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Phrack Inc. Volume 03 Issue 27 File 04

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Published in 
Phrack Inc
 · 26 Apr 2019


==Phrack Inc.==

Volume Three, Issue 27, File 4 of 12

:.: :.:
:.: NUA-List For Datex-P And X.25 Networks :.:
:.: :.:
:.: by Oberdaemon :.:
:.: :.:
:.: April 9, 1989 :.:
:.: :.:

| |
| Key: |
| |
| A = successfully connected |
| B = sources say that it works |
| C = officially closed |
| D = disconnected/no circuit or permanently busy |
| I = illegal address or invalid call |
| O = out of order |
| r = R-NUA |
| T = time-out |
| X = sources say that it should work but it doesn't (or is permanently |
| busy) |
| Y = barred (=?) |
| Z = sources say that it should not work |
| = including the following digits gives you another number |
| n/a = not yet tested |
| ? = error on a subsequent communication system |
| |
| Remark: I have also included some obviously misstyped NUAs which have been |
| found in widely circulating lists. There are also numbers which do |
| not form a valid NUA but a common prefix (e.g. 0202 2 Helpak). |
| |
| Format: Each NUA in this list consists of the following fields: |
| |
| cccc naa aaa aaa... oooo... ddd.... |
| |
| cccc is the country prefix (e.g. 0262 Germany). This prefix can be |
| omitted when calling and called party have both the same prefix.|
| naa are the first three digits of the address. n often specifies a |
| certain network in that country. |
| aaa aaa... are the other digits of the address. |
| oooo... are some extra digits/letters which should be added after the |
| NUA. The correct syntax depends on your PAD. This list uses any |
| syntax - usually depending on the notation the author of the |
| source used. The oooo... field is usually empty. |
| ddd... is a short description of the service. |
| |
| If you find two NUAs who differ only in the number of trailing zeroes, but |
| connect to the same service, you may safely throw away the longer one. |
| |
| !! Please note that most PADs don't accept spaces inside a NUA !! |

0200 GR Greece
0202 2 Helpak (enkelriktad trafik)
X 0202 452 241 24104
0204 NL Netherlands
0204 0 Datanet (1?)
0204 1 Datanet (1?)
A 0204 129 001 3 ? (Netz ?)
A 0204 129 001 4 X.25
A 0204 129 003 1 NONOBY
A 0204 129 003 4 Searchline
D 0204 129 004 33 SARA National Institute for High Energy Physics
(NIKHEF) SARA network
D 0204 129 004 34 NIKHEF National Institute for High Energy Physics
(NIKHEF) SARA network
D 0204 129 005 6 MCVAX MCVAX, HOLLAND
A 0204 129 005 675 HARING MCVAX Line 2
A 0204 134 014 80500 Utrecht ?
0204 303 0 EPOIS EPO Den Haag
0204 4 Dabas
0206 B Belgium
0206 2 DCS
A 0206 210 300 003 Eigebib
A 0206 222 100 6 BBDA Brussels DEC A
A 0206 222 101 2 ? Ministry of economic affairs
A 0206 222 102 6 celex
A 0206 224 001 903 PRLB2 Belgium Unix Backbone
0206 3 Euronet
A 0206 228 821 0 DGxiiiF
0208 F France
0208 0 TRANSPAC French Transpac
A 0208 006 040 010 Telesystemes 1
A 0208 006 040 201 Telesystemes 2
A 0208 026 020 843 ?
A 0208 034 020 036 CNUSC CNUSC (France)
A 0208 034 020 258 CNUSC CNUSC Montpelier
A 0208 038 020 100 CICG Grenoble
A 0208 038 020 676 ILL VEGA VAX 8700 VMS 4.7
I 0208 044 001 645 ?
A 0208 057 040 540 QSD (Chat system)
I 0208 069 021 258
A 0208 075 000 087 IRCAM IRCAM-ERIK VAX 11/780 4.2 BSD
I 0208 075 000 355 ?
I 0208 075 001 281*D CCPN Computing Centre Nuclear Physics
I 0208 075 002 314 GRF
A 0208 075 020 655 LITP LITP Unix 4.3 BSD (France)
A 0208 075 041 280 Pasteur MV8000
A 0208 078 020 118 INRIA INRIA, Rocquencourt (France) Multics
B 0208 078 020 16901 INRIA Institute National de Recherche en
0208 078 081 67304 INRIAUU INRIA - UUCICO
I 0208 091 000 270*DCISICISI3 IBM - TSO
I 0208 091 000 309*DCISICISI1 IBM - TSO
I 0208 091 000 519*DCISICISI2 IBM - TSO
I 0208 091 010 320 CJRCE
I 0208 091 040 047 SACLAY Saclay - France
I 0208 091 040 532 Pascal
A 0208 091 190 258 LURE, VAX 11/780 VMS 4.6, Synchrotron
source (SES)
0208 1 NTI
A 0208 101 TEXTFRA Text Generator, FRANCE
0214 E Spain
0214 1 SPAIN Spanish data network (NID/CTNE)
0214 5 Iberpac
O 0214 521 202 5022
A 0214 521 302 1020 ETSITM (EANNET) VAX 11/750 VMS 4.5
0222 I Italy
0222 2 Itapac
A 0222 262 002 1 ESAIRS1 ESA-QUEST, IRS 1
I 0222 262 002 2 ESAIRS2 ESA-IRS 2
O 0222 262 003 2 IASI VAX
A 0222 262 004 3 VAXLNF (INFNET) VAX 8650
O 0222 263 200 4 NUA-Information ?
A 0222 265 014 0 Techni-Link
I 0222 306 3 Progetto-Sirio
I 0222 306 700 European Space Agency
I 0222 306 9*D CNUCE CNUCE
I 0222 307 0 CILEA
I 0222 307 1 CED Datenbanksysteme Rom
I 0222 307 2*D RTC20 JRC
I 0222 307 7*D QUESTD5 ESA ESA
D 0222 307 8*D QUESTD5 ESA2 ESA
0228 CH Switzerland
D 0228 310 1*DN DATASTAR Data-Star, Switzerland
0228 4 Telepac
A 0228 462 110 0101 Cigy IBMA
A 0228 462 110 0102 Cigy DEC1091
A 0228 462 110 09 EDP Basel
A 0228 462 110 23 ?
A 0228 462 110 34 ?
A 0228 462 110 36 ?
A 0228 462 110 52 DANZA'S 11/785 VMS 4.4
A 0228 462 110 61 PKK node RBPK00
A 0228 462 110 66 PROGNOS Basel (CIERR 1402)
A 0228 462 110 70 ?
A 0228 462 110 84 (CIERR 1402)
Y 0228 462 170 02 INFOTEX PTT
I 0228 464 109 06 GD PTT Schweiz (ring with CTRL G)
A 0228 464 110 10 DM DATAMAIL (RSAG)
A 0228 464 110 110 DSTAR2 Datastar (2nd. Line)
A 0228 464 110 112 RSAG
Z 0228 464 110 113 RSAG
A 0228 464 110 115 DATASTAR Data-Star, Switzerland (Pharmadatenbank ?)
A 0228 468 113 150 Management Joint Trust
D 0228 468 114 05 CERN CERN (=CERNXX?)
A 0228 468 114 0505 CS Group LAVC on node UXCOMS
A 0228 468 114 0510 CER CERN, Geneva
A 0228 468 114 0510 CERNVAX CERN X25 Multigate
B 0228 468 114 0510*DLO CERNLO CERN 300 bps OUTDIAL (where ???)
B 0228 468 114 0510*DME CERNME CERN 1200 bps OUTDIAL (where ???)
B 0228 468 114 0510*DHI CERN ?
A 0228 468 114 0514 4.2 BSD UNIX (Mint)
A 0228 468 114 0515 Cern LS Group LAVC VXGIFT
A 0228 468 114 0520 Cern
A 0228 468 114 0532 Cern
A 0228 468 114 0533 L3 test beam VAX-750 VXC3
A 0228 468 114 0534 UXINFN
A 0228 468 114 0538 CS Group LAVC on node UXCOMS
A 0228 468 114 054 Cern
A 0228 468 114 0545 Cern
A 0228 468 114 0551 VXCERN VMS 4.6
A 0228 468 114 0553 VXCERN VMS 4.6
A 0228 468 114 0556 VXCERN VMS 4.6
A 0228 468 114 0560 CERN VXNA31
A 0228 468 114 0561 CERN VXNA31
A 0228 468 114 0562 L3 VAX 11/750 VXC3MU
A 0228 468 114 0572 ISOLDES VAX 11/750
A 0228 468 114 0574 ? (Operator)
A 0228 468 114 0581 ?
A 0228 468 114 0583 %Merit:X.25 (Merit Computer Network, see
A 0228 468 114 0584 Develcon
A 0228 468 114 0587 ? (Operator)
A 0228 468 114 0588 ? (Operator)
A 0228 468 114 0589 ? (Operator)
A 0228 468 114 0592 Princeton University High Energy Physics
Group Vax 11/750
A 0228 468 114 0593 University of Michigan Physics Vax 11/750
A 0228 468 114 0596 N.U. Physics Vax 11/750
A 0228 468 114 0597 Harvard University High Energy Physics Lab.
Vax 8650
A 0228 468 114 0598 MIT-LNS*PIERRE
A 0228 468 114 0599 DoD, Distributed Databases Coordination
D 0228 468 114 18 BIOGEN (=GODEL?)
A 0228 468 114 23 EDCHUB::
A 0228 469 110 02 EPFL (something)
A 0228 469 110 0202 EPFL HELP
D 0228 469 110 0203 EPFL DE.VAX
D 0228 469 110 0204 EPFL GC.VAX
A 0228 469 110 0205 EPFL DP.VAX
A 0228 469 110 0206 EPFL ME.VAX
A 0228 469 110 0207 EPFL GR.VAX
A 0228 469 110 0208 EPFL MA.VAX
A 0228 469 110 0209 EPFL DI.VAX
D 0228 469 110 0210 EPFL IMAC.PDP
D 0228 469 110 0211 EPFL CGL.VAX
D 0228 469 110 0212 EPFL DE.MVAX
A 0228 469 110 0213 EPFL CC.VAX
A 0228 469 110 03 EPFL Cyber 855
Ar0228 469 110 0301 EPFL Cyber
A 0228 475 110 02 HSG St.Gallen
Ar0228 479 104 00 Cern
A 0228 479 110 23 I.P.Sharp (CA)
X 0228 479 110 86 KOMETH (ETH ZH)
A 0228 479 110 650 KOMETH (ETH ZH)
I 0228 479 111
A 0228 479 111 06 GRS
I 0228 479 111 086
I 0228 479 111 11
I 0228 479 111 18 ZEV-Mailbox Zuerich
A 0228 479 111 750 ComNet (R-Nua)
A 0228 479 311 49 KOMETH Output (ETH ZH)
A 0228 499 111 02001 KOMETH (Entry Uni)
0228 9 Radio-Suisse
0232 A Austria
0232 2 Datex-P
O 0232 242 210 91
? 0232 242 211 42*DMAI Sysnet Wien (Gast,Gast)
A 0232 252 310 000 Uni Wien
0232 9 Radio Austri
A 0232 911 602 323 Inpadoc
0234 GB United Kingdom
0234 1 IPSS IPSS UK network
A 0234 110 020 02018 BT DIALCOM GROUP (PRESTEL ?)
0234 2 PSS
0234 198 061 60 Queen Marry C.
B 0234 207 920 002 SWVA
0234 211 920 100515 Hostess Doc.
0234 212 Dialnet
O 0234 212 080 105
I 0234 212 080 110 EPSONUK Epson (UK)
A 0234 212 300 120 DIALNET IGS Leased line to DIALOG in US
A 0234 212 300 12011 DIALNET LRS-DIALOG 2 Dialog via London
Ar0234 212 300 12013 DIALMRC LRS-Dialmail (Reverse Charging)
A 0234 212 300 120*D@ DIALNET IGS Leased line to DIALOG in US
A 0234 212 300 2920 GeoNet GEO2
B 0234 212 301 161 OPTEL
0234 212 301 186 GEOSYSTEMS
0234 212 301 187 CAP GROUP LTD.
0234 212 301 18722 CAP CAP Industry Ltd.
0234 212 301 281 ONE TO ONE COMMS
O 0234 212 302 02192 PSSCLK PSS Clock
B 0234 212 399 12013 DIALMAL Dialmail via London
A 0234 212 900 115 STL STL : ACER (BSD UNIX 4.2)
0234 213 000 11
0234 213 000 151 COMPUTAS Computas Ltd
0234 213 000 1511 COMPUTAS LTD.
D 0234 213 900 10150 ALVEY Alvey Mail and FTP.
0234 214 200 162 GLAXO Galaxo Industries
0234 214 400 12 CONTROL DATA LTD.
0234 215 000 11600 C3
0234 215 710 104 Consultans Ltd
0234 216 700 127 PFIZER Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12701 PFIZER1 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12702 PFIZER2 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12703 PFIZER3 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12704 PFIZER4 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12706 PFIZER6 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 218 801 00300 British Telecom Hotline
0234 2 PSS
0234 198 061 60 Queen Marry C.
B 0234 207 920 002 SWVA
0234 211 920 100515 Hostess Doc.
0234 212 Dialnet
O 0234 212 080 105
I 0234 212 080 110 EPSONUK Epson (UK)
A 0234 212 300 120 DIALNET IGS Leased line to DIALOG in US
A 0234 212 300 12011 DIALNET LRS-DIALOG 2 Dialog via London
Ar0234 212 300 12013 DIALMRC LRS-Dialmail (Reverse Charging)
A 0234 212 300 120*D@ DIALNET IGS Leased line to DIALOG in US
A 0234 212 300 2920 GeoNet GEO2
B 0234 212 301 161 OPTEL
0234 212 301 186 GEOSYSTEMS
0234 212 301 187 CAP GROUP LTD.
0234 212 301 18722 CAP CAP Industry Ltd.
0234 212 301 281 ONE TO ONE COMMS
O 0234 212 302 02192 PSSCLK PSS Clock
B 0234 212 399 12013 DIALMAL Dialmail via London
A 0234 212 900 115 STL STL : ACER (BSD UNIX 4.2)
0234 213 000 11
0234 213 000 151 COMPUTAS Computas Ltd
0234 213 000 1511 COMPUTAS LTD.
D 0234 213 900 10150 ALVEY Alvey Mail and FTP.
0234 214 200 162 GLAXO Galaxo Industries
0234 214 400 12 CONTROL DATA LTD.
0234 215 000 11600 C3
0234 215 710 104 Consultans Ltd
0234 216 700 127 PFIZER Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12701 PFIZER1 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12702 PFIZER2 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12703 PFIZER3 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12704 PFIZER4 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 216 700 12706 PFIZER6 Pfizer, SANDWICH
0234 218 801 00300 British Telecom Hotline
0234 219 PSS-Network
0234 219 200 001 Network Monitoring Centre (NFS)
0234 219 200 002 Network Monitoring Centre (NFS)
0234 219 200 100 University of London Computing Centre
0234 219 200 10069 JANETGW PSS/JANET Gateway (ULCC)
B 0234 219 200 101 Finsbury Data Service
0234 219 200 118 atomic energy research establishment
0234 219 200 13370 QTLON Quantime
A 0234 219 200 146 CEGB CEGB, Park Street, London
B 0234 219 200 14869 ULCC Univ. London Computer Centre (=JANET2?)
B 0234 219 200 14918 UCLMVAX UCL Microvax ARPA Gateway
B 0234 219 200 14970
A 0234 219 200 171 LEXIS LEXIS
A 0234 219 200 203 IPSH SHARP, I. P. ASSOCIATES LTD.
A 0234 219 200 222 BLAISE British Library Information System
B 0234 219 200 300 UCL University College London - Computer
0234 219 200 300 UCLFTP UCL (FTP)
A 0234 219 200 300 UCLMAIL UCL (JNT Mail)
0234 219 200 304 University Computing Company (GB) Ltd.
B 0234 219 200 333 EUCLID University College London Computer Centre
0234 219 200 394 CISI CISI (=SIANET?;=Computer Services, London?)
0234 219 200 871 Instrument Rentals (UK) Ltd.
B 0234 219 201 002 POOLE
0234 219 201 004 BGOLD81 Telecom BT-GOLD System 81
0234 219 201 00472 BGOLD72 Telecom BT-GOLD System 72
0234 219 201 00474 BGOLD74 Telecom BT-GOLD System 74
0234 219 201 00479 BTGOLD Telecom BT-GOLD System 79
0234 219 201 00481 BTGOLDA Telecom BT-GOLD System 81
0234 219 201 00482 BTGOLD82 Telecom BT-GOLD System 82
0234 219 201 00484 BGOLD84 Telecom Gold System 84
0234 219 201 005 PSSMAIL PSS TELE-MAIL service
B 0234 219 201 00513 DIANENQ Euronet DIANE Enquiry Service
B 0234 219 201 00513 EUROINFO Euronet Diane Information Service
A 0234 219 201 00515 BTDOC BT Online Documentation Service
A 0234 219 201 00515 HOSTESS Hostess system (BT)
0234 219 201 00530 BAYNARD BT Protocol Study Centre (NFS)
0234 219 201 00615 PSSDOC PSS documentation service/X25 technical
info on line
0234 219 201 00620 BTBILL BT Online Billing
0234 219 201 0100513
0234 219 201 01013 HOSTESS Hostess system (BT) (=PSS Switchstream 1 ?)
T 0234 219 201 01030 TSTB British Telecom
0234 219 201 025 PRESTEL BT Prestel Service
0234 219 201 02517
0234 219 201 07800
0234 219 201 15600 ESA1 ESA-IRS via London
0234 219 201 18 ADPUK ADP Network Services Ltd
0234 219 210 050 BT Mailbox facility (NFS)
0234 219 511 31 GEC GEC Computers Borehamwood
0234 219 511 311 GECB GEC Computers Ltd. Borehamwood
0234 219 513 11 GECB GEC Computers Ltd. Borehamwood
0234 219 709 111 Modular Computer Services Ltd. (MODCOMP)
? 0234 219 709 111 NPL1 National Physical Laboratory
0234 219 709 210 NPL2 National Physical Laboratory, Protocol Std
B 0234 219 806 160 QMC Queen Mary College London
X 0234 220 200 1070 island-Adventure-Game
X 0234 220 200 10700 island-Adventure-Game
0234 220 641 141 ESSX Essex, University of, Computing Service
A 0234 220 641 1411 MUD (Adventure Game), <guest>, <mist> or
B 0234 221 222 122 MIDB MIDNET Gateway at Birmingham (=MIDBHM)
0234 221 222 223 BIRP Prime R & D at Birmingham
0234 221 222 225 Freight Comp. Services
0234 222 236 163 CARDF Cardiff, University College
0234 222 236 16300 CARDIFF Univ. Coll. Cardiff Multics
0234 222 236 236 UWIST University of Wales
0234 222 300 16102 ACORN Acorn Computers
0234 222 339 399 CAMBRID Cambridge University (Phoenix)
0234 222 530 303 SWURCC South-West Universities
0234 222 530 30388 SWURCC South-West Universities Network
0234 222 530 30398 SWCFTP SWURCC (FTP)
A 0234 222 715 151 KENT University of Kent
X 0234 222 715 11 ? (---,Guest,Friend (call PIP))
0234 223 440 TI Texas Instruments Ltd
0234 223 440 144 BED5 Prime R & D at Bedford (NFS)
0234 223 440 345 TI Texas Instruments Ltd
0234 223 500 10998 HLH High Level Hardware Ltd.
B 0234 223 519 111 AERE Atomic Energy Research Establishment at
T 0234 223 519 11198 ADA ADA UK Database
0234 223 519 119169 JANET
0234 223 519 191 DLVAFTP Daresbury SRS VAX (FTP)
A 0234 223 519 191 JANET Gateway to JANET at Rutherford
0234 223 519 191 OUCSFTP OUCS VAX (FTP) - Experimental
0234 223 519 191 REVSFTP ROE Starlink VAX (FTP)
0234 223 519 191 RLDAFTP Rutherford DCS 11/70 (FTP)
0234 223 519 191 RLGBFTP RL GEC (FTP)
0234 223 519 191 RLIBFTP RL IBM 370 CMS (FTP)
0234 223 519 191 RLPCFTP L Prime C (FTP)
0234 223 519 191 SERC Gateway to SERCNET at Rutherford
0234 223 519 191 SERCENQ SERCNET Acc & P/word Fac.
0234 223 519 191 SYPEFTP Surrey Prime 550 (FTP)
0234 223 519 191 UEAFTP East Anglia via SERC (FTP)
0234 223 519 191 ZUVSFTP UCL Starlink VAX (FTP)
A 0234 223 519 19169 SERCNET R/ford XXX SERCnet g/way
? 0234 223 519 19169,.10404000 Lancaster Uni
B 0234 223 519 19169,.36 Oxford2
? 0234 223 519 19169,49000001
B 0234 223 519 19169,.50200014 Oxford
B 0234 223 519 19169,.CPVC Omega VAX
A 0234 223 519 19169,.CPVD Merlin VAX
B 0234 225 621 126 DECSS DEC Software Support VAX (=BEANO?)
0234 227 200 110 GEAC 8000 ITI
0234 227 200 112 HPLB HPLB (Hewlett Packard Labs, Bristol)
0234 227 230 230 BRST University of Bristol
0234 227 230 23000 BRISTOL University of Bristol
0234 227 230 231 DLLON Comp. & Manag. Services Ltd.
0234 227 230 301 GAC Computers Ltd.
0234 227 230 333 AVON Avon Universities Computer Centre
0234 227 230 33300 AUCC Avon Universities Computer Centre
0234 227 230 33398 AUCCFTP AUCC (FTP)
B 0234 227 900 102 BLAISE British Library Information System
0234 227 900 10400 ESTELLE STC Estelle
0234 227 900 14302 ITT ITT Harlow (=ALCATEL?)
0234 231 300 101 PRIME Office, Edinburgh
0234 231 300 102 Forestry Commission FTP
0234 231 300 105 LATTLOG Lattice Logic LTD
0234 231 300 107
B 0234 231 354 354 ERCC Edinburgh Regional Computer Centre
0234 231 354 35419 BUSHFTP RCO 2988 (FTP)
B 0234 231 354 35422 ERCC ERCC - 2980, 2972 (EMAS) (=RCONET?)
0234 232 500 124 EXIS EXIS
I 0234 233 458 158 STAND St. Andrews University VAX
B 0234 233 458 15898 STANFTP St. Andrews Univ. (FTP)
0234 234 417 117 ICL at Bracknell
0234 227 230 333 ?
B 0234 239 232 323 EXETER1 Exeter University
0234 239 232 32304 EXTR University of Exeter
0234 241 200 107
0234 241 260 106 SCRSX University of Strathcylde PDP-11/44 (RSX)
A 0234 241 260 10604 ? (,5020015,Birch/Bryan)
0234 241 260 260 GLSG University of Glasgow (NFS)
B 0234 241 260 26004 Glasgow
0234 246 200 10243 ICL West Gorton 'B' Service
0234 246 200 10248 ICL West Gorton 'X' Service
0234 246 200 10277 ICL West Gorton Perq
0234 246 240 240 ICLL ICL at Letchworth (=Kidsgrove?) (NFS)
0234 247 300 103 MTIER Management Systems Ltd.
0234 247 300 10300 Bridge, Switch
0234 247 300 10340 Bridge, (VAX/VMS)
0234 247 300 10345 Bridge, (MUX(VT100))
0234 247 300 10346 Bridge
0234 247 302 022 MHGA LDC at Martlesham
0234 248 300 106 DWENT-SDC Search Service
0234 248 321 321 DWENT-SDC Search Service
B 0234 251 248 248 LIVE University of Liverpool
0234 252 724 241 BSL BL Systems Ltd.
0234 253 265 165 LEEDS University of Leeds (NFS)
0234 253 300 124 CAMTEC Camtec, Leicester
0234 253 300 12406 CAMTEC Camtec, Leicester (hard copy printer)
0234 258 200 106 ARC Agricultural Research Council (GEC -
0234 258 200 106 EMALFTP East Malling (FTP)
0234 258 200 106 RESFTP RES (Rothampstead) - FTP
0234 258 200 10604 AGRIFTP AGRINET (CPSE) FTP
0234 258 200 10604 AGRINET AGRINET Gateway
0234 258 200 10604 EASTMAL East Malling
0234 258 240 242 GECD GEC Computers Ltd at Dunstable
0234 258 240 24200 MRCA GEC - Marconi Research Centre
B 0234 260 227 227 MIDN MIDNET Gateway at Nottingham (University
Leicester?) (=MIDNOT?)
B 0234 261 456 8383 Microlink
B 0234 261 600 119 Manchester
0234 261 600 133 IBM - SALE (also FTP)
B 0234 261 600 152 UMDAFL University of Manchester Dataflow VAX
0234 261 643 143 UMRCC University of Manchester Regional Computer
0234 261 643 14398 UMRFTP UMRCC (FTP)
0234 261 643 210 SALF Salford University
0234 261 643 21090 SALFORD Salford -> GANNET
0234 261 643 21090 NRS NRS
B 0234 261 643 343 FERRANTI Feranti Computer Systems
0234 261 643 365 ICLBRA
0234 261 643 36543 ICL West Gorton 'B' Service
0234 261 643 36548 ICL West Gorton 'X' Service
0234 261 643 36577 ICL West Gorton Perq (also FTP)
0234 262 500 484 Software Sciences Ltd.
B 0234 262 800 151 CDM/EH (=Maidenhead?)
0234 262 800 43300
B 0234 263 259 159 NUMAC University of Newcastle
0234 264 200 136 Primenet
B 0234 270 500 115 MAXXIM
B 0234 270 500 142 Farenham
T 0234 270 500 15 Uni Brighton (GUEST,WELCOME)
0234 270 712 217 HATF Hatfield Polytechnic
0234 273 417 171 DEC-RDG Digital Equipment Ltd Reading
0234 273 417 217 MODC Modcomp
0234 273 417 317 DECR DEC at Reading
0234 274 200 103 SHEFFIELD, University of, Dept.of
Electronic & Elec...
0234 274 200 103*DCODUCODUS Codus
0234 274 253 385 DVY Computing Ltd.
0234 274 317 31
0234 275 300 102 GIS Ltd.
0234 275 312 212 BOC British Oxygen (=The World Reporter??)
0234 275 312 212 DATASOLVE as above
0234 275 312 212 EUROLEX British Oxygen Company
0234 275 317 173 Lynx Computers Ltd.
0234 275 317 177 TELEFILE Computer Services Ltd.
0234 275 317 177 GSI GSI (NFS)
0234 278 228 282 ICL Letchworth
0234 278 228 288 ICL Letchworth
0234 284 400 108 Culham, (VAX)
0234 284 400 123 ALVEY Alvey Electronic Mail
B 0234 289 500 109 UXB
0234 290 468 168 YORK York University PSS Gateway
B 0234 290 468 168 YORKFTP York University (FTP)
0234 290 468 168 Gateway To DEC-10 At York
0234 290 468 16804 YORKTS York TS29 Port
0234 290 524 242 RSRE Radio, Space Research Establishment
0234 290 524 24203 RSREDL RSRE
0234 290 524 24204 RSRESNK RSRE
0234 290 524 24250 RSREA Radio, Space Research Establishment for
ALVEY mail
0234 290 840 111 POLIS SCION
0234 290 840 111 SCICON SCICON, South England
0234 292 549 149 DL SERC at Daresbury Laboratory
0234 293 212 212 DATASOLVE LTD.
0234 293 212 212 BOC British Oxygen Company (NFS)
D 0234 293 765 ARTTEL British Library, Boston Spa
0234 293 765 265 British Library Lending Divi.
0234 299 212 221 NOLTON Nolton Communications Ltd. (NFS)
0234 3 Euronet
0234 307 813 EUROINFO Euronet Diane Information Service
0234 8 TELEX UK Telex network
0234 892 992 0 DECTELX
I 0235 200 143 00165
0238 DK Denmark
0238 2 Datapak
A 0238 241 592 400 Valby I/S Datacentralen
A 0238 241 745 600 RECKU Univac in Copenhagen University
0238 241 745 60000 Recku Univac (Enter @@ENQ)
0238 241 745 60002 UDIKU
A 0238 242 126 400 Lyngby DTB; I/S Datacentralen
I 0238 389 3 Euronet Aarhus
0240 S Sweden
I 0240 181 559 76 LIUIDA S Linkvping LiUIDA Teletex
0240 2 Datapak
A 0240 200 002 05 Uppsala STUNS VAX/UNIX KULING
I 0240 200 044 4 ENEA ENEA
A 0240 200 100 110 Stockholm QZ/DEC-10
A 0240 200 100 120 Stockholm QZ/CD Cyber 730
O 0240 200 100 203 Uppsala, UU, Teknikum, NORD 100/500
A 0240 200 100 205 Uppsala, UU, Stuns, VAX 750
A 0240 200 100 206 Uppsala, UDAC/DECnet RTR18A
O 0240 200 100 207 Uppsala, UDAC, Cyber 835
A 0240 200 100 228 Uppsala, UDAC/UPNET - Terminalnaet
A 0240 200 100 232 Uppsala, UDAC, IBM/GUTS (BASF 7/68 ?)
O 0240 200 100 28 Uppsala Upnet
? 0240 200 100 30 Umeaa VAX-750 Skogsh. Umeaa Univ
A 0240 200 100 303 Umeaa, UMDAC/BIOVAX
A 0240 200 100 304 Umeaa, Skogshoegskolan, VAX 750
A 0240 200 100 305 Umeaa, UMDAC/DECnet RTR09A, (Vax 11/750)
A 0240 200 100 30520 Umeaa, UMDAC/BASUN
A 0240 200 100 30540 Umeaa, UMDAC/UTB1 (Vax 11/780)
A 0240 200 100 30550 Umeaa, UMDAC/UTB2 (Vax 11/750)
A 0240 200 100 30570 Umeaa, UMDAC/OSTVAX (Vax 11/780, Hoegsk i
A 0240 200 100 307 Umeaa, UMDAC/Cyber 850
D 0240 200 100 312 Luleaa, Tekn hoegsk, NORD 100
D 0240 200 100 313 Luleaa, Tekn hoegsk, NORD 100
A 0240 200 100 328 Umeaa, UMDAC/NUNET - Terminalnaet
D 0240 200 100 33 Umeaa VAX-11/780
A 0240 200 100 403 Linkoeping, ULi/LIUIDA, uVAX-I
D 0240 200 100 404 Linkoeping, ULi/PDP 11/23 BULL
A 0240 200 100 405 Linkoeping, LIDAC, VAX 11/780 VIKTOR
A 0240 200 100 407 Linkoeping, LIDAC/DECnet RTR13A, uVAX-II
D 0240 200 100 432 Linkoeping, LIDAC/TEXAS - Terminalnaet
A 0240 200 100 7 Primenet
A 0240 200 101 903 Stockholm, SU, Psykologi, Prime 750
A 0240 200 101 904 Stockholm, QZ IBM (Amdahl)
A 0240 200 101 905 Stockholm, QZ, NFRVAX
A 0240 200 101 907 Stockholm, QZ/DECnet RTR08A
A 0240 200 101 914 Stockholm, SU, Fysik, Vax 780
D 0240 200 101 926 Stockholm, KTH/KTHNET - Terminalnaet
A 0240 200 101 928 Stockholm, QZ/QZNET - Terminalnaet
O 0240 200 102 06 Uppsala UDAC uVAX-II RTR18A
O 0240 200 102 07 Uppsala CD Cyber 835
A 0240 200 102 7 Stockholm DEC-10/Janus
A 0240 200 102 71 Stockholm DEC-10/Janus
A 0240 200 201 603 Goeteborg, CTH, Infobeh, VAX 750, Unix
D 0240 200 201 604 Goeteborg, GU, Pedagogiska inst, Prime 550
A 0240 200 201 605 Goeteborg, GU, Statistiska inst, Prime 550
D 0240 200 201 606 Goeteborg, CTH, Tillaempad Elektronik, VAX
A 0240 200 201 607 Goeteborg, Tillaempad Elektronik/DECnet
RTR31A (RTR18A ?)
A 0240 200 201 628 Goeteborg, GD/GUCNET - Terminalnaet
D 0240 200 201 632 Goeteborg Upnod
A 0240 200 205 4 SCB
A 0240 200 278 0 Oerebro, Hoegskolan, Prime
A 0240 200 292 6 Karlstad, Hoegskolan, VAX 11/780
D 0240 200 310 204 Lund, Fysikum, NORD 500, Lucas
O 0240 200 310 206 Lund, Maxlab, NORD 100
A 0240 200 310 207 Lund, LDC/DECnet RTR46A, uVAX-II
A 0240 200 310 20720 Lund, LDC/GEMINI, Vax 8350
A 0240 200 310 228 Lund, LDC/LUNET - Terminalnaet
0240 201 001 30 Stockholm QZ/Amdahl
0240 201 002 03 Uppsala Teknikum Nord 100/500
0240 5 SWEDEN Swedish data network (Telepak)
I 0240 500 025 3 QZXB QZ by yet another route
I 0240 500 025 7 Stockholm, DEC, VAX
I 0240 501 50 Scannet, Goteborg
I 0240 501 51 Scannet, Helsingfors
I 0240 501 52 Stockholm KTH/TTDS
I 0240 501 531 0 QZCOM QZ-COM - Stockholm University DEC-10
I 0240 501 532 0 QZCB QZ Cyber
I 0240 501 533 0 QZIB QZ Amdahl
I 0240 501 54 UPPS Uppsala network, Sweden
I 0240 501 550 3 Gottenburg, Sweden
I 0240 501 582 8 LUND Lund University
I 0240 501 60 Helsinki CP9500 HYLK B7800
I 0240 502 00 Scannet, Stockholm
I 0240 502 01 Denmark, Copenhagen Scannet
I 0240 502 02 Tandem Computers
I 0240 502 032 8 QZXA QZ Sweden via reverse PAD (=UPNET?)
I 0240 502 032 832 Oden, Sweden
I 0240 502 033 2 QZDA QZ DEC-10 Sweden
I 0240 502 04 Prime Computers
I 0240 502 05 Vaesteraas PAD ASEA Multics
I 0240 502 52 KEMIDATA
I 0240 502 53 QZXB QZ by yet another route
0240 515 330 Amdahl
0242 N Norway
0242 2 NORWAY Norwegian data network (Datapak/Norpak)
0242 192 010 1013 PSS DOC
X 0242 211 000 00107 OSLO DEC-1099 DEC-net/PSI at Oslo University
D 0242 211 000 001*D02 Oslo univ BRU-nett UNINETT
D 0242 211 000 001*D03 OSLO DEC-10 at Oslo University
D 0242 211 000 00100 Oslo univ DEC-1099 UNINETT
D 0242 211 000 002 Oslo Scannet NSI Nord-100
D 0242 211 000 01018 DATAPIN DATAPAK Info - Norway
B 0242 211 000 074 Oslo VAX
T 0242 223 000 00151 RBK Cyber 170 at IFE (Energy Research Centre)
T 0242 223 000 001*D00 RBK Cyber 170 at IFE, Kjeller RBK UNINETT
D 0242 223 000 002 Kjeller FFI UNINETT
D 0242 245 000 00101 BERGEN Univac at Bergen University (UNINETT)
D 0242 245 000 001*D00 BERGEN Univac at Bergen University
A 0242 245 013 4 BBB Mailbox (Bergen By Byte)
0242 253 000 001*D11 Trondheim UNINETT RUNIT UNIVAC
T 0242 253 000 00101 RNI Univac at Trondheim University
X 0242 253 000 00103 Trondheim RUNIT UNINETT VAX-780 (=PUNIT
T 0242 253 000 00104 Trondheim NLHT UNINETT VAX-750
0242 265 000 001*D00 Tromso UNINETT U of Tromso, Cyber 171
0242 253 000 001*D11 RUNIT Univac at Trondheim University
0242 265 000 001*D81 Tromso UNINETT U of Tromso, NORD-10
0242 265 000 001*D82 Tromso UNINETT U of Tromso, NORD-100
0242 265 000 001*D83 Tromso UNINETT U of Tromso, NORD-500
0242 265 000 00101 TROMSOE Cyber 170 at Tromsoe University (UNINETT)
0242 265 000 001*D81 TROMSO ELAN at Tromsoe University
X 0242 265 000 106 PORTACOM (PORTACOM)
0244 SF Finland
0244 2 Datapak (Finpak)
A 0244 202 006 Economics HP 3000
A 0244 202 007 University of Helsinki, B7800 (=CANDE ?)
A 0244 202 008 VTKK (Staten DC) IBM 360
A 0244 202 012 U o Helsinki Mopo Mikko3
A 0244 203 008 HELVA High Energy Physics Vax 11/750
A 0244 203 017 U of Technology DEC-20
D 0244 231 006 Technical University of Tampere VAX
A 0244 253 001 Tech U of Lappeenranta VAX/VMS
A 0244 261 001 U of Vaasa VAX/VMS
A 0244 273 002 University of Joensuu VAX
D 0248 321 321 DWENT-SDC Search Service
0262 D Germany
0262 3 Euronet
X 0262 307 4 INFAS
0262 4 GERMANY German data network (Datex-P)
I 0262 428 462 10706
I 0262 428 479 11065
D 0262 432 210 43002 Apple
Ar0262 432 210 93001 Quick-Com
Y 0262 442 010 49132
O 0262 442 110 40325 OKI
Y 0262 442 110 49130 PAD Frankfurt
Y 0262 442 110 49133
Y 0262 442 110 49230
I 0262 442 151 40327 KIS (info)
I 0262 442 210 49331
A 0262 442 210 90371 elma-mailbox (~pim)
Y 0262 442 210 99632
O 0262 442 310 40312 Bibliothek Chemie
I 0262 442 310 90306 Chemie
I 0262 442 410 40341 RMI RMI Mailbox Aachen
I 0262 442 433 40307 CMES
O 0262 442 461 40343
Y 0262 443 000 49234
A 0262 443 000 90314 ?
Y 0262 443 000 99131
I 0262 444 000 90314 CCC Hamburg (Clinch), Hackerbox (1 line...)
Y 0262 444 000 90330 Allgemeine Bank der Niederlande
O 0262 444 000 90342 Batig Beteiligungen GmbH
A 0262 444 000 90374 Master Control System (MCS) Hamburg
Y 0262 444 000 99132
Y 0262 444 441 40317 Osnabrueck, Driverstr.24, 2848 Vechta
I 0262 445 110 30317 Metereologie
I 0262 445 110 90323 Bibliothek
I 0262 446 154 40371 DECATES - Oberramstadt
Y 0262 446 210 49330
Y 0262 446 810 49131
Y 0262 446 810 49132
O 0262 446 900 30331 IBD Online Frankfurt a.M.
I 0262 446 900 40318 Chemie
Y 0262 446 900 49231
Y 0262 446 900 49232
I 0262 446 900 90286 RZ
Y 0262 446 900 99133
O 0262 447 071 10303 Organische Chem.
Y 0262 447 110 49134
I 0262 447 114 9236 Emery
I 0262 447 127 90344
Y 0262 447 310 40313 Online-Literaturdok.
A 0262 447 531 40310 Chemie
I 0262 448 136 Luma Uni
O 0262 448 136 90323 Genesys EDV-Systeme
Y 0262 448 210 49630
A 0262 448 900 30368 Phoenix
Y 0262 448 900 49130
A 0262 448 900 90313 Max Planck Institut
Y 0262 448 900 90341 LMU Bibliothek
Y 0262 448 900 99632
I 0262 449 310 90312 Apel Hans-Joerg
I 0262 452 000 21721 ???
I 0262 450 000 90184
I 0262 451 104 2301
O 0262 452 010 40116 AEG-Telefunken
I 0262 452 010 40179 RZ Uni Essen
I 0262 452 020 40120 Apotheke Dr.Schiemes
I 0262 452 080 40381 DVO Datenverarbeitung
I 0262 452 090 832 ?
I 0262 452 101 30030 3M Mailbox
I 0262 452 101 40030 3M Mailbox
I 0262 452 110 40001 RZU Duesseldorf (ND100)
I 0262 452 110 40005 CIERR 1402
I 0262 452 110 40016 ADV-Orga-Meyer & Co.
I 0262 452 110 40018 ADV-Orga-Meyer & Co.
Ar0262 452 110 40026 Primenet Stadt Duesseldorf,
I 0262 452 110 40063 ADAC
I 0262 452 110 40080 Uni Duesseldorf
Dr0262 452 110 40099
D 0262 452 110 40105 RZU Duesseldorf (Siemens 7.570)
D 0262 452 110 40123 Data General
Ar0262 452 110 40130
Dr0262 452 110 40132
A 0262 452 110 40134 MCKDU VM/SP
I 0262 452 110 40211 Applid-Data-Research
I 0262 452 110 40325 OKI-GmbH
I 0262 452 110 90371 Software-Express
I 0262 452 210 0
Yr0262 452 210 40002 DIMDI Fep 1 Koeln
Ar0262 452 210 40004 Primenet (MicroVMS V4.5)
A 0262 452 210 40006 DIMDI Fep 2 Koeln (Medical docs)
I 0262 452 210 40015 Kaufhof AG
I 0262 452 210 40027 ADAC
Ar0262 452 210 40035 Primenet
A 0262 452 210 40104 DIMDI1 (German Med. Inst., Koeln)
Yr0262 452 210 40119
O 0262 452 210 40136 AEG-Telefunken
I 0262 452 210 40202 Allianz RZ
I 0262 452 210 40203 Allianz RZ
I 0262 452 210 90265 RZ Uni Koeln
I 0262 452 210 90304 Allianz RZ
I 0262 452 210 90305 Allianz RZ
I 0262 452 210 90349 Kaufhof AG (RZ 2)
D 0262 452 210 90510 Geophysik und Meteorologie
Ir0262 452 210 93001 ?
A 0262 452 241 24104 VAX
A 0262 452 241 24105 GMD2
A 0262 452 241 24134 GMDZI
A 0262 452 280 40082 GMD (TSO)
A 0262 452 280 40187 BNVA Bonn VAX (PI)
Ar0262 452 280 40191 Infas GmbH (VM)
D 0262 452 280 90020 Amtsgericht
A 0262 452 310 40003 EMX1 EMEX-Mailbox (Guest)
I 0262 452 310 40017 Primenet
O 0262 452 310 40103 AEG-Telefunken
A 0262 452 310 42100 Informatik
A 0262 452 310 42144 UNIDO University of Dortmund
I 0262 452 310 40017 Primenet
I 0262 452 310 45100 Uni Dortmund (Siemens 7.760)
A 0262 452 310 9304 Dortmund
D 0262 452 340 40140 Primenet = RZU Bochum (CDL 855) ??
A 0262 452 340 40194 RUB Cyber 205 (=855?), Ruhr University - Bochum
D 0262 452 410 40149 Aachener + Muenchener Versicherung
I 0262 452 410 90014 ???
I 0262 452 410 90528 rmi-aachen
A 0262 452 410 90832 RMI Datentechnik Aachen
I 0262 452 433 40307 OPTEL (Ruehlemann-Box)
I 0262 452 461 90509 Kfz Juelich
A 0262 452 710 40240 Uni Siegen, FB Physik (VAX 11/750)
D 0262 452 931 40196 Handwerkskammer (HWK) Arnsberg
I 0262 453 000 0414 GFC-AG
D 0262 453 000 20104 Vax
D 0262 453 000 217 HMI HMI in Berlin
A 0262 453 000 21711 Siemens
A 0262 453 000 21712 Siemens
A 0262 453 000 21713 Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin
D 0262 453 000 21714 ???
D 0262 453 000 40013 Uni Berlin
Y 0262 453 000 40014 GFC AG
Ar0262 453 000 40023 BERLIN Tech. Univ. Berlin (Computer Science)
I 0262 453 000 40027 ADAC
I 0262 453 000 40112 ABC Barkredit Bank
I 0262 453 000 40166 David Verlag
I 0262 453 000 40509 COM-Box Berlin
A 0262 453 000 20205 CN01
A 0262 453 000 43109 netmbx, Berlin
A 0262 453 000 90055 COM.BOX, Berlin
A 0262 453 000 90864 ? (GUEST)
I 0262 453 002 17 HMI Hans Mietner Institute in Berlin
I 0262 453 004 0023 Uni Berlin
I 0262 453 210 40017 tymnet-gateway
I 0262 454 000 30029
A 0262 454 000 30035 (immediately drops the line)
A 0262 454 000 30041 COM-PLETE (?) (command prefix is '*')
A 0262 454 000 30046 (immediately drops the line)
O 0262 454 000 30071
A 0262 454 000 30090 (cierr 1402)
A 0262 454 000 30104 ? ("INVALID COMMAND SYNTAX")
A 0262 454 000 30105
A 0262 454 000 30110 Host
A 0262 454 000 30113 (cierr 1402)
A 0262 454 000 30138 ? (no reaction)
D 0262 454 000 30150
D 0262 454 000 30158
A 0262 454 000 30175 ? ("INVALID COMMAND SYNTAX")
D 0262 454 000 30187 E2000 Hamburg VAX
O 0262 454 000 30201 Hasylab VAX (user/user)
A 0262 454 000 30202 HERA Magnet Measurement VAX 750 (=Krista
Cryogenics Control ?)
A 0262 454 000 30215 ? ("INVALID COMMAND SYNTAX")
D 0262 454 000 30259
D 0262 454 000 30261
A 0262 454 000 30296 DFH2001I
A 0262 454 000 30502
I 0262 454 000 30519
A 0262 454 000 30566 DFH2001I
O 0262 454 000 30578 Primenet 20.0.4 DREHH
I 0262 454 000 40014 Hahn Egon RZ !! Code: EBCDIC !!
I 0262 454 000 40015 ???
Y 0262 454 000 40042 ???
D 0262 454 000 40044 Primenet MUF
I 0262 454 000 40053 SCHERAX
Y 0262 454 000 40078 ???
A 0262 454 000 40082 ? (no reaction)
I 0262 454 000 40103 Airbus
I 0262 454 000 40109 ???
I 0262 454 000 40111 BADGER
D 0262 454 000 40198 Argus IPP-Vax
I 0262 454 000 43100 ADV-Orga-Meyer & Co.
A 0262 454 000 50233 Altos Hamburg (althh) (Gast)
I 0262 454 000 8001 DYVA MARK J VAX at DESY
I 0262 454 000 90047 AEG-Telefunken
A 0262 454 000 90092 Data-General
A 0262 454 000 90184 Uni Hamburg (VAX) (=UKE?)
I 0262 454 000 90194 Verbraucherbank AG
O 0262 454 000 90241 ???
I 0262 454 000 90258 Desy ( Vax )
I 0262 454 000 90558 Philips VAX
D 0262 454 000 90560 EMBLHH EMBL VAX at Hamburg (Eur.Molecular
I 0262 454 000 905602 ???
A 0262 454 000 90582 Desy V.24 Switch
A 0262 454 000 91110 Deutsche Mailbox 1
A 0262 454 000 91120 Deutsche Mailbox 2
A 0262 454 000 92210 DESYNET
A 0262 454 000 9306 DYVA MARK J VAX at DESY
D 0262 454 103 90161 Astra Chemicals GmbH
0262 454 106 40206 RCA
A 0262 454 210 40064 COMTES
O 0262 454 210 40108 AEG-Telefunken
I 0262 454 210 40145 AEG-Telefunken
Y 0262 454 210 40244 AEG-Telefunken
O 0262 454 210 42001 Bremen
I 0262 454 210 90302 Computerland VAX
O 0262 454 298 43070 Infex 2
I 0262 454 310 40545 Kiel IMF
A 0262 454 410 30033 Uni Oldenburg
I 0262 454 421 40045 ADV-Orga-Meyer & Co.
I 0262 454 488 40147 Essmann Getraenke GmbH
I 0262 455 110 40081 Airbus
I 0262 455 110 40171 Alli-Frischdienst
A 0262 455 110 42330 Uni Hannover (VM/370)
A 0262 455 110 43020 Nachrichtentechnik (VAX)
I 0262 455 110 701 Uni Hannover
A 0262 455 110 90192 ???
A 0262 455 110 90835 CosmoNet (GAST)
A 0262 455 110 92200 RZ
D 0262 455 151 40212 AEG-Telefunken
I 0262 455 152 90154 Oldenburger Volksbank
I 0262 455 210 40562 Uni Bielefeld (CGK/TR440)
I 0262 455 251 90192 Paderborn
D 0262 455 251 90193 Paderborn
A 0262 455 251 93020 Uni Paderborn (4.3 BSD UNIX)
D 0262 455 362 90057 IUM
I 0262 455 410 40086 Alli-Frischdienst
I 0262 455 410 40162 RZ
I 0262 455 410 40560 Bibliothek
I 0262 455 421 043050 ORION
A 0262 455 510 32804 Uni Goettingen (choose VAX or IBM)
I 0262 455 521 90172 Spar & Darlehenskassen
I 0262 455 818 104 Anders Frido GmbH
I 0262 455 910 40094 Essmann Getraenke GmbH
I 0262 455 931 40095 Ruhr AG
I 0262 456 061 40097 Polydress Plastic GmbH
I 0262 456 102 4301 DEC Frankfurt
I 0262 456 102 90145 Nadler-Werke GmbH
I 0262 456 103 40332 Amann KG
I 0262 456 104 0250 Tymnet
A 0262 456 106 40254 Alfa Service Partner (Primenet)
I 0262 456 106 90119 Alfa Service Partner
I 0262 456 110 40009 IBM Centre for Info and Doc, Germany
I 0262 456 110 40037 Control Data (Test.-Serv.C4,ZZA201,CDC)
I 0262 456 110 40076 Autonet
I 0262 456 110 40105 Nixdorf Computer
I 0262 456 110 40106 Nixdorf Computer
I 0262 456 110 40107 CN01
I 0262 456 110 40187 WAX Bank FRA
I 0262 456 110 40240 City-Bank FFM (Uni Bochum ??)
I 0262 456 110 40245 ??
I 0262 456 110 40250 Tymnet (Id=Information)
I 0262 456 110 40303 American Express
I 0262 456 110 40305 American Express
I 0262 456 110 40311 AMC
I 0262 456 110 40365 AMP
I 0262 456 110 90211 Nixdorf Computer
I 0262 456 110 90212 Nixdorf Computer
I 0262 456 110 90322 American Express
I 0262 456 110 90347 American Express
I 0262 456 121 40207 ADV-Orga-Meyer & Co.
I 0262 456 121 40217 BKA
I 0262 456 121 40225 BKA
I 0262 456 121 90580 BKA
I 0262 456 131 40138 Uni Mainz RZ
I 0262 456 131 40545 RZ
Y 0262 456 131 90031 Allg.Kreditversicherung
Y 0262 456 151 40282 ???
A 0262 456 151 40516 Uni Darmstadt (Siemens
A 0262 456 151 40547 GSI Darmstadt (EMMA-VAX 8600)
A 0262 456 151 42807 GMD Darmstadt (CADMUS 9240)
I 0262 456 172 90070 A-Kredit
I 0262 456 193 40082 Apotheken Marketing
D 0262 456 196 40095 Data General Schwalbach
A 0262 456 196 40107 Int.Doc.Chem.
A 0262 456 210 40000 Telebox der DBP (ID INF100,Telebox)
A 0262 456 210 40014 ACF/VTAM
A 0262 456 210 40025 Oeva
A 0262 456 210 40026 HOST
D 0262 456 210 40027 BASF/FER.VAX 8600
I 0262 456 210 40097 Nadler-Werke GmbH
I 0262 456 210 40217 Primenet
I 0262 456 210 40324 Abacus
D 0262 456 210 40508 VCON0.BASF.A6
A 0262 456 210 40516 CN01
A 0262 456 210 40532
A 0262 456 210 40580 DYNAPAC MULTI-PAD.25
A 0262 456 210 40581 DYNAPAC MULTI-PAD.25
A 0262 456 210 40582
A 0262 456 210 90000 Telebox der DBP
I 0262 456 221 3002 EMBL European Microbiology Lab (or European
Molecular Biological Lab.) (=ALKOR?)
D 0262 456 221 40201 DKFZ (Heidelberg)
I 0262 456 221 40244 Franny (=Max Planck VAX=MPI?)
I 0262 456 310 40252
I 0262 456 310 421
D 0262 456 310 424
I 0262 456 310 4302
I 0262 456 340 40136 Nadler-Werke GmbH
A 0262 456 410 30021 HRZ-Giessen
I 0262 456 410 40142 Aachener + Muenchener Versicherung
A 0262 456 410 90040 HRZ Giessen (CDCNET-X.25)
I 0262 456 410 90828 Ernaehrungswissenschaften
I 0262 456 441 90335 Leerwe GmbH
I 0262 456 615 142804 GMD, Darmstadt
A 0262 456 673 13330 Geonet 1 (ex IMCA)
A 0262 456 673 13340 Geonet 3
I 0262 456 673 30070 IMCA-Mailbox, Solmser Str. 16, D-6419
I 0262 456 721 40305 Alfa Metalcraft Corp.
I 0262 456 810 40010 Teleprint Saarbrueckener Zeitung
I 0262 456 810 40071 Nadler-Werke GmbH
I 0262 456 810 40076 SAARBRU Univ of Saarbruecken (Saarland RZ)
A 0262 456 900 10174 Beilstein Gmelin RZ (COMDOS ?)
O 0262 456 900 10552 FIZ-Technik
O 0262 456 900 30040 Nixdorf Computer
A 0262 456 900 40076 Autonet
D 0262 456 900 40106 Nixdorf
I 0262 456 900 40505 AEG-Telefunken
0262 456 900 40506 AEG-Telefunken
A 0262 456 900 90125
I 0262 456 900 90506 Nixdorf
I 0262 456 900 9308 SYNTAX
I 0262 457 010 40025 ?
A 0262 457 071 40266 Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung
0262 457 071 40529 Zentrale Verw.
0262 457 071 90182 ADW-Wirtschaftsberatung
D 0262 457 071 90249 Bibliothek
D 0262 457 110 10023 Hohenheim Bibliothek
D 0262 457 110 211 Rechenzentrum
Dr0262 457 110 40028
Dr0262 457 110 40035 Primenet !! No CTRL-P clr !!
B 0262 457 110 40124 Stahl EDV-Service
0262 457 110 40129 Allg.Rentenanstalt
0262 457 110 40147 MAHU Verlag
D 0262 457 110 90059 Bibliothek
0262 457 110 90103 Data General
0262 457 110 90246 Hohenheim DokumentationsSt.
D 0262 457 110 90316 RMI-Net
0262 457 110 90557 Stahl EDV-Service
A 0262 457 110 90593 Unix, Informatik (ifistg)
0262 457 141 90098 Aigner Buchhandlung
X 0262 457 210 40002 V750
Br0262 457 210 40025 Badenia
0262 457 210 40031 IITB-Datenverarbeitung
D 0262 457 210 40135 Fraunhofer Institut
C 0262 457 210 40189 Uni Karlsruhe, RZ (until 10-APR-88)
X 0262 457 210 40248 Uni Karlsruhe, LINK (=NETONE?)
A 0262 457 210 42100 Uni Karlsruhe, IRAV2 (VAX 8200)
A 0262 457 210 42140 Uni Karlsruhe, RZ (since 11-APR-88)
D 0262 457 210 4303 Telematik
A 0262 457 247 40001 INKA FIZ-Chemie 2 (German Centre for
A 0262 457 247 40141 INKA FIZ-Chemie 1
A 0262 457 247 40211 CASGER STN Internat. Karlsruhe
D 0262 457 310 90269 RZ Bereich OE
0262 457 310 921 RZ
0262 457 351 40032 AFD-Arbeitsgruppe F.DV
A 0262 457 531 90008 Informationswissenschaften
D 0262 457 531 90094 RZ
0262 457 552 90320 Alno-Moebel
D 0262 457 610 300 Uni Freiburg, 9600bps
D 0262 457 610 370 Uni Freiburg, Sperry Univac
D 0262 457 610 40079 Albert Ludwig, Uni-Bibliothek
0262 457 610 40166 AEG-Telefunken
0262 457 610 40306 Alpha-Buch GmbH
B 0262 457 610 420 Uni Freiburg, 4800bps
B 0262 457 610 480 Uni Freiburg, Sperry Univac
X 0262 457 610 520 Uni Freiburg, Uni Bibliothek
0262 457 641 40265 Anders Ernst
0262 457 721 40071 Kienzle Computer
0262 457 721 40072 Kienzle Computer
0262 457 721 40171 Kienzle Computer
0262 457 721 90004 Kienzle Computer
0262 457 721 90226 Kienzle Computer
0262 457 810 40222 Dietrich Georg GmbH
B 0262 458 151 40114 Kejo GmbH (Josef Keller)
D 0262 458 210 40114 Bibliothek
0262 458 210 40120 NCR
0262 458 510 30236 Passau RZ
D 0262 458 710 40171 Transfer Data Test GmbH
0310 600 021 0 Procter and Gamble
0310 600 022 6 Anistics
0310 600 022 6 Interactive Market Systems (Anistics)
0310 600 023 2 Scientific Timesharing
0310 600 024 2 Timesharing Resources
0310 600 025 2 Computer Science Corporation
0310 600 025 5 Timesharing Associates
0310 600 027 6 Management Decision Systems Inc
0310 600 028 8 SRI
0310 600 028 8 SRI San Francisco (UNIX)
0310 600 028 8 Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
0310 600 030 3 Scientific Timesharing
0310 600 030 7 Infomedia Corporation
0310 600 032 3 TRW Defence & Space Systems Group
0310 600 040 1 TMCS Public Network
0310 600 043 2 Interactive Market Systems
0310 600 046 6 Bibliographic Retrieval Services
B 0310 600 058 1 BRS
0310 600 063 3 Public TYMNET/TRWNET Interlink
0310 600 079 3 J&J Host
B 0310 600 105 3
0310 600 133 0 MULTICS, HVN 862-3642
0310 600 140 0 TMCS Public Network
B 0310 600 150 9 Orbit (SDC)
B 0310 600 157 878 BIX
D 0310 600 165 9 BYTE Information Exchange (GUEST,GUEST)
A 0310 600 166 3 People Link
0310 600 181 9 TMCS Public Network
0310 600 182 8 FRX Faifax Outdial Host (Tymnet)
0310 600 186 4 SUNGARDS Central Computer Facility Networks
0310 600 189 2 Primenet (certain hours)
B 0310 600 195 2 VAX
B 0310 600 197 6 Outdial NY
A 0310 600 197 7
0310 600 209 5 COMODEX Online System
0310 600 209 8 D & B
0310 600 209 9 D & B
0310 600 210 0 D & B
0310 600 210 9 TYMNET/15B (inter-link)
B 0310 600 220 7,OUT Outdial
0310 600 228 6 Primenet TFGI
0310 600 229 9 CONSILIUM
0310 600 232 901*D MFE Magnetic Fusion Energy Centre, Lawrence
B 0310 600 236 1 Denver Oil&Gas
0310 600 241 Bank Of America
0310 600 245 3 Primenet
B 0310 600 254 5 SEISMO Centre for Seismic Studies
B 0310 600 255 Outdial NY
A 0310 600 262 3 VAX/VMS (GUEST ???)
B 0310 600 262 3003 VTINET
B 0310 600 262 460 SUMEX
B 0310 600 263 5 QUOTRON Wall Street (Boerse n.y.)
B 0310 600 266 400 SLAC SLAC on Tymnet
B 0310 600 267 7 The New York Times
0310 600 269 4 PVM3101,SPDS/MTAM, MLCM,VM/SP,STRATUS-1,
0310 600 279 0 VM/370
0310 600 286 4 RCA Semicustom
B 0310 600 302 70000 VTI NETONE
0310 600 307 9 VM/370
0310 600 309 2 TYMNET/Protected Access Service Sys.
0310 600 316 8 VM/370
0310 600 321 4 VM/370
0310 600 322 0 VM/370
0310 600 322 1 VM/370
0310 600 360 4 VM/370
A 0310 600 412 9 ?
A 0310 600 413 1 ?
0310 600 413 7 TSO, VM/370
0310 600 416 300 Oakridge, Tennessee
0310 600 417 4 VM/370
0310 600 420 6 MAINSTREAMS
0310 600 423 500 Oakridge, Tennessee
B 0310 600 430 5 BIOVAX
0310 600 434 1 (Host) 2 - VM/370, T - VM/370,1,3,4,A,C,E,Z
A 0310 600 436 5 Toxnet (NLM=National Lib. of Medicine's)
B 0310 600 455 5 VAX
0310 600 459 97
0310 600 474 3 TYMNET Info Service
X 0310 600 502 0 Outdial Fairfax
0310 600 522 9 Uni.of Pencilvania School of Arts and
0310 600 526 7 CHANEL 01
X 0310 600 531 7 Outdial St.Louis
B 0310 600 532 0 DEC Soft. Serv.
0310 600 556 9 STRATUS/32
0310 600 557 1 STRATUS/32
0310 600 560 3 (Host) systems 1,2,3,4,5,C (5=Outdial)
B 0310 600 562 200 FNAL Fermilab
B 0310 600 562 226 Fermilab 2
B 0310 600 578 78 BIX
B 0310 600 584 401 Washington Post
B 0310 600 61 DIALOG1 Lockheed Info Systems
0310 600 61*DSDDIPSSL ORBIT2 SDC Search Service
0310 600 628 1 EDCS
0310 600 628 3 EDCS
0310 600 643 2 EASYLINK
0310 600 643 4 EASYLINK
0310 600 672 2 International Network
0310 600 68 Stanford SUMEX-AIM. Tenex op syst.
0310 600 683 2 A&A DATANET (Systems 1,8,0,14)
X 0310 600 701 7 Outdial NY
0310 600 759 6 (Host) A - VM/370, B - VM/370
? 0310 600 787 Dallas
0310 601 79 Berkley Univ.
0310 602 88 Stanford Research Institute
B 0310 611 467 Cas Online Sys.
0310 614 67 Ohio CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service)
0310 617 001 38 Multics
0310 647 911 065 BIX Lexington Data Service
0310 690 006 1*D DIALOG4 Lockheed DIALOG service
B 0310 690 080 3*D DIALOG3 Lockheed DIALOG service
0310 690 762 6 Emery ADO
0311 0 TELENET USA - Telenet
B 0311 002 130 0039 ECLD
0311 020 100 02000 Insco Systems
0311 020 100

022 New Jersey Outdial 2400 bps (Area 201)
0311 020 100 02300 American Information Services
0311 020 100 02400 The Information Bank
0311 020 100 02500 New Jersey Institute of Technology
0311 020 100 02800 Olcott International Company
0311 020 100 03700 Informatics Inc
0311 020 100 169 MOUTON
0311 020 100 301 New Jersey Outdial 1200 bps (Area 201)
0311 020 101 59200 Scientific Process & Research Inc
0311 020 200 02100 Scientific Timesharing
0311 020 200 02200 Scientific Timesharing
X 0311 020 200 066 Air Force
T 0311 020 200 099 ICIB Information Council Incorporated B system
0311 020 200 1 TELEMAIL US Telemail facility
X 0311 020 200 10900 CIS Chemical Information Systems
A 0311 020 200 115 Outdial 300 bps (Area 202)
A 0311 020 200 116 Outdial 1200 bps (Area 202)
0311 020 200 117 Distr. of Columbia Outdial 2400 bps (Area
B 0311 020 200 141 TELEMAIL US Telemail facility (GT-Net)
0311 020 200 14175 TELEENQ Telenet Enquiry Service
0311 020 200 14175 TELEMAIL1 US Telemail facility
0311 020 200 14275 TELENET US Telenet
0311 020 201 19500 Gallaude College Computer Centre
0311 020 300 06400 NCSS Bureau
0311 020 300 130 Connecticut Outdial 1200 bps (Area 203)
0311 020 301 78900 Yale University Computer Centre
0311 020 400 02900 WATERLO University of Waterloo
0311 020 600 019 Washington Outdial 1200 bps (Area 206)
0311 021 200 02000 Bowne Timesharing
0311 021 200 02500 Interactive Market Systems (Anistics)
0311 021 200 02800 Burroughs Corp (NYC data centre)
0311 021 200 141 JPLM1 Jet Propulsion Laboratory mail 1, USA
0311 021 200 142 JPLM2 Jet Propulsion Laboratory mail 2, USA
0311 021 200 14200 GT-Net Telemail
A 0311 021 200 315 Outdial 300 bps (Area 212)
A 0311 021 200 316 Outdial 1200 bps (Area 212)
D 0311 021 200 412 Outdial 2400 bps (Area 212)
D 0311 021 200 41200 New York City Outdial (Area 212)
0311 021 201 39200 Memorial Dose Distribution Computation
0311 021 201 40600 MAV Systems (300 bps)
0311 021 201 57800 IP Sharp Associates
0311 021 201 58000 SDL International (1200 bps)
0311 021 201 58500 SDL International (300 bps)
0311 021 201 58800 DSL Systems Inc
0311 021 201 59500 SDL International (1200 bps)
0311 021 201 62000 Telestat System Inc
0311 021 201 62700 Telestat Systems Inc
0311 021 300 02200 Interactive Systems Corporation
0311 021 300 02700 Mellonics Information Centre
0311 021 300 029 TRW Defence & Space Systems Group
B 0311 021 300 03300 ORBIT Orbit
0311 021 300 03300*D ORBIT SDC Search Service (300 bps)
0311 021 300 04400 SDC Search Service (1200 bps)
B 0311 021 300 039 USCAL2 Univ. of Southern California
0311 021 300 04114 IHW IHW
0311 021 300 04700 University of Southern California
B 0311 021 300 048 USCAL1 University of Southern California
B 0311 021 300 170 LRS Dialog 2
T 0311 021 300 17000 DIALOG5 Lockheed Info Systems
0311 021 300 17000*D DIALOG2 Lockheed DIALOG service
B 0311 021 300 219 CALTECH Caltech VAX 11/780
0311 021 300 21908 CALTECH Caltech VAX 11/780
0311 021 300 21909 CALTECH2 Caltech VAX 11/780
0311 021 300 412 California Outdial 1200 bps (Area 213)
A 0311 021 300 413 Outdial CA
0311 021 300 668 Adainfo
0311 021 301 353 UCLA UCLA, USA
0311 021 301 40300 Marshall & Swift Publication
0311 021 400 117 Outdial 300 bps (Area 214)
A 0311 021 400 118 Texas Outdial 1200 bps (Area 214)
0311 021 500 022 Pennsylvania Outdial 2400 bps (Area 215)
0311 021 500 112 Pennsylvania Outdial 1200 bps (Area 215)
A 0311 021 600 020 Outdial 300 bps (Area 216)
A 0311 021 600 021 Ohio Outdial 1200 bps (Area 216)
0311 021 700 021 University of Illinois - Urbana
0311 030 100 02000 NLM National Library of Medicine
A 0311 030 100 02400 The Source
B 0311 030 100 038 The Source (ID BSC131 SR3811)
B 0311 030 100 243 ITT Dialcom
0311 030 100 364 Primesoft
A 0311 030 100 38 The Source
B 0311 030 100 633 Toxnet (NLM)
0311 030 101 26500 Informatics Inc
0311 030 300 02000 Computer Sharing Services
0311 030 300 021 Colorado Outdial 2400 bps (Area 303)
0311 030 300 02300 Broker Services Inc
0311 030 300 115 Colorado Outdial 1200 bps (Area 303)
0311 030 301 13100 EDI Computer Services
0311 030 301 13200 EDI Computer Services
0311 030 301 13300 Energy Enterprises
0311 030 500 121 Florida Outdial 1200 bps (Area 305)
0311 030 501 16300 Florida Computer Inc
D 0311 030 508 793 Miami Outdial (Area 305) ?
0311 031 200 02200 National Computer Network of Chicago
0311 031 200 024 Illinois Outdial 2400 bps (Area 217 ?)
0311 031 200 03100 Continental Bank
0311 031 200 03200 Continental Bank
0311 031 200 04900 American Hospital Supply Corporation
0311 031 200 411 Illinois Outdial 1200 bps (Area 217 ?)
0311 031 201 07300 Commodity Information Services
0311 031 268 801 ADPUSA ADP Network Services Ltd.
0311 031 300 024 Michigan Outdial 2400 bps (Area 313)
0311 031 300 04000 ADP Network Services
0311 031 300 06200 Merit International (MIT)
0311 031 300 216 Michigan Outdial 1200 bps (Area 313)
0311 031 301 39800 Merit Computer
0311 031 400 07200 Environmental DataNetwork Inc.
0311 031 401 06500 McDonnel Douglas Automation (300 bps)
0311 031 401 06600 McDonnel Douglas Automation (110 bps)
0311 031 401 06700 McDonnel Douglas Automation (1200 bps)
0311 031 401 61000 McDonnel Douglas Automation (300 bps)
0311 031 500 02000 Bibliographic Retrieval Services
A 0311 040 100 612 Modemcity
A 0311 040 400 114 Georgia Outdial 1200 bps (Area 404)
A 0311 040 800 021 California Outdial 1200 bps? (Area 408)
0311 040 800 245 Bridge
B 0311 040 800 246 SCF
0311 041 201 4600 On-Line Systems Inc
0311 041 400 02000 A.O. Smith Data Systems Divisions
0311 041 400 021 Wisconsin Outdial 1200 bps (Area 414)
B 0311 041 500 020 LRS-Dialog 2
A 0311 041 500 02000 DIALOG Lockheed Information Systems
0311 041 500 02000*D DIALOG Lockheed DIALOG service
B 0311 041 500 048 LRS Dialog 2
0311 041 500 04800 DIALOG2 Lockheed Information Systems 2
0311 041 500 04800*D DIALOG1 Lockheed DIALOG service
0311 041 500 117 California Outdial 1200 bps (Area 415)
I 0311 041 500 210 Outdial USA
A 0311 041 500 215 Outdial (Area 415)
A 0311 041 500 217 Outdial (Area 415)
A 0311 041 500 220 Outdial 1200 bps (Area 415)
0311 041 500 48000 Lockheed Information Systems (?)
B 0311 041 500 607 BIONET
B 0311 041 500 609 INTELLIGENETICS
0311 041 501 23600 Hydrocomp Inc (300 bps)
0311 041 501 23700 Hydrocomp Inc (1200 bps)
0311 041 501 26800 ITEL Corp (300 bps)
0311 041 501 26900 ITEL Corp (1200 bps)
0311 041 501 59700 Stanford Library Centre for Inform
0311 041 501 59700 Standard Centre for Information Processing
O 0311 050 006 1 Nuclear Research
A 0311 050 300 020 Outdial 300 bps (Area 503)
A 0311 050 300 021 Oregon Outdial 1200 bps (Area 503)
B 0311 050 500 060 ICN (=LASL)
0310 600 021 0 Procter and Gamble
0310 600 022 6 Anistics
0310 600 022 6 Interactive Market Systems (Anistics)
0310 600 023 2 Scientific Timesharing
0310 600 024 2 Timesharing Resources
0310 600 025 2 Computer Science Corporation
0310 600 025 5 Timesharing Associates
0310 600 027 6 Management Decision Systems Inc
0310 600 028 8 SRI
0310 600 028 8 SRI San Francisco (UNIX)
0310 600 028 8 Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
0310 600 030 3 Scientific Timesharing
0310 600 030 7 Infomedia Corporation
0310 600 032 3 TRW Defence & Space Systems Group
0310 600 040 1 TMCS Public Network
0310 600 043 2 Interactive Market Systems
0310 600 046 6 Bibliographic Retrieval Services
B 0310 600 058 1 BRS
0310 600 063 3 Public TYMNET/TRWNET Interlink
0310 600 079 3 J&J Host
B 0310 600 105 3
0310 600 133 0 MULTICS, HVN 862-3642
0310 600 140 0 TMCS Public Network
B 0310 600 150 9 Orbit (SDC)
B 0310 600 157 878 BIX
D 0310 600 165 9 BYTE Information Exchange (GUEST,GUEST)
A 0310 600 166 3 People Link
0310 600 181 9 TMCS Public Network
0310 600 182 8 FRX Faifax Outdial Host (Tymnet)
0310 600 186 4 SUNGARDS Central Computer Facility Networks
0310 600 189 2 Primenet (certain hours)
B 0310 600 195 2 VAX
B 0310 600 197 6 Outdial NY
A 0310 600 197 7
0310 600 209 5 COMODEX Online System
0310 600 209 8 D & B
0310 600 209 9 D & B
0310 600 210 0 D & B
0310 600 210 9 TYMNET/15B (inter-link)
B 0310 600 220 7,OUT Outdial
0310 600 228 6 Primenet TFGI
0310 600 229 9 CONSILIUM
0310 600 232 901*D MFE Magnetic Fusion Energy Centre, Lawrence
B 0310 600 236 1 Denver Oil&Gas
0310 600 241 Bank Of America
0310 600 245 3 Primenet
B 0310 600 254 5 SEISMO Centre for Seismic Studies
B 0310 600 255 Outdial NY
A 0310 600 262 3 VAX/VMS (GUEST ???)
B 0310 600 262 3003 VTINET
B 0310 600 262 460 SUMEX
B 0310 600 263 5 QUOTRON Wall Street (Boerse n.y.)
B 0310 600 266 400 SLAC SLAC on Tymnet
B 0310 600 267 7 The New York Times
0310 600 269 4 PVM3101,SPDS/MTAM, MLCM,VM/SP,STRATUS-1,
0310 600 279 0 VM/370
0310 600 286 4 RCA Semicustom
B 0310 600 302 70000 VTI NETONE
0310 600 307 9 VM/370
0310 600 309 2 TYMNET/Protected Access Service Sys.
0310 600 316 8 VM/370
0310 600 321 4 VM/370
0310 600 322 0 VM/370
0310 600 322 1 VM/370
0310 600 360 4 VM/370
A 0310 600 412 9 ?
A 0310 600 413 1 ?
0310 600 413 7 TSO, VM/370
0310 600 416 300 Oakridge, Tennessee
0310 600 417 4 VM/370
0310 600 420 6 MAINSTREAMS
0310 600 423 500 Oakridge, Tennessee
B 0310 600 430 5 BIOVAX
0310 600 434 1 (Host) 2 - VM/370, T - VM/370,1,3,4,A,C,E,Z
A 0310 600 436 5 Toxnet (NLM=National Lib. of Medicine's)
B 0310 600 455 5 VAX
0310 600 459 97
0310 600 474 3 TYMNET Info Service
X 0310 600 502 0 Outdial Fairfax
0310 600 522 9 Uni.of Pencilvania School of Arts and
0310 600 526 7 CHANEL 01
X 0310 600 531 7 Outdial St.Louis
B 0310 600 532 0 DEC Soft. Serv.
0310 600 556 9 STRATUS/32
0310 600 557 1 STRATUS/32
0310 600 560 3 (Host) systems 1,2,3,4,5,C (5=Outdial)
B 0310 600 562 200 FNAL Fermilab
B 0310 600 562 226 Fermilab 2
B 0310 600 578 78 BIX
B 0310 600 584 401 Washington Post
B 0310 600 61 DIALOG1 Lockheed Info Systems
0310 600 61*DSDDIPSSL ORBIT2 SDC Search Service
0310 600 628 1 EDCS
0310 600 628 3 EDCS
0310 600 643 2 EASYLINK
0310 600 643 4 EASYLINK
0310 600 672 2 International Network
0310 600 68 Stanford SUMEX-AIM. Tenex op syst.
0310 600 683 2 A&A DATANET (Systems 1,8,0,14)
X 0310 600 701 7 Outdial NY
0310 600 759 6 (Host) A - VM/370, B - VM/370
? 0310 600 787 Dallas
0310 601 79 Berkley Univ.
0310 602 88 Stanford Research Institute
B 0310 611 467 Cas Online Sys.
0310 614 67 Ohio CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service)
0310 617 001 38 Multics
0310 647 911 065 BIX Lexington Data Service
0310 690 006 1*D DIALOG4 Lockheed DIALOG service
B 0310 690 080 3*D DIALOG3 Lockheed DIALOG service
0310 690 762 6 Emery ADO
0311 0 TELENET USA - Telenet
B 0311 002 130 0039 ECLD
0311 020 100 02000 Insco Systems
0311 020 100 022 New Jersey Outdial 2400 bps (Area 201)
0311 020 100 02300 American Information Services
0311 020 100 02400 The Information Bank
0311 020 100 02500 New Jersey Institute of Technology
0311 020 100 02800 Olcott International Company
0311 020 100 03700 Informatics Inc
0311 020 100 169 MOUTON
0311 020 100 301 New Jersey Outdial 1200 bps (Area 201)
0311 020 101 59200 Scientific Process & Research Inc
0311 020 200 02100 Scientific Timesharing
0311 020 200 02200 Scientific Timesharing
X 0311 020 200 066 Air Force
T 0311 020 200 099 ICIB Information Council Incorporated B system
0311 020 200 1 TELEMAIL US Telemail facility
X 0311 020 200 10900 CIS Chemical Information Systems
A 0311 020 200 115 Outdial 300 bps (Area 202)
A 0311 020 200 116 Outdial 1200 bps (Area 202)
0311 020 200 117 Distr. of Columbia Outdial 2400 bps (Area
B 0311 020 200 141 TELEMAIL US Telemail facility (GT-Net)
0311 020 200 14175 TELEENQ Telenet Enquiry Service
0311 020 200 14175 TELEMAIL1 US Telemail facility
0311 020 200 14275 TELENET US Telenet
0311 020 201 19500 Gallaude College Computer Centre
0311 020 300 06400 NCSS Bureau
0311 020 300 130 Connecticut Outdial 1200 bps (Area 203)
0311 020 301 78900 Yale University Computer Centre
0311 020 400 02900 WATERLO University of Waterloo
0311 020 600 019 Washington Outdial 1200 bps (Area 206)
0311 021 200 02000 Bowne Timesharing
0311 021 200 02500 Interactive Market Systems (Anistics)
0311 021 200 02800 Burroughs Corp (NYC data centre)
0311 021 200 141 JPLM1 Jet Propulsion Laboratory mail 1, USA
0311 021 200 142 JPLM2 Jet Propulsion Laboratory mail 2, USA
0311 021 200 14200 GT-Net Telemail
A 0311 021 200 315 Outdial 300 bps (Area 212)
A 0311 021 200 316 Outdial 1200 bps (Area 212)
D 0311 021 200 412 Outdial 2400 bps (Area 212)
D 0311 021 200 41200 New York City Outdial (Area 212)
0311 021 201 39200 Memorial Dose Distribution Computation
0311 021 201 40600 MAV Systems (300 bps)
0311 021 201 57800 IP Sharp Associates
0311 021 201 58000 SDL International (1200 bps)
0311 021 201 58500 SDL International (300 bps)
0311 021 201 58800 DSL Systems Inc
0311 021 201 59500 SDL International (1200 bps)
0311 021 201 62000 Telestat System Inc
0311 021 201 62700 Telestat Systems Inc
0311 021 300 02200 Interactive Systems Corporation
0311 021 300 02700 Mellonics Information Centre
0311 021 300 029 TRW Defence & Space Systems Group
B 0311 021 300 03300 ORBIT Orbit
0311 021 300 03300*D ORBIT SDC Search Service (300 bps)
0311 021 300 04400 SDC Search Service (1200 bps)
B 0311 021 300 039 USCAL2 Univ. of Southern California
0311 021 300 04114 IHW IHW
0311 021 300 04700 University of Southern California
B 0311 021 300 048 USCAL1 University of Southern California
B 0311 021 300 170 LRS Dialog 2
T 0311 021 300 17000 DIALOG5 Lockheed Info Systems
0311 021 300 17000*D DIALOG2 Lockheed DIALOG service
B 0311 021 300 219 CALTECH Caltech VAX 11/780
0311 021 300 21908 CALTECH Caltech VAX 11/780
0311 021 300 21909 CALTECH2 Caltech VAX 11/780
0311 021 300 412 California Outdial 1200 bps (Area 213)
A 0311 021 300 413 Outdial CA
0311 021 300 668 Adainfo
0311 021 301 353 UCLA UCLA, USA
0311 021 301 40300 Marshall & Swift Publication
0311 021 400 117 Outdial 300 bps (Area 214)
A 0311 021 400 118 Texas Outdial 1200 bps (Area 214)
0311 021 500 022 Pennsylvania Outdial 2400 bps (Area 215)
0311 021 500 112 Pennsylvania Outdial 1200 bps (Area 215)
A 0311 021 600 020 Outdial 300 bps (Area 216)
A 0311 021 600 021 Ohio Outdial 1200 bps (Area 216)
0311 021 700 021 University of Illinois - Urbana
0311 030 100 02000 NLM National Library of Medicine
A 0311 030 100 02400 The Source
B 0311 030 100 038 The Source (ID BSC131 SR3811)
B 0311 030 100 243 ITT Dialcom
0311 030 100 364 Primesoft
A 0311 030 100 38 The Source
B 0311 030 100 633 Toxnet (NLM)
0311 030 101 26500 Informatics Inc
0311 030 300 02000 Computer Sharing Services
0311 030 300 021 Colorado Outdial 2400 bps (Area 303)
0311 030 300 02300 Broker Services Inc
0311 030 300 115 Colorado Outdial 1200 bps (Area 303)
0311 030 301 13100 EDI Computer Services
0311 030 301 13200 EDI Computer Services
0311 030 301 13300 Energy Enterprises
0311 030 500 121 Florida Outdial 1200 bps (Area 305)
0311 030 501 16300 Florida Computer Inc
D 0311 030 508 793 Miami Outdial (Area 305) ?
0311 031 200 02200 National Computer Network of Chicago
0311 031 200 024 Illinois Outdial 2400 bps (Area 217 ?)
0311 031 200 03100 Continental Bank
0311 031 200 03200 Continental Bank
0311 031 200 04900 American Hospital Supply Corporation
0311 031 200 411 Illinois Outdial 1200 bps (Area 217 ?)
0311 031 201 07300 Commodity Information Services
0311 031 268 801 ADPUSA ADP Network Services Ltd.
0311 031 300 024 Michigan Outdial 2400 bps (Area 313)
0311 031 300 04000 ADP Network Services
0311 031 300 06200 Merit International (MIT)
0311 031 300 216 Michigan Outdial 1200 bps (Area 313)
0311 031 301 39800 Merit Computer
0311 031 400 07200 Environmental DataNetwork Inc.
0311 031 401 06500 McDonnel Douglas Automation (300 bps)
0311 031 401 06600 McDonnel Douglas Automation (110 bps)
0311 031 401 06700 McDonnel Douglas Automation (1200 bps)
0311 031 401 61000 McDonnel Douglas Automation (300 bps)
0311 031 500 02000 Bibliographic Retrieval Services
A 0311 040 100 612 Modemcity
A 0311 040 400 114 Georgia Outdial 1200 bps (Area 404)
A 0311 040 800 021 California Outdial 1200 bps? (Area 408)
0311 040 800 245 Bridge
B 0311 040 800 246 SCF
0311 041 201 4600 On-Line Systems Inc
0311 041 400 02000 A.O. Smith Data Systems Divisions
0311 041 400 021 Wisconsin Outdial 1200 bps (Area 414)
B 0311 041 500 020 LRS-Dialog 2
A 0311 041 500 02000 DIALOG Lockheed Information Systems
0311 041 500 02000*D DIALOG Lockheed DIALOG service
B 0311 041 500 048 LRS Dialog 2
0311 041 500 04800 DIALOG2 Lockheed Information Systems 2
0311 041 500 04800*D DIALOG1 Lockheed DIALOG service
0311 041 500 117 California Outdial 1200 bps (Area 415)
I 0311 041 500 210 Outdial USA
A 0311 041 500 215 Outdial (Area 415)
A 0311 041 500 217 Outdial (Area 415)
A 0311 041 500 220 Outdial 1200 bps (Area 415)
0311 041 500 48000 Lockheed Information Systems (?)
B 0311 041 500 607 BIONET
B 0311 041 500 609 INTELLIGENETICS
0311 041 501 23600 Hydrocomp Inc (300 bps)
0311 041 501 23700 Hydrocomp Inc (1200 bps)
0311 041 501 26800 ITEL Corp (300 bps)
0311 041 501 26900 ITEL Corp (1200 bps)
0311 041 501 59700 Stanford Library Centre for Inform
0311 041 501 59700 Standard Centre for Information Processing
O 0311 050 006 1 Nuclear Research
A 0311 050 300 020 Outdial 300 bps (Area 503)
A 0311 050 300 021 Oregon Outdial 1200 bps (Area 503)
B 0311 050 500 060 ICN (=LASL)
B 0311 051 300 03000 Mead Data Central
0311 051 501 39600 State University of New York
0311 051 600 02200 Timesharing Resources
D 0311 060 200 020 Outdial 300 bps (Area 602)
D 0311 060 200 021 Outdial 1200 bps (Area 602)
B 0311 060 200 150 Phoenix
0311 060 201 60900 Timesharing Associates
B 0311 060 300 020 Dartmouth College
0311 060 300 02000 DARTMTH Dartmouth College, USA
0311 060 300 05000 Corporate Timesharing
0311 060 301 54700 Raytheon Company Scientific Computer
X 0311 060 700 02000 CORNELL0 Cornell University (134.5 bps)
T 0311 060 700 02100 CORNELL1 Cornell University (300 bps)
T 0311 060 700 02200 CORNELL2 Cornell University (1200 bps)
0311 060 700 02300 CORNELL3 Cornell University (1200 bps)
0311 060 700 03600 TIPO Computer
0311 060 702 00 CORNELL2 Cornell University
0311 060 702 00 CORNELL2 Cornell University
0311 060 800 02500 University of Wisconsin
0311 060 801 6630 University of Wisconsin
0311 060 900 4200 Dow-Jones
0311 061 200 02500 Honeywell Inform Services Datanetwork
0311 061 200 02700 Honeywell Inform Services Datanetwork
0311 061 200 121 Minnesota Outdial 1200 bps (Area 612)
0311 061 201 06500 Honeywell Inform Services Datanetwork,
300 bps
0311 061 201 06500 Honeywell Inform Services Datanetwork
0311 061 201 06600 Honeywell Inform Services Datanetwork,
110 bps
0311 061 201 06700 Honeywell Inform Services Datanetwork,
300 bps
0311 061 201 06900 Honeywell Inform Services Datanetwork,
134 bps
B 0311 061 400 021 CAS online
D 0311 061 400 02124 CASUSA STN International
0311 061 700 02000 Bolt Beranek & Newman
0311 061 700 02300 Computer Corporation of America
0311 061 700 02400 AVCO Computer Services
0311 061 700 03600 Data Resources Inc
0311 061 700 03800 BBN-RCC
0311 061 700 03800 Bolt Beranek & Newman
0311 061 700 06700 Management Decision Systems Inc
0311 061 700 07000 Interactive Science Corp
0311 061 700 07600 Interactive Science Corp
0311 061 700 08000 III Systems Inc
B 0311 061 700 08401 LCG
0311 061 700 12000 Cullinane Corp
0311 061 700 13700 Masachusetts Institute of Technology
0311 061 700 13800 Masachusetts Institute of Technology
0311 061 700 13900 Masachusetts Institute of Technology
0311 061 700 14000 Masachusetts Institute of Technology
B 0311 061 700 270 Waltham
B 0311 061 700 609 Package
B 0311 061 700 613 BBN10
B 0311 061 700 614 BBNVAX
0311 061 701 01600 Data Resources Inc (300 bps)
0311 061 701 01900 Data Resources Inc (300 bps)
0311 061 701 16100 First Data Division/ADP Inc
0311 061 701 16200 First Data Division/ADP Inc
0311 061 701 25800 Data Resources Inc (134.5 bps)
0311 061 701 26900 Interactive Management Systems
0311 061 701 27500 Masachusetts Institute of Technology
0311 061 701 39000 Masachusetts Institute of Technology
0311 061 701 40300 Masachusetts Institute of Technology
0311 061 703 088 Delphi
0311 061 900 050 California Outdial 1200 bps (Area 619)
0311 070 300 02000 Litton Computer Services
0311 070 300 02100 American Management Systems
0311 070 300 056 PRC Computer Centre Inc
0311 070 300 117 Virginia Outdial 2400 bps (Area 703)
B 0311 070 300 50000 NIH-EPA (CIS)
0311 070 305 05200 Digital Broadcasting Corporation
0311 071 300 024 Texas Outdial 2400 bps (Area 713)
0311 071 300 114 Texas Outdial 1200 bps (Area 713)
0311 071 301 08300 Corporate Services Inc
0311 071 301 56500 Rice University
0311 071 400 02000 SCIAPP Science Applications Inc.
0311 071 401 13700 Engineering Supervision Co
0311 071 700 02000 Brodart Inc
A 0311 080 100 020 Outdial 300 bps (Area 801)
A 0311 080 100 021 Utah Outdial 1200 bps (Area 801)
B 0311 080 100 054 ES
0311 080 101 13700 Environmentech Information Systems
0311 080 400 02000 Multiple Access Computer Group
X 0311 080 800 01046 UKIRTUK Infra Red Telescope in Hawaii
X 0311 080 800 040 UKIRT UK Infra Red Telescope in Hawaii
A 0311 081 300 020 Outdial 300 bps (Area 813)
A 0311 081 300 021 Florida Outdial 1200 bps (Area 813)
D 0311 081 305 518 Tampa Outdial (Area 813) ?
0311 081 800 021 California Outdial 1200 bps (Area 818)
D 0311 090 900 80000 JPLM3 Jet Propulsion Laboratory mail 2, USA
0311 090 900 8100 Telemail
0311 091 400 02200 Electronic Tabulating Corporation
0311 091 600 050 California Outdial 1200 bps (Area 916)
A 0311 091 900 020 Outdial 300 bps (Area 919)
A 0311 091 900 021 Outdial 1200 bps (Area 919)
0311 3 RCA USA - RCA (RCAG)
0311 9 USA - TRT
0312 4 USA - FTCC
0312 5 USA - Uninet
0312 521 210 1 DIALOG6 Lockheed Info Systems
D 0312 561 703 080 UNINET
B 0312 561 703 088 Delphi
0312 6 AUTONET USA - Autonet
0312 688 01 AUTONET AUTONET Information
0312 7 USA - Telenet
0313 2 COMPU USA - Compuserve
0313 6 USA - Geisco
0334 Mexico
0334 0 Telepac
0340 FA French Antilles (Martinique (Curacau?))
0340 0 Dompac/NTI
0342 BDS Barbados
0342 235 191 9169
0350 Bermuda
0350 3 PSDS
0425 IL Israel
0425 1 Isranet
B 0425 130 000 215 Israelbox
0426 BRN Bahrain
0426 3 BTC
0431 DXB United Arab Emirates - Dubai
0440 J Japan
0440 1 DDX-P
B 0440 129 431 04 KEK VAX
B 0440 129 431 21 Tsukuba Uni
0440 8 VENUSP Venus-P (Japanese data network)
I 0440 820 023 KDD ?
B 0440 820 060 01 KDD KDD Test Host, TOKYO
B 0442 110 403 25 OKI
B 0442 433 403 07 CMES
0450 South Korea
0450 1 Dacom/DNS
0454 HK Hong Kong
0454 2 Intelpak
0454 5 Datapak
A 0454 550 010 4 HKDATA Hong Kong DATAPAK Info
A 0454 550 043 1 DATAFAX
0487 Taiwan
0487 2 Pacnet
0487 7 Udas
0505 AUS Australia
0505 2 Austpac
0505 228 621 000 Anglo/Australian Observatory
0505 228 621 001 CSIRO Radio-Physics
0505 228 621 001 FTP for Epping
0505 233 422 000 MELBUNI Melbourne Univ. Australia
A 0505 273 720 000 UQ Univ. of Queensland Australia
A 0505 273 720 000 UQXA University of Queensland ANF-10 gateway
D 0505 273 722 0000 Uni Queensland
0505 282 620 000 FTP For Austek
A 0505 282 620 000 VAX in Sidney, Australia
0505 3 Midas
0505 321 000 1 Network test
0505 321 000 3 MIDAS FOX Test
0510 Indonesia
0510 1 PSDS (1986)
0525 SGP Singapore
0525 2 Telepac
A 0525 211 668 8 TELEPAC Telepac Info
0530 NZ New Zealand
0530 1 P.S.S. (Pacnet)
0530 171 000 004 WAIKATO Univ of Waikato New Zealand
B 0530 197 000 016 ASMAIL
0547 Fr.Polyn.
0547 0 Tompac
0612 Ivory Coast
0612 2 Sytranpac
0647 Reunion
0647 0 Dompac/NIT
0655 ZA South Africe
0655 0 Saponet
D 0655 011 101 207 UNI-NET
0714 Panama
0714 1 Intelpac
0722 Argentinia
0722 2 Arpac
I 0722 221 110 0171
0724 BR Brazil
0724 0 Interdata
0724 1 Renpac
D 0724 782 450 8 Nuclear Research Institute
0730 Chile
0730 0 Entel
0732 Colombia
0732 0
0742 French Guiana
0742 0 Dompac/NTI
0900 USA ?
0900 0 Dialnet

| Local addresses on KOMETH (0228 479 110 86):
| 11 KOMETH-Informations
| 120 Modems 1200 bps (predefined numbers, some with a PW)
| 124 Modems 2400 bps ( " " , " " a PW)
| 130 Modems 300 bps ( " " , " " a PW)
| 1D0 RZ-VAX (EZRZ1)
| 520 ETHICS, Library database
| D11 PSI-Informations
| C000 Time
| C025 X25 Gateway (RZU, with password)
| C011 NUZ-Informations
| C100 RZU, VM/SP, full-screen
| There are two information systems on the RZ-VAX:
| MAC-BBS BBS with Mac-specific informations. Access for validated users
| only (that means that you have to type in your name, address and
| whether you're a student at the ETH or not and then wait a few
| days).
| (Username=MAC)
| VisInfo Informations server of the VIS (Verein der InformatikStudenten)
| Contains some boards with mail from several networks and from
| local sources. Has a CHAT (closed during prime time hours). Free
| access.
| (Username=VISINFO)
| Local addresses at CERN (0228 468 114 0510):
| 17 Lyon (own network)
| 23 PAD
| 41 Wisconsin/Madison
| 42 CERNLINE 193
| 45 DECserver
| 51 ALEPH
| 61 (Prompt )
| 72 Wylbur / VM
| 100 Wylbur / VM
| 101 VM/370 CERNVM
| 102 VM/370 CERNVMB
| 103 VM/370 CERNVM
| 110 VXLDB1 VAX 8650 VMS 4.6
| 111 Information
| 112 VXSB
| 115 VXLDB1
| 120 Service CAD_CAM (VAX 8650+VAX785)/SYSTEME=VMS 4.6
| 121 CAD_CAM
| 122 VXCERN
| 123 VXCERN
| 124 BSD
| 125 CERNVM
| 127 PAD
| 130 L3 test beam VXC3
| 140 VXEPEL
| 141 DECserver 200 ("user friendly")
| 146 VXEPEL
| 147 Uni Genf TEC VAXTEC
| 151 CCVAX / DECserver 200
| 152 Uni Genf WA70
| 154 ALEPH 750 Fastbus VAX
| 161 MCR
| 162 MCR
| 166 VXWA80
| 167 cernvax
| 170 VXINFN
| 175 ALEPH
| 176 MCR with HELP
| X29 X25 Gateway
| Addresses on Merit (0228 468 114 0583):
| The principal host computers on Merit are:
| Name System/machine Organization Location
| ---- ----------------- ------------------- -------------
| MSUnet-IBM VM/CMS IBM 3090-180 Michigan State Univ East Lansing
| OU Multics Honeywell Oakland Univ Rochester
| UB MTS IBM 3090-400 Univ of Michigan Ann Arbor
| UM MTS IBM 3090-400 Univ of Michigan Ann Arbor
| WM DECsystem-10 Western Michigan Univ Kalamazoo
| WU MTS Amdahl 470V/8 Wayne State Univ Detroit
| If you have a question about the use of the Merit Network, call
| (313) 764-9423 and ask for a user consultant.
| Other host computers and services available on the Merit network:
| Autonet CMU-Cyber CMU-IBM Datapac
| RPI RUAC Survey Telenet
| UM-Annex UM-CIC UM-CLINFO UM-dippy
| UM-DSC UM-EnginHarris UM-MMVAX UM-Public-Service
| UM-QuickSlides UM-RAVAX UM-zippy UMD-LIB
| WMU-CAE WMU-Kanga WMU-Pooh WMU-Puff
| WSUNET ZOOnet-KCollege ZOOnet-KVCC ZOOnet-Nazareth
| Some of the other computers and services which can be accessed via Telenet,
| Autonet, and Datapac:
| ADPNS-446 ADPNS-9 Alberta ARTFL
| Automail-23 Automail-297 Boeing British-Columbia
| BRS Cal-Berkeley Calgary Caltech-HEP
| Carnegie-DEC-20 Carnegie-MICOM Carnegie-11/45 CompuServe
| Comshare Cornell Dalhousie DatapacInfo
| Dialcom Dialog Dow-Jones Guelph
| Guelph-Cosy Illinois Illinois-Cyber LEXIS
| Manitoba Maryland-Unix McGill MGH
| Minnesota-Cyber Minnesota-VAX MIT-Multics MIT-VM
| Montreal Natl-Lib-Med NCAR-Telenet New-Brunswick
| Notre-Dame NRC NYTimes OAG
| Queens Rice SDC SFU

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