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Phrack Inc. Volume 11 Issue 63 File 12

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Phrack Inc
 · 26 Apr 2019


==Phrack Inc.==

Volume 0x0b, Issue 0x3f, Phile #0x0c of 0x14

|=--------------=[ Advances in remote-exec AntiForensics ]=--------------=|
|=--------------------------=[ by ilo-- ]=-------------------------------=|

1.0 - Abstract
2.0 - Introduction
3.0 - Principles
4.0 - Background
5.0 - Requirements
6.0 - Design and Implementation
6.1- Get information of a process
6.2- Get binary data of that process from memory
6.3- Order/Clean and safe binary data in a file
6.4- Build an ELF header for that file to be loaded
6.5- Adjust binary information
6.6- Resume of process in steps.
6.7- pd, the program
7.0 - Defeating pd, or defeating process dumping
8.0 - Conclusion
9.0 - Greets
10.0 - References
11.0 - SourceCode

--[ 1.0 - Abstract

PD is a proof of concept tool being released to help rebuilding
or recovering a binary file from a running process, even if the file never
existed in the disk. Computer Forensics, reverse engineering, intruders,
administrators, software protection, all share the same piece of the puzzle
in a computer. Even if the intentions are quite different, get or hide the
real (clean) code, everything revolves around it: binary code files
(executable) and running process.

Manipulation of a running application using code injection, hiding
using ciphers or binary packers are some of the current ways to hide the
code being executed from inspectors, as executed code is different than
stored in disk. The last days a new anti forensics method published in
phrack 62 (Volume 0x0b, Issue 0x3e, phile 0x08 by grugq) showed an
"user landexec module". ulexec allows the execution of a binary sent by the
network from another host without writing the file to disk, hiding any
clue to forensics analysts. The main intention of this article is to
show a process to success in the recovering or rebuilding a binary file
from a running process, and PD is a sample implementation for that process.
Tests includes injected code, burneyed file and the most exotic of
all, rebuilding a file executed using grugq's "userland remote exec" that
was never saved in disk.

--[ 2.0 - Introduction

An executable contains the data the system needs to run the application
contained in the file. Some of the data stored in the file is just
information the system should consider before launching, and requirements
needed by the application binary code. Running an executable is a kernel
process that grabs that information from the file, sets up the needings for
that program and launches it.

However, although a binary file contains the data needed to launch a
process and the program itself, there's no reason to trust that program has
not been modified during execution. One common task to avoid host IDS
detecting binary manipulation is to modify a running process instead of
binary stored files. A process may be running some kind of troyan injected
code until system restart, when original program will be executed again.

In selfmodifing, ciphered or compressed applications, program code in disk
may differ from program code in memory due to 'by design' functionality of
the file. It's a common task to avoid reverse engineering and scope goes
from virus to commercial software. Once the program is ran, it deciphers
itself remaining clean in memory content of the process until the end of
execution. However, any attempt to see the program contained in the file
will require a great effort due to complexity of the implemented cipher or
obfuscation mechanism.

In other hand, there's no reason to keep the binary file once the process
is started (for example a troyan installer). Many forensics methods rely
their investigation in disk MAC (modify, create, access) timeline analysis
after powering down the system, and that's the main reason when grugq
talked about user land remote exec: there's no need to write data in disk
if you can forge the system to run a memory portion emulating a kernel
loader. This kind of data contraception may drop any attempt to create an
activity timeline due to the missing information: the files an intruder may
install in the system. Without traces, any further investigation would
not reveal attacker information. That's the description of the "remote exec
attack", defeated later in this paper.

All those scenarios presented are real, and in all of them memory system of
the suspicious process should be analyzed, however there's no mechanism
allowing this operation. There are several tools to dump the memory
content, but, in a "human unreadable - system unreadable" raw
format. Analysis tools may need an executable formatted file, and also
human analyst may need a binary file being launched in a testing
environment (aka laboratory). Raw code, or dumped memory code is useful
if execution environment is known, but sometimes untraceable. Here is
where pd (as concept) may help in the analysis process, rebuilding a
working executable file from the process, allowing researchers to launch
when and where they need, and capable of being analyzed at any time in any

Rebuilding a binary file from a memory process allow us to recover a file
modified in run time or deciphered, and also recover if it's being executed
but never was saved in the system (as the remote executed using ulexec),
preventing from data contraception and information missing in further

This paper will describe the process of rebuilding an executable from a
process in memory, showing each involved data in every step. One of the
main goals of the article is to realize where the recovering process is
vulnerable to manipulation. Knowing our limits is our best effort to
develop a better process.

There are several posts in internet related to code injection and
obfuscation. For userland remote execution trick refer to phrack 62
(Volume 0x0b, Issue 0x3e, phile 0x08 by grugq)

--[ 3.0 - Principles

Until this year the most hiding method used for code (malicious or
not) hiding was the packing/cyphering one. During execution time, the
original code/file should be rebuilt in disk, in memory, or where
the unpacker/uncypher should need. The disk file still remains ciphered
hiding it's content.

To avoid disk data written and Host IDS detection, several ways are being
used until now. Injecting binary code right in a running process is one of
them. In a forensics analysis some checks to the original file signature
(or MD5, or whatever) my fail, warning about binary content
manipulation. If this code only resides in memory, the disk scan will never
show its presence.

"Userland Remote Exec" is a new kind of attack, as a way to execute files
downloaded from a remote host without write them to disk. The main idea
goes through an implementation of a kernel loader, and a remote file
transfer core. When "ul_remote_exec" program receives a binary file it sets
up as much information and estructures as needed to fork or replace the
existing code with the downloaded one, and give control to this new
process. It safes new program memory pages, setting up execution
environment, and loading code and data into the correct sections, the same
way the system kernel does. The main difference is that system loads a file
from disk, and UserLand Remote Exec (down)"loads" a file from the network,
ensuring no data is written in the disk.

With all these methods we have a running process with different binary data
than saved in the disk (if existing there). Different scenarios that could
be resolved with one technique: an interface allowing us to dump a process
and rebuild a binary file that when executed will recreate this same

--[ 4.0 - Background

Under Windows architecture there're a lot of useful tools providing
this functionality in user space. "procdump" is the name of a generic
process dumper for this operating system, although there're many more
tools including application specific un-packers and dumpers.

Under linux (*nix for x86 systems, the scope of this paper) several studies
attempt to help analyzing the memory (ie: Zalewski's memfetch) of a
process. Kernel/system memory may give other useful information about any
of the process being executed (Wietse's memfetch). Also, gdb now includes
dumping feature, allowing the dump of memory blocks to disk.

There's an interesting tool comparing a process and a binary file
('s elfcmp). Although I discovered later in the study, it
didn't work for me. Anyway, it's an interesting topic in this article.
Recover a binary from a core dump is an easy task due to the implementation
of the core functionality. Silvio Cesare stated that in a complete paper
(see references).

There's also a kernel module for recover a burneyed binary from memory once
it's deciphered, but in any case it cares about binary analysis. It just
dumps a memory region where burneye engine writes dechypered data before

All these approximations will not finish the process of recovering a binary
file, but they will give valuable information and ideas about how the
process should/would/could be.

The program included here is an example of defeating all these
anti-forensics methods, attaching to a pid, analyzing it's memory and
rebuilding a binary image allowing us to recover the process data and code,
and also re-execute it in a testing environment. It summarizes all the
above functionality in an attempt to create a rebuilding working

--[ 5.0 - Requirements

In an initial approach I fall into a lot of presumptions due to
the technology involved in the testing environment. Linux and x86 32bits
intel architecture was the selected platform with kernel 2.4*. There was
a lot of analysis performed in that platform assuming some of the kernel
constants and specifications removed or modified later. Also, GCC was
the selected compiler for the binaries tested, so instead of a generic
ELF format, the gcc elf implementation has been the referral most of the

After some investigation it was realized that all these presumptions should
be removed from the code for compatibility in other test systems. Also, GCC
was left apart in some cases, analyzing files programmed in asm.

The /proc filesystem was first removed from analysis, returning bak after
some further investigation. /proc filesystem is a useful resource for
information gathering about a process from user space (indeed, it's the
user space kernel interface for process information queries).

The concept of process dumping (sample code also) is very system dependant,
as kernel and customs loaders may leave memory in different states,
so there's no a generic program ready-to-use that could rebuild any kind
of executable with total guaranties of use. A program may evolve in run
time loading some code from a inspected source, or delete the used code
while being executed.

Also, it's very important to realize that even if a binary format is
standardized, every file is built under compiler implementation, so the
information included in it may help or difficult the restoring process.

In this paper there are several user interfaces to access the memory of a
process, but the cheapest one has been selected: ptrace. From now on,
ptrace should be a requirement in the implementation of PD, as no other
method to read process memory space has been included in the POC.

In order to reproduce the tests, a linux kernel 2.4 without any security
patch (like grsecurity, pax, or other ptrace and stack protection) is
recommended, as well as gcc compiled binaries. Ptrace should be enabled and
/proc filesystem would be useful. grugq remote exec and burneyed had been
successfully compiled in this environment, so all the toolset for the test
will be working.

Files dynamically linked to system libraries become system dependant if the
dynamic information is not restored to it's original state. PD is
programmed to restore the dynamic subsystem (plt) of any gcc compiled
binary, so gcc+ldd dynamic linked files would be restored to work in other
host correctly.

--[ 6.0 - Design and Implementation

Some common tasks had been identified to success in the dump of a
process in a generic way. The design should heavily rely in system
dependant interfaces for each one, so an exhaustive analysis should be
performed in them:

1- Get information of a process
2- Get binary data of that process from memory
3- Order/clean and safe binary data in a file
4- Build an ELF header for the file to be correctly loaded
5- Adjust binary information

Also, there's a previous step to resolve before doing any of the previous
tasks, it's, to get communication with that process. We need an interface
to read all this information from the system memory space and process it.
In this platform there are some of them available as shown below:

- (per process) own process memory
- /proc file system
- raw access to /dev/kmem /dev/mem
- ptrace (from user space)

Raw memory access turns hard the process of information locating, as run
time information may be paged or swapped, and some memory may be shared
between processes, so for the POC it's has been removed as an option.

Per Process method, even if it may appear to be too exotic, should be
considered as an option. The use of this method consists in exploitation of
the execution of the process selected for dump, as for buffer overflow,
library modifications before loading and any other sophisticated way to
execute our code into process context. Anyway for the scope of the
analysis it's been deprecated also.

/proc and PTRACE are the available options for the POC. Each one has it's
own limits based in implementation of the system. As a POC, PD will use
/proc when available, and ptrace if there's no more options. Consider the
use of the other methods when ptrace is not available in the system.

By default ptrace will not attach any process if it's already being
attached by another. Each process may be only attached by one parent. This
limit is assumed as a requirement for PD to work.

----[ 6.1- Get information of a process

To know all the information needed to rebuild an executable it's
important to know the way a process is being executed by the system.

As a short description, the system will create an entry in the process
list, copy all data needed for the process and for the system to success
executing the binary and launches it. Not all the data in the file is
needed during execution, some parts are only used by the loader to correct
map the memory and perform environment setup.

Getting information about a process involves all data finding that could
be useful when rebuilding the executable file, or finding memory location
of the process, it's:

- Dynamic linker auxiliary vector array
- ELF signatures in memory
- Program Headers in memory
- task_struct and related information about the process
(memory usage, memory permissions, ...)
- In raw access and pre process: permission checks of memory maps (rwx)
- Execution subsystems (as runtime linking, ABI register,
pre-execution conditions, ..)

Apart from the loading information (not removed from memory by default), A
process has three main memory sections: code, where binary resides; data,
where internal program data is being written and read; and stack, as a
temporal memory pool for process execution internal memory requests. Code
and Data segments are read from the file in the loading part by the kernel,
and stack is built by the loader to ensure correct execution.

----[ 6.2- Get binary data of that process from memory

Once we have located that information, we need to get it from the

For this task we will use the interface selected earlier: /proc or
ptrace. The main information we should not forget is:

- Code and Data portions (maps) of the memory process.
- If exists (has not been deleted) the elf and/or program headers.
- Dynamic linking system (if it's being) used by the program.
- Also, "state" of the process: stack and registers*

Stack and registers (state) are useful when you plan to launch the same
process in another moment, or in another computer but recovering the
execution point: Froze the program and re-run in other computer could be a
real scenario for this example. One of the funniest results found using pd
to froze processes was the possibility to save a game and restore the saved
"state" as a way to add the "save game" feature to the XSoldier game.

Something interesting is also another information the process is currently
handling: file descriptors, signals, and so. With the signals, file
descriptors, memory, stack and registers we could "froze" a running
application and restore it's execution in other host, or in other
moment. Due to the design of the process creation, it's possible to
recreate in great part the state of the process even if it's interacting
with regular files. In a more technical detail, the re-create process
will inherit all the attributes of the parent, including file descriptors.
It's our task if we would like to restore a "frozen state" dumped
process to read the position of the descriptors and restore them for the
"frozen process".

Please notice that any other interaction using sockets or pipes for
example, require an state analysis of the communicated messages so their
value, or streamed content may be lost. If you dump a program in the
middle of a TCP connection, TCP session will not be established again,
neither the sent data and acknowledge messages received from the remote
system, so it's not possible to re-run a process from a "frozen state" in
all cases.

----[ 6.3- Order/Clean and safe binary data in a file

Order/Clean and safe task is the simplest one. Get all the
available information and remove the useless, sort the useful, and save in
a secure storage. It has been separated from the whole process due to
limitations in the recovering conditions. If the reconstructed binary could
be stored in the filesystem then simply keep the information saved in a
file, but, it's interesting in some cases to send the gathered information
to another host for processing, not writing to disk, and not modifying the
filesystem for other type of analysis. This will avoid data
contraception in a compromised system if that's the purpose of pd

----[ 6.4- Build an ELF header for that file to be loaded

If finally we don't find it in memory, the best way is to rebuild it.
Using the ELF documentation would be easy enough to setup a basic header
with the information gathered. It's also necessary to create a program
headers table if we could not find it in memory.

Even if the ELF header is found in memory, a manipulation of the structure
is needed as we could miss a lot of information not kept in memory, or not
necessary for the rebuild process: For example, all the information about
file sections, debug information or any kind of informational data.

----[ 6.5- Adjust binary information

At this point, all the information has been gathered, and the basic
skeleton of the executable should be ready to use. But before finishing the
reconstruction process some final steps could be performed.

As some binary data is copied from memory and glued into a binary, some
offset and header information (as number of memory maps and ELF related
information) need to be adjusted.

Also, if it's using some system feature (let's say, runtime linking) some
of the gathered information may be referred to this host linking system,
and need to be rebuilt in order to work in another environments.

As the result of reconstruction we have two great caveats to resolve:

- Elf header
- Dynamic linking system

The elf header is only used in the load time, so we need to setup a
compatible header to load correctly all the information we have got.

The dynamic system relies in host library scheme, so we need to regenerate
a new layout or restore the previous one to a generic usable dynamic
system, it's: GOT recovering. PD resolves this issue in an elegant and
easy way explained later.

----[ 6.6 - Resume of process in steps

Now let's resume with more granularity the steps performed until now,
and what could be do with all the gathered information. As a generic
approach let's resume a "process saving" procedure:

- Froze the process (avoid any malicious reaction of the program..).
- Stop current execution and attach to it (or inject code.. or..).
- Save "state": registers, stack and all information from the system.
- Recover file descriptors state and all system data used by the process.
- Copy process "base": files needed (opened file descriptors, libraries,
... ).
- Copy data from memory: copy code segments, data segments, stack,

With all this information we can now do two things:

- Rebuild the single executable: reconstruct a binary file that could
be launched in any host (with the same architecture, of course), or
executable only in the same host, but allowing complete execution
from the start of the code.

- Prepare a package allowing to re-execute the process in another host,
or in any other moment, that's, a "frozen" application that will resume
it's state once launched. This will allow us to save a suspicious
process and relaunch in other host preserving it's state.

If it's our intention to recover the state in other moment, even if its
recovery is not totally guaranteed (internal system workflow may avoid
its correct execution) the loading process will be:

- Set all files used by the application in the correct location
- Open the files used by the program and move handlers to the same
position (file handlers will be inherited by child process)
- Create a new process.
- Set "base" (code and data) in the correct segments of memory.
- set stack and registers.
- launch execution.

But for the purpose of this paper, the final stage is to rebuild a binary
file, a single executable presumed to be reconstructed from the image of
the process being executed in the memory. These are the final steps we
could see later, labeled as pd implementation:

- Create an ELF header in a file: if it could not be found.
- Attach "base" to the file (code and data memory copies)
- Readjust GOT (dynamic linking).

----[ 6.7 - pd (process dumper) Proof of concept.

At the time of writing this paper, a simple process dumper is included
for testing purposes. Although it contains basic working code, it's
recommended to download the latest version of the program from the web site. The version included here is a very
basic stripped version developed two years ago. This PD is just a POC for
testing the process described in this article supporting dynamically linked
binaries. This is the description of the different tasks it will perform:

- Ptrace attach to a pid: to access memory (mainly read memory) process.

- Information gathering: Everytime a program is executed, the system
will create an special struct in the memory for the dynamic linker to
success bind functions of that process. That struct, the "Auxiliar
Vector" holds some elf related information of the original file, as an
offset to the program headers location in memory, number of program
headers and so (there is some doc about this special struct in the
included source package).

With the program headers information recovered, a loop for memory maps
being saved to a file is started. Program header holds the loaded
program segments. We'll care in the LOAD flag of the mapped memory
segment in order to save it. Memory segments not marked as LOAD are not
loaded from that file for execution. This version of PD does not use
/proc filesystem at any time.

If the program can't find the information, some of the arguments from
command line may help to finish the process. For example, with "-p addr"
it's possible to force the address of the program headers in memory.
This value for gcc+ldd built binaries is 0x8048034. This argument may
be used when the program outputs the message "search failed" when trying
to locate PAGESZ. If PAGESZ is not in the stack it indicates that the
"auxiliar vector array" could not be located, so program headers offset
would neither be found (often when the file is not launched from the
shell or is loaded by other program instead of the kernel).

- File dumping: If the information is located the data is dumped to a
file, including the elf header if it's found in memory (rarely it's
deleted by any application). This version of pd will NOT create any
header for the file (it's done in the lastest version).

This dump should work for the local host, as dynamic information is not
being rebuilt. There's a simple method to recover this information with
files built with gcc+ldd as shown below.

- GOT rebuilding

The runtime linker should had modified some of the GOT entries if the
functions had been called during execution. The way pd rebuilds the GOT
is based in GCC compiling method. Any binary file is very compiler
dependant (not only system), and a fast analysis about how GCC+LDD build
the GOT of the compiled binary, shows the way to reconstruct it called
"Aggressive GOT reconstruction". Another compilers/linkers may need more
in depth study. A txt is included in the source about Aggressive GOT

The option -l tagged as "local execution only" in the command line will
avoid GOT reconstruction.

In this version of PD, PLT/GOT reconstruction is only functional with
GCC compiled binaries. To make that reconstruction, the .plt section
should be located (done by the program usually). If the location is not
found by the PD, the argument -g addr in the command line may help. Even
if it has been tested against several files, this so simple implementation
may fail with files using hard dynamic linking in the system.

Once again I remember this is a test code. For better results please
download latest version of PD.

-- Aggressive reconstruction of GOT --

GCC in the process of compiling a source code makes a table for the
relocation entries to link with ldd. This table grows as source file is
being analyzed. Each relocatable object is then pushed in a table for
internal manipulation. Each table entry has a size of 0x10 bytes, each
entry is located 0x10 bytes from the last, so there are 16 bytes between
each object. Take a look at this output of readelf.

Relocation section '.rel.plt' at offset 0x308 contains 8 entries:
Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name
080496b8 00000107 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 08048380 getchar
080496bc 00000207 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 08048390 __register_frame_info
080496c0 00000307 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 080483a0 __deregister_frame_inf
080496c4 00000407 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 080483b0 __libc_start_main
080496c8 00000507 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 080483c0 printf
080496cc 00000607 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 080483d0 fclose
080496d0 00000707 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 080483e0 strtoul
080496d4 00000807 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 080483f0 fopen
As shown below, each of the entries from the table is just 0x10 bytes
below than the next in memory . When one of this objects is linked in
runtime, it's value will show a library space memory address out of the
original segment. Rebuilding this table is done locating at least an
unresolved value from this list (it's symbol value must be inside it's
program section memory space). Original address could then be obtained
from It's position.

The next step is to perform a replace in all entries marked as
R_386_JUMP_SLOT with the calculated address for each modified entry.
Note: Other compilers may act very different, so the first step is to
fingerprint the compiler before doing any un-relocation task.

Some options are manipulable in command line to pd. See readme for more
information. Also, some demos are included in the src package, and a
simple todo with help to launch each them: simple process dump, packed
dump (upx or burneye), injected code dump and grugq's ulexec dump.

Here is, for your information a simple dump of a netcat process connected
to a host:

[ilo@reversing src]$ ps aux |grep localhost
ilopez 5114 0.0 0.2 1568 564 pts/2 S+ 02:25 0:00 nc localhost 80
[ilo@reversing src]$ ./pd -vo nc.dumped 5114
pd V1.0 POF <>
source distribution for testing purposes..
performing search..
only PAGESZ method implemented in this version
[v]dump: 0xbffff000 to 0xc0000000: 0x1000 bytes
AT_PAGESZ located at: 0xbffffb24
[v]Now checking for boundaries..
[v]Hitting top at: 0xbffffb94
[v]Hitting bottom at: 0xbffffb1c
[v]AT_PHDR: 0x8048034 AT_PHNUM: 0x7
[v]dump: 0x8048034 to 0x8048114: 0xe0 bytes
[v]program header( 0-7 ) table info..
[v]TYPE Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz FLG Align
[v]PHDR 0x00000034 0x08048034 0x08048034 0x000e0 0x000e0 0x005 0x4
[v]INTE 0x00000114 0x08048114 0x08048114 0x00013 0x00013 0x004 0x1
[v]LOAD 0x00000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0x03f10 0x03f10 0x005 0x1000
[v]LOAD 0x00004000 0x0804c000 0x0804c000 0x005d8 0x005d8 0x006 0x1000
[v]DYNA 0x00004014 0x0804c014 0x0804c014 0x000c8 0x000c8 0x006 0x4
[v]NOTE 0x00000128 0x08048128 0x08048128 0x00020 0x00020 0x004 0x4
gather process information and rebuild:
-loadable program segments, elf header and minimal size..
[v]dump: 0x8048000 to 0x804bf10: 0x3f10 bytes
[v]realloc to 0x3f10 bytes
[v]dump: 0x804c000 to 0x804c5d8: 0x5d8 bytes
[v]realloc to 0x45d8 bytes
[v]max file size 0x45d8 bytes
[v]dumped .text section
[v]dumped .data section
[v]segment section based completed
analyzing dynamic segment..
[v]symtable located at: 0x80482d8 , offset: 0x2d8
[v]st_name 0x208 st_value 0x0 st_size 0x167
[v]st_info 0x12 st_other 0x0 st_shndx 0x0
Agressive fixing Global Object Table..
vaddr: 0x804c0e0 daddr: 0x8048000 foffset: 0x40e0
* plt unresolved!!!
section headers rebuild
this distribution does not rebuild section headers
saving file: nc.dumped
[v]saved: 0x45d8 bytes

In this example the program netcat with pid 5114 is dumped to the file
nc.dumped. The reconstructed binary is only part of the original file as
show in these lists:

[ilo@reversing src]$ ls -la nc.dumped
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ilo ilo 17880 Jul 10 02:26 nc.dumped
[ilo@reserving src]$ ls -la `whereis nc`
ls: nc:: No such file or directory
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 20632 Sep 21 2004 /usr/bin/nc

This version of pd does all the tasks of rebuilding a binary file from a
process. The pd concept was re-developed to a more useful tool performing
two steps. The first should help recovering all the information from a
process in a single package. With all this information a second stage allow
to rebuild the executable in more relaxed environment, as other host or
another moment. The option to save and restore state of a process has been
added thus allowing to re-lauch an application in other host in the same
state as it was when the information was gathered. Go to web
site to get the last version of the program.

--[ 7.0 - Defeating PD, or defeating process dumping.

The process presented in this article suffers from lots of
presumptions: tested with gcc compiled binaries, under specified system
models, its workflow simply depends on several system conditions and
information that could be forged by the program. However following the
method would be easy to defeat further antidump research.

In each recovering process task, some of the information is presumed, and
other is obtained but never evaluated before. Although the process may be
reviewed for error and consistency checking a generic flow will not work
against an specific developed program. For example, it's very easy to
remove all data information from memory to avoid pd reading all the
needings in the rebuild process. Elf header could be deleted in runtime, or
modified, as the auxiliar vector in the stack, or the program headers.

There are other methods to get the binary information: asking the kernel
about a process or accessing in raw format to memory locating known
structures and so, but not only it's a very hard approach, the system may
be forged by an intruder. Never forget that..

Current issues known in PD are:

- If the program is being ptraced, this condition will prevent pd
attaching process to work, so program ends here (for now).

Solution: enable a kernel process to dump binary information even if
ptrace is disabled.

- If a forged ELF header is found in the system, probably it will be used
instead of the real one.

Solution: manually inspect ELF header or program headers found in the
system before accepting them.

- If no information about program headers or elf is found, and if /proc is
not available in that user space, and aux_vt is not found the program will
not work, and..

Solution: perform a better approach in pd.c. PD is just a POC code to
show the process of rebuild a binary file. In a real

- Some kernel patches remove memory contents and modify binary file prior
to execution: Unspected behavior.

Anyway, PD will not work well with programs where the data segment has
variables modified in runtime, as execution of the recovered program
depends in the state of these variables. There's no history about memory
modified by a process, so return to a previous state of the data segment is
impossible, again, for now.

--[ 8.0 - Conclusion

"Reversing" term reveals a funny feature: every time a new technique
appears, another one defeat it, in both sides. As in the virus scene, a
new patch will follow to a new development. Everytime a new forensics
method is released, a new anti-forensics one appears. There's a crack
for almost every protected application, and a new version of that program
will protect from that crack.

In this paper, some of the methods hiding code (even if it's not
malicious) were defeated with simply reversing how a process is built.
Further investigation may leave this method inefficient due to load design
of the kernel in the studied system. In fact, once a method is known, it's
easy to defeat, and the one presented in this article is not an exception

--[ 9.0 - Greets & contact

Metalslug, Uri, Laura, Mammon (still more ptrace stuff.. you know ;)),
Mayhem, Silvio, Zalewski, grugq, !dSR and 514-77, "ncn" and "fist" staff.
Ripe deserves special thanks for help in demo codes, and pushing me to
improve the recovering process.

Contact: ilo[at]

--[ 10 - References
- grugq 2002 - The Art of Defiling: Defeating Forensic Analysis on Unix
- grugq 2004 - The Design and Implementation of ul_exec
- 7a69 - Ghost In The System Project
- Silvio - Elf executable reconstruction from a core image
- Mayhem - Some shoots related to linux reversing.
- ilo-- - Process dumping for binary reconstruction: pd

--[ 11 - Source Code
This is not the last version of PD. For further information about
this project please refer to

begin 664 pd-1.0.tar.gz

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