... unless you
already own a copy of Microsoft BASIC for a different computer, and can
somehow transfer it to an ST CP/M disk, you CAN'T use ANY of these MBASIC
programs that are available!! Don't waste you time downloading them in other

There ARE a couple of BASICs available in the CP/M RT, but so far, I haven't
had time to work with them and see if they are at all compatible with MBASIC.

This should get you up and running with CP/M on your ST. For help in actually
USING CP/M, be sure to drop into the GEnie CP/M Roundtable. They have an Atari
Category especially for users of the Atari ST CP/M Emulator, and will be happy
to answer all your questions!

If you find any good CP/M programs on local 'RCPM' BBSs, please upload them
to the CP/M RT, as they can be shared by ALL users of CP/M...!

Questions about getting the CP/M Emulator running on your Atari ST can of
course be answered on the GEnie ST Roundtable!
=How to DeArc Files=


1987 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari ST Roundtable. May be
reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are
*official* information services of Atari Corporation.

To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon
connection type HHH (no RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type
XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for your
While using the ARC utility to join and squeeze related files into one easy
to download file can be a great advantage, it also can create some VERY large
files on your disk.

Many of the ARChived files we have available on the Atari ST Roundtable were
created by members who are using Double-Sided Disk Drives, and thus the final
files may be large enough to cause problems for SS drive owners.

The following method of 'UN-ARCing' files onto a Single Sided disk drive has
been successfully tried with two of the large ARC file groups in our Library,

The greatest problem encountered so far is the inability to re-direct the
OUTPUT of the process onto a different disk from the one the ARChived file
resides on. Thus your disk must have enough room free for BOTH the ARChived
version, AND the final, normal versions of the files. In many cases, this is
not possible.

The answer to the dilemma is that is is possible to re-direct the INPUT of
the 'de-ARCing' process, that is, to take the input from somewhere else.

Here is the step-by-step process for the two large ARChives that were tried,
others should follow the same general procedure. Note that it MAY be possible
that some ARChived groups just cannot be done at all, on a Single-Sided drive.
We'll try to indicate on the descriptions, any that are uploaded to us which
Single Sided drive owners should not try to download.

First of all, turn off your computer. On a 512K 520ST, you'll need all the
RAM you can get. Then boot up, using a disk with NO DESK ACCESSORIES on it!
This is important, again to save memory, and because ARC does not seem to like
sharing the computer with anything else...!

Next, install a RAMDISK in memory. I use the one called FASTRAM.TTP...If you
use that one, install it like this: Click on its Icon or Filename. A dialogue
box will appear... type in: d250 (this indicates you want the RamDisk to be
drive d:, and want it to be approximately 250K... this should handle most of
the ARChived files we will have... if it is bigger than 250K, indicate a
larger number in the dialogue box... much bigger though, and it probably
won't fit on a SS disk when 'un-ARCed')

The disk drive will spin and you should see a message that a Ram Disk of 250K
has been installed. Then the screen should go back to the desktop. Click ONCE
on the Disk Drive A icon (so it turns black), then go to the OPTIONS menu on
the desktop, and click on INSTALL DISK DRIVE.

A dialogue box will open... press the ESC key to erase the Disk Drive
Identification Letter (it will say A right now), then type in D (do NOT press
RETURN here!).. move down and click on the button marked INSTALL in the
dialogue box. A NEW Disk Drive Icon will appear just to the right of the
existing ones on the desktop. If you have any windows open, you may have to
close them, or move them out of the way to see it. You can then drag the new
Icon into line with the other Disk Drive icons.

Your Ram Disk is now installed...

Now, put the disk containing the ARChived file which you have downloaded from
GEnie, into your disk drive, and copy the file into the Ram Disk.

Next, take a BLANK, FORMATTED disk, and copy the program, ARCX.TTP onto the
new disk. (ARCX.TTP is a special version of ARC.TTP, used only for 'De-ARCing'
files... it is about half the size of the regular ARC, and can be obtained as
part of the ARChive called ARC.ARC, in the Atari ST Roundtable Software

At this point, you should have the ARCed file you want to 'De-ARC' in a
RamDisk called Disk Drive d:, and a new blank disk with only the program
ARCX.TTP on it, in your floppy disk drive.

Open the Disk Drive Directory window for Drive A, and click on ARCX.TTP. A
dialogue box will appear. Type in: d:\XMASDEMO.ARC then press RETURN. (of
course, substitute the filename of the ARCed file you are processing. For
example, you would use: d:\BUBBLES.ARC for the Shiney Bubbles demo..)

Your disk drive should start up, and the regular ARC messages should begin
appearing on your screen as the 'De-ARChiving' process proceeds.

When the process is complete, the program will return to the desktop. You can
then DELETE the ARCX.TTP file from your disk, and you should have a running
version of the ARCed file.

The RamDisk will still be in memory, taking up space, so the new disk may not
run, so the best way to remove the Ram Disk is to simply turn off the computer
and re-boot it.

NOTE: The Shiney Bubbles Demo is SOOOOooo big, that it takes a little more
work to get 'De-ARCed' properly.

The 'De-ARCing' process will halt with an error message: Write fail (disk
full?) because there isn't enough room to finish the process with the ARCX.TTP
utility still on the disk. However, the HUGE data file will be intact.

To finish the process, DELETE the partial file SB.PRG, and ARCX.TTP from your
disk. Then remove the disk, and copy the program ARC.TTP from a floppy disk
onto the RamDisk, Drive d...

Open the Directory Window for Drive D, and click on ARC.TTP... a dialogue
window will open.. now type:xh BUBBLES.ARC SB.PRG

Note the spaces between the filenames.

This will 'De-ARC' only the SB.PRG file from the ARC file, INTO THE RAMDISK!
Once the process is finished, replace the disk with the Bubbles Demo files in
your disk drive, and copy the file SB.PRG onto the disk from the RamDisk.

THAT should give you a running copy of the Shiney Bubbles Demo, on a Single
Sided disk.

It's a long process, but just think of all the money you've saved on
downloading connect time charges... money you can put towards a Double Sided
by John Ruley

Show Report: DC Atarifest, 24-25 October 1987

I just got back from this show, which was held in one of the largest high
schools I've ever seen. Lot's of activity!

ATARI was showing its laser printer...and - the PC! Yes, it really DOES
exist (and looks quite nice, actually).

ANTIC had no booth, but their Cybermate and Spectrum 512 products were there,
and moving nicely. The pictures, particularly some of the Voyager probe shots
of Jupiter and its moons, are really something to see!

Lots of Megas were at the show - we counted at least 6, but I think the only
ones with Blitters were ours and Atari's. Dunno if they are shipping to
regular customers yet, but it's obvious that they've got the production
problems fixed.

SEYMOR-RADIX's IMG Scan, which looks and acts like Thunderscan on the Mac,
but costs $99 and works with ANY printer; was in evidence and running VERY
nicely - we picked up a copy which I've been playing with for the last few

ZAPHODYNE's (blush) revised (version 2.1 - 1.9.9 owners can get a FREE
upgrade) version of the new VTX commo package for the ST was doing quite
nicely, with full Ymodem and Kermit support (including server), and a silly
script demo called the "Poor Man's BBS" set up to allow spectators to control
the ST from a dumb terminal. We also announced our VTX-132 package, which
adds 132 column and double width/height text to the VT-100 emulator (available
in 2 weeks).

DATA PACIFIC was showing a new, improved 'SAC which takes full advantage of
the Mega's extra memory - VERY nice! AND... they finally got the conversion
unit done so that you can use original Mac format disks. If I was Apple, I'd
be worried!

New Publications (at least I've never seen 'em before): RESET and ST-World.
Both looked laid out pretty well, professionally printed jobs with some pretty
nice articles.

Spent an hour with Dave Ahl of Atari Explorer - they seem to be on track and
going places - the latest issue looks awfully nice. Dave told me that they
hope to go monthly next year.

Overall, a darn nice show, and BUSY - the place was mobbed when it opened
both days, and stayed that way until it closed. Next time, to heck with
appearance - I'll wear tennis shoes. My feet STILL hurt!

John Ruley (jruley)
Zaphodyne Inc.
ST-Report #11 November 7, 1987
Next issue November 21, 1987
(c)1987 Syndicate Services/Rovac

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