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Radioactive Aardvark Dung Post Me
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radioactive aardvark dung (raD) is a humor 'zine based out 219,
started by mercuri on december 2, 1995. this 'zine is _funny_ by god. i
can't beleive it myself, and i write for it! if you like(d) HoE, cDc, pEz,
ReD, y0lk, Jonas, dto, or any other 'zine of the sort, you'll love this.
if you start out with raD one, & don't like it, read the latest raD.
i'm just not proud of raD one anymore, it was too 'inside'.
and if you run a bbs, you can easily get free advertisement by
applying as a ditrobution site, look for the application in the zip. and
make sure your users know it exists.
where you can get issues;
erebus 201/762.1373 (no nup) ** world hQ
avalon 908/739.4274 (no nup)
daydream nation 609/890.3955 (no nup)
deranged illusion 219/988.5189 (no nup)
acidopium 616/887.5330 (no nup)
alfheim forest 9O8/818.9771 elf dew
scum 606/266.6720 (no nup)
one jillion degrees 817/732.3457 (no nup)
seduced reality 908/341.0485 hormonal imbalance
daydream nation 609/890.3955 (no nup)
the toxic sewer 612/489.2133 HANDSOFF ** aussie hQ
the hood 604/583.2742 (no nup)
pOo!@ 602/589.0791 (no nup)
strand 314/230.6397 (no nup)
dark lands 813/869.3135 (no nup)
** i know there are a few more than this, but i had a hard drive
crash, and this is all i could scrounge up, email if you applied in
the begining and aren't listed.
erebus has internet email, unsenet newsgroup, and one hell of a file
base, all for free! it's y0lk whq, ACiDiC hq, and raD whq. it's one
hell of a system, give it a call.
internet; "/pub/Zines/RAD/" - type "subscribe rad" in the body of the
message to be added to the mailing list, you'll receive
uuencoded/mime encoded releases.
== [raD writers] ==
mercuri, handle, gaurdian, hal08, puck, creed,
ninja, cerkit, joltcola, k0de, ghetto gabe, phorce, creed.
== [raD art submissions] ==
tMM, fluoride, creed, hal08, aCk, daz, cytral skunk, fAH.
raD is produced monthly by aardvark industries(tm)
without prejudice and explicit reservation of all my rights, UCC 1-207