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Prophe-Zine Issue 035

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 · 26 Apr 2019


PropheZine #35
16 Feb. 1997

This issue of PropheZine is going to be a little bit different. I wanted to have some fun with this, so I hope you enjoy this special issue of PropheZine. If you do not like this format, do not worry I am only doing this for this issue.

My Time And Experiences At The 1997 International Prophecy Conference. Pt1
(the other parts will be doled out in future issues.)

By: Ray Gano

Time: 4:12 PM Thursday evening Jan 30th 1997
Place: Airport DoubleTree Hotel

YEA!!!! I was finally here. Tampa Florida, home of the God's News Behind the News International Bible Prophecy Conference. It was humid....blah.

This was the first major Bible Prophecy Conference that I have ever attended and boy was I ready for it. I have gone to see people speak such as Chuck Missler, Berit Kjos, Mike Evans, etc. But never have I been in one place at one time were so many learned men and women of God were all in one place. This was exciting.


First of all I want to let everyone know that the main reason I went to the conference was not to partake in the teaching, but to meet and network with other people who love Bible prophecy as much as I do. I also was there to meet many of the people that I have either spoken to SO many times on the phone or through email, and to interview many of these. I was there to tell the attendees of the conference about PZ....... and finally for the AUSOME FELLOWSHIP!!!! (Hello Chris, Jeanette, Karen, Robin, Todd, Dustin, Ken, Gary, Audry, Scott, Perry, Kathy, Jack, Sherlock, Micky, Tom, Avi, Steve,Michael, Robert, Joe, Terry, Bob and your wife who's name I forget, Stanley, Bill, Gary, Kay, The know who you are, plus the many other people I met and had fellowship with)


¥ Friday Jan 31, 1997 7:00AM

Well I woke up and headed down to the lobby. I was very excited and could not wait. Because of another conference that happened in the hotel the night before, they had to cancel Mike Evans(at least this is what I gathered). I met a wonderful couple, Perry and Kathy, in the lobby and had great fellowship and a very good breakfast. After Breakfast I started checking out the book tables which were opening early. One of the tables that was opening was JR Church's. Not to many people were around, so I introduced myself to JR. I have never emailed nor talked to JR in the past, it is his son and his web master that I have contact with. So I told him about PZ and advised him that he was a PZ Prophecy Alliance Member. Well to my some what surprise, he knew who we (PZ) were and was delighted to meet me.

So did we talk Red Moon over Jerusalem? How about Prophecy in the Psalms? How about plain ol' Bible Prophecy? Nope, we talked APPLE MACINTOSH.....great fellowship!!! What can I say...boys and our toys. I showed him my Apple laptop and he whipped out his Apple Duo-Dock. RAM, ROM, Screen Color etc. (mental note: I still need to email him the address book program that I promised him. ) GREAT FELLOWSHIP!!!

Well after that, I checked out what other tables were opening. It is this time that I ran into Kathy, Ray Brubaker's jack of all trades secretary. When she saw me a through the glass window that separated us...well she ran out and gave me a big hug. Kathy is a wonderful woman and really helped me A LOT while I was down there. She helped with making appointments with all the PZ readers, the speakers and so forth. I do not know what I would have done without her. Well I know that I would not have gotten any sleep at all. So thank you Kathy for all you did and I look forward to helping you and GNBN next year.

After spending some time with Kathy, guess who I bump into but none other that Todd-I-need-a-DNS-name-for-my-www site-Strandberg of the Rapture Index. ( I recognized him instantly from his photo on his FAQ page. Todd is a great guy and it was a blast to finally meet him.

Say do you know that the Rapture index is at a 1997 all time high?


The Current Rapture Index

1 False Christs 3 18 World Church 2 35 The Antichrist 2-1
2 Satanism/Occult 4 19 Globalism 4 36 Volcanoes 5
3 New Age 3 20 Tribulation Temple 3 37 Earthquakes 4
4 Unemployment 3+1 21 Anti-Semitism 4 38 Hurricane/Torn 5
5 Inflation 3 22 Israel Unrest 5 39 Persia (Iran) 4
6 Interest Rates 1 23 Russia (Gog) 4 40 Famine 4
7 Economy 1 24 Less Civil Rights 3 41 Drought 3
8 Oil Supply/Price 3 25 The False Prophet 2 42 Plagues 3
9 Debt 2 26 Nuclear Nations 4 43 Climate 4-1
10 Potential Crash 5 27 World Unrest 5 44 Food Supply 4
11 Leadership 5 28 Arms Build Up 5 45 Floods 5
12 Drug Use 4 29 Liberalism 5
13 Apostasy 5 30 Peace Treaty 4 Rapture Index 160
14 Supernatural 2+1 31 Kings of the East 2 Net Change +1
15 Moral Standards 5 32 Mark of the Beast 5
16 Anti Christian 3+1 33 Beast Government 3 Updated: 10 Feb 97
17 Crime Rate 1 34 Second Roman Empire 4

Record High 164 Record Low 50 1995 High 137 1996 High 152 1997 High 160
Oct 26 90 Dec 12 93 1995 Low 100 1996 Low 111 1997 Low 148

The Rapture Index's purpose

The Rapture Index has two functions one is to factor together a number of related end time components into a cohesive indicator, and the other is to standardize those components in order to eliminate the wide variance that exists with prophecy reporting. The Rapture Index by no means is meant to predict the rapture, however, the index is meant to measure the type of activity that could act as a precursor to the rapture.

Rapture Index of 75 AND BELOW: Slow prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 75 to 100: Moderate prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 100 to 135: Heavy prophetic activity
Rapture Index above 135: Alert zone


If you get a chance, I HIGHLY recommend Todd's www site. I found Todd to be a very logical and level headed person, and hey...he is also fun to be with too.

¥ 3:30 PM Fri Afternoon
Things were still kinda slow, so Todd and I went to the shopping mall to buy a new mini tape player, you see mine broke, I guess one to many notes to myself. I truly enjoyed having this time with Todd. We talked about the different Rapture theories out there and the interesting fact that the Pre-Trib Rapture is not covered in the media, and in fact it seem to a very hard topic to be found at all in the press. Todd has written a very good article on this topic which you can find at his www know, the one that needs a DNS name.

On they way back we discussed the "Partial Rapture Theory". This is a VERY interesting theory that seemed to be to be one of the main "under lying topics" that was talked about at the conference. Bill Wingo, author of "Rapture Shock" has written a VERY good book on this. If this is a theory that you are interested in, I highly recommend this book. The general idea of this theory is that not everyone is going to be taken up in the Rapture. What Bill Wingo and some others put forward is that only the "bride or First Fruits Christians" will be taken. This does not mean that those who will be left behind are not Christians, in no way am I saying that. The gift of salvation, once it is given can never be taken back, otherwise God has lied to us. We know that God does not lie....

Titus 1:2, 5
In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

These individuals are called "Carnal Christians" or Christians who have fallen out of fellowship with the Lord. In Bill Wingo's book "Rapture Shock" it shows "why many Christians will not only miss the Rapture, but also wait until the end of the millennium in order to be raised from the dead." I reading this book, I have to say that it has challenged the traditional rapture theories.

Now I can not say that I support this theory fully, I have to still put it to the Acts 17:11 test.

Acts 17:11
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Once back Todd and I ran into 2 PropheZine readers...Dustin Brimberry and Ken Wilson or as Todd christened them.. Dustin the-heretic-slayer Brimberry, and Ken king-of-the-Candian-Klondike Wilson. These guys were alot of fun to hang out with. Many 3:00 AM in the morning debate and reasoning sessions with each other many of the nights that we were there.

¥ 5:00PM Friday evening
It is Friday night, all the book tables are open. I am like a kid in a candy store. We have in the Silicon Valley area a book store called Berean Book Store. Just let me say the place is huge! BUT, I have to say that there were almost more books and videos at this conference than I have ever seen at Berean. I was in book heaven. Whip out that plastic and CHARGE!!!!!

The evening speakers who were slated to speak were Perry Stone, a Evangelist and Prophecy Teacher from the Nashville TN area and Peter Lalonde. Well I did not make it. I ran into Steven Wright.

Many of you are saying who is Steven Wright? Steve is a local Prophecy teacher who happened to just show up. He has authored some very good books including "Superpowers in Prophecy" which was first smuggled into Poland and Russia to be printed underground during the cold war of the mid 1980's. His newest book "Weather Modification and UFO's and Other New World Order Deceptions" is a very good book which I have also read. I REALLY liked chapter 1 the best!!! The thing I like about Steve is that he relies heavily on scripture in his writing and when he speaks. Many prophecy writers / speakers quote Time Magazine, Wall Street Journal, facts, facts, facts. Steve is different in that he really stands on the Bible. I find this very refreshing. Again, Acts 17:11.

:::::::::PZ SIDELINE NOTE :::::::::::

To order Weather Modification and UFO's, send $13.00 to
Steven C. Wright
PO Box 8426
Clearwater, FL 34618

If you order directly from him, he will autograph it for you. This price include shipping and Handling. Tell him you read about it in PZ.


A little bit of trivia about Steve which I did not know, he ran for US Senate and he has a 1 hour Bible Prophecy Radio show on the Amerinet Network. I know that you can reach it on shortwave and I also know that his show is also syndicated through out the US. So call your local Christian Station to see if Steve is on in your area.

Steve and I had some great fellowship that evening and during much of the conference. We talked Internet, HAARP, the weird weather all over the world, 3rd and 4th dimensions in regards to UFOs / aliens and fallen angles/demons. VERY HEAVY STUFF, but very interesting. Look for articles from Steve in upcoming issues of PZ possibly covering this topic. Also, look for an interview with Steve. He is a great guy and we shared some great fellowship time during the conference.

¥ 9:30 PM Friday night
I have linked up with Todd, Ken and Dustin again and we are heading out to the "Waffle House" to grab some late dinner. We go through a door and there walking towards us is Chris Jewett, my Asst. Editor. I ran up and gave him a big hug. Chris was dead to the world and was heading up to his room. He drove all the way to the conference from Alabama. So we departed quickly and I promised to meet up with him the next day.

¥ Saturday Feb.1 1997 8:30 AM
Woke out'a bed...drug a comb across my head, found my way down stairs and had a cup, looking up I noticed I was late......the Convocation has already started. I had all my gear with me so that I could tape, take notes, whip out the laptop.

If you do not know, the Convocation is the "teaser" part of the conference and it is one of the parts I enjoyed, at least the parts I was able to attend. It was during the convocation that I got the MOST important piece of info (in my opinion) out of the whole conference. This came from one of the speakers by the name of Joe Van Koevering.....


"Standing where he ought not"
By: Ray Gano

As a students of Bible Prophecy we all have our favorite topics in this regard. Some people like to study Ez. 38-39 which deals with the Gog/Magog war, or Daniel in regards to the EU or revived Roman Empire, etc. Well one topic that I enjoy learning and keeping my eye out is in regards to the rebuilding of the Temple.

The reason we go to Bible prophecy conferences is to compare notes and add pieces to the puzzle. Well for me a MAJOR piece of the puzzle was added that Saturday morning while listening to Joe Van Koevering. BUT before I tell you what he said I will try to give you a quick class regarding the rebuilding the Temple and the different theories that are attached.

It started all in May 1948, that was the year that Israel became a nation. That was when the hour glass was turned over. Slowly the sands of time have been trickling through. Now somewhere during this time, I believe that the Jews are going to rebuild their Third Temple in Jerusalem.

How do we now that the Jews are going to rebuild the temple?

In 2 Thessaloians 2:4 (KJV) states.....

" Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,
or that is worshipped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple
of God, showing himself that he is God..."

This is just one of the verse that states that the Anti-Christ or the "son of Perdition" will go into the temple and demand worship. So in order for this to happen, there has to be a Temple built.

The entire Temple Mount contains cisterns and passages most of which have been inaccessible since 70 AD. The Temple Mount proper was liberated from Jordanian control in the Six-Day War of 1967, but then returned by Israel to the custody of the Moslem Waqf (Jordan). The site is some 34 acres in extent with the prominent "Dome of the Rock" near the center and Al Aqsa mosque at the South end. Jews pray night and day at the Western Wall, which is below the Temple Mount, along a section of the great retaining wall of the Mount, in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. The Western Wall as close as Jews can get these days to the site of their ancient temples.

So if the Temple needs to be there, how long will it take to be built?

A meeting was held in November 1990 with religious leaders, political leaders, scientists and archeologist in Israel to discuss the building time of the temple. This was needed in order to work out details for the Oslo 3 which started in May of 1996 and are still continuing. These negotiations will deal directly with what will be done with Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. The time determined to rebuild the Temple was 1-2 years. This does not include all the ornamental work that would be needed, this is just get the temple up. A alter will be raised somewhere west of the temple construction site to start daily sacrifices. Once the priests resume daily sacrifices, the construction of the Temple itself will begin.

So we know how long it will take to build the temple, but there is still a major Problem and that is where to build it. The site for the Jewish temples of the past has been the Temple Mount, but there is a problem... The Dome of the Rock is there. The friction between the Jews and the Muslims have gotten (in my opinion) worse during these "Peace Accords" rather than better. Seeing things in that light, it will probably take the diplomatic skills of the Antichrist to make development of this temple to come about. So again where will the Temple be built?

On the Temple Mount there are NO archaeological digs going on because the Muslims will not permit it. But extensive excavations have been made around the outer perimeter of the area and under the Temple Mount site. In this light, Scientist, Scholars and Archaeologist have come up with 3 main theories/sites as to where the Temple should be rebuilt.

The 3 Proposed Temple Site locations are:

* Southern Site, placing the Holy of Holies over the Al Kas Foundation.
(Bagatti Theory)

* Traditional Site, placing the Holy of Holies over the As-Sakhara
(Dome of the Rock)

* Northern Site, placing the Holy of Holies over the Dome of the Tablets/Spirits
(Kaufman Theory)

Dr. Asher Kaufman, formerly of the Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, has for many years made careful studies on Mount Moriah leading him to believe the Temples of Solomon and Zerubbabel were both located just north of the Dome of the Rock on the paved platform area. The Holy of Holies is believed to have been approximately on the bedrock
covered by a small shrine, the Dome of the Spirits. The Moslem stewards of the site have systematically destroyed or covered over all evidence that the site was once important to the Jews or to Christians.

Others, including Dan Bahat the Dean of Jerusalem archaeologists today, have argued persuasively that the First and Second Temples were most certainly located where the present Dome of the Rock shrine now stands.

A third view is that of Architect Tuvia Sagiv who presents striking evidence that the Temple location was South of the Dome of the Rock, but North of Al Aqsa Mosque, under the present Moslem El Kas fountain.

According to Archeologists ALL data points that the original Temple did stand where the present dome of the Rock is now. There are some VERY respected publications that have presented this data, one of them (I am guessing the name) Bible Archeology Research Magazine (?) I have 2 of there articles that show without a shadow of a doubt that the Dome of the Rock is where the Holy of Holies once stood. So why have I told you all of this....


Here are a couple of verses. This is taken from the Olive Discourse.

But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:
(Mark 13:14, KJV).

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
(Matthew 24:15, KJV).

In reading this we see that there is a mystery here because Christ tells us that "let him that readeth understand".

So knowing that the Temple stood where the Dome of the Rock now stands, how can the Jews rebuild the Temple?

Reread the verses given above the way Christ would have said it.....

But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, STANDING IN THE HOLY PLACE WHERE IT OUGHT NOT, (let him that /whoso readeth understand,)

So are you with me? The Jews are going to rebuild their temple "WHERE IT OUGHT NOT".

Now here is the exciting thing In 1969 there was some Arab construction work going on around the Dome of the Rock. A man by the name of Dr. Ze'ev Yeivin (now deputy director of the Department of Antiquities) happened upon this Arab constructions site and made some drawings of an exposed ancient wall near the Dome of the Rock. Sense you cannot have archaeological digs up there, this was a very important find.

In the Early 70's a man named Asher Kaufman published a very interesting theory. After studying evidence proposed by a Dr.Bagatti (His theories are for a Southern Site) and other evidences, Asher Kaufman identified the section of this wall, seen by Dr. Yeivin, as the eastern wall of the Temple's Court of the Women.

Based on ALL these different works from Bagatti and other Archaeologist and the records left by the British studies from a 100 years ago, Kaufman concluded that the site of the Temple was at the northwest corner. He determined that the east-west line aligning the Mount of Olives and with the Eastern Gate and the Temple exactly bisect on this small cupola. He noted that the bedrock inside the cupola is the only such bedrock appearing on the temple mount, it sticks up from the surface. The rest of the area around the Dome of the Rock has been paved. Now is this the "Even Shetiyyah"(Foundation stone) that protruded in the ancient Holy of Holies?

Over a century ago there were some archeological digs conducted by the British, these digs and surveys produced some other very relevant new discoveries. When this evidence is looked at in conjunction with Kaufman's, the pieces start to fit. Of importance was a particular rock mass near the Northern steps leading up to a small Muslim Cupola on the Temple Mount.

Point: A person standing on the Mount of Olives can look over the Eastern Gate into a huge area north of the Dome of the Rock. If you give this person a surveyors laser, it would cut right through the Eastern Gate (if it was not sealed) and through the center of this small cupola or known by the name of the Dome of the Spirits / Tablets.

Further importance about this stone is the name of this site, Dome of the Spirits/Tablets. Arabic titles often preserve original place names. Were these dual titles reminiscent of the Divine Presence that accompanied the Ark and the tablets of the law stored within it which once rested in the Holy of Holies?

OK, now one last point of evidence. Knowing the measurements of the Holy of Holies, all the courtyards and walls, and working your way from the center out from the Dome of the Spirits / Tablets, the Dome of the Rock falls within the courtyard of the Gentiles

So after telling you all of this, you ask SO WHAT???


Rev 11:1-2 (NIV)

I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, "Go and
measure the temple of God and the alter, and count the worshipers
there. But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it
has been given to the Gentiles."

This also falls in line with Ezekiel and the temple that he describes in Ez 40+

So putting ALL of this together, we can surmise that...

1. The Jews are going to build the Temple in the wrong spot / compromise with the Arabs (Mk 13:14 / Mt 24:15)

2. They will build it at the Dome of the Spirits / Kaufman Theory, (Ez.40+ / Rev 11:1-2)

3. All of this falls right in line that if given the go ahead...The Jews could start construction tomorrow.

So out of all the Conference, this is what I consider a BIG puzzle piece because for all this time everyone has been thinking either here or there. Never have I or others I have talked to thought that the Jews will rebuild their temple "Standing where he ought not", knowing full well that The Dome of Then Rock is the right place. This has never crossed any of our minds.

If you have opinion to this, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at

In His service,
Ray Gano
Sr. Editor

There are some very good books out there right now that deal with this topic. If you are interested in this topic I highly recommend these following books and www sites. This is also where I drew my information from for this article.

Ready to Rebuild , by Thomas Ice & Randall Price

* Heaven, by Grant Jeffrey Frontier Research Publications 1990, Pgs. 63-64

Messiah, Prince of Darkness, Heaven, by Grant Jeffrey. Grant Jeffrey's

Cup of Trembling , by Dave Hunt

The Bible: Ezekiel 40 - 45, Revelation 11 and 21.

Lambert Dolphin, Israel's Third and Fourth Temple

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem


¥ 10:00 AM Sat. morning
Whew!!!! Let me tell that after hearing this from Joe Van Koevering, I about hit the floor. To me this was a MAJOR deal and it seemed that the crowd did not pick up on this, well some of the crowd did. So in my opinion this was the big event for me.

After Joe spoke Gary Kah (who was not slated to be here, I will tell you more about this later)had his time. I really enjoy Gary. He speaks with a great amount of authority and humility. I also gained a good friend in Gary and his wife Audry while I was there.

If you do not know, Gary Kah is the author of "En Route to Global Occupation" and he is a former Government Trade Official. His insight into the development of the growing One World Government is outstanding. While he was working for the State of Indiana he was approached by many NWO groups, one of them is called the World Congress and Parliament Association or WCPA. these folks already have the Global Constitution written up and theirs is the model that all the other NWO groups follow. If you know of any skeptics who say that the NWO is a bunch of "Right Wing Wacco" stuff, then you need to get them Gary's book. I know that I was floored after I read it.

One thing that Gary informed the audience was the use of "non lethal weapons". A friend of Gary's that was still in a high place in the Government told Gary that he noticed " Fellow Christians becoming sick with tumors and cancer and dying in the time of 1-3 months" . 2 years ago in June, Gary started to hear these sounds at night. These were very low sounds and were in a series of 7 pulses a minute. This went on for weeks. After a while Gary was getting sick, had horrible red eyes, irritable, loss of weight, etc. It took Gary a while to finally notice and he truly believes that he was being attacked with one of these weapons. The technology used was called E.L.F. or Extremely Low Frequency sound waves. Science has known for quiet some time that sound does effects humans and different pitches have stronger effect on humans than others in the sound spectrum. It is the extream low frequencys that effect humans to the point of sickness and if exposed for long periods of time, even death. Gary is 97% sure that he has been a victim of such an attack.

So please keep Gary in your prayers. He is a good brother in the Lord and he is standing at the forefront of the Battle. He and his wife Audry really need our support.

Now for the exciting news. Gary Kah has joined the Prophecy Alliance. We are also working on putting a full WWW site on the PZ site for Gary's ministry. The address for this site will be This site will carry Hope For The World Newsletter back issues, which is the newsletter Gary publishes and one that I HIGHLY recommend! Gary's speaking schedule will be posted so that you know where Gary is speaking. There will be information on how to get Gary's books and videos, plus special updates in regards to what is happening in the Global arena. Gary will also be writing for PZ on a regular basis. So look for it in the near future.

¥ 11:30 PM Sat afternoon
It is at this time where I met 3 people that blessed me GREATLY. Jeanette Jennings, Robin Wade, and most of all Karen McDaniel. Jeanette is a reader of PZ and she also publishes a GREAT quarterly newspaper called Maranatha Fellowship

:::::::::::PZ NOTE :::::::::::::::

Maranatha Fellowship is a free newspaper. If you wish to receive this very good resource, then email Jeanette at She will request that you send her 4-6 S.A.S.E. with 2x.32 first class stamps attached to the envelopes. For more details, write her at the given email address...and like always, tell her you read it in PZ.


It was Jeanette that introduced me to Karen and Robin. When I first met them, I kinda had a wall up. The reason is that they wear headcovering. (look in future issues for Karen's article called "Why Some Women Wear Headcoverings") Now these were really doilies that they wore to cover their heads. My first though was that I was meeting some very legalistic women. BUT come to find out was I TOTALLY WRONG. Karen and Robin have a GREAT ministry and one I am going to try to support with PZ. They are both authors and I have to say that Karen's articles brought me to tears. I read Karen's article about women wearing headcovering and it convicted me greatly to the point of tears. In fact I could not keep a strait face when I talked to Karen about this topic. Karen writes beautifully and plainly. She covers what I call Bible 101 and this is something that I feel is GREATLY needing in the church today.


Why Do We Pray?
By: Karen McDaniel

Do your prayers seem hurried and disjointed? Does your mind tend to stray? Are your prayers superficial, void of true meaning? Are you wondering if you will ever be able to commune with God on a truly personal level? Can you ever expect to feel a sense of closeness to the Lord when you- pray?

Matthew 6:9-13 in God's word gives us an example of prayer, as set forth by Jesus Himself. Almost everyone who goes to church on occasion has repeated it. It is called the "Lord's Prayer." Many of us have even memorized it, just as we may have memorized the "Pledge of Allegiance"; and when we repeat it, we convey about the same lack of sincerity! Usually we just want to finish with it and get on to whatever is next! If we were to take a closer look at it though, dissecting it, personalizing it, and expanding each portion to include the various instructions in other areas of Biblical text, we would be amazed. We would find that this exemplary prayer represents a structural pattern to embrace every possible need we could bring before the Lord. Let's take a closer look at this most beloved prayer - one small section at a time, and expand upon some thoughts that we might employ in relation to each part.

"Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name . . ." What a beautiful sentiment. It encompasses God's holiness and encourages (if not demands) our tribute to Him as acknowledgment through reverence. Dwell upon it for a moment. When we pray, God wants us to be so very aware of Him, to focus upon Him in all His majesty! We should praise Him, exalt Him, glorify His name! Pause - contemplate His holiness with fear and awe, thanking Him for the privilege of being allowed to come before His throne! We should express our love to Him (even when we don't feel like it!) We should thank Him for who He is, for His sacrifice to secure our eternal life, and for all the blessings He has given us, is giving us, and will be giving us - being specific. A heart of love and gratitude is a necessity as we approach the throne of our Hallowed Father. If our hearts aren't ready to pray in love and thankfulness, we should stop immediately and settle it with God before proceeding. . .

. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven"

We are to pray for the Jewish people, for their protection and their salvation. We are to pray for all of mankind. God tells us in II Peter 3:9 that He doesn't want anyone to perish! We should, therefore, pray for the salvation of all people, particularly our friends, relatives, and loved ones. We are to pray for our churches, our pastors, and our missionaries, as well as for the ability and desire to do our part to spread the gospel message. We are to pray for revival in the hearts of all people in order to further God's kingdom. We should pray for our nation to turn back to God, and that our fellow Christians would likewise be inspired to pray for our nation. We are to pray for prophetic completion - for Christ's soon return for His bride, and should ask for God's moral standards to be upheld in all levels of the government until Christ's soon return. The furtherance of God's kingdom prior to the seven years of perdition is largely our responsibility, to be.accomplished through our perseverance and prayer. It is our duty to further His kingdom now, and it will be ours to enjoy during Christ's millennial reign and throughout eternity.

. . . Give us this day our daily bread . ."

This encompasses our inconceivable right as God's children to bring our petitions to the very throne of God. What an awesome privilege! Other scriptural references help us to see the manner in which this is to be accomplished. Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first the kingdom of God (or in essence, the furtherance of His will rather than an insistence upon our own). James 4:3 tells us to ask for the right reasons (which, by the way, rules out greed, lust, selfishness, etc.) After we have examined our true reasons for our requests, we are to bring them before His throne. No request is too small, and there will be times when immediate urgency may prevent our prayers from being thought through. We should never, however, take our requests to God lightly, and we should always pray for His will to be accomplished above our own, and in His timing. (We often think we know what is best for us, and when it is best for us, but He can see what we cannot, and may know otherwise. He may also allow a circumstance to continue for our growth or for His glory. We must trust in His sovereignty, and praise Him for His faithfulness - even when we don't understand His answer or His timing.) We are promised that He will provide for our needs (as He determines them), and told that it pleasures Him to provide even the desires of our hearts. (He most likely gives us certain desires of the heart just so He can fulfill them!) Accordingly, we are to critically evaluate our needs and desires, and bring them in obedience before His throne.

We should address our spiritual needs - requesting conviction and growth, discernment, wisdom, knowledge, and internal peace; our physical needs - expressing our internal and external health concerns, and requesting His healing touch as He sees fit to allow; our mental/emotional needs - requesting comfort in sorrow, good judgment, sound mind, and compassion. (In all areas, it helps to be specific in our requests; to analyze our problems and our needs as we pray. Through these thought processes God often reveals the approach He wants us to use in seeking our solutions.) In the same manner in which He wants us to bring OUR needs and desires before Him, He wants us to intercede on behalf of others, as their needs and desires have been made known to us. We are asked also to intercede in prayer for the saints. (Saints here are not super-heroes, but are simply those who have received Jesus into their hearts, allowing Him to transform their lives.) Even though we cannot be specific with regard to those saints we don't yet know, and may never know, as we pray for them in obedience to God's Word, He will honor our prayers. We should not fail to ask Him to produce in us a character which will bear pure and wholesome spiritual fruit; to continue to sanctify, consecrate, and dedicate us to His use, His service, and His glory. Our most urgent desire should be to grow in Him, and to have a beneficial influence upon others at all times, being an exemplary Christian witness in every area of life.

. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors . . ."

This encompasses the realization that in order to BE FORGIVEN, we must BE WILLING TO FORGIVE! Those of us who have not yet received eternal life through Jesus, will find that we cannot as long as we harbor unforgiveness. We must be willing to turn over any unresolved unforgiveness to the Lord, giving up all grudges, trusting in Jesus as Savior, and allowing Him to renew our minds and rule in our hearts and lives as Lord; forsaking all rights to self, and asking Him to work through us as He chooses. When we do this in all sincerity, we inherit our eternal life as children of the Living Lord, and we know with the certainty of an abundance of Bible references, that we can never be taken from Him, or in any way lose our eternal life with Him! True to His word, Jesus then comes to live within us in the form of the Holy Spirit, transforming our lives, enabling us to overcome our sinful natures in ways that we could never do on our own, and we find that we have indeed been born again in Him! The instant we receive Jesus in this manner, we likewise receive the forgiveness He has provided for us through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. This is forgiveness for ALL our sins, including past, present, and future; from our first breath to our last. As true Christians, however, we can and still do sin (we are simply sinners saved by grace). Although all of these sins have already been forgiven when we were born again, current sins will stand between us and our fellowship with God until we agree with God about the things we have done wrong, and allow Him to help us turn away from them. Psalm 66:18 even tells us that if we regard iniquity in our heart, the Lord will not hear us! If we want Him to hear our prayers, we MUST be willing to forgive others! Being unwilling to forgive, just as any other intentional choice contrary to God's teaching, would cause us to be in direct disobedience with God's word. This could open the door for some very unpleasant-circumstances to unfold in our lives through chastisement and/or spiritual warfare! We must turn over to Him any unforgiveness in our hearts in order,to restore or maintain the fellowship with God that is so crucial to our well-being.

Our reluctance to forgive, as well as all our other sins, should be confessed and resolved with God on a daily basis. Sin covers a LOT of ground. It is sometimes described as "falling short of the mark" (the mark being perfection in God's eyes). We can fall short through omission - not doing, saying, thinking, etc. the things we felt we should have, as well as through commission - doing, saying, thinking, etc. the things we felt we should not have. Our thoughts, words, deeds, attitudes, mind-sets, body language, and overall conduct can all be sinful, and should all be considered as we come before the Lord in confession. We must acknowledge that there has been even accidental sin that we were not aware of, and ask Him to reveal to us anything that we specifically need to recall and confess, and to help us resolve any problems that were caused by our sins, accidental or intentional. We should also ask Him (as much as it is possible to do so within His will) to heal the scars left upon our bodies, souls, and spirits through our sins and the sins of others - thus allowing us to serve Him to our best ability. (Please understand, however, that some traces of our past sin and rebellion may never be taken from us to serve as a constant reminder of the depravity we once embraced. Some scars from the sins of others may even be left in order to convict our hearts of the moral decay that consumes mankind apart from the grace of God. The apostl6 Paul three times requested deliverance from an unknown affliction, but was denied this deliverance in order that the strength God gave him to deal with it could be evident to others, and bring glory to God. If God chooses to leave an affliction with us, it is for a purpose, and it is an opportunity, even our duty to use it for His ultimate glory.)

We should ask Him for the strength of mind to keep our past failures in the past where they belong so we can get on with serving God as the new person He makes us each day through the cleansing we seek in our prayers. We should then ask Him to keep us pure in heart as we proceed to serve Him, helping us to filter everything we see, hear, think, participate in, partake of, etc., according to His precepts; giving us the discretion and strength to reject any thoughts, activities, entertainment, etc. that would grieve the Holy Spirit, and to perceive all things through the mind of Christ, conforming our own minds to His.

. . . And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:. . ."

This encompasses the incredible element of protection that we can derive through our prayers to God. We should ask for protection in all areas of our lives - including the spiritual, physical, and mental/emotional. We need to ask first for ourselves and our immediate families that God would bless and purify all that we consume or in any way take into our bodies, and to encompass us and hedge us about, securing us with the armor referred to in Ephesians 6:10-18. (We must bear in mind, however, that being secured by the armor in Ephesians is essentially our responsibility via active participation on our part.) We should also remember to ask for protection for our friends, relatives, loved ones, spiritual leaders, churches, missionaries, and all of God's saints. It is wise also to ask for protection over the things God has so graciously given to us to call our own in the time frame which He allows - our property, homes, vehicles, belongings in general, etc. (While we're at it, we might ask Him to help us to use these things in such a way that we would never cause Him to be grieved - particularly our TV's, stereos, etc.)

. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,

" The Lord's prayer ends almost as it begins, forever . . ." The Lord's prayer ends almost as it begins, by stressing the sovereignty of God. It indicates that we should bow before His power, thanking Him for the control He so faithfully maintains over every facet and every instant of our lives. We should thank Him for His abiding faithfulness and presence. (Even when we, through disobedience cannot sense it, He is there, loving us as always.) We need to thank Him for our trials (even in the midst of them) for they are for His glory and for our good. We must not forget to commit all of our achievements to His glory as well, retaining none for self. He in His power and sovereignty has allowed them for our growth and pleasure, but the Glory is His and His alone. As His children, we must acknowledge that the earth and all that is within it is HIS kingdom, remembering to keep our eyes on Him, and to see everything from His perspective.

. . . Amen." (A point of reference needs to be made here. We should end all of our prayers in the most precious and holy name of Jesus - Jesus obviously didn't need to do this in His model prayer to us, because it was He who was praying. However, when we pray to the father, it is Jesus who intercedes to the throne of the Father for us. It is NOT a priest, or a saint, etc. It is Jesus, and Jesus alone! It was expressly stated in I Timothy 2:5 that there is ONE mediator, that being Jesus - in order that everyone would know and understand that prayer was to be offered under NO OTHER NAME and THROUGH NO ONE ELSE WHATSOEVER! In like manner, prayer should never be addressed to ANYONE OTHER THAN GOD! Praying to a saint, to Mary, etc. would be to put them on a level equal to God, and would be unadulterated idolatry! God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are equal. The three are as one. -No one else ever has been or ever will be divine. The author has no intent to be harsh in nature here, but must be scripturally firm, and fully intends to prompt immediate concern where needed! God is very clear about this in His word, and intends for us to read and understand it for ourselves as the Holy Spirit directs. PLEASE seek His word if you have doubt, and never allow the word of ANY man, priest or otherwise, to supersede or replace GOD'S once and for all time inspired Word, the Holy Bible!)

Amen (which means "so be it") is the tentative end to our prayer - tentative in that I Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray without ceasing. We should maintain this attitude of prayer and commune with God throughout the day! We can keep prayer alive in our hearts all day be recalling the acronym of ACTS: A - adoration, C - confession, T - thanks, S - supplication; and by recalling the 7 P's: God's presence, power, pardon, patience, protection, provision, and peace. When we acknowledge these things regarding His relationship to us, how can we help but maintain a grateful heart? We'd be sure to exhibit our love for Him in the way we live, and keep His warmth aglow in our hearts throughout the day.

Well, maybe it's time to take another look at the introductory questions, and seek some resolutions to the problems that come to thought. After all,.God is the architect of the universe, yet He gives us His full attention - at ALL times! Surely we can find a time to devote just to Him in Bible Study and prayer - a time when we can REALLY relate to Him - REALLY commune with Him, without cutting Him short or praying superficially. Isn't He worth it? God bless you as you personally evaluate your private time with Him.

About the Author:

The author's credentials are simple: "God has sent me." You see, Karen M. McDaniel is not formally trained in semenaries, does not have doctorates, nor does she have a statistical string of achievements. She is simply sent of God. She does riot claim to be prophetic, nor evangelistic, nor a teacher of God's Word. Her gifts are simply exhortation, and giving (or impartation). She simply shares with others through multi-media speaking engagements, audio tapes, and written materials the Biblical enlightenments she has been blessed to receive as the result of innumerable hours of prayerful study of the Word of God in correlation with the current events of these end days. She has not been entrenched into any "Theologically Correct" interpretations, but has been blessed with fresh insight into the deeper Truth of God's word, and wishes to shed light in this rapidly darkening world. Her work is never intended to be a statement of reality, but rather a springboard for the ardent believer to use for research in order to discover the deeper Truth our Lord intended for us to find. Please use any of the author's work in such manner, seeking for yourself His Truth in His Word.

Karen recognizes God's Word to be our ultimate source of authority today. She believes the original text to be the inerrant and inspired Word of God (His total Truth as revealed to mankind), that it must be in harmony throughout the text, and that we must align each passage with the entirety of His Word in order to establish this total Truth as He taught us to do in Isaiah 28:9-10. It is this effort Karen undertakes with all diligence in order to sort out preconceived partial truths, and realign God's Word to attain his entire Truth. Karen is called to be a watchman on the wall in these end days, and does not take lightly the responsibility to share with others those things she has been blessed to find.

This work is copyrighted strictly for precautionary purposes. Permission to reproduce this work at no charge is hereby granted, but limited exclusively to non-profit purposes. Karen trusts in the higher provision of God Almighty through the hearts of His children rather than on royalties per man's economic system. if you should feel led to help meet the author's expenses, this can be done by sending non-tax-deductible contributions to the following address. All such donations are greatly appreciated, and discreetly used to further God's work. May God richly bless you as you consider these writings, and may you grow in Him!

Master mind Ministries
P. 0. Box 576
Bowling Green, FL 33834-0576

Copyright @ 1995 by Master Mind Ministries.


I enjoyed Karen, Robin and Jeanette's fellowship to no ends. It is so nice to spend time in prayer and study with people of like mind. I consider these three women great women of God and I know that the Lord will bless their ministries greatly. Both Karen and Jeanette will be joining the PZ Alliance helping others in the ministry as others help them. Karen and Jeanette will also be contributing article to the PropheZine newsletter, so look for that in up coming issues.

¥ 12:30 PM Sat afternoon
Another person that I had the great joy in meeting is Scott Pearson. Scott is a great man of God. I found his teaching to be very refreshing because of his mastery of the sword (Bible). I actually met Scott on Friday night. I had the pleasure to interview Scott. This interview blessed me greatly. Out of all the presentations that many of the speakers spoke on, I gained more out of Scott's interview than any of the classes that were taught. Scott's insight and knowledge of God's word was VERY refreshing to me and my spirit.


PropheZine Interview with Scott Pearson

PZ: Hello Scott. First of all I am really glad to meet you finally. I understand that we have a common friend, Bob Lally. (Bob is the Technical Dir. for PropheZine). It is amazing to me that you have such a fresh aspect on everything. Just now we prayed before we started this interview that the Lord bless this fellowship and that He would guide us and be with us and for the Holy Spirit to give us the words to say. This is the first time that I have ever done this sort of thing. When we as Christians meet, have a word of prayer so that the Lord will bless our fellowship. Now the thing is that I "KNOW" that we should do this, but the sad thing is that we often don't.

It is neat to see you and hear you. You are on fire for the Lord, but it is a mature fire. I have seen people 80 years old that have that same fire for the Lord that you display. It refreshes me and "recharges my batteries". I just wanted to tell you this before we started the interview.

PZ Question:
In 1 Peter 4: 8-9 we are given guideline on how we are to treat each other. Paul also teaches greatly on this topic also. In today we see alot of division over issues and division in the church. We are all on the same team. Mat 28:19-20 tells us to go out to proclaim the gospel, we should be working together to do that. Instead we are bickering over minor issues, pre-trib, post-trib, are all Christians going to heaven, etc. These are all minor irrelevant issues that do not even come close to spreading the gospel. Prophecy is fun it is an important issue, but it is a important mainstay in the church. Prophecy is something you build up once you have the proper foundation, but it is not what you build the foundation on.

What is your opinion of all this division and how do you see that all of this falls into Bible Prophecy?

Scott Pearson:
Well Ray, it very tragic and disheartening to see those type of thing happening with greater repetitdy it is unfortunate. There are so many warning in scripture that we should give heed to the words scripture, that there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care for one another 1 Cor 12:25. It is interesting, the verses you give, 1Pet4:8-9, but I want to go to the verse before it and read 7 thru 9.....

1 Peter 4:7-9
7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
9 Use hospitality one to another without grudging.

It is excellent how you began this question. There are so many scripture that warn us that in EVERYTHING that we do, should have a motive out of love pure love. Col 3:14 tells us...

Colossians 3:14
14 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

That is so missing...there is so much strife and division because I believe that our motives are not pure. They are not done out of a purity of love. Weather the motive is pride or ego or financial gain, these are things that all Christians need to count and put themselves in front of God's microscope in His word and through prayer to check themselves in this area. And if they truly were doing these things with the motive of pure love, we would not have these problems Ray.

PZ Question:
Now how do you or do you see this falling into Bible Prophecy?

Scott Pearson:
Well Bible Prophecy has always been dear to my heart, lets face it in the word of God there are 165,000 words of prophecy approximately 28% of the word of God is prophecy. The enfaciss does need to be there, but how we go about it is a little bit different. Dr. Wilbur Smith, a great theologian once said " You can be studying Bible Prophecy and still be out of the will of God" . You can major on the minors and minor on the majors, but what need to be done is that you need to have the reconsiliative relationship with Jesus Christ first and foremost. We have to be balanced out, and what you said really comes in focus. The foundation of course is Jesus Christ and His saving grace.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life". (John 3:16)

There are so many other scores that lead us to show that our relationship with him, that He died on the cross for our sins and he was raised from the dead 1 Cor 15:3-4..that is the HEART of the gospel. And if we have THAT as our foundation, and we need to base everything that we believe on on the word of God.

" Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity". (2 Timothy 2:19).

How can we not just receive Christ as our savior..but how can we grow day by day in our relationship, work out our own salvation "with fear and trembling" as Philippians 2:12 says...unless we build that relationship with one another through prayer, relationship with him and the study of His word and when we do that you'll see that it will play into focus all these other things. And how prophecy comes in is that's how I came to know the Lord at a Jack Van Impy Crusades, my good friend Gary Kah did the same thing. The Lord can use that as a bait and hook through the holy spirit to draw someone, to alert them to put the fear of God in them and then you balance that out with the love of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ and the goodnews is that we do not have to fear the future, and when you can balance all that into perspective, like you said Ray, you have to have that foundation from the word of God and a relationship with Him. We need to take that love to other people. Then when you take Bible Prophecy and show the many signs that are occurring in our world, that it is such a great witnessing and evangelistic tool. I believe that Bible Prophecy is the most useful and best evangelistic tool that we have. We can take that to the world and give them the good news.

PZ Question:
When you see all this fighting and division in the church, do you see this as a "Bible Prophecy come to pass" in anyway ....or in regards to the great apostasy that Paul talks about. Do you see that this might be part of the great apostasy?

Scott Pearson:
Yes, I believe that this defiantly plays into it. As time goes on the world is clambering for unity. Everyone knows that we need to have unity.

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"
(Psalms 133:1).

But not to many people are endeavoring to keep that. Ephisians 4:3 says...

Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
(Ephesians 4:3).

But unity in and of itself is not enough, it needs to be based on the truth of God's holy word. That is where the division comes in. You have so many people who only take bits and pieces of the Bible an they don't want the rest of it. Bible Prophecy plays such strategic role, especially in light of all the things that are occurring right before our very eyes. Much of the church is asleep and they don't want to hear this. People that I come in contact with from all over the country are screaming, they want some answers, they are afraid because they see the signs of the times in which we are living and they are more hungry to hear the truth. But when you can give them God's word in the light of Prophecy..what a useful tool! Then you can give them out of a pure love and motive the answer that is found in Jesus Christ. That to me is the most ausome thing and I believe that it is the most useful tool in evangelism today. Absolutely...

PZ Question:
What are some of your favorite aspects of Bible Prophecy? For example the Lalonde Brothers are really into the technological card, bio-chip, holograms, etc. Terry Cook, he is recognized as the authority on Digital Money, Grant Jeffrey is into the Torah code and and very knowledgeable about rebuilding the temple. What are your favorite or what do you key into?

Scott Pearson:
Well Ray a couple of things come to mind..One is the blessed hope of the rapture. Paul says...

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; (Titus 2:13).

The subject of His come is where, you talked about it Ray, the division as strife. So much of it comes from that subject alone. I'll give you an example...we have the different schools of thought on the rapture, when will the rapture occur. Most people believe in the rapture, there are some that don't ...kingdom, dominion and reconstruction people don't believe in it. But most people do believe that the rapture will occur at some time, BUT when, that is where the division and strife set in. You got the Pre, the Mid, the Post and now you have what is called the Pre-Wrath rapture. It is funny that they have different nicknames for one another... for example the pre-tribbers are called the "wimps" or " cowards" and the post tribbers call themselves the "rambos" or the "tough guys" who are going to go through it and the mid tribbers those are the middle of the road guys, their motto you know is "after all, we can only take so much." You started off so powerfully when you talked about the division and strife. So much has to do with that. Let's look at it in the light of God's word, even those who don't believe necessarily the same way can see that the times are here right before our very eyes. But at the same time what does the word of God teach us, and I ma not going to get into all the ramifications of this teaching of the rapture and the coming of Christ, suffice for me to say that in 2 Timothy 4:8.....

"Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." (2 Timothy 4:8)

There are so many Christians out there that don't love His appearing, and that is sad things. So I would say that is one of the key things that I am most interested in. Also I am in the process in writing my first book Ray one the aspect of the coming one world religion. Because when you look at revelation 13 there are 3 aspects for the new world order that we hear so much about that is promoted not only by our politicians, but also by our economists and by religious and spiritual leaders as well behind the scenes. When I say ""our" I mean the world's leaders. So the 3 aspects of that new world order are the world government, world economy and the world religion. But you know what? The key in all this, and my friend Gary Kah feels the same way, spiritual or religious deception is what is going to damn the souls to hell. The embracing of this one world religion is the most dangerous thing that this world will ever see. It is dangerous now and it is coming more into focus in the days ahead. It is a subject that is often times over looked by many excellent prophecy scholars, who are doing tremendous jobs in their fields, but not so many people have covered that subject, the world religion and all that it entails and their agenda...oh it is absolutely incredible.

PZ Question:
You were stating that you are writing a book about the one world religion. What are some of the aspects that you are going to be focusing in on in your book? For example Gary Kah has touched upon the Theosophical Society. We know that the T.S is a MAJOR player with the one world religion. What are some of the key points of your new book.

Scott Pearson:
That is an excellent point! Again people need to realize that just like in the roman empire, when under Constantine 325AD became the Roman Empire became the "Holy Roman Empire." There was a merging of the govemental,legislative and the spiritual and they came together. People don't realize and here is just an example Ray. We hear so much about the UN peace keeping force, and many people think that that is all to this organization. But what people do not realize that there is a religious or spiritual aspect to the UN as well. And what do they base many of their teachings on? Well much of what you said the Theosophical Society and the teachings of Blavatsky and Baily. Blavatsky is the author of "the Secret Doctrine." The Secret Doctrine has influenced has millions upon millions of people and many people have felt the wrath of that kind of theology. I will give you an example..Adolf Hitler, that was a bedside favorite of his. He had the book all marked up that was one of his favorite books if not his favorite. He kept it close to his heart.

Serhan sirhan , who executed, assassinated Kennedy, that was the first book he requested I his jail cell. This book the secret doctrine, you go into libraries and it is extremely difficult to get alot of this material. Because "they" are censoring and taking out alot of this material. Blavotsky, was the person who mentored or tutored Alice Baily. Alice Baily is considered by many to be the modern new age priestess of this whole movement. She (Baily) has influenced greatly the UN and the writings of the UN, her writings are promoted, "The externalization of the Higharchy" and so many other of her writings are a utterly dreadful. I know that Gary Kah in his book the "Demonic Roots to Globalism" has documented it in a very excellent fashion and the true motive behind it. Anyone and I mean anyone who reads that material can see it is absolutely purnishoushly the most diabolical thing in the world. What people do not realize that when you go to these UN summits you will see this literature propagated by them. When you got to the UN headquarters you will see "Lusis Trust." World Goodwill.... at the Olympics, we have heard these terms before. These are all organizations started by Alice Baily. Alice Baily's writings are continue to be propagated by the UN and the other sister organizations along with the "umbrella organizations." This is not covered by the media but it is truth. The influence that it has had on the world promoting a One Worlds Religion and that we can all come together as one. We can all be one happy utopian family on mother earth. Everyone is welcome to join...except Christians and Jews.

PZ Question:
I believe that we as Christians will see persecution in one form or another here in the US and currently we are seeing it in the China, Middle East, Pakistan. In this light what is your message to Christians today?

Scott Pearson:
I tell you this, the word of God speaks better than I. We are not told to look for the antichrist, but for Jesus Christ.

" And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come". (1 Thessalonians 1:10).


" And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch" .(Mark 13:37)

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh".
(Matthew 24:42-44)

But let me come back to 1 Thes 1:10 for a moment, We are to be looking for His coming and we are going to be spared from the wrath to come. But here is a VERY important point and many people miss this. Even through I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture, that does not mean that we living today will not see persecution. Paul was beheaded...Hello? There were martyrs through out the ages.but you know what and this is where people miss it. That was man's wrath not God's wrath. See during the tribulation period that is going to be God's wrath poured out onto mankind..Revelations 6-18. 21 judgments are recorded that are coming directly from God. Satan's wrath or man's wrath those that are angry at a persons stand for Christ. Through out the ages those people in totalitarian and dictatorial states or countries have been killed and martyred. So there is not guarantee that will not happen. Now that has happened and is still happening in countries like China, and other countries. But that has not happened here in the United State on a wide scale as of yet. But if the Lord teary much longer, it is VERY possible that could see some of the persecution that is going to take place. So what is the bottom line for Christians?

"Awaken out of your sleep" Zac4:1......

"And the verse that we began this with....But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer". (1 Peter 4:7).

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come".(Matthew 24:42).

You know the time is sho short that we need to be ready. The word of God says..

"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil".(Ephesians 5:16).

How much more as we look in the days ahead? But the good news is that those who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior, that are truly earnestly looking for Him, don't have to fear these things....

"But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 15:57).

That is the hope for those who know Jesus Christ and that are just not believers but are ready and they are discerning the times. Jesus said that we need to know the time. Matthew 24:3 the apostles ask what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age. Jesus goes through in the entire chapter and gives the many signs...and you know how he summed it up? I think he said it beautifully in Mat 24:33 in these words

So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
(Matthew 24:33).

That to me sums it up. The many signs and they are so numerous to mention and it all comes back to this, that we all need to be ready and we can be if we have a heart of obedience seeking out the Lord Jesus Christ. The time has come where we need to come and be with Him first and foremost and then with the brethren, with one another and to not to be an island in and of ourselves. A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire, he rages against all wise judgment Prov 18:1. Those of you who are reading this, do not be an island of yourself, have that relationship our Lord Jesus Christ first and foremost and with good Christian brothers and sisters that you trust, love and respect that are of like mind like you that we can be a support of one another. And understand this...

The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
(Proverbs 14:19).

Ray: Amen!

PZ: Scott I want to thank you very much for taking this time . It has been a great pleasure. It is exciting to know that you are on the right team and that we serve a Great God together.

Scott Pearson: Thank you Ray, it's been a pleasure.


I was great to have this time to get to know Scott. I have to say that not only did I walk away from this conference equipped with knowledge, I also walked away with a new friend and fellow brother in the Lord in Scott Pearson.

I am also excited to say that Scott has joined our alliance and will be submitting articles as well to PZ. Like Gary Kah, Karen McDaniel and others in the alliance, I want PZ to be able to help him as a means to spreading the good news of our Lord and to let people know that one day , yes he is coming soon.

Well after the interview with Scott I interviewed some other speakers that were there and part shared in the fellowship.

¥ 3:00 PM Saturday
I just got done interviewing Joe Viera, a great man of God and who Scott Pearson calls his mentor. All of us, Joe, Scott, Terry (friend of joe's) and I all wanted to make sure that we all made it to hear Gary Kah speak. This was a very informative time and very enjoyable. In a later issue I will be going more into detail in regards to Gary Kah. I interviewed Gary and had a very good conversation with him. So at a later time I will share that.

¥ The Evening Banquet Saturday
Well I was so busy interviewing everyone and I had a lot of work that needed to get done, so I skipped the banquet on Saturday. So I decided to call it an evening because I was dead tired and I was not sleeping well at all. So as to the event on Saturday I am sorry. Also I had a late lunch while interviewing Steven Wright and we spent a good amount of time together. I want to thank Chris and Linda though for finding me a seat, even if I did go, I would have fallen asleep in my food.

¥Sunday Feb 2, 1997
I was able to get some sleep. I have been so excited and been interviewing anyone and everyone and I was reading the speakers books so that I would be knowledgeable enough during the interviews, that I was up many late nights. I was also debating with Dustin, Ken and Todd till the wee hours the night before Friday night at it really took its toll on me.

I was invited to have breakfast with Scott, Joe , Terry and DR Cionci. Dr. Cionci aka doc is a wonderful man. If you ever get to see him speak or hear him on a radio interview, then by all means make it. Dr.Cionci is a humble man of God and a pleasure to talk to. His insight into AIDS is enlightening. He told me stuff that I had know idea of, and remember I live in the San Francisco bay area where the information regarding AIDS comes out first.

One negative, I have to say that not very many people attended his time (Dr. Cionci) where he spoke and people were getting up and leaving right and left. So many people who study Bible prophecy and yet did not take the time to hear a MAJOR speaker was a shame is all that I can say and I felt embarrassed and was ashamed of these people. So much so that when I spent time with the good doctor I felt the need to apologize for their actions.

¥ Sunday Afternoon Banquet.
Well because I was meeting and interviewing people, I missed out on tickets to the banquet. But I was able to stand next to the wall and hear Grant Jeffery speak. He was the one person that I wanted to hear. I have heard basically all the other speakers on TV, video or in person, but I have never heard Grant speak. So this was special to me and I was going to hear him even if I had to stand. Well I had to stand, but it was worth it!!!


By: Grant Jeffrey

An Overview

"The Bible is the greatest of all the books ever penned by men; to study it diligently is the most worthy of all possible pursuits; to clearly understand what the Lord is saying to us through its pages is truly the most noble and the highest of my goals. The application to my heart, mind and spirit of the truths of the Word of God through the Holy Spirit's gift of understanding and my subsequent obedience to that revelation is my supreme purpose and duty." in an old Bible in England

Is there a God? Does my life have any meaning or does everything happen solely by chance? How can I find the truth about life and death? What will happen when I die? Is the Bible truly the "inspired" Word of God or is it just the philosophical writings of a group of ancient men? These questions occur to all of us at some point in our life. Our answers to these questions are vitally important because they affect our goals, our relationships, our peace of mind and, ultimately, our eternal destiny. The Bible claims to be the inspired Word of God and declares that its message is absolutely true. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that each of us determine for ourselves whether the Bible is truly the Word of God or not.

If the Bible is literally true and God does exist, then everyone of us will someday stand before God to be judged by Him as to our eternal destiny - heaven or hell. The Scriptures tell us that, following our death, we will give an account to God about how we have responded to Jesus Christ and His offer of personal salvation. On the other hand, if the Bible is untrue and God does not exist, then men are free to live as they please and experience the consequences of their choices only in this world. The philosophy of "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die" is one logical response if man lives in a universe that has no God and no purpose. The answer to this question, "Is the Bible truly the Word of God?" is of the greatest possible importance to every human being whether we admit it or not. Our beliefs are the most important thing in our life because they determine the decisions and the course of our life. If we change our deeply held beliefs we will change our actions, our decisions, and the direction of our life.

Is there some way to determine the truth about God and the Bible? This book, The Signature of God, will examine incredible scientific discoveries that prove that the Bible is authoritative and inspired by God. Some people are content to follow a blind faith based on the religious convictions of their forefathers. However, many of us want to examine these matters for ourselves to determine the answer to these vital questions.

How Would God Reveal Himself to Mankind?

Let's conduct an experiment to examine the question of how God would reveal Himself to mankind if He truly exists. After creating this universe and mankind, how would God reveal Himself and His instructions to His creatures? He could choose to speak to every single one of the billions of humans in every generation, but that would be somewhat impractical. On the other hand, God could choose a number of men over a period of years and inspire them to faithfully record in writing His instructions for the rest of mankind. Obviously, the second option is the most practical.

However, there is another problem that God would face in revealing His will to mankind. How would God prove that the Bible was His legitimate revelation to mankind? The challenge would be how best to differentiate the true inspired Scriptures of God from the many other religious books produced by religious philosophers over the centuries. I believe the solution is quite obvious: God would authenticate His own true revelation by writing His signature on the pages of His Scriptures. This signature of God would consist of evidence, knowledge and phenomenon in the text of the Bible that no unaided human could possibly have written. In other words, the genuine Scriptures should contain supernatural evidence within its text that no one apart from a Divine Intelligence could create. Interestingly, the Scriptures do contain a direct statement from God that He had provided precisely this type of supernatural evidence as unmistakable proof of the Bible's inspiration and His divine powers to foretell future events through His prophets. Twenty-five centuries ago the prophet Isaiah recorded this amazing declaration from God: "Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure" (Isaiah 46:9,10). In this passage God declared that fulfilled prophecy is an absolute proof that the Scriptures are inspired by the Lord because no one but God, whether human or Satan, can possibly predict precise events in the future. It is significant that not one of the hundreds of religious books outside of the Bible contain detailed predictions about future events. The reason is simple. Any attempt by humans to precisely predict the future always ends in abject failure. The writers of other religious books knew that they did not know what would occur in the future. They wisely refrained from exposing themselves to ridicule by creating what would have inevitably proved to be false predictions. God is the only one who knows the future as well as the past.

My thesis in The Signature of God, is that the Bible contains a number of fascinating proofs that absolutely authenticate the Scriptures as the inspired and authoritative Word of God. The evidence from hundreds of fulfilled prophecies form one of the strongest and most obvious proofs of divine inspiration. However, there are a number of other intriguing and undeniable proofs that only God could have inspired the ancient writers to record His message in the Scriptures.

The Bible Contains the Characteristics of a Genuine Revelation from God

How would God authenticate His message so that naturally skeptical men and women could be assured that the Scriptures were truly from God and not simply the speculations of religious philosophers? How would the Lord identify His presence, His divine nature and His commands to mankind and provide proof that this communication was truly from God?

1. The written revelation of God's nature and commands was progressively revealed step-by-step to a series of carefully chosen men over a period of sixteen centuries. The recipients were closely connected by race and faith to facilitate their gathering, assembling, preserving, and distributing God's written revelation throughout this time. The Lord chose the Jewish people, a small defined race that has maintained its identity over the centuries, as the faithful guardian of His written revelations.
2. Although His divine communications were transmitted by inspiration to individual Jews, it was recorded in a permanent written form capable of being examined and read by the writer's contemporaries as well as generations to follow.
3. These divine communications were sometimes accompanied by supernatural miracles to prove its origin from God.
4. This revelation contains internal evidence that proves that God is the ultimate author. The Bible includes information that could not have been written by men without divine inspiration.
5. The Bible contains thousands of detailed prophecies concerning events that were precisely fulfilled many years after the predictions were made. Their fulfillment proves that God inspired the Bible. No one but God can prophesy accurately.
6. God inspired biblical writers to record His profound wisdom and truth that transcend all of man's wisdom.
7. God's Holy Spirit supernaturally transforms the lives of millions who commit themselves to the Bible's revelation.
8. The primary purpose of the Bible is to reveal God's plan of salvation. However, whenever the Scriptures deals with history, archeology, nature, or science, it reveals advanced knowledge that is true and verifiable. Such biblical statements are far in advance of the knowledge of the time of the original human writer.
9. The Bible's wisdom, knowledge, and ethics clearly proclaim its supernatural origin to anyone who is truly seeking answers to life's profound questions. The wisest people of all cultures and times are committed to its truths.
10. The Scriptures contain advanced medical and sanitation knowledge that was thousands of years ahead of its time. This medical knowledge from the Bible has saved countless millions of lives of those who followed its divine precepts over the centuries since the Bible was written. In addition, its lifesaving commands still prove their worth in this century.
11. A careful examination of the names and numbers in the Bible's text reveals special mathematical designs and codes that are so complex that no human or super-computer could have produced these features. Many of these designs are not obvious and occur throughout a series of biblical books written by different biblical authors over several centuries. There is no human explanation for this phenomenon except for divine inspiration.
12. Recently, Jewish computer scientists discovered a series of incredible messages encoded at equally spaced intervals hidden beneath the Hebrew text of the first five books of the Bible, the Torah. God inspired the writers to unknowingly use specific words and letters to produce the most astonishing and incredibly complicated mathematical and letter codes ever produced. These features were carefully hidden from the eyes of everyone until this century and the development of mathematical and super-computer analysis. The discovery of these complex patterns of wheels within wheels provides compelling evidence that constitutes an unanswerable argument for the divine inspiration of the Bible. The scientists declared that these patterns are so
complex that they could not have been produced by humans. Furthermore, while these incredible patterns exist in the Hebrew text of the Torah, no other apocryphal texts display this pattern, nor can they find it in any other Hebrew religious or secular texts. This incredible phenomenon provides overwhelming evidence that there is one inspired author of the Scriptures.
13. In normal human literature, authors naturally try to present themselves in the best light possible. However, the Bible presents these men "warts and all" revealing them often as weak, afraid, and lacking in wisdom. It runs contrary to human experience to find authors revealing themselves with such candor. Additionally, biblical revelation contains many intricate details
and unintended coincidences in its stories that, while easily overlooked, prove the overall truthfulness of the historical accounts.
14. Although written by forty-four men over sixteen centuries, the complete text of the Bible reveals a coherent unity and progressive revelation from Genesis to Revelation that develops God's plan of redemption for mankind. The books of the Old Testament continuously point to the coming of a Messiah-King to redeem His people. The New Testament displays the fulfillment of these divine prophecies in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. The unity of theology and the focus on the message of redemption throughout the Bible argues strongly that a single author created this text. The combined evidence presented in this book reveals that the single author who inspired the writers of the Bible was God.

Three thousand years ago King David, the great king of Israel, wrote these words revealing the nature of God's inspired Word: "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward" (Psalms 19:7-11).

The Inspiration of Scripture

The early Christians, Jewish scribes, and generations of Christian believers shared an unshakable conviction that the Scriptures contain the infallible, inspired, and authoritative words of God. The Bible itself claims that " All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). The Greek word translated "inspired" literally means "God breathed" indicating the Lord's direct supervision of the writing by the biblical writer. The Bible claims that its words were not written by men in an ordinary manner but that God actually inspired men to record His direct words as His revelation to mankind for all time. Just as God created only one sun to provide light to our planet, He gave us only one book, the Bible, to enlighten our world spiritually.

Tragically, during this century many pastors, professors, and laymen have lost their faith and confidence that the Bible is truly the inspired and reliable Word of God. Dr. Kennedy, a Regius Professor of Classics at Cambridge University in the early decades of this century, warned of the relentless battle that was about to begin over the authority of the Bible. "The inspiration of Scriptures will be the last battle ground between the Church and the world." Unfortunately, many in our churches and seminaries today have abandoned this battlefield too easily and accepted defeat at the hands of sceptics that hate the authority of the Word of God. This widespread rejection of the truthfulness of the Scriptures reveals the folly of men who "have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns" of vain philosophy. (see Jeremiah 2:13). Jeremiah the prophet spoke these words twenty-five centuries ago.

The Bible itself declares in numerous passages that it is the inspired Word of God. The prophet Jeremiah declared, "Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: 'Behold, I have put My words in your mouth'" (Jeremiah 1:9). God confirmed that He directly inspired His servants, the prophets, to record His words and instructions "word for word." In the New Testament the apostle Peter declared that "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:20,21). One of the strongest statements found in the Bible records the inspired words of Jesus Himself who declared, "The Scripture cannot be broken" (John 10:35).

We will examine the overwhelming scientific evidence that proves the inspiration and authenticity of the Bible as the Word of God. The evidence provided in The Signature of God will establish the credibility and authority of the Scriptures for both non-believers and Christians as a credible foundation for faith in God's inspired revelation. The book is divided into sections that will examine the various areas in which the Scriptures can be tested as to their authenticity and authority. The evidence we will explore include the following area:

1. Fascinating ancient inscriptions and manuscripts that prove the historical accuracy of the Scriptures.
2. Little known archeological discoveries that provide overwhelming confirmation of the biblical accounts, including the Tower of Babel and the Exodus.
3. The tremendously accurate scientific statements in the Bible that cannot be explained apart from God's inspiration.
4. The incredible fulfillment of prophecies in our generation that authenticate the Scriptures.
5. The staggering phenomenon of hidden codes and mathematical patterns found in the text of the Bible that could not have been produced by human intelligence.
6. Scriptural "coincidences" that confirm the divine inspiration of the Scriptures.
7. The phenomenon of the transformed character and lives of the writers of the Bible.
8. The unprecedented influence of the Bible on the lives of individuals, the culture, and history of the Western world.

While many of the topics we will explore in this book are fascinating in and of themselves, their true value for a Christian lies in their ability to confirm and illustrate the events, personalities, and statements of the Word of God. Alexander Knox once wrote about the relationship between human and sacred knowledge as follows: "If in the rills which trickle down amidst these intellectual Alps and Apennines, I could discern no connection with that river which maketh glad the city of God, I own that I should look upon them with as little interest as upon the rocky fragments through which they passed" (Quoted by Rev. Charles Forster in Sinai Photographed, London: Richard Bentley, 1862). As a researcher and writer I feel a tremendous responsibility to carefully check the accuracy of every statement because of the incredible importance of prophecy and scriptural truths. Those who write about the truths of the Scriptures are like the scribes of ancient Israel. The Scriptures declare that, "every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old" (Matthew 13:52). When we seek as writers to explore the wonderful truths of the Bible we also "bring forth out of his treasure things new and old" in our attempt to reveal the deeper truths of the Word of God.

The Accuracy of the Bible Manuscripts

Over the last four thousand years, Jewish scribes, and later, Christian scribes, were very careful to correctly copy and transmit the original manuscripts of sacred Scriptures without any significant error. The Jewish scribes who carefully copied out by hand the manuscripts of the Old Testament were called "Masoretic" from the Hebrew word for "wall" or "fence." Their extreme care in meticulously counting the letters of the Bible created a "fence around the Law" to defend its absolute accuracy. For example out of the 78,064 Hebrew letters in the Book of Genesis, they counted precisely 4,152 x letters and 8,448 y letters. These sages were so precise in counting the exact number of letters in the Scriptures, that they were able to pinpoint the middle verse of Genesis which is: "And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck" (Genesis 27:40). When a scribe completed his copy, a master examiner would painstakingly count every individual letters to confirm that there were no errors in the newly copied manuscript. If an error was found, the mistaken copy was destroyed to prevent it ever being used as a master copy in the future.

As a proof of the incredible accuracy of this transmission through the centuries, consider the Masoretic and Yemenite translations of the Torah. Over a millennium ago, Yemenite Jews were separated from their brother Jews in the Middle East and Europe. Despite separate transmissions and copying of their Torah manuscripts, a thousand years later only nine Hebrew letters, out of some 304,805 letters in the Yemenite Torah manuscript, differ from
the accepted Hebrew Masoretic text of the Torah. Not one of these nine variant letters in the Yemenite Torah change the meaning of a significant word. This astonishing fact proves how exceptionally careful, over a thousand year period, Jewish scribes were in copying their original Torah manuscripts. God has carefully preserved the original text of His sacred Scriptures throughout the last three and a half thousand years, enabling us to have confidence that we still possess the inspired Word of God. The prophet Isaiah declared that the Word of God is eternal: "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever"
(Isaiah 40:8). In the New Testament, Jesus Himself confirmed the indestructibility of His Holy Word. "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" (Matthew 5:18).

Dr. Samuel Johnson's suggestion, "Keep your friendships in repair," was excellent advice regarding our relationship to our Bible as well as for our human relationships. Our relationship with the Word of God needs to be cared for just as much as our friendships. We need to respect God's Holy Word and handle it with care and love. We can enjoy the unchanging companionship of God expressed through His divine Word even when we are separated from human friends by distance or death. Our Bibles that show signs of wear and tear reveal our love and use of them. While our experiences, our possessions, and our relationships constantly undergo change throughout the years we can return again and again to the unchanging Word of God as a solid foundation for our faith that will never change. Unlike human friends who sometimes misunderstand or fail to communicate when we need them, our Bible will always be there to speak to our heart with God's words of wisdom, comfort, and love.

The Oldest Biblical Inscription Ever Found

Several years ago archeologists found more than one thousand items of jewelry and pottery in nine burial caves across the Hinnom Valley opposite the southern walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. The treasures from the past included two silver charms with remarkable biblical inscriptions. The cave where these charms were found was about nine hundred yards south of where Solomon's Temple stood three thousand years ago. While most of the burial caves had previously been cleaned out by grave robbers, these fascinating silver inscriptions were still there in 1979, as confirmed to the Associated Press by Tel Aviv archeologist Gabriel Barkay. The items of jewelry were composed of thin pieces of pure silver that were rolled up like tiny scrolls to be worn as charms around the neck. While part of the text was lost, the remaining portion revealed that these silver charms contained the oldest biblical inscription ever found. The remaining text recorded the priestly blessing from the book of Numbers. It reads, "The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace" (Numbers 6:24-26). I had the privilege of examining this inscription in the Israel Museum. Incredibly, the archeologists found that this ancient biblical text was inscribed by some Jewish craftsman over 2,600 years ago in the seventh century before Christ, over four hundred years before the writing of most of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

It is fascinating to note that the Bible records only one statement made by God to the atheist or agnostic who declares, "There is no God." This sole declaration and verdict of God in response to those who deny His existence is, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." (Psalm 14:1). When I attended school I used to engage in debates with atheists and agnostics about the existence of God. However, as I began to analyze the underlying attitude of those I debated I began to realize that debates of this kind were futile. Now when I get into a discussion with an atheist or agnostic I simply respond as follows: I will not debate you about whether or not God exists for the same reason that I would not debate someone about whether or not the world was round. I believe that those who claim "There is no God," in the face of overwhelming evidence of design found throughout nature, are either fools or liars. Any person who honestly believes that all of the marvelous complexity of this universe simply happened by chance is a fool. If he is not a fool, yet still claims to believe that this incredibly complex universe is a result of random chance, then I must conclude that he is not being honest. In either case it is clearly a waste of time to argue the obvious.

The wonders of creation reveal God's awesome creative power to anyone whose eyes are open to see the truth. God's marvelous providence reveals His wisdom; God's Law revealed in the Old Testament shows us His great justice; The Gospels reveal His overwhelming love for mankind through the person of Jesus Christ.

The Supreme Value of the Bible

Sir Walter Scott, the brilliant author of more than sixty popular books, was finally approaching his moment of death. As he lay on his deathbed, Scott asked his son-in-law, Lockhart, to bring him "the book" from his huge library. When Lockhart naturally asked, "Which book, Sir Walter?" Scott answered, "There is only one book," pointing to the Holy Bible. In this final deathbed conversation, Sir Walter Scott, one of the greatest writers of his day, correctly assessed the supreme value of the Holy Scriptures far above the other great books in his large library, including his own classics.

The most important event in the history of man is the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The most important fact in the life of mankind is the reality of God and His divine revelation to us through His Holy Word. The most important decision in the life of any human is the choice they make in regard to their personal faith in Jesus Christ. Another great man, Abraham Lincoln, wrote: "I believe that the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through the book."

The Pony Express Bible

The history of the Pony Express forms a fascinating part of the history of the American West. These dedicated and resourceful riders carried the mail from St. Joseph, Missouri, over nineteen hundred miles through dangerous Indian country, to Sacramento, California. The Pony Express acquired five hundred of the strongest and fastest horses the company could find. Incredibly, forty brave men rode these magnificent horses in relays with each man riding fifty miles to the next station. Using four relays per day, the Pony Express riders travelled up to two hundred miles a day. A letter could be delivered in relays covering the complete nineteen hundred miles in only ten days.

In order to cut down on any unnecessary weight the riders would use the lightest saddles made, with very small, flat leather bags holding the mail. Amazingly, to cut down on the weight the riders carried no rifles. Mail carried by the Pony Express was written on very thin paper. However, the postage rate was $5 an ounce (equal to $200 per letter in today's currency). The managers of the Pony Express believed that the Holy Scriptures were so important that they presented a special full size Pony Express Bible to each rider when they signed up to join this unusual company. Surprisingly, despite their overwhelming concern for reducing the weight of their rider's equipment, every one of the riders carried a full size Pony Express Bible as part of his regular gear.

Stanley and Livingstone

The famous Christian missionary and explorer David Livingstone had disappeared without a trace on a trip into the unknown regions of central Africa. The last reliable news of his expedition reported that Livingstone was sick, without supplies and deserted by his guides. Many in Europe gave him up as lost forever after more than a year with no news from Africa. However, a small group of supporters in London believed that they must launch a rescue mission in an attempt to save Scotland's finest son. This group outfitted the brilliant explorer, Henry M. Stanley, to mount an expedition to find Livingstone. Stanley embarked on an arduous journey across the jungles and rivers of the unknown continent of Africa in his valiant attempt to locate David Livingstone. When he commenced his journey Stanley carried extensive baggage that included several cases containing seventy-three of his favorite hard bound books weighing one hundred and eighty pounds. As he and his group of African carriers began to succumb to fatigue after three hundred miles of arduous jungle, Stanley reluctantly began to abandon or burn his precious books to light fires each night. As they continued through the jungle, Stanley's library dwindled in size until there was only one book left, his precious Bible. With God's supernatural assistance Stanley finally found the great man of God and greeted him with the famous words, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?" The two explorers shared their deep personal faith in Jesus Christ. Livingstone told Stanley about the wonderful conversions of many tribes to faith in Christ although they had previously engaged in cannibalism. When he returned from his incredible journey Stanley reported that he had read his beloved Bible through from Genesis to Revelation three times during .

As you read The Signature of God I hope you will experience the same thrill of discovery and wonder that I have felt as the Lord led me to research the incredible evidence for the inspiration of the Scriptures that I share in this book. I hope this book will be a great recourse for pastors and families to help them provide those who are seeking the truth about the Bible with the latest exciting research proving the authority of the Word of God. My prayer is that the information I share in these chapters will enable many readers to restore their confidence in the Bible as God's inspired Word. Then, they can confidently study the Scriptures knowing that God has provided the proof that the Bible is truly the Word of God because the evidence of His signature appears throughout its pages. The apostle Paul wrote to all Christians as follows, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16).


If you have not done so, I HIGHLY advice you to get Grant's book "Signature of God". This is outstanding information as you have seen from the above.

Now because I am running out of room here in this issue I am going to cut things short. Chris in the next issue will cover things that I did not. Chris attended many of the sessions with the speakers, where I was doing interviews and talking to many PZ readers. So look for Chris's issue in regards to the 997 Bible Prophecy Conference.

In Closing, The Major message of the conference was....

Always Be Ready!

In my opinion the most predominate topic at the conference was always be ready. We need to start building a solid foundation on Jesus Christ. Like in the interview with Scott Pearson, the Lord might question for you, on what foundation have you build your house on?

I did notice something that bothered me greatly. That is, that I met and spoke to MANY people who can quote all the bible prophecies that have come to pass, tell you all the tribes mentioned in Ez. 38-39, and give you a brief on all the major rapture theories plus quote Chuck Missler from all his books . But when asked on basic bible doctrine aka Bible 101, most of these people were VERY weak. So what worries me is when the storm comes, will these people be able to stand and weather the storm?

As I have mentioned before in past issues and so forth, I believe that we as Christians will see persecution come to this country and to the rest of the western world VERY soon. We see it happening already and in my opinion it is just looming on the horizon. So I ask you, on what have you built your foundation on? Have you majored on the minors and minored on the majors like Scott Pearson so eloquently stated before? OR have you built your house on the ROCK of Jesus Christ. Because when the storm does come, and I feel it getting nearer everyday, will you be able to " withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."(Ephesians 6:13b).

That is why ever sense Aug 96, I have been trying to put in every issue of PZ some sort of article in regards to Bible 101. I feel that time is VERY short and we need to prepare. We need to cement our relationship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We need to find a good body of believers that are like minded and cement a relationship with the body. Also and the most important, we NEED to hide the word of God in our hearts, because folks it might not be to far off that Bibles are against the law and when that time comes, I guarantee you that you would have wished that you would have learned those Bible verses the pastor told you to learn.

The time is now to prepare for tomorrow. Now I am not saying to go out as stock up on 7 years of food and build a bomb shelter, no not at all. The time is now to hide His word in your heart. Husbands, pray for your wives, wives pray for your husbands. Start a devotional time together NOW so that when hard times do come, you can lean on each other and support each other. Parents teach your children NOW because they are walking among the sinners. Teach them so that they will know what is right and of God and what is not. Drill that into their hearts. Time is short folks, it is time to take off those rose colored glasses and WAKE UP to the fact that if the Lord tarries, we as Christians are in for some rough times ahead.

Read Matthew 24 and 25. In this Christ STRESSES to prepare and be good stewards. Are you ready to face the storm ahead? If not, you still have the time to do those things.

Ephesians 6:10-13
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

And folks, you just do not throw on the armor and go to battle like you do a pair of takes time to learn how to walk and to stand in the armor FIRST. Master sword and the shield FIRST...THEN having done all, to stand.

Thanks for indulging me in this special issue of PZ. May the Lord be with you and keep you till the day that we are united together with the Lord Jesus Christ.......Maranatha!!!!!!!

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