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Phrack Inc. Volume 11 Issue 63 File 13

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Published in 
Phrack Inc
 · 26 Apr 2019


Volume 0x0b, Issue 0x3f, Phile #0x0d of 0x14

|=------=[ cryptexec: Next-generation runtime binary encryption ]=-------=|
|=------=[ using on-demand function extraction ]=-------=|
|=----------------=[ Zeljko Vrba <> ]=-----------------=|


Please excuse my awkward English, it is not my native language.

What is binary encryption and why encrypt at all? For the answer to
this question the reader is referred to the Phrack#58 [1] and article
therein titled "Runtime binary encryption". This article describes a
method to control the target program that doesn't does not rely on
any assistance from the OS kernel or processor hardware. The method
is implemented in x86-32 GNU AS (AT&T syntax). Once the controlling
method is devised, it is relatively trivial to include on-the-fly
code decryption.

1 Introduction
2 OS- and hardware-assisted tracing
3 Userland tracing
3.1 Provided API
3.2 High-level description
3.3 Actual usage example
3.4 XDE bug
3.5 Limitations
3.6 Porting considerations
4 Further ideas
5 Related work
5.1 ELFsh
5.2 Shiva
5.3 Burneye
5.4 Conclusion
6 References
7 Credits
A Appendix: source code
A.1 crypt_exec.S
A.2 cryptfile.c
A.3 test2.c

Note: Footnotes are marked by # and followed by the number. They are
listed at the end of each section.

--[ 1.0 - Introduction

First let me introduce some terminology used in this article so that
the reader is not confused.

o The attributes "target", "child" and "traced" are used interchangeably
(depending on the context) to refer to the program being under the
control of another program.

o The attributes "controlling" and "tracing" are used interchangeably to
refer to the program that controls the target (debugger, strace, etc.)

--[ 2.0 - OS- and hardware-assisted tracing

Current debuggers (both under Windows and UNIX) use x86 hardware
features for debugging. The two most commonly used features are the trace
flag (TF) and INT3 instruction, which has a convenient 1-byte encoding of

TF resides in bit 8 of the EFLAGS register and when set to 1 the pro-
cessor generates exception 1 (debug exception) after each instruction
is executed. When INT3 is executed, the processor generates exception 3

The traditional way to trace a program under UNIX is the ptrace(2)
syscall. The program doing the trace usually does the following
(shown in pseudocode):

child: ptrace(PT_TRACE_ME)
execve("the program to trace")
parent: controls the traced program with other ptrace() calls

Another way is to do ptrace(PT_ATTACH) on an already existing process.
Other operations that ptrace() interface offers are reading/writing target
instruction/data memory, reading/writing registers or continuing the
execution (continually or up to the next system call - this capability is
used by the well-known strace(1) program).

Each time the traced program receives a signal, the controlling program's
ptrace() function returns. When the TF is turned on, the traced program
receives a SIGTRAP after each instruction. The TF is usually not turned
on by the traced program#1, but from the ptrace(PT_STEP).

Unlike TF, the controlling program places 0xCC opcode at strategic#2
places in the code. The first byte of the instruction is replaced with
0xCC and the controlling program stores both the address and the original
opcode. When execution comes to that address, SIGTRAP is delivered and
the controlling program regains control. Then it replaces (again using
ptrace()) 0xCC with original opcode and single-steps the original
instruction. After that the original opcode is usually again replaced
with 0xCC.

Although powerful, ptrace() has several disadvantages:

1. The traced program can be ptrace()d only by one controlling program.

2. The controlling and traced program live in separate address spaces,
which makes changing traced memory awkward.

3. ptrace() is a system call: it is slow if used for full-blown tracing
of larger chunks of code.

I won't go deeper in the mechanics of ptrace(), there are available
tutorials [2] and the man page is pretty self-explanatory.

#1 Although nothing prevents it to do so - it is in the user-modifiable
portion of EFLAGS.
#2 Usually the person doing the debugging decides what is strategic.

--[ 3.0 - Userland tracing

The tracing can be done solely from the user-mode: the instructions
are executed natively, except control-transfer instructions (CALL, JMP,
Jcc, RET, LOOP, JCXZ). The background of this idea is explained
nicely in [3] on the primitive 1960's MIX computer designed by Knuth.

Features of the method I'm about to describe:

o It allows that only portions of the executable file are encrypted.

o Different portions of the executable can be encrypted with different
keys provided there is no cross-calling between them.

o It allows encrypted code to freely call non-encrypted code. In this
case the non-encrypted code is also executed instruction by instruction.
When called outside of encrypted code, it still executes without

o There is never more than 24 bytes of encrypted code held in memory in

o OS- and language-independent.

The rest of this section explains the provided API, gives a high-level
description of the implementation, shows a usage example and discusses
Here are the details of my own implementation.

----[ 3.1 - Provided API

No "official" header file is provided. Because of the sloppy and
convenient C parameter passing and implicit function declarations, you
can get away with no declarations whatsoever.

The decryption API consists of one typedef and one function.

typedef (*decrypt_fn_ptr)(void *key, unsigned char *dst, const unsigned
char *src);

This is the generic prototype that your decryption routine must fit. It
is called from the main decryption routine with the following arguments:

o key: pointer to decryption key data. Note that in most cases this is
NOT the raw key but pointer to some kind of "decryption context".

o dst: pointer to destination buffer

o src: pointer to source buffer

Note that there is no size argument: the block size is fixed to 8
bytes. The routine should not read more than 8 bytes from the src and NEVER
output more than 8 bytes to dst.

Another unusual constraint is that the decryption function MUST NOT
modify its arguments on the stack. If you need to do this, copy the stack
arguments into local variables. This is a consequence of how the routine
is called from within the decryption engine - see the code for details.

There are no constraints whatsoever on the kind of encryption which can
be used. ANY bijective function which maps 8 bytes to 8 bytes is suitable.
Encrypt the code with the function, and use its inverse for the
decryption. If you use the identity function, then decryption becomes
simple single-stepping with no hardware support -- see section 4 for
related work.

The entry point to the decryption engine is the following function:

int crypt_exec(decrypt_fn_ptr dfn, const void *key, const void *lo_addr,
const void *hi_addr, const void *F, ...);

The decryption function has the capability to switch between executing
both encrypted and plain-text code. The encrypted code can call the
plain-text code and plain-text code can return into the encrypted code.
But for that to be possible, it needs to know the address bounds of the
encrypted code.

Note that this function is not reentrant! It is not allowed for ANY
kind of code (either plain-text or encrypted) running under the crypt_exec
routine to call crypt_exec again. Things will break BADLY because the
internal state of previous invocation is statically allocated and will
get overwritten.

The arguments are as follows:

o dfn: Pointer to decryption function. The function is called with the
key argument provided to crypt_exec and the addresses of destination
and source buffers.

o key: This are usually NOT the raw key bytes, but the initialized
decryption context. See the example code for the test2 program: first
the user-provided raw key is loaded into the decryption context and the
address of the _context_ is given to the crypt_exec function.

o lo_addr, hi_addr: These are low and high addresses that are encrypted
under the same key. This is to facilitate calling non-encrypted code
from within encrypted code.

o F: pointer to the code which should be executed under the decryption
engine. It can be an ordinary C function pointer. Since the tracing
routine was written with 8-byte block ciphers in mind, the F function
must be at least 8-byte aligned and its length must be a multiple of 8.
This is easier to achieve (even with standard C) than it sounds. See the
example below.

o ... become arguments to the called function.

crypt_exec arranges to function F to be called with the arguments
provided in the varargs list. When crypt_exec returns, its return value is
what the F returned. In short, the call

x = crypt_exec(dfn, key, lo_addr, hi_addr, F, ...);

has exactly the same semantics as

x = F(...);

would have, were F plain-text.

Currently, the code is tailored to use the XDE disassembler. Other
disassemblers can be used, but the code which accesses results must be
changed in few places (all references to the disbuf variable).

The crypt_exec routine provides a private stack of 4kB. If you use your
own decryption routine and/or disassembler, take care not to consume too
much stack space. If you want to enlarge the local stack, look for the
local_stk label in the code.

#3 In the rest of this article I will call this interchangeably tracing
or decryption routine. In fact, this is a tracing routine with added

----[ 3.2 - High-level description

The tracing routine maintains two contexts: the traced context and
its own context. The context consists of 8 32-bit general-purpose
registers and flags. Other registers are not modified by the routine.
Both contexts are held on the private stack (that is also used for
calling C).

The idea is to fetch, one at a time, instructions from the traced
program and execute them natively. Intel instruction set has rather
irregular encoding, so the XDE [5] disassembler engine is used to find
both the real opcode and total instruction length. During experiments on
FreeBSD (which uses LOCK- prefixed MOV instruction in its dynamic loader)
I discovered a bug in XDE which is described and fixed below.

We maintain our own EIP in traced_eip, round it down to the next lower
8-byte boundary and then decrypt#4 24 bytes#5 into our own buffer. Then
the disassembly takes place and the control is transferred to emulation
routines via the opcode control table. All instructions, except control
transfer, are executed natively (in traced context which is restored at
appropriate time). After single instruction execution, the control is
returned to our tracing routine.

In order to prevent losing control, the control transfer instructions#6
are emulated. The big problem was (until I solved it) emulating indirect
JMP and CALL instructions (which can appear with any kind of complex EA
that i386 supports). The problem is solved by replacing the CALL/JMP
instruction with MOV to register opcode, and modifying bits 3-5 (reg
field) of modR/M byte to set the target register (this field holds the
part of opcode in the CALL/JMP case). Then we let the processor to
calculate the EA for us.

Of course, a means are needed to stop the encrypted execution and to
enable encrypted code to call plaintext code:

1. On entering, the tracing engine pops the return address and its
private arguments and then pushes the return address back to the
traced stack. At that moment:
o The stack frame is good for executing a regular C function (F).
o The top of stack pointer (esp) is stored into end_esp.

2. When the tracing routine encounters a RET instruction it first checks
the traced_esp. If it equals end_esp, it is a point where the F
function would have ended. Therefore, we restore the traced context
and do not emulate RET, but let it execute natively. This way the
tracing routine loses control and normal instruction execution

In order to allow encrypted code to call plaintext code, there are
lo_addr and hi_addr parameters. These parameters determine the low and high
boundary of encrypted code in memory. If the traced_eip falls out of
[lo_addr, hi_addr) range, the decryption routine pointer is swapped with
the pointer to a no-op "decryption" that just copies 8 bytes from source
to destination. When the traced_eip again falls into that interval, the
pointers are again swapped.

#4 The decryption routine is called indirectly for reasons described
#5 The number comes from worst-case considerations: if an instruction
begins at a boundary that is 7 (mod 8), given maximum instruction
length of 15 bytes, yields a total of 22 bytes = 3 blocks. The buffer
has 32 bytes in order to accommodate an additional JMP indirect
instruction after the traced instruction. The JMP jumps indirectly to
place in the tracing routine where execution should continue.
#6 INT instructions are not considered as control transfer. After (if)
the OS returns from the invoked trap, the program execution continues
sequentially, the instruction right after INT. So there are no special
measures that should be taken.

----[ 3.3 - Actual usage example

Given encrypted execution engine, how do we test it? For this purpose I
have written a small utility named cryptfile that encrypts a portion of
the executable file ($ is UNIX prompt):

$ gcc -c cast5.c
$ gcc cryptfile.c cast5.o -o cryptfile
$ ./cryptfile
KEY MUST be 32 hex digits (128 bits).

The parameters are as follows:

o -e,-d: one of these is MANDATORY and stands for encryption
or decryption.

o FILE: the executable file to be encrypted.

o KEY: the encryption key. It must be given as 32 hex digits.

o STARTOFF, ENDOFF: the starting and ending offset in the file that should
be encrypted. They must be a multiple of block size (8 bytes). If not,
the file will be correctly encrypted, but the encrypted execution will
not work correctly.

The whole package is tested on a simple program, test2.c. This program
demonstrates that encrypted functions can call both encrypted and plaintext
functions as well as return results. It also demonstrates that the engine
works even when calling functions in shared libraries.

Now we build the encrypted execution engine:

$ gcc -c crypt_exec.S
$ cd xde101
$ gcc -c xde.c
$ cd ..
$ ld -r cast5.o crypt_exec.o xde101/xde.o -o crypt_monitor.o

I'm using patched XDE. The last step is to combine several relocatable
object files in a single relocatable file for easier linking with other

Then we proceed to build the test program. We must ensure that
functions that we want to encrypt are aligned to 8 bytes. I'm specifying 16
, just in case. Therefore:

$ gcc -falign-functions=16 -g test2.c crypt_monitor.o -o test2

We want to encrypt functions f1 and f2. How do wemap from function
names to offsets in the executable file? Fortunately, this can be simply
done for ELF with the readelf utility (that's why I chose such an awkward
way - I didn't want to bother with yet another ELF 'parser').

$ readelf -s test2

Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 23 entries:
Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name
1: 08048484 57 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND printf
3: 08048494 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND memcpy
4: 08050b98 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 __stderrp
5: 08048468 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 8 _init
6: 08051c74 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 environ
7: 080484a4 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND fprintf
8: 00000000 0 NOTYPE WEAK DEFAULT UND __deregister_frame..
9: 0804fc00 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 __progname
10: 080484b4 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND sscanf
11: 08050b98 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __bss_start
12: 080484c4 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND memset
13: 0804ca64 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 _fini
14: 080484d4 337 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND atexit
15: 080484e4 121 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND scanf
16: 08050b98 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _edata
18: 08051c78 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _end
19: 080484f4 101 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND exit
20: 08048504 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND strlen
21: 00000000 0 NOTYPE WEAK DEFAULT UND _Jv_RegisterClasses
22: 00000000 0 NOTYPE WEAK DEFAULT UND __register_frame_info

Symbol table '.symtab' contains 145 entries:
Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name
10: 08048520 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 10
11: 0804ca64 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 11
12: 0804ca80 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 12
13: 0804fc00 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 13
14: 08050aa0 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 14
15: 08050aa4 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 15
16: 08050b54 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 16
17: 08050b5c 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 17
18: 08050b64 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 18
19: 08050b68 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 19
20: 08050b98 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 20
21: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 21
22: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 22
23: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 23
24: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 24
25: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 25
26: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 26
27: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 27
28: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 28
29: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 29
30: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 30
31: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 31
32: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS crtstuff.c
33: 08050b54 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 16 __CTOR_LIST__
34: 08050b5c 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 17 __DTOR_LIST__
36: 08050b64 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 18 __JCR_LIST__
37: 0804fc08 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 p.0
38: 08050b9c 1 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 20 completed.1
39: 080485b0 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 10 __do_global_dtors_aux
40: 08050ba0 24 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 20 object.2
41: 08048610 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 10 frame_dummy
42: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS crtstuff.c
43: 08050b58 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 16 __CTOR_END__
44: 08050b60 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 17 __DTOR_END__
45: 08050aa0 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 14 __FRAME_END__
46: 08050b64 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 18 __JCR_END__
47: 0804ca30 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 10 __do_global_ctors_aux
48: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS test2.c
49: 08048660 75 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 10 f1
50: 080486b0 58 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 10 f2
51: 08050bb8 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 20 key.0
52: 080486f0 197 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 10 decode_hex_key
53: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS cast5.c
54: 0804cba0 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 12 s1
55: 0804cfa0 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 12 s2
56: 0804d3a0 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 12 s3
57: 0804d7a0 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 12 s4
58: 0804dba0 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 12 s5
59: 0804dfa0 1024 OBJECT LOCALDEFAULT 12 s6
60: 0804e3a0 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 12 s7
61: 0804e7a0 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 12 sb8
62: 0804a3c0 3734 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 10 key_schedule
63: 0804b408 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 10 identity_decrypt
64: 08051bf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 r_decrypt
65: 08051be8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 key
66: 08050bd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 lo_addr
67: 08050bd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 hi_addr
68: 08050bcc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 traced_eip
69: 08050be0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 end_esp
70: 08050bd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 traced_ctr
71: 0804b449 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 10 decryptloop
72: 08050bc8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 traced_esp
73: 08051be4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 stk_end
74: 0804b456 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 10 decryptloop_nocontext
75: 0804b476 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 10 .store_decrypt_ptr
76: 08051bec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 decrypt
77: 0804fc35 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 insn
78: 08051bf4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 disbuf
79: 08051be4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 ilen
80: 080501f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 continue
81: 0804fdf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 control_table
82: 0804fc20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _unhandled
83: 0804fc21 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _nonjump
84: 0804fc33 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 .execute
85: 0804fc55 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _jcc_rel8
86: 0804fc5e 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _jcc_rel32
87: 0804fc65 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._jcc_rel32_insn
88: 0804fc71 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._jcc_rel32_true
89: 0804fc6b 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._jcc_rel32_false
90: 0804fc72 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 rel_offset_fixup
91: 0804fc7d 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _retn
92: 0804fca6 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._endtrace
93: 0804fcbe 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _loopne
94: 0804fce0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._loop_insn
95: 0804fcd7 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._doloop
96: 0804fcc7 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _loope
97: 0804fcd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _loop
98: 0804fcec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._loop_insn_true
99: 0804fce2 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._loop_insn_false
100: 0804fcf6 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _jcxz
101: 0804fd0a 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _callrel
102: 0804fd0f 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _call
103: 0804fd38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _jmp_rel8
104: 0804fd41 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _jmp_rel32
105: 0804fd49 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _grp5
106: 0804fda4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._grp5_continue
107: 08050bdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 our_esp
108: 0804fdc9 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 ._grp5_call
109: 0804fdd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 _0xf
110: 08050be4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 20 local_stk
111: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS xde.c
112: 0804b419 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 crypt_exec
113: 08048484 57 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND printf
115: 08048494 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND memcpy
116: 0804b684 4662 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 xde_disasm
117: 08050b98 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 __stderrp
118: 0804fc04 0 OBJECT GLOBAL HIDDEN 13 __dso_handle
119: 0804b504 384 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 reg2xset
120: 08048468 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 8 _init
121: 0804c8bc 364 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 xde_asm
122: 08051c74 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 environ
123: 080484a4 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND fprintf
124: 00000000 0 NOTYPE WEAK DEFAULT UND __deregister_frame..
125: 0804fc00 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 __progname
126: 08048520 141 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 _start
127: 0804b258 431 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 cast5_setkey
128: 080484b4 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND sscanf
129: 08050b98 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __bss_start
130: 080484c4 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND memset
131: 080487c0 318 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 main
132: 0804ca64 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 _fini
133: 080484d4 337 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND atexit
134: 080484e4 121 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND scanf
135: 08050200 2208 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 xde_table
136: 08050b98 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _edata
138: 08051c78 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _end
139: 08049660 3421 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 cast5_decrypt
140: 080484f4 101 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND exit
141: 08048900 3421 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 cast5_encrypt
142: 08048504 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND strlen
143: 00000000 0 NOTYPE WEAK DEFAULT UND _Jv_RegisterClasses
144: 00000000 0 NOTYPE WEAK DEFAULT UND __register_frame_info

We see that function f1 has address 0x8048660 and size 75 = 0x4B.
Function f2 has address 0x80486B0 and size 58 = 3A. Simple calculation
shows that they are in fact consecutive in memory so we don't have to
encrypt them separately but in a single block ranging from 0x8048660 to

$ readelf -l test2

Elf file type is EXEC (Executable file)
Entry point 0x8048520
There are 6 program headers, starting at offset 52

Program Headers:
Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz
Flg Align
PHDR 0x000034 0x08048034 0x08048034 0x000c0 0x000c0 R E 0x4
INTERP 0x0000f4 0x080480f4 0x080480f4 0x00019 0x00019 R 0x1
[Requesting program interpreter: /usr/libexec/]
LOAD 0x000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0x06bed 0x06bed R E 0x1000
LOAD 0x006c00 0x0804fc00 0x0804fc00 0x00f98 0x02078 RW 0x1000
DYNAMIC 0x007aa4 0x08050aa4 0x08050aa4 0x000b0 0x000b0 RW 0x4
NOTE 0x000110 0x08048110 0x08048110 0x00018 0x00018 R 0x4

Section to Segment mapping:
Segment Sections...
01 .interp
02 .interp .note.ABI-tag .hash .dynsym .dynstr .rel.dyn .rel.plt
.init .plt .text .fini .rodata
03 .data .eh_frame .dynamic .ctors .dtors .jcr .got .bss
04 .dynamic
05 .note.ABI-tag

>From this we see that both addresses (0x8048660 and 0x80486F0) fall into
the first LOAD segment which is loaded at VirtAddr 0x804800 and is placed
at offset 0 in the file. Therefore, to map virtual address to file offset
we simply subtract 0x8048000 from each address giving 0x660 = 1632 and
0x6F0 = 1776.

If you obtain ELFsh [7] then you can make your life much easier. The
following transcript shows how ELFsh can be used to obtain the same

$ elfsh

Welcome to The ELF shell 0.51b3 .::.

.::. This software is under the General Public License
.::. Please visit to know about Free Software

[ELFsh-0.51b3]$ load test2

[*] New object test2 loaded on Mon Jun 13 20:45:33 2005

[ELFsh-0.51b3]$ sym f1

[Object test2]

[059] 0x8048680 FUNCTION f1
size:0000000075 foffset:001632 scope:Local sctndx:10 => .text + 304

[ELFsh-0.51b3]$ sym f2

[Object test2]

[060] 0x80486d0 FUNCTION f2
size:0000000058 foffset:001776 scope:Local sctndx:10 => .text + 384

[ELFsh-0.51b3]$ exit

[*] Unloading object 1 (test2) *

Good bye ! .::. The ELF shell 0.51b3

The field foffset gives the symbol offset within the executable, while
size is its size. Here all the numbers are decimal.

Now we are ready to encrypt a part of the executable with a very
'imaginative' password and then test the program:

$ echo -n "password" | openssl md5
$ ./cryptfile -e test2 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 1632 1776
$ chmod +x test2.crypt
$ ./test2.crypt

At the prompt enter the same hex string and then enter numbers 12 and
34 for a and b. The result must be 1662, and esp before and after must be
the same.

Once you are sure that the program works correctly, you can strip(1)
symbols from it.

----[ 3.4 - XDE bug

During the development, a I have found a bug in the XDE disassembler
engine: it didn't correctly handle the LOCK (0xF0) prefix. Because of the
bug XDE claimed that 0xF0 is a single-byte instruction. This is the
needed patch to correct the disassembler:

--- xde.c Sun Apr 11 02:52:30 2004
+++ xde_new.c Mon Aug 23 08:49:00 2004
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@
if (c == 0xF0)
if (diza->p_lock != 0) flag |= C_BAD; /* twice */
+ diza->p_lock = c;
+ continue;


I also needed to remove __cdecl on functions, a 'feature' of Win32 C
compilers not needed on UNIX platforms.

----[ 3.5 - Limitations

o XDE engine (probably) can't handle new instructions (SSE, MMX, etc.).
For certain it can't handle 3dNow! because they begin with 0x0F 0x0F,
a byte sequence for which the XDE claims is an invalid instruction

o The tracer shares the same memory with the traced program. If the traced
program is so badly broken that it writes to (random) memory it doesn't
own, it can stumble upon and overwrite portions of the tracing routine.

o Each form of tracing has its own speed impacts. I didn't measure how
much this method slows down program execution (especially compared to

o Doesn't handle even all 386 instructions (most notably far calls/jumps
and RET imm16). In this case the tracer stops with HLT which should
cause GPF under any OS that runs user processes in rings other than 0.

o The block size of 8 bytes is hardcoded in many places in the program.
The source (both C and ASM) should be parametrized by some kind of
BLOCKSIZE #define.

o The tracing routine is not reentrant! Meaning, any code being executed
by crypt_exec can't call again crypt_exec because it will overwrite its
own context!

o The code itself isn't optimal:
- identity_decrypt could use 4-byte moves.
- More registers could be used to minimize memory references.

----[ 3.6 - Porting considerations

This is as heavy as it gets - there isn't a single piece of machine-
independent code in the main routine that could be used on an another
processor architecture. I believe that porting shouldn't be too difficult,
mostly rewriting the mechanics of the current program. Some points to
watch out for include:

o Be sure to handle all control flow instructions.

o Move instructions could affect processor flags.

o Write a disassembly routine. Most RISC architectures have regular
instruction set and should be far easier to disassemble than x86 code.

o This is self-modifying code: flushing the instruction prefetch queue
might be needed.

o Handle delayed jumps and loads if the architecture provides them. This
could be tricky.

o You might need to get around page protections before calling the
decryptor (non-executable data segments).

Due to unavailability of non-x86 hardware I wasn't able to implement
the decryptor on another processor.

--[ 4 - Further ideas

o Better encryption scheme. ECB mode is bad, especially with
small block size of 8 bytes. Possible alternative is the following:

1. Round the traced_eip down to a multiple of 8 bytes.
2. Encrypt the result with the key.
3. Xor the result with the instruction bytes.

That way the encryption depends on the location in memory. Decryption
works the same way. However, it would complicate cryptfile.c program.

o Encrypted data. Devise a transparent (for the C programmer) way to
access the encrypted data. At least two approaches come to mind:
1) playing with page mappings and handling read/write faults,
or 2) use XDE to decode all accesses to memory and perform encryption
or decryption, depending on the type of access (read or write). The
first approach seems too slow (many context switches per data read)
to be practical.

o New instruction sets and architectures. Expand XDE to handle new x86
instructions. Port the routine to architectures other than i386 (first
comes to mind AMD64, then ARM, SPARC...).

o Perform decryption on the smart card. This is slow, but there is no
danger of key compromise.

o Polymorphic decryption engine.

----[ 5 - Related Work

This section gives a brief overview of existing work, either because of
similarity in coding techniques (ELFsh and tracing without ptrace) or
because of the code protection aspect.

5.1 ELFsh

The ELFsh crew's article on elfsh and e2dbg [7], also in this Phrack
issue. A common point in our work is the approach to program tracing
without using ptrace(2). Their latest work is a scriptable embedded ELF
debugger, e2dbg. They are also getting around PaX protections, an issue I
didn't even take into account.

5.2 Shiva

The Shiva binary encryptor [8], released in binary-only form. It tries
really hard to prevent reverse engineering by including features such as
trap flag detection, ptrace() defense, demand-mapped blocks (so that
fully decrpyted image can't be dumped via /proc), using int3 to emulate
some instructions, and by encryption in layers. The 2nd, password
protected layer, is optional and encrypted using 128-bit AES. Layer 3
encryption uses TEA, the tiny encryption algorithm.

According to the analysis in [9], "for sufficiently large programs, no
more than 1/3 of the program will be decrypted at any given time"
. This
is MUCH larger amount of decrypted program text than in my case: 24
bytes, independent of any external factors. Also, Shiva is heavily
tied to the ELF format, while my method is not tied to any operating
system or executable format (although the current code IS limited to
the 32-bit x86 architecture).

5.3 Burneye

There are actually two tools released by team-teso: burneye and burneye2
(objobf) [10].

Burneye is a powerful binary encryption tool. Similarly to Shiva, it has
three layers: 1) obfuscation, 2) password-based encryption using RC4 and
SHA1 (for generating the key from passphrase), and 3) the fingerprinting

The fingerprinting layer is the most interesting one: the data about the
target system is collected (e.g. amount of memory, etc..) and made into
a 'fingeprint'. The executable is encrypted taking the fingerprint into
account so that the resulting binary can be run only on the host with the
given fingerprint. There are two fingerprinting options:

o Fingeprint tolerance can be specified so that Small deviations are
allowed. That way, for example, the memory can be upgraded on the
target system and the executable will still work. If the number of
differences in the fingeprint is too large, the program won't work.

o Seal: the program produced with this option will run on any system.
However, the first time it is run, it creats a fingerprint of the
host and 'seals' itself to that host. The original seal binary is
securely deleted afterwards.

The encrypted binary can also be made to delete itself when a certain
environment variable is set during the program execution.

objobf is just relocatable object obfuscator. There is no encryption
layer. The input is an ordinary relocatable object and the output is
transformed, obfuscated, and functionally equivalent code. Code
transformations include: inserting junk instructions, randomizing the
order of basic blocks, and splitting basic blocks at random points.

5.4 Conclusion

Highlights of the distinguishing features of the code encryption
technique presented here:

o Very small amount of plaintext code in memory at any time - only 24
bytes. Other tools leave much more plain-text code in memory.

o No special loaders or executable format manipulations are needed. There
is one simple utility that encrypts the existing code in-place. It is
executable format-independent since its arguments are function offsets
within the executable (which map to function addresses in runtime).

o The code is tied to the 32-bit x86 architecture, however it should be
portable without changes to any operating system running on x86-32.
Special arrangements for setting up page protections may be necessary
if PaX or NX is in effect.

On the downside, the current version of the engine is very vulnerable
with respect to reverse-engineering. It can be easily recognized by
scanning for fixed sequences of instructions (the decryption routine).
Once the decryptor is located, it is easy to monitor a few fixed memory
addresses to obtain both the EIP and the original instruction residing at
that EIP. The key material data is easy to obtain, but this is the case
in ANY approach using in-memory keys.

However, the decryptor in its current form has one advantage: since it is
ordinary code that does no special tricks, it should be easy to combine
it with a tool that is more resilient to reverse-engineering, like Shiva
or Burneye.

----[ 6 - References

1. Phrack magazine.

2. ptrace tutorials:

3. D. E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, vol.1: Fundamental

4. Fenris.

5. XDE.

6. Source code for described programs. The source I have written is
released under MIT license. Other files have different licenses. The
archive also contains a patched version of XDE.

7. ELFsh, the ELF shell. A powerful program for manipulating ELF files.

8. Shiva binary encryptor.

9. Reverse Engineering Shiva.

10. Burneye and Burneye2 (objobf).

----[ 7 - Credits

Thanks go to mayhem who has reviewed this article. His suggestions were
very helpful, making the text much more mature than the original.

--[ A - Appendix: Source code
Here I'm providing only my own source code. The complete source package
can be obtained from [6]. It includes:

o All source listed here,
o the patched XDE disassembler, and
o the source of the CAST5 cryptographic algorithm.

----[ A.1 - The tracer source: crypt_exec.S

Copyright (c) 2004 Zeljko Vrba

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



* void *crypt_exec(
* decrypt_fn_ptr dfn, const void *key,
* const void *lo_addr, const void *hi_addr,
* const void *addr, ...)
* typedef (*decrypt_fn_ptr)(
* void *key, unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src);
* - dfn is pointer to deccryption function
* - key is pointer to crypt routine key data
* - addr is the addres where execution should begin. due to the way the
* code is decrypted and executed, it MUST be aligned to 8 (BLOCKSIZE)
* bytes!!
* - the rest are arguments to called function
* The crypt_exec stops when the stack pointer becomes equal to what it
* was on entry, and executing 'ret' would cause the called function to
* exit. This works assuming normal C compiled code.
* Returns the value the function would normally return.
* This code calls:
* int xde_disasm(unsigned char *ip, struct xde_instr *outbuf);
* XDE disassembler engine is compiled and used with PACKED structure!
* It is assumed that the encryption algorithm uses 64-bit block size.
* Very good protection could be done if decryption is executed on the
* Some terminology:
* 'Traced' refers to the original program being executed instruction by
* instruction. The technique used resembles Knuth's tracing routine (and
* indeed, we get true tracing when decryption is dropped).
* 'Our' refers to our data stack, etc.
* TODOs and limitations:
* - some instructions are not emulated (FAR CALL/JMP/RET, RET NEAR imm16)
* - LOOP* and JCXZ opcodes haven't been tested
* - _jcc_rel32 has been tested only indirectly by _jcc_rel8

Offsets into xde_instr struct.

#define OPCODE 23
#define OPCODE2 24
#define MODRM 25

Set up our stack and save traced context. The context is saved at the end
of our stack.

movl %esp, traced_esp ;\
movl $stk_end, %esp ;\
pusha ;\

Restore traced context from the current top of stack. After that restores
traced stack pointer.

popf ;\
popa ;\
movl traced_esp, %esp

Identity decryption routine. This just copies 8 bytes (BLOCKSIZE) from
source to destination. Has normal C calling convention. Is not global.

movl 8(%esp), %edi /* destination address */
movl 12(%esp), %esi /* source address */
movl $8, %ecx /* 8 bytes */
rep movsb

.globl crypt_exec
.extern disasm

Fetch all arguments. We are called from C and not expected to save
registers. This is the stack on entry:
[ ret_addr dfn key lo_addr hi_addr addr ...args ]

popl %eax /* return address */
popl r_decrypt /* real decryption function pointer */
popl key /* encryption key */
popl lo_addr /* low traced eip */
popl hi_addr /* high traced eip */
popl traced_eip /* eip to start tracing */
pushl %eax /* put return addr to stack again */

now the stack frame resembles as if inner function (starting at
traced_eip) were called by normal C calling convention (after return
address, the vararg arguments folow)

movl %esp, end_esp /* this is used to stop tracing. */
movl $0, traced_ctr /* reset counter of insns to 0 */

This loop traces a single instruction.

The CONTEXT at the start of each iteration:
traced_eip: points to the next instruction in traced program

First what we ever do is switch to our own stack and store the traced
program's registers including eflags.

Instructions are encrypted in ECB mode in blocks of 8 bytes.
Therefore, we always must start decryption at the lower 8-byte
boundary. The total of three blocks (24) bytes are decrypted for one
instruction. This is due to alignment and maximum instruction length
constraints: if the instruction begins at addres that is congruent
to 7 mod 8 + 16 bytes maximum length (given some slack) gives
instruction span of three blocks.

Yeah, I know ECB sucks, but this is currently just a proof-of
concept. Design something better for yourself if you need it.


This loop entry point does not save traced context. It is used from
control transfer instruction emulation where we doall work ourselves
and don't use traced context.

The CONTEXT upon entry is the same as for decryptloop.

First decide whether to decrypt or just trace the plaintext code.

movl traced_eip, %eax
movl $identity_decrypt, %ebx /* assume no decryption */
cmpl lo_addr, %eax
jb .store_decrypt_ptr /* traced_eip < lo_addr */
cmpl hi_addr, %eax
ja .store_decrypt_ptr /* traced_eip > hi_addr */
movl r_decrypt, %ebx /* in bounds, do decryption */
movl %ebx, decrypt

Decrypt three blocks starting at eax, reusing arguments on the stack
for the total of 3 calls. WARNING! For this to work properly, the
decryption function MUST NOT modify its arguments!

andl $-8, %eax /* round down traced_eip to 8 bytes */
pushl %eax /* src buffer */
pushl $insn /* dst buffer */
pushl key /* key data pointer */
call *decrypt /* 1st block */
addl $8, 4(%esp) /* advance dst */
addl $8, 8(%esp) /* advance src */
call *decrypt /* 2nd block */
addl $8, 4(%esp) /* advance dst */
addl $8, 8(%esp) /* advance src */
call *decrypt /* 3rd block */
addl $12, %esp /* clear args from stack */

Obtain the real start of instruction in the decrypted buffer. The
traced eip is taken modulo blocksize (8) and added to the start
address of decrypted buffer. Then XDE is called (standard C calling
convention) to get necessary information about the instruction.

movl traced_eip, %eax
andl $7, %eax /* traced_eip mod 8 */
addl $insn, %eax /* offset within decrypted buffer */
pushl $disbuf /* address to disassemble into */
pushl %eax /* insn offset to disassemble */
call xde_disasm /* disassemble and return len */
movl %eax, ilen /* store instruction length */
popl %eax /* decrypted insn start */
popl %ebx /* clear remaining arg from stack */

Calculate the offset in control table of the instruction handling
routine. Non-control transfer instructions are just executed in
traced context, other instructions are emulated.

Before executing the instruction, the traced eip is advanced by
instruction length, and the number of executed instructions is
incremented. We also append indirect 'jmp *continue' after the
instruction, to continue execution at appropriate place in our
tracing. The JMP indirect opcodes are 0xFF 0x25.

movl ilen, %ebx
addl %ebx, traced_eip /* advance traced eip */
incl traced_ctr /* increment counter */
movw $0x25FF, (%eax, %ebx) /* JMP indirect; little-endian! */
movl $continue, 2(%eax, %ebx) /* store address */
movzbl OPCODE+disbuf, %esi /* load instruction byte */
jmp *control_table(,%esi,4) /* execute by appropirate handler */

Emulation routines start here. They are in data segment because code
segment isn't writable and we are modifying our own code. We don't
want yet to mess around with mprotect(). One day (non-exec page table
support on x86-64) it will have to be done anyway..

The CONTEXT upon entry on each emulation routine:
eax : start of decrypted (CURRENT) insn addr to execute
ilen : instruction length in bytes
stack top -> [traced: eflags edi esi ebp esp ebx edx ecx eax]
traced_esp : original program's esp
traced_eip : eip of next insn to execute (NOT of CURRENT insn!)

Unhandled opcodes not normally generated by compiler. Once proper
emulation routine is written, they become handled :)

Executing privileged instruction, such as HLT, is the easiest way to
terminate the program. %eax holds the address of the instruction we
were trying to trace so it can be observed from debugger.


Common emulation for all non-control transfer instructions.
Instruction buffer (insn) is already filled with decrypted blocks.

Decrypted instruction can begin in the middle of insn buffer, so the
relative jmp instruction is adjusted to jump to the traced insn,
skipping 'junk' at the beginning of insn.

When the instruction is executed, our execution continues at location
where 'continue' points to. Normally, this is decryptloop, but
occasionaly it is temporarily changed (e.g. in _grp5).

subl $insn, %eax /* insn begin within insn buffer */
movb %al, .execute+1 /* update jmp instruction */
jmp insn /* relative, only offset adjusted */
.fill 32, 1, 0x90

Relative 8-bit displacement conditional jump. It is handled by
relative 32-bit displacement jump, once offset is adjusted. Opcode
must also be adjusted: short jumps are 0x70-0x7F, long jumps are 0x0F
0x80-0x8F. (conditions correspond directly). Converting short to long
jump needs adding 0x10 to 2nd opcode.

movsbl 1(%eax), %ebx /* load sign-extended offset */
movb (%eax), %cl /* load instruction */
addb $0x10, %cl /* adjust opcode to long form */
/* drop processing to _jcc_rel32 as 32-bit displacement */

Emulate 32-bit conditional relative jump. We pop the traced flags,
let the Jcc instruction execute natively, and then adjust traced eip
ourselves, depending whether Jcc was taken or not.

ebx: jump offset, sign-extended to 32 bits
cl : real 2nd opcode of the instruction (1st is 0x0F escape)

movb %cl, ._jcc_rel32_insn+1 /* store opcode to instruction */
popf /* restore traced flags */

Explicit coding of 32-bit relative conditional jump. It is executed
with the traced flags. Also the jump offset (32 bit) is supplied.

.byte 0x0F, 0x80
.long ._jcc_rel32_true - ._jcc_rel32_false

The Jcc condition was false. Just save traced flags and continue to
next instruction.

jmp decryptloop_nocontext

The Jcc condition was true. Traced flags are saved, and then the
execution falls through to the common eip offset-adjusting routine.


Common entry point to fix up traced eip for relative control-flow

traced_eip: already advanced to the would-be next instruction. this
is done in decrypt_loop before transferring control to
any insn-handler.
ebx : sign-extended 32-bit offset to add to eip

addl %ebx, traced_eip
jmp decryptloop_nocontext

Near return (without imm16). This is the place where the end-of
trace condition is checked. If, at this point, esp equals end_esp,
this means that the crypt_exec would return to its caller.

movl traced_esp, %ebp /* compare curr traced esp to esp */
cmpl %ebp, end_esp /* when crypt_exec caller's return */
je ._endtrace /* address was on top of the stack */

Not equal, emulate ret.

movl %esp, %ebp /* save our current stack */
movl traced_esp, %esp /* get traced stack */
popl traced_eip /* pop return address */
movl %esp, traced_esp /* write back traced stack */
movl %ebp, %esp /* restore our current stack */
jmp decryptloop_nocontext

Here the traced context is completely restored and RET is executed
natively. Our tracing routine is no longer in control after RET.
Regarding C calling convention, the caller of crypt_exec will get
the return value of traced function.

One detail we must watch for: the stack now looks like this:

stack top -> [ ret_addr ...args ]

but we have been called like this:

stack top -> [ ret_addr dfn key lo_addr hi_addr addr ...args ]

and this is what compiler expects when popping arg list. So we must
fix the stack. The stack pointer can be just adjusted by -20 instead
of reconstructing the previous state because C functions are free to
modify their arguments.

ebp: current traced esp

movl (%ebp), %ebx /* return address */
subl $20, %ebp /* fake 5 extra args */
movl %ebx, (%ebp) /* put ret addr on top of stack */
movl %ebp, traced_esp /* store adjusted stack */
ret /* return without regaining control */

LOOPNE, LOOPE and LOOP instructions are executed from the common
handler (_doloop). Only the instruction opcode is written from
separate handlers.

28 is the offset of traced ecx register that is saved on our stack.

movb $0xE0, ._loop_insn /* loopne opcode */
jmp ._doloop
movb $0xE1, ._loop_insn /* loope opcode */
jmp ._doloop
movb $0xE2, ._loop_insn /* loop opcode */
* Get traced context that is relevant for LOOP* execution: signed
* offset, traced ecx and traced flags.

movsbl 1(%eax), %ebx
movl 28(%esp), %ecx

Explicit coding of loop instruction and offset.

.byte 0xE0 /* LOOP* opcodes: E0, E1, E2 */
.byte ._loop_insn_true - ._loop_insn_false

LOOP* condition false. Save only modified context (flags and ecx)
and continue tracing.

movl %ecx, 28(%esp)
jmp decryptloop_nocontext

LOOP* condition true. Save only modified context, and jump to the
rel_offset_fixup to fix up traced eip.

movl %ecx, 28(%esp)
jmp rel_offset_fixup

JCXZ. This is easier to simulate than to natively execute.

movsbl 1(%eax), %ebx /* get signed offset */
cmpl $0, 28(%esp) /* test traced ecx for 0 */
jz rel_offset_fixup /* if so, fix up traced EIP */
jmp decryptloop_nocontext

Relative CALL.

movb $1, %cl /* 1 to indicates relative call */
movl 1(%eax), %ebx /* get offset */

CALL emulation.

cl : relative/absolute indicator.
ebx: absolute address (cl==0) or relative offset (cl!=0).

movl %esp, %ebp /* save our stack */
movl traced_esp, %esp /* push traced eip onto */
pushl traced_eip /* traced stack */
movl %esp, traced_esp /* write back traced stack */
movl %ebp, %esp /* restore our stack */
testb %cl, %cl /* if not zero, then it is a */
jnz rel_offset_fixup /* relative call */
movl %ebx, traced_eip /* store dst eip */
jmp decryptloop_nocontext /* continue execution */

Relative 8-bit displacement JMP.

movsbl 1(%eax), %ebx /* get signed offset */
jmp rel_offset_fixup

Relative 32-bit displacement JMP.

movl 1(%eax), %ebx /* get offset */
jmp rel_offset_fixup

This is the case for 0xFF opcode which escapes to GRP5: the real
instruction opcode is hidden in bits 5, 4, and 3 of the modR/M byte.

movb MODRM+disbuf, %bl /* get modRM byte */
shr $3, %bl /* shift bits 3-5 to 0-2 */
andb $7, %bl /* and test only bits 0-2 */
cmpb $2, %bl /* < 2, not control transfer */
jb _nonjump
cmpb $5, %bl /* > 5, not control transfer */
ja _nonjump
cmpb $3, %bl /* CALL FAR */
je _unhandled
cmpb $5, %bl /* JMP FAR */
je _unhandled
movb %bl, %dl /* for future reference */

modR/M equals 2 or 4 (near CALL or JMP).
In this case the reg field of modR/M (bits 3-5) is the part of
instruction opcode.

Replace instruction byte 0xFF with 0x8B (MOV r/m32 to reg32 opcode).
Replace reg field with 3 (ebx register index).

movb $0x8B, (%eax) /* replace with MOV_to_reg32 opcode */
movb 1(%eax), %bl /* get modR/M byte */
andb $0xC7, %bl /* mask bits 3-5 */
orb $0x18, %bl /* set them to 011=3: ebx reg index */
movb %bl, 1(%eax) /* set MOV target to ebx */

We temporarily update continue location to continue execution in
this code instead of jumping to decryptloop. We execute MOV in TRACED
context because it must use traced registers for address calculation.
Before that we save OUR esp so that original TRACED context isn't
lost (MOV updates ebx, traced CALL wouldn't mess with any registers).

First we save OUR context, but after that we must restore TRACED ctx.
In order to do that, we must adjust esp to point to traced context
before restoration.

movl $._grp5_continue, continue
movl %esp, %ebp /* save traced context pointer into ebp */
pusha /* store our context; eflags irrelevant */
movl %esp, our_esp /* our context pointer */
movl %ebp, %esp /* adjust traced context pointer */
jmp _nonjump

This is where execution continues after MOV calculates effective
address for us.

CONTEXT upon entry:
ebx: target address where traced execution should continue
dl : opcode part (bits 3-5) of modR/M, shifted to bits 0-2

movl $decryptloop, continue /* restore continue location */
movl our_esp, %esp /* restore our esp */
movl %ebx, 16(%esp) /* so that ebx is restored anew */
popa /* our context along with new ebx */
cmpb $2, %dl /* CALL near indirect */
je ._grp5_call
movl %ebx, traced_eip /* JMP near indirect */
jmp decryptloop_nocontext
xorb %cl, %cl /* mark: addr in ebx is absolute */
jmp _call

0x0F opcode esacpe for two-byte opcodes. Only 0F 0x80-0x8F range are
Jcc rel32 instructions. Others are normal instructions.

movb OPCODE2+disbuf, %cl /* extended opcode */
cmpb $0x80, %cl
jb _nonjump /* < 0x80, not Jcc */
cmpb $0x8F, %cl
ja _nonjump /* > 0x8F, not Jcc */
movl 2(%eax), %ebx /* load 32-bit offset */
jmp _jcc_rel32

This is the jump table for instruction execution dispatch. When the
real opcode of the instruction is found, the tracer jumps indirectly
to execution routine based on this table.

.rept 0x0F /* 0x00 - 0x0E */
.long _nonjump /* normal opcodes */
.long _0xf /* 0x0F two-byte escape */

.rept 0x60 /* 0x10 - 0x6F */
.long _nonjump /* normal opcodes */

.rept 0x10 /* 0x70 - 0x7F */
.long _jcc_rel8 /* relative 8-bit displacement */

.rept 0x10 /* 0x80 - 0x8F */
.long _nonjump /* long displ jump handled from */
.endr /* _0xf opcode escape */

.rept 0x0A /* 0x90 - 0x99 */
.long _nonjump
.long _unhandled /* 0x9A: far call to full pointer */
.rept 0x05 /* 0x9B - 0x9F */
.long _nonjump

.rept 0x20 /* 0xA0 - 0xBF */
.long _nonjump

.long _nonjump, _nonjump /* 0xC0, 0xC1 */
.long _unhandled /* 0xC2: retn imm16 */
.long _retn /* 0xC3: retn */
.rept 0x06 /* 0xC4 - 0xC9 */
.long _nonjump
.long _unhandled, _unhandled /* 0xCA, 0xCB : far ret */
.rept 0x04
.long _nonjump

.rept 0x10 /* 0xD0 - 0xDF */
.long _nonjump


_loopne, _loope /* 0xE0, 0xE1 */
.long _loop, _jcxz /* 0xE2, 0xE3 */
.rept 0x04 /* 0xE4 - 0xE7 */
.long _nonjump
.long _callrel /* 0xE8 */
.long _jmp_rel32 /* 0xE9 */
.long _unhandled /* far jump to full pointer */
.long _jmp_rel8 /* 0xEB */
.rept 0x04 /* 0xEC - 0xEF */
.long _nonjump

.rept 0x0F /* 0xF0 - 0xFE */
.long _nonjump
.long _grp5 /* 0xFF: group 5 instructions */

continue: .long decryptloop /* where to continue after 1 insn */

.align 4
traced_esp: .long 0 /* traced esp */
traced_eip: .long 0 /* traced eip */
traced_ctr: .long 0 /* incremented by 1 for each insn */
lo_addr: .long 0 /* low encrypted eip */
hi_addr: .long 0 /* high encrypted eip */
our_esp: .long 0 /* our esp... */
end_esp: .long 0 /* esp when we should stop tracing */
local_stk: .fill 1024, 4, 0 /* local stack space (to call C) */
stk_end = . /* we need this.. */
ilen: .long 0 /* instruction length */
key: .long 0 /* pointer to key data */
decrypt: .long 0 /* USED decryption function */
r_decrypt: .long 0 /* REAL decryption function */
disbuf: .fill 128, 1, 0 /* xde disassembly buffer */

----[ A.2 - The file encryption utility source: cryptfile.c

Copyright (c) 2004 Zeljko Vrba

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


* This program encrypts a portion of the file, writing new file with
* .crypt appended. The permissions (execute, et al) are NOT preserved!
* The blocksize of 8 bytes is hardcoded.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "cast5.h"

#define BLOCKSIZE 8
#define KEYSIZE 16

typedef void (*cryptblock_f)(void*, u8*, const u8*);

static unsigned char *decode_hex_key(char *hex)
static unsigned char key[KEYSIZE];
int i;

if(strlen(hex) != KEYSIZE << 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "KEY must have EXACTLY %d hex digits.\n",
KEYSIZE << 1);

for(i = 0; i < KEYSIZE; i++, hex += 2) {
unsigned int x;
char old = hex[2];

hex[2] = 0;
if(sscanf(hex, "%02x", &x) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "non-hex digit in KEY.\n");
hex[2] = old;
key[i] = x;

return key;

static void *docrypt(
FILE *in, FILE *out,
long startoff, long endoff,
cryptblock_f crypt, void *ctx)
char buf[BLOCKSIZE], enc[BLOCKSIZE];
long curroff = 0;
size_t nread = 0;

while((nread = fread(buf, 1, BLOCKSIZE, in)) > 0) {
long diff = startoff - curroff;

if((diff < BLOCKSIZE) && (diff > 0)) {
this handles the following mis-alignment (each . is 1 byte)
^ ^ ^ curoff+BLOCKSIZE
| startoff

if(fwrite(buf, 1, diff, out) < diff) {
memmove(buf, buf + diff, BLOCKSIZE - diff);
fread(buf + BLOCKSIZE - diff, 1, diff, in);
curroff = startoff;

if((curroff >= startoff) && (curroff < endoff)) {
crypt(ctx, enc, buf);
} else {
memcpy(enc, buf, BLOCKSIZE);
if(fwrite(enc, 1, nread, out) < nread) {
curroff += nread;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *in, *out;
long startoff, endoff;
char outfname[256];
unsigned char *key;
struct cast5_ctx ctx;
cryptblock_f mode;

if(argc != 6) {
fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s <-e|-d> FILE KEY STARTOFF ENDOFF\n",
fprintf(stderr, "KEY MUST be 32 hex digits (128 bits).\n");
return 1;

if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-e")) {
mode = cast5_encrypt;
} else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) {
mode = cast5_decrypt;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid mode (must be either -e od -d)\n");
return 1;

startoff = atol(argv[4]);
endoff = atol(argv[5]);
key = decode_hex_key(argv[3]);

if(cast5_setkey(&ctx, key, KEYSIZE) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error setting key (maybe invalid length)\n");
return 1;

if((endoff - startoff) & (BLOCKSIZE-1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "STARTOFF and ENDOFF must span an exact multiple"
" of %d bytes\n", BLOCKSIZE);
return 1;
if((endoff - startoff) < BLOCKSIZE) {
fprintf(stderr, "STARTOFF and ENDOFF must span at least"
" %d bytes\n", BLOCKSIZE);
return 1;

sprintf(outfname, "%s.crypt", argv[2]);
if(!(in = fopen(argv[2], "r"))) {
fprintf(stderr, "fopen(%s): %s\n", argv[2], strerror(errno));
return 1;
if(!(out = fopen(outfname, "w"))) {
fprintf(stderr, "fopen(%s): %s\n", outfname, strerror(errno));
return 1;

docrypt(in, out, startoff, endoff, mode, &ctx);

return 0;

----[ A.3 - The test program: test2.c

Copyright (c) 2004 Zeljko Vrba

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "cast5.h"

#define BLOCKSIZE 8
#define KEYSIZE 16

* f1 and f2 are encrypted with the following 128-bit key:
* 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 (MD5 of the string 'password')

static int f1(int a)
int i, s = 0;

for(i = 0; i < a; i++) {
s += i*i;
printf("called plaintext code: f1 = %d\n", a);
return s;

static int f2(int a, int b)
int i;

a = f1(a);
for(i = 0; i < b; i++) {
a += b;
return a;

static unsigned char *decode_hex_key(char *hex)
static unsigned char key[KEYSIZE];
int i;

if(strlen(hex) != KEYSIZE << 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "KEY must have EXACTLY %d hex digits.\n",
KEYSIZE << 1);

for(i = 0; i < KEYSIZE; i++, hex += 2) {
unsigned int x;
char old = hex[2];

hex[2] = 0;
if(sscanf(hex, "%02x", &x) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "non-hex digit in KEY.\n");
hex[2] = old;
key[i] = x;

return key;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
int a, b, result;
char op[16], hex[256];
void *esp;
struct cast5_ctx ctx;

printf("enter decryption key: ");
scanf("%255s", hex);
if(cast5_setkey(&ctx, decode_hex_key(hex), KEYSIZE) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error setting key.\n");
return 1;

printf("a b = "); scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);

asm("movl %%esp, %0" : "=m" (esp));
printf("esp=%p\n", esp);
result = crypt_exec(cast5_decrypt, &ctx, f1, decode_hex_key,
f2, a, b);
asm("movl %%esp, %0" : "=m" (esp));
printf("esp=%p\n", esp);
printf("result = %d\n", result);

return 0;

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