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Phrack Inc. Volume 01 Issue 02 File 02
==Phrack Inc.==
Volume One, Issue Two, Phile 2 of 9
Prevention of the Billing Office Blues
Editorial: Forest Ranger
In an earlier article there were ways explained on bullshiting the
Billing Office at Bell. By doing so one could disconnect a persons line,
add call forwarding, call waiting, threeway calling, speed calling, or other
options that might be available through Bell. Well, this can be very disturbing
and cause many problems so lets see how this can be prevented. First off, it
would be a very good idea to call the Billing office for your exchange and ask
that all inquires made on the your line be verified with you. Is what happens
now is that Bell marks down in your file that if you decide that you would like
a certain Bell option added to your line; they will call and check it out with
you or the person that pays the phone bill. So if someone tries to add
something onto your line you will be notified before hand. This has two
advantages, one you will prevent any occurences on your line, two you will know
that someone is attempting to mess around with your phone line. But, in the end
you will come out on top because you took the time to listen. And as Smokey the
Bear says, "Don't Shit in the woods I LIVE HERE!".